Code of Alabama 1975
§34-7B-1 through §34-7B-27
Alabama Administrative Code
Chapter 250-X-1 through 250-X-6
Includes Amendments through June 14, 2021
Issued by
The Alabama Board of Cosmetology & Barbering
The Alabama Cosmetology Act
Code of Alabama 1975
§ 34-7B-1 through § 34-7B-27
Section Title Page
34-7B-1 Definitions 1
34-7B-2 Board of Cosmetology 2
34-7B-3 Vacancies 3
34-7B-4 Officers, Meetings 3
34-7B-5 Executive Director 4
34-7B-6 Cosmetology and Barbering Fund 4
34-7B-7 Application for Exam or Licensure 4
34-7B-8 Fee Schedule 6
34-7B-9 Change of Name or Address 6
34-7B-10 Suspension/Revocation of License or Permit/Penalties 6
34-7B-11 Findings/Orders of the Board/Appeals 7
34-7B-12 Construction of Chapter 7
34-7B-13 Exemptions from Chapter 7
34-7B-14 Duration/Expiration/Reinstatement of License 8
34-7B-15 Student Registration 8
34-7B-16 Apprentice Registration 8
34-7B-17 Barbers 9
34-7B-18 Cosmetologists 9
34-7B-19 Estheticians 9
34-7B-20 Natural Hair Stylists 10
34-7B-21 Manicurists 10
34-7B-22 Esthetician/Manicurist 11
34-7B-23 Manicurist/Waxer 11
34-7B-24 Instructors 11
34-7B-25 Threaders 11
34-7B-26 Schools 11
34-7B-27 Licensure under Former Chapter 13
Alabama Administrative Code
Rules and Regulations
Chapter 250-X-1 250-X-6
250-X-1 Administration
250-X-1-.01 Disciplinary Procedures and Actions 14
250-X-1-.02 Administrative Complaint Procedures 14
250-X-1-.03 Informal Settlement Proceedings 15
250-X-1-.04 Consolidation of Administrative Proceedings 16
250-X-1-.05 Motions 16
250-X-1-.06 Pre-Hearing Procedures 16
250-X-1-.07 Pre-Hearing Discovery 17
250-X-1-.09 Failure of a Party to Appear 18
250-X-1-.10 Administrative Hearing Procedures 18
250-X-1-.11 Penalties 19
250-X-2 Licenses
250-X-2-.01 Fees 21
250-X-2-.02 Requirement for License 22
250-X-3 Shop Requirements
250-X-3-.01 General Requirements 22
250-X-3-.02 Products Sanitation and Care 23
250-X-3-.03 Shops 25
250-X-3-.07 Unlicensed Personnel 26
250-X-3-.08 Inspections 26
250-X-4 Apprentices
250-X-4-.01 Requirements 26
250-X-4-.02 Apprentice Permits 27
250-X-4-.03 Apprentice Curricula 28
250-X-5 Schools
250-X-5-.01 School Licensing 29
250-X-5-.02 School Requirements 30
250-X-5-.03 School Curriculum 31
250-X-5-.04 School Instructors 31
250-X-5-.06 General Rules for Schools 32
250-X-5-.07 School Equipment and Supplies 33
250-X-5-.08 Barber Schools 33
250-X-5-.09 Cosmetology Schools 33
250-X-5-.10 Manicure Schools 34
250-X-5-.11 Esthetic Schools 34
250-X-5-.12 Student Requirements 34
250-X-5-.13 Natural Hair Stylist Schools 35
250-X-6 Examinations
250-X-6-.01 Candidate Examinations 35
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§ 34-7B-1 Definitions
For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
(1) Apprentice. Any person engaged in learning the practices defined in this chapter including,
but not limited to, assisting in the performance of any acts of barbering or cosmetology on the
general public under the constant and direct supervision of a person who has held a valid current
license issued by the board for at least five years, in a shop licensed by the board.
(2) Barbering. The occupation of shaving or trimming the beard, cutting or dressing the hair, giving
facial or scalp massages, giving facial or scalp treatment with oils or creams or other preparations
made for that purpose, either by hand or by means of mechanical appliances, singeing and
shampooing the hair, dyeing the hair, or permanently waving or straightening the hair of any living
or deceased person for compensation, as performed by a Class 2 barber.
(3) Board. The Alabama Board of Cosmetology and Barbering.
(4) Class 1 Barber. A person who only does the following in his or her ordinary course of business:
Arranges, cleans, cuts, or singes the hair of any person or massages, cleans, stimulates,
exercises, or does similar work on the scalp, face, or neck of any person with the hands, or with
mechanical or electrical apparatus or appliance, or by the use of cosmetic preparations,
antiseptics, tonics, lotions, or creams. Any one or a combination of the following practices, when
done upon the human body above the seventh cervical vertebra for cosmetic purposes and not
for the treatment of disease or physical or mental ailments, and when done for payment, directly
or indirectly or without payment for the public generally: Shaving or trimming the beard or trimming
the hair.
(5) Class 2 Barber. Any person, other than a student or apprentice, who performs barbering on
the general public for compensation, and who shall satisfy the qualifications and licensure
requirements provided in this chapter for a Class 2 barber. For the purposes of this chapter, the
term barber, standing alone, shall be deemed a reference to a Class 2 barber.
(6) Cosmetologist. Any person, other than a student or apprentice, who performs cosmetology
on the general public for compensation, and who shall satisfy the qualifications and licensure
requirements provided in this chapter for a cosmetologist.
(7) Cosmetology. Any of the practices generally recognized as beauty culture, hairdressing, or
any other designation engaged in by any person who performs such on the general public for
compensation including, but not limited to, cleansing, singeing, cutting, arranging, dressing,
curling, braiding, waxing, bleaching, weaving, coloring the hair by hand or mechanical apparatus,
the use of creams, lotions, or cosmetic preparations, with or without massage, on the scalp, face,
arms, legs, feet, or hands, esthetic practices, nail technology, manicure, pedicure, or desairology.
(8) Esthetician. Any person, other than a student or apprentice, who performs esthetics on the
general public for compensation, and who shall satisfy the qualifications and licensure
requirements provided in this chapter for an esthetician.
(9) Esthetics. The practice of performing acts of skin care including, but not limited to, facials,
body waxing, makeup, and general esthetics procedures on the general public for compensation.
(10) Esthetics/Manicure. A combination of the practices of esthetics and manicure.
(11) Esthetician/Manicurist. Any person, other than a student or apprentice, who performs a
combination of the practices of esthetics and manicure on the general public for compensation,
and who shall satisfy the qualifications and licensure requirements provided in this chapter for an
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(12) Instructor. A licensee who teaches in a licensed or registered school of barbering or any
branch of cosmetology and completes any applicable requirements for continuing education.
(13) License. A document issued by the board which entitles the holder to practice the profession
listed on the document.
(14) Licensee. Any person holding a license issued pursuant to this chapter.
(15) Manicure. The practice of beautifying or grooming the fingernails, toenails, adding nail tips,
extensions, gels, or massaging the hands, forearms, feet, or lower legs of the general public for
(16) Manicurist. Any person, other than a student or apprentice, who performs the practice of
manicure on the general public for compensation, and who shall satisfy the qualifications and
licensure requirements provided in this chapter for a manicurist.
(17) Manicure/Waxing. A combination of the practices of manicure and waxing.
(18) Manicurist/Waxer. Any person, other than a student or apprentice, who performs a
combination of the practices of manicure and waxing on the general public for compensation, and
who shall satisfy the qualifications and licensure requirements provided in this chapter for a
(19) Natural Hair Styling. The practice of cleansing, weaving, or interweaving, extending, locking,
braiding, or arranging the hair without cutting, coloring, permanent waving, relaxing, removing, or
chemical treatments.
(20) Natural Hair Stylist. Any person, other than a student, who performs natural hair styling on
the general public for compensation, and who shall satisfy the qualifications and licensure
requirements provided in this chapter for a natural hair stylist.
(21) School. An establishment licensed or registered by the board to teach any or all of the
practices of barbering or cosmetology.
(22) Shampoo Assistant. Any person who is licensed to perform only the practices of
shampooing, cleansing, or applying temporary weekly color rinses to the hair of the general public
for compensation, and who shall satisfy the qualifications and licensure requirements provided in
this chapter for a shampoo assistant.
(23) Shop. Any place where barbering or cosmetology is practiced. Only a properly licensed
person, who is not an apprentice or student, may operate a shop.
(24) Student. Any person who is engaged in learning any practice regulated by this chapter in a
school licensed or registered pursuant to this chapter, and who, as part of the learning process,
performs or assists in any practice regulated by this chapter under the immediate supervision of
an instructor who is licensed pursuant to this chapter.
(25) Threading. The practice of eyebrow removal with the use of a loop of cotton or any other
(26) Threader. Any person engaged in the practice of threading on the general public for
compensation, and who shall satisfy the qualifications and licensure requirements provided in this
chapter for a threader.
§ 34-7B-2 Board of Cosmetology
(a) There is created the Alabama Board of Cosmetology and Barbering which shall consist of
seven persons appointed by the Governor. The membership of the board shall include all the
(1) Two active cosmetologists, who have been licensed by the board as cosmetologists for at
least five years before appointment.
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(2) Two actively practicing Class 2 barbers, who have been practicing in the state for at least
five years before appointment. Except for the initial members appointed to the board, Class 2
barber members of the board shall be licensed by the board before appointment.
(3) One active esthetician who has been licensed by the board as an esthetician for at least
five years before appointment.
(4) One active manicurist who has been licensed by the board as a manicurist for at least five
years before appointment.
(5) One consumer.
(b) One member shall be appointed from each congressional district, as those districts are
constituted on August 1, 2013, and shall reside in the district he or she represents during the entire
term of office.
(c) The membership of the board shall be inclusive and reflect the racial, gender, geographic,
urban/rural, and economic diversity of the state.
(d) All appointments shall be for a term of four years. No person shall serve for more than two
terms on the newly constituted board. Except as an instructor, no member of the board may be
affiliated with or own a school regulated by this chapter or any business which sells, rents, or
distributes supplies to shops or schools. Any board member may be removed by the Governor for
just cause.
(e) The terms of all board members serving on August 1, 2013 shall continue until expiration
pursuant to original appointment. To facilitate the intent of this chapter, members whose terms
expire by October 30, 2013 shall continue to serve until a successor is appointed pursuant to this
chapter. As terms expire, successor board members shall be appointed by the Governor pursuant
to subsection (a).
