1. What are the criteria for consideration of issuance?
Pursuant to California Penal Code § 26150, the criteria are as follows:
1. Proof that the person applying is of good moral character
2. Proof that good cause exists for the issuance
3. Proof that the person applying is a resident of the county or a city within the county.
4. Proof that the person applying has completed the required a course of
training including instruction on firearm safety, the law regarding the
permissible use of a firearm and qualification of weapon(s)/type(s) to be
listed on the permit.
NEW applicants are required to take a sixteen (16) hour safety training course
after notification of approval of CCW
RENEWAL applicants are required to take a four (4) hour continuing
education safety training course
5. Proof of no statutory prohibitions.
2. Is the Sheriff required to issue CCW Permits?
No. The Sheriff is not required to issue CCW Permits. By law, the Sheriff has
the discretion to approve or deny CCW permit applications as well as revoke
issued permits.
3. Do all residents of San Joaquin County have a right to be issued a CCW Permit?
No resident has the right to a CCW Permit. Carrying a concealed weapon is a
privilege, not a right.
4. Are CCW Permits issued for employment purposes?
No. CCW Permits are NOT issued for employment purposes.
5. How old do I have to be before I can apply for a CCW Permit?
An applicant must be 21 years old before applying for a CCW permit.
The minimum age is not set by California Statute; however, per Penal Code 26500,
persons must be 21 years of age to purchase a handgun (which is then registered in the
Department of Justice database). E
ffective January 1, 2019, licensed firearms dealers
will also generally be prohibited from selling or transferring firearms of any type to
people under 21, unless the recipient is a member of the Armed Forces or law enforcement
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6. Do you have to be a United States citizen to get a CCW Permit?
California does not issues CCW permits to non-citizens of the United States. (Exceptions
would be if the applicant has a Permanent Resident Card).
7. How do I apply for a CCW Permit?
Visit the San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Department website at
Click the Concealed Weapon Permits
Click on the Permitium link at the bottom of the CCW Home page\start
Read instructions, then select the type of permit you are applying for
Most common: NEW Standard 2 year, and Renewal Standard 2 year
-You cannot apply for a 4 year RESERVE unless you are a sworn Peace
Officer while working in a Law Enforcement capacity.
-You cannot apply for a 3 year JUDICIAL, unless you are a sworn
Magistrate, Judge in the State of California
You must complete an on-line application in its entirety (not just
mandatory fields), which includes providing all requested, required
documents, i.e. valid State issued Photo ID, two (2) additional proofs of
residency (than include your name, home physical address and have current
dates), DD-214 if you have served in the military, and proof of
self-employment if self-employed (see information in #7 below for
If you are unfamiliar with computers, using an on-line process or need
assistance uploading required documents, etc., you will need to reach out to a
family member, friend, co-worker, etc. for assistance as we do not offer
computer classes and no longer accept paper applications. Other resources
available to assist include free public libraries, junior colleges perhaps, or
other fee-based private individuals.
If you experience technical support issues during submission, you must contact
Permitium Tech Support immediately at 1-855-642-2453 for resolution.
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8. What can I do to ensure my CCW application is processed as quickly as possible?
Read all the information provided to familiarize yourself with the
Permitium program, the CCW processes, and the requirements.
Complete the application in its entirety. All fields marked with a “red
star” are mandatory. Incomplete applications will be subject to
withdrawal, and per Permitium policy no refund will be forthcoming.
Be sure to include a working cell phone number (capable of receiving text
messages) if you would like notification when an email is waiting in
Be sure the email address and contact numbers used on the application are
Applicants are responsible for the information they submit. You will not
be able to change information on the original application once it has been
If you make an error, you can write a note, and upload the
correction into the document upload area of the application.
Upload all requested, required documents as stipulated, i.e., a valid, current
California issued picture ID, two (2) “proofs of residency (Proof of
Residency documents MUST have your Name, Home Address and
Current Date).
If NEW applicant, once you receive Approval by Sheriff email from
Permitium program, take the sixteen (16) hour Safety Training Course, and
upload a copy of your Training Certificate into Permitium, using the Order
Tracker # your received during the application process.
If RENEWAL applicant, you will be contacted by a Sheriff’s Background
Investigator and advised to take your renewal course. Once you take your
training, then upload the Training Certificate into the Permitium program
using the Order Tracker # you received during the application process.
