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Service Description
Cisco Business Critical Services 3.0
This Service Description is part of the Services Agreement (as defined in the Services Guide) and describes various Services
that Cisco will provide to You. Capitalized terms, unless defined in this document, have the meaning in the Services Guide.
Cisco Business Critical Services 3.0 are intended to supplement a current support agreement for Cisco Products and are
available only when all Products in Customer’s network are supported through a minimum of core Services such as Cisco
Smart Net Total Care™/ SP Base, Software Support Services (SWSS), Solution Support, Limited Lifetime Warranty, Software
Application Services, or the Partner Support Service offering from within the Cisco Services Partner Program.
Service Tiers
Cisco Business Critical Services 3.0 offer Services aligned by Service Tiers. The table below shows the Service Features
available by each Service Tier. “Year,” “month” and “quarter” referred to below are per Service Term.
Service Tier
[Including Advantage
[Including Premier
Operational Insights
Up to 20 reports per year,
with no more than 1 report
per architecture at a time
for each Deliverable, and
no more than 4 reports for
each Deliverable
Up to 20 reports per year,
with no more than 1 report
per architecture at a time
for each Deliverable, and
no more than 4 reports for
each Deliverable
Up to 30 reports per year
with no more than 1 report
per architecture at a time
for each Deliverable, and
no more than 6 reports for
each Deliverable
Unlimited number of
reports per year, with no
more than 1 report per
architecture at a time for
each Deliverable
Technology Review
Up to 1 Technology
Review Call per month
Up to 1 Technology
Review Call per month
Up to 2 Technology
Review Calls per month
Up to 1 Technology
Review Call per week
Ask the Experts
Full access to Ask the
Experts catalog (Webinar
registration required)
Full access to Ask the
Experts catalog (Webinar
registration required)
Full access to Ask the
Experts catalog (Webinar
registration required)
Full access to Ask the
Experts catalog (Webinar
registration required)
Up to 2 per year
Each session must be
scheduled 30 days in
Up to 6 per year
Each session must be
scheduled 30 days in
One at a time
Each session must be
scheduled 30 days in
Expert Engagements
Up to 6 Expert
Engagements per year
Up to 6 Expert
Engagements per year
Up to 12 Expert
Engagements per year
As set forth below.
Supported Expert
Change Window
Support (limited to
one at a time)
Priority Case
Change Window
Support (limited to
one at a time)
Expert Incident
Review (Up to 1 per
Expert Review
Workshops (Up to 1
per year)
Change Window
Support (limited to
one at a time)
Priority Case
Expert Incident
Review (Up to 1 per
Expert Review
Workshops (Up to 5
per year)
Change Window
Support (limited to
one at a time)
Priority Case
Expert Incident
Review (Up to 1 per
Expert Review
Workshops (limited to
one at a time)
Delivery of Service
Remote / On-site visits up
to 8 per year
Remote / On-site visits up
to 12 per year
Cisco routinely updates the Business Critical Services 3.0 Service Tiers. Customer will automatically be migrated to the latest
version of its applicable Service Tiers, without materially reducing Services’ core features.
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* Priority Case Management is no longer available as a feature option for any purchases or renewals made on or after December
11, 2022. Purchases prior to this date will maintain access to Priority Case Management through the current service term.
One at a time means a Service must end before another instance of that Service begins. For Operational Insights Reviews,
Change Window Support, and Accelerators, allow minimum of 1 week to complete each Service.
The Cisco Project Manager will perform the following:
Schedule the Customer Priority Validation meeting at which time Cisco will work with the Customer to build a monthly plan of
delivery for the Service features in the Service tier purchased.
Create a quarterly report that will include:
o activities performed
o Deliverables provided
o amount of Service features delivered, and how many Service features are remaining.
1. Service Tier Features
Specific entitlements are detailed in the Service Tiers Table (above). Detail on what may be executed under each of the activities,
where entitled, is detailed below.
1.1. Operational Insights Review
Cisco conducts Operational Insights Technology Review calls to prepare for, or review, the Operational Insights Reports described
below to help the Customer prioritize and sequence actionable data-driven recommendations into decisions and actions Customer
will take aligned to Customer’s objectives for availability, performance and minimizing risk. The Customer shall specify which
Operational Insights Reports it wants included in the Technology Review.
Operational Insight Reports. The following reports depend on the Cisco technology and Products supported. Customer should refer
to the Quote containing the quantity of Operational Insights Reports purchased. For specific restrictions for Operational Insights
Reports refer to Operational Insights Review Limitations below. For specific restrictions for Customer environments with only manual
data collection methods refer to Additional Data Collection Limitations below.
Configuration Best Practice Report helps the Customer reduce configuration complexity, misconfigurations, inconsistent
configurations for similar Software Features across Cisco Products. This report helps the Customer validate that its network
aligns with Cisco best practices and industry standards.
Configuration Management Insights allows the customer to specify their own configuration standards for Cisco devices, and to
audit and report at scale against these standards. Intelligent reporting models allow for the identification of key themes across
devices included in the report related to standard compliance and non-compliance.
Design Builder Report provides the Customer a visible representation of network devices, functions, and relationships by creating
a comprehensive, detailed end-to-end mapping of design policies and design patterns for helping spot weaknesses and simplify
network supportability. One (1) Design Builder Report provides audit results and an overview of the discovered nodes matching
the design, adjacent nodes, missing nodes and links and recommendations from examining the top ten (10) policies and up to
fifty (50) customer devices where all devices are running only one of the following software: Cisco IOS Software, Cisco IOS XE
Software, Cisco XR Software, Cisco Nexus OS Software.
Field Notice Report helps the Customer identify and track Cisco Products affected by a published Cisco Field Notice.
Hardware Lifecycle Milestone Report helps the Customer identify and track Cisco Hardware affected by a published Cisco
Product lifecycle milestone (e.g., End-of-Sale Notice Period, Last Date of Support, End-of-Life).
Policy Variation Analysis Report helps the Customer identify variations in device policies that may contribute to additional
network design complexity. Cisco provides one (1) Policy Variation Analysis Report containing network complexity metrics, an
overview of the discovered policies, configured versus applied policies, and recommendations to help the Customer address the
variations. One (1) Policy Variation Analysis Report examines ten (10) policies and a total of up to fifty (50) Customer devices
where all devices are running only one of the following software: Cisco IOS Software, Cisco IOS XE Software, Cisco XR Software,
Cisco Nexus OS Software.
Product Security Advisory Impact Assessment helps the Customer identify Cisco Products affected by a published Cisco Product
Security Advisory with a “Critical” or “High” impact rating. This assessment includes the following:
o Cisco provides recommendations for how the Customer may address the advisory for impacted Cisco Products.
o If a published Security Advisory for an affected release(s) contains an available Software update, Cisco will review
Customer’s deployed Software for the affected Cisco Products and recommend a Software version to address the
identified issue.
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o One (1) Product Security Advisory Impact Assessment supports the following:
§ Cisco release bundles of Cisco IOS, IOS XE, and NX-OS Software Security Advisories published in accordance
Cisco’s Vulnerability Policy and Disclosure Schedule.
§ Up to four (4) individual Security Advisories for Cisco IOS Software, Cisco IOS XE Software.
§ Cisco published Product Security Advisories with a “Critical” or “High” impact rating.
Risk Mitigation Report uses Machine Learning (ML) to help Customer identify device crash risks in network and provides
guidance to help the Customer manage risk. One (1) Risk Mitigation Report provides identification for ten (10) Cisco Devices,
and provides recommendations for improving network availability by reducing potential downtime through data-driven analysis
o Risk Scoring
o Machine Learning Factor Analysis
o Historical Crash Risk Trending Analysis
o Software and Feature Analysis
o Software Security Advisories
o Field Notice notifications
o End-of-Life notifications
o Global device software usage trends
o Hardware replacement options for End-of-Life hardware
Scalability Insights Report compares scalability information from the Customer’s network with verified configuration limits. Cisco
provides one (1) Scalability Insights Report containing the current scalability levels of devices in the network, Cisco
recommended thresholds, and historical usage for trending purposes.
Software Analysis and Release Standard Report Analyze Software for one (1) Platform and its Software Release and
recommend the Software version Customer should consider.
Software Management Strategy Report
o Create or update one (1) Software management process and procedure document to help the Customer address aspects
of Software strategy, lifecycle management, upgrade planning and triggers.
o Guide the Customer with recommendations for improving Software adoption KPIs based on Customer’s deployed
standards and Cisco’s recommendations.
o Advise Customer on Cisco published Software deferrals, Software End-of-Sale / End-of-Life.
Syslog Analysis Report helps the Customer identify the potential risk of service impact to Cisco Products through an analysis of
operational and performance syslog data from Cisco Products.
Cisco may occasionally make additional Operational Insights reports to customers on a pre-general-release basis. Such reports are
offered “as-is” and at Cisco’s discretion.
Cisco may provide access to APIs, where and when available, that provide insights on various data collected by on-premises data
collection tools connected to Cisco that are used to support Operational Insights Reports.
For Customers requiring an Air-Gapped Data Collection Tool, Operational Insights data will be collected onsite and be used to
create Operational Insights Reports. Air-Gapped Data Collection must be specified in advance in the Quote.
2. Change Window Support
Customer may request support for a Change Window. Cisco will provide the Customer procedures for how to engage Cisco
Consulting Engineer in support of Customer’s scheduled Change Window.
Cisco will perform the following for a Customer scheduled Change Window:
Cisco conducts a review of the change prior to and provides requested input during Customer’s scheduled Change Window.
Cisco to review the Customer’s planned configuration changes, Software updates and activities, and assess technical
dependencies, impacts, and best-practice risk mitigation steps in support of the planned change.
Cisco reviews Customer’s method of procedures (MOP) document and test results for implementing Cisco’s recommendations.
