A Guide to Diversity Talent
By: Jonathan Kidder
Jonathan Kidder is well known to many of us in the Recruiting
industry as the WizardSourcer - so it's hardly surprising that he
has written the definitive Guide to Diversity Recruiting. From
Search Modifiers to Talent Mapping, from Boolean strings to
Sourcing tools - Jonathan pretty much leaves no stone unturned
in his successful quest to deliver a roadmap for Recruiters, to
truly own the art and science of Diversity Recruiting in 2021 and
beyond. Excellent! --Marcus Edwardes, Recruiting Trail Blazers
“This guide is an awesome reference for anyone who wants to be
doing better with their Diversity Sourcing and Recruiting. But it
is more than that. It is also a good reminder to be more creative
when it comes to finding talent in general. I highly recommend
this read for anyone who wants to improve their Sourcing Skills.
Thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge so freely and
succinctly, Jonathan!” ” --Vanessa Raath, Founder of the Talent
A practical guide, finally! The Diversity & Inclusion is an
enormous topic on the minds of CEOs of many companies but
how to get started on the D&I strategy is often a question.
Inevitably it is about listening and understanding your own
employees first and creating an inclusive culture within your
company. Then it is about sourcing and hiring diverse talent.
Jonathan's book is finally coming with practical tips, advice and
guidance that many Talent Acquisition teams were waiting for.
This book is a must-read for all modern recruiters and sourcers.
--Josef Kadlec, Trainer, Speaker, Author, and Founding CEO of
Recruitment Academy
Legal Disclaimer
This book highlights different ways to find and recruit diverse
candidates for your job openings online. Please consult your
Country’s HR compliance in regards to Diversity recruiting. This
includes understanding GDPR and OFCCP employment
compliance. Discretion is advised before doing any of the
suggestions listed in this book.
Table of Contents
Legal Disclaimer 2
About Jonathan Kidder 6
Chapter 1: Defining Diversity 8
Chapter 2: How to Search for Diverse Candidates 9
How do Search Engines work? 16
How to Create a Diversity Sourcing Strategy 17
How to Build a Diversity Talent Pipeline 19
How to Create a Team Sourcing Jam Session 25
How to Create a Recruitment Tracker Template 26
Chapter 3: Creating a Diversity Talent Mapping Plan 31
Talent Mapping Tools 31
Where to Source Diversity Leads in North America 34
Chapter 4: Boolean String Examples 39
Chapter 5: Talent Sourcing Tools 108
Chapter 6: Best Practices for Sending Messages 128
Chapter 7: Employer Branding Tools 134
Video Tools 135
Social Media Tools 138
Chapter 8: Job Description Tools 138
Additional Resources 149
A Guide to Diversity Talent
How to attract and hire diverse candidates using Boolean strings
and tools online. Use this book as a guide to understand how to
find diverse talent available online. The Book will highlight
Boolean String examples and suggest different Talent Sourcing
tools to use when you create a Diversity Talent Sourcing
strategy. The goal of the book is to give you resources and tools
to create a strategy when it comes to D&I recruiting goals within
your company.
The author of this book has almost over a decade of research
talent sourcing experience. Jonathan Kidder has trained Sourcers
across the globe and he’s an active blogger within the
community. He launched his blog WizardSourcer.com in 2015
which focuses on helping others learn about the latest talent
sourcing tools.
He’s excited to share the latest diversity Boolean strings and
recruitment tools on the market and, even more so, he’s excited
to help you on your journey of becoming a Wizard at talent
Once this book was published in 2021, the string and tool
suggestions were already out of date. Technology moves fast
within the recruiting space. There will always be a newer and
better tool out in the market. I wanted to highlight tools that have
been tried and true for a while within the D&I space.
About Jonathan Kidder
Jonathan Kidder, AKA the “WizardSourcer,” is a top-ranked
technical talent sourcing recruiter, staffing expert, and
corporate trainer who assists organizations of all sizes in
identifying and attracting top talent.
A wizard at harnessing the power of social networking,
Boolean strings, search aggregators, deep web searching,
scrapers, and other advanced technology tricks and tools. In
2015, he founded a recruiting blog called WizardSourcer,
which has become one of the leading knowledge resources for
recruiters online.
His mission is simple: To help Recruiters and Sourcers
effectively launch a Diversity Talent Sourcing plan at their
With nearly a decade of full-cycle recruiting and sourcing
experience under his belt, he has worked in talent sourcing and
recruiting with companies including Amazon, Vista Outdoor,
CA Technologies, American Express, and many others.
Throughout his career as a sourcing leader, he has pursued
continuous learning to stay current on the latest sourcing trends
and to help clients across industries maximize the use of high-
tech recruiting tools ranging from browser extensions to AI
After earning a bachelor’s in business from Bethel University
in Saint Paul, Minnesota, Jonathan launched his sourcing
career at Allegis Global Solutions, one of the largest RPO
staffing companies in the world.
At Allegis, Jonathan discovered the power of social media as a
recruiting tool. This inspired him to develop and implement a
proprietary employer branding EVP and recruitment marketing
plan that could be used with any client to attract the world’s
best available talent.
A sought-after speaker and mentor, Jonathan has trained teams
around the globe on best practices for sourcing and recruiting
top talent. One of the industry’s emerging go-to resources on
recruiting expertise in the 21st century, he writes regularly on
the latest recruiting trends for his own top-ranked blog at
WizardSourcer in addition to being a contributing writer for AI
recruiting platform Hiretual and Recruitingblogs.com.
He is the author of LinkedIn Revealed and Top Talent
Sourcing Tools books. He currently lives in Minneapolis with
his wife and adopted golden doodle dog named Henry.
If you purchased a paperback copy but would like a digital
PDF version to easily copy Boolean strings within a search
please reach out to me on my website here:
Chapter 1: Defining Diversity
The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It
means understanding that each individual is unique and
recognizing our individual differences. These can be along the
dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-
economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs,
political beliefs, or other ideologies.
In regards to Diversity and Inclusion within the recruiting space,
this includes attracting talent from a diverse applicant pool. A
diverse plan is defined as (BLNA) which means Black, Latin, or
Native American.
Some Statistics on Diversity Recruiting:
67% of active and passive job seekers say diversity is important
to them when they’re evaluating companies and job offers.
32% of job seekers ranked diversity as "important," and 18% as
"not important."
96% of job seekers say that it's important to work for a company
that embraces transparency. (Glassdoor)
80% of job seekers believe their companies foster diversity at
work. (Jobvite)
37% of recruiters ranked recruiting more diverse candidates as a
top trend in the near future.
Gender diverse companies are 15% more likely to have a
financial performance above the industry mean. (McKinsey)
There are only 4 African American CEOs (all men) of Fortune
500 companies, accounting for 2% of the list. (Fortune 500)
These statistics are quite shocking. That’s why I wanted to write
about this topic-- to showcase Boolean strings and talent
sourcing tools that will help guide Recruiters to find great
diverse candidates online.
Here’s a general guide to follow when you are trying to
connect with diverse leads online:
1. Do not use the typical outreach method at the beginning.
Instead, be more empathic and transparent.
2. Understand the purpose behind the community. Whether
it’s a group or non-profit try to understand the mission.
3. Reach out to leader of group, association, or non-profit
and let them know your purpose.
4. Focus on building long term relationships with local
5. Put yourself in their shoes and recognize that this is a
safe space for that particular group.
6. Be mindful that you're representing your company’s
brand when interacting with passive leads.
Chapter 2: How to Search for
Diverse Candidates
Understanding search modifiers & operators fundamentals
Searching is a major part of any recruiter’s job, and luckily,
Google makes it quite easy to find what you’re looking for, so
long as you go beyond the basic word search option. Once you
learn Google’s advanced search operators, you can find exactly
what you need in far less time. The key is knowing which to use
and when. Here’s a look at the top Google Search Operators that
recruiters can use when sourcing for diverse candidates. Make
sure to review all of these examples as. you will be able to use
them later on within the book.
This is one of the most basic search operators you can use, and it
will certainly come in handy. This will produce two pieces of
information: the list of pages in the site’s index and the number
of pages in the site’s index.
Want to dive deeper into a site’s sub-folder, like “/blog”? This is
the search operator to use. Add it to the end of any root domain
and you’ll soon have all the info you need.
If you want to get down into a site’s sub-domains, this search
operator is another good one to use.
site:example.com inurl:www
This operator can help you find a domain’s sub-domain.
Add a [-] to exclude options
If you add a “-” before the search operator of number four, you’ll
be able to tell Google to find anything except that specific text.
In this case, you can use it in front of “inurl:www” to find any
indexed URLs for that site that don’t have the “www” sub-
domain, as in: site:example.com -inurl:www.
Chain operators to get more done
Most operators can be chained, which means you can get to very
specific information just by combining different operators to
produce the search you want to perform.
For example: site:example.com -inurl:www -inurl:dev -
site:example.com inurl:https
If you want to find any secure pages on a site, you can use this
site:example.com inurl:param
If you’re worried about pagination, search sorts, or something
else, using “inurl” and a parameter to track down pages is handy.
site:example.com -inurl:param
This operator allows you to know all sorts of things, like how
many pages are being indexed for a specific website without
site:example.com text goes here
You can also combine the “site” operator with a plain text query.
This means you’ll be able to search a page’s entire content for
certain or relevant text. Google will try to match all the terms
you put in, but they may be separated or the search may only
return certain terms.
site:example.com “text goes here”
If you want an exact match to the text you put in, simply
surround your text with quotation marks and Google will look
for an exact match. This is great for tracking down specific
site:example.com/folder “text goes here”
You can also use the above operator to check for content within
a specific folder, whether you’re looking for an exact match
(with quotations) or just any relevant results (without
site:example.com this OR that
Google does allow you to use “OR” in your queries if you are
looking for something specific. If you don’t know what exact
term you’re looking for out of a couple options, this operator
could be very useful.
site:example.com “top * ways”
The asterisk acts as a wildcard, allowing you to look for
unknown text.
site:example.com “top 7..10 ways”
If you have a number range in mind for a search, you can always
search using X…Y. It will return anything within the range of X
to Y.
Pro tip: you can search graduations dates or years of experience
using this operator function i.e. > 2009..2011
site:example.comintitle:”text goes here”
When you search for something using the “intitle” operator, it
will only return text that’s within <TITLE> tags.
site:example.com intitle:”text * here”
You can vary the last few operators to use “intitle:”
intitle:”text goes here”
This “intitle” search returns matching queries from across the
entire web.
“text goes here-site:example.com
This operator allows you to find text on any site while excluding
a certain domain. It could be useful if you’re trying to find a
company or candidate’s info outside of their main website or
site:example.com filetype:pdf
If you’re looking for something of a specific file type, using the
“filetype” search operator is the way to go. For instance, this one
allows you to find all PDFs on a given domain, but you can
search for other formats, too.
I’ve included a guide for modifiers and operators below:
Exact match search
Search for X or Y
AND (Space)
Search for X and Y
Wildcards will match any word or
( )
Multiple terms
Minus excludes keywords or phrases
Dictionary search feature
Most recent cache version of a
website page
Searching for file types i.e. PDF,
Xraying one entire website
Find sites related to a given domain
Shows page info
Find a certain word (or words) in the
Only results containing all of the
specified words in the title tag will be
Find pages with a certain word (or
words) in the URL
Only results containing all of the
specified words in the URL will be
Find pages containing a certain word
(or words)
Only results containing all of the
specific words on a page
Proximity search. Find pages
containing two words or phrases
within X words of each other
Finding a news related source on
Search for a range of numbers
Find pages that are being linked to
with specific anchor text
Only results containing all of the
specified words in the inbound anchor
Source: https://wizardsourcer.com/boolean-strings-list
How do Search Engines work?
Search engines work by crawling hundreds of billions of pages
using their own web crawlers. These web crawlers are
commonly referred to as search engine bots or spiders. A search
engine navigates the web by downloading web pages and
following links on these pages to discover new pages that have
been made available.
Search Engines that I recommend using:
Where can I find people online?
While not every candidate promotes his or her diversity online,
searches for “natural language” phrases (for example: “Spanish
speaking”) relating to ethnicities and languages can be useful
when sourcing. You can also search for diverse fraternities or
sororities, universities, and professional associations.
To find the candidates you want, you have to be able to
understand the phrases used online when they describe
Using phrasing that contains pronouns and action words (“I
configured *” OR “I presented at *) will point you in the
direction of relevant resumes and social media profiles as well.
You will need to expand on how you were taught to conduct a
search on a search engine. In order to find diverse talent, you
will need to search social networks, communities, and groups
that they might associate with instead of including a race or
gender keyword within your search.
How to Create a Diversity Sourcing Strategy
A company recruiting team will first need to create a D&I plan.
Once you’ve set goals for hiring, the next step is to create a
talent sourcing strategy.
If you are striving to hire a more diversified staff, you’re
probably thinking about how you can update your recruiting
strategies to help better attract diverse applicants. The fact is, in
order to reach a fair amount of underrepresented minority
candidates, you need to recruit in a purposeful and focused
You just can’t wait for qualified and BLNA leads to apply for
your roles. You’ll need to have your Sourcing team focus on
building a strategy. Below is how to build a diversity sourcing
strategy at your company.
Tips for Diverse Recruiting
These tips aren’t perfect, but with some trial-and-error, you’ll be
able to implement them into your practices and get better results.
Launch Objectives and Milestones: As once said, “A dream
without a plan is just a wish,” and what’s a plan without goals?
You should start by determining the milestones you need to hit
to consider your changes successful overtime. Track all your
metrics and create a sourcing goal for each week, month, and
Get Creative with Platforms: Out with the old, in with the new.
While some traditional methods still work great, others are
quickly becoming outdated and they’re leaving out a lot of
diverse talent.
Experiment with Engagement: Those outreach templates you’ve
been using might just need to be revamped to reflect more
welcoming, universal language and to make them more
appealing to the modern worker in general. Ask for Referrals
use your diverse employees and have them better represent your
employment brand. Get them involved in your outreach efforts.
Creating a Diversity Sourcing Power Hour:
This is honestly my one number suggestion in this book!
Have your team dedicate 1-3 hours a week to sourcing diverse
leads. Send a weekly calendar invite to block off the needed
time. During this hour you can either allow the team to quietly
source and search for leads or you can invite speakers to present
on diversity sourcing tips/tricks. Create a fun and lively event
that highlights your Sourcers abilities. Share weekly success
stories and discuss obstacles that are team is currently facing.
During the power hour sessions, make sure to create a live excel
document to track all your teams recruiting efforts. Showcase
this data to managers and present it to your leadership team.
Here’s how we track our current leads in my process:
Pro tip: Try cold calling candidates after standard work hours.
Some candidates may have different work schedules outside of a
9-5 pm type of role.
Find More Diverse Talent
Get started with this advice today and begin recruiting a more
diverse workforce to your open positions. While it takes time
and dedication to seek out leads in the underrepresented
segments of the population, it’s an endeavor that will prove well
worth it. Start by tracking your recruiting metrics!
How to Build a Diversity Talent Pipeline
Creating a talent pipeline of diverse leads will take time.
Companies are seeing the value of having a diverse employee
workforce. Every company wants to attract and retain the most
qualified applicants and finding applicants with a diverse
background can be very challenging. I’ve had my own
difficulties trying to source for diverse talent.
Here’s how to create a diversity talent pipeline to fill your
It’s taken me several years to understand the market and to come
up with a strategy that worked for me. You can waste a lot of
time in the wrong places. I don’t recommend going to job fairs
or outplacement firms I have never had success with using these
types of resources. However, here are some ideas that do work to
recruit and source diverse leads.
1. Facebook Job Ads
These ads can be a cost-effective way to target certain
demographics. Videos are popular on social media and it helps if
you can include a job description with a video ad. This would be
the best way to target diverse applicants in a certain location. For
less than $500, you would have a creative advertisement that
draws in views and traffic. You can also use Boolean strings to
directly source on Facebook. It’s really an untapped market for
Once your ad is active you can share the post within diverse /
niche groups on Facebook! There’s so many active community
groups that are focused on BLNA networks.
Facebook has roughly a billon active users every month. That’s
why it’s a great place to post a job that your company might
have. A Recruiter primarily focuses on the standard job boards
like Indeed, CareerBuilder, and LinkedIn but it’s good to think
outside these standards.
You need to get more creative and go where your niche pays
attention to. If you are targeting GenX or Millennials than
Facebook would be a great alternative instead of regular job
board. Diverse (BLNA) leads, Blue-collar, and other industries
that probably don’t have a professional LinkedIn profile
probably have a Facebook profile.
Benefits of posting a job on Facebook include reaching a vast
applicant pool that might not visit other websites online. This is
also a great avenue if you are on a shoe string budget. Facebook
Ads for job postings are free within the platform. If your
company has a great employment brand within social media than
why not benefit from this and post a job on Facebook?
Here’s How to Post a Job on Facebook:
Use your companies Facebook Company page if you are an
independent or boutique firm, then use your Staffing firms
corporate page.
Create the job advertisement for free and click publish:
Information Includes:
Job title
Job Location
Job Type
Salary Range
Add Additional Question
Receive applications by email
Require Resume Upload
Include an image
Showcase an Image
Ads with images are more clicked and viewed within Facebook.
I recommend adding a company logo or a professional picture of
your team or organization. Below is a basic measurement for
images sizes within Facebook:
Post: 940 x 788
In-feed ad image: 1200 x 628
Right column ad image: 1200 x 628
Carousel ad image: 600 x 600
Showcase a Video Ad
You can also include a video description within an ad. You can
use this to showcase your team and employment brand. Get
creative with your ads and generate some solid engagement.
Easily Manage Job Applicants
Within the setting bar, you can view your applicants and manage
your published job ads.
Here’s Tips from Facebook on Attracting Job Applicants:
Describe the job thoroughly
Provide key details
Fill in the specifics
Use additional questions
Stay organized
Respond promptly
Target Communities Online:
1. Colleges & Universities
Target a variety of schools with diverse populations. I’ve had
success by just googling different schools and their diversity
outreach programs. You can even email the career service
department. Usually, career services are more than willing to
post your job and broadcast your opportunity on email chains or
alumni websites. You can also ask about opportunities to set up a
table at any future events they might be having.
2. Non-profits & Associations
Do some research on non-profits and associations in your target
location. These organizations have many community-building
events. They have a strong network that could really help with a
tough search. I would recommend having them post your
opportunity and see what other ways they can partner with you
in finding qualified candidates.
3. Religious Institutions
I’ve had some success by contacting different churches and
religious organizations. They usually have event calendars listed
on their websites. This is a great way to find community based
3. Networking for Referrals
Always ask your employees for referrals. Usually the hiring
manager has strong ties with the local market. They may have
colleges and events in their network that they already know of.
You can even have an applicant with a diverse background write
a testimonial of their experience at the company. This could help
with building a culture that supports and attracts top diverse
Overall, it takes a lot of effort to build a diverse pipeline. I’ve
had a lot of success with attracting diverse applicants, but there
are always ways in which I can improve my strategies. I
recommend writing down all your ideas and creating time-bound
goals. What are some of the creative ways that you engage
diverse talent?
How to Create a Team Sourcing Jam Session
Use your company’s internal teams to source for referrals. Create
a talent sourcing jam event and encourage them to reach out to
their own personal networks online.
Some people might say we’re all truly connected to each other
and in some ways, life is a small world. I’ve been fortunate
enough to have had a long career in the talent sourcing space. If
you would ask me if I knew any Talent Sourcers who might be a
good fit for a role I could name off more than a dozen prospects.
Maybe you’ve heard of the Kevin Bacon effect? If you sat down
with friends and chose an actor or actress odds are after 4-5
names that individual played a role with Kevin Bacon. You can
use this same concept when bringing a team of professionals
together and having them source through their own networks.
Say you’re looking for an FP&A Manager? – The team that you
have at your company has many diverse backgrounds. They
probably have a network of leads that you can certainly tap into
especially in a tight job market. The idea to crowd-source for
leads has been around for many years and this practice is called a
“Sourcing Jam.”
A Talent Sourcing Jam involves inviting a team together and
having them go through their network for possible candidate
leads. You can also use their expertise to help target passive
leads on social media sites like LinkedIn or many others.
How to set up a Talent Sourcing Jam Session:
1. Use the data to figure on which roles have been a challenge
for your company.
2. Invite hiring managers and other leaders within that
3. Try and have at least 3-6 members attend the event.
4. If you have a budget, I recommend bringing snacks. Make it
become a fun and engaging event.
5. Setting expectations over email:
State the reasoning behind the email.
Have them bring their laptops and LinkedIn
account login.
If they’ve attended conferences or associations –
have them bring an attendees list.
6. Come the event day be prepared to write suggestions on a
white board. It’s also nice to have someone write down those
board suggestions in google docs and share that live document
with the whole team.
7. Whether you’re focusing on skill-sets, job titles, companies, or
universities to target, use those areas to map out a network of
referral suggestions. You can set a timer down and have them
search through their network. Write down every suggestion on
that white board.
