The Government of the Republic of India,
The Government of the French Republic
Hereinafter referred to as the Contracting States;
wishing to arrange the mutual relations between the two countries in the field
of social security, decided to conclude an Agreement for this-purpose and
agreed as follows
Article 1
1. For the implementation of this Agreement :
a) The term "France" means : the French Republic ; the term "India"
means : the Republic of India.
b) The term "legislation" means : -
- for the application of Article 7 the whole social security
legislation in force in both Contracting States,
- for the application of Article 8, the legislation and the
regulations specified in Article 2.
c) The term "competent authority" means :
as regards France : the Ministers, each to the extent that he
is responsible for the implementation of the legislation specified in
paragraph 1 A) of Article 2 ;
as regards India : the Minister of Overseas Indian Affairs . for the
implementation of the legislation specified in paragraph 1B ) of Article
d) The term "competent agency" means
as regards France : the institution, the organization or the authority
responsible in full or in part for the implementation of the legislation
specified in paragraph 1 A) of Article 2;
as regards India : The Employees’ Provident Fund Organization
(EPFO), for the implementation of the legislation specified in
paragraph 1B ) of Article 2.
e) The term "Liaison agency" means the agencies specified as such
under the Administrative Arrangement
f) The term "insurance period" means : any period of contributions
or insurance recognized as such in the legislation under which
that period was completed, as well as any period recognized
as equivalent to a period of contribution or insurance under that
g) The term "benefit" means : any pension or benefit in cash,
including any supplements or increases applicable under the
legislation specified in Article 2.
h) The term "residence "means: habitual residence.
i) The term ‘territory’ means
As regards France: the territory of the metropolitan and overseas
departments of the French Republic, including territorial seas, and any
area beyond the territorial seas over which the French Republic has
sovereign rights or jurisdiction in accordance with international law.
As regards India: the geographic areas of the Republic of India
including territorial seas, as well as the exclusive economic zones
over which, in accordance with international law, the Republic of India
has sovereign rights.
2. Any term not defined in paragraph 1 of this Article shall have the
meaning assigned to it in the applicable legislation.
Article 2
Legislative Scope
1. This Agreement shall apply :
A) as regards France,
a) to the legislation that determines the general organisation of the
social security schemes undermentioned in as much as pension and
invalidity insurances are concerned ;
b) to the legislation relating to
i). the old age pension including survivors’ pension schemes
applicable :
- to the employed persons of the non agricultural professional sector
- to the employed persons of the agricultural professional sector ;
- to the self-employed persons of the non agricultural professional
sector excepting the provisions relating to the complementary
pension schemes ;
- to the self-employed persons of the agricultural professional sector
- to the employed persons covered by special schemes
otherwise provided in this agreement.
ii). to the invalidity insurance including survivors’ pension applicable to
the persons referred to in sub paragraph i)above.
B) as regards India, to all
legislations concerning:
(i) old-age and survivors' pension for employed persons;
(ii) the Permanent Total Disability pension for employed
2. a). This Agreement shall also apply to all legislations which will
amend or extend the legislation specified in paragraph 1 of this Article.
b). It shall apply to any legislation which will extend the existing
schemes to new categories of beneficiaries, unless, in this respect,
the Contracting State which has amended its legislation notifies
within six months of the official publication of the said legislation the
other Contracting State of its objections to the inclusion of such new
categories of beneficiaries.
c) This Agreement shall not apply to legislations that establish a
new social security branch, unless the competent authorities of the
Contracting States agree on this application.
Article 3
Personal Scope
Unless otherwise specified, this Agreement shall apply to all persons
who are or have been subject to the legislation of either of the
Contracting States, and other persons who derive rights from such
Article 4
Equality of Treatment
Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, the persons specified
in Article 3, who ordinarily reside in the territory of a Contracting
State, shall receive equal treatment with nationals of that Contracting
State in the application of the legislation of that Contracting State as
defined in Article 1, b), 1
Article 5
Export of Benefits
1. Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, a Contracting
State shall not reduce or modify benefits acquired under its
legislation solely on the ground that the beneficiary stays or resides
in the territory of the other Contracting State. This provision is not
applied to non-contributory benefits which are granted only in the
territory of the contracting Sate responsible for their payment.
