Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2022
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor
Morocco is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system under which
ultimate authority rests with King Mohammed VI, who presides over the Council
of Ministers, although executive authority is shared with Head of Government
Aziz Akhannouch. According to the constitution, the king appoints the head of
government from the political party with the most seats in parliament and approves
members of the government nominated by the head of government. Parliamentary
elections were held in September 2021, and observers characterized them as well
organized and conducted without significant problems or irregularities.
The security apparatus includes several police and paramilitary organizations with
overlapping authority. The national police force manages internal law enforcement
in cities and reports to the Ministry of Interior. The Auxiliary Forces also report to
the Ministry of Interior and support gendarmes (armed police) and other police.
The Royal Gendarmerie, which reports to the Administration of National Defense,
is responsible for law enforcement in rural regions and on national highways. The
judicial police (investigative) branches of both the Royal Gendarmerie and the
National Police report to the royal prosecutor and have the power to arrest
individuals. Civilian authorities maintained effective control over security forces.
There were reports that members of the security forces committed some abuses.
Morocco claims sovereignty over the territory of Western Sahara and controls
approximately 80 percent of the territory. The Popular Front for the Liberation of
Saguia el Hamra and Rio de Oro (also known as the POLISARIO) disputes
Moroccos claim to sovereignty and seeks independence for Western Sahara.
Moroccan and POLISARIO forces fought intermittently from 1975, when Spain
relinquished colonial authority over the territory, until a 1991 cease-fire and the
establishment of a UN peacekeeping mission. The POLISARIO withdrew from
the cease-fire in November 2020, and since then there have been reports of
intermittent indirect fire between Morocco’s Royal Armed Forces and
POLISARIO fighters across the 1,700-mile separation barriers (the “berm”). The
UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara mandate was renewed on
October 27.
Significant human rights issues included credible reports of: torture or cruel,
inhuman, or degrading treatment by some members of the security forces; political
prisoners; serious problems with the independence of the judiciary; arbitrary or
unlawful interference with privacy; serious restrictions on free expression and
media, including unjustified arrests or prosecutions of journalists; censorship and
enforcement of or threat to enforce criminal libel to limit expression; substantial
interference with the freedom of assembly and freedom of association; serious
government corruption; lack of investigation of and accountability for gender-
based violence; crimes involving violence or threats of violence targeting lesbian,
gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or intersex persons; and the enforcement of laws
criminalizing consensual same-sex sexual conduct between adults.
The government took steps to investigate officials who allegedly committed human
rights abuses and acts of corruption, but investigations into police, security force,
and detention center abuses lacked transparency and frequently encountered long
delays and procedural obstacles that contributed to impunity.
Section 1. Respect for the Integrity of the Person
a. Arbitrary Deprivation of Life and Other Unlawful or Politically
Motivated Killings
There was one report that the government or its agents may have committed
arbitrary or unlawful killings.
Local media reported the Benguerir judicial police opened an investigation into the
death of a man in police custody on October 6. In a public statement, the
Directorate General of National Security (DGSN) stated the suspect had been
placed in police custody as part of a criminal case. He lost consciousness and died
in the ambulance. The investigation was ongoing at year’s end.
b. Disappearance
There were reports of disappearances by or on behalf of government authorities
during the year.
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Amnesty International reported in December that at least 77 persons were missing
following their attempt to cross the border into Spain’s Melilla enclave in June (see
section 2.e.). According to the government, on June 24, the UN Committee on
Enforced Disappearances requested its cooperation concerning the alleged
disappearance of the Sudanese national Mazen Dafallah Haroun Dafallah
following his attempt to cross the border post between Nador and Melilla.
Authorities reported they were unable to uncover any information pertaining to
The National Council on Human Rights (CNDH), a publicly funded national
human rights institution, continued to cooperate with the UN Office of the High
Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on unresolved cases of disappearance
prior to 1992.
c. Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or
unishment, and Other Related Abuses
The constitution and the law prohibit such practices, but there were credible reports
that government officials employed them.
Government institutions and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) continued to
receive reports regarding mistreatment of individuals in official custody. The
Public Prosecutor's Office received seven complaints containing allegations of
torture between January and September. At year’s end, one complaint was in the
discovery and evidence gathering phase, five were under investigation, and one
complaint was closed.
According to the government, during the year the Government Prosecution Office
prosecuted nine police officers for the use of violence, who were awaiting
judgment in their cases. Three police officers were investigated for excessive use
of force against a detainee and subsequently placed on administrative leave. Three
other police officers were subjected to administrative investigation for
mistreatment of detainees. No additional details on these cases were provided by
the government.
There were accusations that security officials subjected Western Sahara
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proindependence protesters to degrading treatment during or following
demonstrations or protests calling for the release of political prisoners. On April
16, unidentified individuals in Boujdour, Western Sahara, beat and seriously
injured five women Sahrawi rights and independence activists who were visiting
activist Sultana Khaya under informal house arrest (see section 2.d.). Authorities
said they opened an investigation into the incident, but no results were released as
of year’s end.
International and local human rights organizations claimed that authorities
dismissed complaints of abuse in Western Sahara and relied only on police
statements. Government officials generally did not provide information on the
outcome of complaints. On June 10, the International Service for Human Rights
(ISHR), ACAT-France, the League for the Protection of Sahrawi Political
Prisoners in Moroccan Prisons (LPPS), and a group of lawyers submitted four
complaints to the UN Committee Against Torture on behalf of four Sahrawi human
rights defenders, who they stated endured severe acts of torture at the hands of
government authorities. According to a public statement from ISHR, the four
Sahrawi human rights defendersMohamed Lamine Haddi, Hassan Dah,
Abdelmoula El-Hafidi, and Mohamed Banihad been detained for six to 12 years
based on confessions obtained under torture and without a fair trial. In April
Amnesty International reported that on March 15, 17, 18, and 21, five prison
guards entered the prison cell of Mohamed Lamine Haddi and beat him with
batons and cut his beard against his will after he stated he planned to protest the
prison conditions and the denial of access to medicine by going on a hunger strike.
Prison and Detention Center Conditions
Prison conditions improved during the year but in some cases did not meet
international standards. Prison conditions were harsh and life threatening in some
prisons due to overcrowding.
Abusive Physical Conditions: The Moroccan Observatory of Prisons, an NGO
focused on the rights of prisoners, continued to report that some prisons were
overcrowded and failed to meet local and international standards. In newer prisons
pretrial detainees and convicted prisoners were held separately, but in older prisons
the two groups remained together.
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As of the end of November, in the country’s 75 prisons, the prison population
surpassed 175 percent of capacity. According to government sources and NGOs,
prison overcrowding was due in large part to an underutilized system of bail or
provisional release, a severe backlog in cases, and lack of judicial discretion to
reduce the length of prison sentences for specific crimes. Government sources
stated that administrative requirements also prevented prison authorities from
transferring individuals in pretrial detention or the appeals phase to facilities
outside the jurisdiction where their trials were to take place.
The code of criminal procedure considers preventive detention an exceptional
measure.Nonetheless, approximately 42 percent of the total prison population
were pretrial detainees, consistent with the trend of the past decade.
The law provides for the separation of minor prisoners from adult prisoners. In all
prisons, officials classify youth offenders into two categories, both of which are
separated from other prisoners: minors younger than 18 and offenders between 18
and 20 years old. According to authorities, minors were not held with prisoners
older than age 20. The General Delegation for Prison Administration and
Reintegration (DGAPR) had three dedicated juvenile centers for reform and
educationbut maintained separate, dedicated youth detention areas for minors in
all prisons. The government reported that, in cases where a juvenile court judge
ruled detention was necessary, minors younger than 14 were detained separately
from minors 15 to 18 years old. A judge is supposed to monitor cases monthly of
detained minors. In some juvenile detention centers, this monitoring included
routine check-ins with wardens and prison officials on cases, and monthly review
of detention case files for updates.
The DGAPR reported there was no discrimination in access to health services or
facilities based on gender for women prisoners, who made up just over 2 percent of
the prison population. Some officials reported that women inmates often had a
harder time accessing gender-specific health specialists such as obstetricians and
gynecologists than a general physician. Local NGOs asserted that prison facilities
did not provide adequate access to health care and did not accommodate the needs
of prisoners with disabilities. The DGAPR reported a nurse and a psychologist
examined each prisoner on arrival and prisoners received care upon request. The
DGAPR reported conducting extensive COVID-19 tests and medical consultations
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in prisons.
Administration: The CNDH and the DGAPR investigated allegations of inhuman
conditions. The CNDH and the DGAPR effectively served the function of an
ombudsperson, and a system of “letterboxes” in prisons to facilitate prisoners’
right to submit complaints regarding their imprisonment. Detainees could submit
complaints without censorship to the DGAPR Delegate General’s Office for
processing, as well as to the CNDH.
