Qualitative Sampling
A Primer for Technical
Amy Koerber
Lonie McMichael
Texas Tech University
Qualitative sampling methods have been largely ignored in technical commu-
nication texts, making this concept difficult to teach in graduate courses on
research methods. Using concepts from qualitative health research, this article
provides a primer on qualitative methods as an initial effort to fill this gap in
the technical communication literature. Specifically, the authors attempt to
clarify some of the current confusion over qualitative sampling terminology,
explain what qualitative sampling methods are and why they need to be imple-
mented, and offer examples of how to apply commonly used qualitative sam-
pling methods.
Keywords: research methods; sample selection; qualitative research; inter-
ince at least the early 1990s, technical communication scholars have been
calling for more rigorous research methods and more systematic
approaches to research. Those who have written on the subject have suggested
that attention to research methods is a necessary component of professional-
ization (Goubil-Gambrell, 1992; Porter & Coggin, 1995; Savage, 2003). They
have also suggested techniques we can use to grant our research greater legit-
imacy among interdisciplinary audiences within the academy (Barton, 2001;
Charney, 1996, 2001) and professional audiences beyond it (Campbell, 1999;
Carliner, 1994; Hayhoe, 1997; Hughes & Hayhoe, 2007; Spilka, 2000).
Journal of Business and
Technical Communication
Volume XX Number X
Month XXXX xx-xx
© 2008 Sage Publications
hosted at
Authors’ Note: We thank the students in English 5389: Field Methods of Research in Technical
Communication, spring 2007, at Texas Tech University, for their discussions that sparked the
idea for this article. Also, the research that led to this article was supported in part by a seed grant
from the West Texas Rural EXPORT Center at Texas Tech University–Health Sciences Center.
Approaches and Practices
Copyright 2008 by SAGE Publications.
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Curiously, however, despite all this attention to technical communication
research, in a recent graduate course on research methods,
our class discus-
sions and readings revealed one important subject that has been almost
entirely overlooked in our field: appropriate sampling methods for qualitative
research. As a result of this gap in our literature, students were turning to pub-
lications in other disciplines in order to learn more about qualitative sampling
than what was included in the course readings. From the students’ perspec-
tives, the lack of a clear demarcation between qualitative and quantitative
sampling in our own discipline, as well as the many different ways of describ-
ing qualitative sampling that they found in publications from other disci-
plines, made this subject confusing and overwhelming. To begin to allay this
confusion and fill this gap in our field’s literature on research methods, this
article offers information that may help others involved in teaching and learn-
ing technical communication research methods. After briefly reviewing the
literature to indicate the gap that we perceive in technical communication
research and the pedagogical difficulties that ensue from this gap, we intro-
duce qualitative sampling techniques and address some of the major ques-
tions students might have about applying these techniques.
The Qualitative Tradition in
Technical Communication
A common tendency in technical communication texts on research meth-
ods is that the researchers limit their discussion of systematic sampling to
quantitative studies and then state or imply that qualitative sampling is by
nature unsystematic. One striking example is Charney (1996), who men-
tioned that the “routine reporting of sampling procedures” (p. 585) grants
rigor and credibility to quantitative research. Specifically, Charney discussed
two basic categories of sampling, stratified sampling and basic random sam-
pling, that are typically used in quantitative research (p. 584). In contrast, she
asserted, the same rigor of sampling methods will never be available in qual-
itative research: “Qualitative studies cannot avoid the difficulties of selecting
research sites and participants” (p. 585). In elaborating this claim, Charney
discussed two pitfalls that stem from this lack of rigorous qualitative sam-
pling methods: First, “analyzing the discourse surrounding known break-
throughs...can lead to specious causal claims about the importance of
specific textual features,” and second, “picking a site opportunistically” can
be problematic if the researcher “then treat[s] it as emblematic” (p. 585). We
do not disagree that such pitfalls can be encountered in qualitative research,
but Charney did not address whether there are any sampling techniques that
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qualitative researchers could use to steer clear of such pitfalls. Although she
identified techniques such as triangulation, cross-checking, and critical self-
reflection that qualitative researchers have used to avoid these pitfalls,
Charney did not specifically mention any qualitative sampling techniques
other than “opportunistic” ones. When selecting a sample in qualitative
research, then, according to Charney’s assertions, novice researchers might
conclude that they have little choice but to use whatever material is available
and, hence, little ability to control this aspect of the study.
Other publications about research methods since Charney’s (1996)
provide similar advice about the lack of systematic sampling methods in
qualitative research. Echoing Charney, researchers who offer advice on
technical communication research often link systematic sampling methods
to quantitative research. When discussing sampling methods for qualitative
research, they either refer back to quantitative methods or echo Charney’s
assertion that “qualitative studies cannot avoid the difficulties of selecting
research sites and participants” and thus imply that the novice researcher
does not need much specific guidance on this subject.
