A complete user guide was written by Martha Hill and published by
Sage in 1991. This guide, The Panel Study of Income Dynamics: A
User's Guide, volume 2. 1991, is available for purchase from Sage
here .
Three chapters are available below. Additional resources are
available within the documentation section of the PSID website.
Introduction *
Study Design *
Field Procedures
Data Preparation
Data Quality
Data Files
Data Analysis
Getting Started
Monograph purpose and content
This monograph describes the origins, design, procedures, and
broad analytical potential of one of the major data bases in the
social sciences--the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID). After
a brief review of the PSID's background, the monograph discusses
the major design parameters, field procedures, and data
preparation activities. These chapters describe the data collection
process and serve as important background for understanding how
PSID data come into being and what they represent. Issues of the
quality of PSID data are addressed next, reporting evidence about a
number of different quality dimensions. The remainder of the
monograph delves into the data themselves--what topics are
covered; what data files are available; and crucial information
regarding analysis issues, key variables, and choice of data files.
The "Data Analysis" chapter provides details of several analysis
examples, so that the reader can see the assembly of parts needed
to create estimates of earnings regressions, long-run poverty
status, changes in women's income following divorce, and
correlations between parents' income and a child's adult income.
The monograph takes the reader from the drawing board to a
completed product with a minimum of detail. Where most
applicable, it notes other PSID documents, such as the PSID's
documentation books and User Guide, that can provide further
details about particular aspects of the study. In the final chapter,
information is provided about obtaining these documents and the
data files themselves. Throughout the monograph italics are used to
distinguish terms with special meaning in the context of the PSID,
and full capital letters are used to designate PSID variable names.
Overview of the PSID
The Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) is a longitudinal
survey of a representative sample of U.S. individuals (men,women,
and children) and the families in which they reside. It has been
ongoing since 1968. Data are collected annually, and the data files
contain the full span of information collected over the course of the
study. PSID data can be used for cross-sectional, longitudinal and
intergenerational analyses, and for studying both individuals and
families. The study emphasizes the dynamic aspects of economic
and demographic behavior, but it contains a wide range of
measures, including sociological and psychological ones. Between
1968 and 1988, the PSID collected information regarding
approximately 37,500 individuals and spanning as much as 21
years of their lives.
The general design and core content of the study have
remained largely unchanged, and considerable effort has been
expended cleaning the data. These two features greatly enhance
the PSID's potential for longitudinal analysis. Preparation and
distribution of comprehensive documentation and a User Guide also
facilitate use of the PSID data.
The study has been conducted at the Survey Research Center,
University of Michigan since its beginning in 1968, with the
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
(ICPSR) data archive handling the public distribution of the data
files, documentation, and User Guide. PSID data files have been
disseminated widely throughout the United States and to numerous
foreign countries.
Starting with a national sample of approximately 4,800 U.S.
households in 1968, the PSID has traced individuals from those
households since that time, whether or not they are living in the
same dwelling or with the same people. Adults have been followed
as they have grown older, and children have been observed as they
advance through childhood and into adulthood, forming families of
their own. Each year information is collected about the PSID's
sample members (members of the PSID's 1968 sample families or
their offspring) and their current co-residents (spouses,cohabitors,
children, and others living with them), even if those co-residents
were not part of original-sample families.
Because the original focus of the study was on the dynamics of
poverty, the 1968 sample included a disproportionately large
number of low-income households. The oversampling of families
poor in the late 1960s resulted in a sizable sub-sample of blacks.
Probability-of-selection weights enable analysts to make estimates
from the sample that are representative of the U.S. population. In
the absence of nonresponse bias, the PSID's rules for tracking
individuals and families over time lead to accurate representation of
the nonimmigrant U.S. population both cross-sectionally each year,
and in terms of change, since 1968. To help correct for omissions in
representing post-1968 immigrants, a representative sample of
2,043 Latino (Mexican, Cuban, and Puerto Rican) households was
added in 1990.
The study's tracking rules, along with its Latino subsample
addition in 1990, have meant substantial increases in the number
of individuals in the study as it has progressed through time. In
1968 the PSID gathered information about approximately 18,000
individuals; by 1988 this number had grown to a cumulative total of
about 37,500. Similarly, the number of family units has increased
from just under 5,000 at the beginning of the study to about 7,000
currently, not including Latino households.
