Page 11-1 Section 11 - Vehicle Inspection
Section 11
Vehicle Inspection Test
This Section Covers:
Internal Inspections (All Vehicles)
Passenger Vehicle Inspections
School Bus Vehicle Inspections
Lights Operations Check (All Vehicles)
External Inspections (All Vehicles)
Combination Vehicle Inspections
Federal and jurisdictional laws require that CDL
drivers inspect their vehicle to determine if it is safe to
drive. A vehicle inspection will help you find problems
or defects that can cause a breakdown or, even
worse, a crash. It is important to inspect all vehicle
components for proper working order.
During your CDL Vehicle Inspection test, your
inspection will focus on the safety critical items for the
operation of your vehicle. During this inspection, you
must show you have the knowledge to determine that
the vehicle is safe to drive. During the test, you will
only be required to inspect one vehicle axle,
however, you should be prepared to perform the
same inspection, described in section (11.5.2) on all
of the vehicle axles. The vehicle inspection used to
evaluate your basic knowledge does not cover all the
federal inspection guidelines. It is your responsibility
to be knowledgeable of the Federal Motor Carrier
Safety Regulations.
[For safety purposes, you should use wheel chocks
during the Vehicle Inspection test.] You will have to
walk around and enter/exit the vehicle to conduct the
inspection. When exiting the vehicle, you must set
the parking brake(s) and place the vehicle in neutral.
When entering/exiting the vehicle, you must do so
safely by facing the vehicle and maintaining three (3)
points of contact with the vehicle at all times (when
entering/exiting a bus, you may face forward and
maintain a firm grasp on the handrail at all times).
You are only required to inspect the items on the
CDL Vehicle Inspection checklist. You may use the
checklist provided in this section for your test and
check off items as you have completed them, but NO
additional markings or writing may be placed on this
list prior to the test.
You MUST name, point to and/or touch and fully
explain to the examiner WHAT you are inspecting
each safety critical item for. If you do not, you will not
get credit for the item(s). [You will NOT have to crawl
under the vehicle.] Any vehicle that has components
marked or labeled, other than by the manufacturer,
CANNOT be used for the Vehicle Inspection test.
Failure to Follow Instructions or Unsafe Act
Failure to follow examiner instructions for completing
the test as directed may result in an automatic failure,
and the test may be terminated by the examiner.
Always follow the examiner’s instructions and
directions. If you do not understand the instructions,
ask the examiner for clarification.
Committing an “unsafe act” (e.g., forgetting to set the
parking brake), may result in an automatic failure for
an unsafe act, and the test may be terminated by the
examiner. Safety of the driver, the examiner and the
testing area is of the highest priority. Always think
11.1 Internal Inspection (All Vehicles)
Study the following vehicle parts for the vehicle you
will be using during the CDL Vehicle Inspection test.
You should be able to identify each part and tell the
examiner what you are looking for or inspecting.
11.1.1 In-Vehicle/Engine Start
Lighting Indicators
Description: Dashboard indicator lights for signals,
flashers, headlight high beam; Anti-lock Braking
System (ABS); and Diesel Exhaust Fuel (DEF)/Diesel
Particulate Filter (DPF).
Why Inspect: Indicates which functions are active or
warns of problem vehicle components.
Inspection: Each of the following items must be
inspected. Inspect to make sure the dash indicators
work when the vehicle starts and when
corresponding lights are turned on including:
Left turn signal indicator.
Right turn signal indicator.
Four-way emergency indicator.
High beam headlight indicator.
ABS indicator on dashboard; (and for
combination vehicles only, the rear driver’s side
trailer ABS light should turn on then off), if
DEF indicator, if equipped.
Note: Operational inspection of actual turn signals,
four-way indicators and high beam functions must be
done separately during the lights operation inspection
described in Section 11.4.
Emergency Equipment
Description: Required emergency equipment.
Why Inspect: Emergency equipment must be
available and in usable condition.
Inspect for three (3) red reflective triangles, six
(6) fuses or three (3) liquid burning flares.
Inspect for a properly charged and secured fire
Inspect for spare electrical fuses (if used) or
identify circuit breakers.
Page 11-2 Section 11 - Vehicle Inspection
Note: If the vehicle is not equipped with electrical
fuses, you must mention this to the examiner and
identify that the vehicle operates on circuit breakers.
Windshield and Traffic Monitoring Devices
Description: Windshield, mirrors and other monitoring
devices, such as cameras.
Why Inspect: Cracks, obstructions, stickers, or dirt in
the driver’s viewing area can cause the driver to lose
sight of changes in road conditions or other traffic
around the vehicle.
Inspect that the windshield must be clean with no
obstructions except for an inspection sticker.
There can be no damage, such as cracks or
flaws to the glass.
Inspect that mirrors must be clean and adjusted
properly from the inside, when present.
If equipped, inspect that rear and side view
monitoring devices or cameras are clean and in
working condition. Devices should be viewable
from the inside and the video display must be
operable and adjusted for viewing.
