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What College Instructors Can Do About Student Cyber-slacking
Educational Psychology Review · July 2017
DOI: 10.1007/s10648-017-9418-2
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Abraham E. Flanigan
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What College Instructors Can Do
About Student Cyber-slacking
Abraham E. Flanigan
& Kenneth A. Kiewra
Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2017
Abstract Todays traditional-aged college students are avid users of mobile technology. Com-
monly referred to as the Net Generation, todays college students spend several hours each day
using their smart phones, iPads, and laptops. Although some scholars initially opined that the Net
Generation would grow into technologically savvy digital natives who would leverage their
unprecedented access to technology for professional and academic betterment, contemporary
research has rejected the digital native myth. Instead, college students frequently use mobile
technology for off-task purposes while attending classroom lectures or doing schoolwork outside
of classa phenomenon known as cyber-slacking. This article provides college educators with an
overview of the frequency and consequences of cyber-slacking inside and outside the classroom
and seven instructional implications for curbing cyber-slacking. Proposed strategies for curbing
cyber-slacking include rejecting the digital native myth, adopting and enforcing technology
policies, consciousness raising, motivating students to relinquish their devices, incorporating active
learning in the classroom, using mobile technology as a teaching tool, teaching students to be self-
regulated learners, and motivating students to delay gratification from their mobile devices.
Keywords College students
Techn ology
The presence of mobile technology (e.g., smart phones, laptops) has changed how college
students and instructors approach classroom learning (Baker et al. 2012; Berry and Westfall
2015; Tindell and Bohlander 2012) and how students approach learning outside of class
Educ Psychol Rev
DOI 10.1007/s10648-017-9418-2
* Abraham E. Flanigan
Kenne th A. Kiewra
Department of Educational Psychology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 114 Teachers College Hall,
Lincoln, NE 68588, USA
Department of Educational Psychology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 240 Teachers College Hall,
Lincoln, NE 68588, USA
(Mokharti et al. 2015). To illustrate this phenomenon, consider the experiences of Eric, an
undergraduate student in a biology class, and his instructor, Dr. Sousa.
As Dr. Sousa organizes her materials before starting class, she notices Eric and many other
students using smart phones. To avoid the phones being a distraction, Dr. Sousa asks students
to put their phones away and reminds them of her Bno cell phone^ policy. Like most of his
classmates, Eric slips his phone into his pocket. Several minutes into class, Eric feels the
familiar vibration of his phone and pulls it from his pocket and notices a text message from a
friend. After Eric exchanges about a dozen text messages, Dr. Sousa finally notices Eric using
his phone. She asks him to put the phone away and again reminds him of her cell phone policy.
Ten minutes later, Eric pulls his phone back out and begins using it again. Following Dr.
Sousas lecture, Erics cell phone use leaves him with incomplete notes and with the feeling
that he missed much of the lesson. It leaves Dr. Sousa wondering what else she can do to keep
students from using mobile devices inappropriately during class.
For Eric, however, the story is just beginning. Because texting caused Eric to miss much of
his biology lecture, he goes to the library to study for the upcoming biology quiz. Once in the
library, Eric turns on his laptop and opens the PowerPoint slides Dr. Sousa uploaded to their
course website. Eric also opens a separate navigation window and logs into Facebook.
Throughout the 1-h B study session,^ Eric toggles back and forth between the course materials
and Facebook, spending nearly equal time on each, thereby reducing actual study time and
learning. In the end, Erics cyber-slacking in and out of the classroom reduces his biology
learning and leads to a D grade on the biology quiz.
