LIBOR Replacement
Index Communication
Tool User Guide
Instructions for communicating your security’s
transition off the LIBOR benchmark.
LIBOR Replacement Index Communication Tool User Guide
Financial Markets. Forward.
ABOUT THE LIBOR REPLACEMENT INDEX COMMUNICATION TOOL ........................................................................................ 3
Overview……………….. .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
How It Works……….. ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Who Can Use It?.................................................................................. ......................................................................................... 3
OVERVIEW OF THE LIBOR PRODUCT PAGE ................................................................................................................................ 3
Navigating to the LIBOR Product Page ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Beginning the LIBOR Replacement Process ................................................................................................................................ 4
PROVIDING CONTACT INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Navigation………………. ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
UPDATING THE BENCHMARK REPLACEMENT USING .CSV OR EXCEL TEMPLATES .............................................................. 8
Overview………………. ............................................................................................................................................................... 8
Filling Out the Spreadsheet ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Overview……………… .............................................................................................................................................................. 13
Navigation…………….. .............................................................................................................................................................. 13
Review & Submit…………………………………….. .................................................................................................................... 15
Data Dictionaries & Tool Tips ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
ADDITIONAL HELP………… ......................................................................................................................................................... .18
LIBOR Replacement Index Communication Tool User Guide
Financial Markets. Forward.
About the LIBOR Replacement Index Communication Tool
The London-Interbank Offered Rate index will be retired in June 2023. Securities that are currently using
the LIBOR (USD) benchmark to calculate their interest rates will need to choose and communicate a
replacement rate to the investor community ahead of the retirement date.
By working with the Alternative Reference Rates Committee (ARRC) and other various industry
organizations, DTCC has been able to compile requirements to create a centralized process to disseminate
benchmark replacement details provided by issuers, trustees, and agents to DTCC through different types
of output, including the LENS repository and an Autoroute file directly to subscribed Participants and service
How It Works
By offering a centralized communication tool of the LIBOR benchmark replacement information submitted
through DTCC;
issuers, trustees, agents, and the investor community can better prepare for the LIBOR retirement rate.
This process will enable users to:
Provide contact information for Information Submitters and Information Sources
Provide benchmark replacement details for multiple CUSIPs through .CSV or Excel upload.
Provide benchmark replacement details for single CUSIPs through webform interface upload.
Provide any accompanying documentation that describe the changes to the specific securities in
more detail.
The new process will allow for the fielding of descriptive reference data for efficient, machine-to-machine
communication instead of assigning individuals or teams to review large, complex legal documents to
determine these details.
Who Can Use It?
Issuers, trustees, and agents will be able to input descriptive benchmark replacement rates directly into
DTCC’s system. Users of LENS will be able to select and view this information as a new notice type. In
addition, buy-side, sell-side, and data providers will be able to subscribe to and consume the automated
output by contacting DTCC Data Services.
Overview of the LIBOR Product Page
Navigating to the LIBOR Product Page
Issuers, trustees, and agents can navigate to the LIBOR Product Page via The LIBOR
Product Page provides an overview of the LIBOR retirement effort; an explanation of how the new process
for replacing LIBOR works; and a description of who can use the service.
Individuals can also access useful information about LIBOR replacement such as:
A LIBOR Replacement Fact Sheet
A LIBOR Replacement Timeline
The DTC LIBOR Statement
Term SOFR and Alternative Reference Rate Worksheet Definitions and Field Values
Term SOFR and Alternative Reference Rate Excel & .CSV Upload Templates
LIBOR Replacement Index Communication Tool User Guide
Financial Markets. Forward.
Beginning the LIBOR Replacement Process
The LIBOR Product Page is used to begin the LIBOR Benchmark Replacement process.
1. To begin the LIBOR Benchmark Replacement process, click the link Communicate a New Index Rate
on the right-hand side of the screen.
2. After clicking Communicate a New Index Rate, you will be redirected to the LIBOR Rate
Replacement landing page.
LIBOR Replacement Index Communication Tool User Guide
Financial Markets. Forward.