Cisco provides guidance to the Customer during an agreed-upon scheduled Change Window.
2.1. Priority Case Management
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Priority Case Management is no longer available as a feature option for any purchases or renewals made on or after
December 11, 2022. Purchases prior to this date will maintain access to Priority Case Management through the current
service term.
Priority Case Management (PCM) is a queue-based Service providing monitoring and escalation support of Customers’ high priority
Cases and RMAs resulting from Severity 1 and 2 Cases and monthly reporting of reactive issues. All reports and PCM Services will
be provided only on those supported Products’ Severity 1 and Severity 2 Cases handled by Cisco TAC under a support agreement.
Cisco will:
Provide monitoring during Standard Business Hours for the first Severity 1 and 2 Cases and any resulting RMAs.
Escalation assistance during Standard Business Hours to Customer for the first Severity 1 and 2 Cases and any resulting RMAs.
Deliver monthly reports that include summary level information for the Customer’s Severity 1 and 2 Cases and RMAs.
Customer will:
Follow the prescribed Case opening processes for the first Severity 1 and Severity 2 Cases for your associated Cisco support
Follow the prescribed escalation guidelines found in Cisco Severity and Escalation Guidelines.
Provide Cisco with Service contracts to be monitored.
2.2. Ask the Experts
Cisco provides Customer access to a catalog of scheduled open enrollment webinar sessions and recorded webinar sessions that
helps guide Customer through Cisco’s Customer Success Lifecycle. Customer has access and may view the entire Ask the Experts
catalog during the Services Term.
Sessions provide access to Cisco experts who share insights and recommended practices to onboard, implement, use, adopt
and optimize Cisco solutions.
No slides or printed materials are provided.
Recording or rebroadcasting of the Ask the Experts sessions is prohibited.
Live Ask the Experts sessions are limited to the first thirty (30) registrants.
2.3. Expert Review Workshops
Cisco helps the Customer’s efforts to enhance its technical knowledge and skills through Expert Review Workshops. Customer may
request from the Expert Review Workshops described below. Each scheduled Expert Review Workshop is up to four (4) hours in
length. Cisco provides the Customer a report summarizing Cisco’s recommendations provided during the Expert Review Workshop.
Each Workshop must be scheduled 30 days in advance and allow minimum of 2 weeks to complete each Workshop.
Configuration Review Workshop helps guide the Customer’s Software feature planning decisions, new Software Feature
configuration and best practices for deployment in Customer’s environment. Cisco helps the Customer to identify conformance
trends of Cisco Products that adhere to Customer-defined policy configuration templates. Cisco provides one (1) Configuration
Review Report containing Cisco’s recommendations for one (1) Cisco Platform and up to two (2) Software Features. For specific
restrictions for Configuration Review refer to Configuration Review Workshop Limitations below.
Test Review Workshop reviews the Customer’s ready-for-use test plans for new Software Features and configuration changes
in the Customer’s environment. Cisco guides the Customer’s development of success criteria based on Customer’s existing test
plan. Cisco provides one (1) Test Review Report containing Cisco’s recommendations for one (1) Cisco Platform and up two (2)
Software Features.
Implementation Review Workshop provides advice and guidance on the Customer’s implementation plan for new Software
Features and configuration changes. Cisco provides one (1) Implementation Review Report containing Cisco’s
recommendations for one (1) Cisco Platform and up two (2) Software Features.
Strategy Review Workshop guides the Customer’s validation of its architecture concept or architecture blueprint by reviewing
input drivers, evaluating business and technical requirements enabled by the architecture strategy aligned with the Customer’s
stated vision and desired outcomes. Cisco provides one (1) Strategy Review Report containing Cisco’s recommendations.
Architecture Review Workshop guides the Customer’s translation of business requirements into an architecture management
vision, multi-generation plan and target architecture model which aligns with the Customer’s business and technology objectives.
Cisco provides one (1) Architecture Review Report containing Cisco’s recommendations.
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Design Review Workshop guides the Customer’s current state design to determine whether Cisco best practices are
incorporated and aligned with the Customer’s objectives. Cisco provides advice and guidance to help Customer’s evaluation of
proposed design changes, deployment model considerations, capacity and growth fulfillment, and alignment of Customer’s
technical requirements with anticipated benefits. Cisco provides one (1) Design Review Report containing Cisco’s
recommendations. For specific restrictions for Design Review refer to Design Review Workshop Limitations below.
Resiliency Review Workshop helps the Customer to identify improvements for Customer’s availability and resiliency objectives
by assessing Customer’s Architecture design, configuration changes and monitoring features. The architecture / technology and
range of devices that will be evaluated will be specified in the Quote. Cisco provides one (1) Resiliency Review Report, which
contains Cisco’s recommendations. For specific restrictions for Resiliency Review refer to Resiliency Review Workshop
Limitations below.
Audit Review Workshop helps the Customer review a targeted area of Customer’s environment to determine how network
elements, technology, protocol, or a solution is performing. Cisco provides one (1) Audit Review Report, which contains Cisco
best practices and recommendations to help the Customer to optimize availability, performance, network health and security
based on the findings in the audit. For specific restrictions for Audit Review refer to Audit Review Workshop Limitations below.
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2.4. Expert Incident Review
A Cisco provided Expert Incident Review includes:
Quarterly review of trends, patterns, and remedies for Cases that Customer opened with Cisco TAC.
Cisco correlates Cases with recommendations to help Customer identify actions Customer should take to mitigate recurring or
systemic problems.
Expert Incident Review will be provided only for supported Cisco Products for which Cases are handled by Cisco TAC under a
support agreement.
2.5. Accelerators
Cisco provides the Customer access to a catalog of Cisco expert one-to-one technical sessions aligned to Cisco’s Customer
Success Lifecycle. Each session is up to six (6) hours and is delivered within a two-week period. The following is a description of
the category of sessions Customer may access via the catalog:
Onboarding sessions help the Customer understand the features and deployment considerations of the Cisco solution within the
Customer’s environment.
Implement sessions help the Customer understand strategies and deployment best practices of the Cisco solution within
Customer’s environment.
Use sessions guide the Customer’s use of the features deployed within its environment.
Adopt sessions guide the Customer’s adoption of the features deployed and plans to add features within its environment.
Optimize sessions provide advice and guidance to help the Customer to optimize the performance of the features deployed
within its environment.
No slides or printed materials are provided.
Recording or rebroadcasting of the Accelerator sessions is prohibited.
3. Business Critical Services Introductory Offer
The Business Critical Services Introductory Offer provides a limited introduction to Business Critical Services. It is available only
for existing BCS 2.x customers or new BCS customers. Once purchased, the Business Critical Services Introductory Offer may not
be renewed but may be upgraded to the Business Critical Services Tiers. Scrum Services and Expert as a Service are not permitted
to be added to the Business Critical Services Introductory Offer. Entitlements include:
Up to 12 Operational Insights reports per year, with no more than 1 report per architecture at a time for each Deliverable, and
no more than 4 reports for each Deliverable
Up to 1 Technology Review Call per month
Up to 4 of the following Expert Engagements per year:
o Change Window Support (Limited to one at a time)
o Priority Case Management*
Full access to Ask the Experts catalog (Webinar registration required)
Remote / On-site visits up to 2 per year
* Priority Case Management is no longer available as a feature option for any purchases or renewals made on or after December
11, 2022. Purchases prior to this date will maintain access to Priority Case Management through the current service term.
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4. Scrum Services
Scrum Services are used in combination with the Customer’s chosen BCS 3.0 Service Tier or BCS 2.0 and higher Service (“BCS
2.x”) to provide additional consultative capabilities that supplement the specific BCS Services purchased.
The quantity of Scrum Services purchased is as set forth in the Quote and intended activities and deliverables are set forth in the
Business Proposal. The intended activities and deliverables are reviewed and updated quarterly. When new tasks or deliverables
are agreed, Cisco will validate that what is being requested is reasonable and proportional to the resources and time available,
refined where required, and documented. In Scrum Services, Cisco can collaborate with Customer teams and Partners to deliver
joint outcomes, and Cisco will confirm that the roles and responsibilities of each party are documented.
As a subscription service, Cisco will make efforts to allocate resources evenly throughout the contract length.
Cisco is flexible about the tasks and deliverables that may be provided as a result of this service. Due to flexible service delivery,
the format of these deliverables may need to change and / or have additional caveats compared to those that the Customer may
have previously received through other Cisco buying programs.
For these projects, activities and deliverables may include the following:
Project Type
Planning and
Architecture Strategy and Planning helps Customer to develop a strategy or plan to adopt and
support Cisco solutions. These may address the some or all of the architecture deployment lifecycle,
spanning high level strategy through to detailed technical documents.
Design Engineering
Design Support helps Customer with guidance and recommendations in new deployments of Cisco
technologies, as well as making incremental changes to Customer’s designs.
Implementation Planning (including migration) assists Customer’s engineering staff in evaluating
Customer’s solution design changes, dependencies, affected processes and Documentation.
Implementation Support focuses on the transition of Customer’s planning and design to
implementation or migration activities, including Cisco’s role in those.
Assessments and
Technology Assessments identify gaps and assist Customer with recommendations for optimizing
the capacity, reliability, general performance, and/or security of Cisco Products.
Test Planning
Test Strategy and Planning assists the Customer with evaluating business and operational testing
requirements, test environment suitability and identifying priorities for review or improvement.
Test Execution
In supporting of implementation or migration activities, work with the Customer to run planned tests,
evaluate results, and support remediation / retesting.
Security Assessment
Security Assessments that identify technical and / or human weaknesses, within individual systems
or interconnected networks, such that potential areas of breach are identified, and remediation
Security Resilience
Security Resilience focuses on executing tactical and strategic projects to help the Customer
understand and improve its security posture, to reduce the likelihood and impact of cyber security
incidents. Note: Scrum Services do not include security incident response services.