For instance, in Gurak and Lay’s (2002) edited collection on research
methods, quantitative sampling issues are extensively discussed in the
chapter on surveys (Murphy, 2002, pp. 97-101). But in the chapters that dis-
cuss qualitative research methods, sample selection receives little attention.
And when the issue is addressed, it is not treated as a systematic process
(e.g., Berkenkotter, 2002, pp. 55-56; Katz, 2002, pp. 24, 27-28). For
instance, in discussing site selection for ethnographic study, Katz said this:
First, the researcher has to think of an appropriate site—a site where he or
she can observe the kinds of behaviors relevant to the research questions—
and then the researcher has to convince the organization to grant permission
for the study. (p. 27)
Then when Katz described site selection for one of her own projects, she
explained that because of permission issues, she was left “with a choice
between two very different organizations,” so she “decided to use both of
them to see whether the findings from one site were comparable to findings
from the other” (p. 28). And in discussing sample selection for textual
analysis, Berkenkotter (2002) provided several examples of previous stud-
ies, explaining how the researchers selected their samples. But she gave
only the following general principle for sample selection in this type of
research: “The advice I give to students beginning textual analysis projects
is that it’s generally better to start small” (p. 56).
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More recently, Hughes and Hayhoe (2007), in comparing quantitative and
qualitative sampling, depicted the lack of representativeness of a qualitative
sample as a trade-off that is necessary to achieve the rich depth of qualitative
data. But they did not discuss systematic techniques for qualitative sampling
and, as such, did not give readers a clear understanding of better and worse
ways to select a qualitative sample. Instead, almost all of their discussions of
systematic sampling techniques refer to quantitative methods.
And in another recent publication on research methods, Blakeslee and
Fleischer (2007) included a discussion of sampling techniques in a section
titled “Planning a Survey or Questionnaire.” They mentioned five techniques
in particular—typical case sampling, homogeneous sampling, deviant-case
sampling, maximum-variation sampling, and convenience sampling
(p. 148)—and explained how each technique might be used to select a sur-
vey sample. But when they discussed qualitative research techniques such as
interviews, focus groups, ethnography, and textual analysis, they did not
describe procedures for sampling systematically or provide terms to help
novice researchers become familiar with qualitative sampling. For example,
in chapter 3, “How Do I Find Answers?” although they offered general
advice on obtaining permissions and getting access to a setting, they did not
mention any specific techniques that qualitative researchers might use in
selecting a sample.
This disparity in the coverage of quantitative versus qualitative sampling
methods goes a long way toward explaining one of the pedagogical difficul-
ties that arose in our research methods course: Although our field has many
examples of excellent qualitative research, this research lacks a consistent
vocabulary for sampling methods, so teaching or discussing effective qualita-
tive sampling in a systematic way was difficult. In all of these excellent models
of qualitative studies, the researchers take great care to describe their selection
of sites and participants for their particular studies. For example, Haas and
Witte (2001) stated the following: “This writing project was chosen for study
precisely because of these complexities.” They seemed to select their particu-
lar site because they deemed it typical: “Indeed, these complexities make the
engineering standards document project fairly typical of technical communi-
cation projects in the contemporary workplaces we have studied” (p. 420).
In other cases, by contrast, researchers select their sample because it
represents something atypical—an aspect about which little is known. For
instance, Winsor (2006), who has collected a large body of data through
interviewing and observing the same four engineers since 1989, described
how she selected a sample from that data to analyze in one particular
article. She emphasized that the longitudinal nature of her study made it
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possible to isolate and closely analyze a particular moment at which all four
of her study participants “were gradually moving into positions of greater
responsibility and power in their workplaces” (p. 415), which made her
sample particularly appropriate because data from such a situation had not
previously been available for scrutiny: “Their move into positions of power
constitutes a particularly interesting moment in their work lives, a moment
about which we know little” (p. 415). In addition to making this claim
about the selection of data from her larger longitudinal study, Winsor com-
mented that the variation within this group also made it a useful sample.
Although all four participants experienced a similar situation in that they
had all recently been promoted or had received greater responsibility
through other means, they had done so in “four different contexts” (p. 415),
so she was able to draw useful comparisons between them.
