If you are a recipient of federal grant funding, you are required to acknowledge the federal support in
any publications arising from the project. This requirement applies to all federal funding in research
publications, as well as press releases and other public statements. Each federal agency, as part of their
award terms and conditions, will normally supply a sample acknowledgment statement. Below are
examples and templates from federal agencies which frequently support projects in the College of
Veterinary Medicine. If you have questions regarding this requirement and your federal award, please
reach out to your departmental Grant Specialist, who can provide this verbiage from your specific
award’s terms and conditions.
(Source: Research Terms and Conditions
https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/policydocs/rtc/rtcoverlay_march17.pdf )
An acknowledgment of awarding agency support must appear in any publication (including World Wide
Web pages, of any material, whether copyrighted or not, based on or developed under this project, and,
is orally acknowledged during all news media interviews, including popular media, such as radio,
television, and news magazines as follows:
(1) The acknowledgment will be: “This material is based upon work supported by the [name of awarding
agency(ies) under Award No. [recipient should enter the awarding agency(ies) award number(s)].”
(2) For all materials, except scientific articles or papers published in scientific journals, the disclaimer will
be: “Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those
of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the [name(s) of awarding agency(ies)].”
(Source: NIH Grants Policy Statment https://grants.nih.gov/grants/policy/nihgps/nihgps.pdf)
PD/PIs are members of the recipient team responsible for appropriately acknowledging Federal support
of research findings in publications, announcements, news programs, and other media.
Publications and journal articles produced under an NIH grant-supported project must bear an
acknowledgment and disclaimer. All recipients must acknowledge Federal funding when issuing
statements, press releases, requests for proposals, bid invitations, and other documents describing
projects or programs funded in whole or in part with Federal money. Each publication, press release, or
other document about research supported by an NIH grant must include:
1) An acknowledgment of NIH grant support such as: “Research reported in this [publication, release]
was supported by [name of the Institute, Center, or other funding component] of the National Institutes
of Health under grant number [specific NIH grant number in this format: R01GM012345].”
2) A disclaimer that says: “The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily
represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.”
Acknowledgment of Federal Funding in accordance with Public Law 101-166, Section 511, known as the
Steven's Amendment, dictates that recipients are also required to state (1) the percentage and dollar
amounts of the total program or project costs financed with Federal money and (2) the dollar amount of
the total costs financed by nongovernmental sources, only for NIH programs that require cost-sharing.
Audiovisuals produced under an NIH grant-supported project must bear an acknowledgment and
disclaimer, such as the following:
The production of this [type of audiovisual (motion picture, television program, etc.)] was supported by
Grant No.____________ from [name of NIH awarding IC]. Its contents are solely the responsibility of
[name of recipient organization] and do not necessarily represent the official views of [name of NIH
awarding IC].