Dimensions of Learning
Robert J. Marzano
Debra J. Pickering
Daisy E. Ar redondo
Guy J. Blackburn
Ronald S. Brandt
Cerylle A. Moffett
Diane E. Paynter
Jane E. Pollock
Jo Sue Whisler
Dimensions of Learning
Robert J. Marzano
Debra J. Pickering
Daisy E. Arredondo
Guy J. Blackburn
Ronald S. Brandt
Cerylle A. Moffett
Diane E. Paynter
Jane E. Pollock
Jo Sue Whisler
Alexandria, Virginia USA
Mid-continent Regional Educational Laboratory
Aurora, Colorado USA
DoL Teacher TP/Div 1/1/04 2:11 AM Page 1
Copyright © 1997 McREL (Mid-continent Regional Educational Laboratory), 2550 S.
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Dimensions of Learning
Teacher’s Manual
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
What Is Dimensions of Learning? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Chapter 1. Dimension 1: Attitudes and Perceptions
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Helping Students Develop Positive Attitudes and Perceptions
About Classroom Climate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Feel Accepted by Teachers and Peers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Experience a Sense of Comfort and Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Classroom Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Helping Students Develop Positive Attitudes and Perceptions
About Classroom Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Perceive Tasks as Valuable and Interesting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Believe They Have the Ability and Resources to Complete Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Understand and Be Clear About Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Classroom Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Unit Planning: Dimension 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Chapter 2. Dimension 2: Acquire and Integrate Knowledge
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
The Importance of Understanding the Nature of Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
The Relationship Between Declarative and Procedural Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Levels of Generality and the Organization of Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Acquiring and Integrating Declarative and Procedural Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
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Helping Students Acquire and Integrate Declarative Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Construct Meaning for Declarative Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Organize Declarative Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Store Declarative Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Classroom Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Unit Planning: Dimension 2, Declarative Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Helping Students Acquire and Integrate Procedural Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Construct Models for Procedural Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Shape Procedural Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Internalize Procedural Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Classroom Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Unit Planning: Dimension 2, Procedural Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Chapter 3. Dimension 3: Extend and Refine Knowledge
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Helping Students Develop Complex Reasoning Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Comparing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Classifying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Abstracting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Inductive Reasoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Deductive Reasoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Constructing Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Analyzing Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Analyzing Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Unit Planning: Dimension 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Chapter 4. Dimension 4: Use Knowledge Meaningfully
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Helping Students Develop Complex Reasoning Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Decision Making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Problem Solving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Invention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Experimental Inquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
Investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Systems Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
Unit Planning: Dimension 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
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Chapter 5. Dimension 5: Habits of Mind
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
Helping Students Develop Productive Habits of Mind. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
Classroom Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
The Dimensions of Learning Habits of Mind:
A Resource for Teachers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Critical Thinking
Be Accurate and Seek Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Be Clear and Seek Clarity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Maintain an Open Mind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
Restrain Impulsivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Take a Position When the Situation Warrants It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
Respond Appropriately to Others’ Feelings and Level of Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . 282
Creative Thinking
Persevere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
Push the Limits of Your Knowledge and Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
Generate, Trust, and Maintain Your Own Standards of Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Generate New Ways of Viewing a Situation
That Are Outside the Boundaries of Standard Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
Self-Regulated Thinking
Monitor Your Own Thinking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
Plan Appropriately . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
Identify and Use Necessary Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
Respond Appropriately to Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
Evaluate the Effectiveness of Your Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
Unit Planning: Dimension 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
Chapter 6. Putting It All Together
Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
Grading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
Sequencing Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
Conferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
In Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
Colorado Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
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Teacher’s Manual
We would like to express our sincere appreciation to those individuals from the following school
districts who contributed ideas and suggestions to this second edition of the Dimensions of Learning
Teacher’s Manual:
Ashwaubenon School District, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Berryessa Union School District, San Jose, California
Brisbane Grammar School, Queensland, Australia
Brockport Central School District, Brockport, New York
Brooklyn School District, Brooklyn, Ohio
Broome-Tioga Boces, Binghamton, New York
Cherry Creek Public Schools, Aurora, Colorado
Colegio International de Caracas, Caracas, Venezuela
Douglas County Schools, Douglas County, Colorado
George School District, George, Iowa
Green Bay Area Public Schools, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Ingham Intermediate School District, Mason, Michigan
Kenosha Unified School District #1, Kenosha, Wisconsin
Kingsport City Schools, Kingsport, Tennessee
Lakeland Area Education Agency #3, Cylinder, Iowa
Lakeview Public Schools, St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Loess Hills AEA #13, Council Bluffs, Iowa
Lonoke School District, Lonoke, Arkansas
Love Elementary School, Houston, Texas
Maccray School, Clara City, Minnesota
Monroe County ISD, Monroe, Michigan
Nicolet Area Consortium, Glendale, Wisconsin
Northern Trails AEA #2, Clear Lake, Iowa
North Syracuse Central School District, North Syracuse, New York
Prince Alfred College, Kent Town, South Australia
Redwood Elementary School, Avon Lake, Ohio
Regional School District #13, Durham, Connecticut
Richland School District, Richland, Washington
St. Charles Parish Public Schools, Luling, Louisiana
School District of Howard-Suamico, Green Bay, Wisconsin
South Washington County Schools, Cottage Grove, Minnesota
Webster City Schools, Webster City, Iowa
West Morris Regional High School District, Chester, New Jersey
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Teacher’s Manual
The following members of the Dimensions of Learning Research and Development Consortium worked
together from 1989 to 1991 to advise, consult, and pilot portions of the model as part of the
development of Dimensions of Learning.
Auburn University
Terrance Rucinski
Los Angeles County Office of Education
Richard Sholseth
Diane Watanabe
Napa Valley Unified School District
Mary Ellen Boyet
Laurie Rucker
Daniel Wolter
Aurora Public Schools
Kent Epperson
Phyllis A. Henning
Lois Kellenbenz
Lindy Lindner
Rita Perron
Janie Pollock
Nora Redding
Cherry Creek Public Schools
Maria Foseid
Patricia Lozier
Nancy MacIsaacs
Mark Rietema
Deena Tarleton
Maine Township High School West
Betty Duffey
Mary Gienko
Betty Heraty
Paul Leathem
Mary Kay Walsh
Dike Community Schools
Janice Albrecht
Roberta Bodensteiner
Ken Cutts
Jean Richardson
Stan Van Hauen
Mason City Community Schools
Dudley L. Humphrey
Concord-Carlisle Regional School District
Denis Cleary
Diana MacLean
Concord Public Schools
Virginia Barker
Laura Cooper
Stephen Greene
Joe Leone
Susan Whitten
Farmington Public Schools
Marilyn Carlsen
Katherine Nyberg
James Shaw
Joyce Tomlinson
Lakeview Public Schools
Joette Kunse
Oakland Schools
Roxanne Reschke
Waterford School District
Linda Blust
Julie Casteel
Bill Gesaman
Mary Lynn Kraft
Al Monetta
Theodora M. Sailer
Dick Williams
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Teacher’s Manual
Fremont Public Schools, District 001
Mike Aerni
Trudy Jo Kluver
Fred Robertson
Gallup-McKinley County Schools
Clara Esparza
Ethyl Fox
Martyn Stowe
Linda Valentine
Chantal Irvin
Frontier Central Schools
Janet Brooks
Barbara Broomell
Central Bucks School District
Jeanann Kahley
N. Robert Laws
Holly Lomas
Rosemarie Montgomery
Cheryl Winn Royer
Jim Williams
Philadelphia School District
Paul Adorno
Shelly Berman
Ronald Jenkins
John Krause
Judy Lechner
Betty Richardson
School District of Greenville County
Sharon Benston
Dale Dicks
Keith Russell
Jane Satterfield
Ellen Weinberg
Mildred Young
State Department of Education
Susan Smith White
Fort Worth Independent School District
Carolyne Creel
Sherry Harris
Midge Rach
Nancy Timmons
Salt Lake City Schools
Corrine Hill
ITESO University
Ana Christina Amante
Laura Figueroa Barba
Antonio Ray Bazan
Luis Felipe Gomez
Patricia Rios de Lopez
Charles Fisher
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Teacher’s Manual
Dimensions of Learning is an extension of the comprehensive research-based
framework on cognition and learning described in Dimensions of Thinking: A
Framework for Curriculum and Instruction (Marzano et al., 1988), published by
the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD).
Dimensions of Learning translates the research and theory explained in
Dimensions of Thinking into a practical framework that K-12 teachers can use
to improve the quality of teaching and learning in any content area. The
Dimensions of Learning Research and Development Consortium, which
worked on the model for two years, was made up of more than ninety
educators, including the author team from the first edition of this manual.
Under the leadership of Dr. Robert Marzano of the Mid-continent Regional
Educational Laboratory (McREL), these educators helped to shape the basic
program into a valuable tool for reorganizing curriculum, instruction, and
Implicit in the Dimensions of Learning model, or framework, are five basic
1. Instruction must reflect the best of what we know about how learning
2. Learning involves a complex system of interactive processes that includes
five types of thinking—represented by the five dimensions of learning.
3. The K-12 curriculum should include the explicit teaching of attitudes,
perceptions, and mental habits that facilitate learning.
4. A comprehensive approach to instruction includes at least two distinct
types of instruction: one that is more teacher directed, and another that
is more student directed.
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Teacher’s Manual
5. Assessment should focus on students’ use of knowledge and complex
reasoning processes rather than on their recall of information.
In addition to this teacher’s manual, Dimensions of Learning is supported by
a number of resources designed to help educators fully understand (1) how
these five assumptions affect teachers’ work in the classroom and, as a
consequence, students’ learning and (2) how the Dimensions of Learning
framework can be used to restructure curriculum, instruction, and
A Different Kind of Classroom: Teaching with Dimensions of Learning
(Marzano, 1992) explores the theory and research underlying the
framework through a variety of classroom-based examples. Although
teachers need not read this book to use the model, they will have a
better understanding of cognition and learning if they do. Staff
developers also are encouraged to read this book to strengthen their
delivery of the Dimensions of Learning training.
Observing Dimensions of Learning in Classrooms and Schools (Brown,
1995) is designed to help administrators provide support and
feedback to teachers who are using Dimensions of Learning in their
Dimensions of Thinking (Marzano et al., 1988) describes a framework
that can be used to design curriculum and instruction with an
emphasis on the types of thinking that students should use to
enhance their learning.
The Dimensions of Learning Trainer’s Manual (Marzano et al., 1997)
contains detailed training scripts, overhead transparencies, and
practical guidelines for conducting comprehensive training and staff
development in the Dimensions of Learning program.
Assessing Student Outcomes: Performance Assessment Using the Dimensions of
Learning Model (Marzano, Pickering, & McTighe, 1993) provides
recommendations for setting up an assessment system that focuses on
using performance tasks constructed with the reasoning processes
from Dimensions 3 and 4.
We recommend that those who plan to train others to use Dimensions of
Learning first participate in the training offered by ASCD or McREL or by
individuals recommended by these organizations. In some cases, experienced
staff development trainers with an extensive background in the teaching of
thinking may be able to learn about each dimension through self-study or,
ideally, through study with peers. We strongly recommend, however, that
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Teacher’s Manual
before conducting training for others, these individuals use the Dimensions
of Learning framework to plan and teach units of instruction themselves. In
short, Dimensions of Learning is best understood and internalized through
practical experience with the model.
Implementing Dimensions of Learning (Marzano et al., 1992) explains
the different ways that the model can be used in a school or district
and discusses the various factors that must be considered when
deciding which approach to use. It contains guidelines that will help
a school or district structure its implementation to best achieve its
identified goals.
Finally, the Dimensions of Learning Videotape Series (ASCD, 1992)
introduces and illustrates some of the important concepts underlying
the Dimensions of Learning framework. Videotaped classroom
examples of each dimension in action can be used during training, in
follow-up sessions for reinforcement, or during Dimensions of
Learning study-group sessions.
Together, these resources guide educators through a structured, yet flexible,
approach to improving curriculum, instruction, and assessment.
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Teacher’s Manual
What Is Dimensions
of Learning?
What Is Dimensions of Learning?
Dimensions of Learning is a comprehensive model that uses what researchers
and theorists know about learning to define the learning process. Its premise
is that five types of thinking—what we call the five dimensions of
learning—are essential to successful learning. The Dimensions framework
will help you to
maintain a focus on learning;
study the learning process; and
plan curriculum, instruction, and assessment that takes into account
the five critical aspects of learning.
Now let’s take a look at the five dimensions of learning.
Dimension 1: Attitudes and Perceptions
Attitudes and perceptions affect students’ abilities to learn. For example, if
students view the classroom as an unsafe and disorderly place, they will
likely learn little there. Similarly, if students have negative attitudes about
classroom tasks, they will probably put little effort into those tasks. A key
element of effective instruction, then, is helping students to establish
positive attitudes and perceptions about the classroom and about learning.
Dimension 2: Acquire and Integrate Knowledge
Helping students acquire and integrate new knowledge is another important
aspect of learning. When students are learning new information, they must
be guided in relating the new knowledge to what they already know,
organizing that information, and then making it part of their long-term
memory. When students are acquiring new skills and processes, they must
learn a model (or set of steps), then shape the skill or process to make it
efficient and effective for them, and, finally, internalize or practice the skill
or process so they can perform it easily.
Dimension 3: Extend and Refine Knowledge
Learning does not stop with acquiring and integrating knowledge. Learners
develop in-depth understanding through the process of extending and
refining their knowledge (e.g., by making new distinctions, clearing up
misconceptions, and reaching conclusions). They rigorously analyze what
they have learned by applying reasoning processes that will help them
“Oh how fine it is to know
a thing or two.”
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Teacher’s Manual
extend and refine the information. Some of the common reasoning processes
used by learners to extend and refine their knowledge are the following:
Inductive reasoning
Deductive reasoning
Constructing support
Analyzing errors
Analyzing perspectives
Dimension 4: Use Knowledge Meaningfully
The most effective learning occurs when we use knowledge to perform
meaningful tasks. For example, we might initially learn about tennis rackets
by talking to a friend or reading a magazine article about them. We really
learn about them, however, when we are trying to decide what kind of tennis
racket to buy. Making sure that students have the opportunity to use
knowledge meaningfully is one of the most important parts of planning a
unit of instruction. In the Dimensions of Learning model, there are six
reasoning processes around which tasks can be constructed to encourage the
meaningful use of knowledge:
Decision making
Problem solving
Experimental inquiry
Systems analysis
What Is Dimensions
of Learning?
“Knowledge changes
“Information isn’t
knowledge until you can use
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Teacher’s Manual
Dimension 5: Habits of Mind
The most effective learners have developed powerful habits of mind that
enable them to think critically, think creatively, and regulate their behavior.
These mental habits are listed below:
Critical thinking:
Be accurate and seek accuracy
Be clear and seek clarity
Maintain an open mind
• Restrain impulsivity
Take a position when the situation warrants it
Respond appropriately to others’ feelings and level of knowledge
Creative thinking:
Push the limits of your knowledge and abilities
Generate, trust, and maintain your own standards of evaluation
Generate new ways of viewing a situation that are outside the
boundaries of standard conventions
Self-regulated thinking:
Monitor your own thinking
• Plan appropriately
Identify and use necessary resources
Respond appropriately to feedback
Evaluate the effectiveness of your actions
What Is Dimensions
of Learning?
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The Relationship Among the Dimensions of Learning
It is important to realize that the five dimensions of learning do not operate
in isolation but work together in the manner depicted in Figure A.1.
Briefly, as the graphic in Figure A.1 illustrates, all learning takes place
against the backdrop of learners’ attitudes and perceptions (Dimension 1)
and their use (or lack of use) of productive habits of mind (Dimension 5). If
students have negative attitudes and perceptions about learning, then they
will likely learn little. If they have positive attitudes and perceptions, they
will learn more and learning will be easier. Similarly, when students use
productive habits of mind these habits facilitate their learning. Dimensions
1 and 5, then, are always factors in the learning process. This is why they are
part of the background of the graphic shown in Figure A.1.
When positive attitudes and perceptions are in place and productive habits
of mind are being used, learners can more effectively do the thinking
required in the other three dimensions, that is, acquiring and integrating
Using Knowledge
Extending and
Refining Knowledge
and Integrating
What Is Dimensions
of Learning?
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Teacher’s Manual
knowledge (Dimension 2), extending and refining knowledge (Dimension
3), and using knowledge meaningfully (Dimension 4). Notice the relative
positions of the three circles of Dimensions 2, 3, and 4. (See Figure A.1.)
The circle representing meaningful use of knowledge subsumes the other
two, and the circle representing extending and refining knowledge subsumes
the circle representing acquiring and integrating knowledge. This
communicates that when learners extend and refine knowledge, they
continue to acquire knowledge, and when they use knowledge meaningfully,
they are still acquiring and extending knowledge. In other words, the
relationships among these circles represent types of thinking that are neither
discrete nor sequential. They represent types of thinking that interact and
that, in fact, may be occurring simultaneously during learning.
It might be useful to consider the Dimensions of Learning model as
providing a metaphor for the learning process. Dimensions of Learning offers
a way of thinking about the extremely complex process of learning so that we
can attend to each aspect and gain insights into how they interact. If it serves
this purpose, it will be a useful tool as we attempt to help students learn.
Uses of Dimensions of Learning
As a comprehensive model of learning, Dimensions can have an impact on
virtually every aspect of education. Because the major goal of education is to
enhance learning, it follows that our system of education must focus on a
model that represents criteria for effective learning, criteria that we must use
to make decisions and evaluate programs. Although Dimensions is certainly
not the only model of learning, it is a powerful tool for ensuring that
learning is the focus of what we do as educators. It should validate current
efforts in schools and classrooms to enhance learning, but should also suggest
ways of continuing to improve. Although individuals, schools, and districts
should use the model to meet their own needs, it might be helpful to
understand a number of possible ways in which the Dimensions of Learning
model might be used.
A Resource for Instructional Strategies
At the most basic level, this manual has been used as a resource for research-
based instructional strategies. Although there are many effective strategies
included in the manual, it is important to remember that the manual is not
the model. As the strategies are used, they should be selected and their
effectiveness measured in terms of the desired effect on learning. The
implication is that even at this basic level of use, it is important for teachers
to understand each dimension as they select and use strategies.
“We were thrilled to discover
that Dimensions of Learning
is not an ‘add-on’ but,
instead, a framework that
enhances teaching and
learning across the curricula
within our classrooms.”
—First-grade teacher
in Connecticut
What Is Dimensions
of Learning?
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Teacher’s Manual
A Framework for Planning Staff Development
Some schools and districts see Dimensions as offering an important focus
during their planning of staff development and as a way of organizing the
diverse inservice experiences offered in the district. The matrix in Figure A.2
(see next page) graphically represents this organization. Down the left-hand
side is an outline of the components of the Dimensions model. Planning for
professional development begins here, whether for individuals or an entire
staff. The first question staff developers would ask is, “What part of the
learning process needs to be improved?” After answering that question,
resources for seeking the improvement are identified across the top of the
matrix. These resources might includes programs, strategies, individuals, or
books that can be used to achieve the desired learning goal. There might be
many resources available that complement and supplement each other and
could, therefore, all be offered to those seeking the improvement in learning.
When any resource is identified, the matrix allows for indicating clearly
which aspects of the learning process might be enhanced if people were to
select and use that resource. Notice that the focus is on the learning process
rather than on the resource.
A Structure for Planning Curriculum and Assessment
One reason that the Dimensions of Learning model was created was to
influence the planning of curriculum and assessment, both at the classroom
and the district level. It is particularly suited to planning instructional units
and creating assessments that are clearly aligned with curriculum, including
both conventional and performance instruments.
Within each dimension there are planning questions that can help to
structure the planning so that all aspects of the learning process are
addressed: for example, “What will I do to help students maintain positive
attitudes and perceptions?” or “What declarative knowledge are the students
learning?” Although it is important for the planner to ask powerful
questions, sometimes the answer may be that very little or nothing at all
will be planned to address that part of the model. It is not important to plan
something for every dimension; it is important to ask the questions for every
dimension during the planning process. More detailed explanations and
examples are included throughout this manual and in each planning section.
Those who use the Dimensions model to influence their assessment practices
quickly realize instruction and assessment are closely integrated but that
both conventional and performance-based methods of assessment have a role.
Specific recommendations for assessment are included at the end of this
“The Dimensions model
validates so much of what
we were already doing in
our classrooms. It gives us a
common structure and
vocabulary with which to
discuss and plan professional
activities throughout the
—An elementary
school principal
What Is Dimensions
of Learning?
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Teacher’s Manual
Attitudes & Perceptions
I. Classroom Climate
A. Acceptance by Teachers and Peers
B. Comfort and Order
II. Classroom Tasks
A. Value and Interest
B. Ability and Resources
C. Clarity
Acquire & Integrate Knowledge
I. Declarative
A. Construct Meaning
B. Organize
C. Store
II. Procedural
A. Construct Models
B. Shape
C. Internalize
Extend & Refine Knowledge
Inductive Reasoning
Deductive Reasoning
Constructing Support
Analyzing Errors
Analyzing Perspectives
Use Knowledge Meaningfully
Decision Making
Problem Solving
Experimental Inquiry
Systems Analysis
Habits of Mind
Critical Thinking
Creative Thinking
Self-Regulated Thinking
Resources for Improvement
Dimensions of Learning Outline
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Teacher’s Manual
A Focus for Systemic Reform
The most comprehensive use of the Dimensions model is as an organizational
tool to ensure that the entire school district is structured around and
operating with a consistent attention to learning. The model provides a
common perspective and a shared language. Just as curriculum planners ask
questions in reference to each dimension during planning, people in every
part of the school system ask similar questions as they create schedules,
select textbooks, create job descriptions, and evaluate the effectiveness of
These four uses of the model are offered only as examples. There is no reason
to select only from among these four options; the purpose of the model is to
help you define and achieve your goals for student learning. The model is a
structure that should allow for and encourage a great deal of flexibility.
Using This Manual
Understanding the Dimensions of Learning model can greatly improve your
ability to plan any aspect of education. This manual is designed to help
teachers and administrators study learning through the Dimensions model
and to provide guidance for those who are using the model to achieve their
specific individual, school, and district goals. The sections of the manual, as
well as the format used to organize the information and recommendations,
are described below.
1. There is a chapter for each dimension that includes an introduction,
suggestions for helping students to engage in the thinking involved in
that dimension, classroom examples to stimulate reflection and suggest
ways of applying the information, and a process for planning instruction
in the particular dimension.
2. The margins throughout the manual contain information that should
help you think about the ideas highlighted in each dimension and
pursue further study. You will find
bibliographic references (shortened in some cases because of space),
which provide suggestions for further reading;
quotes from documents that were used as references for the section;
interesting and relevant quotes or thoughts, offered as ideas for
descriptions of implementation activities that have been used in
schools or districts;
What Is Dimensions
of Learning?
intro chapter 4/16/09 9:23 AM Page 11
suggested materials that might be used in planning classroom
activities or that contain other strategies related to the dimension; and
graphics that depict ideas addressed in the dimension.
3. The chapter “Putting It All Together” walks the reader through the
entire planning process and offers suggestions, different planning
sequences, and examples from units of study planned using the
Dimensions of Learning framework. This chapter also discusses critical
issues related to assessment techniques that can be used to collect data
on students’ performance in each of the dimensions; rubrics to facilitate
consistent, fair teacher judgment and to promote student learning; and
ideas for assigning and recording grades.
The strategies and resources highlighted throughout this manual are only a
small percentage of those that could have been included in support of each
dimension. If cost had not been a consideration, this manual would have
been published as a loose-leaf notebook so that users could add their own
strategies and resources. Gathering additional ideas and suggestions should
be a goal for every professional educator. Hopefully, what is offered here will
contribute to the resources that master teachers already have gathered and
provide a beginning for those new to the profession.
Teacher’s Manual
What Is Dimensions
of Learning?
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DoL Teacher TP/Div 4/17/09 7:49 AM Page 2
Dim 2 chapter-procedural 4/17/09 7:23 AM Page 1
Teacher’s Manual
“I read once, ‘Billiard balls
react. People respond.’ This
reminds me that although I
recognize that I did not
cause my students to have
some of the negative
attitudes that they bring to
school, I am responsible for
having a repertoire of
effective strategies for
eliciting positive attitudes
that enhance students’
—A mathematics
teacher in Missouri
Dimension 1
Attitudes and Perceptions
Most people recognize that attitudes and perceptions influence learning. As
learners, we all have experienced the impact of our attitudes and perceptions
related to the teacher, other students, our own abilities, and the value of
assigned tasks. When our attitudes and perceptions are positive, learning is
enhanced; when they are negative, learning suffers. It is the shared
responsibility of the teacher and the student to work to maintain positive
attitudes and perceptions or, when possible, to change negative attitudes and
The effective teacher continuously works to influence attitudes and
perceptions, often so skillfully that students are not aware of her efforts.
Subtle though this behavior may be, it is a conscious instructional decision
to overtly cultivate specific attitudes and perceptions. In the next two
sections, you will find strategies and techniques for enhancing two types of
attitudes and perceptions: those related to the climate of the classroom and
those related to classroom tasks. You will find strategies, techniques,
recommendations, and classroom examples to refer to when you are
planning to
elicit positive attitudes and perceptions from learners and
teach the learner how to maintain positive attitudes and perceptions
or change negative or detrimental ones.
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Attitudes & Perceptions
Dimension 1
This dimension includes two main sections as described below.
I. Helping Students Develop Positive Attitudes and Perceptions About
Classroom Climate
Feel accepted by teachers and peers
Experience a sense of comfort and order
II. Helping Students Develop Positive Attitudes and Perceptions About
Classroom Tasks
Perceive tasks as valuable and interesting
Believe they have the ability and resources to complete tasks
Understand and be clear about tasks
Dim 1 chapter 1/1/04 12:12 AM Page 14
Teacher’s Manual
Attitudes & Perceptions
Helping Students Develop
Positive Attitudes and
Perceptions About Classroom
Dimension 1
Helping Students Develop Positive Attitudes
and Perceptions About Classroom Climate
Educators recognize the influence that the climate of the classroom has on
learning. A primary objective of every teacher, then, is to establish a climate
in which students
feel accepted by teachers and peers and
experience a sense of comfort and order.
The following strategies are designed for teachers to use to help students
enhance their attitudes and perceptions and to help students develop their
own strategies for enhancing attitudes and perceptions.
1. Help students understand that attitudes and perceptions
related to classroom climate influence learning.
Students vary in the degree to which they understand the relationship
among attitudes, perceptions, and learning. Emphasize with students that
attitudes and perceptions related to classroom climate are critical to
learning, and
it is the shared responsibility of the students and the teacher to keep
attitudes as positive as possible.
Help students understand that it is important to maintain a climate that
positively affects learning and that this means much more than simply “good
behavior.” There are many ways to help build this understanding:
Share with students how your own learning (from kindergarten to
where you are today) has been influenced by your attitudes and
perceptions related to acceptance and to comfort and order. Include
in your discussion strategies you use, or have used, as a learner to
maintain positive attitudes and perceptions and how those strategies
have worked to enhance your learning. Then ask students to share
their experiences and the effectiveness of strategies they have used.
Present a variety of hypothetical situations in which an individual
student’s negative attitude is affecting his or her learning. Ask
students to discuss why the student might have a negative attitude
and to suggest ways in which the situation might be resolved.
An elementary school
principal regularly displays
positive quotes about
learning on bulletin boards
and posters throughout the
school (e.g., “Attitudes are
the mind’s paintbrush”). He
periodically asks students
what they think each quote
means and how the idea
might enhance their
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Teacher’s Manual
Help students become aware of fictional, historical, or famous people
who have enhanced their own learning by maintaining positive
attitudes. Newspaper articles, books, films, or television programs
are good resources for examples.
Feel Accepted by Teachers and Peers
Everyone wants to feel accepted by others. When we feel accepted, we are
comfortable, even energized. However, when we do not feel accepted, we are
often uncomfortable, distracted, or depressed. The stakes are particularly
high in the classroom. Students who feel accepted usually feel better about
themselves and school, work harder, and learn better. Your job as a teacher
begins with helping students to feel accepted by both you and their peers.
There are a number of ways you can accomplish this.
2. Establish a relationship with each student in the class.
We all like to experience being “known.” A simple gesture such as being
greeted by name can be validating. Students are no different. Establishing
relationships with them communicates that you respect them as individuals
and contributes to their successful learning. There are many ways to
establish these relationships:
Talk informally with students before, during, and after class about
their interests.
Greet students outside of school, for instance at extracurricular
events or at stores.
Single out a few students each day in the lunchroom and talk to
Be aware of and comment on important events in students’ lives,
such as participation in sports, drama, or other extracurricular
Compliment students on important achievements in and outside of
Include students in the process of planning classroom activities;
solicit their ideas and consider their interests.
Meet students at the door as they come into class and say hello to
each child, making sure to use his or her first name.
McCombs & Whisler (1997)
The Learner-Centered
Classroom and School
For strategies for
“invitational learning,” see
Purkey (1978) Inviting School
Combs (1982) A Personal
Approach to Teaching
Attitudes & Perceptions
Helping Students Develop
Positive Attitudes and
Perceptions About Classroom
Dimension 1
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Teacher’s Manual
Take time at the beginning of the school year to have students
complete an interest inventory. Use this information throughout the
year to connect and converse with students about their interests.
Call students before the school year begins and ask a few questions
about them to begin to establish a relationship.
Call parents and share anecdotes that focus on something about
which parents and students can be proud.
3. Monitor and attend to your own attitudes.
Most teachers are aware that when their attitudes toward students are
positive, student performance is enhanced. However, they are sometimes
unaware of favoring or having higher expectations for certain students.
Increasing awareness of, monitoring, and attending to your own attitudes
can contribute to students feeling accepted. The following process might be
helpful when you are aware of a negative attitude:
1. Before class each day, mentally review your students, noting those
with whom you anticipate having problems (either academic or
2. Try to imagine these “problem” students succeeding or engaging in
positive classroom behavior. In other words, replace your negative
expectations with positive ones. This is a form of mental rehearsal.
It’s useful to review the positive images more than once before
beginning the instructional day.
3. When you interact with students, try consciously to keep in mind
your positive expectations.
4. Engage in equitable and positive classroom behavior.
Research suggests that even those teachers who are most aware of their
interactions with students unwittingly can give more attention to high
achievers than to low achievers and call on one gender more than the other.
It is important to do what is necessary to ensure that all students are
attended to positively so that they are likely to feel accepted. To this end,
there are several classroom practices that are useful:
Make eye contact with each student in the room. You can do this by
scanning the entire room as you speak. Freely move about all sections
of the room.
Good (1982) “How
Teachers’ Expectations
Affect Results”
Rosenshine (1983)
“Teaching Functions in
Instructional Programs”
Covey (1990) The 7 Habits
of Highly Effective People
Rosenthal & Jacobson
(1968) Pygmalion in the
Kerman, Kimball, & Martin
(1980) Teacher Expectations
and Student Achievement
Sadker & Sadker (1994)
Failing at Fairness
Grayson & Martin (1985)
Gender Expectations and
Student Achievement
Attitudes & Perceptions
Helping Students Develop
Positive Attitudes and
Perceptions About Classroom
Dimension 1
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Teacher’s Manual
Over the course of a class period, deliberately move toward and be
close to each student. Make sure that the seating arrangement allows
you and students clear and easy access to move around the room.
Attribute the ownership of ideas to the students who initiated them.
(For instance, in a discussion you might say, “Dennis has just added
to Mary’s idea by saying that. . . .”)
Allow and encourage all students to be part of class discussions and
interactions. Make sure to call on students who do not commonly
participate, not just students who respond most frequently.
Provide appropriate “wait time” for all students, regardless of their
past performance or your perception of their abilities.
5. Recognize and provide for students’ individual differences.
All students are unique. They come to the educational setting with varying
experiences, interests, knowledge, abilities, and perceptions of the world. As
research and experience tell us, people also vary in their preferred styles of
learning and thinking; their types and degree of intelligence; their cultural
backgrounds that include varying perspectives and customs; and their
particular needs due to background, physical or mental attributes, and
learning deficits or strengths. Teaching that recognizes and provides for such
differences results in students feeling more accepted because of greater
personalization. The result is increased and improved student learning. The
following strategies can help teachers recognize and provide for students’
individual differences:
Use materials and literature from around the world.
Design a classroom setup that accommodates varying physical needs.
Plan varied classroom activities so that all students have
opportunities to learn in their preferred style.
Allow students choice in projects so that they may use their
strengths and capitalize on their interests as they demonstrate their
Include in your lessons examples of successful people talking about
how they recognized and capitalized on their differences.
Hunter (1976) Improved
Rowe (1974) “Wait-time
and Rewards as
Instructional Variables,
Their Influence on
Language, Logic and Fate
Gardner (1983) Frames of
Mind; Gardner (1993)
Multiple Intelligences
McCarthy (1980) The
4MAT System
Wlodkowski & Ginsberg
(1995) Diversity and
Dunn & Dunn (1978)
Teaching Students Through
Their Individual Learning
Gregorc (1983) Student
Learning Styles and Brain
Attitudes & Perceptions
Helping Students Develop
Positive Attitudes and
Perceptions About Classroom
Dimension 1
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Teacher’s Manual
6. Respond positively to students’ incorrect responses or lack of
Students participate and respond when they think it is okay to make mistakes
or to not know an answer, that is, when they know that they will continue to
be accepted in spite of errors or lack of information. How you respond to a
student’s incorrect response or lack of response is an important factor in
creating this sense of safety for students. When students give wrong answers or
no answer, dignify their responses by trying one of the following suggestions:
Emphasize what was right. Give credit to the aspects of an incorrect
response that are correct and acknowledge when the student is
headed in the right direction. Identify the question that the incorrect
response answered.
Encourage collaboration. Allow students time to seek help from
peers. This can result in better responses and can enhance learning.
Restate the question. Ask the question a second time and allow time
for students to think before you expect a response.
Rephrase the question. Paraphrase the question or ask it from a
different perspective, one that may give students a better
understanding of the question.
Give hints or cues. Provide enough guidance so that students
gradually come up with the answer.
Provide the answer and ask for elaboration. If a student absolutely
cannot come up with the correct answer, provide it for him and then
ask him to say it in his own words or to provide another example of
the answer.
Respect the student’s option to pass, when appropriate.
7. Vary the positive reinforcement offered when students give
the correct response.
Praise is perhaps the most common form of positive reinforcement teachers
provide when students give correct responses. There are times, however,
when praise can have little effect—or even a negative effect—on students’
perceptions of their contributions to the class. For example, students may
perceive praise as empty, patronizing, or automatic, especially when they are
frequently correct and accustomed to praise; enthusiastic praise of a correct
response may communicate to other students that the issue is closed and cut
off other answers; some students might be embarrassed when singled out,
praised, or otherwise reinforced publicly.
Hunter (1969) Teach More
Brophy (1982) Classroom
Organization and Management
Brophy & Good (1986)
“Teacher Behavior and
Student Achievement”
Attitudes & Perceptions
Helping Students Develop
Positive Attitudes and
Perceptions About Classroom
Dimension 1
Dim 1 chapter 1/1/04 12:12 AM Page 19
Teacher’s Manual
There are alternative ways to respond to correct answers that can reinforce
and validate students:
Rephrase, apply, or summarize students’ responses. (“That would also
work if. . . .”)
Encourage students to respond to one another. (“What do you think?
Is Juan correct?”)
Give praise privately, particularly to students who may be
embarrassed by being acknowledged in front of their peers. (“Ian,
today in class I was very pleased when you. . . .”)
Challenge the answer or ask for elaboration. (“Devon, that seems to
contradict. . . .”)
Specify the criteria for the praise being given so that students
understand why they are being praised. (“Barb, that answer helps us
to see a new way of. . . .”)
Help students analyze their own answers. (“How did you arrive at
that answer?”)
Use your tone of voice to ensure that students understand what is
being reinforced.
Use silence along with nods or other body language, such as eye
contact, that encourages students to elaborate on their answers.
8. Structure opportunities for students to work with peers.
Opportunities to work in groups toward a common goal, when structured
appropriately, can help students feel accepted by their peers. Be sure to set
up groups that help foster positive peer relations and that enhance student
achievement. There are a number of strategies that will increase the success
of group work:
Teach students the skills necessary for group interactions.
Identify learning goals in advance and make them very clear for
Monitor the group to suggest additional information, resources, or
encouragement as necessary.
Structure the learning experience so that every student in the group
has a responsible role in completing the task.
Make sure that each student in the group is acquiring the targeted
Johnson, Johnson, &
Holubec (1994) New Circles
of Learning
Slavin (1983) Cooperative
Kagan (1994) Cooperative
Learning Structures
Shaw (1992) Building
Community in the Classroom
Attitudes & Perceptions
Helping Students Develop
Positive Attitudes and
Perceptions About Classroom
Dimension 1
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Teacher’s Manual
9. Provide opportunities for students to get to know and accept
each other.
Some students make friends and are accepted more readily than others.
Other students have a difficult time accepting peers who are different from
themselves. Take the time to provide opportunities for students to get to
know each other, to see that in spite of some apparent differences they are
alike in many ways. Encourage them to establish relationships with
individuals and groups other than those with whom they already have
friendships. Teachers commonly provide opportunities for students to get to
know each other at the beginning of the school year. Providing opportunities
at other times of the year can have positive effects especially when students
understand that the goal is to improve learning for all. Some specific
strategies might include the following:
Ask each student to interview another student at the beginning of
the year and then introduce that student to the rest of the class.
Have students make posters representing their backgrounds, hobbies,
and interests. Students might include pictures of themselves from
birth to the present. Then hang these posters around the classroom,
or ask students to present them to the class.
Encourage all students to share about themselves and their heritage.
This activity might be particularly interesting for students if there
are others in the class from different countries and cultures.
Have each student write his or her name on a sheet of paper. Ask
them to pass their papers around and write one positive comment on
each of the other students’ sheets. Encourage students to avoid
repeating a comment that is already included on the page. Return
the completed “positive-o-grams” to their “owners” to keep.
Have students design and make a “nameplate” that represents their
likes and dislikes with a collage, pictures, or drawings. These can be
placed on students’ tables or desks during the first weeks of school.
Use structured “get-to-know-you” activities periodically throughout
the year.
10. Help students develop their ability to use their own strategies
for gaining acceptance from their teachers and peers.
Students need to accept increasing responsibility for gaining acceptance from
teachers and peers. However, many students will need opportunities to
identify and practice using strategies for gaining acceptance. You might
Canfield & Wells (1976)
100 Ways to Enhance Self-
concept in the Classroom
Smuin (1978) Turn-ons: 185
Strategies for the Secondary
Whisler & McCombs (1992)
Middle School Advisement
Carkhuff (1987) The Art of
Attitudes & Perceptions
Helping Students Develop
Positive Attitudes and
Perceptions About Classroom
Dimension 1
Dim 1 chapter 1/1/04 12:12 AM Page 21
“People develop feelings
that they are liked, wanted,
acceptable, and able from
having been liked, wanted,
accepted, and from having
been successful.”
—Arthur W. Combs
Teacher’s Manual
periodically ask students to identify and discuss potential strategies and then
record them in a way that can be regularly updated and used (e.g., on
bulletin boards or overheard transparencies or in notebooks). Remember to
emphasize with students that using strategies to gain acceptance positively
influences the learning environment for everyone.
Suggested strategies for students to use in gaining acceptance from their
teachers include the following:
If you are developing negative attitudes toward a teacher, make an
appointment to meet with him or her one-on-one. Frequently, a
personal interaction will establish a more positive relationship.
Treat teachers with respect and courtesy. When talking with them,
make eye contact and use appropriate language.
If a teacher seems angry or irritable in class, don’t take it personally.
Teachers are human; they have good days and bad days just like
everyone else.
Work hard. Regardless of your level of achievement, when a teacher
perceives you are trying to learn, the relationship between you and
the teacher will likely be a positive one.
Suggested strategies for students to use in gaining acceptance from their
peers include the following:
Be interested rather than interesting. When you are first getting to
know people, spend more time asking them about themselves rather
than telling them about yourself.
Compliment people on their positive characteristics.
Avoid reminding people about their negative qualities or about bad
things that have happened to them.
Treat people with common courtesy. Treat them as you would like to
be treated or as you would treat an honored guest.
Attitudes & Perceptions
Helping Students Develop
Positive Attitudes and
Perceptions About Classroom
Dimension 1
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Teacher’s Manual
“The physical setting of a
high school should nurture
a student in much the same
way that the clean, safe
interior of a home makes
the youngster feel
comfortable and secure.”
—NASSP (1996)
Breaking Ranks: Changing an
American Institution,
p. 34.
Carbo, Dunn, & Dunn
(1986) Teaching Students to
Read Through Their
Individual Learning Styles
Experience a Sense of Comfort and Order
A student’s sense of comfort and order in the classroom affects his or her
ability to learn. Comfort and order as described here refer to physical
comfort, identifiable routines and guidelines for acceptable behavior, and
psychological and emotional safety.
A student’s sense of comfort in the classroom is affected by such factors as
room temperature, the arrangement of furniture, and the amount of physical
activity permitted during the school day. Researchers investigating learning
styles (e.g., Carbo, Dunn, and Dunn, 1986; McCarthy, 1980, 1990) have
found that students define physical comfort in different ways. Some prefer a
noise-free room; others prefer music. Some prefer a neat, clutter-free space;
others feel more comfortable surrounded by their work-in-progress.
Teachers can draw on the extensive research available on classroom
management (e.g., Anderson, Evertson, and Emmer, 1980; Emmer, Evertson,
and Anderson, 1980) to guide them in addressing issues about classroom
order. This research shows, for example, that explicitly stated and reinforced
rules and procedures create a climate that is conducive to learning. If
students do not know the parameters of behavior in a learning situation, the
environment can become chaotic.
Most educators understand the importance of involving students in making
decisions about the classroom climate. When students are involved in decision
making, individual needs are more likely to be met. The following subsections
cover strategies for establishing a sense of comfort and order in the classroom.
11. Frequently and systematically use activities that involve
physical movement.
Many students will be more comfortable if they do not have to remain in
one position for a long time. There are many ways to allow—even
encourage—movement during regular classroom instruction:
Periodically take short breaks in which students are allowed to stand
up, move about, and stretch.
Set up classroom tasks that require students to gather information on
their own or in small groups, using resources that are away from
their desks.
Systematically switch from activities in which students must work
independently at their own desks to activities in which they must
organize themselves in small groups in different areas of the room.
When students’ energy level begins to wane, take an exercise break
for two to five minutes to change the routine.
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12. Introduce the concept of “bracketing.”
Bracketing is a process of maintaining focus and attention by consciously
blocking out distractions. In the first step, the learner recognizes that it is
time to pay attention. Next, the learner acknowledges his or her distracting
thoughts and mentally frames or “brackets” them. Finally, the learner makes a
commitment to avoid thinking about the distracting thoughts. Bracketing can
be accomplished in a variety of ways. You might suggest to students that they
Use self-talk. (“I won’t think about it now.”)
Designate a later time to think about it. (“I will think about it at the
end of class.”)
Mentally picture pushing the distracting thoughts out of their head.
Bracketing contributes to a sense of comfort in the classroom because it
helps students to focus on one idea or task at a time. To help students
understand and practice bracketing, you might use the following strategies:
Model bracketing by talking through the process during an
appropriate transition time (e.g., after lunch or before recess). You
might say that you are “changing channels” in preparation for
beginning a new task.
Provide personal examples and ask students to share their examples
of when bracketing was productive or not very useful.
Share with students examples, testimonials, or videos of well-known,
accomplished people (e.g., Olympic athletes, performers, and
political leaders) explaining how they have used strategies similar to
bracketing to stay focused.
Use examples from literature in which students might find explicit
references or infer that a character bracketed information to persevere
or stay focused.
If a student’s distracting thoughts are consuming or urgent, suggest
that he focus on the thoughts for a minute or two and then “put
them in a box” to retrieve after class. You can use this box
figuratively, or you might have a box on your desk for this purpose.
13. Establish and communicate classroom rules and procedures.
Well-articulated classroom rules and procedures are a powerful way of
conveying a sense of order to students. This can be accomplished in a
number of ways:
Marzano & Arredondo
(1986) Tactics for Thinking
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Perceptions About Classroom
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Generate clear rules and standard operating procedures for the
classroom (either independently or collaboratively with the class).
Figure 1.1 lists some categories for which rules and procedures are
commonly specified.
Have students discuss what rules and procedures they think would
be appropriate for the classroom.
Communicate rules and procedures by discussing their meaning or
rationale, providing students with a written list, posting them in the
classroom, role playing them, or modeling their use.
Specify when rules and procedures apply and how they may vary
depending on the context (e.g., “At the beginning of class. . . .” or
“During exams. . . .”).
When a situation occurs that requires an exception to the rules,
acknowledge the change and explain the reasons for the exception.
When providing students with feedback about their behavior,
identify the specific behavior that was consistent with the rules of
the class. In addition, let students know how they contributed to
their own success and to the success of others.
Enforce rules and procedures quickly, fairly, and consistently.
1. Beginning class
2. Room/school areas
3. Independent work
4. Ending class
5. Interruptions
6. Instructional procedures
7. Noninstructional procedures
8. Work requirements
9. Communicating assignments
10. Checking assignments in class
11. Grading procedures
12. Academic feedback
Teacher’s Manual
Fisher et al. (1978) Teaching
Behaviors, Academic Learning
Time and Student Achievement
Evertson et al. (1981)
Organizing and Managing the
Elementary Classroom
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Perceptions About Classroom
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14. Be aware of malicious teasing or threats inside or outside of
the classroom, and take steps to stop such behavior.
Personal safety is a primary concern for everyone. It is difficult to learn when
you feel physically or psychologically unsafe. There are several things you
can do to help your students feel safe:
Establish clear policies about the physical safety of students. The clearer
you can be about policies regarding physical safety, the stronger the
message will be to students. Policies and rules should include a
description of the consequences of threatening or harming others.
Make sure your students know that you are looking out for their
safety and well-being. Be certain that they understand that you will
take action on their behalf.
Pinpoint the students who are threatening or teasing others and
those who are being threatened or teased. Talk with the students to
find out why this is happening.
Occasionally patrol the perimeter of the school, looking for threatening
aspects of the environment. Check areas within the school where
students could be threatened (e.g., bathrooms or hallways).
If necessary, meet with parents to discuss problems.
Establish an environment in which “put downs” are not acceptable.
15. Have students identify their own standards for comfort and
Teachers may spend much of their time in their classrooms prompting
students to meet agreed-upon standards for comfort and order. However, the
goal is for students to learn to identify their own standards for comfort and
order based on their preferences and understandings about accepted social
Some classroom activities can help students take on more responsibility for
their own comfort and order, while being attentive to the needs of those
around them as well:
Ask students to describe in some detail how they would arrange
their personal space (e.g., their desk area or work space) to achieve a
sense of comfort and order. This description might include a
checklist that students could refer to later. From time to time, ask
students to assess the extent to which they are keeping their personal
space up to the standards they have identified.
Maslow (1968) Toward a
Psychology of Being
Edmonds (1982) “Programs
of School Improvement: An
Carbo, Dunn, & Dunn
(1986) Teaching Students to
Read Through Their
Individual Learning Styles
Hanson, Silver, & Strong
(1986) Teaching Styles and
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Perceptions About Classroom
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Periodically place a group of students in charge of “room
arrangement.” Make it the group’s job to enhance the appearance or
arrangement of the classroom in some way.
Discuss with students how to change their standards for comfort and
order depending on the situation. For example, a student may need
the environment to be very quiet while studying but may enjoy
music while working on an art project. You might prompt students
to examine different activities (e.g., doing homework, cleaning up a
room, and fixing a bike) in order to find out what they need to make
themselves comfortable.
Suggest that students ask other people to describe their needs or
strategies for creating comfort and order. Sometimes ideas from
others can validate strategies or help students generate new ones.
Classroom Examples
The following classroom examples are offered to stimulate reflection on how
to apply the ideas covered in this section of Dimension 1 in your classroom.
Each year Mrs. Frost developed classroom rules and had her elementary students write
them on individual tablemats, which they then decorated to their liking. Although the
tablemats were meant to help students experience ownership of the rules, it seemed to
her that she was the only one who “owned” them. The students were constantly
finding new ways to bend them, and much of Mrs. Frost’s time was spent enforcing
them. Feeling frustrated, she talked with a colleague who suggested that she allow
students to devise their own set of rules and decide on the consequences for breaking
them. Two days later, Mrs. Frost found her colleague to share how well it worked.
“The students added rules I had not thought of,” she explained, “and some of their
consequences are harsher than mine. In addition, one child came up with a great title
for the list: Respect yourself, respect others, and respect property.”
Mr. Vosburg decided he needed some new ways to get more students to participate in
classroom discussion. Many students seemed to “fade into the background” during
discussions or to offer ideas only when called on. After some reflection, he realized that
he knew many strategies that addressed this problem; he just did not use them very
often. He decided to make a conscious effort to use these strategies, such as recording
students’ ideas on the board and writing their names next to the ideas, remembering
students’ ideas and referring to them at a later time (e.g., “Yesterday, Colleen said
that she disagreed with. . . .”), and challenging students ideas more vigorously,
especially with students who would find these challenges more reinforcing than praise
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(e.g., “But wait, Sandy. That doesn’t make sense if. . . .”). As Mr. Vosburg had
hoped, when students realized that their ideas were making an impression on him,
they began to participate more enthusiastically and thoughtfully.
Mr. Berger noticed that students in his high school history classes often referred to each
other as “that kid sitting in the back” or “the guy with the vest on” or “that girl who
always wears a ponytail.” He decided to create some opportunities for students to get to
know one another in the hopes that in the future they would interact more frequently.
He started by having students play a rhyming “name game,” one that is usually
played in elementary school. The students thought it was funny to play a “kid’s”
game, but they also began to know and use each other’s names. Mr. Berger was very
pleased when he noticed that once students began to address each other by name, they
were more likely to ask each other for information and check with each other when
they needed some help.
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Helping Students Develop Positive Attitudes
and Perceptions About Classroom Tasks
The second area of attitudes and perceptions is related to the tasks that
learners are asked to perform. First, learners must perceive that tasks are
valuable or interesting or they will not put much effort into them. Second,
students must believe they have the ability and resources to complete tasks
or they will not attempt the tasks because the risk is too great. Third,
students must clearly understand what they are being asked to do; if
students do not understand a task but try it anyway, their efforts probably
will be unfocused and ineffective. The following strategies are a few of the
many ways in which a teacher can help students develop and maintain
positive attitudes and perceptions about tasks.
1. Help students understand that learning is influenced by
attitudes and perceptions related to classroom tasks.
It is important for students to understand that their attitudes and perceptions
about classroom tasks significantly influence what they learn from those tasks.
It is also important for them to understand that maintaining positive
attitudes and perceptions toward tasks is a shared responsibility between
teachers and students. If students develop these understandings, they are
more likely to appreciate the efforts teachers make to keep students’ attitudes
and perceptions as positive as possible. They also are more likely to develop
and use their own strategies for maintaining positive attitudes and
perceptions as they work on assigned tasks.
Learning is influenced by the degree to which students perceive tasks as
valuable and interesting, believe that they have the ability and resources to
complete tasks, and understand and are clear about tasks. There are many
ways to help students understand these influential attitudes and perceptions:
Share with students how your own learning (from kindergarten to
where you are today) has been influenced by your attitudes and
perceptions related to tasks you have been assigned. Share strategies
you use, or have used, to maintain positive attitudes and perceptions
and thus to improve your learning. Then ask students to share their
experiences and the strategies that have worked to enhance their
Teacher’s Manual
One principal uses Back to
School Night as an
opportunity to present the
Dimensions of Learning
model. He highlights the
faculty’s role in helping
students to acquire,
integrate, extend, and use
knowledge and elicits
parents’ help in enhancing
students’ attitudes toward
learning. Throughout the
year, the school newsletter
includes suggestions for
parents to enhance students’
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Perceptions About Classroom
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Present hypothetical situations in which students’ attitudes are
negatively influencing learning and ask students to discuss how
learning might be enhanced if the situation were resolved.
Help students become aware of how fictional, historical, or famous
people maintain positive attitudes toward tasks. People in newspaper
articles or characters in books, films, or television programs can
provide opportunities to discuss both positive and negative examples.
Perceive Tasks as Valuable and Interesting
2. Establish a sense of academic trust.
One way of ensuring that students perceive their assigned tasks as valuable is
to establish with them a relationship referred to as “academic trust.” This
means that students consider tasks to be valuable because they trust that the
teacher only assigns tasks that are valuable. In an environment of academic
trust, students are less likely to challenge tasks that they do not immediately
see as valuable because they have the confidence that they will eventually
understand why the tasks are important.
Like any trusting relationship, academic trust can only be developed over
time. It requires that students have consistent experiences with teachers in
which they eventually see the value of assigned tasks.
3. Help students understand how specific knowledge is valuable.
If students do not initially see value in learning about specific knowledge,
sometimes all they need is an explanation of why the knowledge is valuable.
For example, it may be difficult for students to understand why learning
about the Cuban missile crisis is important. However, the teacher might use
the details of the crisis to help students understand how the relationship
between the United States and the former Soviet Union has evolved over
There are a number of other ways to help students understand the value of
specific knowledge:
Explain to students how this information will be useful to them later
as they learn even more complex concepts, make interdisciplinary
connections, or as they complete a task. (You may want to “preview”
an upcoming task, pointing out how the knowledge they are
learning will be useful as they complete the task.)
“Teachers should have the
ability to develop activities
for students that—while
embodying the learning
objectives—are clearly
linked to intellectual
products that the students
—NASSP (1996)
Breaking Ranks: Changing an
American Institution,
p. 15.
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Help students relate the information to real-life experiences in which
the information can be used.
Have students identify and share with one another why they think
specific information or tasks might be worthwhile or important to
their learning.
4. Use a variety of ways to engage students in classroom tasks.
Few would dispute that when students are highly engaged in tasks, they
learn more. Constructing tasks that are interesting and engaging is a
challenge, especially given the diversity among learners in terms of interests
and abilities. There are numerous ways to construct and present tasks that
can increase the numbers of students who find the task interesting:
Construct tasks that are “authentic,” that is, related to life outside of
school or in the workplace. Students who clearly see the relevance
and use of tasks are more likely to be engaged in them.
Make sure that tasks represent an intellectual challenge. It is not
uncommon to observe students, at all levels of achievement,
becoming immediately immersed in seemingly unimportant tasks
(e.g., solving a riddle, looking for a solution to a hypothetical
situation, or clarifying a confusing idea) simply because they are
engaged in a perceived challenge. Classroom tasks can have a similar
effect if the intellectual challenge is there.
Allow for student choices. There are a number of ways to provide
students with choices yet maintain the academic rigor of a task. For
example, you might give students several tasks or product ideas from
which to choose in order to demonstrate specific knowledge; you also
might allow students to select their own specific content to
exemplify or illustrate a generalization or principle.
Exhibit a sense of enthusiasm about the material you present. If you
are excited about the content, students may share your enthusiasm.
Provide anecdotes and interesting “asides” related to the information
being presented. Although students may not initially be interested in
the content, you might pique their interest with an anecdote.
Teacher’s Manual
Brookover et al. (1979)
School Social Systems and
Student Achievement
Strong, Silver, & Robinson
(1995) “What Do Students
Wlodkowski & Ginsberg
(1995) Diversity and
McCombs & Whisler (1997)
The Learner-Centered
Classroom and School
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Perceptions About Classroom
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5. Create classroom tasks that relate to students’ interests and
Students are more likely to perceive tasks as valuable if the tasks somehow
relate to their interests and goals. Consequently, teachers often seek out
information about students’ interests and goals as a way to help them see
value and to engage them in learning. For example, if a teacher presenting a
unit on ratios and proportions knows that students in her class are interested
in music and sports, she could explain how ratios and proportions are used in
music performances and sports events.
Over time, teachers might want to give students the opportunity to generate
their own tasks based on their personal interests. For example, after
introducing three types of graphs in a math lesson, the teacher might have
students select something of interest to them to illustrate the use of the
three types. One student might select the shooting percentages of her
favorite basketball players; another might graph the number of months that
various books are on the best-seller list.
Teachers can find out about students’ interests and goals through ongoing
conversations or by directly eliciting this information. Figure 1.2 shows an
example of an interest inventory that teachers might ask students to complete.
1. If you could be anything in the world, what would it be?
2. Where would you like to go if you could go anywhere?
3. If you could live during any period in history, when would it be?
4. What projects are you currently working on?
5. What projects would you like to work on?
Markus & Ruvulo (1990)
“Possible Selves:
Representations of Goals”
Markus & Wurf (1987)
“The Dynamic Self-concept:
A Social Psychological
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Believe They Have the Ability and Resources to
Complete Tasks
6. Provide appropriate feedback.
The kind of feedback students receive as they are working on tasks can have
a significant influence on the extent to which they believe they can be
successful. Many good teachers are accustomed to giving students the kind
of feedback that encourages them and expresses confidence in their ability
(e.g., “Good job.”, “Keep going.”, “I knew you could do it.”, “Don’t stop
now.”). However, at times students may need more specific feedback that
identifies exactly what they did well and what they need to improve. This
may require breaking the task into smaller parts and helping students see
their strengths and weaknesses in each part. For example:
“Your opening paragraph clearly states the thesis of the essay. Your
closing summarizes nicely. Let’s look at the support offered in your
third paragraph.”
“The stance you take before you swing provides exactly the stability
you need. Don’t change your swing, but as you lean back. . . .”
“This part of the assignment was strong. Because you went back and
checked your answers, you. . . .”
The type of feedback needed varies as a function of the specific student, the
task, and even the mood of the day. However, the purpose of feedback is
always to build students’ confidence in their ability to complete challenging,
complex assignments.
7. Teach students to use positive self-talk.
One of the most powerful ways in which students can develop positive
attitudes about their abilities is to replace their negative self-talk with
positive self-talk. The first step in this process is to become aware of
negative self-talk. Students might keep a journal for a few days, noting all
the negative things they say about themselves and about school (e.g., “I
dislike this class. I can’t do this very well.”). Once they have identified
specific negative comments they make to themselves in specific situations,
they can try to change their negative self-talk to positive self-talk (e.g., “I
enjoy this class. I’m good at it.”). It is important to note that students
initially do not have to believe their positive self-talk for it to help them be
Teacher’s Manual
Brophy & Good (1986)
“Teacher Behavior and
Student Achievement”
Covington (1985) “Strategic
Thinking and the Fear of
Covington et al. (1974) The
Productive Thinking Program
Whisler & Marzano (1988)
Dare to Imagine
“Your mind can amaze your
body if you just keep telling
yourself, I can do it, I can
do it, I can do it.”
—Jon Erickson
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8. Help students recognize that they have the abilities to
complete a particular task.
When students believe that they do not have the abilities needed to
complete a task, sometimes they simply need to understand that, in fact,
they do. This means more than being a cheerleader for students; it means
helping them understand that they have the knowledge. Students may be
overwhelmed and distracted from the knowledge embedded in the task,
particularly when tasks are presented in complex contexts or are long-term
projects. There are a number of ways to help them to recognize their own
Explain more clearly exactly what knowledge is needed for the task.
Provide students with evidence that they have demonstrated the
knowledge in the past (e.g., through work in a portfolio or scores on
previous assignments).
Break the task into smaller parts in a way that helps students see
that they have the knowledge for each step and, therefore, are able to
complete the task.
Provide students with a spontaneous miniquiz in which they are
asked to demonstrate the knowledge in a simpler context. When
they are successful, refocus them on the more complex task.
9. Help students understand that believing in their ability to
complete a task includes believing that they have the ability
to get the help and the resources needed.
When students are encouraged to believe in their abilities, it is possible for
them to misunderstand and think that they are only successful when they
can complete a task on their own. It is important for all students to
understand that both in school and in life, identifying and seeking help
appropriately is a characteristic of a confident learner.
Students at all ability levels may need prompting and modeling to improve
their abilities in this area; however, interestingly, high-achieving students
may need even more. High achievers can put heavy pressure on themselves
to be successful without anyone’s help. In fact, they may perceive seeking
help as a weakness. Take and make opportunities to discuss, model, and
reinforce the act of seeking appropriate help to complete a task.
Covington (1985) “Strategic
Thinking and the Fear of
Covington et al. (1974) The
Productive Thinking Program
Hunter (1982) Mastery
Covey (1990) The 7 Habits
of Highly Effective People
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Understand and Be Clear About Tasks
10. Help students be clear about the directions and demands of
the task.
Although the need for students to be clear about the directions and demands
of the task seems obvious, achieving this clarity can be difficult. Ask parents
who help their children with homework and you will hear examples of their
frustrated attempts to understand tasks, not only when their only source is
their children’s interpretation of the directions, but also when they have the
assignment sheet in hand. Experienced teachers who know that completing
the task as assigned will enhance students’ learning use techniques to ensure
clarity, including the following:
Ask friends, colleagues, or family members to read assignment sheets
and explain their understanding of the assignments before giving
them to students.
As you review directions with students, have them mentally rehearse
the more complex parts to help them identify and clear up confusions.
Have students explain the tasks to each other, articulating and
clearing up confusions.
Ask students if they understand what they are being asked to do.
Show students examples of work turned in by other students.
11. Provide students with clarity about the knowledge that the
task addresses.
Sometimes students are asked to engage in tasks without knowing what
knowledge the task is requiring them to use. It is possible for students to
complete tasks by focusing more on the product to be handed in than on the
knowledge being used. This might result in the task having little positive
effect on learning. For example, students making a miniature colonial quilt
may enjoy making the quilt but lose sight of the fact that they are
developing an understanding of how people use available resources to
survive. In short, teachers need to ask themselves what knowledge a task is
intended to teach and then communicate this clearly to students so that they
know what they are supposed to be learning as a result of doing the task.
Teacher’s Manual
Emmer, Evertson, &
Anderson (1980) “Effective
Management at the
Beginning of the School
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12. Provide students with clear expectations of performance
levels for tasks.
To be successful learners, students need to know what standards of
performance are expected of them. As students mature and grow as learners,
they will learn to generate their own personal standards for excellence.
However, teachers need to provide performance standards to students when
they are beginning a task so that they know and understand the criteria
others will use to evaluate their work.
Students also need to understand the characteristics of performances that
exceed the standards and be able to describe those performances that do not
meet the standards. There are a number of formats that can be used to
communicate these criteria to students, the most common of which are
checklists and rubrics. An example of each of these is provided in Figure 1.3.
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Helping Students Develop
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Perceptions About Classroom
Checklist (Sample Items) Completed
cover page with title
appropriate page setup:
1-inch margins
12-point font
4 Thesis was clearly stated and was supported with information and examples
that reflected insight into its meaning; selected examples and information
strongly elaborated on the thesis and added an original perspective.
3 Thesis was clearly stated and supported with appropriate information and
2 Thesis was stated but parts of it were unclear and/or some information and
examples offered in support were not clearly related to the thesis or
reflected misconceptions or confusions.
1 Thesis was unclear and/or information and examples offered did not
support the thesis.
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Classroom Examples
The following classroom examples are offered to stimulate reflection on how
to apply the ideas covered in this section of Dimension 1 in your classroom.
Mr. Snow was tired of hearing that teachers should try harder to link assignments to
children’s interests. He had a great deal of content to cover and hated those “fluffy”
units that had no content, that simply engaged students in self-exploration. He also
was not going to dress up like George Washington and put on a show for students like
one teacher did. With this attitude, he reluctantly attended the required inservice on
the topic of student attitudes. To his surprise, he realized that he had misinterpreted
the message. The presenter explained that linking assignments to students’ interest
should not compromise academic rigor: “Just have them find examples of grammar
rules in articles about topics they like. Have them create three kinds of graphs using
data they care about. Ask them to apply scientific principles to situations they see every
day. Have them create analogies to show, for example, how the cell is like other
systems they see around them. Always hold students accountable for the knowledge but
let them help you identify ways to make it more interesting.” Mr. Snow of course had
used many of the suggested techniques in the past, but he acknowledged to himself that
he had not done it as much lately. He also admitted that he could probably use some
new ideas.
One of Mrs. Fitzsimmons’s brightest students experienced intense anxiety when he took
tests and when he was called on in class. In an attempt to help him, Mrs.
Fitzsimmons suggested that he use the strategy of positive self-talk. She even provided
him with a process: (1) keep a journal to record the negative self-talk you notice
before, during, and after a difficult task; (2) identify and write down positive self-
talk that replaces the negative messages; and (3) practice saying the positive things to
yourself during tasks. The student listened to Mrs. Fitzsimmons respectfully as she
explained her idea, but it was clear that he was not persuaded to try the process. Mrs.
Fitzsimmons was disappointed that she had not helped him. However, two years later,
the student came to visit her. After some polite small talk, he shared with her that his
anxieties had gradually worsened. Recently he had become so desperate that he tried
the process she had suggested to him so long ago. “I just wanted you to know that it’s
working!” he explained. “I came back to say thanks.” Mrs. Fitzsimmons smiled as
she remembered how often teaching involves delayed gratification.
The students in Mr. Young’s class had just turned in their projects for the semester. As
he looked them over, Mr. Young became concerned and disappointed. Although it
appeared that some students had worked very hard, most of the projects were nothing
more than fancy products that, at best, were related only tangentially to the knowledge
Teacher’s Manual
Dimension 1
Attitudes & Perceptions
Helping Students Develop
Positive Attitudes and
Perceptions About Classroom
Dim 1 chapter 1/1/04 12:12 AM Page 37
he had been trying to emphasize in the semester. His first reaction was that he could not
give students low grades, inasmuch as they had worked hard. But then he decided to
get tough and send the message that he would not compromise his standards.
The day the students received their grades, most of them were upset. When Mr. Young
explained why he had given the low grades, one student responded, “That isn’t fair.
We did what we thought you wanted.” At first, Mr. Young was defensive. Why did
students have to be told that their projects had to demonstrate knowledge? But as he
listened to the students’ complaints, he had to acknowledge that he had not been clear
when assigning the projects. After more discussion, the students and Mr. Young
reached a compromise: In the future, he would try to clearly specify what knowledge
the students should be demonstrating with their projects; the students agreed they
would put more energy into demonstrating knowledge than into creating a “pretty
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Dimension 1
Attitudes & Perceptions
Helping Students Develop
Positive Attitudes and
Perceptions About Classroom
Dim 1 chapter 1/1/04 12:12 AM Page 38
Unit Planning: Dimension 1
Planning for Dimension 1 requires asking and answering the following
overarching question:
What will be done to help students develop positive attitudes and
What follows is a step-by-step process that will guide you in answering this
question. Each step asks you to answer a key question or provide specific
information. There is a space on the planning guide (see page 42) in which
to record your ideas, notes, decisions, and planned activities. A sample
planning guide has been filled out for a hypothetical social studies unit
about Colorado. (This unit topic was chosen because, with some changes, it
could be used for a unit about any state or region and at any developmental
level. You will find the entire unit in the planning section at the end of
Chapter 6, “Putting It All Together.”)
Step 1
To answer these questions, do the following:
Identify any concerns and goals, in general, that you may have. For
example, perhaps students recently have been expressing their
frustrations about the relevance of their schoolwork, a particular
student has given up trying, or you have noticed that lately you have
been overly concerned with content coverage and less concerned with
Identify goals and concerns that you may have related to this specific
unit. For example, perhaps you know that the assignments in the
upcoming unit are going to be challenging for students or your
experience tells you that students might not find the topics
immediately interesting.