Cloud Transformation
Cloud Transformation helps to develop the Customer’s business objectives into a mature Cloud
strategy, with defined IT objectives, ready for execution.
Matrix Analytics
Matrix Analytics helps Customer to manage performance of its mobility infrastructure and forward
fault notifications to existing Operations and Business Support Systems (OSS/BSS), by providing
advanced performance management and machine learning capabilities.
Observability focuses on expert guidance and / or service assurance, using the Customer’s existing
Cisco products to help customers enhance digital experiences and optimize IT cost and
Expanded or custom
versions of Packaged
Scrums and Solution
Attached Services
If expanded or custom versions of Packaged Scrum or Solution Attached Services are desired,
Customer and Cisco may conduct these under a separate Scrum Service contract.
Cisco will:
Work with the Customer to identify the mutually agreed-upon projects and activities within the scope of this Service Description
and to the extent identified in the Quote.
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The specific projects and activities for the Scrum Services will be reviewed at the engagement kickoff meeting. During the
engagement kickoff meeting, the format of written requests and responses will be mutually agreed upon.
Create a quarterly report that will include:
o status of projects
o activities performed
o Deliverables provided
o amount of work left on project
o amount of Scrum Service delivered, and how much of the Scrum Service is remaining in the current Service Term
Cisco will respond to Customer written requests within three (3) Business Days of when request was made.
Customer will:
Work with Cisco to identify the mutually agreed-upon projects and activities within the scope of this Service Description.
Identify the specific projects and activities for the Scrum Services will be reviewed at the engagement kickoff meeting.
Schedule a quarterly meeting to review the quarterly report that Cisco provides, if Customer believes necessary.
Submit requests to Cisco in writing, using the format as mutually agreed-upon in the engagement kick off meeting. If Customer
does not receive a response within three (3) business days, Customer will document for resolution in quarterly meeting.
The Scrum Services must be used with at least one Essentials Service Tier, Advantage Service Tier, Premier Service Tier or an
equivalent BCS 2.x Service. The Scrum Services will have the same Service Term stop dates as the associated Service Tier or
BCS 2.x Service. Scrum Services are only available as an Add-On to the Essentials, Advantage and Premier Service Tiers or
BCS 2.x Service and not as an hourly or time and materials offering.
Cisco remains responsible for assigning, supervising, and directing the specific individuals delivering this Service, and Cisco
may switch individuals at any time. Cisco is not obligated to make personnel changes to accommodate workload or work type
changes. Cisco will assess what experience is required and assign personnel and resources based upon the agreed-upon
Scrum Services will utilize the purchased Essentials, Advantage Premier Services Tiers or BCS 2.x Services as well as tools
and personnel made available by the Customer. Cisco may recommend Cisco or third party tools or products that may benefit a
specific project. The Customer is responsible for the evaluation and, if desired, the purchase of these additional items. The
Scrum Services will not be responsible for providing equipment, tools, products or services not otherwise purchased or provided
by the Customer.
The Scrum Services may be delivered either remotely or on-site (at locations where Cisco makes such Services available and
as permitted by applicable law) as specified in the Quote.
This Service may not be used for any project in which there may be or may appear to be a governmental Organizational Conflict
of Interest or similar conflict.
All Services will be conducted during Standard Business Hours unless otherwise agreed to in advance by Cisco and the
This Service is related to Cisco infrastructure only. Cisco will collaborate with Customer-provided third party technology and
equipment providers as Cisco deems required and practical. Cisco will not be responsible for outcomes related to third party
devices nor will Cisco perform activities directly on third party equipment, except that Security Assessment and Security
Resilience Services may include limited performance of activities on third party equipment at Cisco’s discretion.
This Service is provided solely as described in this Service Description. Cisco will use commercially reasonable efforts to
complete activities agreed to in the Services kick-off meeting and subsequent plans. However, Cisco does not guarantee that
a project will be successfully completed by a scheduled project end-date or by the end of the Service Term. All Scrum Service
delivery will stop and be considered complete on the last Business Day of the Service Term.
Customer remains responsible for all of Customer’s compliance with industry standards.
5. Packaged Scrum Services
Packaged Scrum Services are used in combination with the Customer’s chosen BCS 3.0 Service Tier or BCS 2.x Service to provide
additional consultative capabilities that supplement the specific BCS Services purchased. Packaged Scrum Services may include
the following specialized automation driven BCS capabilities as purchased by Customer and described below:
Automated Fault Management
Compliance and Remediation
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5.1. Continuous Automation and Integration Testing
Automated Incident and Assurance (AIA)
Automated Change and Assurance (ACA)
These Packaged Scrum Services can be purchased by Customer individually or in combination with one another.
5.2. Automated Fault Management (AFM) Starter Scrum Services
Automated Fault Management performs proactive diagnostics on syslog faults occurring on network devices. It provides near real-
time alerts and remediation advice to customers including the capture of data and automatic creation of service requests to Cisco
AFM automates Event detection, data correlation
and notification of service impacting events to drive
actionable recommendations that are customized
to the Customer environment.
AFM platform analyzes device syslogs using Cisco
rules and algorithms to detect Software, Hardware,
and configuration faults in the Network, and deliver
remediation instructions to the Customer.
Syslogs are monitored to detect sequences that
indicate a fault has happened or is imminent.
When detection occurs, the system may collect
Systems Information required for problem
resolution, generating 1) a notification and/or 2)
opening a service request with Cisco support,
and/or 3) opening a trouble-ticket in the Customer’s
own service-management platform.
AFM Quarterly Faults Detected
and Service Request Status
AFM Global signature database
with up to 900 signatures
5.2.1. Compliance and Remediation Starter Scrum Services
The Compliance and Remediation Starter Scrum Service helps Customer’s efforts to reduce software variation and maintain custom
compliance standards for IT flows. This Service helps identify devices that are non-compliant to Customer’s engineering standards
or Cisco best-practice standards, and automates remediation/configuration changes steps available to Customer intended to bring
the identified devices to the required configuration standard or operating systems (OS) version based on recommendations outlined
in Cisco’s Business Critical Services Operations Insight Service Features such as; Configuration Best Practices, Policy Configuration
Conformance, Software Feature Planning; or Customer provided standardized network device configuration.
This Service uses automation to help implement network configuration changes, and OS upgrades at scale targeting Network
devices by utilizing a Customer-provided Method of Procedures (MOP), intelligent pre-check and post-check intellectual capital that
contain the pre-conditions and the post-check success criteria for devices in scope.
Project Type
Compliance &
Remediation Starter
Scrum Service
Configuration and Software Remediation service
provides an accelerated way to either reduce
software variation, create custom policies/audits, or
maintain compliance and standards for IT flows. With
automation, this service performs
remediation/upgrade steps to bring the identified
devices to the required configuration standard or IOS
version based on recommendations outlined in Cisco
Business Critical Services Operational Insights
Service Features such as: Configuration Best
Practices, Policy Configuration Conformance,
Software Feature Planning, or customer provided
standardized network device configuration. Customer
must approve remediation steps before they are
Automation platform set up
Compliance reports (as
Configuration compliance and
remediation automation scripts
Software image upgrade
automation scripts
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Based on Customer-provided MOP and Business
Critical Services Change Window support service,
Cisco creates automation scripts, per platform in
scope, for configuration and software compliance
based on procedures, pre-conditions, and success
criteria reviewed with the Customer.
5.2.2. Continuous Automation and Integration Testing Starter Scrum Services
Continuous Automation and Integration Testing (CAIT) helps Customer accelerate the adoption of new technologies and IT services
by transforming manual test case development into reusable automated test cases. Cisco consults with Customer to identify
requirements for creation of automated test cases, and reviews prioritization of test cases.
Project Type
CAIT Starter Scrum
Provide test consulting and automated test case
development for Customer to accelerate new
technologies, rapid deployment migrations, and new
IT services.
Convert manual test case development into reusable
automated test cases.
Review Customer provided testing objectives and
artifacts and develop a Test Plan for Customer
Consult with Customer to identify requirements for
automated test cases. Cisco reviews prioritization of
test cases and provides recommendations towards
optimization of the test strategy.
CAIT access to CXTA Library
of Test Cases
CAIT Solution Validation Test
CAIT Automated Test Cases
5.2.3. Automated Incident and Assurance (AIA) Scrum Services
Automated Incident and Assurance Scrum Services focus on operational IT goals and risk reduction through rapid response to
incidents from Customer’s network infrastructure by automating the incident management lifecycle.
Project Type
Incident and
Assurance Scrum
Service (AIA)
Leveraging Cisco’s AFM platform, AIA will:
o Discover and onboard Customers devices
in AIA platform.
o Automate Event detection, data correlation
and notification of service impacting events
to drive actionable recommendations.
o Analyze device syslog to detect Software,
Hardware, and configuration faults in the
AIA will automate incident lifecycle by:
o Automating detection of most common
syslog patterns, for automated detection and
o Interrogating and identifying problems, for
the categorization, prioritization of incidents
with recommended actions.
o Creating validated incidents in customer’s
ITSM system, which includes remediation
steps and artifacts collected to accelerate
incident resolution.
o Validating incident response after resolution
to detect chronic reoccurrences
o Providing incident management support for
AIA discovered critical incidents in the
network and creating TAC Service Request
for faster resolution.
AFM Quarterly Faults Detected
and Service Request Status
ITSM integration for incident
Incident management lifecycle
Incident management support
for critical events with
escalation to TAC.
Realtime customer portal for
incident response and
remediation service reporting.
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Cisco will perform the following:
Install and setup AFM (Automated Fault Management) on customer site/sites.
Build Secure VPN connection/connections to customer site/sites to automate collection of outputs from impacted devices.
Provide Cisco VPN headend device, monitor and troubleshoot issues related to connectivity.
Customer will perform the following:
Provide and manage hardware for installation of AFM (Automated Fault Management).