Description: Windshield wipers and washers.
Why Inspect: Wipers improve visibility during rain and
snow. Worn blades reduce visibility. Washers assist in
keeping the windshield clean.
Inspect that wiper arms and blades are secure,
not damaged, and demonstrate wipers operate
smoothly by turning them on and off.
Inspect for windshield washer fluid and
demonstrate windshield washers operate
correctly by activating the washers.
Description: Heats cab or passenger compartment
and prevents frost or condensation from forming on
Why Inspect: The defroster improves visibility,
especially during cold weather.
Identify, describe and demonstrate the heater(s)
and defroster(s) work correctly by operating the
Description: Air and/or electrical horns used for
warning other roadway users (e.g., cars, motorcyclists,
bicyclists and pedestrians).
Why Inspect: The horn is a device that must function
properly in order to warn other roadway users of your
Inspect that air horn and/or electric horn work.
Parking and Trailer Brake Check
Description: Keeps vehicle from moving or rolling
when parked.
Why Inspect: The parking brake(s) must function
when a vehicle is parked, especially when on a
grade/hill. A vehicle allowed to roll could cause
damage or injury to other roadway users or property.
Inspection: You will be required to demonstrate the
parking brake check (and trailer parking brake check,
if equipped). This procedure is designed to determine
that the parking brake(s) are working correctly, and
they keep the vehicle from moving.
Parking Brake: With the parking brake engaged
(trailer brakes released on combination vehicles, if
applicable), remove foot from service brake and
inspect that the parking brake will hold the vehicle
by gently pulling forward with the parking brake
Trailer Brake: With the parking brake released
and the trailer parking brake engaged
(combination vehicles only), remove foot from
service brake and inspect that the trailer parking
brake will hold the vehicle by gently pulling
forward with the trailer parking brake on. Also
assists in checking the coupling connection with
the trailer.
Service Brake Check
Description: Procedure to be followed to inspect the
application of air, hydraulic or electric service brakes.
Why Inspect: This procedure is designed to make
certain that air, hydraulic or electric service brakes are
operating correctly for normal operation.
Inspection: You will be required to demonstrate the
application of air, hydraulic or electric service brakes.
This procedure is designed to determine that the
brakes are working correctly, and that the vehicle does
not pull to one side or the other at a low speed.
Pull forward at 5 mph, apply the service (foot)
brake and come to a complete stop. Inspect to
see that the vehicle does not pull to either side
and stops when the service brake is applied. If
the vehicle pulls to either side or does not stop
well, the brakes may not be working correctly.
11.1.2 Air Brake or Hydraulic Brake
Check (based on type of brake system)
Air Brake Check (Air Brake Equipped
Vehicles Only)
Description: Procedures to be followed in inspecting
air brake systems.
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Why Inspect: Air brake safety devices vary. This
procedure is designed to make certain that safety
devices are operating correctly as air pressure drops
from “normal” to “low air” conditions. Loss of air
pressure will cause the emergency brakes to activate
causing an abrupt and uncontrolled stop.
Inspection: Failure to explain and demonstrate
(perform) all four (4) parts of the air brake check
correctly will result in an automatic failure of the CDL
Vehicle Inspection test.
The proper procedures for inspecting the air brake
system are as follows:
1. Air Gauge and Governor Cutoff Check
Chock the wheels, start the vehicle and inspect
that the air gauge is working and builds the air
pressure to governor cutoff (approximately 120
140 psi) and identify the cutoff pressure for your
2. Air Leakage Rate Test Shut off the engine,
return the key to the “on” or “battery charge”
position, release the parking brake (all vehicles),
and the tractor protection valve (combination
vehicle). Fully apply the foot brake. Once the air
gauge is stabilized, hold the foot brake for one (1)
minute. Inspect the air gauge to see if the air
pressure drops more than three (3) pounds in
one (1) minute (single vehicle or trailer without
airbrakes) or four (4) pounds in one (1) minute
(combination vehicle).
3. Air Warning Device(s) Test Without re-
starting the engine, make sure the key or
electrical power is in the “on” or “battery charge”
position. Begin fanning off the air pressure by
applying and releasing the foot brake. The low air
warning devices (buzzer, light, and flag) should
activate before air pressure drops below 55 psi or
level specified by the manufacturer. It is the
applicant’s responsibility to know the vehicle
manufacturer’s specifications.
4. Emergency Brake(s) Test Continue to fan off
the air pressure. The parking brake (or
emergency brake) valve should close (pop out)
between 20 psi and 45 psi (no less than 20 psi
and no more than 45 psi).
On air operated trailers, the tractor protection
valve and trailer parking brake (or emergency
brake) valve should close (pop out) at the
same time or prior to the valve for the
You will need to identify the level specified by
the manufacturer for the vehicle you are
testing in. If the vehicle’s valves are not
designed to pop out, you will need to listen
for the sound of air discharging from the air
system, which indicates the parking (or
emergency) brakes have been applied. If the
vehicle is equipped with a backup air system,
you will need to explain that there is a
backup system and that the valve(s) will not
pop out.
