S+C is a HUD funded housing program that provides supportive services and
affordable subsidized housing to homeless people with disabilities. Approved
applicants will pay up to 30% of their income towards their rent and will receive
ongoing supportive services.
Program eligibility criteria:
residing in Alameda County on the street or in an emergency shelter or in transitional housing who
were on the street or in emergency shelter prior to entry
disabled by either chronic substance abuse and/or psychiatric conditions and/or HIV
household income does not exceed 50% of area median income
willing to participate in supportive services
must be homeless at the time of application
chronically homeless status requires verification for at least 12 months
The Alameda County S+C program works with agencies that provide:
coordinated outreach in Alameda County, including assistance submitting applications and finding
support services, case management, mental health services, alcohol and drug treatment and recovery
services, transportation assistance, money management, independent living skills
S+C housing options:
Sponsor-based Rental Assistance (SRA): Specific units, ranging from single room occupancy to
three bedrooms, scattered throughout Alameda County
Project-based Rental Assistance (PRA): Specific two, three and four bedroom units located at
Alameda Point
Single-Room Occupancy (SRO): Specific one-room units located at the Harrison Apartments in
Tenant-based Rental Assistance (TRA): A certificate provided to a S+C participant by a
designated Public Housing Authority. A TRA holder, with the help of their service coordinator, is
responsible for locating housing in Alameda County through owners willing to accept S+C as a
Applications may only be submitted by designated outreach agencies. For information on S+C Outreach
agencies, please call 2-1-1, the free, non-emergency confidential service that provides easy access to
housing information, and critical health and human services.
Any homeless person with a disability should also complete an application with Home Stretch. Home
Stretch is Alameda County’s strategy to prioritize permanent supportive housing opportunities to homeless
and disabled people with the highest needs. Home Stretch is not the same program as Shelter Plus Care.
Home Stretch will use a county-wide registry for people who are homeless and disabled, and a centralized
process for linking high need individuals and households with housing opportunities. For more information
on Home Stretch call: 510-891-8938 or visit their website:
G:\HCD\HOMELESS\SC\Master Packet\1.1 dbs_S+C Program Summary - Jan 2017.doc