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Automate incident and change
Improve the availability and agility of enterprise services
What’s in this Success Playbook
Automation can meet new expectations for incident and change management, and it delivers
both the stability that the process needs as well as the speed that the new business drivers
demand. But automation isn’t simply push-button. This Success Playbook will help you:
Build a framework that uses automation to identify and resolve critical service issues faster
Build approaches that use automation to improve the accuracy, speed, and efficiency of
change management
Key takeaways
The most important things to know
Automation requires a solid set of service definitions and a framework the enterprise has
agreed on that helps explain service criticality in terms of its business impact. Automating
incident and change management is only helpful when you know where the greatest risks to
your business outcomes are.
Automation requires sufficient, credible data to support response, classification, and
Automation should be iterative and focused on continuous process improvement. Few
organizations are likely to realize the full potential of out-of-the-box automation and should
exploit process performance data to identify where they can continue to fine-tune their
© 2021 ServiceNow, Inc. All rights reserved. ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, Now Platform, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective
companies with which they are associated.
The payoff of getting this right
Effective automation can improve the speed, accuracy, and throughput of your incident and
change management processeshelping you to manage cost and improve the quality of IT
What you need to get started
You need a working knowledge of your current incident and change management processes.
Playbook overview
To get the most from automated incident and change management using ServiceNow
, follow
these stages:
Stage 1 Establish clear dependency mapping
Stage 2 Proactively identify service issues
Stage 3 Automate incident response and resolution
Stage 4 Automate change management
Stage 5 Measure impact and tune
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trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective
companies with which they are associated.
Stage 1 Establish clear dependency mapping
The benefit of automating depends on the quality and availability of the underlying incident
and change management data required.
Establish maturity in configuration management before you automate.
Before you begin an automation program for incident and change management, you first need
to understand:
How hardware and software assets are connected to deliver IT and business services
How asset-level failures impact service delivery
To establish this foundational understanding, first ensure you have a mature approach to
configuration management, supported by an effective discovery process.
Configuration management
If you’re using the ServiceNow Configuration Management Database (CMDB), you should have
a single system of record for infrastructure, application, and service data. The effectiveness of
your CMDB depends on how you approach planning and data model design.
ServiceNow recommends keeping CI classes and attributes simple and aligned to use cases and
goals for configuration management. For example, if your goal is to gain accuracy in
infrastructure configuration mapping so your team can understand change impact, align your
CIs with that goal.
As a general rule, start using the out-of-the-box CI classes on the Now Platform™, which contain
all of the attributes that are typically required to support incident and change management
For more insight on effective configuration management practices, see our Success Playbook
on planning your successful CMDB deployment.
ServiceNow Discovery is an integrated and agentless means to populate CI data in the CMDB.
Discovery automatically identifies the type of CI it interacts with and launches additional probes
and sensors to gather further information and attributes. The CMDB automatically checks the
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trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective
companies with which they are associated.
data for errors, normalizes and transforms it, and then loads it to ensure the most recent and
accurate profile of that CI.
For more insight on effective discovery practices, see our Success Playbook on populating and
maintaining your CMDB with discovery.
Service mapping
ServiceNow Service Mapping overlays service maps onto existing configuration data to connect
CIs that underlie a given service, identifying both dependencies among CIs and the service
impact of failures at the CI level. Figure 1 shows an example of dependency mapping for a
specific CI.
Figure 1: Discovery and dependency map for a specified CI
To get to clear dependency mappingwhere your organization can understand the
relationship between CIs and specific business outcomes—you must define your organization’s
business services in Service Mapping. A business service is an abstraction of CIs grouped
together in a specific way or for a specific reason to deliver a business outcome. Services can
be mapped in one of three ways:
Discovered business services At a minimum, this requires the organization to define both a
name for the business service as well as an entry pointthat is, how a business service is
consumed by an end user, such as through a URL. The CMDB and Discovery map the
interrelated CIs automatically, including an impact tree to show the CI properties, active or
related alerts, and outage severity.
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trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective
companies with which they are associated.
Manual business services Alternatively, you can manually select CIs to include in a business
Technical services Discover dynamic groupings of CIs based on some common criteria,
such as the location of all assets of a particular type.