2. The old age, survivors' and invalidity benefits due by virtue of
the French legislation are paid to the Indian nationals residing in
the territory of a third State, under the same conditions as if they
were French nationals residing in the territory of such third State.
3. The old-age, survivor's and disability benefits due by virtue of
the Indian legislation, are paid to the French nationals residing in
the territory of a third State, under the same conditions as if they
were Indian nationals residing in the territory of such third State.
Article 6
Reduction, suspension or withdrawal Clauses
1. The reduction, suspension or withdrawal clauses provided for in
the legislation of one Contracting State, in case of overlapping of
social security benefits or in case a benefit coincides with other
incomes of any kind, shall be applied to the beneficiaries, even if
these benefits were acquired by virtue of a scheme of the other
Contracting State, or if the income is gained in the territory of the
other Contracting State. However, this provision shall not apply to
benefits of the same kind calculated in accordance with Article 12.
2. The reduction, the suspension or withdrawal clauses provided for
in the legislation of one Contracting State in case the beneficiary of
invalidity benefits or anticipated old age benefits has a professional
activity can be applied even though the activity is done in the
territory of the other Contracting State.
Article 7
General Provisions
Subject to Articles 8 to 10, the applicable legislation is
determined according to the following provisions :
a) a person who works as an employee in the territory of a
Contracting State shall, with respect to that employment, be
subject only to the legislation of that Contracting State;
b) a person who works as a self-employed person in the territory of a
Contracting State shall, with respect to that activity, be subject only to
the legislation of that Contracting State ;
c) a person who is a member of the travelling or flying personnel of
an enterprise which, for hire or reward or on its own account, operates
international transport services for passengers or goods and has its
registered office in the territory of a Contracting State shall be
subject to the legislation of that Contracting State.
d) a person who works as an employee on board a ship that flies the
flag of a Contracting State, shall be subject to the legislation of that
Article 8
Special Provisions
1. A person who usually pursues an activity as an employed
person in a Contracting State on behalf of an employer which
normally carries out its activities there and who is posted by that
employer to the other Contracting State to perform work on that
employer's behalf, shall remain subject to the legislation of the former
Contracting State as regards the legislation referred to in Article 2
paragraph 1 A) b i) in respect of France and paragraph 1 B) (i) in
respect of India and shall be exempted from paying contributions to the
social security schemes under the legislation of the latter Contracting
State for the maximum duration of 60 months.
2. Paragraph 1 of this Article shall apply where a person who has
been sent by his employer from the territory of one Contracting State
to the territory of a third country is subsequently sent by that
employer from the territory of the third country to the territory of the
other Contracting State.
Article 9
Civil Servants, Members of Diplomatic Missions and Consular Posts
1. Civil servants and equivalent personnel and their family members,
if not engaged in any professional activity, are subject to the
legislation of the Contracting State whose administration employs
2. This Agreement shall not affect the provisions of the Vienna
Convention on Diplomatic Relations of April 18, 1961, or the Vienna
Convention on Consular Relations of April 24, 1963.
Article 10
Exceptions to articles 7 to 9
In the interest of certain insured persons or certain categories of
insured persons, the competent authorities or agencies designated
for this purpose can, by mutual agreement, provide for exceptions to
the provisions of Articles 7 to 9 provided that the affected persons shall
be subject to the legislation of one of the Contracting States.
Article 11
Totalization of Insurance periods
1. When insurance periods have been completed under the legislation
of the two Contracting States, the competent agency of each
Contracting State shall, in determining eligibility for benefits under the
legislation which it applies, take into account, if necessary, insurance
periods under the legislation of the other Contracting State, provided
that such insurance periods do not overlap with insurance periods under
its legislation.
2. If the legislation of either of the Contracting States subordinates the
granting of certain old-age or survivors’ benefits to the condition that the
insurance periods are to be completed under a special scheme or in a
given occupation or job, only insurance periods completed under an
equivalent scheme or in the same occupation in the other Contracting
State shall be totalized for admission to entitlement to these benefits.
