Compendium of Residential Care and Assisted Living Regulations and Policy: 2015 Edition
Licensure Terms
Assisted Living Facilities
General Approach
The state views assisted living facilities (ALFs) as an important part of the
continuum of its long-term care system, to be operated and regulated as residential
environments with supportive services and not as medical or nursing facilities.
The Bureau of Health Facility Regulation licenses several types of ALFs, which
can range in size from one resident to several hundred. Facilities are licensed to provide
routine personal care services under a “standard” license or more specific services
under the authority of “specialty” licenses. ALFs meeting the requirements for a
standard license may also qualify for specialty licenses.
The purpose of specialty licenses is to allow individuals to “age in place” in familiar
surroundings that can adequately and safely meet their continuing health care needs.
Specialty licenses include limited nursing services (LNS), extended congregate care
(ECC), and limited mental health (LMH) services. To obtain a specialty license, facilities
must meet additional requirements, including those related to staffing and staff training.
Adult Foster Care. An adult family care home (AFCH) is a licensed, full-time,
family-type living arrangement in a private home, under which individuals who own or
rent a home provide room, board, and personal care on a 24-hour basis to no more than
five disabled adults or frail elders who are not relatives. Each AFCH must designate at
least one licensed space for a resident receiving an optional state supplement (OSS).
AFCH operators must live in the home; if they do not, the home must be licensed as an
ALF. If an AFCH provides room, board, and personal services for only 1-2 adults who
do not receive an OSS, it does not have to be licensed. Regulatory provisions for adult
family homes are not included in this profile but a link to the provisions can found at the
Unless noted as a provision for one of the specialty licenses, this profile includes
summaries of selected regulatory provisions for ALFs with a standard license. The
complete regulations are online at the links provided at the end.
Assisted living facility means any building or buildings, section or distinct part of
a building, private home, boarding home, home for the aged, or other residential facility,
which undertakes through its ownership or management to provide housing, meals, and
one or more personal services (e.g., assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs) and
self-administered medication) for a period exceeding 24 hours to one or more adults
who are not relatives of the owner or administrator. An ALF can have a standard license
or a specialty license as defined below.
Standard means a facility licensed to provide housing, meals, and one or more
personal care services for a period exceeding 24 hours. Personal care services include
direct physical assistance with or supervision of a resident’s ADLs and the self-
administration of medication and similar services. The facility may employ or contract
with licensed persons to administer medication and perform other nursing tasks, such
as taking vital signs, managing individual weekly pill organizers for residents who self-
administer medication, giving pre-packaged enemas ordered by the physician, and
observing residents.
Limited nursing services means a facility licensed to provide any of the services
under a standard license and additional LMH specified in rules, which include:
conducting passive range of motion exercises; applying ice caps or collars and heat;
cutting toenails of diabetic residents or residents with a documented circulatory
problem, if approved in writing by the resident’s health care provider; performing ear
and eye irrigations; conducting a urine dipstick test; replacing established self-
maintained in-dwelling catheter or performing intermittent urinary catheterizations;
applying and changing routine dressings that do not require packing or irrigation; caring
for Stage II pressure sores; conducting nursing assessments if conducted by, or under
the direct supervision of, a registered nurse (RN); and providing any nursing service
permitted within the scope of the nurse’s license, including 24-hour supervision, for
hospice patients.
Extended congregate care means a facility licensed to provide any of the
services under a standard license and LNS license, including any nursing service
permitted within the scope of the nurse’s license consistent with ALF residency
requirements and the facility’s written policy and procedures. A facility with this type of
license enables residents to age in place in a residential environment despite mental or
physical limitations that might otherwise disqualify them from residency under a
standard or LNS license. This definition creates a higher level of care in assisted living.
Limited Mental Health. A facility licensed to provide any of the services under a
standard license must obtain an LMH license to serve three or more residents who
receive Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
benefits due to a mental disorder, and who also receive a state SSI supplement--called
the OSS. The facility must meet additional requirements, including the development of a
community living support plan with the mental health resident and a case manager,
which specifies the resident’s needs that must be met to enable the resident to live in an
ALF and the community.
Resident Agreements
The resident contract must contain a list of specific services, supplies, and
accommodations to be provided--including those provided under any specialty license;
the daily, weekly or monthly rate and the notice policy for rate increases; additional
services available and their cost; residents’ rights, duties and obligations; refund policies
and procedures; the bed hold policy; a statement of the organization’s religious
affiliation and related requirements, if any; and discharge policies and procedures.