Clear dependency mapping provides the ability to guide effective incident and change
management within a service, but not necessarily across services. This requires the organization
to identify the relative criticality of services based on the degree they’re essential to business
operations. If you don’t have a well-defined business service taxonomy, you can use your
existing disaster recovery and business continuity planning frameworks to understand relative
criticality across systems, as defined by recovery tiers.
Scope the detail you put in your CMDB to what’s essential for effective incident and change
management automation. Look at historical incident and change data and consult with
SMEs to discover the details you need to know about specific configuration items to resolve
an incident or understand change risk.
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trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective
companies with which they are associated.
Stage 2 Build accurate monitoring and event data
Effective automated incident management depends on the quality of monitoring and event
data used to detect and respond to incidents.
Filter critical from noncritical information with automation so staff can focus on remediation.
Effective incident management automation begins with the ability to separate the “signal”—the
monitoring and event data that points to potential disruptions in your business servicesfrom the
“noise”—the alerts that reflect noncritical information about the state of your services.
To separate the signal from noise, you should implement a filtering process using ServiceNow
Event Management. The steps for this process are outlined below but you can also follow them
using the guided setup within the tool.
1. Configure a MID Server to receive and process events The MID Server (for management,
instrumentation, and discovery) is a Java application that runs as a Windows service or UNIX
daemon on a server in your local network. It facilitates communication and moving data
between your ServiceNow instance and external applications, data sources, and services,
including your sources of alert data.
2. Configure connector definitions and connector instances to receive external events
“Connector definitions” specify the MID Server script that pulls events from the external event
3. Configure event field mappings and alert binding to manage alert generation Event field
mappings are rules that are used to map values from specific fields to values in other fields.
These rules apply after event rule processing and just prior to alert generation, for example,
to map event severity fields from a monitoring tool into your ServiceNow severity values. Alert
binding automatically binds alerts to CI information from the CMDB. When these two things
occur together, they ensure that the alert data is both consistent and clearly maps to CIs.
For more information on these steps, see Event Management setup.
When you complete these steps together, there’s less event noise generated by third-party
monitoring tools, and you create actionable alerts to help your IT organization resolve service
Events are processed through filters (via the MID Server) that normalize and deduplicate
incoming event streams that generate alerts, reducing noise by up to 99%. You can set this up
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trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective
companies with which they are associated.
for discovered business services, manually defined business services, technical services, and alert
When an event from an external source is identified, Event Management locates the CI
information to generate an alert, per step 3 above. This CI information is stored in the CMDB
through Service Mapping, Discovery, manual entry, and third-party sources.
Service Mapping provides the ability to correlate alerts to relative service impactand if you
have enabled Service Analytics, you’ll find additional correlated alert group and root-cause
analysis information to help you drive remediation and resolution. Figure 2 depicts the Event
Management process flow.
Figure 2: Event Management process flow
Once configured, ServiceNow Event Management enables IT operations teams to view the
impacted services and related alerts in a single console, like the one shown in Figure 3. You can
select a service in the dashboard filters to show only relevant alerts, or you can select an alert to
highlight the impacted services.
You can also view services based on their business criticality, severity, and costthis helps with
prioritizing your remediation and resolution efforts. When you drill into a service, you can identify
the probable cause of an impact simply by looking at it.
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companies with which they are associated.
Figure 3: ServiceNow Event Management console
Apply rules to alerts to trigger incident management workflows, including rules to:
Autogenerate and assign high-priority incidents based on severity This requires clear
prioritization and escalation rules, as described in Stage 4.
Associate alerts with relevant knowledge base articles to support resolution To do this, you
need a process for effective knowledge base maintenance, as described in Stage 4.
You can also define alert rules to present automated remediation options through integration
with ServiceNow Orchestration.
In all cases, base your alert trigger automation on a clear understanding of how your incidents
are prioritized across services, how incidents should be optimally assigned and escalated, and
how incidents should be remediated ideally based on historical data.
Use subject matter expertstypically technology asset ownersto define a set of
remediation options you can presented to service desk staff for the most common incidents.
This will reduce the time from alert notification to response and resolution.
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trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective
companies with which they are associated.
Stage 3 Automate incident response and resolution
For effective incident management automation, get clarity on how the organization defines
services, on business rules for how service incidents are prioritized, categorized, and
assigned, and on processes for escalation, notification, and knowledge management.
