Department of Defense | Defense Human Resources Activity
Defense Travel System (DTS) Guide 2:
April 03, 2024
DTS Guide 2: Authorizations April 03, 2024
Defense Travel Management Office 1
Table of Contents
Revision History .................................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 1: Authorizations Introduction ............................................................................... 4
1.1 Trip Processing Rules ............................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 2: Create an Authorization ..................................................................................... 7
2.1 Standard Travel Itinerary ........................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Non-Routine Travel ................................................................................................................. 11
2.2.1 Invitational Travel Authorization ...................................................................................... 12
2.2.2 Government Funded Leave ............................................................................................ 15
Chapter 3: Authorization Layout & Navigation ................................................................. 16
3.1 The Progress Bar .................................................................................................................... 17
Chapter 4: Reservations Module ........................................................................................ 20
4.1 Enter TSA Information ............................................................................................................. 20
4.2 Flight Reservations .................................................................................................................. 21
4.2.1 Book Flights .................................................................................................................... 22
4.3 Rail Reservations .................................................................................................................... 28
4.3.1 Book Train ....................................................................................................................... 28
4.4 Rental Car Reservations ......................................................................................................... 32
4.4.1 Book Rental Car .............................................................................................................. 32
4.5 Lodging Reservations .............................................................................................................. 35
4.5.1 Lodging Screen Layout and Options ............................................................................... 37
4.5.2 Book DoD Lodging .......................................................................................................... 38
4.5.3 Decline Directed Lodging ................................................................................................ 40
4.5.4 Book Privatized Lodging ................................................................................................. 41
4.5.5 Decline Directed Lodging ................................................................................................ 45
4.5.6 Book DoD Preferred Commercial Lodging ...................................................................... 45
4.5.7 Book Commercial Lodging .............................................................................................. 47
4.5.8 ADA Requests for Lodging .............................................................................................. 49
4.5.9 Request TMC Assistance ................................................................................................ 50
4.6 Review Reservation Selections ............................................................................................... 53
Chapter 5: Expenses Module ............................................................................................. 58
5.1 Reservation Expenses ............................................................................................................ 59
5.2 Other Expenses ....................................................................................................................... 62
5.3 Attaching Files and Substantiating Documents ....................................................................... 70
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5.4 Expenses Screen Icons Explained .......................................................................................... 76
Chapter 6: Per Diem Module ............................................................................................... 79
6.1 Per Diem Page Overview ........................................................................................................ 79
6.2 Adjust Per Diem Amounts Screen ........................................................................................... 83
Chapter 7: Accounting Module .......................................................................................... 91
7.1 Enter Accounting Codes .......................................................................................................... 91
7.1.1 Add or Remove a LOA .................................................................................................... 92
7.1.2 Add Multiple LOAs .......................................................................................................... 92
7.2 Request an Advance ............................................................................................................... 94
7.3 Scheduled Partial Payments ................................................................................................... 97
7.4 Review Trip Costs and Payments ........................................................................................... 98
Chapter 8: Review Module ................................................................................................ 100
8.1 Review Profile Screen ........................................................................................................... 100
8.2 Review Trip Authorization Screen ......................................................................................... 102
8.3 Other Auths and Pre-Audits Screen ...................................................................................... 105
8.4 Digital Signature Screen ........................................................................................................ 109
8.5 Travel Readiness .................................................................................................................. 112
8.6 Document Access and Retention .......................................................................................... 113
Chapter 9: Additional Resources ..................................................................................... 114
9.1 Component Representatives ................................................................................................. 114
9.2 Helpful References ................................................................................................................ 114
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Revision History
Revision/Change Description
Added Logout Message Prompt
Page 4
Updated Travel Modes
Updated Foreign Travel section
Updated Progress Bar screen shot
Updated Air section
Updated Rail section
Updated Lodging section
Update Rental Car section
Updated Reservation Selections
Updated Expenses
Updated CTW section. Removed
400 mile rule.
Added new Travel Readiness
Section 8.5
Added new Document Retention
Section 8.6
Page 8
Page 11
Page 18
Pages 21-25
Pages 28-31
Pages 32-35
Page 36
Pages 53-56
Pages 59-62
Page 67
Page 112
Page 113
Updated Chapter 1
Updated Constructed Travel link in
Updated Constructed Travel link
Page 4
Page 70
Page 114
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Chapter 1: Authorizations Introduction
A DTS authorization captures specific data regarding an upcoming Temporary Duty (TDY) travel (dates, locations,
reservations, should-cost estimates and more). Essentially, the authorization is a means of informing everyone
who needs to know when you* will be gone, where you will be working, and how much you expect your trip to
To build an authorization in DTS, the system accesses database information from your DTS personal profile (e.g.,
residence and duty data, GTCC and EFT information), your organization (i.e., routing lists, LOAs, and budgets),
and DoD travel regulations to help streamline the process.
*In this guide, “you” are the traveler, unless stated otherwise.
When you have official TDY travel, remember:
Gather your essential travel information before starting the authorization.
Review the JTR if you have any questions on transportation (e.g., air, rail, bus, POV), rental car, lodging,
per diem, and allowable travel expenses.
Consult with your Authorizing Official (AO) about the transportation requirements for your trip.
o Per the JTR, par. 020203-2. “When Government transportation is not directed, commercial
travel by airplane, rail, bus, or ship is generally the most advantageous method of
transportation and should be selected when reasonably available. Of these types the most
preferable is travel by airplane if the distance is greater than 250 miles. If the distance is 250
miles or less, then travel by rail is preferred if available; if not available, then travel by rental
vehicle is preferable.” Your AO will use several factors to determine which type of
transportation is most advantageous to the Government for TDY travel.
o Under the JTR, par. 020206-O. Sustainable Travel Modes. To promote sustainable
transportation, the traveler should consider using ZEVs over other automobiles; rail over air
travel if the distance is less than 250 miles or long-distance automobile travel; and public transit
over automobiles.
o Be aware you must provide a Constructed Travel Worksheet (CTW) anytime you use your POV
as the preferred transportation mode to and from the TDY location. In the JTR, par. 0202
Transportation, it states, “If the traveler selects an alternate mode than as specified in par.
020203, then they must demonstrate to the AO’s satisfaction that the selected mode of travel
was the most efficient or economical option reasonably available.
Review your DTS personal profile and update (GTCC, EFT, and email if needed) before creating the
If you require reservations, ensure your Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) IBA is active or if using
the Organization’s Centrally Billed Account (CBA) contact the Agency Program Coordinator (APC) for
Allow ample time for your authorization to process through reservations, approval, and ticketing.
o For CONUS travel, recommend starting at least 2 to 3 weeks out, but refer to your local
business rules on advance trip planning.
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o For OCONUS travel, recommend starting at least 45 to 60 days out to allow time to complete
security briefings, schedule medical appointments, or complete other local requirements. Refer
to your local business rules on advance trip planning.
Enter your projected travel expenses (e.g., Rental Car Fuel or 1st Checked Bag fee) as allowed by the
Verify your authorization is stamped APPROVED and reservations CTO TICKETED before beginning your
Reach out to your Defense Travel Administrator (DTA) and AO for assistance.
Follow your local business rules regarding your trip.
Note 1: If you’re logging into DTS for the first time or after an extended period, DTS may provide you a pop-up
message which can include:
Review and Update Profile This option triggers when it is at least 60 days since your last log on to
DTS. Either choose Open Profile and make your changes or Continue without Updating. For more
about profiles, see the DTS Guide 1: Authorizations and the DTA Manual, Chapter 7: People.
What’s New This feature alerts you when software changes occur. The first time you access an
affected module, the What’s New feature activates. A series of pop-up screens annotate any revisions.
Once you proceed through the overview, you must select Got It to close the messaging. Your personal
profile tracks your acknowledgement and then the What’s New feature inactivates. As this a one-time
alert, unless there is another system change, you will not see the What’s New alert again. For more on
the What’s New feature, review the DTS Guide 1.
Note 2: DTS is programmed to conform with standard time-out rules throughout the system.
If you are in DTS, you will be presented with a Logout due to inactivity warning after 9 minutes, with a
60 second countdown, letting you know they are about to be logged out due to inactivity.
You are presented with two options: Keep me logged in or Log me out.
o To stay in DTS and continue your actions, select Keep me logged in.
o To exit, select Log me out.
You can view the screen shot in DTS Guide 1.
Note 3: If you experience a problem accessing the DTS Home page, contact your local IT to verify your allowable
browsers and enable pop-ups, install JavaScript and DBsign on your pc. See the bottom of the DTS Home page,
Need More Assistance? for the requirements.
1.1 Trip Processing Rules
Travelers and those who create, edit, or amend documents for travelers must adhere to trip processing rules.
Authorization specifications apply to reduce the possible invalid reservation selections (e.g., selections made in
the next Fiscal Year (FY) before airlines post flights) and incorrect per diem calculations (e.g., documents
crossing multiple FYs and per diem changes). Voucher specifications apply to reduce incorrect per diem
calculations resulting in debt. These processing rules include:
Authorizations may not be created greater than 6 months in advance of the trip.
Imported authorizations may not be created greater than 6 months in advance of the trip.
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Authorizations will not have the amend link available 75 days after the last day of travel.
Authorizations and vouchers can’t exceed the maximum trip length of one year from the trip start date.
Imported Authorizations along with vouchers can’t exceed the maximum trip length of one year from
the trip start date.
When a document does not meet the policy requirements for trip creation date and/or trip duration on the
Itinerary page, DTS will alert the user.
If creating a document further out than six months from current date, the following error message
displays under the Create Itinerary section:
o “There are errors with this itinerary. Please correct the errors and try submitting again.”
If creating a document further out than six months from current date, the following error message
displays under the Trip Overview section, Leaving On field:
o “Your overall Leaving date must be less than 180 days in the future.”
If creating a document with a trip duration of greater than one year, the following error message
displays under the Create Itinerary section:
o “There are errors with this itinerary. Please correct the errors and try submitting again.”
If creating a document with a trip duration of greater than one year, the following error message
displays under Your TDY Locations(s) section:
o "Total trip duration cannot exceed one year.”
If editing an existing trip to extend the total trip length and the during is greater than one year, the
following error message displays under the Edit Itinerary section:
o “There are errors with this itinerary. Please correct the errors and try submitting again.”
If editing an existing trip to extend the total trip length and the during is greater than one year, the
following error message displays under Your TDY Location(s) section:
o "Total trip duration cannot exceed one year.”
If editing an existing trip to extend the total trip length and the during is greater than one year, the
following error message displays under the Trip Overview section, the Returning On field:
o "Total trip duration cannot exceed one year.”
If amending an authorization with SPPs, DTS will automatically cancel scheduled SPPs to prevent
improper payments. After adding or editing expenses, reschedule the SPPs on the amendment.
Once an error for trip duration occurs, the traveler, clerk, or NDEA must correct the dates before proceeding
past the Itinerary page.
In circumstances where travel is greater than one year:
Follow your local business rules on how to document and process the extended trip.
For DTS purposes users can’t exceed the trip duration limit. Instead, an additional authorization and
voucher is necessary. For auditability, comments can be added to associate the two documents.
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Chapter 2: Create an Authorization
To create an authorization log onto DTS. On the DTS Dashboard (Figure 2-1), select Create New Document, then
choose Routine TDY Trip.
Figure 2-1: DTS Dashboard
2.1 Standard Travel Itinerary
After selecting Routine TDY Trip, the Create Itinerary screen (Figure 2-2a and Figure 2-2b) opens.
Figure 2-2a: Itinerary Screen (Top View)
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Figure 2-2b: Itinerary Screen (Bottom View)
The Create Itinerary screen contains three sections:
Enter the Arriving and Departing date for each TDY location. Note: The create date can’t be further
than six months from current date. The trip duration can’t exceed one year from start date.
Identify the correct TDY Location (e.g., if you are TDY to a military installation, choose the military
installation, not the city near the installation).
Identify how you will travel (i.e., Rail, Air, Rental Car, or Other), the time of day you want to travel, and
whether you will need a rental car. The most common options show as a default, but you may change
them. Remember to follow the JTR regarding use of most advantageous travel mode.
If you are traveling to multiple locations, select the + sign icon to the right of Rental Car to add a row
for your next TDY location.
The Leaving On and Returning On dates auto-populate to match the dates in the YOUR TDY
LOCATION(S) fields. If any date is not correct, enter the correct dates.
Enter the place you will be Leaving from and Returning To. The Trip Duration auto-populates.
Select the Type based upon your travel needs (Figure 2-3 YOUR TRIP DETAILS). Table 2-1 outlines the
selection of DTS Trip Types with descriptions. Once you select the type of travel and save the itinerary
information, DTS locks the Trip Type allowances and the field is not editable. The most common type is
Temporary Duty Travel (Routine). All five Trip Purposes are available for section with the Trip Types.
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Figure 2-3: Your Trip Details Screen
Table 2-1
DTS Trip Type
Temporary Duty
Travel (Routine)
This trip type supports a DoD employee
(MIL/CIV) traveling to one or more places
away from a PDS to perform duties for a
period of time and upon completion of
assignment, returns or proceeds to a PDS.
This trip type supports some
dependent/family member travel when
certain conditions apply.
Travel reimbursement based
upon JTR, Ch. 3. TDY Travel.
See par. 0301 for policy,
mission and AO approval
required for travel and
transportation allowances.
See eligibility JTR, Ch. 5, par.
0550 for RAT.
Invitational Travel
An Invitational Travel Authorization (ITA) uses
government funds to pay for a Non-DoD
employee’s travel.
Certain conditions and additional supporting
documentation may apply.
Travel reimbursement based
upon JTR, Ch. 3.
See par. 030501 and par.
030502 for specific policy
and AO approval required
for travel and transportation
Invitational Travel -
Expenses Only
For the ITA, certain conditions apply to fund
travel for a Non-DoD employee.