Are there any goals or concerns related to students’ attitudes and
in general?
related to this specific unit?
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Attitudes & Perceptions
Unit Planning
Dimension 1
Dim 1 chapter 1/1/04 12:12 AM Page 39
Step 2
This question has two parts as follows:
Step 2a
Classroom Climate
feel accepted by teachers and peers?
experience a sense of comfort and order?
Classroom Tasks
perceive tasks as valuable and interesting?
believe they have the ability and resources to complete tasks?
understand and be clear about tasks?
Answer this question by identifying the aspect of attitudes and
perceptions that will help you address your goals and concerns.
Step 2b
Describe the specific activities, experiences, and strategies that you
will use to address your goals and concerns. You might want to
consider the strategies suggested in this section of the manual:
Classroom Climate
1. Help students understand that attitudes and perceptions related
to classroom climate influence learning.
2. Establish a relationship with each student in the class.
3. Monitor and attend to your own attitudes.
4. Engage in equitable and positive classroom behavior.
5. Recognize and provide for students’ individual differences.
6. Respond positively to students’ incorrect responses or lack of
7. Vary the positive reinforcement offered when students give the
correct response.
Describe what will be done.
Specifically, will anything be done to help students …
What will be done to address these goals or concerns?
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Attitudes & Perceptions
Unit Planning
Dimension 1
Dim 1 chapter 1/1/04 12:12 AM Page 40
8. Structure opportunities for students to work with peers.
9. Provide opportunities for students to get to know and accept
each other.
10. Help students develop their ability to use their own strategies
for gaining acceptance from their teachers and peers.
11. Frequently and systematically use activities that involve physical
12. Introduce the concept of “bracketing.”
13. Establish and communicate classroom rules and procedures.
14. Be aware of malicious teasing or threats inside or outside of the
classroom, and take steps to stop such behavior.
15. Have students identify their own standards for comfort and order.
Classroom Tasks
1. Help students understand that learning is influenced by
attitudes and perceptions related to classroom tasks.
2. Establish a sense of academic trust.
3. Help students understand how specific knowledge is valuable.
4. Use a variety of ways to engage students in classroom tasks.
5. Create classroom tasks that relate to students’ interests and goals.
6. Provide appropriate feedback.
7. Teach students to use positive self-talk.
8. Help students recognize that they have the abilities to complete
a particular task.
9. Help students understand that believing in their ability to
complete a task includes believing that they have the ability to
get the help and the resources needed.
10. Help students be clear about the directions and demands of the
11. Provide students with clarity about the knowledge that the task
12. Provide students with clear expectations of performance levels for
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Attitudes & Perceptions
Unit Planning
Dimension 1
Dim 1 chapter 1/1/04 12:12 AM Page 41
Dimension 1 Planning Guide Unit: Colorado
Are there any goals or concerns
related to students’ attitudes and
• in general?
• related to this specific unit?
What will be done to address these goals or concerns?
Specifically, will anything be
done to help students. . .
Classroom Climate
feel accepted by
teachers and peers?
experience a sense of
comfort and order?
Classroom Tasks
perceive tasks as
valuable and interesting?
believe they have
the ability and resources
to complete tasks?
understand and be
clear about tasks?
Describe what will be done.
I think I have been in a rut lately
when responding both to students’
incorrect answers and to their
correct or thoughtful answers.
The last field trip was not fun for
anyone; it seemed unorganized and
many rules for bus behavior were
I am going to work on slowing down and giving students a
chance to answer my questions; I need to do more restating and
rephrasing of the questions.
I will go over the rules of bus behavior and the general rules
for field trips; I think I’ll have students generate some additional
rules and suggestions for making the field trip successful.
Students might be getting tired
of studying Colorado.
The assignments will give students the opportunity to apply
knowledge to regions of their choice.
Step 1 Step 2
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Many districts are working
to identify academic
standards and benchmarks,
which specify the
declarative and procedural
knowledge that students
should have by the end of
grades 2, 5, 8, and 12. This
work then serves as a
resource for teachers as they
plan curricular units that
specify the content
knowledge that students
must acquire and integrate.
Dimension 2
Acquire and Integrate Knowledge
Before planning to help students acquire and integrate knowledge, it is
important to clarify the type of knowledge that is the target of the lesson or
unit. Many cognitive psychologists believe that knowledge can be organized
into two basic categories: declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge. Here
are some examples of each type of knowledge:
Learning procedural knowledge requires the learner to perform a process or to
demonstrate a skill, that is, to take some kind of action. Some of the actions
are primarily mental (e.g., add and subtract); some are primarily physical
Declarative Knowledge
The learner knows or understands
a numerator
an amoeba
the conventions of
the rules of basketball
that when oppression meets
resistance, conflict results
that George Washington was
the first president of the
United States
Procedural Knowledge
The learner is able to
add and subtract
write a paragraph
shoot free throws
read a bar graph
set up an experiment
search a database
read music
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(e.g., shoot free throws). Whether mental or physical, when we perform
these actions, we go through a series of steps: first we do one thing, then
another, then another. This is the case even with complex processes like
writing, reading a bar graph, and setting up an experiment. Although the
sequence of steps is not always linear, there are steps that we must perform
in the skills and processes that make up procedural knowledge.
In contrast, learning declarative knowledge does not require the learner to
perform a series of steps with the mind or body. This kind of information is
information that the learner must know or understand. When we think of
democracy, we do not perform one step first, then another, and then another.
Rather, we recall the attributes of democracy (e.g., one person, one vote;
decisions are made by the group versus by an individual). Similarly, when we
think of an amoeba, we think about its characteristics (e.g., it is a one-celled
animal), and when we think of the conventions of punctuation, we think of a
set of rules used in the written language (e.g., capitalize the first letter of the
first word in each sentence). In short, declarative knowledge is the
information—facts, concepts, and generalizations—within content
The Importance of Understanding the Nature of
Although studying the distinctions between the types of knowledge is
somewhat of a technical endeavor, many educators would argue that it is
necessary in order to effectively plan and implement curriculum, instruction,
and assessment. Clearly, to help students learn, we must not only understand
the learning process, we must understand the nature of knowledge. We must
be as good at identifying the knowledge students are learning as we are at
planning interesting educational activities. We must understand how
teaching and assessing declarative knowledge is different from teaching and
assessing procedural knowledge. We must make informed decisions about
what knowledge is worth acquiring and integrating, extending and refining,
and using meaningfully. The following explanations and descriptions are
offered as a resource for those who are unfamiliar with these distinctions and,
especially, for those who are using the Dimensions of Learning model as a
structure for planning and implementing curriculum, instruction, and
Anderson (1990) Cognitive
Psychology and Its Implications
Anderson (1995) Learning
and Memory
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The Relationship Between Declarative and
Procedural Knowledge
Because we as educators are concerned with students’ ability to use the
knowledge that they are learning, helping students acquire procedural
knowledge is sometimes seen as the ultimate goal of education. This reflects
the common misconception that procedural knowledge is the most
important type of knowledge, a conclusion that perhaps results because
examples of procedural knowledge typically begin with the phrase “is able
to” and because the uses of procedural knowledge are apparent (e.g., it is
easy to identify how we use the ability to write a paragraph). In addition,
people tend to think that if students are involved in an activity or something
“hands-on,” procedural knowledge is being used. Activities and hands-on
experiences (e.g., making a model of the solar system) are often methods that
are used to help students learn or demonstrate declarative knowledge. The
uses of declarative knowledge, although sometimes not as apparent, are
numerous and important.
Most tasks involving the use of knowledge require both declarative and
procedural knowledge. Completing a decision-making, problem-solving, or
experimental-inquiry task, for example, requires learners to perform the
steps of the specific process (procedural knowledge). But it is the declarative
knowledge—what learners know or understand about the topic—that often
is the primary factor in students’ successfully completing tasks and
obtaining useful results. For example, students who are asked to conduct an
experiment to determine the makeup of an unknown substance in chemistry
class must be skilled in the scientific process. However, their research will be
significantly influenced by their understanding of the properties of chemicals.
Acquiring a skill without understanding the various concepts related to the
skill could result in students’ acquiring knowledge that is of limited use. For
example, if students are skilled at solving linear and quadratic equations, but
do not understand the distinctive characteristics of these equations or when
to use a specific type of equation, they are missing the critical knowledge—
the declarative knowledge—that is necessary to know how and when to use
these skills.
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Levels of Generality and the Organization of
Within the general categories of declarative and procedural knowledge, there
are even finer distinctions that can guide the process of identifying the
knowledge that all students should have the opportunity to learn. We can
understand these distinctions by examining how declarative and procedural
knowledge can be organized to create a hierarchy from specific to general
Declarative Knowledge
Declarative knowledge can be organized into patterns that highlight
different relationships among pieces of information. Organizational patterns
are used to ensure that students do not see information as isolated pieces,
sometimes call “infobits.” When, instead, students see that the pieces of
information can be connected to form patterns, they are more likely to use
and retain the information. Six of the most common organizational patterns
are explained below.
1. Descriptions. At the most specific level, declarative knowledge can be
organized as descriptions of specific persons, places, ideas, things, or events.
Information might be organized as simple descriptions when students are
initially learning the meaning of vocabulary terms or when they are gathering
key facts related to very specific content knowledge.
Vocabulary Terms. Knowing a vocabulary term means understanding
the meaning of a word at a very general level. This means organizing
information to show the most important characteristics of the word
as well as to identify some examples or experiences that further
describe it. In other words, students need to have enough
information to describe the word accurately, but at a somewhat
surface level of understanding, and have no serious misconceptions
about its meaning.
Facts. Facts can be organized to describe very specific persons, places,
living and nonliving things, and events. They commonly articulate
information such as the following:
characteristics of a specific person (e.g., The fictitious character
of Robin Hood lived in Sherwood Forest.)
characteristics of a specific place (e.g., Denver has a very dry
“A question I ask myself
when I’m designing a task
for students is, ‘What is the
knowledge I want them to
learn?’ We’ve all used tasks
like the classic sugar cube-
pyramid. But what is the
point of it? One of my self-
imposed challenges is to
create tasks that are fun
AND that help students to
acquire and integrate
specific knowledge and
—A primary teacher
“Some [people] try to make
education painless. ‘Do not,’
they say, ‘ask students to
learn facts, but teach them
to think.’. . . How can a
man think if he doesn’t
know? Charles Darwin
gathered biological facts for
twenty years without seeing
any binding relationship.
Then one day, when he was
walking through an English
country lane, the idea of
evolution suddenly came to
him. That’s what thinking
is—the flashing emergence
of an idea after facts have
been mulled over a long
—W. E. McNeill,
as quoted in Dale (1984)
The Educator’s Quotebook,
p. 86.
Dimension 2
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“We’re drowning in
information and starving for
—Rutherford D. Rogers
characteristics of specific living and nonliving things (e.g., My
dog, Tuffy, is a golden retriever; the Empire State Building is
more than 100 stories high.)
characteristics of a specific event (e.g., Construction began on the
Leaning Tower of Pisa in 1174.)
2. Time Sequences. Important events that occur between two specific points
in time can be organized into a time sequence. For example, the events from a
story or biography can be organized into a time sequence.
3. Process/Cause-Effect Relationships. Process/cause-effect relationships organize
information into a causal network leading to a specific outcome or into a
sequence of steps leading to a specific product. The information that explains
how we digest food, for example, can be organized into a process pattern.
The events leading to the fall of the Roman Empire can be organized into a
causal network.
4. Episodes. Episodes are specific events that have (1) a setting (e.g., a
particular time and place), (2) specific participants, (3) a particular duration,
(4) a specific sequence of events, and (5) a particular cause and effect. For
example, “Watergate” could be organized as an episode if it is important for
students to know the facts about the time and place, how long it lasted, who
was involved, the sequence of events, the causes, and the specific effects on
the country.
5. Generalizations/Principles. Generalizations are statements for which
examples can be provided. “Mysteries often use the technique of
foreshadowing” is a generalization. Principles are generalizations that
articulate rules or relationships that can be applied to a number of specific
situations. “Water seeks its own level” is a scientific principle. In some cases,
it is easy to confuse generalizations with facts. Facts identify characteristics
of specific persons, places, living and nonliving things, and events, whereas
generalizations make statements about classes or categories of persons, places,
living and nonliving things, and events. In addition, generalizations identify
characteristics about abstractions; specifically, information about abstractions
is always stated in the form of generalizations. The following are examples of
the various types of generalizations:
characteristics of classes of persons (e.g., It takes at least two years of
training to become a fireman.)
characteristics of classes of places (e.g., Large cities have high crime
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characteristics of classes of living and nonliving things (e.g., Golden
retrievers are good hunting dogs; firearms are the subject of great
characteristics of classes of events (e.g., The Super Bowl is one of the
premier sporting events of the year.)
characteristics of abstractions (e.g., Love is one of the most powerful
human emotions.)
6. Concepts. Concepts, the most general way of thinking about knowledge,
are commonly single words or phrases that label entire classes or categories
of persons, places, living and nonliving things, and events (e.g., dictatorship,
civil rights, equilibrium, perspective, artificial intelligence, and poetry). Whereas
generalizations are statements about general classes or categories, concepts
are words or phrases that label the general classes or categories.
“Governments are established to both regulate and provide services” is a
generalization. Government is a concept.
Because concepts can be confused with vocabulary terms, it might be useful
to examine the distinctions between them. The difference between concepts
and vocabulary terms is in the approach used to teach them. If dictators, for
example, were approached as a simple vocabulary term, students would be
expected to have a general, but accurate, understanding of what the word
means. In other words, students could generate mental images of the word
or connect it to experiences in which the word applies. However, if the word
were approached as a concept, students would be expected to develop an in-
depth understanding of the word. This would include being able to
articulate the key characteristics of the concept and being able to generate a
number of examples that illustrate each characteristic. Students would need
to understand, for example, that one characteristic of dictators is that they
tend to silence or persecute their opposition. They should then be able to
provide examples of dictators, such as Mussolini and Hitler, who imprisoned
or banished their dissenters.
The ways of organizing declarative knowledge described above are listed in
an order that represents a hierarchy, from the most specific to the most
general. This level of generality refers to the degree to which the knowledge
transfers, that is, the degree to which it can be applied to many different,
specific situations. If, for example, students are studying a concept, such as
culture, which is at the highest level of generality, this general information
about culture will help them organize and therefore understand specific
information about the cultures of many different countries. It will also help
them organize and understand specific information about the cultures of
organizations. If, however, students are studying facts, such as the specific
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characteristics of the Empire State Building, this information will not
necessarily help them when they are learning specific facts about other
buildings, the Taj Mahal, for example.
Procedural Knowledge
The terms skills and processes are commonly used to identify types of
procedural knowledge. Although they are not part of a strict hierarchy, skills
and processes do represent levels of generality of procedural knowledge. A
skill typically refers to a specific set of steps performed in a fairly strict order
and, ideally, without much conscious thought. Adding, subtracting, typing,
and strumming a guitar are examples of skills. A process is a more general
set of steps that is performed with more conscious thought and careful
consideration of what needs to be done next. Skills might be embedded
within the steps of a process. In fact, the most general processes, called
macroprocesses, describe procedural knowledge that is commonly comprised of
a number of skills. Reading for comprehension, driving a car, and giving a
speech are examples of macroprocesses.
When specifying the procedural knowledge that students are to learn in a
specific lesson or unit, identifying only general processes is not sufficient.
One goal of a unit might be, for example, to help students learn to read for
comprehension. However, reading is such a general process that more
specific procedural knowledge also needs to be designated; for example,
students might be learning to create mental pictures as they read or to figure
out the meaning of a word they do not know. As is true of declarative
knowledge, the more clearly the procedural knowledge is specified, the more
likely it is that students will acquire that knowledge.
Acquiring and Integrating Declarative and
Procedural Knowledge
Understanding these two types of knowledge—declarative and procedural—
not only influences how teachers identify knowledge for lessons and units, it
also should help them select appropriate instructional strategies. Different
strategies are appropriate for each type of knowledge because students learn
each type differently. Learning declarative knowledge requires three phases:
constructing meaning, organizing, and storing. Learning procedural knowledge
requires phases that are somewhat parallel with those in declarative
knowledge: constructing models, shaping, and internalizing. The relationships
among the phases within each type are different, as represented in Figures
2.1 and 2.2. The emphasis that you place on the various phases can vary
greatly depending on the specific goals you set for the lesson or unit. More
detailed explanations of each phase, along with suggestions for instruction
Dimension 2
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and planning, are included in the remainder of this chapter. A discussion of
assessment for all of the dimensions can be found in Chapter 6, “Putting It
All Together.”
Shape Internalize
Dimension 2
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Helping Students Acquire and Integrate
Declarative Knowledge
As explained in the introduction to this dimension, declarative knowledge
includes information the learner must know or understand. Knowing and
understanding requires the learner both to acquire new information and
integrate that information with what has been previously learned. This
process of acquisition and integration has been the topic of much theorizing
and experimentation in an attempt to understand how to help students learn
more effectively. Although there is still much that is not understood, the
three phases—construct meaning, organize, and store—define more precisely
what the learner must do to be successful. The explanations of these phases
and the accompanying strategies should help teachers to plan experiences
that will lead to more efficient and effective learning.
Construct Meaning for Declarative Knowledge
An important phase in learning declarative knowledge is constructing
meaning. Experienced educators know that if students are to understand the
information they are receiving, they must actively do something “in their
heads.” Students must construct meaning by recalling prior knowledge and
linking it with new knowledge, making and verifying predictions, and
filling in unstated information. If students are watching a documentary film
on sharks, for example, they are using what they already know to make sense
of the new information about sharks. Their prior knowledge enables them to
predict what they might see in the documentary and to then verify those
predictions as they view the film. They might also correct their
misconceptions, fill in unstated information, and identify areas that are
confusing. All of these activities exemplify the active process of constructing
meaning that needs to occur as students are trying to understand the
Fortunately, human beings tend to construct meaning naturally as they are
exposed to information, as they read the newspaper in the morning, for
example, or listen to the radio. However, in the classroom, students often
need prompting to use, and to improve on, their ability to construct
meaning. There are many techniques and strategies that can be used to help
students learn to construct meaning during structured classroom experiences
and during independent assignments. The following sections provide
suggestions to use as students are constructing meaning while they are
initially acquiring and integrating knowledge.
Dimension 2
Acquire & Integrate Knowledge
Helping Students Acquire
and Integrate Declarative
Construct Meaning
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Teacher’s Manual
1. Help students understand what it means to construct
The strategies in this section can help students construct meaning and
thereby enhance their learning. However, any time students are using a
strategy, success is much greater if they understand the effect the strategy
should have on their learning. Further, students will be much more likely to
use the strategies on their own if they are able to recognize situations in
which the strategies are needed. Thus, we suggest that teachers provide
experiences for students that will help them to understand the importance of
constructing meaning as they acquire declarative knowledge. Suggestions for
achieving this understanding include the following:
Lead a discussion with students about the differences between simply
looking at or hearing words and seeking understanding. You might
ask students to read a passage (such as the one below) that has been
intentionally written to hinder the constructing meaning process.
Then give the passage a title (“Doing Laundry”), and have students
read it again, noting how differently they process the information
when they have a cue (i.e., the title) that elicits prior knowledge.
The procedure is actually quite simple. First, you arrange items into different
groups. Of course, one pile may be sufficient depending on how much there is
to do. If you have to go somewhere else due to a lack of facilities, that is the
next step; otherwise, you are pretty well set. It is important not to overdo
things. That is, it is better to do too few things at once than too many. In the
short run, this may not seem important, but complications can easily arise. A
mistake can be expensive as well. At first, the whole procedure will seem
complicated. Soon, however, it will become just another facet of life. It is
difficult to foresee any end to the necessity for this task in the immediate
future, but then, one never can tell.
After the procedure is complete, you arrange the materials into different
groups again. Then you can put them into their appropriate places.
Eventually, they will be used again, and the whole cycle will then have to be
repeated. However, that is part of life.
When you use strategies that help students construct meaning,
review why you are using these strategies.
When students are about to receive new information, cue them to
select a strategy that helps them construct meaning. After using the
strategy, have them discuss if and how it helped them understand
the information.
“It sounds like a simple
proposition: we construct
our own understandings
of the world in which we
live. . . . Our experiences
lead us to conclude that
some people are generous
and other people are cheap
of spirit, that representational
government either works or
doesn’t, that fire burns us if
we get too close, that
rubber balls usually bounce,
that most people enjoy
compliments, and that
cubes have six sides.”
—Brooks & Brooks (1993)
In Search of Understanding,
p. 4.
Dimension 2
Acquire & Integrate Knowledge
Helping Students Acquire
and Integrate Declarative
Construct Meaning
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2. Use the three-minute pause.
Jay McTighe, of the Maryland Assessment Consortium, recommends that
teachers regularly use the three-minute pause. This means stopping every ten
or fifteen minutes during a classroom activity and asking students to reflect
on and verbalize about something they have learned. Students may work in
pairs or small groups or talk together as a class. This pause changes the
mode in which students are operating by asking them to move from
listening and observing (input) to reflecting and talking (output).
To set up the three-minute pause, you can give students very loose directions
(e.g., “Talk about what you have been thinking during this activity”) or
directions that are very structured (e.g., “Answer the following question. . . .”).
The degree to which your directions are structured should depend on the
complexity of the content about which students are constructing meaning
and the level of experience that students have had with the three-minute
pause. Below are some examples of what you might ask students to do. Then
give students three minutes, or fewer, to go through the process.
“Summarize what you have learned.”
“Identify one thing you already knew and one thing that was new to
“Describe something you found interesting.”
“Identify one thing that was confusing, and try to clear it up.”
“Answer the following question. . . .”
3. Help students experience content using a variety of senses.
It is a fairly well-accepted principle that if students have the ability to create
detailed mental images of information they are receiving, they can improve
their comprehension and retention of the information. Further, the more
senses they use to create those images, the better the results. These images
can make a distant historical example seem more real and transform an
abstraction that is difficult to understand into something more concrete. To
help students cultivate this skill, when they are reading a book, viewing a
film, listening to a discussion or lecture, or observing a demonstration,
encourage them to use all five senses.
Ask students to imagine and describe what the information looks like.
Ask students to think of the information as a motion picture in their
Richardson (1983) “Images,
Definitions and Types”
Suhor (1984) “Toward a
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and Integrate Declarative
Construct Meaning
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Ask students to imagine and describe the smells associated with the
Ask students to imagine and describe the tastes associated with the
Ask students to imagine and describe the sensations of touch
associated with the information.
Ask students to imagine and describe the sounds associated with the
Creating mental images is a skill that you can help students to practice and
refine. After asking them to create images, have several students describe
their images aloud. Give them feedback about how well their images depict
the content being learned and about any misconceptions the images reveal
(e.g., “That is a good start for your picture. But remember, you want a
picture of the electrons outside the nucleus.”). To help students clarify and
sharpen their images, also provide feedback about the details in their images
(e.g., “What did you hear, smell, or taste?” “What color were the. . . ?”).
After giving this specific feedback aloud to several students, ask students to
pair up and share their images to practice giving each other the same types
of feedback. In this way, students will improve both their learning of the
content and their ability to create images that construct meaning.
4. Help students to construct meaning for vocabulary terms.
The most specific way to organize knowledge, as described in the
introduction to this dimension, is to identify vocabulary terms. Vocabulary
development is a major focus in many classrooms because teachers know that
the words students are able to use while listening, speaking, reading, and
writing will influence their success in any academic area. However, the most
commonly used approaches to teaching vocabulary are probably not the most
Teachers often ask students to look up a word in a dictionary or glossary, copy
the definition, and then use it in a sentence to show that they understand the
meaning. Although this type of activity might help students learn some
words, it does not necessarily encourage students to construct meaning for
words. When we understand words for which we have constructed meaning,
Marzano & Arredondo
(1986) Tactics for Thinking
Marzano & Marzano (1988)
A Cluster Approach to
Elementary Vocabulary
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Construct Meaning
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we do not understand them as definitions. We understand them because we
have constructed meaning as result of our experiences with them. The
following strategy, adapted from Tactics for Thinking (Marzano & Arredondo,
1986), is the type of approach that is consistent with the belief that in order
to truly understand vocabulary words and other types of declarative
knowledge, the learner must construct meaning for this knowledge.
1) Provide students with a direct or indirect experience for the new word
through a field trip, classroom activity, discussion, or some personal
examples of your experience with the word.
2) Have students describe (rather than define) the new word in terms of their
3) Using the information generated in steps 1 and 2, ask students to form a
strong mental image of the new word.
4) Ask students to say the word to themselves and mentally picture the
word spelled correctly.
5) Systematically review the word, adding and deleting information.
5. Present students with the K-W-L strategy.
The K-W-L strategy, developed by Donna Ogle (1986), is a powerful way to
help students construct meaning. This process can be presented to students
as a simple three-step strategy:
Before reading, listening, observing, or acting, students identify
what they know (K) about the topic.
Next, they list what they want (W) to know about the topic.
After the activity, students identify and list what they have learned
(L). This list may include new and unpredicted knowledge, answers
to questions from the W column, and knowledge that validates or
invalidates items from the K column.
You can help students become familiar with the K-W-L strategy by asking
them to create their own worksheets. Figure 2.3 shows the beginnings of a
K-W-L worksheet prepared by a student before watching a film about sharks.
Teacher’s Manual
Ogle (1986) “K-W-L: A
Teaching Model That
Develops Active Reading of
Expository Text”
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Construct Meaning
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Some teachers adapt the K-W-L strategy by changing “what I know” to
“what I think I know” and “what I want to know” to “what I think I’m going
to find out.” Both of these changes seem to increase students’ level of
participation and input into the learning process. Other teachers add an
additional W to the end of the strategy to prompt students to determine
“what I want to know now.” This step emphasizes that learning is an
ongoing process.
6. Create opportunities for students to discover or figure out the
new information for themselves.
When teachers want students to understand a concept or principle, they
often use inquiry or inductive models of presenting information to increase the
level of students’ involvement and understanding. When teachers use these
models, they explicitly ask students to use their prior knowledge as they try
to understand new information. As a result, students not only gain new
knowledge, but deepen their understanding of their prior knowledge.
For example, a science lab teacher might ask students to conduct
experiments and then ask them to construct an explanation for their results.
A language arts teacher might give students examples and nonexamples of
the concept of simile and then ask them to try to figure out the defining
characteristics. The approach in the latter example is a basic model from
which Bruce Joyce and Marsha Weil developed a “concept attainment”
process, described in Models of Teaching (1986). We have developed five
phases from those described by Joyce and Weil.
They are mean.
They live in water.
They have sharp teeth.
Do they live only in
Where are there the
How big are they?
Teacher’s Manual
Joyce & Weil (1986) Models
of Teaching
For a discussion of inquiry
models, see also Bruner,
Goodnow, & Austin (1956)
A Study of Thinking.
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Phase I
The first step in presenting a concept is to provide examples and
nonexamples. Assume that a teacher wants to present the concept of compound
words. First he generates pairs of examples and nonexamples. Examples have
all of the defining attributes or characteristics of the concept; nonexamples
do not have all of these attributes. The teacher then presents examples and
nonexamples to students one at a time. For the concept of compound words, he
might make the following presentation to students: “This is an example of a
compound word: boyfriend. This is not an example: boy. This is an example:
railroad. This is not an example: car.” As the teacher presents pairs of
examples and nonexamples, students try to figure out the defining
characteristics of the concept. The teacher then asks students to view these
initial ideas as hypotheses.
Phase II
The second step is to present more pairs of examples and nonexamples so
that students can test their initial hypotheses about the defining
characteristics of the concept. At the end of this phase, the teacher asks
students to orally state their hypotheses and explain how they arrived at
them. Here is one example of a hypothetical student response, again using
the compound words illustration:
I think that the example words are made up of two words. Sometimes the meaning of
the combined word comes from the two words, but a lot of times it doesn’t. At first I
thought the two words made up the meaning of the combined word all of the time,
but then I noticed that. . . .
Phase III
The next step is to present more examples and nonexamples. The teacher keeps
presenting pairs of examples and nonexamples until the majority of students
are able to state the defining characteristics of the concept.
Phase IV
In this phase of the process, the teacher asks students to identify examples
and nonexamples on their own. This can be done in two steps. The teacher
might first have students pick examples and nonexamples from a list he has
provided. Using the compound words illustration, he might say, “Here’s a
word. Is it an example of the concept? Railroad. Here’s another word. Is it an
example of the concept? Rebound.” Next, the teacher might have students
find their own examples and nonexamples of compound words and report
back to the entire class.
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Phase V
During the last phase of the process, the teacher asks students to develop a
written or oral description of the concept that includes the key or defining
characteristics. In addition, the teacher gives students the name of the concept
and asks them to include it in their definitions. (Note: In some versions of the
concept attainment process, the name of the concept is provided.)
The following example illustrates how another teacher might use the phases
of the concept attainment process:
Assume that a social studies teacher wants to present the concept of
Eurocentrism. She explains to students that the concept she will illustrate can
be thought of as a “perspective.” She also explains that the examples validate
this perspective; the nonexamples do not. The teacher explains to her
students that their job is to figure out what perspective is illustrated by the
examples, but not by the nonexamples. She has developed about twenty pairs
of examples and nonexamples, including the following:
As the teacher presents these to students during the first four phases of the
concept attainment process, students gradually realize that ideas such as
“The West,” “The East,” and “Columbus discovered America” make sense
only from the perspective of Europe as the center of civilization. By the time
the teacher explains that this concept is called Eurocentrism, students are able
to write clear definitions of it.
7. Use instructional techniques that provide students with
strategies to use before, during, and after they receive
Some reading theorists have conceptualized the reading process as consisting
of three phases: before reading, during reading, and after reading. These
phases apply whether students are reading, listening to, or viewing
information. In each phase, learners do certain things to create meaning from
the new information they are receiving.
Middle East
The Orient
The West
The East
Columbus discovered America.
United States
Columbus invaded a new land and
enslaved the indigenous people.
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Several instructional techniques provide students with strategies to use
before, during, and after they receive information. Using these techniques in
the classroom communicates to students that during the learning process,
they have a responsibility to do much more than simply pick up a book and
read a text or sit down and watch a film. Students are expected to develop
and use strategies (e.g., accessing what they already know, asking and
answering questions, and creating and changing mental pictures) that
increase their understanding of the information they are receiving.
Below are two instructional techniques that follow the before, during, and
after structure: Reciprocal Teaching and SQ3R: Survey, Question, Read,
Recite, and Review.
Reciprocal Teaching
Reciprocal teaching is a technique that actively engages both teacher and
students in the use of prior knowledge. The following is an adaptation of the
reciprocal teaching strategy:
a. Summarizing. After students have silently or orally read a short section
of a passage, a single student acting as teacher (i.e., the student leader)
summarizes what has been read. Other students, with guidance from the
teacher, may add to the summary. If students have difficulty
summarizing, the teacher might point out clues (e.g., important items or
obvious topic sentences) that aid in the construction of good summaries.
b. Questioning. The student leader asks some questions to which the class
responds. The questions are designed to help students identify important
information in the passage. For example, the student leader might look
back over the selection and ask questions about specific pieces of
information. The other students then try to answer these questions based
on their recollection of the information.
c. Clarifying. Next, the student leader tries to clarify confusing points in
the passage. He might point these out or ask other students to point
them out. For example, the student leader might say, “The part about
why the dog ran into the car was confusing to me. Can anyone explain
this?” Or, the student leader might ask other students to ask clarification
questions. The group then attempts to clear up the confusing parts. This
might involve rereading parts of the passage.
d. Predicting. The student leader asks for predictions about what will
happen in the next segment of the text. The leader can write the
predictions on the blackboard or on an overhead, or all students can
write them down in their notebooks. Keeping those predictions in mind,
Teacher’s Manual
Palincsar & Brown (1985)
“Reciprocal Teaching:
Activities to Promote
Reading with Your Mind”
Palincsar et al. (1986)
Teaching Reading as Thinking
Research reported on by
Reeve, Palincsar, and Brown
(1987, “Everyday and
Academic Thinking”) shows
that reciprocal teaching
results in students’
improved performance on
classroom comprehension
tests (from 20% to 80%
correct) and on standardized
comprehension tests
(average gain of two years).
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Construct Meaning
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the class then silently or orally reads the text. Then a new student is
selected to be the teacher (i.e., the student leader), and the process
begins again. During each successive summarizing stage, the student
leader addresses the predictions that were made.
SQ3R: Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review
SQ3R is a five-step study plan to help students construct meaning while
reading. It uses the elements of questioning, predicting, setting a purpose
for reading, and monitoring for confusion. Developed by Francis Robinson
(1961), SQ3R helps students understand and recall what they have read. As
described in Teaching Reading in the Content Areas: If Not Me, Then Who?
(Billmeyer, 1996), SQ3R includes the following steps:
1. Survey
Think about the title: “What do I know?” “What do I want to know?”
Glance over headings and/or skim the first sentences of paragraphs.
Look at illustrations and graphic aids.
Read the first paragraph.
Read the last paragraph or summary.
2. Question
Turn the title into a question.
Write down any questions that come to mind during the survey.
Turn headings into questions.
Turn subheadings, illustrations, and graphic aids into questions.
Write down unfamiliar vocabulary words and determine their
3. Read actively
Read to search for answers to questions.
Respond to questions and use context clues for unfamiliar words.
React to unclear passages, confusing terms, and questionable
statements by generating additional questions.
4. Recite
Look away from the answers and the book to recall what was read.
Recite answers to questions aloud or in writing.
Reread text for unanswered questions.
5. Review
Answer the major purpose question.
Look over answers and all parts of the chapter to organize information.
Summarize the information learned by drawing flow charts, writing a
summary, participating in a group discussion, or by studying for a test.
Robinson (1961) Effective
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Organize Declarative Knowledge
In addition to constructing meaning, learning declarative knowledge
involves organizing information, that is, identifying the important pieces of
information and putting them together to see the possible relationships, or
patterns, in these pieces. In the introduction to this dimension, we explained
the importance of students’ recognizing patterns in information. We also
discussed ways that information can be organized when you are identifying
the declarative knowledge for specific lessons and units of study. However,
even if you have organized the information for students during planning,
there is no assurance that students will recognize patterns in that
information. The strategies included in this section are suggested as ways to
help students see the patterns that have been identified as important and to
help them recognize patterns for themselves as they encounter blocks of
information. Keep in mind that using these strategies also frequently helps
students to construct meaning and to store, or remember, the information
they are learning.
1. Help students understand the importance of organizing
Students may sometimes feel anxious and overwhelmed when they are
receiving a large quantity of information. It might help if they understand
that organizing information is an essential phase of learning and that
recognizing and using patterns in information can reduce their anxieties and
enhance the learning process. Before teaching organizing strategies, help
students to understand that the purpose of the strategies is to enable them to
figure out what is important and to recognize the relationships among the
pieces of information. If they believe that this process of organizing will help
them understand, use, and retain the information, they will be more likely
to use the strategies. Approaches for increasing students’ awareness and
understanding of the importance of organizing information might include
the following activities:
1. Ask students to look for patterns in their environment, emphasizing
that patterns help us to sort through and understand stimuli we are
2. Pantomime some behavior patterns (e.g., two people meeting,
shaking hands, then departing; someone walking, opening a door,
and jumping back in fear) so that students see how easy it is for
them to recognize and respond to familiar patterns of behavior.
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3. Present a picture with hidden outlines of familiar objects and ask
them to find the objects in the picture (e.g., using Where’s Waldo?).
Point out that when they are familiar with the pattern of the object,
they can recognize it even in complex environments.
4. Present information to students as it might appear in a text, then
present the same information in a graphic organizer. Emphasize that
students can better recognize the information in the text once they
have become familiar with the pattern.
All of these are ways of emphasizing that just as patterns around us help us
to cope with our world, organizing information helps us to understand, use,
and retain that information.
2. Have students use graphic organizers for the identified
organizational patterns.
Most declarative information can be organized into one of the six patterns
identified in the introduction to this dimension: descriptions, time
sequences, process/cause-effect relationships, episodes, generalizations/principles,
or concepts. (You may wish to review the descriptions of these patterns on
pages 46-49.) Each of these organizational patterns can be depicted in a
graphic organizer that can be used in the classroom in two ways: in teacher-
structured and student-structured lessons. If, during planning, the teacher
has organized the information into a pattern, he or she can provide the
students with the appropriate graphic organizer, either with the information
filled in or blank so that students can fill in the information as it is
presented. In more student-structured situations, the information is
presented and students are asked to choose the organizer that helps them
make the most sense of the information. Below are suggested graphic
organizers for the six common organizational patterns included in this
Teacher’s Manual
Dimension 2
Acquire & Integrate Knowledge
Helping Students Acquire
and Integrate Declarative
Heimlich & Pittelman
(1988) Semantic Mapping
One district regularly
schedules evening sessions
for parents at which teachers
demonstrate strategies for
Dimension 2 and make
suggestions about how
parents can use the
strategies to help their
children with their
homework. Parents find the
various graphic organizers
particularly helpful.
Dim 2 chapter-declarative 4/17/09 7:20 AM Page 62
a. Descriptive patterns can be used for vocabulary terms or for facts.
Specifically, descriptive patterns represent information that has been
organized around vocabulary terms. Descriptive patterns also represent
facts that have been organized to describe characteristics about specific
persons, places, things, and events. The information organized into a
descriptive pattern does not need to be in any particular order. For
example, information about the Empire State Building or about the term
urban might be organized as a simple descriptive pattern. A descriptive
pattern can be represented graphically as shown below.
b. Time sequence patterns organize events in a specific chronological order.
For example, the information in a biography about Edgar Allan Poe can
be organized as a sequence pattern. A time sequence pattern can be
represented graphically as shown below.
Fact Fact
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and Integrate Declarative
van Dijk (1980)
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c. Process/cause-effect patterns organize information into a causal network
leading to a specific outcome or into a sequence of steps leading to a
specific product. For example, information about the process of digesting
food might be organized as a process/cause-effect pattern. A process/cause-
effect pattern can be represented graphically as shown below.
d. Episode patterns organize a large quantity of information about specific
events, including (1) a setting (time and place), (2) specific people, (3) a
specific duration, (4) a specific sequence of events, and (5) a particular
cause and effect. For example, the information about Watergate might be
organized into an episode pattern using a graphic like that shown below.
person person
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e. Generalization/principle patterns organize information into general
statements with supporting examples. For instance, for the statement
“Mysteries often use the technique of foreshadowing,” examples can be
provided and represented in a graphic like that shown below.
f. Concept patterns, the most general of all patterns, organize information
around a word or phrase that represents entire classes or categories of
persons, places, things, and events. The characteristics, or attributes, of
the concept, along with examples of each, should be included in this
pattern. The concept of culture, for example, could be organized into a
graphic like that shown below.
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To reiterate, the same block of information often can be organized into a
number of different patterns. Figures 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, and 2.7 contain a passage
about dictators and graphics showing how this concept can be organized into
different patterns. Notice that the learner would focus on different
information as a function of the pattern used.
The United States was not the only nation to suffer from the Great Depression. The nations of
Europe also were hard hit. Moreover, many Europeans had been trying to repair the damage to
their countries caused by World War I.
Because of the hardships under which they were forced to live, some Europeans were willing to
listen to leaders who promised to make their nations rich and powerful again. Some of these
leaders brought about total changes in their countries. Their actions also caused another world
Dictators rise to power. In the 1920s and 1930s, new leaders formed governments in Italy and
Germany. The governments formed in these countries were dictatorships. In a dictatorship, the
leader or leaders hold complete authority over the people they rule. The people living in a
dictatorship have only those rights that their leader, the dictator, chooses to give them. Dictators
alone make all the important decisions in their nations. The decisions made by the dictators of
Italy and Germany contributed to the beginning of World War II.
Mussolini takes over in Italy. After World War I, many Italians wanted to feel pride in the
strength of their country once again. Benito Mussolini, the founder and organizer of the Fascist
Party, convinced the Italians that he and his party could strengthen the nation. To succeed, the
Fascists had to take control of the economy, the government, and many other parts of Italian life.
In 1922, the Fascists took control of the Italian government, creating a dictatorship with
Mussolini as leader. Italians who were against Mussolini or his government were either thrown
into prison or were forced to leave the country.
Mussolini planned to increase Italy’s power and wealth by taking over weaker nations. He turned
to Africa and, in 1935, attacked Ethiopia. By early 1936, the Italian army overran this East
African country and added it to the Italian empire.
Hitler becomes dictator in Germany. After losing World War I, Germany continued to struggle
with severe economic problems throughout the 1920s. These difficulties and the memory of their
defeat in World War I brought many Germans to the Nazi Party. Its leader, Adolf Hitler,
promised to make Germany the most powerful country in the world. In 1933, the Nazis won
control of the German government. Hitler became Germany’s dictator and silenced anyone who
opposed him.
The people against whom Hitler directed his greatest hatred were the Jewish citizens of Germany.
He unfairly blamed them for all of Germany’s problems. By constantly repeating these false
accusations, Hitler aroused public opinion in Germany against its Jewish citizens. Then he took
away all civil rights and property of the Jews. Next, the police rounded up Jewish men, women,
and children and sent them to concentration camps or prison camps.
Hitler promised the Germans that he would add to the territory of their nation. He immediately put
the country to work making weapons and other war materials. The first nation he moved into was
Austria in 1938. Hitler annexed Austria, he explained, because most of its people were Germans.
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Economic depressions, war
damage in Germany & Italy
Fascists took control of Italian
government, created dictatorship
with Mussolini as leader.
Nazis won control of German
government. Hitler became dictator.
Mussolini added Ethiopia to Italian
empire in move to increase Italy’s
power and wealth.
Hitler annexed Austria to Germany.
Hitler banished
Mussolini jailed
opponents or
forced them to
leave Italy.
People only have
rights that dictators
give them.
Make all important
Silence or persecute
their opposition
Have absolute power
Nazis persecuted
the Jews.
Hitler and Mussolini
decided to take over
weaker countries.
Nazis won control
and Hitler became
Germany was weak
because of war and
economic depression.
Fascists took control
of Italian government.
Mussolini capitalized
on Italians’ desire
for renewed pride.
Come to power in
times of trouble
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3. Provide students with advance organizer questions.
A good organizational strategy to use, particularly if you want to provide
students with strong guidance in organizing information, is to present
questions prior to exposing students to new information. You can structure
these questions around the six types of organizational patterns just described:
Questions to ask when you want to emphasize descriptive patterns
about specific people, places, things, and events:
Facts about a specific person: Describe important points about
Columbus. What was his personality like? What important things
did he do? Why did he do them? What happened as a result?
Dictators rise to power when countries are weak, by promising
them strength.
In Italy. . .
Italy was weak and damaged after WWI.
1922: Fascists created a dictatorship.
Mussolini convinced the Italians that he and
the Fascists would make Italy strong again.
In Germany. . .
Germany suffered severe economic problems
and other problems from WWI.
1933: Nazis won control of the German
Hitler promised to make Germany the most
powerful nation in the world.
Ausubel (1968) Educational
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Facts about a specific place: Describe the important characteristics of
Denver. Where is it? How big is it? What are its unique features?
What important events have occurred there?
Facts about a specific thing: Describe the important characteristics of
the space shuttle. What does it look like? What is it used for? Why
was it made? What important things has it been involved in?
Facts about a specific event: Describe the important characteristics of the
Watergate break-in. Where did it happen? When did it happen?
Who was involved? Why did it happen? What happened as a result
of it?
Question to ask when you want to emphasize a specific time sequence
What is the sequence of movements in Beethoven’s Ninth
Questions to ask when you want to emphasize a process or a cause-
effect pattern:
What are the steps involved in making a cake? How does each step
relate to the others?
What were the causes of the Persian Gulf War? How does each cause
relate to one or more of the others?
Questions to ask when you want to emphasize an episode pattern:
Who were the participants, what was the sequence of events, and
what were the effects of the Duke of Windsor’s abdication of the
throne of England in the 1930s?
Question to ask when you want to emphasize a generalization/principle
pattern with examples:
What are three illustrations of the principle that water rises to its
own level?
Questions to ask when you want to emphasize a concept pattern with
examples and defining characteristics:
What are three examples of modern dictators? Explain why they are
examples. What are the defining characteristics of dictators?
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4. Present note-taking strategies that use graphic
A useful way of highlighting the various patterns that students can use to
organize information is to introduce a note-taking format like the sample
page from a set of notes shown in Figure 2.8. Students structure their notes
by dividing the page in half with a vertical line and then leaving a strip at
the bottom that cuts across the entire page. On the left side of the page,
students take notes in whatever fashion they wish; one common method is
simply to indent less important ideas. Periodically, students stop and make a
graphic representation of their notes on the right side of the page. This note-
taking method takes extra time but forces students to consider the
information a second time. At the end of their note taking, or periodically
throughout the process, students record summary statements of what they
have learned in the space at the bottom of the page.
We get information about
our world from our senses:
SUMMARY - Senses have nerve endings that send messages to the brain.
- nerve endings
- send messages to brain:
pressure, pain, heat/cold
light cornea
cold/hot pain pressure
lens retina
- light passes through
cornea, lens, hits retina,
then to brain
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5. Have students create physical and pictographic
representations of information.
Creating physical representations and pictographs of information is an
organizational strategy that works for many students. Physical
representations, as the name implies, are physical models or enactments of
information. For example, students in a science class might create a physical
representation by making a three-dimensional model of an atom, using ping-
pong balls and straws. When creating physical enactments of information,
students act out the information. For example, elementary students might
create a physical enactment of the solar system by having one student stand
in the center of the room with a flashlight and be the sun, while other
students representing the planets walk (rotate) around him.
Students also can organize information through pictographs. A pictograph is
a drawing that uses symbols and symbolic pictures to represent important
information. For example, after watching a film about Colorado’s natural
resources, a student might use the pictograph in Figure 2.9 to organize
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6. Have students use graphs and charts.
Quantitative information is commonly organized into graphs and charts.
Although they are often associated with mathematics, graphs and charts can
also be used in other subject areas. For example, a literature teacher might
ask her high school students to compare three short stories by creating pie
graphs that represent the relative emphasis on character, plot, and setting.
Before doing the pie graphs, she asked students to create graphs for three
movies that placed differing emphases on character, plot, and setting. Figure
2.10 depicts one student’s perspective relative to the movies The Remains of
the Day, Mission Impossible, and The Sound of Music.
character setting
The Sound of Music
The Remains of the Day
Mission Impossible
One group of teachers
regularly clips out graphs
and charts from USA Today
to show students how
graphs and charts are used
every day to organize and
communicate both simple
and complex information.
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Store Declarative Knowledge
To easily access and use information, often we must consciously store it in
memory. Constructing meaning and organizing the information often
positively influence what we remember, but sometimes we need to use
storage strategies in order to retain important pieces of information. For
instance, even if you create mental pictures of something you have read and
make an outline of the information, you might have to do something to help
you remember key points if you want to recall them at a later date.
Some educators believe that memorizing should be deemphasized in the
learning process. They reason that it is more important for students to focus
on understanding (not recalling) information, to learn where to find
information, and to learn how to access it. Although recall may not be the
primary goal of most learning situations, it is easy to list situations in the
classroom, in the workplace, and even during leisure activities in which
there is the need to recall information without looking it up. As educators,
we must make careful decisions about what we want students to recall and
then provide them with effective and efficient strategies for storing
important information.
Reviewing information a number of times is the least effective, and most
commonly used, information-storage strategy. The most powerful memory
strategies are those that use “imagery.” For example, to help us recall
information we might
imagine a mental picture of the information,
imagine physical sensations associated with the information, and
imagine emotions associated with the information.
If you want to create an image about George Washington, you might first
picture Washington on his horse (mental picture). You then might imagine
the smell of the leather saddle and the feeling of sitting on the horse
(physical sensations). In addition to creating images, it also helps to “talk to
yourself” about the information you are trying to remember; for example,
“George Washington was the first president. He kept his army together at
Valley Forge.” Finally, you might try to conjure up feelings of patriotism
(emotions). There are many powerful classroom strategies based on the use of
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1. Help students understand the process of storing information.
Because students sometimes spend a disproportionate amount of study time
memorizing information, it is important for them to gain two key
understandings before learning additional memory strategies. First, students
should spend most of their time engaged in constructing meaning and
organizing information, not only because these processes will enhance their
understanding of information, but because using these processes will also
enhance their memory of the information. Second, when it is appropriate to
instantly recall something, the efficient use of storage strategies can
significantly reduce the time it takes to commit the information to memory.
To help students grasp the importance of these two points, take the time to
discuss the process of storing, and provide experiences that will help them
decide when and how to use strategies for storing information. These
experiences might include one or more of the following:
To help students understand how the construction of meaning
influences storing, present two blocks of information: one for which
students will use strategies for constructing meaning and organizing,
the other for which they will not. Test students’ recall immediately
and then again after a period of time. It is likely that they will recall
the information that they processed with the strategies better than
that processed without strategies.
To show the power of storing strategies, have students memorize
some information using repetition; then have them recall similar
information using storing strategies that they have learned. Test
their recall immediately, then again after a period of time. Compare
students’ recall of the two sets of information.
To ensure that students appropriately use storing strategies, when
presenting declarative knowledge discuss what should be
remembered and if the use of storing strategies might be necessary.
2. Present students with the strategy of using symbols and
Although it is easy to create images for some types of information, it is
difficult to do this with other types. For example, creating images for factual
information about George Washington is fairly easy because you can picture
him, his horse, his army, and so on. But what about abstract information like
the basic elements of water: two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom? To
create images of these elements you can use symbols and substitutes:
Lindsay & Norman (1977)
Human Information Processing
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A symbol is anything (an event, a person, a place, or a thing) that suggests to
you the information you are trying to remember. For example, an oxygen
bottle used in scuba diving might symbolize oxygen to you.
A substitute is a word that sounds like the information you want to remember
and is easy to picture. You can use substitutes when you cannot think of a
symbol or any other way of picturing information. For example, the word
hydrant sounds like hydrogen, and it is easy to picture.
You now have one symbol and one substitute to use with oxygen and hydrogen
respectively. To remember that water is two parts hydrogen and one part
oxygen, you could imagine two hydrants floating in water balancing an
oxygen tank. You might also generate physical sensations and emotions and
talk to yourself about the information.
3. Use the link strategy with students.
The link strategy is almost always used with symbols and substitutes. It
simply involves linking one image to another in a chain or story. For
example, suppose a student wants to remember the 13 original colonies:
Georgia, New Jersey, Delaware, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina,
Virginia, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island,
Maryland, and Massachusetts. Because it is difficult to mentally picture the
states themselves, the student will probably have to use symbols and
substitutes. For example, a Jersey cow sounds like New Jersey, and the
Empire State Building could be a symbol for New York. The name Georgette
sounds like Georgia, and the words Christmas carol sound like Carolina, so
they could be used as substitutes.
The student would then link the mental pictures provided by the symbols
and substitutes into one continuous story. For example, the student might
first picture Georgette (Georgia), the Jersey cow (New Jersey). Next she would
imagine Georgette (a Jersey cow) putting on a pair of yellow underwear
(which sounds like Delaware) as she stands on top of the Empire State
Building (New York). Georgette then begins singing Christmas Carols (North
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and South Carolina). Under her left “arm” Georgette is holding a Virginia
ham (Virginia, New Hampshire). In her right “hand” she has a pen
(Pennsylvania). With the pen, Georgette is connecting dots (which sounds
like Connecticut). These dots join to form a picture of a road (Rhode Island).
On the road is Marilyn Monroe (Maryland) on her way to mass
4. Use highly structured systems for storing information with
There are many highly structured systems to help students store
information. Four of them are discussed here.
a. The rhyming pegword method. The rhyming pegword method is a simple
system that can be used to remember information that is or can be
organized in a list format. It begins with visualizing the following rhymes:
The words bun, shoe, tree, door, hive, sticks, heaven, gate, line, and hen are
easy to remember because they rhyme with the numbers 1 through 10. If
a student wants to put information in slot #1 (1 is a bun) of the
framework, she would do so by forming a mental image of the
information she wants to remember that also includes a bun, because
bun is the “pegword” for the first slot of the framework. For example,
assume the student wants to put the following information about
Christopher Columbus into slot #1:
He landed in America in 1492.
He sailed with three ships.
The popular opinion was that he would sail off the end of the world.
To form a mental image of this information that includes the pegword
bun, she might imagine a bun sailing across the ocean. Christopher
Columbus would be standing at the bow of the bun. Two other buns
(ships) would also be sailing. She might then picture the end of the
world with water rushing off it like a waterfall. She could even put the
date 1492 in the picture. The student might also say to herself,
“Columbus landed in America in 1492. He sailed with three ships.”
1 is a bun
2 is a shoe
3 is a tree
4 is a door
5 is a hive
6 is a pile of sticks
7 is heaven
8 is a gate
9 is a line
10 is a hen
Ross & Lawrence (1968)
“Some Observations on
Memory Artifice”
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To continue, if the student wants to put information about notable jazz
musicians into slot #2 during a unit on the history of jazz music, she
would form images representing that information and make sure that the
images contained a shoe (e.g., she might form an image of Louis
Armstrong and Chuck Mangione trying on red shoes). Continuing this
process, she could put ten different sets of information into the rhyming
pegword system—simply by including a pegword in her image for each
set. To retrieve the information, all the student would have to do is
count one through ten. Each number would remind her of its
corresponding pegword. In turn, each pegword would remind her of the
images that contain the information she wants to remember.
A common question is whether students can use this method effectively
to memorize the multiplication tables. The answer is that students have
used this method to help them recall the troublesome facts. For example,
if the student cannot recall the answer to 7 x 8, he might create a picture
of angel from heaven (pegword for 7) swinging on a gate (pegword for 8)
and the number 56 emblazoned on the front of the gate. In his picture,
the gate is making a creaking noise that sounds like 56, 56, 56.
b. The number/key word method. At first the number/key word method
seems complex. However, it is actually quite simple and very powerful.
In this system each digit from 0 through 9 is associated with a unique
sound (always the sound of a consonant).
Digit Sound Reason for using sound
0 s Zero begins with z, which is like a backwards s.
1 tT has one vertical bar.
2 nN has two vertical bars.
3 mM has three vertical bars.
4 r The word four ends with r.
5 lL is the Roman numeral for 50.
6 j or ch Turn the letter j around and it resembles a 6;
ch and j make similar sounds.
7 k Turn the letter k around and it can look like a 7.
8 f When the letter f is written in script, it looks
like an 8.
9 p Turn the letter p around and it looks like a 9.
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These letter/digit associations are used to develop a list of easy-to-
remember key words for as many slots as you like. For example, let’s
assume you would like to build a framework for 30 slots. Each slot has a
number (1 through 30), but we also need a very concrete key word for
each slot. You create these key words by using the letter/digit
association. Consider the slot 21:
21 = NT
Those two digits are associated with the sounds N and T, in that order.
A word that also contains those same sounds in the same order is NET.
Therefore, finding key words for any number is simply a matter of
finding a word that has the same sounds in the same order as the digits
(e.g., 307 = M-S-K = MASK).
Using this system you can create key words for as many slots as you like.
You might think that the key words would be hard to remember, but
they are not. Once you have established which key words you want to
associate with which numbers, all you have to do is recall the consonant
sounds associated with each digit in the number, and that will
automatically remind you of the key word. Below is a set of key words
for the numbers 1-30. You can use this list or establish key words on
your own. Of course, you can go beyond 30. With a list of 100 key
words you could easily memorize 100 pieces of information.
1 = T = Tea 16 = TJ = TaJ Mahal
2 = N = kNee 17 = TK = TKo (Technical Knockout
3 = M = Maypole 18 = TF = TurF
4 = R = Rug 19 = TP = TeePee
5 = L = Law 20 = NS = NoSe
6 = J = Jaw 21 = NT = NeT
7 = K = Key 22 = NN = NuN
8 = F = Free 23 = NM = NaMe
9 = P = Pie 24 = NR = NeaR
10 = TS = TosS 25 = NL = NaiL
11 = TT = TreaT 26 = NCH = NiCHe
12 = TN = ToN 27 = NK = NecK
13 = TM = TiMe 28 = NF = kNiFe
14 = TR = TRay 29 = NP = NiP
15 = TL = TaLe 30 = MS = MouSe
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After students decide how long the framework should be, they can use
this system as they would the rhyming pegword system: attach a mental
picture of an item they wish to recall to the mental picture of the key
word for that slot. For example, if a student is using the number/key
word method to recall the presidents of the United States, she would
create a mental picture, for example, of Abraham Lincoln standing in
front of the Taj Mahal to recall that he was the sixteenth president of the
United States.
c. The number/picture system. Like the rhyming pegword system, the
number/picture system allows students to associate information with
digits. It operates on the principle that each of the digits 1-9 and 0
actually look like objects that are easy to imagine:
1 = a policeman 6 = an old man with a sore toe
2 = a swan 7 = a cane or walking stick
3 = bird 8 = a snowman
4 = girl with hand on hip 9 = an elephant
5 = a snake 0 = a big egg
Like the bun, shoe, tree, and door from the rhyming pegword system,
the policeman, the swan, the bird, and so on are easy-to-remember cues
with which to associate information you want to remember. The
number/picture system provides ten cues or ten slots. If a student wants
to place information in the first slot, she would form an image of the
information and include a policeman in that image—the cue for that
slot—and so on.
d. The familiar place system. One of the easiest memory strategies to use
is the familiar place system. First, you imagine a place that is very
familiar to you, like your bedroom. Then, you mentally go around your
room and identify familiar objects in the order in which they appear in
your room. You might first select the door to your room. Then, moving
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to the right, the mirror on the dressing table, the chair, the plant to the
right of the chair, the window, the bed, and so on. In this framework,
then, you would have selected six objects to associate information with,
or six “slots” to put things into: (1) door, (2) mirror, (3) chair, (4) plant,
(5) window, (6) bed. Of course, you could keep going around your room
and produce as many slots as your room would allow.
The objects in your framework should always represent slots with which
you associate information you want to recall. For example, assume you
want to remember key ideas about ancient philosophers. You would first
picture your doorway in your mind. In your mental picture, you would
open the door and see Socrates dressed in argyle knee “socks.” You would
then see him surrounded by students dressed in togas. He is holding a
copy of a book, and you hear him asking questions. Given that the
second slot is your mirror, you might picture Plato standing in a cave
with a plate spinning on his head. The point is that the objects in your
framework become slots with which you associate particular information
you want to recall. As long as you have broken information into
meaningful chunks, you can store these chunks in the slots of your
A variation of the familiar place framework is to imagine a route that
you commonly take (e.g., the way you drive home). To identify slots,
select familiar objects or places you pass along the way: (1) the stop sign
at the corner, (2) the school on the left side of the road, (3) the
restaurant, and so on.
5. Provide students with mnemonics for important content.
A mnemonic is a word, phrase, rhyme, or similar device that provides a cue to
the information to be remembered. For example, the colors of the spectrum
(red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet) become easier to
remember when you realize the first letter of each color spells the name Roy
G. Biv. Similarly, the five Great Lakes (H
uron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and
Superior) can be arranged so that their first letters spell the word homes.
With a little ingenuity, teachers and students can devise mnemonic devices
for a variety of types of declarative information.
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Classroom Examples
The following classroom examples are offered to stimulate reflection on how
to apply the ideas covered in this section of Dimension 2 in your classroom.
In previous years, a favorite unit in the first grade was the unit on birds. Students
read about birds, listened to stories about birds, studied parts of birds and their
behavior, went bird watching, created a class “Bird Book,” and wrote individual
reports about different types of birds. Although the teachers liked the unit, they
realized that they had done a better job of identifying activities than they had of
identifying the declarative knowledge students would be learning. Therefore, they
began to list the information about birds that they hoped students would learn. Next,
they began to organize this list of declarative knowledge using the common
organizational patterns (i.e., facts, generalizations, concepts, and so on). As a result
of planning in this way, they decided they had too many facts and that the unit
would be stronger if they organized the information under a key concept and a
generalization, as follows:
At the end of the unit, students will
understand the characteristics of living things (key concept) and
understand that animals have characteristics that help them live in different
environments (generalization).
Using these organizational patterns, the teachers restructured the bird unit. They kept
many of the activities that the students loved but made sure that each activity
increased students’ understanding of the identified declarative knowledge.
One goal of Mrs. Garron’s fifth-grade unit on Mayans and Aztecs was to help
students understand why and how civilizations throughout history have experienced a
rise and then a fall. She decided to use the mental imagery strategy to help students
develop this understanding. From the text and supplementary materials in her file, she
pulled out details that would help students create images of the Mayan and Aztec
civilizations. She then guided students through the process of creating detailed mental
pictures of the thriving cities. Finally, she provided details that helped students change
their images by creating mental pictures of the demise of these cultures. Students
created pictures of the people fighting among themselves over gold, of military attacks
on the cities, and of barren fields that had been farmed too heavily. As students
created these images, Mrs. Garron noticed that they were highly engaged and
interested in the task. They also asked questions that indicated they were beginning to
understand the information.
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In a later unit, when Mrs. Garron presented pictures of ghost towns in the western
United States, she asked students to recall their pictures of the demise of the Mayans
and Aztecs and to use that information to offer possible reasons that the towns had
become ghost towns. She was thrilled when students easily transferred that knowledge
to the examples from American history, thus demonstrating their understanding and
retention of the information from the previous unit.
A team of health education teachers decided to organize their content around some key
concepts and generalizations. For example, they wanted students to see that almost all
topics in health (e.g., exercise, diet, blood sugar, and stress) can be studied from the
perspective of balance. They wanted students to be able explain the ideal balance
related to each topic, define specific conditions that result when things are out of
balance, and describe ways that people reestablish balance. To help students see this
common pattern, they organized the information they would use to teach each topic in
the following ways:
Describe optimal balance for blood sugar
Describe the condition(s) related to too little blood sugar.
Describe the condition(s) related to too much blood sugar.
Out of frustration, a study group of students in a high school chemistry class decided
to take the time to memorize some troublesome chemical symbols that they kept
forgetting. They used some memory strategies they had learned in other classes, and
their work paid off. For iron (Fe), for example, they created the mental image of the
giant from Jack and the Beanstalk in his home with his wife ironing his huge
overalls and complaining loudly, “Fe, Fi, Fe, Fum, ironing these pants is just plain
dumb.” For gold (Au), they created a mental picture of an old gold miner running
after a thief who is carrying away a big pile of his shiny gold. The miner is yelling,
“HEY YOU! HEY YOU! Bring back my gold!”
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Unit Planning: Dimension 2, Declarative
Planning to teach declarative knowledge requires asking and answering the
What will be done to help students acquire and integrate declarative
There are four basic steps included in the process of answering this question,
three of which require answering some additional questions:
Step 1: What declarative knowledge will students be in the process of
acquiring and integrating? As a result of this unit, students will know or
understand. . . .
Step 2: What experiences or activities will be used to help students
acquire and integrate this knowledge?
Step 3: What strategies will be used to help students construct meaning
for, organize, and/or store this knowledge?
Step 4: Describe what will be done.
There is a place on the Dimension 2 Planning Guide: Declarative Knowledge
(see page 92) to record the responses to the planning questions and to
describe what will be done to help students acquire and integrate the
identified declarative knowledge. A sample page from the planning guide for
this dimension has been filled out—using these planning questions—for a
hypothetical social studies unit about Colorado. (This unit topic was chosen
because, with some changes, it can be used for a unit about any state or
region and at many developmental levels. The entire Colorado unit planning
guide, for all of the dimensions, can be found in Chapter 6, “Putting It All
Together.” The chapter also includes general recommendations for
assessment.) The following sections walk you through the four steps required
to plan declarative knowledge and provide recommendations and points to
keep in mind as you plan.
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Step 1
Identifying the declarative knowledge for a unit is often one of the most
difficult parts of planning. This is because of the quantity of declarative
knowledge that you might include in a unit and because you should be
careful to include only important knowledge. To aid you in this part of the
process, notice that this section, Step 1, walks you through the identification
process and provides worksheet and graphic formats you may use as you
make decisions. After you identify the important declarative knowledge,
transfer each piece of knowledge to the planning guide and continue the
planning process, Steps 2, 3, and 4. (See, for example, a page of the planning
guide for declarative knowledge for the Colorado Unit on page 92. The
entire unit can be found at the end of Chapter 6.)
Answering this key question in Step 1 of the planning process requires
additional steps. These steps will vary as a function of the requirements and
philosophy of your school or district. You may have a great deal of autonomy
in identifying the knowledge students are to acquire, or you may need to
closely follow standards and benchmarks from your state, district, or school.
(Standards are statements of the information and skills that all students
should learn before they graduate. Benchmarks translate standards into what
students should know and be able to do at various developmental levels.)
Suggestions and examples are provided for both situations: when you are
planning with standards and benchmarks and when you are planning
without them.
a. Identify the title or focus for the unit. This might be a theme (e.g.,
survival, heroes); a topic (e.g., Colorado, Civil War, Romeo and Juliet); a
concept (e.g., force, energy, revolution); a principle or generalization (e.g.,
“Art both influences and reflects life”); or any other unifying idea that
brings meaning to the unit.
b. Brainstorm a list of information that you might include in the unit. The
purpose of this step is to begin to think about the important declarative
knowledge that could be a focus for the unit. If you are in a district with
standards and benchmarks, identify the benchmarks that might be
addressed in the unit.
c. Identify and organize the declarative knowledge that students will learn.
As you decide what information should be included from the list that
you brainstormed, consider the question, “Are any of the following
organizational patterns important in the unit?”
What declarative knowledge will students be in the process of acquiring
and integrating? As a result of this unit, students will know or understand…
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concepts time sequences
generalizations/principles descriptions
episodes vocabulary terms
process/cause-effect relationships facts describing specific
persons, places, things, events
This identification and organization of information might be recorded on
a declarative knowledge worksheet, then displayed graphically. There are
two versions of the worksheet, along with their corresponding graphics,
that simply show how the planning process looks different when you are
guided by standards and benchmarks, and when you are not. Each
process requires the following steps:
Without standards and benchmarks (see Sample Worksheet and Unit
Planning Graphic: Colorado Unit, pages 86 to 87):
Identify any organizational patterns that are important in this unit.
Identify the important declarative knowledge that will be organized
into these patterns.
When necessary, identify any additional or specific knowledge that
provides support for, examples of, or further explanations of more
general knowledge.
With standards and benchmarks (see Sample Worksheet and Unit
Planning Graphic: Colorado Unit, pages 88 to 89):
Identify the benchmarks that will be the focus of the unit, then do the
Identify any organizational patterns that are important in this unit.
For each benchmark, identify the important declarative knowledge
that will be organized into these patterns.
When necessary, identify any additional or specific knowledge that
provides support for, examples of, or further explanations of more
general knowledge.
Note that with both of these approaches, you are asked to identify more
specific information that “provides support for, examples of, or further
explanations of ” the more general knowledge. This emphasizes that
much of the more specific information already organized into vocabulary
terms, facts, time sequences, process/cause-effect relationships, and
episodes in a unit can be organized to support more general concepts and
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Step 2
For each major piece of knowledge, identify how students will have access to
the knowledge. (For this step and for Steps 3 and 4, refer to the filled-in
planning guide for the Colorado Unit, page 92.) Will they have direct,
active experiences (e.g., field trips, simulations) or indirect experiences (e.g.,
reading the text, viewing a film, listening to lecture or discussion)? Some
activities or experiences that might be included are
read text view film
go on field trip do independent research
conduct experiment participate in simulation
observe demonstration interview sources
engage in discussion
Step 3
Because we know that rich experiences and activities do not guarantee that
students will learn what you want them to, select strategies to use with these
activities that will increase the likelihood that they will construct meaning,
organize, and store the knowledge. Keep in mind that these three phases of
learning declarative knowledge overlap (i.e., strategies that help them
construct meaning also might help them organize and store). However, it is
important to ask yourself questions relating to each phase. (See page 91 for
questions and a summary of strategies included in this chapter.)
