User’s Guide
DSA800 Series
Spectrum Analyzer
July 2014
RIGOL Technologies, Inc.
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Guaranty and Declaration
© 2014 RIGOL Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Trademark Information
RIGOL is a registered trademark of RIGOL Technologies, Inc.
Publication Number
RIGOL products are covered by P.R.C. and foreign patents, issued and
RIGOL reserves the right to modify or change parts of or all the
specifications and pricing policies at company’s sole decision.
Information in this publication replaces all previously corresponding material.
Information in this publication is subject to change without notice.
RIGOL shall not be liable for either incidental or consequential losses in
connection with the furnishing, use or performance of this manual as well as
any information contained.
Any part of this document is forbidden to be copied, photocopied or
rearranged without prior written approval of RIGOL.
Product Certification
RIGOL guarantees this product conforms to the national and industrial standards
in China as well as the ISO9001:2008 standard and the ISO14001:2004 standard.
Other international standard conformance certification is in progress.
Contact Us
If you have any problem or requirement when using our products or this manual,
please contact RIGOL.
E-mail: service@rigol.com
Website: www.rigol.com
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Safety Requirement
General Safety Summary
Please review the following safety precautions carefully before putting the
instrument into operation so as to avoid any personal injury or damage to the
instrument and any product connected to it. To prevent potential hazards, please
use the instrument only specified by this manual.
Use Proper Power Cord.
Only the power cord designed for the instrument and authorized by local country
could be used.
Ground the Instrument.
The instrument is grounded through the Protective Earth lead of the power cord.
To avoid electric shock, it is essential to connect the earth terminal of the power
cord to the Protective Earth terminal before connecting any inputs or outputs.
Connect the Probe Correctly.
If a probe is used, do not connect the ground lead to high voltage since it has
isobaric electric potential as the ground.
Observe all Terminal Ratings.
To avoid fire or shock hazard, observe all ratings and markers on the instrument
and check your manual for more information about ratings before connecting the
Use Proper Overvoltage Protection.
Make sure that no overvoltage (such as that caused by a thunderstorm) can reach
the product, or else the operator might be exposed to the danger of electrical
Do Not Operate Without Covers.
Do not operate the instrument with covers or panels removed.
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Do Not Insert Anything Into the Holes of Fan.
Do not insert anything into the holes of the fan to avoid damaging the instrument.
Use Proper Fuse.
Please use the specified fuses.
Avoid Circuit or Wire Exposure.
Do not touch exposed junctions and components when the unit is powered.
Do Not Operate With Suspected Failures.
If you suspect damage occurs to the instrument, have it inspected by qualified
service personnel before further operations. Any maintenance, adjustment or
replacement especially to circuits or accessories must be performed by RIGOL
authorized personnel.
Keep Well Ventilated.
Inadequate ventilation may cause an increase of temperature or damage to the
device. So please keep the instrument well ventilated and inspect the intake and
fan regularly.
Do Not Operate in Wet Conditions.
In order to avoid short circuiting to the interior of the device or electric shock,
please do not operate the instrument in a humid environment.
Do Not Operate in an Explosive Atmosphere.
In order to avoid damage to the device or personal injuries, it is important to
operate the device away from an explosive atmosphere.
Keep Product Surfaces Clean and Dry.
To avoid the influence of dust and/or moisture in the air, please keep the surface of
the device clean and dry.
Electrostatic Prevention.
Operate the instrument in an electrostatic discharge protective environment to
avoid damage induced by static discharges. Always ground both the internal and
external conductors of cables to release static before making connections.
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Proper Use of Battery.
If a battery is supplied, it must not be exposed to high temperature or in contact
with fire. Keep it out of the reach of children. Improper change of battery (note:
lithium battery) may cause explosion. Use RIGOL specified battery only.
Handling Safety.
Please handle with care during transportation to avoid damage to buttons, knob,
interfaces and other parts on the panels.
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Safety Terms and Symbols
Terms Used in this Manual. These terms may appear in this manual:
Warning statements indicate conditions or practices that could result in
injury or loss of life.
Caution statements indicate conditions or practices that could result in
damage to this product or other property.
Terms Used on the Product. These terms may appear on the product:
DANGER indicates an injury or hazard may immediately happen.
WARNING indicates an injury or hazard may occur.
CAUTION indicates potential damage to the instrument or other property might
Symbols Used on the Product. These symbols may appear on the product:
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Allgemeine Sicherheits Informationen
Überprüfen Sie diefolgenden Sicherheitshinweise
sorgfältigumPersonenschädenoderSchäden am Gerätundan damit verbundenen
weiteren Gerätenzu vermeiden. Zur Vermeidung vonGefahren, nutzen Sie bitte das
Gerät nur so, wiein diesem Handbuchangegeben.
Um Feuer oder Verletzungen zu vermeiden, verwenden Sie ein
ordnungsgemäßes Netzkabel.
Verwenden Sie für dieses Gerät nur das für ihr Land zugelassene und genehmigte
Erden des Gerätes.
Das Gerät ist durch den Schutzleiter im Netzkabel geerdet. Um Gefahren durch
elektrischen Schlag zu vermeiden, ist es unerlässlich, die Erdung durchzuführen.
Erst dann dürfen weitere Ein- oder Ausgänge verbunden werden.
Anschluss einesTastkopfes.
Die Erdungsklemmen der Sonden sindauf dem gleichen Spannungspegel des
Instruments geerdet. SchließenSie die Erdungsklemmen an keine hohe Spannung
Beachten Sie alle Anschlüsse.
Zur Vermeidung von Feuer oder Stromschlag, beachten Sie alle Bemerkungen und
Markierungen auf dem Instrument. Befolgen Sie die Bedienungsanleitung für
weitere Informationen, bevor Sie weitere Anschlüsse an das Instrument legen.
Verwenden Sie einen geeigneten Überspannungsschutz.
Stellen Sie sicher, daß keinerlei Überspannung (wie z.B. durch Gewitter verursacht)
das Gerät erreichen kann. Andernfallsbestehtfür den Anwender die
Nicht ohne Abdeckung einschalten.
Betreiben Sie das Gerät nicht mit entfernten Gehäuse-Abdeckungen.
Betreiben Sie das Gerät nicht geöffnet.
Der Betrieb mit offenen oder entfernten Gehäuseteilen ist nicht zulässig. Nichts in
entsprechende Öffnungen stecken (Lüfter z.B.)
Passende Sicherung verwenden.
Setzen Sie nur die spezifikationsgemäßen Sicherungen ein.
Vermeiden Sie ungeschützte Verbindungen.
Berühren Sie keine unisolierten Verbindungen oder Baugruppen, während das
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Gerät in Betrieb ist.
Betreiben Sie das Gerät nicht im Fehlerfall.
Wenn Sie am Gerät einen Defekt vermuten, sorgen Sie dafür, bevor Sie das Gerät
wieder betreiben, dass eine Untersuchung durch qualifiziertes
Kundendienstpersonal durchgeführt wird.Jedwede Wartung, Einstellarbeiten oder
Austausch von Teilen am Gerät, sowie am Zubehör dürfen nur von RIGOL
autorisiertem Personal durchgeführt werden.
Belüftung sicherstellen.
Unzureichende Belüftung kann zu Temperaturanstiegen und somit zu thermischen
Schäden am Gerät führen. Stellen Sie deswegen die Belüftung sicher und
kontrollieren regelmäßig Lüfter und Belüftungsöffnungen.
Nicht in feuchter Umgebung betreiben.
Zur Vermeidung von Kurzschluß im Geräteinneren und Stromschlag betreiben Sie
das Gerät bitte niemals in feuchter Umgebung.
Nicht in explosiver Atmosphäre betreiben.
Zur Vermeidung von Personen- und Sachschäden ist es unumgänglich, das Gerät
ausschließlich fernab jedweder explosiven Atmosphäre zu betreiben.
Geräteoberflächen sauber und trocken halten.
Um den Einfluß von Staub und Feuchtigkeit aus der Luft auszuschließen, halten Sie
bitte die Geräteoberflächen sauber und trocken.
Schutz gegen elektrostatische Entladung (ESD).
Sorgen Sie für eine elektrostatisch geschützte Umgebung, um somit Schäden und
Funktionsstörungen durch ESD zu vermeiden. Erden Sie vor dem Anschluß immer
Innen- und Außenleiter der Verbindungsleitung, um statische Aufladung zu
Die richtige Verwendung desAkku.
Wenneine Batterieverwendet wird, vermeiden Sie hohe Temperaturen bzw. Feuer
ausgesetzt werden.Bewahren Sie es außerhalbder Reichweitevon Kindern
auf.UnsachgemäßeÄnderung derBatterie(Anmerkung:Lithium-Batterie)kann zu
einer Explosion führen. VerwendenSie nur von RIGOLangegebenenAkkus.
Sicherer Transport.
Transportieren Sie das Gerät sorgfältig (Verpackung!), um Schäden an
Bedienelementen, Anschlüssen und anderen Teilen zu vermeiden.
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Sicherheits Begriffe und Symbole
Begriffe in diesem Guide. Diese Begriffe können in diesem Handbuch
Die Kennzeichnung WARNING beschreibt Gefahrenquellen die leibliche
Die Kennzeichnung Caution (Vorsicht) beschreibt Gefahrenquellen die
Begriffe auf dem Produkt. Diese Bedingungen können auf dem Produkt
weist auf eine Verletzung oder Gefährdung hin, die sofort
geschehen kann.
weist auf eine Verletzung oder Gefährdung hin, die möglicherweise
nicht sofort geschehen.
bedeutet, dass eine mögliche Beschädigung des Instruments oder
anderer Gegenstände auftreten kann.
Symbole auf dem Produkt. Diese Symbole können auf dem Produkt
Schutz-erde Gehäusemasse Erde
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
General Care and Cleaning
General Care:
Do not store or leave the instrument where it may be exposed to direct sunlight for
long periods of time.
Clean the instrument regularly according to its operating conditions. To clean the
exterior surface, perform the following steps:
1. Disconnect the instrument from all power sources.
2. Clean the loose dust on the outside of the instrument with a lint-free cloth
(with mild detergent or water). When cleaning the LCD, take care to avoid
scarifying it.
To avoid damage to the instrument, do not expose it to caustic liquids.
To avoid injury resulting from short circuit, make sure the instrument is
completely dry before reconnecting into a power source.
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Environmental Considerations
The following symbol indicates that this product complies with the WEEE Directives
Product End-of-Life Handling
The equipment may contain substances that could be harmful to the environment or
human health. In order to avoid the release of such substances into the environment
and harm to human health, we encourage you to recycle this product in an
appropriate system that will ensure that most of the materials are reused or recycled
appropriately. Please contact your local authorities for disposal or recycling
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
DSA800 Series Overview
DSA800 series spectrum analyzers which are small, light and cost-effective, are
portable spectrum analyzers designed for starters. Configured with
easy-to-operate numeric keyboard, high-resolution color LCD display and various
remote communication interfaces, they can be widely used in various fields, such
as education, company research and development as well as industrial
Main features:
The highest frequency: 1.5 GHz/3.2 GHz/7.5 GHz
Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL): <-161 dBm (Typical)
Phase Noise: <-98 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz offset (Typical)
Level Measurement Uncertainty: <0.8 dB
Minimum Resolution Bandwidth (RBW): 10 Hz
EMI Filter and Quasi-Peak Detector Kit (Option)
VSWR Measurement Kit (Option)
AM/FM Demodulation Function
Various measurement functions (option)
1.5 GHz Tracking Generator (DSA815-TG)/3.2 GHz Tracking Generator
(DSA832-TG)/7.5 GHz Tracking Generator (DSA875-TG)
8 inche (800×480 pixels) high-definition display with clear, vivid, and
easy-to-use graphical interface
Various interfaces such as LAN, USB Host, USB Device and GPIB (option)
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Document Overview
Topics in this manual:
Chapter 1 Quick Start
This chapter introduces the front/rear panel and user interface as well as
announcements during first use of the analyzer.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
This chapter gives detailed function descriptions of the front panel keys with their
associated menu keys.
Chapter 3 Remote Control
This chapter shows how to control the analyzer in remote mode.
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting&Message
This chapter lists the troubleshooting information and messages that may appear
during the use of the analyzer.
Chapter 5 Specifications
This chapter lists the specifications and general specifications of the analyzer.
Chapter 6 Appendix
This chapter lists the options and accessories that can be ordered along with your
analyzer as well as the service and support information.
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Format Conventions in this manual:
1. Buttons:
The keys at the front panel are usually denoted by the format of “Button name
(Bold) +textbox. For example, FREQ denotes the FREQ key.
2. Menu keys:
The menu softkeys are usually denoted by the format of Menu word (Bold)
+character shading. For example, Center Freq denotes the center
frequency menu item under the FREQ function key.
3. Connectors:
The connectors at the front or rear panel are usually denoted by the format of
Connector name (Bold) +square brackets (Bold), such as [GEN OUTPUT
4. Operation steps:
represents the next step of operation. For example, FREQ Center
Freq indicates pressing FREQ at the front panel and then pressing the menu
softkey Center Freq.
Content Conventions in this Manual
The DSA800 series spectrum analyzer includes the following six models. The
illustrations in this manual are based on DSA875.
Frequency Range
Tracking Generator
DSA815 9 kHz to 1.5 GHz None
DSA832 9 kHz to 3.2 GHz None
DSA875 9 kHz to 7.5 GHz None
DSA815-TG 9 kHz to 1.5 GHz 1.5 GHz
DSA832-TG 9 kHz to 3.2 GHz 3.2 GHz
DSA875-TG 9 kHz to 7.5 GHz 7.5 GHz
User manuals provided with this product:
Users Guide, Quick Guide, Programming Guide, Data sheet etc. For the desired
manual, please download it from www.rigol.com.
RIGOL Contents
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Guaranty and Declaration ......................................................................... I
Safety Requirement ................................................................................. II
General Safety Summary........................................................................... II
Safety Terms and Symbols ........................................................................ V
Allgemeine Sicherheits Informationen ....................................................... VI
Sicherheits Begriffe und Symbole ............................................................ VIII
General Care and Cleaning ....................................................................... IX
Environmental Considerations .................................................................... X
DSA800 Series Overview ........................................................................ XI
Document Overview ............................................................................. XII
Chapter 1 Quick Start ........................................................................ 1-1
General Inspection ................................................................................. 1-2
Appearance and Dimensions ................................................................... 1-3
To Prepare for Use ................................................................................. 1-4
To Adjust the Supporting Legs .......................................................... 1-4
To Connect to Power ........................................................................ 1-5
Power-on Inspection ........................................................................ 1-6
Self-calibration ................................................................................ 1-6
To Set the System Language ............................................................. 1-6
Front Panel ............................................................................................ 1-7
Front Panel Function Keys ................................................................ 1-8
Front Panel Key Backlight ............................................................... 1-10
Front Panel Connectors .................................................................. 1-11
To Use the Numeric Keyboard ......................................................... 1-13
Rear Panel ........................................................................................... 1-15
User Interface ...................................................................................... 1-17
Menu Operation ................................................................................... 1-20
Parameter Setting ................................................................................ 1-22
To Input Filename ................................................................................ 1-24
To Use the Built-in Help ........................................................................ 1-27
To Use the Security Lock ....................................................................... 1-29
To Replace the Fuse ............................................................................. 1-30
Contents RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation ........................................................ 2-1
Basic Settings ....................................................................................... 2-2
FREQ ............................................................................................. 2-2
SPAN ............................................................................................. 2-9
AMPT ............................................................................................ 2-12
Sweep and Function Settings ................................................................. 2-23
BW/Det ......................................................................................... 2-23
Sweep/Trig .................................................................................... 2-28
Trace/P/F ...................................................................................... 2-34
TG ................................................................................................ 2-41
Measurement Settings .......................................................................... 2-46
Meas ............................................................................................ 2-46
Meas Setup ................................................................................... 2-50
Demod ......................................................................................... 2-76
Marker Measurements........................................................................... 2-78
Marker .......................................................................................... 2-78
Marker-> ...................................................................................... 2-85
Marker Fctn ................................................................................... 2-87
Peak ............................................................................................. 2-90
Shortcut Key ........................................................................................ 2-94
Auto ............................................................................................. 2-94
User Key ....................................................................................... 2-96
Preset ........................................................................................... 2-97
Print ........................................................................................... 2-103
System Settings ................................................................................. 2-104
System ....................................................................................... 2-104
Print Setup .................................................................................. 2-117
Storage ....................................................................................... 2-120
Chapter 3 Remote Control .................................................................. 3-1
Remote Control Overview ....................................................................... 3-2
Remote Control Method ......................................................................... 3-3
User-defined Programming .............................................................. 3-3
To Use PC software ......................................................................... 3-6
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting&Message ................................................. 4-1
Troubleshooting .................................................................................... 4-2
Messages ............................................................................................. 4-4
RIGOL Contents
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Information Message ....................................................................... 4-6
Error Message ................................................................................. 4-8
Status Message ............................................................................. 4-21
Chapter 5 Specifications .................................................................... 5-1
Technical Specifications*......................................................................... 5-2
Frequency ....................................................................................... 5-2
Amplitude ....................................................................................... 5-4
Sweep .......................................................................................... 5-10
Tracking Generator (Option) ........................................................... 5-10
Trigger ......................................................................................... 5-10
Input /Output ................................................................................ 5-11
General Specifications .......................................................................... 5-12
Chapter 6 Appendix ........................................................................... 6-1
Appendix A: Ordering Infomation ............................................................. 6-1
Appendix B: Warranty ............................................................................. 6-3
Index ........................................................................................................ 1
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Chapter 1 Quick Start
This chapter guides users to quickly get familiar with the appearance, dimensions,
front/ rear panel and the user interface, as well as announcements during first use
of DSA800 series spectrum analyzer.
Subjects in this chapter:
General Inspection
Appearance and Dimensions
To Prepare for Use
Front Panel
Rear Panel
User Interface
Menu Operation
Parameter Setting
To Input Filename
To Use the Built-in Help
To Use the Security Lock
To Replace the Fuse
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
General Inspection
1. Inspect the shipping container for damage
Keep the damaged shipping container or cushioning material until the
contents of the shipment have been checked for completeness and the
instrument has passed both electrical and mechanical tests.
The consigner or carrier shall be liable for the damage to instrument resulting
from shipment. RIGOL would not be responsible for free
maintenance/rework or replacement of the unit.
2. Inspect the instrument
In case of any damage, or defect, or failure, notify your RIGOL sales
3. Check the accessories
Please check the accessories according to the packing lists. If the accessories
are incomplete or damaged, please contact your RIGOL sales
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Appearance and Dimensions
Figure 1-1 Front View Unit: mm
Figure 1-2 Side View Unit: mm
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
To Prepare for Use
To Adjust the Supporting Legs
Users can unfold the supporting legs to use them as stands to tilt the instrument
upwards for easier operation and observation. Users can also fold the supporting
legs when the instrument is not in use for easier storage or shipment.
Figure 1-3 To Adjust the Supporting Legs
To unfold the supporting legs
To fold the supporting legs
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
To Connect to Power
Please use the power cord provided with the accessories to connect the spectrum
analyzer to AC power source as shown in the figure below. The AC power supply
specification of this spectrum analyzer is 100-240 V, 45-440 Hz. The power
consumption of the instrument cannot exceed 50 W. When the spectrum analyzer
is connected to AC power supply via the power cord, the instrument select the
correct voltage range automatically and users do not need to select the voltage
range manually.
