Monthly Report to Congress
August 2023
September 11, 2023
Troubled Asset Relief Program
U.S. Department of the Treasury
Table of Contents
Section Page Number
Legislative Requirement
Program Updates 1 EESA §105(a)(1)
Capital Purchase Program 1
Community Development Capital Initiative 2
Making Home Affordable 3
Hardest Hit Fund 4
Lifetime Costs 5
CPP & CDCI Institutions 6 Additional Information
MHA Application Activity by Servicer 7 Dodd-Frank §1483(b)
Transactions Reports 8 EESA §105(a)(3)(C,D,G)
Investment Programs
Making Home Affordable Program
Agreements under TARP 9 EESA §105(a)(3)(A)
Administrative Obligations and Expenditures 15 EESA §105(a)(2)
Insurance Contracts 16 EESA §105(a)(3)(B)
Projected Costs and Liabilities 17 EESA §105(a)(3)(E)
Programmatic Operating Expenses 18 EESA §105(a)(3)(F)
Description of Vehicles Established 19 EESA §105(a)(3)(H)
EESA (Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008); Dodd-Frank (Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer
Protection Act).
Capital Purchase Program (CPP)
Program Update:
Total Institutions Funded 707 Total CPP Proceeds
$226.8 billion
Full Repayments 267
SBLF Repayments 137
CDCI Conversions 28
Sold Investments 47
Auctioned Investments 190
In Bankruptcy/Receivership 34
Merged Institutions 4
Total Remaining Institutions 0
Partial Repayments 0
Partial Sales 0
Currently in Common 0
August 2023 Activity
Institution Date Additional Information Amount
Repurchases & Sales $0
Warrant Repurchases & Sales $0
Monthly Dividends $0
Remaining CPP Institution
Institution Location
There are no remaining institutions
Repayments: Actual collections as of August 31, 2023, including (i) $2.21 billion in CPP investments refinanced under the Small Business Lending
Fund (SBLF), a program created by Congress outside of TARP, under which certain CPP institutions were allowed to repay TARP funds by
borrowing under that program, and (ii) $0.36 billion in exchanges of CPP investments into the Community Development Capital Initiative (CDCI),
as permitted under the terms of that program. Auctions: Includes net proceeds from all auctions of CPP preferred and note securities where cash
has settled with OFS as of August 31, 2023. Warrant Income: Net Proceeds. Includes proceeds from exercised warrants.
The Capital Purchase Program was launched to stabilize the financial system by providing capital to viable financial
institutions of all sizes throughout the nation. Under CPP, Treasury provided capital to 707 institutions in 48 states. The
final investment repurchase under the CPP was received by Treasury on October 21, 2022 and the program is now
closed. No additional activity is anticipated.
Repayments Auctions Total
Interest &
Other Income
Community Development Capital Initiative (CDCI)
CDCI Snapshot
Total Institutions Funded 84
Full Repayments 55
Early Repurchase
In Bankruptcy/Receivership 1
Merged Institutions 1
Total Remaining Institutions 1
Partial Repayments 1
Partial Early Repurchase 1
August 2023 Activity
Institution Date Additional Information Amount
Repurchases $0
Monthly Dividends 8/15/2023 $12,578
Remaining CDCI Institutions
Institution Location
Amount Outstanding
Cooperative Center Federal Credit Union
Berkeley, CA $0.56
Institution completed its repurchase either fully or in part through the use of the early repurchase program
Making Home Affordable (MHA)
Program Update
HAMP Activity through Program End (April 30, 2023)
All Trials Started 2,539,434
Tier 1 2,239,881
Tier 2 238,958
Streamline HAMP 60,595
Active Trials N/A
All Permanent Modifications Started 1,737,739
Tier 1 1,473,437
Tier 2 219,769
Streamline HAMP 44,533
Active Permanent Modifications 503,832
Median Monthly Savings $ (466)
Other MHA Program Activity Completed
Reported Since
Prior Period
FHA and RD-HAMP Permanent Modifications Started
151,495 N/A
2MP Modifications Started
167,232 N/A
HAFA Transactions Completed
476,766 N/A
UP Forbearance Plans Started
46,485 N/A
For more information about Treasury’s housing programs, please visit:
The Unemployment Program Survey was collected monthly through December 2016.
The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016, signed into law on December 18, 2015, provided that the MHA Program
would terminate on December 31, 2016, except with respect to certain loan modification applications made before
such date. As set forth in program guidelines, MHA servicers were required to design policies and procedures to
reasonably ensure that all MHA transactions were completed by December 1, 2017. Treasury has de-obligated from
MHA over time, lowering Treasury’s obligation to $22.90 billion. Treasury made a final de-obligation of $642 million
as of May 31, 2023.
As of May 31, 2023, $22.26 billion of MHA funds have been disbursed.
The HAMP Program is now closed and no future activity is anticipated. Final HAMP Activity as of the Program End
is detailed below.
In total, more than 2.9 million homeowner assistance actions have taken place under MHA programs. These include
permanent first and second lien mortgage modifications, completed short sales and deeds-in-lieu of foreclosure, and
unemployment forbearance plans.
HAMP and Other Program Activity numbers reflect servicer corrections through the end of the incentive period ending April 2023.
Hardest Hit Fund (HHF)
Program Updates in August
No Program Activity
Funds Drawn Down in August
Amount (millions)
Total Drawn to Date
$ 9,503
Funds Drawn as of March 31, 2022
State (% Cap Disbursed)
HHF allocated $9.6 billion to nineteen jurisdictions. Of that amount, $9.503 billion was ultimately drawn down by
participating Housing Finance Agencies (HFAs). This is inclusive of Administrative and Program costs by
participating HFAs on activities including mortgage payment, reinstatement assistance, principal reduction, down
payment assistance, blight elimination and administrative expenditures. A total of $329 million was ultimately
returned to Treasury in accordance with the terms and conditions of their HFA Participation Agreements. HHF
received final repayments from the remaining six jurisdictions on March 31, 2022 and the program is now closed.
No additional activity is anticipated.
