Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
First Published: 2023-08-11
Last Modified: 2024-03-21
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New and Changed Information 1
New and Changed Information 1
About Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration 3
Cisco DNA Center Integration Use Cases 3
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Support 3
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows 5
Cisco DNA Center Integration Supported Workflows 5
Cisco DNA Center Integration with a Generic REST Endpoint 5
Configure Network Events 6
Configure Event Settings 8
Cisco DNA Center Integration with ServiceNow Without the Cisco DNA App 9
Configure the Network Issue Monitor and Enrichment for ITSM (ServiceNow) Bundle 10
Configure Event Settings 14
Configure the Cisco DNA Center Automation Events for ITSM (ServiceNow) Bundle 15
Cisco DNA Center Integration with ServiceNow Using the Cisco DNA App 19
Requirements 21
Configure the Basic ITSM (ServiceNow) CMDB Synchronization Bundle 22
Configure the Network Issue Monitor and Enrichment for ITSM (ServiceNow) Bundle 32
Configure Event Settings 35
Configure the Cisco DNA Center Automation Events for ITSM (ServiceNow) Bundle 37
Configure the Cisco SD-Access Integration with ITSM (ServiceNow) 40
Cisco DNA Center Endpoint Attribute Retrieval with ServiceNow 44
Requirements 45
Configure the Endpoint Attribute Retrieval Bundle with ITSM (ServiceNow) 46
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
SWIM Closed Loop Automation 53
About SWIM Closed Loop Automation 53
SWIM Closed Loop Automation Requirements 54
SWIM Closed Loop Automation Workflow 54
Cisco DNA Center-to-PagerDuty Integration 61
About Cisco DNA Center-to-PagerDuty Integration 61
Subscribe Cisco DNA Center Event Notifications to PagerDuty 63
Cisco DNA Center-to-Cisco Webex Integration 65
About Cisco DNA Center-to-Cisco Webex Integration 65
Subscribe Cisco DNA Center Event Notifications to Cisco Webex 66
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
New and Changed Information
New and Changed Information, on page 1
New and Changed Information
The following table summarizes the new and changed features for this release.
Table 1: New and Changed Features
Where DocumentedDescriptionFeature
See Configure the Cisco DNA Center Automation
Events for ITSM (ServiceNow) Bundle, on page 15.
This Cisco DNA Center platform release supports
an ITSM approval process for better control over
device provisioning activities in Cisco DNA Center.
Support for Visibility and
Control of configurations
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
New and Changed Information
New and Changed Information
About Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration
Cisco DNA Center Integration Use Cases, on page 3
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Support, on page 3
Cisco DNA Center Integration Use Cases
Cisco DNA Center supports the following kinds of integration use cases with other third-party applications:
Network management integrations:
Bidirectional IP grid synchronization
Integration with third-party IP Address Management (IPAM) systems
Operation integrations:
ITSM event, problem, and incident management
Approvals and schedule window information
Assistance in issue triage and association
Data exports for building custom dashboards and reports
See the Deploy Cisco DNA Center Platform chapter in the Cisco DN A Center Platform User Guide for detailed
information about configuring integration settings.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Support
Cisco DNA Center supports the following capabilities:
Integrating Cisco DNA Center into ITSM processes of incident, event, change, and problem management.
Integrating Cisco DNA Center into ITSM approval and preapproval chains.
Integrating Cisco DNA Center with formal change and maintenance window schedules.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
The scope of the integration is to retrieve events relating to software image updates, changes to configuration
of network devices and group-based policy updates that are required for compliance, security, or any other
operational triggers from Cisco DNA Center, and then publish the event data on a recurring schedule to an
ITSM (Service Now) system.
Cisco DNA Center bundles are prebuilt solutions that enable integration between Cisco DNA capabilities and
specific IT domains. You can configure and use the following bundles:
Basic ITSM (ServiceNow) CMDB Synchronization
Cisco DNA Center REST API
Endpoint Attribute Retrieval with ITSM (ServiceNow)
Network Issue Monitor and Enrichment for ITSM (ServiceNow)
Rogue and aWIPS
Cisco DNA Center Automation Events for ITSM (ServiceNow)
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
About Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Support
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Cisco DNA Center Integration Supported Workflows, on page 5
Cisco DNA Center Integration with a Generic REST Endpoint, on page 5
Cisco DNA Center Integration with ServiceNow Without the Cisco DNA App, on page 9
Cisco DNA Center Integration with ServiceNow Using the Cisco DNA App, on page 19
Cisco DNA Center Endpoint Attribute Retrieval with ServiceNow, on page 44
Cisco DNA Center Integration Supported Workflows
The following Cisco DNA Center ITSM integration workflows are supported:
Cisco DNA Center ITSM integration with a generic REST endpoint: See Cisco DNA Center Integration
with a Generic REST Endpoint, on page 5.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM integration with ServiceNow without using the Cisco DNA application for
ServiceNow: See Cisco DNA Center Integration with ServiceNow Without the Cisco DNA App, on page
Cisco DNA Center ITSM integration with ServiceNow using the Cisco DNA application for ServiceNow:
See Cisco DNA Center Integration with ServiceNow Using the Cisco DNA App, on page 19.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM endpoint attribute retrieval with ServiceNow using the Cisco DNA application
for ServiceNow: See Cisco DNA Center Endpoint Attribute Retrieval with ServiceNow, on page 44.
Cisco DNA Center Integration with a Generic REST Endpoint
The following table describes the procedure for configuring Cisco DNA Center integration with a generic
REST endpoint. You may wish to publish Network and Automation events to a generic REST endpoint,
outside of a configuration management database, for performance, security, event response, or other reasons.
Table 2: Cisco DNA Center to Generic REST Endpoint Integration Procedure
Install or upgrade to the latest Cisco DNA Center release.
For information about installing Cisco DNA Center, see the Cisco DNA Center Installation Guide.
Step 1
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Enable and configure bundles using the Bundles window in the Cisco DNA Center GUI.
For more information about configuring bundles, see Cisco DNA Center Platform User Guide.
Step 2
In the configuration slide-in pane, click Destination to receive events.Step 3
To send the data to a different staging table in ServiceNow, choose Generic REST Endpoint in
ServiceNow as the destination to receive events.
Determine the generic REST endpoint (destination Uri) for the publication of the Network and Automation
Step 4
Configure network event settings in Event Settings.
The Cisco DNA Center platform and ITSM integration allows the user to choose from a list of events
specific to the configured bundles, to create and modify the severity of events, incidents, or problems to
match business priorities.
For information, see Configure Event Settings, on page 8.
Step 5
Configure the integration settings. From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose System >
Settings > System Configuration > Integration Settings. Enter your callback URL hostname or IP
Step 6
Access the generic REST endpoint in ITSM and review the network event data that has been posted using
the REST APIs in this procedure. Begin to review and manipulate this data according to your business
or network needs.
Step 7
Configure Network Events
You can subscribe to specific events that may occur in your network. After you subscribe, you receive a
notification whenever the network event occurs. You subscribe to an event using the Event Notifications
window in the Cisco DNA Center platform GUI.
Figure 1: Cisco DNA Center Platform Events Window
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure Network Events
Before you begin
For subscribing to network events, you must have configured the required destination to deliver event
notifications from the Cisco DNA Center platform. To access the Destinations window, click the menu
icon and choose System > Settings > External Services > Destinations.
You must have the appropriate permissions to perform the tasks described in this procedure. For
information about role-based access control for the Cisco DNA Center platform, see the Cisco DNA
Center Platform User Guide.
Step 1 From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose Platform > Developer Toolkit > Event Notifications.
The Event Notifications window opens.
Step 2 Click the Notifications tab to view the notification tiles.
Each notification is represented by a tile and contains link to view notification details. From the CHANNELS area in
the left pane, click the radio button next to the notification channels to view the existing tiles with the selected channel.
Step 3 Follow the steps in the Create a New Notification wizard to create a new notification.
Click Let's Do It to go directly to the workflow.
Step 4 In the Select Site and Events window, select a site from the drop-down list and select the Network event or events
that support the required notification channel.
Step 5 Click Next.
The Select Channels window opens.
Step 6 In the Select Channels window, select the notification channel.
Click Next to configure the values in the corresponding Settings window.
Step 7 Click Next.
The Name and Description window opens.
Step 8 Click Next.
The Summary window opens.
Step 9 In the Summary window, review the configuration settings.
To make any changes, click Edit.
Step 10 Click Finish.
The Done! Your new notification is complete window appears.
For more information, see Work with Event Notifications in the Cisco DNA Center Platform User Guide and Create
an Event Notification in the Cisco DNA Center User Guide.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure Network Events
Configure Event Settings
The Cisco DNA Center platform and ITSM integration allows you choose from a list of possible issues to
create and modify the severity of events, incidents, or problems in ServiceNow to match your business
priorities. You perform these tasks in the Events Settings window. The Events Settings window is accessible
from the Configurations menu option in the Cisco DNA Center platform.
For this release, there are no SWIM events to configure in Event Settings. You only configure network
assurance events.
The Event Settings window and its functionality are applicable only to configure events for an ITSM integration
and not for events that are configured to other destinations. To configure events to a webhook or other
destination, click the link above the columns. Use the Event Notifications window to configure events for
an email, webhook, or SNMP trap.
Figure 2: Events Settings Window
Before you begin
You must have the appropriate permissions to perform the tasks as described in this procedure. For information
about role-based access control for the Cisco DNA Center platform, see the Cisco DNA Center Platform User
Step 1 From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose Platform > Manage > Configurations.
A Configurations window that contains an Events Settings section opens.
Step 2 Review the information presented in the Event Settings section:
Event Name: Name of the Cisco DNA Center event.
Domain: Domain of the Cisco DNA Center event.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure Event Settings
Type: Network, App, System, Security, or Integrations.
Category: Error, Warn, Info, Alert, Task Progress, or Task Complete.
Severity: 1 to 5.
Severity 1 is the most important or critical priority. You can edit the severity level of the event.
Workflow: Incident, Problem, Event, or RFC (Request for Change).
Actions: Edit.
To change what is displayed in the table, click the Filter icon or enter a keyword in the Find field. For example, to view
all network notifications, enter Network in the Find field. To view all severity1 notifications, enter 1 in the Find field.
Step 3 To edit an event, click Edit in the Actions column.
To change any setting, click the down-arrow and choose a value from the available options.
Step 4 Click the box next to the event name to enable notifications.
You must choose the events in the Event Settings section to configure events for an ITSM integration. This enables
notifications through Cisco DNA Center when the event occurs in the future.
