The University of Manchester
Travel Policy
1 Introduction
1.1 The University of Manchester’s Strategic Plan articulates three core goals: world-class
research; outstanding learning and student experience; and social responsibility. We aim to
be a truly international university, with a global reach in our research, teaching and social
responsibility, and commit to environmental sustainability as a key priority across the full
range of our activities.
1.2 The University has a duty of care to its staff and students under the Health and Safety at Work
Act. To comply with the Act, we have to ensure that the University has adequate and effective
management arrangements in place to protect the health & safety of its staff and students.
1.3 Every individual proposing to work or study overseas on University business should give
adequate and serious thought to their own health and safety as well as the conditions and
situation that they are likely to encounter. It is the responsibility of each individual to actively
participate and co-operate with the University in the execution of its responsibility.
2 Policy Aims and Objectives
2.1 The aim of the policy is to consider the health, safety, resource and environmental
implications of all University related travel and to put in place procedures which control the
risks and resources associated with working and travelling abroad on behalf of the University.
2.2 This policy sets out measures to help protect the health, safety and welfare of staff and
students working or studying outside the United Kingdom, and sets out controls to ensure that
the trip is in line with the University’s strategic aims and is an effective and economical use of
University resources.
2.3 This policy provides guidance to staff and students planning an overseas visit and to their line
managers and supervisors, and sets clear roles and responsibilities as well as expectations for
staff and students on business trips.
3 Scope
3.1 This policy applies to all University staff at all levels within the organisation who are required
to travel outside the United Kingdom on University business and on University funds
irrespective of the origin of the source of funding.
3.2 This policy applies to students of the University who are required to travel outside the United
Kingdom for learning or research purposes as part of their degree programme of studies.
3.3 The terms “traveller” and “travellers” used in this policy refer to staff or students as defined
in 3.1 and 3.2.
3.4 All of this policy applies to University students undertaking self-funded overseas placements
as part of their degree programme of studies with the exception of Section 5.1 covering travel
3.5 Whilst the policy specifies the means of organising travel outside the United Kingdom, its
guiding principles and values apply to all travel including travel within the United Kingdom.
3.6 All of this policy applies to travel which is wholly funded and administered by another
institution with the exception of Section 5.1 covering travel bookings.
4 Pre-Travel Authorisation
4.1 All travellers intending to travel overseas on University business must obtain prior approval
from their line manager or supervisor before making any related travel arrangements or
4.2 The policy requires travellers to provide the following to their School/Research Institute/
Professional Unit to seek official approval from their line manager or supervisor before
Dates of period away from the University
Purpose of the trip or expected outcomes of the trip
Funding source/Account code(s)
Note of preliminary agreement from the Budget Holder; or a confirmation of funding
availability if the traveller is the budget holder
Health and safety arrangements of the proposed trip
Cover arrangement whilst away where appropriate
4.3 Failure to obtain approval prior to arranging travel may result in the traveller not being
covered by the University’s travel insurance and render them ineligible to claim any expense
incurred. Failure to obtain approval prior to arranging travel is a serious breach of the policy
and may be addressed under the University’s disciplinary procedures.
Purpose of trip pre-approved by Line Manager
4.4 The University aims to limit annual emissions from air travel to 50% of our 2018/19 level (pre
the Covid-19 pandemic), taking advantage of the related advances in virtual engagement to
reduce our environmental impact. All international travel must be justified and the traveller
must be able to demonstrate that the proposed journey fits with the academic and business
strategy of the University, and that the expense, environmental impact and risks associated
with the journeys are proportionate to the anticipated outcomes. The traveller should
demonstrate that alternatives to travel, such as video-conferencing, having been fully
considered and are not appropriate.
Financial pre-approval by Budget Holder/Line Manager
4.5 Reducing the environmental impact of travel is an important part of ensuring sustainability
and protecting the environment. When travel is necessary, travellers must assess their
different journey options and preference should be for the most carbon-efficient option
possible. This needs not be the cheapest option. Rail should be the default option for travel
within the United Kingdom. Domestic air travel will only be permitted in exceptional
circumstances that must be discussed in advance with the relevant approver. When feasible,
travel to European destinations within reasonable reach of the high-speed rail network should
be made by train (e.g. Paris, Brussels) and, whenever possible, ongoing European connections.
4.6 Expenditure on travel, including rail and air fares, car and bicycle mileage and hotel
accommodation, is no different to all other University spending. It must be:
for bona fide University purposes; and
approved in advance by the relevant budget holder; and
budgeted funds must be available to meet the full cost.
4.7 Travellers must ensure with the budget holder or the Finance Office that there are sufficient
budgeted funds available. Financial pre-approval must be sought from the budget holder for
all trips.
4.8 If the traveller is the budget holder, he/she can provide preliminary self-approval up to £2000.
If the total estimated cost including VAT is greater than £2000, preliminary financial approval
will need to be sought from the Head of School/Research Institute/Professional Unit.
4.9 If the cost of travel at the time of booking is 10% or more
than the estimated cost, the
traveller will need to seek re-approval of the higher cost by the budget holder / Head of School.
4.10 Air travellers should travel tourist or economy class. However, business class air travel may
be reimbursed for journeys outside Europe with the prior written approval of the Head of
School / Director of Professional Services. In the case of travel by a Head of School or Director
of Professional Services, this must have the prior written approval of the Vice President / Dean
of Faculty / Registrar.
Risk Assessment checked by Line Manager
4.11 Travellers must comply with the University’s Health and Safety Policy and Arrangements, and
complete a suitable and sufficient health & safety risk assessment of the proposed trip and
submit it to their line manager or supervisor as part of the pre-approval process.
4.12 The University will provide model risk assessments and prompts to support the completion of
a fit-for-purpose risk assessment. When assessing the risks, travellers should consult the
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) website, which gives specific travel
advice on all countries of the world, including advice on crime, health, terrorism and natural
4.13 If the trip is to a region where the FCDO advises against all but essential travel, travellers must
discuss the details of the proposed trip and the associated risk assessment with their line
manager. The line manager may seek further advice from the Director of Compliance and
Risk. Travel to an area described by the FCDO as “all but essential travel” requires approval
from the relevant Vice President and Dean of the Faculty.
4.14 If the FCDO is advising against all travel to an area, then travellers must not attempt to travel
to, or through, those regions unless specific approval is sought from the Registrar, Secretary
and Chief Operating Officer through the Vice President and Dean of the Faculty.
4.15 Following a submission/approval of the risk assessment, if there is any significant change in
risks, the traveller should re-assess the risks involved and seek re-approval from their line
manager or supervisor before travel. Such risks may include, but are not limited to,
political/civil disorder, significant environmental health issues and natural disasters.
5 Travel Bookings
5.1 All travel arrangements that can be pre-booked in advance must be arranged through the
University appointed travel agent. It is a mandatory requirement for travellers to organise
their overseas travel arrangement through the University official travel booking agent. This
may be done on-line for routine travel or off-line, direct with the University appointed travel
agent, for more complex trips.
Or £200 whichever is greater
5.2 It is accepted that it may not always be possible for every type of transport overseas to be pre-
booked through the University appointed travel agent, such as local taxi, internal country rail
and tube journeys. In these circumstances these may be reclaimed as expenses or paid for on
travel expense cards.
6 Emergency Contacts
6.1 In order for the University to identify and manage any risks associated with overseas travel,
travellers must inform the University of their overseas travel plan and emergency contact
6.2 It is a mandatory requirement for travellers to provide their overseas contact details to the
University through the University’s official travel agent or other appointed supplier. In
addition to their School/Research Institute/Professional Unit, travellers should also ensure
that they have their up-to-date contact details on the University HR system and Campus
Solutions as appropriate.
6.3 In an event of an emergency incident, the University will contact travellers in the country
where the emergency incident occurs. Travellers must respond to the University’s text or
email and confirm their safety as soon as they practically can.
7 Non-Compliance
7.1 Non‐compliance with this policy may result in action being taken in accordance with the
University’s disciplinary procedures for staff and students.
8 Expense Claims
8.1 The expenses claims system is intended to reimburse actual expenditure incurred by travellers
while on University business. Accordingly, the University does not pay a daily subsistence rate
or similar system.
8.2 The University will reimburse only those costs that are wholly, necessarily and exclusively
required for University purposes.
8.3 No member of the University shall make a claim in respect of any expense that was not
incurred, or claim a sum in excess of that actually incurred or shall otherwise profit or cause
anybody else to profit at the University’s expense from such a claim, or make a fresh claim for
any expense incurred and previously claimed from the University or another body.
8.4 All claims for payment must be completed in a form approved by the Director of Human
Resources, and comply fully with the detailed rules in the Financial Procedures, Expenses
Guidelines and the statutory regulations.
9 Inoculation and Vaccinations
9.1 Travellers must ensure that they have the appropriate vaccinations necessary for the trip.
Common vaccinations may be obtained from the University’s Occupational Health Service.
Any fees incurred in obtaining other vaccinations for business travel can be paid by the
9.2 If in doubt, travellers should meet with a health consultant in the University Occupational
Health Service for guidance and advice.
10 Personal Health
10.1 Any traveller who is required to travel on any University related matter should not do so if
their doctor has advised against this. Any traveller who has an existing medical condition and
is concerned about their ability to travel should seek their doctor’s advice before travelling.