Providing Contact Information
After navigating to the landing page, users will need to provide their business contact information for
verification purposes. This contact information may also be used for any future inquiries concerning
processed LIBOR rate replacements.
1. To enter your Contact Information, click Upload Descriptive Rate Details on the LIBOR
Replacement Index Communication Tool landing page.
2. Enter your Name and Business Email and then click Send verification code to have a verification
code sent to your business email. Personal emails will not be accepted as a substitute to a business
LIBOR Replacement Index Communication Tool User Guide
Financial Markets. Forward.
3. Enter the verification code that was sent to your business email in the Verification Code field. If you
are unable to locate the verification code, please check your Spam, Clutter, or Junk email folders. If
you are still unable to retrieve the verification code, please double check that you have entered your
email correctly and click Resend verification code. After entering the verification code, complete the
CAPTCHA and click Submit.
LIBOR Replacement Index Communication Tool User Guide
Financial Markets. Forward.
4. On the next page, enter your business phone number and your company name in the fields Phone
and Submitting Company. Then, click Next.
5. To continue entering your replacement choice, you may use the .CSV or Excel templates provided to
upload multiple CUSIPs at once or enter one CUSIP at a time using the Input form. See the
instructions that follow for more information.
LIBOR Replacement Index Communication Tool User Guide
Financial Markets. Forward.
Updating the Benchmark Replacement Using .CSV or Excel Templates
The Benchmark Replacement process gives issuers, trustees, and agents the ability to update the
reference rate for multiple securities at one time using the Excel or .CSV templates on the Security
Benchmark Details page. These templates follow the same rules and contain the same fields as the Online
form but allow you to upload the index replacement choice for multiple CUSIPs at once.
To download these templates, click the word Download located underneath the template you wish to use.
Be sure to download the correct template depending on whether you are updating the reference rate to
Term SOFR or another Alternative Reference Rate.
Filling Out the Spreadsheet
The ARR and TERM SOFR upload spreadsheets contain both mandatory and optional fields. Fields which
are required for input are bolded with an asterisk. To ensure consistency of data, where available, use the
dropdown lists to select values.
LIBOR Replacement Index Communication Tool User Guide
Financial Markets. Forward.
Using Data Dictionaries
For detailed instructions on how to fill out the spreadsheet, refer to the Data Dictionaries provided on the
Security Benchmark Details page. Click the Download link under a dictionary.
Data dictionaries show you examples of the possible input values for fields and explain why the field is
important. Be sure to refer to the Data dictionary which corresponds to the spreadsheet for which you are
inputting data (either ARR or Term SOFR).
LIBOR Replacement Index Communication Tool User Guide
Financial Markets. Forward.
Entering A Replacement Choice as both a Submitter and Determining Party
If you are entering an index choice on behalf of another firm, please specify the firm and provide
additional contact information as shown below.
ARR Spreadsheet
This is an example of the ARR spreadsheet.
Term SOFR Spreadsheet
This is an example of the Term SOFR spreadsheet.
Uploading Your Index Replacement Spreadsheet and Any Additional Documents
1. If you wish to upload any accompanying documentation (such as a prospectus) for the rate
replacement, click Yes to answer, “Do you have accompanying documentation?” If you do not have
accompanying documentation to submit, click No.
a. The document must be a PDF file.
b. Click Upload File to search for the document on your computer or drag and drop the file from your
computer to the upload area.
2. To upload the Index Replacement spreadsheet, do the following:
a. Once the Excel/.CSV template has been completed with your LIBOR index replacement choices,
select .CSV/.XLS/.XLSX as the security rate upload method.
b. Click Upload File to search for the spreadsheet on your computer or drag and drop the file from
your computer to the upload area.
LIBOR Replacement Index Communication Tool User Guide
Financial Markets. Forward.
3. A message will indicate whether the files have been uploaded successfully. Once the file has been
uploaded successfully, click Next.
Note: If the upload was unsuccessful, correct any errors in the .CSV/Excel template and attempt to upload
the file again. Error messages appear at the top of the page and explain how to correct the upload. You
may email LIBORT[email protected] for additional support.