While authorities generally permitted relatives and friends to visit prisoners, there
were reports that authorities denied visiting privileges in some instances. The
DGAPR assigned each prisoner to a risk classification level, which determined
visiting privileges. According to its prisoner classification guide, the DGAPR
placed restrictions on the level of visits, recreation, and types of educational
programming for higher-risk prisoners. At all classifications, prisoners may
receive visits, although the length, frequency, and number of visitors may vary.
Most prisons assigned each prisoner a designated visit dayto manage the
number of visits to the prison. The DGAPR authorized religious observances and
services provided by religious leaders for all prisoners, including religious
minorities. To limit the spread of COVID-19 during the pandemic, DGAPR
suspended family and lawyer visits from January 10 to February 28 but increased
phone time and frequency privileges for inmates during this period. The DGAPR
put in place several measures such as cleaning and periodic disinfection while
providing officials and inmates with means of prevention, including masks.
Independent Monitoring: The government permitted some NGOs with a human
rights mandate, as well as the CNDH, to conduct unaccompanied prison
monitoring visits. Government policy also permitted academics, as well as NGOs
that provided social, educational, or religious services to prisoners, to enter prison
facilities. The CNDH reported there were 31 different associations that engaged
with the prisons to provide services such as medical care, victim care, and skills
training. The CNDH conducted 155 monitoring visits through June.
Between January and June, the CNDH carried out 10 visits to prisons in Western
Sahara, including four in Laayoune-Sakia, with the stated goal of preventing
practices likely to lead directly or indirectly to torture or mistreatment and
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engaging with authorities on human rights obligations.
Improvements: According to the DGAPR, the government began development
and restoration projects at prisons in Bourkaiz, Safi, Kenitra, Tiznit, Missour, Salé,
Khémisset, Khouribga, and Ain Sebaa to improve detention conditions for
prisoners, specifically by bringing food, hygiene, and infrastructure up to
international standards.
d. Arbitrary Arrest or Detention
The law prohibits arbitrary arrest and detention and provides for the right of any
person to challenge in court the lawfulness of his or her arrest or detention. The
government generally observed these requirements; however, observers indicated
that police did not always respect these provisions or consistently observe due
process, particularly during or in the wake of protests. According to local NGOs
and associations, police sometimes arrested persons without warrants or while
wearing civilian clothing.
Individuals have the right to challenge the legal basis or arbitrary nature of their
detention and request compensation by submitting a complaint to the court. NGOs
expressed concerns that lack of respect for fair trial guarantees and judicial
independence meant these rights were rarely exercised effectively in practice.
Arrest Procedures and Treatment of Detainees
By law police may arrest an individual after a general prosecutor issues an oral or
written warrant. The law permits authorities to deny defendantsaccess to counsel
or family members during the initial 96 hours of detention under terrorism-related
laws or during the initial 24 hours of detention for all other charges, which can be
extended 12 hours with approval of the Prosecutors Office. Authorities did not
consistently respect these limits. Most reports of abuse stemmed from police
interrogations during these initial detention periods. The government continued to
require new police officers to receive security and human rights training facilitated
by civil society.
In ordinary criminal cases, the law requires police to notify a detainees next of kin
of an arrest immediately after the above-mentioned period of incommunicado
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detention, unless arresting authorities applied for and received an extension from a
prosecutor. Police did not always respect this requirement. Authorities sometimes
did not notify the family or lawyers promptly of the arrest, and the families and
lawyers were not able to monitor compliance with detention limits and treatment of
the detainee.
The law states, in the case of a flagrant offense, the Judicial Police Officer has the
right to keep the suspect in detention for 48 hours. If strong and corroborated
evidence is raised against this person, [the officer] can keep them in custody for a
maximum of three days with the written authorization of the prosecutor.The
Antiterrorism Act allows initial detention of a terrorism suspect for 12 days. The
suspect has a right to a 30-minute visit by a lawyer, which authorities can delay
until the end of the 12-day detention period. In non-terrorism-related cases the
lawyer’s visit must occur no later than the midpoint of the detention period.
At the conclusion of the initial detention period in police custody, a detainee must
be presented to a prosecutor, who may issue provisional charges and order
additional investigation by an investigating judge in preparation for trial. The
investigating judge has four months, plus a possible one-month extension, to
interview the individual and determine what charges, if any, to file for trial. An
individual may be detained in investigatory detention or be released during this
phase. At the end of five months (if an extension is granted), the investigative
judge must either file charges, decline to file charges and drop the case, or release
the individual pending additional investigation and a later determination of
whether to file. Authorities generally respected these timelines; however, in at
least one high-profile case, authorities conducted lengthy investigations and
charges remained pending past the allowed timeline.
NGO sources stated that some judges were reticent to use provisional release, bail,
or other alternative sentences permitted under the law. The law does not require
written authorization for release from detention. In some instances, judges
released defendants on their own recognizance. A bail bond system exists,
requiring bond in the form of property or of cash paid to the court. The bond
amount is subject to the judges discretion, depending on the offense. Bail may be
requested at any time before the verdict. According to the law, defendants have
the right to attorneys; if a defendant cannot afford private counsel, authorities must
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provide a court-appointed attorney if the criminal penalty exceeds five years in
prison. Authorities did not always provide effective and timely counsel.
Arbitrary Arrest: Security forces often detained groups of individuals for various
reasons, took them to a police station, questioned them for several hours, and
released them without charge.
Under the penal code, any public official who orders an arbitrary detention may be
punished by demotion and, if it is done for private interest, by imprisonment for 10
years to life. An official who neglects to refer a claimed or observed arbitrary or
illegal detention to his superiors may be punished by demotion. Activists asserted
that the government carried out arbitrary arrests associated with enforcement of the
shelter-in-place protocol due to COVID-19 restrictions, but no security officials
were investigated on this basis, and there was no official report that these
provisions were applied during the year.
Pretrial Detention: Although the government claimed authorities generally
brought accused persons to trial within two months, prosecutors may request as
many as five additional two-month extensions of pretrial detention. Government
officials attributed delays to the large backlog of cases in the justice system caused
by a lack of human and infrastructure resources; lack of plea bargaining as an
option for prosecutors, which lengthened case processing times; rare use of
mediation and other permitted out-of-court settlement mechanisms; and the
absence of legal authority for alternative sentencing, among other issues. In some
cases defendants were held in pretrial detention for longer than their eventual
sentence, particularly for misdemeanors.
e. Denial of Fair Public Trial
The constitution provides for an independent judiciary, but the government did not
always respect judicial independence and impartiality. As in previous years,
NGOs asserted that corruption and extrajudicial influence weakened judicial
independence. The Supreme Judicial Council, mandated by the constitution and
established in 2017, manages the courts and day-to-day judicial affairs in place of
the Ministry of Justice, but it made limited progress in its stated mission of
improving judicial independence. The king appoints the president of the Court of
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Cassation (the highest court of appeals), who chairs the 20-member council.
Additional members include the president of the First Chamber of the Court of
Cassation; the prosecutor general; the mediator (national ombudsperson); the
president of the CNDH; 10 members elected by the countrys judges; and five
members appointed by the king. Human rights activists alleged trials sometimes
appeared politicized in cases involving Islam as it related to political life and
national security, the legitimacy of the monarchy, and Western Sahara.
Trial Procedures
The law provides for the right to a fair and public trial with the right of appeal, and
the judiciary generally enforced this right, but NGOs reported significant concerns
with fair trial guarantees in some high-profile cases (see sections 1.e. and 2.a.).
The law presumes that defendants are innocent. The law requires defendants be
informed promptly of potential charges after the initial arrest and investigation
period, and authorities generally respected this requirement. Defendants are then
informed of final charges at the conclusion of the full investigatory period, which
may last several months. Trials are conducted in Arabic, and foreigners have the
right to request interpretation if they do not speak Arabic.
Defendants have the right to be present at their trial and to consult in a timely
manner with an attorney of their choice. Defendants have the right to refuse to
participate in their trial, and a judge may decide to continue the proceedings in the
defendants absence while providing a detailed summary to the defendant.
Authorities at times denied lawyers timely access to their clients, and in some
cases, lawyers met their clients only at the first hearing before the judge.
Authorities are required to provide an indigent defendant with an attorney in cases
where the potential sentence is greater than five years, but these defense attorneys
often were poorly paid and were not properly trained in matters pertaining to
juveniles. If an attorney has not yet been appointed when a trial begins, the judge
may ask any attorney present to represent the defendant, often resulting in
inadequate representation. At times NGOs provided attorneys for vulnerable
individuals (minors, refugees, victims of domestic violence), who frequently did
not have the means to pay. Access to NGO resources was limited and specific to
larger cities.
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The law permits defense attorneys to question witnesses and present their own
witnesses and evidence, but some judges reportedly denied such defense requests.