Effective incident management automation requires three things:
Consolidated real-time information about services and their event status
Clear prioritization rules based on business impact
Clear triggers for notifying and escalating incidents to support teams and fast access to the
“right knowledge” for support teams and service customers
Consolidated real-time information about services and their event status
At a minimum, you need an organizational framework for business services, whether these
services are discovered through Service Mapping or defined manually from the top down. If you
still need some help in this area, go back to Stage 2.
The services reflected in the Event Management console shown in Figure 3 need to reflect
services as the organization understands themsuch that when the service desk receives an
incident notification, it doesn’t require significant “translation” to understand where the incident
might match to event and alert data.
One possible test is to look at historical data for service outages and determine whether the
service, as your support teams define and understand it, clearly matches to the service defined
in the Event Management console.
Clear prioritization rules based on business impact
Support teams can create rules to autogenerate high-priority incidents for alerts based on
severity, as well as trigger service desk workflows and automated remediation. To do this, you
must have clear, well-defined service level agreements (SLAs) that guide service outage
prioritization based on their business impact.
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companies with which they are associated.
As mentioned in Stage 1, your organization must identify the relative criticality of its services,
based on the degree that they’re essential to business operations.
Clear triggers for notification and escalation among support teams and
fast access to “right knowledge” for support teams and service customers
Automating incident management isn’t effective if it stops at detection and correlation. To
improve MTTR, you need to automate your support and remediation activities. Following this
checklist will get you there:
Be clear about how you should assign different incident categories and types To automate
your support team activities, begin with routing incidents to the appropriate resolution group.
Use historical incident data, along with simple tabletop exercises, to help you define the
routing rules you can automate with ServiceNow.
Create clear rules to govern escalation and notification Support your routing with clear,
consistent guidelines for incident escalationescalations based on business impact, the
affected CI(s), or other criteriaand bidirectional notification so escalations can be
acknowledged. Again, use historical data related to incidents and service outages, along
with simple tabletop exercises, to sharpen the escalation criteria you can automate using
ServiceNow On-Call Scheduling.
Create a process to maintain your knowledge base Ideally, the rules applied to alerts
should associate incidents with the appropriate knowledge base article to give support staff
guidance on issue resolution. But the effectiveness of these rules depends on how successful
your knowledge base maintenance process is. At a minimum, your support teams should
follow a process to use your knowledge base to document known errors and fixes. More
proactive organizations provide incentives for support teams to rate knowledge base
articles, provide feedback, and update and/or contribute articles as part of their daily work.
Create channels for effective team collaboration Getting access to the “right knowledge”
is as much as matter of providing support team collaboration channels as it is of having a
populated knowledge base. To maintain the integrity of the incident management process,
make sure collaboration takes place in the same system of record as the incident
management workflow. To do this, launch chat rooms using On-Call Scheduling, which can
log support team conversations, and then channel your collaborations to the chat rooms.
For service customers, effective automation requires three things:
An omnichannel ability to log incidentslike self-service, chat, email, phone, etc.both from
a desktop and mobile environment
Access to knowledge base articles that can support self-service resolution (For more on this,
see our Success Playbook on how to improve self-service.)
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companies with which they are associated.
For business managers, access to real-time reporting on the status of business-impacting
service outages
Ensure that service customers are notified of the actions you’ve taken and the progress you’ve
made toward resolving the incident. Make sure your service desk has clear business rules and
standard communication guidance on notification.
Use tabletop exercises with service desk staff to identify gaps in business rules governing
incident management workflow or identify opportunities for improved collaboration and
knowledge sharing.
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companies with which they are associated.
Stage 4 Automate change management
Begin your change management automation strategy with clear definitions of business rules
for change risk assessment, scheduling, and approvals and oversight.
Gain a clear understanding of risk, backed by historical data, so you can expedite more
standard, low-risk changes with fewer manual steps.
Use change approval policies to configure and automate approval governance, expediting
normal and emergency changes.
Use the REST API suite to integrate Change Management with your DevOps teams’
continuous integration/continuous delivery pipeline.
With change management automation, your organization can speed up the deployment of
changes, reduce the risks associated with change, and support continuous
integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines managed by DevOps teams. Focus your
automation on the specific change management subprocesses that are designed to mitigate
risk but that are still largely dependent on manual workthese will likely include change risk
assessment, change scheduling, and change approvals and oversight.
Change risk assessment
When you automate your change risk assessments, you improve the efficiency of your change
management process by expediting change risk categorization. This way, you can expedite
more standard, lower-risk changes.
