Receipt and Payments For Period 1 To 16
For Year 2011
For Fund *
For Functional Area *
For Business Area *
Executed By HO-JAA-CL-02 Execution Date & Time : 10.10.2012 10:05:57
.Detail Current Year Previous Year
431500397 Interim receipts- Payment Gateway
431500398 Interim receipts- Cash
431500399 Interim receipt Account - cheque 100.00
450010100 SBI Gen Fund Current A/c
450010101 SBI FORT CHEQUE ISSUED 407,168,462.73-
450010102 SBI FORT ECS ISSUED 7,279,182,636.94-
450010103 SBI FORT INTERIM RECEIPT 2,833,463,407.27
450010200 SBI Gen Fund Current A/c Div II
450010300 SBI Gen Fund Current A/c Div III
450010400 SBI Sinking & Surplus Fund Curr A/c
450010500 SBI Savings A/c - MPLAD Fund
450010600 SBI Hospitals Fund A/c
450010603 SBI HOSPITAL INTERIM RECEIPT (CITY) 123,714,320.54
450010700 SBI Education Fund Current A/c
450010800 SBI WSS Fund Current A/c - Govt Loan 12,100,000.00
450010900 SBI Water & Sewerage Fund Current A/c
450010901 SBI WSSD CHEQUE ISSUED 371,807.00-
450010903 SBI WSSD INTERIM RECEIPTS 305,251,630.18
450011000 Punjab National Bank Current a/c Division - II
450011100 Punjab National Bank Current a/c Division - III
450011200 "MCB Fort,Octroi collected direct by Bank"
450011400 Indian Overseas Bank Division 1
450011500 Bank of Maharashtra Division 1
450011600 Punjab National Bank Current a/c Div-I
450100000 Cash 30,349,796.41
450100100 Interim Receipt
Cash (W.E.F.01.04.2009) 4,394,244,673.39
450100110 Int.Rec. Postal Order A/c
450100200 Interim Receipt
Payment Gateway (W.E.F.01.04.09) 1,168,797.00
450100300 Interim Receipt
Silver Card(W.E.F.01.04.09) 359,100.00
450210000 Nationalised Banks
450210010 Interim Receipt
CHEQUE ( w.e.f.01.04.2009) 5,028,554,895.51-
450210100 SBI A/c.-payment of interest on OMB 139,725.57
450210200 SBI A/c.-repayment of loans 311,132.70
450210301 Cheque Payment Interim (Not to use)
450210302 ECS Payment Interim (Not to Use) 593,329,142.00-
450210303 Cheque Payment Interim (W.E.F. 01.04.2009) 507,584,227.00-
450210304 ECS Payment Interim (w.e.f. 01.04.2009) ONWARD 3,923,932,920.89
450210305 RTGSPayment Interim (w.e.f. 01.10.2010 ONWARD)
450210306 NEFTPayment Interim (w.e.f. 01.10.2010 ONWARD) 75,103.00-
450210307 DD Payable
450210310 SBI Gen Fund Current A/c(w.e.f. 01.04.2009) 4,757,800,407.53
450210311 SBI FORT CHEQUE ISSUED(w.e.f.01.04.2009) 198,527,624.62
450210312 SBI FORT ECS ISSUED (w.e.f 01.04.2009) 4,693,156,775.41-
450210313 SBI FORT INTERIM RECEIPT (w.e.f.01.04.2009) 5,934,073,670.41-
450210317 SBI-pay of Interest 9,100.25
450210318 SBI -BIT-Loan -IWP 6,054.55
450210319 SBI-Int-BIT-Loan 760.00
450210320 SBI Gen Fund Current A/c Div II (w.e.f. 01.04.09) 767,352.37
450210321 SBI BANDRA CHEQUE ISSUED(w.e.f.01.04.09) 44,263,847.50-
450210323 SBI BANDRA INTERIM RECEIPTS(w.e.f.01.04.09) 395,339.79
450210330 SBI Gen Fund Current A/c Div III (w.e.f.01.04.09) 423,603.04
450210331 SBI CHEMBUR CHEQUE ISSUED (w.e.f.01.04.09) 1,429,212.50-
450210350 SBI Savings A/c - MPLAD Fund (w.e.f.1.4.09) 4,163,306.98
450210360 SBI Hospitals Fund A/c (w.e.f.01.04.09) 1,573,482.70
450210361 SBI HOSPITAL CHQ ISSUED (CITY) (w.e.f.1.04.09) 952,092.00-
450210363 SBI HOSPITAL INTERIM RECEIPT (CITY) w.e.f.1.4.09) 39,597,728.20
450210370 SBI Education Fund Current A/c (w.e.f. 1.04.2009) 29,662.24
450210371 SBI EDUCATION CHEQUE ISSUED (w.e.f.01.04.09) 458,632.32-
450210372 SBI EDUCATION ECS ISSUED (w.e.f. 01.04.09) 6,226.00-
450210373 SBI EDUCATION INTERIM RECEIPTS (w.e.f. 1.04.09) 126,668,989.17
450210374 S.B.I. (Old) Edu.Fund. Current A/c. 441,004.24
450210390 SBI Water & Sewerage Fund Current A/c(w.ef.1.4.09) 90,316,180.34
450210393 SBI WSSD INTERIM RECEIPTS (w.e.f. 01.04.09) 323,224,003.92-
450210394 SBI - G BUD- BANDRA 10,000.00
450210395 SBI -G BUD-CHEMBUR 10,000.00
450210396 SBI- 13TH FINANCE - COMMISSION FOR ULB-31681524428 10,010,000.00
450210400 Punjab National Bank Current a/c Div - II (2009) 5,708.50
450210410 Punjab National Bank Current a/c Div - III (2009) 8,656.00
450210440 Indian Overseas Bank Divi 1 (w.e.f.01.04.09) 604,836.65
450210441 I.O.B. Education Fund Current A/c. 454.57
450210450 Bank of Maharashtra Div 1 (w.e.f. 01.04.09) 20,965.00
450210460 Punjab National Bank Current a/c Div-I (fr.2009) 30,202.24
450210461 P.N.B. Education Fund Current A/c.
450210462 PNB-G BUD 8,890.79
450210470 SBI Octroi Top up account-(30422191399) 2,675,113.00
450210471 SBI Octroi Swipe account-(30438569330)
450210511 Axis Bank Interim A/c Cash 3,795,007.01
450210512 Axis Bank Interim A/c Cheque 7,875,201,276.49
450210521 ICICI Bank Interim A/c Cash 2,048,801.87
450210522 ICICI Bank Interim A/c Cheque 2,605,489,656.66
450210531 HDFC Bank Interim A/c Cash 7,710,036.00
450210532 HDFC Bank Interim A/c Cheque 1,105,726,435.37
450210535 BANK OF INDIA BRIMSTO INTERIM A/C -11 5,000,000,000.00-
450210540 LC Margin Amount kept in SBI 196,487,924.00
450210599 Cheque deposited but not cleared 14,472.01
450230001 MCB Fort , Octroi - Interim Account 40,061,785.92
450230010 MCB Octroi collected direct by Bank (fr 2009)
450230100 Mumbai Mun Co-op Bank A/c. 1 5,000.00
450230200 Mumbai Mun Co-op Bank A/c. 2 - RNEP -OCTROI 20,266,607.00
450410100 Contingent Fund 30.13
450410200 Mun Fire & Accident Insurance Fund 45.41
450410300 Net Premia Fund 56.41
450410400 Hosptl Fund 175.59
450410500 Research Fund (KEM & GSM Hosptls) 94.52
450410600 Fidelity Guarantee Insurance Fund 50.23
450410700 Land (Reclamation & Acquisition) Fund 10.33
450410800 Fire Brigade Emplys. (Operational Staff) 60.91
450410900 Public Monuments Maintenance Fund 109.94
450411000 Endowment Fund 212.54
450411100 Development Fund-Mun Secondary Schools 16,396.37
450411300 "Devt. Fund-u/s 124J of the MRTP Act,1993" 92.39
450411400 Roads&Bridges Construction/ Devmpmt.Fund 56.57
450411700 Land Acquisition & Development Fund 98.15
450411800 Mechlly Propelled Vessels (3rd Party) in 49.70
450411900 Investment Reserve Fund 248.71
450412000 Amenities Fund 52.10
450412100 Rent Equalisation Fund 53.17
450412200 Primary School Bldg Construction Fund 52.07
450412300 Primary School Building Maintenance Fund 46.15
450412310 Development Fund-Premium towards Add.0.33 FSI-CD 12.16
450412400 Depreciation Fund 103.83
450412600 Loan Fund 384,486,066.97-
450412800 Trust Fund 233.41
450412900 Sinking Fund Cash Deposit 378.44
450413000 Provident Fund 93.33
450413100 Pension Fund 50.55
450413110 Cash Deposit Defined Contr.Pension Scheme-1 197.36
450413200 Gratuity Fund 76.63
450413300 Asset Replacement Fund 61.58
450413400 Surplus Fund Cash Deposit 106,723.14
450413500 TREE AUTHO. FUND 39.50
450413600 Development Fund DCR 64(b) 53.00
450413700 Tax Payers Welfare Fund 24.60
450421500 Fines Fund 500.00-
450610100 BANK OF INDIA -JNNURM - BUDGET 'G' 502,204.00
450610200 BANK OF INDIA A/C for BRIMSTOWAD - Bud 'A' 548,000.00
450610300 BANK OF INDIA for JNNURM - Bud 'A' 500,000.00
350100299 ECS payable- interim acct (UPTO 31.03.2009) 3,962,532.62
350100500 Cheques Payable (UPTO 31.03.2009)
* Opening Balance 1 1,467,475,259.75-
110000000 Tax Rev.-header
110010100 General Tax frm the Public 8,489,284,650.41- 9,009,499,389.35-
110010200 General Tax frm Govt. 116,631,424.00- 122,215,513.00-
110010300 General Tax frm Port Trust 17,094,316.00- 16,928,403.00-
110010400 General Tax frm Impvt Schemes Prop. 70,457,115.00- 90,798,235.00-
110010700 General Tax frm Mun Dept. 53,827,798.00- 55,457,103.00-
110020100 Water Tax Domestic 452,921,200.00- 498,633,803.00-
110020200 Water Tax Industries 1,015,206,255.00- 1,307,154,276.00-
110020301 Water Benefit Tax -Domestic 1,880,233,214.00- 1,976,661,190.00-
110020302 Water Benefit Tax-Industries 4,830,856,374.00- 5,194,112,851.00-
110030100 Sewerage Tax Domestic 943,579,699.00- 1,105,198,492.00-
110030200 Sewerage Tax Industries 1,559,109,306.00- 2,260,553,451.00-
110030301 Sewerage Benefit Tax -Domestic 1,127,777,405.00- 1,185,782,587.00-
110030302 Sewerage Benefit Tax-Industries 2,898,798,135.00- 3,116,386,591.00-
110060000 Education Tax/ Cess 946.00- 5,129.00-
110060100 Education Tax/ Cess frm the Public 3,916,294,702.00- 4,154,618,656.00-
110060200 Education Tax/ Cess frm Govt. 28,967,332.00- 31,544,600.00-
110060300 Education Tax/ Cess frm Port Trust 7,686.00- 7,686.00-
110060400 Edu Tax/ Cess frm Impvt Schemes Prop. 32,292,034.00- 41,896,218.00-
110060700 Edu Tax/ Cess frm Mun Dept. 24,795,516.00- 25,538,322.00-
110070100 Wheel Tax 155,672.00- 42,979.00-
110080100 Tax on dogs 1,407,500.00- 1,377,800.00-
110130100 Fire Tax frm the Public 1,305,885,900.59- 1,385,328,242.65-
110130200 Fire Tax frm Govt. 17,943,299.00- 18,802,390.00-
110130300 Fire Tax frm Port Trust 2,629,895.00- 2,604,370.00-
110130400 Fire Tax frm Impvt Schemes Prop. 10,769,481.00- 13,969,024.00-
110130700 Fire Tax frm Mun Dept. 8,281,198.00- 8,528,618.00-
110140100 Street Tax frm the Public 4,896,800,382.00- 5,195,560,082.00-
110140200 Street Tax frm Govt. 29,518,071.00- 32,739,655.00-
110140300 Street Tax frm Port Trust 9,233,683.00- 9,233,684.00-
110140400 Street Tax frm Impvt Schemes Prop. 40,364,950.00- 52,351,138.00-
110140700 Street Tax frm Mun Dept. 31,054,526.00- 31,982,349.00-
110150000 Theatre Tax 31,560,578.40- 12,100,362.00-
110160000 Tree Cess 173,931,094.00- 185,889,707.00-
110510100 Octroi 31,341,360,989.47- 34,194,085,931.69-
110510101 Octroi through Port Trust 14,024,435,087.10- 8,711,283,433.10-
110510102 Octroi through Central Railway 403,314,176.50- 430,693,234.86-
110510103 Octroi through Western Railway 339,125,833.70- 286,537,595.00-
110510104 Octroi through Octroi Establishment 481,068,792.42- 442,356,742.69-
110510105 Octroi through Postal Service 6,647,932.00- 2,254,483.00-
110510106 Octroi through V.O.S.D. 31,199,677.00-
110510107 Octroi through Crude Oil 11,351,498,257.00- 3,984,483,043.00-
110510108 OCTROI THROUGH ITZ CASH A/C 82,435,239.00- 132,084,825.00-
110510109 Octroi throuugh Roving Vigilance 78,626,145.00-
110510110 Octroi throuugh A.C. Vigilance 92,470,780.00-
110510111 Octroi throuugh Flying Squad Vigilance 24,273,951.00-
110510199 Octroi-Others 2,871,958,321.24- 2,598,636,453.89-
110800100 Mun Taxes 216.00-
* (1-10)Tax Revenue 95,146,086,518.83- 87,925,918,854.23-
120010100 Share of Entertainment Tax 47,261,000.00-
120010200 Share of Fines-Offences against Law
120209900 Other Compensations 22,235,899.50- 20,650,522.00-
* (1-20)Assigned Revenues And Compensation 69,496,899.50- 20,650,522.00-
130000000 Rental Income frm Mun Properties 85,678.00- 247,309.00-
130100100 Rent frm Open Air Theatres 32,908.00-
130100200 Rent frm Recreation Centres 32,057,635.00- 29,834,005.00-
130100300 Rent frm Markets 89,212,644.50- 89,549,201.00-
130100400 Rent frm Swimming Pool 7,090,541.00- 3,158,994.00-
130100500 Rent frm Playgrounds 201,233.00- 13,695.00-
130100600 Rent frm Marriage Halls/Community Cent. 11,448,232.00- 13,405,784.10-
130100700 Rent frm Gardens 726,685.00- 1,646,012.00-
130100800 Rent frm School Buildings 20,469,335.12- 19,509,768.49-
130101000 Rent frm Dormitories 97,495.00- 118,285.00-
130109900 Rent frm Other Civic Amenities 12,051.00-
130200000 Rent frm Office Buildings 2,517,855.00- 59,821.00-
130200100 Rent frm Administrative Buildings 4,285.00- 2,825.00-
130200200 Rent frm Staff Quarters 12,428,439.75- 9,540,583.93-
130200201 Recovery-Electricity & Meter Rent 174,124.00- 85,543.15-
130209900 Rent frm Other Office Buildings 5,655,315.25- 2,585,117.75-
130400000 Rent frm Lease of Lands 30.00- 58.00-
130400100 Rent frm Lease of Land 165,081.00- 92,702.00-
130400200 Ground Rent 52,253,716.50- 57,349,648.80-
130409900 Rent frm Lease of Other Lands 13,458,482.16- 9,867,139.20-
130800100 Rent frm Chawls 20,626,013.20- 14,923,735.30-
130800200 Rent frm Prop. under Impvt Schemes 42,727,117.85- 33,194,929.85-
130800201 Rent frm permanent properties 162,454,750.81- 5,344,096.75-
130800202 Rent frm temporary properties 139,777.00- 32,089.00-
130800400 Rent frm Industrial Estates 2,126,473.00- 2,388,090.00-
130800500 Rent frm Semi-Permanent Sheds 5,973,171.00- 5,984,188.00-
130800600 Rent frm Slums 16,252.00- 34,705.00-
130800601 Rent frm Mun Slums 122,693,424.00- 149,994,545.75-
130800602 Rent frm Govt./ MHB Slums 16,855,933.00- 12,482,914.00-
130800603 Rent frm pvt. Slums 2,587,858.40- 670,399.40-
130800604 Rent frm Central Govt. Slums 10,000.00- 40,841.00-
130800700 Rent frm Water Meters 27,966,800.00- 3,865,748.00-
130800800 Rent frm Buildings 19,225,063.84- 13,026,366.00-
130800900 Rent of washing stone 2,709,206.00- 2,729,865.00-
130801000 Royalty 300.00- 759.00-
130809900 Other Miscellaneous Rents 4,579,514.00- 5,969,537.00-
* (1-30)Rental Income from Municipal Prope 678,750,512.38- 487,782,209.47-
140000000 Fees & User Charges
140100100 Registration Fees 163,083,626.33- 153,202,757.50-
140100200 Marriage Registration Fees 2,009,376.00- 1,758,990.00-
140100300 Marriage Bureau Registration Fees 183,628.00- 112,487.00-
140100400 Marriage Bureau Registration Renewal Fees 8,850.00- 14,650.00-
140109900 Other Empanelment & Registration Charges 7.00-
140110000 Licensing Fees 151,224.00- 38,200.00-
140110100 License Fee-Dangerous & Offensive Trades 141,099,555.98- 149,821,811.82-
140110200 License Fees-Squatters & Hawkers 48,813,524.00- 45,811,052.00-
140110300 License Fees-Stall Boards 103,244,763.35- 98,729,286.91-
140110400 License Fees-pvt. Markets 415,632.00- 442,194.00-
140110500 License Fees-Health Licenses 81,984,145.60- 82,240,690.95-
140110600 License Fee-Food&Drug Authority Licenses 832,024.00- 2,146,195.00-
140110700 Renewal Charges 150,464,393.48- 147,608,823.95-
140119900 Other Licensing Fees 10,175,390.00- 10,528,717.00-
140120000 Fees-Grant of Permit 1,237,049.00- 206,814.00-
140120100 Advertisement Hoarding Fees 882,111,957.70- 750,432,283.56-
140120200 Process Fees for GP 660.00-
140129900 Fees-Other Grant of Permits 76,760,011.10- 63,809,232.83-
140130000 Fees-Certificate or Extract 987,412.00- 1,125,495.00-
140130100 "Fees-sale of D.P. Sheets,Rules &Remarks" 9,932,639.00- 12,970,522.20-
140130200 "Fees-sale of Certified Copy of Form B,1," 755,369.00- 971,510.00-
140130300 Fees-Birth & Death Certificate 26,667,600.00- 25,379,670.00-
140130400 Fees for Extract of 41,875.00- 46,353.00-
140139900 Fees-Other Certificates or Extracts 371,363.00- 707,822.00-
140140000 Development Charges 3,068,556,988.88- 2,254,795,327.00-
140140100 Premium charges received for additonal 0.33 FSI 2,298,473,059.00- 120,500.00-
140140101 InfraChar for Redev Propo in MHADA Layout 317,912,201.35- 414,096,490.49-
140140102 Prem Chr-INFRA DEV.FND -Fungible-Comp FSI (FCFSI) 21,361,200.00-
140150000 Regularization Fees 739,881.76- 446,888.00-
140150100 Fee/ Compensation recd. under DCR64(b) 733,794,185.00- 1,661,012,548.00-
140200000 Penalties & Fines 725,534.00- 762,262.00-
140200100 Penalties 171,797,653.19- 54,426,932.42-
140200101 Penalties recovered frm Suppliers 46,427,750.11- 19,155,758.25-
140200103 AddnlChrgs:paymt of Wtr Chrgs aftDueDate 1,035,231,061.00- 1,162,096,413.00-
140200104 Penalty-Mun Taxes 236,753.85- 591,997.00-
140200105 Penalties recovered frm Contractors 408,386,240.92- 284,254,464.61-
140200200 Fines 834,670,253.00- 780,129,648.50-
140200201 Fines frm Seizure of Vehicles 25,067,901.00- 5,793,460.00-
140200202 Chrgs Levied under Right to Information Act 4,287,303.80- 4,808,648.00-
140200203 Fines collected by Nuisance Detectors 66,481,587.00- 56,459,245.00-
140200204 Other Fines & Penalties 7,708,673.00- 28,017,549.00-
140200205 Fines Collected for Smoking in Public Places 150,428.00- 102,872.00-
140200206 Fines/Penalty for Marriage Registration Services 2,683,365.00- 2,352,555.00-
140400000 Other Fees 3.00- 103,494.00-
140400100 Tuition Fees 44,759,359.50- 31,000,153.00-
140400200 Admission Fees 2,402,517.00- 1,707,789.00-
140400300 Term Fees 47,587,355.00- 32,953,023.00-
140400400 Scrutiny Fees-TDR & Accmdn. Reservation 43,972,452.00- 66,568,974.02-
140400500 Charges frm Pay & Park Schemes 81,646,678.75- 73,429,139.65-
140400600 Capitation Fees 75,000.00- 123,689,369.00-
140400700 Fees-removal of Encroachment 14,023,223.00- 13,597,539.00-
140400800 Fees-removal of Unauthorised Projections 1,200.00- 300.00-
140400900 Squatter Fees 6,717,790.00- 7,076,349.00-
140401000 Veterinary Dept. Fees 26,559.00- 25,655.00-
140401100 Fair Fees 30,682,907.00- 28,817,156.00-
140401200 Slaughter Fees 52,795,147.00- 92,048,169.00-
140401300 Notice Fees 6,088.00- 5,980.00-
140401400 Warrant Fees 300.00-
140401500 Library Fees 3,256,519.00- 2,216,139.00-
140401600 Fire Report Fees 348,550.00- 373,000.00-
140401700 Schedule Fees 3,736,437.00- 4,374,965.00-
140401702 Schedule Fees-N form 85.00-
140401703 Schedule Fees-EP form 52,001.00-
140401800 Fees-C.T. Scan 18,636,450.00-
140401900 Fees-MRI scan 10,701,625.00-
140402000 Receipt-MMR vaccination 47,370.00-
140402100 Hostel Fees 3,653,520.00- 3,732,096.00-
140402200 Laboratory Fee 1,200.00-
140402300 Hosptl Practice Fees 7,430,625.00- 7,691,009.00-
140402400 Locker Fees 544,620.00- 446,157.00-
140402500 Certificate Charges 4,371,673.00- 5,088,770.00-
140402600 Scrutiny Fees 776,932,132.45- 666,598,675.50-
140402700 Revalidation Fees 70,480,133.00- 62,378,312.50-
140402800 Demarkation Fees 269,310.00- 320,450.00-
140402900 Civil Aviation Fees 334,460.00- 588,978.00-
140403000 Membership Fees 29,580,635.00- 1,633,808.00-
140403100 Transfer Fees 12,627,594.00- 16,834,161.00-
140403200 Bond Money Recovery Fees 34,048,790.00- 4,351,704.00-
140403300 Instruction Fees 4,547,880.00- 325,020.00-
140403400 Fees for Extract etc. 1,488.00- 882.00-
140409900 Miscellaneous Fees 53,573,040.17- 81,784,128.44-
140409901 Noting & other fees (octroi) 793,665.00- 641,765.00-
140409902 Recpt. frm optical fibre cable company 16,824,330.00- 32,283,045.00-
140409904 Other Miscellaneous Fees 282,227.34- 77,801.00-
140409905 Escort Fees 30,490,150.00-
140409906 Exam Fees 40,450.00-
140500100 Water Charges by Measurement 6,925,647.98- 7,037,355.34-
140500101 Domestic 2,607,305,667.00- 2,362,888,783.00-
140500102 Industrial & Commercial 1,756,198,118.00- 1,596,915,771.00-
140500103 Govt. 663,327,547.00- 646,876,226.00-
140500104 Enroute 233,382,045.00- 238,264,384.00-
140500200 Extra Water Charges 2,373,788.50- 4,464,574.30-
140500300 Contractor's Water Charges 1,565,155,064.62- 1,732,811,681.40-
140500400 Chrgs-Supply of Water through Tankers 9,007,091.00- 8,579,543.00-
140500500 Trade Refuse Removal Charges 712,462,498.09- 662,400,829.73-
140500600 Tipping/ Bio-Medical Waste Charges 548,699.00- 7,502,082.00-
140500700 Sewerage Charges by Measurement 3,492,521.00- 2,315,521.00-
140500701 Domestic 1,568,986,850.00- 1,434,372,727.00-
140500702 Industrial & Commercial 934,586,823.00- 831,922,543.00-
140500703 Govt. 244,741,347.00- 239,181,199.00-
140500704 Enroute 5,442.00- 7,460.00-
140500800 Extra Sewerage Charges 17,332,291.00- 41,451,019.00-
140500900 Sewerage Charges frm Special Services 5,000.00- 1,000.00-
140501000 Contractor's Sewerage Charges 663,419,902.46- 751,226,699.32-
140501100 Service Chrgs towards Dustbins provided 117,500.00- 113,000.00-
140501200 Compounded water charges 2,117,213.00- 3,945,927.00-
140501300 Compounded sewarage charges 255,968.00- 80,784.00-
140501400 L.P.G. supply charges 95.00-
140600100 Entry Fees-Gardens 3,600.00-
140600200 Entry Fees-Zoo 7,079,553.00- 7,077,658.00-
140600400 Entry Fees-Swimming Pools 4,544,300.00- 322,800.00-
140600500 Entry Fees-Recreation Centres 80.00-
140609900 Other Entry Fees 50,000.00-
140700000 Service/ Administrative Charges 30,000.00- 25,000.00-
140700100 Rebate frm State Govt. 16,068,048.00-
140700101 Rebate-state Education Cess 47,672,163.00- 31,934,648.00-
140700102 Rebate-state Employment Guarantee Cess 10,811,648.00- 5,734,967.00-
140700103 Rebate-state House Repairs Cess 33,590,780.00- 28,628,890.00-
140700104 Rebate-state Maharashtra Tax on Buildings 2,280,978.00-
140700105 Service charges towards Mun properties 2,308,294.00- 2,002,885.00-
140700199 Other Rebates 926,475.69- 946,212.34-
140709900 Other Service/ Administrative Charges 59,806,914.00- 85,024,249.00-
140709902 Weigh Bridge Charges 17,459,308.00- 18,102,076.00-
140800000 Other Charges 76,037.00- 7,599.00-
140800100 Betterment Charges 9,162,337.00- 1,242,956.90-
140800200 Lucrative Charges 1,863,790.00- 14,863,425.00-
140800300 Premium Charges 7,120,971,982.50- 8,451,060,334.00-
140800400 Testing & Sealing of New Meter Charges 1,239,402.00- 1,515,020.00-
140800500 "Chrgs-Remvng,Tstng,Sealng&Refxng ofMeter" 1,008,077.00- 1,342,400.00-
140800600 Charges-Repairs to Damaged Mun Meter 72,382.00- 1,204,441.00-
140800700 Chrgs-making Water Conncts usg Parties/M 20,947,505.00- 42,453,860.00-
140800800 Chrgs-Cutting off&restoring size connect 2,062,742.00- 1,638,602.00-
140800900 Non-Assessment Charges-Huts 1,591,992.00- 2,194,585.00-
140801000 Chrgs-Tstng. &Chlorination of Water Main 837,600.00- 977,010.00-
140801100 Charges-Indemnity Bond 257,335.00- 107,855.00-
140801200 Mun Security force Band Charges 43,750.00- 34,000.00-
140801300 Crematorium Charges 373,455.00- 484,060.00-
140801400 Burial Ground Charges 267,282.00- 339,662.00-
140801500 Pay & Use Toilet Charges 1,500.00-
140801600 Road Damage Recovery Charges 101,846.00- 175.00-
140801700 Advertisement Charges 91,000.00- 347,480.00-
140801800 Conservancy Chrgs frm Gen. of Debris 399,847.00- 510,638.00-
140801900 Conservancy Charges frm Retail Traders 2,919,578.25- 4,762,380.20-
140802000 Law Charges 18,756,117.00- 18,045,254.00-
140802100 Case Paper Charges 51,397,027.00- 54,000,252.00-
140802200 Operation Charges 50,442,400.00- 51,875,913.00-
140802300 Cardiac Catheterisation Charges 16,195,415.00- 16,699,330.00-
140802400 EEG/ ECG/ USG/ EMG charges 31,189,315.00- 29,848,790.00-
140802500 Radio/Hyperbaric Oxygn Therapy Chrgs 518,140.00- 835,050.00-
140802600 2D Echo/ Stress Test/Colour Doppler Chrg 10,051,320.00- 9,088,030.00-
140802700 Paying Bed Charges 7,768,375.00- 7,921,355.00-
140802800 Hormone Assay/ Organ Scan Charges 1,989,225.00- 1,994,080.00-
140802900 X-ray charges 27,080,370.00- 25,345,571.00-
140803000 Urodynamic Study Charges 244,900.00- 461,320.00-
140803100 Medical Opinion Certificate Charges 1,630,131.00- 1,548,465.00-
140803200 Pro-rata Charges 321,257,288.00- 833,662,340.00-
140803300 Amalgamation Charges 8,400.00-
140803400 Weighing charges 440,552.00- 491,660.00-
140803500 Parking Charges 3,004,183.00- 3,778,179.00-
140803600 Transport Charges 11,740,680.00- 8,705,620.00-
140803700 Delivery charges (3rd para) 2,847,550.00- 2,878,200.00-
140803800 ICU charges 9,698,680.00- 10,437,790.00-
140803900 Water & Food Analysis Charges 21,922,706.95- 22,326,241.71-
140804000 Fountain Permission charges 1,302,550.00- 855,100.00-
140804100 New building insecticide treatment 88,490,292.50- 63,742,137.50-
140804200 Food Handling charges 2,999,649.00- 2,359,624.00-
140804300 Pathology & Microbiology Tests 640,829.00- 748,959.00-
140804400 Other Test Charges 4,506,315.00- 3,377,461.00-
140804500 Urology Dept. Charges 207,700.00- 1,166,000.00-
140804600 PET Camera Charges 1,145,520.00- 1,400,430.00-
140804700 Mollacular Lab Testing Charges 60,600.00- 243,800.00-
140804800 Charges for C.T Scan 54,665,470.00- 33,233,364.00-
140804900 Charges for MRI Scan 21,548,845.00- 7,259,150.00-
140805000 Charges for Removal of Live Animals 54,273,280.00- 14,359,779.00-
140805100 Administrative Charges for Marriage Registration 2,680,860.00- 2,350,630.00-
140809900 Miscellaneous Charges 85,603,160.76- 82,354,802.06-
140809901 Courier Charges 18.00- 90.00-
140900100 Fees Rem & Ref 111,400.00-
140900101 Fees Rem & Ref -License Fees 146,569.00-
140900299 Fees Rem & Ref -Other Fees 2,000.00-
* (1-40)Fees & User Charges 31,389,863,312.91- 30,260,633,672.90-
150000000 Sale & Hire Charges 27,441.00- 66,158.00-
150100100 Sale of Plants 263,913.00- 261,831.00-
150100200 Sale of Cut Woods 4,000.00- 25,000.00-
150100300 Sale of Fruits 8,500.00- 121,856.00-
150100400 Sale of Mun Sewage 2,963,807.00- 3,701,478.00-
150100500 Sale of Siezed Animals 1,810,212.00- 1,571,410.00-
150100600 Sale/Auction of unclaimed or Siezed Animals 319,500.00- 136,650.00-
150109900 Sale of Other Products 13,520.00- 98,346.00-
150110000 Sale of forms & Publications 300.00- 1,000.00-
150110100 Sale of B.M.M. Palika Patrika 865.00- 10,465.00-
150110200 Sale of Civic Diary 1,625,460.00- 1,562,170.00-
150110300 Sale of Tender form 61,116,295.50- 30,213,127.26-
150110400 Sale of forms 2,200,117.75- 2,869,167.17-
150110401 Sale of Form for Marriage Registration Services 70,690.00- 18,360.00-
150110500 Sale of Publications 6,501,683.61- 544,848.80-
150120100 Sale of Scrap Material 18,054,439.17- 54,318,209.58-
150120200 Sale of Stores 109,300.00- 190,068.00-
150300100 Sale of Rights 500,000.00- 148,325.00-
150309900 Miscellaneous Sales 578,637.00- 1,506,444.82-
150400100 Ambulance Hire Charges 520,188.00- 829,191.00-
150400200 Hearse Van Hire Charges 74,366.00- 74,309.00-
150400300 Mobile Toilet Hire Charges 1,109,722.00- 1,237,963.00-
150410000 Hire Charges on Equpmts 1,104.00- 1,104.00-
150410100 "Hire Chrgs of all types&sizes of Pumps, " 7,310,000.00- 5,505,510.00-
* (1-50)Sale & Hire charges 105,184,061.03- 105,012,991.63-
160100100 Grant-in-Aid frm Govt. 833,413,782.00-
160100102 Grant-family welfare programme 3,757,170.00- 4,909,445.00-
160100103 Road Grant 760,773,513.00-
160100104 Freeship from Govt for girls & S.C/S.T students 13,197.00- 6,224.00-
160109900 Other Rev. Grants 63,898,876.00-
160200100 Grant frm Govt.-Mun High Schools 831,903,298.00-
160200200 Grant frm Govt.-Primary Edu 2,281,808,520.17- 233,276,649.00-
160200300 Grant frm Govt.-R.C.Urdu Teacher's Junio 2,231,235.00- 2,100,000.00-
160200400 Grant frm Govt.-Mun Urdu Teacher's Junio 1,040,765.00- 1,077,000.00-
160200700 Reimbursement frm State Govt. 107,658,407.00- 128,015,106.00-
160200701 Reimbursement-AHO surveillance 8,324,047.00-
160200703 Reimbursement-outreach services 66,006,955.75- 176,100.00-
160200704 Reimbursement-PPI programme 51,704,087.00- 102,916,280.00-
160200707 Grant from Govt (Family Welfare Prog)
160209900 Other Grants-Re-imbursement of Expenses 1,450,883.00-
* (1-60)Revenue Grants,Contribution& Subsi 4,170,796,023.92- 1,315,665,516.00-
170100000 Interest 37,687,726.50- 106,523,999.26-
170100100 Interest on Fixed Deposits 14,382,403,457.81- 10,930,001,412.08-
170100200 Interest on Govt. Securities 157,242.25-
170100500 Interest on Endowment Fund 3,276.00- 8,116.00-
170109900 Other Interest 2,756,872.14- 9,720,324.00-
170800000 Others 20.00-
* (1-70)Income from Investments 14,423,008,594.70- 11,046,253,851.34-
171200000 Interest on Loans & advances to Emplys. 3,089.00-
171200100 Interest on Vehicle Loans 60,027.00-
171200200 Interest on Individual Housing Loans 59,752,185.00- 48,403,166.00-
171200300 Int on Loans Adv to CHS sponsored by Mun 13,500,273.00- 13,930,682.00-
171800100 Interest on Donations 12,386.43- 13,240.02-
171800300 Interest recovered on Advances granted 562,283,456.88- 530,257,587.28-
171800400 Int on investment of Motor Vehicle Third 106,800.00- 86,880.00-
171800500 Interest on net premia fund 163,466.30- 132,977.08-
171800600 Interest on Hosiptal Fund 202,734.10- 159,779.56-
* (1-71)Interest Earned 636,081,328.71- 592,987,400.94-
180000000 Other Income 2,099,957.00- 3,320,235.00-
180100000 Deposits -forfeited 598,500.00- 33,446.00-
180100100 Earnest Money Deposit -forfeited 2,973,430.00- 186,633.00-
180100200 SecurityDeposit-forfeited 8,967,818.00- 11,402,150.00-
180100300 Water Deposits -forfeited 3,000.00- 54,600.00-
180109900 Other Deposits -forfeited 9,137.00- 202,751.00-
180110000 Lapsed Deposits 2,138,092.14-
180110200 Security Deposit Lapsed 1,229,150.00-
180119900 Other Deposits Lapsed 218,260,881.02-
180309900 Profit on sale of Other Fixed Assets 110,622.00- 5,200.00-
180400000 Recovery frm Emplys. 1,049,524.00- 903,624.00-
180400100 Penal Int on Spl. Adv-non submission of 18,290.00- 50,283.00-
180400200 Fine 11,540,143.30- 7,169,150.60-
180400300 Rent Recovery 18,620,410.13- 21,655,784.08-
180400400 Recovery-Loss of Coins 534.00-
180400600 Recovery-Loss of Tools 57,718.00- 16,428.00-
180400700 Strike Recovery 714,316.00- 210.00-
180400800 Lump sum Recovery 435,373.26- 75,331.00-
180400900 Adhoc Allowance Recovery 281,622.00- 776,895.33-
180401000 Contingency 100.00-
180401100 Electricity Charges Recovery 3,370,943.33- 4,007,332.00-
180401200 Gas Charges Recovery 1,892.00- 69.00-
180401300 Contri of Salary Received for Staff on Deputation 22,612,816.00- 25,421,766.00-
180401400 Contr of Pension Rec 133,591.00-
180401500 Contr of Leave Encas 60,550.00-
180401600 Contr of Provident F 54.00-
180409900 Other Recoveries 124,811,038.70- 173,666,063.03-
180600300 Excess Prov W/B-Water Benefit Tax 211.00-
180609900 Excess Provisions written back-Others 76,000.00-
180800000 Miscellaneous Income 409,052.00- 200,648.00-
180800100 Misc Receipts frm B.M.M. Palika Patrika 20.00-
180800200 Recpt. frm Hawkng&Non-Hawkng Zone Scheme 3,450.00-
180800300 Receipts frm Exhibitions 613,000.00- 603,500.00-
180800400 Chrgs-Supplying Duplicate Copies of Bill 296,903.00- 422,086.00-
180800600 Lecture Charges 447,800.00- 340,000.00-
180800800 Receipts frm B.E.S.T-MCA staff 25,918,066.00-
180800900 Receipt frm gift shop at KEM Hosptl 13,636,385.00- 16,381,430.00-
180809700 Proportionate Cost Transferred to Other 1,433,358,990.00- 1,216,969,698.00-
180809800 Reimb of Exp frm other Dept./Funds 25.00- 8,996.00-
180809900 Miscellaneous Receipts 273,233,092.39- 450,332,025.13-
180809901 Recovery-stolen Mun Meters 268,866.00- 27,814.00-
180809902 Supervision Charges recovered 2,722,249,670.39- 2,625,168,410.26-
180809903 Video/ Film shooting charges 8,042,910.00- 5,822,477.00-
180809904 Other Miscellaenous Receipts 55,665,468.54- 23,054,326.57-
180809905 Misc rect Trenches 1,363,299,287.48- 778,281,369.28-
180809906 Miscellaneous Receipts (Cheque Bounce Charges) 1,188,481.00- 659,722.00-
180809907 AWARDS / PRIZES TO MCGM 35,000.00- 43,000.00-
180809908 5%count.benef&sch-1 24,840.00- 14,980.00-
180809910 Income From Private Parties 1,565,870.88- 13,953.00-
* (1-80)Other Income 6,293,206,351.56- 5,394,520,386.28-
280100100 Prior Period Income-General Tax 243,526,466.00- 344,534,919.00-
280100200 Prior Period Income-Water Tax 110,612,738.00- 160,271,927.00-
280100300 Prior Period Income-Water Benefit Tax 282,035,124.00- 314,628,848.00-
280100400 Prior Period Income-Sewerage Tax 223,379,880.00- 327,431,077.00-
280100500 Prior Period Income-Sewerage Benefit Tax 129,298,951.00- 190,212,759.00-
280100600 Prior Period Income-Education Tax 349,656,751.00- 157,642,977.00-
280100900 Prior Period Income-Fire Tax 44,063,452.00- 53,442,726.00-
280101000 Prior Period Income-Street Tax 192,933,501.00- 196,137,323.00-
280101200 Prior Period Income-Tree Cess 28,503,306.00- 7,755,149.00-
280200101 Grant (Share in fines under Mun Acts) 236,944,288.00-
280200102 Grant for share in Entertainment Tax 1,529,723,722.00-
280200103 Grant (Share in Land rev and N.A. Tax) 2,818,541,398.00-
280200200 Prior Period Income-Rent 2,930,670.00-
280200205 Prior Period Income-Other Rents 5,763,443.00-
280209900 Prior Period Income-Misc Rev.s 3,943,411.21- 68,840,394.79-
280209901 Grant from Govt (Primary Education) 19,904,589,154.00-
280209902 Grant from Govt (Secondary Education) 4,378,136,708.00-
280209903 Grant from Govt (Family Welfare Prog) 32,301,680.00-
280209904 Grant from Govt (Outreach Services) 461,105,198.38-
280209905 Grant from Govt (Malaria Eradicatn Prog) 746,522,502.00-
280209906 Grant from Govt (Intgrtd Child Dev Prog) 10,943,072.60-
280209907 Grant from Govt (Destrctn of stray dogs) 92,441,540.00-
280209908 Rebate on State Education Cess 67,420,152.00-
280209909 Rebate on Employment Guarantee Cess 7,815,894.00-
280209910 Rebate on MTOB 13,314,341.00-
280209913 Grant (Cvic amnties to slm on Gvt lands) 1,039,776,034.00-
280209914 Grant (Cvic amnties-Env Slm Imprv Schm) 29,712,228.00-
280209915 Grant (Pst mortm-Abolitn of Coroner Act) 43,683,439.00-
280500100 Prior Period Exp-Tax Rem&Ref-General Tax 61,336,474.00-
280500200 Prior Period Exp.-Tax Rem&Ref-Water Tax 487,884.00-
280500300 Prior Period exp.-Tax Rem&Ref-Water Bene 43,908,362.00-
280500400 Prior Period Exp.-Tax Rem&Ref-Sewer Tax 23,007,705.00-
280500500 Prior Period exp.-Tax Rem&Ref-Sewerage B 26,220,748.00-
280500700 Prior Period Exp.-Tax Rem & Ref-Edu Tax 24,120,941.00-
280500800 Prior Period Exp.-Tax Rem&Ref-Tree Cess 1,167,977.00-
280501000 Prior Period Expense-Tax Rem& Ref-Octroi 160,657.00- 8,744.00-
280501100 Prior Period Exp.-Tax Rem&Ref-Street Tax 30,639,716.00-
280600500 Prior Period exp.-Water Chrgs by Measure 155,625.00- 83,927.00-
280600700 Prior Period exp.-Sewerage Chrgs by Meas 47,726.00-
280600910 Refund of Other Revenue / Miscellaneous 89,764,944.50- 8,209,158.21-
280800010 Prior Period - Depreciation Write up 716,647,315.65-
280800700 Prior Period-Miscellaneous Expenses 1,171.00-
* (2-80)Prior Period Income 34,047,238,564.34- 1,829,247,655.00-
** Total OPERATING RECEIPTS 186,959,712,167.88- 138,978,673,059.79-
431100100 Receivable-Property Taxes 361,638,296.00- 1,029,069,658.00
431100200 Receivable-Fire Tax 4,329,074.00- 173,013,996.00
431100500 Receivables-Street Tax 17,255,444.00 631,965,539.00
431100600 Receivables- wheel tax 1,778.00-
431190200 Receivables-Water & Sewerage Taxes 1,431,617,073.00- 793,567,242.00
431190300 Receivables-Education Taxes 91,087,007.00 504,069,434.00
431190400 Receivables-Tree Cess 70,641,880.00 30,255,561.00
431300200 Receivable-User Charges 95,231.00- 95,231.00
431300201 Receivable-Water & Sewerage Charges 570,950,434.00- 634,425,890.00
431300299 Receivable-Other User Charges
431400202 Rent Receivable frm Staff Quarters 226,529.00 2,951.00
431400299 Rent Receivable frm others 3,238,043.00 194,317.00-
431400300 Rent Receivable frm Lease on Lands
431400401 Rent Receivable frm Chawls 1,883,430.00 134,907.00-
431400402 Rent Rec'ble frm Prop. under Impvt Schm. 12,021,101.91
431400404 Rent Receivable frm Industrial Estates 1,589,584.22 4,160.00
431400405 Rent Receivable frm Semi-Permanent Sheds 492,165.00 20,554.00
431400411 Rent Receivable frm Water Meters
431400499 Miscellaneous Rent Receivable
431400501 Interest accrued on FD 8,961,465,969.56 1,309,637,433.69-
431409900 Other Receivables
431409901 Receivable towards Impvt of Common House 97,867,742.43 91,122,787.65
431409902 Receivable towards conversion of basket
431409903 Receivable-pvt. works 169,740.00-
431409904 Receivables-State Govt. levies in Proper 667,366,670.00 840,951,553.00
431409905 Receivable against dishonoured cheques 848,291.00- 451,966.00-
431409906 Receivable frm Mun Dept. 329,069.00 1,359.50-
431409907 Receivable frm contractors
431409909 Short Remittance of Revenue Collection 3,213,527.01 32,900.60
431409910 Discheque Charges Receivables. 19,992.00- 2,384.00-
431409911 Recievable for pension expenditure 630,148,166.03
431500010 Propng & Pulng dwn dngrs portn of bldgs 14,210,255.00
431500011 Grant (Cvic amnties-Env Slm Imprv Schm) 29,712,228.00
431500012 Grant (Pst mortm-Abolitn of Coroner Act) 43,683,439.00
431500013 Grant (Cvic amnties to slm on Gvt lands) 519,888,017.00
431500100 Grants Receivable
431500101 Grant from Govt (Primary Education) 11,706,901,505.00
431500102 Grant from Govt (Secondary Education) 2,656,465,734.00
431500103 Grant from Govt (Family Welfare Prog) 16,150,840.00
431500104 Grant from Govt (Outreach Services) 326,986,359.13
431500105 Grant from Govt (Malaria Eradicatn Prog) 373,261,251.00
431500106 Grant from Govt (Intgrtd Child Dev Prog) 5,471,336.60
431500107 Grant from Govt (Destrctn of stray dogs) 44,719,550.00
431500201 Share of Entertainment Tax Receivable 991,832,861.00
431500202 Share of Fines-Offences against the Law
431500203 Share of Non-Agri Asmt Tax&Land Re 1,814,581,199.00
431500300 Rebate Receivable 17,171.00 18,000.00-
431500301 Rebate-State Education Cess Receivable 57,879,236.00
431500302 Rebate-Employment Guarantee CessRecvable 6,525,880.00
431500304 Rebate-Maharashtra Tax on Bldg Receivble 15,595,319.00
431500400 Receivable on a/c of traffic amenities
431800100 Receivble control accounts-PropertyTaxes 4,203,610,153.00- 552,905,736.00-
431800300 Receivable Control Account(Octroi)
431910000 State Govt Cesses/levies in Property Tax 915,751,323.00- 905,862,019.00-
* (4-31)Less Receivables 21,693,848,641.89 1,959,217,817.06
*** Net Operating Receipt (Sub Total-A) 165,265,863,525.99- 137,019,455,242.73-
310000000 Mun (General Funds)
310000100 General Fund 23,285,418,129.00 10,383,925,266.00
310000600 Education Fund 3,667,697,000.00
310000800 Tree Authority Fund 58,882,916.11 156,518,833.09
310100000 Mun Fund
310900000 Excess of Income & Expenditure 23,640,450,098.62- 10,022,045,390.56-
311100000 Contingent Fund 2,697,952,119.61- 238,403,386.28
311110000 Mun Fire & Accident Insurance Fund 81,763,160.48- 65,305,403.21-
311120000 Net Premia Fund
311130000 Hosptl Fund
311140000 Research Fund (KEM & GSM Hosptls) 808,271.30- 613,126.64-
311150000 Fidelity Guarantee Insurance Fund 813,557.90- 617,137.60-
311160000 Land (Reclamation & Acquisition) Fund 20,573,889.70- 15,606,594.68-
311170000 Fire Brigade Emplys. (Operational Staff) 4,028,079.90- 7,039,297.52-
311180000 Public Monuments Maintenance Fund
311190000 Endowment Fund 1,995.00
311200000 Development Fund-Mun Secondary Schools 10,171,323.00- 36,848,468.00-
311210000 Motor Vehicle (3rd Party) Insurance Fund
311220000 "Devt. Fund-u/s 124J of the MRTP Act,1993" 26,481,318.10- 20,087,756.48-
311230000 Roads&Bridges Construction/ Devmpmt.Fund 225,374.70- 170,958.12-
311260000 Land Acquisition & Development Fund 692,750,314.60- 525,494,881.84-
311270000 Mechlly Propelled Vessels (3rd Party) in
311280000 Investment Reserve Fund 26,477,437.70- 19,496,206.63-
311290000 Amenities Fund 4,413,876.45- 3,358,536.17-
311300000 Rent Equalisation Fund 12,179,752.55- 9,270,100.59-
311310000 Primary School Bldg Construction Fund 116,671,216.10- 120,888,191.27-
311320000 Primary School Building Maintenance Fund 335,950,805.35- 286,003,065.00
311330000 Depreciation Fund 1,929,624,822.80- 1,709,795,303.83-
311360000 Assets Replacement & Rehabilitation Fund 1,596,824,966.19- 248,492,226.33-
311370000 Assets Replacement Fund 22,385,104,374.20- 1,096,202,955.52-
311370100 Development Fund DCR 64(b) 497,635,079.60- 961,968,813.57-
311370110 Devlopment Fund-Premium towd Additional 0.33 FSI 26,857,921.60- 20,373,425.16-
311370200 Tax Payers Welfare Fund 34,552,060.60- 26,209,922.20-
311500000 Sinking Fund
311500100 Sinking Fund Account 1,657,648,955.00 1,722,613,372.71
311510000 Loan Redemption Fund 114,000,000.00- 290,000,000.00-
311510100 Loan Redemption Fund-Mun 2,106,910,521.00- 2,348,896,614.00-
311700000 Provident Fund 2,864,744,953.62- 2,350,362,510.80-
311710000 Pension Fund 5,104,757,858.60- 56,526,393.19-
311710100 Defined Contribution Pension Scheme -1 750,557,202.85- 198,271,097.36-
311720000 Gratuities Fund 2,815,586.20- 2,135,800.00-
311730000 Trust Funds
311730100 Member of Parliament Fund 166,110.31- 281,702.00-
311730200 Member of Legislative Assembly Fund 2,516,847.11- 2,495,500.00-
311730300 Mun Cap Contribtn activity under Trust F
311730301 Mun Cap Contribtn activity under Trust F
311730302 REC. FRM S.R.A
311730305 REC FRM SRA -MRTP ACT-1966 168,062,544.00- 108,281,989.00-
311730306 REC FRM SRA -DCRULE ACT-33(10) 565,755,025.00- 833,650,614.00-
312000100 General Reserves/ Retained Surplus
312100000 Capital Contribution
312100100 Obligatory Capital contribution 3,866,943,036.84- 3,765,826,593.35-
312100200 Additional Capital contribution 11,022,997,149.12- 15,071,191,975.32-
312100300 Contribution-repayment of CLF loans 697,245,545.00- 690,600,451.00-
312100400 Capital Grants
312100402 Reimbursement From MMRDA for ATC Project
312110000 Capital Reserves
312110100 Contrbn frm Assets Replacement Fund to C 981,812,589.94-
312110200 Amount transferred from Special fund
312110300 Amount transferred from Revenue Account 6,000,000,000.00- 21,072,000,000.00-
312110400 Receipts from SRA Project Premium - C.R. - Rec. 73,416,958.00- 783,042,430.00-
312110410 Receipts from SRD Scheme 61,377,598.00-
312110500 One time premium for Mun. Leasehold properties 149,346,222.00- 371,466,871.00-
312110510 Chrg-Rehab-PAP - ROB 381,645.00- 1,483,965.00-
312110600 Vacant Land Tenancy 67,086.00- 123,329.00-
312110700 Considertaion amt for transfer of Mun. Properties 10,390,490.00- 433,171,516.00-
312110800 Sale Proceeds- PAP 23,037,500.00- 1,569,054.00-
312200100 Contrbn frm Rev.Surplus-Future Debt Chrg 250,000,000.00- 250,000,000.00-
312200200 Stock Adjustment 135,469,469.93- 487,193,275.99-
312300000 Special Funds (Utilized)
312300100 Contingent Fund 164,935,498.00- 314,874,281.34-
312301300 "Devt. Fund-u/s 124J of the MRTP Act,1993" 3,068,556,988.88- 2,254,795,327.00-