Several NGOs noted arbitrary limits on defendants’ access to case files presented a
significant challenge to effective legal representation.
The law forbids judges from admitting confessions made under duress without
additional corroborating evidence, but NGOs reported that some defendants were
provided confessions to sign without translation. Human Rights Watch (HRW)
and local NGOs alleged that judges sometimes decided cases based on forced
confessions. NGOs reported the judicial system often relied on confessions for the
prosecution of criminal cases, and authorities pressured investigators to obtain a
confession from suspects to expedite prosecution.
Political Prisoners and Detainees
There were credible reports of political prisoners or detainees. The government
did not consider any prisoners to be political prisoners and stated it had charged or
convicted all individuals in prison under criminal law. The criminal law penalizes
certain nonviolent advocacy and dissent, such as insulting police in songs or
defaming Moroccos sacred valuesby denouncing the king and regime. NGOs,
including the Moroccan Association for Human Rights (AMDH), Amnesty
International, and Sahrawi organizations, asserted the government imprisoned
persons for political activities or beliefs, using pretextual criminal charges such as
espionage or sexual assault.
On February 23, the Casablanca Court of Appeal upheld the five-year sentence of
Soulaimane Raissouni, journalist and editor in chief of newspaper Akhbar al-
Yaoum. Raisounni was arrested in 2020 after an individual claimed on Facebook
that Raissouni sexually assaulted him in 2018. Raissouni disputed the allegation,
and civil society groups and activists asserted his arrest was politically motivated
and intended to silence independent journalists. Freedom House asserted in its
2022 Freedom in the World report that since 2018 several independent journalists
had been prosecuted on what it called “dubious charges of sexual assault or of
financial misconduct.An investigating judge charged Raissouni with “violent
and indecent assault and forced detention” and ordered his detention in Oukacha
Prison. Reporters Without Borders described his trial as “tainted by irregularities,”
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and his defense lawyers were not permitted even to consult the indictment issued
by the investigating judge. Raissouni remained in prison at year’s end.
Sahrawi political activists alleged security authorities unlawfully entered their
homes to harass, intimidate, and confiscate personal belongings. Some activists
alleged security authorities carried out these acts to signal that if their political
activities did not stop, harassment and intimidation would increase.
On November 21, the Rabat Court of Appeals upheld the sentence of three years in
prison with a fine of 5,000 Moroccan dirhams ($478) for Mohamed Ziane, former
Minister of Human Rights (1995-98), human rights activist, and lawyer. The court
ordered Ziane’s immediate rearrest. The government prosecuted Ziane on 11
charges, including the insult of a public official, publishing false allegations,
defamation, adultery, incitement to violate health provisions, and sexual
harassment. Human rights organizations raised concerns that Ziane’s arrest and
prosecution was politically motivated and reported that 20 police officers arrested
Ziane using excessive force while he was praying in his lawyer’s office.
Transnational Repression
Threats, Harassment, Surveillance, and Coercion: Human rights organizations
reported that the government harassed and surveilled human rights activists both
inside and outside the country, including using the NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware.
On May 26, Canada granted refugee status to Zakaria Moumni, a French citizen
and former kickboxing world champion, who reported receiving multiple threats
that he attributed to the Moroccan security services while living in France;
Moumni had been critical of the king and royal institutions such as the kickboxing
royal federation. Moumni, a former Moroccan citizen, was incarcerated in
Morocco for 18 months between 2010 and 2012 on charges related to involvement
in an alleged immigration fraud scheme.
Civil Judicial Procedures and Remedies
Although individuals have access to civil courts for lawsuits relating to human
rights violations and had filed lawsuits, NGOs reported that such lawsuits were
frequently unsuccessful due to the courtslack of judicial independence in
politically sensitive cases or lack of impartiality stemming from extrajudicial
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influence and corruption. The Supreme Judicial Council is tasked with ensuring
ethical behavior by judicial personnel. There are administrative as well as judicial
remedies for alleged wrongdoing. Authorities sometimes failed to respect court
orders in a timely manner.
The Institution of the Mediator (akin to a national ombudsperson) helped resolve
civil matters that did not clear the threshold to merit involvement of the judiciary,
including cases involving civil society registration issues (see section 2.b.,
Freedom of Association). The mediator retransmitted to the CNDH for resolution
those cases specifically related to allegations of human rights abuses by authorities.
The CNDH continued to be a conduit through which citizens expressed complaints
regarding human rights abuses.
f. Arbitrary or Unlawful Interference with Privacy, Family, Home,
or Correspondence
The constitution prohibits such actions, but there were reports that the government
failed to respect these prohibitions. While the constitution states an individuals
home is inviolable and that a search may take place only with a search warrant,
authorities at times entered homes without judicial authorization, employed
informers, and monitored, without legal process, personal movement and private
communications, including email, text messaging, or other digital communications
intended to remain private.
NGOs continued to report the use of arbitrary surveillance against human rights
activists and journalists, with Freedom House reporting “widespread” use of
spyware and surveillance technologies by the government. In a July report, HRW
documented physical and electronic surveillance by the government to harass and
violate the rights of independent journalists and human rights defenders.
According to the report, several individuals concluded that some of the information
published about them in the media was sufficiently detailed to have only been
obtained through government surveillance.
g. Conflict-related Abuses
According to the Conduct in UN Field Missions online portal, there was one
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allegation of sexual exploitation and abuse, specifically transactional sex, by
Moroccan peacekeepers deployed to the UN Multidimensional Integrated
Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic. Investigations by the
government and UN Office of Internal Oversight Services into this allegation
remained pending at year’s end. Five allegations from previous years two from
2021 and three from 2020 also were pending. The government did not report
final action on two substantiated allegations from 2020 in the UN Organization
Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo concerning sexual
exploitation and sexual assault. Additionally, investigations were pending for two
2021 allegations and one 2020 allegation.
Section 2. Respect for Civil Liberties
a. Freedom of Expression, Including for Members of the Press and
Other Media
The constitution and law generally provide for freedom of expression, including
for the press and other media, although criticism of Islam, the monarchy, or the
governments positions regarding territorial integrity and Western Sahara is
criminalized. Such criticism can result in prosecution under the penal code, with
punishments ranging from fines to imprisonment. The press code, which also
provides for freedom of expression, applies only to journalists accredited by the
department of communication, under the Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sports,
and only for speech or publications in the line of work; private speech by
accredited journalists remains punishable under the penal code, as does journalistic
work by individuals to whom the government does not grant accreditation.
According to Freedom House’s 2022 Freedom in the World report, the press
enjoyed a significant degree of freedom when reporting on economic and social
policies, but authorities used an array of financial and legal mechanisms to punish
critical journalists (see section 1.e., Political Prisoners). Local NGOs also reported
that despite press codes intended to prevent the unlawful imprisonment of
individuals exercising their freedom of expression, authorities utilized penal codes
to punish commentators, activists, and journalists criticizing the government.
Freedom of Expression: The law criminalizes criticism of Islam, of the
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legitimacy of the monarchy, of state institutions, of government and military
officials, and of the governments positions regarding territorial integrity and
Western Sahara. The government sometimes prosecuted persons who expressed
criticism on these topics. Amnesty International and HRW highlighted numerous
cases in which freedom of expression was restricted. Both independent media and
government-affiliated media were active and expressed a variety of views within
the restrictions of the law. The press code limits punishments for the work of
accredited journalists to fines.
The government enforced strict procedures limiting journalists’ meetings with
NGO representatives and political activists. Foreign journalists were required to
request approval from the Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sports before meeting
with political activists, which they did not always receive. There were several
reports of arrests and charges based on social media activity. On April 29, Saida
El Alami was tried and convicted for social media posts critical of the
government’s repression of activists and journalists and denouncing her
harassment by police, according to Amnesty International. She was charged with
contempt of judicial decisions, insulting a constitutional institution, insulting
public officials during the exercise of their duties, and publication and
dissemination of false facts. A Casablanca court initially sentenced El Alami to
two years in prison and 5,000 Moroccan dirhams ($478), but the appeals court
extended her sentence to three years’ imprisonment.
The government reported it prosecuted 631 individuals in criminal courts for
statements made, declared, or published, including 32 criminal cases against
journalists. The government also reported that during the year it suspended six
electronic newspapers for what it said was noncompliance with the press and
publishing code.
Violence and Harassment: Authorities subjected some journalists to harassment
and intimidation, including attempts to discredit them through harmful rumors
about their personal lives. During the year there were instances where government
authorities harassed individuals accused of public criticism of the king, local
authorities, or Islam. The government did not provide information on how many
individuals were specifically charged for criminal speech, including defamation,
slander, and insult (see Libel/Slander Laws and National Security).