Step 4
Provide a brief description of how the strategies will be used in conjunction
with the identified experiences and activities.
Describe what will be done.
What strategies will be used to help students construct meaning for,
organize, and/or store this knowledge?
What experiences or activities will be used to help students acquire and
integrate this knowledge?
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Helping Students Acquire
and Integrate Declarative
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Summary of Strategies for Use in Step 3 of Planning
for Declarative Knowledge
What will be done to help students construct meaning for this
knowledge? Strategies might include the following:
1. Help students understand what it means to construct meaning.
2. Use the three-minute pause.
3. Help students experience content using a variety of senses.
4. Help students to construct meaning for vocabulary terms.
5. Present students with the K-W-L strategy.
6. Create opportunities for students to discover or figure out the new
information for themselves.
7. Use instructional techniques that provide students with strategies to
use before, during, and after they receive information.
What will be done to help students organize this knowledge?
Strategies might include the following:
1. Help students understand the importance of organizing information.
2. Have students use graphic organizers for the identified organizational
3. Provide students with advance organizer questions.
4. Present note-taking strategies that use graphic representations.
5. Have students create physical and pictographic representations of
6. Have students use graphs and charts.
What will be done to help students store this knowledge? Strategies
might include the following:
1. Help students understand the process of storing information.
2. Present students with the strategy of using symbols and substitutes.
3. Use the link strategy with students.
4. Use highly structured systems for storing information with students.
5. Provide students with mnemonics for important content.
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What declarative knowledge
will students be in the process of
acquiring and integrating?
As a result of this unit, students
will know or understand. . .
What experiences
or activities will be
used to help students
acquire and integrate
this knowledge?
What strategies will
be used to help students
construct meaning
for, organize, and/or
store this knowledge? Describe what will be done.
Text, pp. 8-10
Film: “From Sea
to Shining Sea”
Read physical maps
Independent study:
Regional cake
On a class K-W-L chart, we all will generate the
K and the W related to topography. We will then read
the text, watch the film, and read physical maps.
After each experience, we will fill out the L of the
chart. We will use the information from the K-W-L
to start a class pictograph of examples of topography.
Each student will make a cake depicting topography
from a region of his or her choice. Students will find
information independently. After the regional cake
assignment, as a class, we will add to our pictograph.
Film: “From Sea
to Shining Sea”
Read natural
resource maps
Field Trip:
Argo Gold Mine
3-minute pause
Use all senses
Several times during the film, I will stop and ask
students to identify one type of natural resource. After
the film, I will ask them to try to create mental
pictures of examples of natural resources and identify
what they see, smell, feel, etc. We then will start our
pictographs of natural resources, a class one and
individual ones. After reading the natural resource
maps, we will add information to the pictographs.
During the field trip, students will have their
pictographs with them so they can add examples of the
natural resources that we observe.
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Concept: Topography
—Natural and artificial
features including land forms,
bodies of water, road, bridges, etc.
Facts describing Colorado’s
topography will deal with the
Rocky Mountains, sand dunes,
rivers, plains, plateaus,
Concept: Natural Resources
—Materials found in nature
that are useful, necessary, or
Facts describing Colorado’s
natural resources will deal
with snow, gold, soil,
sunshine, forests, oil,
Dimension 2 Planning Guide: Declarative Knowledge Unit: Colorado
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Helping Students Acquire and Integrate
Procedural Knowledge
Acquiring and integrating procedural knowledge requires students to
develop the ability to perform and use critical skills and processes, both
physical skills and processes, like typing, and mental skills and processes,
like solving an equation. Helping students successfully acquire procedural
knowledge at every developmental level is especially important because
learning complex skills and processes is often dependent on how well simpler
skills and processes have been learned. For example, students will have
trouble learning to design a building if they have not mastered the skills of
measuring to a scale. The fact that each piece of procedural knowledge can
be so important and the fact that students master skills and processes at such
different rates means that we as educators must understand the phases of
acquiring and integrating procedural knowledge—construct models, shape,
and internalize—and be able to structure experiences so that all students can
be successful.
Construct Models for Procedural Knowledge
The first phase of learning a skill or process is to develop a rough model of
the steps involved. For example, when you first learned to hit a golf ball,
someone probably showed you what to do before you actually tried a shot on
your own. Your instructor may have demonstrated the proper grip, the
proper stance, how to shift your weight, and so on. Likewise, when you first
learned long division, someone probably showed you the steps in the process.
In short, when we learn a new procedure, we need a place to start; we need a
model. Without an initial model, learning a skill or process can be chaotic
and time consuming because it is essentially a trial-and-error process.
Helping students construct models is essential if students are to efficiently
and effectively learn procedural knowledge.
When helping students to construct models, it is important to be aware of
and sensitive to the fact that a process or skill you are teaching is new to
them, although you use it automatically. When helping students to construct
a model of the steps, be careful not to omit important steps or make
assumptions about students’ abilities to perform the procedures embedded in
a single step.
There are several ways that you can help students construct models. It is
advantageous to use more than one approach when helping students
construct a model for the steps involved in any procedure. By doing so, you
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and Integrate Procedural
Construct Models
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are likely to reach more students because one technique may “connect” for
one student and not for another. In addition, you will be addressing more
than one learning-style preference by using more than one strategy.
1. Help students understand the importance of constructing
models for procedural knowledge.
It can be beneficial for students to understand that acquiring procedural
knowledge begins with constructing a model, or a set of steps, for the skill
or process. Like acquiring declarative knowledge by constructing meaning,
developing procedural knowledge requires learners to “construct” the steps
in their heads by observing others performing the skill or process, by reading
an instruction manual, or by figuring out the steps for themselves. Simply
watching someone else perform the skill or process, and then mimicking his
or her actions, leads to inefficient learning. Help students to understand the
importance of constructing models by
explaining the process of constructing models and providing
examples from your learning experiences;
helping students to think of examples from their own lives when
they had to learn a specific set of steps to be successful; and
setting up an experiment with students in which you teach them a
skill without helping them construct a model, then teach another
skill with specific strategies for constructing models. Ask students to
compare the learning experiences in terms of how confident they feel
about using the skill, how long they can remember how to use it,
and the extent to which they can use it in different contexts.
2. Use a think-aloud process to demonstrate a new skill or
This is a simple yet powerful technique for building an initial model. It
involves verbalizing your thoughts as you demonstrate the skill or process. It
is important, of course, that your thinking include all the important parts of
the skill or process. For example, a teacher using a think-aloud process to
help students develop a model of two-column addition might write a
problem on the board and then say,
Let’s see. The first thing I have to do is add up the numbers in the ones column: 2 plus
3 equals 5, and 7 more equals 12. That’s 12 ones, which equals 1 ten and 2 ones. I
write down the 2 ones and take the 1 ten over to the tens column. I think I’ll write
the 1 at the top of the tens column so I don’t forget it.
Anderson (1990) Cognitive
Psychology and its Implications
Anderson (1995) Learning
and Memory
Suhor (1984) “Toward a
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and Integrate Procedural
Construct Models
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Gagne (1989) Studies of
Learning: 50 Years of Research
3. Provide or construct with students a written or graphic
representation of the skill or process they are learning.
For some students, watching a teacher model a skill or process will not
sufficiently prepare them to construct a clear, accurate model for themselves.
They may also need a written or graphic representation that describes or
depicts each step. Depending on the skill or process, these representations
could be in the form of one or several of the following: a set of written steps
(see Figure 2.11), a flow chart (see Figure 2.12), or a series of pictures or
symbols (see Figure 2.13).
Draft Draft
a. Read the title of the graph. Get a sense of the information that will be in it.
b. Look at the horizontal line at the bottom of the graph. Identify what is being
measured on it.
c. Look at the vertical line on the left side. What is being measured on it? Look
at the scale that is used.
d. For each of the items measured on the horizontal line, identify its “height” on
the vertical line and interpret that height.
e. Make a statement that summarizes the important information in the bar graph.
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IGURE 2.13
4. Help students see how the skill or process they are learning
is similar to and different from other skills or processes.
To help students develop a sense of the new skill or process, it can be useful
to show them how some steps are similar to the steps of another skill or
process that they have already learned. You might also point out how the
previously learned skill might seem similar, but is really different. For
example, while teaching students to swing a baseball bat, a teacher might
review the steps of swinging a golf club, which were learned in a previous
lesson. The goal is to emphasize the steps that are similar, but also to explain
which steps are different and how having a skill in one might cause errors in
using the other skill. (e.g., being able to swing a golf club might cause you
to incorrectly swing a baseball bat).
5. Teach students to mentally rehearse the steps involved in a
skill or process.
A model of a skill or process can be reinforced through mental rehearsal,
which means simply reviewing the steps in your mind without actually
performing them. For example, you might rehearse the steps involved in
hitting a golf ball by going over them in your mind and picturing yourself
doing each part of the process. In effect, mental rehearsal helps reinforce the
basic model of a skill or process. This strategy is well-known and widely
used by athletes.
Perhaps Chinese and
Japanese restaurants should
consider providing
customers with more
specific directions on how to
use chopsticks. Instead of
simply including a picture
of someone using
chopsticks, the directions
should include the
following specific steps:
1. Grasp one chopstick in the
valley between the thumb
and forefinger.
2. Stabilize this chopstick
with the upper part of the
thumb and the lower part
of the ring finger.
3. Place other chopstick
between tips of thumb and
forefinger. Do NOT
stabilize it. Rest chopstick
on end of middle finger.
4. Adjust small ends of
chopsticks to make them
5. Move second chopstick
back and forth, making
small ends touch.
6. Use step 5 to grasp a bite
of food.
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Construct Models
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Shape Procedural Knowledge
Constructing an initial model for a new skill or process is just the first step
in learning procedural knowledge. Once you actually begin to use the skill
or process, you will probably alter your initial model. You will start to find
out what works and what does not work and, in response, you will modify
your approach, adding some things and dropping others. You may also
become aware of variations in using the process, potential problem areas,
common errors, and how to use the process or skill in different contexts—
like driving on a wet road versus driving on a dry road, or driving on a
highway versus driving in a parking lot. This is called shaping. For example,
after you constructed an initial model for performing long division, you
began to discover some shortcuts and “tricks” that made the process work
better for you. Similarly, after you first learned how to create text on your
word processor, you began to identify ways that you could use the word
processor more efficiently.
The importance of shaping a new skill or process cannot be exaggerated, and
yet it is often shortchanged or even ignored. It is perhaps the most crucial
part of learning a new skill or process because without it, errors can creep in
and become internalized and, therefore, difficult to correct. It is also during
this phase that students attend to their conceptual understanding of skills
and processes so that they are not focused on simply learning a set of steps.
Lack of attention to this aspect of learning procedural knowledge is a
primary reason for students’ failure to effectively use basic skills and
processes. When planning for procedural knowledge, classroom activities for
shaping should be included. To help with this planning, the following
sections offer suggestions of strategies and techniques that can help students
shape procedural knowledge.
1. Help students understand the importance of shaping
procedural knowledge.
As we have just discussed, it is essential for teachers to understand the
importance of shaping. Similarly, students might see more value in
assignments that are designed to encourage shaping if they understand this
phase in acquiring procedural knowledge. The idea that shaping is a process of
making a skill or process “your own” might appeal to some students and help
them to understand and use some of the strategies in this section. Facilitating
this understanding can be done a number of ways including the following:
Take the time to explain to students the process of shaping.
“Hours of learning time and
energy can be saved. . . and
achievement results will
reach a higher level more
rapidly if students’ initial
practice is guided and
monitored by the teacher.”
—Hunter (1982)
Mastery Teaching, p. 71.
For more on the importance
of shaping, see Healy (1990)
Endangered Minds.
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Share with students your own personal experiences with shaping a
skill or process, and encourage them to identify and share their own.
Ask students what happens when they practice a skill that they are
performing incorrectly.
Encourage students to offer suggestions for improving or adapting
skills and processes. Explain why this is an important part of the
culture of the classroom.
Look for, and encourage students to look for, real-life examples of
people shaping a skill or process and, therefore, improving their
ability to use it.
2. Demonstrate and create opportunities for students to practice
using the important variations of the skill or process.
Every skill or process has variations, the understanding of which is
important to the successful use of the skill or process. For example, to
skillfully perform three-column addition, you must understand a number of
variations in that process: what to do when you have to carry from the first
column to the second, what to do when you do not have to carry from the
first column to the second and so on, what to do if the numbers are
presented horizontally rather than in a column. Helping students shape a
new skill or process requires illustrating these important variations. For
example, to shape the process of three-column addition, a teacher might use
a single problem but keep changing it to illustrate all the variations. To
highlight the variations, the teacher might ask questions like the following:
“What would happen if the 4 were a 7? Now, how many ones and how many
tens would I have? Now suppose in the tens column I had two tens from the
ones column. What would happen?”
In addition to working through one or two examples and asking what-
would-happen-if questions, the teacher should create opportunities for
students to practice using all of the variations. After working through the
single example with all the variations, the teacher might give students
problems to work out that exemplify all of the variations they have seen
3. Point out common errors and pitfalls.
It is easy for errors to creep into a skill or process during the early phases of
learning. If these errors are not identified and corrected during the shaping
process, they may be practiced and become difficult to correct later. Whether
the targeted skill is using a lathe (where errors could result in injury) or a
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skill necessary for writing (where errors result in poor communication), it is
important to help students identify and correct errors. This should happen
during the shaping process in a number of ways:
Identify and demonstrate some common errors. As you demonstrate
the errors, think out loud to model the process of noticing and
correcting errors.
Demonstrate the skill process and make obvious and subtle errors.
Ask students to observe closely and try recognize and describe the
errors. Then have them suggest corrective measures.
As students are working, provide feedback that will help them
become aware of and correct errors they are making.
Ask students to interview people who have mastered the skill or
process. Emphasize that they should focus their interview questions
on the parts of the skill or process where errors are commonly made
so that they can avoid such pitfalls.
Encourage students to share with peers the parts of the skill or
process that they find difficult and elicit suggestions from peers for
avoiding mistakes.
When necessary, help students develop a new model for the part of
the skill or process that is proving to be troublesome for them.
4. Help students develop the conceptual understanding
necessary to use the skill or process.
Part of the shaping process is helping students to understand the skill or
process, that is, to know its various uses and to understand any important
concepts related to the skill or process. Technically, this means that it is
important to make sure that students have the declarative knowledge they
need to use the procedural knowledge. If students learn to do an analysis of
variance in statistics, for example, but do not understand the concept of
variance, the skill becomes relatively useless. Likewise, if students are
learning to find points on a map, but do not understand the various uses of
maps, their acquired skill is of limited value to them. To make sure students
understand what they need to use a skill, consider the following suggestions.
a. Describe a variety of situations or contexts in which students can use
a specific skill or process.
Teachers can help students understand that most skills or processes vary
according the situation or context in which they are being used. For
example, the skills involved in driving a car change somewhat when
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there is wet pavement rather than dry pavement; hemming a pair of
pants requires slight variations in some of the steps as a function of the
fabric used; and map reading skills may need to be slightly adapted to
different types of maps.
Students will use a skill much more proficiently if, during shaping, they
are provided with different situations or contexts that require them to
use the skill, and then are cued to notice what adaptations and
adjustments they must make in each setting.
b. Check for students’ level of understanding of key concepts and
principles (declarative knowledge) related to the skill or process.
When initially planing for procedural knowledge, it is, of course,
important to identify and plan for teaching the declarative knowledge
students will need in order to learn and use the identified skills and
processes. However, even when this declarative knowledge has been
taught, it is important to periodically check students’ level of
understanding of important concepts as they are learning the skills and
processes. Practicing a skill or process that has little meaning is not an
effective use of students’ time. During shaping,
review important concepts and ask students to identify any that are
as they begin to practice the skills and processes, periodically ask
students to explain to you, or to each other, what they are doing and
why they are doing it; and
listen to their explanations to detect confusions, misconceptions, or
lack of important knowledge. When necessary, postpone having
students practice the skill or process and, instead, provide additional
opportunities for them to understand what they are learning to do.
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Internalize Procedural Knowledge
The last aspect of learning a new skill or process is internalizing it. For some
skills and processes, this means learning them to the point where you can
use them without much conscious thought. This level of skill is called
automaticity because you use the skill or process automatically. In fact, some
skills and processes have to be used automatically if they are to be truly
useful. Imagine how difficult driving a car would be, for example, if the skill
of using the brake were not an automatic response. If you always had to
think about when and how to use the brake, there might be serious
You cannot achieve automaticity in all skills and processes, but you can
develop fluency in them. For example, the process of editing is never
automatic, but good editors are quite fluent in the language of editing.
Although good editors have to think about what they are doing, they have
internalized the necessary skills to the degree that they can use them with
relative ease.
For a process to be learned to the level of automaticity or fluency, extensive
practice is required. Because learning procedural processes is time
consuming, it is important to identify those processes and skills that
students truly need to internalize versus those with which students simply
need to be familiar. A good deal of time and effort should then be devoted to
helping all students internalize those skills and processes identified as
needing this level of learning. It important to understand that students can
often pass a test without internalizing the skill or process. If it is important
for students to internalize a skill so that they can, for example, use it in six
months, teachers must provide students with the time and experiences
necessary to internalize it. Teachers often give students enough time and
practice to learn a process or skill well enough to pass a test but not enough
time to actually internalize it. The following sections highlight some things
you can do to help students internalize procedural knowledge.
1. Help students understand the importance of internalizing
procedural knowledge.
Achieving automaticity or fluency with a skill or process requires practice,
something students often resist. It might be helpful, even motivating, for
students to understand the internalizing phase of acquiring procedural
You can easily point out examples from students’ lives in which they
internalized skills (e.g., riding a bike, forming letters, and throwing a ball)
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and emphasize that they achieved this level of mastery because of practice.
Students might be able to remember that during the process of learning a
skill, like riding a bike, they could think of nothing else because the
learning process consumed all of their mental energy. Yet now they can ride
a bike, talk to a friend, and enjoy the scenery all at the same time because
the skills of riding a bike have been internalized and there is mental energy
left to do other things simultaneously. Help students to understand that
many, although not all, skills they are learning in school need to be acquired
so that they can use these skills with relative ease.
Suggestions for building this understanding might include the following:
Explain internalizing, and provide students with examples from your
own life.
Teach students a skill without having them internalize it. Give them
a test, wait for a period of time, and then announce you are going to
test them again. Many students will protest that they cannot perform
the skill now, even though they passed the test. Discuss with them
what is required to internalize a skill, that is, to be able to use it in
the future.
Use examples from daily life, current events, movies, or books that
exemplify the process of internalizing. For example, in the movie
Karate Kid, the teacher had the boy wax cars (“Wax on. Wax off.”) to
internalize the specific hand movements that he would use later in
more complex karate moves.
2. Help students set up a practice schedule.
When students are first learning a new skill or process, they should practice
it immediately and frequently; that is, they should engage in massed practice.
For example, in a computer technology class period, you might have
students construct a model for the process of operating a spread-sheet
program by demonstrating the process and making a flow chart. After
students have spent time shaping the process, have them begin massed
practice. Pairs of students might work at the computer and practice the
process of operating the spread-sheet program as many times as possible
before the end of a period. You might also provide time for students to
practice the next day—perhaps not for as long a period of time as on the
previous day, but for a substantial amount of time. You could gradually
increase the intervals of time between practice sessions. Instead of practicing
every day, you could have students practice every other day, then every third
day, and so on. This is called distributed practice, lengthening the intervals of
“Practice makes permanent,
not perfect.”
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time between practice sessions. Over time, students would naturally
internalize the new skill.
In general, then, practice sessions should initially be spaced close together
and then gradually spaced further and further apart. Figure 2.14 shows the
relationship between massed and distributed practice.
3. Have students chart and report on their speed and/or
accuracy when practicing new skills or processes.
When developing some skills, the emphasis is on accuracy; when developing
others, the emphasis is on accuracy and speed. One way of helping students
to develop new skills and processes is to have them keep a record of their
progress as they practice. If they are working on accuracy, they can divide a
series of problems, for example, into several clusters, and then chart the
number they solved correctly for each cluster. If they are working on
accuracy and speed, they can create a chart that indicates how many
problems they were able to solve correctly in a given period of time, and
then try to beat that time for the next cluster. If accuracy suffered when
speed increased, they can decide if they should slow down again to achieve
When students are keeping speed and accuracy charts, you should remind
them that they are internalizing the skill, that is, they are practicing so that
the skill becomes permanent and automatic. The charts can help answer the
question that students often pose, “If I know how to do these problems, why
do I have to do 20 of them?”
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Classroom Examples
The following classroom examples are offered to stimulate reflection on how
to apply the ideas covered in this section of Dimension 2 in your classroom.
Mrs. Fox had been teaching a unit on percents. Her students were doing well
computing percentages in different types of problems. She decided to give them some
story problems so that they could apply their new skills. To her dismay, most of the
students were unable to solve all of the problems. As a result of conferencing with some
of her students, she realized that she had not taught the declarative knowledge
associated with the procedures of calculating percentages. Her students did not
understand when to use which type of calculation nor what the problems actually
meant. For example, when asked to determine what percentage of the original price the
sale price represented, most students did not know which procedure, formula, or
calculation to use. She then decided to identify the important concepts and information
related to percentages and teach that to her students.
• • •
Ms. Hallfield was trying to help students understand and use analogies. She decided
to teach students how to solve analogy problems (e.g., Man is to boy :: king is to____.
Answers: a. child b. prince c. queen d. son). Although she demonstrated these problems
through a think-aloud technique, she realized that many of her students were not
improving their ability to solve them. She recalled a conversation she had with a
friend, an athletic coach, who had described how clearly students must know each step
of a process. She decided to present students with a set of written steps for solving the
analogy problems (see below), even though she thought the steps were fairly obvious.
She was surprised to see how much these steps helped some of her students.
1. Describe the relationship between the two elements in the first set. Verbalize
the entire first step, emphasizing the phrase that describes the relationship.
For example: “A is similar to B,” or “A is the opposite of B,” or “A causes
2. Verbalize the given element in the second set along with the relationship
phrase in Step 1.
For example: Step 1: “A causes B.”
Step 2: “C causes____.”
3. Finish the second set with an element that has that relationship with the
given element.
• • •
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Coach Elway, the physical education teacher, had given his student teacher the
responsibility of teaching students to pass a football. The student teacher, Kevin,
demonstrated throwing a spiral and then asked students to spend the rest of the class
period practicing this throw. Because of students’ limited success in demonstrating this
skill, Kevin sought out Coach Elway for advice. Coach Elway explained that Kevin
should have spent more time working with students on each step of the process of
throwing the ball and helping them shape the process before asking them to practice.
• • •
Shirley’s father said to Mrs. Cliburn, the piano teacher, “Why does she have to keep
playing the same scales and technique lessons over and over again? She’s becoming
bored and the rest of us are frustrated, to say the least.” Mrs. Cliburn smiled and
patiently replied, “The great pianists practice many hours each day. Shirley can play
the Chopin nocturne she wants to play only after she has mastered the fundamentals.
She must practice, practice, practice.”
Teacher’s Manual
Dimension 2
Acquire & Integrate Knowledge
Helping Students Acquire
and Integrate Procedural
Classroom Examples
Dim 2 chapter-procedural 4/17/09 7:23 AM Page 105
Unit Planning: Dimension 2, Procedural
Planning to teach procedural knowledge requires asking and answering the
following question:
What will be done to help students acquire and integrate procedural
There are three basic steps included in the process of answering this
question, two of which require answering additional questions.
Step 1: What procedural knowledge will students be in the process of
acquiring and integrating? As a result of this unit, students will be able
Step 2: What strategies will be used to help students construct models
for, shape, and/or internalize this knowledge?
Step 3: Describe what will be done.
There is a place on the Dimension 2 Planning Guide: Procedural Knowledge
(see page 112) to record the responses to the planning questions and to
describe what will be done to help students acquire and integrate the
identified procedural knowledge. This planning guide has been filled out—
using these planning questions—for a hypothetical social studies unit about
Colorado. (This unit topic was chosen because, with some changes, it could
be used for a unit about any state or region and at many developmental
levels. The entire Colorado unit planning guide, for all of the dimensions,
can be found in Chapter 6, “Putting It All Together.” The chapter also
includes general recommendations for assessment.) To help you use the
planning process, the following sections walk you through each step and
provide recommendations and points to keep in mind as you plan.
Teacher’s Manual
Dimension 2
Acquire & Integrate Knowledge
Helping Students Acquire
and Integrate Procedural
Unit Planning
Dim 2 chapter-procedural 4/17/09 7:23 AM Page 106
Teacher’s Manual
Step 1
Answering this first key question in the planning process requires additional
steps. These steps will vary as a function of the requirements and philosophy
of your school or district. You may have a great deal of autonomy in
identifying the knowledge students are to acquire, or you may need to
closely follow standards and benchmarks from your state, district, or school.
Suggestions and examples are provided for both situations: when you are
planning with standards and benchmarks and when you are planning
without them.
As you identify the skills or processes that students will be learning, you
might record them on the procedural knowledge planning worksheet, then
organize them graphically. There are two versions of the worksheet, along
with their corresponding graphics, simply to show how the planning process
looks different when you are guided by standards and benchmarks and when
you are not. Each process requires the following steps:
Without standards and benchmarks (see Sample Worksheet and Unit
Planning Graphic: Colorado Unit, page 109):
Identify the important procedural knowledge (skills and processes).
When necessary, identify specific skills that support more general
With standards and benchmarks (see Sample Worksheet and Unit
Planning Graphic: Colorado Unit, page 110):
Identify the procedural knowledge benchmarks that will be the focus of this
unit, then do the following:
For each benchmark, identify the important procedural knowledge
(skills and processes).
When necessary, identify specific skills that support more general
The goal during planning for either of these situations is to identify exactly
what students will be learning to do. It is important to remember, especially
when you are guided by benchmarks that identify very general processes, to
be fairly specific when identifying the skills and processes students will
learn. If the identified procedural knowledge is too general, such as
“students will know how to engage in the research process,” it will be
What procedural knowledge will students be in the process of acquiring
and integrating? As a result of this unit, students will be able to. . . .
Dimension 2
Acquire & Integrate Knowledge
Helping Students Acquire
and Integrate Procedural
Unit Planning
Dim 2 chapter-procedural 4/17/09 7:23 AM Page 107
Teacher’s Manual
difficult to generate a single model, or set of steps. Most general processes
contain many supporting, specific skills and processes, each with its own set
of steps. Therefore, if you start with a very general process, make sure that
you also identify skills or processes that are specific enough to generate steps
that students can use when they are constructing models for, shaping, and
internalizing the procedural knowledge.
Step 2
To answer this question, first decide how proficient students should become
in using each skill or process. In some cases, you may simply want to
introduce the skill or process and help students construct models and shape
the skill or process. In other cases, you may want to help students through
each phase of learning procedural knowledge so that they internalize the
skill or process.
You might want to consider the strategies from this chapter of the manual as
you answer the questions related to each of these phases of learning procedural
knowledge. (See page 111 for questions and a summary of these strategies.)
Step 3
Briefly describe how these strategies will be used to help students acquire
the identified procedural knowledge.
Describe what will be done.
What will be done to help students construct models for, shape, and
internalize the procedural knowledge?
Dimension 2
Acquire & Integrate Knowledge
Helping Students Acquire
and Integrate Procedural
Unit Planning
Dim 2 chapter-procedural 4/17/09 7:23 AM Page 108
Skills/Processes (P)
Knows how to read and interpret
physical and natural resource maps
Dim 2 chapter-procedural 4/17/09 7:23 AM Page 109
Knows how to read and interpret physical maps
Knows how to read and interpret natural resource
Geography Standard 6, Benchmark 1(P):
Uses thematic maps
Dim 2 chapter-procedural 4/17/09 7:23 AM Page 110
Teacher’s Manual
Summary of Strategies for Use in Step 2 of Planning
for Procedural Knowledge
What strategies will be used to help students construct models for the
procedural knowledge?
1. Help students understand the importance of constructing models for
procedural knowledge.
2. Use a think-aloud process to demonstrate a new skill or process.
3. Provide or construct with students a written or graphic
representation of the skill or process they are learning.
4. Help students see how the skill or process they are learning is similar
to and different from other skills or processes.
5. Teach students to mentally rehearse the steps involved in a skill or
What strategies will be used to help students shape the procedural
1. Help students understand the importance of shaping procedural
2. Demonstrate and create opportunities for students to practice using
the important variations of the skill or process.
3. Point out common errors and pitfalls.
4. Help students develop the conceptual understanding necessary to use
the skill or process.
What strategies will be used to help students internalize the
procedural knowledge?
1. Help students understand the importance of internalizing procedural
2. Help students set up a practice schedule.
3. Have students chart and report on their speed and/or accuracy when
practicing new skills or processes.
Dimension 2
Acquire & Integrate Knowledge
Helping Students Acquire
and Integrate Procedural
Unit Planning
Dim 2 chapter-procedural 4/17/09 7:23 AM Page 111
What will be done to
help students construct
models for, shape, and
internalize the knowledge? Describe what will be done.
What procedural knowledge
will students be in the process of
acquiring and integrating?
As a result of this unit, students will
be able to. . .
read and interpret physical
read and interpret natural
resource maps.
I will talk through the steps of reading a map,
demonstrating the steps with each type. I will give
them a set of written steps for reading any map.
Working in groups, students will receive several variations
in format (taken from different textbooks) for both physical
and natural resource maps. There will be questions for the
group and then for individual students to answer as a way
of becoming familiar with each variation. This assignment
also will reinforce the learning of the concepts of topography
and natural resources.
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Note: These strategies
will be used to teach
both types of maps.
Set of written steps
Practice with variations
Internalizing is not a
Dimension 2 Planning Guide: Procedural Knowledge Unit: Colorado
Dim 2 chapter-procedural 4/17/09 7:23 AM Page 112
DoL Teacher TP/Div 4/17/09 7:49 AM Page 4
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 1
Teacher’s Manual
The principal and faculty at
a middle school agreed to
focus schoolwide on one
complex reasoning process
each month. Letters were
sent to parents explaining
the definition and steps of
the process and asking for
their support in reinforcing
the process at home. Hall
bulletin boards, dedicated
to the various grade levels
and content areas, displayed
students’ work related to
the targeted reasoning
Dimension 3
Extend and Refine Knowledge
Learning declarative and procedural knowledge requires much more than
simply recalling information or mechanically performing a procedure. The
most effective learning occurs when students develop an in-depth
understanding of important knowledge so that they can use that knowledge
in school and in life. To develop this understanding, learners extend and
refine the knowledge they initially acquire. This occurs as learners examine
and analyze knowledge and information in a way that helps them make new
connections, discover or rediscover meanings, gain new insights, and clarify
For example, when first learning about the concept of free enterprise, a student
might understand it well enough to generate a definition and some
examples. However, broadening that understanding requires him to do more
than recite the definition or generate additional examples. It requires him to
compare free enterprise to other economic structures or to figure out how the
principles of free enterprise can be applied to predict what might happen in
new, specific situations. In other words, deepening understanding requires
thinking about the information by using reasoning processes that are more
complex than those used when knowledge simply is being recognized or
reproduced. It necessitates using processes that change—extend and refine—
the knowledge.
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 113
Teacher’s Manual
Helping Students Develop Complex
Reasoning Processes
The eight complex reasoning processes identified in Dimension 3 are offered
as resources for teachers as they are helping students to extend and refine
their knowledge. It is not sufficient to simply ask students questions or give
them assignments that require these types of reasoning processes; educators
need to directly teach the processes. The following reasoning processes can
be used to deepen students’ understanding of what they are learning.
Comparing: Identifying and articulating similarities and differences
among items
Classifying: Grouping things into definable categories on the basis
of their attributes
Abstracting: Identifying and articulating the underlying theme or
general pattern of information
Inductive reasoning: Inferring unknown generalizations or
principles from information or observations
Deductive reasoning: Using generalizations and principles to infer
unstated conclusions about specific information or situations
Constructing support: Building systems of support for assertions
Analyzing errors: Identifying and articulating errors in thinking
Analyzing perspectives: Identifying multiple perspectives on an
issue and examining the reasons or logic behind each
Each of these reasoning processes is used unconsciously by people every day.
We compare things. We draw conclusions inductively. We analyze other
people’s perspectives during informal interactions and in learning situations.
However, when teachers require students to use these processes as a means of
extending and refining knowledge, they must teach the steps involved in the
processes so that students use them deliberately and rigorously.
As schools and districts begin to plan for teaching these processes, they
should keep in mind some general principles of implementation:
Although the eight complex reasoning processes should be
systematically and rigorously taught, no single teacher should take
on all eight in one semester or school year. If students are to learn
and internalize these processes, they must have time to shape and
“Constructing support,
analyzing errors, and
analyzing perspectives. I call
these the thinking skills of
—A teacher in Iowa
Dimension 3
Extend & Refine Knowledge
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 114
Teacher’s Manual
“More than anything else,
learning the critical
attributes for each of the
complex reasoning processes
made me realize how much
thinking I was doing for my
students. I was doing the
majority of the work for
—An elementary teacher
practice them over time. When students are first learning the
processes, you should introduce only three or four new processes in
any one year.
Students of all ages are capable of learning and using all of these
types of thinking processes. Younger students, of course, may require
more guidance and modeling than older students. In addition, they
need to apply the processes to developmentally appropriate content.
When older students are learning the processes, the same principles
apply. They need guidance and modeling in the early stages of
learning the processes and may need more guidance later as they use
the processes with increasingly complex content.
It is more likely that students will increase their ability to use
different types of thinking if teachers across all grade levels and
content areas are using a common language, providing similar
experiences, and setting consistent expectations that communicate to
students that they will be held accountable for specific reasoning
abilities. Although there is nothing magical about the list of
reasoning processes highlighted in this Dimension, having a list that
is used throughout the district can be magical. Students may develop
the ability to reason at a level that is rarely demonstrated in
classrooms today.
For each of the eight reasoning processes identified in Dimension 3, the
following sections are included:
1. Help students understand the process. This section discusses how to
introduce the process to students and how to help them understand
the function or goal of the process.
2. Give students a model for the process, and create opportunities for
them to practice using the process. This section introduces the
complex reasoning process itself: the model for the steps involved in
using the process. Examples of specific ways to guide students
through the thinking involved in the process are presented.
3. As students study and use the process, help them focus on critical
steps and difficult aspects of the process. This section identifies
critical steps and difficult components of the process as well as
specific examples and suggestions about how to deal with these
Dimension 3
Extend & Refine Knowledge
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 115
Teacher’s Manual
Dimension 3
Extend & Refine Knowledge
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning
4. Provide students with graphic organizers or representations of the
model to help them understand and use the process. Graphic
organizers and representations help students understand and visualize
the process. Examples of these organizers or representations are
included in this section.
5. Use teacher-structured and student-structured tasks. This section
addresses the importance of modeling and guiding the use of the
process, first through the use of teacher-structured tasks. Suggestions
are provided for how to move from teacher-structured to student-
structured tasks, shifting students from highly structured tasks to
tasks that students create as they become more proficient and
confident at using the process.
A curriculum writing
committee created a
database of focused, high-
quality classroom tasks in
various content areas at
different grade levels based
on the complex reasoning
processes. Teachers could
access this database and use
the tasks directly or use
them as models to create
their own tasks.
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 116
Teacher’s Manual
Dimension 3
For more on comparing:
Beyer (1988) Developing a
Thinking Skills Program
Mullis, Owen, & Phillips
(1990) America’s Challenge:
Accelerating Academic
Stahl (1985) Cognitive
Information Processes and
Processing Within a Uniprocess
Almost daily, we compare things—classes we take, books we read, the food
we eat, the experiences we have. In fact, it is difficult not to compare. The
effect of this everyday process of comparing is that we see things differently,
we gain insights, we change perspectives. You might think you had a bad
day, for instance, until you hear of a friend’s day that was much worse.
“Compared to hers,” you might conclude, “my day wasn’t so bad after all.” If
you read two books by the same author and then compare them, you might
discover something in one of them that you missed when you first read it.
Comparing, then, influences our perceptions of our world. (In some
classrooms, comparing refers only to similarities; the term contrast is used to
refer to differences.)
Comparing is done in the classroom for the same reasons: to gain insights, to
see distinctions, to change perspectives. When students are asked to use
comparing with content knowledge, however, they need to go beyond loose,
everyday comparing. They need to be taught and held accountable for
rigorously using the process to ensure that their learning is enhanced as a
result of the comparison. The following sections review activities and
strategies that will help students understand and fully master the process of
1. Help students understand the process of comparing.
As common as the process of comparing is, it is still useful to introduce the
basic concept to students, especially young students. You can do this by
presenting examples of the different ways in which people use comparing.
For example, you might describe a time when you compared a movie you
saw with the book of the same title and gained a new appreciation for the
book. Then you might have students identify comparisons they have made
(e.g., two classes they are taking; a place they have visited and their own
home). Finally, help students become aware of how often comparisons are
used in daily life and in the world around them. For example, you might ask
students to listen to the various news media and notice how often people,
current events, or celebrations are compared during newscasts.
Comparing is the process of identifying and articulating similarities and
differences among items. Stated more simply, it is the process of describing how
things are the same and different.
Extend & Refine Knowledge
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 117
Teacher’s Manual
2. Give students a model for the process of comparing, and
create opportunities for them to practice using the process.
a. Give students a model for the process of comparing.
Even when students understand comparing, it is important to
provide them with steps to follow as they use the process with
content knowledge. The following steps are recommended:
The process might be stated in simpler terms for young students:
b. Create opportunities for students to practice using the process.
Explain and demonstrate each of the steps in the comparison process
to students. You can do this in a think-aloud fashion. You might say,
Let me see. I want to compare an apple and an orange. That’s the first step in
the process. The next step is to pick the characteristics I’m going to compare. I
think I’ll pick size, shape, taste, and nutritional content.
Once you have modeled the steps, make them available to students
by having students copy them or by displaying them on the board or
on a piece of chart paper. Then create some opportunities for
students to have fun using the steps with nonacademic topics so that
they become comfortable with the process.
3. As students study and use the process of comparing, help them
focus on critical steps and difficult aspects of the process.
As you increasingly hold students accountable for engaging in the comparing
process, provide focused instruction and practice in order to help them avoid
common errors and pitfalls. The following key points review some common
problems and suggestions for solving or avoiding common errors.
1. What do I want to compare?
2. What is it about them that I want to compare?
3. How are they the same? How are they different?
1. Select the items you want to compare.
2. Select the characteristics of the items on which you want to
base your comparison.
3. Explain how the items are similar and different with respect to
the characteristics you selected.
Dimension 3
Extend & Refine Knowledge
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 118
Teacher’s Manual
Key Points
1) Comparing is the reasoning process that is probably the most commonly
used in K-12 classrooms. It is a powerful way of helping students
examine key attributes of important content knowledge, and students
seem to become comfortable with the three steps fairly quickly. Because
of its power and ease of use, however, it can be overused. Thus, it is
important in the planning process to carefully consider the questions:
Why are students doing this comparison? Are the items that they are
comparing important to this content knowledge? Is comparing the best
process to use to help students extend and refine this knowledge?
2) One key to a rigorous comparison is to identify characteristics that are
meaningful and interesting. For example, comparing wars on the
characteristic of “the kinds of horses that were ridden” might be
interesting but will not add much to students’ learning. Conversely, “the
extent to which the conflict involved foreign countries” and “the extent
to which economic factors caused the wars” are characteristics that might
lead to increased understanding.
For students to become skilled at identifying meaningful and interesting
characteristics, they may need extensive modeling and feedback as they
practice. You can provide this support in different ways:
Brainstorm ideas for characteristics as a class, especially the first few times
you give students a comparison task or when the content is particularly
difficult for them. You might then ask students to select characteristics
from the brainstormed list or to come up with their own.
Use expanded comparison. This means that using a comparison matrix,
students are provided with several characteristics, then asked to
expand the matrix by adding additional characteristics of their own
that are as meaningful and interesting as those provided. It is
important to provide students with good initial characteristics and
with feedback on their additions.
3) Make sure that students understand that the purpose of doing a
comparison task in the classroom is to extend and refine knowledge. To
reinforce this, after they have completed the comparison, ask questions
about what they learned, for example, “What insights did you gain?”,
“What new connections did you make with other content?”, or “What
did you discover or rediscover as a result of doing the comparison?”
“No wonder my students
couldn’t provide me with
strong comparisons! I had
never taught them step 2.
It’s determining the
characteristics that allows
students to make a
comparison truly
—A fifth-grade teacher
Dimension 3
Extend & Refine Knowledge
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 119
Teacher’s Manual
4. Provide students with graphic organizers or representations to
help them understand and use the process of comparing.
A powerful way to help students understand the process of comparing is
to show them how to represent their thinking in a graph or picture.
Figures 3.1 and 3.2 suggest ways of organizing the information that is
being compared.
A Venn diagram is an organizer that is best used when you want to highlight
the fact that the two things being compared have some things in common
(these characteristics go in the area of intersection) but not others (these go
in the nonintersecting part of each circle). When several characteristics are
identified in the comparison, you may want to use a separate Venn diagram
for each set of characteristics. For example, Figure 3.1 is an example of how a
first-grade teacher might lead her students in a comparison of different
cultures on the characteristics of holidays and celebrations, and food.
United States England
Labor Day
Memorial Day
Fourth of July
Boxing Day
Guy Fawkes
United States England
Peanut Butter
Asian Food
Steak and
Kidney Pie
Holidays and Celebrations Food
Dimension 3
Extend & Refine Knowledge
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 120
Teacher’s Manual
Figure 3.2 is a matrix that can help students organize their information as
they perform each step of the comparing process.
5. Use teacher-structured and student-structured tasks.
When students are just beginning to use the comparison process and
whenever you have a very specific academic goal in mind, you might give
students highly structured comparison tasks. A teacher-structured task
presents students with the items to be compared and the characteristics on
which they are to be compared. Students then describe how the items are
similar and different, using the characteristics the teacher has selected.
When the comparison is completed, students are asked to summarize what
they learned. For example, students might be given a list of cities, including
their own, and asked to compare them on size, job opportunities, cultural
opportunities, crime rates, and air quality. This process would be structured
for students to make sure that they begin to understand characteristics of
different types of communities.
When students have become adept at using the process of comparing, have
them structure their own tasks. You might ask them to generate the items to
be compared or the characteristics on which to base their comparison or
both. Students should then work independently or in groups to identify
similarities and differences among the items. Even though students are
working more independently, you might still need to monitor their work to
make sure they are rigorously engaged in comparisons that will enhance
their learning of important content knowledge.
Items to be compared
#1 #2 #3
Dimension 3
Extend & Refine Knowledge
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 121
Teacher’s Manual
Classroom Examples
The following classroom examples are offered to stimulate reflection on how
to apply the ideas covered in this section of Dimension 3 in your classroom.
Students in Mr. Johanssen’s kindergarten class were studying about how living things
grow and change. To help increase their understanding of how different animals
change as they grow, they compared the baby or young stage with the adult stage of
several different animals. For example, students identified similarities and differences
between frogs and tadpoles, between butterflies and caterpillars, between whales and
calves, and between horses and colts. The characteristics they used in their comparison
included size, color, skin covering, and body shape. Students were surprised to discover
how much some animals change as they grow.
Mrs. Wasson noticed that her geography students seemed to use maps readily in the
classroom but were reluctant to use maps that were unfamiliar to them. She led a class
discussion on the different types of maps and their purposes. To extend and refine
students’ understanding, Mrs. Wasson created a task the following week in which she
asked them to identify features of map projections that make them useful and then to
choose three different types of map projections (e.g., Mercator, Robinson, and
Mollweide). After students compared their selected maps on these features, Mrs.
Wasson asked them to explain how the map projections were similar and different
with respect to the characteristics they selected. Students began to develop a more in-
depth understanding of the different uses of each map projection.
For the first semester of the school year, Ms. Norford decided to focus on helping her
health education students understand the social, economic, and political effects of
disease on individuals, families, and communities. She created a task to enhance
students’ understanding and to strengthen students’ use of the process of comparing.
Students were to compare the similarities and differences between Typhoid Mary, a
cook who infected twenty-two or more New York residents between 1900 and 1907,
and Ryan White, a child who contracted the HIV virus in the 1980s. Students were
required to select elements of the disease (e.g., symptoms and treatments), aspects of the
affected communities (e.g., the public’s attitude toward the disease), and characteristics
having to do with how well the individuals reacted to having the disease (e.g., how
well they accepted it, whether they sought treatment, and whether they told others).
Comparison matrix by
Adult Baby
Dimension 3
Extend & Refine Knowledge
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 122
Teacher’s Manual
Classifying is a process used every day to organize our world. The average
kitchen, for example, is organized by classifying the foods, the cooking
utensils, and the dinnerware into categories based on attributes such as the
frequency with which we use them, their size, or their storage requirements.
Stores, schools, libraries, and homes all have items classified in some way,
and although we take these classification systems for granted, they influence
our perceptions and our behavior. Imagine changing the way we group
students entering school, or food in a grocery store, or books in a library.
Changing classification systems would change our world.
Just as classifying influences our perceptions in everyday life, using
classifying in the classroom can influence what students see about the
knowledge they are acquiring. In fact, one reason that classifying is a
powerful way to extend and refine knowledge is that consciously putting
things into different categories influences how we perceive the items. When
a round, purple object is grouped with other round objects, you notice it is
round; when it is grouped with other purple objects, you notice it is purple.
Because the process of classifying and reclassifying focuses students on
different attributes of items they are studying, it is a process that extends
and refines students’ knowledge.
If you want classifying to have this effect of extending and refining
knowledge, however, you need to do more than just say to students, “Classify
this information.” As an extending and refining activity, classifying is often a
challenging process, and many students need careful guidance to fully master
it. We recommend using the activities below because they help students first
to understand the process of classifying and then to fully explore and develop
their classifying skills.
1. Help students understand the process of classifying.
Although classifying is a natural human behavior, it is a good idea to
introduce the concept to students so that they understand the process and see
that consciously classifying items can influence their learning. Start by
identifying various ways in which classifying is used and what advantages
classifications provide. For example, you might discuss with students how
classifying things in their drawers at home helps them to find things quickly.
Classifying is the process of grouping things into definable categories on the
basis of their attributes. Stated more simply, it is the process of grouping things
that are alike into categories.
For more on classifying:
Beyer (1988) Developing a
Thinking Skills Program
Jones, Amiran, & Katims
(1985) “Teaching Cognitive
Strategies and Text
Structures Within Language
Arts Programs”
Mervis (1980) “Category
Structure and the
Development of
Nickerson, Perkins, &
Smith (1985) The Teaching of
Smith & Medin (1981)
Categories and Concepts
Taba (1967) Teacher’s
Handbook for Elementary
Social Studies
Dimension 3
Extend & Refine Knowledge
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 123
To help students gain an appreciation for the extent to which classifying
influences perceptions and behavior, you might also have students try to
imagine how their perceptions or behavior would change if certain classification
systems we take for granted were changed (e.g., if the food in a grocery store
was classified into three price ranges or if department stores classified clothes
according to size only). Have students select an item (e.g., a tiger) and place it
in several different categories (e.g., with a group of cats, then with a group of
wild animals, then with other striped items). Ask them to notice what
attributes they see in the same item as they change the group it is in.
2. Give students a model for the process of classifying, and
create opportunities for them to practice using the process.
a. Give students a model for the process of classifying.
Although some classifying can be done loosely, students need to
learn a set of steps for the process of classifying. Below is one set of
general steps that students can use.
1. Identify the items you want to classify.
2. Select what seems to be an important item, describe its key
attributes, and identify other items that have the same
3. Create the category by specifying the attribute(s) that the
items must have for membership in the category.
4. Select another item, describe its key attributes, and identify
other items that have the same attributes.
5. Create this second category by specifying the attribute(s) that
the items must have for membership in the category.
6. Repeat the previous two steps until all items are classified and
the specific attributes have been identified for membership in
each category.
7. If necessary, combine categories or split them into smaller
categories and specify the attribute(s) that determine
membership in the category.
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That works, too!
That works.
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The process might be stated in simpler terms for young students:
b. Create opportunities for students to practice using the process.
When presenting the steps in the classifying process, you should
demonstrate each, perhaps with a think-aloud technique. For
example, while demonstrating the process, you might say,
I’m going to classify the fifty states. I think I’ll start with New York. What
other states are like New York and why?
Once the students are familiar with the steps, have them practice
using them. Ask them to classify then reclassify things around them,
for example, the books in the classroom, the furniture, the items in
their desk. Each time, hold students more accountable for the rules
that describe the categories and the reasons for placing each item
into a specific category.
3. As students study and use the process of classifying, help them
focus on critical steps and difficult aspects of the process.
As students learn to classify, there are several parts of the process that may
need special attention and focused instruction if the process is to realize its
potential to help students extend and refine knowledge. As you help
students with the classifying process, keep in mind the following points:
Key Points
1) In the second step of the process of classifying, students group items
based on a specific attribute. When they get to step 4, they create
another category and again specify the attribute. In order to focus the
classification process, it is important that this second attribute, as well as
each subsequent attribute, be related to the first. For example, if
students are classifying the states and the first attribute is “has a
predominantly warm climate,” the second attribute should be something
like “has a predominantly cold climate” or “has a climate with a balance
1. What do I want to classify?
2. What things are alike and could be put into a group?
3. How are these things alike?
4. What other groups can I make and how are the things alike
in each group?
5. Does everything now fit into a group?
6. Would it be better to split up any of the groups or put any
groups together?
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of warm and cold weather.” Switching to an attribute such as “is densely
populated” will create confusion and decrease the likelihood that
students will increase their understanding of the items and the attributes
they are studying.
2) Classifying is the process of placing items into groups on the basis of
their attributes. In the second step of the process, students are required
to select an important item and identify other items that share the same
attribute. In this early stage of classifying, it is important for students to
focus on attributes that are important and meaningful to the content.
The selected attributes should cause the student to discover something
in the items or to make connections among items that they had not
previously made. If the attributes are not interesting or important, the
students might accurately place items into groups but without any
apparent positive effect on learning.
3) As students begin to place the items into categories, it is important that
they understand the defining characteristics of the categories well
enough to justify placement of the items. Sometimes the reasons for
placing the items will be apparent, for example, if the categories are
based on the attribute of color. However, as the content becomes more
complex, explaining the reasons for the placement of items might be the
most challenging part of the process. It is important to ask students for
this explanation. For example, the following is a sample of an item on an
open-book final exam in a high school history class:
Below is a list of wars and military conflicts that we have studied this year.
Create a classification system with at least three categories. Explain the rule or
defining characteristics of each. Place each war into a category and explain to
what extent it has the defining characteristics of that category.
French Revolution Spanish American War
American Revolution World War I
French and Indian War World War II
Vietnam Desert Storm
4) Having students classify and then reclassify is often a key to helping
them notice unique distinctions among items that they could miss if
they classify items only once. It might help students if you provide
different contexts for different classifications; for example, you might ask
students to classify a list of plants as if they were gardeners, then
reclassify them as if they were doctors who treat people with allergies.
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“Although I have certainly
had students classify many
times in my class, I
discovered that I was using
classifying only to sort
items accurately rather than
to extend and refine their
—A teacher in Arkansas
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4. Provide students with graphic organizers or representations to
help them understand and use the process of classifying.
For many students, a graphic organizer or representation may help them to
understand and use the process of classifying. Figure 3.3 depicts two
examples of graphic representations that students might use.
5. Use teacher-structured and student-structured tasks.
Even when students have been introduced to classifying and understand the
steps involved, they still may feel a bit unsure of themselves. At this early
stage, or any time the teacher has a very specific academic goal in mind, use
teacher-structured classification tasks, that is, tasks in which the teacher
specifies the items to be classified and the categories into which they are to
be classified. Ask students to place the given items in the given categories to
increase or demonstrate their understanding of the content. For example, in
a literature class you might give students a list of book titles and ask them
to categorize them based on whether the major conflict was (a) man versus
man, (b) man versus society, or (c) man versus himself. The goal is to
increase students’ understanding of the types of conflicts found in literature
and to focus their study on specific titles.
As students become more comfortable with classifying, you might use more
student-structured classification tasks to allow students to direct more of
their own learning. In these tasks, you might provide students with a list of
the items to be classified, but ask them to identify their own categories and
explain the rules they used to form the categories. Alternatively, you might
ask students to generate the items to be classified and the categories. It is
important any time that students are structuring their classifying task that
you ask them to identify what they learned in the classifying process.
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Classroom Examples
The following classroom examples are offered to stimulate reflection on how
to apply the ideas covered in this section of Dimension 3 in your classroom.
Mrs. Martinez’s primary students were learning about the different ways that objects
can be described and classified. To extend and refine their understanding, she asked
them to select a dozen objects from bins she kept in the classroom and to group together
items that were alike. Students selected a wide range of things, including buttons,
rocks, paper clips, magnets, and rubber balls. Mrs. Martinez had her students classify
the objects several different times, first by size, then by shape, and finally by the
material that students thought the objects were made of.
Students in Ms. Shreiber’s class were given a set of vocabulary terms related to
geography (e.g., bay, basin, canyon, delta, glacier, harbor, mesa, peninsula, plateau,
tundra, and valley). To extend and refine their understanding of the Earth’s physical
features, she asked them to create categories into which to place each term. Students
automatically classified the terms into categories that they had studied in the text,
such as landforms created by erosion, by plate tectonics, or glaciation. Ms. Shreiber
concluded that the task involved the simple recall of information. She directed students
to reclassify the items as if they were Martians seeing these physical features for the
first time.
Students in Mr. Rory’s class were studying the various ways that authors develop and
use characters in literature. To help extend and refine students’ knowledge, Mr. Rory
gave them a list of thirty characters from several literary works, then asked them to
form categories for these characters and explain the rules used to form the categories.
He was pleased with the depth of students’ understanding and with the range of
categories that they created. A few students, for example, created categories based on
the attribute of “types of character flaws”; others used the attribute of “the kinds of
changes (e.g., physical, emotional, or psychological) that the characters experienced as
the stories evolved.”
Students in Ms. Hussey’s science class were studying the basic properties of matter,
specifically the elements that make up living and nonliving substances: hydrogen,
helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, sodium,
potassium, mercury, strontium, iodine, chlorine, radium, chromium, iron, neon, and
lead. They also had been learning how elements are grouped according to similar
properties. Ms. Hussey asked her students to classify these elements (assuming them to
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be at room temperature) into the traditional categories of solids, liquids, and gases.
Students had no problem completing this task. In order to extend their knowledge of
the elements, Ms. Hussey then asked students to reclassify the elements into a set of
completely new categories. She was pleased with the different ideas that students
generated for categories (e.g., “economically valuable” versus “not valuable,”
“replenishable” versus “not replenishable,” and the like) and the wide variety of new
connections that students made between and among the elements.
Mrs. Ranahan wanted to be sure that her mathematics students understood the basic
characteristics of the real number system and its subsystems. With this goal in mind,
she had been distinguishing the following categories of numbers: counting numbers,
whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, and real numbers. She thought students
had a fairly good understanding of these categories and, thus, of the real number
system and its subsystems. As an extending and refining activity she
gave them the beginning of a list of numbers (0, 2, 11, 15, 1/2, -7,
0.75, , π),
asked them to add to this list other examples of numbers that represent the
categories of numbers so that their final list included 30 numbers, and
asked them to place each number from their list of 30 into the five categories.
Mrs. Ranahan then asked students to reclassify the numbers using their own rules for
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The process of abstracting builds on an ability we all need to function daily:
the ability to recognize patterns. We must recognize and use patterns in
structures, designs, behaviors, and natural phenomena in order to understand
and respond to the stimuli bombarding us in a complex world. Similarly,
recognizing patterns in the incredible amount of information we receive,
whether in school or in daily activities, allows us to organize and use this
information more readily. Abstracting takes this ability a step further by
providing a process for identifying less-obvious general patterns in specific
information we see and hear and then using these general patterns to see
similarities between blocks of information that at first seem to be quite
different. Because abstracting forces a level of analysis that goes deeper than
literal interpretations, the result of using the process should be an increased
understanding of each block of information. The benefit of this increased
understanding should be clear both for students in the classroom and for
anyone attempting to make sense of the information they receive every day.
Like comparing and classifying, abstracting helps students in the classroom
analyze similarities and differences in information they are studying. It is
especially effective in helping them understand unfamiliar information by
recognizing that it contains patterns similar to information that is more
familiar; for example, if students are studying a war that occurred in ancient
Greece, they might understand it better if they can see how it follows a
similar pattern to a fairy tale they know well. Conversely, abstracting can
help students gain new insights into what is familiar by analyzing the
familiar with patterns extracted from something unfamiliar; for example,
students may gain insights into their own culture by relating familiar
customs and rituals to a general pattern that they extracted while studying
customs and rituals from a culture foreign to them.
Another reason to teach the process of abstracting is that it is the reasoning
process underlying metaphor and analogy. You are abstracting when you create
a metaphor—for example, “love is a rose”—to help explain an abstraction
(love) by relating it at an abstract level to something more concrete (rose).
Similarly, you are abstracting when you use an analogy to understand
something (e.g., “The Earth is to the Sun as the electron is to the nucleus.”).
Developing an understanding of the ability to use abstracting, therefore, can
help students to understand and generate metaphors and analogies.
Abstracting is the process of identifying and articulating the underlying theme
or general pattern of information. Stated more simply, it is the process of finding
and explaining general patterns in specific information or situations.
For more on abstracting:
Anderson (1993) Rules of the
Anderson (1995) Learning
and Memory
Gick & Holyoak (1980)
“Analogical Problem
Gick & Holyoak (1983)
“Schema Induction and
Analogical Transfer”
Holland et al. (1987)
Induction: Processes of Inference,
Learning and Discovery
Ortony (1980) “Metaphor”
“Analogies, it is true, decide
nothing. But they can make
one feel more at home.”
—Sigmund Freud
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Because abstracting allows us to see how two seemingly different things are
connected, it is a very powerful tool for extending and refining knowledge in
the classroom. You can help students develop their abstracting skills by
including the following activities in your classroom.
1. Help students understand the process of abstracting.
Because of its complexity, abstracting should be introduced to students
using content with which they are familiar. For example, you might explain
how abstracting can help us to identify the general pattern of some common
fables, such as “The Grasshopper and the Ant” or “The Emperor’s New
Clothes,” and relate the general patterns to current events or to something
happening at school. Gradually increase the complexity of stories or start
with a current event and demonstrate making connections. Ask students to
help you go through the same process by identifying how two stories or
situations are really alike. Push them to make connections among
increasingly dissimilar situations.
Once students have heard and generated several clear examples of
abstracting, you can explain its main function: to distill information into its
most basic form, then connect it to information that on the surface appears
unrelated, or to create something new that follows the same general pattern.
Although they should be able to do this with simple information without
using a step-by-step process, explain that in academic situations the
information they are analyzing is often longer, more complex, or unfamiliar.
In these situations, a process will serve them well. Additionally, explain that
using the process can help them increase their understanding of information
as they make connections that are more subtle and would be missed without
a rigorous use of the process.
Finally, students might gain an appreciation for this process if they
understand situations in which abstracting has been used. Discuss examples
with them and encourage them to look for examples in and out of school.
Movies and plays are sometimes created as a result of an author abstracting
from history or literature; for example, My Fair Lady is a story following the
same general pattern as the myth Pygmalion, and West Side Story was
abstracted from Romeo and Juliet.
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2. Give students a model for the process of abstracting, and
create opportunities for them to practice using the process.
a. Give students a model for the process of abstracting.
Presenting a general model for the process of abstracting is a good
way to help students become comfortable with the process. The steps
of the model might include the following:
This process might be stated in simpler terms for young students:
b. Create opportunities for students to practice using the process.
The various steps in the process should be demonstrated to students,
preferably in think-aloud fashion. Provide students with the specific
information and then let them observe your thinking. For example,
you could give students the following passage:
Two rival tribes lived on opposite sides of a river. Over the years they began to
trade with one another, with one tribe giving the other grain in return for
cattle. As the quantity and quality of their trade increased, they began to
interact more at a social level. As a result of their social interaction, they
began to realize that they had differing beliefs about what they would do if
the river dried up. Even though there was little chance that the river would
actually dry up, the tribes became irritated and impatient with each other
because of their differences. Their disagreements soon began to interfere with
their trade. Over time, they stopped their trade and eventually went to war.
After telling this story, demonstrate the process of identifying the
literal information of the story. The result might be the following:
1. What is important here?
2. How can I say the same thing in a more general way?
3. What else has the same general pattern?
1. Identify what is considered important or basic to the
information or situation with which you are working.
2. Write that basic information in a more general form by
replacing words referring to specific things with words
referring to more general things, and
summarizing information whenever possible.
3. Find new information or a situation to which the general
pattern applies.
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I can use the
same pattern
again here…
… and again
General Pattern
1. Gather materials
and combine.
2. Add heat.
3. Put on finishing
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Two tribes
Lived across the river
Exchanged cattle for grain
Increased social interaction
Learned of differences in beliefs about what should be done if the river
dried up
Two tribes became irritated with each other
Stopped trading with each other and eventually went to war
Next, show students how to translate the literal information into a
more abstract form. Identify each specific and talk through how you
are generating the general pattern.
Two groups of people or two entities live in relatively close proximity but
are separated or antagonistic in some way.
The two groups or entities begin to interact.
Because of this interaction, they discover some type of conflict.
They end up even less connected or more antagonistic than they were
Then link the general pattern to some other situation that would not
seem similar at the literal level. For example, you might help
students to see that the abstract pattern about the two tribes is
similar to the relationship between a particular man and woman in a
book they’ve been reading in class; or it might fit the type of
interaction observed between two organisms in nature.
Next, provide students with a passage or story. As a class or in small
groups, have them practice each step of the abstracting process.
Provide feedback and push them to connect their general pattern to
increasingly more interesting, specific information. Build in a
number of practice sessions before applying the process to academic
3. As students study and use the process of abstracting, help
them focus on critical steps and difficult aspects of the
The word abstracting can be intimidating to students who seem to interact
more easily with concrete information. However, if they use the steps of the
process to provide them with structure, they will see that abstracting is not
as elusive as it might sound and they should develop increasing confidence
Teacher’s Manual
“When the students turned
in their reports, I was very
disappointed. I had asked
them to explain how the
situation in the Middle East
followed the same pattern as
another event in history, but
their reports were less than
acceptable. I began to
realize that I had asked
them to engage in
abstracting but I had never
taught them how.”
—A high school teacher
in Ohio
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in their ability to generate and use abstract relationships. Keep in mind the
following key points and recommendations as you help students understand
and use the process.
Key Points
1) Ironically, it is the first step of the process, the one requiring the
identification of the important or basic literal information, that poses the
biggest challenge for many students. Mistakes range from missing key
parts of the literal information to identifying virtually every detail as
important. Students’ ability to successfully complete this step will
depend on the complexity of the information or situation and on their
experience and practice in summarizing. They may need focused practice
and feedback on just this part of the process, and, even with practice,
they may require support in completing this step accurately.
2) As students are translating the literal to the abstract, they often have
questions about how general the language in the pattern should be.
Unfortunately, there is no clear-cut answer or way to measure the level of
generality. The objective is to be general enough that connections can be
made between seemingly different information but not so general that
everything seems to connect to everything else. If the literal statement in
the following example was rephrased as shown, the translation would be
considered too general:
The following translation, however, could lead to more insightful connections:
Experience and common sense, then, should be your guide for defining
the levels of abstraction that will extend and refine knowledge.
3) As students apply their general pattern to new specifics, the obvious
connections will emerge first. In order to maximize the potential for
abstracting to extend and refine knowledge, push students for more
obscure connections. It is worth the effort to encourage and reinforce
students’ more rigorous use of the model, especially when they make
The colonists rebelled by staging the
Boston Tea Party.
A small group of people rebelled against
oppression from an authority.
The colonists rebelled by staging the
Boston Tea Party.
Someone did something to someone else.
“An unintended result of
teaching abstracting was
that students found out that
at an abstract level they had
a lot more in common with
others than they thought.”
—A middle school teacher
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powerful connections that cross the disciplines. For example, if students
can see that the relationship between producers and consumers in nature
is similar at an abstract level to producers and consumers in an economy,
they may gain a better understanding of both.
4. Provide students with graphic organizers or representations to
help them understand and use the process of abstracting.
For many students, using a graphic organizer will help them to understand
the process of abstracting and guide them through the steps of the process.
Figure 3.4 illustrates a simple organizer to use with abstracting.
This three-part graphic allows students to record both the literal information
as well as the abstract pattern. The literal information of the two items
being associated are listed in the two outside panels. The abstract pattern
that connects them is listed in the middle panel. (When using this graphic
with your students, you might want to label the three sections “Specific,
General, Specific.”)
5. Use teacher-structured and student-structured tasks.
When students are just beginning to use the process of abstracting, and even
later when there are very specific academic goals identified in the
curriculum, students might need to engage in abstracting tasks that are
highly structured. In these tasks, you may select the information to be
abstracted, guide them through identifying the literal information, and even
lead them through generating the abstract pattern. Students would then be
asked to find another situation to which the abstract pattern applies.
Literal LiteralAbstract
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As students become comfortable with using the process, have them structure
more and more of the task. You might begin this by providing them with
the original information but having them independently engage in each step
of the abstracting process. Although it is still important to monitor them as
they work, your goal is to help them to become more proficient and
confident in their use of each step of the process. In this way, as different
students generate slightly different general patterns, they will be more likely
to make connections that never occurred to you. Students eventually should
begin to identify for themselves the situations in which abstracting can help
them to extend and refine their knowledge.
Classroom Examples
The following classroom examples are offered to stimulate reflection on how
to apply the ideas covered in this section of Dimension 3 in your classroom.
When Mrs. Cleaver first learned about the process of abstracting, she thought that the
process was not appropriate for her first graders. However, one day she realized that
she had been using abstracting in class without intending to. She had been trying to
help students understand that just as letters stand for sounds, numbers stand for
things. She had been extending and refining students’ understanding of symbol systems
by showing them how things that seem different are similar at a general level—and
her students had been getting it.
The next week, Mrs. Cleaver taught her students the process of abstracting by using
some fairy tales that had plots following the same general pattern. From then on, she
periodically challenged her students to look for general patterns as they learned. She
was amazed at what her students observed. One student noticed that digits can be put
together to make a new number in the same way that letters can be put together to
make a new word. With further prompting from Mrs. Cleaver, students noticed that if
they changed the order of the letters of some words, their meaning changed. For
example, tap became pat. Similarly, if they turned around the order of the digits in a
number, it, too, had a new meaning. For example, 453 became 354.
Mrs. Cleaver started a bulletin board on which she listed the general statements
discovered by the class, along with specific examples from students. Periodically she
added a general statement to see if students could apply it to specifics, for example, “If
you put things together ‘any old way’, you don’t get much meaning, but if you put
things together in an organized way, you make patterns that have meaning.” She
hoped that students would see that words in random order say nothing, but in an
organized sequence, they make a sentence; numbers in a random order do not have any
meaning, but if you follow a pattern like counting by two’s, you get meaning. Mrs.