The PSID provides a wide variety of information at the family
and individual level, as well as some information about the locations
in which sample households reside. The central focus of the data
is economic and demographic, with substantial detail on income
sources and amounts, employment, family composition changes,
and residential location. Content of a more sociological or
psychological nature is also included in some waves of the study.
Information gathered in the survey applies to the circumstances of
the family unit as a whole (e.g., type of housing) and to particular
persons in the family unit (e.g., age, earnings). Some data are
collected about all individuals in the family unit, but the most
extensive data are gathered for the family head (who is male in
married-couple families, but female or male otherwise) and wife.
Information about the study's core topics (e.g., income,
employment, family composition) is gathered annually, and this is
supplemented with data on additional topics (e.g., health, wealth,
retirement plans, flows of time and money help among families and
their friends, and motivation and efficacy) gathered intermittently.
The amount and variety of data are substantial; over 300 pages are
required to list, by topic and wave, the variables on the study's
main, cross-year data file.
The PSID staff merges each new wave of data with prior waves
to provide comprehensive coverage of information collected for
individuals and families over the entire course of the study. These
multi-wave data files become publicly available upon completion of
the merging, numerous data-quality checks, and generation of
variables. This usually occurs 18-24 months following the
completion of interviewing.
Origin of the PSID
As part of Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty, the Office of
Economic Opportunity (OEO) directed the U.S. Bureau of the
Census to conduct a nationwide assessment of the extent to which
the War on Poverty was affecting people's economic well-being.
This Census study, called the Survey of Economic Opportunity
(SEO), completed interviews with about 30,000 households, first in
1966, and again in 1967.
Interest in continuing this national study of economic well-
being led OEO to approach the Survey Research Center (SRC) at
the University of Michigan about interviewing a subsample of
approximately 2,000 low-income SEO households. Professor James
N. Morgan, who became the new study's director at SRC, argued
successfully for adding a fresh cross-section of households from
the SRC national sampling frame so that the new study would be
representative of the entire population of the United States,
including non-poor as well as poor households. It was also decided
to follow, and keep as part of the sample, members of the families
who moved away from their original households to set up new
households, such as children who came of age during the study. In
this way, the sample could remain representative of the nation's
families and individuals over time. The study came to be known as
the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. It began interviewing in
1968, successfully completing interviews with 4,802 households
across 40 states--1,872 low-income households from the SEO plus
2,930 households drawn from the SRC national sampling frame.
The year 1991 marked the study's 24
annual wave of interviewing,
with its family units having substantially increased in number and
having spread to cover all 50 states as well as some other
Administration and funding
The PSID has been funded principally by a collection of federal
agencies, including the Office of Economic Opportunity; the
Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation of the Department
of Health, Education and Welfare (now Health and Human
Services); the Departments of Labor and Agriculture; the National
Science Foundation; the National Institute of Child Health and
Human Development (NICHD); and the National Institute on Aging
(NIA). The Ford, Sloan, and Rockefeller foundations have provided
important supplementary grants to the PSID. Since 1983, the
National Science Foundation (NSF) has been the principal sponsor
of the study, with substantial continuing support from the Office of
the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) of the
Department of Health and Human Services. Since 1982, the study
has had an advisory Board of Overseers, created by the National
Science Foundation to foster input from the national community of
scholars, researchers and policy makers.
Throughout its history, the PSID has been conducted at the
Survey Research Center, which is located within the Institute for
Social Research at the University of Michigan. Professor James N.
Morgan, now emeritus, directed the study from 1968-1989.
Beginning in 1982, Professor Greg J. Duncan became co-director,
and subsequently director when Professor Morgan retired in 1989.
Illustrative uses of the PSID
Two key features give the PSID its unique analytic power: (i)
individuals are followed over very long time periods and in the
context of their family setting; and (ii) families are tracked
across generations, with interviews often conducted simultaneously
with multiple generations of the same families. The type of
information the study collects, in conjunction with these unique
qualities, builds a number of strengths, including the following:
Continuous representation of families and of individuals of all
Long annual--and, in some cases, monthly--time series of
employment, income, and demographic information, reported
through annual interviews.