$0.00 $1,250,000,000.00 $2,500,000,000.00
Alabama (67.7%)
Arizona (100%)
California (100%)
Washington D.C. (86%)
Florida (100%)
Georgia (100%)
Illinois (100%)
Indiana (100%)
Kentucky (89%)
Michigan (100%)
Mississippi (88%)
North Carolina (100%)
New Jersey (100%)
Nevada (100%)
Ohio (100%)
Oregon (100%)
Rhode Island (100%)
South Carolina (99.9%)
Tennessee (100%)
Drawndown Remaining
Lifetime Costs
Program Update
Programs as of August 31, 2023 (dollar amounts in billions)
Bank Support Programs:
Capital Purchase Program (CPP)
204.89$ 204.89$ -$ (16.31)$
Targeted Investment Program (TIP) 40.00$ 40.00$ -$ (4.00)$
Asset Guarantee Program (AGP)
5.00$ -$ -$ (4.00)$
Community Development Capital Initiative (CDCI) 0.57$ 0.57$ 0.00$ 0.07$
Sub-total Bank Support Programs 250.46$ 245.46$ 0.00$ (24.24)$
Credit Market Programs:
Public-Private Investment Program (PPIP) 18.63$ 18.63$ -$ (2.73)$
Term Asset Backed Securities Lending Facility (TALF) 0.10$ 0.10$ -$ (0.61)$
Purchase SBA 7(a) Securities (SBA) 0.37$ 0.37$ -$ (0.00)$
Sub-total Credit Market Programs 19.09$ 19.09$ -$ (3.34)$
Other Programs:
American International Group (AIG) 67.84$ 67.84$ -$ 15.18$
Automotive Industry Financing Program (AIFP)
79.69$ 79.69$ -$ 12.07$
Sub-total Other Programs 147.53$ 147.53$ -$ 27.25$
Sub-total for Investment Programs
417.09$ 411.72$ 0.00$ (0.33)$
Making Home Affordable
22.90$ 22.26$ n/a 22.91$
Hardest Hit Fund
9.60$ 9.50$ n/a 9.50$
0.05$ 0.01$ n/a 0.01$
Sub-total for Housing Programs 32.55$ 31.78$ n/a 32.43$
Total for TARP Programs 449.63$ 443.50$ 0.00$ 32.09$
Additional AIG Common Shares Held by Treasury
n/a n/a n/a (17.55)$
Total for TARP Programs and Additional AIG Shares 449.63$ 443.50$ 0.00$ 14.54$
For more information, see note 10 to the Monthly TARP Update:
When Congress created TARP, it authorized up to $700 billion for the programs. That authority was later reduced to $475 billion. To date, a total of $443 billion has
been disbursed under TARP. As of August 31, 2023, cumulative collections under TARP, together with Treasury’s additional proceeds from the sale of non-TARP
shares of AIG,¹ total $442.7 billion. Treasury's disbursements exceed its cumulative collections by $0.8 billion.² Treasury estimates that the combined overall cost of
TARP will be approximately $32.1 billion. These estimates do not include Treasury’s additional proceeds from its non-TARP AIG shares. For a monthly snapshot of
the amount of funds obligated, the amount disbursed, repayments, income received and any losses by program, please visit the Monthly TARP Update at:³
Disbursed as of
August 31
Balance as of
August 31
Estimated Lifetime Cost as of
November 30
In December, 2015, Congress passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016, which gave the Secretary of the Treasury the authority to commit up to $2 billion in additional TARP funds to current
Hardest-Hit Fund (HHF) program participants. The additional $2 billion was obligated by Treasury as of June 2016 and is included in the total amount obligated for HHF. Beginning in January 2020,
State HFAs began closing down and completing their final repayments to Treasury in accordance with the terms and conditions of the HFA Participation Agreement. As of March 31, 2022, $328.9
million has been returned to Treasury.
In September 2017 the letter of credit was reduced from $100 million to $27 million. The figures in this line also include $18 million obligated for administrative expenses associated with the letter of
As discussed in note 10 to the Monthly TARP Update, Treasury’s investment in AIG common shares consisted of shares acquired in exchange for preferred stock purchased with TARP funds (TARP
shares) and shares received from the trust created by the FRBNY for the benefit of Treasury as a result of its loan to AIG (non-TARP shares). Treasury managed the TARP shares and non-TARP
shares together, and disposed of them pro-rata in proportion to its holdings. Only the TARP shares are included under “Other Programs—AIG” and the lifetime cost estimate shows a loss based on
Treasury’s cost basis in the TARP shares alone. However, a gain is shown for the non-TARP shares on the line entitled “Additional AIG Common Shares Held by Treasury” because Treasury’s cost
basis in such shares was deemed to be zero. When the TARP shares and non-TARP shares are considered together, Treasury’s cost on a cash basis was $28.73 per share. TARP estimates include
financing costs (borrowing) from the time of initial investment through the close of the program.
Treasury is continuing to disburse funds related to its housing programs, and continuing to recoup its outstanding investments.
Updates regarding oversight of TARP programs can be found at
Estimated lifetime cost figures for investment programs and FHA-Refinance are as of September 30, 2022. Figures include interest on reestimates. Lifetime cost information for Making Home Affordable
and Hardest Hit Fund reflect cost estimates based on actual and projected volume as of September 30, 2022.
The law creating the Small Business Lending Fund (SBLF) provided that banks could refinance securities issued under the CPP and CDCI programs with securities issued under the SBLF. A total of
137 CPP banks refinanced under the SBLF resulting in repayments of $2.21 billion in CPP investments.
Estimated lifetime cost for AGP includes $276 million for the termination fee Bank of America paid Treasury-OFS for the value received from the announcement of the negotiations on the guarantee and
share losses on a pool of assets.
$411.72 is the actual amount disbursed under the various TARP investment programs as opposed to obligations totaling $412.08. This is because 28 CPP banks converted from the CPP program to the
CDCI program and those conversions, totaling $363.3 million, are not reflected as new disbursements.