8. Depending on privacy issues once you have the list created,
you can have the Talent Sourcers reach out to the lead
suggestions or have those individuals reach out directly.
9. Turn this event into bi-monthly or quarterly event. Get them
excited by turning it into a game. Have prizes or incentives for
hires. Food and prizes are a great way to bring everyone
For example, my manager treated the event almost like a
Jeopardy game. He plays music and acts like Alex Trebek when
going through people’s networks and we had a blast.
Here’s an Email Template that you can send your Hiring
Hi (Name) we have a lot of sourcing needs for this team and
would like to have a sourcing lunch session.
Team Objective:
Spend an hour finding referrals & leads to reach out to for our
Food will be provided. (Please give me suggestions).
During this hour, we will have each of your login into LinkedIn
and search for potential leads and add them into a google doc.
After the meeting, me and Rachel would reach out to those leads
and start them in our process.
Please let us know if you have any further questions!
Overall, there’s a HUGE benefit to bringing a team together to
help them source within their own networks. On top of that, it
also helps improve your relationships with the talent acquisition
teams and helps the Talent Sourcer(s) refocus and target on the
right leads for job openings.
How to Create a Recruitment Tracker Template
I would recommend creating a recruitment tracker to track all
your diversity sourcing efforts.
A lot of work goes into the recruiting process and it’s important
to stay organized during every step. The full cycle process
includes: sourcing, screening, submitting, and setting up final
round interviews. Every part involves various steps and
procedures depending on your organization. You will need to
coordinate with recruiting coordinators, internal teams, and
applicants throughout the entire process. Having a well-
organized Recruitment Tracker template that is simple and easy
to understand will be important. I recommend creating a basic
template within Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Trello, or
Below are Step-by-Step Instructions on Creating a
Recruitment Tracker Template:
Date: Include the date when you first sourced the
candidate lead.
Role: Include the role and req number that you are
sourcing for.
Location: Include the State or City where the candidate
is based.
Full Name: Include the full name of the candidate.
Contact Information: Include the candidate's personal
email address and cell number.
Salary Expectation: Once you screen the candidate, get
their all-in salary expectations. Include additional details
like bonus and stock plans.
BLNA: If the candidate self-selects there (race) and it’s
diverse (BLNA) you can track this as well.
Phone Screen: Once you review applicants and sourced
leads the next steps will be to schedule a phone screen
Interview OR Assessment: Within this column, you can
get the candidates interviewing availability for the first
round interview or online assessment.
Candidates Onsite Ready: If the candidates pass the first
round, the next steps will be to schedule a final round
Final Round (Hired): Once the final round happens, the
team will then decide to either decline or move forward
with an offer.
Use Colors to Highlight each Step in your process
Gray: Separate each sourcing week with the document.
Green: Highlight candidates who are onsite ready.
Yellow: Candidate who have withdrawn from the
Orange: Candidates interested in the future and require a
follow up.
Weekly Recap Tracker Template
In another tab create a weekly recap of your sourcing metrics.
This is a great way to showcase data to your manager or hiring
Offer Accepts Tracker Template
Use this template to track all of your offer accept hires for the
Chapter 3: Creating a Diversity
Talent Mapping Plan
Talent mapping is defined as researching your company's
competition in relation to job openings and then using that data
when you start to source candidates. You can also present this
data to your hiring manager to help them understand the level of
difficulty and challenge that you might face in finding candidates
in certain locations.
Talent Mapping Tools:
These tools will help you monitor, track, and find leads online.
Owler - With this tool, you can create custom company lists and
receive news about these specific companies through the web or
Company Profiles
Access crucial company data, including annual revenue,
employee count, location, funding history, acquisitions, recent
news, and more.
Meet the world’s most up-to-date competitive graph in
existence! Owler maps over 40 million competitive relationships
between 13 million companies worldwide.
Advanced Search
Filter Owler’s entire company database by annual revenue,
sector, location, employee count, and public/private company
Glassdoor - Can give you a valuable point of view of a
company’s employees. Track your competition and gain Intel on
local markets.
Justice Maps - Use this data to understand where diverse
candidates may live across North America:
Source: http://www.justicemap.org
What data layers do you have?
We have several race layers and income layers (three different
representations of median household income). The race layers
are available at the county, census tract, block group, and block
level. The income layers are available at the county and census
tract level. This provides greater detail when you zoom in.
Zipwho.com - This ZIP code demographics site was built
because existing census statistics tools failed to satisfy the needs
of power users. Many Web sites allow users to query the median
household income of a ZIP code, but that dollar figure alone
does not indicate how one neighborhood's population compares
to others around the country. ZipWho.com fills this information
gap by displaying a national percentile rank (0 - 99) next to
every data element.
City-Data.com - By collecting and analyzing data from a variety
of government and private sources, was able to create detailed,
informative profiles for every city in the United States. From
race demographics, crime rates, to weather patterns, you’ll find
the data you're looking for on City-Data.com.
Where to Source Diversity Leads in North America:
It takes research to understand where diverse candidates may
live. There’s a lot of great resources online - primarily I
recommend checking out Wikipedia.
Top 10 Cities with highest % of Black or African-
(Black or
Percentage of
New Orleans,
Flint, Michigan
Cities with highest number of Asian-Americans
New York, NY
Los Angeles,
San Jose, CA
San Francisco,
San Diego, CA
Honolulu, HI
Chicago, IL
Houston, TX
Fremont, CA
Top States with Largest Native American populations:
1. California
2. Oklahoma
3. Arizona
4. New Mexico
5. Texas
6. North Carolina
7. Washington
8. Alaska
9. New York
10. South Dakota
Top Cities with Highest Native American Populations:
New York, New York
Los Angeles, California
Phoenix, Arizona
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Anchorage, Alaska
US Communities with highest Hispanic-majority populations
in 2010 census:
Communities in the United States with a Hispanic-majority
population are primarily found in the Southwestern United
States and in large metropolitan areas elsewhere in the
The community with the highest percentage of Hispanic
residents (among communities with over 100,000 people) is
the unincorporated community of East Los Angeles,
California, whose population was 97.1% Hispanic.
Among incorporated localities of over 100,000 people, the
city of Laredo, Texas has the highest percentage of Hispanic
residents at 95.6%.
San Antonio, Texas is the largest Hispanic-majority city in
the United States, with 807,000 Hispanics making up 61.2%
of its population.
New York City has the most Hispanic residents, although it
is not Hispanic-majority.
Alaska American Targeted Search Top 10 Alaska
2. Bristol Bay Native
3. Chugach Alaska
4. Afognak Native
5. Anchorage School District
6. Yukon-Kuskokwim Health
7. Ukpeaġvik Iñupiat
8. Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
9. NANA Dev
10. Lynden
Source: This information was compiled using Wikipedia
Chapter 4: Boolean String
Talent sourcing involves creating various Boolean strings to find
profiles or resumes online. Finding diverse resumes or profiles of
candidates can be quite a difficult task. When you think of
natural language and the way people introduce themselves
online. Gender, Sex, or Race is something that most people do
not recognize or mention within their profiles or resumes online.
With that in mind, it is a difficult task when you are trying to
source different types of diverse leads.
Including these types of phrases will help direct you to leads.
Examples base on gender:
site:www.linkedin.com/in “machine learning * at
site:facebook.com “minneapolis” “to present” -posts (she or her)
(“women who” OR “women in” OR “women for” OR “for
“Women Led” (group OR club OR society OR a member OR
(she OR her) (intitle:”resume for” OR intitle:”resume of” OR
intitle:”curriculum vitae” OR intitle:”’s resume”) -
intitle:example -intitle:examples -intitle:sample -intitle:submit
site:meetup.com “member since” women
"is a member of women in technology"
Examples based on race:
(Hispanic OR Latinx OR African American OR Native
(“africanamerican” OR black OR latino OR latina OR latinx
OR hispanic OR “native american” OR “americanindian” OR
“alaska native”)
How to Search for Attendees at a Conference:
Just include the domain of the conference that you plan to
search for and include the string suggestions below:
(intitle:bio OR inurl:bio OR intitle:profile OR inurl:profile OR
intitle:homepage OR inurl:homepage OR intitle:”about me” OR
inurl:”about me”)
(intitle:team OR intitle:staff OR intitle:people OR
(intitle:attendees OR intitle:members OR intitle:participants OR
intitle:registrants OR intitle:roster)
site:nsbe.org intitle:(directory OR list) (attendees OR
participants) developer
Here are ways to create Booleans strings to find candidates
based on race or gender.
Choose an industry and try and find local communities:
(Latin or Latinx) (“finance” OR CPA” OR “accountant”)
“sandiego” -samples -jobs
site:about.me “email me” software (developer OR programmer
OR engineer OR architect) (Latin OR Latinx)
site:www.linkedin.com/in “data scientist” “* *
years|experienceof|in|on|with * * * * *”
(“africanamerican” OR black OR latino OR latina OR hispanic
OR “native american” OR “americanindian” OR “alaska native”)
(organization OR association OR society)
site:zoominfo.com/p African American site:com
about “minority owned*”
“national society of black engineers”
site:com “black engineers”
site:diversifytech.co "profiles
site:twitter.com inurl:with_replies [add keywords] (“Black” OR
“Minority” OR “African”)
site:meetup.com (java OR python OR ruby OR C# OR C++)
“member since” (“Black” OR “African” OR “Latino”)
site:reddit.com/r "African" "Engineer*"
site:medium.com/portfolio (“Black” OR “African” OR “African
site:medium.com “Also tagged Black Women in Tech”
Search based on Language. Use Google Translate in your
search string:
For example:
Email me >envíemeuncorreoelectrónico
My Resume > mi resumen
Seeking opportunities >buscandooportunidades
Or just use the phrase “spanish speaking*
Alumni Groups
You can search alumni groups and other associations that are
connected to diverse groups.
For example:
(NSBE OR “black engineer” OR NSMBA OR “black MBAs”
OR AAWIT OR “African American women in technology” OR
NAACP OR “black chamber of commerce” OR “African
American chamber”)
For that search, I was able to quickly put together a list of
associations and groups connected this group.
List of Historically Black Universities:
Bowie State University
Clark Atlanta University
Fisk University
Grambling State University
Howard University
Jackson State University
Morehouse College
South Carolina State University
Southern University Baton Rouge
Spelman College
Stillman College
Tuskegee University
Xavier University
I recommended doing an Xray search for career related content
and group info.
For example:
site:xavier.edu "alumni"
Meetups Group Example:
Prepare a basic search to find diverse groups and organizations.
You can use other tools to scrape and find users within these
Locations include: Seattle, New York, Boston, Dallas, Bay Area,
Chicago, & LA etc.
Events / Conferences:
(“Black” OR “African” OR “African American”)
(intitle:attendees OR inurl:attendees OR intitle:participants OR
inurl:participants OR intitle:roster OR inurl:roster OR
intitle:registrants OR inurl:registrants)
Examples of websites that show up from this search:
LinkedIn Groups:
Try searching within LinkedIn Groups. You may be surprised to
find a local chapter for a diverse niche that you are trying to
recruit for.
Below I’ve included some examples of Black Technology
Facebook Groups:
Try searching directly on Facebook to find groups. Within a
quick search, I was able to find this group. You can easily join
and network with users within the group. I recommend checking
out the Swordfish extension which will give you contact details
of individual profiles.
Pro tip: You can also scrape Facebook Group data using tools
like Phantombuster. Scraping profile data will include a user’s
name with potential contact information.
Sourcing Tips:
Name generation is a controversial topic within our community.
Some have taken offense to this practice of using first names. It
does not fully consider all possibilities when searching for a
particular race or gender and can be very limiting. I want to be
clear that I do not think this is the best tool for finding diverse
candidates and do not explicitly endorse it, though it will
produce results.
Pro tip: The max searched words within Google is 32 words.
However, you can use other websites like LinkedIn and others
that do not have a search limit.
The examples below involves using common first names within
a race.
Source: https://wizardsourcer.com/top-boolean-strings-to-find-
Top Black Surnames
((williams OR johnson OR smith OR jones OR brown OR
jackson OR davis OR thomas OR harris OR robinson OR taylor
OR wilson) OR moore OR white OR lewis OR walker OR green
OR washington OR thompson OR anderson OR scott OR carter
OR wright OR miller OR hill OR allen OR mitchell OR young
OR lee OR martin OR clark OR turner OR hall OR king OR
edwards OR coleman OR james OR evans OR bell OR
richardson OR adams OR brooks OR parker OR jenkins OR
stewart OR howard OR campbell OR simmons OR sanders OR
henderson OR collins OR cooper OR watson OR butler OR
alexander OR bryant OR nelson OR morris OR barnes OR
jordan OR reed OR woods OR dixon OR roberts OR gray OR
phillips OR griffin OR baker OR powell OR bailey OR ford OR
holmes OR banks OR daniels OR ross OR rogers OR perr)
(foster OR patterson OR hunter OR owens OR grant OR
marshall OR henry OR morgan OR price OR wallace OR ward
OR hayes OR boyd OR freeman OR graham OR hamilton OR
franklin OR hawkins OR gordon OR sims OR harrison OR ellis
OR kelly OR hicks OR bennett OR joseph OR gibson OR
crawford OR jefferson OR watkins OR tucker OR porter OR
willis OR mason OR matthews OR fields OR cook OR hughes
OR simpson OR hudson OR cole OR warren OR russell OR
west OR reid OR murphy OR wells OR mack OR murray OR
douglas OR bradley OR frazier OR shaw OR harper OR greene
OR robertson OR payne OR perkins OR byrd OR spencer OR
webb OR oliver OR cox OR austin OR berry OR lawrence OR
mcdonald OR montgomery OR love OR mccoy OR burton OR
black OR knight OR harvey OR andrews OR cunningham OR
stephens OR armstrong OR peterson OR glover OR long OR
haynes OR riley OR hampton OR wade OR miles OR palmer
OR neal OR gardner OR ferguson OR garrett)
(tate OR singleton OR hunt OR reynolds OR curry OR charles
OR chambers OR hardy OR hines OR little OR walton OR rice
OR mills OR fisher OR mosley OR caldwell OR booker OR
alston OR carr OR lawson OR roberson OR kennedy OR terry
OR houston OR burns OR mcgee OR ray OR myers OR fuller
OR stevenson OR thornton OR watts OR duncan OR ingram OR
pearson OR gaines OR dorsey OR flowers OR parks OR lane
OR george OR stevens OR stokes OR ware OR dawson OR
reese OR dennis OR francis OR horton OR mckinney OR
holloway OR jennings OR graves OR tyler OR hopkins OR
fleming OR battle OR williamson OR vaughn OR wiggins OR
dunn OR clay OR lucas OR jacobs OR sutton OR floyd OR
pierre OR daniel OR rivers OR malone OR moss OR dean OR
clarke OR chapman OR bush OR logan OR shelton OR bates
OR gibbs OR pierce OR arnold OR holland OR saunders OR
hart OR mccray OR rhodes OR wilkins OR gilbert OR townsend
OR richards OR rodgers OR lowe OR mathis OR morrison OR
nichols OR fletcher OR cannon OR elliott OR rose OR howell
OR anthony OR glenn OR garner OR boone OR pittman OR
dickerson OR norman OR simon OR wheeler OR cobb OR
monroe OR barnett OR branch OR curtis OR lyons OR mcdaniel
OR hubbard OR woodard OR lindsey OR page OR mays OR
bolden OR randolph OR bradford OR copeland OR pitts OR
blake OR sullivan OR chandler OR mcclain OR carroll)
Most Popular African Names
(Imani OR Ebony OR Shanice OR Aaliyah OR Precious OR Nia
OR Deja OR Diamond OR Asia OR Aliyah OR Jada OR Tierra
OR Tiara OR Kiara OR Jazmine OR Jasmin OR Jazmin OR
Jasmine OR Alexus OR Raven)DeShawn OR DeAndre OR
Marquis OR Darnell OR Terrell OR Malik OR Trevon OR
Tyrone OR Willie OR Dominique OR Demetrius OR Reginald
OR Jamal OR Maurice OR Jalen OR Darius OR Xavier OR
Terrance OR Andre OR Darryl)
Top First name with Haitian Origin
("Nanschmide" OR "CATHELINE" OR "ChristelleAnnoa" OR
"Mannuela" OR "Kensia" OR "Myou" OR "wilvarde" OR
"Gaen" OR "hericka" OR "cassanne" OR "ladymia" OR
"Zaïtuna" OR "Anaica" OR "Nephertarie" OR "johane" OR
"Skay" OR "Ana" OR "lyncees" OR "Dadorie" OR "louis
chritelle" OR "paolita" OR "madelie" OR "rosecarla" OR
"Audrey" OR "Winchell" OR "Skailee" OR "Pharah" OR "aicha"
OR "Eyma" OR "Marlissa" OR Mathilda" OR "sabatina" OR
"nissoue" OR "mc.lane" OR "Daphney" OR "Jalo") OR "keekah"
OR "Louisena" OR "Niquelle" OR "Jennifer" OR "Mitchell-
Sandra" OR "Mina" OR "valencia" OR "Tatiana" OR "Herin"
OR "Aimee" OR "Laetitia" OR "Fredely" OR "Michel" OR
"cristelle" OR "Marylin" OR "Alexa" OR "Chisty" OR "malia"
OR "Gaby" OR "Jasmine" OR "Sandra" OR "michaelle" OR
"Nathaima Lynn-Flaure" OR "lise" OR "Trécee" OR
"Christelle" OR "Yolanda" OR "Rachelle" OR "Leila" OR
"Betiane" OR "Lourdy" OR "Kerline" OR "louloune" OR
"dedou" OR "LeyssaGaelle" OR "Mishaïna" OR "Shamah"
OR "Emma-Ludmyr" OR "PAÃœLIA" OR "James" OR "Wood"
OR "Emmanuel" OR "stanley" OR "Sidney" OR "Ricardo" OR
"Rims-ky" OR "Davidson colsensky" OR "Kenndhy" OR "richo"
OR "Jhonson" OR "Guelo" OR "Jemmyson" OR "Michel
Olivier" OR "Témaël" OR "odney" OR "Olgues" OR
"Bernardo" OR "Duckenson" OR "meila" OR "Jules" OR
"Jameson" OR "loovens" OR "Wilkens" OR "Frero" OR "John"
OR "Donald" OR "Begory" OR "Selvandieu" OR "Mti" OR
"jean odly" OR "JEAN ENOCK" OR "Johnny Wolf" OR
"Loubens" OR "Roodney" OR "Carven" OR "stefrey" OR
"Mackendevinci" OR "Jean-Claude" OR "jon" OR "Toussaint"
OR "sylvestre" OR "olson" OR "Ency" OR "CLAJAMES" OR
"JOHN GUYVE" OR "Widmarck" OR "walken" OR "Odelin"
OR "rimpel" OR "young" OR "AKATSUKI" OR "Widnel" OR
"leonaldo" OR "peterlay" OR "Budry" OR "NarumElie" OR
"jean Jackson" OR "Ed Allen" OR "Yves" OR "ANGELO" OR
"Jean wilking" OR "Carl edouard" OR "Makenley" OR "Frandy"
OR "pierre" OR "Dieter Adler" OR "Hercule" OR "Jn Jacques"
OR "Estherson" OR "Lorvensky" OR "Ronaldo" OR "Pierre
stephane" OR "prince-jeyjey" OR "Hans Whalter" OR "Danley"
OR "Zhedd" OR "Burk" OR "Widmy" OR "Arly")
Most Popular African Female Names
(Nia OR Cadence OR Hanna OR Nala OR Zahra OR Zendaya
OR Ayanna OR Ayana OR Nahla OR Ashanti OR Makena OR
Dalia OR Za'Niyah OR Ayah OR Nyah OR Candice OR Niyah
OR Ny'asia OR Kaliah OR Iyana OR Niah OR Ka'Mya OR Nya
OR Jahzara OR Laiken OR Nalah OR Tahiry OR Kiya OR
Tanisha OR Keisha OR Zaniya OR Adanna OR Ka'Liyah OR
Lakeisha OR Nisha OR Zehra OR Kamile OR Eshal OR Shade
OR Nokutenda OR Evte OR Amrit OR Tinaye)
105 HCBU’s:
(“Alabama A&M University” OR “Alabama State University”
OR “Albany State University” OR “Alcorn State University” OR
“Allen University” OR “University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff”
OR “Arkansas Baptist College” OR “Barber-Scotia College” OR
“Benedict College” OR “Bennett College” OR “Bethune-
Cookman University” OR “Bishop State Community College”
OR “Bluefield State College” OR “Bowie State University” OR
“Central State University” OR “Cheyney University of
Pennsylvania” OR “Claflin University” OR “Clark Atlanta
University” OR “Clinton Junior College” OR “Coahoma
Community College” OR “Concordia College, Selma” OR
“Coppin State University” OR “Delaware State University” OR
“Denmark Technical College” OR “Dillard University” OR
“University of the District of Columbia” OR “Edward Waters
College” OR “Elizabeth City State University” OR “Fayetteville
State University” OR “Fisk University” OR “Florida A&M
University” OR “Florida Memorial University” OR “Fort Valley
State University” OR “Gadsden State Community College” OR
“Grambling State University” OR “Hampton University” OR
“Harris-Stowe State University” OR “Hinds Community College
at Utica” OR “Howard University” OR “Huston-Tillotson
University” OR “Interdenominational Theological Center” OR
“J. F. Drake State Technical College” OR “Jackson State
University” OR “Jarvis Christian College” OR “Johnson C.