Scholars such as Prensky (2001a) and Howe and Strauss (2000) once opined that college
students like Eric would naturally leverage readily available mobile technology devices to their
professional and academic benefit, rather than be distracted and debilitated by them. Often
referred to as the Net Generation (Tapscott 1998), todays traditional-aged college students
grew up during a time when the Internet, mobile devices, and social media became ubiquitous
parts of society (Tapscott 2008). Members of the Net Generation have logged thousands of
hours sending and receiving text messages, shopping online, using video conference services
(e.g., Skype) to communicate with family and friends, and sharing information about their
lives through social media. These experiences have transformed the Net Generation into avid
mobile technology users. In fact, Net Generation college students spend nearly 5 h/day using
their devices (Lepp et al. 2015)sending over 150 text messages (Wentworth and Middleton
2014) and logging nearly 100 min on Facebook (Junco 2012). Although some scholars such as
Prensk y (2001a) initially believed that Net Generation members would grow into technolog-
ically savvy Bdigital natives,^ contemporary literature suggests otherwise. Switzer and Switzer
(2013), for example, contend that Net Generation members, although experienced at using
mobile technology for social and entertainment purposes, fail to apply technology for their
professional or academic betterment. Similarly, Thompson (2013) found that Net Generation
members frequently use technology for social or leisure purposes (e.g., texting, social net-
working, playing games) but minimally use it for professional or academic purposes (e.g.,
contributing to a Wiki) aside from what is required of them by instructors or employers.
Instead of leveraging technology for their personal betterment, the Net Generation is often
pulled off-task by mo bile technology, whether they are working (V itak et al. 201 1), driving
(Atchley et al. 2011;Hilletal.2015), on a date (Harrison and Gilmore 2012), attending a
classroom lecture (e.g., Lawson and Henderson 2015;Tanejaetal.2015), doing homework (e.g.,
Junco and Cotten 2012), or studying (Rosen et al. 2013). Meanwhile, using mobile technology for
off-task purposes while handling academic tasks has been associated with detriments to
Educ Psychol Rev
homework completion rates (e.g., Junco and Cotten 2012), test scores (e.g., Bjornsen and Archer
2015), final course grades (e.g., Lepp et al. 2014), and more. This phenomenon, wherein
individuals use mobile technology for off-task purposes, is commonly referred to as cyber-
slacking (Gerow et al. 2010;Tanejaetal.2015) and is indicative of how the Net Generation is
not predisposed to exploit technology for their professional or academic betterment.
Although cyber-slacking is a relatively new educational phenomenon, students succumbing
to distractions is not. Student misbehavior has long been identified as an obstacle to learning in
both K-12 (e.g., Boice 1996; Dreikurs et al. 1971; Stebbins 1971) and college settings
(Bembenutty and Karabenick 1998; Boice 1996). In fact, many off-task activities (e.g.,
studying for other classes, holding side conversations) prevalent in previous decades are still
prevalent among todays students (Johnson et al. 2017). In this sense, student cyber-slacking
represents a new means for continuing the age-old practice of off-task behavior.
Although off-task behavior is not a new phenomenon, the nature of how students use
mobile technology today has positioned cyber-slacking as a more potent distraction source
than those faced by previous generations of students. For instance, college students have
described how habitual use of social media and mobile devices has created a situation wherein
it is difficult to suppress this habituated behavior while attending classroom lectures or while
doing schoolwork outside of class (Flanigan and Babchuk 2015). Similarly, college students
indicated that habitually checking websites (e.g., Facebook) for leisure purposes outside of the
classroom makes it difficult to resist the temptation to check those websites while using a
laptop during class (Aagaard 2015). Moreover, scholars have proposed that compulsive mobile
technology use has reached the point of addiction for many college-aged students (e.g.,
Griffiths 2000, 2012; Roberts et al. 2014). The addictive nature of mobile technology differs
from traditional forms of distraction, such as doodling or talking to a nearby student, that often
arise from situational influences such as boredom (e.g., Aldridge and DeLucia 1989) rather
than from habit or addiction. Thus, chronic and addictive use of mobile technology has
rendered cyber-slacking a more tempting source of academic distraction for modern students
than the traditional distractions faced by students in previous generations.
