Academic Year 2020-21
Our Master of Science in Civil Engineering (MSCE) students are expected to have broad civil engineering knowledge through their
undergraduate education. Students with non-civil engineering undergraduate degrees are given conditional admission to the
MSCE program, and they must take at least the following deciency courses:
EGCE 201 Statics (3)
EGCE 301 Mechanics of Materials (3)
EGCE 324 Soil Mechanics (3)
EGCE 325 Structural Analysis (3)
EGCE 428 Engineering Hydraulics (3)
EGCE 408 Reinforced Concrete Design (3) or EGCE 430 Structural Steel Design (3)
Students with BS/BA degrees in Non-Science/Non-Engineering majors will also need to take additional Math and
Physics courses to meet the prerequisite requirements for the above deciency courses.
Students are expected to complete all of the deciency courses before taking graduate courses. However, based
on the student’s academic background and interest, the graduate advisor may approve up to 9 units of graduate
courses that can be taken while a student is completing deciency courses.
Based on a student’s academic background, the department may add or remove deciency courses.
ECS Admissions Ofce
Phone Number: (657) 278 - 7786
Department Ofce: Room E-100 in the Engineering Building
Phone Number: (657) 278 - 3012
Contact us
Send the transcripts to:
Graduate Admissions Coordinator
College of Engineering and Computer
California State University, Fullerton
P.O. Box 6870
Apply online at
and follow the instructions.
Send ofcial transcripts to gradaute admisssion
coordinator from each university or college you have
attended after high school.
Applying to the graduate degree program in the civil and environmental engineering department is a simple 2-step process. More
detailed information is available at
To schedule a general advisement appointment with the department chair or to learn more about the department and the MS
degree program, please contact the department ofce at or 657-278-3012.
Hakob Avetisyan, Ph.D.
Focus area: Construction Engineering
Pratanu Ghosh, Ph.D.
Focus area: Structural Engineering
Uksun Kim, Ph.D., P.E., LEED AP
Focus area: Structural Engineering
Kristijan Kolozvari, Ph.D., P.E.
Focus area: Structural Engineering
Jeff Kuo, Ph.D., P.E.
Focus area: Environmental Engineering
Sudarshan Kurwadkar, Ph.D., P.E.
Focus area: Environmental Engineering
David Naish, Ph.D., P.E.
Focus area: Structural Engineering
Phoolendra Mishra, Ph.D.
Focus area: Water Resources Engineering
Huda Munjy, Ph.D.
Focus area: Structural Engineering
Chandrasekhar Putcha, Ph.D., FASCE
Focus area: Structural Engineering
Prasada Rao, Ph.D.
Focus area: Water Resources Engineering
Paulina Reina, Ph.D.
Focus area: Transportation Engineering
Deepak Sharma, Ph.D.
Focus area: Construction Engineering
Garrett Struckhoff, Ph.D.
Focus area: Environmental Engineering
Binod Tiwari, Ph.D., P.E.
Focus area: Geotechnical Engineering
Xenia Wirth, Ph.D.
Focus area: Geotechnical Engineering
The Civil & Environmental Engineering Department also benets from its part-time faculty
members who have extensive industrial experiences and teach courses on a need by need basis.
The Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering (MSCE) is
a practice-oriented degree, intended to meet the needs of students
who wish to enhance their academic competence and professional
skills in the areas of civil engineering. Coursework in the program
builds upon typical civil engineering baccalaureate degree and
advances technical expertise needed for career advancement,
professional exams, consulting, research and doctoral studies. The
program provides advanced study within the broad area of civil
engineering and allows students to select coursework, with advisor
approval, focusing on four areas, namely, construction engineering
and management, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering,
and water resources & environmental engineering.
On behalf of the Civil &
Environmental Engineer-
ing Department, at Cal-
ifornia State University,
Fullerton, I am delighted to
welcome you to our MS in
Civil Engineering program.
Our department is grow-
ing with all-time high
undergraduate and
graduate student popu-
lations.With 16 full-time
well-recognized faculty
members, our goal is to
provide transformational
educational experiences
to our students.Our truly
remarkable BS and MS
degree programs provide
our students with the pro-
fessional skills and aca-
demic competence need-
ed to excel in the areas
of civil engineering. Our
faculty-led research offers
students unparalleled
opportunities for hands-
on experience in cutting
edge elds. Supported in
an inclusive environment
and having benetted
from a rigorous, innovative
curriculum and immer-
sive experiences,our
students continue to win
national and international
competitions. Celebrat-
ing the strength of our
diversity, we prepare Titan
engineers to become the
leaders who will shape the
Continuous Enrollment Requirement
A graduate degree student is required to maintain continuous enrollment in every fall and spring semester from the beginning
of the program of study until award of the degree. Unless granted an approved leave of absence, a graduate student who fails to
register each semester has discontinued enrollment in the graduate degree program. In order to resume study, the student needs
to reapply for admission to the university and to the degree program.
