Organization -
Organizations in
License Level
Certification Requirement
Education Requirement CE Requirement
Current Credential Needed for
License Renewal
Scope of Practice Student/Temporary License
AL Certification, Education and Scope of Practice
Alabama CE Requirements
AL Temporary License
No Licensure Law
AZ - Certification Requirements
AZ - Education Requirements
AZ - CE Requirements
AZ - Scope of Practice
AZ - Temporary License
AR - Certification Requirements
AR - Education Requirements and Scope of Practice
AR - Temporary License
AR - CE Requirements
CA - Certification and Education Requirements
CA - CE Requirements
CA - Scope of Practice FAQs
CA - Scope of Practice
CA - Temporary License
Colorado Office of
Therapy Licensure
Credentialed by a National Respiratory Therapy
credentialing body as a CRT or RRT (CO Respiratory
Therapy Practice Act 12-41.5-106.2b)
No discussion of education - Only
certification requirements
Could find no CE requirements for
Respiratory therapy is defined (CO Respiratory
Therapy Practice Act 12-41.5-103.6 Definitions)
CO - Certification and Scope of Practice
CT - Certification and Education Requirements
CT - CE Requirements
CT - Scope of Practice
CT - Temporary License
DE - Certification and CE Requirements, Scope of Practice, Temporary Permit
DE - Education Requirements
DC - Certification, Education, CE Requirements, and Temporary License
DC - Scope of Practice
FL - Certification Requirements
FL - CE Requirements
FL - Scope of Practice
GA - Certification, CE Requirements, Temporary License
GA - Scope of Practice
HI - Education Requirements and Scope of Practice
HI - Certification Requirements
ID - Certification and Education Requirements
ID - CE Requirements
ID - Scope of Practice
ID - Temporary License
IL - Certification Requirements
IL - CE Requirements
IL - Education Requirements, Scope of Practice, Temporary License
Person who does not meet requirementsfor
licensure and who is not exempt shall apply for
a temporary permit. Authorized to practice
under supervision of an RCP or physician for
one year. Can be renewed one time for one
additional year.
A person may practice if they have applied for
a license and have complied with all provisions
except for the passing of an examination until
the Department has made the decision that
the aplicant has failed to pass the next
available exmination or has failed without
approved excuse to take the next available
examination, but not to exceed 6 months. (225
ILCS 106 Section 50c)
Basic respiratory care activities, Respiratory
care, and cardiorespiratory care are defined
(225 ILCS 106 Section 10)
Practice of respiratory care is defined (Chapter
Have proof of successful completion of the Entry Level CRT
or RRT Examination(s) of the NBRC
Has completed a respiratory care
training program approved by the
department (225 ILCS 106 Section 50)
Complete 24 hours of CE relevant to the
practice of respiratory care every 2 years
(Title 68 Section 1456.110)
Department of
Financial and
Has successfully completed the entry level examination and
is a CRT and or has sucessfully completed the both the
written and simulation exam and is an RRT (Title 54-4306
Is a high school graduate or has
earned the equivalent (Title 54-4306,
Not less than 12 classroom hours of
approved course work each annual
renewal cycle (Chapter 54-4310)
Performance of respiratory care is defined
(Chapter 54-4303)
Have passed the CRT or RRT examination of the NBRC
Successfully completed a respiratory
therapy training program at an
accredited education institution
approved by the Committee on
Accreditation for Respiratory Care or
its successor (Chapter 466D-8)
Could find no CE requirements for
Professional and
Idaho Board of
Hold credentials as RRT or CRT as granted by NBRC
(Chapter 27B Section 3)
Be a high school graduate or hold the
equivalent of high school diploma
(Chapter 27B Section 3)
24 contact hours per 2 year licensing
20 hours of CEUs from approved list of
providers per 2 year licensing cycle
*Maximum of 15 online CEUs and 5
CEUs related to ACLS, NALS, NRP, or
Several topics have been described as a part of
the AZ Board of Respiratory Care Examiners
Meeting Minutes
Be a high school graduate or the
equivalent and be a graduate of a
respiratory therapy training program
Submit a copy of your passing RRT examination certificate
or score sheet
Alabama Board of
Arizona State
Board of
Respiratory Care
Have earned the RRT credential
Complete a respiratory care program
that is accredited by the Commission
on Accreditation of Allied Health
Education Programs
30 hours for license renewal per 2 year
licensing cycle except first renewal
which requires 15 hours. At least 2/3rds
of must be directly related to clinical
practice. 3 hours of ethics CEs provided
by AARC or CSRC required every other
Scope of Practice is defined
Have passed the CRT exam
Be awarded HS diploma or equivalent
and complete training in a respiratory
care program which has been
approved by AR Respiratory Care
Examining Committee
12 CEUs per renewal period - Licenses
renewed annually on or before last day
of birth month
Arkansas State
Medical Board
Respiratory Care
Board of California
Credentialed as a CRT and/or RRT by NBRC (DE
Administrative Code, Title 24, Section 1770
Submit a copy of your Respiratory
Care Practitioner diploma, and
arrange for office to receive a
verification of Respiratory Care
Practitioner Education form from
each program you attended
20 contact hours completed biennially.
