Cisco Systems, Inc.
Cisco Systems, Inc. Response to
Request for Proposal
The State of Utah Division of Purchasing
and General Services
WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement for
Data Communications Products & Services
Solicitation JP14001
August 27, 2013
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Cisco Systems, Inc. Response to
Request for Proposal
The State of Utah Division of Purchasing
and General Services
WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement for
Data Communications Products &
Solicitation JP14001
August 27, 2013
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Cover Letter
August 27, 2013
Ms. Jennifer Porter
Purchasing Agent/Contract Analyst
1 State Office Building - Suite 3150
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114
Subject: Solicitation JP14001
Dear Ms. Porter:
Cisco Systems, Inc. is pleased to submit its technical and cost proposal through this transmittal letter to
the State of Utah and WSCA-NASPO in response to the above-referenced Request for Proposal (RFP)
for Data Communications Products & Services. Cisco is proud of its partnership with WSCA and the
Participating States under our current WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract since 2007. This
rich experience has allowed us to fully understand and appreciate the WSCA-NASPO requirements under
this RFP from both the OEM and end-user perspectives.
Cisco has successfully demonstrated that it is a trusted and reliable vendor and partner. We are
tremendously proud of the impacts that we have made in helping our WSCA-NASPO government
customers serve, protect, and improve the lives of its citizens and communities. For the past 5+ years,
Cisco has provided its offerings to up to 19 Participating States and all the authorized users (local
governments, schools, etc.) under those states. From Q1CY2008 Q2CY2013, Cisco has sold over
$679 million of its products and services under our current WSCA contract in partnership with 175
authorized resellers across the United States; and to date, we are pleased to have remitted $3.3 million in
administrative fees to WSCA and $2.9 million total to those Participating States who also have their own
administrative fees.
We believe that our response meets the requirements as called out in this State of Utah/WSCA-NASPO
Solicitation JP14001, except as annotated in our response. If the State of Utah or WSCA-NASPO
determines that Cisco’s response is deficient in any way, Cisco respectfully requests to be promptly
notified and be given the opportunity to correct any such deficiency. Please forward any questions
regarding this solicitation response to me. My contact information is provided below.
On behalf of Cisco, thank you for giving us the opportunity to respond to this RFP and we look forward to
continuing a mutually rewarding partnership.
Mimi Nguyen
Sr. Manager, U.S. Public Sector Contracts Management Office
Office: 408.527.2627 l Cell: 650.228.8748 I Fax: 408.608.1802 I Email:
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response ii
Legal Disclaimer
Thank you for the opportunity to submit this non-binding (other than pricing for now-available products
listed in our quotes) proposal for your consideration. Please note that this proposal may include
proprietary, confidential, and/or trade secret information, which, if included, will be clearly marked as such
in the proposal. Any information that Cisco considers to be a trade secret will not be subject to disclosure
under any public records act.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response iii
Every effort has been made to identify trademark information in the accompanying text. However, this
information may unintentionally have been omitted in referencing particular products. Product names that
are not so noted may also be trademarks of their respective manufacturers.
Cisco is a registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc.
The Cisco logo is a registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc.
IOS is a registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc.
AnyConnect is a registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc.
CCIE is a registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc.
WebEx is a registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc.
IronPort is a registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc.
Meraki is a registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response iv
Table of Contents
Cover Letter .............................................................................................................................................. 1
Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 1
Why Cisco ................................................................................................................................................. 2
Company Leadership and Global Workforce ....................................................................................... 2
Cisco Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Company Innovations ........................................................................................................................... 2
Cisco’s Strength and Global Reach ..................................................................................................... 2
Customer Satisfaction .......................................................................................................................... 3
Market leadership and Breadth and Depth of Technology Portfolio..................................................... 4
Research and Development ................................................................................................................. 5
Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Cisco Response to Point-by-Point Requirements ......................................................................................... 6
Appendix A WSCA-NASPO Terms and Conditions with Noted Exceptions .........................................A-1
Appendix B State of Utah Standard Information Technology Terms and Conditions with Noted
Exceptions (For WSCA Contracts and DTS Related Contracts) .......................................B-1
Appendix C Additional Vendor Terms and Conditions ......................................................................... C-1
Exhibit A Glossary of Terms ............................................................................................................. C-7
Acronyms .............................................................................................................................................. 1
List of Figures
Figure 1. Cisco’s Strength and Global Reach ............................................................................................... 2
Figure 2. Customer Satisfaction: A Cisco Priority ......................................................................................... 3
Figure 3. Market Leadership ......................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 4. Cisco Borderless Network Architecture ....................................................................................... 20
Figure 5. Cisco Collaboration Architecture ................................................................................................. 21
Figure 6. Cisco Unified Data Center ........................................................................................................... 22
Figure 7. MDS 9124e FC Blade Switch for HP c-Class BladeSystem ....................................................... 76
Figure 8. MDS FC Blade Switch for IBM BladeCenter ............................................................................... 76
Figure 9. Cisco Access Switch Benefits ...................................................................................................... 79
Figure 10. Cisco’s Professional Services Model ....................................................................................... 116
List of Tables
Table 1. Service Request Severity Definitions ............................................................................................ 25
Table 2. Automatic Email Alert Escalations for Cisco TAC Service Requests ........................................... 25
Table 3. High-Level Implementation Roadmap........................................................................................... 29
Table 4. Cisco WAAS Features and Benefits ............................................................................................. 40
List of Appendices
Appendix A WSCA-NASPO Terms and Conditions with Noted Exceptions
Appendix B State of Utah Standard Information Technology Terms and Conditions (For WSCA
Contracts and DTS Related Contracts)
Appendix C Additional Vendor Terms and Conditions
List of Attachments
Attachment 1, Cisco Cost Schedule
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 1
Legal Company Name (include d/b/a if applicable)
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Federal Tax Identification Number
State of Utah Sales Tax ID Number
Ordering Address
To be provided once authorized resellers are
selected for each Participating Addendum. This
information will be posted on the required website.
Same process as today.
Zip Code
Remittance Address (if different from ordering address)
To be provided once authorized resellers are
selected for each Participating Addendum. This
information will be posted on the required website.
Same process as today.
Zip Code
Type Corporation
Corporate Entity (not tax-exempt)
Company Contact Person
Mimi Nguyen
Telephone Number (include area code)
408.527.2627 (office)
Fax Number (include area code)
Companys Internet Web Address
Email Address
Discount Terms (for bid purposes, bid discounts less than 30 days will not be
Days Required for Delivery After Receipt of Order (see attached for any
required minimums)
The undersigned certifies that the goods or services offered are produced, mined, grown, manufactured,
or performed in Utah. Yes No X . If no, enter where produced, etc.
We rely on contract manufacturers around the globe for substantially all of our manufacturing needs. We
presently use a variety of independent third-party companies to provide services related to printed-circuit
board assembly, in-circuit test, product repair, and product assembly. Proprietary software on
electronically programmable memory chips is used to configure products that meet customer
requirements and to maintain quality control and security. The manufacturing process enables us to
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 2
configure the hardware and software in unique combinations to meet a wide variety of individual customer
requirements. The manufacturing process uses automated testing equipment and burn-in procedures, as
well as comprehensive inspection, testing, and statistical process controls, which are designed to help
ensure the quality and reliability of our products. The manufacturing processes and procedures are
generally certified to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001 or ISO 9003 standards.
Our arrangements with contract manufacturers generally provide for quality, cost, and delivery
requirements; as well as manufacturing process terms, such as continuity of supply, inventory
management, flexibility regarding capacity, quality, and cost management; oversight of manufacturing;
and conditions for use of our intellectual property. We have not entered into any significant long-term
contracts with any manufacturing service provider.
A downloadable Countries of Origin (COO) list will assist you with making the determination of which
products are available from TAA-designated countries. This COO list is available to Cisco partners for
download through the ordering tool and through Cisco Partner Central
s Authorized Representative
s Signature
See Original for Signature
August 27, 2013
Type or Print Name
Dana Giampetroni
Position or Title
Director, Finance
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 1
Executive Summary
In a world that is changing quickly, it is essential that governments adopt new technologies and business
models based on innovative governance methods and practices to improve public services for citizens.
Collaboration, co-production across government sectors, and access to useable information from multiple
sources are equally important in attaining these objectives. Government performance relies on innovation
and technology to effectively run a “connected republic”—the next phase of e-government transformation
where people and communities are at the center of new networks of knowledge, service, trust, and
accountability. With our robust portfolio of advanced data communications/networking technologies and
world-class offerings, Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO) is committed to supporting Public Sector
organizations to build their “Next Generation Networks” in order to meet the demands of their
stakeholders in the 21st century. At Cisco, our customers come first and an integral part of our DNA is
creating long-lasting partnerships and working with our customers to identify their needs and provide
solutions that support their success.
Through market leadership, financial strength, and responsible business practices, we demonstrate our
enduring capacity to serve the Public Sector as a key partner. We are helping cities, states, and nations
manage through the major transitions that we are now facing together. This initiative will help our Public
Sector organizations be more relevant to their constituents, enabling them to carry out their mission with a
heightened effectiveness. For the Public Sector, we build on many years of understanding agency
challenges and opportunities, and we respond by designing comprehensive solutions that address these
issues. What does it mean to be a “Trusted Advisor” for the Public Sector? It means:
Working closely with all agencies and listening to their unique service requirements
Recognizing the power of using the “network as the platform” for integrated solutions building
toward convergence
Supporting agencies with capabilities that offer increased ROI by utilizing common infrastructure
components (for example, Cisco video supporting next-generation learning and video;
Using the power of a connected network platform to introduce new capabilities such as energy,
building, and transportation management
Helping reduce costs and increase efficiency through virtualization
Increasing citizen impact in discovering new ways of doing work through collaboration tools.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 2
Why Cisco
Company Leadership and Global Workforce
With John Chambers as the CEO, Cisco employs a global workforce with technology centers across a
wide range of locations, providing access to engineering talent throughout the world.
Cisco’s global employee population is divided into four main segments, with about one-third of our
employees in engineering, about one-third in sales, about one-sixth in services, and one-sixth in
supporting groups. This workforce profile reflects Cisco’s intense focus on delivering the right technology
solutions to meet our customers’ needs.
Cisco Overview
Quick Facts:
Founded in 1984
FY 2013 Net Sales: $48.6 billion
Q2 FY'13 Employee Count: 73,460.
Company Innovations
Cisco has been at the heart of many historic changes in technology, and that continues to be true today.
Now, at a time when the technology industry is going through a period of dramatic change, Cisco is the
market leader in multiple areas. The company helped catalyse the industry’s move toward IP and, now
that it is fully underway, the company is at the center of fundamental changes in the way the world
Cisco’s Strength and Global Reach
Because of our Cisco family and ecosystem of partners, we’ve built a consistent track record of strength.
We have the global reach our customers need to succeed in a shrinking world.
Figure 1. Cisco’s Strength and Global Reach
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 3
We’re pleased with our performance (Figure 1), which is among the best in the industry. And, as required
for all public companies, our financial data undergoes rigorous accounting review to ensure our
customersand investorshave a full view into our financial status. We believe that we are on solid
ground, which gives us business options that may not be available to companies in lesser financial
positions. This provides risk mitigation for our customers, partners, and resellers.
Customer Satisfaction
In addition to our strength and global reach, we also have earned the trust and satisfaction of our
customers. Each year, we hire a third-party research firm to survey thousands of Cisco customers
worldwide. They are asked what we are doing well and where we need to improve.
Figure 2. Customer Satisfaction: A Cisco Priority
As you can see, since we began formally tracking this data, our numbers are strong. In 2012, we reached
a possible customer satisfaction score 4.45 out of a possible 5.0. We believe that customers drive our
company. And we also believe that we can never be “too close to a customer needs” or be “listening too
much.” It is through our customers that we identify and capture market transitions, measure our success,
and design and create solutions. Our customer-centric approachcombined with our cultureis what
makes us a vendor of choice.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 4
Market leadership and Breadth and Depth of Technology Portfolio
Figure 3. Market Leadership
Figure 3
depicts our market leadership and diverse product portfolio from collaboration to data center to
cloud to security to Unified Computing. And this touches on just a few of our product categoriesall of
which we deliver as integrated architectures, enhancing the long-
term stability of deployed solutions. We also offer a range of
advanced, professional, and technical services covering these
technologies and more. Our unmatched expertise in networking
technology transitions makes us uniquely positioned to help
customers capture the value of the Internet of Everything. Our
ability to build, manage, and secure end-to-end IP-based
platforms for people, process, data, and things will fuel the growth
of the Internet of Everything. Only Cisco connects the
unconnected with an open standard, integrated architecture from
the cloud to end devices. Based on our rich historyand success
in the marketconnecting the previously unconnected is what we
do best. We will continue to strive to be No. 1 in all of our
Cisco is placed in the Leader's
Quadrant of Gartner, Inc.'s
2012 Magic Quadrant for the
following technologies:
Web Conferencing
Corporate Telephony
Contact Center
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 5
Research and Development
Cisco spends more on R&D than anyone else in our industry $5 billion per year.
Cisco continuously tests product integrations and develops new innovative solutions through our
R&D. Improvements are released through IOS updates, hardware upgrades, and new product
WSCA-NASPO customers can be assured that we leverage our assets to rapidly respond to
changing market and technology requirements to support their needs.
Over the last several years, Cisco has built a strong, collaborative working relationship with WSCA-
NASPO key business and technical stakeholders. Our primary goal has been to provide highly reliable,
secure advanced networking products and support services to help the WSCA-NASPO customers
protect, serve, connect, and educate more efficiently.
Cisco remains committed to creating networks and solutions that are smarter, thanks to built-in intelligent
network services; faster, in their ability to perform at ever-increasing speeds; and more durable, with a
generational approach to an evolutionary infrastructure. More specifically, Cisco supports Pubic Sector
customers around the world by delivering innovative, integrated mission capabilities through thought
leadership, advanced technologies, and services. The Cisco Public Sector staff comprises of a team of
top experts from space, military, homeland security, and public safety from all levels of government
around the world. They not only understand the unique challenges of government, but also bring years of
personal experience to help solve these challenges.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 6
Cisco Response to Point-by-Point Requirements
1.9 Governing Laws and Regulations
This procurement is conducted by the State of Utah, Division of Purchasing & General Services, in
accordance with the Utah Procurement Code. These are available at the Internet website for the State of Utah’s Division of Purchasing & General Services.
The laws of the State of Utah will govern all Master Agreements that result from this procurement unless
the Data Communications Products and Services Provider and participating entity agree in a Participating
Addendum that the laws of another jurisdiction will govern purchases made by purchasing entities within
the jurisdiction of the participating entity.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
1.10 Length of Contract
The Master Agreement(s) resulting from this RFP will be for a period of five years (initial term). The
Master Agreement(s) may be extended beyond the original Master Agreement period for a two (2) year
period, by mutual agreement.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
1.11 Pricing Structure
Pricing Structure: Pricing for the WSCA-NASPO Master Agreements shall be based on the Percent
Discount off the current global MSRP Schedule applicable to United States customers.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood. Cisco is pleased to offer the discounts off our entire U.S. Global Price Lists as set
forth in the Cost Schedule. The discounts provided will remain valid for the contract term and will be
applied to Cisco’s then-current U.S. Global Price Lists.
The discounts provided are floor discounts (minimum guarantees) and individual transactions may qualify
for additional, incremental discounts or incentives provided by Cisco’s Authorized Resellers at their sole
discretion. WSCA-NASPO, the Participating States and/or the Participating Entities may also actively
solicit Cisco’s Authorized Resellers for deeper discounts than the minimum contract pricing as set forth in
the Cost Schedule. In any event, final transactional pricing shall be determined by the Authorized
Resellers and not by Cisco; provided, however, that the minimum discounts set forth on the Cost
Schedule are met.
The discounts on the Cost Schedule for new products are also applicable to Cisco’s certified refurbished
equipment. The price list for Cisco’s certified refurbished equipment is separate from the U.S. Global
Price Lists for new products, since they (i) are subject to inventory availability and (ii) are value priced
considerably lower than equivalent new products.
1.12 Price Guarantee Period
Price Guarantee Period: The Data Communication Provider’s Discount rate shall remain in effect for the
term of the WSCA-NASPO Master Price Agreement.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood that the Discount Rates as set forth on Attachment 1 shall remain in effect for the
term of the resulting WSCA-NASPO Contract.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 7
1.13 Price Escalation
Equipment, Supplies and Services: Data Communications provider may update the pricing on their
MSRP price list one time every year after the first year of the original contract term. The WSCA-NASPO
Contract Administrator will review a documented request for a Price Schedule price list adjustment only
after the Price Guarantee Period.
Cisco Response:
Cisco respectfully requests to take an exception to this Section 1.13. Because of the rapid pace of
technological changes and advances, Cisco’s entire U.S. Global Price Lists are refreshed on a monthly
basis and made commercially available for our customers. To ensure that the Participating Entities have
access to our then-current U.S. Global Price Lists, Cisco wishes to continue to provide monthly updates
under the new WSCA-NASPO contract as well; provided, however, that the Discount Rates as set forth
on Attachment C shall remain in effect for the entire term of the WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement. By
providing the Participating Entities with monthly updates of Cisco’s entire U.S. Global Price Lists, they can
make smart and informed buying decisions based on the most up-to-date products and services options
that are available to them.
1.14 Price Reductions
In the event of a price decrease in any category of product at any time during the contract in a Provider’s
Price Schedule, including renewal options, the WSCA-NASPO Contract Administrator shall be notified
immediately. All Price Schedule price reductions shall be effective upon the notification provided to the
WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement Administrator.
Cisco Response:
Cisco understands the importance of notifying the WSCA-NASPO Contract Administrator when there is a
price decrease in Cisco’s U.S. Global Price Lists for any of the awarded categories at any time during the
contract term. However, given that Cisco is required to submit its updated U.S Global Price Lists to the
WSCA-NASPO Contract Administrator as well as to the eMarket Center, Cisco respectfully requests that
this Section 1.14 be revised to be consistent with Section 7.3.1 (3) whereby the “effective date” of such
price reductions occurs when such updates are published in the e-Market Center. In addition, as stated
earlier in Section 1.13, since Cisco’s Price Lists are refreshed on a monthly basis that includes price
reductions, Cisco wishes to provide updates on a monthly basis under the resulting WSCA-NASPO
contract to ensure that Participating Entities will timely receive the benefits of such discounts.
1.15 Usage Reporting Requirement
All Data Communication Provider’s will be required to provide quarterly usage reports to the WSCA-
NASPO Contract Administrator or designee. The initiation and submission of the quarterly reports are the
responsibility of the Data Communication Contract Provider. You are responsible to collect and report all
sales data including your resellers and partners sales associated with your Master Agreement. There will
be no prompting or notification provided by the WSCA-NASPO Contract Administrator.
Quarterly reports must coincide with the quarters in the fiscal year as outlined below:
Quarter #1: July 1 through September 30, due annually by October 30.
Quarter #2: October 1 through December 31, due annually by January 30.
Quarter #3: January 1 through March 31, due annually by April 30.
Quarter #4: April 1 through June 30, due annually by July 30.
Respondents must identify the person responsible for providing the mandatory usage reports. This
contact information must be kept current during the Master Agreement period. The WSCA-NASPO
Contract Administrator must be notified if the contact information changes. The contact information for
the person responsible for the mandatory quarterly usage reporting must be specified per Section 3.1.5.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 8
The purpose of the Master Agreement usage-reporting requirement is to aid in Master Agreement
management. The specific report content, scope, and format requirements will be provided to the awarded
Data Communications Products and Services Provider’s during Master Agreement execution. Some
WSCA-NASPO States may require additional reporting requirements. Those requirements will be
addressed through the individual participating entity’s Participating Addendum process. Failure to comply
with this requirement may result in Master Agreement cancellation.
Cisco Response:
Cisco agrees to provide quarterly usage reports and proposes to use the same detailed reporting format
template that it provides today under its current WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract and to
make the reports available to the WSCA-NASPO Contract Administrator and the Contractor Administrator
of each Participating Entity who executed a Participating Addendum with Cisco via our web reporting tool
. Cisco launched this tool to specifically support our current WSCA
Data Communication AR-223 contract reporting obligations. We have received very positive feedback
from numerous WSCA Contractor Administrators of the Participating States regarding its usefulness.
With respect to the quarterly report due dates for both the usage reports and administrative fee payments,
Cisco respectfully requests an exception and proposes to keep the same due dates as set forth in
Amendment #3 of the current Cisco WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract, which are as follows:
Quarter #1: July 1 through September 30, due annually by November 30.
Quarter #2: October 1 through December 31, due annually by February 28.
Quarter #3: January 1 through March 31, due annually by May 31.
Quarter #4: April 1 through June 30, due annually by August 31.
Cisco requests additional time because as with the current WSCA Data Communications AR-233
contract, we anticipate that we will continue to have a robust list of subcontractors/resellers from whom
we will need to collect quarterly usage reports.
1.16 Standard Contract Terms and Conditions
Any Master Agreement resulting from this RFP will include, but will not be limited to, the WSCA-NASPO
Standard Master Agreement Terms and Conditions, the State of Utah Additional Terms and Conditions
(Appendix A) and any additional terms and conditions specific to WSCA-NASPO participating addendums
for participating entities. The WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement Terms and Conditions and State of Utah
Additional Terms and Conditions will take highest precedence in any contract resulting from this
solicitation. Vendors must clearly identify exceptions to the WSCA-NASPO Standard Master Agreement
Terms and Conditions and the State of Utah Additional Terms and Conditions in the bid submission.
Vendor exceptions must include proposed solution language. Failure to submit exceptions and/or solution
language will constitute vendor acceptance of WSCA-NASPO and State of Utah Additional Terms and
Conditions. No third party terms and conditions will be allowed in resulting contracts awarded under this
solicitation. Additional vendor terms and conditions must be submitted with the solicitation bid response
for legal review and contract applicability. Submission of vendor terms and conditions with a bid response
does not guarantee acceptance. Vendor terms and condition will not include any reference to website
URLs that house additional terms and conditions. All terms and conditions associated with resulting
contracts will be identified and attached to the WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement. The State of Utah
reserves the right to accept, reject, and/or negotiate vendor terms and conditions after the award(s) have
been made if it is in the best interest of the State of Utah. Participating States reserve the right to
negotiate vendor terms and conditions during the Participating Addendum process. Vendor terms and
conditions included with a bid response are limited to a maximum of 10 pages (8
x 11 inch paper, 10 pt
Arial font, and single sided). Failure to adhere to these terms and conditions requirements may result in
vendor disqualification.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 9
Cisco Response:
WSCA-NASPO Standard Master Agreement Terms and Condition exceptions can be found in Appendix
A. State of Utah Standard Information Technology Terms and Conditions exceptions can be found in
Appendix B, and Additional Vendor terms and conditions can be found in Appendix C.
1.17 Questions
All questions must be submitted through BidSync. Answers will be given via the BidSync website.
Questions received after the Question/Answer period will not be answered. No agency employee, board
member, or evaluation committee member should be contacted concerning this solicitation during the
solicitation posting and selection process. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in vendor
Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
1.18 Discussions with Respondents (Oral Presentation)
An oral presentation by a Respondent to clarify a proposal may be required at the sole discretion of the
WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement Administrator. However, the WSCA-NASPO Contract Administrator
may award a Master Agreement based on the initial proposals received without discussion with the
Respondent. If oral presentations are required, they will be scheduled after the submission of proposals.
Oral presentations will be made at the Respondents expense.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood. Cisco welcomes the opportunity, at its sole expense, to provide an oral
presentation to clarify on its bid response.
1.19 Protected Information
The Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA), Utah Code Ann., Subsection 63-2-
304, provides in part that:
the following records are protected if properly classified by a government entity:
(1) trade secrets as defined in Section 13-24-2 if the person submitting the trade
secret has provided the governmental entity with the information specified in Section
63-2-308 (Business Confidentiality Claims);
(2) commercial information or non-individual financial information obtained from a
person if:
(a) disclosure of the information could reasonably be expected to result in unfair
competitive injury to the person submitting the information or would impair the ability
of the governmental entity to obtain necessary information in the future;
(b) the person submitting the information has a greater interest in prohibiting
access than the public in obtaining access; and
(c) the person submitting the information has provided the governmental entity
with the information specified in Section 63-2-308;
* * * * *
(6) records the disclosure of which would impair governmental procurement
proceedings or give an unfair advantage to any person proposing to enter into a
contract or agreement with a governmental entity, except that this Subsection (6)
does not restrict the right of a person to see bids submitted to or by a governmental
entity after bidding has closed; ....
GRAMA provides that trade secrets, commercial information or non-individual financial information may
be protected by submitting a Claim of Business Confidentiality.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 10
To protect information under a Claim of Business Confidentiality, the Respondent must:
1. provide a written Claim of Business Confidentiality at the time the information (proposal) is
provided to the State, and
2. include a concise statement of reasons supporting the claim of business confidentiality
(Subsection 63-2-308(1)).
3. submit an electronic “redacted” (excluding protected information) copy of your proposal
response. Copy must clearly be marked “Redacted Version.” Failure to submit a redacted
version may result in release of your entire proposal.
A Claim of Business Confidentiality may be appropriate for information such as client lists and non-public
financial statements. Pricing and service elements cannot be protected. An entire proposal cannot
be protected under a Claim of Business Confidentiality or Propritary. Failure to comply with this
requirement many result in your proposal being ruled Non-Responsive and no longer considered.
The claim of business confidentiality must be submitted with your proposal on the form which may be
accessed at:
To ensure the information is protected, the Division of Purchasing asks the Respondent to clearly identify
in the Executive Summary and in the body of the proposal any specific information for which a
Respondent claims business confidentiality protection as "PROTECTED".
All materials submitted become the property of the State of Utah. Materials may be evaluated by anyone
designated by the State as part of the sourcing team. Materials submitted may be returned only at the
State's option.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood. No confidential material has been included as part of this response.
1.20 WSCA Administrative Fee
The Contracted Supplier must pay a WSCA-NASPO administrative fee of one quarter of one percent
(.025%) in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract. The WSCA-NASPO administrative
fee shall be submitted quarterly and is based on the actual sales of all products and services in
conjunction with your quarterly reports. The WSCA-NASPO administrative fee must be included when
determining the pricing offered. The WSCA-NASPO administrative fee is not negotiable and shall not be
added as a separate line item on an invoice.
Additionally, some WSCA-NASPO participating entities may require that an administrative fee be paid
directly to the WSCA-NASPO participating entity on purchases made by purchasing entities within that
State. For all such requests, the fee percentage, payment method and payment schedule for the
participating entity’s administrative fee will be incorporated in the Participating Addendum. Data
Communications Provider will be held harmless, and may adjust (increase) the WSCA-NASPO Master
Agreement pricing by the fee percentage for that participating entity accordingly for purchases made by
purchasing entities within the jurisdiction of the State. All such agreements may not affect the WSCA-
NASPO fee or the prices paid by the purchasing entities outside the jurisdiction of the participating
entities requesting the additional fee.
Cisco Response:
Cisco agrees to pay the WSCA-NASPO administrative fee of one quarter of one percent (.25%) based on
actual sales of all products and services as shown on the quarterly usage reports. For purposes of
clarification, Cisco understands “actual sales” to mean net purchase price, which is Cisco’s product list
price, minus all applicable contract discounts, rebates or vale added incentives, and excluding sales, use
or other applicable taxes, surcharges or like fees, to the extent applicable to an order. This definition is
consistent with the language in Cisco’s current WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract as set forth
in Section D3, Attachment A. In addition, Cisco respectfully requests an exception that the remittance due
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 11
dates for the administrative fees to be the same as the current due dates as set forth in Amendment #3 of
the current WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract, which are as follows:
Quarter #1: July 1 through September 30, due annually by November 30.
Quarter #2: October 1 through December 31, due annually by February 28.
Quarter #3: January 1 through March 31, due annually by May 31.
Quarter #4: April 1 through June 30, due annually by August 31.
These are the same deadlines we are also requesting for the quarterly usage reports as set forth in our
response to Section 1.15 above.
In the event WSCA-NASPO changes the administrative fee (increase or decrease), Cisco is respectfully
requesting that at least a sixty (60) days advance notice of such change in order for Cisco to implement
the new administrative fee accordingly internally and with its Authorized Resellers.
1.21 Interest
Any payments that a Contracted Supplier makes or causes to be made to WSCA-NASPO after the due
date as indicated on the Quarterly Report schedule shall accrue interest at a rate of 18% per annum or
the maximum rate permitted by law, whichever is less, until such overdue amount shall have been paid in
full. The right to interest on late payments shall not preclude WSCA-NASPO from exercising any of its
other rights or remedies pursuant to this agreement or otherwise with regards to Data Communication
Provider’s failure to make timely remittances.
Cisco Response:
Cisco takes exception to this section and respectfully requests that any sum not paid when due shall bear
interest until paid at a rate of 1% percent per month (12% per annum) or the maximum legal rate,
whichever is less. This definition is consistent with the late fees due to Cisco from a purchaser under the
proposed current WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract and proposed WSCA-NASPO Master
Agreement Terms and Conditions (Section 22).
1.22 Proposal Offer Firm
Responses to this RFP, including proposed discounts offered will be considered firm for one hundred and
sixty (160) days after the proposal due date. By signature (electronic or otherwise) and submission of a
proposal, the person signing verifies that they are authorized to submit the proposal and bind the firm to
provide the products/services in the proposal and potential Master Agreement.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
1.23 Cancellation of Procurement
This RFP may be canceled at any time and any and all proposals may be rejected in whole or in part
when the State of Utah, Division of Purchasing and General Services determines such action to be in the
best interest of the State of Utah.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
1.24 Right to Waive
The sourcing team reserves the right to waive minor irregularities at its sole discretion.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
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1.25 Right to Accept All or Portion
It is our intent to accept the entire line of Data Communications Equipment and Services (included in the
scope) from the awarded Data Communications Providers, however we reserve the right to accept all or a
portion of a Respondents proposal.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
1.26 Service Line Additions and Updates
During the term of the contract, Data Communications Providers may submit a request to update the
awarded items (within the scope listed in IDENTIFY SECTION) as new technology is introduced, updated
or removed from the market. The Master Agreement Administrator will evaluate requests and update the
contract offering via written amendment as appropriate. The Data Communications Service Provider
shall update the dedicated website, price lists, and catalogs to reflect approved changes. Pricing must
utilize the same pricing structure as was used for services falling into the same service category.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood that this Section 1.26 applies to both awarded products and services offerings and
not just “service” items as set forth in the header of this section. In addition, as stated in Section 1.12
above, since Cisco’s U.S. Global Price Lists are updated on a monthly basis , we would appreciate the
ability to submit updated pricebooks for the awarded items on a monthly basis as well.
1.27 Right to Publish
Throughout the duration of this procurement process and Master Agreement term, Respondents, Data
Communications Providers and their authorized contractors must secure from the WSCA-NASPO
Contract Administrator prior approval for the release of any information that pertains to the potential work
or activities covered by this procurement or the Master Agreement. The Data Communications Provider
shall not make any representations of WSCA-NASPO’s opinion or position as to the quality or
effectiveness of the services that are the subject of this Master Agreement without prior written consent of
the WSCA-NASPO Contract Administrator. Failure to adhere to this requirement may result in
disqualification of the Respondents proposal or termination of the Master Agreement for cause
Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
1.28 Changes in Representation
The Contracted Supplier must notify the WSCA-NASPO Contract Administrator of changes in the
Contracted Supplier’s key administrative personnel, to the extent that there may be adverse impacts to
the contract. The WSCA-NASPO Contact Administrator reserves the right to require a change in
Contracted Supplier(s) representatives if the assigned representative(s) is not, in the opinion of the
WSCA-NASPO Contract Administrator, meeting the terms and conditions of the contract.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
1.29 E-Rate Requirement
All award contractors must commit to participation in the Federal Communication Commission's E-rate
discount program established under authority of the Federal Telecommunications Commission Act of
1996. Participation in, and implementation of, this program must be provided without the addition of any
service or administration fee by the contractor.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
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Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
1.30 Section 508 Compliant
Respondents must meet all Federal and State regulations required to these type of products including but
limited to accessible products by describing their support of the applicable provisions of the Workforce
Investment Act of 1998, Section 508.
Cisco Response:
Cisco is a key contributor to accessibility standards and guidelines created by the International
Telecommunications Union (ITU), the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the Telecommunications
Industry Association (TIA), and others. Cisco operates in a spirit of openness, as demonstrated by its
participation in virtually every industry group concerned with networking standards and in its willingness to
share innovations with others.
Cisco Accessibility Policy
The following key objectives for company business processes and activities help ensure that Cisco
products and services benefit the disabled community:
Increase awareness of accessibility within Cisco
Provide employees with the training needed to design, produce, market, and deliver accessible
products, websites, and documentation
Develop and apply policies and guidelines to evaluate accessibility, usability, and compatibility
with applicable equipment, services, websites, and documentation
Evaluate accessibility and usability throughout the product design, development, and fabrication
processes as early and consistently as possible
Report ways these guidelines are implemented where competitively, technically, and
economically feasible
Involve people with disabilities in research projects, testing, and trials
Support and contribute to industry standards and guidelines for accessibility.
Cisco and Accessibility Standards Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act
Cisco complies with accessibility laws, and strives to supply end-user devices that conform and support
the U.S. Access Board's standards as referenced in Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.
Section 255 of the Telecommunications Act
Cisco employs common accessibility features in its user devices, documents, and services, and has
tested and achieved compatibility with third-party assistive devices. Its networks are compatible with
common analog devices from the network core to the individual user.
Americans with Disabilities Act
Cisco complies with the ADA by enabling accessibility and accommodation in public areas and its
customers' workplaces, and by implementing reasonable accommodation in its own workplace.
The 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act
The CCVA is divided into two broad titles or sections. Title I addresses communications access to make
products and services using broadband fully accessible to people with disabilities. Title II of the
accessibility act breaks new ground to make it easier for people with disabilities to view video
programming on television and the Internet. Cisco is participating in the review of these new requirements
and researching the applicability to Cisco products.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 14
World Wide Web WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines)
In June 2009, Cisco adopted the WCAG 2.0 Level A requirements as best practices for development,
testing, and overall conformance for the Accessibility of Cisco Web-based products.
Cisco accessibility initiatives are based soundly on public standards, including those issued by the U.S.
Access Board; and on guidelines, including those published by the international World Wide Web
1.31 Glossary
Authorized Contractor: The Prime Contractor as listed as Contractor under the resulting Master
Agreement(s) as a result of this RFP.
Authorized Sub Contractor: Sub Contractor, Reseller, Partner, etc. Authorized by the Contractor
(Prime) to sell only the products and services listed under the Master Agreement (s) established as a
result of this RFP. This authorized sub contractor must have the authority and ability to accurately reflect
the ability of the Respondent to meet the requirements detailed in this RFP.
WSCA-NASPO Contract Administrator: A dedicated person with the authority and ability to manage
compliance with the scope and terms and conditions for this contract.
Mandatory Minimum Requirements: Requirements that must be met in order to be considered for
further evaluation. Mandatory minimum requirements are non-negotiable. An offer that does not meet
the mandatory minimum requirements will be disqualified from further consideration.
Participating Addendum: A Participating Addendum must be executed by any State that decides to
adopt a WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement.
A Participating Addendum shall be executed for each contractor by the individual State desiring to
use their contract.
Additional States may be added with the consent of the contractor and the Lead State (on behalf of
WSCA-NASPO) through execution of Participating Addendums.
A Participating Addendum allows for each Participating State to add terms and conditions that may
be unique to their State.
The Participating State and the Contractor shall negotiate and agree upon any additional terms and
conditions prior to the signing and execution of the Participating Addendum.
States are not mandated to sign a Participating Addendum with all awarded vendors.
Participating Entity: A State that has indicated intent to participate in the solicitation process, or after
award, a State that has executed a participating addendum.
Purchasing Entity: Any end-user in a Participating State that is eligible to use the Master Agreement(s)
through the Participating Addendum, including but not limited to State Agencies, Counties, Cities,
Education, and other entities.
Qualified Entity: An entity that is eligible to use the Master Agreement(s).
Usage Report Administrator: A contractors person responsible for the quarterly sales reporting and
payments described in Section 1.15 Usage Reporting Requirement.
Volume Discount: A percentage discount offered by the seller to the buyer for purchasing a stated
dollar amount of Data Communications services and products to be delivered at one time or for a
specified period.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
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Sourcing Team: The technical and business team charged with setting requirements for the Data
Communications procurement, and its subsequent evaluation.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
Section 2: General Proposal Requirements and Information
2.1 Proposal Content and Format Requirements
Proposals must be detailed and concise. Unless otherwise stated in your proposal as an “exception”,
Respondents agree to comply with every section, subsection, attachment and addendum of this RFP.
Each proposal must be submitted in Microsoft Word or Excel, labeled and organized in a manner that is
congruent with the section number, headings, requirements, and terminology used in this RFP. Proposal
documents must be Arial font size 10. Respondent responses that are limited to a specified number of
pages are referring to single sided pages. As an example, a response that is limited to a document that is
no more than two pages long may be submitted on one double sided page, but not two double sided
Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
2.2 RFP Revisions
Revisions, if any, and all written questions and the State’s answers, will be posted on the BidSync
website. Solicitation documents will not be mailed to prospective Proposers. Respondents must register
(free of charge) as a vendor with BidSync in order to have access to the RFP and related documents.
Respondents are responsible for ensuring that their registration information is current and correct. The
State of Utah accepts no responsibility for missing or incorrect information contained in the supplier’s
registration information on BidSync. The State of Utah accepts no responsibility for a prospective
Respondent not receiving solicitation documents and/or revisions to the solicitation. It is the responsibility
of the prospective Respondent to obtain the information provided through BidSync.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
2.3 Right to Waive
The State of Utah reserves the right to waive any informality or technicality in any proposal.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
2.4 Proposals Become Property of the State of Utah
All proposal contents become the property of the State of Utah. All proposal content is proprietary during
the proposal evaluation process. Upon Master Agreement award, the successful Respondents’ proposals
will be open to public inspection, by request, with the exception of any proposal content that is marked as
“proprietary or confidential” by the Respondent. All content designated as “proprietary or confidential”
must be supported by documentation as to the rationale for the proprietary nature of the information.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
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2.5 News Releases
News releases or other public disclosure of information pertaining to this RFP or the statewide contracts
may not be published without the prior written permission of the State of Utah.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
2.6 State Seal Use
The Utah
GREAT SEAL RULE states, in section R622-2-3.Custody and Use, that “no facsimile or
reproduction of the Great Seal may be manufactured, used, displayed, or otherwise employed by anyone
without the written approval of the Lieutenant Governor."
Other participating States have similar rules that must be adhered to by Respondents or interested
Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
Section 3: Data Communications Provider Mandatory Minimum Requirements
3.1 General Information
This section contains requirements that must be addressed in order for your proposal to be considered for
the evaluation phase of this RFP. All of the items described in this section are non-negotiable.
Respondents are required to complete:
Mandatory Requirements (M)
All Respondents must meet the (M) requirements listed in this section, and explain how the requirement
is met. A ‘no’ response on the acceptance document or omission of the required explanation will
disqualify the service from further evaluation.
3.1.1 Equipment Offering
(M) Identify Equipment Offering in sections 5.2.1-5.3.0.
Cisco Response:
Cisco is offering our entire U.S. Global Price Lists (GPLs) in response to this RFP. Cisco product lines
extend to several hundred individual products. These products are developed by and organized into
integrated architectures, providing a seamless approach to presenting solutions for organizations’
technology needs. We feel that our broad portfolio of products meets the requirements for every product
category as set forth in Section 5.2.1 5.3 and in the Cost Schedule.
Cisco’s products are generally integrated into solutions or architectures for a majority of technology
categories listed in this RFP. Server products and associated software are integral components of many
of these networking solutions and architectures. These solutions simply cannot not be implemented, nor
meet our customers’ basic operational expectations and requirements, without the included server
components. Therefore, Cisco is offering server products and software as part of our integrated solutions
where required, but not as a separate stand-alone product category. For example, regarding our
collaboration portfolio, Cisco Unified Computing System (USC) servers run Cisco Call Manager software,
which drives our enterprise telephony platform. Likewise, our Unity products (voice mail) and our E911
solution are driven by UCS servers. Turning to network security, our servers drive the Cisco Identity
Services Engine (ISE) software which is a key component of our security portfolio. Similarly, with regard
to network management, our UCS servers host the components that make up the Cisco Prime LAN
Management System, including Cisco Prime Network Control System, Cisco Prime Infrastructure, and
Cisco Prime Security Manager. It should also be noted that not only do our servers run and drive these
Cisco Systems, Inc.
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solutions they also unify computing, networking, management, virtualization, and storage access into a
single integrated architecture that enables end-to-end server visibility, management, and control, thereby
enhancing our customers’ ability to effectively, efficiently, and economically serve their constituents.
3.1.2 Service Offering
(M) Identify Service Offerings for all products offered in Sections 5.2.1-5.3.0.
Cisco Response:
For each of the offerings listed in 5.2.1 5.3.0, Cisco and our resellers offer a comprehensive family of IT
services. Regardless of the technology that a customer is deploying, Cisco’s holistic services approach
provides customers with the necessary tools to analyze and implement technology during every portion of
their IT lifecycle. From the planning phase, to building phase, to the managing phase, customers can rely
on Cisco services.
Cisco is pleased to offer its full portfolio of technical/maintenance services and or professional/advanced
services. Our service model is designed to allow customers to leverage Cisco services for their specific
technology no matter where they are on the IT lifecycle.
A detailed description of Cisco’s services portfolio is provided under sections and
3.1.3 Insurance Requirement
(M) This pertains to the State of Utah insurance requirements. Other Participating States may identify
different insurance requirements during the participating addendum process.
Data Communications Provider’s and their authorized contractors shall procure and maintain insurance
which shall protect the authorized contractor and The State and/or purchasing entity (as an additional
insured) from any claims from bodily injury, property damage, or personal injury covered by the
indemnification obligations set forth herein. The Data Communications Provider’s authorized contractor
shall procure and maintain the insurance policies described below at their own expense and shall furnish
to the procurement manager, upon award, an insurance certificate listing the participating State(s) as
certificate holder and as an additional insured. The insurance certificate must document that the
Commercial General Liability insurance coverage purchased by the authorized contractor to include
contractual liability coverage applicable to this Master Agreement. In addition, the insurance certificate
must provide the following information: the name and address of the insured; name, address, telephone
number and signature of the authorized agent; name of the insurance company (authorized to operate in
all States); a description of coverage in detailed standard terminology (including policy period, policy
number, limits of liability, exclusions and endorsements) and an acknowledgment of notice of cancellation
to the participating States.
Authorized contractor is required to maintain the following insurance coverage’s during the term
of the WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement:
1) Workers’ Compensation Insurance The Data Communications Provider’s authorized
contractor must comply with Participating State’s requirements and provide a certificate of
2) Commercial General Liability Policy per occurrence - $1,000,000. Coverage to include bodily
injury and property damage combined single limit.
3) Business Automobile Policy to include but not limited to liability coverage on any owned, non-
owned, or hired vehicle used by Data Communications Provider’s authorized contractor
personnel in the performance of this Master Agreement. The business automobile policy shall
have the following limits of liability: Per Occurrence - $1,000,000, Annual Aggregate -
$3,000,000, Annual Aggregate applying to products and services - $3,000,000. Coverage must
include premises and operations, bodily injury and property damage, personal and advertising
injury; blanket contractual, products and services, owner named as an additional insured. The
State of Utah must be listed as an additional insured.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 18
Within 10 days of contract award, the Contracted Supplier and/or Authorized Contractor must submit
proof of certificate of insurance that meets the above requirements or the Participating States
Cisco Response:
Read and understood. Please see Ciscos responses to Section 15 of the WSCA-NASPO Standard
Terms and Conditions and to Sections 36 and 37 of the State of Utah Additional Terms and Conditions.
3.1.4 Delivery
(M) The prices offered shall be the delivered price to any WSCA-NASPO purchasing entity. All deliveries
shall be F.O.B. destination with all transportation and handling charges paid by the contractor.
Responsibility and liability for loss or damage shall remain the Contractor until final inspection and
acceptance (within 30 days after delivery for external damage and 30 days for any concealed damage)
when responsibility shall pass to the Buyer except as to latent defects, fraud and Contractor’s warranty
obligations. The minimum shipment amount will be found in the special terms and conditions. Any order
for less than the specified amount is to be shipped with the freight prepaid and added as a separate item
on the invoice. Any portion of an order to be shipped without transportation charges that is back ordered
shall be shipped without charge.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood. Please see Ciscos response to Section 8 of the WSCA-NASPO Standard Terms
and Conditions on Delivery.”
3.1.5 Service Offering Documentation
(M) Upon request, user and/or technical documentation should be supplied for all procured products and
services. Manuals may be available via the Contracted Supplier’s website. The manual shall contain user
and technical instructions appropriate to the service.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood. The extensive information available on the Cisco Technical Support and
Documentation web pages preempts most calls to the Cisco TAC and allows customers to resolve
seventy nine percent (79%) of their network problems without ever having to pick up the phone. automates a wide variety of tools and processes, including a set of Internet commerce tools
that allows customers to buy Cisco products and services online and check the availability and status of
spare parts. also automates the troubleshooting of many common support issues.
3.1.6 Data Communications Provider Contract Administrator and Usage Report Administrator
(M) The Contracted Supplier shall provide a Contract Administrator to manage compliance with the scope
and terms and conditions for this contract. The following Information, at a minimum, regarding the
Contract Administrator shall be provided:
a. Administrator’s number of years experience in the Data Communications Services business.
Cisco Response:
Contract Administrator
Mimi Nguyen
Sr. Manager, U.S. Public Sector Contracts Management Office
Cisco Systems, Inc.
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134
Office: 408.527.2627l Fax: 408.608.1802 I Email: mim[email protected]
Experience: 6+ years in the Data Communications Services Business. 19+ years in High Tech Contracts
Negotiations and Management.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
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b. Confirmation that the Data Communications Provider Contract Administrator has authority to
enforce the scope of work and terms and conditions of the resulting contract.
Cisco Response:
Confirmation: Ms. Nguyen has the authority to enforce the scope of work and terms and conditions of
the resulting contract.
The Contracted Supplier shall also provide a Usage Report Administrator responsible for the quarterly
sales reporting described in Section 1.15 Usage Reporting Requirement.
Cisco Response:
Usage Report Administrator
Angelene Feril*
Gov/Ed Manager, U.S. Public Sector Contracts Management Office
Cisco Systems, Inc.
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134
Office: 408.424.0712 l Fax: 408.608.1729 I Email: af[email protected]om
Experience: 12+ years in the Data Communications Services Business. 5+ years in High Tech Contracts
Negotiations and Management.
*Ms. Feril also has delegated authority to enforce the scope of work and terms and conditions of the
resulting contract in Ms. Nguyen’s absence, as necessary.
3.1.7 eMarket Center Cooperation
(M) To be eligible for contract award, the Contractor must agree to cooperate with WSCA-NASPO
and SciQuest (and any authorized agent or successor entity to SciQuest) with uploading a hosted
catalog or integrating a punchout site. The contract requirements are in section 7.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood. Please see Cisco’s response to Section 7.
Section 4: Data Communications Provider Qualifications
4.1 General Information:
Provide any pertinent general information about the depth and breadth of the Offeror’s product and
service offerings and their overall use and acceptance in the Data Communications marketplace.
Cisco Response:
Cisco Products and Services
Cisco offers a wide range of products and services designed for enterprises and small businesses across
a variety of industries.
Borderless Networks
Cisco Borderless Networks
connects people, information, and devices securely, reliably, and
seamlessly. The Cisco Borderless Networks product suite includes:
Switches: Expect more from your network, and save more on operations through innovations
such as Cisco EnergyWise
Routers: Deliver a superior customer experience, increased architectural scalability, and
investment protection
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 20
Security: Reduce costs and complexity with an architectural and systems approach to security
Wireless: Highly reliable, mission-critical Cisco 802.11n networks that accelerate innovation for
small to large businesses
Management: Simplify network management, reduce errors, and speed troubleshooting while
reducing operations costs
WAN Optimization: Accelerate applications over the WAN, consolidate branch infrastructure, and
empower cloud computing.
Borderless Network Solutions
Cisco Borderless Network Solutions
help accelerate business growth, control energy costs, scale
video, and deliver highly secure wired and wireless access.
The Cisco Borderless Network Architecture is built on an infrastructure of scalable and resilient
hardware and software (Figure 4). Components of the architecture come together to build
network systems that span your organization from network access to the cloud. Intelligent
network, endpoint, and user services provide the flexibility, speed, and scale to support new
devices, applications, and deployment models.
Figure 4. Cisco Borderless Network Architecture
Cisco Collaboration
enables your people to communicate more naturally, anywhere, anytime. The Cisco
Collaboration product suite includes:
Customer Care: Customer care creates the foundation for positive customer service, a primary
factor in building a stronger business
Conferencing: Voice, video, and web conferencing lets you keep the work moving without leaving
the office
Enterprise Social Software: Connect people with relevant resources and expertise
IP Communications: View, optimize, and manage your entire communications system from one
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 21
Messaging: See who is available, choose the best channel, and communicate
Mobile Applications: Take your desktop with you and meet anywhere you can use your phone
TelePresence: Cisco TelePresence powers a new way of working where everyone, everywhere
can be more productive through face-to-face, immersive collaboration.
Cisco Collaboration Solutions
Cisco Collaboration Solutions
provide a “new way to work” by addressing the business requirements of a
post-PC era with a workplace that is more mobile, social, visual, and virtual.
The Cisco Collaboration Architecture gives your employees, customers, and partners ways to instantly
contact you, interact, and conduct business through the communications channels they prefer, and
achieve these business objectives (Figure 5). The elements of the Cisco Collaboration Architecture
establish a collaboration core that powers compelling experiences both within and among organizations.
Working together in a modular fashion, these capabilities allow you to develop an investment plan that
helps ensure interoperability with your existing assets.
Figure 5. Cisco Collaboration Architecture
Data Center and Virtualization Products
Cisco Data Center and Virtualization
helps decrease costs, enhance scalability, and improve data center
performance with unified computing. The Cisco Data Center and Virtualization product suite includes:
Data Center Switching: Increase business agility, simplify operations, and protect your investment
with the architectural flexibility provided by data center switching
Data Center Management and Automation: Increase efficiency with IT automation products that
save time, provide clear visibility, and strengthen control over operations
Storage Networking Solutions: Deploy Cisco Unified Fabric solutions with unified management to
simplify operations, enhance agility, and improve flexibility
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 22
Application Networking Solutions: Protect critical applications, infrastructure, and data while
increasing application availability and reducing costs
Data Center Security: Secure your critical applications, infrastructure, and data while ensuring
data privacy and regulatory compliance
Unified Computing System: Scale service delivery and simplify requirements for data center
setup, management, power, cooling, and cabling.
Services Portfolio
Advanced Services
(e.g., SMARTnet, etc.): Our services drive technology integration while helping lower
operational costs, increase network availability, and optimize performance.
Technical Services/Maintenance Services: We help ensure Cisco products and your network
operate efficiently and benefit from up-to-date system and application software.
Remote Management Services: We take the lead in co-managing your Cisco Advanced
Technology network around the clock. Enjoy lower TCO and focus on your core business without
giving up control of your network.
Data Center Solutions
Cisco Data Center Solutions
helps reduce costs, deliver superior scalability, are easy to manage, and
simplify operations.
The Cisco Unified Data Center is based on three pillars of Cisco innovation: Unified Fabric, Unified
Computing, and Unified Management (Figure 6). It provides a superior foundation for cloud computing by
unifying computing, networking, storage, and management in a common platform designed to automate
deployment and management across physical and virtual resources for superior delivery of IT-as-a-
Service (ITaaS).
Figure 6. Cisco Unified Data Center
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 23
4.2 Warranty
Specify the Offeror’s standard warranty offerings for the products and services proposed in the response
to this RFP.
Cisco Response:
All Cisco hardware and software products are covered for a minimum of 90 days. Some products have a
longer or more appropriate coverage. All Cisco warranties apply to the Customer or Original Owner (the
individual who purchased the product for their own use) also referred to as the End User.
Note: All Cisco warranties are subject to and provided only on the terms and conditions set out in the
Cisco Limited Warranty, Disclaimer of Warranty, and End User License Agreement.
Following please find our Standard Limited Warranty. For a complete list of Cisco product warranties and
customer entitlements under these warranties, please see:
Cisco Standard Limited Warranty Terms for Products:
Hardware: Cisco Systems, Inc., or the Cisco Systems, Inc. subsidiary selling the Product (“Cisco”)
warrants that commencing from the date of shipment to Customer (and in case of resale by a Cisco
reseller, commencing not more than ninety (90) days after original shipment by Cisco), and continuing for
a period of the longer of (a) ninety (90) days or (b) the period set forth in the warranty card accompanying
the Product (if any), the Hardware will be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal
use. The date of shipment of a Product by Cisco is set forth on the packaging material in which the
Product is shipped. This limited warranty extends only to the original user of the Product. Customer’s sole
and exclusive remedy and the entire liability of Cisco and its suppliers under this limited warranty will be,
at Cisco’s or its service center’s option, shipment of a replacement within the warranty period and
according to the replacement process described in the warranty card (if any), or if no warranty card, as
described on the Cisco Product Warranties Web page
or a refund of the
purchase price if the Hardware is returned to the party supplying it to Customer, freight and insurance
prepaid. Cisco replacement parts used in Hardware replacement may be new or equivalent to new.