Step 5 Click Save.
Cisco DNA Center Integration with ServiceNow Without the
Cisco DNA App
The following table describes the procedure for configuring Cisco DNA Center integration with ServiceNow
without using the Cisco DNA app. Follow the procedure to configure integration for network events, SWIM
events, or both event types depending on the functionality that you require.
You can also use the Basic ITSM (ServiceNow) CMDB synchronization bundle with this workflow. If you
use this bundle, be sure to choose Post device inventory details to a staging table as the destination type.
The other destination type (Synchronize device inventory directly with CMDB) requires the Cisco DNA
app. Additionally, the Post device inventory details to a staging table destination type only sends data to
the REST API endpoint. You will need to create a script to perform any further action on the data.
Table 3: Cisco DNA Center-to-ServiceNow Integration Without the Cisco DNA App Procedure
Install or upgrade to the latest Cisco DNA Center release.
For information about installing Cisco DNA Center, see the Cisco DNA Center Installation Guide.
Step 1
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Cisco DNA Center Integration with ServiceNow Without the Cisco DNA App
Install or upgrade to a compatible version of ServiceNow mentioned on the ServiceNow Store website.
Click the following link to access the ServiceNow Store website:!/store/application/
Refer to your ServiceNow documentation for its installation and upgrade procedures.
This procedure must be performed by a ServiceNow administrator.
Step 2
Configure the Network Issue Monitor andEnrichment forITSM(ServiceNo w)bundle. For information,
see Configure the Network Issue Monitor and Enrichment for ITSM (ServiceNow) Bundle, on page 10.
This bundle enables Change Management between the two systems (Cisco DNA Center and ServiceNow).
Change Management and Incident/Problem Management workflows should be enabled based on the
automation or assurance use cases that you want to log tickets to in ServiceNow.
Step 3
Configure network event settings in Event Settings.
For information, see Configure Event Settings, on page 14.
The Cisco DNA Center platform and ITSM integration allows the user to choose from a
list of possible issues to create and modify the severity of events, incidents, or problems in
ServiceNow to match business priorities.
Step 4
Configure the Cisco DNA Center Automation events for ITSM (ServiceNow) bundle.
For information, see Configure the Cisco DNA Center Automation Events for ITSM (ServiceNow)
Bundle, on page 15.
The Cisco DNA Center Automation events for ITSM (ServiceNow) bundle retrieves events relating
to software image updates required for compliance, security or any other operational triggers from Cisco
DNA Center. SWIM event notifications are sent from Cisco DNA Center to ServiceNow when they
occur, not on a polling and notify schedule.
For information, see About SWIM Closed Loop Automation, on page 53
Step 5
Access your ServiceNow instance and review the network and SWIM event data that has been posted
using the REST APIs in this procedure. Begin to review and manipulate this data in ServiceNow per
your business or network needs.
Step 6
Configure the Network Issue Monitor and Enrichment for ITSM (ServiceNow)
Perform this procedure to set up monitoring for network for assurance and maintenance issues, as well as
publishing event details to a ServiceNow system.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Network Issue Monitor and Enrichment for ITSM (ServiceNow) Bundle
Event data can be published to the Event table in ServiceNow. This requires that you have the Event
Management plug-in in your ServiceNow instance. If you do not have the Event Management plug-in
in your ServiceNow instance, the bundle can be configured to send the data to a REST API endpoint in
the Cisco DNA app.
The Event Management and Generic REST API Endpoint options do not support automatic ticket creation
and auto resolution of tickets for closed loop integration.
Before you begin
You must have the appropriate permissions to perform the tasks as described in this procedure. For information
about role-based access control for the Cisco DNA Center platform, see the Cisco DNA Center Platform User
Step 1 From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose Platform > Manage > Bundles.
Review the displayed bundles and their current status.
Step 2 Click the Network Issue Monitor and Enrichment for ITSM (ServiceNow) bundle link or icon (colored square with
initial) for additional information about the bundle.
Additional information provided may include the following:
General information: Vendor, version, platform, tags displayed under the square icon.
Information: Tab that displays general information (purpose of bundle and how bundle works in the network),
sample schemas, configuration notes, and other data about the bundle.
Contents: Tab that accesses the APIs and integration flows that make up the bundle, or provides information about
the integration flows that make up the bundle.
Release Notes: Tab that displays latest release information about the bundle, including its version.
Step 3 Click each of the above tabs and review the information about the bundle.
Step 4 Click the Enable button to enable the bundle.
An Information field appears in the window.
Step 5 In the Information field, click the Enable button to confirm enabling the bundle.
After clicking the Enable button to confirm, a success message appears.
Step 6 Click OK in the success message.
Step 7 Click the Configure button to configure at the bundle level.
A configuration slide-in pane appears.
Step 8 In the configuration slide-in pane, click ServiceNow Access Settings to configure a ServiceNow Connection instance.
Step 9 Click the radio button to configure either an existing ServiceNow Connection instance or configure a new instance.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Network Issue Monitor and Enrichment for ITSM (ServiceNow) Bundle
Figure 3: Example of ServiceNow Instance Configuration Fields
For configuring an existing ServiceNow Connection instance, choose it from the drop-down menu in the window and
click Activate.
Step 10 For configuring a new ServiceNow Connection instance, the following additional information must be entered:
Instance Name: Name of the instance.
Description: Descriptive text of the instance.
Host name: Hostname for the ServiceNow system.
Username: Username required to access the ServiceNow system.
Password: Password required to access the ServiceNow system.
Step 11 Click Check Connectivity to test whether you can connect to the server where the endpoint is located.
After a successful test of connectivity to the server, configure Destination to receive events.
Step 12 In the configuration slide-in pane, click Destination to receive events to configure a Destination Connection instance.
Step 13 Click the radio button to configure either an existing Destination Connection instance or configure a new instance.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Network Issue Monitor and Enrichment for ITSM (ServiceNow) Bundle
Figure 4: Example of Destination to Receive Events Configuration Fields
For configuring an existing Destination Connection instance, choose it from the drop-down menu in the window and
click Activate.
Step 14 For configuring a new Destination instance, the following additional information must be entered:
Instance Name: Name of the instance.
Description: Descriptive text of the instance.
Destination to receive events: Choose one of the following:
Event Management: When setting up Cisco DNA Center integration with ServiceNow without using the
Cisco DNA app, choose the Event Management option. The Event Management option also requires that
you have the Event Management plug-in configured within the ServiceNow instance.
REST API Endpoint: The REST API Endpoint option can be used with the Cisco DNA app. With this
option, data is sent to a REST API endpoint within the Cisco DNA app.
Generic REST Endpoint in ServiceNow: With this option, you can send the data to a different staging table
in ServiceNow.
Destination URI: Enter a destination URI (Uniform Resource Indicator) for the Generic REST Endpoint in
ServiceNow option. This field is mandatory for this option.
After entering this information, proceed to the next step.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Network Issue Monitor and Enrichment for ITSM (ServiceNow) Bundle
Step 15 Click Activate to save your changes and activate the bundle or click Cancel to cancel the configuration and close the
slide-in pane.
The changes made to the bundle begin to take effect immediately. Additionally, the bundle status changes from
Configure Event Settings
The Cisco DNA Center platform and ITSM integration permits you to choose from a list of possible issues
to create and modify the severity of events, incidents, or problems in ServiceNow to match your business
priorities. You perform these tasks in the Events Settings window. The Events Settings window is accessible
from the Configurations menu option in the Cisco DNA Center platform.
For this release, there are no SWIM events to configure in Event Settings. You only configure network
assurance events.
The Event Settings window and its functionality is only applicable to events for an ITSM (ServiceNow)
integration and not for events configured to other destinations. For events being configured to a webhook or
other destination, click the link above the columns to access the Events window. Use the Events window to
configure events for an email, webhook, or SNMP trap.
Figure 5: Events Settings Window
Before you begin
You must have the appropriate permissions to perform the tasks as described in this procedure. For information
about role-based access control for the Cisco DNA Center platform, see the Cisco DNA Center Platform User
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure Event Settings
Step 1 From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose Platform > Manage > Configurations.
A Configurations window opens that contains an Events Settings section.
Step 2 Review the Event Settings section, which contains the following information:
Event Name: Name of the Cisco DNA Center event.
Domain: Domain of the Cisco DNA Center event.
Type: Network, App, System, Security, Integrations type.
Category: Error, Warn, Info, Alert, Task Progress, Task Complete.
Severity: P1 (Severity 1) through P5 (Severity 5).
Severity 1 is the most important or critical priority and should be assigned as such.
Workflow: Incident, Problem, Event, or RFC (Request for Change).
Actions: Edit.
You can adjust what is displayed in the table by clicking the Filter icon and using the filter, or by typing a keyword in
the Find field. For example, to display all access point notifications, type AP in the Find field. To view all network
notifications, type Network in the Find field. To view all severity notifications, type 1 in the Find field.
Step 3 Click Edit in the Actions column to edit an event.
Choose a setting by clicking on the downward pointing angle and adjust the value. For example, click Network and
adjust to App. This changes the event type from a network type to an application type. Click Severity and adjust to 1
from 5. This raises the severity level from 5 to 1.
Step 4 Click the box next to the Event name to enable notifications.
This enables notifications through Cisco DNA Center when the event occurs in the future.
Step 5 Click Save.
Configure the Cisco DNA Center Automation Events for ITSM (ServiceNow)
Perform this procedure to set up monitoring and publishing events requiring device provisioning activities,
software image updates for compliance, security, or other operational triggers to a ServiceNow system.
Enabling ITSM in Cisco DNA Center enforces a ServiceNow approval process for better control of Cisco
DNA Center software image updates and other device provisioning activities. For example, see SWIM Closed
Loop Automation Workflow, on page 54 for information about the approval process in ServiceNow.
See the Configure System Settings chapter in the Cisco DNA Center Administrator Guide for information
about enabling ITSM approval for device configuration changes.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Cisco DNA Center Automation Events for ITSM (ServiceNow) Bundle
You can publish the event data to the Event table in ServiceNow if you have the Event Management
plug-in in your ServiceNow instance. If not, you can configure the bundle to send the data to a REST
API endpoint in the Cisco DNA app.
The Event Management and Generic REST API Endpoint options do not support automatic ticket creation,
approval/rejection workflow and auto resolution of tickets for closed loop integration.
Before you begin
You must have the appropriate permissions to perform the tasks as described in this procedure. For information
about role-based access control for the Cisco DNA Center platform, see the Cisco DNA Center Platform User
Step 1 From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose Platform > Manage > Bundles.
Review the displayed bundles and their status.