312301400 Roads&Bridges Construction/ Devmpmt.Fund
312301500 Fines Fund
312301700 Land Acquisition & Development Fund
312302200 Primary School Bldg Construction Fund 770,000.00-
312302300 Primary School Building Maintenance Fund 580,000,000.00-
312302800 Assets Replacement Fund
312302900 Dev Fund Prm0.33 FSI 2,298,473,059.00- 120,500.00-
312303000 Dev. Fund-Fees/Comp. recd u/n DCR 64(b) -C.R. 483,217,000.00- 635,046,000.00-
312500000 General Reserves
312500100 Reserve-bad & doubtful debts
312990100 Contribution-Bhatsa Dam
180900101 Contribution frm General Fund 8,517,395,759.37- 7,766,118,071.91-
180900103 Contrbn frm Improvement Schemes Fund 314,540,046.36- 271,615,761.81-
180900106 Contribution frm Education Fund 2,000,740,285.95- 1,718,716,799.86-
180900107 Contrbn frm WSS Fund 1,465,930,925.03- 1,266,002,905.12-
180900109 Special Contribution frm General Fund 3,413,156,656.72- 5,795,319,421.45-
180900111 Spl Contrbn frm Impvt Schemes Fund 81,000,000.00-
180900114 Special Contribution frm Education Fund 513,000,000.00-
180900115 Spl Contrbn frm WSS Fund 378,000,000.00-
180900201 Contingent Fund 2,361,000.00- 431,484,823.00-
180900224 Depreciation Fund 100,000.00-
180900303 Receipt frm Budget E-MHU 1,926,000.00- 1,926,000.00-
260200103 Contribution to Improvement Schemes Fund 408,644,000.00 463,418,000.00
260200106 Contribution to Education Fund 1,021,610,000.00 1,158,544,793.00
260200111 Spl Contrbn to Improvement Schemes Fund 391,515,522.50 533,527,198.04
260200112 Spl Contribution to Slum Clearance Fund 3,784,912.27 21,421,909.55
260200113 Spl Contrbn to Slum Improvement Fund 1,289,856,221.95 1,246,224,032.18
260200114 Special Contribution to Education Fund 3,994,146,281.68
260200116 Spl Contribution to Tree Authority Fund 10,742,000.00
260200117 Contribution to Provident Fund 11,882,266.00 12,084,026.00
260200118 Contribution to Pension Fund 10,356,439,532.68 9,388,304,737.70
260200119 Special Contribution to Pension Fund 2,322,000,000.00
260200203 Contribution to Contingent Fund 2,746,818,000.00 397,666,000.00
260200207 Contribution to Gratuities Fund 488,835,702.00 239,212.00
260200216 Contrbn to Devmpmt. Fund-u/s 124J of the 3,068,556,988.88 2,254,795,327.00
260200220 Contribution to Assets Replacement Fund 21,440,000,000.00 500,000,000.00
260200228 Contribution to Depreciation Fund 1,503,795,571.99 1,497,042,191.18
260200230 Contribution to Sinking Fund 117,491,911.00 238,902,428.00
260200232 Contrbn to Development Fund-DCR 64 (b) 733,794,185.00 1,465,683,921.33
260200233 Contribution to Tax Payers Welfare Fund 400,000.00
260200234 Contribution to 0.33 FSI Special Fund 2,298,473,059.00 120,500.00
260200301 Contrbn to Govt. on acct of trail of Mun 26,249.00 31,957.00
260200307 Contrbn to Bldg repairs&reconstruction b 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00
350900103 Receipts from SRD scheme-blocked-use-312110400
350900104 Onetimepremium-Mun Leasehold Prop-use 312110500
350900105 Vacant Land Tenancy-blocked-use 312110600
* 310,11,12,180,260,350-Non Operating Rece 33,832,589,266.56- 49,987,140,425.62-
320100000 Central Govt. 1,558,811,000.00-
320100100 JNNURM Grant 1,715,252,000.00- 1,165,260,000.00-
320100200 Grant-Brimstowad Project 5,000,000,000.00-
320100300 Grant-Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan 163,690,103.04- 7,716,103.04-
320100700 Aesthetic Improvement of Mumbai (Beautification) 8,215,245.65-
320100800 MODERN OF HOSPITAL 1,683,500.00-
320100900 60% DEV GRAVEYARD 19,297,749.35-
320101000 DPDC RECEIPT
320101100 TRUST FUND - MLA 1,632,231.89- 6,008,187.85-
320101200 TRUST FUND - M.P. 494,988.69- 6,833,619.58-
320101400 DALITVASAHAT-HEALT 4,000,000.00-
320101600 PMG - DHARAVI
320101700 SULABH SHAUCHALYA 500,000.00-
320101900 JUST.B.T.MEMO FUND
320102000 SBI PAYING BED
320102400 PMGP - DHARAVI
320102600 TSUZUKI PARK
320102800 Rejuvenation of Mangroves in Juhu Versova 12,777,960.00-
320200000 State Govt. 168,088,000.00- 947,010.00-
320200100 JNNURM Grant 735,152,000.00- 781,000,000.00-
320200200 Operation Black Board Scheme Grant 2,526.00-
320200220 GRNT-ATTEND - STUD 31,335,018.00- 60,698,807.00-
320300000 Other Govt. Agencies 131,416,691.24- 5,947,000.00-
320800100 Contribution frm General Mun Fund
320800200 Contribution frm consumers (Water) 30,866,373.00- 16,679,103.00-
320800300 Contribution frm consumers (Sewarage) 389,917.00- 3,199,450.00-
320800400 Contribution frm consumers (Others)
620000102 MLA LAD FUND - DPDC 7,592,773.22- 12,315,208.42-
620000103 MP LAD FUND - DPDC 505,011.31- 9,300,300.64-
620000104 Rejuvenation of Mangroves in Juhu Versova 25,223,644.79- 331,727.00-
620000105 Aesthetic Improvement of Mumbai (Beautification) 9,053,510.66-
620000106 Devpmt of Gravyards&Crematoria&Prov amen 47,324,445.46-
620000107 Modernisation of Equipment&establishment 1,683,500.00-
620000109 Spl Assistance receivable from Governmen 4,000,000.00-
620000113 ProvImpv Fir EmgStat 1,000,000.00-
670000100 Hospital- Plant & Machinery 12,952,575.67- 28,841,550.40-
670000110 Grant received from BARC for Haematology Dpt-Nair 2,548,000.00-
670000111 GRANT RECD FROM ST.GOVT. FOR EYE BANK 1,448,075.00-
670000112 Recd fr Mah.Univ.H.S. Nashik-Clinical Pharmacolog 49,650.00-
670000113 ProvImpv Fir EmgStat 398,000.00-
670000200 Hospital- Furniture & Fixtures
670000300 M.P. FUND- PLANT & MACHINERY 2,848,500.00- 2,134,722.00-
* (3-20)Grants & Contribution 4,601,927,038.85- 7,205,518,740.05-
330200000 Loans frm State Govt.
330200100 Loans frm GoM
330200200 BUDP Loan frm GoM
330200300 DPDC Loan
330300000 Loans frm Govt. bodies & Associations 2.00-
330300100 Loans frm MMRDA-Mumbai III project
330300200 Mega City Loan frm MMRDA
330300201 Mega City Loan frm MMRDA -IXth Plan 2
330300202 Mega City Loan frm MMRDA -IXth Plan 3 10,853,043.00-
330300203 Mega City Loan frm MMRDA -Xth Plan 4,527,518.00- 9,214,039.00-
330300300 Loans frm MMRDA-Mumbai IIIA project
330300400 MMRDA Loans-Hosptls
330300500 MMRDA Loans-roads
330300600 Loans-Mun
330400000 Loans frm International Agencies
330400101 Loans frm MUTP 56,837,645.00-
330500000 Loans frm Banks&Other Financial Institu.
330700100 Public Bonds
330700200 Bonds-Internal Loans
* (3-30/31)Loans Received 15,380,561.00- 66,051,686.00-
340000000 Deposits recd. 1,004,065,075.40- 379,970,365.83-
340100000 frm Suppliers/Contractors 2,498,271,995.37- 902,018,500.32-
340100100 Earnest Money Deposit-RECO 523,806,559.03- 2,468,476,149.00-
340100101 Contractor's Earnest Money Deposit 1,336,680,890.00- 405,740,909.00-
340100102 Supplier's Earnest Money Deposit 390,772,424.00- 495,524,193.00-
340100103 Contractor's Earnest Money Deposit- Reco 2,659,967,717.53- 1,051,355,962.96-
340100104 Supplier's Earnest Money Deposit Reco 226,525,107.24- 103,384,741.00-
340100110 Other deposits 3,201,337,547.81- 3,482,583,536.65-
340100111 OTHER DEP do not use340100111- use 340100112 444,821.80-
340100112 OTHER DEPOSITS 280,952,631.01- 24,163,165.40-
340100201 Contractor's Security Deposit-RECO 4,659,288,242.00- 9,361,496,531.08-
340100202 Supplier's Security Deposit
340100203 Security Deposits frm successful quotati 160,477,924.00- 246,907,292.00-
340100204 Payable to contractor subject to NOC-RECO 65,984,202.73- 234,692,665.63-
340100205 Paper Security Deposits frm suppliers/co-RECO
340100206 Paper Security Deposits frm tenderers 4,298,430.00- 20,478,180.00-
340100207 Contractors Deferred Payment 30,084,484.10- 37,601,108.57-
340100208 Supplier's Security Deposit 416,599,084.10- 323,595,319.07-
340100209 Contractor's Security Deposit 3,839,529,278.51- 125,342,542.40-
340100210 Suppliers's Security Deposit -RECO 51,153.00- 670,950.00-
340100211 Paper Security Deposit -Suppliers/Contractor-RECO
340100213 OTHER SECURITY DEPOSIT 2,806,990,067.48- 227,493,946.60-
340100215 SECURITY DEPOSIT FROM TENDERERS (D/A/02) 1,516,266.00- 10,510,106.70-
340100218 SCHOLARSHIP-donotuse 46,200.00- 242,297.40-
340100219 Deposits- Scholarships- D/C/06/i 1,179,183.18-
340100221 Contractors security Deposit - Reco 2,300,322,577.32- 815,627,960.44-
340100299 Octroi Security Depo 4,186,411.00- 4,088,264.00-
340200100 Water Deposits 2,914,925.00- 4,793,774.00-
340200101 Consumer Deposits (Cash) 98,309,142.00- 109,465,175.00-
340200102 Consumer Deposits (Paper) 134,402.00-
340200103 Deposits against taking tap connection i 4,900.00- 3,700.00-
340200104 Cash Deposit for Water connection -RECO 298,608.00- 2,306,363.00-
340200105 Paper Deposit For Water Connection-RECO
340200107 Interest Payable on Security Deposits 1,167,244.00- 857,708.87-
340200200 Rental Deposits 288.00- 84,750.00-
340200201 Rental Deposits-RECO 26,921.00- 137,517.00-
340200202 OTHER REVENUE DEPOSITS-RECO 8,452,754.20- 16,433,735.38-
340200300 Property Tax Deposit - Reco 95,547,869.25- 29,550,361.61-
340200301 Property Tax Deposit 139,951,083.00- 78,195,039.00-
340200302 Deposit (GPR - Servi 12,581,529.00-
340209900 Other Rev. Deposits 2,845,624.00- 883,286.00-
340209901 Tenancy deposits 217,759.00- 307,027.00-
340209902 Dep.paym-Rev. Of Gra 81.00- 144.00-
340209997 Deposits towards donation-Prov of accomd
340300000 frm Staff
340300100 Security Deposits from Employees 8,555,543.00- 7,905,699.40-
340300101 Security Deposits from Employees-RECO 8,144,740.81- 10,589,983.00-
340300200 Deposits from Emplys. towards repayment o 1,854,540.00- 2,855,438.00-
340300201 Deposits from Emp towards repayment PF ADV-RECO 20,410.00-
340309900 Other Staff Deposits 4,000.00- 75,725.00-
340309901 Other Staff Deposits-RECO 2,200.00-
340800000 frm Others 200.00-
340800100 Security Deposits-Surety of Mun Meters 8,250.00- 519,200.00-
340800200 Temporary Deposits-Water&Sewerage Connec 11,357,345.00- 19,582,472.50-
340800201 Temporary Deposits-Water & Sewerage Connect-RECO
340800300 Security Deposits against Branch Connection 5,876,810.00- 5,410,643.00-
340800400 Security Deposit pro-rata cost towards c 3,729,200.00- 7,918,412.00-
340800401 Security Deposits towards Cross Connection-RECO 41,000.00- 109,700.00-
340800500 Deposits in cash/Sec frm pvt. Parties-RECO 99,927,392.50- 135,956,481.00-
340800501 Deposits towards Improvement schemes 931,410.00- 2,808,621.00-
340800502 Deposits from slum dwellers 281,840.00- 254,982.00-
340800503 Deposits towards Improvement Schemes-RECO 4,000.00- 14,000.00-
340800504 Deposits from Slum Dwellers-RECO 44,684.00- 172,300.00-
340800600 Deposits from c&idates-election 1,119,500.00- 226.00-
340800601 Deposits from Candidates for Election-RECO 14,032,570.00- 67,000.00-
340800700 Deposits from tenderers on approved list 150,000.00- 6,557,500.00-
340800800 Deposit for National Plasma Fractionation Centre
340800903 Standing Deposits 6,494,370.00- 5,503,868.00-
340800904 Temporary Deposits 160,439,575.04- 204,045,840.01-
340809900 Other Deposits-RECO 5,008,405,069.58- 3,173,612,215.56-
340809901 Deposits-R form
340809902 Deposits from Lessees
340809903 Standing Deposits - Not to Use (Use 340800903)
340809904 Temporary Deposits (Not To Use) (Use 340800904)
340809905 Security Deposits - Trenches 111,411.20- 17,337.00-
340809906 Deposits with outside parties 64,805.00- 48,092.00-
340809907 Deposits-R form- Recon 109,641,912.00- 100,461,390.00-
340809908 Deposits from Lessees-RECO 2,000.00-
340809909 Standing Deposits-RECO 301,184.00- 1,266,068.00-
340809910 Temporary Deposits-RECO 106,453,941.30- 35,511,911.70-
340809912 Deposit Badges-RECO 1,509,450.00- 14,850.00-
340809913 Deposit-Land Convey & Lic Fees-RECO(not to use)
340809916 PF-Mgt-Contribution Pvt Primary Aided School 456,458.00- 487,297.00-
340809917 Salary-Mgt-Contribution Pvt Primary Aided School 57,883,773.00- 57,866,739.00-
340809918 Trench Deposit-RECO 707,110,578.62- 412,429,137.90-
340809920 Retention Amount-Reco 1,687,919,060.74- 757,257,082.48-
340809950 CORPUS FUND DEPOSIT 4,000,000.00- 4,000,000.00-
340809991 Deposits withdrawn frm Bank
340809994 Security deposits under objection-RECO 5,100,453.00- 2,810,210.00-
340809995 Deposits from Utilities against re-instat 17,484,885.38- 44,524,820.58-
340809996 Deposit frm Utilities-15% supervisn Chrg 635,780.00-
340809997 Deposit-Badges 971,550.00- 31,500.00-
340809998 Deposit-Land Conveyance & License fees
340809999 Co-op Societies & Sports club
390100000 Contractor's Security Deposit( not to use)
390200000 Earnest Money Deposit(not to use)
390300000 Deposits in cash/Sec frm pvt. Parties(not to use)
390400000 Property Taxes/ Mun Taxes Payable
390500000 Other Deposits (not to use)
390700000 Not to be Used
390800000 Not to be Used
390900000 Not to be Used-system descripancy
* (3-40)Deposits Received 34,793,102,361.43- 25,979,470,942.84-
340809919 Trench Charges-RECO 628,619.00- 38,520,516.54-
341800000 Others
350800401 Lumpsum charges-trenches 25,567,427.52- 30,060,308.78-
350800402 Recoupment of Adv granted for purchase of P&Mach
350800405 Recd fr Mah.Univ.H.S. Nashik-Clinical Pharmacolog 2,398,779.38- 3,765,922.14-
350800406 Endocrinology Dept 5,416,944.19- 4,200,662.56-
600000101 AIRTEL 4,531,268.59- 4,531,268.59-
600000102 A.E.W.W.L 79,980,997.21- 56,974,661.21-
600000103 A.O. UNIT51 14,689,999.63- 12,888,256.43-
600000105 ACME ENTERPRISES 161,100.00- 161,100.00-
600000106 ARPAN 332,870.40-
600000107 ASST. GARISON 35,000.00- 35,000.00-
600000109 B.E.S.T 967,361,302.01- 763,811,353.16-
600000110 B.G.BROADBAND NETWORKS 23,725,566.34- 38,777,047.02-
600000111 B.N.SHAM & ASSOCIATES 95,046.01- 285,138.03-
600000112 B.P.C.L 15,348,697.46- 20,363,451.05-
600000113 B.P.T 302,716.00- 302,716.00-
600000114 B.S.E.S 3,579,070.93- 9,143,524.01-
600000115 BS.N.L 126,330.00- 416,178.76-
600000116 BANK OF BARODA 41,125.50- 41,125.50-
600000117 BANK OF INDIA 38,934.00- 38,934.00-
600000118 BHARATI AIRTEL 240,330,210.65- 351,286,589.25-
600000119 BHARATU CELLULAR LTD. 11,594,624.00- 11,594,624.00-
600000120 BHARATI INFOTEL 1,399,538.00- 1,399,538.00-
600000121 BHARATI TELESONIC 30,900,257.38- 34,264,589.79-
600000122 BHARATI TELEVENTURE 64,795,760.03- 65,679,412.03-
600000123 BLUE DIAMOND 2,188,460.00- 1,675,514.00-
600000125 BOMBAY TEXTILES RES. ASSOCIATION 68,700.00- 68,700.00-
600000126 CROMPTON GREAVES 2,538.00- 2,538.00-
600000127 CTS1196-97 305,442.00- 305,442.00-
600000128 DARSHAN CONSTRUCTION 32,401.00- 32,401.00-
600000129 DEESHA LEASION P. LTD 18,908.00- 18,908.00-
600000130 EE HSRD MH & AD 154,475.70- 154,475.70-
600000132 GAIL 3,259,547.63- 5,406,202.90-
600000133 GIL CON PROJECT 52,503.00- 4,847.00-
600000135 GRIL (INDIA) LTD 246,479.75-
600000136 H.P.C.L 2,547,443.00- 904,161.00-
600000137 HATHWAY CABLE 325,842.00- 325,842.00-
600000139 HUGHES TELECOM 53,670,205.53- 54,743,160.11-
600000140 HUTCH 243,641,684.56- 266,299,422.26-
600000141 INDIA ONE 2,649,866.00- 2,649,866.00-
600000142 INDIA ONLINE 12,368,413.20- 12,368,413.20-
600000143 INDUKIND & COM. 282,992.00- 282,992.00-
600000144 INFOMAGIC SERVICES 205,984,390.85- 218,246,532.17-
600000145 INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE 28,321.00- 28,321.00-
600000146 IQARA-RC-RE 2,563,199.00- 2,563,199.00-
600000149 KISHAN N. SHAH 80,703.00- 80,703.00-
600000150 KODIYAR ENGINEERING 5,382.00- 5,382.00-
600000152 L & T 237,906.00- 237,906.00-
600000153 L.I.C 39,279.00- 39,279.00-
600000154 M.G.L 904,394,043.15- 863,282,578.97-
600000156 M.H.A.D.A 134,553,525.62- 133,011,073.68-
600000158 M.S.R.D.C 35,000.00- 35,000.00-
600000159 M.T.N.L 294,397,868.35- 244,831,866.24-
600000160 M/S GARISON ENG (PVT) LTD 33,980.52- 101,941.56-
600000162 M/S M.W.& AD BOARD 51,627.00- 34,290.00-
600000164 MAHANAGAR TELEPHONE NIGAM LTD 29,710,211.20- 22,118,365.03-
600000165 MAX TOUCH 1,219,677.00- 1,219,677.00-
600000166 MCGM WATER & SEWERAGE 4,438,477.16- 2,737,106.16-
600000167 MERIND LTYD 61,636.00- 61,636.00-
600000168 MHADA NEHR NAGAR 2,201,794.00- 5,115,714.00-
600000170 NICHOLAS INDIA 38,280.00- 38,280.00-
600000172 NOCIL 18,212.00- 18,212.00-
600000173 OTHER PARTY 310,032,215.83- 262,234,550.10-
600000174 P.D.HINDUJA 2,193,712.20- 2,225,142.20-
600000175 P.W.D 82,724.60- 972,526.00-
600000176 PANKAJ SANITATION 306,238.04- 918,714.12-
600000178 PAWAR & SONS (P) 7,657.00- 7,657.00-
600000179 POWER CICIL 4,487,673.60- 4,487,673.60-
600000180 POWER GRID 15,259,948.25- 16,619,764.05-
600000181 R.K.MADHANI & CO 158,872.00- 476,616.00-
600000183 REL. NEXT 2,309,969.00- 2,309,969.00-
600000184 use 600000221 69,114,748.30- 245,676,910.44-
600000185 RELIANCE WEBSTONE 15,575.00- 15,575.00-
600000186 SANCITY BLDGNO.1 88,898.00- 88,898.00-
600000188 SHAPOORJI PALLANJI 35,000.00- 35,000.00-
600000189 SHAW WALLACE & CO 84,420.00- 84,420.00-
600000192 SKYLARK BUILDING 525,100.00- 525,100.00-
600000194 SOMAIYA MANDAL 41,999.00- 41,999.00-
600000195 STATE BANK OF BIKANER & JA 14,609.00- 14,609.00-
600000196 SETLING WILSON 159,511.00- 159,511.00-
600000197 SUMER CORPORATION 1,133,025.01- 1,133,025.01-
600000198 SUPREME TELECOM 30,408.00- 30,408.00-
600000199 TATA HYDRO 5,673,333.00- 5,673,333.00-
600000200 TATA POWER 890,236,441.21- 663,850,922.41-
600000201 TATA TELE SERVICES 180,975,705.73- 257,371,850.99-
600000202 THE ASSOCIATE BUILDING 986.00- 986.00-
600000203 UNIQUE ESTATE DEV 12,417.00- 12,417.00-
600000205 VASANT GARDEN COP. 102,847.00- 102,847.00-
600000207 VIJAY SANITATION 5,779.00- 5,779.00-
600000208 VSNL BROADBAND 171,703,073.12- 81,662,125.74-
600000210 WESTERN RAILWAY 3,152,586.95- 5,370,344.96-
600000211 M.S.E.B 2,879,569.43- 2,881,825.43-
600000215 M.S.E.DIS CO. LTD 313,598,085.56- 142,771,620.58-
600000216 VODAFONE 1,135,001,558.44- 621,224,751.64-
600000217 REVMAX TELECOM INFRASTRUCTURES PVT. LTD 1,779,698.00- 1,834,185.20-
600000218 TULIP TELECOM LIMITED 894,036.00- 894,036.00-
600000220 M.M.R.D.A 23,027,263.24- 31,480,222.47-
600000221 Reliance Energy 2,845,165,393.53- 2,365,018,351.61-
600000222 Mum.Railway Vikas-Corp 37,078,679.00- 15,878,335.00-
600000223 AIRCEL 117,660,735.14-
600000226 Idea Cellular Ltd. 4,023,352.00-
600000227 Excel Telesonic India Pvt. Ltd 489,143.00-
601000100 DEMOLITION -STRUCTURES-CVOD-JAIN TRUST 50,992.00- 50,992.00-
601000110 DEMOLITION CHARGES RECEIVED FROM MHADA 25,922,600.00- 27,803,600.00-
601000130 Const OF PSC PSouth 1,900,000.00-
602000100 CORPUS FUND DEPOSIT 4,000,000.00- 4,000,000.00-
603000100 Adv for Common House Galli 22,795.94- 44,029,209.28-
610000100 Endocrinology Dept 7,877,660.61- 7,649,066.83-
610000401 Clinical Pharmocology 2,398,779.38- 4,063,362.14-
610000403 Grant from St.Govt. for Opth.Dept 9,000,000.00- 9,000,000.00-
610000404 Grant received from Sarv Shikshan Abhiyan - IED 4,440,103.04- 7,983,070.04-
610000405 Grant received from BARC for Haematology Dpt-Nair 2,500,000.00- 2,500,000.00-
610000406 Funds recd from District Urban Development Agency 1,753.25- 447,975.00-
610000409 Grnt-MHADA-Infrastructur-Charkop-Sect-8&9 624,244,007.36- 528,685,330.88-
610000410 GRNT RCVD FRM MAH Chamber OF HSG INDUSTRIES 2,000,000.00- 1,000,000.00-
610000414 grnt frm govt-Disaster Risk Management programe" 1,555,953.00-
* (3-41)Deposit works 10,220,727,749.46- 8,659,142,952.30-
350410101 Consolidted Property Tax Colected in Adv 10,951,923.00- 20,491,807.00-
350410102 Wheel Tax Collected in Advance
350410103 Theatre Tax Collected in Advance
350410105 Advance Octroi Collection - Silver Card A/c 86,558,548.00- 134,258,919.00-
350410106 Advance octroi collection VIPL 2,839,276.00-
350410200 Rent Collected in Advance
350410203 Rent frm Lease of Lands Collected in Adv
350410301 Licensee Fees Collected in Advance
350410303 Water&Sewerage Chrgs Collectd in Advance 54,419,166.00- 64,639,123.00-
* (3-50)Revenue Collected in Advances 154,768,913.00- 219,389,849.00-
350900000 Sales Proceeds 214,902,916.00-
350900101 Sale Proceed-PAP-blocked-use 312110800 1,126,296.00-
350900102 Sale Proceed-Miscellaneous 500,000.00-
350900106 Considetation amt fo
350900107 Sale Proceeds from Asset 728,250.00-
* (350-90)Sale Proceeds from Assets 728,250.00- 216,529,212.00-
350000000 Other Liabilities 9,540.00-
350100000 Creditors 4,290,599,722.20- 4,404,446,175.00-
350100100 Suppliers 9,110,725,681.32- 9,866,511,880.81-
350100200 Contractors 83,078,037,059.62- 165,154,984,694.33-
350100201 Material return frm Works
350100210 Contractors - Payment Difference 979.76- 9,270.76-
350100297 Deposit Payable- Interim A/c. 544,520,544.00- 798,413,883.14-
350100298 Salary Payable- Interim A/c
350100300 Cash bills outstanding
350100400 Rent Payable 18,686.00-
350109900 Stores Suppliers A/c(Old)
350110000 Employee Liabilities 20,083,692.00- 25,517,744.00-
350110100 Gross Salary Payable 76,923.00-
350110200 Net Salary Payable 5,526,828.30- 4,779,560.00-
350110300 Unpaid Salaries/ Wages 1,967,037.00- 2,503,791.00-
350110400 Countributory Provident Fund Payable 5,148,838.00- 108,398,703.38-
350110500 Pension Payable
350110510 DefIned Contribution pension Scheme 1 Payable 391,504,389.00- 138,243,276.00-
350110600 Gratuity Payable 34,232.00- 431,552.00-
350110800 LTA Payable
350110900 Wages Payable 115.00-
350119900 Other Employee Liabilities Payable
350119901 Additional DA
350119902 Additional DA deposits 27,153.58-
350119903 Fine deposits
350119904 Deferred Payment from Service Entry Sheet 381,531,429.32- 343,711,094.52-
350119905 Retention Money from Service Entry Sheet 3,588,682,314.27- 3,482,437,577.08-
350119906 Other Deposit from Service Entry Sheet 2,212,590,813.83- 3,410,224,422.16-
350119993 Unclaimed NCPF - Non Operative Account 649,410.00- 485,716,863.08-
350119994 Unpaid dues to old Emplys. 70,454.00- 3,484,859.00-
350119995 Unpaid NCPF claims
350119996 Dividend Payable to Emplys.
350119997 Coin Note adjustment 2,417.11- 82,766.70-
350119998 Rev. stamp recovery 106,900.00-
350119999 PF Advance & Pension
350120100 Interest on loans frm Central Govt
350120200 Interest on loans frm State Govt 12,120,604.35-
350120301 Interest on BMC Loans
350120302 Interest on BUDP Loan 162,763.37-
350120303 Int on MMRDA loans-IIIA Mumbai Water Sup
350120304 Interest paid on Mega city Loan 1,205,115.42-
350120305 Interest pd on balnc works on Mumbai III 135,264,198.66-
350120400 Int. on loans frm International Agncies 210,928,421.72-
350120500 Int on loan frm Bank&Financial Institutn
350120700 Interest on Bonds & Debentures 419,021.74-
350120800 Interest on Other Loans
350200100 Recoveries frm Emplys. Payable 116,595,720.50- 143,713,086.00-
350200101 Non countributory Provident Fund Payable 9,328,996,757.00- 9,811,172,306.08-
350200102 Insurance Premium Payable 1,191,041,532.00- 1,169,068,612.53-
350200103 Recovery towards Employee's Housing Loan 474,037,250.80- 551,540,263.00-
350200104 Recovery of Provident Fund Advance 1,078,466,772.00- 917,331,014.00-
350200105 Recovery of Insurance through PF
350200106 Internal Credit Societies Recovery 5,471,761,653.94- 4,869,129,420.89-
350200107 Court Recoveries Payable 10,409,274.91- 12,454,690.63-
350200108 Gymkhana Recoveries Payable 1,754,070.00- 24,858,031.00-
350200109 Libraries Recoveries Payable 999.00- 1,087.00-
350200110 External Credit Societies Recovery 132,722,806.00- 173,895,139.02-
350200111 Union Subscription Recovery 32,022,982.00- 141,603,818.00-
350200112 Recovery Fm Emp-RTI 52,089.00- 70,138.00-
350200200 Other Loan Recoveries 38,216.00- 202,573.00-
350200299 Others 489.00- 12,005.00-
350200300 Other Recoveries 5,825,020.00- 2,901,218.09-
350200301 Recoveries towards Court Disputes 345.00-
350200303 Union Subscription Fee Recovery 699,900.00-
350200304 Gymkhana Fee Recovery
350200305 Library Fee Recovery
350200306 Other Relief Funds
350200307 Other Recoveries - Fidelity Guarantee Insurance 256.00- 2,988.50-
350200308 Pension Recovery Cheques Payable
350200398 Others 3,157,941.00- 4,514,112.28-
350200399 Others -AcBlock-use350200398 84,739.00- 156,147.00-
350200400 Statutory Deductions Payable 23,910.00- 27,690.78-
350200401 Income Tax Deducted at Source-Supc - not to use
350200402 Profession Tax 281,171,303.00- 309,002,361.00-
350200403 Contract Tax 49,346.00-
350200404 Trade Tax 186.00-
350200405 Sales Tax 6,335.10- 16,891.12-
350200406 Service Tax 12,946,490.38- 13,290,456.95-
350200407 Works Contract Tax 11,934.00-
350200408 Income Tax Deducted at Source-Emplys. 996,315,756.94- 1,601,724,596.74-
350200409 Tax collected at Source 1,968,710.35- 2,352,430.17-
350200410 Income Tax Deducted at Source-Payble 1,258,179,288.67- 1,365,301,409.22-
350200411 Works Contract Tax-paybale 943,150,188.59- 1,209,536,831.77-
350200412 Clearing- Income Tax Deducted at Source-Payble
350200413 Clearing- Works Contract Tax
350200414 Short Recovery of Income Tax 24,681,494.00- 2,150,753.00-
350200415 Interest on Short Recovery of Income Tax 8,081,531.00- 1,735,330.00-
350200499 Other Statutory Deductions Payable
350300000 Govt. Dues Payable
350300100 Municipal Education Cess Payable 420,948.39- 5,500,035.12-
350300101 State Education Cess Payable 3,362,550.00-
350300102 Residential State Education Cess Payable 1,497,964,148.00- 654,908,009.00-
350300103 Non-residential State Education Cess Payable 2,176,834,967.00- 2,097,924,083.00-
350300104 Penalty on Edu cess Payable to Govt. 31,622,053.60- 3,807,426.00-
350300106 PENALTY FOR NON PAYMENT OF ADD.STATE.EDU.CESS 5,307.00- 14,073.00-
350300200 Employment Guarantee Cess Payable 545,731,960.00- 464,908,450.00-
350300201 Penalty on Employment guarantee cess Pay 4,401,634.00- 494,509.00-
350300300 House Repairs Cess Payable 255,141,330.00-
350300301 Resiential Repair Cess Payable 200,003,069.00- 141,726,909.00-
350300302 Non-residential Repair Cess Payable 377,426,069.00- 278,132,636.00-
350300303 Cash deposit-Repair Cess 7,713,294.00- 3,774,722.00-
350300304 Penalty on House Repairs Cess Payable 5,380,133.00- 7,907,918.00-
350300305 Notice Fee for Repair Cess 290,324.00- 558,670.00-
350300306 Warrant cost for Repair Cess 2,945.00- 1,045.00-
350300400 Maharashtra Tax on Buildings Payable 12,196,970.00- 37,485,258.00-
350300401 Cash deposit-MTOB 341,397.00- 14,352.00-
350300402 Penalty on MTOB Payable to Govt. 228,571.00- 395,319.00-
350300403 Notice Fee for M.T.O.B. 33,453.00- 790,751.00-
350300500 Tax & Duties Payable 225.00- 1,075.00-
350300501 Income Tax Payable 421.00-
350300502 Local Taxes Payable
350300503 Property Taxes/ Mun Taxes Payable-RECO
350300504 Profession Tax Payable 200.00-
350300505 Sales Tax -Payble ( not to use) 13,753.00- 25,281.00-
350300506 Purchase Tax Payable 2.00-
350300507 Service Tax -Payble- Not to use. 240.00-
350300508 Value Added Tax Payable 4,787,561.72- 358,707,339.21-
350300509 Additional Tax Payable 1.00- 120.00-
350300599 Other Taxes/ Duties Payable
350309903 Penalties on UIP tax
350309904 Payable to MHADA 100,000,000.00-
350309905 Bld Const Welfar Ces 139,978,257.00-
350309998 Income tax-attachment orders
350309999 Presidency Post Master
350800000 Others
350800200 Stale Cheque 213,537,536.78- 100,326,725.08-
350800300 Inter Unit Accounts
350800301 Inter Unit Payable 17,331,702,319.97-
350800302 Inter Fund Payable 7,536,534.00- 2,244,800,000.00-
350800400 Other Advance recd. 100.00-
350800403 BARC/Hamatology/Nair 2,500,000.00- 2,500,000.00-
350800404 GRANT RECD FROM ST.GOVT. FOR OPTH. DEPT 9,000,000.00- 9,000,000.00-
350800407 LUMP SUM CHARGES-TRENCHES TRANSFER 6,540,770,487.00- 5,674,028,383.13-
350800408 Funds recd from District Urban Development Agency 1,753.25- 1,753.25-
350800411 Grnt-MHADA-Infrastructur-Charkop-Sect-8&9 516,257,678.99- 274,600,000.00-
350800412 GRNT RCVD FRM MAH CHAMBER OF HSG INDUSTRIES 2,000,000.00- 1,000,000.00-
350800413 Grant Received from 13th Finance Commission 5,000,000.00-
350800500 Additional employee PF Contrbn payable 193,600.00-
350800600 Payable to councillors & others 24,241,520,500.87- 23,288,611,533.74-
439300100 GR/IR Clearing Account 100,531,501,171.23- 132,023,957,600.49-
439400100 Freight Clearing Account 16,196,410.59- 78,100,960.57-
439400200 PRD Clearing A/c 27,322.47-
* Others Payables 279,426,556,611.35- 379,033,031,401.58-
350400000 Refunds Payable
350400105 Octroi Refund Payable
350400200 Rent Refund Payable
350400500 Deposit Works Refund Payable 179,379.48- 300,000.00-
* (350-40)Refunds Payable 179,379.48- 300,000.00-
360200900 Interest on Internal Loans
360300000 Provisions-Other Assets
* (360)Provisions (Estab,Interest,Oth Asst
420600000 Units of Mutual Funds
420800100 Investments in the form of Paper Deposit
420800200 Fixed Deposits 176,894,445,220.00- 154,785,984,950.00-
* Realisation of Investment
General Fund 176,894,445,220.00- 154,785,984,950.00-
421100000 Central Govt. Securities
421101000 Endowment Fund
421101100 Development Fund-Mun Secondary Schools
421101200 Motor Vehicle (3rd Party) Insurance Fund
421101800 Mechlly Propelled Vessels (3rd Party) in
421102600 Consolidated Loan Fund
421102900 Provident Fund
421202900 Provident Fund
421300000 Debentures & Bonds
421300400 Hosptl Fund
421300900 Public Monuments Maintenance Fund
421301000 Endowment Fund 529,900.00-
421302900 Provident Fund
421303200 Sinking fund 2,890,685,700.00- 4,612,993,300.00-
421303400 SURPLUS FUND 2,427,102,832.00- 3,192,324,546.73-
421800101 Contingent Fund 732,136,907.00- 1,126,922,624.00-
421800102 Mun Fire & Accident Insurance Fund 126,981,787.00- 425,595,874.00-
421800104 Hosptl Fund
421800109 Public Monuments Maintenance Fund
421800110 Endowment Fund 250.00-
421800111 Development Fund-Mun Secondary Schools 73,064,100.00- 171,226,300.00-
421800112 Motor Vehicle (3rd Party) Insurance Fund 450,000.00-
421800117 Land Acquisition & Development Fund
421800119 Investment Reserve Fund FD 631,400.00-
421800122 Primary School Bldg Construction Fund 770,500.00-
421800123 Primary School Building Maintenance Fund 580,000,100.00-
421800126 Loan Fund
421800127 Assets Replacement & Rehabilitation Fund 6,716,446,760.00- 9,430,827,684.51-
421800128 Trust Funds 1.00-
421800129 Provident Fund 503,247,700.00- 435,679,300.00-
421800132 Asset Replacement Fund
421800133 Special -Tree Authority Fund 156,518,800.00-
421800205 Development Fund DCR 64(b) 483,217,000.00- 635,046,000.00-
421800207 Development Fund-Premium towards Add.0.33 FSI -FD
421800208 Fixed Deposit Defined Contr.Pension Scheme-1 701,720,400.00-
* Realisation of Investment
Other Funds 14,654,603,187.00- 20,769,516,579.24-
460100100 Vehicle Loans 68,308.00- 5,727.00-
460100101 Interest Accrued on Vehicle Advance USE 460100102
460100200 Housing Loans 207,397,735.00- 228,492,708.00-
460100201 Interest Accrued on Housing Loans 1,025,739.00- 1,114,088.00-
460100300 Loan Adv to CHS sponsored by Mun Emplys. 17,955,383.00- 18,241,600.00-
460100400 Festival Advance block use 460100401 11,000.00- 35,011.00-
460100401 Festival Advance 105,778,376.00- 80,764,266.00-
460100500 Leave Salary Advance 2,618,234.00- 8,553,483.00-
460100600 Advance & Suspence a/c for On account payment 696,471,015.00-
460109900 Other Loans & Advances to Emplys. 13,061.00- 589,932.00-
460109901 Temporary advances to Emplys. 412,140.00- 352,040.00-
460109902 Advance Salary to Flood affected Emplys. 72,719,655.00- 7,002,373.00-
460109903 Advance-Contingency Expenditure 3,278,153.00- 970,492.00-
460109906 ADV TO MUN.OFF.FOR DISBURSEMENT OF SAL -MARCH 50,022.00- 13,621.00-
460109907 ADV TO MUN.OFF.FOR DISBURSEMENT OF LTA - MARCH 90,750.00- 883,634.00-
460109909 Adv for Incen Allow 5,093,169.00- 1,263,092.00-
460200000 Employee Provident Fund Loans 504,315,100.00- 465,714,190.00-
* Loans & Advances to employees - Recovery 920,930,963.00- 1,510,467,272.00-
470000000 Other Assets 2,800,735.83-
470200100 Inter Unit Receivable 28,680,766,512.71-
470200200 Inter Fund Receivable 380,880,365.00-
470400000 System Discreapancy account
* Other ASSETS 29,061,646,877.71- 2,800,735.83-
460400000 Advance to Suppliers & contractors 32,773,326,058.24- 105,758,330,001.83-
460400100 Advances to Contractors 2,353,383,303.54- 1,805,562,276.08-
460400101 Receivable-stores supplied 355,727.05- 322,296.00-
460400102 Towards Income Tax Arrears 2.00-
460400104 Advances to contractors before SAP 95,115,356.36- 200,000.00-
460400105 Risk & Cost Purchase - Advance 2,094,641.00-
460400200 Advances to Suppliers 1,800.00-
460400201 Advance to suppliers (L.C.) 22,084,743.31-
460400202 Advance to Suppliers (DD) A/c 1,787,387.00-
460500000 Advance to others 10,300,500.00-
460500001 ADV.-FIXED ASSETS 274,049,890.31- 2,093,885,582.61-
460500002 ADV.-FIXED ASSETS CLEARING ACCOUNT 373,883,403.49- 609,132,384.38-
460500100 Standing Advance 294,762.00- 396,826.00-
460500200 Advances to WSSD 977,000,000.00-
460500300 Advance to CLF 264,521,500.00-
460500402 Advance payment of service tax
460500403 Advance payment of sales tax/ VAT
460500500 Other Advances
460500601 Contingent Fund
460500616 Welfare Fund
460500700 Advs-demolition of unautrised structure 28,564,010.00- 1,314,950.00-
460500800 Advances-deposit with outside bodies 8,115.00-
460501000 Sundry Advances 1,500.00-
460501001 Miscellaneous Advances 6,904,418.00- 345,418.00-
460501100 Advance-Capital stores 10,000.00-
460800100 Balance in stock issued account 8,450.00-
460809902 Bank DiscrepancyBLOC 18,885,307,211.12- 3,426,523,918.03-
460809903 BANK DISCREPANCY A/C SBI-11 42,430.00-
* Other Loans & Advances - Recovery 55,081,734,458.42- 114,683,324,402.93-
460600000 Deposits with external Agencies 17,637.00- 122,415.00-
460600100 Electricity Deposits 65,915.00-
460600101 Electricity Deposits-Reco 673,260.00-
460600200 Telephone Deposits 18,964.00-
460600201 Telephone Deposits-Reco 14,982.34-
460600600 Security (Paper) Deposits 72,088,780.13- 18,233,480.00-
* Deposits with External Agencies-Recovery 72,121,399.47- 19,114,034.00-
439200100 Inter fund Clearing 467,377,733,676.33- 475,286,692,330.01-
439500100 Temporary Loan Clearing Account
439600100 Temporary FD Clearing Account
439700100 Payroll Clearing Account
439800100 LC Clearing Account 68,202,878.17-
439900100 Stock Upload Account 363,005.93-
439900200 Loans Upload Account
439900300 Fixed Deposit Upload Account
439900400 Trial balance upload account
439900600 Inter unit cash transfer 578,469,177.00- 536,791,703.76-
* Clearing Account 468,024,768,737.43- 475,823,484,033.77-
** NON-OPERATING RECEIPTS (Sub Total-B) 1,107,756,210,974.16- 1,238,961,267,217.16-
**** TOTAL RECEIPTS (Grand Total A+B) 2 1,273,022,074,500.15- 1,375,980,722,459.89-
210000000 Establishment Expenses 3,300.00-
210100100 Supervisory & Subordinate 27,256.00- 19,506.00-
210100101 Basic Pay 6,552,711,442.10 6,430,162,334.43
210100102 Incentive Bonus 379,325,270.06 416,586,222.00
210100103 Salary Arrears 121,251,032.00 316,939,825.00
210100104 Grade Pay (Superior) 1,377,610,143.03 1,342,766,163.37
210100105 Der Pay for Sup&Sub 1,529,273.00 3,242,161.00
210100199 Others 133,145.43- 39,602.59-
210100200 "Labour, Technical & Others" 226,979.00- 247,455.00-
210100201 Basic Pay 7,075,632,169.43 7,040,293,801.49
210100202 Incentive Bonus 531,319,060.22 776,584,146.00
210100203 Salary Arrears 1,873,437.00 251,755,686.00
210100204 Grade Pay (Labour) 1,229,248,250.59 1,194,504,156.12
210100205 Dearness Pay For Labour Technical & Others 10,081.00
210100299 Others 24,591.20 669,056.42
210200100 Supervisory & Subordinate 310.00-
210200101 Dearness Allowance 4,630,003,351.17 3,502,240,050.59
210200102 House Rent Allowance 2,179,796,019.16 2,143,082,588.87
210200103 Conveyance Allowance 51,085,650.00 42,902,216.00
210200104 Overtime Allowance 93,381,986.94 117,548,213.83
210200105 Leave Travel Assistance 88,040,054.00 137,753,298.00
210200106 Transport Subsidy Allowance 483,332,925.00 538,099,562.00
210200107 Mun Medical Allowance 88,219,561.00 90,184,136.75
210200109 Leave & Pension Contribution 858,855.00 1,461,895.00
210200110 Interim Relief Supervisory and Subordinate 150,181.00 180,340.00
210200111 Protected Dearness Allowance (Superior) 127,995,115.00 163,870,261.62
210200113 Tran All for Sup&Sub 1,818,349.00 1,625,143.62
210200114 Non Private Practice Allowance 1,659,637.00 626,903.00
210200115 Dearness Pay 6,600.00
210200116 Special Pr DA Superi 16,733,915.00 53,757,438.00
210200118 Family Planning Allowance-sup 7,000.00
210200120 Special Allowance for Reimb of Telephone Bill 170,959.00
210200121 PERSONAL PROTECTED AMT.(PPA) SUP. & SUB. 6,841,167.00
210200199 Other Allowances-superior 311,527,720.40 313,514,082.93
210200200 "Labour, Technical & Others" 5,475.00- 327.00-
210200201 Dearness Allowance 4,783,401,405.10 3,616,355,943.12
210200202 House Rent Allowance 2,102,541,723.55 2,056,802,409.88
210200203 Conveyance Allowance 5,521,858.00 4,429,540.00
210200204 Overtime Allowance 1,265,463,005.91 1,094,693,892.71
210200205 Leave Travel Assistance 133,750,926.00 152,413,076.70
210200206 Transport Subsidy Allowance 709,765,987.59 692,791,420.00
210200207 Mun Medical Allowance 169,338,333.17 169,867,131.99
210200208 Arrears 4,981.00-
210200210 Interim Relief Labour 150,893.00 55,343.00
210200211 Protected Dearness Allowance (Labour) 461,340,716.54 543,289,032.32
210200212 City Compensatory Allowance (Labour)
210200213 Transport Allowances For Labour 163,303.00 409,657.60
210200216 Special Protected Dearness Allowance - (Labour) 32,774,868.93 145,652,465.00
210200299 Other Allowances-labour 233,542,633.27 237,992,790.99
210209900 Other Benefits & Allowances 2,365.00- 349.00-
210209901 Medical aid 86,913.85 362,895.55
210209903 Messing Charges 8,613,965.50 5,431,456.50
210209904 Staff Welfare 296,097.00
210209905 Benefit due to deposit linked insu.schem 11,962,212.00 11,042,679.00
210209907 Educational course Expenses