Using the Now Platform, you have two methods for automating risk assessment: the Change Risk
Calculator and Change Management Risk Assessment.
Change Risk Calculator plugin
The Change Risk Calculator is activated by default and uses predefined properties and values
to calculate a risk value. The system administrator specifies how and when to apply risk and
impact rules to change requests. System admins can do this using a builder that sets these
conditions (and the order they’re evaluated by), through developing more advanced
conditions based on business rules, or through a script.
You can also set this common advanced condition based on business rules: Determine the
impact to business services from one or more CIs. Set a rule to identify if the CI represents a
business service, and if the business criticality associated with that service is 1 most critical or 2
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trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective
companies with which they are associated.
somewhat critical. If the condition matches, the rule will set the risk for the change request to
High and the impact to 1 high.
Another common scenario that requires scripting is determining the business services that will be
impacted as a result of a change to one or more CIs. The calculator plugin provides a sample
rule that grabs the CI entered on a change request and locates all associated parent and child
business services. These services are then evaluated to identify any critical services.
Refresh impacted services
The Refresh Impacted Services UI can populate the Impacted
Services/CIs related list with any application service impacted by a
configuration item listed in the Affected CIs related list (previously, this
only worked against the Primary configuration item referenced on the
form). The new Impacted Services/CIs related list is generated from all
CIs listed in the affected CIs related list
Risk Assessment
With Change Management Risk Assessment, you have the option to allow end users to answer
risk assessment questions associated with a change request so others can use the information to
calculate the risk.
This means your organization needs to define risk assessment questions, thresholds, and
conditions to support the calculation. Keep your conditions simple and mutually exclusive so
they’re easy to understand and maintain.
It also means your organization needs to determine weights that reflect the relative importance
of assessment question categories, as well as weights for the questions in the assessment
categories. You can use historical data from past changes to inform this weightingthe key is to
identify the factors that mattered most in the changes that resulted in service interruptions
and/or that had to be backed out.
Use the Change Risk Calculator and Risk Assessment together, or just use one. If you use them
together, always select the highest risk value from both methods.
Regardless of the method you choose, for effective automation, you need a clear definition of
business criticality, whether you use Service Mapping, as outlined in Stage 1, or use the rules and
conditions built into Risk Assessment.
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trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective
companies with which they are associated.
To get that clear definition of business criticality, your organization must identify the relative
criticality of services, based on how essential they are to business operations. And don’t forget
if you don’t have a well-defined business service taxonomy, you can use your existing disaster
recovery and business continuity planning frameworks to understand relative criticality across
systems, as defined by recovery tiers.
Next, the change management process owner and change advisory board (CAB) should
review the risk conditions, their threshold values, and the order they’re evaluated by.
Automation effectively “cements” a set of business rules for risk assessment so the assessments
can be completed quickly and consistently. This means your business rules need to be reviewed
and agreed upon upfrontpotentially by your CABand regularly revisited as services change
or as your organization’s risk management posture changes.
Checklist for automating change risk assessment
Buildand orderbusiness rules to determine risk.
If you use Risk Assessment, define risk assessment categories,
questions, weights, thresholds, and conditions.
Review all assessment factors (business rules, conditions, weights,
thresholds, etc.) with the change management process owner and
CAB for approval.
Revisit all assessment factors as the service taxonomy changes or
as your organization’s risk management posture changes.
Change scheduling
Change scheduling automation should provide the ability to detect and assess whether a
planned change conflicts with other changes or blackout periods, and if the proposed change
timing meets with predefined maintenance windows. This requires administrators to use the
Blackout Schedule form to specify times during which change requests should not be
scheduled, and the Maintenance Schedule to specify times during which change requests
should be scheduled.
Conflict detection supports effective automation of scheduling by identifying when changes are
scheduled at the same time or impact the same CIs. You can run conflict detection manually
based on the proposed start/end dates of the change request, the CI subject to change, and
(in advanced mode) related CIs.
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companies with which they are associated.
Automated conflict detection can then run at specific intervals or when a change request is
updated. Prior to running conflict detection, however, your organization should take into
CMDB list size and relationship complexities Conflict detection will take longer to complete
in organizations with a large CMDB. Don’t let this inhibit you from automating conflict
detectionjust remember to keep the CMDB manageable.