Smith University” OR “Kentucky State University” OR
“Knoxville College” OR “Lane College” OR “Langston
University” OR “Lawson State Community College” OR
“LeMoyne-Owen College” OR “Lewis College of Business” OR
“Lincoln University” OR “Lincoln University of Missouri” OR
“Livingstone College” OR “University of Maryland Eastern
Shore” OR “Meharry Medical College” OR “Miles College” OR
“Mississippi Valley State University” OR “Morehouse College”
OR “Morehouse School of Medicine” OR “Morgan State
University” OR “Morris Brown College” OR “Morris College”
OR “Norfolk State University” OR “North Carolina A&T State
University” OR “North Carolina Central University” OR
“Oakwood University” OR “Paine College” OR “Paul Quinn
College” OR “Philander Smith College” OR “Prairie View
A&M University” OR “Rust College” OR “Saint Paul’s
College” OR “Savannah State University” OR “Selma
University” OR “Shaw University” OR “Shorter College” OR
“Shelton State Community College” OR “South Carolina State
University” OR “Southern University at New Orleans” OR
“Southern University at Shreveport” OR “Southern University
and A&M College” OR “Southwestern Christian College” OR
“Spelman College” OR “St. Augustine’s College” OR “St.
Philip’s College” OR “Stillman College” OR “Talladega
College” OR “Tennessee State University” OR “Texas College”
OR “Texas Southern University” OR “Tougaloo College” OR
“Trenholm State Technical College” OR “Tuskegee University”
OR “University of the Virgin Islands” OR “Virginia State
University” OR “Virginia Union University” OR “Virginia
University of Lynchburg” OR “Voorhees College” OR “West
Virginia State University” OR “Wilberforce University” OR
“Wiley College” OR “Winston-Salem State University” OR
“Xavier University of Louisiana”)
African American Fraternities & Sororities.
“Sigma Pi Phi” OR “Alpha Phi Alpha” OR “Kappa Alpha Psi”
OR “Omega Psi Phi” OR “Phi Beta Sigma” OR “Sigma
Rhomeo” OR “Wine Psi Phi” OR “Iota Phi Theta” OR “Phi
Delta Psi” OR “Delta Psi Chi” OR “Beta Phi Pi” OR “MALIK
Fraternity” OR “Sigma Phi Rho” OR “Phi Rho Eta” OR
“Gamma Psi Beta” OR “Alpha Kappa Alpha” OR “Delta Sigma
Theta” OR “Zeta Phi Beta” OR “Sigma Gamma Rho” OR “Phi
Delta Kappa” OR “Iota Phi Lambda” OR “Eta Phi Beta” OR
“Gamma Phi Delta”)
More African Baby Names in 2020
(Abioye OR Adebowale OR Adisa OR Afia OR Afolabi OR
Afua OR Akachi OR Akinyi OR Akua OR Amaka OR Amara
OR Amare OR Anaya OR Arusi OR Ashanti OR Ayana OR Ayo
OR Ayodele OR Ayotunde OR Baako OR Babajide OR
Babatunde OR Berko OR Boipelo OR Bongani OR Bosede OR
Cayman OR Chibuzo OR Chidike OR Chidubem OR Chike OR
Chikelu OR Chikere OR Chipo OR Chuks OR Chukwuemeka
OR Dakarai OR Dayo OR Deka OR Delu OR Desta OR
Dikeledi OR Dubaku OR Ebele OR Efua OR Ekua OR Emeka
OR Emem OR Faraji OR Femi OR Folami OR Fumnaya OR
Furaha OR Ife OR Imani OR Imari OR Jabari OR Jaheem OR
Jaz OR Jelani OR Jojo OR Kanye OR Katlego OR Keyon OR
Khari OR Kofi OR Kojo OR Kunto OR Kwame OR Kwanza OR
Lekan OR Lerato)
"Africa Business Club" OR "Kappa Alpha Psi" OR "Men of God
Christian Fraternity" OR "National Association of Black
Telecom Professionals" OR "National Association of Colored
People" OR "National Multicultural Greek Council" OR
"National Pan-Hellenic Council" OR "National Pan-Hellenic
Council" OR "Omega Psi Phi" OR "Phi Beta Sigma" OR "Phi
Delta Psi" OR "Sigma Gamma Rho" OR "The Black Patriots
Foundation" OR "The HBCU Network" OR "The National Black
Graduate Student Association" OR "Zeta Phi Beta" OR
"National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)" OR "National
Society of Black Engineers" OR "National Society of Black
Engineers (NSBE)" OR "National Society of Black Engineers"
OR "Society of Black Scientists and Engineers (HSBSE)" OR
"National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)" OR "National
Society of Black Engineers" OR "Society of Black Scientists and
Engineers (SBSE)" OR "National Society of Black Engineers
(NSBE) " OR "Black Engineering and Science Student
Association (BESSA)" OR "Organization of African-American
Students Excelling in STEM (OASES)" OR "Black Graduate
Student Association" OR "National Society of Black Engineers
(NSBE)" OR "Black Engineers Society" OR "National Society
of Black Engineers" OR "National Society of Black Engineers -
NSBE" OR "National Society of Black Engineers"
"Africa Business Club" OR "Kappa Alpha Psi" OR "Men of God
Christian Fraternity" OR "National Association of Black
Telecom Professionals" OR "National Association of Colored
People" OR "National Multicultural Greek Council" OR
"National Pan-Hellenic Council" OR "National Pan-Hellenic
Council" OR "Omega Psi Phi" OR "Phi Beta Sigma" OR "Phi
Delta Psi" OR "Sigma Gamma Rho" OR "The Black Patriots
Foundation" OR "The HBCU Network" OR "The National Black
Graduate Student Association" OR "Zeta Phi Beta"
Top Black Professional Organization from Wikipedia
("100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care" OR "Afro-
American Patrolmen's League" OR "Association of Black
Psychologists" OR "Association of Black Sociologists" OR
"Association of Black Women Historians" OR "The Barristers'
Association of Philadelphia" OR "Black Data Processing
Associates" OR "Cook County Bar Association" OR "Georgia
Alliance of African American Attorneys" OR "International
Association of Black Actuaries" OR "Metropolitan Black Bar
Association" OR "National Association for Black Veterans" OR
"National Association of Black Accountants" OR "National
Association of Black Geologists and Geophysicists" OR
"National Association of Black Journalists" OR "The National
Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice" OR "National
Association of Colored Graduate Nurses" OR "National Bar
Association" OR "National Black Chamber of Commerce" OR
"National Black Farmers Association" OR "National Black Law
Students Association" OR "National Black MBA Association"
OR "National Black Nurses Association" OR "National Black
Police Association (United States)" OR "National Conference of
Black Lawyers" OR "National Dental Association" OR
"National Insurance Association" OR "National Medical
Association" OR "National Negro Bar Association" OR
"National Negro Business League" OR "National Organization
for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and
Chemical Engineers" OR "National Organization of Black
Women in Law Enforcement" OR "National Society of Black
Engineers" OR "National Society of Black Physicists" OR "The
Organization of Black Designers" OR "Philadelphia Association
of Black Journalists" OR "Progressive Black & Journalists" OR
"Student National Medical Association" OR "Washington Bar
Pro tip: Wikipedia and Acronymfinder.com use these two search
engines to find different terms, associations, colleges, or
University and College
(“africanamerican” OR black OR “latino OR “Latina” OR
hispanic OR “latinx” OR “native american” OR
“americanindian” OR “alaska native”) engineer (colleges OR
schools OR universities)
Many nonprofits focus on diverse groups. You can find groups
within different industries like Finance, HR, Marketing, and
National Black Engineers
Latinas in Tech
Latina Professionals™
Underrepresented Minorities in Computing
Affinity Groups
Larger companies have internal diverse groups that you can
search for.
(IBM OR Microsoft OR Google OR Facebook) employee
(affinity OR “resource group”)
1. Google
Women@Google, Hispanic Googlers Network (HOLA), Black
Googlers Network, Trans at Google, Gayglers, & Google
American Indian Network.
2. Microsoft
Women@Microsoft, Blacks@Microsoft (BAM), GLEAM
(Global LGBTQIA+ Employees and Allies at Microsoft),
&Hispanic/Latinx Organization of Leaders in Action (HOLA)
3. Facebook
Women@, Black@, Latin@, Pride@, &Native@.
4. Uber
LadyEng, UberMosaic, Los Ubers, UberHue, Women of Uber,
5. Lyft
UpLyft Women, UpLyft Forward, LyftOut, &UpLyftUnidos.
6. Amazon
Glam, Asians@Amazon, Black Employee Network,
Indigenous@Amazon, Latinos@Amazon, Warriors@Amazon,
Women@Amazon, &Women in Finance Initiative
Searching for Layoff Lists
Many candidates have been impacted by layoffs in recent
months. Here’s a guide on how to find layoff lists online using
Boolean strings.
With so many companies furloughing and laying off employees,
it’s a good time to search and find active talent open for their
next opportunity. As Recruiters, we are researchers, so I wanted
to give some tips and tricks for finding layoff lists or
announcements online. Let’s use our super powers to find some
great talent online! Here’s some advice for finding layoff lists.
1. Search Hashtags on Social Media sites
Many leads are turning to social media during these tough times
to both vent about their tough situations and even actively seek
out new job opportunities. You can find these leads by using the
right hashtags on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and even
Instagram. LinkedIn also supports the use of hashtags, and that’s
a great place to start.
When searching for hashtags, consider tags like #jobsearching,
#jobseeking, #furlough, #layoffs, and so on. You can also add a
location to your search and this will help you narrow down
results to your specific location so that you can find leads more
Here’s an example that I found doing a hashtag search on
The Uber and Airbnb Alumni lists published to help them find
new jobs might become the new standard for mass layoffs:
Uber: https://coda.io/@kenny/uber-layoff-list
Airbnb: https://airbnb.com/d/talent
2. Set Google Alerts
There is all sorts of news coming out regarding layoffs and
major changes at some of the world’s biggest companies. As a
recruiter, you should stay on top of these things. So, set Google
Alerts so that you get notified whenever a new article is posted
regarding job layoffs.
When you set a Google Alert, you can create it for any number
of search terms. For these purposes, it’s a good idea to setup
Google Alerts for terms like “layoff list” and so on. Google will
then notify you via email as often as you desire (a daily summary
will likely be best) and you can skim the new results regularly.
3. Layoff Boolean String Examples
A Google search can reveal all sorts of helpful information, but
you have to be using the right search terms just like you have to
be using the right hashtags on social media. Boolean search
strings on Google docs, for instance, will help you find excel
lists and more that consider specific wording.
site:docs.google.com/ “layoff list*
Doing a quick search with this string the first doc that comes up
is a Crypto Layoff list with 30+ names listed.
Another example is looking for layoff news; you can search
Google news with this string: (“Laid off” OR “Layoff*” OR
“Laying off”). If you’re not already familiar with using Boolean
search strings, it’s worth looking into because they are major
time savers. Not only can you get very specific about what
results you want to see, but you can also get results for multiple
search terms at once.
4. Make Use of Tracking Tools
Keeping on top of how your company is being talked about can
help you find potential leads, too. Anyone who mentions your
company may be interested in an opportunity, so tracking your
company’s mentions is worthwhile. I’ve included a full list of
monitoring tools (here).
You can use variety to tools to do this while also tracking social
media mentions and hashtags, monitoring inbound and outbound
mentions, and using tools like Open Site Explorer to analyze
inbound links to your company’s website etc.
5. Researching News
Use these websites to monitor and track related news and press
release updates.
Owler: It crowd-sources competitive insights by providing news
alerts, company profiles, and polls and allows members to
follow, track, and research companies in real-time.
Crunchbase: Is a platform for finding business information
about private and public companies. The site includes
investments and funding information, founding members and
individuals in leadership positions, mergers and acquisitions,
news, and industry trends
HackerNews: Is a social news website focusing on computer
science and entrepreneurship.
It’s a news aggregator forum site similar to Reddit, but it
primarily focuses on start-ups, developers, and hacker related
news. Topics include anything that “good hackers” would find
interesting. Founded by Paul Graham, he wanted to create a
community that would recreate the way Reddit felt in the good
old days when developers were the main focus.
While reviewing the site, I found out that Hacker News created a
sub specifically for developers actively looking for new
opportunities. This sub is a month by month page called: Ask
HN: Who wants to be hired?
The information included in this sub:
Willing to relocate:
You can create a Boolean string to find talent:
Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? (“October” OR “September”
OR “November” OR “December” OR “January”) AND “2019”
Layoff News Tech Communities:
Roof Top Slushie: Helps you connect with employees at top
tech companies like Google and Facebook. Get job interview
tips, career advice, insights, and more
Team Blind: Is an anonymous community app for the
workplace. Our vision in creating this space was to break down
professional barriers and hierarchy.
Google News: Is a news aggregator app developed by Google. It
presents a continuous, customizable flow of articles organized
from thousands of publishers and magazines.
TheLayoff: Is a site where users can list layoff updates
This section will cover how to search and Xray individual
Social media sites and other websites online:
LinkedIn Search
LinkedIn is the top places to find a diverse group of talent
Diversity Sourcing takes practice and patience as a Recruiter.
LinkedIn is a great place to find available diverse (BLNA)
profiles. In this post, I will highlight the main features within
LinkedIn Recruiter and give Boolean String examples to find
diverse profiles.
First, I wanted to cover some basics and tips and tricks on how to
perform searches within LinkedIn Recruiter. LinkedIn itself has
a great deal of learning videos and content for you to get
familiarized on the platform. The following discussion assumes
familiarity with the platform, and it is best to have LinkedIn
Recruiter search page open side by side along with this guide.
How to run a search in LinkedIn Recruiter:
Use Job Titles filter for functional and analytical roles as
opposed to developer or heavily technical roles. Titles that are
the most effective are, for example: Project or Program
Managers, Technical Program Managers, Software Development
Managers, Business Systems Analyst, Data Analyst, Data
Engineers, or Quality Assurance Analyst titles.
Titles that least effective are: Any developer related or Software
Engineering types of roles since they are more keywords and
hard skills driven.
The Locations filter is straight forward. It is a good idea to
always start a local search before expanding into a national
Skills filter is an important one since this is where you input your
required skills from the requirement. LinkedIn auto-populates
commonly used or related skills, but you can always enter the
skills manually. The Skills section also supports Boolean Strings
and treats multiple inputs as OR statements by default.
Note: Skills filter ONLY searches for the skills section of
someone’s LinkedIn profile (see example below) rather than the
entirety of the profile. If a candidate didn’t list a specific skill in
the Skills section but rather in other parts of the profile, you will
not likely find that candidate based on Skills search alone.
Companies filter produces the most value if you are targeting
talent coming from a specific company. This filter is also useful
in EXCLUDING candidates from other companies.
Keywords filter is the MOST IMPORTANT filter and the most
powerful one. This is where you can input your own Boolean
strings with relevant terms and LinkedIn will scan a candidate’s
entire profile to look for keyword matches and pull up the results
This is the place that gives you the most amount of control on
how you want the searches to be done outside of Job Title and
Skills filters. You can input literally anything in this section from
skills, to schools, to associations, and to responsibilities. Think
outside the box when searching for diverse leads.
Pro tip: You can have LinkedIn search based on individual user’s
profiles. Just include the users name within the search bar and it
will pull all the keywords. This helps when you are looking for
more diverse leads will help suggest similar profiles in a
You cannot search for “race” or “gender” within LinkedIn
Recruiter, but you can look for groups, associations, nonprofits,
locations, universities where these candidates might attend for
(NSBE OR “black engineer” OR NSMBA OR “black MBAs” OR
AAWIT OR “African American women in technology” OR
NAACP OR “black chamber of commerce” OR “African
American chamber”)
Add Colleges and Universities that are known for having diverse
Creating LinkedIn Projects
If you are happy or satisfied with a search, create a project on
LinkedIn and name it. Once you have a project created, you can
save your search by clicking on the Ribbon next to the trash can
icon. Enter a search name and select the Project name you have
created for this search and hit save.
Pro tip from Guillaume Alexandre: The one technique I
developed that works well though, is to make a generic search
for your skills keywords and add all people who seem to fit your
diversity target into a project. Recreate your search, excluding
your project over and over again until your project is full of only
diverse candidates.
This is a great little feature when you have been running the
same search multiple times and want to look at fresh candidates.
Check the Hide previous viewed box and set a timeframe
between 3 or 6 months to pull up results that you have NOT
viewed before.
Setting up automatic LinkedIn alerts to let LinkedIn source for
you AUTOMATICALLY and push new candidates directly to
you via email alerts for any saved searches that you do
Network Relationships filter allows you to search people based
on the search criteria. 1st relationships are someone you have
connected with and 2nd relationships are you have a common
connection and 3rd relationships are everyone else. It is
recommended to do searches within 1st connections first because
you can directly message these people and get a better response
rate and then search 2nd connections using your common
connection as a warmer intro. InMail feature provides the most
value with a Recruiter License on 3rd connections, but this is
where response rates can suffer as anyone with a LinkedIn
Recruiter License can InMail any 1st, 2nd, OR 3rd connections.
Search Similar Profiles
LinkedIn’s matching algorithm will suggest similar profiles
based on connections and keyword terms. When you do find a
diverse profile, use this feature to find additional connections.
Google Doc Search
Google Docs is a free resource created by Google to help asset
users in so many different ways. For example, it can help with
content, to creating presentations, to working in (excel) sheets. It
something that I use on a weekly basis to work on many different
types of projects. Google Docs is a great way to auto-save and
maybe it’s the one thing you didn’t notice. Documents or
projects can be saved and viewed publicly online. With the help
of Boolean and x-raying Recruiters and search across a ton of
public content. You can virtually search endless amounts of
content. But, for Recruiters searching for resumes, books,
patents, or presentations can help discover more candidates
Below are creative ways to source within Google Docs:
Source: https://wizardsourcer.com/creative-ways-to-source-in-
1. Basic Boolean String to Find Resumes:
I recommend creating a basic string to find resumes. I would
start my searching for a particular job title and then expand on
require skills and preferred locations. Below is an example for
searching Google Docs for resume titles.
(Advanced) Resume Boolean String Examples:
I’ve included more advanced searches that expand on resume
keywords. I’ve also included a string that strictly focused on
finding accounts that include Gmail address info.
site:docs.google.com developer “San Francisco” intitle:resume -
example -sample -samples jobs
site:docs.google.com developer Atlanta (intitle:resume OR
intitle:cv) -example -sample -samples -jobs
site:docs.google.com developer “San Francisco” (resume OR CV
OR “curriculum vitae”) -example
sample -samples -jobs
site:docs.google.com developer “* * @gmail.com-example -
sample -samples jobs
2. Searching in Documents
This example will help search with the document folders within
Google Docs. Users can save documents within these folders.
site:docs.google.com/document/ developer “San Francisco”
intitle:resume -example -sample -samples -jobs
3. Searching in Spreadsheets
Spreadsheets are similar to an Excel document. You can search
for directories, participants, to conference attendees list. Just
consider what someone might create within a spreadsheet and
create a string.
site:docs.google/com/spreadsheets/ developer (contacts OR
participants OR directory OR registrants OR attendees)
site:docs.google.com/spreadsheets / “staff directory” -example
4. Searching in Forms
Forms are documents that showcase survey information. You
can search for names and other info that someone might ask
within a survey. You can search for participant names, list
directories, and other company data Intel.
site:docs.google.com/spreadsheets/ Responses (contacts OR
participants OR directory OR
registrants OR attendees) -example
site:docs.google.com/spreadsheets/ Responses “email * *
site:docs.google.com/spreadsheets/ “List of *” (contacts OR
participants OR directory OR
registrants OR attendees) -example
5. Searching in Presentations
You can search for topics and find individuals who have
presented within the space. It’s virtually endless for what you
could search for within Presentations.
site:docs.google.com/presentation/ docker -example
site:docs.google.com/presentation/ docker “email * *” -example
site:docs.google.com/presentation/ “organizational chart” -
Pinterest Search
Do you need a creative outlet to find diverse candidates online?
Pinterest is a community of creative individuals, many of whom
happen to be female and diverse. Below I will show you how to
recruit and source them on Pinterest.
There is no doubt that social media is filled with talented people
roaming around and Pinterest is no exception. It is a great
platform to reach the best talent out there. It is currently the third
most popular social network. If you want to show off your
company to a diverse pool of potential candidates and advertise
your job openings, then Pinterest is a great place use in your
recruiting strategy.
Here’s the some Statistics on Pinterest’s Users:
1. Pinterest has over 320 million active users in 2019 (via sprout
2. 71% of active users are female (via Statista).