Cleaver had to admit that students were beginning to see connections everywhere, even
connections she had not noticed.
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Students in Mr. Lucas’s language arts class were just beginning to use the process of
abstracting. To help them extend and refine their understanding of themes in myths
and epics, he presented them with a task that he thought would interest them. Using
the movie Star Wars, Mr. Lucas helped students identify the important or basic
elements of the movie and create a general pattern from this specific information:
1. A young man has special talents.
2. He is destined for possible greatness.
3. He must forge his character through a series of tests and trials of body and will.
4. He is helped by wise advisors in a battle between good and evil.
5. He comes close to death and destruction.
6. He overcomes limitations.
7. He is triumphant.
Mr. Lucas then asked students to apply this pattern to The Odyssey and to an epic,
myth, or legend that they had studied in previous units (e.g., Native American
literature or ancient legends).
Mr. Hillman explained to his students that a computer virus is so named because
someone noticed that this phenomenon in computers behaves, at an abstract level, like a
virus in nature. He asked students to use the process of abstracting to trace the
thinking that led to the name computer virus.
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Inductive Reasoning
Most of us informally use induction every day. For example, we are using
induction when we observe the way the cashier at the supermarket greets the
customers and rings up the items, and we conclude that he is in a bad mood.
We are reasoning inductively when we infer that a potential employer
during an interview is looking for someone who is assertive and confident. In
both of these situations, the conclusions reached inductively have helped us
understand a situation and respond appropriately.
We have all also experienced the consequences of reaching conclusions
inductively that turned out not to be true. We might misinterpret evidence,
for example, and, as a result, wrongfully accuse someone of stealing
something. We might misread nonverbal cues and attribute the wrong
motives to an action or comment. The power of inductive reasoning, and the
reason it is important for students to learn, is that it is a reasoning process
that enables us to figure out things that are not explicit or overt. However,
the limitation of inductive reasoning is that no matter how carefully we use
the process, the conclusions we draw may or may not be true.
Some would argue that this characteristic of inductive reasoning—the fact
that conclusions reached inductively may or may not be true—is the reason
that students should understand and learn to use the process. There are times
in our lives when it is important to realize that conclusions drawn inductively
should be used cautiously. In certain situations, before conclusions are accepted
at any level, they should be validated with as much information as possible.
People might be less likely to form stereotypes, for example, if they
understood that they are often based on conclusions drawn from too little
information or from too few observations. When people serve on a jury, they
need to realize that they are often being asked to reach verdicts inductively.
If they understand inductive reasoning, they may be more careful about
listening to all of the available information before reaching their conclusions.
Situations like these remind us how important it is for students to develop
an understanding of and ability to use this process.
In the classroom, we cue students to reason inductively any time we ask
them to identify what is not explicitly stated or when we ask them to read
between the lines. By teaching them the process of inductive reasoning, we
increase the likelihood that they will be able to learn more than what is
obvious. And, by holding them accountable for rigorously using the process,
Inductive reasoning is the process of inferring unknown generalizations or
principles from information or observations. Stated more simply, it is the process
of making general conclusions from specific information or observations.
For more on inductive
Anderson (1990) Cognitive
Psychology and Its Implications
Lipman, Sharp, & Oscanyan
(1980) Philosophy in the
Negin (1987) Inferential
Reasoning for Teachers
Wason & Johnson-Laird
(1972) Psychology of
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Dimension 3
Extend & Refine Knowledge
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Inductive Reasoning
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we increase the chances that they will generate valid, accurate conclusions,
both in the classroom and in life.
The following suggestions should help in planning for students to learn
about inductive reasoning and to develop the ability to use the process.
1. Help students understand the process of inductive reasoning.
Students need some introduction to the concept of inductive reasoning
because it is so commonly used yet often misunderstood. Giving students a
concrete example is the best introduction. Try this one: Walk into class,
slam the door, throw your books on the desk, and then fold your arms across
your chest. After a moment, ask students what conclusions they formed
when they observed your actions. Then explain to them that the mental
process they were using is called inductive reasoning, which is reasoning that
uses specific observations to draw general conclusions. Ask them to identify
other possible explanations of the behavior in order to emphasize that their
conclusions may or may not be true.
You might ask students to identify other examples of induction. For
example, you might ask students to observe a newscast and identify the
inductions made by the announcer. Or you could have a discussion about the
uses and necessity of induction in daily life (e.g., “What would life be like if
we could not induce anything?”).
Finally, explain to students that inductive reasoning will help them extend
and refine knowledge by increasing their ability to make connections and see
patterns in the information available to them in class and anywhere in life.
2. Give students a model for the process of inductive reasoning,
and create opportunities for them to practice using the process.
a. Give students a model for the process of inductive reasoning.
Although induction is a natural mental process, it is still necessary to
provide students with a model they can use when applying induction
to content. The steps of the model might include the following:
1. Focus on specific pieces of information or observations. Try not
to assume anything.
2. Look for patterns or connections in the information you have
3. Make a general statement that explains the patterns or
connections you have observed.
4. Make more observations to see if your generalization holds up;
if it does not, change it as necessary.
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Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Inductive Reasoning
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The general set of steps may be presented in simpler terms for young
b. Create opportunities for students to practice using the process.
When you present this strategy to students, you might model each
step in think-aloud fashion. For example, you might say,
Right now I’m looking out the window and watching a man mowing his
lawn. It’s the middle of the day, and the man appears to be in his sixties or
seventies. I see him at home quite a bit. Let me put all this information
together. It could be that he is retired. What else do I see or know that would
support or refute that conclusion?
You can list the steps on a wall chart so that students can follow
along as you speak.
Another way of providing opportunities for practice is to take
students on induction outings. An induction outing is simply a
situation in which students go outside the classroom to observe and
draw conclusions based on their observations. For example, a teacher
might ask students to walk around the school or the neighborhood
and make specific observations (e.g., “The house on the corner has a
lot of athletic equipment in the garage and the backyard.”). Students
would then make inductions from those observations (e.g., “The
people who live in the house on the corner are very interested in
sports.”). After reporting their inductions, students describe their
observations and explain the reasoning that led to their conclusions.
Gradually hold students more accountable for making pure
observations and for having more than one or two observations for
their conclusions.
3. As students study and use the process of inductive reasoning,
help them to focus on critical steps and difficult aspects of
the process.
As students learn to engage in inductive reasoning, there are several parts of
the model that may need special attention and focused instruction. Keep the
1. What specific information do I have?
2. What connections or patterns can I find?
3. What general conclusions or predictions can I make?
4. When I get more information, do I need to change my general
conclusions or predictions?
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Dimension 3
Extend & Refine Knowledge
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Inductive Reasoning
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following points in mind as you help students to increase their
understanding of and ability to use the inductive reasoning process.
Key Points
1) Sometimes the statements that students offer as inductions are not really
conclusions generated as a result of seeing connections or patterns in
information or observations. Often, especially when students are initially
learning induction, their “conclusions” actually are
restatements of the original information (“I conclude that the
characters were really angry because they said they were mad.”),
descriptions of the observation (“I conclude that the salt melted the ice.”), or
opinions (“I conclude that the people were wrong to protest.”).
Students need multiple opportunities to practice generating conclusions
that represent connections or patterns among observations or pieces of
information. They also need modeling and feedback during these
practice sessions.
2) As students practice inductive reasoning, make sure they are basing their
conclusions on observations and information rather than assumptions and
opinions. This, of course, requires that students understand the
differences between an observation and an assumption or an opinion. For
example, if a student concludes that Edgar Allan Poe was probably
obsessed with death and if he bases that conclusion on the “observation”
that “Poe’s poems were weird,” it must be pointed out to him that the
conclusion is based on an opinion, not on a pure observation.
It is difficult to make pure observations, that is, objective observations
not confounded by opinions, assumptions, or biases. Sometimes our
opinions, assumption, and biases are obvious and we can be careful to
avoid using them to draw our conclusions. However, sometimes it is not
so obvious that our observations are confounded by or represent our
opinions, assumptions, and biases. Students will need practice and
feedback to become proficient at making observations that are objective.
3) One of the most important requirements of good inductive reasoning is
that conclusions are based on as many observations or as much specific
information as possible. Although one can never be sure that conclusions
are true, the conclusions have more validity when they are supported
well. Consistently push students to look for more information and
observations to support their initial conclusions.
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Tweney, Doherty, & Mynatt
(1981) On Scientific Thinking
“The temptation to form
premature theories upon
insufficient data is the bane
of our profession.”
—Sherlock Holmes
(Arthur Conan Doyle)
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Helping Students Develop
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Inductive Reasoning
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4. Provide students with examples of graphic organizers or
representations to help them understand and use the process
of inductive reasoning.
For many students, using a graphic organizer will help them understand
the process of inductive reasoning and guide them through the steps of
the process. Figure 3.5 helps to emphasize that students need to make a
number of observations before drawing a conclusion.
Figure 3.6 is an example of an inductive reasoning matrix, which is a way of
organizing large blocks of information to facilitate making inductions. The
induction is most easily applied to concepts. The horizontal rows of the
induction matrix contain the concepts to be considered. In general, these
concepts should all belong to a common category (e.g., types of government).
The columns of the matrix contain questions to be answered about each
concept. Note that conclusions can be drawn for both rows and columns.
Once students answer all of the column questions (e.g., “Who governs?”) for
each of the four types of governments (e.g., democracy), they can draw
conclusions about each form of government (row conclusions). They can also
draw conclusions about governance, decision making, and early forms of
government (column conclusions). Finally, they can construct a summary
conclusion that combines the elements of the row and column conclusions.
Observation Observation ObservationObservation
Teacher’s Manual
“Inductive reasoning can be
done at the kindergarten
level. I design tasks around
very simple content, but my
students are starting to
understand how much they
can figure out by using
what they observe.”
—A primary teacher
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Extend & Refine Knowledge
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Inductive Reasoning
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5. Use teacher-structured and student-structured tasks.
When students are first learning to engage in inductive reasoning and any
time that the content is complex, it is appropriate to use highly structured
induction tasks and to monitor students closely as they are completing the
tasks. They may need help in making the initial observations or selecting
important pieces of information, in seeing the connections or patterns, and
in generating logical conclusions from these patterns. For example, if you are
on a field trip to a local pond, and you want students to draw some
conclusions about the living things around the pond, you might focus them
on observations of specific phenomena and dictate descriptions of these
phenomena for them to record in their learning logs. After returning to the
class, you might lead them in a discussion that focuses on specific
observations and help them generate some conclusions.
Eventually, as students become more accustomed to making inductions, you
should be able to provide much less structure. In fact, one of the goals of
teaching students inductive reasoning is to help them begin to discover
subtle connections and patterns within content even when they are not
explicitly directed to do so. For example, the next time you go on a field
trip, you may simply encourage students to make their own observations and
see what they conclude from what they have observed.
Who governs? How are
decisions made?
What are some
early examples?
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Inductive Reasoning
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Classroom Examples
The following classroom examples are offered to stimulate reflection on how
to apply the ideas covered in this section of Dimension 3 in your classroom.
Ms. Krueger presented her fifth-grade students with the following task:
Fossil remains tell us about the plant or animal that formed them. Fossils
also tell us about the environment in which the plant or animal lived. You
will be given a variety of photographs, diagrams, and other representations of
fossils from the Mesozoic Era (e.g., lungfish, lizards, dinosaurs, insects,
seaweeds, and land plants). Observe the features of the fossils (e.g., backbone
or not, number of legs used for walking, presence of wings, body surface
covering) which would help the plant or animal survive in a particular
environment. Look for patterns or connections in the information you have
identified. What do these patterns tell you about the environment in which
these plants or animals lived (e.g., water or land, danger from other
creatures, amount of seasonal changes)?
Mrs. Smith asked students in her literature class to select a favorite character from a
favorite book and look for patterns and connections in the character’s actions,
attitudes, and relationships. She then asked students to use the patterns and
connections to draw conclusions about the character’s personality, using information
from the book to support their conclusions. Students then presented their conclusions
and supporting information in “articles” that appeared in the class’s newsletter, “The
Book Nook.”
As part of their study of political satire, students in Ms. Chung’s high school
literature class read Gulliver’
s Travels. Periodically, she asked them to infer what
might have been occurring in England at the time the story was written.
Mrs. O’Riley was planning a unit to address a topic that was included in national
documents covering standards in health literacy. These standards emphasized that
students should understand a variety of consumer influences and how those influences
affect decisions regarding health resources, products, and services. Students were aware
that advertisers try to influence consumers to purchase their products by appealing to
consumers’ concern for their health. To increase their understanding of how advertisers
attempt to influence consumers’ decisions, Mrs. O’Riley gave students the following task:
We are surrounded by images and messages telling us how to be healthier and
stronger, how to run faster and to jump higher, how to live longer. Who are
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Inductive Reasoning
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the creators of these images and messages targeting? What do the creators of
these advertisements think their audience wants and is willing to believe?
Choose an advertisement that promotes a product it claims will improve your
health in some way (e.g., a super-energy-drink advertisement from an exercise
magazine, a live-longer vitamin advertisement from a health magazine, or a
television infomercial about an exercise machine). Study the advertisement
carefully, noting various aspects, such as health-promoting claims, prices, and
layout. Based on your observations, draw a conclusion about the creators of
the advertisement. What do you think advertisers believe about what people
want in relation to their health? What do advertisers seem to think people
will believe about what might help them to achieve their goals (e.g., “The
people who created this advertisement must believe that . . . .”)? Support your
conclusions with information and observations from the advertisement you
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Dimension 3
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Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Inductive Reasoning
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Deductive Reasoning
We all use deductive reasoning every day to make sense of our world. This
happens every time we apply a general principle to a new specific situation
and, as a result, understand something about that new situation. We are
using deductive reasoning when, for example, we tell ourselves we should
not eat that piece of chocolate cake because we know that cake often contains
ingredients that can make us gain weight. We are reasoning deductively
when we conclude that the airplane we are on has a fire extinguisher because
it belongs to the general category of commercial airplanes, and we know that
all commercial airplanes carry fire extinguishers. Both of these examples
emphasize how commonly we need to use deductive reasoning to cope with
new situations every day.
As simple as the above examples are, it is interesting that deductive
reasoning is a process that many people find intimidating. One possible
reason for this is that when people think of deductive reasoning, they
immediately associate it with formal logic, a subject many people struggled
with or successfully avoided in school. Although it is true that deduction is
integral to formal logic, it is not true that deduction should be taught only
in logic classes. All students should have the opportunity to develop the
ability to reason deductively, not only because it is important in everyday
life, as exemplified above, but because it is important to learning.
In academic situations, deductive reasoning is a key to achieving one of the
major goals of learning: the ability to transfer knowledge from one situation
to the next. When students are learning how to apply general principles to
new specific situations, they are learning to transfer knowledge. If, for
example, students are studying the characteristics of living things during a
unit on plants, they should be able to transfer that knowledge deductively to
their study of animals; or, if they understand some general principles of force
and motion, they should be able to predict what will happen in an
experiment in which those principles apply. This transfer of knowledge is
dependent, of course, on understanding the general principles, but transfer
also requires the ability to apply the principles deductively to the new
specific situations.
Like any reasoning process, developing an understanding of the process of
deductive reasoning and practicing the skills associated with it will enable
Deductive reasoning is the process of using generalizations and principles to
infer unstated conclusions about specific information or situations. Stated more
simply, it is the process of using general statements to come to conclusions about
specific information or situations.
For more on deductive
Copi (1972) Introduction to
Johnson-Laird (1983)
Mental Models
Klenk (1983) Understanding
Symbolic Logic
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Deductive Reasoning
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anyone to use deduction in daily situations or while engaged in academically
rigorous tasks. Although the topic of deduction can include the study of
many types of arguments and rules of formal logic, the scope of information
in the following sections will be limited to two major areas: (1) using
deductive reasoning in a general sense, and (2) categorical syllogisms.
1. Strategies 1 through 5 provide recommendations for using deductive
reasoning in a general sense, that is, learning to apply general
principles to new specifics in order to increase understanding of the
new information and to make predictions about the new situations.
If students have these experiences, they should begin to develop the
understanding needed to be aware of how deductive reasoning helps
them in everyday life and with academic content.
2. A resource section (see pages 155-159) is provided for those who
would like to provide students with a greater understanding of one
particular type of deductive reasoning: categorical syllogisms.
1. Help students understand the process of deductive reasoning.
It is important for all students to understand deductive reasoning in a
general sense, that is, to understand that deductive reasoning is a process of
using general information to draw conclusions or to make predictions about
specific situations. Illustrate the definition by providing examples of how
they use deductive reasoning daily; for example, students can predict what
they will see if they go to a specific grocery store because they know some
general characteristics of grocery stores that always apply. Likewise, they can
predict that they will not do well on a test if they are not familiar with the
material that’s on the test.
Once students begin to understand how the process is used in simple,
everyday examples, you will want to increase their understanding of
deductive reasoning so that they can apply the process to content knowledge.
Given the common confusion between inductive and deductive reasoning,
directly comparing the two types of thinking is a good way to begin.
Explain that
deductive reasoning is the process of using general information to draw
conclusions about specific information or situations, and
inductive reasoning is the process of using specific pieces of information to
draw general conclusions.
Teacher’s Manual
When Sherlock Holmes
said, “Brilliant deduction,
my dear Watson,” should he
have said, “Brilliant
induction, my dear
Dimension 3
Extend & Refine Knowledge
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Deductive Reasoning
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 147
Give students several examples of each type of reasoning. For example,
explain that you are reasoning deductively when you apply the principles
related to gravity and predict that you will fall to the ground if you step off
the roof. Likewise, if you understand the principles of force and motion and
have the right information related to a specific shot in billiards, you can
predict the path of the billiard ball.
Contrast examples of deduction with examples of induction. For example, a
detective reasons inductively by examining the clues at the scene of a crime
and drawing a conclusion, such as the robber probably was someone the
victim knew. That conclusion might be based on the following observations:
a. There were no signs that someone broke in.
b. Only the places where valuables were kept were disturbed.
c. The dog did not bark during the time of the robbery.
There are other conclusions that could be drawn from these observations, but
the pattern seems to lead to the detective’s conclusion. A good detective, and
someone who is skilled at inductive reasoning, will then look for other
information to determine if the conclusion holds up.
You may need to demonstrate the difference between induction and
deduction a number of times by presenting students with examples like
those above. Try to make the examples as relevant and meaningful as
possible. Over time, ask students to identify whether the examples provided
are conclusions arrived at inductively or deductively.
2. Give students a model for the process of deductive reasoning,
and create opportunities for them to practice using the process.
a. Give students a model for the process of deductive reasoning.
There are some very general steps or guidelines that apply to most
deductive situations:
1. Identify the specific situation that is being considered or studied.
2. Identify the generalizations or principles that apply to the
specific situation.
3. Make sure that the specific situation meets the conditions that
have to be in place for those generalizations or principles to apply.
4. If the generalizations or principles do apply, identify what is
known about the specific situation, that is, what conclusions
can be drawn or what predictions can be made.
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This is a bee, and it is an
insect. Therefore, I know it
has 3 body parts, 6 legs…
… and a stinger!
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Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Deductive Reasoning
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 148
These general guidelines may be stated in simpler terms for young
b. Create opportunities for students to practice using the process.
Before asking students to practice using the general guidelines for
deduction, demonstrate them in a think-aloud fashion, using
situations in which you can highlight each guideline. You might say,
I am a weather forecaster and I see a tornado on the radar. I ask myself,
“What do I know about tornadoes?” I recall all the general principles
related to tornadoes and determine if the tornado I am observing has the
characteristics that would make those principles apply. If the tornado does
have those characteristics, I can make predictions about what the tornado will
do, and I can decide whether to sound any alarms.
I am trying to determine the length of a side of a triangle, given the other
two sides. I know that for right triangles, the square of the hypotenuse is
equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. First, I have to
determine if the triangle I am studying is a right triangle. If it is, I can
apply the principle and calculate the length of the unknown side.
Once students become familiar with these guidelines, ask them to
practice using the steps of deductive reasoning by pairing up with other
students and using the think-aloud technique. They can use principles
from their content, such as math and science, or they may begin to
identify generalizations they take from everyday situations, such as, “If I
clean the house before mom gets home from work, and nothing else
negative happens, the evening at home will be very pleasant.”
1. What specific topic am I studying?
2. What general information do I already have that might
help me understand my specific topic?
3. Am I sure the general information applies to the specific
topic I am studying?
4. If it does, how did the general information help me
understand the specific topic?
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Deductive Reasoning
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3. As students study and use the process of deductive
reasoning, help them focus them on critical steps and difficult
aspects of the process.
To help students to become increasingly proficient at using deductive
reasoning, it is important for the teacher to develop an understanding of key
aspects of the process and to make sure that students are learning academic
content that lends itself to the use of deductive reasoning. To plan the
necessary experiences, the following key points are offered as guides.
Key Points
1) Deductive reasoning is the process of applying general information, in
the form of generalizations and principles, to new specific situations.
Obviously, if students are to use this process, they must be learning
important content generalizations and principles that they can apply.
Although this is obvious, sometimes the reality is that students spend a
large percentage of their time memorizing factual information;
consequently, developing an in-depth understanding of generalizations
and principles is not a major emphasis in the curriculum. If students are
to learn the process of deductive reasoning, the curriculum—both the
written curriculum and what is actually delivered in the classroom—
must emphasize the learning of clearly articulated generalizations and
2) The third step of the process of deduction asks students to make sure
that the specific situations meet the conditions that have to be in place
for the generalization or principle to apply. It is important for students
to understand that sometimes the wording of the generalization or
principle does not include all conditions. The implication is that
students might need to restate the generalization or principle to make
sure the conditions are clearly articulated. For example, if a student is
working from a principle that states, “If two magnets are placed near
each other, they will be pushed apart,” the student must add the
condition that this is only true if the two common poles of the magnets
(two north or two south poles) are brought together.
3) Some educators would assert that it is not as effective to present
important generalizations and principles to students as it is to ask them
to discover this knowledge. However, directly teaching important
knowledge, and then asking students to apply that knowledge, can be
just as effective as discovery methods. Using deductive reasoning to apply
knowledge requires students to develop an understanding of both the
concepts within a principle and the conditions that make it applicable.
“It was easy to teach my
students that deductive
reasoning was going from
the general principle to the
specific topic—just the
opposite of inductive
reasoning. It was difficult to
teach them that a general
principle only applies if the
specific topic meets certain
—An eighth-grade teacher
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It also requires that this understanding be sufficient to help them
determine if the general statement applies to the new situation. If
students are required to apply their understanding to increasingly
complex and diverse situations, they may develop a level of understanding
that equals—or even exceeds—what could be attained with inductive
instructional approaches.
4. Provide students with graphic organizers or representations
that will help them understand and use the process of
deductive reasoning.
Below are two graphic organizers that may help students to understand the
steps involved in deductive reasoning. These organizers also can be used to
help some students organize their information and follow the steps of the
process. Figure 3.7 provides places to describe the specific situation, the
generalization or principle, the conditions that must be in place, and any
conclusions or predictions that are made. It also emphasizes that the goal is
to determine if there is a match between the specific situation and the
generalization or principle.
1. Specific situation/topic
4. Conclusion/Prediction 4. No Conclusion/Prediction
2. Related generalization/principle
3. Does the specific situation/topic meet the conditions that make
the generalization/principle apply?
Conditions that must be in place for
the generalization/principle to apply
Yes? No?
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Deductive Reasoning
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Figure 3.8 organizes that information in a matrix with columns that follow
the steps of the process. It allows for the application of several principles to a
single, specific situation and for the generation of a number of predictions or
5. Use teacher-structured and student-structured tasks.
Sometimes students should be provided with very structured tasks that
require them to use deductive reasoning. When students are just beginning
to learn to use the process or when the teacher wants to deepen or broaden
students’ understanding of very specific academic knowledge, students may
be given the specific situations, the generalization or principles to apply, and
details of the conditions that must be met. For example, in a science class, a
teacher might be helping students understand the principle that “water
seeks its own level.” She may set up several experiments and ask students to
determine if the principle applies, explain why or why not, and, when it
does apply, to make predictions.
As students become more comfortable using deductive reasoning, they
should begin to structure their own tasks. To encourage this, teachers may
want to stop specifying exactly which principle to apply and, instead, only
make some suggestions. For example, when studying the Eastern European
countries, a social studies teacher might ask students to predict what will
happen to specific countries in the future by applying any of a number
principles they have studied related to economics, sociology, civics, or
science. Hopefully, over time, students will develop an appreciation of the
power of deductive reasoning and begin to use the process independently
when trying to understand or make predictions in new situations, both in
the classroom and in daily life.
Specific topic
or situation
Principles or
that might apply
Conditions that
would make the
principle or
If the principle or
applies, what can
you conclude or
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Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Deductive Reasoning
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Classroom Examples
The following classroom examples are offered to stimulate reflection on how
to apply the ideas covered in this section of Dimension 3 in your classroom.
During a unit on plants, Ms. Isaacs’s kindergartners were learning about what
plants need to survive and the different ways in which they get what they need. After
several lessons, Ms. Isaacs placed three green plants on a shelf by a window. She
placed one plant in the middle. She placed the other two plants on either side with a
box over each one. She explained that all of the plants would receive the same amount
of water. Ms. Isaacs asked students to predict what each of the plants would probably
look like after a week and draw a picture that showed what they predicted.
Elementary students in Mr. Caraveo’s class were learning how human beings breathe.
A guest speaker came to the class to demonstrate the Heimlich maneuver. Knowing
that they had already studied respiration, the speaker asked Mr. Caraveo’s students to
apply what they had learned to the following hypothetical situation:
Your friend is having a coughing fit. You ask him if he is all right, but he is
coughing too hard to answer. Should you administer the Heimlich maneuver?
Mrs. Williamson presented her business students with the following task:
If a country in eastern Europe became a free-market system, what can we predict
would happen in that country?
Ms. Touchett’s high school physics class had been studying momentum. They had
learned about Newton’s first law and its applications in understanding car crashes
and had just finished a discussion of the law of conservation of momentum in inelastic
collisions. Ms. Touchett gave her students the following task to help them extend and
refine their knowledge about momentum:
In a car crash, the severity of damage to vehicles and passengers is related to the
change in velocity of the vehicles. When a heavy truck and a lighter car collide
head-on, the wreckage travels in the direction that the truck was headed before
the crash due to its greater momentum. The truck’s velocity decreases slightly, but
the car’s velocity changes direction as well as speed. The car’s change in velocity
is much greater than the truck’s. This is the reason that the truck driver often
suffers less severe injuries than the driver of the car. The weight of the truck
protects its driver in such a crash, but contributes to the damage to the car and
its driver.
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Understanding this principle, or any principle of physics, can be important to
understanding many activities in life. An Olympian hurdler once explained that
he jumped the hurdles in a very unconventional way. He did violate conventions
of running hurdles, he explained, but he did not violate the principles of physics.
Clearly, science helped him understand his sport. Just as the principle of
momentum was used to explain car-truck collisions, use it to explain at least two
phenomena in sports (e.g, football, baseball, boxing, or tennis). Include in your
explanation what happens, why it happens, and what equipment is used because
of what happens. Just as auto manufacturers try to understand physics to help
them devise new ways of keeping drivers safe, explain how understanding this
principle of physics might suggest the need for new equipment in the sport.
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Categorical Syllogisms
One type of deductive reasoning is represented in the form of categorical
syllogisms. This section includes explanations and recommendations that can
be used when planning to increase students’ understanding of this type of
deductive reasoning.
At a very basic level, you are making a categorical argument when you draw
a conclusion from premises. For example, you are reasoning categorically
when your thinking follows this pattern:
a. All commercial airplanes have a fire extinguisher on board.
b. The airplane I am on is a commercial airplane.
c. Therefore, this airplane has a fire extinguisher on board.
This type of argument is called a syllogism. Statements a and b are premises.
Statement c is the conclusion. Syllogisms always have two premises and a
conclusion. In everyday reasoning, the form of categorical syllogisms is
usually hidden. The following argument, for example, is based on a hidden
categorical syllogism: I know this airplane has a fire extinguisher because it
is a commercial airplane. Underlying this statement are premises a and b and
conclusion c. Note that the conclusion has to be true; we are sure of it.
Again, this is the defining characteristic of all forms of deductive reasoning:
Given that the premises are true, the conclusion has to be true. There are at
least four powerful ways that categorical syllogisms can be used in the
classroom. These four ways are usually used together.
1. Help students see hidden categorical syllogisms in their reasoning and
that of others.
One of the most powerful awarenesses students can have is that people
often unknowingly use categorical syllogisms in their reasoning. You can
foster this awareness by asking students to transform certain conclusions
they or others make into the form of a categorical syllogism (two
premises and a conclusion). This is called standardizing an argument.
Although it is not absolutely necessary, you might want to teach
students some of the formal rules for categorical syllogisms. One has
already been mentioned: They have two premises and a conclusion.
Additionally, the two premises can have only three elements. In the
example above the three elements are
commercial airplanes
contain fire extinguishers
the airplane (that the speaker is in)
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Additionally, one of the three elements is transferred between the other
two. In this case, the element “contain fire extinguishers” is transferred
from the element “commercial airplanes” to “the airplane I am in.”
Finally, the elements in a categorical syllogism are modified by such
terms as “all,” “some,” and “none.”
Once students have been introduced briefly to these general rules for
categorical syllogisms, they can usually find statements that are based on
an underlying categorical syllogism and standardize these statements,
that is, rewrite them as categorical syllogisms.
2. Provide students with a graphic way of representing syllogisms.
Categorical syllogisms are so abstract that some people have difficulty
following the reasoning that supports them. Euler diagrams, which use
circles to represent membership in a set, can help make that reasoning
more concrete. In an Euler diagram, each of the three elements in a
categorical syllogism is represented by a circle. Circles are inside,
outside, or overlapping one another based on the relationships expressed
in the categorical syllogism. To illustrate, consider the following:
All mammals breathe air.
All whales are mammals.
Therefore, all whales breathe air.
The three elements in this syllogism are
A = mammals
B = breathe air
C = whales
If we represent each element with a circle, the first premise looks like this:
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The second premise tells us that the circle for whales, C, goes inside the
circle for mammals, A. Therefore, the entire categorical syllogism can be
represented as follows:
Once students have standardized statements into syllogistic forms, they can
use Euler diagrams to help understand and test the validity of the reasoning
represented by the syllogism.
3. Present students with the various forms of valid and invalid
categorical syllogisms.
Although categorical syllogisms can take many forms, only a few forms
yield valid conclusions. For example, the following form of categorical
syllogism generates no valid conclusion:
All A are B
All C are B
Therefore, ________________.
Again, the Euler diagram can help students see that there are many
Because all three of these representations are equally possible, you cannot
reach a definite conclusion. Figure 3.9 lists all the forms that categorical
syllogisms can take and the valid conclusions that are possible.
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All B are A Some B are A No B are A Some B are not A
All B are C
Some B are C
No B are C
All C are B
Some C are B
No C are B
Some C are not B
Some B are not C
Some A are not C
Some C are A
Some A are C
Some A are C
Some C are A
Some A are C
Some C are A
Some A are not C
Some A are not C
Some C are not A
Some C are not A
Some C are not A
Some C are not A
Some A are not C
No C are A
No A are C
All C are A
Some A are not C
Some A are C
Some C are A
All A are B Some A are B No A are B Some A are not B
All B are C
Some B are C
No B are C
All C are B
Some C are B
No C are B
Some C are not B
Some B are not C
No A are C
No C are A
All A are C
Some A are C
Some C are A
Some A are not C
Some A are not C
Some A are not C
Some C are not A
Some C are not A
Some C are not A
No C are A
No A are C
Some C are not A
No A are C
No C are A
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Deductive Reasoning
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Of the sixty-four forms of categorical syllogisms listed in Figure 3.9,
only twenty-seven yield valid conclusions. Once students are aware of
this fact, they are better able to identify an invalid argument.
4. Have students examine the truth of the premises in categorical
A categorical syllogism may be logically valid but untrue. This occurs
when the form of the syllogism is valid but the premises are not true or
cannot be accepted in any absolute way. For example, the following
categorical syllogism is logically valid:
All thieves are products of broken homes.
Bill is a thief.
Therefore, he is the product of a broken home.
Saying that the syllogism is logically valid means that the conclusion
follows from the premises. The premises themselves, however, must also
be examined. In this example, the first premise, “All thieves are products
of broken homes,” is not true; therefore, the conclusion may not be true.
An important awareness about categorical syllogisms, then, is that they
can be logically valid but not true. You analyze the validity of a
syllogism by looking at its logic. You analyze the truth of a syllogism by
looking at the premises themselves. This is a powerful awareness for
students. After they have analyzed the validity of a categorical syllogism,
they can then consider its truth by examining the premises.
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Once students become
familiar with categorical
syllogisms, introduce them
to conditional syllogisms.
One good source for this is
Virginia Klenk’s
Understanding Symbolic Logic
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Complex Reasoning Processes
Deductive Reasoning
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 159
Constructing Support
There are times in all of our lives when we feel strongly enough about
something to want to take action. That action often includes trying to
influence or persuade others by constructing supportive arguments for a
particular position and then expressing those arguments orally or in writing.
To successfully construct arguments requires two kinds of knowledge: first,
an understanding of and the ability to use persuasive techniques and, second,
an understanding of the information needed to construct a powerful
argument. Understanding and successfully using persuasive techniques will
be useful to students throughout their lives. However, while developing the
ability to construct support, they should also be increasing their
understanding of the content information they are using in their arguments.
Thus, students should learn to construct support, not just because it is a life
skill but because it is another type of reasoning that can lead to their
extending and refining knowledge.
This twofold benefit of learning to construct support suggests that we
should make sure that the process is not relegated to speech and debate
classes only. These classes, of course, provide students with the opportunity
to develop knowledge and skills related to persuasion, but many students do
not take speech and debate classes. All content areas can have issues surface
about which it would be beneficial for students to take positions and
construct support. If educators used the process of constructing support
across the disciplines, more students would have the opportunity to develop
this ability and use the process in many different contexts with different
types of content information.
Another benefit of using the process of constructing support in the
classroom is that taking a position on an issue often increases students’
engagement, particularly when you give students some choice in selecting a
position they want to support. Teachers sometimes complain that students
display very little affect in the classroom, that apathy—sometimes even
lethargy—is evident. Part of the reason is that students become so focused
on simply taking in information that they begin to passively accept
everything they read and hear. Students may be more interested in and
motivated to study the knowledge related to issues when you encourage
them to identify issues about which people have different opinions and then
to take and defend their own positions. Constructing support, then, can
enhance students’ learning simply by injecting new energy—even passion—
into the classroom.
Constructing support is the process of building systems of support for
assertions. Stated more simply, it is the process of providing support for statements.
For more on constructing
Goldman, Berquist, &
Coleman (1989) The Rhetoric
of Western Thought
Kinneavy (1991) “Rhetoric”
Toulmin, Rieke, & Janik
(1981) An Introduction to
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If the process of constructing support is to be used across the disciplines,
there needs to be some consistency in how it is defined and used. The
definitions and suggestions included here can serve as a resource for teachers
who want to help students develop a way of increasing their understanding
of and ability to use this process.
1. Help students understand the process of constructing
Introduce the concept of constructing support by presenting a well-designed
argument on some issue that will interest the students, such as requiring
school uniforms. Before you present the argument, however, explain to
students that you will be trying to persuade them that your idea is a good
one. Ask them to look for specific strategies you are using to persuade them.
At the end of your presentation, ask students to list their observations on the
board. Then use this list to explain that constructing support involves
planning an argument and using techniques like those listed. Ask them to
add additional techniques and strategies as they become aware of them.
Once students begin to understand that constructing support is a process
that takes planning and practice, try to help them gain an appreciation for
how frequently it is used in our society. Encourage them to begin noticing
when individuals are trying to persuade or influence others, either in their
everyday life, in news reports, in their interactions with classmates, or in the
content they are studying. Ask students to try to determine how successful
the individuals were in each situation. Periodically ask students to share
their examples, and then lead a class discussion around questions such as,
“Why was it important to the individual to persuade or influence others?”
and “What were the consequences or rewards if the individual was
successful? If she or he was unsuccessful?” Students should begin to conclude
that the ability to construct support can be very important not only to an
individual but to many people or even to a society.
2. Give students a model for the process of constructing
support, and create opportunities for them to practice using
the process.
a. Give students a model for the process of constructing support.
There is no single strategy for constructing support. Below is one set
of general steps that students can use when they are faced with
situations that may require them to construct support.
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The process might be presented in simpler terms for young students:
b. Create opportunities for students to practice using the process.
Before asking students to practice using these steps, model and
demonstrate the various components of the process, preferably in a
think-aloud fashion. For example, you might show students how you
constructed support for your opinion that the school year should be
lengthened, making sure to include each aspect of the process:
Let’s see, I’m stating my opinion that the school year should be lengthened. Is
it worth supporting further? Yes. I think this is an important issue for
students. I’d better construct a good argument that includes facts related to
effects on student achievement in other places and perhaps examples of parents’
reactions. I think I also need to remind the audience of the traditions in this
country that make education a high priority and then show them how
lengthening the school year can serve that priority.
Have students practice the steps of this process with issues that
interest them. You might ask them to demonstrate using the steps in
a think-aloud manner in pairs and groups. At first, the issues should
be simple, everyday issues that students might care about (e.g.,
constructing support to convince their parents to get a puppy or to
buy them a new stereo or game). Gradually increase the complexity
of the issues and the requirements for finding information to
construct their arguments.
1. Am I stating a fact or an opinion?
2. If I am stating an opinion, do I need to offer support?
3. What will I include (Facts? Examples? Evidence? Appeals?)
when I provide my support?
1. Identify whether you are stating facts or opinions.
2. If you are stating an opinion, determine whether the situation
warrants support.
3. When the situation warrants it, construct a supportive
argument through the use of a variety of devices, such as facts,
evidence, examples, or appeals.
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3. As students study and use the process of constructing
support, help them focus on critical steps and difficult
aspects of the process.
Although students’ understanding of the position being taken will influence
the strength of the argument, the success of the argument will also depend
on the extent to which they understand concepts related to the process of
constructing support. As students develop this understanding and practice
using the process, keep the following recommendations and explanations in
Key Points
1) It is important for students to understand the difference between facts
and opinions for two reasons. First, constructing support is necessary for
opinions, not facts. Second, when we support an opinion, facts can
strengthen the arguments. Students need to understand that, according
to researchers who study the nature of knowledge, facts are statements
that can be verified, whereas opinions reflect someone’s beliefs and may
be accompanied by reasons for those beliefs. For example, the statement,
“The month of May generally has more precipitation than April” is a
fact. It is not a statement with which you agree or disagree; it is a
statement that can be confirmed or disproved by checking the
precipitation records with the weather service. The statement, “John Doe
would make the best governor” is an opinion; it is a statement with
which others may agree or disagree. It cannot be verified, therefore it is a
statement for which support is needed.
When students are distinguishing between facts and opinions, emphasize
two points. First, although the word fact is often used to label
something that is true, from a technical perspective a fact is a statement
that is verifiable; it does not have to be true. Facts can be false. “The
moon is made of green cheese” is a fact; that is, it is verifiable. When
asking students to identify facts, make sure that they are clear about how
you are defining “fact.”
Second, statements do not fall neatly into the categories of fact and
opinion. In actuality, facts and opinions can be more accurately viewed as
a continuum, with facts that can be empirically verified at one end (e.g.,
“Ten convicted felons were executed last year”) and pure opinions at the
other (e.g., “Capital punishment is wrong”). When students are
confused, it might be because they are dealing with a statement
somewhere near the middle of the continuum (e.g., “Capital punishment
has been shown to deter crime”).
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To help students understand the difference between fact and opinion,
you will need to give clear examples of each plus some that are in the
middle. Discuss the characteristics of facts and opinions, highlighting
those described above, and write them on the board. Then ask students
to identify statements in information they read or hear that tend to be
more on the fact side of the continuum and statements that tend to be
more on the opinion side of the continuum. These opinions can be
potential topics for teaching the process of constructing support.
2) The final step of the process of constructing support includes choosing
from a list of devices that people use to develop a persuasive argument:
facts, evidence, examples, and appeals. Although the first three devices
will be more familiar to students, the last device, appeals, may be
relatively new to them. It refers to the formal art of persuasion, dating
back to the early Greeks, in which four basic persuasive techniques were
identified, called the four appeals. Specifically, these included appeals
using personality, tradition, rhetoric, and reason. Although appeals using
reason are commonly emphasized in school, students should be aware of
the other types of appeals so that they can use them when constructing
their own arguments and recognize them in support offered by others.
The four different types of appeals are explained below.
Personality. When the appeal is through personality, the speaker or
writer tries to get you to like him. To accomplish this, he might use
many personal stories or act very interested in you. Congeniality is
another common element of this appeal.
Tradition or accepted beliefs. The appeal through tradition or accepted
beliefs might be boiled down to “do the right thing.” The power of the
argument comes from the fact that there is a general acceptance of the
beliefs or values alluded to. For example, you are appealing to tradition
or accepted belief when you demonstrate that your position has been
accepted by Americans since the beginning of the 20th century.
Rhetoric. An appeal through rhetoric aims to persuade through the
beauty and style of language. It relies on the use of impressive phrases,
idioms, and even gestures. The power of the argument comes from the
power of the construction of the language.
Reason. An appeal to reason is an appeal to logic. The speaker makes
claims and systematically provides evidence for the claims.
Illustrate each of the four types of appeals to students, using clear
examples in which only one type of appeal is used. (This might be
“I always have done a good
job teaching persuasion
with an emphasis on using
evidence, appeals to reason.
I remember studying other
types of appeals in my
college rhetoric course, but
I didn’t think about
teaching them to my
—A speech
competition teacher
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Constructing Support
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 164
difficult because people commonly use more than one type of appeal in
their persuasive arguments.) Additionally, ask students to create their own
examples of each type of appeal. Finally, ask students to identify the types
of appeals used in persuasive arguments in and outside the content area.
3) Although all four appeals are frequently used, the appeal to reason is the
staple of a democratic society. There is no single way to appeal to reason,
but there are some commonly accepted components that such an appeal
Evidence. Information that leads to a claim. For example, “Last
night five crimes were committed within two blocks of one
Claim. The assertion that something is true. For example, “The
crime rate in our city is escalating dramatically.”
Elaboration. Examples of or explanations for the claim. For
example, “The dramatic increase can be seen by examining the
crime rates in the downtown area over the past twenty years.”
Qualifier. A restriction on the claim or evidence counter to the
claim. For example, “The crime rate has stabilized in some areas,
As the example above illustrates, an appeal to reason is usually initiated
by presenting evidence, such as incidents, events, and statistics, that
leads to a conclusion. The evidence is designed to lead to a conclusion
that is then clearly stated in the claim. If the evidence is strong and
presented well, there is already support for the claim once it is stated.
The claim then is the statement for which further support is offered.
Elaborations lay out the case in detail providing definitions of key terms,
specific examples, and additional evidence. Qualifiers state the
restrictions on the claim. They can be statements about the situations to
which the claim does not apply or they can be statements about the
underlying assumptions of the claim.
To ensure that students understand the various components of the appeal
to reason, present clear examples. Then have students identify the various
components in information they read or hear (e.g., in editorials or news
broadcasts). Finally, have students construct supporting arguments that
use an appeal to reason for claims they have identified.
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4. Provide students with graphic organizers or representations to
help them understand and use the process of constructing
Some students will benefit from using a graphic organizer as they
construct an appeal to reason. Figure 3.10 is one example of a graphic
organizer you might suggest that students use to carefully consider the
types of appeals that they will include in their support. Note that the
organizer emphasizes the use of appeals through reason.
5. Use teacher-structured and student-structured tasks.
Tasks that require students to construct support may be highly structured by
teachers, especially when students are just beginning to learn to construct
support or any time that a specific academic goal would be served by
focusing students on a specific issue. You may provide the description of the
issue and even the opinion that is to be supported and then specify the types
of support that should be used. However, because part of learning to
construct support is being able to determine which opinions warrant
support, students need to be involved in structuring the tasks as often as
possible. In student-structured tasks, ask students to select the issue, the side
of an issue they wish to support, and the types of support they will include.
Appeal through
Appeal through
tradition or
accepted beliefs
Appeal through
Appeal through reason
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Constructing Support
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 166
Classroom Examples
The following classroom examples are offered to stimulate reflection on how
to apply the ideas covered in this section of Dimension 3 in your classroom.
Mr. Santiago’s history students were studying the foreign policy of the United States
during the 20th century. To extend and refine their understanding of time and place
as context for historical events, Mr. Santiago divided the class into two groups and
gave the groups the following tasks:
Group 1: President Woodrow Wilson has just asked you to give him your opinion
as to whether the United States should join the League of Nations. As a
nonpartisan foreign policy advisor, you recognize that a strong position can be
made either for the United States to join or for the United States to return to a
policy of isolationism. The President has asked you to give a speech stating your
position at his next foreign policy meeting. Your speech should discuss the changing
role of the United States in world affairs in the early 20th century.
Group 2: It is 1999. The new Secretary of State has taken a position against
the policy of isolationism. The President wants to hear your perspective. Take a
position for or against isolationism in which you clearly articulate your reasons.
Students in Ms. Girardi’s life skills class were researching different occupations that
might be entered directly upon graduation from high school. As part of their study, they
researched the types of preparation and training needed for these occupations and the
educational opportunities available to prepare for these occupations. Ms. Girardi asked
her students to take a position on whether or not a traditional college education is
important to one’s future ability to function and experience success in the world of work.
Mrs. Cimino’s students protested when she introduced them to the process of long
division. They thought it was a waste of time to learn the process, arguing that
“everyone” has calculators and that “no one” ever does long division by hand. Some
students added that they really did not need to know the multiplication facts for the
same reason. Because the topic generated so much interest and “passion,” Mrs. Cimino
decided to have students take a position—for or against the importance of learning the
computation processes—and present their arguments, which were to include an appeal
to reason, to the class.
Mr. Hill asked his French foreign language students to identify a current issue in the
French culture. He asked them to take a position on the issue and then develop and
present a persuasive argument in French to the class.
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Analyzing Errors
The process of analyzing errors can be useful to us every day as we are
bombarded with information attempting to persuade us to believe something
or to act in a particular way. Television, radio, and newspaper advertisements
try to convince us to buy one product over another. Politicians try to convince
us that their platforms will provide better conditions and services. Marketing
agencies try to persuade us to make decisions in response to mail and
telephone solicitations. As potential consumers, people may notice
misrepresentations and detect errors in the information that is being
presented, but sometimes they are persuaded to believe or act in ways that
they later regret or want to rethink. It is important for us, as consumers and
citizens, to develop the ability to recognize and analyze possible errors in the
reasoning of those communicating with us and in our own reasoning as we
receive these messages.
When we are influenced by flawed information or arguments, the
consequences are frequently insignificant (e.g., we may buy one brand of
cereal instead of another), but they may also be so significant that they
influence our quality of life or impact life-and-death situations. The rigor
with which we should analyze information for errors is dependent on the
extent to which the information is intended to affect us. The higher the
stakes, the higher the level of rigor that is needed. Recognizing these high-
stakes situations and increasing the level at which we attend to and analyze
information will decrease the possibility of suffering negative consequences.
When students study and use the process of analyzing errors in the
classroom, they are likely to develop the disposition of attending to and
analyzing information. They are also likely to gain a better understanding of
the kinds of errors that people commonly make. This can enable them to
detect even subtle or skillfully crafted errors in reasoning. Gaining this
understanding and skill clearly benefits students in “real life.” It also has
immediate academic benefits: Engaging in error analysis can force students
to carefully scrutinize content information, thus helping them to extend and
refine their knowledge.
Analyzing errors is the process of identifying and articulating errors in
thinking. Stated more simply, it is the process of finding and describing errors
in thinking.
For more on analyzing
Gilovich (1991) How We
Know What Isn’t So
Johnson-Laird (1985)
“Logical Thinking: Does It
Occur in Daily Life?”
Perkins, Allen, & Hafner
(1983) “Difficulties in
Everyday Reasoning”
Toulmin (1958) The Uses of
“The cuckoo who is on to
himself is halfway out of the
—Wilson Mizner
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Analyzing Errors
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1. Help students understand the process of analyzing errors.
Students need to understand why the process of analyzing errors is important
in the so-called information age. Talk them through a typical day in the life
of a typical citizen, and try to list the types of information that this citizen
must process. Put a check by each item that represents a time that the
citizen should stop and look for errors in the underlying thinking.
To help students maintain an awareness of the importance of pausing to
consider errors in thinking, periodically present examples of information that
contain obvious as well as subtle errors. Advertisements are, of course, a rich
source of examples and are commonly used, but also include examples from
editorials, speeches, and articles in print and nonprint media. When
appropriate, you might tape or purchase transcripts of radio and television
talk shows to illustrate the errors that people make when they are discussing
issues about which they feel passionate. In addition, provide examples from
everyday situations that students can relate to (e.g., a school friend who states,
“Everybody is doing. . . .”). Use these examples as a focus for discussing the
reasons people make errors in their thinking and the consequences of people
not recognizing these errors.
2. Give students a model for the process of analyzing errors, and
create opportunities for them to practice using the process.
a. Give students a model for the process of analyzing errors.
The steps for the process of analyzing errors are deceptively simple,
although teaching the process is a challenge because it requires that
students have an understanding of the types of errors that people
make. (For detailed information on types of errors in thinking, see
pages 173-176.) The process includes the following steps:
1. Determine if the information being presented is important or
is intended to influence your beliefs or actions.
2. If the information is important or intended to influence you,
identify statements or claims that are unusual, violate what you
know to be true, or seem wrong.
3. Look for errors in the thinking underlying the statements or
claims you have identified.
4. If you find errors, seek clarification or more accurate
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That makes more
sense, but …
Better. I still need
more information.
Is this trying
to talk me into
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Extend & Refine Knowledge
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Analyzing Errors
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The process might be presented in simpler terms for young students:
b. Provide students with the opportunity to practice using the model.
Whenever possible, take advantage of opportunities to model the
process by thinking aloud. You might say,
Wait. This information is trying to convince me to. . . . Something is funny
here. This isn’t like what I have heard before. I need to ask for another
reason to. . . .
As you talk through the process, focus students on the steps by using
an overhead transparency or posting the steps where students can see
Each time you model the process, try to include a different type of
error. This will help increase students’ understanding of the types of
errors to look for when they are receiving information.
3. As students study and use the process of analyzing errors,
help them focus on critical steps and difficult aspects of the
The degree of success that students will have in using the process of
analyzing errors is dependent on their knowledge and their disposition. They
must have the ability to recognize situations in which the process of
analyzing errors is needed, an understanding of the types of errors in
thinking that are commonly made, and a willingness to analyze information
that is being received.
To help you plan for developing students’ ability to analyze errors, two
resources are provided: (1) a teacher resource section, which defines and gives
examples of four types of errors in thinking, and (2) the following
explanations of key points to keep in mind while planning for classroom
lessons and for schoolwide implementation of this process.
1. Is the information I am receiving important or does it try to
influence my thinking or my actions?
2. Does something seem wrong with any of the information?
3. What is wrong?
4. How can I get more or better information?
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Analyzing Errors
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Key Points
1) When providing students with feedback on their ability to engage in the
process of analyzing errors, make sure that you reinforce their efforts to
analyze the information, even when they are not sure what type of error
is being made. Putting a precise label on an error is not as important as
determining that an error has been made. If students first develop the
tendency to look for errors in information they are receiving, they are
more likely to then develop an understanding of the types of errors that
are made.
2) The in-depth study of errors in thinking (e.g., faulty logic, weak
references, and attacks) is often the content of formal logic classes, and
logic is not a class that students commonly take. Thus, the average
student may not encounter this knowledge. However, when students are
engaged in the process of error analysis, their understanding of these
types of errors will influence their ability to recognize errors and respond
appropriately when errors are detected. For example, when students
understand specific types of faulty logic, such as “false cause” or
“begging the question,” they will be more likely to recognize these
errors and dismiss arguments that include such errors. They also will
know to withhold any conclusions or actions in response to these
arguments until more relevant and accurate information is provided by
the source.
In order to help students build distinctions among types of errors, first
try to expose them to a broad range of examples and provide them with
easy access to resources (articles, books, and glossaries) that will help
them label the types of errors they are encountering. Periodically select,
or ask students to select, a specific type of error for focused study and ask
students to look for and generate examples. If teachers do this across
grade levels and subject areas, students gradually will develop an ability
to analyze errors far beyond that of students in most classrooms today.
3) Educators sometimes avoid teaching the process of analyzing errors
because they are concerned that students will learn to challenge all
information they receive. Help students to understand that it is as
important to be skilled in discerning when the process should be used as
it is to be skilled in the process of analyzing errors. A good thinker, for
example, accepts some information simply because of the source or
accepts certain claims as a matter of faith.
Teacher’s Manual
“Isn’t it amazing how often
we need to analyze errors?
Before they began learning
about this process, my
fourth-grade students were
easily convinced by other
people’s persuasive writing.
Now, they really
concentrate on whether or
not the information they are
receiving is in line with
what they already know.”
—A teacher in Arkansas
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Analyzing Errors
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 171
4. Provide students with graphic organizers or representations to
help them understand and use the process of analyzing errors.
Figure 3.11 is a graphic representation of the process of analyzing errors. It
helps students see how the steps of the process interact. It can also be used as
an organizer as students are engaged in the process.
5. Use teacher-structured and student-structured tasks.
At first students will need tasks that are highly structured to help focus
their learning on specific types of errors in thinking. You might present the
information and ask students to find a specific type of error. You should then
ask your students to identify an appropriate response (e.g., ask for
clarification or request additional information). For example, during a unit
on energy, a teacher might read to the class an editorial about an issue
related to the use of resources in the community. She might ask students to
listen for errors that reflect misunderstandings and confirmatory bias. (See
the section “Types of Errors in Thinking,” pages 173-176, for definitions of
these types of errors.)
Is this information important or
intended to persuade?
What is wrong with the thinking underlying the information?
Does anything
seem wrong?
Misinformation?Attacks?Weak references?Faulty logic?
Ask for more information.
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Analyzing Errors
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 172
Gradually, students should begin to identify errors without being cued. You
might limit your prompting to suggesting that they look for errors in
thinking that influence the topic or unit of study. Ideally students should
begin to identify errors in thinking even when it is not a stated objective of
the unit.
Types of Errors in Thinking
The following four sections briefly describe some types of errors in thinking
people make as a result of using
faulty logic,
weak references, and
Faulty Logic
a. Contradiction. Contradiction occurs when someone presents conflicting
information. For example, if a politician says she is for a tax increase, and
then a little later says she is against a tax increase, she has committed the
fallacy of contradiction.
b. Accident. An accident occurs when someone fails to recognize that an
argument is based on an exception to a rule. Concluding that the letter e
always comes before the letter i after observing the spelling of the words
neighbor and weigh is an example of accident.
c. False Cause. False cause occurs when someone confuses a temporal (time)
order of events with causality or when someone oversimplifies a very
complex causal network. For example, if someone concludes that the
decision to place a man on the moon was prompted by America’s failed
attempt to send a satellite into orbit, he is confusing temporal order
with causality. This is not to say that temporal order does not play a part
in causality; it is simply to emphasize that the causes of an event usually
include more than the events that immediately preceded it. Similarly, if
a person acknowledges only one or two causes of the Civil War, he is
making the error of false cause because the reasons for the Civil War
were numerous and complexly related.
d. Begging the question (circularity). Begging the question involves making
a claim and then arguing for the claim by using statements that are
simply the equivalent of the original claim. For example, if you say,
“That product is not very useful,” and then back up your assertion by
saying, “You can’t do anything with it” or “It has no apparent
Teacher’s Manual
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Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Analyzing Errors
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 173
application,” your argument is circular. You are backing up one
statement with others that mean just about the same thing.
e. Evading the issue. Evading the issue is sidestepping an issue by changing
the topic. For example, someone evades the issue if, when asked about
his involvement in arms trade to foreign countries, he changes the topic
of conversation to the necessity of weapons.
f. Arguing from ignorance. Arguing that a claim is justified simply
because its opposite cannot be proven is called arguing from ignorance. For
example, arguing that there is no intelligent life beyond the planet Earth
because we cannot prove that extraterrestrial life exists is arguing from
g. Composition and division. Composition is asserting about a whole
something that is true of its parts. Division is asserting about all of the
parts something that is true of the whole. For example, you are making
an error of composition if you assume that all members of a family are
intelligent because a single member of the family is (e.g., everyone in the
Ewy family must be smart because Robert is). On the other hand, you
are making an error of division if you conclude that a specific city in the
state of Washington receives a lot of rain simply because the state as a
whole is noted for its rainfall.
h. Poisoning the well. Being committed to your position to such an extent
that you explain away absolutely everything that is offered in opposition
to your position is referred to as poisoning the well. This type of attack is
not signaled so much by a specific type of information as by a person’s
unwillingness to listen to or consider anything contradictory to her
i. Arguing against the person. Rejecting a claim on the basis of
derogatory facts (real or alleged) about the person who is making the
claim is referred to as arguing against the person. If a politician rejects
another politician’s stance on nuclear disarmament by attacking the
person’s heritage, he is arguing against the person.
j. Appealing to force. Appealing to force is the use of threats to establish the
validity of a claim. Telling someone that you will not like him anymore
unless he takes your side on an issue is an example of appealing to force.
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Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 174
Weak References
k. Using sources that reflect habitual and confirmatory biases.
Sometimes information comes only from sources that were selected as a
result of a hidden or obvious bias. In general, biases fall into one of two
broad categories: habitual biases and confirmatory biases. Habitual biases
sometimes are unconsciously built into our thinking and are specific to
certain people, places, things, and events. For example, we might have a
bias toward rejecting ideas from a specific radio talk show host or
accepting ideas from a specific magazine. Confirmatory bias is evident
when we only accept information that supports what we think or feel
and reject information that is contrary to our position. For example, we
might receive positive information about a politician but ignore it
because we have already decided that we do not like him.
l. Using sources that lack credibility. Information relevant to a topic or
issue might come from sources that lack credibility. Although
determining credibility may be subjective, there are some characteristics
of sources that most people agree damage credibility (e.g., when the
source is known to be biased, has a reputation for communicating false
information or rumors, or has little knowledge of the topic).
m. Appealing to authority. Appealing to authority refers to invoking
authority as the last word on an issue. For example, someone appeals to
authority if he says something is true (or false) simply because it is stated
by a superior. This is a weak reference because someone in a position of
authority does not necessarily know if something is true or false.
n. Appealing to the people. Appealing to the people is an attempt to justify a
claim on the basis of its popularity. Supporting the claim that “staying
up late does not affect my schoolwork” by stating that everyone in school
stays up late is an example of appealing to the people.
o. Appealing to emotion. Using an emotion-laden story, or “sob story,” as
proof for a claim is referred to as appealing to emotion. For example, when
a speaker tries to convince people to vote for a particular political
candidate by relating a story about the death of the candidate’s family in
a tragic accident, he is appealing to emotion.
p. Confusing the facts. It is not uncommon for people to use information
that seems to be factual but has been distorted or modified and is no
longer accurate. This happens when, for example, events are described
out of order or when important facts are left out.
Teacher’s Manual
“Because I’m the mother,
that’s why.”
“But, Mom, everyone is
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Complex Reasoning Processes
Analyzing Errors
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 175
q. Misapplying a concept or generalization. Errors can be made when a
concept or generalization is misunderstood and, therefore,
inappropriately applied to explain a situation or to support a claim. For
example, if someone claims that protesters at a rally at city hall should
be arrested because they are committing “treason,” this represents a
misunderstanding of the concept of treason.
Classroom Examples
The following classroom examples are offered to stimulate reflection on how
to apply the ideas covered in this section of Dimension 3 in your classroom.
Mr. Hagadorn’s second-grade health education students were learning practices
concerning injury prevention and safety. When they got to the portion of the class
devoted to learning refusal skills (e.g., refusing to get in a car with a stranger, not
giving in to peer pressure), he constructed a task to help students extend and refine
their understanding of errors in thinking, such as faulty logic, attacks, and
misinformation. Mr. Hagadorn created scenarios in which students might need to take
precautions and use refusal skills.
Mr. Hagadorn had students act out the scenarios and then analyze the situations for
any errors in thinking. For example, in one scenario a group of children was trying to
convince Sam, another student, to eat earthworms. Students identified several types of
errors in thinking. The group of children “begged the question” when they claimed
that “earthworms are good for you” and supported this assertion by saying, “Cool
things happen to you when you eat earthworms.” They used an “appeal to force” when
they threatened to stop hanging out with Sam if he didn’t eat worms. They used an
“appeal to authority” and “used sources that lack credibility” when they said that
everyone should eat worms because the captain of the high school football team ate
worms. As Mr. Hagadorn’s students learned to practice refusal skills, they also
learned to identify errors in thinking.
Mrs. Browning’s sixth-grade art class was learning about the factors that contribute
to artwork becoming valuable in the marketplace. To extend students’ understanding,
she constructed a task in which she asked students to examine the advertising
campaign of a local technology institute. The institute’s ads claimed that computer-
generated artwork had become as valuable as individually created artwork. Mrs.
Browning asked her students to consider what they had been learning in class to
analyze this claim and expose any errors in the thinking that the institute used in its
argument (e.g., appeals to authority and begging the question).
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Analyzing Errors
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 176
Mrs. Kominami and Mr. McColl collaborated to create an integrated unit for their
science and language arts students to end the year. The unit focused on having
students learn about the degree to which people use scientific information and valid
reasoning to understand their world and the degree to which they base their
conclusions about their world on faulty information, misconceptions, or flawed
reasoning. Earlier in that year, scientists had announced that evidence from a
meteorite suggested that life may have existed on Mars more than 3 billion years ago.
This motivated Mrs. Kominami and Mr. McColl to construct the following task as a
culminating activity for the unit:
Do you believe that life may have once existed or still exists on Mars? Do you
believe that life exists on other planets? Why do you believe this? Examine the
reasons for your beliefs, and attempt to analyze your reasons and reasoning. In
addition, interview several other people to determine their beliefs about the
existence of life on other planets, and examine their reasons and reasoning. In
your analysis, attempt to determine to what extent your beliefs and those of
others result from the use of scientific information, credible sources, and valid
reasoning and to what extent those beliefs reveal faulty reasoning, weak sources,
and misunderstandings. For example, if you tend to pay attention only to
evidence that supports your opinion, you are guilty of “confirmatory bias.” If
someone tells you he believes that there is life on Mars because scientists have not
proven that life does not exist there, he is guilty of the fallacy of “arguing from
Draw some conclusions about the degree to which beliefs are based on scientific
information, strong sources, and valid reasoning. Support your conclusions with
as many specific examples as possible.
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Extend & Refine Knowledge
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Analyzing Errors
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 177
Analyzing Perspectives
One of the most powerful thinking processes is to analyze your own
perspectives, to consider the positions you take on issues and to understand
the basis for those positions. Just as powerful is analyzing other perspectives,
trying to understand the reasoning or logic underlying very different ways of
looking at an issue. It can be difficult to analyze perspectives—whether they
are your own or someone else’s—when you have strong feelings about the
topic. It takes discipline and skill to stop during an argument, for example,
and take enough of a step back to gain an understanding of your own or
another’s perspective. This is why it is important for students to develop this
ability in the classroom through the examination of academic issues that are
not emotionally charged. This classroom process helps students not only to
extend and refine their understanding of content but also to develop a skill
they will need when they face highly emotional situations in which they
need the ability to analyze perspectives.
When teaching the process, it is important to emphasize that the goal of
analyzing perspectives is to seek understanding of the reasons or logic
underlying a position. The goal is not to accept, appreciate, or agree with
opposing perspectives, nor is it to change your own perspective. Although
you might alter your point of view, it is just as likely that you might solidify
your original position because you understand it better or because you
understand more clearly why you reject other positions.
The measure of success in analyzing perspectives, then, is that as result of
your analysis, you can articulate and explain the reasons and logic behind
your own and/or others’ perspectives. To achieve this success often will
require digging deeper into sources of information, finding additional
sources, or interviewing people. These are the activities that lead to increased
understanding of content and that help students develop important and
related information-accessing skills. As you teach students to analyze
perspectives in a way that extends and refines their knowledge in these ways,
you might use the suggestions and recommendations in the following
Analyzing perspectives is the process of identifying multiple perspectives on
an issue and examining the reasons or logic behind each. Stated more simply,
it is the process of describing reasons for different points of view.
Teacher’s Manual
For more on analyzing
Fisher & Ury (1981) Getting
to Yes
Paul (1984) “Critical
Paul (1987) “Critical
Thinking and the Critical
Dimension 3
Extend & Refine Knowledge
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Analyzing Perspectives
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 178
1. Help students understand the process of analyzing
Make it a practice to periodically share with students examples of situations
in which someone exemplifies the process of analyzing perspectives. This
practice helps increase students’ understanding of the process of analyzing
perspectives and helps them realize the positive effects of analyzing
perspectives. Discuss how the situations are influenced when people take the
time to understand other people’s reasons for their perspectives. Try to make
the examples as relevant to students as possible. You might present examples
about which students would be likely to have an opinion, such as dress codes
at school, curfews, or requirements for sports participation.
Even when students are working on other reasoning processes during a unit,
look for opportunities to point out examples of people analyzing perspectives
or of situations that would have benefited had someone taken the time to
understand another viewpoint. You might point out instances from literature
in which characters enhanced their relationships by seeking understanding of
differing points of view; you might also use news reports for examples of
conflicts between countries that can be traced not just to disagreements
about issues but to misunderstandings about perspectives.
2. Give students a model for the process of analyzing
perspectives, and create opportunities for them to practice
using the process.
a. Give students a model for the process of analyzing perspectives.
Although analyzing perspectives requires more than just following a
set of steps, it is more likely that students will gain this ability if
they have a process to guide them. A simple model includes the
following steps:
1. When you are examining an issue about which people disagree,
first identify and clearly articulate one perspective.
2. Once you have identified a perspective, try to determine the
reasons or logic behind it.
3. Next, identify and clearly articulate a different perspective.
4. Try to describe the reasons or logic behind the different
Teacher’s Manual
Price is
too high!
Price is
too low!
They sell many
pairs at a higher
are cool!
The price
is right!
Dimension 3
Extend & Refine Knowledge
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Analyzing Perspectives
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 179
The process might be stated in simpler terms for young students:
b. Create opportunities for students to practice using the process.
To prepare students for practicing the steps of analyzing perspectives,
you might set up a hypothetical situation and, through think-aloud,
role play a specific person in the situation. Highlight each step as
you talk through the situation.
Wait. Before I continue this argument with my friend, I need to establish
why I believe. . . . My reasons include. . . . But he feels equally strong. . . .
It must be because. . . .
After modeling the steps and perhaps posting them in the classroom,
ask students to pair up and do similar think-alouds using situations
from their own lives or from hypothetical situations.
3. As students study and use the process of analyzing
perspectives, help them focus on critical steps and difficult
aspects of the process.
On the surface, analyzing perspectives is one of the simpler reasoning
processes. However, there are some important points to keep in mind as you
help students understand and use the process.
