Hospital Cyber
Resiliency Initiative
Landscape Analysis
Hospital Cyber
Resiliency Initiative
Landscape Analysis
2Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
Table of Contents
Disclaimer 4
Letter from the HHS Deputy Secretary 5
Introduction 6
Acknowledgments 8
Authors ..............................................................................................................................................................8
Additional Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................8
Executive Summary 9
Key Observations ..............................................................................................................................................9
HICP Practice Adoption ................................................................................................................................. 15
Data Sources ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Threat Analysis 17
Evolving Threat of Ransomware ................................................................................................................... 18
Link Between Threats and Potential Mitigation .......................................................................................... 20
Capabilities and Performance Assessment 26
Staffing Analysis ............................................................................................................................................ 28
Cyber Expense to Revenue Analysis ............................................................................................................. 28
Industry Coverage to NIST CSF ..................................................................................................................... 30
Industry Coverage to HICP ............................................................................................................................ 32
Adoption of HICP Practices 33
HICP Components with Significant Progress ............................................................................................... 33
HICP Practice: Email Protection Systems .................................................................................................. 33
HICP Components with Urgent Need for Improvement .............................................................................. 35
HICP Practice: Endpoint Protection Systems ............................................................................................. 35
HICP Practice: Identity and Access Management ..................................................................................... 36
HICP Practice: Network Management........................................................................................................ 37
HICP Practice: Vulnerability Management ................................................................................................. 38
HICP Practice: Security Operations Center and Incident Response ......................................................... 39
HICP Components in Need of Additional Research/Follow-up .................................................................. 42
HICP Practice: IT Asset Management ........................................................................................................ 42
HICP Practice: Cybersecurity Oversight and Governance ......................................................................... 43
HICP Practice: Network Connected Medical Devices ................................................................................ 46
HICP Components Where Further Attention is Recommended (Not Urgent) ............................................ 49
HICP Practice: Data Protection and Loss Prevention ................................................................................ 49
Appendix A: 405(d) Program and History 50
Cybersecurity Act of 2015: Task Group Undertakes a Legislative Mandate ............................................. 50
405(d) and the Health Sector Coordinating Council ................................................................................... 50
Appendix B: Studies 51
Acronyms 53
3Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
Table 1 Data Sources – table of statistics ................................................................................................ 16
Table 2 Examples of Threat Actions, Stages, Impacts, and Potential Mitigations ................................. 21
Table 3 Choosing Your Organization Size Based on HICP and “Best Fit” ................................................ 27
Figure 1 Correlation of HICP and NIST coverage ...................................................................................... 13
Figure 2 Quantified association of HICP coverage ................................................................................... 14
Figure 3 2022 Verizon Data Breach Report -- demonstrating recent increase in system intrusions with
corresponding decrease in miscellaneous errors and privilege misuse .................................................... 17
Figure 4 Cyberattack Response Timeline ................................................................................................. 20
Figure 7 Staffing Analysis of organizations by size .................................................................................. 28
Figure 8 Normalized Cyber expense to revenue ....................................................................................... 29
Figure 9 NIST Category level percent of coverage .................................................................................... 30
Figure 10 NIST Sub Category level percent of coverage .......................................................................... 31
Figure 11 HICP average percent coverage by practice ............................................................................ 32
Figure 12 Unit42 research presented at H-ISAC on the suspects’ means of initial access in healthcare .
Figure 13 CHIME’s Most Wired Survey:
Technical Security Measures Deployed Across Participating Hospitals .................................................... 35
Figure 14 Various Forms of authentication used by organizations ......................................................... 36
Figure 15 Vulnerability Management ........................................................................................................ 38
Figure 16 CHIME Survey Information and Analysis used by Organizations ............................................ 40
Figure 17 CHIME Survey Security Processes ............................................................................................ 41
Figure 18 Device Monitoring on Hospital Managed Networks ................................................................ 42
Figure 19 Process control capabilities ...................................................................................................... 43
Figure 20 Security Frameworks used by organizations ........................................................................... 44
Figure 21 Cybersecurity Maturity of organizations .................................................................................. 44
Figure 22 Cybersecurity related insurance coverages ............................................................................. 45
Figure 23 Security Processes used by organizations ............................................................................... 47
Figure 24 Security Controls to manage/authenticate network access .................................................. 48
Figure 25 Technical Security Capabilities ................................................................................................. 49
Figure 26 Section 405(d) is Part of CSA Section 405, Which Focuses on the HPH Sector ................... 50
4Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
This document is provided for informational purposes only. Use of this document is neither required by
nor guarantees compliance with federal, state, or local laws. Please note that the information presented
may not be applicable or appropriate for all healthcare providers and organizations. This document is not
intended to be an exhaustive or definitive source on safeguarding health information from privacy and
security risks.
5Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
Letter from the HHS Deputy Secretary
Cyber attacks are an increasing threat to the Health and Public Health (HPH) sector. As seen with
delayed procedures, diagnostic imaging and laboratory system shutdowns, patient diversions, and more,
these attacks can directly compromise patient safety. With the rising frequency and complexity of cyber
attacks, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is committed to supporting our sector’s
resiliency and ability to protect patients.
In anticipation of forthcoming policy discussions, we felt it was necessary to better understand the
current state of sector cybersecurity. As a starting point, HHS partnered with the Health Sector
Coordinating Council (HSCC) to conduct a Landscape Analysis of a common attack point for cyber
criminals, United States (US) hospitals. In light of the acuity of the patient population, cyber attacks at
hospitals can be particularly consequential to patient safety. Through this Landscape Analysis we sought
to better identify the biggest threats facing hospitals and assess their cybersecurity capabilities relative
to commonly accepted cybersecurity practices.
Time and again, HHS and the private sector have shown they have the ability to collaborate to address
urgent, complex problems. With the rise of cybersecurity threats it is more important than ever that we
come together to adopt and implement new materials, tools, best practices, and more to protect
patients across the country. We see this Landscape Analysis as a core, foundational document that will
serve numerous operational actions and policy considerations in the months and years to come. Thank
you for partnering with us.
Andrea Palm
Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services
6Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
The United States (U.S.) Healthcare and Public Health (HPH) sector has faced dramatic increases in
cyber-attacks, causing disruption to the care continuum. The National Security Council (NSC) considers
the HPH sector to be one of the top three (3) sectors prioritized for additional cybersecurity attention.
This designation is consistent with other reports, such as the 2022 Verizon Data Breach Report
(healthcare listed as top vulnerable sector) and the CrowdStrike 2023 Global Threat Report, which both
list healthcare as the third most frequently targeted sector.
The actors conducting advanced attacks against the HPH sector generally have a few known motivations
influencing their actions, including:
1. Financially motivated crime (eCrime); deploying extortion attacks like ransomware
2. State-sponsored espionage; conducting destructive attacks and generating currency for their regime
or group
3. Hactivism; (for a cause) or to inflict reputational impacts
4. Public trust degradation
Threat actors operating under safe harbor (provided by hostile nation states) have been responsible
for launching highly visible, crippling ransomware attacks against the U.S. HPH sector. The attacks are
now growing both in numbers and severity. These attacks have been responsible for the disruption and
delay of care delivery at healthcare facilities across the country, resulting in an increased risk to patient
care and safety. U.S. hospitals have particularly experienced significant damage from these attacks.
Consequences of cyber-attacks directed at US hospitals include extended patient care disruptions
caused by multi-week outages; patient diversion to other facilities; and strain on acute care provisioning
and capacity, causing the cancelation of medical appointments, non-rendered services, and delayed
medical procedures (particularly elective procedures). In fact, a recently updated study from the
Ponemon Institute, sponsored by Censinet, stated that 53% of respondents believed that a ransomware
attack has resulted in disruption to patient care
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Department of Justice (DOJ) are
now treating the patient and public safety risk that cyber-attacks are posing on
hospitals as “threat to life” crimes. These attacks are not only affecting patient
care and safety, they are also creating fear and confusion while eroding the
public’s trust and faith in our hospital systems throughout the U.S., potentially
leading to public health challenges.
New vulnerabilities from advances in technology and care delivery are
broadening the cyber-attack surface. With the passage of the Health
Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, the Affordable Care Act, and the
21st Century Cures Act, coupled with the internet and medical device technological advancements,
healthcare facilities are increasingly adopting digital tools for new care delivery services and settings.
These tools enhance the ability for clinical, revenue cycle, and business workflow enhancements through
technologies such as electronic medical records (EMR), digital billing, scheduling services, Human
Resource (HR) information systems, and customer relationship management software. Within clinical
1 New Ponemon Report Shows Ransomware Continues to Impact Patient Safety, Per Survey of Hospital IT/Security
Leaders - Censinet
The FBI and DOJ are now
treating the patient and
public safety risk that
cyber-attacks are posing
on hospitals as “threat
to life” crimes.
7Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
environments, network-connected medical devices, imaging, pharmacy, and laboratory equipment can be
connected and interoperate with EMRs. Additionally, these care services are expanding beyond the walls
of the healthcare facility. Care is being provided in patient homes, and information sharing is occurring
between patient homes and these facilities. This new dynamic has not only transformed care delivery,
but has also introduced significant cybersecurity risk across the HPH sector, including hospitals.
In response to this growing threat to patient safety and public health, the HHS
405(d) Program convened its public-private partnership to conduct a review to
better understand the state of cybersecurity within U.S. hospitals, deemed the
“Landscape Analysis”. The Landscape Analysis included a review of active
threats attacking hospitals and the cybersecurity capabilities of U.S. hospitals.
Included within the Landscape Analysis are the results of investigations into 1)
the tactics and techniques that threat actors use to compromise hospitals and
2) the current state of participating hospital cybersecurity resiliency (using the
Health Industry Cybersecurity Practices (HICP) as a framework).
The partnership was co-led by the Health Sector Coordinating Council
Cybersecurity Working Group (HSCC CWG), and the HHS’ Centers for Medicare
& Medicaid Services (CMS).
In response to this
growing threat to patient
safety and public health,
the DHHS 405(d)
Program convened
its public-private
partnership to conduct
a review to better
understand the state of
cybersecurity within US
hospitals, deemed the
“Landscape Analysis”.
8Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
The United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is grateful for the collaboration
across government and with the healthcare industry in making this cybersecurity resiliency assessment
possible, under the under the 405(d) Program and with the assistance of the Health Sector Coordinating
Council (HSCC) Cybersecurity Working Group (CWG). HHS is particularly appreciative of the in-kind efforts
of numerous task group members who rolled up their sleeves and provided direct support in the creation
of this document.
Erik Decker (Co-Lead)
Robert Wood (Co-Lead)
Dr. Syed Mohiuddin
Douglas Nock
Akshay Venugopalan
Additional Acknowledgments
Troy Adams
Cindi Bassford
Julie Chua
Dr. Christian Dameff
David Finn
Greg Garneau
Greg Garcia
Ed Gaudet
Ty Greenhalgh
Carter Groome
Nick Heesters
Navar Holmes
Dr. Samantha Jacques
Theresa Meadows
Raj Mehta
Monroe Molesky
Lisa Munro
Dr. Hannah Neprash
Mitch Parker
Reuven Pasternak
Lorren Pettit
Kate Pierce
Sanjeev Sah
Kendra Siler
Nick Rodriguez
John Riggi
Paul Russell
Kevin Tambascio
Dr. David Willis
Jessica Wilkerson
This publication is the result of the leadership and the collaboration of the following groups and
professionals: the HPH Joint Cybersecurity Working Group, the Health Sector Coordinating Council, the
Health Information Sharing and Analysis Center (H-ISAC), the 405(d) Steering Committee, and the 405(d)
Task Group. We would also like to express gratitude to CMS, DHS, and NIST for their input, collaboration,
and efforts to establish and support the 405(d) Task Group and this publication.
9Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
Executive Summary
The Landscape Analysis’ charge was to highlight findings and issues affecting the cybersecurity resiliency
of U.S. hospitals. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) defines cyber resiliency as, the
ability to anticipate, withstand, recover from, and adapt to adverse conditions, stresses, attacks, or
compromises on systems that use or are enabled by cyber resources. For the purposes of this study,
the scope was narrowed to those activities that protect access to patient care and safety and reduce
the negative impact of cyber threats on clinical operations. Breaches of sensitive data, although equally
important, are not the focus of this study - unless the breach has a direct impact on patient care
and safety.