Institution Name Location
There are no remaining institutions
$ -
Institution Name Bankruptcy/ Receivership Date
CIT Group Inc.* 11/1/2009
UCBH Holdings, Inc. 11/6/2009
Pacific Coast National Bancorp* 11/13/2009
Midwest Banc Holdings, Inc.* 5/14/2010
Sonoma Valley Bancorp 8/20/2010
Pierce County Bancorp 11/5/2010
Tifton Banking Company* 11/12/2010
Legacy Bancorp, Inc. 3/11/2011
Superior Bancorp Inc. 4/15/2011
FPB Bancorp Inc. 7/15/2011
One Georgia Bank* 7/15/2011
Integra Bank Corporation 7/29/2011
Citizens Bancorp 9/23/2011
CB Holding Corp. 10/14/2011
Tennessee Commerce Bancorp, Inc. 1/27/2012
Blue River Bancshares, Inc. 2/10/2012
Fort Lee Federal Savings Bank* 4/20/2012
Gregg Bancshares, Inc. 7/13/2012
GulfSouth Private Bank* 10/19/2012
Investors Financial Corporation of Pettis County, Inc. 10/19/2012
First Place Financial Corporation* 10/29/2012
Princeton National Bancorp 11/2/2012
Premier Bank Holding Company* 8/14/2012
Gold Canyon Bank* 4/5/2013
Indiana Bank Corp.* 4/9/2013
Rogers Bancshares, Inc. 7/5/2013
Anchor Bancorp Wisconsin, Inc.* 8/12/2013
TCB Holding Company 12/13/2013
Syringa Bancorp 1/31/2014
Idaho Bancorp* 4/24/2014
Rising Sun Bancorp 10/17/2014
Western Community Bancshares, Inc. 11/7/2014
Cecil Bancorp, Inc.* 6/30/2017
OneFinancial Corporation (One Bank & Trust, N.A.)** 8/15/2018
Institution Name Location
Cooperative Center Federal Credit Union Berkeley, CA
Institution Name Bankruptcy/ Receivership Date
Premier Bancorp, Inc.* 1/29/2013
**Institution has not entered bankruptcy/receivership but is not collectible
*Institution has exited the bankruptcy/receivership process
Realized Loss/ Write-Off
D. CDCI Institutions Entered into Bankruptcy/Receivership - Realized Loss/Write-Off
C. Remaining CDCI Portfolio Institutions
Amount Outstanding
*Institution has exited the bankruptcy/receivership process
Troubled Asset Relief Program
CPP & CDCI Institutions
As of August 31, 2023
A. Remaining CPP Portfolio Institutions
B. CPP Institutions Entered into Bankruptcy/Receivership - Realized Loss/Write-Off
A. Remaining CPP Portfolio Institutions
B. CPP Institutions Entered into Bankruptcy/Receivership - Realized Loss/Write-Off
C. Remaining CDCI Portfolio Institutions
*Original Investment has been converted at a discount into common stock in the institution. Amount shown is original investment amount
D. CDCI Institutions Entered into Bankruptcy/Receivership - Realized Loss/Write-Off
Realized Loss/ Write-Off
# Requests
# Requests
# Requests
# Requests
# Requests
# Requests
# Requests
- - - 1,524,748 1,505,172 588,284 916,888
- - - 9,959 9,959 4,970 4,989
- - - 92,548 92,371 20,911 71,460
- - - 105,590 105,590 27,443 78,147
- - - 39,479 39,479 7,041 32,438
2 - 2 388,421 388,329 103,632 284,697
22 - 22 614,753 613,454 194,845 418,609
- - - 131,064 131,064 50,828 80,236
- - - 1,853,776 1,847,897 455,099 1,392,798
- - - 633,038 633,038 134,794 498,244
- - - 16,222 16,222 2,509 13,713
- - - 1,679,549 1,653,002 507,500 1,145,502
- - - 824 824 66 758
- - - 24,545 24,545 6,706 17,839
- - - 53,888 53,846 29,336 24,510
- - - 304,067 295,044 139,397 155,647
- - - 130,912 130,892 22,932 107,960
- - - 161,867 161,862 49,525 112,337
99 - 99 1,619,166 1,611,573 455,124 1,156,449
- - - 212,677 212,504 111,096 101,408
123 - 123 9,597,093 9,526,667 2,912,038 6,614,629
PennyMac Loan Services, LLC
This report is sourced from the Monthly Servicer Survey of select servicers participating in MHA under a Servicer Participation Agreement. All data in this report reflects what is provided by servicers participating in the
survey and is not separately validated by Treasury. Servicers regularly perform evaluation and refinement of reporting, which can lead to updating of Program-to-Date results. Due to the MHA Program Modification Effective Date Cut-off of December 1, 2017, the December
2017 version of this report is the last issued and includes data collected from servicers through December 31, 2017. Requests received that were not processed as of December 2017 may be attributable to a variety of reasons, including failure to submit a complete mortgage
modification request. Borrowers whose requests were not processed may have been offered a Streamline HAMP Modification.
"Requests Received" is the total number of mortgage modification requests received, as reported by servicers. Cumulative Requests Received include all mortgage modification requests received since implementation of Supplemental Directive 10-02, effective June 1, 2010,
and any requests that were approved for a trial modification prior to implementation of such guidance. As noted in Footnote 1 above, some servicers may include all mortgage modification requests received, whereas they previously included only requests that met basic HAMP
eligibility criteria. As of January 2017, servicers were no longer required to provide monthly requests received volumes. Due to the December 30, 2016 HAMP application deadline, servicers will not report any requests received after that date and therefore, the monthly
Requests Received column has been removed from the report. Servicers continue to evaluate and decision requests which were submitted by the application deadline.
"Requests Processed" is the sum of Requests Approved and Requests Denied, defined below.
"Requests Approved" is the total number of complete mortgage modification requests approved for a trial modification under HAMP and trial offers sent to the borrowers, as reported by servicers. Note that all Requests Approved do not become Active Trials because some
borrowers do not accept the trial or fail to make the first trial payment.