Key Points
1) Although students should be reinforced for acknowledging and
respecting different points of view, the process of analyzing perspectives
demands much more from them. Students should be held accountable for
the analysis process, for understanding and clearly articulating not just
the obvious reasons and logic underlying perspectives but the more
subtle and complex reasons. This rigorous analysis leads students to
extend and refine academic content knowledge.
2) Using this model of analyzing perspectives demands that students
recognize a good reason and trace the logic of an explanation of a
perspective. Helping students understand these two concepts, reasons
and logic, presents one of the key challenges of teaching this process.
1. What is one point of view?
2. What are the reasons for this point of view?
3. What is another point of view?
4. What might be some reasons for this other point of view?
Teacher’s Manual
“Students in my class got
into an argument one day
about whether their parents
should use the V-chip to
monitor their television
watching. I took the
opportunity to teach
analyzing perspectives. We
had a great discussion while
we were identifying the
reasons for and against the
—A high school
teacher in Colorado
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Extend & Refine Knowledge
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Analyzing Perspectives
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 180
Reasons are those pieces of evidence that support a given point of view
or perspective. A common mistake when identifying reasons is to simply
restate or rephrase a position, perhaps with more passion (e.g., “I believe
seat belt laws are a good idea because it is really important.”), rather
than providing specific reasons. By logic we mean the strength of the
argument when you combine all of the evidence. A common mistake
here is to present evidence but to fail to organize it into a coherent
argument. To decrease these types of mistakes and to increase
understanding of these concepts, students may need the opportunity to
examine many examples (both good and bad) of reasons and logical
explanations of perspectives.
3) It is important for students to understand that most issues have multiple
perspectives. It is easy to develop the mistaken impression that issues
have only two perspectives: their own and the opposing viewpoint.
Whenever students are analyzing perspectives, provide them with or
encourage them to identify more than two. Identifying and analyzing
perspectives that are beyond the obvious can increase students’
understanding of the issue itself and of the process of analyzing
4) Finally, as stated earlier, students need to understand that the goal of
analyzing perspectives is not to accept, appreciate, or agree with different
perspectives. To keep the focus on honing skills of analysis rather than on
changing people’s viewpoints, it is best to limit applications of the
process to academic content that is not emotionally charged.
4. Provide students with graphic organizers or representations to
help them understand and use the process of analyzing
Below are two matrices that can help students organize their thoughts as
they learn to analyze perspectives. Figure 3.12, a Perspective Examination
Matrix, can be used when students are focused on establishing the reasons or
logic for their own perspective. Figure 3.13, a Conflict Clarification Matrix,
can help students organize their thoughts when they are examining an issue
that includes their personal perspective. Using a matrix cues students to
record their response to each step and thus allows them to go back and
reexamine their ideas once they have completed the process.
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Extend & Refine Knowledge
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Analyzing Perspectives
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 181
Personal perspective
Reasons/logic behind my
personal perspective
Different perspective
Reasons/logic behind
different perspective
A new mass transit system for
the city
I think this is a good idea for
the city.
Mass transit is a good idea
because …
Someone could think that mass
transit is a bad idea for the city.
The reasons they might give
are …
From this I learned that …
Statement or
A 75-mph speed
The new rule that
all students have to
wear a common
Assigned Value
I think this is a
good idea.
I think this is not a
very good idea.
Reasoning or
Logic Behind
My Value
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Complex Reasoning Processes
Analyzing Perspectives
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 182
5. Use teacher-structured and student-structured tasks.
There will be times when you will want to present students with highly
structured tasks in which you have identified both the issue and the
perspectives and then ask them to identify the reasons and logic for each. For
example, during a unit on Western Europe in a secondary class, the teacher
might present students with two or three very specific perspectives on
particular issues related to unification; the goal of this structured task might
be to increase students’ understanding of ways in which people and cultures
hold on to the past yet look for changes in the future. During a unit about
whales, an elementary teacher might focus on the issues surrounding whale
hunting. The teacher might make sure that many perspectives are identified
and analyzed, including those of hunters, their families, environmentalists,
and scientists.
Over time, students can begin to structure their own tasks that require
analyzing perspectives. They might identify issues from their own life, such
as differing perspectives on types of music or sports-related topics. However,
ideally, they should begin recognizing issues in academic content that are
worth analyzing. For example, during health class, to help students
understand how complex the issues can be, you might periodically encourage
them to identify the issues that interest them and about which people
disagree. Then have students describe and analyze different perspectives.
Even when students are identifying the issues and the perspectives, your role
is to hold them to standards of rigorous analysis. This ensures that even tasks
that are completely structured by students will help them to extend and
refine their knowledge.
Classroom Examples
The following classroom examples are offered to stimulate reflection on how
to apply the ideas covered in this section of Dimension 3 in your classroom.
Mr. Pine and Ms. Shikes created an interdisciplinary task for their science and social
studies students. Students gathered information about the reintroduction of wolves into
Yellowstone National Park, identified various perspectives about the issue (e.g., those
held by farmers, animal rights advocates, wildlife biologists, and park rangers), and
described the reasons that each group holds its particular views. Mr. Pine and Ms.
Shikes then asked students to select another current issue that interested them and
apply a similar process.
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Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Analyzing Perspectives
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 183
Mrs. Snow was trying to engage her sixth-grade students in the study of music,
specifically, in developing an understanding of the criteria that affect the quality
(e.g., use of elements that create unity, tension/release) and effectiveness (e.g., expressive
impact). She knew her students were quickly losing interest, so she decided to tap into
their experiences and biases. She asked each student to analyze possible perspectives on
whether “rap” should be considered music that should be taken seriously as an art
form. Some people, for example, think “rap” is simply verses that rhyme, with noise in
the background. Others believe it is a new form of music. Students had to articulate
two perspectives and offer reasons and logic that reflected their understanding of the
criteria that they had been studying.
In his civics class, Mr. Williams shared with his students a dinner conversation he
had with his in-laws about attempts to include England in the unification efforts in
Europe. The couple, who was from England, became quite upset during the
conversation. It became clear that they were bitterly opposed to bringing England into
European economic and political alliances. Mr. Williams said that Mary, a friend
who was at the dinner, later commented, “They are just stuck in their old ways. They
can’t face the future. They should realize that their old way of life is gone, the
monarchy clearly is in disarray, their economy is in need of a boost, and if they don’t
face reality, their future is doomed.” Mr. Williams asked students to prepare a
response to Mary by presenting at least two perspectives on the issue of whether
England should be brought into unification efforts. Their job was to convince Mary
that the position that the British couple had taken was not simply irrational or
emotional. Students were required to present defensible reasons and logic that would
support their own perspective, as well as at least one other opposing perspective, and
then present both perspectives in a role play.
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Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Analyzing Perspectives
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 184
Teacher’s Manual
Unit Planning: Dimension 3
Planning for Dimension 3 requires asking and answering the following
overarching question:
What will be done to help students extend and refine knowledge?
What follows is a step-by-step process that will guide you in answering this
question. Each step asks you to answer a key question or provide specific
information. There is a place on the planning guide (see page 188) in which
to record your decisions about the knowledge that will be extended and
refined (Step 1) and descriptions of planned activities (Step 3). A sample
planning guide has been filled out for a hypothetical social studies unit
about Colorado. (This unit topic was chosen because, with some changes, it
could be used for a unit about any state or region and at any developmental
level. You will find the entire unit in Chapter 6, “Putting It All Together.”)
Step 1
As you clearly identify the knowledge that students will be extending and
refining, remember that the goal of extending and refining knowledge is to
deepen and broaden students’ understanding of important information.
Therefore, the knowledge that you identify here will be the important
declarative knowledge identified in the unit. Further, because it is unlikely
that students need to increase their understanding of specific facts, the
knowledge they are extending and refining will probably be at the more
general level of generalizations, principles, and concepts.
The planning guide has two places on each page for planning Dimension 3
activities. This does not imply that there must be exactly two activities. The
number of activities depends on the length of the unit and the amount of
important knowledge that students need to understand.
As you plan these extending and refining activities, consider whether
students already have learned how to use the reasoning processes that the
activities require. You may need to limit the number of new reasoning
processes that you will teach students during the unit.
What knowledge will students be extending and refining? Specifically,
students will be extending and refining their understanding of. . . .
Dimension 3
Extend & Refine Knowledge
Unit Planning
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 185
Teacher’s Manual
Step 2
Selecting a reasoning process is important because the type of reasoning that
students apply to knowledge significantly influences what they learn. It is
sometimes difficult to determine which reasoning process is best suited to
the knowledge that you want students to extend and refine. We have,
therefore, provided some questions to stimulate your thinking as you
consider each process during planning.
Would it be useful to show how things are similar and/or different?
Would it be useful for students to focus on identifying how similar
things are different and how different things are similar?
Would it be helpful to have students describe how comparing things
affects their knowledge or opinions related to those things?
Would it be helpful to have students group things?
Would it be beneficial for students to generate a number of ways to
group the same list of things?
Is there an abstract pattern that could be applied?
Could something complex or unfamiliar be understood better by
generating an abstract pattern and applying it to something simple
or more familiar?
Are there seemingly different things that could be connected
through the generation of an abstract pattern?
Inductive Reasoning
Are there important unstated conclusions that could be generated
from observations or facts?
Are there situations for which probable or likely conclusions could
be generated?
Are there issues or situations for which students could examine the
inductive reasoning used?
What reasoning process will students be using?
Dimension 3
Extend & Refine Knowledge
Unit Planning
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 186
Teacher’s Manual
Deductive Reasoning
Are there generalizations (or rules or principles) that could be
applied to reach conclusions and make predictions?
Are there topics or issues for which students could examine the
validity of the deductive reasoning used?
Constructing Support
Are there important claims to be refuted or supported?
Would it be important to examine existing arguments that support
or refute a claim?
Analyzing Errors
Are there situations in which it would be beneficial to identify errors
in reasoning?
Analyzing Perspectives
Would it be useful to identify and understand the reasoning or logic
behind a perspective on a topic or issue?
Would it be useful to analyze opposing perspectives on a topic or
Step 3
The type of extending and refining activities that you create will vary
greatly. Students might be answering a question, constructing a matrix,
drawing some conclusions, or gathering information. Clearly describe what
students will be doing and how they will be applying the reasoning process.
Describe what will be done.
Dimension 3
Extend & Refine Knowledge
Unit Planning
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 187
Dimension 3
Extend & Refine Knowledge
Dimension 3 Planning Guide Unit: Colorado
Several times during this unit we will, as a class, select articles from
“USA Today” that reflect the culture of a place with which we are
unfamiliar. Based on what we learn from the article about the culture of
the place (e.g., issues or problems people face, their celebrations), we will
try to induce specific facts about the topography, natural resources, and
climate of the location.
What knowledge will students be
extending and refining?
Specifically, they will be extending
and refining their understanding of. . .
What reasoning process
will students be using?
Inductive Reasoning
Deductive Reasoning
Constructing Support
Analyzing Errors
Analyzing Perspectives
Other _________________
Describe what will be done.
What knowledge will students be
extending and refining?
Specifically, they will be extending
and refining their understanding of. . .
What reasoning process
will students be using?
Inductive Reasoning
Deductive Reasoning
Constructing Support
Analyzing Errors
Analyzing Perspectives
Other _________________
Describe what will be done.
Topography, natural resources, and
climate influence settlement patterns
in a region.
So far we have been focused on understanding how topography, natural
resources, and climate influence the “appearance” of settlements. Shift
your focus now and examine how these factors influence the
“disappearance” of settlements. You will be given descriptions of
situations where populations thrived and then disappeared (e.g.,
Anasazi Indians, several ghost towns, dinosaurs, and the “dust bowl”)
and the reasons for their demise. Classify each description according to
whether the reasons for the disappearance had more to do with
topography, natural resources, or climate. If more than one possible
reason is given, you may have to place the example in more than one
Topography, natural resources, and
climate influence the culture of a
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Dim 3 chapter 4/17/09 7:38 AM Page 188
DoL Teacher TP/Div 4/17/09 7:49 AM Page 5
Dim 4 chapter 4/17/09 7:41 AM Page 1
Teacher’s Manual
Fred Newmann discusses
the importance of
distinguishing between
projects that ask students to
reproduce knowledge and
those that ask students to
produce knowledge such as
solutions, decisions,
clarifications, explanations,
and insights. For further
reading, see Newmann et al.
(1995) A Guide to Authentic
Instruction and Assessment.
Dimension 4
Use Knowledge Meaningfully
The purpose of acquiring knowledge is to be able to use it meaningfully. For
example, we might want to learn all that we can about stereos or computers
before deciding which brand and model to buy. We might learn a lot about
genetics if we are trying to project what will happen in the future as a result
of research in genetic engineering. Similarly, we would probably learn a
great deal about social security if we were trying to invent a new retirement
system. In short, when we use knowledge to deal with specific issues that we
care about, we become truly immersed in learning. Dimension 4 emphasizes
this important part of learning: the process of using knowledge meaningfully.
The challenge is to engage learners in using knowledge in a context that is
meaningful to them. Many students will complete tasks simply because they
have been assigned. But when students perceive tasks as meaningful and
relevant, they are motivated to acquire the knowledge needed to complete
the task. As a result, they may achieve a higher level of understanding and
proficiency related to that knowledge. In addition, because their level of
engagement can increase when they use knowledge meaningfully, students
are more likely to demonstrate what they have learned. Tasks that require
students to use knowledge meaningfully, therefore, are a powerful method—
and potentially a more accurate method—of assessing learning.
Teachers can help students become highly engaged in tasks, whether
students perceive the key knowledge as meaningful or not. When it is quite
obvious to students that the knowledge they are learning is meaningful—
Dim 4 chapter 4/17/09 7:41 AM Page 189
Teacher’s Manual
that is, when they see clearly that they need the knowledge in life—it is easy
to construct tasks that are meaningful to them; mathematics and language
arts are examples of content areas in which it is relatively easy to construct
tasks that are meaningful to students. When it is less obvious to students
that the knowledge is important and relevant to them, tasks can be
constructed in a way that increases their meaningfulness and relevance. By
asking students to use knowledge in authentic contexts or in intriguing
situations, for example, or by allowing students to be involved in the
construction of the tasks, meaningfulness and relevance—and, therefore,
students’ level of engagement—can increase.
Dimension 4
Use Knowledge Meaningfully
Dim 4 chapter 4/17/09 7:41 AM Page 190
Teacher’s Manual
Helping Students Develop Complex
Reasoning Processes
As is true with the processes needed to extend and refine knowledge
(Dimension 3), using knowledge meaningfully requires students to engage
in thinking and reasoning that is quite different from that required when
they are asked to simply recall, restate, recognize, recollect, reiterate, or
otherwise reproduce knowledge. Using knowledge requires students to
engage in complex thinking and reasoning processes as they complete long-
term, meaningful tasks. Six of these reasoning processes have been identified
and defined in this dimension. They are
Decision making: Generating and applying criteria to select from
among seemingly equal alternatives
Problem solving: Overcoming constraints or limiting conditions that
are in the way of pursuing goals
Invention: Developing unique products or processes that fulfill
perceived needs
Experimental inquiry: Generating and testing explanations of
observed phenomena
Investigation: Identifying and resolving issues about which there are
confusions or contradictions
Systems analysis: Analyzing the parts of a system and the manner in
which they interact
When students are engaged in tasks that require them to use the processes
listed above—to make decisions, clarify confusions, create new products and
ideas, solve problems, and analyze systems—they must also use their content
knowledge. When constructing tasks, there are several things to keep in mind.
Each of these processes crosses content boundaries. Although there
are sometimes content-specific versions of the processes (e.g., a
problem-solving process in economics), each of those identified above
has been used in multiple content areas. If teachers across content
areas consistently use these reasoning processes—or those from a
similar list a district may generate—students are more likely to
become comfortable and proficient with these types of processes and,
thus, better able to use increasingly complex content knowledge,
whether in content-specific or integrated tasks.
To help students appreciate
the usefulness of the
complex reasoning
processes, a team of middle
school teachers invited
business leaders from the
local community to meet
with students. Each of them
shared an incident that
illustrated how a specific
reasoning process had
contributed—in the past
week alone—to the success
of his or her business.
Dimension 4
Use Knowledge Meaningfully
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Dim 4 chapter 4/17/09 7:41 AM Page 191
Teacher’s Manual
When the knowledge students are using is procedural knowledge (i.e.,
skills or processes), a task may simply ask students to perform the
procedure within a meaningful context; that is, it may not require
students to use one of the reasoning processes identified in this
dimension. However, many teachers have found that using the
reasoning processes to provide a focus for these types of task helps to
provide a meaningful context for the demonstration of the procedural
knowledge. Students may be required, for example, to use their
procedural content knowledge to make a decision, to conduct an
experiment, or to generate ideas for an invention. Students are then
held accountable for demonstrating their proficiency in using the
content-specific skill or process as well as their ability to engage in
the targeted reasoning process.
When the knowledge students are using is declarative knowledge—that
is, when students are using and developing their understanding of
concepts, principles, or generalizations—these reasoning processes
should be used to provide a means by which they can apply the
knowledge to the task. In the planning section of Dimension 4, at
the end of this chapter, you will find questions (identified for each
process) that can help you decide which reasoning process would
provide the context in which students can demonstrate their
understanding of the targeted content knowledge. (For example, if
there is a phenomenon that needs to be clarified, then experimental
inquiry is most appropriate; if something new needs to be created or
improved, then an invention task is needed.) If students are clear
about what reasoning process a task requires, they are likely to spend
more energy thinking about the declarative knowledge than creating a
product that looks impressive.
In this age of technology, some educators have complained that
students are using software and online sources to produce reports and
research papers simply by electronically cutting and pasting text or
even by downloading entire papers. Plagiarism, they report, although
always a concern, seems to be increasing. Thus, it is increasingly
important to hold students accountable for using knowledge
meaningfully, no matter how it is accessed. One way to combat these
abuses of technology, or any form of plagiarism, is to hold students
accountable for complex reasoning and for the rigorous use of the
information they have collected.
Dimension 4
Use Knowledge Meaningfully
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Dim 4 chapter 4/17/09 7:41 AM Page 192
Teacher’s Manual
These processes can be used by students at all developmental levels.
Younger students will need more guidance and modeling, and, of
course, the content must be developmentally appropriate. However,
even older students need time to practice using the processes with
simple content at first.
For each of the six processes identified in Dimension 4, the following
sections are included:
1. Help students understand the process. This section discusses how to
introduce the process to students and how to help them understand
the function or goal of the process.
2. Give students a model for the process, and create opportunities for
them to practice using the process. This section introduces the
complex reasoning process itself: the model and the steps involved in
using the process. Examples of specific ways to guide students
through the thinking involved in the process are presented.
3. As students study and use the process, help them focus on critical
steps and difficult aspects of the process. This section identifies
critical steps and difficult components of the process as well as specific
examples and suggestions about how to deal with these elements.
4. Provide students with graphic organizers or representations of the
model to help them understand and use the process. Graphic
organizers and representations help students understand and visualize
the process. Examples of these organizers or representations are
included in this section.
5. Use teacher-structured and student-structured tasks. This section
addresses the importance of modeling and guiding the use of the
process, first through the use of teacher-structured tasks. Suggestions
are provided for how to move from teacher-structured to student-
structured tasks, shifting students from highly structured tasks to
tasks that students create as they become more proficient and
confident at using the process.
It is important to note that although six mental processes are identified in
Dimension 4, tasks that require students to use knowledge meaningfully can be
constructed with reasoning processes other than these six. For example, once
students become familiar with the nature and purpose of the eight Dimension 3
complex reasoning processes, you can ask them to perform combination tasks that
require them to do more than simply extend and refine their knowledge. The
following task is an example of a combination task that requires students to
Dimension 4
Use Knowledge Meaningfully
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Dim 4 chapter 4/17/09 7:41 AM Page 193
Teacher’s Manual
apply two reasoning processes from Dimension 3 as they use their knowledge
from a unit on the Navajo and Hispanic cultures in New Mexico.
Consider these aspects of the two cultures:
the types of dwellings they built
the types of food they ate
their religion
their mobility
their family patterns
Then induce at least one generalization about both cultures and explain the
specific information that you used to draw this conclusion. Finally, identify
and abstract a pattern from one of the cultures and identify another culture
or situation to which it applies.
Dimension 4
Use Knowledge Meaningfully
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Dim 4 chapter 4/17/09 7:41 AM Page 194
Teacher’s Manual
Decision Making
Decisions that we make every day, whether they are relatively unimportant
or critical choices in life, are driven by criteria. Whether you are deciding
which movie you will see Friday night or which college you would like to
attend, your selection will depend on what you see as important or valuable
at the time. When selecting which movie to see, you might loosely verbalize
your criteria, for example, “Do I want to laugh, cry, be frightened, or be
informed?” When selecting a college, you might write down your criteria
related to cost, location, and academic offerings, for example, and then
carefully apply each criterion to each alternative you are considering.
Although these examples are similar in that they rely on the application of
criteria, they are quite different because the choice of which college you
would like to attend needs to be made using a process that is methodical and
rigorous. Learning to engage in decision making means learning to use a
process for applying criteria when the stakes are high—when there is this
need to be methodical and rigorous.
As students learn to use a decision-making process and apply it to everyday
decisions, they will quickly discover that the process demands that they have
a great deal of knowledge related both to the criteria and to the alternatives
in the decision-making situation. Likewise, asking students to apply a
decision-making process to academic content requires that they demonstrate
extensive content knowledge—or seek it out—to complete the task. Just as
it would be impossible to use the process to select a college without
extensive knowledge about each alternative, students could not apply criteria
to decisions in chemistry, for example, without the scientific knowledge
needed. This is why engaging students in decision-making tasks not only
teaches them a useful process but enhances their learning by requiring that
they understand content well enough to use it.
If students are asked to complete decision-making tasks, they will need
multiple opportunities to develop their understanding of and ability to use
the process. The following suggestions are offered for structuring these
opportunities for students.
Decision making is the process of generating and applying criteria to select
from among seemingly equal alternatives. Stated more simply, it is the process
of developing and using criteria to select from choices that seem to be equal.
For more on decision
Ehrenberg, Ehrenberg, &
Durfee (1979) BASICS:
Teaching/Learning Strategies
Halpern (1984) Thought and
Knowledge: An Introduction to
Critical Thinking
Wales & Nardi (1985)
“Teaching Decision
Dimension 4
Use Knowledge Meaningfully
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Decision Making
Dim 4 chapter 4/17/09 7:41 AM Page 195
Teacher’s Manual
1. Help students understand the process of decision making.
One way to help students begin to understand that decision making requires
applying criteria to alternatives is to describe examples of decisions you have
made. Try to differentiate between decisions that were fairly trivial (e.g.,
where to go for the weekend) and those that required a more rigorous
process (e.g., deciding how to vote in an important election). For each
example identify the criteria and how each alternative measured up to those
criteria. The goal is to develop students’ understanding of the concepts
criteria and seemingly equal alternatives and to help them understand the
process of applying criteria to alternatives.
Another way of increasing students’ understanding of the decision making
process is to help them understand that this is often the process used when
awards are given or distinguished performance is recognized. Students
should be familiar with common examples of awards ceremonies or well-
publicized honors bestowed on people, such as the presentation of the
Academy Awards or Nobel Prizes, the selection of the most valuable player
in a sport or game, or a publication’s selection of “the person of the year” or
“the best and worst dressed.” Help students see that in each case criteria are
generated and applied to make the selection. Take advantage of current
awards shows, special publications, sports awards, or honors programs to
discuss with students the criteria that might have been used and how they
were applied in the selection process.
2. Give students a model for the process of decision making, and
create opportunities for them to practice using the process.
a. Give students a model for the process of decision making.
Presenting an explicit model for decision making is a good way to
help students become comfortable with the process. One powerful
and useful model includes the following steps:
1. Identify a decision you wish to make and the alternatives you
are considering.
2. Identify the criteria you consider important.
3. Assign each criterion an importance score.
4. Determine the extent to which each alternative possesses each
5. Multiply the criterion scores by the alternative scores to
determine which alternative has the highest total points.
6. Based on your reaction to the selected alternative, determine if
you want to change importance scores or add or drop criteria.
Dimension 4
Use Knowledge Meaningfully
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Decision Making
Dim 4 chapter 4/17/09 7:41 AM Page 196
Teacher’s Manual
You may want to describe the process in simpler terms for young
b. Create opportunities for students to practice using the process.
Most students at first will be unsure of their ability to follow the
steps of this process. It is helpful if you begin teaching the process
by illustrating each step. Walk students through a highly structured
decision-making task using content-area information. For example,
let’s assume you want to use material from a social studies class. Your
demonstrations and explanations might include the following:
My first step is to identify and state a decision question. We have been
studying world leaders in class. An interesting question that would help us
use what we have been learning might be, “Who, from the past or present,
would be the best national leader if the entire world were at peace?”
Next, I have to identify the alternatives to be considered in the decision-
making process. Who should we consider? (Allow students to help in this
step.) How about Margaret Thatcher, Martin Luther King, Jr., and
Anwar Sadat?
My next step is to identify the criteria that will be used to decide among the three
alternatives. These might be (again, let students help during this step)
Good negotiation skills
Charismatic leadership
Extensive knowledge of other cultures
Extensive knowledge of international finance
It would help me if I use a matrix to organize my alternative and criteria.
It might look like this. (Show students an organizer similar to Figure
1. What am I trying to decide?
2. What are my choices?
3. What are important criteria for making this decision?
4. How important is each criterion?
5. How well does each of my choices match my criteria?
6. Which choice matches best with the criteria?
7. How do I feel about the decision? Do I need to change any
criteria and try again?
Dimension 4
Use Knowledge Meaningfully
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Decision Making
Dim 4 chapter 4/17/09 7:41 AM Page 197
Teacher’s Manual
good negotiation skills (1)
1 × 2 1 × 3 1 × 3
Thatcher King Sadat
charismatic leader (3)
3 × 1 3 × 3 3 × 3
extensive knowledge of other
cultures (2)
2 × 2 2 × 2 2 × 3
extensive knowledge of
international finance (3)
3 × 3 3 × 1 3 × 2
18 19 24
4 6
3 3
good negotiation skills (1)
1 × 2 1 × 3 1 × 3
Thatcher King Sadat
charismatic leader (3)
3 × 1 3 × 3 3 × 3
extensive knowledge of other
cultures (2)
2 × 2 2 × 2 2 × 3
extensive knowledge of
international finance (3)
3 × 3 3 × 1 3 × 2
good negotiation skills (1)
1 × 1 × 1 ×
Thatcher King Sadat
charismatic leader (3)
3 × 3 × 3 ×
extensive knowledge of other
cultures (2)
2 × 2 × 2 ×
extensive knowledge of
international finance (3)
3 × 3 × 3 ×
Assign importance scores.
Determine the extent to
which each alternative
possesses each criterion.
Calculate quality points.
Dimension 4
Use Knowledge Meaningfully
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Decision Making
Dim 4 chapter 4/17/09 7:41 AM Page 198
Teacher’s Manual
Now that I have the decision question, the alternatives, and the criteria
identified, I am ready to weight the criteria by assigning each an
importance score. I will use a three-point numeric weight, or importance
score. So, if I consider a criterion to be very important, I give it a 3; if I
consider it to be not very important, I give it a 1. I give a criterion a 2 if I
consider it to be somewhere between “very important” and “not very
important.” I will assign the importance score, or weight, to each criterion
on my matrix. (See, for example, the first organizer in Figure 4.1. At
this stage of your demonstration, allow students to help you assign
the weights, emphasizing that they must explain the reasoning
behind those weights. Make sure students are using sound
reasoning when they suggest importance scores.)
Next, I’ll need to determine the degree to which each alternative possesses each
of the criteria and justify the assignment as I do. Again, I will use a
numeric scale: 0 = the alternative does not possess the criterion at all; 1 =
possesses it a little bit; 3 = possesses it totally; 2 = somewhere between 1 and
3. (The second organizer in Figure 4.1 depicts a possible ranking of
the alternatives in terms of the extent to which they possess each
criterion, but you and the students may rank them differently.)
Finally, I will calculate the quality points each alternative has in relation
to each criterion. I will do this by multiplying the criterion weights by the
alternative weights. (Demonstrate the process of multiplying the
number in each cell by the number at the beginning of each row
and then enter that product in each cell, as shown in the third
organizer in Figure 4.1.)
In this example, Thatcher has two quality points for the criterion “good
negotiation skills,” three quality points for the criterion “charismatic
leader,” four quality points for the criterion “extensive knowledge of other
cultures,” and nine quality points for the criterion “extensive knowledge of
international finance.”
My next step is to tally the quality points for each alternative and
determine which alternative has the most. In my matrix, Anwar Sadat has
the most quality points. It would appear, then, that Anwar Sadat would be
the best choice for a peacetime leader, based on the information in the
decision-making matrix.
But wait. The final step of the process is to ask myself if I am comfortable
with the decision. It is legitimate to change the weights that have been
assigned or to add or drop criteria. In my example here, for instance, I
think that the criterion of good negotiation skills should receive a weight of
Dimension 4
Use Knowledge Meaningfully
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Decision Making
Dim 4 chapter 4/17/09 7:41 AM Page 199
3 rather than 1. (This last step is important. You might want to
make the point that it is not about changing points arbitrarily. It is
about attending to your initial reaction to the decision and
thoughtfully reexamining criteria and importance scores, if
After taking students through the steps of the process, give them the
opportunity to practice with nonacademic content or with current events.
You might create hypothetical situations or ask them to select criteria and
alternatives for the “best” football player or television show. Be sure to hold
them accountable for generating and thoughtfully and consistently applying
criteria to each alternative.
3. As students study and use the process of decision making,
help them focus on critical steps and difficult aspects of the
As students use the decision-making process, they should gradually be
increasing their understanding of and ability to use the process. The
following key points describe some of the challenges and important points to
keep in mind while you are guiding students through learning the decision-
making process.
Key Points
1) Perhaps the most critical concept that needs to be developed as students
are engaged in decision making is the concept of a criterion. The quality
of everyday decisions, as well as those made using academic content,
depends on developing criteria that are clearly stated and that accurately
identify the conditions that the selected alternative need to meet.
Rarely can a criterion be expressed in one word. Push students to
articulate the meaning of a criterion with phrases or sentences that
ensure that the criterion can be applied consistently to each alternative.
For example, if students are setting up criteria for selecting powerful
characters in literature, they should define a weak criterion like
“interesting” more clearly, such as “characters had qualities with which I
could identify.”
In addition, unlike the process of comparing, in which characteristics are
stated in neutral language, criteria must be stated with a clearly defined
preference or value. For example, a newspaper might objectively compare
political candidates on the characteristic of “their plan for taxation.”
However, if you were deciding which political candidate to vote for, your
“I realize that often when I
have asked students to
engage in a decision-making
task, I have simply looked
to see if the decision seems
logical. I really have not
held students accountable
for the criteria. Now that I
am holding them
accountable, I have
discovered many
misconceptions that had not
surfaced when the focus was
on the alternatives.”
—A high school
biology teacher
Teacher’s Manual
Dimension 4
Use Knowledge Meaningfully
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Decision Making
Dim 4 chapter 4/17/09 7:41 AM Page 200
criteria would be more subjective and reflect what you prefer or value; for
example, you might rate each candidate on the “extent to which he or she
will fight property tax decreases.” As students practice generating criteria
for decision making, provide them with examples of both characteristics
and criteria in order to help them understand the difference.
2) Although a decision-making matrix is a common and clear format to use
when engaged in decision making, its ease of use can create the
misconception that decision making is an exercise in filling out squares
in a matrix. The most important aspect of this process is the level of
dialogue that occurs as students are using the matrix. Thus, the matrix
functions as an enabling tool for thoughtful dialogue and precise
thinking. Following the steps of the process does result in placing
numbers into boxes, but students must be held accountable for assigning
those numbers (importance scores and quality scores) by carefully
considering the relative importance of criteria and thoughtfully
determining the extent to which the alternatives meet those criteria.
Holding students accountable for rigorously using the process will
increase the likelihood that they will use academic knowledge
meaningfully, as well as increase their proficiency in decision making.
3) Engaging in the decision-making process can create the need for
students to use the knowledge they have acquired. It can also help
students gain new insights into, and make new connections with,
information they have learned, as well as provide a motivation for
acquiring additional knowledge. The following are some suggestions for
helping students to realize these benefits:
Once students have made a selection on their matrix, ask them to go
back and alter the criteria so that one or two of the alternatives that
scored few points score more. This forces students to look at different
attributes of the alternatives. For example, using the “best national
leader” example above, you could add a criterion of “fought for
human rights” and remove the criterion of “extensive knowledge of
international finance.” This could change the total points for each
Begin a unit of study by asking students to make a decision for
which they have a limited understanding of the alternatives and the
criteria. For example, you might ask students to select “the best
national leader” using only what they already know about each of the
alternatives. Then halfway through the unit and again at the end of
the unit, ask them to go back and determine if they need to change
any scores, add or delete criteria, or consider different alternatives in
Teacher’s Manual
Dimension 4
Use Knowledge Meaningfully
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Decision Making
Dim 4 chapter 4/17/09 7:41 AM Page 201
light of their new knowledge. This reinforces the idea that decisions
are significantly influenced by the knowledge we have related to the
alternatives considered and the extent to which we understand the
Lead the class through a decision-making task using the information
provided in the unit. Then have them do a similar task that requires
them to access the new information in an independent study. For
example, as students study criteria relevant to a particular art form,
guide them through the process of applying the criteria to examples
within that form; then have them set up a matrix that uses criteria
and examples from a very different form of their choice.
4. Provide students with graphic organizers or representations to
help them understand and use the process of decision making.
When students are following the identified steps of the decision-making
process, using the decision-making matrix becomes a necessity (see page
198). A matrix organizes the large quantity of information needed to
generate criteria and alternatives and to apply each criterion to each
As students become comfortable with the process of decision making, you
may want to encourage them to create their own graphic organizer to
facilitate the process. There are a number of available software programs that
students could use to go through the steps. For example, one high school
science teacher uses a software program that reports the totals for each
alternative in the form of a bar graph. This program also allows students to
change the importance scores and to quickly obtain a new printout showing
the new results.
5. Use teacher-structured and student-structured tasks.
Once students understand the general process of decision making, you can
start giving them fairly well-structured tasks that will let them practice the
decision-making process to become more familiar with it. In fact, any time
that there is a clear academic goal, you may want to structure all or part of
the task. As you develop teacher-structured tasks, you may decide to do all
or some of the following for students:
Clearly state the decision question.
Clearly identify the choices or alternatives to be considered.
Clearly identify the criteria on which the alternatives will be judged.
Teacher’s Manual
Dimension 4
Use Knowledge Meaningfully
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Decision Making
Dim 4 chapter 4/17/09 7:41 AM Page 202
Monitor students closely as they weight the alternatives and the criteria.
Have students focus on very specific knowledge as they explain how
they reached their decisions.
To illustrate, an elementary teacher presents students with the following
structured decision-making task:
You are Queen Isabella and must decide whether you should give Columbus funds
for an ocean voyage. You may not use what you know now but must work only
with what was available to Queen Isabella at the time. Your criteria should
reflect your primary concern as Queen to keep the public treasury sound and to
work for the public good. However, you should also consider in your criteria your
interest in establishing new trade routes. In making your decision, you also should
consider the amount of money that might be involved and the number of lives that
might be lost. There are no guarantees of success. Make your choice and defend it.
Gradually, students should be able to generate their own decision-making
tasks; that is, they should recognize situations in which the process is
applicable and be able to specify many parts of the task. To move toward this
goal, reduce the amount of structure that you provide for them and begin to
act more as a facilitator of the process. Some suggestions for doing this
include the following:
Suggest a general topic about which students can make a decision, or
pose an interesting question. Encourage students to generate similar
topics or questions that interest them.
Suggest some choices to consider, and encourage them to use only
some of yours or, when appropriate, to generate their own completely
different choices.
Suggest some criteria to consider, but begin to hold students
accountable for criteria that are clear and meaningful.
Have students apply the criteria to each alternative, and provide
feedback only when students request it or when you notice
misconceptions that need to be clarified.
Ask students to explain how they reached their decisions and
articulate what they learned from the decision-making process.
To illustrate, the elementary teacher in the above example might encourage
students throughout the year to look for situations similar to Queen
Isabella’s in which an historic decision could be analyzed to increase their
understanding of the past. This could be applied, for example, during lessons
in science, the arts, geography, or health education.
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Dimension 4
Use Knowledge Meaningfully
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Decision Making
Dim 4 chapter 4/17/09 7:41 AM Page 203
Classroom Examples
The following classroom examples are offered to stimulate reflection on how
to apply the ideas covered in this section of Dimension 4 in your classroom.
Mrs. Flores gives her second-grade students the following task in order to
meaningfully use their understanding of mathematics problem-solving strategies:
Ben is 43 inches tall. Keisha is 66 inches tall. How many different methods
can you use to figure out how much taller Keisha is than Ben? Make a list of
the important characteristics of a method for solving a problem (e.g., the time it
takes, the number of steps involved). Then make a chart of the methods and
important features that will help you to decide which method is the best.
Students in Mrs. Wong’s middle school class had been studying about the factors that
influence people’s decisions to emigrate to another country. To pique students’ interest,
she read aloud several letters from people who had immigrated to the United States
from different European countries. These letters explained the hardships they
encountered and the reasons they left their homelands. Some left because of war or
economic depression; others were excited about exploring a new country; and still others
fled because of religious persecution. Mrs. Wong explained that throughout the year,
whenever students encounter situations in which people are emigrating, they will
examine the factors that influenced people’s decisions. At the end of the year, students
will look at each matrix and draw a conclusion about the factors that are most
common and how that pattern has changed throughout history.
A large urban high school was planning its annual Career Exploration Fair. The
planning committee discussed the fact that, in the past, students typically took notes as
they explored each career, but that it was unclear how useful these notes had been. The
committee decided that this year each student planning to participate would generate a
decision-making matrix. During home-room time, teachers helped those who did not
already know the process of decision making to learn to use the steps of the process. All
students were then given the time and guidance that they needed to generate criteria
and assign importance scores that reflected what they believed was important in a
career. This matrix was their ticket for entry to the fair. When committee members
observed the students using their matrices and talked to students, they concluded that
more than any note-taking technique previously used at the fair, the matrix helped
students to focus on the criteria they considered to be important in a career. As a
result, students asked better questions of the career representatives than they had in the
past, then used the information they received to change and refine their criteria and,
in some cases, to rethink their priorities.
Teacher’s Manual
Dimension 4
Use Knowledge Meaningfully
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Decision Making
Dim 4 chapter 4/17/09 7:41 AM Page 204
Teacher’s Manual
For more on problem
Anderson (1982)
“Acquisition of Cognitive
Anderson (1983) The
Architecture of Cognition
Gourley (1981) “Adapting
the Varsity Sports Model to
Nonpsychomotor Gifted
Gourley & Micklus (1982)
Problems, Problems, Problems
White (1983) “Sources of
Difficulty in Understanding
Newtonian Dynamics”
Problem Solving
Most people agree that the ability to engage in problem solving is
fundamental to success in life. However, even when people agree that
students need to be good problem solvers, achieving the goal is difficult
because there are so many different types of problems. To facilitate the
discussion here, we have divided problems into two basic types: unstructured
problems and structured problems. Unstructured problems are the kind you face
in real life: They often have unclear constraints and require unidentified
resources; sometimes the goal is not even clear. Unstructured problems also
typically have more than one solution. Trying to improve efficiency (in this
case, the goal needs clarification) in a workplace that is steeped in traditions
that must not be violated (the constraint needs further elaboration) is an
example of an unstructured problem.
Structured problems are the type we usually find in textbooks, games, and
puzzles. They generally have clear goals and specify the resources available to
accomplish the goals. In addition, structured problems usually have one
right answer. For example, if the problem you are trying to solve is how to
put the pieces of a puzzle together to form a certain picture, the goal is fairly
clear (make the picture) and so are the available resources (the pieces of the
puzzle). And there is only one correct way of putting the pieces together to
form the picture.
It may confuse and frustrate students if they are taught a problem-solving
process only to find that it does not help them with a completely different
type of problem. The best course, therefore, is to clearly designate for
students what type of problems they are learning to solve. For this reason, it
is important to understand that the definition and process for problem
solving in this section will focus on only one particular type: unstructured
academic problems. These are problems for which there are multiple solutions
and for which one or more of the following may need to be identified:
the goal,
the constraints or limiting conditions that hinder the achievement of
the goal, and
the alternative ways of achieving the goal.
The advantage of focusing on unstructured academic problems is that they
are more like the unstructured problems we encounter in everyday life. For
Problem solving is the process of overcoming constraints or limiting conditions
that are in the way of pursuing goals. Stated more simply, it is the process of
overcoming limits or barriers that are in the way of reaching goals.
Dimension 4
Use Knowledge Meaningfully
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Problem Solving
Dim 4 chapter 4/17/09 7:41 AM Page 205
“We only think when we
are confronted with a
—John Dewey
Teacher’s Manual
instance, a parent has to find a way to give three children a nutritious
dinner, even though the children’s sports and activities pose limits on the
time available for preparing and eating the meal. Or, a corporate task force
has to come up with a process for increasing production without raising
costs. Notice that both of these real-life situations have the defining
characteristics of unstructured academic problems; that is, there is a need to
identify the goal, the constraints or limiting conditions, and/or the
alternative ways of achieving the goal. Because unstructured problems like
these exist in real life, as students improve their ability to use this process
with academic problems in the classroom, they will also develop a useful life
In addition to gaining a life skill and increasing their ability to solve
academic problems, students engaged in solving unstructured academic
problems should also be using knowledge meaningfully. Problem-solving
tasks should not only require students to demonstrate their understanding of
important knowledge but should also provide motivation for seeking new
knowledge that may be needed to clarify the goal, understand the constraints
or limiting conditions, or identify available resources. As with other complex
reasoning processes, it is helpful to guide students through a series of
activities to ensure that they fully understand the process and how and when
to use it.
1. Help students understand the problem-solving process.
Because students are also frequently exposed to structured academic problems,
it is important for them to understand that the process in this section is
designed to help them solve unstructured problems. Begin by reviewing with
them the distinctions:
Structured problems have clear goals, specific resources available to achieve
the goal, and one right answer.
Unstructured problems, whether academic or real life, need clarification
of the goal, the constraints or limiting conditions, and the resources available.
There are multiple solutions to each problem.
Emphasize with students that the process provided here will help them to solve
unstructured problems. It might help them to understand they are answering
questions that include “What is my goal?”, “What constraints or limits are
hindering my achieving the goal?”, and “What are some different ways I might
overcome these constraints or limits?”
Dimension 4
Use Knowledge Meaningfully
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Problem Solving
Dim 4 chapter 4/17/09 7:41 AM Page 206
Teacher’s Manual
Identify with them both academic and real-life problems that require
answering some or all of these questions. For example, if a person has to be
at work by 9:00 a.m., but at 8:05 a.m. finds that the car will not start, she
has to determine the goal (getting to work or starting the car), identify the
obstacle (e.g., public transportation isn’t running today or jumper cables are
missing), and identify how to overcome the obstacle (call a neighbor or push
the car to jump-start it). To generate academic examples, ask students to
identify assignments in which students are asked to build something (goal
needs to be clarified) with only certain materials (limiting conditions).
In order to emphasize that problem solving requires the meaningful use of
knowledge, help students to identify what knowledge is needed to solve each
problem that is discussed. They should realize that knowledge is needed to
clarify the goal, to understand the constraints and limiting conditions, and
to generate solutions to the problem. Once you have presented examples, ask
students to describe and analyze problems they have had or problems they
have heard or read about.
2. Give students a model for the process of problem solving, and
create opportunities for them to practice using the process.
a. Give students a model for the process of problem solving.
Providing a model is a good way to help students feel comfortable
with the problem-solving process. The steps in the process might be
stated as follows:
1. Identify the goal you are trying to accomplish.
2. Identify the constraints or limiting conditions.
3. Determine exactly how these constraints or limiting
conditions are preventing you from reaching your goal.
4. Identify different ways of overcoming the constraints or
meeting the limiting conditions.
5. Select and try out the alternative that appears to be the best.
6. Evaluate the effectiveness of the alternative you have tried. If
appropriate, try a different alternative or identify additional
ways of overcoming the constraints or limiting conditions.
Dimension 4
Use Knowledge Meaningfully
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Problem Solving
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Teacher’s Manual
You may want to present the process in simpler terms for young students:
b. Create opportunities for students to practice using the process.
To illustrate the steps in the problem-solving process, walk students
through a content-area example, preferably a situation that has a
clear constraint. You might use a think-aloud while involving
students in the example. For instance, your demonstration might
include the following:
Salt has been used for centuries to cure meat, fish, and other foods because it
kills microorganisms. How could I produce the same effect on meat, fish, and
other foods without using salt or any of its basic elements and keep the food
at room temperature?
First, I need to restate the goal. (Alternatively, ask students to restate
it.) I want to treat meat, fish, and other foods with something that will kill
the microorganisms even when the food is kept at room temperature.
Next, I need to identify the constraints or limiting conditions. In this case,
there are two constraints: (1) that neither salt nor any of its basic properties
can be used and (2) the food must stay at room temperature (i.e., it cannot be
frozen or heated).
Next, I need to examine exactly how these constraints are limiting me. (Ask
students to help with this step.) Let’s see. The salt kills microorganisms,
and dropping the temperature of meat below freezing stops the organic processes
that produce microorganisms. Therefore, I must either think of different ways
of killing microorganisms or stopping the processes that allow their growth.
What are some possible ways of doing this, and what are the pluses and
minuses of each? Some sort of vacuum packing or drying process might be used
to prevent bacteria from growing. (Have students help you with this
step. Be sure to discuss with them the extent to which each
alternative helps to overcome the constraints. If you have adequate
time and resources, the class can try one or more alternatives and
discuss the results.)
1. What am I trying to accomplish?
2. What are the limits or barriers that are in the way?
3. What are some solutions for overcoming the limits or barriers?
4. Which solution will I try?
5. How well did it work? Should I try another solution?
Dimension 4
Use Knowledge Meaningfully
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Problem Solving
Dim 4 chapter 4/17/09 7:41 AM Page 208
Teacher’s Manual
“Although many of the
tasks I’ve assigned over the
years certainly have been
challenging and interesting,
I’ve never clearly identified
the reasoning process that
they require. For example,
at times I’ve called the same
task a decision-making task
one day and a problem-
solving task the next.
Consequently, my students
didn't focus on the
reasoning process; they
focused on the product.”
—A high school
algebra teacher
“The beginning of wisdom
is the definition of terms.”
After you have modeled the various steps in the process, give
students opportunities to practice in pairs or small groups beginning
with easy academic problems or lighthearted real-life situations.
3. As students study and use the process of problem solving,
help them focus on critical steps and difficult aspects of the
Gaining confidence in using this problem-solving process with unstructured
academic problems will, of course, require practice. As you give students
problems to solve, you may want to focus attention on specific parts of the
process. As you plan for these lessons, keep in mind the following
suggestions and key points related to problem solving.
Key Points
1) The first step of the process—identifying the goal—may sometimes be
provided for students. However, students also need to practice
identifying the goal. Provide them with situations in which the goal is
not clear, and ask them to clearly verbalize it. As they compare their goal
statements with those of other students, they may also discover that in
any situation there might be several possible goals. For example, if your
car will not start in the morning, your first reaction might be that the
goal is to get the car started; however, perhaps the goal should be to get
to work on time. If parents are complaining about students’ test scores at
their children’s school, should the school’s goal be to increase test scores
or to decrease the complaining by clearing up misconceptions? It is
important for students to practice framing and reframing goal
statements to see the effect that different versions have on the other steps
of the problem-solving process.
2) Students may be anxious to get to the steps of the problem-solving
process in which solutions are generated. However, it is important to
make sure that students take time to focus on step 3: analyzing whatever
is in the way of achieving the goal. (Note: This is step 2 in the simplified
language suggested for young students). When students understand
exactly how the constraints or barriers hinder the achievement of the
goal, the various solutions will be more focused on overcoming those
constraints and barriers. For example, you might ask students to
construct a vehicle, but give them the constraint of using only certain
types of materials. Before students generate solutions, it might be
important for them to know if these limitations influence the strength,
power, or aerodynamics of the project.
Dimension 4
Use Knowledge Meaningfully
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Problem Solving
Dim 4 chapter 4/17/09 7:41 AM Page 209
Teacher’s Manual
Another reason to ensure that students carefully analyze the constraints
and barriers is that this is a step in which learning can be enhanced. For
example, a primary teacher might create a problem-solving task by
asking students to draw a picture of a busy city without using any
circles. If students stop to determine how the constraint of using no
circles limits them, they may gain a better understanding of the
importance of shapes (or the importance of geometry) in their lives.
3) When students get to step 5 (select and try out the alternative that
appears to be the best), they may find the need for decision making or
invention, two other processes identified in Dimension 4. For example,
when they are able to identify many possible solutions, the process of
decision making may help them select the one most likely to succeed;
when they are unable to generate any solutions, they may conclude that
something new must be invented. If students are familiar with these
complex reasoning processes, they should be able to shift quite easily to
them during this step of problem solving. If they are unfamiliar with
these processes, this would be a good time for them to learn about them.
In either situation, understanding how these processes support one
another can help students appreciate the usefulness of each.
4) It is important for students to understand that the problem-solving
process is a way of finding the best solution, not simply any solution.
Step 6 reinforces this point because it requires evaluating the success of
the solution and, based on the evaluation, determining whether further
action may be needed. If the first solution, for example, does not work, it
might be necessary to go back to one or more of the previous steps. For
instance, a failed solution might mean that the goal needs to be reframed
(step 1), the constraint needs to be reevaluated (step 3), or different
solutions need to be generated or tried (steps 4 or 5). If the solution is
successful, it is still beneficial to consider returning to previous steps to
find solutions that are the most effective and, in the classroom, to learn
more about the problem situation. If students use problem solving in
this way, their learning of the content and the problem-solving process
should be greatly enhanced.
4. Provide students with graphic organizers or representations to
help them understand and use the process of problem solving.
For some students, organizing information graphically as they perform the
steps will help them to use the process. Figure 4.2 provides an example that
might be helpful to students.
“No problem can withstand
the assault of sustained
“In great attempts, it is
glorious even to fail.”
Dimension 4
Use Knowledge Meaningfully
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Problem Solving
Dim 4 chapter 4/17/09 7:41 AM Page 210
Teacher’s Manual
5. Use teacher-structured and student-structured tasks.
As they are first learning the problem-solving process, or any time there is a
very specific academic goal, students should engage in well-structured
problem-solving tasks. Some suggestions for constructing teacher-structured
tasks include the following:
Identify a situation in your content area in which there is already a
constraint or some limiting condition to examine or in which a
constraint or limiting condition could be imposed (a hypothetical
situation or a simulation).
Clearly identify the desired goal, perhaps explaining different ways of
perceiving the goal.
Clearly identify the constraint or limiting condition.
Analyze with students the effect of the constraining element or
limiting condition.
Collaborate with students to generate ways of overcoming the
constraint or limiting condition.
Provide the necessary information and resources for students to try
their alternatives.
Worked well.Did not work well.
Try another solution.
Constraint/Limiting Condition:
Problem solved.
Possible Solution: Possible Solution:
Selected Solution:
Possible Solution:
Dimension 4
Use Knowledge Meaningfully
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Problem Solving
Dim 4 chapter 4/17/09 7:41 AM Page 211
“Problems are opportunities
in work clothes.”
—Henry J. Kaiser
Teacher’s Manual
Have students evaluate the effectiveness of their solutions and then
respond appropriately.
To illustrate, an art teacher knows that pastel colors are commonly used to
convey soft tones in paintings. She decides to use pastels as the constraint;
that is, she tells students that they cannot use pastels in their paintings for
this project. She states the goal and the constraint as follows: “I want you to
paint a picture that conveys a tone of softness, but you cannot use any pastel
colors.” Students then have to devise other ways of creating the feeling of
softness that pastels commonly convey. Students must then try out their
solutions and evaluate the effectiveness of those solutions.
As students become more comfortable with the problem-solving process,
encourage them to develop their own tasks. When students are setting up
these tasks, you will need to decide how much guidance is appropriate. You
might do all or some of the following:
Suggest a general topic within which students might identify a
problem, and ask students to generate additional ideas.
Ask students to identify a situation in which some constraint or
condition has been imposed or a situation in which a constraint or
condition might be imposed. Provide suggestions, as appropriate.
Have students clearly state the goal or the desired outcome. Hold
them accountable for clarity and, when appropriate, encourage them
to consider other ways of framing the goal.
Ask students to describe the function of the constrained element, or
have them describe the limitations imposed by the conditions. You
might find it helpful to provide them with feedback at this point
because it may influence the remainder of the process.
Have students generate ways of accomplishing what the constrained
element would have accomplished or have them generate ways of
accomplishing the goal within the limiting conditions. Clarify
misconceptions and provide advice when appropriate.
Provide students with the time to access information and other
necessary resources to try out their solutions. Offer help and advice
when this will help students use their time and resources more
Have students evaluate the effectiveness of their solutions and report
on their conclusions. Make sure that students include in their reports
the knowledge that helped them understand and solve the problem.
Dimension 4
Use Knowledge Meaningfully
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Problem Solving
Dim 4 chapter 4/17/09 7:41 AM Page 212
Teacher’s Manual
To illustrate, to help her art students begin to structure their own tasks, the
teacher might first present the painting task and then ask students to
identify another commonly used material or process in painting (e.g.,
students might select a particular type of brush or brush stroke), determine
what the material or the process accomplishes, and then try to accomplish
the same thing without using that material or process.
Classroom Examples
The following classroom examples are offered to stimulate reflection on how
to apply the ideas covered in this section of Dimension 4 in your classroom.
A teacher designed the following task for students in her family and consumer studies
class. Her goal was for students to learn to plan and prepare meals that meet the
nutritional needs and dietary restrictions of different people.
It’s Thanksgiving. For most families this is a simple matter of buying a turkey,
whipping up some mashed potatoes, buying a few cans of cranberry sauce, and
baking some pies. But your family is different. Your dad has diabetes; your sister
is lactose intolerant; your brother is a vegetarian; your mother is on a low-fat diet.
How can you create a Thanksgiving meal that incorporates all of the needs of
your family members, while still maintaining the appropriate nutritional levels
and the traditional foods that most people associate with a good Thanksgiving
feast? Develop an outline of what you want the menu to include. Identify the
limitations of various dishes and explore alternatives you could use. Try a few
different alternatives to see which one might be the most flavorful and nutritious.
Continue to try different alternatives until you have come up with a menu that
achieves the outlined objectives.
Mrs. Brokaw, a middle school English teacher, loved grammar. Her students, however,
did not share her passion. To increase their appreciation for the usefulness of grammar
and to determine how well they understood how adjectives are used, she assigned the
following task as a sort of “reverse psychology”:
Write a rave review of a movie or book. You may use the articles—a, an, the—
freely. You may, however, use adjectives only four times.
You have been given a job by a small theater company to design the sets for its next
production. The budget is tight, but their facility has one strength: the lighting
capabilities. In fact, the producer wants you to use your understanding of the visual
and aural elements of an environment (place, time, atmosphere, and mood) to design
the sets using only lights.
Dimension 4
Use Knowledge Meaningfully
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Problem Solving
Dim 4 chapter 4/17/09 7:41 AM Page 213
Teacher’s Manual
We all have encountered the kind of frustrating situations that make us stop
and think, “There has to be a better way to. . . .” or “They ought to make a
better. . . .” These are the situations in which the process of invention is
needed, the process with the explicit purpose of creating products or
processes to meet perceived needs. Whether making up a game or devising a
better way to move students in and out of the lunch room, you are engaged
in invention because you are answering such questions as, “How can I do
this better or more efficiently?” or “What can I create that is new?” This
creative aspect of invention is probably why many students see it as a
reasoning process that is a challenge but is also fun. Students are excited
when they are free to brainstorm new ideas and gratified when they realize
that the process of invention can help them to create a product or a process
that did not exist before.
This freedom and creativity associated with invention highlights how it
differs from the problem-solving process. Although both processes involve
achieving a goal, problem solving is driven by constraints and conditions,
whereas invention is driven by standards or criteria. Constraints and
conditions are imposed from the outside; standards and criteria are set by the
inventor. For example, while inventing a better way to move students in and
out of the lunch room, you might decide that your new process will be
quieter and will take less time than the process that is currently being used.
These standards are imposed by you, the inventor. They do not necessarily
have to be accomplished; the goal of creating a better way of cycling
students in and out of the lunchroom could be achieved with very different
specific standards. Constraints and limiting conditions, on the other hand,
usually come with the problem-solving situation, and the problem solver has
little control over them.
Although invention allows for a great deal of freedom, the inventor must
identify a clear goal. The identification of the goal is guided by an
understanding of the situation that created the need for an invention in the
first place. Without this knowledge, the resulting product or process might
be unique but might fail to improve the situation. Likewise, in the
classroom, when are students given invention tasks related to academic
content, they must have the knowledge necessary to complete the task.
Engaging students in invention, then, not only helps them develop their
Invention is the process of developing unique products or processes that fulfill
perceived needs. Stated more simply, it is the process of developing original
products or processes that meet specific needs.
For more on invention:
Amabile (1983) The Social
Psychology of Creativity
Applebee (1984b) “Writing
and Reasoning”
Crabbe (1982) “Creating a
Brighter Future”
Marzano (1991) Cultivating
Thinking in English and the
Language Arts
Moffett (1968) Teaching the
Universe of Discourse
Nickerson, Perkins, &
Smith (1985) The Teaching of
Perkins (1986) Knowledge as
von Oech (1983) A Whack
on the Side of the Head
“No army can withstand the
strength of an idea whose
time has come.”
—Victor Hugo
Dimension 4
Use Knowledge Meaningfully
Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Dim 4 chapter 4/17/09 7:41 AM Page 214
Teacher’s Manual
ability to use the process, it requires them to use their knowledge
meaningfully. The recommendations in the following section are offered as
ways of helping students develop their understanding of and ability to use
the process of invention.
1. Help students understand the process of invention.
To help students develop an understanding of invention, generate with them
a list of inventions that have significantly influenced society and their own
lives. You might include inventions from the past as well as those that are
currently changing our world. After you have an adequate list, present the
definition of invention and then, for several inventions, ask students, “What
was the perceived need that motivated the invention?” or “What were the
inventors trying to improve?” This will give you an opportunity to
emphasize that successful inventions are not just unique; they must have
some value or use. Students should be able to identify inventions that were
so valuable and useful that people’s lives were changed, often for the better.
You might get even more interest from some students if you identify which
inventions were so successful at meeting a need that the inventor built an
entire career or business around his or her invention.
If students are also learning (or already have learned) the problem-solving
process, it might help their understanding of both problem solving and
invention if you take the time to compare the two processes. For example,
you might explain to students that if you asked them to build a bridge
across a stream but allowed them to use only boards that were no
longer than four feet, they would have a problem. They would have a clear
goal but a major constraint to overcome. On the other hand, if you asked
them to build a bridge that is as strong as possible, and told them that they
could use any materials that they wanted to use, they would be involved in
invention because the goal is clear but there are no constraints or limiting
conditions. The task does, however, come with standards—to build a strong
bridge—and the inventor might even identify more specific standards, for
example, that the bridge must be able to hold at least five people. With
invention, standards are set by the inventor; they are an ideal to strive for.
With problem solving, limiting conditions and constraints usually come
with the situation and determine what you cannot do or cannot use.
Explain to students that understanding the distinction between problem
solving and invention—in fact, understanding the distinctions among all of
the reasoning processes—is important because when you begin a task and
know which process is needed, you are much more likely to achieve the
objective of the task.
2" × 4"
“There should be a museum
dedicated to human
inventive failure. The only
problem it would face
would be its overnight
—R.S. Wurman (1989)
Information Anxiety,
p. 200.
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2. Give students a model for the process of invention, and create
opportunities for them to practice using the process.
a. Give students a model for the process of invention.
Providing a model of the steps involved in invention will help
students understand and use the process. The steps for invention
might be outlined in the following way:
You may want to present the steps in simpler terms for young students:
b. Create opportunities for students to practice using the process.
When first introducing the invention process, walk students through
a clear example using a think-aloud strategy and involving them
when possible. For instance, while teaching a unit on maps, you
might demonstrate in this way:
1. What do I want to make, or what do I want to make better?
2. What standards do I want to set for my invention?
3. What is the best way to make a rough draft of my invention?
4. How can I improve on my rough draft?
5. Does my invention meet the standards I have set?
1. Identify a situation you want to improve or a need to which
you want to respond.
2. State your purpose or goal; write or say it several times in
several different ways to look at it from different perspectives.
3. Identify specific standards for your invention. What specifically
do you want it to do?
4. Make a model, sketch, or outline of your invention.
5. Start developing your product. Keep looking for alternatives
and even better ways of creating your product. Don’t be too
easily satisfied.
6. Occasionally set your partially completed product aside so you
can be more objective when you return to it.
7. Keep going over your invention with attention to detail.
8. Stop when you have reached a level of completeness consistent
with the norms and standards you have set.
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“To invent, you need a good
imagination and a pile of
—Thomas Edison
People get frustrated when they have to use different maps for each different
purpose, for example, a topographical map to look at terrain or a political
map to examine boundaries. What I think is needed is to have a map that
combines information of various types like political, economic, and
demographic. So my goal is this: I want to create a type of map that combines
information about the economics, terrain, and politics of a region.
Now that my goal is set, I have to identify the standards that this map is
going to meet. First, I need to identify how much specific information I can
include. I want to include economic factors (like imports and average
incomes), terrestrial features (like lakes, rivers, and elevations), and political
elements (like alliances and territorial relationships). My goal is to display
all of this information and design a key that will make it easy for users to
find the type of information they want. The map must appear organized and
uncluttered. (You might allow students to elaborate on your standards
and suggest others.)
Next, I need to do some rough sketches of this map. (Ask students to
develop rough sketches or models of their ideas for the map. As you
work, describe some of the problems you foresee as a result of
making your rough draft and ask students to do the same.)
I have my draft; now I am ready to create the map. As I work, I’ll share
with you some issues that arise during the construction of my invention. (You
might prepare a finished product before you do this demonstration
or actually create the map with the students. Students can be
simultaneously creating their own maps and sharing with one
another the problems or issue that arise.)
OK, I like what I have created. Does it meet the standards that I set? Yes,
but how could I put some finishing touches on it to make it better? (You
could ask groups of students to determine if their maps meet the
identified standards. Then encourage them to add finishing touches,
giving them adequate time to make sure their maps meet the
standards they initially set and encouraging them to make their
products as polished as possible.)
Provide students with opportunities to practice these steps by creating
products and processes that are not necessarily linked to academic content.
They might even try inventing Rube Goldberg-type devices. Discuss each of
the steps as students progress through them and provide feedback to help
them understand the process. For instance, while students are making drafts
of their invention, you could remind them to keep their standards in mind.
You might also post the steps in a prominent place so that students can refer
to them as they work.
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Thomas Edison is reported
to have used the following
analogy to stimulate his
thinking about a motion
picture machine: “I want to
create a machine that does
for the eye what the
phonograph does for the ear.”
“I love to construct
invention tasks for my
students now. This process
keeps them focused on the
standards they are setting so
that the final product is
useful, not just ‘creative’.”
—A teacher in Montana
Teacher’s Manual
3. As students study and use the process of invention, help
them focus on critical steps and difficult aspects of the
Students often become very involved in their projects when they are
inventing something because they are so clearly using their own ideas to
create something new. As they are working, however, it is important to
remember that we not only want them to complete their projects, we want
them to improve their ability to engage in the process of invention. What
follows are some suggestions and important points to keep in mind as you
monitor students’ work and provide them with feedback.
Key Points
1) Attending to the first phase of invention, choice, is important to the
ultimate success of a new product or process. During this phase, students
need to identify exactly what need they are addressing with their
invention. A clear, concise explanation of the situation that needs
improving will enable them to generate standards and begin the
outlines, sketches, or models during the drafting phase of the process. As
students are learning to use the invention process, you may give them
the opportunity to invent fun, even silly, products or processes as a way
of practicing the steps in a nonthreatening environment. However, as
soon as possible, begin emphasizing the importance of clearly identifying
a need that the invention is going to meet.
Identifying the perceived need is also the part of the process in which
academic knowledge is first used. For example, if students are devising a
new process for solving boundary disputes among countries, they must
understand the present process and its apparent weaknesses. Without
this understanding, students will not be able to define a clear purpose for
the invention. Thus, holding students accountable for explaining the
perceived need for the invention also demands that they have an in-
depth understanding of important academic content.
2) The drafting phase includes one of the pivotal aspects of the invention
process, setting standards for the invention. The identification of standards
answers the questions, “What product or process will this invention
provide that does not exist now?” or “How will this invention improve
on what exists now?” Not only do the standards determine how the
identified need will be met, they guide the work in the drafting and
revising stages because the inventor continuously evaluates the extent to
which the invention is meeting, or exceeding, the identified standards.
For this reason, even when students are anxious to begin creating their
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invention, it is important to discourage them from proceeding until
clear, rigorous standards are set. Additionally, during this standard-
setting phase, keep students focused on the academic content that has
provided the context for the invention. This is, along with the choice
phase, a part of the process that requires students to use their knowledge
3) The work done during the revising stage will determine if the invention
satisfies the identified need and meets the standards that have been set.
Students need to understand that most successful inventions were created
as a result of numerous drafts and constant revisions. Because these are
the phases that are less creative and involve more hard work, students
may need a good deal of feedback and reinforcement to keep them
engaged in a cycle of drafting, evaluating, revising, checking back on or
even modifying the standards, revising again, and polishing. Try to
instill in them that the goal is for the completed product or process to
meet, or exceed, the standards.
4. Provide students with graphic organizers or representations to
help them understand and use the process of invention.
For some students, graphic organizers help them to use the steps of
invention and organize their ideas while they work. Figure 4.3 depicts a
possible organizer that they might use.
Draft Draft
“Failure is the opportunity
to begin again more
—Henry Ford
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5. Use teacher-structured and student-structured tasks.
As students are becoming familiar with the process of invention, and any
time there is very specific academic content that students are to use in their
invention, you may want to present students with very structured invention
tasks. When developing these teacher-structured invention tasks, you might
include all or some of the following steps:
1. Clearly state the purpose of the invention.
2. Clearly identify the standards that the invention should meet.
3. Provide students with access to the necessary materials and
information to develop the invention.
4. Provide extensive feedback as students are developing a model,
sketch, or outline of the invention. Make sure they understand the
purpose and standards that should be driving their work.
5. Monitor students closely as they are developing and producing their
6. Encourage or, when appropriate, push students to revise the
invention until it meets, and hopefully exceeds, the standards that
have been identified.
To illustrate, a mathematics teacher asks students to create a new way of
performing multiplication. She also sets standards for the invention. These
might be the following:
Your process should make it easier to identify errors that are made.
Your process should not require much more time than the current process.
Students would then work alone or in cooperative groups, drafting the initial
models and then revising them until they met the standards that have been
Ultimately, students should initiate and develop their own invention tasks.
You will still need to provide some guidance and structure, however. You
might do all or some of the following:
Suggest a topic or area related to your content that might include a
context or situation in which students could identify an unmet need.
Ask students to identify an unmet need or something to improve.
“An invention doesn’t have
to be bigger than a
breadbox; it can be an idea.”