210209908 "Gymkhana-the Nursing, Residential Medica" 109,715.00
210209912 Compensation to Emplys. 1,904,522.00 502,953.00
210209913 Uniforms 12,128,284.36 29,264,422.40
210209914 "Clothes, Raincoats, Umbrellas-labourers" 353,811.75 5,954,075.13
210209915 Contrbn-meeting Int subsidy at 4% toward 59,147,700.00 71,247,678.00
210209917 Nutritious Diet for Residential Doctors 878,429.00 662,694.00
210209918 MS-CIT EXPENSES 2,024,525.00 10,634,281.00
210209941 Sumptuary Allowance to Mayor 188,827.50 186,659.50
210209942 Honorarium to Councillors 27,060,299.00 28,905,000.00
210209943 Allowances to Councillors 751,950.00 1,007,700.00
210209945 Honorarium to Mun Emplys. 1,441,141.00 2,094,532.00
210209950 Training Expenses 266,608.10 2,673,511.24
210209951 In house training expenses 490,871.00 1,936,194.37
210209952 Local training Expenses 36,609.00- 275,625.00
210209955 Training & Refresher I T Courses 22,136,362.00 422,500.00
210209956 Residential Trng. to Labourers &Mukadams 214,109.00 266,765.00
210209958 Seminar & Conference Expenses 5,046.00
210209961 Special Training Expenses 53,000.00-
210209999 Misc Other Benefits & Allowances 3,600.00
210300100 Contribution to Pension Fund 2,700,000,000.00 237,410.00-
210300200 Commutation of Pension 554,766,791.00 616,547,083.00
210300300 Monthly Pension 2,344,985,086.70 2,282,764,052.57
210300400 Arrears due to revised Pension (01.07.95) 16,323,843.00 8,907,542.00
210300500 Arrears due to consolidation of pension 9,117,346.00 9,951,081.00
210300600 Arrears due to revis 26,105,565.00 14,790,759.00
210300700 Arrears of DR as per revised rate 202,768,519.00 283,137,799.00
210300900 5% Adhoc on Basic Pension 14,465,344.00 15,101,890.00
210301000 Dearness Pay (DP - Pension) 1,387,066,266.00 1,299,497,090.91
210301100 Dearness Relief (DR - Pension) 4,737,521,269.01 3,248,258,262.52
210301200 Arrears of DP as per Revised Grade 49,159.00
210301300 Arrears of DR as per Revised Grade 98,305.00
210301400 Restruct of Pensn / Family Pensn of Pensioners 18,320.00- 24,000.00-
210301500 Defined Contribution Pension Scheme 350,858,530.00 97,583,091.00
210301700 40% Fitment Weightage
210400100 Provident Fund Charges 85,906.00 108,978.00
210400200 Contribution to Provident Fund 1,125.00-
210400400 Gratuity Charges 1,219,327,038.00 1,228,847,378.00
210400600 Leave Encashment 764,908,898.23 568,611,942.66
210400700 Arrears of revision from 01-04-2005 onward 30,333,929.00 295,009,787.00
210500200 Stipends of Interns 21,684,258.00 12,139,871.00
210500300 Stipend of P.G. student/Resident Doctors 613,854,437.00 511,040,547.00
210500400 STIPEND 1,770,775.00 308,570.00
210501001 Mayor's award in cash:best trained Nurse 100,000.00 94,997.00
210501002 Mun. Comm's award in cash to best traine 50,000.00 12,204.00
210501007 Fire Drill Competition Prizes 76,276.00 70,000.00
210501008 Awards of Silver Medals & Cash Prizes 109,643.00 100,000.00
210501009 Fire Service Week Prizes 61,451.00 59,300.00
210501101 L/s Prov-payment of arrears on acct of r 277,716,718.00 3,529,842,507.00
210501102 Lumpsum provision-exgratia payments 13,617.00- 2,219.00-
210501104 L/s Prov-defraying the Exp incurred on d 766,288.00 702,703.00
210501108 L.S.prov.payment of 'On A/C Payment' 443,015,750.00
210501199 Other Lumpsum Provisions 68,420.00 70,500.00
210501201 Rep & Maint of sports club pavilion 3,094.00
210501202 Inter ward&inter Dept. drama competition 432,480.00 289,500.00
210501203 Staging drama in state competition 196,500.00 161,875.00
210501204 Scholarship-children of Mun Emplys.-seco 129,131.00 174,723.00
210501205 Scholarship-children of Mun Emplys.-post 337,366.50 551,771.00
210501206 Scholarship-children of Mun Emplys.-Edua 99,474.00 166,309.00
210501207 Medical help to Mun Emplys. 16,184,859.00 10,165,659.00
210501208 Exp on social workers' teachers course-M 38,474.00 20,000.00
210501209 Recurring grant to Mumbai Mun Gymkhana 105,000.00 105,000.00
210501210 Assistance to dependants of Mun Emplys. 737,480.00 838,035.00
210501211 Expenditure on Mun staff library 31,709.00 34,255.00
210501213 Contribution to Conservancy Staff Welfare Fund 29,500,000.00 29,400,000.00
210501214 Fire Brigade Emplys. accident compensatn 1,632,280.00 5,600,000.00
210501215 Assistance to Mun Emplys. who expired in 1,500.00 3,000.00
210501216 Med HelpConcer staff 56,231.00- 16,100.00-
210501301 Miscellaneous expenditure 692,158.50 954,119.00
* (2-10)Establishment Expenses 50,724,357,004.93 48,282,643,633.11
220000000 Administrative Expenses 6,508.00-
220100100 Rent 2,633.00 234.00
220100101 Rent of Mun Buildings 7,908,414.34 131,081.00
220100102 Rent of pvt. Buildings 5,891,054.32 4,908,602.69
220100103 Rent of Govt. Buildings 3,180,368.24 3,546,933.80
220100104 Rent of other Buildings 31,650.63 33,301.10
220100106 Ground Rent 9,219,329.30 7,392,752.61
220100107 Rent of Derequisitioned Buildings 28,839.72 45,783.00
220100108 Rent of MHB Tenements 5.00-
220100109 Rentfor school Building 1,534,788.28 942,317.00
220100199 Miscellaneous Rent 1,300.00
220100200 Taxes
220100201 Income Tax 14,968,961.00
220100202 Local Taxes 2,096,195.40 1,868,250.00
220100203 Property Taxes/ Mun Taxes 275,478,167.37 256,925,010.00
220100204 Profession Tax 340,200.00- 2,500.00
220100207 Service Tax 406,730.00 408,328.50
220100208 Value Added Tax 10.00- 551.00-
220100214 N A & other Assessment tax 79,244,533.00 29,933,584.00
220100299 Other Taxes/ Duties 10,885,431.00 6,082,029.00
220110100 Electricity Expenses 328.00-
220110101 Office Electricity Expenses 370,246,178.06 361,772,162.10
220110102 Residential Electricity Expenses 1,709,722.84 1,548,910.00
220110200 Water Charges 14,053,261.00 31,369,481.69
220119900 Other Office Contingent Expenses 33,937,891.56 42,122,370.80
220120100 Telephone Expenses 2,309.00
220120101 Official Telephone Expenses 33,342,615.18 35,270,014.37
220120102 Mobile Phone Expenses 4,933,340.21 7,423,283.43
220120103 Residential Telephone Expenses 1,197,421.80 1,309,166.31
220120104 Wireless communication expenses 1,553,654.00 518,000.00
220120200 Internet Charges 8,868,303.29 685,531.96
220120300 Broad B& Charges 22,825,950.00 27,124,100.00
220120400 Leased Line Charges 37,619.00 43,980.00
220120500 Postage Expenses 9,543,306.00 8,256,486.80
220129900 Miscellaneous Communication Expenses 1,166,597.75 1,105,779.60
220200100 "Newspapers, Magazines & Periodicals" 513,863.00 510,117.50
220200200 Reference Books & Journals 35,010.00- 119,981.93-
220209900 Miscellaneous Books & Periodicals 512,615.25 1,405,043.50
220210100 Printing 4,827,927.02 4,204,854.20
220210200 Publicatn expense-Civic Guide cum Diary 17,250.00 2,600,488.18
220210300 Block Making & Phototype Setting 266.00
220210400 Stationery 30,853,264.79 58,080,257.96
220210500 Consumables 22,363,339.01 36,437,009.86
220210600 Photocopying expenses 3,027,299.70 1,735,219.15
220210800 Digitisation of B.P Permission Record & D. Plan 1,123,906.95
220210900 Auto Scrutiny of Building Proposal 8,320,546.60
220219900 Misc Printing & Stationery Expenses 49,392.00 127,082.86
220300100 Fuel Expenses 1,025.00 11,782.00
220300200 Conveyance 3,468,142.50 3,168,159.50
220300300 pvt. Vehicle Charges 283,210.00 7,154,921.76
220300400 Domestic Travelling Expenses 2,576,832.80 2,115,158.50
220300500 International Travelling Expenses 296,819.00 470,590.00
220309900 Misc Travelling & Conveyance Expenses 1,451,777.91 1,402,958.50
220400000 Insurance 24,949,708.09 1,501,007.50
220510000 Legal Expenses 397,200.00- 48,000.00-
220510100 Legal & Professional Fees 113,282,784.00 91,300,378.50
220510200 Auction Expenses 24,865.05 180,443.00
220519900 Miscellaneous Legal Expenses 1,554.00-
220520100 Recruitment Consultancy Fees 6,410.00
220520101 Payment to MPSC 130,396.00
220520102 Consultant fees-Institutional reforms 595,620.00
220520200 Technical/ Expert Consultancy Fees 37,416,458.18 17,250,733.66
220520600 Remuneration to Consultants 1,472,836.00 1,028,945.00
220520700 Remuneration to Head/Members of Judicial 2,067,682.40 3,950,017.60
220520800 Honorarium 36,261,492.35 52,655,698.33
220520900 Fees to Non-Council Members 5,600.00 6,000.00
220521000 Remuneration/Honorarium to Training Facu 350,584.00 258,472.00
220521100 Exam Fees 630,743.00 303,054.00
220521200 Registration Fees 30,015.00 59.00
220521600 S.S.C. Exam Fees 2,631,850.00 2,681,680.00
220522000 Licenses Fees , Permite Fees / Toll Charges 4,736,631.00 5,142,921.15
220529900 Miscellaneous Professional & Other Fees 427,252.00 51,420.00
220600000 Advertisement & Publicity 52,110,229.07 56,536,656.65
220600100 Advertisement Expenses 1,347,309.21 4,049,012.72
220610000 Membership & Subscriptions 4,600.00 4,200.00
220610100 Membership fees-various organisations/as 3,836,194.00 4,249,420.00
220800100 Ceremony/ Events Expenses 9,209,260.92 8,892,904.50
220800200 Seminar/ Workshop Expenses 759,446.00 700,405.62
220800400 Outside Services Employment Expenses 19,681,722.71 7,791,727.92
220800401 House Keeping and Out side services 302,588,259.61 442,238,773.26
220800600 Public Event Organising Expenses 225,536.10 3,225,431.18
220800601 Ganpaties Immersion 25,197,419.37 23,485,402.04
220800602 Mahaparinirvahan Din 7,216,798.67 7,196,526.47
220800800 Conference Expenses 33,423.55 97,856.00
220800900 Fire Extinguisher 2,880.00 48,995.00
220801000 Refill of fire extinguisher 337,426.26 1,283,934.75
220801100 Compensation paid to Outside Parties 132,945.00
220801300 Proportionate Costs transferred frm othe 20,284,990.00 18,895,673.00
220801302 Proportionate Costs transferred frm Budg 1,415,000,000.00 1,200,000,000.00
220801500 Govt. Land Acquisition Dept Charges 1,515,939.00 956,033.00
220801600 Discretional Cotingencies 16,383,666.24 19,494,687.30
220801700 ISO expenses 300.00- 439,548.00
220802000 Compensation on acct of losses or damage 566,818.00 2,113,959.00
220802200 G.I.S. Property Survey 3,811,265.00 7,020,000.30
220802300 SetUpaddCourt-ProTax
220802500 Recruitment Expenses 7,081,802.50 3,341,024.00
220802600 Study Visit Expenses 1,500.00
220802900 Data Entry Expenses 92,829,305.99 39,337,465.43
220803000 Post Implimentation Man power Services 425,541,601.49 542,483,139.32
220803100 Ex-gratia to Victims against accident 250,000.00
220809900 Miscellaneous Administrative Expenses 10,140,212.34 9,215,753.83
220809901 Natural Disaster Relief Expenses 10,856,366.75 8,512,493.00
220809999 Contingencies 12,915.00 7,023.00
* (2-20)Administrative Expenses 3,635,007,124.12 3,548,130,522.88
230100101 Electricity Expenses 3,458,866,641.29 3,369,589,959.06
230100200 Fuel 32,815,257.60 56,720.00
230100201 Petrol 14,791,809.75 22,492,159.91
230100202 Diesel 315,580,047.57 421,761,749.65
230100300 Other Utility Services 77.00-
230100301 Gas 7,106,266.18 7,099,245.69
230100302 Others 1,352,746.88 1,452,836.00
230200100 Bulk Purchase of water 691,584,723.70 636,807,930.83
230300000 Consumption of Stores 7,402,869.52 23,310,193.34
230301500 Public Relations Stores 39,000.00
230301702 Equpmts 4,714.00 23,114.00
230301799 Other Stores 18,588.00
230301801 Other Stores 239,800.00
230302500 Central Stores 603,886,798.14 6,980,414.51
230303000 Education Stores 1,600,871.74 1,401,350.66
230303003 Mirrors 10,000.00
230303004 Locks 1,230.00
230303005 Text Books 0.50- 2,799,583.75
230303006 Slates 5,000.00
230303008 Scout Uniform 107,300.00
230303009 Craft Materials 34,776.00 57,073.00
230303010 Equpmts 23,945.00
230303011 Apparatus 250.00 6,085.00
230303012 Instruments 3,712.00
230303015 Medicines 2,812.00 212,634.49
230303016 Surgical Dressing Material 1,710,096.24 420,535.18
230303017 Laboratory Equipment 55,302.00 6,660.00
230303018 Spectacles 91,517.00
230303019 Game Materials 35,000.00 399,231.00
230303020 Uniform 240,197,032.35 370,539,265.24
230303021 Visual Aid Equpmts 49,000.00
230303022 Note Books 44,682,124.78 81,752,934.04
230303023 Education Kits 54,831,014.80 79,477,623.03
230303024 School bags 106,666,776.00 163,307,481.95
230303027 Shoes & Socks 73,423,334.85 112,242,190.50
230303028 Rain coats 64,674,570.53 208.00-
230303029 Umbrella 6,552.00
230303100 Solid Waste Management Stores 66,675,930.62 203,279,052.33
230303101 Chemicals 3,863,117.90
230303102 Disinfectants 1,489,000.00 3,578,900.00
230303200 Transport Stores 1,166,675.67 3,173,958.54
230303201 Soap & Napkin for hand washing 1,454,742.29
230303300 Storm Water Drains Stores 12,276,451.13 15,249,878.79
230303400 Mechl & Electrical Stores 29,030.00 2,585.00
230303401 Mechl Spares 5,807,571.40 14,973,593.58
230303402 Plant & Machinery spares 732,032.77 924,783.08
230303403 Instruments 798,286.46 412,615.63
230303404 Accessories 1,863,757.39 335,037.32
230303405 Laundry Chemicals 1,726,762.67 494,599.50
230303406 Laundry Linen 6,165,943.67 156,633.80
230303407 Electric Spares 2,949,017.24 2,766,092.80
230303409 Refregeration Stores 442,418.96 631,365.13
230303499 Other stores 5,030,132.29 2,032,747.56
230303801 Hose 3,450,933.03
230303899 Fire Brigade 590,065.09 90,537.00
230304100 Garden Dept. Stores 7,390.00
230304102 Equpmts 799,002.58 568,142.50
230304103 Soil 22,833,629.90 17,121,705.41
230304104 Manure 12,132,181.97 15,732,176.42
230304105 Curb Stones 86,624.11 17,376,623.23
230304106 Gerolime 104,258.38 64,443.53
230304107 Tree Guards 4,481,476.37 454,345.55
230304108 Plants 2,135,910.30 134,354.00
230304110 Polythene Bags 1,650,000.00
230304111 Earthen Pots 689,670.00 874,650.00
230304112 Security Fencing Materials 1,882,560.09
230304114 Garden Implements 92,273.00 752,262.77
230304115 Food-Animals 8,926,189.89 6,658,553.55
230304116 Medicines 191,650.80 201,170.20
230304117 Disinfectants 401,547.39
230304118 Sea S& 766,231.41 974,308.56
230304200 Markets Stores 3,169.00 17,941.00
230304201 Disinfectants 2,688,738.50 2,251,401.50
230304202 Medicines 6,867.00 1,929.00
230304299 Other stores 746,032.54 3,447,907.49
230304300 Deonar Abattoir Stores 4,557,946.22 4,459,401.07
230304301 Disinfectants 34,205.94 283,900.28
230304302 Food of Cattle brought-Slaughter 3,125.00 103,068.00
230304303 Medicines 385,996.30 278,025.73
230304304 Instruments 36,506.25
230304400 Roads & Traffic Stores 385,035.00
230304401 Tools 9,783.00 307,141.00
230304402 Plants 64,226,306.98 42,663,359.06
230304403 H&carts 50,918.93 703,396.82
230304405 Materials 66,689,547.48 38,250,367.85
230304600 Printing Press Stores 426,393.76 189,611.44
230304601 Paper 55,458,370.03 84,497,441.98
230304602 Consumables 23,293,202.17 23,884,636.32
230304700 Health & Hosptl Stores 111,429.91 50,614.20
230304701 X-Ray 81,214,885.29 55,813,920.24
230304702 Clothing 14,967,988.76 25,392,054.97
230304703 Medicines 389,434,761.65 398,634,709.20
230304704 Disinfectants 6,524,766.20 4,253,438.23
230304705 Radio Isotope Materials 303,064.10 4,844,820.34
230304706 Laboratory Equpmts 430,854.30 3,945,600.10
230304707 Diet & Nutrition Supplements 106,034,187.53 88,803,522.86
230304708 Linen 21,721,880.37 22,196,626.52
230304709 Consumables 3,636,017.50 3,015,004.45
230304711 Chemicals 208,319,535.27 203,410,106.54
230304712 Reagents 40,760,751.54 55,232,359.22
230304713 Apparatus 8,012,053.34 4,737,878.20
230304714 Instruments 27,273,992.46 29,053,086.36
230304715 Appliances 1,084,254.37 1,008,099.61
230304716 Firewood 54,185,813.00 51,418,713.80
230304717 Vaccines 2,987,272.75 22,836,510.27
230304718 Gas / Medical 44,154,051.11 63,584,334.32
230304719 Tools 2,352,002.75 688,201.17
230304720 Accessories 178,889,195.76 185,847,640.65
230304722 Food-animals 152,185.50 145,625.00
230304723 Drugs 7,638,145.43 10,188,452.09
230304724 Surgical Dressing Material 102,806,187.56 121,666,081.45
230304725 Equipment 9,663,334.37 1,655,207.75
230304726 Ayurvedic Medicines-STDs (Sexually Trans 4,572,919.50 272,576.38
230304728 Ayurvedic Medicines 18,822.50
230304729 Wood For Cremation 1,869,000.00 1,252,260.00
230304730 Multidrug Resistance (MDR)-Drug 5,671.19
230304799 Other Stores 85,118,584.52 74,594,520.27
230304901 Chemicals 269,586,613.83 289,621,392.70
230304902 Disinfectants 732,614.14 10,127,523.21
230304903 Sand 4,549,086.22 3,615,178.48
230304904 Tools 40,037,894.07 427,276.95
230304905 Cement 224,435.07 141,316.50
230304906 Steel Plates & Sheets 2,838,089.13 94,951.50
230304907 Steel round bar & other rolled system 423,109.91 227,076.39
230304908 Cast iron & steel pipes & specials 3,341,297.12 272,832.34
230304909 RCC & structural sanitary pipes 43,841.25
230304910 "Valves, Hydrants & their spares" 3,788,900.22 622,358.24
230304911 Water meter & spares 4,950.00
230304912 Paint & Printing Accessories 1,358,901.10 252,538.76
230304913 Electrical Stores 4,743,578.33 1,725,992.46
230304914 Instrument Accessories & Spares 5,161,469.42 4,997,682.38
230304915 Vehicle spares & accessories 724,486.02
230304916 Plant & Mach spares 4,766,690.78 742,749.50
230304917 Other General Stores 19,648,984.29 2,457,587.70
230305101 Chemicals 806,026.74 241,831.79
230305102 Disinfectants 327,312.07 155,452.00
230305103 S& 893.00 3,135.00
230305104 Tools 1,102,425.31 598,880.04
230305105 Cement 6,061.00 104.00
230305106 Steel Plates & Sheets 315,713.03 250,501.64
230305107 Steel round bar & other rolled system 136,567.95 100,092.24
230305108 Cast iron & steel pipes & specials 821,778.21 45,130.82
230305109 RCC & structural sanitary pipes 147,443.88
230305110 "Valves, Hydrants & their spares" 176,071.54 17,563.08
230305111 Water meter & spares 43,756.49 18,617.79
230305112 Paint & Printing Accessories 303,358.23 135,340.68
230305113 Electrical Stores 3,905,646.52 957,765.52
230305114 Instrument Accessories & Spares 430,438.85 490,348.00
230305115 Vehicle spares & accessories 24,480,134.44 2,937,165.84
230305116 Plant & Mach spares 4,808,121.90 3,171,133.81
230305117 Other General Stores 17,319,600.55 10,915,327.47
230309000 Swimming Pool Stores 19,571.82
230309001 Chlorine Cylinder 5,800.00
230309002 Appliances 1,547,173.92 79,772.19
230309099 Other Stores 75,339.48 11,596.00
230309100 Recreation Centre Stores 14,797.05
230309201 Apparatus 11,383.00 33,739.00
230310001 Chemicals 5,800.00
230400100 pvt. Vehicle Hire Charges 112,111,155.80 122,397,766.12
230400102 Hire Chrgs-pvt.Vehicle to Mechl Sweeping 15,277,993.93 24,171,292.04
230400103 Hire Charges-HYVA Compactors 32,678,775.24 30,552,738.34
230400106 Hire Chrgs-Pvt.Vehicles-Rmvl of Refuse 1,449,471,872.43 1,398,277,955.44
230400107 Hire Chrgs-pvt. Vehicles-Removal of Debr 151,976,454.63 146,420,304.25
230400108 Hire Charges-Water Tankers 8,771,299.27 215,377,511.02
230400109 Hire Chrgs-vehicles-Disposal of fallen t 28,559,152.98 18,822,545.50
230400110 Cartage 6,380,083.50 7,607,215.72
230400111 Hire Charges-Crawler Bozer/ Buldozer 4,522,943.30 2,447,775.00
230400112 Hire Charges-JCB 3,312.00- 4,416.00-
230400113 Hire Charges-Poclain 669,765.00
230400115 Hire Charges-Heavy Vehicles 1,593,820.00
230400116 Water Facility for existing and New Greenary 56,341,645.73 119,369,221.79
230400201 Hire Char for Machines/ Equip & Dewatering Pumps 125,278,508.84 139,688,205.15
230500101 General Civil Repairs 285,012,423.47 212,820,334.33
230500109 Consumption of Stores/ Spares 16,007.16
230500110 General Civil Repairs -CC Road 25,762,695.20 42,174,841.34
230500112 General Civil Repairs -Footpath 94,352,277.18 59,618,031.24
230500114 Repairs:Potholes/Spot repairs to roads 652,901,892.37 595,956,069.10
230500115 General Civil Repairs -Mun slums 0.20-
230500117 Pothole & spot repair to roads (Pend Bill) 189,683,020.51 333,815,579.45
230500201 General Civil Repairs 706,394.00 1,047,390.11
230500301 General Civil Repairs 7,251,299.51 239,959,626.04
230500302 Special Civil Repairs 83,123,410.11 185,261,488.29
230500303 General Electrical Repairs 2,012,584.78 3,260,100.39
230500304 Special Electrical Repairs 694,145.25 3,957,311.35
230500307 General Mechl Repairs 19,492,362.85 42,552,801.38
230500308 Special Mechl Repairs 2,407,614.17 12,759,995.58
230500309 Consumption of Stores/ Spares 19,622,324.03 36,141,147.43
230500401 General Civil Repairs 16,416,160.91 27,547,076.45
230500402 Special Civil Repairs 152,859,518.54 259,373,239.54
230500403 General Electrical Repairs 10,643,557.60 9,435,368.20
230500404 Special Electrical Repairs 956,880.09 1,726,430.00
230500405 Electrical repairs of A C Units 55,987.50 34,712.50
230500406 Electrical repairs of Lifts 36,000.00 48,600.00
230500407 General Mechl Repairs 38,480,100.44 38,805,661.44
230500408 Special Mechl Repairs 3,721,254.00 8,388,291.74
230500409 Consumption of Stores/ Spares 500,357.00 14,498,934.26
230500501 General Civil Repairs 477,484,259.78 475,723,321.70
230500503 General Electrical Repairs 710,506.44 81,624.00
230500507 General Mechl Repairs 7,717,726.48 9,087,379.77
230500601 General Civil Repairs 42,811,356.70 12,821,070.72
230500612 General Civil Repair 44,111,882.50 42,933,710.59
230500801 General Civil Repairs 5,463,683.03 14,169,954.69
230500802 Special Civil Repairs 1,607,721.42 61,433.05
230500803 General Electrical Repairs 3,194,154.13 4,751,955.84
230500804 Special Electrical Repairs 4,361,648.86 8,346,439.40
230500805 Electrical repairs of A C Units 584,997.06 428,639.05
230500807 General Mechl Repairs 11,017,799.63 18,954,116.23
230500808 Special Mechl Repairs 3,930,046.00 3,595,139.94
230500809 Consumption of Stores/ Spares 6,236,208.12 8,077,897.78
230500810 Gen Repairs of SCADA 7,637,000.00 7,637,000.00
230500811 Gen Repairs of VSAT 2,027,259.97 1,616,084.00
230500901 General Civil Repairs 5,864,359.40 8,306,383.00
230500903 General Electrical Repairs 62,144.00 413,434.89
230500907 General Mechl Repairs 21,070.00 836,689.90
230500908 Special Mechl Repairs 97,038.75
230500909 Consumption of Stores/ Spares 120,257.41 1,072,459.10
230501001 General Civil Repairs 413,240.00 140,166.00
230501003 General Electrical Repairs 1,178,423.49 1,601,341.19
230501007 General Mechl Repairs 1,114,653.02 509,804.71
230501009 Consumption of Stores/ Spares 62,720.00
230501102 Special Civil Repairs 16,252,669.46
230510101 General Civil Repairs 140,541,272.55 142,182,488.05
230510109 Consumption of Stores/ Spares 9,261,299.90 11,474,591.36
230510301 General Civil Repairs 8,406,214.80 8,379,955.25
230510309 Consumption of Stores/ Spares 10,945.00-
230510400 Rep & Maint-Playgrounds 294,610.33
230510501 General Civil Repairs 194,900.00
230510601 General Civil Repairs 4,730.00 826,476.96
230510609 Consumption of Stores/ Spares 99,396.00
230510701 General Civil Repairs 290,735.90 68,883.56
230510801 General Civil Repairs 319,090.56 5,205,910.08
230510901 General Civil Repairs 32,070,878.10 60,560,126.64
230511001 General Civil Repairs 800,584.80 4,580,284.33
230511101 General Civil Repairs 161,913.67 6,651,898.73
230511201 General Civil Repairs 499,558.54
230511301 General Civil Repairs 596,108,822.52 595,375,976.45
230511601 General Civil Repairs 14,987,187.57 22,476,973.77
230511801 General Civil Repairs 9,708,686.31 2,209,794.95
230511807 General Mechl Repairs 17,894,768.57 26,413,939.78
230512101 General Civil Repairs 9,625,937.27 9,380,014.52
230512102 Special Civil Repairs 178,276.71-
230512201 General Civil Repairs 31,029,823.24 30,493,447.82
230520101 General Civil Repairs 26,341,547.94 27,145,212.13
230520201 General Civil Repairs 7,318,393.08 10,161,175.19
230520209 Consumption of Stores/ Spares 77,871.00 482,404.25
230520301 General Civil Repairs 41,676,798.59 35,374,073.26
230520303 General Electrical Repairs 818,522.46
230520309 Consumption of Stores/ Spares 165,450.00
230520501 General Civil Repairs 51,265,106.56 50,823,307.07
230520503 General Electrical Repairs 524,813.67 126,381.90
230520507 General Mechl Repairs 409,696.48 481,778.36
230520601 General Civil Repairs 36,357,690.43 43,925,899.92
230520701 General Civil Repairs 2,032,608.26 1,773,838.43
230520801 General Civil Repairs 499,393.87 499,086.43
230520901 General Civil Repairs 8,231,133.91 9,858,713.77
230520909 Consumption of Stores/ Spares 117,050.00
230529901 General Civil Repairs 6,793,862.86 19,154,008.60
230530801 General Repairs 231,898.00 1,661,761.87
230531201 General Repairs 3,375,232.47 1,168,109.88
230531203 Consumption of Stores/ Spares 5,939,043.47 3,975,456.54
230532503 Consumption of Stores/ Spares 439.08
230539900 Other Vehicles 8,272.50
230539901 General Repairs 46,338,717.44 50,929,677.91
230539903 Consumption of Stores/ Spares 422,312,012.50 404,709,404.23
230590100 Rep & Maint-Furniture & Fixtures 10,410.00 17,205.00
230590200 Rep & Maint-Electric Installations 16,337,712.91 15,199,987.83
230590300 Rep & Maint-Electric Appliances 24,903,952.05 22,996,429.25
230590400 Rep & Maint-Office Equpmts 2,335,609.41 2,307,108.90
230590401 Rep & Maint-Computers & Other I T Equmts 10,788,486.17 11,815,510.79
230590500 Rep & Maint-Communication Equpmts 1,481,543.37 495,378.38
230590600 Rep & Maint-Other Equpmts 24,019,200.77 32,385,046.14
230590700 Rep & Maint-Plant & Machinery 7,356,797.40 6,704,899.58
230590900 Rep & Maint-Mechl & Electrical 772.00
230590901 Rep & Maint-A.C Units 34,622,673.84 35,221,614.55
230590902 Rep & Maint-Lifts 21,699,039.79 19,522,051.84
230590903 Ordinary Repairs 60,843,372.20 77,587,497.35
230801601 Reimbsmt to Govt-police force employed 150,000,000.00
230801603 Hire charges-pvt. security guards 102,098,418.80 9,229,932.58
230801701 Remuneration to Training Faculties&Consu 299,600.00 260,287.00
230801702 Expenses-NRC Sponsorship 289,142.00 187,100.00
230801704 Trainee's Mess Charges 6,652,278.00 146,775.00
230801801 Housekeeping Expenses 1,990,351.62 6,417,699.42
230802402 Commission charges to Collection Agency 109,563,049.00 138,588,918.00
230803001 Reference & Library books 1,951.00- 58,626.75
230803002 Periodicals 229,433.45
230803005 Scholarship to students in Mun high Schl 1,197.00
230803007 Out of pocket expenses-Camping 1,688,020.00 485,375.00
230803010 Supply of midday snacks 1,999.00- 2,113.00-
230803012 Supply of milk 885.00- 75,649,059.15
230803013 Incentive to girl students attending Mun 25,490,188.00 682.00
230803014 Special Diet 48,805.00- 391,210.00
230803018 Technical Education for Students 6,675,000.00 6,500,000.00
230803019 Identitycards for Students 1,980.00
230803020 Provision for Expens 745,000.00 783,355.00
230803022 Virtual Class Room 18,923,816.00
230803099 Miscellaneous 6,792,220.18 7,246,016.80
230803101 "Privatisation of Services-Sweeping, Clea" 39,801,523.78 51,638,584.35
230803103 Manning & Mopping 150,817,847.71 176,580,817.97
230803106 "Chrgs-Collection, Transportation&Disposa" 131,586.00- 313,012.19
230803107 Works frm pvt. Party 7,998,206.42 4,006,897.70
230803108 ChaProc/Land fil Ref 598,827,624.55 640,047,351.46
230803200 Transport Dept. 256,526.25 1,094,844.02
230803301 "Desilting exp.-Arch/Box Drain, Dhapa Dra" 59,087,311.33
230803302 Desilting Exp.-Talavas-Ganpaty immersn 4,019,857.75 5,430,794.82
230803305 Desilting Expenses f 322,250,405.19 317,883,746.28
230803306 Desilting Expenses f 239,088,502.93 232,842,076.45
230803307 Desilting Expenses f 31,646,669.00 26,457,063.90
230803308 Desilting Expenses f 19,919,390.50 18,275,902.00
230803401 Works form pvt. Parties 5,747,994.60 5,388,760.66
230803503 Desiliting of Septic Tank 186,308,892.29 225,079,023.80
230803504 Subsoil Testing Charges 2,058,990.16
230803505 Demolition of unauth 3,000.00- 17,000.00-
230803702 Revision of Development Plan 3,106,945.00 97,500.00
230803901 Sanitary&other arrangements in connectio 50,000.00
230804101 Repairs to Gymnasium Apparatus 317,555.96 343,434.20
230804102 Colony Garden Maintenance Expenses 971,292.64 991,108.50
230804104 Plantation and New Greenery 15,114,687.30 108,870,902.48
230804105 Transplantation of tree charges 1,554,790.73 1,635,562.56
230804106 Maintenance of existing trees through pv 41,942,902.53 71,953,562.95
230804107 Plantation&maintenance of existing trees 6,979,223.08 9,015,227.94
230804108 Repairs & painting of tree guards 521,292.64 44,535.44
230804109 Mist irrigation System 2,032,857.16 6,752,618.36
230804110 Horticultural Exhibition 1,046,149.19 1,369,376.66
230804111 Labour & Supervision Charges 1,083,897.40 651,371.30
230804112 Water Pipeline maintenance expenses 2,201,311.43 3,937,419.24
230804114 Plantation of new trees at plots /open s 1,445,725.85
230804117 Repairs to Existing Nurseries 5,998,620.92 4,912,662.69
230804120 "Providing name & notice boards, etc." 4,999,810.57 7,601,398.44
230804121 "Horticulture Devmpmt., maintenance of ro" 48,771,432.62 48,072,369.31
230804123 Cash Incentive to pu 917,000.00
230804124 Protection & Maintenance of Existing & New Garden 208,716,910.35 98,772,500.51
230804125 Development of Tree Bank 5,352,861.34 13,125,391.62
230804126 Green Net 58,685.00 9,603.00
230804127 cutting-fallen trees 986,718.24 1,248,490.00
230804302 Removal of offal & Refuse 3,023,704.99 2,595,299.09
230804304 Other Operation & Maintenance 3,429,789.62 2,826,069.45
230804401 Rep & Maint of Traffic Amenities 82,508,645.27 92,165,316.29
230804403 Funning of Ferry Services 430,215.00 4,250,297.00
230804405 Upkeep of Public Monuments 182,854.00 99,582.00
230804410 Annual Maintenance Charges 408,456.00
230804601 Expd. on printing thru outside Agencies 7,336,259.95 5,717,600.10
230804701 Tipping BioMedicalWaste Chrgs-MunHosptls 9,101,376.08 10,439,000.09
230804702 Payment-Sterilization of Dogs 9,733,050.00 17,261,447.55
230804703 Census Expenses 144,523,718.00 114,230,048.00
230804704 Vector & Pest Control Services 67,658,128.84 59,858,780.94
230804706 Annual Maintenance Charges 1,210,032.15 6,037,936.52
230804707 Maintenance & Service Expenses 9,270,244.42 8,883,688.05
230804708 Comprehensive Maintenance Expenses 49,825,011.08 45,430,352.94
230804709 Washing Charges 3,760,218.78 2,956,220.27
230804710 Research & Spl Investigation Expenses 396,864.00
230804711 Prov-Expenses to be incurred-Patients 250,450.00 365,450.00
230804712 Database / Records Maintenance Expenses 3,414,321.54 473,039.40
230804713 LPG Expenses 12,140,885.95 12,699,952.80
230804714 Milk Distribution Expenses 123,156.00 114,097.50
230804715 Milk & Food Samples Testing Charges 25,873.00 51,558.50
230804717 Incentives 3,237,651.00 3,453,487.00
230804718 Artificial Limbs 1,330,392.73 247,039.00
230804719 Housekeeping Expenses 5,505,715.16 4,907,324.80
230804721 Provision for treatment of Haemophilia Patients 594,824.00
230804722 Provision for patients admitted 1,005,400.00
230804799 Miscellaneous 4,387.50 1,278.00
230804901 Contract Labour Charges 3,236,886.04 1,972,609.79
230805100 Sewarage Dept. 56,220.15
230809001 Aquatic Competition Expenses 1,600.00
230809801 Proportionate Transport Cost 2,170,057.65
230809900 Common Other Operating&Maintenance Exp. 4,817.00 4,348.00
230809901 Water Charges 37,717,445.01 52,703,801.12
230809902 Provision-Un-seen Expenses 1,380,410,504.84 802,044,931.69
230809903 Laboratory Testing Charges 10,488,257.40 3,080,946.64
230809904 Tender Sample Testing Charges 1,273,136.96 832,486.90
230809906 Operation & Maintenance of Plant & Machinery 28,843,783.40 63,346,973.85
230809907 Annual Maint Charges Equipment & Machine 1,429,043.36
514040211 UnforseenExpConst211
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* (2-30)Operations and Maintenance 18,091,501,622.35 18,187,472,069.67
240200000 Interest on Loans frm State Govt. 2,226,404.00 4,050,096.00
240300100 Interest on BMC Loans 338,213,252.78 622,104,640.41
240300200 Interest on MMRDA Loan 76,704,681.00 82,868,044.00
240300201 Interest on BUDP Loan 2,576,991.00 3,501,580.00
240300300 Int on MMRDA loans-IIIA Mumbai Water Sup 167,159,859.00 171,673,120.00
240300400 Interest paid on Mega city Loan 30,521,522.00 38,491,007.00
240300500 Interest pd on balance wrk on Mumbai III 32,833,789.00 35,653,992.00
240400100 Interest on World Bank Loan 545,417,231.00 596,770,469.00
240500100 Bank Interest 1,200,000.00 2,925,000.00
240600100 Interest on Public Bonds 3,600,000.00 7,050,000.00
240600200 Interest on Refund of Property Tax 88,472.00 1,659,805.00
240700000 Bank Charges
240700100 Bank Commission & Charges 5,171,409.00 4,382,601.31
240700200 Bank charges-dishonoured cheques 401,377.00- 265,477.00-
240800107 Discount on Top Up Amount of Octroi Silver Card 517,540.00 657,710.00
240800300 Miscellaneous Loan Charges 7,095.00 11,342.36
* (2-40)Interest & Finance Charges 1,205,836,868.78 1,571,533,930.08
250100100 Expenditure on holding elections 211,156,129.07 8,561,802.19
250100200 Printing of Electoral Rolls 3,406,325.24
250100400 Vehicle Hire Charges 27,751,293.99
250100500 Contingencies 1,146,201.30 200.00-
250100600 Establishment (Temporary) 36,386,654.00 168,428.00
250201500 PRO Related Programmes 35,087.00-
250201501 Health Exhibitions 113,963.00 149,039.00
250201502 Cultural Activities 1,241,201.00 881,494.00
250201503 Other PRO related Programmes 1,138,912.00 1,393,253.00
250202401 Reward to Property T 4,890,000.00 3,440,000.00
250203000 Education Related Programmes 3,474,921.00 1,744,596.00
250203003 Awards to Teachers 650,000.00 349,259.00
250203011 Prizes to Healthy Child in Mun Schools 49,840.00 47,000.00
250203013 Training Courses-Teachers 80,240.00 87,925.00
250203014 Balkotsav 1,416,989.00 825,841.00
250203016 Training Camps/ Weekend Camps 290,507.00 74,651.00
250203017 Scouting related Rallies & Functions 2,283,575.00 1,808,948.00
250203018 Sports Events 4,009,348.00 4,386,480.00
250203019 Physical Training-Teachers 84,222.00 5,971.00-
250203020 Road Safety Patrolling 665,107.00 881,905.00
250203021 Excursions 4,394,805.00 2,529,418.00
250203023 "Programmes, Exhibitions, Competitions, P" 1,087,668.00 327,901.00
250203024 Training Programmes 92,260.00 50,315.00
250203031 Bus Fare to Students 1,022,360.00 347,026.00
250203050 Parents Teachers Association Meeting Expenses 14,910.00 18,803.00
250203101 Slum Adoption Programme 436,814,550.86 459,516,169.35
250203102 Zero Garbage Public Awareness Programme 536,237.50 1,577,809.05
250203104 Clean Area Scheme (Cleansing of Roads&Co 228,836,558.80 235,905,283.47
250203105 Clean & Healthy Dharavi Programme 5,900,301.72 5,499,999.14
250204700 Health Programmes 3,500.00-
250204701 Pulse Polio Immunisation Programme 75,357,366.00 90,002,612.00
250204702 P.N.D.T. Programme Expenses 211,205.00 56,948.00
250209901 Monitoring & Evaluation Cell for Outcome Based 13,916.00- 425,200.00
* (2-50)Programme Expenses 1,054,451,148.48 821,051,934.20
260100000 Grants 1,400.00-
260100200 Grants to Primary Schools 153.00-
260100300 Grants to pvt. Primary aided Schools 1,438,241,155.00 1,268,739,966.53
260100400 Adhoc grants to Public Institutions (Dis 2,469,000.00 1,960,000.00
260100502 Grant to Nawroji Wadia Maternity Hosptl 105,304,704.45 58,898,146.21
260100503 Baijerbai Wadia Matern Hosptl-Children 205,072,391.94 119,248,668.79
260100504 The Children Aid Society 150,000.00 150,000.00
260100800 Grants-Pension & Gratuity Charges 202,163,539.00 168,926,975.60
260101300 Payment to Public Librarys in MCGM 1,360,802.00 500,000.00
260101400 Payment to Balwadis 15,803,731.00 15,787,988.00
260103500 Self Employment for deserving women 491,400.00
260103600 Training for self dedfence /skill upgradation 202,000.00
260103700 Workshop/ Training for capacity building 18,916.00
260103900 Various activities under Adhar Project 158,127.00
260104000 Study tour for Potic 1,060,127.00 780,791.50
260104100 Revolving fund for Self Help Group (SHG) 4,157,000.00 30,660.00
* (2-60)Revenue Grants,Contributions& Subs 1,976,632,424.39 1,635,042,112.63
270000000 Provisions & Write off 2,000,000,000.00 2,100,000,000.00
270300604 Addl.2%-W.C.writeoff
270500200 Amortisation of extra-ordinary losses 20,000,000.00
* (2-70)Provisions & Write off 2,020,000,000.00 2,100,000,000.00
432000000 Accumulated Prov agnst Debtor(Recvables) 2,000,000,000.00- 931,224,808.00-
432100100 Provision-outstanding Property Taxes 10,142,255,000.00-
432120200 Provision-outstanding Education Tax 3,667,697,000.00-
432120300 Provision-outstanding Tree Cess 173,289,000.00-
432120400 Provision-outstanding Street Tax 4,863,935,000.00-
432300201 Prov-outstanding Water & Sewerage Chrgs 1,027,426,245.00 1,026,605,982.00-
* (4-32)Less Provisions 19,819,749,755.00- 1,957,830,790.00-
272000000 Depreciation 50,587,345.60 82,203,206.98
272200000 Buildings 189,988,558.62 272,478,216.98
272300000 Roads & Bridges 2,082,305,793.77 672,629,949.12
272310000 Sewerage & Drainage 1,965,775,239.67 181,227,494.29
272310100 Trunk Sewers 2,448,617.90 1,183,906.80
272310200 Branch Sewers 83,944.32 58,382.40
272310300 Outfall Sewers 6,129,653.89 5,925,109.50
272310400 Sewage Pumping Mains 952,637.36 719,403.88
272310500 "Arch Drain, Major Nallas, River" 525,971.32 624,272.87
272310600 "Pipe Drain, Dhapa Drain, Road Side Drain" 31,418,761.19 31,420,308.47
272310700 Marine Outlet Flood Gates 119.26
272320000 Waterways 2,197,468.87 2,016,508.00
272320100 Dams 15,034,989.21 23,380,115.73
272320200 Tunnels 3,337,938.75 3,332,332.48
272320300 Reservoirs 4,345,594.44 3,857,908.05
272320400 Transmission/ Trunk (Mains) 20,211,953.48 10,365,750.03
272320500 Distribution & Regulation System 35,766,945.14 29,769,481.12
272320600 Instrumentation & Control System 1,147,215.95 991,095.72
272320700 Meters 318,502.62 318,502.60
272330000 Public Lighting 322,234.64 868,388.13
272400000 Plant & Machinery 332,297,598.94 285,656,704.85
272500000 Vehicles 87,535,350.82 77,742,945.00
272600000 Office & Other Equpmts 144,993,187.85 120,137,284.45
272700000 "Furniture, Fixtures, Fittings&Electrical" 59,143,022.19 100,312,996.46
