API Reference | PUBLIC
SAP Fieldglass
REST API Integration
General Reference Guide
© 2024 SAP SE or an SAP aliate company. All rights reserved.
1 Introduction .................................................................. 3
2 How the REST API Resource Works................................................. 4
3 Conguring Authentication and Authorization.........................................6
3.1 OAuth2 Service Authentication......................................................6
Congure X.509 Certicate Authentication...........................................7
3.2 Obtaining an Access Token from SAP Fieldglass Server.....................................11
3.3 Token Expiration................................................................12
4 HTTP Response Codes..........................................................14
REST API Integration
1 Introduction
Provides general reference information on the SAP Fieldglass REST API resource.
The SAP Fieldglass REST API resource allows clients to send and receive integrated data directly against the
application. Information can either upload (POST or PUT) or download (GET) data from the authenticated user,
with data In/Out supported in JSON/CSV formats. SAP Fieldglass can also PUSH data real time to the client-
dened end point, where applicable.
This guide provides the following information:
how the API works
how to use OAuth 2.0 protocol to access the API
how to obtain and congure authentication and authorization
associated HTTP response codes
When conguring an SAP Fieldglass API integration, rst refer to this guide for general information. Then refer to
the detailed technical specications related to the integration you're coding, as noted in the applicable Resource
URL topic in the next section.
REST API Integration
2 How the REST API Resource Works
An overview of the SAP Fieldglass REST API, using OAuth 2.0 protocol for authorization and URL resources for
coding specications.
The SAP Fieldglass REST API resource allows clients to send and receive integrated data directly against
the application. The API uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authorization. OAuth 2.0 uses tokens over HTTPS.
SAP Fieldglass supports common OAuth 2.0 scenarios such as those for web server, installed, and client-side
To begin, you must obtain OAuth 2.0 client credentials from your SAP Fieldglass representative. Next, your client
application requests an access token from the SAP Fieldglass Authorization Server, extracts a token from the
response, and then sends the token to the SAP Fieldglass REST API that you want to access.
All applications follow a basic pattern when accessing an SAP Fieldglass REST API using OAuth 2.0.
The following diagram illustrates the API authentication and authorization workow.
REST API Integration
How the REST API Resource Works
Connector Resource URL
https://<SAP Fieldglass environment URL>/api/vc/connector/<connector name>
Download connectors submit an HTTP GET request.
Upload connectors submit an HTTP POST or PUT request.
To access the SAP Fieldglass Connector Library on the SAP Help Portal, go to https://help.sap.com/viewer/
Approvals Resource URL
https://<SAP Fieldglass environment URL>/api/v1/approvals
Real-time push requests are sent to the end point identied by the customer. To fulll the request, SAP Fieldglass
needs to receive the following details:
End Point URL
Username and Password credentials
To access additional SAP Fieldglass API resources on the SAP API Business Hub, go to https://api.sap.com/
package/FieldglassAPI?section=Artifacts .
For more information on implementing REST APIs contact the Customer Support Help Center for SAP Fieldglass.
REST API Integration
How the REST API Resource Works
3 Conguring Authentication and
The following steps summarize how to obtain OAuth 2.0 authorization and access token from SAP Fieldglass.
1. Obtain OAuth 2.0 client credentials from your SAP Fieldglass Representative.
2. Obtain an access token from the SAP Fieldglass Authorization Server.
3. Send the access token to an SAP Fieldglass REST API.
4. Refresh the access token, if necessary.
For details on how to perform each of these steps, see the following sections in this guide.
3.1 OAuth2 Service Authentication
There are three authentication options available for the OAuth2 service―client credentials, SAML authentication,
and certicate-based authentication .
Client Credentials Authentication
Client credentials authentication provides a relatively simple mechanism for authentication, using a client ID and
client secret. The client ID is a valid SAP Fieldglass username and the client secret can be either that user's
application password, or, to avoid issues with password rotation, a <license key>, as generated within the SAP
Fieldglass system. Refer to the SAP Fieldglass Conguration Manager to create the license key.