"Requests Denied" is the total number of mortgage modification requests not approved for a trial modification under HAMP and the decision communicated to the borrower by the servicer in accordance with program guidance, as reported by servicers. Cumulative Requests
Denied include all mortgage modification requests denied and communicated to the borrower by the servicer since implementation of Supplemental Directive 10-02, effective June 1, 2010; servicers do not report Requests Denied prior to then as relevant data is incomplete.
Figures include HAMP mortgage modification requests denied due to insufficient documentation, failure to meet basic eligibility criteria, and/or other reasons.
Formerly OneWest Bank.
Formerly GreenTree Servicing LLC.
Includes both PNC Bank, NA and PNC Mortgage, formerly National City Bank.
Includes servicers that are no longer actively participating in the survey process or those whose Servicer Participation Agreement has been terminated. These servicers no longer submit a survey, and their results only
Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc.
Specialized Loan Servicing LLC
U.S. Bank National Association
Wells Fargo Bank, NA
Other Servicers
JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA
Nationstar Mortgage, LLC dba Mr Cooper
Navy Federal Credit Union
Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC
ORNL Federal Credit Union
MHA Application Activity by Servicer
As of December 2017
Activity in December 2017
Servicer Name
Bank of America, NA
Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC
Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC
Citizens Bank, N.A.
CIT Bank, NA
CitiMortgage Inc
Ditech Financial LLC
Transaction Reports
TARP Investment Transaction Report
TARP Housing Transaction Report
Transactions Investment Program Reports provide transaction-level detail for all TARP programs except housing programs.
Information found in these report includes: investment amount, capital repayments, warrant dispositions, and exchanges.
The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Financial Stability, which manages the Troubled Assets Relief Program
(TARP), maintains a website where the following Transaction Reports can be accessed. Transactions Reports are published to
this website within two business days of the completion of any new transaction.
Transactions Investment Program Reports provide transaction-level detail for all TARP programs except housing programs.
TARP Housing Transaction Reports show TARP investments in Making Home Affordable, the Hardest Hit Fund, and the FHA
Short Refinance Program and are updated to reflect transactions such as periodic adjustments to MHA program participation
caps and MHA incentive payments.
Date Approved Type of Transaction Vendor Purpose Socio-Economic Category
10/10/2008 Contract Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
10/11/2008 Contract Ennis Knupp & Associates Inc. Investment and Advisory Services Other Than Small Business
10/14/2008 Financial Agent The Bank of New York Mellon Custodian and Cash Management Other Than Small Business
10/16/2008 Contract PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Accounting/Internal Controls Other Than Small Business
10/17/2008 Contract Turner Consulting Group, Inc. Archiving Services Other Than Small Business
10/18/2008 Contract Ernst & Young LLP Accounting/Internal Controls Other Than Small Business
10/29/2008 Contract Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
10/29/2008 Contract Squire, Sanders & Dempsey LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
10/31/2008 Contract Lindholm & Associates, Inc. Human Resources Services Woman-Owned Small Business,Small Business
11/09/2008 Interagency Agreement Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Administrative Support
11/17/2008 Interagency Agreement Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Information Technology
11/25/2008 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Departmental Offices Administrative Support
12/03/2008 Interagency Agreement Trade and Tax Bureau - Treasury Information Technology
12/05/2008 Contract Washington Post Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
12/10/2008 Contract Thacher Proffitt & Wood LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
12/10/2008 Contract Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
12/15/2008 Interagency Agreement Office of Thrift Supervision Administrative Support
12/16/2008 Interagency Agreement Department of Housing and Urban Development Administrative Support
12/22/2008 Interagency Agreement Office of Thrift Supervision Administrative Support
12/24/2008 Contract Cushman And Wakefield Of VA Inc. Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
01/06/2009 Interagency Agreement U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Administrative Support
01/07/2009 Contract Colonial Parking Inc. Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
01/27/2009 Contract Whitaker Brothers Business Machines Inc Facilities Support Small Business
01/27/2009 Contract Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
01/30/2009 Interagency Agreement Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Administrative Support
01/30/2009 Contract Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
02/02/2009 Interagency Agreement Government Accountability Office Compliance
02/03/2009 Interagency Agreement Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Administrative Support
02/09/2009 Contract Pat Taylor and Associates, Inc. Administrative Support Woman-Owned Small Business,Small Business
02/12/2009 Contract Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
02/18/2009 Financial Agent Fannie Mae Homeownership Program Other Than Small Business
02/18/2009 Financial Agent Freddie Mac Homeownership Program Other Than Small Business
02/20/2009 Interagency Agreement Office of Thrift Supervision Administrative Support
02/20/2009 Interagency Agreement FINANCIAL CLERK U.S. SENATE Financial Advisory
02/20/2009 Contract Venable LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
02/20/2009 Contract Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
02/26/2009 Interagency Agreement U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Administrative Support
02/27/2009 Interagency Agreement Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Legal Advisory
03/06/2009 Contract The Boston Consulting Group Financial Advisory Other Than Small Business
03/16/2009 Financial Agent EARNEST Partners Small Business Assistance Program Small Disadvantaged Business, Small Business
03/30/2009 Contract Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
03/30/2009 Contract Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
03/30/2009 Contract Bingham McCutchen LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
03/30/2009 Contract Haynes and Boone LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
03/30/2009 Contract Mckee Nelson LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
03/31/2009 Contract FI Consulting Inc. Accounting/Internal Controls Small Business
04/03/2009 Contract American Furniture Rentals, Inc. Administrative Support Small Business
04/03/2009 Contract The Boston Consulting Group Financial Advisory Other Than Small Business
04/17/2009 Interagency Agreement Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) Administrative Support
04/17/2009 Contract Herman Miller, Inc. Facilities Support Other Than Small Business