A DTA or Document Preparer must assist with
document processing in DTS for both the
authorization and voucher, as the individual
typically has no access to DTS.
Limited travel
reimbursement based upon
JTR, Ch.3.
See par. 030501 and par.
030502 for specific policy
and AO approval required
for travel and transportation
Invitational Travel
For the Dependent ITA, certain conditions
Travel reimbursement based
upon JTR, Ch. 3.
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DTS Trip Type
Travel authorization/voucher processed for
the family member of DoD employee. The
sponsor receives reimbursement for the
dependent's transportation and approved
travel expenses.
See par. 030501 traveler
may be authorized the
standard travel and
transportation allowances.
Invitational Travel
Expenses Only
For the Dependent ITA, certain conditions
Travel authorization/voucher processed for
the family member of DoD employee. The
sponsor receives reimbursement for only the
dependent's transportation expenses.
Limited travel
reimbursement based upon
JTR, Ch. 3
See par. 030501 for specific
policy and AO approval of
transportation allowances.
Government Funded
Specific conditions apply for a DoD Employee
to qualify to receive reimbursement for travel
Some leave categories apply to both Service
Member and civilian employees and their
dependents. Some apply to just Military or
Civilian and may apply to dependents.
Additional documentation may be required,
and verified prior to AO approval.
See JTR Ch. 4 Government
Funded Leave - Emergency
Leave, EVT, FEML and R&R.
See Travel transportation
reimbursement JTR Ch. 2,
par. 020101, JTR Ch. 4, par.
040101-A and 040101-B.
4. Select a Purpose for your TDY.
Figure 2-4: Purpose Screen
5. (Optional) Enter information pertaining to travel in the Description text box or leave the field blank
based upon your local business rules.
6. Under Conference/Event Name select the radio button Not attending a conference or use the drop-
down menu to make your selection. If the conference/event is not listed, select Other.
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After you complete the entries on this screen, select Continue to proceed.
For a CONUS location:
o DTS directs you to the Reservations module to make your trip reservations.
o If do not require reservations for your trip, select Expenses on the Progress Bar.
For an OCONUS location:
o DTS provides an information message (Figure 2-5). Read the information and then select OK to
Figure 2-5: Foreign Travel Message Screen
o DTS directs you to the Reservations module to make your trip reservations.
Pay close attention dates and times when you book your reservations.
Double check rental car pick-up and drop-off times to your air arrival and departure
Double check lodging check-in and check-out times to your air arrival and departure
o If do not require reservations for your trip, select Expenses on the Progress Bar.
Note: If you have specialized travel, review the entries under Section 2.2 Non-Routine Travel, otherwise skip and
move to Chapter 3.
2.2 Non-Routine Travel
Processing trips other than Temporary Duty Travel (Routine) is determined by travel policy and meeting certain
criteria. These trip types include Invitational Travel, Invitational Travel Transportation Expenses Only,
Dependent Invitational Travel, Dependent Invitational Travel Transportation Expenses Only, and Government
Funded Leave. When you select one of these types, additional information may be required for the itinerary,
travel reimbursement may be limited, the AO may request supporting documentation, and Other
Authorizations and/or Pre-Audit flags will activate requiring comments to justify the travel.
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2.2.1 Invitational Travel Authorization
The Invitational Travel Authorization (ITA) process begins when the organization identifies a need for an ITA-
eligible individual to travel at DoD’s expense. Processing of invitational travel is with mutual consent, meaning
the organization must invite the person to travel, and the person must accept the invitation.
To be eligible for invitational travel, a prospective traveler must meet all the requirements stated in JTR, Ch. 3,
par. 0305, par. 030501-A. and par. 030501-C, as well as, not fall into any of restrictions highlighted in JTR, par.
Travelers requiring an ITA typically do not have access to DTS. If this is the case, then the DTA, Document
Preparer/Travel Clerk or sponsor in the situation of a dependent traveling, follow the normal steps to create an
authorization and itinerary. Note: Be certain to enter the correct Trip Type and only add allowances permitted
by the JTR.
1. Select the Type. Then select the appropriate Invitational Travel label based upon travel need (Figure 2-
3). The Trip Type selection drives your allowances and reimbursements.
Figure 2-3: Your Trip Details Screen
2. Select Purpose to see the options (Figure 2-4). Select the correct label to identify the reason for travel.
If uncertain of which label to select, then contact the DTA for guidance.
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Figure 2-4: Purpose Screen
3. Determine if you need to create Dependent travel. To include a dependent, select Add Dependents to
create the required entries. If you don’t need to add dependent data, just skip to the Description field.
Figure 2-6: Add Dependents Screen
Create New Dependent by completing the required fields for First, Middle Initial and Last Name,
Relationship, and Date of Birth (DOB). TSA information is available to add as well as Passport data. To
save the entry, select Create (Figure 2-6).
If the individual’s information already has a record, then Select An Existing Dependent to add the
person to the trip (Figure 2-7).
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The available actions for the dependent’s record are edit and delete.
Figure 2-7: Select an Existing Dependent Screen
To record the entry, select Save. The information displays under Dependents (Figure 2-8).
Note 1: The dependent’s information saves to the sponsor’s permanent traveler profile.
Note 2: The routing, accounting and reimbursement are all associated to the sponsor’s traveler profile.
If you add the wrong person, before leaving the itinerary screen, select another trip type such as
Temporary Duty Travel (Routine) to remove the information. Then to add a dependent to the travel
document, reselect the correct trip type and add the person.
Figure 2-8: Dependent Added
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4. Enter comments under Description, if required by your local business rules.
5. Under Conference/Event Name select the radio button Not attending a conference or use the drop-
down menu to make your selection. If the conference/event is not listed, select Other.
6. To proceed with creating the document, select Continue.
2.2.2 Government Funded Leave
The Government Funded Leave process begins when travel is required for a DoD military member and their
dependents or civilian employee and their family members under certain conditions and when they meet the
qualifications. There are limitations, additional documentation may be required, and not all forms of
Government Funded Leave apply to both military and civilian employees. This travel includes Funded
Environmental and Morale Leave (FEML), Emergency Leave, Emergency Visitation Travel (EVT), and Rest &
Recuperation (R & R).
1. To be eligible for Government Funded Leave, a prospective traveler must meet all the requirements
stated in JTR, Ch. 4, par. 0401 and sub-sections specific to the travel need.
2. The traveler, DTA, or Document Preparer/Travel Clerk uses the standard process to create an
authorization and itinerary. Note: Be certain to enter the correct Trip Type and only add allowances
permitted by the JTR.
3. Select the Trip Type. Then select Government Funded Leave (Figure 2-3, above). The trip type selection
drives your allowances and reimbursements.
4. Select the Purpose. See Figure 2-4 for the list of trip purposes.
5. Determine if you need to create dependent travel. Select Add Dependents to create or add a family
member following the steps outlined in Section 2.2.1. If you don’t need to add dependent data, then
skip to the Description field.
6. (Optional) Enter comments under Description to identify the specific type of leave travel (e.g., EVT,
FEML) based upon your local business rules.
7. Under Conference/Event Name select the radio button Not attending a conference or use the drop-
down menu to make your selection. If the conference/event is not listed, select Other.
8. To proceed with creating the document, select Continue.
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Chapter 3: Authorization Layout & Navigation
Completing the itinerary automatically creates your authorization and the page opens in the Reservations
module. The DTS authorization screens all follow the same general layout, so it makes sense to introduce it
before we move on to discuss specific screen contents. Figure 2-9 describes the basic screen layout.
2-9: DTS Screen Layout
At the top of the document is the header which contains information about your current session: system
operation status indicators, alerts notices or bell icon (Figure 2-9, Indicator 1), and your login information (Figure
2-9, Indicator 2) on the far right.
If you select on the down arrow or chevron by your name the window expands (Figure 2-10). You see the
Last sign on date/time
Assigned Organization
Organization Access (if any)
Group Access (if any)
Permissions (DTS auto-assigns Permission Level 0 to all users. Permission Level 0 only doesn’t display
on screen)
My Profile
Reset Profile
Log Out
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Figure 2-10: Logon Information Screen
Beneath the header are the administrative function menus (Figure 2-9, Indicator 3). Within the document,
beneath the administrative functions are two columns:
On the left, the Progress Bar (Figure 2-9, Indicator 4) displays everything you need to complete before
you sign the authorization and serves as a navigation bar. See Section 3.1.
On the right, the working area (Figure 2-9, Indicator 5) contains the tools to complete your
3.1 The Progress Bar
The Progress Bar (Figures 2-11 and 2-12) presents the section you are currently working on (red highlight) and
your selected reservations (green checkmark). Select any item on the Progress Bar to navigate to that screen.
You can collapse or expand each module individually by selecting the chevrons next to the module name.
Figures 2-11 and 2-12 demonstrates the Progress Bar fully expanded and fully collapsed.
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Figures 2-11 and 2-12: Progress Bar Fully Expanded and Fully Collapsed
Use the Progress Bar to navigate to the following module screens:
1. Trip Authorization Info:
Edit Itinerary: See Sections 2.1-2.2.
2. Reservations:
TSA Info appears if you require at least one flight. See Section 4.1.
Various reservation types (e.g., Flight, Lodging, and Rental Car) appear based on your travel itinerary
or later additions. See Sections 4.2 - 4.5.
Review Reservations: See Section 4.6.
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3. Finances:
Expenses: See Section 5.
Per Diem: See Section 6.
Accounting: See Section 7.
4. Review:
Review Profile: See Section 8.1.
Review Authorization: See Section 8.2.
Other Auths and Pre-Audits: See Section 8.3.
Sign and Submit: See Section 8.4.
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Chapter 4: Reservations Module
The Reservations module (Figure 2-13) lets you make commercial air, rail, rental car, and lodging reservations.
After you save your itinerary, the Reservations module automatically opens. You can also re-visit the
Reservations module at any time by selecting one of the Reservations options on the Progress Bar.
Figure 2-13: Review Reservation Selections Screen
4.1 Enter TSA Information
If you need air reservations, the Enter Your TSA (abbreviation for “Transportation Security Administration”) Info
for This Trip screen (Figure 2-14) displays first. If you do not need air reservations, the screen does not appear.
Figure 2-14: TSA Information Screen
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You must enter your TSA Secure Flight Information whenever you request air reservations. It contains the
Secure Flight Personal Data (SFPD) information that DTS must transmit to the TSA for watch list screening. The
fields populate with information from your DTS profile, but you can change them if necessary.
When creating an authorization for a dependent, you must enter the information for the dependent traveler.
Note: The TSA PreCheck program offers expedited security screening at participating airports. To use dedicated
TSA PreCheck security lanes, enter your DoD ID number in the Known Traveler Number text box (Figure 2-14)
when making air reservations for official travel.
You can open the TSA screen at any time by selecting TSA Info on the Progress Bar. Table 2-2 explains TSA
Secure Flight fields.
Table 2-2
First Name, Last
Name, Middle
Enter your name as it appears on the State- or Government-issued
identification you will use at airport security. Do not include
suffixes (e.g., Jr.).
Select whether you are male or female.
Date of Birth
Choose the date you were born.
Known Traveler
(optional) Enter the 10-digit DoD ID number on the back of your
Common Access Card (CAC) if enrolled in the TSA PreCheck
Redress Number
(optional) Enter the number the Department of Homeland Security
assigned you to prevent watch list name misidentification if you
have experienced previous travel screening difficulties.
1. Enter or update your profile information, if needed.
2. (Optional) Check the Save this TSA information to my profile box to update your DTS personal profile.
If unselected, the information effects only the current document.
3. Select Continue to Booking.
4.2 Flight Reservations
If you indicated commercial air as a transportation mode when you built your itinerary, DTS automatically
searches for appropriate flights and displays the results. At any time, you can add a new air reservation by
selecting Add to Trip > Add new flight on the Review Reservation Selections screen (see Section 2.13). To open
that screen, select the Review Reservations on the Progress Bar.
Note 1: Review the DTMO website for commercial air use at
Air/ and the JTR for fare class and rules.
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Note 2: Review the City Pair Program and Search Tool on the GSA website at
4.2.1 Book Flights
Booking a flight is a four-step process.
1. Step 1: On the Select a Flight screen, DTS initially lists available flights with policy-compliant fares at the
top, other fares at the bottom, and from least expensive to most expensive. Use the Select Flight
button (Figure 2-15, Indicator 1) to choose a flight. Note: If none of the displayed flights meet your
mission, you can change the criteria such as time of day and Search again for new flights (Figure 2-15,
Indicator 3).
Figure 2-15: Select a Flight Screen
Note: When DTS displays (or when you select) a restricted airfare, DTS provides warnings about the use of
restricted airfares in general and details about the selected flight. Some of the information DTS provides
Showing the fare category as Restrictions Apply and highlighting it in yellow.
Providing information about the restrictions under the Fare Rules link (Figure 2-15, Indicator 2).
Displaying a pop-up to warn you about the possibility of incurring additional fees if your travel plans
Providing similar warnings and information throughout the air reservation process.
For important information about how to handle restricted fares in DTS, see the information papers Restricted
Airfares in DTS and Travel Advances when Using Restricted Airfares.
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2. Step 2: The Select a Seat screen opens. If the airline made a seating chart available, choose Select a
Seat Number or Select a General Seat Preference (Figure 2-16, Indicator 1) marked in green or a seat
type (Figure 2-16, Indicator 2) before selecting Confirm to advance to the next screen.
Note 1: DTS provides a banner alerting the traveler or document creator Advance seat selections are
not guaranteed and are subject to change by the airline(s).
Note 2: If you chose a flight with more than one leg, you must make selections for all legs.
Figure 2-16: Select a Seat Screen
3. Step 3: On the Confirm Your Flight screen, you can make special accommodation requests (Figure 2-17a,
Indicator 1), enter rewards program information (Figure 2-17a, Indicator 2), and change the payment type
say, to show you’re paying with a CBA (Figure 2-17a, Indicator 3).