3. Pinterest users actively research purchases. This also includes
potential applicants researching company brands online.
4. The average time spent on Pinterest is 14.2 minutes (via
Here are several ways to use Pinterest in recruiting talent:
1. Sourcing within Pinterest
Unfortunately, search modifiers, operators, Xray strings do not
work on Pinterest. They removed the ability to search for profile
usernames awhile back. Instead, I would recommend using
Pinterest’s internal search bar to find users, pins, and pin board
2. Building a Pinboard for your Company
If you have job openings in different departments, create a
different board for each. Mention the specifics and requirements
for the candidate on each board. It will make it easier for the
candidates to find the content related to the areas they are
interested in. You can use images, hashtags, and keywords to
make it prominent. You should redirect the candidates to the
website where the job description is posted.
3. Pin Multimedia Content
Pinterest is a lot more than just posting images and waiting for
the candidates to apply. You can also pin multimedia there such
as your YouTube channel where you can pin videos of the
environment at the workplace and more. You can also pin QR
codes that help the candidate to get access to the job application
easily and quickly.
4. Boost your Employment Branding Efforts
Pinterest is a great platform where you can show what working
with you is like rather than explain in words. You can share
pictures of your workplace and show how people work there.
There might be some images of the events you organized or
some normal routine daily photos that show you relaxing and
entertaining your work environment is. Also, you can add
employee testimonials to give a promising image of your
5. Connect with your Niche Audience
Though Pinterest doesn’t allow you to directly connect with
other people it does let you invite people to other places where
they can talk and connect. You can redirect the conversation to
LinkedIn, where you can have a conversation with them. You
ought to give at least one source of communication.
I recommend advertising your employment brand or job posts
using Pinterest’s advertisement platform. Pinterest has a great
community of diverse leads why not advertise directly to
We know what people look for when they open Pinterest. They
want to see what is new in fashion, attractive traveling spots or
find latest trends, etc. You can relate these trends with your
company in several ways such as you can share several outfits
best for office wear, or you can share the traveling spots where
you took your team for a trip. It is all about being creative with
the information that you have.
Instagram Search
Instagram has a Billion monthly users and roughly 52% of those
are female. When competition is tough, you need to go where the
talent goes. Instagram is a great resource to find and recruit tech-
savvy users within major cities across the globe.
The way Instagram is structured is by users, followers, posts,
following within the URLs. So, when creating different Boolean
strings, it will be to use these terms when manipulating a search
string. You can choose internally on Instagram for People, Tags,
or Places as well.
Most public profiles include some info:
Job titles or company info.
Where they work.
Where they live.
Which companies they follow.
Events and conferences they follow.
Other interests within the field.
Here’s some Boolean String examples:
site:instagram.com “computer science” post followers following
site:instagram.com “software developer” (saint paul or
minneapolis) -jobs -inurl:company
site:instagram.com “UX designer” (minneapolis or mn) -jobs -
More Creative Ideas:
You can follow trending hashtags and discover the most
active users within a city. (See below)
If users are using a hashtag for a conference or event, try
and connect with them.
Spy on your competition. If there’s a recruiter local to
your niche odds are they are connecting and following
professionals within that niche.
Try using Facebook and Instagram ads to different likes
or applications to your roles.
Direct Messaging Profiles:
There are many ways to find a user’s email address and I’ve
written about that in other posts. When it comes to DMing
profiles I’ve included some ideas below:
Being clear and direct with your message.
Don’t jump right into talking about a job.
Connect on different interests or topics in common.
Highlight industry and projects connected to them.
Direct the conversation off the platform and into an
This site is another great option for searching for public profiles.
You can search for profile bio information, filter by followers,
and connect with the most active users on Instagram. This tool
has many other advanced features worth reviewing further.
Employer Branding Ideas:
Outside of directly sourcing you can also use Instagram as a way
to promote your company’s brand. Here are some creative and
unique ways to engage with users:
Sharing your company’s culture and environment.
Sharing conferences and job fair event news.
Sharing openings and recent recruiting news.
Share a project that you are working on! (See Below)
Facebook Search
Facebook is an untapped gold mine when it comes to recruiting
and sourcing talent across the web. Basically, it’s a massive
database of millions of people. The trouble is, many recruiters
don’t know how to approach using it for such. I wanted to create
a basic guide into the world of sourcing Facebook.
Facebook Recruiting Stats from Mashable:
85% of internet users have Facebook accounts
84% of job seekers have a Facebook profile
74% of internet users use Facebook daily
57% of Facebook users have 100+ friends
58% of Facebook users have liked a brand
Below is a step-by-step guide that will help empower you to
source on Facebook.
1. Sourcing Public Profiles
Use the Facebook search option to find users (and company
pages) that may represent potential candidates. With powerful
search functions, you can find people based on location, work
experience, education, employers, and even languages.
Unfortunately, Facebook Graph Search was shut down in August
2019. You can still search for basic things on Facebook. Once
you find someone, reach out to them via Facebook or cross-
reference their information to find them on LinkedIn or another
platform. Don’t panic – there’s a tool to do graph searches here
Boolean Strings:
site:facebook.com “teacher” OR “minneapolis” “to present” -
site:facebook.com “software engineer” “to present” -posts
“Pittsburgh” (“her” OR “she”)
To narrow the search you can include other terms: Latinx,
African, Native, Alaskan, Mexican, or Somali.
How to DM someone:
Keep it short and sweet. Don’t go into too much detail on the
exact openings. Rather, treat Facebook like a relationship-
building tool. Try and connect with them on various topics and
try and build a connection through similar interests. Don’t treat
the platform like LinkedIn.
Maybe you didn’t realize this by this platform has a desktop
version called: Messenger.com. Once you log into this, you will
see a large dashboard of all your recent Facebook messages. You
search and directly connect with public users on Facebook.
Here’s the unique part of this Platform:
1. You can directly search within the search bar and contact
users directly.
2. You can search not only user names but cell phone numbers to
find active accounts.
3. Messages get directly sent to users and not to the other inbox.
4. Notifications get sent as a text message or pop-up notifications
on user’s phones.
How can you use Facebook Messenger:
1. Reach out directly to leads that have a public Facebook
2. Be direct and honest with your message right away.
3. Make sure you state the reason for the message.
4. I recommend reaching out to leads AFTER normal business
Shannon Pritchett advises that you use your first message to
come clean and confess that Facebook isn’t the most appropriate
platform for a professional, work-related conversation, admit to
stalking them on LinkedIn and suggest carrying the conversation
on via email.
Recruiter Facebook Template example:
Hey (Name), I wanted to take a chance and send you a message.
I was reviewing your rep scores within github and I was really
impressed by your project at Code42. I’m a local Recruiter in
the Minneapolis and wanted to introduce myself. What’s a good
way to connect with your further? Email?
Thanks, Jonathan
2. Create a Facebook Page
Likely, you already have a corporate page with your company
that you can use to recruit on Facebook, but you can also open a
new profile and start a brand new page, known as your
company’s “Career” page. The Career page will host content
targeted entirely towards people potentially interested in a job,
separating the recruiting side from the corporate side, which is
targeted at your company’s clients.
3. Establish a Company Culture (Employer Brand)
Your company’s work culture will do major things for your
employer brand. Use your Career page to showcase your
company’s wonderful work culture and have your employees
share their own experiences. This will turn into a form of social
recruitment where people will reach out to you wanting to
interact with your company solely because of how your photos,
videos, and stories portray the culture there. I recommend
connecting with Work4labs. They have many Facebook career
page tools and products.
4. Launch a Recruiting Ad
While writing a great Facebook ad deserves a guide within itself,
this concept is definitely one you should look into. Launching a
Facebook recruiting campaign will allow you to quickly and
effectively reach targeted groups of people, enabling you to
reach as many potential candidates as possible. Some of the best
advice you can take when using this method is injecting all the
personality you can into your campaign. Remember the
importance of employer branding.
5. Promote Your Job Ad
Many people don’t realize that they can promote their Facebook
job ad for free. Aside from sharing it on your Facebook page,
you can also share it with relevant Facebook groups where you
should frequently talk about your employer brand and
recruitment opportunities. Additionally, you can have your
partners and colleagues share the ad themselves, helping it reach
even more people.
Another free way to promote a recruitment opportunity is with
Facebook Marketplace. The Marketplace is where people go to
buy and sell items within their community, and while there is no
dedicated category for job listings, many savvy recruiters are
already using it to find candidates.
6. Use Facebook Live
Finally, another under-utilized tactic when reporting on
Facebook is the Facebook Live feature. With this feature, you
can use live chats on your Career page along with a live video to
introduce your team, explain various recruitment opportunities,
and answer candidates’ questions, all while engaging them in a
very lively way. Best of all, this tactic is completely free as well!
Reddit Search
You may have heard of the popular online forum Reddit.com as
a go to place to get answers to your questions or find the latest
news stories. One area you may not have associated with the
fourth largest website online today is its potential for recruiting.
Yes, you can use Reddit to source and recruit potential
candidates online.
Millennials and technology gurus use this site daily to get news
and research different topics. There are specific topics dedicated
to the job search and if you are not utilizing this for recruiting
you are missing out on some great advertising for your job
(Example Below).
Use the Search bar to run a search
Reddit supports using Boolean Operators in search.
For example:
Search Javascript AND HTML “For Hire” Chicago
Or use Javascript AND HTML AND “For HireChicago
Another example Javascript AND HTML (“For Hire” OR
“available immediately” OR “Open to work” OR “looking for
new opportunities”) Houston
X-Ray search on Google
site:reddit.com/user “* * developer” “For Hire”
Searching for Remote Developers
site:reddit.com/user (“* Engineer” OR “* Developer” OR “*
Programmer”) “remote work” (“about me” OR “personal
Go where your candidates are and get to know the methods they
are using to gain information. To get started with using Reddit
for recruiting, here are some tips:
1. Know Your Platform
Before you jump into Reddit for recruiting, take some time to get
to know the platform. If you have used it before, you are ahead
of the game. Start by checking out subreddits like r/forhire to see
what is currently being posted for roles. Reddit is different from
other platforms you may use for posting jobs, so you will want to
make sure you are using it properly.
If you are brand new to Reddit, start with the FAQ wiki to
familiarize yourself with how to use it. Generally, you want your
post to be upvoted so people see your post at the top and one that
is vetting by other group members. You also want to get your
Karma score high so Reddit users respect you. It is very different
from LinkedIn or Facebook, so take the time to really learn how
to use it for the best results.
Here's some Tech Subreddits:
DevOps Jobs: https://www.reddit.com/r/devopsjobs/
Java: https://www.reddit.com/r/java/
Front End: https://www.reddit.com/r/Frontend/
Learn Javascript: https://www.reddit.com/r/learnjavascript/
Here's some Diverse Subreddits:
Black Ladies: A safe place for Black women:
Native American: https://www.reddit.com/r/NativeAmerican/
2. Know Your Audience
Reddit is a fantastic place to recruit and source candidates for the
tech industry. If you are looking for Programmers and
Developers, they are very likely hanging out on Reddit. If your
jobs are on this platform, you may get a more passive candidate
that isn’t’ actively checking out traditional job posting sites.
There are certain protocols for recruiting on Reddit that you need
to follow to avoid alienating the candidates you want to attract.
No spammy posts and super obvious advertising language. They
will ask questions and expect you to have honest answers about
the job.
3. Post Your Job
Every sub-reddit has specific guidelines, so the first step is to
carefully read these and follow them. Don’t assume the rules are
the same for every sub-reddit you are using; you may find your
post in the spam folder. In some cases, they may even ban you
from participating in the future.
Formatting in Reddit is unique to the platform, so ensure you are
doing this correctly. Check out Reddittext.com’s guide for
formatting to make sure your posts are on the right track. It’s
also a good practice to review the subreddit you are interested in
posting to for examples of jobs that are highly upvoted by users
with good karma ratings. See what they are doing and mirror
their approach to get similar results.
4. Follow Up
Reddit is all about getting your questions answered, so you need
to do this for your job as well. Posting and forgetting about it
isn’t going to provide you much return. People may ask
questions directly in the sub-reddit or private message you.
Be available and actively participate in the sub-reddit you are
posting in. This will help readers know, like, and trust you. Then
they will give your job a more realistic look. If they feel like you
are only there to promote your job and not help the community,
they may be less likely to consider the opportunity. Workable
mentions caring about your potential candidates goes a long way
on Reddit and can help you achieve great results with recruiting.
Ensure you are honest in your answers, as Reddit users are no
non-sense when it comes to being lied to. It’s just good practice,
to be honest about the job anyway. Candidates should come into
a job knowing what to expect so that they can be successful.
If you aren’t using Reddit as part of your Technical Recruiting
strategy, it’s time to check it out! Ere.com states that “Eighty
percent of traffic comes from a desktop computer”. This makes it
great for candidates to check out your job and apply on the spot.
Unlike other platforms that are usually viewed on mobile
devices, where candidates either have to save a job for later or
try to apply via their iPhone.
While using Reddit for recruiting is a bit more involved than
posting to Monster, it can lead to fantastic results. For hard to
source roles, like those in the Technology industry Reddit can
aid in finding the best candidate for your role. Taking this
approach will focus your extra energy on the roles that are
difficult to fill. The best part? It is a free resource to market your
jobs, so take advantage today!
Amazon Reviews Search
Amazon is the largest online shopping site. The site has roughly
12 million products to purchase, including Marketplace items
that total goes to 350 Million available items to purchase.
“Our vision is to be earth’s most customer-centric company; to
build a place where people can come to find and discover
anything they might want to buy online.” This is Amazon’s
mission statement.
The number of available items and products is truly
unbelievable. Amazon got started by selling books online. Why
don’t we use these great reviews to source and recruit potential
Amazon sells a ton of niche industry related books on any given
topic. The shoppers that take the time to review a product are
probably within that field of study. This idea is a creative way to
find and reach out to potential leads. You can easily cross-
reference someone’s username and find them on other social
media channels.
Here’s how to search for Amazon Reviews:
Let’s say you are searching for Software Engineers. Do a quick
search on a book related to “Object Oriented Programming”
Languages and start reading the book reviews.
Read the reviews and search for the profile username info:
Conduct a quick Google search to find that user on social media.
Bonus: SeekOut gives this candidates email address below.
Finally, take all this information and write an email:
Hi (Name), I was doing a search on Java books on Amazon and
came across your review. I was impressed by how you took the
time to write a lengthy review on this topic. Great call out on the
Typo issues. Looks like you’re currently a Program Manager at
Frontdoor. I wanted to see if you would be interested in learning
about our (remote) teams at (company)
Quora Search
What if there was a site where you could find top industry
professionals in different niche areas based on Q&A responses?
It’s a reality with the site Quora. With an estimated audience of
over 700,000 it’s also a spot to tap into some high quality talent.
Recruiting in 2018 requires more than the typical tools and job
board sites used traditionally. Posting roles on LinkedIn and
Indeed are still a big part of finding top talent, but if you don’t
include new avenues, you are missing out on great candidates.
Social media is an essential part of a successful recruiting
strategy. One of the best ways to connect with candidates is by
going to where they hang out. To help you add in a new source
for talent, we have put together some helpful tips for you on
recruiting on Quora.
Provide Value
People are coming to Quora to find answers to their questions.
Anything from ‘what happens if I get fired’ to ‘help me with a
coding issue’. Selling them on your job right out of the gate is
likely not going to go over well. People will think you are using
the site to push your own agenda versus what it is meant for.
Instead, build trust with the users by being an active participant.
Start by setting up your profile and let people know where you
work and what you are qualified to answer questions on. Then
locate the good forums to provide value in that will also get you
seen by potential candidates. Search through the questions and
see what you can answer. Another great option that
Recruiter.com points out is to set up a company page so that
users can learn about the company and provide positive reviews.
Locate the Experts
The best way to find the ‘hard to find candidates’ is to look to
see who is answering the questions. Social Talent suggests
searching for the keywords you need (think C++, Java, etc.) to
see who is participating in the forums. These people are so
skilled in these systems that they are helping others with it.
These SME’s are out there sharing their knowledge and making
it easy for you to see they know what they are talking about.
Instead of taking it at face value that they can use a certain
system, you can see that they have by their answers to
community questions. Once you find those candidates, reach out
to them. Introduce yourself and see if they would be open to a
quick conversation. Then you can informally talk to them about
your company and gauge their interest in moving forward.
Time In and Results
Using Quora is not going to be a passive endeavor. You will
need to commit to putting in the front end work to get the most
return on your investment. When you show candidates that you
are willing to help them with their recruitment questions, it will
help you be seen as a recruiter they can trust. Participating in
forums will set you apart from other recruiters than can be seen
as just trying to fill a job.
Another great aspect to using Quora for recruiting is that the site
provides you with analytics to see how you are doing. Just click
on your profile picture and check out your stats. Seeing the
views and up-votes you are generating will help you see if your
efforts are paying off. Answering questions and getting up-votes
will have a lasting long tail effect down the line when other users
Google search for answers in the future. Industry professionals
will connect your name with those answers and thus associate
your name with other experts in the field.
Recruiting on Quora is a great addition to your recruiting
strategy. People are using Quora to research all kinds of
questions, including recruiting. You can show your expertise in
your field to attract experts in the fields you are recruiting for.
Get started today and gain access to candidates that you wouldn’t
have been able to reach before. Make 2018 the year you add
social media to your search strategy and see some great results.
Stack Overflow Search
Are you having trouble finding qualified talent to submit to your
technical job reqs? These candidates are not as engaged in
typical sites like LinkedIn and don’t apply to job openings on
career sites as frequently. Because of their reclusiveness, it takes
a bit of work to find them. To help yourself stand out as a
recruiter and find talent that no one else has found, you have to
be willing to think outside the box. If you are limiting yourself to
standard candidate generation marketplaces like LinkedIn, you
are missing out on potential talent that may be perfect for your
Stack OverFlow is a great option if you are looking to expand
the net you are casting, particularly for technical candidates. So
what is Stack OverFlow and how can you use it the source? This
is exactly what we are covering in this article!
What Is Stack OverFlow?
Getting to the basics. If you aren’t familiar with Stack OverFlow,
you will need to know what it is before you start using it to find
talent. To be honest, it reminds me of a super technical version
of Quora. Basically it is a question and answer site for technical
questions. Users can post questions, answer other user’s
questions, and upvote the answers on the site.
The types of people on this site are going to be programmers or
those dealing with a programming language. If you are searching
for an Investment Banker, this isn’t the site for you. If you need
a programmer, this is likely where they are hanging out.
According to Social Talent, Stack OverFlow is the third-best
platform for finding programmers.
Finding the Talent
There are two ways to search Stack OverFlow for candidates that
have the skills you are seeking. There is the “All User Search”
(aka free) and the paid Stack OverFlow careers site. Both are
great options to locate the profiles of qualified developers.
All User Search Stack OverFlow allows you to search profiles
for profile information, in a roundabout way. The best way to
search the platform is by using Google X-Ray. The main points
of the profile you may want to include in your search string are
location, and the tags they have contributed to. In many cases,
the tags they are contributing to will give you information on the
programming languages they are proficient in. According to
some sites, X-Ray may not always work though. Check out
Devskiller’s in-depth article for more information on how to
organically search the site.
Here’s some Boolean string examples:
site:careers.stackoverflow.com “Java Developer”
site:stackoverflow.com/users “Java Developer”
site:stackoverflow.com/cv “* * developer|engineer” (c rust OR
c++ rust)
Stack OverFlow Careers They’ve created a specific site
dedicated to career opportunities. With the paid option, you can
directly post a role in this section to attract candidates using the
site, search profiles, and set up a company profile page.
Candidates interested in being found have the option to create a
developer story. Those that you contact through this medium
have a super high engagement rate, so if you can afford to put
some money into it, this is a fantastic option. If your budget is
nil, these profiles can be sources by using a search string on
Google. It may take some trial and error to see which strings will
give you the most desired results, but with some work, you can
definitely find who you are looking for.
Browser Extensions Recommendations
Search Stackoverflow: Easily find users and tags with
this advanced searching tool.
SeekOut: Great for finding user contact information.
Hiretual: Great for finding user contact information.
StackOverflow Power User: Find the best “power” users
with this tool.
StackEye: Get notifications about questions and from
users in your watch-list.
Contacting Candidates
Once you find candidate details, the hardest part is engaging
them. If you are still using standard copy and paste emails to
your candidates, please end the madness! Particularly with
developers and other difficult to find candidates. Their
experience is in demand and due to that, they are being endlessly
contacted. Showing you have no interest in them is a guaranteed
way for your email to end up in the trash bin.
So how can you show your interest? Take the time to read
through their profile. When you reach out to them, make a
comment on something specific that you found out about them
by doing your research. By doing this, you are letting them know
you aren’t just sending emails on mass, hoping to get someone
Make sure you have plenty of details on the role you are
recruiting for as well. If you don’t know what you are talking
about, it will be difficult to convey to candidates that they may
be interested in the role. These candidates are in demand, so if
they don’t get a good vibe from you, they know someone else
will be contacting them soon.