Note: You will need to explain the specific procedures
specified by the manufacturer for the vehicle you are
testing in. It is your responsibility to know and
describe to the examiner the vehicle manufacturer’s
specifications for air systems.
Hydraulic Brake Check (Hydraulic Brake
Equipped Vehicles Only)
Description: Procedure to be followed to inspect
hydraulic brakes. Types of hydraulic brake systems
and inspection procedures will vary.
Why Inspect: Damaged hydraulic hoses, leaks in the
braking system or low hydraulic fluid will result in a
partial or total loss of the braking system that may
result in increased stopping distances or a crash.
Inspection: Failure to explain and demonstrate the
hydraulic brake check correctly will result in an
automatic failure of the CDL Vehicle Inspection test.
This check is designed to see that the hydraulic
brakes operate correctly. Use the following hydraulic
brake check steps based on your vehicle’s system
Inspect that indicators and warning systems are
functioning, as specified by the manufacturer, if
With the transmission placed in “park”, identify
the normal height of the brake pedal and inspect
brake pedal pressure [i.e., pump the brake pedal
three (3) times, and then hold it down for five (5)
seconds], or as specified by the manufacturer.
The brake pedal should not move (depress) after
initial application and should be firm and have a
sufficient amount of reserve for brake pedal
Inspect that the hydraulic power assist system(s),
if equipped, are functioning, as specified by the
Note: Hydraulic brake systems vary. Your system
may require the ignition to be in the “on” position
and/or the engine running. You will need to explain
and demonstrate to the examiner the procedures for
your vehicle as specified by the manufacturer.
11.2 Passenger and School Bus Only
Passenger Entry and Lift
Description: Bus door(s) used for normal entry or exit.
Passenger lift used for wheelchair accessibility.
Why Inspect: All passengers must be able to enter
and exit safely.
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Inspect that entry door(s) are not damaged,
operate smoothly and close securely from the
Inspect that handrails are secure and, if
equipped, that the step light(s) are working.
Inspect that the entry steps are clear, and the
tread is not loose, or worn.
If equipped with a passenger lift, inspect for
leaking, damaged or missing parts, and explain
how the lift should be inspected for correct
If equipped, lift must be fully retracted and
latched securely.
Emergency Exits
Description: Bus doors, roof hatches, or push-out
windows used for emergency evacuation.
Why Inspect: Emergency exits must be operable in
order to provide an escape for passengers during a
crash or emergency.
Inspect that all emergency exits are labeled, not
damaged, operate smoothly, and close securely
from the inside. Demonstrate that at least one (1)
emergency exit operates smoothly, closes
securely, and is not damaged. Confirm that the
exit and warnings work properly. Point out and
describe how all other emergency exits operate.
Inspect that release handles can be operated
properly both from inside and outside the vehicle.
With the key in the “on” or “charged” position,
inspect that emergency exit warning devices are
Passenger Seating
Description: Passenger vehicle seats and frames.
Why Inspect: Seats must be safe for passengers to
sit in.
Inspect that there are no broken seat frames and
inspect that seat frames are firmly attached to the
Inspect that seat cushions are attached securely
to the seat frames.
Passenger Monitoring Devices
Description: Mirrors and monitoring devices, such as
cameras, for observing and monitoring passengers or
Why Inspect: Internal (passenger) and external
(fender, cross-over and other) mirrors or monitoring
devices for seeing and observing passengers or
students help the driver to safely observe and
monitor passengers/students during driving, loading
and unloading. Passenger/school bus vehicle drivers
must be able to see boarding and discharging
Inspect that all internal and external passenger
mirrors and mirror brackets are not bent and are
mounted securely with no missing parts.
Inspect all internal and external passenger
mirrors for proper adjustment and that they are
If equipped, inspect that passenger monitoring
devices or cameras are clean and viewable from
the inside and the video display is operable and
adjusted for viewing.
Inspect student crossover mirrors (school bus
11.3 School Bus Only
Student Lights (Front and Back)
Description: Strobe light (if equipped), alternately
flashing amber lights and alternately flashing red lights
on school buses.
Why Inspect: Student lights allow the driver of a
school bus to communicate presence and intentions to
stop/resume student loading and unloading with other
Inspection: The following student lights must be
inspected, and the operation demonstrated, on both
the front and back of the vehicle.
Inspect that strobe light (if equipped) is operational
and is not broken. Inspect that the strobe light
indicator on the dash is operational.
Inspect that alternately flashing amber lights (if
equipped), on both front and rear of vehicle, are
operational. Inspect that the flashing amber light
indicator on the dash is operational.
Inspect that alternately flashing red lights, on both
front and rear of vehicle, are operational. Inspect
that the flashing red light indicator on the dash is
Stop Arm(s) and Safety Arm
Description: The stop arm and safety arm on school
buses that operate when student loading and
unloading lights are activated.