At least 10 in-person or using
technology which allows attendee to
interact with presenter. No more than
10 hours may be obtained in non-
traditional, self-paced programs. (DE
Administrative Code, Title 24, Section
1770 8.1.1)
Respiratory care, Standards of Practice for the
Practitioner, Standards Related to
Practitioner's Competence and
Responsibilities, and Administration of
Medications are defined (DE Administrative
Code, Title 24, Section 1770 2-5)
Successfully completed either Entry Level or Advanced
Practitioner Respiratory Care examination
Complete a respiratory care program
that is accredited by the Committee
on Allied Health Education and
Accreditation or Commission on
Accreditation of Allied Health
Education Programs, OR recognized
by Joint Review Committee for
Respiratory Therapy Education or
Committee on Accreditation for
Respiratory Care
Beginning 1/1/19, earn a minimum of 10
hours within previous one-year period,
and include a minimum of at least five
hours of real-time education
Connecticut State
Department of
Public Health
Delaware Board of
Medical Licensure
and Discipline
Submit evidence of receiving a passing score on the entry
level examination given by NBRC (GA Rule 360-13-.01)
No discussion of education - Only
certification requirements
30 hours for license renewal per 2 year
licensing cycle except first renewal for
which there is no requirement. No more
Practice of Respiratory Care is defined (Health
Occupations Board 3-1201.02 17A)
Hold the CRT or RRT credential issued by the NBRC or
No discussion of education - Only
certification requirements
24 hours biennially
Practice of Respiratory Care and Respiratory
Care Services are defined
District of
Receive a passing score on the National Board Examination
developed and administered by NBRC (Municipal
Regulations 7604)
Complete an educational program at
an institution accredited by the
Committee on Allied Health
Education and Accreditation
(Municipal Regulations 7602)
16 hours during the 2-year period
preceding the expiration date. After
1/31/2019, applicant must complete 2
hours of ethics and 2 hours of LGBTQ
continuing education (Municipal
Regulations 7606)
DC Board of
Respiratory Care
Florida Board of
Respiratory Care
Medical Board
A student or applicant whose first application
for licensure has been submitted to the Board
may practice respiratory therapy under the
direct supervision of a licensed RCP who
collaborates with a licensed physician
(Municipal Regulations 7608)
Temporary permit is avavilable to individual
licensed in another state or graduate of an
approved program pending completion of all
other requirements for certification for a
period of 12 months. Temporary permits may
not be renewed. (GA Rule 360-13-.03)
Board may issue a 6-month temporary license
renewable once for an additional 6-month
period to persons who have graduated from an
approved ed program and who have applied
for and are awaiting competency examination
(Chapter 27B Section 7)
No temporary licenses as of 2015
In cases of emergency, Exec Director of AR
State Medical Board may issue a temporary
permit to persons not licensed in other states
but who otherwise meet qualifications for
licensure. Expires at the date of the next board
meeting unless the board ratifies or extends
the decision. (AK Respiratory Care Act 17-99-
305 Temporary Permits)
Respiratory care practitioner applicant' may
work under the supervision of a CA-licensed RT
if he/she has met educational requirements for
licensure. In general, applicant may practice for
6 months following graduation but dates may
be extended if applicant is unable to complete
licensure application for reasons outside of
his/her control
Temporary permit can be issued to a person
who completed education and applied for
licensure. Permit is valid until applicant takes
examination. (Chapter 381a, Section 20-
A student temporary permit can be issued no
more than 20 weeks prior to graduation from
approved RC program. Ceases on graduation
date or if student leaves program. (DE
Administrative Code, Title 24, Section 1770 7)
Scope of Practice is defined
Respiratory care is defined (Connecticut
General Statutes Chapter 381a, Section 20-
162n. Definitions)
Respiratory Care is defined (AK Respiratory
Care Act 17-99-102.5A-B Definitions)
Respiratory Therapy/Care is defined (Chapter
27B Section 2)
IN - Certification, Education Requirement, Temporary License
IN - CE Requirements
IN - Scope of Practice
IA - Certification and Education Requirements
IA - CE Requirements
IA - Respiratory Care as a Practice
IA - Performance of Respiratory Care
Kansas Board of
Healing Arts
Examinations approved by the board are the examination
developed by the NBRC for credentialing as a CRT and the
examination developed by the NBRC for the RRT (Article 55,
A list of approved educational
programs in respiratory therapy shall
be maintained by the board. In
determining whether an educational
program should be approved,
accreditation by the
Committee on
Accreditation for Respiratory Care
may be considered by the board.
