Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion July 2022
The University of Manchester
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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
1. Introduction
1.1 The University is committed to promoting equality and providing an environment where all
members of its community are treated with respect and dignity. We are committed to seeking to
employ a workforce and educate a student body that reflects the diverse community that we serve
and are part of. The Equality Act (2010) and the Public Sector Equality Duty provide a legal
framework to protect people from bullying, discrimination, harassment, and victimisation in the
workplace, at study and wider society.
1.2 As a Higher Education Institution, we have specific equality duties that require us to eliminate
unlawful discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations. It is also our
responsibility to publish equality information (data) on an annual basis, and review and publish
specific and measurable equality objectives every four years.
1.3 We are committed to providing equality of opportunity and will work to ensure that our employees,
students, and visitors, as well as those that seek to apply to work or study with us, are treated
fairly and are not subjected to unlawful discrimination by the University on the basis of (their
protected characteristic):
gender reassignment
marriage or civil partnership
pregnancy and maternity
race - (includes race, colour, nationality (including citizenship), ethnic or national origins)
religion or belief including philosophical belief and a lack of belief
sexual orientation
a list to fuller descriptions of each Protected Characteristic can be found here:
Equality Groups and Protected Characteristics
1.4 For simple ease of reference, in this policy, we refer to all categories of staff listed in section 2.1
as “Employees” including those categories of staff who are not considered to be employees as a
matter of law.
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2. Scope
2.1 The policy is applicable to all employees (which includes for the purposes of this policy and for
ease of reference, consultants, contractors, volunteers, casual workers, apprentices, and agency
workers), researchers, all students (including but not limited to undergraduates, postgraduates,
postdoctoral and placement students), and applicants/offer holders to work or study at the
University. The principles of non-discrimination and equality of opportunity also apply to the way
employees and students should treat each other, any visitor, contractors, service providers,
suppliers and any other persons associated with the functions of the University. This includes in
person, online and electronic interactions.
2.2 For simple ease of reference, in this policy, we refer to all categories of staff listed in section 2.1
as “Employees” including those categories of staff who are not considered to be employees as a
matter of law.
2.3 This policy is non-contractual and may be updated at any time.
3. Roles and Responsibilities
3.1 The Board of Governors has ultimate accountability for compliance with the University’s equality
obligations. The Registrar, Secretary and Chief Operating Officer has overall formal responsibility
for this Policy. Day to day operational responsibility for this policy and its implementation has been
delegated to the Directorate of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
3.2 Employees and students have a personal responsibility to:
read, understand and practically apply this policy alongside the relevant Dignity at Work
and Study Policy and Procedures.
challenge and report unacceptable behaviour in a safe manner via one of the outlined
routes and in accordance with the Dignity at Work and Study Policy and Procedures. Both
formal and informal routes are covered in these policies and procedures.
3.3 Managers and advisors have a responsibility to:
set a good example by treating all members of the University with dignity and respect and
challenging unacceptable behaviour;
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ensure all employees, researchers and students are aware of this Policy and know how to
report discrimination, harassment or bullying, and that reporting incidents does not result
in victimisation;
present their employees with information (or knowledge about where to find such
information) about employee rights as defined within the scope of the University policies
deal with complaints fairly, equitably, thoroughly, confidentially and within the agreed
4 Aims of the Policy
4.1 The University’s aim is to promote equality of opportunity for those outlined in 2.1, through the
following objectives:
having an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategy (first publication due October 2022)
assessing the impact on equality of our policies, procedures, and practices by completing
Equality Impact Assessments.
having an effective data monitoring and analysis process.
involving employees, students and other stakeholders in the development and delivery of
our equality objectives. And ensuring these groups are reflective of the diverse make up
of our employees, students and stakeholders.
promoting equality, diversity and inclusion through internal and external communications.
ensuring that all managers and employees take part in all equality training and that those
who are involved in any part of our recruitment and selection processes undertake
mandatory recruitment training.
ensuring employees and University student support services are, as far as reasonably
possible, accessible to all groups outlined in 2.1.