If you are unemployed, retired, a student, etc. you will need to notate such
in the Employer Information Section. N/A is not an acceptable answer and
will be considered an incomplete answer.
All applicants who have served in the armed forces must provide a copy of
their DD-214/discharge papers.
If you are a Business Owner or Self-employed, upload a copy of your
current business license or your Articles of Incorporation, indicating both
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your business name and your name. These documents are required each
time a new or renewal application is submitted.
If you have any type of State of California License (i.e Contractor, Realtor,
Cosmetology, Nurse, etc.), you must upload a copy of your current State
license. These documents are required each time a new or renewal
application is submitted.
If you are not the Business owner, and not self-employed but wish to carry
in the scope of your employment you must provide a Letter of Authorization
from your employer. When submitting your Letter of Authorization, the
letter should be on official letterhead (if the company has one). It must
include the name of the company representative having the authorization to
grant you the ability to carry while working for that company. The letter
must also include a telephone number to contact the company to verify the
letter. We recommend you keep the original letter in your records. (We DO
NOT issue for any type of Concealed Weapon Security employment, or
Volunteer Security work).
If you do not have a current business license, Articles of Incorporation,
current 10-99, or a current business letter, etc., and/or documentation is not
provided, the automatic restrictions will be applied, and will not be
reconsidered until your next renewal period.
Check for messages from Permitium as well as your application progress
periodically via the Order Tracker link provided.
Be patient.
Check our on-line resources for answers as excessive voicemails take
clerks away from processing.
Remember that all applications are processed as quickly as possible and that
you will be notified by email, text message or both, depending on how you
set up your application, when your CCW application is approved. This
process can take several months, depending on DOJ wait times, the
complexity of the application, among other factors.
Check the status of your application via Order Tracker. Permitium provided
direct link to the Order Tracker in the email they sent when they notified you
that your application was accepted and issued you an order number.
9. One question on the application asked me to list any prior or current CCW permits, do
I need to list permits from other counties in California and Out-of-State permits?
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Yes. Please list all current and expired CCW permits from other counties in California, and those
current/expired from other states. If the out of county or out-of-state permits are current then
please upload a copy of those permit(s) into your application.
10. What if I don’t have a scanner or don’t know how to scan?
An alternative to scanning would be to upload a photo.
Permitium accepts compatible .jpg or PDF files up to 5mg. If you are not
familiar with how to upload you may need to reach out to a family member, friend,
or other fee-based private individual for assistance as we do not offer computer
classes. Also, your local library should offer computer and scanning access.
11. What if I don’t have an Email address?
You may need to reach out to a family members, friends, or co-workers that do have an email
to receive information from Permitium. You will need an email address to complete the
application and to receive application confirmation, etc. If you have no other option, then
you can contact the San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office for further instructions.
San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office
Professional Standards Division
7000 Michael Canlis Blvd.
French Camp, California 95231
(209) 468-5822
12. How many applications am I allowed to submit at one time?
Applications should have only one (1) active application at a time in Permitium.
13. What happens if I am late applying for my renewal and my renewal
application is still in process or I haven’t been able to pick it up yet? Do I
have to start over?
If you are late in Renewing your CCW Permit:
Applicants are given 90 days after their CCW expires to apply as a RENEWAL
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applicant. After 90 days applicants will have to start over and apply as a NEW
applicant, including being fingerprinted.
If you are late in picking up your Renewal Permit:
Applicants have 90 days after they are notified that their RENEWAL permit has
been approved by the Sheriff to complete their 4 hour update training and pick up
their CCW permit. If not picked up your application will be cancelled, and per
Permitium policy, no refund will be forthcoming.
NOTE: Applicants MAY NOT under any circumstances carry a weapon
concealed after their current CCW Permit is expired.
14. What is the fee schedule for a carry concealed weapons permit and how do I
pay? All major credit cards are accepted through the online Permitium program.
Cash, checks or money orders can be accepted at the Sheriff’s Office, but
choosing this option will delay the process. Once paid, a “Coupon Code” will be
issued at the Sheriff’s Office. You will not be able to complete your application
prior to receiving this “Coupon Code” if paying by cash, check or money order.
LivesScan fees are due at the time you schedule your appointment and submit your
application. If approved, the permit fee is due prior to issue.
15. How long do I have to provide a current safety training certificate?
Both new and renewing applicants are required to provide current safety
training certificates within ninety (90) days of the Sheriff’s approval of
your application date.