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If your TDY Location is CONUS you see the flight information at the top of the page with the Payment
Summary below it (Figure 2-17a).
If your TDY Location is OCONUS you see the flight information at the top of the page, followed by
Passport Information with the Payment Summary below it (Figure 2-17c). The Passport Information
provides data that transmits in the PNR, although none of fields are not marked as mandatory. It
o Last Name, First Name, MI, Gender, and Date of Birth which automatically populates from the
TSA Information. Your data is used by TSA to verify passenger information.
o Passport Number, Issuing Country, and Expiration Date.
o Contact Information
Emergency Contact Information pulls from the profile.
(Optional) In country POC information.
Figure 2-17a: Confirm Your Flight Screen (CONUS)
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Figure 2-17b: Confirm Your Flight Screen (OCONUS)
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Figure 2-17c: Confirm Your Flight Screen (OCONUS) - Continued
4. Step 4: Select Book Flight to retain your choice (Figure 2-17a, Indicator 4 or Figure 2-17c).
If you cannot find a flight that meets your mission requirements, you have two options.
On the Select a Flight screen (Figure 2-15):
1. At the top of the page (Figure 2-15, Indicator 2) Search for different flights.
2. Review the results and then Select Flight and Confirm the selection.
3. Choose Book Flight to retain flight option.
On the Select a Flight screen (Figure 2-15):
1. At the bottom of the screen, select the Request TMC Assistance link to request flight help. DTS
provides system-generated comments to the TMC to help you find a flight (Figure 2-17d). Note: You
may add information to the system-generated comments, but do not alter them.
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Figure 2-17d: Request TMC Assistance Screen
2. Select Send TMC Request and the information saves in Review Reservation Selections (Figure 2-17d)
Figure 2-17e: TMC Assistance Requested - Review Reservation Selections Screen
3. The TMC Assistance Requested for air also appears under the Review Trip Authorization screen (Figure
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Note: When you need TMC assistance, contacting the TMC outside DTS may incur an additional processing
DTS provides a Booking message when successful which contains the PNR (passenger name record, sometimes
referred to as reservation code). Continue making air reservations until you have booked all flights.
Note: Be aware that some carriers maintain a separate PNR for their information and don’t allow their PNR to be
combined with another carrier. For example, if you select Southwest for an outbound flight, but select American
for the return leg, you will have two airfare PNRs. Make sure you have the invoices for both carriers in case you
require flight changes and for vouchering purposes. After you select your last flight, DTS automatically moves to
the next reservation type, based on the options you selected when you created the trip itinerary.
4.3 Rail Reservations
If you indicated that you would use commercial rail as a transportation mode when you built your itinerary, DTS
automatically searches for trains and displays the search results. At any time, you can add a new rail reservation
by selecting Add to Trip > Add new rail on the Review Reservation Selections screen (see Section 3.7). To open
that screen, select Review Reservations on the Progress Bar. To view an existing rail reservation, just select the
rail option on the Progress Bar.
Amtrak doesn’t post live train availability to DTS, but travelers can search DTS to view a static list of scheduled
rail departures. Then using the Request TMC Assistance option, send the information to the TMC for booking.
After the TMC books the request, DTS updates with the rail reservation details.
Note 1: Review the DTMO website for rail information at and the
JTR par. 020203 for Transportation Types Most Advantageous to the Government.
Note 2: Review Amtrak website for Federal Government use at
Note 3: There is no pop-up window for TSA information for rail requests. You will need to provide the required
identification information either using the TMC Comments box under Special Requests on the Confirm You
Train Request page or by other means outlined in your local business rules. Confirm the TMC receives your
information necessary to book rail travel reservations.
4.3.1 Book Train
Booking a train is a three-step process.
1. Step 1: If DTS finds a train, it lists scheduled trains, initially in departure time order.
2. Use a Select Train button (Figure 2-18a, Indicator 1) to choose a train.
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Figure 2-18a: Select a Train Screen
3. If DTS can’t find a train based upon the entered search criteria, you will need to select a different
station, date or time.
4. On the Select a Train page (Figure 2-18b), in the Departing From location your residence information
from your traveler profile appears (Figure 3). Change the data to reflect the nearest Amtrak location.
Enter a city (e.g., Washington, DC) in the Departing From location and not the 3-digit Amtrak code (e.g.,
WAS for Union Station, Washington, DC).
Figure 2-18b: Select a Train Screen
5. In the Arriving At location verify the arriving Amtrak location. Change the city, if needed.
6. The Departing On date is populated from the itinerary, so you don’t need to enter the data.
7. Select either Morning, Afternoon, or Evening for departure time. Note: You may want to start with
Afternoon first and then change to other times to search for trains.
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8. Select Search (Figure 2-18b, Indicator 1). DTS searches for trains and returns the information (Figure 2-
Figure 2-18c: Select a Train Screen
9. Choose Select Train. The Confirm Your Train Request page displays (Figure 2-19).
10. Step 2: On the Confirm Your Train Request screen:
You can view the Amtrak train number, departure and arrival locations, dates, and times. There is no
cost associated with the rail request.
You can request a seat preference (Figure 2-19, Indicator 1).
Add comments to the TMC (Figure 2-19, Indicator 2).
o You should not remove the system generated comments. You can add more information in the
TMC Comments box.
o Provide the TMC your TSA required information either using the TMC Comments option or by
other means as outlined by your local business rules.
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Figure 2-19: Confirm Your Train Request Screen
11. Step 3: Select Send TMC Request (Figure 2-19, Indicator 3) to retain your selection.
Note: DTS emails a reservation request to the TMC. When the TMC makes your rail reservations, DTS will
update to display all pertinent information.
If you cannot find a train that meets your mission requirements, you have three options:
1. At the top of the Select a Train screen (Figure 2-18c, Indicator 2) choose Search to look at different
trains as discussed earlier. When you find the train you want, choose Select Train. Then select Send
TMC Request to retain your selection.
2. On the Confirm Your Train Request screen, before you select Send TMC Request (Figure 2-19, Indicator
3), include comments to the TMC to help them find a train that better suits your mission needs. You
may add information to the system-generated comments, but do not alter them.
3. At the bottom of the Select a Train screen, select the Request TMC Assistance link (Figure 2-18c,
Indicator 2) to have the TMC help you find a train. You may add information to the system-generated
comments, but do not alter them. Note: When you need TMC assistance, contacting the TMC outside
DTS may incur an additional processing fee.
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Continue until you have requested reservations for all trains. After you send your last train request, DTS
automatically moves to the next reservation type, based on the options you selected when you created the trip
4.4 Rental Car Reservations
If you indicated a rental car as a transportation mode (either en route or in-and-around) when you built your
itinerary, DTS automatically searches for vendors participating in the U.S Government Rental Car Program and
only displays those search results. At any time, you can add a new rental car reservation by selecting Add to Trip
> Add new rental car on the Review Reservation Selections screen (see Section 3.7). To open that screen, select
Review Reservations on the Progress Bar.
Note 1: Review the DTMO website for rental car use at and
the JTR, par. 020206-O.2 Sustainable Travel Modes for Rental Vehicle.”
Note 2: Review the U.S. Rental Car Agreement for terms and conditions on rental car use for official travel at The new U.S. Rental Car Agreement is effective as of
Note 3: You can use the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) link to find answers at
Note 4: You can learn about All-Electric Vehicles (EVs), Plug-In Hybrids, and Hybrid Vehicles on the U.S.
Department of Energy’s website at The website provides various information
How to locate charging stations for different vehicles, see
A link to view a small group of Federal Fleet Training videos available on YouTube.
4.4.1 Book Rental Car
Booking a rental car is a three-step process.
1. Step 1: DTS initially lists available rental cars from least expensive to most expensive. If you require a
one-way rental or an en route rental, select Advanced Options (Figure 2-20, Indicator 1), check the
appropriate boxes, and select Search (Figure 2-20, Indicator 2) to generate a new list of available
vehicles. On the Select a Rental Car screen, choose a Select Car button (Figure 2-20, Indicator 3) to
select a vehicle.
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Figure 2-20: Select a Rental Car Screen
2. Step 2: On the Confirm Your Rental Car screen, you can enter rewards program information (Figure 2-
21, Indicator 1), make special accommodation requests (Figure 2-21, Indicator 2), and change the
payment type (Figure 2-21, Indicator 3).
3. Step 3: Select Book Car (Figure 2-21, Indicator 4) to retain your selection.
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Figure 2-21a: Confirm Your Rental Car Screen
If you cannot find a rental car that meets your mission requirements, you have two options.
On the Select a Rental Car screen (Figure 2-20):
1. You can select Pick Up Location to switch information on the screen (Figure 2-20, Indicator 2), and
select Search to find rental cars. Once you locate the vehicle, choose Select Car.
2. Then choose Book Car to retain your selection.
3. The rental car appears under Review Reservation Selections page.
On the Select a Rental Car screen (Figure 2-20):
1. When there are no government rate rentals listed or you need help with a rental car booking such as an
All-Electric Vehicles (EVs), select Request TMC Assistance link at the bottom of the screen. A message
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box appears with some details to provide the TMC to aid in the rental car booking. You may add
information to the system-generated comments, but do not alter them.
2. Select Send TMC Request and the information saves in Review Reservation Selections (Figure 2-21b)
Figure 2-21b: TMC Assistance Requested - Review Reservation Selections Screen
12. The TMC Assistance Requested for rental car also appears under the Review Trip Authorization screen.
Note: When you need TMC assistance, contacting the TMC outside DTS may incur an additional processing fee.
DTS provides a Booking message when successful with the PNR. Continue making rental car reservations until
you have booked all cars. After you select your last vehicle, DTS automatically moves to the next reservation
type, based on the options you selected when you created the trip itinerary.
4.5 Lodging Reservations
If you selected either a > 12 - 24 Hours With Lodging or a Multi-Day trip duration of when you built your
itinerary, DTS automatically searches for *policy-compliant lodging options and displays the search results.
*DTS supports the JTR requirement for Integrated Lodging Program (ILP) facilities (i.e., quality Government and
commercial lodging for Service members and civilian employees on official travel), and incorporates Pre-Audit
Flags and Reason Codes when lodging is available, but not selected. DTS displays lodging types meeting the JTR
directives (which depends on who you are and where you’re going) in order of:
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DoD Lodging: Facilities that are owned/leased and operated by the U.S. Government.
Public-Private Venture (Privatized) Lodging: Government-owned, commercially operated facilities
available near or on Military installations.
Commercial Lodging: Facilities owned and operated by commercial entities, typically located off
military installations. Includes DoD Preferred lodging and other commercial lodging such as FedRooms,
Long Term Lodging, and Emergency Lodging Services.
Note: If a directed lodging type has no availability, DTS informs you and offers other lodging options.
Travelers should review the JTR, par. 020303 before booking lodging for official travel. They can view Lodging
FAQs at
Here are some key rules for ILP:
The JTR requires you to put the correct TDY location on your travel document. For example, if you are
TDY to a military installation, make sure your authorization reflects that installation, not the city it’s
located in.
When you are TDY to an installation at an ILP location, you must use the directed, available lodging
unless an approved exception applies, see the JTR, Supplement DoD ILP.
When you are TDY to a metro area at an ILP location, you must use DoD Preferred Commercial
Lodging, if it is available. If it is not available, you may stay in any lodging you choose. Note: In this
guide, a “metro area” is a geographical construct comprised of one or more municipal locations (cities,
towns, etc.) that are not considered part of an installation. See the DTMO Website for information
about the ILP Sites.
If you decline to use an available, directed lodging type and there is no approved exception, your
lodging and meal reimbursements will be limited as directed by the JTR, Table 2-15.
The DTMO website’s Lodging page (Figure 2-22) explains the ILP in general, describes each lodging category,
provides the ILP Site Search Tool, and offers various ILP resources. You can view Tips For Travelers (video), the
DoD Lodging Adequacy Standards guide, and the ILP Guide.
Figure 2-22: DTMO Website - Lodging Program
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4.5.1 Lodging Screen Layout and Options
In DTS, you can add a lodging reservation to your trip by selecting Add to Trip > Add new lodging on the Review
Reservation Selections screen (see Section 3.7). To open that screen, select Review Reservations on the
Progress Bar.
The Select Lodging screen opens and provides the following fields to help you reserve lodging.
Search By: TDY Location, Location, and Airport.
TDY Location: Displays location based upon your Itinerary.
Check in/Check out dates (one field for both dates).
Search button.
Lodging options (based upon TDY Location), divided by category and listed from least expensive to
most expensive.
View List (returned results): DTS displays the hotels that meet your search criteria in daily room rate
order, least expensive to most expensive.
o Rates shown in green are at or lower than the per diem rate.
o Rates shown in red are over per diem. Note: If you select a hotel room over per diem you must
justify your choice.
o Select the Details” link under a hotel name to see a map and other hotel information.
View Map (returned results): DTS displays the hotels that meet your search criteria on a map with flags
indicating their daily rates.
o Rates shown in green are at or lower than the per diem rate.
o Rates shown in red are over per diem. Note: If you select a hotel room over per diem you must
justify your choice.
o Enter a street address to find a hotel.
Filters feature allows you to refine the search for a lodging property.
o Select the link and a Filter pop-up window appears with Rate Category, Location, Distance
dropdown, and Lodging Name.
o Enter your information and select Filter Results.
If a property is located, a detailed map appears on the right side of the screen.
If the search returns no results, DTS informs you to clear all filters and search for
lodging again.
Lodging options (based upon TDY Location), divided by category and listed from least expensive to
most expensive.
Sort By to change the order of the lodging listing.
Request TMC Assistance (bottom of the screen).
o If you select the link, the Request TMC Assistance box opens, the default Rate Category is
Commercial, but other lodging types appear in the list. Note: Leave the Commercial default
unless otherwise instructed.
