A C T Online Prep (AOP)
How to Contact A C T
If you have questions, please contact A C T Customer Support at
onlineprep.act.org/contact-support or call us at 319.337.1429.
A C Ts normal office hours are 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m., Monday
through Friday (except A C T Holidays).
Note: All hours of operation are central time and subject to
change at A C T’s discretion.
© 2024 by ACT Education Corp. All rights reserved. MA20001.CJ15282
How to Contact A C T b
Introduction 1
Your Access to A C T Online
Prep 3
Ordering Student Licenses 3
Account Activation and Roles 3
Views According to Role 4
Availability 4
General Account Features 5
Logging In 5
Using the User Menu 5
Instructor View 8
Your Landing Page—Administrative
Dashboard 8
User Menu Dashboard 9
Administrative Dashboard Menu 9
School Test Coordinator View 10
User Menu Dashboards 10
Your Landing Page—School Admin
Dashboard 11
School Admin Dashboard Menu 11
Administrative Dashboard Menu 12
District Test Coordinator
View 13
User Menu Dashboards 13
Your Landing Page—District Admin
Dashboard 14
District Admin Dashboard Menu 14
Administrative Dashboard Menu 15
State Test Coordinator View 16
Your Landing Page—Administrative
Dashboard 16
Creating Students, Instructors,
and Admins 18
Important Note on User
Passwords 18
Important Note on Email
Addresses 19
Creating Accounts Individually—
Student and Instructor 19
Creating Accounts Individually—
Admin 21
Creating Accounts in Bulk—Student
and Instructor 22
Creating Accounts for Students
without an Email Address 24
Distributing Login Credentials to
Students 25
Managing Existing User Accounts 26
Creating Groups 27
Creating Groups Individually 27
Creating Groups in Bulk 30
Creating Assignments for
Students 33
Creating a New Assignment 33
Managing an Existing Assignment 35
Reviewing Performance Data on
Assignments 36
Impersonating a Student 37
Message Center 38
Banner Message 38
In-App Message 38
Student Listing 40
Student Reports 41
Individual Student Reports 42
Reporting: Real-Time 45
Real-Time Reports 45
Session Detail Reports 48
Individual Sessions 50
Student Session Aggregate Report 51
Course Session Aggregate Report 52
Test Reports 53
Group, School, and District
Reports 57
Group Reports 57
School Reports 62
District Reports 64
Student Experience 66
Study Plan Navigation Menu 67
My Stats 69
Practice Questions 69
Practice Tests 70
Writing Tests 72
Writing Prompt Scores 73
Lessons 74
Flashcards 74
Game Center 75
Discussions 76
Search 76
Additional Features 76
Frequently Asked Questions 77
Appendix A: Email Template 78
Appendix B: Study Plan Course
Outline with Estimated Times of
Completion 79
A C T Online Prep, which is often referred to as AOP, is a web-based test
preparation program provided by A C T. It is designed to be easy for students
to access and use. A C T Online Prep provides students with an interactive test
preparation experience that is available anytime via the internet.
The program includes two full-length A C T practice tests, four short subject
tests (English, math, reading, and science), two sample Writing prompts,
lessons, practice questions, flashcards, and games based on flashcard content.
Lessons provide comprehensive review of English, math, reading, and science
content covered in the A C T test. Additional lessons include information on the
A C T test, test-taking strategies, preparing for test day, and what to expect on
test day. There are over 2,500 practice questions with feedback and solutions.
Student-reported confidence levels, bookmarks, and notes allow students to
mark content for further review. Upon account creation students have access
to all the AOP content. Optionally, instructors and school test coordinators may
create assignments composed of lessons, sets of practice questions, and tests
to focus students on specific concepts.
The course was reorganized in August 2019 after feedback showed that users
found it overwhelming to work through the content one subject at a time.
These changes were designed to improve the student experience and create a
prescribed path for students to follow.
A C T Online Prep course content is organized into 16 Study Plan Steps, starting
with the most-tested (foundational) materials on the A C T test and ending with
the least-tested (advanced) materials on the A C T test. Each Study Plan Step
includes lessons and practice question sets for each of the four subject areas:
English, math, reading, and science. Students can work through the entire
course by simply following the study plan steps. After an introduction to the
platform and course, Study Plan Step 1 has students take the four short subject
Optionally students can use the Study Schedule, which is available by selecting
Support in the lower left of their screen, to guide them through the course.
Students calculate a Composite score based on the results of the four short
subject tests. Based on both the Composite score and the students’ available
time to study (1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, or 4 months), the Study
Schedule guides students to do either a quick review or an in-depth study of
the tasks associated with each step
This manual is intended to help staff at the school, district, and state levels
navigate through the A C T Online Prep platform. Depending on your level of
access to the platform, this manual will help you to:
Create student, instructor, school test coordinator and/or school supervisor
Create groups
Assign tasks to students
View the activity or performance statistics of an individual student or a group
of students
View performance statistics for a student population at a school, district, or
Export student or group performance data
Export school, district, or state performance data
The following sections will walk you through how to use A C T Online Prep as a
teacher (instructor), school test coordinator, district test coordinator, or state
As part of your administrative access, you will be able to monitor student usage
of test preparation materials and their progress through the course. A student’s
strengths and weaknesses can be identified by viewing either their individual
answers or their overall scores from short tests and full-length practice exams
alongside the questions’ difficulty ratings. Student-marked confidence levels
can also provide insight into a student’s particular areas of concern.
You should also visit the A C T Online Prep (AOP) Training Toolkit (success.act.
org/s/article/A C T-Online-Prep-Training-Toolkit) to access support materials,
including this manual and short training videos by topic. The A C T Onlne
Prep Educator Guide provides ways to incorporate the use of AOP within the
Your Access to A C T
Online Prep
Access to A C T Online Prep is initiated when a school, district, or state purchases
student licenses from A C T.
Ordering Student Licenses
Schools and districts can order student licenses by downloading the A C T Online
Prep order form from the ACT website (https://www.act.org/content/act/en/
products-and-services/act-online-prep-schools/ordering-aop.html). Email the
completed document to customerservice@onlineprep.act.org.
Student License Count
After purchase, each school is given a “license count,” i.e., a fixed number of
A C T Online Prep licenses that can be distributed to students at the school. The
total license count is determined according to the information either provided
on the order form (for school and district purchases) or collected from the
state department of education (for statewide purchases). A count of student
licenses (seats) that have been redeemed can be viewed by a School or District
Test Coordinator from the Contracts section of their Admin Dashboard (see
“Contracts and License Tracking,” page 11, for further information).
Account Activation and Roles
The person identified on the order form as “site administrator” for a school is
granted access to A C T Online Prep as the main contact for the organization
and assigned the School Test Coordinator role. An email containing a link and
instructions for account activation is sent to the site administrator once A C T has
processed the order.
Note: Activation emails are sent from onlineprep.act.org. To ensure that you
receive all important email messages regarding A C T Online Prep, please check
your spam or junk folders and whitelist the following sites and IP addresses:
Teachers in a school setting must have an account with the Instructor role set
up by a School or District Test Coordinator before they can access A C T Online
Prep. This process is covered in “Creating Students, Instructors, and Admins,”
page 17.
District and state officials may also be given access to A C T Online Prep as part
of a state or district’s agreement with A C T. They are assigned the District Test
Coordinator or State Test Coordinator role.
Views According to Role
Your “view” within the A C T Online Prep platform—i.e., the tasks you are able to
perform and the reports you are able to review—will vary depending on your
assigned user role. This is illustrated in the table below:
Function Student Instructor
School Test
District Test
State Test
Take the AOP course
blank blank blank blank blank blank
Create Student Accounts
blank blank
blank blank
Create Instructor Accounts
blank blank
blank blank
Create School Test
Supervisor Accounts
blank blank
blank blank
Impersonate a Student
× × × × ×
Create Assignments for
blank blank blank
View/Export Student
× ×
View/Export Group Reports
× ×
View/Export School Reports
blank blank blank
× ×
View/Export Disctrict
blank blank blank blank blank
× ×
* Instructors only have access to data for students who are in groups in which the
instructor is a member
Important: School Test Coordinators and District Test Coordinators are usually
assigned the corresponding supervisor role. This role assignment bridges the
functions available in each of these roles under a single account.
Regardless of your role, access to the platform is provided on a 24-hour basis,
from any computer with online access and a supported browser (Chrome is
preferred, but Safari, Firefox, and Edge are supported).
General Account
Logging In
Visit https://onlineprep.act.org/login to log into the A C T Online Prep platform.
Your account username is the email address associated with A C T Online Prep.
If you’ve forgotten your password, select the Reset Password link on the login
screen, enter your email address, and follow the instructions within the email
sent by nor[email protected].
Note: If you do not see this email, please check your spam or junk folders.
If your access was established using a non-active (mock/faux) email address,
please see your site administrator to have your password reset.
Using the User Menu
All users see the following header at the top of their screens when they log in:
The “profile” icon on the right side of this header provides access to
your user menu. This menu contains links to your personal User Portal, your
dashboards (according to role), and the means to sign out of A C T Online
Prep. Here are example user menus for an Instructor (left) and a School Test
Coordinator (right):
User Portal
The user portal is comprised of four sections:
My Courses allows students to see summary information on their progress.
User Profile allows users to update their name or email address and to
change their password.
Note: To change your account password, enter your current and new
passwords into the appropriate required (red-starred) fields and select Save.
Account Details allows users to view their account information such as
account creation date, last activity date, associated school account, and
group(s) in which the account has membership.
Email Settings allows students to opt out of discussion email notifications.
All users interact with A C T Online Prep by means of three types of role-based
1. The School or District Admin Dashboard is used by School and District Test
Coordinators to create and manage accounts (student, instructor, and/or
admin) and groups of accounts, as well as view contract information and set
the default test reset limit.
2. The Administrative Dashboard is broken into three sections:
a. TOOLS: Instructors and School Test Coordinators can create
assignments—selected lessons, practice questions, and/or tests—for
student(s) or group(s). Instructors and school test coordinators can also
create banner and in app messages for their students and/or groups.
Instructors and school test coordinators can grant additional attempts
on tests on a per student basis.
b. ANALYTICS: Non-student users can view reports for students, groups,
schools, and/or districts based on their assigned access role.
Note: All reporting data under ANALYTICS is updated twice daily; a
timestamp in the upper-right portion of this screen displays the date and
time of last update.
c. REAL-TIME: Non-student users can view real-time reports of students’
practice question or test performance. Instructors and school test
coordinators can see assignment performance data Reporting data on
individual or aggregate student sessions in the platform is also available.
3. The Student dashboard is used by students to interact with the platform,
navigate through the course content, and monitor their progress.
Instructor View
A user with the Instructor role has access to detailed profile data and
performance statistics about each student associated with a group in which the
instructor is also a member.
Note: Instructors will not be able to see any data until students, instructors, and
groups are set up in the program by the School or District Test Coordinator.
Instructors are also unable to alter which student or instructor accounts
belong in their group(s). See “Creating Students, Instructors, and Admins,”
page 17, and”Creating Groups,” page 26, for information about these
Your Landing Page—Administrative Dashboard
When you log in as an Instructor, your landing page is the Administrative
Dashboard. Using the navigation menu on the left, you can view information
on any students in the group(s) to which you are also assigned. Detailed
information on all available reports can be found starting on page 40.
User Menu Dashboard
The profile icon menu for the Instructor view offers the following option:
Dashboard Role Function
Instructor Create assignments; create banner and in
app messages; access student and group
reports views; grant additional attempts on
Administrative Dashboard Menu
Selecting… Allows you to…
Assignments Create assignments composed of
selected tasks (lessons, practice
questions, and/or tests) for students and/
or groups in which the instructor is also
a member; and monitor progress on
those assignments.
Create banner and in app messages for
students and/or groups in which the
instructor is also a member.
Grant additional attempts on tests on a
per student basis.
Students View all students in groups in which the
instructor is also a member. View and
export individual student usage data.
Groups View and export data at the group level
for groups in which the instructor is also
a member.