(Article 55, 100-55-2)
Submit documented evidence of at least
12 contact hours of continuing
education since April 1 of the previous
year (Article 55, 100-55-7a)
Respiratory therapy is defined (Article 55, 65-
Student permit available to those enrolled in
approved school to practice under supervision
of a licensed RT - expires 30 days after
graduation. Temporary license available to
applicants who meet the requirements for
licensure except examination. Temporary
licenses shall expire six months from date of
issue or when licensure application is approved
(Article 55, 65-5508.c&d)
KS - Certification, Education, and CE Requirements and Scope of Practice
KY - Certification Requirements, Temporary License
KY - Continuing Education Requirements
KY - Scope of Practice
Louisiana State
Board of Medical
Holds current credentials as CRT or RRT granted by NBRC
or equivalent (Title 37, Chapter 49 ~3354.4a)
Is a graduate of a respiratory therapy
education program (Title 37, Chapter
49 ~3354.3)
Shall have completed in the prior 12
months at least ten hours of CE courses
that are approved by the Board in
consultation with the Respiratory Care
Advisory Committee (Title 37, Chapter
49 ~3357.1)
Respiratory Therapy is defined (Title 37,
Chapter 49, ~3353.5)
Persons who have completed an ed program,
applied for, and are waiting NBRC examination
may receive up to 6-month temporary license.
LA - Certification, Education, Temporary License, CE Requirements and Scope of Practice
ME - Certification, Education Requirements, Temporary License
ME - Scope of Practice
MD - Certification, Education, and CE Requirements
MD - Scope of Practice
MA - Certification, Education Requirements, Temporary License
MA - CE Requirements
MA - Scope of Practice
MI - Certification and Education Requirements
MI - CE Requirements
MI - Scope of Practice
MN - Certification, CE Requirements, Temporary License
MN - Education Requirements
MN - Scope of Practice
Mississippi State
Department of
Hold a credential conferred by the NBRC or equivalent as a
CRT and/or RRT (Title 15 Part 19 Subpart 60 Rule 9.4.1)
No discussion of education - Only
certification requirements
20 clock hours to be accrued during the
two-year licensing term (Title 15 Part 19
Subpart 60 Rule
Respiratory Care, the Practice of Respiratory
Care, and the Performance of Respiratory Care
is defined (Title 15 Part 19 Subpart 60 Rule, 5, 6)
Board may issue a temporary permit for a
period of 6 months to an appicant pending the
compliance of the requirements for licensure.
Applicant must be a student in an approved ed
program who expects to graduate within 30
days of the application and who is eligible to sit
for the examination (Title 15 Part 19 Subpart
60 Rule 9.4.3)
MS - Certification, CE Requirements, Scope of Practice, Temporary License
MO - Certification Requirements and Scope of Practice
MO - Temporary License
MO - CE Requirements
MT - Certification and Education Requirements
MT - CE Requirements
MT - Scope of Practice
NE - Certification and Education Requirements
NE - CE Requirements and Scope of Practice
NV - Certification, Education Requirements, Scope of Practice, Temporary License
Any person who has earned HS diploma/GED
and has completed an approved ed program
Practice of respiratory care is defined
Respiratory care is defined (Title 37, Chapter
28 Part 1, 37-28-102)
Limited license is available to current student
or graduate of approved ed program who is
eligible to sit for the exam. Must be under
supervision of licensed RT. Term of license is
one year or when holder of license fails
licensure examination or recieves initial license.
(261 CMR 3.07)
Board may issue a temporary permit to an
applicant if the application for licensure is
complete, all applicable requirements have
been met, and a nonrefundable fee has been
paid. Permit remains valid until the Board
makes a decision regarding the therapist's
application. (147C.15. Subd 3)
Student/temporary permit available to those
enrolled in/graduated from approved school
who complete the background check for up to
six months after graduation date. Permit
holders must provide care under supervision of
licensed RCP. (Title XXII, 334.890)
Temporary permit available for individuals
currently licensed in other another state or
recent graduates who will be required to take
the examination within 6 months after
graduation. If the applicant has a good cause
for not taking the exam within 6 months, the
committee may allow a renewal of the
temporary permit. (IAC 11-3-4)
Temporary certificate may be issued to the
graduate for a period not to exceed 6 months.