(f) Members of the board shall annually elect from among their members a chair, a vice chair, a
secretary, and a treasurer. The offices of secretary and treasurer may be combined.
(g) Each member of the board shall be paid one hundred dollars ($100) per day for the transaction
of board business, not exceeding 36 days during any calendar year, and shall be paid the same
mileage and per diem rate as state employees.
§ 34-7B-3 Vacancies
Any vacancy on the board shall be filled by the Governor for the unexpired term.
34-7B-4 Officers, Meetings
(a) Before commencing their duties, each board member shall take an oath of office, the original
copy of which shall be kept by the Secretary of State, and file a good and sufficient bond, in the
penal amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000) payable to the state, to insure the faithful
performance of his or her duties. The premium for the bond shall be paid out of the funds of the
(b) The board may do all things and take all legal action necessary, appropriate, and convenient
for enforcing this chapter. The board shall adopt and promulgate rules compatible with this chapter
pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act, Chapter 22 of Title 41. Any amendment to this
chapter or the rules of the board shall be compiled, published, and distributed to licensees.
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Distributed copies shall be retained in each shop or school licensed by the board and shall be
available for inspection by the general public, shop personnel, school personnel, and board
personnel during normal operating hours.
(c) The board shall meet at such times and places as a majority of members agree by a properly
adopted resolution and shall set rules for its governance.
The board shall adopt an official seal for authentication of board transactions. A majority of the
members of the board shall constitute a quorum for conducting business.
(d) The board shall keep a permanent record of its proceedings and minutes which shall be public
information. All board records and books shall be prima facie evidence of the contents and shall
be available for public inspection at all reasonable times.
§ 34-7B-5 Executive Director
(a) The executive director of the board shall be appointed by the Governor in the unclassified
service of the state Merit System. The executive director shall serve at the pleasure of the
Governor and shall perform administrative duties of the board.
(b) The executive director shall hire all necessary employees of the board subject to the state
Merit System. Job descriptions and compensation shall be established for each employee
consistent with guidelines of the State Personnel Board.
§ 34-7B-6 Board of Cosmetology and Barbering Fund
(a) There is established a special fund in the State Treasury to be known as the Board of
Cosmetology and Barbering Fund. The fund shall consist of all monies received by the board
pursuant to this chapter. Monies in the fund shall be disbursed only upon warrant of the
Comptroller upon itemized vouchers signed by the treasurer of the board or an authorized
designee. Any money remaining in the fund at the end of each fiscal year shall remain on deposit
in the fund for use of the board.
(b) All funds or fees of any nature received by the board shall be paid to the fund or a designated
party on behalf of the board.
§ 34-7B-7 Application for examination or licensure
(a) Any person who desires to engage in any of the practices regulated by the board pursuant to
this chapter shall be a citizen of the United States or, if not a citizen of the United States, a person
who is legally present in the United States with appropriate documentation from the federal
government, and shall file with the board a written application for examination or licensure. Before
a person may engage in the practices regulated by this chapter, the person shall be licensed by
the board pursuant to this chapter. Any person who practices, maintains a school or shop, or acts
in any capacity without a license when one is required pursuant to this chapter, or who otherwise
violates this chapter, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined five hundred dollars ($500) or
imprisoned for not more than 30 days, or both. Any corporation which violates this chapter shall
be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).
(b) Licenses and permits issued by the board under the seal of the board and signed by an
authorized representative of the board entitle the holder to legally practice the stated profession.
(c) (1) To receive a personal license, an applicant shall satisfy any of the following requirements:
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a. All legal requirements, completion of the required hours as a student or apprentice,
submission of the appropriate examination fees, successful completion of the
appropriate examination, and submission of any applicable license fees.
b. Be currently licensed in good standing in another state or jurisdiction, with
documentation of having passed a board-approved examination, and submission of any
applicable license fees.
c. Be currently licensed in good standing in another state or jurisdiction, with
documentation of having practiced as a licensee for at least five years before application
to the board, and submission of any applicable license fees.
d. Be otherwise qualified, submit any applicable examination fees, successfully
complete any appropriate examinations, and submit any applicable license fees.
(2) a. An application for examination or reexamination shall include the payment of a
nonrefundable fee.
b. Examination of an applicant for licensure shall be conducted pursuant to a procedure
sanctioned by the board consistent with the prescribed curriculum for schools.
c. An applicant who fails the prescribed examination shall be entitled to two additional
d. An applicant who fails the prescribed examination on a third attempt shall complete
additional hours of school training as the board may direct before being allowed to repeat
the examination.
(3) Personal licenses for any practice except Class 2 barbering as regulated by the board
shall expire on the last day of the birth month of the licensee in odd-numbered years. An
application for renewal that is postmarked later than the license expiration date shall subject
the licensee to a late fee.
(4) Personal licenses for Class 2 barbers shall expire on the last day of the birth month of the
licensee in even-numbered years. An application for renewal that is postmarked later than
the license expiration date shall subject the licensee to a late fee.
(5) Active personal licenses shall be displayed in a conspicuous place near the work station
of the licensee.
(d) (1) To receive a business license, an applicant shall satisfy all legal requirements and submit
any applicable license fees.
(2) All business licenses regulated by the board shall expire on the last day of September in
odd-numbered years. An application for renewal that is postmarked later than October 31 in
the year of expiration shall subject the licensee to a late fee.
(3) On or before December 31, 2013, the initial fee for a Class 2 barber business license shall
be one hundred fifty dollars ($150) for a shop and three hundred dollars ($300) for a school.
Renewal fees shall be the same fee as the board provides for other business licenses under
this chapter.
(4) A business license shall be displayed in a conspicuous place near the main entrance of
the business.
(5) The initial fee for a personal Class 2 barber license shall be the same fee as is provided
for other original
licenses under this chapter. The renewal fee shall be the same as is provided for other licenses
under this chapter.
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§ 34-7B-8 Fee Schedule
The board shall establish a fee schedule including, but not limited to, all the following:
(1) Original issuance and renewal fees for any personal license issued and regulated by the board.
(2) Original issuance and renewal fees for any business license issued by the board.
(3) Original issuance and renewal fees for any applicant seeking licensure by reciprocity.
(4) Fees for reinstating an expired personal license.
(5) Penalty fees for any late renewal of any license.
(6) Fees for examination and reexamination.
(7) Fees for insufficient fund checks, consistent with state law.
(8) Fees for inactive licenses if the board elects to allow for inactive licenses by administrative
(9) Fees for examination or reexamination of applicants for licensure may be collected by the
vendor of examinations.
§ 34-7B-9 Change of name or address
(a) A personal licensee shall notify the board immediately of any name or address change and the
board shall retain that information on file for renewal purposes.
(b) Each business licensee shall notify the board immediately of any name or address change and
the board shall retain that information on file for renewal purposes.
(c) If the business license pertains to a school, the licensee shall provide a floor plan and evidence
of insurance for the new location to the board and the board shall inspect the new location for
compliance with board rules before the school begins or resumes operation at the new location.
§ 34-7B-10 Suspension or revocation of license or permit; penalties
(a) The board may suspend or revoke a license or permit based on the provisions of this chapter
or board rules, subject to due process of law as described in the Alabama Administrative
Procedure Act. The board shall furnish all applicants who are denied licensure a reason for the
(b) (1) The board, for any of the following reasons, may revoke or suspend the license or permit
of any applicant, licensee, or holder who:
a. Is found guilty of fraud or dishonest conduct in taking an examination.
b. Has been convicted of a felony or gross immorality or is guilty of grossly unprofessional
or dishonest conduct.
c. Is addicted to the excessive use of intoxicating liquor or to the use of drugs to an extent
that he or she is rendered unfit to practice any profession regulated by the board.
d. Advertises by means of knowingly false or deceptive statements.
e. Has practiced fraud or deceit in obtaining or attempting to renew a license or permit.
f. Has permitted his or her license or permit to be used by another person.
g. Has committed an offense in another jurisdiction resulting in revocation, suspension, or
voluntary surrender of a license or permit to avoid disciplinary proceedings related to his
or her license or permit. This paragraph includes an agreement or stipulation executed by
a licensee to avoid formal disciplinary proceedings.
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(2) The board may deny the sale or transfer of a school or shop if the owner or operator is the
subject of outstanding violations of this chapter or the rules of the board, or both.
(3) The board may not revoke or suspend any license or permit without a hearing. The affected
applicant or licensee or holder of a permit shall be given at least 20 days’ notice in writing of
the hearing, specifying the reasons for the action by the board and any offense charged. Notice
may be served by registered or certified mail to the last known residence or business address
of the applicant or licensee or holder of a permit. The hearing shall be held in Montgomery
County at a time and place prescribed by the board. Attorney fees, Administrative Law Judge
fees, and professional recording fees necessary for hearings shall be borne by defendants
who are judged guilty.
(c) In addition to any disciplinary powers authorized by this section, the board may levy and collect
an administrative fine of not more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750) per violation for serious
violations of this chapter or the rules or regulations of the board.
§ 34-7B-11 Findings, orders of board; appeals
(a) Any finding or order of the board obtained pursuant to an inquiry or hearing conducted either
by the board or a hearing officer on behalf of the board shall be deemed the finding or order of the
board when approved and confirmed by a majority of the members of the board.
(b) Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, a person who has exhausted all
administrative remedies available through the board, other than a rehearing, and who has been
aggrieved by a final decision in a contested case, may appeal pursuant to Section 41-22-20. A
decision by the board to revoke or suspend a license or permit, or to otherwise restrict or discipline
a licensee, shall be subject to provisions regarding stays as provided in subsection (c) of Section
41-22-20. All appeals shall be filed in the Circuit Court of Montgomery County.
§ 34-7B-12 Construction of chapter
This chapter may not be construed to affect or regulate the teaching of cosmetology or any of its
practices in any public school.
§ 34-7B-13 Exemptions from chapter
This chapter does not apply to any of the following persons, activities or services:
(1) Service in the case of emergency or domestic upheaval, without compensation.
(2) Licensed medical professionals operating within the scope of their normal practice.
(3) Personnel of the United States armed services performing their ordinary duties.
(4) Any public trade school or other public school or school program under the purview of the State
Board of Education or a local board of education.
(5) Any person who only occasionally dresses hair and receives no compensation therefore, or
does any other act or thing mentioned in this chapter, without holding himself or herself out to the
public as a provider of any practices defined in this chapter for compensation.