View and export real-time student
performance data on practice questions,
the short subject tests, practice exams,
and quizzes for students of groups in
which the instructor is also a member.
Monitor student performance on
Session Detail
View and export time spent data for
students using the program.
Test Reports View and export data on all attempts on
student performance on the two full-
length practice exams, the four short
subject tests, and the two additional
Note: All reporting data under ANALYTICS is updated twice daily; a timestamp
in the upper-right portion of this screen displays the date and time of last
School Test
Coordinator View
A user with the School Test Coordinator role can perform account
administrative tasks, such as individually creating or bulk uploading new
accounts, performing maintenance on other accounts in the school, and
assigning students and/or instructors to groups.
Note: Instructors and students cannot access A C T Online Prep until they have
been loaded onto the platform.
Although it is not mandatory to assign students to groups, you will get more
benefit out of the program if you do so; it’s through group assignments that
you are able to create links between student and instructor accounts. It is a
good idea to assign each student to at least one group (e.g., “Mr. Smith’s Home
Room”), though assigning to multiple groups also has benefits, especially for
single-subject teachers (e.g., “11th Grade English Honors”).
If a user with the School Test Coordinator role is also assigned the School
Supervisor role, their user menu will allow access to data, via the Administrative
Note: The School Supervisor role is co-assigned to the site administrator’s
School Test Coordinator account by default. However, additional admin
accounts may be created with only one of these two roles assigned. See
“Creating Accounts Individually—Admin,” page 20, for more information on
the assignment of these roles.
User Menu Dashboards
The profile icon menu for the School Test Coordinator view offers the
following options:
Dashboard Role Function
School Admin School Test Coordinator Manage user accounts and groups;
impersonate a student; set the default
number of test resets
School Supervisor Create assignments; create banner
and in app messages; grant additional
attempts on tests on a per student
basis; access student, group, and school
reports views
Your Landing Page—School Admin Dashboard
When you log in as the School Test Coordinator, your landing page is the School
Admin Dashboard. Using the navigation menu on the left, you can review your
contracts and manage groups, students, instructors, and other school test
coordinators. School Test Coordinators also have the ability to set the number of
times a student can retake a test or quiz.
School Admin Dashboard Menu
The various administrative functions of the School Admin Dashboard menu are
shown below:
Selecting… Allows you to…
Contracts Track licenses
Groups Create groups and assign instructor(s)
and student(s) individually or in bulk via
spreadsheet upload (*.csv)
Manage existing groups
Instructors Create and manage instructor accounts
individually or in bulk via spreadsheet
upload (*.csv)
Students Create student accounts individually or in
bulk via spreadsheet upload (*.csv)
Manage existing student accounts
Impersonate a student
Admins Create accounts with the role of school
test coordinator and/or school supervisor
Settings Set the default number of test resets
Contracts and License Tracking
The Contracts tab includes information on both active and expired contracts
associated with the school. For each contract, the number of available seats,
used seats, users uploaded, users activated (logged in), and users active (have
performed a task) is indicated. The first and last user activation dates indicate
the date range in which a student can be loaded under the contract. The start
and end date indicate the contract duration, and the admin access expiration
date is the last date school staff will have access to the A C T Online Prep
platform under an active contract.
Student licenses are redeemed when students are loaded onto the platform.
While creating accounts, if you see an error message related to the number
of student licenses redeemed, please contact support at onlineprep.act.org/
Administrative Dashboard Menu
Selecting… Allows you to…
Assignments Create assignments composed of
selected tasks (lessons, practice
questions, and/or tests) for students
and/or groups; and monitor progress on
those assignments.
Create banner and in app messages for
students and/or groups in the school.
Grant additional attempts on tests on a
per student basis
Students View all students loaded onto the
platform within the school. View and
export individual student usage data.
Groups View and export data at the group level.
Schools View and export data at the school level.
View and export real-time student
performance data on practice questions,
the short subject tests, practice
exams, and quizzes. Monitor student
performance on assignments.
Session Detail
View and export time spent data for
students using the program.
Test Reports View and export data on all attempts on
student performance on the two full-
length practice exams, the four short
subject tests, and the two additional
Note: All reporting data under ANALYTICS is updated twice daily; a timestamp
in the upper-right portion of this screen displays the date and time of last
District Test
Coordinator View
On a level of access above the school, District Test Coordinators have access to
A C T Online Prep data for all students and schools in their districts. Using the
District Admin Dashboard, District Test Coordinators may load/create students,
instructors, and groups for all schools within their districts.
Note: You will not see any data within the various reports until School or District
Test Coordinator enters the organizations’ data into the system.
If a user with the District Test Coordinator role is also assigned the District
Supervisor role, their user menu will allow access to Student Reports, Group
Reports, School Reports, District Reports, and Real-Time Reports via the
Administrative Dashboard.
Note: District Test Coordinator accounts are typically also assigned the District
Supervisor role by default.
User Menu Dashboards
The profile icon menu for the District Test Coordinator view offers the
following options:
Dashboard Role Function
District Admin District Test
Access all schools within the district
Manage groups within each school
Load instructor(s) and student(s) within each
school; impersonate a student
Create additional accounts with the role of school
test coordinator and/or school supervisor
Access student, group, school, district, and real-
time reports views
Your Landing Page—District Admin Dashboard
When you log in as the District Test Coordinator, you land on the District Admin
Dashboard screen (found under your profile icon menu ), which contains a
list of all schools within your district. Selecting a specific school and using the
options from the navigation menu on the left, will allow you to review contracts
and manage groups, students, instructors, and other school test coordinators
for the selected school.
District Admin Dashboard Menu
The various administrative functions of the District Admin Dashboard menu are
shown below:
Selecting… Allows you to…
Contracts Track licenses (see “Contracts and License
Tracking,” page 11)
Groups Create groups and assign instructor(s)
and student(s) individually or in bulk via
spreadsheet upload (*.csv)
Manage existing groups
Instructors Create and manage instructor accounts
individually or in bulk via spreadsheet
upload (*.csv)
Students Create student accounts individually or in
bulk via spreadsheet upload (*.csv)
Manage existing student accounts
Impersonate a student
Admins Create accounts with the role of school
test coordinator and/or school supervisor
Settings Set the default number of test resets
Administrative Dashboard Menu
The various administrative functions of the District Admin Dashboard menu are
shown below:
Selecting … Allows you to …
View all students loaded onto the
platform within the district. View and
export individual student usage data.
Group Reports View and export data at the group level.
School Reports View and export data at the school level.
District Reports View and export data about your
Note: You can also drill down to Group
Report and School Report views in the
District Reports option.
View and export real-time student
performance data on practice questions,
the short subject tests, practice exams,
and quizzes.
Session Detail
View and export time spent data for
students using the program.
Test Reports View and export data on all attempts on
student performance on the two full-
length practice exams, the four short
subject tests, and the two additional
Note: All reporting data under ANALYTICS is updated twice daily; a timestamp
in the upper-right portion of this screen displays the date and time of last
State Test
Coordinator View
When A C T Online Prep is purchased through a statewide agreement, State Test
Coordinators are given reporting access to A C T Online Prep data for all districts,
schools, groups, and students within their state. Detailed information for each
type of report is covered in “Group, School, and District Reports,” page 56.
Note: State Test Coordinators do not have the option to load/create students,
instructors, or groups. State Test Coordinators will not be able to see any
reporting data until students, instructors, and groups are set up in the
program by the School or District Test Coordinator.
Your Landing Page—Administrative Dashboard
When you log in as a State Test Coordinator, your landing page is the Student
Reports screen from the Administrative Dashboard. Note: You can always return
to this view by selecting Administrative Dashboard under your profile icon
menu . Using the navigation menu on the left, you can view information on
any students, groups, schools, and/or districts in your state.
Screenshot Selecting … Allows you to
View all students loaded onto the platform
within the state. View and export individual
student usage data.
Group Reports View and export data at the group level.
School Reports View and export data at the school level.
District Reports View and export data about the district(s) in
your state.
Note: You can also drill down to Group
Report and School Report views in the
District Reports option.
View and export real-time student
performance data on practice questions, the
short subject tests, and practice exams.
Session Detail
View and export time spent data for students
using the program.
Test Reports View and export data on all attempts on
student performance on the two full-length
practice exams, the four short subject tests,
and the two additional quizzes.
Note: All reporting data under ANALYTICS is updated twice daily; a timestamp
in the upper-right portion of this screen displays the date and time of last
Creating Students,
Instructors, and
School or District Test Coordinators can create user accounts for students,
instructors, and admins via their corresponding Admin Dashboard. Student and
instructor accounts can be created individually (by entering the information on
screen) or in bulk (by uploading spreadsheet data saved in a .csv file). Admin
accounts, i.e., accounts with the role of school test coordinator and/or school
supervisor, can only be created individually.
Note: Students and Instructors will not be able to access the platform until after
they have been loaded.
To create an account, you will need the following information for each user:
Name (first and last) (required)
Email address (required)
Password (optional)
SIS ID (optional)
When accounts are created, users receive an email that prompts him or her
to activate his or her account via a web link. To ensure that you receive all
important email messages regarding A C T Online Prep, please check your
spam or junk folders and whitelist the following sites and IP addresses: @
onlineprep.act.org, @act.org,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Note: For students without an email address, or with an email address that
the student or implementing organization wishes to keep confidential, see
“Creating Accounts for Students without an Email Address,” page 23.
Important Note on User Passwords
When creating accounts, you can either create passwords for users or leave the
password field blank. If you leave the password field blank, users will be prompted
to create their own passwords during the account activation process. If you create
user passwords, it is your responsibility to distribute login credentials to each user.
For instances where a generic (mock/faux) email address is used, the password
field is required and will need to be provided to the user.
Important Note on Email Addresses
The email address entered at account creation will serve as the student’s
(instructor’s) username when logging into the platform. Therefore, email
addresses must be unique to each user account, regardless of whether a real or
faux/mock email address is used.
Creating Accounts Individually—Student and Instructor
The same steps apply whether you are creating a student or an instructor
1. From the Admin Dashboard navigation menu on the left side of the screen:
Select Students to create a student account, or
Select Instructors to create an instructor account
2. On the Students (Instructors) screen, select New Students (New Instructors),
then choose Add a Student (Add an Instructor) from the drop-down menu.
Note: Alternatively, if you haven’t yet created any student (instructor)
accounts for your school, you can select the “Create one!” link.
3. Complete the fields to define
the user properties by typing in
the users name, email address,
password (optional), and SIS ID
Note: SIS ID stands for student
information system ID and is
a customer defined unique
id, such as a student id, that
can be optionally added to a
student account.
Note: The contract selection for
this account will automatically
default to the current active
contract. If more than one
contract is active, a drop-down
menu will be available to select
the appropriate contract to be
4. Check the box related to the
type of account you are
If you are creating a student
account, ensure that the
Course for A C T Online Prep
box is checked.
If you are creating an
instructor account, select the
role or roles from those listed
and ensure that the Course
for A C T Online Prep box is
5. Select Create to create the
account and return to the
Students (Instructors) screen.
The new user will now receive
an activation email at the
address you supplied.
Creating Accounts Individually—Admin
Complete the following steps to create an admin account with the role of
school test coordinator and/or school supervisor:
1. From the Admin Dashboard navigation menu on the left side of the screen,
select Admins.
2. On the Admins screen, select New Admin.
3. Complete the fields to define the user properties by typing in the user’s
name, email address, and password (optional).
4. Check the box in front of each role you wish the admin user to have.
Note: The school test coordinator role allows the user to create accounts and
groups. The school supervisor role allows the user to run reports and create
assignments. You may assign one or both to an admin account. (See “School
Test Coordinator View,” page 10, for more information on these roles.)
5. Select Create to create the account and return to the Admins screen. The
new user will receive an activation email at the address you supplied.
Creating Accounts in Bulk—Student and Instructor
To create student or instructor user accounts in bulk, with data from an Excel
spreadsheet, take the following steps:
Note: If you wish to create student or instructor accounts in bulk while also
adding them to groups, follow the steps for “Creating Groups in Bulk,” page
1. From the School Admin Dashboard navigation menu on the left side of the
Select Students to create student accounts, or
Select Instructors to create instructor accounts
2. On the Students (Instructors) screen, select New Students (New Instructors),
then choose Upload Multiple from the drop-down menu.