10.2 The traveller must obtain a doctor’s note of fitness-to-travel if they suddenly fall ill before
starting their trip or returning back home. The University insurance may not cover the trip or
any expenses incurred in the event of a failure to seek prior medical clearance.
10.3 It is the traveller’s responsibility to ensure that they take ample supplies if they require any
medication which has been prescribed to them by their doctor. They should check with their
doctor and be aware that certain countries have specific regulations that may prevent them
from taking some medicines into the country and obtain a medical certificate that the drugs
are certified for personal use. It is the traveller’s responsibility that such a certificate is
obtained and carried with them during the whole journey.
11 Personal Travel
11.1 If there is element of personal travel combined in the business trip, travellers must meet all of
the costs relating to the personal element of the trip. Business trips must not be planned
solely for the purpose of facilitating personal travel.
11.2 Travellers shall not claim any additional travel costs, subsistence or other expenses for days
taken as holiday linked to a business trip. Private travel insurance must be taken out to cover
the private part of the journey.
12 Travelling with a Companion
12.1 The University will not meet any costs relating to the spouse, partner or child of a traveller
who accompanies the traveller on a business trip. Such costs must be paid directly, and cannot
be charged to the University and then reimbursed. Companions must not travel, or incur any
accommodation, meals or other costs, at the University’s expense.
12.2 If the invoice includes both private and University business travel costs, the traveller should
settle the total invoice and reclaim the University business element from the University.
Private insurance must be taken out to cover the partner’s travel.
13 Promotional Incentives
13.1 A traveller should neither gain nor lose financially in relation to expenditure and
reimbursement on business travel arrangements. The purchasing decision shall not be
influenced by any promotional incentives such as airline mileage credits or personal cash
credit card discounts or rebates.
13.2 If air miles are gained as a result of University funded travel, these must be used whenever
possible for future travel on University business. Travellers must not book flights with a more
expensive airline to gain personal benefits such as air miles.
14 Roles and Responsibilities
14.1 Travellers should ensure
that they maintain communication with the University and have a suitable and functional
phone appropriate for the country to be visited. If they do not possess one, they should
discuss ways to communicate with the University in case of emergency;
that they manage their own health and safety whilst undertaking off-site visits and other
activities, and not compromise the safety of colleagues with whom they may be travelling.
If the risk profile has changed whilst in country, travellers should conduct a dynamic risk
assessment to re-assess any new emerging risks.
14.2 As far as reasonably practicable, line managers and supervisors should ensure
that a suitable and sufficient risk assessment is completed prior to each overseas trip,
taking account of up-to-date information on the FCO website. Where a significant residual
risk is identified, sign-off should be secured from a member of the Senior Leadership
Team, on behalf of the University;
that the traveller who undertakes travel as part of their work is suitably trained,
knowledgeable about their destination and sufficiently experienced to do so;
that the traveller is medically fit for travel. If in doubt, line managers and supervisors
should ask to receive a fitness-to-travel note from the traveller;
that the traveller has provided emergency contact details to the University;
that suitable action is taken to manage incidents which may arise involving University
14.3 The Head of School/Research Institute/Professional Service is responsible for the overall well-
being of all staff and students within their area. They should ensure that their travellers act
in accordance with this policy.
Document control box
Business Travel Policy
20 September 2022
The Planning and Resources Committee
2.0, 1.0
5 October 2021
To be confirmed (every 2 years)
The University of Manchester Financial Regulations
Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy
Bribery Act Statement
Gift Acceptance Policy and Processes
The University of Manchester Financial Procedures
University Health & Safety Arrangement Chapter 9: University Health &
Safety Risk Management and Risk Assessment Key Principles
University Health & Safety Arrangement Chapter 24: Health & Safety in
Off Campus Work including field work, field trips and business travel
Safety Service Guidance: Risk Assessment frequently asked questions
Safety Service Guidance: The Role of Generic and Dynamic Risk
General Risk Assessment Form with guidance for use
General Risk Assessment Form
Online Expenses Claim for Staff
Expenses Claim for Non-University & External Personnel
Occupational Health Services: Travel Risk Assessment Questionnaire
Director of Compliance & Risk
Dr David Barker
Version amendment history
Reason for change
Oct 2016
Creation, draft version
21 Oct 2016
Incorporated comment from Registrar,
Secretary and Chief Operating Officer
25 Oct 2016
Incorporated comments from REMG
14 Nov 2016
Incorporated comments from PRC
2 Dec 2016
Incorporated further comment from Registrar,
Secretary and Chief Operating Officer
15 Feb 2017
Version 1.0 approved by Board of Governors
7 July 2020
Scope of policy reviewed by ex-Registrar,
incorporated comment in 3.4 and 3.6
13 Oct 2022
Revision in 4.4, 4.5 and 4.10 in line with the
University Environmental Sustainability