272800000 Other Fixed Assets 7,800,739,491.54 1,178,291,244.27
272999999 Temp Depreciation 1,335,809,842.14 1,128,900,251.25
* (2-72)Depreciation 14,173,417,979.48 4,214,411,759.43
411000000 Accumulated Depreciation 38,956,803.11 86,287,701.60-
411200000 Buildings 33,838,909.24 272,478,216.98-
411300000 Roads & Bridges 1,902,488,663.88- 672,629,949.12-
411310000 Sewerage & Drainage 1,915,625,463.21- 221,158,878.21-
411320000 Waterways 49,078,665.21- 74,031,693.73-
411330000 Public Lighting 361,822.13 868,388.13-
411400000 Plant & Machinery 297,984,821.17- 285,656,704.85-
411500000 Vehicles 84,647,448.89- 77,742,945.00-
411600000 Office & Other Equipment 127,780,136.68- 120,137,284.45-
411700000 Furniture, Fixtures, Fittings&Electrical 56,254,077.47- 100,312,996.46-
411800000 Other Fixed Assets 7,780,860,182.09- 1,178,291,244.27-
411999999 Temp Accumulated Depreciation 1,339,605,414.13- 1,137,766,023.98-
* (4-11)Depreciation (Accumalated) 13,481,167,338.25- 4,227,362,026.78-
280100100 Prior Period Income-General Tax 1,510,689.00
280100300 Prior Period Income-Water Benefit Tax 1,140,566.00
280100400 Prior Period Income-Sewerage Tax 2,658,588.00
280100500 Prior Period Income-Sewerage Benefit Tax 684,555.00
280100600 Prior Period Income-Education Tax 175,173,318.00
280100900 Prior Period Income-Fire Tax 232,414.00
280101000 Prior Period Income-Street Tax 863,278.00
280101200 Prior Period Income-Tree Cess 32,720.00
280200101 Grant (Share in fines under Mun Acts) 118,472,144.00
280200102 Grant for share in Entertainment Tax 585,151,861.00
280200103 Grant (Share in Land rev and N.A. Tax) 1,003,960,199.00
280200200 Prior Period Income-Rent 11,390.00
280209900 Prior Period Income-Misc Rev.s 260,023.25 16,685,666.78
280209901 Grant from Govt (Primary Education) 9,952,294,577.00
280209902 Grant from Govt (Secondary Education) 2,189,068,354.00
280209903 Grant from Govt (Family Welfare Prog) 16,150,840.00
280209904 Grant from Govt (Outreach Services) 200,125,795.00
280209905 Grant from Govt (Malaria Eradicatn Prog) 373,261,251.00
280209906 Grant from Govt (Intgrtd Child Dev Prog) 5,471,736.00
280209907 Grant from Govt (Destrctn of stray dogs) 47,721,990.00
280209913 Grant (Cvic amnties to slm on Gvt lands) 519,888,017.00
280500100 Prior Period Exp-Tax Rem&Ref-General Tax 144,356,733.00 4,597,702.00
280500200 Prior Period Exp.-Tax Rem&Ref-Water Tax 38,425,334.00 7,882,199.00
280500300 Prior Period exp.-Tax Rem&Ref-Water Bene 100,766,307.00 5,390,132.00
280500400 Prior Period Exp.-Tax Rem&Ref-Sewer Tax 92,028,844.00 16,391,748.00
280500500 Prior Period exp.-Tax Rem&Ref-Sewerage B 59,478,947.00 1,938,498.00
280500700 Prior Period Exp.-Tax Rem & Ref-Edu Tax 57,009,960.00 1,923,668.00
280500800 Prior Period Exp.-Tax Rem&Ref-Tree Cess 2,975,818.00 50,102.00
280501000 Prior Period Expense-Tax Rem& Ref-Octroi 479,581,026.00 756,451,820.00
280501100 Prior Period Exp.-Tax Rem&Ref-Street Tax 71,402,819.00 2,339,366.00
280501401 Refund of Penalty -General Tax 80,331.00
280501403 Refund of Penalty -Water Benefit Tax 37,639.00
280501404 Refund of Penalty -Severage Tax 14,461.00
280501405 Refund of Penalty -Severage Benefit Tax 22,316.00
280501406 Refund of Penalty -Education Tax 31,893.00
280501407 Refund of Penalty - Street Tax 39,869.00
280501408 Refund of Penalty - Tree Tax 1,331.00
280501409 Refund of Penalty - State Education Cess Payable 4,695.00
280501410 Refund of Penalty - 66.00
280600500 Prior Period exp.-Water Chrgs by Measure 12,965,252.00 1,246,233.00
280600700 Prior Period exp.-Sewerage Chrgs by Meas 30,899,826.00 621,759.00
280600910 Refund of Other Revenue / Miscellaneous 386,756,959.36 832,188,183.90
280800010 Prior Period - Depreciation Write up 20,601,102.43
* (2-80)Prior Period Expenses 16,691,615,834.04 1,647,707,077.68
430010003 Consumables 1,512,591.21
430100000 Stores
430100100 Expenditure on Holding Election 182,059.73
430100200 Fuel 2,978,553.73
430100201 Petrol 4,108,897.48 6,641,819.78-
430100202 Diesel 487,577.55 216,263,623.22-
430102500 Central Stores 599,153,044.44- 638,567,915.46
430103000 Education-Drugs 2,752,637.93- 6,539,125.01
430103015 Education-Medicines
430103016 Education-Surgical Dressing Material 21,926.78- 33,529.77
430103100 Solid Waste Management Stores 20,780,355.71- 89,045,047.76-
430103200 Transport Stores 86,014,820.55- 246,024,240.29-
430103300 Storm Water Drains Stores 989,305.66 5,507,826.42-
430103800 Fire Brigade Stores 2,798,880.65 7,182,179.49-
430103801 Fire Brigade-Hose 3,276,870.53- 4,893,448.26
430104107 Garden Dept.-Tree Guards 1,047,370.60- 607,734.68
430104116 Garden Dept.-Medicines 71,820.00- 11,215.20-
430104117 Garden Dept.-Disinfectants 22,956.05 2,052.00-
430104299 Market Dept.-Other stores 111,166.16 171,459.76-
430104300 Deonar Abattoir Stores 356,904.91 822,535.19
430104301 Deonar Abbatoir-Disinfectants 67,820.28 55,240.28-
430104303 Deonar Abbatoir-Medicines 6,414.29 157,373.98-
430104304 Deonar Abbatoir-Instruments
430104600 Printing Press Stores 102,571.39 227,521,126.38
430104601 Printing Press-Paper 7,830,737.45 79,467,454.25-
430104602 Printing Press-Consumables 566,651.61 67,180,994.53
430104700 Health & Hosptl Stores 48,812.40- 11,030.40
430104701 Health & Hosptl-X-Ray 23,249,036.07- 8,226,728.68-
430104702 Health & Hosptl-Clothing 405,815.72- 9,561,061.09-
430104703 Health & Hosptl-Medicines 31,644,669.68 178,542,678.34-
430104704 Health & Hosptl-Disinfectants 533,744.57 1,344,257.16-
430104705 Health & Hosptl-Radio Isotope Materials 1,019,901.01 396,299.34-
430104708 Health & Hosptl-Linen 515,018.23- 12,817,770.55-
430104711 Health & Hosptl-Chemicals 66,684,923.32- 5,497,065.58-
430104712 Health & Hosptl-Reagents 2,531,714.71 35,939,531.92-
430104713 Health & Hosptl-Apparatus 29,799.08- 3,054,534.77-
430104714 Health & Hosptl-Instruments 2,855,638.80 7,924,075.48-
430104715 Health & Hosptl-Appliances 107,179.12 306,930.49-
430104717 Health & Hosptl-Vaccines 4,682,668.33 6,711,400.93
430104718 Health & Hosptl-Gas / Medical 3,069,233.37- 25,690,908.82-
430104720 Health & Hosptl-Accessories 27,566,809.40- 99,734,802.26-
430104723 Health & Hosptl-Drugs 404,427.31 6,598,278.07-
430104724 Health&Hosptl-Surgical Dressing Material 16,313,601.21 39,494,749.62-
430104725 Health & Hosptl-Equipment 8,907,590.62- 16,852,450.80
430104726 Health&Hosptl-Ayurvedic Medicines-STDs ( 661,176.00 166,564.00-
430104799 Health & Hosptl-Other Stores 1,604,566.89- 8,052,054.50-
430104901 Water Supply-Chemicals 6,166,621.60 149,968,497.30-
430104902 Water Supply-Disinfectants 36,075.00 13,833.00-
430104905 Water Supply -Cement 12,194.05 254,915.57-
430104906 Water Supply-Steel Plates & Sheets 2,554,829.47- 2,061,015.57-
430104907 Water Supply-Steel round bar&other rolle 126,791.13- 37,285.27-
430104908 Water Supply-Cast iron&steel pipes&Spls 29,944.82- 16,708,242.06
430104909 Water Suply-RCC&structural sanitary pipe 1,679,957.29-
430104917 Water Supply-Other General Stores 13,035,532.08 6,407,526.95
430105100 Sewerage Stores 23,031.18
430105101 Sewarage-Chemicals 309,916.12 188,281.71
430105102 Sewarage-Disinfectants 1,018,854.86 286,320.14
430105105 Sewarage-Cement 880.00-
430105106 Sewarage-Steel Plates & Sheets 76,747.83- 25,177.20
430105107 Sewar-Steel round bar&other rolled sys 25,213.05 60,662.87
430105108 Sewarage-Cast iron & steel pipes & Spls 242,631.21- 128,158.11
430105109 Sewarage-RCC & structural sanitary pipes 14,505.26- 47,292.83
430105110 "Sewarage-Valves, Hydrants & their spares" 100,901.82- 93,873.63
430105111 Sewarage-Water meter & spares 26,797.69- 14,377.54
430105112 Sewarage-Paint & Printing Accessories 14,411.73- 76,471.16
430105113 Sewarage-Electrical Stores 1,118,485.94- 2,450,909.64
430105114 Sewarage-Instrument Accessories & Spares 18,539.27- 123,898.12
430105115 Sewarage-Vehicle spares & accessories 476,751.85 6,271,097.30
430105116 Sewarage-Plant & Mach spares 2,634,507.06 5,294,810.56
430105117 Sewarage-Other General Stores 3,486,141.44- 8,645,627.16
430203400 Mechl & Electrical Stores 89,325.00- 82,551.32
430203401 Mechl & Electrical-Mechl Spares 1,110,909.91- 32,737,439.15
430203402 Mechl&Electrical-Plant&Machinery spares 62,691.07- 313,584.57
430203403 Mechl & Electrical-Instruments Minor 1,229,812.85 1,129,474.16
430203404 Mechl & Electrical-Accessories 459,203.66- 1,019,080.01
430203405 Mechl & Electrical-Laundry Chemicals 354,539.83 313,803.94-
430203406 Mechl & Electrical-Laundry Linen 576,692.57 133,694.78-
430203407 Mechl & Electrical-Electric Spares 587,459.12- 1,819,380.54-
430203409 Mechl & Electrical-Refregeration Stores 350,982.10 523,470.98-
430203499 Mechl & Electrical-Other stores 2,036,503.75- 3,833,695.81
430204400 Roads & Traffic Stores 1,893,815.00- 2,118,760.00
430204401 Roads & Traffic-Tools 1,552.50- 43,222.50-
430204403 Roads & Traffic-H&carts 35,419.45- 121,224.07
430204405 Roads & Traffic-Materials 22,057,221.66 147,936.18
430204719 Health & Hospital - Tools 2,071,303.60- 904,784.36
430204904 Water Supply - Tools 67,860,470.76 1,553,498.17
430204910 "Water Supply-Valves, Hydrants & spares" 2,302,939.98 166,699.03-
430204911 Water Supply-Water meter & spares 249,640.32-
430204912 Water Supply-Paint &Printing Accessories 493,247.39 1,651.91
430204913 Water Suuply-Electrical Stores 4,160,309.65 3,835,685.91
430204914 Water Supply-Instrumt Accessories&Spares 291,926.87- 83,470.55
430204915 Water Supply-Vehicle spares &accessories 128,044.61 183,132.00-
430204916 Water Suuply-Plant & Mach spares 3,323,488.39 16,317,623.06
430205104 Sewarage-Tools 239,756.99- 582,191.42
430209913 Uniforms 476,517.76 9,651,614.56
430209914 Clothing 134,366.00
430210400 Stationery 22,290,683.44 414,975.32
430210500 Consumables 18,496,385.21
430303001 EDUCATION RELATED PROGRAMME 1,231,405.30
430303005 TEXT BOOK 8,070,180.50
430303020 UNIFORM 104,939,560.65
430303022 NOTEBOOK 23,634,581.57
430303023 EDUCATION KIT 20,086,504.20
430303024 SCHOOL BAG 42,961,698.00
430303027 SHOES & SOCKS 33,746,240.60
430303028 RAINCOAT 27,274,226.70
430303899 FIRE BRIGADE 304,228.41 1,990,101.92
430304102 Equipment 431,220.00
430304402 Plants for Roads and Traffic stores 4,294,552.88 126,360.00
430304729 Woods for Cremation
430304730 Multidrug Resistance (MDR)-Drug 4,234.80
430310001 Chemicals 37,600.00
430590500 Rep & Maint. Comm - Equipments 62,376.00
430804125 Dev. of Tree Bank 1,122,000.00
430804721 Provision for treatment of Haemophilia Patients 486,000.00
430961100 Endocrinology Dept 208,316.83
430999999 Inventory Offset Clearing Account 137,010,647.12
* (4-30)Purchase of Stores 205,196,520.67- 157,734,274.35-
** OPERATING PAYMENTS (Sub Total-C) 76,066,706,392.65 75,665,065,948.55
290000100 Transfer to Capital Account 6,000,000,000.00 21,072,000,000.00
290000101 Obligatory 40% Contrbn-capital expenditu 3,866,943,036.84 3,765,826,593.35
290000103 Additional Contrbn-capital expenditure 11,021,425,393.50 14,046,988,099.15
290000104 Appropriation-future debts 250,000,000.00 250,000,000.00
290000105 Repayment of loan 865,880,344.00 898,234,218.00
290000999 Excess of Income over Expenditure 23,756,427,938.13 10,916,362,378.10
* (2-90)Provisions for Reserves 45,760,676,712.47 50,949,411,288.60
320100000 Central Govt. 1,558,811,000.00
320100100 JNNURM Grant 1,960,000.00
320100300 Grant-Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan 4,440,103.04 4,707,070.04
320100700 Aesthetic Improvement of Mumbai (Beautification) 8,215,245.65
320100800 MODERN OF HOSPITAL 1,683,500.00
320100900 60% DEV GRAVEYARD 19,297,749.35
320101000 DPDC RECEIPT
320101100 TRUST FUND - MLA 3,619,079.00 6,405,782.85
320101200 TRUST FUND - M.P. 500,000.00 6,833,619.58
320101400 DALITVASAHAT-HEALT 4,000,000.00
320102600 TSUZUKI PARK
320102800 Rejuvenation of Mangroves in Juhu Versova 12,777,960.00 331,727.00
320200000 State Govt. 168,088,000.00 947,000.00
320200200 Operation Black Board Scheme Grant 235,318.17
320200220 GRNT-ATTEND - STUD 34,244,513.00 23,767,482.00
320300000 Other Govt. Agencies 16,295,869.24
320800200 Contribution frm consumers (Water) 4,057,800.00 60,228.00
320800300 Contribution frm consumers (Sewarage)
620000102 MLA LAD FUND - DPDC 7,592,773.22 12,315,208.42
620000103 MP LAD FUND - DPDC 505,011.31 9,300,300.64
620000104 Rejuvenation of Mangroves in Juhu Versova 25,223,644.79 331,727.00
620000105 Aesthetic Improvement of Mumbai (Beautification) 9,053,510.66
620000106 Devpmt of Gravyards&Crematoria&Prov amen 47,324,445.46
620000107 Modernisation of Equipment&establishment 1,683,500.00
620000109 Spl Assistance receivable from Governmen 4,000,000.00
620000113 ProvImpv Fir EmgStat 1,000,000.00
670000100 Hospital- Plant & Machinery 12,952,575.67 28,841,550.40
670000110 Grant received from BARC for Haematology Dpt-Nair 2,548,000.00
670000111 GRANT RECD FROM ST.GOVT. FOR EYE BANK 1,448,075.00
670000112 Recd fr Mah.Univ.H.S. Nashik-Clinical Pharmacolog 49,650.00
670000113 ProvImpv Fir EmgStat 398,000.00
670000200 Hospital- Furniture & Fixtures
670000300 M.P. FUND- PLANT & MACHINERY 2,848,500.00 2,134,722.00
* (320-620-670)Grants & Contributions for 1,855,087,872.44 195,742,369.05
330200000 Loans frm State Govt. 364,107,350.00 366,607,350.00
330200100 Loans frm GoM
330200200 BUDP Loan frm GoM 38,694,865.00 49,990,336.00
330200300 DPDC Loan 750,000.00 750,000.00
330300000 Loans frm Govt. bodies & Associations 2.00
330300100 Loans frm MMRDA-Mumbai III project 97,622,392.00 90,391,103.00
330300200 Mega City Loan frm MMRDA
330300201 Mega City Loan frm MMRDA -IXth Plan 2 10,259,695.00 9,805,876.00
330300202 Mega City Loan frm MMRDA -IXth Plan 3 42,586,642.00 42,705,180.00
330300203 Mega City Loan frm MMRDA -Xth Plan 92,849,967.00 62,216,856.00
330300300 Loans frm MMRDA-Mumbai IIIA project 60,929,014.00 56,415,753.00
330300400 MMRDA Loans-Hosptls 4,589,152.00 4,249,215.00
330300500 MMRDA Loans-roads 19,250,000.00
330300600 Loans-Mun
330400000 Loans frm International Agencies 131,616,450.00 154,891,450.00
330400101 Loans frm MUTP 11,331,100.00 11,917,699.00
330500000 Loans frm Banks&Other Financial Institu.
330700100 Public Bonds 40,000,000.00 45,000,000.00
330700200 Bonds-Internal Loans 2,060,000,000.00 2,450,000,000.00
* (330-331)Repayment of Loans 2,955,336,627.00 3,364,190,820.00
340000000 Deposits recd. 1,044,681,353.65 423,335,530.03
340100000 frm Suppliers/Contractors 2,111,424,731.99 1,135,007,948.85
340100100 Earnest Money Deposit-RECO 456,336,883.00 2,117,227,302.00
340100101 Contractor's Earnest Money Deposit 1,373,961,818.00 618,101,310.00
340100102 Supplier's Earnest Money Deposit 230,190,944.60 489,553,481.00
340100103 Contractor's Earnest Money Deposit- Reco 1,685,114,191.07 1,467,646,819.00
340100104 Supplier's Earnest Money Deposit Reco 133,049,410.00 86,323,720.00
340100110 Other deposits 3,642,601,705.15 1,982,085,587.29
340100111 OTHER DEP do not use340100111- use 340100112 106,657.00
340100112 OTHER DEPOSITS 13,553,794.09 14,447,119.00
340100201 Contractor's Security Deposit-RECO 4,686,098,907.35 4,546,959,454.92
340100203 Security Deposits frm successful quotati 220,569,267.50 220,076,076.65
340100204 Payable to contractor subject to NOC-RECO 180,069,041.40 1,980,353.00
340100205 Paper Security Deposits frm suppliers/co-RECO 14,408,552.00
340100206 Paper Security Deposits frm tenderers 9,672,860.00 18,511,388.00
340100207 Contractors Deferred Payment 46,777,178.21 59,721,703.19
340100208 Supplier's Security Deposit 418,063,874.24 93,707,805.87
340100209 Contractor's Security Deposit 3,113,806,954.73 272,078,428.64
340100210 Suppliers's Security Deposit -RECO 221,300.00 657,120.00
340100213 OTHER SECURITY DEPOSIT 1,528,963,875.30 171,570,000.20
340100215 SECURITY DEPOSIT FROM TENDERERS (D/A/02) 37,474,145.00 76,223,445.12
340100218 SCHOLARSHIP-donotuse 1,096,743.57 142,350.00
340100219 Deposits- Scholarships- D/C/06/i 23,100.00
340100220 PAPER DEPOSITS FROM CONTRACTORS (D/E/01) 926,900.00
340100221 Contractors security Deposit - Reco 1,796,812,335.41 570,979,419.28
340100299 Octroi Security Depo 4,382,327.00 9,533,725.00
340200100 Water Deposits 1,500.00 1,500.00
340200101 Consumer Deposits (Cash) 4,700,969.00 6,667,784.00
340200102 Consumer Deposits (Paper) 123,902.00
340200104 Cash Deposit for Water connection -RECO 298,608.00 2,112,755.00
340200107 Interest Payable on Security Deposits 938,737.00 1,243,839.50
340200200 Rental Deposits 84,000.00
340200201 Rental Deposits-RECO 1,200.00 90.00
340200202 OTHER REVENUE DEPOSITS-RECO 161,298.00 446,243.00
340200300 Property Tax Deposit - Reco 186,861,019.00 589,038.00
340200301 Property Tax Deposit 16,014,929.00 2,083,061.00
340209900 Other Rev. Deposits 36,123.00
340209901 Tenancy deposits 471.00 926.00
340209997 Deposits towards donation-Prov of accomd
340300100 Security Deposits from Employees 2,296,374.00 1,464,558.00
340300101 Security Deposits from Employees-RECO 5,002,326.81 5,825,658.00
340300200 Deposits from Emplys. towards repayment o 1,831,270.00 2,891,090.00
340300201 Deposits from Emp towards repayment PF ADV-RECO 20,410.00
340309900 Other Staff Deposits 24,380.00 131,980.00
340309901 Other Staff Deposits-RECO
340800000 frm Others 39,000.00 12,000.00
340800100 Security Deposits-Surety of Mun Meters 21,200.00 192,376.00
340800200 Temporary Deposits-Water&Sewerage Connec 3,035,721.00 74,102,996.23
340800201 Temporary Deposits-Water & Sewerage Connect-RECO
340800300 Security Deposits against Branch Connection 396,700.00 94,920.00
340800401 Security Deposits towards Cross Connection-RECO 41,000.00 109,700.00
340800500 Deposits in cash/Sec frm pvt. Parties-RECO 7,386,362.00 1,643,733.00
340800501 Deposits towards Improvement schemes 24,000.00 1,118,874.00
340800502 Deposits from slum dwellers 5,400.00
340800503 Deposits towards Improvement Schemes-RECO 4,000.00 14,000.00
340800504 Deposits from Slum Dwellers-RECO 800.00 2,400.00
340800600 Deposits from c&idates-election 103,000.00
340800601 Deposits from Candidates for Election-RECO 574,086.00 49,000.00
340800700 Deposits from tenderers on approved list 2,891,000.00 4,529,500.00
340800903 Standing Deposits 567,954.00 241,000.00
340800904 Temporary Deposits 140,310,974.54 177,278,966.00
340809900 Other Deposits-RECO 4,107,432,440.12 2,471,585,310.92
340809901 Deposits-R form
340809902 Deposits from Lessees 42,790.00 28,180.00
340809903 Standing Deposits - Not to Use (Use 340800903)
340809904 Temporary Deposits (Not To Use) (Use 340800904)
340809905 Security Deposits - Trenches 10,000.00 377,870.00
340809906 Deposits with outside parties 1,368,689.00 4,296,793.00
340809907 Deposits-R form- Recon 109,166,321.00 101,016,740.00
340809908 Deposits from Lessees-RECO 2,000.00
340809909 Standing Deposits-RECO 887,000.00 75,000.00
340809910 Temporary Deposits-RECO 4,884,914.00 3,060,390.00
340809912 Deposit Badges-RECO 1,524,300.00
340809913 Deposit-Land Convey & Lic Fees-RECO(not to use)
340809916 PF-Mgt-Contribution Pvt Primary Aided School 667.00 74,040.00
340809917 Salary-Mgt-Contribution Pvt Primary Aided School 54,110,572.00 55,105,099.00
340809918 Trench Deposit-RECO 617,554,441.13 282,622,061.21
340809920 Retention Amount-Reco 1,615,081,903.89 722,420,836.38
340809950 CORPUS FUND DEPOSIT 4,000,000.00
340809994 Security deposits under objection-RECO 414,380.00 739,630.00
340809995 Deposits from Utilities against re-instat 21,757,446.12 37,845,731.50
340809996 Deposit frm Utilities-15% supervisn Chrg 6,830,822.50
340809997 Deposit-Badges 885,650.00
340809998 Deposit-Land Conveyance & License fees
390100000 Contractor's Security Deposit( not to use)
390200000 Earnest Money Deposit(not to use)
390300000 Deposits in cash/Sec frm pvt. Parties(not to use)
390400000 Property Taxes/ Mun Taxes Payable
390500000 Other Deposits (not to use)
390700000 Not to be Used
390800000 Not to be Used
390900000 Not to be Used-system descripancy
* (340-390)Refund of Deposits 29,648,544,444.87 18,359,563,213.28
340809919 Trench Charges-RECO 1,047,190.00 40,127,595.88
341800000 Others
350800401 Lumpsum charges-trenches 44,070,062.46 7,910,751.76
350800405 Recd fr Mah.Univ.H.S. Nashik-Clinical Pharmacolog 2,398,779.38 3,223,362.14
350800406 Endocrinology Dept 4,200,662.56 4,712,916.83
600000101 AIRTEL 4,531,268.59 4,531,268.59
600000102 A.E.W.W.L 79,980,997.21 56,974,661.21
600000103 A.O. UNIT51 14,689,999.63 12,888,256.43
600000105 ACME ENTERPRISES 161,100.00 161,100.00
600000106 ARPAN 332,870.40
600000107 ASST. GARISON 35,000.00 35,000.00
600000109 B.E.S.T 967,361,302.01 763,811,353.16
600000110 B.G.BROADBAND NETWORKS 23,725,566.34 38,777,047.02
600000111 B.N.SHAM & ASSOCIATES 95,046.01 285,138.03
600000112 B.P.C.L 15,348,697.46 20,363,451.05
600000113 B.P.T 302,716.00 302,716.00
600000114 B.S.E.S 3,579,070.93 9,143,524.01
600000115 BS.N.L 126,330.00 416,178.76
600000116 BANK OF BARODA 41,125.50 41,125.50
600000117 BANK OF INDIA 38,934.00 38,934.00
600000118 BHARATI AIRTEL 240,330,210.65 351,286,589.25
600000119 BHARATU CELLULAR LTD. 11,594,624.00 11,594,624.00
600000120 BHARATI INFOTEL 1,399,538.00 1,399,538.00
600000121 BHARATI TELESONIC 30,900,257.38 34,264,589.79
600000122 BHARATI TELEVENTURE 64,795,760.03 65,679,412.03
600000123 BLUE DIAMOND 2,188,460.00 1,675,514.00
600000125 BOMBAY TEXTILES RES. ASSOCIATION 68,700.00 68,700.00
600000126 CROMPTON GREAVES 2,538.00 2,538.00
600000127 CTS1196-97 305,442.00 305,442.00
600000128 DARSHAN CONSTRUCTION 32,401.00 32,401.00
600000129 DEESHA LEASION P. LTD 18,908.00 18,908.00
600000130 EE HSRD MH & AD 154,475.70 154,475.70
600000132 GAIL 3,259,547.63 5,406,202.90
600000133 GIL CON PROJECT 52,503.00 4,847.00
600000135 GRIL (INDIA) LTD 246,479.75
600000136 H.P.C.L 2,547,443.00 904,161.00
600000137 HATHWAY CABLE 325,842.00 325,842.00
600000139 HUGHES TELECOM 53,670,205.53 54,743,160.11
600000140 HUTCH 243,641,684.56 266,299,422.26
600000141 INDIA ONE 2,649,866.00 2,649,866.00
600000142 INDIA ONLINE 12,368,413.20 12,368,413.20
600000143 INDUKIND & COM. 282,992.00 282,992.00
600000144 INFOMAGIC SERVICES 205,984,390.85 218,246,532.17
600000145 INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE 28,321.00 28,321.00
600000146 IQARA-RC-RE 2,563,199.00 2,563,199.00
600000149 KISHAN N. SHAH 80,703.00 80,703.00
600000150 KODIYAR ENGINEERING 5,382.00 5,382.00
600000152 L & T 237,906.00 237,906.00
600000153 L.I.C 39,279.00 39,279.00
600000154 M.G.L 904,394,043.15 863,282,578.97
600000156 M.H.A.D.A 134,553,525.62 133,011,073.68
600000158 M.S.R.D.C 35,000.00 35,000.00
600000159 M.T.N.L 294,397,868.35 244,831,866.24
600000160 M/S GARISON ENG (PVT) LTD 33,980.52 101,941.56
600000162 M/S M.W.& AD BOARD 51,627.00 34,290.00
600000164 MAHANAGAR TELEPHONE NIGAM LTD 29,710,211.20 22,118,365.03
600000165 MAX TOUCH 1,219,677.00 1,219,677.00
600000166 MCGM WATER & SEWERAGE 4,438,477.16 2,737,106.16
600000167 MERIND LTYD 61,636.00 61,636.00
600000168 MHADA NEHR NAGAR 2,201,794.00 5,115,714.00
600000170 NICHOLAS INDIA 38,280.00 38,280.00
600000172 NOCIL 18,212.00 18,212.00
600000173 OTHER PARTY 310,032,215.83 262,234,550.10
600000174 P.D.HINDUJA 2,193,712.20 2,225,142.20
600000175 P.W.D 82,724.60 972,526.00
600000176 PANKAJ SANITATION 306,238.04 918,714.12
600000178 PAWAR & SONS (P) 7,657.00 7,657.00
600000179 POWER CICIL 4,487,673.60 4,487,673.60
600000180 POWER GRID 15,259,948.25 16,619,764.05
600000181 R.K.MADHANI & CO 158,872.00 476,616.00
600000183 REL. NEXT 2,309,969.00 2,309,969.00
600000184 use 600000221 69,114,748.30 245,676,910.44
600000185 RELIANCE WEBSTONE 15,575.00 15,575.00
600000186 SANCITY BLDGNO.1 88,898.00 88,898.00
600000188 SHAPOORJI PALLANJI 35,000.00 35,000.00
600000189 SHAW WALLACE & CO 84,420.00 84,420.00
600000192 SKYLARK BUILDING 525,100.00 525,100.00
600000194 SOMAIYA MANDAL 41,999.00 41,999.00
600000195 STATE BANK OF BIKANER & JA 14,609.00 14,609.00
600000196 SETLING WILSON 159,511.00 159,511.00
600000197 SUMER CORPORATION 1,133,025.01 1,133,025.01
600000198 SUPREME TELECOM 30,408.00 30,408.00
600000199 TATA HYDRO 5,673,333.00 5,673,333.00
600000200 TATA POWER 890,236,441.21 663,850,922.41
600000201 TATA TELE SERVICES 180,975,705.73 257,371,850.99
600000202 THE ASSOCIATE BUILDING 986.00 986.00
600000203 UNIQUE ESTATE DEV 12,417.00 12,417.00
600000205 VASANT GARDEN COP. 102,847.00 102,847.00
600000207 VIJAY SANITATION 5,779.00 5,779.00
600000208 VSNL BROADBAND 171,703,073.12 81,662,125.74
600000210 WESTERN RAILWAY 3,152,586.95 5,370,344.96
600000211 M.S.E.B 2,879,569.43 2,881,825.43
600000215 M.S.E.DIS CO. LTD 313,598,085.56 142,771,620.58
600000216 VODAFONE 1,135,001,558.44 621,224,751.64
600000217 REVMAX TELECOM INFRASTRUCTURES PVT. LTD 1,779,698.00 1,834,185.20
600000218 TULIP TELECOM LIMITED 894,036.00 894,036.00
600000220 M.M.R.D.A 23,027,263.24 31,480,222.47
600000221 Reliance Energy 2,845,165,393.53 2,365,018,351.61
600000222 Mum.Railway Vikas-Corp 37,078,679.00 15,878,335.00
600000223 AIRCEL 117,660,735.14
600000226 Idea Cellular Ltd. 4,023,352.00
600000227 Excel Telesonic India Pvt. Ltd 489,143.00
601000100 DEMOLITION -STRUCTURES-CVOD-JAIN TRUST 50,992.00 50,992.00
601000110 DEMOLITION CHARGES RECEIVED FROM MHADA 25,922,600.00 27,803,600.00
601000130 Const OF PSC PSouth 1,900,000.00
602000100 CORPUS FUND DEPOSIT 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00
603000100 Adv for Common House Galli 22,795.94 44,029,209.28
610000100 Endocrinology Dept 7,877,660.61 7,649,066.83
610000401 Clinical Pharmocology 2,398,779.38 4,063,362.14
610000403 Grant from St.Govt. for Opth.Dept 9,000,000.00 9,000,000.00
610000404 Grant received from Sarv Shikshan Abhiyan - IED 4,440,103.04 7,983,070.04
610000405 Grant received from BARC for Haematology Dpt-Nair 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00
610000406 Funds recd from District Urban Development Agency 1,753.25 447,975.00
610000409 Grnt-MHADA-Infrastructur-Charkop-Sect-8&9 624,244,007.36 528,685,330.88
610000410 GRNT RCVD FRM MAH Chamber OF HSG INDUSTRIES 2,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
610000414 grnt frm govt-Disaster Risk Management programe" 1,555,953.00
* (3-41)Deposit works 10,238,432,673.77 8,638,570,168.89
350410101 Consolidted Property Tax Colected in Adv 670,287.00 371,605.00
350410105 Advance Octroi Collection - Silver Card A/c 87,201,460.00 133,838,880.00
350410106 Advance octroi collection VIPL 2,380,422.00
350410303 Water&Sewerage Chrgs Collectd in Advance 16,263,505.00 317,557.00
* (350-41)Revenue Collected in Advance 106,515,674.00 134,528,042.00
350900000 Sales Proceeds 295,372,620.00
350900101 Sale Proceed-PAP-blocked-use 312110800 1,126,296.00
* (350-90)Sale Proceeds from Assets 296,498,916.00
350000000 Other Liabilities 97,234.00
350100000 Creditors 4,383,824,669.81 4,301,125,522.36
350100100 Suppliers 9,322,065,667.36 10,010,171,314.89
350100200 Contractors 90,031,696,259.72 159,811,267,692.23
350100201 Material return frm Works
350100210 Contractors - Payment Difference 976.64 1.45
350100297 Deposit Payable- Interim A/c. 761,201,866.00 825,166,254.00
350100298 Salary Payable- Interim A/c
350100300 Cash bills outstanding
350100400 Rent Payable 30,345.96 98,094.54
350110000 Employee Liabilities 20,083,692.00 25,517,744.00
350110100 Gross Salary Payable 76,923.00
350110200 Net Salary Payable 5,526,828.30 221,074,882.00
350110300 Unpaid Salaries/ Wages 1,521,578.00 2,419,395.00
350110400 Countributory Provident Fund Payable 5,148,838.00 108,398,703.38
350110500 Pension Payable
350110510 DefIned Contribution pension Scheme 1 Payable 390,332,060.00 133,837,074.00
350110600 Gratuity Payable 234,737.00 4,855,371.00
350110800 LTA Payable
350110900 Wages Payable
350119900 Other Employee Liabilities Payable 147,153.00
350119902 Additional DA deposits 27,153.58
350119903 Fine deposits
350119904 Deferred Payment from Service Entry Sheet 692,768,601.92 382,303,219.94
350119905 Retention Money from Service Entry Sheet 3,796,981,040.49 2,845,285,822.93
350119906 Other Deposit from Service Entry Sheet 2,697,158,151.59 2,504,908,363.77
350119993 Unclaimed NCPF - Non Operative Account 649,412.76 485,716,860.32
350119994 Unpaid dues to old Emplys. 70,454.00 3,487,344.00
350119995 Unpaid NCPF claims 25,333.00
350119996 Dividend Payable to Emplys. 39,147.00
350119997 Coin Note adjustment 1,764.03 1,925.33
350119998 Rev. stamp recovery 1,270,300.00 1,048,240.00
350119999 PF Advance & Pension
350120200 Interest on loans frm State Govt 12,120,604.35
350120301 Interest on BMC Loans 576,913.89 422,442.92
350120302 Interest on BUDP Loan 162,763.37
350120303 Int on MMRDA loans-IIIA Mumbai Water Sup
350120304 Interest paid on Mega city Loan 1,205,115.42
350120305 Interest pd on balnc works on Mumbai III 135,264,198.66
350120400 Int. on loans frm International Agncies 210,928,421.72
350120500 Int on loan frm Bank&Financial Institutn 50,000.00 129,375.00
350120700 Interest on Bonds & Debentures 419,021.74
350200000 Recoveries Payable
350200100 Recoveries frm Emplys. Payable 116,988,312.00 149,851,385.00
350200101 Non countributory Provident Fund Payable 9,327,165,302.00 9,879,392,302.08
350200102 Insurance Premium Payable 1,203,590,892.00 1,170,275,720.53
350200103 Recovery towards Employee's Housing Loan 477,073,966.80 551,931,220.00
350200104 Recovery of Provident Fund Advance 1,078,118,659.00 921,394,857.00
350200105 Recovery of Insurance through PF
350200106 Internal Credit Societies Recovery 5,531,212,059.95 4,844,716,320.39
350200107 Court Recoveries Payable 10,490,054.07 12,936,575.63
350200108 Gymkhana Recoveries Payable 1,773,510.00 24,841,087.00
350200109 Libraries Recoveries Payable 1,457.00 622.00
350200110 External Credit Societies Recovery 132,861,419.00 173,582,986.02
350200111 Union Subscription Recovery 22,480,092.00 143,116,568.00
350200112 Recovery Fm Emp-RTI 62,331.00 65,828.00
350200200 Other Loan Recoveries 293,406.00 215,976.50
350200299 Others 134,237.32
350200300 Other Recoveries 287,351.00 2,481,191.08
350200303 Union Subscription Fee Recovery 699,900.00
350200304 Gymkhana Fee Recovery
350200307 Other Recoveries - Fidelity Guarantee Insurance 2.00 15.00
350200398 Others 3,159,261.00 6,490,459.56
350200399 Others -AcBlock-use350200398 7,000.00 1,295.00
350200400 Statutory Deductions Payable 23,214.00 27,426.00
350200401 Income Tax Deducted at Source-Supc - not to use
350200402 Profession Tax 280,876,305.00 312,255,867.48
350200403 Contract Tax 54,341.00
350200404 Trade Tax 186.00
350200405 Sales Tax 18,721.74 20,582.84
350200406 Service Tax 17,931,776.00 16,108,686.17
350200407 Works Contract Tax 11,933.00
350200408 Income Tax Deducted at Source-Emplys. 999,165,365.94 1,601,364,178.95
350200409 Tax collected at Source 1,751,017.89 2,271,300.16
350200410 Income Tax Deducted at Source-Payble 1,221,596,495.88 1,365,345,274.22
350200411 Works Contract Tax-paybale 943,150,188.59 1,209,536,831.77
350200412 Clearing- Income Tax Deducted at Source-Payble
350200413 Clearing- Works Contract Tax
350200414 Short Recovery of Income Tax 39,245,589.00 1,895,775.00
350200415 Interest on Short Recovery of Income Tax 11,948,458.00 682,492.00
350300000 Govt. Dues Payable
350300100 Municipal Education Cess Payable 214,057.53 4,353,613.57
350300101 State Education Cess Payable 21,055,200.00 648,297.00
350300102 Residential State Education Cess Payable 2,158,601,933.00 542,945,871.00
350300103 Non-residential State Education Cess Payable 4,521,511,935.00 2,124,057,861.00
350300104 Penalty on Edu cess Payable to Govt. 1,458,612.00 213,258.00
350300200 Employment Guarantee Cess Payable 572,608,268.00 872,695,040.00
350300201 Penalty on Employment guarantee cess Pay 212,874.00 20,305.00
350300300 House Repairs Cess Payable 342,969,462.90
350300301 Resiential Repair Cess Payable 720,231,323.00 185,744,278.00
350300302 Non-residential Repair Cess Payable 888,381,328.00 354,335,302.00
350300303 Cash deposit-Repair Cess 1,585,793.00 308,857.00
350300304 Penalty on House Repairs Cess Payable 10,190,035.00 5,852,149.00
350300305 Notice Fee for Repair Cess 13,654.00 23,215.00
350300306 Warrant cost for Repair Cess 200.00 100.00
350300400 Maharashtra Tax on Buildings Payable 22,637,582.00 112,196,491.00
350300401 Cash deposit-MTOB
350300402 Penalty on MTOB Payable to Govt. 424,506.00 98,771.00
350300403 Notice Fee for M.T.O.B. 77,564.00 3,437.00
350300500 Tax & Duties Payable 31.00 1,075.00
350300501 Income Tax Payable 4,690.00
350300502 Local Taxes Payable
350300503 Property Taxes/ Mun Taxes Payable-RECO
350300504 Profession Tax Payable
350300505 Sales Tax -Payble ( not to use) 25,256.00
350300506 Purchase Tax Payable
350300507 Service Tax -Payble- Not to use. 240.00
350300508 Value Added Tax Payable 13,894,239.07 356,640,002.25
350300599 Other Taxes/ Duties Payable
350309905 Bld Const Welfar Ces 8,350,950.00
350309998 Income tax-attachment orders
350800200 Stale Cheque 325,214,894.47 58,306,814.21
350800300 Inter Unit Accounts
350800301 Inter Unit Payable 29,668,928,220.68
350800302 Inter Fund Payable 3,692,767.00 2,244,800,000.00
350800400 Other Advance recd. 1,602.00
350800403 BARC/Hamatology/Nair 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00
350800404 GRANT RECD FROM ST.GOVT. FOR OPTH. DEPT 9,000,000.00 9,000,000.00
350800407 LUMP SUM CHARGES-TRENCHES TRANSFER 5,505,869,375.09 4,398,410,879.21
350800408 Funds recd from District Urban Development Agency 1,753.25
350800411 Grnt-MHADA-Infrastructur-Charkop-Sect-8&9 552,244,007.36 139,285,330.88