3. Follow the instructions on the screen to create a .csv file containing the
appropriate data and formatting.
a. Locate the following information for each student (instructor):
Field Required Notes
email Yes Real or mock/faux email address
name Yes First and last name
password Optional If a real email address is used: Leave blank. The user will
receive an email with instructions for creating a password.
If a mock/faux email address is used: This field is
required. The admin must create and distribute the
login credentials.
sis id Optional SIS ID Optional SIS ID stands for student information
system ID and is a customer defined unique id, such as
a student id, that can be optionally added to a student
account. Note: SIS ID is only available when creating a
student account.
b. Create a spreadsheet in Excel with four column headers: email, name,
password, and sis_id. All four headings are required, in this order and
in lowercase letters, even if you are leaving some information blank.
When creating instructor accounts you will only create the email, name,
and password headers. It should look like this:
c. Fill in each student’s (instructor’s) information below the headers (top
row). Note: If you are using real email addresses, leave the password
fields blank. Remember, if you are using mock/faux email addresses,
the password field must be populated.
4. Save the spreadsheet to your desktop in a “CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited)
(*.csv)” format.
A maximum of 999 rows may be loaded in each .csv file. If you have more
than 999 users, you will need to create more than one file.
By default, Excel saves spreadsheets in a .xls or .xlsx format. Make sure you
save your data in the correct format.
CSV stands for Comma-Separated Values, meaning that the content of
each data field is separated by a comma.
5. Back on the Upload Multiple screen, ensure that the Course for A C T Online
Prep box is checked.
Note: The contract selection for these accounts will automatically default to
the current active contract. If more than one contract is active, a drop-down
menu will be available to select the appropriate contract to be used.
6. Using Browse, search your desktop to locate the .csv file you created, select
the file, then choose Upload to import the file.
7. A status message appears. When the file has finished uploading, the new
accounts are listed on the Students (Instructors) screen.
New users, where a real email address was used, will receive an activation
email. Login credentials must be provided to users where a mock/faux email
address and password were included in the .csv file.
Creating Accounts for Students without an Email Address
The “Generate A C T Student Accounts” option within the platform allows
you to create accounts for users without supplying a genuine email address.
It generates a mock/faux name (“A C T Online Prep User”), a mock/faux @
onlineprep.act.org email account (account login username), and a password for
the user.
If this option is used, the student will not have the ability to change their email
address, and their name will show as “A C T Online Prep User”; however, School
and District Test Coordinators are able to edit the student name after the
account is created and enter the student’s name.
Note: The email address entered at account creation will serve as the student’s
username when logging into the platform. Therefore, email addresses must be
unique to each user account, regardless of whether a real or faux/mock email
address is used.
To use this option, take the following steps:
1. From the School Admin Dashboard navigation menu, select Students.
2. On the Students screen, select New Students, then choose Generate A C T
Student Accounts from the drop-down menu.
3. On the Generate Account screen, follow the instructions presented to
complete the prefix, count (i.e., number of generic student accounts to
generate), and password fields, then select Generate.
Distributing Login Credentials to Students
If a mock/faux email address was used to generate a student account, those
login credentials will need to be provided to the student.
To obtain and distribute student login credentials:
1. Navigate to the Students screen and select Download Student CSV.
2. Open or save the spreadsheet file when prompted.
3. Edit the spreadsheet:
a. Delete columns C through G, while keeping columns A (name) and B
b. Delete all students except the ones you just created.
c. In column A (name), replace any names entered as “A C T Online
Prep User” with the actual names of the students to whom the login
information will be given.
d. Label the empty column C (password), then insert the password you just
used to create the student accounts into the column C fields.
4. Provide the credentials to the student accordingly.
If your school is not part of a state contract: Distribute the login credentials
as you see fit. A copy of the state contract template is included at the end
of this guide as a potential reference (see “Appendix A: Email Template,”
page 77).
If your school is part of a state contract:
a. Locate the Accessing Online Prep: A C T Student template (Word
document) on your A C T State hosted webpage.
b. Within the document, on the mailings tab, use the mail merge option to
insert the spreadsheet data into the template fields.
c. Once you have merged the information, print and distribute the
completed document(s) to the student(s).
Managing Existing User Accounts
After accounts have been created, School and District Test Coordinators have
the ability to both view and edit student, instructor, and admin (School Test
Coordinator) account information. In addition to general maintenance, this can
be useful if someone forgets their password. or needs to change the group(s)
they are assigned to.
The Students, Instructors, and Admins screens display a list of the
corresponding types of users that have been created for your school. Selecting a
specific account will provide additional details, as well as allow you to:
View and edit the user’s name, email address, password, and sis_id (only
students have an sis_id).
Manage the groups to which a student or instructor is assigned.
Assign a student or instructor to a new contract.
Creating Groups
School or District Test Coordinators can create groups via their corresponding
Admin Dashboard. Groups can be created individually (by entering the
information on screen) or in bulk (by uploading spreadsheet data saved in a
.csv file). Each student or instructor can be associated with multiple groups.
Common uses for groups are to separate by grade level, homerooms, classroom
assignments, or subject. For each group you will need to assign:
A group name
One or more students(preferred, but not required)
One or more instructors (preferred, but not required)
Note: An instructor will not be able to access a student’s information unless he
or she is assigned to the same group as that student.
Creating Groups Individually
To create one group:
1. From the School Admin or District Admin Dashboard navigation menu,
select Groups.
2. Select New Group, and then choose New Group from the drop-down menu.
Note: Alternatively, you can use the “Create one!” link that is available when
there are no existing groups for your school.
3. On the Assign Name screen, type a unique name for the group and, if
desired, enter a study plan date in the “Preset Study Plan Completion Date
(Optional)” field, then select Next.
Study plan dates will carry over from the group to the associated student
accounts, serving as a countdown on the calendar of his or her Study Plan
Group names are case sensitive (e.g. “Juniors 2023” and “juniors 2023” are
two different group names).
4. On the All Available Instructors tab of the Instructor Management screen,
check the box next to the name(s) of the instructor(s) to assign, then select
Add to Group.
Note: You can also use the checkbox below the All Available Instructors tab
heading to select or unselect all listed instructors.
Note: If you wish to add an instructor not currently on the All Available
Instructors tab, select New Instructors, then select either Add Instructor
or Upload Multiple from the drop-down menu and follow the subsequent
instructions (see “Creating Accounts in Bulk—Student and Instructor,” page
21). Once the new instructor(s) has been added to the tab, you will need
to complete step 4 to add the new instructor(s) to the group.
The assigned instructors now appear on the Instructors in Group tab. On this
tab, you can check the box next to any instructor name(s) and use Remove
from Group to remove instructor(s) from the group, if needed.
5. When you are done assigning instructors to the new group—or if you want to
skip instructor assignment now and add them later—select Next.
6. On the All Available Students tab of the Student Management screen, check
the box next to the name(s) of the student(s) to assign, then select Add to
Note: You can also use the checkbox below the All Available Students tab
heading to select or unselect all listed students.
Note: If you wish to add a student not currently on the All Available Students
tab, select New Students, then select either Add Student or Upload Multiple
from the drop-down menu and follow the subsequent instructions (see
“Creating Accounts in Bulk—Student and Instructor,” page 21). Once the
new student(s) has been added to the tab, you will need to complete step 6
to add the new student(s) to the group.
The assigned students now appear on the Students in Group tab. On this tab,
you can check the box next to any student(s) name(s) and use Remove from
Group to remove student(s) from the group, if needed.
7. When you are done, select Finish to return to the updated Groups screen.
Note: Before selecting Finish, you can change the information for the
group by selecting the Assign Name, Instructor Management, or Student
Management tabs. When done, use Next to return to the screen with Finish.
IMPORTANT: The group will not be created in the system until you select
Creating Groups in Bulk
Depending on the data you include in your spreadsheet, this option can be
used to:
Create new groups
Upload new students/instructors
Assign students/instructors to groups
Import new students/instructors directly into existing groups
Add existing users to existing groups
IMPORTANT: This bulk upload process cannot be used to change an existing
users name, email address, password, or SIS ID. The import will fail if the
name or email address of an existing user does not match the platform’s
current information for that user.
To create groups in bulk, take the following steps:
1. From the School Admin or District Admin Dashboard navigation menu,
select Groups.
2. Select New Group, and then choose Upload Multiple from the drop-down
3. Follow the instructions on the screen to create a .csv file containing the
appropriate data and formatting:
a. Locate the following information for each user:
Field Required Notes
group_name Optional If left blank, the user will be imported but not
added to a group.
name Yes First and last name
email Yes Real or mock/faux email address
password Optional If a real email address is used: Leave blank. The
user will receive an email with instructions for
creating a password.
If a mock/faux email address is used: This field is
required. The admin must create and distribute the
login information.
user_type Yes Must be eIther “student” or “instructor” (all
lowercase letters).
User sis_id Optional This field gives you the opportunity to add an
external unique id such as a school id.
b. Create a spreadsheet in Excel with six column headers: group_name,
name, email, password, user_type, and sis_id. All six headers are
required, in this order and in lowercase letters with underscores, even
if you are leaving some information blank. It should look like this:
c. Fill in each user’s information below the headers (top row).
If an existing group name is entered into column A, users will be added
to that existing group once the spreadsheet is uploaded. If the group
does not exist, it will be created and users will be assigned to it once the
spreadsheet is uploaded.
Group names are case sensitive (e.g. “Juniors 2023” and “juniors 2023”
are two different group names).
If you are using real email addresses, leave the password fields blank.
Remember, if you are using mock/faux email addresses, the password
fields for those users must be populated.
d. Save the spreadsheet to your desktop in a “CSV UTF-8 (Comma
delimited) (*.csv)” format.
A maximum of 999 rows may be loaded in each .csv file. If you have
more than 999 users, you will need to create more than one file.
By default, Excel saves spreadsheets in a .xls or .xlsx format. Make
sure you save your data in the correct format.
CSV stands for Comma-Separated Values, meaning that the contents
of each data field is separated by a comma.
5. Back on the Upload Multiple screen, ensure that the Course for A C T Online
Prep box is checked.
Note: The contract selection for these accounts will automatically default to
the current active contract. If more than one contract is active, a drop-down
menu will be available to select the appropriate contract to be used.
6. Using Browse, search your desktop to locate the .csv file you created, select
the file, then choose Upload to import the file.
7. A status message appears and you are returned to the Groups screen.
New users, where a real email address was used, will receive an activation
email. Login credentials will need to be provided to users where a mock/faux
email address and password were included in the .csv file.
Assignments for
Instructors and School Test Coordinators have the ability to create assignments
for students within their assigned school(s) or group(s), respectively. An
assignment is a selection of tasks, with each task being comprised of a lesson,
a practice question set, and/or a test or quiz. Students or groups can be added
to an assignment either when an assignment is created or by editing an
existing assignment. Instructors and School Test Coordinators can view only
assignments that they have created.
Note: Throughout this section when we reference School Test Coordinator the
user also has the role of School Supervisor.
Creating a New Assignment
1. From the Administrative Dashboard navigation menu on the left side of the
screen, select Assignments.
2. On the Assignments screen, select Create.
Note: On the Assignments screen, you will see a list of your previously created
assignments. If you wish to instead edit or delete an existing assignment,
see “Managing an Existing Assignment” for instructions.
3. Complete the fields on the Set Up screen, then assign students to the
assignment. You can use Groups to filter for students associated with a
specific group and then add them to the assignment.
4. Select Continue.
5. Choose which tasks to associate with the assignment by selecting the plus
(‘+’) sign next to each task, or dragging and dropping the task title to the
New Assignment field. Remove a task by selecting the x next to each task, or
dragging and dropping the task title back to the first column. Select the eye
icon to preview a task.