The study’s two objectives were:
To develop a clear understanding of the current cybersecurity capabilities and preparedness across
participating U.S. hospitals, as well as their ability to combat cyber threats
To share the analysis and findings with the HSCC CWG for consideration as one of several inputs for
informing prioritized cybersecurity practices for U.S. hospitals, as well as other considerations the
U.S. government might undertake to improve U.S hospitals’ cybersecurity resiliency
This was accomplished by evaluating the current cyber threats faced by hospitals and the entire
HPH sector, as well as conducting an analysis of hospital cybersecurity capabilities and resources
benchmarked against theHealth Industry Cybersecurity Practices (HICP)
Publication. To complete these
objectives, the analysis leveraged multiple sources of data within three categories:
1. Threat data from the U.S. government, cybersecurity vendors, and open-source intelligence, threat
reports from CrowdStrike and Verizon, and over 30 joint reports outlining the highest impact of
hacking and ransomware groups from Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)/ FBI
advisory reports, National Security Agency, Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3)
reports, and Health-Information Sharing and Analysis Center (Health-ISAC) threat reports
2. Quantitative analysis of two (2) major survey instruments to determine cybersecurity capabilities
¡ CHIME’s Most Wired Survey (n=377), sponsored by First Health Advisory, and
¡ A survey conducted in partnership with Censinet, the American Hospital Association (AHA) and
KLAS (n=59)
3. Twenty (20) conversations conducted with geographically and demographically diverse hospitals.
A full list of contributing sources can be found in the Data Sources section of this document. The
individual key results (by study source) are located in Studies.
Key Observations
Our analysis from the two (2) quantitative studies combined with participating hospital conversations
resulted in a series of key observations, highlighted below:
2 Health Industry Cybersecurity Practices: Managing Threats and Protecting Patients
3 These survey instruments were chosen because of their direct correlation with HICP. Further, both surveys possessed
research needed for this study, the findings are time relevant, and the participants represent a wide range of hospital
10Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
1. Directly targeted ransomware attacks aimed to disrupt clinical operations are an outsized and
growing cyber threat to hospitals. Since 2021, primary intrusions used to cause disruption and
damage increased across all sectors and industries by 50%. Ransomware is currently the largest
threat to this sector and deserves immediate attention – especially considering the impact the non-
availability of services can have on patient care and safety.
2. Variable adoption of critical security features and processes, coupled with a continually
evolving threat landscape can expose hospitals to more cyber-attacks
¡ Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Adoption of MFA is taking place in
over 90% of surveyed hospitals; however, data suggests that MFA may
not be utilized consistently across key systems and critical entry points,
creating additional risk of exploitation. For instance, 84% of Virtual
Private Networks (VPNs) are protected with MFA, and 88% of email
systems protected with MFA. Given a lack of full adoption on critical
assets, it can be concluded that single credential theft through phishing
attacks can lead to successful compromises.
¡ Vulnerability Assessments: 89% of the hospitals surveyed indicated
that they were conducting regular vulnerability scanning at least on a
quarterly basis; however, they also indicated that their use of advanced
forms of testing such as penetration, red team, purple team, and
tabletop exercises was 20% or lower
. Additionally, 70% of hospitals surveyed state they are
conducting vulnerability scans against websites, which are exposed to the internet. Despite
this scanning activity, only 53% of surveyed hospitals stated they have a documented plan for
addressing the vulnerabilities identified. Vulnerability management that is solely comprised
of regular scanning is not sufficient - partly due to the typical scope of scanning and lack of
corresponding processes to prioritize and address any identified issues. Through conversations
with hospitals, it was understood that vulnerability results were fairly easy to acquire through
existing tools, however prioritization and resource constraints were raised as challenges for
mitigating the vulnerabilities identified.
¡ Training & Outreach: 86% of the hospitals surveyed responded that
their users are informed and trained on performing their cybersecurity-
related duties and responsibilities. However, data suggests there may
be considerable variability in the training provided to hospital staffs
across the sector. Additionally, little data was available on the dequacy
and effectiveness of training and outreach efforts. During the interviews,
participating hospitals regularly raised education and training as a
desired means of achieving higher levels of cyber resiliency. A few
hospitals indicated that scenario-based training (where results are shared near real-time) is an
effective way to improve cyber hygiene, as well as training that is targeted to high-risk groups
(e.g., executives) who might be targets of cyber-attacks.
4 A red team is a team of offensive security professionals, such as penetration testers, ethical hackers, and other
skilled professionals who look to uncover flaws and vulnerabilities. A purple team is a team of blue (defense) and red
(offense) team who exercise in coordination to promote greater understanding of how to uncover and defend against
cyber-attacks. Tabletop exercises are simulated events whereby a scenario is created, and a response team tests
their response playbooks.
MFA is leveraged in
over 90% of surveyed
hospitals; however,
data suggests that MFA
may not be utilized
consistently across
key systems and critical
entry points, creating
additional risk of
Hospitals regularly
raised education and
training as a primary
means of achieving
higher levels of
Executive Summary
11Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
¡ Hospital-at-Home: The delivery of in-home care, accelerated by COVID-19, is growing and
expanding the cyber threat landscape. In-home care delivery typically requires use of medical
devices and technologies in patients’ homes to communicate, monitor, and report information
about their care and treatment with medical professionals. These advances in care delivery
are creating new cyber resiliency challenges for hospitals and patients. Challenges range
from ensuring that communications and technologies are protected, standardization issues,
avoiding vendor lock-in, to scaling services while maintaining the security of assets. These are
all exacerbated in rural communities where communication bandwidth is often limited, frequent
internet outages occur, and in-house cyber expertise is insufficient to implement adequate
3. Hospitals report measurable success in implementing email protections, which is a key attack
vector. Over 99% of hospitals surveyed reported having basic spam and phishing protection
capabilities in place. In the same studies, 92% of hospitals stated they use URL detection, and 86%
stated they leverage automated responses to malicious email removal. However, basic spam and
anti-spoofing protections do not definitively thwart the current generation of social engineering and
phishing attacks. In many cases, threat actors will deploy attacks that become malicious after they
are delivered, thereby thwarting basic spam and anti-virus protections.
4. Supply chain risk is pervasive for hospitals. Only 49% of hospitals
state they have adequate coverage in managing risks to supply chain
risk management (a sub-category of the National Institute of Standards
and Technology Cybersecurity Framework [NIST CSF]). In addition, third-
party and supply chain risk rates as the third most important threat
amongst 288 CISOs, surveyed as part of the 2023 H-ISAC Threat Report
Furthermore, one study indicated that of the 47% of respondents who
reported a ransomware attack, 46% stated it was caused by a third-party.
A separate study indicates that 50% or less of hospitals are considering
risks to patient care in their evaluations of new suppliers’ products
. This
finding suggests that hospitals may be evaluating risks based on sensitive
data compromises, rather than considering the patient safety risks that
products and services third-party suppliers can create. Supply chain risk
management was mentioned in nearly every conversation conducted
with participating hospitals as a top priority to address in the next couple
of years. Many hospitals mentioned policies have been implemented so that the hospital CISO
approves all acquisition requests. Even so, much more effort is needed in this area.
5. Medical devices have not typically been exploited to disrupt clinical operations in hospitals.
Despite a few isolated cases mentioned during hospitals conversations, threat intelligence and
breach data suggest medical devices are not a prominent attack vector for adversaries to disrupt
hospital operations. However, they continue to be an independent source of cybersecurity concern
and still warrant significant attention. Device vulnerabilities can allow advanced forms of attacks
to spread across the organization. Unsupported, legacy medical devices may be considered more
vulnerable to cyber-attack, typically requiring additional segmentation which can limit the usefulness
5 2023 Health ISAC Executive Summary Annual Threat Report
6 HCC The State of Supply Chain Risk in Healthcare
50% or less of hospitals
are considering risks
to patient care in their
evaluation of new
suppliers’ products.
Hospitals may be
evaluating risks more
on sensitive data
compromises rather
than the patient safety
risks that third party
suppliers can create.
Executive Summary
12Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
of the devices. Historically, scanning older devices for vulnerabilities has been problematic.
Disruption to the medical device during the scanning process has occurred, directly impacting
patient care.
6. There is significant variation in cybersecurity resiliency among
ospitals. The hospitals that participated in the study instruments
were able to quantitatively determine their current set of cybersecurity
capabilities. In conversations with smaller hospital cybersecurity
professionals (not participating in the survey), it was noted that knowledge
of resiliency coverage was limited, with a minimal ability to stay current on
threats, and that slim to negative financial margins inhibited cybersecurity
investments. Variation in investment was witnessed even among larger
sized hospitals reporting mature cybersecurity controls, where the range of
investment spanned a ~166% difference, from a lowest normalized
cybersecurity investment of 0.07% to the highest of 0.75% of revenue.
Primary sources of investment variation include third-party risk management, medical device
security, asset management, participation in Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs), and
the use of governance, risk, and compliance systems. Many of the hospitals expressed a need for
more benchmarking data and consumable, actionable intelligence information, but cost and poor
awareness of existing resources is a strong deterrent.
7. The use of antiquated hardware, systems, and software by hospitals is
concerning. 96% of small, medium, and large sized hospitals claim they
were operating with end-of-life operating systems or software with known
vulnerabilities, which is inclusive of medical devices. A common technique
by threat actors is to exploit known vulnerabilities. In fact, a recent industry
report published an estimated six (6)-fold increase in attacks (from 2 to
12 exploited vulnerabilities in past year)
by China-nexus threat groups
exploiting known reported vulnerabilities. Antiquated technologies limit
hospitals’ abilities to harden (e.g., patch) and secure their systems,
increasing risk. Some larger hospitals we spoke to shared concerns
connecting and exchanging data with affiliates because of elevated cyber risk associated with
legacy devices and systems, especially with small, rural hospitals and facilities where this pattern is
more commonplace.
8. Cybersecurity insurance premiums continue to rise. On average, cybersecurity premiums
increased by 46% in 2021. Five of fifty-six hospitals surveyed in 2022 experienced increases
more than 100%, whereas 32 experienced increases just below 35%. Drastic increases in cyber
insurance cost have resulted in some hospitals having to forgo insurance or self-insure to reduce
risk. Coverage exclusions for not meeting minimum security standards have reduced the adequacy
of coverage as well. These exclusions tend to be more problematic for small and rural hospitals,
which typically have smaller budgets and fewer cyber professionals to implement better protections.
Additionally, smaller sized hospitals tend to view cyber insurance as a “stop gap” to cover a major or
outlying cyber event, potentially impacting their appetite to invest in better cyber controls to reduce
insurance costs and improve their resiliency.
7 2023 CrowdStrike GSR Report
Hospitals without
dedicated survey staff
noted less use of
surveying instruments,
limited knowledge of
resiliency coverage,
and minimal ability to
stay current against
cybersecurity threats.
96% of hospitals claim
they were operating
with end-of-life
operating systems or
software with known
vulnerabilities, which
is inclusive of medical
Executive Summary
13Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
9. Securing cyber talent with requisite skills and experience is challenging. Conversations with
participating hospitals uncovered they are experiencing securing cyber professionals to meet
the security challenges facing this sector. The supply of trained individuals to fill cyber vacancies
across the U.S. is substantially low. According to Cyberseek, as of March 2023, there are 755,743
job openings for cybersecurity professionals nationwide. Coupled with high vacancies across the
U.S., individuals remarked that those applicants who have requisite skills tend to gravitate to non-
healthcare industries that pay better. Attracting and securing cyber talent is especially difficult
for small, rural hospitals. Their cyber teams are very small, and in some cases, are staffed by
individuals who wear many hats, lack skills, and work in part-time arrangements. Furthermore,
remote work is often not an HR policy that is supported by hospitals, so the pool of talent tends
to be limited and locally based. Many of them would like to enhance their security posture and
resiliency, but lack personnel with necessary skills in specific disciplines, and funds to attract top
talent. Some small, rural hospitals we spoke with remarked on the challenges of meeting existing
industry guidance and compliance standards when there are talent gaps. The standards are written
the same regardless of facility size or make-up, making meeting them especially difficult for small
hospitals that typically have inadequate cyber budgets and staffing.
10. Adopting HICP improves cyber resiliency An interesting correlation that was uncovered during
analysis was a strong connection between those who have adopted HICP and robust NIST CSF
coverage. This indicates that organizations that focus on HICP Practices will gain value and benefit
towards managing implementation of the NIST CSF cybersecurity framework. Proving the investment
in hygiene pays dividends in larger programmatic maturity. The relationship between HICP and NIST
Figure 1 Correlation of HICP and NIST coverage
Executive Summary
14Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
coverage at the organizational respondent level was quantified using bivariate linear regression.