Figure 1-4 Power Cord Connection
Make sure that the instrument is properly grounded to avoid electric
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Power-on Inspection
After connecting the instrument to power source correctly, press at the front
panel to start the spectrum analyzer. Following the start-up screen which shows
the start-up initialization process information, the sweep curve is displayed.
After the instrument starts, execute self-calibration.
Press System Calibrate Cal Now and the instrument will perform
self-calibration using the internal calibration source.
To Set the System Language
DSA800 series spectrum analyzer supports multiple system languages. You can
press System Language to switch the system language.
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Front Panel
The front panel of DSA800 is as shown in the figure below.
Figure 1-5 Front Panel
Table 1-1 Front Panel Description
NO. Description NO. Description
1 LCD 8 Tracking generator output*
2 Menu softkeys/menu control keys 9 Earphone jack
3 Function key area 10 USB Host
4 Knob 11 Power switch
5 Direction keys 12 Help
6 Numeric Keyboard 13 Print
7 RF input 14
Note: *This function is only available for DSA815-TG/DSA832-TG/DSA875-TG.
11 10 9 8 7
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Front Panel Function Keys
Figure 1-6 Function Key Area
Table 1-2 Function keys description
Key Description
Set the center, start and stop frequency, etc; enable the
signal tracking function.
SPAN Set the frequency span of the sweep.
Set the reference level, RF attenuator, scale and the unit of
Y-axis, etc.
Set the reference level offset, maximum mixing level and
input impedence.
Execute auto scale and auto range as well as turn on the RF
Set the resolution bandwidth (RBW), video bandwidth (VBW)
and V/R ratio.
Set the detector and filter types.
Sweep/Trig Set the sweep and trigger parameters.
Set the parameters related to trace.
Configure the Pass/Fail test.
TG Set the tracking generator*.
Meas Select and control the measurement function**.
Meas Setup Set the parameters for the selected measurement function**.
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Demod Set the demodulation function.
Read the amplitude, frequency and sweep time of a certain
point on the trace via marker.
Set other system parameters on the basis of the current
marker value.
Marker Fctn
Special functions of the marker such as noise marker, N dB
bandwidth measurement and frequency counter.
Open the peak search menu and search for peaks
System Set the system parameters.
Print Setup Set the print parameters.
Storage Provide file storage and recall functions.
Auto Search for signals automatically within full frequency range.
User Key
User-defined shortcut key.
Restore the system to factory settings or user-defined state.
Print or save the current screen.
Help Turn on the built-in help.
*This function is only available for DSA815-TG/DSA832-TG/DSA875-TG.
**This function is only available for DSA800 with the corresponding option.
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Front Panel Key Backlight
The on/off state and the color of the backlights of some keys at the front panel
indicate the working state of the spectrum analyzer. The states are as listed below.
1. Power Switch
Flash on and off alternatively, in breathing state: indicate the unit is in
stand-by state.
Constant on: indicate the instrument is in normal operating state.
2. TG*
When the TG function is enabled, the backlight of TG turns on and turns off
when the function is disabled.
3. Auto
When Auto is pressed, the backlight turns on. The instrument starts sweeping
within the full frequency range, searches for the signal with the maximum
amplitude and moves it to the center of the screen. Then the backlight turns off.
4. Meas**
The backlight of Meas turns on when VSWR or any of the advanced
measurements is enabled and stays on until all measurement functions are
*This function is only available for DSA815-TG/DSA832-TG/DSA875-TG.
**This function is only applicable to DSA800 installed with the corresponding option.
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Front Panel Connectors
Figure 1-7 Front Panel Connectors
1. USB Host
The analyzer can serve as a hostdevice to connect external USB devices.
This interface is available for USB storage devices and USB-GPIB interface
USB Storage Device
Read the trace or state file stored in the USB storage device, store the
current instrument state or trace in the USB storage device or store the
contents currently displayed on the screen in the USB storage device in
USB-GPIB Interface Converter
Extend a GPIB interface for the analyzer.
2. Earphone Jack
The analyzer provides AM and FM demodulations. Insert the earphone to the
jack to aquire the audio output of the demodulated signal. You can turn on or
off the earphone output and adjust the volume via Demod Demod
For fear of damaging your hearing, please turn the volume down to zero
and gradually turn the volume up after putting on the earphone.
USB Host
RF input
Earphone jack
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
The output of the tracking generator can be connected to a receiver through a
cable with an N male connector. The tracking generator is only available for
To avoid damage to the tracking generator, the reverse power cannot
exceed +10 dBm when the frequency is lower than 10 MHz; the reverse
power cannot exceed +20 dBm when the frequency is greater than 10
MHz. The reverse DC voltage cannot exceed 50 V.
The input terminal of the signal under measurement. [RF INPUT 50Ω] can
be connected to the device under measurement via a cable with an N male
To avoid damage to the instrument, for the signal input from the RF
input terminal, the DC voltage component and the maximum continuous
power of the AC (RF) signal component can not exceed 50 V and +20
dBm respectively.
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
To Use the Numeric Keyboard
DSA800 provides a numeric keyboard at the front panel (as shown in the figure
below). The numeric keyboard which supports the Chinese characters, English
uppercase/lowercase characters, numbers and common symbols (including
decimal point, #, space and +/-) are mainly used to edit file or folder name (refer
to To Input Filename) and set parameters (refer to Parameter Setting).
Figure 1-8 Numeric Keyboard
The numeric keyboard consists of the following parts:
The input mode is fixed at number input during parameter setting. During
parameter setting, press this key to input the symbol (“+” or “-”) of the
figure. When the key is pressed for the first time, the parameter symbol
is “-and “+” when the key is pressed again.
to switch among Chinese, English and number input during
file or folder name editing.
2. Number/Letter
Multiplexing keys for numbers and letters. They are used to directly input
the desired number or letter.
: press this key to input 1 in number input and switch between
uppercase and lowercase letter in English input. This key is invalid in
Chinese input.
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
is the multiplexing key for 0 and space. Press this key to input 0 in
number input and space in Chinese or English input.
Press this key to input a decimal point at the current cursor position in
number input.
Press this key to input “#” in English input.
This key is invalid in Chinese input.
When pressed during parameter editing process, the system will
complete the input and insert a default unit for the parameter
While in the process of file name editing, this key is used to input the
character currently selected by the cursor.
During parameter editing process, press this key to clear the inputs in the
active function area and exit parameter input.
While in the process of file name editing, press this key to delete
characters that have been entered.
Press this key to turn off the display of the active function area when the
main measurement screen is displayed.
Press this key to exit the current test mode in keyboard test.
Press this key to unlock the screen when it is locked.
When the instrument is in remote mode, use this key to return to local
During the process of parameter editing, press this key to delete the
character on the left of the cursor.
While in the process of file name editing, press this key to delete the
character on the left of the cursor.
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Rear Panel
The rear panel of DSA800 is as shown in the figure below.
Figure 1-9 Rear Panel
1. AC Power Connector
The AC power supply specification of this spectrum analyzer is 100-240 V,
45-440 Hz.
2. Fuse Seat
You can replace the fuse. DSA800 supports 250V AC, T2A fuse.
3. Security Lock Hole
If needed, you can use a security lock (buy it yourself) to lock the analyzer to
a desired location.
4. Handle
Users can adjust the handle to the vertical position for easier carry of the
5. 10MHz IN
DSA800 can use internal or external reference source.
When a 10 MHz external clock signal is received through the [10MHz IN]
1 2 3
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
connector, this signal is used as the external reference source and Ext
Refis displayed in the status bar of the user interface. When the external
reference is lost, transfinite or not connected, the instrument swithes to
its internal reference source automatically and Ext Refon the screen
The [10MHz IN] and [10MHz OUT] connectors are usually used to
build synchronization among multiple instruments.
6. 10MHz OUT
DSA800 can use internal or external reference source.
When internal reference source is used, the [10MHz OUT] connector
can output a 10 MHz clock signal generated by the analyzer. This signal
can be used to synchronize other instruments.
The [10MHz OUT] and [10MHz IN] connectors are usually used to
build synchronization among multiple instruments.
In external trigger mode, the connector receives an external trigger signal
through a BNC cable.
8. LAN Interface
Through this interface, the analyzer can be connected to your local network
for remote control. An integrated testing system can be built quickly, as the
analyzer conforms to LXI Core 2011 Device instrument standards.
9. USB Device Interface
The analyzer can serve as a slavedevice to connect external USB devices.
Through this interface, a PictBridge printer can be connected to print screen
image or a PC can be connected to control DSA800 remotely through
programming or PC software.
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
User Interface
15 16 17
8 9 10 11
Figure 1-10 User Interface
Table 1-3 User interface labels
Logo of
2 System status
( “UNCALand
displayed in different
place as others;
refer to the figure
Auto Tune
Auto Range
Wait for Trigger
UNCAL (Measurement is not calibrated)
Identification… (LXI instrument is identified)
3 External reference Ext Ref
4 Time System time
5 Input impedance Show 75Ω” if the current input impedance is 75Ω.
6 Printer status
: displayed alternatively, denote the printer
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
connection is in process.
: denote the connection succeeds, the print
finishes or the printer is idle.
: displayed alternatively, denote the print is
in process.
: denote the print has been paused.
7 Print process Show the current print copy and total print copies.
8 USB storage device
is displayed when USB storage device is
9 Operation status Display Local(in local mode) or Rmt(in remote
10 Menu title Function of the current menu.
11 Menu items Menu items of the current function.
12 Reference level Reference level.
13 Active function area Current parameter and its value.
14 Attenuator settings Attenuator settings.
15 Trigger level Set the trigger level in video trigger.
16 Display line Reading reference and threshold condition for
peak value display.
17 Average times Average times of trace.
18 Cursor X Current X value of the cursor. Note that X indicates
different physical quantities in different functions.
19 Cursor Y Current Y value of the c
ursor. Note that Y indicates
different physical quantities in different functions.
20 Invalid data Current measured data is invalid as a full sweep
dosent complete after the system parameters
have been modified.
21 Menu page number Show the current page number and total number
of pages.
22 Sweep position Current sweep position.
23 Sweep time Sweep time.
24 Span or stop
The frequency range of the current sweep channel
can be expressed by the combination of center
frequency and span or the combination of start
frequency and stop frequency.
25 Manual setting The corresponding parameter is in manual setting
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
symbol mode.
26 VBW Video bandwidth.
27 Spectrum line
display area
Display the spectrum line.
28 RBW Resolution bandwidth.
29 Center or start
The frequency range of the current sweep channel
can be expressed by the combination of center
frequency and span or the combination of start
frequency and stop frequency.
30 Y scale Label of Y scale.
31 Parameter status Icons on the left side of the screen indicate the
status of system parameters.
32 Detector type Pos peak, Neg peak, Sample, Normal, RMS Avg,
Voltage Avg and Quasi-Peak.
33 Trigger type Free, video and external.
34 Sweep mode Continuous or Single sweep (with the current
number of sweeps)
35 Correction switch Turn amplitude correction on or off.
36 Signal tracking Enable or disable the signal tracking function.
37 Preamplifier status Enable or disable the preamplifier.
38 Trace 1 type and
Trace types: Clear Write, Max Hold, Min Hold,
Video Avg, Power Avg and Freeze.
Trace status: yellow denotes On and gray denotes
39 Trace 2 type and
Trace types: Clear Write, Max Hold, Min Hold,
Video Avg, Power Avg and Freeze.
Trace status: purple denotes On and gray denotes
40 Trace 3 type and
Trace types: Clear Write, Max Hold, Min Hold,
Video Avg, Power Avg and Freeze.
Trace status: light blue denotes On and gray
denotes Off.
41 MATH trace type and
Trace types: A-B, A+Const, A-Const.
Trace status: green denotes On and gray denotes
User Key
definition Display the definition of
User Key
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Menu Operation
There are 7 types of menus according to their operation modes. Each type of menu
and its operation method are introduced below.
1. Parameter Input
2. State Switching
3. Enter Lower Menu (with parameter)
4. Enter Lower Menu (without parameter)
When selected, use the numeric keys to modify the
parameters directly.
For example, select Center Freq, input the desired figure
and press Enter to change the center frequency.
Press the corresponding menu key to switch between
the sub-options.
For example, press Signal Track to enable or disable
the signal tracking function.
Press the corresponding menu key to enter the lower
menu and change the option currently selected. The
parameter in the upper menu will change when you
return to the upper menu.
For example, press Units to enter the lower menu.
Select dBm and return to the previous menu. The unit
of Y-axis changes to dBm.
Press the corresponding menu key to enter the lower
For example, press Corrections to enter the lower
menu directly.
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
5. Direct Execution
6. Function Switch + Parameter Input
7. State Selection
Press the key to execute the corresponding function.
For example, press Peak->CF to execute a peak search
and set the center frequency of the analyzer to the
frequency of the current peak signal.
Press the corresponding menu key to switch between
functions; change the parameter directly using the
numeric keys.
For example, press CF Step to switch between Auto
and Manual; if Manual is selected, you can directly
input the desired number to change the CF Step.
Press the corresponding menu key to modify the
parameter and return to the menu one level up.
For example, press Trig Type
Free Run to select
free trigger and the analyzer is in Free Run state at
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Parameter Setting
Users can enter the desired parameter values using the numeric keys, knob or
direction keys.
This section describes the three methods of parameter setting
through an example (to set the center frequency to 800 MHz).
1. Use the numeric keyboard
1) Press FREQ Center Freq;
2) Input 800 using the numeric keys;
3) Select the desired unit (MHz) from the popup menu.
2. Use the knob
When the parameter is editable (namely when the parameter is selected),
turn the knob clockwise to increase or counterclockwise to decrease the
parameter value at the specified step.
1) Press FREQ Center Freq;
2) Rotate the knob until the parameter is set to the desired value (800 MHz).
Figure 1-11 The Knob
Note: In the storage function, the knod can also be used to select the
currentpath or file.
3. Use the direction keys
When the parameter is editable (namely when the parameter is selected), you
can increase or decrease the parameter value at the specific step using the
direction keys.
1) Press FREQ Center Freq;
2) Press the up/down direction key until the parameter is set to the desired
value (800 MHz).
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Figure 1-12 Direction Keys
Note: In the storage function, the direction keys can also be used to select
the current path or file.
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
To Input Filename
DSA800 supports filenames consisting of Chinese characters, English letters,
numbers and #.
1. Enter the filename input interface
Press Storage and select the desired file type and storage location. Then
press Save to enter the filename input interface. You can press to
switch among English, Chinese and number input modes.
(a) Chinese Input Mode
(b) English Input Mode
Letter Selecting Area Uppercase/Lowercase
Letters Entered English Input Mode
Pinyin Selecting Area Chinese Character Selecting Arear
Chinese Characters Entered Chinese Input Mode
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
(c) Number Input Mode
Figure 1-13 Filename Input Interface
If a USB storage device is currently connected, the instrument will also enter
the filename input interface when
is pressed.
2. Input Chinese Filename
1) Press
to switch to Chinese input mode. At this point, the
corresponding label is displayed at the lower right corner of the filename
input interface.
2) Press the key of the first letter of the pinyin of the Chinese character. At
this point, the pinyins available are displayed in the pinyin selecting
area and the corresponding Chinese characters of the pinyin currently
selected are displayed in the Chinese character selecting area. If the
desired pinyin is displayed, refer to 3). Otherwise, please continue to
input the other letters in the pinyin and then refer to 3).
3) Rotate the knob until the background color of the desired pinyin becomes
brown. Then, press Enter to select the pinyin. At this point, the
corresponding Chinese characters are numbered and displayed in the
Chinese character selecting area. Use the numeric keys to select the
desired Chinese character. You can also use the the direction keys to open
the previous or next page in the Chinese character selecting area.
4) Use the same method to input the other Chinese characters.
3. Input English Filename
1) Press
to switch to English input mode. You can also press to
Numbers Entered
Number Input Mode
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
switch between upper and lower cases. At this point, the corresponding
label is displayed at the lower right corner of the filename input interface.
2) Press the key of the desired letter. At this point, the letters available are
displayed in the letter selecting area. Press this key repeatedly or
retate the knob until the desired letter is selected (the background color
of the letter becomes brown). Then press Enter to input the desired
3) Use the above method to input the other letters.
If you need to use numbers as the filename (or part of the filename), press
to switch to number input mode and use the numeric keys to input the desired
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
To Use the Built-in Help
The built-in help system provides information about every function key at the front
panel and every menu softkey.
1. How to acquire built-in help
Press Help and a prompt about how to obtain help information will be shown
at the center of the screen. Then, press the key that you want to get help of
and the relevant help information will be shown at the center of the screen.
2. Page up and down
If there is more than one page of information, you can read the help
information on the previous or next page using the direction keys or the knob.
3. Close the current help information
Press any key at the front panel to close the help information currently
displayed at the center of the screen.
4. Acquire the menu help
Press Help and the help information display window is displayed at the center
of the screen. Then, press the menu key and the help information of the
corresponding menu item is displayed.
5. Acquire the help information of any function key
Press Help and the help information display window is displayed at the center
of the screen. Then, press any function key and the corresponding function
help information is displayed.
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Figure 1-14 The Built-in Help Interface
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
To Use the Security Lock
If necessary, use a security lock to lock the analyzer in a desired location. As shown
in the figure below, align the lock with the lock hole and plug it into the lock hole
vertically, turn the key clockwise to lock the instrument and then pull the key out.
Figure 1-15 To Use the Security Lock
Note: Please do not insert other articles into the security lock hole to avoid
damaging the instrument.
Security Lock Hole
Security Lock
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
To Replace the Fuse
Please replace the old fuse with specified fuse according to the following steps
when needed:
1 Turn off the instrument, cut off the power and remove the power cord.
2 Use a small straight screw driver to prize out the fuse seat.
3 Take out the fuse seat.
4 Replace the old fuse with a specified fuse.
5 Install the fuse seat.
Figure 1-16 To Replace the Fuse
Please ensure that the instrument has been turned off, the power source
has been cut off and the fuse to be used is a specified one before
replacing the fuse in order to avoid electric shock.
Fuse Seat
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
This chapter describes in detail the function keys at the front panel and the
associated functions.
Subjects in this chapter:
Basic Settings
Sweep and Function Settings
Measurement Settings
Marker Measurements
Shortcut Key
System Settings
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Basic Settings
Set the frequency parameters of the analyzer. The analyzer sweeps within a
specified frequency range and restarts sweeping every time the frequency
parameters are modified.
The frequency range of a channel can be expressed by either of two groups of
parameters: Start Frequency and Stop Frequency (
); or Center
Frequency and Span (
). If any of the parameters is changed, the
others would be adjusted automatically in order to ensure the coupling relationship
among them:
fff +=
fff =
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Center Freq
Set the center frequency of the current channel. Press this key to switch to center
frequency/span input mode. The center frequency and span values are displayed
at the lower left and right sides of the grid respectively.
Key Points:
The start and stop frequencies vary with the center frequency when the span
is constant.
Changing the center frequency horizontally shifts the current channel and the
adjustment is limited by the specified frequency range.
In Zero Span mode, the start frequency, stop frequency and center frequency
are always the same. If one is changed, the others are updated to match.
You can modify this parameter using the numeric keys, knob or direction keys.
Refer to Parameter Setting for more details.
Table 2-1 Center Frequency
Parameter Explanation
3.75 GHz
0 Hz to 7.5 GHz
GHz, MHz, kHz, Hz
Knob Step Span > 0, step = Span/200
Span = 0, step = RBW/100
Min = 1 Hz
Direction Key Step CF step
Note: *The range is from 50 Hz to (7.5 GHz-50 Hz) in non-zero span.