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o The Additional Comments section lets you add comments to the TMC message. Add information
to support your request, but don’t override the original wording to the TMC.
o Select Send Request to transmit comments to the TMC.
Note 1: Lodging rates reflected in this guide are for illustrative purposes only. For current ILP rates use the
Lookup ILP Rates tool.
Note 2: For overall Per Diem rates, use the Per Diem Rate Lookup tool. The allowed rates under the Per Diem
table in DTS reflect a different amount than those under the Per Diem Rates Lookup tool due to the ILP policy
Note 3: Some DoD Lodging facilities require booking through the provider’s website. In such cases, see the
DTMO website for those links. If you must book offline, DTS provides an option to decline to use lodging or skip
lodging reservations. Be sure to clearly document the reason for offline booking.
4.5.2 Book DoD Lodging
Booking a room is a four-step process.
1. Step 1: If your TDY destination requires the use of DoD Lodging then that lodging type always appears
first on the list of lodging results. DTS flags the property as Recommended (Figure 2-23, Indicator 1) and
displays the available properties in the View List by policy. Note: You have the same the tools on the
Select Lodging page as reflected in Section 4.5.1. Although the Advanced Options link appears on this
Lodging screen is not recommended for use.
Figure 2-23: Select Lodging Screen - DoD Lodging
2. Step 2: Review the properties listed on the page. Choose Select on the property row. The Select Room
screen (Figure 2-24) opens.
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Figure 2-24: Select Lodging Screen - Select Room
3. Step 3: On the Select Room page, view the Lodging Details, Room Details, or Request TMC Assistance
if need be. Choose Select for the Room Rate and Room Type. A Confirm Lodging window appears. View
your property selection. Note: If available, a property Website link is available to find out more about
the lodging.
(Optional) Add Rewards Programs. Note: This option appears on the Confirm Lodging page for all
lodging types.
o Frequent Guest Number. Note: Most likely DoD Lodging will not have a reward program.
o Frequent Flyer Number
(Optional) Add Special Request.
o Check the Amenities, Accessibility and Building Features boxes as appropriate.
o Manually type in additional requests in the TMC Notes.
View Payment Summary.
o Method of Payment
o Estimated Total Cost
4. Step 4: Select Book to make the lodging reservation.
The Review Reservations Selections page updates to reflect the booked lodging. Certificate of Non-Availability
DoD Lodging facilities provide a Certificate of Non-availability (CNA) when there is no availability for lodging
(Figure 2-25).
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Figure 2-25: Select Lodging Screen - CNA Displayed
1. DTS displays the CNA in two places:
On the Select Lodging screen, a blue banner appears with the information icon, DoD lodging
unavailable statement, and the Certificate of non-availability (CNA) number prefaced with a DTS 2-
digit fiscal year.
On the Review Trip Authorization screen), under the Itinerary section the CNA appears.
2. DTS provides other lodging choices (e.g., DoD Preferred Commercial Lodging) if available for you to
review and book.
Note 2: If you need to book DoD Lodging outside DTS by contacting the lodging facility directly, but there is no
availability then follow your Component or local guidance on how to document the CNA.
4.5.3 Decline Directed Lodging
If you choose to decline directed, available lodging and select another lodging type (e.g., Commercial lodging),
then DTS displays a pop-up message (Figure 2-26).
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Figure 2-26: Directed Lodging - Confirm Selection Screen
On the Confirm Selection screen, you will need to do the following:
Select the appropriate Reason Code (see the DTA Manual, Appendix K for full list).
Provide a Justification for your selection.
Select Confirm Selection.
Note: The Reason Code selection and manually entered Justifications appear under the Other Auths and Pre-
Audits screen.
4.5.4 Book Privatized Lodging
Booking a room is a four-step process.
1. Step 1: If your TDY destination allows the use of Privatized Lodging, that lodging type appears on the
list of lodging results, immediately after DoD Lodging, if that type is also present. DTS flags the property
as Recommended (Figure 2-27, Indicator 1) and displays available properties in the View List by policy.
Note: You have the same tools on the Select Lodging page as reflected in Section 4.5.1. If the Advanced
Options link appears on this Lodging screen is not recommended for use.
Note: If there is no availability for Privatized Lodging the facility does not provide a CNA. DTS provides other
lodging options.
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Figure 2-27a: Select Lodging Screen - Government Privatized Lodging
2. Step 2: Review the properties listed on the page. Choose any of the options below or proceed by
choosing Select on the property row. The Select Room screen opens.
(Optional) Select the Details link for a listed property (Figure 2-27a, Indicator 2). The window opens
(Figure 2-27b).
Figure 2-27b: Details Link - Info Screen
o Select Info to view the hotel’s name, location on Google Maps, address, phone and fax
numbers, and website link (Figure 2-27b, Indicator 1).
o Select the Policy link to see the hotel’s cancellation rules, methods of payment, property
description, and more (Figure 2-27b, Indicator 2). Note: If you select Policy tab it displays the
generic cancellation hotel data. To see the specific cancellation rules pertaining to the selected
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room, you should select the property and then select the room/rate type. The actual
cancellation policy for the rate/room type appears under the room details.
(Optional) View lodging locations in relation to the TDY Location, Location, or Airport by selecting the
View Map features (Figure 2-27a, Indicator 3).
o Policy compliant lodging displays in a green or blue rate box. Note: Green indicates
Recommend lodging per policy. Blue indicates within per diem.
o Non-compliant lodging (e.g., not policy directed or over per diem) displays in a white rate box
with cost in red Figure 2-27c).
Figure 2-27c: Select Lodging Screen - View Map
o Use Enter a street address if you know the exact location and the lodging pop up appears on
the map.
(Optional) View lodging locations by selecting the View Filters feature (Figure 2-27a, Indicator 4). A
Filter pop-up window opens (Figure 2-27d).
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Figure 2-27d: Select Lodging Screen - Filter Options
o The following options appear: Rate Category, Location, Distance dropdown, and Lodging
Name. Enter your information and select Filter Results. The screen refreshes.
If the property is located, a detailed map appears on the right side of the screen.
If the search returns no results, DTS informs you to clear all filters and search for
lodging again.
If the room rate is over per diem, the cost displays in red. If you Select then a Confirm Selection
message appears requiring action. You must select Confirm Selection to advance.
3. Step 3: On the Select Room page, you can view the Lodging Details, Room Details, or Request TMC
Assistance if need be. Choose Select for the Room Rate and Room Type. The Confirm Lodging window
View your property selection. Note: If available, a property Website link is available to find out more
about the lodging.
(Optional) Add Rewards Programs.
(Optional) Add Special Request.
View Payment Summary.
4. Step 4: Select Book to make the lodging reservation.
The Review Reservations Selections page updates to reflect the booked lodging.
Note: Privatized Army Lodging (PAL) properties may appear in different lodging categories due to defined
adequacy standards. That is, one PAL facility could appear as a DoD Lodging option because it meets all defined
standards while another could appear under Available Options because it does not meet certain requirements.
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4.5.5 Decline Directed Lodging
If you decline directed, available lodging and select another lodging type (e.g., Commercial Lodging) the DTS
displays a pop-up message (Figure 2-28) which is like the screen as listed in Section 4.5.3.
Figure 2-28: Directed Lodging - Confirm Selection Screen
On the Confirm Selection screen, you will need to do the following:
Select the appropriate Reason Code (see the DTA Manual, Appendix K for full list).
Provide a Justification for your selection.
Select Confirm Selection.
Note: The Reason Code selection and manually entered Justifications appear under Other Auths and Pre-Audits
4.5.6 Book DoD Preferred Commercial Lodging
Booking a room is a four-step process.
1. Step 1: If your TDY destination allows the use of DoD Preferred Commercial Lodging then that lodging
type appears on the list of lodging results, immediately after DoD Lodging and Privatized Lodging, if
those types are also present. DTS displays the available properties in the View List by policy (Figure 2-
29). Note: You have the same tools on the Select Lodging page as reflected in Section 4.5.1.
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Figure 2-29: Select Lodging Screen - DoD Preferred Commercial Lodging
2. Step 2: Review the properties listed on the page. Choose any of the options below or proceed by
choosing Select on the property row. The Select Room screen opens.
(Optional) View Details.
(Optional) View Map.
(Optional) View Filters.
3. Step 3: On the Select Room page, you can view the Lodging Details, Room Details, or Request TMC
Assistance if need be. Choose Select for the Room Rate and Room Type. The Confirm Lodging window
View your property selection. Note: If available, a property Website link is available to find out more
about the lodging.
(Optional) Add Rewards Programs.
(Optional) Add Special Request.
View Payment Summary.
4. Step 4: Select Book to make the lodging reservation.
The Review Reservations Selections page updates to reflect the booked lodging.
Note: If you choose to decline directed, available lodging and select another lodging type (e.g., Commercial
lodging) then DTS displays a pop-up message which is like the one in Section 4.5.5.
On the Confirm Selection screen, you will need to do the following:
Select the appropriate Reason Code (see the DTA Manual, Appendix K for full list).
Provide a Justification for your selection.
Select Confirm Selection.
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Note: The Reason Code selection and manually entered Justifications appear under Other Auths and Pre-Audits
4.5.7 Book Commercial Lodging
Booking a room is a four-step process.
1. Step 1: DTS displays Commercial Lodging for all TDYs, if any are available. DTS displays them in the
View List by policy (Figure 2-30a and Figure 2-30b). Any Commercial (FedRooms) properties appear
first followed by all other Commercial properties. Note: You have the same tools on the Select Lodging
page as reflected in Section 4.5.1.
Figure 2-30a: Select Lodging Screen - Commercial Lodging
Figure 2-30b: Select Lodging Screen - Commercial Lodging (OCONUS)
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2. Step 2: Review the properties listed on the page. Note: DTS provides a blue banner to alert you when
the lodging search dates are updated (Figure 2-30b). For example, an OCONUS trip departure was
04/01/24, but arrival in country was not until 04/02/24. The lodging search option is set for 04/02/24 -
04/11/24 (Figure 2-30b).
Choose any of the options below or proceed by choosing Select on the property row. The Select Room
screen opens.
(Optional) View Details.
(Optional) View Map.
(Optional) View Filters.
3. Step 3: On the Select Room page, you can view the Lodging Details, Room Details, or Request TMC
Assistance if need be. Choose Select for the Room Rate and Room Type. The Confirm Lodging window
appears (Figure 2-31).
Figure 2-31: Confirm Lodging Screen
View your property selection. Note: If available, a property Website link is available to find out more
about the lodging.
(Optional) Add Rewards Programs.
o Frequent Guest Number
o Frequent Flyer Number
(Optional) Add Special Request.
o Check the Amenities, Accessibility and Building Features boxes as appropriate.
o Manually type in additional requests in the TMC Notes.
View Payment Summary.
o Method of Payment
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o Estimated Total Cost
4. Step 4: Select Book to make the lodging reservation.
The Review Reservations Selections page updates to reflect the booked lodging.
4.5.8 ADA Requests for Lodging
If you require ADA-compliant lodging accommodations, DTS can communicate your needs to the lodging facility
either from information within your profile or from the Special Requests section of the lodging screen. DTS Profile
Update your profile (Figure 2-32) with your specifics needs before you create a document or update your profile
from within the document.
1. Select My Profile > Travel Preferences > Lodging.
Figure 2-32: Lodging Preference in a Profile
2. Enter your selections: 1) Use the drop down menu to choose Preferred Lodging, 2) check the box(es)
for Accessibility & Disabilities, and/or 3) enter Special Needs.
3. Check the box to Update Permanent Profile or leave unchecked to apply changes to only the current
4. Select Save to retain the changes.
5. Sign the document.
6. DTS sends your preferences to the lodging facility every time you make lodging reservations. See the
DTMO information paper on how to Update Your DTS Profile.
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If you need make a special request, select your lodging property and advance to the Confirm Lodging screen.
1. Scroll down the page to the Special Request section. Use the toggle to open the window (Figure 2-33).
Figure 2-33: Confirm Lodging Screen - Special Requests
2. Check the options you need next to Amenities, Accessibility, and Building Features to request
accommodations for the current trip.
3. Manually type in additional requests in the TMC Notes.
4. Sign the document.
5. DTS sends your preferences to the lodging facility.
After DTS sends your request, you must follow up with the lodging facility to see whether they can meet your
needs. When there are no ADA-compliant rooms available:
1. For a DoD Lodging facility obtain a CNA number from the lodging provider. For other booked property
types then obtain their confirmation of no available ADA-compliant rooms.
2. Cancel your booked room.
3. Book ADA-compliant lodging.
4. Enter the DoD Lodging CNA number or other confirmation number for no available ADA-compliant
rooms in your authorization following your local procedures.
4.5.9 Request TMC Assistance
In most cases, you should be able to book your required lodging in DTS. If you do need TMC help, DTS provides a
Request TMC Assistance link. On the Select Lodging screen at the bottom of the page, you can find the link.
Note: The Request TMC Assistance link is also available in the Select Room and Confirm Lodging screens.
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1. Select the Request TMC Assistance link. A Request TMC Assistance box opens (Figure 2-34a). The
default Rate Category is Commercial, but there other lodging rates in the list. Note: Under Additional
Comments, you may add to, but do not overwrite, the system-generated comments.
Figure 2-34a: Request TMC Assistance Screen
2. Based upon your servicing TMC, and if your TDY location offers other than Commercial arrangements,
you may use Request TMC Assistance to submit those lodging reservations. However, before switching
the Rate Category field and selecting another lodging type, you should verify with your DTA, your
organization’s TMC support capabilities.