A strong positive association was found between the two. For every 1 percentage point increase
in HICP coverage, an average increase of 0.68 percentage points in NIST coverage was found -
suggesting a strong positive correlation between the two variables.
¡ Quantitative studies were run through a regression analysis, HICP coverage (overall and by
individual practice domain) was then quantified as a function of the following cybersecurity
investments reported by Censinet respondents: number of cyber employees, cyber expense to
revenue, program ownership, cost to protect patient records (nominal and normalized), cost to
protect the workforce (nominal and normalized), and the increase in cybersecurity insurance
costs. Only program ownership and cost to protect the workforce were strongly associated with
HICP coverage. For every 1 percentage point increase in program ownership, a 0.16 percentage
point increase in HICP coverage was found.
Figure 2 Quantified association of HICP coverage
15Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
HICP Practice Adoption
This Landscape Analysis leveraged the 405(d) HICP publication to determine the current state of each
hospital’s cybersecurity resiliency. HICP directly correlates to the threats outlined in this analysis, such
as ransomware. HICP also maps to CISA’s Common Performance Goals (CPGs)
. The analysis of the data
sources mentioned on page 51 suggests that hospitals’ adoption of HICP practices fall into the following
four categories:
No Action Required—
Significant Progress
Urgent Improvement Needed
Additional Research
Further Attention
Required (Not Urgent)
E-mail protection
Endpoint Protection
Identity and Access
Network Management
Vulnerability Management
Security Operation Center
and Incident Response
IT Asset Management
Network Connected
Medical Device
Oversight and
Data Protection and
Loss Prevention
A detailed risk assessment was conducted based on the above categories and HICP practices., which are
included in the remainder of this document.
Data Sources
This Landscape Analysis uses data from private and public partners to compare U.S. hospital systems
cybersecurity capabilities against the most prevalent methods cyber adversaries use to break in and
cause disruptive attacks. The data for this study were chosen due to the breadth and depth of coverage
of cyber practices, and specifically their connection to both the NIST CSF and HICP. These two study
instruments allowed for a comparative analysis across these factors. This study did not consider impacts
or implications to data-related breaches, as these breaches do not generally cause clinical disruption and
risks to patient safety. The process of cross-referencing data across the selected sources and threat data
provides high confidence in this analysis.
Many of the hospital-specific cybersecurity protection insights gleaned from this analysis are derived from
two studies conducted by industry experts. Both studies offer analyses on cyber resiliency from a wide
range of hospital types, obtained through voluntary surveying. A positive and selection bias might exist in
the survey data collected, due to the voluntary and self-reported nature of the survey data.
The two primary quantitative studies are:
1. CHIME Most Wired Survey, sponsored by First Health Advisory, completed
in 2022
2. Censinet/AHA/KLAS Study with normalized data collected by hospitals
from 2021, completed in March 2023
288 healthcare
executives said
ransomware was their
biggest cybersecurity
Executive Summary
16Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
The participants in the two surveys above represent a wide range of hospital types. (See Table 1). These
survey instruments featured a strong focus and depth of coverage on HICP.
Additional analyses were conducted on data collected through the HSCC JCWG, inclusive of the following:
CrowdStrike 2022 and 2023 Global Threat Report and Threat Hunting Report
Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3) Ransomware Threat Impacts to HPH
H-ISAC 2022 Annual Threat Report
H-ISAC Monthly Threat Briefings
Individual briefings collected from PwC, Deloitte, and Fortified Health
Ponemon Institute’s The State of Supply Chain Risk in Healthcare
2022 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR)
The table below includes additional statistics related to the data sources listed above.
Table 1 Data Sources – table of statistics
Data Set Demographic Background of Data
CHIME Data 177 hospitals representing small (owning just 1 hospital)
107 hospitals representing medium (owning between 2 and 5 hospitals)
81 hospitals representing large (owning more than 5 hospitals)
Represented 49 of the 50 US States
KLAS Study
59 small, medium and large hospitals (size measured by # of beds – using
HICP), evaluating on coverage to the NIST CSF and 405(d) HICP, as well as
organizational benchmarking
2023 H-ISAC
Threat Study
11 notable threat actors profiled with descriptions of their tactics, techniques
and procedures
288 healthcare executives surveyed to determine top threats
HC3 Threat Data 2,224 healthcare specific cybersecurity incidents
Deep analysis of 33 FBI, CISA and HC3 Threat Analysis Reports
Verizon 2022 DBIR
23,896 security incidents across a variety of sectors
5,212 confirmed data breaches of the 23,896 incidents
849 incidents and 571 confirmed data disclosure in the healthcare sector
9 2022 Global Threat Report: Insights from the Threat Landscape | CrowdStrike
10 The State of Supply Chain Risk in Healthcare | Health Sector Council
11 2022 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR)
Threat Analysis
17Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
Threat Analysis
Our assessment, based on the data sources used, identified numerous cybersecurity threats to U.S.
hospitals, such as
1. Ransomware and Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) attacks
2. Cloud exploitations by threat actors; with data suggesting a 95% increase from 2021 in cloud
exploitation cases
3. Phishing/Spear-Phishing Attacks; specifically those attacks that overcome MFA through social
4. Software and zero-day vulnerabilities
5. Distributed Denial of Service attacks (DDoS)
The 2022 CrowdStrike Threat Report states that 71% of cybersecurity attacks are comprised of non-
malware and ‘hands-on-keyboard’ activity, which implies that threat actors are moving away from
malware-directed attacks. These ‘hands-on-keyboard’ targeted attacks require an adversary to conduct
a multi-staged attack, with the goal of extorting hospitals by disrupting their business and clinical
operations. This trend is further confirmed by the 2022 Verizon Data Breach Report (Figure 3, below)
that illustrates an increase in ‘system intrusion’ attacks. These types of attacks which typically involve
direct, non-malware, and ‘hands-on-keyboard’ activities.
Figure 3 2022 Verizon Data Breach Report -- demonstrating recent increase in system intrusions with
corresponding decrease in miscellaneous errors and privilege misuse
Threat Analysis
18Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
Evolving Threat of Ransomware
The most common case of ‘system intrusion’ cyber-attacks tend to be extortion attacks leveraging
weaponized tools such as ransomware or ransomware-as-a-service. Ransomware represents the most
prolific cybersecurity threat hospitals have encountered to date. As ransomware rates rapidly increase,
the result is delays or degraded operational capacity to serve patients. Within healthcare, ransomware
attacks have significantly affected business and operational systems and technologies essential for
clinical operations and patient services. There have been both publicly reported and anecdotal data
shared that ransomware incidents have caused denial of hospital operations and services lasting from
days to weeks, disruption of clinical services for weeks to months, and cost up to hundreds of millions of
According to PwC, “Ransomware operators are the largest threat to the healthcare sector. These threat
actors have the capabilities to render critical healthcare services offline, as well as steal confidential and
sensitive information of both patients and staff, all while expanding their operations and complexity. Due
to their large network of affiliate programs, ransomware operators have the potential to infect numerous
entities at once. The threat cannot be understated in a sector that depends on operational uptime and
the availability of services.” CrowdStrike reports similar findings as well.
Ransomware attacks in the HPH sector are also evolving; adversaries are using a combination of
extortion tactics to fulfill their objectives. Typically, adversaries will take the path of least resistance in the
furtherance of the damage they aim to cause. They will look to apply their resources in the cheapest and
easiest method possible. This could occur from vectors external to the hospital (e.g., the internet) or from
inside the hospital (e.g., connections to third-party suppliers).
Adversaries may choose to elevate their attack when ransom demands are not met by either conducting
a DDoS attack against the victim, demanding ransoms from those most affected by the release of
sensitive information (patients, hospital affiliates, etc.), or both. In fact, in recent months, the number
of DDoS attacks on the healthcare sector has grown. On March 17, 2023, Microsoft published a blog
indicating that the number of DDoS attacks against their healthcare sector customers, using Azure, had
grown from “10-20 attacks in November to 40-60 attacks daily in February.
Data suggests there is general alignment on the need to address these disruptive attacks. The 2023
Annual H-ISAC Threat Report stated that 288 healthcare CISOs listed ransomware as their biggest
cybersecurity concern. This finding is also supported by hospital conversations as part of this Landscape
Data provided by joint cyber advisories from the FBI, CISA, NSA, and HC3, suggests that the criminals
conducting these attacks tend to be organized crime, and largely based in, but not limited to, Eastern
European countries. Threat actor groups are growing across Eastern Asia and Middle East countries as
well. Most threat actors in the healthcare sector do not have direct intent to inflict harm on individuals
but the aftermath of their actions can result in collateral damage.
Adversaries are improving their capabilities through multiple methods across all sectors, including
healthcare. Their attacks are coming in with high velocity, higher quality, and more efficacy. In other
12 KillNet and affiliate hacktivist groups targeting healthcare with DDoS attacks - Microsoft Security Blog
Threat Analysis
19Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
words, attacks are faster, smarter, and more organized. Examples of these attributes are described
1. Elapsed time to exploit is decreasing. The CrowdStrike study revealed
adversaries were able to “... in just 1 hour and 24 minutes” move laterally
from the initial compromised host, a reduction from 1 hour and 38
minutes from the prior year. These “break out” actions are executed
without writing malware. Threat actors are using legitimate credentials and
built-in tools that are repurposed once the adversary is in the environment.
In fact, nearly 80% of cyber-attacks leverage identity-based attacks
to compromise legitimate credentials and use techniques like lateral
movement to quickly evade detection.
2. Expansion of Phishing-as-a-service. This allows threat actors to focus on high quality attacks that
can evade or “annihilate” standard security controls. A common attack vector leveraged by Phishing-
as-a-Service actors is to purchase credentials from marketplaces and to bypass MFA using MFA
fatigue, vishing (phone), and “one-time password smishing (text) techniques.
3. Increase in “Access Broker” services. Access Brokers grew 112% from 2021 to 2022. These
services focus their efforts on compromising legitimate access to organizations, then selling that
access to bad actors looking to commit further objectives, such as ransomware. This type of
underground market has been on the rise over the last few years and demonstrates there is enough
demand and payout for these groups to specialize. This is especially concerning as it implies the
adversaries are differentiating their resources and capabilities, enabling faster action at less cost.
CASE STUDY: Ransomware’s Real Impact on Patient Care
Example 1: San Diego-based non-profit healthcare provider suffered a ransomware attack in May 2021,
with an estimate of it costing $112M in lost revenue, remediation and fines
This is in addition to the
$3.5m agreed as part of its class action settlement
. The original attack caused the healthcare provider
to suspend their IT systems, including their public facing portals. Additionally, several hospitals owned by
the company had to turn away patients with specific patient needs, such as those suffering from strokes
or heart attacks.
Example 2: Three regional medical centers in Alabama were impacted by an unknown ransomware
variant that crippled operational capabilities of the hospital to such an extent that non-critical potential
patients were directed to other hospital facilities. Due to the critical nature of the services, the owners
of the hospitals, decided to pay the attackers to obtain the decryption key so that systems could
be restored.
Example 3: A small medical Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialty practice in Michigan shut down after
cyber-attackers deleted the practice’s patient records. The two physicians decided to retire early rather
than paying the ransom to buy back the medical files
Example 4: A University Health Network in Northeast U.S. was impacted by a ransomware attack in
13 Scripps Health Ransomware Attack Cost Increases to Almost $113 Million |
14 Scripps Health to pay $3.57 million after ransomware data breach |
15 PWC Report, Under the Lens The Healthcare Sector, 2021
16 All of records erased, doctor’s office closes after ransomware attack |
80% of cyberattacks
leverage identity-based
attacks to compromise
legitimate credentials
and use techniques like
lateral movement to
quickly evade detection.
Threat Analysis
20Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
October of 2020 causing $21M in damages
. Serving as a role model to other hospitals in an effort
to be transparent and aid other hospitals abilities to prevent such damage, the health system publicly
disclosed the details of their attack. One thousand three hundred (1,300) of their servers were shut
down, over 5,000 endpoints infected with ransomware, and hundreds of applications impacted. As the
timeline below shows, they operated without email for 25 days and without imaging for 40 days.
Link Between Threats and Potential Mitigation
The threat analysis provided in Table 1 below outlines the various threat actions hospitals can face,
along with potential mitigation strategies. The data is informed by actual threats actions to the sector
as determined by real-world breach data, threat intelligence, and industry reports.