(6) Departments in retail establishments where cosmetics are demonstrated and offered for sale
but where no other acts of cosmetology or barbering are performed.
(7) The licensees of any county or municipal barber board or commission in existence on August1,
2013, unless such board or commission elects, by resolution adopted by the governing body of
the county or municipality, to come under the provisions of this chapter.
(8) Any person who practices as a Class 1 barber.
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§ 34-7B-14 Duration, expiration, and reinstatement of license; records
(a) No license issued by the board shall be valid for more than two years.
(b) An expired license may be reinstated within four years after the date of expiration by paying
renewal fees for the lapsed period, a current renewal fee, and a late fee.
(c) A license which has been expired for more than four years may be reinstated by furnishing
proof of prior licensure, paying the appropriate examination fee, passing the appropriate
examination, and paying renewal fees of not more than three hundred dollars ($300), the current
renewal fee, and a late fee.
(d) The record of any licensee, student, apprentice, or examination candidate who does not renew
within four years or which does not indicate any activity for four years may be purged by the board.
§ 34-7B-15 Student Registration
(a) No person may be registered as a student unless he or she satisfies all the following
(1) Is at least 16 years old.
(2) Has successfully completed at least 10 grades in secondary school, or the equivalent.
(b) Upon certification of enrollment by a school, the name, address, social security number, and
birth date of each student shall be sent to the board on a form provided by the board.
(c) A student who has completed 70% of the required school instructional hours may work in a
shop when school is not in session. One student shall be allowed for each licensee in the shop.
(d) Within 120 days after a student completes the required school instructional hours and training,
the appropriate instructor shall certify a record of completion for the student to the board.
(e) An instructor who fails to certify student completion to the board in a timely manner shall be in
violation of board rules and may be subject to a fine by the board.
(f) If a student does not receive his or her license within two years after certification of completion
of training, the board may require the student to complete additional hours of training before
applying or reapplying for licensure.
§ 34-7B-16 Apprentice registration
(a) No person may be registered as an apprentice in a shop unless he or she satisfies all the
following qualifications:
(1) Is at least 16 years old.
(2) Has successfully completed at least 10 grades in secondary school, or the equivalent.
(3) Has paid the applicable registration fee.
(b) Before an apprentice begins work under this chapter, the sponsor, on behalf of a potential
apprentice, shall request and obtain an apprenticeship work permit from the board.
(c) An apprentice may train in a licensed shop under a current licensee who has been licensed for
at least five years in the appropriate field.
(d) Within 120 days after an apprentice completes the required hours and training, the sponsor
shall certify a record of completion for the apprentice to the board.
(e) A sponsor who fails to certify apprentice completion to the board in a timely manner shall be in
violation of board rules and may be subject to a fine by the board.
(f) If an apprentice does not receive his or her license within two years after certification of
completion of training, the board may require the apprentice to complete additional hours of
training before applying or reapplying for licensure.
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(g) No person who holds a current license in another state shall be issued an apprentice permit
for the same type of license.
§ 34-7B-17 Barbers
(a) No person may be admitted to an examination or licensed as a Class 2 barber unless he or
she possesses all the following qualifications:
(1) Is at least 16 years old.
(2) Has successfully completed at least 10 grades in secondary school, or the equivalent.
(3) Has successfully completed at least 1,000 clock hours in a licensed or registered school of
barbering or 2,000 clock hours under the immediate supervision of a Class 2 licensed barber,
who has held a license for at least five years, including time practicing as a barber before
August 1, 2013, and as a licensed barber under this chapter before the effective date of the
act amending this subdivision, and has worked in a licensed shop for a period of two years.
The five-year requirement shall not apply to barbers operating on August 1, 2013.
(b) Any applicant who satisfies the qualifications in subsection (a), pays the applicable examination
fee, successfully completes the applicable examination, and pays the license fee shall be issued
a Class 2 barber license.
§ 34-7B-18 Cosmetologists
(a) No person may be admitted to an examination or licensed as a cosmetologist unless he or she
possesses all the following qualifications:
(1) Is at least 16 years old.
(2) Has successfully completed at least 10 grades in secondary school, or the equivalent.
(3) a. Has successfully completed at least 1,500 clock hours in a licensed or registered school
of cosmetology or on courses reported in credit hours. Credit hour programs must be
reviewed by and approved by the board as satisfying licensure requirements.
b. In lieu of the requirements in paragraph a., has completed 3,000 hours under the
immediate supervision of a cosmetologist continuously licensed under the provisions of
this chapter, for at least five years before applying for an apprentice, over a period of three
(b) Any applicant who satisfies the qualifications in subsection (a), pays the applicable examination
fee, successfully completes the applicable examination, and pays the license fee shall be issued
a cosmetologist license.
§ 34-7B-19 Estheticians
(a) No person may be admitted to an examination or licensed as an esthetician unless he or she
possesses all the following qualifications:
(1) Is at least 16 years old.
(2) Has successfully completed at least 10 grades in secondary school, or the equivalent.
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(3) Has successfully completed at least 1,000 clock hours of skin care instruction in a licensed
or registered school of esthetics or school of cosmetology or on courses reported in credit
hours or 2,000 hours under the immediate supervision of an esthetician continuously licensed
under the provisions of this chapter, for at least five years before applying for an apprentice,
over a period of three years. Credit hour programs must be reviewed and approved by the
board as satisfying licensure requirements.
(b) Any applicant who satisfies the qualifications in subsection (a), pays any applicable
examination fee, successfully completes any applicable examination, and pays the license fee
shall be issued an esthetician license.
§ 34-7B-20 Natural Hair Stylists
(a) No person may be admitted to an examination or licensed as a natural hair stylist unless he or
she satisfies all the following qualifications:
(1) Is at least 16 years old.
(2) Has successfully completed at least 10 grades in secondary school, or the equivalent.
(3) Has successfully completed at least 210 clock hours in a licensed or registered school of
cosmetology or natural hair styling or 420 clock hours in a licensed shop for a period of six
months under the immediate supervision of a licensed cosmetologist or natural hair stylist,
who has held a license for at least five years, including practicing as a natural hair stylist before
August 1, 2013, and as a licensed cosmetologist or a natural hair stylist before the effective
date of the act amending the subdivision. The five-year requirement shall not apply to natural
hair stylists operating before August 1, 2013.
(b) Any applicant who satisfies the qualifications in subsection (a), pays any applicable
examination fee, successfully completes any examination, and pays the license fee shall be issued
a natural hair stylist license.
(c) Any person who is working as a natural hair stylist on August 1, 2013, upon payment of the
applicable license fee by January 28, 2014, shall be licensed by the board under this section. Any
person licensed pursuant to this section shall be subject to this chapter and rules adopted by the
board pursuant to this chapter including, but not limited to, shop requirements, sanitation
procedures, and license renewal.
§ 34-7B-21 Manicurists
(a) No person may be admitted to an examination or licensed as a manicurist unless he or she
satisfies all the following qualifications:
(1) Is at least 16 years old.
(2) Has successfully completed at least 10 grades in secondary school, or equivalent.
(3) a. Has successfully completed at least 750 clock hours of manicure instruction in a school
licensed or registered under the provisions of this chapter or on courses reported in credit
hours. Credit hour programs must be reviewed and approved by the board as satisfying
licensure requirements.
b. In lieu of the requirements in paragraph a., has completed 1,200 hours under the
immediate supervision of a manicurist continuously licensed under the provisions of this
chapter for at least five years before applying for an apprentice, over a period of two years
not exceeding eight hours a day or 48 hours a week.
11 | P a g e
(b) Any applicant who satisfies the qualifications in subsection (a), pays any applicable
examination fee, successfully completes any applicable examination, and pays the license fee
shall be issued a manicurist license.
§ 34-7B-22 Esthetician/Manicurist
(a) No person may be admitted to an examination or licensed as an esthetician/manicurist unless
he or she holds a license as an esthetician and has successfully completed at least 650 hours in
nail technology in a school licensed or registered under this chapter.
(b) Any applicant who satisfies the qualifications in subsection (a), pays any applicable
examination fee, successfully completes the examination, and pays the license fee shall be issued
an esthetician/manicurist license.
§ 34-7B-23 Manicurist/Waxer
(a) No person may be admitted to an examination or licensed as a manicurist/waxer unless he or
she holds a license as a manicurist and has successfully completed at least 160 hours in waxing
in a school licensed or registered under the provisions of this chapter.
(b) Any applicant who satisfies the qualifications in subsection (a), pays the applicable examination
fee, successfully completes the examination, and pays any license fee shall be issued a
manicurist/waxer license.
§ 34-7B-24 Instructors
(a) No person may be admitted to an examination or
licensed as an instructor unless he or she possesses all the following qualifications:
(1) Has completed at least 12 grades in secondary school, or equivalent.
(2) Holds a valid license in the applicable area of practice.
(3) Satisfies either of the following requirements:
a. Has successfully completed at least 1,500 hours in a teacher’s training course at a
school licensed or registered under the provisions of this chapter.
b. Has completed at least one year of active experience in a shop plus 650 hours in a
school licensed or registered under the provisions of this chapter.
(b) Any applicant who satisfies the qualifications in subsection (a), pays the applicable examination
fee, successfully completes the applicable examination, and pays the license fee shall be issued
an instructor license for the applicable area of practice.
§ 34-7B-25 Threaders
Threaders shall register with the board and pay an original license fee by January 28, 2014. Any
person licensed pursuant to this section shall be subject to this chapter and rules adopted by the
board, including, but not limited to, shop requirements, sanitation procedures, and license renewal.
§ 34-7B-26 Schools
(a) Before being licensed by the board to operate a school, an applicant shall satisfy all the
requirements of this section.
12 | P a g e
(1) An applicant shall submit to the board all of the following:
a. A bond, in the amount of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) to protect potential students in
the event of closure.
b. Proof of sufficient liability insurance coverage.
c. A current financial statement prepared by a reputable source and, if required by the
board, a letter of credit.
d. A list of equipment owned by the school.
e. A sample of student contract agreements and financial forms relating to tuition, grants,
and scholarships.
f. Furnish affidavits from an adequate number of prospective students as approved by the
board stating their intent to enroll when the school opens.
(2) The applicant, owner, proposed dean, or proper corporate executive may be required to
appear before the board.