Step 2 Click the Cisco DNA Center Automation events for ITSM (ServiceNow) bundle link or icon (colored square with
initial) for additional information about the bundle.
Additional information that is provided may include the following:
General information: Vendor, version, platform, tags displayed under the square icon.
Information: Tab that displays general information (purpose of bundle and how bundle works in the network),
sample schemas, configuration notes, and other data about the bundle.
Contents: Tab that accesses the APIs and integration flows that make up the bundle, or provides information about
the integration flows that make up the bundle.
Release Notes: Tab that displays latest release information about the bundle, including its version.
Step 3 Click each of the preceding tabs and review the information about the bundle.
Step 4 Click the Enable button to enable the bundle.
An Information field appears in the window.
Step 5 Click the Enable button in the Information field to confirm enabling the bundle.
After clicking the Enable button to confirm, a success message appears.
Step 6 Click OK in the success message.
Step 7 Click the Configure button to configure at the bundle level.
A configuration slide-in pane appears.
Step 8 In the configuration slide-in pane, click ServiceNow Access Settings to configure a ServiceNow Connection instance.
Step 9 Click the radio button to configure either an existing ServiceNow Connection instance or configure a new instance.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Cisco DNA Center Automation Events for ITSM (ServiceNow) Bundle
Figure 6: Example of ServiceNow Instance Configuration Fields
For configuring an existing ServiceNow Connection instance, choose it from the drop-down list in the window and
click Activate.
Step 10 For configuring a new ServiceNow Connection instance, you must enter the following additional information:
Instance Name: Name of the instance.
Description: Descriptive text of the instance.
Host name: Hostname for the ServiceNow system.
Username: Username required to access the ServiceNow system.
Password: Password required to access the ServiceNow system.
Step 11 Click Check Connectivity to test whether you can connect to the server where the endpoint is located.
After a successful test of connectivity to the server, activate the bundle.
Step 12 In the configuration slide-in pane, click Destination to receive eventsto configure an Destination Connection instance.
Step 13 Click the radio button to configure either an existing Destination Connection instance or configure a new instance.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Cisco DNA Center Automation Events for ITSM (ServiceNow) Bundle
Figure 7: Example of Destination to Receive Events Configuration Fields
For configuring an existing Destination Connection instance, choose it from the drop-down menu in the window and
click Activate.
Step 14 For configuring a new Destination instance, you must enter the following additional information:
Instance Name: Name of the instance.
Description: Descriptive text of the instance.
Destination to receive events: Choose one of the following:
Event Management: When setting up Cisco DNA Center integration with ServiceNow without using the
Cisco DNA app, choose the Event Management option. The Event Management option requires that you
have the Event Management plug-in that is configured within the ServiceNow instance.
REST API Endpoint: You can use the REST API Endpoint option with the Cisco DNA app. Data is sent
to a REST API endpoint within the Cisco DNA app with the REST API Endpoint option.
Generic REST Endpoint in ServiceNow: For the Generic REST Endpoint in ServiceNow option, you
can send the data to a different staging table in ServiceNow.
Destination URI: Enter a destination Uniform Resource Indicator (URI) for the Generic REST Endpoint in
ServiceNow option. This field is mandatory for this option.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Cisco DNA Center Automation Events for ITSM (ServiceNow) Bundle
After entering this information, proceed to the next step.
Step 15 Click Activate to save your changes and activate the bundle or click Cancel to cancel the configuration and close the
slide-in pane.
By clicking Activate, you enable the changes that are made to the bundle and the changes take effect
immediately. Additionally, the bundle's status changes from ENABLED to ACTIVE.
Cisco DNA Center Integration with ServiceNow Using the Cisco
Cisco DNA Center supports an application (Cisco DNA) that facilitates integration with ServiceNow. This
application or app is designed to work with ServiceNow without its Event Management plug-in.
Ensure that the Cisco DNA app (version 2.2.0) is installed within the ServiceNow instance and performs the
following tasks:
Schedules the basic one-way synchronization of Cisco DNA Center discovered devices into the
ServiceNow Configuration Management Database (CMDB) using Cisco DNA Center inventory as a
source of truth. The Cisco DNA app supports CMDB synchronization from Cisco DNA Center to
Automatically triggers problem, incident, and change workflows for network events published by Cisco
DNA Center.
Enriches ITSM tickets with network details from Cisco DNA Center. The Cisco DNA app makes REST
API calls into Cisco DNA Center. These API calls help in fetching enrichment information of various
types such as device, issue, user, and client for a user created ticket.
Supports integration of the Cisco DNA Center platform with ServiceNow for an automated way to create
change request (CR) tickets in ServiceNow for network events.
The following table describes the procedure for configuring Cisco DNA Center integration with ServiceNow
using the Cisco DNA app. Follow the procedure to configure integration for network events, SWIM events,
or both event types depending upon the functionality that you require.
Table 4: Cisco DNA Center-to-ServiceNow Integration with Cisco DNA App Procedure
Install or upgrade to the latest Cisco DNA Center release.
For information about installing Cisco DNA Center, see the Cisco DNA Center Installation Guide.
Step 1
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Cisco DNA Center Integration with ServiceNow Using the Cisco DNA App
Install or upgrade to a compatible version of ServiceNow mentioned on the ServiceNow Store website.
Click the following link to access the ServiceNow Store website:!/store/application/
Refer to your ServiceNow documentation for its installation and upgrade procedures.
This procedure must be performed by a ServiceNow administrator.
Step 2
Click the following link to access the ServiceNow Store website where the Cisco DNA app is located:!/store/application/
Download and install the Cisco DNA app (version 2.2.0) into ServiceNow by following the documentation
available at the website.
This procedure is to be performed by a ServiceNow administrator. The Cisco DNA app
versions 2.1.1 and 2.0.1 are compatible with the Tokyo and Utah releases of ServiceNow.
If you want to use the Vancouver release of ServiceNow, you must first upgrade the Cisco
DNA app to the latest version, 2.2.0.
Step 3
Review and ensure that the requirements are met for the Cisco DNA Center-to-ServiceNow integration.
For information, see Requirements, on page 21.
Step 4
Access the Cisco DNA Center platform GUI and configure the Basic ITSM (ServiceNow) CMDB
Synchronization bundle.
For information, see Configure the Basic ITSM (ServiceNow) CMDB Synchronization Bundle, on page
Synchronizing the network device inventory with the ServiceNow CMDB is a prerequisite
to enable the auto-generation of ITSM tickets. Therefore, the CMDB Sync must be enabled
first (if it is not already done outside of Cisco DNA Center). Check with your ServiceNow
administrator to see whether the CMDB Sync is being done elsewhere.
Step 5
Configure the Network Issue Monitorand Enrichment forITSM (ServiceNow) bundle. For information,
see Configure the Network Issue Monitor and Enrichment for ITSM (ServiceNow) Bundle, on page 10.
This bundle enables data to be sent from Cisco DNA Center to create any type of workflow in ServiceNow.
Change Management and Incident/Problem Management workflows should be enabled based on the
automation or assurance use cases that you want to log tickets to in ServiceNow.
Step 6
Configure network event settings in Event Settings.
For more information, see Configure Event Settings, on page 35.
The Cisco DNA Center platform and ITSM integration allows the user to choose from a list
of possible issues to create and modify the severity of events, incidents, or problems in
ServiceNow to match business priorities.
Step 7
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Cisco DNA Center Integration with ServiceNow Using the Cisco DNA App
Configure the Cisco DNA Center Automation events for ITSM (ServiceNow) bundle.
For information, see Configure the Cisco DNA Center Automation Events for ITSM (ServiceNow)
Bundle, on page 15.
Step 8
Access your ServiceNow instance and review the network and SWIM event data that has been posted
using the Cisco DNA Center REST APIs in this procedure. Begin to review and utilize this data per your
business or network needs.
Step 9
Review and ensure that the following networking and systems requirements are met for the Cisco DNA
Center-to-ServiceNow integration:
The Cisco DNA app is configured with the IP address and access information of the Cisco DNA
Center installation that it is being integrated with.
Contact your Cisco DNA Center administrator to obtain this information.
HTTPS network access between Cisco DNA Center and ServiceNow.
Contact and work with your network administrator to establish this.
Management, Instrumentation, and Discovery (MID) Server:
The MID server is up and running, as well as accessible from the ServiceNow instance.
The Cisco DNA Center platform is accessible from the MID server.
The Cisco DNA Center platform REST APIs are allowed from the MID server.
The MID server is used to proxy the REST requests from the ServiceNow instance.
See the Scope Certified Application Installation and Configuration Guide on the ServiceNow Store
website for MID server configuration information:!/
Cisco DNA Center Platform:
The Cisco DNA Center platform is enabled in Cisco DNA Center.
The requisite bundle or bundles in the Cisco DNA Center platform are configured and activated (as
described in the following procedures).
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
These bundles have the required APIs that integrate with the Cisco DNA app in
Configure the Basic ITSM (ServiceNow) CMDB Synchronization Bundle
Perform this procedure to either trigger or schedule a synchronization between the Cisco DNA Center devices
and your ServiceNow CMDB system. If devices have not been synchronized between Cisco DNA Center and
the ServiceNow CMDB system, this bundle must be activated as a prerequisite, before activating any other
The Cisco DNA Center CMDB synchronization cannot detect multiple instances of Cisco DNA Center:
To identify the attributes that were synchronized from a particular Cisco DNA Center instance, each
attribute is tagged with a Cisco DNA Center IP address.
ServiceNow can now identify which Cisco DNA Center instance the attribute came from. An extra
attribute for the Configuration Item (CI) has been added to retain the Cisco DNA Center IP address or
hostname information.
Before you begin
Ensure that you have ServiceNow running on a system that you will integrate with Cisco DNA Center
Run a successful Discovery job in Cisco DNA Center. You can check whether a Discovery job is
successful in Device Inventory. From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose Provision >
Inventory to view the results.
You must have the appropriate permissions to perform the tasks as described in this procedure. For
information about role-based access control for the Cisco DNA Center platform, see the Cisco DNA
Center Platform User Guide.
Step 1 From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose Platform > Manage > Bundles.
Review the displayed bundles and their current status.
Step 2 Click the Basic ITSM (ServiceNow) CMDB synchronization bundle link or icon (colored square with initial) for
additional information about the bundle.
Additional information provided may include the following:
General information: Vendor, version, platform, tags displayed under the square icon.
Information: Tab that displays general information (purpose of bundle and how bundle works in the network),
sample schemas, configuration notes, and other data about the bundle.
