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Department Separation
Checklist (ICAA)
Rev. 07/21/2023
Please use the following form to document your separating employee’s off-boarding. Not all items may
be applicable to every employee (write “N/A”).
Employee Name: myWSU ID:
Supervisor Name: Last Day:
Obtain letter of resignation and send the original to HR (campus box 15, or email to
Submit ePAF with the employee’s last day. This ideally this is completed as soon as you
are notified. This is what need to remove the employee from payroll processes.
Follow instructions found in T-Term ePAF guide for employee who are leaving the
position/department and university.
Follow instructions found in A-Term ePAF guide if employee is only leaving the
position/department but maintaining employment with the university. If the
employee has multiple jobs you will have to do position only term epaf on each
position they are separating from and wait for it to be applied before you can
submit the next epaf. On the last position, you follow the T-Term ePAF guide.
For ePAF assistance, check out the ePAF hub website or email [email protected]
Make a plan to collect University Property such as:
Computer and/or software (MiFi hotspot), monitor(s), surface, scanner, iPAD,
flash drives, thumb drives, external hard drives, office equipment, etc. including
o Notify Turn into Director of ICAA business office
o Notify and Turn into Director of Facilities and Events
University issued cell/mobile device, including chargers.
o Notify and Turn into Director of ICAA business office
University issued corporate card (i.e., VISA, P-CARD)
o Notify and Turn into Director of ICAA business office
State/Department cards or badges (Shocker ID card)
o Properly dispose (shred/cut up)
Records, supplies, and files (books, manuals, etc.)
Other equipment, tools, uniforms, etc
o Notify and Turn in apparel to Director of Equipment Services and Branding
o Notify Ticket Operations
If the employee has a courtesy car, notify and turn in the keys to the Director of
Discuss any active or ongoing projects that will need to be monitored and/or transitioned.
If there is a transition of duties, communicate to appropriate staff.
Identify if there are responsibilities that will need to be transitioned to a designated
employee or to replace (i.e., committee work, standing meetings with university partners,
responsibilities that require system access, point of contact for internal WSU accounts or
External Vendors, etc.)
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Provide employee with the Employee Separating Checklist (ICAA - Employee) and share
with the Leaving the University website. This can be email, mailed, or printed and given
to the employee.
Cancel all University-paid subscriptions (print, software, etc.)
Notify your direct reports and department staff of employee’s last day. Encourage
support and well wishes.
If you need access to the departing employee’s University email or drives, please
submit a ticket in team dynamix
If access needs to be shut off on employee’s last day, please notify your HR Business
Partner who will work with ITS.
If your employee notifies you that their emails and/or equipment is subject to a
litigation hold. Do not purge physical, electronic files, or emails. Reach out to
general.counsel@wichita.edu for additional information.
Notify Director of Communications to remove employee name from department
website and update department org chart.
Submit a ticket in team dynamix to reset the desk phone voicemail and cancel long
distance phone PIN#.
Send department file for Employee to HR within 5 days of separation date.