Note: The list of available tasks to choose from can be filtered by using the
Filter Options tab above the list. You can filter by content type (practice
questions, tests, or lessons), by estimated time to complete task (less than 15
minutes, 15-30 minutes, 30-60 minutes, or 60 plus minutes), or by a word or
phrase. For example, entering “Math” in the search query field will display all
tasks associated with the Math subject.
6. When you have finished choosing tasks, select Continue. A summary page
will appear.
7. Select Assign to finish. You are taken back to the Assignments screen and
can edit the assignment to make changes.
Note: Each student included on the assignment will receive a notification
within the platform that they have a task to complete.
Managing an Existing Assignment
Instructors and School Test Coordinators can also access existing assignments
by selecting Assignments from the Administrative Dashboard navigation
Note: Users can only view, change, and/or delete assignments that they have
To view summary information for an assignment, select Assignments from the
Administrative Dashboard navigation menu, then select the assignment name
from the displayed list. From this screen, you can also change or delete the
To change the assignment:
Select Edit. You will go through the same screens that you used when you
initially created the assignment (Set Up, Assign Tasks, and Confirm) in order to:
Add or remove students(s) associated with the assignment
Add or remove tasks associated with the assignment
Note: The course selection (“A C T Online Prep”) cannot be changed once an
assignment is created.
To delete the assignment: Select Delete, then OK on the pop-up confirmation
window. You will be returned to your updated list of assignments.
Reviewing Performance Data on Assignments
Instructors and School Test Coordinators may view reporting data for the
assignments they have created.
To view, select Assignments from your Administrative Dashboard navigation
menu, select the specific assignment from the list, then:
Select Student Reports to see the list of students associated with that
assignment along with summary progress data including the percentage
of progress through the assignment, the percentage of currently answered
practice questions associated with the assignment, the percentage of
correctly answered test questions associated with the assignment, and the
date the assignment was completed.
Select Task Details to see a list of all tasks within that assignment.
Note: Performance data on assignments is also included in Real-Time Reports,
which can be viewed by School Test Coordinators, as well as Instructors in the
same group as the student (see “Reporting: Real-Time,” page 44 for more
Impersonating a Student
Test Coordinators and Instructors can also view the completed tasks of an
individual student by using the Impersonate feature.
1. From the Administrative Dashboard navigation menu on the left side of the
screen, select Students under ANALYTICS.
2. Select the individual student’s name from the list to view the individual
student report.
3. At the top of the student report screen, select Impersonate to see the activities
of a student more directly by viewing what the student views in the program.
4. Select OK in the dialogue box to confirm that you want to be logged in as the
student. Or, select Cancel to return to the detail report screen.
5. On the screen explaining the Impersonation Mode, select Continue to
IMPORTANT: After selecting Continue, you are logged in as the student.
While impersonating a student, be cautious not to provide responses to
any tasks or assignments.
You are taken to the Student dashboard, as shown below. A black banner is
displayed showing the name of the student that you are impersonating.
6. When you are finished impersonating a student account, select the X next to
Exit Impersonation in the black banner message. This will return you to your
own account.
Message Center
Instructors and school test coordinators who also have the role of school
supervisor can create Banner and In-App messages for the students they
oversee. This feature is available on the Administrative Dashboard under TOOLS.
Banner Message
A Banner Message is a dismissible message to be viewed by students in a
specific group or by all students in groups that the user oversees and for a
specified period. Banner messages can either be dismissed by the student or
will no longer appear after the specified end date.
Creating a Banner Message
1. From the Administrative Dashboard navigation menu on the left side of the
screen select Message Center
2. Select Create Banner Message
3. Enter the text for the message (Editing tools included)
4. Select the dates the message will display
5. Select a specific group or All for all groups to receive the message
6. Select Preview to see a preview of the message
7. Select Post to post the message
8. Select Post again as confirmation
In-App Message
An In-App message is a dismissible message sent to the A C T Online Prep inbox
of an individual student or groups of students that the user oversees.
Creating an In-App Message
1. From the Administrative Dashboard navigation menu on the left side of the
screen select Message Center
2. Select Create In-App Message
3. Enter the title of the message in the Title field
4. Enter the text of the message in the Message field (Editing tools included)
5. To select select Recipients
Use Search to find a specific student and select the checkbox in front of
their name.
To send a message to a group, from the drop down menu under “Group
you select a specific group and then select Select All.
To send a message to all users you oversee, from the drop down menu
under “Group” select “All” and then select Select All.
6. Select Send
7. Select Send again as confirmation
Managing Messages
Instructors and school test coordinators can manage their existing messages
by selecting Message Center and then selecting Banner Message or In-App
Note: Users can only view messages that they have created.
Student Listing
Users with the role of instructor or school test coordinator with the additional
role of school supervisor can grant additional attempts on tests, quizzes, and
exams on a per student basis, overriding the school level default test reset limit.
1. From the Administrative Dashboard select Student Listing. A list of students
to which the user has access is displayed.
2. Use Search to filter the list of students shown by Name, Email, or ID. Select
the student to be granted additional test attempts.
3. Select the plus symbol (+) next to the A C T Online Prep course to expand the
view to grant additional test attempts and select the minus symbol (-) to
a. The test reset limit for the school is displayed under Reset Limit. For
example, if the Reset Limit is set to 1 it means the each test can be taken
a maximum of 2 times (the initial attempt and 1 additional attempt).
b. The names of the tests associated with the course are displayed in the
Tests column.
c. The number of times a test has been reset is displayed in the Resets
Used column.
d. The score on the most recent attempt on the test is listed in the Latest
Test Score column.
e. The average test score for all attempts on the test is displayed in the Avg.
Test Score column
4. To grant an additional test attempt(s), select a number from the drop-down
menu under Additional Resets and then select Save. A message is displayed
confirming the additional quiz reset(s).
Note: If a student does not see Reset Test after selecting a specific test from
Tests on the Student Dashboard, it means that the student has used up all
their Test Resets. The instructor or school test coordinator working with the
student must add an Additional Reset.
Student Reports
Using the Administrative Dashboard, Instructors, School, District and State
Test Coordinators can view reporting data on students within their respective
domains. In this section we will assume that users with the role of School Test
Coordinator or District Test Coordinator also have the role of School Supervisor
or District Supervisor respectively.
Note: Instructors may only run Student Reports for students in groups in which
the instructor is also a member.
From the Administrative Dashboard, under Analytics, select Students. A list of
students is displayed, based on the user’s access role. The following information
is provided for each student:
Name: The student’s first and last name
ID: The ID automatically assigned when the student is loaded to the platform
Last Active: The date the student was last active in the system
SIS ID: An optional customer defined ID, such as a school ID number
Progress: The student’s percentage of total progress through A C T Online
Prep material
Average Practice A C T Test Score: The average of the student’s Composite
score on the two full-length A C T practice exams; if only one practice exam
has been taken, the score for that exam is displayed
Avg. Session Time: The average time a student spends in the program each
time he or she logs in
From the drop-down menu in the center of the page, you can select either All
Courses or the current course, which is A C T Online Prep.
Note: Most users will only see 1 A C T Online Prep course listed.
Use the Search and column sort ( ) options to display the information you want
to see in the list.
Use Export to export the student data to a .csv file. You have the option here to
export selected students or all students.
Note: All reporting data under ANALYTICS is updated twice daily; a timestamp
in the upper-right portion of this screen displays the date and time of last
Individual Student Reports
On the Students dashboard screen, select a student from the list to see a
detailed report for the student.
Overview Section
At the top of the screen is an overview section, as shown below.
From this screen you may select Impersonate to the course from the student’s
IMPORTANT: After selecting Impersonate, you are logged in as the student.
While impersonating a student, be cautious not to provide responses to any
tasks or assignments.
Displayed at the top of the screen is the student name, student ID number,
school name, any groups in which the student is a member, the course(s) to
which the student has access, and SIS ID.
The Student Overview section displays:
Last Active: The most recent date the student was active in the course
Student Status: The student’s percentile ranking among all A C T Online Prep
Overall Progress: The percentage of total progress through A C T Online Prep
Average Practice A C T Test Score: if the student has taken only one full-
length A C T practice exam the score on that exam is displayed. If the student
has taken both of the full-length A C T practice exams the average of the two
scores is displayed.
Latest Practice A C T Test Scores: a score range is displayed for each of the
four short subject tests and a single score is displayed for each of the full-
length A C T practice exams.
Strengths and Weaknesses Section
Scroll down to see a specific breakdown of student progress in the four subjects
(English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science) and reporting categories, as
shown below:
Note: Students see this same information while logged into their own
The system provides ratings performance on subjects and categories as the
student completes testing content in A C T Online Prep. These strengths and
weaknesses are determined by the platform’s adaptive engine, and are not
fixed; ratings update based on the platform’s measurements of the student’s
skill level, the student’s proficiency in the specific category, as well as the
difficulty of the items they are answering. The possible ratings are shown below:
Exporting the Report
At the top of screen, select Export to create a .pdf file of the Overview and
Strengths and Weaknesses data. It does not include the data found under the
Details tabs lower on the screen.
Details Section
At the bottom of the screen, a details section provides statistics related to
specific activities of the student’s performance. By default, you see the Lessons
tab, as shown below. All tabs are available. The tab you select will be shown in a
darker gray.
Note: Students see this same information while logged into their own
Other tabs include Flashcards, Practice questions, and Tests.
The Lessons and Flashcards tabs display the “Confidence Levels” the student
has marked. Red indicates student marked low confidence, yellow indicates
student marked medium confidence, and green indicates student marked
high confidence on the lesson or flashcard.
The Practice questions and Tests tabs display statistics for the amount of
practice question and test questions the student has answered, how much
time they have spent on the platform, and the percentage of questions they
have correctly answered.
Reporting: Real-Time
As the title indicates Real-Time Reports provide real-time data on student
performance on practice questions, short topic tests, full length practice exams,
quizzes, and assignments. There are three types of reports under Real-Time,
Real- Time Reports, Session Detail Reports, and Test Reports.
Real-Time Reports
From the Administrative Dashboard, under REAL-TIME, select Real-Time
Reports. Based on their roles, Instructors, School, District and State Test
Coordinators will be able to view Real-Time Reports for students within their
school, district, or state, respectively. In this section we will assume that users
with the role of School Test Coordinator or District Test Coordinator also have
the role of School Supervisor or District Supervisor respectively. A Real-Time
Report displays a list of students, including:
Name: The student’s first and last name
ID: The ID automatically assigned when the student is loaded to the platform
Email: The student’s email address
Institution: The name of the school the student is associated with
Created At: The date the student account was created
Last Active: The most recent date the student was active in the course
SIS ID: An optional customer defined ID, such as a school ID number
Use the search function to find a specific student. Arrow keys may be used to
filter by column headings.
Select a specific student to view up-to-date performance data. From this screen
you may select Impersonate to view the course from the student’s perspective.
IMPORTANT: After selecting Impersonate, you are logged in as the student.
While impersonating a student, be cautious not to provide responses to any
tasks or assignments.
Displayed at the top of the screen is the student name, student ID number,
school name, any groups in which the student is a member, the course(s) to
which the student has access and the SIS ID.
Select the plus symbol (+) next to the A C T Online Prep course to expand the
view to view performance data and select the minus symbol (-) to collapse.
Summary data is displayed at the top including date the student was last active
in the course, total amount of time the student has spent in the course, and the
number of study tasks completed out of the total number of study tasks in the
The Practice questions section displays performance data on practice questions.
The reporting category name, time spent answering questions within the
reporting category, and the percentage of questions correctly answered based on
the number of questions attempted are displayed.
Select Export and from the drop down list select Export Practice Questions to
generate a csv file with this information.
The Tests section displays performance data on the four short subject tests, the
two full-length A C T Practice Exams, and the two supplemental quizzes. The test
name, the status, the length of the test, the percentage of correctly answered
questions, the date the student took the test, and the score are displayed.
Select Export and from the drop down list select Export Tests to generate a csv
file with this information.