Cisco’s obligations hereunder are conditioned upon the return of affected Hardware in accordance with
Cisco’s or its service center’s then-current Return Material Authorization (RMA) procedures.
Software: The limited warranty in the WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement Terms and Conditions and the
End User License Agreement
sets forth Cisco’s warranty obligations with respect to the Software. The
End User License Agreement may be located at the following URL:
Product warranty terms and other information applicable to the Product may be located at the following
Restrictions: The above Hardware warranty and limited warranty in the End User License Agreement
(“Software Warranty”) do not apply if the Software, Hardware Product, or any other equipment upon
which the Software is authorized by Cisco or its suppliers or licensors to be used (a) has been altered,
except by Cisco or its authorized representative, (b) has not been installed, operated, repaired, or
maintained in accordance with instructions supplied by Cisco, (c) has been subjected to abnormal
physical or electrical stress, abnormal environmental conditions, misuse, negligence, or accident; or (d) is
licensed for beta, evaluation, testing, or demonstration purposes. The Software warranty also does not
apply to (e) any temporary Software modules; (f) any Software not posted on Cisco’s Software Center (on URL where Cisco makes the Software publicly available to licensed customers); (g) any
Software that Cisco expressly provides on an “AS IS” basis on Cisco’s Software Center; or (h) any
Software for which Cisco does not receive a license fee.
Disclaimer of Warranty:
Except as specified in this warranty section, all express or implied conditions, representations, and
warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranty or condition of merchantability, fitness for a
particular purpose, non-infringement, satisfactory quality, non-interference, accuracy of informational
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 24
content, or arising from a course of dealing, law, usage, or trade practice, are hereby excluded to the
extent allowed by applicable law and are expressly disclaimed by Disco, its suppliers and licensors. to the
extent an implied warranty cannot be excluded, such warranty is limited in duration to the express
warranty period. Because some states or jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied
warranty lasts, the above limitation may not apply, These warranties give customer specific legal rights,
and customer may also have other rights which vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
This disclaimer and exclusion shall apply even if the express warranty set forth above fails of its essential
4.3 Website
Award contractors are required to establish and maintain a website applicable to the WSCA/NASPO
contract which will allow Participating States to see applicable contract price list, discounts on said price
list, approved resellers or partners for their state and any additional information that may be required to
assist the participating states in obtaining information concerning the contract award. The State of Utah
representing WSCA/NASPO reserves the right to require the award contractor to add additional items to
assist in this process. Specify Websites used by the Offeror to facilitate customer ordering under
awarded contracts.
This is a mandatory requirement.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood. Cisco intends to establish and maintain a WSCA-NASPO contract website at similar to what Cisco currently has today. Under the existing Cisco WSCA Data
Communications AR-233 contract, Cisco currently maintains a WSCA website at the following URL:
. The website will contain dedicated
pages for each individual Participating Entity that executed a Participating Addendum. Each Participating
Entity’s webpage will have the applicable/approved price lists and discount information, contract
document copies; ordering instructions for customers; related link to the WSCA-NASPO website; list of
Authorized Resellers for that specific Participating Entity including their general company information,
contact people information, and any additional, incremental discounts as applicable per each Authorized
4.4 Customer Service
Specify the Offeror’s standard customer service policies and detail the escalation process used to handle
customer-generated issues.
Cisco Response:
For customers with current Cisco service contracts, Cisco provides technical support services 24 hours
per day, 7 days per week, on the web and over the phone.
Technical Related Issues. When a customer purchases SMARTnet and/or any of Cisco’s other
Technical/Maintenance Services, the customer will have access to the Cisco Technical Assistance Center
(TAC). TAC has a formal process in place for handling and responding to customer case-escalation
requests. To help ensure all service requests are reported in a standard format, TAC has established the
following service request severity definitions, as shown in Table 1.
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Table 1. Service Request Severity Definitions
Severity Level Definition
Severity 1 (S1) Your network is “down” or there is a critical impact to your business
operations. You and Cisco will commit considerable resources around
the clock to resolve the situation.
Severity 2 (S2) Operation of an existing network is severely degraded, or significant
aspects of your business operation are negatively affected. You and
Cisco will commit considerable resources during normal business hours
to resolve the situation.
Severity 3 (S3) Operational performance of your network is impaired, while most
business operations remain functional. You and Cisco are willing to
commit resources during normal business hours to restore service to
satisfactory levels.
Severity 4 (S4) You require information or assistance with Cisco product capabilities,
installation, or configuration. There is little or no effect on your business
If you feel that progress on your service request or the quality of Cisco Services is not satisfactory, Cisco
encourages you to escalate the service request. You can do this by contacting the TAC and asking for the
TAC duty manager. Online resources and phone numbers for contacting the appropriate Cisco TAC are
available at:
As part of ISO standards for escalation process workflow, email alerts are generated by the TAC trouble
ticketing system, notifying the individuals listed in Table 2 if no activity (update or status change) is
recorded against a service request for the following periods. Severity 1 alert times are measured in
calendar hours 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Severity 2 alert times corresponds with standard
business hours.
Table 2. Automatic Email Alert Escalations for Cisco TAC Service Requests
Severity 1
Network Down
Severity 2
Severe Impact
1 Hour TAC Manager
4 Hours TAC Director TAC Manager
24 Hours VP Customer Advocacy TAC Director
48 Hours President VP Customer Advocacy
96 Hours President
Continuous improvement in service quality is driven and measured by the use of customer satisfaction
surveys. Cisco uses both relationship and transactional surveys to identify strengths and opportunities for
improvement. Organizational, management, and individual goals and objectives are established based on
the results of these surveys. Improvement plans are developed based on the key messages from the
surveys and progress is tracked and reported at monthly and quarterly reviews.
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Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 26
4.5 Firm
a. Provide a brief history of your firm including the following:
1. Number of years providing Data Communications Services being offered in response to
this RFP.
Cisco Response:
At Cisco, our customers are our top priority. We value our
partnerships with our Public Sector customers to find solutions to
challenging problems that will ultimately improve the lives of
The concept of solutions being driven to address specific
customer challenges has been with Cisco since its inception.
Since then, Cisco has shaped the future of the Internet by creating unprecedented value and opportunity
for our customers, employees, investors, and ecosystem partners and has become the worldwide leader
in networking - transforming how people connect, communicate, and collaborate. Cisco has been
providing Data Communications solutions since 1984, for a total of 29 years.
2. Number of separate services provided in each of the area categories described in this
Cisco Response:
Cisco and our partners offer a comprehensive family of IT services. Regardless of the technology that a
customer is deploying, Cisco’s holistic services approach provides customers with the necessary tools to
analyze and implement technology during every portion of their IT lifecycle. From the planning phase, to
building phase, to the managing phase, customers can rely on Cisco services.
Our service model is designed to allow customers to leverage Cisco services for their specific technology
no matter where they are on the IT lifecycle. Whether a customer needs help with completing an
assessment to decide on a new IT investment, to low level or high level network design, to optimization
services to harness the most out of an existing IT infrastructure, Cisco’s service offerings can be paired to
match customer needs.
A detailed description of Cisco’s services portfolio is provided under sections and
b. Describe specifically what makes your firm a stable long term partner for WSCA-NASPO.
Cisco Response:
Based on Cisco’s financial strength, robust portfolio of offerings and talented workforce, Cisco can
confidently be relied upon as a stable, long-term partner for WSCA-NASPO.
Experience29 years in the Data Communications/Networking Business.
CreditworthinessDun & Bradstreet Composite Rating of 5A2.
Strong PerformanceFinancials for 2012 and 2013 included net sales of over $46.1 billion
and $48.6 billion respectively.
Cash on Hand During periods of uncertainty, our strong balance sheet continues to be a
competitive advantage. Total assets were $92.6 billion at the end of fiscal 2013, including $47.7
billion in cash, cash equivalents, and investments held globally.
Cisco Strategy:
Solve our customers’
important business challenges by
delivering intelligent networks and
technology architectures built on
integrated products, services, and
software platforms.
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Broadest Portfolio of ProductsCisco has the broadest portfolio of networking/data
communications products as is evidenced by our market leadership (#1, #2) across almost all of
our technology sectors:
#1 in Routing: Edge, Core, Access
#1 in TelePresence
#1 in Wireless LAN
#1 in Switching: Fixed, Modular
#1 in Voice
#1 in Web Conferencing
#1 in Security
#2 in Storage Area Networks.
AcquisitionsCisco's growth strategy is based on identifying and driving market transitions.
Corporate development focuses on acquisitions that help Cisco capture these market transitions.
Cisco has acquired over 150 companies during its history.
Partner/Reseller CommunityOur Cisco-certified resellers combine their deep industry
knowledge and Cisco's 29 years of networking experience and tools to optimize our customers’
network infrastructure. In the U.S. alone, Cisco has 15,439 partner resellers currently. Outside the
U.S., Cisco has 51,711 resellers.
Dedicated Public Sector EmployeesAs of Q2 FY 2013, Cisco had 73,460 employees. 1076
of these are dedicated to U.S. Public Sector.
World-Class Technical Support Services 24/7Cisco Technical Support Services are the
gateway to the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC), providing 24-hour 24/7 troubleshooting
and technical support services for Cisco customers globally, both online and over the phone. This
organization enhances administrator productivity and self-sufficiency by providing access to Cisco
technical engineering staff and comprehensive documentation, tools, and labs.
Spare Parts Distribution Centers across the GlobeOver 900 spare parts depots with over
170,000 parts delivered every quarter.
In addition, Cisco has successfully demonstrated it is a trusted and reliable partner through the current
Cisco WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract. Cisco is tremendously proud of its existing
agreement and the impacts that we have made in helping our WSCA-NASPO government customers
serve, protect, and improve the lives of its citizens and communities. For the past 5 years, Cisco has
provided its offerings up to 19 Participating States and all the authorized users (local governments,
schools, etc.) under those states. From Q1CY2008 Q2CY2013, Cisco has sold over $679 million of its
products and services under our current WSCA contract in partnership with 175 Authorized Resellers
across the United States. And, to date, we are pleased to have remitted $3.3 million in administrative fees
to WSCA and $2.9 million total to those Participating States who also have their own administrative fees.
To ensure that each of the current Participating States and its authorized purchasers are supported
appropriately, we rely on our Cisco certified resellers across the U.S. to provide “feet on the street” from
geographic coverage to the necessary expertise in Cisco technologies. Under each current Participating
Addendum, we carefully vet and select the authorized resellers (“Authorized Resellers”) after consultation
with the Participating State. We understand the importance of promoting economic development and
supplier diversity in each Participating State as well as simply taking care of those towns, cities, and K-12
schools in remote areas. Our reseller selection process is both thorough and comprehensive as we take
into account the needs and requirements of each Participating State, the various buying entities, and the
constituents that they serve. The end result is to provide the authorized purchasers of each Participating
Addendum with Cisco certified resellers that they can rely on for their data communication needs.
c. Describe specifically what information the Data Communications Provider contract administrator
would provide at annual meetings with an entity that has executed a participating addendum.
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Cisco Response:
Cisco’s WSCA-NASPO Contract Administrator would be pleased to provide the following information at
annual meetings with a Participating Entity that has executed a Participating Addendum:
Total Sales for the Year under that Participating Addendum (Total, Products Sales, Services
Total sales by type of Purchasing Entity vertical (State, Local, K-12, Higher Education) under that
Participating Addendum
Total Administrative Fees Paid to Participating Entity (if applicable for that Participating
Highlights of major projects and accomplishments under the Participating Addendum (i.e.,
customer success stories, marketing activities, operational efficiency, etc.)
Status Update on the Authorized Resellers under that Participating Addendum
Changes (adds, removals)
Specializations; expertise and coverage areas
Sales total by each Authorized Reseller
Reseller Performance Management Activities (i.e., training, reviews/evaluations, etc.)
What’s New at Cisco
New offerings and technologies
Acquisitions and integration timelines
Contracts Management Process Improvement Initiatives for the following year
Marketing plans for the following year.
d. Describe how you plan to implement the contract including having a single point of contact to
perform and manage all aspects of this contract.
Cisco Response:
As with the current WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract that Cisco holds today, Cisco’s U.S.
Public Sector Contracts Management Office (“Cisco’s CMO”) will continue to manage and administer the
new contract with proven commitment to customer satisfaction. Ms. Mimi Nguyen, Sr. Manager, will
continue to be the single point of contact and be responsible for general oversight of the new WSCA-
NASPO Master Agreement and program. Ms. Angelene Feril, Gov/Ed Manager, will be leading the efforts
to operationalize the new WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement and each Participating Addendum that gets
executed, including the onboarding of the selected resellers for each Participating Addendum and
overseeing the submission of the quarterly usage reports and administrative fees.
Cisco has already prepared a roadmap of all the major tasks that need to be timely completed in order to
successfully implement the new WSCA-NASPO contract and ensure a smooth transition from the current
one. Table 3 below describes our high-level implementation roadmap. Detailed project plans will be
created for each major task. With over 5 years of experience in operationalizing the current WSCA Data
Communications AR-233 contract and 19 Participating Addendums, Cisco is prepared with the
appropriate resources, systems, and tools to efficiently roll-out the new WSCA-NASPO contract and
Participating Addendums, and effectively administer the contract.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 29
Table 3. High-Level Implementation Roadmap
# Major Tasks Activities Date Participants
New Data Communications
Agreement Released, Bid
Response and Review by
WSCA Utah Releases RFP
Cisco Responds
Jul 1
Aug 30, 2013
Contract Award and
Negotiations with OEMs
WSCA Utah Awards
Contracts to OEMs
WSCA Utah Negotiates
with Awarded OEMs
WSCA Utah and
Cisco CMO and
Master Agreement
Executed and Cisco
Negotiates New
Participating Addendums
(“PAs”) with Participating
Entities (“PEs”)
WSCA Utah and Cisco
Execute New Master
Cisco begins negotiating
new PAs with PEs
To expedite PA
negotiations process,
Cisco will prepare a “Cheat
Sheet” that compares the
differences between the
“old/existing” Master
Agreement vs. “new”
Master Agreement
Provide WSCA Utah the
“Cheat Sheet” for review
and approval before
releasing to Participating
Vetting and Selecting
Resellers for Each
Consult with each
Participating Entity to
identify specific needs and
requirements relating to the
new resellers
Canvas interested resellers
and send out application
Review responses, identify
proposed list of resellers,
and submit for approval by
Participating Entity for each
Reseller Onboarding
Due Diligence Checks on
selected resellers (Legal,
Resellers execute
subcontracts, Discount
Letters, and other required
paperwork by Participating
June 1, 2014 New
Contract is LIVE
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 30
# Major Tasks Activities Date Participants
Update Contract Websites
at and
Reporting Tool
WSCA-NASPO updates
WSCA’s Own Website with
new Master Agreement
Cisco updates WSCA-
NASPO Contract
Webpages at
and Cisco’s Reporting
Tool; Update each
Participating State’s PA,
reseller list, etc.
Train ALL
resellers in Participating
Train Cisco Sales and
Channels Teams
Train Participating Entities
Administrators (as
necessary i.e., new folks)
to access quarterly reports
through Cisco’s reporting
Cisco (Trainer)
Marketing Campaign
Prepare and submit
proposed materials for
Ongoing Contracts
Management and
Quarterly Sales
Reporting and
Administrative Fees
Reseller Performance
Customer Satisfaction
Term of New
e. Describe in detail your firm’s escalation management plan including contact information.
Cisco Response:
Contracts Related Issues: For contracts management and administrative related issues or concerns,
below is the following key contact information:
Mimi Nguyen
Sr. Manager, U.S. Public Sector Contracts Management Office
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Office: 408.527.2627 l Fax: 408.608.1802 I Email:
Angelene Feril
Gov/Ed Manager, U.S. Public Sector Contracts Management Office
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Office: 408.424.0712 l Fax: 408.608.1729 I Email: af[email protected]om
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 31
The following escalation management plan is currently in place today for the purpose of timely addressing
any contractual issues and/or concerns raised by our WSCA-NASPO customers:
Review and Appropriate Escalation. Upon notification of an issue or concern by a customer
and after performing the necessary review and investigation, Cisco’s U.S. Public Sector Contracts
Management Office (Cisco’s CMO) will lead the effort to properly communicate the matter to the
appropriate internal and external stakeholders for action, including senior management of all
parties involved as necessary. For example, issues may be escalated to Cisco management in
Sales, Channels, Legal, Finance, and/or other impacted Cisco department(s) as required to
properly evaluate and address the issue or concern. If the matter is related to one of its
Authorized Resellers, Cisco’s CMO will also reach out to that Authorized Reseller and its
management sales team accordingly.
Corrective Actions. Depending on the nature the issue, the appropriate corrective actions within
Cisco’s control will be identified and implemented, as Cisco deems necessary or commercially
reasonable to execute in order to ensure satisfactory resolution. Cisco’s CMO will keep WSCA
Utah and/or the Participating State or Entity apprised of its progress. Where the corrective action
requires involvement or engagement of external parties, Cisco’s CMO will follow-up with such
parties appropriately.
Feedback and Continuous Process Improvement. Cisco’s CMO welcomes and encourages
regular feedback from all of its WSCA-NASPO customers as it continuously strives to maintain
operational excellence and customer satisfaction. In addition, Cisco’s CMO may also make
recommendations for process improvements based on lessons learned and will work with State of
Utah and the Participating State or Entity (as applicable) on such initiatives, as appropriate.
Cisco will continue to follow this escalation management plan for the new WSCA-NASPO contract,
subject to any continuous process improvements that Cisco may implement.
4.6 Authorized Sub Contractor Relationships
Respondents may propose the use of Servicing Subcontractors or partners however, the Contractor shall
remain solely responsible for the performance under the terms and conditions of the Contract if Servicing
Subcontractors are utilized. This includes sales report information. The Contractor will be responsible to
collect, and report this information from all partners or resellers representing your contract.
a. Briefly describe what your firm requires from potential contractors to become an “Authorized Data
Communications Reseller”. Provide an Authorized Contractor List.
Cisco Response:
Cisco utilizes a reseller model for sales and order fulfillment and understands that Cisco shall remain
solely responsible for the performance of its Authorized Data Communications Resellers (“Authorized
Resellers”) under the resulting WSCA-NASPO contract. Consistent with the current process under
Cisco’s existing WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract, Cisco wishes to defer the selection of the
Authorized Resellers until after contract award and upon execution of each Participating Addendum.
Based on the RFP’s Q&A responses, we interpret that WSCA-NASPO is agreeable to this approach.
Strategic Selection of Authorized Resellers for each Executed Participating Addendum
Cisco understands and is sensitive to the fact that not all of Cisco’s resellers have the capacities to sell in
every state across the U.S. and to Public Sector customers. Many are small to medium businesses who
are focused on selling and supporting certain geographic areas, technology practices, and/or type of
Public Sector customer(s) (i.e., state agencies, K-12, etc.). Therefore, to ensure the engagement and
participation of diverse resellers, including “local” businesses, our reseller selection process aims to
objectively select multiple resellers that can best serve the needs of the Participating State/Entity and the
Public Sector customers identified in each Participating Addendum. Cisco will solicit input from the
Participating State/Entity who executed a Participating Addendum on its specific needs and/or
requirements (i.e., local presence, certain technology expertise, area coverage, etc.).
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Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 32
Based on the Participating State/Entity’s input and Cisco’s own business criteria and
requirements, Cisco will follow its established process for soliciting and selecting appropriately
skilled Authorized Resellers.
Selected resellers will be expected to (i) “pass” Cisco’s legal and financial due diligence checks,
and (ii) execute a subcontract with Cisco and adhere to the terms and conditions of the resulting
new WSCA-NASPO contract as well as the respective Participating Addendum.
Our application and selection process takes into account, but is not limited to, the following considerations
in selecting the resellers that will be authorized to sell to the customer base identified in each Participating
Physical presence within the state (economic development, customer access, etc.)
Geographic coverage (i.e., north, central, south, remote areas, etc.)
Reseller’s Cisco certification level and technology specializations
Cisco certified engineering and trained sales resources
Proven historical Public Sector sales experience and success in the state or geographic
locations/territories as identified in the Participating Addendum
Other value-added services that Cisco and/or the Participating State/Entity may require under
that Participating Addendum.
b. Describe in detail how your firm currently measures an authorized contractors’ performance.
Cisco Response:
Cisco regularly measures each of Authorized Reseller’s performance under the current WSCA Data
Communications AR-233 contract per the following criteria:
Compliance and Customer Satisfaction
Timely submission of the required quarterly sales/usage volume reports. Cisco tracks each
Authorized Reseller’s submission of its reports via Cisco’s reporting web portal tool at
Timely submission of the required administrative fees, which are verified and reconciled with
Cisco Finance, including proof of payment.
Timely submission of Participating State/Entity’s paperwork or completion or maintenance of
certain requirements (i.e., E-Verify documentation, Certificate of Insurance, etc.) as may be
required under each Participating Addendum.
Adherence to the terms and conditions of the Cisco WSCA Data Communications AR-233
contract and each Participating Addendum under which a reseller is authorized to sell.
Attendance of mandatory trainings provided by Cisco on contracts related topics (i.e., reporting,
administrative fees, Ts & Cs, etc.). Cisco provides mandatory training to selected resellers upon
execution of new Participating Addendum as part of the reseller’s onboarding” process as well as
periodic refresher trainings or updates throughout the term of each Participating Addendum.
Customer satisfaction (i.e., complaints, feedback, etc.).
Cisco Certifications and Resources
Maintaining the minimum Cisco certification level as required (i.e., level varies per the needs of
each state or geographic location). Cisco verifies that each Authorized Reseller’s certification
level does not fall below the required minimum level.
Maintaining the minimum Cisco technology specialization(s) as required (i.e., level varies per the
needs of each Participating State/Entity or geographic location). Cisco verifies during the term of
the current WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract each Authorized Reseller’s status with
respect to the minimum technology specialization(s) required.
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Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 33
Maintaining the minimum number of engineer and sales resources as required (i.e., number
varies per the needs of each Participating State/Entity or geographic location). Cisco verifies
during the term of the current WSCA AR-233 contract each Authorized Reseller’s resources that
were committed during the application process.
Sales Performance
Authorized Reseller’s sales performance under each Participating Addendum
Participation with Cisco Channels and Sales teams on periodic business reviews
Marketing/Demand Generation events held by Authorized Reseller to promote the WSCA
c. Describe in detail the process for revoking a designation as a sub contractor from an authorized
contractor for issues related to customer service, or other authorized contractor performance
related issues.
Cisco Response:
In accordance with and consistent with Cisco’s escalation process as set forth in Section 4.5(d) above,
Cisco’s process for revoking a designation as an Authorized Reseller in connection with customer
service-related issues, or other performance-related issues is as follows:
Cisco will request and obtain all necessary information and details related to the issue from all
related parties.
Cisco will discuss detailed information received with all applicable parties and appropriate
departments within Cisco.
If results substantiate or indicate that the Authorized Reseller was non-compliant in following the
terms of its subcontract with Cisco or engaged in acts that were not in the best interest of the
customer and/or Cisco, then such Authorized Reseller will be placed on warning status. Cisco will
set proper expectations required of the Authorized Reseller to remediate the current issue(s) as
well as to prevent any re-occurrence of the issue(s). If special or additional training is required,
Cisco will provide as necessary.
If Authorized Reseller continues with the non-compliant or unacceptable behavior that is not in
the best interest of the customer and/or Cisco after being placed on warning, Cisco will then
proceed with terminating the subcontracting agreement between Cisco and the Authorized
d. Describe in detail how your firm will support and assist an authorized contractor in improving their
performance and the corrective action process.
Cisco Response:
Consistent with the current practice under Cisco’s existing WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract,
Cisco will continue to support and assist Authorized Resellers in improving their performance and will
utilize a corrective action process as necessary:
Training. Upon initial onboarding, Cisco conducts an initial training session of the contract’s
requirements to all Authorized Resellers. Training will detail critical terms and conditions (i.e.,
quarterly usage reporting and administrative fee requirements, etc.), clarify common
misconceptions, answer frequently asked questions and suggest best practices. Subsequent
training sessions are conducted throughout the term of the contract to refresh its
subcontractors/resellers as necessary.
Business Reviews. Cisco Partner Account Managers typically conduct periodic business
reviews throughout the year to check in with Authorized Resellers and their performance to date
on the contract. This provides the Authorized Resellers with the opportunity to gain Cisco’s
assistance and insight on any issues as well as gain guidance on how to improve their
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 34
performance prior to the formal performance reviews. In addition, the Authorized Resellers are
encouraged to schedule meetings as needed with their Cisco Sales Account Manager and
assigned Partner Account Manager to review their performance and/obtain assistance on how to
improve their Cisco practice.
Formal Performance Reviews. Cisco conducts formal performance reviews with its Authorized
Resellers, which include verifying compliance with the requirements of the WSCA Data
Communications AR-233 contract, Participating Addendums, and Cisco’s subcontracting
agreement. Authorized Resellers who are found deficient in any of the requirements are given an
opportunity to remediate their issues within a specified time period in accordance with an agreed-
upon “Get Well Plan”. The Get Well Plan generally includes a business plan as well as
reasonably attainable goals to remediate each Authorized Resellers identified deficiencies
(including compliance-related issues).
e. Describe in detail the process that your firm uses to track and respond to issues and concerns
from both your authorized contractors and from participating entities.
Cisco Response:
Customers, subcontractors/resellers, and participating entities contract administrators have multiple
parties to communicate issues to in reference to the WSCA/NASPO contract using the following avenues
(as applicable depending on the party):
Cisco Account Managers (assigned to the customer/area)
Cisco Partner Account Manager (assigned to each reseller)
Cisco Regional Managers (assigned to the area)
Cisco System Engineers (assigned to the area)
CMO Senior Manager (Ms. Mimi Nguyen)
CMO Gov/Ed Manager (Ms. Angelene Feril)
CMO Contract Compliance and Administrative Analysts
ImmixGroup, Reporting Tool Vendor’s help desk (via email or phone)
Authorized Resellers
CMO help mailer:
Participating State Contract Administrator
WSCA/NASPO Contract Administrator (Utah).
In any event, Cisco’s escalation process as set forth in response to 4.5(d) above would be applicable
here as well.
f. Describe in detail how your firm will track, report and verify sales from your designated Data
Communication partners and authorized contractors.
Cisco Response:
Cisco currently has a comprehensive sales volume report template, which all Authorized Resellers are
required to populate with sales volume data and upload to our reporting tool web portal, which has been
used to report the current WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract sales since 2010:
Web reporting tool is available 24/7 at
Automatically tracks all quarterly sales/usage reports submitted.
Once a report is submitted, Cisco reviews the sales data prior to approving the report. As a
manufacturer with the potential of having hundreds of resellers under the new resulting WSCA-
NASPO contract as well, Cisco needs the extra time to properly review and process all sales
reports received by each Authorized Reseller across all Participating Addendums. (This is why
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 35
we appreciate the due dates under our existing contract and are requesting the same timeframes
under the new resulting WSCA-NASPO contract as set forth in our bid response to Section 1.15.)
Once all submissions have been reviewed, approved, and finalized/consolidated in the web
portal, Cisco notifies the availability of the reports to the WSCA-NASPO Contract Administrator
and all designated Contract Administrators under the executed Participating Addendums.
Multiple options are available for viewing and/or downloading the data from a high level summary
to a full detailed dataset for any given timeframe for which data is available.
If there are any changes in the Contract Administrators under the resulting WSCA-NASPO
contract and/or executed Participating Addendums, Cisco will provide training on how to use the
web-reporting tool. Please be advised that such activity (training) is already included in our
Implementation Plan as set forth in our response under Section 4.5(c).
Section 5: Service Offering Qualifications
5.1 General Information
This section contains mandatory minimum requirements that must be met in order for your proposal to be
considered for the evaluation phase of this RFP. All of the items described in this section are non-
negotiable. Respondents are required to complete:
Mandatory Requirements (M)
All Respondents must meet the (M) requirements listed in this section, and explain how the requirement
is met. A ‘no’ response on the acceptance document or omission of the required explanation will
disqualify the service from further evaluation.
5.1.1 General Business Requirements
Each provider must meet the following mandatory general business requirements:
5.1.2 Terms and Conditions
(M) Respondents must indicate their acceptance of the State of Utah Standard Terms and Conditions in
addition to the WSCA-NASPO Terms and Conditions attached to this RFP as Attachment A and
Attachment B. Any exceptions to these terms and conditions must be clearly identified in bid response
and during the question and answer period on BidSync. Significant exceptions may constitute grounds
for rejecting Respondent proposals.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood. Please see Cisco’s responses/exceptions to the WSCA-NASPO Standard Terms
and Conditions and the State of Utah Additional Terms and Conditions in Appendix B and C. Cisco and
WSCA have operated successfully with the current terms and conditions for over the last 5 years. As
such, we recommend in certain sections that we utilize the terms of our existing agreement. These terms
have served all parties well, including the Participating States, which is a testament to the robust and
comprehensive nature of the existing agreement. This approach will also serve to expedite reaching final
agreement on terms and conditions.
5.1.3 Experience
(M) Respondents must be able to provide reference service contracts from a minimum of five government
or commercial customers for their Data Communications Product and Services offerings. Government
references are preferred. References must include environments and complexity that is similar in scope to
those described within this RFP. Any proposals from Respondents that cannot meet these requirements
will not be considered. The Respondent must provide specific contact information describing their
reference service contracts, which may be verified.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 36
Cisco Response:
Read and understood. The following Cisco government customers have agreed to serve as our
1. Mr. Jack Harris
Director, Network Strategy
DTMB Office of the CTO State of Michigan
2. Ms. Christy Ridout
Deputy Director, Consolidate Technology Services
State of Washington
3. Mr. Haggai Hisgilov
Executive Director
University of California
4. Mr. Paul Cook, CPT, PMP
Business Process Consultant, Senior
Communications & Technology Management
City of Austin
5. Mr. Sam Hanvey, CPPB, APM
Team Lead
Information Technology Management Office
State of South Carolina
6. Ms. Jan Pytelewski, GCPA
Category Manager - IT Procurement, State Purchasing Division
State of Georgia - Department of Administrative Services
5.1.4 Financial Stability
(M) The Data Communications Product and Services vendor must provide audited financial statements to
the State and should meet a minimum Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) credit rating of 4A2 or better, or a
recognized equivalent rating. Please provide the Respondent’s D&B Number and the composite credit
rating. The State reserves the right to verify this information. If a branch or wholly owned subsidiary is
bidding on this RFP, please provide the D&B Number and score for the parent company that will be
financially responsible for performance of the agreement. Prime contractors working on behalf of
Respondents must submit financial statements that demonstrate financial stability, and adequate working
capital, but do not need to meet 4A2 credit rating requirements.
Cisco Response:
Financial information about Cisco, including annual and quarterly reports, may be found at our Investor
Relations page by visiting:
. Please visit the following page to view Cisco financial
statements for the past 3 years:
Please refer to Cisco’s Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) report for the applicable year. Per D&B policy, companies
must request this report directly from D&B. Our D&B number is 15-380-4570. Cisco’s composite D&B
rating is 5A2.
5.1.5 Other General Responsibilities
(M) The Respondent must provide the personnel, equipment, tools, and expertise to meet the
requirements in this RFP.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 37
(M) Computer applications and Web sites must be accessible to people with disabilities, and must comply
with Participating entity accessibility policies and the Americans with Disability Act.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood. As Cisco changes how people work, live, play, and learn, it is essential that we
ensure the same for people with disabilities. That is why we strive to make our products, services,
Websites, and documentation accessible and usable by people with disabilities, whether by design or
through compatible use with assistive technology.
Accessibility is built into the way we work, the products we develop, and the standards and regulations we
follow. It is a responsibility every Cisco employee embracesbecause helping all people to contribute
equally, regardless of ability, is the right thing to do.
Our Commitment to Accessible Products
The Cisco Accessibility Program is a global company-wide effort that stresses the importance of creating
accessible products throughout Cisco, with customers, and with our deployment partners. We help
ensure that Cisco products conform to accessibility regulations, and we make accessibility a priority
consideration at every stage of the Cisco product lifecycle.
The showcase of the program is the Cisco Accessibility Design and Evaluation Lab, located in San Jose,
California. At this location, Cisco works with accessibility experts and people with disabilities to design
and build products that are usable by all people. We test and validate with a full range of assistive
technologies. We demonstrate how our customer’s employees with disabilities can use our products. We
benefit from immediate, relevant feedback from our most demanding customersCisco employees with
The Cisco Accessibility Program maintains detailed, current knowledge of global accessibility and
usability laws, regulations, and standards. For example, Cisco tests products against U.S. standards that
include Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, Section 255 of the Telecommunications Act, and the
Americans with Disabilities Act. Internationally, Cisco adheres to guidelines such as those published by
the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Cisco also contributes to accessibility standards and guidelines
created by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the Internet Engineering Task Force
(IETF), and the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA).
We approach accessibility with a philosophy of openness, willingly sharing our technological innovations
with others through wide participation in industry groups. And we work with third-party vendors to
enhance our solutions for broader accessibility.
Review our Accessibility brochure to learn more.
View Brochure (pdf).
(M) Applications and content delivered through Web browsers must be accessible using current released
versions of multiple browser platforms (such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari) at
Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
5.2 Data Communications Services Requirements
Offerors may respond to any of the sections where they have substantive product offerings that address
the scope detailed in each Section from 5.2.1-5.3.0. All Offerors must include a response to section 5.31
services, that addresses products proposed in 5.2.1-5.3.0.
Products may be used by the states in branch offices, main government offices and data centers, and by
overall government data communications providers offering carrier class services. Responses should
consider this breadth of use and users.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 38
The scope and context of this solicitation does not include endpoints such as cell/smart phones,
other mobile devices or devices designed exclusively for use by individual users. It is focused on
the equipment and software infrastructure required to support provisioning of a variety of network services
within a modern digital network. The user context will vary from branch offices through enterprise and
statewide data communication network installations. Respondents should offer a range of solutions that
are appropriate for installations of varying size and complexity.
Cisco Response:
Cisco is proposing our entire U.S. Global Price Lists (GPLs) as part of this offering. We feel that our broad
portfolio of products meets every category in this RFP. Links to descriptive literature have been provided
in each category in order to minimize the size of this response.
In addition to new products, Cisco wishes to offer WSCA-NASPO and the Participating Entities the option
to also purchase Cisco Certified Refurbished Equipment (subject to inventory availability) with no
compromises and with the same Cisco quality, value, performance, and support as if they were new
Low Risk; Same Warranty as New. Backed by the same Cisco warranty and support options as
new products through Cisco Technical Assistance (TAC).
Peace of Mind; Certified Protection. Fully remanufactured to like-new condition using ISO
9001/14001 certified processes and reconditioned to Cisco specifications. Certified to meet all
regulatory and safety compliance requirements such as FCC, CE, and UL.
Award-Winning Technical Support Service. Eligible for the same maintenance and service
support (SMARTnet) as new products, which provides direct access to Cisco’s TAC, 24 hour/365
day access to
support resources, access to minor and major OS releases, rapid
hardware replacement, and options for onsite engineer support.
Optimum Performance. Latest proprietary hardware and software upgrades help ensure
maximum in-network performance, reliability,
compatibility, and future scalability. Fully licensed
and shipped with
valid Cisco IOS Software license.
Extensive Inventory. Over 3500+
different new and end-of-sale
products; across all
technologies on Cisco’s price list.
Increase Budget Flexibility. Value priced with no hidden costsup to 80 percent off list
price of
equivalent new product. Such competitive pricing and financing will enable WSCA-NASPO
Participating Entities to get the most network solutions with their limited technology budgets.
Fast Shipping. In-stock inventory typically ships within 24-48 hours from multiple warehouse
Available only through Authorized Resellers. Only resellers who have been vetted by Cisco
Systems to participate under the respective Participating Addendum can sell Cisco Certified
Refurbished Equipment. Additional assurance that WSCA-NASPO Participating Entities are
buying from verified and approved sources.
More information about Cisco Certified Refurbished Equipment is available at:
Cisco’s products are generally integrated into solutions or architectures for a majority of technology
categories listed in this RFP. Server products and associated software are integral components of many
of these networking solutions and architectures. These solutions simply cannot not be implemented, nor
meet our customers’ basic operational expectations and requirements, without the included server
components. Therefore, Cisco is offering server products and software as part of our integrated solutions
where required, but not as a separate stand-alone product category. For example, regarding our
collaboration portfolio, Cisco Unified Computing System (USC) servers run Cisco Call Manager software,
which drives our enterprise telephony platform. Likewise, our Unity products (voice mail) and our E911
solution are driven by UCS servers. Turning to network security, our servers drive the Cisco Identity
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 39
Services Engine (ISE) software which is a key component of our security portfolio. Similarly, with regard
to network management, our UCS servers host the components that make up the Cisco Prime LAN
Management System, including Cisco Prime Network Control System, Cisco Prime Infrastructure, and
Cisco Prime Security Manager. It should also be noted that not only do our servers run and drive these
solutions they also unify computing, networking, management, virtualization, and storage access into a
single integrated architecture that enables end-to-end server visibility, management, and control, thereby
enhancing our customers’ ability to effectively, efficiently, and economically serve their constituents.
5.2.1 DATA CENTER APPLICATION SERVICES Application networking solutions and technologies
that enable the successful and secure delivery of applications within data centers to local, remote, and
branch-office users using technology to accelerate, secure, and increase availability of both application
traffic and computing resources. Virtualized Load Balancers ― Virtual devices that act like a reverse proxy to
distribute network and/or application traffic across multiple servers to improve the
concurrent user capacity and overall reliability of applications. Capabilities should
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Off-loading
Caching capabilities
Layer 4 Load Balancing
Layer 7 Load Balancing
Detailed Reporting
Supports multiple load balancers in the same system for multiple groups
Supports TLS1.2
Cisco Response:
Cisco is offering our Cisco Virtualization-Aware Networking and Security: Cisco VSG for Nexus 1000V
Switches for this category.
Cisco Nexus 1000V Switches provide a comprehensive and extensible architectural platform for virtual
machine and cloud networking. The switches are designed to accelerate server virtualization and
multitenant cloud deployments in a secure and operationally transparent manner.
Cisco Virtual Security Gateway (VSG) integration with the award-winning Cisco Nexus 1000V Switches is
a virtual appliance that provides trusted access to secure virtualized data centers in enterprise and cloud
provider environments while meeting the requirements of dynamic policy-driven operations, mobility-
transparent enforcement, and scale-out deployment for dense multi-tenancy. Cisco VSG offers IT
departments the benefits of workload virtualization with the security of zone-based controls and activity
monitoring, enhanced compliance with corporate security policies and industry regulations, and simplified
security audits. Cisco VSG helps enable access to trust zones is controlled and monitored through
established security policies.
Features and benefits include:
Flexible deployment: Cisco VSG supports both Layer 3 and Layer 2 modes. Additionally, each
Cisco VSG protects multiple physical servers.
Performance acceleration: Cisco VSG offloads packet-intensive processing to the switch to
optimize performance.
High availability: Deploying Cisco VSG in active-standby mode helps enable high availability.
Cloud security: Cisco VSG extends zone-based firewalling service to virtual machines on
VXLAN through updated segmentation features.
Additional details can be found at:
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 40 WAN Optimization An appliance utilizing a collection of techniques for
increasing data-transfer efficiencies across wide-area networks (WAN).
Capabilities should include:
CIFS (Common Internet File System) acceleration
Data Compression
SSL encryption/decryption for acceleration (Optional)
Layer 4-7 visibility
Application Specific optimization
Cisco Response:
Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) currently provides the industry's most scalable, highest-
performance WAN optimization solution. Cisco WAAS can improve the end-user experience and reduce
bandwidth for applications, including Microsoft Exchange, Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop, SAP, IBM
Lotus Notes, NetApp SnapMirror, HTTP and HTTPS, cloud, and file applications.
Cisco WAAS helps enable organizations to implement important business initiatives, including:
Highly secure, scalable, enterprise-wide Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) solutions
High-performance Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) and Cisco Virtual Experience Infrastructure
(Cisco VXI)
Live and on-demand media applications such as webcasting, e-learning, and digital signage
High-performance, public and private cloud services and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
Improved application performance and end-user experience for applications, including web,
email, VDI, file, and cloud applications
Reduced WAN bandwidth requirements and deferral of expensive bandwidth upgrades
Reduced branch footprint through server and service consolidation
Data center consolidation, virtualization, and automation.
The features and benefits of the Cisco WAAS solution can be found in Table 4.
Table 4. Cisco WAAS Features and Benefits
Benefit Feature
WAN Optimization
Eliminate or defer
expensive WAN
bandwidth upgrades
Transport Flow Optimization (TFO): TFO improves application
packet flow under unfavorable WAN conditions such as packet loss
and small initial windows while helping ensure fairness.
Data Redundancy Elimination (DRE): DRE is an advanced form of
network compression that uses a bidirectional database to store
previously seen TCP traffic and replace redundant patterns with
very small signatures. DRE can provide up to 100:1 compression
depending on the data being examined.
Adaptive persistent session-based compression: This type of
compression can provide up to an additional 5:1 compression.
Application Acceleration
Improve employee
Consolidate branch
office servers
Protocol acceleration: Application-specific latency is reduced
through a variety of application-layer techniques such as read-
ahead, operation prediction, connection reuse, message
multiplexing, pipelining, and parallelization, resulting in LAN-like
performance despite deployment over a WAN.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 41
Centralize branch office
IT resources such as
storage and backup
tapes, and reduce
operating costs
Application optimizers: Protocol-specific acceleration is available
for Microsoft Windows file sharing (Common Internet File System
[CIFS]); Microsoft Exchange (Messaging API [MAPI] and MAPI over
SSL); encrypted MAPI [eMAPI], HTTP and HTTPS applications
such as Oracle, SAP, and Microsoft SharePoint and Outlook Web
Access (OWA); Microsoft Windows print services; UNIX Network
File System (NFS); and Citrix ICA. These features improve end-user
application response times, significantly improving employee
Content prepositioning: Centralized policy-based file distribution
and prepositioning can be used to push files to edge Cisco WAAS
devices, accelerating software patch distribution and file access for
all users.
Ease of Initial and
Ongoing Deployment
Network transparency: Cisco WAAS preserves all existing network
Client, server, and application transparency: No modifications to
clients, servers, or applications are needed.
Automatic peer discovery: Cisco WAAS devices automatically
discover peers, reducing the number of configuration steps.
Quickstart wizard: Use of the wizard eliminates many configuration
steps. The wizard includes defaults for faster deployment.
Management and monitoring: Intuitive workflow-based
management and real-time monitoring are provided. Diagnostic and
troubleshooting tools help reduce Mean Time To Resolution
Flexible Deployment
Options for Cloud
For private and virtual private cloud environments:
Agility: Implement agile virtual machine-based deployments on
standard x86 servers, such as Cisco Unified Computing System
(Cisco UCS) servers.
Application-specific WAN optimization: Use Cisco Nexus 1000V
Series port profiles and Cisco vPath to create value-added WAN
optimization services on a per-application basis in your catalog of
cloud services (for example, use Cisco vWAAS only for Microsoft
SharePoint or Exchange) for optimized delivery to remote branch
office users.
Flexible scale-out Cisco WAAS deployment: Using policy-based
configuration in the Cisco Nexus 1000V Series Switch, you can
associate Cisco vWAAS services with application server virtual
machines as they are instantiated or moved in response to dynamic
application load demand in the cloud. This capability helps enable
cloud providers to offer rapid delivery of WAN optimization services
with little network configuration or disruption to achieve a cloud
consumption and delivery model.
Multitenant: Cisco vWAAS reduces the hardware footprint needed
for multitenant deployments.
DRE on SAN: Cisco vWAAS offers an option to allow its DRE
database to be hosted on the SAN to provide an improved fault-
tolerant response and to support virtual machine mobility
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 42
Validated sizing benchmarks on Cisco UCS servers: Cisco
vWAAS can be hosted on any x86 server that supports the VMware
ESX and ESXi 4.0 hypervisor. Sizing benchmarks and performance
metrics provided on the Cisco UCS platform result in lower risk for
cloud deployments.
For public cloud environments:
Accelerated SaaS applications: Cisco WAAS accelerates SaaS
applications, such as, delivered from the public
SaaS cloud. SaaS applications are typically HTTPS-based and can
be configured in an easy and scalable manner. In addition, Cisco
WAAS Mobile can be used to accelerate access to hosted
infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) applications delivered from public
cloud platforms, such as, to remote mobile users.
Cloud agnostic: Cisco vWAAS can be deployed in public clouds
with the Cisco Nexus 1000V Series to obtain benefits similar to
those for private clouds. The Cisco vWAAS solution is public-cloud
Delivery of High-Quality
Live and On-Demand
Eliminate need for
expensive WAN
bandwidth upgrades
Avoid complex
Centralize branch office
video servers
Easy-to-deploy live video with edge-stream splitting: Automated
edge-stream splitting helps ensure that only one video stream is
downloaded over the WAN regardless of the number of users in the
branch office who are viewing that stream.
Recorded video on demand (VoD): VoD files can be published
using prepositioning on edge Cisco WAAS devices.
Server offload: Live and on-demand video features offer server
offload capabilities that can enable up to a 10 times reduction in the
number of data center video servers.
Locally Hosted Branch
Office IT Services
Reduce branch office
device footprint
Deploy branch office IT
services with flexibility
and agility
Network-embedded virtualization: Third-party services can be
hosted on isolated virtual blades. This architecture maintains native
performance for WAN optimization while using the same hardware
platform for additional hosted services.
Virtual blades: This feature can be used to deploy many different
Microsoft Windows and Linux branch-office services on Cisco
WAAS appliances within hours instead of the days or weeks often
required for dedicated hardware-based deployments. Certified and
supported hosted services include Microsoft Active Directory,
Domain Name System (DNS), Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
(DHCP), and print services using Microsoft Windows Server 2003,
2008, or 2008 R2; Cisco Network Analysis Module (NAM); and
Cisco Application and Content Network System (ACNS).
Note: Because Cisco vWAAS is a virtual appliance, it does not support
the virtual blades feature available on physical Cisco Wide Area
Virtualization Engine (WAVE) appliances.
Simplified Central
Management and
Enhance usability with
intuitive workflow-based
management tools
Cisco WAAS Central Manager: This workflow-based tool manages
central configuration, provisioning, real-time monitoring, fault
management, logging, and customized reporting with the capability
to create scheduled reports for up to 2500 Cisco WAAS devices
within a Cisco WAAS topology.
Comprehensive statistics: Comprehensive logs, reports, graphs,
and statistics for Cisco Wide Area Application Engine (WAE) device
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 43
Enhance visibility
through real-time
monitoring of
connections with
application performance
functions help IT administrators optimize system performance and
Monitoring, reporting, traps, and alerts: Real-time monitoring of
connections, Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
Versions 2c and 3, Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP)
authentication, and syslog are supported.
Centralized software upgrades: Administrators can remotely
schedule upgrades or version rollbacks.
Application performance management: NetQoS SuperAgent and
Cisco WAAS together uniquely provide accurate reports about end-
to-end application response time and WAN bandwidth utilization.
Easy integration with software distribution tools: Tools include
Short Message Service (SMS), LANDesk, Altiris, and BigFix
XML API: The XML API can be used to integrate Cisco WAAS
Central Manager into customers' network management and
monitoring systems.
Scalability and High
Out-of-path deployment: Cisco WAAS can be deployed using Web
Cache Communication Protocol Version 2 (WCCPv2) for high-
availability clustering and N+1 load balancing for up to 32 Cisco
WAAS devices within a WCCPv2 service group. Policy-based
routing (PBR) is also supported as a deployment mechanism.
Physical inline interception: Cisco WAAS appliances can be
deployed transparently using a four-port Network Interface Card
(NIC) with fail-to-wire capability in the event of failure, helping to
ensure that network connectivity is not lost. The inline option
provides high scalability and active-active failover through daisy-
chain clustering.
Cisco Application Control Engine (ACE): Cisco WAAS deployed
with Cisco ACE can scale up to 16 million TCP connections and up
to 64 Gbps of bandwidth, supporting the largest deployments.
Configuration backup and restore: In the event of hardware
failure, the reprovisioning and restore process can be handled
remotely using Cisco WAAS Central Manager.
Redundant WAN link support: Cisco WAAS supports
environments with redundant WAN links, redundant routers, and
asymmetric routing to improve high availability and optimization
Security Data-at-rest encryption: All data on the Cisco WAAS disk is
secured with 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
encryption and automatic key management.
Data-in-flight security: Cisco firewalls perform stateful inspection
of accelerated traffic.
Acceleration of SSL applications: Existing enterprise security
architecture is preserved when accelerating SSL applications.
Data access security: All security-related protocol commands are
delegated to the file server and the domain controller. No additional
domain security or user configuration is necessary.
Management access security: The Cisco WAAS Central Manager
offers authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA)
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 44
integration with external authentication providers such as Microsoft
Active Directory, RADIUS, and TACACS+ and supports role-based
access control (RBAC) to help ensure security.
Network security: Cisco WAAS and Cisco firewalls secure
accelerated traffic with stateful firewall inspection and network virus
scanning using Cisco IOS Intrusion Prevention System (IPS). No
other vendor currently preserves security for accelerated traffic.
Additional information about our WAN optimization solutions can be found at:
5.2.2 NETWORKING SOFTWARE ― Software that runs on a server and enables the server to manage
data, users, groups, security, applications, and other networking functions. The network operating system
is designed to allow shared file and printer access among multiple computers in a network, typically a
local area network (LAN), a private network or to other networks. Networking software capabilities should
Restartable Process
High availability options
Targeted operating systems, i.e. DC, campus, core, wan, etc.
Operating System Efficiencies
Cisco Response:
Cisco offers a wide range of solutions that take advantage of the power, platform support, efficiency, and
flexibility of Cisco IOS Software.
Consistent Features, Better Usability.
Modular components and feature consistency across our platforms (Cisco IOS, IOS-XR, and NX-OS) are
at the core of our new offerings. The ability to share software and maintain consistent features while
allowing for reusable code, components and more helps your business, your network, and your teams
automate tasks faster and create new services or applications easier than before.
Your Network, Your Way. One Amazing Toolkit.
One Platform Kit (onePK) is Cisco's new easy-to-use development kit that combines robust features of
IOS, IOS-XR, and NX-OS across Cisco routers and switches via one abstraction layer. With onePK:
Create new or enhance existing applications and services
Orchestrate, manage, automate, control, and scale your current ones
Extend network data via APIs to new platform layers
onePK will be available in limited trial and to early adopters soon.
Languages You Love, Tools of Choice
The new API sets in onePK enable access to consistent features and functionality across Cisco routers,
switches, servers, and more. Use the language and tools that work best for you or the project you're
working on. Extend the data that your business needs from your network to new abstraction layers to
improve usability, flexibility and develop applications and services faster than before. A listing to the
solutions included in this category offering as well as links to the detailed descriptions can be found
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 45
onePK: Your Network, Your WayDiscover what's new with Cisco onePK, which helps
deliver consistency of features across Cisco platforms, modular components, and more.
Get Details.
Cisco IOS Software Integrate technology, business-critical services, and hardware support
with this network infrastructure software used around the world.
Get Details.
Cisco IOS XE SoftwareThe evolution of Cisco IOS Software and IOS XE Software is optimal
for facilitating enterprise and service provider services.
Get Details.
Cisco IOS XR SoftwareThis self-healing, self-defending, always-on operating system
provides service providers a foundation for network and service convergence.
Get Details.
Cisco NX-OS SoftwareThis full-featured, modular, and scalable operating system offers high
availability, simplified operations, and exceptional flexibility.
Get Details. Network Management and Automation ― Software products and solutions for data center
automation, cloud computing, and IT systems management.
Cisco Response:
Cisco cloud and systems management software solutions are optimized to support innovative Cisco
architectures, including:
Cloud computing
IP next-generation networks
Data center infrastructure
The primary goal of Cisco cloud and systems management is to simplify and automate the tasks and
operations associated with Cisco equipment.
Cisco's cloud management software enables highly secure, on-demand, and automated IT operations for
cloud computing, with policy-based controls for provisioning virtual and physical resources. It includes a
self-service portal, orchestration engine, and advanced cloud management capabilities.
Cisco's data center automation products help you better manage your data center operations and
applications. You can capture and automate manual tasks across your applications, servers, network,
and virtualized infrastructures. Cisco is offering our Cisco Prime for IT and UCS Director solutions for this
category. A listing of the solutions offered in this category as well as links to the detailed descriptions can
be found below.
The Cisco Prime for IT
portfolio of products and solutions helps simplify the deployment and management
of Cisco services, technologies, and platforms. The strategy supports integrated lifecycle management of
the networks, services, and endpoints for borderless networks, data center, and collaboration
architectures. It helps WSCA customers:
Reduce errors and downtime, automate troubleshooting, and improve the delivery of services
Speed deployments, minimize IT staffing, and reduce training requirements
Make the most of network investments through converged management.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 46
IT Product Portfolio
The Cisco Prime product portfolio delivers integrated management solutions that support the
convergence of networks, technologies, and services. The product portfolio includes the following.