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Journalists reported that selective prosecutions served as a mechanism for
intimidation. A July HRW report detailed persistent harassment of journalists,
including Omar Radi, who was arrested and convicted in 2021 for espionage and
rape. The Clooney Foundation for Justice reported the trial “bore the hallmarks of
an unfair process, with the court denying Radi the opportunity to present evidence
in his defense without justification.” On March 3, the Casablanca Appeals Court
denied Radi’s appeal of his six-year sentence. HRW asserted Radi, an
investigative journalist, had been detained, tried, and convicted for a tweet, had
spyware intrusion on his smartphone, experienced a pervasive defamation
campaign against him by state-aligned media, and suffered a suspicious physical
assault that the police, despite their promises, showed no sign of having ever
investigated.” At year’s end, Radi remained in prison. International and local
NGOs continued to raise concerns regarding the lack of fair trial guarantees
afforded to Radi.
Journalists continued to denounce cumbersome administrative procedures and the
long wait times to receive accreditation under the press code. Some members of
the press claimed that journalists from progovernment outlets received credentials
faster than journalists from independent outlets. They noted that journalists
waiting for credentials had to operate in an ambiguous legal status, without press
code protections available only to accredited journalists. Many contributors
working for online news outlets and many online news outlets themselves were
unaccredited and therefore not covered under the press code for their publications.
They remained subject to provisions of the antiterrorism law and the penal code
that permit the government to jail and impose financial penalties on anyone who
violates restrictions related to defamation, libel, and insults.
According to an October 3 report submitted by the UN secretary-general pursuant
to the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) mandate,
OHCHR remained concerned by reports of undue restrictions imposed by the
government on the rights to freedom of expression and excessive surveillance of
human rights defenders and journalists in Western Sahara. The report added that
OHCHR continued to receive reports of harassment, expulsion, and denied entry of
human rights defenders covering human rights violations.
Censorship or Content Restrictions for Members of the Press and Other
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Media, Including Online Media: Self-censorship and government restrictions on
sensitive topics remained serious hurdles to the development of a free,
independent, and investigative press. Publications and broadcast media require
government accreditation, and the government may deny and revoke accreditation
as well as suspend or confiscate publications that breach public order or criticize
Islam, the institution of the monarchy, or the governments positions on territorial
integrity. While the government rarely censored the domestic press, it exerted
pressure through written and verbal warnings and by pursuing legal cases that
resulted in heavy fines and suspended publication. Such cases encouraged editors
and journalists to self-censor and host opposition news sites on servers outside the
country to avoid being shut down by the authorities. According to Freedom
House’s 2022 report, arrests of journalists, bloggers, and activists for critical
speech serve as a deterrent to uninhibited debate among the broader population.
Libel/Slander Laws: The press code includes provisions that permit the
government to impose financial penalties on accredited journalists and publishers
who violate restrictions related to defamation, libel, and insults, and the
government enforced these provisions. Individuals not registered as journalists
may be charged with defamation, libel, and slander under the criminal code, as
may accredited journalists for their private actions.
In July 2021 the government filed lawsuits in France against Amnesty International
and the French media organization Forbidden Stories for defamation and spreading
false news, following a report that the government used Pegasus spyware
developed by the Israeli company NSO Group to monitor dissidents, human rights
activists, and other high-profile individuals. The French court dismissed the
charges in April, and the government indicated it would seek an appeal but had not
filed an appeal by year’s end.
National Security: Authorities used counterterrorism and national security laws
to arrest or punish critics of the government or deter criticism of government
policies or officials (see the case of Maati Monjib in section 2.d., Foreign Travel).
The antiterrorism law permits the arrest of individuals, including journalists, and
blocking websites deemed to disrupt public order by intimidation, terror, or
violence. The law assigns legal liability to the author and anyone who in any way
helps the author to disseminate information the government deems to be
Page 17
justification for acts of terrorism, which would include website owners and internet
service providers. Although the stated purpose of the law was to combat terrorism,
authorities retain discretion to define terms such as national security” and public
order,” and under the penal code the government can seek fines of up to 200,000
Moroccan dirhams ($19,100) for publishing content online seen as disruptive to
public order, with the maximum fine of 500,000 Moroccan dirhams ($47,900) if
the content offends the military. Online speech offenses related to the monarchy,
Islam, and Western Sahara, as well as threats to national security, can carry prison
sentences of two to six years.
Internet Freedom
The government disrupted access to the internet, and there were credible reports
that the government monitored private online communications without appropriate
legal authority (see section 1.f.). The press code stipulates that online journalism is
equivalent to print journalism. Laws on combatting terrorism permit the
government to block websites. The government repeatedly warned online
journalists to obey the law, leading to self-censorship due to a credible fear of
reprisals by the government. The government also prosecuted individuals for
expressing certain ideological views online.
Restrictions on Academic Freedom and Cultural Events
The law criminalizes questioning the legitimacy of Islam, the monarchy, or state
institutions, and the status of Western Sahara. The law restricts cultural events and
academic activities, although the government generally provided more latitude to
political and religious activism confined to university campuses. The Ministry of
Interior approves appointments of university rectors.
b. Freedoms of Peaceful Assembly and Association
The government limited freedoms of peaceful assembly and association.
Freedom of Peaceful Assembly
The law provides for the right of peaceful assembly with limits. The government
generally allowed authorized and unauthorized peaceful demonstrations to occur,
Page 18
but the law requires groups of more than three persons to obtain authorization from
the Ministry of Interior to protest publicly. Several NGOs complained that the
government used administrative delays and other methods to suppress or
discourage unwanted peaceful assembly. Security forces intervened on occasion to
disband both authorized and unauthorized protests when officials deemed the
demonstration a threat to public security. Amnesty International and Transparency
International reported continued arbitrary restrictions on the rights to freedom of
peaceful assembly and association, particularly of individuals supporting
independence for Western Sahara. A health state of emergency remained in place
allowed authorities to limit assembly and association.
Several proindependence organizations and human rights NGOs in Western Sahara
stated that in recent years the submission of applications for permits to hold
demonstrations declined because police rarely granted them. In most cases
organizers proceeded with planned demonstrations in the absence of authorization,
and there was no discernible difference in security forcesreaction to authorized or
unauthorized protests. Security force practices in Western Sahara were similar to
those in Morocco; however, in Western Sahara there often was a higher ratio of
members of security forces to protesters.
While most protests proceeded peacefully, on several occasions violence erupted
between protesters and police. On March 2, hundreds of teachers protested in
Rabat against temporary contracts. Local media reported the protests turned into
clashes with police who were dispatched to disperse the demonstrators.
Security forces were generally present both in and out of uniform at protests,
particularly if the protest was expected to address a sensitive issue. In general,
officers were under orders to observe and not intervene, unless the demonstration
became unruly, threatening to bystanders, or overflowed into public highways. In
those cases, under standard operating procedures, officers were required to give the
crowd three warnings that force would be used if they did not disperse. Security
forces would then attempt to force protesters to leave the area, using riot shields to
push standing protesters into a designated area or carrying seated protesters to the
designated area.
Security force tactics did not differ significantly whether the protest was authorized
Page 19
or unauthorized, although the decision on whether to intervene sometimes
depended on whether the protest was authorized. According to the government, if
officers intervened in a protest, a police judiciary officer not involved in the
intervention and under the supervision of the attorney general must produce a
statement documenting the circumstances of the case, the number of victims, and
the material damage due to the operation. The police judiciary officer must
address the statement to the Attorney Generals Office with a copy to the governor
of the territorial jurisdiction where the incident transpired. The CNDH organized
training on human rights-based methods to manage crowds throughout the year.
In April 2021 a teacher reported she was the subject of verbal, physical, and sexual
harassment by an officer while in police custody for 48 hours after participating in
a teachers’ demonstration outside the parliament and Education Ministry. Widely
shared videos of the arrests showed the teacher being dragged to the ground by
several police officers. Government authorities charged the teacher with “assault
and battery against members of the security forces,” “participation in an
unauthorized demonstration,and “insulting a constituted body”; other protesters
faced similar charges. On March 10, the Rabat Court of First Instance sentenced
44 protesters from the April 2021 demonstration to two months of suspended
prison sentences and a fine of 1,000 Moroccan dirhams ($96) each for violation of
the state of health emergency, assault and battery, and insults against members of
the forces of order, as well as participation in an unauthorized demonstration (see
section 2.b.). The teacher who reported police harassment received a
nonsuspended sentence of three months. She was the only demonstrator from the
incident to serve time in prison.
Freedom of Association
The constitution and the law provide for freedom of association, although the
government sometimes restricted this freedom. The government prohibited or
failed to recognize some political opposition groups by deeming them unqualified
for NGO status. The government was often more tolerant of labor unions (see
section 7). While the government does not restrict the source of funding for NGOs
operating in the country, NGOs that receive funding from foreign sources are
required to report the amount and its origins to the government within 30 days
from the date of receipt. The government denied official recognition to NGOs it
Page 20
considered to be advocating against Islam as the state religion or questioning the
legitimacy of the monarchy or the countrys territorial integrity. Authorities
obstructed the registration of some associations perceived to be critical of the
authorities by refusing to accept their registration applications or to deliver receipts
confirming the filing of applications (see section 5).