We will appoint, train, develop, reward and promote on the basis of merit and ability..
ensuring that employees, students, and their representatives are provided with and know
how to contact, appropriate forums at different levels within the organisaiton, to discuss
equality, diversity and inclusion issues and raise any concerns.
ensuring that all sections of our community have access to our Report and Support
platform to report any forms of bullying, harassment, or discrimination
ensuring that all contractors and service providers operating on behalf of the University
are aware of this policy and are expected to adhere to it.
complying with its legal obligations.
5 Implementation
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The University of Manchester
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5.1 The University community shares responsibility for the successful application of this policy, whilst
specific responsibility falls to managers, partners and advisors who are professionally involved in
employees and student support, development, and supervision.
5.2 This policy will be applicable at all stages of the student and staff lifecycle.
5.3 The University will seek to ensure that all employees and students have equitable access to the
full range of institutional facilities connected to their area of study or work and that adjustments to
recruitment process, working and learning practices are considered wherever reasonably
practicable in order to accommodate a diverse community.
5.4 Any employee or student who believes that they may have been the victim of discrimination,
harassment, bullying or victimisation should refer to the University’s Dignity at Work and Study
Policy and Procedures - these outline how they can be supported and the next steps or options
suitable to them.
5.5 The University will work in partnership with its recognised campus Trade Unions and the Students
Union, as well as external organisations, where appropriate, to build and sustain an inclusive
environment where all forms of unlawful discrimination are not tolerated.
5.6 This policy will be made widely available to all employees and students electronically and in
physical formats, where required, to ensure that they are aware of their entitlements and
responsibilities with regard to equality, diversity and inclusion.
6 Sanctions
6.1 A failure by anyone outlined in 2.1 to comply with the principles set out in this policy may be
considered to be a disciplinary offence and will be addressed via the relevant employees or
student procedures.
7 Complaints
7.1 Any cases of discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation will be taken very seriously by
the University. Any employee or student found to have committed unlawful discrimination or
harassment will be subject to the relevant disciplinary action. Appropriate action will be taken
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where possible if any member of the public, visitor or service provider is involved in discrimination
or harassment.
7.2 Employees, students or other parties who make a complaint of discrimination have the right to do
so without fear of victimisation, and the University will make every effort to ensure that any
complaints are dealt with fairly and within the agreed timescales, as outlined in the relevant
Service Delivery Agreements.
7.3 Confidential support and information services are available from the University’s network of
Harassment Support Advisors for employees and from Student Advice and Response for
students. Both services can be contacted vis our Report and Support Platform. Additionally, a
confidential mediation service exists for employees.
7.4 The Dignity at Work and Study Policy can be downloaded from the University website and
contains the procedure to follow for employees or students who wish to make a complaint of
discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation.
7.5 Members of the public should address their complaint to the University service to which their
complaint relates in the first instance or should submit a report via Report and Support.
7.6 The University makes provision for informal complaints to be made anonymously or with support
from an advisor, through its Report and Support online platform.
7.7 Members of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Directorate are available to help with enquiries
relating to discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation.
8 Internal Monitoring and Auditing
8.1 Monitoring will take place both through the Annual Performance Review (APR) process and
reporting to the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee. The diversity of job applicants,
shortlisted candidates, new appointments, academic promotions, student applications,
admissions and attainment, will be monitored as part of the annual Equality Information Report.
9 Further Information
9.1 Further information and support are available from the following:
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your School or Directorate https://www.employeesnet.manchester.ac.uk/people-and-
your Academic Adviser or a support adviser in your school
the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Directorate
a campus Trade Union or Student’s Union representative
Disability Advisory Support Services
D Document control box
Policy / Procedure title:
Date updated:
Approving body:
Previous review dates:
Next review date:
Equality impact outcome:
Equality Impact Assessment completion
Related Statutes, Ordinances,
General Regulations:
Related policies:
Related procedures:
Policy owner:
Lead contact: