Wayne Pollard Housing Assistance Office
Director 2100 Circle Drive - Suite 200 - Fort Worth, Texas 76119 TDD/TTY: (817) 531-7686
Who Is Eligible?
To be eligible for the Shelter Plus Care (SPC) Program, an individual or family must be
homeless. Homeless is defined as living on the streets, staying in an emergency shelter, or in a
transitional housing facility that is designed for homeless people.
The homeless individual or adult head of household of a family must have one or more of the specific
disabilities* listed below:
Mental Illness
Substance Abuse (Alcohol or Drug Abuse)
*Some homeless people on Social Security disability may also be eligible.
Please note that Shelter Plus Care is for people who have NO housing or the means with which to
access housing. It is not intended to help people who are in substandard housing or bad living
situations, but homeless only.
Goals of the Program
1. Assist applicants in locating affordable housing
2. Provide participants with the skills to achieve the greatest level of independence
These goals are achieved through services such as:
Case Management
Life Skills Training
Vocational Training
Mental Health Services
Employment Services
Legal Services
Substance Abuse counseling and treatment
AIDS related services
Child Care
How do I apply?
The steps to follow to obtain housing assistance through the SPC Program are:
1. Contact one of the partner agencies listed.
2. Meet that agency’s criteria for services.
3. Meet the income guidelines for the program.
4. Form a case management plan with the agency and agree to the supportive service contract.
5. Attend an eligibility interview with TCHAO staff, supplying requested documents. SPC participants
must meet the eligibility of one of these partner agencies.
MHMR of Tarrant County
1350 E. Lancaster
Fort Worth, TX 76102
(817) 569-5400 or (817) 335-3022
Salvation Army
1855 E. Lancaster
Fort Worth, TX 76103
(817) 344-1831, 1833, 1866
All medical information is kept confidential by the TCHAO and the partner agencies