Provide required network access (read only) for devices for configuration outputs collection through secure VPN connection.
Work with Cisco to identify site/sites where Secure VPN connectivity will be required.
Provide VPN connection device/devices, monitor, and configure secure VPN connection.
Work with Cisco to troubleshoot Secure VPN connection issues.
5.2.4. Automated Change and Assurance (ACA) Scrum Services
Automated Change and Assurance streamlines implementation of Cisco recommended pre-validated changes by leveraging
governance and automation practices to accelerate change implementation and validation in customer production environment to
assist Customer in its efforts to reduce risk and increase business continuity.
Project Type
Automated Change
and Assurance (ACA)
Scrum Service
Discovery of network devices
Provision of a service portal to submit customer
change requests, manage progress and view reports
Execution of plausibility tests to determine the effects
of the change implementation
Change request management including:
o Cisco-assigned Change Manager personal
o Service Catalog of Cisco recommended pre-
validated changes
o Track scheduling, approvals and
o Change milestones notification (submission,
start, completion, closed)
o Pre and post change service reporting
Change fulfillment management including:
o Execution of approved change request and
rollback in the event of a failure
o TAC standby support during maintenance
Pre and post change network health checks
Service Portal to submit and
manage change requests
Service Catalog of Cisco
recommended changes
Change request and fulfilment
Validated change completion
Service Level Reports
Cisco will:
Install and setup CXTM (CX Test Automation Manager) on customer site/sites.
Build Secure VPN connection to customer site to automate collection of outputs from impacted devices in the network.
Provide Cisco VPN headend device, monitor and troubleshoot issues related to connectivity.
Perform two software upgrades and up to four configuration updates to supported devices per year.
Customer will:
Provide and manage hardware for installation of CXTM (CX Test Automation Manager).
Provide required network device access for CXTM to perform change preparation, execution and validation tasks.
Work with Cisco to identify site where Secure VPN connections will be terminated.
Provide VPN connection device, monitor, and configure secure VPN connection. Service requires a VPN connection to Customer
network to collect information from supported devices.
Work with Cisco to troubleshoot Secure VPN connection issues.
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5.2.5. Packaged Scrum Services Responsibilities and Requirements.
For each of the Services identified in this Section, the following applies:
The specific activities for the Packaged Scrum Services will be reviewed and the format of written requests and responses will
be mutually agreed upon at the engagement kickoff meeting.
Create a quarterly report that will include:
o Status of projects
o activities performed
o Deliverables provided
o amount of work left on project
o amount of Packaged Scrum Services delivered, and how much of Packaged Scrum Service is available is remaining in
the current Service Term
Cisco will respond to Customer written requests within three (3) Business Days of when request was made.
Customer will:
Work with Cisco to identify the mutually agreed-upon projects and activities within the scope of this Service Description.
Identify the specific projects and activities for the Packaged Scrum Services will be reviewed at the engagement kickoff meeting.
Schedule a quarterly meeting to review the quarterly report that Cisco provides.
Submit requests to Cisco Project Manager in writing, using the format as mutually agreed-upon in the engagement kick off
meeting. If Customer does not receive a response within three (3) business days, Customer will document for resolution in
quarterly meeting.
The Packaged Scrum Services must be used with at least one Essentials Service Tier, Advantage Service Tier, Premier Service
Tier or an equivalent BCS 2.x Service. The Packaged Scrum Services will have the same Service Term stop dates as the
associated Service Tier or BCS 2.x Service. Packaged Scrum Services are only available as an Add-On to the Essentials,
Advantage and Premier Service Tiers or BCS 2.x Service and not as an hourly or time and materials offering. Packaged Scrum
Services may not be purchased as a stand-alone subscription contract without a BCS 3.0 or BCS 2.x Service.
Cisco remains responsible for assigning, supervising, and directing the specific individuals delivering this Service, and Cisco
may switch individuals at any time, and Cisco is not obligated to make personnel changes to accommodate workload or work
type changes. Cisco will assess what experience is required and assign personnel and resources based upon the agreed-upon
Packaged Scrum Services will utilize the purchased Essentials, Advantage Premier Services Tiers or BCS 2.x Services as well
as tools and personnel made available by the Customer. Cisco may recommend Cisco or third party tools or products that may
benefit a specific project. The Customer is responsible for the evaluation and, if desired, the purchase of these additional items.
The Packaged Scrum Services will not be responsible for providing equipment, tools, products or services not otherwise
purchased or provided by the Customer.
The Packaged Scrum Services may be delivered either remotely or on-site (at locations where Cisco makes such Services
available and as permitted by applicable law) as specified in the Quote.
This Service may not be used for any project in which there may be or may appear to be a governmental Organizational Conflict
of Interest or similar conflict.
All Services will be conducted during Standard Business Hours unless otherwise agreed to in advance by Cisco and the
This Service is related to Cisco infrastructure only. Cisco will collaborate with Customer-provided third party technology and
equipment providers as Cisco deems required and practical. Cisco will not be responsible for outcomes related to third party
devices nor will Cisco perform activities directly on third party equipment.
This Service is provided solely as described in this Service Description. Cisco will use commercially reasonable efforts to
complete activities documented in the Services kick-off meeting and subsequent plans and in this Service Description. However,
Cisco does not guarantee that a project will be successfully completed by a scheduled project end-date or by the end of the
Service Term. All Digital Scrum Service delivery will stop and be considered complete on the last Business Day of the Service
Compliance and Remediation
Customer remains responsible for all of Customer’s compliance with industry standards.
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During Maintenance windows, Customer is responsible for configuration changes for network traffic diversion as applicable,
ownership of relationships with Internet Service providers and third-party vendors on agreed upon process, and post validation
of Customer applications after the upgrade.
As compliance and remediation involves a production change remediation service, all changes must follow Customer-driven
change management procedures, and the Customer is responsible for the scheduling, coordination, and approval of change
windows in its environment. If customer requirements are different or the customer needs a higher scope of service, this Service
can be purchased as a customized add-on scrum service via BCS.
All the automation developed is validated in a Customer-provided pre-production environment before pushing out to production.
Scope of the deliverables will be limited to the scope defined for this service in the scrum hours purchased by the customer as
detailed in the delivery ops file and customer proposal.
Regulatory compliance is out of scope for this starter package.
6. Expert-as-a-Service
The Expert-as-a-Service Service is used in combination with the Customer’s BCS 3.0 or BCS 2.x Service to provide additional
consultative capabilities that supplement the specific BCS Services purchased. Expert-as-a-Service may include the benefits of
resources and skills not otherwise available to Customer, access to Cisco tools, analytics, software, knowledge resources and
systems during the consultative or project management engagement.
The following Expert-as-a-Service roles are available for purchase:
o Consulting Engineer: Cisco provides consultative advice and guidance in support of Customer’s objectives for design,
implementation, operations and knowledge transfer for a specific technology, architecture, or solution as identified in the
o Solution Architect: Cisco provides consultative advice and guidance in support of Customer’s architecture vision, strategy
development, and architecture standards alignment for a specific technology, architecture, or solution as identified in the
o Project Manager: Cisco provides a Project Manager responsible for providing guidance to Customer regarding (a) creating
the project plan, project schedule, and (b) coordination of Cisco resources, tasks, and Deliverables as purchased by Customer
in support of Customer’s objectives for the Cisco solutions or technologies identified in the Quote.
Cisco will:
Work with the Customer to identify the mutually agreed-upon projects and activities within the scope of this Service Description.
During the engagement kickoff meeting, the format of written requests and responses will be mutually agreed upon.
Create a quarterly report that will include:
o status of projects
o activities performed
o deliverables provided
o amount of Service delivered, and how much of Service is remaining in the current Service Term
Cisco will respond to Customer written requests within three (3) Business Days of when request was made.
Customer will:
Work with the Cisco to identify the mutually agreed-upon projects and activities within the scope of this Service and to the extent
identified in the Quote.
Schedule a quarterly meeting to review the quarterly report that Cisco provides.
Submit requests to Cisco Project Manager in writing, using the format as mutually agreed-upon in the engagement kick off
meeting. If Customer does not receive a response within three (3) Business Days, Customer will document for resolution in
quarterly meeting.
The Expert-as-a-Service must be used together with at least one Essential, Advantage, Premier Service Tier or BCS 2.x Service.
This Service will have the same Service Term stop dates as the associated Service Tier or BCS 2.x. Multiple Expert-as-a-Service
engagements can be purchased.
Customer may not substitute or change the Expert-as-a-Service role type purchased or architecture as identified in the Quote.
The Expert-as-a-Service role, and if applicable the architecture, will be specified in the Quote.
Cisco remains responsible for assigning, supervising and directing specific individuals, and Cisco may switch individuals at any
time to deliver this Service, provided however only one person will be available to fulfill the responsibilities of this Service at any
single time. The Expert-as-a-Service is only provided as a fixed price add-on to the Essentials, Advantage, Premier Tiers or BCS
2.x Service and not as an hourly or time and material offering.
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This Service may not be used for any project in which there may be or may appear to be a governmental Organizational Conflict
of Interest or similar conflict.
The Expert-as-a-Service may be delivered either remotely or on-site (at locations where Cisco makes such Services available
and as permitted by applicable law) as specified in the Quote.
Work will be conducted during Standard Business Hours unless otherwise agreed to in advance by Cisco and the Customer.
This Service is provided solely as described in this Service Description. Cisco will use commercially reasonable efforts to
complete activities agreed to in the Services kick-off meeting and subsequent plans. However, Cisco does not guarantee that
a project will be successfully completed by a scheduled project end-date or by the end of the Service Term. All Service delivery
by this Service will stop and be considered complete on the last Business Day of the Services Term.
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7. Solution Attached Services
Solution Attached Services provide consultative capabilities around a specific solution area.
