Department of Clinical Research Informatics (DCRI)
Clinical Center, NIH
Subject: Downtime Policy and Procedure for Unavailability of Electronic Clinical Systems
The purpose of the policy is to maintain the integrity of clinical and research information and processes, and
to insure the continuation of clinical care and research studies during the absence of available
electronic/automated clinical systems.
The prevention, early detection, and effective management of a scheduled or unscheduled Clinical Research
Information System (CRIS) downtime event are critical to assuring quality patient care at the Clinical Center
(CC). To manage these events effectively, the Department of Clinical Research Informatics (DCRI) must identify
the various roles and responsibilities of DCRI in maintaining CRIS and Clinical Information Systems. DCRI’s
Technical Operations is responsible for providing the hardware and network infrastructure, while Clinical
Operations is responsible for maintaining the CRIS Systems. Scheduled System downtimes require
coordination between multiple departments and people. Provided in the guidelines below are: A checklist for
planning scheduled system downs, description of the systems that define CRIS and the description of the
systems affected by CRIS Downtimes.
Clinical and research information management will be maintained with a downtime manual process when
electronic systems and information are not available. Defined procedures and guidelines will be followed.
Involved informatics and technical staff will coordinate communications with each other, with clinical users
and with administrators as required.
Policy Guidelines
Appendix A Organizational Roles, Assigned Responsibilities and Contact Information
Appendix B Unpl
anned Downtime- Executive Leadership Communication Plan
Appendix C Unpl
anned Downtime/ System Interruption Checklist
Appendix D Nursing Department Related Guidelines for Scheduled Downtimes/CRIS Downtime
Appendix E Example of System Downtime Communication Process
Appendix F Sys
tem Descriptions, Impact During CRIS Downtimes, and Assigned Responsibilities
Appendix G Clinical Information System Descriptions, Impact During CRIS Downtimes, Assigned
Appendix H Types
of Labels
Appendix I Examp
le of Downtime Templates
Appendix J Examp
le of Standard Terminology to send in Email and Message for Downtime
Appendix K Pa
tient Access Downtime Guidelines
Appendix L CRIS D
owntime In House Support Checklist for DCRI Nurse Analyst
Appendix M NIH Emerge
ncy Backup Telephone System
Disaster Recovery P
lan: located in the Data Center Operations Department, room B25750.
Approved: _____________________________________
Jon McKeeby, D.Sc.
Chief, Dept. of Clinical Research Informatics
Implemented: 6/01: Revised:11/08, 5/09, 7/09, 2/10, 6/10, 3/11, 6/11, 12/11, 3/12, 7/12, 9/12, 10/12, 11/12,
12/12, 1/13, 2/13, 5/13, 8/13, 11/13, 7/14, 2/15, 8/15, 7/17, 10/17, 12/17, 3/18, 7/18, 2/19, 11/19, 6/20
Procedures: Downtime Processes for Unavailability of Electronic Clinical Systems
1.0 Scheduled System Downs
There are no routine downtimes for systems. System downtimes are related to maintenance upgrades and/ or
system problem solving as needed. All Scheduled CRIS and non-CRIS downtimes must go through the
Technical Review Board (TRB). As part of the TRB process they must be added to the Change Management
calendar used to track and schedule system downtimes. Notification will occur if a system down is planned for
more than 15 minutes or as soon as interruption is found for an unplanned down. DCRI will internally monitor
all system downtime(s) and record all systems disruption, for users. The downtime procedures are defined in
the following section according to roles.
The procedure is also defined in section 3.0.
1.1 Do
wn Preparation- Clarification of Roles
A. The Deputy Chief Informatics Officer (CIO) or the Clinical or Technical Architect utilizing DCRI staff
will coordinate system down time with the following, noted below: (See Appendix A for
organizational assignments) based on the reason for the system down.
The Deputy CIO and Chief, Server Support or other DCRI Executive staff will decide whether to
send an e-mail (blind copy - Bcc) to the CC Systems Notifications DL and CC-ISD IE Notice DL
informing users of system down. If email notification is needed to all CRIS users then the "CC CRIS
Users Master Dist List - A- K" and CC CRIS Users Master Dist List - L- Z” DL will be utilized (send
blind carbon copy and expand list). These DLs are for emergent / CRIS critical purposes. Also the
CRIS Status screen (Hello Screen) will be updated with applications status (type of down, date and
Deputy CIO Clinical Informatics
Deputy CIO Director of IT Operations
Chief Portfolio Officer
Project Manager
Chief, Clinical Applications
Clinical Information System Administrator
Clinical Database Lead
Systems Monitoring, Team Lead
DCRI Liaison Team, Member
Clinical Architect
Technical Architect
DPM System Administrator
Diagnostic Radiology Department- Imaging Science Division
Radiology Information System Administrator
Department of Laboratory Medicine (DLM)
Lab Information Manager
Back-up Administrator
Department of Transfusion Medicine (DTM)
Lab Information System Administrator
Quality Assurance Specialist
Transfusion Services Supervisor
Clinical Center Nursing Department (CCND)
(Entire nursing department is notified of downs)
CCND Chief
CCND Deputy of Clinical Operations
CCND Service Chiefs
Administrative Coordinator (AC) on call
For ADT System downtime - notify the Deputy Chief, or designee and Admissions
Chief Nutrition Department
Chief of Clinical Nutrition Services
Assistant Chief of Food Services
Registered Dietician Informaticist
Note: May need to call Nutrition Kitchen Supervisor on site weekdays beginning at 6:00 am
Patient Support Services Department
Chief, Patient Support Services Department
For ADT System Down notify the Chief or designee and Admissions
Pharmacy Administrative Officer of the Day
Pharmacy Informatics Team
Refer to Appendix A.1 for individual’s name for the roles listed above.
Please include CC-DCRI External CRIS Down Notifications when opening conference line for any
CRIS, Printing, CRIS interface, Network Downs, or Training database. Systems Monitoring will add
this DL to the Open Conference Call email.
B. Chief, Clinical Application, Interface Supervisor or Clinical Information System Administrator will
notify the Clinical Information Departments that utilize interfaces of the proposed time by phone
call and then send an e-mail (Bcc) from the CC DCRI Notifications (DO NOT REPLY) DL to the CC-ISD
IE Notice and CC-Systems Notification DLs identifying the date, time and reason for the scheduled
C. DCRI Liaison Team, Member has the role for communicating the planned downtime during regular
working week hours. Communication as to what service is down and the duration of the
downtime needs to be relayed. If there will be three or more downtimes in a week, the DCRI
Liaison Team, Member will send notification included in a table listing the various types of
downtimes with date and times.
The procedures for system users during the downtime are the same whether or not there is less
than or greater than 24 hour notification; however, the communication role of the DCRI Liaison
Team, Member differs.
Email Notification – DLs:
The DCRI Liaison Team, Member will notify users of the downtime utilizing e-mail.
All email will be sent from the CC DCRI Notifications (DO NOT REPLY) DL.
All notifications will be sent blind copy (Bcc) to the CC-ISD IE Notice and CC Systems Notification
There may be additional distribution lists added to the notification besides the routine CC-ISD IE
Notice and CC Systems Notification DLs.
Additional distribution lists include: Prescribers and Affiliate staff: Notification to Prescribers and
affiliate staff will be sent (Bcc) if CRIS is to be down for > 2hours and/ or another system goes
down more than once during the day. The prescribers and affiliate staff distribution list is as
CCMEDSTAFF-[email protected] and
CCAFFSTAFF-[email protected]IH.GOV
All Clinical Center Staff: CC Staff DL
Notification (Bcc) to “CC Staff” is used when the message needs to get to a larger group of
stakeholders (e.g. Unplanned Network Downtimes).
All CRIS Users: If email notification is needed to all CRIS users then the "CC CRIS Users Master Dist
List - A-K and CC CRIS Users Master Dist List - L-Z" distribution lists (Bcc) will be utilized.
The following DLs are for emergent / CRIS critical purposes. The DCRI Liaison Team, Member or
Executive leadership will determine when to send to these DLs. Special security rights are required
to send (Bcc) to the "CC CRIS Users Master Dist List - A-K and CC CRIS Users Master Dist List - L-Z".
Reference Appendix A for the following information:
Departmental staff listed above in section 1.1A (reference Appendix A.1 for staff’s role and
Clinical Center Nursing Staff reference Appendix A.2 for DL E-mail addresses
Clinical Center Department of Transfusion Medicine
Clinical Center DCRI Government Staff
1. 24 hour Advanced Notice (Planned CRIS Downtime):
If the planned downtime has more than a 24 hour notice, during a regular working week, it will
be communicated by having the DCRI Liaison Team, Member distribute flyers to the Nurse
Manager mailboxes, update the CRIS Status Screen (Hello Screen) about the future CRIS
downtime and e-mail CC nursing staff via the CC System Notification DL. A sufficient quantity
of flyers must be provided to the Nurse Managers, as the Managers may cover more than one
inpatient unit and/ or clinic (see Appendix I for sample flyers, and communication of down
Department of Laboratory Medicine Downtime Process for Nursing).
2. Less than 24 hour Advanced Notice (Planned CRIS Downtime):
For planned downtimes, during a regular working week, where there is less than 24 hour
advanced notice, the DCRI Liaison Team, Member will e-mail (Bcc) the CC nursing staff and
departmental staff listed above in section 1.1A.via the CC-ISD IE Notice and CC- Systems
Notification DL, and update the CRIS Status screen about application status. In addition, the
DCRI Liaison Team, Member or designee may call units and clinics.
3. Nur
se Manager Mailboxes are located in the following locations:
10/2B01 in work area room 2B04
Flyers will be distributed to the Clinics and Day Hospitals only if the downtime will affect them
during their hours of operation. Refer to the Nursing Department (CCND) Organizational Chart as a
resource when distributing flyers to the nurse managers. It can be found at the following URL link:
D. Systems Monitoring assumes the responsibilities of the DCRI Liaison Team, Member during
evenings, nights, holidays and weekends. The CRIS Analyst OnCall will follow the same
notification instructions as the DCRI Liaison Team, Member in Section 1.1 C if assistance is needed
from the Systems Monitoring team. In addition, the CRIS Analyst On-Call will contact the Nursing
Administrative Coordinator, via page operator to communicate status of downtime (if applicable).
Clinical Information Departments will be informed if significant changes occur from the downtime
that impact their resources.
2.0 Scheduled System Downs- Communication
There are no set scheduled maintenance downtimes. They occur as needed. The best times to
perform these needed maintenance activities requiring downtime are negotiated with the affected
departments. This is defined in section 2.2. Planned system downs are identified as providing
notification 24 hours in advanced.
2.1 Communication of Downtime (Planned)
The DCRI Liaison Team, Member or designee is responsible for communicating downtime information
when the system is down. Team Leader of Systems Monitoring or designee is responsible for
communicating when the system is back up and operational. All downtime communication to the user
community will be sent from the CC DCRI Notifications (DO NOT REPLY) DL.
A. The DCRI Liaison Team, Member:
Directs the NIH Page Operator via email to overhead page of CRIS down or affected system 30
minutes before, at the time of downtime and the subsequent repeat announcements.
Announcements can be made hourly unless the down is >2 hrs, then refer to extended
planned downtime.
Sends email notification (Bcc) to CC Systems Notification and CC-ISD IE Notice DLs identifying
the reason for the downtime.
Updates/ places announcement on CRIS Status screen (Hello Screen) on the type of downtime:
application type, date and time.
B. The team leader of Systems Monitoring or designee :
Prior to the downtime:
Sends 2
reminder email notification (Bcc) to CC Systems Notification and CC-ISD IE
Notice DLs identifying system 30-60 minutes before the down.
When the system is operational:
Directs the NIH Page Operator to overhead page CRIS or affected system is
Notifies the CC Service Center at 301-496-8400, during regular working hours.
Notifies the CRIS Analyst on–call via the Page Operator (during evenings, nights,
holidays and weekends only) if necessary.
Sends email (Bcc) notification to CC Systems Notification and CC-ISD IE Notice DLs
identifying the system is operational.
Updates/ removes downtime message on CRIS Status screen (Hello Screen) (if any).
Planned downtime
tification (Bcc) to Prescribers and affiliate staff will be sent if CRIS is to be down for > 2hours. The
prescribers and affiliate staff distribution list is as follows:
Upgrades (30,000+ People Distribution list)
URL: http://list.nih.gov
Select NIH Staff Email List NIH Only
It takes you to https://list.nih.gov/LISTSERV_WEB/NIH-STAFF/
Select “Submit a Message to the NIH Staff List
Complete fields with information including message.
Selects Yes for NIH staff only and it goes to the DC, MD and VA areas.
Notification Determination/ Frequency
Based on the type of application /system down, the impact to the NIH community is minimal, System
Owners can identify if email or overhead notification is required. Email and overhead notification may
vary at the systems owners discretion (e.g. CBORD Down for 24 hours only announce at the beginning
and the end of the down period; NIH email service down at the beginning, repeated in 15 minutes and
at the end of the down period).
If the start of a downtime is delayed more than two hours from the initial time identified in the
communication, an email will be sent out to users by the team leader of Systems Monitoring or
If the system is not operational at the designated time, continue with downtime overhead
announcement and email notification that the system remains down.
2.2 Time Coordination
Communication between the DCRI appropriate roles will occur when selecting/coordinating the
scheduled downtime.
Best times for downtime:
All Departments= Primarily CRIS
8:00 pm 10:00 pm if downtime <90 minutes (Wednesday)
6:35 pm 10:35 pm on Saturday if downtime > 90 minutes.
Note: Downtimes greater than 90 minutes during the workweek need CIO approval.
CIT= to follow All Departments best time for downtime.
DPM = 8:00 pm 10:00 pm
DLM= 8:00 pm 10:00 pm
DTM= 8:00 pm 10:00 pm
DRD= prefers after 4:00 pm
Nursing= prefers 1:00 am; however, during business hours weekdays and weekends,
the least disruptive time would be after 5:00 pm. Nursing requests the following as
preferred times:
ADT scheduled downtime - 10:00 pm 12:00 am.
ATV scheduled downtime- Thursday after 6:00 pm
Scheduled downtime < 24 hour notice - at 5:00 pm.
Times to Avoid- 11:00 am and 4:00 pm.
Nutrition= 8:00 pm – 5:00 am
Messenger and Escort= to follow All Departments best time for downtime.
Patient Support Services Department =
ADT scheduled downtime - 10:00 pm 12:00 am.
ATV scheduled downtime- Thursday after 6:00 pm
Pharmacy= need to address each downtime on a case-by-case basis
(8:00 pm 10:00 pm)
Respiratory Therapy =1:00 am – 5:00 am
es to Avoid- During Power Testing
2.3 Notification to Clinical Information Departments of Proposed Downtime
A. DCRI appropriate role and Clinical Information system Administrator will notify the Clinical
Information Departments that utilize interfaces of the proposed time through the following
1. Phone call
2. E-mail (Bcc) to the CC-ISD IE Notice DL identifying the date, time and reason for the scheduled
B. Individual Departments determine if they need to call stat results and if they need to follow their
own Interface down procedures and use manual procedures.
C. Refer to Appendix D & I for the effects of downtime on clinical departments interactions with
patient care units.
2.4 Extended Planned Downtime (greater than 2 hours)
A. The DCRI Liaison Team, Member or designee is responsible for communicating downtime
information when the clinical system is down. When a planned extended down is scheduled the
DCRI Liaison Team, Member will:
1. Send initial email requesting the NIH Page Operator to overhead page as guidelines:
If Downtime occurs between 7:00 am 10:00 pm= Overhead page every 2 hours
If Downtime occurs between 10:00 pm 6:00 am= Overhead page every 4 hours.
2. Send initial email notification (Bcc) from CC DCRI Notifications (DO NOT REPLY) DL to CC
Systems Notification and CC-ISD IE Notice DLs (Bcc) identifying the reason and details for the
3. Update/place announcement on CRIS Status screen (Hello Screen) on the type of down:
application type, date and time.
Note: The overhead notification may vary based on the type of application down for a specific system
that has minimal impact the NIH community. The main users or system owners of the system can
request that extended announcement can be reduced to what the user defines (e.g. CBORD Down for
24 hours only announce at the beginning and the end of the downtime period; NIH email service
down at the beginning, repeated in 15 minutes and at the end of the downtime period).
B. Prior to /During System down the DCRI Team Leader of Systems Monitoring or designee is
responsible for:
1. 30 minutes before the downtime: sending a second reminder email notification to designated
distribution lists identifying system is down.
2. Confirming the hourly or every two hour announcements are being made over head until the
system is operational.
3. Updating/ placing announcement on CRIS Status screen (Hello Screen) on the type of
downtime: application type, date and time using red font color.
4. Sending email notification from CC DCRI Notifications (DO NOT REPLY) that the system remains
down every two hours (unless designated otherwise) from the start of the downtime until they
are notified it is operational. Email notification (Bcc) is sent to CC Systems Notification, CC-ISD
IE Notice, CC MedStaff ListServ, and CC AFFSTAFF ListServ.
5. Sending email notification from CC DCRI Notifications (DO NOT REPLY) when CRIS Sundown is
available for use. Email notification (Bcc) is sent to CC Systems Notification, CC-ISD IE Notice
DL, CC MedStaff ListServ, and CC AFFSTAFF ListServ. Note: more DL may be identified.
6. Directing the NIH Page Operator to overhead page when CRIS is again operational.
7. Sending email notification (Bcc) from CC DCRI Notifications (DO NOT REPLY) to CC Systems
Notification, CC-ISD IE Notice DL, CC MedStaff ListServ, and CC AFFSTAFF ListServ identifying
the system is again operational.
8. Updating/ removing downtime message on CRIS Status screen (Hello Screen).
2.5 Extended Planned or Unplanned Downtime (greater than 2 hours) for
CRIS Sundown will be available to users when CRIS Sunrise is down for a duration greater than 90
minutes. This system is a copy of the current CRIS Sunrise with view only and printing capabilities. The
procedure to activate CRIS Sundown takes approximately 90 minutes.
During an extended CRIS Sunrise downtime, DCRI will activate the CRIS Sundown icon via Citrix
(cccasper.cc.nih.gov) to make it available for users. Once informed, the icon is available users must log
out of Citrix and log back on.
The CRIS Sundown icon will then display and users will be able to log in, view and print patient data.
For a scheduled down of > 2 hours:
CRIS Sundown will be made available with current data up to1 hour prior to the scheduled
For an un-scheduled down:
The procedure to activate CRIS Sundown will begin within 30 minutes of the announced
CRIS Sundown Highlights:
Users will click the CRIS Sundown icon in Citrix to access the application once they have
been informed it is available.
Users will log in using their NIH domain user name and password.
Users can View and Print ONLY.
Users can not add, edit, or modify any data.
Users will not have access to the Task Manager (MAR), only to the Task Viewer.
Users will not have access to the Flowsheet tab, data can be viewed from the Documents
CRIS Sundown will not be available except during these extended downtimes. After CRIS
Sunrise is taken offline, DCRI will make CRIS Sundown available to users approximately 60-
90 minutes after CRIS is unavailable.
CRIS Sundown will be taken offline when CRIS Sunrise (CRIS SCM) is available.
An announcement by the (NIH Operator Services) Clinical Center operator and email by DCRI Systems
Monitoring will let users know that “CRIS Sunrise is down and CRIS Sundown is available for use by
CRIS users.”
1. Sending email notification from CC DCRI Notifications (DO NOT REPLY) that the CRIS system
remains down every two hours (unless designated otherwise) from the start of the down until
they are notified it is operational. Email should identify if Sundown is available. Email
notification is sent (Bcc) to CC Systems Notification, CC-ISD IE Notice, CCMEDSTAFF-
[email protected] and CCAFFSTAFF-L@LIST.NIH.GOV.
2. Directing the NIH Page Operator to overhead page when CRIS is again operational.
3. Sending email notification (Bcc) from CC DCRI Notifications (DO NOT REPLY) to CC Systems
Notification, CC-ISD IE Notice, CCMEDSTAFF-[email protected].GOV and CCAFFSTAFF-
[email protected] identifying the system is again operational.
4. Updating/ removing downtime message on CRIS Status screen (Hello Screen).
3.0 Unscheduled System Downs
planned downtime
3.1 Do
wn Initiation
Systems Monitoring follows the defined Disaster Recovery Plan, which can be found in the Data Center
Systems Monitoring Department located in room B25750 for emergency and/or unexpected downs.
The main DCRI contact is the Team Leader of Systems Monitoring.
3.2 Communication of Downtime (Unplanned)
Refer to Appendix E for specific procedures related to individual systems being down.
A. Initiation of Unplanned Downtime Process:
Depending on the source that identifies the problem, communication of a system downtime is
initiated either through users or DCRI staff contacting Tier 1 CC Service Center / DCRI Systems
Monitoring or vice versa. Send an email to DCRI staff and open conference line.
If the system has a known issue affecting service as soon as DCRI is aware of the interruption
initiate notification as soon as possible, do not wait 15 minutes.
The DCRI Team Leader of Systems Monitoring or designee will:
1. Direct the NIH Page Operators to make an initial overhead page concerning system down. This
will be repeated every 15 minutes for the first hour and then every 30 minutes for the second
hour and then hourly until the system becomes operational.
Refer to extended planned downtime if CRIS down will be > 90 minutes.
Refer to Appendix J for exceptions when announcement is not as frequent.
2. Send an e-mail from CC DCRI Notifications (DO NOT REPLY) to CC Systems Notification and CC-
ISD IE Notice DLs identifying system down (see Appendix J).
If issue needs further analysis, email to state “System interruption unknown impact. Further
tification to Prescribers and affiliate staff will be sent if CRIS or systems affecting CRIS are
down for 1 hour or experience more than one down per day.
The prescribers and affiliate staff distribution list is as follows:
3. Notify the CC Service Center staff covering Tier 1 support, during regular working hours.
4. If CRIS system has been down for 30 minutes, provide printout to ICU of Clinical Data Viewer
report (refer to ICU downtime process).
5. Notify the CRIS Analyst OnCall via Systems Monitoring (during evenings, nights, holidays and
weekends only) if necessary.
6. Update/ place announcement on CRIS Status screen (Hello Screen) on the type of downtime:
application type, date and time (e.g. CRIS Status: CRIS is unavailable for use).
B. Involved Departments Notification
Affected departments are notified specifically by DCRI. Judgment is used in contacting others,
based on the situation of the downtime. The DCRI Team Leader of Systems Monitoring or designee
1. The following areas are called if the system is expected to be down more than 15 minutes,
during regular working hours.
1. Admissions
2. DLM
3. DPM- Surgery (if open)
4. DTM
5. Messenger/Escort
6. Nursing
7. Nutrition
8. Pharmacy
9. Radiology
10.Special Clinical Studies Unit
11. HIMD (Consents tab, 3M-ESA)
2. Call individual patient care units, clinics and day hospitals notifying them if the downtime
status is going to be greater than 30 minutes, during regular working hours. Note: During
evening, nights, holidays and weekends the Administrative Coordinators assistance may be
needed to communicate the downtime status.
3. Sends email notification that the system remains down every two hours from the start of the
downtime to CC Systems Notification and CC-ISD IE Notice DLs.
CRIS Sundown Use: Please refer to section 2.5 Extended Planned or
Unplanned Downtime (greater than 2 hours) for CRIS Sunrise ONLY
4. Ongoing Status of downtime:
Clinical Information team leads are encouraged to call DCRI to obtain updated information on
the status of the downtime or system interruption.
Weekdays during business hours (7:00 am- 5:00 pm): Departments may call CC Service
Center (301) 496-8400 and request feedback on the status of all downtimes. The DCRI
Liaison Team, Member or the CRIS Analyst will contact the person responsible for the
downtime and get an update. The update will be provided back to the department
requesting the feedback.
Weekends, Evenings Nights and Holidays: Departments may call Systems Monitoring
(301) 496-7525 and request feedback on the status of all downtimes. Systems
Monitoring staff will contact the person responsible for resolution of the downtime for
an update. The update will be provided back to the department requesting the
C. When the system (e.g. CRIS, Network) is operational, the Team Leader of Systems Monitoring or
designee will notify the NIH Page Operators to overhead page that the system is available for use.
D. Team Leader of Systems Monitoring or designee sends an e-mail (blind copy) to the CC Systems
Notification and CC-ISD IE Notice DLs identifying the reason for the unscheduled downtime, the
time the system went down and when it came back. A team of DCRI Operation staff will call the
patient care units to confirm that the workstations (i.e. WOW,Thin-Clients) are operational.
E. Update/ remove downtime message on CRIS Status screen (Hello Screen) and state system is
3.3 Conversion to Use of Manual Documentation and Communication Forms For Prolonged CRIS Down
A. Re
fer to Section 4.0 for use of manual documentation and communication forms, as the same
interventions will occur for an unplanned prolonged downtime.
B. Extended unscheduled downtimes require initiation of the defined Disaster Recovery Plan, which
can be found in the Data Center Systems Monitoring Department, located in room B25750.
4.0 Conversion to Use of Manual Documentation and Communication Forms for Prolonged CRIS Downtime
If CRIS is down for a prolonged period of time, 30 minutes or greater, DCRI will communicate this information
to the affected departments. Each department shall define their appropriate downtime procedure for using
manual documentation.
Downtime procedures can be initiated for all CRIS activity or specific functionalities such as order entry, result
retrieval, medication administration documentation, lab/specimen collection and/or clinical documentation.
The extent of what activities are working and what needs to be converted to downtime must be
4.1 Forms
Guidelines and manual forms for ordering and documenting, are available on every inpatient unit and
clinic. The nurse managers for the inpatient units, day hospitals and clinics are responsible for keeping
the forms updated and in stock. DLM and DTM will be notified by downtime announcement, the
Clinical Information System Administrator and/ or the Interface Administrator to accept paper
requests and call stat results.
Manual ordering and documentation forms can be obtained from HIMD
Monday- Friday 7:00 am- 5:00 pm or accessed online.
All of the CRIS Downtime forms can be found at the following URL:
The following forms (HIMD) are to be used for manual ordering and documentation:
Form Number
Form Name
SF-509 (7-91) Progress Notes
SF-510 (10-75) Nursing Notes
NIH-509 (8-00) Inpatient Progress Notes
NIH-2797 (10-00) Nursing Reports Manual
NIH-54 (12-09) Request for Admission/Travel/Voucher/Location Transportation
NIH-2955 (11-14) Electronic Appointment Request Downtime Form
NIH-513-1 (3-02) Consultation Report
NIH-526 (5-93) Vital Signs-Special Graph Sheet
NIH-532-1 (7-87) Outpatient Progress Notes
NIH-532-10 (8-00) Outpatient Progress Notes (computer template)
NIH-532-11 (2-08) Outpatient First Registration Progress Notes
NIH-532-13 (8-01) Outpatient Progress Notes: Medicine Branch
NIH-2435-3 (2-88) On-Treatment Progress Note: Radiation Therapy
NIH-2795 (5-11) Orders Manual
NIH-2849 (1-06) Inpatient Medication Reconciliation
NIH-2874 (8-08) DLM Information Required for Specific Tests
NIH-2880 (1-10) Rapid Response Note
NIH-2891 (8-15) DPM POIS SISWEB Downtime Case Request Form (formerly Operating Room Case
Request Form)
NIH-2900 (4-11) CRIS Downtime: Medication Orders
NIH-2901 (6-16) Department of Laboratory Medicine Ordering Record Chemistry
NIH-2902 (6-16) Department of Laboratory Medicine Ordering Record – Hematology
NIH-2903 (6-16) Department of Laboratory Medicine Ordering Record Microbiology
NIH-2904 (2-11) CRIS Downtime: Medical Surgical Nursing Assessment
NIH-2905 (2-11) CRIS Downtime: Medication Administration Record
NIH-2906 (2-11) Transfusion Medicine Ordering Record
NIH-2907 (2-11) Diagnostic Radiology Exams/Procedures (Ultrasound CT)
NIH-2907-2 (2-11) Radiology Exams/Procedures (MRI-Nuclear Medicine)
NIH-2907-3 (2-11) Radiology Exams/Procedures (Interventional Radiology)
NIH-2909 (2-11) CRIS Downtime: Total Parental Nutrition TPN
NIH-2911 (4-11) CRIS Downtime: I & O Form
NIH-2912-1 (4-11)
CRIS Downtime Outpatient Documentation: Screening New Patient Visit Nursing
NIH-2912-2 (4-11)
CRIS Downtime Outpatient Documentation: Follow up - Return
Visit Nursing Assessment
NIH-2912-3 (4-11) CRIS Downtime Outpatient Documentation: Consult Visit Nursing Assessment
NIH-2912-4 (4-11) CRIS Downtime Outpatient Documentation: Lab/Test Visit Nursing Assessment
NIH-2912-5 (4-11) CRIS Downtime Outpatient Documentation: Procedure/Treatment
Visit Nursing Assessment
NIH-2912-6 (4-11)
CRIS Downtime Outpatient Documentation: Walk-In/Emergency Visit Nursing
NIH-2913 (5-11) Patient Transfer of Care Note
NIH-2924 (1-12) Discharge Care Order Outside Medical Services
NIH-2925 (1-12) Language Interpreter Social Work Order
NIH-2960 (5-15) CRIS Downtime Nutrition Department Orders
NIH-2955 (11-14) Electronic Appointment Request Downtime Form
1. Other
forms can be found: http://intranet.cc.nih.gov/medicalrecords/forms/forms-crisdowntime.html
2. Request for Admission/Travel/Voucher/Local Transportation (NIH- 54)
are to be used for admission, travel
and vouchers
3. DLM Information Required for Specific Tests (NIH-2874).
Non-Medical Record Forms for the Department of Laboratory Medicine can be found at the following URL:
1. Heme
Stat Report
2. Chem Stat Report for Serum & CSF Report
3. Chem Stat Report for Whole Blood
4.3 Specimen Labels
abels used during the downtime mus
t include the patient’s name, medical record number and date of
birth and patient location. There are various types of labels (see Appendix H- Glossary: Labels):
1. SoftID labels (if available) are to be used to label any specimens being sent to the lab. These labels print
from the SoftID system, and as a result during CRIS downtimes may continue to print if the SoftID system is
operational. These labels include bar coding specific to a unique identifier of what test needs to be done
and is read by the lab system.
2. Specimen labels printed from Zebra printer (if available) are to be used to label any specimens being sent
to the lab. These labels print from the Lab system, and as a result during CRIS downtimes may continue to
print if the lab system is operational. These labels include bar coding specific to a unique identifier of what
test needs to be done and is read by the lab system.
3. Patient labels (Admission) are to be used if there are no Specimen or SoftID labels. These are preprinted
with the required patient information. If the function to view orders and a lab order exists in the CRIS
system, write the Order ID number on the admission label. This order ID number identifies the specific
test to be performed and resulted on the specimen being sent down to the lab. The admission labels
include a barcode that represents the MRN for the patient, and is different than the barcode on the LIS
specimen label which is the LIS Order number. Please add the patient care unit (PCU) on the label. These
labels may come from the Zebra printer or from the Admissions Department. Remember if CRIS is down,
Admissions will not be able to print labels for patient care units.
4. Handwritten labels are to be used if Patient labels (admission) are not available. Please add the PCU on the
NOTE: Please verify all labs are collected based on available information (medical care plan, lab form etc.).
5.0 Admission Discharge Transfer (ADT)
Admission Discharge Transfer (ADT) will not occur when the CRIS System is down.
5.1 ADT Impact when the CRIS System is down
A. Any Patient Admission
CRIS will not send patient admission information to Clinical Information systems. Admissions will not be
able to activate a patient electronic medical record in CRIS. Any orders entered while the patient is in pre-
admit status, cannot be released. This applies to either the admission of an Inpatient or the creation of an
Outpatient visit.
New o
rders and/or documentation entered while CRIS is down need to follow the procedures for manual
entry until the CRIS system is operational (See 4.0 Conversion to Use of Manual Documentation and
Communication Forms for Prolonged CRIS Downtime).
B. Transfer to another location in the hospital
The Patient’s location will not change in CRIS until the system is operational and the transfer order/
process have occurred. The patient can physically transfer to another unit for care when the CRIS system
is down.
C. Visit Type
If the patient is discharged while the CRIS system is down the current inpatient visit will not change to an
outpatient visit until CRIS is operational. If the patient goes on pass while the CRIS system is down the
current inpatient visit will not change to a leave of absence status until CRIS is operational.
6.0 System Descriptions, Responsible Parties and Customer Impact
CRIS Components: Equipment and Network That Comprise CRIS.
when the CRIS
system is not operational:
The following appendices reflect the impact on system components, servers and services
Appendix A – A.1 Lists the designated person and contact information for specific roles and responsibilities. A.2
Lists the Organizational contact information for key players involved in the downtime communication process.
Appendix B– The table reflects the communication plan executive leadership will follow in informing Institutes
and Clinical Center leadership of system status.
Appendix F – The table reflects the impact on the various system components and/ or servers if the CRIS Core
system is not operational. Also included are the Departments and individuals responsible for the various
system components or servers.
Appendix G The table reflects the impact on the various clinical information systems if the CRIS Core System
is not operational. Also included are the Departments and individuals responsible for the various system
components or servers.
7.0 Perioperative Information System (POIS) Downtime Procedure
er to the Department of Perioperative Medicine Downtime Procedure for the POIS.
8.0 CRIS Status Screen/ Hello Screen
The CRIS Status screen provides users with information on the status of CRIS as well as any upcoming
application downtimes.
To access the status screen one must have permission to access the following network drive
. The DCRI Liaison Team, Member will send an email to the System Administrator
or Team Leader of Systems Administration requesting DCRI staff permission to access.
e granted access to add, update or revise status screen messages please take the following steps
1. Go to My Computer. Tools--> Map Network Drive.
Map your drive to \\CC0PProfiles1\CRISSTATUS
2. Click Finish.
3. Select the word document ‘statustext’ (rich text format)
4. Update the message as deemed necessary
CRIS is Unavailable (Day, Date, Time Frame)
System Monitoring will update the message when CRIS is down or operational as well as remove existing
messages when the downtime is complete.
9.0 ICU Downtime Process
ICU will follow downtime procedure as noted in policy.
A special report printing make take place for both planned and unplanned CRIS downtimes or anytime CRIS is
unavailable (e.g. Network downtime).
Refer to the Accessing and Printing CRIS Down PDF Documents for ICU
O:\CRIS Support Center\ Quick Reference Guide\ICU e-doc and biomed devise
The documents are stored in the following folder.
d Downtime- ICU report printing
The ICU is responsible for printing the following reports ahead of time directly from CRIS Sunrise:
Medical Care Plan
Meds Due Worklist
Specimen Collection Worksheet
Clinical Data Viewer report
ICU Staff to print ICU CDV report 1 hour prior for planned CRIS downtimes or
Systems Monitoring to print within 30 minutes of the CRIS being down if unplanned
lanned Downtime- ICU report printing
Systems Monitoring will print the following reports within 30 minutes of the start of the down (e.g. if the
system goes down unexpectedly)
Medical Care Plan
Meds Due Worklist
Specimen Collection Worksheet
Clinical Data Viewer report
* Note: Reports from 3SWN are only available if the patient census in the ICU is so high that patients are
admitted into that unit.
ICU- ICU will make the determination of when to plug in the Workstations on Wheels (WOWs) to the network
outside patient rooms. Network Cables are available in the ICU (see Appendix D).
10.0 Extended Wireless Network Downtime (Hardwiring WOW using LAN Drop)
If the Wireless network is down for more than 1 hour, the nurse can use a Local Area Network (LAN) cable to
connect/ hardwire one WOW in each patient care room to an active LAN port. This will provide access to CRIS
and the internet until the wireless network is back on line.
The a
ctive LAN line port is located in patient care rooms of the CRC where a WOW is located and marked with
a yellow plastic insert.
Criteria for hardwiring WOWs:
less Network Downtime Greater than 1 hour
LAN Cable Information:
Cables have been distributed to patient Care unit and Day hospital.
Nurse Managers will store the LAN cables to use for emergent purpose of an extended wireless
downtime (>1 hour).
Call CC Service Center 301-496-8400 if extra LAN cables are needed
Important Note: The Active LAN port (marked in yellow) is only to be used for emergent WIRELESS NETWORK
Downtimes > 1 hour.
ICU: The ICU will make the determination of when to plug in the Workstations on Wheels (WOWs) to the
network outside patient rooms. Network Cables are available in the ICU (see Section 9.0 and Appendix D).
Appendix A
Organizational Roles, Assigned Responsibilities and Contact Information
A.1. Organizational Role & Assigned Responsibilities
Clinical Center
NIH Page Operator (301) 496-1211
Anatomical Pathology
Pathology LIS Administrator NCI/ NIH- Earle Barnes- (301) 496-0551
Department of Perioperative Medicine (DPM)
Chief, DPM- Andrew Mannes- (301) 594-7328
DPM Anesthesiologist- Julia Labovsky (301) 594-7323
DPM Application Administrator Norma Street (301) 496-4835
POIS Database Administrator Tadele Yenegeta 301-496-9243/Murali Kumar (301) 402-5808
POIS System Administrator Barrett Grieb (301)-402-3130
Department of Clinical Research Informatics (DCRI)
ATV Administrator- Frank Mickey (240) 393-2225 (cell)
CITRIX AdministratorBrad Snakenberg (301) 594-9298
Chief Informatics Officer Jon McKeeby, D.Sc. (301) 496-3826
Deputy CIO Director of IT Operations James (Jim) Pitts (301) 496-7436
Deputy CIO Clinical Informatics
Chief, Server Support and Data Center Operations John Kocher (301) 594-8389
Chief, Technical and Clinical Customer Support William Hernandez (301) 451-9728
Chief, Clinical Applications Tony Barnes (301) 496-4285
Clinical Architect– Seth Carlson (301) 594-7491
Clinical Database Lead–Tim Maloney(301) 496-6976
Chief, Budget and Capital Planning– Jay Yarington (301) 594-7801
Chief Medical Information Officer David Herion (301) 496-7734
CC CISO, CC Information Security OfficerChris Chern
Interfaces Supervisor Yenshei Liu (301) 496-6789
Network EngineerJason Chan (301) 435-4692
Network EngineerRichard Walker (301) 496-8652
Network Engineer - Tim Salo-(301) 496-4785
POIS Database Administrator Tadele Yenegeta 301-496-9243/Murali Kumar 301-402-5808
Chief Project Management Office – Ryan Kennedy (301) 402-4867
Systems Monitoring Lead Pam Carter (301) 496-3844
Systems Administration Team Lead Dempsey Dunn (301) 496-4712
DCRI Liaison Team, Supervisor Minnie Raju (301) 451-3310
DCRI Liaison Team, Member– Adrienne Barrett (301) 443-3477
DCRI Liaison Team, Member– Rubi Defensor (301) 435-8516
Appendix A
Organizational Roles, Assigned Responsibilities and E-mail Addresses
UNIX System AdministratorChris Klein (301) 402-0974
DCRI Systems Monitoring On-Call Computer Room(301) 496-7525
partment of Laboratory Medicine
Laboratory Information ManagerChung-Hee Row (301) 402-3420
Laboratory Information System Analyst - Bonnie Aramayo - (301) 402-2959
Department of Transfusion Medicine
Lab Information System Administrator- Boyd Conley (301) 496-4506 or (301) 594-8382
Quality Assurance SpecialistJames (Wade) Atkins (301) 496-4506
Transfusion Services SupervisorTraci Paige(301) 496-8335
Diagnostic Radiology Department- Imaging Sciences Division
Radiology Information System Administrator- David Sanford- (301) 435-2147
After 5:00 pm call the page operator and ask to speak to the PACs/RIS technologist on- call.
Health Information Management Department
Chief, Health Information Management Department-Tricia Coffey (301) 496-2292
Deputy Chief - Michelle Hendery (301) 402-3299
3M System Administrator Tracy Jacobs (301) 594-1786
Messenger and Escort Service (MES)
Chief, Office of Hospitality Services Jamillah Bynum (301) 451-9868
Program Manager, Messenger and Escort Service -Bonita Witherspoon (301) 496-0093
Nursing Department, CC (CCND)
Chief, CCND Gwen Wallen(301) 435-3489
Refer to Organizational Chart for individual’s name for the roles listed below:
Service Chief’s for Nursing Department (refer to organizational chart)
Nurse Managers
Nursing Administrative Coordinator - Contact via page operator
Resource with phone list and organizational chart can be found at
Chief, Nutrition Department-Annie Cichocki - (301) 496-2554
Chief, Clinical Nutrition Services- Madeline Michael (301) 496-3312
Chief of Food Services- Anita Bailey(301) 827-3798
Registered Dietician Informaticist-Melissa Riley (301) 451-7188
Note: If need the Nutrition Kitchen Supervisor’s number is (301) 771-1961
Patient Support Services
Chief Patient Support Services- Karen Kaczorowski (301) 496-2341
Note: If ADT System Down call Admission staff (301) 496-3315
Pharmacy Department
Administrative Officer of the Day: 301-496-1211
Chief - CAPT Richard Decederfelt (acting) (301) 832-1995
Service Chief - OperationsMarilyn Farinre (acting) (240) 802-0137
Outpatient Section Chief Nadia Guirguis (301) 402-7078
Service Chief - Clinical Services/Investigational Drugs- Marcus Ferrone (acting) (240) 743-1605Section Chief
Informatics - Rilwan Badamas (301) 832-2535
A.2 Clinical Center Organizational E-mail addresses
DCRI Government Staff= cc-dcri-Govt-staff@mail.cc.nih.gov
Department of Transfusion Medicine= cc-DTMstaff@mail.cc.nih.gov
Nursing Staff = nurs@mail.cc.nih.gov
CC-NURS ExtraDept Credentialed Nursing Staff =CC-NURSExtraDeptCVProgra[email protected]
CC-ISD IE Notice = isd_ie_noti[email protected].gov
CC Systems Notification = cc-[email protected]c.nih.gov
CRIS Critical DLs =
CC CRIS Users Master Dist List - A-K (blind carbon copy and expand list);
CC CRIS Users Master Dist List - L-Z (blind carbon copy and expand list);
The prescribers and affiliate staff distribution list is as follows:
CCMEDSTAFF-[email protected] and
CCAFFSTAFF-[email protected]IH.GOV
amart users: CC-DCRI DataMart Users = CC-DCRIDataMartU[email protected]h.gov
Appendix B
Unplanned CRIS Downtime- Executive Leadership Communication Plan
Address how and when to communicate DOWN once problem has been notified
CC Exec Team
Core CC Clinical Leadership
IC Leadership
CRIS Application Down
Global mail
Global mail
Global mail
> 30 minutes
Problem identification
Problem Identification, implement
"down procedures"
Problem Identification, implement "down
> 60 minutes
Action Plan; ETA, if
Detailed actions to be taken by
staff; continue "down" procedures;
ETA, if known
Update & continue "down" procedures; ETA,
if known
Hourly Updates -
Overhead Announcement
CRIS Down, use "Down
CRIS Down, use "Down Procedures"
CRIS Down, use "Down Procedures"
Every 2 Hours - Email
Critical issues, HL plans;
ETA, if known
Reinforce down procedures; update
Reinforce down procedures; update ETA
System Up Notification
Announce application is
up & ready for use;
known issue summary, if
extended down; next
Announce application is up & ready
for use; apologize for
inconvenience; reinforce
procedures for updates of manually
collected data
Announce application is up & ready for use;
apologize for inconvenience; reinforce
procedures for updates of manually
collected data
CC Network Outage
Global mail
Global mail
Global mail
> 30 minutes
Relay critical issues &
expected resolution, if
known, from comm.
Detailed actions to be taken by
staff; implement "down"
procedures; ETA, if known
Notification to implement "down"
procedures; ETA, if known
> 60 minutes (phone
CRIS Down, use "Down
CRIS Down, use "Down Procedures"
CRIS Down, use "Down Procedures"
Hourly Updates -
Overhead Announcement
Critical issues, HL plans;
ETA, if known
Reinforce down procedures; update
Reinforce down procedures; update ETA
Every 2 hours Updates -
Email (for BB & Citrix use)
Announce network is up
& ready for use; known
issue summary
Announce network is up & ready for
use; apologize for inconvenience;
reinforce procedures for updates of
manually collected data
Announce up & ready for use; apologize for
Appendix C
Unplanned Downtime/ System Interruption Checklist
When to initiate this checklist: As soon as a member of DCRI is aware that there is a system interruption (immediately).
Contact Systems Monitoring (301 496-7525) to run the checklist.
Please clarify whether this is a downtime or performance issue (if known).
System Monitoring or Designee to do the following:
Initial User communication- System interruption
Send notice to users via email (Bcc) CC Systems Notification, CC-ISD IE Notice, CC-Staff, CCMEDSTAFF-[email protected] and CCAFFSTAFF-L@LIST.NIH.GOV
distribution list.
Time ______
Send “overhead announcement to Page operator
Time ______
Contact Executive Leadership on-call (Executive Leader on Call will contact Jim Pitts and Dr. Mckeeby)
Contact appropriate resources (e.g. DBA, Network team, Citrix team, etc.) using on call schedule.
Open conference line Dial: 877-985-7842 Passcode: 3256164#
Time ______
Send email that conference line is open to CC-DCRI Staff. For any CRIS, CRIS Interface, Printing, and/ or Network Downs, please include CC-DCRI External
CRIS Down Notifications DL when opening conference line.
Other information if known or identified
te and Time problem was reported _____________________________________________
Who reported the problem/ issue _________________________________________________
What was the problem/ issue ____________________________________________________
What System, subsystem or “Other” is impacted ____________________________________
Date and time problem/ issue resolved ____________________________________________
Resources person name/ Time Contacted/ Phone number:
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
Systems Monitoring or Designee’s name overseeing checklist _________________________
Policy http://cris.cc.nih.gov/procedures/pdf/Backup_Process_Unavailable_CIS.pdf
Unplanned downtime (template)
otification to Prescribers and affiliate staff will be sent if CRIS or systems affecting CRIS are down. i.e. multiple users ( > 1 call with same/related issue within a
30 minute period) .
E-Mail Message:
Event Details:
Impacted Services/Applications:
All CRIS users
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
“There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
Additional Information:
Presently we are experiencing an unplanned system interruption. Please note that DCRI is aware of the issue and working to resolve.
Please contact CC Service Center (301) 496-8400
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
(301) 496-8400
Message to Page Operator:
Present tense: UNPLANNED DOWNTIME/ SYSTEM INTERRUPTION. Please note that DCRI engineers are aware of the issue and are working to resolve.
Appendix D
Nursing Department Related Guidelines for Scheduled Downtime
All computer systems (CRIS, Clinical Information systems, internet, and intranet) within the CC Data Center will
experience intermittent downtime periods beginning Date @ : p.m. through Date @ : a.m.
Here are some tips to help you prepare for this planned outage.
Communication During Computer Downtime
Note: All manual documents and order forms need to include the patient’s name, medical record number,
date of birth, patient location, ordering prescriber’s name.
1. Prior to the system going down, the Page Operator will announce the actual time of unavailability, and will
also make an announcement when CRIS has returned back to functioning capacity.
2. All attempts should be made to enter information into CRIS prior to Date @ : p.m. including nursing
assessments and medication administration.
3. Please request physicians to enter new patient orders into CRIS prior to Date @ : p.m
4. All non-pharmacy communication will be conducted using the Pneumatic Tube Stations with a follow up
phone call to the appropriate department for STAT orders.
5. Messenger and Escort will make half hourly (or as designated) rounds to DLM to pick up and deliver lab
results to PCU’s.
6. Medical Record Documentation
ALL required forms will be on each PCU in a designated area (Downtime toolkit). The forms include but are not
limited to the following:
Various Doctor’s Orders forms
o Orders Manual (NIH-2795)
o CRIS Downtime: Medication Orders (NIH-2900)
o Department of Laboratory Medicine Ordering Record forms (Chemistry NIH-2901, Hematology
NIH-2902 and Microbiology NIH-2903)
o Transfusion Medicine Ordering Record form (NIH-2906)
o Diagnostic Radiology Exams/Procedures (Ultrasound CT) (NIH-2907)
o Radiology Exams/Procedures (MRI-Nuclear Medicine) (NIH- 2907-2)
o Radiology Exams/Procedures (Interventional Radiology) NIH-2907-3)
o TPN (NIH-2909)
Documentation forms include but not limited to the following:
o Inpatient Progress Notes (NIH-509 or STANDARD FORM 509)
o Outpatient Progress Notes (NIH 532-1) for outpatients only
o Nursing Notes (Standard Form 510)
o Consultation Report (NIH-513-1)
o Vital Signs-Special Graph Sheet (NIH-526)
o Outpatient First Registration Progress Notes (NIH-532-11)
o PCA flowsheet (manual form NIH 2804)
Instructions for Manual Input into Pyxis Medstation (not in downtime toolkit)
Two (2) DLM Report Logs for recording lab results phoned to the PCU
o Clinical Chemistry Service Stat Report Log
o Hematology Service Stat Report Log
DLM computer downtime forms can be found under DLM Website
Instructions: Note all manual documents and order forms need to include the patient’s name, medical record
number, date of birth, patient location, and ordering prescriber’s name.
Wireless network downtime
1. ICU- The ICU will make the determination of when to plug in the Workstations on Wheels (WOWs) to
the network outside patient rooms. Network Cables are available in the ICU.
2. House-wide: If the wireless network is down for >1 hour please attempt to plug in WOWs to available
network. Network Cables should be stocked on your PCUs and if more needed, are available from the
Data Center 301-496-8400
MD Orders
1. After the computer system is shut down, all medical orders will need to be written on various Order forms
and signed and dated by the RN after they are read. Each set of written, verbal or telephone orders will
require a date/time the signature of the Licensed Independent Practitioner (LIP) and the location of the
patient. If transcription is needed, the registered nurse will need to date/time and sign his/her signature
at the bottom of the order set.
2. Each time an LIP writes a new medical order, a new order sheet must be used. The copies of the medical
orders are sent to multiple departments such as sending copies to pharmacy and nutrition.
3. All lab orders requested during the computer shut down will be transcribed onto the Department of
Laboratory Medicine Ordering Records or Transfusion Medicine Ordering Record by a prescriber or his/her
authorized agent. At the bottom of this form, the RN transcribing the order will note under the LIP name
whether this was a written, verbal, or telephone order.
4. Save all Medical Care Plans (MCP) and all Order forms after the MCP has printed.
5. Attach all order forms with the current MCP to facilitate entering orders into CRIS once the system has
6. When the CRIS system comes back up, check all written lab results with the printed copy to validate
Nursing Documentation
ring the down-time, use the Nursing Progress Report (Standard Form 510) for documenting patient
assessments, and complete information relative to medication administration. For example, be sure to include
the medication name, dose and number of tabs given so that this information can be transcribed into the CRIS
system once it becomes operational. The Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA) Flowsheet (manual form NIH
2804) is used for downtime documentation.
Nursing Department Related Guidelines for Scheduled Downtime
Return of CRIS
1. When CRIS comes back up:
a. An LIP or authorized agent will enter all written, verbal, and telephone orders into CRIS, except lab
orders that were already sent to DLM and DTM during the downtime as they will be entered by these
b. A nurse will:
Request a new MCP to validate the accuracy of all medical orders entered.
File the original manual copy of all order forms in the unit chart under “MD Orders.”
Document all nursing admission assessments, medications, blood products and PCA flowsheet
information into the CRIS. If CRIS is down for a short duration of time and the use of manual forms
has not been implemented, then assessments should be entered into the system when it comes
back up. Additionally, all information documented during downtime on the Patient Controlled
Analgesia (PCA) Flowsheet (manual form NIH 2804) for a currently infusing bag will be entered into
CRIS when it comes back up.
2. The oncoming nurse will be responsible for double-checking all medical orders written during the CRIS
downtime period. This process involves comparing for accuracy each manual medical order filed in the
chart against the current MCP. When completed, the nurse will initial, date and time the bottom of each
order set.
Clinical Information Systems Departments Impact with CRIS Downtime (pre, during and post down)
1. The Omnicell Medstation is available during shut down.
2. Medication orders entered AND verified by Pharmacy PRIOR to the downtime will be accessible from the
Omnicell cabinet and Anesthesia Workstations.
3. Emergency medications may be removed using the override process at the Omnicell cabinet and
Anesthesia Workstations.
4. Any new orders or admissions will need to be manually entered (see attached instructions).
5. A record of patients manually entered into the Omnicell Medstation will be kept in the designated shut
down area. The record is to be sent to pharmacy when the system comes back up (see attached).
6. After CRIS comes back up, all written and verbal orders must be entered into CRIS by the unit RN or MD.
7. A RN cannot enter Chemo/TPN orders. Make sure you request physicians are requested to order
chemo/TPN before 12 Noon.
8. Pharmacy will call the patient care unit and speak with the charge nurse for any emergency results.
9. All written orders will be sent to the Pharmacy during the downtime. A follow-up call to Pharmacy will be
required to assure that pharmacy received STAT orders.
1. Any
transfers, new diet order, nutrition orders, food allergies, special nutrition requests and nutrition
consults or changes to orders will need to be sent via the Pneumatic Tube System to Nutrition Services on
the NIH Form 2960 utilizing the above guideline for MD orders. Diet office personnel are not authorized to
accept verbal orders.
2. All diet orders and transfers will be manually entered into the Nutrition Department Computer system
(CBORD) by Nutrition Department personnel using the information provide on NIH Form 2960.
3. After CRIS comes back up, all nutrition/diet orders must be entered into CRIS by the unit RN, MD or LIP.
Health and Information Management Department
1. All historical medical records can be located in CRIS Sundown or ChartView. For ChartView access contact
301-496-5981 during routine business hours or the CRIS Help Desk at 301-496-8400 after hours.
2. All required documentation forms will be on each unit at the in a designated
“Computer Downtime Area.”
3. The Administrative Coordinator on duty and the Health and Information Management Department will
have an extra supply of forms. Forms are also available electronically at
4. Admissions will provide a temporary patient wristband with patient name, DOB an
d MRN for new
inpatient admissions, upon restoration of service a permanent wristband will be printed. During a
downtime, Outpatients will not be receiving wristbands. Outpatient areas should use verbal identification
with two approved identifiers (Name and Date of Birth).
Department of Laboratory Medicine (DLM)
1. Please attempt to have physicians put in all requests for labs prior to the system going down in an effort to
obtain a specimen label.
2. Any stat lab orders requested during the down will require you to send the lab specimen with the correct
Department of Laboratory Medicine Ordering Record (Chemistry-NIH-2901, Hematology- NIH-2902,
Microbiology- NIH-2903). No other form will be accepted. At the bottom of the order form under LIP
signature, identify either written or verbal order. Note: These Order forms needs to include the patient’s
name, medical record number, date of birth, patient location, allergies, ordering prescriber’s name and
protocol number.
3. Apply a patient label or Generic Patient Label (include the patient’s full name, medical record number,
patient care unit, date of birth and if available the order number) on the specimen prior to sending it to
the lab with form.
4. STAT lab results will be called to the unit by DLM. The unit RN will document the results on either the
Clinical Chemistry Service Stat Report Log or the Hematology Service Stat Report Log.
5. The Administrative coordinator on duty will have extra forms. DLM downtime forms can be found under
DLM Website http://intranet.cc.nih.gov/dlm/specimenguidelines/orderingtests.html
6. Notify Admissions should you need more patient labels.
7. Co
mmunications with DLM will be via telephone and pneumatic tube system.
8. For specimen pickup you will need to call Messenger and Escort
9. All lab orders will be entered by the DLM. You will need to assure and validate that the orders are entered
into the MCP when the system comes back up. Refer to Appendix B.
1. The Pyxis Supply Station may not b
e functioning during the downtime. Each unit has a key to the Pyxis
Supply Station. Please note where your key is located as this is your means to obtain supplies.
2. CHS may have someone in house Monday-Friday 6:00 am-8:00 pm, Weekend / Holidays 8:00 am-4:30pm.
Off Hours there is someone on call.
Imaging Sciences
The Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and PET Departments will be available for emergent test as the computer
downtime will not affect their imaging equipment.
Department of Transfusion Medicine (DTM)
1. Or
ders placed during the downtime will require a copy of the manual LIP order sent to the DTM on the
Transfusion Medicine Ordering Record form NIH-2906. At the bottom of the order form under LIP
signature, identify either written or verbal order.
2. Note: order form NIH-2906 needs to include the patient’s name, medical record number, date of birth,
patient location, allergies, ordering prescriber’s name and protocol number.
3. Apply a patient label or Generic Patient Label (include the patient’s full name, medical record number,
patient care unit, date of birth and if available the order number) on the specimen prior to sending it to
the lab with form NIH-2906.
4. Typenex labels will still be required for all Type and Screen and RBC orders.
5. The RN will be required to call DTM to ensure that orders for blood components are received
6. DTM will call the nursing unit when the blood product is ready for distribution. Blood may be distributed
via pneumatic tube system if it is functional and nurses will be expected to provide the patient’s full name,
MRN, Date of Birth, and the component requested prior to distribution.
7. Orders will be entered by DTM once the system is restored.
Department of Perioperative Medicine (DPM)
OR case requests submitted manually to the front desk of the OR for emergency cases during downtime
will be entered into POIS by the OR Scheduler when the system is restored. Any requests for future non-
emergency postings during the downtime will be kept on hold until the SISWEB system is available.
Nursing Department Related Guidelines For Scheduled Down
Adding a New Patient to Omnicell/ Pyxis
the event that a patient’s name does not appear on the Omnicell or Pyxis screen, the user will manually add
the patient’s full name and ID number to Omnicell or Pyxis cabinet.
Omnicell use
From the main Menu, select Patient Care.
If the patient you want is not listed:
a. Press the ADD NEW PATIENT button.
b. Enter the patient’s last name and first name.
c. Enter the patient’s medical record number in the ID field.
d. Press Add New Patient.
Pyxis use
f the patient you want is not listed:
a. Sign onto the console using your ID
b. Under patient care, press/ select the patient icon
c. Press “add patient” located at the bottom
d. A screen will pop up to enter patient information (i.e. name, Pt ID, nursing unit, discharge date, room
number and bed) then press OK to save information
Nursing Department Related Guidelines For Scheduled Down
ck” Computer Shut Down Check List
Record of Patients manually added in Omnicell or Pyxis
Please print clearly in all documentation fields.
Please return this record to pharmacy when CRIS is in operation.
Date. Patient Name Unit Medical record No.
Identify Computer Shut Down Area in the nurse’s station
Assure that you have the required manual forms These forms are located on every patient care
area in the CRIS Downtime Toolkit.
For additional forms please contact Health Information Management Department (301-496-2292)
Monday- Friday 7:00 am- 5:00 pm or go online to the following URL:
Note all manual documents and order forms need to include the patient’s name, medical record
number, date of birth, patient location, allergies, ordering prescriber’s name and protocol number.
Check med Omnicell for access during the shutdown (pharmacy for problems)
All LIP orders have a date, time and LIP signature and patient location
All LIP orders transcribed have RN signature, date and time
All lab specimens must be accompanied with the correct Department of Laboratory Medicine Ordering
Record form and/ or Transfusion Medicine Ordering Record form
hen the computer system comes up, the following are verified, double-checked and entered into
□ All written/verbal LIP ordersexcept for DTM and DLM orders. Note: If a lab order was active in
CRIS prior to the down and DTM/ DLM entered the same lab order; please discontinue the original lab
order as not to have duplicate entry.
□ Meds, blood or blood products and admissions notes
□ All orders entered into CRIS are verified against a new MCP
□ All orders are double checked for accuracy by the night shift, initialed and dated
□ All data documented for the currently infusing PCA bag on the Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA)
Flowsheet (form NIH 2804)
*** Please read computer shut down packet for details
Important Note: You will need to write the ordering protocol for each order on the manual order forms listed
below (e.g. For labs to DLM/ DTM send on the correct Department of Laboratory Medicine Ordering Record
form or Transfusion Medicine Ordering Record form). Refer to Downtime Toolkit for manual forms.
CRIS Downtime Processes By Department
How to Handle Routine Orders During
How to
Handle STAT
Orders During
How to Retrieve
Who will
Enter Orders
into CRIS
post Go-Live
301 496-3315
Patients are admitted to Clinical Center
using Request for
Transportation form (NIH- 54).
NOTE: The patient cannot be admitted
or registered (new outpatients). No
patient labels can be generated.
Admissions will place a temporary
wristband with hand-written patient
identifiers (name and DOB) for all
inpatient and outpatients.
staff will
orders and
Transfusion lab
Tube copy of Downtime Order form (NIH
2906) to Blood Bank/DTM.
Even if SoftID.Tx is operational, still use
generic labels and apply to specimen
containers to accompany NIH 2906.
Tube copy of
Order form
(NIH 2906) to
lab and follow
up with phone
call to
Lab staff
How to Handle Routine Orders During Downtime
How to Retrieve
Who will
Enter Orders
into CRIS post
Chemistry 496-
Process is the same for Routine and Stat Labs.
Use the various Department of Laboratory Medicine
Ordering Records / forms to identify labs needed. Make
sure to fill out mandatory information on all pages.
Forms are as follows:
1. Chemistry- NIH-2901 (4-11) 4 carbon copy pages
2. Hematology- NIH-2902 (2-11)3 carbon copy pages
3. Microbiology- NIH-2903 (2-11) 3 carbon copy
Select labs required on the various forms and send to lab
accompanying the specimen through the tube system. If
available add order number to label.
Some tests may require using an additional form
“Information required for specific test” located at
If SoftID is operational, still use generic labels and apply
to specimen containers to accompany the correct form
based on what is being ordered
Routine - Results
will be delivered
by messenger to
units on routine
STATUnit will
be called with
result and the
hardcopy will be
delivered by
Lab staff
and Escort
Service (MES)
Call orders to 301-496-0094
How to Handle
Routine Orders
During Downtime
How to Handle
STAT Orders
During Downtime
How to Retrieve Results
Who will Enter
Orders into CRIS
post Go-Live
Routine orders will be
completed by LIP or
affiliate staff utilizing
NIH approved forms.
Refer to Manual
forms for downtime
Note Emergency or
verbal orders taken
by the RN will also be
documented utilizing
these forms. Copies
of all medical orders
will be filed in the
appropriate patients
Stat orders and
requests are
followed up with a
phone call to the
department to
confirm arrival of
the medical order.
Lab results will be delivered hourly
to each PCU by MES and placed in
designated area.
All reports are to be filed in the
patient’s chart immediately.
Critical and STAT results will be
called to the PCU when the LIP
cannot be reached.
LIP or affiliate staff
should enter all
written, verbal and
telephone orders
into CRIS except
Lab and Blood Bank
301 496-0241
Tube copy of
downtime order form
(NIH- 2960) to
Nutrition Call Center
(tube station #444).
Tube copy of
Downtime Order
form (NIH- 2960)
to Nutrition Call
Center and follow
up with phone call
to department.
How to Handle Routine
Orders During
How to Handle
STAT Orders
During Downtime
How to Retrieve Results
Who will Enter Orders
into CRIS post Go-Live
Unit Dose
IV Meds 496-
Send a copy of
Downtime Order
form (NIH-2900) by
messenger escort to
Pharmacy: include
patient name, MRN,
allergies and unit
location on form.
Order Inpatient and
medication on
separate order forms
Downtime TPN (NIH-
2909) order form that
will be available on all
For Medication
Replacement, make a
copy of the order
(whether it is from
your medical care
plan or on a manual
form) and send to
Send copy of
Downtime Order
form (NIH-2900)
to Pharmacy and
follow up with
phone call to
How to Handle
Routine Orders
During Downtime
How to Handle
STAT Orders
During Downtime
How to Retrieve Results
Who will Enter
Orders into CRIS
post Go-Live
Patient to bring a copy
of the correct
Radiology Downtime
Order form with them
from the inpatient
unit or clinic.
1. Diagnostic
s (Ultrasound
CT)- NIH-2907 (2-
2. Radiology
s (MRI-Nuclear
Medicine)- NIH-
2907-2 (2-11)
3. Radiology
s (Interventional
Radiology) NIH-
2907-3 (2-11)
Patient to bring a
copy of order form
to Radiology and
follow up with
phone call to
Routine and STATClinicians can
call the Radiology department or
physically go to the department to
retrieve results.
Technologist, RN’s
& Radiologists
How to Handle
Routine Orders
During Downtime
How to Handle STAT
Orders During
How to Retrieve Results
Who will Enter
Orders into CRIS
post Go-Live
301 496-0758
Page Respiratory
Therapy (RT) via
the page operator
Provide a copy of
Downtime Order
form (NIH-2795)
to the respiratory
NOTE: For respiratory
medications pharmacy
will need to provide a
copy of order form to
Page RT via page
operator STAT.
Provide a copy of
downtime order form
(NIH-2795) to
Clinicians may page the
respiratory therapist
assigned to the individual
unit through the page
LIP or RT assigned to
the specific areas.
Patient Travel
Patients in need of
government arranged
If ATV unavailable,
submit manual
form Request for
(NIH- 54) to either
the Travel office
or Admissions
depending on the
time of request
(business versus
non business
Deliver NIH- 54 form
to the Travel office
located at 10/1-4553
(during business
hours) or Admissions
(during non-business
How to Handle Routine
Orders During Downtime
How to Handle STAT
Orders During
How to Retrieve Results
Who will Enter
Orders into CRIS
post Go-Live
301 496-4530
Patients in need ofvoucher
for travel, meal or lodging.
If ATV unavailable,
submit manual form
Request for
Transportation (NIH-
54) to either Voucher
office or Admissions
depending on the time
of request (business
versus non-business
Deliver NIH- 54 form
to the Voucher office
10/1SW-5612 (during
business hours) or
Admissions (during
non-business hours)
OR case request during
downtime will be
completed by LIP or
affiliate staff utilizing NIH
approved forms. Refer to
Manual forms for
SISWEB Downtime Case
Request Form (formerly
Operating Room Case
Request Form) NIH-2891
Any requests for future
non emergency postings
during the downtime will
be kept on hold until the
SISWEB system is
Emergency OR case
requests and case
documentation will be
done on POIS Intraop
forms kept in the POIS
downtime box at DPM
front desk.
Contact Anesthesia
AOD on call via NIH
OR case requests
submitted manually
to the front desk of
the OR for
emergency cases
during downtime
will be entered into
POIS by the OR
Scheduler when the
system is restored.
ers need to be legibly signed on the Downtime MD Order Sheet, co-signed by the nurse, and include
the patient location and allergies.
Put original Downtime Order on patient’s chart.
Nursing Documentation Post Go-live: Document all nursing admission assessments, medications given,
and blood products administered into the CRIS.
Appendix E
ple of System Downtime Communication Process
This is to assist DCRI with maintaining communication during unscheduled downs. Please follow the plan
If SCM interfaces are down:
Tony Barnes, Yenshei Liu or the on-call Interface Team member, Tim Maloney (DBA Team Member), and John
Kocher (NT Administrator on-call during evening, nights, holidays and weekends) must be called to coordinate.
They will call others as needed. An email is sent out to the CC-DCRI IE Prod Admin and CC CRIS DBA Support
Team DL
Call Jim Pitts and DCRI Executive Leader On-Call immediately.
1. Systems Monitoring to call the NIH Page Operator and have them make an overhead announcement that
the CRIS Interfaces are down. This announcement should repeat every 15 minutes for the first hour and
then every 30 minutes for the second hour and then hourly until the system is operational.
Message: The CRIS Interfaces are down.
Use message from Appendix J- CRIS Interface Downtime.
2. Systems Monitoring to send e-mail to CC Systems Notification and CC-ISD IE Notice DL identifying that the
interfaces are down as soon as interruption is determined. This gets the message to all other interfaced
groups (EKG, SoftMed, IDMS, POIS etc.).
3. Systems Monitoring to open conference line (reference Appendix J checklist)
Send email that conference line is open to CC-DCRI Staff. For any CRIS, CRIS Interface, Printing,
and/ or Network Downs, please include CC-DCRI External CRIS Down Notifications DL when
opening conference line.
4. Systems Monitoring updates status screen.
5. For planned downs or assistance call DCRI Liaison Team (during regular working hours). If necessary,
Systems Monitoring can notify the CRIS Analyst On-Call (during evening, nights, holidays, and weekends)
with status.
6. Systems Monitoring sends e-mail to CC Systems Notification and CC-ISD IE Notice DL when operational.
7. Systems Monitoring to call the NIH Page Operator to make an overhead announcement that CRIS
interfaces are operational.
8. Systems Monitoring updates status screen all is operational.
If SCM interfaces are down for more than 2 hours notify: Jon McKeeby
If QDX interfaces are down:
Tony Barnes must be called to coordinate. Call Yenshei Liu or the on-call Interface Team member to check and
make sure when is operational.
Call Jim Pitts and DCRI Executive Leader On Call immediately.
1. Systems Monitoring to call the NIH Page Operator and have them make an overhead announcement that
the CRIS Interfaces are down. This announcement should repeat every 15 minutes for the first hour and
then every 30 minutes for the second hour and then hourly until the system is operational.
Message: The CRIS Interfaces are down.
Use message from Appendix J- CRIS Interface Downtime.
2. Systems Monitoring to send e-mail to CC Systems Notification and CC-ISD IE Notice DL, identifying that the
interfaces are down as soon as interruption determined. This gets the message to all other interfaced
groups (ATV, EKG, SoftMed, IDMS, POIS, etc.).
3. Systems Monitoring to open conference line (reference Appendix J checklist)
Send email that conference line is open to CC-DCRI Staff. For any CRIS, CRIS Interface, Printing,
and/ or Network Downs, please include CC-DCRI External CRIS Down Notifications Distribution List
when opening conference line.
4. Systems Monitoring updates status screen- If necessary
5. For planned downs or assistance call DCRI Liaison Team (during regular working hours). If necessary,
Systems Monitoring can notify the CRIS Analyst On-Call (during evening, nights, holidays and weekends)
with status.
6. Systems Monitoring sends e-mail to CC Systems Notification and CC-ISD IE Notice DL when operational.
7. Systems Monitoring to call the NIH Page Operator to make an overhead announcement that CRIS
interfaces are operational.
8. Systems Monitoring updates status screen all is operational if necessary.
If QDX interfaces are down for more than 2 hours notify: Jon McKeeby.
If SCM is down:
Clinical DBA on call, John Kocher, Tony Barnes must be called to coordinate. They will provide details of others
to be contacted as needed. Call Jim Pitts and DCRI Executive Leader On Call immediately.
1. Systems Monitoring to call the NIH Page Operator and have them make an overhead announcement that
the CRIS system is down. This announcement should repeat every 15 minutes for the first hour and then
every 30 minutes for the second hour and then hourly until CRIS becomes operational.
a. Message: CRIS is down.
b. Use message from Appendix J- CRIS Downtime.
2. Systems Monitoring to send e-mail to CC Systems Notification and CC-ISD IE Notice DL identifying that the
CRIS is down as soon as interruption determined. This gets the message to all other interfaces (EKG,
SoftMed, IDMS, POIS, etc.).
3. Systems Monitoring to open conference line (reference Appendix J checklist)
a. Send email that conference line is open to CC-DCRI Staff. For any CRIS, CRIS Interface, Printing,
and/ or Network Downs, please include CC-DCRI External CRIS Down Notifications DL when
opening conference line.
4. ICU Staff to print ICU CDV report 1 hour prior for planned CRIS downtimes or
Systems Monitoring to print within 30 minutes of the CRIS being down if unplanned.
5. Systems Monitoring updates status screen.
6. For planned downs or assistance call DCRI Liaison Team Member (during regular working hours). If
necessary, Systems Monitoring can notify CRIS Analyst On-Call (during evening, nights, holidays, and
weekends) with status.
7. Systems Monitoring sends e-mail to CC Systems Notification and CC-ISD IE Notice DL when operational.
8. Systems Monitoring to call the NIH Page Operator to make an overhead announcement that CRIS is
9. Systems Monitoring updates status screen all is operational.
If SCM is down any period of time, notify: Jon McKeeby
If SCM Report Services, Label Printing, Order Generation Services or other SCM Functionality is down:
DBA On-Call, Tony Barnes and John Kocher (NT Administrator on-call during evening, nights, holidays and
weekends) must be called to coordinate. They will direct others to be called as needed.
1. Those involved in the problem will decide if Systems Monitoring needs to call the NIH Page Operator and
have them make an overhead announcement that the CRIS or certain functions of CRIS are down.
Message: Needs to be individualized based on the type of down.
If users call Systems Monitoring, the CRIS on-call analyst or CC Service Center: You can state that
there are CRIS Services down and we are working on a resolution.
2. Systems Monitoring to send e-mail to CC Systems Notification and CC-ISD IE Notice DL identifying that the
CRIS is down as soon as interruption determined.
3. Systems Monitoring to open conference line (reference Appendix J checklist) see templates if additional
users need to be included in conference line.
Send email that conference line is open to CC-DCRI Staff. For any CRIS, CRIS Interface, Printing,
and/ or Network Downs, please include CC-DCRI External CRIS Down Notifications Distribution List
when opening conference line.
4. Systems Monitoring updates status screen.
5. Clinical Information Systems departments will be called if necessary
6. For planned downs or assistance call DCRI Liaison Team Member (during regular working hours). If
necessary, Systems Monitoring can notify CRIS Analyst On-Call (during evening, nights, holidays, and
weekends) with status.
7. If service has not resumed within 30 minutes, call Jim Pitts or DCRI Executive Leader On Call.
8. Systems Monitoring sends e-mail to CC Systems Notification and CC-ISD IE Notice DL when operational.
9. Systems Monitoring to call the NIH Page Operator to make an overhead announcement that all is
10. Systems Monitoring updates status screen all is operational.
If production or developmental CDR (Clinical Center) database goes down
Chris Klein, or Shi-Feng (Grace) Chen, or Murali Kumar, or Tony Barnes or Yenshei Liu must be called to
coordinate. They will direct others or to be called as needed.
1. No
tify Systems Monitoring (496-7525).
2. Turn off all threads with cdr in name and results from SoftMed.
3. Chris Klein must make sure server is operational.
4. Shi-Feng (Grace) Chen, or Murali Kumar must make sure when is operational.
5. Tony Barnes and Yenshei Liu need to make sure no data is lost before restarting. They may need to reload
data first. Tony or Yenshei should e-mail Murali if occurs in the middle of the night so he can check his
No need to call down.
Appendix F
System Descriptions, Impact During CRIS Downtimes, and Assigned Responsibilities
Component Name
Name of System Component
Description of the function that the system
component provides in respe
ct to the CRIS Core
Firewall Location
Location of component in relation to the CC
Checkpoint Firewall (Escher). Behind mean that the
system component is protected from access by rules
on the firewall.
Impact On CRIS Core
The affect a down of the System Component on has
to the CRIS Core System.
Responsible Party
The persons whom should be notified when the
system component is down.
Component Name
Firewall Location
When Component is Down
Impact On CRIS Core
Responsible Party
(Protects Clinical
No User Access to CRIS Core.
No printing from CRIS Core.
No Interface Transactions in or out of
CRIS Core: Orders, ADT, ATV, Results,
Richard Walker
Jason Chan
Tim Salo
CC Domain
is installed
on the
and is used
by the
interfaces to
send and
In front if CC CRIS
No Interface Transactions in or out of
CRIS Core: Orders, ADT, ATV, Results,
Dempsey Dunn
Tony Barnes
CC Network
Main CC
No User Access to CRIS Core.
No printing from CRIS Core.
No Interface Transactions in or out of
CRIS Core: Orders, ADT, ATV, Results,
Jason Chan
Richard Walker
Tim Salo
Behind CC CRIS
No Administration Configuration changes
to SCM or Installation of New Clients.
DBA On-Call
Behind CC CRIS
Loss of drug interaction checking for CRIS
Core users.
DBA On-Call
Behind CC CRIS
Repeat orders will not get created for
CRIS Core orders.
DBA On-Call
Behind CC CRIS
No Interface Transactions in or out of
CRIS Core: Orders, ADT, Results, Statuses.
Component Name
Firewall Location
When Component is Down
Impact On CRIS Core
Responsible Party
DBA On-Call,
Tony Barnes
Behind CC CRIS
No Access To CRIS SCM or ATV
DBA On-Call
SCM Print
Behind CC CRIS
No printing from CRIS Core.
DBA On-Call
SCM Print
Behind CC CRIS
No printing from CRIS Core.
DBA On-Call
SCM Report
Behind CC CRIS
No Printing of Reports.
DBA On-Call
access for
No User Access via CITRIX.
Todd Myrick
Brad Snakenberg
Behind CC CRIS
No patient data available from CRIS Core.
All CRIS Core System Functions and ATV
may be affected.
Administration On-
DBA On-Call
Behind CC CRIS
No Interface Transactions in or out of
CRIS Core: Orders, ADT, ATV, Results,
Interface Team On-
Call, Yenshei Liu or
Tony Barnes
Behind CC CRIS
No Interface Transactions in or out of
CRIS Core: Orders, ADT to Clinical
Information Systems, ATV, Results,
Interface Team On-
Call, Yenshei Liu or
Tony Barnes
Server used
within CC
In front if CC CRIS
No ADT User Access to CRIS for users
using Monet as name server: Majority
ADT users.
Tadele Yenegeta
Chris Klein
Not able to perform SMM services
Pharmacy orders entered in CRIS would
queue up.
No order verification.
Tina Patel
DBA On-Call,
Pharmacy Contact
Thin Clients and
access for
No CRIS Core User Access via Thin Client.
Possible thru CITRIX.
Citrix team on call
CRIS Sundown
View / Print
Behind CC CRIS
No CRIS Core impact
Wireless Network
NIH Main
WOWs and PDA will not work
Jason Chan
Richard Walker
Tim Salo
Component Name
Firewall Location
When Component is Down
Impact On CRIS Core
Responsible Party
VPN Wireless down
Wireless down- WOWs and PDA will not
Remote access unavailable
Jason Chan
Richard Walker
Tim Salo
Appendix G
Clinical Information System Descriptions, Impact During CRIS Downtimes, and Assigned Responsibilities
Clinical Information System
Name of System Component
Description of function that the Clinical Information System
Impact When CRIS Core is Down
The affect to the Clinical Information System when CRIS Core
is down.
Responsible Party
The persons whom should be notified when the Clinical
Information system is down.
Impact When CRIS Core is Down
Responsible Party
Admission Travel
Voucher System
Lists of values (e.g. Attending Physician, Primary
Physician, or Protocols) and Patient Demographics may
not be up to date with information from CRIS Core. If the
CRIS database server is down ATV is down.
Frank Mickey
Tony Barnes
Barcode system
Orders are not sent from CRIS. ADT transactions are not
sent from CRIS to LIS (SoftID).
Interface Team On-
Call, Yenshei Liu or
Tony Barnes
BD Cato (BD IV
IV Workflow System
ADT transactions are not sent from CRIS.
Verified IV orders are not sent from SMM
Tina Patel
Interface Team On
Pharmacy AOD
Nutrition System
Allergies and Orders are not sent from CRIS to CBORD.
Admission, discharge and transfer (ADT) transactions are
not sent from CRIS to CBORD.
Sys Admin On-Call,
Interface Team On-
Clinical Data
databases common,
cllab, cdr_new
Orders from CRIS and results from Clinical Information
Systems are not loaded into CDR.
ADT transactions from CRIS are not loaded into CDR.
Tadele Yenegeta
Chris Klein
Murali Kumar
Order Entry
Documentation and
Retrieval system
ADT transactions from SCM are not sent to Clinical
Information systems.
Orders from CRIS are not sent to other Clinical
formation Systems.
Results from other Clinical Information Systems are not
displayed in CRIS.
Interface Team On-
Transcription System
Barrett Grieb
Michelle Hendery
EKG System
Orders are not sent from CRIS and results are not sent to
Interface Team On-
Investigational Drug
Orders are not sent from CRIS.
Tina Patel
Interface Team On-
Murali Kumar
Pharmacy AOD
LIS (Micro, Lab,
Orders are not sent from CRIS and results are not sent to
Earle Barnes
Impact When CRIS Core is Down
Responsible Party
Blood Bank,
Information System
ADT transactions are not sent from CRIS to LIS.
Tony Barnes
Chung-Hee Row
Boyd Conley
Dispensing System
ADT transactions are not sent from CRIS.
Verified medication orders are not sent from SMM.
Tina Patel
Interface Team On
Pharmacy AOD
Suzanne Castine
Rilwan Badamas
Information System
ADT transactions are not sent from CRIS.
Barrett Grieb
Norma Street
Tad Yenegeta
Murali Kumar
Julia Labovsky
Interface Team On
Hospital supply
Dispensing System
ADT transactions are not sent from CRIS.
Interface Team On
Information System
Orders are not sent from CRIS and results are not sent to
ADT transactions are not sent from CRIS.
David Sanford
Pharmacy System
Orders are not sent from CRIS and dispenses are not
received by CRIS. ADT transactions are not sent from
Tina Patel
Interface Team On
Pharmacy AOD
Suzanne Castine
Rilwan Badamas
Transcription System
Orders are not sent from CRIS and results are not sent to
ADT transactions are not sent from CRIS.
Tracy Jacobs,
Michelle Hendery,
Barrett Grieb
Enterprise Scheduling will be down as it is part of CRIS
Seth Carlson
Appendix H
Types of Labels
Appendix I
Example of Downtime Templates
e I.1. CRIS Downtime Flyer – Extended (i.e. CU Updates/Upgrades)
Upcoming: 5 HOUR CRIS DOWNTIME (example)
PURPOSE: CRIS Cumulative Updates
Details: Beginning DATE at TIME (approximately 5 hours), The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
(DCRI) will be doing a CRIS Update.
During the service disruption, the Clinical Research Information System (CRIS) will be UNAVAILBALE. Please
prepare to use downtime procedure during the downtime period.
CRIS USERS: Starting on DATE at TIME, you will need to log off CRIS.
- Please use CRIS Downtime Procedure.
- The downtime policy can be found on the CRIS website at
- Please refer to your department’s downtime policy for specific instruction.
- *NURSING: See attachment for unit posting
- P
OIS and SISWEB will NOT be operational for requesting emergency surgical procedures, please use NIH-
2891 manual form. OR case request during downtime will be completed by LIP or affiliate staff utilizing NIH
approved forms. Refer to Manual forms for downtime
- SISWEB Downtime Case Request Form (formerly Operating Room Case Request Form) NIH-2891. A
requests for future non emergency postings during the downtime will be kept on hold until the SISWEB
system is available.
- Appointment Scheduling: You will not be able to enter, status, or view patient appointments or print
scheduling reports (Appointment Roster by Location, Patient Itinerary, Unstatused Visit Report by
What you can do to prepare for implementation:
- Restock your downtime toolkits.
- Prepare your area with the necessary manual downtime forms. Electronic versions of these forms can be
found at the following, but please DO NOT PRINT out forms that come in carbon copies.
URL: http://intranet.cc.nih.gov/medicalrecords/forms/forms-crisdowntime.shtml
. Instead please contact
the Health Information Management Department at 301-496-2292.
- Have adequate supply of Patient Labels.
DCRI plans to provide CRIS Sundown approximately at 7:00 PM. CRIS Sundown is a copy of the current CRIS
Sunrise with view only and printing capabilities. Data entered in CRIS prior to 5:00 PM can be viewed by
selecting the CRIS Sundown icon via Citrix (https://cccasper.cc.nih.gov
You will be informed when the CRIS Sundown application is made available.
For more information about CRIS Sundown, see below.
at you can do when CRIS Sundown is available:
You can view and print CRIS data/ information ONLY that was entered in CRIS approximately up to 1 hour prior
to the scheduled downtime.
- For more information about CRIS Sundown please refer to the resource handout found
at http://cris.cc.nih.gov/cristraining/documents/CRIS_Sundown_FAQ.pdf
at you can do when CRIS Sunrise is available:
- Follow the downtime procedure concerning orders and clinical documentation re-entry into CRIS.
What to do if you get a Blank Content “White” Screen when logging into CRIS:
- Please see attached “Gateway White Screen” document.
For assistance during or post the CRIS Downtime call (301) 496-8400
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
Example of Downtime Templates (i.e. Flyer)
Why: CRIS Updates/Upgrade
Below are guidelines to make this XX-hour downtime a smooth
process for you and your patients. Remember that you cannot enter
orders or documens when the system is down. Also, please do NOT
log on until notified. If you have any questions, please consult with
your nurse manager and/or supervisor.
Downtime References:
: Downtime
Processes for Unavailability of Electronic Clinical Systems,
Preparing for the Scheduled Down
Downtime Toolkits should be restocked in advance. Since most
downtime forms are completed in duplicate and triplicate, it is
essential these are NO T photocopied. Manual ordering and
documentation forms can be accessed online at:
crisdowntime.shtml. Forms that don’t use carbon paper can be
. Forms that don’t use carbon paper can be photocopied.
Orders Management:
Anticipate and coordinate with LIPs to enter all orders (i.e., take-
home meds, med orders, and routine lab work) prior to
Inpatient Units: place all cleaned WOWs outside patient’s room
prior to TIME. Keep WOWs plugged in and turned on.
Outpatient Areas: Prior to close of business day DATE. Place all
cleaned WOWs outside of offices in a central location. Keep
WOWs plugged in and turned on throughout the weekend.
CRIS Printouts & Printers:
Check that you have sufficient paper and toner supplies for
Print a supply of Patient Labels for each current patient.
You will need to print out reports is necessary (Medical Care Plan,
Nursing Worksheet, Meds Due List, Specimen Collection List)
Validate accuracy of printouts against your current Medical Care
Plan; copy each set for the other shifts to use while CRIS is down.
Retain all copies to support documentation in the post-recovery
CRIS Sundown:
Will be made available approximately at TIME providing a view-
only image. CRIS data entered before TIME DATE can be viewed
and printed in Citrix by selecting the CRIS Sundown icon.
POIS and SISWEB will not be operational. For requesting
emergency surgical procedures, use NIH-2891 manual form. OR
case request during downtime will be completed by LIP or affiliate
General Guidelines
Manual Ordering and Documentation Processes are used during
all downs.
Patient Labels should include your patient’s room number, LIP’s
name, and protocol number. If you apply a Patient Label to
downtime forms, be sure to label all carbon copies.
Downtime Order Forms
When using downtime forms, confirm that the original and all
carbon copies
are legible and filled out completely. Review
Downt im e Order Form Guidelines
For accurate order processing, all downtime forms must include
patient’s name, date of birth, protocol number, and room
number. Orders must be
dated, timed, and signed, and all
signatures must be accompanied by a printed name.
Original copies are filed in the patient’s chart and carbon copies
are sent to appropriate departments. No new orders should be
added to processed forms.
STAT orders should be followed up with a phone call to
the receiving
department to confirm receipt of the
medical order.
Pharmacy Orders:
Drug Orders and Drug Allergies are sent to Inpatient or Outpatient
Pharmacy via messenger escort.
Requests for a medication replacement is made by copying the
Care Plan or Medication Orders form, circling the drug
needed, and indicating
the number of doses required and the
priority status. This should be delivered to pharmacy by
messenger escort.
Nutrition Orders:
Orders for new or updated diets, NPO status, food allergies,
consults, and patient location changes are recorded on the Orders
Manual form (NIH-2960) and tubed to the Nutrition Department
Food Allergies are tubed to the Nutrition Department.
Messenger Escort Services (MES):
For patient transport requests, please call MES downtime phone
number at 301-496-0094.
Laboratory Medicine:
There are 3 distinct lab ordering records for chemistry,
hematology, and microbiology. Please use the appropriate
ordering record to request lab tests.
Messenger & Escort Services (MES) will pick-up clinical
specimens on their hourly rounds but if possible and
appropriate, please deliver by Pneumatic Tube System.
Lab Results will be delivered every 30 minutes by MES and
dropped into the PCU’s yellow bins. Please file lab results in
your patient’s chart immediately. Call DLM only if you do not
receive lab results within 2 hours or within 1 hour for stats.
Critical Test results and STAT results will be called to the PCU
when the LIP
cannot be reached. Record results on the DLM
Report Logs. When you have
handed-off results to the LIP,
please document this hand-off in a Progress
staff utilizing NIH approved forms. Refer to Manual forms for
SISWEB Downtime Case Request Form NIH-2891. Any requests
for future non-emergency postings during the downtime will be
kept on hold until the SISWEB system is available,
Other Applications/Clinical Systems:
CBORD, Citrix, ECG, IDMS, LIS, Omnicell, OPUS-
Dictation/Transcription, etc. will operational but
results will not cross over to CRIS during the downtime. ChartView
be available in Citrix.
General Guidelines (continued)
Critical Test results and STAT results will be called to the PCU when
the LIP
cannot be reached. Record results on the DLM Report logs.
When you have
handed-off results to the LIP, please document this
hand-off in a Progress
Transfusion Medicine
Use a Transfusion Medicine Ordering Record to request a type
&screen and to order blood components.
Please obtain a written infusion order specifying date/time &
infusion rate.
When requesting delivery of blood components, provide your
patient’s first & last name, DOB, MRN, and requested component
type. DTM will call your PCU
when it is ready. If specimen collection
or transfusion orders display in SoftID/SoftID.TX, you can use the
system as usual; if not displaying, use downtime procedures.
Inpatient Progress Note is used to document all
patient care
activities including assessments,
interventions, given medications
(i.e., drug name,
dose, route, frequency, and time of
and transfusions.
Medical Care Plan - Please track order changes on the Medical
Care Plan and use all forms to
communicate updates when care is
handed off to
the next care provider. Retain all copies of the
Medical Care plan so they can be used when CRIS has returned
and orders are reconciled.
Admissions Process when CRIS is Down
Please no
te that patients admitted to the CC during this
scheduled down cannot be
admitted into CRIS. This has an
impact on general
admission procedures, when patients can be
registered in CRIS, and how medical orders should be handled
once CRIS is available. ATV will not be operational, use NIH-54
n Admission to the Clinical Center, Admissions
staff will
facilitate the review and signing of all
admission consent
documents with your patient prior to sending them to your PCU.
If your patient is new to the Clinical Center, a
record will not be sent immediately. Existing patient’s
information can be found in ChartView via Citrix.
Your patient will arrive with a hand-written ID band.
Carefully validate the accuracy of the
information (first/last name, DOB,
and MRN) with your
patient when they arrive.
Your patient will arrive without Patient Labels and the usual
Transfusion Medicine:
Use a Transfusion Medicine Ordering Record to request a type
& screen and to order blood components. Please obtain a
written infusion order specifying date/time & infusion rate.
When requesting delivery of blood components, provide your
patient’s first & last name, DOB, MRN, and requested
component type. DTM will call your PCU when it is ready.
If specimen collection or transfusion orders display in SoftID
/SoftID.TX, you can use the system as usual; if not displaying,
use downtime procedures.
Page 1
en CRIS Becomes Available
The Page Operator will announce when CRIS is available. Please
the following actions in collaboration with LIPs:
Entering Medical Orders in CRIS
DLM and DTM staff will enter all lab and blood component
orders that arrived in the labs with an appropriate ordering
record. This action will cause LIS labels to print on some PCUs.
Please discard these labels if specimens were collected during
the down.
LIPs or RNs should enter all other written, verbal, and
orders into CRIS, i.e., allergies, medications, blood
product infusion,
nutrition, radiology, etc.
If your patient was admitted during the downtime, you can
enter the
medical orders in CRIS once the patient displays on
your PCU’s patient list. If your admitted patient does not
appear on the PCU
patient list, the visit status has not yet been
updated in CRIS.
The original copies of all medical order forms are filed in the
unit chart under “MD Orders.”
Nursing staff who work the shift following CRIS availability should
confirm that all manually handwritten orders were accurately
entered in CRIS. When completed, the nurse reviewer should
record their initials and date/time at the bottom of each order
Specimen Labels, Serum Drug Levels, and Lab Results
To avoid redrawing specimens that were collected during the
downtime, please carefully review any specimen orders that print
or display in SoftID after CRIS is available. Discard all
If Serum Drug Levels were drawn during the downtime,
complete the required documentation on the
Please keep the
manual copy of all lab results in the unit chart
until the results post in CRIS.
Clinical Care Documentation and Signature Manager
The following nursing notes: Admission Assessments, Allergy
Assessments, Transfused Blood Components, and administered
medications are to be entered into CRIS once it is available.
The Charge Nurse is responsible for facilitating
documentation of administered medications in CRIS using
Admission forms.
Admissions Process is completed when CRIS is recovered. The
Admissions staff will register your patient in CRIS and will notify
you by phone when registration in CRIS is completed. Until the
registration process is completed in CRIS, your patient will not
appear on your PCU list or OP Clinic. Once registration is
completed, the Admissions
Record, General Admission Consent,
Patient Labels,
ID Band, and the medical record (for new patients)
will be sent directly to your PCU or clinic.
Entering Orders - Until your newly admitted patient is listed in
CRIS on your PCU or OP Clinic you should not enter or release
CRIS medical orders. Orders entered while the patient is in an
incorrect visit status will auto-complete when the registration
process is completed. If STAT or Priority medical
orders need to
be implemented, please follow downtime procedures until your
patient displays in CRIS.
information written in the
Progress Notes. Clinical
documentation is recorded “on behalf of another.”
If someone has entered clinical documentation on your behalf
or, signed a medication “Marked as Done by Other”, please
review this documentation and co-sign it using <Signature
Manager> when you next return to work. Here’s how . . .
When you log into CRIS, a Signature Manager window
opens and lists all the documents entered or medications
signed on your behalf.
Review these documents and/or medications to validate
their accuracy and make edits as needed.
Select the <SIGN> button at the bottom right
Select <Okay> to apply your electronic signature.
**CRIS Support Staff will be in-house to assist users when the system
is down as well as when it becomes operational**
Page 2
Example of Downtime Templates
Figure I.1a. CRIS Downtime Flyer (< 90 minutes)
CRIS Downtime- 60 minutes
Purpose: CRIS Maintenance
Event Details:
Tonight, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx beginning at 8:00 pm for approximately 60 minutes, the CRIS system will be
unavailable for use. Please begin using Downtime (manual) procedures. You will not have access to the CRIS
Impacted Services/Applications: Access to CRIS.
Impacted Users: All CRIS system users.
Expected Resolution:
Additional Information:
Please begin using Downtime (manual) procedures at 8:00pm.
You will not have access to CRIS.
You can NOT enter orders, document, print or retrieve information.
You cannot admit, transfer or discharge a patient in CRIS until it becomes operational.
Important Note: SOFTID Transfusion Verification will not be available
o Since CRIS is unavailable, transfusions are documented in a Progress Note according to Nursing
Procedures and Standards of Practice: Blood Product Administration -Appendix F: Downtime
Procedure found at
o Typenex expiration date can be confirmed by calling DTM.
o The Patient Transfusion Record will accompany the product when it is issued to the patient care
Systems such as: CBORD, CITRIX, ECG, IDMS, LIS, Omnicell, PACS, PYXIS, RIS, Scriptpro, Dictation/
Transcription, & more will be operational but results will not cross over to CRIS. ATV is not operational, use
NIH-54 manual form.
POIS and SISWEB will NOT be operational for requesting emergency surgical procedures, please use NIH-
2891 manual form. OR case request during downtime will be completed by LIP or affiliate staff utilizing
NIH approved forms. Refer to Manual forms for downtime
SWEB Downtime Case Request Form (formerly Operating Room Case Request Form) NIH-2891. Any
requests for future non emergency postings during the downtime will be kept on hold until the SISWEB
system is available.
Omnicell and PYXIS will be functional but ADT information will not be updated. Please admit by hand per
manual procedure. Medication orders manually placed or discontinued during the Downtime will not be
updated at the Omnicell cabinet and Anesthesia Workstations. Medication orders entered and verified by
Pharmacy prior to the Downtime will be accessible from the cabinet. Emergency medications may be
removed using the override process at the cabinet.
Please do not send non-emergent orders on the manual ordering forms during the Downtime period.
Please wait and enter non-emergent orders in CRIS after CRIS becomes operational.
You will need to call Departments to communicate the orders and obtain service.
For Messenger and Escort, you will need to call all transport requests to the Messenger and Escort’s CRIS
Downtime phone line (301) 496-0094.
Emergent Lab Order, Please Follow This Procedure:
1. Send the specimen to the lab with the appropriate completed (Patient Identifiers, Location, Phone
Number, Protocol Number, Tests Requested, LIP Name and Signature) manual Department of Laboratory
Medicine Ordering Record form or Transfusion Medicine Ordering Record form.
2. Do not enter Emergency Orders into CRIS. The Lab will enter the orders on their end.
3. Do not redraw specimens for orders entered during the down.
4. Keep a written record of the results called back to the unit.
All Other Emergent Orders Follow the Defined Manual Ordering Process by Service (Pharmacy, Imaging
Services, Transfusion Medicine, Respiratory Care, Nutrition and All Other Clinical Services)
During the downtime, please use manual ordering and/ or documentation forms.
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
(301) 496-8400
Figure I.1b. CRIS Intermittent Service Interruptions Flyer
CRIS - Intermittent Service Interruptions
Purpose: CRIS Maintenance
Event Details:
On __________starting at ______ until approximately ______, users may experience intermittent service
interruptions if using the CRIS system (Orders, Printing, Interfaces).
DCRI Engineers will be applying Microsoft updates to address security vulnerabilities.
**This is NOT a CRIS down; CRIS will be available**
Impacted Services/Applications: CRIS system (Orders, Printing, Interfaces).
Impacted Users: All CRIS system users.
Expected Completion:
Thank you for your support, The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
(301) 496-8400
mple of Downtime Flyers / List of Manual Forms to Use for Documentation
Figure I.2. LIS Downtime Information
Laboratory Information System (LIS) Downtime 1 Hour
Purpose: LIS Upgrade
Event Details:
CRIS will be operational during this time, however Laboratory Information System (LIS) results will not cross
over to CRIS. Enter all desired lab orders in advance if possible to prepare for the downtime.
Orders entered in CRIS during the LIS downtime will not cross to LIS until LIS becomes active and LIS results will
not cross over to CRIS.
SoftID /SoftIDTx will NOT be available.
Impacted Services/Applications:
Impacted Users:
All users of the service listed above.
nformation during the LIS Downtime:
During the downtime, Department of Laboratory Medicine (DLM) will call the nursing units with STAT
and Critical results. Keep a written record of the results called back to the unit.
A hard copy of downtime results will be delivered to PCU every 30 minutes via Messenger & Escort
All samples with or without the barcode label should be accompanied by the DLM Ordering record that
must be completely filled out (when LIS is down, DLM staff does not know what to run on samples).
Please call the DLM, the Department of Transfusion Medicine (DTM) and the Laboratory of Anatomic
Pathology to communicate orders and obtain service during the downtime.
Once LIS is back up, SoftID for specimen collection and blood product transfusion will be active. If you
have issues, trouble shoot with your superuser, if still not resolved call DCRI help desk at 301-496-
8400 to obtain contact with Barcode team.
Expected Completion of upgrade:
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Laboratory Medicine and
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
(301) 496-8400
Another Example:
Event Details:
This is a Laboratory Information System (LIS) and SoftID Downtime; CRIS will be operational during this time.
Please call the Department of Laboratory Medicine (DLM), the Department of Transfusion Medicine (DTM) and
the Laboratory of Anatomic Pathology to communicate orders and obtain service. Please enter all desired lab
orders for <date> in advance if possible to prepare for this downtime.
Important Note: Lab specimens must be accompanied by the appropriate manual ordering record. Please
complete manual record with Patient Identifiers, Patient Location, Phone Number, Tests Requested, LIP
Name, CRIS order number.
Impacted Services/Applications:
The Laboratory Information System (LIS) & SoftID
Impacted Users:
All users of the service listed above.
Expected Completion of upgrade:
nformation during the LIS Downtime:
Send the specimen to the lab with the appropriate manual Department of Laboratory Medicine
Ordering Record form or Transfusion Medicine Ordering Record form.
Specimen Labels may or may not print out. Use patient labels.
Please verify all labs are collected based on available information (medical care plan, lab form etc.).
Lab results will not cross over to CRIS until the LIS system is operational.
You CAN enter orders in CRIS, document and retrieve information, and print during the downtime;
however, LAB orders entered will not cross over to the Laboratory Information System (LIS) which
includes the following: Micro, Lab, Blood Bank, and Anatomic Pathology. The orders will cross to the
LIS and results will queue up into CRIS once the downtime is complete.
During the downtime, DLM and DTM will call the nursing units with STAT results. Keep a written record
of the results called back to the unit.
Messenger and Escort will deliver downtime results every 30 minutes to appropriate PCU. Please file
Lab results to central result bin.
SoftID labels can be used from to with the accompanying manual order form. After <time>, use only the
manual order form as per downtime procedures
Transfusion Verification/SoftID.Tx
Transfusion verification may be done in SoftID.Tx up until <time>, after <time>, use downtime procedures,
including verification of blood products with second nurse
SoftID/SoftID.Tx –Go live when LIS downtime is completed at <time> on <date>:
Once LIS is back up, SoftID for specimen collection and SoftID.Tx for blood product transfusion will be active,
please begin to use the new system. If you have issues, trouble shoot with your superuser, if still not resolved
call DCRI help desk at 301-496-8400 to obtain contact with Barcode team. The arcode Team from Nursing and
Phlebotomy will make rounds on the units.
Example flyer: Department of Laboratory Medicine Downtime Process for Nursing
Projected Downtime: Date @ : _.mDate @ : _.m. (insert date)
Prior to Downtime:
1. Please have all routine orders for labs in CRIS prior to the system downtime.
2. Have adequate supply of patient labels and the following forms on the unit and in the downtime
Tool kit:
Department of Laboratory Medicine Ordering Records (Chemistry, Hematology, Microbiology)
Transfusion Medicine Ordering Record
“Information Required for Specific Tests” (dose and draw time for drugs, etc)
STAT Report Logs for Chemistry (1 form for serum/CSF, and 1 for whole blood) and 1 form for Hematology”
to record STAT lab results and critical lab values called to PCU during computer downtimes.
3. Review the purpose of these forms and their location with the staff.
4. The Nursing Administrative Coordinator will have additional copies of these Forms.
CRIS Downtime:
1. Limit manual lab orders during downtime.
2. Complete Department of Laboratory Medicine Ordering Records for lab tests required during downtime:
Use a separate order form per patient for each DLM Service (Chemistry, Hematology, and
Use a separate form for Transfusion Medicine tests
Important reminder
Print PHYSICIAN name, enter PCU location, and Protocol Number
DLM must have this information to enter CRIS orders after downtime is over.
3. Send the “Information Required for Specific Tests” if tests require specific information in order to be
processed (e.g. drug levels and 24 hour urines)
4. Label specimens with patient label (barcode labels will not be available)
5. Write PCU location on the label.
1. DLM will call STATS and Critical Value lab results to the PCU. Record these results on the form “STAT
Report Log for Chemistry and Hematology” to record the lab results called.
2. Test reports will be sent to each PCU for STAT, Priority and Routine orders via Messenger Escort every 30
minutes. All results called to the unit should be recorded on the STAT logs and filed in the front of the
patient’s chart for easy access/retrieval during the downtime.
Important reminder -please do not call the lab for results during the downtime. During the downtime, it
is difficult to retrieve results in the lab when working in the manual mode.
3. DTM will call the PCU when blood is ready for pick up and will continue to tube blood. Please be
prepared to state patient’s complete name, MRN, Date of Birth, and component type requested when
initiating request for blood delivery.
ample flyer: Department of Laboratory Medicine Downtime Process for Nursing
Projected Downtime: Date @ : _.mDate @ : _.m. (insert date)
1. DLM will enter all lab orders that arrive in the labs on the various Department of Laboratory Medicine Ordering
Records (Chemistry, Hematology, and Microbiology) during the downtime period.
Specimen labels for these orders will then print out in the labs.
2. DTM will enter all lab orders that arrive in the labs with a Transfusion Medicine Ordering Record during the
downtime period. Specimen labels for these orders will then print out in the labs.
3. Collaborate with your peers to see what samples were drawn during the downtime and discard the duplicate labels
that may have printed on the units when CRIS is brought up.
Do not redraw specimens that were drawn during the downtime.
4. Lab results from manual orders placed during downtime will not be available in CRIS until
Date @ : a.m. Keep the paper file of lab results on the PCU until all lab results are in CRIS. DLM expects that all
Lab results from downtime will be in CRIS by
Date @ : a.m
Example of Downtime Flyers / List of Manual Forms to Use for Documentation
Figure I.3. Network Downtime:
CC Network Downtime
Purpose: Network Maintenance
Event Details:
The Clinical Center (CC) Network will be down from DATE and TIME period. Areas will lose access to CRIS for
approximately XX minutes. Some clinical and non-clinical applications (SoftMed, Theradoc, SIS, CBORD, SOFIE,
etc.) will also be unavailable. You may experience loss of network connectivity to other CC resources during
this period.
During the service disruption, CRIS users are to use downtime procedure.
Impacted Services/Applications: CRIS, SoftID system and CC Network.
Impacted Users: All CRIS, SoftID and CC Network users.
Expected Resolution:
Date and Time
Additional Information:
· Please begin using Downtime (manual) procedures.
· You will not have access to CRIS.
· You can NOT enter orders, document, print or retrieve information in either system.
· You cannot admit, transfer or discharge a patient in CRIS until it becomes operational.
· Barcode Information: SoftID Specimen Labels and generic labels will not print out.
**Prior to the Downtime, please be sure you have an extra set of Patient Labels on hand by ordering
them from Admissions.**
o Units that still receive LIS labels from the Zebra printers can use these labels during the SoftID
o Units that no longer receive LIS labels from the Zebra printers, should use standard downtime
procedures for specimen collections. That is, please complete a lab requisition (including
protocol number) and apply a Patient Label to specimen containers.
· SoftID.Tx Transfusion Verification will not be available:
o If CRIS is available, transfusions are documented in the “Blood Component Administration”
structured note. (These notes are entered directly into CRIS)
o If CRIS is unavailable, transfusions are documented in a Progress Note according to Nursing
Procedures and Standards of Practice: Blood Product Administration -Appendix F: Downtime
Procedure found at
_App_E.pdf. (These docs get scanned into CRIS per Nursing process)
o Typenex expiration date can be confirmed in CRIS or by calling DTM.
o The Patient Transfusion Record will accompany the product when it is issued to the patient
care area.
o When the SoftID.Tx system comes back up, blood components that were issued during the
downtime may display in SoftID.Tx. Please contact DTM to verify status
· POIS and SIS Web are not operational. For requesting emergency surgical procedures, please
use NIH-2891 manual form. If clinical documentation from POIS is needed please contact the
DPM Surgical On call team via the page operator.
· Clinical Information Systems such as: CBORD, CITRIX, ECG, IDMS, LIS, Omnicell, PACS, PYXIS, RIS,
Dictation/ Transcription, & more will be operational but results will not cross over to CRIS during the
downtime. ATV is not operational, use NIH-54 manual form. Chart View will be available in Citrix.
· Omnicell and PYXIS will be functional but ADT information will not be updated. Please admit by hand
per manual procedure. Medication orders manually placed or discontinued during the Downtime will
not be updated at the Omnicell cabinet and Anesthesia Workstations. Medication orders entered and
verified by Pharmacy prior to the Downtime will be accessible from the cabinet. Emergency
medications may be removed using the override process at the cabinet.
· Please do not send non-emergent orders on the manual ordering forms during the Downtime period.
· Please wait and enter non-emergent orders in CRIS after CRIS becomes operational.
· You will need to call Departments to communicate the orders and obtain service.
· For Messenger and Escort, you will need to call all transport requests to the Messenger and Escort’s
CRIS Downtime phone line (301) 496-0094.
Emergent Lab Order, Please Follow This Procedure:
1. Send the specimen to the lab with the appropriate completed (Patient Identifiers, Location, Phone
Number, Protocol Number, Tests Requested, LIP Name and Signature) manual Department of
Laboratory Medicine Ordering Record form or Transfusion Medicine Ordering Record form.
2. Do not enter Emergency Orders into CRIS. The Lab will enter the orders on their end.
3. Do not redraw specimens for orders entered during the down.
4. Keep a written record of the results called back to the unit.
All Other Emergent Orders Follow the Defined Manual Ordering Process by Service (Pharmacy, Imaging
Services, Transfusion Medicine, Respiratory Care, Nutrition and All Other Clinical Services)
During the downtime, please use manual ordering and/ or documentation forms.
These forms are located on every patient care area in the CRIS Downtime Toolkit.
For additional forms, contact Medical Record Department (301-496-2292)
Monday- Friday 7:00 am- 5:00 pm or go online to the following URL:
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
(301) 496-8400
Another Template Example:
CC Network Downtime
Event Details: The Clinical Center (CC) Network will be down from _______ starting at _____ until ___. Areas
will lose access to CRIS during this time period.
ring the service disruption, CRIS users need to use downtime procedures. The following
clinical and non-
linical applications will also be unavailable in the CRC, Pharmacy, ACRF, DEMII, CCMD and via VPN:
Impacted Clinical
Impacted Web-Based CC
Impacted Department Applications:
Acuity Plus
Clinical Data
Warehouse (CDW)
Blood Borne
Information System
Bioethics Tracking
Pharmacy Patient
Hospital Services &
Visual Supply
Building Services
Hospital Statistics
System (HSS)
Pharmacy Drug
Catheter Placement
Investigational Drug
Monitoring System
Consult Evaluation
Pain Management
CRIS Mobile
Viasys (PFT)
BD Cato
(BD IVPrep)
The following communication systems will NOT be available in certain areas of Building 10 (DLM, DTM, DPM,
MRD, MMD, 2C410, Credentialing, OFM, 5J, 2J, DCRI) complex.
* VoIP Phone * Internet * E-mail
Use the Emergency Back-up Telephone System for communication during this network maintence
period. Refer to the Emergency Back-Up Telephone System attachment for dialing procedures and a list of
emergency numbers.
Impacted Users: All CC Network users
Expected Resolution:
Additional Information:
Use CRIS Downtime (manual) procedures.
o You can NOT enter orders, document, print or retrieve information in either system
o You cannot admit, transfer or discharge a patient in CRIS until it becomes operational
o Barcode: SoftID Specimen Labels and generic labels will not print out. SoftID.Tx Transfusion
Verification will not be available
o You will need to call Departments to communicate the orders and obtain service
POIS and SIS Web are not operational. For requesting emergency surgical procedures, please use NIH-
2891 manual form
o If clinical documentation from POIS is needed please contact the DPM Surgical On call team via
the page operator
The Clinical Information Systems listed above will NOT be operational
For Messenger and Escort, you will need to call all transport requests to the Messenger and Escort’s
CRIS Downtime phone line (301) 496-0094
NURSING: see attachment for information and unit posting
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
(301) 496-8400
H Wireless Network Downtime
Purpose: CIT Wireless Maintenance
Location: Building 10 CRC, Old Building 10 and the ACRF
Event Details:
All NIH Wi-Fi access may be intermittent for use on DATE according to the following schedule:
a) Building 10 Magnuson & ACRF: TIME
b) Building 10 CRC-Hatfield: TIME
This includes NIH-Guest-Network, NIH-Wireless and ALL other wireless networks run by CIT in Building
10. Smart phone, laptop and tablet users may also be impacted and need to reauthenticate when the
wireless networks are up.
CRIS will be operational and can be accessed only from the Thin Client devices during this network
maintenance period.
Wireless Computers such as Workstations on Wheels (WOWs) may NOT have wireless access to CRIS
including SoftID (Barcode System including PDAs), Provation Travel Carts or the network.
WOWs and Provation Travel carts connecting to the network directly via a network drop will continue
to work.
Patients may not have Wi-FI connections to their entertainment devices (e.g. gaming consoles)
If you use NIH paging and rely on a mobile device WITHOUT a 102 pager, and you will be on campus
and must be reachable during this window, please ensure your device connects to cellular. If you need
assistance with contacting someone during this maintenance, please call the NIH Page Operator
Supervisor at 301-496-4516
Patient Call System: RTLS (Real-Time Location Services) and Zebra Phones
Impacted Services/Applications:
The wireless network, including wireless Workstations on Wheels (WOWs).
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
For Building 10 Magnuson & ACRF: date and time
For Building 10 CRC-Hatfield: date and time
dditional Information for Nursing and Phlebotomy:
If requiring use of SoftID from the WOWs, you can connect to the yellow LAN ports located throughout
your unit.
SoftID Specimen Labels may not print out.
Units that still receive LIS labels from the Zebra printers can use these labels during the SoftID
Units that no longer receive LIS labels from the Zebra printers should use standard downtime
ocedures for specimen collections. That is, please complete a lab requisition (Including protocol
number) and apply a Patient Label to specimen containers.
You CAN enter orders, document, print or retrieve information from Thin Client devices.
Clinical Information Systems, such as RIS, LIS, ECG, PACS, CITRIX, PYXIS, Dictation/ Transcription, IDMS
& more will be operational and results will cross over to CRIS.
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
Example of Downtime Flyers / List of Manual Forms to Use for Documentation
Figure I.4. Clinical Center Database Downtime Flyer
Start Time:
End Time:
Purpose: Maintenance/SQL Server Upgrade
Event Details:
The Clinical Center SQL Database Server will be unavailable on
Impacted Services/Applications:
During the downtime, you will not have access to applications on the list below during the down.
Impacted Users:
Any user attempting to access the Clinical Center SQL Database Server and dependent applications (listed
Users of the services listed below.
Expected Resolution Time:
Additional Information:
CRIS will NOT be affected:
This Downtime will primarily affect the following web-based CC applications and Department Applications:
Bioethics Consult Report, CES
Bioethics Tracking
Clinical Data Repository (CDR) (a.k.a Clinical Data Warehouse (CDW))
Clinical Studies Info - search field only
Clinical Studies: Protocol Consents Search
CPT (3M) billing code interfaces will affected
CRIS Usage Analytics
Executive Information System (EIS)
HIMD Lab Report Requests
Hospital Services & Visual Supply Catalog
Investigational Drug Management System (IDMS) - Orders from CRIS will not cross to IDMS
Material Safety Datasheet (Pharmacy)
Medical Staff Dictionary (OCS)
Pain Management Tracking
Payment Tracker (OFRM)
Pharmacy Drug Formulary
Pharmacy Patient Tracking
POIS—Lab results will not post to module but is accessible in CRIS
Research Volunteer System (RVS)
Researcher Tracking (Rehab)
SoftMed interfaces –results and report will not cross to CRIS
Institute Feeds - not be affected
Other Applications Interrupted (with shorter downtime):
AMS, AQI, OFRM, Percussion, PharmRees, Phlebotomy, ProNutra, RegActivity, sacredCES
(SACRED will not be affected), SocialWork (SWAT), Surveys, Universal Precaution, WaitTime
*Attn Nursing: For Central Hospital Supply (CHS) orders during this period, please contact CHS at (301) 496-
2243 or contact the page operator to reach the CHS On-Call staff.
ple of Downtime Flyers / List of Manual Forms to Use for Documentation
Example of updated. CRIS Slowness- Downtime Message
Update- Event Details:
Presently CRIS is experiencing intermittent slowness with entering CRIS Orders, Documentation, and printing.
This will continue until tomorrow morning (DATE and TIME)
A CRIS downtime has been scheduled for DATE from ____ until ____ to work on the issue. No further email will
be sent out about the slowness.
Please contact CC Service Center (301 496-8400) if the delay in entering CRIS orders is greater than 2 minutes.
ed Application:
Impacted Users:
All CRIS Users
Expected Resolution:
Thank you for your support,
NIH CC/ Department of Clinical Research Informatics
-----------------------Previous Information-----------------------
From: CC DCRI Notifications (DO NOT REPLY)
To: CC Systems Notification; CC-ISD IE Notice
Subject: CRIS Slowness -
Event Details:
CRIS Slowness- Delay in entering Orders, documentation, printing
Presently CRIS is slower than normal. Please note that DCRI is aware of the issue and working to resolve.
Please contact CC Service Center (301) 496-8400 if the delay in entering the order is greater than 2 minutes.
Impacted Application:
Impacted Users:
All CRIS Users
Expected Resolution:
Thank you for your support,
NIH CC/ Department of Clinical Research Informatics
Appendix J
Example of Standard Terminology to send in Email and Message for Downtime
There are various types of system downtimes or delays where standard terminology can be used in an e-mail
to users and a message to page operators informing them of what is affected by the Downtime/Delay. Until
issues are further defined, DCRI has created a generic template and specific downtime templates.
Types of downtimes:
1. Generic Template (used to get message out when issue first identified)- System interruption
2. Generic Template Extension of Downtime
3. Admission, Travel, Voucher (ATV) Downtime
4. SoftID System Downtime
5. CCCasper Citrix Access Downtime
6. CC File Downtim
7. CC Website Downtime/ Multiple Website Downtime
8. Cellular outage (CIT) / NIH In-Building Cellular Service Outage
9. Citrix Downtime
10. CRIS Clinical Documentation Downtime
11. CRIS Delay (slowness)
12. CRIS Downtime
13. CRIS via Citrix System Interruption (CCCasper Citrix Access)
14. CRIS and Barcode Downtime
15. CRIS Downtime - using CRIS Sundown
16. CRIS Interface Delay
17. CRIS Interface Downtime
18. CRIS ADT Interface Downtime
19. CRIS Lab Interface Downtime
20. CRIS Laboratory Information System (LIS) Downtime
21. CRIS Printing Downtime
22. CRIS Printing Delay (Interruption)
23. ECG System Downtime
24. E-Mail Downtime/ / NIH Email Service Downtime:
25. Internet Access Downtime (Loss of access to SIS Web)
26. Omnicell Interface Downtime
27. Event (Occurrence) Reporting System (STARS)
28. Outlook- interruption in accessing .PST folders
29. Messenger and Escort Printing Downtime
30. MobileIron (Mobile Device Management System) service interruption
31. NIH Clinical Center Network Delay
32. NIH Clinical Center Potential Network Downtime/ Network Connectivity Issues (Intermittent Problems)
33. Network Downtime
34. Network Maintenance impacting CRIS, Interfaces, Clinical/Non Clinical applications
35. Nutrition (CBORD) Downtime
36. Perioperative Information System (POIS) Downtime
37. Perioperative Information System (POIS) Interface Downtime
38. Point of Care Testing
39. Printing / General Printing Interruption (CC0PPrint1 and CC0PPrint2)
40. Provation
Continued from previous page):
41. QuadraMed Acuity Plus System Downtime
42. Radiology Information System (RIS) Downtime
43. RADPACS (CC PACS) System Downtime
44. RTLS (Patient Call System)
45. Autostore Document Scanning System Downtime
46. Scriptpro (Outpatient Pharmacy) Delay
47. Scriptpro (Outpatient Pharmacy) Downtime
48. Surgical Information System (SISWeb) Downtime:
49. SMM Downtime (Sunrise Medication Manager / Pharmacy System Downtime)
50. SoftBank Downtime/ DTM Lab System Downtime
51. CDR Downtime (Clinical Center Database Server)
52. Telephone/ Cisco CCX Answering and Messaging System Downtime (DCRI ONLY):
53. Telephone System Downtime
54. Thin Client Devices Downtime
55. Training Database Downtime
56. Wireless Network Downtime
57. Workstation on Wheel (WOW)
58. Workstation on Wheel (WOW) Maintenance
Note: There may be other clinical applications not requiring house-wide communication, hence are not listed
above. The generic template (Appendix J, #1) may be used to communicate system/application issues to its
respective users and stakeholders.
Please note the CRIS status screen is to be updated unless otherwise indicated.
1. Generic Message Template: System interruption
This w
ill be initiated as soon as Systems Monitoring has recognized something is wrong with a system or
application etc (e.g. increased calls about issues). Calls could be for CRIS down, CRIS slowness, printing issues,
CRIS login issues to name a few
Message to Page Operator:
Present tense: Presently a system interruption has been reported for Insert name of the application or issue.
Please note that DCRI engineers are aware of the issue and are working to resolve.
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date and time in subject line.
nt Details:
System interruption has been reported for ____________
(example to use: CRIS printing, access to CRIS, etc) - Remove before sending message.
Please note that DCRI engineers are aware of the issue and working to resolve. More information to follow.
Impacted Services/Applications:
Include name such as CRIS, etc.
acted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
ional Information:
Add text here as needed.
you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
2. Generic Message Template: Extension of Downtime
ternal information refer to section 2.1 -If the system is not operational at the designated time continue with
downtime overhead announcement and email notification that the system remains down. If it initially is an
extended downtime then follow the extended downtime procedure, otherwise go to unplanned downtim
procedure (e.g. continue immediate then hourly announcements if prior to 10pm and/ or every 2 hours if after
The overhead and emails will continue per policy until it is operational.
Message to Page Operator:
The ______system remains unavailable for use. Please continue use downtime procedure.
E-Mail Message:
Include title of downtime and EXTENDED, date and time in subject line.
Update- Event Details: ______Downtime Extended <date and time>
<Insert application name> remains unavailable for use. Please continue to use Downtime (manual)
Impacted Application:
<Insert application name>
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
-----------------------Previous Information-----------------------
<Note to Systems Monitoring- Include email string >
3. Admission, Travel, and Voucher Downtime:
Message to Page Operator:
The Admission, Travel, Voucher System (ATV) will be unavailable for use Date
from time -_____. During the ATV downtime, please use NIH Form 54 and contact the Admissions Department
to communicate request and obtain service.
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
The Admission Travel Voucher System (ATV) will be down Date from time -_____.
During the ATV downtime, you ________ have access to CRIS.
acted Services/Applications:
The Admission Travel Voucher System (ATV).
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
ional Information:
Please use the “Request for Admission/Travel/Voucher/Local Transportation” (NIH- 54) manual form for
emergent requests. Deliver the completed form to the following areas during business hours:
Admissions Request: Admissions front desk. For questions about completing the NIH -54 forms, conta
Admissions at 301-496-3315.
Government-Arranged Travel Requests: Travel office (10/1-4553).
Voucher Requests: Voucher Office (10 North Lobby (room 1606).
Evenings, Nights, Weekends, and Holidays: Contact Admissions at 301-496-3315.
If any of the requests are not emergent, please submit an electronic request once the ATV system is
operational. If you have submitted a manual form (NIH-54) to the appropriate area, you do not need to enter
the same ATV request electronically once the system is operational.
The manual form can be accessed from the Health Information Management Department’s online forms at the
following URL: http://intranet.cc.nih.gov/medicalrecords/forms/forms-
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
(301) 496- 8400
4. SoftID / SoftID.Tx System Downtime:
Message to Page Operator:
The S
oftID / SoftID.Tx Specimen Collection Verification and Transfusion Verification and Patient ID Systems w
unavailable for use Date from time -_____. Please include CRIS Order ID with any specimen sent to the lab
that does not have a barcode label
E-Mail Message:
Subject: Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
The SoftID / SoftID.Tx Specimen Collection Verification and Transfusion Verification and Patient ID Systems will
be unavailable.
IMPORTANT: Please include CRIS Order ID and completed manual lab ordering forms with any specimen sent
to the lab that does not have a barcode label. All specimens for Type and Screen must be initialed and dated by
the collector if barcode labels are not used.
Impacted Services/ Applications: The SoftID /SoftID.Tx system.
Impacted Users: Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
tional Information:
CRIS will be available for use during the SoftID / SoftID.Tx system downtim
oftID / SoftID.Tx Specimen Labels will not print out.
**Prior to the Downtime, please be sure you have an extra set of Patient Labels on hand by ordering them
rom Admissions.
o U
nits that still receive LIS labels from the Zebra printers can use these labels during the SoftI
D /
oftID.Tx downtime.
o Units that no longer receive LIS labels from the Zebra printers, should use standard downtim
procedures for specimen collections.
That is, please complete a lab requisition (including protocol number) and apply a patient label to
specimen containers.
SoftID.Tx Transfusion Verification will not be available
If CRIS is available, transfusions are documented in the “Blood Component Administration” structured
o If CRIS is unavailable, transfusions are documented in a Progress Note according to Nursing Procedures
and Standards of Practice:
Blood Product Administration -Appendix D: Downtime Procedure found at
o Typenex expiration date can be confirmed in CRIS or by calling DTM.
o The Patient Transfusion Record will accompany the product when it is issued to the patient care area
When the SoftID.Tx system comes back up, blood components that were issued during the downtime may
display in SoftID.Tx. Please contact DTM to verify status.
4B. SoftID Downtime:
Message to Page Operator:
The SoftID Specimen Collection Verification and Patient ID System will be unavailable for use Date from time -
_____. Please include CRIS Order ID with any specimen sent to the lab that does not have a barcode label
E-Mail Message:
Subject: Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
The SoftID Collection System will be unavailable.
IMPORTANT: Please include CRIS Order ID and completed manual lab ordering forms with any specimen sent
to the lab that does not have a barcode label.
Impacted Services/ Applications: The SoftID system.
Impacted Users: Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
ional Information:
CRIS will be available for use during the SoftID system downtime.
SoftID specimen labels will not print out.
**Prior to the Downtime, please be sure you have an extra set of Patient Labels on hand by ordering them
rom Admissions.
o U
nits that still receive LIS labels from the Zebra printers can use these labels during the SoftID
o Units that no longer receive LIS labels from the Zebra printers, should use standard downtim
procedures for specimen collections.
That is, please complete a lab requisition (including protocol number) and apply a patient label to
specimen containers.
4C. SoftID.Tx Transfusion Verification System Downtime:
Message to Page Operator:
The SoftID.Tx Transfusion Verification System will be unavailable for use Date from time - ___
Please include CRIS Order ID with any specimen sent to DTM that does not have a barcode label.
E-Mail Message:
Subject: Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
The SoftID.Tx Verification System will be unavailable.
CRIS and Laboratory Information System (LIS) are operational.
Impacted Services/ Applications: The SoftID.Tx system.
Impacted Users: Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
ional Information:
1. SoftID.Tx Transfusion Verification will not be available.
o If CRIS is available, transfusions are documented in the “Blood Component Administration” structured
o If CRIS is unavailable, transfusions are documented in a Progress Note according to Nursing Procedures
and Standards of Practice:
Blood Product Administration -Appendix D: Downtime Procedure found at
o Typenex expiration date can be confirmed in CRIS or by calling DTM.
o The Patient Transfusion Record will accompany the product when it is issued to the patient care area.
2. When the SoftID.Tx system comes back up, blood components that were issued during the downtime may
display in SoftID.Tx. Please contact DTM to verify status.
5. CCCasper Citrix Access Downtime:
ssage to Page Operator:
The CCCASPER Citrix Access website will be unavailable for use (give date and time if you know in advance).
CRIS will be operational from WOWs and Thin Client devices.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Systems Monitoring:
1) CC Systems Notification
2) CC-ISD IE Notice
3) CC Staff
5) CCAFFSTAFF-[email protected]
E-Mail Message:
Subject: Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
The CCCASPER Citrix Access website will be unavailable for use on <insert date and time>
CRIS will be operational from WOWs and Thin Client devices.
Impacted Services/Applications:
Access to applications on the CCCASPER Citrix Access website https://cccasper.cc.nih.gov
Remote access to Citrix.
acted Users:
Users accessing applications on the CCCasper Citrix Access site. Users accessing CRIS via Citrix.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
tional Information:
During the CCCASPER Citrix Access website downtime, you will have access to CRIS only from WOWs and Thin
Client devices.
al Information Systems such as: RIS, LIS, ECG, PACS, CBORD, Omnicell, PYXIS, SoftID (barcode), Standard
Register (Inpatient wristbands), 3M/Transcription, IDMS & more will be operational and results will cross over
to CRIS.
Thin Client devices will have access to CRIS.
Email through Citrix will be unavailable for use during the downtime.
Remote access from off site will be unavailable.
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
(301) 496-8400
other template:
Purpose: CC CITRIX Upgrade
Impacted Users: All CCCASPER and Thin Client Users
Event Details:
Citrix infrastructure including CCCASPER and Thin Clients is being upgraded between ____and ____ on DATE.
There could be momentarily interruptions in launching applications and logging into Thin Clients during this
time. If you are unable to log in or launch an application, please wait 5 minutes and try again.
No existing Citrix sessions will be interrupted.
Impacted Services/Applications:
CCCASPER and Thin Clients
Expected Resolution Time:
Additional Information:
Existing sessions will not be interrupted, but logging in and starting new applications could fail during this time.
If you are unable to launch an application or log in, please wait 5 minutes, refresh your browser and try again.
After the upgrade operation will resume as normal. No change in functionality is expected.
Thank you for your continued support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
(301) 496-8400
6. C
C File Downtime
Message to Page Operator:
Present tense: The network server, CC File, is down. You will not have access to your personal folders such
your H: Drive and various other CC File related folders during this time.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Systems Monitoring
1) CC Systems Notification
2) CC
-ISD IE Notice
3) CC Staff
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
The CC File server is down. During this network server interruption, you will not have access to your personal
folders such as your H Drive (home directory) which include shared departmental directories and Outlook
archive files on CC File.
Impacted Services/Applications:
CC File including “H: Drive” and other related folders.
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
tional Information:
If working in documents on your H drive, any changes made could be lost. Please save locally.
DCRI engineers are aware of the issue and attempting to resolve.
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
(301) 496-8400
7. CC Website/ Multiple Website Downtime:
Message to Page Operator:
There will be no over head page for the Multiple Website Potential Downtime.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Systems Monitoring:
1) CC Systems Notification
2) CC
-ISD IE Notice
3) CC Staff
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
On <date / time> the Department of Clinical Research Informatics will be performing maintenance on the web
servers supporting CC websites in the Data Center.
CRIS will be operational during this time.
Impacted Services/Applications:
Users will experience connectivity loss (outage) to the various websites noted below.
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed below.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
dditional Information:
During the duration of this maintenance activity, users will experience connectivity loss (outage) to the various
websites noted below.
The Websites that may be affected are as follow:
1. Bioethics.nih.gov
2. Bloodbank.nih.gov
3. btris.nih.gov
4. Clinical studies.cc.nih.gov
5. Clinicalresearch.nih.gov
6. Cris.cc.nih.gov
7. Druginfo.cc.nih.gov
8. Intranet.cc.nih.gov
9. Nursing.nih.gov
10. Training.cc.nih.gov
11. www.cc.nih.gov
We t
hank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
301 496-8400
8. Cellular Outage/ NIH In-Building Cellular Service Outage
Message to Page Operator:
Building 10 and ACRF will experience cellular service outages on < Enter date/ time >.
uring this time, all in-building cellular services (e.g. ATT, Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile) will rely on cellular
towers outside the building.”
IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Systems Monitoring:
1. CC-ISD IE Notice
2. C
C Systems Notificatio
3. C
C Building 10 - Blind carbon copy
4. CC Building 10A - Blind carbon copy
5. CC Building 10-CRC - Blind carbon copy
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
nt Details:
<Confirm location - Building 10 and ACRF> will experience cellular service outages on < Enter date/ time >
During this time, all in-building cellular services (e.g. AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile) will rely on cellular
towers outside the building. If you need to use your cell phone, reception outside the building is available.
Areas in basements and away from exterior walls may only provide a weak signal.
Impacted Services/Applications:
All cellular services (e.g. AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile)
Impacted Users:
Cellular users in Building 10 CRC, Old Building 10 and ACRF <Confirm location>
Users relying on the in-building cellular services
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
If assistance is needed, please contact the NIH IT Service Desk at 301-496-HELP, 301-496-8294 (TTY), or visit us
on the web at http://itservicedesk.nih.gov
you for your patience,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics and
The Center for Information Technology.
ther template example:
The Cellular Antenna System (DAS = Distributed Antenna System) UnavailableVerizon Cellphone Users
Purpose: DAS Maintenance
Who is Affected:
During the DAS maintenance work, Verizon cellphone users in all buildings covered by DAS on the NIH campus
(including building 10 and CRC) will temporarily lose DAS services causing either no in-building cell phone
signal or cell phone signal not as strong as it usually is depending on customers’ location inside the building.
Maintenance Start Time:
Impacted Services/Applications:
Verizon in-building cellular services (DAS)
Impacted Users:
Verizon cellphone users in all DAS covered buildings on the NIH campus (including building 10 and CRC)
Targeted Maintenance Completion Time:
** Verizon customers must make sure the WI-FI setting on the cellphone is on and using ‘NIH-Wireless’ (not
the NIH-Guest-Network) during this maintenance to receive the paging
Thank you,
Department of Clinical Research Informatics
On Behalf of The Center of Information Technology
9. Citrix Downtime:
essage to Page Operator
The Citrix system will be unavailable for use (give date and time if you know in advance).
During the downtime, CRIS will be operational from Workstations on Wheels (WOWs) only.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Systems Monitoring:
1) CC Systems Notification
2) CC-ISD IE Notice
3) CC Staff
4) CCMEDSTAFF-[email protected]
5) CCAFFSTAFF-[email protected]IH.GOV
E-Mail Message:
All email will be sent from the CC DCRI Notifications (DO NOT REPLY) DL
ubject: Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
The Citrix system will be unavailable.
Impacted Services/Applications:
Citrix and access to applications on the CCCASPER Citrix Access website https://cccasper.cc.nih.gov
Remote access to Citrix.
pacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
dditional Information:
During the Citrix downtime, you will have access to CRIS only from Workstations on Wheels (WOWs). Thin
Client devices will not have access to CRIS.
Clinical Information Systems such as: RIS, LIS, ECG, PACS, CBORD, Omnicell, PYXIS, SoftID (barcode), Standard
Register (Inpatient wristbands), 3M/Transcription, IDMS & more will be operational and results will cross over
to CRIS.
Email through CCCasper Citrix Access will be unavailable for use during the downtime.
Remote access from off site will be unavailable via CCCasper Citrix Access.
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
10. CRIS Clinical Documentation Downtime
essage to Page Operator:
NO overhead announcement is made
MPORTANT MESSAGE To Systems Monitoring:
1. CC Systems Notification
2. CC
-ISD IE Notice
E-Mail Message:
Subject: Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Specific Clinical Documentation Downtime in CRIS
nt Details:
On <Date and Time>, the Department of Clinical Research Informatics will be performing updates on
specific clinical documents in CRIS.
During the downtime, the following document(s) listed below (including the patient care areas that will be
impacted) will be unavailable for use.
Users will not be able to enter information in the specific documents identified below and are requested to
use downtime procedure for the affected document(s) ONLY.
Unavailable Structured Notes:
Impacted Areas:
acted Services/Applications:
CRIS Clinical Documents as indicated above
Impacted Users:
CRIS Prescriber Users
Impacted Locations:
Clinical areas as indicated above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Additional Information:
CRIS will be operational during this time
We thank you for your patience,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
301 496-8400
11. CRIS Delay (Slowness):
essage to Page Operator:
Present tense: Presently CRIS is experiencing intermittent slowness with entering CRIS Orders,
Documentation, and printing. Please contact CC Service Center if the delay in entering CRIS orders is greater
than 2 minutes.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Systems Monitoring:
Please include CC-DCRI External CRIS Down Notifications DL when opening conference line.
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
CRIS Slowness- Delay in entering Orders, documentation, printing.
Impacted Services/Applications:
Access to CRIS
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
ional Information:
Presently CRIS is slower than normal. Please note that DCRI is aware of the issue and working to resolve.
Please contact CC Service Center (301 496-8400) if the delay in entering CRIS orders is greater than 2 minutes.
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
12. CRIS Downtime:
ssage to Page Operator:
The CRIS system will be unavailable for use (give date and time if you know in advance). (We will provide
information IF downtime procedure will be initiated).
IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Systems Monitoring:
ICU Staff to print ICU CDV report 1 hour prior for planned CRIS downtimes or
Systems Monitoring to print within 30 minutes of the CRIS being down if unplanned
1. CC Systems Notification
2. CC-ISD IE Notice
Subject:Include title, date, and time in subject line.
ent Details:
CRIS will be or is unavailable for use. (We will provide information IF downtime procedure will be initiated).
You will not have access to CRIS.
acted Services/Applications:
Access to CRIS
Impacted Users:
All CRIS users. (Users of the service listed above).
Expected Resolution:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution.”
ional Information: (INCLUDE if use of downtime procedure is initiated)
Please begin using Downtime (manual) procedures.
You can NOT enter orders, document, schedule/modify/cancel patient appointments, print or retrieve
information in either system.
You cannot admit, transfer or discharge a patient in CRIS until it becomes operational.
Inpatient wristbands or patient labels will not printout.
Specimen Labels may or may not print out. Use patient labels or Generic Patient Labels. Please verify all labs
are collected based on available information (medical care plan, lab form etc).
Systems such as: SoftID, SoftID.Tx, CBORD, CITRIX, ECG, IDMS, LIS, Omnicell, PACS, PYXIS, RIS, Scriptpro,
3M/Transcription, & more will be operational but results will not cross over to CRIS, as applicable. ATV is not
operational, use NIH-54 manual form. Chart View will be available in Citrix.
POIS and SIS Web- are not available during the down. You will not be able to submit OR case in SIS Web. To
request an emergency surgical procedure, please use NIH-2891 manual form. During Business hours: Please
call the front desk of the Operating Room (OR) if you need to schedule an OR case. If clinical documentation
from POIS is needed please call the OR (Mon. - Fri. 7:00 am 3:30 pm). After hours: Contact the DPM
Surgical On call team via the page operator.
SoftID / SoftID.Tx will display only active orders for both specimen collection and transfusion verification
entered prior to CRIS down. Please use all available information (e.g., Medical Care Plan, written orders) to
determine what specimens should be collected and/ or products transfused. Collection status and
transfusion information (e.g. vital signs and transfusion report) will update once CRIS is operational.
Omnicell and PYXIS will be functional but ADT information will not be updated. Please admit by hand per
manual procedure. Medication orders manually placed or discontinued during the Downtime will not be
updated at the Omnicell cabinet and Anesthesia Workstations. Medication orders entered and verified by
Pharmacy prior to the downtime will be accessible from the cabinet. Emergency medications may be
removed using the override process at the cabinet.
Enterprise Scheduling is not available. Use Form NIH 2955 to request a patient appointment.
Please do not send non-emergent orders on the manual ordering forms during the Downtime period.
lease wait and enter non-emergent orders in CRIS after CRIS becomes operational
ou will need to call Departments to communicate the orders and obtain service.
For Messenger and Escort, you will need to call all transport requests to the Messenger and Escort’s CRIS
Downtime phone line (301) 496-0094.
Emergent Lab Order, Please Follow This Procedure:
1. S
end the specimen to the lab with the appropriate completed (Patient Identifiers, Location, Phone
Number, Protocol Number, Tests Requested, LIP Name and Signature) manual Department of Laborato
edicine Ordering Record form or Transfusion Medicine Ordering Record form
2. Do
not enter Emergency Orders into CRIS. The Lab will enter the orders on their end.
3. Do not redraw specimens for orders entered during the down.
4. Keep a written record of the results called back to the unit.
All Other Emergent Orders Follow the Defined Manual Ordering Process by Service (Pharmacy, Imaging
Services, Transfusion Medicine, Respiratory Care, Nutrition and All Other Clinical Services)
During the downtime, please use manual ordering and/ or documentation forms.
These forms are located on every patient care area in the CRIS Downtime Toolkit.
For additional forms, contact Health Information Management Department (301-496-2292)
Monday- Friday 7:00 am- 5:00 pm or go online to the following URL:
Appointment Scheduling - You will be unable to view new patient information or demographic updates on
patients in the Scheduling System.
k you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
13. CRIS via Citrix (CC Casper Citrix Access) System Interruption
ssage to Page Operator:
System interruption has been reported for CRIS access via Citrix (CC CASPER)
During the downtime, CRIS will be operational from Workstations on Wheels (WOWs).
IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Systems Monitoring:
1. CC Systems Notification
2. CC
-ISD IE Notice
3. CC Staff
5. CCAFFSTAFF-[email protected].GOV
E-Mail Message:
Subject: Include title, date, and time in subject line.
ent Details:
System interruption has been reported for accessing CRIS via CITRIX.
Please note that DCRI engineers are aware of the issue and working to resolve.
More information to follow.
Impacted Services/Applications:
Access to CRIS via Citrix (CCCASPER Citrix Access website https://cccasper.cc.nih.gov
Remote access to Citrix.
pacted Users:
Users accessing CRIS via Citrix (CCCasper Citrix Access site).
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
tional Information:
During this Citrix interruption, you will have access to CRIS from Workstations on Wheels (WOWs).
Clinical Information Systems such as: RIS, LIS, ECG, PACS, CBORD, Omnicell, PYXIS, SoftID (barcode),
3M/Transcription, IDMS & more will be operational and results will cross over to CRIS
Thin Client devices will not have access to CRIS.
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
14. CRIS and Barcode Downtime
Barcode Information:
sage to Page Operator:
CRIS & SoftID and SoftID.Tx Specimen Collection Verification and Transfusion Verification system will be
unavailable for use (give date and time if you know in advance). Please use Downtime procedures.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Systems Monitoring:
ICU Staff to print ICU CDV report 1 hour prior for planned CRIS downtimes or
Systems Monitoring to print within 30 minutes of the CRIS being down if unplanned
Please include CC-DCRI External CRIS Down Notifications DL when opening conference line.
Event Details:
CRIS & the SoftID / SoftID.Tx Specimen Collection Verification and Transfusion Verification system will be
unavailable. Please begin using Downtime (manual) procedures.
You will not have access to CRIS or SoftID system.
Impacted Services/Applications: Access to CRIS & SoftID system.
Impacted Users: All CRIS & SoftID system users.
Expected Resolution:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution.”
Additional Information:
se begin using Downtime (manual) procedures.
You will not have access to CRIS.
You can NOT enter orders, document, schedule/modify/cancel patient appointments, print or retrieve
information in either system.
You can not admit, transfer or discharge a patient in CRIS until it becomes operationa
ftID Spec
imen Labels and generic labels will not print out.
**Prior to the Downtime, please be sure you have an extra set of Patient Labels on hand by ordering the
rom Admissions. **
o Units that still receive LIS labels from the Zebra printers can use these labels during the Bar Code/
SoftID downtime.
o Units that no longer receive LIS labels from the Zebra printers, should use manual downtime
ocedures for specimen collections.
CRIS and Barcode Downtime: (continued):
SoftID / SoftID.Tx Transfusion Verification will not be available
o If CRIS is available, transfusions are documented in the “Blood Component Administration” structured
o If CRIS is unavailable, transfusions are documented in a Progress Note according to Nursing Procedures
and Standards of Practice: Blood Product Administration -Appendix F: Downtime Procedure found at
o Typenex expiration date can be confirmed by calling DTM.
o The Patient Transfusion Record will accompany the product when it is issued to the patient care area.
stems such as: SoftID, CBORD, CITRIX, ECG, IDMS, LIS, Omnicell, PACS, PYXIS, RIS, Scriptpro,
3M/Transcription, & more will be operational but results will not cross over to CRIS. ATV is not operational,
use NIH-54 manual form.
POIS and SIS Web are not available during the down. You will not be able to submit OR case in SIS Web. To
request an emergency surgical procedure, please use NIH-2891 manual form. During Business hours:
Please call the front desk of the Operating Room (OR) if you need to schedule an OR case. If clinical
documentation from POIS is needed please call the OR (Mon. - Fri. 7:00 am 3:30 pm). After hours:
Contact the DPM Surgical On call team via the page operator.
Omnicell and PYXIS will be functional but ADT information will not be updated. Please admit by hand per
manual procedure. Medication orders manually placed or discontinued during the Downtime will not
pdated at the Omnicell cabinet and Anesthesia Workstations. Medication orders entered and verified by
Pharmacy prior to the Downtime will be accessible from the cabinet. Emergency medications may be
removed using the override process at the cabinet.
Enterprinse Scheduling is not available. Use Form NIH 2955 to request a patient appointment.
Please do not send non-emergent orders on the manual ordering forms during the Downtime period.
Please wait and enter non-emergent orders in CRIS after CRIS becomes operational.
ou will need to call Departments to communicate the orders and obtain service.
For Messenger and Escort, you will need to call all transport requests to the Messenger and Escort’s CRIS
Downtime phone line (301) 496-0094.
Emergent Lab Order, Please Follow This Procedure:
1. Send the specimen to the lab with the appropriate completed (Patient Identifiers, Location, Phone
Number, Protocol Number, Tests Requested, LIP Name and Signature) manual Department of Laboratory
Medicine Ordering Record form or Transfusion Medicine Ordering Record form.
2. Do not enter Emergency Orders into CRIS. The Lab will enter the orders on their end.
3. Do not redraw specimens for orders entered during the down.
4. Keep a written record of the results called back to the unit.
All Other Emergent Orders Follow the Defined Manual Ordering Process by Service (Pharmacy, Imaging
Services, Transfusion Medicine, Respiratory Care, Nutrition and All Other Clinical Services)
CRIS and Downtime: (continued):
ing the downtime, please use manual ordering and/ or documentation forms.
These forms are located on every patient care area in the CRIS Downtime Toolkit.
For additional forms, contact Health Information Management Department (301-496-2292)
Monday- Friday 7:00 am- 5:00 pm or go online to the following URL:
you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
15. CRIS Downtime (using CRIS Sundown):
essage to Page Operator:
First Message: “The CRIS system will be unavailable for use (give date and time if you know in advance). Please
use Downtime procedures.”
econd Message (CRIS Sundown available): Once Systems Monitoring is notified by DBA that CRIS Sundown is
available, they will call the page operator to have the following message announced: “The CRIS system remains
unavailable for use, please use downtime procedures. CRIS Sundown is now available for use. Data entered in
CRIS prior to <enter time> can be viewed by selecting the CRIS Sundown icon via Citrix.”
PORTANT MESSAGE To Systems Monitoring
ICU Staff to print ICU CDV report 1 hour prior for planned CRIS downtimes or
ystems Monitoring to print within 30 minutes of the CRIS being down if unplanned
If for some reason Sundown does not become available please inform the user community (example that
notification says it will be available
Please include CC-DCRI External CRIS Down Notifications DL when opening conference line.
E-Mail Message:
Same as for CRIS Downtime (previous section) but you need to send a separate message when CRIS Sundown
is available.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Systems Monitoring:
1. CC Systems Notification
2. CC
-ISD IE Notice
3. CC Staff
5. CCAFFSTAFF-[email protected].GOV
6. CC CRIS Users Master Dist List - A- K
7. CC CRIS Users Master Dist List - L- Z
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
vent Details:
Details: Beginning DATE at TIME until TIME (approximately 5 hours), The Department of Clinical Research
Informatics (DCRI) will undergo updates.
During the service disruption, The Clinical Research Information System (CRIS) will be UNAVAILBALE. Please
begin using your downtime procedure.
CRIS USERS: Starting ….., you will need to log off CRIS.
- Please use CRIS Downtime Procedure.
- DCRI downtime policy and other downtime resources can be found on the CRIS website at
- Prepare your area with the necessary manual forms to facilitate patient care during the downtim
- Please refer to your department’s downtime policy for specific instruction.
- *NURSING: See attachment for unit posting
- PO
IS and SIS Web will NOT be operational for requesting emergency surgical procedures, please use NIH-
2891 manual form.
- Appointment Scheduling: You will not be able to enter, status, or view patient appointments or print
scheduling reports (Appointment Roster by Location, Patient Itinerary, Unstatused Visit Report by
What you can do to prepare for implementation:
- Please have all routine orders for labs in CRIS prior to the system down on DATE AND TIME.
- Restock your downtime toolkits
- Prepare your area with the necessary manual downtime forms. Electronic versions of these forms can be
found at the following, but please DO NOT PRINT out forms that come in carbon copies
RL: http://intranet.cc.nih.gov/medicalrecords/forms/forms-crisdowntime.shtml
. Instead please contact
the Health Information Management Department at 301-496-2292.
- Have adequate supply of Patient Labels.
Example wording: DCRI plans to provide CRIS Sundown approximately <enter time> (60-90 minutes after CRIS
Sunrise is taken off line). CRIS Sundown is a copy of the current CRIS Sunrise with view only and printing
capabilities. Data entered in CRIS prior to (time) 5:30 PM can be viewed by selecting the CRIS Sundown icon
via Citrix (https://cccasper.cc.nih.gov).
You will be informed when the CRIS Sundown application is made available to view and/or print patient’s data.
For more information about CRIS Sundown, see below.
What you can do when CRIS Sundown is available:
You can View and Print CRIS data/ information ONLY that was entered in CRIS approximately up to 1 hour prior
to the scheduled downtime.
- For more information about CRIS Sundown please refer to the resource handout found
at http://cris.cc.nih.gov/cristraining/documents/CRIS_Sundown_FAQ.pdf
t you can do when CRIS Sunrise is available:
- Follow the downtime procedure concerning orders and clinical documentation reentry into CRIS.
What to do if you get a Blank Content “White” Screen when logging into CRIS:
- Refer to the “Gateway White Screen” document.
For assistance during or post the CRIS Downtime call (301) 496-8400. CRIS Support Staff will be in-house to
assist users when the system is down as well as when it becomes operational.
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
Another Template Example:
The C
system is unavailable for use, please use Downtime procedures
However, CRIS Sundown is now available for use. CRIS Sundown is a copy of the current CRIS Sunrise with view
only and printing capabilities. Data entered in CRIS prior to <enter time> can be viewed by selecting the CRIS
Sundown icon via Citrix.
Impacted Services/Applications: CRIS
Impacted Users: All CRIS users. (Users of the service listed above).
Expected Resolution:
Enter date/ time OR enter There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
ional Information:
By selecting the CRIS Sundown icon via Citrix, and entering your NIH domain user name and password you will
have access to CRIS Sundown. Please note upon log in:
You can View and Print CRIS data/ information ONLY.
You cannot add, edit, or modify any data.
You will not have access to the Task Manager (MAR), only to the Task Viewer to view Worklist Manager
You will not have access to the Flowsheet tab, data can be viewed from the Documents tab.
CRIS Sundown will be taken offline when CRIS Sunrise (CRIS SCM) is available.
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
(301) 496-8400
16. CRIS Interface Delay:
Message to Page Operator:
There is/ will be a CRIS Interface Delay (give date and time if you know in advance). CRIS is operational;
however Admission, Discharge and Transfer (ADT) and transactions (e.g. orders) information from CRIS are
delayed in crossing over to Clinical Information systems until the interfaces are operational. You will need to
call Departments to communicate orders and obtain service.
MPORTANT MESSAGE To Systems Monitoring:
Please include CC-DCRI External CRIS Down Notifications DL when opening conference line.
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
ent Details:
There is a CRIS Interface Delay (give date and time if you know in advance).
CRIS is operational. Information entered in CRIS or Clinical Information Systems during the delay will queue up
(back up) and slowly cross over to one another until the interfaces are fully operational.
Admission, Discharge and Transfer (ADT) transactions from CRIS will be delayed in updating or cross over to
Clinical Information systems until the interfaces are fully operational.
Impacted Services/Applications:
Access to CRIS
Transactions to/ from CRIS with Clinical Information systems
The Admission, Discharge and Transfer (ADT) system.
SoftID /SoftID.Tx Specimen Collection and Transfusion Verification
Impacted Users:
All CRIS users and users of the other services listed above.
Expected Resolution:
There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
Additional Information:
You will need to call Departments to communicate orders and obtain service.
You CAN enter orders, document, and retrieve information and print. Protocol information updates will not
occur until the interfaces are fully operational. New patients will be delayed in crossing from CRIS to the
Clinical Information systems until the interfaces are fully operational.
CRIS Interface Delay: (continued):
Orders entered in CRIS during the delay will queue up (back up) and slowly cross over to the Clinical
Information Systems. Results and documentation from the Clinical Information Systems will be delayed in
crossing over to CRIS until the interfaces are fully operational. The Clinical Information Systems include:
Admission, Travel, Voucher (ATV) System
SoftID /SoftID.Tx
BD Cato
ECG system
IDMS System
Laboratory Information System (LIS) = Micro, Lab, Blood Bank, Anatomic Pathology
NCI Labmatrix
Nutrition System (CBORD)
Perioperative Information System (POIS and SIS Web)
ProSolv Cardiovascular System
Radiology Information System (RIS)
Scriptpro (Outpatient Pharmacy System)
SentrySuite (PFT system)
3M/Transcription System
Viasys (3M)
Documents - Scanned medical record documents (consents, protocol consents, emergency response records,
Omnicell/PYXIS - Omnicell and PYXIS will be functional but ADT information will be delayed in updating. Please
admit by hand per manual procedure. Medication orders entered or discontinued during the Downtime will be
delayed in updating at the Omnicell cabinet and Anesthesia Workstations. Medication orders entered and
verified by Pharmacy prior to the Downtime will be accessible from the cabinet. Emergency medications may
be removed using the override process at the cabinet or place a medication replacement request.
Admission During the interface delay, the patient’s previous preadmit, outpatient and inpatient visits may be
visible when you do a patient search in CRIS. You must wait until the patient’s current visit is available in CRIS
SCM before releasing orders or documenting. Demographic changes and admissions requested in ATV may be
delayed in updating to CRIS until CRIS interfaces are fully operational.
New or re-admitted patient identification (Inpatient wristbands, and patient labels (admission)) will not print
until the system is restored. Please use manual admission labeling procedures.
Transfers- During the interface delay, the patient’s CRIS location may not be transferred to their new location.
Users can still document on the patient, but it will show up as the patient residing in their old location. For
services, you must communicate with the Clinical Information systems departments (i.e. Dept. of Laboratory
Medicine, Dept. of Transfusion Medicine, Phlebotomy, Nutrition, Pharmacy, Messenger and Escort) as to
where the patient is actually located.
CRIS Interface Delay: (continued):
Discharges-You can enter and mark the Discharge Order task as done; however, the patient will remain on the
unit’s Patient List until the interfaces are fully operational.
POIS and SIS Web- You will be able to submit OR case requests while the interfaces are delayed; however, new
preadmit and current patients may not be available in SIS Web until the interfaces are fully operational. During
Business hours: Please call the front desk of the Operating Room (OR) if you need to schedule an OR case. If
clinical documentation from POIS is needed please call the OR (Mon. - Fri. 7:00 am 3:30 pm). After hours:
Contact the DPM Surgical On call team via the page operator.
Lab specimens and label- Please do not send non-emergent orders on the manual ordering forms during this
period. It is suggested that users enter non-emergent orders after the interfaces become fully operational.
SoftID / SoftID.Tx Specimen Verification will display only active specimen collection orders entered prior to
CRIS down.
Specimen Labels (generated from LIS via Zebra Printers) may not print out. You may need to enter the
CRIS order number on a patient label to send the specimen, also include Manual lab form. Labels will print
when the interfaces are operational. Do not redraw theses specimens
cimen Labels (generated from LIS via SoftID) may not print for specimen collection orders entere
ter CRIS interfaces are down. You may need to enter the CRIS order number on patient labels to send the
specimen, also include Manual lab form
uring downtime the Department of Laboratory Medicine will call the nursing units with stat results.
The Department of Transfusion Medicine will call the nursing units when blood components are ready and
with stat results.
SoftID / SoftID.Tx Transfusion Verification
Transfusion documentation entered in SoftID will cross over to CRIS once the interfaces are operational.
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
17. CRIS Interface Downtime:
Message to Page Operator:
There is/ will be a CRIS Interface Downtime (give date and time if you know in advance). CRIS is operational;
owever Admission, Discharge and Transfer (ADT) and transactions information from CRIS will not update or
cross over to Clinical Information systems until the interfaces are operational. You will need to call
Departments to communicate orders and obtain service.
ge to Systems Monitoring
Please include CC-DCRI External CRIS Down Notifications DL when opening conference line.
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
vent Details:
There is/ will be a CRIS Interface Downtime (give date and time if you know in advance). CRIS is operational.
Information entered in CRIS or Clinical Information Systems during the Downtime will queue up (back up) and
not cross over to one another until the interfaces are operational.
Admission, Discharge and Transfer (ADT) transactions from CRIS will not update or cross over to Clinical
Information systems until the interfaces are operational.
Impacted Services/Applications:
CRIS system,
Transactions to/ from CRIS with Clinical Information systems
The Admission, Discharge and Transfer (ADT) system.
SoftID Specimen Collection and Transfusion Verification
Impacted Users:
All CRIS users and users of the other services listed above.
Expected Resolution:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
Additional Information:
You will need to call Departments to communicate orders and obtain service.
You CAN enter orders, document, and retrieve information and print. Protocol information updates will not
occur until the interfaces are operational. New patients will not cross from CRIS to the Clinical Information
systems until the interfaces are up.
Orders entered in CRIS during the down will queue up (back up) and not cross over to the Clinical Information
Systems. Results and documentation from the Clinical Information Systems will not cross over to CRIS until the
interfaces are operational. The Clinical Information Systems include:
Admission, Travel, Voucher (ATV) System
ECG system
IDMS System
Laboratory Information System (LIS) = Micro, Lab, Blood Bank, Anatomic Pathology
NCI Labmatrix
Nutrition System (CBORD)
Perioperative Information System (POIS and SIS Web)
ProSolv Cardiovascular System
Radiology Information System (RIS)
Scriptpro (Outpatient Pharmacy System)
Transcription System (3M)
Viasys (PFT)
Omnicell/PYXIS - Omnicell and PYXIS will be functional but ADT information will not be updated. Please admit
by hand per manual procedure. Medication orders entered or discontinued during the Downtime will not be
updated at the Omnicell cabinet and Anesthesia Workstations. Medication orders entered and verified by
Pharmacy prior to the Downtime will be accessible from the cabinet. Emergency medications may be removed
using the over ride process at the cabinet or place a medication replacement request.
Admission During the interface downtime, the patient’s previous preadmit, outpatient and inpatient visits
are visible when you do a patient search in CRIS. You must wait until the patient’s current visit is available in
CRIS SCM before releasing orders or documenting. Demographic changes and admissions requested in ATV
will not be updated until CRIS interfaces are operational.
New or re-admitted patient identification (Inpatient wristbands and patient labels (admission)) will will
continue to work even if the interfaces go down. Please use manual admission labeling procedures, if needed
(note: Wristbands and patient labels now print from CRIS printing).
Transfers- During the interface downtime, the patient’s CRIS location will not be transferred to their new
location. Users can still document on the patient, but it will show up as the patient residing in
their old location. For services, you must communicate with the Clinical Information systems departments (i.e.
Dept. of Laboratory Medicine, Dept. of Transfusion Medicine, Phlebotomy, Nutrition, Pharmacy, Messenger
and Escort) as to where the patient is actually located.
ischarges-You can enter and mark the Discharge Order task as done; however, the patient will remain on the
unit’s Patient List until the interfaces are operational.
POIS and SIS Web- are not available while the interfaces are down. You will not be able to submit OR case in
SIS Web.
To request an emergency surgical procedure, please use NIH-2891 manual form.
During Business hours: Please call the front desk of the Operating Room (OR) if you need to schedule an OR
case. If clinical documentation from POIS is needed please call the OR (Mon. - Fri. 7:00 am 3:30 pm). After
hours: Contact the DPM Surgical On call team via the page operator.
Lab specimens and label- Please do not send non-emergent orders on the manual ordering forms during this
period. It is suggested that users enter non-emergent orders after the interfaces become operational.
SoftID Specimen Verification will display only active specimen collection orders entered prior to CRIS down
Specimen Labels (generated from LIS via Zebra Printers) will not print out. You must enter the CRIS
order number on a patient label to send the specimen, also include Manual lab form. Labels will print
when the interfaces are operational. Do not redraw theses specimens
pecimen Labels (generated from LIS via SoftID will not print for specimen collection orders entered after
CRIS interfaces are down. You must enter the CRIS order number on a patient label or Generic Patient
Label to send the specimen, also include Manual lab form
uring downtime the Department of Laboratory Medicine will call the nursing units with stat results.
The Department of Transfusion Medicine will call the nursing units when blood components are ready and
with stat results.
Soft.TX Transfusion Verification
Transfusion documentation entered in SoftID will cross over to CRIS once the interfaces are operational.
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
Another template example:
REMINDER: CRIS Interface Downtime
Time: 8:00 pm -10:30 pm
Purpose: Upgrade
Event Details:
There will be a CRIS Interface Downtime tonight on Date & Time.
Information entered in CRIS or Clinical Systems during the downtime will queue up (back up) and not cross
over to one another until the interfaces are operational.
Admission, Discharge and Transfer (ADT) transactions from CRIS will not update or cross over to clinical
systems until the interfaces are operational.
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Citrix users may experience a disruption in service.
CRIS will be operational during the Interface upgrade.
**You will need to call Departments to communicate orders and obtain service.**
Clinical Systems impacted by Interface Down include the following:
1. Admission, Travel,
Voucher (ATV) System
6. Laboratory Information System (LIS)
= Micro, Lab, Blood Bank, Anatomic
Pathology, SoftID and SoftID.TX
11. PACS & Radiology Information
System (RIS)
3. ECG system
8. Omnicell
12. ScriptPro (Outpatient
Pharmacy System)
4. IDMS System
9. POIS/ SIS Web
13. 3M/Transcription System
5. CDR
10. ProSolv Cardiovascular System
14. BD Cato
nformation during the Downtime:
During the downtime, Department of Laboratory Medicine (DLM) will call the nursing units with STAT
and Critical results. Keep a written record of the results called back to the unit.
A ha
rd copy of downtime results will be delivered to PCU every 30 minutes via Messenger & Escort
All samples with or without the barcode label should be accompanied by the DLM Ordering record that
must be completely filled out (when LIS is down, DLM staff does not know what to run on samples).
Please call the DLM, the Department of Transfusion Medicine (DTM) and the Laboratory of Anatomic
Pathology to communicate orders and obtain service during the downtime.
Once LIS is back up, SoftID for specimen collection and blood product transfusion will be active. (Do
not recollect downtime orders.) If you have issues, trouble shoot with your super user, if still not
resolved call DCRI help desk at 301-496-8400 to obtain contact with Barcode team.
Barcode/ SoftID.PC / SoftID.Tx Transfusion Verification
Transfusion documentation entered in SoftID will cross over to CRIS once the interfaces are
Omnicell and PYXIS will be functional but ADT information will be delayed in updating. Please admit
per manual procedure. Medication orders entered or discontinued during the Downtime will be
delayed in updating at the Omnicell cabinet and Anesthesia Workstations. Medication orders entere
nd verified by Pharmacy prior to the Downtime will be accessible from the cabinet. Emergency
medications may be removed using the override process at the cabinet or place a medication
replacement request.
Patient to bring a copy of order form to Radiology and follow up with phone call to department
Contact the DPM Surgical On call team via the page operator.
During the interface delay, the patient’s previous preadmit, outpatient and inpatient visits may b
isible when you do a patient search in CRIS. You must wait until the patient’s current visit is available
in CRIS SCM before releasing orders or documenting. Demographic changes and admissions requested
in ATV may be delayed in updating to CRIS until CRIS interfaces are fully operational. You can enter and
mark the Discharge Order task as done; however, the patient will remain on the unit’s Patient List unt
he interfaces are fully operational.
New or re-admitted patient identification (Inpatient wristbands, and patient labels (admission)) will
not print until the system is restored. Please use manual admission labeling procedures.
nsfers- During the interface delay, the patient’s CRIS location may not be transferred to their new
location. Users can still document on the patient, but it will show up as the patient residing in their old
location. For services, you must communicate with the ancillary departments (i.e. Dept. of Laboratory
Medicine, Dept. of Transfusion Medicine, Phlebotomy, Nutrition, Pharmacy, Messenger and Escort) as
to where the patient is actually located.
Expected Resolution:
Date & Time
Thank you,
Department of Clinical Research Informatics
18. CRIS ADT Interface Downtime:
Message to Page Operator:
There is/ will be a CRIS ADT Interface Downtime (give date and time if you know in advance). CRIS is
operational; however Admission, Discharge and Transfer (ADT) and transactions information from CRIS will not
update or cross over to Clinical Information systems until the interfaces are operational. You will need to call
Departments to communicate orders and obtain service.
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
vent Details:
There is/ will be a CRIS ADT Interface Downtime (give date and time if you know in advance). CRIS is
operational; however Admission, Discharge and Transfer (ADT) and transactions information from CRIS will not
update or cross over to Clinical Information systems until the interfaces are operational.
Impacted Services/Applications:
CRIS, and the Admission, Discharge and Transfer (ADT) system, as well as Protocol information from CRIS will
not update or cross over to Clinical Information systems until the interfaces are operational.
Impacted Users:
All CRIS users and users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution:
Enter date/ time OR enter There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
ional Information:
CRIS is operational; however, the following occurs:
Admission During the ADT interface downtime, the patient’s previous preadmit, outpatient and inpatient
visits are visible when you do a patient search in CRIS. You must wait until the patient’s current visit is
available in CRIS SCM before releasing orders or documenting.
Transfers- During the ADT interface downtime, the patient’s CRIS location will not be transferred to their
new location. Users can still enter an order and document on the patient, but it will show up as the
atient residing in their old location. For services, you must communicate with the Clinical Information
ssytems departments (i.e. Dept. of Laboratory Medicine, Dept. of Transfusion Medicine, Phlebotomy,
Nutrition, Pharmacy, Messenger and Escort) as to where
the patient is actually located. The transfer and discharge orders/ requests will queue up (back up) in CRIS
and then cross over when the ADT interface becomes operational.
CRIS ADT Interface Downtime: (continued)
Discharges-You can enter and mark the Discharge Order task as done; however, the patient will remain on
the unit’s Patient List until the ADT interface is operational.
SoftID SoftID will be functional but ADT information will not be updated. Newly admitted patients will
not display in SoftID; only currently registered patients will display in SoftID. Patients transferred to
another location will display as residing in the former location until the ADT interface becomes
POIS and SIS Web- POIS and SIS Web will be functional but ADT information will not be updated. You will
not be able to submit OR case in SIS Web until the ADT interfaces is operational. To request an emergency
surgical procedure, please use NIH-2891 manual form. During Business hours: Please call the front desk of
the Operating Room (OR) if you need to schedule an OR case (Mon. - Fri. 7:00 am 3:30 pm). After hours:
Contact the DPM Surgical On call team via the page operator.
Omnicell/PYXIS - Omnicell and PYXIS will be functional but ADT information will not be updated. Please
admit by hand per manual procedure. Medication orders entered or discontinued during the Downtime
will not be updated at the Omnicell cabinet and Anesthesia Workstations. Medication orders entered and
verified by Pharmacy prior to the Downtime will be accessible from the cabinet. Emergency medications
may be removed using the over ride process at the cabinet or place a medication replacement request.
Scriptpro (Outpatient Pharmacy) for mail out prescriptions, please specify patients current address in
the delivery information section of the medication order.
Protocol information updates will not occur until the interface is operational. New patients will not cross
from CRIS to the Clinical Information systems until the interfaces are up.
Demographic changes and admissions requested in ATV will not be updated until CRIS interfaces ar
You will need to call Departments to communicate orders and obtain service.
k you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
19. CRIS Laboratory Interface Downtime:
Message to Page Operator:
Please announce the following on(example below):
1. 4:30 pm.: “There will be a Laboratory Order/Result Interface Downtime tonight Wednesday, March
2018 fro
m 5:00 pm9:00 pm. CRIS will be operational; however you must call the Department of
Laboratory Medicine, the Department of Transfusion Medicine and the Laboratory of Anatomic
Pathology to communicate orders and obtain service during the downtime.
2. 5:00 pm: “There is a Laboratory Order/Result Interface Downtime tonight Wednesday, March
21, 2018
until 9:00 pm. CRIS is operational; however you must call the Department of Laboratory Medicine, the
Department of Transfusion Medicine and the Laboratory of Anatomic Pathology to communicate
orders and obtain service during the downtime.
3. 9:00 pm: Once called by Systems Monitoring please announce "The Laboratory Order/Result Interface
maintenance is complete."
Note Systems Monitoring :
Please confirm acknowledgement of this email.
Tony Barnes will call Systems Monitoring (301 496-7525) to notify them when the Laboratory Order/Result
Interface maintenance is complete.
Please send FOUR e-mail (Bcc) messages to the two CC Systems Notification and CC-ISD IE Notice:
1. When: Wednesday March 21, 2018
Time: 4:00pm
Subject Line: REMINDER
2. When: Wednesday March 21, 2018
Time: 5:00pm
Subject Line: NOW
3. When: Wednesday March 21, 2018
Time: 7:00pm
Subject Line: Continues
4. When: Wednesday March 21, 2018
Time: 9:00pm (once notified by Tony/designee)
Subject Line: Complete
E-Mail Message:
Subject: Include title, date, and time in subject line.
vent Details:
There will be a Laboratory Order /Result Interface Downtime.
CRIS will be operational during this time.
Impacted Services/Applications:
CRIS Lab Order / Result Interface with the Laboratory Information System (LIS).
SoftID & SoftID.TX systems
mpacted Users:
All CRIS users, and users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
ional Information:
Please call the Department of Laboratory Medicine (DLM), the Department of Transfusion Medicine
(DTM) and the Laboratory of Anatomic Pathology to communicate orders and obtain service during th
Specimen labels will not print out if the order is entered during this downtime.
Results from the LIS will not cross over to CRIS until the interfaces are operational.
All samples with or without the barcode label should be accompanied by the DLM Ordering record that
must be completely filled out (when LIS is down, DLM staff does not know what to run on samples).
Once LIS is back up, SoftID for specimen collection and SoftID.Tx for blood product transfusion will b
ctive. If you have issues, trouble shoot with your superuser, if still not resolved call DCRI help desk at
301-496-8400 to obtain contact with Barcode team.
You CAN enter orders, document, and retrieve information and print; however, orders entered will queue
up (back up) in CRIS and not cross over to the Laboratory Information System (LIS) = Micro, Lab, Blood
Bank, Anatomic Pathology and SoftID .
You must enter the CRIS order number on a patient label or Generic Patient Label to send the specimen.
Orders that are entered during the downtime will be available in SoftID once the interfaces with LI
comes operational. Do not redraw these specimens.
Please do not send non-emergent orders on the manual ordering forms during this period
It is suggested that users enter non-emergent orders after the interface becomes operational.
During the downtime, DLM will call the nursing units with STAT and Critical results. All DLM results will be
delivered to Patient Care Nursing Unit every 30 minutes through Messenger and Escort during downtim
eep a written record of the results called back to the unit.
Blood components issued will display in SoftID /SoftID.Tx Transfusion Verification.
Transfusionists are to follow Nursing Procedures and Standards of Practice: Blood Product Administration
-Appendix F: Downtime Procedure at
Thank you for your support,
On behalf of Department of Laboratory Medicine
20. Laboratory Information System (LIS) Downtime:
Message to Page Operator:
There is/ will be a Laboratory Information System Downtime (give date and time if you know in advance). All
lab specimens should be accompanied with a manual ordering record which is sent to the Department of
Laboratory Medicine (DLM), or the Department of Transfusion Medicine (DTM). Use patient labels or Generic
Patient Labels if necessary.
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
vent Details:
There will be a Laboratory Information System (LIS) Downtime.
Please call the Department of Laboratory Medicine (DLM), the Department of Transfusion Medicine (DTM) and
the Laboratory of Anatomic Pathology to communicate orders and obtain service. Please enter all desired lab
orders for <DATE> in advance if possible to prepare for this downtime.
Important Note: Lab specimen must be accompanied by the appropriate manual ordering record noted below.
This is due to the fact that the lab instruments cannot read the barcode label attached to the specimen during
the LIS down.
CRIS will be operational during this time.
Impacted Services/Applications:
The Laboratory Information System (LIS).
Impacted Users:
All users of the service listed above.
Expected Completion of upgrade:
<enter date>
Additional Information:
For emergent lab orders, the following must be completed prior sending the specimen and manual forms to
the lab:
1. Ordering Records for Department of Laboratory Medicine, Transfusion Medicine and/ or Anatomic
Pathology AND
2. The CRIS order number entered on a patient label or Generic Patient Label.
Lab will not be able to process if this not included.
Laboratory Information System (LIS) Downtime: (continued)
Send to Department of Laboratory Medicine (DLM) or Department of Transfusion Medicine (DTM).
The following information must be included on the manual form:
1. Patients Full Name
2. Date of Birth
3. Collected date and time
4. Medical record number
5. Patient location, e.g. patient care unit
6. Protocol number
7. LIP printed name and signature
8. LIP telephone/pager
You CAN enter orders, document, and retrieve information and print; however, orders entered will queue
up (back up) in CRIS and not cross over to the Laboratory Information System (LIS) which includes th
ollowing: Micro, Lab, Blood Bank, and Anatomic Pathology
esults from the LIS, will not cross over to CRIS until the LIS system is operational.
SoftID is operational; however, NO NEW Lab Orders will cross over to SoftID once LIS goes down after <enter
You may continue to use SoftID but please use all available information (e.g., Medical Care Plan, written
orders) to confirm completeness of requested orders. Orders that do not display in SoftID must b
llected using downtime procedure. Collection status will update once LIS is operationa
ab orders entered during downtime will display in SoftID when LIS becomes operational. Do not redra
heses specimens.
A Typenex Barcode label and a patient label or Generic Patient Label are required for Type and Antibody
Screen. Date and initials of phlebotomist are required on label.
Typenex expiration date can be confirmed in CRIS or calling DTM
Transfusion Verification will not be operational; downtime procedures are to be used for blood product
Specimen collection status will be updated in SoftID when LIS becomes operational.
Care Provider Instructions:
Blood Pickup Service Requests will print in DTM. During downtime DLM and DTM will call the nursing units
with stat results.
Blood components issued during the LIS Downtime will not display in SoftID.Tx Transfusion Verification.
Transfusionists are to follow Nursing Procedures and Standards of Practice: Blood Product Administration -
Appendix D: Downtime Procedure at
Stat lab results will be called to the patient care units/ areas.
All lab results will be delivered to the patient care units every 30 minutes.
Please do not send non-emergent orders on the manual ordering forms during this period
It is suggested that users enter non-emergent orders after the interface becomes operational.
21. CRIS Printing Downtime:
essage to Page Operator:
Present tense: The CRIS Printing system is down. CRIS is operational. Please call Departments to
communicate the orders and obtain service.
ge to Systems Monitoring: Please include CC-DCRI External CRIS Down Notifications DL when opening
conference line.
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
vent Details:
CRIS Printing is down. CRIS is operational.
Impacted Services/Applications:
CRIS Printing.
Impacted Users:
All CRIS users.
Expected Resolution:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
ional Information:
CRIS will be operational during this time; however, transactions entered in CRIS will not print out in the form
of requisitions.
You may enter orders and the orders will be retrievable in CRIS. The printing of the order requisitions will
queue up (back up) in CRIS until the printing system becomes operational.
Inpatient wristbands will print in Admissions. SoftID Specimen Labels and generic labels will print out.
You will need to call Departments to communicate the orders and obtain service.
Please implement downtime procedures to blood bank for all blood component orders and blood pick up
service requests.
Patient Labels
ing the printing downtime, the following will not print:
Pharmacy Labels/ Medication orders in Pharmacy,
der Requisitions (all orders)
Reports (e.g. Medical care plans)
Admissions requests entered in the Admission/Travel/Voucher (ATV) request system
CRIS Printing Downtime: (continued):
noted, medication order entry is available, but delays in order/label generation in Pharmacy will occur.
During the printing downtime, Pharmacy will not fill new orders unless they are notified.
Please call Pharmacy for urgently needed medication.
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
22. CRIS Printing Delay/ Printing interruption:
Message to Page Operator:
Present tense: There is a delay in CRIS Printing. CRIS is operational. Please call Departments to communicate
the orders and obtain service.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Systems Monitoring:
Please include CC-DCRI External CRIS Down Notifications DL when opening conference line.
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
vent Details: CRIS Printing is delayed (experiencing an interruption). CRIS is operational during this time;
however, transactions entered in CRIS are delayed in printing out.
Impacted Services/Applications:
CRIS Printing.
Impacted Users:
All CRIS users, and users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
ional Information:
You will need to call Departments to communicate the orders and obtain service. Please implement back up
procedures to blood bank for all blood component orders and blood pick up service requests.
You ma
y enter orders and the orders will be retrievable in CRIS. The printing of the order requisition has
queued up (back up) in CRIS and the following printouts are delayed:
Patient Labels
Pharmacy Labels/ Medication orders in Pharmacy,
Order Requisitions (all orders)
Reports (i.e. Medical care plan)
Admissions requests entered in the Admission/Travel/Voucher (ATV) request system.
As noted, medication order entry is available, but delays in order/label generation in Pharmacy will occur.
During the delay in printing, Pharmacy will not fill new orders unless they are notified.
Please call Pharmacy for urgently needed medication.
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
23. ECG System Downtime
Message to Page Operator:
The ECG System is currently down. ECG services will still be performed during this time. Orders entered in CRIS
during the down will queue up (back up) and cross over into the ECG system when the interfaces are fully
operational. Results and documentation from the ECG system will not cross over to CRIS until the interfaces
and ECG System are fully operational. IMPORTANT
IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Systems Monitoring
1. CC Systems Notification,
2. CC-ISD IE Notice
3. CCAFFSTAFF-[email protected].GOV
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
There will be an ECG System down on <Enter date/ time>. ECG services will still be performed during this time.
Orders entered in CRIS during the down will queue up (back up) and cross over into the ECG system when the
interfaces are fully operational.
Results and documentation from the ECG system will not cross over to CRIS until the interfaces and ECG
System are fully operational.
Impacted Services/Applications:
ECG System
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
Additional Information:
Continue with current process to obtain service.
ECG results will post in the normal 24 hour turnaround period.
Results needed for “stat” ECG’s during the down will follow the current practice of calling the Heart Station
(301 496-3050).
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
24. E-mail Downtime/ NIH Email Service Downtime:
essage to Page Operator:
Downtime message: “The NIH Email Service is presently unavailable for use. Attempts to resolve this issue are
currently in progress.”
Operational Message once notified by Systems Monitoring: “NIH Email Service is available for use.”
IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Systems Monitoring
1) CC Systems Notification
2) CC
-ISD IE Notice
3) CC Staff
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details: The NIH Email Service is presently unavailable for use. Attempts to resolve this issue are
currently in progress.
Impacted Services/Applications: The NIH Email Service.
Impacted Users: Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
STOP: Do not send following information (INTERNAL FOR DCRI ONLY) -See next page for additional
E-mail Downtime/ NIH Email Service Downtime: (continued):
tional information: (For INTERNAL USE ONLY).
CRIS Status Screen: Systems Monitoring or designee update message stating:
The NIH Email Service is down”. Please update the Status/ Hello screen message once operational.
Processes to follow:
tems Monitoring to notify User Support Team by either cell phone or pager.
Once notified UST will deploy to the Office of the Director Offices and assigned units/ areas
ier I Support/ Designee to call Patient care areas informing them of email Downtime.
System Admin’s internal operating process when NIH email is down includes:
1. Verify that email is delayed or down by contacting CIT by phone.
2. Find out who (internal and/or external) and what services are affected.
a. Is BlackBerry mail affected,
b. Is all mail affected or is it an intermittent issue,
c. Which Exchange server is affected?
3. Call Systems Monitoring and inform them of the situation.
4. Systems Monitoring to notify UST Supervisor either by pager or cell phone
5. UST team to deploy to their user areas. (Included in downtime policy).
25. Internet Access Downtime (Loss of access and SIS Web):
Message to Page Operator:
Present tense:
“Internet access is down, therefore access to the POIS and SIS Web are unavailable. CRIS is operational.
Please call the specific patient care or diagnostic testing areas to schedule appointments. Please call the front
desk of the Operating Room (OR) if you need to schedule an OR case.”
E-Mail Message:
Subject: Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
Internet access is down, therefore access and SIS Web will not be available for _____ minutes.
Impacted Services/Applications:
and SIS Web.
Impacted Users: Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time: Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
tional Information:
CRIS will be operational during this time.
Please call the specific patient care or diagnostic testing areas to schedule emergent appointments. Please call
the front desk of the Operating Room (OR) if you need to schedule an OR case or to get a copy of the current
OR schedule.
Also IDMS Item Info in CRIS may not be available.
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
(301) 496-8400
26. Omnicell Interface Downtime:
essage to Page Operator:
Present tense:
“The Omnicell Interface is down. Omnicell is operational but new orders will not be available from the cabinet.
Please use the override process if needed or place a med replacement request.”
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
ttention Omnicell Users:
ent Details:
On enter date/ time, Omnicell upgrade / maintenance will occur.
Impacted Services/Applications:
Omnicell and its interface with other application(s).
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
tional Information:
Omnicell cabinets and Anesthesia Workstations will be functional but ADT information will not be
updated. Please admit per manual procedure.
Medication orders entered or discontinued during the Downtime will not be updated at the Omnice
abinet. Medication orders entered and verified by Pharmacy prior to the Downtime will be accessible
from the cabinet. Emergency medications may be removed using the override process at the cabinet
or place a med replacement request.
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
27. Event Reporting System Downtime (STARS)
Message to Page Operator:
Present tense:
The Event Reporting System (STARS) is unavailable for use until Enter time
Event Details:
The Event Reporting System (STARS), is unavailable at this time.
Impacted Services/Applications:
Event Reporting System
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
“There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
Additional Information:
To report events during this downtime, please use the Patient Safety Hotline by calling 1-866-444-8811.
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
28. Outlook Intermittent interruption in accessing PST folders
Message to Page Operator:
Present tense:
Intermittent System interruption has been reported for accessing your .PST folders in OUTLOOK
Please note that DCRI engineers are aware of the issue and working to resolve. You may need to close and
restart all mail enabled applications.”
IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Systems Monitoring:
1) CC Systems Notification
2) CC
-ISD IE Notice
3) CC Staff
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Intermittent System interruption in accessing .pst folders in Outlook
nt Details:
Intermittent System interruption has been reported for accessing your .PST folders in OUTLOOK
Please note that DCRI engineers are aware of the issue and working to resolve. You may need to close and
restart all mail enabled applications (e.g. Outlook).
Impacted Services/Applications:
Outlook .pst folders
acted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
ional Information:
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
29. Messenger and Escort Printing Downtime
IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Systems Monitoring:
Overhead announcement ONLY
Do not send email notification
Situation: If Messenger and Escorts (M& E) printer is not functioning properly or service request printouts
are not occurring in the M & E area; staff from M & E will call Systems Monitoring and request the that an
Overhead announcement is made.
Overhead message will occur every15 minutes for the first hour and then every 30 minutes for the second
hour and then hourly until printing is functioning in Messenger and Escort Area.
Message to Page Operator:
Present tense:
Presently if you require Messenger and Escort services, please call in all requests to the Messenger and
scort CRIS Downtime phone line (301) 496-0094
30. MobileIron (Mobile Device Management System) Service Interruption
Message to Page Operator:
No message is overhead paged
IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Systems Monitoring:
Please note that email notification needs to be sent to ONE specific DL:
CC-Mobile Devices Service Notification
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
There will be/ is an interruption of NIH email on Clinical Center managed Apple and Android phones
and tablets on Enter date/ time.
This interruption affects the MobileIron Servers.
Patient Call System: Zebra phones only.
Environmental Services (EVS) and Respiratory Therapy will need to be called.
The users will be still able to use their zebra phones to call and receive calls from other 10-digit numbers.
pacted Services/Applications:
NIH email on Apple and Android phones and tablets.
CRIS Mobile.
Impacted Users:
Staff with Apple or Android mobile devices (phones and tablets) managed by the Clinical Center mobile
device management system, MobileIron.
Expected Resolution:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
k you,
Department of Clinical Research Informatics
31. NIH Clinical Center Network (Generic) Delay:
Message to Page Operator:
Present tense:
The NIH Clinical Center Network is experiencing a delay in accessing network resources and processing your
request. If the Network goes down, you will lose access to CRIS, Wireless, Internet & Intranet network
connectivity. Notification will be made to begin using CRIS downtime procedure.”
IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Systems Monitoring:
1) CC Systems Notification
2) CC
-ISD IE Notice
3) CC Staff
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
On enter date/ time, the NIH Clinical Center (CC) Network is experiencing a delay in accessing network
resources and processing your request. If the Network goes down, you will lose access to CRIS, Wireless,
Internet & Intranet network connectivity. Notification will be made to begin using CRIS downtime procedure.
pacted Services/Applications:
The NIH Clinical Center Network and network applications.
Access to CRIS on all devices
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
tional Information:
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
32. NIH Clinical Center Potential Network Downtime/ Network Connectivity Issues (Intermittent
Message to Page Operator:
Present tense:
The NIH Clinical Center Network is experiencing network connectivity issues. If the Network goes down, you
will lose access to CRIS, Wireless, Internet & Intranet network connectivity. Notification will be made to begin
using CRIS downtime procedure.”
IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Systems Monitoring:
1. CC Systems Notification
2. CC
-ISD IE Notice
3. CC Staff
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details: On enter date/ time, network connectivity issues have been reported for the NIH Clinical Center
etwork. Users may experience intermittent problems connecting to the CC Network and CC resources
(email, CRIS etc).
Impacted Services/Applications:
The NIH Clinical Center Network and network applications.
Access to CRIS on all devices
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
tional Information:
If service disruptions continue and the network goes down, notification will be made when to begin using CRIS
Downtime procedure.
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
33. NIH Network Downtime:
Message to Page Operator:
Present tense:
The NIH Network is down. Please use downtime procedures as access to CRIS, Wireless, Internet & Intranet
network connectivity will be unavailable.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Systems Monitoring:
1) CC Systems Notification
2) CC-ISD IE Notice
3) CC Staff
2) Also, we will need to determine how to get the ICU their CDV report (Discuss with DBA).
3) Please include CC-DCRI External CRIS Down Notifications DL when opening conference line.
E-Mail Message:
Subject: Include title, date, and time in subject line.
ent Details: On enter date, the NIH Network is/ will be down. During the service disruption, please begin
using CRIS Downtime procedure when instructed.
acted Services/Applications:
The NIH Network.
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
Additional Information:
Starting at enter time, Areas will lose access to CRIS, Wireless, Internet & Intranet network connectivity for
approximately _______ (hours/ minutes). The Internet & Intranet in these areas will experience a Downtime,
please use CRIS Downtime Procedure.
You will not have access to CRIS on all devices.
Important Note: You will need to write the ordering protocol for each order on the manual order
forms listed below (e.g. For labs to DLM/ DTM use the Department of Laboratory Medicine Ordering
Record form or Transfusion Medicine Ordering Record form).
Medication Administration (KBMA and/or eMAR) will be unavailable for use.
You will not have access to ATV.
You can NOT enter orders, document, print or retrieve information in CRIS.
Please do not send non-emergent orders on the manual ordering forms during the Downtime period.
Please wait and enter non-emergent orders in CRIS after CRIS becomes operational.
SoftID will be unavailable in the affected areas (use SoftID downtime procedure).
You cannot use Cisco VoIP phones for inbound or outbound calls. Please use Red Phones or the Page
Operator to communicate urgent information.
Please do not log on until notified.
Omnicell and PYXIS will be functional but ADT information will not be updated. Please admit by hand per
manual procedure. Medication orders manually placed or discontinued during the Downtime will not be
updated at the Omnicell cabinet. Medication orders entered and verified by Pharmacy prior to the Downtime
will be accessible from the cabinet. Emergency medications may be removed using the over ride process at
the cabinet.
POIS and SIS Web- are not available during the down. You will not be able to submit OR case in SIS Web. To
request an emergency surgical procedure, please use NIH-2891 manual form. During Business hours: Please
call the front desk of the Operating Room (OR) if you need to schedule an OR case. If clinical documentation
from POIS is needed please call the OR (Mon. - Fri. 7:00 am 3:30 pm). After hours: Contact the DPM Surgical
On call team via the page operator.
prise Scheduling is not available for use. To request a patient appointment, please use form NIH 2955,
Electronic Appointment Request Downtime form, and deliver to the area where the appointment is being
You will need to call Departments to communicate the orders and obtain service and/or use
manual ordering as identified by the department.
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
34. N
etwork (CC and NIH) Maintenance Impacting CRIS, Interfaces Downtime & Clinical/ Non-Clinica
Applications Service Interruption > 120 minutes (includes Sundown)
ose: Network Maintenance (CC & NIH)
Event Details:
CRIS: CRIS on all devices will be unavailable for use.
DCRI plans to provide CRIS Sundown approximately 90 minutes after CRIS (CRIS Sunrise) is taken off line.
During the service disruption, please begin using CRIS Downtime procedure.
Citrix: Citrix access may experience a disruption in service.
Clinical and Non-Clinical Applications:
Also, you may experience an intermittent loss of network connectivity to other network resources during
this period.
Some Clinical and Non-Clinical Applications will be down (see table below).
We would want to include additional systems if this is encompassing all of the clinical and non-clinical
information systems
Clinical and Non-Clinical Applications that will be DOWN
Information System (POIS
and SIS Web)
Internal Web
Visual Supply Catalog
Nutrition System
Reporting System
SoftMed 3M:
CRIS Downtime, Interface Downtime & Clinical/ Non-Clinical Applications Service Interruption > 2 hours
(includes Sundown) (continued)
Transaction information between Clinical Systems will not update or cross over to Clinical Information systems
until the interfaces are operational.
The Clinical Information Systems include but not limited to:
Clinical Information Systems Impacted by Interface Down
Admission, Travel,
Voucher (ATV) System
Information System
(LIS) =
Micro, Lab, Blood
Bank, Anatomic
Pathology, SoftID ,
Scriptpro (Outpatient
Pharmacy System)
Transcription System
ECG system
IDMS System
ProSolv Cardiovascular
BD Cato
acted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Citrix users may experience a disruption in service.
Expected Resolution Time:
Additional Information:
DCRI plans to provide CRIS Sundown approximately 90 minutes after CRIS (CRIS Sunrise) is taken off line.
CRIS Sundown is a copy of the current CRIS Sunrise with view only and printing capabilities.
Data e can be viewed by selecting the CRIS Sundown icon via
Citrix (
ntered in CRIS prior to <enter date and time>
Please note if you are disconnected from Citrix please attempt to reconnect.
CRIS Downtime, Interface Downtime & Clinical/ Non-Clinical Applications Service Interruption > 2 hours
(includes Sundown) (continued)
You will be informed when the CRIS Sundown application is made available to view and print patient’s data.
For more information about CRIS Sundown see below.
During the CRIS (CRIS Sunrise) Downtime:
Please begin using Downtime (manual) procedures.
You will not have access to CRIS.
You can NOT enter orders, document, print, schedule/modify/cancel patient appointments or retrieve
information in either system.
You cannot admit, transfer or discharge a patient in CRIS until it becomes operational.
Inpatient wristbands or patient labels will not printout.
Specimen Labels may or may not print out. Use patient labels or Generic Patient Labels.
Please verify all labs are collected based on available information (medical care plan, lab form etc).
Clinical Information Systems such as: SoftID , SoftID.Tx, ECG, IDMS, LIS, Omnicell, PYXIS, & more will be
operational but results will not cross over to CRIS.
ATV is not operational, use NIH-54 manual form.
POIS and SIS Web is not operational for requesting emergency surgical procedures, please use NIH-289
nual form.
Enterprise Scheduling is not available for use. To request a patient appointment, please use form NIH
2955, Electronic Appointment Request Downtime form, and deliver to the area where the appointment is
being requested.
SoftID will display only active orders for both specimen collection and transfusion verification entered prior
to CRIS down. Please use all available information (e.g., Medical Care Plan, written orders) to determine
what specimens should be collected and/ or products transfused. Collection status and transfusion
information (e.g. vital signs and transfusion report) will update once CRIS is operational.
Omnicell and PYXIS will be functional but ADT information will not be updated. Please admit by hand per
manual procedure. Medication orders manually placed or discontinued during the Downtime will not b
pdated at the Omnicell cabinets and Anesthesia Workstations. Medication orders entered and verified by
Pharmacy prior to the Downtime will be accessible from the cabinet. Emergency medications may be
removed using the override process at the cabinet.
Please do not send non-emergent orders on the manual ordering forms during the Downtime period
Please wait and enter non-emergent orders in CRIS after CRIS becomes operational.
u will need to call Departments to communicate the orders and obtain service and/or use manual ordering
as identified by the department.
For Messenger and Escort, you will need to call all transport requests to the Messenger and Escort’s CRIS
Downtime phone line (301) 496-0094.
Lab results will be delivered manually to inpatient and day hospital units while CRIS is down.
Emergent Lab Order, Please Follow This Procedure:
1. Send
the specimen to the lab with the appropriate completed (Patient Identifiers, Location, Phone
Number, Protocol Number, Tests Requested, LIP Name and Signature) manual Department of
Laboratory Medicine Ordering Record form or Transfusion Medicine Ordering Record form.
2. Do not enter Emergency Orders into CRIS. The Lab will enter the orders on their end.
3. Keep a written record of the results called back to the unit.
All Other Emergent Orders Follow the Defined Manual Ordering Process by Service
(Pharmacy, Imaging Services, Transfusion Medicine, Respiratory Care, Nutrition and All Other Clinical Services)
What you can do when CRIS Sundown is available:
You can View and Print CRIS data/ information ONLY that was entered in CRIS up to 1 hour prior to the
scheduled downtime.
- For more information about CRIS Sundown please refer to the resource handout found at
you can do when CRIS is available:
- Follow the downtime procedure concerning orders and clinical documentation reentry into CRIS.
You will need to call Departments to communicate the orders and obtain service and/or use
manual ordering as identified by the department.
For assistance during or post the CRIS Downtime call 301 496-7525
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
35. Nutrition System (CBORD) Downtime
Message to Page Operator:
The N
utrition System (CBORD) will be down beginning at <time>. CRIS is Operational. You will continue to
enter all nutrition orders in CRIS and call the Nutrition Department to communicate emergent orders and
obtain service. Thank you.
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
CC: CBORD notifications
Purpose: Nutrition System (CBORD) Application Upgrade
Events Detail:
On < Enter date/ time >, the Nutrition Department will perform a computer system upgrade to the CBORD
application. As the CRIS System is operational, please continue to enter all Nutrition Orders into CRIS.
While CB
ORD is down, the CRIS/CBORD interface will be down. The Nutrition Department will use CRIS to
verify current patient information such as diet orders and will follow Nutrition CBORD downtime procedures.
For urgent Special Nutrition Requests, after entering in CRIS, please contact the Nutrition Call Center (Nursing
Line) at 301-496-2390.
Impacted Services/Applications:
Nutrition System (CBORD)
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
ional Information:
Please review the following process during the CBORD downtime:
For Patient Room Service Meals: When CBORD is down during normal Room Service hours (6:30 am to 7:00
pm), patients may continue to place orders via the Nutrition Call Center (Room Service) at 301-451-3663. The
Nutrition Department, however, will be processing meal orders manually. Please anticipate slight delays in
placing an order or an increased wait time to speak with a call center representative. When CBORD is down
after normal Room Service hours (7:00 pm to 6:30 am) the impact is limited. The Nutrition Department will be
unable to view patient meal order or any other CBORD related information until service is restored.
Nutrition System (CBORD) Downtime (Continued)
r Non-Room Service Meals (i.e., Behavioral Health units, non-English patients and highly restricted diets):
Standard procedure - Every patient’s menu must be received in the Nutrition Department one day before the
meal period, no later than 12 noon. If no menu is received, a house diet will be given.
Should you have any concerns, please contact the Nutrition Department Call Center at 301-496-2390 (nursing
Please refer to the attachment/ flyer for more information concerning the down.
Thanks for Your Cooperation and Patience,
36. Perioperative Information System (POIS) Downtime:
Message to Page Operator: No message announced overhead. DEPARTMENT OF PERIOPERATIVE MEDICINE
(DPM) sends internal announcement.
CRIS Status Screen: Systems Monitoring or designee update message stating “POIS is down”.
Systems Monitoring or designee inform DPM via email to CC-ISD IE Notice DL and CC-DCRI CRIS DBA Do not
send to CC Systems Notification DL.
-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
On enter date / time, the Perioperative Information System (POIS) will be unavailable.
Impacted Services/Applications:
Perioperative Information System (POIS).
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
tional Information:
Please use the Department of Perioperative Medicine (DPM) POIS Downtime procedure.
CRIS will be available during that time.
Thank you for your support,
The De
partment of Clinical Research Informatics
37. Perioperative Information System (POIS) Interface Downtime:
This includes: Only QDX, SISBot, SISgate, SISrepBot
If all interfaces down then send CRIS Interface downtime message
essage to Page Operator: No message. Department of Perioperative Medicine (DPM) sends internal
CRIS Status Screen: No message.
Systems Monitoring or designee inform DPM via email to CC-ISD IE Notice DL.
Do not send to CC Systems Notification DL.
il Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
On Enter date/ time, there is an Interface down to POIS.
Impacted Services/Applications:
Perioperative Information System (POIS), QDX, SISBot, and SISgate.
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
tional Information:
ADT information will not be updated in SISWeb. Please use the Department of Perioperative Medicine’s
Downtime procedure.
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
38. Point of Care (POCT) Testing
Point of Care Testing (POCT) Upgrade
en: DATE
Event Details:
There will be POCT down time for all the POCT devices including Glucose Meters, Creatinine Meters
and iStat DATE starting at TIME. During the upgrade, you can use the devices, but the results will not
cross to CRIS until activities are completed. Make sure you document your result at the time or select
the “Review” key on the meter to look at the archived results.
Impacted Services/Applications:
iSTAT (used in
the DPM/OR, the Cath Lab, and Critical Care Department)
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Date / Time
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics (301) 496-8400
39. Printing / General Printing Interruption (CC0pprint1 and CC0pprint2)
Message to Page Operator:
Present tense: There currently is a partial interruption with general printing. CRIS Printing is operational. Your
ability to print from local applications such as Outlook or Word may be affected. Please note that DCRI
engineers are aware of the issue and are working to resolve.
MPORTANT MESSAGE to Systems Monitoring:
1) CC Systems Notification
2) CC
-ISD IE Notice
3) CC Staff
Please include CC-DCRI External CRIS Down Notifications DL when opening conference line.
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
vent Details:
There currently is a partial interruption with general printing. CRIS Printing is operational. Your ability to print
from local applications such as Outlook or Word may be affected. Please note that DCRI engineers are aware of
the issue and are working to resolve.
Impacted Services/Applications:
General Printing.
Impacted Users:
Users with printers mapped to the affected print server(s).
Expected Resolution:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
Additional Information:
You will need to call Departments to communicate the orders and obtain service if affected by the printing
uring the printing interruption, printing from your desktop may be affected from applications such as:
Web Browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Firefox)
40. Provation:
essage to Page Operator:
The Provation System will be unavailable for use __Date__ from time__ -_____.
CRIS is operational during this time.
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
On enter date/ time, the Provation System will be unavailable.
Impacted Services/Applications:
Provation application through Citrix.
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
tional Information:
During this time, you will not have access to the Provation System application through Citrix. CRIS will be
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
41. QuadraMed Acuity Plus System
Message to Page Operator:
The QuadraMed AcuityPlus System will be unavailable for use __Date__ from time__ -_____.
CRIS is operational during this time.
il Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
On enter date/ time, the QuadraMed AcuityPlus System will be unavailable.
Impacted Services/Applications:
QuadraMed AcuityPlus application through Citrix.
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
tional Information:
During this time, you will not have access to the QuadraMed AcuityPlus application through Citrix.
CRIS will be operational.
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
42. Radiology Information System (RIS) Downtime:
Message to Page Operator:
The Radiology Information System (RIS) will be unavailable for use enter date/ time
During the RIS downtime, please contact the On Site Radiology Technologist via the Page Operator to
schedule a stat exam or to obtain service. Radiology's PACS is operational.
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
On enter date/ time, the Radiology Information System (RIS) will be unavailable.
During the RIS downtime, you will have access to CRIS.
Information entered in CRIS during the RIS Downtime will queue up (back up) and not cross over until RIS is
ew Radiology Orders entered in CRIS during the downtime will not update until the RIS is operational.
New Radiology Reports will NOT be available in CRIS until the RIS is operational.
Radiology's PACS and RadLite will remain operational.
**IMPORTANT ** Please call the On-Site Radiology Technologist either via the Page Operator or directly at
pager # 102-1RADS (17237) to schedule any Radiology procedures during the RIS downtime AND send a CRIS/
Radiology Downtime order with your patient during this time period.
Impacted Services/Applications:
The Radiology Information System (RIS) and CRIS
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
tional Information:
New Radiology orders still need to be entered into CRIS but as noted above the orders will be delayed
in reaching the RIS.
Images will be available in PACS and RadLite
Thank you for your patience,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics and The Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences
43. RADPACS (CCPACS) System Downtime:
essage to Page Operator:
The Radiology PACS will be unavailable for use __Date__ from time__ -_____.
il Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
The Radiology PACS (radpacs) will be unavailable for use __Date__ from time__ -_____.
CRIS and Radiology Information System (RIS) will be operational.
pacted Services/Applications:
Radiology PACS (radpacs).
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
tional Information:
The Radiology PACS (radpacs) is not available during the downtime.
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
44. RTLS (Patient Call System)
Notification Process:
I. P
lanned Outages Patient Call System:
All planned outage to Zebra phones, the Rauland (R5) system, RTLS, Interface, and ADT will be reviewed
and approved by the TRB
Systems Monitoring will be responsible for communicating to “CC-NURS Leadership” Outlook DL using th
tandard Downtime templat
efore midnight and after 6am; Page Operator is required
II. Unplanned Outages Patient Call system:
Outages to the Patient Call System will be called into DCRI Systems Monitoring (6-8400)
Systems Monitoring will be responsible for communicating the outage
- Outages affecting more than 1 unit; alert Executive DCRI leadership on-call
- Send email communication to “CC-NURS Leadership” Outlook DL
Additional communications should be sent in the following order - AC, ICU, 1NW, 3NE , 3NW, 5NW, and
all units
Purpose: Maintenance
Event Details:
There is a planned RTLS database server reboot which will occur tonight starting at ___ and last for
approximately ___minutes.
During the reboot, RTLS devices will not cancel patient call notifications or display the visual indicator on
the corridor light. Additionally, RTLS badges cannot be assigned in the R5 system during this time.
Patient calls will continue to ring to the zebra phones and the nurse console device based on the call
Impacted Users:
All nursing units, 1:1 sitters that are issued RTLS Badges thru SWP
Expected Resolution:
Patient Call System Reboot
Purpose: Maintenance
Event Details:
There is a planned Patient Call System reboot which will occur DATE between 9:00 am and 9:10 am.
During the reboot window, there will be a brief outage of about 5 minutes where no Patient Call functions will
be in service. Items affected by the outage:
Zebra phones -- Zebra to Zebra 4-digit calls
Nurse consoles at the nurses’ stations
Workflow terminals
Dome lights
Code Blue and Staff Assist
Pillow speaker
ironmental Services (EVS) and Respiratory Therapy will need to be called.
The users will be still able to use their zebra phones to call and receive calls from other 10-digit numbers.
pacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution:
October 31, 2019 TIME
Thank you,
Department of Clinical Research Informatics
Patient Call Server Reboot
Purpose: Maintenance
Event Details:
There is a planned Patient Call Server reboot, which will occur DATE at TIME and will last 1 hour.
During the reboot, patient calls will not ring to the zebra phones but will still ring to the nurse consoles at the
nurses’ stations.
The workflow terminals will not be available.
Environmental Services (EVS) and Respiratory Therapy will need to be called.
The users will be still able to use their zebra phones to call and receive calls from other
10-digit numbers.
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution:
Thank you,
Department of Clinical Research Informatics
45. Autostore Document Scanning System
Message to Page Operator:
Present tense: No overhead announcement.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Systems Monitoring
4) CC Systems Notification
5) CC
-ISD IE Notice
6) CC Staff
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
The Autostore Scan Document Scanning System is unavailable for use.
This affects all the CC copiers with the scan feature but the copier itself is still operational
Please note that DCRI engineers are aware of the issue and working to resolve.
More information to follow.
Impacted Services/Applications:
CC Copiers with scanning feature
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Please note that DCRI engineers are aware of the issue and working to resolve OR
“There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
46. Scriptpro (Outpatient Pharmacy) Delay
Message to Page Operator:
Present tense: The Pharmacy Outpatient System Scriptpro is experiencing slowness in processing requests.
CRIS is operational; however, processing of Outpatient Take-home Medication orders will be delayed.
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
The Pharmacy Outpatient System Scriptpro is experiencing slowness in processing requests. CRIS is
operational; however, processing of Outpatient Take-home Medication orders will be delayed. Inpatient
medication orders are not affected.
Impacted Services/Applications:
The Pharmacy Outpatient System Scriptpro
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution.”
nk you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
(301) 496-8400
47. Scriptpro (Outpatient Pharmacy) Downtime
Message to Page Operator:
Present tense: The Pharmacy Outpatient System Scriptpro is down. CRIS is operational.