Extensive intergenerational information, with a long time-series
of adulthood information obtained from each generation directly,
information after individuals have become adults as well as
during their childhoods, and comparable detail for all children
from the same families.
Coverage of diverse supplemental topics (e.g., health,wealth,
saving, kinship).
Recent additions of information, accessible to data users under
special circumstances, about neighborhoods (e.g., Census tract)
and about health and mortality (e.g., from Medicare records and
the National Death Index).
Extensive longitudinal, as well as cross-sectional, checking of the
data and comprehensive documentation of the full data set since
its start in 1968.
These features make the PSID one of the most widely used and
influential data sets in the social science research community. Some
200 institutions have requested copies of the PSID data. And over
700 publications using PSID data have appeared in economic,
demographic and sociological journals and books. The data are also
extensively used for dissertations, reports, conference
presentations, and working papers. A comprehensive bibliography is
available from the PSID staff upon request (see final section of this
Areas of basic economic research addressed with the data
include: labor supply, consumption, life-cycle earnings, unions,
compensating wage differentials, dynamic aspects of income
distribution and various methodological studies. PSID topics of
interest to researchers in several disciplines--demographers,
sociologists, psychologists, and economists--include poverty and
welfare experiences during adulthood or childhood; motivation and
economic mobility; changes in family structure (e.g., births,
divorce, remarriage); child support; out-of-wedlock births; teenage
childbearing; and the intergenerational transmission of economic
status. This diversity of topics reflects the philosophy of the PSID to
ask limited sets of questions about a wide variety of topics rather
than extensive questions about only a few topics. The study's multi-
faceted information is couched in the context of substantial detail
about income, employment, and family composition.
Overall design
The PSID gathers information about families and all individuals
in those families through its annual interviews.1 A single primary
adult--usually the male adult head,2 if there is one--serves as the
sole respondent. Sometimes the wife (or cohabitor, referred to as
"wife") of the head agrees to grant an interview when the head
does not. The single household respondent provides information
about him/herself and about all other family members.3
The study's original households constitute a national probability
sample of U.S. households as of 1967. Its rules for following
household members were designed to maintain a representative
sample of families at any point in time as well as across time. To
accomplish this, the PSID tracks members of its wave-1 (1968)
families, including all those leaving to establish separate family
units. Children born to a member of an original-sample member are
classified as sample members and are eligible for tracking as
separate family units when they set up their own households. Ex-
spouses and other adult sample members who move out of PSID
family units are tracked to their new family units. This procedure
replicates the population's family-building
activity and produces a dynamic sample of families each year. New
PSID families form when children grow up and establish separate
households or when marriage partners go separate ways. This
results in growth over time in both the number of family units and
the number of people residing with a sample member at some time
during the study.
Information is gathered about all persons residing in the family
unit, but in most waves there is only one respondent per family unit
usually the head). The most detailed information is collected each
year about the heads of family units. Since the late 1970s,
however, the PSID has sought to collect the same detail for
wives/"wives" (by "wives" we mean cohabitors) as for heads. For
special supplements gathering retrospective history information in
1976 and 1985, the study conducted separate interviews with all
wives/"wives" of heads as well as their husbands. Except for the
very early years of the study, cohabitors have been treated in a
similar manner to husbands and wives.
The general design of the study has remained largely
unchanged over time; however, the mode of interviewing has
changed. From 1968 through 1972, the PSID conducted in-person
interviews. In 1973, to reduce costs, the study began taking the
majority of interviews by telephone. Since that time, in-person
interviews have been conducted only with respondents who do not
have telephones (roughly 500 each year), or who have special
circumstances which make a telephone interview unfeasible. To
further reduce costs, and because long interviews are difficult
by telephone, interview length was also reduced in 1973. The
interview averaged about one hour when it was conducted in
person; since the change to telephone interviewing the length has
averaged 20 to 30 minutes.
