National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey:
Analytic Guidelines, 2011-2014 and 2015-2016
December 14, 2018
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Data considerations
2.1 Sample design changes for the 2011-2014 and 2015-2018 samples
2.1.1 Race and Hispanic origin variables
2.2 Disclosure assessment
2.2.1 Age
2.2.2 Place of birth
2.2.3 Pregnancy status
2.3 Survey subsamples
2.3.1 Fasting subsample and oral glucose tolerance test subsample
2.3.2 Environmental subsamples
2.4 Geography
2.5 Season
2.6 Combining NHANES survey cycles
2.7 Missing data
2.7.1 Unit or sample person non-response
2.7.2 Component or item non-response
2.7.3 Value codes
3. Analytic considerations
3.1 Sample weights
3.1.1 Determining the appropriate sample weights for analysis
3.1.2 Subsample weights
3.1.3 Combining survey cycles
3.1.4 1999-2002 NHANES
3.1.5 Computing population counts
3.2 Variance estimation
3.2.1 Methods
3.2.2 Other sources of variability
3.2.3 Subsetting data
3.3 Statistical precision of estimates
3.3.1 Sample size
3.3.2 Relative standard error
3.3.3 Reliability of the estimated standard error and degrees of freedom
3.3.4 Confidence intervals
4. Conclusion
5. References
Text Tables
Table A. Unweighted sample sizes (percentages) by race and Hispanic origin for examined
participants, NHANES 2007-2010, 2011-2014 and 2015-2016
Table B. Age-related variables on public data files, NHANES 2007-2010 and 2011-2014
Table C. NHANES 2011-2016 subsamples
Table D. Overall unweighted survey response rates for all ages, NHANES 1999-2016
Table E. Distribution of MEC sample weights by race and Hispanic origin and survey years
Table F. Formulae for constructing weights for NHANES
1. Introduction
This report presents information regarding the analytic and reporting guidelines for the NHANES
2011-2012, 2013-2014, and 2015-2016 publicly released data. This report builds upon earlier
published guidelines
, but also includes revisions to the general guidelines for the statistical
presentation of proportions
. The report will be updated to include the 2017-2018 cycle of
NHANES upon the release of the public-use data in 2019. The statistical guidelines in this
document and earlier published guidelines are not standards. Depending on the subject matter and
statistical efficiency, specific analyses may depart from these guidelines. In conducting analyses,
the analyst needs to use her or his subject matter knowledge (including knowledge of
methodological issues), as well as information about the survey design.
Design-based statistical methods are primarily used for NHANES data when producing NCHS
reports and other analytic products. Design-based methods explicitly take into account features of
the survey design, such as differential selection probabilities and geographic clustering. Model-
based approaches have been used with sample surveys; however, the specific application of these
methods relate to the analysis objectives and are beyond the scope of this document. In all analyses,
the less a method incorporates the sample design, the more important it is to evaluate the results
carefully and to interpret the findings appropriately.
In addition to these and earlier Analytic Guidelines, specific data file documentation can be found
via the link next to the respective data file on the NHANES website
. This documentation is always
the most up-to-date source of information about the variables on each data file. Although not
anticipated, some information about specific variables contained in this report may be updated. In
addition, another resource for all analysts is the series of NHANES Tutorials
a Web-based
product designed to assist users in understanding and analyzing NHANES data.
2. Data considerations
The 2011-2014 and the 2015-2018 NHANES four-year sample designs allow for the production
of aggregate-level national estimates. Data files are publicly released in 2-year cycles and the
survey content within those years is fixed to the extent possible. While annual NHANES samples
are nationally representative, estimates for single-year data are relatively unstable (have large
variance estimates) since NHANES can only survey a small number of locations each year.
Importantly, although data are released in 2-year cycles, data from any one NHANES cycle may
not be sufficient for certain analyses, such as those that examine subsamples or outcomes with low
prevalence. For this reason, combining cycles into samples of four years or more is recommended
whenever possible. However, please note differences in survey content between 2-year cycles and
between sample designs when combining 2 or more cycles of data.
Not all NHANES data are publicly released. Some restricted data described below are only
available through the NCHS Research Data Center (RDC)
. For example, in addition to low
precision, releasing only one year of data increases the possibility of disclosing a sample person’s
identity; therefore, annual samples are only available in the RDC.
2.1 Sample design changes for the 2011-2014 and 2015-2018 samples
NHANES is designed to produce stable prevalence estimates for population subgroups (domains)
defined by age group, sex, low-income status, and race and Hispanic origin. The subgroups of
particular public health interest have changed over time. Oversampling is done to increase the
reliability and precision of estimates of health status indicators for these population subgroups.
Sample weights allow estimates from these subgroups to be combined to obtain national estimates
that reflect the relative proportions of these groups in the population as a whole.
For NHANES 2011-2014, the design was changed to oversample Asian persons, in addition to the
ongoing oversample of Hispanic persons, non-Hispanic black persons, older adults, and low
income white and “Otherpersons. The “Other” race subgroup included those who reported a race
other than black, white, or Asian or those who reported more than one race. Specifically, the
oversampled subgroups, also called domains, in the 2011-2014 survey were as follows:
Hispanic persons;
Non-Hispanic black persons;
Non-Hispanic non-black Asian persons;
Non-Hispanic white persons and persons of “Otherraces at or below 130 percent of the
federal poverty level; and
Non-Hispanic white persons and persons of “Other” races aged 80 years and over.
In the 2015-2016 sample design, these same groups continued to be oversampled. However, the
income threshold for the low-income white and Other persons group was changed from at or below
130 percent of the federal poverty level to at or below 185 percent of the federal poverty level.
For the 2011-2014, and the 2015-2018 sample designs, the Hispanic category included all persons
who reported to be of Hispanic ethnicity regardless of race. The non-Hispanic black category
included all persons who were reported to be non-Hispanic black race (single race or in
combination with any other race including Asian). The non-Hispanic non-black Asian category
(single race or in combination with another race except black) included all persons having origins
in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent, including,
for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands,
Thailand, and Vietnam. All other persons not falling into the categories above were assigned to
the non-Hispanic white and Other category. Therefore, any Asian person who was also Hispanic
or non-Hispanic black was considered to be in the respective latter categories. Please note that in
the publicly released file the race and Hispanic origin of each sampled person is categorized to
include all races reported as well as Hispanic origin.
