Boundary Guidance
Version 2.0
FedRAMP Authorization Boundary Guidance
Document published
Document updated to
provide clarity of the
boundary requirements
FedRAMP Authorization Boundary Guidance
Purpose 1
Key Federal Definitions and Requirements 1
1. Defining Your Authorization Boundary in the Cloud 1
2. Federal Data in the Cloud 2
3. Federal Metadata in the Cloud 3
4. Interconnections in the Cloud 4
5. External Services in the Cloud 5
6. Leveraging External Services with a FedRAMP Authorization 5
7. Corporate Services 6
Data Requirements 6
Additional Agency-Specific Security Requirements 7
Appendix A: Guidance on Developing Authorization Boundary, Network and Data Flows Diagrams 7
Authorization Boundary Diagram (ABD) 7
Network Diagram 9
Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) 9
Appendix B: Frequently Asked Questions 10
What is an authorization boundary and why is it important? 10
Does a system that stores or processes federal data/metadata or sensitive system data, but is not
directly connected to the boundary, need to be identified as an external system and/or service? 12
How does FedRAMP define "corporate" services? 13
What should 3PAOs keep in mind when assessing external services? 13
Appendix C: Data Type Use Cases 14
FedRAMP Authorization Boundary Guidance
The purpose of this document is to provide Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) guidance for developing the
authorization boundary associated with their Cloud Service Offering (CSO) to support their FedRAMP
Authorization package. An authorization boundary provides a diagrammatic illustration of a CSP’s internal
services, components, and other devices along with connections to external services and systems. An
authorization boundary encompasses all technologies, external and internal services, and leveraged
systems and accounts for all federal information, data, and metadata that a CSO is responsible for. The
authorization boundary is a critical component associated with the federal National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-37, Guide for Applying the Risk Management
Framework (RMF) to Federal Information Systems and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) circular
A-130, Managing Information as a Strategic Resource.
This document serves as a living document, evolving with changes to cloud computing technology and
federal information security policy relevant to FedRAMP.
The information found in this document pertains to CSPs that are pursuing and maintaining a
FedRAMP Authorization.
Key Federal Definitions and
The concepts below provide an overview of various terms and definitions outlined in NIST SP 800-37,
SP 800-53, and OMB A-130 and provide guidance from the FedRAMP Program Management Office
(PMO) and Joint Authorization Board (JAB).
1. Defining Your Authorization Boundary in the Cloud
Federal Definition: NIST SP 800-37 defines an authorization boundary as “all components of an
information system to be authorized for operation by an Authorizing Official (AO) and excludes separately
authorized systems to which the information system is connected.
FedRAMP Guidance: An authorization boundary for cloud technologies should describe a cloud system’s
internal components and connections to external services and systems that will process federal data or
federal metadata. All external services that process, store, or transmit federal data or sensitive federal
metadata must either be included in the authorization boundary or reside in a FedRAMP authorized system
FedRAMP Authorization Boundary Guidance
at the same FIPS-199 impact level. Some sensitive federal metadata can be authorized to reside in
corporate systems that are wholly owned by the CSO. Authorized systems that are controlled and
managed by the customer are excluded from the CSO boundary. Components that are provided by the
CSO and run in the customer environment (i.e. agents, applications, specialized hardware) may be included
in the assessment, and therefore in the boundary.
When describing the authorization boundary in security documentation or diagrams, all data types and
flow of data within the boundary and to external systems that will process, transmit, or store federal data
and federal metadata on behalf of the system must be described.
Non-sensitive and corporate metadata can reside in corporate systems and commercial cloud systems
procured by the CSP. When determining the sensitivity of the data being stored in CSO systems, the CSP
must work with the Authorizing Official or delegates to determine if the data can be stored in a non
FedRAMP authorized system.
The types of data and metadata, determination of potential impact and of inclusion within the boundary
will be made by the Authorizing Official in cooperation and consultation with the CSP.
2. Federal Data in the Cloud
Federal Definition: OMB A-130 describes federal information as “information created, collected, processed,
maintained, disseminated, disclosed, or disposed of by or for the Federal Government, in any medium or
FedRAMP Guidance: CSPs should account for, and include within an authorization boundary, all federal
data populated or generated by a federal customer within the CSO, including metadata. Any information
that the system processes or stores that originates from or is produced for a federal government entity is
considered federal data.