(3) The applicant shall satisfy the board that the building proposed to house the school is all
of the following:
a. In compliance with all state and local zoning, health, and building codes.
b. Clean and well lighted.
c. Large enough to accommodate the anticipated student body.
d. Completely segregated from any other business.
e. Contains sufficient equipment and supplies for the proper and complete teaching of all
subjects in its proposed curriculum.
(b) To maintain current and continuing licensure under this chapter, the school, to the satisfaction
of the board, shall do all of the following:
(1) Employ one instructor and one on-call instructor for the first 20 students enrolled and in
attendance at the school, and an additional instructor for each additional 20 students enrolled
and in attendance at the school.
(2) Have no more than two instructor trainees per each instructor.
(3) Provide that the same person may not serve as the on-call instructor for more than one
(4) Maintain daily, monthly, and cumulative records for each student.
(5) Maintain regular classes and instruction hours.
(6) Establish grades and conduct appropriate examinations on a timely basis.
(7) Require a school term of training for a complete course with the minimum number of hours
prescribed for each term. Programs reporting by clock hours shall comply with recording rules
provided in this subsection and shall also furnish the board with an official transcript for each
student within 30 days after the student completes the program or terminates enrollment.
(8) Include practical demonstrations, theoretical studies, and the study of sanitation,
sterilization, and other safety measures and the use of antiseptics, cosmetics, and electrical
appliances consistent with the practical and theoretical requirements applicable to any of the
practices regulated by this chapter which are part of the school’s curriculum.
(c) A school engaged only in the teaching of Class 2 barbers, estheticians, or manicurists is not
required to provide instruction in other practices regulated by this chapter. Such a school is
required to satisfy all requirements imposed upon a school of cosmetology or a school of barbering
relating to instructors, attendance records, enrollment, and other matters.
(d) The sale or transfer of a school is subject to prior approval by the board if the school is to
continue in operation after the sale or transfer. The board may deny the sale or transfer of a school
if the owner or operator of the school is the subject of outstanding violations of this chapter or the
rules of the board, or both.
13 | P a g e
§ 34-7B-27 Licensure under former chapter
The status of any person or entity properly licensed by the Alabama Board of Cosmetology under
former Chapter 7A of this title, on August 1, 2013, shall continue under the Alabama Board of
Cosmetology and Barbering.
14 | P a g e
250-X-1.01 Disciplinary Procedures and Actions.
(1) The Board may initiate investigations as appropriate by inspections or otherwise to determine
compliance with state law and the rules and regulations of the Board.
(2) On the basis of investigative findings, the Board may file a complaint against any person or
business licensed under the provisions of the Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B, or against any other
person or business in violation thereof.
(3) The Board shall investigate written complaints filed by the public against any person or
business licensed under the provisions of the Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B, or against any other
person or business in violation thereof.
(4) The Board may require a licensee to submit a written and sworn statement to the Board in
response to any complaint or investigation by the Board.
(5) All reports of investigations of complaints shall be submitted to the Investigative Committee of
the Board.
(a) The Investigative Committee shall be composed of one Board member, the Board’s
attorney and the Executive Director of the Board or the Director’s designee. By vote the Board
shall appoint a Board member to serve on the Investigative Committee on an annual basis.
(b) The Investigative Committee shall review the investigation and complaint to determine if
probable cause exists for disciplinary or enforcement proceedings by the Board. The Board
member participating in the probable cause determination by the Investigative Committee shall
not participate in any disciplinary proceedings of the Board arising from the investigation.
(c) Two members shall comprise a quorum of the Investigative Committee.
(d) No Board member shall serve longer than two (2) consecutive annual terms on the
Investigative Committee. By vote the Board may remove or replace designated Board member
serving on Investigative Committee for any reason.
(e) By vote the Board may appoint a substitute on the Investigative Committee for any
complaint in which the designated Board member has a conflict of interest or is otherwise
disqualified, including involvement as a possible witness to facts involved in the investigation.
(6) The Board’s attorney on behalf of the Board shall refer investigations involving possible criminal
violations of state law to the Alabama Attorney General or other appropriate state or local law
enforcement agency and provide assistance as necessary to assure compliance with state laws
and Board rules.
Author: Bob McKee
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-10
Filed Oct 25, 2013; Effective Nov 29, 2013
250-X-1-.02 Administrative Complaint Procedures
(1) When the Investigative Committee determines disciplinary action against a licensee is
necessary, the Board shall prepare a summons and administrative complaint to be executed by
the Executive Director on behalf of the Board. However, the Board may enter into settlement as
referenced in paragraph 8 of Administrative Rule 250-X-1-.02 before issuance of any summons
and complaint.
15 | P a g e
(2) The Board shall serve a copy of the summons and administrative complaint on the licensee
against whom the complaint has been filed. The method of service shall be either certified mail or
personal service. If the Board is unable to obtain service of the summons and administrative
complaint by certified mail or personal service, the Board or its attorney may serve the summons
and administrative complaint by first class mail to the most recent address on file with the Board
of the licensee against whom the complaint has been filed.
(3) The summons and administrative complaint shall give notice in substantial compliance with the
Alabama Administrative Procedures Act, Section 12(b)
(4) Upon service of the administrative complaint, the Board shall schedule an administrative
hearing to be held within two months of the date the summons and administrative complaint has
been served by certified mail or personal service. The administrative hearing shall be held at the
offices of the Board or other location designated by the Board.
(5) If the person against whom the administrative complaint has been filed is a member of the
Board, that Board member shall be notified in writing of the administrative charges by the Board’s
Executive Director and shall not participate in any proceedings or meetings related to the
(6) In all administrative charges issued by the Board, the Board’s attorney shall serve as
prosecuting attorney and shall present evidence in support of the administrative complaint at the
administrative hearing conducted by the Board or its Hearing Officer.
(7) Following its investigation, if the Investigative Committee determines that no probable cause
exists, the investigative proceedings shall be terminated, and investigation of that complaint shall
be closed.
(8) At any time during the investigation process, the Investigative Committee, the Executive
Director, or the Board’s Attorney may enter into informal settlement agreements on behalf of the
(9) The Board retains the discretionary authority to invoke the administrative complaint procedures
set forth in these Rules against any person in lieu of instituting criminal proceedings against the
unlicensed person. This provision does not restrict in any manner the authority of other state or
local law enforcement agencies to pursue criminal penalties as otherwise provided by law.
Author: Jeannie G. Price, CPA
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-10
Amended Jul. 18, 2019; Effective Sept. 1, 2019
250-X-1-.03 Informal Settlement Proceedings
(1) The Board or other party to an administrative proceeding may initiate informal settlement
negotiations to resolve the administrative complaint or investigation by the Board.
(2) Neither the Board nor any other party is obligated to use informal settlement procedures or to
participate in informal settlement negotiations.
Alabama Administrative Procedure Act, § 41-22-12 (b), Code of Alabama 1975, reads as follows:
(1) A statement of the time, place, and nature of the hearing;
(2) A statement of the legal authority and jurisdiction under which the hearing is to be held;
(3) A reference to the particular sections of the statutes and rules involved; and
(4) A short and plain statement of the matters asserted. If the agency of other party is unable to
state the matters in detail at the time the notice is served, the initial notice may be limited to a
statement of the issues involved. Thereafter, upon application, a more definite and detailed
statement shall be furnished.
16 | P a g e
(3) Any informal settlement shall be to terms that are negotiated to be in the best interest of the
Author: Bob McKee
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-10
Filed Oct. 25, 2013; Effective Nov. 29, 2013
250-X-1-.04 Consolidation of Administrative Proceedings
(1) The Board or its Hearing Officer may order the consolidation, in whole or in part, of two or more
administrative proceedings whenever it appears the matters are substantially related and that such
consolidation would expedite or simplify consideration of issues, and no party would be prejudiced
thereby. This consolidation may include multiple cases involving the same parties or may include
multiple cases involving different parties provided that other requirements of consolidation have
been met.
(2) Any party may request the Board or its Hearing Officer to sever any part of an administrative
proceeding that has been consolidated when it appears consolidation will not expedite or simplify
consideration of issues or that the party will be prejudiced by continued consolidation of
Author: Bob McKee
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-10
Filed Oct. 25, 2013; Effective Nov. 29, 2013
250-X-1-.05 Motions
(1) All motions, except those made orally on the record during an administrative hearing, shall be
in writing and shall state the grounds in support of motions. All motions shall describe the relief
sought and shall include any legal authority relied upon for relief. A copy of each motion filed with
the Board shall be served on all parties accompanied by a certificate of service describing the
method of service of the motion on other parties.
(2) The Board or its Hearing Officer may permit the non-moving party to file a response to any
motion. Any response filed shall be served on other parties in the same manner as required for
filing of motions.
(3) Any party may submit affidavits or other legal evidence in support of a motion or response
provided such evidence is served on the other parties as an attachment to the motion or response
filed with the Board.
Author: Bob McKee
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-10
Filed Oct. 25, 2013; Effective Nov. 29, 2013
250-X-1-.06 Pre-hearing Procedures
(1) The time requirements for conducting an administrative hearing may be waived by the filing of
a written joint motion of the parties indicating an agreement to delay the proceedings and including
a brief statement of the reasons for the requested delay. The Board or its Hearing Officer shall
retain the discretionary authority to grant or deny the request to delay the proceedings.
17 | P a g e
(2) The Board or its Hearing Officer may require the parties to appear at a specified time and place
in advance of the hearing for one or more pre-hearing conferences to consider:
(a) The settlement of the case;
(b) The identification and/or clarification of the contested issues;
(c) Submission of admissions or stipulation to facts;
(d) Stipulation to the genuineness of documents that avoid unnecessary witnesses or proof;
(e) The identification of any facts of which official notice is proposed to be taken;
(f) The identification of any expert witnesses expected to testify and the substance of any
opinion to which the expert witness may testify;
(g) And any other such matters that may be necessary or relevant to the determination of the
issues involved in the administrative hearing.
(3) The Board or its Hearing Officer shall issue a written pre-hearing order reciting the actions
taken at any pre-hearing conference, including any stipulations or agreements by the parties
regarding the issues to be resolved at administrative hearing.
Author: Bob McKee
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-10
Filed Oct. 25, 2013; Effective Nov. 29, 2013
250-X-1-.07 Pre-hearing Discovery
(1) Pre-hearing discovery shall be permitted only upon determination by the Board or its Hearing
Officer that:
(a) Discovery will not unreasonably delay the proceedings;
(b) Discovery sought has significant probative value to the issues involved in the administrative
(c) Discovery sought will prevent fraud;
(d) Discovery sought will prevent undue surprise at the administrative hearing;
(e) And/or discovery sought will otherwise provide fundamental fairness to the parties to the
administrative hearing.