Inactive changes are not evaluated Automated conflict detection will not evaluate
inactive changes when identifying conflicts, such as those for cancelled or closed change
requests. This means that change management process owners should put the appropriate
procedures and training in place to ensure that cancellations and closures are recorded in a
timely fashion on the Now Platform.
Advanced mode conflict checking switched off by default After an upgrade, advanced
mode conflict checking, which identifies conflicts with CIs that are related to or affected by
the CI being changed, is switched off. Use risk assessment results to identify whether you
should use advanced modeyou’ll likely want to know if changes carrying a higher degree
of risk have the potential for change collision based on related items, not just the CIs being
Changes at risk of collision are subsequently flagged for approvers. Change conflict scheduling
can also identify additional dates and times where no conflict exists, once a potential change
scheduling conflict is identified. Change requesters and fulfillers can take advantage of the
Scheduling Assistant user interface to search for and select a date and time with no conflicts. To
use this, you need to activate two properties:
Define the number of days to be factored after the respective planned start/end date of a
change record when searching for the next available time
Define the number of suggestions to be calculated for the next available time field on a
change (change.conflict.next_available.choice_limit).
In addition to this, ServiceNow has also introduced a new conflict type called Assigned to
already scheduled to identify when the assignee of a change request is already assigned to
another change request scheduled on the same date/time.
Organizations should use the existing calendar interface in the Change Management
application to show when changes are planned and where potential conflict exists with either
blackout or maintenance schedules.
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companies with which they are associated.
Checklist for automating change scheduling
Build blackout and maintenance schedules.
Identify whether you need advanced mode conflict
detection based on the risk associated with the change
Run manual conflict detection for new change requests
and set automated conflict detection to update
detection based on specific time intervals or changes to
the CI being changed.
Activate the Scheduling Assistant to find alternative
dates/times for changes when potential conflicts are
Review all changes regularly to ensure that cancelled or
closed changes are marked as inactive.
Change approvals and oversight
The Now Platform supports the three types of service changes (or “state models”) described by
ITIL. You can add new types, but they may modify default workflows. (Consequently, after
adding one, review the default workflows for any changes to the state model). Table 1 outlines
the tasks required to implement automation for each state model.
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companies with which they are associated.
Type of change
Automation tasks
Any service change that isn’t a
standard or emergency change
Define the review and approval rules Normal
changes are routed first for peer review and
technical approval. They’re then routed to the
change management process owner and
CAB for shceduling and final authorization. To
do this, you must designate review and
approval authorities.
A preauthorized change that is
low risk, relatively common, and
follows a specified procedure or
work instruction; once
approved, standard changes
can bypass CAB approval
Define a catalog of preauthorized chagne
templates These templates make accesssing
and requesting a standard change more
efficient. They include rebooting a Windows
server, adding a network switch to a data
center cabinet, standard implementation,
blackouts, and test plans for the change, so
new proposals only need to include the CI(s),
assignment group, and schedule. Base your
templates on a history of similar changes. Note
that you can track the success of
preauthorized templatesthis way, you can
modify or retire them if they don’t lead to
successful changes.
A change that must be
implemented as soon as
possible, for example, to resolve
a major incident or implement a
security patch
Define approval rules, which may vary from
normal approvals Emergency changes
progress directly from submission to the
Authorize state for approval from the relevant
CAB approval authority. Some organizations
define an emergency CAB (e-CAB), with
specific authorities for approving emergency
Table 1: ServiceNow state models for change management
You can use Change approval policies to automate the generation of change approval actions
based on a set of predefined conditions. Change approval policies are defined using decision
tablesa Now Platform feature that provides the ability to define the logic for complex
decisions dependent on multiple inputs. This allows you to define multiple, variable inputs to your
change decision and evaluate them dynamically to generate the appropriate change
approvals action.
To use change approval policies, complete these steps:
1. Replace Group Approval activities or User Approval workflow actions with the Change
Approval Policy activities in the Normal and/or Emergency change management workflow.
2. Configure approval policies based on three components:
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trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective
companies with which they are associated.
a. Policy inputs The inputs that will be evaluated as part of your decision
b. Decisions Records that contain the conditions that determine what approval action is
to be taken
c. Approval definitions The approval action to take when inputs match decision
See Figure 14 for a screen shot showing how change approval policies are configured. Note that
while change approval policies use conditional logic, the logic contained in a policy takes into
account all policy inputs before determining an approval action. This means that a decision
does not simply look at inputs sequentially in a standard if-then-else constructrather, it reviews
all inputs before matching decision conditions.