350800500 Additional employee PF Contrbn payable 68,600.00
350800600 Payable to councillors & others 23,917,127,827.19 22,957,981,988.90
439300100 GR/IR Clearing Account 102,062,449,491.33 130,458,580,687.33
439400100 Freight Clearing Account 26,651,013.86 26,845,616.47
350800201 Cheques isued but not presented
439400200 PRD Clearing A/c 24,502.63
* (3-50)Other Payables 304,548,744,721.37 369,618,272,133.74
350400000 Refunds Payable
350400105 Octroi Refund Payable
350400500 Deposit Works Refund Payable 288,856.93 25,154,708.70
* (3-50)Refunds Payables 288,856.93 25,154,708.70
360200900 Interest on Internal Loans 34,833.33 93,541.67
* Provisions (Establishment,Interest,Other 34,833.33 93,541.67
410000000 Fixed Assets 6,598,430.20- 65,290,597.92-
410100000 Land 3,053,584.74- 45,124,560.00
410100100 Grounds 353,029,925.03 167,751,477.26
410100200 Parks 10,307,113.36
410100300 Gardens 3,046,575,839.09 178,310,181.32
410200000 Buildings 9,628,877.44 4,202,414.03
410200100 Administrative Buildings 181,228,373.07 121,491,961.70
410200200 Official Bungalows 10,078,785.88
410200300 Chowkies 62,898,306.60 17,143,842.30
410200400 Chawls 22,395,979.27 79,732,369.80
410200500 Staff Quarter Buildings 298,173,199.76 202,859,134.60
410200600 Training Centre Buildings 259,539,260.06
410200800 Hosptl Buildings 767,889,345.72 909,335,089.51
410200801 Hosptl Buildings (Upload) 153,738,291.60
410200900 Dispensary/ Clinic Buildings 263,856,281.95 12,405,144.11
410201000 Slaughter House Buildings 985,049.32
410201100 School Buildings 1,144,291,736.77 63,595,396.60
410201200 Museum Buildings
410201300 Fire Station Buildings 421,259,132.42 21,391,459.62
410201400 Market Buildings 33,848,827.81 19,008,157.40
410201500 P.S.C. Block Buildings 21,637,577.08
410201600 Open Air Theatre Buildings 1,175,521.98 285,429.04
410201700 Recreation Centre Buildings 13,293,640.29
410201800 Swimming Pool Buildings 3,636,207.63
410201900 Marriage Hall/ Community Centre Bldgs 21,152,632.57 4,767,140.12
410202000 Garage Buildings 76,168,539.45 7,288,079.98
410202100 Store Buildings 568,379.26
410202200 Sewerage Treatment Plant Buildings 1,475,942.49 99,906,763.09
410202300 Water Treatment Plant Buildings 367,454.18 377,621.00
410202400 Pumping House Buildings 54,693,447.83 5,010,522.00
410202500 Tenements of PAP
410209900 Other Buildings 114,841,277.78 325,009,388.09
410209901 Decorative Structures-Statues & Fountains 193,194,394.35
410300000 Roads & Bridges 17,903,812.64 2,301,688.74
410300100 Concrete Roads 6,880,868,377.20 469,391,055.70
410300200 Black Topped Roads 2,463,248,698.91 2,027,624,271.29
410300201 Footpath work 158,968,405.82
410300300 Other Roads 2,823,864,484.34 167,916,483.65
410300400 Bridges 818,923,974.31 549,000.00
410300500 Culverts 3,923,544.36 403,814,674.66
410310000 Sewerage & Drainage 147,591,382.82
410310100 Sewerage 1,965,335,257.53 59,035,737.30
410310101 Trunk Sewers 6,114,309.72- 70,924,914.49
410310102 Branch Sewers 204,930,724.35 367,843.31
410310103 Outfall Sewers 8,674,570.42 177,753,285.03
410310104 Sewage Pumping Mains 12,228,358.75 12,534,781.81
410310105 Marine Outlet Flood Gates 654,719.23
410310106 "Arch Drains, Major nallas, River" 6,245,005.68 989,841.00-
410310107 "Pipe Drains, Dhapa Drains, Road side Dra" 661,483,332.02 5,312,773.56
410310200 Drainage 18,195,896,258.11 361,628,017.77
410320000 Waterways 1,514,084.71
410320100 Dam 20,006,481.60
410320101 Tunnel 13,626,613.06 3,162,599.25
410320102 Reservoir 939,921.31 71,144,525.21
410320103 Transmission (Trunk) Main 464,503,243.67 1,456,492,077.95
410320104 Distribution & Regulation System 2,102,165,457.57 974,907,924.45
410320105 Instrumentation & Control Systems 344,729,394.14 1,257,858.45
410320106 Meters
410330000 Public Lighting 3,344,772.02 1,073,748.75
410330100 Lampposts 24,662.00
410400000 Plant & Machinery 607,475,444.37 882,868,536.36
410400002 Litter Bins
410400003 Refuse Bins 28,005,120.00 14,686,232.00
410400004 M.R.I. Machine 24,412,500.00 136,948,488.00
410400005 C.T. Scan Machine 5,233,025.49 89,521,737.51
410400006 Sonography Machine
410400010 Spare Parts of Hospital Plant & Machinery 5,542,133.52 4,164,840.47
410400011 Digital Radiology Equipments 6,884,546.30- 56,727,240.30
410400012 Vetilators
410400013 Digital OPG 212,268.12- 7,145,162.12
410400015 Vehicle Mounted Fogging Machine 4,680,000.00
410400016 Shoulderable Fogging Machine 49,950.00
410400017 Containerized Asphal Mixing Plant
410400018 Flat Bed Ironer (Calender Machine) for MPL
410400021 Potholes Repairing Machine
410400022 Multislid CT 86,912.01- 44,784,837.01
410400023 Autoclave Sterliser 1,895,625.00
410400024 Cobalt Sources 11,637,272.00
410400025 HDR Treatment Planning System 16,418,131.00
410400027 Dental Chair 1,978,620.00
410400030 Security system-Metal detector etc. 7,806,190.32 2,349,100.00
410500000 Vehicles 11,202,558.75
410500100 Cars 2,989,040.76 332,194.00
410500200 Jeeps 12,183,930.63
410500300 Buses
410500500 Tankers 3,445,311.20 21,364,498.90
410500600 Bull Dozers 801,337.50 529,706.25
410500800 Ambulances 2,493,225.00
410500900 Crains 6,378,750.00
410501000 Road Rollers
410501100 Dumpers
410501200 HYVA Compactors 13,663,125.00
410501300 Tree Trimming Vans 4,936,173.24
410501400 Fire Engines
410501402 Snorkel 29,192,742.31
410501403 Turn Table Ladder
410501404 Aerial Ladder Platform 17,381,895.00
410501405 Aerial Ladder Platform (To be used for 2007 only)
410501600 Stationery Compactors 267,413.26
410501700 Rescue Van 126,429,338.58
410501800 Fully Equipped EMS Van 32,561,625.00
410501900 Fire Fighting & Rescue Vehicles 295,193.00 66,342,917.52
410509900 Other Vehicles 7,384,573.00 3,322,620.00
410600000 Office & Other Equpmts 42,001.88
410600100 Air Conditioners 6,434,040.42 540,654.95
410600200 "Computers, Printers & Peripherals" 20,052,351.92 209,115,958.19
410600300 Photocopiers 7,012,837.10 1,682,420.00
410600301 Duplicator Machine 209,461.00 349,540.00
410600400 Refrigerators 106,830.00 8,290.00
410600401 Water Coolers
410600500 Fax Machines 167,336.20 266,889.98
410600600 EPABX Systems
410600700 Projectors 1,079,561.00
410600701 Digital Camera 490,114.80
410600702 Closed Circuit Television 7,640,599.13
410600800 Fire Brigade Dept. Equipment 29,943,481.52
410600801 Breating Apparatus sets 269,326.50
410600802 Fire fighting & rescue Equipments 16,521,735.42
410600805 Personal protective Equipments
410600900 Floor Cleaners
410600905 CLEANING & WASHING MACHINE 218,250.00
410600950 Other Equipments 4,736,705.83
410600951 Play Equipmnts 3,735,470.14
410600952 Musical Instruments 704,300.00
410600953 Garden Benches etc 10,194,094.35
410700000 "Furniture, Fixtures, Fittings&Electrical" 4,984,701.53
410700100 Furniture & Fixtures 1,898,802.25 3,810,908.50
410700101 Cabinets 19,890,144.00
410700102 Cupboard 2,914,721.50 119,745.00
410700103 Chairs 1,892,155.88 249,971.75
410700104 Tables 903,612.60 91,170.00
410700105 Partitions
410700106 Beds / Cots 1,093,900.91 74,925.00
410700107 Trollies 1,398,659.53 99,900.00
410700108 Desks
410700109 Writing Board 316,380.00
410700110 Lockers 622,086.00
410700111 Trust Fund - Dalit Vasahat - Furniture
410700199 Other Furniture & Fixtures 2,947,055.52 18,980.00
410700200 Fittings & Electrical Appliances 68,230,312.48 13,276,008.51
410700201 Fans 76,298.80 49,853.58
410700202 Electrical Fittings 48,241,828.63 75,148.32
410700203 Generators 3,590,667.88
410700204 Inverters
410700299 Other Fittings & Electrical Appliances 2,458,319.21 11,610,360.45
410800000 Other Fixed Assets 11,449,547.59 220,443,018.07
410800200 Dead Stock
410800201 Dead Stock - Books & Perodicals 30,318,730.77 10,853,909.31
410800900 Other Fixed Assets 15,626,489,934.43 1,136,460,457.22
410800910 Trust Fund-Other Fixed Assets 230,587,312.03
410900000 Assets under Disposal 8,817,782.87
* (4-10)Acquisition/Purchase of Fixed Asse 61,902,221,126.81 11,529,970,567.55
412000000 Capital Work In Progress 16,026,685,714.87- 40,904,227,705.99
412000001 CWIP - Maintenance 5,386,450,429.18- 2,238,518,994.96-
412000002 CWIP -62-TRUST FUND 230,587,312.03- 503,853.41
412000003 CWIP -Without WBS Element 533,072,132.33- 5,458,151.86-
412009900 Capital Work in Progress - old 163,764,662.60- 7,900.00-
412100100 Bhai Daji Lad Corpus Fund
412100200 Grant to GOM for seawalls
412100300 Grant for GOM for INS VIKRANT
412100400 Grant to PLAZMA CENTRE
501200005 "Capital nature work related withRd,footp"
501200006 "Prov - unplanned essential work in Rd, B"
501200007 Lumpsum provision - Prov uninterrupted i
501200009 Prov - Devpmtal work in respect of Mahat
501200012 Enclosing the Annabhau SatheOpen Air The
501200013 Prov - Improvmtof Birla Kreeda Kendra
501200014 Essential structural Rep to Deenanath Ma
501200015 Major civil Rep work of Kundanlal Saiga
501200016 Rep in Prabodhankar Keshav Sitaram Thaka
501200017 Structural Rep to Shahaji Raje Bhosale s
501200018 Structural Rep at PriyadarshiniIndira Ga
501200023 Lumpsum provision - development of Gaoth
501200026 Lumpsum provision - development of Gaoth
501200027 Lumpsum provision - development of Gaoth
501200028 Lumpsum provision - development of Gaoth
501200029 Lumpsum provision - development of Gaoth
501200030 Lumpsum provision - development of Gaoth
501200031 Lumpsum provision - development of Gaoth
501200032 Lumpsum provision - development of Gaoth
501200039 Lumpsum provision - development of Gaoth
501200040 Lumpsum provision - development of Gaoth
501200041 Lumpsum provision - development of Irla
501200042 Lumpsum provision - development of Pond
501200043 Lumpsum provision - development of Juhu
501200044 Lumpsum provision - development of Juhu
501200045 Lumpsum provision - development of Verso
501200046 Lumpsum provision - development of Ambol
501200047 Lumpsum provision - development of Kevan
501200048 Lumpsum provision - development of Andhe
501200049 Lumpsum provision - development of Gaoth
501200050 Lumpsum provision - development of Malva
501200051 Lumpsum provision - development of Madh
501200052 Lumpsum provision - development of Bhati
501200053 Lumpsum provision - development of Erang
501200054 Lumpsum provision - development of Warav
501200055 Lumpsum provision - development of Manor
501200056 Lumpsum provision - development of Marve
501200057 Lumpsum provision - development of Khara
501200058 Lumpsum provision - development of Ratho
501200059 Lumpsum provision - development of Valna
501200060 Lumpsum provision - development of Arlim
501200061 Lumpsum provision - development of Aksha
501200062 Lumpsum provision - development of Gaoth
501200063 Lumpsum provision - development of Chark
501200064 Lumpsum provision - development of Bunde
501200065 Lumpsum provision - development of Kandi
501200070 Lumpsum provision - development of Gaoth
501200071 Lumpsum provision - development of Chris
501200072 Lumpsum provision - development of Asalf
501200073 Lumpsum provision - development of Mohil
501200074 Lumpsum provision - development of Saaki
501200075 Lumpsum provision - development of Tunga
501200076 Lumpsum provision - development of Tromb
501200077 Lumpsum provision - development of Gaoth
501200078 Lumpsum provision - development of Gaoth
501200079 Lumpsum provision - development of Chara
501200080 Lumpsum provision - development of Chemb
501200081 Lumpsum provision - development of Ghata
501200085 Lumpsum provision - development of Gaoth
501200088 Lumpsum provision - development of Bhand
501200089 Lumpsum provision - development of Gaoth
501200091 Lumpsum provision - development of Gavan
501200092 Lumpsum provision - development of Navgh
501200093 Lumpsum provision - development of Nane
501200094 Integrated Adivasi pada development prog
501200096 Prov - Sewree Koliwada in F/S Wrd under
501200098 Prov - Worli Koliwada in G/S Wrd under i
501200100 Prov - Khar Koliwada in H/W Wrd under in
501200101 Prov - Varsova Koliwada in K/W Wrd under
501200102 "Prov - Madh ,Erangal Fishermen colony, B"
501200103 Prov - R/N Wrd under integrated koliwada
501200104 "Prov - Gorai, Babhai&Eksar Koliwadas in"
501200105 Prov - Tromaby Koliwada in M/E Wrd under
501200106 Provision for AdharKendra
501200139 LS prov for dev of Kumbharwada Gaothan in P/North
501200140 LS prov for dev of Bhandarwada Gaothan in P/North
501200141 LS prov for dev of Mankhurd Gaothan in M / East
501200142 LS prov for dev of Mandala Gaothan in M / East
501200143 LS prov for dev of Pailipada Gaothan in M / East
501200144 LS prov for dev of Deonar Gaothan in M / East
501200145 LS prov for dev of Govandi Gaothan in M / East
501200146 LS prov for dev of Borabdevi Gaothan in M / East
501200147 LS prov for dev of Agarwadi Gaothan in M / East
501200148 LS prov for dev of Khalai Gaothan in N
501200149 LS prov for dev of Kirol Gaothan in N Ward
501200150 LS prov for dev of Vikhroli Gaothan in N Ward
501200151 LS prov for dev of Tirandaz Gaothan in S Ward
501200152 LS prov for dev of Paspoli Gaothan in S Ward
501200161 Prov-Juhu K'wada- integrated k'wadas dev
501200608 Stage,Water&Deco.-Annabhau S.Jayanti-A.S.Garden,
501200648 Improvement of priva
501200650 Provision towards ci
501200651 Provision towards ci
501200652 Provision towards ci
501200653 Construction of Gymn
501200654 Provision for constr
501200659 Construction of offi
501200660 Construction of Sama
501200661 Construction of Samaj Kalyan Mandir at MHADA PMGP
501200666 Improvement of pathw
501200668 Improvement of pathw
501200669 Improvement of Gaoth
501200670 Repairs of toilets b
501200671 Providing civic amen
501200672 Improvement of Gaoth
501200674 Improvement of Gaoth
501200675 Improvement of Gaoth
501200676 Improvement of Gaoth
501200678 Lumpsum provision fo
501200679 Improvement of drain
501200680 Improvement of drain
501200681 Improvement of Vazir
501200819 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 1
501200820 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 2
501200821 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 3
501200822 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 4
501200823 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 5
501200824 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 6
501200825 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 7
501200826 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 8
501200827 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 9
501200828 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 10
501200829 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 11
501200830 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 12
501200831 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 13
501200832 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 14
501200833 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 15
501200834 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 16
501200835 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 17
501200836 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 18
501200837 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 19
501200838 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 20
501200839 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 21
501200840 civic ser ward no.22
501200841 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 23
501200842 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 24
501200843 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 25
501200844 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 26
501200845 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 27
501200846 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 28
501200847 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 29
501200848 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 30
501200849 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 31
501200850 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 32
501200851 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 33
501200852 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 34
501200853 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 35
501200854 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 36
501200855 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 37
501200856 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 38
501200857 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 39
501200858 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 40
501200859 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 41
501200860 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 42
501200861 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 43
501200862 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 44
501200863 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 45
501200864 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 46
501200865 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 47
501200866 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 48
501200867 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 49
501200868 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 50
501200869 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 51
501200870 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 52
501200871 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 53
501200872 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 54
501200873 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 55
501200874 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 56
501200875 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 57
501200876 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 58
501200877 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 59
501200878 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 60
501200879 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 61
501200880 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 62
501200881 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 63
501200882 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 64
501200883 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 65
501200884 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 66
501200885 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 67
501200886 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 68
501200887 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 69
501200888 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 70
501200889 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 71
501200890 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 72
501200891 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 73
501200892 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 74
501200893 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 75
501200894 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 76
501200895 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 77
501200896 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 78
501200897 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 79
501200898 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 80
501200899 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 81
501200900 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 82
501200901 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 83
501200902 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 84
501200903 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 85
501200904 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 86
501200906 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 88
501200907 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 89
501200908 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 90
501200909 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 91
501200910 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 92
501200912 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 94
501200913 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 95
501200914 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 96
501200915 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 97
501200916 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 98
501200917 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 99
501200918 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 100
501200919 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 101
501200920 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 102
501200921 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 103
501200922 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 104
501200923 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 105
501200924 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 106
501200925 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 107
501200926 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 108
501200927 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 109
501200928 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 110
501200929 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 111
501200930 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 112
501200931 civic service & imp infrastruct w no 113
501200932 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 114
501200933 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 115
501200934 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 116
501200935 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 117
501200936 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 118
501200937 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 119
501200938 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 120
501200939 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 121
501200940 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 122
501200941 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 123
501200942 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 124
501200943 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 125
501200944 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 126
501200945 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 127
501200946 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 128
501200947 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 129
501200948 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 130
501200949 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 131
501200950 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 132
501200951 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 133
501200952 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 134
501200953 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 135
501200954 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 136
501200955 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 137
501200956 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 138
501200957 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 139
501200958 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 140
501200959 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 141
501200960 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 142
501200962 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 144
501200963 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 145
501200964 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 146
501200965 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 147
501200966 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 148
501200967 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 149
501200968 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 150
501200969 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 151
501200970 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 152
501200971 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 153
501200972 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 154
501200973 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 155
501200974 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 156
501200975 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 157
501200976 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 158
501200977 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 159
501200978 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 160
501200979 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 161
501200980 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 162
501200981 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 163
501200982 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 164
501200983 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 165
501200984 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 166
501200985 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 167
501200986 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 168
501200987 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 169
501200988 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 170
501200989 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 171
501200990 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 172
501200991 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 173
501200992 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 174
501200993 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 175
501200994 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 176
501200995 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 177
501200996 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 178
501200997 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 179
501200998 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 180
501200999 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 181
501201000 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 182
501201001 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 183
501201002 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 184
501201004 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 186
501201005 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 187
501201006 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 188
501201007 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 189
501201008 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 190
501201009 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 191
501201010 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 192
501201011 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 193
501201012 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 194
501201013 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 195
501201014 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 196
501201015 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 197
501201016 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 198
501201017 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 199
501201018 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 200
501201019 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 201
501201020 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 202
501201021 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 203
501201022 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 204
501201023 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 205
501201024 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 206
501201025 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 207
501201026 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 208
501201027 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 209
501201028 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 210
501201029 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 211
501201030 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 212
501201032 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 214
501201033 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 215
501201034 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 216
501201035 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 217
501201036 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 218
501201037 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 219
501201038 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 220
501201039 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 221
501201040 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 222
501201041 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 223
501201042 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 224
501201043 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 225
501201044 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 226
501201045 civic service & imp infrastruct w n 227
501201085 Provision for boat a
501201133 Const Balwadi at Aarey Col (E area in PS
501201134 Fixing tiles, Poonam Nagar, MMRDA in KE
501201135 Fixing tiles, Durga Nagar, MMRDA in KE
501201136 Fixing tiles, MHADA Col at Andheri(E) KE
501201138 Const path, SWD and at MHB Colony in K/E
501201139 Const path, WC blocks, at PMGP Colony KE
501201140 Prov benches Shivneri to Meghwadi in K/E
501201141 Const Samajkalyan Kendra Shivneri K/E
501201142 Const internal roads, Shyam Nagar K/E
501201143 Const path, internal area Meghwadi KE
501201144 Prov WC blcosk, drain Indira Nagar in KE
501201146 Const AdharKendra in MajasWadi in KEast
501201147 Prov civic amen such as ladi, DurgaN KE
501201148 Con Balwadi&CommunityHall DurgaN KE
501201149 Const AdharKendra Jogeshwari(E) KE
501201150 Prov infrastructure RajeevNagar in HE
501201151 Imp SWD at AmebdkarNagar DalitVasa HE
501201152 Prov dev pathway, KhajuriPatti Gaothan L
501201153 Prov civic amen Koknipada, Ravalpada RN
501201154 Prov SWDs Malvani, Madh Koliwada P/N
501201155 Prov imp Dongar pada with pathways P/N
501201156 Prov WC block, Filterpada to Aareyroad S
501201157 Prov imp AdivasiPada at ShankarN Ba L
501201158 Prov civic amen KurlaVillage and Mahul L
501201159 Prov civic amen WCblocks 554, 666tra E
501201160 Prov civic amen in VivekNagar in HE Ward
501201162 Rep Samajmandir ward 204 E ward
501201163 Pro gymnasium equip ward no.204 in E
501201164 Rep and Samajmandir ward no.205 E ward
501201165 Prov cons gym and SamajMandir ward193 GS
501201170 Prov MMRDA Ajgaonkar plot ward66 KE
501201172 Prov civicamen Adarshanagar ward54 KWest
501201176 Imp Gaothan/Koliwada Babhai, ward15 R/C
501201177 Imp Gaothan ward9 R/Central
501201178 Prov SamajKalyanMandir, MHADA ward159 L
501201179 Prov Gymequip, Balwadi, ward 159 L
501201180 Prov gymequip Mandala ward 136 M/East
501201181 Prov gymequip Trombay Kolward136 M/East
501201182 Cons gym Payalipada ward 136 M/East
501201184 Prov gymequip Panjarapole ward136 MEast
501201185 Prov gymequip Payalipada ward136 M/East
501201186 Prov rds, footpath, etc. ward no.121
501201188 Prov deve Vikhroli Parksite ward117 N
501201189 Prov Rds, footpath Valkabaipada ward98 T
501201190 Prov civicamen ward67 K/East ward
501201191 Prov civicamenities ward69 K/East
501201192 Prov variouscivicamenities ward48 PSouth
501201193 Cons beneficial centres AKendra e.ward98
501201200 Const Samaj Kalyan Kendra ward no.47 P/S
501201202 Dr.B.Ambedkar Jayanti Utsav ShivajiPark
501201205 Const Gym Asalfa Village,ward 123 N Ward
501201206 Rep&const Samaj Mandir ward 204 E Ward
501201210 Const Gym& Samaj Mandir Ward No.165 F/N
501201213 Impro Gym Om Bharat Krida Mandal Ward 88
501800001 Infrastructure - Information Technology
501800002 Work related to housing of all the Engin
501800003 Prov - InformationTechnology Product (Co
501800004 Hous EnggDep inWorli
502100001 Prov to establish a fully equipped Emerg
502100002 Consultancy charges&development of Emerg
502100004 Seismic Microzonation work for Mumbai City & sub
502100005 EstablishEOC-HO@ward
502100008 Purchase of life sav
502100016 UpgradationDevelopme
502400001 Prov infrastructure - computerisation of
502400006 Prov - upgradation&mod-ernisation of Maj
502400008 Prov - Expanding yard of Mulund Airoli L
502400010 Prov - imprvmt&other facilities to the b
502400015 Install of modern equipments&devices of
502400017 Construction of entr
502400033 Creation of centrali
502400034 Provision for I.T. Product
502500001 Upgrad./Recon.C.P.A.'s Office Building
502900002 Development of C.S. No.831 of Mazgaon Division in
503000001 Lumpsum provision - special Rep&other mi
503000002 Constrn of additional class rooms in Mun
503000003 Reconstruction of Bharat Nagar Mun Schoo
503000004 Reconstruction of Kawale Math Banganga M
503000005 Reconstruction of Veravali Mun School
503000007 Reconstruction of Ganesh Nagar Mun Schoo
503000011 Reconstruction of Sanjay Nagr Mun School
503000012 Reconstructn of Limboni Baug Mun School
503000027 Lumpsum prov for Improvement in Signages
503000029 Modern&Upgradation Halls for MunSchBldgs in ward
503000033 CreatComLab&Training
503000035 Const ComWalls onvacant plots for MunSchBldgs
503000039 Const ofMuSchinWards
503000040 Prov for Re-const of Mun Schools in various Wards
503000045 Con MSbldg at MaladE
503000046 L/Sprov for rep SBldg in City,WS & ES by ZonalCon
503000050 Pro MSbldg/CyclonSheltr at Mulund(W) T Ward
503000054 SplMajRep,recn&miswk
503000055 ConSer, StAdt,St Inv
503000056 Tran AccoMod MunSchs
503100001 Major renovation, reconstruction of Cons
503100002 "Major renovation, reconstructionof Conse"
503100004 "Reconstruction, renovation, development "