Persistent access to mobile technology has created a situation wherein college students
frequently cyber-slack when they should be focused on learning. As espoused in Wilbert
McKeachieswidelyreadMcKeachiesTeachingTips(e.g., Svinicki and McKeachie 2014),
college instructors have an obligation to provide students with classroom environments
conducive to learning and to teach students how to guide their own learning outside the
classroom. Considering the negative outcomes associated with cyber-slacking, McKeachies
writings suggest that college instructors should minimize the impact that cyber-slacking has on
student learning. This research-based advice-for-practitioners article is intended to help college
instructors combat cyber-slacking. First, the article overviews research on college students
cyber-slacking tendencies inside and outside of the classroom to give instructors an under-
standing of the scope and severity of this phenomenon. Second, it offers eight instructor
recommendations to minimize student cyber-slacking inside and outside the classroom.
College Students Cyber-slacking
College students frequently cyber-slack while attending classroom lectures or while studying
and completing homework outside of class. The following two subsections discuss the
frequency and consequences of cyber-slacking inside and outside the classroom.
Educ Psychol Rev
Cyber-slacking Inside the Classroom
Cyber-slacking is a regular occurrence in college classrooms across the USA. Seventy to
ninety percent of college students regularly text during class (e.g., Kornhauser et al. 2016;
McCoy 2016)sending an average of 12 texts per class period (Pettijohn et al. 2015). In fact,
54% of college students believe texting should be allowed in class (Emanuel 2013). Addi-
tionally , 25 to 60% of college students bring the ir laptops to cla ss (Aguilar-Roca et al. 2012;
Ragan et al. 2014) and spend up to 60% of class time using laptops for non-class-related
activities (Fried 2008; Kraushaar and No vak 2010; Ragan et al. 2014). Unfortunately, exper-
imental and self-report studies have linked classroom cyber-slacking with diminished (a) note
taking (Kuznekoff and Titsworth 2013; Kuznekoff et al. 2015), (b) course test scores (Bjornsen
and Archer 2015; Ravizza et al. 2014), (c) course grades (Clayson and Haley 2013), and (d)
cumulative college grade-point average (Bellur et al. 2015).
Cyber-slacking Outside the Classroom
Net Generation students also frequently use mobile devices while doing schoolwork outside
the classroom. Calderwood et al. (2014), for example, observed college students studying over
a 3-h period while having access to their mobile devices. During that period, students were
pulled off-task by their mobile devices an average of 35 times. Similarly, Rosen et al. (2013)
observed that college students stayed on task for only 65% of a 15-min study periodgiving
into the temptation to cyber-slack once every 5 min. These findings align with self-report
studies indicating that more than 60% of college students use mobile devices for off-task
purposes while doing schoolwork outside of class (e.g., Jacobsen and Forste 2011; Mokharti
et al. 2015), which regularly includes spending an hour on Facebook and sending 70-plus text
messages per day while doing schoolwork (Junco and Cotten 2012). These cyber-slacking
behaviors have deleterious effects on student achievement. Indeed, cyber-slacking outside the
classroom has been linked to reductions in (a) time spent studying (e.g., Calderwood et al.
2014; Wentworth and Middleton 2014), (b) homework assignment performance (Calderwood
et al. 2016), (c) homework completion rates (Junco and Cotten 2012), (d) course grades (e.g.,
Lepp et al. 2014; Ravizza et al. 2014), and (e) cumulative college grade-point average (e.g.,
Junco and Cotten 2012; Rosen et al. 2013).
Recommendations for Instructors
In this articles opening scenario, college student Eric gave into the temptation to cyber-slack
inside and outside of class, and he paid the price with inattentiveness, wasted time, incomplete
notes, and low achievement. Erics cyber-slacking ways and their detrimental consequences
were supported by the literature reviewed thus far. Erics instructor, Dr. Sousa, meanwhile, was
seemingly powerless to curtail cyber-slacking despite her best efforts and was left wondering
what else she might do. Dr. Sousas struggle to reduce students mobile technology use is the
norm for many college instructors (e.g., Langmia and Glass 2014; Tindell and Bohlander
2012). Fortunately, promising solutions exist. This section offers eight instructor recommen-
dations to minimize students cyber-slacking inside and outside the classroom. Table 1
summarizes these recommendations.