As discussed in the "Content" chapter, the PSID has
maintained a core of questions addressing issues relevant to income
dynamics and demographic change. In addition to the central core,
there have been a number of supplements to the core, adding
questions on a wide variety of other topics. These supplements
have led to the creation and release of a number of special files that
complement the main PSID data files.
Sample frame
The initial sample for the PSID actually consisted of two
independent samples: a cross-sectional, national sample (based
on stratified multistage selection of the civilian noninstitutional
population of the U.S.) and a national sample of low-income
families.4 The cross-section sample was drawn by the Survey
Research Center (SRC). Commonly called the SRC sample, it was
an equal probability sample of households in the 48 coterminous
states designed to yield about 3,000 completed interviews. (In fact
2,930 interviews were taken in 1968 from this sample).
The second sample of responding PSID families, known as the
SEO sample, came from the Survey of Economic Opportunity (SEO),
conducted by the Bureau of the Census for the Office of Economic
Opportunity. The PSID selected from the SEO's sample, the goal
being to obtain about 2,000 low-income families with heads under
60 years old. In fact, 1,872 families were successfully interviewed.
The SEO sample was confined to Standard Metropolitan Statistical
Areas (SMSAs) and to non-SMSAs in the Southern region, and it
involves unequal selection probabilities.
Both the SRC and SEO were subject to nonresponse in the first
wave (1968). Three factors played a special role in preventing
successful interviews with the SEO sample:
1. There was nonresponse in the original Census survey from which
the SEO sample was selected.
2. Sampled Census respondents were asked by the Bureau of the
Census to sign a release to allow their names to be passed on to
SRC. Approximately one quarter of the households failed to sign
the release.
3. OEO failed to transmit some sampled addresses to SRC.
The PSID sample combines the SRC and SEO samples. Both
samples are probability samples (i.e., samples for which every
element in the population has a known non-zero chance of
selection). Their
combination is also a probability sample. The combination,
however, is a sample with unequal selection probabilities, and as a
result compensatory weighting is needed in estimation, at least for
descriptive statistics. (The various disciplines disagree about the
need for weighting in model-based estimation.) Weight adjustments
are also needed to attempt to compensate for differential
nonresponse in 1968 and subsequent waves. As explained in the
"Data Analysis" chapter, and detailed in the PSID's technical
documentation, weights supplied on PSID data files are designed to
compensate for both unequal selection probabilities and differential
Latino supplemental sample
The original PSID sample contains too few Latino households to
provide reliable estimates either for Latinos as a group or for major
subgroups of Latinos. In addition, Latinos entering the U.S. since
1968 are not represented in the basic PSID sample unless they co-
reside with persons in the U.S. in 1968. To help reduce these
shortfalls a sample of 2,043 Latino households was interviewed and
added to the PSID sample beginning in the 1990 wave. Funding for
this supplemental sample came from the Ford Foundation, the
Rockefeller Foundation, the ASPE in the Department of Health and
Human Services, the Employment Training Administration in the
Department of Labor, and NSF.
The 1990 addition of a Latino sample is designed to provide
precisely the kind of representative information about Latinos
that is now available for blacks and non-Latino whites in the
original PSID. The sample was originally selected for the Latino
National Political Survey (LNPS), a 1989 study of the political
participation of Latino households cosponsored by the
InterUniversity Program for Latino Research and administered by
the Center for Mexican American Studies of the University of Texas
at Austin. The LNPS did not attempt to cover the entire Latino
population in the U.S. However, it covered at least 89 percent of
the three largest Latino subgroups--the Mexican, Puerto Rican and
Cuban origin populations.
Latino sample members were asked extensive background
information in their initial interview in 1990, including marital and
fertility histories. In addition, questions were added to the 1990
interview to enable calculation of selection-probability weights so
that the Latino sample can be combined with the existing PSID
sample for analysis purposes. The PSID plans to continue gathering
comparable information from the Latino and original PSID samples
and to combine the two samples in PSID data files.