Note: Scores are not included for the quizzes as they just provide additional
The Assignment Breakdown Summary section displays a list of all assignments
the student has been assigned.The name of the assignment, the number of
tasks in the assignment (lesson, set of practice questions, or test), the progress
toward completion (percentage of tasks completed out of the total number
of tasks), percentage of correctly answered practice questions, percentage of
correctly answered test questions, the date the student started the assignment,
the date the student completed the assignment, and the date the student was
last active on a task included in the assignment.
Note: Assignment Breakdown Summary information is only viewable to users
with the role of instructor or school test coordinator and the data is only
viewable on screen.
Session Detail
Session Detail Reports are downloadable reports on time students spent in the
program based on user defined parameters including student name, groups,
and date range. There are three types of reports, Individual Sessions, Student
Session Aggregate Reports, and Course Session Aggregate Reports. As these
reports are listed under the REAL-TIME section of the Administrative Dashboard
the data displayed is up to the minute. Based on their roles, Instructors, School,
District and State Test Coordinators will be able to view Session Detail Reports
for students within their school, district, or state, respectively. Remember users
with the role of School Test Coordinator or District Test Coordinator have the
corresponding roles of School Supervisor and District Supervisor respectively.
Note: Session Detail Reports were created in 2019 so students session data is
only available from March 1st, 2019 forward.
Note: Users with the role of instructor, school test coordinator, district test
coordinator, or state test coordinator can run Session Detail Reports for the
students that they manage. In this section we will assume that users with the
role of School Test Coordinator or District Test Coordinator also have the role
of School Supervisor or District Supervisor respectively. Instructors will only see
session data for students who are in groups in which the instructor is also a
From the Administrative Dashboard under REAL-TIME select Session Detail
A listing of individual sessions for all students to which the user has access is
displayed in chronological order from the most recent to the oldest session.
There is a separate line for each individual student session and the following
information is provided. Student ID, student name, school name, number of
groups in which the student is a member, course name, session start date and
time, session end date and time, and duration of the session. Columns can be
sorted using the arrows associated with each column header. Use the filter
function to further refine the data for the individual sessions report.
To filter the data, select Filters. Options include student name, groups (one or
more groups can be selected), course name (most users will see the A C T Online
Prep course), and session started within (select a date range).
Note: Users with the role of District Test Coordinator or State Test Coordinator
will also have the option to filter by school.
After selecting your options select Filter. The online display is updated based on
the selected filters.
Individual Sessions
Additional activity level details are available in an exported CSV file by selecting
Individual Sessions from the drop- down menu and then selecting Run. After
selecting run a message is displayed at the top of the screen indicating that the
report is being generated and an email will be sent when it is ready.
When the report is available, you will receive an email from noreply@
benchprep.com with the subject line of session detail report generated to open
the report, select Download CSV.
The individual sessions C.S.V. file includes data on all students selected. The
C.S.V. file contains one line for every student session and contains additional
information on time spent in different parts of the program. The columns listed
are: Session ID, user id, user name, school name, groups in which the student
is a member, course name, session start date and time, session end date and
time, session duration, time spent in tests, time spent in inbox, time spent in
home page, time spent in practice questions, time spent in lessons, time spent
in reset reports, time spent on study plan page, time spent in search, time
spent idle, browser used, time spent reviewing achievements, time spent in
discussions, time spent in flashcards, and time spent in games.
Student Session Aggregate Report
The Student Session Aggregate Reports are only available as an exportable
CSV file which will have a single line per student with aggregated data on all
sessions based on any filters applied.
To run a Student Session Aggregate Report select Session Detail Reports from
the Administrative Dashboard. After all applicable filters are applied to generate
the student session aggregate report select Student Session Aggregate
Reports from the drop-down menu and then selecting Run. After selecting
run a message is displayed at the top of the screen indicating that the report is
being generated and an email will be sent when it is ready.
When the report is available, you will receive an email from no reply at
benchprep.com with the subject line of session detail report generated to open
the report, select Download CSV.
The student session aggregate C.S.V. file includes data on user id, user name,
institution (school name), groups, content packages which is the course
name, total time spent in course, total time spent in lessons, total time spent
in practice questions, total time spent in tests, total time spent in search, total
time spent idle, and number of tests completed.
Course Session Aggregate Report
The Course Session Aggregate Reports are only available as an exportable CSV
file which will have a single line, for each school to which the user has access,
of aggregated data based on the filters selected. To run a Course Session
Aggregate Report select Session Detail Reports from the Administrative
Dashboard. After all applicable filters are applied to generate the course session
aggregate report select Course Session Aggregate Reports from the drop-
down menu and then selecting Run. After selecting run a message is displayed
at the top of the screen indicating that the report is being generated and an
email will be sent when it is ready.
When the report is available, you will receive an email from no reply at
benchprep.com with the subject line of session detail report generated to open
the report, select Download CSV.
The course session aggregate C.S.V. file includes data on institution name or
school name, course ID, course name, student count, students with activities,
total time spent in course, total time spent in lessons, total time spent in
practice, total time spent in tests, total time spent in search, total time spent
idle, and number of tests completed.
Note: The school test coordinator will only see 1 line for their school. The district
test coordinator and state test coordinator will see a line for each school they
manage. The example shown is for a district test coordinator.
Test Reports
Test Reports are real-time in-app downloadable reports on student
performance on all attempts on the short subject tests, the two full-length
practice exams, and the two quizzes that are part of AOP. Optionally, the report
can contain only the results from the most recent attempt on each test, exam,
or quiz.
Performance data on the Writing Prompts is not included.
As this report is listed under the REAL-TIME section of the dashboard the data
displayed is up to the minute.
From the navigation menu on the Administrative Dashboard under REAL-TIME
select Test Reports.
Based on their role instructors, school test coordinators, district test
coordinators and state test coordinators will see test data for students they
manage in their school, district, or state respectively. In this section we will
assume that users with the role of School Test Coordinator or District Test
Coordinator also have the role of School Supervisor or District Supervisor
Note:Instructors will only see test data for students who are in groups in which
the instructor is also a member.
The data displayed on screen includes: student name, student email address,
course name (which is A C T Online Prep for all current students), test name,
date the test was taken, the attempt number if the student has taken the
test multiple times, the score on the test (for the short subject tests a range
is displayed, for the full-length practice exams a predicted score is displayed,
and no score is shown for the two quizzes as they are only designed to provide
additional practice with answering questions in a timed environment), the test
state (complete or incomplete if the test has been paused), the percentage of
questions correctly answered on the test, the name of the school with which
the student is associated (only district and state test coordinators will see
students from more than one school), and the sis_id. . Use the arrows to sort
the data in the columns.
Note: The sis_id is an optional customer defined ID, such as a school ID
number, which can be added during account creation. The sis_id can include
numbers, letters, and special characters.
To filter the data, select Filters. Options include student name, sis_id, course
name (most users will see the A C T Online Prep course), school name (only
district and state test coordinators will see more than one school), groups (one
or more groups can be selected), a date range, and/or current test scores only.
Selecting current test scores only means that just the most recent attempt on
each test, practice exam, or quiz will be displayed.
After selecting your options select Filter. The online display is updated based on
the selected filters.
To generate an exportable CSV file, from the drop-down menu select All data
to generate a report for all test data for students to which the user has access
or select Filtered data to generate a report based on the selected filter options.
Select Run to generate the report. A message is displayed at the top of the
screen indicating that the report is being generated.
An in-app notification is sent when the report has been generated. You will see
a red circle over the mail icon. To dismiss the notification, select the mail icon
and then select the new notification from the drop-down menu.
To access the report, select the Generated Reports tab. A listing of all reports
generated within the past 5 days is displayed. If you don’t immediately see your
report refresh the page. Select Download to open the report. A dialog box is
displayed at the bottom of the screen. To open either double click on the file
name or select the down arrow and then select Open.
Note: Directions may vary based on your browser.
The report opens as a CSV file which can be saved to your desktop. The report
includes the student name, student email address, course name, test name,
date the test was taken, the attempt number if the student has taken the
test multiple times, the score on the test (for the short subject tests a range
is displayed, for the full-length practice exams a predicted score is displayed,
and no score is shown for the two quizzes as they are only designed to provide
additional practice with answering questions in a timed environment), the test
state (complete or incomplete if the test has been paused), the percentage of
questions correctly answered on the test, the name of the school with which
the student is associated, and the sis_id.
Group, School, and
District Reports
Group Reports
Now, let’s look at the Group Reports. From the Administrative Dashboard, under
Analytics, select Groups. Based on their roles, Instructors, School, District and
State Test Coordinators will be able to view reporting data on groups within
their school, district, or state, respectively. In this section we will assume that
users with the role of School Test Coordinator or District Test Coordinator also
have the role of School Supervisor or District Supervisor respectively.
Note: Instructors may only run Group Reports for students in groups in which
the instructor is also a member.
A list of groups is displayed.
The following columns of information are provided:
Name: The name of the group
# of instructors: The number of instructors assigned to the group
Note: There can be multiple instructors assigned to one group.
# of students: The number of students assigned to the group
Last Active: The most recent date a student in the group was active in the
Avg. Progress: The percentage of total progress through the course made by
the students in the group
Average Practice A C T Test Score: The average of the students in the group’s
composite scores on the two full-length practice exams
Avg. Session Time: The average time the students of the group have spent in
the course each time he or she logs in
Use the Search and column sort ( ) options to display the information you want
to see in the list.
Use Export to export this aggregate group data to a .csv spreadsheet file.
Depending upon the number of groups in your school you have the option to
export all pages or export current page.
Note: All reporting data under ANALYTICS is updated twice daily; a timestamp
in the upper-right portion of this screen displays the date and time of last
The Group Report
On the Group Report screen, select a specific group from the list to see a
detailed report for that group.
Overview Section
Displayed at the top of the screen is the group name, school name, the course
or courses to which the group has access, and the instructors associated with
the group.
The Group Overall Session Summary section displays:
Total Active Students: The number of active students in the group
Total Time Spent: The amount of time the students in the group have spent
logged in
Avg. Progress%: The average percentage of total progress through the
course made by all students in the group
Avg. Practice%: The average percentage of practice questions answered
correctly by all students in the group
Avg. Test%: The average percentage of A C T Practice Exam questions
answered correctly by all students in the group
The Courses Breakdown Summary section displays:
Enrolled Students: The number of students in the group
Active Students: The number of active students in the group
Avg. Session Time: The average time a student in the group spends in the
program each time he or she logs in
Avg. Progress%: The average percentage of total progress through the
course made by all students in the group
Avg. Practice%: The average percentage of practice questions answered
correctly by all students in the group
Avg. Test%: The average percentage of A C T Practice Exam questions
answered correctly by all students in the group. Select Analyze for a deeper
dive into the course.
The same background information on the group is displayed at the top of the
screen. A graphical overview of the group’s overall progress through the course
and the average of the students in the group’s composite scores on the two full-
length practice exams is displayed.
Also provided are the average scores for student’s in the group for each of the
subject areas on the practice exams, the last date a student in the group has
been active in the course, and the total time spent by all students in the group
in the course.
Note: Information on the two writing prompts is not included in the reports
available in the Administrative Dashboard. You may impersonate a student to
view their results.
Strengths and Weaknesses Section
Scroll down farther to see a breakdown of the group’s strengths and
weaknesses in the subjects (English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science) and
corresponding reporting categories, as shown below.
Similar to the ratings for students, group ratings are provided by the system for
subjects and categories as students in the group complete testing content in
A C T Online Prep. See Student Reports, in this section, for the possible ratings.
Exporting the Report
At the top of screen, select Export to create a .pdf file of the Overview and
Strengths and Weaknesses data. It does not include the data found under the
Details tabs.
Details Section
At the bottom of the screen, you’ll find a Details section. Here you can see more
specific information about this group’s collective performance throughout this
course including the lessons and questions they find most difficult. There are
five tabs: Students, Lessons, Practice questions, Tests and Flashcards. All tabs
are available. The tab you select will be shown in a darker gray.
The Students tab displays a list of students in the group. Use the Search and
column sort ( ) options to display the information you want to see in the list.
The following columns of course performance information are provided for each
Name: The student’s first and last name
ID: The ID automatically assigned when the student is loaded to the platform
Last Active: The most recent date the student was active in the course
SIS ID: An optional customer defined ID, such as a school ID number.