Thus, the authors of research articles such as these carefully explained
their own rationale for selecting a sample. But from a pedagogical perspec-
tive, their lack of a common vocabulary to describe their sampling decisions
makes it difficult to draw connections or comparisons across studies. Our
field has not yet developed a systematic, transferable vocabulary for dis-
cussing and evaluating the traits of appropriate qualitative samples that can
help us to compare such studies to each other and, most important, to teach
students how to select their own samples for qualitative research. For students
in a research methods course, this lack of a systematic vocabulary for quali-
tative sampling may lead them to believe that there are no considerations
when sampling for qualitative research, or at least cause them to be confused
about what sampling method they should use when approaching qualitative
research. That, in turn, may undermine the perceived validity of the already
vulnerable novices’ research, and, in a worst-case scenario, even cause them
to abandon qualitative research altogether.
A Primer on Qualitative Sampling Techniques
Although most of our field’s research-methods texts focus their advice
on sample selection exclusively on quantitative research, a few texts in our
field do offer guidance on sampling techniques that might be appropriate to
qualitative research. In fact, MacNealy’s (1999) Strategies for Empirical
Research in Writing, one of the books most widely used for graduate
research-methods courses in technical communication and rhetoric and
sparked our desire to learn more about qualitative sampling.
In this section, we introduce qualitative sampling methods by summarizing
what MacNealy and a few others in our field have said on the subject and
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then showing how this emerging discussion can be supplemented by turn-
ing to qualitative health research.
MacNealy’s (1999) discussion of sampling distinguished between “proba-
bility” and “non-probability” techniques, defining the latter as those that can
be “used in circumstances where probability samples cannot be obtained or
where levels of confidence are not that important” (p. 156). She mentioned and
briefly defined three such nonprobability sampling techniques: purposeful,
convenience, and snowball (pp. 155-157). She defined a purposeful sample as
having “the characteristics...necessary to answer questions about a cer-
tain matter or product” (p. 157), a convenience sample as one that researchers
acquire by going to public “locations and asking passers-by to participate”
(p. 156), and a snowball sample as “the population of interest [that] cannot be
identified other than by someone who knows that a certain person has the nec-
essary experience or characteristics to be included” (p. 157).
Although these nonprobability techniques certainly sound like sampling
methods that could be used in qualitative research, MacNealy (1999) never
explicitly depicted them as such. In fact, this chapter on surveys, typically
considered quantitative research, is the only place in which MacNealy
explicitly discussed sampling techniques that might be appropriate to quali-
tative research. In the chapters devoted to qualitative research, MacNealy
echoed many of the other texts in our field by failing to address sampling
systematically. Although she distinguished between probability and non-
probability techniques, she did not specifically look at the way sampling for
quantitative research differs from that of qualitative research and how the
two methods may create different sampling requirements. For instance, in a
chapter on focus groups, she referred readers back to her discussion of
random sampling in surveys without elaborating on how this sampling tech-
nique might need to be modified for qualitative research and without men-
tioning any other sampling techniques that might be better suited to
qualitative research. Similarly, in a chapter on ethnography, MacNealy iden-
tified a few possible types of “sampling error,” but she did not mention any
specific sampling techniques that a researcher might use to guard against
such errors.
Seeking to supplement MacNealy’s (1999) discussion, we found two
other texts in our field that more explicitly discuss sampling techniques
appropriate to qualitative research. First, using a different terminology but
describing techniques that might be considered variations on MacNealy’s
purposeful sampling, Campbell (1999) talked about maximum variation
sampling, typical case sampling, and critical case sampling (pp. 541-542).
Quoting Lindlof (1995), Campbell stated that in maximum variation
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sampling, “cases are usually selected serially, with each adding a different,
contrasting element to the overall sample.” In typical case sampling, by con-
trast, a researcher tries to identify the most typical case, which can be
defined in various ways, “as the most frequent case, as the average of a dis-
tribution range, or as the composite ideal of a phenomenon.” Finally, in crit-
ical case sampling, the researcher selects “a case that exemplifies a theoretical
or practical problem” (p. 542). Campbell’s terms and definitions are helpful,
but her discussion is limited to a brief paragraph on each sampling tech-
nique. Furthermore, although such discussion is geared toward workplace
professionals who need an introductory understanding of communication
research, it does not elaborate enough to be useful for a graduate student
embarking on a major research project, nor does it provide examples of how
these sampling techniques might be applied in academic research.
Second, Barton (2001) used still another term—“theoretical sampling”—to
describe a technique that sounds similar to those discussed by MacNealy
(1999) and Campbell (1999). The theoretical sample is a “well-defined sam-
ple” (Barton, 2001, p. 324) “that is systematically aimed at representativeness”
(p. 325) even though it is not generalizable in the same manner expected in
quantitative sampling. She claimed that this technique improves on the
“opportunistic design” that is more typical in our field (i.e., studying whatever
materials or artifacts are readily available to the researcher). Of the discussions
on qualitative sampling in technical communication research, Barton’s discus-
sion of theoretical sampling is the most thorough and well-grounded. Still,
though, this discussion is of limited use to the typical graduate student
embarking on a major research project because it focuses only on one tech-
nique and does not specify how it might relate to the techniques discussed by
MacNealy or Campbell.