Cisco Prime Infrastructure
Cisco Prime Infrastructure: Offers comprehensive lifecycle management of wired/wireless
access, campus, and branch networks, rich visibility into end-user connectivity, and application
performance assurance.
Cisco Prime Network Analysis Module (NAM): Provides deep application-aware network
visibility and granular performance analytics that empower network administrators to rapidly
isolate and remediate problems and improve the user experience.
Cisco Prime Network Registrar: Provides integrated, scalable, reliable Domain Name System
(DNS), Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), and IP Address Management (IPAM)
services for both IPv4 and IPv6.
Cisco Prime Collaboration
Simplified, integrated solution for accelerated provisioning of Cisco Unified Communications
users and services and monitoring, troubleshooting, and long-term trending and analytics for
Cisco Collaboration voice and video networks.
Data Center
Cisco Prime Network Analysis Module: Provides deep application-aware network visibility and
granular performance analytics that empower network administrators to rapidly isolate and
remediate problems and improve the user experience.
Cisco Netflow Generation Appliance 3240: Generates, unifies, and exports flow data in high
performance data centers, empowering network operations, engineering, and security teams to
achieve operational efficiencies, improve services delivery, and harden network security.
Cisco Prime Data Center Network Manager: Combines management of Ethernet and storage
networks into a single dashboard to help network and storage administrators troubleshoot health
and performance across the whole range of Cisco NX-OS platforms, including the Cisco Nexus
and MDS 9000 Families, regardless of protocol type.
Cisco UCS Director
Cisco UCS Director, formerly Cisco Cloupia, delivers unified management for industry-leading converged
infrastructure solutions based on Cisco UCS and Cisco Nexus technologies. Cisco UCS Director is a
centralized management solution that enables IT departments to experience the full benefits of their
converged infrastructure investment by continuing to reduce TCO and save staff time with transparent
unified management.
Features and benefits include:
Provides single interface through which administrators monitor, provision, and manage the
system across physical, virtual, and bare-metal environments
Enables end users to order and deploy new infrastructure instances following IT-prescribed
policies and governance
Uses real-time available capacity, internal policies, and application workload requirements to
optimize availability of the most beneficial or best-suited resources
Shows real-time infrastructure consumption, significantly improving capacity planning and
Identifies under-utilized and over-utilized resources
Supports VMware ESX, Microsoft Hyper-V, and Red Hat hypervisors
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 47
Monitors, manages, and provisions physical, virtual, and bare-metal servers as well as blades
Delivers policy-based provisioning of physical and virtual switches and dynamic network
Enables administrators to configure VLANs, virtual Network Interface Cards (vNICs), port groups
and port profiles, IP and Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) allocation, and ACLs across
network devices.
Detailed information can be found at: Data Center Management and Automation ― Software products and solutions that capture
and automate manual tasks across servers, network, applications, and virtualized
Cisco Response:
In this category, Cisco is offering Cisco Prime Data Center Manager (DCNM), UCS Director, and Prime
Network Services Director. An overview of the solutions included in this category offering as well as links
to the detailed descriptions can be found below.
Cisco Prime Data Center Network Manager is designed to help you efficiently implement, visualize, and
manage Cisco Unified Fabric
. It includes a comprehensive feature set, along with a customizable
dashboard that provides enhanced visibility and Automated Fabric Provisioning of dynamic data centers.
Features and Capabilities
Cisco Prime DCNM provisions and optimizes the overall uptime and reliability of your data center fabric.
This advanced management product:
Provides self-service provisioning of intelligent and scalable fabrics
Centralizes fabric management to facilitate resource moves, adds, and changes
Proactively monitors the SAN and LAN, and detects performance degradation
Opens northbound Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for Cisco and third-party
management and orchestration platforms
Eases diagnosis and troubleshooting of data center outages
Simplifies operational management of virtualized data centers.
Primary Benefits of Cisco DCNM
Offers intuitive, large-scale fabric visualization along with domain views
Provides cable plan validation and detection
Features a centralized image and configuration repository
Communicates with Cisco Prime Network Services Controller for physical and virtual service
Helps you resolve problems faster.
Use Cisco DCNM for technologies such as:
Cisco virtual PortChannel (vPC)
Virtual Device Context (VDC)
Cisco FabricPath
Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)
Fabric zoning and virtual SANs (VSANs).
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 48
Simplify Converged Infrastructure Management with Cisco UCS Director
Cisco UCS Director, formerly Cisco Cloupia, delivers unified management for industry-leading converged
infrastructure solutions based on Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS) and Cisco Nexus technologies.
This unified management supports cohesive, flexible data centers that increase IT and business agility,
while reducing operational processes and expenses.
Features and capabilities of Cisco UCS Director include:
Help Reduce Complexity and Costs
A unified management solution enhances the value of converged infrastructure solutions, which bring
together computing, networking, and storage resources. These solutions improve IT agility, protect
investments, simplify deployment of new services, and optimize asset use. Yet managing each of these
layers increases IT complexity and management costs.
Cisco UCS Director reduces the complexity of managing converged infrastructures across physical and
virtual resources. It gives you holistic, contextual management, automation, and orchestration across
physical, virtual, and bare metal infrastructures, while providing centralized visibility.
Cisco UCS Director delivers effective unified converged infrastructure management through these
Centralized management console, which provides a comprehensive view of the converged
infrastructure stack
Native performance monitoring across all converged infrastructure resources, providing visibility
into bottlenecks
Support for Vblock, FlexPod, and VSPEX, industry-leading converged infrastructure solution
Model-based orchestration capability, for building and executing repeatable workflows without
complex custom scripts
Highly secure management of multi-tenant environments.
If your environment uses converged infrastructures or is considering them, Cisco UCS Director effectively
reduces complexity and overall total cost of ownership.
Improve IT Responsiveness and Business Agility
IT needs to maintain complex data centers and deliver new services quickly on tight budgets. By adopting
a unified converged infrastructure management solution, your data center will become more flexible and
agile, and more responsive to rapidly changing business needs in a timely manner. Unified converged
infrastructure management helps you:
Reduce the effort and time required to manage infrastructure
Increase the time and budget available to dedicate to new initiatives and services
Provide greater control over infrastructure resources, so they can be used optimally.
Manage Cloud Network Services with Cisco Prime Network Services Controller
The dynamic nature of cloud environments requires organizations to apply and enforce frequent changes
to networks. These networks can consist of thousands of virtual services elements, such as firewalls, load
balancers, routers, and switches. Cisco Prime Network Services Controller simplifies operations with
centralized, automated multi-device, and policy management.
Features and Capabilities
Cisco Prime Network Services Controller, formerly Cisco Virtual Network Management Center (VNMC),
provides centralized multi-device and policy management for Cisco network virtual services. The product
addresses the challenge of making frequent changes to complex networks by automating processes,
Cisco Systems, Inc.
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freeing staff to focus on optimizing the network environment. Cisco Prime Network Services Controller
supports greater scalability along with standardization and consistent execution of policies.
When combined with the Cisco Nexus 1000V Switch, Cisco ASA 1000V Cloud Firewall, or the
Virtual Security Gateway (VSG), you can implement the solution to provide:
Rapid and scalable deployment through dynamic, template-oriented policy management based
on security profiles
Easy operational management through XML APIs to help enable integration with third-party
management and orchestration tools
A non-disruptive administration model that enhances collaboration across security and server
teams while maintaining administrative separation and reducing administrative errors.
In addition, support for edge firewalls helps to enable:
Adding and configuring edge firewalls
Creating and applying edge security profiles that contain Access Control List (ACL) policy sets
(ingress and egress), connection timeout, Network Address Translation (NAT) policy sets, TCP
intercept, VPN interface policy sets, and more
Site-to-site IPsec VPNs.
Improve Security and Enhance Collaboration
Cisco Prime Network Services Controller operates in conjunction with the Cisco Nexus 1000V Virtual
Supervisor Module (VSM) to improve operations and collaboration across IT. It streamlines the services
performed by security, network, and server administrators.
Security Administrator
With this solution, the security administrator can author and manage security profiles and Cisco Virtual
Security Gateway (VSG) instances through the Cisco Prime Network Services Controller programmatic
interface with Cisco Nexus 1000V switches. Cisco VSG provides trusted multi-tenant access with
granular, zone-based, and context-aware security policies.
Cisco Prime Network Services Controller also manages the Cisco ASA 1000V Cloud Firewall to provide
rapid and scalable security at the edge through dynamic, template-oriented policy management.
Network Administrator
The network administrator can author and manage port profiles and Cisco Nexus 1000V virtual switches
through the programmatic interface with VMware vCenter.
Server Administrator
The server administrator can select the appropriate port profile in VMware vCenter and associate with an
instantiated virtual machine. This can be done through Cisco Prime Network Services Controller XML API
support. It facilitates coordination with third-party tools to provision and manage Cisco VSG.
Hybrid Cloud
Cisco Nexus 1000V InterCloud, the network can be more securely extended to the cloud because
network and security configurations such as VLANs and policies can be extended.
Using Cisco Prime Network Services Controller, workloads can be migrated from data centers to public
clouds, while retaining the same IP addresses and other parameters. This helps avoid the need to
redesign the application. Also, workloads in the public cloud can use the same security policies as their
counterparts in the data center. Cloud Portal and Automation ― Software products and solutions for cloud management
with policy-based controls for provisioning virtual and physical resources.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
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Cisco Response:
Automate IT processes with Cisco Intelligent Automation. These software solutions capture and automate
manual tasks across your servers, network, applications, and virtualized infrastructure. By facilitating
rapid, precise response to changes in your business and technology, you can:
Improve effectiveness and reduce risk
Increase user satisfaction
Ensure greater return on IT investments.
Use IT Staff Resources More Effectively
Intelligent Automation frees highly skilled IT staff from essential but time-consuming routine maintenance
tasks and processes. These tasks are typically 70 to 80 percent of an organization's IT operational
expense. With the built-in intelligence of our automation solutions, your IT staff can concentrate instead
on innovation, growth, and creating new business value.
Improve Operational Efficiency and Compliance
Intelligent Automation captures best practices, domain knowledge, and analytics, and transforms them
into repeatable processes triggered by policy and defined events. These processes improve:
Response time
Business continuity.
Orchestration of Infrastructure and Applications
Cisco Intelligent Automation solutions orchestrate IT infrastructure and application-related processes
across the stack. You can:
Facilitate self-service while enforcing governance and policy-based controls
Apply abstraction to simplify provisioning of infrastructure and application resources
Use application events to trigger infrastructure resource changes
Automate IT processes using best practices to comply with policy and auditability
Intelligent Automation improves efficiency by coordinating the actions of different IT teams and putting
capabilities in the hands of the users. An overview of the solutions included in this category offering as
well as links to the detailed descriptions can be found below.
Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud
Provides on-demand provisioning and orchestration across compute, network, storage, and
Increases speed, user satisfaction, and operational efficiency in a new cloud-based paradigm.
Learn More
Data Sheets
Cisco UCS Director
Unifies management across computing, networking, storage, and virtualization layers
Provides comprehensive management of physical and virtual resources.
Learn More
Data Sheets
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 51
Cisco Intelligent Automation for SAP
Standardizes, unifies, and automates IT processes in complex, heterogeneous SAP
Frees your SAP administration team to deploy and scale automated activities as dictated by your
business priorities.
Learn More
Data Sheet
Cisco Tidal Enterprise Scheduler
Provides a single point of control and visibility for workload automation, by managing and
performing all scheduling processes
Simplifies, automates, and tracks how jobs are carried out.
Learn More
Data Sheets Branch Office Management and Automation Software products and solutions for
management of branch offices. Capabilities include remote
troubleshooting, device management, WAN performance monitoring.
Cisco Response:
Cisco is offering our Cisco Prime Infrastructure solution for this category. Cisco Prime Infrastructure
accelerates the rollout of unified access services, providing highly secure access and tracking of mobile
devices, while assuring application performance and end-user network experience. Cisco Prime
Infrastructure couples end-user awareness and performance visibility with lifecycle management of wired
and wireless networks for a powerful unified solution.
Feature and Capabilities
Cisco Prime Infrastructure combines the wireless functionality of Cisco Prime Network Control System
(NCS) and the wired functionality of Cisco Prime LAN Management Solution (LMS), with rich application
performance monitoring and troubleshooting capabilities of Cisco Prime Assurance Manager.
This single solution can enable IT organizations to consolidate tools and converge workflows, reducing
operational overhead and increasing productivity. It provides a new operational model based on lifecycle
processes aligned with the way network operators do their jobs.
Cisco Prime Infrastructure provides:
Converged wired and wireless management of access, branch, and wide area networks
Comprehensive network lifecycle management, including user access visibility, inventory,
configuration management, plug and play, radio frequency planning, and best practices reporting
End-to-end application and service assurance visibility to quickly isolate and troubleshoot
performance issues, leveraging technologies, such as flexible NetFlow, Network Based
Application Recognition (NBAR), and Medianet Performance Agent
Prime 360 experience providing a relational, multi-dimensional view of users, applications, and
network to simplify the diagnostics and remediation of network and service impacting issues
Easy deployment and management of Cisco advanced technologies, such as Cisco Adaptive
wireless Intrusion Prevention System (wIPS), Cisco CleanAir, VPN, Zone-based Firewall,
ScanSafe, and the Cisco Application Visibility and Control (AVC) solutions.
Cisco Prime Infrastructure is built with scalability and extensibility in mind. It has the ability to manage
global enterprise networks with thousands of network devices and hundreds of thousands of access
devices, or smaller commercial networks with the same level of control and resiliency. It also provides
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powerful REST-based APIs enabling IT and service organizations to gather and distribute network
information for operations, capacity planning, automation, and business intelligence.
A detailed description of the Cisco Prime Infrastructure solution can be found at:
5.2.3 NETWORK OPTIMIZATION AND ACCELERATION ― Devices and tools for increasing data-
transfer efficiencies across wide-area networks. Dynamic Load Balancing ― An appliance that performs a series of checks and
calculations to determine which server can best service each client request in
order to select the server that can successfully fulfill the client request and do so
in the shortest amount of time without overloading either the server or the server
farm as a whole.
Cisco Response:
Cisco NetScaler 1000V is an application delivery controller solution, and part of the Cisco Cloud Network
Services architecture. It gives applications critical performance enhancements, including offloading
application servers, helping guarantee Quality of Service (QoS), and improving end-user experiences.
Cisco and Citrix Expand Partnership
Companies announce larger virtual networking portfolio and new application delivery controller strategy.
Features and Capabilities
Cisco NetScaler 1000V is a software-based virtual appliance that provides the comprehensive NetScaler
feature set.
This easy-to-deploy application delivery solution can be integrated with the overall Cisco Nexus 1000V
cloud networking portfolio and run on multiple hypervisor platforms. In this way, it can be deployed on
demand, anywhere in the data center, using the Cisco Nexus 1100 Cloud Services Platform or off-the-
shelf servers.
The simplicity and flexibility of NetScaler 1000V make it cost effective to fully optimize every web
application and more effectively integrate networking services with application delivery.
More Flexible Virtual Form Factor
Virtual services can be more flexibly deployed to cloud service providers without modification. Providers
can rely on the same infrastructure and policies that they might have with corresponding physical
appliances in their on-premises data centers.
With NetScaler 1000V, customers can have consistency across their physical, virtual, and cloud
infrastructures, along with Citrix NetScaler physical appliances.
Integrated with Service Insertion Technology
NetScaler 1000V will be integrated into the Cloud Network Services framework through vPath, and will be
an important differentiator against other application delivery controllers (ADCs) products.
vPath is a component of the Cisco Nexus 1000V Virtual Switch. It directs traffic to appropriate virtual
service nodes, such as firewalls or ADCs. This is done in the right order for each application, independent
of network topology or network services location, and results in greater application mobility and more
reliable service delivery.
Reduced Overall Deployment Costs
NetScaler 1000V helps control costs by using processing capacity already in place, including existing
virtualized servers and associated resources. Multiple NetScaler 1000V instances can be deployed on a
Cisco Systems, Inc.
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single server or Cisco Nexus 1100 appliance to optimize hardware infrastructure usage, without creating
dependence on specific server hardware.
Detailed information can be found at: WAN Acceleration Appliance that optimizes bandwidth to improve the end
user's experience on a wide area network (WAN). Capabilities should include:
CIFS acceleration
Data Compression
SSL encryption/decryption for acceleration (Optional)
Layer 4-7 visibility
Application Specific optimization
Cisco Response:
Cisco WAAS is a software- and hardware-integrated, cloud-ready WAN optimization and application
acceleration solution. WAAS appliances offer outstanding deployment scalability and design flexibility,
while WAAS software delivers best-in-class application acceleration for the enterprise network.
Jointly validated and supported by leading applications vendors, Cisco WAAS is a cloud-ready and Citrix-
ready solution with flexible deployment options: physical appliance, virtual appliance, router-integrated
service module, or router-integrated Cisco IOS Software.
Cisco WAAS Software features/benefits include:
Transparent and standards-based secure application delivery
LAN-like application performance with application-specific protocol acceleration
IT agility through reduction of branch and data center footprint
Enterprise-wide deployment scalability and design flexibility
Enhanced end-user experience.
Cisco WAAS software, appliances, and modules deliver optimization with the broadest portfolio in the
industry. Listed below are the products offered in this category as well as links to the detailed
Cisco Wide Area Virtualization Engine Appliances
Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Modules for ISR
Cisco WAAS Express
Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software
Cisco Virtual Wide Area Application Services (vWAAS)
Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Mobile. High Availability and Redundancy Limits any disruption to network uptime
should an appliance face unforeseen performance issues. Transparently
redistributes workloads to surviving cluster appliances without impacting
communication throughout the cluster.
Cisco Response:
High Availability (HA) and redundancy is a requirement that must be incorporated in all levels of network
architecture. The Cisco portfolio of products and solutions offered for the WSCA Data Communications
catalog can be designed and configured to eliminate all single points of failure. Cisco has incorporated
redundancy and fault tolerance into the fans, power, processors, line cards, into many of its products and
Cisco Systems, Inc.
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Cisco provides a comprehensive set of virtual networking solutions to simplify management and to more
securely scale your enterprise data center for private and hybrid clouds. It extends the network edge to
the hypervisor and virtual machines, and provides the foundation for Virtual Network overlays, Cisco
Open Network Environment (ONE), and Software Defined Networking (SDN). Cisco is offering our Nexus
1000V, Cisco NetScaler 1000V, and Cisco Nexus 1110 Virtual Services Appliance. An overview of the
solutions included the offering for this category as well as links to the detailed descriptions can be found
Cisco Virtual Networking is built on the foundation of Cisco Nexus 1000V Switch and is hypervisor-
agnostic. The Cisco Nexus 1000V offers distinct advantages, including:
Extensive virtual network services, built on Cisco vPath advanced service insertion and chaining
Support for a wide range of hypervisor environments, including open source
Feature and management consistency for easy integration with the physical infrastructure
Availability in two editions (Essential Edition at no cost, and Advanced Edition)
Policy management and control by the networking team instead of the server virtualization team
(separation of duties).
Use Virtual Networking Services
Cisco Nexus 1000V Port ProfilesThe Nexus 1000V extends the concept of referenced configuration
through the use of Cisco NX-OS port profiles. It publishes them into the hypervisor management domain,
allowing ease of assignment and portability of networking and security policies.
Since the Nexus 1000V is a virtual distributed switch, the policies from the profiles are known and
supported across Cisco VPATH v2.0fundamental architecture component of the Cisco Nexus 1000V.
vPath optimizes the use of Layer 4-7 virtual networking services in virtual machine and cloud
Service chaining is supported, providing multiple virtual network services as part of a single traffic flow.
For example, simply specify the network policy, and let vPath direct traffic:
First, through the Cisco ASA 1000V Cloud Firewall for tenant edge security
Then, through the Cisco Virtual Security Gateway for Nexus 1000V switch for a zoning firewall.
Cisco vPath also works on VXLAN to support movement between servers in different Layer 2 domains.
Together, these features promote highly secure policy, application, and service delivery in the cloud.
Hybrid Cloud
The Cisco Nexus 1000V Intercloud more securely connects your enterprise data center virtual networks
to cloud service providers. This hybrid cloud approach consists of simplified transparent integration,
Highly secure Layer 2 networking connectivity for workload mobility
Deployment of security and application services in the cloud
Management features for hybrid cloud environments.
Optimize Performance of Virtual Applications with Cisco NetScaler 1000V
Cisco NetScaler 1000V is an application delivery controller solution, and part of the Cisco Cloud Network
Services architecture. It gives applications critical performance enhancements, including offloading
application servers, helping guarantee QoS, and improving end-user experiences.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 55
Integrated with Service Insertion Technology
NetScaler 1000V will be integrated into the Cloud Network Services framework through vPath, and will be
an important differentiator against other Application Delivery Controllers (ADCs) products.
vPath is a component of the Cisco Nexus 1000V Virtual Switch. It directs traffic to appropriate virtual
service nodes, such as firewalls or ADCs. This is done in the right order for each application, independent
of network topology or network services location, and results in greater application mobility and more
reliable service delivery.
Reduced Overall Deployment Costs
NetScaler 1000V helps control costs by using processing capacity already in place, including existing
virtualized servers and associated resources. Multiple NetScaler 1000V instances can be deployed on a
single server or Cisco Nexus 1100 appliance to optimize hardware infrastructure usage, without creating
dependence on specific server hardware.
Get a Comprehensive Virtual Services Platform with the Cisco Nexus 1110
Cisco Nexus 1110 Virtual Services Appliance
is a dedicated hardware platform for services critical for a
virtualized infrastructure. The following virtual networking services are available for the Cisco Nexus 1110
Virtual Services Appliance family:
Cisco Nexus 1000V Virtual Supervisor Module (VSM) for VMware vSphere
Cisco Nexus 1000V Virtual Supervisor Module (VSM) for Hyper-V
Cisco Virtual Security Gateway for Nexus 1000V Series
Cisco Virtual Prime Network Analysis Module (NAM)
Cisco Prime Data Center Network Manager
Imperva SecureSphere Web Application Firewall.
5.2.4 OPTICAL NETWORKING ― High capacity networks based on optical technology and components
that provide routing, grooming, and restoration at the wavelength level as well as wavelength based
services. Core DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) Switches
Switches used in systems designed for long haul and ultra long-haul optical
networking applications.
Cisco Response:
Features and Capabilities
Cisco ushered optical transport into the modern era with the Multiservice Provisioning Platform (MSPP)
and continued its leadership by introducing the industry's first widely deployed Reconfigurable Optical
Add/Drop Multiplexer (ROADM) technology. This brought the operational ease of use of the MSPP into
Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) networks.
Cisco ROADM innovation continues into its fourth generation, with the first Single Module ROADM. It
combines multi-degree wavelength switching functionality with optical amplification and spectrum analysis
in a single slot line card.
In combination with advanced features such as colorless and omnidirectional add/drop, the Cisco ONS
15454 Multiservice Transport Platform (MSTP) provides Wavelength Switched Optical Network (WSON)
functionality. This embeds optical layer intelligence directly into optical network elements, to support true
wavelength-on-demand services and dynamic restoration.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
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Gain Flexible Aggregation
Cisco optical transport aggregation solutions integrate packet, SONET, and OTN aggregation and
switching into the DWDM transport platform. Customers will realize the benefits of efficient wavelength fill
and tight communication among network layers.
Selected on a per-card basis, a mix of Layer 1 services, Time Division Multiplexing (TDM), and packet
switching technologies can be deployed where needed. This can meet customer and network
requirements, while reducing footprint and simplifying operations. The ONS 15454 MSTP can aggregate
services into 2.5, 10, 40, and 100 Gb wavelengths.
Scale to 100 Gb and Beyond
As the optical transport industry consolidates around coherent technology for DWDM transport of 100 Gb
services, Cisco has demonstrated a clear position of leadership. Cisco coherent technology, powered by
nLight Silicon, promises to scale to even greater densities and higher bit rates, leading to 400 gigabit and
terabit transport.
An overview of the solutions included in this category offering as well as links to the detailed descriptions
can be found below.
ONS 15454 Multiservice Transport Platform (MSTP)
Delivers any service type to any network location
Widely deployed across service provider, enterprise, and government customers
Features 2- to 8-degree ROADM
Supports colorless and omnidirectional ROADM for touchless programmability
Excels in metro, regional, and long-haul applications.
Learn More
Data Sheet
Cisco ONS 15216 Series
Complete suite of passive components for use in DWDM networks
Minimizes loss, latency, and cost for simplified data center interconnect applications
Complements ONS 15454 MSTP ROADM configurations with passive add and drop
Supports up to 96 channels in the C-band.
Learn More
Data Sheet Edge Optical Switches ― Provide entry points into the enterprise or service
provider core networks.
Cisco Response:
The Cisco CPT System complements the Cisco ONS 15454. The Cisco CPT System is an integrated
packet transport platform that allows service providers to deploy new packet transport networks. The
Cisco CPT System can also be deployed to introduce new packet capabilities in existing DWDM networks
that may be using the Cisco ONS 15454. The Cisco ONS 15454 continues to be the best-in-class
ROADM for metro-edge and long-haul DWDM applications.
The Cisco Carrier Packet Transport (CPT) System is the first Packet-Optical Transport System (P-OTS)
built on standards-based Multiprotocol Label Switching Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) technology. It unifies
both packet and transport technologies, giving service providers a strong foundation for the next
generation of transport.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
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This P-OTS platform supports DWDM, OTN, Ethernet, and MPLS-TP integrated in a single system. And it
smoothly interoperates with existing deployed IP MPLS networks.
The Cisco Carrier Packet Transport (CPT) System offers:
A unique architecture with remote managed satellite units
A compact, energy-efficient form factor
Outstanding Gigabit Ethernet and 10 Gigabit Ethernet port density per rack unit
Integrated A-to-Z management for packet and transport.
Business benefits include:
Agile service delivery, including business, residential, mobile backhaul, data center, and video
Support for existing operational models
"Pay-as-you-grow" scalability.
Listed below are the products offered for this category as well as links to the detailed description:
Cisco Carrier Packet Transport (CPT) 600
Cisco Carrier Packet Transport (CPT) 200
Cisco Carrier Packet Transport (CPT) 50. Optical Network Management ― Provides capabilities to manage the optical
network and allows operators to execute end-to-end circuit creation.
Cisco Response:
Cisco Prime Optical provides highly efficient management of the converged IP and optical network from
access to core, supporting both legacy TDM and Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM)
technologies for efficient delivery of next generation services. Through automated mechanisms for
configuration, provisioning, and troubleshooting, Cisco Prime Optical helps operators to efficiently
execute end-to-end circuit creation. It can also manage every point within the converged network with
unprecedented accuracy and scale.
Features and Capabilities
Cisco Prime Optical is available as a standalone product or as a pre-integrated component of the
Prime Carrier Management solution - a comprehensive suite of network management applications that
helps simplify the design, provisioning, and management of carrier-grade networks.
Accelerates time to market of services through automation of network discovery, configuration,
provisioning, troubleshooting, and change management
Improves customer satisfaction through rapid resolution to network issues utilizing advanced
diagnostics and real-time Service-Level Agreement (SLA) monitoring
Reduces both Capital Expenditures (CapEx) and Operating Expenses (OpEx) through pre-
integration with the Cisco Prime for IP NGN suite of management applications, as well as
standards-based interfaces to third-party applications.
GUI-based user interface with automated configuration and provisioning
Support for TDM, Wavelength Switched Optical Networks (WSON), DWDM, and Synchronous
Optical Networks Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SONET/SDH)
Cisco Systems, Inc.
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Detailed topology maps with detailed navigation, displaying both optical and packet network
Support for up to 5000 optical network elements
Redundant software and hardware support for high availability, supporting Linux
Standards-compliant (CORBA TMF 814 v.3) information model and northbound interface (NBI)
for integration
Support for Linux and Cisco Unified Computing System (Cisco UCS), with embedded Oracle
A detailed description of the Cisco Optical Management solution can be found at: IP over DWDM (IPoDWDM) ― A device utilized to integrate IP Routers and
Switches in the OTN (Optical Transport Network).
Cisco Response:
IP over Dense Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (IPoDWDM) is a technology pioneered by Cisco that
delivers superior service flexibility, scalability, and resiliency. It allows carriers to capitalize on increasingly
bandwidth-intensive and complex applications for next-generation Internet innovations and collaborative
business services.
Enhance Your IP Transport through Innovation
IPoDWDM collapses network layers by tightly integrating DWDM interfaces with the routing platform. This
increases efficiency, simplifies management, and accelerates service delivery. Combined with industry-
leading omnidirectional and colorless ROADM technology, IPoDWDM reduces service truck rolls, power
consumption, and space and cooling requirements.
Numerous providers now use the power of IPoDWDM to distribute video content rapidly and efficiently
over an all-IP network. They can provision additional network capacity instantly as demand increases for
any-play consumer and managed business services.
The Cisco IPoDWDM solution reduces transport elements, while supporting advanced multilayer features
such as proactive protection and control plane interaction, dramatically reducing operating expenses and
capital costs.
Benefit from Valuable Product Enhancements
The Cisco IPoDWDM solution features:
Ultra long haul 100 Gb IPoDWDM capability, using the Cisco CRS 1-Port 100 Gigabit Ethernet
Coherent DWDM Interface Module
100 Gb coherent regeneration using the single-slot, 100 Gb trunk card on the ONS 15454
Multiservice Transport Platform (MSTP), fully compatible with proactive protection
Proactive protection on the Cisco ASR 9000 Series 2-Port and 1-Port 100 Gigabit Ethernet Line
Industry-leading 10 Gb IPoDWDM density on the ASR 9000 Series 36-Port and 24-Port 10
Gigabit Ethernet Line Cards
Complete Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS) interoperability between the CRS-
3, ASR 9000, and ONS 15454 MSTP.
Listed below are the products included in this category offering as well as links to the detailed
Cisco CRS Carrier Routing System
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 59
Cisco ASR 9000 Series Aggregation Services Routers
Cisco ONS 15454 Multiservice Transport Platform (MSTP).
5.2.5 ROUTERS ― A device that forwards data packets along networks. A router is connected to at
least two networks, commonly two LANs or WANs or a LAN and its ISP's network. Routers are located at
gateways, the places where two or more networks connect, and are the critical device that keeps data
flowing between networks and keep the networks connected to the Internet.
Branch Routers ― A multiservice router typically used in branch offices or locations with
limited numbers of users and supports flexible
configurations/feature. For example: security, VoIP, wan acceleration, etc.
Cisco Response:
Cisco Integrated Services Routers Generation 2 (ISR G2) deliver the enterprise network experience
through new video-ready capabilities, service virtualization, and operational excellence.
Optimal Application Experience
Extend the role of the router to an application delivery platform with Cisco Integrated Services Router with
Application Experience (ISR-AX). This integrated solution is based on the Cisco ISR Generation 2, and
includes Cisco Application Visibility and Control and Cisco Wide Area Application Services
provides application services that deliver business applications faster, reduce bandwidth costs and
latency by more than 50 percent, and simplify IT management.
Video-Ready Architecture
Built for video delivery from its foundation, the ISR G2 is a Medianet-compliant solution that promotes
greater collaboration with comprehensive media services to branches. Services include Cisco
TelePresence, video surveillance, digital signage, and scalable Cisco WebEx and desktop conferencing.
The media services engine is a voice-and-video-ready digital signal processor that helps to enable these
capabilities in a single module.
Service Virtualization
Cisco Services Ready Engines (SRE) provide new services flexibility, cloud extensibility, and services on
demand. They decouple hardware and software so virtual services can be remotely deployed and
managed, eliminating service calls.
Operational Excellence
Cisco ISR G2 delivers the greatest savings in total cost of ownership. It provides operational simplicity
A single universal Cisco IOS Software image
The Cisco Services Ready Engine
Cisco EnergyWise innovation
A high degree of investment protection that offers a rapid return on investment.
Listed below are the products included in this category offering as well as links to the detailed
Cisco 4451-X Integrated Services Router
Interfaces and Modules for Cisco 4400 Series.
Cisco 3900 Series
3945 Integrated Services Router
3945E Integrated Services Router
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 60
3925 Integrated Services Router
3925E Integrated Services Router.
Interfaces and Modules for 3900 Series
Cisco 2900 Series
2951 Integrated Services Router
2921 Integrated Services Router
2911 Integrated Services Router
2901 Integrated Services Router.
Interfaces and Modules for 2900 Series
Cisco 1900 Series
1941 Integrated Services Router
1941W Integrated Services Router
1921 Integrated Services Router.
Interfaces and Modules for 1900 Series
Cisco 890, 880, 860 Series
892 Integrated Services Router
891 Integrated Services Router
888 Integrated Services Router
887VA-W Integrated Services Router
887VA Integrated Services Router
887V Integrated Services Router
887 Integrated Services Router
886VA-W Integrated Services Router
886VA Integrated Services Router
886 Integrated Services Router
C881W Integrated Services Router
881 Integrated Services Router
880 3G Integrated Services Router
867 Integrated Services Router
861 Integrated Services Router. Network Edge Routers ― A specialized router residing at the edge or boundary of a
network. This router ensures the connectivity of its network with external networks, a
wide area network or the Internet. An edge router uses an External
Border Gateway Protocol, which is used extensively over the Internet to provide
connectivity with remote networks.
Cisco Response:
Transform your Network Edge to deliver high-performance, highly secure, and reliable services to unite
campus, data center, and branch networks. Listed below are the products included in this category
offering as well as links to the detailed descriptions.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 61
ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Router
Industry-leading performance, service capabilities, and reliability
Ideal for enterprises for private WAN, Internet edge, and WAN aggregation
Highly secure, high-performance, instant-on services
Extends network as a platform for cloud computing.
Learn More
Data Sheets
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch
WAN service modules facilitate LAN/WAN consolidation
Advanced traffic management boosts performance and productivity
Integrated security services protect critical resources and connected users
Extensible systems readily adapt to new business and IT demands.
Learn More
Data Sheets Core Routers - High performance, high speed, low latency routers that enable
Enterprises to deliver a suite of data, voice, and video services to enable next-generation
applications such as IPTV and Video on Demand (VoD), and
Software as a Service (SaaS).
Cisco Response:
Cisco is offering our Carrier Routing System (CRS-X) and our ASR 9000 Series Aggregation Services
Routers for this category. A listing of the solutions offered in this category as well as links to the detailed
descriptions can be found below.
Cisco Carrier Routing System
The CRS-X provides outstanding economical scale, IP and optical network convergence, and a proven
architecture that has delivered 10 times the capacity over 10 years. It offers advanced services
intelligence, an environmentally aware design, and system longevity. Furthermore, the CRS-X uses Cisco
IOS XR Software, a unique self-healing and distributed operating system.
Features and Capabilities
With an elastic core that is intelligent, programmable, and scalable. The Cisco Carrier Routing System
(CRS-X), can:
Deliver continuous operations at 400 Gbps per slot
Offer industry-leading scale from a single chassis to a multi-chassis system
Support 100G speeds and beyond using programmable Cisco nLight Technology
Combine intelligent IP, lean core transit, and optical transport services
Improve network monetization through intelligent Layer 4-7 services.
Additional details about the Cisco CRS-X can be found at:
The Cisco ASR 9000 Series Aggregation Services Routers can serve as the foundational baseline for
next-generation Carrier Ethernet
networks, providing up to 96 terabits (tbps) per system.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 62
Cisco ASR 9000
Cisco is evolving its service provider architecture to deliver capabilities for the Next-Generation Internet,
which must be more mobile, more visual, more virtual, and yet simpler to manage. This architecture will
allow customers to:
Optimize network performance and efficiency
Reduce operational costs and complexity
Enhance customer experiences.
Simplify the Network
The Cisco ASR 9000 system incorporates innovative technologies such as Cisco Network Virtualization
(nV) technology, which intelligently blends the edge, aggregation, and access points to simplify operation
and accelerate IPv6 services. Two new nV enabled platforms provide additional flexibility and support to
optimize service delivery.
The Cisco ASR 903 Series Aggregation Services Routers
are ideal for sites requiring high performance
with full redundancy in a compact footprint. The Cisco ASR 901 Series Aggregation Services Routers
offer very low power consumption at cell sites for mobile backhaul applications.
Working together, the components of Cisco ASR 9000 system can provide the network scale needed to
deliver new mobile Internet services while minimizing operational complexity.
Flexible Service Delivery and System Resiliency
The Cisco ASR 9000 Series is a true carrier-class solution. It features the modular, microkernel-based
Cisco IOS XR Software operating system, comprehensive system redundancy, and a full complement of
network resiliency schemes. It also offers a unique service- and application-level intelligence that focuses
on optimized video delivery and mobile Internet.
Cisco ASR 9000 Series routers are equipped with the support of a full set of service activation and
provisioning systems. These systems are designed to simplify and enhance the operational and
deployment aspects of service-delivery networks, including:
Business Layer 2 VPN and Layer 3 VPN services
Mobile aggregation
Video service-delivery networks.
Additional details about the Cisco ASR 9000 can be found at: Service Aggregation Routers ― Provides multiservice adaptation, aggregation
and routing for Ethernet and IP/MPLS networks to enable service providers and
enterprise edge networks simultaneously host resource-intensive integrated data,
voice and video business and consumer services.
Cisco Response:
The Cisco Service Aggregation Routers offered for this category transform the service provider and
enterprise network edge by delivering industry-leading performance, instant-on service capabilities, and
high availability in a compact form factor. Listed below are the products included in this category offering
as well as links to the detailed descriptions.
Cisco ASR 9000 Series Aggregation Services Routers
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers
Cisco ASR 903 Series Aggregation Services Routers
Cisco ASR 901 Series Aggregation Services Routers
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 63
Cisco ASR 901S Series Aggregation Services Routers
Cisco XR 12000 Series Router. Carrier Ethernet Routers ― High performance routers that enable service
providers to deliver a suite of data, voice, and video services to enable next-generation
applications such as IPTV, Video on Demand (VoD), and Software as a Service (SaaS).
Cisco Response:
Cisco’s Carrier Ethernet system is a proven end-to-end network solution for video, mobile, and cloud.
Cisco Carrier Ethernet is a foundational element of the Cisco IP NGN. It helps service providers develop a
truly integrated, multidirectional network infrastructure in which all elements, from the core to the edge,
access and aggregation, and data center, are intelligently linked and orchestrated to work together.
The Cisco Carrier Ethernet System in the Cisco IP NGN architecture provides integrated links between
service- and application-layer components. With the Carrier Ethernet System, customers can:
Offer highly reliable, end-to-end packet transport that is Cisco test certified and validated
Extend Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) leadership end-to-end to help enable a single
control plane
Deliver a comprehensive, multimedia service experience anytime, anywhere, and to any Internet-
enabled device
Take full advantage of a unified network management framework designed for the IP NGN.
Listed below are the products included in this category offering as well as links to the detailed
Cisco ME 3400e Series Ethernet Access Switches
Cisco ME 3600x Series Ethernet Access Switches
Cisco ME 3800x Series Carrier Ethernet Switch Routers
Cisco ASR 901 Series Aggregation Services Routers
Cisco ASR 903 Series Aggregation Services Routers
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers
Cisco ASR 9000 Series Aggregation Services Routers
Cisco ONS 15454 M2 And Cisco ONS 15454 M6
Cisco Carrier Routing System
Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Switches
Cisco 7600 Series Routers
Cisco Carrier Packet Transport (CPT) System
Cisco DCM Series D9901 Digital Content Manager (DCM) IP Video Gateway.
Cisco Response:
Today's borderless organizations are changing, and facing unprecedented challenges. Ever-increasing
consumer IT offerings and growing numbers of workers using mobile technology (both in and out of the
office) bring new capabilities, along with new security threats. Network guests, contractors, employees,
and partners all need differing levels of access. At the same time hackers, botnets, spam, phishing and
Trojan viruses present their own issues.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 64
Strengthen Borderless Security with SecureX Architecture
The Cisco SecureX Architecture offers consistent, distributed policy enforcement to provide many facets
of protection, from the mobile worker to the virtualized data center. At the core of SecureX is context-
aware security that delivers:
Deeper insight
More effective security
Improved operational efficiency.
Context-aware security uses high-level policies that determine who gets access to what type of content,
from where, when, and using what application and device.
Cisco solutions and services, such as Cisco TRUSTsec, AnyConnect,
Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance
(ASA), and Security Intelligence Operations (SIO), provide critical intelligence, policy governance, and
enforcement capabilities. They significantly enhance the accuracy, effectiveness, and timeliness of any
organization's security implementation.
Advantages of the Cisco SecureX Architecture include:
Reduced risk; it rapidly identifies and responds to evolving threats
Better compliance; it enforces business policies and best practices
Reduced OPEX; it improves efficiency, while reducing complexity and cost
Better visibility; it adapts to new threats as they happen
End-to-end coverage, with security embedded in every product in the network
Award-winning, 24-hour support.
A detailed description of Cisco’s end-to-end security portfolio can be found at: Data Center and Virtualization Security Products and Appliances
Products designed to protect high-value data and data center resources with
threat defense and policy control.
Cisco Response:
The Cisco SecureX Architecture features security embedded in the very fabric of the borderless network.
Network appliances, Internet scan sensors, and client devices feed real-time data into Cisco Security
Intelligence Operations (SIO). This provides global threat correlation and reputation services.
With this architecture, security policies are defined not in the simple terms of ports and addresses, but
rather in a higher level, context-aware security policy language that "knows" the identity of user, his or her
role in the organization, security posture, and device type. With this information, it can enable the network
to grant appropriate access. Cisco security comes in a variety of forms, including:
Software for routers and switches.
For added security, you can choose from services such as Security Intelligence Operations and
IntelliShield Alerts. Professional services, such as installation, configuration, and ongoing monitoring and
threat response, are also available.
Our security products include the most widely deployed firewall in the world, the Cisco Adaptive Security
Appliance (ASA), as well as highly secure routers and switches, web security appliances, email security
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 65
appliances, Security as a Service, end-point security, VPN clients, and a variety of other security
appliances and products.
Cisco security innovations provide highly secure firewall, web, and email services while helping to enable
mobility and teleworking. Listed below are the products included in this category offering as well as links
to the detailed descriptions.
Access Control and Policy
Email Security
Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
Multi-Function Security
Network Security
Security Management
Small Business Security
VPN and Endpoint Security Clients
Web Security.
Access Control and Policy
Cisco Access Registrar
Cisco Identity Services Engine.
Identity Services Engine
Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) 3300 Series Appliances.
Network Admission Control
Cisco NAC Appliance (Clean Access)
Cisco NAC Guest Server
Cisco NAC Profiler
Cisco Trust Agent.
Policy and Access Management
Cisco Secure Access Control Server for Windows
Cisco Secure Access Control Server Solution Engine
Cisco Policy Administration Point
Cisco Policy Decision Point
Cisco Policy Enforcement Point
Cisco Secure Access Control System.
Email Security
Cisco Cloud Email Security
Cisco Email Encryption
Cisco Email Security Appliance.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 66
Adaptive Security Appliances (ASA)
Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) Software
Cisco ASA 5500-X Series Next-Generation Firewalls
Cisco ASA 1000v Cloud Firewall
Cisco ASA Next-Generation Firewall Services
Cisco PIX Firewall Software.
Firewall Integrated Switch/Router Services
Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Firewall Services Module
Cisco IOS Firewall.
Firewall Management
Cisco Adaptive Security Device Manager
Cisco Security Manager.
intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
IDS Integrated Switch/Router Services
Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Intrusion Detection System (IDSM-2) Module
Cisco Integrated Services Routers Intrusion Prevention System Module.
IPS Appliances
Cisco ASA 5500-X Series Next-Generation Firewalls
Cisco Intrusion Prevention System
Cisco IPS 4500 Series Sensors
Cisco IPS 4300 Series Sensors
Cisco IPS 4200 Series Sensors.
IPS Management
Cisco IPS Manager Express
Cisco Network Traffic Analyst
Cisco Security Manager.
IPS Modules for ASA
Cisco ASA Advanced Inspection and Prevention Security Services Module.
Multi-Function Security
Multi-Function Security Appliances
Cisco Small Business SA500 Series Security Appliances.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 67
Network Security
Integrated Router Security
Router Security
Cisco Small Business SA500 Series Security Appliances
Cisco VPN Internal Service Module for ISR G2.
Integrated Switch Security
Cisco 7600 Series/Catalyst 6500 Series IPSEC VPN Shared Port Adapter
Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Firewall Services Module.
Integrated Threat Control
Cisco Automated IOS Protection Solution
Cisco IOS Content Filtering
Cisco IOS Firewall
Cisco IOS Flexible Packet Matching (FPM)
Cisco IOS Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
Cisco IOS Network Address Translation (NAT)
Cisco IOS Network Foundation Protection (NFP).
Security Management
Cisco Adaptive Security Device Manager
Cisco Content Security Management Appliance
Cisco Prime Security Manager
Cisco Security Manager.
Management Applications
Cisco IPS Manager Express.
Small Business Security
Cisco Small Business ISA500 Series Integrated Security Appliances.
VPN and Endpoint Security Clients
Cisco VPN Clients
Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client
Cisco Easy VPN.
Dynamic Multipoint VPN (DMVPN)
Group Encrypted Transport VPN
Cisco IOS Easy VPN
VPN Appliances
Cisco ASA 5500-X Series Next-Generation Firewalls.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 68
VPN Integrated Switch/Router Services
Cisco 7300 Series Routers
Cisco 7200 Series Routers
Cisco 3800 Series Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 2800 Series Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 1800 Series Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 800 Series Routers
Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series/7600 Series WebVPN Services Module.
VPN Management
Cisco Adaptive Security Device Manager
Cisco Security Manager.
Web Security
Cisco Cloud Web Security
Cisco Web Security Appliance. Intrusion Detection/Protection and Firewall Appliances ― Provide
comprehensive inline network firewall security from worms, Trojans, spyware,
key loggers, and other malware. This includes Next-Generation Firewalls
(NGFW), which offer a wire-speed integrated network platform that performs
deep inspection of traffic and blocking of attacks. Intrusion Detection/Protection
and Firewall Appliances should provide:
Non-disruptive in-line bump-in-the-wire configuration
Standard first-generation firewall capabilities, e.g., network-address translation
(NAT), stateful protocol inspection (SPI) and virtual private networking (VPN), etc.
Application awareness, full stack visibility and granular control
Capability to incorporate information from outside the firewall, e.g., directory-based
policy, blacklists, white lists, etc.
Upgrade path to include future information feeds and security threats
SSL decryption to enable identifying undesirable encrypted applications (Optional)
Cisco Response:
Cisco Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) solutions provide protection against sophisticated threats such
Targeted attacks
Adaptive Persistent Threats (APTs)
SQL injection attacks
Malware targeting application and OS vulnerabilities.
Solutions are available as:
Dedicated IPS appliances, the Cisco IPS 4300 and 4500 Series Sensors
Integrated IPS services for the Cisco Adaptive Security Appliances (ASA)
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 69
Hardware modules for Cisco Integrated Services Routers (ISR) and Cisco Catalyst Switches
Cisco IOS software-based solutions for ISR routers.
Powerful Capabilities for Regulatory Compliance
Cisco IPS solutions can help organizations meet requirements such as:
PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Sarbanes - Oxley Act (SOX)
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)
Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA).
Simplified Management
Management options for Cisco IPS solutions include IPS Manager Express
, a powerful yet easy to use
GUI-based management platform for smaller deployments.
For enterprise deployment, Cisco offers Cisco Security Manager.
Advanced Features
Cisco IPS solutions, including the 4300 and 4500 Series IPS Sensors, and the Cisco ASA IPS Solutions
are part of the Cisco SecureX security architecture.
Exclusive Cisco Technology to Block Threats
More than 700,000 Cisco network devices worldwide send current threat information into Cisco Security
Intelligence Operations (SIO). The data is analyzed, correlated, and pushed back to devices worldwide as
reputation data and outbreak filters. Contain threats and block malware, including zero-day exploits, with
these constant updates. Listed below are the products included in this category offering as well as links to
the detailed descriptions.
Cisco IPS Industrial Control Protection
Cisco ASA 5500 Series IPS Solution
Cisco IPS 4500 Series Sensors
Cisco IPS 4300 Series Sensors
Cisco IPS 4200 Series Sensors
Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Intrusion Detection System (IDSM-2) Module
Cisco IOS Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
Cisco Integrated Services Routers Intrusion Prevention System Module. Logging Appliances and Analysis Tools ― Solutions utilized to collect,
classify, analyze, and securely store log messages.
Cisco Response:
Managing Network Security
solutions is often challenging. Accomplishing this in the changing landscape
of mobile workers, virtual data centers, and cloud computing-based services adds more complexity.
To address these challenges, Cisco offers centralized operational tools, such as enterprise-grade Cisco
Security Manager, to simplify and help you manage your entire Cisco network security deployment.
In addition, Cisco partnered with best-in-class technology vendors to deliver Security Information and
Event Management (SIEM) Systems that have been pre-tested and validated with Cisco security
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 70
This variety of management options give you the flexibility to choose the network security management
solutions best suited to your environment and business needs.
Explore and choose from these Cisco and partner security offerings to find the products and services that
meet your requirements.
Listed below are the products included in this category offering as well as links to the detailed
Cisco Identity Services Engine
Cisco Adaptive Security Device Manager
Cisco Content Security Management Appliance.
Management Applications
Cisco IPS Manager Express
Cisco Prime Security Manager
Cisco Security Manager. Secure Edge and Branch Integrated Security Products ― Network security,
VPN, and intrusion prevention for branches and the network edge. Products
typically consist of appliances or routers.
Cisco Response:
Protect your network by blending stateful inspection and next-generation firewall capabilities with
integrated network security services - for security without compromise.
Listed below are the products included in this category offering as well as links to the detailed
Cisco ASA 5500 and 5500-X Series Next-Generation Firewalls
Blends enterprise-class stateful inspection and next-generation firewall capabilities
Integrates comprehensive next-generation network security services
Uses a proven, enterprise-class platform
Available in a wide range of sizes and form factors.
Cisco ASA Next-Generation Firewall Services
Provides end-to-end network intelligence
Enables granular control over applications and micro-applications
Benefits from proactive threat protection updated in near real-time
Enforces differentiated policies based on the user, device, role, and application type.
Cisco Intrusion Prevention System
Identifies and stops malicious traffic, worms, viruses, and application abuse
Delivers intelligent threat detection and protection
Uses reputation filtering and global inspection to prevent threats
Promotes business continuity and helps meet compliance needs.
Integrated Security On the ISR G2
Delivers firewall, intrusion prevention, VPN, and content filtering
Promotes integrating new network security features on existing routers
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 71
Maximizes network security without adding hardware
Decreases ongoing support and manageability costs.
Cisco Meraki MX Cloud Managed Security Appliances
Unified Threat Management (UTM) with networking, security, and application control
Built-in, centralized cloud management
Auto VPN provisions site-to-site VPN with a few simple clicks
Includes WAN optimization, link bonding, Layer 7 firewall, IDS, and more. Secure Mobility Products ― Delivers secure, scalable access to corporate
applications across multiple mobile devices.
Cisco Response:
Get more secure mobile connectivity with SSL VPN (TLS and DTLS), IPSec, IPv4, IPv6 over IPv4
tunneling, web security, and network access manager.
Listed below are the products included in this category offering as well as links to the detailed
VPN Services for Cisco ASA Series
Provides remote access for up to 10,000 SSL or true IPSec connections
Supports functionality unavailable to a clientless, browser-based VPN connection
Connects users to IPv6 resources over IPv4 network tunnels
Facilitates creating user profiles and defining names and addresses of host.
Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Solutions
Provides an intelligent, smooth, and reliable connectivity experience
Gives users a choice of how, when, and where they access their information
Provides remote-access connectivity that is comprehensive and preemptive
Enforces context-aware policy, and protection from malware. Encryption Appliances A network security device that applies crypto
services at the network transfer layer - above the data link level, but below the
application level.
Cisco Response:
Meet escalating security and performance requirements with the new algorithms and protocols for
encryption, authentication, digital signatures, and key exchange in Cisco Next-Generation Encryption
Many of the algorithms that are currently in extensive use cannot effectively scale to meet today's
changing security and performance needs. For example:
RSA signatures and Diffie-Helman (DH) key exchange are increasingly inefficient as security
levels rise
Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) encryption performs poorly at high data rates
IPSec VPNs use numerous component algorithms, limiting security to the lowest security level of
each component.
What you need is the complete algorithm suite in Cisco NGE. In this suite, each component provides a
consistently high level of security, and can effectively scale to high throughput and large numbers of
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 72
Advances in Cryptography
Cisco NGE technology offers a complete algorithm by using:
Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) to replace RSA and DH
Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) of the ADVANCED ENCRYPTION STANDARD (AES) block cipher
for high-speed authenticated encryption
SHA-2 for Hashing operations to replace MD5 and SHA-1.
The algorithms that make up NGE are the result of more than 30 years of global advances and evolution
in cryptography. Each component of NGE has its own history, depicting the diverse history of the NGE
algorithms, and their longstanding academic and community review. NGE comprises globally created,
globally reviewed, and publicly available algorithms.
"Suite B" Algorithms
The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) has also identified a set of cryptographic standards for public
networks. Together, these algorithms are the preferred method to help ensure the security and integrity of
information passed over public networks such as the Internet. The NSA calls this set of algorithms "Suite
B," and several of these algorithms are also used in NGE.