7.1. Insights for Internet and Cloud Visibility Solution Attached Services
Insights for Internet and Cloud Visibility Solution Attached Services provide guidance around WAN experience, employee
experience, and application and service availability for Customers to help them transform and optimize their network infrastructure.
Project Type
Insights for
Internet Cloud
Visibility Solution
Attached Services
Conduct business discovery workshop and readiness
assessment to identify the requirements in the
deployment of ThousandEyes solution
Planning, architecture, and ongoing optimization of
ThousandEyes solution
Provide ongoing assistance in design and
implementation of ThousandEyes
Provide ongoing baselining or resiliency assessments
for the configured ThousandEyes Dashboard.
Prerequisite Checklist Report
Implementation and
Optimization Plan
Insights and
Recommendations Report
7.2. Full Stack Observability Solution Attached Services
Full Stack Observability Solution Attached Services includes the following use cases:
Application Dependency Monitoring (ADM): Provides performance monitoring of managed and unmanaged (third-party)
application services and APIs, including internet and cloud network performance to those services.
Application Resource Optimization (ARO): Helps Customer work to improve application performance by providing resource
allocation data for workloads on-premises and in the public cloud.
Hybrid Application Monitoring (HAM): Performs monitoring of traditional and hybrid applications which include both monolithic
and hosted applications.
Customer Digital Experience Monitoring (CDEM): Provides end-to-end insight into application experience, its underlying
dependencies, and business impact.
Hybrid Cost Optimization (HCO): Provides visibility into application cost infrastructure and utilization of on-premises assets.
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Focus Area
Solution Design,
Testing, and
Knowledge Transfer
(Applicable to all
Full Stack
Observability use
Conduct Solution Requirements analysis and Customer business
discovery through a combination of Customer interviews, discussions,
and workshops
Provide Solution Requirement Document
Provide Solution Design Document
Within AppDynamics configure the Health Rules, Custom actions,
Policies, Data Collectors, Backend detection rules, service endpoint
detection rules, error detection rules, Dashboards and reports
Configure AppDynamics to integrate with third-party applications
supported by AppDynamics platform
Provide Test Plan and perform testing in accordance with such plan
Provide post implementation support
Provide knowledge transfer
Provide Platform Assessment Report which includes identification of the
o Customer challenges and problems with infrastructure
performance, application performance, or digital experience
o Key applications that may impact business goals
o Monitoring and alert handling tools currently in use, and the
processes to detect, triage, and remediate application issues
using these tools
o Existing application environment and components for
computing configurations such as OS, technologies, third-party
Solution Requirement
Solution Design
Test Plan
Platform Assessment
Review dashboards, reports, health rule violation, end user issues and
events in AppDynamics and ThousandEyes platform
Provide Application Dependency Monitoring Insights Report including
the following:
o Insights: Application component’s performance and availability,
active health rule violations, performance of third-party
elements, Network Health (loss, latency, jitter, bandwidth),
AppDynamics and ThousandEyes platform implementation
health report
o Recommendations: For addressing active AppDynamics health
rule violations and ThousandEyes alerts, for configuring
additional tests in ThousandEyes as needed, for creating more
AppDynamics health rules and alerts, ThousandEyes alert
rules, dashboards and reports if required, to refine and improve
application and network performance baselines in the
AppDynamics and ThousandEyes platforms as per the
historical data
Application Dependency
Monitoring Insights
Perform analysis of resource utilization snapshot by retrieving data from
the Intersight Workload Optimizer (IWO) platform on the Customer’s
Perform analysis of resource utilization snapshot by retrieving data from
the AppDynamics (AppD) platform on the Customer’s environment
Application Resource Optimization Report will
o Include resource usage of current and previous versions of the
o Recommend actions for the cloud and on-premises application
resource optimization
Application Resource
Optimization Report
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Customer Digital
Review Customer environment information such as dashboards,
reports, health rule violations, issues, and events in AppDynamics and
ThousandEyes platform
Provide Digital Experience Insights Report including the following:
o Insights: User Experience journey map, Application usage
statistics for different platforms, browsers, and locations, Active
health rule violations, DNS availability response time, Network
Health (loss, latency, jitter, bandwidth)
o Recommendations: For additional end user monitoring, for
creating more AppDynamics health rules and alerts,
ThousandEyes tests, dashboards and reports if required, for
end-user issues that need to be addressed, for troubleshooting
active AppDynamics health rule violations and Thousand Eyes
Digital Experience Insights
Hybrid Application
Review Customer environment information such as dashboards,
reports, health rule violations, issues, and events in AppDynamics
Provide Application Performance Monitoring Insights Report which may
include the following:
o Insights - Application dependencies and flow maps, Business
Transaction Health, Application experience and issues, Health
rule violations that need to be addressed to improve the
application performance
Recommendations opportunities to monitor additional applications,
creation of health rules and alerts, actions, dashboards and reports
Application Performance
Monitoring Insights Report
Hybrid Cost
Performing a public cloud cost analysis by retrieving data from the
Intersight Workload Optimizer (IWO) platform on the Customer’s
Performing an on-premises utilization analysis by retrieving data from
the Intersight Workload Optimizer (IWO) platform on the Customer’s
Provide Cloud Cost Optimization report which will includes Cloud Cost
Comparison of current and optimized usage, recommended actions for
the cloud cost optimization, and insights of cloud inventory and
Provide On-Prem Utilization Report which includes comparison of
current and optimized usage of on-prem infrastructure resources,
recommended actions for optimizing on-prem infrastructure resources,
insights of on-prem inventory and utilization
Cloud Cost Optimization
Report and On-Prem
Utilization Report
7.3. Solution Attached Services Requirements and Responsibilities
For Services identified in this Section, the following applies:
The specific activities for the Solution Attached Services will be reviewed at the engagement kickoff meeting and the format of
written requests and responses will be determined.
Customer must maintain active subscriptions to applicable Products such as AppDynamics and/or ThousandEyes (separately
purchased) for Cisco to be able to provide the Services.
Cisco will provide a quarterly report including:
o Status of projects
o Activities performed
o Deliverables provided
o Amount of work left on project
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o Amount of Services delivered, and how much of Service is available is remaining in the current term
Cisco will respond to Customer’s written requests within three (3) Business Days of when request was made.
All Services will be conducted during Standard Business Hours unless otherwise agreed to in advance by Cisco and the
Cisco remains responsible for assigning, supervising, and directing the personnel delivering this Service, and Cisco may change
personnel at any time.
Customer will:
Work with Cisco to identify the mutually determined activities within the scope of this Service Description during engagement
Schedule a quarterly meeting to review the quarterly report that Cisco provides.
Submit requests to Cisco Project Manager in writing, using the format as mutually determined in the engagement kick off meeting.
8. Services Limitations
8.1. Common Limitations
The following limitations apply to all Services:
8.1.1. National Versions of Service Tiers
National versions of service tiers are available in limited countries and / or in limited sectors. For National versions of the BCS
Service Tiers, Cisco uses commercially reasonable efforts to utilize solely in-country staff for BCS service delivery, whereas as the
standard tiers may utilize staff outside of the country.
8.1.2. On-site Services
On-site Services are subject to availability. If a party reasonably believes necessary according to applicable law, the parties will
work together to document the reasons and justifications for on-site Services prior to the on-site Services being performed and such
Service will be limited by those reasons and justifications. Unless otherwise agreed by Cisco, trips will be within the Location of
Services specified the Quote. On-site Services are not available and will be substituted with remote Services if Cisco believes
providing the on-site Services may pose a health or safety risk or if Cisco is prevented from providing on-site Services based on
applicable law or regulation.
8.1.3. Non-Integration of Cisco Representatives
The Services are provided in accordance with this Service Description and are not dependent on a specific Cisco representative.
Customer will not treat Cisco representatives as its own employees. Questions or assistance related to a specific Cisco
representative should be directed to Cisco’s point of contact for the Service as identified in accordance with the How Cisco Provides
Services document.
8.1.4. Additional Data Collection Limitations
If data collection in Customer’s environment is not performed with Cisco’s Data Collection Tools and Customer must provide Cisco
requested data manually, Cisco will determine the number of devices that can be supported by the report-based features.
8.1.5. U.S. Federal, State and Local Government Customers and Other Government Customers
Cisco recognizes that U.S. federal, state and local government Customers, and other governmental Customers, may have certain
regulated or government specific requirements or limitations. To the extent a government Customer is prohibited by law, security
compliance / risk or policy from deploying Cisco Data Collection tools, and from manually providing requested data to Cisco,
certain components of the Operational Insights Review will not be available. In such event, for those components that are not
available, Cisco will provide operational consulting recommendations relevant to the subject matter of such components as
specified in the Quote. The parties must work together to identify these requirements, limitations, and prohibitions before issuance
of the Quote.
8.1.6. Cisco Solution Support
Cisco offers many technology Solutions, detailed at, for its customers which
incorporate specified products, software versions, design guides, and configuration templates. This document covers technology-
level Business Critical Services coverage as specified in Section 6 hereof (as limited elsewhere in this Service Description) and not
coverage for specific Cisco Solutions. Scoping Business Critical Services for a Cisco Solution requires a custom scoping effort and
verification of underlying technologies that can be supported.
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8.2. Expert Review Workshops
8.2.1. Configuration Review Workshop
The review does not support review of migration and associated configuration changes.
The review does not provide design, migration or implementation recommendations.
The review does not provide lab testing or validation of Customer’s test plan.
Specific to Collaboration:
Collaboration Security Configuration Review is not supported.
Custom Scripting Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Configuration Review, Customer CUIC Report Configuration Review and
Customer Finesse Gadget Configuration Review for Contact Center technologies is not supported.
8.2.2. One (1) application per review.
Third party applications are not supported.
Limited to Customer specific application configurations for Webex Contact Center and Webex Contact Center Enterprise
technologies and Customer premises equipment (Local Gateways) for Webex Calling technology.