Contents: Tab that accesses the integration flows and APIs that make up the bundle.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Basic ITSM (ServiceNow) CMDB Synchronization Bundle
Release Notes: Tab that displays latest release information about the bundle, including its version.
Step 3 Click the Contents tab.
Step 4 Click the Integration Flows header.
An integration flow or list of integration flows appear underneath the header.
Step 5 Click the Enable button to activate the integration flow links.
An Information field appears in the window.
Step 6 In the Information field, click the Enable button to confirm enabling the bundle.
After clicking the Enable button to confirm, a success message appears.
Step 7 Click Okay in the success message.
Step 8 Click the integration flow link to perform the tasks listed below:
Review the Description, Tags, How to Use this Flow, and scheduler.
Click Run Now (to run the scheduler now), Run Later (to schedule for a later time), or Recurring (to set up a
recurring schedule).
For Run Later, you need to select a date, time, and time zone. For Recurring, you need to set a repeating interval
(daily or weekly), an interval duration (minutes or hours), and a start and end date.
Click Schedule to enable the scheduler.
Only configure and enable an integration flow schedule, after you have finished configuring the bundle
itself as described in this procedure. You configure and enable an integration flow schedule by returning
to this view and clicking Schedule, or by clicking the View Flows link in the Configure Basic ITSM
(ServiceNow) CMDB synchronization slide-in pane (see following steps), or by clicking the menu
icon ( ) > Platform > Developer Toolkit > Integration Flows > Schedule to Publish Inventory
Details-ServiceNow Connector.
Step 9 Click the X icon to return to the previous bundle window.
Step 10 Click the Configure button to configure at the bundle level.
A configuration slide-in pane appears. Review the CMDB synchronization information.
Step 11 Click the radio button to configure either existing or new ServiceNow access settings for the CMDB synchronization.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Basic ITSM (ServiceNow) CMDB Synchronization Bundle
Figure 8: ServiceNow Access Settings
For configuring an existing setting, choose it from the drop-down menu in the window and click Next.
Step 12 For configuring a new access setting, the following instance information must be entered.
Instance Name: Name of the instance.
Description: Descriptive text of the instance.
Click Next.
Step 13 For configuring a new access setting, the following additional settings information must be entered.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Basic ITSM (ServiceNow) CMDB Synchronization Bundle
Figure 9: ServiceNow Access Settings
Hostname: Hostname or IP address of the ServiceNow server.
Username: Username for access to the ServiceNow server.
Password: Password for access to the ServiceNow server.
Click Check Connectivity to check access to the ServiceNow server.
Click Next.
Step 14 Click the radio button to configure either an existing instance or configure a new instance for the CMDB inventory
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Basic ITSM (ServiceNow) CMDB Synchronization Bundle
Figure 10: CMDB Inventory Settings
For configuring an existing instance, choose it from the drop-down menu in the window and click Configure.
Step 15 For configuring a new instance, the following additional information must be entered.
Instance Name: Name of the instance.
Description: Descriptive text of the instance.
Click Next.
Step 16 In the Select Destination window, enter the following information:
Destination Type: There are two destination type options to choose from:
Synchronize device inventory directly with CMDB
Post device inventory details to a staging table
Use the Synchronize device inventory directly with CMDB destination type to send data to a REST
API endpoint within the Cisco DNA app. You should use this destination type, if you are using the
Cisco DNA app and do not have your own customized ServiceNow instance. Use the other destination
type (Post device inventory details to a staging table) to send data to a REST API endpoint outside
of the Cisco DNA app. Ensure that the created staging table has a field called u_inventory_details.
The inventory details from the Cisco DNA app are mapped to this field. With the Postdevice inventory
details to a staging table destination type, after data transfer you must write custom code to take the
data from the staging table and map it to the ServiceNow CMDB.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Basic ITSM (ServiceNow) CMDB Synchronization Bundle
Destination URI: Uniform Resource Indicator of the ServiceNow server (CMDB) or staging table.
Figure 11: Select Destination Window
Click Next.
Step 17 In the Select Inventory Data Fields window, select the data fields to by synchronized.
Inventory data fields are Cisco created data types that can be designated as an attribute or reference to be
synchronized into a CMDB or staging table.
Clicking the top check box in the Select Inventory Data Fields window will select all of the inventory data fields for
synchronization. Click this top check box if you want to sync all of the inventory data fields. Otherwise, review and
click one check box at a time to create a smaller subset of inventory data fields for synchronization.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Basic ITSM (ServiceNow) CMDB Synchronization Bundle
Figure 12: Select Inventory Data Fields Window
The Select Inventory Data Fields window consists of the following columns:
Name: Name of the inventory data field.
Description: Brief description of the inventory data field.
Is Attribute/Is Reference: Whether the inventory data field is an attribute or a reference. A reference data field
is used to create a relationship between two tables in a database. This is used for querying purposes. An attribute
data field is used to add more data to a table in a database.
Step 18 For the data fields selected to be synchronized in the preceding step, review their designation as either attribute or
To change a data field's default designation, just click the desired data field designation (Attribute or Reference).
Currently, the integration only supports 'location', 'building', and 'part number' as reference fields.
After selecting the data fields to be synchronized and whether the data field is an attribute or reference, click Next.
Step 19 In the Update Transforms window, either accept or update the ServiceNow transformation mapping between Cisco
DNA Center device families and ServiceNow CI classes.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Basic ITSM (ServiceNow) CMDB Synchronization Bundle
Figure 13: Update Transforms Window
Device families are the Cisco DNA Center device classifications (for example, Unified AP, Routers, Wireless Controller,
Switches, and Hubs), where the inventory attributes/references mapping to ServiceNow is already available in the
existing Cisco DNA Center application in ServiceNow. The type and number of device families can vary depending
upon the different Cisco devices in the user's network.
Cisco DNA Center platform is able to automatically retrieve all of the device families in the user's Cisco
DNA Center network and display them in this GUI window.
CI classes are the database tables for ServiceNow (for example, cmdb_ci_wap_network, cmdb_ci_ip_router,
cmdb_ci_ip_switch, and x_caci_cisco_dna_wireless_lan_controller). The CI Class column in the GUI window is used
to map the CI classes to their respective device families.
The following table displays the Cisco DNA Center default CI classes for each device family. The default CI classes
can be modified by the user. In case of other device families not listed below, Cisco will not have any default values
specified in the CI Class column. The ServiceNow application user needs to either manually create the corresponding
CI Classes and attributes/references mapping or use a pre-existing CI class a 'parent' CI class. Ensure the pre-existing
or newly created class is inherited from the Network Gear (cmdb_ci_netgear) class.
Table 5: Default Device Family to CI Class Mapping List
Corresponding CI ClassDevice Family
cmdb_ci_wap_networkUnified AP
x_caci_cisco_dna_wireless_lan_controllerWireless Controller
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Basic ITSM (ServiceNow) CMDB Synchronization Bundle
Corresponding CI ClassDevice Family
cmdb_ci_ip_switchSwitches and Hubs
cmdb_ci_wap_networkMeraki Access Point
cmdb_ci_netgearMeraki Cameras
cmdb_ci_netgearMeraki Dashboard
cmdb_ci_netgearMeraki Security Appliances
cmdb_ci_ip_switchMeraki Switches
After accepting or updating the information in this window, click Next.
Step 20 In the Set Source Identifier and Operational Limit window, configure the data source and maximum limit.
Figure 14: Set Source Identifier and Operational Limit Window
Configure the following values:
Enter Destination Type: Enter the same value as previously selected or keep the value at its default, Other
Synchronize device inventory directly with CMDB
Post device inventory details to a staging table
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Basic ITSM (ServiceNow) CMDB Synchronization Bundle
Other Automated is a preconfigured value for the discovery source attribute in an OOB ServiceNow
instance. This is the value that indicates the data source from where the ServiceNow CI was discovered.
As a default, Cisco uses one of the existing preconfigured values for the integration.
We recommend that the user creates their own discovery source, so as to uniquely identify the source from where
the devices were fetched to sync into the ServiceNow instance. The steps to create a new discovery source are
described in the ServiceNow App 'Installation and Configuration guide'.
Enter the Max Limit: Maximum number of devices that can be synchronized in an iteration (single API call).
After entering the above information, click Next.
Step 21 In the Summary window, review the configuration summary.
Figure 15: Summary Window
After reviewing the information, click Configure.
For a successful configuration, you will receive a Done! Bundle Configured message.
What to do next
Configure the Integration Flow for this bundle (Schedule to Publish Inventory Details - ServiceNow
Connector), using one of the methods described in Step 8.
You can also test the CMDB synchronization by performing the following tasks:
From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose Platform > Runtime Dashboard > CMDB
Synchronization Summary. Click Refresh to refresh the GUI view. Review the inventory device
synchronization status to ServiceNow.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Basic ITSM (ServiceNow) CMDB Synchronization Bundle
From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose Platform > Runtime Dashboard > Event
Summary. Click Refresh to refresh the GUI view. Click the individual events in the window to view
the event data and access links to ServiceNow.
Go to ServiceNow and search for a synchronized device. Check the Configuration and Other Attributes
tabs for synchronized data in that device's record.
Configure the Network Issue Monitor and Enrichment for ITSM (ServiceNow)
Perform this procedure to set up monitoring for network for assurance and maintenance issues, as well as
publishing event details to a ServiceNow system.
Event data can be published to the Event table in ServiceNow. This requires that you have the Event
Management plug-in in your ServiceNow instance. If you do not have the Event Management plug-in
in your ServiceNow instance, the bundle can be configured to send the data to a REST API endpoint in
the Cisco DNA app.
The Event Management and Generic REST API Endpoint options do not support automatic ticket creation
and auto resolution of tickets for closed loop integration.
Before you begin
You must have the appropriate permissions to perform the tasks as described in this procedure. For information
about role-based access control for the Cisco DNA Center platform, see the Cisco DNA Center Platform User
Step 1 From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose Platform > Manage > Bundles.
Review the displayed bundles and their current status.
Step 2 Click the Network Issue Monitor and Enrichment for ITSM (ServiceNow) bundle link or icon (colored square with
initial) for additional information about the bundle.
Additional information provided may include the following:
General information: Vendor, version, platform, tags displayed under the square icon.
Information: Tab that displays general information (purpose of bundle and how bundle works in the network),
sample schemas, configuration notes, and other data about the bundle.
Contents: Tab that accesses the APIs and integration flows that make up the bundle, or provides information about
the integration flows that make up the bundle.
Release Notes: Tab that displays latest release information about the bundle, including its version.
Step 3 Click each of the above tabs and review the information about the bundle.