In addition, NGE algorithms are integrated into IETF, IEEE, and other international standards. As a result,
NGE algorithms have been applied to the most recent and highly secure protocols for protecting user
data, such as Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) Transport Layer Security (TLS) Version 1.2.
Listed below are the products included in this category offering as well as links to the detailed
Cisco ASA Security Appliance
Cisco Integrated Services Router (ISR)
IPSec VPN and SSL VPN, and VPN Internal Service Module (VPN ISM)
Cisco ASR 1000 Series. On-premise and Cloud-based services for Web and/or Email Security
Solutions that provide threat protection, data loss prevention, message level
encryption, acceptable use and application control capabilities to secure web and
email communications.
Cisco Response:
Cisco cloud security offerings help customers take a strategic and architectural approach to cloud
adoption. Cisco cloud security solutions dovetail with Cisco data center and Borderless Networks services
to deliver high performance and operational simplicity. Cisco cloud security solutions comprise three key
1. In-depth capabilities to help public cloud service providers, subscribers, and private/hybrid cloud
practitioners secure their cloud infrastructure
2. Cloud-based email, web, and threat intelligence security for customers
3. Secure cloud access capabilities to help organizations better control access to SaaS applications
and to enable a trusted cloud environment.
As WSCA customers embark on their cloud journey, Cisco cloud security helps them reduce their risks
with consistent policies and enforcement, up-to-date threat intelligence, greater scalability, and improved
performance. Cisco cloud security, in collaboration with many industry partners, helps remove cloud
barriers so that customers can achieve the economies of scale and efficiency of cloud computing.
Listed below are the products included in this category offering as well as links to the detailed
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 73
Cisco ASA 5500 Series Adaptive Security Appliances:
Cisco AnyConnect:
Cisco Cloud Security:
Cisco Identity Services Engine:
Cisco secure virtual applications and data centers:
Cisco ScanSafe:
Cisco TrustSec:
Cisco Virtualization Security:
Cisco Virtual Services Gateway:
Cisco Web Security Appliance
Cisco Email Security Appliance. Secure Access Products that provide secure access to the network for any
device, including personally owned mobile devices (laptops, tablets, and smart
phones). Capabilities should include:
Management visibility for device access
Self-service on-boarding
Centralized policy enforcement
Differentiated access and services
Device Management
Cisco Response:
Enhance network visibility and control with identity-aware secure access solutions.
Cisco is offering our Identity Services Engine and Cisco Secure Access Control System for this category.
Listed below is an overview of the products included in this category offering as well as links to the
detailed descriptions.
Cisco Identity Services Engine
Whether you need to support BYOD work practices, or provide more secure access to your data center
resources, the Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) can help. With this all-in-one enterprise policy control
platform, you can reliably enforce compliance, enhance infrastructure security, and simplify service
Product highlights include:
Simplified BYOD onboarding through self-service registration
Consistent enforcement of context-based policies across wired and wireless networks
System-wide visibility showing IT who and what is on the network's wired, wireless, or VPN
Integrated AAA, profiling, posture, and guest services to simplify deployments and cut costs
Device identification using ISE-based probes, embedded device sensors, endpoint scanning, and
device feed service
Greater visibility and control of the endpoint with Mobile Device Management solution integration.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 74
Cisco ISE offers the following benefits:
Highly secure accessCombine rigorous identification and enforcement with automated user
onboarding for consistent access, control, and compliance
Greater worker productivityGet consistent and dependable access to services from
anywhere and anytime
Lower operations costsIncrease IT staff productivity by automating labor-intensive tasks and
simplifying service delivery.
Cisco Secure Access Control System
Controls network access based on dynamic conditions and attributes
Meets evolving access requirements with rule-based policies
Increases compliance with integrated monitoring, reporting, and troubleshooting capabilities
Takes advantage of built-in integration capabilities and distributed deployment.
5.2.7 STORAGE NETWORKING ― High-speed network of shared storage devices connecting different
types of storage devices with data servers.
Cisco Response:
Storage costs are growing faster than server costs. Businesses need more efficient, cost-effective, and
responsive Storage Area Networks (SANs), without increasing overall power consumption. Also, in
today's environments that must comply with government regulations for data recovery, 24-hour access to
critical information is imperative.
Cisco SANs provide:
Multiprotocol storage networking: Achieve lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and greater
agility by integrating disparate protocols such as FC, FICON, FCoE, iSCSI, and FCIP
Unified OS and management tools: Reduce operating expenses and provide operational
simplicity, seamless interoperability, and consistent features
Enterprise-class storage connectivity: Support significantly higher virtualized workloads, to
increase availability, scalability, and performance
Services-oriented SANs: Extend any network service to any device, regardless of protocol,
speed, vendor, or location.
Cisco MDS 9000: Flexible, Agile, Cost Effective
With Cisco MDS 9000 Switches
, you can optimize physical resources, reduce operating costs such as
energy use, and decrease capital expenditures to achieve lower TCO.
With industry-leading features and advanced capabilities, Cisco MDS 9000 Switches continue to be the
leading platform for hosting intelligent multilayer services that fill business needs such as:
SAN consolidation
Storage encryption
Disaster recovery
Data mobility
SAN security
The MDS 9000 product family also facilitates server storage and fabric virtualization to provide an end-to-
end virtualization solution for the data center.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 75
SANs are central to the Cisco Data Center Business Advantage architecture. They provide a networking
platform that helps IT departments achieve lower total cost of ownership, enhanced resiliency, and
greater agility.
Cisco MDS 9000 Multilayer Directors and Fabric Switches included in this offering as well as links to the
detailed descriptions are listed below:
Cisco Fabric Manager
Cisco MDS 9700 Series Multilayer Directors
Cisco MDS 9500 Series Multilayer Directors
Cisco MDS 9200 Series Multiservice Switches
Cisco MDS 9100 Series Multilayer Fabric Switches
Cisco MDS 9000 Intelligent Fabric Applications
Cisco MDS 9000 NX-OS and SAN-OS Software
Cisco MDS 9000 Port Analyzer Adapters
Cisco MDS 9000 SAN Management
Cisco MDS 9000 Series Multilayer Switches
Cisco MDS 9000 Services-Oriented SANS
Cisco MDS 9000 Software Licensing
Cisco Storage Networking Modules. Director Class SAN (Storage Area Network) Switches and Modules ― A
scalable, high-performance, and protocol-independent designed primarily to fulfill
the role of core switch in a core-edge Fibre Channel (FC), FCOE or similar SAN
topology. A Fibre Channel director is, by current convention, a switch with at
least 128 ports. It does not differ from a switch in core FC protocol functionality.
Fibre Channel directors provide the most reliable, scalable, high-performance
foundation for private cloud storage and highly virtualized environments.
Cisco Response:
Adopt intelligent features of a high-performance, multi-protocol switch fabric. Address requirements of
large data center environments. An overview of the products included in this offering as well as links to
the detailed descriptions are listed below:
Cisco MDS 9700 Series Multilayer Directors
Ready-to-adapt to accommodate future physical, virtual, and cloud environments
Up to 384 line rate 2/4/8/16-Gbps Fibre Channel ports
Fully redundant components and fault-tolerant design
Multi-protocol innovations for architectural flexibility
Cisco MDS 9500 Series Multilayer Directors
Platform for smart storage services
Designed for large virtualized data center environments
Up to 528 1/2/4/8-Gbps Fibre Channel ports. Fabric and Blade Server Switches A Fibre Channel switch is a network
switch compatible with the Fibre Channel (FC) protocol. It allows the creation of a
Fibre Channel fabric, which is currently the core component of most SANs. The
fabric is a network of Fibre Channel devices, which allows many-to-many
communication, device name lookup, security, and redundancy. FC switches
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 76
implement zoning; a mechanism that disables unwanted traffic between certain
fabric nodes.
Cisco Response:
Cisco Fibre Channel Blade Switch Overview
Cisco Fibre Channel blade switches are built using the same hardware and software platform as Cisco
MDS 9000 Family Fibre Channel switches and hence are consistent in features and performance.
Architecturally, blade switches share the same design as the Cisco MDS 9000 Family fabric switches.
Cisco offers Fibre Channel blade switch solutions for HP c-Class BladeSystem and IBM BladeCenter.
Cisco Fibre Channel Blade Switch for HP c-Class BladeSystem
The Cisco MDS HP Blade Switch (Figure 7) is a Fibre Channel blade switch for HP c-Class
BladeSystem. It comes in two models: the base 12-port model and a 24-port model. A 12-port
license upgrade is available to upgrade the 12-port model to 24 ports. In the 12-port model, 8
ports are for server connectivity, and 4 ports are for SAN connectivity. In the 24-port model, 16
ports are for server connectivity, and 8 ports are for SAN connectivity.
Figure 7. MDS 9124e FC Blade Switch for HP c-Class BladeSystem
Cisco Fibre Channel Blade Switch for IBM BladeCenter
The Cisco MDS IBM Blade Switch (Figure 8) is a Fibre Channel blade switch for IBM
BladeCenter. It comes in two models: a 10-port switch and a 20-port switch. A 10-port upgrade
license is available to upgrade from 10 ports to 20 ports. In the10-port model, 7 ports are for
server connectivity, and 3 ports are for SAN connectivity. In the 20-port model, 14 ports are for
server connectivity, and 6 ports are for SAN connectivity.
Figure 8. MDS FC Blade Switch for IBM BladeCenter
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 77
Some of the unique features of the Cisco MDS 9000 Family switches are:
Virtual SANs (VSANs): VSANs partition the physical SANs into logical SANs, which can be
managed like separate SANs or can consolidate different physical SANs into fewer Fibre
Channel switches. Each VSAN can be managed by different administrators using VSAN-
aware role-based access control (RBAC). The VSANs can be configured with different traffic
priorities to enable service differentiation.
Inter-VSAN Routing (IVR): IVR allows sharing of scarce resources among the VSANs while
maintaining the isolation between them. IVR increases the utilization of both switches and
SAN resources by enabling flexibility of any-to-any connectivity.
HP c-Class BladeSystem
The HP c-Class BladeSystem blade chassis is offered in two models: HP c3000 and c7000. The
enclosure holds up to 16 servers and 8 interconnect bays for I/O connectivity. Refer to the HP c-
Class enclosure specifications for more information about setting up connectivity:
IBM BladeCenter
IBM BladeCenter is built on the IBM System x architecture offered in many models. The
enclosure holds up to 14 blades and 4 IO modules. Refer to IBM BladeCenter specification at
. Enterprise and Data Center SAN and VSAN (Virtual Storage Area Network)
Management ― Management tools to provisions, monitors, troubleshoot, and
administers SANs and VSANs.
Cisco Response:
You can achieve higher security and greater stability in Fibre Channel fabrics by using Virtual SANs in
Cisco MDS SAN-OS. VSANs provide isolation among devices that are physically connected to the same
fabric. With VSAN, you can create multiple logical SANs over a common physical infrastructure.
Cisco Prime Data Center Network Manager
Cisco is offering our Prime Data Center Network Manager solution for this category. Cisco DCNM
provides a robust framework and comprehensive feature set that meets the routing, switching, and
storage administration needs of present and future virtualized data centers. Cisco Prime DCNM offers
visibility into the virtualized hosts by integrating with industry standard hypervisors and provides host-
tracking capability to easily manage and diagnose virtual and physical servers. Cisco DCNM streamlines
the provisioning of the unified fabric and proactively monitors the LAN and SAN components. Offering an
exceptional level of visibility and control through a single management pane for the Cisco Nexus, Cisco
Unified Computing System, and Cisco MDS 9000 Family products, Cisco DCNM is the Cisco-
recommended solution for managing mission-critical data centers. Benefits include:
Multi-protocol management of storage and Ethernet networks
Troubleshooting of health and performance of Cisco Nexus and MDS switches
Simplified wizard and template-based configuration and provisioning
Dashboard and report-based resource management.
Learn More
Data Sheets SAN Optimization ― Tools to help optimize and secure SAN performance (ie.
Encryption of data-at-rest, data migration, capacity optimization, data reduction,
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 78
Cisco Response:
Optimize your data center resources by providing integrated, high-performance applications to Cisco
storage networks. Support disaster recovery, security, data mobility, and other heterogeneous storage
requirements, without adding appliances or using host or array resources.
Cisco MDS 9000 Family Services Nodes provide network-hosted services to Cisco storage networks such
as SAN extension (FCIP), I/O Acceleration (IOA), XRC Acceleration (XRC), Storage Media Encryption
(SME), and Data Mobility Manager (DMM).
Network-assisted applications are enabled through the open Intelligent Services API (ISAPI). Cisco
makes this development platform available to original storage manufacturers (OSMs) and independent
software vendors (ISVs) who want to develop storage applications on the Cisco storage networks
Storage network administrators will get:
Flexibility to extend any service to any device in the storage network
I/O intensive data path processing tasks at wire speed transparent to host and array applications
Non-disruptive deployment (no SAN reconfiguration or rewiring to insert in-band appliances)
High performance with dedicated network resources delivering services at wire speed
Linear scalability through additional modules or switches
Automatic dual-path load balancing for high availability
Wizard-based provisioning via the Fabric Manager GUI.
These services are all provided over your MDS network. Listed below are the products included in this
offering as well as links to the detailed descriptions:
MDS 9000 16-Port Storage Services Node
MDS 9000 18/4 Multiservice Module
MDS 9222i Multiservice Switch.
Storage Media Encryption
Data Mobility Manager
IO Accelerator
SAN Extension
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery.
5.2.8 SWITCHES ― Layer 2/3 devices that are used to connect segments of a LAN (local
area network) or multiple LANs and to filter and forward packets among them. Campus LAN Access Switches ― Provides initial connectivity for devices to
the network and controls user and workgroup access to internetwork resources.
The following are some of the features a campus LAN access switch should
i. SSHv2 (Secure Shell Version 2)
ii. 802.1X (Port Based Network Access Control)
iii. Port Security
iv. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) Snooping
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 79
Fast Ethernet/Gigabit Ethernet
PoE (Power over Ethernet)
link aggregation
10 Gb support
Port mirroring
Span Taps
Support of IPv6 and IPv4
Standards-based rapid spanning tree
Netflow Support (Optional).
Cisco Response:
Figure 9. Cisco Access Switch Benefits
Catalyst Access Switches Help You Build a Borderless Business
Cisco Catalyst access switching and wireless LAN solutions, part of the Cisco Borderless Networks
architecture, help deliver agile services and applications to manage, secure and govern your network.
Ease of Operations
Cisco access switches allow your network to adapt and support new application deployments to meet
changing business needs. A 10-Gigabit upgrade with the Network Module helps with scalability while
protecting your existing investments. The switches also support Catalyst Smart Operations
features that
help automate infrastructure deployment.
Borderless Security
Strengthen your control over wired and wireless access to your network. Cisco access switches provide
end-to-end security using identity-based policy and threat intelligence capabilities. TrustSec helps secure
networks with policy-based access control while MACSec provides hardware encryption for a higher level
of security.
Borderless Experience
Cisco access switching provides the service intelligence and performance required for business-grade
video and other revenue-generating services.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 80
Cisco network access makes borderless mobility possible with a unified approach to wired and wireless
services, such as location awareness, to enhance application performance. Power over Ethernet Plus
helps ensure compatibility with future versions for deployment of next generation high power devices.
Catalyst switching solutions help implement greener practices with measurable power efficiency,
integrated services, and Cisco EnergyWise, an innovative technology for company-wide energy
management. StackPower on Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Switches provides high-availability and operational
When the network knows, your business can fully adapt to dynamic market conditions.
With high availability, both stackable and standalone options, and EnergyWise technology for efficient
power management, Catalyst access switches can help you build a borderless business by providing
ease of operations, sustainability, borderless experience, and borderless security.
Listed below are the products included in this offering as well as links to the detailed descriptions:
Cisco Catalyst 4500E Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3750-E Series Switches
Catalyst 3560-X
Cisco Catalyst 3560-E Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 2960-Plus Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 2960-S Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 2960-SF Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 2960 Series Switches
Cisco Energywise
Cisco Redundant Power Systems
Cisco Catalyst 3560-C Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 2960-C Series Switches. Campus LAN Core Switches ― Campus core switches are generally used for
the campus backbone and are responsible for transporting large amounts of
traffic both reliably and quickly. Core switches should provide:
High bandwidth
Low latency
Hot swappable power supplies and fans
i. SSHv2
ii. MacSec encryption
iii. Role-Based Access Control Lists (ACL)
Support of IPv6 and IPv4
1/10/40/100 Gbps support
IGP (Interior Gateway Protocol) routing
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 81
EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol) routing
VPLS (Virtual Private LAN Service) Support
VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol) Support
Netflow Support.
Cisco Response:
Cisco Catalyst Switches provide the scale, intelligence, simplicity, and security essential to accelerate
business initiatives and protect investments.
High-availability features help ensure nonstop connectivity and business continuity. In-service software
upgrades virtually eliminate downtime for updates, while the Virtual Switching System (VSS) enables two
active switches to appear as one, with a single point of management.
Consistent Experience
Only Cisco extends consistent network services for security, video, wireless, network management, and
more from the user edge through campus distribution, core, and the data center. Integrated services
modules in Catalyst 6500 Series Switches reduce network footprint and simplify management.
Application Visibility
Cisco Flexible NetFlow technology helps enable customers to view traffic flows granularly to the
application level. Greater control over flow data helps speed responses to mitigate attacks, adjust
bandwidth provisioning, and enable continuous monitoring.
Simplified Operations
Cisco Catalyst SmartOperations brings together a set of technologies and Cisco IOS Software features to
simplify network planning, deployment, monitoring, and troubleshooting, lowering IT operating costs and
total cost of ownership.
Descriptions, benefits, and links to the detailed description of the Campus LAN Core switches included in
the offering for this category are listed below:
Cisco Catalyst 6800 Series Switches
Scalable platform optimized for 10/40/100 Gigabit services with higher slot capacity (up to 880
Gigabits) and switching capacity (up to 11.4 Tb)
Intelligent services with Catalyst 6500 DNA and Cisco One Platform Kit (OnePK) support
Simplified operations with Catalyst Instant Access
Highly secure for users and applications with comprehensive wired, wireless, and VPN security.
Learn More
Data Sheets
Cisco Catalyst Instant Access
Benefits include:
Single Switch ConfigurationAll access switches are configured and managed through the
Catalyst 6500 or 6800
series core switch, which saves time and increases efficiency.
Consistent Features Campus-wideInstant Access helps ensure feature consistency
because the access switches and the core switch work as a single extended switch. Network
downtime from feature inconsistencies is eliminated.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 82
Centralized Consistent Security - Security policies are applied on the core switch, which provides
a single consistent policy campus-wide or branch-wide. IT can cost effectively comply with
Scaled SDN DeploymentSDN services can be scaled and quickly deployed because access
switches do not have to be configured or programmed individually.
Single Software Image ManagementWith Instant Access, only the core switch needs
software image installation and upgrades. This centralization saves time and helps maintain
software image consistency across switches.
Faster Service Deployments This solution helps IT quickly and easily deploy new services,
such as BYOD, IPTV, and guest network. Single-switch qualification and staging also help reduce
errors in deployments.
Additional information can be found at:
Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Switches
Flagship Catalyst switching services platform for core/distribution deployments
Virtual Switching System bolsters availability and scales to 4-terabit capacity
Up to 160 Gigabits per slot; 100 Gigabit Ethernet-ready
Integrated services modules enhance security, manageability, and wireless control.
Learn More
Data Sheets
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Cisco Catalyst 4500E Series Switches
Catalyst switching platform for moderate density 1 G/10 G distribution deployments
Up to 848 Gbps switching capacity
Up to 196 x 1 G SFP ports, up to 100 x 10 G SFP+ ports
High availability with In-Service Software Upgrade and Stateful Switchover
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Data Sheets
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Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Switches
Offers highest switching capacity; up to 1.3 terabits per slot, 83+ terabits per chassis
Provides high 1,10, 40, and 100 Gigabit Ethernet scalability
Offers the industry's most comprehensive data center feature set
Delivers advanced services; high availability; hitless In-Service Software Upgrade (ISSU)
Is ideal for data center access, aggregation, and core deployments.
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Data Sheets
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 83
ASR 9000 Series
Offers nonstop video, enhanced scalability, and reduced carbon footprint
Scales up to 96 tbps per system with comprehensive system redundancy
Offers unique service- and application-level intelligence.
Learn More
Data Sheets Campus Distribution Switches ― Collect the data from all the access layer
switches and forward it to the core layer switches. Traffic that is generated at
Layer 2 on a switched network needs to be managed, or segmented into Virtual
Local Area Networks (VLANs), Distribution layer switches provides the inter-
VLAN routing functions so that one VLAN can communicate with another on the
network. Distribution layer switches provides advanced security policies that can
be applied to network traffic using Access Control Lists (ACLs).
High bandwidth
Low latency
Hot swappable power supplies and fans
Security (SSHv2 and/or 802.1X)
Support of IPv6 and IPv4
Jumbo Frames Support
Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP)
Per-VLAN Rapid Spanning Tree (PVRST+)
Switch-port auto recovery
NetFlow Support or equivalent
Cisco Response:
Cisco Catalyst Switches provide the scale, intelligence, simplicity, and security essential to accelerate
business initiatives and protect investments. Due to the versatility of the Cisco Catalyst Switch portfolio,
the switches in this offering could be utilized as core or distribution based on the size and complexity of
the network.
High-availability features help ensure nonstop connectivity and business continuity. In-service software
upgrades virtually eliminate downtime for updates, while the Virtual Switching System (VSS) enables two
active switches to appear as one, with a single point of management.
Consistent Experience
Only Cisco extends consistent network services for security, video, wireless, network management, and
more from the user edge through campus distribution, core, and the data center. Integrated services
modules in Catalyst 6500 Series Switches reduce network footprint and simplify management.
Application Visibility
Cisco Flexible NetFlow technology helps enable customers to view traffic flows granularly to the
application level. Greater control over flow data helps speed responses to mitigate attacks, adjust
bandwidth provisioning, and enable continuous monitoring.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 84
Simplified Operations
Cisco Catalyst SmartOperations brings together a set of technologies and Cisco IOS Software features to
simplify network planning, deployment, monitoring, and troubleshooting, lowering IT operating costs and
total cost of ownership.
Listed below are the products included in this offering as well as links to the detailed descriptions:
Cisco Catalyst 6800 Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 4500E Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 4500-X Series Switches. Data Center Switches Data center switches, or Layer 2/3 switches, switch all
packets in the data center by switching or routing good ones to their final
destinations, and discard unwanted traffic using Access Control Lists (ACLs), all
at Gigabit and 10 Gigabit speeds. High availability and modularity differentiates a
typical Layer 2/3 switch from a data center switch. Capabilities should include:
High bandwidth
Low latency
Hot swappable power supplies and fans
Ultra-low latency through wire-speed ports with nanosecond port-to-port latency and
hardware-based Inter-Switch Link (ISL) trunking
Load Balancing across Trunk group able to use packet based load balancing scheme
Bridging of Fibre Channel SANs and Ethernet fabrics
Jumbo Frame Support
Plug and Play Fabric formation that allows a new switch that joins the fabric to
automatically become a member
Ability to remotely disable and enable individual ports
Support NetFlow or equivalent
Cisco Response:
The Cisco Nexus family of products provides a wide range of business benefits.
Improve efficiency, simplify mobility for physical and virtual machines and services, and provide
end-to-end visibility for any topology.
Significantly speed up workload delivery for both physical and virtual rollouts with network
automation and provisioning, and better integration with orchestration, automation tools, and
cloud platforms.
Make troubleshooting easier with centralized fabric management across physical and virtual
Cisco Nexus solutions simplify the data center network by converging LANs and SANs, and by using
Data Center Bridging (DCB), Fibre Channel Over Ethernet (FCOE) protocols, and Unified Ports
Lower total cost of ownership by up to 50 percent
Reduce capital expenses through fewer host adapters, switches, and cables
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 85
Cut operational expenses through reduced power, cooling, rack space, and floor space
Adopt solutions incrementally, without a complete upgrade
Reduce disruptions to existing management and operations.
Cisco Nexus solutions help enterprises scale for the more-complex workloads of virtualization, the
proliferation of virtual machines, and the challenges of cloud computing.
Unify all network locations into one environment
Support efficient access and use of resources, regardless of size or scope
Provide resilient, scalable networks with predictable performance and reduced complexity
Simplify management with fabric extensibility.
Cisco Nexus delivers intelligent services directly into the network fabric. It transparently extends the
network to encompass all network locations into a single, extended environment with consistent services
and policy.
Make services available consistently across applications and workloads
Scale service delivery capability automatically
Deploy applications faster, with policy-based compliance instead of physical infrastructure
The Cisco Nexus and Catalyst families of switches are designed to meet the stringent requirements of the
next-generation data center. Listed below are the products included in this offering as well as links to the
detailed descriptions:
Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Switches
Cisco Nexus 6000 Series Switches
Cisco Nexus 5000 Series Switches
Cisco Nexus 3000 Series Switches
Cisco Nexus 2000 Series Fabric Extenders
Cisco Nexus 1100 Series Virtual Services Appliances
Cisco Nexus 1000V Switch For Vmware Vsphere
Cisco Nexus 1000V Switch For Microsoft Hyper-V
Cisco Data Center Network Manager
Cisco Fabric Manager
Cisco NX-OS Software. Software Defined Networks (SDN) - Virtualized Switches and Routers
Technology utilized to support software manipulation of hardware for specific use
Cisco Response:
Included in this offering is onePK, Cisco Meraki Cloud-Managed Access Switches, and Cisco Cloud
Management. Descriptions, benefits, and links to the detailed description of the SDN products included in
the offering for this category are listed below:
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 86
Benefits of the Cisco Open Network Environment
Cisco ONE offers a comprehensive vision across all IT infrastructure, flexible deployment options (SDN
and non-SDN programming models), and investment protection through incremental adoption. It is the
broadest structured approach to open networking in the industry today.
In addition, professional services from Cisco and our partners, plus global support, help ensure long-term
Extending the capabilities of existing, proven validated infrastructure significantly reduces risk and
time to capability.
Cisco ONE is designed to be deployed incrementally, preserving investments and avoiding
Cisco ONE builds on Cisco innovation together with industry development of SDN technologies
and standards. This approach maintains high flexibility and choice for customers.
The Cisco onePK model is consistent across a wide range of Cisco routers and switches. Organizations
and service providers can write their applications once and deploy them anywhere, with investment
protection for future platforms. Cisco Certified developer partners can be confident of a large market
opportunity that targets a large installed base of network equipment.
The Cisco XNC offers the flexibility of conformance to an open standard and the capability to control third-
party network devices, while supporting multiple API and SDN specifications. The industry-leading Cisco
VNI forms the foundation for programmable network overlays that can simplify cloud deployments and
integrate automation and orchestration tools.
We are in a unique position to help you evaluate these new technologies and determine how best to
integrate them into your broader networking strategies. As the industry leader in networking, we have the
expertise and experience to help your organization extract tangible value from Cisco ONE to support your
strategic goals.
Why Cisco?
Customer Value and Choice; Flexible Deployment Options
Industry leader: Cisco is the worldwide leader in networking with a deep commitment to open
networking including open source, open standards, and open interfaces. We have been
contributing to and leading several initiatives for open standards and open source, including at
the Open Network Foundation, OpenStack consortium, OpenDaylight project, IETF, I\EEE, and
ETSI among others.
Unparalleled innovation: Only Cisco brings together innovation across hardware, software,
services, and ASICs to deliver tightly integrated solutions that offer lower TCO. We have
traditionally offered strong investment protection with evolutionary approaches to revolutionary
Cross-architectural solutions: Cisco offers holistic cross-architectural solutions that are secure
and transcend branch-office, campus, data center, cloud, and service provider environments.
Choice of deployment models: Cisco offers a use-case led deployment model to embrace
emerging technologies such as network programmability and SDN in an evolutionary manner,
offering investment protection and lower TCO.
Technical and Advanced Services: Cisco has a mature partner ecosystem including training and
developer partners, the Cisco Development Network (CDN), as well as a Professional and
Technical Support Services organization to help foster customer success through all aspects of
the customer’s open networking and SDN experience. Working together, the Cisco ecosystem
helps customers architect software-led programmability to enable simplification in the overall
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 87
One Platform Kit (onePK) for Developers
Cisco onePK, short for One Platform Kit, is an easy-to-use developer’s toolkit for innovation, automation,
and service creation. onePK delivers the benefits of network programmability on Cisco routers and
switches. onePK allows you to tie your network more effectively to ever changing application needs,
providing improved business agility and decreased OPEX. onePK allows your network’s power to be
unleashed in new ways for a faster, more flexible, and intelligent infrastructure.
What Problems Does It Help Solve?
Need for deeper access to information stored within network devices
Need to exercise greater or more precise control over flows and routes
Need to extract particular packets for modification and reinjection
Need to improve quality of service based on custom parameters
Need to add services to the network without making a huge infrastructure investment
Need to allow programmers to augment network operation in response to application-specific
business logic
Need to bridge the operational gap between disparate systems
Need to deploy a gateway or network service without adding hardware or constraining
functionality based on physical connectivity.
Applications of onePK for Specific Customer Types
Improve visibility and control over network operations (all market segments)
Reduce hardware footprint for new services or gateway functions (enterprise and service
Automate new service provisioning for customers (cloud service provider)
Deliver more consistent quality of service to multimedia service customers (service provider)
Achieve higher levels of data security when transmitting over untrusted networks
Improve the perceived speed of the application to users of hyper-scale data center services (for
example, social media websites)
Orchestrate new services or additional resources more quickly and cost-effectively (data centers
and service providers)
Modify packets to enhance security, reliability, or performance for customers (data centers and
service providers).
One Platform Kit (onePK)
onePK is a flexible development environment that supports C or Java programs. Your source code can
be written and compiled using any tools that you want. The onePK infrastructure is built right into the
operating system of all Cisco platforms and communicates with the onePK presentation layer, supporting
the developer’s C or Java programs.
This architecture gives users maximum deployment flexibility. onePK along with Cisco’s container support
allows the user to host applications on the device processor board, a services blade available with some
Cisco platforms or a separate server that communicates to the onePK infrastructure using a secure
communications channel.
Because the API is consistent across all Cisco platforms, the developer can write an application once and
have that application deployed on any switch or router.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 88
What Are the Benefits of onePK?
Build, automate, improve: Create new or improve existing applications and services, increase
Speed and faster adaptability: Provide flexibility for rapidly changing business needs and reduced
operating costs
Extend: Extend the functionality of your network
New revenue opportunities: Provide monetization of new applications or services, create services
more quickly with code that you can write once and run anywhere
Simplicity, integration, and the power of choice
Utilize with your programming language and tools of choice
Run it on any server or right in the network device.
Why Cisco?
The onePK model is consistent across all of the wide variety of Cisco routers and switches. Write your
application once and deploy it anywhere. Because it’s Cisco, you can be sure that your onePK application
will be supported on the widest variety of network devices in the industry. And, if you are a Cisco certified
developer partner, onePK gives you the largest market opportunity.
Additional details about the onePK solution can be found at:
Cisco Meraki Cloud-Managed Access Switches
Combine the benefits of cloud-based centralized management with a powerful, reliable access platform.
Cisco Meraki MS Cloud -Managed Access Switches
Virtually stack switches to monitor and configure thousands of
switch ports instantly over the web
Integrated Layer 7 analysis delivers network-wide visibility
into users, devices, and applications
Provision sites and remotely troubleshoot networks without
onsite IT
Integrated tools such as Power over Ethernet (PoE), PoE
Plus, QoS, Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP), and more
ease voice and video deployments.
Learn More
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Cisco Cloud-Management
Centrally manage campus and multi-site networks
Integrated network-wide visibility and control
Zero-touch device provisioning
Seamless firmware updates and remote troubleshooting
Learn More Software Defined Networks (SDN) ― Controllers - is an application in software-
defined networking (SDN) that manages flow control to enable intelligent
networking. SDN controllers are based on protocols, such as OpenFlow, that
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 89
allow servers to tell switches where to send packets. The SDN controller lies
between network devices at one end and applications at the other end. Any
communications between applications and devices have to go through the
controller. The controller uses multiple routing protocols including OpenFlow to
configure network devices and choose the optimal network path for application
Cisco Response:
Cisco Extensible Network Controller
With its modular architecture and extensible protocol support, Cisco XNC offers exceptional extensibility.
Built on top of the OpenDaylight controller, Cisco XNC is a platform for a number of useful and interesting
applications. For example, Cisco will offer applications that perform campus slicing, networking
monitoring, and custom routing capabilities. As with Cisco onePK, Cisco expects both commercial ISVs
and the open source community to also develop applications on top of Cisco XNC.
Learn how Cisco Monitor Manager and Cisco eXtensible Network Controller (XNC) can provide greater
business agility, through a cost-effective, scalable, Software-Defined Network (SDN)-based approach to
traffic monitoring at: XNC
. Carrier Aggregation Switches ― Carrier aggregation switches route traffic in
addition to bridging (transmitted) Layer 2/Ethernet traffic. Carrier aggregation
switches’ major characteristics are:
Designed for Metro Ethernet networks
Designed for video and other high bandwidth applications
Supports a variety of interface types, especially those commonly used by Service
Capabilities should include:
Redundant Processors
Redundant Power
IPv4 and IPv6 unicast and multicast
High bandwidth
Low latency
Hot swappable power supplies and fans
MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching)
BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)
Software router virtualization and/or multiple routing tables
Policy based routing
Layer 2 functionality
iv. Per VLAN Spanning Tree
v. Rapid Spanning Tree
vi. VLAN IDs up to 4096
vii. Layer 2 Class of Service (IEEE 802.1p)
viii. Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP)
ix. QinQ (IEEE 802.1ad)
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 90
Cisco Response:
Cisco Carrier Ethernet switches provide the aggregation and multiplexing layer between access and edge
layers. Descriptions, benefits, and links to the detailed description of the carrier Ethernet switches
included in the offering for this category are listed below.
ASR 9000 Series Aggregation Services Routers
Offers nonstop video, enhanced scalability, and reduced carbon footprint
Ideal for carriers offering residential, mobile and business services
Scales up to 96 tbps per system with comprehensive system redundancy
Offers unique service- and application-level intelligence.
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Data Sheets
Cisco 7600 Series Routers
High performance, with up a choice of form factors purpose-built for high availability
A portfolio of Shared Port Adapters (SPAs) and SPA Interface Processors (SIPs) that controls
voice, video, and data experiences
Scalable and extensible suite of hardware and software capabilities to enable intelligent Carrier
Ethernet services
Ideal for large enterprises and service providers.
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Data Sheets
ASR 903 Series Aggregation Router
Provides high-performance, carrier-class access and pre-aggregation services
Ideal for service providers that deliver carrier Ethernet or mobile backhaul services
Offers fully redundant capabilities in a hardened small-form-factor chassis
Protects investments with its modular and upgradable design.
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Data Sheets
Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Switches
Leading modular campus platform that simplifies
operations, reduces costs, and optimizes existing
Ideal for campus core and distribution, and for data
center customers looking to deploy integrated service
High availability with Virtual Switching System
Integrated service modules for lower total cost of
ownership and easy manageability.
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Data Sheets
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 91
Cisco Catalyst 4500E Series Switches
Highly expandable modular access and
price/performance distribution switch
Ideal for service providers, enterprises, and medium
sized businesses
Application visibility and control with Flexible NetFlow
High availability with In Service Software Upgrade.
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Data Sheets
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Cisco ME 4900 Series Switches
Addresses next-generation residential services
High-performance, 1 rack-unit Carrier Ethernet switch
Ideal for service providers that want to deploy new
residential services
Offers triple play service support (voice, video, and data)
Industry-leading wire-speed performance of 48 Gbps and 71 mpps.
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Data Sheets Carrier Ethernet Access Switches A carrier Ethernet access switch can
connect directly to the customer or be utilized as a network interface on the
service side to provide layer 2 services.
Hot-swappable and field-replaceable integrated power supply and fan tray
AC or DC power supply with DC input ranging from 18V to 32 VDC and 36V to 72
Ethernet and console port for manageability
SD flash card slot for additional external storage
Stratum 3 network clock
Line-rate performance with a minimum of 62-million packets per second (MPPS)
forwarding rate
Support for dying gasp on loss of power
Support for a variety of small form factor pluggable transceiver (SFP and SFP+) with
support for Device Object Model (DOM)
Timing services for a converged access network to support mobile solutions,
including Radio Access Network (RAN) applications
Support for Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE) services
Supports Hierarchical Quality of Service (H-QoS) to provide granular traffic-shaping
Supports Resilient Ethernet Protocol REP/G.8032 for rapid layer-two convergence
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 92
Cisco Response:
Implement class-leading switches featuring application intelligence, unified services, nonstop
communications, virtualization, integrated security, and simplified manageability. Descriptions, benefits,
and links to the detailed description of the Carrier Ethernet Access switches included in the offering for
this category are listed below.
Cisco ME 2600X Series Switches
Provide high service availability
Offer flexible and differentiated services
Manage and troubleshoot services remotely
Improve security of network services to protect against malicious users.
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Data Sheets
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Cisco ME 3600X Series Switches
1 rack-unit, fixed switch that converges wireless and wireline
Ideal for service providers that want to simplify operations and
deploy "pay-as-you-grow" business model.
Delivers premium services with hierarchical quality of service.
Provides 10 Gbps transport speed for business and mobile
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Data Sheets
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Cisco ME 3400E Series Switches
Customer-located Ethernet access switch optimized for
business services
Ideal for service providers that want to offer advanced Ethernet services such as Ethernet-to-the-
Business VPN Services
Offers platform for flexible and differentiated services
Provides tools to deliver high service availability.
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Data Sheets
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5.2.9 WIRELESS ― Provides connectivity to wireless devices within a limited geographic area. System
capabilities should include:
Redundancy and automatic failover
IPv6 compatibility
NTP Support
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 93 Access Points ― A wireless Access Point (AP) is a device that allows wireless
devices to connect to a wired network using Wi-Fi, or related standards.
Capabilities should include:
Capable of controller discovery method via DHCP (onsite controller or offsite through
Cloud Architecture)
UL2043 plenum rated for safe mounting in a variety of indoor environments
Support AES-CCMP (128-bit)
Provides real-time wireless intrusion monitoring and detection
Cisco Response:
Cisco Aironet Series access points can be deployed in a distributed or centralized network for a branch
office, campus, or large enterprise. To help ensure an exceptional end-user experience on the wireless
network, these access points provide a variety of capabilities, including:
Cisco Cleanair Technology, for a self-healing, self-optimizing network that avoids RF interference
Cisco Clientlink 2.0 to improve reliability and coverage for existing clients
Cisco Bandselect to improve 5 GHz client connections in mixed client environments
Cisco Videostream, which uses multicast to improve multimedia applications.
Whether you need entry-level wireless for a small enterprise or mission-critical coverage at thousands of
locations, the extensive Cisco Aironet Series product portfolio can provide the correct high-performance
access point to meet your enterprise-class requirements.
Descriptions, benefits, and links to the detailed description of the Wireless Access Points included in the
offering for this category are listed below:
Cisco Aironet 3600 Series
Cisco Aironet 3500 Series
Cisco Aironet 2600 Series
Cisco Aironet 1600 Series
Cisco Aironet 700 Series. Outdoor Wireless Access Points ― Outdoor APs are rugged, with a metal cover and a
DIN rail or other type of mount. During operations they can tolerate a wide temperature
range, high humidity and exposure to water, dust, and oil. Capabilities should include:
Flexible Deployment Options
Provides real-time wireless intrusion monitoring and detection
Capable of controller discovery method via DHCP (onsite controller or offsite through
Cloud Architecture)
Cisco Response:
Cisco Aironet Outdoor access points can be deployed in a variety of demanding environments. To help
ensure an exceptional user experience on the wireless network, these access points provide a variety of
capabilities, including:
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 94
Cisco CleanAir Technology for a self-healing, self-optimizing network that avoids RF interference
Cisco ClientLink 2.0 to improve reliability and coverage for existing clients
Cisco BandSelect to improve 5 GHz client connections in mixed client environments
Cisco VideoStream, which uses multicast to improve multimedia applications.
Whether you need a multilevel mesh network, flexible options such as fiber-based backhaul, or even
deployment in hazardous locations, the extensive Cisco Aironet 1550 Series product portfolio can provide
a high-performance access point to meet your rugged outdoor requirements.
Descriptions, benefits, and links to the detailed description of the Outdoor Wireless Access Points
included in the offering for this category are listed below:
Cisco Aironet 1550 Series
Cisco Aironet 1520 Series. Wireless LAN Controllers ― An onsite or offsite solution utilized to manage
light-weight access points in large quantities by the network administrator or
network operations center. The WLAN controller automatically handles the
configuration of wireless access-points. Capabilities should include:
Ability to monitor and mitigate RF interference/self-heal
Support seamless roaming from AP to AP without requiring re-authentication
Support configurable access control lists to filter traffic and denying wireless peer to
peer traffic
System encrypts all management layer traffic and passes it through a secure tunnel
Policy management of users and devices provides ability to de-authorize or deny
devices without denying the credentials of the user, nor disrupting other AP traffic
Support configurable access control lists to filter traffic and denying wireless peer to
peer traffic
Cisco Response:
Support small or large wireless network deployments with flexible deployment models, including new
virtualization options. Descriptions, benefits, and links to the detailed description of the Wireless LAN
Controllers included in the offering for this category are listed below.
8500 Series Wireless Controller
High scalability in a single rack-unit space with centralized touch-point
Management of up to 6000 Access Points, 64,000 clients, and 6,000 branch locations
High speed with 10 GE connectivity support: 2 x 10 GE ports for redundancy
Availability with sub-second access point and client stateful fail-over
High resiliency with redundant dual power supplies.
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Data Sheet
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Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 95
Cisco 5760 Wireless LAN Controller
Wire-speed 60 Gbps throughput with advanced network
services per controller
Support for up to 1000 access points per controller and
up to 12,000 clients per controller
Scalability with seamless roaming across 72,000 access points
High resiliency with N+1 clustering, link aggregation groups, and redundant power supplies
Cisco IOS with features such as Flexible NetFlow, advanced QoS, and downloadable ACLs.
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Data Sheet
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5500 Series Wireless LAN Controller
Use in enterprise campus deployments
Allows connection of up to 500 access points
Supports mobility services such as Cisco ClientLink
and CleanAir technology
Availability with sub-second access point and client stateful fail-over.
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Data Sheets
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Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series Switches
Best-in-class and feature-rich access platform with 480 Gbps stacking for gigabit desktop and
802.11ac wireless
Converged wired and wireless access by extending wired features, resiliency, granular QoS, and
scalability to wireless
Distributed services across wired and wireless for security, policy, application visibility and
control, and more
Foundation for Cisco Open Network Environment enabled by a new ASIC with programmability
and investment protection.
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Data Sheets Wireless LAN Network Services and Management ― Enables network
administrators to quickly plan, configure and deploy a wireless network, as well
as provide additional WLAN services. Some examples include wireless security,
asset tracking, and location services. Capabilities should include:
Provide for redundancy and automatic failover
Historical trend and real time performance reporting is supported
Management access to wireless network components is secured
SNMPv3 enabled
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 96
RFC 1213 compliant
Automatically discover wireless network components
Capability to alert for outages and utilization threshold exceptions
Capability to support Apple’s Bonjour Protocol / mDNS
QoS / Application identification capability
Cisco Response:
Monitor access points, WLAN controllers, and more with services that offer scalable multi-device and
multi-network application delivery. Descriptions, benefits, and links to the detailed description of the
Wireless LAN Network Services and Management included in the offering for this category are listed
Cisco Prime Infrastructure
Converged management for full lifecycle management of wired and wireless networks
Improved configuration, change, and compliance management for lower TCO
Integrated application assurance.
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Data Sheets
Mobility Services Engine
Enhance the performance of Cisco CleanAir
Support improved wireless security with adaptive
wireless intrusion protection services
Detect presence and track and trace rogue devices,
interferers, Wi-Fi clients, smart phones, and RFID tags with location services.
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Data Sheets
Advanced Location Services
Location Analytics capture and analyze indoor location and historical trends to support greater
visibility into customer movements and patterns
Mobile Concierge helps engage users by delivering real-time context to their smart phones
Mobile Concierge software developer's kit offers an easy-to-use approach for developing mobile
applications and services for the Mobility Services Engine and providing highly personalized
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Data Sheet Cloud-based services for Access Points ― Cloud-based management of
campus-wide WiFi deployments and distributed multi-site networks. Capabilities
Zero-touch access point provisioning
Network-wide visibility and control
RF optimization,
Firmware updates
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 97
Cisco Response:
Cisco Meraki Cloud Managed Wireless - Centrally manage campus and distributed wireless networks via
the cloud. Descriptions, benefits, and links to the detailed description of the Cloud-based services for
Access Points included in the offering for this category are listed below.
Cisco Meraki Cloud Managed Indoor Access Points
802.11n indoor and outdoor access points ranging from value-priced to high-performance models
for high-density environments
Enterprise-grade security with guest access and BYOD support built in
Integrated application traffic shaping to prioritize critical apps and throttles, or to block unwanted
Built-in wireless intrusion detection and protection services, mesh routing, Power over Ethernet
support, and more.
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Cisco Meraki Cloud-Managed Outdoor Access Points
802.11n outdoor access points designed for harsh, rugged, and outdoor
environments (IP-67 rated)
Enterprise-grade security with guest access and BYOD support built-in
Integrated application traffic shaping prioritizes critical apps, throttles or blocks
unwanted apps
Built-in WIDS/WIPS, mesh routing, PoE support, and more
Compatible with N-type external antennas.
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Cisco Meraki Cloud-Management
Centrally manage campus and multi-site networks
Integrated network-wide visibility and control
Zero-touch device provisioning
Seamless firmware updates and remote troubleshooting tools.
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Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 98 Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Mobile Data Management (MDM)
technology utilized to allow employees to bring personally owned mobile devices
(laptops, tablets, and smart phones) to their workplace, and use those devices to
access privileged government information and applications in a secure manner.
Capabilities should include:
Ability to apply corporate policy to new devices accessing the network resources,
whether wired or wireless
Provide user and devices authentication to the network
Provide secure remote access capability
Support 802.1x
Network optimization for performance, scalability, and user experience
Cisco Response:
Cisco provides a "one network, one policy, and one management" strategy for network access. This
approach provides all the components you need to give your employees a consistently excellent
experience across locations and devices.
Your IT staff can support greater mobility with high-performance, context-aware network solutions that go
beyond BYOD. These solutions fully address a wide range of device, security, and business
Cisco and its partners can help your IT staff plan, build, and manage a BYOD Smart Solution that:
Is comprehensive and highly secure
Supports your business objectives
Accelerates return on investment.
One Network
Cisco wired, Wi-Fi, and 3G and 4G networks are converging. Policy and management for wired and Wi-Fi
networks are unified in a single solution. And Cisco virtualization experience infrastructure (Cisco VXI)
offers policy-based access to desktops from anywhere, regardless of the underlying device or network.
This consolidated approach provides a scalable platform for deploying new services.
Cisco VXI helps secure enterprise data in the data center, so you can take full advantage of evolving
mobility and BYOD trends. The network is where the business policy is enforced through a combination of
Cisco Identity Services Engine capabilities and network infrastructure (wireless or wired).
One Policy
To handle the surge of mobile devices on enterprise networks, your IT team must set policy centrally and
automate enforcement. The Cisco Identity Services Engine replaces multiple, manually synchronized
processes with a single point of policy across the organization. This single point of control helps IT create
centralized policy that governs access to the network, whether wired or wireless.
Cisco ISE Product Highlights include:
Consistent enforcement of context-based policies across wired and wireless networks
System-wide visibility showing IT who and what is on the network's wired, wireless, or VPN
Integrated AAA, profiling, posture, and guest services to simplify deployments and cut costs
Device identification using ISE-based probes, embedded device sensors, endpoint scanning, and
device feed service
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 99
Greater visibility and control of the endpoint with Mobile Device Management solution integration
Simplified BYOD onboarding through self-service registration.
Cisco ISE offers the following benefits:
Highly secure accessCombine rigorous identification and enforcement with automated user
onboarding for consistent access, control, and compliance
Greater worker productivityGet consistent and dependable access to services from
anywhere and anytime
Lower operations costsIncrease IT staff productivity by automating labor-intensive tasks and
simplifying service delivery.
One Management
To support these ever-increasing mobile devices on the network, IT managers need solutions that give a
single entry point for solving access and experience problems. Cisco Prime Infrastructure management
solutions provide a single workflow to identify problems by user, rather than by network element.
Experience monitoring, fed with network instrumentation and intelligence, provides a single source of
truth for application performance.
Listed below are the products offered in this category as well as links to the detailed descriptions.
Cisco Identity Services Engine
Cisco AnyConnect
Cisco BYOD Smart Solution At-A-Glance (pdf - 445 KB)
Cisco Trustsec At-A-Glance (pdf - 598 KB)
Cisco Identity Services Engine At-A-Glance (pdf - 839 KB)
Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Solution At-A-Glance (pdf - 166 KB)
Cisco ASA 5500 Series Adaptive Security Appliances At-A-Glance (pdf - 677 KB)
Cisco ASA 5500 Series IPS Solution At-A-Glance (pdf - 276 KB)
Highly Secure Mobility With Cisco Scansafe (Data Sheet) (pdf - 377 KB)
Cisco Any Device: Planning a Productive and Highly Secure Future (White Paper) (pdf - 1.2 Mb)
The Future of Network Security: Cisco SecureX (White Paper).
Cisco Aironet 3600 Series Access Points
Cisco Wireless LAN Controllers
Cisco Prime Infrastructure
Cisco Prime Assurance.
Cisco Jabber
Cisco WebEx Technology.
Cisco Services
Cisco Services for BYOD and the Unified Workspace (pdf - 499 KB).
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 100
5.3.0 UNIFIED COMMUNICATIONS (UC) ― A set of products that provides a consistent unified user
interface and user experience across multiple devices and media types. Unified Communications that is
able to provide services such as session management, voice, video, messaging, mobility, and web
conferencing. It can provide the foundation for advanced unified communications capabilities of IM and
presence-based services and extends telephony features and capabilities to packet telephony network
devices such as IP phones, media processing devices, Voice over IP (VoIP) gateways, and multimedia
applications. Additional services, such as unified messaging, multimedia conferencing, collaborative
contact centers, and interactive multimedia response systems, are made possible through open
telephony APIs. General UC solution capabilities should include:
High Availability for Call Processing
Hardware Platform High Availability
Network Connectivity High Availability
Call Processing Redundancy
Cisco Response:
Extend Communications
Provide reliable and advanced communications capabilities for your staff no matter where they are
working, with a full suite of IP Communications solutions and endpoints. Manage voice, video, mobility,
and presence services between IP endpoints, media-processing devices, Voice-over-IP (VoIP) gateways,
mobile devices, and multimedia applications.
Cisco IP Communications products can also help your business:
Efficiently run voice, data, and video communications over a single, converged network
Take advantage of a wide array of Cisco IP endpoints to meet diverse communications needs
Optimize efficiency with Cisco Unified Communications network management.
A list of the products offered for this category, and links to the detailed description of the Unified
Communications solutions included in the offering for this category are listed below.
Cisco Unified Communications Platform
Cisco Unified Communications Applications
Cisco Paging Server
Cisco Unified Attendant Consoles
Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Session Management Edition.
Cisco Business Edition
Cisco Business Edition 3000
Cisco Business Edition 6000.
Cisco Unified Communications Infrastructure
Cisco Intercompany Media Engine (IME)
Cisco Unified Communications On the Cisco Unified Computing System
Cisco Unified Border Element (CUBE)
Cisco Unified Survivable Remote Site Telephony (SRST)
Cisco Media Convergence Servers (MCS)
Cisco Prime Collaboration.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 101
Cisco Unified Communications Gateways
Cisco Unified Communications Gateways
Cisco Voice and Video Conferencing For Cisco Integrated Service Routers (ISR)
Cisco Digital Gateway
Cisco VG200 Series Gateways
Cisco Small Business Voice Gateways and ATAS.
Cisco Unified Messaging
Cisco Unity Connection
Cisco Unity Express.
Cisco Unified Communications Endpoints
Cisco Unified IP Phones
Cisco Unified SIP Phones 3900 Series
Cisco Unified IP Phones 6900 Series
Cisco Unified IP Phones 7900 Series
Cisco Unified IP Phones 8800 Series
Cisco Unified IP Phones 8900 Series
Cisco Unified IP Phones 9900 Series
Cisco Desktop Collaboration Experience DX600 Series
cisco Unified Video Advantage (CUVA)
Cisco Jabber
Cisco Webex Connect Client
Cisco Midsize Business Solutions
Cisco Unified Communications Virtualization
Cisco Collaboration Solutions (HCS)
Cisco Unified Communications ON UCS
Cisco Unified Communications Licensing and Subscription
Cisco Hosted Collaboration Solutions (HCS)
Cisco Unified Workspace Licensing (CUWL)
Cisco Unified Communications Software Subscription (UCSS) IP Telephony ― Solutions utilized to provide the delivery of the telephony
application (for example, call setup and teardown, and telephony features) over
IP, instead of using circuit-switched or other modalities. Capabilities should
Support for analog, digital, and IP endpoints
Centralized Management
Provide basic hunt group and call queuing capabilities
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 102
Flexibility to configure queue depth and hold time, play unique announcements and
Music on Hold (MoH), log in and log out users from a queue and basic queue
statistics (from the phone
E911 Support
Cisco Response:
Secure, Reliable Voice Calls over Your Network
IP telephony transmits voice communications over the network using open, standards-based Internet
It provides a way for you to extend consistent voice communications services to all your employees in
their workspaces -- on the main campus, at branch offices, remote, or mobile.