(2) All discovery sought must relate to charges contained in the administrative complaint or
defenses to those charges.
(3) The following methods of discovery are available, pursuant to the discretion of the Board or
the Board’s Hearing officer:
(a) Depositions upon oral examinations of expert witnesses;
(b) Interrogatories to the Respondent;
(c) Production and copying of documents and things;
(d) Request for admissions to the Respondent;
(e) Requests for entry upon land for inspection and other purposes against any person.
(4) All discovery should be conducted in accordance with any terms and conditions imposed by
the Board or its Hearing Officer. These terms and conditions may be imposed to protect the parties
or other persons from annoyance, embarrassment, oppression, or undue burden and expense.
Court reporters’ fees and reasonable copying costs shall be borne by the party requesting
(5) Depositions of all parties and their employees, agents, and other persons under their control
shall be conducted at the Board’s offices in Montgomery, Alabama unless another location is
agreed upon by all parties.
Author: Bob McKee
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-10
18 | P a g e
Filed Oct. 25, 2013; Effective Nov. 29, 2013
250-X-1-.09 Failure of a Party to Appear.
If a party fails to appear at a hearing after being given notice of hearing as required by these Rules,
the Board or Board’s Hearing Officer may proceed with hearing in absence of the party.
Author: Bob McKee
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-10
Filed Oct. 25, 2013; Effective Nov. 29, 2013
250-X-1-.10 Administrative Hearing Procedures.
(1) The Board may appoint a person to act on its behalf as Hearing Officer at its administrative
hearings. The Hearing Officer shall preside at administrative hearings and shall rule on all
questions of evidence and procedure. The Hearing Officer shall admit all evidence that is relevant,
material, and which has probative value to the issues under consideration by the Board. Offers of
settlement and compromise are not admissible. The Hearing Officer shall consider evidence
presented and then submit a recommendation to Board, including: a procedural summary of case;
findings of fact; conclusions of law; and a recommended decision on the issues included in
administrative complaint including, if necessary, suggested administrative punishment pursuant to
the charges in the administrative complaint. The Hearing Officer’s recommendations shall be
considered by the Board but are not binding on the Board. Within sixty (60) days after receipt of
the Hearing Officer’s recommendation, the Board shall issue an appropriate administrative order
modifying, approving or rejecting the recommendation. If the hearing was conducted by the Board
itself, the Board shall issue its order within sixty (60) days after receipt of the court reporter’s
transcript of the administrative hearing. The Board’s order in all instances shall include a
procedural history of the case, findings of fact, conclusions of law, and its decision regarding the
issues contained within the administrative complaint, including, if necessary, the appropriate
administrative punishment.
(2) Prior to the taking of witness testimony at the administrative hearing, the Respondent or
Respondents shall enter a plea of “guilty” or “not guilty” to each charge contained in the
administrative complaint.
(3) All parties shall be allowed to make a concise opening statement regarding the charges in the
administrative complaint, defenses to the administrative complaint, expected testimony and
evidence, and any proposed administrative punishment.
(4) The parties shall be allowed to present evidence by direct and cross-examination. The
Executive Director, or a designee acting on behalf of the Investigative Committee, shall present
its evidence first followed by the other parties in the order determined by the Board or its Hearing
Officer. Examination of witnesses shall not be unduly repetitious. The testimony of all parties and
witnesses shall be made under oath administered by the Board or the Board’s Hearing Officer.
(5) The Board or the Board’s Hearing Officer may examine and question any party or witness
regarding the administrative complaint and defenses thereto.
(6) All parties shall be allowed to make a brief closing statement summarizing the evidence
presented and regarding the applicability or relevant state law and/or Board rules and regulations.
(7) All testimony and statements given in this administrative hearing shall be electronically or
stenographically recorded. Any party wishing to obtain a transcript of the hearing shall make
arrangements with the court reporter to receive a copy of the transcript at their own expense.
19 | P a g e
(8) The parties shall not be bound by the strict rules of evidence prevailing in the courts. Evidence
shall be submitted in accordance with the Alabama Administrative Procedures Act, Section 13.
The administrative complaint and all attachments shall be made a part of the administrative record
for consideration by the Board without further authentication.
(9) The Board or its Hearing Officer may admit into evidence the deposition of any witness who is
not subject to the subpoena power of the Board or who is unable to be present to testify at the
hearing because of death, physical or mental illness, or other good reason atthe discretion of the
Board or its Hearing Officer.
(10) All exhibits that are offered into evidence, whether admitted or not, shall be made a part of
the administrative record in the case and be included as part of the court reporter’s original
transcript of the hearing. The party who offers each exhibit shall be permitted to substitute a true
copy of the exhibit for the original exhibit upon request to and permission by the Board or its
Hearing Officer.
(11) All objections concerning the conduct of the hearing or the admission of evidence may be
stated orally or filed in writing during the hearing. The objections and responses thereto shall
include a statement of the grounds for the objection and legal authority relied upon. The ruling on
the objection by the Board or the Board’s Hearing Officer shall be made a part of the administrative
record of the hearing. Any party may make an offer of proof regarding evidence that is not admitted
and may describe the general nature of the evidence offered and not admitted as party of the
administrative record of the hearing.
(12) The Board or the Board’s Hearing Officer may allow the parties to submit for consideration a
proposed order or recommendation which includes a procedural history, proposed findings of fact,
conclusions of law, and any suggested administrative punishment. The parties shall cite the
appropriate pages of the hearing transcript for any proposed findings of fact.
(13) The administrative hearing shall be otherwise conducted in compliance with the provisions
and in accordance with the Alabama Administrative Procedures Act, § 41-22-12, et. seq., Code
of AL 1975.
Author: Bob McKee
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-10
Filed Oct. 25, 2013; Effective Nov. 29, 2013
250-X-1-.11 Penalties
(1) The Board may, in its discretion, issue a written public or private reprimand or remove, revoke,
or suspend the license of any person who violates state law or the rules and regulations of the
(2) The issuance of two or more written letters of public reprimand to a licensee may serve as
probable cause for the Investigative Committee to proceed with administrative charges to seek
the revocation or suspension of that person’s license by the Board, pursuant to an administrative
hearing described in these rules.
(3) The Board may, in addition to or in lieu of other penalties, levy and collect administrative fines
for violations of state law or the rules and regulations of the Board of not more than $750.00 for
each violation.
Author: Bob McKee
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-10
Filed Oct. 25, 2013; Effective Nov. 29, 2013
20 | P a g e
Alabama Administrative Procedures Act, Section 13 reads as follows: (1) The rules of evidence as
applied in nonjury civil cases in the Circuit Courts of this state shall be followed when necessary
to ascertain facts not reasonably susceptible of proof under those rules. Evidence not admissible
there under may be admitted (except when precluded by statute) if it is of a type commonly relied
upon by reasonably prudent persons in the conduct of their affairs. Agencies shall give effect to
the rules of privilege by law. Except as hereinafter provided, objections to evidentiary offers may
be made and shall be noted in the record. Whenever any evidence is excluded as inadmissible, all
such evidence existing in written form shall remain a party of record as an offer of proof. The
party seeking the admission of oral testimony may make an offer of proof by means of a brief
statement on the record describing the testimony excluded. All rulings on the admissibility of
evidence shall be final and shall appear in the record. Subject to these requirements, when a
hearing will be expedited, and interests of the parties will not be prejudiced substantially, any part
of the evidence may be received or may be required to be submitted in verified form; provided the
adversary party shall not be denied the right of cross-examination of the witness. The testimony of
parties and witnesses shall be made under oath; provided however, in the hearing of a contested
case where judicial review of the case is trial de novo, the agency may announce that it shall not
be necessary that objections be made during the hearing and upon such announcement, it shall
not be required or necessary that objections to be made to any testimony or evidence which may
be offered by either party, and on the consideration of such cases the agency shall consider only
such testimony and evidence as is relevant, material, competent, and legal, and shall not consider
any testimony or evidence which is irrelevant, immaterial, incompetent or illegal, whether
objection shall have been made thereto or not, and whether such testimony be brought on direct,
cross or re-direct examination, or is hearsay. The agency shall not be required to point out what
testimony or evidence should be excluded or not considered. Either party, on submission, shall
have the privilege of calling attention to any testimony or evidence which is deemed objectionable.
If specific objection be made to any evidence and a ruling made thereon by the agency, this
exception shall not apply to such evidence.
(2) Documentary evidence otherwise admissible may be received in the form of copies of excerpts,
or by incorporation by reference to material already on file with the agency. Upon request, parties
shall be given an opportunity to compare the copy with the original.
(3) A party may conduct cross-examination required for a full and true disclosure of the facts,
except as may otherwise be limited by law.
(4) Official notice may be taken of all facts of which judicial notice may be taken and of other
scientific and technical facts within the specialized knowledge of the agency. Parties shall be
notified at the earliest practicable time, either before or during the hearing, or by reference in
preliminary reports, preliminary decisions or otherwise, of the facts proposed to be noticed and
their source, including any staff memoranda or data, and the parties shall be afforded an
opportunity to contest such facts before the decision is announced unless the agency determines
as party of the record of decision that fairness to the parties does not require an opportunity to
contest such facts.
(5) The experience, technical competence, and specialized knowledge of the agency may be utilized
in the evaluation of evidence.
Code of AL 1975, § 41-22-13
21 | P a g e
250-X-2-.01 Fees
(1) Pursuant to its legal authority, the Board may issue personal and business licenses to qualified
(2) Business licenses may be issued to shops or schools as determined by the Board.
(3) Personal licenses may be issued to any appropriate category of licensure as determined by
the Board, and an appropriate fee shall be established for each license.
Fees shall be the following:
(a) Written Examination or Reexamination: $75
(b) Practical Examination or Reexamination: $130
(c) Original License $50
(d) Personal Renewal $100
(e) New Shop $200
(f) Shop Renewal $150
(g) Shop Relocation $50
(h) Other Shop Changes:
1. Name Change $25
2. Owner Change $25
3. If name change or owner change done at same time only one $25 fee applies.
(i) New School $300
(j) School Renewal $200
(k) Other School Changes:
1. Name Change $25
2. Relocation $75
3. Ownership/Controlling Interest change $25 plus, Current Financial Statement; New
Owner or Controlling Stockholder to Appear Before Board.