Step 4 Click the Enable button to enable the bundle.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Network Issue Monitor and Enrichment for ITSM (ServiceNow) Bundle
An Information field appears in the window.
Step 5 In the Information field, click the Enable button to confirm enabling the bundle.
After clicking the Enable button to confirm, a success message appears.
Step 6 Click OK in the success message.
Step 7 Click the Configure button to configure at the bundle level.
A configuration slide-in pane appears.
Step 8 In the configuration slide-in pane, click ServiceNow Access Settings to configure a ServiceNow Connection instance.
Step 9 Click the radio button to configure either an existing ServiceNow Connection instance or configure a new instance.
Figure 16: Example of ServiceNow Instance Configuration Fields
For configuring an existing ServiceNow Connection instance, choose it from the drop-down menu in the window and
click Activate.
Step 10 For configuring a new ServiceNow Connection instance, the following additional information must be entered:
Instance Name: Name of the instance.
Description: Descriptive text of the instance.
Host name: Hostname for the ServiceNow system.
Username: Username required to access the ServiceNow system.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Network Issue Monitor and Enrichment for ITSM (ServiceNow) Bundle
Password: Password required to access the ServiceNow system.
Step 11 Click Check Connectivity to test whether you can connect to the server where the endpoint is located.
After a successful test of connectivity to the server, configure Destination to receive events.
Step 12 In the configuration slide-in pane, click Destination to receive events to configure a Destination Connection instance.
Step 13 Click the radio button to configure either an existing Destination Connection instance or configure a new instance.
Figure 17: Example of Destination to Receive Events Configuration Fields
For configuring an existing Destination Connection instance, choose it from the drop-down menu in the window and
click Activate.
Step 14 For configuring a new Destination instance, the following additional information must be entered:
Instance Name: Name of the instance.
Description: Descriptive text of the instance.
Destination to receive events: Choose one of the following:
Event Management: When setting up Cisco DNA Center integration with ServiceNow without using the
Cisco DNA app, choose the Event Management option. The Event Management option also requires that
you have the Event Management plug-in configured within the ServiceNow instance.
REST API Endpoint: The REST API Endpoint option can be used with the Cisco DNA app. With this
option, data is sent to a REST API endpoint within the Cisco DNA app.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Network Issue Monitor and Enrichment for ITSM (ServiceNow) Bundle
Generic REST Endpoint in ServiceNow: With this option, you can send the data to a different staging table
in ServiceNow.
Destination URI: Enter a destination URI (Uniform Resource Indicator) for the Generic REST Endpoint in
ServiceNow option. This field is mandatory for this option.
After entering this information, proceed to the next step.
Step 15 Click Activate to save your changes and activate the bundle or click Cancel to cancel the configuration and close the
slide-in pane.
The changes made to the bundle begin to take effect immediately. Additionally, the bundle status changes from
Configure Event Settings
The Cisco DNA Center platform and ITSM integration lets you choose from a list of possible issues to create
and modify the severity of events, incidents, or problems in ServiceNow to match your business priorities.
You perform these tasks in the Events Settings window. The Events Settings window is accessible from the
Configurations menu option in the Cisco DNA Center platform.
For this release, there are no SWIM event to configure in Event Settings, you only configure network assurance
The Event Settings window and its functionality is only applicable to events for an ITSM (ServiceNow)
integration and not for events configured to other destinations. For events being configured to a webhook or
other destination, click the link above the columns to access the Events window. Use the Events window to
configure events for an email, webhook, or SNMP trap.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure Event Settings
Figure 18: Events Settings Window
Before you begin
You must have the appropriate permissions to perform the tasks as described in this procedure. For information
about role-based access control for the Cisco DNA Center platform, see the Cisco DNA Center Platform User
Step 1 From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose Platform > Manage > Configurations.
A Configurations window opens that contains an Events Settings section.
Step 2 Review the Event Settings section that appears.
The following Event Settings information is displayed:
Event Name: Name of the Cisco DNA Center event.
Domain: Domain of the Cisco DNA Center event.
Type: Network, App, System, Security, Integrations type.
Category: Error, Warn, Info, Alert, Task Progress, Task Complete.
Severity: P1 (Severity 1) through P5 (Severity 5).
Severity 1 is the most important or critical priority and should be assigned as such.
Workflow: Incident, Problem, Event, or RFC (Request for Change).
Actions: Edit.
You can adjust what is displayed in the table by clicking the Filter icon and using the filter, or by typing a keyword in
the Find field. For example, to display all access point notifications, type AP in the Find field. To view all network
notifications, type Network in the Find field. To view all severity notifications, type 1 in the Find field.
Step 3 Click Edit in the Actions column to edit an event.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure Event Settings
Choose a setting by clicking the downward pointing angle and adjust the value. For example, click Network and adjust
to App. This changes the event type from a network type to an application type. Click Severity and adjust to 1 from 5.
This raises the severity level from 5 to 1.
Step 4 Click the box next to the Event name to enable notifications.
This enables notifications through Cisco DNA Center when the event occurs in the future.
Step 5 Click Save.
Configure the Cisco DNA Center Automation Events for ITSM (ServiceNow)
Perform this procedure to set up monitoring and publishing events requiring device provisioning activities,
software image updates for compliance, security, or other operational triggers to a ServiceNow system.
Enabling ITSM in Cisco DNA Center enforces a ServiceNow approval process for better control of Cisco
DNA Center software image updates and other device provisioning activities. For example, see SWIM Closed
Loop Automation Workflow, on page 54 for information about the approval process in ServiceNow.
See the Configure System Settings chapter in the Cisco DNA Center Administrator Guide for information
about enabling ITSM approval for device configuration changes.
You can publish the event data to the Event table in ServiceNow if you have the Event Management
plug-in in your ServiceNow instance. If not, you can configure the bundle to send the data to a REST
API endpoint in the Cisco DNA app.
The Event Management and Generic REST API Endpoint options do not support automatic ticket creation,
approval/rejection workflow and auto resolution of tickets for closed loop integration.
Before you begin
You must have the appropriate permissions to perform the tasks as described in this procedure. For information
about role-based access control for the Cisco DNA Center platform, see the Cisco DNA Center Platform User
Step 1 From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose Platform > Manage > Bundles.
Review the displayed bundles and their status.
Step 2 Click the Cisco DNA Center Automation events for ITSM (ServiceNow) bundle link or icon (colored square with
initial) for additional information about the bundle.
Additional information that is provided may include the following:
General information: Vendor, version, platform, tags displayed under the square icon.
Information: Tab that displays general information (purpose of bundle and how bundle works in the network),
sample schemas, configuration notes, and other data about the bundle.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Cisco DNA Center Automation Events for ITSM (ServiceNow) Bundle
Contents: Tab that accesses the APIs and integration flows that make up the bundle, or provides information about
the integration flows that make up the bundle.
Release Notes: Tab that displays latest release information about the bundle, including its version.
Step 3 Click each of the preceding tabs and review the information about the bundle.
Step 4 Click the Enable button to enable the bundle.
An Information field appears in the window.
Step 5 Click the Enable button in the Information field to confirm enabling the bundle.
After clicking the Enable button to confirm, a success message appears.
Step 6 Click OK in the success message.
Step 7 Click the Configure button to configure at the bundle level.
A configuration slide-in pane appears.
Step 8 In the configuration slide-in pane, click ServiceNow Access Settings to configure a ServiceNow Connection instance.
Step 9 Click the radio button to configure either an existing ServiceNow Connection instance or configure a new instance.
Figure 19: Example of ServiceNow Instance Configuration Fields
For configuring an existing ServiceNow Connection instance, choose it from the drop-down list in the window and
click Activate.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Cisco DNA Center Automation Events for ITSM (ServiceNow) Bundle
Step 10 For configuring a new ServiceNow Connection instance, you must enter the following additional information:
Instance Name: Name of the instance.
Description: Descriptive text of the instance.
Host name: Hostname for the ServiceNow system.
Username: Username required to access the ServiceNow system.
Password: Password required to access the ServiceNow system.
Step 11 Click Check Connectivity to test whether you can connect to the server where the endpoint is located.
After a successful test of connectivity to the server, activate the bundle.
Step 12 In the configuration slide-in pane, click Destination to receive eventsto configure an Destination Connection instance.
Step 13 Click the radio button to configure either an existing Destination Connection instance or configure a new instance.
Figure 20: Example of Destination to Receive Events Configuration Fields
For configuring an existing Destination Connection instance, choose it from the drop-down menu in the window and
click Activate.
Step 14 For configuring a new Destination instance, you must enter the following additional information:
Instance Name: Name of the instance.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Cisco DNA Center Automation Events for ITSM (ServiceNow) Bundle
Description: Descriptive text of the instance.
Destination to receive events: Choose one of the following:
Event Management: When setting up Cisco DNA Center integration with ServiceNow without using the
Cisco DNA app, choose the Event Management option. The Event Management option requires that you
have the Event Management plug-in that is configured within the ServiceNow instance.
REST API Endpoint: You can use the REST API Endpoint option with the Cisco DNA app. Data is sent
to a REST API endpoint within the Cisco DNA app with the REST API Endpoint option.
Generic REST Endpoint in ServiceNow: For the Generic REST Endpoint in ServiceNow option, you
can send the data to a different staging table in ServiceNow.
Destination URI: Enter a destination Uniform Resource Indicator (URI) for the Generic REST Endpoint in
ServiceNow option. This field is mandatory for this option.
After entering this information, proceed to the next step.
Step 15 Click Activate to save your changes and activate the bundle or click Cancel to cancel the configuration and close the
slide-in pane.
By clicking Activate, you enable the changes that are made to the bundle and the changes take effect
immediately. Additionally, the bundle's status changes from ENABLED to ACTIVE.
Configure the Cisco SD-Access Integration with ITSM (ServiceNow)
The Cisco SD-Access integration with ServiceNow monitors and publishes fabric events that require fabric
role updates for security or other operational triggers to an ITSM (ServiceNow) system. It also allows you to
trigger or schedule a synchronization between Cisco DNA Center devices and the ServiceNow CMDB system.
Before you begin
Ensure that you have ServiceNow running on a system that you will integrate with Cisco DNA Center platform.
Run a successful Discovery job in Cisco DNA Center. You can check whether a Discovery job is
successful in Device Inventory. From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose Provision >
Inventory to view the results.
You must have the appropriate permissions to perform the tasks as described in this procedure. For
information about role-based access control for the Cisco DNA Center platform, see the Cisco DNA
Center Platform User Guide.
Step 1 From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose Platform > Manage > Bundles.