3. Insurance periods completed under a special scheme of one of the
States are taken into account under the general scheme of the other
State for the acquisition of the right to benefits provided that the
concerned person was affiliated to that scheme, even if these periods
were already taken into account by the latter State under a scheme
specified in paragraph 2.
4. The provisions of the paragraph 2 shall not apply to the French
special schemes for civilian and military State civil servants, local
government civil servants, hospital civil servants and workers in State
industrial plants with regard to entitlement to the special scheme
benefits. Nevertheless in order to determine the pension rate the French
special schemes of civilian and military State civil servants, local
government civil servants, hospital civil servants and workers in State
industrial plants shall take into account insurance periods completed
pursuant to the Indian legislation when calculating insurance duration
completed under one or more other basic and compulsory retirement
5. In relations between the Contracting States the liabilities arising from
social security instruments with third states will be taken into account in
so far as these instruments determine aggregation of insurance periods
for entitlement to pension.
Article 12
Calculation of old age, survivor and invalidity Benefits
1. If a person is entitled to an old age, survivor and invalidity benefit
under the legislation of one Contracting State without taking into
account the insurance periods completed under the legislation of the
other Contracting State, the agency of the first Contracting State shall
determine the benefits on the basis of the insurance periods completed
exclusively under its legislation.
2. That competent agency shall also calculate the amount of old age or
survivor’s benefit by applying the rules specified in paragraph 3 (a) and
(b). Only the higher of the two amounts shall be taken into
3. If, under the legislation of one Contracting State, a person is
entitled to a benefit solely on the basis of the totalization of insurance
periods completed under the legislation of the other Contracting State or
the third state, if necessary, within the meaning of Article 11, then the
competent agency of the first Contracting State:
(a) shall calculate the theoretical amount of the benefit which
could have been claimed as if all insurance periods had been
completed under its legislation; and
(b) then on the basis of the theoretical amount calculated in
accordance with subparagraph (a) - determine the amount of the benefit
payable by applying the ratio of the duration of the insurance periods
completed under its legislation to the total insurance periods. The total
duration shall be limited to the maximum duration, if any, required by
the legislation applied by that Contracting State in order to be entitled to
a full-rate benefit.
Article 13
Periods less than one year
1. If the total duration of insurance periods completed under the
legislation of one of the Contracting States is less than one year the
relevant institution of this State shall not be required to use totalization
provided for in Articles 11 & 12 in order to award a pension.
Nevertheless if only these periods are sufficient to be entitled to a
pension under this legislation the pension shall be paid on this basis.
2. The periods referred to in paragraph 1 shall yet be taken into
account for entitlement and calculation of pension rights under the
legislation of the other Contracting State in accordance with the
provisions of Articles 11 and 12.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of the abovementioned paragraphs 1
to 2 in case the periods completed in both contracting States are less
than one year they shall be totalised in accordance with Article 11 & 12,
if by totalizing the claimant is entitled to benefits under the legislation of
one or both of the Contracting States.
Article 14
1. If because of the rising cost of living, the variation of the wage levels
or other adaptation clauses, the old-age, survivors’, invalidity or
disability benefits of either Contracting State are changed with a given
percentage or amount, that percentage or amount should be directly
applied to the old-age, survivors’, invalidity or disability benefits of that
Contracting State, without the other Contracting State having to proceed
to a new calculation of the old-age, survivors’, invalidity or disability
2. On the other hand, in case of modification of the rules or of the
computation process with regard to the establishment of the old-age,
survivors’ or invalidity benefits a new computation shall be performed
according to Article 11 & 12.
Article 15
Family Benefits
Workers referred to in Article 8 of the agreement shall be entitled in the
territory of the State where their occupational activities are carried out to
family benefits awarded under the conditions provided for under the
legislation of that State.
Article 16
Responsibilities of the Competent Authorities
The competent authorities:
a) shall take, by means of an administrative arrangement or an
agreement the measures required to implement this Agreement,
including measures concerning taking into account of insurance
periods, and shall designate the liaison agencies and the
competent agencies ;
b) shall define the procedures for mutual administrative assistance,
including the sharing of expenses associated with obtaining
medical, administrative and other evidence required for the
implementation of this Agreement ;
c) shall directly communicate to each other any information
concerning the measures taken for the application of this
Agreement ;
d) shall directly communicate to each other, as soon as possible, all
changes in their legislation to the extent that these changes
might affect the application of this Agreement.