Start Freq
Set the start frequency of the current channel. Press this key to switch to
start/stop frequency input mode. The start and stop frequencies are displayed at
the lower left and right sides of the grid respectively.
Key Points:
The span and center frequency vary with the start frequency. The change of
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
span would affect other system parameters. For more details, please refer to
In Zero Span mode, the start frequency, stop frequency and center frequency
are always the same. If one is changed, the others are updated to match.
You can modify this parameter using the numeric keys, knob or direction keys.
Refer to Parameter Setting for more details.
Table 2-2 Start Frequency
Parameter Explanation
Default 0 GHz
Range* 0 Hz to 7.5 GHz
Unit GHz, MHz, kHz, Hz
Knob Step
Span > 0, step = Span/200
Span = 0, step = RBW/100
Min = 1 Hz
Direction Key Step CF step
Note: *The range is from 0 Hz to (7.5 GHz-100 Hz) in non-zero span.
Stop Freq
Set the stop frequency of the current channel. Press this key to switch to start/stop
frequency input mode. The start and stop frequencies are displayed at the lower
left and right sides of the grid respectively.
Key Points:
The span and center frequency vary with the stop frequency. The change of
span would affect other system parameters. For more details, please refer to
In Zero Span mode, the start frequency, stop frequency and center frequency
are always the same. If one is changed, the others are updated to match.
You can modify this parameter using the numeric keys, knob or direction keys.
For more details, please refer toParameter Setting.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Table 2-3 Stop Frequency
Parameter Explanation
Default 7.5 GHz
Range* 0 Hz to 7.5 GHz
Unit GHz, MHz, kHz, Hz
Knob Step Span > 0, step = Span/200
Span = 0, step = VBW/100
Min = 1 Hz
Direction Key Step
CF step
Note: *The range is from 100 Hz to 7.5 GHz in non-zero span.
Freq Offset
You can set a frequency offset value to account for frequency conversions between
the device under test and the input terminal of the spectrum analyzer.
Key Points:
The change of this parameter only changes the display values of the center
frequency, start frequency and stop frequency; but does not impact any
hardware settings of the spectrum analyzer.
You can modify this parameter using the numeric keys, knob or direction keys.
For more details, please refer toParameter Setting.
To eliminate an offset, you can perform Preset operation or set the frequency
offset to 0Hz.
Table 2-4 Frequency Offset
Parameter Explanation
Default 0 Hz
Range -100 GHz ~ 100 GHz
Unit GHz, MHz, kHz, Hz
Knob Step 37.5 MHz
Direction Key Step CF Step
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
CF Step
Set the step of center frequency. Changing the center frequency in a fixed step
continuously switches the channel to be measured.
Key Points:
The CF step can be set in Manual or Automode. In Auto mode, the CF step
is 1/10 of the span in Non-zero span mode or equals the RBW while in Zero
span mode; in Manual mode, you can set the step using the numeric keys.
After you set an appropriate CF step and select Center Freq, use the up and
down direction keys to switch between measurement channels in a specified
step in order to sweep the adjacent channel manually.
You can modify this parameter using the numeric keys, knob or direction keys.
For more details, please refer to Parameter Setting”.
Table 2-5 CF Step
Default 750 MHz
Range 1 Hz to 7.5 GHz
Unit GHz, MHz, kHz, Hz
Knob Step Span > 0, step = Span/200
Span = 0, step = 100 Hz
Min = 1 Hz
Direction Key Step in 1, 2, 5 sequence
Signal Track
Turn on or off signal track. This function is used to track and measure signal with
unstable frequency and less than 3 dB transient variation in amplitude. Place
Marker1 (see Marker Measurements”) onto the signal under measurement to
track and measure the variation of the signal continuously.
The signal track process is as shown in the figure below:
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Execute a
Search for
peak and
mark it as
Active Marker
Set marker
frequency to
center freq
Execute the
next sweep
Search for and mark the
frequency point (variation
< 3dB) near the Marker
Figure 2-1 Process of Signal Track
Key Points:
When Signal Track is turned on, the ST (Signal Track) icon
is highlighted
in the status bar at the left of the screen.
If an active marker currently exists, when Signal Track is enabled, the
instrument will search for and mark the point (with no more than 3 dB
variation in amplitude) near the marker as well as set the frequency of this
point as the center frequency to hold the signal at the center of the screen.
If no marker is currently active, when Signal Track is enabled, the instrument
will activate Marker 1, execute a peak search automatically and set the
frequency of the current peak as the center frequency to hold the signal at the
center of the screen.
In continuous sweep, the system tracks the signal continuously; in single
sweep, the instrument only performs a single signal track; in Zero Span,
Signal Track is invalid.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Peak -> CF
Execute a peak search and use the frequency of the current peak as the center
frequency (CF) of the analyzer. The function is invalid in Zero Span mode.
Figure 2-2 Before Peak->CF
Figure 2-3 After Peak->CF
Center Freq
Center Freq
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
CF -> Step
Set the current center frequency as the CF step. At this point,
the CF step will switch to "Manual" mode automatically. This function is usually
used with channel switching. Take harmonic waveform measurement for example:
locate a signal at the center frequency of a channel, execute CF-> Step and then
press the down direction key continuously to measure each order of harmonic in
Set the span of the analyzer. The change of this parameter will affect the frequency
parameters and restart the sweep.
Set the frequency range of the current channel. Press this key to switch to center
frequency/span input mode. The center frequency and span are displayed at the
lower left and right sides of the grid respectively.
Key Points:
The start and stop frequencies vary with the span when the center frequency
is constant.
In manual span mode, the span can be set down to 100 Hz (the only way into
the zero-span mode is pressing the Zero Span menu option) and up to the
full span described in
Specifications”. When the span is set to the
maximum, the analyzer enters full span mode.
Modifying the span in non-zero span mode may cause an automatic change in
both CF step and RBW if they are in Auto mode. Besides, the change of RBW
may influence VBW (in Auto VBW mode).
Variation in the span, RBW or VBW would cause a change in the sweep time.
In non-zero span mode, neither Videotrigger nor “1/Δtime readout
function is valid.
You can modify this parameter using the numeric keys, knob or direction keys.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
For more details, please refer toParameter Setting”.
Table 2-6 Span
Parameter Explanation
Default 7.5 GHz
Range* 0 Hz to 7.5 GHz
Unit GHz, MHz, kHz, Hz
Knob Step Span/200, Min = 1 Hz
Direction Key Step
in 1, 2, 5 sequence
Note: *0 Hz is available only in zero span.
Full Span
Set the span of the analyzer to the maximum.
Zero Span
Set the span of the analyzer to 0 Hz. Both the start and stop frequencies will equal
the center frequency and the horizontal axis will denote time. The analyzer
measures the time domain characteristics of the amplitude of the corresponding
frequency point on the input signal.
Key Points:
As opposed to Non-zero span, the screen shows the time domain characteristics of
the fixed frequency component of the signal in zero span mode.
The following functions are invalid in Zero span mode:
FREQ: Peak->CF and Signal Track;
SPAN: Zoom In and Zoom Out;
Marker->: Mkr->CF, Mkr->Step, Mkr->Start, Mkr->Stop, Mk->CF and
Marker Readout: Frequency, Period and 1/ΔTime (valid in Delta marker
TG: Power Sweep (only for DSA815-TG/DSA832-TG/DSA875-TG).
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Zoom In
Set the span to half of its current value. At this point, the signal on the screen is
zoomed in to observe signal details.
Zoom Out
Set the span to twice the current value. At this point, the signal on the screen is
zoomed out to gain more information about the signal.
Last Span
Set the span to the previous span setting.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Set the amplitude parameters of the analyzer. Through modifying these
parameters, signals under measurement can be displayed in a proper mode for
easier obsercation and minimum error.
Auto Scale
This function enables the readout resolution of the Y-axis to be the maximum
possible while at the same time ensures the completeness of the signal. When
enabled, the system sets the reference level automatically in order to place the
peak of the signal within the topmost grid for easier observation of the trace.
Figure 2-4 Before Auto Scale
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Figure 2-5 After Auto Scale
Ref Level
Set the maximum power or voltage can be currently displayed in the window. The
value is displayed at the upper left corner of the screen grid.
Key Points:
The maximum reference level available is affected by the maximum mixing
level, input attenuation and preamplifier. When you adjust it, the input
attenuation is adjusted under a constant maximum mixing level in order to
fulfill the following inequality:
denote the reference level, input
attenuation, preamplifier and maximum mixing level respectively.
You can modify this parameter using the numeric keys, knob or direction keys.
For more details, please refer toParameter Setting.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Table 2-7 Reference Level
Parameter Explanation
Default 0 dBm
Range -100 dBm to 20 dBm
Unit dBm, -dBm, mV, uV
Knob Step In Log scale mode, step = Scale/10
In Lin scale mode, step = 0.1 dBm
Direction Key Step In Log scale mode, step = Scale
In Lin scale mode, step = 1 dBm
Input Atten
Set the front attenuator of the RF input in order to ensure big signals (or small
signals) to pass through the mixer with low distortion (or low noise).
Key Points:
When the preamplifier is turned on, the input attenuation could be set up to
30 dB. You can adjust the reference level to ensure that the specified
parameter meets the inequality (2-3).
You can modify this parameter using the numeric keys, knob or direction keys.
For more details, please refer toParameter Setting.
Table 2-8 Input Attenuation
Parameter Explanation
Default 10 dB
Range 0 dB to 30 dB
Unit dB
Knob Step 1 dB
Direction Key Step
5 dB
Set the logarithmic units per vertical grid division on the display. This function is
only available when the scale type is set to Log.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Key Points:
By changing the scale, the amplitude range available is adjusted.
The range of the amplitude that can be displayed:
Minimum: reference level 10 × the current scale value
Maximum: the reference level.
You can modify this parameter using the numeric keys, knob or direction keys.
For more details, please refer to Parameter Setting”.
Table 2-9 Scale
10 dB
Range 0.1 dB to 20 dB
Unit dB
Knob Step Scale 1, step = 1 dB
Scale < 1, step = 0.1 dB
Direction Key Step in 1, 2, 5 sequence
Scale Type
Set the scale type of Y-axis to Lin or Log. The default is Log.
Key Points:
In Log scale type, the Y-axis denotes the logarithmic coordinate; the value
shown at the top of the grid is the reference level and each grid represents the
scale value. The unit of Y-axis will automatically switch to the default unit
(dBm) in Log scale type when the scale type is changed from Lin to Log.
In Lin scale type, the Y-axis denotes the linear coordinate; the values shown
at the top of the grid and the bottom of the grid are the reference level and 0
V respectively. Each grid represents 10% of the reference level and the scale
setting function is invalid. The unit of Y-axis will automatically switch to the
default unit (Volts) in Lin scale type when the scale type is changed from Log
to Lin.
The scale type does not affect the unit of Y-axis.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Set the unit of the Y-axis to dBm, dBmV, dBuV, Volts or Watts. Wherein, dBm,
dBmV and dBuV are for Log scale; Volts and Watts are for Linear scale. The default
is dBm.
Key Points:
The conversion relationships between units are as follows.
denotes the reference resistance.
Ref Offset
Assign an offset to the reference level to compensate for gains or losses generated
between the device under measurement and the analyzer.
Key Points:
The change of this value changes both the reference level readout and the
amplitude readout of the marker; but does not impact the position of the
curve on the screen.
You can modify this parameter using the numeric keys. For more details,
please refer to Parameter Setting”.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Table 2-10 Reference Level Offset
Parameter Explanation
Default 0 dB
Range -300 dB to 300 dB
Unit dB
Knob Step N/A
Direction Key Step N/A
Auto Range
Adjust the amplitude parameters within the current span range automatically in
order to display the whole signal optimally on the screen.
Figure 2-6 Before Auto Range
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Figure 2-7 After Auto Range
Key Points:
Unlike Auto Scale, this function can solve the problem of signal overrange due
to parameter settings and adjust the maximum mixing level according to the
signal under measurement.
Unlike Auto, this function adjusts the signal within the current channel and
does not modify the channel frequency setting. While, Auto will search for
signal within the full frequency range and locate the signal at the center
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Peak Search
Adjust Ref Level
Peak > Ref Level?
Decrease maximum
mixing level
Increase maximum
mixing level
Large signal?
Auto Scale
Figure 2-8 Process of Auto Range
RF Preamp
Turn on or off the preamplifier located at the front of the RF signal path. When the
signal under measurement is small, turning on the preamplifier can reduce the
displayed average noise level; therefor, you can distinguish small signals from the
Key Points:
The corresponding icon
will be highlighted in the status bar at the left side of
the screen when the preamplifier is turned on.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Correct the amplitude in order to compensate for the gain or loss from external
devices such as Antenna and Cable. When using this function, you can view the
correction data table and save or load the current correction data. When amplitude
correction is turned on, both the trace and related measurement results will be
corrected; the corresponding icon
is highlighted in the status bar at the left of
the screen.
1. Select
Select a correction factor from Antenna, Cable, Other and User for the current
correction and the default is Off (turn off all the correction factors). After
chooosing the desired correction factors, press Correction to enable the
correction factors selected. Multiple correction factors can be enabled at the
same time.
2. Correction
Enable or disable amplitude correction and the default is Off.
When amplitude correction is enabled, the data of the correction factor
currently selected is used for amplitude correction. If multiple factors are
enabled, all related data will be used for amplitude correction.
3. Edit
Edit the frequency of the correction factor and the correction data of the
corresponding amplitude. You can modify this parameter using the numeric
keys, knob or direction keys. For details, refer to the table on the next page.
Note: The edited correction data can be stored in the internal or external
memory of the analyzer and can be recalled when needed. When correction
data editing is finished, press Storage to save the correction data using the
method introduced in Storage”. You can increase the number of point to 2
after point 1is edited.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Table 2-11 Edit menus of amplitude correction
Menu Explanation
Point Create or edit the data point of a correction factor.
Range: 1 to 200
Set the frequency of the specified point in the correction
Set the amplitude correction of the specified point in the
correction facotr.
Range: -120 dB to 100 dB
Del Point
Delete the specified point data in the correction factor:
frequency and amplitude correction.
4. Freq Interp
Set the interpolation type of the points between two points in the correction
table during amplitude correction.
In Lin mode, the frequency and amplitude use a Lin and Log unit to
perform interpolation respectively.
In Log mode, both of the parameters use a Log unit.
5. Delete
Clear all the frequency and amplitude correction data of the selected
correction factor.
6. Corr Table
Turn on the correction table to view the correction data edited. At this
moment, the screen is divided into two parts with the upper showing the
measurement curve and the lower showing the points edited, frequency and
7. Corr View
All: view the data of all the correction factors.
Sel: view the data of the selected correction factor.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Set the max input level of the mixer according to the magnitude of the signal.
Key Points:
For a larger input signal, select a smaller maximum mixing level to increase
the input attenuation and reduce the distortion of the signal; for a smaller
input signal, select a larger maximum mixing level to reduce the input
attenuation and noise.
Parameters in inequality (2-3) are always modified on the basis of the
maximum mixing level.
You can modify this parameter using the numeric keys, knob or direction keys.
For more details, please refer toParameter Setting.
Table 2-12 Maximum Mixing Level
Parameter Explanation
Default -10 dBm
Range -30 dBm to 0 dBm
Unit dBm, -dBm, mV, uV
Knob Step
1 dBm
Direction Key Step
10 dBm
Input Impedance
Set the input impedance for voltage-to-power conversions (refer to equation (2-4)).
The default is 50 Ω. To m e asure a 75 Ω device, you should use a 75 Ω to 50 Ω
adapter (option) supplied by RIGOL to connect the analyzer with the system
under test and then set the input impedance to 75 Ω.
Note:75 Ωwill be shown in the status bar on the screen in this situation.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Sweep and Function Settings
Set the RBW (Resolution Bandwidth), VBW (Video Bandwidth) and detector type
parameters of the analyzer.
Set the desired resolution bandwidth in order to distinguish between signals which
are close in frequency.
Key Points:
Reducing RBW will increase the frequency resolution, but will increase the
sweep time (Sweep Time is affected by a combination of RBW and VBW when
it is in Auto mode).
RBW varies with the span (non-zero span) in Auto RBW mode.
You can modify this parameter using the numeric keys, knob or direction keys.
For more details, please refer toParameter Setting.
Note: If the detector type is Quasi-Peakor the filter type is EMI, RBW can be
200 Hz, 9 kHz or 120 kHz only.
Table 2-13 RBW (Filter Type is Gauss)
Parameter Explanation
Default 1 MHz
10 Hz to 1 MHz
GHz, MHz, kHz, Hz
Knob Step in 1, 3, 10 sequence
Direction Key Step in 1, 3, 10 sequence
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Set the desired video bandwidth in order to filter out the noise outside the video
Key Points:
Reducing the VBW will smooth the spectrum line to differentiate small signals
from noise, but will increase the sweep time (Sweep Time is affected by a
combination of RBW and VBW when it is in Auto mode).
VBW varies with RBW when it is set to Auto. While in Manual mode, VBW is
not affected by RBW.
You can modify this parameter using the numeric keys, knob or direction keys.
For more details, please refer toParameter Setting.
Table 2-14 VBW
Parameter Explanation
Default 1 MHz
Range 1 Hz to 3 MHz
Unit GHz, MHz, kHz, Hz
Knob Step
in 1, 3, 10 sequence
Direction Key Step
in 1, 3, 10 sequence
V/R Ratio
Set the ratio of VBW to RBW.
Key Points:
This value is different while measuring different kinds of signals:
Sine signal: use 1 to 3 (for faster sweeps)
Pulse signal: use 10 (to reduce the influence on the amplitude of transient
Noise signal: generally use 0.1 (to obtain the average of noises)
You can modify this parameter using the numeric keys, knob or direction keys.
For more details, please refer to Parameter Setting”.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Table 2-15 V/R Ratio
Parameter Explanation
Default 1
Range 0.0000010 to 30000
Unit N/A
Knob Step in 1, 3, 10 sequence
Direction Key Step in 1, 3, 10 sequence
Detector Type
The analyzer displays the sweeped signal on the screen in the form of trace.
For each trace point, the analyzer always captures all the data within a specific
time interval and processes (Peak, Average,etc.) the captuered data using the
detector currently selected, then display the processed data (one point) on the
screen .
Key Points:
Select an appropriate detector type according to the actual application in
order to ensure the accuracy of the measurement.
The available types are Pos Peak, Neg Peak, Sample, Normal, RMS Avg,
Voltage Avg and Quasi-Peak. The default is Pos peak.
The corresponding icon (as shown in the figure below) of the detector type
selected is displayed in the status bar at the left side of the screen.
1. Pos Peak
For each trace point, Positive Peak detector displays the maximum value of
data sampled within the corresponding time interval.
2. Neg Peak
For each trace point, Negative Peak detector displays the minimum value of
data sampled within the corresponding time interval.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
3. Sample
For each trace point, Sample detector displays the transient level
corresponding to the central time point of the corresponding time interval.
This detector type is applicable to noise or noise-like signal.
4. Normal
Normal detector (also called rosenfell detector) displays the maximum value and
the minimum value of the sample data segment in turn; namely for an
odd-numbered data point, the maximum value is displayed; for an
even-numbered data point, the minimum value is displayed. In this way, the
amplitude variation range of the signal is clearly shown.