503100005 Constrn&development of new refuse transf
503100006 Constrn &Devpmt infrastr existing&new du
503100007 Constrn&Devpmt of infrastructure of exis
503100008 Constrn &Devpmt infrastr existing&new du
503100017 Const. of 1 8 to 10 Seater Toilet in 227 Wards
503100031 PaverBlocks-pasg, H/W
503100033, M/W
503200006 Purchase of Water Tankers - 10 nos.
503200010 Renovation of Various Garages
503300001 Prov - payment of utility services.
503300002 Prov - rehabilitation of structures alon
503300003 Constrn of cabins&facility - the office
503300004 Prov - consultancy - preparing detailed
503300006 Modification of culverts by removing obs
503300007 Improvement&construction of misc. work o
503300008 Reconstruction of collapsed nalla walls
503300009 Essential work to be carried out by impr
503300010 Essential work to be carried out - impro
503300011 Prov - improving construction of S.W.D&R
503300012 Reping of collapsed wall on nallas&colla
503300013 Converting the pipe culvert into box cul
503300016 Lumpsum provision - attending unforeseen
503300023 Diversion of Storm water flow from B.A.R
503300026 Imprvmt of SWD Sys in catchment No.117 I
503300028 Prov - connection work - augmentation of
503300033 Training/Constrn of Air India nalla from
503300034 Modification of Immigration Nalla in fro
503300038 Deepening of Shraddhanand nalla within A
503300039 Constrn of remaining box drain along the
503300046 Reconstruction of Santosh Nagar nalla fr
503300056 Reconstruction of Ambawadi nalla at Amba
503300059 Widening / Training of Mithi River&Othe
503300068 Training/ Widening/ Deepening/ Reconstru
503300073 Reconstruction of Sommaiya Nalla from Ba
503300074 Improvement of Vallabhbaug Nalla&remodel
503300075 Training&widening of Boundary Nalla&Kesa
503300076 Reconstruction of Janta Vikas Nalla Mulu
503300077 Proposed Reconstruction of collapsed nal
503300080 Constrn of Pumping Stations-(Brimstowad
503300081 Rehabilitation of SWD Sys atBritania Out
503300082 Rehabilitation of SWD Sys at Patthe Bapu
503300083 Rehabilitation of SWD Sys at Dr.E.Moses
503300084 Constrn of new box drain atBodyguard Lan
503300085 Improvement of floodgates&Prov Storm Wat
503300086 Augmentation to existing drain at Usman
503300088 Diversion of drain laid along Sane Guruj
503300089 Augmentation of existing drain laid alon
503300091 Widening/Training of Textile MillNalla -
503300093 Augmentation/Strengthening of S.W.Drains
503300094 Constrn of 1200 mm dia R.C.C. Pipes&R.C.
503300095 Strengthen/augment to existing Arch drai
503300098 Widening&deepening&training Cemindia Nal
503300099 Training of JK chemical nalla-(Brimstowa
503300101 Desilting &Improvement of SWD&nalla incl
503300102 Cleaning&Improvement of S.W.D.&nallas in
503300103 Cleaning&imprvmt of SWD&nallas including
503300104 Improvement&cleaning of storm water drai
503300105 Cleaning&Improvement of S.W.D.&nallas in
503300106 Rehabilitation of hutment dwellers by Tr
503300108 Cleaning&imprvmt of S.W.D.& nallas inclu
503300109 Cleaning&Improvement of SWD&nallas inclu
503300110 Cleaning&imprvmt of S.W.D.& nallas inclu
503300112 Cleaning&Improvement of SWD&nallas inclu
503300113 Cleaning&Improvement of S.W.D.&nallas in
503300114 Cleaning&Improvement of S.W.D.&nallas in
503300116 Widening / Improving / Remodelling / Tra
503300119 Widening/ Deepening/ Training/Reconstruc
503300120 Widening/ Deepening/ Training/Reconstruc
503300121 Widening of Mahul creek fromTansa Main t
503300122 Training of Somayya Nalla fromE.E.Highwa
503300124 Training&Widening of Laxmibaug Nalla fr
503300126 Converting pipe culvert into box culvert
503300128 "Training, widening&Deepning of Usha Nag"
503300129 "Training, widening&Deepning of Usha Nag"
503300130 "Training, widening&Deepning of Crompton "
503300131 "Training, widening&Deepning of Kannamwar"
503300133 Widening / Training of Bombay Oxygen Nal
503300134 Pur&replacement of Plant&Machinery
503300141 Construction of New
503300142 Construction of Remodeling box drain of 4 f
503300146 Renovation of (300 m
503300147 Covering of Joglekar
503300148 Beautification and c
503300188 Commissioning of raised platform at Milan Subway.
503300189 Augment A I Nagar Nalla into SWD& S Nalla Dharavi
503300191 P/L SWP Vel toPrin S
503300192 P/L S W Pipe Drain B.A. Rd toKala Chowky E Ward.
503300193 A) P/L S.W.Pipe drain KBBMukund B)N.M.Joshi Marg
503300194 Recst.of S.W.Arch Drain near Cotton Green Railway
503300196 SWPipe D Phalke Rd, VC Marg, on Dr.B.A.Rd F/S
503300197 SWP DrVWM & DrSSRF/S
503300198 P/L SWPipe Drain SN Marg & Bombay Gas Co lane F/S
503300199 P/L SW Drain Morland Road in E Ward.
503300200 P/L SWD Pipe at Nepean Sea Rd in D Ward.
503300201 Payment of residual final bills Div I - SWD
503300202 TC Indira Colle plBa
503300203 T & C of Topiwala Nalla at Khar E H/E
503300204 Const. of Dani wool tex Nalla Santacruz (E.)
503300205 Imp of SWD at Kolay Wadi Village H/E
503300206 T & C of Sundar Nagar Nalla at Santacruz E
503300208 ImpMajas nala JogesE
503300209 ImpMarol nala CA404
503300210 TC MHADA &nala7 Bung
503300211 Retaining wall at Moragaon site on Irla Nalla K/W
503300212 cIrla Nala Juhu A Sa
503300213 Const B Drain fr RCNo.34 to A P Nalla VileParleW
503300214 Imp of catchment No.215GoregaonE
503300215 Impof SWDin Motilal Nagar No.2, Goregaon W
503300216 Imp SWD Siddharth Nagar & Motilal Nagar No.1
503300217 conbox LkRd crek GoW
503300218 T&c Dindoshi Nalla at A.K.Vaidya Marg, GoregaonE
503300219 Widg of Dyaneshwar Nagar Nalla Goregaon W
503300220 Reconst. of Nandadeep nalla Goregaon (East)
503300221 Reconst. of Walbhat River at Ram Nagar
503300222 T&Cof Indira Nagar nalla Goregaon (W).
503300223 T&Wof Shrikrishna Nagar Nalla Malad (E), P/N
503300224 Reconst. of nalla in K Shaigal Natyagriha MaladE
503300225 W&Rof Malwani Nalla & Culvert No.6, Malvani
503300226 W&Rof Navjal pada Nalla Malad (W).
503300227 T&W of Shrikrishna Nagar Nalla Malad E P/North
503300228 Widng of Dhanjiwadi Nalla Malad (East).
503300229 W&Dof Samta Nagar Nalla R/South Ward.
503300231 T&Cof Avdut Nagar Nalla DahisarE in R/N
503300232 T&Cof Yadav Nagar Nalla Dahisar E in R/N
503300233 Rem nalla 10,CA405
503300236 const NalaJn NavalDe
503300237 Rmdlng SWDTrom lp rd
503300239 T/R/R/R of Nalla M/E PrayagNgr,Kasturba nalla
503300240 Const. of New S.W.D at Natwar Parikh compound M/E
503300241 TR nala AdarshNgr,Ma
503300242 Reconst box drainCentral Rly to GALink Rd N Ward.
503300243 Imp of Vallabhbaug Main Nalla in N Ward.
503300244 I/w VallabhNala Gwde
503300245 Const of SWD at Kamraj Ngr,Ramabai Ngr inN
503300246 Reconst of minor nalla, SWD, culverts in S Ward
503300247 R/c/rNalla in C.A. No.303 in T Ward
503300248 Reconst of Nalla in C.A. No.304 in T Ward
503300249 Reconst. of Nalla in C.A. No.301 in T Ward
503300250 Deslud Sheetal Talao
503300251 De-sludging and Butification of Sion Talao, F/N
503300253 R&C Boran Nalla in H/West Ward
503300254 Reconst. of M.H.B. nalla Malad W P/N
503300255 T&cKamla Nehru nalla , Kandivali (W) in R/S
503300256 T&c minor nalla in Singh Estate Kandivali E R/S
503300257 C/D nalla along Kale Mg,Sandesh Ngr Rd at Kurla W
503300262 Reconst nalla,SWD,culvert at Bhavani Ngr... in S
503300270 TC Walbhat Brimstowa
503300271 Imp of Nalla No.10,16 in C.A.No.405, at Kurla (W)
503300272 T/W/D/R Mankhurd Children Aid Nalla System in M/E
503300273 T/W/D/R Deonar Nalla System in M/E
503300274 T/W/D/R Refinery South Nalla system in M/W
503300275 Converting pipe culvert into box culvert in T
503300276 C/nala 302 90' DPRd
503300353 Improvement of SWDr
503300355 Training of SWD and
503300356 Training of SWD and
503300357 Remedial works of S.
503300379 Const. of S.W.D. at Pestomsagar M/W
503300380 Imp. of SWD at Belgrami Road, New M in L
503300381 Const. & rep. SWD at Aarey Colony in P/S
503300383 SWD Kale Marg to Bharat Coal Road in L
503300384 Const SWD Wadia Estate Premier L
503300385 Rep SWDs at Govt. / Semi Govt. bldg. H/E
503300386 Repairs to SWDs at Govt. Colony in H/E
503300389 Reconst Drainage Buntarbhavan road in L
503300390 Rep SWD Shahaji Raje Sport Complex K/W
503300391 Improvement of S.W.D. in K/E ward
503300392 Imp drainage and pathways at Khalik K/E
503300393 Imp SWD Chandivali Road,Saaki Vihar in L
503300394 Imp SWD Shankar Nagar, Bamandaya in L
503300396 Delivery pipe at Nana Chowk w n 212
503300397 Reconst SWD near Cumballa Hill wn 212 D
503300400 Const SWD Kajupada junction wn54K/W
503300401 Imp & cover SWD in M.H.B.Colony wn40 P/N
503300404 Repairs works of various nallas wn117N
503300405 Rep & reconst of damaged nalla wn107S
503300406 Repairing of S.W.Drains at wn107S
503300407 W/T Mithi River & Other river/nalla II
503300410 T/R minor nalla 1) Adarsh Nagar Nalla II
503300413 I/w Vallabhbaug sub Nalla fr Ambedkar II
503300415 Repair to Nalla in C.A. No.303 II
503300416 Reconst Nalla in C.A. No.304 Phase - II
503300417 Reconst Nalla in C.A. No.301 Phase - II
503300418 Const RCC Nalla from Bimbisar Nagar
503300420 Const Samarthwadi Nalla at Hanuman
503300421 Desilting & Imp SWD Mogra nalla -II
503300427 Training Somayya Nalla fr EE Highway -II
503300428 T&W Laxmibaug Nalla from G.A. Link - II
503300430 T,w & D Usha Nagar Nalla System - II
503300433 W/T Bombay Oxygen Nalla System - II
503300436 T/W/D & reconst Refinery South Nalla -II
503300437 Const/ rep nalla wall in C.A.No.302 - II
503300438 Rep Hill quarters nalla ward 47 in P/S
503300439 Rep/Reco Nalla,road drains Adarsh Nagar
503300440 Conver Kachha nalla into Pucca nalla R/N
503400001 Apptmt of Energy Auditor/Constulatant -
503400002 Implementation of energy saving measures
503400005 Prov - rewiring work in various Mun prem
503400006 Prov - replacement of Water pumps&other
503400007 Rplacemt/Spl Rep&maintenance of existing
503400013 Rplacemt of one no. lift at Bdg No.5 Haj
503400032 Prov - rewiring Work
503400040 Prov - special Rep/ replacement of machi
503400045 Prov - rewiring Work
503400046 Prov air polution ctrl equipment at Bab
503400048 Prov Air Pollution Control machinery
503400050 Spl Rep to the light towers at Gorai Cem
503400054 Prov - rewiring Work
503400058 Implementation of energy saving measures
503400062 Rplacemt of Water Pump set at Mulund Ma
503400064 Rewiring&other Elec work in the K.E.M. H
503400069 "Rplacemt of generator at Old Bldg., M.S."
503400074 Rplacemt of Voltas A.C.Plant at Old Bldg
503400075 Rplacemt of existing EPABX Sys at K.E.M.
503400086 Prov online UPS - ventilators KEM Hosp
503400090 "Pur of Deep Freezer of ( - 200C), -(800C"
503400092 Rplacemt of EPABX Sys at L.T.M.G.Hosp
503400094 "Prov air conditioning unit - Blood Bank,"
503400095 Prov - rewiring&other M&E work at Nair H
503400096 Mechanical&Elec Work of additional floor
503400097 Rplacemt of lift of R.M.O. Quarters old
503400114 Rewiring&Allied Elec Workat Rajawadi Hos
503400138 Lumpsum Prov - Mechanical&Elec work of M
503400144 Replacement of sound system of Conference Hall at
503400154 Replacement of water pump sets in
503400159 S.I.T.C. of 60 kg semi automatic washing machine
503400183 Rep & Replace equip filteration of plant at SVPSP
503400184 Rep tank Ghatkopar S
503400186 prov hoods Worli Cem
503400189 SITC APCE at Daulat Nagar Cemetery
503400190 SITC APCE at Dahanukar wadi Cemetery
503400191 De Crem furna Worli
503400192 Replace lifts at various hosp and maternity homes
503400202 Rewiring of BaruchaRd Dispwith replac pump sets
503400208 Replace ACPlant at CVTC bldg KEM hosp
503400211 Provid Solar Water Heater system at L.T.M.G. Hosp
503400214 Prov AC OT EyeHosp
503400215 Provid Solar Water heating system at Mun Eye Hosp
503400218 ProSoWater Kasturba
503400219 Retrio AC 1st fl GTB
503400224 Rewiring of K.B.Bhabha Hospital, Bandra Part II
503400225 ReAC Bhabha Bandra
503400226 Provid Solar Water heating at KBBhabha HospBandra
503400230 ProvSoWater Bhagwati
503400234 Prov SoWater RCooper
503400239 Provid Solar Water heating VNDesai Hosp
503400240 Provid Solar Water heating system at MWDesai Hosp
503400245 Solar Water Muktabai
503400254 sowater Siddharth Ho
503400256 Prov fr replmnt of WaterPumps & Othr Allied works
503400260 Supply and Installat
503400278 Lumpsum Provision fo
503400281 Supply and Installation of Solar Street Lights in
503400285 Replacement of old P
503400291 Replacement of old P
503400292 Replacement of old P
503400293 Replacement of old P
503400294 Replacement of old P
503400301 Refurbishment Upgra
503400305 Replacement of Air h
503400306 Replacement of Air h
503400307 Replacement of Air h
503400309 Provididng refrigera
503400310 Refurbishment Upgra
503400311 Replacement of exist
503400312 Replacement of old Packaged AC plants of Surgical
503400313 Rewiring of Library Old RMO quarters Labour staff
503400314 Refurbishment Upgra
503400315 Replacement of existing reciprocating central air
503400322 Replacement of old Packaged AC plants of Ortho OT
503400324 Replacement of old P
503400325 Replacement of exist
503400328 Providing 82 KVA DG
503400334 Replacement of old P
503400335 Providing power save
503400336 Replacement of old P
503400340 Replacement of old P
503400341 Replacement of old Packaged AC plants of Burns OT
503400342 Replacement of old P
503400344 Appointment of energ
503400346 Work of replacement
503400348 Work of avoiding smo
503400353 SITC of chimneyscrub
503400354 Providing APC system to Charai cemetery
503400358 Repairs to furnance
503400360 Replacement of Centr
503400372 Rew.comLight.rep.waterPump KanjurMargPPC
503400373 Rew.C.LightRep.W.PumpR'baiAmbedkarM.Home
503400374 E&M work at VNShirodkar Mat Home K/E
503400375 Rep switchgear&etc Pump Akurli Rd M Home
503400377 Installation 1HP pumpGulbaiDespensaryG/N
503400378 Urgent/UnforeseenRewiringDis.H.P.MatHome
503400379 Procure't&repairInverterDis,MatHomeH.P.
503400380 Urgent/Unforeseen RewiringMun.MainHosps.
503400382 Rep.of water pump sets at KEM Hospital.
503400383 Rep/repairMortuaryRacks,Cab.ACPlant-KEMH
503400384 SITC FireProtectionSystem at KEMHospital
503400387 Rewiring works at L.T.M.G. Hospital.
503400390 Rep.filters,etc.&insulationACplants-LTMG
503400391 Urgent/UnforeseenRewiring-PeripheralHosp
503400392 Prov.Borewell&repair-Pheri'alHospital-ES
503400393 Rep&Repl.FireFigh'gSystemBhabhaHospKurla
503400395 R.Suct.Lines,etc.cen.suc.systemRajawadiH
503400396 Replac.H.T.Switch gear-M.T.Agarwal Hosp
503400397 Cen.OxygenLines&relatedWorks-AgarwalHosp
503400400 R.C.VaccumPump,pipelines&access.Cooper H
503400402 Repl.VaccumPumps with accs.-VN DesaiHosp
503400403 Repl.O2, N2O&S.Pipelines,acces.VNDesai
503400404 SITC 50 KVA Generator-Sant Muktabai Hosp
503400406 Bed,R.W.Chair etc&Wirin.ACGen.SiddharthH
503400407 SITC Mortuary Cabinet-Siddharth Ngr Hosp
503400408 Urgent/Unfor'n rewiring-M.SpecialityHosp
503400411 WaterScrubberSystem,ReayRd HinduCemetryE
503400412 Install.street light,MulundCom.Cemetary
503400413 Rep&Repl.pyres,variousMun.cemeteries,H/E
503400415 Spl.Rep.Light Tower,Gorai Cemetery, R/C
503400416 Rep.WaterPump sets, Dharavi Cemetery G/N
503400417 Rep.WaterPump sets, Dharavi Cem Qtr. G/N
503400418 Rep.Water PumpSets,Shivaji Park Cem. G/N
503400419 APCors.EngSavingWorks-variousCemeteries
503400421 Rep.Chimney,Chandanwadi Hindu CemeteryC
503400430 Rewir.Power SaverMeasures N-Ward office
503400432 IT spares P&Ref.system-Mun.Properties-ES
503400433 Computer Lan Wiring&ald work&consumb-ES
503400436 Refurbishment of generator in E.S.
503400437 Fees-Reliance etc&ors.perm',E S
503400438 Proc.W.Purifiers,Coolers-Mun.Offices-ES
503400440 Urgent/unforseen rewiring-Mun.Properties
503400441 Install.SolarStreetLight-BhandupVilgArea
503400444 Rep.W.Pump320- tenemts,ShastriNgr-H/W-II
503400445 Rep.Pump Sets-Yari Rd,Conser'cy Qtr-K/W
503400446 Pump sets&P.lights-Con'cyQtr,JaiprakashN
503400447 RewiringC.Light-Conser'y qtr,MithaNgrP/S
503400448 Rewiring AHS Mun.Chawl in G/S ward
503400450 Rewiring-VeterinaryDisp.,SV Rd,KharW H/W
503400451 Procur.&Repair-Inverter in Fire Stn.E.S.
503400453 Rep.Switchgear&fixture-DindoshiFireStn.
503400454 Rep.WaterPumpSet-NarimanPoint Fire stn.A
503400455 Rep.water pump set-ColabaFireStn.A ward
503400456 Rep.water pump set-IndiraDockFire Stn A
503400461 Rewiring-J.S.Secondary Mun.School-D Ward
503400462 Rep.&Replac.E.Install.Pahadi Sec.School
503400474 SolarLights&H.M.LightsNanePada-PalmAcres
503400476 Borewells at various,Ewd
503400477 HighMastLamps.VNPuravMarg,etcWNo.136,M/E
503400482 Rewir Chincholi dispensary in P/S Ward
503400483 Rewir of Manori dispensary in P/N Ward
503400485 Rewir Goushala Dispensary in P/N Ward
503400486 Rewir Kurav Dispensary in P/ North Ward
503400487 Rewir Pathanwala Dispensary in P/N Ward
503400488 Rewir Dindoshi Vasahat Dispensary in P/N
503400489 Repl pump Akurli Road maternity Home R/S
503400490 Elect at Magathane Maternity Home in R/C
503400492 SITC DG Set Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Matern
503400494 Repl water pump set mun dispensari inG/N
503400495 Repl Air handling unit MS buldg K.E.M.
503400496 Repl Air handling units CVTC buldg K.E.M
503400500 Repl Air handling units at LTMG Hosp
503400502 Rewir various depts in L.T.M.G.Hospital
503400503 SITC of diesel generating set LTMG Hospi
503400505 Repl water pump &control panel L.T.M.G.
503400507 Repl Air handling units at Nair Hospital
503400508 Repl AC plants at Nair Hospital
503400509 Repl window& split ac units at Nair Hosp
503400510 Repl of DG Set K.B.Bhaba Hosp Bandra
503400515 SITC Of 200 KVA DG Set M.T.Agrawal Hosp
503400521 Repl ceiling fans in V.N.Desai Hosp
503400524 SITC suction pipe Mun Hos Sidharth Nagar
503400526 Mahanagar Gas connection Kasturba Hosp
503400529 Refurb Elec Furnace Oshiwara Crematorium
503400531 Elect works at Mudh Cemetery in P/N
503400533 Repl pumpset& pipeline Dahisar Cemetery
503400535 Replac pump set Daulatnagar Cemetery R/C
503400537 Elect of pyre shed Daulatnagar cemetery
503400544 Rewiring of A ward Municipal off buildg
503400545 Rewiring of Pest Control deptt in A ward
503400546 Rewir passage light at Sydenham B ward.
503400549 Rewir Panchsheel Niwas in E ward.
503400551 Rewir at Kamathipura buildg B in E ward
503400552 Rewir Nagpada BIT chawl no17& 18 E ward
503400553 Rewiring of various chowkies in E ward.
503400555 Rewiring Mun property in G/North ward.
503400556 Rewir comp light of staff quarters H/W
503400557 Rewir A.E. Water Works chowki P/S Ward.
503400558 Rewir & mech work at maint chowki P/S
503400559 Rewir& Mech work Sonawala Chowki P/S
503400560 Electrical work of Mun Premises P/N ward
503400563 Rewir& repal fixtures at CTIRC R/C Ward
503400565 Repl pump set Churchgate subway A ward
503400567 Repl water pump Agripada BITChawl E ward
503400568 Repl water pump BJ Marg 112 tanament
503400570 Repl water pump BJ Marg New 80 tenament
503400573 Repl water pump at qtrs at Maratha hosp
503400574 Repl &provd water pump set mun prop F/N
503400575 Repl&provd water pump sets mun prop G/N
503400577 SITC Of Highmasts & allied works T Ward
503400579 Rewiring of Asphalt garage bldg G/S
503400580 Rewiring compound lights Asphalt garage
503400586 Prov AC Prabhodankar Thakre Natya mandir
503400588 Provid Shed at Ghatkoper Swimming Pool
503500002 Prov - conservation of Mahim fort&beauti
503500004 Conservation of Historical Fountain&Stat
503500006 "Conservation, Interior designing&beautif"
503500007 Pre-monsoon special Rep to Manglore-tile
503500008 Project management&Consultancy charges -
503500009 Work of special Rep&maintenance at the o
503500011 Renovation&new construction of Composite
503500012 Prov - various Rep&imprvmt of ground flo
503500014 Comprehensive Rep to the existing Bldg o
503500016 Proposed construction of P/S office Bldg
503500019 Proposed construction of separate wrd of
503500022 "Carrying out major Rep, structural Rep, "
503500024 "Prov - construction , Rep&reconstruction"
503500029 Extensive Rep to the Mun Properties whic
503500030 Structural Rep to the properties such as
503500036 "Rep, reconstruction andredevelopment of "
503500037 "Rep, reconstruction&redevelopment of sta"
503500038 "Rep, reconstruction&redevelopment of sta"
503500049 Construction of New
503500051 Construction of New
503500052 Construction of New
503500055 Construction of New
503500056 Construction of New
503500058 Construction of New
503500062 Construction of New
503500068 Construction of New
503500069 Construction of New
503500074 Improvement of Adiva
503500080 Improvement of Adiva
503500090 Improvement of Adiva
503500203 Beautification of Promenade at Haji Ali seaface
503500204 Interior Heritage HO
503500205 Comprehensive rep to the bldg of C ward offices
503500208 Demolition of unauthorised structure& unsafe bldg
503500231 Const of retaining wall where it is necessary
503500372 Provision for DrBaba
503500373 Construction of reta
503500377 Structural repairs to Anandashram building at R G
503500384 Lump sum Provision f
503500394 Providing facilities
503500557 Provision for improv
503500562 Repairs of drains WC Blocks passages and pathways
503500563 Repairs of WC Blocks
503500567 Repairs of drains WC Blocks passages and pathways
503500570 Improvement of wells
503500582 Repairs of B.I.T. Chawl in ward no.218 in C Ward
503500597 Works of Slum impro
503500618 Improvement of pathw
503500619 Repairs of internal
503500620 Repairs of toilet bl
503500631 Repairs of pathways,
503500742 Repairs to A.P.block
503500760 Undergrd.CarParking facility,Tardeo&etc.
503500764 MajorStructuralRepair-Shivalaya Bldg.G/S
503500766 Support&Retaining Walls,Bhandup-W-S ward
503500768 Major repairs BIT 1t4, Kkhade Marg E
503500769 Major repairs E1to E6 KD GaikwadNagar FN
503500772 Repair HajiMastanTalao, JJHospitalArea E
503500773 Repairs KharaTalao, NalBazaar, in C ward
503500774 Prov for repair Kajupada, Ghatkopar(W) N
503500775 Re rec cen KasturbaColony, Byculla in E
503500776 Rep slums Chandani agar,VijayN1,2,3, FN
503500777 Rep WCblocks AareyColony(E) are in P/S
503500778 Rep path MahaN, RaheevNagar slums H/E
503500779 Fix tiles, Const pathway, GaneshN, KE
503500780 Fix tiles, Constpathway, SariputN, KE
503500781 Imp slum BharatNagar(West) in H/E
503500782 Pro civic amen Amarnagar, Bazar Kurla(W)
503500783 Fixing tiles, drainage etc GautamN KE
503500784 Imp SWD DnyaneshNagar slum in HE
503500785 Prov foot, SWDs VinobaBhaveN Kurla(W) L
503500786 Imp SWDs and pathways at Rajeevnagar HE
503500787 Cons pathways, SWD KokanNagar slum K/E
503500788 Imp pathway Jadhav Chawl, KetkarC slum L
503500789 Prov dev RahulNagar1,2 Phulenagar slum L
503500790 Imp MaharashtraNagar slum H/E ward
503500791 Prov foot SWD BharatiNagar Kurla(W) L
503500792 Con path KrantiNagar, Bhimnagar slum PN
503500793 Fixing paverblocks Bhimwadislum FN
503500794 Imp slum AmbedkarNagar, LBSMarg in L
503500795 Prov footpaths, SWDs BhaveNagar Kurla L
503500796 Prov ft,SWDs Gurudattanagar, Kurla(W) L
503500797 Rep 12+12seat APBlock PanchsheelN2 MW
503500798 Prov civicaminities Habalepada, Bhims PN
503500799 Prov imp pathways MHB Malad(E) PN
503500800 Prov imp GilbertHill Slum area in KW
503500801 Rep PSCBlocks slum at IndiraNagar in L
503500802 Pro imp RamabaiAmbedkarnagar-1,2 in S
503500803 Prov pathway, Garibnagar, TirandazV S
503500804 Rep road SWDBharatNagar slum in HE
503500805 Prov WCblocks Jagdushanagar in N ward
503500806 Prov imp MohitePatilnagar, slum ME
503500807 Pro basic amen slum Kajupada N
503500808 Pro civic SimlaEstate, slum area in L
503500809 Imp slum at KajupadaHill, MittalNagar L
503500810 Prov civic slum DhobiGhat, MGNagar FN
503500811 Prov rep WCBlocks Chandivali L
503500812 Pro civic amen KamaniInd GandhiN, L
503500813 Pro civic slum GaneshNagar, F/NorthWard
503500814 Imp slum KurlaVillage, ShantiNagar L
503500815 Pro civic amen GiridharTambeNagar FN
503500816 Pro civi slum AadarshN, Charabi Chawl FS
503500817 Imp slum Takiyabai, TakshshillaNagar L
503500818 Imp slum MotilalNagar2&3, PremN P/S
503500819 Rep WCBlocks SaiNiwas, GoteshwarCha E
503500820 Imp slum BharatNagar H/E Ward
503500821 Prov civic amen SarvodyaHospital, N
503500822 Prov civic amen Chokhamba Chawl, L
503500828 Cleaning Wells Ward no.219,C ward
503500830 Prov.for Borewell&Ringwell,W.No.15,R/C W
503500834 Rep Bldg A,B,C,D, 112Tenaments ward204 E
503500835 Rep Bldg A,B 80 Tenament BJRd ward204 E
503500836 Imp liabroom 254Transitcamp ward204 E
503500837 Rep munchawls ward205 E ward
503500838 Rep BITchawls Agripada ward no.205 in E
503500840 Rep munprop Kamathipura ward209 EWard
503500841 Struc rep Shashtringr munbldg ward92 HW
503500842 Imp SimalaNagarSlum ward 213 D
503500843 Imp Slum AshaNagar ward no.213 D
503500845 Imp slum ward81 in H/East Ward
503500846 Prov footpath, drainges, ward 87 in H/E
503500847 Prov rep WCBlocks in slum ward87 H/East
503500848 Prov Pathways, Slum ward no.67 in K/East
503500849 Improvement Slum ward no.80 in K/East
503500850 Prov pathway Ganeshnagar ward 54 KWest
503500851 Cons pathways Fakirwadi ward54 K/West
503500852 Prov civicamen slum TinDongari ward49 PS
503500853 Imp KrantiNgr, GokulNgr slum ward35 P/N
503500854 Prov sewerlines, Slum ward 27 in R/South
503500855 Imp Slum ward16 R/Central ward
503500856 Imp andShashtriNgr slum ward157 L
503500857 Imp Slums ward159 in L Ward
503500858 Improvement slum at ward no.153 in L
503500859 Prov slum imp Panjarapole ward136 M/East
503500864 Maj stru rep Bldg 19,20, 45&46(10) F/N
503500867 Maj rep Bldg A to E B.I.T. Matunga F/N
503500869 Maj rep StaffQtrs ShastriLane Sion F/N
503500870 GenCivilRep Bldg KidwaiNgr MadhavNgr F/S
503500884 Provision for Soil Investigation
503500890 Provision for Mural at Shivaji Park.
503500896 Rep bldg Maratha Comp&Hafiza Chawl EWard
503500897 Repairs Lovelane BIT Chawls in E Ward
503600002 Reno Estate dept Head office at Paltan road
503700001 Acquisition of lands - various purpose
503800001 Remodeling&reconstruction of Gawalia Ta
503800003 Constrn of Regional Command Office - I a
503800005 Addition&alteration - Regional Command O
503800008 "Asphalting of parade ground,internal&ext"
503800009 "Constrn of compound wall,RCC framed dril"
503800010 Internal&External plastering&painting of
503800012 Constrn of Bldg - Regional Command Offi
503800015 Constrn of RCC framed drill tower with h
503800017 Additional work at kurla fire Station
503800019 Constrn&development of Regional Command
503800021 Constrn&development of Regional Command
503800025 Major rep work to Mulund Fire Station
503800042 Reconst. / Remodeling of Dadar Fire Station
503800046 Rep Chembur Fire Station qrtrs includ drill tower
503800048 Const qtr on bldg Gawanpada Fire Station
504100001 Constrn of Stadium on R.G. plot at Curry
504100003 Constrn of stadium on playground at Bhat
504100007 Upgradation of Playgrounds under Open sp
504100008 "Upgradation of Existing Gardens, R.G."