This analysis was
conducted in the context of threat actions that can lead to disruptive attacks. Generally, these attacks
demonstrate the following script and characteristics that map across seven stages:
Stage 1: Conduct reconnaissance and look for weakness
Stage 2: Establish the initial foothold
Stage 3: Move laterally off the initial foothold and establish persistence
Stage 4: Discover internal targets of interest
Stage 5: Target privileged systems and elevate their access
Stage 6: Remove hospital’s ability to recover through backups and restoration options
Stage 7: Weaponize malware or other administrative access to cause damage
Further details on these stages are also included in the threat analysis outlined in Table 2, below.
17 UVM Health Network reports $21 million in losses - VTDigger
18 Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report 2008-2022
19 Technical Volumer 2: Cybersecurity Practicecs for Medium and Large Health Care Organizations
Figure 4 Cyberattack Response Timeline
Threat Analysis
21Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
Table 2 Examples of Threat Actions, Stages, Impacts, and Potential Mitigations
Threat Actions Stage Potential Impact Potential Mitigation
and Port
Stage 1 Evaluation of assets directly
connected to the internet, looking
for interesting points of entry.
Commonly looking for VPN
systems, web applications with
common vulnerabilities, registered
domain names, and remote
desktop entry points.
Log Collection from Perimeter Systems SIEM
alerts 24x7 SOC
Detect typo-squatting domains used for further
phishing attacks
Conduct Red Team activities to detect scanning
Passive monitoring systems
Stage 1 Enumeration of employees within
the organization, including names,
email addresses, and roles. This
data is used for specific phishing
Commonly attack executive
leadership, procurement, HR and
IT departments.
Minimal defense options, shy of organizational
policy to not participate in social media using
office devices
‘Whaling’ attack simulation training
Stage 1 An incident in which the third-party
is compromised and can be used
as an access or attack vector to
launch further attacks.
Hospitals can be attacked through
this conduit depending on access
afforded to suppliers, or they might
be serving up mission-critical
services to clinical operations that
are the source of an attack launch.
Implement a third-party risk assessment and
management program, with focus on evaluating
risk to patient safety and connectivity to the
Stipulate contractual protections for mission-
critical suppliers
Ensure risks are mitigated through internal
controls and remediated with suppliers
Stage 2 Incidents where unintentional
actions directly compromised a
security attribute of an information
asset, such as configuration
mistakes; this is not inclusive
of lost devices, which would be
represented in lost or stolen
Strict change management procedures to
ensure secure configuration changes
Cloud Posture Management software
Vulnerability scanning – unauthenticated
(looking for common issues)
Vulnerability scanning – authenticated
(conform to gold standard baselines, such as
CIS Benchmark)
Passive vulnerability monitoring systems
Limit privileged access to internet exposed
systems, requiring specific segregation
of duties for product releases; train
administrators to be watchful of configuration
22Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
Threat Actions Stage Potential Impact Potential Mitigation
Stage 2 Stolen credentials, whether a
password or multi-factor token,
are used by an unauthorized actor
to authenticate to an information
New popular attacks to bypass
MFA include cookie-harvesting
attacks, whereby cookies that
allow persistence are used for
Phish-resistant MFA on external facing systems
Implement NIST 800-63 compliant password
Phish-resistant MFA for privilege escalation
tools (e.g., PAM)
/ Social
Stage 2 Social engineering attacks (e.g.,
phishing) represent a common
form of malware delivery or
credential-related attacks.
This is typically the start of a
longer attack chain.
Email Defense: URL rewrite for click detection
Email Defense: Automated malicious email
Email Defense: AV/SPAM/Denylists
Email Defense: DMARC
Conduct monthly phishing simulations; track
click rates and email detection report rates by
Targeted education for frequent failures to
monthly phishing tests
Recurring Education: LMS training to be
watchful for phishing and instruct how to report
Policy: State intention to provide periodic
security training to the hospital
MFA implementation for all external facing
systems (cloud, web, remote access; consumer
facing systems can be opt-in at their discretion)
Stage 2 Exploitation of an unpatched
or zero-day vulnerability that
leverages malware and/or targeted
exploitation tactics in an effort to
achieve their objective (such as
deploying ransomware).
Patch assets and endpoints.
SIEM alert detection
IR Playbook for 24x7 response
Implement and monitor Endpoint Detection
and Response (EDR)/Extended Detection and
Response (XDR)
Conduct static and dynamic application code
scanning (SAST/DAST)
Stage 2 Commonly used to deploy web
shells, which is used to further
conduct credential theft and
lateral movement.
Patch web applications
Web App Firewall (WAF) protections
Log management/forwarding to SIEM
IR Playbook for 24x7 response
Threat Analysis
23Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
Threat Actions Stage Potential Impact Potential Mitigation
Denial of
Service (DoS)
Stage 2 Attacks intended to compromise
the availability of networks and
systems, inclusive of both network
and application-layer attacks.
DDoS Protection systems (WAF, network layer
IR Playbook for 24x7 response
WAF for web protection
and Control
Stage 3 Shift off the initial endpoint
or foothold and deploy access
tools to gain multiple layers of
Adversary switches off the
initial chain of attack (under
the assumption that it will be
detected) and attempts to move
towards a secondary infrastructure
and establish persistent command
and control.
This could also be sourced from
a third-party who has remote
network access to the hospital.
EDR tool implementation, deployed on
endpoints and servers
IR Playbook for behavioral based use of built-in
tools operating abnormally (such as contacting
thousands of assets)
Review third-party connections and anomalous
Limit third-party connections to only specific
assets that they are contractually obligated to
Conduct Red Team exercises to determine
lateral movement effectiveness.
Leverage network segmentation and firewalls to
limit east-west network movement.
Internal Asset
Stage 4 Continuing with the determination
of assets of interest, using the
foothold that has been established
common built-in tools such as
ping, PowerShell, DNS, and others
are used to determine other
targets of interest.
These targets are used both for
determining maximum impact
as well as determining a means
for establishing persistence and
moving away from the initial
foothold, in anticipation of that
path being discovered.
EDR tool implementation, deployed on
endpoints and servers
IR Playbook for behavioral based use of built-in
tools operating abnormally (such as contacting
thousands of assets)
24Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
Threat Actions Stage Potential Impact Potential Mitigation
Stage 4 Undermined patient safety, delay
or disruption in treatment that
could be life threatening.
Place medical devices/technologies on
segmented networks that have stronger
internal restrictions for internal access.
Establish IR Playbooks for monitoring
network access probes and appropriate
clinical notifications when medical devices/
technologies are affected.
Ensure default passwords are changed upon
Ensure all devices are captured in configuration
management database (CMDB).
Track vulnerabilities that affect medical
devices/technologies and implement
compensating controls until patches become
Patch medical equipment as patches become
Manage the security of legacy technologies
including the core practices of governance,
communications, cybersecurity risk
management, future proofing, and associated
recommendations (e.g., HSCC CWG’s
Healthcare Industry Cybersecurity Managing
Legacy Technology Security document).
Stage 5 To elevate privileges, attackers will
look to harvest credentials. This
can occur through malware locally
deployed on endpoints/servers,
as well as using Windows domain
management tools like NTDSUtil to
make copies of hashed credentials
for offline cracking.
Establish active directory (AD) isolation
reference architecture (Red Forest/ESAE/
RAMP) to prohibit credential harvesting.
Implement MS ATA defense.
Establish IR Playbook for creation of new
Domain Admin, or other high privilege
Deploy EDR to monitor for harvesting attacks
from internal endpoints (and detect from
Deploy Privileged Access Management tools
to secure key service and administrative
25Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
Threat Actions Stage Potential Impact Potential Mitigation
to Active
Directory (AD)
Stage 5 A common attack path is to get
the highest-level privileges within
AD and maintain persistence at
this stage through the creation
of additional accounts or further
takeover of existing Domain Admin
credentials. This is used to prepare
for the final attack stage.
Establish a “Red Forest/ESAE/RAMP” design
structure in AD Require MFA access to any
domain controller
Require jump box, or “Privileged access
workstation” access to conduct any Domain
Admin level administration – isolate jump box
both from a network perspective and credential
Restrict user accounts from having access to
local admin credentials (exception basis only).
Implement LAPS for remote endpoint
management, allowing for unique admin
and password for each individual managed
Alerts on Privilege Escalation
Destruction of
Stage 6 After the discovery of backup
systems, especially systems that
conduct disk to disk backup, the
adversary will use the privileged
credentials previously gathered to
wipe and destroy backup copies.
ACLs built with strong out of band
authentication to backup storage (if disk
to disk)
Vaulting / air-gapping backup solutions
Immutable backup solutions (such as tape, if
no other options)
Separate service accounts with strong
passwords, rotated on a regular basis, for
writing backup files
IR Playbooks detecting file deletion
Ransomware protection enablement on
EDR tools (which prohibits large scale
file access/deletion)
Malware or
Stage 7 Leveraging the privileged access
that has been compromised,
adversaries will stage and deploy
the impactful attack.
This could be through the
deployment of malware (e.g.,
ransomware) or conducted
by using built-in tools (e.g.,
PowerShell) to cause damage.
Deploy EDR and enable ransomware
prevention mechanisms to prohibit mass scale
Ensure frequent backups are occurring and
have been tested (e.g., RTO, RPO)
Establish system contingency plan for
recovering systems from backup (i.e., BC/DR
Ensure clinical procedures are developed to
maintain operations.
Tabletop exercise a large scale system down
event with executives and key clinical leaders.
Conduct Red Team exercises to determine if it
is possible to weaponize activities.
Capabilities and Performance Assessment
26Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
Capabilities and Performance Assessment
This Landscape Analysis aims to determine the current state of cybersecurity capabilities and
performance of participating U.S. hospital systems. Evaluation of capabilities included mapping them
back to the adversaries’ methods of attack. This linkage is important, as it could help hospitals prioritize
the NIST CSF and HICP.
The CHIME’s Most Wired Survey data results and the Censinet/AHA/KLAS Study of 2023 were used to
assess how adept hospitals’ cybersecurity capabilities are, compared to the standards and practices set
by the NIST CSF and HICP.
The CHIME data provided coverage of 377 hospitals and included 148 out of 994 questions specifically
related to cybersecurity. The answers to these questions were either “Yes” or “No” or provided options of
“periodic usage” (e.g., “How often do you conduct tabletop exercises: Every two years, annually, quarterly,
The Censinet/AHA/KLAS Study provided coverage of 59 organizations that operate hospitals. It included
a total of 16 questions related to the demographics of the organizations, 108 questions related to the
implementation of NIST CSF, and 455 questions related to the implementation of HICP. Each of the NIST
and HICP questions provided a 4-point Likert scale of: 1) No Coverage (0%-34%, 2) Partial Coverage (35-
69%, 3) Substantial Coverage (70%-99%), and 4) Full Coverage (100%).
Additionally, there are two key characteristics of the hospital sample in the Censinet/AHA/KLAS study
worth highlighting:
1. Total number of full-time employees dedicated to cybersecurity
2. Cyber expense as a percentage of total revenue
Both data points can serve as a marker for the maturity level of a provider’s cybersecurity program
relative to their size.
When submitting data, hospitals selected their organization sized based on the HICP size definition,
noted in Table 2, below. This tool helps organizations self-select their organization size by looking at
several factors. Organizations were able to ultimately select their own size based on how they lined up
amongst these factors.
Capabilities and Performance Assessment
27Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
Table 3 Choosing Your Organization Size Based on HICP and “Best Fit”
Best Fit Small Medium Large
One or two
Several exchange partners Significant number of partners,
or partners with less rigorous
standards or requirements
Global data exchange
IT capability No dedicated IT
on staff, or IT is
Dedicated IT resources are
on staff, co-managed with
outsourcing, or fully outsourced
Dedicated IT resources with
dedicated budget
IT is responsible for security CISO or dedicated security
leader with dedicated security
Non-existent or
limited funding
Funding allocated for specific
initiatives (projects)
Dedicated budget with
strategic roadmap specific to
Potentially limited future funding
Cybersecurity budgets are
blended with IT
Size (provider) 1-10 physicians 11-50 physicians Over 50 physicians
Size (acute /
1-25 providers 26-500 providers Over 500 providers
Size (hospital) 1-50 beds 51-299 beds Over 300 beds
Complexity Single practice
or care site
Multiple sites in extended
geographic area
Integrated Delivery Networks
Participate in Accountable
Care Organizations (ACOs) or
Clinically Integrated Networks
Other org
Practice management
Health plan
Managed service organization Large device manufacturer
Smaller device manufacturers Large pharmaceutical
Smaller pharmaceutical
Smaller payor organizations
Capabilities and Performance Assessment
28Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
Staffing Analysis
The staffing analysis was conducted leveraging data sourced from the Censinet/AHA/KLAS Study. On
average, organizations employed or contracted 50 cybersecurity full-time employees (FTEs), though the
median was 38. This number varied by the size of the organization, based on HICP size analysis.