Progress: The student’s percentage of total progress through the course
Average Practice A C T Test Score: The student’s Composite score; if only one
practice exam has been taken, the score for that exam is displayed
Avg. Session Time: The average time a student spends in the program each
time he or she logs in
Other tabs show different information related to aggregate student
engagement with the content in A C T Online Prep.
The Lessons tab displays the lessons with the lowest student-reported
confidence levels
The Practice questions and Tests tabs show the “5 Hardest Practice Questions
per Category” and “5 Hardest Test Questions per Test” for students in the
group. Select a category or test to view the contents of each of the questions
in that category/test most often answered incorrectly.
The Flashcards tab indicates which flashcards have the lowest student-
reported confidence levels by students in the group. Select a Flashcard
category from the drop-down list and the flashcards with the lowest ratings
are displayed.
Both the items that have been flagged with a low confidence level by students
and the questions most often answered incorrectly can help Instructors identify
course material they may want to revisit with their students.
School Reports
Based on their roles, School, District and State Test Coordinators will be able to
view reporting data on a single school, all schools within the district, or all schools
within the state, respectively. In this section we will assume that users with the
role of School Test Coordinator or District Test Coordinator also have the role of
School Supervisor or District Supervisor respectively.
Note: All reporting data under ANALYTICS is updated twice daily; a timestamp in
the upper-right portion of this screen displays the date and time of last update.
Upon login, State Test Coordinators land directly on the Administrative
Dashboard. School and District Test Coordinators will need to select the
Administrative Dashboard from their user menu under Analytics, select Schools
to get to the School Listing screen. Here, School Test Coordinators will only see
their school, District Test Coordinators will see all schools in their district and
State Test Coordinators will see all schools in their state.
This screen lists all the schools for which you are the Test Coordinator. It has the
following columns of data related to students at each school:
Name: The name of the school
# of groups: The number of groups associated with the school
# of students: The number of student accounts associated with that school
Avg. Progress: The percentage of total progress through the course by all
students in the school
Average Practice A C T Test Score: The average practice A C T Composite score
achieved by all students in the school
Avg. Session Time: The average time the students of the school have spent in
the course each time he or she logs in
Use the Search and column sort ( ) options to display the information you want
to see in the list.
Use Export to export the student data to a .csv spreadsheet file.
The School Report
On the School Listing screen, select a school from the list to see a detailed
report for the school.
Overview Section
Displayed at the top of the screen is an overview of aggregate data for all
students at the school.
The same background information on the school is displayed at the top of the
screen. A graphical overview of the school’s overall progress through the course
and the average of the students in the school’s composite scores on the two
full-length practice exams is displayed.
Also provided are the average scores for students in the school for each of the
subject areas on the practice exams, the total number of groups in the school,
the total number of active students in the school, the total number of students
in the school, the last date a student in the school has been active in the course,
and the total time spent by all students in the school in the course.
This information can be exported as a .pdf.
Scroll down below the aggregate data to view a list of all groups associated with
the school.
The following columns of information are provided:
Name: The name of the group
# of instructors: The number of instructors assigned to the group
Note: There can be multiple instructors assigned to one group.
# of students: The number of students assigned to the group
Last Active: The most recent date a student in the group was active in the
Avg. Progress: The percentage of total progress through the course made by
the students in the group
Average Practice A C T Test Score: The average practice A C T Composite score
achieved by students in the group
Avg. Session Time: The average time the students of the group have spent in
the course
Selecting a specific group here will take you the Group Reports tab under
Note: You can also access Student Reports or Group Reports by selecting the
Students or Groups option directly from the Administrative Dashboard.
District Reports
District Reports are available from the Administrative Dashboard, under
Analytics by selecting Districts. Based on their roles, District and State Test
Coordinators will be able to view reporting data on a single district or all districts
within the state, respectively. In this section we will assume that users with the
role of District Test Coordinator also have the role of District Supervisor.
Note: All reporting data under ANALYTICS is updated twice daily; a timestamp
in the upper-right portion of this screen displays the date and time of last
Upon login, State Test Coordinators land directly on the Administrative
Dashboard. District Test Coordinators will need to select the Administrative
Dashboard from their user menu, then select Districts to get to the District
Reports screen.
The following information is displayed for each district:
District Name
# of schools
# of students
# of instructors
Use column sort ( ) options to display the information you want to see in the
Use Export to export the school data to a .csv file. For proper formatting of the
The District Report
On the District Reports screen, select a district to see a report that provides
information and performance data for students across the district, as shown
The District Overview provides the number of schools, number of students, and
the number of instructors associated with the district. Below this, the individual
schools in the district are listed with the following information:
Name: The name of the school
# of groups: The number of groups associated with the school
# of students: The number of students assigned to the school
Avg. Progress: The percentage of total progress through the course made by
the students in the school
Average Practice A C T Test Score: The average practice A C T Composite score
achieved by students in the school
Avg. Session Time: The average time students in the school have spent in the
Use column sort ( ) options to display the information you want to see in the
Note: You cannot export this report view.
By selecting the title of a school from the list, you can drill down to a School
Report for a particular school and a Group Report for students in a group at that
Note: You can also access Student Reports, Group Reports, or School Reports
by selecting the Students, Groups, or Schools option directly from the
Administrative Dashboard.
Student Experience
A C T Online Prep course content is organized into 16 Study Plan Steps, starting
with the most-tested (foundational) materials on the A C T and ending with the
least-tested (advanced) materials on the A C T. Each Study Plan Step includes
lessons and practice question sets for each of the four subject areas: English,
Mathematics, Reading, and Science.
After an introduction to the platform and course, students take the four short
subject tests to calculate a Composite score. Based on both the Composite
score and the student’s available time to study (1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2
months, or 4 months), the student can use the Study Schedule, which guides
them to do either a quick review or an in-depth study of the tasks associated
with each step. An example of a 2-month schedule is shown below:
Note: The A C T Study Schedule is first introduced to students during the How
to Use This Course lesson, and is always available to students by selecting the
Support icon.
When a student first logs into A C T Online Prep, a tutorial is initiated. This
tutorial guides to the student to select a “deadline” date (either a test date or a
date by which student wishes to complete the course), displays the parts of the
platform, and ends with the “Welcome to A C T Online Prep” introductory lesson
and video.
On subsequent logins, students always land on the Study Plan screen.
The components of the Study Plan screen are:
The Student Dashboard (the menu on the left) is used to navigate the
platform. Selecting Study Plan from the Student dashboard brings the
student back to this view.
The countdown calendar shows the date and number of days remaining
until the student-input deadline date, upon which they intend to either take
the test or finish the course. If needed, the student can change this date by
selecting the drop down arrow next to the date.
The user menu (the profile icon) is used to change the student’s password
and sign out of the course.
The Assignment tab of the Study Plan navigation menu displays
assignments that have been created for the student. Selecting the
Structured Plan tab takes the student back to the Study Plan view.
Continue takes the student to the next Study Plan Step task. The names of
both the Study Plan Step and task are indicated.
The Progress drop-down menus detail the student’s progress toward both
daily goals and entire course completion.
Selecting the Support or Info icon provides the student with additional
assistance and information.
Now, let’s look at the tabs on the Navigation Menu.
Study Plan Navigation Menu
Each time students access A C T Online Prep they land on the Study Plan screen.
From here, they can quickly see details of their progress through the course and
can access other parts of the program using the Student Dashboard on the left.
The Study Plan allows students to follow a structured path through the course.
Students may work through assignments (groups of tasks) created by an
Instructor or School Test Coordinator who also has the role of School Supervisor
or choose dashboard options to review flashcards, play a game, or go through a
selected lesson, set of practice questions, or test.
Study Plan—Structured Plan
The Structured Plan guides the student through the entire course content
in the prescribed order of the 16 Study Plan Steps. The student simply selects
Continue to move on to the next task.
Scrolling down, the student may view all of the Study Plan Steps and choose
to complete tasks out of order. Selecting the down arrow next to a step title
expands the view to show all tasks within the step, while selecting the up arrow
collapses the content back to just the step title.
Study Plan—Assignment
Instructors and School Test Coordinators may assign specific tasks (lessons,
sets of practice questions, and/or tests) to students within their assigned group
or school, respectively. Students may have multiple assignments. Selecting a
specific assignment displays the tasks associated with the assignment as well
as the progress the student has made towards completing the assignment.
A green circle with a check mark shows that the task has been completed, a
blue circle with an overlapping white circle with a pause symbol in it shows
that the task has been started, and a solid blue circle indicates that the task
has not been started. Instructors and School Test Coordinators can monitor
student progress and performance through the Assignments option on the
Administrative Dashboard.
My Stats
My Stats provides the student with an at-a-glance view of their A C T Online Prep
course status. A calendar with the number of days remaining until the student’s
deadline date, a knowledge goal for the day, and the percentage of progress
through the Study Plan are displayed at the top. There are three percentile
ranks demonstrating the student’s performance: a rank comparing the overall
performance of the student to all other students taking the course and the
student’s average percentage of correct answers to practice questions and to
tests. If the student has taken a full length A C T Practice Exam, predicted scores
are displayed. The student’s Strengths and Weaknesses are shown, broken
down by subject and category (see “Strengths and Weaknesses Section,” page
42, for more information on this display). By selecting Continue, the student
is taken to the next uncompleted task in their Study Plan.
Practice Questions
The Practice tab on the student dashboard shows statistics related to a
student’s performance and progress on practice questions. Summary data is
displayed at the top that includes:
Percentage of progress towards total completion
Percentage of correctly answered questions
Total number of questions answered
Average amount of time spent answering a question, broken down into:
Average time spent on a correctly answered question
Average time spent on an incorrectly answered question
Average amount of time spent per session
Below the statistics is a list of all practice question categories and the student’s
number of complete and correct answers submitted for each.
To review, select a set of practice questions from the list displayed. The
questions can be filtered by confidence level, time, bookmark, difficulty and
correctness. The student can review individual questions along with his or her
answers (with indication of whether or not they were correct) and a solution.
Students also have the option to reset practice questions by category or all
practice questions.
Note: If you reset practice questions the action cannot be undone.
The other tabs of the Practice Questions screen allow students to review any
self-reported confidence levels and any notes and/or bookmarks they have
Practice Tests
Included within A C T Online Prep are four short subject tests (for English,
Mathematics, reading, and science) as well as two full-length A C T Practice
Exams and two optional quizzes. Students can check their progress by selecting
Practice Tests from the Student Dashboard.
Summary data is displayed at the top, including the student’s progress
towards completion, the number of tests taken from the total number of tests,
percentage of correctly answered questions from the total number answered,
the average time the student spends answering question, average time spent
answering a question correctly, and average time spent answering a question
A list of all tests is displayed along with data for each test: the total number of
questions, the test time, the percentage and number of correctly answered
questions, and whether the test has been completed. Selecting a specific test
provides additional performance data.
To review, select a practice test from the list displayed. The questions can be
filtered by confidence level, time bookmark, difficulty and correctness. The
student can review individual questions along with his or her previous answer
(with indication of whether or not they were correct) and a solution. Students
also have the option to reset all practice tests.
Note: If you reset practice tests the action cannot be undone.
As with Practice, the other tabs of the Practice Tests screen allow students to
review any self-reported confidence levels and any notes and/or bookmarks
they have created. There are some additional navigation tools included with
tests that are explained at the beginning of the test.
While reviewing results of any test, a link to the College and Career Readiness
Standards can be found on the top-right portion of the screen. Selecting this
link displays a predicted Score Range for the selected test, based on his or her
practice results, along with details on the standards.
Writing Tests
In the Writing Tests module, the student is presented with
a prompt and a text box to type in an essay. There are two
writing prompts covered under Writing Tests.
Student are to type their response directly into the area
provide in the AOP program. Students should not copy
and paste a response from a word processing program
as some embedded characters can cause the Writing
Prompt to not be scored. To help the student monitor his
or her writing time, a timer begins counting upward from
zero as soon as the student selects Start. There is a limit
of 10,000 characters per essay and there is a character
counter in the bottom left of the screen. If the student
enters more than 10,000 characters the counter turns red.