Figure 4: Configuring change approval policies
Using change approval policies to support DevOps
The conditional logic in change approval policies can take inputs from Test
Management to dictate an automated approval or rejection. In this case, a test for a
specific change would represent a policy input. Documented completion and success
of that test in Test Management would represent the decision conditions for approval,
which could be defined as deployment of the change. See Applying change approval
policies to DevOps in the ServiceNow Community for more detail.
A new change request progresses through states once you submit it. Table 2 shows these
change states. In the Assess state, ServiceNow routes normal changes to peer reviewers and
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trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective
companies with which they are associated.
technical approvers, so you need to identify reviewers and approvers (ideally in advance, using
change approval policies) for efficient automation.
Change state
Table 2: ServiceNow change states
The ServiceNow CAB Workbench plugin supports streamlined scheduling automation and CAB
approvals. To put the plugin to use, the change management process owner must ensure that
the organization has:
A clearly defined CAB manager
A list of CAB members (including those who can substitute for the CAB manager) for normal
and emergency CAB meetings
A schedule for CAB meeting dates
Clear rules on the types of change requests that are to be included in the CAB agenda
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trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective
companies with which they are associated.
Once established, your CAB members can view an overall meeting calendar and individual
agenda items (i.e., change requests) alongside a change calendar that includes the blackout
schedule and maintenance schedule.
CAB meeting chairs can also align individual agenda items to specific time slots, so stakeholders
only need to attend a CAB meeting based on automated notification of when discussion starts
for relevant agenda items.
The value of automating and overseeing your change approvals is largely driven by the extent
that change management process owners can shift overall change volumes from normal to
standard changes. Change management process owners should provide incentives and KPIs for
teams to build pre-authorized change templates that users can access through a change
catalog. Teams should target CIs with a consistent, successful, and frequent record of change
that’s based on historical data and/or interviews with subject matter experts. Ideally, standard
changes should constitute 7090% of total change volumes.
If your organization wants to implement DevOps and/or continuous delivery, focus your
effort upfront on building a change catalog of pre-authorized templates for the CIs
anticipated to change most frequently.
Implementing the REST API suite to support CI/CD
The Change Management API provides REST APIs for third-party application integration with
ServiceNow Change Management. The suite of APIs allows teams to create, update, approve,
and work on changes from the CI/CD pipeline from change creation to closure. Specifically, the
Change Management API enables integrators to:
Initiate standard changes from a published standard change request template
Create normal or emergency change requests
Update fields in the change request and task table and work tasks from creation to closure
Retrieve change requests, standard templates, or change request tasks
Generate and process approval activities
Identify potential scheduling conflicts
Delete change requests, change request tasks, and conflict checking processes
Work with integration and DevOps teams to build this functionality into your CI/CD toolchain, to
reduce the need for swivel chair behavior between systems and ensure a single system of
record for changes.
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trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective
companies with which they are associated.
Stage 5 Measure impact and tune
Use Performance Analytics to find ways to improve your automation.
Use a short list of questions to select the KPIs needed to tune your automation strategy.
Effective automation is not a one-time project but an ongoing process that looks for new
opportunities and identifies where automation is (or isn’t) delivering value. ServiceNow
Performance Analytics provides access to several out-of-the-box KPIs that can help you measure
opportunities to improve and tune your incident and change management automation
strategy. See Tables 3 and 4 for incident and change management KPIs and how you can use
them to tune your automation.
© 2021 ServiceNow, Inc. All rights reserved. ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, Now Platform, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective
companies with which they are associated.
How to tune your automation strategy
Average age of the last update of open incidents
Percentage of open incidents not updated in the
last 30 days
Number of open incidents not updated in the last
5 days
Number of open incidents not updated in the last
30 days
Summed age of last update of open incidents
Percentage of open overdue incidents
Number of open overdue incidents
Review your business rules (and team KPIs) for
incident notification, routing, and escalation.
Percentage of incidents closed by self-service
Number of incidents closed by self-service
New/open workloads
Incident backlog growth
Make sure your knowledge base reflects the
most common self-service use cases for end
users and provides clear guidance.