Large-sized organizations:
First tier (bottom 25% ranking) was between 13-33 FTEs,
Second tier (middle 50% ranking) was between 33-101 FTEs,
Third tier (top 25% ranking) was between 101 and 148 FTEs.
For large organizations there was a single outlier of 220 FTEs.
For medium-sized organizations:
First tier (bottom 25% ranking) was between 1-8 FTEs,
Second tier (middle 50% ranking) was between 8-43 FTEs,
Third tier (top 25% ranking) was between 43-80 FTEs.
Within medium-sized organizations, an outlier of 134 FTEs invested was identified.
For small-sized organizations:
Second tier (middle 50% ranking) was between 1-11 FTEs.
Given the small sample size of smaller sized hospitals, there was no statistically significant difference
in FTE spread. Rather, the spread ranged between 1-11 FTEs; specifically with two organizations stating
they had between 1-2 FTEs, and two other organizations stating they had 11.
Cyber Expense to Revenue Analysis
The financial analysis was conducted leveraging data sourced from the Censinet/AHA/KLAS Study. The
metric produced was based on self-reported financial data describing the percentage of cybersecurity
investment as a component of revenue compared against the percentage of cybersecurity program
ownership within the hospital. It was rare that the cybersecurity program underneath the CISO was
Figure 7 Staffing Analysis of organizations by size
Capabilities and Performance Assessment
29Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
directly responsible for, and budgeted for, all common components of the cybersecurity program. For
example, in some organizations the CISO was not responsible for firewall management or identity
and access management. However, these programmatic elements are still important for determining
cybersecurity capability and they still introduce cost. As such, the attempt to “normalize” the financial
investment by dividing “cybersecurity investment” by “percentage ownership’, produced an estimated
investment called “Normalized Cyber Expense to Revenue”. For example, if an organization submitted
a 0.25% cybersecurity expense to revenue metric and owned 60% of the cybersecurity program, the
resulting normalized metric was 0.417% (.25%/60%).
On average, organizations invested 0.37% of revenue into cybersecurity budgets. This number was
fairly consistent across large or medium-sized hospitals. Smaller hospitals invested higher at 0.76% on
average. Through this analysis, it appears as though larger and medium-sized organizations are able
to have effectively the same level of HICP coverage (69% and 74% coverage, respectively) at a lower
price point due to scale. The low sample count of small hospitals (n=4) made it difficult determine a
statistically significant average (80% coverage of HICP reported). The analysis did seem to indicate that
the larger organizations were able to scale their expenses at a lower cost than smaller organizations.
For larger-sized hospitals:
First tier (bottom 25% ranking) was between 0.07% and 0.20%,
Second tier (middle 50% ranking) was between 0.20 and 0.42%,
Third tier (top 25% ranking) was between 0.42% and 0.75% of revenue.
For medium-sized hospitals:
First tier (bottom 25% ranking) was between 0.08 and 0.12%,
Second tier (middle 50% ranking) was between 0.12 and 0.40%,
Third tier (top 25% ranking) was between 0.40 and 0.59% of revenue.
For small-sized hospitals:
Second tier (middle 50% ranking) was between 0.69 and 0.8040%,
Third tier (top 25% ranking) was between 0.40 and 0.59% of revenue.
Given the small sample size of smaller sized hospitals (n=4), there was no statistically significant
difference between cybersecurity investments. However, the spread ranged between 0.69% of revenue to
Figure 8 Normalized Cyber expense to revenue
Normalized Cyber Expense to
(Large, n=27)
Normalized Cyber Expense to
(Medium, n=23)
Normalized Cyber Expense to
(Small, n=3)
Normalized Cyber Expense to
(All, n=53)
Capabilities and Performance Assessment
30Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
0.80% of revenue, representing a higher share of revenue than what was observed in most medium and
large hospitals.
Two outliers existed for large hospitals, which included 1.19% and 1.99 % of revenue invested in
cybersecurity. Other than these outliers, the spread for medium and large-sized organizations was nearly
identical. This implies that, for more complex hospitals, the size of the organization does not significantly
factor into how hospitals invest in cybersecurity. Other factors such as the level of sophistication and
awareness of cybersecurity issues by executive leadership and its governing board may determine the
level of priority and budget given to cybersecurity.
Industry Coverage to NIST CSF
Based on the Censinet/AHA/KLAS Study, the participating hospitals claim that they provided 70.7% of
coverage to the NIST CSF. Based on the NIST Function level, the lowest coverage was Identify (66.0%)
and the highest coverage was Respond (74.1%)
The data was further differentiated at the NIST Category level, with the lowest coverage rates relating
to Supply Chain Risk Management and Asset Management, and the highest coverage rates relating to
Governance, Awareness and Training, and the analysis conducted in response to incidents.
Further analysis of the Supply Chain Risk Management category shows that hospital organizations
were most deficient in their ability to ensure that 1) response and recovery planning and testing was
conducted with third-party suppliers (30% coverage) and 2) third-party suppliers are routinely assessed
using audits, test results, and other forms of evaluations to confirm they are meeting their contractual
obligations (43% coverage).
Further analysis of the Asset Management category shows that hospital organizations were most
deficient in their ability to ensure 1) organizational communication and data flows are mapped (39%
coverage), and 2) external systems are catalogued (53% coverage).
Hospital organizations struggle with identifying specific communication protocols between themselves
and their third-party suppliers at a transactional level. These challenges may imply weakness in the
60 % 62 % 64 % 66 % 68 % 70 % 72 % 74 % 76 %
Respond (RS)
Detect (DE)
Protect (PR)
R eco ve r ( RC)
Identify (ID)
AVG % NIST Function Coverage
Figure 9 NIST Category level percent of coverage
Capabilities and Performance Assessment
31Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
ability to protect against cyber-attacks sourced through third-party organizations. We have seen this as
a mechanism for attack by adversaries, evidenced by the SolarWinds attack in 2020 and the Kaseya
attack in 2021. The SolarWinds attack deployed malware through the software update pipeline and
the Kaseya attack leveraged existing IT remote access channels to further penetrate targeted hospital
Regarding strengths, hospitals reported high adoption rates of Governance (82.31%) and Awareness and
Training (79.53% coverage). Eighty-five percent (85%) of hospitals report that they regularly inform and
train their workforce on their cybersecurity-related duties and responsibilities. The data also showed that
only 67% of third-party stakeholders understand their cybersecurity roles. Improvement on training to
make it current, relevant, and intelligence-based (inclusive of both in-house and external sources), could
help improve staff’s situational awareness of potential attacks – which could speed up response times.
Additionally, training that discusses an attacker’s mindset and what type of information they already likely
have in their posession (e.g., open-source intelligence) or information they are hoping to get access to
could prove useful as well. Such training may provide the requisite perspective to catalyze organizations
Figure 10 NIST Sub Category level percent of coverage
0% 10 % 20 % 30 % 40 % 50 % 60 % 70 % 80 % 90 % 10 0%
Governance (ID.GV)
Awareness and Training (P R.AT)
Identity Management, Authentication and Access Control…
R esp o n se Pla n ni ng ( RS. RP)
Mitigation (RS. MI)
Comm unic ations (RS.CO)
Risk As sessment (I D. RA)
Busi ness Environment (ID.BE)
Ano malies a nd Ev en ts (D E.AE)
R ecovery Planning (RC. RP)
Security Continuous Monitoring (DE.CM)
Detection Processes (DE.DP)
Comm unic ations (RC.CO)
Protective Technology (PR.PT)
Information Protection Process and Procedures (PR.IP)
Maintenance (PR.MA)
R ecove r ( RC)
Improvements (RS.I M)
Data Security (PR.DS)
Improvements (RC.IM)
R isk Ma nag em en t Stra teg y (I D. RM)
Asset Management (ID.AM)
Suppy Chain Risk Management (ID.SC)
NIST Sub Category Coverage
32Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
to re-think their policies on what type of information they are sharing online, hopefully avoiding giving an
attacker an added advantage.
Industry Coverage to HICP
Based on the Censinet/AHA/KLAS Study of 2023, on average, hospitals claim to have 72.05% of the
HICP practices covered, with email protection being the highest amount of coverage and medical device
security being the lowest.
Further analysis of each HICP practice follows within the Landscape Analysis: Practice Adoption section
of this study.
0% 20 % 40 % 60 % 80 % 10 0%
E-m ail Prot ection Sys te ms
Access Manag em en t
Cybers ecurity Policies
Vulnerability Management
Endpoint Protection Systems
Incident Response
Asset Management
Network Management
Data Protection and Loss
Prevent ion
Medical Device Security
HICP Practice Coverage
Figure 11 HICP average percent coverage by practice
33Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
Adoption of HICP Practices
This section includes an in-depth review of the current state of participating hospitals based on the HHS
405(d) Program’s HICP publication, established in 2019, pursuant to the Cybersecurity Act of 2015. The
405(d) Program was established by HHS in collaboration with the Department of Homeland Security
(DHS), NIST, the HSCC and 200+ cybersecurity and healthcare experts. The HICP publication – a joint
partnership publication (between all 405(d) Program partners, as implemented by the HSCC Joint Cyber
Working Group) – defines cybersecurity best practices for hospital organizations and OCR considers it
“recognized security practices” consistent with Public Law 116-321
. HICP is also aligned directly to the
NIST Cybersecurity Framework.
This Landscape Analysis used the HICP practices to evaluate the current state of participating hospitals
cybersecurity capabilities. It should be noted that all Data Sources mentioned previously were considered
in this analysis. Additionally, CISA’s CPGs were mapped to HICP to provide comparative results.
HICP Components with Significant Progress
When conducting the Landscape Analysis, the study team worked to identify both areas of weakness
and strengths. The following section outlines areas of strength in cybersecurity capabilities. Minor
adjustments in practice deployment might still be needed for continuous improvements.
HICP Practice: Email Protection Systems
CISA Common Performance Goals Mapping: 2.M, 2.N
Email is a critical communication tool for many organizations, making it an attractive target for cyber-
attackers. Implementing email protection controls is essential for ensuring the confidentiality, integrity,
and availability of sensitive information. Without these controls, emails can be intercepted, and their
contents altered, causing damage to the reputation and financial stability of the enterprise. Phishing
attacks and malware delivery can also occur through email, leading to data breaches, loss of sensitive
information, and cyber incidents (including ransomware infections) that can lead to operational
Email protection controls such as spam filters, anti-virus/anti-malware software, encryption, and
MFA can prevent these security threats and protect the enterprise from data loss and other negative
consequences. Implementing these controls is an important step in maintaining a strong cybersecurity
posture and mitigating the risk of cyber-attacks..
Risk Assessment
In the CHIME self-assessment data, 99.2% of participating hospitals reported having some kind of basic
spam and phishing protection capabilities in place. This, however, is not something that will prevent
more targeted social engineering and phishing attacks from accessing targets through email. H-ISAC
reports suggest that phishing and other forms of social engineering continue to make up 37% and 5%,
respectively, of the initial means of access.
20 OCR Recognized Security Practices Video Presentation
Adoption of HICP Practices
34Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
Based on the Censinet/AHA/KLAS Study, nearly all organizations that submitted results stated that
they are 1) providing basic spam and AV protections on their email gateways, 2) applying a tag against
messages received from the outside (e.g., “EXTERNAL), and 3) provisioning every employee with
a unique email address. These specific controls can be considered the minimum baseline of email
protection, though, by themselves are likely not sufficient to combat the phishing and social engineering
Most organizations (91.96%) have also stated they require MFA for accessing email systems. Business
Email Compromise attacks continue to be a persistent problem in this space, whereby a third-party’s
email system is compromised, and those existing and ‘legitimate’ email addresses are used to further
an attack against a trusted partner of the organization. Mostly used for invoice fraud, these methods
can also be used to drop malware inside a hospital’s networked environment as a means of bypassing
perimeter protections.
91.71% of organizations stated they provide some type of ‘URL Click Protection’ against incoming links,
which is a common defensive technique to identify malicious actions. 86.29% of organizations provide
automatic response techniques when phishing or malware have been identified. One type of automatic
response could be automatically removing the offending email from the email system. This implies that
URL protection and automatic response are core components of email protection for medium and large-
sized organizations.
90.36% of organizations also state they conduct phishing training simulations against their organizations,
which has largely been considered a best practice.
One weakness uncovered is that 50% of the small hospitals (n=4) stated
the use of ‘free’ or ‘consumer’ email for their email solution. These solutions
might not provide the same level of robust security capability to protect against
modern social engineering attacks.
