Requesting Recommendation Letters In Naviance
1. Request your recommendation letters from your teachers in person
2. Then, from your Naviance homepage, click on the “Colleges” link in
the upper right hand corner, choose the drop down item “Apply to
College” and choose “Letters of Recommendation”.
3. Click on “Add Request”. Click the drop down box to find the teacher
who will be writing your letter of recommendation. You can only
request a recommendation from one teacher at a time. Therefore,
you will need to complete separate requests for each teacher from
whom you are seeking a recommendation.
4. Choose “all current and future colleges”, unless a school to which you
are applying to limits the number of letters of recommendations it
will accept. In that circumstance, you need to choose specific schools
to which your recommendation(s) will be sent.
(Note: This cannot be done until your request for transcripts has
been submitted to the School Counseling Office and colleges have
been moved from “perspective” to “active”.)
5. In the “Personal Note to Teacher” box you can include any specifics
that you want mentioned in your letter. Remember to include your
earliest deadline for the teacher. Click “Submit Request” to send
your teacher the recommendation request.
Don’t forget to write a personal thank you note to each of your