Specific to SP Mobility:
One (1) Expert Review Workshop will cover only one (1) service application in StarOS for one golden node based on Customer’s
Configuration Review of one (1) application per node/Virtualized Network Function (VNF) based on Customer’s preference.
8.2.3. Design Review Workshop
Specific to Optical Networking Technology:
The following are not covered:
o Cisco Transport Design Generation and updates.
o Script reviews and recommendations, Custom-developed objects or code Script Support.
o Data Communications Network (DCN) determination of GNE locations, OSPF areas, IP addressing strategy and plan,
Optical Service Channel (OSC) configuration.
o TDM timing primary and secondary source locations based on traffic demands and service Circuit types.
o Third party applications, integrations, determination of requirements for systems integration of both the optical solution
and Network Management.
o Reconciling of report data for determination of design requirements.
o Optical Systems BOM creation.
o OSS/BSS integration and SNMP trap determination.
o Design for circuit restoration routing.
Specific to Optical Networking Technology:
RF Design Review is not supported.
Specific to Collaboration:
Collaboration Security Design Review is not supported.
Custom Scripting Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Design Review, Customer CUIC Report Design Review and Custom Finesse
Gadget Design Review for Contact Center technologies is not supported.
One (1) application per review.
Limited to Customer specific application configurations for Webex Contact Center and Webex Contact Center Enterprise
Design Review Workshop is not supported for Webex Calling technology.
Specific to SP Mobility:
Design/Audit Review involving Third party hardware used for hosting 4G/5G VNFs is not included.
Design Review of security related aspects is not included.
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One (1) Expert Review Workshop will cover only one (1) service application in StarOS for one (1) golden node based on
Customers preference.
Third party applications or Transport/IP design review not supported.
OSS/BSS integration and SNMP trap determination is not covered.
8.2.4. Resiliency Review Workshop
Specific to Security Technologies:
Resiliency Review is applicable for Tetration technology only if Database Backup and Recovery (DBR) is being used.
One (1) Resiliency Review for the following:
o Up to one (1) security technology (such as Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE), Cisco AnyConnect® Remote VPN, or
802.1x deployments).
o Up to two (2) Network segments with a total of up to ten (10) Customer device classes, defined as group of devices (such
as firewalls or routers) that have what Cisco reasonably determines to be similar configurations.
Specific to Routing and Switching Technology:
Resiliency Review covers only Cisco Routing and Switching networking devices up to a maximum of five thousand (5,000) Cisco
Cisco Wi-Fi Hardware and guidance on software lifecycles (EOX, Software diversity) along with manageability and security best
practices are included in the analysis. Wi-Fi specific configurations and Radio Frequency (RF) studies are not covered in the
Routing and Switching Resiliency Review.
Cisco Firewall and load-balancer Hardware and guidance on software lifecycles (EOX, Software diversity) are included in the
analysis, but Firewall and load-balancer rules are not included.
VoIP configurations are out-of-scope.
Third party equipment is out-of-scope.
Resiliency Review analyzes and makes recommendations addressing the existing Network infrastructure and does not make
recommendations based on future Network designs.
Resiliency Review does not offer any Network performance analysis, application analysis, or Network bandwidth utilization
Specific to Wireless Networking:
Resiliency Review analyzes and makes recommendations addressing the existing network infrastructure and does not make
recommendations based on future network designs.
Resiliency Review does not offer any network performance analysis, application analysis, or network bandwidth utilization
Specific to Optical Networking Technology:
One (1) Resiliency Review Report supports up to a maximum of fifty (50) devices.
The scope of the Resiliency Review will focus on protection schemes and alternate routing at the hardware level only. Resiliency
of power plant, circuit and node capacity, and third party products is out of scope.
Specific to Data Center:
For UCS, the scope will be limited to Cisco components like UCS FI, B series, C series servers and network uplinks. It would
not cover virtualization technologies like VMware, Microsoft HyperV, KVM & other.
Specific to Collaboration:
Resiliency Workshop is not applicable for Collaboration architecture.
Specific to SP Mobility:
Resiliency Review analyzes and makes recommendations addressing the existing Network infrastructure and does not make
recommendations based on future Network designs.
Resiliency Review does not offer any Network performance analysis, application analysis, or Network bandwidth utilization
Report will not cover the impact on Customer network devices like switches/routers and firewalls or any third party elements.
Specific to Industrial Networking and Collaboration Technology:
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Resiliency Review covers only Cisco Industrial Networking and Collaboration devices up to a maximum of five thousand (5,000)
Cisco devices.
Cisco Firewall and load-balancer Hardware and guidance on software lifecycles (EOX, Software diversity) are included in the
analysis, but Firewall and load-balancer rules are not included.
VoIP configurations are out-of-scope.
Third party equipment is out-of-scope.
Resiliency Review analyzes and makes recommendations addressing the existing Network infrastructure and does not make
recommendations based on future Network designs.
Resiliency Review does not offer any Network performance analysis, application analysis, or Network bandwidth utilization
Specific to OT Integrity Technology:
One (1) Resiliency Review for the following:
o Up to one (1) security technology
o Up to two (2) Network segments with a total of up to ten (10) Customer device classes, defined as group of devices (such
as firewalls or routers) that have what Cisco reasonably determines to be similar configurations.
8.2.5. Audit Review Workshop
Specific to Data Center Switching Technology:
One (1) Audit Review Report for Data Center Switching is limited to Cisco Nexus family of switches in a single instance of Data
Specific to Optical Networking Technology:
One (1) Audit Review Report for Optical Networking is limited to IP addressing and Data Communication Network (DCN) and
Dense Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM) channel utilization.
Specific to Security:
Audit Review Workshop is supported only for below technologies:
o Network Security
o Security Policy & Access
o Tetration technology-aligned Service
o Advanced Threat Stealthwatch, AMP for Endpoints
One (1) Audit Review for the following:
o Up to one (1) security technology (such as Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE), FTD or Stealthwatch platform)
o Up to two (2) Network elements or one (1) Cluster (such as 2 FTD and 1 FMC)
Audit Review is applicable for the Tetration technology only if Database Backup and Recover (DBR) is being used.
Specific to Collaboration:
One (1) application per review.
Third party applications are not supported for Audit Reviews.
Limited to Customer specific application configurations for Webex Contact Center and Webex Contact Center Enterprise
technologies, Customer premises equipment (Local Gateways) for Webex Calling technology, and cloud endpoints for Cloud
Meetings & Messaging technology.
Specific to SP Mobility:
One (1) Expert Review Workshop will cover only one (1) service application for one golden node.
Audit of third-party hardware /software components is not supported.
Specific to OT Integrity Technology:
One (1) Audit Review for the following:
o Up to one (1) security technology
Up to two (2) Network elements or one (1) Cluster
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8.2.6. Architecture Review Workshop
Specific to Collaboration:
Architecture Review Workshop is not supported for Webex Contact Center, Webex Contact Center Enterprise and Webex Calling
Specific to SP Mobility:
Architecture Review of Third-party application, integration and assurance solutions is not included.
Architecture Review will cover one (1) service application for one (1) golden node.
8.2.7. Implementation Review Workshop
Specific to Collaboration:
Limited to Customer specific application configurations for Webex Contact Center and Webex Contact Center Enterprise
technologies and Customer premises equipment (Local Gateways) for Webex Calling technology.
8.2.8. Testing Review Workshop
Specific to Collaboration:
Limited to Customer specific application configurations for Webex Contact Center and Webex Contact Center Enterprise
technologies, and Customer premises equipment (Local Gateways) for Webex Calling technology.
8.2.9. Strategy Review Workshop
Specific to Collaboration:
Strategy Review Workshop is not supported for Webex Contact Center and Webex Calling technologies.
Limited to Customer specific application configurations for Webex Contact Center Enterprise technology.
8.3. Operational Insights Review
Applies to all OI
Config Best Practices
Field Notice Checks
Hardware Lifecycle
Milestone Checks
Security Advisory
Customer Impact
Risk Mitigation Report
Software Analysis and
Release Standards
Software Management
Strategy Report
Syslog Analysis
Policy Variation Analysis
Design Builder
Scalability Insights
Config Management Insights
Not supported: SD-
Not supported: Meraki
optical networking
Max. fifty (50) devices
per report
Data centre
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Not supported: Third
party applications,
cloud products
SP Mobility
Internet of Things;
Networking and
Internet of Things;
OT Integrity
Air Gapped
In addition to above
Reports marked “Yes*” have the following limitations as detailed below:
Specific to Networking:
Policy Variation Analysis Report is supported only for platforms running IOS and IOS-XE.
Design Builder Report is supported only for platforms running IOS, IOS-XE, and IOS-XR.
Scalability Insights Report is supported only for the Cat3k, Cat4k and Cat9k product families
Configuration Management Insights is limited to Routing and Switching technologies and is supported only for platforms running
Specific to Wireless Networking:
Policy Variation Analysis Report is supported only for AireOS.
Risk Mitigation is currently not supported for Cisco 5500, 8500 and Flex 7500 Series Wireless Controllers
Specific to Optical Networking:
Configuration Best Practices Report is limited to optical power level thresholds only.
Configuration Best Practices Report and Product Security Advisory Impact Assessment are not supported for Cisco Optical
Networking Services (ONS) and Cisco Network Convergence Series (NCS) 2000 Platforms.
Risk Mitigation is currently not supported for Cisco Network Convergence System 2000 (NCS2K)
Configuration Management Insights is limited to platforms running IOS-XR.
Recommendations to information analyzed via syslog is based on alarms and conditions, system resources and shelf
Specific to Data Center:
Policy Variation Analysis Report is limited to Data Center Switching technologies and is supported only for platforms running
Design Builder Report is limited to Data Center Switching technologies and is supported only for platforms running NX-OS.
Risk Mitigation Report is only supported for Nexus Standalone switches.