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Ask students to state clearly the purpose of their invention, giving
them a good deal of choice during this step. Provide direction only if
their stated purpose reflects misconceptions related to the content
that is providing the context for the invention.
As students identify the standards for their invention, provide
feedback only on the clarity and rigor of their standards.
As students create a model, sketch, or outline of the invention,
provide minimal feedback. If their initial drafts are weak, they will
discover that for themselves during the drafting and revising phases.
While students are working on creating their process or product, ask
questions that will help them maintain a focus on their original
purpose and standards.
Encourage and reinforce students as they are revising their
To illustrate, if a mathematics teacher wants to use a multiplication task to
stimulate student-structured invention, she would simply suggest that it
would be useful to have a way of doing multiplication that makes it easier to
identify possible errors being made. She would then invite students to
identify other mathematics procedures that could be improved. Next,
students would select their procedures and carry out the invention process.
Classroom Examples
The following classroom examples are offered to stimulate reflection on how
to apply the ideas covered in this section of Dimension 4 in your classroom.
In conjunction with Presidents’ Day, Ms. Bennis’s primary class was studying the
concept of symbols, specifically American symbols (e.g., the bald eagle, Uncle Sam, the
Stars and Stripes). At about the same time, the school’s parent-teacher organization
announced a student contest to design a school flag. Ms. Bennis decided that the
contest was a perfect opportunity for her students to use their understanding of symbols.
She first taught students the phases of invention and then led them through the first
phase, setting the standards for the flag. Together they generated some initial ideas
that they thought should be represented with a symbol on the flag, such as learning,
reading, writing, math, cooperation, and kids. Ms. Bennis then let students work in
pairs to design a flag that had symbols of important ideas from the class list or other
ideas that they thought of with their partners. After students completed their flags,
each pair presented its flag to the class and explained each symbol. Each of the flags
was then entered into the contest.
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Mr. Gregorio realized that his physical education students did not understand the
importance of engaging in proper warm-up and cool-down techniques when exercising
or playing sports. As a result, he decided to spend some concentrated class time
modeling the techniques and discussing their benefits and importance. To help students
meaningfully use their knowledge of these techniques, he then asked students to use
that knowledge to complete the following task:
You have been asked by a local television station to design a new routine for a
half-hour health and fitness show. The previous routine was criticized by
audiences because it did not allow enough warm-up and cool-down time to
increase and decrease the heart rate.
Using your knowledge of the cardiovascular impact of exercise, toning, and
warm-up and cool-down techniques, create an exercise routine that appropriately
increases and decreases heart rate. Begin by specifying the standards that you
want the routine to meet. Next, outline the exercises you will use as well as the
specific warm-up techniques (e.g., static stretches, walking or slow jogging, and
calisthenics) and cool-down techniques (e.g., gradual reduction of exercise and
stretches similar to those used in warm-up) that will be in your routine. Specify
the time you will allot for each of these phases. Continue to develop your routine,
exploring alternative combinations of exercises and warm-up and cool-down
techniques. Run through the routine with several students, checking pulse rates
before, during, and after they exercise. Adjust your routine until it meets the
standards you have set. Present your routine to the class, explaining how it meets
the standards you set and what adjustments you had to make from your original
Ms. DuBois wanted her eleventh-grade science students to use their knowledge of
electrically charged materials and the attractive forces between them in creative and
meaningful ways. She designed the following task to complete the unit on the
electrical forces that exist between objects and within atoms:
Your mom ran out of those dryer sheets that keep your socks from clinging to your
pants when you take them out of the dryer. Since you don’t like the way those
dryer sheets smell anyway, and you think they are just clogging up our
landfills, you decide to invent a reusable anti-static-cling device for your mom.
Using your knowledge of the electrical forces that exist between objects and
within atoms, think about how clothes get static charges while they are in the
dryer. Create a reusable device that will prevent static electricity in the dryer.
Specify the standards you want the anti-static-cling device to meet (e.g., it
should not melt in the high heat cycle). Make a model or sketch of your
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invention, and begin developing your product. Test your product as you develop
it, making adjustments and changes to your original design as necessary until it
meets the standards you have set. Present your completed device to your mother
for Mother’s Day and explain to her, in terms she can understand, how your
product works.
Students in Mrs. Roser’s communications class were discussing various reasons that
people attend to or ignore important messages (e.g., messages that could influence their
health or safety) and methods that are used to get people’s attention. One student
shared his experience on a recent family vacation that involved flying to another city.
He noticed that many people did not pay attention to the flight attendant during the
safety demonstration. Students speculated about why people do not attend to such
critically important information. As a result of the class discussion, Mrs. Roser
assigned each student the task of using everything they had learned about sending and
receiving information to either (1) create a new or better way to communicate airline
safety messages or (2) improve another situation in which people commonly ignore
important information.
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Experimental Inquiry
Experimental inquiry is a process that is as useful to anyone trying to
understand what they have observed as it is to the scientist or the researcher.
For example, a family from Denver on a vacation in Maine makes the
following observations on their trip:
Maria, their first grader, is surprised and frustrated when she notices that
the towels and swimming suits they use on one day are still very wet the
next day, even though they hang them outside to dry. After all, towels
hung outside on a line in Denver dry in a matter of hours. But then she
remembers something she learned in science class during a unit on
weather. She decides to use that knowledge to figure out “the towel
Maria’s parents observe, happily, that their children fight much less on
vacation than at home. They wonder if it is because they are all just too
busy and tired to fight or if the undivided attention that the children are
getting from Mom and Dad accounts for the increased peace. They get
out the book they just bought on parenting and try to figure it out.
Both Maria and her parents are engaged in trying to explain what they have
observed. They will now use the knowledge available to them to generate
clear explanations, predict what might happen if their explanations are
accurate, and then set up experiments to test their predictions. While Maria
is applying her scientific knowledge and her parents are using what they
know about the psychology of children’s behavior, both are trying to address
the four questions basic to experimental inquiry:
What do I observe?
How can I explain what I observe?
What do I predict based on my explanations?
How can I test my prediction?
These same questions drive the inquiry process, whether it is performed by
nuclear physicists in a lab, by teachers in the classroom, or by children
trying to make sense of their world.
Experimental inquiry is a fairly common activity in science classes but is less
common in the humanities, liberal arts, and fine arts. This is unfortunate
Experimental inquiry is the process of generating and testing explanations
of observed phenomena. Stated more simply, it is the process of developing and
testing explanations of things we observe.
For more on experimental
Gilovich (1991) How We
Know What Isn’t So
Turner & Greene (1977) The
Construction of a Propositional
Text Base
Tweney (1980) Scientific
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Helping Students Develop
Complex Reasoning Processes
Experimental Inquiry
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Wilhelm Roentgen, the
discoverer of X-rays, when
asked what he thought they
were, reportedly replied, “I
do not think; I experiment.”
because the same process that is applied to physical phenomena in the sciences
can be applied to psychological phenomena. If students are trying to explain
why people react to specific literature, music, or visual arts, for example, they
will have to use their knowledge to explain the reactions they observe, predict
reactions in other situations, and set up experiments, perhaps using surveys or
questionnaires, to test their predictions and validate or invalidate their
explanations. Clearly, the process of experimental inquiry is a powerful way to
use and expand knowledge, no matter what the subject matter.
As with the other complex reasoning processes for using knowledge
meaningfully, it is important to introduce the process of experimental
inquiry with examples, model the steps in the process so that students learn
to perform them rigorously, and then gradually have students use the process
independently. As you teach students to use the process of experimental
inquiry in a way that uses their knowledge meaningfully, you might use the
suggestions and recommendations in the following sections.
1. Help students understand the process of experimental inquiry.
Relating a famous example of experimental inquiry or discussing an
experiment you were involved in is a good way to introduce experimental
inquiry. You might describe an experiment that you did in high school or
college; or you might describe aspects of the many experimental inquiry
tasks conducted by Thomas Edison or Benjamin Franklin. As you do so, ask
students to identify what they consider to be key aspects of the experimental
inquiry process, guiding them to the awareness that experimental inquiry
involves answering the questions: “What do I observe?”, “How can I explain
what I observed?”, “What do I predict based on my explanation?”, and
“How can I test my prediction?” Be sure to emphasize that researchers have
to go back many times and try different explanations when their
experiments fail to validate their explanations.
In addition to helping students understand the process, share stories that
exemplify how our lives are influenced by discoveries resulting from the
process of experimental inquiry (e.g., Jonas Salk’s experiments that led to the
polio vaccine). Ask students to describe other famous or important examples
of experimental inquiry or some current situations in which it might be
beneficial for someone to use experimental inquiry. In each case, ask them to
describe what knowledge the researcher must have had—both of the scientific
process and of the topic being researched—to conduct the experiments.
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2. Give students a model for the process of experimental inquiry,
and create opportunities for them to practice using the
a. Give students a model for the process of experimental inquiry.
As with all complex reasoning processes, students should be provided
with the steps involved in the process. Those steps might be
described as follows:
The process of experimental inquiry might be stated in simpler
terms for young students:
b. Create opportunities for students to practice using the process.
To illustrate the process to students, demonstrate each step in a
concrete way. You might first use a think-aloud presentation
(involving students as you use each step) of a physical phenomenon
that students can easily understand, such as the following:
I am going to drop a rock and a feather simultaneously from the same height
to demonstrate something I have noticed. I see that the rock falls to the ground
faster. I wonder why that is.
I have one idea. I know that gravity makes things fall and that rocks weigh
more than feathers. Maybe gravity pulls on things harder if they weigh more.
(As an alternative, you might ask students to develop an explanation
for what they observe.)
1. What do I see or notice?
2. How can I explain it?
3. Based on my explanation, what can I predict?
4. How can I test my prediction?
5. What happened? Is it what I predicted? Do I need to try a
different explanation?
1. Observe something that interests you, and describe what has
2. Explain what you have observed. What theories or rules could
explain what you have observed?
3. Based on your explanation, make a prediction.
4. Set up an experiment or activity to test your prediction.
5. Explain the results of your experiment in light of your
explanation. If necessary, revise your explanation or prediction
or conduct another experiment.
A team of middle-school
science teachers was
concerned that students’
science fair projects were
more focused on elaborate or
“glitzy” displays of
knowledge. “We realized,”
said one teacher, “that we
were encouraging students
to engage in the
experimental inquiry
process but that we were
not holding them
accountable for engaging in
the process.”
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OK. If I am right, then any object that weighs more should fall faster than
one that weighs less, and any two objects that weigh the same should fall at
the same rate. Let me see. I could then make the following predictions:
A piece of paper crumpled into a tight ball will fall at the same rate
as a piece of paper loosely crumpled or a flat sheet of paper.
A pound of feathers in a pillow and a small one-pound lead weight
should fall at the same rate.
(You might instead ask students to make their own predictions or to
add more predictions to yours.)
My next step is to figure out how the predictions could be tested. I think I
will carry out an activity or experiment for one of these predictions.
(Demonstrate an experiment, or provide materials for students to set
up experiments.)
Based on what I just observed in my experiment, do I have corroboration for
my explanation or do I need to change it? The tightly crumpled paper and
the lead ball both fell faster even though they were the same weight as their
paired object (the loosely crumpled paper and the feathers). My original
explanation did not hold up. Maybe it isn’t the weight that affects the
falling; maybe it has to do with the density or how compact the object is. My
new hypothesis is. . . . (You might demonstrate this last step, or allow
students to use the think-aloud process for their own experiments.)
Once students have become familiar with the experimental inquiry process,
provide multiple opportunities for them to practice and talk through the
steps as a class, in small groups, or in pairs using light-hearted situations or
interesting current events. Because each step requires understanding
concepts, such as prediction and explanation, and an increasing ability to
perform the steps, students’ early experiences should not simultaneously
require them to use complex content knowledge.
3. As students study and use the process of experimental
inquiry, help them focus on critical steps and difficult aspects
of the process.
Engaging in experimental inquiry provides an opportunity for students not
only to use their knowledge but to produce new knowledge in the form of
explanations and clarifications of phenomena. If the process is to realize its
potential, students must have carefully monitored experiences that increase
their understanding of and ability to use the steps of the process. As you
plan these experiences, keep the following key points in mind.
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Complex Reasoning Processes
Experimental Inquiry
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“Our science teachers have
helped us to better
understand the experimental
inquiry process so that we
can use it across the
—A principal in
New Mexico
Teacher’s Manual
Key Points
1) Engaging in the process of experimental inquiry is a complex and
demanding undertaking. Because the process can be quite challenging to
students, they should be examining phenomena that interest them or
that have significant meaning to them personally. A major goal of all the
tasks in Dimension 4 is for students to use knowledge in ways that are
meaningful to them, but the more complex the process, the more
important it is for students to care about the outcome of the task.
Student interest and engagement can result from presenting them with
phenomena that are intriguing or that pique their curiosity. This can
also be achieved by allowing students to choose the phenomena they will
research and to determine the manner in which they will explore the
phenomena. Additional suggestions for increasing students’ interest in
tasks and their perception of the value of tasks can be found in
Dimension 1 (pages 30-32).
2) In the second step of the experimental inquiry process, students are
asked to offer an explanation of the phenomenon they are examining.
This is a critical point in the process because students have to bring their
prior knowledge and experience to the task. In addition, because this is a
very deductive part of the process—that is, because it requires students to
apply general theories and rules to novel, specific situations—students
must bring with them an understanding of the concepts, generalizations,
and principles that could help explain the phenomenon. Even when they
are interested in clarifying the phenomenon, students also must have the
knowledge needed to attempt the explanation. It is the responsibility of
the teacher, therefore, not only to encourage and prompt students, but to
provide opportunities for them to learn the knowledge that they are
being asked to use in this part of the inquiry process.
3) When students are asked to make a prediction (step 3) and to set up an
experiment (step 4), they are facing the same challenge as researchers who
have spent a lifetime learning to generate hypotheses and set up powerful,
elegant experiments. These are the steps of the process during which
students may need a great deal of modeling and guidance. Although it is
important for students to become proficient at independently setting up
experiments, it sometimes is appropriate to offer a great deal of help
during these steps, especially when the primary goal of the assignment is
for students to use their content knowledge meaningfully.
4) As students are analyzing the results of their experiments (step 5), they
may begin to understand the interactive nature of the steps of the
experimental inquiry process. As experienced researchers know, obtaining
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“The great tragedy of
science—the slaying of a
beautiful hypothesis by an
ugly fact.”
—Thomas Huxley
the results of the experiment does not represent an end; it simply provides
direction for what needs to be done next. When the experiment suggests,
for example, that the explanation was incorrect, the researcher must decide
whether to try a different explanation or set up an alternative experiment.
When the experiment indicates that the explanation of the phenomenon
was correct, it is equally important to go back and set up additional
experiments or even consider different explanations.
Although experienced researchers understand this quality of
experimental inquiry, it is important to help students gain this
understanding as well. It may sometimes be sufficient for them simply
to accept that, although they have completed their assignment by
analyzing the results of their experiment, there are many more
experiments that could and should be done to explore the topic. Other
times, you may need to persuade students to continue their inquiry with
multiple experiments. The more interested they are in the topic, the
more likely they will be to continue their research.
4. Provide students with graphic organizers or representations to
help them understand and use the process of experimental
Figure 4.4 is a graphic representation of the experimental inquiry process. It
helps students see how the steps of the process interact. It may also be used
as an organizer as they are engaged in the process.
Relevant Theory/Rule:Relevant Theory/Rule:Relevant Theory/Rule:Relevant Theory/Rule:
Possible Explanation:
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5. Use teacher-structured and student-structured tasks.
Once students understand the process of experimental inquiry, you might
assign fairly well-structured tasks that give students some guided practice in
using the process. When setting up these structured tasks, it important to
do all or some of the following:
Provide a clear demonstration or description of some phenomenon
(physical or psychological) in the content area.
Ask students to explain the phenomenon. You might suggest or
require them to use specific content that will help them provide the
Using the explanations generated, suggest possible predictions and
accompanying experiments or activities to test those predictions
and/or provide feedback as students do this.
Provide the necessary information and resources for students to set
up their experiments or activities.
Upon completion of their experiments, have students review their
original explanation in light of the results of the experiments and
report on their conclusions and next steps.
A visual arts teacher, for example, might present a task that requires
students to demonstrate their understanding of the principles of light and
color as applied in painting. For example, students initially might be asked
to observe how color affects the way people respond to selected paintings,
then apply specific principles of the use of light and color to explain these
reactions, and, finally, make and test a prediction to determine if the
principles did, in fact, explain the reactions. This task is highly structured
and closely monitored to ensure that students demonstrate their level of
understanding of the principles.
After students have been given some structured tasks, you might gradually
let them design their own experimental inquiry tasks. It does not work to
simply tell students to do an experimental inquiry task. They still need some
structure and guidance. Helping students to set up their tasks might include
all or some of the following:
Provide content in which there are unexplained phenomena that
students might find interesting.
Ask students to select a phenomenon that interests them and to
describe in detail what they observe.
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Have students suggest a possible explanation for the phenomenon
they observed, providing feedback as needed.
Have students make a prediction based on their explanation.
As students devise and carry out an activity or experiment to test
their predictions, give them the responsibility of accessing necessary
information and resources.
Provide an opportunity for students to explain the results of their
experiment to an appropriate audience and to describe the steps they
would then take.
For example, in a psychology class, a teacher asks students to observe, over
time, the way people behave in an elevator. She then asks students to
identify some phenomenon that is interesting to them and apply a principle
from psychology to explain the phenomenon. With only limited prompting
and feedback from the teacher, students are engaging in the inquiry process
on their own.
Classroom Examples
The following classroom examples are offered to stimulate reflection on how
to apply the ideas covered in this section of Dimension 4 in your classroom.
Mr. McIntyre, a primary level teacher, decided to introduce to his young students the
concepts of supply and demand and consumers and producers. He provided very concrete
examples of each concept and the relationships among them but was not sure his
students understood the ideas. Then during a class discussion, one student said, “Last
Christmas, everyone wanted a Tickle Me Elmo doll, but there weren’t any. Santa
couldn’t even get them. I thought you said when more consumers want something, that
producers make more.” The discussion that followed was heartening to Mr. McIntyre
as other students chimed in. “I didn’t get a new Nintendo game,” said one student,
“because there weren’t any. My mom said that the company made them difficult to get
so that people would want them even more.” Mr. McIntyre prompted students to
continue their discussion about how limited supply might increase demand. He then
helped them set up an experiment to determine what happens when consumers perceive
that there is a limited supply of an item.
The class decided to hold a cookie sale near the entrance to the school. Each day
students secretly selected one kind of cookie and placed only a few on the display plate.
Next to it was a sign: “Hurry! Almost sold out!” Each time they sold one of these
cookies, they quickly replaced it so that there were always a few on the plate. Each
day they kept a tally of how many they sold of each cookie type so they could determine
if they sold more of the cookies that students perceived to be in limited supply. They
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discovered that when students thought that there were only a few of one type of cookie,
they did, in fact, buy more of them. They concluded that this might have been what
happened with the Christmas toys.
Mrs. Carey overheard her American Literature students complaining about how
difficult William Faulkner’s works were to read and understand. One of the students
suggested that it was because Faulkner wrote long, complex sentences which are harder
to understand than short sentences. Mrs. Carey asked students whether they wanted to
test this hypothesis. The students became excited about conducting an experiment to test
the hypothesis. They designed an experiment in which other students in the school read
one of two passages that contained identical information. One version was composed of
long sentences and the other of short sentences. The experimenters predicted that the
students who had the long-sentence version would not understand the information as
well and would therefore do more poorly when tested on their understanding of the
information in the passage. The students were surprised to find that readers of the
long- and short-sentence passages performed equally well. As a result of their
findings, they reviewed their Faulkner readings again to see if they could come up
with another possible explanation for their difficulty in reading and understanding
his works.
Students in an applied science and technology class were learning about energy types,
sources, and conversions. Their teacher created the following task for them to use and
apply their understanding that energy cannot be created or destroyed:
You have just dashed into Otto’s Auto Shop to purchase a new battery for your
car when you overhear a man in the store talking about an experience he once
had with a battery. The man tells his buddy that he once purchased a new
battery for his car, but it went dead before he could install it because he left it
sitting on the concrete floor of his garage. You are concerned because it will be a
week or so before you will be able to install the new battery in your own car, so
you decide to ask Otto about this when you pay for the battery. Unfortunately,
Otto is not in the best of moods this afternoon, and he only growls to you that
with today’s batteries you don’t have to worry about that happening anymore.
As you leave the store, you become more curious about the whole idea of a concrete
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floor causing a new battery to lose its charge. You decide to inquire a little
further into the matter.
Based on your understanding that energy can never be created or destroyed, how
might you explain the fact that a battery lost its charge just by sitting on a
garage floor? Conduct some research, if necessary, to familiarize yourself with
how batteries work. Review any theories or rules we have learned that might
explain how this could happen. Then come up with your explanation, and make
a prediction based on that explanation. Design and conduct an experiment to
test your prediction. Confirm or revise your prediction based on the results of
your experiment, and be prepared to report your findings to the class.
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We all have read or listened to stories in the media that are the product of
investigative reporting. This type of reporting requires digging deeper into a
story when the available information contains contradictions, inconsistencies,
or other indications that the entire truth has not been exposed. When
reporters are engaged in an investigation in an attempt, for example, to
explain an event, they first look for as much information as possible from as
many different resources as possible. They then construct a sequence of
events that seems the most accurate. This process of investigation, as
demanding as it sounds, is the same process used by parents to try to find
out why a conflict erupted between their children when they were out of the
room or by a teenager struggling to define the concept of friend. The goal of
investigation—whether conducted by a trained reporter or by an untrained
individual—is to gather and use information to clear up inconsistencies and
confusions or to uncover or generate information that is missing or otherwise
Just as the investigative reporter’s job is different from that of the news
reporter, requiring students to engage in investigation provides a different
challenge than asking them to simply gather information for an independent
study. One major difference is the selection of the topic. When engaged in
investigation, students are focused on topics not because they are confused
about them but because there are confusions and contradictions in the
available information related to that topic. A second major difference is that
students cannot simply go to a resource and find the answer. They must use
resources to construct a resolution to a confusion or contradiction. For
example, a student might decide to do an independent study to understand
the customs in the country of Iraq; this would not qualify as an
investigation. However, if during that study he realized that there was
confusion about the definition of the concept of the Third World, then
investigation would be needed. He would need to use the appropriate
resources to construct such a definition.
At first it may seem that there are limited opportunities to engage students
in investigation. However, when this process is more regularly used in the
classroom, teachers and students begin to notice topics that have confusions
and contradictions that they might have missed before they were familiar
with the process. They will be even more likely to recognize the uses of the
Investigation is the process of identifying and resolving issues about which
there are confusions or contradictions. Stated more simply, it is the process of
suggesting and defending ways to clear up confusions about ideas or events.
For more on investigation:
Applebee (1981) Writing in
the Secondary School
Applebee (1984a) Contexts
for Learning to Write
Applebee (1984b) “Writing
and Reasoning”
Kentucky Institute for
Education Research (1995)
An Independent Evaluation of
the Kentucky Instructional
Results Information System
(KIRIS): Executive Summary
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The entertaining book
Legends, Lies, & Cherished
Myths of American History
(Shenkman, 1988) is one
man’s attempt at
investigating numerous
historical events about
which there are confusions
and disagreements.
process if they understand all three types of investigation: definitional
investigation, historical investigation, and projective investigation. These types of
investigation can be defined in the following way:
A limitation of investigation is that even when the investigation has been
skillfully completed, the constructed definition or scenario may or may not
be accurate. The usefulness of the product of investigation will depend on
the ability of the investigator to use the process. The following sections offer
suggestions and recommendations for helping students to gain this ability.
1. Help students understand the process of investigation.
To help students understand each type of investigation, provide examples of
the three types of investigation and the types of questions that the
investigator in each example is trying to answer.
Try focusing your discussion of definitional investigation on the Supreme
Court’s attempts to define the boundaries of free speech by examining, for
example, the question of whether burning the American flag in protest of
government policy falls within these boundaries. Explain that during
definitional investigation, the focusing questions are “What are the
important features of. . . ?” or “What are the defining characteristics of. . . ?”
Definitional Investigation
Historical Investigation
Projective Investigation
Constructing a precise definition of a
concept for which there is no
generally agreed-upon definition; for
example, defining civil disobedience.
Constructing a scenario for an event
or situation from the past for which
there is no agreed-upon explanation
or sequence of events; for example,
determining Columbus’s route to the
New World.
Constructing a scenario for a future
event or for a hypothetical past
event; for example, predicting what
would have happened if Mahatma
Gandhi or President Lincoln had not
been assassinated or what might
happen if genetic engineering
continues on its present course.
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Explain that historical investigation is motivated by questions like “What
really happened?” or “Why did this happen?” You might describe, for
instance, people’s efforts to find out exactly who was involved in the
assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963 and how the
assassination was planned. Point out that the movie JFK was the result of
Oliver Stone’s attempt at investigation but that others have constructed very
different scenarios as a result of their investigations. Emphasize that
examining past events to find out what happened or why something
happened will result in only one possible scenario based on information used
by the investigator.
Finally, help students understand projective investigation by explaining that the
movie It’s a Wonderful Life is an example of someone constructing a scenario
for a hypothetical past event and that the book 1984 was George Orwell’s
prediction of the future. Both types of projective investigation—describing a
hypothetical past event and predicting a future event—are trying to answer
the questions, “What would have happened if. . . ?” or “What would happen
if. . . ?” Provide examples of and ask students to suggest topics for projective
investigation. For example, the controversy over the greenhouse effect and
the resulting global warming is a good example of a possible future scenario
about which people disagree. Explain that some scientists say that global
warming will never happen, others say it will surely happen, and still others
say it is already happening.
Ask students to generate other possible topics for investigation by using the
questions associated with each type. Throughout the year, look for issues and
topics that lend themselves to investigation and encourage students to do
the same.
To recap, the following questions are associated with the different types of
Definitional Investigation
What are the important features of. . . ?
What are the defining characteristics of. . . ?
Historical Investigation
What really happened?
Why did this happen?
Projective Investigation
What would happen if. . . ?
What would have happened if. . . ?
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2. Give students a model for the process of investigation, and
create opportunities for them to practice using the process.
a. Give students a model for the process of investigation.
Although different in intent, the three types of investigation all
follow the same basic process:
The process might be stated in simpler terms for young students:
b. Create opportunities for students to practice using the process.
Before engaging students in using the steps of investigation, walk
them through the steps using a clear example of one of the types of
investigation. Let’s say you have decided to model the process of
projective investigation using the issue of the possible effect of the
decaying ozone layer. Your modeling might include the following:
My first step is to clearly identify the hypothetical event I wish to investigate.
My issue is the decaying ozone layer. My specific question is, “What will
happen over the next ten years if the ozone layer continues to decay at its
present rate?”
The next step is to identify what is already known about the topic. I have
here articles and newspaper clippings that I have collected about the decay of
the ozone layer. (Provide these for students to review.) Determining what
1. What event or idea do I want to explain?
2. What do people already know?
3. What confusions do people have about the idea or event?
4. What suggestions do I have for clearing up these confusions?
5. How can I defend my suggestions?
1. Clearly identify
the concept to be defined (Definitional Investigation), or
the past event to be explained (Historical Investigation), or
the hypothetical event to be defined or explained
(Projective Investigation).
2. Identify what is already known or agreed upon.
3. Identify and explain the confusion or contradiction.
4. Develop and defend a plausible resolution to the confusion or
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is already known is going to challenge my ability to access and use
information. Specifically, this process will challenge my ability to know
how and when to use primary sources,
how to separate opinions from facts in the sources being used,
how to cite the sources I am using, and
how to use media centers to locate a variety of sources.
(Give students time to review the articles and newspaper clippings.)
Now I want you (students) to help me list the important information on the
board and identify any confusions, contradictions, or opposing theories that
seem to be part of what is currently known about the ozone layer. (Emphasize
that identifying these confusions, contradictions, and opposing
theories is basic to the process of each type of investigation.)
Finally, I am ready to begin clearing up the confusions, contradictions, or
differences in theories. This is the difficult step. I must go back over the
information I have collected, use everything I know about the issue, perhaps
talk to other people and get some ideas, then carefully construct the most
plausible scenario. (You might want to give individual students or
small groups time to construct their own scenarios. It is important
for them to understand that when investigating a topic, different
people using exactly the same information can construct very
different scenarios. Investigation results in one solution to the
confusions or contradictions, not the solution.)
After appropriately modeling the process, ask students to first practice the
steps with content they are comfortable with or with everyday real or
hypothetical situations or concepts. For example, students might use one of
the following questions to begin practicing the steps:
What is tattling?
What happened on the playground yesterday?
What will happen if school uniforms are required?
As students become more comfortable with the process, have them begin to
apply the process to more complex academic content.
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“Whenever students are
working on research reports,
I remind them to attend to
confusions or disagreements
within and among sources.”
—A middle school
teacher in Wyoming
3. As students study and use the process of investigation, help
them focus on critical steps and difficult aspects of the
As students begin to use investigation, it may be helpful for you to provide
some additional modeling and specific feedback as they use the process with
increasingly complex content. As you are planning for instruction, you
might keep the following key points in mind.
Key Points
1) Topics for investigation are sometimes difficult to identify. Although
topics for more typical research reports may include anything the
student chooses to study independently or any topic important to the
content, topics for investigation are identified only when it is discovered
that there are confusions and contradictions within the literature and
when it is determined that it would be beneficial to clear up these
confusions or contradictions. One problem is that you and the students
may, at first, not even be aware that there are confusions and
contradictions related to concepts or events that you are studying. And,
even when possible topics for investigation surface when information is
being studied, they may be missed because students are not accustomed
to looking for confusions and contradictions among sources of
information. In fact, they may ignore confusions and contradictions they
do notice because their goal is so often to simply take in the information.
Even with these difficulties, there are some things that can be done to
begin identifying topics appropriate for investigation.
In order to help students become more accustomed to looking for topics
that could benefit from investigation, introduce the process to students
with an initial goal of helping them understand the three types of
investigation (definitional, historical, and projective). Then, in order to
increase their understanding of each of these types of investigation, begin
a class list of
concepts that seem to have no agreed-upon definition,
historical events about which there are confusions or
contradictions, and
hypothetical past events or future scenarios that might be
Generating this list will accomplish two things. First, it trains students,
and you, to look for and notice topics that need investigation. Second, it
can be used later as a resource for ideas for investigation assignments.
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Once you and your students are more accustomed to looking for these
topics, you may be surprised at how often the process of investigation is
2) When students are engaged in an independent study that requires
simply gathering information about a topic, they are commonly required
to use a number of sources for their information. However, in an
independent study requiring investigation, the number of sources is not
as important; the challenge is to find the specific sources that help the
student perform steps 2 and 3 of the process, that is, to identify what is
agreed upon or already known about a topic and then to define the
confusions or contradictions. These steps often require the students to
access and use a wide variety of sources including information taken
from primary sources, from interviews, and from hard-to-find documents
tracked down through the use of technology.
Because investigation demands such extensive use of a wide variety of
sources, you may need to help students learn how to access and use
sources. Younger students and students who are just beginning to
engage in investigation may need to begin by investigating topics for
which the necessary sources of information are readily available in the
classroom. Their focus is then on using the sources appropriately. As
students become more comfortable with the process and more proficient
at finding and accessing sources, you can expect them to take increasing
responsibility for the investigation. Keep in mind that whether you are
providing resources or having students access their own, you may need to
do careful planning with the media specialists in your building so that
they understand the purpose of investigation and are aware of the kinds
of sources that may need to be available.
3) Many students will perceive the final step of the investigation process—
offering a plausible resolution to the confusion or contradiction—as the
most creative and stimulating part of the task. It is exciting when
students become engaged in crafting and defending their resolution, that
is, when they are taking ownership of the task rather than simply
completing an assignment for a grade. Encourage and reinforce this
ownership by looking for opportunities for students to share their ideas.
For example, encourage students to submit their products for
publication, to present their ideas to experts in the field, or to add their
work to the materials you regularly use in the classroom with all
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4. Provide students with graphic organizers or representations to
help them understand and use the process of investigation.
Students could use a graphic organizer like that depicted in Figure 4.5 while
engaged in any of the three types of investigation. You might also encourage
students to develop their own graphic organizers.
5. Use teacher-structured and student-structured tasks.
Once students understand the general process of investigation, they can
begin to practice it. Tightly structured tasks will help them become
comfortable with the process. When developing such teacher-structured
investigation tasks, you might follow some or all of the following guidelines:
Clearly identify the concept (definitional investigation), past event
(historical investigation), or hypothetical event (projective
investigation) to be explained.
Clearly identify the sources you want students to use, and make these
available to them. Encourage students to search for and use other
sources as well.
Specify the issues (confusions, contradictions, and opposing theories)
you want students to address, but encourage them to look for others
as they engage in the investigation.
Known or Agreed Upon:
Confusions or Contradictions:
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Ask students to generate their own resolution for the issues and to be
ready to explain what they learned. When appropriate, hold students
accountable for demonstrating their understanding of specific
content knowledge.
To illustrate, let’s say you are creating a teacher-structured definitional
investigation task for the concept of democracy. You might specify that you
want students to use the writings of Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin,
and Samuel Adams. You might even identify specific works written by these
men that you want students to consult. Next, you should identify the
specific issue you want students to address: whether the primary focus of a
democracy should be the rights and freedoms of the individual or the
common good of the people. Students should then develop and defend their
positions on this issue using the sources you have identified and others that
they consider important.
Students eventually should create their own investigation tasks, as
appropriate. As you are planning for shifting this responsibility to the
students, you may want to follow some or all of the following guidelines:
Suggest a general topic or issue that students might like to
investigate, but encourage them to find their own topics.
As students begin to search for various resources, monitor their work
and provide guidance when it will contribute to their knowledge and
to their efficient use of time.
As students identify what is known about the topic and describe the
contradictions and confusions, check for misconceptions and provide
appropriate feedback.
Monitor students as they generate their resolutions to the issues. When
necessary, push them to generate thoughtful and creative solutions.
As students prepare to share work, whether in writing or orally,
make sure they understand the expectations for presenting and
defending their resolution.
To illustrate using these guidelines, if you were to use the concept of
democracy to help students structure their own definitional investigation task,
you would simply offer the concept as an illustration of a topic about which
there are still confusions. You might then ask the class to identify related
concepts that need clarification, for example, liberal and conservative. Students
might select one of these concepts or identify another concept they would
like to investigate. Your job from this point on would be to monitor and
provide appropriate feedback to ensure that the process is increasing
students’ understanding of relevant social studies concepts.
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Classroom Examples
The following classroom examples are offered to stimulate reflection on how
to apply the ideas covered in this section of Dimension 4 in your classroom.
Definitional Investigation
Students in Mrs. Watson’s high school language arts class were complaining about the
list of books on the class syllabus. Mrs. Watson justified the titles by explaining that
the goal was for students to study the classics in literature. One student challenged her
further, “What is a classic, anyway?” Fortunately the bell rang signaling the end of
class. Mrs. Watson spent the afternoon talking to colleagues, some of whom were
college professors, to identify the characteristics of a classic. To her surprise, there was
no general agreement.
The next day, Mrs. Watson confessed to students that it seemed there was no agreed-
upon definition. Some people she talked to emphasized that the literature must be old.
But how old? Some said it must be of high quality, but could not define what that
meant. Mrs. Watson challenged students to remedy this obvious contradiction by
working throughout the year to craft a definition of a classic in literature. She
promised to submit all the definitions to a literary magazine that she respected and to
ask the magazine to solicit reactions to the definitions from their readers. She also
promised that she would use the class definitions to review and, if necessary, to modify
her syllabus for future years. The students accepted her challenge.
At the beginning of a unit on microbes, Ms. Abraham gave her students the following
task to work on periodically throughout the unit:
Are viruses living things? Some people say “yes,” and some say “no.” Some say
they are a highly complex piece of inorganic matter. Some say that they are the
simplest type of organic matter. Offer a resolution to this disagreement.
Historical Investigation
In an eighth-grade unit on exploration and invention in America, Ms. Lindquist
decided to digress from her usual approach. She wanted her students to become
familiar with specific individuals from history, but she also wanted them to begin to
understand that exploration and invention are ongoing processes that involve many
people. “It is rare that one day a person suddenly experiences ‘Eureka! I’ve done it!’,”
she told them. As a history buff, Ms. Lindquist had many documents, articles, and
books about historical discoveries and inventions. She had always been fascinated by
the fact that there were so many disagreements about the specific events surrounding
these discoveries and inventions and even about who made the discoveries or created the
inventions. She designed a task in which students would break into groups, then select
a topic from her list (or a topic of their choosing) and use the resources she would
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supply (or any others they could find) to engage in historical investigation. She
wanted them to focus more on why there are disagreements and misconceptions than on
crafting the perfect resolution. She asked students to pretend that they were producing
a movie that would explain the reasons for the disagreements or misconceptions about
the topic and offer a resolution (much like Oliver Stone did in the movie JFK). Her
list of topics included the following:
Did Columbus discover America?
Did Vasco Núñez de Balboa discover the Pacific Ocean?
Did Admiral Peary discover the North Pole?
Did Eli Whitney invent the cotton gin?
Did George Pullman invent the sleeper car?
Did Henry Ford invent the assembly line?
Students became more involved in their projects than they had been with previous
assignments that had asked them simply to write a report about an inventor.
In Mrs. Martino’s advanced placement literature class, students were discussing the
idea that many authors write great things because they have lives or personal
characteristics that are interesting, even bizarre. Their own lives, the students mused,
seemed so everyday, so mundane. How could they ever write great works? Mrs.
Martino, explained that many legends about these authors have been generated over
the years, after—and perhaps because—their works became famous. In fact, if the
students were to do a little digging, she told them, they might find that people
disagree about many of the facts surrounding the lives of these authors. For example,
there is general disagreement about the extent to which Henry David Thoreau was
actually a recluse, about whether Edgar Allan Poe was mentally unstable, and
whether Shakespeare engaged in rampant plagiarism. Mrs. Martino created a task
for students to work on sometime during the year. Students were to select an author,
identify points of disagreement or misconception, and then try to clear these up. She
was confident that students would discover that the lives of many authors were not so
unique and that they simply drew on everyday, mundane events to craft great works.
Projective Investigation
Students in Mr. Achbach’s high school economics class were learning how the
progressive tax system in the United States works. In particular, they were studying
how taxation, spending, and assistance programs affect people and businesses. Students
were calculating federal, state, property, and FICA tax liabilities for hypothetical
individuals and businesses. Students discovered that progressive taxes take a larger
proportion of income or wealth from higher income families and individuals. The class
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discussed the pros and cons of the progressive tax system. As a way to stimulate their
thinking, Mr. Achbach proposed a task in which students would investigate an
alternative to the current tax system.
Some politicians claim that a flat tax of 17% will raise nearly as much money
as the current tax system and provide the American people with a modest tax
cut. Opponents of the flat tax claim that it will create high inflation, devalue
homes, and cause people to lose their jobs. Identify what is already known about
the flat tax and explain the confusions or contradictions generated by the debate
(e.g., it protects the country from a higher deficit, spurs productive investment
and economic growth, and raises unemployment). What do you think would
happen if the United States adopted a flat tax system? In essay form, develop a
plausible description of what you think might happen and defend this with
logical arguments and mathematical calculations.
Mr. Ballard wanted to more thoroughly assess how much his high school advanced
geography students really understood about how a country’s future might be impacted
by patterns of consumption, production, and population growth. Although he had
spent a great deal of time helping students develop a knowledge base about the concepts
of growth and change, his assessments had only evaluated whether students had
memorized facts and information and not whether they could apply information in a
meaningful context. Mr. Ballard constructed the following task which demanded
much more of students and gave him a more accurate picture of their understanding.
Latin American countries currently are experiencing rapid population growth.
Statistics suggest that some of these countries will double their current
populations within 20-30 years. It is likely that this population growth will
have a severe impact on employment, education, housing, poverty, and land use
within these countries.
To investigate the possible future effects of this enormous population growth,
Latin American countries have established a special investigative committee. As
a member of this committee, you have been asked to select a specific Latin
American country and identify what is already known about the current
problems it faces related to rapid population growth. Identify any questions or
confusions regarding how these current problems may relate to future population
growth problems in this country. Based on the information you have gathered,
project how this country might be affected by a population twice its current size.
Construct a scenario of the future in which you clearly describe the effects of
overpopulation on the country. Be prepared to support your scenario with evidence
from your research.
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Systems Analysis
One of the most powerful types of thinking we can engage in is systems
analysis. As the name implies, when we engage in this type of thinking we
are analyzing the parts of a system and the manner in which they interact.
Although this seems straightforward, it is not. One of the hardest things to
do is identify systems. This is because they are frequently so transparent that
we do not recognize them even though they are all around us. For example, a
school district can be viewed as a system that has interacting parts: the
students, the school board, the teachers in the district, the administrators,
and so on. A family can be viewed as a system. An engine can be viewed as a
system. A fish tank can be viewed as a system. The human body can be
viewed as a system. In short, the world around us can be viewed as multiple
layers of systems interacting with one another.
Although there are certainly many different types of systems, they all appear
to have some similar traits. For example, all systems have parts that might
be made up of individual units or groups of units. A school when viewed as
a system has parts. Some of those parts are composed of groups of
individuals. To illustrate, one working part of a school is the teachers taken
as a group. Parents as a group can be considered another part of the school,
as can the students. Some of the parts of the school are made up of
individual units. To illustrate, one part of a school might be the school
secretary. The school principal might be considered another part composed
of an individual. Each part receives something from and/or gives something
to the other parts. Commonly the “something” that is given or received
involves information. For example, the principal provides information to the
school secretary and receives information from the school secretary. The
parents receive information from the school secretary, the students, and
teachers; the students receive information from the teachers and give
information to the teachers, and so on. All systems are affected when one of
the working parts is impacted. For example, if the teachers stop giving
information to the principal, everyone else in the system is affected. In
summary, although there are many different types of systems that make up
the world around us, all systems seem to have similar characteristics and
behave in similar ways.
Because our world consists of many types of systems interacting in complex
ways, systems analysis is one of the most complex and important thinking
Systems analysis is the process of analyzing the parts of a system and the
manner in which they interact. Stated more simply, it is the process of describing
how the parts of a system work together.
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Complex Reasoning Processes
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and reasoning processes of our time. It can be used to study the
interrelations of a group of family members planning a vacation or the
interactions of a set of countries involved in a dispute over oil.
1. Help students understand the process of systems analysis.
The first step in helping students understand the process of systems analysis
is to help them understand the concept of a system. In very basic terms, a
system is a collection of parts that interact with each other to function as a
whole. Specifically, students should have a basic understanding of the
a. A system involves working parts that interact with one another.
b. What one part in a system does affects all the other parts.
c. The world around us is made up of many systems interacting with
one another.
The best way to demonstrate a and b is by simulation. Luckily, there are a
number of computer programs that do this quite effectively. For example,
Stella II, by High Performance Systems, Inc., is a powerful computer
simulation that can be used with virtually any type of system. If there is no
access to a computerized program, a teacher might be able to find a simple
example of a system in the classroom or the school. For example, the manner
in which air temperature is controlled in the classroom is a good example of a
system that can be demonstrated in the classroom. The parts of that system are
the air temperature,
a furnace,
an air conditioning unit, and
a thermostat.
The teacher might point out these parts and then demonstrate how changing
one part affects all the others. For example, decreasing the air temperature
by opening a window on a cold day makes the thermostat send a message to
the furnace, which then turns on and increases the air temperature until it
reaches the level specified by the thermostat.
Another way to help students understand the concept of a system is to
design a simulation that actively involves students. For example, a simple
assembly line is a good illustration of a system. Students can be organized
into small groups, each of which has a specific role to play in putting
together a particular object, a gingerbread house, for example. Each group
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might be responsible for constructing a certain aspect of the object (e.g., the
roof) and passing that part on to another group. While students are in the
groups constructing their particular part of the object, the teacher might
change the task of a group by instructing them to add something to what
they are making (e.g., she might ask students to add a porch on to the front
of the house) or to use different materials. This, in turn, will alter the job of
other groups. The change in the system should be introduced only after the
groups have started to work effectively as a group so that the effects on the
system when one group changes what it is doing are pronounced. After the
simulation, students can describe and discuss what they noticed.
Once students have a general idea about the nature of systems, you can guide
them in identifying some of the systems that they encounter in their daily
lives. The more systems that are identified, the stronger will be the message
that the world around us is made up of many systems that interact with one
another. Systems that students might identify include
their families,
their sports leagues, and
2. Give students a model for the process of systems analysis, and
create opportunities for them to practice using the process.
a. Give students a model for the process of systems analysis.
Once students have a basic understanding of the nature and function
of systems, you can guide them in constructing a model for systems
analysis. The first step in helping students construct a model for this
process is to describe systems analysis as the process of identifying
and describing a system. It is also useful to explain that this type of
thinking can be quite complex and challenging. There have been
many attempts to describe the steps involved in systems analysis.
Some of those attempts can be found in the following works:
Systems One: An Introduction to Systems Thinking (1980), by Draper L.
Kauffman, Jr.
Stella II: An Introduction to Systems Thinking (1992), by High
Performance Systems, Inc.
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Here we use a very simple model. (Readers should consult other sources,
such as those above, for more complex versions of systems analysis.) The
steps of systems analysis might be stated as follows:
This process might be stated in simpler terms for young students:
b. Create opportunities for students to practice using the process.
You might present these steps directly to students or guide them in
discovering the steps. In either case, you should present a strong, verbal
model of the process as you go through the steps. For example, you
might use school as an example of a system. You would then answer the
question, “What are the parts of this system?” As you answer the
question, you would also comment on your thinking, explaining how
you arrived at your conclusions. Demonstrate each step of the process in
this think-aloud fashion. Your explanations might include the following:
Let’s see. What’s a system we’re familiar with? I know. Our school is a system.
What are the parts of the system? (Ask students to help with this step and
with the other steps as well.) There are the parents, the principal, the teachers,
the students, and the support staff (that is, the custodians, the office personnel, etc.).
What are the boundaries of the system—our school? That’s kind of hard. It
could be our attendance area, but we have students and parents from outside our
attendance area so maybe it’s the whole district.
How do the parts affect one another? (Give students an opportunity to give
their ideas.) If the principal announces that school is closing early, every part of
the system would be affected, wouldn’t it? The students would go home early; the
1. What are the parts of the system?
2. What are things that are related to the system but are not
part of it?
3. How do the parts affect each other?
4. What would happen if various parts stopped or changed
their behavior?
1. Identify the parts of the system.
2. Describe the boundaries of the system.
3. Describe how parts affect each other.
4. Identify various parts of the system and for each explain what
would happen if this part changed or stopped working.
Teacher’s Manual
“I know right now it is
popular in the corporate
world to talk about ‘systems
thinking.’ This process
made that whole idea much
more real to me. I can’t
teach ‘systems thinking,’
but I can teach the process
of systems analysis.”
—A teacher in Michigan
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Systems Analysis
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parents would have to make arrangements to be home for the students or set up
child care; and the support staff would go home early too. The parents affect the
principal, the teachers, and the students; if they like what’s happening in the
school, they give their support. If they don’t like something that’s happening, they
may go to the school board or to the newspaper to get that something to change.
What would happen if one part of the system stopped or changed its behavior?
(Again, ask for students’ ideas.) Let’s see. If the principal went to a workshop
on cooperative learning and liked it and started teaching the teachers how to use
it in the classroom, we would probably have lots of cooperative learning lessons in
classrooms, which would affect the teachers, students, and parents. If the support
staff stopped coming to work, that would affect all parts of the system because all
of us depend on their work to get our jobs done.
Once students are familiar with systems and the steps in the systems
analysis process, give them several opportunities to identify systems and
then, in groups and individually, have them analyze those systems. Begin
with familiar, simple systems, and work toward more complex systems
that relate to classroom content.
3. As students study and use the process of systems analysis,
help them focus on critical steps and difficult aspects of the
As students use the systems analysis process, they should gradually be
increasing their understanding of and ability to use the process. The
following key points describe some of the challenges and important points to
keep in mind while you are guiding students through learning the process.
Key Points
1) Because systems analysis is a very complex reasoning process, all of the
steps can be challenging. Identifying the parts of a system can be
difficult because one working part might consist of a number of
elements. Identifying the boundaries of a system might be difficult
because it is hard to precisely determine all of the working parts of the
system. In general, however, the most critical step in systems analysis is
the third: determining which parts affect each other and how they affect
each other. This is the core of systems analysis.
Determining which parts affect each other and how is a difficult step
because there are many different ways in which one part might affect
another. One part of a system might provide a resource needed by another
part; for example, a unit on an automobile assembly line provides a
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Complex Reasoning Processes
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component that is used by another unit to complete its job. One part of a
system might provide physical energy to another part; for example, a girl
on a bicycle (which together represent a system) provides energy to the
peddle. One part of a system might provide information to another part
of the system; for example, the principal in a school provides information
about schedules to the other members of the school.
2) Another critical aspect of the third step in systems analysis is
determining the exact nature of the relationship. Is it always the case
that the more resources, energy, or information that one part provides to
another, the better? For example, is it always the case that the more
information the principal provides to the teachers, the secretaries, and so
on, the better? Is it always the case that the more energy the girl
provides to the peddle, the better? Technically, this aspect of step three is
called identifying the functional relationship between one part of a system
and another. There are many types of functional relationships. As the
flow of resources, information, or energy increases, so might the
productivity of the part of the system to which it is flowing. However, it
might also be the case that flow of resources, information, or energy
increases the productivity of the receiving part up to a certain point.
After that point, the receiving part may become less efficient or even
break down. Some teachers find it highly useful to use graphs during
this stage of the systems analysis process to study the nature of such
functional relationships. Again, a powerful and highly recommended
tool to this end is a computer simulation like the Stella II program.
4. Provide students with graphic organizers or representations to
help them understand and use the process of systems analysis.
Graphic organizers and representations are excellent ways to help students
understand the concept of a system and the process of systems analysis. The
basic convention used when illustrating a system is an arrow depicting the
flow of information or resources from one part of a system to another.
Obviously, the more parts that a system has and the more complex the flow
of information or resources, the more intricate the diagram. Figure 4.6 shows
two possible graphic representations of the concept of a system.
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A graphic organizer for a system focuses on the identification of the parts
and the manner in which they interact. The emphasis, when considering the
process of systems analysis, should be on ensuring that no steps have been
left out of the process. If the steps are followed, a student quite naturally
will attend to the various parts of a system and how those parts interact.
5. Use teacher-structured and student-structured tasks.
When students are just beginning to use the systems analysis process and
whenever you have a very specific academic goal in mind, you might give
students highly structured tasks. A teacher-structured task presents students
with information about the parts of the system and how the component
parts affect one another. Students then determine what would happen if
specific parts stopped or changed their behavior. When the analysis is
completed, students are asked to summarize what they learned. For example,
during a unit on the human body, students would study the different
systems that make up the larger system of the human body. Students might
then be asked to explain how a breakdown in the circulatory system might
affect the nervous system, the reproductive system, the skeletal system, and
so on. This process would be structured for students to make sure that they
meaningfully use their knowledge of the systems of the human body.
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When students have become adept at using the process of systems analysis,
have them structure their own tasks. You might ask them to identify the
component parts of the circulatory system. Students should then work
independently or in groups to identify how the parts affect one another and
what might happen if one part, for example the heart, stopped functioning
or started working differently. Even though students are working more
independently, you might still need to monitor their work to make sure they
are rigorously engaged in analysis tasks that will enhance their learning of
important content knowledge.
Classroom Examples
The following classroom examples are offered to stimulate reflection on how
to apply the ideas covered in this section of Dimension 4 in your classroom.
Students in Mr. Hash’s second-grade language arts class were working on general
skills and strategies for reading literature. Specifically, students were studying the
interactions among setting, plot, and character in texts. In addition, Mr. Hash had
also been helping students understand systems and how parts of a systems influence
each other. It occurred to him that elements of literature are also a system. He designed
the following task to emphasize the systemic nature of the elements.
Plot, setting, and characters form a system:
Also, each element is a system. Let’s see how the characters in a story, together,
are a system. The characters in Cinderella, for example, have feelings about each
other, which might be represented as shown below:
didn’t care about
didn’t care about
character setting
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What might happen if you change these feelings? Try it. Change one or two of
the feelings (e.g., the stepsisters love Cinderella, or Cinderella doesn’t like the
Prince). What other relationships would be changed? Now, look back at the
system of plot, setting, and characters. If the characters’ feelings for each other
changed, how would the plot and setting be influenced? Now, get a partner and
choose a different story. Change something in the system of relationships among
the characters, and explain how the plot and the setting might be affected.
Mrs. Anzaldúa created a science task for her fifth-grade students to help them
meaningfully use their knowledge of ecosystems. Students had been learning how species
depend on one another and on the environment for survival and how variations in
resources, climate, and organisms affect an entire ecosystem. The task, which served as
the culmination of her unit on ecosystems, focused on analyzing the parts of a specific
ecosystem and the ways in which these parts interact. The task had two parts. The
first section was done by students individually.
The most obvious parts of an ecosystem are an oak tree, a squirrel, a brown bear
and her cub, a family of field mice, a barn owl, a coyote, a black snake, a grove
of rhododendron, and a large patch of wild raspberries. Identify other features
that may be a part of this ecosystem. Explain how these features are interrelated
with the obvious parts.
Mrs. Anzaldúa then split the class into groups to work cooperatively on the remainder
of the task:
What will happen within your ecosystem if various parts change their behavior
(e.g., what if the brown bear becomes a vegetarian, if rain does not fall for a
month, or if, instead of eating mice, the snake eats only raspberries)?
Ms. Switzer’s tenth-grade civics students were studying the protection of individual
rights within the American judicial system. To provide an opportunity for students to
apply their knowledge of the jury system, she constructed a task in which students
analyzed the system of a trial.
As students began the process of systems analysis, they found that identifying the parts
of the system of “a trial” was difficult because of the many different elements involved.
They decided to limit their analysis to the interactions among the human parts of the
system (e.g., the judge, the jury, the defense team, and the prosecutor). Determining
which parts affect each other and the ways in which they affect each other enhanced
their understanding of the relationships. For example, as they identified the functional
relationship between a defense lawyer and the defendant, they discovered that a greater
flow of information from the client to the lawyer is not always productive. In addition,
students examined how changes in the functions or roles of various people might affect
the system (e.g., if only 9 out of 12 jurors were required to find a defendant guilty in
a criminal trial, or if a defendant is presumed guilty rather than innocent).
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Unit Planning: Dimension 4
Planning for Dimension 4 requires asking and answering the following
overarching question:
What will be done to help students use knowledge meaningfully?
What follows is a step-by-step process that will guide you in answering this
question. Each step asks you to answer a key question or provide specific
information. There is a place on the planning guide (see page 259) in which
to record the responses to the planning questions and a description of the
task that is constructed for the unit. A sample planning guide has been filled
out for a hypothetical social studies unit about Colorado. (This unit topic
was chosen because, with some changes, it could be used for a unit about any
state or region and at many developmental levels. You will find the entire
unit in Chapter 6, “Putting It All Together.”)
Although this process is presented in a step-by-step sequence, the reality is
that the person planning a task for Dimension 4 may not begin with Step 1
(see below), but instead begin with an idea for the context or purpose of the
task or with the goal of using a particular reasoning process. The sequence of
steps presented here, however, works for many situations. The first two steps
emphasize the importance of focusing the task on the knowledge that is
being used and on the reasoning process that is being applied in the task.
Step 1
The knowledge that students will be using might be declarative or
procedural. If students are to demonstrate their understanding of declarative
knowledge, identify the important generalizations, principles, or concepts
they will use in the task, and, when appropriate, describe the types of
specific information they might need. If students are to demonstrate their
ability to use procedural knowledge, clearly identify the skill or process that
they will be using in the task. Because tasks that are designed to encourage
the meaningful use of knowledge are often the focus of the unit and because
completing the task often takes a relatively large amount of time, careful
consideration should be given to ensure that the knowledge students are
asked to use is knowledge that is worth the time and attention.
What knowledge will students be using meaningfully?
Specifically, students will be demonstrating their understanding of
or ability to. . . .
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Step 2
If students are using declarative content knowledge, identify a reasoning
process to provide the context and purpose for the task and to ensure that
students will be using the knowledge thoughtfully. Notice that this is the
second step of constructing the task; this emphasizes the importance of
planning how students will be thinking during the task before planning
what product they will be handing in.
If students are using procedural knowledge, the reasoning process they are
using may be embedded in the skill or process itself, for example,
representing data with a mathematical equation. When constructing tasks
that use only procedural content knowledge, it might not be necessary to
identify any other type of reasoning; students are already applying the
knowledge thoughtfully. However, it is worth considering the reasoning
processes included within Dimension 4 as a way of enriching the task or
providing a meaningful context or purpose for using the skill or process.
What reasoning process will students be using?
Decision Making
(selecting from seemingly equal alternatives or examining the decisions
of others)
Problem Solving
(seeking to achieve a goal by overcoming constraints or limiting
(creating something to meet a need or improve on a situation)
Experimental Inquiry
(generating an explanation for a phenomenon and testing the
(resolving confusions or contradictions related to the defining
characteristics of something, a historical event, or a hypothetical past or
future event)
Systems Analysis
(analyzing the parts of a system and how they interact)
Other _______________
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As you decide which reasoning process will focus the task, the following
questions might help you to consider each process identified here:
Decision Making
Is there an unresolved decision important to the unit?
Is there an unresolved issue about who or what is the best or worst?
Is there an unresolved issue about who or what has the most or least?
Problem Solving
Is there a situation or process that has some major constraint or
limiting condition?
Is there a situation or process that could be better understood if
constraints or limiting conditions were placed on it?
Is there a situation that can and should be improved on?
Is there something new that should be created?
Experimental Inquiry
Is there an unexplained phenomenon (physical or psychological) for
which students could generate explanations that can be tested?
Is there an unresolved issue about the defining characteristics or
defining features of something? (Definitional)
Is there an unresolved issue about how something occurred?
Is there an unresolved issue about why something happened?
Is there an unresolved issue about what would happen if . . . or what
would have happened if … (Projective)?
Systems Analysis
Are there parts of a system or the interactions of the parts of a
system that could be analyzed?
Is there something that could be examined in terms of how it
behaves or works within a system?
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Step 3
As you construct the task, you need to consider the following questions:
What specifically does the task require students to do? Make sure
that the task requires students to use the identified knowledge in
order to complete the task.
What makes the task meaningful to the student?
Does it have an authentic context or purpose?
Is it intellectually stimulating and interesting?
Does it allow for artistic expression?
Does it allow for student choice?
To what extent will students be working alone or in groups?
What product will students turn in?
How will the criteria for evaluation be communicated to the
Describe what will be done.
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Dimension 4 Planning Guide Unit: Colorado
What knowledge will students be
using meaningfully? Specifically,
they will be demonstrating their
understanding of and ability to. . .
What reasoning process
will they be using?
Other __________________
Describe what will be done.
Decision Making
(selecting from seemingly
equal alternatives or examining
the decisions of others)
Problem Solving
(seeking to achieve a goal by
overcoming constraints or
limiting conditions)
(creating something to meet a
need or improve on a situation)
Experimental Inquiry
(generating an explanation
for a phenomenon and
testing the explanation)
(resolving confusions or
contradictions related to a
historical event, a hypothetical
past or future event, or to the
defining characteristics of
Systems Analysis
(analyzing the parts of a
system and how they interact)
The concepts of topography,
natural resources, climate, and
Topography, natural resources,
and climate influence settlement
We have discussed in class that Colorado’s population is growing
very rapidly. In fact, compared to many other states, a relatively
large number of people who live in Colorado moved from
somewhere else. There are actually not that many “Colorado
natives.” Why have so many people moved to Colorado, and why
is the population still growing so rapidly?
One explanation is that aspects of the topography, natural
resources, climate, and culture attract people to Colorado. Let’s
find out if that helps explain it. If it is true, we should be able
to trace people’s reasons for moving to Colorado to these
characteristics of the state.
Set up an activity—for example, surveys or interviews—that
would help to determine to what extent people have moved to
Colorado because of factors related to topography, natural
resources, climate, and culture. You will need to set up the
activity, plan for analyzing your results, and be ready to report
your findings to the class. Any member of your group may be
asked to explain what you found out about the influence of each
concept you are considering: topography, natural resources,
climate, and culture.
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
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Teacher’s Manual
Habits of Mind
Dimension 5
“Mark Twain once said,
‘Nothing so needs
reforming as other people’s
habits.’ I remembered that
quote after I became so
excited about introducing
the habits of mind to my
students. I decided to slow
down and take the time to
determine whether I use the
habits myself before I tried
to teach them to my
— A middle school
teacher in Texas
Dimension 5
Habits of Mind
Dimension 5, Habits of Mind, identifies productive mental habits that,
along with attitudes and perceptions, form the backdrop of the learning
process. Students benefit in two principal ways when they develop
productive mental habits. First, developing such habits of mind can enhance
students’ learning of academic content knowledge. When students
consistently demonstrate productive mental habits as they approach
academic assignments—when, for example, they consistently seek clarity and
accuracy—they learn more from those assignments. Second, productive
mental habits will serve students well in the future because these habits
should increase their abilities to learn in any situation. Although we cannot
predict exactly what knowledge students will need, we can predict with a
great deal of confidence that in almost every phase of their lives they will
need to continue learning. Productive mental habits help students to be
successful learners in whatever circumstances they encounter.
The dispositions identified in Dimension 5 are called habits because it is
important to increase the frequency with which students display them, just
as it is important to instill in students good study habits or listening habits.
However, the term habit can suggest exhibiting behavior so automatically
that it is almost unconscious. It is important to emphasize with students
that we want them to demonstrate their ability to use productive mental
habits consciously; more specifically, we want them to demonstrate that they
understand when and why the specific habits are needed.
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Habits of Mind
Dimension 5
Teacher’s Manual
The habits of mind identified in the Dimensions of Learning model fall into
three general categories: critical thinking, creative thinking, and self-
regulated thinking.
If you have mental habits that exemplify critical thinking, you tend to
Be accurate and seek accuracy
Be clear and seek clarity
Maintain an open mind
Restrain impulsivity
Take a position when the situation warrants it
Respond appropriately to others’ feelings and level of knowledge
If you have mental habits that exemplify creative thinking, you tend to
Push the limits of your knowledge and abilities
Generate, trust, and maintain your own standards of evaluation
Generate new ways of viewing a situation that are outside the
boundaries of standard conventions
If you have mental habits that exemplify self-regulated thinking, you tend to
Monitor your own thinking
Plan appropriately
Identify and use necessary resources
Respond appropriately to feedback
Evaluate the effectiveness of your actions
This list of mental habits reflects the work of a number of educators.
However, it is not meant to be an exhaustive list or a list that is appropriate
for everyone. Users of the Dimensions of Learning model are encouraged to
change this list, if necessary, to make it most useful to them. Some districts,
schools, and classrooms have made additions, deletions, and modifications;
others have replaced the list entirely with their own list of habits of mind.
You may also want to encourage individual students to build their own
personal list of mental habits that they believe enhance their learning.
It is important to understand that the mental habits identified in Dimension
5 are part of the backdrop of the Dimensions of Learning model because they
influence the thinking processes identified in the other dimensions. For
Ennis (1985, 1987, 1989)
and Paul et al. (1986, 1989)
suggest that other mental
habits make our learning
more critical in nature.
A different set of mental
habits characterizes
creativity (Amabile, 1983;
Perkins, 1984, 1985).
Certain mental habits render
our thinking and actions
more self-regulated
according to Flavell (1976a,
1976b, 1977) and Brown
(1978, 1980).
Costa (1991a, 1991b)
Developing Minds
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Habits of Mind
Dimension 5
example, as students try to establish positive attitudes and perceptions for
learning (Dimension 1), they may consider the resources available to make
the classroom a safe and orderly place. While acquiring and integrating
knowledge (Dimension 2), students should seek accuracy. While extending
and refining knowledge through induction (Dimension 3), students may
need to work on resisting impulsivity. Finally, a key to helping students
engage in tasks that require them to use knowledge meaningfully
(Dimension 4) is to reinforce appropriate habits of mind at the same time;
for example, you can help students to push the limits of their knowledge and
ability during problem solving. The habits of mind in Dimension 5, then,
provide a foundation that should increase students’ success while they are
using the processes identified in any of the dimensions.
We perhaps should explain how our treatment of critical and creative
thinking may differ from others’. Those familiar with the research and
theory on critical thinking are aware that skills and processes such as error
analysis and decision making are commonly considered to be aspects of
critical thinking. Similarly, creative thinking is commonly understood to
include skills and processes such as abstracting and invention. Why, then,
are they not included in Dimension 5? We recognize that what we call
habits of mind requires the use of various skills and mental processes, but we
have chosen to classify skills and processes in other parts of the model. We
consider analyzing errors and abstracting as ways to extend and refine
knowledge (Dimension 3). Decision making and invention are included in
Dimension 4. Although one cannot be a good critical thinker or creative
person without being able to do these things, knowing how is not enough.
Dimension 5 is concerned with one’s determination to be a critical thinker, a
creative thinker, and a self-regulated thinker. The commitment to live up to
high standards—to be concerned with the quality of one’s thinking—is what
finally distinguishes Dimension 5 from the other aspects of thinking.
There are many approaches that can help students develop and use
productive habits of mind in the classroom. These approaches include direct
teaching of the habits, modeling and expecting them in the classroom, and
reinforcing students who are exhibiting them. However, to assure the success
of any of these approaches, teachers and students need to understand the
specific mental habits they are trying to develop. This chapter, therefore,
includes classroom strategies and practices that teachers can use to help
students develop productive habits of mind, whether the habits are those
identified in the Dimensions of Learning model or habits identified by
students. In addition, you will find definitions, explanations, and examples
of each habit of mind to help you plan activities to address the habits of
mind identified in the Dimensions of Learning model.
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Habits of Mind
Helping Students Develop
Productive Habits of Mind
Dimension 5
Helping Students Develop Productive
Habits of Mind
Many students will be positively influenced to develop productive habits of
mind when classroom teachers and parents model and reinforce good mental
habits. However, students may need more than modeling and
reinforcement; they may need the habits of mind to be defined, explained,
discussed, and rewarded. The following subsections include strategies and
activities that can be used by classroom teachers who are interested in
overtly and intentionally helping students develop productive habits of
1. Help students understand habits of mind.
The goal of the following suggested activities is to help students gain an
understanding of the habits of mind and how they affect learning.
Facilitate classroom discussion of each habit. Whether you are using the
list of habits identified in this model or a customized list, provide students
with the time to label, define, and talk about each habit so that they can
associate the habits with specific behavior. You might then ask students to
discuss the possible benefits of having a particular habit and the possible
consequences of lacking such a habit. For example, you might have students
brainstorm what they think it means to “generate, trust, and maintain your
own standards of evaluation.” As students begin to develop their
understanding of each habit, they should identify the specific behavior of
people who exemplify this habit. You might give them examples; for
instance, you might say that students who generate their own standards do
not constantly ask the teacher, “Is this OK? Is this done?”
Use examples from literature and current events of people who are using
the habits in different situations. Whenever you come across a character in
literature or a person in the news who exemplifies using a powerful mental
habit or who lacks an important habit, bring it to the students’ attention.