New applicants should wait until they have received email notification of the
Sheriff’s approval before taking the sixteen (16) hour safety training courses.
Renewing applicants may upload a current four (4) hour Safety Certification upon
submission if they wish to streamline the process. If there are any
concerns/incidents that may affect approval, then wait until contacted by the
Background Investigator to take the four (4) hour update.
NOTE: If a renewing applicant’s CCW permit expires before their renewal
application is processed and approved, or if an approved renewal application permit
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has not yet been issued, you cannot carry. There are no exceptions.
16. How can I tell if my uploaded material has been received?
You can see the documents you uploaded by signing back into Permitium via the
Order Tracker link Permitium provided when you submitted your application using
your order number. You cannot reopen uploaded documents, or delete them, but you
can see whether or not the file was successfully uploaded. Applicants are responsible
for ensuring they are using a program that is compatible with the Permitium site.
17. Can my spouse, friend, or a family member pick up my CCW Permit for me?
No. Applicants must show their valid California Driver’s License or Government
issued photo Identification Card when picking up their CCW permit.
18. What do I do if I am self-employed, own a business or wish to carry my
weapon while I am working?
If you are self-employed, a business owner contractor, Realtor, Contractor, etc.
and/or would like to carry while working you need to either upload a current
business license, Articles of Incorporation (indicating both the business name and
your name), a current 10-99, a contractor permit, a Realtor permit and/or a current
business letter.
Penal Code Section 26035. Carrying by Person Engaged in Lawful Business for
Purposes Connected With That Business. Any person engaged in any lawful business,
including a nonprofit organization, or any officer, employee, or agent authorized by that
person for lawful purposes connected with that business, from having a loaded firearm within the
person’s place of business, or any other person in lawful possession of private property
from having a loaded firearm on that property. (Exception to this is that you are in the prohibit
class of persons not allowed to possess a firearm).
We DO NOT issue for Concealed Carry Security employment purposes (i.e Security Guard).
19. Where do I take my Safety Training Course and what is the cost?
An accepted providers list is available online at (Vendor
tab). Please visit our web site for a current list of accepted providers and contact
the provider of your choice for pricing.
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New applicants are required to take a sixteen (16) hour safety training course.
Do not take the training course until instructed to do so after you have received
notification that your CCW has been approved by the Sheriff.
Renewing applicants are required to take a four (4) hour safety training course.
20. When do I need to apply if I am renewing?
You need to begin the renewal process ninety (90) days before your expiration
date to allow sufficient time for processing. The Permitium program will not allow
you to submit any sooner than ninety (90) days prior to expiration.
21. Can I begin the renewal process prior to taking my safety training?
Yes, training certificates are valid for (six) 6 months.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: You have only three (3) months after the Sheriff
approves your renewal application to submit a Safety Training Certificate.
If you are applying for a Renewal and your permit expires while your application is
being processed you are not allowed to carry until your renewal has been issued.
22. Is there a specific type of weapon I must use?
The weapon shall be the product of a manufacturer free from mechanical and other
flaws, within tolerances determined by manufacturer’s specifications, and in good
working order. You must check with the Department of Justice or visit their Web
Site to ensure the weapon(s )you are listing comply with current specifications and
laws. At the time of this posting the DOJ website is
23. How many weapons are allowed on a CCW permit?
There are a maximum of three (3) weapons allowed on a CCW
Note: The Sheriff does NOT allow Assault Rifle pistol conversion on the CCW Permits
24. How do I list a weapon capable of firing different calibers?
You must list the caliber you will be using while carrying. If there are multiple
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calibers then you need to indicate the caliber by listing both with a “ / ” in
For example a Smith and Wesson applicant wanting to use both .357 rounds and
.38 rounds would list the weapon as follows:
Make Model Caliber Serial Number
S & W S-Auto .357 / .38 347XXX
You will need to qualify with the weapon as shown above using both
calibers. The qualification must show on your training certificate.
25. Do I have to qualify with each firearm I want listed on my permit?
AB 2103 went into effect on January 1, 2019 and it required training to include instruction on
firearm handling and shooting techniques, and to also include a demonstration by the
applicant of shooting proficiency and safe handling of EACH firearm the applicant will
be licensed to carry and to include live-fire exercises conducted on a firing range.
26. Can I have my spouse’s weapon on my permit?
NO. Each weapon listed on your CCW must be registered in California under the applicant’s
27. How long will Permitium hold my permit after it is available to be picked up?
You will have three (3) three months (90 days) to pick up your CCW Permit
once it is available for issue. If not picked up your application will be withdrawn,
and per Permitium policy, no refund will be forthcoming.
28. What do I need to do if I move from California?
You must notify our agency in-writing and surrender your CCW
permit to San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office within ten (10) days of
moving out of California.
You may surrender your permit to our department in person or mail it
along with your written notification to:
San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Department
Professional Standards Division - CCW
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7000 Michael Canlis Blvd.
French Camp, CA 95231
(209) 468-5822
29. Where can I find my permit number on my CCW Permit?
The Local Agency Number is your CII # number. It is located on the front of
your Permit. (It is not the CA39000 number)
30. What do I need to do if I have changed my name?
You must complete the CCW Modification Form in its entirety via Permitium. You
will need to upload your previous photo ID that shows your previous name on it,
your new photo ID showing your new name change on it, and other supporting
documents such as a court order or a marriage certificate validating a legal change.
31. What do I need to do if I have changed my address and still live in San
Joaquin County?
You must report any change of residence to the San Joaquin County Sheriff’s
Office, Professional Standards Division in writing within ten (10) days. In addition,
you must complete the CCW Modification form in its entirety available through
Permitium, and once processed, pick up your modified CCW Permit which displays
your new address when it is approved.
32. What do I need to do if I have moved out of San Joaquin County (SJSO), but remain in
You must report any change of residence to the San Joaquin County Sheriff’s
Office in writing within ten (10 ) days. If your permit is in good standing, your
permit will remain valid for ninety (90) days to reapply with the new county of
residence. After ninety (90) days your permit is no longer valid and it must
be mailed/returned to the San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office.
After the 90 days you must mail the CCW Permit back to:
San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office
Professional Standards Division
7000 Michael Canlis Blvd.
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French Camp, CA 95231
(209) 468-5822
NOTE: Under NO circumstances does the 90 days period give you an
extension after your Expiration Date on the CCW Permit.
33. Is there any way of getting a sooner appointment or being placed on a waiting list?
Due to the volume for requests for new permits, we are unable to maintain a
waiting/cancellation list. The Permitium calendar will automatically reflect all
available dates. Appointments are Self-Selected by the applicant online.
Livescan/fingerprint Schedules for New Applicants:
All New CCW Applicants Must make a Self-Selected Appointment, online through the
Permitiun Program, to have their Live Scan Fingerprints and Photograph taken.
Dates/Times for New Applicant Live Scan Fingerprints and Photograph:
Monday - Wednesday- Friday 9:00 AM - 11:00AM – 1:00 PM -3:00 PM
CCW Pick up information for ALL New and Renewal Applicants after APPROVAL:
Once you have been notified by email that your New or Renewal Permit has been
APPROVED, Applicants Must have an appointment (Self-Selected by applicant online
through the Permitium Program)
Pick up CCW by APPOINTMENT only on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s
8:40AM – 10:40AM and 1:00PM to 3:40PM.
To schedule your appointments, please login to the Order Tracker - To access the Order Tracker, you will need
your order number (${order_number!""}), email address used during the application process
(${email!""}), and the password you created during the application process.
If you have problems or questions scheduling your appointment call(209) 468-5822, and we
can assist youwith your pick-up appointment. 
34. May I come to the Sheriff’s Office and wait for no shows or
cancellations of appointments?
No. At this time, our office is unable to accommodate walk-ins due to file
preparation requirements.
35. I was unable to make my appointment. Can I reschedule?
Yes, you may reschedule up to three (3) times within (3) three months by signing
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back into your account via the Order Tracker link provided to you by Permitium
upon submission. After a third no show appointment or rescheduling of an
appointment, the application will be withdrawn, and you may not resubmit an
application for a period of one (1) year from your last no show.
36. I have filed a restraining order and need a CCW permit as soon as possible.
How do I get an appointment due to life-threatening events?
If you need to request a permit to carry a concealed weapon due to a restraining
order, please call our CCW Permit Telephone line at (209) 468-5822 and leave a
detailed message. You will be required to present a copy of the restraining order, the
accompanying police report, and any other documents pertaining to the court order
as each request is reviewed and considerations are made on a case by case basis
37. How will I know if my particular circumstance will allow me to obtain a
CCW Permit?