Review the displayed bundles and their status.
Step 2 Enable and configure the Basic ITSM (Ser viceNo w)CMDB Synchronization bundle to configure data synchronization.
For more information, see Configure the Basic ITSM (ServiceNow) CMDB Synchronization Bundle.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Cisco SD-Access Integration with ITSM (ServiceNow)
Step 3 Enable and configure the Cisco DNAC Automation events for ITSM (ServiceNow) bundle to monitor and publish
a fabric event. For more information, see Configure the Cisco DNA Center Automation Events for ITSM (ServiceNow)
Bundle, on page 15.
Step 4 Configure access settings to ServiceNow for the Cisco SD-Access-ServiceNow instance. From the top-left corner, click
the menu icon and choose System > Settings > External Services.
Step 5 In the left pane, click Destination and choose ITSM to add or edit a ServiceNow instance. For more information, see
Configure ITSM Integration in the Cisco DNA Center Platform User Guide.
Step 6 Add a device to the fabric and assign a role based on your requirement. The role can be control plane, border, or edge.
From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose Provision > Fabric.
The window displays all the provisioned fabric domains.
Step 7 From the list of fabric domains, choose SDA-ITSM-Fabric.
Figure 21: Cisco DNA Center Platform Fabrics
The resulting screen displays all the fabric sites in the fabric domain.
Step 8 Choose a fabric site.
The Fabric Infrastructure table lists all devices in the network that have been inventoried.
Any device that is added to the fabric is shown with a blue circle in the Device Role column.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Cisco SD-Access Integration with ITSM (ServiceNow)
Figure 22: List of Devices in Fabric Infrastructure
Step 9 In the list view, click a device. The device details window slides in with the following Fabric options:
Click the toggle button next to this option to enable the selected device as an edge node.Edge
Click the toggle button next to this option to enable the selected device as a border node.Border
Click the toggle button next to this option to enable the selected device as a control plane node.Control Plane
To configure a device as a fabric-in-a-box, choose the Control Plane, Border, and Edge options.
To configure the device as a control plane and a border node, choose both Control Plane and Border.
Step 10 Click Add.
Step 11 (Optional) To remove a device from the fabric, choose the device and in the device slide-in pane, click Remove From
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Cisco SD-Access Integration with ITSM (ServiceNow)
Figure 23: Device Roles of a Fabric
Step 12 Click Deploy to deploy the device role.
Step 13 In the Modify Fabric Domain window, click Now to create a ticket immediately or click Later to schedule the ticket
creation at a specific time.
Step 14 Click Apply.
If you choose Later to schedule a ticket creation at a specific time, the request goes to the Cisco DNA
Center scheduler.
Step 15 From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose Activity > Tasks to view upcoming, in progress, success,
and failed fabric tasks.
Step 16 In the Tasks window, the ticket status summary displays the following:
Status of the fabric ticket request: Ticket Approved, Ticket Rejected, or Failed.
Timestamp of the fabric ticket.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Cisco SD-Access Integration with ITSM (ServiceNow)
Figure 24: Status of Fabric Ticket Requests
Step 17 To view the event summary of the Cisco SD-Access provision creation request, click the menu icon and choose
Platform > Runtime Dashboard > SDA Provision Creation Request.
The SDA Provision Creation Request slide-in pane displays the Event ID, Source, Destination, ITSM Workflow,
ITSM Status, ITSM ID, ITSM Link, ITSM Last Updated Time, ITSM Entity Severity/Priority, and Event Severity of
an individual fabric event. For more information, see Review the Event Summary in the Cisco DNA Center Platform
User Guide.
Cisco DNA Center Endpoint Attribute Retrieval with ServiceNow
With this Cisco DNA Center release, you can configure Cisco DNA Center endpoint attribute retrieval with
ServiceNow using the Cisco DNA app (version2.1.1) that allows you to schedule a synchronization or trigger
an update between the endpoint inventory and your ITSM (ServiceNow) configuration management database
(CMDB). Endpoint attribute information from ServiceNow can be used to help profile endpoints in your
network. ServiceNow appears in the endpoint profiling workspace as an additional probe. You may create
custom profiling rules leveraging the attributes sent by ServiceNow.
Mapping between the ServiceNow CMDB fields and endpoint attributes occur at the platform level and is
accomplished using the Endpoint AttributeRetriev alwith ITSM (ServiceNow) bundle. This bundle supports
the Scheduler for ServiceNow Asset Sync integration flow, which can be configured to run on a set schedule
to invoke an internal Cisco API to retrieve the endpoint attribute information from ServiceNow.
The following table describes the procedure for configuring Cisco DNA Center endpoint attribute retrieval
with ServiceNow.
This procedure does not modify or delete any CIs on the existing ITSM (ServiceNow) tool.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Cisco DNA Center Endpoint Attribute Retrieval with ServiceNow
Table 6: Cisco DNA Center Endpoint Attribute Retrieval with ServiceNow
Install or upgrade to the latest Cisco DNA Center release.
For information about installing Cisco DNA Center, see the Cisco DNA Center Installation Guide.
Step 1
Install or upgrade to a compatible version of ServiceNow mentioned on the ServiceNow Store website.
Click the following link to access the ServiceNow Store website:!/store/application/
Refer to your ServiceNow documentation for its installation and upgrade procedures.
This procedure must be performed by a ServiceNow administrator.
Step 2
Download and install the Cisco DNA app (version 2.1.1) into ServiceNow by following the documentation
available at the ServiceNow website.
Cisco DNA Center supports an application (Cisco DNA) that facilitates endpoint attribute
retrieval with an ITSM (ServiceNow). This application or app is designed to work with
ServiceNow without its Event Management plug-in.
Click this link to access the ServiceNow Store website where the Cisco DNA app is located:!/store/application/
This procedure must be performed by a ServiceNow administrator. The Cisco DNA app
versions 2.1.1 and 2.0.1 are compatible with the Tokyo and Utah releases of ServiceNow.
If you want to use the Vancouver release of ServiceNow, you must first upgrade the Cisco
DNA app to the latest version, 2.2.0.
Step 3
Review and ensure that the requirements are met for the Cisco DNA Center-to-ServiceNow integration.
For information, see Requirements, on page 21.
Step 4
Configure the Endpoint Attribute Retrieval with ITSM (ServiceNow) bundle.
For information, see Configure the Endpoint Attribute Retrieval Bundle with ITSM (ServiceNow), on
page 46.
Step 5
Review and ensure that the following networking and systems requirements are met for the Cisco DNA
Center-to-ServiceNow integration:
The Cisco DNA app is configured with the IP address and access information of the Cisco DNA
Center installation that it is being integrated with.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Contact your Cisco DNA Center administrator to obtain this information.
HTTPS network access between Cisco DNA Center and ServiceNow.
Contact and work with your network administrator to establish this.
Management, Instrumentation, and Discovery (MID) Server:
The MID server is up and running, as well as accessible from the ServiceNow instance.
The Cisco DNA Center platform is accessible from the MID server.
The Cisco DNA Center platform REST APIs are allowed from the MID server.
The MID server is used to proxy the REST requests from the ServiceNow instance.
See the Scope Certified Application Installation and Configuration Guide on the ServiceNow Store
website for MID server configuration information:!/
Cisco DNA Center Platform:
The Cisco DNA Center platform is enabled in Cisco DNA Center.
The requisite bundle or bundles in the Cisco DNA Center platform are configured and activated (as
described in the following procedures).
These bundles have the required APIs that integrate with the Cisco DNA app in
Configure the Endpoint Attribute Retrieval Bundle with ITSM (ServiceNow)
Perform this procedure to configure Cisco DNA Center endpoint attribute retrieval from the ServiceNow
Before you begin
Ensure that you have ServiceNow running on a system that you will integrate with Cisco DNA Center
You must have the appropriate permissions to perform the tasks as described in this procedure. For
information about role-based access control for the Cisco DNA Center platform, see the Cisco DNA
Center Platform User Guide.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Endpoint Attribute Retrieval Bundle with ITSM (ServiceNow)
Ensure that you have installed or upgraded the latest Cisco DNA Center release with Cisco ISE version
3.1 or later.
While configuring the ISE Configuration in the Cisco AI Endpoint Analytics
configuration window, it is recommended to check the Enhanced Authorization
Integration check box to avoid duplicate data being sent to ISE. For more
information, see Publish Authorization Attributes to Cisco ISE in the Cisco
DNA Center User Guide.
Step 1 From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose Platform > Manage > Bundles.
Review the displayed bundles and their current status.
Step 2 Click the Endpoint Attribute Retrieval with ITSM (ServiceNow) bundle link or icon (colored square with initial)
for additional information about the bundle.
Additional information provided may include the following:
General information: Vendor, version, platform, tags displayed under the square icon.
Information: Tab that displays general information (purpose of bundle and how bundle works in the network),
sample schemas, configuration notes, and other data about the bundle.
The specific endpoint attribute data that is retrieved is displayed in the Information tab. The following
endpoint attribute data will be retrieved from ServiceNow (with the display name in Cisco DNA
Center within the parenthesis):
Asset Tag (CMDB asset tag)
Model Category (CMDB model category)
Model (CMDB model)
Managed by (CMDB managed by)
Serial Number (CMDB serial number)
Location (CMDB location)
Department (CMDB department)
MAC Address (CMDB MAC address)
Display Name (CMDB display name)
Contents: Tab that accesses the APIs and integration flows that make up the bundle, or provides information about
the integration flows that make up the bundle.
Release Notes: Tab that displays the latest release information about the bundle, including its version.
Step 3 Click the Contents tab.
Step 4 Click the Integration Flows header.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Endpoint Attribute Retrieval Bundle with ITSM (ServiceNow)
The integration flows appear underneath the header.
Step 5 Click the Enable button to activate the integration flow links.
An Information field appears in the window.
Step 6 In the Information field, click the Enable button to confirm enabling the bundle.
After clicking the Enable button to confirm, a success message appears.
Step 7 Click Okay in the success message.
Step 8 Click the link for the individual integration flow to perform the following tasks.
For the schedule-based integration flow (Scheduler for ServiceNow Asset Sync), perform the following tasks:
Review the Description, Tags, How to Use this Flow, and scheduler.
Click Run Now (to run the scheduler now), Run Later (to schedule for a later time), or Recurring (to set up a
recurring schedule).
For Run Later, you need to select a date, time, and time zone. For Recurring, you need to set a repeating interval
(hourly, daily or weekly), an interval duration (minutes or hours), and a start and end date.
Click Schedule to enable the scheduler.