Educ Psychol Rev
Reject the Digital Native Myth
The Net Generation is not composed of digital natives who naturally leverage technology for
their academic and professional betterment (Switzer and Switzer 2013;Thompson2013).
Instead, college students frequently succumb to the temptation to cyber-slack while trying to
learn inside and outside the classroom (e.g., Calderwood et al. 2014; Emanuel 2013;McCoy
2016) and experience negative consequences as a result (e.g., Calderwood et al. 2016;Dietz
and Henrich 2014; Ku znekoff et al. 2015). College instructors must, therefore, recognize that
students are not so tech-savvy that they can use technology and learn at the same time. More
specifically, college instructors must understand cyber-slacking frequency and consequences,
as described in this article, as a precursor for reducing it.
Adopt and Enforce Technology Policies
More than half of all college students agree that technology policies in course syllabi reduce
cyber-slacking in the classroom (e.g., McCoy 2016). However, instructors inconsistently
enforce these policies, which hinders policy effectiveness (Tindell and Bohlander 2012).
Policies designed to minimize cyber-slacking are most effective when instructors enforce them
and communicate policy rationales to students (e.g., Baker et al. 2012). For example, rather
than simply including a Bno cell phone^ policy in the syllabus and verbally reprimanding
students when they violate it, instructors should explain how the policy benefits student
learning (e.g., greater attention, more complete notes, and higher achievement). Failure to
provide justification might reduce policy credibility among students (Finn and Ledbetter
Research has identified several enforcement strategies that reduce cyber-slacking. For
example, over 60% of college students surveyed by Berry and Westfall (2015)reportedthat
they would be less likely to use a cell phone during class if they saw a classmate reprimanded
(e.g., verbal warning) or punished (e.g., phone confiscation or grade reduction) for the behavior.
Similarly, Baker et al. (2012) found that instructors and students viewed private verbal
Tab le 1 Instructor actions for combating cyber-slacking and where actions have effect
Action Effect
1. Reject digital native myth and embrace instructors ro le in helping students
minimize cyber-slacking.
Inside and outside the
2. Improve student awareness of cyber-slacking by sharing research that demonstrates
the negative impact cyber-slacking has on learning and achievement.
Inside and outside the
3. Adopt, rationalize, and enforce technology policies to ward off classroom
Inside the classroom
4. Incentivize students to relinquish their mobile phones during class. Inside the classroom
5. Incorporate active learning experiences such as small-group work, class
discussions, and problem-based learning into lesson plans to keep students active
and reduce boredom or passivity.
Inside the classroom
6. Use mobile technology as a teaching tool. Inside the classroom
7. Teach students self-regulation strategies such as goal setting, behavior monitoring,
time management, and environmental arrangement.
Inside and outside the
8. Motivate students to delay gratification by connecting coursework to their goals
and interests.
Outside the classroom
Educ Psychol Rev
reprimands and grade reductions as effective strategies for combating cyber-slacking in the
Although instructors can reduce cyber-slacking in the classroom if inclined, some do not
believe they are responsible for enforcing technology policies in their courses and instead
adopt a laissez-faire approach to mobile technology classroom use (Finn and Ledbetter 2013).
When college instructors were interviewed about their experiences teaching in classrooms
where cyber-slacking occurs, most said they included and enforced syllabus policies designed
to deter cyber-slacking, but others said they ignored cyber-slacking, believing their primary
role was to deliver course content rather than dictate student behavior (Flanigan and Babchuk
2016). This latter group said that policing cyber-slacking impedes classroom instruction and
that students must regulate mobile technology use themselves or pay the consequences with
lower grades.