Some examples include:
Federal HR/personnel information
Federal resource management
Taxpayer/citizen information
Federal acquisition information
Federal law enforcement data
Federal Court information
These are a few examples of federal data, not a comprehensive list. A more exhaustive list of types of
federal data can be found in NIST SP 800-60 and can be determined with each individual agency or
federal government entity authorizing a CSO. This includes information of the type that may be exempt
from disclosure per 5 U.S.C. 552, Freedom of Information Act, and its amendments or 5 U.S.C. 552a, Privacy
FedRAMP Authorization Boundary Guidance
3. Federal Metadata in the Cloud
Federal Definition: NIST SP 800-53 describes metadata as “information describing the characteristics of
data including, for example, structural metadata describing data structures (e.g., data format, syntax, and
semantics) and descriptive metadata describing data contents (e.g., information security labels).
FedRAMP Guidance: There are two types of metadata that each have their own security considerations
and requirements:
1. Federal metadata:
Data that, if compromised, could impact the confidentiality, availability, or integrity of the systems
supporting the processing, storage, or transmission of federal data.
For example:
Configuration data (hostnames, IPs, system running configuration, patching level, etc.)
Scan data (Raw scan data, POA&M, Deviation Requests, etc.)
Security Documentation
Incident Response Data (Active incident response data and investigation communications)
Ticketing information with systems specific information
This is not an exhaustive list and only provides a guideline for determining the impact level of the
metadata. If there is a question about the categorization of the metadata in a CSO, the CSP must validate
with the AO the nature of the metadata. Within the federal metadata category there are two
Federal metadata with a direct potential impact on mission, organizations or individuals should there be
a loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability. This includes security metadata revealing the current
security posture of the system; vulnerability information; active incident response information and
communications; and active threat assessment, penetration test or security investigation information and
communications. This type of federal metadata must reside within the authorization boundary or within
the boundary of another federal information system authorized by the AO at the same or greater FIPS-199
impact level. The types of metadata, determination of potential impact and of inclusion within the
boundary shall be made by the AO in cooperation and consultation with the CSP.
Note: JAB systems that are using external systems for the processing, storage or transmission of this type
of federal metadata must utilize a system with a JAB authorization at the same or greater FIPS-199 impact
Federal metadata with an indirect potential impact on mission, organizations or individuals should there
be a loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability. This includes data revealing system infrastructure,
facilities, and design; applications name, version, and release; application, system, and network
configuration information; interconnections and access methods; systems inventories; architecture models,
diagrams, and details; system security plans, contingency plans, risk management plans, security impact
FedRAMP Authorization Boundary Guidance
analysis, plans, and roadmaps; personnel security information; information that could be sold for profit; and
historical federal metadata the previously was considered to have a direct potential impact. This type of
federal metadata may be authorized to reside in a system that is fully owned, maintained and operated by
the CSP where established contractual vehicles or other agreements provide for and where the CSP shall
demonstrate or attest to meeting and maintaining satisfactory performance of security requirements
commensurate with NIST SP 800-171.
Note: For JAB systems, this type of federal metadata must reside in a cloud that is JAB authorized to the
same level or greater as the CSO or in a system that is fully owned, maintained and operated by the CSP
and meets the JAB requirements commensurate with NIST SP 800-171. This type of metadata cannot be
stored in another entity's cloud or corporate system. The CSP must be able to provide attestation that the
corporate system meets JAB security requirements that are commensurate with NIST SP 800-171.
2. Corporate metadata:
Data about processes within the authorization boundary or federal customers that does not contain
security sensitive information and/or information that if compromised could be a threat to the systems
supporting the processing and storage of federal or federal metadata or federal personnel data.
For Example:
Sales data
IT utilization and performance data
Project planning information
Marketing materials
Pricing data
Corporate metadata should be accounted for, adequately protected, and documented by the CSP within
applicable FedRAMP deliverables. External systems processing or storing corporate metadata can
maintain an active connection with the authorization boundary, but all connections must be examined and
the type of information transmitted in the connection must be validated by the 3PAO during initial
authorization and at annual assessment.
4. Interconnections in the Cloud
Federal Definition: Per NIST SP 800-47, an interconnection is defined as “the direct connection of two or
more IT systems for the purpose of sharing data and other information resources.
FedRAMP Guidance: Interconnections must be reviewed by Authorizing Officials (AOs) to ensure that all
federal data and metadata residing within or leaving the system is adequately protected. Cloud
technologies that utilize interconnections, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), and other
synchronous/asynchronous connections that potentially transmit federal data or metadata, must
document, test and monitor the connections in accordance with FedRAMP and federal guidelines.