Only configure and enable an integration flow schedule after you have finished configuring the
bundle itself as described in this procedure. You can configure and enable an integration flow
schedule by returning to this view and clicking Schedule. Or, click the View Flows link in the
Endpoint Attribute Retrieval with ITSM (ServiceNow) slide-in pane (see the following steps).
Or, click the menu icon and choose Platform > Developer Toolkit > Integration Flows >
Scheduler for ServiceNow Asset Sync.
When you perform the synchronization once, it is always a full sync.
The incremental sync is performed only on the scheduled synchronization.
The Recurring synchronization is scheduled synchronization, while the Run Later
synchronization is a one-time sync.
The first occurrence of recurring synchronization is also a full sync. You must configure a
minimum of two occurrences for the recurring synchronization.
To complete the first full synchronization, you must configure the synchronization schedule with
an hourly difference of at least two hours.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Endpoint Attribute Retrieval Bundle with ITSM (ServiceNow)
Figure 25: Scheduler for ServiceNow Asset Sync
Step 9 Click the X icon to return to the previous bundle window.
Step 10 Click the Configure button to configure at the bundle level.
A configuration slide-in pane appears. Review the ConfigureEndpoint Attribute Retrieval with ITSM (ServiceNow)
Step 11 Click the Configure button to configure at the bundle level.
A configuration slide-in pane appears.
Step 12 In the configuration slide-in pane, click ServiceNow Access Settings to configure a ServiceNow Connection instance.
Step 13 Click the radio button to configure either an existing ServiceNow Connection instance or configure a new instance.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Endpoint Attribute Retrieval Bundle with ITSM (ServiceNow)
Figure 26: Example of ServiceNow Instance Configuration Fields
For configuring an existing ServiceNow Connection instance, choose it from the drop-down menu in the window and
click Activate.
Step 14 For configuring a new ServiceNow Connection instance, the following additional information must be entered:
Instance Name: Name of the instance.
Description: Descriptive text of the instance.
Host name: Hostname for the ServiceNow system.
Username: Username required to access the ServiceNow system.
Password: Password required to access the ServiceNow system.
Step 15 Click Check Connectivity to test whether you can connect to the server where the endpoint is located.
Step 16 Expand the Synchronization Options to define the incremental sync of endpoints and do the following:
a. Click the Create a new instance radio button and do the following to configure a new ServiceNow connection
1. In the INFORMATION area enter the instance name and description.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Endpoint Attribute Retrieval Bundle with ITSM (ServiceNow)
2. In the SYNCHRONIZATION OPTIONS area check the Incremental Sync check box to select the incremental
sync of endpoints and specify the maximum limit for incremental sync record to pull in each cycle.
It is recommended to use the Incremental Sync that allows you to first retrieve all the data from the service
now and later retrieve only the modified data from the subsequent iterations.
You can specify a maximum of 100 incremental sync records.
When you set up the synchronization for the first time, it is performed in full sync, even if it is an
incremental sync.
When you edit the synchronization settings, it is performed in full sync, even if it is an incremental
Step 17 Click Save to save the bundle.
What to do next
Configure the integration flow (Scheduler for ServiceNow Asset Sync) for this bundle, using one of the
methods described previously.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Endpoint Attribute Retrieval Bundle with ITSM (ServiceNow)
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Workflows
Configure the Endpoint Attribute Retrieval Bundle with ITSM (ServiceNow)
SWIM Closed Loop Automation
About SWIM Closed Loop Automation, on page 53
SWIM Closed Loop Automation Requirements, on page 54
SWIM Closed Loop Automation Workflow, on page 54
About SWIM Closed Loop Automation
This release supports closed loop automation for software image management (SWIM) between Cisco DNA
Center and ServiceNow. Closed-loop automation consists of a user configuring the provisioning of software
device images in Cisco DNA Center. This configuration information is then communicated directly from
Cisco DNA Center to ServiceNow as an immediate or scheduled change request. The ServiceNow administrator
reviews the change request and either approves or rejects it in ServiceNow. The change request acceptance
or rejection is then communicated back to Cisco DNA Center.
After receipt of an approved change request from ServiceNow, Cisco DNA Center performs the software
update at that time (immediately) or at its scheduled future time.
After Cisco DNA Center successfully performs the software update, a notification (task completed) is sent
back to ServiceNow. If the software update fails, then this is also communicated back to ServiceNow (task
fail), so that the user can then manually perform the software update in Cisco DNA Center.
If the SWIM provisioning is stopped by the user in Cisco DNA Center during this process, a task termination
notification is sent to ServiceNow.
Ensure that the Cisco DNA app (version 2.2.0) is installed within the ServiceNow instance and perform the
following procedures to enable SWIM closed loop automation between Cisco DNA Center and ServiceNow:
1. Review the requirements to ensure that the prerequisites for this feature have been met. See SWIM Closed
Loop Automation Requirements, on page 54.
2. Review the SWIM closed loop automation workflow to ensure that the required Cisco DNA Center admin
and ServiceNow admin tasks are performed for this feature. See SWIM Closed Loop Automation Workflow,
on page 54.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
SWIM Closed Loop Automation Requirements
The following table lists the requirements for SWIM closed loop automation.
Table 7: SWIM Closed Loop Automation Requirements
RequirementSoftware Product, App, or Procedure
The latest Cisco DNA Center release.Cisco DNA Center
Any compatible version of ServiceNow mentioned on the ServiceNow Store
Click the following link to access the ServiceNow Store website:!/store/application/
Service Now
Cisco DNA app (version 2.2.0)
This app is available through the ServiceNow website located at:!/store/application/
The Cisco DNA app must be installed in your ServiceNow instance by a
ServiceNow administrator. The Cisco DNA app versions 2.1.1 and 2.0.1 are
compatible with the Tokyo and Utah releases of ServiceNow. If you want to
use the Vancouver release of ServiceNow, you must first upgrade the Cisco
DNA app to the latest version, 2.2.0.
Cisco DNA Center app
See Cisco DNA Center Integration with ServiceNow Using the Cisco DNA
App, on page 19.
Cisco DNA Center-to-ServiceNow ITSM integration
SWIM Closed Loop Automation Workflow
The following table describes the SWIM closed loop automation workflow between Cisco DNA Center and
Table 8: SWIM Closed Loop Automation Workflow
The Cisco DNA Center admin configures the Image Repository to prepare for the provisioning of devices
in the network.
See the Manage Software Images chapter in the Cisco DNA Center User Guide for
information about setting up the Image Repository, as well as to review the software image
provisioning process.
Step 1
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
SWIM Closed Loop Automation
SWIM Closed Loop Automation Requirements
The Cisco DNA Center admin distributes the software image to a device or devices at the present time
or schedules this activity for a later time.
Before this step is done, ensure that the Cisco DNA Center Automation events for ITSM
(ServiceNow) bundle is configured and activated.
From the Cisco DNA Center home page, the admin clicks Provision > Inventory.
From the Focus drop-down list, the admin chooses Software Images and selects the device with
the image to upgrade.
From the Actions drop-down list, the admin chooses Software Images > Update Image and does
the following:
Distribute: Clicks Now to start the distribution immediately or clicks Later to schedule the
distribution at a specific time.
Clicks Next.
Activate: Clicks Now to start the activation immediately or clicks Later to schedule the
activation at a specific time.
Confirm: Clicks Confirm to confirm the update.
Figure 27: Cisco DNA Assurance Provision
See the Manage Software Images chapter in the Cisco DNA Center User Guide for
detailed information about this step.
Step 2
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
SWIM Closed Loop Automation
SWIM Closed Loop Automation Workflow
After a software image distribution is created in Cisco DNA Center (software image update to be activated
immediately or later), a SWIM event is created and communicated directly to the ServiceNow ITSM as
a change request ticket. This is done through the use of APIs from the Cisco DNA app. The change request
ticket status is new.
The SWIM event appears in the ServiceNow GUI in the ServiceNow Change Requests table.
Figure 28: ServiceNow Change Requests
Step 3
In the Change Requests table, the ServiceNow admin clicks the change request number (identifier) to
open and review its status and data. In the ServiceNow GUI, the ServiceNow admin can edit the change
request. For example, the admin can change the State from 'New' to 'Scheduled' and enter 'Change
Management' for the Assignment group. The ServiceNow admin can also identify the SWIM change
request with information in the Short Description field.
Figure 29: Change Request
Step 4
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
SWIM Closed Loop Automation
SWIM Closed Loop Automation Workflow
The ServiceNow admin now clicks the Cisco DNA tab in the change request. Important additional data
synchronized from Cisco DNA Center to ServiceNow can be viewed in this tab.
Figure 30: Cisco DNA Tab
Step 5
The ServiceNow admin now either approves or rejects the change request ticket in the ServiceNow GUI.
In the Cisco DNA tab, the ServiceNow admin clicks the Approval Status field and clicks either Approved
to approve the request or Rejected to reject the request.
Before the change request is executed, it must be approved in ServiceNow. Only after an
approval in ServiceNow will the change request be executed in Cisco DNA Center.
Figure 31: Cisco DNA Approval Status Field
Step 6
After the ServiceNow admin approves the ticket and the status of the change request is changed to
Implement, a notification is sent to Cisco DNA Center. In case the ticket is rejected, the update is sent to
Cisco DNA Center in Scheduled state itself and the ServiceNow ticket is automatically canceled.
Step 7
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
SWIM Closed Loop Automation
SWIM Closed Loop Automation Workflow
After a successful software image update in Cisco DNA Center, a notification (task completed) is sent
back to ServiceNow. ServiceNow then closes the change request ticket. The change request ticket closure
is done through the use of APIs from the Cisco DNA app.
For a failed software update, ServiceNow reports the failure so that the ServiceNow admin
can manually take action on the change request ticket. For a terminated software update,
the change request ticket is canceled in ServiceNow. The reporting of both a failed software
image update and a terminated software image update are also done through the use of APIs
from the Cisco DNA app.
Step 8
The Cisco DNA Center admin can review the SWIM event by choosing Runtime Dashboard > Event
By clicking the individual events in the GUI window, the admin accesses additional GUI
windows that permit direct access to the event in ServiceNow.
Figure 32: Event Summary
Step 9
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
SWIM Closed Loop Automation
SWIM Closed Loop Automation Workflow
The Cisco DNA Center admin clicks an event name (link) to view additional detailed data.
Figure 33: Event History
Step 10
The Cisco DNA Center admin clicks an event ID number (link) to view only data associated with that
specific event.
Figure 34: Event ID Data
Step 11
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
SWIM Closed Loop Automation
SWIM Closed Loop Automation Workflow
The Cisco DNA Center admin clicks the ITSM Link to return to the ServiceNow Service Management
GUI and specific incident.