5. RMS Avg
For each data point, perform mean square root operation (see equation (2-8))
of the sampled data within the corresponding time interval and display the
result. In this type, noise can be rejected and weak signals can be clearly
is the mean square root of voltage in V;
is the number of
sampled values for each point displayed;
is the envelop of the sampled
value in V. The reference impedance
can be used for power calculation:
6. Voltage Avg
For each data point, average (see equation (2-9)) all the sampled data within
the corresponding time interval and display the result.
is the average of voltage in V;
is the number of sampled
values for each point displayed;
is the envelop of the sampled value in V.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
7. Quasi-Peak (an option for DSA800)
It is a weighted form of peak detector. For each data point, the detector detects
the peaks within the corresponding time interval. The peaks detected are
weighted using circuit with specified charge and discharge structures as well as
the display time constant specified in the CISPR Publication 16 standards and
the result is displayed. Quasi-Peak detector is applicable to EMI testing.
Note: Compared to the discharge time, the charge time of Quasi-Peak
detector is much shorter and can reflect the amplitude as well as time
distribution of the signal.
Filter Type
Set the RBW filter type.
Key Points:
DSA800 supports two kinds of RBW filters: Gause (-3 dB bandwidth) and
EMI” (-6 dB bandwidth).
When EMIis selected, resolution bandwidth can be 200 Hz, 9 kHz or 120
kHz only.
The default is Gause; the instrument will switch to EMIfilter automatically
when Quasi-Peakdetector is selected.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Set parameters about the Sweep and Trigger functions, including sweep time, auto
sweep time, sweep mode, number of sweep, trigger type, etc.
Sweep Time
Set the time needed for the spectrum analyzer to finish a sweep within the span
range. The sweep time can be set in “Auto” or “Manual” mode and the default is
Key Points:
In non-zero span, the analyzer selects the shortest sweep time on the basis of
the current RBW and VBW settings if Auto is selected.
Decreasing the sweep time would speed the measurement. However, an error
may be caused if the specified sweep time is less than the minimum sweep
time in Auto coupling; at this point, UNCALis shown in the status bar on the
You can modify this parameter using the numeric keys, knob or direction keys.
For more details, please refer toParameter Setting.
Table 2-16 Sweep Time
37.5 ms
Range* 20 us to 7500 s
Unit ks, s, ms, us, ns, ps
Knob Step Sweep time/100, Min = 1 us
Direction Key Step in 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 5, 7.5 sequence
Note: *The minimum in non-zero span mode is 1 ms.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Auto SWT
Set the auto setting method of the sweep time to Normalor Accy. The sweep
will be faster if “Normal is selected; while in Accytype, higher measurement
precision can be obtained.
Set the sweep mode to Single or Cont. The default is Cont. The corresponding
icon of the sweep mode will be displayed in the status bar at the left side of the
Single Continuous
1. Single
Set the sweep mode to Single. The number 10 on the parameter icon
denotes the current sweep number.
2. Cont
Set the sweep mode to Cont. The character Cont on the parameter icon
denotes the analyzer is sweeping continuously.
Key Points:
If the instrument is in single sweep mode and no measurement function is
enabled, press this key and the system will enter continuous sweep mode and
sweep continuously if the trigger conditions are satisfied.
If the instrument is in single sweep mode and a measurement function is on,
press this key and the system will enter continuous sweep mode and measure
continuously if the trigger conditions are satisfied.
In continuous sweep mode, the system will send a trigger initialization signal
automatically and enter the trigger condition judgment directly after each
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Enter contin
uous s
weep mode and
ait for trigger
again and wait for t
Single sweep status
Figure 2-9 Process of Continuous Sweep
In single sweep mode, this menu is used to execute trigger initialization. After that,
the analyzer will execute the specified number of sweeps (or measurements) if the
trigger conditions are satisfied.
Key Points:
If the instrument is in continuous sweep mode and no measurement function
is enabled, press this key and the system will enter single sweep mode and
execute the specified number of sweeps if the trigger conditions are satisfied.
If the instrument is in continuous sweep mode and a measurement function is
on, press this key and the system will enter single measurement mode and
execute the specified number of measurements if the trigger conditions are
If the system is already in single sweep mode, press this key and the system
will execute the specified number of sweeps (or measurements) if the trigger
conditions are satisfied.
In single sweep mode, trigger initialization (press Sweep/Trig Single or
send the “:INITcommand through the remote interface) should be executed
before trigger condition judgment.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Single sweep mode
Single s
weep mode?
Enter single
sweep mode
wait for
Enter single
mode and
wait for trigger
Sweep again and
for trigger
Wait for t
rigger c
and make
Figure 2-10 Process of Single Sweep
Set the number of sweeps for a single sweep. In single sweep mode, the system
executes the specified number of sweeps and the number shown on the icon in the
status bar at the left of the screen varies with the process of the sweep.
Table 2-17 Numbers
Parameter Explanation
Default 1
Range 1 to 9999
Knob Step
Direction Key Step
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Trig Type
The trigger type can be Free Run, Video or External. The corresponding icon of the
trigger type will be displayed in the status bar at the left of the screen.
1. Free Run
The trigger conditions are satisfied at any time and the analyzer generates
trigger signals continuously.
2. Video
A trigger signal will be generated when the system detects a video signal of
which the voltage exceeds the specified video trigger level.
Note: This function is invalid in non-zero span mode or RMS Avg detection or
Voltage Avg detection in zero span mode.
3. External
In this mode, an external signal (TTL signal) is input from the [TRIGGER IN]
connector at the rear panel and trigger signals are generated when this signal
fulfills the specified trigger edge condition.
Trig Setup
1. Trigger Level
Set the trigger level in video trigger. At this point, the trigger level line (TL)
and value are displayed on the screen. You can use the numeric keys, knob or
direction keys to modify this parameter. Please refer toParameter
Settingfor more details.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Table 2-18 Trigger level
Parameter Explanation
Default 0 dBm
Range -300 dBm to 50 dBm
Unit* dBm
Knob Step 1 dBm
Direction Key Step 10 dBm
Note: *It is related to the specified unit of Y-axis.
2. Edge
Set the trigger edge in external trigger to the rising (Pos) or falling (Neg) edge
of the pulse.
Note: When Free Runis selected, Trig Setup is grayed out and disabled.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
The sweep signal is displayed as a trace on the screen. In addition, DSA800
provides the Pass/Fail (P/F) test function. Trace/P/F is used to set parameters
relateted to the trace and P/F test.
Select Trace
DSA800 allows for up to four traces to be displayed at the same time. Each trace
has its own color (Trace 1 - Yellow, Trace 2 - purple, Trace 3 - light blue and Trace
4 - green). All traces can be set freely except Trace 4 (a math operation trace that
can only be obtained using the other three traces).
Select Trace 1, Trace 2 or Trace 3 to set the corresponding parameters. By default,
Trace 1 is selected and turned on. The default trace type is Clear Write.
Note: The trace currently displayed on the screen can be stored in the internal or
external memory of the analyzer and can be recalled when needed. Press
Storage to save the trace according to the method introduced in Storage
Trace Type
Set the type of the current trace or disable it. The system calculates the sampled
data using a specific operation method according to the trace type selected and
displays the result. Trace types include Clear Write, Max Hold, Min Hold, Video Avg,
Power Avg and Freeze. The corresponding icon of the trace type will be displayed
in the status bar at the left of the screen. Take Trace 1 (yellow) as an example and
the icons are as shown in the figure below.
1. Clear Write
Set the trace data to the minimum, and display the data sampled in real-time
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
of each point on the trace.
2. Max Hold
Display the maximum from multiple sweeps for each point of the trace and
update the data if a new maximum is generated in successive sweeps.
3. Min Hold
Display the minimum from multiple sweeps for each point of the trace and
update the data if a new minimum is generated in successive sweeps.
4. Video Avg
Display the logarithmic average of data from multiple sweeps for each point of
the trace. Traces in this type are smoother.
5. Power Avg
Display the average of data from multiple sweeps of each point of the trace.
Traces in this type are smoother.
6. Freeze
Stop updating the trace data to observe the trace and read the measurement
data. This type is generally used by traces loaded from storage devices or
remote interface as default.
7. Blank
Disable the trace display and all measurements of this trace.
Average Times
Set the number of averages of the selected trace.
Key Points:
More averages can reduce the noise and the influence of other random signals;
thus highlighting the stable signal characteristics. The larger the number of
averages is, the smoother the trace will be.
You can use the numeric keys to modify this parameter. Please refer to
Parameter Settingfor more details.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Table 2-19 Average times
Parameter Explanation
Default 100
Range 1 to 1000
Unit N/A
Knob Step N/A
Direction Key Step N/A
Trace Math
1. Function
Set the computational method of the math trace.
A-B: subtract Trace B from A
A+Constant: add a constant to Trace A
A-Constant: subtract a constant from Trace A
2. A
Select T1”, T2or T3”. Assign a value to A from Trace1, Trace 2 or Trace 3.
The default is Trace 1 (T1).
3. B
Select T1”, T2or T3”. Assign a value to B from Trace1, Trace 2 or Trace 3.
The default is Trace 2 (T2).
4. Constant
Set the value of the constant.
You can use the numeric keys to modify this parameter. Please refer to
Parameter Settingfor more details.
Table 2-20 Constant in the math operation
Parameter Explanation
Default 0 dB
-300 dB to 300 dB
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
5. Operate
Enable or disable the display of the math trace and the default is Off.
Note: This menu is valid only when A or B is set to the selected type of trace.
Blank All
Disable all the traces displayed on the screen. This operation will stop the current
advanced measurement as there is not valid data source.
DSA800 supports the Pass/Fail test function. In this function, the measured curve
is compared with the pre-edited curve. If the related rules are met, the result is
“Pass”; or else is “Fail”. The measurement interface is as shown in the figure
Figure 2-11 Interface of Pass/Fail Test
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
The results of Pass/Fail test contain the pass number and the pass ratio.
1. Switch
Turn on or off the Pass/Fail test function and the default is Off. When the
function is enabled, the system changes to split-screen display. At this point,
T2 and T3 are used for marking the upper and lower limits separately.
2. Settings
Limit: select the desired limit line (upper or lower) for editing. Then,
press Edit to set the limit conditions.
Test: enable or disable the test function. Each limit line has its own
switch. You can test according to both together, either one or neither.
Note: Trace/P/F Pass/Fail Switch is only used to enable or
disable the setting menu of Pass/Fail test, not the test itself.
Edit: edit the properties of the limit lines.
Note: The edited limit line data can be stored in the internal or external
memory of the analyzer and can be recalled when needed. After the
editing is finished, press Storage to store the data according to the
method introduced in Storage”.
Table 2-21 Pass/Fail menu
Function Explanation
Limit Quickly select the limit line to be edited.
Point Set the number of the point to be edited. The range is from
1 to 200.
X-axis Edit the X-axis value (frequency or time) of the current
point. If the X-axis unit is frequency and the Rel Freq is
enabled, edit the frequency difference between the
frequency of the current point and the center frequency.
Amplitude Edit the amplitude of the current point. If the Rel Ampt is
enabled, edit the amplitude difference between the
amplitude of the current point and the reference level.
Connected Connect this point with the previous one or not.
Del Point
Delete the point you are editing.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
X Axis: set the X-axis unit to frequency or time unit. Note that all the
points of the current limit line will be deleted when the X-axis unit
Freq Interp: set the Freq Interp to Log or Lin. In Log mode, both the
frequency and amplitude use Log unit to make interpolation operation; in
Lin mode, the frequency uses a Lin unit and the amplitude uses a Log unit
for interpolation operation.
Rel Setting: enable or disable Relative Frequency (Rel Freq) or Relative
Amplitude (Rel Ampt). When the Rel Freq is enabled, the frequency you
are editing is the difference between the frequency of the current point
and the center frequency. When the Rel Ampt is enabled, the amplitude
you are editing is the difference between the amplitude of the current
point and the reference level.
Del Limit: delete the limit line you are editing.
Fail Stop: select whether to perform the next sweep if the test fails.
Beeper: turn on or off the beeper. When the beeper is on, it beeps when
the test fails.
3. Restart
Re-execute the active or suspended test.
4. Pause
Suspend the test after the current test is finished. At this point, the
measurement data stops updating, but the sweep continues.
is displayed
in the test result display window.
5. Resume
Resume the suspended test and the test data begins updating again.
displayed in the test result display window.
6. Meas Mode
Set the measurement mode to single or continuous. In single mode, the
analyzer stops after the specified number of tests. After this, every time when
Single is pressed, the system executes the specified number of tests and
updates the test data. In continuous mode, the analyzer tests continuously.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
7. Single
In single mode, the analyzer stops after the specified number of tests. After
this, every time when Single is pressed, the system executes the specified
number of tests and updates the test data.
Average Reset
Achieve the recalculation of the trace average.
Note: You can use this function only when the trace type is set toVideo Avgor
Power Avg”.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Set the parameter related to the tracking generator (TG). The tracking generator
provides two working modes: Power Sweep output (when Power Sweep is On) and
Fixed Power output (when Power Sweep is Off). The TG function is only valid when
your analyzer is DSA815-TG/DSA832-TG/DSA875-TG.
TG is used to enable or disable the TG.
When the TG is enabled, a signal with the same frequency of the current sweep
signal will be output from the [GEN OUTPUT 50Ω] connector at the front panel.
The power of the signal could be set through the menu. The tracking generator
provides two working modes: Power Sweep output (when Power Sweep is On) and
Fixed Power output (when Power Sweep is Off).
TG Level
Set the output power of the signal of the tracking generator. In Power Sweep mode,
this parameter indicates the start power of the sweep.
You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction keys to modify this parameter. For
more details, please refer toParameter Setting.
Table 2-22 TG level
Parameter Explanation
Default -20 dBm
Range -40 dBm to 0 dBm
Unit dBm, -dBm, mV, uV
Knob Step 1 dBm
Direction Key Step 10 dBm
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
TG Lvl Offset
Assign a certain offset to the output power of the TG when gains or losses occur
between the TG output and external device in order to display the actual power
Key Points:
This parameter only changes the readout of the TG output power, rather than
the actual value of it.
The offset could be either a positive (gain in the external output) or a negative
(loss in the external output).
You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction keys to modify this parameter.
For more details, please refer toParameter Setting.
Table 2-23 TG Level Offset
Parameter Explanation
Default 0 dB
Range -200 dB to 200 dB
Unit dB
Knob Step
1 dB
Direction Key Step
10 dB
Power Sweep (Only for DSA815)
Enable or disable the power sweep function.
When enabled, the output power of the TG varies with the sweep rate of the
analyzer within the specified sweep frequency range (from start to stop frequency)
and increases gradually from the specified TG power (see TG Level) within the
specified power range (see Power Range). When disabled, the TG output is
fixed at the specified power (see TG Level).
Note: This function in not available in zero span mode.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Freq (Hz)
Ampl (dBm)
Start Freq Stop Freq
TG Output
TG Level
Figure 2-12 Power Sweep
Power Range (Only for DSA815)
Set the output power range of the TG in power sweep mode. This parameter
together with the TG level forms the boundary parameters in power sweep mode.
You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction keys to modify this parameter. For
more details, please refer toParameter Setting.
Table 2-24 Power Range of TG
0 dB
Range 0 dB to 20 dB
Unit dB
Knob Step 1 dB
Direction Key Step 10 dB
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Nomalization can eliminate the error of TG Level. Before using this function,
connect the [GEN OUTPUT 50Ω] output terminal of the TG with the [RF INPUT
50Ω] input terminal of the analyzer.
1. Stor Ref
Save the data of Trace 1 to Trace 3 as the reference value for normalization.
This operation should be done before you enable the normalization.
2. Normalize
Enable or disable the normalization. When enabled, the reference trace will be
stored automatically after the current sweep finishes if no reference trace is
stored before. During the reference trace storage, the corresponding prompt
message is displayed. When normalization is enabled, the corresponding
value of the reference trace will be substracted from the trace data after every
3. Norm Ref Lvl
Adjust the vertical position of the trace on the screen by adjusting the
reference level when normalization is enabled.
Being different from the Ref Level function in the AMPT menu, this
parameter has no influence on the reference level of the analyzer.
You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction keys to modify this
parameter. For more details, please refer toParameter Setting.
Table 2-25 Reference level under normalization
Parameter Explanation
Default 0 dB
-200 dB to 200 dB
Knob Step 1 dB
Direction Key Step 10 dB
4. Norm Ref Pos
Adjust the vertical position of the normalization reference level on the screen
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
by adjusting the reference position when normalization is enabled.
The function of this menu is similar to that of Norm Ref Lvl. When it is
set to 0%, the normalization reference level is displayed at the bottom of
the screen grid and at the top when it is set to 100%.
You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction keys to modify this
parameter. For more details, please refer toParameter Setting.
Table 2-26 TG reference position
Parameter Explanation
Default 100%
Range 0% to 100%
Unit %
Knob Step
Direction Key Step
5. Ref Trace
Set whether to display the reference trace or not. If Viewis selected, the
reference trace saved (Trace 3) will be shown in Freezetype.
Note: When normalization is enabled, the unit of Y-axis is dBand will not be
influenced by the definition in AMPT Units. At this point, (dB)is
displayed under the Y-axis scale in the user interface.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Measurement Settings
Provide VSWR and various advanced measurement functions, including T-Power,
ACP (Adjacent Channel Power), Chan Pwr (Channel Power), OBW (Occupied
Bandwidth), EBW (Emission Bandwidth), C/N Ratio, Harmo Dist (Harmonic
Distortion) and TOI (Third Order Intermodulation). For advanced measurement
functions, the measurement mode can be single or continuous; you can restart,
pause and resume the measurement.
Turn on or off the VSWR measurement function. This function is an option for
DSA800. When the VSWR measurement function is turned on, the screen is
divided into two windows automatically (the lower window provides the
measurement wizard). At this point, you can perform the VSWR measurement
according to the wizard. Press Meas Setup to set the corresponding parameters.
VSWR bridge and TG are required in VSWR measurement. Therefore, this
function is only available when the VSWR measurement kit, VSWR bridge and TG
are installed. When the VSWR measurement is enabled, the TG is enabled
automatically and the backlights of Meas and TG at the front panel turns on.
Measurement Function
This function is an option for DSA800 and is only available when the advanced
measurement kit is installed. When a measurement function is selected, the screen
is divided into two windows with the upper window (the basic measurement
window) displaying the sweep trace and the lower window displaying the
measurement results.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
1. T-Power
Ths system enters zero span mode and calculates the power within the time
domain. The types of powers available include Peak, Average and RMS.
Select T-Power and press Meas Setup to set the corresponding
2. ACP
Measure the powers of the main channel and adjacent channels as well as the
power difference between the main channel and each of the adjacent
channels. When this function is enabled, the span and resolution bandwidth of
the analyzer are adjusted to smaller values automatically.
Select ACP and press Meas Setup to set the corresponding parameters.
3. Chan Pwr
Measure the power and power density within the specified channel bandwidth.
When this function is enabled, the span and resolution bandwidth are
automatically adjusted to smaller values.
Select Chan Pwr and press Meas Setup to set the corresponding
4. OBW
Integrate the power within the whole span and calculate the bandwidth
occupied by this power according to the specified power ratio. The OBW
function also indicates the difference (namely Transmit Freq Error) between
the center frequency of the channel under measurement and the center
frequency of the analyzer.
Select OBW and press Meas Setup to set the corresponding parameters.
5. EBW
Measure the bandwidth between two points on the signal which are X dB
below the highest point within the span.
Select EBW and press Meas Setup to set the corresponding parameters.
6. C/N Ratio
Measure the powers of the carrier and noise with the specified bandwidth as
well as their power ratio.
