1560 Broadway, Suite 1600, Denver, CO 80202 P 303.866.2723 F 303.866.4266 highered.colorado.gov
Transfer & Advising Guide for Community College Students Transferring to:
Colorado State University-Pueblo Bachelor of Science in
Civil Engineering Technology
Contact for Civil Engineering Technology Department: 719-549-2890
This agreement identifies community college courses that will apply to the baccalaureate degree.
If you plan to complete this bachelor’s degree, recognize that:
1. You should transfer into the bachelor’s program after you take the courses outlined below. Transfer
hours beyond the credits below are not guaranteed to apply toward the bachelor’s degree.
2. It is imperative that you contact an advisor at the 4-year institution by the end of the first semester to
clarify course work appropriate for this major and to identify the community college courses and
GPA necessary to meet admission requirements to both the 4-year institution and the degree
3. This Transfer Guide does not supplant any other transfer agreement your Colorado community
college may have with this 4-year institution.
Transfer Recommendations: To graduate in a 4 year overall time frame, it is important that students follow the
recommended schedule below. Students who wish to continue their education at the community college beyond the
number of credits specified below should explore with both 2-yr and 4-yr advisors how their graduation timeline, COF
stipend, and financial aid will be affected.
Guarantees and Limitations: Students:
are responsible for meeting all admission requirements at the 4-year institution;
are not guaranteed admission to the bachelor’s degree program at the 4-year institution;
are guaranteed, once admitted, application of the transfer hours below to either lower division general education,
course work required for the major, or elective credit;
must consult with the 4-year institution’s bachelor’s degree program to utilize AP, IB, or CLEP credits;
must consult with the 4-year institution’s bachelor’s degree program for transferability of course work credits
beyond those prescribed below as additional courses are major specific and the 4-year institution may restrict the
number of community college transfer credits.
Please note that this curriculum neither fulfills the gtPathways general education curriculum nor the associate degree
requirements at the community college.
Required General Education Courses Applicable to the Major (33 credits)
Course & Credits
Community College
(CCCS) Course No.
Course Title and gtPathways Category
ENG 121
ENG 122
English Composition I (GT-CO1)
English Composition II (GT-CO2)
ENG 101, 3 credits
ENG 102, 3 credits
Oral Communication
COM 115
Public Speaking
COMR 103, 3 credits
Art & Humanities
Any gtPathways Arts & Humanities course from
one of the following AH Categories: GT-AH1, GT-
AH2, GT-AH3 or GT-AH4
6 credits
Social & Behavioral
Any gtPathways Social & Behavioral Science
course from GT-SS1 or GT-SS2, or GT-SS3
6 credits
Any gtPathways Historical Perspectives courses
from the GT-HI1 category
3 credits
MAT 121
College Algebra
MATH 121, 4 credits
Natural & Physical
PHY 111
Physics Algebra-Based
PHYS 201/L, 4 credits
Transfer Guide and Planning Worksheet B.S. Civil Engineering Technology
Version: September 12, 2015 Page 2
(24 credits)
CIS 118
CIS 118
Introduction to PC Applications
CIS 100, 1 credit
CIS 103, 1 credit
CIS 104, 1 credit
Arch Engr/Construction Mgmt
AEC 220
CET 102, 3 credits
Computer Assisted Drafting
CAD 101
EGT 143
Computer Aided Drafting I
Civil/Survey Drafting I
CET 115, 3 credits
Engineering Graphics Tech
EGT 243
Civil/Survey Drafting II
CET 116, 3 credits
Arch Engr/Construction Mgmt
Arch Engt/Construction Mgmt
AEC 116
AEC 121
Building Materials
Construction Materials & Systems
CET 207, 3 credits
EGG 211
Engineering Mechanics Statics
CET 202, 3 credits
EGG 212
Engineering Mechanics Dynamics
CET 222, 3 credits
Construction Technology
CON 244
Concrete & Asphalt Technology
CET 208, 3 credits
Special Program Notes:
Due to credit differentials between CSU-Pueblo courses and CCCS courses, and varying course offerings at individual two-year
institutions students are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to contact the Construction Management Dept. at CSU-Pueblo during their first
semester at their specific two-year institution for assistance in planning their transfer to CSU-Pueblo.
Other technical courses not listed above may be transferrable; however, students MUST consult with CSU-Pueblo Construction
Manage Dept. before enrolling in such course(s).
Admission Requirements to the Institution and the College/School/Department
Students transferring from community college should refer to the published admissions standards at: www.csupueblo.edu
For additional information you may contact the Office of the Registrar at: 719-549-2261
Transfer Disputes
If disagreement regarding the transferability of credits for coursework or a degree occurs between a student and a
receiving two-year or four-year institution, the Department will facilitate an expeditious review and resolution of the matter
pursuant to Commission Policy, Section I, Part T: Student Complaint Policy. For more information, contact the Department
at 303-866-2723 or file a complaint at http://highered.colorado.gov/Academics/Complaints/default.html
Transfer Guide and Planning Worksheet B.S. Civil Engineering Technology
Version: September 12, 2015 Page 3
The chart shown below illustrates the remaining requirements to complete the BS in Construction
Management after transferring to CSU-Pueblo. 60 semester credits are the maximum amount of transfer
credit allowed from two-year institutions. Therefore the credits shown below MUST be completed at CSU-
Additional Major Course Requirements
CHEM 111/L
Principles of Chemistry With Lab
4 credit
MATH 124
Pre-Calculus Math
5 credits
MATH 126
Calculus & Analysis Geometry I
5 credits
CET 101
Introduction to Civil Engineering Technology
2 credit
CET 103
Surveying II
3 credits
CET 206
Strength of Materials
4 credits
CET 226
Engineering Problem Solving
2 credits
CET 305
Heavy/Highway Cost Estimating
3 credits
CET 315
Soil Mechanics Technology
3 credit
CET 316
Structural Analysis
3 credits
CET 317
3 credits
CET 372
Traffic Analysis and Control
3 credits
CET 404
Structural Steel Design
3 credits
CET 405
Reinforced Concepts Design
3 credits
CET 412
3 credits
CET 415
Water & Sewer Systems Design
3 credits
CET 455
Senior Project Seminar
1 credit
CET 456
Senior Project
3 credits
CET 473
Highway Design
3 credits
CET Electives
Technical Electives
6 credits
CET Electives
Advisor Approved Technical Electives
3 credits
Total Transfer Credit Applied Toward B.S. Degree
Total Additional Credit Required for B.S. Degree
Total B.S. Degree Requirements