Article 17
Administrative Collaboration
1. For the implementation of this Agreement, the competent authorities
as well as the competent agencies of both Contracting States shall
assist each other with regard to the determination of entitlement
to, or payment of, any benefit under this Agreement as they would for
the application of their own legislation. In principle, this assistance shall
be provided free of charge. However, the competent authorities may
agree on the reimbursement of some expenses.
2. The benefit of the exemptions or reductions of taxes, of stamp
duties or of registration or recording fees provided for by the
legislation of one Contracting State in respect of certificates or other
documents which must be produced for the application of the
legislation of that State shall be extended to certificates and similar
documents to be produced for the application of the legislation of the
other State.
3. Documents and certificates which must be produced for the
implementation of this Agreement shall be exempt from authentication
by diplomatic or consular authorities. Copies of documents which are
certified as true and exact copies by the competent agency of one
Contracting State shall be accepted as true and exact copies by
the competent agency of the other Contracting State, without further
4. For the implementation of this Agreement, the competent
authorities and agencies of the Contracting States may communicate
directly with each other as well as with any person, regardless of the
residence of such persons. Such communication may be made in
one of the languages used for the official purposes of the Contracting
States. An application or document may not be rejected by the
competent authority or competent agencies of a Contracting State
solely because it is in an official language of the other Contracting
Article 18
Claims, Notices and Appeals
1. Claims, notices or appeals which, according to the legislation of one
of the Contracting States, should have been submitted within a
specified period to the competent authority or agency of that
Contracting State, are acceptable if they are presented within the
same specified period to a competent authority or agency of the other
Contracting State. In this case, the Claims, notices or appeals must
be sent without delay to the competent authority or agency of the
former Contracting State, either directly or through the competent
authorities of the Contracting States. The date on which these Claims,
notices or appeals have been submitted to a competent authority or
agency of the second Contracting State shall be considered to be
the date of submission to the competent authority or agency
authorized to accept such Claims, notices or appeals.
2. An application for benefits under the legislation of one Contracting
State shall be deemed to be also an application for a benefit of same
nature under the legislation of the other Contracting State provided
that the applicant so wishes and provides information indicating
that insurance periods have been completed under the legislation of
the other Contracting State.
Article 19
Confidentiality of Information
Unless otherwise required by the national laws and regulations of a
Contracting State, information about an individual which is
transmitted in accordance with this Agreement to the competent
authority or agency of that Contracting State by the competent
authority or agency of the other Contracting State shall be used
exclusively for purposes of implementing this Agreement and the
legislation to which this Agreement applies. Such information
received by a competent authority or agency of a Contracting State
shall be governed by the national laws and regulations of that
Contracting State for the protection of privacy and confidentiality of
personal data.
Article 20
The collection of contributions and the recovery of benefits not due
1. Decisions ruled by a court of one of the Contracting States on
Social Security contributions or taxes and on other requests,
particularly the recovery of benefits not due, are recognised in the
jurisdiction of the other Contracting State. The decision is
accompanied by a document certifying that it is enforceable.
2. Recognition can only be refused if it is not in accordance with the
legal principles of the Contracting State under the jurisdiction of which
the decision must be carried out.
3. Proceedings must be in accordance with the legislation governing
the execution of such decisions of the Contracting State under whose
jurisdiction they must be executed.
4. The contributions and social taxes payable to and the benefits not
due but paid by the competent agency of one of the Contracting State
have, in the case of proceedings, bankruptcy or enforced liquidation in
the jurisdiction of the other Contracting State, the same priority as
equivalent claims under the Contracting State’s jurisdiction.
5. Claims subject to collection or enforced collection are protected by
the same guarantees and liens as claims of the same nature of a
competent agency located in the Contracting State in which the
collection or enforced collection takes effect.