Figure 35: ServiceNow Incident
Step 12
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
SWIM Closed Loop Automation
SWIM Closed Loop Automation Workflow
Cisco DNA Center-to-PagerDuty Integration
About Cisco DNA Center-to-PagerDuty Integration, on page 61
Subscribe Cisco DNA Center Event Notifications to PagerDuty, on page 63
About Cisco DNA Center-to-PagerDuty Integration
You can integrate Cisco DNA Center with PagerDuty.
PagerDuty is an incident management platform that provides reliable notifications to detect and correct
infrastructure problems. For information about PagerDuty, see
The following table displays the supported Cisco DNA Center-to-PagerDuty integration workflow.
Table 9: Cisco DNA Center-to-PagerDuty Integration Workflow
Review the following Cisco DNA Center-to-PagerDuty integration requirements:
The latest Cisco DNA Center release.
PagerDuty integration with Cisco DNA Center is accomplished using the PagerDuty
Events REST APIs and the Cisco DNA Center Events framework.
For information about the PagerDuty Events APIs, see
Step 1
Configure the integration settings. From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose System >
Settings > System Configuration > Integration Settings. Enter your callback URL hostname or
IP address.
Step 2
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Select and subscribe one or more events to forward notifications from Cisco DNA Center to
To access an event in Cisco DNA Center, click the menu icon and choose Platform > Developer
Toolkit > Event Notifications > Event Catalog. Event Catalog displays all the events.
Click the Notification tab to subscribe to an event.
Step 3
In the Notifications tab, create a new notification for the event.
Follow the steps in the Create a New Notification wizard and select PagerDuty as the notification
The following data must be entered in the Cisco DNA Center platform GUI for the selected event:
PagerDuty Events API URL
PagerDuty Integration key (routing key)
For detailed information about this event configuration procedure, see Subscribe Cisco DNA Center
Event Notifications to PagerDuty, on page 63.
Step 4
Notifications for the selected event are now forwarded to PagerDuty from Cisco DNA Center.
The following are the supported workflow connections between Cisco DNA Center issues and
PagerDuty events:
Open Cisco DNA Center to trigger PagerDuty.
Step 5
PagerDuty responds to Cisco DNA Center with one of the following REST API responses:
202: The event has been accepted by PagerDuty.
400: Bad Request - Check that the JSON is valid.
429: Too many API calls at a time.
500 or other 5xx: Internal Server Error - the PagerDuty server experienced an error while
processing the event.
Networking Error: Error while trying to communicate with PagerDuty servers.
Step 6
Review and change (if necessary) the incident status in PagerDuty.
Refer to your PagerDuty documentation for information about performing this step.
Step 7
Close the incident in PagerDuty.
Refer to your PagerDuty documentation for information about performing this step.
Step 8
PagerDuty integration is a one-way notification from Cisco DNA Center to PagerDuty. Cisco DNA
Center is not dependent on PagerDuty status to close an issue.
Step 9
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center-to-PagerDuty Integration
About Cisco DNA Center-to-PagerDuty Integration
Subscribe Cisco DNA Center Event Notifications to PagerDuty
You can configure a Cisco DNA Center platform event notification to appear in PagerDuty as an alert. Follow
the steps described in this procedure to configure a Cisco DNA Center event notification so that it appears in
Before you begin
Ensure that you have PagerDuty running on a system that you will integrate with Cisco DNA Center platform.
Refer to your PagerDuty documentation for instructions on setting up PagerDuty.
You must have the appropriate permissions to perform the tasks as described in this procedure. For information
about role-based access control for the Cisco DNA Center platform, see the Cisco DNA Center Platform User
Step 1 From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose Platform > Developer Toolkit > Event Notifications.
The Event Notifications window opens.
Step 2 Click the Notifications tab to view the notification tiles.
Each notification is represented by a tile and contains link to view notification details. From the CHANNELS area in
the left pane, click the radio button next to the notification channels to view the existing tiles with the selected channel.
Step 3 Follow the steps in the Create a New Notification wizard to create a new notification.
Click Let's Do It to go directly to the workflow.
Step 4 In the Select Site and Events window, select a site from the drop-down list and select an event or events that support
the required notification channel.
Step 5 Click Next.
The Select Channels window opens.
Step 6 In the Select Channels window, choose PAGERDUTY as the notification channel.
Click Next to configure the following values in the PAGERDUTY Settings window:
In the SERVICE CONFIGURATION area, click either Select Existing Instance to use the existing PagerDuty
instance or Create New Instance to create a new PagerDuty instance.
From the Select Instance drop-down list, choose a PagerDuty instance.
In the PagerDuty Events API URL field, enter a PagerDuty event API URL.
In the PagerDuty Integration Key field, enter a PagerDuty integration key.
In the PagerDuty Events API Version field, choose an events API version from the dropdown list.
Step 7 Click Next.
The Name and Description window opens.
Step 8 Click Next.
The Summary window opens.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center-to-PagerDuty Integration
Subscribe Cisco DNA Center Event Notifications to PagerDuty
Step 9 In the Summary window, review the configuration settings.
To make any changes, click Edit.
Step 10 Click Finish.
The Done! Your new notification is complete window appears.
For more information, see Work with Event Notifications in the Cisco DNA Center Platform User Guide and Create
an Event Notification in the Cisco DNA Center User Guide.
What to do next
Access PagerDuty to review the events.
The Cisco DNA Center events will appear in PagerDuty as alerts within the PagerDuty INCIDENTSwindow.
You can review and mark the alert as Resolved in this window.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center-to-PagerDuty Integration
Subscribe Cisco DNA Center Event Notifications to PagerDuty
Cisco DNA Center-to-Cisco Webex Integration
About Cisco DNA Center-to-Cisco Webex Integration, on page 65
Subscribe Cisco DNA Center Event Notifications to Cisco Webex, on page 66
About Cisco DNA Center-to-Cisco Webex Integration
You can integrate Cisco DNA Center with Cisco Webex.
The following table displays the supported Cisco DNA Center-to-Cisco Webex integration workflow.
Table 10: Cisco DNA Center-to-Cisco Webex Integration Workflow
Review the following Cisco DNA Center-to-Cisco Webex integration requirements:
The latest Cisco DNA Center release.
Cisco Webex
Cisco DNA Center integration with Cisco Webex is accomplished by using a Cisco
Webex Bot, as well as using REST APIs.
Step 1
Create a Cisco Webex Bot for use in the integration.
For information about creating a Cisco Webex Bot, see Webex Teams - Integrations & Bots.
Step 2
Configure the integration settings. From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose System >
Settings > System Configuration > Integration Settings. Enter your callback URL hostname or
IP address.
Step 3
Select and subscribe one or more events to forward notifications from Cisco DNA Center to Cisco
To access an event in Cisco DNA Center, click the menu icon and choose Platform > Developer
Toolkit > Event Notifications > Event Catalog. Event Catalog displays all the events. Review
the events and click the Notifications tab to subscribe to an event.
Step 4
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
In the Notifications tab, create a new notification for the event.
Follow the steps in the Cr eatea New Notification wizard and select Cisco Webex as the notification
The following required data must be entered in the Cisco DNA Center platform GUI:
Authentication (bot access token)
Space name (or room ID)
For detailed information about this procedure, see Subscribe Cisco DNA Center Event Notifications
to Cisco Webex, on page 66.
Step 5
Any notifications for the selected event are now forwarded to Cisco Webex from Cisco DNA
Center and published as a new message in Cisco Webex.
Step 6
Cisco Webex responds to Cisco DNA Center with one of the following API messages:
202: The event has been accepted by Cisco Webex.
400: Bad Request - Check that the JSON is valid.
429: Too many API calls at a time.
500 or other 5xx: Internal Server Error - the Cisco Webex server experienced an error while
processing the event.
Networking Error: Error while trying to communicate with Cisco Webex servers.
Step 7
Review the issue in Cisco Webex.Step 8
Close the issue in Cisco Webex.Step 9
Cisco DNA Center receives the status from Cisco Webex and then closes the issue.Step 10
Subscribe Cisco DNA Center Event Notifications to Cisco W ebex
Complete the following steps to subscribe Cisco DNA Center platform event notifications to Cisco Webex.
Before you begin
Ensure that you have Cisco Webex running on the network that you integrate with the Cisco DNA Center
Ensure that you have Webex Teams Room Id and Webex Teams Bot Access Token. For more information,
see About Cisco DNA Center-to-Cisco Webex Integration, on page 65.
You must have the appropriate permissions to perform the tasks as described in this procedure. For information
about role-based access control for the Cisco DNA Center platform, see the Cisco DNA Center Platform User
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center-to-Cisco Webex Integration
Subscribe Cisco DNA Center Event Notifications to Cisco Webex
Step 1 From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose Platform > Developer Toolkit > Event Notifications.
The Event Notifications window opens.
Step 2 Click the Notifications tab to view the notification tiles.
Each tile represents a notification and contains link to view notification details. From the CHANNELS area in the left
pane, click the radio button next to the notification channels to view the existing tiles with the selected channel.
Step 3 Follow the steps in the Create a New Notification wizard to create a new notification.
Click Let's Do It to go directly to the workflow.
Step 4 In the Select Site and Events window, select a site from the drop-down list and select an event or events that support
the Webex notification channel.
Step 5 Click Next.
The Select Channels window opens.
Step 6 In the Select Channels window, select WEBEX as the notification channel.
Click Next to configure the following values in the WEBEX Settings window.
From the Select Existing Instance drop-down list, choose an existing Webex instance or Create New Instance.
In the Webex URL field, enter the Webex URL.
In the Webex Room ID field, enter the Webex room ID, which is the space for receiving the event notifications.
In the Webex Bot Access Token field, enter the Webex bot access token.
Step 7 Click Next.
The Name and Description window opens.
Step 8 In the Name and Description window, do the following:
In the Name field, enter a unique name for the notification.
In the Description box, enter a description for the notification.
Step 9 Click Next.
The Summary window opens.
Step 10 In the Summary window, review the configuration settings.
To make any changes, click Edit.
Step 11 Click Finish.
The Done! Your new notification is complete window appears.
For more information, see Work with Event Notifications in the Cisco DNA Center Platform User Guide and Create
an Event Notification in the Cisco DNA Center User Guide.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center-to-Cisco Webex Integration
Subscribe Cisco DNA Center Event Notifications to Cisco Webex
What to do next
Access Cisco Webex to review the events.
Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration Guide, Release and
Cisco DNA Center-to-Cisco Webex Integration
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