Thus, technical communication researchers looking for advice on select-
ing a sample for qualitative research do have some resources available to
them. But as these few examples reveal, current discussions of qualitative
sampling techniques in our field are relatively brief in contrast to the atten-
tion devoted to other aspects of qualitative research. And those scholars who
have discussed qualitative sampling used a variety of terms and expressions
to describe the techniques they suggested even though these techniques
seem to have important similarities. Because our field’s attention to qualita-
tive sampling has so far been minimal, we have not sorted out which kind of
sampling technique might be most appropriate in which type of study, and
we have not agreed on a consistent terminology to describe sampling in
qualitative research. In the rest of this article, we add to this emerging con-
versation in our field, starting with these ideas about qualitative sampling but
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following Barton’s (2001) suggestion that we tap into qualitative health care
research in order to develop a more systematic vocabulary.
Turning to the literature in health care research, we see that it shares a con-
cern about rigor and lack of generalizability that is evident in some of our
field’s major research. As health care researchers have observed, qualitative
research that does not provide adequate description of sampling techniques
renders questionable interpretation and replication of that research whereas a
clear description of such techniques enhances qualitative research (Coyne,
1997; Higginbottom, 2004; Waitzkin, 1990). But health care researchers have
paid more explicit attention to qualitative sampling than we have—in fact, a
PubMed search on theoretical sampling, which is just one of the three main
types of sampling we discuss, returned 97 citations. As a result of this schol-
arly attention, health care researchers have developed a more systematic
vocabulary to address concerns about rigor in qualitative research.
Questions About Qualitative Sampling Techniques
In this section, we summarize what we learned about qualitative sam-
pling from health care literature. We organize this summary around four
questions that students in research-methods courses might find to be inad-
equately addressed in the technical communication literature: (1) What is
qualitative sampling, and how does it differ from quantitative sampling? (2)
What are the primary qualitative sampling techniques that I need to know?
(3) How do I select a sampling technique? and (4) How do I know when I
have collected enough data?
Question 1: What Is Qualitative Sampling,
and How Does It Differ From Quantitative Sampling?
Qualitative researchers in health care have established more clearly than
have scholars in our field that the nature of a good sample is different in
qualitative research than it is in quantitative (Higginbottom, 2004; Mays &
Pope, 2000; Waitzkin, 1990). Quantitative researchers usually try to mini-
mize study bias by ensuring that their sample accurately reflects the larger
population from which they drew it. Researchers identify different ways
to minimize bias (Murphy, 2002), but despite these differences, the goals
of minimizing bias and maximizing generalizability remain the same.
Quantitative sampling techniques, therefore, are designed to accommodate
these goals of minimizing bias and maximizing generalizability.
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Rather than aiming to generalize about large populations, Giacomini
and Cook (2000) suggested that the purpose of qualitative studies is to
offer a “window-like” or a “mirror-like” view on the specific situation or
phenomenon being studied (p. 480). Because minimizing bias and maxi-
mizing generalizability are not the primary goals of qualitative research,
health care researchers have asserted, quantitative sampling techniques
cannot be transferred directly to qualitative research (Higginbottom, 2004,
p. 18). Depending on the situation being examined and the research ques-
tion guiding that examination, qualitative researchers might have a variety
of different goals in selecting a sample. In some cases, they might want to
ensure that the sample exposes the differences within a population as much
as possible. In other cases, they might want to examine carefully the
behaviors of a cross-section of a larger population. Thus, rather than
selecting a sample that will allow them to generalize to an entire popula-
tion, qualitative researchers aim to minimize the chance that a study’s find-
ings will be entirely idiosyncratic, that the findings will be completely
different from what they might be at another site, with other subjects.
Despite these fundamental differences, qualitative and quantitative sam-
pling techniques are not mutually exclusive and can sometimes be used
together to develop a more suitable sample. For instance, using purposeful
sampling (explained in the next subsection), researchers may establish a sam-
ple that is too large for their resources. They may then use random sampling,
a quantitative technique, to determine a subsample that may be more within
their means.
Question 2: What Are the Primary Qualitative
Sampling Techniques That I Need to Know?
In response to the growing awareness that quantitative research and
qualitative research demand different sampling methods (Higginbottom,
2004, p. 13), health care researchers in the last few decades have defined
sampling techniques that are more appropriate to qualitative research.