Cisco IP telephony solutions are an integral part of Cisco Unified Communications, which unify voice,
video, data, and mobile applications on fixed and mobile networks. Your employees can talk with each
other using almost any media, device, or operating system.
Using your network as the platform, your organization can gain the inherent benefits of a converged
network for transport and interconnection. IP telephony makes it easier to:
Provide highly secure, reliable, scalable communications that take advantage of your LAN and
Improve employee flexibility and productivity with the full range of Cisco Unified Communications
and third-party applications
Take advantage of a wide range of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)-based capabilities.
Deliver consistent communication services to all of your employees in their workspaces with this full suite
of solutions and endpoints included in this offering. A description of the products or solutions offered click
on the links below.
Cisco Unified Communications Gateway Services
Cisco TDM Gateways
Analog Gateway
Cisco Unified Survivable Remote Site Telephony
Cisco Unified Border Element
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
Cisco Unity Express
Video Conferencing Solutions
Mobility Workforce Architecture
Cisco Unified SIP Proxy.
Cisco Integrated Services Routers (ISR)
Cisco 3900 Series Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 2900 Series Integrated Routers
Cisco 1861e Series Integrated Services Router
Cisco 881 Integrated Services Router
Cisco 887v Integrated Services Router
Cisco 888e Integrated Services Router
Cisco 888 Integrated Services Router.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 103
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers
Cisco ASR 1006 Router
Cisco ASR 1004 Router
Cisco ASR 1001 Router.
Cisco VG200 Series Gateways
Cisco VG224 Analog Voice Gateway
Cisco VG204 Analog Voice Gateway
Cisco VG202 Analog Voice Gateway.
Cisco AS5400 Series Universal Gateways
Cisco AS5400XM Universal Gateway.
Other Services and Solutions
Cisco UCS Express
Cisco Service Advertisement Framework (SAF)
Cisco Enterprise Medianet
Cisco AS5350XM Universal Gateway
Cisco RSVP Agent
Cisco UC Gateway Services API. Instant messaging/ Presence ― Solutions that allow communication over the
Internet that offers quick transmission of text-based messages from sender to
receiver. In push mode between two or more people using personal computers or
other devices, along with shared clients, instant messaging basically offers real-
time direct written language-based online chat. Instant messaging may also
provide video calling, file sharing, PC-to-PC voice calling and PC-to-regular-
phone calling.
Cisco Response:
Streamline communications and enhance productivity with Cisco Enterprise Instant Messaging. Listed
below are the products included in this category offering as well as links to the detailed descriptions.
Cisco WebEx Connect
Jabber. Unified messaging Integration of different electronic messaging and
communications media (e-mail, SMS, Fax, voicemail, video messaging, etc.)
technologies into a single interface, accessible from a variety of different devices.
Ability to access and manage voice messages in a variety of ways, using email inbox, Web
browser, desktop client, VoIP phone, or mobile phone
Visual Voicemail Support (Optional)
Cisco Response:
With Cisco voice and unified messaging solutions, you can take control of your communications
experience. Cisco has a messaging solution for you, whether you need:
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 104
Basic voicemail
Integrated messaging with email, web, and mobile clients
Unified messaging with all voice, fax, and email messages stored in the same inbox.
These solutions offer industry-leading features that can improve your productivity. For example, you can
manage your voice messages when you want from your preferred device - computer, tablet, smartphone,
desk phone, and more.
Flexibility, Reliability, and Security
Cisco voice and unified messaging solutions integrate with traditional call control and voicemail systems,
and the latest unified communications applications. These flexible deployment options provide cost
savings, excellent reliability, and support highly secure messaging to protect your privacy.
Find Your Solution
The Cisco voice and unified messaging portfolio has a solution for organizations of all types and sizes.
Listed below are the products included in this category offering as well as links to the detailed
Cisco Unity Connection: Voicemail or unified messaging with speech recognition on an easy-to-
manage platform for organizations of all sizes
Cisco Unity Express: Cost-effective integrated voice messaging, auto attendant, and Interactive
Voice Response (IVR) on a Cisco Integrated Services Router for enterprise branches and small
Cisco Unified Survivable Remote Site Voicemail: Communications protection with voicemail
survivability for your organization's remote sites, such as branch offices or other small sites. Contact Center ― A computer-based system that provides call and contact
routing for high-volume telephony transactions, with specialist answering “agent”
stations and a sophisticated real-time contact management system. The
definition includes all contact center systems that provide inbound contact
handling capabilities and automatic contact distribution, combined with a high
degree of sophistication in terms of dynamic contact traffic management.
Cisco Response:
Cisco Unified Contact Center delivers intelligent contact routing, call
treatment, network-to-desktop Computer Telephony Integration (CTI),
and multichannel contact management over an IP infrastructure. It
combines multichannel Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) functionality
with IP telephony in a unified solution, enabling your company to
rapidly deploy a distributed contact center infrastructure.
Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise provides:
Segmentation of customers, and monitoring of resource
Delivery of each contact to the most appropriate resource anywhere in the enterprise
Comprehensive customer profiles using contact-related data, such as dialed number, and calling
line ID
Routing to the most appropriate resource to meet customer needs based on real-time conditions
(such as agent skills, availability, and queue lengths)
Presence integration to increase caller satisfaction through improved agent performance, and
knowledge-worker expertise.
Gartner Names Cisco a
Cisco named a leader in the
2012 Gartner Magic Quadrant
for Contact Center
Infrastructure, Worldwide.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 105
Listed below are the products included in this category offering as well as links to the detailed
Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise
Deliver state-of-the-art contact center capabilities for enterprise applications
Support both premise-based and hosted deployments with Cisco Unified Communications
Manager or third-party ACDs
Provide intelligent contact routing, call treatment, network-to-desktop CTI, and multichannel
contact management
Take advantage of desktop options such as a web-based thin client collaborative desktop for
agents and supervisors.
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Data Sheets
Cisco Unified Contact Center Express
Easily deploy and use highly secure, virtual, and highly available sophisticated call routing and
contact management capabilities for your contact center
Ideal for midmarket, enterprise branch, or corporate departments
Ideal for both formal and informal contact centers
Take advantage of support for Web 2.0 agent desktop SDK for custom desktop development.
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Data Sheets
Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal
Provide speech-enabled self-service to callers with this award-winning product
Allow calls to be treated at the most efficient location with powerful call control
Combine open standards support for speech recognition with intelligent application development
Deliver personalized self-service as a standalone IVR system, or integrate transparently with the
contact center.
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Data Sheets
Cisco SocialMiner
Provides a social media campaign management solution
Monitors the social web for relevant public customer postings and helps you engage with
customers proactively
Offers context about customers by providing a social screen pop to customer service agents or
other responders
Helps you manage your brand by monitoring and responding to social media posts from
customers who need assistance.
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Data Sheets
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 106 Communications End Points and Applications
Attendant Consoles
IP Phones
Cisco Response:
Cisco Unified Communications Endpoints
Cisco Unified IP Phones
Cisco Unified SIP Phones 3900 Series
Cisco Unified IP Phones 6900 Series
Cisco Unified IP Phones 7900 Series
Cisco Unified IP Phones 8800 Series
Cisco Unified IP Phones 8900 Series
Cisco Unified IP Phones 9900 Series
Cisco Desktop Collaboration Experience DX600 Series
Cisco Jabber
Cisco Webex Connect Client
Cisco Midsize Business Solutions.
Virtualized Endpoints
Cisco Virtualization Experience Client 6000 Series
Cisco Virtualization Experience Client 4000 Series
Cisco Virtualization Experience Client 2000 Series
Cisco Virtualization Experience Client Manager
Cisco Virtualization Experience Media Engine. UC Network Management Provides end-to-end service management for
Unified Communications. Capabilities include testing, performance monitoring,
configuration management, and business intelligence reporting.
Cisco Response:
Cisco Unified Communications is a comprehensive portfolio of applications integrated with a highly
secure network infrastructure.
These network management applications are tailored and optimized to provide complete provisioning,
operations, monitoring, and reporting.
Large Enterprises
The Cisco Prime Unified Communications Management suite helps to increase operational efficiency for
enterprises with 500 to 30,000 devices. It offers an integrated set of products with a single view into the
entire Cisco Unified Communications solution.
Feature and Capabilities
Cisco Prime Collaboration helps enable rapid installation and maintenance of Cisco Unified
Communications components as well as the provisioning of users and services, substantially increasing
productivity and lowering operating expenses. By significantly reducing the complexity in performing
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 107
moves, adds, and changes, the solution facilitates delegation of these tasks. This helps network
operators to optimize IT resources and further reduce total cost of ownership.
This solution also provides efficient, integrated assurance management of applications and the underlying
transport infrastructure. This includes real-time monitoring and troubleshooting of Cisco TelePresence
solutions and the entire Cisco Unified Communications system. The solution expedites operator
resolution of service quality issues before they affect end users and helps avoid system and service
outages for a greater end user quality of experience.
Cisco Prime Collaboration also provides historical reporting of key performance indicators and enables IT
network managers to analyze trends for capacity planning, resource optimization, and quality of service.
The solution helps track collaboration technology adoption rates in the network and provides metrics to
help analyze how users are actually using the collaboration endpoints daily. It also can show status and
rollout progress of a collaboration network deployment.
Cisco Prime Collaboration offers:
Efficient, policy-based provisioning of Cisco Unified Communications users and services through
a single interface
Delegation of voice provisioning changes for operational savings
Real-time monitoring of voice and video networks with dashboard summaries and alarm
Consistent, reliable service delivery through proactive fault detection and rapid isolation
Advanced diagnostics tools, including traffic simulation and testing of circuits and endpoints to
help identify core issues
Trend analysis and reporting to simplify long-term planning and facilitate deployment analysis.
See the many benefits of Cisco Unified Communications Management suite.
The entire product portfolio can be found at: Cisco Prime Collaboration
. Collaboration Voice, video, and web conferencing; messaging; mobile
applications; and enterprise social software.
Cisco Response:
Collaboration is more than a technical architecture, solution, or product; it is the experience that
integrates people, processes, and technology. We believe that by working together, people can achieve
extraordinary things.
An org chart may show hierarchy, but it doesn't represent how people actually interact inside, outside,
and across the organization. Finding ways to improve the connections between people and the
information they need to share is at the center of improving business productivity.
Empower, Engage, Innovate
The goal - and the power - of collaboration technology is to fulfill the human affinity to share as naturally
as possible. How do you get there?
Empower people to work their way - where, when, and how they want - without limits
Engage people by providing the best collaboration tools to connect with peers and other
Allow people to innovate and become more creative in developing ideas and solving problems.
People don't want to have to think about "how do I?" just about "what do I want to do?" The key is to
implement intuitive technologies that let people focus on meeting business goals, shifting the focus from
individual applications to integrated collaboration experiences.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 108
The New Collaborative Environment
Opportunity comes from the combination of technology and people. The collaborative workspace
environment gives people the flexibility to be where they need to be to do the best work they can.
Cisco uses an architecture-based approach, integrating the mobile, social, visual, and virtual aspects of
collaboration to bring people together anytime, anywhere, on any device. Connect employees, customers,
and suppliers to make decisions, resolve customer issues, or address supply-chain challenges. The
architecture cost effectively enables this with scale, security, and accessibility. The Cisco holistic
collaboration strategy and architecture account not only for the technology, but what it means to your
processes and culture.
Implementing collaboration solutions allows you to:
Flatten organizational hierarchy and better communicate with all levels of the organization
Elevate and personalize communications to improve the quality and speed of decisions
Save time, simplify workflows, and increase workforce interaction and productivity
Build trust and understanding across time zones within cross-functional teams through frequent
video communications
Improve customer responsiveness by facilitating faster access to experts and information
Reduce travel, real-estate costs, and greenhouse gas emissions by meeting virtually and
supporting telecommuting.
Listed below are the products included in this category offering as well as links to the detailed
All Collaboration Applications
Stay connected and productive with voice, video, and web conferencing; messaging; mobile applications;
and enterprise social software solutions included in this offering. Collaboration solutions include:
Cisco Webex Meetings
Meet with anyone online to present, share, and collaborate
Organize and manage all meeting activities, and easily share files
Accelerate business results, increase team productivity, and lower costs
Cisco also offers a full suite of Conferencing Applications.
Learn More
Product Comparison
Cisco Jabber
New unified communications applications solution lets you
collaborate from any workspace
Easy access to presence, IM, voice and video, voice messages,
desktop sharing, and conferencing
Consistent experience across PC, MAC, IPHONE, IPAD, ANDROID,
NOKIA, and BLACKBERRY devices.
Learn More
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 109
Cisco WebEx Social
Combines the power of enterprise social networking, content creation, and real-time
Instantly share information and knowledge across teams, departments and geographies
Enable employees anywhere to quickly find the people and resources they need to get work done
Create and capture intellectual capital in one secure, centralized location.
Learn More
Data Sheets Collaborative Video ― A set of immersive video technologies that enable
people to feel or appear as if they were present in a location that they are not
physically in. Immersive video consists of a multiple codec video system, where
each meeting attendee uses an immersive video room to “dial in” and can
see/talk to every other member on a screen (or screens) as if they were in the
same room and provides call control that enables intelligent video bandwidth
Cisco Response:
Use the Power of In-Person Collaboration
How do you promote bigger ideas and better innovation? Make it easy for your experts to put their heads
together. Cisco TelePresence offers the easiest, most dynamic way for dispersed teams to get together.
It's where talent and technology meet.
See Cisco Telepresence and Explore the Benefits For Yourself
Not only can you bring experts together to solve problems on the fly, but you can also use the power of
TelePresence to unify your supply chain, provide highly engaged customer service, train remote teams,
and more. Think beyond the boardroom. Transform your business processes with Cisco TelePresence.
Cisco TelePresence helps you:
Make the Best Use of Employee Time Frequent video participants report saving at least 2
hours weekly, with one-third reporting at least 1 day saved per week. Telepresence solutions
have helped them save money, improve work-life balance, increase their competitive advantage,
and bring people closer together.
Speed Decision MakingAccelerate business-critical decision making, shorten sales cycles,
reduce time to market, and create new forums for collaboration.
Cut Travel CostsMany customers reduce their business travel by 30 percent or more when
implementing TelePresence. In fact, the cost of two international business trips will pay for a
video conferencing system. Trygvesta, a large Nordic insurance company with 2 million
customers, reduced travel from 180 to 130 trips per month, saving at least $120,000.
Consider the Opportunity CostsThe true cost of travel is not just a plane ticket and hotel.
Time on the road could be spent being more productive, bringing new products to market,
reducing repair time, or meeting with more clients. Use the Business Advantage Calculator to see
how video can benefit your business in particular.
Transform Business ProcessesTelePresence makes it easy for teams to collaborate,
innovate, and resolve issues. Now you can bring those benefits to customer service, supply chain
management, and training; redefine best practices; and accelerate ROI even more.
Be Greener Here is another way to reduce CO2 emissions: 100 employees using video once
a week instead of commuting would save the equivalent of a forest the size of five football fields.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 110
Listed below are the products included in this category offering as well as links to the detailed
Cisco Pervasive Conferencing
Simplify rich multiparty collaboration
Deliver ubiquitous conferencing experiences on any device, anywhere
Bring everyone together on mobile to immersive video systems
Enhance efficiency and ROI from your conferencing infrastructure.
Learn More
Cisco Telepresence TX9000 Series
New industrial design for greater immersion
Three very high quality simultaneous video streams and a high-definition, full-motion content
sharing stream for unparalleled video and content collaboration
Superior lighting and sound, discreet camera housing, touch-screen interface
Helps reduce TCO with 20 percent lower bandwidth requirements than earlier model, faster
installation, and easy servicing.
Learn More
Data Sheets
Cisco Capture, Transform, Share
Deliver an engaging viewing experience for your Video on Demand (VOD) or live streaming video
Convert video endpoints into a recording studio
Transform and customize video content to be viewed on any device and environment
Share content and empower users to search and navigate by spoken keywords or speakers.
Learn More
Cisco Telepresence SX20 Quick Set
Easily turn a flat panel display into a sleek, powerful TelePresence system
Multipoint support accommodates three additional callers
Three camera choices and dual-screen option offer room size and configuration flexibility.
Learn More
Data Sheet
Cisco Telepresence Server 7010 and MSE 8710
Compatible with all major vendors' endpoints for multipoint calls
Facilitates multi-screen and multi-stream interoperability through TIP
Supports Cisco ActivePresence to enhance the user experience
Provides an exceptionally high-density, high-capacity video bridge
Supports up to 720p resolution at 60 frames per second and 1080p resolution at 30 frames per
Available as a chassis-based platform or as an appliance.
Learn More
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 111 Content Delivery Systems (CDS) ― A large distributed system of
servers deployed in multiple data centers connected by the Internet. The purpose
of the content delivery system is to serve
content to end-users with high availability and high performance.
CDSs serve content over the Internet, including web objects
(text, graphics, URLs, and scripts), downloadable objects (media
files, software, documents), applications (e-commerce, portals),
live streaming media, on-demand streaming media, and social
Cisco Response:
Deploy a media delivery system that improves the reach, quality, and user experience of video
applications. The Cisco Enterprise Content Delivery System is a predictable, scalable, and versatile
solution that helps organizations optimize video distribution over their existing WAN infrastructure. As a
core component of the Cisco medianet architecture, the Cisco Enterprise Content Delivery System
integrates into your existing network. When deployed with CISCO WIDE AREA APPLICATION
SERVICES, it provides a complete WAN optimization solution for video.
Now it's easier for you to deploy video at scale for:
Training and education
Organizational communications.
Flexible Deployment Models Deliver Predictable Network Performance
The Cisco Enterprise Content Delivery System uses two network appliances and a virtual blade with
versatile capabilities that can deliver streamed and on-demand video to end users on all types of video
endpoints. This system can be scaled to support small sites with less than 25 users or large campuses
with thousands of users. This versatile solution simultaneously supports media formats such as:
Adobe Flash
Windows Media
Apple QuickTime
H.264 video compression standards.
With the Cisco Enterprise Content Delivery System, you can take full advantage of video as a reliable tool
to enhance productivity and increase the value of business communications.
Products and services included as part of this offering are described at the links below:
Integrated Services Router Generation 2
Digital Media Suite Introduction
Wide Area Application Services Introduction. Physical Security ― Technology utilized to restricting physical
access by unauthorized people to controlled facilities.
Technologies include:
a. Access control systems
b. Detection/Identification systems, such as surveillance
systems, closed circuit television cameras, or IP camera
networks and the associated monitoring systems.
c. Response systems such as alert systems, desktop monitoring
systems, radios, mobile phones, IP phones, and digital signage
d. Building and energy controls
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 112
Cisco Response:
Build cost-effective, modular, best-in-class physical security solutions that interoperate with your existing
systems. Engineered with network and video expertise, Cisco Physical Security Solutions:
Include video surveillance, access control, and incident response and notification
Are easy to deploy, use, and maintain
Integrate tightly with Cisco IP network (Medianet)
Protect existing investments as you migrate
Support open standards.
Using the network as an open, scalable platform for integrating security provides businesses with several
benefits, such as operational flexibility, greater protection capabilities, lower cost of ownership, and
reduced risk.
Cisco Physical Security products provide video surveillance, IP cameras, access control, and incident
response solutions. Listed below are the products included in this category offering as well as links to the
detailed descriptions.
Connected Physical Security
Interoperability Systems.
Connected Physical Security
IP Video Surveillance
Cisco Physical Security Operations Manager
Cisco Video Analytics
Cisco Video Surveillance Encoding Server
Cisco Video Surveillance Manager
Cisco Video Surveillance Media Server Software
Cisco Video Surveillance Operations Manager Software
Cisco Video Surveillance Storage System
Cisco Video Surveillance Virtual Matrix Software.
Physical Access Control
Cisco Physical Access Gateways
Cisco Physical Access Manager.
Physical Security Platforms
Cisco Physical Security Multiservices Platform Series
Virtualized Applications For UCS.
Video Surveillance IP Cameras
Cisco Video Surveillance 7000 Series IP Cameras
Cisco Video Surveillance 6000 Series IP Cameras
Cisco Video Surveillance 4000 Series IP Cameras
Cisco Video Surveillance 3000 Series IP Cameras
Cisco Video Surveillance Encoders
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 113
Cisco Video Surveillance IP Camera Accessories
Cisco Video Surveillance PTZ IP Cameras.
Interoperability Systems
Cisco IP Interoperability and Collaboration System
Cisco IPICS Deployment Options
Cisco IPICS Operational Views
Cisco IPICS Phone Client
Cisco IPICS PMC Client Software
Cisco IPICS Policy Engine
Cisco IPICS Server Software.
5.3.1 SERVICES For each Category above (5.21-5.30), the following services should be
available for procurement as well at the time of product purchase or anytime afterwards.
Cisco Response:
Cisco attempts to meet and exceed the expectations of our customers
in terms of the maturity, professionalism, and effectiveness of our
service delivery. We offer an array of service portfolios, customized to
the special needs of different market segments and technologies. Our
goal is to help customers of all types realize the full potential of their
multi-service networks.
The following distinctive achievements in service delivery and
resources demonstrate Cisco’s leadership:
Automated Support: automates a wide variety of
tools and processes, including a set of Internet commerce
tools that allow customers to buy Cisco products and services
online, and check the availability and status of spare parts. also automates the troubleshooting of many
common support issues.
79 percent of all customer technical support issues are
solved online
Over 306,000 technical support issues resolved online each month
Over 2 million unique visitors per month
3+ million software downloads per month.
Large Global Pool of Skilled Technicians: Cisco offers our customers a large global team of
proficient support engineers.
Over 1500 technical support professionals worldwide averaging of 5 to 10 years’ experience
in solutions
Over 500 Cisco Certified Internetworking Experts (CCIEs).
Global Support Infrastructure: Cisco maintains a state-of-the-art global logistics infrastructure
to meet the critical mission demands of our customers:
Over 900 parts depots with over 170,000 parts delivered every quarter
Geographic coverage in 120+ countries
Over $4 billion in parts inventory
Consistent refresh of parts inventory and software loads
J.D. Power and Associates
2012 Certification
Recognized by J.D. Power and
Associates for providing "An
Outstanding Customer Service
Experience." Cisco is the only
company to have achieved
CTSS certification six times.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 114
Access to globally deployed field engineers
Hardware replacement options include 2 hour, 4 hour, and next business day.
Secure Supply Chain: In recognition of growing awareness of the role that supply chain security
plays in increasingly critical cyber security strategies, Cisco has a dedicated team within its
supply chain organization to better address supply chain security threats and vulnerabilities. This
team continually assesses, monitors, and improves Cisco supply chain security for the entire
lifecycle of products, systems, and services, and so helps to ensure product integrity for our
Expert Consulting Teams: Cisco’s Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG) and Customer
Success Engineering (CSE) team assess the business needs of service providers and pioneer
the building of their next-generation networks, helping identify new sources of revenue and
decrease operational expenses.
Network Availability: Cisco Services like Operational Readiness Assessment and Network
Reliability Improvement Analysis reflect the Cisco commitment to help you achieve redundancy
and high network availability.
Evolving Services to Meet Your Needs: Cisco provides industry-leading service capabilities
and processes that are flexible enough to address your needs today and in the future. Your
feedback, along with that of other customers, is acted upon through an evaluation process that
promotes product, service, and process improvements. Cisco is committed to delivering an
exceptional service experience that is flexible enough to meet your needs today and in the future. Maintenance Services Capability to provide technical support, flexible
hardware coverage, and smart, proactive device diagnostics for hardware.
Cisco Response:
At Cisco maintenance services are referred to as Technical Services. Cisco Technical Services help you
increase operational efficiency, lower support costs, and improve availability risk management through
automated network-equipment inventory management and award-winning support. With these services,
you can:
More effectively manage risk, plan for equipment upgrades, and comply with your corporate
Identify and resolve issues quickly and reduce downtime
Streamline contract management and access support resources faster.
Product Support
Product Support Services help you increase operational efficiency, lower support costs, and improve
availability risk management through automated network-equipment inventory management and award-
winning support. With these services, you can:
More effectively manage risk, plan for equipment upgrades, and comply with your corporate
Identify and resolve issues quickly and reduce downtime
Streamline contract management and access support resources faster.
Examples of Product Support Services for Enterprise include:
SMARTnet Total Care
SMARTnet Service
Essential Operate Services
Telepresence Essential Operate Services
Cisco Services For Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 115
Cisco Smart Foundation
Cisco Mission Critical Support Service
Cisco Security Intellishield Alert Manager Service.
Solution Support Services help you increase solution uptime and employee productivity by providing
priority access to dedicated and focused resources to manage, troubleshoot, and speed resolution of
issues that might arise within complex, multivendor solutions. They supplement product-level technical
support to:
Quickly isolate and resolve issues that may arise within the solution
Improve the performance of IT and network operations
Increase the availability of the applications supported within the solution.
Examples of Solution Support Services:
Cisco Solution Support Services (pdf - 280 KB).
Under the contract, Cisco is pleased to make available its full portfolio of maintenance and professional
services. A full description of each service and service level can be viewed at the following site: Professional Services
Deployment Services
Survey/ Design Services ― Includes, but not limited to, discovery, design,
architecture review/validation, and readiness assessment.
Implementation Services ― Includes, but not limited to, basic installation and
configuration or end-to-end integration and deployment.
Optimization ― Includes, but not limited to, assessing operational environment
readiness, identify ways to increase efficiencies throughout the network, and
optimize Customer’s infrastructure, applications and service management.
Remote Management Services ― Includes, but not limited to, continuous monitoring,
incident management, problem management, change management, and utilization
and performance reporting that may be on a subscription basis.
Consulting/Advisory Services ― Includes, but not limited to, assessing the
availability, reliability, security and performance of Customer’s existing solutions.
Data Communications Architectural Design Services ― Developing architectural
strategies and roadmaps for transforming Customer’s existing network architecture
and operations management.
Statement of Work (SOW) Services ― Customer-specific tasks to be accomplished
and/or services to be delivered based on Customer’s business and technical
Cisco Response:
WSCA-NASPO members can leverage Cisco’s entire portfolio of professional services. Regardless of the
technology being deployed under the contract, Cisco’s methodology for professional services provides a
comprehensive approach to managing all aspects of your network and uses a three-phased approach
Plan, Build, and Manage. Figure 10 depicts the key services available during each of the phases.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 116
Figure 10. Cisco’s Professional Services Model
Within each of these three phases, there are a variety of service offerings available to WSCA-NASPO
customers. Below you will find a brief description of the services offered within our portfolio.
Plan: Develop an architectural strategy, transformational road map, and design.
Strategy and Analysis
Strategy and Analysis Services help you to effectively support new and future business requirements by
creating architectural strategies and roadmaps for transforming your network architecture and operations
management. They can help enable you to:
Prioritize and focus architecture transformation and network operations and engineering
management efforts
Accelerate the development of a cost-effective strategy with a measurable ROI
Successfully transform your infrastructure, management, people, and processes.
Assessment Services help you determine your IT and network infrastructure's compliance to best
practices and policies and/or readiness to support a new technology, application, architecture, or solution,
to help you:
Reduce deployment costs and adoption delays
Improve your operations team's ability to support what is being introduced
More effectively budget by accurately identifying incremental investment requirements.
Design Services help you create a flexible, resilient, scalable architectural foundation to support your
business solutions by developing designs for your IT and network infrastructure, applications, operations
processes, and network management. They can help enable you to:
Improve your network infrastructure performance, security, and scalability
Accelerate adoption of new technologies and improve return on investment
Reduce expensive and time-consuming redesign
Strengthen the proficiency of your deployment team and operations team.
Build: Validate, implement, and migrate new solutions and applications.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 117
Validation Services help you confirm that your solution meets your requirements for availability, security,
reliability, and performance through assessment and issue resolution in a lab environment before
implementation in your production network. This helps you to:
Mitigate risks associated with updating the production network
Accelerate time to market and solution adoption
Reduce costly delays, risks, and rework
Improve availability.
Deployment Services help you successfully deploy new IT and network solutions or applications. Expert
assistance helps you to:
Reduce delays, rework, and other problems during implementation
Decrease disruption to your production network during deployment
Realize business and technical goals of the new solution.
Migration Services help you to control costs, improve operational excellence, and mitigate risk during
device, network, and software refreshes. With a systematic, holistic, efficient approach to upgrading the
network infrastructure, these will help you:
More effectively budget for network operations costs
Reduce system outages and support issues with a proactive plan for replacing aging network
Accelerate time to revenue through faster deployment and cutover time when migrating
Reduce operating expenses
Introduce new capabilities with potentially lower total cost of ownership.
Manage: Optimize your infrastructure, applications, and service management.
Optimization Services help you to optimize your network and IT infrastructure, applications, and service
management. They identify gaps, deliver recommendations, and provide expert support so you can:
Improve the performance, availability, resiliency, and visibility of your network and IT services
Prepare the network and IT infrastructure for change and more effectively manage change
Increase your teams self-sufficiency
Reduce operating costs and improve return on your investments
Mitigate risks that can compromise the privacy and security of data.
Operations Management
Operations Management Services help you simplify network and IT operations, lower the total cost of
network ownership, and accelerate adoption of advanced technologies while retaining visibility and
control. By out-tasking proactive monitoring and management of your network infrastructure in alignment
with industry standard processes such as ITIL® and eTOM, these can help you:
Solve problems faster and more effectively manage risk and growth in your network
Pre-empt incidents and reduce the effects of those that cannot be prevented
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 118
Accelerate adoption of advanced technologies
Enable a higher quality end-user experience.
Services Pricing Models
Depending on the service that is selected by the customer, Cisco can provide a pricing model that is
either a subscription (i.e., prepaid 12-month engagement for a subject matter expert or SMARTnet,
among others) or statement of work (transactional) offering (i.e., set deliverables offered at a fixed price).
Under the contract, Cisco is pleased to make available its full portfolio of maintenance and professional
services. A full description of each service and service level can be viewed at the following site: Partner Services ― Provided by Contractor’s Authorized Partners/Resellers.
Subject to Contractor’s approval and the certifications held by its Partners/Resellers,
many Partners/Resellers can also offer and provide some or all of the Services as
listed above at competitive pricing, along with local presence and support. As the
prime, Contractor is still ultimately responsible for the performance of its Partners/
Resellers. Customers can have the option to purchase the Services to be directly
delivered by Contractor (OEM) or its certified Partners/Resellers.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood. Subject to Cisco’s approval and holding active and applicable certifications, the
Authorized Resellers (as selected pursuant to the process as outlined in our response to Section 4.6
above) will be permitted to do the following:
1) Resell Cisco’s services that are awarded under this contract and as set forth in Cisco’s U.S.
Global Price Lists
2) Provide Basic Installation and Configuration Services as follows:
Certified and Technical Project Management
Global Implementation Capability
Staging and Implementation Engineering (Installation)
Configuration Development
Site Survey
Knowledge Transfer
High Level Design Review
Acceptance Testing
Cabling Installation.
*Cisco may modify this list of Partner Services at its discretion.
Once Cisco vets and selects the Authorized Resellers in accordance with the process as described in our
response to Section 4.6 above, we will solicit each Authorized Reseller for their specific onsite and
remote hourly rates for each Participating Addendum that they are authorized to resell under, if they wish
to provide such services. This process is consistent with our approach today under the current Cisco
WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract in coordination with the State of Utah.
DISCRETIONARY BY CISCO: Cisco’s Authorized Resellers may also provide other Professional
Services, including hosted services, that Cisco is awarded under the resulting WSCA-NASPO contract;
but only on a case-by-case basis to be determined and approved by Cisco, at its sole discretion and
subject to Cisco’s business, operational, and legal requirements.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 119 Training ― Learning offerings for IT professionals on networking technologies,
including but not limited to designing, implementing, operating, configuring, and
troubleshooting network systems pertaining to items provided under the master
Cisco Response:
To provide WSCA-NASPO customers with access to training and development on Cisco’s products and
offerings, we are pleased to offer Cisco Learning Credits for purchase under the contract. Cisco Learning
Credits are available for purchase on the U.S. Global Price Lists and sold in packages of 10, 100, 500,
and 1500. They can be added to any Cisco hardware, software, or solution purchase and redeemed
within 1 year from activation on the Cisco Learning Credits Management Tool (LCMT). Cisco Learning
Credits can be redeemed for high-quality, authorized training from a Cisco Learning Partner or their
affiliated organizations, or Cisco Advanced Services Education.
With Cisco Learning Credits, customers can:
Realize a faster return on your investment
Increase overall productivity and network uptime
Safeguard your training budget and reduce administrative costs
Assess and keep track of your organization’s training needs with the unique LCMT
Obtain a complete solution that includes Cisco authorized training.
Determining the Number of Cisco Learning Credits to Purchase
Cisco Learning Partners offer a Training Needs Assessment, a consultative, complementary service that
helps you identify your network training needs and develop a training plan.
Redeeming Cisco Learning Credits
Cisco Learning Credits are valid for 1 year from activation on LCMT. They can be redeemed for high-
quality, authorized training from a Cisco Learning Solutions Partner or their affiliated organizations, or
Cisco Advanced Services Education. Each Cisco Learning Credit is worth $100 toward the purchase of
Cisco authorized training.
Managing Cisco Learning Credits
Cisco Learning Credits are registered in the LCMT, a unique and easy-to-use online database that keeps
track of your Cisco Learning Credits transactions, validates redemptions, and sends monthly statements.
The Value of Cisco Authorized Training through Cisco Learning Partners
Cisco Learning Partners and their affiliated organizations are the only authorized channel sources for
Cisco training. As such, they are qualified to deliver customized, market-leading Cisco training that
incorporates the latest training content and Cisco intellectual property.
Partner Training
In addition to Cisco Learning Credits and subject to Cisco approval, the Authorized Resellers may add
customized training to address specific customer requirements. Once Cisco vets and selects the
Authorized Resellers in accordance with the process as described in our response to Section 4.6 above,
we will solicit each Authorized Reseller under each Participating Addendum for their specific onsite and
remote hourly rates for training, if they wish to provide such services. This process is consistent with our
approach today under the current Cisco WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract in coordination
with the State of Utah.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 120
The ability to add new equipment and services is for the convenience and benefit of WSCA-NASPO, the
Participating States, and all the Authorized Purchasers. The intent of this process is to promote “one-stop
shopping” and convenience for the customers and equally important, to make the contract flexible in
keeping up with rapid technological advances. The option to add new product or service categories
and/items will expedite the delivery and implementation of new technology solutions for the benefit of the
Authorized Purchasers.
After the contracts are awarded, additional IT product categories and/or items may be added per the
request of the Contractor, a Participating State, an Authorized Purchaser or WSCA-NASPO. Additions
may be ad hoc and temporary in nature or permanent. All additions to an awarded Contractor or
Manufacturer’s offerings must be products, services, software, or solutions that are commercially
available at the time they are added to the contract award and fall within the original scope and intent of
the RFP (i.e., converged technologies, value adds to manufacturer’s solution offerings, etc.).
Cisco Response:
Read and understood. Please note that depending on the technology, additional terms and conditions
may be required. New Product from Contractors If Contractor, a Participating State, an Authorized Purchaser
or WSCA-NASPO itself requests to add new product categories permanently, then all awarded
Contractors (Manufacturers) will be notified of the proposed change and will have the opportunity to work
with WSCA to determine applicability, introduction, etc. Any new products or services must be reviewed
and approved by the WSCA-NASPO Contract Administrator.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood. Please note that depending on the technology, additional terms and conditions
may be required. Ad Hoc Product Additions A request for an ad hoc, temporary addition of a product
category/item must be submitted to WSCA-NASPO via the governmental entity’s contracting/purchasing
officer. Ad hoc, temporary requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood. Please note that depending on the technology, additional terms and conditions
may be required. Pricelist Updates ― As part of each Contractor’s ongoing updates to its pricelists throughout the
contract term, Contractor can add new SKUs to its awarded product categories that may have been
developed in-house or obtained through mergers, acquisitions or joint ventures; provided, however, that
such new SKUs fall within the Contractor’s awarded product categories.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood. As stated earlier in Section 1.13, since Cisco’s entire U.S. Global Price Lists are
refreshed on a monthly basis that includes new SKUs, Cisco wishes to provide updates on a monthly
basis under the resulting WSCA-NASPO contract to ensure that Purchasing Entities will have timely
access to new SKUs that are available from the awarded product categories.
Note: Depending on the technology, additional terms and conditions may be required.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 121
Section 7: Master Agreement Terms and Conditions/Exceptions
7.1 WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement Terms and Conditions
7.1.1 The WSCA-NASPO Contract Administrator referred to in section 2 of the WSCA-
NASPO Master Agreement Terms and Conditions is Debra Gunderson, State of Utah Division of
Purchasing and General Services. This RFP represents the WSCA-NASPO Contract Administrator’s
written approval of the modifications, waivers, alterations, amendments, and supplements to the
Master Agreement Terms and Conditions made in this RFP and this Section 7.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
7.1.2 Except as limited in this section or elsewhere in this RFP, Participating Entities who execute
a Participating Addendum may alter, modify, supplement, or amend the WSCA- NASPO Master
Agreement Terms and Conditions as necessary to comply with Participating Entity law or policy with
respect to their orders under the Master Agreement. A Contractor may not deliver Products or
perform services under this Master Agreement until a Participating Addendum acceptable to the
Participating Entity and Contractor is executed. The WSCA-NASPO Terms and Conditions are
applicable to any order by a Participating Entity, except to the extent altered, modified, supplemented
or amended by a Participating Addendum. By way of illustration and not limitation, this authority may
apply to unique delivery and invoicing requirements, confidentiality requirements, defaults on orders,
governing law and venue relating to orders by a Participating Entity, Indemnification, and insurance
requirements. Statutory or constitutional requirements relating to availability of funds may require
specific language in some Participating Addenda in order to comply with applicable law. The
expectation is that these alterations, modifications, supplements, or amendments will be addressed in
the Participating Addendum or, with the consent of the Participating Entity and Contractor, may be
included in the commitment voucher (e.g. purchase order or contract) used by the Participating Entity
to place the order.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
7.1.3 The term Purchasing Entity and Participating Entity shall both mean “Participating Entity” as
that term is defined in WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement Terms and Conditions.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
7.1.4 With respect to section 11, Indemnification, the terms of any Participating Addendum may
alter, modify, supplement, or amend the language in section 11 and may include a limitation of
liability mutually agreeable to the Participating Entity and the Contractor.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
7.1.5 With regard to section 20, Participants, Participating Entities who are not states may under
some circumstances sign their own Participating Addendum, subject to the approval of the Chief
Procurement Official of the state where the Participating Entity is located. Contractors may upon
request obtain a copy of the written authorization from the WSCA-NASPO Contract Administrator.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
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7.2 Offeror Exceptions to Terms and Conditions
7.2.1 The Lead State discourages exceptions to contract terms and conditions in the RFP,
attached Participating Entity terms and conditions (if any), and the WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement
Terms and Conditions. As specified in this RFP, exceptions may cause a proposal to be rejected as
nonresponsive when, in the sole judgment of the Lead State (and its evaluation team), the proposal
appears to be conditioned on the exception or correction of what is deemed to be a deficiency or
unacceptable exception would require a substantial proposal rewrite to correct. Moreover, Offerors
are cautioned that award may be made on receipt of initial proposals without clarification or an
opportunity for discussion, and the nature of exceptions would be evaluated. Further, the nature of
exceptions will be considered in the competitive range determination if one is conducted. Exceptions
will be evaluated to determine the extent to which the alternative language or approach poses
unreasonable, additional risk to the state, is judged to inhibit achieving the objectives of the RFP, or
whose ambiguity makes evaluation difficult and a fair resolution (available to all vendors) impractical
given the timeframe for the RFP.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood. Cisco would greatly appreciate the opportunity to clarify and discuss any of our
exceptions. We look forward to working with WSCA-NASPO to reach mutually agreeable terms and
conditions. Cisco and WSCA have operated successfully with the current Cisco WSCA Data
Communications AR-233 contract for over the last 5 years. These mutually negotiated terms have served
all parties well, including the Participating States, which is a testament to the robust and comprehensive
nature of the existing agreement. As such, we recommend that certain sections that we utilize the terms
of our existing WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract. This approach will also serve to expedite
reaching final agreement on terms and conditions.
7.2.2 The Lead State will entertain exceptions to contract terms and conditions in this RFP,
including the WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement Terms and Conditions. Offerors are strongly
encouraged to be judicious in identifying exceptions.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood. Cisco and WSCA have operated successfully with the current Cisco WSCA Data
Communications AR-233 contract for over the last 5 years. These mutually negotiated terms have served
all parties well, including the Participating States, which is a testament to the robust and comprehensive
nature of the existing agreement. As such, we recommend that certain sections that we utilize the terms
of our existing WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract. This approach will also serve to expedite
reaching final agreement on terms and conditions.
7.2.3 Based on the market research conducted by the Lead State, the following provisions are
intended to frame the contours of exceptions that may be acceptable, additional risk so long as the
Offeror’s exceptions are specified with sufficient particularity.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
7.2.4 The Lead State will consider Offeror standard terms for inspection and acceptance, so long
as a reasonable time for acceptance is stated. However, the Participating Entities right to exercise
revocation of acceptance under its Uniform Commercial Code must be preserved. Submit the
standard terms with the offer and describe generally how commerciality in their use is established,
e.g., identify publicly-available catalogs where the warranty terms are used and how long they have
been in use.
Cisco Response:
As noted in the response to 7.2.1, Cisco and WSCA have operated successfully with the current Cisco
WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract for over the last 5 years. As such, we recommended that
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certain sections of the proposed agreement, including acceptance, be continued in any new agreement
with Cisco. Cisco’s standard terms of Warranty may be found at the following publically available catalog
of warranty terms for our products:
7.2.5 The Lead State will consider standard warranty and/or maintenance terms, but the alternative
warranty and/or maintenance will be evaluated to determine whether they provide comparable
protection to the warranty specified in section 30 of the WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement Terms and
Conditions. Provide the terms of the warranty and maintenance in the offer. Also describe generally
how commerciality is established for those terms, e.g., publicly-available catalogs the warranty terms
are used and how long they have been in use. Provide one reference from a customer having
comparable sales volume who is using the warranty and maintenance provisions, where the warranty
term has expired, and who has exercised rights under the warranty.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood. As noted in the response to 7.2.1, Cisco and WSCA have operated successfully
under the warranty terms in the current Cisco WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract for over the
last 5 years. To the best of our knowledge, we are not aware of any customer with comparable sales
volume who had exercised rights under the warranty provisions post expiration of the warranty term. As
such, we recommend that certain sections of the proposed agreement be continued in any new
agreement with Cisco. Cisco’s standard terms of Warranty may be found at the following publically
available catalog of warranty terms for our products:
7.2.6 Intellectual property. The Lead State will consider license terms and conditions that as a
minimum convey to Participating Entities a nonexclusive, irrevocable, perpetual, paid-up, royalty free
license to use software or other intellectual property delivered with or inherent in the commodity or
service, and to transfer the license rights to third parties for government purposes. Provide the terms
of the license, including any terms that cover third party intellectual property used in the Offeror’s
solution. Offerors should be aware that Participating Entities using federal funds may be required to
negotiate additional or different terms to satisfy minimum rights requirements of their federal grants.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood. As noted in the response to 7.2.1, Cisco and WSCA have operated successfully
with the current Cisco WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract for over the last 5 years. As such,
we recommend that in intellectual property provisions of the existing WSCA Data Communications AR-
233 contract be continued in any new agreement with Cisco.
7.2.7 Any limitation of liability provision including any exclusion of damages clause proposed by
an Offeror to be the default limitation of liability provision under the Master Agreement must preserve
a reasonable amount of direct damages for breach of contract, additionally permit the Participating
Entity to recoup amounts paid for supplies or services not finally accepted (as in the case of advance
or progress payments, if used), and preserve the right of the Participating Entity to be held harmless
from costs of litigation as well as ultimate liability within limits agreed by the parties.
Moreover, any limitation of liability clause proposed by an Offeror should be reciprocal, cover lost
profits, and exclude claims or liability arising out of intellectual property infringement, bodily injury
(including death), damage to tangible property, and data breach. Include the text of any such
language if proposed. Further, provide contact information for a public entity, or private entity if no
public entity exists, where the limitation of liability clause (or another clause substantially similar)
operated to limit liability. If no such example exists, provide contact information for a state, or if no
state exists, a higher education institution, or if none exists, a city or county represented by counsel in
the negotiations who has agreed to the proposed terms and conditions.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood. As noted in the response to 7.2.1, Cisco and WSCA have operated successfully
with the current WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract for over the last 5 years. As such, we
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recommend that limitation of liability in the existing agreement be continued in any new agreement with
Cisco. The State of Utah agreed to these terms in the existing WSCA Data Communications AR-233
7.2.8 The enumerated examples in subsection 7.2 are not intended to limit the ability of Offerors to
propose additional, reasonable exceptions. For any other exception, where the exception is based on
claims of standard or normal commercial practice, provide contact information for a state, or if no
state exists, a higher education institution, or if none exists, a city or county represented by counsel in
the negotiations who has agreed to the proposed terms and conditions.
Cisco Response:
Cisco and WSCA have operated successfully with the current Cisco WSCA Data Communications AR-
233 contract for over the last 5 years. The State of Utah agreed to these terms in the existing WSCA Data
Communications AR-233 contract, as did the Participating States (except where State Statute required
modification). These would serve as references to our exceptions.
7.3 WSCA-NASPO eMarket Center
7.3.1 In July 2011, WSCA-NASPO entered into a multi-year agreement with SciQuest, Inc.
whereby SciQuest will provide certain electronic catalog hosting and management services to enable
eligible WSCA-NASPO entity’s customers to access a central online website to view and/or shop the
goods and services available from existing WSCA-NASPO Cooperative Contracts. The central online
website is referred to as the WSCA-NASPO eMarket Center Contractor shall either upload a hosted
catalog into the eMarket Center or integrate a punchout site with the eMarket Center.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
Supplier’s Interface with the eMarket Center
There is no cost charged by SciQuest to the Contractor for loading a hosted catalog or integrating a
punchout site.
At a minimum, the Contractor agrees to the following:
1. Implementation Timeline: WSCA-NASPO eMarket Center Site Admin shall provide a written
request to the Contractor to begin enablement process. The Contractor shall have fifteen (15)
days from receipt of written request to work with WSCA-NASPO and SciQuest to set up an
enablement schedule, at which time SciQuest’s technical documentation shall be provided to the
Contractor. The schedule will include future calls and milestone dates related to test and go live
dates. The contractor shall have a total of Ninety (90) days to deliver either a (1) hosted catalog
or (2) punch-out catalog, from date of receipt of written request.
Cisco Response:
Cisco will work with SciQuest to enable the pricelist implementation. However, because Cisco’s entire
U.S. Global Price Lists will be very large with respect to the products and services categories listed in this
RFP (i.e., 700,000+ SKUs), we anticipate that there may be some implementation challenges given the
size of Cisco’s offerings. Therefore, we are respectfully requesting that WSCA-NASPO allows Cisco to
work with Sci-Quest first in determining a reasonable implementation schedule based on our situation and
potential issues, which may exceed ninety (90) days to test and go live. Since we are not familiar with the
SciQuest tool, we are uncertain if there will any limitations or issues with their tool in handling the
potential size of Cisco’s U.S. Global Price Lists.
2. Definition of Hosted and Punchout: WSCA-NASPO and SciQuest will work with the Contractor, to
decide which of the catalog structures (either hosted or punch-out as further described below)
shall be provided by the Contractor. Whether hosted or punch-out, the catalog must be
strictly limited to the Contractor’s awarded contract offering (e.g. products and/or services
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not authorized through the resulting cooperative contract should not be viewable by
WSCA-NASPO Participating Entity users).
a. Hosted Catalog. By providing a hosted catalog, the Contractor is providing a list of its
awarded products/services and pricing in an electronic data file in a format acceptable to
SciQuest, such as Tab Delimited Text files. In this scenario, the Contractor must submit
updated electronic data annually to the the eMarket Center for WSCA-NASPO Contract
Administrator’s approval to maintain the most up-to-date version of its product/service
offering under the cooperative contract in the eMarket Center.
b. Punch-Out Catalog. By providing a punch-out catalog, the Contractor is providing its own
online catalog, which must be capable of being integrated with the eMarket Center as a.
Standard punch-in via Commerce eXtensible Markup Language (cXML). In this scenario, the
Contractor shall validate that its online catalog is up-to-date by providing a written update
quarterly to the Contract Administrator stating they have audited the offered
products/services and pricing listed on its online catalog. The site must also return detailed
UNSPSC codes (as outlined in line 3) for each line item. Contractor also agrees to provide e-
Quote functionality to facilitate volume discounts.
Cisco Response:
Because Cisco’s technologies are not off-the-shelf purchasable items, they have to be individually
configured. Consequently, we will be pursuing the Hosted Catalog structure with SciQuest since the
Punch-Out catalog model is not a viable option for us. However, we would still need to understand the
exact format to execute the Hosted catalog structure for Cisco’s U.S. Global Price Lists. In addition, as
discussed in our response to Section 1.13, Cisco is respectfully requesting the ability to update/refresh
our pricebooks on a monthly basis for the awarded items to ensure that our customers have access to the
latest options and pricing available for the awarded categories. Cisco is very responsive to the rapid
market changes in the Data Communications space. Therefore, it is our practice to update our U.S.
Global Price Lists on a monthly basis to include ongoing enhancements, improvements, service coverage
options, special pricing bundles, new spare parts, and new technological advances. In a world that is
changing rapidly, Cisco strongly believes in enabling governments to have timely access and options to
new technologies and business practices so that smart investments are made to improve and enrich the
lives of their citizens.
3. Revising Pricing and Product Offerings: Any revisions (whether an increase or decrease) to
pricing or product/service offerings (new products, altered SKUs, etc.) must be pre-approved by
the WSCA-NASPO Contract Administrator and shall be subject to any other applicable
restrictions with respect to the frequency or amount of such revisions. However, no cooperative
contract enabled in the eMarket Center may include price changes on a more frequent basis than
once per quarter. The following conditions apply with respect to hosted catalogs:
Cisco Response:
Cisco is agreeable that any revisions to pricing (increase or decrease) or product/service offerings (new
and removed products, altered SKUs, etc.) will need to be pre-approved by the WSCA-NASPO Contract
Administrator. However, Cisco respectfully requests to take an exception to the price changes not being
allowed on a more frequent basis than once per quarter. As stated earlier in Section 1.13 and Section
1.14, since Cisco’s entire U.S. Global Price Lists are refreshed on a monthly basis that includes price
changes, addition of new SKUs and removal of SKUs, Cisco wishes to provide updates on a monthly
basis under the resulting WSCA-NASPO contract.
a. Updated pricing files are required by the 1
of the month and shall go into effect in the
eMarket Center on the 1
day of the following month (i.e. file received on 1/01/14 would be
effective in the eMarket Center on 2/01/14). Files received after the 1
of the month may be
delayed up to a month (i.e. file received on 11/06/14 would be effect in the eMarket Center on
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Cisco Response:
Read and understood. Cisco is agreeable to submitting the updated files by the 1st of each month, but
would hope that SciQuest can process the updates in the eMarket Center as soon as possible. As
discussed earlier, delays in posting updated pricelists could materially affect the Purchasing Entity’s
ability to procure up-to-date Cisco products and services that would best suit their short-term and long-
term needs.
b. Contract Administrator-approved price changes are not effective until implemented within the
eMarket Center. Errors in the Contractor’s submitted pricing files will delay the
implementation of the price changes in eMarket Center.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
4. Supplier Network Requirements: Contractor shall join the SciQuest Supplier Network (SQSN) and
shall use the SciQuest’s Supplier Portal to import the Contractor’s catalog and pricing, into the
SciQuest system, and view reports on catalog spend and product/pricing freshness. The
Contractor can receive orders through electronic delivery (cXML) or through low-tech options
such as fax. More information about the SQSN can be found at:
or call the
SciQuest Supplier Network Services team at 800-233-1121.
Cisco Response:
Cisco is respectfully taking exception to this requirement. Cisco products must be configured in and
ordered through Cisco’s tools by our Authorized Resellers. We are requesting that the ordering process
under the current WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract remain in effect. That is, Purchasing
Entities under each Participating Addendum would place orders directly with Cisco’s Authorized
Resellers. Upon acceptance, the Authorized Resellers would process the orders from end-to-end,
including ensuring delivery of the orders, invoicing and receiving payments from the Purchasing Entities
under the terms and conditions of the resulting WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement and the applicable
Participating Addendum.