04/21/2009 Financial Agent Alliance Bernstein L.P. Asset Management Services Other Than Small Business
04/21/2009 Financial Agent FSI Group, LLC Asset Management Services Other Than Small Business
04/21/2009 Financial Agent Piedmont Investment Advisors, LLC Asset Management Services Small Disadvantaged Business, Small Business
U.S. Treasury Department
Office of Financial Stability
Troubled Asset Relief Program
Agreements Under TARP [Section 105(a)(3)(A)]
For Period August 2023
04/30/2009 Interagency Agreement U.S. Department of State Administrative Support
05/05/2009 Interagency Agreement Federal Reserve Board Administrative Support
05/13/2009 Interagency Agreement Department of Treasury - US Mint Administrative Support
05/14/2009 Contract Knowledgebank Inc. Administrative Support Small Disadvantaged Business, Small Business
05/15/2009 Contract Phacil Inc. Contract FOIA Support Services Small Disadvantaged Business, HUBZone Small Business, Small Business
05/20/2009 Interagency Agreement U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Administrative Support
05/22/2009 Interagency Agreement Department of Justice - ATF Administrative Support
05/26/2009 Contract Anderson Mc Coy & Orta Legal Advisory Woman-Owned Small Business,Small Disadvantaged Business,Small Business
05/26/2009 Contract Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
06/09/2009 Interagency Agreement Financial Management Service Information Technology
06/29/2009 Interagency Agreement Department of the Interior Administrative Support
07/17/2009 Contract Korn/Ferry International Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
07/30/2009 Contract Debevoise & Plimpton, LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
07/30/2009 Contract Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
07/30/2009 Contract Fox, Swibel, Levin & Carroll, LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
08/10/2009 Interagency Agreement U.S. Department of Justice Administrative Support
08/10/2009 Interagency Agreement NASA Detailee(s)
08/18/2009 Contract The Mercer Group, Inc. Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
08/25/2009 Interagency Agreement U.S. Department of Justice Administrative Support
09/02/2009 Contract Knowledge Mosaic Inc. Administrative Support Small Business
09/10/2009 Contract Equilar, Inc. Administrative Support Small Disadvantaged Business,Small Business
09/11/2009 Contract PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Accounting/Internal Controls Other Than Small Business
09/18/2009 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - ARC Administrative Support
09/30/2009 Contract Immixtechnology, Inc. Information Technology Other Than Small Business
09/30/2009 Contract Immixtechnology, Inc. Information Technology Other Than Small Business
09/30/2009 Contract Nna Incorporated Administrative Support Small Business
09/30/2009 Contract SNL Financial LC Financial Advisory Other Than Small Business
11/09/2009 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Departmental Offices Administrative Support
12/16/2009 Interagency Agreement Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Administrative Support
12/22/2009 Contract Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
12/22/2009 Financial Agent Avondale Investments, LLC Asset Management Services Small Disadvantaged Business, Small Business
12/22/2009 Financial Agent Bell Rock Capital, LLC Asset Management Services Woman-Owned Small Business, Small Business
12/22/2009 Financial Agent Howe Barnes Hoefer & Arnett, Inc. Asset Management Services Other Than Small Business
12/22/2009 Financial Agent KBW Asset Management, Inc. Asset Management Services Other Than Small Business
12/22/2009 Financial Agent Lombardia Capital Partners, LLC Asset Management Services Small Disadvantaged Business, Small Business
12/22/2009 Financial Agent Paradigm Asset Management Co., LLC Asset Management Services Small Disadvantaged Business, Small Business
01/14/2010 Interagency Agreement Government Accountability Office Compliance
01/15/2010 Contract Association of Govt Accountants Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
02/16/2010 Interagency Agreement Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Administrative Support
02/16/2010 Contract The MITRE Corporation Information Technology Other Than Small Business
02/18/2010 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - ARC Administrative Support
03/08/2010 Contract QualX Corporation Administrative Support Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business,Small Business
03/12/2010 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Departmental Offices Administrative Support
03/22/2010 Interagency Agreement Financial Management Service Information Technology
03/26/2010 Interagency Agreement Federal Maritime Commission Administrative Support
03/29/2010 Financial Agent Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated Disposition Agent Services Other Than Small Business
04/02/2010 Interagency Agreement FINANCIAL CLERK U.S. SENATE Financial Advisory
04/08/2010 Contract Squire, Sanders & Dempsey LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
04/12/2010 Contract Hewitt EnnisKnupp, Inc. Investment and Advisory Services Other Than Small Business
04/22/2010 Contract Digital Management Inc. Information Technology Small Business
04/22/2010 Contract MicroLink, LLC Administrative Support Small Business
04/23/2010 Contract RDA Corporation Information Technology Other Than Small Business
05/04/2010 Interagency Agreement Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Administrative Support
05/17/2010 Financial Agent Lazard Fréres & Co. LLC Transaction Structuring Services Other Than Small Business
06/24/2010 Contract Reed Elsevier PLC (dba LexisNexis) Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
06/30/2010 Contract The George Washington University Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
07/21/2010 Contract Regis & Associates, PC Compliance Small Disadvantaged Business,Small Business
07/21/2010 Contract Navigant Consulting, Inc. Compliance Other Than Small Business
07/22/2010 Contract PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Compliance Other Than Small Business
07/22/2010 Contract Ernst & Young LLP Compliance Other Than Small Business
07/22/2010 Contract Schiff Hardin LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
07/27/2010 Contract West Publishing Corporation Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
08/06/2010 Contract Alston & Bird LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
08/06/2010 Contract Sullivan Cove Reign Enterprises Jv Legal Advisory Small Disadvantaged Business,Small Business
08/06/2010 Contract Perkins Coie LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
08/06/2010 Contract Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
08/06/2010 Contract Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
08/06/2010 Contract Haynes and Boone LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
08/06/2010 Contract Venable LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
08/06/2010 Contract Seyfarth Shaw LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
08/06/2010 Contract Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
08/06/2010 Contract Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, PA Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
08/06/2010 Contract Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