FedRAMP Authorization Boundary Guidance
5. External Services in the Cloud
Federal Definition: NIST SP 800-53 defines external services as “a system service that is implemented
outside of the authorization boundary of the organizational system (i.e., a service that is used by, but not a
part of, the organizational system) and for which the organization typically has no direct control over the
application of required security and privacy controls or the assessment of security and privacy control
FedRAMP Guidance: Cloud technologies can augment or support their functionality by utilizing systems,
components, and services from external services that are not directly controlled by the CSP pursuing a
FedRAMP authorization. The CSP must clearly document these external services including the flow of the
data, specific ports, the security and encryption used in all the connections and the extent to which federal
information (data) can be impacted by the use of these services. The use of external services that carry
federal data and metadata must be depicted as part of the CSO’s authorization boundary and must meet
the data requirements for the different data categories. CSPs should make sure their FedRAMP
Authorization Package (e.g., System Security Plan [SSP], Security Assessment Plan [SAP], Security
Assessment Report [SAR], etc.) reflects this information. As part of issuing the Authority to Operate, the
AO must review and approve the use of the external systems as part of the CSP’s authorization boundary.
Item of Note: External services may or may not have a pre-existing FedRAMP Authorization unless they
are processing federal data or metadata. External services that impact the Confidentiality, Integrity, or
Availability (CIA) of federal information must be included within the CSO’s authorization boundary, or
another authorized boundary.
6. Leveraging External Services with a FedRAMP
Federal Definition: If a CSO is leveraging an underlying IaaS, PaaS, or SaaS it must have a FedRAMP
Authorization, and the leveraged CSP must demonstrate compliance with all FedRAMP security and
privacy requirements. CSPs must reflect this relationship within the FedRAMP Authorization Package (e.g.,
SSP, Control Implementation Summary [CIS], etc.), and they must ensure that they are meeting all the
customer requirements outlined in the leveraged customer responsibility matrix.
Item of Note: Leveraged services are a subcategory of external services, see above, and must have a
pre-existing FedRAMP Authorization at the same or greater FIPS-199 impact level. For JAB Authorizations
all external and leveraged services must have a JAB Authorization at the same or greater FIPS-199 impact
level as the CSO.
FedRAMP Authorization Boundary Guidance
7. Corporate Services
FedRAMP Guidance: Corporate services are services used by a CSP to support their daily business
operations and exist outside of the CSO authorization boundary. These services must not contain any
federal data or unauthorized metadata. Any corporate services that contain federal metadata must meet
the security requirements outlined above. If a corporate system is being utilized to process or store federal
metadata, the CSP must own and operate the system and attest that the system meets the security
requirements outlined in NIST SP 800-171 or be in a CSO at the same security level.
Data Requirements
Federal Data: Federal data that is processed, stored, or transmitted by or for the federal government, in
any medium or form must be included in the authorization boundary and must be in a system authorized to
the same level as the CSO being authorized.
JAB Specific Requirement: All JAB systems must only leverage JAB systems of the same FIPS-199 impact
level to process, store or transmit Federal Data.
Federal Metadata (Direct Impact): Federal metadata that can directly impact the CIA of an information
system that stores, processes or transmists Federal Data for the Federal Government, in any medium or
form must be included within the authorization boundary or must be in a system authorized to the same
level as the CSO being authorized.
JAB Specific Requirement: All JAB systems must only leverage JAB Authorized systems of the same
FIPS-199 impact level to process, store or transmit dynamic federal metadata.
Federal Metadata (Indirect Impact): Federal metadata that can indirectly impact the CIA of an information
system that stores, processes or transmits federal data for the federal government, in any medium or form,
must be included within the authorization boundary or must be in a system authorized to the same level as
the CSO being authorized or must be authorized to be in a corporate system that is wholly owned and
operated by the CSO.
JAB-Specific Requirement: All JAB systems must only leverage JAB systems of the same FIPS-199 impact
level or corporate information systems that are wholly owned and operated by the CSO to process, store or
transmit static authorized federal metadata.
Corporate Meta: Data about processes within the authorization boundary or federal customers that does
not contain security sensitive personal information and/or information that if compromised could be a
threat to the systems supporting the processing and storage of federal or federal metadata or federal
personnel data.