Article 21
Fraud Prevention
Conditions for affiliation and eligibility based on residency
1. The Contracting States shall inform each other of provisions in their
legislations on the determination of residency in their respective
2. The competent agency of one Contracting State examining the
conditions under which a person is entitled to, due to residence in the
Contracting State’s territory, either affiliation to a Social Security
system or to a benefit, may, if it is deemed necessary, contact the
competent agency of the other Contracting State in order to ensure
that this person is an actual resident in one or the other contracting
3. The competent agency which is contacted must provide relevant
information in its possession which could clear up any doubt on the
person’s residency.
Assessment of income
4. The Competent agency of a Contracting State whose legislation is
applicable may, when it is deemed necessary, ask the competent
agency of the other Contracting State about resources and income of all
kinds, which a person subject to the said legislation and therefore liable
to pay contributions or social taxes, may be entitled to in the territory of
that Contracting State.
5. The provisions in the first paragraph apply in the same way when
the Competent agency assesses a person’s right to a means-tested
Article 22
Payment of Benefits
1. Payments of benefits under this Agreement may be made in the
currency of either Contracting State.
2. In the event that a Contracting State imposes currency controls or
other similar mea su re s that restrict payments, remittance or
transfers of funds or financial instruments to persons who are
outside that Contracting State, it shall, without delay, take
appropriate measures to ensure the payment of any amount that
must be paid in accordance with this Agreement to persons
described in Article 3 who reside in the other Contracting State or a
third State.
Article 23
Resolution of Disputes
Disputes which arise in interpreting or applying this Agreement
shall be resolved, to the extent possible, by the competent
Article 24
Events prior to the entry into force of the Agreement
1. This Agreement shall also apply to events which occurred prior to its
entry into force.
2. This Agreement shall not create any entitlement to benefits for any
period prior to its entry into force.
3. All insurance periods completed under the legislation of one of the
Contracting States prior to the date on which this Agreement enters into
force shall be taken into consideration in determining entitlement to
any benefit in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
4. This Agreement shall not apply to rights that were liquidated by the
granting of a lump sum payment or the reimbursement of contributions.
5. In applying Article 8 in case of persons who were sent to a
Contracting State prior to the date of entry into force of this
Agreement, the periods of employment referred to in that Article
shall be considered to begin on that date.
Article 25
Revision, prescription, forfeiture
1. Any benefit that was not paid or that was suspended by reason
of the nationality of the interested person or by reason of his
residence in the territory of a Contracting State other than that in
which the competent agency responsible for payment is located,
shall, on application by the interested person, be paid or restored
from the entry into force of this Agreement.
2. The entitlement of interested persons who, prior to the entry
into force of this Agreement, obtained the payment of a benefit
may be revised upon application by those persons, in accordance
with the provisions of this Agreement. In no case shall such a
revision result in a reduction of the prior entitlement of the
interested persons.
3. If the application referred to in paragraph 1 or 2 of this Article
is made within two years of the date of the entry into force of this
Agreement, any entitlement arising from the implementation of this
Agreement shall be effective from that date, and the legislation of
either Contracting State concerning the forfeiture or the
prescription of rights shall not be applicable to such interested
4. If the application referred to in paragraph 1 or 2 of this Article
is made after two years following the entry into force of this
Agreement, the entitlements which are not subject to forfeiture or
which are not yet prescribed shall be acquired from the date of the
application, unless more favourable legislative provisions of the
Contracting State concerned are applicable.
Article 26
This Agreement is concluded without any limitation on its duration.
It may be terminated by either Contracting state, through
diplomatic channels, giving twelve months’ notice in writing to the
other State.
Article 27
Guarantee of rights that are acquired or in the course of acquisition
In the event of termination of this Agreement, any rights and payment
of benefits acquired by virtue of the Agreement shall be maintained.
The Contracting States shall make arrangements regarding the
rights in the course of acquisition.
Article 28
Entry into Force
The Contracting States shall notify each other, through diplomatic
channels, of the completion of their respective constitutional and legal
procedures required for the entry into force of this Agreement. This
Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the third month
following the date of receipt of the last notification.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized
thereto, have signed this Agreement.
DONE at Paris, on the 30
September, 2008 in duplicate in the
English, French and Hindi languages, all three texts being equally