08/06/2010 Contract Love and Long, LLP Legal Advisory Woman-Owned Small Business,Small Disadvantaged Business,Small Business
08/06/2010 Contract Fox, Swibel, Levin & Carroll, LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
08/12/2010 Contract Knowledge Mosaic Inc. Administrative Support Small Business
08/30/2010 Interagency Agreement Department of Housing and Urban Development Administrative Support
09/01/2010 Contract CQ-Roll Call Inc. Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
09/17/2010 Contract Bingham McCutchen LLP Legal Advisory Other Than Small Business
09/27/2010 Contract Davis Audrey Robinette Administrative Support Small Disadvantaged Business,Woman-Owned Small Business,Small Business
09/30/2010 Contract CCH Incorporated Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
10/01/2010 Interagency Agreement FINANCIAL CLERK U.S. SENATE Financial Advisory
10/01/2010 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Departmental Offices Administrative Support
10/08/2010 Contract Management Concepts, Inc. Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
10/08/2010 Contract Management Concepts, Inc. Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
10/08/2010 Contract Management Concepts, Inc. Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
10/08/2010 Contract Management Concepts, Inc. Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
10/08/2010 Contract Management Concepts, Inc. Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
10/08/2010 Contract Management Concepts, Inc. Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
10/08/2010 Contract Management Concepts, Inc. Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
10/08/2010 Contract Management Concepts, Inc. Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
10/14/2010 Contract Hispanic Assoc Of Coll & Univ Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
10/26/2010 Interagency Agreement Government Accountability Office Compliance
11/08/2010 Contract The Mitre Corporation Information Technology Other Than Small Business
11/18/2010 Financial Agent Greenhill & Co., LLC Structuring and Disposition Services Other Than Small Business
12/02/2010 Contract Addx Corporation Acquisition Support Services Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business, Small Business
12/29/2010 Contract Reed Elsevier PLC (dba LexisNexis) Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
01/05/2011 Contract Canon U.S.A. Inc. Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
01/18/2011 Financial Agent Perella Weinberg Partners & Co. Structuring and Disposition Services Other Than Small Business
01/24/2011 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - ARC Administrative Support
01/26/2011 Contract Association of Govt Accountants Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
02/24/2011 Contract ESI International Inc. Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
02/28/2011 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Departmental Offices Administrative Support
03/03/2011 Contract Equilar, Inc. Administrative Support Small Disadvantaged Business,Small Business
03/10/2011 Contract The Mercer Group, Inc. Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
03/22/2011 Contract Harrison Scott Publications, Inc. Administrative Support Small Business
04/20/2011 Interagency Agreement Federal Reserve Bank of New York Financial Advisory
04/26/2011 Contract PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Financial Advisory Other Than Small Business
04/27/2011 Contract Oculus Group LLC Financial Advisory Small Disadvantaged Business,Woman-Owned Small Business,Small Business
04/27/2011 Contract FI Consulting Inc. Financial Advisory Small Business
04/27/2011 Contract ASR Analytics LLC Financial Advisory Small Business
04/27/2011 Contract Ernst & Young LLP Financial Advisory Other Than Small Business
04/27/2011 Contract Lani Eko & Company, CPAs, LLC Financial Advisory Small Disadvantaged Business,Small Business
04/27/2011 Contract MorganFranklin Consulting, LLC Financial Advisory Other Than Small Business
04/28/2011 Contract Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. Financial Advisory Other Than Small Business
04/28/2011 Interagency Agreement Office of Personnel Management (OPM) - Western Management Development Center Administrative Support
04/28/2011 Contract KPMG LLP Financial Advisory Other Than Small Business
05/31/2011 Contract West Publishing Corporation Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
05/31/2011 Contract Reed Elsevier PLC (dba LexisNexis) Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
06/02/2011 Contract ESI International Inc. Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
06/09/2011 Contract CQ-Roll Call Inc. Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
06/17/2011 Contract Winvale Group LLC Subscription Services Small Business
07/28/2011 Interagency Agreement Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Administrative Support
09/09/2011 Interagency Agreement Financial Management Service Intern
09/13/2011 Contract ADC LTD NM Compliance Small Disadvantaged Business,HUBZone Small Business,Small Business
09/15/2011 Contract All Business Machines, Inc. Administrative Support Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business,HUBZone Small Business,Small Business
09/29/2011 Interagency Agreement Department of the Interior Administrative Support
09/29/2011 Contract Knowledge Mosaic Inc. Administrative Support Small Business
10/04/2011 Interagency Agreement Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Detailee
10/20/2011 Contract All Business Machines, Inc. Administrative Support Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business,HUBZone Small Business,Small Business
11/18/2011 Contract QualX Corporation Administrative Support Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business,Small Business
11/29/2011 Financial Agent Houlihan Lokey, Inc. Transaction Structuring Services Other Than Small Business
12/20/2011 Contract The Allison Group, LLC Professional/Management Training Woman-Owned Small Business,Small Business
12/30/2011 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - ARC Administrative Support
12/30/2011 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Departmental Offices Administrative Support
01/04/2012 Interagency Agreement Government Accountability Office Compliance
01/05/2012 Interagency Agreement Office of Personnel Management (OPM) - Western Management Development Center Administrative Support
02/02/2012 Contract Moody's Analytics, Inc. Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
02/07/2012 Financial Agent Greenhill & Co., LLC Structuring and Disposition Services Other Than Small Business
02/14/2012 Contract Association of Govt Accountants Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
02/27/2012 Contract Diversified Search LLC Financial Advisory Woman-Owned Small Business,Small Business
03/06/2012 Contract Integrated Federal Solutions, Inc. Administrative Support Small Disadvantaged Business,Small Business
03/14/2012 Interagency Agreement Department of the Interior Administrative Support
03/30/2012 Contract E-Launch Multimedia, Inc. Administrative Support Small Disadvantaged Business,Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business,Small Business
03/30/2012 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Departmental Offices - WCF Administrative Support