Although many different terms may describe qualitative sampling, most of
these represent variations on the three major categories of sampling on
which our discussion centers: convenience, purposeful, and theoretical. For
each of these sampling techniques, we offer a definition, a discussion of the
pitfalls that researchers should avoid in using the technique, and references
to studies that apply the technique.
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Convenience Sampling
Many qualitative researchers use convenience sampling, a technique
sometimes called accidental (Burnard, 2004, p. 177; MacNealy, 1999,
p. 156) or opportunistic (Barton, 2001) sampling. One health care researcher
(Higginbottom, 2004) defined the convenience sample as consisting of “par-
ticipants who are readily available and easy to contact” (p. 15). Although this
definition emphasizes ready availability, some convenience samples are
more readily accessible than others, so even if a sample is convenient, some
amount of effort will likely be involved in reaching and recruiting partici-
pants from that sample. A closely related technique is snowball sampling, in
which the researcher starts with a small sample of people who are readily
available and easy to contact and then expands the sample by asking each
participant to recommend other potential participants (p. 12).
Although convenience sampling is not adequate in every situation, it can
provide an acceptable sample in many situations. The most important poten-
tial pitfall in using this technique is that because the subject matter or popu-
lation being studied is likely to be quite familiar, the researcher might be
tempted to generalize beyond this narrow population; a researcher using a
convenience sample, then, should be especially careful not to overgeneralize.
In addition, although convenience, or opportunistic, samples are widely used
in technical communication research, in other disciplines such a sample is
sometimes perceived as an important study limitation (Barton, 2001). Thus,
if technical communication researchers anticipate an interdisciplinary audi-
ence for their study based on a convenience sample, they need to acknowl-
edge that limitation. And although the convenience sample can be perceived
as a study limitation, it can still turn up rich data. Paradoxically, the same
close relationship between researcher and research site that makes a sample
convenient often grants the researcher a level of access to and familiarity with
the sample that guarantees a richness of data that could not be attained if the
sample were less familiar, and therefore less convenient, to the researcher.
Paskiewicz (2001) and Graham, Ward, Munro, Snow, and Ellis (2006)
use convenience samples in their qualitative health care studies. In an inter-
view study, Paskiewicz (2001) drew a convenience sample of “15 low-
income, African American teen mothers” (p. 34) from the pool of
participants in a larger quantitative study of teen mothering practices. In a
focus-group/interview study of teenage alcohol use, Graham et al. (2006)
sent recruiting announcements to all of the schools in the region and, based
on responses to these announcements, enlisted 28 parents of adolescent
children. For an example of snowball sampling and a description of how it
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was used in one study in our field that combines rhetorical analysis with
ethnographic observations and interviews, students might refer to Britt’s
(2001) research-methods appendix.
Purposeful Sampling
Purposeful sampling means that the researcher is looking for participants
who possess certain traits or qualities.
In this sampling method, the researcher
considers the aim of the research and selects samples accordingly (Coyne,
1997, p. 624). In purposeful sampling, the most important guiding principle is
maximum variation; that is, researchers should seek to include people who
represent the widest variety of perspectives possible within the range specified
by their purpose (Higginbottom, 2004, p. 17). Along these lines, the most
obvious pitfall in purposeful sampling would be to select a sample that is not
diverse enough to represent the variation known to exist in the population or
phenomenon being studied. For example, suppose we wanted to design a qual-
itative study to shed new light on the tensions that can exist between technical
communicators and the subject-matter experts with whom they interact. A
valid purposeful sample in this case would, at the least, have to include partic-
ipants from both of these groups in order to draw conclusions about interac-
tions or relationships between them. Going one step further, the sample should
also include as much variation as possible within each of these two groups.
Therefore, within each group we should try to recruit both management and
nonmanagement employees with varying levels of education and experience.
An even worse pitfall of purposeful sampling would be for researchers to
intentionally craft a sample to achieve the results that they want. In our
example involving technical communicators and subject-matter experts,
suppose we really wanted to overturn some of the existing beliefs in techni-
cal communication research about the tensions that can exist between tech-
nical communicators and subject-matter experts. If we intentionally located
an organization where we knew beforehand that technical communicators
and subject-matter experts had exceptionally smooth relationships, we
would be misusing purposeful sampling techniques. To avoid this pitfall, we
could opt to include participants from more than one organization and make
sure that we were less familiar with some of these other organizations.
Another less obvious pitfall in purposeful sampling that occasionally
occurs in students’ efforts as well as in published research is when
researchers describe their sampling method as purposeful but do not provide
adequate detail about their purpose in selecting the sample. They should
explicitly state their purpose in the research-methods section and carefully
describe how they selected their sample in order to fulfill that purpose.