The URL to use for client credentials requests is:
https://<SAP Fieldglass Environment URL>/api/oauth2/v2.0?
SAML Authentication
A SAML assertion can be generated for a valid user and passed via a 'SAML Response' parameter (note that this
authentication still uses the client credentials grant type as a framework). Refer to Obtaining an Access Token from
SAP Fieldglass Server [page 11] for more information
The URL to use for SAML authentication request is:
https://<SAP Fieldglass environment URL>/api/oauth2/v2.0?
REST API Integration
Conguring Authentication and Authorization
Certicate Authentication
Certicate-based authentication provides a secure mechanism for authentication, eliminating the need for explicit
credentials to be used (note that this authentication still uses the client credentials grant type as a framework). To
leverage certicate authentication, do the following:
Use a required X509 certicate issued by a trusted Certicate Authority (for example, DigiCert). Contact your
SAP Fieldglass representative for more information.
Use the correct URL.
The URL includes auth in the sub-domain.
For a test environment, the URL is in
the following format: https://<env_code>-auth.fgvms.com/ws2/api/oauth2/v2.0?
grant_type=client_credentials&response_type=token. For example: https://xuat-
Not all test environments are congured. You may need to submit a request to have it congured.
For U.S. production, the URL is: https://auth.fieldglass.net/api/oauth2/v2.0?
For EU production, the URL is: https://sso.fieldglass.eu/api/oauth2/v2.0?
To set up the X509 certicate for use in OAuth2 authentication, complete the steps outlined in the Congure X.509
Certicate Authentication [page 7] section within the SAP Fieldglass application. This adds the public certicate
to the application and links it to a user (ensure it's a valid, active user), thus not requiring the credentials to be
supplied as part of the OAuth2 request itself.
3.1.1Congure X.509 Certicate Authentication
Congure SAP Fielglass for X.509 certicate authentication.
1. Obtain the public certicate to be used for authentication.
2. Log into SAP Fieldglass with the Conguration Manager role and then choose the Manage Crypto Assets
tile. For detailed information on managing crypto assets in Conguration Manager, see the SAP Fieldglass
Conguration Manager guide.
The Encryption Keys and Certicates page opens.
3. Choose New.
REST API Integration
Conguring Authentication and Authorization
The Create Asset page opens.
4. In the Category list, choose X509.
5. Open the certicate in Notepad, select, and copy all text (including the Begin Certificate and End
Certificate lines), and then paste it into the Public Certicate box.
REST API Integration
Conguring Authentication and Authorization
When you click outside of the box the Begin Certificate and End Certificate lines are no longer visible.
6. In the Notication Email ID eld, enter the email contact to notify when the certicate is about to expire.
REST API Integration
Conguring Authentication and Authorization
7. Choose the Auto-Activate option to make the certicate/asset immediately active and eective in the client’s
vault within the SAP Fieldglass application.
8. Under Extended Key Usage link an object to the certicate. There are a few options for this, however in this case
we're linking a user.
9. After all the relevant elds are populated, choose Create to save the certicate in SAP Fieldglass.
The certicate details display.
REST API Integration
Conguring Authentication and Authorization
3.2 Obtaining an Access Token from SAP Fieldglass Server
Describes how to obtain an access token from the SAP Fieldglass server.
Before your client application can access private data using an SAP Fieldglass REST API, it must request an access
token from the SAP Fieldglass Authorization Server to grant access to the API. A single access token can grant
varying degrees of access to multiple APIs.
After an application obtains an access token, it sends the token to an SAP Fieldglass REST API in an HTTP
authorization header or as part of the request body.
The x-ApplicationKey header is optional for Connector, Identity (SCIM), and Reporting APIs. If you receive an error
for not including an API Key, you can request one from Fieldglass administration.
Obtain Token via Username/Password Credentials
To obtain the access token using username/password credentials, send a x-www-form-urlencoded HTTP GET
request specic to the username/password credentials you received from SAP Fieldglass.