5. Minimum Requirements: Whether the Contractor is providing a hosted catalog or a punch-out
catalog, the Contractor agrees to meet the following requirements:
a. Catalog must contain the most current pricing, including all applicable administrative fees
and/or discounts, as well as the most up-to-date product/service offering the Contractor is
authorized to provide in accordance with the cooperative contract; and
b. The accuracy of the catalog must be maintained by Contractor throughout the duration of the
cooperative contract between the Contractor and the Contract Administrator; and
c. The Catalog must include a Lead State contract identification number; and
d. The Catalog must include detailed product line item descriptions; and
e. The Catalog must include pictures when possible; and
f. The Catalog must include any additional WSCA-NASPO and Participating Addendum
Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
6. Order Acceptance Requirements: Contractor must be able to accept Purchase Orders via fax or
a. The Contractor shall provide positive confirmation via phone or email within 24 hours of the
Contractor’s receipt of the Purchase Order. If the Purchasing Order is received after 3pm
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EST on the day before a weekend or holiday, the Contractor must provide positive
confirmation via phone or email on the next business day.
Cisco Response:
Cisco is respectfully taking exception to this section. As discussed earlier, our Authorized Resellers vary
in size and resources. Although many are small to medium size businesses, they are strategically
selected to be Cisco’s subcontractors because of the great value add they bring in supporting our WSCA-
NASPO customers with their Cisco expertise and economic development in each Participating
State/Entity. Because we anticipate that the qualification profile and make-up of the Authorized Resellers
to be similar with the set of partners we have today under the current WSCA Data Communications AR-
233 contract, we are requesting that the confirmation requirement for purchase orders be forty-eight (48)
hours via phone or email instead to give some consideration to these small and medium size Cisco
7. UNSPSC Requirements: Contractor shall support use of the United Nations Standard Product
and Services Code (UNSPSC). UNSPSC versions that must be adhered to are driven by
SciQuest for the suppliers and are upgraded every year. WSCA-NASPO reserves the right to
migrate to future versions of the UNSPSC and the Contractor shall be required to support the
migration effort. All line items, goods or services provided under the resulting statewide contract
must be associated to a UNSPSC code. All line items must be identified at the most detailed
UNSPSC level indicated by segment, family, class and commodity. More information about the
UNSPSC is available at:
Cisco Response:
Cisco would like to take exception to this requirement due to the size and frequency of Cisco’s U.S.
Global Price Lists updates, including for the U.S. market. It would be extremely arduous for us to assign
these UNSPSC codes to each specific part or SKU#. As stated previously in 7.3.1, there are over
700,000 lines (SKUs) in the original price lists that are being submitted with this RFP, and then going
forward, we anticipate 10,000 to 20,000 new product and service items being added monthly in order to
keep abreast of the market for Data Communications technologies and services as set forth in this RFP.
8. Applicability: Contractor agrees that WSCA-NASPO controls which contracts appear in the
eMarket Center and that WSCA-NASPO may elect at any time to remove any supplier’s offering
from the eMarket Center.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood. However, Cisco is requesting that it be provided ten (10) business days advance
written notice of any removal and the reason(s) for such. We would also appreciate the opportunity to
appeal any removal decision and have the offering re-instated if both parties are in agreement.
9. The WSCA-NASPO Contract Administrator reserves the right to approve the pricing on the
eMarket Center. This catalog review right is solely for the benefit of the WSCA-NASPO Contract
Administrator and Participating Entities, and the review and approval shall not waive the
requirement that products and services be offered at prices (and approved fees) required by the
Master Agreement.
*Although suppliers in the SQSN normally submit one (1) catalog, it is possible to have
multiple contracts applicable to different WSCA-NASPO Participating Entities. For
example, a supplier may have different pricing for state government agencies and Board of
Regents institutions. Suppliers have the ability and responsibility to submit separate
contract pricing for the same catalog if applicable. The system will deliver the appropriate
contract pricing to the user viewing the catalog.
Several WSCA-NASPO Participating Entities currently maintain separate SciQuest
eMarketplaces, these Participating Entities do enable certain WSCA-NASPO Cooperative
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Contracts. In the event one of these entities elects to use this WSCA-NASPO Cooperative
Contract (available through the eMarket Center) but publish to their own eMarketplace, the
Contractor agrees to work in good faith with the entity and WSCA-NASPO to implement the
catalog. WSCA-NASPO does not anticipate that this will require substantial additional
efforts by the Contractor; however, the supplier agrees to take commercially reasonable
efforts to enable such separate SciQuest catalogs.
Cisco Response:
Read and understood.
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Appendix A — WSCA-NASPO Terms and Conditions with Noted Exceptions
Cisco Comment: Cisco and WSCA have operated successfully with the current terms and conditions for
over the last 5 years. As such, we recommend in certain sections that we utilize the terms of our existing
agreement. These terms have served all parties well, including the Participating States, which serves as a
testament to the robust and comprehensive nature of the existing agreement. This approach will also
serve to expedite reaching final agreement on terms and conditions.
WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement Terms and Conditions
The Master Agreement shall consist of the following documents:
1. A Participating Entity’s Participating Addendum (“PA”);
2. WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement Terms and Conditions (the “Agreement” or “Master Agreement”);
3. The Statement of Work;
4. The Solicitation; and
5. Contractor's response to the Solicitation.
These documents shall be read to be consistent and complementary. Any conflict among these
documents shall be resolved by giving priority to these documents in the order listed above. Contractor
terms and conditions that apply to this Master Agreement are only those that are expressly accepted by
the Lead State and must be in writing and attached to this Master Agreement as an Exhibit or
Attachment. No other terms and conditions shall apply, including terms and conditions listed in the
Contractor’s response to the Solicitation, or terms listed or referenced on the Contractor's website, in the
Contractor quotation/sales order or in similar documents subsequently provided by the Contractor.
Cisco Response: Agreed. Cisco requests that language regarding the term of the Master Agreement
and Effective Date (date of last signature) be added to this Section.
2. AMENDMENTS The terms of this Master Agreement shall not be waived, altered, modified,
supplemented or amended in any manner whatsoever without prior written approval of the WSCA-
NASPO Contract Administrator.
Cisco Response: Agreed, with the provision that there will be mutual written approval before any terms
are changed.
3. ASSIGNMENT/SUBCONTRACT Contractor shall not assign, sell, transfer, subcontract or sublet rights,
or delegate responsibilities under this contract, in whole or in part, without the prior written approval of the
WSCA-NASPO Contract Administrator.
Cisco Response: Cisco respectfully requests that this section be replaced with the terms in the current
Cisco WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract as copied below.
Neither party shall assign, sell, or transfer its rights and responsibilities under this Master Agreement
(other than the right to receive any amount due, which shall be freely assignable upon written notice to
customer), in whole or in part, without the prior written approval of the other party, which approval will not
be unreasonably withheld. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Contractor shall have the right to assign all or
part of this Master Agreement as part of a merger, corporate reorganization, or sale of assets or to a
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majority-owned or majority-controlled subsidiary or affiliate and to subcontract services to third parties
provided that Contractor remains responsible for the performance of such services by subcontractors
done in the normal course of their business obligations and duties to Contractor. However, in all cases
notwithstanding subcontracting, the customer shall deal only with invoices and payment through either
Contractor or the Fulfillment Partners listed on the individual Participating Addendum. Any allowed
assignee or merged entity shall be subject to all the terms of this Master Agreement.
Contractor may, with prior written consent from Participating States, which consent shall not be
unreasonably withheld, enter into subcontracts with third parties as “Fulfillment Partners.” Fulfillment
Partners are Subcontractors who may provide p and services under this Master Agreement at the price
discounts established in this Master Agreement and bill purchasers directly for such products and
Fulfillment Partners, where directed by Contractor, are required to report to the WSCA Contract Manager,
account for and submit the WSCA Contract Administration Fee, along with Contract Activity Reports.
Contractor, as well as Fulfillment Partners, participate in the Federal Communication Commission’s E-rate
discount program established under the authority of the Federal Telecommunications Commission Act of
1996 and may accept and process E-Rate transactions under their own E-rate registration numbers.
4. CANCELLATION Unless otherwise stated in the special terms and conditions, any Master Agreement
may be canceled by either party upon 60 days notice, in writing, prior to the effective date of the
cancellation. Further, any Participating State may cancel its participation upon 30 days written notice,
unless otherwise limited or stated in the special terms and conditions of this solicitation. Cancellation
may be in whole or in part. Any cancellation under this provision shall not effect the rights and obligations
attending orders outstanding at the time of cancellation, including any right of and Purchasing Entity to
indemnification by the Contractor, rights of payment for goods/services delivered and accepted, and
rights attending any warranty or default in performance in association with any order. Cancellation of the
Master Agreement due to Contractor default may be immediate.
Cisco Response: Per our understanding of the Q&A prior to contract submission, it appears that the
“Special Terms and Conditions” are this document. If this understanding is correct, please delete “Unless
otherwise stated in the Special Terms and Conditions.”
Please change the last sentence to the following: Cancellation of the Master Agreement due to either
partys default may be immediate.
In addition, Cisco respectfully requests the following addition from the current Cisco WSCA Data
Communications AR-233 contract.
On termination, all accounts and payments will be processed according to the financial arrangements set
forth herein for products delivered and/or approved services rendered to date of termination.
Rights upon Termination or Expiration
1. Upon termination or expiration of this contract or a Participating Addendum, (a) Contractor
reserves the right to cease all further delivery of product or services, (b) all outstanding invoices
become due and payable within thirty (30) days of termination, and (c) all rights and licenses of
customer under this contract shall terminate. If Contractor agrees to complete delivery of any
further products or services due against any existing accepted Purchase Orders, then customer
shall pay for such products or services in advance within thirty (30) days.
2. Except for a termination of this contract resulting from customer's breach of Contractor’s
proprietary rights and software licensing, Confidential Information, or Export, Re-Export, Transfer
and Use Controls, upon termination or expiration of this contract, customer may continue to use,
in accordance with the terms and conditions of this contract and/or the Participating Addendum,
products provided to it by Contractor prior to the date of termination or expiration provided
payment has been made in full for such products.
3. Upon termination or expiration of this contract, customer shall immediately return to Contractor all
Confidential Information (including all copies thereof) then in State's possession, custody, or
control (except that State may retain one archival copy for records retention purposes only as
required by law); provided that, except for a termination resulting from customer's breach of
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proprietary rights and software licensing, Confidential Information, or Export Restrictions,
customer may retain a sufficient amount of such Confidential Information and material to operate
its installed base of products.
4. In the event of any termination pursuant to this section, and unless otherwise required by law or
court of competent jurisdiction, customer shall remain obligated to comply in perpetuity with the
provisions of Contractors Software License terms, Export Restrictions, and Confidential
Information for purchased product.
5.1 Confidentiality. Contractor acknowledges that it and its employees or agents may, in the course of
providing the Product under this Master Agreement, be exposed to or acquire information that is
confidential to Participating Entity or Participating Entity’s clients. Any and all information of any form that
is marked as confidential or would by its nature be deemed confidential obtained by Contractor or its
employees or agents in the performance of this Master Agreement, including, but not necessarily limited
to (a) any Participating Entity records, (b) personnel records, and (c) information concerning individuals, is
confidential information of Participating Entity (“Confidential Information”). Any reports or other
documents or items (including software) that result from the use of the Confidential Information by
Contractor shall be treated in the same manner as the Confidential Information. Confidential Information
does not include information that (a) is or becomes (other than by disclosure by Contractor) publicly
known; (b) is furnished by Participating Entity to others without restrictions similar to those imposed by
this Master Agreement; (c) is rightfully in Contractor’s possession without the obligation of nondisclosure
prior to the time of its disclosure under this Master Agreement; (d) is obtained from a source other than
Participating Entity without the obligation of confidentiality, (e) is disclosed with the written consent of
Participating Entity or; (f) is independently developed by employees, agents or subcontractors of
Contractor who can be shown to have had no access to the Confidential Information.
Cisco Response: Cisco respectfully requests that this Section be replaced with the following from the
Cisco WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract, which is a mutual provision.
Notwithstanding anything contained in the Master Agreement to the contrary, the following shall govern
the obligations with respect to Confidential Information under this Master Agreement.
5.1. Definitions.
5.1.1. Customer "Confidential Information” includes information regarding Customer's network
operations, technical architecture, operations, and plans and security data.
5.1.2. Contractor “Confidential Information” includes information regarding Contractor's
hardware, software and service products, technical, financial and marketing data, and
information posted on password protected areas on
5.1.3. Information (other than that on disclosed by the disclosing party in
written or other tangible form will be considered Confidential Information only if it is
clearly marked “Confidential,” “Proprietary,or with a similar legend, which wording the
parties hereby agree constitutes acceptable and equivalent marking and protective
notice to satisfy and invoke initial protection of the local Freedom of Information Laws
applicable to a Purchaser under a Participating Addendum.
5.1.4. Information disclosed orally shall only be considered Confidential Information if: (i)
identified as confidential, proprietary or the like at the time of disclosure, and (ii)
confirmed in writing within thirty (30) days of disclosure.
5.1.5. Confidential Information disclosed to the receiving party by any Affiliate or agent of the
disclosing party is subject to this Master Agreement.
5.2. The receiving party may use the Confidential Information solely in furtherance of the objectives
of this Master Agreement.
5.3. Except as set forth in subsection 4 below, neither party shall disclose the Confidential
Information to any third party.
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5.4. The receiving party may disclose Confidential Information to its employees, subcontractors, or
Affiliates' employees and subcontractors only: (a) on a "need to know" basis, (b) consistent with
the objectives of this Master Agreement, and (c) pursuant to separate written non-disclosure
terms that contractually obligate such employees and subcontractors to maintain the
confidentiality of the Confidential Information.
5.5. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Master Agreement, the receiving party shall have no
obligation with respect to information which:
5.5.1. was rightfully in possession of or known to the receiving party without any obligation of
confidentiality prior to receiving it from the disclosing party;
5.5.2. is, or subsequently becomes, legally and publicly available without breach of this
Master Agreement;
5.5.3. is rightfully obtained by the receiving party from a source other than the Disclosing
Party without any obligation of confidentiality;
5.5.4. is developed by or for the receiving party without use of the Confidential Information
and such independent development can be shown by documentary evidence;
5.5.5. is disclosed by the receiving party pursuant to a valid order issued by a court or
government agency, provided that the receiving party provides (1) prior written notice to
the disclosing party of such obligation and (2) the opportunity to oppose such
5.6. Upon written notification by the disclosing party, the receiving party shall (i) cease using the
Confidential Information and (ii) if requested to do so, and to the extent permitted by
Customer’s applicable records laws, either return it to the disclosing party or destroy it, along
with all copies, notes, or extracts thereof and certify to its destruction within fifteen (15) days of
receipt of such notice.
5.7. Each party shall retain all right, title, and interest to its own Confidential Information. By
conveying Confidential Information, the disclosing party does not grant any license under any
trademark, patent, or copyright, or application for same, which is now or thereafter may be
obtained by such party.
5.8. The receiving party shall not reverse-engineer, decompile, or disassemble any software or
remove, overprint, or deface any notice of copyright, trademark, logo, legend, or other notices
of ownership from any originals or copies of Confidential Information disclosed to it.
5.10. Notwithstanding termination of this Master Agreement as described herein, the obligations of
the receiving party with respect to Confidential Information received prior to termination shall
continue for three (3) years from the date the Confidential Information was received.
5.11. In the event of any threatened or actual breach of any of the obligations hereunder, a disclosing
party may seek injunctive relief, in addition to any other available legal or equitable remedies.
5.12. Customer agrees that aspects of the Software and associated documentation, including the
specific design and structure of individual programs, constitute trade secrets and/or copyrighted
material of Contractor. Customer shall not: disclose, provide, or otherwise make available, such
trade secrets or copyrighted material, in any form to any third party, without the prior written
consent of Contractor. Customer shall implement reasonable security measures to protect such
trade secrets and copyrighted material. Title to Software and documentation shall remain solely
with Contractor.
5.13. Accordingly, the Software and associated documentation shall not be disclosed to any third
party without first notifying Contractor and affording Contractor the opportunity, as allowed by
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law, to seek judicial protection from disclosure of such confidential, trade secret, and proprietary
information to a third party.
5.2 Non-Disclosure. Contractor shall hold Confidential Information in confidence, using at least the
industry standard of confidentiality, and not to copy, reproduce, sell, assign, license, market, transfer or
otherwise dispose of, give, or disclose Confidential Information to third parties or use Confidential
Information for any purposes whatsoever other than the performance of this Master Agreement to
Participating Entity hereunder, and to advise each of its employees and agents of their obligations to keep
Confidential Information confidential. Contractor shall use commercially reasonable efforts to assist
Participating Entity in identifying and preventing any unauthorized use or disclosure of any Confidential
Information. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Contractor shall advise Participating Entity
immediately if Contractor learns or has reason to believe that any person who has had access to
Confidential Information has violated or intends to violate the terms of this Master Agreement and
Contractor shall at its expense cooperate with Participating Entity in seeking injunctive or other equitable
relief in the name of Participating Entity or Contractor against any such person. Except as directed by
Participating Entity, Contractor will not at any time during or after the term of this Master Agreement
disclose, directly or indirectly, any Confidential Information to any person, except in accordance with this
Master Agreement, and that upon termination of this Master Agreement or at Participating Entity’s
request, Contractor shall turn over to Participating Entity all documents, papers, and other matter in
Contractor's possession that embody Confidential Information. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Contractor
may keep one copy of such Confidential Information necessary for quality assurance, audits and
evidence of the performance of this Master Agreement.
Cisco Response: With the suggestion of adding the language from the current Cisco WSCA Data
Communications AR-233 contract which covers the topics of this Section, this Section may be deleted.
5.3 Injunctive Relief. Contractor acknowledges that breach of this Section, including disclosure of any
Confidential Information, will cause irreparable injury to Participating Entity that is inadequately
compensable in damages. Accordingly, Participating Entity may seek and obtain injunctive relief against
the breach or threatened breach of the foregoing undertakings, in addition to any other legal remedies
that may be available. Contractor acknowledges and agrees that the covenants contained herein are
necessary for the protection of the legitimate business interests of Participating Entity and are reasonable
in scope and content.
Cisco Response: With the suggestion of adding the language from the current Cisco WSCA Data
Communications AR-233 contract which covers the topics of this Section, this Section may be deleted.
6. DEBARMENT The contractor certifies that neither it nor its principals are presently debarred,
suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this
transaction (contract) by any governmental department or agency. If the contractor cannot certify this
statement, attach a written explanation for review by WSCA-NASPO.
Cisco Response: Agreed.
a. The occurrence of any of the following events shall be an event of default under this Master
i. Nonperformance of contractual requirements; or
ii. A material breach of any term or condition of this Master Agreement; or
iii. Any representation or warranty by Contractor in response to the solicitation or in this Master
Agreement proves to be untrue or materially misleading; or
iv. Institution of proceedings under any bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization or similar law, by
or against Contractor, or the appointment of a receiver or similar officer for Contractor or any of its
property, which is not vacated or fully stayed within thirty (30) calendar days after the institution or
occurrence thereof; or
v. Any default specified in another section of this Master Agreement.
Cisco Response: Agreed, with a modification of Section ii to “A material breach of a material term or
condition of this Master Agreement.”
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b. Upon the occurrence of an event of default, Lead State shall issue a written notice of default,
identifying the nature of the default, and providing a period of 15 calendar days in which Contractor shall
have an opportunity to cure the default. The Lead State shall not be required to provide advance written
notice or a cure period and may immediately terminate this Master Agreement in whole or in part if the
Lead State, in its sole discretion, determines that it is reasonably necessary to preserve public safety or
prevent immediate public crisis. Time allowed for cure shall not diminish or eliminate Contractor’s liability
for damages, including liquidated damages to the extent provided for under this Master Agreement.
Cisco Response: Cisco respectfully requests that this Section be replaced with the following from the
current Cisco WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract.
7.1 Master Agreement: The Lead State or Contractor may terminate this Master Agreement if either
party breaches the terms of the Master Agreement as follows: (a) immediately upon providing
written notice to the breaching party if the breach is not capable of being cured, and (b) sixty
(60) calendar days after providing written notice to the breaching party if the breaching party
otherwise fails to cure a material breach within such sixty (60) calendar day period or
commence cure within such sixty (60) calendar day period or diligently pursue completion of
such cure.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Master Agreement may be terminated immediately by
Contractor for cause in the event of Purchaser’s breach of the provisions relating to Software
License, Export Restrictions, or Confidential Information.
7.2 Participating Addendum: If either party to a Participating Addendum (including the Lead State
when acting in its sovereign capacity under this Master Agreement) materially breaches any of
the provisions of a Participating Addendum, the non-breaching party may terminate the
Participating Addendum as follows: (a) immediately upon providing written notice to the
breaching party if the breach is not capable of being cured, and (b) thirty (30) calendar days
after providing written notice to the breaching party if the breaching party fails to cure such
breach within such thirty (30) calendar day period. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a
Participating Addendum may be terminated immediately by Contractor for cause in the event of
Purchaser’s breach of the provisions relating to Software License, Export Restrictions, or
Confidential Information.
The cure periods stated in the above paragraph shall not apply to any failure(s) to perform that result from
the willful or negligent acts or omissions of the aggrieved party.
c. If Contractor is afforded an opportunity to cure and fails to cure the default within the period specified in
the written notice of default, Contractor shall be in breach of its obligations under this Master Agreement
and Lead State shall have the right to exercise any or all of the following remedies:
i. Exercise any remedy provided by law; and
ii. Terminate this Master Agreement and any related Contracts or portions thereof; and
iii. Impose liquidated damages as provided in this Master Agreement; and
iv. Suspend Contractor from receiving future bid solicitations; and
v. Suspend Contractor’s performance; and
vi. Withhold payment until the default is remedied.
Cisco Response: Agreed with the following modifications:
If Contractor is afforded an opportunity to cure and fails to cure a material default within the period
specified in this Master Agreement, Contractor shall be in breach of its obligations under this Master
Agreement and Lead State shall have the right to exercise any or all of the following remedies:
i. Exercise any remedy provided by law; and
ii. Terminate this Master Agreement and any related Contracts or portions thereof; and
iii. Suspend Contractor from receiving future bid solicitations; and
iv. Suspend Contractors performance.
d. In the event of a default under a Participating Addendum, a Participating Entity shall provide a written
notice of default as described in this section and have all of the rights and remedies under this paragraph
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regarding its participation in the Master Agreement, in addition to those set forth in its Participating
Cisco Response: With the suggested addition from the current Cisco WSCA Data Communications AR-
233 contract that covers the Participating Addendum, Cisco suggests deletion of this Section.
Please add the following as a replacement to this Section:
Limitation of Liability. Except for those obligations under Intellectual Property Infringement General
Indemnity, notwithstanding anything else herein, all liability of Contractor and its suppliers to any
Purchaser for claims arising under this Agreement, the applicable Participating Addendum, or otherwise
shall be limited to the money paid to Contractor for Products or for Services with respect to such
Purchaser during the twelve (12) month period preceding the event or circumstances giving rise to such
liability. This limitation of liability is cumulative and not per incident.
Waiver of Consequential and Other Damages. In no event shall Contractor or its suppliers be liable for
any incidental, special, indirect, or consequential damages, lost revenue, lost profits, or lost or damaged
data, whether arising in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, even if Contractor or its
suppliers have been informed of the possibility thereof.
8. DELIVERY Unless otherwise indicated in the Master Agreement, the prices are the delivered price to
any Participating State agency or political subdivision. All deliveries shall be F.O.B. destination with all
transportation and handling charges paid by the contractor. Responsibility and liability for loss or damage
shall remain the Contractor until final inspection and acceptance when responsibility shall pass to the
Buyer except as to latent defects, fraud and Contractor’s warranty obligations. The minimum shipment
amount will be found in the special terms and conditions. Any order for less than the specified amount is
to be shipped with the freight prepaid and added as a separate item on the invoice. Any portion of an
order to be shipped without transportation charges that is back ordered shall be shipped without charge.
Cisco Response: Cisco respectfully requests that this Section be replaced with the following from the
current Cisco WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract and that this Section be retitled “Shipping
and Delivery.”
8.1 After receipt and acceptance by Contractor of Customer’s Order(s), Contractor will use
commercially reasonable efforts to ship all direct orders designated for shipment to U.S. locations
within thirty (30) days for all products. Please note that the following circumstances may affect
lead times: (i) new products purchased within the first three (3) months of release of the product
which are subject to Contractors then current published lead-times, (ii) third-party stand-alone
products which are not a component of equipment resold by Contractor, (iii) end-of-life products
where the termination of the product has been announced by Contractor, (iv) products which
have been line-stopped due to software discrepancies, reconfiguration, industry-wide product
shortages, or alleged infringement claims, or (vi) situations where government rated orders create
delays in lead-times.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, at any time when Customer states “expedite” on an order or
otherwise communicates to Contractor that an order is to be expedited, Contractor shall use all
commercially reasonable efforts to ensure the earliest possible delivery of such products.
8.2 Contractor will communicate scheduled shipping dates in the order acknowledgement and/or on within three (3) business days after receipt of an electronic order on, provided, however, that in the event such notification is not received in this time
period, Customer shall notify Contractor of the non-receipt, and Contractor's sole obligation with
respect to such non-receipt shall be to promptly provide the information to the Customer after
such notification.
8.3 If Contractor has reason to believe that the actual shipment date will occur later than the original
shipment date acknowledged by Contractor for reasons caused by Contractor, Contractor shall
use commercially reasonable efforts to promptly provide additional information to Customer
including by electronic posting of the expected period of delay and, upon request, of the steps
available, if any, to minimize the delay. If the extended delivery date is anticipated to be more
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than thirty (30) calendar days beyond the originally scheduled delivery date, the parties will work
in good faith to resolve any ordering issues pursuant to the order escalation process.
8.4 Shipping terms are FOB destination, shipping and handling prepaid by Contractor. The method of
shipment shall be consistent with the nature of the products and hazards of transportation.
Acceptance by Customer shall be deemed to have occurred upon delivery of the applicable
products to the applicable Customer. Title and risk of loss shall pass to Customer upon delivery.
8.5 If Customer requests delivery of products to Customer's forwarding agent or other representative,
Customer assumes responsibility for compliance with applicable export laws and regulations.
8.6 Contractor is not liable for damage or penalty for delay in delivery or for failure to give notice of
delay. Contractor shall not have any liability in connection with product shipment other than as set
forth in this Section.
All sales are final. Except as provided in Contractor’s Limited Warranty, Contractor only permits the return
of un-opened products due to Contractor’s shipping or order processing error, or damage in transit. No
other returns are authorized under this Master Agreement. Warranty returns will not be subject to any
restocking charges.
9. FORCE MAJEURE Neither party to this Master Agreement shall be held responsible for delay or
default caused by fire, riot, acts of God and/or war which is beyond that party’s reasonable control.
WSCA-NASPO may terminate this Master Agreement after determining such delay or default will
reasonably prevent successful performance of the Master Agreement.
Cisco Response: Cisco respectfully requests replacing this Section with the language from the current
Cisco WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract:
Except for the obligation to pay monies due and owing, neither party shall be liable for any delay or failure
in performance due to events outside the defaulting party’s reasonable control, including, without
limitation, acts of God, earthquake, labor disputes, shortages of supplies, actions of governmental
entities, riots, war, terrorism, fire, epidemics, or delays of common carriers. The obligations and rights of
the excused party shall be extended on a day-by-day basis for the time period equal to the period of the
excusable delay. When payments are delayed solely due to a force majeure event, late fees with respect
to such payment will not accrue during the period of such force majeure event.
10. GOVERNING LAW This procurement and the resulting agreement shall be governed by and
construed in accordance with the laws of the state sponsoring and administering the procurement. The
construction and effect of any Participating Addendum or order against the Master Agreement(s) shall be
governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Participating Entity’s State. Venue for any
claim, dispute or action concerning an order placed against the Master Agreement(s) or the effect of an
Participating Addendum shall be in the Purchasing Entitys State.
Cisco Response: Agreed, with the 1) correction of “an” to “a” in the last sentence and 2) addition of The
parties specifically disclaim the application of the U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale
of Goods.”
11. INDEMNIFICATION The Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless WSCA-NASPO, the
Lead State and Participating Entities along with their officers, agencies, and employees as well as any
person or entity for which they may be liable from and against claims, damages or causes of action
including reasonable attorneys’ fees and related costs for any death, injury, or damage to property arising
from act(s), error(s), or omission(s) of the Contractor, its employees or subcontractors or volunteers, at
any tier, relating to the performance under the Master Agreement. This section is not subject to any
limitations of liability in this Master Agreement or in any other document executed in conjunction with this
Master Agreement
Cisco Response: Cisco respectfully requests replacing this Section with the language from the current
Cisco WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract:
Each party to this Agreement shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the other, its corporate
affiliates and their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents and their respective
successors and assigns from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, damages, and
expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneysfees), including without limitation those
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based on contract or tort, arising out of or in connection with a claim, suit, or proceeding brought by a
third party based upon bodily injury (including death) or damage to tangible personal property (not
including lost or damaged data) arising from the negligent or intentional acts or omissions of the
indemnifying party or its subcontractors, or the officers, directors, employees, agents, successors,
and assigns of any of them. In the event that the indemnified party’s or a third party’s negligent or
intentional acts or omissions contributed to cause the injury or damage for which a claim of indemnity
is being asserted against the indemnifying party hereunder, the damages and expenses (including,
without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees) shall be allocated or reallocated, as the case may be,
between the indemnified party, the indemnifying party, and any other party bearing responsibility in
such proportion as appropriately reflects the relative fault of such parties, or their subcontractors, or
the officers, directors, employees, agents, successors, and assigns of any of them, and the liability of
the indemnifying party shall be proportionately reduced.
The foregoing indemnification obligations are conditioned upon the indemnified party promptly
notifying the indemnifying party in writing of the claim, suit, or proceeding for which the indemnifying
party is obligated under this Subsection, cooperating with, assisting, and providing information to, the
indemnifying party as reasonably required, and granting the indemnifying party the exclusive right to
defend or settle such claim, suit, or proceeding; provided that any such settlement or compromise
includes a release of the indemnified party from all liability arising out of such claim, suit or
12. INDEMNIFICATION INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY The Contractor shall defend, indemnify and
hold harmless WSCA-NASPO, the Lead State and Participating Entities along with their officers,
agencies, and employees as well as any person or entity for which they may be liable ("Indemnified
Party") from and against claims, damages or causes of action including reasonable attorneys’ fees and
related costs arising out of the claim that the Product or its use, infringes Intellectual Property rights
("Intellectual Property Claim"). The Contractor’s obligations under this section shall not extend to any
combination of the Product with any other product, system or method, unless:
(1) the Product, system or method is:
(a) provided by the Contractor or the Contractor’s subsidiaries or affiliates;
(b) specified by the Contractor to work with the Product; or
(c) reasonably required, in order to use the Product in its intended manner, and the infringement
could not have been avoided by substituting another reasonably available product, system or
method capable of performing the same function; or
(2) it would be reasonably expected to use the Product in combination with such product, system or
The Indemnified Party shall notify the Contractor within a reasonable time after receiving notice of an
Intellectual Property Claim. Even if the Indemnified Party fails to provide reasonable notice, the
Contractor shall not be relieved from its obligations unless the Contractor can demonstrate that it was
prejudiced in defending the Intellectual Property Claim resulting in increased expenses or loss to the
Contractor. If the Contractor promptly and reasonably investigates and defends any Intellectual Property
Claim, it shall have control over the defense and settlement of it. However, the Indemnified Party must
consent in writing for any money damages or obligations for which it may be responsible. The Indemnified
Party shall furnish, at the Contractor’s reasonable request and expense, information and assistance
necessary for such defense. If the Contractor fails to vigorously pursue the defense or settlement of the
Intellectual Property Claim, the Indemnified Party may assume the defense or settlement of it and the
Contractor shall be liable for all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and related
costs, incurred by the Indemnified Party in the pursuit of the Intellectual Property Claim. This section is
not subject to any limitations of liability in this Master Agreement or in any other document executed in
conjunction with this Master Agreement.
Cisco Response: Cisco respectfully requests replacing this Section with the language from the current
Cisco WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract:
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12.1 Contractor will have the obligation and right to defend any claim, action, suit, or proceeding
(“IPR Claim”) brought against Purchaser so far as it is based on a claim that any product
supplied under this Master Agreement infringes Third Party IPR (as defined below). Contractor
will indemnify Purchaser against any final judgment entered in respect of such an IPR Claim by
a court of competent jurisdiction and against any settlements arising out of such an IPR Claim.
Contractor’s obligations to defend the IPR Claim and indemnify the Purchaser are conditional
12.1.1 Purchaser notifying Contractor promptly in writing of the IPR Claim or threat thereof;
12.1.2 Purchaser giving Contractor full and exclusive authority for the conduct of the defense
and settlement of the IPR Claim and any subsequent appeal; and
12.1.3 Purchaser giving Contractor all information and assistance reasonably requested by
Contractor in connection with the conduct of the defense and settlement of the IPR
Claim and any subsequent appeal.
12.2 For the purposes of this Master Agreement, “Third Party IPR” means a United States copyright
existing as at the date of order or a United States patent issued as at the date of order.
12.3 If an IPR Claim has been made, or in Contractors reasonable opinion is likely to be
commenced, Purchaser agrees to permit Contractor, at its option and expense, either to: (a)
procure for Purchaser the right to continue using the product; (b) replace or modify the product
so that it becomes non-infringing; or (c) immediately terminate both parties’ respective rights
and obligations under this Master Agreement with regard to the product, in which case
Purchaser will return the product to Contractor and Contractor will refund to Purchaser the price
originally paid by Purchaser to Contractor for the product, as depreciated or amortized by an
equal annual amount over three (3) years from date of original shipment.
12.4 Notwithstanding the foregoing, Contractor has no liability for, and Purchaser will defend and
indemnify Contractor against, any IPR Claim arising from:
12.4.1 the combination, operation, or use of a product supplied under this Master Agreement
with any product, device, or software not supplied by Contractor;
12.4.2 the amount or duration of use which Purchaser makes of the product, revenue earned
by Purchaser from services it provides which utilize the product, or services offered by
Purchaser to external or internal customers;
12.4.3 the alteration or modification of any product supplied under this Master Agreement from
and after the date such product is so supplied and such alteration or modification is not
made by Contractor;
12.4.4 Contractor’s compliance with Purchaser’s designs, specifications, or instructions; or
12.4.5 Purchaser’s use of the product after Contractor has informed Purchaser of
modifications or changes in the product required to avoid such an IPR Claim if the
alleged infringement would have been avoided by implementation of Contractor’s
recommended modifications or changes.
13. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The contractor shall be an independent contractor, and as such
shall have no authorization, express or implied to bind WSCA-NASPO or the respective states to any
agreements, settlements, liability or understanding whatsoever, and agrees not to perform any acts as
agent for WSCA-NASPO or the states, except as expressly set forth herein.
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Cisco Response: Cisco respectfully requests replacing this Section with the language from the current
Cisco WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract:
Contractor shall be an independent contractor. This Master Agreement does not create any agency,
partnership, joint venture, or franchise relationship. No employee of either party shall be or become, or
shall be deemed to be or become, an employee of the other party by virtue of the existence or
implementation of this Agreement. Each party hereto is an independent contractor. Neither party has the
right or authority to, and shall not, assume or create any obligation of any nature whatsoever on behalf of
the other party or bind the other party in any respect whatsoever.
14. INDIVIDUAL CUSTOMER Except to the extent modified by a Participating Addendum, each
Participating Entity shall follow the terms and conditions of the Master Agreement and applicable
Participating Addendum and will have the same rights and responsibilities for their purchases as the Lead
State has in the Master Agreement, including but not limited to, any indemnity or to recover any costs
allowed in the Master Agreement and applicable Participating Addendum for their purchases. Each
Participating Entity will be responsible for its own charges, fees, and liabilities. The Contractor will apply
the charges and invoice each Participating Entity individually.
Cisco Response: Agreed.
15. INSURANCE Contractor shall, during the term of this Master Agreement, maintain in full force and
effect, the insurance described in this section. Contractor shall acquire such insurance from an insurance
carrier or carriers licensed to conduct business in the Participating Entity’s state and having a rating of A-,
Class VII or better, in the most recently published edition of Best’s Reports. Failure to buy and maintain
the required insurance may result in this Master Agreement’s termination or at a Participating Entity’s
option, result in termination of its Participating Addendum.
Cisco Response: Agreed.
Coverage shall be written on an occurrence basis. The minimum acceptable limits shall be as indicated
below, with no deductible for each of the following categories:
a) Commercial General Liability covering the risks of bodily injury (including death), property
damage and personal injury, including coverage for N contractual liability, with a limit of not less
than $1 million per occurrence/$2 million general aggregate;
b) Contractor must comply with any applicable State Workers Compensation or Employers Liability
Insurance requirements.
Cisco Response: Cisco respectfully requests that the above paragraph be modified as follows:
Coverage shall be written on an occurrence basis. The limits shall be as indicated below, with no
deductible for each of the following categories:
a) Commercial General Liability covering the risks of bodily injury (including death), property
damage, and personal injury, including coverage for contractual liability, with a limit of $1 million
per occurrence/$2 million general aggregate;
b) Contractor must comply with any applicable State Workers Compensation or Employers Liability
Insurance requirements.
Contractor shall pay premiums on all insurance policies. Such policies shall also reference this Master
Agreement and shall have a condition that they not be revoked by the insurer until thirty (30) calendar
days after notice of intended revocation thereof shall have been given to Participating Entity by the
Cisco Response: Cisco respectfully requests that the second sentence of this Section be deleted.
Prior to commencement of the work, Contractor shall provide to the Participating Entity a written
endorsement to the Contractor’s general liability insurance policy that (i) names the Participating Entity as
an additional insured, (ii) provides that no material alteration, cancellation, non-renewal, or expiration of
the coverage contained in such policy shall have effect unless the named Participating Entity has been
given at least thirty (30) days prior written notice, and (iii) provides that the Contractor’s liability insurance
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policy shall be primary, with any liability insurance of the Participating Entity as secondary and
Cisco Response: Cisco respectfully requests that the above paragraph be modified as follows:
Prior to commencement of the work, Contractor shall provide to the Participating Entity a written
endorsement to the Contractor’s general liability insurance policy that (i) names the Participating Entity as
an additional insured, but only to the extent of liabilities falling within Contractor’s indemnity obligations
pursuant to the terms of this Master Agreement, and (ii) provides that the Contractors liability insurance
policy shall be primary, with any liability insurance of the Participating Entity as secondary and
Contractor shall furnish to Participating Entity copies of certificates of all required insurance within thirty
(30) calendar days of the Participating Addendum’s effective date and prior to performing any work.
Copies of renewal certificates of all required insurance shall be furnished within thirty (30) days after
renewal date. These certificates of insurance must expressly indicate compliance with each and every
insurance requirement specified in this section. Failure to provide evidence of coverage may, at State’s
sole option, result in this Master Agreement’s termination.
Cisco Response: Cisco respectfully requests that the below be added as the third sentence of the above
In addition, should any of the required insurance be cancelled or non-renewed, Contractor shall
immediately replace such insurance and provide to Participating Entity a certificate of insurance
evidencing the replacement insurance.
Coverage and limits shall not limit Contractor’s liability and obligations under this Master Agreement.
Cisco Response: Agreed.
16. LAWS AND REGULATIONS Any and all supplies, services and equipment offered and furnished
shall comply fully with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations.
Cisco Response: Agreed, with the addition of the following language from our existing Cisco WSCA
Data Communications AR-233 contract on 1) law changes and 2) Export Restriction. Note that the URL is
for customer’s ease of reference on individual product export restrictions.
If any law changes after the Effective Date (which such changed law was not reasonably contemplated on
the Effective Date) to the material detriment of Contractor (as determined in its sole reasonable
discretion), then: (i) the applicable parties may mutually negotiate the up charge to offset the cost of such
compliance; (ii) Contractor can unilaterally choose not to ship such product or perform such service (a)
under an individual order, or (b) across a like class of all orders under this Master Agreement in
consultation with the WSCA Contract Manager, or (c) delete such class of product(s) or service(s) from
the scope of this Master Agreement in consultation with the WSCA Contract Manager; or (iii) Contractor
may unilaterally terminate the applicable order(s).
EXPORT RESTRICTIONS: Notwithstanding anything contained in the Master Agreement to the contrary,
the products and technology or direct products thereof (hereafter referred to as “Products and
Technology”), supplied by Contractor under this Master Agreement are subject to export controls under
the laws and regulations of the United States. Purchaser shall comply with such laws and regulations
governing use, export, re-export, and transfer of Cisco Products and Technology and will obtain all
required U.S. and local authorizations, permits, or licenses. Cisco, and each participating state and each
purchaser each agree to provide the other information, support documents, and assistance, as may
reasonably be required by the other, in connection with securing such authorizations or licenses.
WSCAs, each Participating State’s, and each Purchasers obligations under this clause shall survive the
expiration or termination of the Agreement. Detailed information regarding compliance with U.S. use,
export, re-export, and transfer laws may be located at the following URL:
17. LICENSE OF PRE-EXISTING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Contractor grants to the Participating
Entity a nonexclusive, perpetual, royalty-free, irrevocable, unlimited license to publish, translate,
reproduce, modify, deliver, perform, display, and dispose of the Intellectual Property, and its derivatives,
used or delivered under this Master Agreement, but not created under it (“Pre-existing Intellectual
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Property”). The license shall be subject to any third party rights in the Pre-existing Intellectual Property.
Contractor shall obtain, at its own expense, on behalf of the Participating Entity, written consent of the
owner for the licensed Pre-existing Intellectual Property.
Cisco Response: The only license of Pre-Existing Intellectual Property to be covered in this Contract is
Cisco’s Software, for which there is an End User License Agreement. Usage rights to any other Pre-
Existing Material that would be provided under a Statement of Work would be specifically outlined in the
Statement of Work. As such, Cisco requests that this Section be replaced with the Software License
section in the current Cisco WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract below. In addition, please note
that certain Cisco technologies have terms that are unique to those technologies. Examples include, but
are not limited to, the following: specific usage rights for subscription/term licenses (i.e., IronPort Email
and Web Security Offerings, WebEx subscriptions, etc.), limitation or expansion of the number of
installation instances (i.e., immersive video conferencing), restricted features, maintenance services
included in the cost of the product and limitation on scope of deployment (# of blades). If applicable, such
unique terms will be supplied with that particular technology purchase.
17.1 License. Conditioned upon compliance with the terms and conditions of the license granted
herein or as represented in Cisco’s End User License Agreement, Contractor grants to
Customer a nonexclusive and nontransferable license to use for Customer’s internal business
purposes the Software and the Documentation for which Customer has paid the required
license fees.
Customer’s license to use the Software shall be limited to, and Customer shall not use the
Software in excess of, a single hardware chassis or card or that number of agent(s), concurrent
users, sessions, IP addresses, port(s), seat(s), server(s), or site(s), as set forth in the applicable
Purchase Order which has been accepted by Contractor and for which Customer has paid to
Contractor the required license fee.
Unless otherwise expressly provided in the documentation, Customer shall use the Software
solely as embedded in, for execution on, or (where the applicable documentation permits
installation on non-Contractor equipment) for communication with Contractor equipment owned
or leased by Customer and used for Customers internal business purposes. For evaluation or
beta copies for which Contractor does not charge a license fee, the above requirement to pay
license fees does not apply.
17.2 General Limitations. This is a license, not a transfer of title, to the Software and Documentation,
and Contractor retains ownership of all copies of the Software and Documentation. Customer
acknowledges that the Software and Documentation contain trade secrets of Contractor, its
suppliers or licensors, including but not limited to the specific internal design and structure of
individual programs and associated interface information. Accordingly, except as otherwise
expressly provided under this Agreement, Customer shall have no right, and Customer
specifically agrees not to:
17.2.1 transfer, assign or sublicense its license rights to any other person or entity, or use the
Software on unauthorized or secondhand Contractor equipment, and Customer
acknowledges that any attempted transfer, assignment, sublicense, or use shall be
17.2.2 except as approved in writing by Contractor, make error corrections to or otherwise
modify or adapt the Software or create derivative works based upon the Software, or
permit third parties to do the same;
17.2.3 reverse engineer or decompile, decrypt, disassemble, or otherwise reduce the Software
to human-readable form, except to the extent otherwise expressly permitted under
applicable law notwithstanding this restriction;
17.2.4 use or permit the software (other than embedded in the product) to be used to perform
services for third parties, whether on a service bureau or time sharing basis or
otherwise, without the express written authorization of Contractor; or
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17.2.5 except and to the extent expressly required by a Participating State’s applicable
records laws or final court order (provided that the Participating State provides: (1) prior
written notice to Contractor of such obligation and (2) the opportunity to oppose such
disclosure, provision, or otherwise making available), disclose, provide, or otherwise
make available trade secrets contained within the Software and Documentation in any
form to any third party without the prior written consent of Contractor. Customer shall
implement reasonable security measures to protect such trade secrets.
To the extent required by law, and at Customer's written request, Contractor shall
provide Customer with the interface information needed to achieve interoperability
between the Software and another independently created program, on payment of
Contractor's applicable fee, if any. Customer shall observe strict obligations of
confidentiality with respect to such information and shall use such information in
compliance with any applicable terms and conditions upon which Contractor makes
such information available.
17.3 Software, upgrades/updates, and additional copies.
17.4 Proprietary Notices. Customer agrees to maintain and reproduce all copyright and other
proprietary notices on all copies, in any form, of the Software in the same form and manner that
such copyright and other proprietary notices are included on the Software. Except as expressly
authorized in this Agreement, Customer shall not make any copies or duplicates of any
Software without the prior written permission of Contractor.
17.5 Term and Termination of License. This license granted herein shall remain effective until
terminated. Customer may terminate the license at any time by destroying all copies of
Software and any Documentation except as to the minimum number of copies required by law
to keep for archival records purposes only. Customer’s rights under this license will terminate
immediately if Customer fails to comply with any material provision of this license and
Contractor will give Customer notice of such non-compliance. Upon termination, Customer shall
destroy all copies of Software and Documentation in its possession or control.
17.6 Customer Records. Customer grants to Contractor and its independent accountants the right to
examine Customer’s books, records, and accounts during Customer’s normal business hours to
verify compliance with this license. In the event such audit discloses non-compliance with this
license, Customer shall promptly pay to Contractor the appropriate license fees, plus the
reasonable cost of conducting the audit. In all other circumstances, the audit fees shall be paid
by Contractor.
18. NO WAIVER OF SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY In no event shall this Master Agreement, any Participating
Addendum or any contract or any purchase order issued thereunder, or any act of a Lead State or a
Participating Entity, be a waiver by the Participating Entity of any form of defense or immunity, whether
sovereign immunity, governmental immunity, immunity based on the Eleventh Amendment to the
Constitution of the United States or otherwise, from any claim or from the jurisdiction of any court.
Cisco Response: Agreed.
If a claim must be brought in a federal forum, then it must be brought and adjudicated solely and
exclusively within the United States District Court for the Participating State. This section applies to a
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claim brought against the Participating State only to the extent Congress has appropriately abrogated the
Participating State’s sovereign immunity and is not consent by the Participating State to be sued in
federal court. This section is also not a waiver by the Participating State of any form of immunity,
including but not limited to sovereign immunity and immunity based on the Eleventh Amendment to the
Constitution of the United States.
Cisco Response: Agreed.
19. ORDER NUMBERS Master Agreement order and purchase order numbers shall be clearly shown on
all acknowledgments, shipping labels, packing slips, invoices, and on all correspondence.
Cisco Response: Agreed. Please also add a Section covering Orders, which appears to be missing from
this Agreement. The below is language from our existing WSCA Agreement:
ORDERS. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Master Agreement to the contrary:
1. Cisco reserves the right to require that purchases be made through Fulfillment Partners. Where
so required by Cisco, Purchasers shall not order Products or Services directly from Cisco and
shall order same from Fulfillment Partner. Purchaser shall purchase products by issuing a written
or electronic Purchase Order, signed or (in the case of electronic transmission) sent by its
authorized representative, indicating specific products, quantity, unit price, total purchase price,
shipping instructions, requested delivery dates, bill-to and ship-to addresses, tax exempt
certifications, if applicable, and any other special instructions.
2. Any contingencies on Purchaser’s Purchase Orders are not binding upon Contractor. The terms
and conditions of this Master Agreement prevail, regardless of any additional or conflicting terms
on the Purchase Order, or other correspondence from Purchaser to Contractor and any additional
or conflicting terms are deemed rejected by Contractor unless Contractor has expressly agreed to
such terms in writing. Mere acceptance or processing of a Purchase Order, Order, or Order
Document containing such terms shall not constitute such express consent.
3. All Purchase Orders are subject to Contractor’s reasonable acceptance (including performing any
related credit checks). Contractor shall use commercially reasonable efforts to accept or reject
orders in writing within ten (10) days from receipt, or within three (3) business days, if orders are
placed electronically.
4. Purchaser may defer product shipment up to thirty (30) days from the originally scheduled
shipping date, provided written notice is received by Contractor at least ten (10) days before the
originally scheduled shipping date. Cancelled orders, rescheduled deliveries, or product
configuration changes made by Purchaser less than ten (10) days before the original shipping
date are subject to Contractor’s acceptance and a charge of fifteen percent (15%) of the total
invoice amount relating to the affected Product(s). Contractor reserves the right to reschedule
delivery due to configuration changes made within ten (10) days of scheduled shipment. No
cancellation shall be accepted by Cisco where products are purchased with implementation
services, including but not limited to design, customization, or installation services, except as may
be set forth in the agreement or Statement of Work under which the services are to be rendered.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, if Cisco is delayed in shipping the product for thirty (30)
days or more from the original shipping date, the Customer may cancel the order without charge.
5. Services. Purchaser may place Purchase Orders for the various services offered by Contractor.
The provision of any such services, if accepted by Contractor, shall be subject to the terms and
conditions set forth in this Agreement, as well as the then-current terms of service offerings set
forth on Contractor’s website at
. Contractor reserves the
right to subcontract services to a third party maintenance organization to provision services for
6. All stated prices are exclusive of any taxes, fees, and duties or other similar amounts, however
designated, and including without limitation value added, sales and withholding taxes which are
levied or based upon such prices, charges, or upon this Master Agreement. Purchaser will pay
sales and use taxes, if any, imposed on the Products and Services acquired under this Master
Agreement, or furnish proof of its tax-exempt status upon request. Contractor will pay all other
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taxes based on Contractor’s income or gross receipts, or personal property taxes levied or
assessed on Contractor’s personal property. In the event that the Purchaser is exempt from
property and sales taxes, it will not be charged same.
7. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Master Agreement to the contrary, modifications which
Contractor deems necessary to comply with specifications, changed safety standards or
governmental regulations, to make the product non-infringing with respect to any patent,
copyright, or other proprietary interest, or to otherwise improve the product may be made at any
time by Contractor without prior notice to or consent of Purchaser or WSCA, and such altered
product shall be deemed fully conforming. Cisco shall employ commercially reasonable efforts to
announce, including by electronic posting, product discontinuance or changes other than those
set forth in the previous sentence in accordance with Cisco’s End-of-Life Policy, which is found at
the following URL:
Purchaser may make a last-time purchase of such products as set forth in such policy.
20. PARTICIPANTS WSCA-NASPO is the cooperative purchasing arm of the National Association of
State Procurement Officials. It is a cooperative group contracting consortium for state government
departments, institutions, agencies and political subdivisions (e.g., colleges, school districts, counties,
cities, etc.,) for all 50 states, the District of Columbia and the organized US territories. Obligations under
this Master Agreement are limited to those Participating States who have signed a Participating
Addendum where contemplated by the solicitation. Financial obligations of Participating States are
limited to the orders placed by the departments or other state agencies and institutions having available
funds. Participating States incur no financial obligations on behalf of political subdivisions. Unless
otherwise specified in the solicitation, the resulting award(s) will be permissive.
Cisco Response: Agreed, with the deletion of the fourth sentence.
21. ENTITY PARTICIPATION Use of specific WSCA-NASPO cooperative Master Agreements by state
agencies, political subdivisions and other entities (including cooperatives) authorized by individual state’s
statutes to use state contracts are subject to the approval of the respective State Chief Procurement
Official. Issues of interpretation and eligibility for participation are solely within the authority of the
respective State Chief Procurement Official.
Cisco Response: Agreed.
22. PAYMENT Payment for completion of a contract order is normally made within 30 days following the
date the entire order is delivered or the date a correct invoice is received, whichever is later. After 45
days the Contractor may assess overdue account charges up to a maximum rate of one percent per
month on the outstanding balance. Payments will be remitted by mail. Payments may be made via a
State or political subdivision “Purchasing Card” with no additional charge.
Cisco Response: Cisco respectfully requests replacement of this Section with the terms in the current
Cisco WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract. In addition, Cisco provided language regarding
lease financing which appears to be allowed again according to the Q&A.