Authorities routinely rejected the registration applications of Sahrawi human rights
groups. According to Amnesty International, Sahrawi human rights activists
remained subject to intimidation, questioning, arrest, and intense surveillance that
occasionally amounted to harassment.
The Ministry of Interior required NGOs to register before being recognized as
legal entities, but there was no comprehensive national registry publicly available.
A prospective organization must submit its objectives, bylaws, address, and
photocopies of membersidentification cards to local officials of the ministry. The
local officials of the ministry issue a receipt to the organization that signifies
formal approval. Organizations without receipts are not formally registered.
According to the law, however, any association not denied registration and that did
not receive a receipt within 60 days of submitting the required documentation has
the right to engage in activities. These same organizations reported extended
delays in receiving correspondence from the ministry on the receipt issue.
Unregistered organizations could not access government funds or legally accept
contributions. The organizations stated local officialsrefusal to issue receipts was
a violation of the law that governs the right of association. One of the
organizations, the Moroccan Association of Human Rights, reported the ministry
had refused to issue it a registration receipt for the last seven years.
The Justice and Charity Organization, a Sunni Islamist movement that rejects the
kings spiritual authority, remained banned but largely tolerated, although
authorities continued to monitor its activities.
c. Freedom of Religion
See the Department of States International Religious Freedom Report at
Page 21
d. Freedom of Movement and the Right to Leave the Country
The law provides for freedom of internal movement, foreign travel, emigration,
and repatriation, and the government generally respected these rights, although it
limited movement to areas experiencing widespread unrest. The government
continued to make travel documents available to Sahrawis to travel and encouraged
the return of Sahrawi refugees from Algeria and elsewhere if they acknowledged
the governments sovereignty over Western Sahara. Refugees wishing to return
are required to obtain the appropriate travel or identity documents at a Moroccan
consulate abroad, often in Mauritania.
Sahrawi rights and independence activist Sultana Khaya had been under what
international human rights organizations called “de facto” house arrest since 2020
for her activism, but media reported that as of June Khaya had departed the
country. Previously, she accused security services of abuse, including sexual
assault, destruction of her property, and other claims. On April 16, Sahrawi rights
groups issued a press release alleging that security forces attacked five women who
had visited Khaya’s home (see section 1.c.).
Foreign Travel: NGOs reported authorities can restrict foreign travel with a
judicial order lasting up to two months, which can be renewed up to five times
(allowing for a “travel ban” of up to one year). In practice authorities were able to
prohibit foreign travel for even longer periods. In January 2021 a court sentenced
human rights defender and academic Maati Monjib to one year in prison and a fine
for charges of fraud and endangering national security after authorities arrested
him in 2020. The charges dated back to 2015. In March 2021 authorities released
Monjib after he carried out a hunger strike pending his appeals hearing. In October
2021 Monjib attempted to leave the country for medical treatment but was denied
boarding a flight. The prosecutor of the Rabat Court of First Instance stated that
the terms of Monjib’s provisional release did not allow him to leave the country.
As of December, Monjib remained under a travel ban, which NGOs argued
exceeded the one year allowed, while the government indicated that it had a legal
basis to prohibit Monjib’s travel while his legal appeal remained pending.
Page 22
e. Protection of Refugees
The government cooperated with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for
Refugees (UNHCR) and other humanitarian organizations in providing protection
and assistance to refugees, returning refugees, asylum seekers, and other persons of
concern. The government also provided funding to humanitarian organizations to
provide social services to migrants, including refugees.
The government has historically deferred to UNHCR as the sole agency in the
country entitled to perform refugee status determinations and verify asylum cases.
UNHCR referred cases that meet the criteria for refugee recognition to the
governments interministerial Commission in Charge of Hearings for Asylum
Seekers within the Bureau of Refugees and Stateless Persons.
Access to Asylum: The law provides for the granting of refugee status. The
government recognizes asylum status for refugees designated according to the
UNHCR statute. The government continued to grant status to UNHCR-recognized
refugees and temporary status to registered Syrians.
Refoulement: In December 2021 the Court of Cassation approved the extradition
to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) of Uyghur journalist Yidiresi Aishan,
who was arrested upon his arrival in the country in July 2021, based on a 2017
INTERPOL Red Notice issued at the request of China. Interpol had cancelled the
Red Notice in August 2021, prior to Aishan’s arrest. Reporters without Borders
and other human rights NGOs reported that the notice was a politically motivated
instance of transnational repression targeting a perceived dissident. Authorities
halted his extradition at the request of UN Committee Against Torture while it
investigated. At year’s end, Aishan remained in detention pending a PRC
extradition request.
Abuse of Migrants and Refugees: Refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants were
particularly vulnerable to abuse. Authorities continued cooperation with Spanish
and EU authorities to thwart trafficking networks and arrest smugglers.
Local and international organizations reported receiving complaints regarding the
rights of migrants. NGOs reported government security forces used excessive
force in arresting or detaining irregular migrants in the north of the country to
Page 23
forcibly relocate them away from the Spanish enclaves of Melilla and Ceuta to
deter attempts to cross illegally into the European Union. Additionally, local and
international organization received reports of security forces physically assaulting
irregular migrants during these forced relocations south or to the Algerian border.
On June 24, nearly 1,500 migrants attempted to cross the border to the Spanish
enclave of Melilla. Human rights organizations asserted that Spanish and
Moroccan security forces used excessive force to prevent them from crossing the
border. MENA Rights Group reported that videos of the incident showed
Moroccan security forces beating men who were visibly injured. Official sources
stated 23 persons died, and nongovernment sources estimated at least 37
individuals died. Human rights organizations accused the Moroccan government
of organizing collective burials without autopsies or identification of remains and
called for an investigation. Human rights organizations and the African Union
called for an investigation into the excessive use of force. On December 13,
Amnesty International reported the victims were met with “prolonged and
unlawful use of force by Moroccan and Spanish security forces” and asserted “this
violence, along with a failure to provide timely medical assistance, contributed to
if not directly caused their deaths and injuries.” Amnesty International stated
that in November the organization provided its findings to the government but
received no response.
Employment: Refugees and migrants with residency permits and work
authorization may enter the formal labor market; however, documentation
requirements and yearly renewals mean many who meet the criteria were unable to
obtain legal authorization to work (see section 7 d.).
Access to Basic Services: Migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees have equal
access under the law to justice and public services, including health and education.
Nonetheless, sometimes they were unable to access the national health care system
and continued to have little access to the judicial system until recognized as
refugees. Additionally, migrants without a residency permit had difficulty
receiving vaccinations because they were required to provide proof of residency
and a valid form of identification. Many irregular migrants found it difficult or
costly to obtain a valid form of identification and documents showing where they
resided in the country.
Page 24
The law prohibits housing migrants who entered the country irregularly, leaving
them vulnerable to exploitation, abuse, and eviction.
Durable Solutions: The government facilitated voluntary migrant returns with the
support of the International Organization for Migration. The government
maintained that the return of third-country nationals to their country of origin was
coordinated with diplomatic legations that endorsed these departures and issued the
appropriate papers. In addition to the voluntary returns, NGOs reported cases of
security forces expelling irregular migrants across the border to Algeria.
Temporary Protection: The government also provided temporary protection to
individuals who may not qualify as refugees; however, the government did not
provide information on how many individuals received temporary protection.
Syrians and Yemenis benefited from “exceptional regularization” outside the usual
UNHCR asylum process.
Section 3. Freedom to Participate in the Political Process
The country is a constitutional monarchy under which ultimate authority rests with
King Mohammed VI, who presides over the Council of Ministers. The king shares
executive authority with the head of government, whom the king appoints from the
political party with the most seats in parliament. The king also approves members
of the government nominated by the head of government.
The law provides for, and citizens participated in, free and fair periodic elections
held by secret ballot and based on universal and equal suffrage for parliaments
Chamber of Representatives (the lower house of parliament) and municipal and
regional councils. Regional and professional bodies indirectly elect members of
parliaments less powerful Chamber of Counselors.
Elections and Political Participation
Recent Elections: In September 2021 the country held local, regional, and
parliamentary elections for the Chamber of Representatives. Although there were
allegations of vote buying and candidate intimidation, domestic and international
observers considered the elections generally free, fair, and transparent.
Page 25
Political Parties and Political Participation: A political party may not legally
challenge Islam as the state religion, the institution of the monarchy, or the
countrys territorial integrity. The law prohibits basing a party on a religious,
ethnic, or regional identity.
Participation of Women and Members of Minority Groups: No laws limit
participation of women or members of minority groups in the political process, and
they did participate.