Figure 12 Unit42 research presented at H-ISAC on the suspects’ means of initial access in healthcare
50% of small hospitals
reported using “free” or
consumer” email for
their email solution.
Adoption of HICP Practices
35Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
Even with these defenses, phishing attacks are still successful and the primary attack vector or method
into hospitals. This implies that the level of effectiveness of these tools and processes needs to mature.
HICP Components with Urgent Need for Improvement
After conducting the evaluation of threat data in comparison with the cybersecurity capabilities
assessments from the CHIME and Censinet/AHA/KLAS studies, the following practices were identified as
highest risk and priority.
HICP Practice: Endpoint Protection Systems
CISA Common Performance Goals Mapping: 2.K
Endpoint protection systems are essential for ensuring the security of an organization’s network. An
endpoint refers to any device connected to the network, such as a computer, laptop, smartphone, or
tablet. These devices are often targeted by cyber-attackers as they can provide a pathway into the
network and cause damage.
Without endpoint protection, these devices are vulnerable to malware, ransomware, and other security
threats. Additionally, a highly effective way to track the inside movement of an adversary is to ensure
specific detection tools exist on all endpoints that the adversary might compromise. Endpoint protection
systems help prevent phishing and malware dropping related attacks and provide real-time insight to
Security Operations Centers (SOCs).
Risk Assessment
CHIME’s Most Wired survey suggests that most
participating organizations are engaged in
some type of endpoint protection tactic such as
encryption or an EDR solution.
Based on the Censinet/AHA/KLAS Study, medium
and large sized hospitals state that they 1) regularly
dispatch field services and support workforce to
remediate malware that has not automatically
been mitigated (93.57% coverage), 2) regularly
patch third-party applications as soon as possible
(100%), and 3) dispatch patches to the operating
system during regular maintenance (86.96%
coverage). 86.86% of large hospitals claim to have
implemented EDR tools. EDR tools are critical
for identifying initial exploitation attempts and
follow-on lateral movement or malicious use of
built-in system utilities that may occur as part of an
attacker’s kill-chain pattern.
Figure 13 CHIME’s Most Wired Survey:
Technical Security Measures Deployed Across
Participating Hospitals
0. 0% 25 .0% 50 .0% 75 .0% 10 0.0%
Cloud access se curity
broker (CASB)
Network segmentation
Data loss prevention
Next generation
endpoint protection
Security Information and
Event Management
Network monitoring and
Intrusion prevention or
de te ction systems
Adoption of HICP Practices
36Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
The diversity of endpoint types across hospitals of all types presents a challenge for consistent
deployment of endpoint protection mechanisms. Legacy devices that are mission critical are also unlikely
to have any such security control deployed on them due to either compatibility issues or the threat of
potential downtime. It should also be noted that many medical technologies do not permit the installation
of a hospital’s EDR toolset. While these studies did not explicitly delineate between legacy IT and other
device types (e.g., medical, Operational Technology, Internet of Things), these are necessary to include in
broader device protection practices.
HICP Practice: Identity and Access Management
CISA Common Performance Goals Mapping: 2.A, 2.B, 2.C, 2.D, 2.E, 2.H,
Identity and access management (IAM) is responsible for controlling and monitoring access to sensitive
information and systems within an organization. IAM is essential for ensuring that only authorized
individuals have access to sensitive resources and that their actions are properly monitored and audited.
Without proper IAM controls in place, organizations are vulnerable to unauthorized access, data
breaches, and other security incidents. IAM solutions help prevent these incidents by providing a
centralized system for managing identities, controlling access, and enforcing security policies.
Risk Assessment
Despite these claims, we continue to see a majority of successful attacks against hospitals where a
single credential stolen from a phishing attack was the key vector used. This implies that although MFA
might be deployed in some systems, it is not universally deployed on the most critical entry points. This
could also mean that the MFA (even if deployed using an industry recommended implementation) may
still be subject to replay attacks, making these threats credible. Replay attacks, according to NIST, are
Figure 14 Various Forms of authentication used by organizations
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Behavior-based authentication measures
(picture select ion)
Inherence-based authentication measures
Location-based authentication measures
(geolocation security checks)
Possession-based authentication measures
(something the user has like a one-time
Knowledge-based authentication measures
Percent of Healthcare Organizations
Which of the types of security authentication measures does
your organization currently use to authenticate/manage
authorized users?
Adoption of HICP Practices
37Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
described as attacks that involve the capture of transmitted authentication or access control information
and its subsequent retransmission with the intent of producing an unauthorized effect or gaining
unauthorized access. Additionally, new threat intelligence suggests that threat actors are using more
sophisticated types of social engineering attacks to bypass MFA. Examples of these attacks include
social engineering where users are duped into sharing one time MFA passcodes, or where users are
overwhelmed with MFA notification requests until they eventually accept the request.
Furthermore, evidence suggests that attackers may use legitimate credentials or may be ‘living off
the land’, which refers to the use of dual-use tools. The threat of legitimate credentials being used
is concerning when only 80.63% of the hospitals have reported that they have a privileged access
management program in place.
HICP Practice: Network Management
CISA Common Performance Goals Mapping: 2.F, 2.P, 2.W, 2.X
Network management helps ensure the reliability, security, and performance of the network. This
could be on-premises networks, datacenters that are managed, or infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS)
environments from cloud providers like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud
Platform. From a cybersecurity perspective, having proper network management controls in place is
essential for maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive information. In the
context of a hospital, network management is inclusive of proper segmentation and resiliency planning.
Risk Assessment
The CHIME Most Wired self-assessment data on IT asset management
referenced 91% of participating organizations monitoring devices on their
networks, yet only 52.6% having an inventory of personal devices on the
network. This disparity is suggestive of coverage gaps in network monitoring
controls where they only run on specific network segments. The study cited
88.3% of organizations are implementing some form of network segmentation.
Within the Censinet/AHA/KLAS Study, only 52.05% of hospitals stated they
segment their vendor connections into their network. Knowing that a common
attack vector is through third-party suppliers, this weakness suggests that
hospitals are vulnerable via the third-party supplier link. Additionally, only 49.55% of hospitals stated
they apply network segmentation strategies for their data centers. This might make it more difficult for
hospitals to limit the spread of lateral movement and cyber-attacks against their key mission critical
The significant impact associated with ransomware attacks in hospital networks suggest that these
controls, if implemented, would address a broader mitigation strategy. Leveraging zero-trust oriented
micro-segmentation strategies should be considered as well. Any segmentation would need to be coupled
with authentication and authorization mechanisms to control lateral movement between segments.
Regarding cloud services and their ability to help enhance cyber resiliency, we learned from hospitals
we spoke with that there is a general concern that cloud service costs are becoming unaffordable. Some
hospitals are not prioritizing use of cloud services due to constrained budgets even if they have policies
91% of participating
monitored devices on
their way to networks
yet only 52.6% have an
inventory of personal
devices on the network.
Adoption of HICP Practices
38Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
in place promoting its use to increase cyber resiliency. Some are choosing to use cloud services in
limited capacities, and only for applications that are not frequently used as opposed to critical business
functions, in order to optimize their limited IT and cyber budgets.
Many hospitals discussed networking challenges associated with providing non-acute services to
patients in their home (often referred to as ‘Hospital-at-Home). Medical devices and other technologies
are typically installed in the home or connected to patients to share vital telemetry data and other
information with medical professionals. Some of these devices are antiquated, do not possess the latest
software updates or patches, lack proper security controls, and if exploited could serve as an entry point
into a hospital’s secured network. More details regarding this issue are discussed under HIPC Practice 9:
Network Connected Medical Device Security.
HICP Practice: Vulnerability Management
CISA Common Performance Goals Mapping: 1.E, 1.H, 4.B,
Vulnerability management is the process used by organizations to detect technology flaws that hackers
could exploit. This process uses a scanning capability, often provided by an EMR or IT support vendor, to
proactively scan devices and systems in an organization.
Without regular vulnerability scans on servers, applications, and third-party software, it is difficult
to identify technology flaws that can be routinely patched. Typically, non-medical device patches are
0% 25 % 50% 75 % 100%
test ing
Red/Bl ue Team
Exerci ses
Cybersecurity Maturity
Tabl et op exer cis es or
3rd parties/vendors
accessaudi ts
Percent of Healthcare Organizations
Percentage of organizations
conducting on a Quarterly basis
Figure 15 Vulnerability Management
0% 25 % 50% 75% 10 0%
Cybersecurity Mat urity
Tabletop exercises or
Red/Blue Team
3rd partie s/vendors
Wirelesspenet ration
I T/ S ecu rit y
Vulnerabili tyscann ing
Percent of Healthcare Organizations
Percent of organizations indicating
the activity is Unannounced
Adoption of HICP Practices
39Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
distributed by the vendor community on an as needed basis, but most critical vulnerabilities receive
patches within 14 days.
Risk Assessment
The CHIME Most Wired data shows that there is generally a substantial number of hospitals conducting
regular vulnerability scans. Typically, for organizations that may be at higher risk of exploitation
(hospitals), the recommended cadence may be twice per week. The low percentage of hospitals using
advanced forms of testing, like Red Team, Purple Team and Tabletop exercises to uncover technical flaws
in their defenses is a major concern. To uncover advanced attacks such as ransomware, higher forms
of assessment testing (those with a higher degree of effectiveness than a typical scan) are necessary.
Assessment testing must complement an active vulnerability scanning regimen. Furthermore, when
vulnerabilities are identified, it is just as important to have processes in place to mitigate those prioritized
risks based on the threat, probability of occurrence, and organizational impact.
The IBM Cost of a Data Breach in 2022 Report provides key considerations
relating to vulnerability management. These suggest that it can take 207 days
to discover a breach and an additional 70 days to then contain it. According to
IBM, shortening the time it takes to identify and contain a breach to 200 days
or less will not only improve cyber resiliency but can save an average of
$1.12M (26.5% cost reduction).
HICP Practice: Security Operations Center and Incident Response
CISA Common Performance Goals Mapping: 1.G,2.G, 2.S, 2.T, 2.U, 3.A, 4.A, 5.A,
The CHIME Most Wired data suggests that the vast majority of hospitals, from small to large, are
participating with DHS/CISA’s threat indicator sharing programs. CISA provides two levels of access to
threat intelligence sharing: 1) Automated Indicator Sharing (AIS) Program (which CHIME Most Wired
indicates 91.6% of hospitals are participating), and 2) Cyber Information Sharing and Collaboration
Program (CISCP) vetted community (which CHIME Most Wired indicates 65.1% of hospitals are
participating). As shown below, across both sharing communities, hospitals self-report that more than
56.7% are participating in both. Additionally, CHIME Most Wired reports 72.8% are participating in H-ISAC
community sharing. There is a 42% difference in H-ISAC participation between small and large-sized
participating organizations.
The ability to share near real-time information about threats, threat actors, and their techniques is
integral to providing an active defense. Based on hospital conversations, it appears they may tend
to limit information sharing when faced with a cyber incident due to critical concern for regulatory
enforcement and legal actions from customers and other affected parties. Organizations are protected
under 6 U.S.C. 1505, which provides for liability protection when sharing meets certain requirements.
Congress is pursuing improved information sharing of cyber incidents through the Cyber Incident
Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act of 2022 (CIRCIA). Rulemaking to CIRCIA is still underway, however
currently it requires that a “covered entity” report a “covered cyber incident” to CISA no later than
72 hours after the covered entity “reasonably believes that the covered cyber incident has occurred.
Additionally, “a covered entity that makes a ransom payment as the result of a ransomware attack
It can take 207 days to
discover a breach and
an additional 70 days to
contain it.
Adoption of HICP Practices
40Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
against the covered entity shall report the payment to the Agency [CISA] not later than 24 hours after
the ransom payment has been made.” Furthermore, “information about a covered cyber incident or
ransom payment obtained solely through reporting directly to the Agency [CISA]” through the obligations
of CIRCIA cannot be used to “regulate, including through an enforcement action” by federal, state, local
or tribal governments, “unless the government entity expressly allows entities to submit reports to the
Agency to meet regulatory reporting obligations of the entity. For example, CISA must share “covered
cyber incident” information with relevant federal agencies within 24 hours and federal agencies must
share “cyber incident” information they receive with CISA within 24 hours.
It remains to be seen exactly how CIRCIA will impact information sharing. Regardless, an opportunity for
downstream sector protection is lost if the intelligence gathered from the critical incident is not shared
back through appropriate channels, such as the CISA AIS Program and H-ISAC. Outside of reporting
required under CIRCIA, once it is implemented, hospitals may have other mandatory reporting obligations
and voluntary reporting opportunities.