Here’s an example of a Recruiter Template:
Hi John, I was impressed by your recent answer to (post
summary). I dove further into your profile and was again
impressed by your high reputation score. I’m sure you receive a
lot of fan mail but wanted to see if you would be open to learning
about a new opportunity? (Job Link)
If you haven’t started using Stack OverFlow as a part of your
sourcing strategy, you are missing out on the third most
successful site for sourcing developers. It will take a little work
to find talent, but in this market it is necessary. Take some time
to get familiar with the site and the methods we discussed in this
article to stand out among your peers and fill that super difficult
GitHub Search
GitHub is the world’s largest open-sourced repository coding
sites online today. Currently, it has over 28 million users and
over 57 million in repositories. With so many monthly active
users sharing and learning about coding, it’s a fantastic place for
Talent Sourcers to find qualified talent. With the recent
encouragement by Susanna Frazier, I wanted to reflect on
GitHub and showcase how to source and recruit on this social
What’s included in a user’s profile?
Username You can use this to crossreference on namechk.
Location Another vital piece when sourcing.
Current Company Another important piece.
Links This includes contact information, websites, or blogs etc.
Number of Followers The more followers means how skilled
they actually are. Anything above 50+ is incredible.
Contributions Use this to find additional keywords to search
Repositories Review there open-sourced projects. Great place
to share what they there currently working on.
Searching on GitHub
GitHub has two search engines one being a simple search and
also an advanced search. Good to note, basic Boolean operators
like AND, OR, NOT will work in searches. I’ve included some
search parameters when searching directly in the search bar:
followers:>5 -Searching users with more than 5 followers.
followers:<5 -Searching users with less than 5 followers.
followers:1..5 -Searching with users between 1-5 followers.
author:example searching for authored content.
user:example searching in repositories.
created:2018 looking to see when the user profile was created.
When xraying GitHub you should target both domains when
searching: github.com and github.io. Also, I recommend
searching through Google when doing these xray searches. I
included some examples below:
Basic search
site:github.com “joined github” minneapolis “javascript”
Searching for Email Addresses
site:github.com “joined github” minneapolis “javascript”
Searching for the most active users
site:github.com “contributions in the last year” minneapolis
Searching based on job titles
site:github.com “joined on” “public activity” -tab.activity “Java
Developer” Minneapolis
Advice on Messaging Users
So, now you know how to search and Xray on GitHub. The
tougher part is engaging and communicating with those users.
GitHub is seen as a place to learn and not necessarily as a place
to find a new job. Do not treat it like another LinkedIn resource.
Here’s some tips on communicating with users:
Do not write in paragraph form. Use a few 2-3 sentences
at most when reaching out.
Focus on what they are working on. Try highlighting
their recent project activities in the message.
If they don’t respond let it be. Do not over-communicate
like on LinkedIn.
I recommend (two outreaches) over GitHub directly and
also over email.
Overall, I definitely recommend searching on GitHub. There’s a
ton of active monthly users that and might not even be active on
LinkedIn. You need to use this resource as a way to expand on
your searches when sourcing. Please let me know if you have
any questions in the comment section below.
Slack Search
How many places do you use to recruit candidates? If you are
only listing one or two places, it’s time to add to your list.
Recruiters need to look for various ways to find qualified
candidates. We all know about using LinkedIn and other popular
sites for sourcing, but what about something a little outside of
the box?
Recruiters need to diversify the platforms they use to find talent
because everyone else is using those same places. Have you
considered the app Slack as a source for candidates? It is a
hotspot for millennials and a place where you just may find your
next superstar. If you are unfamiliar with Slack, we break it
down for you and how you can use it for recruiting below.
What is Slack?
If you haven’t heard of the app, it is a spot where people get
together to talk about common areas of interests. The interests
are grouped by communities and channels where people can talk
with other members with the same interests.
Companies use it to communicate with teams quickly and
individuals use it to talk about many different topics. The site is
also indexed and every topic is saved and searchable. If you want
a more detailed synopsis on what Slack is, check out their site
Why use it for Recruiting?
You will be where your candidates hang out. Instead of hoping
they check their LinkedIn account once every two months, you
can be sure they will be actively engaged. You can converse with
people who are interested in the topics you are recruiting for.
The site is also quick with people answering very fast to posts.
As I mentioned earlier, Slack is also searchable. If you are
looking for a candidate with a specific skill set, you can search
by that skillset to see what communities come up. You can then
see who is active in the community and either post in the channel
or send a direct message to those you are interested in.
Slack even has a page on how you can use the app for recruiting.
Their page is all about how you can use it to keep everyone in
the loop on the recruiting process. If you are a recruiter in a
small company, this could be a great way to keep everyone up to
date real-time.
How to use Slack for Recruiting
Check out the different communities to see which would be the
best for the talent you are targeting. Here is a list of the top
communities out there so you can start to see which ones would
be worthwhile for your efforts. I’ve included my
recommendations of communities to join below:
Developer Communities
Global Developers
Front End Developers
Ruby Developers
iOS Developers
Business Related Communities
Latinx in Tech
Women in Sales
Black Engineers
Human Resource Communities
Corporate Recruiters
Career Related Communities
Software Jobs
Freelance Jobs
Pro Tip: Check out Slofile.com for a list of slack communities
online. Once you’ve narrowed down the list use Phantombuster
to pull a full list of users with emails if available.
Become active in the community by letting people in the group
know you are a recruiter and what you are searching for. See
who replies. Anyone who expresses an interest you should
individually message and schedule some time to talk further. Just
be careful that you are aware of the rules of the channel so you
aren’t doing anything that could be considered spam.
Start with getting yourself familiar with the platform, which you
can so by reading tutorials and FAQs on the app. Then start
researching different channels to target based on your candidate
Once you identify the channels you want to be part of, start
getting involved while following the Slack etiquette. Be careful
with this especially on Slack because the people using the app
are not necessarily interested in looking for new opportunities.
Another option is to use Slack for employee referrals, as
Workable points out. It’s a quick and easy way for employees to
let you know of candidates that they recommend. If you make it
easy for employees to refer their peers then they are much more
likely to actually participate, particularly if there is not a hiring
bonus attached.
What Types of Candidates are on Slack?
The primary type of candidate on Slack are those with a
technology focus. Startups and technology companies are using
the app more and more to move away from the heavy reliance
many companies have on email.
If you are in the IT recruiting space, I recommend you give
Slack a try to have access to many candidates you may not have
been able to otherwise contact. The IT industry is in high
demand, and if a candidate is not actively looking for a new job,
the chances of them being on LinkedIn or job board sites are
pretty slim.
The world of recruiting is constantly changing. To be the best in
your field, you must keep up with the changes in the market to
continue to provide the best talent. You are on the right track
with checking out this article!
Slack is still a new method to recruiting and one you could really
capitalize on if you take the time to learn how to use it. It
certainly won’t be the last platform you will need to learn in your
recruiting career, but you are still ahead of the game if you start
Meetup Groups
Meetup.com is an events based social networking site with
roughly 30 million users, 300K groups, and 500K monthly
meetups. Meetup can add incredible value when it comes to
sourcing and recruiting talent across the globe. There’s a lot of
ways that you can search on Meetup.com for communities.
Profile Boolean string examples:
Here’s all the different ways to source Meetup members and
groups below. Remember to include diversity related terms
within your search string.
Make sure to include searchable terms: (“Latino” OR “Spanish”
OR “Mexican” OR “Latinx”)
After a quick search I found this great group > NYC Latino
Professionals - 4,400+ Members & Growing!
1. Member Search
site:meetup.com (java OR python OR ruby OR C# OR C++)
“member since”
2. Member(s) Search
site:meetup.com/software/members/ (java OR python OR ruby
OR C# OR C++)
3. Zip Code Search
site:meetup.com (java OR python OR ruby OR C# OR C++)
55110..554433 “member since”
4. Location State Search
site:meetup.com (java OR python OR ruby OR C# OR C++)
intitle:”MN” “member since”
5. Location City Search
site:meetup.com (java OR python OR rubyOR C# OR C++)
intitle:”minneapolis” “member since”
6. Network Search
site:meetup.com (java OR python OR rubyOR C# OR C++)
“member since” “networks”
7. Groups events strings examples:
site:meetup.com “java” “meetups are scheduled”
site:meetup.com java intitle:MN meetups are scheduled
site:meetup.com “mobile” (kotlin OR android OR objective-c
OR java) intitle:”minneapolis” “meetups are scheduled”
Note, since many pages have similar content I suggest using [-
inurl:] to exclude certain pages from showing up. Make sure to
play around with that search technique.
8. List string example:
Use these string below to find a list of Meetup’s that match your
search criteria:
site:meetup.com “minneapolis” intitle:software (intitle:”meetup
groups” intitle:meetups)
Pro Tip: Check out Freesourcingtools.com custom CSE to search
for events and groups.
Joining Groups
I recommend joining meetup groups within your search. You can
try and directly message users from individual groups. Be as
genuine and human as possible some industries do not like
talking with recruiters.
Attending Events
I recommend going to events on a quarterly basis! Build a
network within your niche. Try and make yourself known in the
local community.
Twitter Search
Twitter Search - Twitter’s advanced search can help you to find
people who are talking about a particular thing in a particular
location - https://twitter.com/search-advanced
Twitter is a great resource to find active users within certain
niches. You can easily find users that are active and posting
within the tech world. More than ever, users are moving away
from using LinkedIn. So, in some ways you will need to explore
other social networks to find and engage talent online. I’ve
included ways to source and recruit diverse talent on Twitter
Twitter’s advanced search feature allows you to create complex
searches that include both hashtags and keywords so you can
search for multiple criteria like job role, skillset, and location,
along with URM or other identifying keywords. What’s more,
you can filter results by tweet, account, photo, video, and news.
Note that Twitter’s advanced search only searches tweets; it
won’t pick up keywords in bios, where some of the best
professional information (titles, skills, technologies) is found.
You can get around this with a Google x-ray search:
site:twitter.com (“solution architect” OR “solutions architect”
OR “technical architect”) lgbt -jobs hiring.
Boolean Strings to Search Bios:
site:twitter.com inurl:with_replies [add keywords]
site:twitter.com “Tweets and replies” -inurl:with_replies [add
You can use Google Synatex to find certain users with the
number of followers:
site:twitter.com “Tweets and replies” javascript engineer
“200..1000 following”
Search for Hashtags:
Finally, some Twitter diversity directories exist that have already
done the work for you. Check out Blacks who Design, Women
who Design, and Latinxs who Design, for example. You can
filter down by role, and jump on a person’s feed from there.
They might not be a fit for the role you are working on, but
connecting in these communities could lead you into other
communities more targeted to your search.
Snapchat, Twitch, and Tiktok Search
The growing number of social media platforms has surely
created a number of opportunities for recruiters. Of course, many
are getting left behind because they’re simply unsure of how to
approach these brand new tools. If you feel the same way, this
advice will help you out.
While not all tools are created equal, the likes of SnapChat,
Twitch, and TikTok are among the most popular right now, and
they also present many unique opportunities for your work as a
recruiter. With companies looking to get costs you may want to
consider using free social networking sites to connect with
candidates online.
In all honestly, I’m new to these platforms and I’m testing out
each to see if they add value to my sourcing and employment
branding strategies. It’s good to go where the talent goes. So, if
you see value in connecting with these users than it’s worth
creating a profile.
First Understand the Platforms:
Before you do anything with these platforms, the first thing
you’ll want to do is familiarize yourself with them a bit. This
means creating an account and just spending some time seeing
how others interact. Make sure that your target demographic is
actively using these websites. This is perfect for targeting and
sourcing GenZ and Millennials within your markets.
Is a platform to send instant view-able videos you can use humor
and excitement to build an employerbrand.
Is a live streaming platform created for gamers. Create a profile
and connect with gamers across the globe. Many gamers are
professionals in the tech community. You could use this platform
to network and build a community of talent.
Is a video sharing network. You can add comedic and fun videos
on this platform. You can drive likes and engagement for your
Each platform has its own unique style of content and you’ll
need to spend some time figuring out how you can best interact
on each platform. Your approach will differ a bit between each
one. I recommend doing research to see if you can gain value
from using the platforms.
How to Use These Platforms:
Once you have a solid understanding of how each of these
platforms functions, you can get to the fun part of actually
posting content. Your goal, of course, is to use these platforms to
promote a company’s culture and open jobs, ultimately inspiring
people to see the brand in a positive light, and perhaps even
reach out if they’re considering them as a potential employer.
The tricky part is figuring out what to post. You don’t just want
to plug a job constantly. Rather, you should take a step back and
use these platforms as a method of taking people behind the
scenes. Here are some ideas of what you can post:
1. Let Employees Take Over
Sometimes the best way to show off a company is to let someone
from within the company present things in their own way.
Letting an employee “take over” one of your accounts for a day
or more can give people a fun behind-the-scenes look at what
goes on each day. For instance, maybe they’ll walk people
through their routine, which may include hitting up the company
gym in the morning or playing with the office’s beloved cat.
2. Share Live Virtual Events
Giving candidates exclusive access to live events the company
hosts is another great source of content. Whether you’re live
streaming the coverage or sharing it after-the-fact, it can really
help candidates get a closer look at what working with the
company would be like. You can do these events virtually and
share opportunities to a broader audience.
3. Go Behind-The-Scenes
Share a picture of that epic birthday party the team just threw for
the new receptionist and maybe even give candidates a look into
the development or collaboration processes that help the team
thrive. It’s this type of “behind-the-scenes” content that lets you
pull back the curtain and really entice people to learn more and
want to get involved. Share fun and exciting culture that
highlights your employment brand well.
4. Build your Personal Brand
Recruiters need to build their personal brand online and it’s good
to get creative and stand above the crowd. If you are targeting
members within these communities, it will make sense to invest
in creating an account. Again, try and use humor to connect and
engage with these users. The long term goal will be to build your
brand and network with them.
While it will take some finesse in order to properly represent the
company on each platform, adding these tools to your arsenal is
surely worth it. Consider these platforms to be a top priority as
you continue to build an employer brand that people want to
interact with.
Chapter 5: Talent Sourcing Tools
Talent sourcing tools are important when it comes to finding and
engaging talent online. There are many tools that focus on
sourcing diverse talent. I wanted to highlight the top ones that
most Recruiters and Sourcers recommend.
1. Native Current
This is a new tool that helps find diverse (BLNA) talent online.
With the help of Boolean strings, it helps users find many
diverse niche groups online. The helps Talent Sourcers uncover
new talent BLNA pools. Native Current empowers Sourcers and
Recruiters to creatively expand talent search to meet the
demands of modern businesses. I recommend signing up for an
account to learn more about all the tools amazing Boolean
generator search features.
First, download and then sign up for an account:
Second, type in the role that you are searching for:
Select the diverse group that you want to find:
Finally, after you’ve selected the role requirement skills and
diverse group. Then click open in Google.com
Search Features Include:
Enable Native Current:
Option 1: Toggle Native Current ON for the website you’ve
opened the extension for at the top of this dashboard. Then select
exit to site in the top right-hand corner of the dashboard to hide
Option 2: Right-click on any site, go to the Native Current menu
option, and select enable / disable for this site.
Pro Tip: Enable the extension then type a job tile in LinkedIn
Recruiter or Google the green button will appear and then you
can choose a diversity Boolean string (Example Below).
Native Current’s Mission Statement:
We envision an American workforce characterized by equitable
opportunity. One where diversity and opportunity are no longer
at odds. Where businesses thrive in increasingly competitive
markets because bringing people together has accelerated
innovation and problem-solving.
A society where prosperity creates more opportunity for others,
not less. We see sourcing enablement as a critical but overlooked
step to creating a culture of opportunity in and outside of the
workplace, and we’re determined to break conventional ways of
thinking about talent. No excuses.
1. Talent acquisition is more demanding than ever
Keep up with a platform that works everywhere you do, and
gives your team a competitive advantage with the type of
domain-specific insight only the best hiring managers have.
2. Run comprehensive searches anywhere
Search for talent on any website, and quickly apply relevant
Boolean strategies without leaving the page.
3. Know what you’re missing
Go beyond title-based searches with job expansion to
automatically uncover and target new talent pools.
4. Search with precision confidently
X-ray social sites like Quora, Twitter, and LinkedIn with pre-
built searches for your role.
Use the tool to search for diverse talent pools:
Women’s Film Organizations
Feminist Organizations
Women’s Right Organizations
Hispanic and Latino American Organizations
African-American Organizations
LGBT QIA in Tech
2. Human Predictions
Pair with this Bot to expand your candidate research.
We compile all the data for your potential candidates and
automatically alert you about people we know information
about. It’s there when you need it and snoozes when you don’t.
Find people: Explore and find more about interesting
Easily find diverse leads within this tool.
Info at your fingertips: Get an email address and quick
overview on anyone.
Add data: Find a person/group you want to learn more
You’re in control: Hide it when you don’t need it.
3. Entelo
This tool was founded in 2010 and, ever since, the software has
been used by recruiters to proactively source diverse talent. It
continues to be an industry leader thanks to its innovative
diversity recruiting functions and many unique features. It will
help you deliver the best candidates on the market.
It offers you the ability to find a diverse talent pool in mere
minutes, focusing on under-represented groups by race,
ethnicity, gender, and veteran status. You can also use it to
eradicate your unconscious bias and quickly identify candidates
that come from underrepresented groups thanks to the candidate
badges that it lists on profiles.
It also allows your team to quickly track diverse leads
throughout your process. Gain visibility into your organization’s
diversity, sourcing efforts and measure progress. Keep your
talent team accountable by complying with federal regulations
and demonstrating good faith diversity recruiting efforts.
You can select four major categories and also use them in
combinations, e.g., Black AND Female. They also support
filtering by various networks and groups.
With Entelo go to the Settings, then Search and then choose
Anonymize search results. Profile pictures are gone, and names
turn to initials. This will help you search with unbiased results.
4. Hiretual
Hiretual claims to be the industry leader when it comes to AI-
powdered talent sourcing, and they can certainly back that claim
up with a wealth of features. Integrate Hiretual into your tech
stack with ease and you’ll instantly be able to source across over
750 million profiles.
One aspect you’ll definitely appreciate about Hiretual is that it
pulls information from over 40 platforms to build the single
largest talent pool out there. Hiretual also goes a step further,
helping you build powerful, personalized campaigns to engage
top talent while actively rediscovering any profiles that are lost
within your ATS.
Within their advance filters, you can search and find a list of
diverse candidates. Now you can narrow your sourcing results to
help widen the perspective of your organization. Specifically,
Pro users can now filter sourced candidates to focus on women,
veterans, African Americans, or Hispanics within your recruiting
Rank and score the profiles that you are seeing to help Hiretual
AI ranking search.
Use Hiretual’s Talent Insights feature to search for diverse
groups based on location, job title, or industry,
5. Seekout
Known for being extremely recruiter-friendly, Seekout is a
platform that allows you to easily source passive candidates with
the help of diversity filters. Other features, like getting contact
info in just one click, also help Seekout stand out from the
crowd. With a 360-degree view of the talent, Seekout provides a
rich database like no other. The Ai-powered Seekout Robot also
helps you get to the right talent as quickly as possible.
You can select major categories of diversity, and see filtered
results with one click. One aspect that stood out for me was that
SeekOut shows how many profiles correspond to a diversity
category in advance of the recruiter applying that filter.
Verified emails and social profiles are available at the click of a
button and you can send personalized automated emails to reach
out to candidates with ease. You’ll find that the diversity filters
are especially helpful for finding female, Hispanic, African
American, and Veteran candidates. This tool has so many other
advanced features I strongly recommend doing a demo.
To reduce bias, select Blind Hiring Mode. All profile pictures
turn to the same cat image (no bias from people’s cat
preferences) and names to just initials.
6. Diversifytech.co - Looking to build a diverse pool of
candidates in the tech space? The simplicity and openness of
Diversifytech.co leaves nothing to be desired. This site quite
literally acts as a job board with information about candidates
readily available to anyone looking to hire. You can search for
candidate talent within this community. Overall, I highly
recommend using this free resource when it comes to sourcing
tech talent.
7. JopWell is a community platform to help find diverse
candidates for career opportunities. They support Black, Latin X,
and Native American students and professionals across North
The focus on candidates who are underrepresented in the tech
space, so it’s a great additional source to check next time you’re
looking for candidates to reach out to in order to hit the mark
regarding the number of diverse leads you’re looking to engage.
8. Unbiased Search Extension - Use this to turn everyone's photo
into a picture of a dog. This will help you to search for profiles
based on keyword terms and not on race/gender.
9. Tineye - use this tool to reverse search images online. You can
search for profile images or other social media pictures within
this tool.
Pro tip: You should try and reverse image search someone’s
headshot profile on other websites to build a larger view of
someone’s skill-sets.
10. Yandex as another great example to reverse image search
online. You can search for images, videos, and much more.
Automation Tool Suggestions
Recruiters spend the majority of the day sourcing and conducting
research. There’s a ton of great tools that automate many
mundane tasks. There are many other automation tools that I
could suggest but wanted to focus on the core ones that are
highly beneficial.