Prior to 2007, Mexican-American persons were oversampled rather than all Hispanic persons. The
current oversampling of all Hispanic persons leads to sample sizes sufficient to produce reliable
estimates for Mexican-American persons in addition to Hispanic persons overall. However, sample
sizes are insufficient for calculating estimates for other Hispanic subgroups. NCHS recommends
that researchers not calculate estimates for all Hispanic persons for survey periods prior to 2007
or for Hispanic subgroups other than Mexican American, in any survey cycle through 2018.
2.1.1 Race and Hispanic origin variables
Due to the change in the sample design since 2011, an additional race/Hispanic origin variable,
RIDRETH3, was included on the 2011-2014 and 2015-2016 public-use Demographics data files.
As with the race/Hispanic origin variable RIDRETH1, which is available on previous and current
survey data releases, the Mexican American and Other Hispanic categories may include persons
who also reported two or more race groups while the non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, and
non-Hispanic Asian categories include only those reporting a single race. All non-Hispanic persons
reporting two or more races are in the “other race - including multi-racial” category. The weighted
percent distribution of the sample across the four major race/Hispanic origin categories is
benchmarked to the corresponding U.S. distribution of these groups based on population estimates
from the American Community Survey (ACS). However, the weighted percent distributions of the
individual subgroups within a race/Hispanic origin group, such as Chinese within Asian persons,
are not aligned with the corresponding percent distributions in the population. Table A shows the
sample distributions for RIDRETH1 for 2007-2010, and RIDRETH3 for 2011-2014 and 2015-
It is important to note that there is a distinction between the sampling race and Hispanic origin
categories (see Section 2.1) and the publicly released race and Hispanic origin categories described
in this section (Section 2.1.1). For example, during the screening stage of the survey (i.e., the stage
in which a participant’s eligibility for participation is defined), if a non-Hispanic sampled person
reports being black as a single race or in combination with any other race they are categorized as
non-Hispanic black. However, for data release, only persons reporting being single race black are
retained in the non-Hispanic black category. Those who report being black and another race are
moved to the “other” race category.
Table A. Unweighted sample sizes (percentages) by race and Hispanic origin for examined
participants by survey cycle, NHANES 2007-2016
single race
single race
Other race
Race and Hispanic origin data for 2007-2010 are from the “RIDRETH1variable and for 2011-2016 are from the
RIDRETH3” variable provided on the publically released Demographic Files for the respective years.
Non-Hispanic Asian persons were included in the “other race” category prior to 2011.
Other race is non-Hispanic persons who reported a race other than white, black, or Asian or reported more than one
SOURCE: CDC/NCHS, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2007-2016.
Because the total sample size in any year is fixed due to operational constraints, the increase in the
Asian sample size resulted in a decrease in the percent examined for the Hispanic and non-Hispanic
white and other race groups (Table A). Also, because the sample design is for four years, it is not
unexpected to have differences between the two 2-year cycles that make up the design, such as
more Hispanic and non-Hispanic white participants and fewer non-Hispanic black and Asian
participants in 2013-2014 than in 2011-2012.
2.2 Disclosure assessment
NHANES data collection adheres to the requirements of Federal Law. The Public Health Service
Act (42 USC 242k) authorizes data collection and Section 308(d) of that law (42 USC 242m), the
Privacy Act of 1974 (5 USC 552A), and the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical
Efficiency Act (PL 107-347) prohibit NCHS from releasing information that may identify any
respondent or group of respondents. As a result, data edits are made to some variables to reduce
the risk of disclosure.
With the addition of the Asian oversample, and the public release of a more detailed race and
Hispanic origin variable, additional edits were necessary to other variables, such as age and country
of birth, that were previously released with earlier survey cycles.
2.2.1 Age
Similar to previous 2-year data release cycles, the 2011-2012, 2013-2014, and 2015-2016
demographic files include a variable for age in years at screening (RIDAGEYR) for all
participants. Age at screening was used to determine eligibility for examination components and
should be used for most analyses. Age at examination and age in months for children may be useful
for some analyses. However, because exact age, in combination with other information, can pose
disclosure risks, these variables were changed for the 2011-2012, 2013-2014, and 2015-2016 files.
Table B. Age-related variables on the 2-year public data files, NHANES 2007-2016
data file
data file
data files
data files
Age in years at
screening (for persons
aged 0-80 years)
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
RIDAGEMN Age in months at
screening (for persons
aged 0-79 years)
Yes Yes Yes - for
24 months
or younger
Yes - for
children 24
months or
Yes - for
children 24
months or
RIDAGEEX Age in months at
MEC examination
(for persons aged 0-
79 years)
Yes Yes No No No
RIDEXAGM Age in months at
MEC examination
(for persons aged 0-
19 years at screening)
No No Yes Yes Yes
RIDEXAGY Age in years at MEC
examination (for
persons aged 2-19
years at screening)
No No Yes No No
SOURCE: CDC/NCHS, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2007-2016.
2.2.2 Place of birth
The place of birth variable has changed over the years. Prior to 2007, DMDBORN contained three
categories: “Born in 50 U.S. States or Washington, DC,” “Born in Mexico,” and “Others”. In
2007-2010, the variable DMDBORN2 was available with the publicly released data and included
categories of “Mexico“Other Spanish Speaking Country” and “Other Non-Spanish Speaking
Country”. In 2011, the variable DMDBORN4 became available on the publicly released data.
DMDBORN4 has only two categories: “Born in 50 U.S. States or Washington, DC” and “Others”.
2.2.3 Pregnancy status
Pregnancy status (RIDEXPRG) at the time of examination is determined using urine pregnancy
test results and self-reported pregnancy status for females 8-59 years of age, in part, to determine
eligibility for other exam components. Persons who report being pregnant at the time of
examination are assumed to be pregnant (RIDEXPRG = 1). Those who report they were not
pregnant or did not know their pregnancy status are classified based on the results of the urine
pregnancy test. If the respondent reported ‘‘no’’ or ‘‘don’t know’’ and the urine test result was
positive, the respondent was coded as pregnant (RIDEXPRG = 1). If the respondent reported ‘‘no’’
and the urine test was negative, the respondent was coded not pregnant (RIDEXPRG = 2). If the
respondent reported she did not know her pregnancy status and the urine test was negative, the
respondent was coded ‘‘could not be determined’’ (RIDEXPRG = 3). Persons who were only
interviewed were coded RIDEXPRG = 3 (pregnancy could not be determined). As a result of
sample design changes during 20072010 that reduced the number of pregnant women sampled,
pregnancy status was publicly released only for women aged 20–44, to reduce disclosure risk.
2.3 Survey subsamples
NHANES participants may be included in a variety of survey components that are statistically
defined (or random) subsamples of the entire NHANES interviewed or examined sample. These
components include a variety of lab and environmental assessments. Each component subsample
usually has its own designated sample weight, which accounts for the additional probability of
selection into the subsample component, as well as additional non-response. Table C provides
information on specific survey subsamples from NHANES 2011-2014 and 2015-2016, and some
are described below. Specific subsample file documentation can be found via the link next to the
respective data file on the NHANES website
. Importantly, the documentation will provide
detailed information on the component, the eligible sample, the laboratory method used, and it will
include analytic notes containing information on the specific subsample weights that the analyst
should use.
Although the 24-hour dietary recall is not considered a subsample, participants who completed
this component also have special weights that incorporate day of the week of recall.
2.3.1 Fasting subsample and oral glucose tolerance test subsample
Fasting sample weights can take one of three values: non-zero and non-missing, zero, or missing
depending on a number of eligibility criteria. Specifically, sampled participants twelve years and
older who were examined in a morning session, who had fasted 8-23 hours before their MEC
examination, and who have valid plasma fasting glucose readings have non-zero fasting sample
weights. All other sampled participants examined in a morning session have zero values for the
fasting sample weight. Sampled participants examined in an afternoon or evening session have
missing values for the fasting sample weight.
Participants who have non-zero and non-missing fasting sample weights can have one of three
possible values for the oral glucose tolerance (OGTT) sample weight; non-zero and non-missing,
a weight equivalent to their fasting sampling weight, or zero depending on a number of eligibility
criteria. Participants who have non-zero fasting sample weights and had fasted at least 9 hours,
who did not report that they were pregnant, and who did not report diagnosed diabetes were eligible
for the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Participants who completed the OGTT and have valid
readings have non-zero and non-missing OGTT sample weights. OGTT results for women stating
that they were not pregnant, but were later determined to be pregnant from the lab results, were
included and these women have non-zero and non-missing OGTT weights. Diagnosed diabetics,
who are ineligible for the OGTT, have a non-zero and non-missing OGTT weight equal to their
fasting weight. All other participants in a morning session have zero values for the OGTT sample
weights. Sampled participants examined in an afternoon or evening session have missing values
for the fasting sample weight, and therefore will have missing OGTT sample weight.
2.3.2 Environmental subsamples
Some NHANES environmental analytes are obtained on a full sample of participants; therefore,
full sample examination weights can be used for analysis. However, most environmental analytes
are measured in 1/3 subsamples. These subsamples are labeled A, B, and C for convenience. These
labels do not correspond to particular analytes and the subsample could differ for a particular
analyte between survey cycles. For example, urine phthalates were measured for participants in
Subsample A in 2011-2012 and for those in Subsample B in 2013-2014 and 2015-2016 so the
name of the sample weight variable needs to be changed to analyze the combined four or six years
of data.
For the 2011-2012 cycle, blood lead was measured on all participants over one year of age, while
in 2013-2014 and 2015-2016 blood lead was measured for all participants ages 1 to 11 years and
a random one-half subsample of participants ages 12 years and over.
The CDC National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals contains additional
information on the background, data content, public health uses, and interpretation of the
NHANES environmental chemicals
Table C. NHANES Subsamples from 2011-2016
Category Years Description
24-hour urine 2014
A one-half subsample of all examined adults aged 20-69 years were
eligible. These data are only available in the RDC.
Blood lead 2011-2016
All participants age 1 year and older were included in 2011-2012. A
one-half subsample of examined participants aged 12 years old and over
and all examined children aged 1 11 years are included for 2013-2014
and 2015-2016.
chemicals A
A one-third subsample of examined participants aged 6 years and over
were included.
chemicals B
A one-third subsample of examined participants aged 6 years and over
were included.
chemicals C
A one-third subsample of examined participants aged 6 years and over
were included.
Fasting 2011-2016
Participants aged 12 years old and over who were examined in a
morning sessions and fasted 8-23 hours were eligible.
Oral Glucose
Tolerance Test
Participants aged 12 years old and over who were examined in a
morning sessions and fasted 9-23 hours were eligible except for women
who stated they were pregnant. Women stating that they were not
pregnant, but were later determined to be pregnant from the lab results,
were eligible and are included. Diagnosed diabetics were not given the
OGTT, but non-pregnant diagnosed diabetics are included in the OGTT
file with a weight equal to their fasting weight.
Smoking 2011-2012
Participants in environmental chemicals subsample A plus all examined
adults aged 20 years and over who were current smokers were
Smoking 2013-2016
Participants in environmental chemicals subsample A plus all examined
adults aged 18 years and over who were current smokers were
VOC smoking 2011-2012
Participants in VOC subsample plus all examined adults aged 20 years
and over who were current smokers were included
VOC smoking 2013-2016
Participants in VOC subsample plus all examined adults aged 18 years
and over who were current smokers were included
Participants are randomly assigned to one of the three mutually exclusive 1/3 environmental subsamples. The analytes
in each of the three subsamples vary by survey cycle. The names Subsample A, Subsample B, and Subsample C are
used for convenience and are not based on the tested analytes. The proper subsample weights attached in the dataset
should be used for analysis. As the same analytes might be in different subsamples in different survey releases, it is
important to check the weight variable names, and rename if necessary, when combining cycles.
Smokers are those who reported (in the interview) to have smoked more than 100 cigarettes in their life and reported
being a current every day smoker.
SOURCE: CDC/NCHS, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2007-2016.
2.4 Geography
Since 1999, NHANES has interviewed and examined a nationally representative sample of
approximately 5,000 persons each year in counties across the country. During a single survey year,
about 15 counties are selected out of approximately 3,100 counties in the United States. NHANES
was not designed to produce regional or sub-regional estimates and no geographic data are released
on the publicly available data files to protect the identification of NHANES participants.
However, research files for Los Angeles county and the state of California for two sets of combined
survey cycles, 1999-2006 and 2007-2014
, have been created and are available in the NCHS
RDC. These files include sample weights and design variables developed for Los Angeles and
California for the two eight year periods.
Other geographic data are available through the RDC. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) assign geographic codes (geocodes) to the NHANES data for analytical use
in every two-year cycle. HUD geocodes include the following information: 1) census block group,
census tract, county, state, and all other census codes normally provided by the HUD Geocoding
Service Center for each residential address, and 2) latitude and longitude for each residential
Volatile organic
compounds (VOC)
A one-half subsample of examined participants aged 12 years and over
are included.
Appropriate sample weights and design variables for sub-national estimates are not provided and
would have to be developed by the analyst.
2.5 Season
The variable RIDEXMON, in the public release Demographics File provides the six-month
timeperiod when the examination was performed and is categorized into two groups: November 1
through April 30 and May 1 through October 31. Due to operational considerations, the geographic
scheduling of the MEC is restricted by consideration of weather. MEC operations avoid certain
geographic areas during the winter. Thus, the statistical efficiency of the sample is diminished for
any variable that may be related to seasonal variation that differs by region of the country. Most
NHANES variables are not affected by season; however, this determination would need to be made
by the analyst in the context of a specific research objective.
2.6 Combining NHANES survey cycles
Each 2-year cycle and any combination of 2-year cycles is a nationally representative sample.
However, sometimes the sample size of a particular analytic cell is too small based on one 2-year
cycle to produce statistically reliable estimates. The NHANES sample design makes it possible to
combine two or more cycles in order to increase the sample size and analytic options. In general,
any two-year data cycle in NHANES can be combined with adjacent two-year data cycles to create
analytic data files based on four or more years of data to produce estimates with greater precision
and smaller sampling error. However, when combining cycles of data, it is extremely important
1. be aware of sample design changes,
2. verify that data items collected in all combined years are comparable in wording, methods,
and inclusion/exclusions (e.g., eligible age range),
3. select the proper weight to use for the combined dataset (see section 3.1), and
4. examine the inherent assumption of no trend in the estimate over the time period being
2.7 Missing data
NHANES, like most population-based sample surveys, experiences both participant (unit) and
component (item) non-response. In a statistical sense, non-response can be considered ignorable
or non-ignorable. If the data are missing at random and the characteristics of the non-respondents
are similar to the characteristics of the respondents, the non-response can be considered ignorable.
However, non-respondents may have significantly different characteristics than respondents. In
this case, the non-response mechanism may be non-ignorable with respect to the data analysis.
Ignoring non-response in this case leads to biased estimates.
2.7.1 Unit or sample person non-response
Not all persons selected in the NHANES sample were interviewed and not all interviewed persons
were examined. Unit or participant non-response, the failure to obtain any information on an
individual selected to participate in an NHANES survey, can occur both at the interview and at the
examination phase of the survey. Non-response bias resulting from this missing data can be an
important source of survey error.
Like a number of other national probability based face-to-face surveys, NHANES has been
experiencing a decline in response rates
. The overall response rates for 2011-2012, 2013-2014,
and 2015-2016 were lower than previously experienced in recent years of NHANES (Table D).
Briefly, the in-home interview response rate was 72.6% in 2011–2012, 71.0% in 2013–2014, and
61.3% in 2015–2016. The overall cumulative examination response rate was 69.5% in 2011–2012,
68.5% in 20132014, and 58.7% in 2015–2016. Sample sizes and response rates for all survey
cycles, overall and by age and gender, are provided on the NHANES Website
Adjustments made to the sample weights for survey non-response account only for interview or
MEC exam non-response, but not for component/item non-response which can occur at the
household interview or the exam (e.g., a participant declined to have their blood pressure measured
in the examination component but completed all other examination components).
Table D. Overall unweighted survey response rates for all ages, NHANES 1999-2016
Interviewed sample
Examined sample
Survey years
Screened sample
Sample size
Response rate
Sample size
Response rate
Screener response rates across survey cycles up to 2013-2014 have varied from 98-100% and the loss of eligible
respondents at this stage is considered negligible. For 2015-2016 cycle, the screener response rate was lower at 94.3%,
therefore, the interviewed and examined response rates for 2015-2016 cycle were adjusted for sample loss at the
SOURCE: CDC/NCHS, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2007-2016.
Detailed non-response bias analyses performed for the 2013-2014 and 2015-2016 NHANES are
planned for publication in the upcoming year.
2.7.2 Component or item non-response
In NHANES, there are a large number of examinations and tests that are conducted in the
NHANES MEC and each component contains a number of items. Some examinees may not
participate in all components of their designated examination or may not fully participate in a
particular component, thus resulting in component or item non-response. If the component non-
response varies substantially by demographic characteristics of the participants, the type of
component, and survey cycle then these missing values may distort analysis results. Analysts
should evaluate the extent of missing data in their dataset related to the outcome of interest as well
as any predictor variables used in the analyses to determine whether the data are useable without
additional re-weighting for item non-response. As a general rule, if 10% or less of data for the
main outcome variable for a specific component is missing for eligible examinees, it is usually
acceptable to continue analysis without further evaluation or adjustment. However, if more than
10% of the data for a variable are missing, the analyst may need to further examine respondents
and non-respondents with respect to the main outcome variable, and decide whether imputation of
missing values or use of adjusted weights is necessary. Even if the overall component non-response
rate is <10%, non-response for a component within a subgroup may exceed 10% and may need to
be further examined for statistical bias.
2.7.3 Value codes
When a respondent refuses to answer a question, a “refused” response is assigned a value of either
“7,” “77,” or “777” depending on the number of digits in the variable value range. A “don't know”
response is assigned a value of either “9,” “99,” or “999,” which is also dependent on the number
of digits in the variable value range. Failing to identify these other types of missing data, and
treating the assigned values for “refused” or “don't know” as numerical values, may distort analysis
results; for categorical results, tabulating the number or percentage missing may be part of the
analysis. Missing value and non-response codes are identified in the data dictionary for each
variable when applicable.
Analysts are also encouraged to review codebooks to determine if a skip pattern affects the
variables in their analysis. Failure in identifying skip patterns would erroneously lead the analyst
to obtain data on a proportion of the population, instead of the entire study population.
3. Analytic considerations
The complex survey design used for NHANES, including oversampling, stratification, and
clustering, must be considered when analyzing the data for appropriate variance estimation and to
calculate statistics representative of the U.S. civilian non-institutionalized population.