Each CCW application is unique and evaluated on its own merits. Individual
circumstances play a large role in determining the necessity of issuing a CCW
permit. After careful examination of all the information provided on your
application and facts surrounding those circumstances, the decision is made by
the Sheriff.
38. Do I need to bring my weapon to my appointment?
DO NOT bring any handguns into the Sheriff’s Office for any reason.
39. What do I need to bring to my appointment?
A valid California Driver’s License or Government issued ID photo ID is mandatory.
Your 16 Hour (New applicants) or 4 Hour Training Certificate, if you have not previously
uploaded a copy into your application.
You may be required to bring other various items with you at the time of your
appointment, i.e. original Business Letter, depending on your employment status.
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Please refer to the “New CCW Permit Appointment Checklist” for each item
required. Our agency reserves the right to reschedule your appointment for a New
CCW Permit if you do not have all of the items listed on the checklist with you at
the time of your appointment.
40. Where can I get my Live Scan Form?
The Live Scan Form is part of your application. Sheriff Office staff will print
your LiveScan form and have it ready for your scheduled appointment. Do not go
to another agency, the LiveScan fingerprints MUST be completed at the San
Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office in Professional Standards.
You MUST be printed using the form that is part of your Permitium
Application. If you are printed
41. Can I apply for the three (3) year Judicial Permit instead of a two (2) year
standard permit?
NO. Judicial permits are reserved for Governor appointed or elected Judges only.
42. Can I apply for the four (4) year Reserve Permit instead of a two (2) year
standard permit?
NO. Reserve permits are reserved for Law Enforcement Reserves only. You may apply for a
Reserve Permit only if you are a Law Enforcement Reserve (with Peace Officer powers when
43. Do I have to take a photograph every time?
Yes. Each application requires an updated photo. Nothing populates over from
one application to another. This photograph will be taken at your scheduled
appointment at the San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office.
44. Where do I go for my scheduled CCW LiveScan and Photo appointment?
San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office
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Professional Standards Division
7000 Michael Canlis Blvd.
French Camp, California 95231
(209) 468-5822
45. How long is a CCW permit good for?
A CCW permit is in effect for a period of two (2), three (3) or four (4) years before
it is either void or needs to be renewed. The majority of applicants qualify for
the standard two-year permit. The Sheriff’s has the discretion of issuing a
permit for a shorter period of time.
46. What happens if my CCW expires? Can I still renew after expiration?
If you have not submitted your application before your CCW permit expires, you
have a 90-day grace period to apply. After that time you must apply as a New
applicant. If you do not wish to continue, please surrender your CCW permit to our
department in person or by mail.
47. What mandates are placed on all San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Department
permit holders?
When carrying a weapon, San Joaquin County CCW Permit holders shall not:
Consume any alcoholic beverage (while being armed)
Commit any criminal act. You must report, in writing, any detention/arrest to
the Sheriff’s Office, Professional Standards Division within ten (10) days.
email [email protected] and call (209) 468-5822.
Be in a place having a primary purpose of dispensing alcoholic beverages
for on- site consumption.
Be Under the Influence of any illegal or prescription drug(s), alcohol, or Marijuana.
Refuse to show CCW permit or surrender weapon to law enforcement upon request.
Impede any peace officer in performance of their duties.
Represent yourself as a peace officer to any person, if not so employed.
Possess a weapon any place where prohibited by law or sign. (i.e. State Capitol
Building, Airports, and School Grounds, etc.).
Carry concealed weapon on private property when posted “No firearms” or similar
signs. (Without express written permission from property owner or manager).
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Unjustifiably display weapon.
Carry a concealed weapon not listed on the permit.
Carry solely for employment purposes. CCW’s are not issued for
employment purposes.
Be in a place having a primary purpose of dispensing marijuana for on or
offsite consumption
Carry a concealed weapon on school grounds of a public or private school (PC 626.9
CCW permit holders from bringing firearms on campus, but permits them
to possess firearms within 1,000 feet of a school campus)
NOTE: When leaving a weapon in an unattended vehicle, lock the handgun in the
vehicle’s trunk, lock the handgun in a locked container out of plain view, or lock the
handgun in a locked container that is permanently affixed to the vehicle’s interior and
not in plain view in accordance with Penal Code 25140. (A locked container
does not
include the utility or glove compartment of a vehicle. The container must be fully
enclosed with a secured key or combination locking device)
The Applicant Agrees To:
Follow all workplace rules and regulations regarding weapons at work (including
volunteer work), and if Business Owner must be in compliance with all State and
Local Licensing Rules and Regulations.