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Whether or not researchers use this term to describe their sample selec-
tion, purposeful sampling is typically the technique employed in ethno-
graphic research (Higginbottom, 2004, p. 11). Simmons (2002) and Hoddinott
and Pill (1999) are examples of health care researchers who used purpose-
ful sampling to recruit mothers in order to interview them about their expe-
riences with infant feeding. These researchers used purposeful sampling in
these two qualitative studies because in both cases they knew at the outset of
the study that they wanted a sample that would represent a broad range of
infant-feeding experiences. For examples of technical communication research
that seem to use purposeful sampling without explicitly describing it as
such, students might refer to two of the studies discussed earlier in this arti-
cle: Haas and Witte’s (2001) and Winsor’s (2006).
Theoretical Sampling
In some instances, purposeful sampling could be confused with theoretical
sampling (Tuckett, 2004, p. 53). But the health care literature is quite clear
in delineating between these two sampling techniques (Coyne, 1997;
Higginbottom, 2004). These two sampling techniques certainly resemble each
other insofar as both involve a more clearly defined purpose than that involved
in selecting a convenience sample. In purposeful sampling, however, the sam-
pling criteria are developed in advance of the study, and the sample does not
change throughout the study. In theoretical sampling, by contrast, the criteria
for sampling emerge along with the study itself. Furthermore, theoretical sam-
pling differs from purposeful sampling in that theoretical sampling is a basic
tenet of grounded theory and thus should always be understood in that context
(Coyne, 1997, p. 624). Grounded theory is based on the idea that the data pro-
vide the theory. The researcher identifies a situation or phenomenon that can-
not be adequately explained by existing theories and then initiates a research
project to glean data that will build and test a new theory. The researcher then
adjusts the theory according to trends that appear in the data. In other words,
in theoretical sampling, every time researchers start to see a trend emerging in
the data, they purposely look for new data that will either call that trend into
question or confirm it (Coyne, 1997; Strauss & Corbin, 1998). As researchers
collect data using this method, they code and analyze the data in order to
decide in which direction to take the sampling (Coyne, 1997, p. 625). They test
and redefine their coding categories, choose further samples to refine these
categories, and document the emerging sampling strategy as it unfolds
(p. 626). Thus, theoretical sampling is sometimes referred to as an iterative
process (Higginbottom, 2004, p. 13). To capture these important features of
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theoretical sampling, Coyne (1997) suggested that a more accurate term for
this sampling technique might be “analysis driven purposeful sampling” or
“analysis governed purposeful sampling” (p. 629).
Because building the theoretical sample always involves a purposeful ele-
ment, researchers using this technique obviously face the pitfalls that we
mentioned in our discussion of purposeful sampling. Beyond those, another
important pitfall of theoretical sampling would be for a researcher to use this
technique without having an adequate understanding of grounded theory or
to fail to document the sampling strategy as it unfolds. For a more complete
discussion of theoretical sampling as it relates to grounded theory, students
should consult major texts on grounded theory such as Glaser and Strauss’s
(1967), Glaser’s (1992), Strauss and Corbin’s (1998), and Charmaz’s (2006).
For an extensive discussion of the use of theoretical sampling techniques,
see Tuckett’s (2004) study of the communication between nursing home res-
idents and their caregivers. Tuckett provided an excellent model because he
carefully documented how his theoretical sample developed and changed
during the course of his study, starting with selecting a research site from 12
possible nursing homes and continuing through each phase of recruiting
study participants from various locations within the site he selected.
Question 3: How Do I Select a Sampling Technique?
Deciding which qualitative sampling technique to use—convenience,
purposeful, or theoretical—depends largely on the nature, research ques-
tion, and scope of the study. Because convenience sampling simply means
that the researcher is using a sample that is readily available, it could, in
some sense, apply to almost any research project. Usually, though, the term
will be used only if ready access was the researcher’s sole consideration in
selecting a sample and if the researcher did not have an opportunity, at the
outset of the research project, to select from several different research sites
or populations. That would be the case, for instance, if students decided to
conduct research at the on- or off-campus site where they worked part-time.
If they did not work there, they might not have the same access to that par-
ticular research site. If they have other considerations besides convenience
in selecting their sample, researchers typically use a more precise term such
as purposeful sampling (Coyne, 1997, p. 624; Higginbottom, 2004, p. 13).
As we have suggested, purposeful sampling implies that researchers
have some degree of choice in selecting their research sample and that they
have a clear purpose that guides their choice. For instance, researchers who
are affiliated with an academic program that has relationships with several
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organizations that routinely allow researchers to conduct research at their
worksites could employ purposeful sampling by selecting the organiza-
tion(s) most closely aligned with their research question. Researchers
whose research question focused on, say, intercultural issues could work
with organizations that do a lot of international business, or those whose
research question involved medical communication could work with orga-
nizations most relevant to that subject, and so on.