3.1 Sample weights
The weighting of sample data permits analysts to produce estimates of statistics they would have
obtained if all U.S. non-institutionalized civilians had been surveyed. The sample weights assigned
to each record can be considered as measures of the number of persons represented by the
particular survey respondent.
Weighting takes into account several features of the survey: the differential probabilities of
selection for the individual domains described above, non-response to survey instruments, and
differences between the final sample and the U.S. civilian non-institutionalized population. The
sample weighting was carried out in three steps. The first step involved the computation of weights
to compensate for unequal probabilities of selection given that some groups were over sampled.
The second step adjusted for participant non-response. Weights were adjusted for non-response to
the in-home interview when creating the interview weights and further adjusted for non-response
to the MEC exam when creating the exam weights. In the third step, the sample weights were post-
stratified to match estimates of the U.S. civilian non-institutionalized population available from
the U.S. Census Bureau. A detailed discussion of the sample weights can be found in the National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey: Sample Design, 2011-2014 report
, and the National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey: Estimation Procedures, 2011-2014 report
The oversampling of subgroups mentioned above, and some operational differences across survey
locations, can cause the NHANES sample weights to be quite variable. Further, when sampling
domains are combined for analysis, a wide range of sample weights may occur due to the different
selection probabilities, which will lead to increased variance in the analytic results. For example,
variable weights could be expected when combining 2011-2012 and 2013-2014 data for Asian
persons with persons of any other race and Hispanic origin, since the distribution of sample weights
for these groups differ; although the median sample weights are comparable, the 75
and maximum sample weights for each of the other race/ethnicity groups are higher than those for
the Asian group (Table E).
Analysts should examine the sample weights as an initial step in any analysis. Records with large
sample weights can be influential in an analysis, especially when extreme weights are associated
with extreme data points for the variable of interest. In addition to considering race and Hispanic
origin, the following age categories are recommended for reducing the variability in the sample
weights for estimates by age and race and Hispanic origin: 5 years and under, 6-11 years, 12-19
years, 20-39 years, 40-59 years, 60 years and over.
Table E. Distribution of MEC sample weights by race and Hispanic origin
and survey year
Survey years
NH white
NH black
NH Asian
All others
NH white
NH black
NH Asian
All others
NH white
NH black
NH Asian
All others
NH white
NH black
All others
NH white
NH black
All others
Race and Hispanic origin data for 2007-2010 are from the “RIDRETH1” variable and for 2011-2016 are from the
“RIDRETH3” variable provided on the publically released Demographic Files for the respective years.
The “other” race subgroup included those who reported a race other than black, or white, or reported more than one
race in 2007-2010, and those who reported a race other than black, white, or Asian or those who reported more than
one race in 2011-2016
Includes non-Hispanic Asian.
NOTE: NH is non-Hispanic.
SOURCE: CDC/NCHS, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2007-2016.
3.1.1 Determining the appropriate sample weight for analysis
Various sample weights are available on the data release files. Use of the correct sample weight
for NHANES analyses depends on the variables being used. A good rule of thumb is to use “the
least common denominator” where the variable of interest that was collected on the smallest
number of respondents is the “least common denominator.” The sample weight that applies to that
variable is the appropriate one to use for that particular analysis.
Sampled participants who completed the interview and were eligible for the examination, but did
not respond, were assigned non-zero interview weights and examination weights of zero. Records
with a zero examination weight should be treated as missing when the exam data are analyzed. For
example, if all variables come from the interview and exam, then the sample used in the analysis
should reflect only those with non-zero exam weights and exam weights should be used in the
analysis. Similarly, if any variable used comes from a specific subsample, then the sample used in
the analysis should only represent those with a non-zero subsample weight and the subsample
weights should be used in the analysis.
3.1.2 Subsample weights
As discussed in the ‘‘Survey subsample’’ section above, some NHANES participants are in survey
components that include only random subsamples of the NHANES MEC-examined sample. Data
collected from these participants include a variety of lab, nutrition or dietary, environmental,
audiometry, and mental health components. Each subsample is selected in order to provide
nationally representative estimates from that component. For example, some, but not all
participants, were asked to participate in the Volatile organic compounds (VOC) subsample.
Each component subsample has its own designated sample weight, which accounts for the
additional probability of selection into the subsample component and any additional non-response
to the component.
When data collected via one of these subsamples are released, separate sample weights are
constructed and included in the data file containing the subsample variables. These component
subsample weights, which differ from the full examination sample weight must be used for
statistical estimation of measures collected only in that subsample. For more details, see the
“Subsample Weights” section and Table IV in Appendix II of the 2011-2014 NHANES estimation
procedures report
Although 24-hour dietary recall is not considered a subsample, special 24-hour dietary recall
weights were assigned to participants who completed this component to incorporate day of the
week of the recall.
Subsample weights from the same survey cycle are not designed to be combined within the data
release cycle. In fact, many subsamples are mutually exclusive. Two or more subsamples can be
combined if there is random overlap between the subsamples; appropriate sample weights need to
be recalculated for the resulting combined subsample. For example, no sample weights are
provided for the overlap in the fasting subsample with an environmental subsample; this overlap
would be about a one-sixth sample. See the respective survey protocol or documentation for more
specific information on each subsample.
There are instances that an analyte may be obtained for a subsample in one survey cycle and for
the full sample in another (e.g. blood lead, as described above). When analyzing these data, sample
weights can be adjusted to analyze the multi-year sample, as described below.
3.1.3 Combining survey cycles
Each two year data release file from 1999-2016, includes 2-year interview, exam, and subsample
weights. Any 2-year survey cycle may be combined with adjacent 2-year releases to analyze data
from multiple survey cycles. Use of the 2-year sample weights in analyses will lead to valid point
estimates for means, variances, proportions and some other summary statistics, but will lead to
invalid population totals.
A new sample weight can be calculated based on the sample weights of the combined survey
cycles. When combining two or more 2-year cycles from 20012002 onward, new multi-year
sample weights can be computed by simply dividing the 2-year sample weights by the number of
2-year cycles in the analysis. For example, to analyze data for 2011-2016, divide the three 2-year
sample weights by three to obtain the 6-year combined sample weight. Table F provides the
examples of formula for combining weights across survey cycles.