05/02/2012 Contract Cartridge Technologies, Inc. Facilities Support Small Business,Small Disadvantaged Business,Woman-Owned Small Business
05/02/2012 Contract Cartridge Technologies, Inc. Facilities Support Small Disadvantaged Business, Woman-Owned Small Business, Small Business
05/10/2012 Contract Equilar, Inc. Administrative Support Small Disadvantaged Business,Small Business
06/12/2012 Interagency Agreement U.S. Department of Justice Administrative Support
06/15/2012 Contract QualX Corporation Administrative Support Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business,Small Business
06/30/2012 Contract West Publishing Corporation Subscription Services Other Than Small Business
07/26/2012 Contract Knowledge Mosaic Inc. Administrative Support Small Business
08/01/2012 Interagency Agreement Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Administrative Support
08/03/2012 Contract Harrison Scott Publications, Inc. Administrative Support Small Business
09/19/2012 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - ARC Administrative Support
09/28/2012 Contract SNL Financial LC Information Technology Other Than Small Business
11/19/2012 Interagency Agreement Government Accountability Office Compliance
12/13/2012 Contract Association of Govt Accountants Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
12/19/2012 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Departmental Offices Administrative Support
01/01/2013 Financial Agent Lazard Fréres & Co. LLC Transaction Structuring Services Other Than Small Business
01/01/2013 Financial Agent Lazard Fréres & Co. LLC Transaction Structuring Services Other Than Small Business
02/13/2013 Contract The Mercer Group, Inc. Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
02/21/2013 Financial Agent Raymond James and Associates, Inc. Asset Management Services Other Than Small Business
03/04/2013 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Departmental Offices - WCF Administrative Support
03/07/2013 Interagency Agreement Department of Housing and Urban Development Administrative Support
03/26/2013 Contract Bloomberg Finance L.P. Subscription Other Than Small Business
03/27/2013 Interagency Agreement IRS - Treasury Acquisition Institute Administrative Support
05/01/2013 Interagency Agreement Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Administrative Support
05/10/2013 Contract Equilar, Inc. Administrative Small Disadvantaged Business,Small Business
06/13/2013 Contract West Publishing Corporation Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
08/01/2013 Contract Evolution Management, Inc. Administrative Support Small Disadvantaged Business,Woman-Owned Small Business,Small Business
08/20/2013 Contract Knowledge Mosaic Inc. Administrative Support Small Business
09/25/2013 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - ARC Administrative Support
09/26/2013 Contract SNL Financial LC Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
11/22/2013 Interagency Agreement Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Administrative Support
11/22/2013 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Departmental Offices Administrative Support
11/27/2013 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Departmental Offices - WCF Administrative Support
12/12/2013 Contract Association of Govt Accountants Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
12/18/2013 Interagency Agreement U.S. Department of Justice Administrative Support
03/05/2014 Interagency Agreement U.S. Department of Justice Administrative Support
03/12/2014 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Departmental Offices Information Technology
03/24/2014 Contract The Mercer Group, Inc. Compliance Other Than Small Business
04/14/2014 Contract Bloomberg Finance L.P. Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
06/13/2014 Contract The Winvale Group, LLC Administrative Support Small Business
10/01/2014 Interagency Agreement Internal Revenue Service Office of Procurement Administrative Support
10/29/2014 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Departmental Offices Administrative Support
11/06/2014 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Departmental Offices Administrative Support
11/07/2014 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - ARC Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
11/17/2014 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Departmental Offices Administrative Support
11/25/2014 Interagency Agreement Government Accountability Office Administrative Support
01/26/2015 Interagency Agreement Department of the Interior Administrative Support
04/02/2015 Contract Integrated Federal Solutions, Inc. Administrative Support Small Business,Small Disadvantaged Business
09/17/2015 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - ARC Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
10/01/2015 Interagency Agreement Government Accountability Office Administrative Support
10/01/2015 Interagency Agreement Government Accountability Office Administrative Support
11/02/2015 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Departmental Offices Administrative Support
11/23/2015 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Departmental Offices Administrative Support
01/12/2016 Contract Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP Legal Advisory Other than Small Business
01/14/2016 Contract Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft LLP Legal Advisory Other than Small Business
01/20/2016 Interagency Agreement Department of the Interior Information Technology
03/18/2016 Contract Hewlett-Packard (HP) Information Technology Other than Small Business
03/24/2016 Contract Advanced Computer Concepts, Inc. Information Technology Small Business,Small Disadvantaged Business,Woman-Owned Small Business
04/22/2016 Contract RDA Corporation Information Technology Other than Small Business
05/09/2016 Interagency Agreement Department of the Interior Administrative Support
05/20/2016 Contract Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP Legal Advisory Other than Small Business
09/30/2016 Contract SNL Financial LC Administrative Support Other than Small Business
10/04/2016 Interagency Agreement Government Accountability Office Administrative Support
10/05/2016 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Departmental Offices Administrative Support
10/06/2016 Interagency Agreement Government Accountability Office Administrative Support
11/07/2016 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - ARC Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
11/07/2016 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - ARC Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
01/19/2017 Contract Navigant Consulting, Inc. Compliance Other than Small Business
01/19/2017 Contract Ernst & Young LLP Compliance Other than Small Business
02/01/2017 Contract Haynes and Boone LLP Legal Advisory Other than Small Business
02/08/2017 Interagency Agreement U.S. Department of Justice Legal Advisory
02/09/2017 Contract Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. Accounting/Internal Controls Other than Small Business
02/16/2017 Contract Heritage Reporting Corp Administrative Support Small Business,Woman-Owned Small Business
03/09/2017 Contract ASR Analytics LLC Accounting/Internal Controls Small Business
04/25/2017 Contract JTF Business Systems Corporation Facilities Support Small Business
08/15/2017 Interagency Agreement Department of the Interior Administrative Support