Why Inspect: Stop Arm - Warns other drivers a
school bus is stopping or is stopped. Safety Arm -
Forces school students to cross well (e.g., 10 feet)
away from the front of the school bus in the drivers
Inspection: The following school bus safety items
must be inspected and the operation of, must be
described and demonstrated.
Inspect the stop arm(s) - if equipped, are
securely mounted to the vehicle frame and there
Page 11-5 Section 11 - Vehicle Inspection
are no loose, broken, or damaged parts. Inspect
the stop arm extends fully when operated, stop
arm lights are operational and that the stop arm
indicator on the dash is operational.
Inspect that safety arm, if equipped, is securely
mounted to the vehicle frame and there are no
loose, broken, or damaged parts. Inspect that the
safety arm functions properly in conjunction with
the stop arm, it extends fully.
First Aid Emergency and Body Fluid Kits
Description: Required emergency equipment
(including emergency first aid kit and body fluid
cleanup kit) for a school bus.
Why Inspect: Emergency equipment must be
available and in usable condition.
Inspect that emergency first aid kit is present and
the seal has not been broken which may indicate
missing items.
Inspect that body fluid cleanup kit is present and
the seal has not been broken which may indicate
missing items.
11.4 Lights Operations Check (All
Lights Operations Check
Description: Headlights, high-beam lights, turn
signals, 4-way flashers, clearance lights, taillights, and
brake lights on the front, side and rear of a commercial
motor vehicle and trailer (combination only).
Why Inspect: Lights allow the driver of a commercial
vehicle to see and be seen and to communicate with
other traffic.
Inspect that all lights on the front, side and rear of
the vehicle operate and illuminate when
corresponding lights are turned on, including the
left and right turn signals, 4-way flashers, low
beam headlights, high beam headlights, clearance
or marker lights, taillights and brake lights. Inspect
that brake lights come “on” when brakes are
applied and turn “offwhen brakes are released.
Note: on a combination vehicle, you need only
inspect the rear of the trailer.
Note: The operation of all external lights must be
inspected from outside the vehicle. You may ask the
examiner to assist you in inspecting the external
operation of the lights. You will need to direct the
examiner to the front, side and rear of the vehicle or
trailer (combination only), as you conduct the
inspection. You are responsible for telling the
examiner exactly which lights you would like them to
inspect as you activate the lights from inside the
vehicle. You will need to roll the window down and
speak loud enough for the examiner to hear. If you
forget or leave out a specific light, you will not get
11.5 External Inspection (All Vehicles)
11.5.1 Front of Vehicle / Engine Area
(Engine Off)
Description: Light lenses or covers on the front of the
Why Inspect: Light lenses or covers must be clean
and free of damage for lights to work properly.
Inspect that light lenses or covers are the proper
color, clean, not broken and not missing.
Critical Fluid Levels
Description: Engine oil for engine lubrication;
coolant for cooling the engine; steering fluid for
assisting wheel action to the front wheels; and brake
fluid for vehicle braking (hydraulic brakes only).
Why Inspect: Proper fluid levels ensure that engine,
cooling, steering and brake systems (hydraulic
brakes only) operate correctly and extends the life of
the engine and these systems.
Inspection: With the engine off, indicate that fluids
would be inspected for proper levels including the:
engine oil;
cooling system/coolant;
power steering fluid; and
brake fluid (hydraulic brakes only).
If applicable, indicate where to inspect the fluid level
and where the dipstick(s) or sight glass(es) are
located. Identify that you would inspect that the level
is between the add and the full marks for each item.
Caution: Never remove the coolant radiator cap if the
engine is hot.
Fluid and Air Leaks
Description: Fluid leaks from engine and other vehicle
systems; and air leaks, if applicable.
Why Inspect: Fluid loss could indicate component
failure in areas where levels might not be readily
inspected (e.g., transmission or fuel systems). Air
leaks could indicate component failure in areas that
may not be readily inspected (e.g., air compressor and
other air components).
Look for puddles on the ground.
Look for dripping fluids around and on underside
of engine and transmission.
Page 11-6 Section 11 - Vehicle Inspection
Inspect hoses and air lines, if applicable, for
condition and leaks.
Steering System
Description: Mechanisms that transform steering
column action into wheel turning action.
Why Inspect: Worn, cracked, loose or broken steering
parts could result in loss of steering. Movement in the
linkage can cause the vehicle to wander or experience
other serious control problems.
Inspect that the power steering box is securely
mounted and not leaking.
Inspect that all steering hoses and connections
are not cracked, worn or leaking.
Inspect that the steering system has no missing
nuts, bolts, or cotter keys.
Inspect that visible connecting links, arms, and
rods from the steering box to the wheel are not
worn or cracked and that joints and sockets are
not worn or loose.
11.5.2 Axle Components/Steering Axle
Note: Be prepared to perform the same
inspection, described in this section (11.5.2) on
any of the vehicle axles.