Certificate expires after 6 months or upon
failure of the entry level NBRC exam.
Temporary license is available to individuals
who can prove completion of an ed program
and submit affidavit from a supervisor from
proposed place of employment. (Chapter 3. I.
Respiratory care is defined (Title 32, Chapter 97
Respiratory care as a practice and Performance
of respiratory care is defined. (Chapter
Pass the examination as an entry-level or advanced level
practitioner of respiratory care administered by NBRC or its
A person who wishes to practice
respiratory care must have a HS
diploma or equivalent and complete
an educational program for
respiratory care which has been
Every two years, complete 20 hours,
twelve of which must be directly related
Nevada Board of
Submit notarized copy of original CRT or RRT score report
OR original TMC exam OR letter from NBRC verifying
passing the national examination
Submit an official transcript for proof
of completion of an approved
respiratory care program.
Every two years, complete 20 hours of
acceptable continuing education (Title
172, Chapter 162, 162-006.001)
Respiratory Care is defined (Title 172, Chapter
162, 162-002)
Pass examination prescribed by Board. Board may use the
entry-level exam written by NBRC (Title 37, Chapter 28 Part
2, 37-28-202)
Applicant must have completed high
school or the equivalent and a
respiratory care educational program
accredited or provisionally accredited
by the CAHEA (Title 37, Chapter 28
Part 2, 37-28-202)
Each practitioner must complete 24
continuing education units every 24
months (Rule 24.213.2101)
Department of
Labor and Industry
Department of
Health and Human
Provide evidence every two years of a
(147C.15 Subdivision 7)
Scope of practice is defined (147C.05)
Provide written evidence of credentials from the certifying
No discussion of education - Only
certification requirements
Required to obtain 24 hours of CE with
at least 12 coming from traditional
programs (programs attended either in
person or remotely by the use of
telecommunication technology where
the presentation is "live" and where the
attendee can interact with and ask
questions of the presenter)
Practice of Respiratory Care is defined (Title
XXII, 334.810)
Submit a verified copy of valid and current credential issued
by NBRC or equivalent as CRT, RRT or other entry or
advanced level respiratory therapist (147C.15 Subdividion 1
Applicant must successfully complete
a respiratory therapy training
program accredited by CoARC,
CAHEA, or a successor agency.
Minnesota Board
of Medical
Missouri Division
of Professional
A total of 15 contact hours of CE, not
more of which shall be in
correspondence courses and not more
than four of which shall be in a
for 2 year recertification cycle (261 CMR
Respiratory care is defined (261 CMR 2.02)
Pass the NBRC examination
Graduate from a respiratory therapist
training program which is accredited
by CoARC and obtain at least a 2-year
associate's degree from an accredited
college or university.
The public health code does not require
continuing education for renewal of an
RT license
Respiratory care services are defined
Board may issue a license to applicant who has submitted
verification of his/her certification as an RRT or CRT (261
CMR 3.04)
Board may issue a license to applicant
who has completed a Board approved
respiratory therapy program (261
CMR 3.04)
Board of
Respiratory Care
Department of
Licensing and
Regulatory Affairs
Provide documentation of certfication by the NBRC
Provide documentation of graduation
from a respiratory care program
accredited by the Commission on
Accrediation of Allied Health
Educational Programs or its
16 hours of approved Category 1
Continuing Education Hours relevant to
the practice of respiratory care, earned
during the 2-year period preceding the
expiration of the license
Scope of practice is defined (Sec.
Two levels of licensure - Currently credentialed by NBRC as
CRT = Resp Care Tech, Currently credentialed by NBRC as
RRT = RT (Chapter 3.1.c.2-3, D)
Submit an official academic transcript
demonstrating completion of an
education program for respiratory
therapists which is accredited by
COARC or its predecessor (Chapter
Could find no CE requirements for
State of Maine
Professional &
Maryland Board of
Have held a RRT or CRT credential issued by NBRC or its
equivalent (314A.110.1)
No discussion of education - Only
certification requirements
Minimum of 24 CEUs shall be accrued
duirng the 2-year certification period
(201 KAR 29:050 Section 2)
Scope of Practice is defined (314A.100)
Have achieved a score on the TMC or CRT Examination
which meets or exceeds the minimum passing score
established by NBRC (Chapter 261.3 (3))
Have succesfully completed a
respiratory care education program
accredited by, or under a letter of
review from, CoARC or CAAHEP
(Chapter 261.3 (1))
Complete a minimum of 24 hours of
continuing education for a two-year
renewal cycle. (Chapter 262.2(1))
Iowa Department
of Public Health
Kentucky Board of
Respiratory Care
Successfully completes and submits an official credential
report that verifies passing a respiratory care practitioner
School or program is defined as a
program for the education of
respiratory care practitioners. The IN
Board has adopted the standards of
the Commission on Accreditation of
Allied Health Education Programs.