Although the viewpoin t tha t col lege stu dents should hold themselv es accou ntable for on-
task classroom behavior has merit, instructors should recognize that even the best-intentioned
students struggle to overcome cyber-slacking temptations (Sana et al. 2013). Thus, although
including and enforcing technology policies might run counter to ones teaching philosophy,
such policies, rationales, and enforcements work to reduce student cyber-slacking.
Improve Student Awareness of Cyber-slacking Consequences
College students often overestimate their ability to multitask (Schlehofer et al. 2010), which
can lead them to underestimate the negative impact that cyber-slacking has on their ability to
pay attention in the classroom (e.g., Hammer et al. 2010). Oddly, college students believe that
cyber-slacking is likely to distract their peers but do not believe that cyber-slacking impacts
their own distractibility (e.g., McCoy 2013, 2016). This overconfidence suggests that many
college students do not fully understand cyber-slackings detr imental cons equences. Providing
students with a more realistic understanding of their multitasking inabilities and consequences
should help them adhere to mobile technology policies. Such was the case when college
students were briefed on cyber-slacking research findings and asked to relate those findings to
their own experiences (Flanigan and Babchuk 2016). This consciousness-raising technique
was effective for getting students to follow course policies against in-class mobile technology
Incentivize Students to Voluntarily Relinquish Mobile Devices
Asking students to voluntarily give up their mobile phones during class helps reduce class-
room cyber -slacking (Katz and Lamb ert 2016). Students in an introductory-level psychology
course could voluntarily turn off their mobile phones and place them in a designated classroom
location at the start of every class period. For every class period that a student voluntarily gave
up phone access, that student received extra credit. Participation in this activity during every
class period boosted a students final grade 3 percentage points. Students, on average,
voluntarily submitted cell phones for 18 of the 30 class periods, which indicates that student
participation in this voluntary activity was high. Students also described their experience
positively. Ninety-five percent reported it was enjoyable. Sixty percent reported an improved
classroom environment (e.g., better discussions). Sixty-eight percent reported increased ability
to concentrate during class. Moreover, 98% indicated that they would recommend using this
Educ Psychol Rev
activity in other courses. In summary, providing students with an incentive to relinquish their
mobile phones during class is an effective way to combat classroom cyber-slacking.
Incorporate Active Classroom Learning
Cyber-slacking is linked with boredom (e.g., Emanuel 2013;McCoy2016), and boredom
stems from an unstimulating or unappealing environment (Mann and Robinson 2009). In a
classroom, students often feel bored when expected to sit passively during lectures (Baker
et al. 2012; Mann and Robinson 2009; Tindell and Bohlander 2012). In fact, college students
have reported feeling bored approximately 5060% of the time while attending lectures (Goetz
and Hall 2014;Nettetal.2011). To combat classroom boredom, college students often turn to
their mo bile devices to obtain st imulation (Pie lot et al. 2015).
Meanwhile, students report that active classrooms reduce boredom and cyber-slacking
desires (e.g., Baker et al. 2012; Flanigan and Babchuk 2015;McCoy2016). Most college
students (54%) believe that instructors would be Bshocked^ by the amount of cyber-slacking
that occurs in non-interactive classrooms (Tindell and Bohlander 2012). However, active
teaching practices such as class discussions, small-group work, debates, and problem-based
activities decrease classroom cyber-slacking (e.g., Baker et al. 2012; Flanigan and Babchuk
2015; T indell and Bohlander 2012) while simultaneously enhancing attention and learning
(Dochy et al. 2003; Freema n et al. 2014; Meyers and Jones 1993).
Incorporate Mobile Technology as a Teaching Tool
Instead of focusing exclusively on ways to eliminate mobile phones and laptops from the
classroom, instructors can also use mobile technology as a teaching tool. Instructors have two
research-supported options for incorporating mobile technology. First, instructors can prompt
students to use mobile phones and laptops in place of traditional handheld clickers to
participate in classroom polling exercise s (e.g., Imazeki 2014). Classroom polling platforms,
such as or, can solicit student opinions, administer
quizzes, and invite student responses to questions posed during class. College students enjoy
the interactive polling platforms and believe they enhance classroom learning (e.g., Shon and
Smith 2011).
