Boolean Search Cheat
Sheet For Recruiters
Discover the Boolean search
operators you need to know
to source the best candidates!
With tightening labor markets, changing
employee expectations, and growing skills
gaps, finding the right talent is more difficult
than ever.
This makes it even more crucial that you identify
potential best-fit candidates to help your
organization achieve its goals and succeed. So
how do you sift through the noise and find the
talent your organization needs?
Boolean search is a tried and tested method that
helps you enhance your sourcing process and
refine your recruitment strategy.
In this cheat sheet, you’ll find all the basic and
advanced Boolean operators you need to get
started right away on finding candidates who not
only meet but exceed job expectations.
Lets get started!
Identify potential best-fit candidates
77% of global employers
are struggling to
find the talent
they need.
Boolean search explained
Discover what Boolean search is, how it works,
and why you should know how to use it.
Page 4.
5 basic Boolean operators
Explore five basic Boolean operators and
how you can use them.
Page 5.
7 advanced Boolean operators
Take your sourcing game to the next level with
these seven advanced Boolean operators.
Page 11.
Boolean search examples
See how Boolean operators can be
applied to search for different roles.
Page 19.
Bonus: Understanding LinkedIns algorithm
Discover how LinkedIn’s algorithm works
to source for the best candidates.
Page 23.
Table of Contents
Boolean search explained
Boolean search uses symbols or words (like
AND, OR, or NOT) to combine keywords and
phrases to refine and filter your search results.
As a recruiter, you’ll be able to use Boolean on
the majority of candidate sourcing platforms like
LinkedIn, Indeed, Monster, or your ATS.
How it works
Boolean search helps refine sourcing by:
Including multiple keywords: use the AND
operator to ensure all keywords appear in the
search results.
Expanding the search: use the OR operator
to search for any of the listed keywords or
Excluding specific terms: use the NOT
operator to filter out results with certain
How Boolean helps your search for talent
Boolean search allows you to create more
precise and targeted search queries to find
the best-fit candidate faster.
Boolean search increases your candidate
quality by helping you identify those with
the right skills, experience, and qualifications.
Boolean search helps streamline your
sourcing process, saves you time, and
allows you to focus on high-value tasks.
Boolean search helps you uncover passive
candidates and untapped talent pools
others might miss.
5 basic Boolean operators
Let’s take a look at the five most basic
Boolean search operators that will help you
find more talent in less time:
Parentheses ()
Quotation marks “”
Note: AND, OR, and NOT need to be typed in
capital letters.
Tips to get it right
Type AND between your keywords or search
terms. Make sure the AND is in capital
Start with 2 to 3 highly relevant keywords.
Adding too many will significantly reduce the
number of results you’ll get.
Use space instead of AND in some search
engines like Google to speed up your search
string creation.
1. AND
What it is
The AND operator combines keywords or
search terms to generate results
containing all the specified words.
You can use this query to search for candidates
who mention “planner” and “AutoCAD” in their
If your ideal candidate should also have
experience in SolidWorks, add that to your string
like this:
Planner AND AutoCAD
Planner AND AutoCAD AND SolidWorks
Tips to get it right
Avoid having too many keywords. Making
your search too broad can give you less
relevant results.
In some search engines, like Google, you can
use the pipe symbol (|) instead of OR.
2. OR
What it is
The OR operator widens your search by
including multiple keywords or phrases. It
tells the search engine to look for results
containing any of the mentioned
keywords, rather than all of them.
You can use this query to search for a candidate
who has experience in different machine types
or industries:
Planner OR industrial OR machinery
Planner | industrial | machinery
Tips to get it right
Use NOT with vague or overly broad terms to
avoid excluding potentially qualified
Use NOT to avoid getting too many irrelevant
search results.
In some search engines, you can use the
minus symbol (-) to get the same results.
3. NOT
What it is
The NOT operator allows you to exclude
specific keywords or phrases from your
search result. You will be able to narrow
down your search to focus on profiles
relevant to your needs.
You can use this query to find mechanical
engineers with experience in AutoCAD, but you
want to exclude those who have worked with
AutoCAD NOT SolidWorks
Tips to get it right
Use parentheses when bundling synonyms
with the OR operator.
This operator makes your search more
precise and ensures the correct order of your
4. Parentheses ()
What it is
The parentheses () operator helps group
keywords, phrases, or other Boolean
operators together. It narrows down
search to candidates who match all or
some of your desired qualifications.