The following sample code illustrates how to obtain the access token with user/password credentials.
Sample Code
sample request for token with user/password credential
POST /api/oauth2/v2.0/token?grant_type=client_credentials&response_type=token
Authorization: Basic {Base64Encoded(user:credential)}
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
X-ApplicationKey: {server provided key}
REST API Integration
Conguring Authentication and Authorization
Sample Code
sample response
{"access_token" : "WDXlKj3TTOn3rpg9GHnZpbKmvj1=",
"token_type" : "Bearer","expires_in" : 7200}
Obtain Token via SAML Authentication
The access token can also be retrieved using SAML authentication. The primary role of SAML in online security is
that it enables you to access multiple Web applications using one set of login credentials.
The SAML assertion is POSTed to the OAuth token endpoint, which in turn processes the assertion and issues an
access_token based upon prior approval of the application. The client doesn't need a client_secret to be
passed to the token endpoint.
The following sample code illustrates how to use SAML to obtain the access token with SAML.
Sample Code
sample request for token with SAML
POST /api/oauth2/v2.0/token?
SAML Assertion}
Authorization: Basic {Base64Encoded(user:credential)}
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
X-ApplicationKey: {server provided key}
Sample Code
sample response
{"access_token" : "WDXlKj3TTOn3rpg9GHnZpbKmvj1=",
"token_type" : "Bearer","expires_in" : 7200}
3.3 Token Expiration
Access tokens have limited lifetimes (the current default is 7200 seconds = 120 minutes).
If your application requires access to an SAP Fieldglass REST API beyond the lifetime of a single access token, it
needs to obtain a new token as outlined in Obtaining an Access Token from SAP Fieldglass Server [page 11].
If you make an API call using an invalid token, you receive a "401 Unauthorized" response back from the server. A
token could be invalid and in need of regeneration for the following reasons:
The token has expired.
The user has revoked the permission initially granted to your application.
You've changed the member permissions (scope) that your application is requesting.
REST API Integration
Conguring Authentication and Authorization
If a subsequent OAuth 2 ow has generated a new access token, then the previous token is invalidated.
A predictable expiry time isn't the only contributing factor to token invalidation. Be sure that your applications
are coded to properly handle an encounter with a 401 error, by redirecting the user back to the start of the
authorization workow.
REST API Integration
Conguring Authentication and Authorization
4 HTTP Response Codes
Describes how to verify the request data.
The web service returns an HTTP 2xx class response code for a successful request or an HTTP 4xx class (client
error) or 5xx class (server error) response code if a request encounters any errors.
For an upload request, the call sends formatted data to SAP Fieldglass. The client system receives an HTTP
response from SAP Fieldglass, which indicates the success or failure of the upload. The response is sent as
soon as it's conrmed that SAP Fieldglass has successfully received the le, but it doesn't indicate the success
or failure of processing individual data records.
For a download request, SAP Fieldglass sends data back to the client/supplier system.
If the response indicates a failure, the return error code indicates the source of the problem. To check data
errors, users with the appropriate permissions can sign in to the buyer company within SAP Fieldglass to view
the le in the Integration Audit Trail, which provides a record for each individual failed record.
The HTTP response codes are described in the following table. For more information on HTTP response codes,
browse to, http://www.ietf.org/assignments/http-status-codes/http-status-codes.xml.
Response Codes for Successful Requests
Success Code
Message Description Scope
200 OK The request was received suc-
Response Codes for Failed Requests
Error Code
Message Description Scope
400 Bad Request
This response is returned if
any of the following conditions
are true:
The specied URL is inva-
The request isn't format-
ted correctly.
The request is missing a
required eld.
Unauthorized User/password or application
key isn't veried.
Token Request
403 Forbidden Token isn't veried. Resource Request
404 Not Found The service being requested
doesn't exist.
500 Internal Service not available. All
REST API Integration
HTTP Response Codes
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REST API Integration
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