Rating: Beginner
Extract data from platforms
Profile scraper, social media scheduler, Auto responder
and much more
Automate repetitive tasks with talent sourcing
Combine with AI to save more time
Phantombuster is used to extract data from platforms that can
be used to automate necessary but repetitive tasks in recruiting.
Phantombuster can be programmed to search certain profile
data or URLs across networks such as Instagram, LinkedIn,
Facebook, and Twitter, which can be compiled into a
spreadsheet or CRM for review. The collected data can also
help generate leads, be used to update network profiles, and be
shared with others.
AI and other automation tools have definitely been on the rise
lately. It’s an exciting time to be in the talent sourcing world
because we can use these same cutting-edge innovation tools to
source, research, and automate certain recruitment tasks.
It was created to help marketers use different API’s to
automate and boost different marketing efforts. You can use
one API tool for 10 minutes a day for free. I recommend
testing out several tools before you decide to pay for the
upgraded growth hacker account which is $29 per month.
Tool Recommendations:
Facebook Profile URL Finder
Instagram Profile URL Finder
LinkedIn Profile Scraper
Twitter Profile URL Finder
LinkedIn Accept Invitations
LinkedIn Network Booster
LinkedIn Search Export
LinkedIn Auto-Follow/Accept
Rating: Beginner
Easy-to-use automation tool
Connects with all sorts of apps
Create your own “recipes” to reduce your workload
IFTTT stands for ‘If This Then That,’ and is an ideal tool for
email automation. With features that allow you to create
reminders for yourself, handle repetitive tasks, and formulate
specific triggers. It’s a free, web-based service to create chains
of simple conditional statements, called (applets) recipes.
These recipes help to automate different tasks. You can use
these recipes to automate different recruitment activities. I
encourage you to play around with these different recipes and
figure out which ones work best for your needs. These tools
will truly impact the way you automate certain recruitment and
talent sourcing duties.
The user-friendly application requires a brief setup to connect
the various platforms used including LinkedIn, Dropbox,
Google calendar, and Facebook, to program the desired
Some useful actions might include sending an email to yourself
when new jobs are posted on LinkedIn or Craigslist;
programming your phone to automatically text you, providing
an escape for those times when an interviewee has exceeded
their block of time, and you can’t get away. I wrote an article
about the best IFTTT recipes for recruiting here.
Recipe Recommendations:
1. New LinkedIn contacts in a Google Drive Spreadsheet
2. Send new contacts a “Nice to meet you!” email
3. Save contacts added to a Google Contacts group as a
subscriber to a list in MailChimp
4. Save caller’s contact info each time I receive a call
5. Create a calendar item to follow-up in a week when a
new contact is added
Rating: Intermediate
Integrate multiple web apps
Create custom automations
Connect with over 1,500 platforms
Zapier is an application that makes it possible to integrate
various other web based apps as a way to customize the
automation. Zapier can communicate with other platforms
including Office 365, Google Calendar, Google Docs, Gmail,
QuickBooks, Trello, Airtable, Slack, and LinkedIn. Through
the use of Zapier, you can share information between multiple
apps automatically versus repeat manual entry. Zapier can help
streamline the process of sorting and selecting candidates
based on criteria, so you have more time to focus on evaluating
information or actually connecting with candidates.
I discovered Zapier a few months ago and I’ve been hooked
ever since! It’s similar to the website IFTTT where I’ve been
experimenting with recipes for many years now. However,
Zapier is a way better automation tool in comparison. Zapier is
the glue that connects over 1,500+ web apps. These apps
connect together to trigger an event. You can use these pre-
built zaps to automate mundane recruitment tasks. These apps
can help with Calendar Scheduling, Call Tracking, Contacts,
CRM, Emailing, Management tools, Human Resource tools
and the lists goes on! There are endless opportunities to use
these apps in recruitment.
Zapier App Recommendations:
Create Google Calendar events (quick add events) from
Evernote reminders.
Update rows on Google Sheets when someone new
cancels on Calendly.
Create Google Sheets rows from scheduled Calendly
Create a call log or meeting note in Streak when a
Calendly event is created.
Send emails to lost Myphoner leads via Gmail.
Send emails to new Myphoner winners via Gmail.
Enrich company names in Google Sheets with data from
Add person and company data from Clearbit to new
MailChimp subscribers.
Search Clearbit and save the results to Evernote via a
Google Chrome extension.
Enrich contacts in Google Sheets with emails and phone
numbers using Lusha.
Enrich new contacts on HubSpot CRM with enhanced
personal contact details via Lusha.
Create or update HubSpot CRM contacts from new
Google Contacts.
Create Streak boxes for new Google Contacts.
Create boxes in Streak from new updated rows in
Google Sheets.
Save new Gmail attachments (original file format) to
Google Drive.
Look up a Google Sheet row and find & edit a box in
Streak from new Gmail threads.
Create a MailChimp Mailing List for Job Applicants.
Import Job Candidates from Gmail into Workable by
Labeling Emails.
Create Workable candidates from a Google Sheets
Rating: Intermediate
Easily link related data records
Use Blocks to visualize and summarize
Utilize pre-built templates
Create your own templates and integrate with other
Easily create a sales tracker, sourcing funnel, or
ATS/CRM system
Use this tool to create a highly personalized ATS/CRM for
tracking diverse leads.
Airtable combines the best features of database applications
and spreadsheets into a single ‘hybrid’ application that allows
you to compile information, sort data, link items together,
share the information with others, and publish details on
Its ability to integrate with applications such as Zapier makes it
possible for recruiters to track candidates and share pertinent
information via email. It’s a great option if you are looking for
a personal application tracking system or CRM tracker.
Airtable can also be set up to include candidate overviews and
shareable links to their complete profile and credentials,
enabling hiring managers to review specifics.
Template Recommendations:
1. Applicant tracking system (ATS) template
2. BLNA Tracking template
3. Employee Onboarding Template
4. University Recruiting or Job Fair event list Template
5. Competitor Tracking Template
6. Email Marketing Campaign Template
Chapter 6: Best Practices for
Sending Messages
Crafting a perfect recruiter message takes time. In order to
engage and get a response from a diverse lead you will need to
understand the fundamentals of creating and creating an email or
inmail message. Below I will walk you through examples.
Note: These examples would work best in North American
markets only. The European market is quite different when it
comes to messaging candidates online.
Looking to write the perfect recruiting cold call email? There are
six elements you should consider critical when writing an email
to a passive candidate. Recruiters need to spend the time to craft
a message that is unique and personalized for reach lead. You
will only have a few seconds before that lead is either
responding or sending your email to the trash bin.
1. The Subject Line
Keep your subject line under 30-40 characters to make sure
mobile users can read it. Remember, your subject line
determines whether or not your prospect will actually open and
read your message. Try to appeal to their ego and you’ll give
them a “mini high” that will have them wanting more.
2. Paragraph I
The first “paragraph” should really only be a few sentences long.
You should warm them up by starting off with an explanation of
how you reached out to them specifically with this role in mind.
Tell them how you found them, too. You should be working to
prove that you did your homework. Share there blog, portfolio,
social media profiles within this first paragraph. Try and pull
them in with your interest.
3. Paragraph II
In the second paragraph, you need to tell the prospect what they
want to know about the role you’re offering up. They mainly
want to hear about a career trajectory, the expectations of the
role, and the responsibilities they’d be taking on. Be honest
about the workload and walk them through a “day in the life” in
this position. According to LinkedIn, this is what candidates
want to know the most. They want to under the project or team
and what they are trying to accomplish.
4. Paragraph III
In your third paragraph, you should touch on your Employee
Value Proposition, or EVP. That means covering the unique
benefits the prospect would get to enjoy as an employee of your
company. Make sure you frame these benefits as perks that
they’ll get in exchange for bringing their unique skills and
experience to the company, that way you continue to make them
feel good about what they have to offer.
EVP might include discussing how there are no product
managers, meaning they’ll get to drive the product development
from beginning to end. You might also point out all the growth
opportunities they’ll have in front of them as you expand your
team to double or triple in size in the next year. Talk about the
flexibility of the environment and other things they’ll enjoy. An
example for us is that we’ve gone fully remote – that’s a huge
plus for candidates during this time.
5. The Call to Action
Your call-to-action, or CTA, is all about getting your prospect on
the phone. If you can do that, you’ve achieved your goal. Your
CTA should be short and friendly, just like the rest of your
email. Some people employ the strategy of telling the prospect
when they’ll call, like saying: “I’ll try to catch you on the phone
this Friday at noon” or you can take a more traditional approach
and offer them to connect.
Be sure to keep your CTA cool and casual. This is a friendly
conversation, not a sales pitch–or, at least, that’s how it should
feel. Using humor has help me to get leads to respond: sending a
meme or picture of my dog has paid off many times. The point is
try and use creative ways to force them to respond.
6. The Signature
Your signature is critical because that’s where your prospect will
look to find your contact info and anything else they need to
know to get in touch with you. Then leave your number as well.
This is how they’ll be able to reach out to you now that your cold
call email has sold them on the idea. I like to bold my cell
number and include my time zone.
7. Personalization & Uniqueness Get Responses
Whenever reaching out to a candidate, be personalized and avoid
using generic templates. Take the job out of the conversation; do
not start the message or email by saying you have an
opportunity. Always start the message mentioning something
specific about the candidate and what made you want to reach
out? Having 10 people respond from 20 reach out messages if far
more efficient than sending out 100 messages and still only 10
Whenever reaching out to candidates keep the following in
Unique & Creative subject lines!
Personalized Content
Aim for > 50% response rate
Keep the word count to under 500 characters
Is your message optimized for reading it on a mobile
Keep sentences short
Free of spelling & grammatical errors (Download and
use Grammarly)
Include questions and call for action
The LARGER the volume per batch of reach outs, the
LOWER the response rate
Never let a response go to waste, set up future touch
Meme’s, gifs, pictures, or emoji’s work to cause a
positive reaction
The right subject line is the secret to an effective recruiting
email, so why do most people spend just mere seconds writing
one when they can spend an hour or more creating the email
itself? If you’re doing things right, you’ll spend at least as much
time considering your subject line as you do your email’s content
because, after all, if the subject line isn’t an attention-grabber,
the rest of the email will never be seen anyway.
Of course, it can be tough to come up with a succinct and
engaging subject line, especially for recruiting emails. To help
you out, here are some ideas you can use, ranging from funny to
those that provoke curiosity or a fear of missing out (FOMO) so
that you can get more opens and, ultimately, more responses.
Here’s the Best Recruiting Email Subject Lines I have found
Make Them Laugh
A clever subject line can certainly grab a candidate’s attention.
Take these, for example…
Seeking a Tiger King Carole Baskin need not Apply
I tried calling earlier but got crickets
Re:re:re:re:re:re:re:My Last Follow Up
We’re Still Hiring During the Apocalypse
Provoke FOMO
“Fear of Missing Out” comes from a candidate realizing how
great an opportunity is. These subject lines help provoke this
Matthew, I’m Building An Avengers Marketing Team
This Job Is Better Than a Friday Night at [Popular Bar
Near Prospect’s College]
Let me introduce you to a better opportunity, Matthew.
How’s 2020 Starting at [Company]?
We have Zoom Parties on Fridays
Entice Curiosity
Get them thinking about a position’s potential with one of these
enticing subject line examples…
Matthew, Picture Yourself Creating [product] at
[company name]
Have you heard about [company name]’s upcoming
Your resume caught my interest, Matthew!
Who’s the worst boss you ever worked for, Matthew?
What’s the best job you ever had, Matthew?
Be Friendly in your Follow-Up
Follow-up requires unique personalization to spark a
conversation. Take a look at these examples.
How’s your job at [current company] going?
Can we talk about your boring job, Matthew?
Let’s have a convo about your future
Want to grab a coffee with me next week?
Do you have time for a chat about your career?
I Just Left you a Voicemail
Dealing with a Crisis
What are their current needs? What are their current
circumstances? Are your prospects stuck at home? Are they
dealing with taking care of their children or finding ways to
continue their education during quarantine? Are they trying to
provide for family members at high risk? It’s good to factor in
these thoughts into your subject line when reaching out to
passive applicants.
Matthew, I’m just checking in with you
How’s work been at [company]?
We’re GROWING under uncertainty
Best Practices
As you read through these examples and search for inspiration to
craft your own recruiting subject lines, don’t forget about the
best practices surrounding writing the best subject lines.
In general, the most engaging subject lines are between 61 and
70 characters long. You should tweak your subject line until you
get it to this range, always remembering to keep things succinct.
Every word counts in such a short string of letters, so come up
with multiple versions and pick the one you think gets your point
across best.
Remember, your subject line is only the introduction to your
email. You don’t have to say it all in the subject line, and there’s
no way you could. Rather, try to get the most important idea
across in your subject line so that the person actually cares to
open up the email and see what it’s all about.
Finally, make sure that your subject line ties into the rest of the
email. The first one or two lines of the email need to capture
their attention just like the subject line did in order to pull them
in so they read the whole thing. Your subject line should be
relevant to what you’re saying in the emailno click baiting!
Chapter 7: Employer Branding
Employment branding is so important when trying to attract
diverse applicants. You will need to market your brand online
using marketing tools. By representing your brand by sharing
content, videos, and pictures of your diverse team, you will
attract a better pool of talent.
Applicants will research a company before they even consider
applying for a job opening. Having content online that
showcases your employer brand will be important.
Use video to send personalized videos to candidates. It’s a new
creative way to reach and engage a new audience.
LinkedIn Video
Recording a video can be a great medium to attract and engage
potential lead when recruiting them. When you tailor a message
specifically for someone odds are they will view and respond
back to your message. Maybe you didn’t realize this but you can
now send video messages over LinkedIn messenger using their
iPhone or Android app for free.
Why Send a Video at All?
A video is a great way to quickly tailor a message to your lead.
On average, adding a video into an inmail or email will increase
a response by almost 80%. On LinkedIn, they say that on
average responses will increase by 50% when a recruiter shares a
video in the inmail message. The fact is people love viewing
pictures, memes, or videos more than reading long messages.
How to Send a Video Message on LinkedIn
The first step will be to send a connection request to the profile.
Once they accept you’ll be able to send a personalized video
message using the LinkedIn app simply go into the messaging
function of the app and click on the (+) to create a video
Tip: You need to be connected with the person before you can
send them a video message.
I recommend recording a video no longer than 60 seconds. Be
direct and focus on why you want to connect with that lead.
Make sure you are in a quiet and well lit room with no
background clutter. State the reason for the connection and why
you would like to connect them. Once you send the message,
allow them a few days to respond and then follow up. A concise
video message will help convey that you value their time and
will let them know why you want to connect with them.
SendSpark Extension (Desktop Option)
Let’s say you don’t have access to downloading the LinkedIn
app. No problem, there is an extension called SendSpark that
will allow you to create a quick video and send it directly over
LinkedIn on your desktop computer. They have features to help
track and review metrics after you send the message. Overall, it’s
a great tool if you want to invest in video messaging.
MyRobotWorks Extension (Desktop)
This extension allows you to attach video files when you auto
send out messages on LinkedIn (desktop). Once you attach and
send the message, it will autoplay the video message on
Live Stream Events
Within the app or desktop LinkedIn, you can also live stream
events. The LinkedIn Live feature allows individuals and
organizations to broadcast live video content to their network in
real-time. To get started, you can apply to become a LinkedIn
Live broadcaster by completing an application.
This is a great avenue if you are hosting virtual career fairs or
presentations. You can highlight what your team is working on
and get instant access to responses and viewership. The ideas are
really endless when it comes to live streaming.
Overall, video messaging is here to stay in the recruiting space!
It’s a fun and creative medium to reach out to potential leads and
distinguish you from your competition.
Boomboom Video
This tool is a simple yet useful tool that delivers a personalized
video message to each potential lead. The job market is very
competitive at the moment. Job seekers are bombarded with
potential opportunities by recruiters nonstop. So, that’s why it’s
even more important to personalize every message when you can
during your initial outreach.
What this tool offers:
1. Send simple video. There is no faster way to record, send, and
track video. Within the dashboard, you can quickly record a
personalized video and send it over email or text message.
2. Sales platform you can create different lead forms and
automate different email follow up. It’s a fairly easy dashboard
to understand.
3. Once the video is sent, you can easily track all the analytics.
How long did the person view it? Use this Intel to improve your
overall messages.
4. Pricing is billed at a yearly price at $468 which includes over
2,500 outreach contacts.
Social Media Tools:
These tools help you fully automate your social media presence
online. In order to stay trending, you need to promote content on
a weekly basis. This can become tiresome and take a lot of time,
but thankfully we have tools that help automate these tasks
Sprout Social: Social management and marketing to customer
care, employee advocacy, data metrics, and intelligence. It’s an
all in one tool that helps monitor and creates engagement over
social media.
Hootsuite: Schedule social media content, curate from content
libraries, and monitor conversations about your brand and your
competition online.
Buffer: Schedule and curate content. This tool is great for larger
teams looking to build out a large content calendar for
employment branding campaigns.
Chapter 8: Job Description Tools
A clear, compelling, and inclusive job description will influence
the candidate’s decision to apply for the role and help cast a wide
net to bring in the best applicants from many diverse
Applicants are looking for the following (4) factors before
they consider applying:
1. A clear understanding of the company culture.
2. Insight into the employee experience.
3. A sense of connection with the overall brand.
4. What will this project or team be working on?
Start with what the candidate will do in the role: The first 90
characters are the most important, because it will set your role
apart from others on the search results page.
Outline the essential functions and responsibilities as well as
information about how the role will work with other teams if
1. Basic qualifications: are the minimum qualifications that an
applicant must possess to be considered.
2. Preferred qualifications: are core competencies, subjective
requests, or soft skills that can’t be determined from the resume
Make sure to include mandatory EEO and Compliance Taglines
for US based roles.
For example:
“(Company) is an equal opportunity employer and does not
discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, gender
identity, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, disability,
age, or other legally protected status.”
In order to gain applicants, you will need to make sure your job
descriptions are fully optimized. There are many terms that
negatively impact a description. Make sure you are using gender
neutral terms and words that do not relate to gender or race.
There’s many tools available online that can help with
optimizing your job descriptions.
1. Text Analyzer
The Text Analyzer is a basic augmented writing tool that’s
specifically made for job-related content. The tool was created to
eliminate bore and bias. It will analyze your descriptions in real
time to find gender and non-gender bias while also optimizing
the length and title of your description.
This tool will also highlight parts where you overuse bullet
points or adverbs, plus flag text that could lead to applicants not
applying to your openings.
Are you writing job descriptions that are too “clinical” or “legal-
Job titles Are yours optimized for apply rate and
search engine optimization?
Are you worried that some of your job descriptions are
too long?
Do you confuse your candidates with inside jargon
(acronyms or department/business unit names)?
2. Textio
Textio is made for a number of uses, and one of the most popular
is to help employees find better words to attract the right people.
It will predict how the things you write will help you attract
talent and make suggestions to help you find better qualified and
more diverse candidates.
Ultimately, it will cut down the time you spend writing and the
Textio Score will help you predict how well the description will
perform in the current job market.
3. TapRecruit
The TapRecruit Smart Editor is a software focused specifically
on augmented writing for job postings. The Smart Editor's goal
is to help recruiters like you produce more thoughtful and
concise job descriptions that will welcome a diverse range of
This tool will also provide a score for your job description,
which will be based on the title, structure, and language that may
leave a potentially bad impression.
4. TalVista
TalVista offers a tool called Job Descriptions Optimized. This
augmented writing software uses algorithms to help recruiters
like you create more effective descriptions for your job postings,
and it includes real-time feedback on what you write.
This tool will analyze the job description and identify
problematic words, based on research, that have been shown to
detract under represented applicants from applying for a job. The
platform goes beyond gender parity, compared to others on the
market, to ensure the broadest and most diverse applicant pool is
attracted to the job.
Features include flagging of problematic words and phrases
along with suggesting replacements that are more inclusive. It
also provides a job score based on the best practices TalVista has
Identify problematic terms and replace with inclusive terms for:
Gender Parity
People of Color
People with Disabilities
5. BeApplied
This tool helps you detect gender bias in your job postings. It
will identify any language that is gendered and give you an
inclusion score so that you can better predict how your job
description will be perceived by a broader audience.
The conversion score will then go over factors like readability
and fluency, helping you note how easy it is to understand the
job posting. The Applied JD Analysis Tool is pricy, but it’s also
highly effective.
Detect problematic phrases Acronyms, buzzwords and
overemphasis on education.
These are just some examples that can introduce ambiguity,
signal belonging (or not) and exclude people who are older,
younger or from different socioeconomic backgrounds. The JD
analysis tool highlights any instances of bias to give you the best
chance of converting talented candidates.
6. JobWriter.io
JobWriter happens to be a newer augmented writing tool to hit
the market, but that doesn’t make it any less effective than the
others. In fact, JobWriter has a number of features that will help
you write better job descriptions, including the ability to scan
postings and highlight any words that you might consider
changing in order to make the writing more gender-neutral.