Further analyzing the CHIME Most Wired Survey, 87.1% of hospitals (and 76% of small hospitals) report
they are running a 24x7x365 SOC. Furthermore, 91.9% of hospitals stated they are actively consuming
threat feeds noted above, with 83% of small hospitals stating the same. It’s unclear based on this data
whether this is outsourced using a managed-security-services-provider (MSSP) or managed in-house.
Risk Assessment
At first glance, both the participation of information sharing and the 24x7 operations of these SOCs
suggest hospitals are doing well defending against this space. However, despite these claims of full
coverage, hospital conversations uncovered that these operations are not at a sufficient level of maturity
due to the lack of resources, both fiscal and human. Discussions with participating hospital security
personnel clarified that threat sharing programs they participate in are cumbersome, oftentimes offering
largely duplicative information, with little to no unique value per feed. Ingesting this data is also separate
Which of the following information sharing and analysis organizations does your organization participate with to
identify cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities?
0.0% 20.0% 40.0% 60.0% 80 .0% 100.0%
National Cybersecurity & Communication Integration
Center (NCCIC )
Healt h Information Trust Alliance (HITRUS T)
Health Cybersecurity & Communication Integration
Center (HC3)
Cyber Information Sharing and Collaboration Program
Private Information Sharing and analysis organizations
Health Information Sharing and Analysis Center (H-ISAC)
St ate hospit al associations
Informal sharing in HIT user groups
Informal sharing in professional society
Department of Homeland Security/ CISA
Percent of Healthcare Organizations
2021 Findings 2022 increase over 2021 findings
Great IT
(N = 95)
Medium IT
(N = 223)
Limited IT
(N = 52)
Figure 16 CHIME Survey Information and Analysis used by Organizations
Adoption of HICP Practices
41Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
from being able to act on it in a timely way. If a given hospital can’t make changes to an environment,
such as isolating systems, patching systems, or rotating credentials quickly, this threat data may not be
adding much value in terms of risk mitigation.
When further determining incident response capabilities of organizations, the
Censinet/AHA/KLAS Study indicates the use of deception technology (which
aims to deceive attackers by distributing a collection of traps and decoys) has
not been well adopted, with only 28.28% of coverage. Additionally, automated
techniques for playbook execution, through tools like Security Orchestration,
Automation and Response (SOAR), have only achieved 41.86% of coverage.
73.13% of hospitals state they participate in an ISAC or an Information Sharing and Analysis Organization
(ISAO) such as H-ISAC. 88.14% of hospitals state they have 24x7x365 covered SOCs being staffed and
monitored. This is consistent with the answers provided in the CHIME Most Wired Survey.
Through discussions with participating hospitals, it was discovered that some crisis management
processes are being utilized to deal with large scale breaches or operational disruptions caused
by advanced attacks, like ransomware. In most cases, the hospitals did not have a formal crisis
management plan in place to deal with large scale cyber events that affect the entire organization,
other than business continuity and disaster recovery plans. However, many of them conduct after-action
exercises, and have made changes to their operations as a result of prior incidents, hoping to better
prepare themselves for future events should preventive controls fall short of expectations. Interestingly,
a few hospitals mentioned that their insurance carrier offered consultation services to assist with
breach notification, press releases, brand restoration, and other legal issues. Some mentioned having
inter-departmental teams made up of officials (from HR, media relations, privacy, legal, finance and
acquisitions) that are consulted on major cyber events or issues. These teams also help cyber teams by
Figure 17 CHIME Survey Security Processes
Which of the following security processes does your organization currently use to
safeguard information?
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Data classification
Secure system baseline images
Medical de vice passwo rd/access controls
Privilege access management
Segmentation of medical devices on
specialized network segments
Procurement/contracting with security term
including vendor risk assessment
24/7/365 Security operations center
Con sumptio n of threa t intelligenc e
information from other organizations
Encryption in motion
Encryption at rest
Percent of Healthcare Organizations
Great IT
(N = 95)
Medium IT
(N = 223)
Limited IT
(N = 52)
73.13% of hospitals
state they participate in
an ISAC or ISAO, such as
Adoption of HICP Practices
42Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
21 Cybersecurity Framework | NIST
developing policies, procedures, and mechanisms to scale resources if (and when) a major cyber event
occurs. Many of them welcomed more assistance and informational resources in preparing a formalized
plan from both peers and the U.S. government..
HICP Components in need of additional research/follow-up
After conducting the evaluation of threat data in comparison with the cybersecurity capabilities
assessments from CHIME and Censinet/AHA/KLAS, the following practices were identified as potential
isks for further consideration.
HICP Practice: IT Asset Management
CISA Common Performance Goals Mapping: 1.A
Asset management helps ensure the proper tracking, maintenance, and utilization of physical assets.
Organizations cannot protect assets that they do not know about or to which they have no means of
administrative oversight. From a cybersecurity perspective, having proper asset management controls in
place is essential for maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive information.
Without proper asset management controls, hospital organizations are at risk of mismanagement
and waste of technology resources, as well as non-compliance with software licensing agreements
and other regulations. This can result in increased costs, decreased efficiency, and increased risk of
security incidents.
Figure 18 Device Monitoring on Hospital Managed Networks
WWhhiicchh ooff tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg sseeccuurriittyy ccoonnttrroollss ddooeess yyoouurr oorrggaanniizzaattiioonn ccuurrrreennttllyy uussee ttoo
aauutthheennttiiccaattee//mmaannaaggee ddeevviicceess aacccceessssiinngg yyoouurr nneettwwoorrkk??
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Inventory personal devices accessing
Approve users accessing specific device
Approve devices accessing network
Control inventory of non-medical devices
authorized to access network
Control inventory of medical devices
authorized to access network
Control inventory of mobile devices
authorized to access network
Monitor devices accessing network
Percent of Healthcare Organizations
Adoption of HICP Practices
43Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
Risk Assessment
Asset management is a foundational cybersecurity activity that feeds into other capabilities such as
vulnerability management and incident response. If this activity is not in place with a certain level of
maturity, there will be significant limitations incurred across the cybersecurity program.
The CHIME Most Wired data shows that there is generally some kind of device monitoring on hospital
managed networks (Figure 19, below). The Censinet/AHA/KLAS Study indicates that 84.11% of
hospitals have inventoried the endpoints and servers in their organization. Connecting this monitoring
with a more structured inventory (e.g., asset management) lacks capability. It is unclear from this data
set whether there are criticality ratings applied within the context of a given asset class.
HICP Practice: Cybersecurity Oversight and Governance
CISA Common Performance Goals Mapping: 1.B, 1.C, 1.F, 1.G, 1.H, 1.I,2.I, 2.J
Establishing and implementing cybersecurity policies, procedures, and processes is one of the most
effective means of preventing cyber-attacks. They set expectations and foster a consistent adoption of
behaviors by the workforce. With clearly articulated cybersecurity policies, employees, contractors, and
third-party vendors know which data, applications, systems, and devices they are authorized to access
and the consequences of unauthorized access attempts.
According to the CHIME Most Wired survey, 70.7% of hospitals are leveraging Governance, Risk, and
Compliance (GRC) systems. These systems help organize both policy controls, risk assessments and
registers, and controls implemented in hospital environments. Proper use of these systems can simplify
risk management.
It is common for hospitals to leverage a framework
to define their cybersecurity program. The NIST CSF
continues to be the most popular framework (by nearly
double).. The second most popular framework is SANS
Top 20 critical controls.
The frequency of meetings with the board, or
committees of the board, as well as management
through formally charted cybersecurity committees are
another measure of maturity. The majority of hospitals
meet with a committee of the board on a quarterly
basis. The vast majority of management meets in
formally chartered cybersecurity committees.
Risk Assessment
Effective cyber security and risk programs typically
flourish and are more resistant to attacks in
organizations that have a strong governance and policy
framework, as well as corresponding commitment from
leadership. Data suggests that some hospitals may
be falling short of expectations regarding established
Figure 19 Process control capabilities
0% 2 5 % 50% 75 % 10 0%
Governance, risk,
and compliance
(GR C) s ystems
Log management
Percent of Healthcare Organizations
Process Control Capabilities
Adoption of HICP Practices
44Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
GRC programs, with only 70% reporting a GRC system is currently in place today. For those reporting use
of a GRC tool, most indicated the use of NIST CSF which is a common and well recognized standard in
Figure 21 Cybersecurity Maturity of organizations
Figure 20 Security Frameworks used by organizations
Adoption of HICP Practices
45Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
To promote faster Observe, Orient, Decide, Act
(OODA) loops, or a hospital’s ability to respond to
attacks, quarterly reporting of risks and overall compliance to leadership and executive boards may
be needed. A faster cadence on reporting should be considered, especially for hospitals that have a
higher risk of exploitation. This will enable corrective actions (which require funding or the re-directing of
resources) to be taken in a timely manner.
Many of the hospitals mentioned improved programmatic and budgetary support from their boards
in the past three (3) to– five (5) years for cybersecurity activities. As more crippling cyber-attacks
impacting hospital operations are disclosed, many remarked their boards are asking good questions
about resiliency and recovery activities. Many hospitals mentioned that their boards are participating
in risk management activities, and treating cybersecurity as enterprise, strategic risk. Despite these
improvements, several hospitals mentioned the need for better informational resources and guidance
documents to aid their board’s role in cyber governance. Peer-based benchmarking data was mentioned
as one informational source that is useful but still lacking.
Despite Figure 22 demonstrating a large amount of coverage, during hospital conversations challenges
associated with both acquiring and retaining coverage were discovered. During these conversations
it was stated the insurers expect a more mature program for underwriting a program. Based on the
Censinet/AHA/KLAS Study, there has been a 46% increase in insurance premiums for large-sized
hospitals and a 50% increase for medium-sized hospitals. The data on small hospitals was not
statistically significant and did not correlate with what we learned through interviews (i.e., only 3 small
hospitals provided cyber insurance premium increases). There is also a presence of medical service,
22 The Cyber OODA Loop: How Your Attacker Should Help You Design Your Defense | NIST
Figure 22 Cybersecurity related insurance coverages
Adoption of HICP Practices
46Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
property damage, and exclusion of specific entities (such as hospitals) from coverage eligibility. Policies
are sometimes viewed as “stop gaps” to cover major or unforeseen, rare cyber events.
Additionally, many hospitals indicated that total policy coverage amounts have significantly decreased in
recent years, despite increases in policy premiums. Hospitals feel they are paying more and getting less
coverage. Some hospitals that possess sufficient financial resources are electing to self-insure, as the
cost of having insurance coverage have outweighed the benefits. Those hospitals that are unable to self-
insure are using renewal periods as an opportunity to secure a cheaper premium with another insurance
company, but fewer options are available as many insurance companies are choosing not to offer cyber
liability coverage.
Hospitals we spoke with also indicated that policy exclusions tied to minimum cyber standards of practice
are affecting the adequacy of coverage, with the impact being felt the most by smaller, rural hospitals
that lack sufficient funds and cyber talent to meet those prescribed standards. Some small, rural
hospitals mentioned that they are unable to meet some minimum standards because of the potential
impact on patient care or safety. Many of these hospitals are using older devices and technologies in
the delivery of care that are fully functional and acceptable, but incompatible with some of the more
advanced cyber standards. Constrained budgets are preventing many of them from replacing old
equipment, forcing hospitals to choose to suspend meeting a cyber standard to deliver necessary care to
their patients.
Regarding claims experience, some hospitals had submitted claims in the past for cyber events. Some
claims were paid, and others were not due to policy exclusions. The hospitals also had indifferent
opinions about the quality of service provided by insurers. Some had great experiences filing claims and
others’ experiences fell short of expectations.
HICP Practice: Network Connected Medical Device Security
CISA Common Performance Goals Mapping: 1.D, 1.E, 2.F, 4.B
Medical devices are essential to diagnostic, therapeutic and treatment practices. These devices deliver
significant benefits and successfully help treat many medical disorders. As with all technologies with
the ability to connect to the internet, medical devices with such connectivity may have cybersecurity
Cybersecurity vulnerabilities are introduced when medical devices and technologies are connected
to a network or computer. To protect patients, it is important to protect these devices. Hospitals are
encouraged to extend the relevant cybersecurity practices and implement them appropriately for medical
device management
Risk Assessment
In addition to Figure 23 and Figure 24 above, the Censinet/AHA/KLAS Study
shows that 59.64% of medical technology in use in hospitals have some kind of
Anti-Virus solution, or other compensating control. Additionally, 60.18% of
hospitals also state they routinely patch medical technology when a patch is
released by the manufacturer. Lastly, 52.41% of hospitals state they segment
52.41% of hospitals
state they segment their
medical technology
off from general access
Adoption of HICP Practices
47Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
their medical technology off from general access networks. These basic hygiene controls demonstrate
there are still significant challenges with medical technology security.