Table F. Formulae for constructing weights for NHANES
Number of
Survey Years
Survey Cycle Code
Formula for Combining Weights across Survey
Combining four survey years
4 years 1999-2002 Provided on the Public-use Data Files
4 years
If sddsrvyr in (2,3) then
MEC4YR = 1/2 * WTMEC2YR;
4 years 2003-2006 If sddsrvyr in (3,4) then MEC4YR = 1/2 * WTMEC2YR;
4 years
If sddsrvyr in (4,5) then
MEC4YR = 1/2 * WTMEC2YR;
4 years
If sddsrvyr in (5,6) then
MEC4YR = 1/2 * WTMEC2YR;
4 years
If sddsrvyr in (6,7) then
MEC4YR = 1/2 * WTMEC2YR;
4 years 2011-2014 If sddsrvyr in (7,8) then MEC4YR = 1/2 * WTMEC2YR;
4 years
If sddsrvyr in (8,9) then
MEC4YR = 1/2 * WTMEC2YR;
Combining six survey years
6 years
If sddsrvyr in (1,2) then
MEC6YR = 2/3 * WTMEC4YR;
/*for 1999-2002*/
If sddsrvyr=3 then MEC6YR = 1/3 * WTMEC2YR; /*for 2003-2004*/
6 years
If sddsrvyr in (2,3,4) then
MEC6YR = 1/3 * WTMEC2YR;
6 years
If sddsrvyr in (3,4,5) then
MEC6YR = 1/3 * WTMEC2YR;
6 years
If sddsrvyr in (4,5,6) then
MEC6YR = 1/3 * WTMEC2YR;
6 years
If sddsrvyr in (5,6,7) then
MEC6YR = 1/3 * WTMEC2YR;
6 years
If sddsrvyr in (6,7,8) then
MEC6YR = 1/3 * WTMEC2YR;
6 years
If sddsrvyr in (7,8,9) then
MEC6YR = 1/3 * WTMEC2YR;
SOURCE: CDC/NCHS, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999-2016.
The sum of the combined multi-year sample weights should be reasonably close to an independent
estimate of that midpoint population. The rules for combining surveys also apply to subsamples.
Users should be aware of two assumptions made when combining sample weights for different
years of data. First, that there are no differences in the estimates over the time periods being
combined. Second, the estimate is the average over the time period.
3.1.4 NHANES 1999-2002
Including data for 1999-2000 requires an extra step. The NHANES 19992000 sample weights
were based on information from the 1990 U.S. census. However, the NHANES 20012002 sample
weights were based on the 2000 census. Because different population bases were used, the 2-year
weights for 19992000 and 20012002 are not comparable. For this reason, 4-year sample weights
were created to account for the two different reference populations in the 1999-2000 and the 2001-
2002 NHANES. When combining data from the 1999-2000 NHANES cycle with other cycles, it
is recommended that the 4-year sample weights be used for 1999-2002 and the 2-year sample
weights be used for other cycles.
To use both the 4-year sample weight for 1999-2002 and 2-year sample weights for other cycles,
the 4-year sample weight needs to be doubled prior to analysis so that the observations in 1999-
2002 have weights similar in magnitude to the 2-year sample weights. This approach works for
regression analyses and other summary statistics but, as above, a multi-year combined weight is
needed for population totals. To create a multi-year combined sample weight for multiple survey
cycles that include 1999-2002, for example, 1999-2004, first multiply the 4-year sample weight
for 1999-2002 by 2, then divide the doubled 4-year 1999-2002 sample weight and the 2-year
weights for the 2003-2004 cycles, by 3, the number of cycles; the resulting sample weight will be
a 6-year weight.
3.1.5 Computing population counts
To understand the public health impact of a condition, it is often helpful to calculate population
counts in addition to the prevalence of a health condition. By quantifying the number of people
with a particular condition or risk factor, counts speak directly to the burden or magnitude.
Since NHANES is a nationally representative survey of the civilian noninstitutionalized U.S.
population, population estimates are based on reliable estimates for this aspect of the U.S.
For NHANES 2011-2016, the sample weights were post-stratified to population totals obtained
from the American Community Survey (ACS) and based on the 2010 Census. For NHANES 2001-
2010, the sample weights were post-stratified to population totals obtained from the Current
Population Survey (CPS) and based on the 2000 Census. For NHANES 1999-2000, the sample
weights were post-stratified to population totals obtained from the Current Population Survey
(CPS) and based on the 1990 Census. The different sources of these population totals could affect
the interpretation of some results. Population totals used for each survey cycle are available at
The 4-year sample weights (i.e., interview, examination, and all subsample weights) were created
and included on the 1999-2000 and 2001-2002 data release files. It was later decided not to create
4-year weights for 2-year samples that crossed censuses. NHANES estimates of population totals
will not match any published figures when combined 2-year samples are post-stratified to two
different censuses.
The change from the CPS to the ACS was made, in part, as a result of the addition of the Asian
oversample in 2011. With this addition, population totals that provided reliable estimates for Asian
persons within age and sex categories were needed. While both the CPS and ACS are surveys, the
sample size for the ACS is about 13 times larger than that of the CPS. This larger sample size
resulted in more reliable estimates for the Asian population.
3.2 Variance estimation
The complex, multistage, probability cluster design of NHANES affects variance estimates
(sampling error). Typically, individuals within a cluster (e.g., county, school, city, or census block)
are more similar to one another than those in other clusters and this homogeneity of individuals
within a given cluster is measured by the intra cluster correlation. When working with a complex
sample, the ideal situation is to limit the correlation among sample persons within clusters by
sampling more clusters with fewer people in each. However, because of operational limitations
(e.g., the number of MECs, geographic distances between locations, etc.) NHANES currently
samples only 30 locations (primary sampling units [PSUs]) within a 2-year survey cycle.
The design effect is a measure of the impact of the complex sample design on estimates of variance.
It is defined as the ratio of the variance of a statistic which accounts for the complex sample design
to the variance of the same statistic based on a hypothetical simple random sample of the same
size. If the design effect is 1, the variance for the estimate under the complex sampling is the same
as the variance under simple random sampling. For NHANES, the design effects are typically
greater than 1. Design effects less than one may be due to variability in the estimate of the variance
(see section 3.2.3). For NHANES 1999-2016, design effects differ among variables due to
differences in variation by geography, by household intra-class correlation, and by demographic
3.2.1 Variance estimation methods
For complex sample surveys, exact mathematical formulas for variance estimation are usually not
available. Variance approximation procedures are required to provide reasonable, approximately
unbiased, and design-consistent estimates of variance. Variance estimates computed using
standard statistical software packages that assume simple random sampling are generally too low
(i.e., significance levels are overstated) and biased because they do not account for the differential
weighting and the correlation among sample persons within a cluster.
Two variance approximation procedures, which account for the complex sample design, are
replication methods and Taylor Series Linearization. Currently NCHS uses the Taylor Series
Linearization methods for variance estimation within survey software packages, such as
SUDAAN, for most reports and data products from the 1999-2016 NHANES. Replication methods
using either delete-one jackknife or balanced repeated replication (BRR) weights can also be used.
Initially, for the NHANES 1999-2000 survey, the delete-one jackknife method was used to
estimate variances and these weights are available on the public-use file. Jackknife weights are
available for single year data in the RDC; BRR weights are available for the 2-year data releases
in the RDC. In addition, BRR weights for the 24-hour urine subsample collected in 2014 and are
available in the RDC
. If replication methods are to be used for any other survey years, replicate
weights must be computed by the analyst.
For either linearization or replication methods, variance variables for strata and PSU must be
available on the survey data file. To reduce risks of disclosure with a 2-year data release, the actual
PSUs cannot be released. To use the Taylor Series Linearization approach for variance estimation
in survey software packages, Masked Variance Units (MVUs) were created. These variables, the
stratum (SDMVSTRA) and PSU (SDMVPSU), are included in the Demographic data file for each
data release. These MVUs on the data file are not the truedesign PSUs. They are a collection of
secondary sampling units aggregated into groups for the purpose of variance estimation. They
produce variance estimates that closely approximate the variances that would have been estimated
using the “true” design. MVUs have been created for all 2-year survey cycles from NHANES
1999–2000 through 2015–2016 and can be used for analyzing multi-cycle data sets. True stratum
and PSU variables are available in the NCHS RDC
Software such as SUDAAN, Stata, SPSS, SAS Survey procedures and R can all be used to estimate
sampling errors by the Taylor Series Linearization method. Software packages or procedures that
assume a simple random sample, should not be used for computing variances for NHANES.
3.2.2 Other sources of variability
As with any survey, quality control procedures are taken to ensure that sources of error are limited
and that the data are of high quality. It is inherent to any measurement process that some sources
of variation cannot be controlled and users should be aware of these. Some variables may be
subject to within person variation. For example, outcomes from a 24-hour dietary intake interview
will not be the same if taken on a different day. A person’s blood pressure reading could be
temporarily elevated due to personal stress and may not equal the average or usual blood pressure
reading for that individual. The data collection protocols for each component contain important
information on the procedures that can be used to interpret findings.
3.2.3 Subsetting data Variance estimates
Sometimes an analyst may have a certain demographic subgroup of interest, such as a particular
age range or sex, or a subsample of participants who received a particular laboratory test. For some
variance estimation methods, including the Taylor Series Linearization, the entire set of data
containing the appropriate weights for a particular survey cycle must be used to obtain the correct
variance estimates. The estimation procedure must indicate which records are in the subgroup of
interest. For example, to estimate mean body mass index and its standard error for men 20 years
and over, the entire dataset of examined individuals who have an exam weight, including females
and those younger than 20 years, must be read into the statistical software program. The
SUBPOPN (or SUBPOPX) statement in SUDAAN, the STAT and DOMAIN statements in the
SAS survey procedure, or comparable statements in other programs must be used to indicate the
subgroup of interest (i.e., men aged 20 and over in the above example). Depending on the
specifications for of the software, an indicator variable created by the analyst prior to the procedure
may facilitate the identification of the subgroup in the procedure statements. Degrees of freedom
The nominal degrees of freedom can be approximated using the stratum and PSU variables on the
data file by subtracting the number of strata from the number of PSUs. If an analysis is performed
on a subgroup of cases, the degrees of freedom should be based on the number of strata and PSUs
containing the observations of interest. For example, if the standard error of the mean systolic
blood pressure for non-Hispanic black persons is based on 25 PSUs and 13 strata then the degrees
of freedom would be 25 minus 13, which is 12. The degrees of freedom are used in statistical tests
and in the computation of confidence intervals.
The analyst should be aware how the software package being used determines degrees of freedom
for subgroups as they can differ among packages. Many of these packages do not correct for the
reduction in the degrees of freedom in analyses for subgroups where not all strata and PSUs are
represented. Therefore, it is important to output the number of PSU’s and stratum from the survey
package procedures and calculate the correct degrees of freedom.
Some analysis packages will improperly calculate the degrees of freedom from a combined data
set containing multiple NHANES survey cycles when only one NHANES survey cycle is being
used in the analysis. Including only the survey cycles of interest in the analysis will produce the
correct degrees of freedom.
3.3 Statistical precision of estimates
The issues of precision and statistical reliability should be addressed for each specific analysis.
The statistical reliability of an estimate can be evaluated using several measures, including the
sample size on which it is based, the effective sample size (the sample size adjusted for the design
effect), the design effect, the width and relative width of its confidence interval, the relative
standard error (RSE, defined as the ratio of the standard error of the estimate to the estimate itself
and often multiplied by 100 and expressed as a percentage), and the degrees of freedom.
As mentioned above, although data are released in 2-year cycles, the accumulation of at least four
years of data may be required to obtain an acceptable level of reliability. Thus, to create estimates
for smaller 2-year samples, collapsing of some of the subgroups within the sample design may be
necessary to produce adequate sample sizes (both in terms of the number of observations and the
number of PSUs) for analysis purposes.
In 2017, NCHS published updated Data Presentation Standards for Proportions
, a report
describing statistical criteria for determining whether or not to publish a proportion in an NCHS
report. Proportions, generally multiplied by 100 and expressed as percentages, are the most
common estimates produced at NCHS and are commonly reported from NHANES. Criteria used
for these Standards include sample size, confidence intervals and for some surveys, including
NHANES, the degrees of freedom.
The Data Presentation Standards for Proportions are applied to proportions in NCHS reports,
including reports that present estimates from NHANES. These Standards were developed for use
with all NCHS data systems, not just NHANES. While research objectives of NHANES data users
are diverse, the principles of the Data Presentation Standard for Proportions should be considered
when making analytic decisions. The Data Presentation Standards for Proportions are not
applicable for estimated means, percentiles, regression coefficients and other statistics.