Section 4. Corruption and Lack of Transparency in
The law provides criminal penalties for corruption by officials, but the government
generally did not implement the law effectively. There were recurring reports of
government corruption.
Corruption: Observers generally considered corruption a persistent problem, with
insufficient governmental checks and balances to reduce its occurrence and local
media reported that corruption continued to hamper the country’s development.
Per the Arab Barometer, 72 percent of citizens viewed corruption as prevalent in
state institutions and agencies.
On December 20, the Fez Court of Appeal sentenced former parliamentarian
Rachid El Fayek to six years in prison and a fine of one million Moroccan dirhams
($95,800) for corruption and embezzlement of public money. His brother Jaouad
El Fayek, president of the prefectural council in Fez, was sentenced to three years
in prison and a fine of 50,000 Moroccan dirhams ($4,790) for influence peddling
and illegal transfer of land. The brothers were among six persons under
investigation for misusing public resources, taking bribes, issuing official
documents, and constructing housing units in hereditary lands belonging to private
entities, according to local media. Rachid and Jaouad El Fayak were members of
the country’s ruling National Rally of Independents (RNI) party at the time of their
arrest, but the party suspended their membership.
Section 5. Governmental Posture Towards International and
Nongovernmental Investigation of Alleged Abuses of Human
Page 26
A variety of domestic and international human rights groups investigated and
published findings on human rights cases; however, the governments
responsiveness to, cooperation with, and restrictions on domestic and international
human rights organizations varied, depending on its evaluation of the political
orientation of the organization and the sensitivity of the issues.
HRW reported in its 2022 World Report that authorities continued to impede the
work of the AMDH, the country’s largest independent human rights group. The
organization regularly faced difficulties renewing the registration of its offices,
which impeded its ability to carry out basic functions. Additionally, lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender, queer, or intersex (LGBTQI+) groups indicated that often
their groups found it difficult to register.
During the year activists and NGOs reported continuing restrictions on their
activities in the country (see section 2.b, Freedom of Association). According to
the government, registered organizations were authorized to meet within their
established headquarters, but any meetings outside that space, including privately
owned establishments and homes, were public spaces and required authorization
from the Ministry of Interior. Organizations stated that government officials told
them their events were canceled for failing to follow required procedures for public
meetings, although the organizations claimed to have submitted the necessary
paperwork or believed the law did not require it.
The United Nations or Other International Bodies: An October 3 report
regarding the situation in Western Sahara, submitted by the UN secretary-general
pursuant to the MINURSO mandate, noted that OHCHR was not permitted to
conduct any visits to the region for the seventh consecutive year and urged the
state and other parties to address outstanding human rights problems and enhance
cooperation with OHCHR.
The country was elected to the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in October
for three years beginning January 1, 2023; however, the government does not issue
standing invitations to UN special procedure mandate holders. The government
also continued to postpone or fail to answer requested visits from the UN special
Page 27
rapporteurs on disability (pending since 2015), and the UN Working Group on
Arbitrary Detention (pending since 2018).
Government Human Rights Bodies: The CNDH is a national human rights
institution established by the constitution that operates independently from the
elected government. It is publicly funded and operates in conformity with the
Paris Principles, according to the Global Alliance of National Human Rights
Institutions, which sets the minimum standards that national human rights
institutions must meet to be considered credible. The CNDH filled the role of a
national human rights monitoring mechanism for preventing torture. It oversees
the National Human Rights Training Institute, which collaborated with
international organizations to provide training to civil society, media, law
enforcement, medical personnel, educators, and legal practitioners.
Via regional offices in Dakhla and Laayoune, the CNDH continued a range of
activities in Western Sahara, including monitoring demonstrations, visiting prisons
and medical centers, and organizing capacity-building activities for various
government and NGO stakeholders. It also maintained contact with unregistered
NGOs and occasionally investigated cases raised by them, especially those that
drew attention on the internet or in international media.
The Institution of the Mediator acted as a general ombudsperson. It considered
allegations of governmental injustices and has the power to carry out inquiries and
investigations, propose disciplinary action, and refer cases to the public prosecutor.
The mission of the Interministerial Delegation for Human Rights (DIDH), which
reports to the minister of justice, is to promote the protection of human rights
across all ministries, serve as a government interlocutor with domestic and
international NGOs, and interact with relevant UN bodies regarding international
human rights obligations. The DIDH coordinated government responses to UN
bodies on adherence to treaty obligations and served as the principal advisory body
to the king and government on human rights.
Page 28
Section 6. Discrimination and Societal Abuses
Rape and Domestic Violence: The law punishes individuals convicted of rape
with prison terms of five to 10 years; when the conviction involves a minor, the
prison sentence ranges from 10 to 20 years. Spousal rape is not a separately
enumerated crime, and therefore individuals cannot be charged with it. In practice,
however, there were instances where spousal rape was subsumed within a different
charge, such as “assault and battery” or a related enumerated crime, and the rape
was considered as an aspect of that crime, allowing for prosecution. A sexual
assault conviction may result in a prison sentence of six months to five years and a
fine. The law requires the DGSN, Prosecutor Generals Office, Supreme Judicial
Court, and Ministries of Health, Youth, and Women to have specialized units that
coordinate with one another on cases involving gender-based violence. These
specialized units receive and process cases of gender-based violence and provide
psychological support and other services to victims. Several NGOs provided
hotlines, shelter, resources, guidance, and legal support to survivors of domestic
violence. There were reports, however, that these shelters were not accessible to
persons with disabilities.
Courts maintained victims of abuse cellsthat brought together prosecutors,
lawyers, judges, womens NGO representatives, and hospital personnel to review
domestic abuse cases, including child abuse, to provide for the best interests of
women or children.
According to local NGOs, survivors did not report most sexual assaults to police,
due to social pressure and the concern that society would most likely hold the
survivors responsible rather than the perpetrators. Some sexual assault survivors
also reported police officers at times turned them away from filing a police report
or coerced them to pay a bribe to file the report by threatening to charge them with
consensual sex outside of marriage, a crime punishable with up to one year in
prison. Police selectively investigated cases; among the minority brought to trial,
successful prosecutions were rare.
The law provides penalties for violence against women and requires certain
Page 29
government agencies to establish units to provide psychological support and other
services to victims of gender-based violence. NGOs reported that the law does not
sufficiently define the government’s role in providing services to victims, many of
which fell to NGOs to provide. Additionally, an NGO reported the majority of
women in prison were being held for acts of self-defense.
The law does not specifically define domestic violence against women and minors,
but the general prohibitions of the criminal code address such violence. Legally,
high-level violent misdemeanors occur when a survivors injuries result in 20 days
of disability leave from work. Low-level violent misdemeanors occur when a
survivors disability lasts for less than 20 days. According to NGOs, the courts
rarely prosecuted perpetrators of low-level violent misdemeanors. Police were
slow to act in domestic violence cases, and the government generally did not
enforce the law and sometimes returned women against their will to abusive
homes. Police generally treated domestic violence as a social rather than a
criminal matter. Physical abuse was legal grounds for divorce, although few
women reported such abuse to authorities.
On October 5, Regional Brigade of the Judicial Police in Fez opened an
investigation into a police commissioner accused of sexually assaulting a minor,
according to local media. In a public statement, the DGSN stated security services
responded “quickly and seriously” to a complaint by the victims father. The
complaint said the officer assaulted the minor when she was filing a complaint
against a neighbor. There was no information available on the outcome of the
Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment is a crime punishable by up to six months
in prison and a fine up to 10,000 Moroccan dirhams ($958) if the offense takes
place in a public space or by insinuations through texts, audio recording, or
pictures. For insults and defamation based on gender, an individual may be fined
up to 60,000 Moroccan dirhams for insults and up to 120,000 Moroccan dirhams
for defamation ($5,750 to $11,500). General insult and defamation charges remain
in the penal code. In cases where the harasser is a coworker, supervisor, or
security official, the sentence is doubled. Prison sentences and fines are also
doubled in cases where a spouse, former spouse, engaged partner, or a family
member commits harassment, physical violence, abuse, or mistreatment, or breaks
Page 30
a restraining order, or if the victim is a minor. Civil society leaders stated they did
not observe efforts by the government to enforce the law or provide training on the
law for judicial or law enforcement officials.
Women university students reported in the 2021-22 academic year that professors
demanded sexual favors in return for good grades, including at the National School
of Commerce and Management in Oujda, the King Fahd Institute of Translation in
Tanger, and the Faculty of Settat. One university teacher was sentenced to two
years in prison and four others were also sentenced for sexual harassment.
According to local media, dozens of other sexual harassment cases on campuses
were reported, and various universities set up toll-free hotlines and support units.
Reproductive Rights: There were no reports of coerced abortion or involuntary
sterilization on the part of government authorities.