504100009 "Devpmt of New Gardens,R.G. ( TDR Plots)"
504100012 Prov - special project - beautification
504100013 Devpmt&beautification of Shivaji park at
504100014 Beautification of Shyam NagarTalao in K/
504100015 Devpmt&beautification of Brahmachari Vis
504100017 "Renovation of Priyadarshani Udyan ,S Wrd"
504100018 Prov - Beautification&Improvement of Ch
504100020 Devpmtal wrk in VJB Udyan under Heritage
504100022 Devpmt of Children parks with modern Equ
504100025 Prov new play apparatus
504100027 Prov Bore well
504100029 Prov - modernisation&upgradation of Virm
504100057 Construction of New
504100077 Dev&BeaGarPonamNagar
504100078 Dev&BeaGarGondavali
504100105 Dev plot near Xaviers School reserv p ground K/E
504100126 Beautification of Sh
504100130 Beautification of Re
504100131 Beautification of Re
504100132 Provision for develo
504100133 Beautification of Veer Kotwal Udyan Dadar
504100142 Beautification of Sheetal Talao in L Ward
504100145 Provision for Shahid
504100151 Development of Ambedkar Nagar Garden Bandra East,
504100154 Beautification of Sw
504100166 Development of Garde
504100172 Beautification of Joging park in ward no.122 in N
504100174 Development of Garde
504100186 Development of Raja Ram Udyan K/E
504100187 Garden at reserved plot CTSno.838/1 in T
504100188 Playapparatus Chintamanrao Deshmukh in T
504100189 Garden & Tract on plot opp. Kalpak F/N
504100190 Rep open air theatre SK Patil Udyan in C
504100191 Development of Godrej Maidan in F/S ward
504100198 Fencing of Tilak Nagar ground in M/W
504100199 Const of Deepmala at Shivaji Park at G/N
504100201 Development of garden & grounds wn198F/S
504100202 Beautification of Nehru Garden wn165F/N
504100204 Renovation of Ramesh Nagar Udyan wn58K/W
504100205 Renovation of various gardens at wn58K/W
504100206 Develo gardens transfer fr MHADA wn54K/W
504100209 Garden, Play Ground, R.G. wn45P/S
504100211 Develop Garden & Playground wn18R/S
504100213 Extension and imp of gardens wn18R/S
504100214 Develop of Ovaripada Garden w n6R/N
504100216 Develop Anandibai Surve Udyan wn152L
504100218 Children Park at Maniklal Estate wn121N
504100223 Develop Garden & Playground wn100T
504100224 Beauti of August Kranti Maidan wn213D
504100227 Play appartus at Sarvoday ground wn69K/E
504100228 Rep play, recreation ground wn48P/S
504100234 Const Shed at Holi Maidan wn136M/E
504100244 Provision executed Head quarter Garden
504100245 Const Shed on Stadium in Dattaji Salvi
504100250 Operation& Maint Grounds& Gardens in G/N
504100257 Dev garden & Compound Ward No.82 in H/E
504100260 Develo ground CTS No1304 ward 101 T Ward
504200003 Reconstruction of Poonam Nagar Market in
504200009 Conservation of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Ma
504200013 Comprehansive rep of Market in Mumbai
504200031 Provi nw roof to Vegetable Market in G/S
504200032 Carry Various works at Fish Market G/S
504400001 Adding setback lands to the Rd in City
504400002 Constrn/Reconstruction/Improvement of fo
504400007 Widening&imprvmt of various Rd in City t
504400012 Improvement of Minor Road Upto 30 feet width
504400013 Prov - Improvement of passages&construct
504400014 Provisions for Repairs to Sea Walls
504400021 Concreting major Rd&junctions including
504400022 Concreting major Rd&junctions including
504400025 Prov - special project - landscaping&bea
504400031 Area Traffic ctrl (MUTP)
504400089 Const School no1&2,Barve Nagar
504400090 Raising & lowering of chambers/ manholes on Rds
504400092 Imp Vidya Stn LK Rd
504400100 Imp Rd,SWD Vakola,Prabhat Colony, Anand ngr E&W
504400173 Rep Rd Shyam TalaoKE
504400185 Provision for old final bills
504400189 Construction and bea
504400300 Improvement of minor
504400301 Improvement of minor
504400327 Improvement of vario
504400373 Imp Laxmibai Jagmohandas Marg in D ward
504400374 Imp rd at Mangalmurti Bldg in Pestom M/W
504400375 Imp footpath near Sulbha School M/W
504400376 Imp rds at M.L.Hussain Marg in L ward.
504400377 Rep Internal rds near Navtarun Mitra F/N
504400378 Rep pathway sector-7 to Veer Shanti F/N
504400379 Fix paver block Unit No.31, 6, 7, 29 P/S
504400380 Beauti footpath Aarey Colony (E) P/S
504400382 Const int rds&drain line Saatbawadi K/E
504400383 Fixing of ladi in Idgaha Maidan in K/E
504400385 Imp rd Kajupada Bharat Coal Compound inL
504400386 Rep/beauti Footpaths at Govt. Colony H/E
504400387 Improvement of Roads at Gandhi Nagar H/E
504400388 Improvement of roads in Govt. Colony H/E
504400389 Beauti footpath Govt. Colony &Gandhi H/E
504400390 Fixing paver block footpath KetkipadaR/N
504400391 Imp minor rd at Haji Mastan Talao in E
504400393 Imp minor rd Khara Talao,Nal Bazaar in C
504400394 Imp intrnl rd KharaTalao,Nal Bazar in C
504400395 Imp rd Umarwadi, Nehru nagar in L
504400396 Rep footpath Shivshrusthi Vasaahat in L
504400397 Rep footpath opp. Kalpak Estate in F/N
504400400 Const rd in Appapada ward in P/N ward
504400401 Reconst Bhalchandra Chunnilal Marg R/N
504400402 Rep rd with SWD at MHB colony R/C
504400403 Imp rd Madh Marve, Malvani Church P/N
504400404 Imp Dhanjiwadi rd at Malad (E) in P/N
504400406 Imp Gaodevi Durgamata road in K/W
504400407 Imp rd Charkop sector 3,5 & 7 in R/C
504400408 Imp rd Marol-Maroshi Road K/E ward
504400409 Imp Petit Mun. School Lane Road in H/W
504400410 Imp Jain Mandir rd, K.C. Marg in H/W
504400411 Rolling on footpath at Nardas nagar in S
504400412 Rd & footpaths in Aadivasi area S ward
504400413 Imp rd Sarvodaya Hosp in N
504400414 Imp footpath Sarvodaya Hosp in N ward
504400415 Imp minor&major rd Asalfa village in N
504400416 Imp rd Mohite Patil nagar, Sathe ngr M/E
504400417 Imp rd below 30 ft at Tunga Village in L
504400418 Imp footpaths Tunga Village in L
504400419 Rep of rd at Tunga Gaon in L Ward
504400420 Rep footpath Nehru Nagar in L Ward
504400421 Rep rd Brahmanwadi, Bharatiya in L
504400422 Imp rd Nagoba Chowk, Tadwadi in L
504400423 Imp rd Matunga lane No.1, 2, 3 & 4 F/N
504400424 Imp footpath Matunga in F/N
504400425 Relling footpath Lillabai Kasabe in F/N
504400426 Rep internal rd Vasantdada Patil in F/N
504400427 Imp rd Kidwai Nagar, Annabhao Sathe F/S
504400428 Imp rd Byculla Bhai Bal Mukund Marg in E
504400429 Imp rd Yashwant Nagar, Tanaji Nagar P/S
504400430 Const Traffic Island near Khar Stn H/W
504400432 Provision for Rds and footpaths w n213D
504400434 Imp Rd from CGS.Colony wn170F/N
504400435 Imp Rd at Antop Hill from EMGEE wn170F/N
504400436 Imp rd near Walchand Bungalow wn170F/N
504400437 Rep various footpaths in wn 81 in H/E
504400438 Rep Pipeline to Jawahar Nagar Rd wn90H/E
504400439 Rep JP.Road, Khar (E) wn90H/E
504400440 Improvement of Roads in wn93H/W
504400443 Renovation of V.R.Desai rd wn 58K/W
504400445 Repairs of minor roads in ward no.49P/S
504400446 Improvement of Roads in w no.27 in R/S
504400450 Improvement of footpaths in wn161 L
504400454 Const of Stone Joint-Road wn 136M/E
504400455 Improvement of Roads in ward no.143 M/W
504400456 Beautification of Chowk in wn47 P/S
504400457 Beauti Rani Sati Marg near TIPCO wn40P/S
504400459 Beauti Shri Arbindo Chowk wn136M/E
504400468 Improv minor roads in ward 207 E Ward
504400469 Improv road Wadala FOB&Wadala-Ghatkopar
504400472 Impr footpath with SWD Gulmohar road K/W
504400476 Impro 1st and 2nd Pasta Lane roads AWard
504400479 Repairs minor roads Ward No 202 E Ward
504400480 Beautifi traffic islands ward 207 E Ward
504400482 Cons traffic islands in Ward No 5 R/N
504500001 Spl Rep to Foot overBridges&Road over Br
504500002 Prov - payment of utility Railway Contra
504500003 Prov - major Rep work to be carried out
504500010 Widen/Reconst of Bridges&Footover Bridge
504500011 Improvement of Priyadarshani Park Bridge
504500012 Improvement of existing Kennedy bridge i
504500013 Extension of FOB at Matunga Railway Stat
504500016 Proposed construction of Bridgesacross S
504500017 Widening of bridges along Hansa Bhugra M
504500019 Proposed F.O.B. across Nityanand Marg at
504500024 Rep&Reconstruction of Bridge at Kama Ind
504500032 Widening of Bridge at Kranti Nagar L wrd
504500033 Reconstruction of bridge across Mithi Ri
504500035 Widening Four bridges on south side in G
504500041 Widening of vehicular bridge nearNahur s
504500044 1) ROB in lieu of LC No. 24&25 on Wern R
504500045 2) ROB in lieu of LC No. 26&27 on Wern R
504500051 Constrn of Pedestrian Grade Seperator Sc
504500057 Construction of New
504500060 Widen&reconst.Bridge at Kandivali Gaothan Rd
504500061 Proposed const. of Bridge at R.D.P.7, Charkop
504500063 FOB Dahisar River RN
504500069 Widen Bridge across Deonar Nalla in M/E
504500073 Const FOB across LCNo31 joining Kandivali E&W
504500074 Reconst. of Existing Old Bridge at Dahanukar Wadi
504500085 Construction of foot
504500090 Reconstruction of Br
504500091 Reconstruction of Br
504500092 Reconstruction of Br
504500093 Reconstruction of Br
504500095 Reconstruction of Pi
504500096 Widening of Islampur
504500102 Construction of FOB
504500105 Construction of ROB
504700007 Devpmt of Cemetery at Cheeta camp
504700008 "Devpmt of Rafique Nagar Kabrasthan, Gova"
504700009 Constrn of Hindu Cemetery at Deonar
504700010 "Constrn of shed - woods&pyers, fencing&b"
504700012 Devpmt of Christian Cementary at Oshiwar
504700023 Spl Rep&Renovation of Oshiwara Mat Home&
504700024 Reconstruction of Kherwadi Mat Home
504700025 Constrn of additional floor - Mat home o
504700029 Major Rep to Choksy Mat. Home &Staff qua
504700030 Structural&General Rep to Akurli Road Ma
504700031 Major&Minor Rep work to Borivali Mun Mat
504700032 Major structural Rep Chunabhatti Mat Hom
504700037 Reconstruction of Mulund Colony Dispensa
504700039 Upgrad & Const Of Regional Health Centre
504700042 Upgradation of Mat Homes
504700045 Major Rep to Bhardawadi Mat Home Bdg&Sta
504700048 Spl Rep including Water Proofing Work a
504700049 Major Rep to Matoshri Ramabai Thackery M
504700061 Construction of New
504700062 Construction of New
504700069 Imp GateBurial & Cre
504700071 Special rep to Sion Hindu Cemetery in F/North
504700073 Special rep to Antop Hill Muslim Cemetery in F/N
504700082 Prov for Payment of Final Bill
504700085 Rep Rawli Camp Maternity Home at Sion Koliwada
504700089 rep equip OshiMat KW
504700095 Christian Dis KurlaW
504700096 Sp rep BudhaColony Disp,H Post&PPCL Ward.
504700097 Major rep to Cheeta Camp Mat. Home
504700099 Rep works to Cattle Pound, Malad
504700101 Development Ajgaonkar Plot
504700119 Purchase of furnitur
504700120 Purchase of equipment for Mother and Child Health
504700127 Provision for Conver
504700130 Struct.rep of Prabhadevi Mat.Home in G/N
504700133 Bal. Civil Work of Kherwadi Mat. Home
504700136 Prov.for rep. to Amboli Hindu K/W
504700164 Upgradation Teen Dongri HealthCentre P/S
504700165 Upgration Topiwala Maternity Home P/S
504700166 Paint dispen Patanwal Road,Pawar E Ward
504700167 Prov facilit Hindu Cemetery Chunabhatti
504700168 Manure&plantation grassTrombay cemetery
504700169 Recon Shed Vaikuntadham Cemetery E Ward
504900001 Contribution - Prov&installing prepaid W
504900002 Prov - removal of bunch of connections i
504900007 LS Provn-laying distributory WM service
504900008 "Replace various diaW M's in A,C & D ward"
504900009 Replace of various dia WM in B & E ward
504900010 Replace various diaW M's F/S & F/N ward
504900011 Replace various diaW M's G/S & G/N ward
504900012 Rehabilitation of small dia WM in City
504900013 Rehabilitation WM 450mm & above
504900021 Replace old WM&Transfer Service B&E wrd
504900022 Constrn Under Ground Reservoir Durga Dev
504900024 Laying various dia WM in F/S & F/N ward
504900026 "Provn - Replace old/deep WM G/S,G/N"
504900029 Replace large dia WM's &Outlets City
504900031 Constrnof suction tank & pumping B ward
504900033 "Re-Aligning&Rehab 57"" Tansa G/N,G/S"
504900035 Diversn 600mm WM d Rly bridge Rennova
504900041 LS Provn - payment of final bill WS
504900043 Rehabilitation WM in WS
504900045 "Replace WM H,K Wards WS"
504900046 Replace WM in P & R Wards WS
504900051 "P/L WM,Renewal/Transfer SVChamber H/E"
504900052 Conversn Pump z1s operated Pali Hill Res
504900053 P/L 600mm WM PDHinduja Rd in H/W
504900056 Diversion WM's from SWD's in H & K ward
504900058 P/L WM'S Marol Maroshi Z1 Part - C K/E
504900059 Laying 900mm WM Manjarekar Wadi Lan
504900060 "Laying WM-MHADA,PMGP,Poonam Nagr"
504900063 a)P/L WM Yari Rd Z1 P/L diversn WM K/W
504900064 "P/L various diaWM in Vileparle(W) Z1,K/W"
504900072 "P/L 900mm WM Ramchandra Lane Jn,"
504900074 a)Diversn 600mm &small WMs Ramchandr
504900079 a) P/L WM R/S& R/N ward P/L WM Link Rd
504900081 P/L 600> 450mm WM Bhavdevi Maidan to
504900085 P/L various dia WM's in H/E & H/W ward
504900089 P/L various dia WM's in K/E & K/W ward
504900090 P/L various dia WM's in P/S & P/N ward
504900091 Replace of old & corroded WM in P&R ward
504900092 Replace comm pipe by single pipe P&R war
504900094 "P/L various dia WM's R/S,R/C & R/N ward"
504900097 "LS Provn-laying distributory WM, service"
504900101 Replace of various dia WM in E Suburbs
504900102 Rehabilitation WM in ES
504900104 LS Provn unseen work exigent nature ES
504900105 Rehab 1500mm riveted chord main (about
504900106 Replace/Rehab 1200mm dia Vehar Main
504900107 Laying & Extending WM's in L ward
504900110 Laying various diaWM's L & N ward
504900116 "a)Laying 150mm diaWM at 6th Rd,Chembu"
504900117 Provid Suction Tank&Pump & lay 150mm
504900121 Laying WM's in M/E & M/W ward
504900122 P/L 600mm MSWM &300mm CIWM
504900123 LS Provn-Replace old comm pipe in N ward
504900130 Providing & Laying 900mm diaMSWM in S
504900133 Laying of various dia WM's in E Suburbs
504900134 Laying of various dia WM's by Micro Tunn
504900138 "Laying 600mm,450mm,300mm diaWM's"
504900139 "P/L 1200mm,900mm,750mm,600mm,450mm "
504900141 Laying 450 & 300mm dia WM's as per the Z
504900142 Strengthening of structures at Tansa as
504900155 "Constrnof RCC chairs below 72"" dia Tansa"
504900156 "Constrnof RCC chairs below 72"" dia Tansa"
504900157 Repair & Resurface serv Kalher to AgraRd
504900159 Constrnof new RCC Bridge by demolishing
504900160 Prividing epoxy paint to Trunk main OC
504900168 Renovation of Administrative Kapurbawdi
504900176 Providing MS Patch Plating to the bottom
504900204 Effluent Treatment Plant - at Panjarapur
504900206 "Design,Fabrication,Supply,Installation,T"
504900209 Work to be carried out per recommendatn
504900218 Replace of wiring of Agra Rd Staff Quart
504900223 "Supply,Installation & Commissioning of r"
504900225 Renovation alum dosing sys Bhandup Comp
504900230 "Removal of accumulated sludge, waste wat"
504900236 Beutification & LandScaping Bhandup Comp
504900241 To appoint Consultant to Study & Advise
504900245 Upgradatn SCADA Sys HE's network
504900258 Re-wiring & Electrification of Emergency
504900269 Upgradation/Addition of Hardware Periphe
504900273 "Supply, Installation of Electro-Chlorina"
504900275 Provn of various Civil works like excava
504900277 Rehabilitation of heavily leaking/deteri
504900278 ReConstrnof UCR compound wall including
504900282 "Supply installation and commissioning , "
504900283 Beatification of Hanging garden and Kaml
504900284 garden&landscape Bhandarwada&Worli
504900291 "Supply, installation, testing & commissi"
504900294 Renovation/Constrnof various properties
504900298 Provn of various Civil works like excava
504900301 Providing facilities to Veravali Reservo
504900302 ReConstrnof UCR compound wall including
504900309 Work of Replace of old non functioning w
504900311 Lump sum Provn - Replace of control valv
504900312 Survey & providing cathodic protection -
504900313 "Supply installation and commissioning , "
504900323 Renovation/Constrnof various properties
504900324 Supply & installation of pump sets & cub
504900326 Rewiring and electrification of various
504900327 Replace of actuators & accessories - res
504900330 Development and beautification of parks
504900331 Renovation of Rds&SWD under AEOC(TM)
504900333 "Renovation/ Modification of Vehar, Tulsi"
504900334 Renovation & Constrn Sluice valve ES
504900335 External paint trunk mains AEOC(TM) Divn
504900339 Rewiring and electrification of various
504900340 "Various civil works to Staff Quarters, R"
504900342 ReConstrnof UCR compound wall including
504900345 Strengthening of major culverts below th
504900346 Conservtn Powai Nation Lake Conservancy
504900347 Developmt & beatification of Powai Lake
504900349 Provn - various civil works like excavat
504900350 "Supply, Installation & Commissioning of "
504900353 Providing fencing/compound wall - protec
504900354 "Renovation, ReConstrnor Constrnof valve "
504900355 "Supply installation and commissioning , "
504900356 Rehabilitation of trunk mains in the ES
504900359 Renovation/Constrnof various properties
504900371 Annual Maintenance contract of portable
504900378 "Provide plantation,garden protect HE's l"
504900382 Annual Mainten contract portable machine
504900385 Various Structural works & allied Civil
504900387 Security Provn etc at various reservoirs
504900401 "Landscaping, beautification & major civi"
504900403 Survey & providing cathodic protection -
504900404 Demolution & Re-Constrnof Bhandup Hill R
504900407 Prov - removal of bunch of connections i
504900408 504900408
504900409 504900409
504900410 Lghtng arrngmnt Stores&ScrpYrd at Marol & Powai.
504900411 Repl InletOutlet WM
504900412 Laying various dia. WM in Dharavi, G/North ward.
504900413 Diversion of WM by Micro-Tunnelling in ES
504900414 Laying various dia WM in L, M/East & M/West Wards
504900416 Laying various dia Water Mains in N, S & T Wards.
504900420 Epxy Paint VaitrnaWM
504900421 Pat pltg ChnchvlAgra
504900422 MS pat pltng Tansa & Vaitrna TM-Pogaon to Tarali
504900428 EpoxyPaint to Mumbai-II,III MS TM Yewai-Majiwade
504900429 EpoxyPaint to 2750mmUprVaitrna & 2500mmVaitrna
504900430 MS pat pltng to 1800mmTans(E)&(W) mains in OCdiv
504900432 Survey ModakSagarDam
504900434 Purchase of 1200mmPlungr valve with sprs in OCdiv
504900435 Repl PnjrprTrnsfrmr
504900439 Epxy AlumTank@Pnjrpr
504900441 Prov furniture & CompSys Mumbai IIIA Plant Pnjrpr
504900444 Repl AutChlrnAbSyPis
504900453 Modification of filters at Tulsi Lake.
504900460 SITC 3.3 KV Vaccume Circuit Breakers at BC PpgStn
504900461 Sup SS impellers M&P make pump at BC PpgStn.
504900466 Purch emrgncy material, tools, equipmnt, mchnry
504900468 AMC for portable machineries under AEWW(ERC)
504900472 Var M&E&alled wok imprvmnt PpgStn,Rsrvr&Bldg CITY
504900473 Refurb/Repl/Augmntn wrk for var PpgStn in City.
504900486 Reno, Cleaning exis- wells,pro newBoreWells,City
504900489 Const Office Buldg Sec HE's Deptt in B T Ward B
504900491 improv of water supply under WDIP in A,B & E Ward
504900492 Replacement & Laying of Water Mains in C & D Ward
504900493 WDIP in C & D wards
504900494 Reple & Laying of Water Mains in F/S & F/N Wards.
504900495 Work of replacement
504900496 WDIP in C & D wards
504900497 Replacement & Laying of Water Mains in G/S& G/N
504900500 improv of water supply under WDIP in G/S Ward
504900501 improv of water supply underWDIP in G/N Ward.
504900502 Reh/mor W/M in w/sub
504900503 P/L various dia. W/M by Microtunneling in W/S
504900504 Rev.cle,prov well ws
504900505 WDIP in H/E,H/W
504900506 improv of water supply underWDIP in K/EWard.
504900508 P/L various dia. Water mains in K Ward.
504900509 improv of water supply underWDIP in K/w Ward.
504900510 improv of water supply underWDIP in P/S Ward.
504900512 P/L various dia. WM on W E H in P/S, P/N
504900514 improv of water supply underWDIP in P/N Ward.
504900515 improv of water supply underWDIP in R/S Ward.
504900517 improv of water supply underWDIP in R/C&R/NWard.
504900521 Rev.cle,prov well Es
504900523 La/Rep WM impr of water supply at in L, M/E &M/W
504900525 imp water supply under WDIP in E S L Ward.
504900526 Arbi,Cou,P/L450 mmCIWM fr Saki to Asal vil Kur W
504900527 impr of water supply underWDIP in E S M/E& M/W.
504900528 Lay/Rep WM improf water supply at in N,S&T
504900529 Prov& Cons water storage tanks imp of w supN S T
504900530 imp water supply under WDIP in E S N Ward.
504900531 imp water supply under WDIP in E S. S&T Ward.
504900532 Repi to bad patches/spot repairs of rd in O.C Dv.
504900533 Cont Retain wall Tan
504900534 C.C Enca108"dia. divr main &Up Vaitarna in O.C.
504900535 Reconstr of Service Road from Balkum to Kolshet.
504900536 Cont UCR CompTarali
504900539 prov Epoxi mt at Tan
504900541 prov Epoxi mt Ptvat
504900554 Rel Energy sys Panjr
504900555 S&Iof solar water heating system at Panjrapur.
504900557 Pait EqRel nut Panjr
504900558 Cont W Way at Panjra
504900561 Purchase of pump spares of Panjrapur Pumping Sta
504900563 SupSpare IIIAAtPise
504900566 Pur 4 Nos. of Obermeyor Hydro IncUSA make at Pise
504900567 SITC of elect actuators at Pumping Station B. C
504900568 SITC of48VStation Battery charger for PumpSt B C
504900572 Re-eng ofPretreatorsB4& C3 at B C
504900573 SITCButerfly at BC
504900574 Sup Wireless set and assessories,City and O C Div
504900578 SIC of CCTV at O C
504900580 Rev&Recof HE'S Prope
504900582 Pur of various mater maint of wm,appurtan in City
504900583 Ele mech civ wks impr wt supPst, Res Tun& Bld AEM
504900584 cle&des of Res city
504900585 Ren/Reco security provProperties under AEMWW City
504900586 SITC30mtr 450LPS Bwd
504900587 SITC30mtr 450LPS Cwd
504900588 Pur of mach acce forwm PumpstReseTunn in W. S.
504900589 Pur of mate wm in WS
504900590 Ve wk imp Wt sup WS
504900597 Appt of Cons/ Contr agen pur machsurveyLD WM City
504900598 Appt of Cons/ Contr agen pur machsurveyLD WM WS
504900601 Rehab scheme for PAP's along W TruMains in WS
504900606 "Carrying outWDIP in A,B & E Wards - Phase II."
504900607 Carrying outWDIP in C D Wards - Phase II.
504900608 Carrying outWDIP in F/S & F/N Wards - Phase II.
504900609 Carrying outWDIP in G/South Ward - Phase II.
504900613 Carrying outWDIP in H/E & H/W Wards - Phase II.
504900615 Carrying outWDIP in K/WestWards - Phase II.
504900618 Carrying outWDIP in R/South Wards - Phase II.
504900622 Carrying outWDIP in E S L Wards - Phase II
504900624 Carrying outWDIP in E S N Wards - Phase II
504900626 Laying Replacing of various dia. WM in L,M/E &M/W
504900627 Laying Replacing of various dia. WM inN,S & T
504900628 Providing patch plating bottom surface Kap OCDiv
504900630 epoxy painting OCDIV
504900635 Repairs&recondi of BFValves, sluice valves OC.Di
504900636 Protection of MCGM's acquire land along water T M
504900637 Providing solar heating and lighting system TMS
504900639 SITC of Digital type weather Monitoring Equip TMS
504900644 Providing anticorrosive painting Tansa Section
504900647 Providing M.S.protective covers & enclosures toTM
504900651 Repairs to open drains and const of new open
504900652 Repairs of culverts in Tansa and Modaksagar Divi
504900653 Epoxy coating to Filter beds of Stage-III,
504900654 Epoxy coating to concentrated hopper of S Tank
504900655 Repai & refilling expansion joints Settling Tank
504900662 Ttransformerfor line
504900663 Replacable trench in Stage-II,III,at100 KV Panjra
504900665 Air source pipes Pan
504900669 Purchase of spares for Stage-III PPg St Panjrapur
504900671 Electric fence to MB
504900676 S/ISolar streetlight
504900678 S/LAm armoured cable
504900682 Recondi 4 Nos. of auxiliary transformers at Pise.
504900686 SECLstabiliserP PSt.
504900687 SEC 48V battery charger of Stage-I,Pise PPg Stati
504900688 SupS S.Sintermediate shaft Sta II&Stage-III Pise
504900694 Replacement of Air blower sets at Tulsi
504900698 washwater outletpipe
504900700 Anti corrosive painting of pretreator Bhandup Com
504900705 SITCompressed air
504900707 Pur of Crom Greaves make1700 KW,6.6 KV3Ph A.C Pa
504900708 Pur Kirloskar make 24 UPH 3(DV) Horizontal Split
504900710 100 KV CT/PTpanjrapu
504900712 Providing enclosures to settling tank panjrapur
504900713 Sp electricmotorPise
504900714 Supply of spares for Kirloskar make BHR 100
504900716 Repai to underground static tanks,Ren&Roc AEWWERC
504900717 vari civil worksexcavation,shoring,encasement ofW
504900720 cathodicprot wmCity
504900722 Replaceme goods lift
504900724 SITCnew pumpsetRHR
504900726 SICvarioussizes pump
504900732 "Variouselectrical,mech&civilWorks AEMWW E/S"
504900736 Prov WaterTank Slum ward no.9 R/Central
504900737 Rehab. of small dia.w m in City area. P
504900739 P/L various d. WM H/E, H/W& K/E Wards.(Z
504900740 P/L various dia. WM K/W, P/S& P/N Wards.
504900741 P/L various dia.WM R/S,R/C & R/N Wards.(
504900743 L/R WM & oth works impr.of wat sup in L,
504900744 L/R WM & oth works impr.of wat sup in N,
504900746 Strenth.Tansa&Vait Kasheli&Jamboli Sect
504900750 Sup leak arrest spec&tools for AEWW(Kap)
504900752 Rep CC val chamb MumII& III Main EEHW in
504900754 Anticor epo paint 3000MIIIA RisM Pis- Pa
504900756 Pr&fix orn gril seat arrng Mod Sag&Tan i
504900757 SITC 160KVA D.G.Set at Modak Sagar.
504900762 CC encase to water trunk mains at KBBrid
504900763 Const of service rd from Tansa Off to ga
504900765 6station class lightn arrest 100KV Sub S
504900771 SITC battery charger for Stage-II Pise P
504900776 Supp electrochem sensor at Pre Chlori Pl
504900792 Aerosol based fire exting syst BC& SCADA
504900797 Const RCC Comp Wall var prop City EE(C)
504900802 security syst CCTVcamera Laser Radar Res
504900822 3D Laser show and colour fountain at Pow
504900824 Water pipeline &water cone slums E Ward
505000008 Consultancy prepration of tender docu
505000009 Lay 3000mm undergrd WM MGL/EEH AmarMahl
505000010 Lay 3000mm undergrd WM MGL/EEH AmarMahl
505000012 P/L 1800/1500/1200mm internal Ø M.S.WM
505000013 Construction of tunnel of 3000mm& 5.5 Km
505000014 Const. Tunnel Veravali to Adarsh Nagar
505000015 Tunel Consultanc constructn 2 No tunnel
505000017 "Payment service agency BEST,MSEB,BSES"
505000018 Constructn Treat Plant Panjrapur MMR -5T
505000020 Civil work Panjrapur Pump Stn No.MMR 1
505000021 Civil work Pise Pump Stn No.MMR 1(C.C.)
505000022 Pump Plant Panjrapur Mechan No MMR 3 (M)
505000023 Electric Work Pise&Panjrapur No.MMR4(E)
505000026 "Supply,delivery,erectin,testing 100/140 "
505000027 chlorination plant Panjrapur III A MWSP
505000029 Construction of veh bridge transmission
505000030 Preparatory Consturctn Mid Vaitarana Dam
505000034 Preparatry Mid Vaitarna Demarcatn survey
505000035 PreparatoryMid Vaitaran Consultncy CDO
505000036 Preparatory Mid Vaitarana Conveyance
505000040 MWSP Constructn intake Modak Sagar
505000041 Construction 900MLD water plantt Bhandup
505000042 "Construct 900MLD Pump Stn,rising main "
505000043 "Supply,erection,testing etc.Pump plant "
505000044 Construction of Middle Vaitarna Dam.
505000045 "MWSP Consultan Feasibility Studies,"
505000046 Preparatory Mid Vaitaran Acquisition
505000047 Vaitarana Cost Rehab&settlemt affected
505000052 Consultancy - detailed engineering and s
505000054 Constrnof tunnel from Gundavali to Bhan
505000055 Constrn tunnel Malbar Hill -Cross Maidan
505000056 Constrn tunnel Maroshi to Ruparel Colleg
505000060 505000060
505000063 Lmpsmp prv arbi fees
505000064 Concreting of the road between Panjrapur & Pise
505000065 Work of beautification of Pnrpr&Pise PPgStn Cmplx
505000066 SITC 2No.40 KVA DGset for WSPoffice at Powai&Blkm
505000068 ConsltncyPrjMgmntMVD
505000070 Ap const 2unGrou Tnn
505000079 Construction of Malad Hill Reservoir No.III
505000081 Development of future sources - Gargai
505000085 Rprs&Modification at G/North ward office
505100002 Rehabilitation sewers by lining/coating
505100003 Rehabilitation Sewer lines pipe bursting
505100005 Consultancy-rehab/retrofitting sewer lin
505100006 To upgrade sewerage O & M services by im
505100007 LS Provn - settlement of claim / dispute
505100008 LS Provn-payment counsel&Arbitration fee
505100014 Consultancy services - condition assessm
505100022 Diversion of sewer by providing laying p
505100028 Overhaul&procure spare-actuator- Bandra
505100029 "Establish,Develop &furnish office Bandra"
505100033 Supply portable submersible pump-Bandra
505100038 "Supply of Projector, Laptop, Digital Cam"
505100040 "Provn-Replac&repair damage sewer A,C wrd"
505100041 "Provn-Replac&repair damage sewer B,E wrd"
505100042 Provn Replace&repair damaged sewer D wrd
505100043 "Provn-Replace&repair damge sewer F/S,F/N"
505100044 Provn - Replace & repairing of damaged s
505100045 "Provn-Replac&repair damage sewer H,K wrd"
505100046 "Provn-Replac&repair damage sewer P,R wrd"
505100047 Provn - Replace & repairing of damaged s
505100048 "Provn-Replace&repair damage sewer N,S&T "
505100049 Provn - disconnet the sewer line from SW
505100051 Provn - disconnet the sewer line from SW
505100058 Constrnof catch-pit chambers instead of
505100062 Constrnof catch-pit chambers instead of
505100139 Energy Consultan&implemen SO installatn
505100167 Rehabillitation and improvement of Sewe
505100168 Structural & general repairs to Municipa
505100172 Structural Repair & treatment bldgs
505100173 Rehab of man entry SL by trenchless tech
505100174 Rehab nonman entry sewer trenchless tech
505100179 "Various electrical work Bandra,IPS & EPS"
505100208 Work of Constrnof Administration Buildin
505100210 "Overhaul main pump IPS,EPS Love Grove"