08/29/2017 Interagency Agreement Department of the Interior Administrative Support
12/01/2017 Financial Agent The Bank of New York Mellon Custodian and Cash Management Other Than Small Business
12/01/2017 Financial Agent FSI Group, LLC Asset Management Services Other Than Small Business
12/05/2017 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - ARC Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
12/05/2017 Interagency Agreement Government Accountability Office Administrative Support
12/05/2017 Interagency Agreement Government Accountability Office Administrative Support
12/07/2017 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Departmental Offices Administrative Support
12/12/2017 Contract The Winvale Group, LLC Compliance Small Business
01/04/2018 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Departmental Offices Administrative Support
05/17/2018 Interagency Agreement U.S. Department of Justice Legal Advisory
05/17/2018 Interagency Agreement Department of the Interior Administrative Support
05/22/2018 Interagency Agreement Department of the Interior Administrative Support
07/13/2018 Contract Integrated Federal Solutions, Inc. Administrative Support Small Business,Small Disadvantaged Business
10/05/2018 Interagency Agreement Government Accountability Office Administrative Support
10/05/2018 Interagency Agreement Government Accountability Office Administrative Support
10/05/2018 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Departmental Offices Administrative Support
10/05/2018 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - ARC Administrative Support Other Than Small Business
10/18/2018 Interagency Agreement Department of Justice - ATF Legal Advisory
11/07/2018 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Departmental Offices Administrative Support
12/04/2018 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Departmental Offices Administrative Support
05/20/2019 Interagency Agreement Department of the Interior Administrative Support
07/19/2019 Contract Perspecta Enterprise Solutions LLC Information Technology Other than Small Business
07/26/2019 Contract RDA Corporation Information Technology Other than Small Business
09/05/2019 Interagency Agreement Department of the Interior Administrative Support
10/11/2019 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Departmental Offices Administrative Support
10/24/2019 Interagency Agreement Government Accountability Office Administrative Support
10/24/2019 Interagency Agreement Government Accountability Office Administrative Support
10/24/2019 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Departmental Offices Administrative Support
10/24/2019 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - ARC Administrative Support
10/31/2019 Interagency Agreement U.S. Department of Justice Legal Advisory
10/01/2021 Interagency Agreement Government Accountability Office Administrative Support Other than Small Business
10/01/2021 Interagency Agreement Government Accountability Office Administrative Support Other than Small Business
10/01/2021 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Departmental Offices Administrative Support Other than Small Business
10/01/2021 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - ARC Administrative Support Other than Small Business
10/01/2021 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Treasury Fanchise Fund Administrative Support Other than Small Business
03/15/2022 Contract ASR Analytics LLC Accounting/Internal Controls Other than Small Business
04/28/2022 Contract RDA Corporation Information Technology Other than Small Business
09/07/2022 Interagency Agreement U.S. Department of Justice Legal Advisory Other than Small Business
10/01/2022 Interagency Agreement Government Accountability Office Administrative Support Other than Small Business
10/01/2022 Interagency Agreement Government Accountability Office Administrative Support Other than Small Business
10/01/2022 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Departmental Offices Administrative Support Other than Small Business
10/01/2022 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - ARC Administrative Support Other than Small Business
10/01/2022 Interagency Agreement Department of the Treasury - Treasury Fanchise Fund Administrative Support Other than Small Business
07/29/2022 Contract RDA Corporation Information Technology Other than Small Business
-Contract responsibilities for Thatcher Proffitt & Wood assumed by Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal via novation.
-Contract responsibilities for McKee Nelson LLP assumed by Bingham McCutchen, LLP via novation.
-Management Concepts contracts for various training are now being reported separately rather than combined single line item.
-Financial Agent responsibilities assumed by Raymond James and Associates, Inc. via novation.
Object Class (BOC)
Budget Object Class Title Obligations Expenditures
PERSONNEL SERVICES 1100, 1200 & 1300 PERSONNEL COMPENSATION & BENEFITS 183,316,761$ 183,316,761$ 183,419,000$ 183,419,000$
PERSONNEL SERVICES Total: 183,316,761$ 183,316,761$ 183,419,000$ 183,419,000$
2100 TRAVEL & TRANSPORTATION OF PERSONS 2,968,155$ 2,968,155$ 2,969,000$ 2,969,000$
2200 TRANSPORTATION OF THINGS 11,960 11,960 12,000 12,000
2300 RENTS, COMMUNICATIONS, UTILITIES & MISC CHARGES 739,649 739,649 740,000 740,000
2400 PRINTING & REPRODUCTION 1,757 1,757 2,000 2,000
2500 OTHER SERVICES 361,801,640 363,997,042 362,079,000 364,506,000
2600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 2,411,704 2,411,704 2,412,000 2,412,000
3100 EQUIPMENT 323,762 323,762 324,000 324,000
3200 LAND & STRUCTURES - - - -
4300 INTEREST & DIVIDENDS 904 904 1,000 1,000
NON-PERSONNEL SERVICES Total: 368,259,530$ 370,454,932$ 368,539,000$ 370,966,000$
GRAND TOTAL: 551,576,291$ 553,771,693$ 551,958,000$ 554,385,000$
United States Department of the Treasury
Office of Financial Stability
Report of Administrative Obligations and Expenditures
Note: The amounts presented above are cumulative from the initiation of the TARP.
For Period Ending
For Period Ending
August 31, 2023
September 30, 2023
U.S. Treasury Department
Office of Financial Stability
Troubled Asset Relief Program
Insurance Contracts [Section 105(a)(3)(B)]
For Period Ending August 31, 2023
Name Amount
Termination of the $5,000,000,000 Master Agreement
between Citigroup and the UST, and FDIC occurred on
December 23, 2009 due to the improvement of Citigroup's
financial condition and financial market stability.
U.S. Treasury Department
Office of Financial Stability
Troubled Asset Relief Program
Projected Costs and Liabilities [Section 105(a)(3)(E)]
For Period Ending August 31, 2023
Type of Expense/Liability Amount
Note: Treasury interprets this reporting requirement as
applicable to costs and liabilities related to insurance contracts
entered into under the provisions of section 102 of the EESA;
and the single insurance contract with Citigroup was
terminated on December 23, 2009.
U.S. Treasury Department
Office of Financial Stability
Troubled Asset Relief Program
Programmatic Operating Expenses [Section 105(a)(3)(F)]
For Period Ending August 31, 2023
Type of Expense Amount
Compensation for financial agents
and legal firms
U.S. Treasury Department
Office of Financial Stability
Troubled Asset Relief Program
Description of Vehicles Established [Section 105(a)(3)(H)]
For Period Ending August 31, 2023
Date Vehicle Description