(l) Reciprocity $100
(m) Apprentice $75
(n) Apprentice Change: Sponsor, Salon or Both $25
(o) Shampoo Assistant Original/Renewal $75
(p) Replacement License $25
(q) Duplicate License for Instructors $25
(r) Late Charge $54
(s) Letter of Certification: $25 For Each State Requested
(t) Returned Check Charge: Maximum Provided by Code of AL 1975. (Currently $30)
Author: Jeannie G. Price, CPA
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-8
Amended May 7, 2020; Effective Jul. 13, 2020
22 | P a g e
250-X-2-.02 Requirement for License
Any person providing services to the public as defined under the Code of AL 1975, §34-7B-1 shall
meet the requirements as set forth in Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-7, file an application with the
Board, pay appropriate fees and obtain a personal license.
Author: Bob McKee
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-7
Filed Oct. 25, 2013; Effective Nov. 29, 2013
250-X-3-.01 General Requirements.
(1) Proper application, payment of applicable fee and physical inspection and approval of premises
by an authorized member of the Board staff are required to receive a license for a shop.
(2) Applicant for a shop must provide proof that it will operate in a location properly zoned by the
appropriate governing authority.
(3) Shop entrance and exit must comply with federal, state and local building codes.
(4) Shop must be adequately ventilated to allow proper air circulation.
(5) Premises, including walls, floors, workstations, furniture and equipment must be kept clean
and free from dust. Trash must not be allowed to accumulate between clients.
(6) Shop must be adequately and safely lighted.
(7) Shop must have adequate toilet facilities either on premises or within 300 feet of entrance with
at least one water closet and one sink equipped with hot and cold water. Exceptions to the 300
feet rule for toilet may be granted to shops located in shopping malls. Toilet must be equipped
with proper tissue, soap dispenser with soap or other hand cleanser, waste receptacle and sanitary
towels or electric wall-mounted hand dryer. Toilet/lavatory must be adequately lighted, ventilated
and clean at all times.
(8) A shop may be located in a residence where not prohibited by any governing authority. Such
shop must be separated from living quarters by a permanent, finished, ceiling-high partition. A
separate shop entrance from living quarters entrance and a toilet/lavatory facility with a separate
entrance from living quarters must be provided. Toilet/lavatory must comply with requirements of
Section 250-X-3-.01 (7).
(9) The use of a shop as a living, dining, or sleeping quarters is prohibited.
(10) Shop shall display licenses and permits consistent with the following guidelines:
(a) Shop license must be displayed at the reception area near entrance. Code of AL 1975 §
(b) Personal licenses must be posted near individual work stations.
(c) The most recent inspection report must be posted near shop license.
(d) Apprentice permits, examination permits, and student permits must be posted near the
appropriate work station.
(11) Shop must have a copy of the most recent laws and rules of the Board readily available for
employees and patrons.
(12) No licensee shall perform any service outside the scope of practice authorized by the license
(13) No licensee shall perform any service authorized by a license issued by the Board in a facility
not licensed by the Board, except
23 | P a g e
(a) when necessary due to the illness or other physical or mental incapacitation of the
recipient of the service, and
(b) when performed by a licensee in the employment of a licensed shop, and
(c) when appointments are made through a licensed shop for the service.
Author: Jeannie G. Price, CPA
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-4
Amended Apr. 30, 2021; Effective Jun. 14, 2021
250-X-3-.02 Products Sanitation and Care.
(1) No licensee shall conduct services at any location which does not meet proper health, safety
and sanitation requirements. Compliance with rules of this chapter does not infer compliance with
other requirements of federal, state, and local laws, codes, ordinances, and regulations.
(2) Possession or storage of any equipment, supplies or product associated with any act of
barbering or cosmetology will be prima facie evidence of use.
(3) No licensee shall use any equipment, supplies or product banned for use by the United States
Food and Drug Administration or other federal, state, or local governmental agency for barbering
or cosmetology purposes.
(4) No licensee shall use styptic pencils.
(5) No licensee shall use methyl methacrylate, or any other product considered poisonous or
(6) No licensee shall use any drill or other equipment, supply or product for any purpose other
than that for which it was intended. Only drills marked by the manufacturer “For Human Nails” are
(7) No licensee shall use any craft or hobby tools or modified craft or hobby tools in providing
(8) No licensee shall perform any service outside the scope of the Board’s regulatory authority.
The Board’s scope of licensure is confined to non-invasive services performed on the epidermis,
specifically the stratum corneum and must not alter, cut or damage living cells.
(9) No licensee shall use callous razors in any practice of cosmetology or manicure.
(10) No licensee shall perform services on the skin or scalp of any person which is broken,
inflamed, cut, abraded, eroded or infected.
(11) No licensee may perform eyebrow tinting with a product which contains aniline derivative.
(12) No licensee shall practice photo rejuvenation, permanent makeup, electrolysis, tattoo, or any
other act outside the regulatory authority of the Board.
(13) No person with an infectious or communicable disease may work in a salon licensed by the
(14) The practice of natural hairstyling is limited to cleansing, extending, locking, braiding or
arranging without cutting, relaxing, removing, or applying permanent waving or chemical
treatments to the natural hair.
(15) The scope of waxing for manicurist/waxer is limited to treatment above the neck.
(16) Roll on wax applicators shall be classified as single use items.
(17) All sanitized instruments and sanitary disposable articles must be stored in clean, closed
containers free of other supplies.
(18) Cosmetics or preparations used on clients must always be kept in closed containers at all
times when not in use.
(19) Shop must use containers for professional products which are designed to prevent
contamination of the unused portion. All creams and bulk substances must be removed from
24 | P a g e
containers with spatulas or clean tools. Bulk supplies which may be contaminated by un-sanitized
tools or spatulas during preparation or application of single service portions must be discarded.
(20) Shop must use wet sanitizers with hospital grade or EPA approved disinfectant. A wet
sanitizer is any receptacle with a proper cover large enough to completely immerse items to be
sanitized which contains an approved disinfectant. A hospital grade or EPA approved disinfectant
shall be defined as:
(a) For all combs, brushes, tools, metal implements, instruments with a cutting edge and
implements which have not come into contact with blood or body fluids: a disinfectant which
indicates on its label that it has been registered with the Environmental Protection Agency as a
hospital grade bactericide, viricide and fungicide.
(b) For all combs, brushes, tools, metal implements, implements with a cutting edge and
implements which have come into contact with blood or body fluids: a disinfectant which indicates
on its label that it has been registered with the EPA as a hospital grade tuberculocidal.
(21) All tools, implements, supplies, linens and equipment must be safely stored. Pre-sanitized
tools, implements, linens and equipment must be stored in an enclosed sanitary cabinet or covered
container. After use on each patron, implements and tools and soiled linens must be deposited in
a closed receptacle separate from those which are clean and pre-sanitized.
(22) All chemicals and products for patron use must be properly labeled and identified.
(23) All sanitizing products and chemicals for patron use or cleaning must be used and stored
according to the manufacturer’s directions and in a manner consistent with public safety and health
interests. Flammable chemicals must be stored in a flame-retardant cabinet or in a well-ventilated
storage area away from combustible materials. Chemicals such as oxidizers, catalysts and
solvents must be segregated in storage.
(24) Chemicals requiring mixing must be mixed in a well-ventilated area at least twenty-five feet
from an open flame or electrical device. Chemical saturated towels and chemical waste must be
removed from work and storage areas and placed in covered containers.
(25) Material safety data sheets (MSDS) defining product content, hazards precautions and first
aid/medical treatment should be on containers and must be available upon request for products
considered dangerous to public health.
(26) Any comb, brush, tool or implement which cannot be cleaned and sanitized is prohibited after
initial use. Single-use articles and disposable supplies must be disposed of immediately after use
in a covered container.
(27) Any disposable material which has come in contact with blood or body fluids shall be disposed
of in a plastic bag.
(28) All combs, brushes and implements must be sanitized before use on any patron.
(29) No combs, brushes, tools or implements may be carried in licensee’s pockets.
(30) Pedicure vats must be cleansed and sanitized after each service to a patron.
(31) During barber, cosmetology, esthetics or natural hair services a proper sanitary cover must
be placed around patron’s neck to avoid direct contact with protective cape.
(32) Shop must maintain an adequate supply of linens and products for proper hygiene.
(33) Shop must be insect, rodent and animal free except for guide or service animals of visually
handicapped or otherwise physically disabled persons. Fish in sanitary and properly maintained
aquariums are permitted.
(34) Shop must keep on premises a first aid kit which must be replenished as necessary.
Author: Jodi Respess
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, §34-7B-4 (b)
Amended Jul. 18, 2017; Effective Sept. 1, 2017
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250-X-3-.03 Shops
(1) Shops are required to have equipment, furnishings and implements only for the services they
(2) Shops providing barber services must have at least the following equipment and supplies:
(a) One shampoo bowl if this service is provided.
(b) One sink near work stations
(c) One barber chair or all-purpose chair
(d) One work station and mirror
(e) Proper containers for clean and soiled towels
(f) One covered trash container
(3) Shops providing cosmetology services must have at least the following equipment and
(a) One shampoo bowl
(b) One sink near work stations
(c) One shampoo chair or all-purpose chair
(d) Sufficient hair drying facilities
(e) One covered trash container
(f) For cosmetology shops also offering manicure, one manicure table with light and chair
(g) For shops also offering esthetics, one facial chair and one magnifying glass.
(4) Shops providing esthetics services must have at least the following equipment or services:
(a) One facial chair or all-purpose chair.
(b) One magnifying glass
(c) One sink in the work area, or at least within 5 feet of the entrance/exit of the work area
(d) One covered trash container
(5) Shops providing Manicure/Nail services must have at least the following equipment or services:
(a) One manicure table with proper light
(b) One manicure chair
(c) One sink near work stations
(d) One covered trash container
(6) Shops providing Natural Hair stylist services must have at least the following equipment or
(a) One shampoo bowl
(b) One all-purpose chair
(c) One hair dryer
(d) One sink near work stations
(e) One covered trash container
(7) Shops providing threading services must have at least the following equipment and supplies:
(a) One all-purpose chair
(b) One sink near work stations
Author: Jeannie G. Price, CPA
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-4(b)
Amended May 29, 2020; Effective Jul. 13, 2020
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250-X-3-.07 Unlicensed Personnel
Any person, shop or corporation employing any unlicensed person to practice when a license is
required by this chapter shall be guilty of a violation of this chapter and may be subject to
disciplinary action as decided by the Board, which may include but not be limited to a fine as
provided in the Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-10.