It suggests alternatives for flagged words to make replacements
quick and easy, too. However, you’ll have to reach out to the
company if you want information about pricing.
7. Joblint
Rating: Beginner
Free tool that decodes your JD’s
Suggest alternative words to help attract diverse
Allows you to test tech job posts for issues with sexism, culture,
expectations, and recruiter fails. Keywords like Ninja, Go-
Getter, or other terms can be a turn off to diverse candidates.
This tools helps analyze your current openings and gives you
suggestions on how to improve it.
8. Microsoft Word
Rating: Beginner
Default tool within Microsoft word
Free add-on that’s simple and easy to use
Microsoft Word can help ensure inclusive language in
professional communications by checking your writing for
gender bias, age bias, and more. This feature is turned off by
default, so if you want to avoid using exclusionary language,
here’s how to turn it on.
Start by opening a Microsoft Word document. From the “Home”
tab, click Editor > Settings
You can also access this menu by opening File > Options,
choosing “Proofing,” and then clicking the “Settings” button
Scroll down to the “Inclusiveness” section, select all of the
checkboxes that you want Word to check for in your documents,
and click the “OK” button.
Now, when you write anything in Word, the grammar checker
will pick up on non-inclusive languages, such as “whitelist” and
“blacklist,” and suggest alternatives.
I hope these Boolean string examples and talent sourcing tool
suggestions will help you on your journey to find the best
diverse talent for your opening. Talent sourcing takes a lot of
effort and work, but it will pay off in the long run. Please check
out my blog WizardSourcer.com for future updates.
Additional Resources:
Here’s a list of over 200 Diversity terms that you can add into
your search strings: https://blog.ongig.com/diversity-and-
I wanted to include a list of College, University, Alumni,
Sororities, Fraternities, and Groups based in North America. Use
this section to expand on your search.
Black Colleges and Universities in North America:
Alabama A&M University
Alabama State University
Albany State University
Alcorn State University
Allen University
American Baptist College
Arkansas Baptist College
Arkansas-Pine Bluff
Atlanta University Center
Barber-Scotia College
Benedict College
Bennett College
Bethune-Cookman University
Birmingham-Easonian Baptist Bible College
Bishop State Community College
Bluefield State College
Bowie State University
Carver College
Central State University
Charles Drew University of Medicine and Science
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
Claflin University
Clark Atlanta University
Clinton College
Coahoma Community College
Concordia College
Coppin State University
Delaware State University
Denmark Technical College
Dillard University
Edward Waters College
Elizabeth City State University
Fayetteville State University
Fisk University
Florida A&M University
Florida Memorial University
Fort Valley State University
Gadsden State Community College
Grambling State University
H. Councill Trenholm State Community College
Hampton University
Harris-Stowe State University
Hinds Community College at Utica
Hood Theological
Howard University
Huston-Tillotson University
Interdenominational Theological Center
J. F. Drake State Technical College
Jackson State University
Jarvis Christian College
Johnson C Smith Theological Seminary
Johnson C. Smith University
Kentucky State University
Knoxville College
Lane College
Langston University
Lawson State Community College
LeMoyne-Owen College
Lewis College of Business
Lincoln University
Livingstone College
Meharry Medical College
Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference
Miles College
Miles School of Law
Mississippi Valley State University
Morehouse College
Morehouse School of Medicine
Morgan State University
Morris Brown College
Morris College
Norfolk State University
North Carolina A&T State University
North Carolina Central University
Oakwood University
Paine College
Paul Quinn College
Payne Theological
Philander Smith College
Prairie View A&M University
Rust College
Saint Paul's College
Savannah State University
Selma University
Shaw University
Shelton State Community College
Shorter College
Simmons College of Kentucky
South Carolina State University
Southern University and A&M College
Southern University at New Orleans
Southern University at Shreveport
Southwestern Athletic Conference
Southwestern Christian College
Spelman College
St. Augustine's University
St. Philip's College
Stillman College
Talladega College
Tennessee State University
Texas College
Texas Southern University
The Lincoln University
Tougaloo College
Tuskegee University
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
University of the District of Columbia
University of the Virgin Islands
Virginia State University
Virginia Union University
Virginia University of Lynchburg
Voorhees College
West Virginia State University
Wilberforce University
Wiley College
Winston-Salem State University
Xavier University of Louisiana
Top Black Fraternities and Sororities
Alpha Kappa Alpha
Alpha Kappa Nu
Alpha Phi Alpha
Beta Phi Pi
Delta Sigma Theta
Eta Phi Beta
Gamma Phi
Gamma Phi Delta
Gamma Tau
Groove Phi Groove
Improved Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the World
Iota Phi Lambda
Iota Phi Theta
Kappa Alpha Psi
Kappa Theta Epsilon
Malik Sigma Psi
Malika Kambe Umfazi
Megisté Areté
Nu Gamma Alpha
Omega Epsilon Rho Service Sorority
Omega Psi Phi
Phi Beta Sigma
Phi Delta Psi
Phi Rho Eta
Pi Gamma Omicron
Prince Hall Freemasonry
Sigma Gamma Rho
Sigma Phi Rho
Sigma Pi Phi
Swing Phi Swing
Tau Gamma Delta
Wine Psi Phi
Zeta Delta Phi
Zeta Phi Beta
Top Black Alumni Groups:
Africa Graduate Club of Notre Dame
African & Caribbean Villanovans
African American Alumni Association
African and Caribbean Students Association
African Cultural Studies Student Association
African Graduate Student Association
African Renaissance
African Society of Georgetown
African Student Organization
African Student Union
African Students Association
African-Carribean Culture Club
Africana Studies and Research Center
Africana Studies Club of Notre Dame
Afro-American Society at Dartmouth
Association of Black Computer Scientists
Association of Black Students
Association of Rice University Black Alumni
Black Alumni Network of Tulane University
Black Alumni of MIT
Black Business Student Association
Black Caucus
Black Commerce Student Network
Black Community Services Center
Black Cultural Center
Black Cultural Society
Black Graduate and Professional Student Association
Black Graduate Caucus
Black Graduate Student Association
Black Graduate Student Organization
Black Graduation Committee
Black Honors Student Association
Black Jewish Alliance at UT Austin
Black Life Activism Club
Black Men Engaged
Black Muslims Alliance
Black Quare
Black Queer Collective
Black Resource Center
Black Senior Alliance
Black Student Assembly
Black Student Association of Notre Dame
Black Student Movement
Black Student Organization
Black Student Union
Black Students In Business
Black Students in Computer Science
Black Students' Union
Black Voices
Black Womyn's Collective
Boston University Black Student Union
Brandeis African Students Organization
Brandeis Black Student Organization
Bruce D. Nesbitt African American Cultural Center
Caribbean Student Association
Caribbean Students Organization
Center for African Diaspora Student Success
Circle of Sisters
Divine Nine
Duke University Black Student Alliance
Emory Black Student Union
Essence: Women of Color
Graduate Students of Color
Graduate Students of Color Collective
Haas Undergraduate Black Business Association
Haitian Student Unity
Hidden Dores
Hulon Willis Association
James Brister Society
National Council of Negro Women
National Society of Black Engineers
Northeastern African Student Organization
Northeastern Black Engineering Student Society
Northeastern Black Student Association
NYU Black Alumni Network
ONYX Magazine
Organization for African Students Interests and Solidarity
Penn African Students Association
Students of Color Alliance
Students of Color of Rackham
Tulane Black Student Union
USC Black Alumni Association
Voices: A Women of Color Collaborative
Wisconsin Association of Black Men
Wisconsin Black Student Union
Women of Color Alliance
Yale African American Affinity Group
Top Latinx Colleges and Universities in North America:
Adams State University
Aims Community College
Allan Hancock College
Altierus Career College-Thorton
Alvin Community College
Amarillo College
American River College
American University of Puerto Rico
Angelo State University
Antelope Valley College
Antillean Adventist University
Antioch University
Arizona State University
Arizona Western College
Atlantic University College
Austin Community College
Azusa Pacific University
Bakersfield College
Baptist University of the Americas
Barry University
Barstow Community College
Bayamon Central University
Bergen Community College
Berkeley City College
Big Bend Community College
Boricua College
Borough of Manhattan Community College
Brandman University
Brazosport College
Bronx Community College
Brookhaven College
Broward College
Butte College
Cabrillo College
California Baptist University
California Christian College
California College San Diego
California Lutheran University
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
California State University, Bakersfield
California State University, Channel Islands
California State University, Chico
California State University, Dominguez Hills
California State University, East Bay
California State University, Fresno
California State University, Fullerton
California State University, Long Beach
California State University, Los Angeles
California State University, Monterey Bay
California State University, Northridge
California State University, Sacramento
California State University, San Bernardino
California State University, San Marcos
California State University, Stanislaus
Calumet College of Saint Joseph
Cañada College
Capital Community College
Caribbean University
Carlos Albizu University
Casa Loma College
CBD College
Central Arizona College
Central New Mexico Community College
Cerritos College
Cerro Coso Community College
Chabot College
Chaffey College
Chandler-Gilbert Community College
Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science
Cisco College
Citrus College
City College of New York
City College of San Francisco
City College-Miami
City Colleges of Chicago
Clovis Community College
Coastal Bend College
Coastline Community College
Cochise County Community College District
College of Alameda
College of Marin
College of Mount Saint Vincent
College of San Mateo
College of Southern Nevada
College of Staten Island
College of the Canyons
College of the Desert
College of the Sequoias
CollegeAmerica-Fort Collins
Colorado State UniversityPueblo
Columbia Basin College
Community Christian College
Community College of Aurora
Community College of Denver
Compton College
Contra Costa College
Copper Mountain College
Cossatot Community College
Cosumnes River College
Crafton Hills College
Cuesta College
Cumberland County College
Cuyamaca College
Cypress College
Dalton State College
DeAnza College
Del Mar College
Diablo Valley College
Dodge City Community College
Dominican College
Dominican University
Doña Ana Community College
Donnelly College
East Los Angeles College
East San Gabriel Valley Regional Occupational Program
Eastern New Mexico University
Eastfield College
El Camino Community College District
El Centro College
El Paso Community College
Elgin Community College
Escuela de Artes Plásticas y Diseño de Puerto Rico
Essex County College
Estrella Mountain Community College
Evergreen Valley College
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Feather River Community College District
Felician University
First Nations University of Canada
Florida Atlantic University
Florida International University
Florida Keys Community College
Florida SouthWestern State College
Foothill College
Fresno City College
Fresno Pacific University
Fullerton College
Gabriel Dumont Institute
Galveston College
Gateway Community College
Gavilan College
Glendale Community College
Golden West College
Grossmont College
Guttman Community College
Hacienda La Puente Adult Education
Hallmark University
Hartnell College
Heritage University
Hillsborough Community College
Hodges University
Holy Names University
Hope International University
Housatonic Community College
Houston Baptist University
Houston Community College
Howard College
Hudson County Community College
Humboldt State University
Humphreys College
Hunter College
Imperial Valley College
Indian River State College
Jacksonville College
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
John Paul the Great Catholic University
Johnson & Wales University
Kean University
Keiser University
La Sierra University
Laguardia Community College
Lake Tahoe Community College
Lamar Community College
Laredo Community College
Las Positas College
Lassen Community College
Lee College
Lehman College
Life Pacific College
Loma Linda University
Lone Star College System
Long Beach City College
Los Angeles City College
Los Angeles County College of Nursing and Allied Health
Los Angeles Harbor College
Los Angeles Mission College
Los Angeles Pacific University
Los Angeles Pierce College
Los Angeles Southwest College
Los Angeles TradeTechnical College
Los Angeles Valley College
Los Medanos College
Marymount California University
McLennan Community College
Mendocino College
Menlo College
Merced College
Mercy College
Merritt College
Mesa Community College
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Miami Dade College
Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey
Middlesex County College
Mills College
MiraCosta College
Mission College
Modesto Junior College
Monterey Peninsula College
Moorpark College
Moreno Valley College
Morgan Community College
Morton College
Mount Saint Mary's College
Mountain View College
Mt. San Antonio College
Mt. San Jacinto Community College District
Napa Valley College
National Louis University
National University
Naugatuck Valley Community College
New Jersey City University
New Mexico Highlands University
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
New Mexico State University
New York City College of Technology
Norco College
North Lake College
Northeast Texas Community College
Northeastern Illinois University
Northern Essex Community College
Northern New Mexico College
Northwest Vista College
Northwood University
Norwalk Community College
Notre Dame de Namur University
Nova Southeastern University
Nyack College
Old Sun Community College
Orange Coast College
Orange County Community College
Otero Junior College
Our Lady of the Lake University
Oxnard College
Pacific Oaks College
Pacific Union College
Palm Beach State College
Palo Alto College
Palo Verde College
Palomar College
Pasadena City College
Passaic County Community College
Phoenix College
Pillar College
Pima Community College
Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico
Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico
Porterville College
Providence Christian College
Pueblo Community College
Queens College
Reading Area Community College
Reedley College
Remington College
Rio Hondo College
Riverside City College
Robert Morris University Illinois
SABER College
Sacramento City College
Saddleback College
Saint John Vianney College Seminary
Saint Mary's College of California
Saint Peter's University
Saint Xavier University
San Antonio College
San Bernardino Valley College
San Diego Christian College
San Diego City College
San Diego Mesa College
San Diego Miramar College
San Diego State University
San Francisco State University
San Jacinto Community College
San Joaquin Delta College
San Jose City College
San Jose State University
San Juan Bautista School of Medicine
Santa Ana College
Santa Barbara City College
Santa Fe Community College
Santa Monica College
Santa Rosa Junior College
Santiago Canyon College
Schreiner University
Seminole State College of Florida
Seward County Community College
Sierra College
Six Nations Polytechnic
Skyline College
Solano Community College
Sonoma State University
South Florida State College
South Mountain Community College
South Plains College
South Texas College
Southern California University of Health Sciences
Southwest Texas Junior College
Southwestern Adventist University
Southwestern College
Springfield Technical Community College
St. Augustine College
St. Edward's University
St. Mary's University
St. Thomas University
Stevens Henager College
Sul Ross State University
Taft College
Tarrant County College
Texas A&M International University
Texas A&M UniversityCorpus Christi
Texas A&M UniversityKingsville
Texas Lutheran University
Texas State University
Texas Tech University
Texas Woman's University
Trinidad State Junior College
Trinity International University-Florida
Trinity Washington University
Triton College
Union County College
Union Institute & University
Universidad del Este
Universidad del Sagrado Corazon
Universidad del Turabo
University of Arizona
University of Arizona South
University of California, Irvine
University of California, Merced
University of California, Riverside
University of California, Santa Barbara
University of California, Santa Cruz
University of Central Florida
University of Connecticut-Stamford
University of Houston
University of Illinois at Chicago
University of La Verne
University of New Mexico
University of North Carolina at Pembroke
University of Puerto Rico
University of Redlands
University of Saint Katherine
University of St. Thomas
University of Texas at Arlington
University of Texas at El Paso
University of Texas at San Antonio
University of Texas Health Science Center
University of Texas of the Permian Basin
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
University of the Incarnate Word
University of the Southwest
University of the West
Urban College of Boston
Valencia College
Vanguard University of Southern California
Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology
Ventura College
Victor Valley College
Victoria College
Waubonsee Community College
Wenatchee Valley College
West Hills College Coalinga
West Hills College Lemoore
West Los Angeles College
West Valley College
Westchester Community College
Western New Mexico University
Western Texas College
Wharton County Junior College
Whittier College
Wilbur Wright College
William Paterson University
Woodbury University
Woodland Community College
Yakima Valley Community College
Yuba College
Top Latinx Fraternities and Sororities:
Alpha Pi Sigma
Alpha Psi Lambda
Alpha Rho Lambda
Alpha Theta Gamma
Beta Lambda Delta
Beta Xi Chi
Chi Upsilon Sigma
Delphic of Gamma Sigma Tau
Delta Alpha Omega
Delta Alpha Sigma
Delta Gamma Pi
Delta Psi Alpha
Delta Psi Sigma
Delta Sigma Chi
Delta Xi Nu
Delta Xi Phi
Epsilon Sigma Rho
Gamma Alpha Omega
Gamma Beta Lambda
Gamma Omega Delta
Gamma Phi Epsilon
Gamma Phi Omega
Gamma Zeta Alpha
Iota Nu Kappa
Kappa Delta Chi
Kappa Lambda Xi
Kappa Sigma Psi
Lambda Alpha Upsilon
Lambda Phi Xi
Lambda Pi Chi
Lambda Pi Upsilon
Lambda Psi Delta
Lambda Sigma Gamma
Lambda Sigma Upsilon
Lambda Tau Omega
Lambda Theta Alpha
Lambda Theta Nu
Lambda Theta Phi
Lambda Upsilon Lambda
Lambda Xi Beta
Mu Sigma Upsilon
Nu Alpha Kappa
Omega Delta
Omega Delta Phi
Omega Phi Beta
Omega Phi Chi
Omega Phi Kappa
Phi Chi Epsilon
Phi Iota Alpha
Psi Sigma Phi
Sigma Alpha Zeta
Sigma Beta Rho
Sigma Delta Alpha
Sigma Iota Alpha
Sigma Lambda Alpha
Sigma Lambda Beta
Sigma Lambda Gamma
Sigma Lambda Sigma
Sigma Lambda Upsilon
Sigma Omega Phi
Sigma Theta Psi
Tau Phi Sigma
Theta Delta Sigma
Theta Nu Kappa
Theta Nu Xi
Upsilon Kappa Delta
Zeta Chi Phi
Zeta Phi Rho
Zeta Sigma Chi
Top Indigenous Colleges and Universities in North America:
Aaniiih Nakoda College
Akitsiraq Law School
Anishinabek Education Institute