Configuration Best Practices Report is limited to a single ACI fabric.
Configuration Management Insights is limited to Data Center Switching technologies and is supported only for platforms running
NX-OS. ACI mode is not supported.
Syslog Analysis Report is limited to a single ACI fabric.
Scalability Insights support is limited to the Nexus 7k and Nexus 9k product families.
Specific to Security:
Operational Insights Review Reports are supported only for the following technologies:
o Network Security
o Security Policy and Access
o Tetration
o Advanced Threat
§ OAMP connectors
§ Stealthwatch
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Specific to Collaboration:
One (1) application per Configuration Best Practices Report (CBPR).
Configuration Best Practices Report is limited to Customer specific application configurations for Webex Contact Center and
Webex Contact Center Enterprise technologies, and Customer premises equipment (Local Gateways) for Webex Calling
Field Notice Report is limited to Customer premises equipment (Cisco Collaboration endpoints and Local Gateways) for Unified
Communications Manager (UCM) Cloud and Webex Calling technologies, (Cisco Collaboration endpoints, Cisco Unified SIP
Proxy and Local Gateways) for Webex Contact Center Enterprise technology, and (Cisco Webex Cloud registered endpoints)
for Cloud Meetings & Messaging technology.
Hardware Lifecycle Milestone Report is limited to Customer premises equipment (Cisco Collaboration endpoints and Local
Gateways) for Unified Communications Manager (UCM) Cloud and Webex Calling technologies, (Cisco Collaboration endpoints,
Cisco Unified SIP Proxy and Local Gateways) for Webex Contact Center Enterprise technology, (Cisco Webex Cloud registered
endpoints) for Cloud Meetings & Messaging technology, and (Cisco Collaboration endpoints and Local Gateways) for Webex
Contact Center technology.
Product Security Advisory Impact Assessment is limited to Customer premises equipment (Cisco Collaboration endpoints and
Local Gateways) for Unified Communications Manager (UCM) Cloud and Webex Calling technologies, (Cisco Collaboration
endpoints, Cisco Unified SIP Proxy and Local Gateways) for Webex Contact Center Enterprise technology, (Cisco Collaboration
endpoints and Local Gateways) for Webex Contact Center technology, and (Cisco Webex Cloud registered endpoints) for Cloud
Meetings & Messaging technology.
Software Analysis and Release Standards Report is limited to Customer premises equipment (Cisco Collaboration endpoints
and Local Gateways) for Unified Communications Manager (UCM) Cloud and Webex Calling technologies, and (Cisco
Collaboration endpoints and Local Gateways) for Webex Contact Center technology.
Software Management Strategy Report is limited to Customer premises equipment (Cisco Collaboration endpoints and Local
Gateways) for Unified Communications Manager (UCM) Cloud and Webex Calling technologies, (Cisco Collaboration endpoints,
Cisco Unified SIP Proxy and Local Gateways) for Webex Contact Center Enterprise technology, and (Cisco Collaboration
endpoints and Local Gateways) for Webex Contact Center technology.
Specific to SP Mobility:
For StarOS VNF (Packet Core) Configuration Best Practices Report (CBPR) will cover only one (1) service application for one
golden node based on Customers preference.
For Cisco Policy Suite (PCRF) Configuration Best Practices Report (CBPR) will cover one (1) golden node based on Customers
Specific to Industrial Networking and Collaboration:
Operational Insights Reports are not supported for the following product families: Cisco ESR6300 Embedded Series Routers,
Cisco Industrial Ethernet 1000 Series Switches, Cisco Catalyst IW6300 Heavy Duty Series Access Points, Cisco Ultra-Reliable
Wireless Backhaul, Cisco 3000 Series Industrial Compute Gateways, and Cisco Wireless Gateway for LoRaWAN.
8.4. Change Window Support
Specific to Collaboration:
Limited to Customer premises equipment (Cisco Collaboration endpoints and Local Gateways) for Webex Calling technology.
8.5. Expert Incident Review
Specific to Collaboration:
Limited to Customer premises equipment (Local Gateways) for Webex Calling technology.
8.6. Packaged Scrum Services
8.6.1. Automated Fault Management Starter Scrum Service
Number of devices covered: 2,000
Custom signatures developed: 26
Automated SR creation with Cisco: Unlimited
Machine-to-Machine Notification (via API): Unlimited
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Automated Customer ticket creation: Not included
The following technologies are currently not supported:
Networking: Network Management and Orchestration; ONS platforms for Optical Networking; Next Gen Cable Access
Data Center: UCS B-Series platforms for Computing Systems; Storage Area Networking; Data Center Orchestration and
Security: Advanced Threat; Security Cloud; Tetration; Security Policy and Access
o Network Security support is limited to the ASA, FTD platforms
o Security Policy and Access support is limited to ISE
Network Security support is limited to the ASA, FTD platforms
Collaboration: Unified Communications; Video Collaboration; Customer Care; Cloud Meetings and Messaging.
Internet of Things: Industrial Networking and Collaboration; OT Integrity.
8.6.2. Compliance and Remediation Starter Scrum Service
Number of devices covered: 750
Number of change windows: up to 6 per quarter
Configuration compliance reports: up to 2 per quarter
Email/community support for platform issues, assessment report questions and issues: Unlimited
Customized device compliance standards: up to 1 per quarter
The following technologies are currently not supported:
Networking: Network Management and Orchestration; Optical Networking; Next Gen Cable Access
Data Center: Computing Systems; Storage Area Networking; Data Center Orchestration and Automation; Application Centric
Security: Advanced Threat; Security Cloud; Security Policy and Access; Tetration
Collaboration: Unified Communications; Video Collaboration; Customer Care; Cloud Meetings and Messaging
SP Mobility: Packet Core; Mobility Policy and Access
Internet of Things: Industrial Networking and Collaboration; OT Integrity
8.6.3. Continuous Automation and Integration Testing Starter Scrum Service
Access to libraries and test cases: Unlimited
Creation of custom test cases: 10
Platform and library updates: 2 per year
Support for CXTM platform issues: Unlimited
Knowledge transfer sessions on CXTM: 2 per year
The following technologies are currently not supported:
Networking: Next Gen Cable Access
Security: Tetration
Collaboration: Customer Care; Cloud Meetings and Messaging
SP Mobility: Packet Core; Mobility Policy and Access
Internet of Things: Industrial Networking and Collaboration; OT Integrity
8.6.4. Automated Incident and Assurance Scrum Service
Cisco will provide a maximum of 50 custom signatures.
The following technologies are currently not supported:
Networking: Network Management and Orchestration; Optical Networking; Next Gen Cable Access
Data Center: Storage Area Networking; Data Center Orchestration and Automation
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Security: Network Security Services; Cloud Security Services; Security Policy and Access Services; Advanced Threat Services;
Tetration technology-aligned Services
Collaboration: Unified Communications (UC); Video Collaboration; Customer Care; Cloud Meetings and Messaging; Unified
Communications Manager (UCM); Webex Calling; Webex Contact Center; Webex Contact Center Enterprise
SP Mobility: Cisco Packet Core; Mobility Policy and Access
Internet of Things: Industrial Networking and Collaboration; OT Integrity
8.6.5. Automated Change and Assurance Scrum Service
Only Cisco-validated methods of procedure (MOP) may be used for this service delivery.
The following technologies are currently not supported:
Networking: Wireless Networking, Network Management and Orchestration; Optical Networking; Next Gen Cable Access
Data Center: Computing Systems; Storage Area Networking; Data Center Orchestration and Automation
Security: Network Security Services; Cloud Security Services; Security Policy and Access Services; Advanced Threat Services;
Tetration technology-aligned Services
Collaboration: Unified Communications (UC); Video Collaboration; Customer Care; Cloud Meetings and Messaging; Unified
Communications Manager (UCM); Webex Calling; Webex Contact Center; Webex Contact Center Enterprise
SP Mobility: Cisco Packet Core; Mobility Policy and Access
Internet of Things: Industrial Networking and Collaboration; OT Integrity
8.7. Solution Attached Services
8.7.1. Application Dependency Monitoring
Customers may purchase one unit of this service or multiple units. Each unit is limited to the following service delivery thresholds:
Up to 1 application monitored
Up to 12 AppDynamics Agents
Up to 10 AppDynamics Health Rules
Up to 14 AppDynamics Custom
Up to 5 AppDynamics Policies
Up to 5 AppDynamics Actions
Up to 8 ThousandEyes
Enterprise/Endpoint Agents
Up to 14 ThousandEyes
Synthetic Tests/Transactions
Up to 8 ThousandEyes Alerts
Up to 4 ThousandEyes
Up to 4 ThousandEyes Reports
Up to 10 ThousandEyes Label
Up to 4 Application Dependency
Monitoring Insights and
Recommendations Reports
8.7.2. Application Resource Optimization
Customers may purchase one unit of this service or multiple units. Each unit is limited to the following service delivery thresholds:
Up to 1 application monitored
Up to 40 AppDynamics agents
Up to 4 AppDynamics Health Rules
Up to 2 AppDynamics Custom Policies
Up to 2 AppDynamics Custom
Up to 4 AppDynamics Custom
Up to 2 AppDynamics Policies
Up to 2 AppDynamics Actions
Up to 1 Intersight Workload
Optimizer Cloud Billing
Up to 4 Intersight Workload
Optimizer Plans
Up to 2 Four Hour Support
Sessions for CI/CD Tool Integration
Up to 4 Application Resource
Optimization Recommendations
8.7.3. Customer Digital Experience Monitoring
Customers may purchase one unit of this service or multiple units. Each unit is limited to the following service delivery thresholds:
Up to 1 application monitored
Up to 18 AppDynamics End User
Monitoring agents
Up to 18 AppDynamics End User
Monitoring Health Rules
Up to 2 AppDynamics End User
Monitoring Actions
Up to 1 ThousandEyes
Enterprise Agents
Up to 1 ThousandEyes Endpoint
Up to 2 AppDynamics End User
Monitoring Policies
Up to 3 ThousandEyes
Up to 3 ThousandEyes Reports
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Up to 18 AppDynamics Custom Naming
Up to 11 AppDynamics Custom
Dashboards widgets
Up to 1 AppDynamics Custom Report
Up to 8 ThousandEyes Synthetic
Test/ Transaction Tests
Up to 5 ThousandEyes Alerts
Up to 15 ThousandEyes Label
Up to 2 Digital Experience
Insights Report
8.7.4. Hybrid Application Monitoring
Customers may purchase one unit of this service or multiple units. Each unit is limited to the following service delivery thresholds:
Up to 1 application monitored
Up to 40 AppDynamics application
Up to 20 AppDynamics Health Rules
Up to 20 AppDynamics Business
Up to 3 AppDynamics Data Collectors
Up to 2 AppDynamics Policies
Up to 2 AppDynamics Custom
Up to 2 AppDynamics Backend
Detection Rules
Up to 3 AppDynamics Service
Endpoint Detection Rules
Up to 2 AppDynamics Error
Detection Rule
Up to 2 AppDynamics Business
Up to 2 AppDynamics Custom
Up to 3 APM Insights Review and
8.7.5. Hybrid Cost Optimization
Customers may purchase one unit of this service or multiple units. Each unit is limited to the following service delivery thresholds:
Up to 4 Intersight Workload Optimizer plan
Up to 4 Intersight Workload Optimizer
policy created
Up to 2 Intersight Workload Optimizer
billing and cost configuration
Up to 2 AppDynamics Business
Up to 6 AppDynamics Health
Up to 4 AppDynamics Custom
Up to 2 AppDynamics Custom
Up to 2 Cost Optimization Report
Up to 2 On Premise Utilization
9. Architectures and Technologies Supported by the Services
The following are the architectures and technologies supported by the Services as specified in the Quote:
9.1. Networking Architecture
Routing and Switching technology-aligned Services support all Cisco Products and technologies that forward and/or process
routed Internet Protocol (IP) and switched Ethernet traffic, Hardware, and virtual infrastructure appliances, Software-defined
access switches, and controllers.
