Custom Assessment and Remediation
API Release Notes
Version 1.5
October 10, 2022
What’s New
Enhanced Control on Executing PowerShell Scripts
Custom Assessment and Remediation
Qualys API Server URL
Qualys API Server URL
The Qualys API URL you should use for API requests depends on the Qualys platform
where your account is located.
Click here to identify your Qualys platform and get the API URL
This documentation uses the API server URL for Qualys US Platform 1
( in sample API requests. If you’re on another platform,
please replace this URL with the appropriate server URL for your account.
Custom Assessment and Remediation
Enhanced Control on Executing PowerShell Scripts
Enhanced Control on Executing PowerShell Scripts
Qualys CAR 1.5 adds a new optional parameter to bypass the PowerShell execution policy
set on the host; thereby, enabling you to have complete control on executing PowerShell
scripts on the hosts via Qualys CAR.
Input Parameter
Note: The “Bypass PowerShell Execution Policy” input parameter does not change the
PowerShell execution policy on a host; it only bypasses the policy for script execution.
Sample: Bypass the PowerShell Execution Policy Set on the Host
API Request:
curl --location --request POST\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--data-raw '{
"testMode": false,
"assetIds": [
"assetTagIds": [],
"excludedAssetIds": [],
"executionPolicyBypassEnabled": true
APIs affected /sm/v1/scripts/{scriptId}/execute
New or Updated API Updated
DTD or XSD changes Not Applicable
(Optional) Bypass the PowerShell execution policy set on the
Windows host. When you set the input value to ’true’, scripts
are executed irrespective of the PowerShell execution policy
set on the host. However, if you do not provide this input
parameter, or if you set the input value to ‘false’, CAR honors
the PowerShell execution policy set on the host for script
This input parameter is applicable only for Windows
PowerShell script execution.
Custom Assessment and Remediation
Enhanced Control on Executing PowerShell Scripts
"body": {
"correlationUuid": "<CORRELATION UUID>"