FedRAMP Authorization Boundary Guidance
Additional Agency-Specific Security Requirements
FedRAMP provides a baseline from which CSPs and Agencies can define their desired security posture
according to Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA) requirements and NIST security
categorizations. While FedRAMP considers its baseline to be comprehensive per impact levels, federal
agencies may define additional security requirements in service of the agency’s mission and desired
security posture. CSPs should account for requirements variances on a customer-by-customer basis.
FedRAMP strongly recommends CSPs engage their customers early and often to identify additional
requirements for federal data types and understand the impact on a system’s cloud authorization
boundary. Where possible, the FedRAMP PMO provides support to align CSPs and agencies on additional
security requirements.
Examples of agency-specific requirements that could impact the authorization boundary include privacy
controls, controls associated with foreign nationals, etc.
Appendix A: Guidance on Developing
Authorization Boundary, Network and
Data Flows Diagrams
The following section provides guidance on how to develop authorization boundary, network, and data
flow diagrams that align with FedRAMP’s expectations.
Authorization Boundary Diagram (ABD)
Before implementing and documenting security controls, CSPs must clearly define the authorization
boundary for the CSO. The authorization boundary is the foundation on which the remainder of a SSP is
built. The authorization boundary is validated against the inventory during the 3PAO assessment.
The Authorization Boundary Diagram (ABD) is a visual representation of the components that make up the
authorization boundary. The ABD provides the Authorizing Official (AO) and/or the Joint Authorization
Board (JAB) with a clear understanding of what, exactly, is being secured, tested, and then authorized.
To help AOs/JAB understand areas that may require risk-acceptance or areas where the agency has
responsibility (that is, everything excluded from the authorization boundary), the ABD should also depict:
FedRAMP Authorization Boundary Guidance
External systems/services that provide functionality to the CSO or are used to manage and operate
the CSO. This includes underlying IaaS/PaaS/SaaS offerings, system interconnections, APIs,
external cloud services, and corporate shared services.
System components, services, or devices that reside in the customer’s environment may be in
boundary, or out.
For example, many CSPs require customers to authenticate via an agency-provided IdP.
This should be depicted as out-of-boundary on the ABD.
On the other hand, often CSPs provide components as part of the offering that run in the
customer’s environment, such as data collectors, clients or agents. These components
should be included in scope for 3PAO testing and included in-boundary.
In short, every tool, service, or component that is mentioned in the SSP should appear on the ABD, and all
components provided by the CSP should be tested by the 3PAO and shown as in-boundary.
AOs should carefully review the authorization boundary for the CSO to understand areas that require
risk-acceptance and areas where the agency is responsible for implementing, managing and monitoring
security controls.
The following checklist represents FedRAMP’s requirements for the ABD and should be used by CSPs
when developing the ABD:
Provide an easy-to-read diagram that includes a legend. The ABD should be readable without
having to enlarge it.
It is acceptable to provide the ABD as a separate attachment
Include a prominent RED border drawn around all components in the authorization boundary
Depict all ingress / egress points
Depict services leveraged from the underlying IaaS/PaaS/SaaS and identify any services that are
not FedRAMP authorized
How this is done is up to the CSP.. Some CSPs use color-coding with a corresponding
legend. Others have included a call-out box that lists all services that are not FedRAMP
Depict all interconnected systems and external services, including corporate shared services, and
identify any systems/services that are not FedRAMP authorized. Again, how this is done is up to
the CSP.
Depict every tool, service, or component that is mentioned in the SSP narrative and controls
This includes services used to manage and operate the system (e.g., SIEM, Vulnerability
Scanning, System Health Monitoring, Ticketing)
Identify all depicted tools, services, or components as either external or internal to the
Depict how CSP admins and agency customers access the cloud service (i.e., authentication used
to access service). While this will cover these in detail in the data flow diagrams, FedRAMP
requires this information on the boundary diagram.
If applicable, depict components provided by the CSP, and installed on customer devices, as inside
the authorization boundary
FedRAMP Authorization Boundary Guidance
These components are required to be in the boundary if they materially affect the CIA of
the CSO (e.g., data collectors in customer data centers and mobile applications)
Show connections between components within the boundary and to/from external services as well
as the separation and security in-place between the boundary and external services and access.
For example, include connections from load balancers to the servers they support. Similar
flows can be combined or noted (e.g., bastion server access to all hosts, all devices
forward logs to log server, etc.)