Select C/N Ratio and press Meas Setup to set the corresponding
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
7. Harmo Dist
Measure the power of each order of harmonic and THD (total harmonic
distortion) of the carrier. The highest order of harmonic available is 10 and the
fundamental wave amplitude must be greater than -50 dBm; or else the
measurement will be invalid.
Select Harmo Dist and press Meas Setup to set the corresponding
8. TOI
Measure the parameters of the TOI production of two signals with the same
amplitude and similar frequency. Those parameters include the frequencies
and amplitudes of the Base Lower, Base Upper, 3rd Order Lower and 3rd
Order Upper signal, as well as the Intercepts of both the Base Lower and Base
Select TOI and press Meas Setup to set the corresponding parameters.
Re-execute the active or suspended measurement. This setting is only available for
advanced measurement functions.
Suspend the measurement after the current measurement is finished. The
measurement data stops updating, but the sweep continues.
is displayed in
the measurement result display window. This setting is only available for advanced
measurement functions.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Resume the suspended measurement and the measurement data begins updating
is displayed in the measurement result display window. This setting is
only available for advanced measurement functions.
Meas Mode
Set the measurement mode to single or continuous. In single mode, the analyzer
stops after the specified number of measurements. After this, every time when
Single is pressed, the system executes the specified number of measurements
and updates the measurement data. In continuous mode, the analyzer measures
continuously. This setting is only available for advanced measurement functions.
In single mode, the analyzer stops after the specified number of measurements.
After this, every time when Single is pressed, the system executes the specified
number of measurements and updates the measurement data. This setting is only
available for advanced measurement functions.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Meas Setup
Open the parameter setting menu of the function selected in the Meas menu. This
key is only available when a measurement function is enabled.
Measurement Interface:
Figure 2-13 VSWR Measurement Interface
Measurerment Results: return loss, reflection coefficient and VSWR.
Return Loss: the formula is
. Wherein,
is the
return loss,
is the incident power and
is the reflected power.
Reflection Coefficient: the ratio of the reflected voltage to the incident
VSWR: the ratio of the maximum voltage to the minimum voltage of the
standing wave.
This measurement requires the VSWR, VSWR bridge options and TG (DSA815-TG/
DSA832-TG/DSA875-TG). Two measurements have to be performed according to
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
the measurement wizard at the lower side of the interface: measurement with the
device under test disconnected (represented by trace 2) and measurement with
the device under test connected (represented by trace 1). The return loss
(represented by the math trace) is determined by the difference of the results of
the two measurements and the reflection coefficient and VSWR are determined by
the return loss.
1. Reset
Reset the VSWR measurement parameters.
2. Cal Open
Disconnect the device under test and then press this softkey. The instrument
executes the first measurerment and the measurement result is represented
by trace 2.
Connect the device under test and then press this softkey. The instrument
executes the second measurement and the measurement result is
represented by trace 1. At the same time, the analyzer calculates the
difference between the two measurement results (represented by the math
trace) and calculates the return loss, reflection coefficient and VSWR on the
basis of the difference.
4. Marker
Select one of the four markers and the default is marker 1. When a marker is
selected, you can set its state. The marker sekected is marked onto the math
trace and the measurement result at the current marker is displayed in the
measurement wizard. You can use the knob to move the marker to view the
measurement results of different positions.
5. Marker State
Set the state of the current marker.
6. Ref Level
Adjust the vertical position of the trace on the screen.
Being different from Ref Level in the AMPT menu, this parameter has no
influence on the reference level of the analyzer.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction keys to modify this
Table 2-27 VSWR Ref Level
0 dB
Range -200 dB to 200 dB
Unit dB
Knob Step 1 dB
Direction Key Step 10 dB
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Measurement Interface:
Figure 2-14 T-Power Measurement Interface
Measurement Result: T-power, namely the power of the signal from the start
line to the stop line.
Measurement Parameters: average number, average mode, TP type, start line
and stop line.
1. Avg Num
Specify the number of averages used when calculating the measurement
result. The default is Off. You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction
keys to modify this parameter.
Measurement Result Measurement Parameters
Measurement Control
Start Line Stop Line
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Table 2-28 Average Number of T-Power Measurement
Parameter Description
Default 10
Range 1 to 1000
Unit N/A
Knob Step 1
Direction Key Step 1
2. Avg Mode
Set the average operation mode to Expor Repeatand the default is Exp.
When Expis selected, the result is the exponential average of the
current N (N is specified in Avg Num) measurement results.
When Repeatis selected, the result is the arithmetic average of the
current N (N is specified in Avg Num) measurement results.
3. TP Type
Display the power of the signal with the maximum amplitude between the
start line and stop line. The detector type is set to Pos Peak
Display the average power of signals between the start line and stop line.
The detector type is set to Voltage Avgautomatically.
Display the mean square root (in power unit) of the voltages of signals
between the start line and stop line. The detector type is set to RMS
4. Start Line
Set the left margin (in time unit) of T-Power measurement. The data
calculated under this measurement is between the start line and stop line.
You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction keys to modify this
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Table 2-29 Start Line for T-Power Measurement
Parameter Description
Default 0 us
Range 0 us to Stop Line
Unit Ks, s, ms, us, ns, ps
Knob Step Sweep Time/600, Min = 1us
Direction Key Step in 1-1.5-2-3-5-7.5 sequence
5. Stop Line
Set the right margin (in time unit) of T-Power measurement. The data
calculated under this measurement is between the start line and stop line.
You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction keys to modify this
Table 2-30 Stop Line for T-Power Measurement
Default 50 ms
Range Start Line to Sweep Time
Unit Ks, s, ms, us, ns, ps
Knob Step Sweep Time/600, Min = 1us
Direction Key Step in 1-1.5-2-3-5-7.5 sequence
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Measurement Interface:
Figure 2-15 Adjacent Channel Power Measurement Interface
Measurement Results: Main CH Pwr, Upper and Lower.
CH Pwr: display the power within the bandwidth of the main channel.
Upper: display the power of the upper channel and the power difference
between the upper channel and the main channel (in dBc).
Lower: display the power of the lower channel and the power difference
between the lower channel and the main channel (in dBc).
Measurement Parameters: average number, average mode, main channel
bandwidth, adjacent channel bandwidth and channel spacing.
1. Avg Num
Specify the number of averages used when calculating the measurement
result and the default is Off. You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction
keys to modify this parameter.
Main Channel Bandwidth
Adjacent Channel Bandwidth
Channel Spacing
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Table 2-31 Average Number for ACP Measurement
Parameter Description
Default 10
Range 1 to 1000
Unit N/A
Knob Step 1
Direction Key Step 1
2. Avg Mode
Set the average operation mode to Expor Repeatand the default is Exp.
When Exp” is selected, the result is the exponential average of the
current N (N is specified in Avg Num) measurement results.
When Repeatis selected, the result is the arithmetic average of the
current N (N is specified in Avg Num) measurement results.
3. Main CH BW
Set the bandwidth of the main channel and the power of the main channel is
the power integral within this bandwidth. You can use the numeric keys, knob
and direction keys to modify this parameter.
Table 2-32 Main Channel Bandwidth for ACP Measurement
Parameter Description
Default 2 MHz
Range 33 Hz to 2.5 GHz
GHz, MHz, kHz, Hz
Knob Step Main Channel BW/100, the
minimum is 1Hz
Direction Key Step in 1-1.5-2-3-5-7.5 sequence
4. Adj CH BW
Set the frequency width of the adjacent channels.
The adjacent channel bandwidth is related to the main channel
bandwidth and the range available is from mian channel bandwidth/20 to
mian channel bandwidth×20.
You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction keys to modify this
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Table 2-33 Adjacent Channel Bandwidth for ACP Measurement
Parameter Description
Default 2 MHz
Range 33 Hz to 2.5 GHz
Unit GHz, MHz, kHz, Hz
Knob Step Adjacent Channel BW/100, the
minimum is 1 Hz
Direction Key Step in 1-1.5-2-3-5-7.5 sequence
5. CH Spacing
Set the difference between the center frequency of the main channel and the
center frequency of the adjacent channels.
Adjusting this parameter will also adjust the distance between the
upper/lower channel and the main channel.
You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction keys to modify this
Table 2-34 Channel Spacing for ACP Measurement
2 MHz
33 Hz to 2.5 GHz
Unit GHz, MHz, kHz, Hz
Knob Step Channel Spacing/100, the
minimum is 1 Hz
Direction Key Step
in 1-1.5-2-3-5-7.5 sequence
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Chan Pwr
Measurement Interface:
Figure 2-16 Channel Power Measurement Interface
Measurement Results: channel power and power spectral density.
Channel Power: power within the integration bandwidth.
Power Spectral Density: power (in dBm/Hz) normalized to 1 Hz within the
integration bandwidth.
Measurement Parameters: average number, average mode, integration
bandwidth and channel power span.
1. Avg Num
Specify the number of averages used when calculating the measurement
result and the default is Off. You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction
keys to modify this parameter.
Integration Bandwidth Channel Power Span
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Table 2-35 Average Number for Chan Power Measurement
Parameter Description
Default 10
Range 1 to 1000
Unit N/A
Knob Step 1
Direction Key Step 1
2. Avg Mode
Set the average operation mode to Expor Repeatand the default is Exp.
When Expis selected, the result is the exponential average of the
current N (N is specified in Avg Num) measurement results.
When Repeatis selected, the result is the arithmetic average of the
current N (N is specified in Avg Num) measurement results.
3. Integ BW
Set the frequency width of the channel to be tested and the power of the
channel is the power integral within this bandwidth. You can use the numeric
keys, knob or direction keys to modify this parameter.
Table 2-36 Integration Bandwidth for Chan Power Measurement
Parameter Description
Default 2 MHz
Range 100 Hz to 7.5 GHz
GHz, MHz, kHz, Hz
Knob Step Integration BW/100, the minimum is 1 Hz
Direction Key Step in 1-1.5-2-3-5-7.5 sequence
4. CH Pwr Span
Set the frequency range of the channel. This span which is the same with the
span of the analyzer is the frequency range of the sweep. Modifying this
parameter will change the span of the analyzer.
The channel power span is related to the integration bandwidth and the
range available is from integration bandwidth to integration
You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction keys to modify this
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Table 2-37 Channel Power Span for Chan Power Measurement
Parameter Description
Default 3 MHz
Range 100 Hz to 7.5 GHz
Unit GHz, MHz, kHz, Hz
Knob Step Channel Power Span/100, the
minimum is 1 Hz
Direction Key Step in 1-1.5-2-3-5-7.5 sequence
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Measurement Interface:
Figure 2-17 OBW Measurement Interface
Measurement Results: occupied bandwidth and transmit frequency error.
Occupied Bandwidth: integrate the power within the whole span and then
calculate the bandwidth occupied by the power according to the specified
power ratio.
Transmit Frequency Error: difference between the center frequency of the
channel and the center frequency of the analyzer.
Measurement Parameters: average number, average mode, max hold, span
and power ratio.
1. Avg Num
Specify the number of averages used when calculating the measurement
result and the default is Off. You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction
keys to modify this parameter.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Table 2-38 Average Number for OBW Measurement
Parameter Description
Default 10
Range 1 to 1000
Unit N/A
Knob Step 1
Direction Key Step 1
2. Avg Mode
Set the average operation mode to Expor Repeatand the default is Exp.
When Expis selected, the result is the exponential average of the
current N (N is specified in Avg Num) measurement results.
When Repeatis selected, the result is the arithmetic average of the
current N (N is specified in Avg Num) measurement results.
3. Max Hold
Enable or disable max hold and the default is Off.
When Max Hold is enabled, each measurement result is compared with
the previous result and the maximum is displayed.
When Max Hold is disabled, the current measurement result is displayed.
Max Hold and average measurement mode are mutually exclusive and
average measurement mode will be automatically disabled when Max
Hold is enabled.
4. OBW Span
Set the frequency range of integration. This span which is the same with the
span of the analyzer is the frequency range for the sweep. Modifying this
parameter will also change the span of the analyzer. You can use the numeric
keys, knob or direction keys to modify this parameter.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Table 2-39 Span for OBW Measurement
Parameter Description
Default 2 MHz
Range 100 Hz to 7.5 GHz
Unit GHz, MHz, kHz, Hz
Knob Step OBW Span/100, the minimum is 1 Hz
Direction Key Step in 1-1.5-2-3-5-7.5 sequence
5. Power Ratio
Set the percentage the signal power takes up in the whole span power. You
can use the muneric keys, knob or direction keys to modify this parameter.
Table 2-40 Power Ratio for OBW Measurement
1% to 99.99%
Unit %
Knob Step 0.01%
Direction Key Step 1%
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Measurement Interface:
Figure 2-18 EBW Measurement Interface
Measurement Results: emission bandwidth, namely the bandwidth between
two points on a signal which are X dB below the highest point within the span.
During the measurement, the analyzer first determines the frequency (f
) of the
maximum amplitude point within the span and then finds the two frequency points
and f
) at each side of f
at which the signal amplitude is X dB below the
maximum amplitude. The emission bandwidth is f
Measurement Parameters: average number, average mode, max hold, span
and X dB.
1. Avg Num
Specify the number of averages used when calculating the measurement
result and the default is Off. You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction
keys to modify this parameter.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Table 2-41 Average Number for EBW Measurement
Parameter Description
Default 10
Range 1 to 1000
Unit N/A
Knob Step 1
Direction Key Step 1
2. Avg Mode
Set the average operation mode to Expor Repeatand the default is Exp.
When Exp” is selected, the result is the exponential average of the
current N (N is specified in Avg Num) measurement results.
When Repeatis selected, the result is the arithmetic average of the
current N (N is specified in Avg Num) measurement results.
3. Max Hold
Enable or disable max hold and the default is Off.
When Max Hold is enabled, each measurement result is compared with
the previous result and the maximum is displayed.
When Max Hold is disabled, the current measurement result is displayed.
Max Hold and average measurement mode are mutually exclusive and
average measurement mode will be automatically disabled when Max
Hold is enabled.
4. EBW Span
This span which is the same with the span of the analyzer is the frequency
range for the sweep. Modifying this parameter will also change the span of
the analyzer. You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction keys to modify
this parameter.
Table 2-42 Span for EBW Measurement
Parameter Description
Default 2 MHz
100 Hz to 7.5 GHz
GHz, MHz, kHz, Hz
Knob Step EBW Span/100, the minimum is 1 Hz
Direction Key Step in 1-1.5-2-3-5-7.5 sequence
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
5. EBW X dB
Set the value of X dB used for EBW calculation. You can use the numeric keys,
knob or direction keys to modify this parameter.
Table 2-43 X dB for EBW Measurement
Parameter Description
Default -10 dB
Range -100 dB to -0.1 dB
Knob Step
0.1 dB
Direction Key Step 1 dB
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
C/N Ratio
Measurement Interface:
Figure 2-19 C/N Ratio Measurement Interface
Measurement Results: carrier power, noise power and C/N ratio.
Carrier Power: power within the carrier bandwidth.
Noise Power: power within the noise bandwidth.
C/N Ratio: the ratio of the carrier power to the noise power.
Measurement Parameters: average number, average mode, offset frequency,
noise bandwidth and carrier bandwidth.
1. Avg Num
Specify the number of averages used when calculating the measurement
result and the default is Off. You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction
keys to modify this parameter.
Offset Frequency
Carrier Bandwidth
Noise Bandwidth
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Table 2-44 Average Number for C/N Ratio Measurement
Parameter Description
Default 10
Range 1 to 1000
Unit N/A
Knob Step 1
Direction Key Step 1
2. Avg Mode
Set the average operation mode to Expor Repeatand the default is Exp.
When Expis selected, the result is the exponential average of the
current N (N is specified in Avg Num) measurement results.
When Repeatis selected, the result is the arithmetic average of the
current N (N is specified in Avg Num) measurement results.
3. Offset Freq
Set the difference between the carrier center frequency and the noise center
frequency. You can use the numeric keys, knob and direction keys to modify
this parameter.
Table 2-45 Frequency Offset for C/N Ratio Measurement
Parameter Description
Default 2 MHz
Range 33 Hz to 2.5 GHz
GHz, MHz, kHz, Hz
Knob Step Offset Frequency/100, the
minimum is 1Hz
Direction Key Step in 1-1.5-2-3-5-7.5 sequence
4. Noise BW
Set the bandwidth of the noise to be measured. You can use the numeric keys,
knob or direction keys to modify this parameter.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Table 2-46 Noise Bandwidth for C/N Ratio Measurement
Parameter Description
Default 2 MHz
Range 33 Hz to 2.5 GHz
Unit GHz, MHz, kHz, Hz
Knob Step Noise BW/100, the minimum is 1 Hz
Direction Key Step in 1-1.5-2-3-5-7.5 sequence
5. Carrier BW
Set the bandwidth of the carrier to be measured.
The carrier bandwidth is related to the noise bandwidth and the range
available is from noise bandwidth/20 to noise bandwidth×20.
You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction keys to modify this
Table 2-47 Carrier Bandwidth for C/N Ratio Measurement
Parameter Description
Default 2 MHz
33 Hz to 2.5 GHz
GHz, MHz, kHz, Hz
Knob Step Carrier Noise/100, the minimum is 1 Hz
Direction Key Step in 1-1.5-2-3-5-7.5 sequence
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Harmo Dist
Measurement Interface:
Figure 2-20 Harmonic Distortion Measurement Interface
Measurement Results: amplitude of each order of harmonic and total harmonic
distortion. Up to 10
order of harmonic can be measured.
Measurement Parameters: average number, average mode, number of
harmonics and sweep time.
1. Avg Num
Specify the number of averages used when calculating the measurement
result and the default is Off. You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction
keys to modify this parameter.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Table 2-48 Average Number for Harmo Dist Measurement
Parameter Description
Default 10
Range 1 to 1000
Unit N/A
Knob Step 1
Direction Key Step 1
2. Avg Mode
Set the average operation mode to Expor Repeatand the default is Exp.
When Expis selected, the result is the exponential average of the
current N (N is specified in Avg Num) measurement results.
When Repeatis selected, the result is the arithmetic average of the
current N (N is specified in Avg Num) measurement results.
3. NO.of Harmo
Set the number of the harmonics to measure before calculating the total
harmonic distortion. You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction keys to
modify this parameter.
Table 2-49 Number of Harmonics for Harmo Dist Measurement
Parameter Description
Default 10
Range 2 to 10
Knob Step 1
Direction Key Step 1
4. Harmonic ST
Set the sweep time of the harmonic measurement, namely the sweep time of
the analyzer. You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction keys to modify
this parameter.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Table 2-50 Sweep Time for Harmo Dist Measurement
Parameter Description
Default 37.5 ms
Range 20 us to 7.5 ks
Unit Ks, s, ms, us, ns, ps
Knob Step 1 us
Direction Key Step 1 us
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Measurement Interface:
Figure 2-21 TOI Measurement Interface
Measurement Results: Base Lower, Base Upper, TOI (3rd Order Lower), TOI
(3rd Order Upper), the frequency and amplitude of each kind of signal, the
amplitude difference between each kind of signal and the base lower as well as the
intercepts of the base lower and base upper.
Wherein, the intercept of 3rd Order Lower = (Base Lower Power - 3rd Order Lower
Power)/2 + Base Lower Power; the intercept of 3rd Order Upper = (Base Upper
Power - 3rd Order Upper Power)/2 + Base Upper Power.
Measurement Parameters: average number, average mode and span.
1. Avg Num
Specify the number of averages used when calculating the measurement
result and the default is Off. You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction
keys to modify this parameter.