(844 IAC 11-1-2)
Complete 15 hours of CE over two year
renewal cycle. No more than 7.5 hours
of continuing education can be obtained
through correspondence courses during
the biennium.
Practice of respiratory care, practices
considered tasks, and practices not considered
tasks are defined (IC 25-34.5-1-6, 5-2-6.1, 5-2-
Licensing Agency
NV - CE Requirements
NH - Certification and Education Requirements
NH - CE Requirements
NH - Scope of Practice
NJ - Certification and Education Requirements
NJ - CE Requirement and Temporary License
NJ - Scope of Practice
NM - Certification, Education Requirements, Scope of Practice, Temporary License
NM - CE Requirements
NY - Certification Requirements, Temporary License
NY - Education Requirements
NY - CE Requirements
NY - Scope of Practice
NC - Certification and Education Requirements, Scope of Practice, Temporary License
NC - CE Requirements
ND - Certification, and Education Requirements, and Scope of Practice
ND - CE Requirements
OH - Certification Requirements
OH - Education Requirements
OH - CE Requirements
OH - Scope of Practice
OK - Certification Requirements, Temporary License
OK - CE Requirements and Scope of Practice
OR - Certification and Education Requirements
OR - CE Requirements
OR - Scope of Practice
State Board of
Has passed the entry level credentialing examination as
determined by the NBRC (Subchapter F, ~18.307)
Has graduated from a respiratory care
program approved by the CoARC
(Subchapter F, ~18.307)
An applicant for biennial renewal or
reactivation of licensure is required to
complete a minimum of 30 hours of
continuing education; at least 10 hours
shall be obtained through classroom
lecture, clinical presentation, or other
live sessions where a presenter is
involved, one hour shall be completed in
medical ethics and one hour shall be
completed in patient safety (Subchapter
F, ~18.309a)
Functions of respiratory therapists are defined
(Subchapter F, ~18.305)
PA - Certification, Education and CE Requirements, and Scope of Practice
The department may adopt rules for issuance
of temporary permits to students and
graduates of approved training programs to
practice limited respiratory care under the
direct supervision of a licensed RCP or
physician. (Chapter 61, Article 12B-9B)
You may apply for a limited permit if you meet
all other requirements for licensure in NY state
except the licensing examination. Limited
practice must be under supervision of a
registered NY RT or physician. Limited
permits expire one year from the date of
issuance of upon notice that your application
for licensure has been denied, or 10 days after
you have been notified that you failed the
licensing examination.
Upon application and payment of the required
fees, the Board may grant a temporary license
to a person who, at the time of application,
submits required items while awaiting official
copies of the items from the issuing agency.
Temporary license shall be valid for a period
not to exceed 90 days from the date of
application. (~90-654)
Provisional licenses are available to a person
licensed in another state OR a graduate of an
approved ed program who has applied to take
the examination. Licenses are issued for 6
months under the supervision of a consenting
licensed RCP or physician.
Practice of Respiratory Care is defined (Title
59, Section 2027, 2)
Respiratory care and Respiratory care practice
is defined (Chapter 43-42-01, 43-42-04)
Practice of respiratory therapy is defined
(Article 164 ~8501)
can practice as an intern for not more than 12
months after graduation (NRS 630.277)
New graduates who are only waiting to take
the examination can apply for a temporary
license. Holder may take examination as many
times as needed during the six month period.
The temporary license is valid for six months
and not renewable unless holder can
demonstrate undue hardship to the Board.
No Respiratory care is defined (45:14E-3c)
Practice of respiratory care is defined
Submit satisfactory evidence of having an active credential
through NBRC as RRT
Applicants for licensure must submit
proof of having a HS diploma or
equivalent and have completed a
respiratory care education program
approved by the
AMA in collaboration
with the Joint Review Committee for
Respiratory Therapy Education or
their successors
To maintain licensure, an RT must
complete a minimum of 7 continuing
education hours every licensure year.
CE credits are no longer given for CPR,
BLS, ACLS, PALS, NRP certification. At
least 2.5 hours must be related to the
clinical practice of respiratory care.