A graduate student who nds it impossible to attend during a certain semester and is not eligible for a leave of absence must
register in Graduate Studies 700. Registration in this course is restricted to conditionally classied or classied graduate
students. It carries no unit credit and does not require class attendance
Leave of Absence
Graduate students may request a leave of absence for up to one year. Conditionally classied or classied graduate students
qualify for leave if they are in good academic standing and have completed at least six credit hours’ work toward the degree in
residence at Cal State Fullerton. Forms to request a leave of absence are available at the Admissions and Records Service Center,
in the Graduate Studies Ofce, and on the Graduate Studies website. Students are encouraged to submit requests for leave of
absence prior to the start of the semester for which they are requesting a leave.
Time Limit for Completion
All requirements for the master’s degree, including all course work on the student’s study plan, normally should be completed
within ve years. This time limit begins with the semester of the earliest course used on the student’s study plan and consists
of a total of ten (10) consecutive semesters. A student may request an extension of the ve-year time limit by ling a Time Limit
Extension petition with the Graduate Studies Ofce. When individual circumstances warrant, this time limit may be extended for
up to two years (four additional consecutive semesters).
A graduate student enrolled in a graduate degree program will be placed on academic probation if either the cumulative grade-
point or the Study Plan grade-point average falls below 3.0.
A graduate student may also be placed on probation for reasons other than cumulative graduate and/or Study Plan grade-point
average. This is known as administrative-academic probation. The reasons for this may include repeated withdrawal, failure
to progress toward an educational objective, non-compliance with an academic requirement, failure to demonstrate a level of
professional competence or tness commensurate with the standards of the student’s discipline, or inappropriate behavior.
MSCE degree students will be allowed two semesters on academic probation before being subject to disqualication.
The associate vice president, Academic Programs (or designee), in consultation with the student’s graduate program adviser, will
disqualify a graduate student who is on probation if the student does not, or cannot, raise the Study Plan and cumulative graduate
grade-point average to 3.0 by the completion of the second regular semester following the semester in which the grade-point
average fell below the minimum 3.0 standard. If a students grade-point average becomes so low that it cannot be raised to 3.0
within the prescribed limits of course work, the student will be disqualied from the master’s degree program.
Disqualication removes a student from graduate standing and prevents further enrollment in university courses (except
through University Extended Education). A student who has been disqualied from a master’s degree program may not apply for
readmission to that program. However, a student who has been disqualied from one degree program may apply for readmission
to a different degree program. A readmitted student must le a new Study Plan that meets current requirements and policies.
Maintaining International Student Status
It is the responsibility of an international student to understand and comply with the terms of your immigration status during your
stay in the United States. Any violation of the immigration regulations could jeopardize your status and legal stay in the U.S.
For questions related to your visa or immigration status, please contact International Student Services: https://international.
Grade Point Average ( GPA) Requirements
A grade-point average (grade points divided by units attempted) of at least 3.0 is required for graduation with a master of science
in Civil Engineering degree. This grade-point average applies to all 400- and 500-level units attempted. Each graduate course on
the Study Plan must be completed with a grade of “C” (2.0) or better.
An MSCE student may request a change in the Study Plan to raise the Study Plan grade-point average by adding or repeating no
more than a total of six units of approved course work. Such requests must be approved by the department and the Associate
Vice President, Academic Programs (or designee) prior to registration.
When a course is added or repeated, the original course remains on the Study Plan and on the students transcript and both
grades (original and added/repeated) are used in calculating the student’s grade-point average.
Transfer Credits
A maximum of 9 units of coursework with a grade of “B” or higher done at other universities or through open university may be
transferred for course credit in the study plan. Coursework credit used for obtaining another degree cannot be transferred.In all
cases, the use of transfer course work is subject to the acceptance and approval of the department and the associate vice presi-
dent, Academic Programs (or designee).
Course work taken at another institution after admission to CSUF as a graduate student is rarely accepted for credit toward a
master’s degree and can only be accepted if the student has received prior approval of the department and the associate vice
president, Academic Programs (or designee).
Study Plan
The study plan must be approved before completing 13 units at CSUF toward an MSCE degree. The student initiates study plan
approval process after completing all deciency courses with a grade of “C” or better and meeting the university writing require-
ments. The student must prepare a study plan with the help and approval of the departments Graduate Advisor.
Once the ofce of graduate studies approves study plan, the student is granted a classied standing, and it is valid as long as the
student maintains continuous enrollment in regular semesters at the university; otherwise, it is necessary to reapply and meet any
changes or additional requirements approved in the interim.
If a grade less than “C” (2.0) is received in a Study Plan course, the course must be repeated and passed with a grade of “C” (2.0)
or better. A course may be repeated only once.
If a classied graduate student needs to make a change in the approved study plan, a request should be made to the ofce of
graduate studies using the study plan change form. No course may be removed from the study plan after a student has taken it.
Comprehensive Exam/Oral defense
A written comprehensive exam (coursework option) ororal defense (6-unit Thesis or Graduate Project option) is a nal evaluation
(culminating experience) that marks the end of the graduate program.
Through culminating experiences, individual students demonstrate mastery of disciplinary materials. Because these demonstra-
tions of mastery are specic to individual students, student theses or projects shall be composed of individual student work.
Oce of Graduate Studies
CP 950
Phone : (657) 278-2618
Email: gradstudiesr[email protected]
Important Policies and Procedures
Structural Engineering
Core Courses (15 units)
EGCE 411 - Structural Dynamics (3)
EGCE 530 - Advanced Topics in Structural Steel Design (3)
EGCE 531 - Advanced Topics in Reinforced Concrete Design (3)
EGCE 532 - Earthquake Engineering (3)
EGCE 533 - Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis (3)
Elective Courses (15 units)
EGCE 421 - Bridge Engineering - Special Course (3)
EGCE 461 - Advanced Construction Materials-Concrete Emphasis (3) *
EGCE 463 - Precast and Prestressed Concrete Design (3)
EGCE 464 - Pavement Analysis and Design - Special Course (3)
EGCE 493 - Design of Highrise Structural Systems (3)
EGCE 597 - Graduate Projects (3 or 6) - (upon department approval)
EGCE 598 - Thesis - (upon department approval)
EGCE 5XX - Any other 500 level course(s) identied as core courses in other focus areas
EGCE 4XX - Graduate Study plan approved 400 level course(s)
Water Resources Engineering
Core Courses (15 units)
EGCE 435 - Design of Hydraulic Structures (3)
EGCE 436 - Engineering Hydrology (3)
EGCE 437 - River and Channel Hydraulics - Special Course (3)
EGCE 501 - Analytical Methods for the Design of Civil Engineering Systems (3)
EGCE 537 - Groundwater and Seepage (3)
Elective Courses (15 units)
EGCE 438 - Watershed Engineering and Management - Special Course (3)
EGCE 546 - Surface Water Pollution and Control (3)
EGCE 571 - Hydraulics and Hydrology for Environmental Engineers (3)
EGCE 573 - Environmental Engineering Practices and Project Management (3) *
EGCE 597 - Graduate Projects (3 or 6) - (upon department approval)
EGCE 598 - Thesis (6) - (upon department approval)
EGCE 5XX - Any other 500 level course(s) identied as core courses in other focus areas
EGCE 4XX - Graduate Study plan approved 400 level course(s)
Construction Engineering and Management
Core Courses (15 units)
EGCE 470 - Project Management and Construction Engineering Practices (3) *
EGCE 534 - Advanced Construction Methods and Techniques (3)
EGCE 538 - Construction Methods and Equipment for Heavy Construction Engineering (3)
EGCE 539 - Preconstruction Design Evaluation (3)
EGCE 557 - Cost Estimating and Bidding Strategy (3)
Elective Courses (15 units)
EGCE 472 - Construction Project Scheduling, Estimating and Bidding - Special Course (3)
EGCE 474 - Articial Intelligence in Construction Engineering - Special Course (3)
EGCE 551 - Procurement and Contract Management - Special Course (3)
EGCE 560 - Optimal Decision Making for Project Management - Special Course (3)
EGCE 5XX - Any other 500 level course(s) identied as core courses in other focus areas
EGCE 4XX - Graduate Study plan approved 400 level course(s)
EGCE 597 - Graduate Projects - (upon department approval)
EGCE 598 - Thesis - (upon department approval)
Geotechnical Engineering
Core Courses (15 units)
EGCE 443 - Soil and Site Improvement - Special Course (3)
EGCE 544 - Advanced Foundation Engineering (3)
EGCE 545 - Slope Stability and Retaining Structures (3)
EGCE 547 - Advanced Soil Mechanics (3)
EGCE 548 - Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering (3)
Elective Courses (15 units)
EGCE 515 - Solid Waste Management, System Design and Sustainability (3)
EGCE 597 - Graduate Projects (3 or 6) - (upon department approval)
EGCE 598 - Thesis (6) - (upon department approval)
EGCE 5XX - Any other 500 level course(s) identied as core courses in other focus areas
EGCE 4XX - Graduate Study plan approved 400 level course(s)
* meets the gradaute writing requirement
* meets the gradaute writing requirement
Students are expected to meet the writing requirements within the rst
9 units of graduation work through the one of following ways:
a. Undergraduate degree from any CSU campuses
b. EWP (Examination in Writing Prociency)
c. ENGL 301 or 360 class (can not be included in a study plan)
d. EGCE 470, 461, 573, 597 or 598 (can be included in a study plan)
Students must decide their focus area within the rst 9 units of
graduate coursework.
Students must submit their study plan before completing
13 units of graduate coursework.
Students must le and apply for graduation check by the
deadline listed at ofce of graduate studies website.
Students must take a written comprehensive exam (coursework option) or
oral defense (6-unit Thesis or Graduate Project option) during their last
Graduate advisor in consultation with the ofce of graduate
studies veries that all degree requirements are met and
submits the completion memo.
Students are expected to complete all of the deciency courses before
taking graduate courses. However, based on the students academic
background and interest, the graduate advisor may approve up to 9 units of
graduate courses that can be taken while a student is completing deciency
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering