Information Requests
Mortgage Transaction Log
Provide a mortgage transaction log, in Excel format, listing all Texas residential mortgage
loan applications for the specified examination period. Do not include third-party
originated mortgage loans brokered to the corporation (wholesale loans). The transaction
log should include:
Loan number
Applicant name
Applicant contact information
Initial loan application date
Loan Originator name (Originator that took the initial loan application)
Loan Originator’s NMLS ID
Loan purpose (purchase, refinance, construction, home equity, home
improvement, land lot loan, wrap mortgage loan, etc.)
•• Identify the Texas cash-out home equity loans (50(a)(6)) and refinance of Texas
cash-out home equity loans (50(f)(2))
Loan product (conventional, FHA, VA, reverse, etc.)
Loan type (fixed, ARM, etc.)
Loan term
Lien position (first lien, second lien, or wrap mortgage)
Occupancy type (primary, secondary or investment)
Status (closed, in-process, withdrawn, or denied)
Closing date
Lender name
Remote Work
If employees and/or mortgage loan originators are permitted to work remotely, please
provide Remote Work policies and procedures.
Processors / Underwriters
Complete the attached Excel spreadsheet listing all loan processors, loan originator
assistants, transaction coordinators, and/or underwriters that were used by the company
or originator(s) for Texas transactions during the review period.
For each loan processor, loan originator assistant, transaction coordinator, and
underwriter, provide supporting payment documentation (e.g., W2, contract, invoices, or
most recent 1099).
Conditional Letters
Provide a sample of conditional letters in use or issued during the review period for Texas
transactions, including pre-approval, pre-qualification, qualification, and approval.
Advertising and Marketing
Provide all policies and procedures pertaining to marketing, advertising and solicitation.
Provide all marketing materials used for soliciting residential mortgage loans during the
review period. Samples should include, but are not necessarily limited to, printed
materials (print ads, brochures, direct mailings, flyers, etc.), radio or television transcripts,
electronic medium advertisements, telemarketing scripts, websites, social media pages
for company and origination staff (Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), LinkedIn,
YouTube, etc.), MLO business cards for examining States, email solicitations, and any
instructions/scripts on oral solicitations by sales staff.
Sample Application Package
Provide a sample mortgage loan application disclosure package, including any state-
specific disclosures.
Loan Originator Compensation
Provide copies of compensation and incentive policies and procedures related to loan
originator compensation and a copy of all compensation agreements, including any
addendums, and details of any bonus and/or incentive programs in effect during the
review period for the participating states between the company and its loan originators.
Lender Compensation Agreements
Provide Broker Compensation Addendums, identifying compensation structure, for each
lender used during the review period.
Employee Handbook
Provide a copy of the employee handbook.
Anti-Money Laundering Program
Provide all policies, procedures, and controls applicable to BSA/AML, USA PATRIOT Act,
OFAC, fraud prevention, suspicious activity reporting, and record retention.
Identity Theft Prevention / Red Flags Rule
Provide all policies, procedures, and controls applicable to the company's Identify Theft
Prevention/Red Flags Policy.
Information / Cybersecurity Program
Provide all policies and procedures that comprise the information security program,
including but not limited to:
Information Security
Change Management
Software Development and Maintenance
Vendor Management
Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery/Emergency Preparedness/Incident
Response/Pandemic Plans
Remote Access for Employees and Customers
Data Backups
Data Retention
Data Disposal
Acceptable Use
Rules of Behavior
Clean Desk
Encryption/Data at Rest and Data in Motion
Mobile Device Management, including Bring Your Own Device
Written hardware and software end-of-life policies and procedures
Risk Assessment(s)
Information Security training materials for all employees, including employee
completion records
Underwriting / Ability-to-Repay
Provide all underwriting policies and procedures, including policies pertaining to the
Ability-to-Repay/Qualified Mortgage Rule.
Trade Names
Please provide a written response verifying that all information in the Company's NMLS
Form MU1 Other Trade Names section is accurate. Alternatively, provide a list of all
current trade names.
Lead Generators
Does the company utilize the services of third-party lead generators? If yes, provide a list
of the lead generators and a copy of the company's contract for these services.
Affiliated Businesses
Provide a list of any affiliated settlement service providers, including ownership details if
not already provided in response to another information request. Include all companies
that any owner, partner, director or employee owns more than 1% of and any company
who owns more than 1% of the company. For each applicable related affiliated/subsidiary,
identify if they directly or indirectly conduct business in any manner with your company,
what business activities they conduct with your company, and the state(s) in which they
conduct business with your company.