Disclosure Provisions
A facility that advertises that it provides special care for persons who have
Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias must disclose in its advertisements or in a
separate document those services that distinguish the care as being especially
applicable to, or suitable for, such persons. The facility must give a copy of all such
advertisements or a copy of the document to each person who requests information
about programs and services for persons with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias
offered by the facility and must maintain a copy of all such advertisements and
documents in its records. The licensing agency examines all such advertisements and
documents in the facility’s records as part of the license renewal procedure.
Admission and Retention Policy
Facilities must determine the appropriateness of admission and retention based on
the ability of the facility to meet an individual’s needs and preferences.
To be admitted and retained, an individual must be capable of performing ADLs,
including transfers, with supervision or assistance; not require 24-hour nursing
supervision; be free of Stage II, III, or IV pressure sores; be able to participate in social
and leisure activities; be ambulatory; and not display violent behavior or be a danger to
self or others.
Terminally ill residents may continue to reside in any ALF if the arrangement is
mutually agreeable to the resident and the facility, additional care is rendered through a
licensed hospice, and the resident is under the care of a physician who agrees that the
resident’s physical needs are being met.
In standard and LNS facilities, people who are bedridden more than 7 days or
develop a need for 24-hour nursing supervision may not be retained. Residents with
Stage II pressure sores may remain if the facility has a limited nursing license or
resident contracts with a home health agency or RN. Residents in ECC facilities may
not be retained if they are bedridden for more than 14 days.
EEC facilities must promote aging in place by determining the appropriateness of
continued residency based on a comprehensive review of the resident’s physical and
functional status; the ability of the facility, family members, friends, or any other
pertinent individuals or agencies to provide the care and services required; and
documentation that a written service plan consistent with facility policy has been
developed and implemented to ensure that the resident’s needs and preferences are
Facilities provide different services depending on their licensure types. Standard
facilities provide personal care services and assistance with self-administration of
Facilities with an LNS license can provide additional nursing services specified in
regulations, such as applying and changing routine dressings that do not require
packing or irrigation, but are for abrasions, skin tears, and closed surgical wounds;
caring for Stage II pressure sores; catheter, colostomy, and ileostomy care and
maintenance; caring for casts, braces, and splints; conducting nursing assessments if
conducted by an RN or under the direct supervision of an RN; and providing any
nursing service permitted under the facility’s license and total help with ADLs for
residents admitted to hospice.
Facilities with an ECC license can provide more extensive ADL assistance and
additional nursing services if required by the resident’s service plan: total help with
bathing, dressing, grooming and toileting; nursing assessments conducted more
frequently than monthly; measurement and recording of basic vital functions and weight;
dietary management, including provision of special diets, monitoring nutrition, and
observing the resident’s food and fluid intake and output; assistance with self-
administered medications; or the administration of medications and treatments pursuant
to a health care provider’s order.
ECC facilities may not provide oral or nasopharyngeal suctioning, assistance with
nasogastric tube feeding, monitoring of blood gasses, intermittent positive pressure
breathing therapy, skilled rehabilitative services; or treatment of surgical incisions,
unless the surgical incision and the condition which caused it have been stabilized and
a plan of care developed.
Service Planning
Within 60 days prior to admission, but no later than 30 days after admission,
residents must be examined by a physician or advanced RN practitioner who must
provide the administrator with a medical examination report.
Licensed nurses who are employed by or under contract with a facility must, on a
routine basis or at least monthly, perform a nursing assessment of the residents for
whom they are providing nursing services ordered by a physician (except administration
of medication), and must document such assessment, including any substantial
changes in a resident’s status which may necessitate relocation to a nursing home,
hospital, or specialized health care facility.
ECC facilities are allowed to use managed risk agreements, which are defined as
“the process by which the facility staff discuss the service plan and the needs of the
resident with the resident and, if applicable, the resident’s representative or designee or
the resident’s surrogate, guardian, or attorney-in-fact, in such a way that the
consequences of a decision, including any inherent risk, are explained to all parties and
reviewed periodically in conjunction with the service plan, taking into account changes
in the resident’s status and the ability of the facility to respond accordingly.”
“Shared responsibility” means exploring the options available to a resident within a
facility and the risks involved with each option when making decisions pertaining to the
resident’s abilities, preferences, and service needs, thereby enabling the resident and, if
applicable, the resident’s representative or designee, or the resident’s surrogate,
guardian, or attorney-in-fact, and the facility to develop a service plan which best meets
the resident’s needs and seeks to improve the resident’s quality of life.
Third-Party Providers
Residents or their representative, designee, surrogate, guardian, or attorney-in-fact
may arrange, contract, and pay for services provided by a third-party of the resident’s
choice, provided the resident meets the criteria for appropriate placement in the facility
and complies with the facility’s policy relating to the delivery of services in the facility by
third parties. The facility’s policies must require the third-party to coordinate with the
facility regarding the resident’s condition and the services being provided.