The student can continue to enter a response but will not
be able to submit until the response is edited down to
10,000 or fewer characters.
After submitting the essay, the student will receive a score within 24 hours.
Please note that each writing prompt can only be attempted once; the writing
prompts cannot be reset in the way practice questions and practice tests can.
Writing Prompt Scores
Once a Writing Prompt has been scored the Status changes to Scored.
The student selects Review to view their score and can select each of the
domains for additional information on the domain and score.
From the Student Dashboard, select Lessons to display a listing of lessons
broken down into topics.
Selecting “-” (minus sign) on a topic collapses the view to show just the topic.
Selecting “+” (plus sign) on a topic expands the view to show every lesson
associated with that topic. Students may review any self-reported confidence
levels, notes, bookmarks, or student-highlighted text in any lesson.
Filter allows a student to narrow down lesson content by using the displayed
Students can access flashcards for every A C T subject (English, Mathematics,
Reading and Science).
Upon flipping a flashcard, the correct definition is shown and the student may
mark whether or not they knew the definition, helping them keep track of
items that may need future review.
Filter allows a student to narrow down to flashcards for a specific category.
There are also tools to move between flashcards, randomize the order of
the flashcards, and change to an adaptive mode for the presentation of the
Game Center
The Game Center contains five games that use the course flashcards to review
English, Mathematics, reading, and/or science content. The dashboard displays
personal high score, rank, and a comparative Leaderboard. Tabs along the top
of the Game Center screen contain information screens detailing the object of
each game along with its instructions.
Students may participate in discussions around course content. This option can
be turned off at the school level.
The Search function allows students to search across all lesson, practice
question, and flashcard content for a word or phrase, such as “Algebra.” Search
criteria can be filtered by content area. Search results are presented as links so
that students may go directly to any task displayed.
Additional Features
The highlights feature is a support tool that enables students to highlight text
within a lesson for future review. The student selects the text to be highlighted
and then selects the highlight tool to highlight the selected text in yellow.
Highlighted text can be removed by selecting the highlighted text and then
selecting the eraser. Students can review all text that they have highlighted
across all lessons in the course by selecting Highlights at the top of the
Lessons screen. Selecting the eye icon allows the student to go to the lesson
that contains the highlighted text. Selecting the trash can icon removes the
highlighting from the text.
Bookmark and Notes
The bookmark and notes tools are available when students are working
through a lesson, during practice question review, and test question review.
Students select the bookmark icon to mark material for future review and/or
select the note icon to write a note for future review.
Answer Eliminator
When answering a multiple-choice practice or test question, a student can use
the Answer Eliminator tool to mark any of the answers thought to be incorrect
by selecting the “X” next to each of the answer boxes.
A message is displayed, for example: “I don’t think it is D”. Thus, “eliminating”
the answer from consideration as the correct response.
The learner selects the “X” again to make the answer box available.
When the learner selects an answer box to submit, it turns gray and the learner
then selects Confirm to submit their response.
Frequently Asked
This section covers a few additional questions you might have about using A C T
Online Prep.
A student or instructor says they aren’t able to log in yet. What do I do?
Make sure that you (with the District Test Coordinator or School Test
Coordinator role) have added them to the platform, that their email address
is correct, and that they are using the correct password. If a mock/faux email
address was used, confirm the spelling for each item being entered by the user.
I tried to upload multiple users through a .csv, but it didn’t work. What can I
The most common issue that test coordinators run into when uploading a .csv
file for multiple students or instructors is that they fail to format it properly. A
notification email will be sent that contains the file errors found. Please make
sure that the headers are listed exactly as instructed. Please refer to the section
of the manual on Creating Students, Instructors, and Admins.
Can I move a student from one group to another?
Yes. Students and instructors can be added or removed from an existing group
by editing the group. Students and instructors can also be part of multiple
groups; there is no limit to the number they can be in.
Does it matter which browser I use? What about my students?
Google Chrome is the preferred browser for all users of the A C T Online Prep
platform. However, the most current versions of Edge, Safari, and Firefox are
also supported.
Are there any other materials to help me use this program?
You can also access the A C T Online Prep (AOP) Training Toolkit (success.act.
org/s/article/A C T-Online-Prep-Training-Toolkit) to view support materials,
including this manual, the A C T Online Prep Educator Guide, and short training
videos by topic.
My student exited from the “Welcome to A C T Online Prep” tutorial. What
should I tell them to do?
Instruct the student to select Study Plan from the Student Dashboard and then
select “Welcome to A C T Online Prep” in the Getting Started study plan step.
Appendix A: Email
Your state, district, or school has provided you with access to A C T
Online Prep
take the A C T
You’re already preparing to take the A C T with what you’re learning in school—
but additional practice can help you do your best. AOP helps you:
Get ready: It’s a great way to prepare for the A C T, especially since it’s built by
the A C T test makers themselves.
Get comfortable: The practice questions and tests are from previous A C T
tests, which helps you get used to the format before test day.
Get condent: As you see your scores and percentages change with each
completed lesson and practice session, you’ll know you’re getting used to it.
Go mobile: A free AOP mobile app is available for when you’re on the go!
AOP Login Credentials
login credentials.
Email [EMAIL]
Password [PASSWORD]
AOP Account Sign In
From an internet browser, take the following steps to sign in and get started:
1. Go to https://onlineprep.act.org/.
2. Select Sign In.
3. Enter the Email address.
4. Enter the Password.
5. Select Sign In again.
Tips for Getting Started with AOP
Follow the on-screen Setup instructions and watch the welcome video.
Use the Study Plan to work through the course content.
You may change your password at any time by accessing the User Portal
Appendix B: Study
Plan Course Outline
with Estimated Times
of Completion
Getting Started (8 tasks)
Welcome to A C T Online Prep (less than 15 minutes)
Short A C T English Test (30–60 minutes)
Short A C T Math Test (30–60 minutes)
Short A C T Reading Test (30–60 minutes)
Short A C T Science Test (30–60 minutes)
Understanding Your Score and Goal Setting (less than 15 minutes)
A C T Basics and General Strategies (less than 15 minutes)
Your Personalized Study Plan (less than 15 minutes)
Study Plan: Step 1 (17 tasks)
English: Introduction to the A C T English Test (less than 15 minutes)
English: Subject/Verb Agreement (less than 15 minutes)
English: Subject/Verb Agreement Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Math: Introduction to the A C T Math Test (less than 15 minutes)
Math: The Questions Get Harder (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Read the Questions Carefully (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Answer the Question They Ask You (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Integers (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Integers Practice Questions (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Real Numbers (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Decimals (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Fractions (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Fractions Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Reading: Introduction to the A C T Reading Test (less than 15 minutes)
Reading: Timing (less than 15 minutes)
Science: Introduction to the A C T Science Test (less than 15 minutes)
Science: Start with the Questions (less than 15 minutes)
Study Plan: Step 2 (15 Tasks)
English: Elements of Strong Writing (less than 15 minutes)
English: Answer as You Read (less than 15 minutes)
English: Subject/Verb Agreement Review Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
English: Periods, Question Marks, and Exclamation Marks (less than 15
English: Comma Rules (less than 15 minutes)
English: Comma Rules Practice Questions (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Vocabulary (less than 15 minutes) (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Vocabulary Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Math: Basic Operations and PEMDAS (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Basic Operations and PEMDAS Practice Questions (less than 15
Math: “Is” Means Equals—English-to-Math Translation (less than 15 minutes)
Math: “Is” Means Equals—English-to-Math Translation Practice Questions
(15–30 minutes)
Reading: Skim the Passage (less than 15 minutes)
Science: Experimental Design (less than 15 minutes)
Science: Experimental Design Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Study Plan: Step 3 (20 Tasks)
English: Beware: Some Options Introduce New Mistakes (less than 15
English: Common Comma Mistakes (less than 15 minutes)
English: Common Comma Mistakes Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
English: Semicolons (less than 15 minutes)
English: Semicolons Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
English: Colons (less than 15 minutes)
English: Colons Practice Questions (less than 15 minutes)
English: Semicolons and Colons Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Math: Exponents (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Exponents Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Math: (Roots) Radicals and Rational Expressions (less than 15 minutes)
Math: (Roots) Radicals and Rational Expressions Practice Questions (30–60
Math: Factors and Multiples (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Factors and Multiples Practice Questions (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Ratios, Proportions, and Percents (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Ratios, Proportions, and Percents Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Math: Think Before Computing—Logic First, Calculator Last (less than 15
Reading: Read and Answer the Questions (less than 15 minutes)
Science: How to Read Science Graphs, Charts, and Diagrams (less than 15
Science: How to Read Science Graphs, Charts, and Diagrams Practice
Questions (15–30 minutes)
Study Plan: Step 4 (15 Tasks)
English: Transition Words and Phrases (less than 15 minutes)
English: Transition Words and Phrases Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
English: Sentence Fragments (less than 15 minutes)
English: Sentence Fragments Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
English: Comma Review Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
English: Verbs and Verb Forms Review Practice Questions (less than 15
Math: (Modeling) Arithmetic Word Problems in Settings (less than 15 minutes)
Math: (Modeling) Arithmetic Word Problems in Settings Practice Questions
(15–30 minutes)
Math: Applying Ratios, Proportions, and Percents (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Simplify the Question (less than 15 minutes)
Reading: Let the Question Stems Help You (less than 15 minutes)
Science: Notice Data Trends (less than 15 minutes)
Science: Notice Data Trends Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Writing: Introduction to the A C T (Optional) Writing Test (less than 15 minutes)
Writing: How to Prepare (less than 15 minutes)
Study Plan: Step 5 (19 Tasks)
English: Noun and Pronoun Forms (less than 15 minutes)
English: Noun and Pronoun Case (less than 15 minutes)
English: Noun and Pronoun Agreement (less than 15 minutes)
English: Misleading and Ambiguous Pronouns (less than 15 minutes)
English: Noun and Pronoun Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
English: Commonly Misused Words (less than 15 minutes)
English: Commonly Misused Words Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Math: The (x,y) Coordinate Plane (less than 15 minutes)
Math: The (x,y) Coordinate Plane Practice Questions (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Domain and Range (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Number Line Graphs (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Number Line Graphs Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Math: Equation of a Line (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Equation of a Line Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Reading: Paraphrase Question Stems (less than 15 minutes)
Science: How to Read Science Graphs, Charts, and Diagrams Review Practice
Questions (15–30 minutes)
Science: Interpretation of Data (less than 15 minutes)
Science: Interpretation of Data Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Writing: How to Score the Writing Test (less than 15 minutes)
Study Plan: Step 6 (16 Tasks)
English: Understand the Question and Option Choices (less than 15 minutes)
English: Verbs and Verb Forms Review Practice Questions 2 (15–30 minutes)
Math: Use Process of Elimination (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Check the Choices (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Ratios, Proportions, and Percents Review Practice Questions (15–30
Math: Angles (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Angles Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Math: Linear Equations with One Variable (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Linear Equations with One Variable Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Math: Target the Unknown (less than 15 minutes)
Reading: How to Read for the Main Idea (less 15 minutes)
Reading: How to Read for the Main Idea Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Science: Connect the Questions to the Passage (less than 15 minutes)
Science: Notice Data Trends Review Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Science: Experimental Design Review Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Writing: Essay Writing Techniques (less than 15 minutes)
Study Plan: Step 7 (18 Tasks)
English: Run-On Sentences (less than 15 minutes)
English: Run-On Sentences Practice Questions (less than 15 minutes)
English: Subject/Verb Agreement Review Practice Questions 2 (15–30
English: Sentence Fragments Review Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
English: Misplaced Modifiers (less than 15 minutes)
English: Misplaced Modifiers Practice Questions (30–60 questions)
English: Comma Review Practice Questions 2 (15–30 minutes)
Math: Probability (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Probability Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Math: Systems of Equations (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Systems of Equations Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Math: Triangles (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Triangles Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Reading: Main Idea Questions (less than 15 minutes)
Reading: Main Idea Questions Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Science: How to Read Science Graphics, Charts, and Diagrams Review
Practice Questions 2 (15–30 minutes)
Science: Interpretation of Data Review Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Writing: Plan Your Essay (less than 15 minutes)
Study Plan: Step 8 (12 Tasks)
English: Choosing Appropriate Language: Avoiding Ambiguity (less than 15
English: Choosing Appropriate Language: Recognizing Tone (less than 15