48. Do firearms carry over from application to application or
application to modifications?
No. Each application submitted must be filled out in its entirety. Nothing populates
over from previous submissions.
49. Is renewing a CCW permit automatically done?
NO. CCW permit holders are responsible for receiving proper training and
completing an application for renewal.
REMINDER: Applications will take a couple months to process; you can reapply up to
ninety (90) days prior to your expiration date. You will not be given any reminders by
Pemitium, it is your responsibility to complete your renewal application and provide required
documents before your expiration date.
50. My current CCW permit expires before my availability to take a safety
training class; can I continue to carry my weapon(s)?
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NO. Any expired CCW permit is invalid and it is illegal to carry a concealed
weapon in the state of California if you do not have a valid CCW permit granted by
a county within the state.
51. Can I modify or alter my weapon?
We allow modifications to enhance the sighting and grips. We do not allow
modifications to the weapons that would alter it from the manufacturer’s original
52. What do I need to do if I have changed my address and still live in San
Joaquin County?
You must report any change of residence to the San Joaquin County Sheriff’s
Office in writing within ten (10) days. In addition, you must complete the CCW
Modification Form online in Permitium. Once approved, you will be notified by
email to pick up your modified CCW permit.
53. What should I do if I am pulled over or contacted by a law enforcement officer?
During any law enforcement contact, you are required to disclose your status as a
CCW permit holder AND disclose whether or not you are carrying a weapon on your
person or in your vehicle.
54. When are CCW Permits issued and do I need an appointment for Pick-Up?
Once you have been notified by email that your New or Renewal Permit has been
Pick up appointments are self-selected in the Permitium application.
Dates/Times to pick up your Permit:By APPOINTMENT ONLY.Tuesday and Thursday
8:40AM – 10:40AM and 1:00PM to 3:40PM.
To self-schedule your appointment, please login to the Order Tracker - To access the Order Tracker, you will need your
order number (${order_number!""}), email address used during the application process (${email!""}),
and the password you created during the application process.
If you have problems or questions scheduling your appointment call(209) 468-5822, and we can assist
youwith your pick-up appointment. 
55. How long will Permitium hold my permit for me to come in and pick it up?
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Your permit will be held for 90 days, three (3) months after it is available for
issuance before being subject to your application being Cancelled. Emergency
extensions may be requested. Each request is reviewed on a case-by-case bases;
however, there is no guarantee that an extension will be granted. Also, as a
reminder, the Safety Training Certificate is only good for 6 months from the date the
class was taken.
56. If I am renewing can I wait until I get closer to my expiration date before I pick up?
Yes, we recommend it as the new permit issue date will begin when you pick up
your CCW permit. It is recommended that you wait until as close to your previous
expiration date as possible and then pick up your renewal CCW permit.
57. Can I reapply for a CCW Permit if I am revoked or denied?
Yes, if you are revoked or denied you may reapply after a minimum probationary
period of one year unless DOJ issues a lifetime firearm prohibition. If you have
questions, or are requesting an exception, contact the Professional Standards
Division at (209) 468-5822, or write a request and email it to [email protected]
58. If I am on active probation can I be issued a CCW Permit?
No. If you are on active probation, you must first complete your probation period
before applying.
59. My California Driver’s License/ Identification card has a different address
because DMV hasn’t sent me my new one yet. Can I still begin the CCW
application process?
Yes, you can begin the process with a valid California issued photo Driver’s License
that shows a different address if you have updated your information with the DMV
and provide the additional two proofs of residency required.
60. Will I receive a notice when my CCW Permit needs to be renewed?
No. The Permitium system does not send out notices. It is the individual CCW
Permit holder’s responsibility to know their expiration dates and to plan accordingly.
61. How can I contact the San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office regarding my CCW?
San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office
Professional Standards Division
7000 Michael Canlis Blvd.
French Camp, CA 95231
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Updated 01-11-2021
(209) 468-5822
By Law, no resident has the right to a CCW Permit, the Sheriff has the discretion to
approve or deny CCW permit applications as well as revoke permits that have
already been issued. We do not issue CCW Permits for employment purposes.
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Updated 01-11-2021