For example, you might use Romeo and Juliet or Peter Rabbit as examples
of those who lacked the ability to restrain impulsivity and, therefore,
suffered significant consequences. In addition to pointing out examples for
students, establish a culture that encourages them to recognize and share
examples that they encounter in television programs, movies, books, or
personal experiences.
“My mother said to me, ‘If
you become a soldier, you’ll
be a general; if you become
a monk, you’ll end up as
Pope.’ Instead, I became a
painter and wound up as
—Pablo Picasso
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Share personal anecdotes that relate to a habit. When the situation warrants
it, share personal examples of when and why a particular habit was beneficial
or when and why the lack of one was problematic. For example, “By planning
my time, I saved time and money because I completed my advanced degree in
two years.” Conversely, “It cost me twice as much time and money to complete
my degree because I was unable to plan my time effectively.”
Notice and label student behavior that demonstrates a particular habit.
When you notice students displaying a particular habit, use it as an
opportunity to introduce the habit and acknowledge the behavior. Make sure
that students understand exactly what they did and why their behavior
exemplifies the habit of mind. For example, when a student engages
intensely in a task, acknowledge what she has done and ask her if she can
explain how she disciplined herself to work so hard.
Ask students to identify personal heroes or mentors and describe the
extent to which they exemplify specific habits of mind. Periodically
provide a time for students to identify a fictional or real-life hero or mentor
or someone else whom they admire and respect. Ask them to describe the
mental habits that these people exemplify. Emphasize that this person might
be famous or glamorous but might also be the neighbor upstairs or a mom
or dad.
Have students create posters that illustrate their understanding of the
habits. As students become familiar with each habit of mind, have them
depict it in a poster or drawing that shows someone using the habit in a
specific situation.
2. Help students identify and develop strategies related to the
habits of mind.
After students understand and appreciate productive habits of mind, they
will discover that they must develop strategies for learning, maintaining,
and successfully using the habit. People who tend to be clear and seek
clarity, for example, may have a process of rigorously editing all written
communications to ensure that their messages are clear; they may use
paraphrasing or questioning techniques during oral communications to make
sure that they understand others correctly. There are a number of ways to
help students identify and begin to develop personal strategies.
Use think-aloud to demonstrate specific strategies. Demonstrate a strategy
while students listen to you talk through the mental steps. For example,
reinforce the habit of planning by reviewing aloud the steps you might
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follow while planning a research paper. You may say things like, “Let’s see.
Before I jump into this, I need to state my goal clearly. I should identify
types of work that need to be done and then set deadlines. I’ll use a calendar
to record my plan and keep it in the front of my notebook.”
Ask students to share their own strategies. When you notice that students
are using or have used a habit, ask them to explain the strategy they used.
For example, if a student’s project reflects the effective use of available
resources, ask the student to tell you or the class what strategies helped him
to identify and seek out those resources.
Encourage students to find examples of strategies mentioned in literature
and current events. Ask students to look for examples of strategies that
relate to the habits of mind as they read literature, newspapers, or magazine
articles and as they view or use other media and technologies. Ask them to
record these examples in their learning logs and, when appropriate, to share
these examples with the class. For example, students might read about the
Wright Brothers and conclude that these inventors were exhibiting creative
thinking as they engaged intensely even when their airplanes failed to fly.
Ask students to interview others (e.g., parents, friends, or neighbors) to
identify strategies. As you help students to develop a specific habit, ask
them to identify people who they believe exemplify the habit and then
interview them to learn what strategies these people use. For example, while
studying the habit of “taking a position when the situation warrants it,”
students could interview people whom they respect for standing up for their
beliefs. They should write down questions they might ask, such as, “How do
you decide when it is time to take a position? If you ever find yourself
backing off a position too soon, how do you deal with that?”
Each quarter or semester, ask students to identify and focus on a habit of
mind they would like to develop. Successfully developing productive habits
of mind takes time. By asking students to focus on developing one habit of
mind at a time, you can help them to make the most efficient use of their
time. You might suggest some strategies for them to use or allow them to
identify and develop their own. As you monitor their progress, you may find
that you need to make some suggestions. If, for example, a student wants to
be more open-minded because his friends have accused him of not listening
to others’ opinions, you might share Edward DeBono’s Plus-Minus-Interesting
(PMI) strategy with him and then periodically check to see if it is working.
The PMI strategy is designed to help students suspend judgment about an
idea until they have listed the pluses (P), minuses (M), and interesting (I)
points or possible outcomes of the idea.
de Bono (1983) “The
Cognitive Research Trust
(CoRT) Thinking Program”
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Productive Habits of Mind
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3. Create a culture in the classroom and the school that
encourages the development and use of the habits of mind.
Culture is expressed in the language, behavior, and customs that reflect what
people believe to be important or valuable. There are many ways to assure
that the culture of the classroom and the school communicates to students,
in what they see, hear, and experience, that developing productive habits of
mind is expected and valued by all members of the school community.
Model the habits. Students know what teachers value by observation. If we
want students to develop productive habits of mind, we must consciously
and overtly use them ourselves as we go about our tasks and interact with
students. For example, if we want students to be responsive to the feedback
they receive, then we must deliberately model being responsive to the
feedback we receive from them.
Integrate the habits into the daily routines and activities of the classroom.
Helping students develop productive habits of mind should not require
major changes in the classroom. You can probably use previously planned
routines and activities to help students focus on particular habits. Below are
suggestions for reinforcing each cluster of the habits of mind (critical,
creative, and self-regulated thinking) as students are engaged in typical
classroom activities.
Critical Thinking
Debate is a fairly common activity in classrooms and is one of the best
arenas in which to reinforce the habits of critical thinking. During a
debate, information is presented, defended, attacked, and so on, setting
up the need to be clear and seek clarity or to respond appropriately to
others’ feelings and levels of knowledge. Periodically have groups of
three or four students prepare to debate an issue related to the content
you are teaching. Then set them up to debate in a “fish bowl” format:
Have two groups debate in the middle of the room while the other
students in the class observe and pay particular attention to whether the
debaters are displaying the habits of critical thinking. At the end of the
debate, ask the observers to give feedback to the debate teams. In
particular, have them point out specific instances in which team
members used one or more of the habits of critical thinking.
Creative Thinking
Solving structured problems is an excellent way to reinforce the habits of
creative thinking because almost all types of structured problems require
their use to some extent. Structured problems are those that have
relatively clear goals; they are found in textbooks, games magazines, and
An elementary teacher asked
students to debate the issue
of banning fur sales. He
taped the debate and then
played back the tape, asking
students to comment on the
use of the habits of critical
Habits of Mind
Helping Students Develop
Productive Habits of Mind
Dimension 5
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puzzle books. (See Chapter 4 for further discussion of structured
problems.) You might give students structured problems at the
beginning or end of class periods or during slow times. While students
are working on these problems, ask them to concentrate on one or more
specific habits of creative thinking. For example, while they are working
on problems that require them to invent something, you might have
them focus on the habit of generating new ways of viewing situations
outside the boundaries of standard convention.
Self-Regulated Thinking
Having students identify and pursue long-term goals is an excellent way
to reinforce the mental habits of self-regulated thinking and to explain
that they can be used as tools for accomplishing goals. For example, a
student might identify the goal of joining a particular athletic team. You
might encourage her to use the habit of planning (by setting up a
practice schedule for herself) or of being responsive to feedback (by
identifying a way to measure her progress in the skills necessary to earn a
position on the team).
To initiate the goal-setting process, you might first have students
identify goals that excite them and that they can accomplish within the
year, semester, or quarter. Have students write down their goals and
identify objectives or milestones. At least once every two weeks, students
should meet with a teacher, counselor, or their peers to report on their
progress. At the end of the agreed-upon period (e.g., at the end of the
semester), ask students to report on their goals, their progress, and what
they learned about the mental habits of self-regulated thinking.
Develop and display posters, icons, and other visual representations to
express the importance of productive habits of mind. Besides serving as
reminders to students, displaying posters of the habits of mind can become
easy references to help students identify the mental habits they need for
various learning situations. Below is the graphic from the poster that was
developed for the Dimensions of Learning habit of mind Restrain Impulsivity.
We have reproduced the posters for the other habits of mind in the margins
throughout this section.
I’ll think this
through before I
One elementary principal
lines the hallways of her
school with “interactive
bulletin boards” that contain
structured problems. As
students solve the problems,
the principal reinforces
specific habits of mind.
A high school principal met
with individual students
throughout the year to lend
his support in setting and
meeting goals. “As long as it
is legal and moral,” he told
each student, “I will help you
achieve any goal you set.”
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Productive Habits of Mind
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When appropriate, cue students to focus on specific mental habits or ask
them to identify habits that would help them while working on difficult
tasks. Sometimes students simply need a reminder to use the mental habits
while they are working. Before a test you might encourage students to be
aware of their thinking and suggest that they replace any negative self-talk
with positive self-talk. When assigning a long-term project, you might ask
students to select a habit from self-regulated thinking that could help them
be successful.
4. Provide positive reinforcement to students who exhibit the
habits of mind.
Besides labeling and acknowledging students’ use of the habits, offer praise,
specific feedback, and rewards, as appropriate. You might offer reinforcement
through verbal praise, specific comments or ratings on progress reports and
grade cards, or positive notes and telephone calls to parents. The ultimate
goal, of course, is for students to begin to experience the intrinsic rewards of
increased success and achievement that result from having good mental
habits. However, until they have experienced these benefits, immediate and
positive reinforcement from teachers and peers may help to motivate and
focus them as they work on developing productive habits of mind. Such
reinforcement also communicates to students that habits of mind are
important. The following are suggestions for specific ways to provide
positive reinforcement.
Appoint “process observers,” students who watch for positive examples of
other students who are demonstrating the habits. Assigning this role
benefits the observer and the student who is exhibiting the habit. You can
use the process observer role in a variety of ways. For example, you might
assign the role regularly during small-group or cooperative learning
activities or rotate the role for general classroom activities, with a different
student assuming responsibility each week or month.
Ask students to self-assess their use of specific habits. Students will benefit
most in the long run if they learn to independently use productive habits of
mind. To encourage this independence, periodically ask students to self-
assess. Ask students to reflect on their use of the habits in a journal or
learning log. Probes for this reflection might be highly structured (e.g.,
“How often do you evaluate the effectiveness of your own actions?” “How do
you act on your evaluation?”) or unstructured (e.g., “Evaluate your
effectiveness in using any of the habits of mind during the past week.”).
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Give students feedback on a report card or progress report. Some schools give
formal feedback to students and parents on students’ development and use of
the habits of mind. Figure 5.1 shows a portion of a sample progress report.
Classroom Examples
The following classroom examples for critical, creative, and self-regulated
thinking are offered to stimulate reflection on how to apply the ideas
covered in Dimension 5 in your classroom.
Critical Thinking
At their monthly meeting, a team of K-5 teachers discussed how beneficial it would be
if students began to exhibit the habit of restraining impulsivity. At first the primary
teachers thought it might be difficult to introduce this habit in the early grades.
However, they realized that many of the stories they read with students were perfect
opportunities for increasing students’ understanding of this habit. They used stories
such as Peter Rabbit and Goldilocks and the Three Bears as examples of the
consequences of not restraining impulsive behavior.
When Mr. Foseid, a Spanish teacher, first learned about the habits of mind, he
thought they were important but decided that he did not have much time to teach them
in his class. Later, as he was preparing lessons for helping students understand other
cultures, he realized how important the critical thinking habits are when people from
different cultures interact. He then crafted an assignment in which he asked each
student to select a specific habit of critical thinking, explain why it would be
important when people from different cultures interact, and develop a strategy for its
use. After students completed the task, he asked them to present their explanations and
strategies in Spanish to the class.
Habits of Mind Lacks
Understands Developing
a Habit
Maintain an open mind
Be accurate and seek accuracy
Be clear and seek clarity
Critical Thinking:
Habits of Mind
Helping Students Develop
Productive Habits of Mind
Dimension 5
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Mr. Johnson decided to design a unit in which students would debate issues related to
the presidential election. In addition to teaching them about the elections, he had
another goal in mind. He had observed that the students in this particular class were
quite opinionated and closed-minded when they discussed the elections. Further, when
expressing their opinions they showed little regard for accuracy and clarity. He decided
that it was time to introduce and emphasize the critical thinking habits of mind.
Although he was excited about the unit, as Mr. Johnson sat down to plan the lessons
he realized that teaching the critical thinking habits of mind would take time. He
began to reconsider the goal of teaching the habits of mind. However, as he continued
to plan, he reflected on how many units throughout the year would be better if students
had an increased understanding of these mental habits. He renewed his commitment to
plan lessons focused on students’ learning about the critical thinking habits of mind.
The culminating project of the unit was a mock presidential debate in which each
student was responsible for clearly and accurately representing a candidate’s views and
ideas. After each debate, Mr. Johnson and the other classmates gave feedback to the
debaters on the accuracy and clarity of their arguments and on the extent to which
they demonstrated the ability to strike a balance between taking and defending a
position yet maintaining an open mind. Throughout the unit, students recorded in
their learning logs any insights they gained about critical thinking and any
confusions or questions that they still had about these habits of mind.
Creative Thinking
A team of primary teachers realized that many of their students’ favorite stories were
wonderful examples of the habits of mind. For example, The Little Engine That
Could offered a perfect opportunity to discuss perseverance. Using the language of the
habits of mind when reading stories was a great way to help students more fully
understand the habits.
Mrs. Henderson noticed that although her third-graders were intelligent, quick
thinking, and often clever, they put forth only a minimum amount of effort in much of
their school work, gave up quickly if an answer or solution was not obvious, and
constantly asked if their work was what the teacher wanted rather than holding
themselves to their own high standards. Mrs. Henderson decided that she might be
able to contribute something important to these learners by teaching them about the
habits involved in creative thinking. Before introducing the habits, she gave students
word puzzles and other entertaining, but increasingly difficult, problems. She noticed
that with these activities, almost all of her students seemed to want to do well and
were eager for each day’s puzzle. After several weeks, Mrs. Henderson introduced the
creative thinking habits by putting up a poster that illustrated the habits with a
Habits of Mind
Helping Students Develop
Productive Habits of Mind
Dimension 5
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cartoon-like character. She asked the students to explain what they thought each of the
habits meant and what it might look like if someone was using or not using the habit.
She then asked students to think about the puzzles they had been solving and how
these habits related to what they were doing. She asked them to think about and
discuss in small groups how they used, or did not use, these habits and how being
aware of them now might influence their behavior in the future. As a result of the
discussion, the class decided to make a commitment to increasing their understanding
and use of the creative thinking habits of mind.
Mathematics students in a secondary school published a weekly newsletter that
contained perplexing problems that they had designed themselves. The newsletter was
distributed to every teacher and student in the school. Weekly and monthly competitions
were held to solve the problems. After learning about the creative thinking habits of
mind, the students decided to modify their awards. They designed a certificate that
highlighted the habits of mind that were needed to solve the problems; for example, some
problems required generating new ways of viewing situations, whereas others were more
divergent and required generating one’s own standards of evaluation.
Self-Regulated Thinking
At the beginning of each year, Mrs. Brooks has her elementary students identify
academic, social, and physical goals for themselves. She helps each student record and
develop a plan for each goal. Once a week, Mrs. Brooks asks students to meet in
support groups to discuss their progress and help one another solve difficult problems or
roadblocks they are encountering as they work to achieve their goals.
For three full class periods, Ms. Green had her elementary students work on
identifying strategies and techniques that can be used with each of the mental habits
of self-regulated thinking. She set up five small groups that students would work in
cooperatively. During the first two periods, each of the groups worked on one of the
habits of mind. During the third period, each group made a class presentation on the
strategies and techniques its members had developed.
After discussing the mental habits of self-regulated thinking with his social studies
students, Mr. Eckhardt, a middle school teacher, decided it was time to give students
feedback on their ability to exhibit these habits. He created a decision-making task for
students in which he asked them to generate and apply criteria to determine which of
the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution seems most important in today’s
society. He also asked students to use the strategies they had talked about in class to
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Helping Students Develop
Productive Habits of Mind
Dimension 5
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develop a plan for completing the task and to submit with it a list of resources they
would need. As students worked on the task, Mr. Eckhardt gave them feedback on
their use of content knowledge and on whether they were demonstrating self-regulated
thinking. When students turned in their final decision-making matrix, Mr. Eckhardt
asked them to write a summary of what they noticed about the habits of self-regulated
thinking and to self-assess the degree to which they exhibited the habits.
As a high-school counselor, Mr. Jordan helps students set personal goals. He
emphasizes to students that their goals should “make life exciting.” To stimulate their
thinking, he makes it a practice to ask students, “What would you try to accomplish
this year if you knew you would not fail?”
Ms. Barton, a high school English teacher, decided that it would be beneficial to
explicitly and intentionally address self-regulated thinking with students in her AP
English class. She believed that these habits were important to her largely college-
bound class. She introduced the habits by briefly explaining each and asking her
students to discuss them in small groups. She encouraged students to share personal
examples of their use of the habits of mind. She then explained that throughout the
semester she would ask them to identify characters in literature who use one or more of
the habits and to note a positive benefit for having done so.
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Helping Students Develop
Productive Habits of Mind
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The Dimensions of Learning Habits of Mind:
A Resource for Teachers
The following sections are offered as a resource for teachers who are
preparing to provide students with explanations and examples of the specific
habits of mind identified in the Dimensions of Learning model. Over time,
you will undoubtedly generate your own examples to use with students;
however, the following suggestions can help you get started. Each habit of
mind is followed by
1. a brief explanation of the habit,
2. examples of situations in which it might be beneficial to have the
habit of mind, and
3. examples of strategies recommended by people who exhibit the
Critical Thinking
Be Accurate and Seek Accuracy
When you check to make sure that your work is correct or precise and when
you expect precision from others’ work, you are exhibiting the habit of being
accurate and seeking accuracy. Being accurate means making accuracy a goal
and then using a variety of techniques for checking accuracy as you work.
Seeking accuracy from information you are receiving acknowledges that it is
the responsibility of the receiver of information—as well as the sender—to
set and expect high standards of accuracy.
Examples of situations in which it might be beneficial to be accurate
and seek accuracy
When reviewing or preparing documents related to money (e.g.,
credit card bills, bank statements, tax returns, or loan applications),
checking the calculations can help you save money or avoid serious
monetary consequences. Mistakes occur even when companies use
computerized services.
Budgeting for a major expense (e.g., buying a house or taking a
vacation) is something virtually everyone needs to do at some point.
Although estimating can be helpful, it is more likely that you will
have sufficient funds if, instead of working from a rough estimate,
you create a specific budget to help you reach your goal.
Ennis (1985) “Goals for a
Critical Thinking
Ennis (1989) “Critical
Thinking and Subject
Specificity: Clarification and
Needed Research”
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me liek u
i lik u
I like you.
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When someone gives or asks for directions, being accurate and
seeking accuracy increases the chance that the traveler will reach the
desired destination.
Any time you receive information that appears suspicious or
inaccurate, you should take the time to check for accuracy or ask for
additional information. However, circumstances often arise when you
are reluctant to check for accuracy because the information is
complex or even intimidating (for example, when a report includes
complicated statistics). You might be particularly reluctant to check
for accuracy if the information is presented in a way that makes it
look accurate. If information seems contrary to experience or hard to
believe, you should find ways to check it for accuracy, even if it is
difficult to do so.
There are many situations involving your health and well-being that
could be affected by your ability to be accurate and seek accuracy.
The consequences of being inaccurate can be significant in situations
like measuring dosages of medicine or following a specific,
prescribed course of physical therapy.
Advertisers often use media to present information in a way that is
engaging, humorous, or provocative. Whether you are listening to
the radio, watching television, or reading a newspaper, it is easy to
be absorbed in the presentation and forget to consider the accuracy of
the information presented. Developing the habit of seeking accuracy
can help you become a more informed consumer, one who is more
likely to make sound choices.
Examples of strategies recommended by people who exhibit the habit
of being accurate and seeking accuracy
When preparing detailed documents, read them at least once with
the clear, single-focused goal of checking for accuracy. If you read for
meaning, clarity, and accuracy simultaneously, you might miss
Use available reference materials, both in print and technology
formats (e.g., a dictionary, the spell-check function, a thesaurus, and
an encyclopedia) to achieve accuracy in your communications.
When proofreading documents, try reading each sentence starting
from the end of the document to catch typographical errors that you
might miss when you read the document for meaning.
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Ask one or more people to check your work for accuracy. Someone
who is unfamiliar with and less invested in the product is more
objective and, thus, more likely to find mistakes.
Be Clear and Seek Clarity
Clear communication is a fundamental component of success in nearly every
area of life. Yet there are many roadblocks to clear communication: Language
is full of ambiguity and connotation; body language is difficult to interpret;
intonation can change understanding.
All communication is influenced by the extent to which the parties involved,
whether senders or receivers, try to overcome these roadblocks. Confusion
and misinterpretation can lead to significant negative consequences; thus,
there must be a shared responsibility between sender and receiver to ensure
that there is clear communication.
It is particularly important for students to learn to be clear and seek clarity
in the classroom. Sometimes when students are working on an assignment,
they are more focused on simply “getting it done” than on monitoring
themselves to make sure they understand the information presented. The
earlier in their learning that students develop this habit, the more likely it is
that they will succeed in school.
Examples of situations in which it might be beneficial to be clear and
seek clarity
Throughout their school years, students frequently confront subjects
or issues that, at first, appear unclear. Learning is enhanced when
students consistently monitor the extent to which they understand
information they are receiving and then try to clarify anything that
is confusing.
People often find themselves in situations in which someone is
trying to persuade them to do or buy something. At such times, it is
important to ask for clarification about claims that sound too good
to be true, anything that is confusing, or information that might be
incomplete. The ability to seek clarity can help you make informed
decisions and commitments.
Being clear when giving a presentation, especially one that contains
complex or detailed information, is challenging because there are
often limited opportunities to receive immediate feedback. When
people are confused early in a presentation, they may tune out; the
opportunity to inform or persuade may be lost.
Costa (1984) “Mediating
the Metacognitive”
Presseisen (1987) Thinking
Skills Throughout the
Paul (1990) Critical
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Why? What?
When? Where?
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Employers appreciate those who seek clarity before jumping into an
assignment, particularly one that is complex. Although some people
may be reluctant to admit that they do not understand an
assignment or a communication, experience shows that seeking
clarity can lead to the more efficient use of time and money.
Examples of strategies recommended by people who exhibit the habit
of being clear and seeking clarity
When you are unsure about what you want to express or are afraid
that others might misunderstand you, write down exactly what you
want to say. Then read it or practice saying it until you can express
yourself clearly.
When presenting important information, occasionally stop and check
for understanding by asking the receiver to relate what he
understands so far.
When listening to information that does not make sense, take notes
and then, when appropriate, use the notes to ask questions.
Before giving a written communication to an audience, ask several
people to read it, explain what they understand it to say, and point
out any parts that are confusing.
Make it a practice in emotionally charged situations to ask another
person who is not emotionally involved to be an active listener. A
good listener can often clarify issues just by repeating what was said
or by asking good questions.
When engaged in important conversations, use phrases like, “Did I
hear you say that. . . ?” or “I think I understood you to say that. . . .”
Using phrases such as these communicates a concern for clarity and
helps to immediately identify and clarify any potential
Maintain an Open Mind
Developing the ability to maintain an open mind can enhance learning and
increase the likelihood of success in a diverse society. Open-mindedness
enhances learning because it requires listening to different perspectives and
ideas with the goal of understanding them. Even if we ultimately reject
other views, just hearing them gives us additional information that might
increase our knowledge about a subject or issue. Open-mindedness helps us
live in a diverse society because it enhances communication among people
who live and work with others who have different backgrounds, opinions,
philosophies, and interests. Being open-minded enough to understand
Teacher’s Manual
Paul (1990) Critical Thinking
Ennis (1985) “Goals for a
Critical Thinking Curriculum”
Ennis (1989) “Critical
Thinking and Subject
Specificity: Clarification and
Needed Research”
Presseisen (1987) Thinking
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diverse views and approaches to life does not necessarily lead to changing our
beliefs or perspectives or even to accepting the reasons for others’
perspectives. It does, however, mean respecting others’ views enough to
listen to them. Open-mindedness helps create a society in which even those
with very different perspectives can live together productively and
Being close-minded means that a person rejects ideas and perspectives
without even really listening. A close-minded person habitually engages in
self-talk such as, “I don’t have to hear this because I’m not going to go along
with it anyway,” “We’ve already tried that. It didn’t work, so I won’t listen,”
or “My ideas are fine. I don’t need to hear others.” People who are close-
minded cut themselves off from potentially valuable information and
For students to learn how to be open-minded, they need to understand why
and when this habit of mind is appropriate and develop strategies for
maintaining an open mind when it would be beneficial to do so.
Examples of situations in which it might be beneficial to maintain an
open mind
It is not unusual in daily life to have a knee-jerk negative response to
particular ideas or potential changes (e.g., an employer proposes a
major relocation, a child announces a dramatic shift in education
plans, or a spouse suggests a change in lifestyle). In times like these
the ability to maintain an open mind—at least long enough to
explore the possibilities—can help you to avoid conflict and take
advantage of new opportunities.
You may have had the experience of avoiding or rejecting someone
who has different perspectives about life. However, if you seek to
maintain an open mind, you might discover new friends and enjoy
stimulating conversations.
Maintaining an open mind can be beneficial when traveling to places
that are unfamiliar or culturally or socially different. It can help you
view the experience as exciting or challenging instead of
uncomfortable and upsetting.
Whether as an employer or an employee, people are exposed to
proposals, ideas, suggestions, and opinions in the workplace.
Knowing how and when to maintain an open mind can contribute to
being seen as a valued colleague, team player, or dynamic leader.
“Education’s purpose is to
replace an empty mind with
an open one.”
—Malcolm Forbes
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Hmmm …
I never thought
about it that way.
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Examples of strategies recommended by people who exhibit the habit
of maintaining an open mind
When you notice yourself reacting negatively to a suggested change,
observe others who are responding positively. Carefully listen to what
they are saying and “try on” their point of view.
Ask questions in a sincere effort to gather information and to
understand the reasons for others’ opinions. Remember that the goal
of being open-minded is not necessarily to change your perspective;
it is to seek understanding of others’ perspectives.
When someone makes a suggestion or proposal and you notice that
you immediately react a particular way, force yourself to sit down
and list the positive and negative things that could happen if the
suggestion or proposal were accepted. The act of clearly articulating
different perspectives can stimulate reflection and force a deeper level
of analysis than just thinking about the issue or idea. It can be
helpful to talk to yourself by asking, “Have I listened actively to the
different perspectives?”, “Have I considered the positives and
negatives?”, or “What am I missing?”
Restrain Impulsivity
“Wait. Let me think about this.” This is the self-talk of someone who
recognizes when it might be a good idea to delay a decision or an action
until she can gather more information or until there has been time to
carefully consider the available information. It is the kind of self-talk that is
characteristic of someone who knows when and how to restrain impulsivity.
Restraining impulsivity is a mental habit that involves much more than
simply “keeping your hands to yourself” or refraining from making
inappropriate comments in the classroom. It includes understanding the
kinds of situations in which restraint is needed and then knowing how to
stop yourself from acting too quickly. Even if acting on impulse might be
desirable at times, the ability to restrain impulsivity appropriately can save
relationships, jobs, and even lives.
Examples of situations in which it might be beneficial to restrain
The ability to restrain impulsivity and delay gratification has been
associated by researcher Daniel Goleman (1995) with increased
academic ability and performance.
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Costa (1984) “Mediating
the Metacognitive”
Ennis (1985) “Goals for a
Critical Thinking
Ennis (1989) “Critical
Thinking and Subject
Specificity: Clarification and
Needed Research”
Goleman (1995) Emotional
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It is normal in life to feel frustrated at times and to think about lashing
out. Controlling this impulse increases the chance that the situation
will be resolved through negotiation, cooperation, and compromise.
Although it is normal to want to contribute to a conversation,
sometimes it is better to be a listener first, to learn from what others
are saying, and then to analyze the situation and determine how best
to contribute.
A democratic society thrives when citizens are involved in decision
making. Yet many issues are complex and media reports and analyses
are often conflicting or designed to generate an emotional response.
Thus, our initial conclusions might not always be the best.
Restraining impulsivity can help us to be more effective participants
in the democratic process.
When a friend faces a problem, you may feel like jumping in
impulsively to give advice or to help solve the problem. Regardless
of how sincere you are, your behavior might be perceived as
meddling or might make the situation worse. Stopping to think in
such situations is sometimes the best approach.
Life is full of opportunities for new adventures and new activities.
However, in general it is best to weigh the advantages and
disadvantages and consider the risks before rushing in to try
something new.
Examples of strategies recommended by people who exhibit the habit
of restraining impulsivity
Use self-talk phrases such as, “Look before you leap,” “Think before
you speak,” or “Wait a minute. Think.” as cues to restrain impulsive
tendencies. Ask yourself questions such as, “Do I understand this?”,
“Should I respond yet?”, or “Do I have any questions before I say
what I think is true?”
Ask another person with whom you interact to give you feedback
about whether you are impulsive in your personal interactions and
then, if necessary, help you identify strategies to use to reduce
impulsive reactions.
Allow people who are speaking to finish their thoughts before you
respond. Remind yourself how you feel when someone interrupts you.
Try counting to ten or saying the alphabet to yourself when you
notice you are ready to pounce on an idea, a question, a comment, or
a proposed solution.
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I’ll think this
through before I
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Take a Position When the Situation Warrants It
The complementary habit to maintaining an open mind and restraining
impulsivity is taking a position when the situation warrants it. Like the
other productive habits of mind, developing this ability requires
understanding which situations call for taking a position and knowing how
to take a position or stance.
Taking a position is appropriate when we have strong feelings about an issue
and have taken the time to examine the arguments and evidence and to
construct support for our position. This approach contrasts sharply with
taking a position simply because others have, sometimes referred to as taking
a “copycat” position. It is also quite different from waffling or switching
positions impulsively—even as often as every few minutes—either as a
function of the latest argument or to please someone.
Committing to a position with confidence requires the ability to evaluate
evidence and construct support. At times it also may include the ability to
communicate clearly and the willingness to accept the risk of rejection from
others with different positions.
Examples of situations in which it might be beneficial to take a position
When you are listening as friends debate an issue, you might notice
that a particular position in which you believe strongly is not being
addressed. In this case, it might be appropriate to express and defend it.
Most people have faced pressure from peers or others to act in ways
that violate their beliefs or values. Sometimes it is appropriate
simply to walk away from such pressure. At other times it is
important to express a position clearly, no matter how unpopular
that may be at the moment. The ability to take a position in this
case may influence others and serve as a much-needed role model to
people who are not confident enough to resist the pressure.
There may be times when friends or colleagues take a stand on an
issue and ask you to support them publicly. If you agree with their
position, you need to be ready to stand strong and verbalize that
As citizens, when we see or experience injustices or controversies, we
may decide to make a concerted effort to improve the situation by
stating and defending our beliefs.
Teacher’s Manual
Costa (1984) “Mediating the
Ennis (1985) “Goals for a
Critical Thinking
Ennis (1989) “Critical
Thinking and Subject
Specificity: Clarification and
Needed Research”
Presseisen (1987) Thinking
Skills Throughout the
My opinion
is …
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Examples of strategies recommended by people who exhibit the habit
of taking a position when the situation warrants it
Develop the habit of asking yourself questions like “Is it time for me
to express and support my opinion?” or “What else do I need to
know before I take a position?”
Find examples from current events in which someone whom you
admire has taken a position and defended it. Investigate the strategy
used, the actions taken, and the outcome of the action.
Before taking a position, investigate various sides of the issue to help
solidify your commitment to that position. When you are confident
about your position, you will be more likely to stick to it and express
it clearly.
Become familiar with common fallacies and types of weak
arguments. This knowledge will help you listen to diverse positions
and construct a strong argument for your own position.
Respond Appropriately to Others’ Feelings and Level of
Whether interacting with people to inform, to persuade, or to share ideas, a
good critical thinker watches for implicit and explicit messages that reflect
others’ feelings and level of knowledge. Assessing what others are feeling and
thinking, and then adapting a situation or message based on that assessment,
communicates respect for others and increases the chances that goals
dependent on collaboration and cooperation will be achieved.
A primary challenge in developing this habit is achieving an appropriate
balance between being sensitive to others and achieving the goals of the
interaction. For example, being sensitive to others’ feelings means respecting
them without indulging them and without allowing them to distract
inappropriately from the goals of the interaction. Likewise, responding
appropriately to others’ levels of knowledge means first assessing and then
responding in a way that ensures the achievement of the goal, even when
people have little or no knowledge about an issue or when people have a
great deal of knowledge and seek to dominate. Striking a balance in these
situations requires skill and understanding, which are developed over time as
a result of experiences in a variety of situations.
Paul (1990) Critical
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I wonder if
he needs my
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Examples of situations in which it might be beneficial to respond
appropriately to others’ feelings and level of knowledge
When you are trying to express an opinion, others are more likely to
listen if you assess and respond appropriately to their feelings and
level of knowledge.
Even if you have a different perspective on an issue (e.g., the
environment, political candidates, or health care), responding with
empathy when people are expressing their opinions may improve the
situation, especially if they seem troubled or stressed.
Responding appropriately to others’ feelings and levels of knowledge
can increase the chances of successful communication with people
from different cultures or backgrounds.
Examples of strategies recommended by people who exhibit the habit
of responding appropriately to others’ feelings and level of knowledge
In a group situation, people often are reluctant to share their feelings
or level of knowledge. There are communication strategies you can
use to find out what people are feeling or thinking without making
them feel cornered or uncomfortable. One strategy for inviting others
into conversation is to ask, “Have you ever had that kind of
experience?” or “What have you found?”
When an interaction is not going well and you find yourself feeling
frustrated, stop and think about whether you are reading the
situation carefully and responding appropriately. Taking a break or
going for a walk can give you time to think over a situation. You can
then come back to it feeling more empathetic and understanding.
Body language and gestures are an important part of communication.
However, people from different cultures can interpret a gesture in
very different ways. Educating yourself on the nuances and
conventions of diverse cultures will help to enhance communication
and increase your ability to accurately assess others’ feelings and level
of knowledge.
Try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. How might you feel if
you were in his or her situation?
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Creative Thinking
From time to time, we all face tasks or problems, whether academic or in the
course of daily life, for which the answer or solution is not immediately
apparent. Even after putting considerable effort into a task, we may have
made little or no progress. The ability to persevere—to stick to the task, to
remain engaged in or committed to finding the answer—can be the key to
success in these situations. In the classroom, the ability to persevere can help
students learn more from academically challenging tasks and can help
prepare them for the workplace. In daily life, perseverance is often associated
with the work ethic. Thus, many people consider the ability to persevere to
be the key to achieving success.
The fact that this mental habit is part of the cluster called “creative
thinking” emphasizes that engaging intensely in tasks does not mean simply
refusing to give up on a task. It means looking for appropriate help, finding
and trying different ways to approach a task, examining it from different
viewpoints, taking it apart and putting it back together, and comparing it to
other similar problems. These are all qualities critical to creative thinking.
Examples of situations in which it might be beneficial to persevere
When you persevere, you are more likely to gain knowledge and
skills that at first may seem too difficult to understand or master.
Every job presents challenges. Being self-confident about your ability
to seek answers and solutions may increase your willingness to accept
challenges and, thus, make you a more valuable employee.
There are examples of people in almost any field of work who have
contributed something important because of their ability to
persevere. Perhaps they found a way to provide better service,
increase sales, cure a patient, or defend a client. Even when faced
with difficult problems, they did not give up until they found a
The result of meeting a goal sometimes can significantly affect others
(e.g., a team or a class). In these situations, your ability to stay
engaged and continue trying to find solutions can contribute to
others’ seeing you as a valuable group leader or role model.
Csikszenthmihalyi (1975)
Beyond Boredom and Anxiety
Covey (1990) The 7 Habits
of Highly Effective People
“Success is the ability to go
from one failure to another
with no loss of enthusiasm.”
—Winston Churchill
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Examples of strategies recommended by people who exhibit the habit
of persevering
Before beginning a complicated or difficult task, set small goals that
will lead to the accomplishment of the larger task. Tackle one small
goal at a time, and reward yourself after completing each one.
When you continually fail at a task, identify aspects of the task that
might be contributing to your failure and generate alternative ways
to accomplish that part of the task.
Identify people in your life you should seek out when you are
tempted to give up on a task as well as those you should avoid. Some
people are good at providing motivation and inspiration to others;
some, unfortunately, contribute to a “give it up” attitude.
Generate and keep in mind a clear picture of solving the problem or
generating an answer. Visualizing success can renew your
When you feel burned-out in a job or task, step back from it. Take a
walk, play some music, or visit with a colleague. People who have
the habit of persevering report that the best solutions often occur to
them during these breaks.
Push the Limits of Your Knowledge and Abilities
Pushing your limits means more than simply accepting challenges. It means
seeking out new challenges even when you know that they could be risky,
both physically and psychologically. It means more than working hard. It
means attempting things you are not sure you can do. Pushing your limits
takes more than perseverance or commitment; it takes the courage to try and
to accept failure. However, as long as reason and caution prevail, the benefits
of pushing yourself should outweigh the risks, especially if those benefits
include excitement, expanded knowledge and abilities, increased confidence,
and a willingness to accept and learn from setbacks and failures.
Although pushing limits is listed here as a mental habit, the emphasis is on
developing the tendency and ability to push your limits, not on habitually
doing so. Like many of the other habits of mind, the emphasis is on using it
Teacher’s Manual
Perkins (1981) The Mind’s
Best Work
Harman & Rheingold
(1984) Higher Creativity
Covey (1990) The 7 Habits of
Highly Effective People
Csikszenthmihalyi (1975)
Beyond Boredom and Anxiety
“Ah, but a man’s reach
should exceed his grasp, or
what’s a heaven for?”
—Robert Browning
“I thought about it all the
—Sir Isaac Newton
on how he discovered
the law of gravity
“Courage and perseverance
have a magical talisman
before which difficulties
disappear and obstacles
vanish into thin air.”
—John Quincy Adams
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Examples of situations in which it might be beneficial to push the
limits of your knowledge and abilities
When you have been working at the same job for a long time and
find that you are “coasting” through the day using as little energy as
possible or avoiding challenging tasks, it may be time to seek ways
to push the limits of your knowledge and abilities in some aspect of
your responsibilities. This could increase your energy, your
excitement, and, ultimately, your salary.
When you find that you are falling into a routine in your daily life,
pushing your limits can turn routines back into challenging and
interesting tasks. Pushing your limits can be as simple as playing a
golf course you have considered too difficult, redecorating your home
in a style you have always admired, making unique Halloween
costumes instead of recycling old ideas, making and tossing your
own pizza crust, or running in a marathon.
Learning to push the limits of your knowledge and abilities can be
particularly important when the stakes or rewards are high.
Continued employment, rehabilitation from illness, saving a
relationship, or staying in school can depend on this ability.
Examples of strategies recommended by people who exhibit the habit
of pushing the limits of their knowledge and abilities
When you are involved in a task, set a goal that will challenge you
to complete aspects of a task within a shorter amount of time than
usual. Then push yourself to meet the time limit.
To discover potential new challenges, make it a practice to ask others
what they do to push their limits. Their experiences can help you to
identify personal challenges.
When you find phrases or sayings that inspire or motivate you to
push your limits, write them down and keep them where you will
see them regularly, for example, in your personal calendar, framed in
your office, or taped to the refrigerator.
Identify people in your life who help you to push yourself and let
them know that you may call on them when you are tempted to
simply coast. Conversely, identify those people you want to avoid
because they talk you out of trying things or because they mindlessly
err on the side of caution.
“You must do the thing you
think you cannot do.”
—Eleanor Roosevelt
“Behold the turtle. He
makes progress only when
he sticks his neck out.”
—James Conan Bryant
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Generate, Trust, and Maintain Your Own Standards of
Although your work often will be evaluated by others, you will function
more efficiently and effectively if you consistently apply your own standards
of evaluation as you work. When you generate your own set of standards,
you might consider the standards that others will use to evaluate your work.
However, you may decide to include only some of these standards, reject or
adapt others, and add some that are important only to you. If you have
rigorously generated your standards, trusting them and doing what is
necessary to meet them should follow naturally.
People who exhibit this mental habit become self-directed as learners and
workers. Their achievements and growth are not limited by others who do
not share their visions and aspirations. They are the people who set new
standards in whatever field they pursue.
Examples of situations in which it might be beneficial to generate,
trust, and maintain your own standards of evaluation
You may know how to get the highest grade from a teacher.
However, a good learner also will set his own standards when
necessary to maximize learning.
There are many examples of inventors who have built successful,
lucrative careers around new products or ideas (e.g., Mrs. Fields and
Bill Gates). Successful inventions often are the result of people who
generated and applied their own standards of evaluation.
History is full of examples of individuals who set new standards that
influenced people and societies. For example, Martin Luther King and
Mahatma Gandhi were both known for setting standards that influenced
the behavior of people who wanted to challenge the status quo.
The books In Search of Excellence (Peters & Waterman, 1982) and A
Passion for Excellence (Peters & Austin, 1985), both best-sellers,
document many examples of businesses and schools enjoying
unprecedented successes because individuals generated, trusted, and
maintained uncommonly high standards in their products and services.
Teacher’s Manual
Perkins (1986) Knowledge as
Perkins (1984) “Creativity
by Design”
Finally …
I got it the
way I want it!
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Examples of strategies recommended by people who exhibit the habit
of generating, trusting, and maintaining their own standards of
Whenever you are engaged in setting personal standards, ask yourself
questions like, “If I were evaluating this, what would I want to see?”
and “How would I know that I put forth my best effort?” This kind
of self-talk might motivate you to establish high standards.
When you feel bored, unchallenged, or uninterested in a project or
task, generate and commit to higher standards as a way of increasing
your interest and making the task more challenging.
Take the time to write down your standards. This serves two
purposes. First, it forces you to clearly define your standards. Second,
you can display the list or review it regularly to focus your work.
Try setting your standards using a rubric, a set of criteria that
describes performance at levels that meet, exceed, and miss the
standard. The process of generating the rubric can force you to
articulate your criteria in even greater detail. Once you have created
the rubric, it can provide you with a way of evaluating the extent to
which you are maintaining your standards.
Generate New Ways of Viewing a Situation That Are Outside
the Boundaries of Standard Conventions
Whether solving a problem, analyzing an issue, clarifying a confusing idea,
making a decision, exploring a phenomenon, or inventing a new product,
sometimes we need a completely different way of looking at a task. Even
when we know this, it can be difficult to bring a fresh perspective to a task,
especially when we have been immersed in it for a long time. Deciding that
we need to generate a new way of viewing a situation is only the first step;
actually viewing it differently takes strategies and practice.
For some people, the tendency to view situations in unique or uncommon
ways comes naturally. Unfortunately, people like this sometimes are
considered a bit strange when they share their views and, consequently, may
learn to keep their visions to themselves. Other people, conversely, find it
very difficult to view something from a different angle. Although they may
realize that they are constrained by standard conventions, they may not
know how to break out of these constraints. People who do this naturally
discover that their ability is an asset that serves them well throughout life.
Those who struggle learn that with modeling and practice, they, too, can
develop this mental habit.
Amabile (1983) The Social
Psychology of Creativity
Perkins (1986) Knowledge as
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Examples of situations in which it might be beneficial to generate new
ways of viewing a situation that are outside the boundaries of
standard conventions
When academic assignments seem uninteresting or mundane, you
can change your experience by looking at the assignment in a new
way. The result may be a more creative final product, a better grade,
and, hopefully, an increase in learning.
When faced with everyday, complex problems, try to mentally move
away from the situation and view it in a different way. You may feel
less stressed as a result of seeing that the problem is not so
overwhelming, or you may discover more creative solutions.
Corporations often put together “think tanks,” groups of people who
sometimes spend days or weeks trying to come up with new ideas or
products. You can be a major asset to the company if you are able to
lead these groups through exercises that help them generate new ideas.
Examples of strategies recommended by people who exhibit the habit
of generating new ways of viewing a situation that are outside the
boundaries of standard conventions
Use analogies and metaphors to help you see things in a different way.
Use brainstorming techniques to force yourself to go beyond your
first idea.
When attempting to create a solution or a new product or process,
generate your initial ideas, leave them alone for a while, and then
come back to them later.
Ask yourself questions like, “What unnecessary constraints am I
putting on my thinking?” or “How would a child see this situation?”
Seek out people (e.g., your child, a parent, or a friend) who have no
knowledge or experience with the situation and ask them to react or
respond. Sometimes a naive or innocent question or comment will
help you get out of your mental rut.
Teacher’s Manual
Hanson, Silver, & Strong
(1986) Teaching Styles and
One approach to metaphoric
thinking is synectics. See
Gordon (1961) Synectics and
Gordon (1971)
“Architecture—The Making
of Metaphors.”
von Oech (1983) A Whack
on the Side of the Head
“I’d get real close to him
and breathe on his goggles.”
—Johnny Kerr,
former NBA player
and coach, on how he
would guard Kareem
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Self-Regulated Thinking
Monitor Your Own Thinking
Being aware of our thinking can help us to be more efficient, make fewer
mistakes, and learn from what is working and what is not. When we are
aware of our thinking, we periodically stop and monitor the mental
strategies we have been using, what we have been saying to ourselves, and
what we are picturing in our minds. This process might include asking
questions like, “What am I saying to myself right now?” and “What am I
seeing in my mind?”, or saying things like, “My mind keeps wandering. I
need to focus on this task” or “If I did that, then I must have been
thinking. . . .”
Examples of situations in which it might be beneficial to monitor your
own thinking
When you are not doing well at any task, it might be helpful to stop
and attend to what you are mentally saying to yourself or what you
are seeing in your mind. If necessary, change the words and pictures
to make them positive.
When you are learning new information or skills, it is important to
be aware of how and what you are thinking. When you are trying to
understand something, for example, check to see if you are using
effective strategies (e.g., talking to yourself, generating images, and
linking new information to old information). Consciously using
different kinds of thinking can enhance your learning by increasing
your understanding and retention of new information.
Many Olympic athletes are very aware of their own thinking because
they realize how much it influences their performance. An integral
part of practicing is monitoring their thinking to keep it as positive
as possible.
Research has identified ways that help people to improve their test-
taking and public-speaking skills just by helping them to be aware of
and change their own thinking during these stressful situations. Any
time you face a situation in which you feel self-conscious or nervous,
monitoring your thinking could help to reduce your anxieties.
Bandura & Schunk (1981)
“Developing Competence,
Self-efficacy and Intrinsic
Interest Through Proximal
Paris, Lipson, & Wixson
(1983) “Becoming a
Strategic Reader”
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What am I
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Examples of strategies recommended by people who exhibit the habit
of monitoring their own thinking
When you are doing a difficult task, set a timer to beep every fifteen
minutes as a cue to stop and ask yourself, “What am I thinking right
now? Is my thinking hurting me or helping me? What do I want to
When you are attempting a new skill or solving a difficult problem,
keep a piece of paper near you to write down the mental strategies
that work for you so that you can repeat your successes next time.
Keep a journal that includes reflections on what you are thinking
during various activities of the day (e.g., when you are taking an
exam or working on a project). Reflect on what was helpful, what
was detrimental, and what you learned.
For some people, having a list of personally motivating or inspiring
sayings is a useful resource during difficult times. When you come
across a particularly compelling saying or phrase on a poster, in a
book, from a mentor, at your place of worship, from a movie, or from
a relative, write it down and occasionally read it to keep the idea
fresh in your mind.
Plan Appropriately
One habit that teachers obviously want students to develop is planning.
Planning can be fairly loose or it can involve a process. This process might
include methodically defining a goal, identifying the steps needed to achieve
the goal, anticipating potential problems, assigning responsibilities, and
creating a time line with checkpoints.
In school and in daily life, we learn that taking time to create a plan
increases the chances that goals—whether individual or group goals—will
be achieved. Those who have studied goal setting assert that planning means
more than simply keeping the steps in mind; to be most effective, plans
should be verbalized or written down. The challenge is to understand when a
plan is needed and take the time to verbalize or record the plan so that it
will be used to achieve goals.
Examples of situations in which it might be beneficial to plan
In school or in day-to-day life, there can be periods of time during
which you face many demands all at once. Careful planning can
decrease your stress and maximize your effectiveness.
Teacher’s Manual
Schank & Abelson (1977)
Scripts, Plans, Goals and
“It wasn’t raining when
Noah built the ark.”
—Howard Ruff
“Change your thoughts and
you change your world.”
—Norman Vincent Peale
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Planning can be especially helpful when working on any kind of
long-term project by helping to ensure that things are not put off
until the end. For a group project, planning is especially critical in
making sure that each person knows his or her responsibilities.
Over the course of a lifetime, there are milestones that require
planning. Going to college, getting married, having a family, and
retiring are examples of critical turning points that can, of course, be
influenced by luck, coincidence, or whimsy. However, most people
would agree that planning for these important milestones increases
the chances for positive outcomes.
In almost any job, you can become involved in major projects. The
ability to create and implement detailed plans can not only
contribute to the project, it can also increase your value as an
employee as you become known for the ability to design and
implement complex plans.
The ability to plan can actually turn into a career. Financial planners,
party planners, and construction project planners are all examples of
people who have combined their planning abilities with other
interests and skills to carve out financially rewarding careers.
Examples of strategies recommended by people who exhibit the habit
of planning appropriately
Make sure that any plan has a clearly identified goal. It is difficult to
plan or to know if a plan worked when the identified outcome is
fuzzy. For example, “I am going to lose weight” or “We are going to
help our students think better” are goals that are too general. Being
as specific as possible helps to direct the plan; for example, you
might restate your goals by saying, “I am going to lose ten pounds
by June 1” or “We are going to help students improve their
inductive reasoning when reading from their textbooks.”
Using a particular format, planner, or an organizer for writing down
the plan can ensure that it is complete and easy to use. In its simplest
form, an organizer might include the following components:
“He who does not look
ahead remains behind.”
—Spanish Proverb
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What needs to be
By when? By whom?
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When you have long-term projects or goals, identify short-term
objectives or checkpoints to be achieved and to celebrate along the
way. You might use symbols or checkmarks to note objectives
Because original plans often have to be revised, it is a good idea to
review your plan regularly, assess how the plan is working, and then
make necessary revisions.
When creating a plan for a complex project, seek out others who
have been involved in similar projects and have them review your
plan. Ask specific questions related to your concerns and encourage
them to reflect on what they would have done differently in their
project, what cautions they would offer, and what they would be sure
to do again.
Office supply stores carry planners for almost any project and time
frame. If you are not particularly skilled at designing your own
planner, buy one.
There are courses offered to help people learn to be better planners. If
you are weak in this area, enroll in one.
Identify and Use Necessary Resources
When we encourage students to work hard, to push their limits, and to
believe in themselves, we also might need to remind them that success
frequently depends on seeking help, that is, seeking the human, financial,
material, and information resources that will contribute to completing a task
or achieving a goal. Successful people often attribute much of their success to
the resources—both human and nonhuman—that contributed to their
efforts along the way.
Being aware of necessary resources involves a cycle of assessing what
resources are needed, determining their availability, accessing them, using
them appropriately, and continually reassessing to identify additional
resources as you work. In the technological society we now enjoy, each step
of this cycle can be enhanced with the use of communication and
information systems.
Examples of situations in which it might be beneficial to identify and
use necessary resources
Every day in school, it is important to use the numerous resources
available to you under one roof: teachers, books, equipment, peers,
counselors, electronic media, and, especially, time.
Teacher’s Manual
Schunk (1990) “Goal
Setting and Self-efficacy
During Self-regulated
Covey (1990) The 7 Habits
of Highly Effective People
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Dim 5 chapter 5/5/09 3:10 PM Page 293
People who have been successful in almost any field have faced many
situations that required them to rely not just on their own personal
resources but on other people’s money, time, support, and ideas.
Sports figures often describe their search for the ideal coach;
entertainers and artists have stories of receiving backing from patrons
of the arts; authors dedicate works to key mentors from whom they
have received support and ideas.
There are many times when identifying necessary resources will help
you fulfill your responsibilities as a family member. Most
experienced parents, for example, could describe numerous times
that they had to identify and seek help and advice as they raised
their children. People who face caring for aging parents sometimes
have a need to look for suggestions, professional help, or
psychological support.
One of life’s major goals, maintaining your own health, increasingly
depends on finding and making use of resources, whether it is
seeking second opinions on health matters, finding an exercise
buddy, or hiring a personal trainer.
Examples of strategies recommended by people who exhibit the habit
of identifying and using necessary resources
When involved in any complex task or situation, start by making a
list that includes what is needed, what is available, what is not
available, and other resources that could replace what is not available.
Before beginning a project or task, seek out others who have been
involved in similar types of projects and find out what they needed.
This can help you to make sure you have not overlooked some
important resources and can provide ideas for obtaining the resources
you have already identified.
Regularly ask yourself, “What else is available to me, or what can I
make available, that will contribute to this process?” This self-talk
can help you to be alert to resources that you might otherwise miss.
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Respond Appropriately to Feedback
Seeking out and responding to feedback communicates that you care about
being successful and that you acknowledge that self-assessment, although
necessary, might not be sufficient for maximum success. It means you listen
to others’ remarks with an open mind because you value their input and
want to improve your performance. However, being sensitive to feedback
does not mean that you must agree with or act on every suggestion; it does
mean that you listen, reflect, and take appropriate action, which might
include dismissing the advice.
Examples of situations in which it might be beneficial to respond
appropriately to feedback
When you are engaged in a repetitious task, you might find yourself
getting into a rut. It can be helpful to solicit or listen to someone
else’s ideas about how to improve performance or prevent careless
If you have a school project to complete or a plan to implement, it
can be useful to ask someone to give you feedback. This can help you
make the project more focused, thorough, and accurate. Just the
process of asking for feedback can help you to stay focused.
If you are speaking to an audience, you can get feedback from the
audience. Watch body language, elicit responses during the speech,
and adapt accordingly.
When you are striving to accomplish any long-term, complex task
(e.g., debugging your computer), it is important to actively seek
feedback. Being sensitive to the feedback can help keep you on
course, allow you to correct if things are not going well, and increase
the likelihood of your success.
Examples of strategies recommended by people who exhibit the habit
of responding appropriately to feedback
When you are involved in a difficult task, occasionally stop and ask
another person for his or her opinion about your progress. Be sure to
ask specific questions such as, “How do you think this is working?”,
“What would you change about the way that I’m dealing with
this?”, and “Tell me what I am doing best and which component of
the task you think is most important.” Direct, specific questions will
elicit advice that is most useful.
Teacher’s Manual
Resnick (1987) Education
and Learning to Think
Pressley & Levin (1983b)
Cognitive Strategy Research:
Psychological Foundations
Pressley & Levin (1983a)
Cognitive Strategy Research:
Educational Applications
Thank you!
That was
a good
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When you are creating an action plan to meet a specific goal (e.g.,
training for a long bike ride), include in your plan exactly when and
from whom you will seek feedback. Include people who have some
experience in the area so that they can help you identify the signals
or signposts that should let you know whether or not you are headed
in the right direction.
When you are creating a new plan at work, ask colleagues for
feedback. As you listen, take notes. Avoid accepting or rejecting the
feedback until later when you have a chance to reflect on the ideas
from each person.
There are times when you may need to prepare yourself to receive
feedback. For example, if you know that you tend to be defensive
about feedback in particular situations or from specific people,
prepare yourself by trying to be as open as possible.
Evaluate the Effectiveness of Your Actions
When you are evaluating the effectiveness of your actions, you are acting as
your own process observer. This type of self-assessment involves continually
stepping out of your work, looking at what you are accomplishing, and then
evaluating how successfully you are accomplishing the task or goal. You
might be asking yourself questions, validating or rethinking your approach,
deciding whether to maintain your plan of action or start over, and learning
if and how you would change your approach the next time. Exhibiting this
habit of mind takes discipline and a commitment to high standards.
Examples of situations in which it might be beneficial to evaluate the
effectiveness of your actions
Any time you are starting something new or trying to do something
for the first time, evaluating your actions along the way helps you
learn from mistakes and can change the way that you perform in the
When you are teaching someone else how to do something, you may
find that you need to evaluate your own actions in order to be able to
influence others.
When you are successful at some kind of task, such as organizing
large functions, it is useful to evaluate the effectiveness of your
decisions and actions so that you will be able to duplicate those
Covey (1990) The 7 Habits
of Highly Effective People
Hansen (1992) “Literacy
Portfolios: Helping
Students Know Themselves”
Resnick (1987) Education
and Learning to Think
Teacher’s Manual
I know what
I did wrong.
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If you are involved in a project that includes many people, by
articulating how you evaluate the effectiveness of your part of the
work, you may be able to give others an opportunity to do the same,
thereby contributing to the performance of the group as a whole.
Examples of strategies recommended by people who exhibit the habit
of evaluating the effectiveness of their actions
As soon as you have finished working on a challenging, long-term
project, ask yourself, “What would I do differently next time? What
would I do the same?” Using self-talk is one of the most common
approaches to self-assessment.
As discussed earlier, writing out your plan is a good practice to use
during any project. It also allows you to go back and methodically
evaluate each phase. This written record is then available to you in
future similar endeavors.
After you have completed a project or task (e.g., painting a room),
seek out the strategies other people have used to be successful in that
area (e.g., successful painters) and compare your tactics with theirs.
Look for ways that you could change your behavior to be more
successful in the future.
When you are trying to improve your ability to use a complex
process, it is always useful to break the process down into small
parts. This allows you to evaluate each part, rather than examining
the whole, and decreases the potential for feeling overwhelmed by
the improvements you need to make.
Teacher’s Manual
“When you’re through
changing, you’re through.”
—Bruce Barton
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Unit Planning: Dimension 5
Planning for Dimension 5 requires asking and answering the following
overarching question:
What will be done to help students develop productive habits of mind?
What follows is a step-by-step process that will guide you in answering this
question. Each step asks you to answer a key question or provide specific
information. There is a place on the planning guide (see page 302) in which
to record your ideas, notes, decisions, and planned activities. A sample
planning guide has been filled out for a hypothetical social studies unit
about Colorado. (This unit topic was chosen because, with some changes, it
could be used for a unit about any state or region and at any developmental
level. You will find the entire unit in Chapter 6, “Putting It All Together.”)
Step 1
To answer these questions, do the following:
Identify anything you have noticed, in general, about students’
awareness of or use of the habits of mind. For example, you might
have observed that students rarely stop to identify the necessary
resources before planning or that they are reluctant to say anything
when things are not clear to them.
Think about the activities, experiences, and tasks that will be
included in the unit, and identify any mental habits that will
contribute to students’ performance or level of learning. For example,
there might be a particularly difficult task in Dimension 4 that will
challenge students to push themselves or there might be a class
debate during which students need to listen to each other carefully.
Are there any goals or concerns related to students’ habits of mind?
in general?
related to this specific unit?
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Step 2
This question has two parts, as follows:
Step 2a
Identify the specific habits of mind that will help you to address your goals
and concerns.
Specifically, will anything be done to help students. . .
Critical Thinking
be accurate and seek accuracy?
be clear and seek clarity?
maintain an open mind?
restrain impulsivity?
take a position when the situation warrants it?
respond appropriately to others’ feelings and level of knowledge?
Creative Thinking
push the limits of their knowledge and abilities?
generate, trust, and maintain their own standards of evaluation?
generate new ways of viewing a situation that are outside the
boundaries of standard conventions?
Self-regulated Thinking
monitor their own thinking?
plan appropriately?
identify and use necessary resources?
respond appropriately to feedback?
evaluate the effectiveness of their actions?
What will be done to address these goals or concerns?
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Unit Planning
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Step 2b
Describe the specific action you will take or the activities and strategies will
use. You might want to consider the strategies suggested earlier in this
section of the manual. They are as follows:
1. Help students understand habits of mind.
Facilitate classroom discussion of each habit.
Use examples from literature and current events of people who
are using the habits in different situations.
Share personal anecdotes that relate to a habit.
Notice and label student behavior that demonstrates a particular
Ask students to identify personal heroes or mentors and describe
the extent to which they exemplify specific habits of mind.
Have students create posters that illustrate their understanding
of the habits.
2. Help students identify and develop strategies related to the
habits of mind.
Use think-aloud to demonstrate specific strategies.
Ask students to share their own strategies.
Encourage students to find examples of strategies mentioned in
literature and current events.
Ask students to interview others (e.g., parents, friends, or
neighbors) to identify strategies.
Each quarter or semester, ask students to identify and focus on a
habit of mind they would like to develop.
3. Create a culture in the classroom and the school that
encourages the development and use of the habits of mind.
Model the habits.
Integrate the habits into the daily routines and activities of the
Describe what will be done.
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Habits of Mind
Unit Planning
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Develop and display posters, icons, and other visual
representations to express the importance of productive habits of
When appropriate, cue students to focus on specific mental
habits or ask them to identify habits that would help them while
working on difficult tasks.
4. Provide positive reinforcement to students who exhibit the
habits of mind.
Appoint “process observers,” students who watch for positive
examples of other students who are demonstrating the habits.
Ask students to self-assess their use of specific habits.
Give students feedback on a report card or progress report.
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Habits of Mind
Unit Planning
Dimension 5
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Describe what will be done.
Critical Thinking
be accurate and seek accuracy?
be clear and seek clarity?
maintain an open mind?
restrain impulsivity?
take a position when the
situation warrants it?
respond appropriately to others’
feelings and level of knowledge?
Creative Thinking
push the limits of their
knowledge and abilities?
generate, trust, and maintain
their own standards of evaluation?
generate new ways of viewing a
situation that are outside the
boundaries of standard conventions?
Self-Regulated Thinking
monitor their thinking?
plan appropriately?
identify and use necessary resources?
respond appropriately to feedback?
evaluate the effectiveness of their actions?
Are there any goals or concerns
related to students’ habits of mind
• in general?
• related to this specific unit?
Specifically, will anything be
done to help students. . .
It’s that time of year. Students are
really slacking off. Energy is low;
only the minimum is being done—
even from my good students
I am going to try to energize them a little bit by
verbally reinforcing students when they push their
limits or persevere. I think it is time to give out a few
certificates of achievement when students exhibit these
Students know you should plan
before you begin, but they do not
consistently or efficiently do this.
The experimental inquiry task will
be dependent on careful planning
and follow-through.
I am going to give students a planning form to keep on
their desks. I will use it to lead some discussions about
planning and then to demonstrate how to use the form.
Every few days I am going to have students write in
their learning logs about how their planning is going.
What will be done to address these goals or concerns?
Step 1 Step 2
Dimension 5 Planning Guide Unit: Colorado
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Putting It All Together
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Teacher’s Manual
Putting It All Together
Putting It All Together
As explained in the introduction to this manual, one of the primary uses of
the Dimensions of Learning model is as a structure for planning units of
instruction. At the end of the chapter for each dimension, a process for unit
planning is explained and examples are provided of a social studies unit
about the state of Colorado. Units of study planned using the Dimensions of
Learning model might be short—that is, implemented over a period of only
three or four days—or long—extending over two or more weeks. The length
will be influenced by a number of factors, including how much knowledge is
being targeted, the age of the students, and the level of interest of the
students. This section, “Putting It All Together,” addresses how a teacher
might integrate five issues that must be considered in relationship to one
another for a unit to truly be effective. The issues are (1) the content that
will be covered, (2) how students will be assessed, (3) how grades will be
assigned, (4) how instruction will be sequenced, and (5) how conferences will
be used.
Whether a unit is short or long, deals with mathematics or social studies, or
is targeted for the first grade or the twelfth grade, the planning process
requires the curriculum planner to consider each of the five dimensions. The
primary questions that have been identified for each dimension include the
PIAT chapter 5/4/09 2:37 PM Page 303
Dimension 1
What will be done to help students develop positive attitudes and
Are there any goals or concerns related to students’ attitudes and
in general?
related to this specific unit?
What will be done to address these goals or concerns?
Specifically, will anything be done to help students
feel accepted by teachers and peers?
experience a sense of comfort and order?
perceive tasks as valuable and interesting?
believe they have the ability and resources to complete tasks?
understand and be clear about tasks?
Dimension 2: Declarative
What will be done to help students acquire and integrate declarative
What declarative knowledge will students be in the process of
acquiring and integrating? As a result of this unit, students will know
or understand. . . .
What experiences or activities will be used to help students acquire and
integrate this knowledge?
What strategies will be used to help students construct meaning for,
organize, and/or store this knowledge?
Dimension 2: Procedural
What will be done to help students acquire and integrate procedural
What procedural knowledge will students be in the process of acquiring
and integrating? As a result of this unit, students will be able to…
What strategies will be used to help students construct models for,
shape, and internalize the procedural knowledge?
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Dimension 3
What will be done to help students extend and refine knowledge?
What knowledge will students be extending and refining? Specifically,
students will be extending and refining their understanding of. . . .
What reasoning process will students be using?
Dimension 4
What will be done to help students use knowledge meaningfully?
What knowledge will students be using meaningfully? Specifically,
students will be demonstrating their understanding of or ability to. . . .
What reasoning process will students be using?
Dimension 5
What will be done to help students develop productive habits of mind?
Are there any goals or concerns related to students’ habits of minds
in general?
related to this specific unit?
What will be done to address these goals or concerns? Specifically, will
anything be done to help students
be accurate and seek accuracy?
be clear and seek clarity?
maintain an open mind?
restrain impulsivity?
take a position when the situation warrants it?
respond appropriately to others’ feelings and level of knowledge?
push the limits of their knowledge and abilities?
generate, trust, and maintain their own standards of evaluation?
generate new ways of viewing a situation that are outside the
boundaries of standard conventions?
monitor their own thinking?
plan appropriately?
identify and use necessary resources?
respond appropriately to feedback?
evaluate the effectiveness of their actions?
The entire unit plan for the Colorado unit, in which each of the primary
questions for each dimension is answered, can be found at the end of this
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Putting It All Together
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Although these questions are presented in a step-by-step sequence, planning
is, in reality, rarely a linear process. A person planning a unit might start
with Dimension 4, then plan Dimensions 2 and 3, and then, because of
decisions made in Dimensions 2 and 3, go back and change decisions
initially made in Dimension 4. Perhaps the only fairly consistent approach to
planning is that the questions related to attitudes and perceptions
(Dimension 1) and habits of mind (Dimension 5) are answered last. This is
because many of the goals and concerns in these dimensions are not apparent
until Dimensions 2, 3, and 4 have been planned.
Even though there is great variation in the order in which people plan the
dimensions, it is critical to the planning process to ask and answer the
questions for each dimension. This guarantees that each part of the learning
process is carefully considered during planning. However, it would be a
mistake to conclude that each dimension has an equal role in each unit.
Sometimes when you are asking yourself the questions related to a particular
dimension, you will decide that nothing or not much will be done to address
that dimension during the unit. Because of the specific focus of a unit, one
dimension might dominate or be deemphasized. Below are explanations of
three models of planning, each representing a different focus and, therefore, a
different emphasis on the individual dimensions.
Model 1: Focus on Knowledge
When using Model 1, the teacher focuses on Dimension 2, acquiring and
integrating declarative and procedural knowledge. This means that specific
concepts, generalizations/principles, skills, or processes are the focus of the
unit. Everything that happens in the classroom “serves” these learning goals.
Thus, the teacher selects extending and refining activities (Dimension 3) and
tasks that require students to use the identified knowledge meaningfully
(Dimension 4). The planning sequence for this model might include the
following steps:
Step 1
Identify the declarative and procedural knowledge (Dimension 2) that will
be the focus of the unit.