Individuals and couples have the right to decide the number, spacing, and timing of
their children; manage their reproductive health; and have access to the
information and means to do so, free from discrimination, coercion, or violence.
Authorities generally did not discriminate against women in accessing sexual and
reproductive health care, including for sexually transmitted infections.
Contraception is legal, and most forms were widely available. According to the
Population Reference Bureau, the country has invested in increasing the
availability of voluntary family planning services, expanding and improving
maternal health care, and providing for access to obstetric care by eliminating fees.
There is a disparity between rural and urban women with regard to access to health
services. Socioeconomic status also played part regarding access to health
The contraceptive pill was available over the counter, without a prescription.
Skilled health attendance at delivery and postpartum care were available for
women who could afford it, with approximately 75 percent of overall births
attended by skilled health personnel. In October, following the death of a girl, age
14, during a clandestine abortion, media outlet Le Monde reported deadly illegal
abortions were on the rise. The Moroccan Organization against Clandestine
Abortion estimated between 600 and 800 clandestine abortions occurred each year
and noted there were limited services available for the management of
Page 31
complications arising from abortion.
Discrimination: While the constitution guarantees women the same rights and
protections as men in civil, political, economic, cultural, and environmental affairs,
laws favor men in property and inheritance. Despite antidiscrimination laws
provided by the constitution, women as a whole group consistently face legal
inequities. Without legal protections and enforcement of these rights, societal
discrimination persisted. Long-standing traditions continued to dictate preferential
access to education, health care, and other social services to citizens and certain
legal residents when factoring in race, class, sexuality, religion, and disability.
Women with physical and mental disabilities can be excluded from education and
aid. Whether documented or undocumented, non-Muslim sub-Saharan migrants
and refugees are subject to further discrimination. Restrictive laws remained a
widespread threat to LGBTQI+ persons’ security.
According to the law, women are entitled to a share of inherited property, but a
womans share of inheritance is generally half of what a man would receive. A
sole male heir would receive the entire estate, while a sole female heir would
receive one-half the estate with the rest going to other relatives.
The family code places the family under the joint responsibility of both spouses,
makes divorce available by mutual consent, and places legal limits on polygamy.
Implementation of family law reforms remained a problem.
The law requires equal pay for equal work, although in practice this often did not
Systemic Racial or Ethnic Violence and Discrimination
The law provides for the protection of members of racial or ethnic minority groups
against violence and discrimination. The government enforced the law effectively.
In August, Arab Barometer, a nonpartisan research organization, reported a third of
respondents from the country said they were the targets of racist comments at least
once. The survey found 43 percent of citizens recognize anti-Black racism as a
problem in the country. In March, Minority Rights Group International reported
“Black Moroccans as well as Black sub-Saharan African migrants and refugees
Page 32
continue to suffer from discrimination and violence on the basis of their skin color,
national origin, nationality or lack thereof, and/or immigration status.”
Indigenous Peoples
The Amazigh are an indigenous people of North Africa. The majority of the
population, including some members of the royal family, claimed some Amazigh
heritage. Many of the poorest regions in the country, particularly the rural Middle
Atlas region, were predominantly Amazigh and had illiteracy rates higher than the
national average. Basic governmental services in this region were lacking, and it
remained underdeveloped.
Amazigh cultural groups contended they were rapidly losing their traditions and
language to cultural dominance of the Arabic language and culture. Amazigh
materials were available in news media and, to a much lesser extent, educational
institutions. The government provided television programs in the three national
Amazigh dialects of Tarifit, Tashelhit, and Tamazight. According to regulations,
public media are required to dedicate 30 percent of broadcast time to Amazigh
language and cultural programming. Media reported that on April 11, parliament
started using simultaneous interpretation into the Amazigh language during its
sessions, for the first time in the country's history. The 2023 Finance Bill included
an allocation of 300 million Moroccan dirhams ($27.5 million) to the Ministry of
Digital Transition and Administrative Reform to accelerate the integration of the
Amazigh language in public administrations.
Birth Registration: The law permits both parents to pass nationality to their
children. The law establishes that all children have civil status regardless of their
family status. There were, nonetheless, cases in which authorities denied
identification papers to children because they were born to unmarried parents,
particularly in rural areas or in the cases of poorly educated mothers unaware of
their legal rights.
Education: Education is free and compulsory from age six to 15. The
government offered Tamazight language classes in some schools. Although the
Page 33
palace-funded Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture created a university-level
teacher training program to address the shortage of qualified teachers, Amazigh
NGOs contended that the number of qualified teachers of regional dialects of
Amazigh languages continued to decrease. The government reported, however,
that the number of teachers employed to teach the official national Amazigh
language had increased. Instruction in the Amazigh language is mandatory for
students at the Ministry of Interiors School for Administrators.
Child Abuse: The law prohibits child abuse. NGOs, human rights groups, media
outlets, and UNICEF claimed child abuse was widespread. Prosecutions for child
abuse were extremely rare. Media reported in 2021 that there were 961 cases of
child abuse, of which 405 were cases of sexual abuse. Some children’s rights
NGOs expressed concerns regarding the lack of legislation to prosecute cases
involving incest.
In May a video on social media showed a girl, age six, describing the abuse she
suffered at the hand of her mother. Media reported that authorities opened an
investigation in response to the video. Police visited the girls house and found her
locked in a room with apparent evidence of abuse on her body. Police arrested the
mother, and the girl was taken to the hospital to be treated for her injuries. There
was no information available on the outcome of the case at year’s end.
Child, Early, and Forced Marriage: The legal age for marriage is 18, but
parents may secure a waiver from a judge for underage marriage. As of August,
the majority of applications were granted. The government maintained a national
awareness-raising campaign against the marriage of minors.
Sexual Exploitation of Children: The age of consent is 18. The law prohibits
commercial sexual exploitation, sale, offering or procuring commercial sex, and
practices related to child pornography. Penalties for sexual exploitation of children
under the criminal code range from two years to life imprisonment and monetary
The constitution recognizes the Jewish community as part of the countrys
population and guarantees everyone the freedom to practice his religious affairs.
Page 34
Community leaders estimated the size of the Jewish population at 3,500. Overall,
there appeared to be little overt antisemitism, and the Jewish community generally
lived in safety.
Trafficking in Persons
See the Department of States Trafficking in Persons Report at
Acts of Violence, Criminalization, and Other Abuses Based on
Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity or Expression, or Sex
Criminalization: The law criminalizes consensual same-sex sexual activity, with
a maximum sentence of three years in prison for convictions. According to the
government, through October the state prosecuted 283 individuals for same-sex
sexual activity. Activists noted that police used the law to harass individuals
profiled for gender expression. According to NGOs, individuals attracting
attention from police by their appearance could be searched, and innocuous items,
such as a condom, could be used as evidence of a violation.
Violence against LGBTQI+ Persons: According to some human rights
organizations, LGBTQI+ victims of violence in high-profile cases from previous
years continued to be harassed when recognized in public. In October Pan Africa
ILGA (PAI), the African regional organization of the International Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, reported “criminalization and a lack of
legal protection leave LGBTIQ+ persons highly vulnerable and without access to
proper recourse or redress.” PAI further stated that the laws also served “to
perpetuate societal prejudice against them, fueling harassment, discrimination and
violence.” Many LGBTQI+ persons were not comfortable reporting problems to
police because LGBTQI+ activity is illegal. The degree of helpfulness from police
in responding to an incident appeared to stem mostly from a police officer’s
personal feelings regarding the LGBTQI+ community. Media reported individuals
within the LGBTQI+ community were subjected to violence because of their
sexual orientation or gender identity.
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On November 12, Tangier’s judicial police arrested an adult and three minors after
a widely circulated video showed them beating a transgender woman. The
attackers reportedly used homophobic slurs during the attack based on the victim’s
attire. Independent media Yabiladi commented that the images were very violent.
After their arrest, the adult was taken into custody, while the three minors were
placed under police surveillance. The adult was later charged for assault and
violence in a public space and given a prison sentence of four months.
Discrimination: The law does not prohibit discrimination by state and nonstate
actors based on sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or sex
characteristics and does not recognize LGBTQI+ individuals, couples, and their
families. There was a stigma against LGBTQI+ persons, including some reports of
overt discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity in employment,
housing, and health care.
Availability of Legal Gender Recognition: Legal gender recognition is not
Involuntary or Coercive Medical or Psychological Practices Specifically
Targeting LGBTQI+ Individuals: NGOs reported that police officers sometimes
spoke with the parents of LGBTQI+ persons in an attempt to coerce LGBTQI+
persons to change, or simply not express, their sexual orientation, gender identity,
or gender expression. There were also reports of parents forcing lesbian or
bisexual daughters to marry men and live as heterosexuals.