While available data on cybersecurity incidents do not appear to show that medical device vulnerabilities
fall in the category of the most-common exploit vectors, medical devices play an essential role in
the delivery of care in hospitals. Disruption to such devices have signifi
cant safety and operational
impacts, and exploitation of medical device vulnerabilities have previously occurred. For public safety,
it is essential that medical devices are safe, effective, and their security appropriately managed in the
hospital ecosystem.
Vulnerability management tools can deploy agents on endpoints or allow for scanning against the
endpoint itself. Certain endpoints, such as medical devices, cannot have standard cybersecurity tools
deployed to them without violating the warranty of the endpoint. In these circumstances, the hospital
might have limited visibility.
Section 524B of the FD&C Act requires the sponsor of any premarket application or submission for a
cyber device” to comply with certain cybersecurity requirements. FDA provides premarket and post-
market guidance regarding the cybersecurity recommendations of medical devices for medical device
manufacturers. This guidance may be useful for healthcare delivery organizations to review, along with
recommendations provided by the Healthcare and Public Health Sector Coordinating Council (such as
HSCC’s Medical Device and Health IT Joint Security Plan) and other sector entities regarding the
appropriate management of cybersecurity risks for medical devices when implemented in the healthcare
and hospital settings.
Figure 23 Security Processes used by organizations
Adoption of HICP Practices
48Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
Additionally, section 3305 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 amended the Federal Food,
Drug and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) to add section 524B and requires the sponsor of any application
or submission for pre-market approval for “cyber devices” to comply with certain cybersecurity
requirements. Specifically, sponsors must submit to the Secretary a plan to monitor, identify, and
address, as appropriate, in a reasonable time, post-market cybersecurity vulnerabilities and exploits,
including coordinated vulnerability disclosure and related procedures. Sponsors must also design a
process to make sure that their devices and related system are cybersecure, which include post-market
updates and patches. Cyber devices must also have a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)provided to the
Secretary which includes off-the shelf, open source and commercial components.
Through discussions with a few hospitals, it was discovered that a significant medical device security
challenge changing the cyber threat landscape is tied to Hospital-at-Home services. Hospital-at-
home care delivery typically requires use of medical devices and technologies in patient’s homes
to communicate, monitor and report information about their care with medical professionals. Since
COVID-19, and with advances in medical technology, these services are growing and expanding as more
patients are requesting care delivery in their homes. Several hospitals mentioned Hospital-at-Home
as their IT and cyber team’s top priority for enhancing cyber resiliency. Some of the security concerns
mentioned with these services included IAM with devices in the home, vendor lock-in, software costs,
and being more self-reliant to manage services inhouse. These challenges are exacerbated in rural
communities where communication bandwidth is often limited, frequent internet outages occur, and lack
of inhouse cyber expertise to implement adequate controls
23 Medical Joint Device And Security Health Plan It 2019
Figure 24 Security Controls to manage/authenticate network access
49Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
HICP Components Where Further Attention is Recommended
(Not Urgent)
After conducting the evaluation of threat data in comparison with the cybersecurity capabilities
assessments from CHIME and Censinet/AHA/KLAS, the following practice was identified as a potential
risk, though from the perspective of patient safety and harm, was not deemed as urgent.
HICP Practice: Data Protection and Loss Prevention
CISA Common Performance Goals Mapping: 2.R
Data protection and loss prevention (DLP) is responsible for ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and
availability of sensitive information. This includes protecting sensitive data from unauthorized access,
theft, and loss, as well as ensuring that critical information is available to authorized users when it is
Without proper DLP controls in place, organizations are vulnerable to data breaches, theft, and loss,
which can result in damage to reputation, financial losses, and loss of customer trust. DLP solutions
help prevent these incidents by providing a centralized system for monitoring, controlling, and protecting
sensitive information.
Risk Assessment
The data suggests that a substantial percentage of hospitals are reporting the use of DLP tooling. An
attacker could use medical information that is leaked to exploit a patient or use information to change a
medical record which could manifest in any number of nefarious ways, for example, a wrong prescription
drug administered to a patient, or a patient receiving a wrong dosage – both could have significant
impact on patient care outcomes. If the exploitation was leaked and made public, it could create fear and
mistrust within the general patient population of a hospital – ultimately affecting the reputation of the
facility. It is noted that this theoretical attack has not been witnessed in any conversation or study and is
only considered a potential risk.
Figure 25 Technical Security Capabilities
50Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
Appendix A: 405(d) Program and History
Cybersecurity Act of 2015: Task Group Undertakes a
Legislative Mandate
The CSA became law in 2015. As illustrated
in Figure 26, within this legislation is Section
405(d): Aligning Healthcare Industry Security
Approaches. In response to the CSA Section
405(d) requirement, HHS leveraged the HPH
sector’s Critical Infrastructure Protection Advisory
Council (CIPAC) framework to establish the 405(d)
Task Group. To learn more about this important
partnership, please visit ASPR’s Division of Critical
Infrastructure Protection.
HHS convened the Task Group in May 2017
to plan, develop, and draft this guidance
document. To ensure a successful outcome and a
collaborative public-private development process,
HHS engaged a diverse group of healthcare and
cybersecurity experts from the public and private
sectors. In 2023 the 405(d) Program released an
update to the HICP publication.
HHS collaborated with the HPH Sector Government
Coordinating Council, the HPH Sector Coordinating
Council, DHS, and NIST.*
The Task Group’s approach to the
guidance document:
Examines current cybersecurity threats
affecting the HPH sector;
Identifies specific weaknesses that make
organizations more vulnerable to the
threats; and
Provides selected practices that
cybersecurity experts rank as the most
effective to mitigate the threats.
* Participants included subject matter experts with
backgrounds and experience in the following roles: Chief
Executive Officer; Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
and/or IT security professional; chief information officer;
chief risk officer or other risk manager; office of technology
leader or hospital administrator; doctor, nurse, and other
healthcare practitioners.
405(d) and the Health Sector
Coordinating Council
The 405(d) Task Group is a standing task group
within the larger HSCC Joint Cybersecurity
Working Group (CWG). The HSCC is a private-
sector organized and managed council created
within the framework set forth in Executive Order
13636 (2013) and Presidential Policy Directive
21 (PPD-21). The 405(d) Task Group Members
are by association members of the HSCC; thus
membership is defined by the HSCC Charter CWG
Charter. The Task Group utilizes their connection
to HSCC to meet the strategic goal of industry
collaboration by reviewing other HSCC products
that could be turned into 405(d) products, such as
the HICP publication.
51Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
Study Result Year Author
2023 Global
Threat Report
Primary intrusions (used to cause disruption and damage), increased
across all sectors and industries by 50% since 2021.
2023 Crowdstrike
An estimated 6X increase in attacks (from 2 to 12 exploited vulnerabilities
in past year)22 by China-nexus threat groups using known reported
71% of cybersecurity attacks comprise non-malware, hands-on-keyboard
Adversaries were able to “... in just 1 hour and 24 minutes” move laterally
from the initial compromised host, a reduction from 1 hour and 38 minutes
from the prior year.
Nearly 80% of cyber-attacks leverage identity-based attacks to compromise
legitimate credentials and use techniques like lateral movement to quickly
evade detection.
Phishing-as-a-service allows threat actors to focus on high quality attacks
that can evade or “annihilate” standard security controls. A common attack
vector leveraged by these Phishing Service actors is to purchase credentials
from marketplaces and to bypass MFA using MFA fatigue, vishing and “one-
time password smishing techniques.
Wired Survey
MFA is leveraged in over 90% of survey hospitals. 2022 CHIME
88.6% of the hospitals surveyed indicated that they were conducting regular
vulnerability scanning at least on a quarterly basis; however, on the same
time scale hospitals surveyed indicate that their use of advanced forms of
testing such as penetration, red team, purple team and tabletop exercises
was 20% or below.
86% of the hospitals surveyed that their users are informed and trained on
performing their cybersecurity-related duties and responsibilities.
2023 Censinet
Further analysis of large and medium sized hospitals using MFA to
a) protect their email (93%), b) protect their remote Virtual Desktop
Infrastructure (92%) and, c) in combination with role-based access,
protecting their VPNs (82%).
Over 99% of hospitals surveyed reported having basic spam and phishing
protection capabilities in place.
Over 99% of hospitals surveyed reported having basic spam and phishing
protection capabilities in place. In the same studies, 90% of hospitals
stated they use URL detection, and 78% state they leverage automated
responses to malicious email removal.
Less than 50% of hospitals surveyed indicated adoption of the NIST CSF
Supply Chain Risk Management framework
52Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
Study Result Year Author
Even among larger sized hospitals claiming to mature cybersecurity
controls, the range of investment was ~168%, from the lowest investment
of 0.03% to highest of 0.45% of revenue.
2023 Censinet
95% of medium and large sized hospitals claim they were operating with
end-of-life operating systems or software with known vulnerabilities.
46% of medium and large sized hospitals experienced an increase in cyber
insurance premiums during 2021. Four hospitals surveyed experienced
increases more than 100%, whereas 19 experienced increases just below
Additionally, 70.18% of hospitals surveyed state they are conducting
vulnerability scans against web sites, which are exposed to the internet.
Despite this scanning activity, only 52.90% of hospitals stated they have a
documented plan for addressing the vulnerabilities identified.
State of
Chain Risk
in Healthcare
50% of hospitals evaluate the risks to impacting patient care by new
suppliers’ products.
2023 Ponemon
H-ISAC Annual
Threat Report
288 healthcare executives were asked to list their biggest cybersecurity
concerns and ransomware was decisively number one
2023 H-ISAC
53Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
Acronym Description
ACA Affordable Care Act
ACO Accountable Care Organization
AD Active Directory
AHA American Hospital Association
AIS Automated Indicator System
AV Audio Video
CAC Common Access Card
CASP Cloud Access Security Broker
CHIME College of Healthcare Information Management
CIRCIA Cyber Indcident Reporting for Critical
Infrastructure Act
CISA Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
CISA CPG’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Common Performance Goals
CISCP Cybersecurity Information Sharing and
Collaboration Program
CISO Cybersecurity Information Security Officer
CMDB Configuration Management Database
CMS HHS’ Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services
CURES Act 21
Century Cures Act
CWG Cybersecurity Working Group
DAST Dynamic Application Security Testing
DBIR Data Breach Investigation Report
DDoS Distributed Denial of Service
DHS Department Homeland Security
DLP Data Loss Prevention
DOJ Department of Justice
DMARC Domain-based Message Authentication Reporting
and Conformance
DNS Domain Name System
DoS Denial of Service
EDR Endpoint Detection Response
EMR Electronic Medical Records
ENT Ear, Nose and Throat
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
54Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
Acronym Description
FDA Food and Drug Administration
GRC Governance, Risk and Compliance
HC3 Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center
HICP Health Industry Cybersecurity Practices
H-ISAC Health Information Sharing and Analysis Centers
HHS Department of Health and Human Services
HITECH Act Health Information Technology for Economic and
Clinical Health Act
HPH Healthcare and Public Health
HR Human Resources
HSCC Health Sector Coordinating Council
HSCC CWG Health Sector Coordinating Council Cybersecurity
Working Group
IAM Identity and Access Management
IaaS Infrastructure as a Service
IDN Integrated Delivery Network
IR Playbook Incident Response Playbook
ISACS Information Sharing Analysis Centers
ISAO Information Sharing Analysis Organization
LMS Learning Management System
MFA Multi-Factor Authentication
MSSP Managed Security Service Provider
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NIST CSF National Institute of Standards and Technology
NSA National Security Agency
NSC National Security Council
OODA Observe, Orient, Decide, Act
PAM Privileged Access Management
PwC Price Waterhouse Cooper
RaaS Ransomware-as-a-Service
RPO Recovery Point Objective
RTO Recovery Time Objective
SAST Static Application Security Testing
SBOM Software Bill of Materials
SIEM Security Information and Event Management
SOAR Security Orchestration Automation and Response
SOC’s Security Operation Centers
URL Uniform Resource Location
55Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative: Landscape Analysis |
Acronym Description
VPN Virtual Private Network
WAF Web App Firewall
XDR Extended Detection and Response