3rd Order Lower
3rd Order Upper
Base Lower
Base Upper
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Table 2-51 Average Number for TOI Measurement
Parameter Description
Default 10
Range 1 to 1000
Unit N/A
Knob Step 1
Direction Key Step 1
2. Avg Mode
Set the average operation mode to Expor Repeatand the default is Exp.
When Expis selected, the result is the exponential average of the
current N (N is specified in Avg Num) measurement results.
When Repeatis selected, the result is the arithmetic average of the
current N (N is specified in Avg Num) measurement results.
3. Span
This span which is the same with the span of the analyzer is the frequency
range for sweep. Modifying this parameter will also change the span of the
analyzer. You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction keys to modify this
Table 2-52 Span for TOI Measurement
Parameter Description
Default 2 MHz
Range 100 Hz to 7.5 GHz
Unit GHz, MHz, kHz, Hz
Knob Step TOI Distortion Span/100, the
minimum is 1 Hz
Direction Key Step in 1-1.5-2-3-5-7.5 sequence
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Press Demod at the front panel to enter the demodulation setting menu. Both AM
and FM demodulations are available in this device.
Set the demodulation type to AM or FM; or disable the demodulation function. The
default is Off.
Key Points:
The system will enable a marker automatically, place it at the center
frequency and perform AM (or FM) demodulation on this frequency point after
you enable AM (or FM) demodulation.
DSA800 provides earphone jack and the demodulated signal can be output in
audio frequency (AF) mode through the earphone. The frequency and
intensity of AF denotes the frequency and amplitude of the signal respectively.
Demod Setup
1. Earphone
Set the status of the earphone. When it is on, the demodulated signal can be
heard through the earphone during the demodulation. By default, it is Off.
2. Volume
Set the volume of the earphone.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Table 2-53 Volume
Parameter Explanation
Default 100
Range 0 to 255
Unit N/A
Knob Step 10
Direction Key Step 20
3. Demod Time
Set the time for the analyzer to complete a signal demodulation after each
sweep. If Earphone is set to On, you will hear the demodulated signal
through the earphone during the demodulation. You can use the numeric keys,
knob or direction keys to modify this parameter. For more details, please refer
Parameter Setting.
Table 2-54 Demod Time
Parameter Explanation
Default 100 ms
5 ms to 1 ks
ks, s, ms, us, ns, ps
Knob Step 5 ms to 10 ms, step=0.1ms
10 ms to 100 ms, step = 1 ms
100 ms to 1 s, step = 10 ms
1 s to 10 s, step = 100 ms
10 s to 100 s, step = 1 s
100 s to 1 ks, step = 10 s
Direction Key Step in 1, 2, 5 sequence
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Marker Measurements
The marker appears as a rhombic sign (as shown below) for identifying the point
on the trace. You can easily read the the amplitude, frequency and sweep time of
the marked point on the trace.
Figure 2-22 Schematic of the Marker
Key Points:
The analyzer allows for up to four pairs of markers to be displayed at one time,
but only one pair or a single marker is active every time.
You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction keys to modifiy the desired
frequency or time as well as view the readouts of different points on the trace.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Select Mkr
Select one of the four markers and the default is Marker1. When a marker is
selected, you can set its type, trace to be marked, readout type and other related
parameters. The enabled marker will appear on the trace selected through the
Mkr Trace option and the readouts of this marker are also displayed in the active
function area and at the upper right corner of the screen.
Table 2-55 Marker parameters
3.75 GHz
Range 0 to 7.5 GHz
Unit Readout = Frequency (or Period), units available are
GHz, MHz, kHz, Hz (or ks, s, ms, us, ns, ps);
Readout = Time (or 1/Δtime), units available are ks, s,
ms, us, ns, ps (or GHz, MHz, kHz, Hz)
Knob Step Readout = Frequency (or Period), step = Span/(Sweep
Points -1);
Readout = Time (or 1/Δtime), step = Sweep
Time/(Sweep Points -1)
Direction Key Step
Readout = Frequency (or Period), step = Span/10;
Readout = Time (or 1/Δtime), step = Sweep Time/10
One of the marker types. It is used to measure the X (Frequency or Time) and Y
(Amplitude) values of a certain point on the trace. When selected, a marker with
the number of the current marker (such as “1”) appears on the trace.
Key Points:
If no active marker exists currently, a marker will be enabled automatically at
the center frequency of the current trace.
You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction keys to move the marker. The
readouts of the marker will be displayed at the upper right corner of the
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
The readout resolution of the X-axis (frequency or time) is related to the span.
For higher readout resolution, reduce the span.
One of the marker types. It is used to measure the delta values of X (Frequency or
Time) and Y (Amplitude) between the reference point and a certain point on the
trace. When selected, a pair of markers appears on the trace: Reference Marker
(marked by a combination of the marker number and letter “R, such as “1R) and
the Delta Marker (marked by the marker number, such as “1”).
Key Points:
A reference marker will be activated at the position of the current marker if an
active marker currently exists; or else both the reference marker and delta
marker will be simultaneously activated at the center frequency.
The location of the reference marker is always fixed (both on the X-axis and
the Y-axis); while the Delta Marker is active. You can use the numeric keys,
knob or direction keys to change the location of the Delta Marker.
The frequency (or time) delta and amplitude delta between the two markers
are displayed at the upper right corner of the screen.
There are two methods for defining a point as the reference point:
a) Open a Normal marker and locate it onto a point. Then, switch the
marker type to Delta; at this time, this point is the reference point. You
can modify the location of the delta point to achieve delta measurement.
b) Open a Delta” marker and locate it onto a point. Then, reselect the
Delta menu to locate the reference marker onto this point. You can
modify the location of the delta point to achieve delta measurement.
When the Noise Mkr function under the Marker Fctn menu is activated, the
result of the noise measurement will be corrected automatically and be
normalized to 1 Hz.
The application of “Deltamarker
Measure the signal-noise ratio of single spectrum signal:
Place the reference and delta Markers onto the signal and noise respectively, the
amplitude in the measurement result is the signal-noise ratio.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Delta Pair
One of the marker types. When selected, a pair of markers will appear on the trace:
Reference Marker (marked by a combination of the marker number and letter “R,
such as 1R) and the Delta Marker (marked by the marker number, such as “1”).
Key Points:
You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction keys to set the locations of
the reference marker (selecting Ref”) and the delta marker (selecting Delta”)
This is different from the Delta type marker in that you can modify both the
reference (selectingRef) and delta (selecting Delta) points. Additionally,
both the X and Y values of the reference marker are stable forDeltamarker
during the sweep; but the Y value of the reference marker updates along with
the sweep forDelta Pairmarker.
Span Pair
One of the marker types. When selected, a pair of markers will appear on the trace:
Reference Marker (marked by a combination of the marker number and letter “R,
such as 1R) and the Delta Marker (marked by the marker number, such as “1”).
Key Points:
You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction keys to set the locations of
both the reference marker and delta marker at the same time.
If “Spanis selected, setting the Span Pairwill keep the center position of
the two markers unchanged and move them towards the two sides (value
increases) or the middle (value decreases).
If “Centeris selected, setting the Span Pairwill keep the relative distance
between the two markers unchanged and move their center position left
(value decreases) or right (value increases).
This is different from the Deltatype marker in that you can modify both the
reference marker and delta marker at the same time.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Turn off the marker currently selected. The marker information displayed on the
screen and functions based on the marker will also be turned off.
Mkr Trace
Select the trace to be marked by the current marker from 1, 2, 3, Math or Auto
(default). When Auto is selected, the system searches for the desired trace in the
order of Clear Write, Max Hold, Min Hold, Video Avg, Power Avg and Freeze; then
selects one from them in the sequence of the trace number 1, 2 and 3 if more than
two traces are found.
Select a desired readout type of the X-axis for the marker and different markers
can use different readout types. This setting will change the readout type and
affect the marker readings in the active function area and at the upper right corner
of the screen, but will not change the actual value.
In this type, Normal marker shows the absolute frequency; while Delta
marker, Delta Pair marker and Span Pair marker show the frequency
difference between the delta marker and reference marker. The default
readout mode in non-zero span mode is Frequency.
Note: This type is invalid in Zero span mode.
In this type, Normal marker shows the reciprocal of frequency; while Delta
marker, Delta Pair marker and Span Pair marker show the reciprocal of
frequency difference. When the frequency difference is zero, the reciprocal is
infinite and 10 Ts is displayed.
Note: This type is invalid in Zero span mode.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
In this type, Normal marker shows the time difference between the marker
and the start of the sweep; while Delta marker, Delta Pair marker and Span
Pair marker show the sweep time difference between the delta marker and
reference marker.
The default readout mode in Zero span mode is ΔTime.
In this type, the reciprocal of sweep time difference between the delta marker
and reference marker will be shown. When the time difference is zero, the
reciprocal is infinite and 100 THz is displayed.
Note: This type is available only in Zero span mode when a Delta type
marker is selected and is suitable for the frequency measurement of a video
Mkr Table
Enable or disable the Marker Table.
Display all the markers enabled on the lower portion of the screen, including
marker number, trace number, marker readout type, X-axis readout and amplitude.
Through this table you can view the measurement values of multiple points. The
table allows for up to eight markers to be displayed at one time.
Note: The marker table currently opened can be stored in external memory and
be recalled when needed. Press Storage to save the marker table according to
the method introduced in Storage”.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Figure 2-23 Marker Table
All Off
Turn off all the markers turned on and the related functions.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Set the other system parameters (such as center frequency and reference level)
using the current marker readings. Press Marker-> to enable a marker
automatically if no marker is currently enabled.
Set the center frequency of the analyzer to the frequency of the current marker.
If Normal marker is selected, the center frequency will be set to the
frequency of the current marker.
If Delta, Delta Pair, or Span Pair marker is selected, the center frequency
will be set to the frequency of the Delta Marker.
The function is invalid in Zero span mode.
Set the center frequency step of the analyzer to the frequency of the current
If Normal marker is selected, the center frequency step will be set to the
frequency of the current marker.
If Delta, Delta Pair or Span Pair marker is selected, the center frequency
step will be set to the frequency of the Delta Marker.
The function is invalid in Zero span mode.
Set the start frequency of the analyzer to the frequency of the current marker.
If Normal marker is selected, the start frequency will be set to the frequency
of the current marker.
If Delta, Delta Pair or Span Pair marker is selected, the start frequency will
be set to the frequency of the Delta Marker.
The function is invalid in Zero span mode.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Set the stop frequency of the analyzer to the frequency of the current marker.
If Normal marker is selected, the stop frequency will be set to the frequency
of the current marker.
If Delta, Delta Pair or Span Pair marker is selected, the stop frequency will
be set to the frequency of the Delta Marker.
The function is invalid in Zero span mode.
Set the reference level of the analyzer to the amplitude of the current marker.
If Normal marker is selected, the reference level will be set to the amplitude
of the current marker.
If Delta, Delta Pair, or Span Pair marker is selected, the reference level will
be set to the amplitude of the Delta Marker.
Set the center frequency of the analyzer to the frequency difference between the
two markers in Delta, Delta Pair, or Span Pair marker type.
If Normal marker is selected, this function is invalid.
The function is invalid in Zero span mode.
Set the span of the analyzer to the frequency difference between the two markers
in Delta, Delta Pair or Span Pair marker type.
If Normal marker is selected, this function is invalid.
The function is invalid in Zero span mode.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Marker Fctn
Special marker functions including Noise Mkr, N dB BW and Freq Count.
Select Mkr
Select the marker to be used for the specified measurement function and the
default is marker 1.
Noise Mkr
Execute the Noise marker function for the selected marker and read the noise
power spectral density.
Key Points:
If the current marker is Offin the Marker menu, pressing Noise Mkr will
first set it to Normal type automatically; then measure the average noise level
at the marked point and normalize this value to 1 Hz bandwidth. During this
process, certain compensation is always made on the basis of the detection
and trace types. The measurement will be more precise if RMS Avg or Sample
detection type is used.
This function can be used for measuring the C/N ratio.
Enable the N dB BW measurement or set the value of N dB.
The N dB BW denotes the frequency difference between two points that are
located on both sides of the current marker and with N dB fall (N<0) or rise (N>0)
in amplitude as shown in the figure on the next page.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Figure 2-24 N dB BW measurement
Key Points:
When the measurement starts, the analyzer will search for the two points
which are located at both sides of the current point with N dB fall or rise in
amplitude and display the frequency difference between the two points in the
active function area. "----" would be displayed if the search fails.
You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction keys to modify the value of N,
for more details please refer toParameter Setting.
Table 2-56 N dB BW parameter settings
Parameter Explanation
Default -3 dB
Range -100 dB to 100 dB
Knob Step
0.1 dB
Direction Key Step 1 dB
Function Off
Turn off the noise marker enabled or N dB BW measurement, but not the marker
N dB
N dB
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Freq Count
Figure 2-25 Frequency Counter Measurement
1. State
Turn on or off the frequency counter.
Key Points:
If no active marker currently exists, turning on the frequency counter will
open a Normal marker automatically.
The frequency readout is more accurate when the frequency counter is
The frequency counter measures the frequency near the center
frequency in Zero span mode.
2. Resolution
Set the resolution of the frequency counter manually or automatically. The
available resolutions are 1 Hz, 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz, 10 kHz and 100 kHz.
Table 2-57 Resolution of frequency counter
Parameter Explanation
Default 1 kHz
Range 1 Hz to 100 kHz
Unit GHz, MHz, kHz, Hz
Knob Step
10 times
Direction Key Step
10 times
Counter Readings
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Open the peak search setting menu and execute peak search.
Key Points:
If Max is selected in Search Para Peak Search, the system will search
for and mark the maximum on the trace.
If Param is selected in Search Para Peak Search, the system will search
for and mark the peak that meets the peak search condition.
The search of Next Peak, Peak Right, Peak Left or peaks in the peak table
must meet the specified peak search condition.
The spurious signal caused by LO feed through at zero frequency is ignored.
When no peak that meets the specified peak search condition is found, No
peak foundis displayed.
Next Peak
Search for and mark the peak whose amplitude is closest to that of the current
peak and which meets the peak search condition.
Peak Right
Search for and mark the nearest peak which is located at the right side of the
current peak and meets the peak search condition.
Peak Left
Search for and mark the nearest peak which is located at the left side of the
current peak and meets the peak search condition.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Min Search
Search for and mark the peak with the minimum amplitude on the trace.
Peak Peak
Execute peak search and minimum search at the samt time and mark the results
with delta pair markers. Wherein, the result of peak search is marked with the
delta marker and the result of minimum search is marked with the reference
Cont Peak
Enable or disable continuous peak search and the default is Off. When enabled, the
system will always execute a peak search automatically after each sweep in order
to track the signal under measurement.
The difference between Cont Peak and Signal Track
In Cont peak, the system always searches for the maximum in the current
channel; while in Signal Track, the system will search for and mark the point
(with no more than 3 dB variation in amplitude) near the marker before Signal
Track is enabled, as well as set the frequency of this point as the center
Search Para
Define the conditions of peak search for various peak searches. A real peak should
meet the requirements of both thePK Excursnand PK Thresh.
1 PK Excursn
Set the excursion between the peak and the minimum amplitude on both
sides of it. Peaks whose excursions are beyond the specified excursion are
treated as real peaks.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Table 2-58 PK Excursn
Parameter Explanation
Default 10 dB
Range 0 dB to 200 dB
Unit dB
Knob Step 1 dB
Direction Key Step 1 dB
2 PK Thresh
Assign a minimum for the peak amplitude. Peaks whose amplitudes are
greater than the specified peak threshold are treated as real peaks.
Table 2-59 PK Thresh
-90 dBm
-200 dBm to 0 dBm
Unit dBm, -dBm, mV, uV
Knob Step 1 dBm
Direction Key Step 1 dBm
3 Peak Search
Set the peak search condition. The available options are Maximum and Para.
If Max is selected, the system searches for the maximum on the trace.
If Para is selected, the system searches for the peak that meets the
parameter condition on the trace.
Note: This setting applies only to the peak search executed by pressing Peak
at the front panel; while other searches such as Next Peak, Peak Right, Peak
Left and Min Search are all based on the Para.
Peak Table
Open the peak table (in the lower window) which lists the peaks (with frequency
and amplitude) that meet the peak search condition. Up to 10 peaks can be
displayed in the table.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
The peak table currently opened can be stored in external memory and be recalled
when needed. Press Storage to save the peak table according to the method
introduced in Storage”.
Figure 2-26 Peak Table
1. State
Turn on or off the peak table and the default is Off.
2. Peak Sort
Select a rule for peak sorting and the default is frequency ascending.
3. Pk Readout
Set the peak display condition to Normal, >DL or <DL.
Display the first ten qualified peaks in the table.
Display the first ten peaks that not only meet the peak search conditions
but also have amplitudes greater than the specified display line (set in
System Display) in the table.
Display the first ten peaks that not only meet the peak search conditions
but also have amplitudes lower than the specified display line (set in
System Display) in the table.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Shortcut Key
Search for signals automatically throughout the full frequency range; adjust the
frequency and amplitude for optimum display effect of the signal to realize one-key
signal search and auto setting of parameters.
Figure 2-27 Before Auto Search
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Figure 2-28 After Auto Search
Key Points:
In the process of auto search, the backlight of Auto turns on and Auto Tune
is shown in the status bar on the screen until the search is finished.
During the auto search, press Auto to stop the search.
Some parameters such as the reference level, scale, input attenuation and
maximum mixing level may be changed during the auto search.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
User Key
User-defined shortcut key. For some hard-to-find but commonly used function
menu, users can define it as shortcut key (for the defining method, refer to the
introduction in UserKey Setting
”). After that, press the shortcut key under any
operation interface to quickly open and set the desired menu or function.
Note: You can use User Key to define all the keys at the front panel as well as
the sub-menus of these keys (except Storage).
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Recall the preset setting and restore the analyzer to a specified status.
Key Points:
Press System Reset Preset Type to select Factoryor one of User1
to User6.
Press Preset to load the factory settings listed in the following table (except
items marked with “**”) or User-defined settings.