After selecting a research site, the researcher can also use purposeful
sampling to select participants from that site. For instance, if a researcher
wanted to conduct interviews as part of a study on how online support
groups help depressive patients cope with their illness, the researcher would
first select the online support groups from which to recruit participants and
then seek to recruit interviewees who had used such support groups during
their treatment for depression. Other criteria would likely come into play at
this stage, and these would depend on the researcher’s specific purpose and
research question. For instance, maybe the researcher would want to select
only people who had already finished treatment and were no longer using
such support groups, interview only people currently involved in such sup-
port groups, or purposely select a blend of these two types. All of these pre-
defined traits are part of the purpose that guides sample selection.
Finally, researchers’ choice to use theoretical sampling is closely tied to
their choice of a larger methodological framework. Typically, researchers
should only describe their sampling methods as theoretical if they are using
some version of grounded theory to guide the research. Theoretical sam-
pling implies that the sampling strategy will be left open-ended at the out-
set of a study and allowed to unfold as the research progresses. Although
this strategy might seem risky for a novice researcher, with the proper guid-
ance and support from a knowledgeable advisor, it is feasible.
Question 4: How Do I Know
When I Have Collected Enough Data?
In quantitative research, sample size is determined by statistical formu-
las that indicate the number of participants necessary to ensure that the
research findings are generalizable to the total population studied. Because
generalizability is not the goal in qualitative research, different standards
determine when enough data has been collected. For the first two tech-
niques, convenience and purposeful, a good general rule about sample size
is that quality is more important than quantity. Because convenience sam-
pling can vary so much from one research project to the next, it is hard to
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make more specific recommendations about sample size for this technique.
For purposeful sampling, as long as researchers recruit a sample that is
diverse enough to fulfill their stated purpose, as we detailed in our discus-
sion of this technique, the sample size can generally be considered ade-
quate. Along these lines, a sample as small as two or three participants
might turn up rich data if the researcher is able to interact with these par-
ticipants in a number of different ways—perhaps through a series of inter-
views that take place at different points in these participants’ lives or
through a combination of interviews and ethnographic observations. That
was certainly the case with the small sample of engineers who Winsor
(2006) followed for several years through various stages of their profes-
sional lives. On the other hand, such a small sample size would be problem-
atic if the researcher engaged in only limited interaction with this
sample—for instance, researchers would have difficulty justifying their
basing an entire study on a single interview with only two or three partici-
pants because arguing that only two or three people adequately represented
the diversity in the target population would be nearly impossible.
Of course, sample size is often influenced, to some extent, by availability
and by resources such as time and funding. For instance, in the hypothetical
study of online support groups, the researcher might determine at the outset
that recruiting at least 20 people for the study would be feasible based on the
funding available to pay for costs such as transcription and on the time frame
within which the researcher needs to complete the study. As long as the
researcher has enough resources to support a sample large enough to guaran-
tee the kind of quality needed to fulfill the purpose of the study, then the
researcher can justify allowing the available resources to play a role in deter-
mining sample size. Choosing a sample size that is beyond their resources is
a danger for all researchers, but especially for the novice researcher who may
not understand the time and effort required to gather, process, and interpret
data. Although this question of sample size might seem to be the least sys-
tematic part of qualitative sampling, even in quantitative research there is
never a magically correct number that guarantees the effectiveness or legiti-
macy of a sample size. In fact, in large-scale studies, quantitative researchers
often depend on statisticians to tell them how large their sample should be,
and the question of which statistical formula is most appropriate for any given
study leaves plenty of room for disagreement. Furthermore, even if everyone
could agree on a magically correct sample size, researchers might not be able
to actually achieve that sample size; time and funding constraints, as well as
considerations such as study attrition, affect the sample size in quantitative
research just as they do in qualitative research.
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In theoretical sampling, researchers face the same constraints, but they
are guided by the concept of data saturation—that is, when they no longer
see new data appearing in the research, when the data being collected
appears redundant. To reach the point of data saturation, researchers must
continually analyze their collected data while still collecting more data
(Tuckett, 2004, p. 49). In grounded theory, this concept is referred to as the-
oretical saturation, which occurs when researchers determine that all of
their theoretical categories have become full enough to provide an adequate
basis for generating a theory to explain the situation they are studying.
Researchers achieve theoretical saturation when “no new emergent themes
or concepts are generated” (Higginbottom, 2004, p. 10).
