Tips on Alumni Outreach & Email Templates
I. What is QuakerNet?
QuakerNet is a database of Penn graduates and is searchable by industry, employer name,
geographical location, major, student clubs, and more. Wharton alumni may also wish to
access the Wharton Alumni Directory to connect with the global Wharton alumni network.
Access through link:, and log in using PennKey or
WhartonConnect account.
II. Pairing QuaketNet with LinkedIn
On QuakerNet, alumni usually provide phone numbers and personal email addresses on
their profiles. One drawback is that employment information is sometimes outdated. We
recommend that you find the person you are trying to connect on LinkedIn and confirm
this information before you contact them.
Use search filters wisely. Reaching out to alumni who have similar backgrounds and Penn
affiliations usually gets you more responses.
III. Email Templates for Alumni Outreach
Email Template for Informational Interview Requests with Alumni as an Undergrad:
Alternate Email Template for Informational Interview Requests with Alumni:
Alternate Email Template 2 for Informational Interview Requests with Alumni:
Email Template for Informational Interview Requests as an MBA Student:
Email Template for Informational Interview Requests as an Experienced Professional:
Email Template for Informational Interview Requests with Alumni as an Undergrad:
SUBJECT: [University Name] student seeking career advice
“Dear Mr. / Ms. [Name],
My name is [Your Name], and I’m a student at [University Name] who found your contact
information via [LinkedIn / the alumni database]. I have had experience in [Industry Name]
during my [XX]-month internship at [Firm Name], and I am currently seeking an [Industry 2 Name]
internship in [City Name] next summer.
I see that you made a similar transition from another field into [Industry 2 Name], so I was hoping that
you might be willing to speak with me for a few minutes to discuss how you made this move
Thanks, and I look forward to connecting with you soon.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
Alternate Email Template for Informational Interview Requests with Alumni:
SUBJECT: [University Name] student [Industry Abbreviation] Internships
"Dear Mr. / Ms. [Name],
I'm currently a [Year in School at School Name] / working at [Company Name], and I found your
contact information via [LinkedIn / the alumni database / a mutual friend]. I'm very interested in
pursuing [Career Path Name] and would love to get your input on how I can best position myself for the
I know you're busy, but if you have any spare time at all to advise a [student / young professional],
would it be possible to speak with you for a few minutes? I am available on [Propose 2-3 Dates and
I would be truly grateful for any advice you could offer.
[Your Name]"
Alternate Email Template 2 for Informational Interview Requests with Alumni:
SUBJECT: [University Name] Student [Industry Abbreviation] Internships
“Dear Mr. / Ms. [Name],
My name is [Your Name], and I am a student at [University Name] majoring in [Major Name] with
previous internship experience in [Industry Names]. I found your contact information via LinkedIn.
I am very interested in the [Industry 2 Name] industry, and specifically [More Specific Subset of
Industry 2]. I know you are busy and place tremendous value on your time, but I would really appreciate
it if you had any availability for a brief informational interview next week.
I am eager to learn more about your undergraduate experiences at [University Name] and your current
role at [Company Name]. I am available on [Propose 2- 3 dates and times], please let me know if one
these times suits your schedule.
Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.
Best regards,
[Your Name]”
Email Template for Informational Interview Requests as an MBA Student:
SUBJECT: MBA Student at [School Name] [Industry Abbreviation] Careers
“Dear Mr. / Ms. [Name],
I’m currently a [Year Student] at [Business School Name], with previous experience in [Describe
I’m currently seeking positions in [Industry Name], and I came across your name in our alumni
database. I noticed that you have also worked in [Background Industry Name] and that you graduated
from [University Name] several years before me as well.
I know you’re busy and place great value on your time, but if you had 5 minutes to speak with me about
your group and [Industry Name] at your firm I would greatly appreciate it. I am free between [Propose
Specific Dates and Times].
Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,
[Your Name]”
Email Template for Informational Interview Requests as an Experienced Professional:
SUBJECT: [Company Name] Professional [Industry Name or Region Name] Transition
“Dear Mr. / Ms. [Name],
My name is [Your Name] and I have had over [XX] years of experience in [Industry Name(s)] in
[Region Name(s)], and I am currently looking to transition into [Different Role Name or Different
Region Name].
I came across your name on [LinkedIn / Explain Other Methods] and would love to speak with you for
a few minutes to learn more about your background and potential opportunities in [Different Role Name
or Different Region Name] and how I might best position myself for those.
I would greatly appreciate it if you had a few spare minutes to share your insights.
[Your Name]"