Description: Tire/wheel assemblies in contact with the
Why Inspect: Underinflation increases the chance of
blowout from excessive heat buildup due to increased
flexing of the tire. Low tread depth increases the effect
of hydroplaning, reduces traction and increases
stopping distance.
Overinflation increases the chances of damage to the
tire from curbs and potholes and loss of traction due to
less tread in contact with the road. Cuts and bulges
may cause tire failure, blowouts, and sudden loss of
Inspection: The following items must be inspected
on each tire:
Tire inflation: Inspect for proper inflation using a
tire gauge. Make sure all valve stems are
Tire condition: Inspect for cuts and damage that
expose body plies to the tire in the tread and
sidewall. Make sure that valve caps are not
missing, and valve stems are not damaged or
broken. Look for bumps and bulges in the
sidewall and mismatched diameters in dual tires.
Tread depth: Inspect for minimum tread depth
with a tread depth gauge on all major tread
grooves containing wear bars (4/32 on steering
axle tires, 2/32 on all other tires).
Note: You will not get credit if you simply kick the
tires or use a mallet to inspect for proper inflation.
You must mention the use of a tire gauge.
Note: If the tires are equipped with an automatic tire
inflation system (ATIS) or tire pressure monitoring
system (TPMS) that has hoses connected to the tire
valve stems, you need only mention that tire pressure
is monitored and adjusted by an automatic system
and inspect that it is working properly.
Description: The metal rims/wheels which tires are
mounted on.
Why Inspect: Damaged rims can result in loss of a tire
from the rim, loss of a wheel from an axle, loss of air
pressure in a tire, a wheel rolling off a rim due to
damage to flange, or split rim. A damaged wheel can
result in loss of vehicle control, leading to a crash.
Wheels and rims should be inspected for conditions
that could result in a complete or partial wheel
separation or air loss in the tire.
Inspect for damaged, cracked or bent rims. Rims
cannot have welding repairs. Inspect for rust
trails that may indicate rim is loose on a wedge
wheel, if applicable.
Inspect studs and bolt holes to make sure they
are not elongated (out of round) and there are no
missing or loose nuts or bolts.
Wheel Fasteners (Lug Nuts)
Description: Holds wheel on axle.
Why Inspect: Loose or missing lug nuts could result in
the loss of a wheel and lead to a crash.
Inspect that all lug nuts are present.
Inspect that lug nuts are not loose and there are
no signs of rust trails or shiny threads that may
show looseness.
Inspect that there are no broken studs.
Springs and Air Bags and Shocks
Description: Leaf or coil springs for dampening wheel
vibration forces created by rolling over road surface.
Air bags that accompany springs or serve as the
primary suspension system. Gas or hydraulic devices
(shocks) that cushion vehicle suspension and stabilize
the vehicle.
Why Inspect: Damaged or missing leaf springs or
coils may lead to loss of control or rollover if the
vehicle falls on the frame or on a tire. Shifted springs
may strike a tire causing a blowout or interference with
steering. Damaged air bags or shocks can affect
vehicle handling and stopping distances.
Page 11-7 Section 11 - Vehicle Inspection
Inspection: The following items must be inspected,
where visible and accessible, on each axle:
Inspect for missing, shifted, cracked, or broken
leaf springs and inspect that spring mounts are
not cracked, broken or missing any parts.
Inspect for broken or distorted coil springs and
inspect that mounts are not cracked, broken or
have any missing parts.
Inspect that the air ride suspension is secure, not
damaged and not leaking (if equipped).
Inspect that shock absorbers are secure, not
damaged and not leaking (if equipped).
Inspect that the vehicle is sitting level (front to
rear and side to side).
Note: Inform the examiner if the suspension
components are not visible or accessible, on vehicles
such as transit or motor coach buses, and inspect
that the vehicle is sitting level (front to rear and side
to side) and note that a leaning vehicle may indicate
a suspension problem.
Brake Lines / Hoses / Leaks
Description: Carries air or hydraulic fluid to wheel
brake assembly.
Why Inspect: Loss of hydraulic fluid may lead to loss
of brake power and response. Loss of air pressure
may cause wheel lockup.
Inspect that hoses or lines can supply air or
hydraulic fluid to the brakes and are not leaking.
Inspect for cracked, worn or frayed hoses or
Inspect that all hose or line couplings and fittings
are secure.
Note: If electric brakes, inspect that electric lines are
secure, and casing is not worn or cracked.
Brake Contaminates
Description: Contamination, such as grease, oil, etc.,
that can affect brake linings or pads that rub on the
inside of a drum or around a disc to slow down or stop
the vehicle.
Why Inspect: Contaminates on the brakes can cause
a reduction in braking friction which may lead to a
crash. Contaminates can also create a fire hazard.
If accessible, inspect for contaminants such as
grease, oil, etc., on the brake lining or pads and
the brake drum or disc that can affect braking
11.5.3 Side of Vehicle
Lenses and Reflectors
Description: Light lenses or covers and reflectors on
the side of the vehicle and trailer (combination only).