3. Choose Send Request to transmit comments to the TMC.
4. The Request TMC Assistance details appear in the Review Reservation Selections (Figure 2-34b).
Figure 2-34b: Review Reservation Selections Screen (Top)
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Figure 2-34b: Review Reservation Selections Screen (Middle)
5. The TMC Assistance Requested details also appears on the Review Trip <document type> section
(Figure 2-34c).
Figure 2-34c: TMC Assistance Requested - Review Authorization Screen
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Note: When you contact the TMC for assistance outside DTS, you may incur an additional processing fee.
DTS provides a booking message when successful along with a confirmation number. Continue lodging
reservations until you have booked all rooms. After you select your last room, DTS automatically moves to the
Review Reservation Selections.
4.6 Review Reservation Selections
The Review Reservation Selections screen organizes your reservation information in date order, making it easy
to review all your reservations, check for missing reservations, make special requests, and more. The Review
Reservation Selections screen opens:
When you select Trip Summary in the upper left corner of on any screen in the Reservations module.
Immediately after completing the reservation process.
Whenever you re-open the Reservations module after finishing the reservation process.
The Review Reservations Selection screen (Figures 2-35a through Figures 2-35g) lets you:
Email or Print your itinerary (Indicator 1)
See key document details and your reservation cancellation history (Indicator 2)
Add to Trip: flight, rental car, lodging, or rail reservations (Indicator 3)
See key information (Indicator 4) for each reservation (see Note 1 in Section 5.2), and:
o Add loyalty information or payment information you forgot to include earlier (Indicator 4)
o Cancel the reservation (Indicator 5)
For reservations that have not yet been made, you can:
o Identify those you chose help using Request TMC Assistance (Indicator 6)
o Book reservations (Indicator 7)
Identify the daily and total cost of all reservations (Indicator 8)
Figure 2-35a: Review Reservation Selections Screen
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Figure 2-35b: Review Reservation Selections Screen - Continued
Figure 2-35c: Review Reservation Selections Screen - Continued
To Washington, DC
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Figure 2-35d: Review Reservation Selections Screen - Continued
Figure 2-35e: Review Reservation Selections Screen - Continued
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Figure 2-35f: Review Reservation Selections Screen - Continued
Figure 2-35g: Review Reservation Selections Screen- Continued
When you finish using the Reservations module, select Continue to Expenses (Figure 2-35g) to enter your
estimated expense costs and transportation allowances.
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Note 1: When you leave the Reservations module, DTS warns you that if you do not sign your authorization
within 24 hours, your reservations automatically cancel (Figure 2-36a) when your trip is further than 3 business
days from departure. You must acknowledge this warning to proceed.
Figure 2-36a: Auto Cancel Warning Screen
Note 2: When you leave the Reservations module, DTS warns you that if you do not sign your authorization
within 12 hours, your reservations automatically cancel (Figure 2-36b) when your trip within 1 business days of
departure. You must acknowledge this warning to proceed.
Figure 2-36b: Auto Cancel Warning Screen
Note 3: You should cancel hotel reservations timely when travel is no longer required, especially when within 24
to 48 hours of departure to avoid hotel cancellation or no-show fees. Even if the authorization is unsigned with
reserved reservations, you can still incur fees. Be sure to follow the cancellation process in DTS and obtain
cancellation confirmation numbers. Always, follow up with the vendor to ensure reservations fully cancel. For
more document cancel information, see the Trip Cancellation Procedures paper.
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Chapter 5: Expenses Module
In an authorization, the Expenses module allows you to estimate expected travel reimbursable expenses and
calculate your anticipated mileage allowances. Accurately predicting your trip expenses and allowances provides
an accurate “should-cost” estimate for your trip.
Access the Expenses module on the Progress Bar. Then the Enter Expenses screen opens. Information displays
as a single running list by date with the most recent entry at the top of the page. You can select Sort By (Figure
2-37, Indicator 1) to re-order the listing or leave the default view. On the Enter Expenses screen (Figures 2-37),
you can:
Toggle between Expand All and Collapse All (Figure 2-37, Indicator 2) to open and close all the expense
items data cards to see Details, Notes, and Attachments.
Use the Import PDF feature to easily attach records to expenses (Figure 2-37, Indicator 3).
Download all attachments (appears after attaching receipts - not shown).
Select the single entry point to Add expenses (Figure 2-37, Indicator 4).
View Details for booked reservations (Figure 2-37, Indicator 5).
Select Lodging expense (Figure 2-37, Indicator 6) to display the lodging per diem for the TDY location.
Note: The calendar displays daily per diem allowance. You can use options (3-dots icon) for quick
access to Edit Per Diem for leave or record provided meals.
See Receipt Required icon (Figure 2-37, Indicator 7).
View the Expense Summary (Figure 2-37, Indicator 8).
Continue to the next screen (Figure 2-37, Indicator 9).
Note: The Enter Expenses screen communicates and executes tasks through the extensive use of icons and links.
See Section 4.5 for an explanation of the most used icons.
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Figure 2-37: Enter Expenses Screen
5.1 Reservation Expenses
Reservations automatically import from the Reservations module into the Enter Expenses screen (Figure 2-38).
A triangle icon flags all items meeting the receipt requirements. Note: You cannot manually add or remove
reservations from the Enter Expenses screen. Return to the Reservations module to add additional reservations
or cancel them.
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Figure 2-38a: Enter Expenses Screen
Each imported reservation expense listed on the Enter Expenses screen contains the vendor, expense type, and
other key Details including the Date, Cost, and the method of reimbursement (MOR), which will be either IBA or
EFT (Figure 2-38a).
View Flight Data:
1. Locate the expense item and select Details (Figure 2-38a). The screen opens to Info (Figure 2-38b).
2. You can only view the Ticket Number, Ticket Cost, and Dates.
3. (Optional) Select Notes to add comments.
4. Select Update to the save the change.
5. Select Details again to close the window.
Figure 2-38b: Details Departure Flight Reservation
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Key Note 1: DTS initially lists all flights as one-way flights until the document comes back from the TMC (Figure
2-38a). Once the TMC books the outbound and return flights, the trip record updates, and the document status
reflects CTO BOOKED. When that happens, DTS attaches the round-trip fare to the outbound flight and then
shows the return flight with a $0.00 cost or DTS only displays outbound flight and does not display the return
flight at all. The TMC emails you a confirmation at booked and again at the time of ticketing, providing all the
specific reservation details. Review the information thoroughly before starting travel.
Key Note 2: Domestic train reservations appear in this section, but displays a $0.00 cost. Update the expense
with the actual cost after confirming booking by the TMC.
View Rental Car Data:
1. Locate the expense item and select Details (Figure 2-37). The Details screen opens (Figure 2-39).
2. (Optional) Select Notes to add comments.
3. Select Details again to close the window.
Figure 2-39: Details Rental Car Reservation
View Lodging Data:
1. Locate the item and select Details (Figure 2-37). The lodging Details screen (Figure 2-40) opens.
2. Review the calendar feature for the allowed daily lodging per diem.
3. (Optional) Select Notes to add comments.
4. To attach a record, select the + sign (Add), browse to attach or Drag And Drop.
5. Select Details again to close the window.
Key Note 1: Even if you don’t make a lodging reservation, a lodging entry appears on the Enter Expenses screen.
This entry provides a calendar feature for daily lodging per diem. This entry also allows quick access to the per
diem table using options (3-dots icon).
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Figure 2-40: Details - Lodging Per Diem Amounts
5.2 Other Expenses
The Expenses module provides six primary expense categories (groupings), which are available under Add on
the Enter Expenses screen for an authorization and the voucher. Table 2-3 shows the expenses available in each
Key Note: The Expense categories (with the Expense types) contain typical expenses, which travelers might
incur (based upon the mission). If the Expense table does not include an allowable incurred expense, the
traveler should contact their DTA or AO (see your local business rules) for guidance on entering the expense in
Example: A traveler is overseas on official travel using the Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) and incurs a
Cross Border Processing Fee. In DTS, an option could be to use the Foreign Currency Conv Fees expense type to
record the cost. The traveler could add notes to the expense for the AO to review.
Table 2-3
International Travel Expenses
Foreign Currency Conv Fees
International Drivers Permit Fees
International Entry/Exit Fees
International GTCC Transaction Fee
International Guide Services/Driver
Passport/Visa Fees
Lodging Expenses
Dual Lodging
Lodging Cancellation Fee
Lodging Early Check-In Fee
Lodging Late Check-Out Fee
Lodging Resort Fees
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Lodging Retained on Leave
Lodging Taxes (CONUS and Non-foreign)
Mileage Expenses
Private Auto At TDY Area
Private Auto To/From TDY
Private Auto To/From Terminal
Private Motorcycle At TDY Area
Private Motorcycle To/From TDY
Private Motorcycle To/From Terminal
Private Plane
Private Vehicle GOV Auth & Avail
Other Expenses
Baggage 1
Checked Bag
Baggage Excess
Conference Registration
Internet In Flight
Internet at Lodging Facility
Military Working Dog Airfare
Military Working Dog Kennel Handle Fee
Military Working Dog Lodging Fee
Other Create Your Own
TDY Household Goods - Military
Ticketed Expenses
Airline Ticket (CBA)
Airline Ticket (IBA)
Bus Ticket (CBA)
Bus Ticket (IBA)
Train Ticket (CBA)
Train Ticket (IBA)
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Transportation Expenses
Aero Club Rental and Fees
Airfare Cancellation Fee
Government Vehicle Fuel/Oil
Parking At the Terminal
Parking TDY Area
Private Plane Fees
Public Transit Shuttle
Public Transit TDY Area
Public Transit Terminal
Rental Car Fuel
Rental Car Terminal
Rental Car To/From TDY
Rental Car at TDY Area
TMC Fee Not in Air Amount
Taxi TDY Area
Taxi To/From Terminal
Tolls/Ferry Fees
If you have estimated expenses that aren’t associated to per diem or reservations processed by the TMC then
you will need to add them under the Expenses module.
Add new expense:
1. Select Expenses from the Progress Bar or after Review Reservations Selections.
2. The Enter Expenses screen opens (Figure 2-41).
Figure 2-41: Enter Expense Screen - Add
3. Select Add. The Add New window (Figure 2-42) appears.
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Figure 2-42: Add New Window
4. Under Select Type, use the dropdown menu, to choose the expense category and specific expense item
(Figures 2-43a and b).
5. The Add New screen opens. Enter the required data. Note: Any field with an asterisk indicates a
mandatory entry. Depending upon the expense, the required information varies, but may include:
Expense Type (Figure 2-43a, Indicator 1).
Attach Receipt (Figure 2-43a, Indicator 2).
Expense Date (Figure 2-43a, Indicator 3).
Expense Amount or $ cost (Figure 2-43a, Indicator 4).
For a Mileage Expense: Select the proper mileage expense type. For Private Auto To/From Terminal,
enter mileage based upon odometer (not shown). For Private Auto To/From TDY, enter Purpose,
Start and End Locations (must be zip codes to let DTS get your mileage from the Defense Table of
Official Distances [DTOD]) (Figure 2-43b, Indicator 5).
Reimbursement Method (usually GTCC or Personal).
Notes (not shown).
For a Ticketed Expense only: Description, Ticket Number, Date, and Value, plus Departure Date (not
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Figure 2-43a and 2-43b: Add New Screen - Expense Details
6. Once you enter all the information, select Add (Figure 2-47a and 2-27b) to save the entry. The Add New
window closes.
7. The expense you just recorded displays on the Enter Expenses screen (Figure 2-44). On that screen
(Figure 2-44) you can view:
The Expense Name and key Details (Figure 2-44, Indicator 1).
The expense Date (Figure 2-44, Indicator 2).
The expense Cost (Figure 2-44, Indicator 3).
The options (3-dots icon) for Duplicate Expense and Delete Expense (Figure 2-44, Indicator 4).
Flagged expenses requiring a receipt.
Attached records or receipts.
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Figure 2-44: Enter Expenses Screen
Key Note 1: Certain selections such as Mileage, Private Auto To/From TDY requires you to complete a
Constructed Travel Worksheet (CTW). A message appears if the expense warrants the CTW.
You can access a CTW in a document by navigating to the Other Auths and Pre Audits screen and
select the Constructed Travel Worksheet link when an expense merits one.
You can also access the Constructed Travel (worksheet and instructions) information from the DTMO
website at
o If you try to download the worksheet and open it using Chrome without saving it first, you may
receive a “Please wait” message that does not resolve. This situation is specific to the Chrome
browser and not a problem with the actual CTW file. To resolve: Save and open the file from
the saved folder location.
Available on the DTMO website is the information paper, Introduction to Constructed Travel which provides
some constructed travel examples.
Key Note 2: If you select Mileage, Private Auto To/From TDY expense you must enter the zip code in the
Starting Location and in the Ending location fields to calculate the distance properly.
Key Note 3: If you incur expenses in foreign currency, enter the dollar equivalent. Use the official exchange rate
you received when you exchanged the currency to calculate the dollar equivalent.
View or Update an expense:
1. Locate the expense item, select Details (Figure 2-45, Indicator 1). The Details window opens.
2. To make a change such as cost, select the Expense Amount field (Figure 2-45, Indicator 2).
3. Enter the data and select Update to save (Figure 2-45, Indicator 3). Note: Until you type in the Expense
Date or Expense Amount fields, the Update and Cancel buttons do not appear.
4. Under the Details is the Attachments, you can use the + sign to add documents, browse to attach or
use Drag And Drop option (Figure 2-45, Indicator 4). More specifics on the attachment process are
available under Section 5.3.
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Figure 2-45: Expenses Screen Options
5. Select Details again to close the window. The Enter Expenses screen updates reflecting the change.
Duplicate an expense:
1. Locate the expense entry and select options (3-dots icon). The window expands.
2. Select Duplicate Expense (Figure 2-46, Indicator 1). The Add Duplicate window appears (Figure 2-47).
Figure 2-46: Duplicate Expense Option
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Figure 2-47: Add Duplicate Window
3. Enter the date to replicate the expense.
4. (Optional) Add Notes.