Depict dev/test environment, alternate processing site, and location of backups including the
connections and security mechanisms associated with the connections and services.
The dev/test environment must be included within the boundary if federal data is used
and/or if federal government personnel have access to the environment for any reason,
including training and user acceptance testing
Show update services (e.g., malware signatures and OS updates) outside the boundary
Network Diagram
The Network Diagram should address all components reflected in the ABD, and:
Depict subnetting
Depict location of DNS servers including:
External authoritative servers used by customers to access the CSO
Internal recursive servers used to access domains outside the boundary
Note: Both of these should support DNSSEC
Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)
The Data Flow Diagrams should address all components reflected in the ABD. At a minimum, SSPs should
include diagrams for the following logical data flows:
Customer User and Customer Admin Authentication, including type of Multifactor Authentication
CSP Administrative and Support Personnel Authentication, including type of MFA
System Application Data Flow within the Authorization Boundary
System Application Data Flow to/from:
External Services, including corporate shared services
Interconnected Systems
Alternate Processing Sites and Backup Storage
Dev/Test environment
FedRAMP Authorization Boundary Guidance
Each DFD should explicitly identify:
Everywhere (internal & external) federal data and metadata at rest and in transit is not protected
through encryption,
Everywhere data is protected through encryption, and
Whether or not the encryption using FIPS-validated cryptographic modules.
NOTE: FIPS validation applies to cryptographic modules, not protocols (e.g., TLS). The
cryptographic module that sets up the TLS tunnel must be FIPS validated.
Security control SC-28 requires the use of cryptographic mechanisms to protect data at rest.
Security control SC-8(1) requires the use of cryptographic mechanisms to protect data in transit.
Security control SC-13 requires the use of FIPS-validated cryptography.
Common quality issues for data flow diagrams include:
Does not depict all access by all parties (e.g., CSP admins, Agency customers, IaaS/PaaS portal)
Does not indicate MFA tool and protocol (OTP, push, etc.) employed for administrative/support
personnel and customers
Lacks port and protocol information
Does not indicate encryption of data in transit and data at rest
Does not indicate use of FIPS-validated cryptography
Fails to include internal flows such as to data stores, or within a microservices environment
Fails to address address replication of data to alternate processing site, or to backup storage
Does not include a legend
Appendix B: Frequently Asked Questions
What is an authorization boundary and why is it
The authorization boundary is the foundation on which the remainder of a system security plan is built.
Historically, NIST has used the terms authorization boundary and system boundary interchangeably. In the
interest of clarity, accuracy, and use of standardized terminology, the term authorization boundary is now
FedRAMP Authorization Boundary Guidance
used exclusively to refer to the set of system elements comprising the system to be authorized for operation
or authorized for use by an authorizing official (i.e., the scope of the authorization).(NIST SP 800-37r2
Before implementing and documenting security controls, CSPs must clearly define the authorization
boundary for the CSO. The Authorization Boundary Diagram (ABD) is a visual representation of the
components that make up the system services, and devices of the CSO. The ABD provides the Authorizing
Official (AO) and/or the Joint Authorization Board (JAB) with a clear understanding of what, exactly, is
being secured, tested, and then authorized.
To help AOs/JAB understand areas that may require risk-acceptance or areas where the agency has
responsibility (that is, everything excluded from the authorization boundary), the ABD should also depict:
External systems/services that provide functionality to the CSO or are used to manage and operate the
CSO. This includes underlying IaaS/PaaS offerings, system interconnections, APIs, external cloud services,
and corporate shared services that process federal data or direct federal metadata. If laptops do not take
advantage of jump hosts and will process or store federal data or metadata they must be included in the
System components, services, or devices that reside in the customer’s environment may be in boundary, or
For example, many CSPs require customers to authenticate via an agency-provided IdP. This should be
depicted as out-of-boundary on the ABD.
On the other hand, often CSPs provide components as part of the offering that run in the customer’s
environment, such as data collectors, clients or agents. These components should be included in scope for
3PAO testing and included in-boundary.
In short, every tool, service, or component that is mentioned in the system security plan should appear on
the ABD, and all components provided by the CSP should be tested by the 3PAO and shown in the
boundary diagram.
AOs should carefully review the authorization boundary for the CSO to understand areas that require
risk-acceptance and areas where the agency is responsible for implementing, managing, and monitoring
security controls.