Tracking rules
The PSID's tracking rules call for following members of the
original family units and their adult offspring to whatever living
arrangements they experience. Information is gathered about these
sample members and their co-residents if they are living in a
household (i.e., non-institutional) situation. A family member who
moves out of a PSID family is eligible for interviewing as a separate
family unit if he or she is a sample member and he or she is 18
years old or older and living in a different, independent household.5
If a sample member 18 or older moves to an institution such as a
prison, a college dormitory, or the military the PSID records this
fact and attaches an institutional status data record to the family he
or she left. The PSID keeps track of the location of sample
members living in institutional housing. Interviews are attempted
with them if and when they leave the institution to set up their own
Response rates
As noted at the end of the "Field Procedures" chapter, the PSID
takes a number of special measures to try to ensure high follow-up
response rates. Annual response rates have been exceedingly high
in every year except the first. In 1968, the PSID's first year, 76
percent of sampled families were successfully interviewed. In 1969,
interviews were attempted with the heads of family units containing
adults who were members of 1968 interviewed families. The
response rate in 1969 was 88.5 percent. Since 1969, annual
response rates have ranged between 96.9 and 98.5 percent. With a
minor exception in 1990, no attempt has been made to recontact
attriters from previous years. Even small attrition from wave to
wave cumulates over time. As of 1988, the response rate for
individuals who lived in 1968 households was 56.1 percent. The
level of cumulative response is sufficiently low to raise concerns,
and this has prompted direct investigation of possible attrition
Unicon study
In 1982, the Unicon Research Corporation was commissioned
by the National Science Foundation to conduct comparisons of the
descriptive characteristics of individuals who had attrited and those
still remaining in the panel, and to estimate a series of models of
earnings, labor supply and migration using data from early panel
waves to see if subsequent attriters differed from respondents in
behavioral terms. We quote directly from their results (Becketti et
al., 1988; 490-491):
"In this article we examined the dynamics of participation in
the PSID and considered whether attrition has affected the
representativeness of the PSID. We found some observable
variables that are correlated with attrition, but these variables
explain only a negligible portion of the attrition in the PSID. We
found no compelling evidence that attrition (or entry) has any effect
on estimates of the parameters of the earnings equations we
The 1968 PSID is quite unlike the population of the United
States if we use the CPS as a benchmark..1 Weighting the PSID
with the weights supplied by ISR goes a long way toward making
the PSID sample resemble the CPS sample. While there are
statistically significant differences in the empirical distributions of
observable characteristics, most of these differences are of no
practical significance or can be explained by known differences in
coding of answers across the two surveys. For some variables,
particularly income and education, there is some reason to believe
that the reports in the PSID may be more accurate than those in
the CPS. At any rate, the PSID participants behave almost
identically, conditional on their observed characteristics, to
participants in the CPS."
Lillard-Waite study of marital histories
As part of a larger study of marriage and divorce, Lee Lillard
and Linda Waite conducted an analysis of the quality of panel and
retrospective marital histories in the PSID. Again, we quote directly
from their report (Lillard and Waite, 1989: 252-253):
"Our comparison of panel and retrospective histories produced
a detailed picture of the agreements and disagreements between
the two. To summarize briefly, we found substantial levels of
agreement on marital status as of the first survey interview, and
substantial agreement on the occurrence of the first marriage. We
found that the
dates of first marriage matched best for those who were either
married as of the initial interview or who married during the survey
in the most typical pattern--living at home until marriage and then
moving out. For these people dates from the panel and
retrospective histories matched very well indeed.
Disruptions also appeared to be captured well by both types of
histories, although we do observe disruptions in the panel that are
not reported in the retrospective history and respondents report a
substantial number of disruptions that the panel history misses. For
those disrupted by both histories, dates of disruption match within
a year for three-quarters; we suspect the other quarter are
reporting on two different events.
...[O]n balance this data set is among the very best for
studying the beginnings and ends of marriages. The large sample at
all ages, the long panel period, the wealth of other information, and
the multiple measures of the events in question all make the PSID
an excellent source of information on marriage and divorce."
Curtin, Juster, and Morgan study of wealth
As part of a general assessment of the quality of wealth data
from surveys presented at the 1988 NBER Conference on the
Measurement of Saving, Investment and Wealth, Curtin, Juster and
Morgan (1988) evaluated wealth data gathered in the 1984 wave of
the PSID, the 1983 Survey of Consumer Finances, and the 1984
Wealth Supplement to the Survey of Income and Program
Participation (SIPP). A number of quality dimensions were
investigated: sample and questionnaire design, response rates and
nonresponse bias, ability to represent the upper tail of the income
and wealth distribution, the size of measurement error, the
importance of item nonresponse and imputations, and the degree to
which the household survey adequately represents national wealth.