Why Inspect: Light lenses or covers must be free of
damage for lights to work properly. Reflectors allow
the driver of a commercial vehicle to be seen and to
communicate presence with other traffic.
Inspect that light lenses or covers on the side of
the vehicle and trailer (combination only) are
proper color, clean, not broken and not missing.
Inspect that reflectors on the side of the vehicle
and trailer (combination only) are proper color,
clean, none are broken or missing.
Traffic Monitoring Devices
Description: Side view mirrors for rear view of traffic
to the sides and behind (all vehicles). Other monitoring
devices, such as cameras, may be utilized with mirrors
or instead of mirrors.
Why Inspect: Mirrors or other monitoring devices
provide visibility to the sides and rear of the vehicle.
The driver must be able to see other traffic, especially
in blind areas.
Inspect that mirror(s) are clean and not cracked
and mirror brackets are not bent and are
mounted securely with no missing parts.
If equipped, rear and side view monitoring
devices or cameras must be clean to view from
the inside.
Battery/Electrical System
Description: Batteries that supply electrical current for
vehicle functions or serve as a partial or primary
source for vehicle power.
Why Inspect: Damage to the batteries, electrical
system or electric motor can cause vehicle
breakdowns or electrical shortage leading to a fire
onboard the vehicle.
Inspection: Wherever located:
Inspect that batteries are secure, if visible.
Inspect that all connections are tight and should
not show signs of excessive corrosion, if visible.
Inspect all electrical system cables and lines are
secure and not cracked or worn.
Inspect that battery box, cover or door is secure,
if applicable.
Note: Inform the examiner if the batteries are not
visible or accessible.
Fuel Tank(s)
Description: A container that holds fuel.
Why Inspect: Leaks are a fire hazard and can cause
driving hazards to other traffic. Fuel on pavement can
be very slippery.
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Inspect that all fuel tank(s), including Diesel
Exhaust Fuel (DEF) tank(s), if equipped, are
securely mounted, cap(s) are tight, and that there
are no leaks from tank(s) or lines.
Description: Structural members for supporting
vehicle body or trailer body.
Why Inspect: Loose or cracked frame members may
reduce vehicle stability, cause handling and cornering
problems (e.g., wandering, possible rollover) resulting
in total loss of vehicle control. Cracks, breaks or holes
in the cargo area can result in possible loss of cargo.
Inspect for cracks, broken welds, holes or other
damage to the frame members, including the
trailer, if applicable.
Inspect for cracks, breaks or holes in the cargo
area or floor, including the trailer, if applicable.
Inspect that trailer tandem release lever and pins
are secure, if applicable.
11.5.4 Rear of Vehicle or Trailer
Lenses and Reflectors
Description: Light lenses or covers and reflectors on
rear of vehicle or trailer (combination only).
Why Inspect: Light lenses or covers must be free of
damage for lights to work properly. Reflectors allow
the driver of a commercial vehicle to be seen and to
communicate presence with other traffic.
Inspect that light lenses or covers are clean, not
broken and not missing.
Inspects that reflectors are clean, not broken and
not missing.
Note: on a combination vehicle, you need only inspect
the rear of the trailer.
11.6 Combination Vehicles
11.6.1 Combination Vehicles Only
Air and Electric Lines / Connectors
Description: Carry air and electricity from power unit
to trailer.
Why Inspect: Air Brakes - Loss of air to the trailer will
result in a partial or total loss of braking to the towed
unit. A low air condition will cause sudden application
of the trailer’s spring brakes, which may result in loss
of control and lead to a crash.
Electric Brakes - Loss of electrical connection to the
trailer will result in total loss of braking and control to
the towed unit and can lead to a crash.
Electric Lines - Damaged lines may result in loss of
the vehicle’s ability to communicate its maneuvers to
other drivers (no turn, or brake lights). Not being seen
by other traffic at night is a serious traffic hazard and
can lead to a crash.
Inspect that air and electric connectors on the
power unit and trailer are seated and sealed, free
of damage and locked into place.
Inspect that air hoses and electrical lines are not
cut, cracked, chafed, spliced, taped or worn
(steel braid/electrical conductor must not show
through). Listen for air leaks (air brake systems
Inspect that electrical lines and air lines (if
equipped) are not tangled, crimped or pinched, or
dragging against vehicle parts or the ground.
Note: You must inspect the connections on both the
power unit and trailer to receive credit.
For the remainder of this section (11.6.1), you will
need to study the type of coupling system your
vehicle is equipped with that you will be using
for your Vehicle Inspection test:
Fifth Wheel Combination, or
Pintle Hook Combination, or
All Other Types of Combinations.
Fifth Wheel Skid Plate
Description: Plate on which the trailer rests and
secures the trailer kingpin.
Why Inspect: A faulty or damaged fifth wheel skid
plate and an improper connection between the tractor
and the trailer can result in handling problems,
rollover, or separation of the tractor and trailer leading
to a crash.
Inspect that the fifth wheel skid plate is securely
mounted to the vehicle by the fifth wheel
Inspect for cracks, breaks or excessive wear.
Inspect for proper lubrication, if applicable.
Kingpin, Apron & Gap
Description: Pin that attaches the semi-trailer to
tractor (kingpin) and the metal plate attached to the
kingpin that provides the surface for resting the trailer
on the fifth wheel (apron).
Why Inspect: Wear or damage to the kingpin can
result in handling problems, rollover, or separation of
the tractor and trailer leading to a crash.
Page 11-9 Section 11 - Vehicle Inspection
Inspect that the kingpin is in place and not bent,
damaged or worn.
Inspect that the visible part of the apron is not
bent, cracked, or broken.
Inspect that the trailer is lying flat on the fifth
wheel skid plate and there is no space between
the apron and fifth wheel (no gap).
Inspect for proper lubrication, if applicable.
Pintle Hook
Description: Tow hitch or receiving coupling which
the trailer drawbar ring/eye locks into.
Why Inspect: A faulty or damaged pintle hook and an
improper connection between the power unit and the
trailer can result in handling problems, rollover, or
separation of the power unit and trailer leading to a
Inspect that the pintle hook is securely mounted
to the vehicle frame.
Inspect for loose or missing parts including
mounting bolts, nuts, pins, brackets and clamps.
Inspect for cracks, breaks or excessive wear.
Trailer Drawbar Ring & Tongue
Description: Trailer drawbar ring or eye attached to
the front of the trailer tongue that secures into the
pintle hook for coupling. The trailer tongue that
extends from the trailer’s main body frame to allow for
coupling and turning.
Why Inspect: Wear, damage, cracks or improper
welds in the drawbar ring and trailer tongue may result
in loss of the trailer leading to a crash.
Inspect that the drawbar ring or eye is not bent or
Inspect that the drawbar ring or eye is secured to
the trailer tongue and there are no loose or
missing bolts, broken welds, or cracks.
Inspect that the drawbar ring or eye is not worn.
Inspect the trailer tongue for dents, twists, cracks,
and broken welds and that the trailer tongue can
support the weight of the load. If extendable,
inspects that bolts, locking pins and cotter pins
are in place.
Note: Coupling systems vary. If you have another type
of coupling system, you will need to describe to the
examiner how it works and what you are inspecting.
Tow Hitch
Description: Tow or receiver hitch and trailer ball,
which the trailer coupler rests on.
Why Inspect: A faulty or damaged tow hitch or other
mechanism and an improper connection between the
power unit and the trailer can result in handling
problems, rollover, or separation of the power unit and
trailer leading to a crash.
Inspect that the tow hitch or other mechanism is
securely mounted to the vehicle frame. Inspect
sway bar/control, if equipped.
Inspect for loose or missing parts including
mounting bolts, nuts, pins, brackets and clamps,
including the trailer ball or other mechanism.
Inspect for cracks, breaks or excessive wear.
Trailer Coupler & Tongue
Description: Trailer coupler attached to the front of
the trailer tongue that latches to the trailer hitch and
trailer ball. The trailer tongue that extends from the
trailer’s main body frame to allow for coupling and
Why Inspect: Wear, damage, cracks or improper
welds in the trailer coupler and trailer tongue may
result in loss of the trailer leading to a crash.
Inspect that the trailer coupler is not bent or
Inspect that the trailer coupler is secured to the
trailer tongue and there are no loose or missing
bolts, broken welds, or cracks.
Inspect that the trailer coupler is not worn.
Inspect the trailer tongue for dents, twists, cracks,
and broken welds and that the trailer tongue can
support the weight of the load. If extendable,
inspects that bolts, locking pins and cotter pins
are in place.
Locking and Safety Devices
Description: Locking connection and safety devices
that keep the trailer locked into place.
Why Inspect: The trailer could uncouple during travel
if the locking mechanisms are not secured. Safety
devices help to keep the locking mechanism in place
and provide assistance should the connection fail.
Inspection: Fifth Wheel Coupling Systems Only
Look into fifth wheel gap and inspect that locking
jaws or lever are fully secured around the kingpin
and inspect for play between kingpin and locking
Inspect that the release arm is in the engaged
position and the safety latch or lock (if equipped)
is in place.
Page 11-10 Section 11 - Vehicle Inspection
Inspect the sliding fifth wheel locking pins (if
equipped) for damage and the pins are fully
Inspection: All Other Coupling Systems
Inspect the locking mechanism or latch for
missing or broken parts and make sure the pintle
or hitch release lever or latch is locked in place
and secure.
Inspect that safety pins and cotter pins are in
place and not missing, if present.
Inspect that safety cables or chains are secure,
crossed, and free of kinks and excessive slack, if
present. Breakaway cables must be engaged.
11.6.2 Trailers Only
Landing Gear & Clearance
Description: Supports front end of trailer when trailer
is not coupled to a truck or tractor.