Upon and subject to credit approval by Contractor, payment is net thirty (30) days from invoice date
and shall be made in U.S. currency. Invoices for products ordered without implementation services
shall be rendered by Contractor on or after the date of delivery of such products to the Purchaser. If,
at any time, Purchaser is delinquent in payment, or is otherwise in breach of this contract, Contractor
may, without prejudice to other rights, withhold shipment (including partial shipments) of any order or
require Purchaser to prepay for further shipments. Any sum not paid by Purchaser when due shall
bear interest until paid at a rate of 1 percent per month (12 percent per annum) or the maximum legal
rate, whichever is less. Purchaser grants Contractor a security interest in products purchased under
this contract to secure payment for those products purchased which security interest shall expire
upon full payment in accordance with the terms. If requested by Contractor, Purchaser agrees to
execute financing statements to perfect this security interest. Payments may be made via a State or
political subdivision “Purchasing Card” to Fulfillment Partners under this contract. Acceptance by
Purchaser shall be deemed to have occurred upon delivery of the applicable products to the
applicable Purchaser. Where permitted by the law of the Participating State/Entity, lease financing is
an allowable payment option under the resulting contract. The terms and conditions of the capital
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lease financing arrangement with Cisco Capital, or its designated and/or approved financing partner,
will be set forth between the purchaser and Cisco Capital or its designated and/or approved financing
23. PUBLIC INFORMATION This Master Agreement and all related documents are subject to disclosure
pursuant to the Participating Entity’s public information laws.
Cisco Response: Agreed, with the following addition: Contractor hereby retains all available rights and
remedies under applicable law to protect such information from unauthorized disclosure unless such
information is disclosed by the Participating Entity pursuant to statutory requirement or a valid order
issued by a court or government agency, and provided that the Participating Entity provides (a) prior
written notice to Contractor of such obligation and (b) the opportunity to oppose such disclosure, or such
other rights as under law.
24. RECORDS ADMINISTRATION AND AUDIT The contractor will maintain, or supervise the
maintenance of all records necessary to properly account for the payments made to the contractor for
costs authorized by this Master Agreement. These records will be retained by the contractor for at least
four years after the Master Agreement terminates, or until all audits initiated within the four years have
been completed, whichever is later. The contractor agrees to allow WSCA-NASPO, State and Federal
auditors, and state agency staff access to all the records of this Master Agreement and any order placed
under this Master Agreement, for audit and inspection, and monitoring of services. Such access will be
during normal business hours, or by appointment.
Cisco Response: Agreed, with the following changes: 1) Change “supervise” to “require” in the first
sentence. 2) Change the last sentence to: “Such access will be 1) with at least fifteen (15) business days
advance written notice, 2) during normal business hours, 3) shall not unduly interrupt or interfere with
Contractor’s normal business operations, and 4) in the event that such audit is conducted by a third party,
such third party shall, prior to conducting such audit, execute a confidentiality agreement for the benefit of
Contractor in a form reasonably satisfactory to Contractor.
25. REPORTS and ADMINISTRATIVE FEES The contractor shall submit quarterly reports to the WSCA-
NASPO Contract Administrator showing the quantities and dollar volume of purchases by each
participating entity.
The contractor must pay a WSCA-NASPO administrative fee of one quarter of one percent (.25%) in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the Master Agreement. The WSCA-NASPO administrative
fee shall be submitted quarterly and is based on sales of products and services. The WSCA-NASPO
administration fee is not negotiable. This fee is to be included as part of the pricing submitted with
Cisco Response: Cisco agrees to submit quarterly sales reports to the WSCA-NASPO Contractor
Administrator using the same detailed and comprehensive reporting template that Cisco provides today
under its current WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract. In addition, Cisco agrees to pay the
WSCA-NASPO administrative fee of one quarter of one percent (.25%) based on actual sales of all
products and services in conjunction with the quarterly usage reports. For purposes of clarification, Cisco
understands “sales of products and services” to mean net purchase price, which is Cisco’s product list
price, minus all applicable contract discounts, rebates, or value added incentives, and excluding sales,
use, or other applicable taxes, surcharges, or like fees, to the extent applicable to an order. This definition
is consistent with the language in Cisco’s current WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract as set
forth in Section D3, Attachment A. Consistent with Cisco’s responses to Sections 1.15 and 1.20 in this
RFP with respect to the due dates for the quarterly reports and administrative fees, Cisco respectfully
requests an exception and proposes to keep the same due dates for both requirements as set forth in
Amendment #3 of the current Cisco WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract, which are as follows:
Quarter #1: July 1 through September 30, due annually by November 30.
Quarter #2: October 1 through December 31, due annually by February 28.
Quarter #3: January 1 through March 31, due annually by May 31.
Quarter #4: April 1 through June 30, due annually by August 31.
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Cisco requests additional time because, as with our current WSCA Data Communications AR-233
contract, we anticipate that we will have another robust list of over 175 subcontractors/resellers from
whom to manage and collect reports and administrative fees.
Additionally, some States may require that an additional fee be paid directly to the State on purchases
made by procuring entities within that State. For all such requests, the fee level, payment method and
schedule for such reports and payments will be incorporated in a Participating Addendum that is made a
part of the Master Agreement. The contractor may adjust the Master Agreement pricing accordingly for
purchases made by procuring agencies within the jurisdiction of the State. All such agreements may not
affect the WSCA-NASPO administrative fee or the prices paid by the procuring agencies outside the
jurisdiction of the State requesting the additional fee.
Cisco Response: Agreed.
26. STANDARD OF PERFORMANCE AND ACCEPTANCE The Standard of Performance applies to all
Product(s) purchased under this Master Agreement, including any additional, replacement, or substitute
Product(s) and any Product(s) which are modified by or with the written approval of Contractor after
Acceptance by the Participating Entity. The Acceptance Testing period shall be thirty (30) calendar days
or other time period identified in the solicitation or the Participating Addendum, starting from the day after
the Product is installed and Contractor certifies that the Product is ready for Acceptance Testing. If the
Product does not meet the Standard of Performance during the initial period of Acceptance Testing,
Participating Entity may, at its discretion, continue Acceptance Testing on a day-to-day basis until the
Standard of Performance is met. Upon rejection, the Contractor will have fifteen (15) calendar days to
cure the Standard of Performance issue(s). If after the cure period, the Product still has not met the
Standard of Performance Participating Entity may, at its option: (1) declare Contractor to be in breach and
terminate the Order; (2) demand replacement Product from Contractor at no additional cost to
Participating Entity; or, (3) continue the cure period for an additional time period agreed upon by the
Participating Entity and the Contractor. Contractor shall pay all costs related to the preparation and
shipping of Product returned pursuant to the section. No Product shall be accepted and no charges shall
be paid until the Standard of Performance is met. The warranty period will begin upon Acceptance.
Cisco Response: Section 8, which contains proposed language from our existing Cisco WSCA Data
Communications AR-233 contract, covers acceptance terms, return rights, and warranty references. As
such, Cisco respectfully requests deletion of this Section.
27. SYSTEM FAILURE OR DAMAGE In the event of system failure or damage caused by the Contractor
or its Product, the Contractor agrees to use its best efforts to restore or assist in restoring the system to
operational capacity.
Cisco Response: Cisco respectfully requests deletion of this Section. Our warranty and product
maintenance provisions would cover the services provided. If additional work is needed above these
provisions, then this would be on a paid basis.
28. TITLE OF PRODUCT Upon Acceptance by the Participating Entity, Contractor shall convey to
Participating Entity title to the Product free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, or other security
interests.Transfer of title to the Product shall include an irrevocable and perpetual license to use the
Embedded Software in the Product. If Participating Entity subsequently transfers title of the Product to
another entity, Participating Entity shall have the right to transfer the license to use the Embedded
Software with the transfer of Product title. A subsequent transfer of this software license shall be at no
additional cost or charge to either Participating Entity or Participating Entity’s transferee.
Cisco Response: Cisco requests that it be clarified that Title and Risk of Loss transfers at delivery of the
product. This is consistent with our current Cisco WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract. Also, 1)
Cisco has a Transfer Policy that differs with this Section, 2) certain products may not have a perpetual
license and any such terms will be per our End User License Agreement (EULA). As such, please replace
this Section with the following:
Acceptance by Purchaser shall be deemed to have occurred upon delivery of the applicable products
to the applicable Purchaser. Title and risk of loss shall pass to Purchaser upon delivery. Any transfers
of Embedded Software shall be per Contractor’s then-current Transfer and Re-Licensing Policy.
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29. WAIVER OF BREACH Failure of Lead State or Participating Entity to declare a default or enforce
any rights and remedies shall not operate as a waiver under this Master Agreement or Participating
Addendum. Any waiver by the Lead State or Participating Entity must be in writing. Waiver by the Lead
State or Participating Entity of any default, right or remedy under this Master Agreement or Participating
Addendum, or breach of any terms or requirements shall not be construed or operate as a waiver of any
subsequent default or breach of such term or requirement, or of any other term or requirement under this
Master Agreement or Participating Addendum.
Cisco Response: Agreed, with the change that “or Contractor” be added in each instance of “Lead State
or Participating Entity.”
30. WARRANTY The Contractor warrants for a period of one year from the date of Acceptance that: (a)
the Product performs according to all specific claims that the Contractor made in its response to the
solicitation, (b) the Product is suitable for the ordinary purposes for which such Product is used, (c) the
Product is suitable for any special purposes identified in the solicitation or for which the Participating
Entity has relied on the Contractor’s skill or judgment, (d) the Product is designed and manufactured in a
commercially reasonable manner, and (e) the Product is free of defects. Upon breach of the warranty,
the Contractor will repair or replace (at no charge to the Participating Entity) the Product whose
nonconformance is discovered and made known to the Contractor. If the repaired and/or replaced
Product proves to be inadequate, or fails of its essential purpose, the Contractor will refund the full
amount of any payments that have been made. The rights and remedies of the parties under this
warranty are in addition to any other rights and remedies of the parties provided by law or equity,
including, without limitation, actual damages, and, as applicable and awarded under the law, to a
prevailing party, reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs.
Cisco Response: Cisco respectfully requests replacing this Section with the language from the current
Cisco WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract.
30. All products are sold with Contractor’s standard limited warranty listed below:
30.1 Hardware. Contractor warrants that from the date of shipment by Contractor to Customer, and
continuing for a period of the longer of (a) ninety (90) days or (b) the period set forth in the
Warranty Card accompanying the product, the Hardware will be free from defects in material
and workmanship, under normal use. This limited warranty extends only to the original user of
the product. Customer's sole and exclusive remedy and the entire liability of Contractor and its
suppliers under this limited warranty will be, at Contractor's or its service center's option,
shipment of a replacement within the period and according to the replacement process
described in the Warranty Card, or a refund of the purchase price, if the Hardware is returned
to the party supplying it to Customer, if different than Contractor, freight and insurance
prepaid. Contractor replacement parts, used in Hardware repair, may be new or equivalent to
new. Contractor’s obligations hereunder are conditioned upon the return of affected products,
in accordance with Contractor’s then-current Return Material Authorization (RMA) procedures.
30.2 Software. Contractor warrants that from the date of delivery by Contractor to Customer (but in
case of resale by a Contractor reseller, commencing not more than ninety (90) days after
original shipment by Contractor), and continuing for a period of the longer of (a) ninety (90)
days or (b) the period set forth in the Warranty Card accompanying the product (if any): (a) the
media on which the Software is furnished will be free of defects in materials and workmanship,
under normal use; and (b) the Software substantially conforms to its published specifications.
The date of shipment of a product by Contractor is set forth on the packaging material in which
the product is shipped. Except for the foregoing, the Software is provided AS IS. This limited
warranty extends only to the Customer who is the original licensee. Customer’s sole and
exclusive remedy and the entire liability of Contractor and its suppliers under this limited
warranty will be, at Contractor or its service centers option, repair, replacement, or refund of
the Software if reported (or, upon request, returned) to the party supplying the Software to
Customer, if different than Contractor. In no event does Contractor warrant that the Software is
error free or that Customer will be able to operate the Software without problems or
interruptions. In addition, due to the continual development of new techniques for intruding
upon and attacking networks, Contractor does not warrant that the Software or any equipment,
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response A-20
system, or network on which the Software is used will be free of vulnerability to intrusion or
30.3 Restrictions. This warranty does not apply if the product (a) has been altered, except by
Contractor, (b) has not been installed, operated, repaired, or maintained in accordance with
instructions supplied by Contractor, (c) has been subjected to abnormal physical or electrical
stress, misuse, negligence, or accident; or (d) is sold or, in the case of Software, licensed, for
beta, evaluation, testing, or demonstration purposes for which Contractor does not receive a
payment of purchase price or license fee.
disclaimer shall apply even if the above-stated warranty fails of its essential purpose.
The above warranty DOES NOT apply to any beta software, any software made available for testing or
demonstration purposes, any temporary software modules or any software for which Contractor does not
receive a license fee. All such software is provided AS IS without any warranty whatsoever.
31. ASSIGNMENT OF ANTITRUST RIGHTS Contractor irrevocably assigns to a Participating Entity any
claim for relief or cause of action which the Contractor now has or which may accrue to the Contractor in
the future by reason of any violation of state or federal antitrust laws (15 U.S.C. § 1-15 or a Participating
Entity’s state antitrust provisions), as now in effect and as may be amended from time to time, in
connection with any goods or services provided to the Contractor for the purpose of carrying out the
Contractor's obligations under this Master Agreement or Participating Addendum, including, at a
Participating Entity's option, the right to control any such litigation on such claim for relief or cause of
Cisco Response: Cisco respectfully takes exception to this Section and requests its deletion. Upon
discussion of the concern and the intent behind the language, we may consider a mutually agreeable
version of this Section.
Contractor shall require any subcontractors hired to perform any of Contractor's obligations, under this
Master Agreement or Participating Addendum, to irrevocably assign to a Participating Entity, as third
party beneficiary, any right, title or interest that has accrued or which may accrue in the future by reason
of any violation of state or federal antitrust laws (15 U.S.C. § 1-15 or a Participating Entity’s state antitrust
provisions), as now in effect and as may be amended from time to time, in connection with any goods or
services provided to the subcontractor for the purpose of carrying out the subcontractor's obligations to
the Contractor in pursuance of this Master Agreement or Participating Addendum, including, at a
Participating Entity's option, the right to control any such litigation on such claim for relief or cause of
Cisco Response: Cisco respectfully takes exception to this Section and requests its deletion. Upon
discussion of the concern and the intent behind the language, we may consider a mutually agreeable
version of this Section.
32. WSCA-NASPO eMARKET CENTER Awarded responders are required to participate in the WSCA-
NASPO eMarket Center and, working through WSCA-NASPO’s contractor (SciQuest), connect with the
eMarket Center. The ideal situation would be to use either a hosted (by SciQuest) or Punchout Level 2
catalog configurations, but actual requirements will be determined by the Lead State Contract
Administrator, WSCA-NASPO, WSCA-NASPO’s contractor (SciQuest) and the awarded contractor, after
award. Participation does not require an awarded responder to have any special level of technology or
technological understanding.
Cisco Response: Agreed.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response A-21
Acceptance - means a written notice from a purchasing entity to contractor advising Contractor that the
Product has passed its Acceptance Testing. Acceptance of a product for which acceptance testing is not
required shall occur following the completion of delivery, installation, if required, and a reasonable time for
inspection of the product, unless the Purchasing Entity provides a written notice of rejection to contractor.
Acceptance Testing - means the process for ascertaining that the Product meets the standards set forth
in the section titled Standard of Performance and Acceptance, prior to Acceptance by the Purchasing
Cisco Response: Cisco requests deletion of this definition as it is no longer used.
Contractor - means the person or entity delivering Products or performing services under the terms and
conditions set forth in this Master Agreement.
Cisco Response: Cisco requests the addition of that following at the end of this definition: …., including
Contractor’s Fulfillment Partners.”
Intellectual Propertymeans any and all patents, copyrights, service marks, trademarks, trade secrets,
trade names, patentable inventions, or other similar proprietary rights, in tangible or intangible form, and
all rights, title, and interest therein.
Cisco Response: Cisco requests deletion of this definition as it is no longer used. Third-party IPR is used
in its place and is defined within the agreement.
Lead State - means the State conducting this cooperative solicitation and centrally administering any
resulting Master Agreement with the permission of the Signatory States.
Master Agreement means the underlying agreement executed by and between the Lead State, as
WSCA-NASPO contract administrator, acting on behalf of WSCA-NASPO, and the Contractor, as now or
hereafter amended.
Order - means any purchase order, sales order, or other document used by a Participating Entity to order
the Products.
Participating Addendum - means a bilateral agreement executed by a Contractor and a Participating
Entity incorporating this Master Agreement and any other additional Participating Entity specific language
or other requirements ,e.g. ordering procedures specific to the Participating Entity, other terms and
Participating Entity - means a state, or other legal entity, properly authorized by a state to enter into the
Master Agreement or Participating Addendum or who is authorized to order under the Master Agreement
or Participating Addendum.
Product - Any equipment, software (including embedded software), documentation, or deliverable
supplied or created by the Contractor pursuant to this Master Agreement.
Cisco Response: Agreed, with the addition that any software provided under the Master Agreement shall
be governed by the terms herein and the Contractor’s End User License Agreement included in the
Additional Terms and Conditions.
Please note that Demo Loan Equipment and Try and Buy are addressed in our Cisco WSCA Data
Communications AR-233 contract. We do not believe these terms need to be addressed in this new
Master Agreement; however, please let us know if you have any concerns.
WSCA-NASPO -is a cooperative group contracting consortium for state procurement officials,
representing departments, institutions, agencies, and political subdivisions (i.e., colleges, school districts,
counties, cities, etc.) for all states and the District of Columbia. WSCA-NASPO is a cooperative
purchasing arm of the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO).
Additional Definitions and Alternative Terms for Consideration
Below are additional definitions and alternative terms for consideration by the sourcing teams depending
upon the nature of the solicitation and negotiations between the Contractor and Vendor.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response A-22
Embedded Software - means one or more software applications which permanently reside on a
computing device.
Machine Code means microcode, basic input/output system code, utility programs, device drivers,
diagnostics, and another code delivered with a computing device for the purpose of enabling the function
of the computing device, as stated in its published specifications.
Cisco Response: Cisco does not believe that the above two definitions are necessary for our product
terms. We look forward to discussing the applicability of these definitions as well as the need to add any
additional definitions based on our discussions.
Please add the following definitions:
Customer - see “Purchaser or “Participating Entity.”
Documentation means user manuals, training materials, product descriptions and specifications,
technical manuals, license agreements, supporting materials, and other information relating to Products
or Advanced Services offered by Contractor, whether distributed in print, electronic, CD-ROM, or video
Fulfillment Partner (also referred to as “Reseller” or “Authorized Reseller”) - means a third-party
contractor qualified and authorized by Contractor, and approved by the Participating State under a
Participating Addendum, who may, to the extent authorized by Contractor, fulfill any of the requirements
of this Master Agreement including but not limited to providing Products and Services under this Master
Agreement and billing Purchasers directly for such Products and Services. Contractor may, upon written
notice to the Participating State, add or delete authorized Fulfillment Partners as necessary at any time
during the contract term. Fulfillment Partner has no authority to amend this Master Agreement or to bind
Contractor to any additional terms and conditions.
Participating Statesee “Participating Entity.
Purchaser - (also referred to as “Customer”) means: (a) the Lead State, (b) any office, department,
commission, council, board, committee, institution, legislative body, agency, public authority, public
benefit corporation, other government corporation, or public educational institution of a Participating State
or a Local Public Body within such Participating State, provided that such entity is authorized, under
applicable laws, rules and/or regulations of the Participating State, (i) to purchase Product(s) and
Services pursuant to this Master Agreement solely by execution of the applicable Participating
Addendum, and (ii) to legally bind such body to the terms of such agreement solely by the issuance of a
Purchase Order, Order, or Order Document in accordance with and pursuant to this Master Agreement,
and (iii) has been authorized by the WSCA Contract Manager and Contractor to participate under this
Master Agreement.
Purchase Ordersee “Order.”
Services - Services means those services within the scope of this Master Agreement, and listed on
Contractor’s then-current Global Price List, including consulting, training, installation and maintenance
services, and/or other services related to the products being acquired and further described at
and which are subject to the terms of service set forth in the SOW Terms and Conditions.
(Revised March 2013)
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response B-1
Appendix B —
State of Utah Standard Information Technology Terms and Conditions with Noted Exceptions
(For WSCA Contracts and DTS Related Contracts)
Cisco Response: Cisco and WSCA have operated successfully with the current terms and conditions for
over the last 5 years. As such, we recommend in certain sections that we utilize the terms of our existing
agreement. These terms have served all parties well, including the Participating States, which serves as a
testament to the robust and comprehensive nature of the existing agreement. This approach will also serve
to expedite reaching final agreement on terms and conditions.
Cisco’s understanding is that these State of Utah Standard Information Technology Terms and Conditions
represent the State of Utah Participating Addendum and these would take priority over the Master
Agreement Terms and Conditions with respect to purchases made by a State of Utah entity.
1. AUTHORITY: Provisions of this contract are pursuant to the authority set forth in 63G-6, Utah Code
Annotated, 1953, as amended, Utah State Procurement Rules (Utah Administrative Code Section R33),
and related statutes which permit the State to purchase certain specified services, and other approved
purchases for the State.
Cisco Response: Agreed
2. CONTRACT JURISDICTION, CHOICE OF LAW, AND VENUE: The provisions of this contract shall be
governed by the laws of the State of Utah. The parties will submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the
State of Utah for any dispute arising out of this Contract or the breach thereof. Venue shall be in Salt
Lake City, in the Third Judicial District Court for Salt Lake County.
Cisco Response: Agreed
3. LAWS AND REGULATIONS: The Contractor and any and all supplies, services, equipment, and
construction furnished under this contract will comply fully with all applicable Federal and State laws and
regulations, including applicable licensure and certification requirements.
Cisco Response: Agreed
4. RECORDS ADMINISTRATION: The Contractor shall maintain, or supervise the maintenance of all
records necessary to properly account for the payments made to the Contractor for costs authorized by
this contract. These records shall be retained by the Contractor for at least four years after the contract
terminates, or until all audits initiated within the four years, have been completed, whichever is later. The
Contractor agrees to allow State and Federal auditors, and State Agency Staff, access to all the records
to this contract, for audit and inspection, and monitoring of services. Such access will be during normal
business hours, or by appointment.
Cisco Response: Agreed, with the clarification that any such access shall 1) be limited to once per year 2)
be with at least fifteen (15) business days advance written notice, 3) be during normal business hours, 4) not
unduly interrupt or interfere with Contractor’s normal business operations, and 4) in the event that such audit
is conducted by a third party, such third party shall, prior to conducting such audit, execute a confidentiality
agreement for the benefit of Contractor in a form reasonably satisfactory to Contractor. Please note that this
is also in the WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement Terms and Conditions in Section 24. As such, please
consider deleting this Section due to redundancy.
Status Verification System, also referred to as “E-verify”, only applies to contracts issued through a
Request for Proposal process, and to sole sources that are included within a Request for Proposal. It
does not apply to Invitation for Bids or to the Multi-Step Process.
1. Status Verification System
(1) Each offeror and each person signing on behalf of any offeror certifies as to its own entity, under
penalty of perjury, that the named Contractor has registered and is participating in the Status
Verification System to verify the work eligibility status of the contractor’s new employees that are
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response B-2
employed in the State of Utah in accordance with applicable immigration laws including UCA
Section 63G-12-302.
(2) The Contractor shall require that the following provision be placed in each subcontract at every
tier: “The subcontractor shall certify to the main (prime or general) contractor by affidavit that the
subcontractor has verified through the Status Verification System the employment status of each
new employee of the respective subcontractor, all in accordance with applicable immigration
laws including UCA Section 63G-12-302 and to comply with all applicable employee status
verification laws. Such affidavit must be provided prior to the notice to proceed for the
subcontractor to perform the work.”
(3) The State will not consider a proposal for award, nor will it make any award where there has not
been compliance with this Section.
(4) Manually or electronically signing the Proposal is deemed the Contractor’s certification of
compliance with all provisions of this employment status verification certification required by all
applicable status verification laws including UCA Section 63G-12-302.
Cisco Response: Agreed
2 Indemnity Clause for Status Verification System
(1) Contractor (includes, but is not limited to any Contractor, Design Professional, Designer or
Consultant) shall protect, indemnify and hold harmless, the State and its officers, employees,
agents, representatives and anyone that the State may be liable for, against any claim, damages
or liability arising out of or resulting from violations of the above Status Verification System
Section whether violated by employees, agents, or contractors of the following: (a) Contractor;
(b) Subcontractor at any tier; and/or (c) any entity or person for whom the Contractor or
Subcontractor may be liable.
(2) Notwithstanding Section 1. above, Design Professionals or Designers under direct contract with
the State shall only be required to indemnify the State for a liability claim that arises out of the
design professional's services, unless the liability claim arises from the Design Professional's
negligent act, wrongful act, error or omission, or other liability imposed by law except that the
design professional shall be required to indemnify the State in regard to subcontractors or
subconsultants at any tier that are under the direct or indirect control or responsibility of the
Design Professional, and includes all independent contractors, agents, employees or anyone
else for whom the Design Professional may be liable at any tier.
Cisco Response: Cisco respectfully requests deletion of this Section. Liability for breach of the contract and
indemnification are covered in the WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement Terms and Conditions and elsewhere
in this Agreement. In addition, subsection (2) does not apply to the scope of this contract.
6. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Contractor represents that none of its officers or employees are officers or
employees of the State of Utah, unless disclosure has been made in accordance with 67-16-8, Utah
Code Annotated, 1953, as amended.
Cisco Response: Agreed
7. CONFLICT OF INTEREST WITH STATE EMPLOYEES: In addition to the provisions of State of Utah
Terms and Conditions # 6, Conflict of Interest, the Contractor certifies that no person in the State’s
employment, directly or through subcontract, will receive any private financial interest, direct or indirect,
in the contract. The Contractor will not hire or subcontract with any person having such conflicting
Cisco Response: Agreed, with the understanding that the last sentence will be replaced with the following:
The Contractor ensures that its employees will comply with Contractor’s Conflict of Interest policy.”
INFORMATION / FORMER FELONS: The Contractor shall provide (at its own expense) the State with
sufficient personal information about its agents or employees, and the agents and employees of its
subcontractors (if any) who will enter upon secure premises controlled, held, leased, or occupied by the
State during the course of performing this contract so as to facilitate a criminal record check, at State
expense. “Sufficient personal information” about its agents or employees, and the agents and
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response B-3
employees of its subcontractors (if any) means for the Contractor to provide to the State Project
Manager, in advance of any on-site work, a list of the full names of the designated employees, including
their social security number, driver license number and the state of issuance, and their birth date.
Thereafter, on their first site visit, each contractor employee expected to work on-site shall be
fingerprinted by the State, and the State is authorized to conduct a federal criminal background check
based upon those fingerprints and personal information provided. Contractor, in executing any duty or
exercising any right under this contract, shall not cause or permit any of its agents or employees, and the
agents and employees of its subcontractors (if any) who have been convicted of a felony and
misdemeanors other than minor misdemeanors to enter upon any premises controlled, held, leased, or
occupied by the State. A felony and misdemeanor are defined by the jurisdiction of the State of Utah,
regardless of where the conviction occurred.
Cisco Response: Cisco respectfully requests that this section be reworded as follows:
“The Contractor shall provide (at its own expense) the State with sufficient personal information about its
agents or employees, and the agents and employees of its subcontractors (if any) who will enter upon secure
premises controlled, held, leased, or occupied by the State during the course of performing this contract so
as to facilitate a criminal record check upon receiving the individuals’ consent in accordance with applicable
law, at State expense. “Sufficient personal information” about its agents or employees, and the agents and
employees of its subcontractors (if any) means for the Contractor to provide to the State Project Manager, in
advance of any onsite work, a list of the full names of the designated employees. Contractor, in executing
any duty or exercising any right under this contract, shall not knowingly cause or permit any of its agents or
employees, and the agents and employees of its subcontractors (if any) who have been convicted of a felony
and misdemeanors other than minor misdemeanors to enter upon any premises controlled, held, leased, or
occupied by the State. A felony and misdemeanor are defined by the jurisdiction of the State of Utah,
regardless of where the conviction occurred.”
9. DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE: The Contractor agrees to abide by the Department of Technology
Services (DTS) drug-free workplace policies while on State of Utah premises. DTS will provide the
Contractor with a copy of these written “drug-free workplace policies” upon request.
Cisco Response: Cisco requests provision of the “Drug-Free Workplace Policies” before full agreement to
this Section.
10. CODE OF CONDUCT: When Contractor employees are working on-site, the Contractor agrees to follow
and enforce DTS Policy 2000-001 Code of Conduct. If Contractor is working at facilities controlled by
other State agencies, Contractor agrees to follow and enforce the Code of Conduct Policy of these other
State agencies when Contractor is providing services at these facilities under provisions of this contract.
The Contractor will assure that each employee or volunteer under Contractor’s supervision receives a
copy of such Code of Conduct, and a signed statement to this effect must be in each Contractor or
Subcontractor employee’s/volunteer’s file and is subject to inspection and review by the State’s monitors.
Upon request, DTS agrees to provide Contractor with a copy of any applicable codes of conduct. If a
Contractor or Subcontractor is working at any State agency which has a Code of Conduct applicable to
this Contract, the DTS Project Manager will provide the Contractor with a copy in advance of the
Contractor’s on-site contract services performance.
Cisco Response: Agreed, with a change of the first and third sentences, respectively, to the following.
(Cisco’s Code of Conduct is available on line and will be provided to the State as necessary.)
First sentence replacement:When Contractor employees are working onsite, the Contractor agrees to follow
and enforce DTS Policy 2000-001 Code of Conduct or Contractors Code of Conduct (“Code of Conduct”).
Third sentence replacement: “The Contractor will assure that each employee under Contractor’s supervision
receives a copy of such Code of Conduct.”
11. INDEMNITY CLAUSE: The Contractor agrees to indemnify, save harmless, and release the State of
Utah, and all its officers, agents, volunteers, and employees from and against any and all loss, damages,
injury, liability, suits, and proceedings arising out of the performance of this contract which are caused in
whole or in part by the acts or negligence of the Contractor's officers, agents, volunteers, or employees,
but not for claims arising from the State's sole negligence. The parties agree that if there are any
Limitations of the Contractor’s Liability, including a limitation of liability for anyone for whom the
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response B-4
Contractor is responsible, such Limitations of Liability will not apply to injuries to persons, including
death, or to damages to property.
Cisco Response: Cisco respectfully requests replacing this Section with language from the current Cisco
WSCA Data Communications AR-233. This language (modified slightly to fit terminology of this contract) is:
Each party to this Agreement shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the other, its corporate
affiliates and their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents and their respective successors
and assigns from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, damages, and expenses (including,
without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees), including without limitation those based on contract or tort,
arising out of or in connection with a claim, suit, or proceeding brought by a third party based upon bodily
injury (including death) or damage to tangible personal property (not including lost or damaged data)
arising from the negligent or intentional acts or omissions of the indemnifying party or its subcontractors,
or the officers, directors, employees, agents, successors and assigns of any of them. In the event that
the indemnified party’s or a third partys negligent or intentional acts or omissions contributed to cause
the injury or damage for which a claim of indemnity is being asserted against the indemnifying party
hereunder, the damages and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees) shall be
allocated or reallocated, as the case may be, between the indemnified party, the indemnifying party, and
any other party bearing responsibility in such proportion as appropriately reflects the relative fault of such
parties, or their subcontractors, or the officers, directors, employees, agents, successors, and assigns of
any of them, and the liability of the indemnifying party shall be proportionately reduced.
The foregoing indemnification obligations are conditioned upon the indemnified party promptly notifying
the indemnifying party in writing of the claim, suit, or proceeding for which the indemnifying party is
obligated under this Subsection, cooperating with, assisting, and providing information to, the
indemnifying party as reasonably required, and granting the indemnifying party the exclusive right to
defend or settle such claim, suit, or proceeding; provided that any such settlement or compromise
includes a release of the indemnified party from all liability arising out of such claim, suit or proceeding.
12. EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES CLAUSE: The Contractor agrees to abide by the provisions of Title VI and
VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42USC 2000e) which prohibits discrimination against any employee or
applicant for employment or any applicant or recipient of services, on the basis of race, religion, color, or
national origin; and further agrees to abide by Executive Order No. 11246, as amended, which prohibits
discrimination on the basis of sex; 45 CFR 90 which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age; and
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 which
prohibits discrimination on the basis of disabilities. Also, the Contractor agrees to abide by Utah's
Executive Order, dated March 17, 1993, which prohibits sexual harassment in the work place.
Cisco Response: Agreed
13. TERMINATION: Unless otherwise stated in the Special Terms and Conditions, this contract may be
terminated, with cause by either party, in advance of the specified termination date, upon written notice
being given by the other party. The party in violation will be given ten (10) working days after notification
to correct and cease the violations, after which the contract may be terminated for cause. This contract
may be terminated without cause, in advance of the specified expiration date, by either party, upon sixty
(60) days prior written notice being given the other party. On termination of this contract, all accounts
and payments will be processed according to the financial arrangements set forth herein for approved
services rendered to date of termination.
In the event of such termination, and professional services apply to the contract; the Contractor shall be
compensated for services properly performed under this Contract up to the effective date of the notice of
termination. The Contractor agrees that in the event of such termination for cause or without cause,
Contractor’s sole remedy and monetary recovery from the State is limited to full payment for all work
properly performed as authorized under this Contract up to the date of termination as well as any
reasonable monies owed as a result of the Contractor having to terminate contracts necessarily and
appropriately entered into by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract. Contractor further acknowledges
that in the event of such termination, all work product, which includes but is not limited to all manuals,
forms, contracts, schedules, reports, and any and all documents produced by Contractor under this
Contract up to the date of termination are the property of the State and shall be promptly delivered to the
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response B-5
Cisco Response: Per our understanding of the Q&A prior to contract submission, it appears that the
“Special Terms and Conditions” are this document. If this understanding is correct, please delete “Unless
otherwise stated in the Special Terms and Conditions.”
Please change the second sentence to the following: “Such termination shall be effective a) immediately
upon providing written notice to the breaching party if the breach is not capable of being cured, or (b) sixty
(60) calendar days after providing written notice to the breaching party if the breaching party otherwise fails
to cure a material breach within such sixty (60) calendar day period, or commence cure within such sixty (60)
calendar day period, or diligently pursue completion of such cure.”
Please change the last sentence of first paragraph of this Section to: “On termination of this contract, all
accounts and payments will be processed according to the financial arrangements set forth herein for
products delivered and/or approved services rendered to date of termination.”
Please delete the last sentence of second paragraph of this Section. Ownership of Work Product will be
covered, as applicable, in the Master Services Agreement.
Please add the following from the current Cisco WSCA Data Communications AR-233:
“Rights upon Termination or Expiration.
1. Upon termination or expiration of this contract, (a) Contractor reserves the right to cease all further
delivery of product or services, (b) all outstanding invoices become due and payable within thirty (30)
days of termination, and (c) all rights and licenses of State under this contract shall terminate. If
Contractor agrees to complete delivery of any further products or services due against any existing
accepted Purchase Orders, then State shall pay for such products or services in advance within thirty
(30) days.
2. Except for a termination of this contract resulting from State's breach of Contractors proprietary rights
and software licensing, Confidential Information, or Export, Re-Export, Transfer & Use Controls, upon
termination or expiration of this contract, State may continue to use, in accordance with the terms and
conditions of this contract, products provided to it by Contractor prior to the date of termination or
expiration, provided payment has been made in full for such products.
3. Upon termination or expiration of this contract, State shall immediately return to Contractor all
Confidential Information (including all copies thereof) then in State's possession, custody, or control
(except that State may retain one archival copy for records retention purposes only as required by
law); provided that, except for a termination resulting from State's breach of proprietary rights and
software licensing, Confidential Information, or Export Restrictions, State may retain a sufficient
amount of such Confidential Information and material to operate its installed base of products.
4. In the event of any termination pursuant to this Section, and unless otherwise required by law or court
of competent jurisdiction, State shall remain obligated to comply in perpetuity with the provisions of
Contractor’s Software License terms, Export Restrictions, and Confidential Information for purchased
14. SUSPENSION OF WORK: Should circumstances arise which would cause the State to suspend the
work, but not terminate the contract, this will be done by formal notice. The work may be reinstated
upon advance formal notice from the State.
Cisco Response: Agreed, with clarification that State will reimburse Contractor for products delivered or
services performed through the date of suspension of work.
15. NONAPPROPRIATION OF FUNDS: The Contractor acknowledges that the State cannot contract for the
payment of funds not yet appropriated by the Utah State Legislature. If funding to the State is reduced
due to an order by the Legislature or the Governor, or is required by State law, or if federal funding
(when applicable) is not provided, the State may terminate this contract or proportionately reduce the
services and purchase obligations and the amount due from the State upon 30 days written notice. In
the case that funds are not appropriated or are reduced, the State will reimburse Contractor for products
delivered or services performed through the date of cancellation or reduction, and the State will not be
liable for any future commitments, penalties, or liquidated damages.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response B-6
Cisco Response: Cisco respectfully asks that this Section be deleted and be replaced with the following
from both the current Cisco WSCA Data Communications AR-233 and the agreement that was assigned to
Cisco from Tandberg:
State shall have no liability to Contractor beyond funds that are appropriated and made available to the
State by the applicable legislative body.
If sufficient funds are not appropriated by legislative action to a State as to any future period, State may
terminate its Order(s) prospectively as to such future performance impacted by and to the extent of non-
appropriation, or otherwise work with Contractor to arrive at a mutually acceptable resolution of the
situation. State shall notify Contractor in writing of such non-appropriation with thirty (30) calendar days
written notice. If funding to the State is reduced due to an order by the Legislature or the Governor, or is
required by State law, or if federal funding (when applicable) is not provided, the State may terminate this
contract upon 30 days written notice.
No penalty shall accrue to States in the event this section shall be exercised. This section shall not be
construed to permit a State to terminate its Order(s) as to the period for which appropriations were made
and available or to permit State to terminate this agreement in order to acquire similar Products or
Services from a third party.
Any cancellation under this provision shall not affect the rights and obligations of either party attending
orders outstanding up to the time of non-appropriation of funds, e.g., any right of State to indemnification
by the Contractor, rights of payment for goods/services delivered and accepted, and rights attending any
warranty or default in performance in association with any prior order.
16. SALES TAX EXEMPTION: The State of Utah’s sales and use tax exemption number is 11736850-010-
STC, located at The
tangible personal property or services being purchased are being paid from State funds and used in the
exercise of that entity’s essential functions. If the items being purchased are construction materials, they
will be converted into real property by employees of this government entity, unless otherwise stated in
the contract.
Cisco Response: Agreed
Cisco Response: We look forward to discussing with the State the applicability of this Section to the
products and services Cisco will provide under the award. Once we have these discussions, we will be better
able to provide complete comments. The below represents initial concerns.
1. Network Security: Contractor agrees at all times to maintain network security that - at a minimum -
includes: network firewall provisioning, intrusion detection, and regular third party penetration
testing. Likewise Contractor agrees to maintain network security that conforms to one of the
a. Those standards the State of Utah applies to its own network, found at;
b. Current standards set forth and maintained by the National Institute of Standards and
Technology, includes those at: HTTP://WEB.NVD.NIST.GOV/VIEW/NCP/REPOSITORY
/; or
c. Any generally recognized comparable standard that Contractor then applies to its own
network and approved by DTS in writing.
Cisco Response: Cisco’s Risk Assessment Policy permits Corporate Information Security to perform
periodic vulnerability analysis, penetration testing, and risk assessments to determine areas of vulnerability
and to initiate appropriate remediation. All tests are authorized and performed by InfoSec. Third parties or
customers are not permitted to perform tests without prior InfoSec approval. Cisco’s information security
policies are designed to meet the ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management Systems (ISMS)
requirements and are available on the Cisco intranet to all employees, contractors, consultants, temporary,
and other workers at Cisco. In certain cases, Cisco has implemented more stringent internal controls to
comply with legal, regulatory, or customer security requirements.
2. Data security: Contractor agrees to protect and maintain the security of the State of Utah data with
protection that is at least as good as or better than that maintained by the State of Utah. These
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security measures included but are not limited to maintaining secure environments that are patched
and up to date with all appropriate security updates as designated, (ex. Microsoft Notification).
Cisco Response: Note that Cisco will comply with the Customer’s policies while on the Customer’s network
or premises to the extent it does not violate Cisco’s own policies. Otherwise, Cisco will comply with its own
policies which generally align with those of the customers.
3. Data Transmission: Contractor agrees that any and all transmission or exchange of system
application data with the State of Utah and/or any other parties expressly designated by the State of
Utah, shall take place via secure means, (ex. HTTPS or FTPS).
Cisco Response: Cisco would like to discuss the applicability of exchanging system application data to this
4. Data Storage: Contractor agrees that any and all State of Utah data will be stored, processed, and
maintained solely on designated target servers approved of by DTS and that no State of Utah data at
any time will be processed on or transferred to any portable or laptop computing device or any
portable storage medium, unless such medium is part of the Contractor's designated backup and
recovery process.
Cisco Response: Cisco would like to discuss the type of data that may be stored, processed, or maintained
under this Contract. Changes may be requested, depending on our discussions, as Cisco may not be able to
remain agile and have DTS approve each target server.
5. Data Encryption: Contractor agrees to store all State of Utah backup data as part of its designated
backup and recovery process in encrypted form, using no less than 128 bit key.
Cisco Response: Cisco would like to discuss the type of data that may require a backup under this
Contract. Changes may be requested, depending on our discussions.
6. Password Protection. Contractor agrees that any portable or laptop computer that has access to a
State of Utah network, or stores any non-public State of Utah data is equipped with strong and
secure password protection.
Cisco Response: Cisco would like to discuss the type of data that may require password protection under
this Contract. Changes may be requested, depending on our discussions.
7. Data Re-Use: Contractor agrees that any and all data exchanged shall be used expressly and
solely for the purpose enumerated in this Contract. Contractor further agrees that no State of Utah
data of any kind shall be transmitted, exchanged or otherwise passed to other Contractors or
interested parties except on a case-by-case basis as specifically agreed to in writing by DTS.
Cisco Response: Cisco agrees to the first sentence only; we need to be permitted to transfer or exchange
with subcontractors who have agreed to substantially similar data re-use obligations of this contract. Our
standard business and operating processes would be impeded significantly if we are required to obtain
approval in writing each time we have a subcontractor who may need access to data.
8. Data Destruction: The Contractor agrees that upon termination of this Agreement it shall erase,
destroy, and render unreadable all State of Utah data from all non-state computer systems and
backups, and certify in writing that these actions have been completed within 30 days of the
termination of this Agreement or within 7 days of the request of DTS, whichever shall come first.
Cisco Response: Cisco agrees with the modification of7 days” to “15 working days.” In addition, please
clarify in the first sentence that data will be destroyed upon written request from the Customer.” Also, to the
extent this differs from Cisco’s data destruction policy, Cisco’s policy will prevail (note that our policy is
generally in line or more stringent than those of our customers).
18. NOTIFICATION AND DATA BREACHES: Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable laws that
require the notification of individuals in the event of unauthorized release of personally-identifiable
information or other events requiring notification in accordance with DTS Policy 5000-1250-PR1
Computer Incident Reporting Procedure (copy available upon request). In the event of a data breach of
any Contractor's security obligations or other event requiring notification under applicable law (Utah
Code Annotated § 13-44-101 thru 301 et al), Contractor agrees at its own expense to assume
responsibility for informing all such individuals in accordance with applicable laws and to indemnify, hold
harmless and defend the State of Utah against any claims, damages, or other harm related to such
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Notification Event.
Cisco Response: Cisco agrees, pending review of DTS Policy 5000-1250-PR1 Computer Incident Reporting
Procedure. In addition, liability for breach of the contract and indemnification are covered in the WSCA-
NASPO Master Agreement Terms and Conditions and elsewhere in this contract. As such, please delete the
end of the last sentence starting with “and to indemnify.”
19. CHANGE MANAGEMENT: Contractor agrees to comply with DTS Change Management Policy 4000-
0004. This DTS policy requires that any work performed by the Contractor that has the potential to
cause any form of outage, or modify the State’s infrastructure architecture must first be reviewed by the
DTS Change Management Committee, and coordinated accordingly. The DTS Project Manager will
inform the Contractor if this change control requirement is applicable. Following this notification, any
failure by the Contractor that causes outages or data security breaches caused by the Contractor as a
direct result of failure to comply, will result in the Contractor’s liability for the damages.
For reference purposes, the latest version of DTS Change Management Policy 4000-0004 is detailed at
Cisco Response: Cisco requests a copy of DTS Change Management Policy for review before providing
final comments to this Section. Please note that Contractor’s liability will be capped at the limitation of
liability, and Cisco is not liable for lost data.
20. PUBLIC INFORMATION: Contractor agrees that the contract, related Sales Orders, and Invoices will be
public documents, and may be available for distribution. Contractor gives the State express permission
to make copies of the contract, related Sales Orders, and Invoices in accordance with the State of Utah
Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA). Except for sections identified in writing
and expressly approved by the State Division of Purchasing, Contractor also agrees that the Contractor’s
response to the solicitation will be a public document, and copies may be given to the public under
GRAMA laws. The permission to make copies as noted will take precedence over any statements of
confidentiality, proprietary information, copyright information, or similar notation.
Cisco Response: Agreed
21. CREDITING STATE IN ADVERTISING / PUBLICITY: Any publicity given to the project or services
provided herein shall identify the State of Utah’s managing agency as the sponsoring agency and shall
not be released without prior written approval by that State agency’s Project Manager.
Cisco Response: Agreed, with clarification that “any such release shall be on prior written mutual
agreement of the parties.”
22. STATE AGENCY WEB SITE BRANDING: The Contractor agrees to use the DTS logo, or a newer
version if replaced in the future, on websites produced under terms of this contract. Contractor further
agrees to allow a State agency to also utilize their own web site branding and logo, if requested by that
State agency.
Cisco Response: Agreed, with clarification in the last sentence that any utilization of Cisco’s branding will
be per our logo/branding use requirements.”
23. ORDERING AND INVOICING: All orders will be shipped promptly in accordance with the delivery
schedule. The Contractor will promptly submit invoices (within 30 days of shipment or delivery of
services) to the State. The State contract number and/or the agency purchase order number shall be
listed on all invoices, freight tickets, and correspondence relating to the contract order. The prices paid
by the State will be those prices listed in the contract. The State has the right to adjust or return any
invoice reflecting incorrect pricing.
Cisco Response: Cisco respectfully requests replacement of this Section with the terms in the current Cisco
WSCA Data Communications AR-233. This Section would now be entitled Ordering, Delivery, and Invoicing:
23.1 After receipt and acceptance by Contractor of State’s Purchase Order(s), Contractor will use
commercially reasonable efforts to ship all direct purchase orders designated for shipment to U.S.
locations within thirty (30) days for all products. Please note that the following circumstances may
affect lead times: (i) new products purchased within the first three (3) months of release of the
product which are subject to Contractor’s then current published lead-times, (ii) third-party stand-
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alone products which are not a component of equipment resold by Contractor, (iii) end-of-life
products where the termination of the product has been announced by Contractor, (iv) products
which have been line-stopped due to software discrepancies, reconfiguration, industry-wide product
shortages, or alleged infringement claims, or (vi) situations where government rated orders create
delays in lead-times.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, at any time when State states “expedite” on a Purchase Order or
otherwise communicates to Contractor that a purchase order is to be expedited, Contractor shall
use all commercially reasonable efforts to ensure the earliest possible delivery of such products.
23.2 Contractor will communicate scheduled shipping dates in the order acknowledgement and/or on within three (3) business days after receipt of an electronic Purchase Order on, provided, however, that in the event such notification is not received in this time period,
State shall notify Contractor of the non-receipt, and Contractor's sole obligation with respect to such
non-receipt shall be to promptly provide the information to the State after such notification.
23.3 If Contractor has reason to believe that the actual shipment date will occur later than the original
shipment date acknowledged by Contractor for reasons caused by Contractor, Contractor shall use
commercially reasonable efforts to promptly provide additional information to State including by
electronic posting of the expected period of delay and, upon request, of the steps available, if any,
to minimize the delay. If the extended delivery date is anticipated to be more than thirty (30)
calendar days beyond the originally scheduled delivery date, the parties will work in good faith to
resolve any ordering issues pursuant to the order escalation process.
23.4 Shipping terms are FOB destination, shipping and handling prepaid by Contractor. The method of
shipment shall be consistent with the nature of the products and hazards of transportation.
Acceptance by Purchaser shall be deemed to have occurred upon delivery of the applicable
products to the applicable Purchaser. Title and risk of loss shall pass to Purchaser upon delivery.
23.5 If Purchaser requests delivery of products to Purchaser's forwarding agent or other representative,
Purchaser assumes responsibility for compliance with applicable export laws and regulations.
23.6 Contractor is not liable for damage or penalty for delay in delivery or for failure to give notice of
delay. Contractor shall not have any liability in connection with product shipment other than as set
forth in this Section.
All sales are final. Except as provided in Contractor’s Limited Warranty, Contractor only permits the return of
un-opened products due to Contractor’s shipping or order processing error, or damage in transit. No other
returns are authorized under this contract. Warranty returns will not be subject to any restocking charges.
24. PROMPT PAYMENT DISCOUNT: Offeror may quote a prompt payment discount based upon early
payment; however, discounts offered for less than 30 days will not be considered in making the award.
Contractor shall list Payment Discount Terms on invoices. The prompt payment discount will apply to
payments made with purchasing cards and checks. The date from which discount time is calculated will
be the date a correct invoice is received or receipt of shipment, whichever is later; except that if testing is
performed, the date will be the date of acceptance of the merchandise.
Cisco Response: Agreed
1. Payments are normally made within 30 days following the date the order is delivered or the date a
correct invoice is received, whichever is later. After 60 days from the date a correct invoice is
received by the appropriate State official, the Contractor may assess interest on overdue, undisputed
account charges up to a maximum of the interest rate paid by the IRS on taxpayer refund claims,
plus two percent, computed similarly as the requirements of Utah Code Annotated Section 15-6-3.
The IRS interest rate is adjusted quarterly, and is applied on a per annum basis, on the invoice
amount that is overdue.
Cisco Response: Cisco respectfully requests replacement of this Section with the terms in the current Cisco
WSCA Data Communications AR-233.
Upon and subject to credit approval by Contractor, payment is net thirty (30) days from invoice date and
shall be made in U.S. currency. Invoices for products ordered without implementation services shall be
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rendered by Contractor on or after the date of delivery of such products to the Purchaser. If, at any time,
Purchaser is delinquent in payment, or is otherwise in breach of this contract, Contractor may, without
prejudice to other rights, withhold shipment (including partial shipments) of any order or require Purchaser to
prepay for further shipments. Any sum not paid by Purchaser when due shall bear interest until paid at a rate
of 1 percent per month (12 percent per annum) or the maximum legal rate, whichever is less. Purchaser
grants Contractor a security interest in products purchased under this contract to secure payment for those
products purchased which security interest shall expire upon full payment in accordance with the terms. If
requested by Contractor, Purchaser agrees to execute financing statements to perfect this security interest.
Payments may be made via a State or political subdivision “Purchasing Card” to Fulfillment Partners under
this contract.”
2. The contract total may be changed only by written amendment executed by authorized personnel of
the parties. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, all payments to the Contractor will be remitted
by mail, electronic funds transfer, or the State of Utah’s purchasing card (major credit card). The
State of Utah will not allow the Contractor to charge end users electronic payment fees of any kind.
Cisco Response: Agreed
3. The acceptance by the Contractor of final payment without a written protest filed with the State within
ten (10) working days of receipt of final payment shall release the State from all claims and all liability
to the Contractor for fees and costs of the performance of the services pursuant to this Contract.
Cisco Response: Agreed, with modification of ten (10) working daysto twenty (20) working days.
4. Overpayment: The Contractor agrees that if during or subsequent to the contract performance, a
CPA audit, or a State agency audit determines that payments were incorrectly reported or paid the
State may adjust the payments. The Contractor shall, upon written request, immediately refund to
DTS any such overpayments. The Contractor further agrees that the State shall have the right to
withhold any or all-subsequent payments under this or other contracts that the Contractor may have
with the State until recoupment of overpayment is made.
Cisco Response: Agreed, with 1) clarification that any subsequent audit must be within one (1) year after
such contract performance, 2) Cisco confirms the audit results, and 3) deletion of the last sentence as
Cisco’s accounting systems cannot accommodate set offs.
5. Payment withholding: the Contractor agrees that the adequate reporting, record keeping, and
compliance requirements specified in this contract are a material element of performance and that if
the Contractor’s record keeping practices, compliance, and/or reporting to DTS are not conducted in
a timely and satisfactory manner, DTS may withhold part or all payments under this or any other
contract until such deficiencies have been remedied. This includes, but is not limited to, Contractors
failure to provide timely invoicing, and/or other requirements described elsewhere within this
contract. In the event of the payment(s) being withheld, DTS agrees to provide ten (10) day advance
Notice to the Contractor of the deficiencies that must be corrected in order to bring about the release
of withheld payment. Contractor shall have ten (10) days thereafter to correct the cited reporting or
record keeping practice deficiencies or the contract may be terminated.
Cisco Response: Cisco respectfully requests modifying this Section to the following:
Payment withholding: the Contractor agrees that the adequate reporting, record keeping, and compliance
requirements specified in this contract are a material element of performance and that if the Contractors
record keeping practices, compliance, and/or reporting to DTS are not conducted in a timely and satisfactory
manner and, after notice to Contractor by the State, Contractor will use commercially reasonable efforts to
rectify the situation within fifteen (15) working days. This includes, but is not limited to, Contractors failure to
provide timely invoicing, and/or other requirements described elsewhere within this contract.