Second, instructors can prompt students to use mobile technology to look up information
during class. Students in an environmental issues course were asked to look up information on
new topics and share findings with classmates at the start of every class throughout a semester.
At the end of the semester, students reported that using their phones or laptops to look up
information at the start of each days lesson enhanced both course learning and enjoyment
(Tessier 2013).
Although student use of mobile devices, to participate in classroom polls or look up
information, can enhance classroom learning and enjoyment, Imazeki (2014) cautions that
even the productive use of mobile devices during class might backfire because having mobile
devices handy increases off-task temptation and behavior. Thus, instructors who use mobile
technology as a teaching tool should set and enforce policies regarding appropriate and
inappropriate use of mobile technology and be alert for potential cyber-slacking and intervene
when necess ary.
Educ Psychol Rev
Teach Students to Self-regulate
The readily available nature of mobile technology places a nearly constant strain on college
students self-regulation as they struggle to avoid technology and to focus on learning course
material (e.g., Aagaard 2015;Leppetal.2014;Tanejaetal.2015). This strain is probably most
evident outside the classroom where students, left to their own volition, must stay on-task, and
delay gratification from c ompeting leisure alternatives to homework and studying
(Bembenutty 2011). Although enforced course policies might alleviate the temptation to
cyber-slack in the classroom, such policies have no direct influence on students out-of-class
behavior. Fortunately, in structors can train students to be sel f-regulated learners (e.g.,
McKeachie et al. 1985; Schunk and Zimmerman 1998; Wolters and Hoops 2015).
Self-regulation refers to the self-generated thoughts, feelings, and actions that guide goal
attainment (Zimmerman 2000). Self-regulated learners Bactively avoid behaviors and cogni-
tions detrime ntal to acad emic success; the y know th e strategie s necessary for learning to oc cur
and understand when and how to utilize strategies that will increase perseverance and
performance^ (Mega et al. 20 14, p. 122). Instructors who train students to use self-
regulation strategies give students tools to overcome cyber-slacking temptations outside the
classroom. Indeed, college students who use self-regulated learning strategies (e.g., self-
testing, arranging an environment with minimal distractions) while doing schoolwork cyber-
slack less than their peers who do not use self-regulation techniques (e.g., Wei et al. 2012).
Teachi ng students how to (a) monitor attention, (b) arrange a study or homework envi ronment
that minimizes distractions, and (c) manage time are just a few ways that instructors can
provide students with the self-regulation skills needed to overcome cyber-slacking temptation
(Cohen 2012). For example, college students frequently use their mobile phones while
studying or doing homework (Calderwood et al. 2014; Rosen et al. 2013), which adds
considerable completion time (Bowman et al. 2010; Flanigan and Babchuk 2015). By training
students to set time-management goals (e.g., BI will work for an hour before I take a break to
check my phone^), instructors can minimize the impact that cyber-slacking has on students
homework and studying experiences.
Motivate Students to Delay Gratification from Mobile Technology
Effective self-regulation depends on delaying gratification. A student who strives to monitor
and control attention but who cannot delay cell phone gratification will yield to that temptation
and cyber-slack. According to Bembenutty and Karabenick (1998), academic delay of grati-
fication refers to students postponement of satisfying their leisure impulsessuc h as the
desire to check Instagram or Snapchatuntil an academic task is completed. While studying
or doing homework, college students must often choose between staying on task or pursuing a
more desirable leisure activity.