In any discipline informed by more than one research tradition, tensions
will perhaps inevitably exist between the generalizable, replicable results that
can be achieved from well-designed, large-scale quantitative studies and the
more individualistic, in-depth results that come from well-designed qualitative
studies. Sometimes in technical communication, this tension seems to be for-
gotten, or maybe subsumed, in our tendency to embrace methodological plu-
ralism and our belief that such pluralism is one of our field’s strengths (Barton,
2000; Charney, 1996; Gurak & Lay, 2002; Johnson-Eilola & Selber, 2004).
From time to time, though, even amidst this enthusiasm, researchers alert us
to the tension between quantitative and qualitative research and urge us to take
steps to overcome it. For instance, Charney (1996) has criticized our tendency
to understand quantitative and qualitative methods in terms of “diametric
opposition,” claiming that “it is more productive to view these methods as
complementary or even as overlapping” (p. 582). Echoing Charney, Barton
(2000) has stated that “the contact zone between methodologies should no
longer remain a war zone, but become a resolution zone” (p. 405).
Interestingly, in the same article in which she encouraged a more com-
plementary relationship between quantitative and qualitative research,
Charney (1996) expressed one of the biggest stumbling blocks to establish-
ing a more positive relationship between the two research approaches.
Specifically, Charney characterized qualitative research as inherently sub-
jective, and she invoked a stark contrast to the objective stance that can be
achieved in a well-designed quantitative study. She went on to argue that
the “objectivity” enabled by quantitative methods “facilitates public (as
well as private) scrutiny of information and the methods used to collect it”
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(p. 577). In short, if we take Charney’s remarks seriously, then we need to
develop frameworks for qualitative research that allow the kind of public
scrutiny that is available to quantitative researchers. In this article, we have
attempted to take a step in this direction by picking up on the efforts of
those few researchers in our field who have begun to develop a vocabulary
for sampling techniques in qualitative research (Barton, 2001; Campbell,
1999; MacNealy, 1999). Specifically, we have aimed to synthesize what
technical communication researchers have said about qualitative sampling
and then supplement it with material from other disciplines in order to give
technical communication researchers a concise guide to sampling methods
for qualitative research.
As a practical guide, we hope this article is useful to graduate students in
technical communication. But in terms of the larger academic conversation,
we also hope it might contribute to the goal Charney (1996) described, that
quantitative and qualitative research should be seen as “complementary” or
even “overlapping.” We have not yet achieved this type of symbiotic rela-
tionship between the two. To achieve this truly symbiotic relationship, we
would need an increased understanding of the methods through which rigor
can be achieved in qualitative research. Especially now, as our field becomes
increasingly interdisciplinary and more reliant on external funding, graduate
students need to learn systematic techniques for qualitative sampling. The
assumption underlying the treatment of qualitative sampling in many current
technical communication texts seems to be that qualitative research can be
interesting to readers in our own field but that it will never carry weight with
larger audiences outside our field because its findings cannot be generalized
in the same way that those of quantitative research can. We believe that this
imbalance—an imbalance that seems to persist despite researchers’ calls for
complementarity between quantitative and qualitative approaches—is at the
heart of the gap that exists in regard to qualitative sampling. As long as this
imbalance between quantitative and qualitative research continues to exist,
we cannot hope to achieve the kind of complementary relationship that
Charney and Barton (2000) called for. We might even argue that with such
an imbalance, we cannot truly achieve the methodological pluralism that
others tout as a strength of our field.
1. The first author, Amy Koerber, was the instructor of the research methods course
referred to here, Field Methods in Technical Communication Research. The second author,
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Lonie McMichael, was a student in the class and also worked with Koerber as a research
assistant during the same semester.
2. Rickly (2007) conducted a survey of instructors of graduate research-methods courses
in technical communication and rhetoric and composition and found MacNealy’s (1999)
Strategies for Empirical Research in Writing to be one of the three most commonly used text-
books for such courses.
3. In the health care literature, scholars sometimes use slightly different terms such as
selective or purposive to refer to what we are describing as purposeful sampling. Although
Coyne (1997) delineated a subtle distinction between selective and purposeful sampling
(p. 624), many other health care researchers use the two terms interchangeably. Since purpose-
ful seems to be the most commonly used term, we have elected to use that term in our discus-
sion and not to sidetrack readers with Coyne’s (1997) distinction between purposeful and
selective sampling. And the term purposive is just a minor grammatical variation from our pre-
ferred term, purposeful.
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Amy Koerber is an associate professor of technical communication and rhetoric at Texas Tech
University. She has recently published articles on medical rhetoric in the Journal of Medical
Humanities and Technical Communication Quarterly.
Lonie McMichael is currently a PhD student in technical communication and rhetoric at
Texas Tech University, specializing in cultural studies, medical rhetoric, and research methods.
She returned to school in 2003 after working for 12 years as a technical communicator.
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