They conclude (p. 544) that:
1. Measured against the standards set by previous household
wealth surveys, all three of these data sets stand up quite well.
They do not differ substantially among themselves when it
comes to measuring total wealth and the distribution of wealth in
the great bulk of the U.S. population.
2. The unique design characteristics of the SCF [Survey of
Consumer Finances] give it the highest overall potential for
wealth analysis of the three data sets examined....Comparing
PSID to SIPP, one gets mixed picture, but, in general, PSID had
the advantage. Although its basic sample design is less well
suited to measuring wealth than SIPP (because it oversamples
low-income families, for whom wealth holdings are relatively
unimportant), its general descriptive characteristics, taking SCF
as the benchmark, look to be closer to actual population
characteristics than are those of SIPP. Although PSID is not able
to describe the details of wealth holding nearly as well as SIPP
because of its highly aggregated nature, its measurement error
characteristics look to be consistently better than are those of
SIPP. The PSID has a lower item nonresponse rate than SIPP
and thus less need to construct imputed values, and it appears
to be a somewhat closer match to external control totals."
Other evidence on representativeness
Research papers periodically provide additional data on the
representativeness of the PSID sample. In an article on PSID data
quality Duncan and Hill (1989) compared 1980 official program
totals and PSID reports of aggregate transfer income of various
types. They found that the PSID accounted for 92 percent of income
from the Aid to Families With Dependent Children (AFDC) program,
84 percent of Supplemental Security Income and 85 percent of
Social Security income. As a frame of comparison, Current
Population Survey reports for calendar year 1979 show that the
CPS accounts for about 77 percent of AFDC, 69 percent of
Supplemental Security Income and 91 percent of Social Security
(U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1983, Table A-2, p. 216). The Census
Bureau's Survey of Income and Program Participation does
considerably better than the CPS in matching up with program
aggregates than the CPS, accounting for about 79 percent of Aid to
Families With Dependent Children, 94 percent of Supplemental
Security Income and 101 percent of Social Security (U.S. Bureau of
the Census, 1985, Table D-3, p. 47).
As part of an analysis of the consequences of teenage
childbearing, Duncan and Hoffman (forthcoming) compared high
school graduation and marriage rates of black and white women in
the PSID (at age 25) and Current Population Survey (at ages 25-
29). Although there is some tendency for modest but persistent
differences in some of these rates (e.g., black marriage rates are
higher in the CPS than PSID; white schooling rates are somewhat
higher in the PSID than CPS), the trends for both racial groups
track fairly closely over the two decades.
As part of a research proposal submitted to the National
Institute on Aging, Ken R. Smith compared the mortality experience
of the PSID sample from 1968 to 1984 with life tables for the U.S.
taken from 1980 Vital Statistics sources. He found close agreement
in the five-year survival rates calculated from the two sources.
Validation study
A crucial component of the quality of data from any survey
such as the PSID is the validity of responses to the questions
posed. To investigate this, the National Science Foundation, at the
urging of the Board of Overseers, funded a two-wave validation
study of the PSID instrument. Attempting to validate responses
from actual PSID respondents was judged too costly, so the
strategy adopted was to secure the cooperation of a large firm,
interview a sample of workers (about 500) from that firm using the
PSID instrument and then, whenever possible, to check carefully
the responses recorded in the interviews against actual company
Evidence from the validation study sample (detailed in Bound
et al.,1989) shows that the amount of measurement error in cross-
sectional reports of annual earnings is rather low, with the ratio of
error-to-total variance ranging from .15 to .30, depending on the
year of measurement. Error in reports of annual work hours is
higher (.28 to .37), while error in reports of hourly earnings,
obtained by dividing annual earnings by annual hours, is
disturbingly high (.67 to .69).