26. COPYRIGHT: The contractor agrees that any and all Deliverables prepared for the State of Utah as
required by this contract, to the extent to which it is eligible under copyright law in any country, shall be
deemed a work made for hire, such that all rights, title and interest in the work and Deliverables shall be
exclusively owned by the State of Utah. State of Utah reserves a royalty-free, nonexclusive, and
irrevocable license to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use and to authorize others to use for Federal or
State Government purposes, such software, modifications and documentation. To the extent any
Deliverable is deemed not to be, for any reason whatsoever, work made for hire, Contractor agrees to
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assign and hereby assigns all right title and interest, including but not limited to copyright patent,
trademark and trade secret, to such Deliverables, and all extensions and renewals thereof, to the State
of Utah. Contractor further agrees to provide all assistance reasonably requested by the State of Utah in
the establishment, preservation, and enforcement of its rights in such Deliverables, without any
additional compensation to Contractor. Contractor agrees to and hereby, to the extent permissible,
waives all legal and equitable rights relating to the Deliverables, including without limitation any and all
rights of identification of authorship and any and all rights of approval, restriction or limitation on use or
subsequent modifications.
Cisco Response: Cisco Professional/Advance Services will be provided per the Master Services Agreement
(“MSA Terms”), included in the Additional Terms and Conditions. The MSA Terms, which covers ownership
in Section 12, will be added as an Attachment to the WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement Terms and
Conditions and shall replace this Section. Therefore, Cisco respectfully requests deletion of this Section.
27. OWNERSHIP, PROTECTION AND USE OF RECORDS: Except for confidential medical records held
by direct care providers, the State shall own exclusive title to all information gathered, reports developed,
and conclusions reached in performance of this Contract. The Contractor may not use, except in
meeting its obligations under this contract, information gathered, reports developed, or conclusions
reached in performance of this Contract without the express written consent of the State. The improper
use or disclosure of any information concerning a State of Utah client, or a State of Utah employee for
any purpose not directly connected with the administration of the State, or the Contractor’s
responsibilities with respect to services purchased under this agreement, is prohibited except on written
consent of the state agency employee, state agency client, their attorney, or their responsible parent or
guardian. The Contractor will be required to sign a Confidential Information Certification form in situations
where they will be given access to confidential computerized records. The Contractor agrees to maintain
the confidentiality of records it holds as agent for the State as required by Government Records Access
and Management Act (“GRAMA”), or other applicable federal or state law. The State of Utah shall own
and retain unlimited rights to use, disclose, or duplicate all information and data (copyrighted or
otherwise) developed, derived, documented, stored, or furnished by the Contractor under the Contract.
The Contractor, and any subcontractors under its control, expressly agrees not to use confidential client,
or confidential federal, state, or local government data, without prior written permission from the State of
Utah Project Manager and appropriate officials of the State Agency.
Cisco Response: Cisco Professional/Advance Services will be provided per the Master Services Agreement
(“MSA Terms”), included in the Additional Terms and Conditions. The MSA Terms, which covers ownership
in Section 12, will be added as an Attachment to the WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement Terms and
Conditions and shall replace this Section. Also, Confidentiality terms are included in the WSCA-NASPO
Master Agreement Terms and Conditions. Therefore, Cisco respectfully requests deletion of this Section.
disclosure by any party of protected internal Federal or State business processes, polices, procedures,
or practices is prohibited. Confidential federal or state business processes, policies, procedures, or
practices shall not be divulged by the Contractor, Contractor’s employees, or their Subcontractors,
unless prior written consent has been obtained in advance from the State of Utah Project Manager.
Cisco Response: Agreed, with the modification of changing the second sentence to a mutual obligation.
TERMINATION OR COMPLETION: All documents and data pertaining to work required by this contract
will be the property of the State and must be delivered to the State within 30 working days after
termination or completion of the contract, regardless of the reason for contract termination, and without
restriction or limitation to their future use. Any State data that may be returned under provisions of this
clause must either be in the format as originally provided, or in a format that is readily usable by the
State or that can be formatted in a way that it can be used. Costs for all of these described items will be
considered as included in the basic contract compensation of the work described used by the State.
Cisco Response: Cisco Professional/Advance Services will be provided per the Master Services Agreement
(“MSA Terms”), included in the Additional Terms and Conditions. The MSA Terms, which covers ownership
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in Section 12, will be added as an Attachment to the WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement Terms and
Conditions and shall replace this Section. Therefore, Cisco respectfully requests deletion of this Section.
30. CONFIDENTIALITY: Contractor, and anyone for whom the Contractor may be liable, must maintain the
confidentiality of any non-public personal information. Personal information includes, but is not limited to,
names, social security numbers, birth dates, address, credit card numbers and financial account
numbers. The State reserves the right to identify additional reasonable types or categories of
information that must be kept confidential by the Contractor and anyone for whom the Contractor may be
liable. This duty of confidentiality shall be ongoing and survive the term of this contract.
Cisco Response: Cisco respectfully requests deletion of this Section as, given the scope of this contract, we
should not have access to any personal information. Confidentiality will then be covered in the WSCA-
NASPO Master Agreement Terms and Conditions.
31. TERMINATION UPON DEFAULT: In the event this contract is terminated as a result of a default by the
Contractor, the State may procure or otherwise obtain, upon such terms and conditions as the State
deems appropriate, services similar to those terminated, and Contractor shall be liable to the State for
any and all damages arising there from, including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees and excess costs
incurred by the State in obtaining similar services.
Cisco Response: Cisco respectfully requests deletion of this Section. Cisco cannot agree to be liable for the
additional items listed in this Section. Any remedies are otherwise set forth in the WSCA-NASPO Master
Agreement Terms and Conditions.
32. PROCUREMENT ETHICS: The Contractor understands that a person who is interested in any way in
the sale of any supplies, services, construction, or insurance to the State of Utah is violating the law if the
person gives or offers to give any compensation, gratuity, contribution, loan or reward, or any promise
thereof to any person acting as a procurement officer on behalf of the State, or who in any official
capacity participates in the procurement of such supplies, services, construction, or insurance, whether it
is given for their own use or for the use or benefit of any other person or organization (63G-6-1002, Utah
Code Annotated, 1953, as amended).
Cisco Response: Agreed
33. WORKERS’ COMPENSATION: The Contractor shall furnish proof to the State, upon request and
maintain during the life of this contract, workers’ compensation insurance for all its employees as well as
any subcontractor employees related to this contract.
Cisco Response: Cisco respectfully requests that this Section be modified to the following to eliminate
The Contractor shall furnish proof to the State, upon request, and maintain during the life of this contract,
workers’ compensation insurance for all its employees who perform work governed by this Agreement. The
Contractor shall also undertake reasonable efforts to furnish proof to the State, upon request, of workers’
compensation insurance coverage for any subcontractor employees who perform work governed by this
34. LIABILITY INSURANCE: The Contractor agrees to provide and to maintain during the performance of
the contract, at its sole expense, a policy of liability insurance. The limits of the policy shall be no less
than $1,000,000.00 for each occurrence and $3,000,000.00 aggregate.
It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to require any of their Subcontractor(s) to secure the same
insurance coverage as prescribed herein for the Contractor.
Cisco Response: Insurance terms shall be per the terms of the WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement Terms
and Conditions. Therefore, Cisco respectfully requests deletion of this section (and Section 43).
35. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement, including all Attachments, and documents incorporated
hereunder, and the related State Solicitation constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with
respect to the subject matter, and supersedes any and all other prior and contemporaneous agreements
and understandings between the parties, whether oral or written. The terms of this Agreement shall
supersede any additional or conflicting terms or provisions that may be set forth or printed on the
Contractor’s work plans, cost estimate forms, receiving tickets, invoices, or any other related standard
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forms or documents of the Contractor that may subsequently be used to implement, record, or invoice
services hereunder from time to time, even if such standard forms or documents have been signed or
initialed by a representative of the State. The parties agree that the terms of this Agreement shall prevail
in any dispute between the terms of this Agreement and the terms printed on any such standard forms or
documents, and such standard forms or documents shall not be considered written amendments of this
Cisco Response: Agreed
36. SURVIVORSHIP: This paragraph defines the specific contractual provisions that will remain in effect
after the completion of or termination of this contract, for whatever reason: (a) State of Utah Standard IT
Terms and Conditions # 2, Contract Jurisdiction, Choice of Law, and Venue; (b) State of Utah Standard
IT Terms and Conditions # 17, Secure Protection and Handling of Data; (c) State of Utah Standard IT
Terms and Conditions # 18, Notification and Data Breaches; (d) State of Utah Standard IT Terms and
Conditions # 26, Copyright; (e) State of Utah Standard IT Terms and Conditions #27, Ownership,
Protection, and Use of Records, including Residuals of such records; and (f) State of Utah Standard IT
Terms and Conditions # 28, Ownership, Protection, and Use of Confidential Federal, State, or Local
Government Internal Business Processes, including Residuals of such confidential business processes;
(g) State of Utah Standard IT Terms and Conditions # 29, Ownership, Protection, and Return of
Documents and Data Upon Contract Termination or Completion; and (h) State of Utah Standard IT
Terms and Conditions # 30, Confidentiality.
Cisco Response: Agreed; however, after negotiation of the final terms, this Section should be reviewed to
ensure appropriate Section references are included.
37. WAIVER: The waiver by either party of any provision, term, covenant or condition of this Contract shall
not be deemed to be a waiver of any other provision, term, covenant or condition of this Contract nor any
subsequent breach of the same or any other provision, term, covenant or condition of this Contract.
Cisco Response: Agreed
If professional services are applicable to this solicitation/contract, the following terms and conditions
Cisco Response: Cisco Professional/Advance Services will be provided per the Master Services Agreement
(“MSA Terms”), included in the Additional Terms and Conditions. The MSA Terms will be added as an
Attachment to the WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement Terms and Conditions and shall replace the below
Sections, except for Section 43. With regard to Section 43, Insurance terms, this is redundant to terms in the
WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement Terms and Conditions. Therefore, Cisco respectfully requests deletion of
the Sections below.
38. TIME: The Contractor shall complete the scope of services work in a manner to achieve any milestones
identified in the procurement documents related to this Contract and the attachments to this Contract.
The full scope of services work shall be completed by any applicable deadline stated in the solicitation.
Cisco Response: See comment above Section 38.
39. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE: For all work and services under this Contract, time is of the essence and
Contractor shall be liable for all damages to the State of Utah and anyone for whom the State of Utah
may be liable, as a result of the failure to timely complete the scope of work required under this Contract.
Cisco Response: See comment above Section 38.
40. CHANGES IN SCOPE: Any changes in the scope of the services to be performed under this Contract
shall be in the form of a written amendment to this Contract, mutually agreed to and signed by duly
authorized representatives of both parties, specifying any such changes, fee adjustments, any
adjustment in time of performance, or any other significant factors arising from the changes in the scope
of services.
Cisco Response: See comment above Section 38.
41. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: The State of Utah may conduct a performance evaluation of the
Contractor’s services, including specific personnel of the Contractor. References in the Contract to
Contractor shall include Contractor, Contractor’s subcontractors, or subconsultants at any tier, if any.
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Results of any evaluation will be made available to the Contractor.
Cisco Response: See comment above Section 38.
42. WAIVERS: No waiver by the State or Contractor of any default shall constitute a waiver of the same
default at a later time or of a different default.
Cisco Response: See comment above Section 38.
1. To protect against liability, loss and/or expense in connection with the performance of services
described under this Contract, the Contractor shall obtain and maintain in force during the entire
period of this Contract without interruption, at its own expense, insurance as listed below from
insurance companies authorized to do business in the State of Utah and with an A.M. Best rating as
approved by the State of Utah Division of Risk Management.
2. The following are minimum coverages that may be supplemented by additional requirements
contained in the solicitation for this Contract or provided in an Attachment to this Contract; if no
insurance limits are identified in the solicitation, insurance minimums will default to Section 44.
Liability Insurance Requirements:
(1) Worker’s Compensation Insurance and Employers’ Liability Insurance. Worker’s compensation
insurance shall cover full liability under the worker’s compensation laws of the jurisdiction in
which the service is performed at the statutory limits required by said jurisdiction.
(2) Professional liability insurance in the amount as described in the solicitation for this Contract, if
(3) Any other insurance described in the solicitation for this Contract, if applicable.
3. Any type of insurance or any increase of limits of liability not described in this Contract which the
Contractor requires for its own protection or on account of any statute, rule, or regulation shall be its
own responsibility, and shall be provided at Contractor’s own expense.
4. The carrying of insurance required by this Contract shall not be interpreted as relieving the
Contractor of any other responsibility or liability under this Contract or any applicable law, statute,
rule, regulation, or order.
Cisco Response: Insurance terms shall be per the terms of the WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement Terms
and Conditions. As such, Cisco respectfully requests deletion of this Section.
44. STANDARD OF CARE: The services of Contractor and its subcontractors and subconsultants at any
tier, if any, shall be performed in accordance with the standard of care exercised by licensed members of
their respective professions having substantial experience providing similar services which similarities
include the type, magnitude and complexity of the services that are the subject of this Contract. The
Contractor shall be liable to the State of Utah for claims, liabilities, additional burdens, penalties,
damages or third party claims (i.e. another Contractor’s claim against the State of Utah), to the extent
caused by wrongful acts, errors or omissions that do not meet this standard of care.
Cisco Response: See comment above Section 38.
45. STATE REVIEWS, LIMITATIONS: The right of the State to perform plan checks, plan reviews, other
reviews and/or comment upon the services of the Contractor, as well as any approval by the State, shall
not be construed as relieving the Contractor from its professional and legal responsibility for services
required under this Contract. No review by the State or any entity/user, approval or acceptance, or
payment for any of the services required under this Contract shall be construed to operate as a waiver by
the State of any right under this Contract or of any cause of action arising out of the performance or
nonperformance of this Contract, and the Contractor shall be and remain liable to the State in
accordance with applicable law for all damages to the State caused by the wrongful acts, errors and/or
omissions of the Contractor or its subcontractors or subconsultants at any tier, if any.
Cisco Response: See comment above Section 38.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response C-1
Appendix C — Additional Vendor Terms and Conditions
End User License Agreement (EULA)
Cisco Systems, Inc. or its affiliate licensing the software (“Cisco”) is willing to license this software to you only
upon the condition that you purchased the software from an approved source and that you accept all of the
terms contained in this end-user license agreement plus any additional limitations on the license set forth in a
supplemental license agreement accompanying the product, available at the time of your order, or posted on
the Cisco website at WWW.CISCO.COM/GO/TERMS (collectively, the “agreement”). To the extent of any
conflict between the terms of this end-user license agreement and any supplemental license agreement, the
supplemental license agreement shall apply. By downloading, installing, or using the software, you are
representing that you purchased the software from an approved source and binding yourself to the
agreement. if you do not agree to all of the terms of the agreement, then Cisco is unwilling to license the
software to you and (a) you may not download, install, or use the software, and (b) you may return the
software (including any unopened cd package and any written materials) for a full refund, or (c), if the
software and written materials are supplied as part of another product, you may return the entire product for
a full refund. Your right to return and refund expires 30 days after purchase from an approved source, and
applies only if you are the original and registered end user purchaser. For the purposes of this end-user
license agreement, an “approved source” means (a) Cisco; or (b) a distributor or systems integrator
authorized by Cisco to distribute/sell Cisco equipment, software,and services within your territory to end
users; or (c) a reseller authorized by any such distributor or systems integrator in accordance with the terms
of the distributor’s agreement with Cisco to distribute/sell the Cisco equipment software and services within
your territory to end users.
Please note that the remaining license terms are addressed in the WSCA NASPO Master Agreement
Terms and Conditions.
Please note that the Master Services Agreement below is the same agreement utilized in our current Cisco
WSCA Data Communications AR-233 contract, with updates to certain terminology.
Master Services Agreement
This Master Services Agreement governs all Orders for Services placed under the WSCA NASPO Master
Agreement Terms and Conditions (“WSCA Master Agreement”).
This Agreement is entered into between Cisco Systems, Inc. (“Cisco”), a California corporation having its
principal place of business at 170 West Tasman Drive, San Jose, California, 95134 and the WSCA-NASPO
Cooperative Purchasing Organization LLC (“WSCA”), on behalf of their Public Sector Customers formed
under the laws of United States (“Customer”) having its principal place of business at State of Utah, Division
of Purchasing and General Services, State Office Building, Capitol Hill, Room 3150, Salt Lake City, UT
84114-1061, United States, and is entered into as of the date of last signature below (the “Effective Date”).
This Master Services Agreement consists of (i) this signature page, (ii) the Master Services Agreement
Terms and Conditions (including the Exhibits), and (iii) the Services Descriptions of the Services at that the WSCA Customer may elect to purchase, which are incorporated in this Agreement by this
The parties have caused this Agreement to be duly executed. Each party warrants and represents that its
respective signatories whose signatures appear below are on the date of signature authorized to execute this
{Insert Signature Boxes}
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response C-2
Master Services Agreement - Terms and Conditions
1. Definitions are those set out in the Exhibit A, Glossary of Terms at the end of the Agreement.
2. Scope. This Agreement describes the terms and conditions for (a) Purchases by Customer of Services,
and (b) delivery by Cisco of the Services according to the options ordered by Customer or otherwise
provided by Cisco to Customer. Cisco will provide Services for Products and Customer will be entitled to
receive Services for which (i) the applicable Services fees have been paid, (ii) a valid Software license
has been granted, and (iii) Customer provides information requested by Cisco such as valid serial
numbers, site location, contract number, and Product type.
3. Orders. Where payment is directly to Cisco or its Fulfilment Partners, Customer shall, upon and subject
to credit approval by Cisco, purchase Services by issuing a Purchase Order. Each Purchase Order must
be signed, if requested by Cisco, or (in the case of electronic transmission) sent, by an authorized
representative, indicating the specific Services, quantity, price, total purchase price, shipping
instructions, requested delivery dates, bill-to and ship-to addresses, tax exempt certifications, if
applicable, contract reference if any, and any other special instructions. No contingency contained on
any Purchase Order shall be binding upon Cisco. The terms of this Agreement shall apply, regardless of
any additional or conflicting terms on any Purchase Order or other correspondence or documentation
submitted by Customer to Cisco, and any such additional or conflicting terms are deemed rejected by
4. Pricing. For Direct Purchases, and subsequent Equipment List renewals, prices for Services shall be (a)
those specified in Cisco’s then-current Price List less any applicable contract discount in effect under the
WSCA Master Agreement at the time of acceptance of the Purchase Order by Cisco, or (b) those set
forth in a written price quotation submitted by Cisco or its Fulfilment Partner, if at or below the stated
contract discount. All stated prices are exclusive of taxes, fees, and duties or other amounts in
accordance with the WSCA Master Agreement. Any taxes related to Services purchased pursuant to this
Agreement shall be paid by Customer or Customer shall present an exemption certificate acceptable to
the taxing authorities. Applicable taxes shall be billed as a separate item on the invoice, to the extent
possible. In the event that Customer is unable to provide valid and applicable serial number(s) for
Product and Cisco agrees to provide Services, then Service fees payable by Customer shall be at
Cisco’s then-current time and materials or non-contract service rates.
Subject to the price discount floor established by Cisco under the WSCA Master Agreement, for
Indirect Purchases, Fulfillment Partners are free to determine their resale prices unilaterally.
Customer understands that no employee or representative of Cisco or anyone else has any
authority to determine such resale prices, or to limit the Fulfillment Partners’ pricing discretion
with respect to Services.
5. Payment. For Purchases of Services, upon and subject to credit approval by Cisco, payment terms shall
be net thirty (30) days from the date of invoice. Unless otherwise agreed by Cisco, all payments shall be
made in U.S. currency. Any sum not paid by Customer when due shall bear interest from the due date in
accordance with the terms for interest on late payments under the WSCA Master Agreement.
6. Invoicing. Fees for Services, other than those for which a SOW is required, shall be invoiced in advance
of delivery of Services. The timing of invoices for Services provided pursuant to a SOW shall be set forth
in the respective SOW.
7. Term and Termination.
(a) The term of any service order shall commence on the Effective Date of the Order and shall continue
for a period of one (1) year, or such other multi-year period as set forth in the purchase order or
SOW. Such term will be renewed automatically for successive one (1) year terms unless either party
notifies the other of its intent to terminate at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the then
current term.
(b) The term of an Equipment List shall commence on the date set forth on such.
(c) Equipment List, which may be up to sixty (60) days following the date of Purchase Order acceptance
by Cisco. The term of an Equipment List shall be for a period of one (1) year and shall be renewed
automatically for successive one (1) year terms, unless either party notifies the other of its intent to
terminate at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the then current one (1) year term.
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(d) The term of each SOW shall be stated in the SOW.
This Master Service Agreement may be terminated in accordance on the same terms as set forth in
the WSCA Master Agreement. Any Equipment List or SOW may be terminated immediately by either
party upon written notice:
(i) if the other party breaches any of the material provisions of this Agreement and the breach is not
capable of being cured, or after providing thirty (30) days written notice to the breaching party if
the breaching party fails to cure such breach within such period.
(ii) if: (a) the other party ceases to carry on business as a going concern; or (b) the other party
becomes or may become the object of the institution of voluntary or involuntary proceedings in
bankruptcy or liquidation; or (c) a receiver or similar officer is appointed with respect to the whole
or a substantial part of the other party’s assets; or (d) an event similar to any of the foregoing
occurs under applicable law with respect to the other party.
(iii) if the other party assigns or transfers any of the rights or responsibilities granted under this
Agreement or any Equipment List or SOW in breach of Section 16.
If Services fees are not paid when due and payment has not been received within thirty (30) days after notice
from Cisco of such past due payment, Cisco may withhold the provision of Services until all amounts past
due are paid in full, and/or terminate immediately this Agreement, any Equipment List, and SOW.
(e) Cisco reserves the right to make changes to the scope and content of the Services or part thereof,
including terminating the availability of a given Service, at any time upon ninety (90) days' prior
notice. Such changes will become effective upon renewal of the affected Equipment Lists and
SOWs. If Customer does not agree to a change of scope or content, Customer may terminate any
affected Equipment List or SOW by notifying Cisco at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of
the then current one (1) year term of the Equipment List or SOW. In such case, Cisco shall continue
to provide Services until the next expiration date of the affected Equipment List or SOW.
(f) Each Equipment List and SOW hereunder shall terminate immediately upon termination of the
(g) Upon termination of the Agreement, any Equipment List, or SOWs, Customer shall pay Cisco for all
work performed under the affected Equipment Lists or SOWs up to the effective date of termination
at the agreed-upon prices, fees, and expense reimbursement rates.
(h) Firm orders for services under this Master Services Agreement placed and accepted prior to
expiration of the contract term, (even if involving a multi-year commitment) remain valid in
accordance with the contract terms which shall remain binding as to such prior orders only for the
term stated therein, and shall not otherwise constitute an extension of the Master Services
8. Confidentiality. Customer and Cisco agree that in connection with this Agreement and their relationship,
they may obtain Confidential Information. The receiving party shall at all times keep in trust and
confidence all such Confidential Information, and shall not use such Confidential Information other than
as expressly authorized by the disclosing party under this Agreement, nor shall the receiving party
disclose any such Confidential Information to third parties without the disclosing party’s written consent.
Notwithstanding the above, Cisco shall be authorized to disclose Customer’s Confidential Information to
contractors or employees of a Cisco entity who have a legitimate business need to have access to such
information. Except to the extent retention is otherwise required by law for records retention purposes,
the receiving party shall immediately return to the disclosing party all Confidential Information (including
copies thereof) in the receiving party’s possession, custody, or control upon termination or expiration at
any time and for any reason of this Agreement. The obligations of confidentiality shall not apply to
information which (a) has entered the public domain, except where such entry is the result of the
receiving party’s breach of this Agreement; (b) prior to disclosure hereunder was already rightfully in the
receiving party’s possession; (c) subsequent to disclosure hereunder is obtained by the receiving party
on a non-confidential basis from a third party who has the right to disclose such information to the
receiving party. The receiving party will be authorized to disclose Confidential Information pursuant to a
valid order issued by a court or government agency, provided that the receiving party provides (i) prior
written notice to the disclosing party of such obligation and (ii) the opportunity to oppose such disclosure.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response C-4
Neither party shall disclose, advertise, or publish the detailed terms and conditions of an SOW or
detailed ordering document or deliverables in conjunction therewith under this Agreement without the
prior written consent of the other party. Any press release or publication regarding such documents or
deliverables under this Agreement are presumed by the parties to contain confidential information and is
subject to prior review and written approval of the parties. In such event, only the invoice will be
presumed public information. Notwithstanding confidentiality of the detailed ordering documents and
deliverables, the parties shall be deemed to have given their consent to release of this Agreement.
9. Warranty. All services provided hereunder shall be performed in a workmanlike manner in accordance
with industry standards expected of a company providing professional services in the networking
industry. Except as specified in this section, Cisco hereby disclaims and customer waives all
representations, conditions, and warranties (whether express, implied, or statutory), including without
limitation, any warranty or condition (a) of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-
infringement, title, satisfactory quality, accuracy, (b) arising from any course of dealing, course of
performance, or usage in the industry. To the extent an implied warranty cannot be disclaimed, such
warranty is limited in duration to the applicable express warranty period. Customer’s sole and exclusive
remedy for breach of warranty shall be, at Cisco’s option, re-performance of the services; or termination
of this agreement or the applicable equipment list or SOW and return of the portion of the service fees
paid to Cisco by customer for such non-conforming services.
10. Limitation of Liability and Consequential Damages Waiver.
Except for the general indemnity provision set forth in the WSCA Master Agreement, all liability of Cisco,
its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, and suppliers collectively for claims arising under this
agreement or otherwise howsoever arising shall be limited to the greater of (i) the money paid to Cisco
for services under this agreement during the twelve (12) month period preceding the event or
circumstances first giving rise to such liability or (ii) one hundred thousand ($100,000) U.S. dollars. This
limitation of liability is cumulative and not per-incident (i.e., the existence of two or more claims will not
enlarge this limit).
In the case of transactional advanced services performed under a SOW, the liability of Cisco shall be
limited to the amount paid by customer to Cisco pursuant to the relevant SOW during the twelve (12)
months preceding the event or circumstances giving rise to such liability.
Subject to customer’s breach of Section 11 (license), in no event shall either party, its respective
affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, or suppliers be liable for any special, incidental, indirect
or consequential damages, or lost revenue, lost profits, or lost or damaged data, whether arising in
contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, even if such party has been informed of the possibility
11. License. Cisco grants to Customer a nonexclusive and non-transferable license to use for Customer’s
internal business use (a) Software provided as a result of Services (b) the Deliverables specified in each
SOW (in object code form if software), and (c) Data Collection Tools. This license grant does not include
the right to sublicense and is non-transferable.
This license shall be governed by (i) the terms and conditions attached to the Software or, in the
absence of such terms, by the license posted at and (ii) the Agreement.
Customer agrees that it is licensed to use Software: (1) only on Hardware covered under this Agreement;
or (2) in the case of Application Software, on third-party hardware, (except as otherwise authorized in the
Software documentation); or (3) in the case of Data Collection Tools, in object code form only, on the
Data Collection Tool on which such Software is provided.
The license is perpetual, provided Customer is not otherwise in breach of this license. Notwithstanding
the above, for Data Collection Tools the license is valid until the earlier of: (i) the expiration or termination
of the Service under which the Data Collection Tool was provided; or (ii) Cisco’s request to Customer
that the Data Collection Tool(s) be returned to Cisco.
Except as expressly authorized, Customer shall not (and shall not permit a third party to): download
more than one copy of the Software, copy, in whole or in part, any Software, Deliverable or Data
Collection Tool, make error corrections or otherwise modify, decompile, decrypt, reverse engineer,
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response C-5
disassemble, or otherwise reduce all or any portion of any Software, Deliverable, or Data Collection Tool
which is software to human-readable form; or transfer, sublicense, rent, lease, distribute, sell, or create
derivative works of any Deliverables.
When Customer updates or upgrades a copy of Software to a new release, Customer shall not use
(except for a limited period of parallel testing) the new Software release and the corresponding copy of
the previous Software release concurrently. Under no circumstances shall the previous release be re-
used or transferred to any other device(s).
12. Ownership. Cisco shall at all times retain all right, title, and interest in and to all pre-existing Intellectual
Property owned by Cisco as of the Effective Date and all Intellectual Property in and to the Services,
Cisco Products, Deliverables, and Data Collection Tools or other Intellectual Property provided or
developed by Cisco or a third party on Cisco’s behalf thereafter. Customer shall at all times retain all
right, title, and interest in and to all pre-existing Intellectual Property owned by Customer as of the
Effective Date and all Intellectual Property that is developed by Customer or by a third party on
Customer’s behalf thereafter without the benefit of any of Cisco’s Intellectual Property. Third Party
Products shall at all times be owned by the applicable third party.
13. Force Majeure. Except for the obligation to pay monies due and owing, neither party shall be liable for
any delay or failure in performance due to events outside the defaulting party’s reasonable control,
including without limitation acts of God, earthquake, labor disputes, industry wide shortages of supplies,
actions of governmental entities, riots, war, terrorism, fire, epidemics, or delays of common carriers or
other circumstances beyond its reasonable control. The obligations and rights of the defaulting party
shall be extended for a period equal to the period during which such event prevented such party’s
14. Applicable law and Jurisdiction. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party may seek interim or
temporary injunctive relief in any court of appropriate jurisdiction with respect to any alleged breach of
such party’s intellectual property or proprietary rights.
a. WSCA Master Services Agreement: This Agreement and disputes hereunder solely between State
acting on behalf of WSCA and Cisco shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of
Utah. Venue for any claim, dispute, or action concerning this Agreement shall be in Utah.
b. Participating Addendum and Service Orders Placed Under the Participating Addendum: To the extent
that both parties have mutually agreed to be bound by such laws under the terms of the Participating
Addendum, each Participating Addendum and any dispute under this Agreement based upon a
performance under a Participating Addendum shall be governed by the laws of the Participating State.
Venue for any claim, dispute, or action concerning an order placed against a Participating Addendum
or the effect of a Participating Addendum shall be in the Participating State.
c. The parties specifically disclaim the application of the U.N. Convention on Contracts for the
International Sale of Goods to the interpretation or enforcement of this Agreement.
15. Export Control. Customer shall comply with such laws and regulations governing use, export, re-export,
and transfer of Cisco Products and technology and will obtain all required U.S. and local authorizations,
permits, or licenses. Information regarding compliance with U.S. use, export, re-export, and transfer laws
may be found at:
16. Assignment. Neither party may assign or delegate its rights or obligations under this Agreement without
the prior written consent of the other, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed, provided
that any such assignment shall not relieve the assigning entity of any obligation to pay monies that were
owed prior to the date of the assignment. Notwithstanding the foregoing, (a) either party may, without the
other party’s consent, assign or delegate its rights or obligations under this Agreement to its parent or
majority-owned subsidiary company of sufficient net worth to meet any potential liability under this
Agreement, and (b) Cisco may, without Customer’s consent, assign the right to receive any amount due.
17. Subcontracting. Cisco reserves the right to subcontract Services to a third party organization including
Fulfilment Partners or Servicing Subcontractors (as defined in the WSCA Master Agreement) to provide
Services to Customer; provided that invoicing and/or payments will only be handled by and through
Cisco and its authorized Fulfilment Partners. Any such subcontract shall not relieve Cisco of any of its
obligations under this Agreement.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response C-6
If Contractor or its Fulfillment Partners are using servicing subcontractors for the performance of local
marketing, maintenance, and/or technical support services in accordance with the terms and conditions
of this Contract, servicing subcontractors may not directly accept purchase orders or payments for
products or services from Purchasers under the terms and conditions of the contract. Only Contractor or
Fulfillment Partners authorized by Cisco may directly accept purchase orders, invoice, or receive
payments for products or services under the terms and conditions of the contract. The authorized
Purchaser has the option of choosing whether to purchase the associated OEM maintenance and/or
training to support the equipment purchased.
18. Inventory Review. From time-to-time Cisco may perform an inventory review of Customer’s installed
base and review serial numbers and other records (upon reasonable advance notice) to validate
entitlement. Cisco will charge a Service fee if it finds that unauthorized Services are being provided. This
Service fee includes amounts which should have been paid, interest, and attorneys’ and audit fees.
Attorneys’ and audit fees will only be payable by the customer where the discrepancy exceeds 5 percent
of the amount otherwise due and payable. Cisco requires that Customer take all necessary action (for
example, disabling passwords) to ensure that any former employees and contractors do not access or
use the Service.
19. Notices. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Agreement to the contrary, all notices required or
permitted under this Agreement will be in writing and will be deemed given: (a) when delivered
personally; (b) when sent by confirmed facsimile or electronic mail (in the case of Cisco to Agreement-, (provided that the original document is placed in air mail/air courier or delivered
personally, within seven (7) days of the facsimile electronic notice); (c) three (3) days after having been
sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid (or six [6] days for
international mail); or (d) one (1) day after deposit with a commercial express courier specifying next day
delivery (or two (2) days for international courier packages specifying 2-day delivery), with written
verification of receipt. All communications will be sent to the addresses set forth on the cover sheet of
this Agreement or such other address as may be designated by a party by giving written notice to the
other party pursuant to this paragraph. Notwithstanding the above, notices regarding general changes in
pricing, policies, or programs may also be by posting on or by email or fax.
20. Entire Agreement. This Master Services Agreement, in addition to the general provisions of the WSCA
Master Agreement pertinent to Services, is the complete agreement between the parties concerning the
subject matter of this Agreement and replaces any prior oral or written communications between the
parties, except as agreed between the parties. There are no conditions, understandings, agreements,
representations, or warranties expressed or implied, that are not specified herein. This Agreement may
only be modified by a written document executed by the parties hereto.
21. No Waiver. The waiver by either party of any right provided under this Agreement shall not constitute a
subsequent or continuing waiver of such right or of any other right under this Agreement.
22. Severability. In the event that one or more terms of this Agreement becomes or is declared to be illegal
or otherwise unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, each such term shall be null and void
and shall be deemed deleted from this Agreement. All remaining terms of this Agreement shall remain in
full force and effect. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if this paragraph is invoked and, as a result, the value
of this Agreement is materially impaired for either party, as determined by such party in its sole
discretion, then the affected party may terminate this Agreement by written notice with immediate effect
to the other.
23. Attorneys’ Fees. In any suit or proceeding relating to this Agreement, the prevailing party will have the
right to recover from the other its costs and reasonable fees and expenses of attorneys, accountants,
incurred in connection with the suit or proceeding, including costs, fees, and expenses upon appeal,
separately from and in addition to any other amount included in such judgment. This provision is
intended to be severable from the other provisions of this Agreement, and shall survive expiration or
termination and shall not be merged into any such judgment unless the judgment expressly precludes
24. No Agency. This Agreement does not create any agency, partnership, joint venture, or franchise
relationship. No employee of either party shall be or become, or shall be deemed to be or become, an
employee of the other party by virtue of the existence or implementation of this Agreement. Each party
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hereto is an independent contractor. Neither party shall assume or create any obligation of any nature
whatsoever on behalf of the other party or bind the other party in any respect whatsoever.
25. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an
original and together which shall constitute one and the same instrument. A validly executed counterpart
that is delivered by one party to the other via electronic transmission (a “Counterpart Image”) shall be
valid and binding to the same extent as one delivered physically, provided that the valid signature is
clearly visible in the Counterpart Image. In the event that a party delivers a Counterpart Image in place of
an originally-executed counterpart, such party shall retain the originally-executed counterpart in its files
for at least the duration of the Term hereof.
26. Headings. Headings of sections have been added solely for convenience of reference and shall not be
deemed part of this Agreement.
27. Survival. Sections 5 (Payment), 7 (Term and Termination), 8 (Confidentiality), 0 (Warranty), 0 (Limitation
of Liability and Consequential Damages Waiver), 11 (License), 12 (Ownership), 13 (Force Majeure), 14
(Applicable Law and Jurisdiction), 15 (Export Control), Error! Reference source not found. (Inventory
Review), 19 (Notices),
28. Survival. Sections 5 (Payment), 7 (Term and Termination), 8 (Confidentiality), 9 (Warranty), 10
(Limitation of Liability and Consequential Damages Waiver), 11 (License), 12 (Ownership), 13 (Force
Majeure), 14 (Applicable Law and Jurisdiction), 15 (Export Control), 18 (Inventory Review), 19 (Notices),
20 (Entire Agreement), 21 (No Waiver), 22 (Severability), 23 (Attorneys' Fees), 24 (No Agency), 27
(Survival), and the Glossary of Terms shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement."
Exhibit A
Glossary of Terms
In addition to the Definitions set forth in the WSCA Master Agreement, the following definitions shall apply to
this Services Agreement:
Additional Services means installation of new Hardware, system additions, Hardware upgrades, dispatch of
a field engineer, or non-mandatory engineering changes otherwise within the scope of the WSCA Master
Advance Replacement means shipment of replacement Field-Replaceable Unit (FRU) before receiving
failed or defective FRU.
Advanced Services means the proactive Services within the scope of the WSCA Master Agreement, and as
set forth in the AS Service Description(s) found at throughout
the term of the agreement and/or SOW(s) selected by the Customer. Advanced Services does not include
Cisco’s core maintenance services, such as SMARTnet or Software Application Services, nor does it apply
to the purchase, support, or maintenance of any Products.
Advanced Services Engineer means the Cisco engineer appointed to be the main point of contact for a
Customer purchasing Advanced Services.
Application Software means non-resident or standalone Software Products listed on the Price List and
within the scope of the WSCA Master Agreement, that include but are not limited to Cisco Systems®
Network management Software, security Software, IP telephony Software, Internet appliance Software,
Cisco® Intelligent Contact Management Software, IP Contact Center Software, and Cisco Customer
Interaction Suite Software.
Business Days means the generally accepted days of operation per week within the relevant region where
the Services shall be performed, excluding local holidays as observed by Cisco. (
) is the Cisco website for its suite of online services and information.
Confidential Information means proprietary and confidential Information received by Cisco or Customer in
connection with the Agreement and their relationship. Such Confidential Information may include, but is not
limited to, trade secrets, know how, inventions, techniques, processes, programs, schematics, Software
source documents, data, Customer lists, financial information, and sales and marketing plans or information
which the receiving party knows or has reason to know is confidential, proprietary, or trade secret information
of the disclosing party, as well as, in the case of Cisco, any information posted on
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Customer as defined in the WSCA Master Agreement means the entity purchasing Services for its own
internal use either directly or through a Fulfilment Partner.
Data Collection Tools means Hardware or Software tools that support Cisco's ability to provide
troubleshooting on critical cases, data analysis, and report-generation capabilities.
Depot Time or Local Time means Central European Time for Services provided in Europe-Middle-East and
Africa, Australia's Eastern Standard Time for Services provided in Australia, Japan’s Standard Time for
Services provided in Japan, and Pacific Standard Time for Services provided in all other locations.
Deliverable means, with respect to each SOW, the items specified as deliverables in the SOW.
Device Type means a Cisco supported Hardware Product (for example, Cisco Catalyst® 6509 Switch, GSR
12000, and Cisco 7200 Series Router).
Direct Purchases means purchases of Services by Customer directly from Cisco.
Documentation is user manuals, training materials, Product descriptions and specifications, technical
manuals, license agreements, supporting materials, and other information relating to Products or Services
offered by Cisco, whether distributed in print, electronic, CD-ROM, or video format.
Equipment List means the list of Hardware and/or Software for which Cisco provides services.
Event means notification by Customer of its performance of a planned Network Hardware, Software, or
configuration change.
Feature Set Upgrade means a separately licensed and priced Software release that contains an enhanced
configuration or feature set.
Field-Replaceable Unit (FRU) means any component or subassembly of an item or unit of Hardware that
reasonably can be replaced at Customer's location. FRUs also may be subject to size and weight limitations.
Four-hour Response means:
(i) For Advance Replacement Service, the four-hour time period commences upon the Cisco problem
diagnosis and determination that a FRU is required and ends when the FRU is delivered onsite.
(ii) For onsite service, the four-hour time period commences upon the Cisco problem diagnosis and
determination that remedial onsite service is required and ends when Cisco personnel arrive onsite.
Fulfilment Partner means a system integrator, distributor or reseller authorized by Cisco to sell Services
under the WSCA Master Agreement in a Participating State.
Hardware means tangible Cisco equipment, devices, or components made available to Customers.
Indirect Purchases means purchases of Services by Customer through a Fulfilment Partner.
Intellectual Property means any and all tangible and intangible: (i) rights associated with works of
authorship throughout the world, including but not limited to copyrights, neighboring rights, moral rights, and
mask works, and all derivative works thereof, (ii) trademark and trade name rights and similar rights, (iii)
trade secret rights, (iv) patents, designs, algorithms, and other industrial property rights, (v) all other
intellectual and industrial property rights (of every kind and nature throughout the world and however
designated) whether arising by operation of law, contract, license, or otherwise, and (vi) all registrations,
initial applications, renewals, extensions, continuations, divisions, or reissues thereof now or hereafter in
force (including any rights in any of the foregoing).
Level 1 means support that is defined as having the necessary technical staff (Cisco or Cisco-authorized
Reseller) with appropriate skill, perform installations, Remedial Hardware Maintenance, and basic Hardware
and Software configuration on Cisco Products.
Level 2 means support that is defined as having the necessary technical staff with the appropriate skills to
perform isolation, replication, and diagnosis of Internet-based problems on Cisco Product(s). Customer shall
not report Software bugs to Cisco prior to attempting to identify the source of such bugs and testing in
Customer's Network where appropriate. If the Customer cannot duplicate the bug in Customer's Network,
Customer and Cisco shall cooperate in attempting to replicate and resolve related Software bugs in either
Customer's or Cisco's test facility as mutually agreed. In all cases Customer will address Software bugs on a
best effort basis to replicate same in Customer's Network and document activity to Cisco before seeking
further resolution with Cisco's participation.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response C-9
Local Time means local time on Business Days.
Maintenance Release means an incremental Software release that provides maintenance fixes and may
provide additional Software functions. Cisco designates Maintenance Releases as a change in the digits to
the right of the tenths digit or of the hundredths digit of the Software version number [x.x.(x) or x.x.x.(x)].
Major Release means a release of Software that provides additional software functions. Cisco designates
Major Releases as a change in the ones digit of the Software version number [(x).x.x].
Minor Release means an incremental release of Software that provides maintenance fixes and additional
Software functions. Cisco designates Minor releases as a change in the tenths digit of the Software version
number [x.(x).x].
Network means a set of interconnected and interworking Cisco supported Hardware and Software that is
implemented, operated, and supported by Customer from a single Network Operations Center (NOC).
Network Infrastructure means your core transport and aggregation Network technology (for example, metro
optical, ATM/Frame Relay, IP core, and Cisco security devices including, but not limited to, Firewall, IDS,
and VPN3000).
Network Infrastructure Size means the total value of Products in Customer's Network based on the global
list price of the Products that Customer has purchased.
Participating State means a member of WSCA authorized under state law to participate under this
Agreement who subsequently executes a Participating Addendum, or any other state or Local Public Body
authorized by the WSCA Contract Manager and Cisco to be a party to the resulting Agreement who
subsequently executes a Participating Addendum.
Price List means the price list for services applicable in the country where the Services are ordered or
Product means both Cisco Hardware and/or Software which are generally available.
Purchase Order or P.O. means a written or electronic order from Customer to Cisco for the Services to be
provided by Cisco under this Agreement.
Remedial Hardware Maintenance means diagnosis and onsite replacement of Hardware components with
RMA means Return Material Authorization.
Services means one or more of the services options selected by the Customer in its Purchase Order and
described at:
Services Descriptions mean the detailed descriptions of the Services purchased by Customer which are
incorporated in the MSA by reference.
Software means the software programs licensed to Customer by Cisco along with copies, Updates, or
Upgrades to those software programs.
Standard Business Hours means (i) 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Depot time, on Business Days for replacement of
failed Products and (ii) 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Local Time at location of the respective Cisco TAC, on Business
Days for case handling of TAC calls.
Statement of Work (SOW) means the documents agreed upon by the parties that define Services and
deliverables to be provided.
TAC means the Cisco Technical Assistance Center.
Technical Support Services means Services that provide both essential proactive and reactive operation
and maintenance support Services identified as Technical Support Services at
Technology Application means specific technologies including, but not limited to, content networking,
broadband, and IP telephony that do not operate at the Network Infrastructure level.
Third Party Products means third party Hardware and/or software, and all upgrades thereto, that are
designated by Cisco as required for:
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response C-10
(i) The operation of Application Software in conformance with Cisco applicable Application Software
(ii) Cisco support of the Application Software.
Transactional Advanced Services means the project related or consultancy Services sold under a
Statement of Work.
Two-hour Response means:
(i) For Advance Replacement, the two-hour time period commencing with Cisco’s problem diagnosis and
determination that a FRU is required and ending when the FRU is delivered onsite.
(ii) For onsite service, the two-hour time period commencing with our problem diagnosis and
determination that remedial onsite service is required and ending when Cisco personnel arrive onsite.
Update means Cisco Software Maintenance Releases, Minor Releases, and Major Releases containing the
same configuration or feature set as originally acquired, unless the Customer has upgraded the applicable
Hardware or Software to a configuration or feature set other than what was originally acquired, and the
applicable license fee for that upgrade has been paid. Updates do not include Feature Set Upgrades.
WSCA shall mean the WSCA NASPO Contracting Alliance (WSCA). WSCA is a cooperative group
contracting consortium for state government departments, institutions, agencies, and political subdivisions
(i.e., colleges, school districts, counties, cities, etc.). Rights and obligations under this contract are limited to
those Participating States who execute a Participating Addendum with Cisco.
“WSCA Contract Manager” or “Contract Manager” shall mean the individual state member designated as
the contract manager by WSCA, currently the State of Utah, as responsible for the legal maintenance and
administration of the WSCA Master Agreement, notices, reports, and any other pertinent documentation or
“WSCA Master Agreement” (also referred to as “Agreement” or “Contract”) shall mean the underlying
purchasing agreement executed by and between WSCA-NASPO Cooperative Purchasing Organization LLC
(“State”), and Cisco, as now or hereafter amended.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 1
Authorization and Accounting
Alternate Current
Automatic Call Distributor
Application Control Engine
Access Control List
Application and Content Network System
AD Active
Application Delivery Controllers
Advanced Encryption Standard
Assurance Manager
Access Network
Access Point
Application Programming Interfaces
Application Performance Monitoring
Adaptive Persistent Threats
Agreement and as Set
Adaptive Security Appliance
Application Specific Integrated Circuits
And System Resiliency
Advanced Technologies
Analog Telephone Adapter
Analog Telephone Adapters
Automated Teller Machines
Application Visibility and Control
Application Experience
Border Gateway Protocol
Bring Your Own Device
Conditional Access
Campus Area Network
Citizen Access Routing Enterprise
Cipher Block Chaining
Cisco Certified Internetworking Experts
CDC Documentation
Compact Disc-Read Only Memory
Cisco Development Network
Content Delivery Systems
Cisco Employs
Common Internet File System
Contracts Management Office
Carbon Dioxide
Common Object Request Broker Architecture
Carrier Packet Transport
Carrier Routing System
Customer Success Engineering
Computer Telephony Integration
Computer Telephony
Cisco Unified Border Element
Cisco Unified Personal Communicator
Cisco Unified Video Advantage
Cisco Unified Workspace Licensing
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 2
Communications and Video Accessibility Act
Dun and Bradstreet
Data Center Bridging
Data Center Manager
Diffie Helman
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
Department of Information Resources
Data Mobility Manager
Dynamic Multipoint VPN
Dialed Number Analyzer
Domain Name System
Department of Defense
Device Object Model
Data Redundancy Elimination
Data Security Standard
Datagram Transport Layer Security
Dynamic Trunking Protocol
Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Exterior Gateway Protocol
Elastic Sky X
Enhanced Telecom Operations Map
European Telecommunications Standards Institute
End User License Agreement
Freight On Board
Federal Acquisition Regulation
Fibre Channel
Federal Communications Commission
Fibre Channel Internet Protocol
Fibre Connection
Federal Information Security Management Act
Flexible Packet Matching
Field Replaceable Unit
Fiscal Year
Galois Counter Mode
Gigabit Ethernet
Gramm Leach Bliley Act
Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching
Global Price List
Government Records Access and Management Act
Gigabit Switch Router
Graphical User Interface
High Availability
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Hewlett Packard
Hyper Text Transport Protocol
HTTP Secure
Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning
Industrial Ethernet
International Business Machines
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 3
Internet Business Solutions Group
Independent Computing Architecture
In Different
Integrated Switch
Intrusion Detection Services Module
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Internet Engineering Task Force
Intermediate Frequency
Interior Gateway Protocol
Instant Message
Intercompany Media Engine
Input/output Acceleration
IOS Operating System
Internet Protocol
Internet Protocol/ Multiprotocol Label Switching
IP Interoperability and Collaboration System
Internet Protocol over Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
Intrusion Prevention System
Internet Protocol Security
Internet Protocol Television
Intermediate System
Intelligent Services API
Internet Small Computer Systems Interface
Identity Services Engine
Inter Switch Link
International Standards Organization
Internet Service Providers
Integrated Services Routers
In Service Software Upgrade
Independent Software Vendors
Integrated Tools
Information Technology Information Library
Intelligent Transportation System
International Telecommunications Union
Inter VSAN Routing
Link Aggregation Control Protocol
Local Area Network
Local Area Network/Wide Area Network
Learning Credits Management Tool
Logical Link Control
Link Layer Discovery Protocol
LAN Management Solution
Logical Unit Numbers
Moves Adds and Changes
MAC Security
Metro Area Networks
Messaging API
Message Digest 5
Mobile Data Management
Multilayer Directors
Music on Hold
Multiprotocol Label Switching
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 4
Multi-Protocol Label Switching Transport Profile
Million Packets per Second
Master Services Agreement
Mobility Services Engine
Multiservice Provisioning Platform
Microsoft Remote Procedure
Multiservice Transport Platform
Mean Time to Resolution
Network Admission Control
Network Analysis Module
National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations
Network Address Translation
Network Based Application Recognition
Next Business Day
Northbound Interface
Network Control System
Network Foundation Protection
Network File System
Next Generation Encryption
Next Generation Firewalls
Next Generation Network
Network Interface Card
Network Operations
Network Operations Center
National Security Agency
Network Time Protocol
Original Equipment Manufacturer
Optical Networking Switch
Operating Expense
Operating Systems
Original Storage Manufacturers
Optical Transport Network
Optical Transport System
Outlook Web Access
Purchase Order
Policy Based Routing
Phone Calling
Payment Card Industry
Portable Document Format
Participating Entities
Private Internet Exchange
Project Manager
Packet Mode Channel
Program Management Professional
Power the Endpoint
Planning and Reporting Officer
Pan, Tilt, Zoom
Per VLAN Rapid Spanning Tree
Question and Answer
Quality of Service
Research and Development
Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service
Radio Access Network
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 5
Role Based Access Control
Representational State Transfer
Radio Frequency
Request for Comment
Radio Frequency Identification
Request for Proposal
Return for Repair
Return Material Authorization
Reconfigurable Optical Add Drop Multiplexer
Return on Investment
Rivest Shamir and Adleman
Storage Area Networks
Second Audio Program
Standard Definition
Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
Software Development Kit
System Data Movers
Software Defined Networking
Secure Electronic Transaction
Small Form-Factor
Small Form-Factor Pluggable
Security Information and Event Management
Security Intelligence Operations
SPA Interface Processors
Standard Known Unit
Service Level Agreement
Storage Media Encryption
Short Message Service
Simple Mail Transport Protocol
Simple Network Management Protocol
Synchronous Optical Network
Statement of Work
Sarbanes Oxley
Shared Port Adapters
Stateful Protocol Inspection
Structured Query Language
Services Ready Engines
Survivable Remote Site Telephony
Secure Sockets Layer
Technical Assistance Center
Terminal Access Controller Access Control System
To Be Determined
Total Cost of Ownership
Transmission Control Protocol
Time Division Multiplexing
Transport Flow Optimization
Telecommunications Industry Association
Transport Layer Security
Transport Profile
United States
Unified Communications
Unified Computing System
Unified Communications Software Subscription
Underwriters Laboratories
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Solicitation Number JP14001 Cisco Response 6
Uniform Resource Locators
United States
Unified Service Delivery
Unified Threat Management
Virtual Device Context
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
Virtual Local Area Networks
Virtual Machine
Visual Networking Index
Virtual Network Management Center
Video on Demand
Voice over Internet Protocol
Virtual Packet
Virtual Private LAN Service
Virtual Private Networking
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol
Virtual SAN
Virtual Security Gateway
Virtual Supervisor Module
Virtual Switching System
Virtual Experience Infrastructure
World Wide Web Consortium
Wide Area Application Services
Wide Area Application Engine
Wide Area Networks
Wide Area Virtualization Engine
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
Wireless Intrusion Detection System
Wireless Intrusion Prevention System
Wireless LAN
Western States Contracting Agreement
Wavelength Switched Optical Network
Extensible Markup Language