Bacone College
Bay Mills Community College
Blackfeet Community College
California Tribal College
Cankdeska Cikana Community College
Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribal College
Chief Dull Knife College
College of Menominee Nation
College of the Muscoggee Nation
Comanche Nation College
Diné College
First Nations Technical Institute, Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory
First Nations University of Canada
Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College
Fort Berthold Community College
Fort Peck Community College
Haskell Indian Nations University
Iḷisaġvik College
Institute of American Indian Arts
Iohahi:io Akwesasne Adult Education Centre
Kenjgewin Teg Educational Institute
Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College
Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College
Leech Lake Tribal College
Little Big Horn College
Little Priest Tribal College
Maskwachees Cultural College
Native Education Centre
Navajo Technical University
Nebraska Indian Community College
Negahneewin College
Nicola Valley Institute of Technology
Northwest Indian College
Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College
Nunavut Arctic College
Oglala Lakota College
Ogwehoweh Skills and Trades Training Centre
Old Son Community College
Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Education & Training Institute
Pamulaan Center for Indigenous Peoples
Pawnee Nation College
Red Crow Community College
Red Lake Nation College
Saginaw Chippewa Tribal College
Salish Kootenai College
Salish Kootenai College
San Carlos Apache College
Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies
Seven Generations Education Institute
Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig
Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig
Sinte Gleska University
Sisseton Wahpeton College
Sitting Bull College
Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
Stone Child College
Tohono O'odham Community College
Turtle Mountain Community College
United Tribes Technical College
University College of the North
University nuhelot’įne thaiyots’į nistameyimâkanak Blue Quills
White Earth Tribal and Community College
Wind River Tribal College
Yellowhead Tribal College
Yellowquill College
Top Indigenous Fraternities and Sororities:
Alpha Pi Omega
Alpha Theta Gamma
Beta Lambda Delta
Beta Sigma Epsilon
Beta Xi Chi
Chi Sigma Xi
Delphic of Gamma Sigma Tau
Delta Alpha Omega
Delta Alpha Sigma
Delta Gamma Pi
Delta Psi Alpha
Delta Psi Sigma
Delta Xi Nu
Delta Xi Phi
Epsilon Chi Nu
Epsilon Sigma Rho
Gamma Beta Lambda
Gamma Delta Pi
Gamma Omega Delta
Gamma Phi Epsilon
Iota Nu Kappa
Kappa Lambda Xi
Kappa Sigma Psi
Lambda Phi Xi
Lambda Psi Delta
Lambda Sigma Gamma
Lambda Tau Omega
Lambda Xi Beta
Mu Sigma Upsilon
Omega Delta
Omega Delta Phi
Omega Phi Chi
Omega Phi Kappa
Phi Chi Epsilon
Phi Sigma Nu
Psi Sigma Phi
Sigma Alpha Zeta
Sigma Beta Rho
Sigma Lambda Gamma
Sigma Lambda Sigma
Sigma Nu Alpha Gamma
Sigma Omega Phi
Sigma Omicron Epsilon
Sigma Theta Psi
Tau Phi Sigma
Theta Delta Sigma
Theta Nu Kappa
Theta Nu Xi
Upsilon Kappa Delta
Zeta Chi Phi
Zeta Phi Rho
Zeta Sigma Chi
Boolean String Examples:
Black University Groups
"CHLI" OR "CHSA" OR "Chicana" OR "Chicanas" OR
"Chicano" OR "Chicanos" OR "Culture Marketing Council" OR
"Dolores Huerta Foundation" OR "HACE" OR "HACR" OR
"HACU" OR "HNBA" OR "HSHPS" OR "Hermandad Mexicana
Nacional" OR "Hispana" OR "Hispanic" OR "LATISM" OR
"LCLAA" OR "LULAC" OR "La Raza Unida" OR "Latin
America" OR "Latin American" OR "Latina" OR "Latina/o" OR
"Latinas" OR "Latino" OR "Latinos" OR "League of United
Latin American Citizens" OR "Mexican" OR "Mexican
"NHCC" OR "NHCOA" OR "NHMA" OR "National
Association of Farmworker Organizations" OR "National
Council of La Raza" OR "National Image, Inc" OR "New
America Alliance" OR "NiLP" OR "Nosotros" OR
"NosotrosPG" OR "Partido Nacional La Raza Unida" OR
"Prospanica" OR "SHPE" OR "The LIBRE Initiative" OR
"Tomas Rivera Policy Institute" OR "Tomás Rivera Policy
Institute" OR "USHCC" OR "UnidosUS" OR "United Farm
Workers of America" OR "VOCES Oral History" OR "Vida de
Oro Foundation" OR "Voces Verdes" OR "del Barrio")
First Names in the US (Feminine)
("Abigail" OR "Adrienne" OR "Aimee" OR "Alexandra" OR
"Alexis" OR "Alice" OR "Alicia" OR "Alisha" OR "Alison" OR
"Allison" OR "Alyssa" OR "Amanda" OR "Amber" OR "Amy"
OR "Ana" OR "Andrea" OR "Angel" OR "Angela" OR
"Angelica" OR "Angie" OR "Anita" OR "Ann" OR "Anna" OR
"Anne" OR "Annette" OR "Annie" OR "April" OR "Arlene" OR
"Ashlee" OR "Ashley" OR "Audrey" OR "Autumn" OR
"Barbara" OR "Becky" OR "Belinda" OR "Beth" OR "Bethany"
OR "Betty" OR "Beverly" OR "Bonnie" OR "Brandi" OR
"Brandy" OR "Brenda" OR "Brianna" OR "Bridget" OR
"Brittany" OR "Brittney" OR "Brooke" OR "Caitlin" OR
"Candace" OR "Candice" OR "Carla" OR "Carmen" OR "Carol"
OR "Carole" OR "Caroline" OR "Carolyn" OR "Carrie" OR
"Casey" OR "Cassandra" OR "Cassie" OR "Catherine" OR
"Cathy" OR "Charlene" OR "Charlotte" OR "Chelsea" OR
"Cheryl" OR "Christie" OR "Christina" OR "Christine" OR
"Christy" OR "Cindy" OR "Claudia" OR "Colleen" OR "Connie"
OR "Constance" OR "Courtney" OR "Cristina" OR "Crystal" OR
"Cynthia" OR "Dana" OR "Danielle" OR "Darlene" OR "Dawn"
OR "Deanna" OR "Debbie" OR "Deborah" OR "Debra" OR
"Delores" OR "Denise" OR "Desiree" OR "Diana" OR "Diane"
OR "Dianne" OR "Dolores" OR "Dominique" OR "Donna" OR
"Doreen" OR "Doris" OR "Dorothy" OR "Ebony" OR "Eileen"
OR "Elaine" OR "Elizabeth" OR "Ellen" OR "Emily" OR
"Erica" OR "Erika" OR "Erin" OR "Eva" OR "Evelyn" OR
"Felicia" OR "Frances" OR "Gail" OR "Gayle" OR "Geraldine"
OR "Gina" OR "Glenda" OR "Gloria" OR "Grace" OR
"Gwendolyn" OR "Hannah" OR "Heather" OR "Heidi" OR
"Helen" OR "Holly" OR "Irene" OR "Jackie" OR "Jaclyn" OR
"Jacqueline" OR "Jaime" OR "Jamie" OR "Jan" OR "Jane" OR
"Janet" OR "Janice" OR "Janis" OR "Jasmine" OR "Jean" OR
"Jeanette" OR "Jeanne" OR "Jenna" OR "Jennifer" OR "Jenny"
OR "Jessica" OR "Jill" OR "Jillian" OR "Jo" OR "Joan" OR
"Joann" OR "Joanna" OR "Joanne" OR "Jodi" OR "Jody" OR
"Jordan" OR "Josephine" OR "Joy" OR "Joyce" OR "Juanita"
OR "Judith" OR "Judy" OR "Julia" OR "Julie" OR "June" OR
"Kara" OR "Karen" OR "Kari" OR "Karla" OR "Katelyn" OR
"Katherine" OR "Kathleen" OR "Kathryn" OR "Kathy" OR
"Katie" OR "Katrina" OR "Kay" OR "Kayla" OR "Kelli" OR
"Kellie" OR "Kelly" OR "Kelsey" OR "Kendra" OR "Kerri" OR
"Kerry" OR "Kim" OR "Kimberly" OR "Krista" OR "Kristen"
OR "Kristi" OR "Kristie" OR "Kristin" OR "Kristina" OR
"Kristine" OR "Kristy" OR "Krystal" OR "Lacey" OR "Latasha"
OR "Latoya" OR "Laura" OR "Lauren" OR "Laurie" OR "Leah"
OR "Leslie" OR "Lillian" OR "Linda" OR "Lindsay" OR
"Lindsey" OR "Lisa" OR "Lois" OR "Loretta" OR "Lori" OR
"Lorraine" OR "Louise" OR "Lynda" OR "Lynn" OR "Lynne"
OR "Mallory" OR "Mandy" OR "Marcia" OR "Margaret" OR
"Maria" OR "Marianne" OR "Marie" OR "Marilyn" OR
"Marissa" OR "Marjorie" OR "Marlene" OR "Marsha" OR
"Martha" OR "Mary" OR "Maureen" OR "Meagan" OR
"Megan" OR "Meghan" OR "Melanie" OR "Melinda" OR
"Melissa" OR "Melody" OR "Meredith" OR "Michele" OR
"Michelle" OR "Mildred" OR "Mindy" OR "Miranda" OR
"Misty" OR "Molly" OR "Monica" OR "Monique" OR
"Morgan" OR "Nancy" OR "Natalie" OR "Natasha" OR
"Nichole" OR "Nicole" OR "Nina" OR "Norma" OR "Olivia"
OR "Pam" OR "Pamela" OR "Patricia" OR "Patsy" OR "Patti"
OR "Patty" OR "Paula" OR "Peggy" OR "Penny" OR "Phyllis"
OR "Priscilla" OR "Rachael" OR "Rachel" OR "Rebecca" OR
"Rebekah" OR "Regina" OR "Renee" OR "Rhonda" OR "Rita"
OR "Roberta" OR "Robin" OR "Robyn" OR "Rosa" OR "Rose"
OR "Rosemary" OR "Roxanne" OR "Ruby" OR "Ruth" OR
"Sabrina" OR "Sally" OR "Samantha" OR "Sandra" OR "Sandy"
OR "Sara" OR "Sarah" OR "Shannon" OR "Shari" OR "Sharon"
OR "Shawna" OR "Sheena" OR "Sheila" OR "Shelia" OR
"Shelley" OR "Shelly" OR "Sheri" OR "Sherri" OR "Sherry" OR
"Sheryl" OR "Shirley" OR "Sonia" OR "Sonya" OR "Stacey"
OR "Stacie" OR "Stacy" OR "Stefanie" OR "Stephanie" OR
"Sue" OR "Susan" OR "Suzanne" OR "Sylvia" OR "Tabitha" OR
"Tamara" OR "Tami" OR "Tammie" OR "Tammy" OR "Tanya"
OR "Tara" OR "Tasha" OR "Taylor" OR "Teresa" OR "Terri"
OR "Terry" OR "Theresa" OR "Tiffany" OR "Tina" OR "Toni"
OR "Tonya" OR "Tracey" OR "Traci" OR "Tracie" OR "Tracy"
OR "Tricia" OR "Valerie" OR "Vanessa" OR "Veronica" OR
"Vicki" OR "Vickie" OR "Vicky" OR "Victoria" OR "Virginia"
OR "Vivian" OR "Wanda" OR "Wendy" OR "Whitney" OR
"Yolanda" OR "Yvette" OR "Yvonne")
Spanish First Names (Feminine)
("Adan" OR "Alberto" OR "Alejandro" OR "Alfonso" OR
"Alfredo" OR "Alonso" OR "Alonzo" OR "Alvaro" OR
"Antonio" OR "Arlo" OR "Armando" OR "Benicio" OR
"Carlos" OR "Carmelo" OR "Cesar" OR "Cristian" OR
"Cristiano" OR "Cruz" OR "Diego" OR "Eduardo" OR
"Emiliano" OR "Emilio" OR "Enrique" OR "Ernesto" OR
"Esteban" OR "Ezequiel" OR "Felipe" OR "Fernando" OR
"Francisco" OR "Gerardo" OR "Guillermo" OR "Gustavo" OR
"Hugo" OR "Ignacio" OR "Isaias" OR "Ismael" OR "Jadiel" OR
"Jaime" OR "Javier" OR "Joaquin" OR "Jorge" OR "Jose" OR
"Juan" OR "Julio" OR "Leandro" OR "Leonardo" OR "Leonel"
OR "Lorenzo" OR "Luciano" OR "Manuel" OR "Marcelo" OR
"Marco" OR "Marcos" OR "Mario" OR "Mateo" OR "Matias"
OR "Mauricio" OR "Maximiliano" OR "Maximo" OR "Miguel"
OR "Moises" OR "Pablo" OR "Pedro" OR "Rafael" OR "Raul"
OR "Rey" OR "Ricardo" OR "Roberto" OR "Rodrigo" OR
"Rogelio" OR "Salvador" OR "Santana" OR "Santiago" OR
"Sergio" OR "Tadeo" OR "Ulises" OR "Valentino" OR
Latin Organizations
"CHLI" OR "CHSA" OR "Chicana" OR "Chicanas" OR
"Chicano" OR "Chicanos" OR "Culture Marketing Council" OR
"Dolores Huerta Foundation" OR "HACE" OR "HACR" OR
"HACU" OR "HNBA" OR "HSHPS" OR "Hermandad Mexicana
Nacional" OR "Hispana" OR "Hispanic" OR "LATISM" OR
"LCLAA" OR "LULAC" OR "La Raza Unida" OR "Latin
America" OR "Latin American" OR "Latina" OR "Latina/o" OR
"Latinas" OR "Latino" OR "Latinos" OR "League of United
Latin American Citizens" OR "Mexican" OR "Mexican
"NHCC" OR "NHCOA" OR "NHMA" OR "National
Association of Farmworker Organizations" OR "National
Council of La Raza" OR "National Image, Inc" OR "New
America Alliance" OR "NiLP" OR "Nosotros" OR
"NosotrosPG" OR "Partido Nacional La Raza Unida" OR
"Prospanica" OR "SHPE" OR "The LIBRE Initiative" OR
"Tomas Rivera Policy Institute" OR "Tomás Rivera Policy
Institute" OR "USHCC" OR "UnidosUS" OR "United Farm
Workers of America" OR "VOCES Oral History" OR "Vida de
Oro Foundation" OR "Voces Verdes" OR "del Barrio")
Diverse LGBT Organizations
("Adodi" OR "At the Beach LA" OR "Ball culture" OR "Black
AIDS Institute" OR "D.C. Black Pride" OR "Dallas Black Pride"
OR "Flava Works" OR "Hotter than July" OR "LGBT Detroit"
OR "National Black Justice Coalition" OR "Salsa Soul Sisters"
OR "The Okra Project" OR "The Portal (community center)"
Diverse LinkedIn Groups
("accountant of color" OR "accountants of color" OR "african
accountant" OR "african accountants" OR "african achievement"
OR "african affinity" OR "african alliance" OR "african alumni"
OR "african america" OR "african american" OR "african
americans" OR "african business" OR "african businesses" OR
"african career" R "african careers" OR "african chamber of
commerce" OR "african chambers" OR "african child" OR
"african children" OR "african communities" OR "african
community" OR "african designers" OR "african economic" OR
"african employee" OR "african employees" OR "african
engineer" OR "african engineers" OR "african enterprise" OR
"african enterprises" OR "african erg" OR "african excellence"
OR "african executive" OR "african executives" OR "african
female" OR "african girl" OR "african girls" OR "african health"
OR "african heritage" OR "african hotel" OR "african justice"
OR "african law students" OR "african leaders" OR "african
leadership" OR "african male" OR "african man" OR "african
mba" OR "african men" OR "african men's" OR "african nurses"
OR "african organizers" OR "african owned" OR "african
people" OR "african physicists" OR "african pride" OR "african
professional" OR "african professionals" OR "african resource"
OR "african society" OR "african software engineers" OR
"african storytellers" OR "african student" OR "african students"
OR "african usa" OR "african wall street" OR "african woman"
OR "african women" OR "african women's" OR "african youth"
OR "alumni of color" OR "americans of color" OR "black
accountant" OR "black accountants" OR "black achievement"
OR "black affinity" OR "black alliance" OR "black alumni" OR
"black america" OR "black american" OR "black americans" OR
"black business" OR "black businesses" OR "black career" OR
"black careers" OR "black chamber of commerce" OR "black
chambers" OR "black child" OR "black children" OR "black
communities" OR "black community" OR "black designers" OR
"black economic" OR "black employee" OR "black employees"
OR "black engineer" OR "black engineers" OR "black
enterprise" OR "black enterprises" OR "black erg" OR "black
excellence" OR "black executive" OR "black executives" OR
"black female" OR "black girl" OR "black girls" OR "black
googler" OR "black health" OR "black heritage" OR "black
hotel" OR "black justice" OR "black law students" OR "black
leaders" OR "black leadership" OR "black male" OR "black
man" OR "black mba" OR "black men" OR "black men's" OR
"black nurses" OR "black organizers" OR "black owned" OR
"black people" OR "black physicists" OR "black power" OR
"black pride" OR "black professional" OR "black professionals"
OR "black resource" OR "black society" OR "black software
engineers" OR "black storytellers" OR "black student" OR
"black students" OR "black usa" OR "black wall street" OR
"black woman" OR "black women" OR "black women's" OR
"black youth" OR "business of color" OR "businesses of color"
OR "careers of color" OR "child of color" OR "children of color"
OR "communities of color" OR "community of color" OR
"designers of color" OR "employee of color" OR "employees of
color" OR "engineer of color" OR "engineers of color" OR
"enterprise of color" OR "enterprises of color" OR "executive of
color" OR "executives of color" OR "girls of color" OR "law
students of color" OR "leaders of color" OR "man of color" OR
"mba of color" OR "men of color" OR "nurses of color" OR
"organizers of color" OR "people of color" OR "physicists of
color" OR "professional of color" OR "professionals of color"
OR "society of color" OR "software engineers of color" OR
"storytellers of color" OR "student of color" OR "students of
color" OR "woman of color" OR "women of color" OR "youth
of color")
Women’s Rights Organizations
("AHA Foundation" OR "African Queens and Women Cultural
Leaders Network" OR "African Women on Board" OR "Agape
International Missions" OR "Ain o Salish Kendra" OR "All India
Democratic n's Association" OR "All Women's Action Society"
OR "All-Poland Women's Strike" OR "Alpha Kappa Alpha" OR
"Arab Feminist Union" OR "Asociación Nacional de Mujeres
Españolas" OR "Asociación para la Enseñanza de la Mujer" OR
"Association internationale des femmes" OR "Association pour
le Droit des Femmes" OR "Associazione per la donna" OR
"Asuda" OR "Atene Femenino" OR "BRAC" OR "Bangladesh
Mahila Parishad" OR "Bangladesh Mahila Samiti" OR
"Blackburn Female Reform Society" OR "Bonhishikha" OR
"Canadian Unitarian Universalist Women's Association" OR
"Capazes" OR "Centrum Praw Kobiet" OR "Chanyang-hoe" OR
"Chicana Rights Project" OR "Chifuren" OR "Comitato pro
suffragio femminile" OR "Connecticut Woman Suffrage
Association" OR "Consiglio Nazionale delle Donne Italiane" OR
"Danish Women's Society" OR "Danske Kvindeforeningers
Valgsretsudvalg" OR "Delta Sigma Theta" OR "DeltaWomen"
OR "Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee" OR "European
Women's Lobby" OR "Fawcett Society" OR "FreeThe20
campaign" OR "Freedom (charity)" OR "Fusen Kakutoku
Dōmei" OR "Gender Equality Architecture Reform" OR
"Gender Studies and Human Rights Documentation Centre" OR
"Girls Not Brides" OR "Instituto Promundo" OR "International
Women's Development Agency" OR "Ipas" OR "Islands
Society" OR "Jesuit Volunteer Corps" OR "Kappa Theta
Epsilon" OR "Kensington Society" OR "Korea Women's Hot
Line" OR "Kurdish Women's Rights Watch" OR "Landesa" OR
"Lega promotrice degli interessi femminili" OR "Les amis du
bus des femmes" OR "Liga Drepturilor și Datoriilor Femeilor"
OR "Liga Femeilor Române" OR "Ligue Française pour le Droit
des Femmes" OR "MATCH International Women's Fund" OR
"Mama Cash" OR "Mona Foundation" OR "Mujer y Salud en
Uruguay" OR "Myanmar Women's Affairs Federation" OR
"Naisasialiitto Unioni" OR "Narika" OR "National Advisory
Council on Violence Against Women" OR "National Equal
Rights Party" OR "National Network to End Domestic Violence"
OR "New Japan Women's League" OR "New Women's
Association" OR "New York Asian Women's Centre" OR "New
York City Council Women's Caucus" OR "Nigerian Women's
Trust Fund" OR "Norwegian Women's Lobby" OR "Nüzi
canzheng tongmenghui" OR "POWA" OR "Prince Edward
Island Reproductive Rights Organization" OR "Prizm Project"
OR "Rasan" OR "Reaching Out Romania" OR "Renew
Foundation" OR "Sigma Gamma Rho" OR "Sigma Lambda
Gamma" OR "Sisterhood Is Global Institute" OR "Societatea
Ortodoxă Națională a Femeilor Române" OR "Splošno
slovensko žensko društvo" OR "Sunseong-hoe" OR "Survivors
Foundation" OR "Tanzania Media Women's Association" OR
"Tartu Eesti Naesterahva Selts" OR "Tesselschade-Arbeid Adelt"
OR "Texas Equal Rights Association" OR "The Five
Foundation" OR "The Third Billion" OR "The White House
Project" OR "The Womanity Foundation" OR "The Women's
Conference" OR "Theta Nu Xi" OR "Third World Women's
Alliance" OR "Tokyo Rengo Fujinkai" OR "UN Women" OR
"UltraViolet" OR "Union des femmes de Wallonie" OR
"UniteWomen.org" OR "Unión de Mujeres Americanas" OR
"Vereeniging voor Vrouwenkiesrecht" OR "Vital Voices" OR
"Vrije Vrouwen Vereeniging" OR "White Hands Campaign" OR
"WomanStats Project" OR "Women Under Siege Project" OR
"Women and Memory Forum" OR "Women's International
Zionist Organization" OR "Women's Voices Now" OR
"Women's Way" OR "Yugoslav Women's Alliance")
Black Tech Groups
("AAUW" OR "ACM W" OR "Illinois connections in
engineering" OR "MEP" OR "NSBE" OR "National society of
black enginees" OR "adcolor industry coalition" OR
"allstarcode" OR "blacks in tech" OR "blacks in technology" OR
"gates millennium scholars program" OR "generation google
scholarships" OR "hack the hood" OR "hidden genius project"
OR "minority alliance in computer science" OR "morrill
engineering program" OR "national action council for minorities
in engineering" OR "society of black scientists and engineers"
OR "united negro college fund" OR "year up")
Latin Tech Groups
"NAMEPA" OR "National Action Council for Minorities in
Engineering" OR "National Association of Multicultural
Engineering Program Advocates" OR "Society of Hispanic
Professional Engineers Foundation" OR "illinois connections in
engineering" OR "latina computer science club" OR "latinas in
computer science" OR "latino computer science club" OR
"latino/a computer science club" OR "latinos in computer
science" OR "lcsc google coding competition" OR "minority
alliance in computer science" OR "morrill engineering program"
OR "national action council for minorities in engineering")
Women Tech Groups
("AAUW" OR "ACM W" OR "Alliance of Technology and
Women" OR "America's Women's Community" OR "American
Association of University Women" OR "Association for Women
in Computing" OR "Girl Scouts of America" OR "GirlGeeks"
OR "Grace Hopper" OR "HighTech Women" OR "MEP" OR "Pi
Beta Phi" OR "Society of Women in GIS" OR "TechDivas" OR
"anitaborg" OR "association for women in computing" OR
"illinois connections in engineering" OR "minority alliance in
computer science" OR "morrill engineering program" OR
"national action council for minorities in engineering" OR
"society of women SWE" OR "society of women engineers" OR
"webgrrls" OR "wics" OR "women active in computer science"
OR "women in computer science" OR "women in engineering")