Author: Bob McKee
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-10
Filed Oct. 25, 2013; Effective Nov. 29, 2013
250-X-3-.08 Inspections
(1) All shops and schools licensed by the Board are subject to periodic inspections by Board staff
to monitor compliance with Alabama law and Board rules and regulations.
(2) Any portion of a multi-purpose facility licensed by the Board must comply with the same
regulations and inspection requirements as any other shop licensed by the Board.
(3) For inspection purposes, shops or schools with no license when one is required by law will be
issued a score of zero and may be subject to disciplinary action as decided by the Board, which
may include but not be limited to a fine as provided in the Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-10.
(4) For inspection purposes, shops or schools with unlicensed personnel when a license is
required by law will be issued a score of zero and may be subject to disciplinary action as decided
by the Board, which may include but not be limited to a fine as provided in the Code of AL 1975,
§ 34-7B-10.
(5) Shops or schools issued a score of less than 80 for any violation except for license violations
on an inspection report shall be re-inspected for compliance, and any shop or school receiving a
score of less than 80 on a re-inspection will be in violation of the laws and regulations of the Board
and may be subject to disciplinary action as decided by the Board, which may include but not be
limited to a fine as provided in the Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-10.
(6) Any deficiency noted on shop or school inspection reports must be corrected or the points for
that deficiency may be increased on future inspections.
(7) Any shop or school closed by Board action because of violations must post in a conspicuous
location outside the facility a sign furnished by the Board giving the reason for such closure.
Author: Bob McKee
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-10.
Filed Oct. 25, 2013; Effective Nov. 29, 2013
250-X-4-.01 Requirements
(1) Apprentices must apply for a permit and pay the applicable fee before beginning work.
(2) Apprentices must train in a shop licensed by the Board under a licensed sponsor in the
appropriate field whose name is designated on their application.
(3) The sponsor must be licensed during the entire period of apprenticeship.
(4) No sponsor may train more than one apprentice at a time, and the Board must be immediately
notified of any change in apprentice sponsorship.
(5) Apprentices must pay an additional registration fee when changing sponsor.
(6) Apprentices are limited to three (3) changes in sponsor during training.
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(7) Barber apprentices and manicure apprentices are allowed two (2) years to complete training.
(8) Cosmetology and esthetic apprentices are allowed three (3) years to complete training.
(9) Natural hair stylist apprentices are allowed six (6) months to complete training.
(10) Apprentices must meet requirements outlined in the Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-16. In addition
to practical training, sponsors must provide apprentices with a copy of a Board approved textbook
for theory study.
(11) Shops with apprentices or student trainees must display a clear and legible sign not less than
8” X 10” in the reception area or at work stations advising the public that services are offered by
apprentices or student trainees.
(12) Shops and sponsors are responsible for keeping a daily, monthly and accumulated total of
earned apprentice hours, and sponsors must submit monthly and accumulated hours to the Board
office by the fifteenth (15
) day of the month after the month in which hours are earned.
(13) Apprentice hours received in the Board office with a postmark date later than the fifteenth
) day of the month after the month in which hours are earned will not be credited, and both
shop and sponsoring licensee will be in violation of Board regulations and subject to a fine as
provided in the Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-10.
(14) Barber, Cosmetology, Esthetician and Manicure apprentices must become licensed within
two (2) years from record of completion date of original training or complete 375 hours of school
training before applying or reapplying for examination.
(15) Natural Hair Stylist apprentices must become licensed within two (2) years from record of
completion date of original training or complete 75 hours of school training before applying or
reapplying for examination.
(16) Apprentices who have their apprenticeship interrupted by military service may reenroll in an
apprenticeship program within one year of completion of their tour of duty and receive credit for
previous hours earned.
(17) A person is allowed to hold an apprentice permit only one time per an apprenticeship type.
Author: Jeannie G. Price, CPA
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-16 (f)
Amended: Filed Jul. 18, 2019; Effective Sept. 1, 2019
250-X-4-.02 Apprentice Permits
(1) Shop owners and sponsors are responsible for returning temporary permits and total hours
earned for discontinued apprentices.
(2) Apprentice permits are not transferable between sponsors or shops. Apprentices must apply
to the Board for a new permit involving any change in shop or sponsor and pay the applicable fee.
(3) Cosmetology and esthetician apprentices must complete their training within three (3) years.
(4) Barber and manicure apprentices must complete their training within two (2) years.
(5) Natural hair stylist apprentices must complete their training within six (6) months.
(6) No student may be issued an apprentice permit.
Author: Jeannie G. Price, CPA
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-4
Amended: Oct. 31, 2019; Effective Dec. 15, 2019
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250-X-4-.03 Apprentice Curricula
(1) Barber Apprentices must complete a curriculum of not less than the following requirements:
200 hrs. History, Law, Image, Management
200 hrs. Sanitation, Infections
300 hrs. Cutting, Shaping, Styling
150 hrs. Shampooing, Rinses
200 hrs. Sciences, Anatomy
100 hrs. Skin, Scalp, Hair
250 hrs. Shaving, Design, Hairpieces
100 hrs. Chemical Waving
200 hrs. Hair Coloring
100 hrs. Relaxing
200 hrs. Unassigned
(2) Cosmetology apprentices must complete a curriculum of not less the following requirements:
450 hrs. Sanitation/Sterilization/Applied Sciences
150 hrs. Skin, Facials, and Make-Up
225 hrs. Manicure, Nails
150 hrs. Shampoos, Rinses
300 hrs. Coloring, Bleach
225 hrs. Haircutting
595 hrs. Hairstyling (Finger Waving, Styling, Hair Pressing, Thermal Waving)
525 hrs. Permanent Waving
380 hrs. Unassigned
(3) Esthetician apprentices must complete a curriculum of not less than the following requirements:
200 hrs. Bacteriology and Sanitation, Personal Hygiene, Public Health
200 hrs. History of Skin, Cell, Tissue
200 hrs. Dermatology, Structure, Functions, Types, Color, Elasticity, Disorders
100 hrs. Structure/Function Human Systems
100 hrs. Skin Types, Color, Nutrition
200 hrs. Facial Treatments, Massage, Analysis, Preparation, Manipulations
150 hrs. Equipment, Electrical Current Facial Treatments, Benefits, Safety
150 hrs. Other Facial Treatments, Purpose and Effects, Safety
75 hrs. Hair Removal, Depilatories, Tweezing, Waxing
200 hrs. Makeup, Supplies and Implements, Preparation, Safety Procedures
75 hrs. Body Wraps, Purpose and Effects, Types of Treatment, Supplies
125 hrs. Business/ Management Practices, Salon and Client Development
225 hrs. Unassigned
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(4) Manicure apprentices must complete a curriculum of not less than the following requirements:
180 hrs. Bacteria, Infections
120 hrs. Sanitation and Disinfection
180 hrs. Anatomy, Skin, Nails, Diseases and Disorders
30 hrs. Nail Products
100 hrs. Client Consultation, Professional Image
220 hrs. Manicure, Pedicure
150 hrs. Acrylic Nails
220 hrs. Unassigned
(5) Natural Hair Stylist apprentices must complete a curriculum of not less than the following
20 hrs. Shampooing
270 hrs. Braiding, weaving, extending, locking
130 hrs. Science and Sanitation
Author: Jodi Respess
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-16
Amended: Jul. 18, 2017; Effective Sept. 1, 2017
250-X-5-.01 School Licensing
(1) Any person, firm, corporation or association which either directly or indirectly receives
compensation for teaching any branch of cosmetology, except for apprentice training, shall be
classified as a school of cosmetology or barbering and will be required to comply with all provisions
and rules and regulations of the Board.
(2) All applications for opening a school must be submitted to the Board with the proper license
fee at least ninety (90) days before the school is expected to open.
(3) All schools must be inspected by an authorized representative of the Board and approved by
the Board before receiving a license.
(4) If a school relocates it must furnish a floor plan and evidence of insurance acceptable to the
Board, and the new location must be inspected for compliance with Board regulations before
beginning operations.
(5) If the ownership of a school changes in a way that affects the controlling interest, an updated
financial statement must be furnished to the Board and the controlling owner or stockholder must
appear before the board.
(6) Name changes, location changes or ownership changes may be subject to a fee to cover
administrative costs.
(7) School licenses and all instructor licenses must be displayed in a conspicuous place in school
Author: Bob McKee
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-26
Filed Oct. 25, 2013; Effective Nov. 29, 2013
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250-X-5-.02 School Requirements
(1) The Board must be furnished a statement by the proper zoning authority that the school will be
located in an area approved for operation of a school. If there is no appropriate zoning authority,
a statement to that effect must be furnished to Board.
(2) A personal financial statement is required to open and operate a school.
(3) A bond in the amount of $ 50,000 in favor of the State of Alabama underwritten by a company
authorized to do business in Alabama is required to open and maintain a school. Code of AL
1975, § 34-7B-26 (a)(1)a.
(4) A liability insurance policy for at least five hundred thousand ($500,000) dollars is required to
open and maintain a school.
(5) Any existing school which wishes to expand operations at the same physical location must
notify the Board in writing and maintain student and instructor requirements provided in this
(6) Each school must furnish the Board a copy of its standard contract for students.
(7) Each school must furnish the Board a copy of all financial forms relating to tuition, grants and
(8) Any school terminating operations must:
(a) Inform the Board at least thirty (30) working days prior to anticipated date of termination;
(b) Provide certified student records to the Board in a format approved by the Board on or
before the last day of operation;
(c) Provide each current student a certified transcript of hours completed, and for which the
school has been compensated;
(d) Refund any unearned tuition to students;
(e) Transfer to new owner all certified student records if the school is being sold or transferred.
(9) All schools must maintain at least 1,200 square feet inside wall dimensions of floor space to
accommodate twenty (20) students. For each additional student over twenty (20) an additional
fifteen (15) square feet of floor space is required.
(10) Schools must be completely segregated from any other type business by a solid wall from
ceiling to floor without an opening of any type.
(11) Booths in work areas must be open and provide a clear view of students at work.
(12) Schools must be housed in a facility that is clean, properly lighted and ventilated and complies
with all applicable health and building codes.
(13) An inventory of all equipment to be used in the school must be provided to the Board.
(14) Schools with less than twenty (20) students must maintain on staff at least one full-time
instructor and one on-call instructor. For each additional twenty (20) students or fraction thereof,
one additional full-time instructor must be provided on staff.