Restrictions of Freedom of Expression, Association, or Peaceful Assembly:
Media and the public addressed questions of sexuality, sexual orientation, and
gender identity commensurate with previous years. NGOs identified registration
problems as a primary obstacle for LGBTQI+ organizations, as registration
provides access to funding and allows legal operation. For groups that had
attempted to register, they described significant time and energy required, as well
as the safety concerns in running an LGBTQI+ organization in a country where
their “existence is criminalized” and they receive “courtesy visits” from officials.
Persons with Disabilities
The law prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities in employment,
Page 36
education, and access to health care. The law also provides for regulations and
building codes that provide for access for persons with disabilities. In general, the
government did not effectively enforce or implement these laws and regulations.
While building codes enacted in 2003 require accessibility for all persons, the
codes exempt most pre-2003 structures, and authorities rarely enforced them for
new construction. Most public transportation was inaccessible to persons with
disabilities, although the national rail system offered wheelchair ramps, accessible
bathrooms, and special seating areas. Although government policy provides that
persons with disabilities should have equal access to information and
communications, special communication devices for persons with visual or audio
disabilities were not widely available. Coordination among government ministries
remained a problem to persons with disabilities receiving access to services.
The Ministry of Family, Solidarity, Equality, and Social Development has
responsibility for protecting the rights of persons with disabilities and attempted to
integrate persons with disabilities into society by implementing a quota of 7
percent for persons with disabilities in vocational training in the public sector and 5
percent in the private sector. Both sectors were far from achieving the quotas. The
government maintained more than 400 integrated classes for children with learning
disabilities, but private charities and civil society organizations were primarily
responsible for integration.
Other Societal Violence or Discrimination
Persons with HIV and AIDS faced discrimination and had limited treatment
options. UNAIDS reported that some health-care providers were reluctant to treat
persons with HIV and AIDS due to fear of infection. The National Strategic Plan
2017-2021 committed the country to reduce new infections among key and
vulnerable populations, eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV, reduce
AIDS-related deaths, confront discrimination, and strengthen governance for an
efficient response. Although an NGO reported the overall objectives in the
National Strategic Plan were achieved, the testing campaigns for affected
individuals were delayed because of COVID-19. As a result, the plan was
extended to 2023.
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Section 7. Worker Rights
a. Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining
The constitution provides for the right of workers to form and join unions, strike,
and bargain collectively, with some restrictions. The law prohibits certain
categories of government employees, including members of the armed forces,
police, and some members of the judiciary, from forming and joining unions and
from conducting strikes. The law excludes migrant workers from assuming
leadership positions in unions. The labor code does not fully cover domestic
workers or agricultural workers.
The law prohibits antiunion discrimination and prohibits companies from
dismissing workers for participating in legitimate union-organizing activities.
Courts have the authority to reinstate workers dismissed arbitrarily and may
enforce rulings that compel employers to pay damages and back pay. Trade unions
complained that the government at times used the penal code to prosecute workers
for striking and to suppress strikes. The law gives the government power to
unilaterally dissolve or deregister unions.
The government generally respected freedom of association for labor unions and
the right to collective bargaining. Employers limited the scope of collective
bargaining, frequently setting wages unilaterally for most unionized and
nonunionized workers. The law allows independent unions to exist but limits
collective bargaining rights to those representing 35 percent or more of the
workforce within an enterprise. Unions may legally negotiate with the government
on national-level labor issues. At the sectoral level, trade unions negotiated with
private employers concerning minimum wage, compensation, and other concerns.
Labor disputes were common and, in some cases, resulted from employers failing
to implement collective bargaining agreements and withholding wages. Penalties
were sometimes applied against violators.
The law concerning strikes requires compulsory arbitration of disputes, prohibits
sit-ins, and calls for a 10-day notice of a strike. The government may intervene in
strikes by choosing to criminalize them. A strike may not occur regarding matters
covered in a collective contract for one year after the contract commences. The
Page 38
government has the authority to disperse strikers in public areas not authorized for
demonstrations and to prevent the unauthorized occupancy of private space.
Unions may neither engage in sabotage nor prevent individuals not on strike from
Most union federations were affiliated with political parties, but unions were
generally free from government interference.
b. Prohibition of Forced or Compulsory Labor
The law prohibits and criminalizes all forms of forced or compulsory labor and
establishes penalties of five to 10 years’ imprisonment and a fine for offenses
involving adult victims, and 20 to 30 years’ imprisonment and a fine for those
involving child victims. Penalties were commensurate with those prescribed for
analogous serious crimes, such as rape or kidnapping. The government effectively
enforced the law. The domestic workers law provides some protections to
domestic workers. Reports indicated that forced labor, especially of children,
For more information, see the Department of States Trafficking in Persons Report
c. Prohibition of Child Labor and Minimum Age for Employment
See the Department of Labors Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor
d. Discrimination with Respect to Employment and Occupation
The labor code prohibits discrimination against persons in employment and
occupation based on race, religion, national origin, color, sex, ethnicity, or
disability, including physical, sensory, intellectual, and mental disability. The law
does not address age, pregnancy, HIV status, gender identity, or sexual orientation.
Discrimination occurred despite legal protections. Penalties were not
commensurate to laws related to civil rights, such as election interference.
Penalties were sometimes applied against violators.
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The law requires equal pay for equal work, although in practice this often did not
occur. Women are prohibited from working in occupations that present a risk of
excessive danger, exceeds their capacity, or is likely to undermine their morality,
such as jobs in quarries and underground in mines, or engaging in work that
exposes them to the risk of falling or slipping as well as work in a constant
squatting or leaning position, work or activities using asbestos and benzene and
any other activity exposing them to dangerous chemical agents. Seventy-four
percent of women were homemakers. The overall unemployment rate for women
was 16.8 percent, compared to 10.9 percent for men. Women on average earned
30 percent less than men.
LGBTQI+ persons faced discrimination in employment and occupation (see
section 6).
The public sector has a quota for works with disabilities; however, the private
sector does not. Migrant worker organizations reported that some migrants,
particularly those from sub-Saharan African countries, experienced discrimination
in hiring, wages, or conditions of employment. These workers often reported
employer noncompliance with low or unpaid wages, excessive hours of work,
restricted movement, and dangerous and difficult work conditions. Even after
obtaining a residence card, their vulnerability was reinforced by lack of access to
the formal economy, pushing them to the margins of society, compounding their
problems. Many lived in crowded rooms in dilapidated neighborhoods, while
others slept on the streets, in cemeteries, and forests.
e. Acceptable Conditions of Work
Wage and Hour Laws: The minimum wage was above the poverty line. The law
provides for a 44- to 48-hour maximum workweek with no more than 10 hours
work in a single day, premium pay for overtime, paid public and annual holidays,
and minimum conditions for health and safety, including limitations on night work
for women and minors. The law prohibits excessive overtime; however, many
employers did not observe the legal provisions regulating conditions of work.
The domestic worker law outlines rights and working conditions for domestic
workers, including limits on working hours and a minimum wage. The law
Page 40
establishes a conciliation process for labor inspectors to handle disputes between
domestic workers and their employers, but the law lacks time limits for a
Occupational Safety and Health: The Ministry of Employment and Vocational
Integration sets and enforces rudimentary occupational safety and health (OSH)
standards. In the formal sector, workers may remove themselves from situations
that endanger health or safety without jeopardy to their employment, and
authorities effectively protected employees in such situations, although there are no
provisions in the labor code that refer directly to this right.
Wage, Hour, and OSH Enforcement: The government did not effectively
enforce basic provisions of the labor code, such as payment of the minimum wage
and other basic benefits under the National Social Security Fund, or OSH
regulations. The country’s labor inspectors reported that although they attempted
to monitor working conditions and investigate accidents, they lacked adequate
resources, preventing effective enforcement of labor laws. Labor inspectors did
not inspect small workshops with fewer than five employees or private homes, as
the law requires a warrant or permission of the owner to search a private residence.
Inspectors reported that their role as mediators of labor conflicts significantly
limited time spent proactively inspecting work sites and remediating and
uncovering violations. Inspectors do not have punitive power and cannot
independently levy fines or other punishments. Only action by the public
prosecutor that results in a judicial decree can force an employer to take remedial
actions. Enforcement procedures were subject to lengthy delays and appeals.
Penalties for violations were not commensurate with those for similar crimes, such
as fraud, and were sometimes applied against violators. Penalties for violating the
Domestic Worker Law range from fines to one to three months of imprisonment in
cases of repeated offenses. Penalties under the domestic worker law were
sometimes applied against violators. Labor inspectors reported their small
numbers, scarce resources at their disposal, and the broad geographic dispersion of
sites limited their ability to enforce the domestic workers law effectively.
Informal Sector: A Moroccan Central Bank study indicated that 30 percent of
Morocco’s GDP depended on the informal sector. The largest informal sectors
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were agriculture, textiles, and temp agencies.
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