English: Choosing Appropriate Language Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
English: Semicolons and Colons Review Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
English: Misplaced Modifiers Review Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Math: Circles (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Circles Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Math: Perimeter, Area, Volume, and Surface Area (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Perimeter, Area, Volume, and Surface Area Practice Questions (30–60
Math: Draw Pictures (less than 15 minutes)
Reading: Finding the Main Idea—Identify Topic and Scope (less than 15 minutes)
Science: The Scientific Method (less than 15 minutes)
Full A C T Test 1 with Scoring (2 Tasks)
Test 1 Introduction (less than 15 minutes)
Full A C T Test 1 with Scoring (60+ minutes)
Study Plan: Step 9 (15 Tasks)
English: Verbs and Verb Tenses (less than 15 minutes)
English: Verbals and Parallel Verb Forms (less than 15 minutes)
English: Verbs and Verb Forms Review Practice Questions 3 (15–30 minutes)
English: Nouns and Pronouns Review Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Math: Data Representation (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Data Representation Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Math: Functions (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Functions Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Math: Equation of a Line Review Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Reading: Author’s Voice and Method (less than 15 minutes)
Reading: Author’s Voice and Method Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Science: Changing Information, Changing Results (less than 15 minutes)
Science: Changing Information, Changing Results Practice Questions (30–60
Writing: Too General (less than 15 minutes)
Writing: Too Emotional, Opinionated, and Personal (less than 15 minutes)
Study Plan: Step 10 (19 Tasks)
English: Parentheses and Dashes (less than 15 minutes)
English: Parentheses and Dashes Practice Questions (less than 15 minutes)
English: Run-On Sentences Review Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
English: Apostrophes (less than 15 minutes)
English: Apostrophes Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
English: Transition Words and Phrases Review Practice Questions (15–30
Math: Polynomial Operations and Factoring Simple Quadratic Equations (less
than 15 minutes)
Math: Polynomial Operations and Factoring Simple Quadratic Equations
Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Math: Roots and Polynomials—Factoring to Find Solutions (less than 15
Math: Roots and Polynomials—Factoring to Find Solutions Practice Questions
(30–60 minutes)
Math: Linear Equations Review Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Math: Don’t Be Afraid Take the First Step (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Ratios, Proportions, and Percents Review Practice Questions 2 (15–30
Math: Triangles Review Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Reading: Specific Details (less than 15 minutes)
Reading: Specific Details Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Science: Notice Data Trends Review Practice Questions 2 (less than 15
Science: Prioritize (less than 15 minutes)
Writing: Too Complicated (less than 15 minutes)
Study Plan: Step 11 (22 Tasks)
English: Process of Elimination (less than 15 minutes)
English: Choosing Appropriate Language Review Practice Questions (30–60
English: Apostrophes Review Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
English: Nouns and Pronouns Review Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
English: Misplaced Modifiers Review Practice Questions 2 (15–30 minutes)
Math: Slope (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Slope Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Math: Circles Review Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Math: Absolute Value (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Absolute Value Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Math: Parallel and Perpendicular Lines (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Parallel and Perpendicular Lines Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Math: Number Line Graphs Review Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Math: Systems of Equations Review Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Reading: Arguments (less than 15 minutes)
Reading: Arguments Practice Questions (less than 15 minutes)
Reading: Making Inferences by Drawing Generalizations (less than 15
Reading: Making Inferences by Drawing Generalizations Practice Questions
(15–30 minutes)
Science: Scientific Investigation (less than 15 minutes)
Science: Scientific Investigation Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Science: Interpretation of Data Review Practice Questions 2 (less than 15
Writing: Too Conversational (less than 15 minutes)
Study Plan: Step 12 (28 Tasks)
English: Adverbs and Adjectives (less than 15 minutes)
English: Adverbs and Adjectives Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
English: Subject/Verb Agreement Review Practice Questions 3 (15–30
English: Run-On Sentences Review Practice Questions 2 (15–30 minutes)
English: Parallelism (less than 15 minutes)
English: Parallelism Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
English: Comma Review Practice Questions 3 (15–30 minutes)
Math: Linear Inequalities with One Variable (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Linear Inequalities with One Variable Practice Questions (30–60
Math: Distance and Midpoint Formulas (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Distance and Midpoint Formulas Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Math: Probability Review Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Math: Common Trigonometric Concepts (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Common Trigonometric Concepts Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Math: Functions Review Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Math: Perform a Sanity Check—Avoid Errors (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Perform a Sanity Check—Avoid Errors Practice Questions (15–30
Reading: The Function of Sentences and Paragraphs (less than 15 minutes)
Reading: The Function of Sentences and Paragraphs Practice Questions
(30–60 minutes)
Reading: Specific Details Review Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Reading: Point of View Questions (less than 15 minutes)
Reading: Point of View Questions Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Reading: Author’s Voice and Method Review Practice Questions (30–60
Reading: Making Comparisons and Contrasts (less than 15 minutes)
Reading: Making Comparisons and Contrasts Practice Questions (30–60
Science: Evaluation of Models, Inferences, and Experimental Results—Which
Model? Questions (less than 15 minutes)
Science: Evaluation of Models, Inferences, and Experimental Results—Which
Model? Questions Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Writing: Unsafe Assumptions (less than 15 minutes)
Study Plan: Step 13 (19 Tasks)
English: Topic Development for Purpose and Focus—Goal Questions (less
than 15 minutes)
English: Topic Development for Purpose and Focus—Goal Questions Practice
Questions (30–60 minutes)
English: Apostrophes Review Practice Questions 2 (15–30 minutes)
English: Parallelism Review Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Math: Mean, Median, Mode (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Mean, Median, Mode Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Math: Graphing Inequalities (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Graphing Inequalities Practice Questions (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Inequalities and Absolute Value Equations (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Inequalities and Absolute Value Equations Practice Questions (30–60
Math: Composite Functions (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Composite Functions Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Math: Substitution and Using Sample Values (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Substitution and Using Sample Values Practice Questions (less than 15
Reading: Cause-Effect Relationships and Sequences of Events (less than 15
Reading: Cause-Effect Relationships and Sequences of Events Practice
Questions (15–30 minutes)
Science: Supporting Theories, Hypotheses, and Inferences (less than 15
Science: Supporting Theories, Hypotheses, and Inferences Practice Questions
(30–60 minutes)
Writing: Write Your Essay Out (less than 15 minutes)
Study Plan: Step 14 (21 Tasks)
English: Avoiding Redundancy (less than 15 minutes)
English: Avoiding Redundancy Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
English: Choosing Appropriate Language Review Practice Questions 2 (less
than 15 minutes)
English: Adverbs and Adjectives Review Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
English: Organization of Sentences, Paragraphs, and Passages (less than 15
English: Organization of Sentences, Paragraphs, and Passages Practice
Questions (30–60 minutes)
Math: Rectangles and Squares (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Rectangles and Squares Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Math: Parallelograms (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Parallelograms Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Math: Sequences and Patterns (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Sequences and Patterns Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Math: Logarithms (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Logarithms Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Math: Quadratic Formula (less than 15 minutes)
Reading: Point of View Questions Review Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Reading: The Meaning of Words and Phrases in Context (less than 15 minutes)
Reading: The Meaning of Words and Phrases in Context Practice Questions
(15–30 minutes)
Reading: Specific Details Review Practice Questions 2 (15–30 minutes)
Science: Content Covered by the Science Test (less than 15 minutes)
Writing: Proofread (less than 15 minutes)
Study Plan: Step 15 (18 Tasks)
English: Parentheses and Dashes Review Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
English: Wordiness and Awkward Sentence Construction Practice Questions
(30–60 minutes)
Math: Reciprocal Trigonometric Functions (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Transformations (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Transformations Practice Questions (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Trapezoids (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Trapezoids Practice Questions (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Scientific Notation (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Scientific Notation Practice Questions (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Factorials (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Factorials Practice Questions (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Parabolas, Ellipses and Hyperbolas (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Parabolas, Ellipses and Hyperbolas Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Reading: Strategies for Specific Question Types (less than 15 minutes)
Reading: Meaning of Words and Phrases in Context Review Practice
Questions (30–60 minutes)
Reading: Cause-Effect Relationships and Sequences of Events Review
Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Writing: Poor Handwriting (less than 15 minutes)
English/Writing: Organization of Sentences, Paragraphs, and Passages
Review Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Study Plan: Step 16 (20 Tasks)
English: Idioms (less than 15 minutes)
English: Idioms Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
English: Avoiding Redundancy Review Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Math: Arrangements (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Arrangements Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Math: Other Polygons (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Other Polygons Practice Questions (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Radians and the Radian Circle (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Radians and the Radian Circle Practice Questions (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Uncommon Trigonometric Identities (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Uncommon Trigonometric Identities Practice Questions (less than 15
Math: Matrices and Vectors (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Matrices Practice Questions (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Complex Numbers and Imaginary Numbers (less than 15 minutes)
Math: Complex Numbers Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Math: Standard Deviation (less that 15 minutes)
Reading: Multiple Texts (less than 15 minutes)
Reading: Specific Details Review Practice Questions 3 (30–60 minutes)
Reading: Increasing Your Reading Speed (less than 15 minutes)
Writing: Vocabulary and Other Factors (less than 15 minutes)
Full A C T Test 2 with Scoring (2 Tasks)
Test 2 Introduction (less than 15 minutes)
Full A C T Test 2 with Scoring (60+ minutes)
English: Extra Practice Question Sets (8 Tasks)
Conventions of Standard English Extra Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Knowledge of Language Extra Practice Questions (less than 15 minutes)
Production of Writing Extra Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Production of Writing Extra Practice Questions 2 (15–30 minutes)
Production of Writing Extra Practice Questions 3 (30–60 minutes)
Commas Extra Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Transition Words and Phrases Extra Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Topic Development for Purpose and Focus Extra Practice Questions (30–60
Math: Extra Practice Question Sets (5 Tasks)
Equations of a Line Extra Practice Questions (less than 15 minutes)
Number and Quantity Extra Practice Questions (less than 15 minutes)
Algebra Extra Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Geometry Extra Practice Questions (15–30 minutes)
Functions Extra Practice Questions (less than 15 minutes)
Reading: Extra Practice Question Sets (10 Tasks)
Making Inferences by Drawing Generalizations Extra Practice Questions
(30–60 minutes)
Making Inferences by Drawing Generalizations Extra Practice Questions 2
(15–30 minutes)
Multiple Texts Extra Practice Questions (less than 15 minutes)
Spcific Details Extra Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Specific Details Extra Practice Questions 2 (15–30 minutes)
Meaning of Words and Phrases in Context Extra Practice Questions (30–60
Main Idea Extra Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Key Ideas and Details Extra Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Craft and Structure Extra Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Extra Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Science: Extra Practice Questions (13 Tasks)
Scientific Investigation Extra Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Scientific Investigation Extra Practice Questions 2 (30–60 minutes)
Evaluation of Models, Inferences, and Experimental Results—Which Model?
Extra Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Evaluation of Models, Inferences, and Experimental Results—Which Model?
Extra Practice Questions 2 (30–60 minutes)
Evaluation of Models, Inferences, and Experimental Results—Which Model?
Extra Practice Questions 3 (30–60 minutes)
Evaluation of Models, Inferences, and Experimental Results—Which Model?
Extra Practice Questions 4 (60+ minutes)
How to Read Science Graphs, Charts, and Diagrams Extra Practice Questions
(30–60 minutes)
How to Read Science Graphs, Charts, and Diagrams Extra Practice Questions
2 (30–60 minutes)
Supporting Theories, Hypotheses, and Inferences Extra Practice Questions
(30–60 minutes)
Notice Data Trends Extra Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Notice Data Trends Extra Practice Questions 2 (15–30 minutes)
Interpretation of Data Extra Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)
Scientific Investigation Practice Questions (30–60 minutes)