Why Inspect: Landing gear must be raised properly
so that it will not strike the ground during travel and
must clear the back of the power unit while turning. Its
handle must be secured to the vehicle so it will not
move and strike other traffic. Any damage to landing
gear supports may result in the trailer tipping or falling
over when disconnected.
Inspect that the landing gear is fully raised, has
no missing parts, the crank handle is secure, and
the support frame and landing pads are not
If power operated, inspect for air or hydraulic
If tractor semi-trailer, inspect that the fifth wheel
is positioned properly so that the tractor frame
will clear the landing gear during turns.
Reflective Tape
Description: Reflective tape on the side and rear of
the trailer, if required.
Why Inspect: Reflective tape on a trailer allows the
driver of a commercial vehicle to be seen and to
communicate presence with other traffic.
Inspect that reflector tape on the sides and rear
of the trailer are present and affixed securely to
the vehicle.
Note: Reflective tape is only required for trailers.
Some jurisdictional laws may require for school
Basic Control Skills Test
Remember, the Vehicle Inspection test must be
passed before you can proceed to the Basic Control
Skills test (covered in the next section).
Page 11-11 Section 11 - Vehicle Inspection
Class A Checklist
Tractor Semi-Trailer or Truck & Trailer or Bus & Trailer
In-Vehicle/Engine Start
*air or *hydraulic brake check
parking & trailer brake check
service brake check
lighting indicators
emergency equipment
windshield & traffic monitoring devices
wipers & washers
heater & defroster
Lights Operations Check
all external lights
Front of Vehicle/Engine Area
fluid levels
fluid & air leaks
steering systems
Steering Axle
lug nuts
springs & air bags & shocks
brake lines or hoses & leaks
brake contaminates
Side of Vehicle
lenses & reflectors
traffic monitoring devices
fuel tank(s)
Combination Vehicles Only
air & electric lines & connectors
fifth wheel skid plate or pintle hook
or tow hitch
kingpin & apron & gap or drawbar ring &
tongue or coupler & tongue
locking & safety devices
Trailer Only
landing gear & clearance
reflective tape
Rear of Trailer
lenses & reflectors
* Automatic failure if not performed correctly
Passenger and School Bus
passenger entry & lift
emergency exits
passenger seating
passenger monitoring devices
School Bus Only
student lights (front & back)
stop arm(s) & safety arm
first aid & body fluid kits
You are only required to inspect the items on the CDL Vehicle Inspection checklist. You may use this checklist
for your test and check off items as you have completed them, NO additional markings or writing may be
placed on this list. You MUST name, point to and/or touch and fully explain what you are inspecting
each safety critical item for. If you do not do so, you will not get credit for the item(s).
Page 11-12 Section 11 - Vehicle Inspection
Class B or Class C Checklist
Straight Truck or Other Straight Vehicle
In-Vehicle/Engine Start
*air or *hydraulic brake check
parking & trailer brake check
service brake check
lighting indicators
emergency equipment
windshield & traffic monitoring devices
wipers & washers
heater & defroster
Lights Operations Check
all external lights
Front of Vehicle/Engine Area
fluid levels
fluid & air leaks
steering systems
Steering Axle
lug nuts
springs & air bags & shocks
brake lines or hoses & leaks
brake contaminates
Side of Vehicle
lenses & reflectors
traffic monitoring devices
fuel tank(s)
Rear of Vehicle
lenses & reflectors
* Automatic failure if not performed correctly
You are only required to inspect the items on the CDL Vehicle Inspection checklist. You may use this checklist
for your test and check off items as you have completed them, NO additional markings or writing may be
placed on this list. You MUST name, point to and/or touch and fully explain what you are inspecting
each safety critical item for. If you do not do so, you will not get credit for the item(s).
Page 11-13 Section 11 - Vehicle Inspection
Class B or Class C Checklist
Passenger or School Bus
In-Vehicle/Engine Start
*air or *hydraulic brake check
parking & trailer brake check
service brake check
lighting indicators
emergency equipment
windshield & traffic monitoring devices
wipers & washers
heater & defroster
Passenger and School Bus Only
passenger entry & lift
emergency exits
passenger seating
passenger monitoring devices
School Bus Only
student lights (front & back)
stop arm(s) & safety arm
first aid & body fluid kits
Lights Operations Check
all external lights
Front of Vehicle/Engine Area
fluid levels
fluid & air leaks
steering systems
Steering Axle
lug nuts
springs & air bags & shocks
brake lines or hoses & leaks
brake contaminates
Side of Vehicle
lenses & reflectors
traffic monitoring devices
fuel tank(s)
Rear of Vehicle
lenses & reflectors
* Automatic failure if not performed correctly
You are only required to inspect the items on the CDL Vehicle Inspection checklist. You may use this checklist
for your test and check off items as you have completed them, NO additional markings or writing may be
placed on this list. You MUST name, point to and/or touch and fully explain what you are inspecting
each safety critical item for. If you do not do so, you will not get credit for the item(s).
Page 11-14 Section 11 - Vehicle Inspection