Wireless Networking technology-aligned Services support all Cisco Unified Network Wireless Products including Wireless
LAN (WLAN) Access Points (AP), Wireless Controllers and Wireless Network Management
Network Management and Orchestration technology-aligned Services include Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure
Controller Enterprise Module (APIC-EM), Cisco Digital Network Architecture (DNA) Center, Cisco Prime® Infrastructure, Cisco
Prime Network, Cisco Prime Optical, Cisco Prime Central, Cisco Prime Performance Manager, Cisco Prime Provisioning, Cisco
Prime Access Registrar, Cisco Prime Network Registrar, Cisco Evolved Programmable Network (EPN) Manager, Cisco WAN
Automation Engine (WAE), and other Cisco OSS / Network Management Software.
Optical Networking technology-aligned Services support all Cisco Optical Products and technologies including DWDM,
IPoDWDM, Optical Transport (OTN), Packet Optical, Circuit Emulation, SONET, and SDH.
Next Gen Cable Access technology-aligned Services support Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS), Cisco Converged
Broadband Router (cBR-8) Platform, Evolved Converged Cable Access Platform (CCAP), DOCSIS 3.1 Migration, and
Broadband Access Control for Cable (BACC), and Cisco Network Register (CNR).
9.2. Data Center Architecture
Computing Systems technology-aligned Services support all Cisco Data Center Compute Products, Cisco Hyperflex
Infrastructure Platforms, Software, and technologies, such as servers and management Software and connectivity.
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Data Center Switching technology-aligned Services support all Cisco Data Center Switching Products and technologies that
forward and/or process and forward IP, switched Ethernet, storage traffic, and Cisco Application Control Engine.
Storage Area Networking (SAN) technology-aligned Services support all Cisco Data Center SAN Products and technologies
that forward and/or process and forward IP, switched Ethernet, and storage traffic.
Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) technology-aligned Services support all Data Center Cisco Nexus® Family of ACI-
capable 9000 Switches and Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) Cluster.
Data Center Orchestration and Automation technology-aligned Services support Cisco ONE Enterprise Cloud Suite
Solutions such as Cisco Unified Computing System(Cisco UCS®) Director (UCS-D), Cisco Prime Service Catalog (PSC),
Cisco Process Orchestrator (CPO), Cisco UCS Performance Manager (UCSPM), Cisco UCS Manager (UCSM), Cisco UCS
Central (UCSC), Cisco Cloud Center (CCC), Cisco Prime Data Center Network Manager (DCNM), and other future Cisco
infrastructure and Software Products for Hybrid Cloud and IT Automation.
9.3. Security Architecture
Network Security Services technology include Cisco Security Products and Solutions including next generation firewall and
next generation Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS), and Content Security (Email/Web).
Cloud Security Services technology include Cisco Cloud Security, including Cisco Umbrella.
Security Policy and Access Services technology include Cisco Policy and Access Products, including Identity Services
Engine (ISE) and AnyConnect® VPN.
Advanced Threat Services technology include Advanced Threat Products and Solutions such as Cisco Advanced Malware
Protection (AMP) technologies, Stealthwatch®, and Cognitive Threat Analytics.
Tetration technology-aligned Services technology support Cisco Tetration Clusters (39RU, 8RU, Tet-V, Cloud-TaaS),
Sensors (Software and Hardware) and Software Subscription Licenses.
9.4. Collaboration Architecture
Unified Communications (UC) technology-aligned services support Cisco Collaboration Product families and technologies
that may include call control, voicemail, instant messaging and presence, analytics and reporting, emergency response, mobility,
and endpoints. Includes Cisco Products and applications including Call Processing, Voice Mail, Instant Messaging and Presence,
Voice Gateways, Telephony endpoints.
Video Collaboration technology-aligned services support Cisco Collaboration Product families and technologies that may
include call control, video conferencing, personal meeting rooms, analytics and reporting, room and immersive video endpoints,
desktop video endpoints, personal video endpoints, video infrastructure, and video applications.
Customer Care technology-aligned services support Cisco Collaboration Product families and technologies that may include
call control, call routing, interactive voice response, scripting, omni-channel and self-Service Solutions, and analytics and
Cloud Meetings and Messaging technology-aligned services support Cisco Collaboration Product families and technologies
that may include on-premise and cloud conferencing, personal meeting rooms, analytics and reporting, cloud Collaboration
Platform and hybrid Services, and cloud instant messaging and presence.
Unified Communications Manager (UCM) Cloud technology-aligned services support Cisco Collaboration Product families
and technologies that may include on-premise and cloud call processing, voice mail.
Webex Calling technology-aligned services support Cisco Collaboration Product families and technologies that may include
on-premise and cloud calling, analytics and reporting, cloud collaboration Platform and hybrid Services, and cloud instant
messaging and presence.
Webex Contact Center technology-aligned services support Cisco Collaboration Product families and technologies that may
include on-premise and cloud contact center, analytics and reporting, cloud collaboration Platform and hybrid Services, and
cloud instant messaging and presence.
Webex Contact Center Enterprise technology-aligned services support Cisco Collaboration Product families and technologies
that may include on-premise and cloud contact center, analytics and reporting, cloud collaboration Platform and hybrid Services,
and cloud instant messaging and presence.
9.5. SP Mobility Architecture
Cisco Packet Core technology includes StarOS ASR 5000, StarOS ASR 5500 and StarOS VNF NFVI based virtual packet Core.
Mobility Policy and Access technology includes Cisco Policy Suite (PCRF).
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9.6. Internet of Things
Industrial Networking and Collaboration technology-aligned Services support all Cisco IoT Products and technologies that
forward and/or process routed Internet Protocol (IP) and switched Ethernet traffic, Hardware, and virtual infrastructure appliances,
Software-defined access switches, and controllers, including Cisco Industrial Wireless and Ultra-Reliable Wireless Backhaul
Products, as well as IoT management and dashboard applications used in combination with such products.
OT Integrity technology-aligned Services support all Cisco Industrial Security Products and technologies, including Cisco Cyber
Vision Center and Sensor software, Cisco Cyber Vision Center and Sensor hardware appliances, Industrial Compute Gateways
and Industrial Security Appliances (ISA).
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10. Glossary of Additional Terms
The following terms used within this document are defined below:
Defined Term
Air-Gapped Data
Collection Tool
A Data Collection Tool deployed as an appliance within the customer’s network. Collected data remains on-
site as the Data Collection Tool will not create any external links outside the customer network. Typically
used for highly secure (“air-gapped”) networks.
An entry created in the CSOne system to track Customer's concerns, status, and resolution. A Case has a
unique identification number and contains fields for Customer information, the Case owner, and Case
status, as well as a chronological list of actions that have occurred leading to its resolution or closing.
Change Window
A Customer scheduled outage of service for the purpose of implementing planned changes, upgrades
and/or repairs to Customer’s network.
A change of state which has significance for the management of a configuration item or service. The term
Event is also used to mean an alert or notification created by any IT service, configuration item or monitoring
tool. Events often require IT operations personnel to take actions, and may lead to incidents being logged.
A Cisco Product family (i.e., ASR 9000 Series, ASR 1000 Series, NCS 5000 Series) and associated
Software Release(s).
Red Team/Purple
Red Team is Cisco acting as an external entity to test the efficacy of security controls that are in place.
This is accomplished by monitoring the behavior of real-life attackers in how they target and attack an
Purple Team is a combination of Red Team and Blue Team members collaborating to run through a
real-life attack, or select attack phases, and dissecting each action to help Customer determine how the
attack can be identified and countered.
Software Feature
User-configurable function for a Cisco technology, protocol, or application module on a single system.