Table 2-60 Factory Settings
Parameter Default
Center Freq 3.75 GHz
Start Freq 0 Hz
Stop Freq 7.5 GHz
CF Step Auto, 750 MHz
Signal Track Off
Span 7.5 GHz
Ref Level 0 dBm
Ref Offset 0 dB
Scale/Div 10 dB
Input Atten Auto, 10 dB
Scale Type Log
Units dBm
RF Preamp Off
Input 50 Ω
MaxMixL -10 dBm
Corrections Off
RBW Auto, 1 MHz
VBW Auto, 1 MHz
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
V/R Ratio 1
Det Type Pos Peak
Filter Type Gauss
Time Auto, 37.5 ms
Auto SWT Normal
Mode Cont
Numbers 1
Trig Type Free Run
Trig Level 0 dBm
Edge Positive
Select Trace 1
Trace Type of Trace 1 Clear Write
Avg Times 100
Function A-B
A T1
B T2
Const 0 dB
Operate Off
Switch Off
Meas Mode Cont
Limit Upper
Test Off
X-axis Freq
Freq Interp Lin
Fail Stop On
Beeper Off
Rel Freq Off
Rel Ampt Off
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
TG Off
Power Sweep Off
Power Range 0 dB
Ref Trace Off
TG Level -20 dBm
TG Lvl Offset 0 dB
Normalize Off
Norm Ref Lvl 0 dB
Norm Ref Pos 100%
Meas Mode Cont
Meas Fctn Off
Measure Setup*
Marker 1
Marker State On
Ref Lv 0.00 dB
Avg Num Off, 10
Avg Mode Exp
TP Type Peak
Start Line 0 us
Stop Line 37.5 ms
Avg Num Off, 10
Avg Mode Exp
Main CH BW 2 MHz
Adj CH BW 2 MHz
CH Spacing 2 MHz
Chan Pwr
Avg Num Off, 10
Avg Mode Exp
Integ BW 2 MHz
CH Pwr Span 3 MHz
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Avg Num Off, 10
Avg Mode Exp
Max Hold Off
OBW Span 2 MHz
Power Ratio 99%
Avg Num Off, 10
Avg Mode Exp
Max Hold Off
EBW Span 2 MHz
EBW X dB -10 dB
C/N Ratio
Avg Num Off, 10
Avg Mode Exp
Offset Freq 2 MHz
Noise BW 2 MHz
Carrier BW 2 MHz
Harmo Dist
Avg Num Off, 10
Avg Mode Exp
NO.of Harmo 10
Harmonic ST Auto, 37.5 ms
Avg Num Off, 10
Avg Mode Exp
TOI Span 2 MHz
Demod Off
Earphone Off
Volume 100
Demod Time 100 ms
Select Mkr 1
Mkr Type Normal
Delta Pair Delta
Span Pair Center
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Mkr Trace Auto
Readout Frequency
Mkr Table Off
Cont Peak Off
Peak Search Max
Pk Excursn 10 dB
Pk Thresh -90 dBm
Peak Table Off
Peak Sort Freq
Pk Readout Normal
Marker Fctn
Mkr Fctn Off
N dB BW -3 dB
Freq Count State Off
Resolution Auto, 1 kHz
Preset Type Factory
Power On Preset
Language English
Remote I/O Off
Auto-IP On
Manual-IP Off
USB Dev Class TMC
Dev Addr 1
GPIB Address 18
Front Switch On
UserKey Set Off
Time/Date On
Self-Cal On
Display Line Off, 0 dBm
Active Fctn Top
Graticule 3
Scr State On
Brightness 2
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
UserKey On
Msg Switch On
File Type All
Format BIN
File Source T1
Browser File
Input Style English
Prefix Switch Off
Print Setup**
Orientation Landsc
Page Size Default
Inverted Off
Palette Gray
Copies 1
Date Prints Off
Qualities Default
File Type Default
*The function is only applicable to DSA800 installed with the corresponding option.
**Not be affected by pressing Preset.
***This function is only available for DSA815-TG/DSA832-TG/DSA875-TG.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
to save or print the current screen.
Key Points:
When a printer is currently connected, press this key and the analyzer prints
the current screen image according to the print settings (please refer to the
introduction in Print Setup).
If a USB storage device rather than printer is currently connected, press this
key and the analyzer switches to the storage and recall interface. You can
save the current screen data (with the specified filename) in .bmpformat
under the specified directory in the USB storage device.
If the key is pressed when neither a printer nor a USB storage device is
successfully connected,Missing mediais displayed and the operation is
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
System Settings
Set the system parameters.
DSA800 supports multi-language menu, Chinese and English bulid-in help and
popup messages.
Press this key to select the desired display language.
Functions include: select the instrument settings to be recalled after the analyzer is
powered on (“Lastor Preset); set the preset type (“Factoryor one of User1 to
User6) and save system configuration.
1. Power On
Set the power on setting to Lastor Preset.
When Lastis selected, settings before the last power-off would be
recalled automatically at power on.
When Presetis selected, settings defined in Preset Type would be
recalled automatically at power on.
2. Preset Type
Set the preset type to factory (default) or one of User1 to User6.
When Power On is set to Preset, the specified preset type will be
recalled at power on.
After the instrument starts, press Preset at the front panel under any
operation interface will recall the specified preset type.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
3. Save Preset
Save the current instrument setting as user-defined setting into the internal
non-volatile memory. You can store and name up to 6 system states
(correspond to User1to User6 in the preset type).
When one of User1to User6is selected in Preset Type, press Save
Preset and the instrument automatically opens the filename input interface
(refer to
To Input Filenameto store the setting).
Note: This menu is grayed out and disabled when “Factory” is selected in
Preset Type.
1. Cal Now
Press this key and the analyzer will use the internal calibration source to
perform a self-calibration immediately. Self-calibration would last about 5 s
andCalibratingis displayed in the user interface status bar during the
2. Self-Cal
When auto calibration is enabled, the analyzer executes self-calibration
regularly. Within half an hour after power-on, the analyzer executes a
self-calibration every 10 minutes and per hour after being powered on for
more than half an hour.
3. Acc Cal
Press this key and the analyzer executes comprehensive calibration which
includes the amplitude calibration when the preamplifier is turned on/off and
the spurious signal calibration.Calibratingis displayed in the user interface
status bar during the calibration.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
I/O Settings
This analyzer supports communications through LAN, USB and GPIB interfaces.
Both LAN and USB are standard interfaces, and GPIB should be configured by
using a USB-GPIB interface converter (option) provided by RIGOL.
1. Remote I/O
Selete LAN, USB or GPIB, or disable all the three interfaces.
2. LAN
Set or reset the LAN parameters.
Figure 2-29 LAN parameter setting
The following items can be set through the front panel or remote interface.
Turn on DHCP and Auto-IP, turn Manual-IP off. Clear the network
password set to restore it to factory setting.
After the LAN interface configuration is finished, press Config OK to
apply the configuration.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
One of the setting methods of IP address. When DHCP is enabled, the
DHCP server assigns network parameters (such as the IP address, subnet
mask and gateway) to the analyzer on the basis of the current network
One of the setting methods of IP address. When auto IP is enabled, the
analyzer obtains an IP address (from to
and the subnet mask automatically.
One of the setting methods of IP address. When manual IP is enabled,
users can define a desired IP address for the analyzer.
Set the IP address, subnet mask and gateway manually.
a) Press IP Address and use the numeric keys to input the desired IP
The format of IP address is nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn. Wherein, the range of
the first nnn is from 1 to 223 (except 127) and the ranges of the
other three nnn are from 0 to 255. It is recommended that you ask
your network administor for an available IP address.
b) Press Mask and use the numeric keys to input the desired subnet
The format of subnet mask is nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, wherein, the range
of nnn is from 0 to 255. It is recommended that you ask your
network administor for an available subnet mask.
c) Press Gate and use the numeric keys to input the desired gateway.
The format of gateway is nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn. Wherein, the range of
the first nnn is from 1 to 223 (except 127) and the ranges of the
other three nnn are from 0 to 255. It is recommended that you ask
your network administor for an available gateway.
Note: The analyzer always tries to get an IP address in the order of DHCP,
Auto-IP and Manual-IP. These three methods cannot be disabled at the
same time.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Domain Server (DNS):
Set the IP address of the DNS server. The format of domain server
address is nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn. Wherein, the range of the first nnn is from 1
to 223 (except 127) and the ranges of the other three nnn are from 0 to
255. It is recommended that you ask your network administor for an
available address. Press DNS and use the numeric keys to input the
desired address.
3. USB
DSA800 provides a USB Device interface at the rear panel.
Dev Class:
The analyzer may serve as a slavedevice to connect computer or PictBridge
printing device through this interface. You can set the class and address of the
USB slave device. The device classes include Auto Configure (default), TMC
and Printer.
Auto Configure: the device class depends on the USB host device.
TMC: use the analyzer as a Test & Measurement Class device.
Printer: use the analyzer as a Printer Class device.
Dev Addr:
View the device address. The device address shows the current USB address
and cant be edited by users.
Set the GPIB address.
You can modify this parameter using the numeric keys, knob or direction keys.
For more details, please refer toParameter Setting.
Table 2-61 GPIB address
Parameter Explanation
Default 18
Range 0 to 30
Unit N/A
Knob Step
Direction Key Step 1
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Control the screen display of the analyzer, such as setting the display line, active
function area, grid brightness, screen state, brightness, UserKey status and
message switch.
1. Display Line
Turn on or off the display line or change its position. This line can be used as
either the reference for you to read the measurement result or the threshold
condition for the peaks displayed in the peak table.
Key Points:
This line is a horizontal reference of which the amplitude is equal to the
set value and the corresponding amplitude unit is the same as the Y-axis
You can modify this parameter using the numeric keys, knob or direction
keys. For more details, please refer toParameter Setting.
Table 2-62 Display line
0 dBm
Range Current amplitude range
Unit dBm, -dBm, mV, uV
Knob Step Step = Scale/10 (Log scale type)
Step = 0.1 dB (Lin scale type)
Direction Key Step
Step = Scale (Log scale type)
Step = 1 dB (Lin scale type)
2. Active Fctn
Set the position of the active function area for convenient observation of the
trace. Selectable positions are Top (default), Center and Bottom of the screen.
Pressing Esc key closes the display of the active function area.
3. Graticule
Set the brightness of the grid to highlight the trace.
You can modify this parameter using the numeric keys, knob or direction keys.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
For more details, please refer toParameter Setting.
Table 2-63 Graticule
Parameter Explanation
Default 3
Range 0 to 10
Unit N/A
Knob Step 1
Direction Key Step
4. Scr State
Turn on or off the screen and the default is On. If you select Off, The
display was locked, please press Esc to unlock. will be displayed. At this point,
the screen stops updating and the measurement speed is improved. In
remote mode, the screen is always locked.
5. Brightness
Set the LCD brightness of the analyzer.
You can modify this parameter using the numeric keys, knob or direction keys.
For more details, please refer toParameter Setting.
Table 2-64 Brightness setting
Parameter Explanation
Default 2
Range 1 to 10
Unit N/A
Knob Step 1
Direction Key Step 1
6. Userkey
Turn on or off the display of the definition of User Key in the main interface.
7. Msg Switch
Enable or disable the display of messages. The types of messages in this
analyzer include Information Message, Error Message and Status Message. Only
Information Messages will be dispayed if the message display is turned off. For
more details about messages, refer to Messages.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Work Setting
1 Front Switch
Set the status of the front switch and the default isOn.
On: when the analyzer is powered on, press the power switch at the front
panel to start up the analyzer.
Off: when the analyzer is powered on, it starts automatically.
2 Line Mode
Enter line mode. In line mode, in order to avoid fault operation, all the keys at
the front panel except the following are disabled.
Menu softkeys: select the desired preset type.
Esc: exit line mode.
3 UserKey Setting
Define a relative function for User Key at the front panel (the defining
method is as described below). After that, pressing User Key under any
operation interface can quickly enable the pre-defined function.
Press UserKey Set and select “On”.
Open the desired function menu, such as: System Self-Test Key
Press User Key and the definition is finished. UserKey Set turns off
Coupl Param
Set all the related parameters automatically according to the coupling relationship.
Definitions of the auto coupling parameters:
1. CF Step
This parameter maintains a coupling relationship with RBW (or span) in zero
span (or non-zero span) mode. Refer to CF Stepfor more details.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
2. Reference level
The reference level, input attenuation, preamplifier and maximum mixing
level maintain coupling relationships. Refer to the introduction of equation
(2-3) in Ref Levelfor more details.
3. Input Attenuation
The input attenuation, reference level, preamplifier and maximum mixing
level maintain coupling relationships. Refer to the introduction of equation
(2-3) inRef Levelfor more details.
4. RBW
This parameter maintains a coupling relationship with the span. Refer to RBW
for more details.
5. VBW
This parameter maintains a coupling relationship with RBW. Refer to VBW
for more details.
6. Sweep Time
The sweep time, RBW, VBW and span maintain coupling relationships. Refer
to BW/Detfor more details.
View the system information or messages recently shown on the screen.
1. System Information
Serial Number
Version of Main Board
Version of Radio Frequency Board FPGA
Version of Digital Board FPGA
Version of TG Board FPGA (only for DSA815-TG/DSA832-TG/ DSA875-TG)
Version of Firmware
Version of Boot
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
2. System Message
View the system messages recently displayed (up to 71 items). For more
information about system messages, refer to Messages.
1. Screen Test
Test whether the screen has a dot defect using five colors: White, Red, Green,
Blue and Black. Press any key to switch the screen color and exit the test.
2. Key Test
Enter the keyboard test interface. Press the function keys at the front panel
one by one and observe whether the corresponding key lights. If not, an error
may have occurred in that key. To exit the test, press Esc three times.
Note: If the keys at the front panel are transparent, the corresponding
backlight will go on when testing it.
The system time is displayed in hh:mm:ss YYYY-MM-DDformat in the DSA800
user interface. The output file can include the time information when printing or
storing interface image according to your setting.
1. Time/Date
Enable or disable the Time/Date display.
2. Set Time
Set the display time of the analyzer. The time format should be hhmmss, for
example, 231211 (denotes 23:12:11).
3. Set Date
Set the display date of the analyzer. The date format should be YYYYMMDD,
for example, 20140124 (denotes January 24th, 2014).
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
DSA800 provides many kinds of options to fulfill various measurement
requirements. To order the corresponding option, please contact RIGOL.
1. To Acquire the License
1) Please order the desired option and the option key is provided.
2) Log in RIGOL website (www.rigol.com); click Customer Centerand
select License Generateto enter the software license generation
3) Input the correct option key, instrument serial number (press System
Information System Info to acquire the serial number) and
identifying code as well as click Generateto acquire the corresponding
option license.
2. To install and view the option
Press License to enter the option management interface to view the option
status and the license key of the installed option as well as install the desired
1) Option Info
Press Option Info to view the installation status of options.
2) License Info
Press License Info to view the license key of the option installed.
3) Install
Press Install and use the numeric keypad and the knob on the front
panel to enter the option license. For example,
DASXZJWFDAMPGSN7VAW9HTM8YCCA. After all the characters are
entered, press OK to finish the input. The analyzer identifies the entered
license key and matches it to the corresponding option automatically. At
this point, the option is installed and activated (Y is displayed in the Active
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
You can also install the option by controlling the spectrum analyzer remotely.
1. Build the communication between the analyzer and PC using USB, LAN or
GPIB (option) interface. About the connection method, please refer to the
descriptions of Remote Control.
2. Send the :SYSTem:LKEY <license key> command, for
analyzer identifies the received license key and matches it to the
corresponding option automatically. At this point, the option is installed and
activated (Y is displayed in the Active column).
TX1000 (Option)
DSA800 supports RIGOL TX1000 series spectrum analyzer RF Demo Kit. Press
this key to open the TX1000 control panel as shown in the figure below.
Figure 2-30 TX1000 control panel
Note: This function is available only when the analyzer is connected with the
TX1000 option. For the detailed application of TX1000, please refer to
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Press Sanitation to clear all data set by user and restore them to factory settings.
The user data saved in the NVRAM and NorFlash are restored to factory settings.
HOST NAME, IP address and password in LXI are restored to factory settings.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Print Setup
Set the print parameters. The analyzer supports PictBridge printer. Connect the
analyzer (USB Device interface) with the PictBridge printer using a USB cable.
Press System I/O Setting USB Dev Class Printerand set the
desired print parameters; then press to print the current measurement
Ptinter Connection and Printing Procedures:
(1) Turn on the PictBridge printer and wait until the power-on initialization is
(2) Use the USB cable provided in the accessories to connect the analyzer with
the PictBridge printer.
(3) PictBridge printer connected.” is shown on the analyzer screen to prompt
you that the instrument now is initializing the driver and the print module.
(4) If the printer is successfully installed,PictBridge printer installed
successfully.” will be displayed on the analyzer screen. At this point, you can
set the print parameters and start to print.
(5) After the corresponding measurement is done, set the sweep mode to
Singleto stop the sweep and save the frozen measurement result. Then,
execute the print operation.
(6) The printer symbol, print state and process are shown in the status bar on the
analyzer screen during the printing.
(7) You can pause and resume the printing if necessary.
(8) The printer enters idle state and waits for the next task after the printing is
Table 2-65 Printing state icons
Icon Explanation
The two icons are displayed alternately, indicating that the
printer now is connecting.
The printer is successfully connected, the printing is finished or
the printer is idle.
The two icons are displayed alternately, indicating that the
printing is in progress.
The printing has been paused.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
1. print
Print the current screen according to print parameter settings when the
printer has been successfully installed and is in idle state.
2. Resume
Resume the print task that has been paused.
3. Cancel
Stop the current print task.
4. Orientation
Set the print orientation to Landscapeor “Portraitand the default is
5. Page Size
Set the page size to Default, A4, A5, A6or B5. When “Defaultis
selected, the page size depends on the printer currently connected.
6. Inverted
Turn on or off the inverted print and the default is Off.
7. Palette
Set the print color toGrayorColorand the default is Gray.
8. Copies
Set the print copies and the default is 1. The range available is from 1 to 999.
9. Date Print
Turn on or off the date print and the default is “Off. When it is turned on, the
file printed will contain the system date.
10. Qualities
Set the print quality to Normal, Draft, Fineor Default. When “Defaultis
selected, the quality depends on the printer connected.
Fineprinting may consume more ink than others.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
11. File Type
Set the printing file type to Defaultor Exif/JPEG. When “Defaultis
selected, the type depends on the printer currently connected.
he analyzer can automatically identify the characteristics of the printer,
such as the page size, during the printer installation. If some
configuration is not supported by the current printer, the corresponding
menu in the analyzer is invalid. For example, if the current printer does
not support color printing, the Coloroption in the Palette menu is
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
DSA800 allows users to store and recall various kinds of files in internal or external
DSA800 provides a storage space (User Preset (C:)) for user-defined instrument
states, a local memory (Local (D:)) and an external memory (Mobile Disk (E:)).
C disk: provide 6 state file storage locations. Users can store 6 state files
through System ResetSave Preset.
D disk: provide storage locations for various kinds of files, such as setup, state
and trace.
E disk: available when a USB storage device connected to the USB Host
interface at the front panel is detected (you can save the file with the same type
as D disk).
Press Storage at the front panel to enter the storage and recall interface.
Figure 2-31 File Manager
Note: DSA800 can only recognize files with filenames consisting of Chinese
characters, English characters and numbers. If the filename or folder name
contains other characters, the file or folder might not be displayed normally in the
storage and recall interface.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
File Type
Press Storage File Type to select the desired file type. The file types available
include All, Setup, State, Trace, Corrections, Measure, Marker Table, Peak Table
and Limit. The default is All. For the details about each type of file, see the table
1) The State file only stores all the settings which are affected by pressing
Preset (see Table 2-60
). The Setup file not only stores all the settings which
are affected by pressing Preset but also stores the amplitude correction list
(the frequencies and amplitudes of the points to be corrected), the current
trace data (up to four traces) and the marker information (the readout type,
readings and the display status of the markers).
2) Measure, Marker Table and Peak Table in File Type are only available when
the corresponding functions are enabled.
3) When no external memory is connected, the various types of files will be
saved in BIN format by default.
Table 2-66 File type*
File Type Format Extension
Setup BIN .set
State BIN .sta
BIN .trc
CSV .csv
BIN .cbl
CSV .csv
Measurement data CSV .csv
Marker table BIN .mkr
CSV .csv
Peak table CSV .csv
Limit BIN .lim
Note: *Mobile Disk (E:) supports all types of files; User Preset (C:) only supports “Statefiles
and Local (D:) supports all types of files except Measure, Marker Tableand Peak Table.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Press Storage Format to set the storage format of the file to BIN (default) or
BIN: the current file can be saved in binary format and you can recall it when
the current file can be saved in character format. You can copy (when
saving the file to C or D disk) or save it to a USB storage device. After that, you
can open the file to view the table information or process the corresponding
data using the spreadsheet program on the computer.
Tips: You can also generate a csv file using the spreadsheet program on the
computer. Then, you can open the file to edit the required parameters in the
excel table directly, and save it to a USB storage device. In addition, you can
also load the file to the spectrum analyzer when required.