Respiratory care is defined (2017 ORS
Hold credentials as respiratory therapist conferred by NBRC
No discussion of education - Only
certification requirements
Licenses are renewed biennial with
continuing education requirements, not
to exceed 12 clock hours bienneally as a
condition for renewal of license. (Title 59
Section 2037, F)
Oklahoma Medical
Oregon Health
Successfully completed both portions of the RRT
examination (Chapter 4761-5-01-A1.a.ii)
The board approves respiratory care
educational programs that have been
issued provisional, initial, continuing
or other accreditation status
conferred by CoARC or their
successor and require a minimum of
an associate degree with a major in
respiratory care (Chapter 4761-4-01-
Applicant for license renewal shall
complete 20 contact hours of CE every
two years; 1 contact hour of OH
respiratory care law or ethics, and at
least 15 must include content relating to
the provision of clinical respiratory care
(Chapter 4761-9-01-C)
Scope of care is defined (Chapter 4761-7-03)
North Dakota
Two levels of licensure - Submit copy of certifying exam
scores or NBRC certificate = CRT and Submit copy of
registry and CSE scores or NBRC certificate = RRT (Chapter
The board shall require evidence that
the applicant has successfully
completed a bona fide respiratory
care training program (Chapter 43-42-
Licensees must present proof, at the
time of annual licensure renewal, of
having attended or aquired a minimum
of 10 clock-hours of continuing
education approved by the board
North Dakota
State Board of
Respiratory Care
State Medical
Board of Ohio
North Carolina
Pass entry level examination given by the NBRC
(Respiratory Care Practice Act ~90-653.a5)
Submit written evidence that the
applicant has successfully completed
the minimal requirements of a
respiratory care education porgram as
approved by the Commission for
Accrediation of Allied Health
Educational Programs, or the
Canadian Council on Accreditation for
Respiratory Therapy Education
(Respiratory Care Practice Act ~90-
During the preceding renewal cycle,
complete a minimum of 12 hours of
Category I CE activities related to the
licensee's practice of respiratory care
and approved by the Board, the AARC,
or the ACCME. Six contact hours shall
be obtained each reporting year from
workshops, panel, seminars, or
symposings that provide for direct
interaction between speakers and
Practice of Respiratory Care is definied
(Respiratory Care Practice Act ~90-648.10)
New York
Two levels of licensure - Have passed the CRT = RT Tech,
Have passed written and simulation examinations = RT
Must have graduated from high
school or the equivalent and;
completed an approved one-year
certificate program in respiratory
therapy or a respiratory program
determined by the department to be
equivalent = RT Tech; Must have
graduated from high school or the
equivalent and completed an
approved associate degree program
in respiratory therapy or another
degree program in respiratory
therapy determined by the
department to be equivalent = RT
Respiratory therapists are required by
law to take 30 contact hours of
continuing education in each three-year
registration period; RT Techs must take
24 hours of continuing eduncation in
not constitute more than half of the
total hours.
New York State
Department -
Office of the
North Carolina
Respiratory Care
New Mexico
Show proof of passing the national board exam resulting in
credentialing of a RRT and maintaining a current RRT
credential (Title 16 Chapter 23,
Provide verification of successful
completion of an accredited
respiratory care education program
(Title 16 Chapter 23,
20 clock hours are required per renewal
cycle. The department will approve a
maximum of 8 hours per cycle of the
following: any hospital/organization in-
service, RC related science courses taken
in an academic setting received toward
RRT credentialing, CPR certification,
materials certification, and ALS.
Respiratory care and the practice of respiratory
care is defined (Chapter 61, Article 12B-3C,D)
New Jersey
Has passed the RRT examination offered by the NBRC or
successor (C.45:14E-15)
Applicants for licensure must show
evidence of having earned a HS
diploma or its equivalent and
successfully completed a respiratory
care program accredited by the
Council on Allied Health Education
and Accreditation or its successor
Each license holder must complete
thirty (30) CEU credits beofre the
expiration date for the biennial renewal
of licenses. At least 1 CEU in each of the
following: infection control, patient
safety/medical errors, ethics; 20 hours in
other respiratory care clinical practices,
and any remaining in any health care
related field
New Jersey
Division of
Consumer Affairs
New Mexico
Regulation &
New Hampshire
Successfully passing a national credentialing examination
Successful completion of approved
academic and fieldwork requirements
Continuing education requirements are
dependent on initial and ongoing
timelines of licenses
Respiratory care is defined
practitioner of respiratory care administered by NBRC or its
successor (NRS 630.277 1ac, d)
approved by the Commmission on
Accreditation of Allied Health
Education Programs or its successor
organization or CoARC (NRS 630.277
in the subject matter of ethics
Medical Examiners
New Hampshire
Office of Licensed
Allied Health
Rhode Island
Rhode Island
Department of
Has successfully passed the NBRC entry-level examination
and holds an active certificate as a CRT or RRT by the NBRC
No discussion of education - Only
certification requirements
Applicants for biennial licensure renewal
shall attest to completion of 12 hours in
discipline-specific offerings. Two hours
shall be in the area of ethics. No more
than six hours shall be online courses
Respiratory care is defined (216-RICR-40-05-
Every graduate of an approved ed program
who has filed an application for licensure may
upon receiving graduate permit from the
Department, perform as an RCP under the
supervision of a licensed RCP. Valid for 90
days. (216-RICR-40-05-16.6)
RI - Certification and CE Requirements, Scope of Practice, Temporary License
SC - Certification Requirements, Scope of Practice, Temporary License
SC - CE Requirements
South Dakota
South Dakota
Board of Medical
and Osteopathic
Actively certified or registered by the NBRC (Chapter 36-4C-
Respiratory care is defined (Chapter 36-4C-2)
Board may grant temporary permit to a
graduate respiratory care practitioner. A
temporary permit is nonrenewable and
terminates 3 months from the date when the
applicant becomes eligible to take the
licensure exam or upon applicant's failure to
pass the exam, whichever occurs first (Chapter
SD - Certification Requirements, Scope of Practice, Temporary License
TN - Certification and Education, CE Requirements, Temporary License
TN - Scope of Practice
Texas Medical
Hold a valid and current certification issued by NBRC (Title
22, Part 9, Chapter 186, Rule ~186.4.a4)
An individual applying for a certificate
must successfully complete an
approved 4-year high school course of
study or the equivalent, and
successfully complete an educational
program for respiratory care
practitioners accredited by
CoARC or
other accrediting body (Title 22, Part
9, Chapter 186, Rule ~186.4.a4)
Each RC practitioner is required to
complete 24 contact hours of approved
CE every 2 years as a condition of
certificate renewal; at least 12 hours
must be in traditional courses, at least 2
hours must be in ethics. (Title 22, Part 9,
Chapter 186, Rule ~186.10a)
Respiratory care is defined (Title 22, Part 9,
Chapter 186, ~186.2.29)
Board shall issue temporary permit to
applicant who 1) meets all qualifications and
has signed an Agreed Order/Remedial Plan but
is waiting for the next meeting of the Board for
the Order/Plan to be approved, 2) seeks to
temporarily substitute for an RCP and is
licensed in another state, 3) has graduated
from an accredited ed program. Temporary
permit is valid for not more than 12 months
and applicant must be supervised by licensed
TX RCP (Title 22, Part 9, Chapter 186, ~186.7)
TX - Certification, Education, CE Requirements, Scope of Practice, Temporary License
UT -Certification and Education Requirements - Rules
UT- Certification and Education Requirements - Laws
UT - Scope of Practice
VT - Certification Requirements
VT - Education and CE Requirements, Scope of Practice, Temporary License
Department of
Health Professions
Submit evidence that the applicant has passed the NBRC
entry level examination (18 VAC 85-40-50)
An applicant for licensure shall be a
graduate of an accredited educational
program for respiratory therapists (18
VAC 85-40-45)
In order to renew an active license, a
licensee shall attestto having completed
20 hours of continuing education within
the last biennium (18 VAC 85-40-66)
Scope of Practice is defined (18 VAC 85-40-70)
An RT who held a license that has expired or
become inactive may be issued a restricted
volunteer license to practice w/o
compensation. (18 VAC 85-40-67)
VA - Certification, Education, CE Requirements, Scope of Practice, Temporary License
WA -Certification Requirements
WA - Education Requirements
WA - CE Requirements
WA - Scope of Practice
WA - Temporary License
West Virginia
West Virginia
Board of
Respiratory Care
Passed a certification or registration examination (Article 34
Has completed an approved
respiratory care educational program
(Article 34 ~30-34-8a1)
A licensee shall accrue a minimum of 20
continuing education units every two
years. (Article 34 ~30-34-3.1)
Practice of respiratory care is defined (Article
34 ~30-34-2d)
Board may issue a temporary permit for a
period of 6 months to an applicant who is
currently practicing in another
state/territory/county and is completing
requirements for licensure in this state. (Article
34 ~30-1-3)
WV - Certification, Education, and CE Requirements, Scope of Practice, Temporary License
WI - Certification, Education Requirements, Temporary License
WI - Scope of Practice
WY - Education Requirement
WY - Certification Requirement and Temporary License
WY - CE Requirements
WY - Scope of Practice
Applicant certified to practice in another state
may apply to the board for a temporary
certificate for a period not to exceed 3 months
and cannot be renewed (Med 20.055)
Board may issue a temporary permit to
applicant currently licensed in another
jurisdiction or the applicant meets licensure
requirements, is currently enrolled in an
approved ed program and is expected to
graduate within 30 days of application. Permit
is valid for 6 months and may be renewed only
once for an additional six months. Temporary
permit shall be revoked upon notification that
student has failed to successfully complete ed
program. (Chapter 3, Section 3)
The board may issue a temporary license if all
licensing requirements have been met. (Title
40, Chapter 47, Article 5, 40-47-625)
Temporary license is available to applicants
who have filed their application with the Board
and whose application file includes all required
documentation except proof of their
examination passage. A temporary license can
be issued not to exceed a cumulative period of
6 months (Rule 1330-01-14)
A temporary license without examination may
be issued to a person who applies for the first
time and meets all other qualifications. License
may only be issued to allow qualified applicant
to practice until applicant takes examination.
