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Case Study
Gigamon gave us ease of administration,
tremendous cost savings, storage savings
and many other enhanced capabilities.
IT Director for Resort World at Sentosa
Troubleshoot network data issues more effectively
and efciently
Gigamon Deep Observability Pipeline
Customer Benets
Reduced trafc to the network tool set 50 to
79 percent
Lowered costs and saved $200,000 to $500,000
Maximized network visibility and performance
Accelerated threat prevention, detection and
response time
Resort World at Sentosa
Gains Maximum Visibility
While Lowering Costs
with Gigamon
© 2023 Gigamon. All rights reserved.
Big Wins
Resort World at Sentosa, a world-class lifestyle
destination resort in Singapore, encompasses more
than 120 square miles of attractions and facilities,
including Universal Studios Singapore, a casino,
an aquarium, luxury hotels and a convention
center. Managing network data for such a complex
organization with so many facilities presents an
ongoing — and costly — challenge for the company’s
IT professionals.
After turning to Gigamon for a solution to better
troubleshoot network data problems, Resort World
at Sentosa maximized network visibility, drastically
reduced trafc to its network tool set and increased the
efciency of their tools and IT team, ultimately saving
the company between $200,000 and $500,000.
According to Desmond Loy, IT Director for Resort World
at Sentosa, the biggest benets of using Gigamon
solutions include “actual network trafc visibility,
reduction of manual troubleshooting steps and ability
to identify issue root cause swiftly.
Maximum Visibility
Ever-increasing network speeds, new technologies and
an exponential increase in data volume make it difcult
for IT teams at multifaceted companies like Resort
World at Sentosa to swiftly and accurately analyze
trafc intelligence, and that hampers visibility.
To more effectively troubleshoot issues and accelerate
threat prevention, detection and response time, Resort
World at Sentosa sought a single source of visibility
across physical, virtual and cloud environments, as well
as protection from blind spots within encrypted trafc.
And that’s where Gigamon came in.
The Gigamon Deep Observability Pipeline offered the
company scalable visibility into all data, automation as
well as a common architecture to eliminate blind spots
and streamline management.
Reducing Costs, Increasing Efciency
Faced with escalating vendor and tool costs, as well as
an IT team strained with too many time-consuming
manual tasks, Resort World at Sentosa needed a
more efcient means to lter out duplicate and
low-risk trafc.
The Gigamon platform provides optimized, full-delity
data to security and performance monitoring tools,
which helps reduce manual troubleshooting steps
required to analyze trafc. It also decreased the cost and
sprawl of tools while optimizing their effectiveness —
automation that saves both time and money.
Network administrators can now selectively
manage which type of trafc to inspect and remove
unnecessary content, complete de-duplication and
mask sensitive information before sending it to
monitoring tools. As a result, the company benetted
from storage savings and reduced trafc to their
network tool set by a massive 50 to 79 percent.
“We could reduce CapEx for network security tools as
we could centralize them and maximize the utilization,”
said Desmond. “In the long run, OpEx can be more
manageable with optimized network inventory.”
Successful Solutions
When asked for their assessment, Resort World at
Sentosa ranked Gigamon consistently better than the
competition for:
Filtering, slicing and de-duplication
TLS decryption
Inline bypass (rated best in class)
And that is good for business.
Initially drawn to Gigamon for our robust architecture
and high-delity data, Resort World at Sentosa
ultimately found its needs for complete visibility met,
in addition to benetting from the solution’s “ease
of administration,” “tremendous cost savings” and
“storage savings.”
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About Gigamon
Gigamon offers a deep observability pipeline that
harnesses actionable network-derived intelligence
to amplify the power of observability tools. This
powerful combination helps IT organizations to assure
security and compliance governance, speed root-
cause analysis of performance bottlenecks, and lower
operational overhead associated with managing
hybrid and multi-cloud IT infrastructures. The result:
Modern enterprises realize the full transformational
promise of the cloud. Gigamon serves more than 4,000
customers worldwide, including over 80 percent of
Fortune 100 enterprises, nine of the ten largest mobile
network providers, and hundreds of governments and
educational organizations worldwide. To learn more,
please visit gigamon.com.
Gigamon is the tool that allows you to
tap your network trafc for visibility,
troubleshooting and performance analysis.
IT Director for Resort World at Sentosa