(15) The same person cannot be the on-call instructor for two schools.
Author: Bob McKee
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-26
Filed Oct. 25, 2013; Effective Nov. 29, 2013
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250-X-5-.03 School Curriculum
(1) All schools must establish and maintain a course of study consistent with standards set by the
Board. Public schools are expected to set curricula under guidelines of their governing authority
consistent with Board policies.
(2) Students will receive credit only for training physically conducted at a properly licensed school.
(3) The Board will accept hours from public institutions for credit hour programs if properly certified
by a licensed instructor. Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-24.
(4) Day schools must conduct at least six hours of theory classes each week.
(5) Night Schools must conduct at least three hours of theory classes each week.
Author: Bob McKee
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-26 (b)
Amended Jan. 27, 2015; Effective: Mar 3, 2015
250-X-5-.04 School Instructors
(1) All services performed for the general public by instructors and instructor trainees must be
without charge for demonstration purposes only, with students observing, and must directly relate
to the practical curriculum offered by schools in the appropriate field.
(2) Instructors may demonstrate work only in their appropriate field.
(3) Instructors and school owners are jointly responsible for notifying the Board when an instructor
transfers to another school or is terminated for any reason.
(4) If an instructor who is necessary to maintain minimum school requirements transfers or is
terminated, the school must replace that instructor within thirty (30) days of the date such transfer
or termination occurs. A properly licensed instructor must be present at all times a school is
(5) Instructor trainees must have the equivalent of twelve (12) grades in school, hold a current
license and be properly registered with the Board.
(6) Instructor trainees must either:
(a) Complete 1,500 hours of instructor training in a registered or licensed school in the
appropriate field;
(b) Or document at least one (1) year of full-time work as a licensee in the appropriate field in
a shop licensed in the appropriate field, and afterward complete 650 hours of instructor training
in a licensed or registered school in the appropriate field.
(7) Instructor trainees may instruct only in the presence of a licensed instructor.
(8) Before enrolling as an instructor trainee an applicant must hold license in appropriate field.
(9) Instructor trainees must pass appropriate examination to be licensed as an instructor.
(10) Instructor trainees are responsible for scheduling their own examinations.
(11) Each school must have one instructor for every two instructor trainees enrolled.
(12) Instructors who teach in school and practice in a shop must post a license in each location.
Duplicate license is subject to a copy fee. Only one license fee is applicable for such instructors.
(13) A student may not receive credit for courses completed in a school which that person owns
or is a principal.
Author: Bob McKee
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-24
Amended May 28, 2014; Effective Jul. 2, 2014
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250-X-5-.06 General Rules for Schools
(1) Student enrollment records must be received by the Board within thirty (30) days after students
enroll. Any hours earned before the Board receives proper enrollment forms will not be credited.
(2) All schools must keep a record of daily attendance, daily, monthly and cumulative totals of
hours earned by students, and furnish the Board a certified copy of hours after students finish
training or leave school.
(3) Private schools are required to send student daily, monthly and cumulative attendance records
to the board office by the 15
day of the month following the month in which hours are earned.
(4) Students may not receive credit for more than forty-eight (48) clock hours earned in one week,
including any make up hours.
(5) Schools are not allowed to promise students guaranteed employment after completion of
(6) No student may be called from theory class to perform service for the public.
(7) Any demonstration of new processes or products to students must be made in the presence
of instructors on staff at the school.
(8) No school may prepare food for resale.
(9) No school may charge public for student services before students complete 15% of their
(10) No school may pay a student, instructor trainee or instructor for service performed on the
(11) All schools must hold both written and practical examinations on a regular basis, including
content of Board law and regulations.
(12) No school may prohibit an authorized representative of the Board from conducting an
inspection of the school premises, personnel or student records at any time during regular
business hours.
(13) Schools are allowed to set their own rules for absenteeism and tardiness.
(14) When students’ complete appropriate hours of training, schools must submit a record of
completion form certifying students for examinations.
(15) Barber, Cosmetology, Esthetician, and Manicure students must become licensed within two
(2) years from record of completion date of original training or complete 375 hours of school
training before applying or reapplying for examination. Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-15 (f)
(16) Natural Hair Stylist students must become licensed within two (2) years from record of
completion date or original training or complete 75 hours of school training before applying or
reapplying for examination. Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-15 (f)
(17) No student may be enrolled in more than one school at the same time.
(18) Schools may use students to perform services for the public for a fee and advertise for such
services provided that:
(a) Any advertisement states in bold legible print that students are performing the services;
(b) In all areas where students are performing services for the public, legible signs of
appropriate size must be posted notifying public that students are being used to perform
Author: Jodi Respess
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-26
Amended Jul. 18, 2017; Effective Sept. 1, 2017
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250-X-5-.07 School Equipment and Supplies
(1) Schools must provide a dispensing room which contains lavatory or sink, bottles and containers
distinctly and correctly labeled, a large wet sterilizer, adequate supplies of clean towels, linens.
(2) Schools must provide a separate room for demonstration and study equipped with adequate
visual teaching aids, chairs and/or desks for student use.
(3) Schools must provide a reference library stocked with up to date books and materials
recommended by the Board for instruction. A copy of the most recent version of Board’s law and
regulations with any amendments must also be included in library.
(4) Schools must provide a wet sanitizer at each student work station.
(5) Schools must provide adequate lockers for student use.
(6) School restroom may not be used for storage.
(7) Schools must provide adequate office equipment for maintaining student records.
Author: Bob McKee
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-26
Filed Oct. 25, 2013; Effective Nov. 29, 2013
250-X-5-.08 Barber Schools
The following minimum equipment and supplies are required for a barber school to become
(a) Three (3) shampoo bowls
(b) Three (3) barber chairs or all-purpose chairs.
(c) One sink
(d) Adequate drying equipment
(e) Reference books, charts, supplies and equipment necessary for required curriculum.
Author: Bob McKee
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-26
Amended Jul. 23, 2014; Effective Aug. 27, 2014
250-X-5-.09 Cosmetology Schools
The following minimum equipment and supplies are required for a school of cosmetology to
become licensed:
(a) Five (5) shampoo bowls
(b) Three (3) facial chairs or all-purpose chairs.
(c) One sink
(d) Six (6) dryers
(e) Two (2) manicure tables
(f) Six (6) styling chairs
(g) Six (6) mannequins
(h) Reference books, charts and equipment necessary for required curriculum.
(i) An adequate quantity of cosmetology, manicuring, esthetics, sanitation and sterilization
supplies necessary for required curriculum.
Author: Bob McKee
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-26
Amended Jul. 23, 2014; Effective Aug. 27, 2014
34 | P a g e
250-X-5-.10 Manicure Schools
The following minimum equipment and supplies are required for a school of manicure to become
(a) Six (6) manicure tables
(b) Six (6) manicure chairs.
(c) One sink
(d) Reference books, charts and equipment necessary to teach required curriculum.
(e) An adequate quantity of manicure, nail technology, and sanitation and sterilization supplies
necessary for required curriculum.
Author: Bob McKee
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-26
Amended Jul. 23, 2014; Effective Aug. 27, 2014
250-X-5-.11 Esthetics Schools
The following minimum equipment and supplies are required for an esthetics school to become
(a) Three (3) facial treatment chairs, hydraulic chairs or treatment tables.
(b) Three (3) esthetician stools.
(c) Three (3) facial vaporizers
(d) Three (3) Woods lamps
(e) Three (3) footed magnifying lamps
(f) One (1) electric wax heater
(g) Three (3) utility tables or one adequately sized continuous counter top
(h) Three (3) high frequency apparatuses
(i) One (1) galvanic or faradic/sinusoidal apparatus
(j) One sink
(k) Reference books, charts and equipment necessary for curriculum.
Author: Bob McKee
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-26
Filed Oct. 25, 2013; Effective Nov. 29, 2013
250-X-5-.12 Student Requirements
(1) To enroll in school, a student must:
(a) Be at least sixteen (16) years old, documented by birth certificate, school records, driver’s
license, or insurance policy at least 5 years old.
(b) Furnish proof of having completed 10 grades in school or the equivalent.
(2) Students who complete 70% of their training may receive a permit to work in a licensed shop
in the appropriate field when school is not in session. All other training must be physically
conducted at a properly licensed school.
(3) Hours earned in a shop by students may not be credited toward required training hours.
(4) Permits for students who work in shops will expire six months after date of issue.
(5) Students may not be issued an apprentice permit to work in a shop.
Author: Jeannie G. Price, CPA
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-4
Amended Oct. 31, 2019; Effective Dec. 15, 2019
35 | P a g e
250-X-5-.13 Natural Hair Stylist Schools
The following minimum equipment and supplies are required for a natural hair stylist school to
become licensed:
(a) Three (3) shampoo bowls.
(b) Three (3) all-purpose chairs
(c) Adequate drying equipment
(d) One sink
(e) Reference books, charts and equipment necessary for required curriculum
(f) An adequate quantity of sanitation and sterilization supplies necessary for required curriculum
Author: Jodi Respess
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-26
Amended Jan. 11, 2018; Effective Feb. 25, 2018
250-X-6 Candidate Examinations
250-X-6-.01 Candidate Examinations
(1) Candidates for licensure must meet requirements of this chapter, make application, pay the
appropriate examination fee and pass the appropriate examination.
(2) Candidates furnishing proof of eligibility for licensure examination must receive a temporary
work permit before performing services for the public.
(3) Candidates failing the prescribed written or practical examination shall be entitled to two
additional attempts.
(4) Candidates failing an exam on the third attempt shall take the following action:
(a) Barbers, cosmetologists, estheticians, manicurists and instructors shall complete 375
hours of training in school before reapplying for examination.
(b) Natural hair stylists and waxers shall complete 75 hours of training in school before
reapplying for examination.
(5) Candidates for licensure must furnish their own supplies and implements for any practical
(6) A grade of at least 70% is required to pass licensure examinations, except for instructor
examinations which require a grade of at least 80% to pass.
(7) Candidates who cancel a scheduled examination or fail to appear for a scheduled examination
must pay a rescheduling fee unless the cancellation or failure to appear was caused by an
emergency or act of God.
(8) No member of the board may attend rater training for candidate examinations or actively
participate in rating candidates.
Author: Bob McKee
Statutory Authority: Code of AL 1975, § 34-7B-7
Amended Jul. 26, 2016; Effective Sept. 9, 2016