Outpatient Take-home Medication orders can be entered in CRIS but cannot be verified by Pharmacy.
Please call Pharmacy to notify them of new orders entered.
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
The Pharmacy Outpatient System Scriptpro is down. CRIS is operational and medication orders can be
entered; however, Outpatient Take-home Medication orders cannot be verified by Pharmacy during this
Impacted Services/Applications:
The Pharmacy Outpatient System Scriptpro
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution.”
tional Information:
Inpatient medication orders are not affected
Take home medication dispensing information will not be updated in CRIS until Scriptpro is
For time sensitive issues requiring Outpatient Take Home Medications during the downtime, please
take the following actions:
1. Enter the Outpatient Take-home Medication orders in CRIS and on the manual ordering for
2. Se
nd a copy of downtime order form (NIH-2900) to the Outpatient Pharmacy: include patient
name, MRN, allergies and unit location on form.
3. Follow up with phone call to Outpatient Pharmacy.
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
48. Surgical Information System (SISWeb) Downtime:
Message to Page Operator:
Present tense: Access to the SISWeb is down. CRIS is operational. Please call the front desk of the Operating
Room (OR) if you need to schedule an OR case.
Systems Monitoring or designee inform DEPARTMENT OF PERIOPERATIVE MEDICINE via email to CC-ISD IE
Notice DL. Do not send to CC Systems Notification DL.
-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
Access to Surgical Information System (SISWeb) is not available for ______minutes.
Impacted Services/Applications:
The Surgical Information System (SISWeb).
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
tional Information:
CRIS will be operational during this time.
Please call the front desk of the Operating Room (OR) if you need to schedule an OR case.
CRIS Status Screen: No message.
k you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
49. SMM (Sunrise Medication Manager) Pharmacy System Downtime:
Message to Page Operator:
Present tense: The Pharmacy System is down. CRIS is operational. Medication orders can be entered in CRIS,
but cannot be verified by Pharmacy or charted on the Worklist. Please enter a medication replacement
request for all new medication orders that are needed urgently.
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
The Pharmacy System component of CRIS is down. CRIS is operational and medication orders can be entered,
but will not cross over to the Pharmacy System. Take Home orders are not affected.
Impacted Services/Applications:
The SSM (Sunrise Medication Manager) Pharmacy System.
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
tional Information:
The Pharmacy System component of CRIS is down. CRIS is operational and medication orders can be entered,
but will not cross over to the Pharmacy System.
You will not be able to chart new medication orders until the Pharmacy System is operational.
These orders will remain unverified by pharmacy until the system is operational.
Medication orders entered AND verified by Pharmacy PRIOR to the Downtime will be accessible from
the Omnicell cabinet and Anesthesia Workstations
Emergency medications may be removed using the override process at the Omnicell cabinet and
Anesthesia Workstations
Please place a medication replacement request for all new medication orders that are needed
When Pharmacy System becomes operational, please remember to chart all medications administered
during the downtime.
k you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
SMM (Sunrise Medication Manager) Pharmacy System Downtime: (continued):
STOP: Do not send following information (INTERNAL FOR DCRI ONLY)
Message to send when Pharmacy System becomes operational: The Pharmacy System is now operational.
Please remember to chart all medications administered during the downtime.
For Unplanned Downtimes: When the Pharmacy Dept notices that SMM is down they must call Systems and
Monitoring. Systems Monitoring will notify Database (DB) team. If the system will be down for 30 minutes, the
DB team will notify Systems and Monitoring to send out “SMM Downtime” message.
50. SoftBank Downtime/ Department of Transfusion Medicine (DTM) Lab System Downtime:
Message to Page Operator:
Present tense: The Department of Transfusion Medicine Lab System (SoftBank) is down. You will need to call
the Department of Transfusion Medicine (DTM) to communicate emergent BLOOD COMPONENT orders and
obtain service during this time.
-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
The Department of Transfusion Medicine Lab System (SoftBank) is down. You will need to call the Department
of Transfusion Medicine (DTM) to communicate emergent BLOOD COMPONENT orders and obtain service
during this time.
CRIS and Laboratory Information System (LIS) are operational.
Impacted Services/Applications:
SoftBank / DTM Lab System.
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
tional Information:
If possible please hold on entering routine blood component orders until the system is back up.
Please call DTM to communicate and obtain service for transfusion orders ONLY such as:
ll blood component orders
Type and screen
Direct Antiglobulin Tests (DAT)
DTM Blood Component Orders that are entered in CRIS during this downtime will queue up (back up) in LIS
and will not cross over to SoftBank until it is operational. Results from SoftBank will not cross over to CRIS until
the SoftBank system is operational.
All blood component issued before SoftBank downtime will display and can be documented in SoftID.Tx
Transfusion Verification. All blood component issued during the SoftBank downtime will not cross to
SoftID.Tx Transfusion Verification and must be documented in CRIS.
SoftBank Downtime/ Department of Transfusion Medicine (DTM) Lab System Downtime:
r Emergent Blood Component Lab Orders ONLY, Please Follow This Procedure:
1. Ent
er lab orders in CRIS.
2. Call DTM at 301-496-8335 to let them know the request is STAT
3. Send the specimen (if applicable) to the lab with the Order Requisition. Specimen should be labele
ith the Specimen labels and Typenex label if applicable.
4. All STAT and Critical lab results will be called during downtime.
5. When the SoftBank system comes back up
1. Downtime results will be entered and will cross to CRIS.
2. Blood component that were issued during the downtime may display in SoftID, please contact
DTM to verify status.
Do not redraw specimens for orders entered during the SoftBank downtime.
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
51. CDR Downtime (Clinical Center Database Server) Downtime:
Please note that usually an overhead announcement is not made for this and flyers are not distributed.
Message to Page Operator:
The Clinical Center database server will be unavailable Date at time. During the downtime, you will not have
access to applications such as Visual Supply Catalog, ORS, IDMS, Pyxis, and others (see below for complete
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
On Date from Time-Time, the Clinical Center Database Server will be unavailable.
Impacted Services/Applications:
During the downtime, you will not have access to applications such as Visual Supply Catalog, ORS, IDMS, Pyxis,
and others (see below for complete list).
Impacted Users:
Any user attempting to access the Clinical Center Database Server
Users of the services listed below.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
tional Information:
CRIS and other clinical systems will NOT be affected.
CDR Downtime (Clinical Center Database Server) Downtime: (continued):
This Downtime will primarily affect the following web-based CC applications and Department Applications:
Bioethics Tracking
Blood Bourne Diseases
Blood Products Request System (DTM)
Clinical Data Warehouse (CDW)
Clinical Studies Info search field only
Executive Information System (EIS)
Hospital Services & Visual Supply Catalog
Hospital Statistics System (HSS)
Investigational Drug Management System (IDMS) - Orders from CRIS will not cross to IDMS
Material Safety Datasheet (Pharmacy)
Medical Staff Dictionary (OCS)
HIMD Lab Report Requests
Pain Management Tracking
Payment Tracker (OFRM)
Pharmacy Drug Formulary
Pharmacy Patient Tracking
Pharmacy Wait Time
Presslog (OD)
Research Volunteer System (RVS)
Researcher Tracking (Rehab)
CRIMSON is not affected.
*Attn Nursing: For Central Hospital Supply (CHS) orders during this period please contact CHS at (301) 496-
2243 or contact the page operator to reach the CHS On-Call staff.
Thank you for your support,
The De
partment of Clinical Research Informatics
Another template example:
Start Time:
End Time:
Purpose: Maintenance/SQL Server Upgrade
Event Details:
The Clinical Center SQL Database Server will be unavailable on DATE for 2 hours starting at TIME.
Impacted Services/Applications:
During the downtime, you will not have access to applications on the list below during the down.
pacted Users:
Any user attempting to access the Clinical Center SQL Database Server and dependent applications (listed
Users of the services listed below.
Expected Resolution Time:
Additional Information:
CRIS will NOT be affected:
This Downtime will primarily affect the following web-based CC applications and Department Applications:
Bioethics Tracking
inical Data Repository (CDR) (a.k.a Clinical Data Warehouse (CDW))
Clinical Studies Info - search field only
Clinical Studies: Protocol Consents Searc
PT (3M) billing code interfaces will affected
Executive Information System (EIS)
Hospital Services & Visual Supply Catalog
Investigational Drug Management System (IDMS) - Orders from CRIS will not cross to IDMS
Material Safety Datasheet (Pharmacy)
Medical Staff Dictionary (OCS)
HIMD Lab Report Requests
Pain Management Trackin
ayment Tracker (OFRM)
Pharmacy Drug Formulary
Pharmacy Patient Tracking
POISLab results will not post to module but is accessible in CRIS
Research Volunteer System (RVS)
Researcher Tracking (Rehab)
SoftMed interfaces results and report will not cross to CRIS
ioethics Consult Report, CES
Institute Feeds - not be affected
Other Applications Interrupted (with shorter downtime):
AMS, AQI, OFRM, Percussion, PharmRees, Phlebotomy, ProNutra, RegActivity, sacredCES (SACRED will not
affected), SocialWork (SWAT), Surveys, Universal Precaution, WaitTime Tracker
*Attn Nursing: For Central Hospital Supply (CHS) orders during this period, please contact CHS at (301)
496-2243 or contact the page operator to reach the CHS On-Call staff.
52. Telephone/ Cisco CCX Answering and Messaging System Downtime (DCRI ONLY):
Message to Page Operator:
The telephone answering and messaging system in the Department of Clinical Research Informatics is out of
service until further notice. Please call 301 496-7525 for CRIS Support assistance.
PORTANT MESSAGE To Systems Monitoring:
1. CC Systems Notificatio
2. CC
-ISD IE Notice
3. CC Staff
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
The telephone answering and messaging system in DCRI, HIMD and DTM is currently down. Please call 301
496-7525 for CRIS Support.
Impacted Services/Applications:
Angel Telephone Answering and Messaging System
Impacted Users:
Any users contacting the DCRI for CRIS Support.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
k you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
(301) 496-8400
53. Telephone/ Phone System Downtime:
Message to Page Operator:
The telephone system in the Department of __________ is out of service until further notice. Please check
your e-mail for alternate contact phone numbers.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Systems Monitoring:
1. CC Systems Notificatio
2. CC-ISD IE Notice
3. CC Staff
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
The phone system in the Department of __________<enter department name> is currently down. Please
use the following numbers to contact the department until further notice.
<Provide affected Departments Red Emergency Telephone Number(s)>
Impacted Services/Applications:
Telephone System
Impacted Users:
Any users contacting the affected department.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
k you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
(301) 496-8400
54. Thin Client Downtime:
Message to Page Operator:
Thin Client devices will be unavailable for use Date at time. The CRIS system is operational; however, you
will need to access it from computers other than a Thin Client device.”
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
On Date, Thin Client devices will be unavailable for use.
Impacted Services/Applications:
Thin Client devices.
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
tional Information:
You will have access to CRIS only from computers other than Thin Client devices:
E-mail will be unavailable for use from Thin Client devices.
Thin Client devices will not have access to CRIS or to the network during the maintenance.
You will need to call Departments to communicate the orders and obtain service and/or use
manual ordering as identified by the department if you do not have access to computers
other than a Thin Client device.
Please do not log on until notified.
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
55. Training Database Downtime
RIS Training Downtime Notification Process
mber, CRIS training downs are when there a class in progress, or one is scheduled starting within 30
minutes of the reported problem. Specifically, when TRN class via client and TRN Practice via CITRIX are both
unavailable OR when TRN Class via client is not available for a Worklist Manager Class. All others problems will
be handled with emails to the CC-DCRI CRIS DBA Dis-List. Online prescriber training environment(s) via Citrix is
not a Training down.
CRIS Train Classroom Unplanned Down steps
CRIS Instructor contact the CC Service Center (301-496-8400) and have them open a Critical
ServiceNow ticket assigned to the CRIS DBA team.
CRIS instructor calls Systems Monitoring (301-496-7525) and request a conference line, then instruct
them to call the CRIS DBA on-call person to call into the conference line, plus send out a global email
for others (CC CRIS SCM Training DL and CC-DCRI Executive Leadership DL, and the CC-DCRI CRIS DBA
o join the conference line as well.
CRIS DBA(s) talks with CRIS instructor, on the conference line. CRIS DBA takes appropriate steps to fix
he issue and asks CRIS instructor to retest.
If issue requires assistance of additional technical staff, CRIS DBA will notify Systems Monitoring to
have those staff join the conference line.
DBAs, Special Projects team, Citrix team troubleshoot the issue and take appropriate steps and notifies
CRIS instructor to test in CRIS Classroom
CRIS instructor tests and reports results on conference line
If resolved, conference line is closed and CRIS instructor sends email to CC CRIS SCM Training DL and
CC-DCRI Executive Leadership DL that issue is resolved and CRIS Classroom workstations are available.
CRIS DBA will submit ServiceNow ticket, document to Exe-leadership, and document on the SharePoint
DT area and report at TRB.
If not resolved, technical team continues investigation and remediation discussions
If not resolved, CRIS instructor makes decision to cancel the class and reschedule the students in
future class or cover material with CBTs on CRIS Website and bring students back for Post Training
Assessments on CRIS TRAIN in classroom at a later date before issuing their CRIS account .
56. Wireless Network Connectivity Issues:
Message to page operator:
Present tense:
The NIH Wireless Network is experiencing network connectivity issues. Workstations on Wheels (WOWs)
may lose access to CRIS including KBMA, SoftID, the Patient Call System (RTLS (Real-Time Location Services),
Zebra Phones) and Internet & Intranet network connectivity.”
You will have access to CRIS on SCD/Thin Client devices and CRIS Mobile.
If SoftID is unavailable use standard downtime procedure.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Systems Monitoring:
3. CC Systems Notification
4. CC
-ISD IE Notice
5. CC Staff
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
Wireless Network connectivity issues have been reported for the NIH Wireless Network. Users have reported
experiencing problems connecting to the NIH Wireless Network.
Impacted Services/Applications:
The Wireless Network, including Workstations on Wheels (WOWs).
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter “There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
Wireless Network Connectivity Issues: (continued):
tional Information for Nursing and Phlebotomy:
If requiring use of SoftID from the WOWs during the maintenance window, you can connect to the
yellow LAN ports located throughout your unit.
SoftID Specimen Labels may not print out.
Units that still receive LIS labels from the Zebra printers can use these labels during the SoftID
Units that no longer receive LIS labels from the Zebra printers should use standard downtime
ocedures for specimen collections. That is, please complete a lab requisition (Including protocol
number) and apply a Patient Label to specimen containers.
You CAN enter orders, document, print or retrieve information from and Thin Client devices.
Clinical Information Systems, such as RIS, LIS, ECG, PACS, CITRIX, PYXIS, Dictation/ Transcription, IDMS
& more will be operational and results will cross over to CRIS.
EKG PageWriter should there be disruption, notify the Respiratory Therapist on duty to validate the
EKG PageWriter.
Care Event Nurse Phone: -should there be disruption, call 1NW charge nurse to validate phone is
receiving data, if not, contact page operators to call Biomedical Engineer on call.
Provation Travel carts should there be disruption, staff may continue to do procedures without the
network by enabling “Off-Line” and then update the images when network connections are restored
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics
Message to page operator:
Present tense:
The NIH Wireless Network is down and will be down for an extended period. Please use your LAN cable to
hard wire/connect your Workstations on Wheels (WOWs) to an ACTIVE LAN port. Otherwise, you will not have
access to CRIS including KBMA, SoftID and Internet & Intranet network connectivity.”
If So
ftID is unavailable use standard downtime procedure.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Systems Monitoring:
1. CC Systems Notification
2. CC
-ISD IE Notice
3. CC Staff
INTERNAL USE ONLY FOR DCRI - Determine if you need to add these statements to the message below:
You will have access to SoftID
E-Mail Message:
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
The NIH Wireless Network is down and will be down for an extended period. Please use your LAN cable to hard
wire/connect your Workstations on Wheels (WOWs) to an ACTIVE LAN port. Otherwise, you will not have
access to CRIS including KBMA, SoftID, and Internet & Intranet network connectivity.
If SoftID is unavailable use standard downtime procedure.
Impacted Services/Applications:
The Wireless Network, including Workstations on Wheels (WOWs).
Impacted Users:
Users of the service listed above.
Expected Resolution Time:
Enter date/ time OR enter There is no current estimated time of resolution”.
57. WOW Message to Page Operator:
orkstation on Wheels (WOWs) will have a forced shut down and automatic restart on _______at
________ pm. Please log off WOW by <insert time>.
INTERNAL USE ONLY FOR DCRI - Determine if WOWs affected
E-Mail Mes
Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Date: Enter date
Time: Enter time
Purpose: Preparation for CRIS Upgrade
vent Details:
ALL Workstation on Wheels (WOWs) will have a forced reboot and automatic restart on Enter date/ time.
What this means is that the WOW will automatically log off at Enter time (you will be prompted) and then
mpacted Application: All WOWs (inpatient, outpatient and any Clinical Information systems area that has a
Impacted Users: WOW Users
Expected Resolution: Enter date/ time after reboot
onal information
You will be prompted 3 times to log off at 15 minute intervals before having a forced shutdown and automatic
restart. We ask that you please save all work and let the system reboot.
Thank you for your patience,
NIH CC/ Department of Clinical Research Informatics
Phones: (301) 496-8400
58. WOW Maintenance
Message to page operator: No overhead message is needed
MESSAGE To Systems Monitoring
1. CC-NURS Nurse Managers
2. CC-NURS Clinical Managers
3. CC-NURS ADM Coordinators
4. CC-NURS CCND Exec Group
ubject: Include title, date, and time in subject line.
Event Details:
In preparation for_________, DCRI will be updating the Workstation on Wheels (WOWs) during the month of
We are requesting that WOWs are removed from patient rooms, cleaned and placed in central areas making
them available for DCRI staff to access. Please convey to this information to your staff that this maintenance
will occur on patient care units, Day hospitals and clinics.
We are looking to service a minimum of 5 WOWs at a time. Once serviced, the WOWs will be moved back to
designated location on unit and the DCRI Team will start on the next 5 WOWs, repeating the process until all
are complete. If an area can support more than 5 WOW being worked on at one time; we would greatly
Configuration will be performed in the morning and afternoon by the DCRI staff.
Times are as follow:
Morning: 9:00 am 12:00 noon
Afternoon: 1:00 pm 3:00 pm
<Dates and Exact locations will be sent out in a separate email>
Thank you for your support,
The Department of Clinical Research Informatics (DCRI)
Appendix K
Pre-registration phone call to
patient will not occur
1. Admission registration information will be
collected manually
2. Paper Admission Consent forms will be
obtained from the patient
3. Wristbands will not print. Handwrite
information on wristband until CRIS is up and
new wristband can be issued
4. Patient labels will not print
5. Patient Update Information Sheets will n
print for patients to review for demographic
No Impact
1. Patient labels will not
2. Patient Information
Update Sheets will not print
1. Resume normal operating
Scan consent forms
received from Admissions into
1. Manually enter admission registration
information into CRIS
2. Release Open Patient Visit order from hold
3. Place signed consent forms, ATV Admissio
request sheet and Admission Sheet in HIMD
pick up box (located in Admissions work area)
5. Notify inpatient unit or outpatient clinic
that patient registration completed in CRIS
No Impact
Resume normal operating
1. Scan paper consent forms
into CRIS
2. Consents will display on the
documents tab in CRIS
1. Use paper forms (manual process). Obtain
Admission Consent forms
Place one copy of each signed consent
form in the Medical Record Pick up box
Resume normal operating
Resume normal operating procedures:
Admissions consents will be obtained
electronically using consent signer
1. Patients are admitted to the Clinical Center
using Request for Admission/Travel/Local
1. Requests for
Transportation Form (NIH-54).
2. Admissions staff will manually enter
Admission information in CRIS to create the
Open Patient Visit order
patient travel
or travel
are submitted
to the Patient
Travel Voucher
Office using
Request for
el/ Local
Form (NIH-54).
2. Travel,
Lodging, or
Meal vouchers
will be created
by the Patient
Travel Voucher
Resume normal operating procedures
Resume normal
No Impact
1. Submit patient
appointment request to the
area using standard
appointment reques
2. If the patient
pointment is a future
appointment, clerk will
place request in pendin
older to be entered when
the patient appointment
scheduling system is
3. If the patient
pointment is a same day
or walk in appointment:
a) Notify the team
File the appointment
request in the pending
der to be entered
retrospectively when th
atient appointmen
heduling system
Resume normal operations
Resume normal operations
No impact
The scheduler for the
location will:
1. Enter appointment
requests received duri
he downtime.
2. Status appointments as
arrived, canceled or no
Appendix L
CRIS Downtime In House Support Checklist for DCRI Nurse Analyst
Call Conference Line #: _________________Password:__________ (comes from Activation checklist)
Report to Conference Room (Command Center):
o Provide Project Manager with your contact information
o Clarify any questions
Page Administrative Coordinator (AC) 301-496-1211:
o Ask about O.R. cases during downtime
o Confirm what units may be closed
o Inform that Sundown data prior to _____(Time) will be available (__ hrs) (or expected time)
o Review AC responsibilities to:
Remind units to print patient reports/labels (printing in Sundown may not be available)
Ensure units that Downtime toolkits are well-stocked
Check-in with Top 10 Areas prior to downtime:
Admissions (301-496-3315)
DLM (301-496-3386)
DTM (301-496-4506/8335)
Nutrition (301-496-2390/0241)
Radiology (301-496-7700) or page
Pharmacy (Inpatient 301-496-1914; IV 301-496-6551;
Outpatient 301-496-2866)
Surgery/PACU (301-496-5646/9649)
Special Studies Unit (SCSU) (301-496-6710)
Nursing AC On-Call (see above)
Messenger & Escort (301-827-0553)
o Refer to layout map of CRC PCU
o Remind units to print patient reports/labels (printing in Sundown may not be available)
o Remind units to prepare for downtime procedures
Note: arrangements may be made with Behavioral Units if phone check-in preferred over on-site visit for future
SUNDOWN Unit Rounds
o If Sundown not available at expected time, Project Manager alerts Systems Monitoring requesting email
notification to users.
o Inform that Sundown data prior to ____ (Time) will be available (__ hrs) (or expected time)
o Provide Sundown education:
ACCESS: via Citrix. If user currently logged onto CITRIX, they may need to reboot their workstation to
view the Sundown icon.
FUNCTIONS: View only (printing may or may not be available )
‘CRIS-UP’ Unit Rounds (with or without member of User Support or Testing teams)
o Verify that unit staff can:
Access CRIS via WOWs and Thin Clients
Print any CRIS document/report/labels
Scan and administer meds via KBMA
Access Clinical Data Viewer (CDV) tab (ICU only)
Return WOW to patient rooms (if applicable)
Notify Conference Line /Project Manager to report any issues and when rounding complete
Contact on-coming CRIS Support Analyst On-Call if any outstanding issues
Notify Conference Line/Project Manager when leaving
Rev 11/19
Appendix M
NIH Emergency Backup Telephone System
Use the Emergency Back-up Telephone System
for communication during a network maintenance down
or as deemed necessary. Below is a list of emergency numbers and dialing procedures.
(Last Updated: 10/31/18)
Dialing Procedures for Red Phones (214 Exchange)
Use the Red Phones (214 exchange) when your phone and/or other NIH phones (402, 435, 443, 451, 480, 496, 541, 594,
and 827-exchanges) are not operational. Follow the instructions below:
To dial from a red phone to a house phone.......................dial 9, wait for second dial tone, dial the 10 digit tel number
To dial from a red phone to a red phone...........................dial the 10 digit tel number
To dial from a house phone to a red phone.......................dial 9 + the 10 digit tel number
To dial from a red phone to a non-NIH local number.......dial 9, wait for second dial tone, dial the 10 digit tel number
To dial from a red phone to a long distance number........dial 9, wait for second dial tone, dial 1 + the 10 digit tel number
When using the red phone for NIH pagers, dial 301-214-1817 and follow the voice-activated instructions.
To reach the NIH operator from a Red Phone dial zero "0".
Medical (Code Blue, Building 10) 111
Police 911(on-campus) or 9-911 (off-campus)
Fire 911(on-campus) or 9-911 (off-campus)
Property Engineering(on-campus) 108
STAT (Overhead) Page 112
fice of Director
Office Name and Title
Room Bldg (or Number)
Phone Number
CC - Chief Executive Officer
6-1550 CRC
CC - Chief Operating Officer
6-1610 CRC
CC - Chief Nurse Officer
6-1484 CRC
OD/NIH Director
116 1
ORS Associate Director
4B54 31
Patient Care Units & Day Hospitals (DH) Nursing Stations
Room Bldg
Phone Number
1-1655 CRC
1NW Pediatrics & DH
Adult Behavioral Health
1-3435 CRC
1SW Pediatric Behavioral Health
1-3649 CRC
3NE Hematology -Oncology
3-1435 CRC
3NW Adult Oncology
3-1655 CRC
3SE-N Oncology Day Hospital
3-3455 CRC
301 214-1727
3SE-S Oncology Day Hospital
3-5445 CRC
3SW-N Procedure Area
3-3635 CRC
3SW-N Intermediate Care
3-3665 CRC
3SW-S Intensive Care
3-3559 CRC
5NE-S Special Clinical Studies
5-2421 CRC
5NE-S Special Clinical Studies
5-2429 CRC
5NW General Medicine
5-1655 CRC
5SE-N Internal Medicine
5-3445 CRC
5SE-S Medicine/Telemetry
5-5445 CRC
5SW-N Metabolic Unit
5-3655 CRC
5SW-S Medical Surgical Day Hospital
5-5655 CRC
7SE- N Adult Behavior Health
7-3445 CRC
7SE-S Behavioral Health
7-5445 CRC
7SW-N Neurology & Sleep Lab
7-3655 CRC
7SW-S Neurology Testing
7-3743 CRC
7SW-S Metabolic Suites
7-5616 CRC
inics/ Ambulatory Care Services
Room Bldg (or Number)
Phone Number
-1 Dental Clinic
1B01 10
3C-306 10
4C-306 10
5C-306 10
OP-6 Occupational Medicine
Service/NHGRI Clinic
6C-306 10
7C-306 10
8C-306 10
9C-306 10
10C-306 10
11C-306 10
12C-306 10
13C-306 10
1H - Pediatric Clinic
1-6456 CRC
1SE-S Alcohol Behavioral Health
1-5402 CRC
5NE-N Cardiopulmonary
5-1401 CRC
5NE-N Cardiodiopulmonary Testing
5-1584 CRC
Vaccine Evaluation Clinic
5-2470 CRC
Radiation Oncology Nurse's Station
B2-3571 CRC
Radiation Oncology Treatment Area
B2-3634 CRC
Room Bldg (or Number)
Phone Number
Patient Support Services
Chief, Patient Support Services
1-5649 CRC
1-5617 CRC
Messenger & Escort Service
B1-6574 CRC
DCRI - Data Center
B2-5750 CRC
DCRI Offices
2C262 10
Facility/Space Management Office
9D43 10
301 214-1785
Family Lodge Bldg
101 65
301 214-1843
MMESD Environmental Services
B1N320 10
In Vivo (NMR) Imaging Center B1D
Reception 10/B1D66
B1D66 10
South End Patient Corridor
B1D709 10
301 214-1713
Laboratory Medicine Department
Accession Area
2C324 10
2C324 10
2C324 10
Outpatient Phlebotomy
1C260 10
Laboratory of Pathology-NCI
2B50 10
301 214-1707
Maintenance Call Center
B1S18J 13
Materials Management and
Environmental Services Department
Environmental Services Section
B1N320 10
Storage & Distribution Section
B2N246 10
Laundry Section
B2-2341 CRC
Central Hospital Supply Section
B1N238 10
Health Information Management
B1L400 10
Molecular Imaging-NCI
B3B69 10
Nuclear Medicine Department
Nuclear Medicine Reception Area
1C401 10
Office Corridor
1C491 10
Nursing Department
2B15A 10
Admission Conference
Room/Nursing Command Center
1-5650 CRC
Nutrition DepartmentCall Center
B2-2430 CRC
Room Bldg (or Number)
Phone Number
Perioperative Medicine Department
Front Desk
2C525 10
NHLBI Catheterization Lab
2C713 10
PET Department
1C472 10
Pharmacy Department
1N-263 CRC
Non-Hazardous IVAU
1C166A5A 10
Hazardous IVAU
1C166A7 10
Radiology Department
1C318 10
General Diagnostics
1C317 10
Special Procedures Area
1C580 10
IV Prep/CT area
1C570 10
Rehabilitation Medicine
1-1469 CRC
Hospital Safety (CC Office)
2N220 10
Safety (NIH ORS Associate Director)
4B54 31
Social Work Department
2-3581 CRC
Spiritual Care Department
7-2533 CRC
Surgical Apheresis Service-NCI
Transfusion Medicine Department
2N324 10
Patient Apheresis
1N710 10
Transfusion Service
1N727 10
NIH Platelet Center
1N422 10
NIH Telecommunications
Telephone Repair
315 6006
Pager/Electronic Facility
B1A24 10
102 Paging Network Access
B1A24 10
Page Operator
CC Public Areas
CRC North Atrium Lobby
Information Desk
Lobby CRC
Cafeteria – B1 level
B1C13 10
ACRF Cafeteria 2nd floor
2C223 10
Lipsett Amphitheater
1C112 10
Masur Auditorium
Floor 10