Duration of license is a fixed period of time to
be determined by Director and shall not be
renewed. (Title 26, Chapter 091, ~4710.)
An individual who has completed an approved
ed program is eligible for temporary practice.
Individual must submit application and sit for
the examination within 90 days of graduation
and be under the supervision of a licensed RCP.
Practice of respiratory care is defined (Title 40,
Chapter 47, Article 5, 40-47-510-4)
Scope of Practice is defined (Chapter 6,
Section 1)
A licensee whall earn a minimum of 8
hours of continuing education every
year, with no more than 4 hours of
training in ACLS, PALS, NRP or any
combination thereof (Chapter 5, Section
Have graduated from high school or
have completed an equivalent
education and have sucessfully
completed a respiratory care
educational program from an
accredited program sponsored by
CAAHEP in collaboration with CoARC
or their predecessor or successor
organizations (Chapter 1 Section 6a,
Chapter 3, Section 1.d)
Have passed the CRT or RRT exam administered by the
NBRC (Chapter 3 Section 1.e)
Scope of Practice is defined (RCW 18.89.040)
Pass the NBRC CRT examination (Med 20.04.1)
An applicant must submit satisfactory
evidence that the applicant is a
graduate of a school with a course of
instruction in respiratory care
approved by CAAHEP (Med 20.03.1f)
Could find no CE requirements for
Respiratory care is defined (448.015.2)
Taken and passed the NBRC entry level examination (WAC
An applicant must be a graduate of a
two-year respiratory therapy
educational program accredited by
CoARC or CAAHEP (WAC 246-928-
All licensed practitioners shall acquire 30
credit hours of continuing education
every two years. A minimum of 10
credit hours must be earned in courses
approved by the AARC. (WAC 246-928-
Washington State
Department of
Department of
Safety and
Wyoming State
Board for
Respiratory Care
Pass an examination approved by the division. (Title 58, 58-
57-4f) The approved examination is the NBRC exam for
Entry Level RTs (CRT) or NBRC Registry exam for Advanced
RTs (R156-57-302a)
An applicant seeking licensure shall
possess a HS education or its
equivalent and have completed a
respiratory care practitioner
educational program. (Title 58, 58-57-
4d,e) A respiratory care practitioner
education program is accredited by
CoARC (R156-57-302b)
Could find no CE requirements for
Practice of respiratory care is defined (Title 58,
Submit official verification of NBRC certification
To be eligible for licensure as a
respiratory care practitioner, an
applicant shall have completed a
respiratory care educational program
accredited by CoARC or CAAHEP or
their successor organizations (Title
26, Chapter 091 ~4701.10, ~4707.1)
Licenses shall be renewed every two
years provided the person completes at
least 12 hours of CE requirements (Title
26, Chapter 091 ~4713)
Practice and Performance of respiratory care is
defined (Title 26, Chapter 091 ~4701.7)
Utah Dept of
Commerce -
Division of
Occupational and
Secretary of State -
The SD State Board of Examiners website is under construction and limited
information is available
Two levels of licensure - Submit verification of passage of
the advanced level practitioner exam by NBRC = RRT,
Submit verification of passage of the entry level practitioner
provided by NBRC = CRT (Rule 1330-01-05-2a3, 2b3)
Both RRT and CRT - Applicant shall
submit proof of completion of
academic and clinical preparation in a
respiratory care program approved by
CAAHEP in collaboration with CoARC
or their sucesssor (Rule 1330-01-05-
complete 12 hours of approved
continuing education every calendar
year; at least 5 hours must pertain to the
clinical practice of respiratory care or to
research relating to the
cardiopulmonary system, 1 hour must
pertain to patient safety, 1 hour must be
a course focused on ethics (Rule 1330-01-
Practice of respiratory care is defined (Title 63,
Chapter 27, 63-27-102-4)
South Carolina
Passed the entry level examination given by the NBRC (Title
40, Chapter 47, Article 5, 40-47-600)
No discussion of education - Only
certification requirements
Must complete at least 30 hours of
continuing education in the biennial
renewal period
South Carolina
Dept of Labor,
Licensing and
Department of