You can use this query to find a planner in
Cincinnati, your candidates might also live in
Covington or Newport (two small cities in
Planner AND (Cincinnati OR Covington
OR Newport)
Tips to get it right
Quotation marks are especially useful when
you’re looking for specific job titles,
certifications, skills, or unique phrases.
Be cautious when using this operator as it can
exclude potential candidates who don’t use the
exact same phrasing as you.
5. Quotation marks “”
What it is
The quotation marks “” operator allows
you to search for an exact phrase or string
of words by enclosing them in quotation
marks. The search engine will only return
results matching the exact phrase you
entered, in the exact order you entered it.
You can use this query to find a software
developer with a masters degree and have
experience with partner management:
“Software engineer”, “master’s
degree”, “partner manager”
7 advanced Boolean operators
Let’s explore advanced Boolean search
operators that you can use to take your
search to the next level.
Asterisk *
Tips to get it right
Specify your search on LinkedIn further by
adding /in/ to your search string. This will
show you profiles that match your search
string, but exclude other content such as
posts and articles.
Using the free version of LinkedIn? The
site:operator lets you use 32 search terms
instead of just 6.
1. site:
What it is
The site: operator allows you to search
for specific skills or experience within a
target website or domain.
You can use the following search queries in
Google to find a mechanical engineer with
expertise in AutoCAD and project management
on LinkedIn:
Add /in/ to your string to only get LinkedIn
profiles in your results: “Mechanical
engineer” AND AutoCAD AND “project
management” “Mechanical
engineer” AND AutoCAD AND “project
Tips to get it right
Always combine this operator with keywords
to make your search more specific.
Don’t use a space between the colon and the
file extension. ‘filetype:pdf’ is correct, but
‘filetype: pdf’ is not.
2. filetype:
What it is
The filetype: operator allows you to
narrow down your search results based
on a specific file type (PDF, Word
document, or PowerPoint). You can use
this to search for potential candidates
who have uploaded their resumes,
portfolios, or other relevant documents.
You can use the following search query to find a
mechanical engineer who has experience in
AutoCAD and project management, and has
uploaded their resume in PDF format:
filetype:pdf(resume OR CV OR
“curriculum vitae”) AND “mechanical
engineer” AND AutoCAD AND “project
Tips to get it right
Use this operator to search for different
variations of a word or term. For example, if
you search for software* in the browser, the
asterisk could represent the word “engineer
or “developer.
Be cautious when using the asterisk, as it can
generate a huge number of results.
3. Asterisk *
What it is
The asterisk * operator allows you to
represent any number of characters. This
operator helps you minimize the risk of
missing relevant candidates due to minor
differences in how they describe their
experience or skills.
You can use the following search query to find a
mechanical engineer:
mechanic* engineer*: the search
string will find results containing
“mechanical engineer”, mechanical
engineering”, “mechanic engineer”
Tips to get it right
The inurl: operator is not case sensitive.
‘inurl:example’ and ‘inurl:Example’ will give
you the same results.
Use the inurl: operator for each keyword you
want to search for. If youre looking for
multiple keywords, you will need to use
multiple inurl: operator in a single query.
4. inurl:
What it is
The inurl: operator allows you to find web
pages with specific terms in the URL. You
will be able to uncover hidden talent
pools or find candidates on platforms
other than LinkedIn (like a job board or
personal blog).
You can use the following query to find a Python
developer with experience in Flask who has a
Inurl:blog “Python developer” Flask
Tips to get it right
Use AROUND(7) to find results where your
search terms are no more than 7 words apart.
Make sure to place your keywords in the
order you want them to appear.
This operator is a feature specific to Google
search. Many platforms, including Bing,
LinkedIn, job boards, and ATS systems, don’t
support the AROUND(n) operator.
5. AROUND(n) (Google only)
What it is
The AROUND(n) operator helps you
source candidates with specific skills or
qualifications closely related to each
You can use this query a candidate with
experience in both project management and
agile methodology, and you want these terms to
appear within five words of each other:
Project management (AROUND5) agile
Tips to get it right
Make sure to place your keywords in the order
you want them to appear.
This operator is a feature specific to Microsoft
search engines (such as Bing, SharePoint, or
legal research platforms). Many platforms,
including Google, LinkedIn, job boards, and
ATS systems, don’t support the NEAR
6. NEAR (Microsoft platforms only)
What it is
The NEAR operator allows you to search
for two or more qualifications mentioned
close to each other. You will get results of
candidates who excel in both areas.
You can use this query to find candidates who
have mentioned their experience in marketing
and content creation in proximity:
Marketing NEAR content
Tips to get it right
Use the intitle: operator for each keyword you
want to search for. If youre looking for
multiple keywords, you will need to use
multiple intitle: operators in one query.