5. Select Add to save the entry (Figure 2-47).
6. The recorded expense displays in the running list on the Enter Expenses screen.
Delete an expense:
1. Locate the expense entry and select options (3-dots icon). The window expands.
2. Select Delete Expense (Figure 2-48, Indicator 1). A Delete Expense window opens (Figure 2-49).
Figure 2-48: Delete Expense Option
3. Select Delete to remove the expense.
Figure 2-49: Delete Expense Screen
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4. The Enter Expenses screen updates. The expense is no longer in DTS.
5.3 Attaching Files and Substantiating Documents
Depending upon your travel requirements, you may need to attach a file or record to support the authorization.
Typical documents can include:
Constructed Travel Worksheet (CTW)
Approval for other than economy/coach class travel
Leave form
When you attach or upload a record, DTS automatically converts it to a .png file, which allows viewing without
having to download first. However, for documents that must retain .pdf integrity, such as digitally signed
records, you have the option to check the “Attach as PDF” box.
Attach a receipt:
1. From the Enter Expenses screen, locate the expense item. Select Details (Figure 2-50, Indicator 1) and
the window expands.
2. Choose the option to attach on the right side of the entry (Figure 2-50). You can browse, Drag and Drop
or select the + sign to add a file.
Figure 2-50: Details Attachments Screen
3. Once the attach option is selected, the Attach Document window (Figure 2-51) displays. Search for the
document to attach, then the File Name field updates to your selection.
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Figure 2-51: Attach Document Screen
4. Select Attach to confirm that this is the correct file. Note: the file will automatically convert to the .png
image for viewing. You should only check the box Retain as PDF method when you need to keep the
format for a digitally signed form. Once the file attaches (Figure 2-52), you should see the document
and view number of attachments. Icons on the screen include:
Trash can to remove the record (Figure 2-52, Indicator 1).
Rotate Left (Figure 2-52, Indicator 2).
Rotate Right (Figure 2-52, Indicator 3).
Zoom In (Figure 2-52, Indicator 4).
Zoom Out (Figure 2-52, Indicator 5).
+ sign (Add) (Figure 2-52, Indicator 6).
Download Attachments (Figure 2-52, Indicator 7).
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Figure 2-52: Attachment Screen - Air Receipt
5. Select Details again to close the expense item. The entry updates to show a paper clip icon indicating
an attachment is present (Figure 2-53, Indicator 1).
Figure 2-53: Attached Document Icon
Import a PDF. When you import files into the trip, (e.g., memos or Leave forms) you must attach each one to a
specific expense or Documents. Note: DTS provides an information message if you uploaded files, but have not
yet attached them (Figure 2-54, Indictor 1).
1. Begin on the Enter Expenses screen and select the Import a PDF icon (Figure 2-54, Indicator 2). The
Import PDF window (Figure 2-55) opens.
Figure 2-54: Enter Expenses Screen - Assign Documents Message
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Figure 2-55: Import PDF Window
2. Browse for the file you need attach to the trip.
3. Attach the file and choose Select (Figure 2-56). The Import PDF screen updates to show the selected
Figure 2-56: Import PDF Screen
4. On the Import PDF screen, you can see either the data in the List View (as shown below) or Grid View.
You need to check the box, and then select Next (Figure 2-57) to proceed to the following screen.
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Figure 2-57: Import PDF Screen - Attachment
On the Import PDF screen, scroll down and locate the expense item or Documents in which to
associate the file. For this example, select Documents (Figure 2-58, Indicator 1). Then the Assign
Documents screen appears (Figure 2-59).
Figure 2-58: Import PDF Expense Types Listing Screen
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Figure 2-59: Assign Documents Screen
Select the type of document you want to associate the file to (Figure 2-63) and then the Import PDF
window opens (Figure 2-60) displaying the following:
Figure 2-60: Import PDF Screen - Attachment
o Select a destination.
o Submit Date.
TDY Travel memo for annual training
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o Notes - this is not optional. You must enter a note to save the entry.
5. Select Attach to proceed to the next window. The Import PDF screen updates reflecting the Attached
message (Figure 2-61).
Figure 2-61: Import PDF Screen - Attached Message
6. Select Done (Figure 2-61). The Enter Expenses screen updates with the new entry (Figure 2-62,
Indicator 1) displaying a paper clip icon (Figure 2-62, Indicator 2) reflecting an attached file.
Figure 2-62: Enter Expenses Screen - Memo Attached
Key Note 1: On the Enter Expenses screen, DTS provides an information message (top of the screen in blue) if
you import files and do not associate them to an Expense entry (see Figure 2-54, Indicator 1). If you receive the
message, select the Assign documents now link, follow the prompts to assign or remove unwanted imported
Key Note 2: When your mode of travel is by Private Auto - To/From TDY you must attach a Constructed Travel
Worksheet (CTW) to your trip.
Either use a locally approved form or download the CTW available on the DTMO website.
You attach the CTW by selecting Add from the Enter Expenses screen, and following the prompts, or by
selecting Import a PDF and following the process as described on pages 60-65.
Files attached as a memo or CTW appear as a paper clip icon on the Enter Expenses screen and reflect
on the Review Trip Authorization page under the Substantiating Documents section as an attachment.
5.4 Expenses Screen Icons Explained
Table 2-4 explains the most common icons used on the Enter Expenses screen.
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Table 2-4
Most Common Icons
Icons Appearing in Area Headers
Select to show more information for an item
Icon Identifying Expense Types
Identifies an expense on the Progress Bar
Identifies an expense that is not a reservation expense
Identifies a flight expense
Identifies a rental car expense
Identifies a lodging expense
Identifies a rail expense
Icons for Attaching, Editing and Removing Documents
Select to import a PDF and attach to an expense item; available on the
Enter Expenses screen
Use to add a receipt or file under Details (expense item)
Select to remove an attached document under Details (expense item)
Download attachments under Details (expense item), select to
download one record in an entry or download all records in a zip file
Select to search for and attach a file under Details (expense item)
Select to rotate an image right / left under Details (expense item)
Select to zoom an image in / out under Details (expense item)
Icons Appearing in the Document Column
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Most Common Icons
Expenses - warning required receipt is missing
Expenses receipt not applicable
Expenses number changes to show how many receipts are attached;
select to choose one and view it
Attached file to an expense item
Receipt is required for this expense; displays on Review Trip screen
Icons Appearing in the Actions Column
Icon appears for every entered expense; select to duplicate or delete
an expense item
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Chapter 6: Per Diem Module
The Per Diem module identifies your per diem allowances meaning your daily lodging limits and Meals &
Incidental Expenses [M&IE] allowances. It initially populates that information from the trip itinerary and
reservations in the Reservations module, but you can change it by updating the lodging cost or entering trip
details such as duty conditions, provided meals, and leave. Access the Review Per Diem Amounts screen (Figure
2-63) by selecting Per Diem on the Progress Bar.
Note: When TDY at an ILP location, if you decline to use an available, directed lodging type and there is no
approved exception, your lodging reimbursement will be limited as directed by the JTR, Table 2-15.
6.1 Per Diem Page Overview
The Review Per Diem Amounts screen has 3 primary areas: top-green highlight (all adjustments and grouping),
middle-orange highlight (daily breakout data and edit/reset option), and bottom-yellow highlight (Per Diem
Summary). The key features on the Per Diem page include:
1. A Group Similar Days toggle (Figure 2-63a, Indicator 1) initially toggled ON that lets you see:
ON: Blocks of dates with identical allowances as a single entry (Figure 2-63a, Indicator 1).
OFF: Allowances for each individual date and location of travel (Figure 2-64, Indicator 1).
Figure 2-63: Review Per Diem Amounts Screen - Days Grouped
2. Expand All and Collapse All links (Figure 2-63a, Indicator 2). Select this to show additional per diem
allowance details for all the individual days and block of days in your trip. Select the > icon (Figure 2-
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63a, Indicator 3) to do the same thing, but for only the selected day or block of days. Figure 2-65 shows
a single day expanded.
3. GSA State Tax Exempt List link. Use the link to see if your lodging costs are exempt from state sales tax
when on official travel.
4. TDY <Location> and <total> days. This section displays the trip dates with the Lodging Cost, Lodging
Allowed, and M&IE. Reflects default first and last day of 75 % for M&IE and full rate all other days.
Note: Colored Bubbles appear on the lodging row to reflect circumstance.
5. Adjust Per Diem Amounts button (Figure 2-64, Indicator 2). Select this to open the Adjust Per Diem
Amounts screen (Figure 2-64). See Section 6.2 below for more details.
Define one or more dates to change on the Adjust Per Diem Amounts screen.
Select Save Adjustments to retain the update.
Changes appear on the Review Per Diem Amounts screen.
6. Reset all adjustments link (Figure 2-64, Indicator 3). Use this feature to return all modified allowances
to their default settings.
7. Options (3-dots icon). Use this feature located on the far right of a lodging entry (Figure 2-63b,
Indicator 1) to access the Edit and Reset links.
When you select Edit, you can make changes on the Adjust Per Diem Amounts screen. Select Save
Adjustments to retain the update. The totals appear on the Review Per Diem Amounts screen. See
Section 6.2 below for more details.
When you choose Reset it opens the Reset Adjustments window. A message informs you of the reset
action. Select Reset to retain the update. DTS returns adjusted allowances to their defaults and the
totals appear on the Review Per Diem Amounts screen.
Figure 2-63b: Review Per Diem Amounts Screen - Options
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8. A Download exemption form link. If your TDY location is exempt from state sales tax when you pay
with a GTCC, a message (Figure 2-64, Indicator 5) informs you of that fact. If the state requires you to
file a form to claim the tax exemption, select the link to open the form.
9. PER DIEM SUMMARY. This area displays the Total Lodging Cost, Total Lodging Allowed, and the Total
M&IE Allowed for the trip.
Figure 2-64: Review Per Diem Amounts Screen - Days Ungrouped
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Figure 2-65: Review Per Diem Amounts Screen - One Day Expanded & Codes Visible
10. Review Table 2-5 for information about the Per Diem table fields. Then proceed to Section 6.2 if you
need to make Per Diem Adjustments.
11. If no changes are necessary, select Continue and proceed to Chapter 7.
Table 2-5
Lodging Cost
Nightly room rate for your reserved lodging. If you didn’t make a lodging
reservation in DTS, it defaults to $0.00. If you incurred lodging costs, you must
update it to claim reimbursement for lodging.
The lodging per diem rate the AO will approve. It may not match the Lodging
Cost in certain cases (e.g., you are voluntarily staying in lodging with a nightly
rate over maximum allowable rate).
Amount you will receive for M&IE for each day.
Identify special circumstances that affect your per diem (e.g., on field duty, leave
taken, meals available). See Table 2-6 for an explanation of all such items.
Available in
When viewing in expanded option mode (see Figure 2-65), you can see all the
circumstances, both ordinary and special, that affect your per diem amount, as
well as the associated reimbursement mode and maximum locality rates.
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6.2 Adjust Per Diem Amounts Screen
Access Per Diem on Progress Bar. The Review Per Diem Amounts screen appears (Figure 2-64).
Adjust Per Diem Amounts:
1. Locate the lodging row you need to change (Figure 2-64). Select Adjust Per Diem Amounts at the top of
the page or select options (3-dots icon) at the end of the lodging row. The Adjust Per Diem Amounts
screen displays (Figure 2-66).
Figure 2-66: Adjust Per Diem Amounts Screen - Meals Section
On this screen, items at the top and bottom are always visible, while those in the middle are on a
scrollable portion of the screen, so they are not all visible at once. View or edit the items on the screen.
2. Adjustment Date Range. Select or type the date or date range to apply these changes.
3. Meals. Based upon the TDY location, DTS reflects the appropriate meal rate radio button (Figure 2-66).
You can check a different meal box to identify situations affecting your rates. See Table 2-6 for available
If you select Meals Available at TDY Location or Government Meals Provided at TDY Location, a box
appears on the right (Figure 2-66).
o Select the box/boxes for Available Meals (Breakfast, Lunch, and/or Dinner).
o Select Save Adjustments. The Review Per Diem Amount page updates. Note: Colored Bubbles
appear on the lodging row to reflect circumstance.
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If you are TDY to an ILP location and meals are available or provided the Review Per Diem Amount
page reflects the circumstance (Figure 2-67). Note: You may need to Ungroup the days to see all
lodging entries.
Figure 2-67: Review Per Diem Amounts Screen - Meals Available
o If you don’t book the directed lodging or any lodging, the per diem amounts maintain the ILP
rate. DTS will flag the lodging choices under the Other Auths and Pre-Audits screen (Figure 2-
You must provide a Reason Code for each lodging Pre-Audit flag.
You must provide a Justification to Approving Official for each lodging Pre-Audit flag.
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Figure 2-68: Other Auths and Pre-Audit Flags Screen
o If your TDY ILP location has available meals and you change the default meal selection as
directed by the JTR, two actions occur:
1. In the Adjust Per Diem Amounts screen, DTS provides a pop-up message (Figure 2-69)
alerting you to the meal rate change.
You must check the box, I Certify that directed meals were not available.
Select Save Adjustments.
The Review Per Diem Amount page updates.
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Figure 2-69: Adjust Per Diem Amounts Screen - Meal Rate Change Message
2. Under the Other Auths and Pre-Audits screen, DTS posts an Advisory for CERTIFICATION OF
MEALS UPDATE (Figure 2-70). Note: ADVISORIES do not require justifications, but your AO
will see the message.
Figure 2-70: Other Auths and Pre-Audits Screen - Meal Advisory
4. Duty conditions. These affect your per diem rate, such as field duty, ship duty, hospital stays, Reserve
training, and more. Check those that apply or leave the default setting, if none apply. Note: Colored
Bubbles appear on the lodging row to reflect circumstance. See Table 2-7 for available options.