Fortunately, college instructors can motivate students to delay gratification. Students are
more likely to delay gratification from leisure alternatives when they view coursework as
instrumental for achieving personally meaningful goals (Bembenutty 1999). For example,
students who perceive a homework assignment as valuable to their future goals are less likely
to cyber-slack while doing the assignment than students who do not perceive the assignment as
valuable to future goals (Xu 2015). More generally, gratification delay is positively associated
with int rinsic mo tivation (B embenutty 2008, 2009). By helping students find personal value,
Educ Psychol Rev
interest, or goal attainment in their coursework, instructors can increase students intrinsic
motivation to delay gr atification from mobile tech nology.
This article began by describing the cyber-slacking experiences of Eric, a college student
pulled off-task by mobile technology while in class and while studying in the library. Dr.
Sousa, his instructor, failed to ward off Erics cyber-slacking despite using several well-
intentioned strategies. The research reviewed in this article suggests that Eric and Dr. Sousas
experiences are common in higher education today. Mobile technology use has become second
nature for most college students (Flanigan and Babchuk 2015; Ro berts et al. 2014), and cyber-
slacking has permeated college students academic activities. Inside the classroom, cyber-
slacking hinders student learning (e.g., Duncan et al. 2012; Kuznekoff et al. 2015;Ravizza
et al. 2014), and instructors have struggled to minimize the problem (Berry and Westfall 2015;
Tindell and Bohlander 2012). Outside the classroom, cyber-slacking diminishes work output
and quality (e.g., Jacobsen and Forste 2011;Mokhartietal.2015; Rosen et al. 2013). The
myth that Net Generation students are digital natives who naturally leverage technology for
their academic and professional betterment is dead (e.g., Switzer and Switzer 2013; Thompson
2013). Instead, Eric and other college students regularly cyber-slack, even though they suffer
academically for doing so (Clayson and Haley 2013; Kuznekoff et al. 2015;Leppetal.2014).
Eight recommendations were provided to help college instructors confront and diminish
cyber-slacking. First, instructors must acknowledge that the Net Generation is not predisposed
to use technology for academically beneficial purposes. To the contrary, debilitating cyber-
slacking activities are common among college students while in class (e.g., Emanuel 2013;
Pettijohn et al. 2015) and while completing schoolwork outside of class (Jacobsen and Forste
2011;Mokhartietal.2015). Second, instructors should incorporate technology policies in their
syllabi, explain their rationales, and enforce them. Watching a classmate get reprimanded or
punished for cyber-slacking reduces cyber-slacking in the classroom (e.g., Baker et al. 2012;
Berry and Westfall 2015), especially when students understand the rationale for cyber-slacking
policies (Finn and Ledbetter 2013). Third, instructors should make sure college students are
aware of their multitasking limits and cyber-slackings negative impact on learning. Although
cyber-slacking negatively impacts student learning, many college students underestimate this
consequence because they overestimate their ability to multitask (Schlehofer et al. 2010).
Thus, college instructors must provide students with a more realistic understanding of their
multitasking capabilities. Fourth, instructors should provide students with incentives (e.g.,
extra credit points) to voluntarily re linquish access to their mobile devices durin g class. Fifth,
instructors should create active classroom experiences. Students have identified passive
lectures as catalysts to cyber-slacking. Instead of relying on traditional practices such as
lecturing, instructors should use active learning practices such as debates, small-group work,
and problem-based learning to offset cyber-slacking temptations (e.g., Baker et al. 2012;
Flanigan and Babchuk 2015). Sixth, instructors should turn mobile devices into instructional
tools by asking students to respond to classroom polls or to look up lecture-relevant informa-
tion on their mobile phones or laptops. Seventh, instructors should help students control cyber-
slacking by teaching them to self-regulate (e.g., monitor attention, employ effective learning
strategies, and plan time) as they learn (e.g., Wolters and Hoops 2015), particularly outside the
classroom. Last, helping students connect coursework with their future goals and present
Educ Psychol Rev
interests can provide the intrinsic motivation to delay gratification from mobile technology,
particularly outside the classroom. By following these eight recommendations, instructors can
help students combat cyber-slacking inside and outside the classroom.
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