Percentage of open incidents reassigned at least
Average reassignment of open incidents
Summed reassignment of open incidents
Percentage of incidents resolved without
Number of reassigned open incidents
Number of open incidents unassigned
Review the business rules (and team KPIs) for
incident rounting and escalation.
Number of incidents not solved
Percentage of incidents not solved
Make sure the knowledge base reflects the most
current guidance for known errors.
Average resolution time of resolved incidents
Average close time of incidents
Identify primary drivers for incident cycle time: A
lack of current guidance in the knowledge base
may require unnecessary escalation or your
business rules for notification, routing, and
escalation may require updating to reflect the
fastest path to resolution.
Table 3: Selected incident management KPIs (available in ServiceNow Performance Analytics) and
suggested actions to tune incident management automation
© 2021 ServiceNow, Inc. All rights reserved. ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, Now Platform, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective
companies with which they are associated.
What to tune in your automation strategy
Change backlog growth
Build preauthorized templates to increase the
availability of standard changes in the change
Number of unsuccessful changes
Reevaluate risk assessment: Determine whether
you need to make adjustments to business rules
in the Change Risk Calculator or to the risk
assessment questions for change requesters.
Number of reassigned open changes
Percentage of open changes reassigned at least
Average reassignment of open changes
Summer reassignment of open changes
Review change request assignment rules for
Average age of open changes
Summed age op open changes
Average age of “updated since of” open
Summed age of “updated since of” open
Build preauthorized templates to increase the
availability of standard chagnes in the change
Identify the change state (see Table 1) where
open changes spend the most time. Based on
the change state, determine whether you need
to make changes to the business rules for
change risk assessment, change request
assignment, or approvals and scheduling.
Table 4: Selected change management KPIs (available in ServiceNow Performance Analytics) and
suggested actions to tune change management automation
You don’t have to use all of the KPIs reflected in Tables 3 and 4—and there are more KPIs that
you can use to track the performance of incident and change management. What’s most
important is that you select and use KPIs that can provide directional guidance about where
you can improve your automation. If a KPI begins to trend negatively, the process owner and
team should know how to respond.
Here’s an example: Your organization may decide to monitor change backlog growth as an
indicator of the efficiency of your change management process. If the change backlog
growspotentially slowing down necessary maintenance and enhancement activities the
team should determine if the backlog growth is the result of a manual slowdown in the overall
process. One potential root cause is an increase in the ratio of normal changesthose requiring
CAB approvalfrom standard changes with pre-authorized approval. In this case, the team
should look to increase the number of standard changes made available in a change catalog,
through the development of pre-authorized templates, for changes with a successful track
To identify the right KPIs to guide automation tuning, ask the following questions:
© 2021 ServiceNow, Inc. All rights reserved. ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, Now Platform, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective
companies with which they are associated.
What business rules have we put in place to guide our automation? For incident
management, this should include how incidents are categorized, as well as the rules for
routing, escalation, and notification. For change management, this should include rules
governing risk assessment, routing and approvals, and scheduling.
What knowledge have we made available as part of our automation plan? This should
include your knowledge base (for service desk agents as well as end users) and a change
catalog for standard changes.
What changes in performance do we expect to see as the result of our automation plan?
Teams should ask how a business rule, set of business rules, or publication of knowledge is
intended to change performance. This should relate to your overall goals for the process and
organization. For example, a team may design business rules for incident management
prioritization such that high-severity incidents are autogenerated based on alerts for
business-critical services. The intent behind this is to speed incident remediation for business-
critical services, meaning that the team should look for reductions in the MTTR incidents for
business-critical services.
If we don’t see the change we want, what do we need to tune? If the team aligns the right
KPIs to business rules and publication of knowledge, you then have clarity on where to look
first to improve your automation. In the example outlined above, let’s assume that the MTTR
for incidents affecting business-critical services refused to budgeor, worse, got longer. The
team should first investigate whether automation is workingwas the rule that
autogenerates alerts for business-critical services written correctly? Some business-critical
services may not have been identified correctly in the CMDB, or alert generation may not be
triggering the right service desk workflows. No KPI provides an immediate solution, but it can
guide the team on where to look first to find one.
More metrics does not equal better metrics. Select a small set of KPIs that your process
owners and teams readily understand and that give consistent directional guidance on
process improvement. If teams don’t know what to do to move a KPI, then it needs
If you have any questions on this topic or you would like to be a contributor to future
best practice content, please contact us at bes[email protected].