Importantly, additional criteria may be needed to meet assumptions for inference.
3.3.1 Sample size
Two general sample size considerations were used in the sample design for NHANES 1999-2016
and NHANES III. First, an estimated prevalence statistic should have a relative standard error of
30 percent or less; and second, the estimated (absolute) differences between population subgroups
(domains) of at least 10 percent should be detectable with a Type I error rate (α) of < 0.05 and a
Type II error rate (β) of < 0.10. The population subgroups for which specified reliability was
desired in NHANES are described in the Sample Design series reports
. As described earlier, to
increase the precision of estimates for the subgroups of interest, oversampling was carried out
(refer, for example, to the sections within regarding sample design changes dealing with race and
Hispanic origin).
For presentation of proportions in NCHS reports, the NCHS Data Presentation Standards for
Proportions require a minimum sample size and effective sample size (i.e. an actual sample size
divided by the design effect) of 30 though estimated proportions must also meet other criteria.
Prior NHANES analytic guidelines had recommend an effective sample size of 30 for proportions
between 0.25 and 0.75 and for means of variables with symmetric distributions, with larger
samples recommended for larger (>0.75) and smaller (<0.25) proportions.
For inference based on the normal approximation, the Central Limit Theorem guarantees that
statistics based on a sufficiently large sample are approximately normally distributed. Rules of
thumb for the Central Limit Theorem approximation vary, but typically, 5 or 10 events (or non-
events) are suggested for the numerator when estimating proportions. As a result, for proportions
based on rare or nearly universally occurring events (the extremes of the distribution), a much
larger sample may be required to make inferences based on the Central Limit Theorem for some
analyses. For proportions between 0.25 and 0.75 based on the NHANES surveys an effective
sample size of at least 30 (in the denominator) should be sufficient to make inferences based on
the normal approximation.
3.3.2 Relative standard error
The relative standard error (RSE) of an estimated statistic is defined as the ratio of the standard
error of the estimated statistic to the estimated statistic and is usually expressed as a percentage.
% RSE = (Standard error of estimate / Estimate) * 100
An estimate with a very large relative standard error may be combined with other estimates to
create an aggregate with a reasonably small RSE.
NCHS has often used thresholds based on the RSE in determining whether or not to show an
estimate or to identify an estimate as unreliable in its reports, including NHANES reports. For
proportions, the NCHS Data Standards for Proportions do not include criteria based on the RSE;
other criteria are used to determine whether a proportion is sufficiently precise for publication.
However, estimated means published in NCHS reports will continue to be evaluated based on the
RSE and estimated means with RSE greater than or equal to 30% should be identified as unreliable.
3.3.3 Reliability of the estimated standard error and degrees of freedom
The variance of a statistic estimated from the NHANES data is also an estimate, and as such, is
subject to its own variability. For complex surveys, such as NHANES, the precision of the
estimated variance is approximately related to the square root of the degrees of freedom. As the
number of degrees of freedom increases, the precision of the estimated variance increases.
Conversely, variance estimates based on small numbers of degrees of freedom may not be reliable,
in turn affecting the reliability of statistical tests and inferences.
The NCHS Data Presentation Standards for Proportions recommends that proportions based on
fewer than 8 degrees of freedom be reviewed by a clearance official
. Depending on the purpose
of the report and the particular analysis, this review could result in the presentation or suppression
of the proportion. As the quality of the estimated standard errors for all estimates will depend on
the degrees of freedom, this standard for proportions should be considered guidance for means and
other statistics. Most population estimates from a public-use data file for a single NHANES cycle
are based on 15 degrees of freedom (30 PSU 15 strata). However, estimates for subgroups not
represented in all locations and subnational estimates produced in the RDC may have fewer than
15 degrees of freedom.
3.3.4 Confidence intervals
Confidence intervals can be examined when assessing the reliability of an estimate. Interpreted
based on the sample design, under repeated sampling from the same population, the true population
parameter will be contained in, say, a 95 percent confidence interval in 95% of the repeated
samples. For surveys, confidence intervals for proportions and means have often been computed
using the Wald approach, with the degrees of freedom calculated, as above, as the number of PSU
minus the number of strata. As mentioned above, survey software may not calculate the degrees
of freedom accurately for NHANES subpopulations so extracting the necessary information and
computing the interval may be needed.
When used for proportions, particularly proportions near 0 and 1, the Wald method may result in
negative lower limits for small proportions and in upper limits that exceed 1 for large proportions;
furthermore, in simulation studies, 95% confidence intervals for proportions using the Wald
method generally do not contain the true parameter 95% of the repeated samples. Other methods
for obtaining confidence intervals for proportions may be used. The properties of the proportion
and the analytic goals should be considered when selecting an approach.
The NCHS Data Standards for Proportions include criteria based on the absolute and relative
widths of the confidence interval. From a calculated CI, the absolute CI width is obtained by
subtracting the value of the lower confidence limit from the value of the upper confidence limit.
The relative CI width is calculated as the absolute CI width divided by the proportion and
multiplied by 100%. For this purpose, confidence intervals standards are based on the Clopper-
Pearson confidence interval
, which was adapted for complex surveys by Korn and Graubard
Although other confidence interval calculations may be appropriate for certain analyses, the
thresholds for the NCHS Data Presentation Standards for Proportions were set using the Clopper-
Pearson intervals and have not been evaluated for other intervals
For proportions in NCHS publications, if the absolute confidence interval width is greater than 0
and less than or equal to 0.05, then the proportion can be presented if all other criteria (i.e. number
of events, size of sample, relative standard error) are met. If the absolute confidence interval width
is greater than or equal to 0.30, then the proportion should be suppressed. If the absolute confidence
interval width is between 0.05 and 0.30 and the relative confidence interval width is more than
130% times the proportion, then the proportion should be suppressed.
4. Conclusion
In summary, these analytic guidelines represent the latest statistical procedures and analytic
guidance for the continuous NHANES survey for the years 2011-2014 and 2015-2016.
As mentioned previously, another resource for all analysts is the series of NHANES Tutorials
a Web-based product designed to assist users in understanding and analyzing NHANES data. The
tutorial illustrates many of the topics described in this report, including preparing analytic datasets,
understanding survey design features such as sample weights and variance estimation, and
provides sample code using SUDAAN and other survey software.
5. References
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