Although annual earnings were reported fairly reliably, it was
also discovered that workers with lower-than-average earnings
tended to overreport and high-wage workers to underreport their
earnings—a covariance almost always assumed to be zero in
measurement error models. This covariance reduced from 18 to 24
percent the biasing effects due to errors in measuring earnings
when earnings is a right-hand independent variable. Mean-reverting
error also produced biases to right-hand side variable coefficients
when annual earnings is a dependent variable that ranged from 10
to 17 percent. The restricted variability of true earnings from the
single-company sample probably leads to an overstatement of
these biases.
Furthermore, the validation data set also showed a surprisingly
small decrement to reliability when going from cross-sectional
measures of earnings level to panel measures of annual earnings
change--there as more "news" than "noise" when earnings were
differenced over either one- or four-year intervals.(Note). Reliability
was also fairly high in panel reports of change in annual work
hours. Indeed, apparently turbulent employment conditions
produced cross-sectional reports of earnings and hours in one of the
survey waves that were less reliable than the corresponding change
The company sample also provided validation for retrospective
reports over a two-and-a-half year period of spells of
nonemployment with the firm. It showed that only one-third of the
spells of nonemployment appearing in company records were
reported in the interviews. Shorter and more distant spells were
less likely to be reported, although the fraction of presumably
salient longer and more recent spells unreported still exceeded one-
third. Furthermore, the incidence of reporting error appeared to be
correlated with typical right-hand measures such as age and
schooling. Thus, all of the ingredients for coefficient bias due to
measurement errors would appear to be present in unemployment
event-history data.
"SEAM" Transitions
In 1984 the PSID began coding information on labor-force
status and program participation on a monthly basis. As has been
found in other studies where the measurement period (e.g. month)
is less than the length of the reference period (e.g. year), observed
transitions tend to concentrate at the beginnings and ends of the
reference period. Hill (1987) compared the PSID with the Survey of
Income and Program Participation (SIPP) in terms of the
disproportionate concentration of transitions at the 'seam'. Perhaps
because of the PSID's longer reference period, he found the extent
of seam problems appreciably greater in the PSID than in SIPP
data--especially for Food Stamp recipiency.
Taking advantage of overlap in the 1984 and 1985 PSID
reference periods, Hill used dual reports of employment status for
the same month to examine individual characteristics associated
with 'seam amplifying' and 'seam attenuating' inconsistencies. Age
and race were found to be very strong predictors of seam
amplifying inconsistencies--with Blacks and older individuals having
significantly higher rates of concentration of transitions at seams.
Gender and income, on the other hand, were the sole significant
predictors of 'seam attenuating' inconsistencies--with high income
females exhibiting a greater propensity for this type of response
The extent to which these types of response errors affect the
estimated parameters of event-history models has not been fully
worked out. Hill and Hill (1986), however, have demonstrated that
with SIPP data whether the week in question is a 'seam week' is by
far the most important predictor of transitions from unemployment
and the existence of excessive seam (or insufficient within wave)
transitions has profound impacts on the estimated survival
functions. Interestingly, despite a smaller sample size, the chi-
square goodness-of-fit statistic of the proportional-hazards model
was more than twice as high for the PSID as for the SIPP. This
suggests that the original over-sampling of low-income and
minority households in the PSID has notable analytic advantages.
Taken as a whole, these different studies examine a variety of
aspects of data quality, and the general results are supportive of
the PSID data being valid and not subject to major nonresponse
bias. Still, an analyst of any data set should be sensitive to
possibilities of low validity or nonresponse bias for his or her
particular analysis.
Author’s notes
1. This refers to the deliberate oversampling of low-income
families in the PSID's initial wave.
2. These design characteristics include a long questionnaire
focused on components of wealth and an oversample of
high-income households.
3. Bound and Krueger (1989) report a similar finding for the
March 1977 and 1978 Current Population Survey, using
Social Security earnings records for those same individuals
for validation.
4. There is no evidence, however, that the measurement
errors in measures such as earnings are higher in the PSID
than in other surveys. Indeed, the PSID's substantial
editing and across-wave consistency checking should make
measurement errors of this type less problematic than in
surveys not following such procedures.
5. This result held in a CPS-Social Security validation study as
well (Bound and Krueger, 1989).