5. Other Entitlements. These affect your per diem rate, such as leave or other days on which you are not
eligible for a per diem allowance. Check those that apply or leave the default setting, if none apply.
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Note: Colored Bubbles appear on the lodging row to reflect circumstance. See Table 2-8 for available
Note: On these portions of the screen, DTS grays out selections you are not eligible to choose (e.g., see
Occasional Meals Provided in Figure 2-66). The JTR determines your eligibility for allowances based on
whether you are a civilian or uniformed member, your duty location, your TDY location, and many other
6. LODGING COST. This editable field gives you a place to enter your daily lodging rate. This area also
identifies the maximum locality rate.
7. M&IE COST. This non-editable field identifies the maximum locality rate and the rate you will receive,
based on your selections above.
8. Make the required changes, then select Save Adjustments.
9. The Review Per Diem Amounts screen updates to reflect the modifications to lodging and M&IE.
10. Select Continue to advance.
Caution: When you have different per diem changes on different days, always make changes that affect multiple
days before you make changes that apply to individual days. Saving this screen overwrites any previous entered
Table 2-6
Radio Button
Receive Full Meal
You are authorized the full locality meal rate.
Meals Available at
TDY Location
If meals are available in a Government dining facility at your TDY location, DTS
automatically selects this option and lowers your M&IE allowance based on how
many meals are available. Select which meals are available (B=breakfast, L=lunch,
D=dinner). You can also manually select this option.
Government Meals
Provided at TDY
Select if the Government purchased any meals for you (e.g., as part of a
conference registration fee). DTS lowers your M&IE allowance based on how many
provided meals to you (same options as above). You can also manually select this
Occasional Meals
Select if the AO authorizes occasional meals for a trip that will last less than 12
hours. Enter the Cost of the occasional meals.
Special Meal Rate
Select if you have a unique travel situation (e.g., your Service Secretary authorized
you to support a Contingency Operation for over 180 days).
Enter the Cost of the occasional meals.
Note: If you are eligible for the $3.50 OCONUS incidental rate, check the
appropriate box under Other Entitlements. Do not use Special Meal Rate for this
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Table 2-7
Duty Condition
Field Conditions
You will serve on maneuvers,
field exercises, etc., receive
field rations, and be housed at
no cost (may be in a tent).
No lodging or M&IE allowance
Adverse Effects
(Commercial Qtrs)
When TDY to a military
installation but you are
authorized to stay in
commercial lodging
Full lodging and M&IE allowances
Inactive Duty
Training (Local)
Member must commute daily
to annual training.
No lodging or M&IE allowance
Hospital Stay
Employee is confined to a
hospital or medical facility.
No lodging or M&IE allowance
Quarters Available
Government quarters are
available at the military
Full lodging and M&IE allowances;
you must adjust the meal rate based
on dining facility availability usually
Government Meal Rate (GMR).
Group Travel
Multiple individuals are
traveling together.
No lodging allowance, full M&IE
Essential Unit
Use of Government lodging
and meals is essential for
training and readiness.
Full lodging allowance, $3/day M&IE
(except on CONUS travel days)
Aboard a U.S.
You will be serving on a U.S.
No lodging or M&IE allowance
Authorized Trip
Civilian employee is authorized
a trip home every 3 weeks on
long TDYs.
No lodging allowance except for the
return travel day. No M&IE
allowance except for the first & last
travel days to & from home.
Annual Training,
Active Duty
or Inactive Duty
(Each has various
per diem
Reservist is traveling for
various purposes and with
varying per diem lodging and
meals availability.
Note: See Appendix F of the
DTA Manual for details
pertaining to M&IE for I/E
Partner Systems.
For most travelers, selecting one of
these duty conditions offers full
lodging and M&IE allowances. You
must adjust those allowances
On import/ export (I/E) documents,
DTS automatically adjusts the
lodging and M&IE allowances
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Table 2-8
Allowed Leave (no
per diem)
Select if you will take leave to zero out all per diem allowances. Military personnel
must select full days of Annual leave. Government employees may select either
Annual or Other, and may enter the number of hours they wish to take.
Sick Leave (No Per
DoD civilian employees select when they are on sick leave and not authorized per
Sick Leave
DoD civilian employees select when they are on sick leave, but are authorized full
per diem.
Duty Days (no per
Military personnel select to zero out all per diem allowances when the AO does not
approve excess travel days as official time, but you are not required to take leave
Non-Duty Days (no
per diem)
DoD civilian employees select to zero out all per diem allowances when the AO does
not approve excess travel days as official time, but you are not required to take
Authorized Delay
Select if the AO approves additional travel time as official because you encountered
an unavoidable delay. You will receive full per diem allowances.
Actual Lodging
Cost (over per
Select if the lodging cost exceeds the maximum allowable per diem lodging rate, and
the choice of hotel was not voluntary. It requests reimbursement of the amount
listed in the Lodging field (see above) instead of the maximum per diem lodging
Incidental Amount
(reduced rate)
Select if the AO determines that you should receive the OCONUS IE amount
($3.50/day) rather than the locality IE rate. This is usually used when you travel
OCONUS, but will lodge and work on a U.S. installation.
In Place Travel
(receive full per
Select on the first or last day of both authorizations when you have consecutive trips
without a return home, but need to plan the trips on separate authorizations. Using
it overrides the usual 75% rate on a first/last travel day to allow full per diem as is
usual when traveling between TDY locations.
A final note to point out two special per diem situations:
PLOT: When you take leave while you are TDY, Personal Leave with Official Travel (PLOT) rules apply.
You can find rules that cover arranging PLOT in the GTCC Regulations, authorized by DoD Instruction
(DoDI) 5154.31, Chapter 3. Special considerations for PLOT situations are in the DTMO web-based
training class, PLOT. To access TraX, users must register through Passport, DTMO's web portal.
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IDL: Travel across the International Date Line (IDL an imaginary line in the Pacific Ocean), can cause
you to “skip” a day or experience a day twice. For more information about how this can affect your per
diem allowances, see the DTMO web-based training class, OCONUS Travel available in TraX.
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Chapter 7: Accounting Module
The Accounting module provides key finance information about your authorization, such as where the money is
coming from to pay for it, whether you need any funds before your final voucher, and how much the whole trip
should cost. Access the Accounting module on the Progress Bar.
The Accounting screen contains from two to four main areas:
Accounting Codes Always appears
Advances May not appear
Scheduled Partial Payments (SPPs) May not appear
Accounting Summary Always appears
Section 7.1 through Section 7.4 spell out these areas and define when the optional ones appear.
7.1 Enter Accounting Codes
The Accounting Codes portion of the Accounting module (Figure 2-71) always appears. It shows the funding
sources for your trip. DTS calls a funding source either a Line of Accounting (LOA) or an accounting code. For
ease, this guide will exclusively use the former term, unless the DTS screen displays the latter.
Before the AO may approve your authorization, it must contain at least one LOA. However, DTS does not require
you to provide a LOA. You can sign your authorization without a LOA, and in fact, some organizations do not
want you to assign LOAs. If that is the case, and you don’t require an advance or SPP, then skip to Section 7.4.
Figure 2-71: Accounting Codes Screen - One LOA Added
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7.1.1 Add or Remove a LOA
If your DTS profile lists a default LOA, that LOA appears automatically, on your document indicating the
allocations are complete (Figure 2-71, Indicator 1), and displays the payment categories for this trip. If the
default LOA is not correct for this trip:
1. Select options (3-dots icon) (Figure 2-72, Indicator 1).
2. Select Remove to delete the LOA (Figure 2-72, Indicator 2).
3. Select Add LOA (Figure 2-72) to see up to three sources of LOAs you can add to your travel document.
Each source has a drop-down list of available LOAs you can select. LOA sources include:
From <organization>: LOAs that belong to your organization.
Shared LOA: LOAs shared from an organization above yours.
Cross Org LOA: LOAs shared from organizations outside your hierarchy.
Figure 2-72: Add LOA Screen
7.1.2 Add Multiple LOAs
If you add multiple LOAs, DTS updates the Accounting Codes screen to display the LOAs (Figure 2-73, Indicator
1), and requires you to allocate the costs between them.
After you select Edit LOA Allocations (Figure 2-73, Indicator 2) and allocate the costs between LOAs, DTS
displays the allocation method you used (Figure 2-73, Indicator 3), the payment categories, and costs (Figure 2-
73, Indicator 4).
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Figure 2-73: Accounting Codes Screen - Second LOA Added
When you select Edit LOA Allocations, the screen updates. There are five cost distribution options, which
include by:
Percentage: Select a percent of the cost to apply to each LOA.
Category: Select the LOA that will pay for each type of expense (e.g., Transportation).
Date: Select the date range that each LOA applies. This is useful for trips that cross fiscal years.
Specific Expense: Select an LOA for each expense.
Category and Date: Select LOAs based on a combination of both Expense Category and Date.
On the Allocate Lines of Accounting screen, use the dropdown menu to select the Allocation Method and then
select Save. The Accounting screen updates reflecting the cost distributions (Figure 2-74).
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Figure 2-74: Accounting Codes Screen - Costs Allocated
7.2 Request an Advance
On the Accounting page, the Advances section only appears if you are eligible to receive a travel advance, which
is a payment sent to your personal bank account before the trip to help you pay official travel expenses. You are
seldom eligible to receive a travel advance if you have a GTCC.
Note: When the AO does authorize an advance, you may receive up to either 80 or 100 percent of your
anticipated trip payment.
1. Ensure there is a LOA selected for the trip (Figures 2-75a and 2-75b)
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Figure 2-75a: Accounting Codes Section Screen - No Advances Section
Figure 2-75b: Accounting Codes Section Screen - Advances Section
2. Select the Request Advance link (Figure 2-75). The Advances window opens (Figure 2-76).
3. Only LOAs that appear in the Accounting Codes section are available for selection. Once you Choose an
LOA (Figure 2-76), the screen updates with the payment details.
This trip is 100% allocated to 23 DEFAULT.
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Figure 2-76: Advances Section Screen - Choose a LOA
Figure 2-77: Scheduled Advances Screen - Options
4. Review the information then scroll down the page. Select Continue to advance.
Note: If you need to change your advance request (for example if you add or remove expenses or if the trip
length changes), follow these steps:
If the AO has not yet approved the authorization:
o Adjust the authorization, make the necessary changes, and then navigate to Accounting.
o Under Advances, select options (3-dots icon), Cancel Request to remove the advance request
(Figure 2-77). The screen updates to no scheduled advances. Follow the steps listed above to
request the advance again.
If the AO has already approved the authorization, you cannot change the advance request amount in
o If your trip expenses will be higher (e.g., you extended your trip), you must request an
increased advance outside DTS following your local business rules.
o If your trip expenses will be lower (e.g., you shortened your trip), you will be placed into debt if
the total amount you receive exceeds the amount you may claim when you file your voucher.
Note: When you select a restricted flight, once the authorization is approved mostly likely the GTCC is charged
right away. You must pay off your GTCC bill in full when you receive it. If your voucher won’t be processed
before the due date your GTCC payment then you must either pay it out of pocket, or request a travel advance
for the air ticket amount. For detailed information on that process, see the information paper Travel Advances
for Restricted Airfares.
$ 625.97
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7.3 Scheduled Partial Payments
On the Accounting page, the Scheduled Partial Payments (SPP) section (Figures 2-78 and 2-79) only appears if
your trip exceeds 45 days. When the section is available, use these steps to schedule payments to the GTCC
vendor every 30 days until your trip is complete. Making regular payments to the GTCC vendor helps keep your
GTCC account from going into delinquency while you are on official travel.
Figure 2-78: Accounting Screen - Scheduled Partial Payments
1. Ensure there is a LOA label on the document. Select Add LOA to choose an accounting label (Figure 2-
78, Indicator 1).
2. Once the Accounting screen refreshes, select Request SPP (Figure 2-78, Indicator 2). The window opens
with a breakdown of number of payments, payment date range and scheduled amount (Figure 2-79,
Indicator 1).
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Figure 2-79: Accounting Screen - SPPs Requested
Note: DTS calculates the payment amounts, based on your estimated trip expenses and trip itinerary dates.
Payment dates occur every 30 days after the trip start date.
3. Review the information then scroll down the page. Select Continue to advance.
Note: You cannot manually change SPP amounts or payment dates, but they can change here’s how:
If you make any updates that affect your reimbursable expenses or trip allowances, DTS recalculates
the amounts and dates of future SPPs.
If you amend the authorization to make your trip shorter, DTS deletes SPPs scheduled after the new
trip end date.
If you amend the authorization to make your trip longer, DTS adds new SPPs as necessary; however,
DTS cannot change SPPs in a SUBMITTED or PAID status.
7.4 Review Trip Costs and Payments
The Accounting Summary section (Figure 2-80), which appears at the bottom of the Accounting page, is
informative only. This area displays the Calculated Trip Cost along with any prior payment details (e.g., SPP).
View the information and then select Continue to proceed.
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Figure 2-80: Accounting Summary Section Screen
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Chapter 8: Review Module
There are four screens in the Review module:
Review Profile*: Look over and change your DTS personal profile.
Review Authorization*: Examine and update the document’s contents.
Other Auths and Pre-Audits*: Review, add, and modify key statements on the authorization.
Sign and Submit*: Digitally sign the document and start the routing process.
*Note: You can access all four of these screens at any time by selecting them on the Progress Bar; however,
before DTS will let you sign the document, you must access these screens in the order listed.
8.1 Review Profile Screen
When you select Review Profile on the Progress Bar, the Review Profile screen (Figure 2-81) displays your
personal contact information and account data, as listed in your DTS personal profile.
Figure 2-81: Review Profile Screen
Change your Profile:
1. If you need to change any information in your DTS personal profile, select Open Profile (Figure 2-81).
The update profile tool (Figure 2-82) opens.
2. To update your information, select a category from the left column (e.g., EFT and Credit Card Accounts)
and complete the fields in the right column.
3. Choose Save. If the change should apply to all future documents you create, check the box next to
Update Permanent Profile before you select Save (Figure 2-82). If you don’t check that box, your
changes will apply to the current document only.
Contact your DTA to update any information you can’t change from these screens.
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Figure 2-82: Update Profile Tool Screen - Editable
When everything is correct, select Continue to open the Review Trip Authorization screen (Figure 2-81).
Compare Profiles:
1. To check whether a DTS document contains current profile information, open the document in a view-
only mode. Select Open Profile. The page opens. Note: In view-only modes, a Compare Profiles button
replaces the Save button.
2. Select Compare Profiles to see a side-by-side comparison of the profile information in the document
and the profile information in your DTS profile.
3. Figure 2-83 displays the Document Profile and Permanent Profile EFT and Credit Card Accounts (GTCC)
information, reflecting a change to the checking account routing number. Note: If you need to make a
change to the profile in the document, you will need to edit the trip, then select Open Profile to make
the change.
4. Select Cancel or X at the top of the screen to close the window.
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Figure 2-83: Update Profile Tool Screen - Non-Editable
8.2 Review Trip Authorization Screen
Note: You can access the screens in this module by selecting the options on the Progress Bar; however, before
you can sign the document, DTS requires you to access the following screens in the order listed:
1. Review Trip Authorization
2. Other Auths and Pre Audits
3. Digital Signature
You can open the Review Trip Authorization screen (Figures 2-84a-g) by selecting Review Authorization on the
Progress Bar. Use it to review important information in your authorization, and update it as necessary.
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Figure 2-84a: Review Trip Authorization Screen - Trip Details
Figure 2-84b: Review Trip Authorization Screen - Itinerary
Figure 2-84c: Review Trip Authorization Screen - Reservation Expenses
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Figure 2-84d: Review Trip Authorization Screen - Other Expenses
Figure 2-84e: Review Trip Authorization Screen - Per Diem
Figure 2-84f: Review Trip Authorization Screen - Accounting Codes
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Figure 2-84g: Review Trip Authorization Screen - Estimated Trip Cost
From top to bottom (Figures 2-84a-g), the Review Trip Authorization screen displays:
Trip Details (Figure 2-84a, Indicator 1): The document name, trip type, trip purpose, trip description,
trip dates, and conference name, if applicable. Provides a place to add a reference number and
comments to the AO, if needed.
Itinerary (Figure 2-84b, Indicator 2): Provides key travel dates and locations, along with reservation
Indicators, and the option to show their details.
Expenses (Figure 2-84c, Indicator 3): A list of all your reservation expenses, (Figure 2-84d, Indicator 4)
reimbursable expenses, and mileage allowances and attached supporting documents (Figure 2-84d,
Indicator 5). Again though, after CTO BOOKED, DTS may not display the return flight (see Note 1 in
Section 5.2).
Per Diem (Figure 2-84e, Indicator 6): A breakdown of total lodging cost, the amount authorized for
lodging reimbursement, and M&IE.
Accounting Codes (Figure 2-84f, Indicator 7): A summary of trip expenses by LOA.
Estimated Trip Cost (Figure 2-84g, Indicator 8): Trip expenses by category, as well as requested
advances and SPPs, if applicable Shows payments requested or received, total allowed trip cost, and
total estimated trip cost.
Most sections include Go to <DTS module> links you can use to make corrections when necessary. Once you
enter all trip expenses into the authorization, select Continue (Figure 2-84g) to open the Other Authorizations
and Pre Audits screen (Figure 2-85a).
8.3 Other Auths and Pre-Audits Screen
You can open the Other Auths and Pre Audits screen by selecting Other Auths and Pre-Audits at any time on
the Progress Bar. The page contains three areas: Other Authorizations, Pre-Audit and Advisories.
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If the document is within travel policy compliance, the screen may reflect No Other Authorizations
have been added, 0 Pre Audits, and 0 Advisories. If that is the case then you have no action, instead,
scroll to the bottom of the page, select Continue to advance to the Digital Signature page.
If Other Auths and Pre Audits flags appear then review the information. Enter comments and/or
justifications for your document selections. In some cases you may have to return to your document
and take corrective action before returning the Other Auths and Pre Audits screen and prior to
document signing.
Note: The DTA Manual, Appendix K provides a full explanation of the different DTS tables and systems checks
which includes Other Authorizations, Pre-Audit flags, and Advisory notices for travel documents.
Below are the Other Authorizations, Pre-Audit, and Advisories explanations and some examples.
Other Authorizations: They flag certain travel items and provide comments when applicable (Figure 2-85a).
You cannot remove these system indicators, except by changing the selection that caused the Other
Authorization notice to appear (Figure 2-85a, Indicator 1). For example, if you are taking Annual Leave
then you indicated as such in the Per Diem table. To remove the flag, you would have to remove the
leave selection from the Per Diem table and then DTS would no longer flag for leave.
Figure 2-85a: Other Authorizations and Pre Audits Screen - Annual Leave Flag
Every Other Authorization flag requires a Comment. If DTS did not provide one for you, you must add
it (Figure 2-85a, Indicator 2) by selecting Add Comments.
(Optional) You can enter items manually such as BAGGAGE - EXCESS or OTHER to add specialized
remarks using the Add Other Authorizations option (Figure 2-85b).
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Figure 2-85b: Other Authorizations and Pre Audits Screen - Manually Added Expense Flag
Pre-Audits: They identify items flagged for exceeding cost thresholds or selections that break travel policy
without specific AO approval.
You must provide a Justification for each flagged item explaining why the AO should approve it. If your
justification is insufficient, the AO will return the document to you for correction or further
If your transportation mode is not by commercial or government managed air (Figure 2-86a) and
instead is by a Privately Owned Vehicle (POV), DTS flags for a Constructed Travel Worksheet (CTW).
You will need to provide a justification for your transportation choice and if applicate per the JTR,
attach a CTW to the trip.
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Figure 2-86a: Other Auths and Pre Audits Screen - Constructed Travel Worksheet Flag
Some flagged items (e.g., failure to use a contract airfare or required lodging type) also require you to
provide a Reason Code explaining further the deviation from policy.
When making lodging reservations, any previously entered Reason Code and manually entered
Justification for Lodging Not Used, automatically displays under Pre-Audits (Figure 2-86b, Indicator 1).
Figure 2-86b: Other Auths and Pre Audit Screen - Lodging Not Used Flag
Advisories: They alert you to items of potential concern or serve as a reminder. Unlike, Other
Authorizations, Pre-Audit flags and Reason Codes, an Advisory doesn’t require a justification.
If you selected leave in the per diem table, you receive an Advisory (Figure 2-87a). You should review
the information (e.g., leave requested) before proceeding to the Digital Signature page.
Scott AFB, IL: No lodging reservations exist for 03/09/2023.
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Figure 2-87a: Other Auths and Pre Audit Screen - Leave Requested Advisory
If you booked your lodging reservations outside of the trip dates, you receive a an Advisory (Figure 2-
87b). This Advisory requires you to return to the Review Reservations screen and take corrective
action before proceeding to the Digital Signature page.
Figure 2-87b: Other Auths and Pre Audit Screen - Lodging Outside of Trip Dates Advisory
If you are TDY to a military location, meals were not available, and you indicated as such in the Per
Diem table, you receive an Advisory (Figure 2-87c). You should review the information before
proceeding to the Digital Signature page.
Figure 2-87c: Other Auths and Pre Audit Screen - Certification of Meals Update Advisory
After entering all required Comments, Justifications, and Reason Codes, select Continue (Figure 2-87a, b, or c)
to proceed to the Digital Signature screen.
8.4 Digital Signature Screen
You can open the Digital Signature screen at any time by selecting Sign and Submit on the Progress Bar (Figure
2-88). However, if you skip Other Auths and Pre-Audits page, DTS will return you to that screen before allowing
you to sign the trip.
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Figure 2-88: Sign and Submit Screen
On the Digital Signature page (Figure 2-89) you can change the routing list (if needed), provide additional
comments to the AO (optional), and attach the SIGNED stamp to the authorization to start it routing toward AO
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Figure 2-89: Digital Signature Screen
To sign the authorization:
1. View the status of the document (Figure 2-89, Indicator 1).
2. Under DOCUMENT STATUS, check the box next to, I agree to SIGN this document (Figure 2-89,
Indicator 2).
3. (Optional) Choose a different routing list (Figure 2-89, Indicator 3), if needed. Follow your local
guidance to determine the correct routing list to use.
4. (Optional) Add Comments to the AO (Figure 2-89, Indicator 4).
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5. Select Submit Completed Document (Figure 2-89, Indicator 5) to attach the displayed stamp. Unless
DTS detects a problem with the document, it provides a successful message (Figure 2-90).
Figure 2-90: Confirmation Screen - Submit Successful
Note: If your profile reflects that reimbursement by EFT is mandatory (which is the case for most DoD
personnel), you will not be able to sign the authorization if your profile contains no EFT data.
After you submit (digitally sign) the authorization, the following steps may occur, depending on the selections
you made in the document, DTS:
1. Warns you that if the AO doesn’t approve the document within 72 hours before departure (or less, for
if you’re already in the 72-hour window), your airline reservations will be cancelled.
2. Warns you your profile contains no valid GTCC information and gives you a chance to enter it.
3. Verifies your identity by requiring you to enter your CAC PIN.
Signing the authorization begins the routing process. If your routing list contains the REVIEWED step then this
step occurs after TMC action, but eventually your authorization goes to the AO for approval, then to your
supporting financial institution for monetary processing.
8.5 Travel Readiness
There are actions you can take to reduce travel delays and lesson frustration.
Ensure your AO stamps the authorization APPROVED before starting your TDY.
o Log into DTS and navigate to the Digital Signature screen. Verify current document status.
o If you don’t see the APPROVED stamp contact your DTA and supervisor for assistance.
Confirm ticketing by the TMC for your air or train travel before you head start your trip. There are
several options to confirm your ticketing status ensuring you are ready to travel:
o Log into DTS and navigate to the Digital Signature screen. If the CTO TICKETED stamp appears
in your document history, the TMC has ticketed your trip.
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o Check your email. Most TMCs send you an email when they ticket your flights or rail
reservation, which happens about three business days before your trip starts.
o Go online to your TMC’s website. After you enter some identifying information about your trip,
you’ll see your ticketing status.
o Call the TMC. They’ll be happy to confirm your ticketing status.
In case of travel changes, bring your TMC information with you (e.g., contact number, after hours
support, PNR Locator).
Locate your GTCC, ensure the limits meet your mission, bring it with you TDY, and use it for official
travel expenses including meals.
If you are using the CBA for air or rail travel, ensure you have a POC to contact in case of ticketing
Bring Key Contact’s information with you in case of travel delays.
Sign up for TSA PreCheck to reduce security line delays. See the DTMO website at for more on TSA PreCheck.
Bring the proper form of ID that matches the name issued for you ticket to pass the TSA security check.
Sign up for Reward Programs (e.g., air, hotel, rental car). See the vendor’s website (e.g., United, Hertz,
Marriott) on how to sign up. Add Reward numbers in your DTS profile.
Sign up for DoD Dine Smart. See the DTMO website at
If authorized use of a Rental Car, verify the vendor’s operating hours and after hour’s support in case
travel delays.
Retain all lodging receipts and receipts for expenses of $75.00 or more for voucher purposes.
8.6 Document Access and Retention
You can access your recent trips before, during, and after travel under My Travel Documents. If you don’t see
the specific document on the list, select the box for Show Inactive Documents and the list refreshers for you to
view older trips. However, documents do not stay in the system indefinitely. DTS must adhere to the Records
Management requirements for document retention. DTS will retain documents for 10 years (i.e., after the last
processing stamp occurs, any debt document is satisfied or waived) for audit readiness purposes. Once the
retention period is achieved, documents will be removed from DTS. Note: Contact your Component
Representation to further discuss audit readiness requirements and any exceptions for document retention.
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Chapter 9: Additional Resources
9.1 Component Representatives
Your Component Representatives can provide more information on DTS and specifics for your local business
rules. You can search for DTS POCs from the DTMO Local Level Travel Assistance search tool. Also, available on
the bottom left side of the DTS Home page.
9.2 Helpful References
Travel Explorer (TraX) provides a variety of on-demand web-based trainings (WBTs) and some Distance
Learning (DL) scheduled classes. The DTMO publishes numerous practical manuals, guides, and trifolds that
clarify the different aspects of official travel. The charts below provide a sampling of materials. For a complete
listing of available resources, check the Training Search Tool.
DTS Guide 1:
Getting Started
DTS Guide 2:
DTS Guide 3:
DTS Guide 4:
Local Vouchers
DTS Guide 5:
Group Authorizations
Desktop Guide for
Authorizing Officials
DoD Integrated Lodging
Program (ILP) Guide
DTA Manual, Appendix K
Joint Travel Regulations
DTMO Training Search
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Per Diem Rate Lookup
DTS Overview Information
Update GTCC in DTS
Profile Information Paper
Update GTCC in a DTS
Authorization Information
Restricted Airfares in DTS
Travel Advances When
Using Restricted Airfare
Import/Export Trifold
Information Paper
Information Paper:
Dependent Travel
Information Paper
Renewal Agreement
Travel Information Paper
*Adjustments &
Amendment Trifolds
Information Paper
Update Authorization Trifold:
Update Voucher Trifold:
Information Paper:
Self-Approving Official
Information Paper
Foreign Military Sales
Information Paper
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*Constructed Travel Home
Information Paper
Pre-Travel and Post-Travel worksheet and instructions
*Cancellation Procedures
Information Paper
Information paper:
* Web-based training module is also available in Travel Explorer (TraX)