505100211 various mechanical work Love Grove WWTF
505100212 various electrical work Love Grove WWTF
505100213 Replace wet well ventilation Love Grove
505100214 Modificatn external lighting LoveGrove
505100243 To carry out various remedial works at v
505100261 505100261
505100262 505100262
505100279 505100279
505100289 Various Mech works at VersovaGroup installations
505100290 Various Elect works at VersovaGroup installations
505100291 M&E works Shmpli Ppg
505100292 M&E works Khrwdi Ppg
505100293 Various M & E works at Malad Group installations
505100294 Refurb of 1400mmForce main at Versova Ppg.Stn.
505100299 Var MechWorks Colaba
505100300 SFI of weather shed on fine screens at LGWWTF.
505100301 Repl MS struc LGWWTF
505100302 ReplRefbRetrft Gates
505100304 Overhulng Var cranes & sup crane sprs at IPS&EPS
505100305 Overhulng mainpump & sup pump sprs at EPS/IPS
505100315 Purch of 2 Gully emptr units for EEM(MS)WS
505100321 Procurement of Desilting Machinery for W.S.
505100328 Procurement of DI frames&covers of various sizes
505100334 SIC of ventilation system at Wadala pumping st.
505100335 SItC125HP,585 rpm spare motor for TPP st.
505100337 Ext force main KPS
505100339 Anti Corr float Ghat
505100341 Anti Corr float Bhan
505100344 Sitc of 1 No of Main Pump at Colaba Ppg station.
505100345 Rel oil cir at ChPSt
505100346 Sitc1No 450 mm Nonreturn val of Churchgate ppg St
505100347 SITC 2nosSMpmpNFPS
505100358 RehabManEntrySwrLine
505100375 SITC of actuatorsMPS
505100376 Replacement of battery charger&batteries MPS
505100377 Repl of S Von rising main&bypass line of DC PSt.
505100378 Replacement of NRV
505100380 Replacemen pump SPS.
505100382 Supply of Jyoti/Kirloskar make 100 HP motor
505100383 SITC of 'Mather & Platt' make pump at SGM CP St
505100384 Supply and installatiof Solar System for lighting
505100385 SITC of comb assembly for bar screens at SGM
505100386 SITC of Bar screens & weather shed at Duncan p st
505100387 SICof ultrasonic level measuring & pm control sys
505100391 FSICsuction pieces
505100392 Purchase of pump of 15 HP capacity for Ver V PST
505100393 SIof submersible pump atCharkop&Vallabhnagar P St
505100397 SITCof Air Cond Unit for Control Rooms at NGPS
505100398 SITC Air Cond Unit for Control Room at BhP St
505100401 Replacement of 12 V Batteries with refur at LGP
505100404 Replacement of old shutters fabrication of new
505100409 RehabSwr/RisingMain
505100418 UpgrdeSewageO&Mservc
505100423 Provi For R&R of damaged SL in City,WS,E
505100424 Provi For R&R of damaged SL in City,WS,E
505100425 Provi For R&R of damaged SL in City, WS,
505100426 Prov For R&R of damaged SLin City,WS,ES,
505100427 Provi For R&R of damaged SLin City, WS,
505100428 Provi For R&R of damaged SLin City, WS,E
505100429 Provi For R&R of damaged SL in City,WS,E
505100434 Construct of catch-pit chambers in L &
505100436 Construct of catch-pit chambers in S & T
505100458 S & I OF 450 Ø NRV AT VLBH NGR P/S
505100468 SITC OF Air VLV & Accs. AT MLD P/S
505100475 Replacement of M.S. Trash screen at Powa
505100476 Supply and install of submersible pump a
505100477 Repl Street light poles with fittings a
505100481 Replace of actuators at WWTF in Eastern
505100485 SITC pro & dom water pu with elect Cable
505100490 Overh rep paint test & comm 30T crane IP
505100495 Repla earthing sys & termina lighting at
505100500 SITC mech level indi IPS wet well 1 & 3
505100507 Replacement of various actuators of EPS
505100508 Provision of flow measuring system at EP
505100524 Conical manhole CP & scrn chamber in Cit
505100527 Reconst of dilapidated manholes in City
505100532 Con of AP/PSCBlks in FFS in City,WS,ES,R
505100533 Con of AP/PSC Blks into FFS in City, WS
505100534 Con of AP/PSCBlks into FFS in City, WS &
505100535 Con of AP/PSC Blks into FFS in City, WS,
505200002 LS Provn - settlement of claims disputes
505200006 LS Provn-P/L sewer Various locality City
505200009 LS Provn - P/L sewer lines in different
505200010 LS Provn - P/L sewer lines in different
505200011 LS Provn - P/L sewer various locality ES
505200012 Installation of sewer lines at various l
505200015 P//L sewer by pipe bursting method
505200016 P/L sewer along 2740 m wide DPRd from SP
505200017 P/L sewer lines in I) Nirmal Nager
505200018 P/L sewer lines in II) Bazar Rd
505200019 P/L sewer lines in III) Bharat Nager
505200024 P/L sewer lines Holi Cross Rd Dahisar
505200025 "P/L sewer V) Bandu Gore Rd, Borivali"
505200026 P/L sewer lines in VI) Dahisar Teleph1 E
505200027 P/L 230 mm dia sewer line from Teacher's
505200031 "P/L of sewers Hunsbhugra Rd, Santacruz E"
505200033 P/L sewer line on DP Rd upto Grand Marat
505200038 "P/L sewer in Sainik Nagar, Andheri (W)"
505200041 P/L sewer line from Masjid at Yari Rd up
505200042 "P/L sewer JVBR extn SVRd,Jogeshwari "
505200044 P/L RCPipe sewer from Railway Yard to S
505200045 P/L RCPipe sewer at Siddharth Nagar Marg
505200048 P/L pipe sewer along Sern Carriageway of
505200049 P/L 230 mm dia & 300mm dia pipe sewers f
505200055 P/L 230 mm dia pipe sewers along Mithaga
505200056 P/L 1000 mm dia RCNP 3 class sewer
505200057 P/L sewer along Wadarpada Rd No1& Rd N
505200059 P/L 450/500mm RC pipe sewer 120' DP Rd
505200060 P/L sewer in Thakur Village
505200061 "LS Provn - final bills - H,K,P & R ward"
505200062 "P/L pipe sewer Rd near Community Hall, G"
505200063 "P/L sewer Bhavishya Nidhi Bhavan,Bandra"
505200064 P/L sewer Datta MandirRd &DPRd Santacrz
505200066 P/L pipe sewer at Shamrao Parulekar Marg
505200067 "P/L pipe sewer at Gulmohar Complex, Unit"
505200073 P/L sewer ES Amrut Nagar
505200094 P/L sewer 134 m DP Rd off Chandivali Rd
505200097 Installation of pipe lines at various lo
505200098 Upsizing of pipe sewer by pipe bursting
505200102 "P/L sewer, Keshavrao Khadye Marg, (MPL g"
505200105 "P/L sewer, SPPL/Shaikh Mistry Rd IeSalt"
505200106 P/L sewer along Bhagadka Marg
505200108 Realignment/Upsizing of existing Sewer a
505200110 "P/L sewer Velankani,Bhagvan mandir Rd"
505200111 "P/L sewerRd No7,8,13,15,16,17,18&19 MIDC"
505200114 "P/L sewerage ward no 131,Malad E"
505200116 P/L 400mm dia pipe sewer along 1830m vid
505200117 P/L 1000mm RC pipe sewer along 90' DP Rd
505200118 Military Rd and adjacent DPRd
505200119 P/L sewer Saibaba Complex Rd Thakur Comp
505200120 P/L sewer along Rd in front of Flower V
505200121 "P/L sewer Rd Near RBI Quarters,Dahisar W"
505200123 P/L sewer from existing manhole on 2745
505200124 P/L 900 mm dia RC NP 3 CLASS pipe sewer
505200125 "P/L sewer National College SVRd,Bandra"
505200126 "P/L sewer JVPDScheme Rd, "
505200127 "P/L sewer along Swami Ramdas Marg, JVPD"
505200128 P/L sewer from Babrekar Nagar to Relief
505200129 P/L sewer along Rangnath Keskar Rd from
505200130 Upsizing of sewer line along Eern Expres
505200139 P/L sewer LBS Marg
505200140 A) P/L sewer along Bhandup Village Rd
505200141 P/L sewer-VikhroliStnRd to TagoreNagarRd
505200142 P/L sewer Tagore Nagar Rd
505200144 P/L sewer VeerSavarkar Marg to90' DP Rd
505200146 P/L sewer along LBS Marg from Godrej Co
505200147 P/L sewer line from Central railway cros
505200149 LS Provn - payment under verious Arbitra
505200153 Providing trash racks at 7 location be-e
505200157 Execution work - improving the inverted
505200167 P/L sewer from Police Beat Chowky to Fa
505200171 "P/L pipe sewer from Hanumannagar, Dindos"
505200172 P/L pipe sewer along Suhasini Pawaskar M
505200173 Provn - other works in WS
505200175 P/L Sewer along Powai
505200179 P/L sewer line in Paper box area, Andheri (E)
505200181 Div swr LkhndwlCmplx
505200182 P/L swr DPrd nr Hazr
505200183 P/L swr Lallubhai Park Extn.Rd to Millennium Club
505200184 P/L swr Ashokvan to Hanuman Tekadi, Dahisar (E)
505200185 P/L swr ChndRd-Sodwl
505200186 P/L swr Mane Compound to OM Siddaraj Society
505200188 P/L swr SakiVhr-Rhja
505200189 P/L swr Sagar Park Rd, Yeshwant Ngr Rd, Amrit Ngr
505200190 Ext swr VNPrd,ChtCmp
505200191 P/L Swr ntwrk for ChtaCmp&Trmby (incl Consultncy)
505200192 P/L sewer at Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Road, Khar (W)
505200193 P/L swr on TPS 1stRd
505200195 P/L1000mm RcPipe H/W
505200199 P/L500mm RcNPSwr H/W
505200202 Lum provision for P/L sewer line in H/E, H/W ward
505200206 P/LSwe line Mald W
505200208 Lum provision for P/L sewer line in P/S, P/N ward
505200209 P/LSwe line Mld P/N
505200211 P/LSwe line Malad W
505200216 P/LSwe lineSVRd R/N
505200217 P/Lswr DP Rd off Hol Cross RdDahisar(W)R/NWard
505200218 P/Lswr fr Dahisar Tlep Exch Kanade Maidan in R/N
505200219 Lumpsum provision for P/L sewer line in R/N ward
505200220 P/LSwr line on EKTA Bhoomi Road,Borivali (E) R/C
505200221 P/Lswr Daulat Ngr Rd No.1,2,4,5 & 6, Bo (E)R/C
505200222 P/LSwe line R/CWard
505200223 P/LSwe line R/CWard
505200224 P/LSwe line R/CWard
505200229 P/LSwe line M/EM/W
505200231 Lumpsum provision for P/L sewer line in N ward
505200232 P/Lswr Mulu GoreLink Rd,Guru Govindsingh Mg, T wd
505200233 Lumpsum provision for P/L sewer line in T ward
505200234 P/LSwe line Bhanp W
505200236 Lumpsum provision for P/L sewer line in S ward
505200238 Package No 2 ; P/L 1000mm dia R.C. pipe sewer
505200242 P/L pipe sewerin G/S
505200243 P/L pipe sewer along 18.30 Mt.wide Rd.from Jn. At
505200244 P/L pipe sewer along Holly Cross Road from R/N
505200245 P/L Spring FieldCHS
505200250 Upsizing the existing pipe sewer along Yogi Ngr
505200256 Lumpsum provision for P/L sewer line in
505200263 P/L S.W. P.S. along St. Anthony School i
505200265 P/L S.W. P.S. in Valentine layout in P/N
505200266 P/L RCNP3 Class PS at Mamlatdar wadi Ext
505200270 Lumpsum provision for P/L sewer line i
505300001 Constrn MarineOutfall Worli&Bandra2FF/3F
505300002 Constrn lagoon civil work G'par &Bhandup
505300005 Repair & Rehab work Bandra Tunnel 3AAA
505300012 Consultancy services - MSDP stage II de
505300015 Electric Plant & Equipments - Bandra I
505300017 Rehabilitation / ReConstrnof manhole (i
505300018 Rehabilitation/ Replace of sewers- (i) E
505300021 Seggregation of seweage flow from Storm
505300023 Seggregation of seweage flow from Storm
505300024 The work of laying sewers by Microtunne
505300028 Slum Sanitation Implementation Programme
505300029 Slum sanitation Implementation programme
505300030 Work of retrofitting/revival existng toilet block
506100001 Work related to the comprehensive Rep/Re
506100003 "Prov - special Rep, rennovation&external"
506200001 Work of giving face-lift to OPD's of LT
506200002 Prov - construction of Ground + 2 upper
506200003 "Constrn of additional 3rd, 4th&5th floor"
506200004 "Prov - Covering of terrace above SOT, Ne"
506200020 Construction of lib. build & audot. & gen stores
506200026 Fully Automatic ICCU Fowler Bed 10 Nos
506200027 Const addition 2floor over existing RMO
506300001 Work of giving face-lift to OPD's of B
506300003 "Major Rep, rennovation&other imprvmt wor"
506300004 Additions&alteration in various wrds in
506300013 Rplacemt of 2 nos.of Mortuary central pl
506300018 Imp Gates,cmpndwall,rd,pave,st... in BYLNair Hosp
506300020 Structural rep bldg attached to NairHosp
506500001 Work related to ComprehensiveRep/ Restor
506700006 gates Bhabha Kurla
506800001 Spl&major Rep to the main Hosp Bdg&Staff
506800002 "Addition, Alteration&grouping of OPD - c"
506800003 Work of giving face-lift toOPD's of Band
506900003 Extensive internal Rep to old &new Bldg
507000003 "Redevelopment of Bhagwati Hosp Complex, "
507100002 "Spl Rep to new Bldg of M.T.Agarwal Hosp,"
507200004 Constrn of shed with kitchen - Canteen i
507200007 Reconstruction of Dr. R.N. Cooper Hosp a
507400001 "Spl Rep to V.N.Desai Hosp, Santacruz (E)"
507600007 Repairs to Structura
507700003 Extensive rep to Muktabai Hosp
507800001 Major structural Rep to RCC members&gene
507900001 Redevlopment of Centenary Hosp at Kandiv
508000001 Spl Rep including water proofing&Prov ad
508100007 Repairs and Renovati
508200001 Addition&Alteration on second&fifth floo
508200002 Proposed I.C. unit in place of existing
508200005 Extensive rep at Hosp, New Siddharth Ngr
508300011 Provision for establishing Intensive Care Unit by
508400010 Major repairs / upgradation of GTB Hospital
508500006 Major rep / upgradation of Acworth Leprosy Hosp
508600001 Work related to the comprehensive Rep/Re
508600002 Prov - construction of new Bldg - Studen
508800001 Work of giving face-lift to OPD's of Na
508900001 Rennovation of various Bldgs located in
720000000 Asset Clearing A/c
* (4-12)Capital Work
Progress 22,340,560,251.01- 38,660,746,512.58
420600000 Units of Mutual Funds 19,641.25
420800100 Investments in the form of Paper Deposit
420800200 Fixed Deposits 176,697,755,839.44 176,437,442,403.02
* (4-20)Investments
General Funds 176,697,775,480.69 176,437,442,403.02
421100000 Central Govt. Securities
421101000 Endowment Fund
421101100 Development Fund-Mun Secondary Schools
421101200 Motor Vehicle (3rd Party) Insurance Fund
421101800 Mechlly Propelled Vessels (3rd Party) in
421102600 Consolidated Loan Fund
421102900 Provident Fund
421200400 Hosptl Fund
421201200 Motor Vehicle (3rd Party) Insurance Fund
421202900 Provident Fund 1,200.00 600.00
421300000 Debentures & Bonds
421300400 Hosptl Fund
421300900 Public Monuments Maintenance Fund
421301000 Endowment Fund
421302900 Provident Fund
421303200 Sinking fund 1,233,036,600.00 2,890,381,200.00
421303400 SURPLUS FUND 2,024,156,601.00 2,465,466,546.73
421501000 Endowment Fund
421800101 Contingent Fund 3,173,308,332.00 939,204,570.58
421800102 Mun Fire & Accident Insurance Fund 173,138,499.00 467,390,509.66
421800103 Net Premia Fund
421800104 Hosptl Fund
421800105 Research Fund (KEM & GSM Hosptls) 808,300.00 613,100.00
421800106 Fidelity Guarantee Insurance Fund 813,500.00 617,100.00
421800107 Land (Reclamation & Acquisition) Fund 20,573,800.00 15,606,600.00
421800108 Fire Brigade Emplys. (Operational Staff) 4,028,100.00 7,039,300.00
421800109 Public Monuments Maintenance Fund
421800110 Endowment Fund 530,200.00
421800111 Development Fund-Mun Secondary Schools 83,235,375.00 208,075,200.00
421800112 Motor Vehicle (3rd Party) Insurance Fund 450,000.00
421800113 "Devt. Fund-u/s 124J of the MRTP Act,1993" 26,481,300.00 20,087,700.00
421800114 Roads&Bridges Construction/ Devmpmt.Fund 225,400.00 171,000.00
421800117 Land Acquisition & Development Fund 692,750,300.00 525,494,800.00
421800118 Mechlly Propelled Vessels (3rd Party) in
421800119 Investment Reserve Fund FD 26,477,500.00 20,127,400.00
421800120 Amenities Fund 4,413,900.00 3,358,500.00
421800121 Rent Equalisation Fund 12,179,800.00 9,270,100.00
421800122 Primary School Bldg Construction Fund 116,671,150.00 121,659,100.00
421800123 Primary School Building Maintenance Fund 335,950,800.00 293,997,100.00
421800124 Depreciation Fund 1,929,624,800.00 1,709,795,200.00
421800126 Loan Fund
421800127 Assets Replacement & Rehabilitation Fund 6,985,165,087.00 10,677,424,544.55
421800128 Trust Funds 1.00
421800129 Provident Fund 3,367,992,700.00 2,786,041,900.00
421800130 Pension Fund 5,104,757,800.00 56,526,400.00
421800131 Gratuities Fund 2,815,600.00 2,135,800.00
421800132 Asset Replacement Fund 22,385,104,400.00 1,096,203,000.00
421800133 Special -Tree Authority Fund 114,406,100.00
421800205 Development Fund DCR 64(b) 980,852,100.00 1,597,014,800.00
421800206 Tax Payers Welfare Fund 34,552,000.00 26,209,900.00
421800207 Development Fund-Premium towards Add.0.33 FSI -FD 26,857,900.00 20,373,500.00
421800208 Fixed Deposit Defined Contr.Pension Scheme-1 1,452,277,700.00 198,270,900.00
* (4-21)Investments
Other Funds 50,312,656,645.00 26,159,536,571.52
440100000 Prepaid Establishment Expenses 145,692.00-
440200000 Prepaid Administration Expenses 89,411.00 26,141.00
440300000 Prepaid Operations & Maintenance Expense
440400000 Prepaid Interest & Finance Charges
* (4-40)Prepaid Expenses 56,281.00- 26,141.00
470000000 Other Assets 5,601,471.66
470200000 Inter Unit Accounts
470200100 Inter Unit Receivable 16,321,039,020.13
470200200 Inter Fund Receivable 316,100,165.00
470400000 System Discreapancy account
* (4-70)Other ASSETS 16,637,139,185.13 5,601,471.66
460100100 Vehicle Loans 125,824.00 3,748.00
460100101 Interest Accrued on Vehicle Advance USE 460100102 104,138.00
460100200 Housing Loans 92,919,296.00 99,705,302.00
460100201 Interest Accrued on Housing Loans 1,039,650.00 1,099,977.00
460100300 Loan Adv to CHS sponsored by Mun Emplys. 1,905,640.00 1,854,100.00
460100400 Festival Advance block use 460100401 3,265,674.00
460100401 Festival Advance 161,188,383.00 100,473,255.00
460100500 Leave Salary Advance 437,154.00 1,851,984.00
460100600 Advance & Suspence a/c for On account payment 253,455,265.00
460109900 Other Loans & Advances to Emplys. 57,063.00 641,322.00
460109901 Temporary advances to Emplys. 387,272.00 412,719.00
460109902 Advance Salary to Flood affected Emplys. 1,829,946.00 3,310,942.00
460109903 Advance-Contingency Expenditure 3,430,005.00 1,087,500.00
460109904 Advance-Service tax
460109905 Advance to Municipal Teachers for Traini
460109906 ADV TO MUN.OFF.FOR DISBURSEMENT OF SAL -MARCH 50,022.00 305,069.00
460109907 ADV TO MUN.OFF.FOR DISBURSEMENT OF LTA - MARCH 54,000.00 310,236.00
460109909 Adv for Incen Allow 12,507,361.00 11,478,873.00
460200000 Employee Provident Fund Loans 504,315,100.00 465,714,190.00
* (4-60)Loans & Advances to Employees 783,720,866.00 941,704,482.00
460400000 Advance to Suppliers & contractors 27,410,061,157.54 109,903,808,320.94
460400100 Advances to Contractors 1,125,846,514.87 1,595,545,098.92
460400101 Receivable-stores supplied 115,342.00 103,477.00
460400102 Towards Income Tax Arrears 2.00
460400103 Fabrication Work Advance
460400104 Advances to contractors before SAP 200,000.00
460400105 Risk & Cost Purchase - Advance 2,094,641.00
460400200 Advances to Suppliers 1,171.00
460400201 Advance to suppliers (L.C.) 24,436,722.38
460400202 Advance to Suppliers (DD) A/c 4,238,587.00
460500000 Advance to others
460500001 ADV.-FIXED ASSETS 373,883,403.49 609,132,384.38
460500002 ADV.-FIXED ASSETS CLEARING ACCOUNT 274,049,890.31 2,093,885,582.61
460500003 DP.-FIXED ASSETS 2,756,841.75
460500100 Standing Advance 536,476.00 546,127.00
460500200 Advances to WSSD 20,300,000.00 977,000,000.00
460500300 Advance to CLF
460500400 Advance payment of taxes
460500401 Advance payment of purchase tax
460500402 Advance payment of service tax
460500403 Advance payment of sales tax/ VAT
460500500 Other Advances
460500501 Advance to Road,Building & Drainage
460500502 Advance to Printing Press
460500503 Advance to Rota Printing Press
460500601 Contingent Fund
460500616 Welfare Fund
460500700 Advs-demolition of unautrised structure 14,309,255.00 1,314,950.00
460500800 Advances-deposit with outside bodies
460501000 Sundry Advances 30,500.00
460501001 Miscellaneous Advances 7,092,264.00 1,743,584.00
460501002 Recoverable frm outside parties
460501003 Advance for repairs of private building
460501100 Advance-Capital stores
460501101 Purchases
460800100 Balance in stock issued account 8,450.00
460809902 Bank DiscrepancyBLOC 18,614,749,587.63 3,857,187,097.53
460809903 BANK DISCREPANCY A/C SBI-11 42,430.00
* (4-60)Other Loans & Advances 47,871,787,944.22 119,043,231,914.13
439200100 Inter fund Clearing 467,377,733,676.33 475,286,692,330.01
439500100 Temporary Loan Clearing Account
439600100 Temporary FD Clearing Account
439700100 Payroll Clearing Account
439800100 LC Clearing Account 93,586,588.08
439900100 Stock Upload Account 9,270.00 1,131,276.10
439900200 Loans Upload Account
439900300 Fixed Deposit Upload Account
439900400 Trial balance upload account
439900600 Inter unit cash transfer 578,469,177.00 536,791,703.76
* (4-39)Clearing Account 468,049,798,711.41 475,824,615,309.87
460600000 Deposits with external Agencies 69,280.00 38,000.00
460600100 Electricity Deposits 28,320.00 10,520,185.00
460600101 Electricity Deposits-Reco 1,964,990.00 1,037,710.00
460600200 Telephone Deposits 68,665.00
460600201 Telephone Deposits-Reco 14,982.34
460600600 Security (Paper) Deposits 4,298,430.00 20,303,180.00
* (4-60)Deposits with External Agencies 6,376,002.34 31,967,740.00
480300100 Amount Contributed to Govt-Sharing cost
* Misc. Expenses Written Off (Deferred Exp
** NON-OPERATING PAYMENTS (Sub Total-D) 1,195,034,521,845.77 1,300,216,868,315.26
*** TOTAL PAYMENTS (Grand Total C+D) 3 1,271,101,228,238.42 1,375,881,934,263.81
431500397 Interim receipts- Payment Gateway
431500398 Interim receipts- Cash
431500399 Interim receipt Account - cheque
450010100 SBI Gen Fund Current A/c
450010101 SBI FORT CHEQUE ISSUED 10,392.00
450010200 SBI Gen Fund Current A/c Div II
450010300 SBI Gen Fund Current A/c Div III
450010400 SBI Sinking & Surplus Fund Curr A/c
450010500 SBI Savings A/c - MPLAD Fund
450010600 SBI Hospitals Fund A/c
450010700 SBI Education Fund Current A/c
450010800 SBI WSS Fund Current A/c - Govt Loan 12,100,000.00-
450010900 SBI Water & Sewerage Fund Current A/c
450011000 Punjab National Bank Current a/c Division - II
450011100 Punjab National Bank Current a/c Division - III
450011200 "MCB Fort,Octroi collected direct by Bank"
450011400 Indian Overseas Bank Division 1
450011500 Bank of Maharashtra Division 1
450011600 Punjab National Bank Current a/c Div-I
450100000 Cash 8,365,970.05- 3,525,734.36
450100100 Interim Receipt
Cash (W.E.F.01.04.2009) 10,521,351.70- 5,514,398.72-
450100110 Int.Rec. Postal Order A/c
450100200 Inter Receipt-Online 1,640,016.00 318,977.00
450100300 Interim Receipt
Silver Card(W.E.F.01.04.09) 141,120.00- 359,100.00
450210000 Nationalised Banks
450210010 Interim Receipt
CHEQUE ( w.e.f.01.04.2009) 849,247,515.12 2,259,709.72
450210100 SBI A/c.-payment of interest on OMB
450210200 SBI A/c.-repayment of loans
450210301 Cheque Payment Interim (Not to use)
450210302 ECS Payment Interim (Not to Use)
450210303 Cheque Payment Interim (W.E.F. 01.04.2009) 320,461,487.45- 220,798,681.28
450210304 ECS Payment Interim (w.e.f. 01.04.2009) ONWARD 928,221,386.02 1,289,930,990.40
450210305 RTGSPayment Interim (w.e.f. 01.10.2010 ONWARD) 253,448,102.58-
450210306 NEFTPayment Interim (w.e.f. 01.10.2010 ONWARD) 136,860.00- 75,103.00-
450210307 DD Payable
450210310 SBI Gen Fund Current A/c(w.e.f. 01.04.2009) 3,077,185,827.98- 133,773,955.71-
450210311 SBI FORT CHEQUE ISSUED(w.e.f.01.04.2009) 247,296,169.05- 715,881,282.66
450210312 SBI FORT ECS ISSUED (w.e.f 01.04.2009) 4,286,265,153.47 2,411,009,430.08-
450210313 SBI FORT INTERIM RECEIPT (w.e.f.01.04.2009) 4,657,448,218.00- 6,146,887,303.00-
450210317 SBI-pay of Interest
450210318 SBI -BIT-Loan -IWP
450210319 SBI-Int-BIT-Loan
450210320 SBI Gen Fund Current A/c Div II (w.e.f. 01.04.09)
450210321 SBI BANDRA CHEQUE ISSUED(w.e.f.01.04.09)
450210323 SBI BANDRA INTERIM RECEIPTS(w.e.f.01.04.09)
450210330 SBI Gen Fund Current A/c Div III (w.e.f.01.04.09)
450210331 SBI CHEMBUR CHEQUE ISSUED (w.e.f.01.04.09)
450210350 SBI Savings A/c - MPLAD Fund (w.e.f.1.4.09) 1,077,146.00- 131,702.00
450210360 SBI Hospitals Fund A/c (w.e.f.01.04.09) 59,159.68 759.07
450210361 SBI HOSPITAL CHQ ISSUED (CITY) (w.e.f.1.04.09) 9,378.00
450210363 SBI HOSPITAL INTERIM 230,870.62- 7,578,475.61-
450210370 SBI Education Fund Current A/c (w.e.f. 1.04.2009) 893.98 498.72-
450210371 SBI EDUCATION CHEQUE ISSUED (w.e.f.01.04.09) 3,218,512.76-
450210372 SBI EDUCATION ECS ISSUED (w.e.f. 01.04.09)
450210373 SBI EDUCATION INTERIM RECEIPTS (w.e.f. 1.04.09) 365,770.00- 864,809.00-
450210374 S.B.I. (Old) Edu.Fund. Current A/c. 441,004.24-
450210390 SBI Water & Sewerage 10,060,384.16 30,981,132.74
450210393 SBI WSSD INTERIM RECEIPTS (w.e.f. 01.04.09) 3,456,851.20- 106,505,016.35-
450210394 SBI - G BUD- BANDRA 10,000.00-
450210395 SBI -G BUD-CHEMBUR 10,000.00-
450210396 SBI-13TH FINANCE 384,671.10- 10,010,000.00
450210400 Punjab National Bank Current a/c Div - II (2009)
450210410 Punjab National Bank Current a/c Div - III (2009) 8,656.00- 200.00-
450210440 Indian Overseas Bank Divi 1 (w.e.f.01.04.09)
450210441 I.O.B. Education Fund Current A/c.
450210450 Bank of Maharashtra Div 1 (w.e.f. 01.04.09) 66.00-
450210460 Punjab National Bank Current a/c Div-I (fr.2009) 30,202.24-
450210461 P.N.B. Education Fund Current A/c. 1,077.00-
450210462 PNB-G BUD 8,890.79- 200.00-
450210470 SBI Octroi Top up account-(30422191399) 1,665,461.00 380,112.00
450210471 SBI Octroi Swipe account-(30438569330) 535,461.00-
450210511 Axis Bank Interim A/c Cash 8,017,065.73 3,795,007.01
450210512 Axis Bank Interim A/c Cheque 683,126,679.89- 7,860,387,585.89
450210521 ICICI Bank Interim A/c Cash 22,695,440.00 2,048,801.87
450210522 ICICI Bank Interim A/c Cheque 729,394,718.00- 2,558,064,619.66
450210531 HDFC Bank Interim A/c Cash 5,313,535.00 7,710,036.00
450210532 HDFC Bank Interim A/c Cheque 642,456,232.24 1,098,208,132.37
450210535 BANK OF INDIA BRIMSTO INTERIM A/C -11 5,000,000,000.00 5,000,000,000.00-
450210540 LC Margin Amount kept in SBI 95,983,678.07- 67,433,336.00
450210599 Cheque deposited but not cleared
450230001 MCB Fort , Octroi - Interim Account 49,370,676.05 56,035,830.93
450230010 MCB Octroi collected direct by Bank (fr 2009) 5,433,774.00
450230100 Mumbai Mun Co-op Bank A/c. 1
450230200 Mumbai Mun Co-op Bank A/c. 2 - RNEP -OCTROI 19,305,925.00- 13,176,633.86
450410100 Contingent Fund 67.62 322.94-
450410200 Mun Fire & Accident Insurance Fund 29.20 16.92-
450410300 Net Premia Fund
450410400 Hosptl Fund 91.87
450410500 Research Fund (KEM & GSM Hosptls) 28.70- 26.64
450410600 Fidelity Guarantee Insurance Fund 57.90 37.60
450410700 Land (Reclamation & Acquisition) Fund 89.70 5.32-
450410800 Fire Brigade Emplys. (Operational Staff) 20.10- 2.48-
450410900 Public Monuments Maintenance Fund 17.94
450411000 Endowment Fund 50.00-
450411100 Development Fund-Mun Secondary Schools 48.00 432.00-
450411300 "Devt. Fund-u/s 124J of the MRTP Act,1993" 18.10 56.48
450411400 Roads&Bridges Construction/ Devmpmt.Fund 25.30- 41.88-
450411700 Land Acquisition & Development Fund 14.60 81.84
450411800 Mechlly Propelled Vessels (3rd Party) in
450411900 Investment Reserve Fund 62.30- 206.63
450412000 Amenities Fund 23.55- 36.17
450412100 Rent Equalisation Fund 47.45- 0.59
450412200 Primary School Bldg Construction Fund 66.10 329.73-
450412300 Primary School Building Maintenance Fund 5.35 65.00-
450412310 Development Fund-Premium towards Add.0.33 FSI-CD 21.60 74.84-
450412400 Depreciation Fund 22.80 103.83
450412600 Loan Fund 234,520,000.00 30,000,000.00-
450412800 Trust Fund 69.96
450412900 Sinking Fund Cash Deposit 145.00 1,272.71-
450413000 Provident Fund 46.38- 89.20-
450413100 Pension Fund 58.60 6.81-
450413110 Cash Deposit Defined Contr.Pension Scheme-1 97.15- 197.36
450413200 Gratuity Fund 13.80-
450413300 Asset Replacement Fund 25.80- 44.48-
450413400 Surplus Fund Cash Deposit 230.13- 97,806.17
450413500 TREE AUTHO. FUND 16.11- 33.09-
450413600 Development Fund DCR 64(b) 20.40- 13.57
450413700 Tax Payers Welfare Fund 60.60 22.20
450421500 Fines Fund 500.00
450610100 BANK OF INDIA -JNNURM - BUDGET 'G' 18,000.00 22.00-
450610200 BANK OF INDIA A/C for BRIMSTOWAD - Bud 'A'
450610300 BANK OF INDIA for JNNURM - Bud 'A'
350100299 ECS payable- interim acct (UPTO 31.03.2009)
350100500 Cheques Payable (UPTO 31.03.2009)
* Cash Balances for the month 1,920,846,261.73 98,788,196.08
431500397 Interim receipts- Payment Gateway
431500398 Interim receipts- Cash
431500399 Interim receipt Account - cheque 100.00
450010100 SBI Gen Fund Current A/c
450010101 SBI FORT CHEQUE ISSUED 407,158,070.73-
450010102 SBI FORT ECS ISSUED 7,279,182,636.94-
450010103 SBI FORT INTERIM RECEIPT 2,833,463,407.27
450010200 SBI Gen Fund Current A/c Div II
450010300 SBI Gen Fund Current A/c Div III
450010400 SBI Sinking & Surplus Fund Curr A/c
450010500 SBI Savings A/c - MPLAD Fund
450010600 SBI Hospitals Fund A/c
450010603 SBI HOSPITAL INTERIM RECEIPT (CITY) 123,714,320.54
450010700 SBI Education Fund Current A/c
450010800 SBI WSS Fund Current A/c - Govt Loan
450010900 SBI Water & Sewerage Fund Current A/c
450010901 SBI WSSD CHEQUE ISSUED 371,807.00-
450010903 SBI WSSD INTERIM RECEIPTS 305,251,630.18
450011000 Punjab National Bank Current a/c Division - II
450011100 Punjab National Bank Current a/c Division - III
450011200 "MCB Fort,Octroi collected direct by Bank"
450011400 Indian Overseas Bank Division 1
450011500 Bank of Maharashtra Division 1
450011600 Punjab National Bank Current a/c Div-I
450100000 Cash 21,983,826.36
450100100 Interim Receipt
Cash (W.E.F.01.04.2009) 4,383,723,321.69
450100110 Int.Rec. Postal Order A/c
450100200 Interim Receipt
Payment Gateway (W.E.F.01.04.09) 2,808,813.00
450100300 Interim Receipt
Silver Card(W.E.F.01.04.09) 217,980.00
450210000 Nationalised Banks
450210010 Interim Receipt
CHEQUE ( w.e.f.01.04.2009) 4,179,307,380.39-
450210100 SBI A/c.-payment of interest on OMB 139,725.57
450210200 SBI A/c.-repayment of loans 311,132.70
450210301 Cheque Payment Interim (Not to use)
450210302 ECS Payment Interim (Not to Use) 593,329,142.00-
450210303 Cheque Payment Interim (W.E.F. 01.04.2009) 828,045,714.45-
450210304 ECS Payment Interim (w.e.f. 01.04.2009) ONWARD 4,852,154,306.91
450210305 RTGSPayment Interim (w.e.f. 01.10.2010 ONWARD) 253,448,102.58-
450210306 NEFTPayment Interim (w.e.f. 01.10.2010 ONWARD) 211,963.00-
450210307 DD Payable
450210310 SBI Gen Fund Current A/c(w.e.f. 01.04.2009) 1,680,614,579.55
450210311 SBI FORT CHEQUE ISSUED(w.e.f.01.04.2009) 48,768,544.43-
450210312 SBI FORT ECS ISSUED (w.e.f 01.04.2009) 406,891,621.94-
450210313 SBI FORT INTERIM RECEIPT (w.e.f.01.04.2009) 10,591,521,888.41-
450210317 SBI-pay of Interest 9,100.25
450210318 SBI -BIT-Loan -IWP 6,054.55
450210319 SBI-Int-BIT-Loan 760.00
450210320 SBI Gen Fund Current A/c Div II (w.e.f. 01.04.09) 767,352.37
450210321 SBI BANDRA CHEQUE ISSUED(w.e.f.01.04.09) 44,263,847.50-
450210323 SBI BANDRA INTERIM RECEIPTS(w.e.f.01.04.09) 395,339.79
450210330 SBI Gen Fund Current A/c Div III (w.e.f.01.04.09) 423,603.04
450210331 SBI CHEMBUR CHEQUE ISSUED (w.e.f.01.04.09) 1,429,212.50-
450210350 SBI Savings A/c - MPLAD Fund (w.e.f.1.4.09) 3,086,160.98
450210360 SBI Hospitals Fund A/c (w.e.f.01.04.09) 1,632,642.38
450210361 SBI HOSPITAL CHQ ISSUED (CITY) (w.e.f.1.04.09) 942,714.00-
450210363 SBI HOSPITAL INTERIM RECEIPT (CITY) w.e.f.1.4.09) 39,366,857.58
450210370 SBI Education Fund Current A/c (w.e.f. 1.04.2009) 30,556.22
450210371 SBI EDUCATION CHEQUE ISSUED (w.e.f.01.04.09) 3,677,145.08-
450210372 SBI EDUCATION ECS ISSUED (w.e.f. 01.04.09) 6,226.00-
450210373 SBI EDUCATION INTERIM RECEIPTS (w.e.f. 1.04.09) 126,303,219.17
450210374 S.B.I. (Old) Edu.Fund. Current A/c.
450210390 SBI Water & Sewerage Fund Current A/c(w.ef.1.4.09) 100,376,564.50
450210393 SBI WSSD INTERIM RECEIPTS (w.e.f. 01.04.09) 326,680,855.12-
450210394 SBI - G BUD- BANDRA
450210395 SBI -G BUD-CHEMBUR
450210396 SBI- 13TH FINANCE - COMMISSION FOR ULB-31681524428 9,625,328.90
450210400 Punjab National Bank Current a/c Div - II (2009) 5,708.50
450210410 Punjab National Bank Current a/c Div - III (2009)
450210440 Indian Overseas Bank Divi 1 (w.e.f.01.04.09) 604,836.65
450210441 I.O.B. Education Fund Current A/c. 454.57
450210450 Bank of Maharashtra Div 1 (w.e.f. 01.04.09) 20,899.00
450210460 Punjab National Bank Current a/c Div-I (fr.2009)
450210461 P.N.B. Education Fund Current A/c.
450210462 PNB-G BUD
450210470 SBI Octroi Top up account-(30422191399) 4,340,574.00
450210471 SBI Octroi Swipe account-(30438569330)
450210511 Axis Bank Interim A/c Cash 11,812,072.74
450210512 Axis Bank Interim A/c Cheque 7,192,074,596.60
450210521 ICICI Bank Interim A/c Cash 24,744,241.87
450210522 ICICI Bank Interim A/c Cheque 1,876,094,938.66
450210531 HDFC Bank Interim A/c Cash 13,023,571.00
450210532 HDFC Bank Interim A/c Cheque 1,748,182,667.61
450210540 LC Margin Amount kept in SBI 100,504,245.93
450210599 Cheque deposited but not cleared 14,472.01
450230001 MCB Fort , Octroi - Interim Account 89,432,461.97
450230010 MCB Octroi collected direct by Bank (fr 2009) 5,433,774.00
450230100 Mumbai Mun Co-op Bank A/c. 1 5,000.00
450230200 Mumbai Mun Co-op Bank A/c. 2 - RNEP -OCTROI 960,682.00
450410100 Contingent Fund 97.75
450410200 Mun Fire & Accident Insurance Fund 74.61
450410300 Net Premia Fund 56.41
450410400 Hosptl Fund 175.59
450410500 Research Fund (KEM & GSM Hosptls) 65.82
450410600 Fidelity Guarantee Insurance Fund 108.13
450410700 Land (Reclamation & Acquisition) Fund 100.03
450410800 Fire Brigade Emplys. (Operational Staff) 40.81
450410900 Public Monuments Maintenance Fund 109.94
450411000 Endowment Fund 212.54
450411100 Development Fund-Mun Secondary Schools 16,444.37
450411300 "Devt. Fund-u/s 124J of the MRTP Act,1993" 110.49
450411400 Roads&Bridges Construction/ Devmpmt.Fund 31.27
450411700 Land Acquisition & Development Fund 112.75
450411800 Mechlly Propelled Vessels (3rd Party) in 49.70
450411900 Investment Reserve Fund 186.41
450412000 Amenities Fund 28.55
450412100 Rent Equalisation Fund 5.72
450412200 Primary School Bldg Construction Fund 118.17
450412300 Primary School Building Maintenance Fund 51.50
450412310 Development Fund-Premium towards Add.0.33 FSI-CD 33.76
450412400 Depreciation Fund 126.63
450412600 Loan Fund 149,966,066.97-
450412800 Trust Fund 233.41
450412900 Sinking Fund Cash Deposit 523.44
450413000 Provident Fund 46.95
450413100 Pension Fund 109.15
450413110 Cash Deposit Defined Contr.Pension Scheme-1 100.21
450413200 Gratuity Fund 62.83
450413300 Asset Replacement Fund 35.78
450413400 Surplus Fund Cash Deposit 106,493.01
450413500 TREE AUTHO. FUND 23.39
450413600 Development Fund DCR 64(b) 32.60
450413700 Tax Payers Welfare Fund 85.20
450421500 Fines Fund
450610100 BANK OF INDIA -JNNURM - BUDGET 'G' 520,204.00
450610200 BANK OF INDIA A/C for BRIMSTOWAD - Bud 'A' 548,000.00
450610300 BANK OF INDIA for JNNURM - Bud 'A' 500,000.00
350100299 ECS payable- interim acct (UPTO 31.03.2009) 3,962,532.62
350100500 Cheques Payable (UPTO 31.03.2009)
* Closing Balance 4 453,371,001.98
Page : 1
Receipt and Payments For Period 1 To 16
For Year 2011
For Fund *
For Functional Area *
For Business Area *
Executed By HO-JAA-CL-02 Execution Date & Time : 10.10.2012 10:05:57
Opening Balance 1 1,467,475,259.75-
Receipts 2 1,273,022,074,500.15-
Receipt Total (1+2) 1,271,554,599,240.40
Total Payments 3 1,271,101,228,238.42
Closing Balance 4 453,371,001.98
Payment Total 3+4 1,271,554,599,240.40
Page : 2