LIBOR Replacement Index Communication Tool User Guide
Financial Markets. Forward.
4. Review the information on the screen. If edits are required, click the pencil icon next to the
corresponding section to edit the previously input information. Then click the Next button to return to
the Review & Submit page.
5. Prior to submitting you must review and agree to DTCC’s Terms and Conditions. Click the link on
the bottom of the screen as shown below. A document opens containing this information.
6. When satisfied that you are ready to submit the spreadsheet, click Submit.
7. After clicking Submit, a message will indicate that the submission was successful. To print or view a
downloadable record of your submissions, click View Submissions.
A table opens showing all your LIBOR Index replacement choices. You may print this information or create
a downloadable Excel or PDF file by clicking the appropriate icon.
LIBOR Replacement Index Communication Tool User Guide
Financial Markets. Forward.
Manually Updating the Benchmark Replacement to Term SOFR or an Alternative
Reference Rate
Although using the Excel/.CSV templates is the preferred method to update benchmark rates for multiple
securities, users will still have the option to provide benchmark rate updates for individual securities after
they provide their Contact Information. In this section, we will cover how to manually update a reference
rate to Term SOFR or an Alternative Reference Rate.
1. After providing Contact Information, ensure Form Input is selected as the method for security rate
upload. Then select Term SOFR or Alternative Reference Rate under the prompt “Select input
2. Depending on the selection, the Term SOFR or Alternative Reference Rate input screen will
appear. Enter the required information in the form. Fields that are required are annotated with a red
asterisk (*). Be sure to refer to the Data dictionary which corresponds to the form for which you are
inputting data (either ARR or Term SOFR).
LIBOR Replacement Index Communication Tool User Guide
Financial Markets. Forward.
Alternative Reference Rate
LIBOR Replacement Index Communication Tool User Guide
Financial Markets. Forward.
Review & Submit
1. Once the form has been completed, click Next.
2. Review the information on the screen. If edits are required, click the pencil icon next to the
corresponding section to edit the previously input information. Then click the Next button to return to
the Review & Submit page.
3. When satisfied that the form is complete, click the link “here” to review the Terms and Conditions
document and then click Submit.
4. After clicking Submit, a message will indicate that the submission was successful. If you have
finished entering security rates, click Submit and Exit. If you wish to enter more security rates, click
the Enter Another Security.
LIBOR Replacement Index Communication Tool User Guide
Financial Markets. Forward.
5. After clicking Submit and Exit, a message will indicate that the submission was successful. To print
or view a downloadable record of your submissions, click View Submissions.
A table opens showing all your LIBOR Index replacement choices. You may print this information or create
a downloadable Excel or PDF file by clicking the appropriate icon.
LIBOR Replacement Index Communication Tool User Guide
Financial Markets. Forward.
Data Dictionaries & Tool Tips
1. The LIBOR Replacement Index Communication Tool provides Term SOFR and ARR Data
Dictionaries that contain details for the Term SOFR and Alternative Reference Rate forms. To
download the data dictionaries, click Download underneath the data dictionary placeholders.
2. The tool also provides Tool Tips next to each field on the Term SOFR and Alternative Reference Rate
forms which provide a brief explanation of the corresponding field. To view a Tool Tip, roll the cursor
over the Tool Tip icon.
LIBOR Replacement Index Communication Tool User Guide
Financial Markets. Forward.
Additional Help
For additional help beyond this Job Aid, please use the phone numbers below:
1. United States: +1-888-382-2721
2. Global: +212-855-8099
You can also find helpful resources and information at the DTCC Client Center website located here.
You may find additional client learning resources related to LIBOR Replacement, LENS, and Issuer
Services at A login is required.
To Register for, click the Login or Register button on the top right of the page as
shown below. You may login with your existing MyDTCC portal ID and / or request your own DTCC Learning
To request a DTCC Learning login, click the Create Account link and fill out the request. Clients are
generally granted access within 24 hours.