At a minimum, authorization boundary diagrams should:
Include a clearly defined authorization boundary,
Include system interconnections used to operate and support the intended mission/business
Depict every tool, service, or component that is mentioned in the SSP narrative, and controls,
Identify those depicted tools, services, or components as either external or internal to the
Identify all interconnected systems, and whether they are FedRAMP authorized (or not),
FedRAMP Authorization Boundary Guidance
Depict how CSP and Customer/Agency access the service (e.g., authentication used to access
Depict all major software/virtual components (or groups of) within the boundary,
Be validated against the inventory,
Show alternate processing site, and
Show pulling of updates from external services, such as OS, and antivirus updates.
Does a system that stores or processes federal
data/metadata or sensitive system data, but is not
directly connected to the boundary, need to be
identified as an external system and/or service?
Yes. The authorization boundary diagram and description must include any external system or service that
contains federal data/metadata or sensitive data about the CSO). In addition, every tool, service, or
component that is mentioned in the system security plan and excluded from testing should be evaluated as
an external service. For example, an external ticketing system that is used to capture and track system
vulnerabilities may not be directly connected to the CSO, but still contains sensitive data that could impact
the CIA of the CSO. These types of external systems and services must be disclosed to the Authorizing
Official. They must be depicted on the authorization boundary diagram and described in the authorization
package deliverables (SSP, SAP, SAR) or Readiness Assessment Report (for CSPs pursuing a FedRAMP
Ready designation).
Agencies play a critical role in working with CSPs to define the authorization boundary. There could be
cases where there are shared components or Agencies responsible for correctly configuring and security
end-point components, etc. FedRAMP strongly advises that all agencies understand:
1. The risk accepted security posture by prior agencies that have authorized a given cloud product
2. Authorization boundary (components that are within the boundary and excluded from the
3. Data flows/traffic flows and associated federal information - internal, external, and crossing the
4. Third party external services
5. Testing status of components in the CSP’s corporate environment
6. CSP-provided components that are installed in the customer environment
FedRAMP Authorization Boundary Guidance
How does FedRAMP define "corporate" services?
Corporate services are a subset of external services. Corporate services are operated and managed by the
CSP and are used to support daily business operations. Cloud services used to support the Corporate
environment are not considered “Corporate services,” since they are not under the full control of the CSP;
such services are external cloud services. Corporate services exist outside of the CSO authorization
boundary and do not contain any information that would impact the CIA of the CSO or federal data.
Corporate services that support a FedRAMP boundary environment must be depicted on authorization
boundary and data flow diagrams and described in the SSP as external systems or services, and risks
associated with connections to corporate systems or services should likewise be described in 3PAO
assessment results (SAR or RAR).
What should 3PAOs keep in mind when assessing
external services?
Generally, JAB systems can only leverage external services that are also FedRAMP Authorized at the same
(or higher) security baseline as the leveraging service. High Baseline systems should only leverage other
FedRAMP JAB systems authorized at the High Baseline. Moderate JAB systems should only leverage
Moderate or High Baseline JAB external systems. There may be flexibility with FedRAMP agency systems,
though. The agency authorization official (AO) may be willing to accept the risk associated with permitting
external systems that are not yet FedRAMP Authorized which is why it is crucial that they are documented
3PAOs should confirm that the CSP has properly identified every tool, service, or component that is
mentioned in the system security plan, and excluded from testing as an external service.
3PAOs should identify the external systems that are leveraged, but not authorized, as a finding and list it
among “Remaining Risks” for the system.
FedRAMP Authorization Boundary Guidance
Appendix C: Data Type Use Cases
The table below provides a list of data types and how they are categorized. This is a representative list and
should not be considered fully comprehensive.
Data Type
Inside FedRAMP
Corporate Environment
(repository & ticketing
External non-
authorized Services
Vulnerability Scan Data
Documentation (e.g. SSP,
IRP, etc.)
System Logs (e.g. Security
logs, etc.)
Configuration data
Service tickets
Incident response tickets
Change Control tickets
Access & Identity
Management data
IP addresses data
MAC Addresses data
Host/Server Names data
Protocol use data
Port use data
Firewall rules data
Billing data
Health and monitoring
DNS data
Key management data
FedRAMP Authorization Boundary Guidance
Corporate account
provisioning data
Corporate identity proofing
FedRAMP MFA data
Corporate MFA data
RTM Technical data
Operating System and
software version
Software inventory list
Hardware inventory list
MFA Pin Generator
High Repositories