When residents require specified care or services from a third-party provider and
when requested by residents or their representatives, the facility administrator or
designee must assist in facilitating the provision of those services and coordinate with
the provider to meet the specific service goals.
Medication Provisions
Licensed nursing staff may administer medications. Unlicensed staff may assist
with self-administration of routine, regularly scheduled medications that are intended to
be self-administered by residents with a medically stable condition. Unlicensed persons
may not assist with certain types of medication administration, described in detail in the
regulations, including “as-needed” (PRN) medications and injections.
Assistance with self-administration is described in detail in the regulations and
includes taking previously dispensed, properly labeled containers from where they are
stored and bringing them to the resident; reading the label, opening the container,
removing a prescribed amount of medication, and closing the container; placing an oral
dosage in the resident’s hand or in another container and helping the resident lift the
container to his or her mouth; applying topical medications; and keeping a record of
when a resident receives assistance with self-administration.
Assistance with self-administration of medication by an unlicensed person is
allowed only if: (1) he or she has met training requirements--4 hours upon hire and 2
hours of training annually; and (2) upon a documented request by, and the written
informed consent of, a resident or the resident’s surrogate, guardian, or attorney-in-fact.
Informed consent means advising the resident, or the resident’s surrogate,
guardian, or attorney-in-fact that an ALF is not required to have a licensed nurse on
staff, that the resident may be receiving assistance with self-administration of
medication from an unlicensed person, and that such assistance, if provided by an
unlicensed person, will or will not be overseen by a licensed nurse.
Food Service and Dietary Provisions
The facility must provide a variety of regular meals that meet the nutritional needs
of residents, and therapeutic diets as ordered by the resident’s health care provider for
residents who require special diets. Meals must be adapted to residents’ food habits,
preferences, and physical abilities.
The meals must be planned based on the current U.S. Department of Agriculture
Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 and the current summary of Dietary Reference
Intakes established by the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine of the
National Academies. Therapeutic diets must meet these nutritional standards to the
extent possible.
All regular and therapeutic menus must be reviewed annually by a licensed or
registered dietitian, a licensed nutritionist, or a registered dietetic technician supervised
by a licensed or registered dietitian, or a licensed nutritionist to ensure the meals meet
the nutritional requirements. Daily food servings may be divided among three or more
meals per day, including snacks, as-necessary to accommodate resident needs and
Staffing Requirements
Type of Staff. Every facility must be under the supervision of an administrator
who is responsible for its operation and maintenance, including the management of all
staff and the provision of adequate care to all residents. Facilities must employ direct
care staff. A staff member who has completed courses in first-aid and cardiopulmonary
resuscitation must be in the facility at all times.
LNS and ECC facilities must employ or contract with a nurse, who must be
available to provide nursing services as-needed by residents. In addition, the EEC
facility nurse must participate in the development of resident service plans and perform
monthly nursing assessments. An ECC staff member must serve as the ECC supervisor
who is responsible for the general supervision of the day-to-day management of an
ECC program and ECC resident service planning, if the administrator does not perform
this function.
Staff Ratios. In all ALFs, sufficient staff must be employed to ensure the safety
and proper care of individual residents and to implement the evacuation and emergency
management plan, and at least one employee certified in first-aid must be present at all
The rules contain minimum staff hours per week for different numbers of residents,
for example: (1) up to five residents, 168 staff hours per week; (2) 6-15 residents, 212
hours; (3) 16-25 residents, 253 hours; and (4) 26-35 residents, 294 hours. For every 20
residents over 95, 42 staff hours must be added each week, which equates to about
one full-time employee per 20 residents. Notwithstanding the minimum staffing
requirements, facilities must have enough qualified staff to provide resident supervision,
and to provide or arrange for resident services in accordance with the residents’
scheduled and unscheduled service needs, resident contracts, and all required resident
care standards.
ECC facilities must have enough qualified staff to meet the needs of ECC
residents and to provide the services established in each resident’s service plan.
Facilities must ensure that adequate staff are awake during all hours to meet residents
scheduled and unscheduled needs. If the licensing agency determines that service
plans are not being followed or that residents’ needs are not being met because of
insufficient staffing, facilities must immediately provide additional or appropriately
qualified staff.
Training Requirements
The ALF core training requirements established by the Department of Elder Affairs
consists of a minimum of 26 hours of training plus a competency test. Administrators
must complete the core training and competency test no later than 90 days after
becoming employed as a facility administrator. Administrators must also receive 12
hours of continuing education every 2 years on topics related to assisted living.