Avoid using very common words with intitle:
unless they are crucial to your search. This
operator works best with specific and unique
terms or phrases.
7. Intitle: (Google only)
What it is
The intitle: operator restricts search
results with a specific term in the title. It
helps you find candidates who have
explicitly mentioned their job title and
desired location in the title section of
their profiles.
You can use this query to find candidates that
have software engineer in the title and include
the location:
intitle: “software engineer” San
Boolean search examples
In this section, you’ll find Boolean string
examples for three common roles that you
might come across:
Software engineer
Data scientist
Account executive
Software engineer: sample Boolean strings
"software engineer" OR "software developer" OR "developer" OR "programmer"
For LinkedIn: ("software engineer" OR "software developer") AND (profile
OR bio OR OR "about me")
For GitHub: ("software engineer" OR "software developer") AND (profile OR
bio OR OR "about me")
For Stack Overflow: ("software engineer" OR "software developer") AND
(profile OR bio OR OR "about me")
intitle:("software engineer" OR "software developer") AND (experience OR
background OR "work history" OR portfolio) - position -"seniority level"
Search topic
("software engineer" OR "software developer") AND (skills OR "programming
languages" OR "tools and technologies") AND (Java OR Python OR "C++" OR
JavaScript OR SQL)
intitle:("software* engineer" OR "software* developer" OR "developer* resume"
OR "engineer* CV") AND (resume OR CV OR vitae) AND (filetype:pdf OR
filetype:doc OR filetype:docx)
("software engineer" OR "software developer") AND ("San Francisco" OR
"Silicon Valley" OR California OR CA)
Data scientist: sample Boolean strings
"data scientist" OR "data science specialist" OR "data analyst"
For LinkedIn: ("data scientist" OR "data analyst") AND (profile OR bio OR
"about me")
For GitHub: ("data scientist" OR "data analyst") AND (profile OR bio OR
"about me")
intitle:("data scientist" OR "data science specialist" OR "data analyst") AND
(experience OR background OR "work history" OR portfolio) -position
-"seniority level"
Search topic
("data scientist" OR "data analyst") AND (skills OR "programming languages"
OR "data tools") AND (Python OR R OR SQL OR "machine learning" OR "deep
learning" OR Hadoop OR Spark)
intitle:("data scientist" OR "data analyst" OR "scientist resume" OR "analyst
CV") AND (resume OR CV OR vitae) AND (filetype:pdf OR filetype:doc OR
("data scientist" OR "data analyst") AND ("San Francisco" OR "Silicon Valley"
OR California OR CA)
Account executive: sample Boolean strings
"account executive" OR "sales executive" OR "sales representative" OR
"account rep"
intitle:("account * executive" OR "sales * executive" OR "sales *
representative") AND (experience OR background OR "work history" OR "sales
record" OR achievements) -intern -"entry level"
Search topic
("account executive" OR "sales executive" OR "sales rep") AND ("CRM" OR
Salesforce OR "lead generation" OR "B2B sales" OR "B2C sales" OR "cold
calling" OR negotiation OR "client relations")
intitle:("account executive" OR "sales rep" OR "executive resume" OR "sales
CV") AND (resume OR CV OR vitae) AND (filetype:pdf OR filetype:doc OR
("account executive" OR "sales rep") AND ("New York" OR "NYC" OR "New York
City" OR NY)
("account executive" OR "sales executive" OR "sales rep") AND (profile OR bio
OR OR "about me")
Bonus: Understanding the LinkedIn Algorithm
Understanding how the LinkedIn algorithm works helps you interpret and refine your search results to
find the best candidates. Here are several factors that affect your search results:
Relevance is determined by the keywords, skills, and
other attributes matching your search criteria. The
more closely a profile aligns with your search, the
higher it ranks.
Profile completeness
A complete profile is more likely to appear higher in
search results. This includes the headline, summary,
experience, skills, endorsements, and
First-degree connections typically rank higher than
second-degree or third-degree connections. You can’t
search for people who are further than three degrees
from you, so expand your network as a recruiter!
Users who engage with their network, share content,
and participate in groups are more likely to rank higher
in search results. LinkedIn considers these users to be
more relevant and valuable to the platform.
The algorithm may prioritize candidates who are
located in the same geographic region as the searcher.
Skills & endorsements
The number of skills listed on a candidates profile and
their relevance, as well as the number of
endorsements received for those skills, can influence
search rankings.
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