Step 2
Create extending and refining activities (Dimension 3) that will reinforce
and deepen students’ understanding of the declarative and procedural
knowledge identified in Step 1.
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Step 3
Design a task that requires students to use knowledge meaningfully
(Dimension 4). The targeted knowledge should be the declarative and
procedural knowledge identified in Step 1.
Model 1 has these general characteristics:
The knowledge identified in Dimension 2 is selected because the
planner considers it to be important for all students or because it is
important knowledge related to district or state standards and
When declarative knowledge is the focus, concepts and
generalizations/principles (as opposed to discrete facts) should be
identified. When the focus is on procedural knowledge, important
declarative knowledge that is related to those procedures also should
be identified.
Both Dimension 3 and Dimension 4 tasks are means of enhancing
students’ understanding of, or proficiency with, the identified
Usually, only one task that requires students to use knowledge
meaningfully (Dimension 4) is included in the units, and the teacher
makes sure that students know that the task requires them to use the
knowledge identified in Step 1.
Model 2: Focus on Issues
When using this model, you focus on Dimension 4, the meaningful use of
knowledge. Specifically, you identify an issue related to the general theme of
the unit and decide what kind of task might be associated with the issue.
For example, if there is an issue about how or why something happened,
then historical investigation becomes the focus of the unit. If there is a
phenomenon to be studied, then experimental inquiry becomes the focus of
the unit, and so on. Once you have identified the issue and its related task,
you identify the declarative and procedural knowledge (Dimension 2) and
any extending and refining activities (Dimension 3) needed to complete the
task. Work in Dimensions 2 and 3 supports the task that you have selected.
The planning process for Model 2 might be represented in this way:
Step 1
Identify an important issue and its related task that requires students to use
knowledge meaningfully (Dimension 4).
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Step 2
Identify the declarative and procedural knowledge (Dimension 2) needed to
complete the task.
Step 3
Identify the extending and refining activities (Dimension 3) needed to
enhance students’ understanding of the declarative and procedural
Model 2 has these general characteristics:
The unit contains only one task that requires students to use
knowledge meaningfully. In the primary grades, an extending and
refining activity (Dimension 3) may be used instead because this
kind of activity is often more appropriate for young students.
The identified declarative and procedural knowledge is selected
because students need that knowledge to complete the identified
Dimension 4 task.
Extending and refining activities might be deemphasized because the
Dimension 4 task will serve to enhance students’ understanding of,
and proficiency with, the identified knowledge.
Model 3: Focus on Student Exploration
Model 3 most closely resembles the developers’ original concept of the
workings of the Dimensions of Learning framework. As in Model 1, you first
identify the declarative and procedural knowledge (Dimension 2) that will
be highlighted in the unit. You also identify the extending and refining
activities (Dimension 3) that will reinforce that knowledge. In a departure
from both models 1 and 2, however, you do not identify a task that requires
students to use knowledge meaningfully (Dimension 4) but ask students to
select their own tasks, or projects, for making meaningful use of knowledge.
Your job is to assist students in choosing a project and to encourage them to
explore issues and interesting questions that arise naturally in the unit. In
effect, students have the freedom to study issues that are beyond the scope of
the declarative and procedural knowledge you have identified. The only
requirement is that students use important knowledge in ways that are
meaningful to them. Using this model, the planning process might be
delineated in the following way:
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Step 1
Identify the declarative and procedural knowledge (Dimension 2) to be
highlighted in the unit.
Step 2
Identify extending and refining activities (Dimension 3) that will deepen
students’ understanding of the declarative and procedural knowledge.
Step 3
Identify ways to help students select tasks in which they use knowledge
meaningfully (Dimension 4).
Model 3 has these general characteristics:
The types of tasks or projects undertaken by students are very
A greater portion of class time is devoted to these projects
(Dimension 4) because students develop their own projects.
Dimensions of Learning can help teachers identify and clarify what they will
teach—the content of a unit of instruction. In addition, Dimensions of
Learning can be a powerful model for organizing classroom assessment.
What to Assess
Traditionally, classroom assessment has been focused exclusively on the
acquisition of information and skills—declarative and procedural knowledge
as represented in Dimension 2. The Dimensions of Learning model suggests
that, in addition to the content-specific knowledge of Dimension 2, other
types of information and skills are important for students to learn and can be
assessed, specifically the information and skills involved in Dimensions 3, 4,
and 5. In other words, the bias of the Dimensions of Learning model is to
assess Dimensions 2, 3, 4, and 5 as opposed to just the information and
skills in Dimension 2. Why?
First, even if we could agree that only content-specific information and skills
(Dimension 2) are important, most educators would admit that they want
students to have more than a surface-level grasp of important declarative and
procedural knowledge. Thus, it is important to teach students processes that
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help them to extend and refine that knowledge—that is, go into more depth,
make new connections, have new insights, and correct misconceptions. The
Dimension 3 complex reasoning processes accomplish this purpose but must
be taught and assessed if students are to learn and use them.
Similarly, most people recognize the necessity for students to apply
important information and skills to real-life settings and problems. Again,
the Dimension 4 complex reasoning processes provide an opportunity for
students to do this. They, too, must be taught and assessed if students are to
value them and learn to use them.
Finally, most people concur that having certain dispositions makes it more
likely that students will learn content more effectively and function more
successfully in the world. The habits of mind in Dimension 5 are the kinds
of dispositions that many people believe students need in order to learn
effectively in school and to succeed in life. Again, these habits of mind can
and must be taught and assessed if students are to learn them.
Dimension 1, it might be noticed, has not been mentioned in this discussion
of assessment. Although the different aspects of Dimension 1 may be
assessed, primarily through teacher observation or student self-assessment,
most people refrain from such assessment because the elements are largely
To summarize, then, we recommend that the various components of
Dimensions 2, 3, 4, and 5 be taught and assessed for the many reasons
discussed above.
Assessment Techniques: Tools and Techniques for
Collecting Data
One of the keys to effectively assessing Dimensions 2, 3, 4, and 5 in the
classroom is to have a wide variety of assessment techniques. Here we
consider five types of assessment that all classroom teachers can use: (1)
forced-choice items, (2) essay questions, (3) performance tasks and portfolios,
(4) teacher observation, and (5) student self-assessment. The utility of these
five types of assessment for each dimension is depicted in Figure 6.1. As
Figure 6.1 illustrates, some types of assessment are much more flexible than
others in the number of dimensions they address.
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Forced-Choice Items
As described by assessment expert Richard Stiggins (1994), forced-choice
items are those found in what we think of as conventional, objective tests.
They include multiple-choice items, true/false items, matching exercises, and
short, fill-in-the-blank items. The student is asked to select or give the
correct or best answer.
Although forced-choice items can be used to assess declarative knowledge—
from the general (concepts and generalizations) to the specific (facts about
people, places, events)—they are best suited for information at the factual
level and when simple recall or recognition of information is the goal. For
procedural knowledge, such items are appropriate for assessing whether
students have mastered basic algorithms such as adding or subtracting.
Essay Questions
Essay questions have been used by classroom teachers for many years. They
are effective for assessing both declarative and procedural knowledge
(Dimension 2) as well as the complex reasoning processes (Dimensions 3 and
4). Relative to Dimension 2, essay questions are appropriate for assessing
students’ understanding of general levels of declarative knowledge (concepts
and generalizations, big ideas and their relationships) as well as determining
Dimension 2:
Dimension 2:
Dimension 2:
Dimension 2:
Dimension 3 & 4:
Dimension 5:
Habits of Mind
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students’ proficiency with procedural knowledge (by having students explain
or critique a procedure). When a complex reasoning process is applied to
declarative knowledge in an essay, students must demonstrate an
understanding of the declarative knowledge as well as competence in using
the reasoning process.
Performance Tasks and Portfolios
Good essay questions are closely related to performance tasks. In fact, an
essay question that uses one of the Dimension 3 or 4 reasoning processes is a
type of performance task. Performance tasks require students to construct
responses that demonstrate that they can analyze and/or apply knowledge. As
indicated in Figure 6.1, performance tasks may be used to assess declarative
and procedural knowledge (Dimension 2), complex reasoning processes
(Dimensions 3 and 4), and habits of mind (Dimension 5). In addition,
performance tasks promote student engagement, a deeper understanding of
the content being studied, and an opportunity for students to meaningfully
apply that content knowledge.
A model for constructing performance tasks based on the Dimensions of
Learning model includes the following steps adapted from Assessing Student
Outcomes (Marzano, Pickering, & McTighe, 1993):
1. Identify important declarative or procedural knowledge that will be
assessed in the task. (Dimension 2: Declarative knowledge should be
at the concept, generalization, or “big idea” level of generality.)
2. Structure the task around one of the complex reasoning processes in
Dimensions 3 or 4. (This may not be necessary when procedural
knowledge from Dimension 2 is selected. Instead, the skill or process
may be placed in a real-life, real-use context.)
3. Write a first draft of the performance task, incorporating the
information identified in steps 1 and 2.
4. Identify dispositions from the habits of mind (Dimension 5) to
include in the task. Revise the task to include them.
5. Identify specific aspects of communication, information processing,
and/or cooperation/collaboration, if desired, and build them into the
The performance task shown in Figure 6.2 was developed using the above
steps. (These steps were adapted from a task from Assessing Student Outcomes.)
To make the task most effective as an assessment tool, rubrics should be
provided for students. (For a discussion of rubrics, see the upcoming section
“The Important Role of Judgment.”) General rubrics for all the dimensions
can be found in the book Assessing Student Outcomes.
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Portfolios are intimately tied to performance tasks. In fact, they usually
contain products from a series of performance tasks. They also might contain
examples of various stages of a particular performance task to show
development and growth. An important aspect of a portfolio is the student’s
description of the process of creating a product, why certain decisions were
made, and a judgment about his or her own effort. Portfolios are often
accompanied by exhibitions, that is, presentations or defenses of student
Grade-level range: Junior high—high school
Although the term Third World is often used by newscasters,
economists, and authors, its meaning is unclear to many people. There
is no common understanding of precisely what the Third World is or
where the term originated. In your small group, locate descriptions of,
or allusions to, the Third World or to another regional term of your
choice (e.g., underdeveloped nations, the Far East) that provide
information or insights into the characteristics represented by the
terms and an explanation of why the term is used.
Construct a definition of the term, and determine if its characteristics
focus primarily on political, sociological, topographical, or religious
distinctions. Use a consensus process to reach agreement on the
definition. You will present your findings in a panel discussion format,
so be prepared to defend your definition. You will be assessed on and
provided rubrics for the following:
Declarative Knowledge (Dimension 2): Social Studies
1. Your ability to distinguish differing definitions of regions: those
based primarily on politics, sociological elements, topography,
religions, etc.
Complex Reasoning Process (Dimension 3/4): Definitional Investigation
1. Your ability to define or describe something for which there is no
readily available or accepted definition.
2. Your ability to develop and defend a logical and plausible resolution
to the confusion, uncertainty, or contradiction about the concept.
Habit of Mind (Dimension 5): Critical Thinking
1. Your ability to take a position when the situation warrants it.
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Teacher Observation
Perhaps the most direct way of collecting assessment data is to informally
observe students. To do this, a teacher commonly makes notes as he observes
students demonstrating their understanding of information or their use of a
skill. This is done unobtrusively as students engage in classroom activities.
As depicted in Figure 6.1, teacher observation can be used to assess
Dimensions 2, 3, 4, and 5. Recording data over an extended period of time
(e.g., a quarter or a semester) gives a teacher enough information to reliably
judge each student’s performance on any of the four dimensions that are the
focus of assessment.
Student Self-Assessment
This technique is particularly powerful because the assessment data comes
directly from students. Usually students are given specific questions, probes, or
rubrics to guide them in their self-assessment. They might write their
responses to questions or probes in a learning log or journal. They might also
respond to surveys and questionnaires. Self-assessments can be used to gather
assessment data for any and all of the dimensions of learning. They are
particularly appropriate for the habits of mind from Dimension 5 because
many of the habits are not easily observed but must be inferred by the teacher.
The Important Role of Judgment
With the exception of forced-choice items, the assessment techniques
described above cannot be reduced to responses that can be scored as correct
or incorrect. Therefore, teachers using this expanded array of assessment
techniques must shift their perspective from one of adding up the number of
correct responses a student obtains to one of making judgments about a
student’s level of performance on specific types of information and skill. One
of the best tools for making these types of judgments is a rubric, a set of
criteria that describes the characteristics of performance at difference levels of
competency. A rubric provides a scale, usually represented by numbers (e.g.,
4, 3, 2, and 1 for a 4-point scale) or descriptive terms (e.g., advanced,
proficient, developing or basic, and novice). Rubrics provide a structure for
making judgments about students’ levels of performance. This is especially
true for essays, performance tasks, portfolios, teacher observations, and
student self-assessments.
Teachers and students who use rubrics attest to their power to improve
student performance. Rubrics answer the question that students ask, “What’s
expected of me?” Grant Wiggins, director of programs for the Center on
Learning, Assessment, and School Structure, in describing the usefulness of
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rubrics, suggests that they are like road signs. Rubrics provide information
that lets students know where they are, where they need to be, and what
they need to do to get from where they are to where they need to be.
Rubrics help students self-assess, self-correct, and be more self-reliant.
The rubrics shown in Figures 6.3 and 6.4 can be used to assess students’
performance relative to declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge,
complex reasoning processes, and habits of mind. They can be tailored to
assignments and tasks by substituting assignment- or task-specific language
for the generic terms.
4 Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the important
information; is able to exemplify that information in detail and
articulate complex relationships and distinctions.
3 Demonstrates an understanding of the important information;
is able to exemplify that information in some detail.
2 Demonstrates an incomplete understanding of the important
information, but does not have severe misconceptions.
1 Demonstrates an incomplete understanding of the important
information along with severe misconceptions.
4 Carries out the major processes/skills inherent in the procedure
with relative ease and automaticity.
3 Carries out the major processes/skills inherent in the procedure
without significant error but not necessarily at an automatic
2 Makes a number of errors when carrying out the major
processes and skills important to the procedure but still
accomplishes the basic purpose of the procedure.
1 Makes so many errors when carrying out the process and skills
important to the procedure that it fails to accomplish its
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4 Carefully considers a situation to determine whether more
study is required before acting. When further study is
required, gathers thorough and detailed information before
3 Considers a situation to determine whether more study is
required before acting. When further study is required, gathers
sufficient information before acting.
2 Considers, in a cursory manner, whether more study is
required before acting. When further study is required, gathers
some information before acting.
1 Does not consider a situation to determine whether more study
is required before acting.
Note: See Marzano, Pickering, & McTighe (1993) Assessing Student
, for rubrics for all of the Habits of Mind.
4 Carries out the steps in the process of comparing completely,
accurately, and effectively, and with relative ease and
3 Carries out the steps in the process of comparing effectively
and without significant error, but not necessarily at an
automatic level.
2 Makes a number of errors when carrying out the steps of the
process of comparing, but still accomplishes the basic purpose
of the comparison.
1 Makes so many errors when carrying out the steps important
to the process of comparing that it fails to accomplish its
Note: The generic procedural knowledge rubric may be similarly adapted
to any and all of the Dimension 3 and 4 complex reasoning
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Once decisions have been made about the criteria for students’ levels of
performance on specific dimensions and the types of assessment tools that
will be used, the next concern is how to assign grades.
To do this, teachers must stop thinking of a grade as a compilation of scores
on tests, assignments, and activities to which points are assigned, and begin
to think in terms of levels of performance on (1) the important declarative
and procedural knowledge (Dimension 2) specific to a class or subject area,
(2) the particular Dimension 3 and 4 complex reasoning processes students
are learning and using in the classroom, and (3) the habits of mind
(Dimension 5) that have been addressed.
For example, within a unit of study on Colorado (which has been used in the
planning sections throughout this manual), the teacher might address a great
deal of knowledge (identified in Dimension 2), which can be clustered under
the following benchmarks:
Students will…
Benchmark 1: understand the interactions of human and physical
characteristics of a regions
Benchmark 2: understand the reasons for human movement within and
among regions
Benchmark 3: be able to use thematic maps
Students’ abilities to engage in complex reasoning processes and to exhibit
habits of mind (skills which may or may not be identified in benchmarks
within a district) are also addressed in the unit. Specifically, students use
three complex reasoning processes—classifying, inductive reasoning, and
experimental inquiry—in the Colorado unit. In addition, the teacher has
targeted two creative thinking habits of mind (persevere and push limits)
and one self-regulated thinking habit of mind (plan appropriately).
Figure 6.5 shows a sample page from a grade book that might be kept by a
teacher using this unit of study. This type of grade book is manageable when
the declarative and procedural knowledge is organized under specific
benchmarks. If benchmarks are not used, only the most important pieces of
knowledge should be included in the grade book; recording separate grades
for each piece of knowledge would not be realistic. Each portion of the grade
book is explained below.
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The assignment key at the top of the grade book can be used by the teacher
to list the various assessment techniques, activities, and assignments used for
grading. A page from our sample grade book has room for ten items, student
self-assessment, and teacher observations. Eight items have been filled in on
this sample page.
Assignment Key:
A. Quiz
B. Induction Task
C. Reg. cake (HW)
D. Classify Task
E. Quiz
F. Exper. Inq. Task
G. Unit Test
H. Map Assign (HW)
I. Quiz
J. Quiz
K. Student Self-Assessment
L. Observations
Geo S1B2
Geo S6B1
use thematic
Dim 5
habits of mind
Al Einstein
Marie Curie
3 2
2, 2
Geo S2B5
Dim 3 & 4
3 3
3, 3+
3 3
2 1
2, 2
1 2
1, 1
George Carver
4 3
4, 4
4 4
3, 4, 3
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At the top of each column (where assignments are recorded in more
conventional grade books) are categories of knowledge for which grades are
recorded during this unit. The first three columns are for three of the
benchmarks from the unit; these are followed by a column for complex
reasoning processes (Dimensions 3 and 4) used in the unit and a column for
habits of mind (Dimension 5) used in the unit.
Note that in this marking period the teacher gave two graded homework
assignments, two quizzes, two Dimension 3 tasks, one Dimension 4 task,
and a unit test. Each box below each benchmark has room for the teacher to
enter a number reflecting his or her judgment about an individual student’s
performance on a specific assessment, activity, homework assignment, and so
on. For example, consider Al Einstein’s scores for the first benchmark. This
box has a number of rows, each preceded by a letter. The letter in each row
represents the assignment, the test, or the event for which the teacher has
made judgments about Al’s performance. The number represents the
teacher’s judgment about Al’s performance on each of the assessments for each
applicable benchmark, reasoning process, or habit of mind.
Note that most of the assessments address more than one benchmark. For
example, consider assessment F, the Experimental Inquiry Task. The task
provides assessment information for students’ performance on two content
benchmarks, the complex reasoning process, and the habits of mind targeted
in the unit.
Row K is used to record the individual student’s self-assessment for his or
her performance relative to each dimension. (The teacher enters this into the
grade book at the time of a teacher/student assessment conference. During
A. Quiz
B. Induction Task
C. Regional cake assignment (Homework)
D. Classify Task
E. Quiz
F. Experimental Inquiry Task
G. Unit Test
H. Map Assignment (Homework)
I. ________________________
J. ________________________
K. Student Self-Assessment
L. Observation
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the conference, each student provides the teacher with his or her personal
judgment and the evidence for those judgments.)
Row L is used to record the teacher’s informal observations on the student’s
performance relative to each dimension. For example, the teacher assigned a
score of 2 on one occasion and a score of 3 on the other occasion.
Numbers ranging from 1 to 4 are used throughout the grade book. These
refer to the levels of performance achieved by the student during a single
assignment that related to the declarative or procedural knowledge,
Dimension 3 or 4 processes, and habits of mind. (Sample rubrics were
presented earlier in this section that might be used to assess students’
performance relative to the different dimensions.) What does a teacher do,
however, when a single assignment or test relates to more than one
component in a category of declarative or procedural knowledge (e.g.,
understanding the concepts of topography, natural resources, climate, and
culture are all components of “understanding interactions between human
and physical systems”) or more than one complex reasoning process or habit
of mind (e.g., a single task could assess both comparing and inductive
reasoning)? The rubric shown in Figure 6.6 can be used to summarize
performance on multiple aspects of a category of declarative or procedural
knowledge, multiple complex reasoning processes in Dimensions 3 and 4, or
multiple habits of mind.
At the end of the grading period, the teacher assigns a score representing the
student’s performance for each type of knowledge assessed. This is entered in
the white box in the lower portion of each column of the grade book. This
score is not intended to be an average of all of the student’s scores for that
type of knowledge. Many educators believe that it does not matter how long
it takes for students to learn the targeted knowledge. The score is intended
to reflect the level of performance the student has attained during the
grading period.
4 Advanced performance in some of the components of this objective
3 Proficient performance in the majority of components of this
2 Proficient or higher performance in some components of this
1 Basic or lower performance in the majority of components within
this objective
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Once the teacher has assigned a score for each type of knowledge being
assessed, more than likely she must combine these into an overall grade. Each
type of knowledge might be weighted according to its importance. For
example, the declarative and procedural knowledge pieces might be given a
weight of 2, the complex reasoning processes a 2, and the habits of mind a 1.
The student’s scores (representing levels of performance) are multiplied by the
assigned weight in order to calculate quality points. The quality points are
then added; the sum of the quality points is divided by the sum of the weights
to arrive at an average score, as shown in Figure 6.7. Finally, the student’s
average score is converted into a grade based on the following conversion:
3.26-4.00 = A
2.76-3.25 = B
2.01-2.75 = C
1.50-2.00 = D
1.49 or below = F
Using a single overall letter grade is not the ideal for several reasons. First,
the apparently arbitrary nature of cut-off scores is a weakness in many
respects. Second, a single grade does not provide specific information on
performance in the variety of areas it represents. Finally, a single letter grade
Sample Student: Al Einstein
Weight Quality PointsStudent’s Scores
Content benchmark score 1
× 2
Content benchmark score 2
× 2
Content benchmark score 3
× 2
Complex reasoning score
× 2
Habits of mind performance
× 1
Al Einstein’s average score for the quarter: 26 divided by 9 = 2.89
Al Einstein’s grade for the quarter: B
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is an oversimplification of the complex array of information and skills
presented, learned, and assessed in a course of study. However, letter grades
have a wide appeal and carry with them a particular mystic: People seem to
think they mean more than they actually adequately represent. Nonetheless,
letter grades probably are here to stay for a while. For a fuller discussion of
grading issues, see Marzano and Kendall (1996), A Comprehensive Guide to
Designing Standards-Based Districts, Schools, and Classrooms. In conclusion,
judgments about students’ levels of performance on specific benchmarks can
be used to assign letter grades in a manner that conveys information to
students about specific dimensions of learning.
Sequencing Instruction
A unit of instruction based on Dimensions of Learning quite obviously
encompasses many different activities. Students, for example, are engaged in
projects based on Dimensions 3 and 4; teachers and students are meeting
individually and in small groups; and students sometimes are out of the
classroom gathering resources. Given the variety of activities, day-to-day
classes also might vary. We recommend that teachers think of instruction in
terms of at least two different types of classes: presentation classes and
workshop classes.
Presentation Classes
Presentation classes are geared toward Dimensions 2: acquiring and
integrating knowledge. Classes devoted to this dimension tend to be more
teacher directed. This does not mean that the teacher “dictates” or “lectures”
while the students “listen attentively.” Nor does it mean that the teacher
necessarily “presents” information. Presentation classes include guest speakers,
films, and even field trips; information is being “presented” to students in
some way. As you can see in Chapter 2, many strategies in Dimension 2
emphasize inquiry and encourage students to actively participate in learning.
The general direction of learning, however, is still guided by the teacher.
Although presentation classes certainly differ from subject to subject, certain
instructional techniques are used frequently in all presentation classes.
Stimulating interest: Providing some personal anecdote or interesting
story to help students become interested in the activity designed to
help them acquire and integrate knowledge (Dimension 2).
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Sequencing Instruction
Putting It All Together
Stating goals: Explicitly identifying the purpose or goal of the
activities that will be used.
Making linkages: Demonstrating how the learning activities relate
to what has occurred in previous classes or, better yet, having
students make these linkages.
Demonstrating: Clearly explaining or modeling key aspects of the
activities that will be used.
Providing closure: Asking students to make summary statements
and evaluations about the learning experience.
It is important to note that these five techniques should not be thought of as
a “lesson design”—steps that must be used in all presentation classes and
performed in a set order. It is also important to note, however, that these five
aspects of presentation classes should be systematically addressed.
Workshop Classes
In contrast to presentation classes, the flow of activity in workshop classes is
more student directed. This is because workshop classes focus on extending
and refining knowledge (Dimension 3) or using knowledge meaningfully
(Dimension 4). Workshop classes are a perfect vehicle for helping students to
design and work on complex reasoning tasks. You might think of the
differences between presentation and workshop classes in this way: During
presentation classes the teacher “carries the ball” and students react to what
the teacher does; during workshop classes, the students carry the ball and the
teacher reacts to what the students do. Workshop classes are commonly
divided into three parts: the mini-lesson, the activity period, and the sharing
The Mini-Lesson
As its name implies, the mini-lesson is short (five to ten minutes). It
commonly, but not necessarily, occurs at the beginning of the workshop and,
for the most part, is a vehicle for providing guidance and assistance to
students as they work on two types of tasks: those that help them to extend
and refine knowledge and those that require them to use knowledge
During a typical mini-lesson a teacher might
model some strategy or technique that students can use as they work
on their projects (e.g., a specific aspect of decision making to help
students in their decision-making project); and
PIAT chapter 5/4/09 2:37 PM Page 323
demonstrate or explain resources that students can use in the projects
(e.g., preview a book or article that students can use in their
decision-making projects).
The mini-lesson, then, is a time for the teacher to provide whole-class
support and guidance for student projects.
The Activity Period
The activity period typically lasts between twenty and forty-five minutes.
During this time, students work independently or in cooperative groups on
their projects. The teacher acts as a coach or guide while students work on
their projects. The teacher’s main vehicle for doing this is conferencing,
which is discussed later in this chapter.
The Sharing Period
The sharing period usually is quite short, perhaps lasting only five to ten
minutes. Although it can occur at any time, the sharing period frequently is
at the end of the workshop. Students commonly share
what they learned from the mini-lesson or activity period,
new insights they have had, and
perplexing issues they are facing in their projects.
If students are expected to include demonstrations with their projects, then
the sharing period is quite long. This usually occurs at the end of a unit.
Integrating Presentation and Workshop Classes
It is important to integrate presentation and workshop classes into a unit of
study. Further, all of the presentation classes should not be scheduled at the
beginning of the unit and all of the workshop classes at the end. Rather,
within a four-week unit of study, presentation and workshop classes might
be distributed as shown in Figure 6.8. In this example, there is a gradual
shift from an emphasis on presentation classes to an emphasis on workshop
classes. In other words, there is a gradual shift from an emphasis on
Dimension 2 (acquiring and integrating knowledge) to an emphasis on
Dimension 3 (extending and refining knowledge) and Dimension 4 (using
knowledge meaningfully). Dimension 1 (positive attitudes and perceptions)
and Dimension 5 (productive habits of mind) permeate both presentation
and workshop classes. It is the careful sequencing of presentation and
workshop classes that makes a unit of study a holistic learning experience,
with teacher and students trading off control of learning and the two types
Teacher’s Manual
Sequencing Instruction
Putting It All Together
PIAT chapter 5/4/09 2:37 PM Page 324
of classes supporting each other at strategic points. The four questions below
will help you properly sequence your classes and integrate the five
dimensions of learning:
1. What strategies and activities will be used to support Dimensions
1 and 5?
For example, the teacher planning the unit on Colorado decided to use
the following strategies and activities to support Dimensions 1 and 5:
Work on more frequently restating and rephrasing questions
(Dimension 1).
Give students the opportunity to apply knowledge to regions of their
choice (Dimension 1).
Verbally reinforce students when they push their limits or persevere
(Dimension 5).
Help students learn how to plan; have them reflect on planning in
their learning logs (Dimension 5).
2. How many days of the unit will be devoted to presentation classes,
and when will they occur?
To answer this question, you must determine
how to sequence the direct and indirect learning experiences in the
presentation classes, and
where to build in time for students to practice skills and processes.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Week 1 P P P P P
Week 2 W P P P W
Week 3 W P W W W
Week 4 P W W W
Teacher’s Manual
Sequencing Instruction
Putting It All Together
PIAT chapter 5/4/09 2:37 PM Page 325
To illustrate, the teacher planning the unit on Colorado might sequence
the presentation and workshop classes as shown in Figure 6.9. The
circled letter P signifies presentation classes; W signals workshop classes.
She has decided to use the presentation format for the entire first week,
during which she will introduce key concepts from the unit and the
procedural knowledge related to reading maps. During the second week,
she will present generalizations and facts about the Colorado Gold Rush;
she will also include two workshop classes. During the third and fourth
weeks, the number of presentation classes decreases as the number of
workshop classes increases.
3. How many workshop classes will be needed in the unit?
An important issue to consider is what you will be doing during the
mini-lessons. If, for example, you want students to learn a new complex
reasoning process to carry out a Dimension 3 or 4 task, then you need
enough time to introduce and model the process. As indicated in Figure
6.9, the teacher has determined that nine periods will be workshop
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Week 1 topography, natural
resources—read text
construct models and
shape for reading
physical maps,
natural resource maps
See film—begin
both pictographs
climate—read text
assign regional
culture, read text, and
culture, read text, and
presentations; learn note-
taking strategy
Week 2 induction task—
demonstrate steps, do
some together as class
(cakes start coming in
this week)
topography, etc.
influence culture—
discussion using graphic
organizer; present
information on important
people from Colorado
topography, etc.
influence settlement
patterns—read text,
organizer (quiz)
guest speaker on
Gold Rush, students
use timeline for notes.
classifying task—students
already know how to
classify, but I will review
steps before they start
Week 3 introduce
experimental inquiry
task—teach steps of
planning; students
begin work
field trip
experimental inquiry:
students work on task,
I conference
induction task—
students work with
newspapers in
groups, I conference
experimental inquiry
task—students work on
project, I conference,
demonstrate planning
review map reading,
Week 4 renewable,
nonrenewable, etc.
film, concept
attainment, graphic
work, I conference
inquiry—I will
student presentations
of results from
experimental inquiry
unit test
Teacher’s Manual
Sequencing Instruction
Putting It All Together
PIAT chapter 5/4/09 2:37 PM Page 326
4. What sequence of presentation and workshop classes will provide
an integrated unit of instruction?
Students need a certain amount of knowledge before they can effectively
direct their own projects. This is why most presentation classes occur at
the beginning of the unit—so students can acquire that knowledge. The
number of presentation classes diminishes as students start using the
knowledge they have acquired to pursue projects in workshop classes.
Periodically, students may need small doses of information—presentation
classes—to be able to continue their projects, but as Figure 6.8 shows,
over the four weeks of a typical unit there is a gradual shift from an
emphasis on presentation classes to an emphasis on workshop classes.
In determining the sequence of classes for a unit, you should make sure
each class builds on the previous classes and stagger the two types of
classes so that you have ample time to give students guidance on their
projects. One notable side benefit of properly staggered classes is that
students do not have a chance to become bored with the same old
Conferences provide the opportunity and format for teacher and students to
interact on a more personal basis and break the pattern of teacher as leader
and presenter of information and student as follower and receiver of
information. In conferences, teacher and student become coinvestigators,
A conference may last anywhere from three or four minutes to ten or fifteen
minutes. The teacher may meet with one student or a small group of
students; group conferencing can help the teacher rotate through the class
relatively frequently. Although every conference has one basic function—to
establish a line of communication between teacher and student—it is useful
to think about two different focuses that might be used: projects and
Project Focus: When a conference focuses on projects, its purpose is to
provide guidance for students’ work on their Dimension 3 or 4 projects. In
project conferences, the teacher and student discuss progress on the project
and any problems the student might be having. They also jointly plan next
steps for the project.
Teacher’s Manual
Putting It All Together
PIAT chapter 5/4/09 2:37 PM Page 327
Assessment Focus: The purpose of the assessment conference is for teachers
and students to share their perceptions about how students are doing related
to each of the dimensions addressed in the unit. If students have been self-
assessing, they report their evaluations to the teacher during the assessment
conference. If the teacher and student disagree on their assessment of the
student’s performance, they try to reconcile those differences during the
assessment conference. This type of teacher/student interaction can be a very
powerful and empowering learning experience for both the student and the
In Conclusion
This chapter has addressed important issues that influence the planning and
implementation of a unit of study. The sample unit on Colorado, which has
been used throughout this manual, was again used to illustrate major points
in this chapter. What follows is the entire Colorado unit plan. We
recommend that you look through this unit plan to get a clearer, more
holistic picture of the planning process.
As you review this sample unit, you will recognize many of the pages as
those that appeared in the planning sections at the end of the chapters on
each Dimension. You will notice that, although only one page for declarative
knowledge was shown in the planning section for Dimension 2 (page 92), in
the entire unit there are a number of pages for declarative knowledge, which
reflects the quantity of declarative knowledge included in this unit.
Keep in mind that this is a sample unit that focuses on a single content area:
social studies. This type of unit was created as a sample unit so that simple
examples could be presented to illustrate complex ideas from the
Dimensions of Learning model. You should not infer that we are
recommending that you use only units like the Colorado Unit. Hopefully,
we have made it clear that the planning process lends itself to
interdisciplinary units and units that are both shorter and longer than the
sample Colorado Unit.
Finally, remember that the Dimensions of Learning model does not have to
be used to plan units of study. Educators should use the model, and the
resources associated with it, to set and achieve their goals for student
learning. The purpose of any model is to help people understand something
that is very complex. Because there are few things as complex as human
learning, the Dimensions of Learning model is offered as a tool for educators
to help them better understand the process of learning. If this understanding
is achieved, the ultimate goal of the model should be realized: the
enhancement of student learning.
Teacher’s Manual
In Conclusion
Putting It All Together
PIAT chapter 5/4/09 2:37 PM Page 328
table of contents 4/17/09 12:11 PM Page 1
Colorado Unit
Colorado Unit 5/5/09 3:18 PM Page 329
Are there any goals or concerns
related to students’ attitudes and
• in general?
• related to this specific unit?
What will be done to address these goals or concerns?
Specifically, will anything be
done to help students. . .
Classroom Climate
feel accepted by
teachers and peers?
experience a sense of
comfort and order?
Classroom Tasks
perceive tasks as
valuable and interesting?
believe they have
the ability and resources
to complete tasks?
understand and be
clear about tasks?
Describe what will be done.
I think I have been in a rut lately
when responding both to students’
incorrect answers and to their
correct or thoughtful answers.
The last field trip was not fun for
anyone; it seemed unorganized and
many rules for bus behavior were
I am going to work on slowing down and giving students a
chance to answer my questions; I need to do more restating and
rephrasing of the questions.
I will go over the rules of bus behavior and the general rules
for field trips; I think I’ll have students generate some additional
rules and suggestions for making the field trip successful.
Students might be getting tired
of studying Colorado.
The assignments will give students the opportunity to apply
knowledge to regions of their choice.
Dimension 1 Planning Guide Unit: Colorado
Colorado Unit 5/5/09 3:18 PM Page 330
What declarative knowledge
will students be in the process of
acquiring and integrating?
As a result of this unit, students
will know or understand. . .
What experiences
or activities will be
used to help students
acquire and integrate
this knowledge?
What strategies will
be used to help students
construct meaning
for, organize, and/or
store this knowledge? Describe what will be done.
Text, pp. 8-10
Film: “From Sea
to Shining Sea”
Read physical maps
Independent study:
Regional cake
Concept: Topography
—Natural and artificial
features including land forms,
bodies of water, roads, bridges, etc.
Facts describing Colorado’s
topography will deal with the
Rocky Mountains, sand dunes,
rivers, plains, plateaus,
Concept: Natural Resources
—Materials found in nature
that are useful, necessary, or
Facts describing Colorado’s
natural resources will deal
with snow, gold, soil,
sunshine, forests, oil,
On a class K-W-L chart, we all will generate the
K and the W related to topography. We will then read
the text, watch the film, and read physical maps.
After each experience, we will fill out the L of the
chart. We will use the information from the K-W-L
to start a class pictograph of examples of topography.
Each student will make a cake depicting topography
from a region of his or her choice. Students will find
information independently. After the regional cake
assignment, as a class, we will add to our pictograph.
Film: “From Sea
to Shining Sea”
Read natural
resource maps
Field Trip:
Argo Gold Mine
3-minute pause
Uses all senses
Several times during the film, I will stop and ask
students to identify one type of natural resource. After
the film, I will ask them to try to create mental
pictures of examples of natural resources and identify
what they see, smell, feel, etc. We then will start our
pictographs of natural resources, a class one and
individual ones. After reading the natural resource
maps, we will add information to the pictographs.
During the field trip, students will have their
pictographs with them so they can add examples of the
natural resources that we observe.
Dimension 2 Planning Guide: Declarative Knowledge Unit: Colorado
Colorado Unit 5/5/09 3:18 PM Page 331
What declarative knowledge
will students be in the process of
acquiring and integrating?
As a result of the unit, the student
will know or understand. . .
What experiences
or activities will be
used to help students
acquire and integrate
this knowledge?
What strategies will
be used to help students
construct meaning
for, organize, and/or
store the knowledge? Describe what will be done.
This will be a review for most students; climate is
a concept learned in earlier grades. We will read
the pages in the text and a handout I received from
the local television station discussing weather and
climate in general and in Colorado. I will stop
students periodically and simply ask them to
verbalize what they understand about climate.
Because culture is a new concept for them and
because it is so abstract, we will begin by reading
and discussing the information, using the reciprocal
teaching strategy. I will guide students through the
notetaking strategy to ensure that they record notes
and then develop an organizer about what we have
learned. I will then do a presentation showing my
collection of pictures and souvenirs that depict
various aspects of culture from other countries. I
will help students add to their notes and continue
to develop their organizers, making sure they are
including critical characteristics of culture.
Concept: Climate
—Patterns of weather
including temperature,
rainfall, etc.
Facts describing
Colorado’s climate such as
four seasons, very hot and
very cold periods, large
snowfall, low humidity.
Concept: Culture
—Beliefs, customs, values,
recreation, housing, etc. of a
group of people.
Facts describing
Colorado’s culture will be
Read text, p. 13
Discuss handout
Read text, pp. 3-7
3-minute pause
Reciprocal teaching
Notetaking using
graphic organizer
Dimension 2 Planning Guide: Declarative Knowledge Unit: Colorado
Colorado Unit 5/5/09 3:18 PM Page 332
What declarative knowledge
will students be in the process of
acquiring and integrating?
As a result of the unit, the student
will know or understand. . .
What experiences
or activities will be
used to help students
acquire and integrate
this knowledge?
What strategies will
be used to help students
construct meaning
for, organize, and/or
store the knowledge? Describe what will be done.
We will use several copies of a blank graphic
organizer to make connections between topography,
natural resources, climate, and culture for
Colorado, then do the same for several other regions
of the students’ choice. On the field trip, we will
fill out the organizer for Colorado. Back in class,
students will work in groups to fill it out for other
The text and handout discuss the connections
between topography, natural resources, and climate
and settlement patterns by telling stories of how the
mountains contributed to the settlement of Colorado
Springs and Denver, how gold caused mining towns
to thrive, and how the climate contributed to resort
towns emerging when so much snow attracted
skiers. Students will receive advance organizer
questions to focus them as they read each scenario.
They will answer the questions during 3-minute
Generalization: Topography
and natural resources
influence the culture of a
Cause-effect examples from
Colorado: Mountains and
snow influence winter sport
culture, etc.
Generalization: Topography,
natural resources, and
climate influence settlement
Cause-effect scenarios from
Colorado’s history will be
used as examples along with
examples from other regions
Field Trip: Argo
Gold Mine
Text, pp. 12-16
Graphic organizer
3-minute pause
Advance organizer
Dimension 2 Planning Guide: Declarative Knowledge Unit: Colorado
Colorado Unit 5/5/09 3:18 PM Page 333
What declarative knowledge
will students be in the process of
acquiring and integrating?
As a result of the unit, the student
will know or understand. . .
What experiences
or activities will be
used to help students
acquire and integrate
this knowledge?
What strategies will
be used to help students
construct meaning
for, organize, and/or
store the knowledge? Describe what will be done.
Using the concept attainment strategy, I will
provide students with examples and nonexamples of
each of the three types of resources to see if they can
figure out the characteristics of each.
We will then view the film and verify or correct the
characteristics of the three types.
We will develop a concept graphic organizer
together on the overhead, focusing on examples from
Colorado. I will then make a copy for each student.
Concept: Renewable
—Can be replaced (e.g.,
timber, soy beans)
Concept: Nonrenewable
—Cannot be replaced (e.g.,
minerals, fossil fuels)
Concept: Flow resources
—Must be used when and
where they occur (running
water, sunshine)
Facts describing
Colorado’s resources will
be used
Film: “Sources of
our Resources”
Inquiry model—
Graphic organizer
Dimension 2 Planning Guide: Declarative Knowledge Unit: Colorado
Colorado Unit 5/5/09 3:18 PM Page 334
What declarative knowledge
will students be in the process of
acquiring and integrating?
As a result of the unit, the student
will know or understand. . .
What experiences
or activities will be
used to help students
acquire and integrate
this knowledge?
What strategies will
be used to help students
construct meaning
for, organize, and/or
store the knowledge? Describe what will be done.
Mr. Jacobs, a great storyteller and historian, will
come to share the story of the Colorado Gold Rush.
Each student will use a timeline to record the major
When we go on the field trip to the Argo Gold
Mine, we will be at the site of part of the actual
story. I will ask students to create mental images
and report what they see, hear, smell as they picture
the events of the story.
For each vocabulary term, students will work in
groups and go through the steps of the vocabulary
strategy. They will then take turns presenting to
the class the images and experiences they used to
exemplify the terms.
Time sequence: The story of
the Colorado Gold Rush,
Vocabulary terms: Tourism,
urban, rural, plateau
Guest speaker
Class discussion
Use all senses
Timeline graphic
Vocabulary strategy
Dimension 2 Planning Guide: Declarative Knowledge Unit: Colorado
Colorado Unit 5/5/09 3:18 PM Page 335
What will be done to
help students construct
models for, shape, and
internalize the knowledge? Describe what will be done.
What procedural knowledge
will students be in the process of
acquiring and integrating?
As a result of this unit, students will
be able to. . .
read and interpret physical
read and interpret natural
resource maps.
I will talk through the steps of reading a map,
demonstrating the steps with each type. I will give
them a set of written steps for reading any map.
Working in groups, students will receive several variations
in format (taken from different textbooks) for both physical
and natural resource maps. There will be questions for the
group and then for individual students to answer as a way
of becoming familiar with each variation. This assignment
also will reinforce the learning of the concepts of topography
and natural resources.
Note: These strategies
will be used to teach
both types of maps.
Set of written steps
Practice with variations
Internalizing is not a
Dimension 2 Planning Guide: Procedural Knowledge Unit: Colorado
Colorado Unit 5/5/09 3:18 PM Page 336
Several times during this unit we will, as a class, select articles from
“USA Today” that reflect the culture of a place with which we are
unfamiliar. Based on what we learn from the article about the culture of
the place (e.g., issues or problems people face, their celebrations), we will
try to induce specific facts about the topography, natural resources, and
climate of the location.
What knowledge will students be
extending and refining?
Specifically, they will be extending
and refining their understanding of. . .
What reasoning process
will students be using?
Inductive Reasoning
Deductive Reasoning
Constructing Support
Analyzing Errors
Analyzing Perspectives
Other _________________
Describe what will be done.
What knowledge will students be
extending and refining?
Specifically, they will be extending
and refining their understanding of. . .
What reasoning process
will students be using?
Inductive Reasoning
Deductive Reasoning
Constructing Support
Analyzing Errors
Analyzing Perspectives
Other _________________
Describe what will be done.
Topography, natural resources, and
climate influence settlement patterns
in a region.
So far we have been focused on understanding how topography, natural
resources, and climate influence the “appearance” of settlements. Shift
your focus now and examine how these factors influence the
“disappearance” of settlements. You will be given descriptions of
situations where populations thrived and then disappeared (e.g.,
Anasazi Indians, several ghost towns, dinosaurs, and the “dust bowl”)
and the reasons for their demise. Classify each description according to
whether the reasons for the disappearance had more to do with
topography, natural resources, or climate. If more than one possible
reason is given, you may have to place the example in more than one
Topography, natural resources, and
climate influence the culture of a
Dimension 3 Planning Guide Unit: Colorado
Colorado Unit 5/5/09 3:18 PM Page 337
What knowledge will students be
using meaningfully? Specifically,
they will be demonstrating their
understanding of and ability to. . .
What reasoning process
will they be using?
Other __________________
Describe what will be done.
Decision Making
(selecting from seemingly
equal alternatives or examining
the decisions of others)
Problem Solving
(seeking to achieve a goal by
overcoming constraints or
limiting conditions)
(creating something to meet a
need or improve on a situation)
Experimental Inquiry
(generating an explanation
for a phenomenon and
testing the explanation)
(resolving confusions or
contradictions related to a
historical event, a hypothetical
past or future event, or to the
defining characteristics of
Systems Analysis
(analyzing the parts of a
system and how they interact)
The concepts of topography,
natural resources, climate, and
Topography, natural resources,
and climate influence settlement
We have discussed in class that Colorado’s population is growing
very rapidly. In fact, compared to many other states, a relatively
large number of people who live in Colorado moved from
somewhere else. There are actually not that many “Colorado
natives.” Why have so many people moved to Colorado, and why
is the population still growing so rapidly?
One explanation is that aspects of the topography, natural
resources, climate, and culture attract people to Colorado. Let’s
find out if that helps explain it. If it is true, we should be able
to trace people’s reasons for moving to Colorado to these
characteristics of the state.
Set up an activity—for example, surveys or interviews—that
would help to determine to what extent people have moved to
Colorado because of factors related to topography, natural
resources, climate, and culture. You will need to set up the
activity, plan for analyzing your results, and be ready to report
your findings to the class. Any member of your group may be
asked to explain what you found out about the influence of each
concept you are considering: topography, natural resources,
climate, and culture.
Dimension 4 Planning Guide Unit: Colorado
Colorado Unit 5/5/09 3:18 PM Page 338
Describe what will be done.
Critical Thinking
be accurate and seek accuracy?
be clear and seek clarity?
maintain an open mind?
restrain impulsivity?
take a position when the
situation warrants it?
respond appropriately to others’
feelings and level of knowledge?
Creative Thinking
push the limits of their
knowledge and abilities?
generate, trust, and maintain
their own standards of evaluation?
generate new ways of viewing a
situation outside the boundaries
of standard conventions?
Self-Regulated Thinking
monitor their thinking?
plan appropriately?
identify and use necessary resources?
respond appropriately to feedback?
evaluate the effectiveness of their actions?
Are there any goals or concerns
related to students’ habits of mind
• in general?
• related to this specific unit?
Specifically, will anything be
done to help students. . .
It’s that time of year. Students are
really slacking off. Energy is low;
only the minimum is being done—
even from my good students
I am going to try to energize them a little bit by
verbally reinforcing students when they push their
limits or persevere. I think it is time to give out a few
certificates of achievement when students exhibit these
Students know you should plan
before you begin, but they do not
consistently or efficiently do this.
The experimental inquiry task will
be dependent on careful planning
and follow-through.
I am going to give students a planning form to keep on
their desks. I will use it to lead some discussions about
planning and then to demonstrate how to use the form.
Every few days I am going to have students write in
their learning logs about how their planning is going.
What will be done to address these goals or concerns?
Dimension 5 Planning Guide Unit: Colorado
Colorado Unit 5/5/09 3:18 PM Page 339
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Teacher’s Manual
References to figures are indicated by the italic letter f
following the page number.
Abstracting, as complex reasoning process, 114, 130–137
classroom examples of, 136–137
critical aspects in, 133–135
graphic organizers for, 135, 135f
model for, 132
opportunities to practice, 132–133
teacher- and student-structured tasks for, 135–136
Academic trust, establishment of, and classroom tasks, 30
feelings of, by teachers and peers, 16–22
strategies for gaining, 21–22
Accident, as example of faulty logic, 173
as habit of mind, 274–276
of new skills, charting of, 103
Activity period, during workshop classes, 324
Advance organizer questions, for new information, 68–69
Analyzing errors, as complex reasoning process, 114,
classroom examples of, 176–177
critical aspects of, 170–171
graphic organizers for, 172, 172f
model for, 169–170
opportunities to practice, 170
teacher- and student-structured tasks for, 172–173
Analyzing perspectives, as complex reasoning
process, 114, 178–184
classroom examples of, 183–184
critical aspects of, 180–181
graphic organizers for, 181, 182f
model for, 179–180
opportunities to practice, 180
teacher- and student-structured tasks for, 183
Appealing to force, as example of attack in argument, 174
Appropriate response, as habit of mind, 282–283
Arguing against the person, as example of attack in
argument, 174
Arguing from ignorance, as example of faulty logic, 174
and Dimensions of Learning, 309–316
focus on, in teacher-student conferences, 328
structure for planning, Dimensions of Learning as, 9
techniques for, 310–314, 311f
Attacks, as error in thinking, 174
Attitudes and Perceptions (Dimension 1), 13–42
classroom examples of, 27–28, 37–38
and content to be covered, 304
overview of, 4, 13–14
unit planning for, 39–42
Attitudes, of teachers, and classroom climate, 17
Begging the question, as example of faulty logic, 173–174
“Bracketing,” and sense of comfort and order, 24
Categorical syllogisms, 155–159
graphic representations of, 156–157
hidden, 155–156
and truth of premises, 159
valid vs. invalid, 157–159, 158f
Cause-effect/process relationships, as declarative knowledge, 47
advance organizer questions for, 69
graphic organizer for, 64
Charts, student use of, 72, 72f
Circularity, as example of faulty logic, 173–174
Clarifying, and reciprocal teaching strategy, 59
on classroom tasks, 35–36
as habit of mind, 276–277
Classifying, as complex reasoning process, 114, 123–129
classroom examples of, 128–129
critical aspects of, 125–126
graphic organizers for, 127, 127f
model for, 124–125
opportunities to practice, 125
teacher- and student-structured tasks for, 127
Classroom climate, attitudes and perceptions about, 15–28
classroom examples of, 27–28
student awareness of, 15–16
index 4/16/09 9:24 AM Page 347
Teacher’s Manual
Classroom examples
of abstracting, 136–137
of Acquire and Integrate Knowledge (Dimension 2),
81–82, 104–105
of analyzing errors, 176–177
of analyzing perspectives, 183–184
of Attitudes and Perceptions (Dimension 1), 27–28, 37–38
of classifying, 128–129
of classroom climate, 27–28
of classroom tasks, 37–38
of comparing, 122
of constructing support, 167
of creative thinking, 271–272
of critical thinking, 270–271
of decision making, 204
of declarative knowledge, 81–82
of deductive reasoning, 153–154
of definitional investigation, 243
of experimental inquiry, 231–233
of Extend and Refine Knowledge (Dimension 3), 122,
128–129, 136–137, 144–145, 153–154, 167,
176–177, 183–184
of Habits of Mind (Dimension 5), 270–273
of historical investigation, 243–244
of inductive reasoning, 144–145
of invention, 221–223
of investigation, 243–245
of problem solving, 213
of procedural knowledge, 104–105
of projective investigation, 244–245
of self-regulated thinking, 272–273
of systems analysis, 253–254
of Use Knowledge Meaningfully (Dimension 4), 204,
213, 221–223, 231–233, 243–245, 253–254
Classroom rules and procedures, and sense of comfort and
order, 24–25, 25f
Classroom tasks, attitudes and perceptions about, 29–38
clarity on, 35–36
classroom examples of, 37–38
and student interests/goals, 32, 32f
Colorado, sample unit plan for, 329–339
Comfort and order
sense of, in classroom, 23–27
standards for, identified by students, 26–27
Comparing, as complex reasoning process, 114, 117–122
classroom examples of, 122
critical aspects of, 118–119
graphic organizers for, 120f, 120–121, 121f
model for, 118
opportunities to practice, 118
rubric for assessing, 316f
teacher- and student-structured tasks for, 121
Comparison matrix, for use in comparing, 121f
Complex reasoning processes, development of, 114–184,
Composition, as example of faulty logic, 174
Concepts, as declarative knowledge, 48
advance organizer questions for, 69
graphic organizers for, 65, 67f
Conferences, between teachers and students, 327–328
Conflict clarification matrix, 181, 182f
Constructing support, as complex reasoning process, 114,
classroom examples of, 167
critical aspects of, 163–165
graphic organizers for, 166, 166f
model for, 161–162
opportunities to practice, 162
teacher- and student-structured tasks for, 166
Content, and Dimensions of Learning, 303–309
Contradiction, as example of faulty logic, 173
Contrasting, vs. comparing, 117
Creative thinking, as habit of mind, 6, 262
classroom example of, 271–272
integration of, 267–268
resource for teachers, 284–289
Critical thinking, as habit of mind, 6, 262
classroom examples of, 270–271
integration of, 267
resource for teachers, 274–283
Curriculum, structure for planning, Dimensions of
Learning as, 9
Decision making, as complex reasoning process, 191,
classroom examples of, 204
critical aspects of, 200–202
graphic organizers for, 198f, 202
model for, 196–197
opportunities to practice, 197–200, 198f
teacher- and student-structured tasks for, 202–203
Declarative knowledge, 43–49, 192
acquisition and integration of, 49–50, 50f, 51–82
classroom examples of, 81–82
and content to be covered, 304
summary of strategies for, 91
construction of meaning for, 51–60
organization of, 61–72
rubric for assessing, 315f
with standards and benchmarks, 85, 88–89
storage of, 73–80
highly structured systems for, 76–80
without standards and benchmarks, 85–87
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Deductive reasoning
as complex reasoning process, 114, 146–159
classroom examples of, 153–154
critical aspects of, 150–151
graphic organizers for, 151f, 151–152, 152f
model for, 148–149
opportunities to practice, 149
teacher- and student-structured tasks for, 152
vs. inductive reasoning, 147–148
Deductive reasoning matrix, 152, 152f
Definitional investigation, 235–236
classroom examples of, 243
Descriptions, as declarative knowledge, 46–47
advance organizer questions for, 68–69
graphic organizer for, 63
Differences, among students, recognition of, 18
Dimension 1: Attitudes and Perceptions, 13–42
classroom examples of, 27–28, 37–38
and content to be covered, 304
overview of, 4, 13–14
unit planning for, 39–42
Dimension 2: Acquire and Integrate Knowledge, 43–112
classroom examples of, 81–82, 104–105
and content to be covered, 304
overview of, 4, 43–50
unit planning for, 83–92, 106–108
Dimension 3: Extend and Refine Knowledge, 113–188
classroom examples of, 122, 128–129, 136–137,
144–145, 153–154, 167, 176–177, 183–184
and content to be covered, 305
overview of, 4–5, 113
unit planning for, 185–188
Dimension 4: Use Knowledge Meaningfully, 189–259
classroom examples of, 204, 213, 221–223, 231–233,
243–245, 253–254
and content to be covered, 305
overview of, 5, 189–190
unit planning for, 255–259
Dimension 5: Habits of Mind, 261–302
classroom examples of, 270–273
and content to be covered, 305
integration of, 267–268
modeling of, 267
overview of, 6, 261–263
positive reinforcement for, 269–270
progress reports for, 270, 270f
resource for teachers, 274–297
strategies for development, 265–266
student understanding of, 264–265
unit planning for, 298–302
Dimensions of Learning
and assessment, 309–316
assumptions behind model, 1–2
and content, 303–309
and grading, 317–322, 318f, 320f–321f
overview of, 4–12
relationships among, 7f, 7–8
resources supporting model, 2
training for use of, 2–3
uses of, 8–11
Distributed practice, for new skills, 102–103, 103f
Division, as example of faulty logic, 174
Effectiveness of actions, evaluation of, as habit of mind,
Episodes, as declarative knowledge, 47
advance organizer questions for, 69
graphic organizer for, 64
analyzing. See Analyzing errors, as complex reasoning
early identification of, 98–99
positive response to, 19
in thinking, types of, 173–176
Essay questions, as assessment technique, 311–312
Evading the issue, as example of faulty logic, 174
Evaluation, standards of, as habit of mind, 287–288
Examples. See Classroom examples
Experimental inquiry, as complex reasoning process, 191,
classroom examples of, 231–233
critical aspects of, 227–229
graphic organizers for, 229, 229f
model for, 226
opportunities to practice, 226–227
teacher- and student-structured tasks for, 230–231
Facts, as declarative knowledge, 46–47
Fallacy. See Faulty logic, as error in thinking
False cause, as example of faulty logic, 173
Familiar place system, of information storage, 79–80
Faulty logic, as error in thinking, 173–174
appropriate response to, as habit of mind, 295–296
to students, on classroom tasks, 33
Focus on Issues, as planning model, 307–308
Focus on Knowledge, as planning model, 306–307
Focus on Student Exploration, as planning model, 308–309
Forced-choice items, as assessment technique, 311
Generality, levels of, and organization of knowledge, 46–49
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Generalizations/principles, as declarative knowledge, 47–48
advance organizer questions for, 69
graphic organizer for, 65, 68f
Grading, and Dimensions of Learning, 317–322, 318f,
Graphic organizers
for abstracting, 135, 135f
for categorical syllogisms, 156–157
for classifying, 127, 127f
for comparing, 120f, 120–121, 121f
for decision making, 198f, 202
for declarative knowledge, 62–66
for deductive reasoning, 151f, 151–152, 152f
for inductive reasoning, 142, 142f–143f
for invention, 219, 219f
Graphic representations
and note-taking strategies, 70, 70f
and procedural knowledge, 95, 95f–96f
Graphs, student use of, 72, 72f, 95f
Groups, students working in, and feelings of acceptance, 20
Habits of Mind (Dimension 5), 261–302
classroom examples of, 270–273
and content to be covered, 305
integration of, 267–268
modeling of, 267
overview of, 6, 261–263
positive reinforcement for, 269–270
progress reports for, 270, 270f
resource for teachers, 274–297
strategies for development, 265–266
student understanding of, 264–265
unit planning for, 298–302
Historical investigation, 235–236
classroom examples of, 243–244
Impulsivity, restraint of
as habit of mind, 279–280
rubric for assessing, 316f
Incorrect responses, positive response to, 19
Individual differences, among students, recognition of, 18
Inductive reasoning
as complex reasoning process, 114, 138–145
classroom examples of, 144–145
critical aspects of, 140–141
graphic organizers for, 142, 142f–143f
model for, 139–140
opportunities to practice, 140
teacher- and student-structured tasks for, 143
vs. deductive reasoning, 147–148
Inductive reasoning matrix, 142, 143f
Information, new
advance organizer questions for, 68–69
student discovery of, 56–58
Instructional strategies, resource for, Dimensions of
Learning as, 8
Instruction, sequencing of, and Dimensions of Learning,
Invention, as complex reasoning process, 191, 214–223
classroom examples of, 221–223
critical aspects of, 218–219
graphic organizers for, 219, 219f
model for, 216
opportunities to practice, 216–217
teacher- and student-structured tasks for, 220–221
Investigation, as complex reasoning process, 191, 234–245
classroom examples of, 243–245
critical aspects of, 239–240
graphic organizers for, 241, 241f
model for, 237
opportunities to practice, 237–238
teacher- and student-structured tasks for, 241–242
Issues, focus on, as planning model, 307–308
Judgment, role of, in assessment techniques, 314–316
acquisition and integration of (Dimension 2), 43–112
classroom examples of, 81–82, 104–105
and content to be covered, 304
overview of, 4, 43–50
unit planning for, 83–92, 106–108
declarative vs. procedural, 43–49
extending and refining of (Dimension 3), 113–188
classroom examples of, 122, 128–129, 136–137,
144–145, 153–154, 167, 176–177, 183–184
and content to be covered, 305
overview of, 4–5, 113
unit planning for, 185–188
focus on, as planning model, 306–307
meaningful use of (Dimension 4), 189–259
classroom examples of, 204, 213, 221–223,
231–233, 243–245, 253–254
and content to be covered, 305
overview of, 5, 189–190
unit planning for, 255–259
nature of, importance of understanding, 44
specific, value of, 30–31
K-W-L strategy, and construction of meaning, 55–56, 56f
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Limit-pushing, as habit of mind, 285–286
Link strategy, used with symbols and substitutes, 75–76
Macroprocesses, and procedural knowledge, 49
Massed practice, for new skills, 102–103, 103f
Mental habits. See Habits of Mind (Dimension 5)
Mental rehearsal, of new skill or process, 96
Mind, habits of. See Habits of Mind (Dimension 5)
Mini-lessons, during workshop classes, 323–324
Misinformation, as error in thinking, 175–176
Mnemonics, and information storage, 80
Monitoring of thinking, as habit of mind, 290–291
Movement, physical, use of in classroom, 23
Negative self-talk, student use of, 33
New information
advance organizer questions for, 68–69
student discovery of, 56–58
Nonexamples vs. examples, 57
Note-taking strategies, using graphic representations, 70, 70f
Number/key word method, of information storage, 77–79
Number/picture method, of information storage, 79
Observation, by teachers, as assessment technique, 314
Open mind, maintenance of, as habit of mind, 277–279
Perceptions and Attitudes. See Attitudes and Perceptions
(Dimension 1)
Performance levels, standards of, 36, 36f
Performance tasks, as assessment technique, 312, 313f
Perseverance, as habit of mind, 284–285
Personality, appeal through, as persuasion technique, 164
Perspective examination matrix, 181, 182f
Perspectives, analyzing. See Analyzing perspectives, as
complex reasoning process
Physical movement, use of in classroom, 23
Physical representations of information, 71, 71f
Pictographic representations of information, 71, 71f
Planning. See also Unit planning
models for, 306–309
Planning appropriately, as habit of mind, 291–293
Poisoning the well, as example of attack in argument, 174
Portfolios, as assessment technique, 313
Position-taking, as habit of mind, 281–282
Positive reinforcement
and habits of mind, 269–270
variation of, in response to correct responses, 19–20
Positive response, to incorrect responses, 19
Positive self-talk, student use of, 33
Practice schedules, for new skills, 102–103, 103f
Predicting, and reciprocal teaching strategy, 59–60
Presentation classes
instructional techniques for, 322–323
integrated with workshop classes, 324–327, 325f–326f
Principles/generalizations, as declarative knowledge, 47–48
advance organizer questions for, 69
graphic organizer for, 65, 68f
Problem solving, as complex reasoning process, 191, 205–213
classroom examples of, 213
critical aspects of, 209–210
graphic organizers for, 210, 211f
model for, 207–208
opportunities to practice, 208–209
teacher- and student-structured tasks for, 211–213
Procedural knowledge, 43–45, 49, 192
acquisition and integration of, 49–50, 50f, 93–105
classroom examples of, 104–105
and content to be covered, 304
summary of strategies for, 111
unit planning for, 106–108
construction of models for, 93–96
internalization of, 101–103
rubric for assessing, 315f
shaping of, 97–100
with standards and benchmarks, 107, 110f
without standards and benchmarks, 107, 109f
Procedures and rules, in classroom, and sense of comfort
and order, 24–25, 25f
Process/cause-effect relationships, as declarative
knowledge, 47
advance organizer questions for, 69
graphic organizer for, 64
Process observers, for habits of mind, 269
Progress habits, for habits of mind, 270, 270f
Project focus, of teacher-student conferences, 327
Projective investigation, 235–236
classroom examples of, 244–245
Pushing limits, as habit of mind, 285–286
Questioning, and reciprocal teaching strategy, 59
Questions, advance, for organizing new information, 68–69
Reason, appeal through, as persuasion technique, 164–165
deductive. See Deductive reasoning
inductive. See Inductive reasoning
Reasoning processes. See Complex reasoning processes,
development of
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Reciprocal teaching strategy, 59–60
Reform, focus for, Dimensions of Learning as, 11
Rehearsal, mental, of new skill or process, 96
Relationship, establishment of, with each student, 16–17
Resource for teachers, for Habits of Mind (Dimension 5),
Resources, identification/use of, as habit of mind, 293–294
Response to feedback, appropriate, as habit of mind,
Restraint of impulsivity, as habit of mind, 279–280
rubric for assessing, 316f
Rhetoric, appeal through, as persuasion technique, 164
Rhyming pegword method, of information storage, 76–77
Rubrics, as assessment technique, 314–315, 315f–316f, 320f
Rules and procedures, in classroom, and sense of comfort
and order, 24–25, 25f
for habits of mind, 269
by students, 314
Self-regulated thinking, as habit of mind, 6, 262
classroom examples of, 272–273
integration of, 268
resource for teachers, 290–297
Self-talk, positive vs. negative, student use of, 33
Senses, variety of, in experiencing content, 53–54
Sequencing instruction, and Dimensions of Learning,
Sharing period, during workshop classes, 324
Situations, new ways to view, as habit of mind, 288–289
Speed, of new skills, charting of, 103
SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review), and
construction of meaning, 60
Staff development, framework for, Dimensions of
Learning as, 9, 10f
Standards of evaluation, generation/maintenance of, as habit
of mind, 287–288
Storage, of declarative knowledge, 73–80
highly structured systems for, 76–80
Structured problems, and problem solving, 205–206
Student exploration, focus on, as planning model, 308–309
Student self-assessment, 314
Substitutes, used for information storage, 74–75
Summarizing, and reciprocal teaching strategy, 59
Support, constructing. See Constructing support, as complex
reasoning process
Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review (SQ3R), and
construction of meaning, 60
Syllogisms. See Categorical syllogisms
Symbols, used for information storage, 74–75
Systemic reform, focus for, Dimensions of Learning as, 11
Systems analysis, as complex reasoning process, 191, 246–254
classroom examples of, 253–254
critical aspects of, 250–251
graphic organizers for, 251–252, 252f
model for, 248–249
opportunities to practice, 249–250
teacher- and student-structured tasks for, 252–253
Taking a position, as habit of mind, 281–282
Tasks. See Classroom tasks, attitudes and perceptions about
attitudes of, and classroom climate, 17
observation by, as assessment technique, 314
resource for, for Habits of Mind (Dimension 5), 274–297
Teasing behavior, and sense of comfort and order, 26
Think-aloud process
for demonstrating new skill, 94
Threatening behavior, vs. comfort and order, 26
“Three-minute pause,” use of, 53
Time sequences, as declarative knowledge, 47
advance organizer questions for, 69
graphic organizer for, 63, 67f
Tradition, appeal through, as persuasion technique, 164
Unit planning
for Acquire and Integrate Knowledge (Dimension 2),
83–92, 106–108
for Attitudes and Perceptions (Dimension 1), 39–42
for Extend and Refine Knowledge (Dimension 3),
for Habits of Mind (Dimension 5), 298–302
sample (for Colorado unit), 329–339
for Use Knowledge Meaningfully (Dimension 4),
Unstructured problems, and problem solving, 205–206
Venn diagrams, for use in comparing, 120f
Viewing situations, generating new ways to, as habit of
mind, 288–289
Vocabulary terms
construction of meaning for, 54–55
as declarative knowledge, 46
Weak references, as error in thinking, 175
Workshop classes
instructional techniques for, 323–324
integrated with presentation classes, 324–327,
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