Staff who provide direct care to residents--other than nurses, certified nursing
assistants, or home health aides--must receive a minimum of 1 hour in-service training
in infection control, including universal precautions, and facility sanitation procedures
before providing personal care to residents; and must receive 3 hours of in-service
training within 30 days of employment that covers resident behavior and needs and
providing assistance with ADLs.
Staff who have not taken the core training program, and who provide direct care to
residents, must receive within 30 days of employment a minimum of 1 hour in-service
training that covers resident rights in an ALF and recognizing and reporting resident
abuse, neglect, and exploitation; and a minimum of 1 hour in-service training that covers
reporting major incidents, reporting adverse incidents, and facility emergency
procedures, including chain-of-command and staff roles relating to emergency
In addition to the core training, the administrator of an ECC facility and the ECC
supervisor must complete 6 hours of initial training on the physical, psychological, or
social needs of frail elders or persons with Alzheimer’s disease and adults with
disabilities, and 6 hours of continuing training every 2 years. In ECC facilities, direct
care staff must complete at least 2 hours of in-service training within 6 months of
beginning employment in the facility. The training must address ECC concepts and
requirements, including statutory and rule requirements, and delivery of personal care
and supportive services in an ECC facility.
The administrator, managers and staff who have direct contact with mental health
residents in an LMH facility must receive a minimum of 6 hours of specialized training in
working with individuals with mental health diagnoses within 6 months of the facility’s
receiving an LMH license or within 6 months of employment in an LMH facility, and a
minimum of 3 hours of continuing education on mental health topics, including
diagnoses, treatments, services, behaviors and appropriate interventions.
All facility staff must receive in-service training regarding the facility’s resident
elopement response policies and procedures within 30 days of employment.
Provisions for Apartments and Private Units
Standard and LNS facilities do not have to provide apartment-style units or private
rooms. Facilities licensed prior to October 1999 may provide rooms shared by four
people; one toilet and sink must be provided for every six residents and bathing facilities
for every eight residents. Facilities licensed after October 1999 may provide rooms
shared by a maximum of two persons and must have bathrooms shared by no more
than four residents.
ECC facilities must provide a private room or apartment, or a semi-private room or
apartment, shared with a roommate of the resident’s choice. Bathrooms with a toilet,
sink, and bathtub or shower can only be shared by a maximum of four residents.
Medicaid Requirements. Apartment-style units are not required for ALFs that
provide assistive care services through the Medicaid State Plan program. Facilities
participating in the Managed Long-Term Care (MLTC) Waiver program must offer a
private room or apartment or a unit that is shared only with the approval of the waiver
Provisions for Serving Persons with Dementia
Dementia Care Staff. A facility that advertises that it provides special care for
persons with dementia must meet the following staffing requirements: (1) it must have
24-hour staffing capability; (2) if the facility has 17 or more residents, it must have an
awake staff member on duty at all hours of the day and night; or (3) if the facility has
fewer than 17 residents, it must have an awake staff member on duty at all hours of the
day and night, or have mechanisms in place to monitor and ensure residents’ safety.
Dementia Staff Training. Facilities that advertise that they provide special care
for persons with dementia or who maintain secured areas are required to ensure that
staff who have regular contact with or provide direct care to residents with dementia
have specialized training.
In addition to core training requirements, staff in special care units must receive 4
hours of initial training covering the characteristics of Alzheimer’s disease,
communicating with residents who have dementia, family issues, the residents’
environment, and ethical issues. Direct caregivers must obtain an additional 4 hours
training within 9 months of employment covering behavior management, assistance with
ADLs, activities for residents, stress management for the caregiver, and medical
Direct care staff must receive 4 hours of continuing education each year that
includes one or more topics covered in the dementia-specific training developed or
approved by the Department, in which the caregiver has not received previous training.
Employees of facilities that provide special care for residents with dementia but
who have only incidental contact with such residents, must be given, at a minimum,
general information on interacting with individuals with dementia within 3 months after
beginning employment.
The Department, or its designee, must approve the initial and continuing education
courses and providers. Any facility with more than 90 percent of its residents receiving
monthly optional supplementation payments is not required to pay for the training and
education programs. A facility that has one or more such residents may pay a reduced
fee that is proportional to the percentage of such residents in the facility. A facility that
does not have any residents who receive monthly optional supplementation payments
must pay a reasonable fee, as established by the Department, for such training and
education programs.
Dementia Facility Requirements. Facilities must offer activities specifically
designed for persons who are cognitively impaired and have a physical environment
that provides for the safety and welfare of the facility’s residents.
Background Checks
Florida law has extensive criminal background screening provisions for ALFs. All
ALF owners (if individuals), administrators, financial officers, and employees must have
a criminal history record check obtained through a fingerprint search through the Florida
Department of Law Enforcement and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, to determine
whether screened individuals have any disqualifying offenses. An analysis and review of
court dispositions and arrest reports may be required to make a final determination. The
cost of the state and national criminal history records checks are born by the licensee or
the person being fingerprinted. All individuals who are required to have an initial
background screen, must be re-screened every five years.
Inspection and Monitoring
Facilities are inspected prior to licensure and at any time deemed necessary by the
licensing agency to determine compliance with requirements. Inspections that are
conducted for reasons other than initial licensure must be unannounced. Inspections for
re-licensure must be conducted every 2 years, unless otherwise specified by authorizing
statutes or applicable rules.
An RN or appropriate designee representing the licensing agency must visit ECC
facilities quarterly to monitor residents and to determine facility compliance. An RN
representing the agency must also visit LNS facilities twice a year to monitor residents
who are receiving LNS and to determine facility compliance.
Public Financing
Florida covers services in ALFs with a standard license and with a specialty
license under a statewide 1915(b)(c) MLTC program. This program replaced two
1915(c) Waiver programs--Assisted Living for the Elderly and Nursing Home Diversion.
Only facilities with a standard license and private or semi-private rooms and bathrooms
are allowed to participate in the MLTC program. Waiver participants must be offered a
private room or apartment or a unit that is shared only with their approval.
The state also covers services in ALFs and licensed adult family homes under a
Medicaid State Plan program--called Assistive Care Services--that includes health
support, assistance with ADLs and instrumental activities of daily living, and assistance
with self-administration of medication.
Facilities may serve residents eligible for either program--MLTC and Assistive
Care Services--or both. Residents eligible for both must have a service plan which
separately identifies the services that will be provided under each program.
Room and Board Policy
Medicaid does not cap the room and board rate. For waiver participants, room and
board and service rates are negotiated by the provider and the MLTC plan.
To help pay for room and board, the state provides an OSS to residents in ALFs
and AFCHs who are receiving the federal SSI benefit or who are determined by the
Department of Children and Family Services to be eligible for the supplement.
The Department establishes the base rate of the OSS payment, which was $78.40
in 2014. Additional amounts may be provided for mental health residents in facilities
designed to provide LMH services. The base rate of payment does not include the
personal needs allowance of $54, which is retained by the resident.
Family Supplementation
Supplementation by families or other third parties is permitted to contribute to the
cost of care. This supplementation may be provided under the following conditions:
Payments are made to the ALF or to the operator of an AFCH on behalf of the
person and not directly to the OSS recipient.
Contributions made by third parties are entirely voluntary and must not be a
condition of providing proper care to the resident.
The additional supplementation must not exceed two times the provider rate
recognized under the OSS program.
The state does not count supplementation in accordance with these provisions as
income to the resident for purposes of determining eligibility for, or computing the
amount of, OSS benefits. The state does not increase an OSS payment to offset the
reduction in SSI benefits that will occur because of the third-party contribution.
Location of Licensing, Certification, or Other Requirements
Agency for Health Care Administration. Assisted Living Facility. The following website contains
links to all applicable statutes, regulations, and other information about assisted living facilities.
Agency for Health Care Administration. Adult Family Care Home. The following website
contains links to all applicable statutes and regulations about adult family care homes.
Information Sources
Lee Ann Griffin
Quality and Regulatory Services
Florida Health Care Association
Keith Young
Government Analyst
Federal Authorities Section
Bureau of Medicaid Services
Agency for Health Care Administration
Files Available for This Report
Executive Summary http://aspe.hhs.gov/execsum/compendium-residential-care-and-
HTML http://aspe.hhs.gov/basic-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
PDF http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
[NOTE: These profiles are available in the full HTML and PDF versions, as well as each state
available as a separate PDF listed below.]
Alaska http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Arizona http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Arkansas http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Colorado http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Connecticut http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
District of Columbia http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Georgia http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Illinois http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Indiana http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Iowa http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Kentucky http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Maryland http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Massachusetts http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Michigan http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Minnesota http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Mississippi http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Missouri http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Montana http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Nevada http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
New Hampshire http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
New Jersey http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
New Mexico http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
New York http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
North Carolina http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
North Dakota http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Oklahoma http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Oregon http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Texas http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Virginia http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Washington http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
West Virginia http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Wisconsin http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-
Wyoming http://aspe.hhs.gov/pdf-report/compendium-residential-care-and-