Note: This menu is available only when external memory is connected and the
corresponding file type is selected.
File Sourse
Press Storage File Sourse to set the file source of the storage to T1, T2, T3,
Math Trace or All. Note that this menu is available only when the File Type is set
to Trace, the Format is set to CSVand external memory is connected. In
addition, the file source type is available only when the corresponding trace type is
turned on.
T1: only store the data of Trace 1.
T2: only store the data of Trace 2.
T3: only store the data of Trace 3.
Trace Math: only store the data of the math operation trace.
Trace All: store the data of all the traces currently displayed on the screen.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Press Storage Browser to set browser type toDir” (directory) or File. You
can use the direction keys or the knob to select the desired disk or file.
Dir: when selected, use the knob or direction keys to switch among C, D and E
(when a USB storage device is connected) disks.
File: when selected, use the knob or direction keys to switch among files or
folders under the current directory.
Save the file using the specified file type, file format and file source. Press this key
to enter the filename editing interface and refer to “To Input Filename
to edit
the new filename. Note that the length of a filename is limited to 48 characters.
After finishing the filename editing, press Save to save the file to the directory
currently selected. Press Cancel to cancel the storage operation.
When storing a file in a USB storage device, if the filename is already in use, select
Cover file or Reenter.
Cover file: press this key to replace the original file or folder.
Reenter: press this key to return the filename input interface. You can reenter a
Expand Dir
Expand E disk or the folder currently selected in E disk when a USB storage device
is installed.
Collapse Dir
Collapse E disk or the folder currently selected in E disk when a USB storage device
is installed.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Read the selected file and load it into the system.
Rename a stored file. Press this key to enter the filename editing interface and
refer to the “To Input Filenameto edit the new filename. Then, press Save to
save the file with the new filename.
Detele the selected file.
1. Copy From
Copy files or folders.
When "Dir" is selected in Browser, pressing this key will copy all the files
or folders under the current path.
When "File" is selected in Browser, pressing this key will copy the
selected file or folder.
2. Copy To
Paste the directory or file.
When the copy path is the same as the paste path and the current path
has contained a file or folder with the same name, the corresponding
copy file with the “dup” prefix is generated after performing the paste
When the copy path is different from the paste path and the current path
has contained a file or folder with the same name,
Replace file: press this key to replace the original file or folder.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Cancel: press this key to cancel the paste operation.
Note: This operation is only available when the USB storage device connected
is recognized by the analyzer.
3. Apply To
Apply the state file selected in the external memory to the specified
user-defined configuration (User1 to User6).
4. Browser
A shortcut key. Refer to Browser.
5. Expand Dir
A shortcut key. Refer toExpand Dir.
6. Collapse Dir
A shortcut key. Refer to Collapse Dir.
Create Dir
Create a folder. Note that the length of the folder name is limited to 48 characters.
Press this key to enter the filename editing interface and refer to
To Input
Filenameto edit the folder name. Then, press Save to create an empty folder
under the current directory.
Note: This operation is only available when the USB storage device connected is
recognized by the analyzer.
Disk Info
View the disk information, including the disk name, type, file system, the used
space and the total space.
Note: This menu is available only when external storage device is selected.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Name Prefix
1. Prefix Switch
Enable or disable the edited prefix name. The input box will automatically load
the prefix name after you press Save when Prefix Switch is set to On.
2. Edit Prefix
Edit the desired prefix name using the numeric keyboard. Up to 15 characters
can be entered.
System Update
Press this key to update the analyzer software after selecting the update file in the
USB storage device.
Chapter 3 Remote Control RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Chapter 3 Remote Control
Users can control DSA800 sesies spectrum analyzer through USB, LAN or GPIB
(option) remote interface. This chapter introduces remote control as well as the
control method.
Subjects in this chapter:
Remote Control Overview
Remote Control Method
RIGOL Chapter 3 Remote Control
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Remote Control Overview
DSA800 supports communication with PC via USB, LAN or GPIB (option) interface
for remote control. The remote control is realized on the basis of SCPI (Standard
Commands for Programmable Instruments) command set. DSA800 supports SCPI
1999.1 version.
When the instrument is in remote mode, the
icon is displayed in the user
interface and the front panel keys (except Esc) are locked. At this point, you can
press Esc to exist the remote mode.
Chapter 3 Remote Control RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Remote Control Method
The remote control of the analyzer on the basis of SCPI commands can be realized
through two ways:
1. User-defined programming.
2. PC software.
User-defined Programming
Users can program and control DSA800 by using the SCPI commands on the basis
of NI-VISA (National Instrument Virtual Instrument Software Architecture)
1. Install NI-VISA Library
You need to install the VISA library of NI (download from
http://www.ni.com/visa/ ) on your PC. NI-VISA is an application program
interface developed by NI according to the VISA standards. You can use
NI-VISA to realize the communication between the analyzer and PC through
instrument buses (such as USB). VISA defines a set of software commands
with which users can control the instrument without the need to understand
how the interface bus works. For details, please refer to the NI-VISA Help.
2. Build Communication between Instrument and PC
You need to build the communication between the analyzer and PC.
USB interface:
Use a USB cable to connect the analyzer and PC. At this point, the Found
New Hardware Wizardis displayed. Then, follow the instructions to install
the USB Test and Measurement Device (IVI).
The procedures are as follows:
1) Select “Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)and press
2) Select “Don’t search. I will choose the driver to install.” and press
RIGOL Chapter 3 Remote Control
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
3) Select “USB Test and Measurement Device (IVI)” and press “Next”.
4) Press “Finish” after the installation finishes.
Chapter 3 Remote Control RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
RIGOL Chapter 3 Remote Control
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
LAN interface:
Connect your analyzer to the local area network of the PC and set the
network parameters correctly following the instructions in I/O Settings
GPIB interface:
Use the USB-GPIB interface converter (option) to connect the analyzer to
PC with GPIB card through the USB Host interface and set the GPIB address
correctly following the instructions in I/O Settings
3. Programming
Then, you can select a familiar software developing tool for programming. The
developing tools available include Visual C++ 6.0, Visual Basic 6.0, LabVIEW
8.6 and etc. For detailed information about SCPI commands and programming
method, refer to
DSA800 Programming Guide
To Use PC software
Users can also use the PC software to send commands and control the analyzer
remotely. The PC softwares supported by DSA800 include:
Chapter 3 Remote Control RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
1. General PC software Ultra Sigma of RIGOL
2. Measurement & Automation Explore of NI (National Instrument Corporation)
3. Agilent IO Libraries Suite of Agilent (Agilent Technologies, Inc.)
This section introduces in details how to use Ultra Sigma to send commands
through each kind of interface to control the analyzer. Please refer to Ultra Sigma
Help to install the software and the components required correctly. This software is
contained in the resource CD in the standard accessories. You can also download
the latest version of the software from www.rigol.com.
1. Remote Control via USB
1) Connect the devices
Connect the analyzer (USB Device) with PC (USB Host) using a USB cable.
2) Install the USB drive
As the analyzer is a USBTMC device, after you connect the analyzer to the
PC and turn both on (the analyzer will be configured as USB interface
automatically), the PC will display theFound New Hardware Wizard.
Please install the USB Test and Measurement Devicedriver following
the directions of the wizard. For the procedures, refer to User-defined
3) Search for device resource
Start-up Ultra Sigma. The software starts searching for the analyzer
resources currently connected to the PC; or click
to search
4) View the resource
The resources found are shown under the RIGOL Online Resource
catalog. The instrument model and USB interface information are also
displayed as shown in the figure below.
RIGOL Chapter 3 Remote Control
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Figure 3-1 View the Resource
5) Communication test
Right click the resource name such as
DSA875 (USB0::0x1AB1::0x0960::DSA8A134400008::INSTR)
and select SCPI Panel Control to open the remote control panel (as
shown in the figure below) from which you can write commands and read
Figure 3-2 Write and Read Commands via USB
Chapter 3 Remote Control RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
2. Remote Control via LAN
1) Connect the devices
Connect the analyzer to your LAN.
2) Configure LAN parameters
Select LAN interface according to the description inLANofI/O
3) Search device resource
Start-up Ultra Sigma and click
. Then, click in
the pop-up window and the software starts searching for the analyzer
resources connected to LAN. When a LAN resource is found, its name will
be displayed in the resource box on the right side of the panel. Select the
desired resource and click
to add the resource. As shown in
the figures below.
RIGOL Chapter 3 Remote Control
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Figure 3-3 Search for LAN Resources
4) View the resource
The resources found are shown under the “RIGOL Online Resource”
catalog as shown in the figure below.
Figure 3-4 View the Resource
5) Communication test
Right click the resource name such as
DSA875 (TCPIP:: and select SCPI Panel
Control to open the remote control panel (as shown in the figure
below) from which you can write commands and read data.
Chapter 3 Remote Control RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Figure 3-5 Write and Read Commands via LAN
6) Load LXI webpage
The analyzer conforms to LXI Core 2011 Device standards. You can load
LXI webpage conveniently through Ultra Sigma (right-click the resource
name and select LXI-Web”). By default, some important information
about the analyzer such as the model, manufacturer, serial number,
description, MAC address and IP address is displayed on the webpage
shown as shown in the figure below.
Figure 3-6 LXI Webpage
Note: If you want to view or modify the network settings of this
instrument, please click
and input the initial password RIGOL
(must be uppercase letters) in the pop-up window (by default, the user
RIGOL Chapter 3 Remote Control
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
name is empty ). In addition, you can click to reset the
3. Remote Control via GPIB
1) Connect the devices
Connect the analyzer to the PC (configured with GPIB card) using
RIGOL USB-GPIB interface converter (option).
2) Install the device driver of the GPIB card
Install the driver of the GPIB card connected to the PC.
3) Set the GPIB address
Set the GPIB address of the analyzer according to the description in
GPIBofI/O Settings.
4) Search device resource
Start-up Ultra Sigma and click
to open the panel as shown
in the figure below. Then, clickSearchand the software starts
searching for the GPIB device resources connected to the PC
automatically. When a GPIB resource is found, its device source
descriptor will be displayed on the right side of the panel.
Figure 3-7 GPIB Setting
If resources cannot be found automatically:
Select the GPIB card address of the PC and the GPIB address of the
analyzer from the GPIB::and INSTR::dropdown boxes
Chapter 3 Remote Control RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Click Testto see if the GPIB communication works normally; if not,
please follow the prompt messages step by step.
5) View the resource
and return back to the main interface of Ultra Sigma.
The resources found are shown under theRIGOL Online Resource
Figure 3-8 View the GPIB Resource
6) Communication test
Right-click the resource name DSA875(GPIB0::1::INSTR) and select
SCPI Panel Control to open the remote control panel (as shown in the
figure below) from which you can write commands and read data.
RIGOL Chapter 3 Remote Control
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Figure 3-9 Write and Read Commands via GPIB
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting&Message RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting&Message
This chapter lists the commonly encountered failures of the analyzer and their
solutions. In addition, the meaning of each message in the message list is also
Subjects in this chapter:
RIGOL Chapter 4 Troubleshooting&Message
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
The commonly encountered failures and their solutions are listed below. When you
encounter those problems, please solve them following the corresponding steps. If
the problem remains still, please contact RIGOL and provide your device
information (System Information System Info).
1 The screen is still dark (no display) after power on:
(1) Check whether the fan is running:
If yes, the connection of the internal screen cable may be loose.
If not, the instrument has failed to start up and please refer to step (2).
(2) Check the power:
Check whether the power supply has been connected correctly and the
power switch has been turned on.
Check whether the power fuse is burned. If a new fuse needs to be
installed, please use a specified fuse ( 250V AC, T2A; 5 mm×20 mm).
2. The key is unresponsive or gives a wrong response:
(1) Press all the keys at the front panel to check if all of them are normal after
power on.
(2) Press System Self-Test Key Test to check if all the keys are
working properly.
(3) If a key is not working, the numeric keyboard connection might be loose or
the numeric keyboard is broken. Do not disassemble the instrument by
yourself and contact RIGOL.
3. The spectrum lines on the screen do not update for a long period of
(1) Check whether the screen is locked; if so, press Esc to unlock it.
(2) Verify whether all the trigger conditions have been met and whether there
is a valid trigger signal.
(3) Check whether the analyzer is in single sweep.
(4) Check whether the current sweep time is too long.
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting&Message RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
4. Wrong measurement results or poor precision:
To calculate the system errors and check the measurement results and precision,
refer to the introductions in Specifications”. To reach these specifications,
(1) Check whether all the external devices are successfully connected and are
working normally.
(2) Get some knowledge of the signal under measurement and set appropriate
instrument parameters.
(3) Make measurements under proper conditions; for example, warm-up the
instrument appropriately and operate the instrument under the specified
environment temperature.
(4) Calibrate the instrument regularly to reduce or avoid errors that might
occur over time.
If you need a specific calibration after the stated calibration period,
contact RIGOL or get paid service from authorized measurement
The analyzer provides auto calibration function. If required, press
System Calibrate Self-Cal and select On”. The instrument
will perform self-calibration regularly. Within half an hour after
power-on, the analyzer executes a self-calibration every 10 minutes
and per hour after being powered on for more than half an hour.
Press System Calibrate Cal Now to make a self-calibration
5. Pop-up Message:
The instrument may display prompt messages, error messages or state
messages according to the current working status. These messages are
displayed to help you to use the instrument correctly and are not instrument
failures. For information of the pop-up messages, please refer to
RIGOL Chapter 4 Troubleshooting&Message
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Messages fall into three types on the basis of their purpose and severity:
Information Message, Error Message and Status Message. These messages can
help you to get accurate measurements and know the working status of the
1. Information Message
Inform you that the current task has been finished or the analyzer has entered
a specified state. Information messages are always marked with
. They are
displayed on the screen in message box for several seconds and then
disappear automatically. You can also press any key to clear the message.
Message number: 1 - 199.
2. Error Message
Warn you that the current operation cannot be executed and has been
ignored or paused for some reason. Error messages are always marked with
. They are displayed on the screen in message box for several seconds and
then disappear automatically. You can also press any key to clear the error
On the basis of the cause of the error, error messages are divided into
Command Error, Execution Error, Device Specific Error and Query Error. Each
kind of error corresponds to a specific bit in the Standard Event Status
Register (see IEEE 488.2,11.5.1). In remote mode, if you observe an error in
the standard event status register, send the :SYSTem:ERRor? command to
get the specific error message and locate the cause of the error.
(1) Command Error:
Indicate a command error is detected by the parser while in remote control
(see IEEE488.2,6.1.6). Possible reasons are:
The parser detects a syntax error (see IEEE488.2, ;
An unrecognized header causes semantic error (see IEEE488.2,10) .
Message number: -199 to -100.
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting&Message RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
(2) Execution Error:
Indicate an execution error is detected by the Execution Control Block.
Possible reasons are:
A parameter following the command header is evaluated by the
device as being outside of its legal input range.
The command could not be properly responded to due to the current
device condition.
Message number: -299 to -200.
(3) Device Specific Error:
The command cannot be correctly executed due to the current settings of
the hardware and software of the device.
Message number: -399 to -300 (defined in SCPI standard) and 300 to
(4) Query Error:
Indicate a query error is generated when the output queue controller
detects a Message Exchange Protocol error (see IEEE488.2,6.1.10).
Possible reasons are (see IEEE488.2,6.5.7) :
When trying to read the output queue, the queue has no data or is
being suspended.
Data in the output queue has been lost.
Message number: -499 to -400.
3. Status Message:
Warn you that the analyzer is now in a certain or abnormal condition and
should be paid attention to. Status messages are always marked with
They are displayed on the screen until the instrument exits the condition, the
Esc key is pressed or the *CLS command is sent. The status messages are
stored in the corresponding status register, and can be queried by
sending :Status or :SYSTEM:ERROR[:NEXT]?.
Message number: 200 to 299.
RIGOL Chapter 4 Troubleshooting&Message
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Information Message
Message Description
PictBridge printer connected.
PictBridge printer is connected successfully and is waiting for
2 PictBridge printer installed successfully.
PictBridge printer has already been installed successfully and is ready
for printing.
3 PictBridge printer disconnected.
4 Printing task finished.
5 Printing task paused.
Printing task is paused due to an error. Please solve the problem and
select RESUME. For the cause of the error please refer to the message
6 Printing task stopped.
An irretrievable error occurred during printing. Please select “Cancel” to
stop the printing.
7 Printing task canceled.
8 Printing task resumed.
10 U Disk connected.
A USB storage device is connected and is waiting for initialization.
11 U Disk installed successfully.
12 U Disk removed.
Start updating firmware.
The firmware is updating; please wait and keep the USB storage device
connected. For any problem, please contact
technical support.
14 Updating firmware completed.
Firmware update is finished. The new firmware program will be
executed automatically as soon as you restart the device.
15 Saving file completed.
Overwrite file existed.
Load data with old revision.
Load old version data into the current system. The data might not be
correctly recognized and the instrument might not work normally.
The last spell char is allowed to input.
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting&Message RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
19 Please select the valid file type.
U Disk is not connected.
LAN connected.
LAN disconnected.
Network settings will be reset, press yes to continue?
40 Welcome to Super Mode.
Welcome to User Mode.
Welcome to Production Mode.
Welcome to Maintenance Mode.
Welcome to Color Egg Mode.
Please confirm, and press again.
51 The display was locked, please press Esc to unlock.
52 Display unlocked.
54 Please select the valid file.
55 It is not allowed to delete folder.
56 Fail to load file.
57 Local disk is being formatted, please wait for a moment.
58 Formatting is finished.
60 Software version does not match, file loading fails.
61 Invalid source.
62 Select where to load, antenna, cable, user or others.
63 Option is activated.
64 Option is deleted.
65 The edited frequency already exists.
80 Limit lines are cleaned because of change of X Axis type.
81 Copy completed.
82 Do you want to overwrite the existing file?
Please select the file to be copied.
Fail to copy, as the destination is the same as the source.
Updating the reference trace
Enter line mode.
87 Exit line mode.
88 Please press ESC to exit remote control mode.
89 The USB cable became disconnectable.
90 Please press ESC to exit line mode.
91 Safety clear succeeded.
RIGOL Chapter 4 Troubleshooting&Message
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Error Message
Command Error
Message Description
Command error.
A generic syntax error indicates that the device cannot detect more
specific errors. This code indicates that only Command Error defined in
IEEE 488.2, has been found.
-101 Invalid character.
The syntactic element contains an invalid character; for example, the
command header contains an ampersand (SETUP&). This error might
be used in place of errors -114, -121, -141 and perhaps some others.
-102 Syntax error.
An unrecognizable command or data type was encountered; for
example, a string not supported by the device was received.
-103 Invalid separator.
The parser was expecting a separator but recieved an illegal character;
for example, the semicolon following a program message was omitted:
Data type error.
The parser recognized a data element other than the one allowed; for
example, numeric or string data was expected but block data was
-105 GET not allowed.
A Group Execute Trigger was contained in a program message (see
IEEE 488.2, 7.7).
-108 Parameter not allowed.
More parameters were received than expected for the command
header; for example, the *EMC common command only accepts one
parameter, so *EMC 0, 1 is not allowed.
-109 Missing parameter.
Fewer parameters were contained than required in the command
header; for example, the *EMC common command requires one
parameter, so *EMC is not allowed.
Command header error.
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting&Message RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
An error was detected in the command header. This error message is
always used when the device cannot detect more specific errors
described in errors -111 to -119.
Header separator error.
An illegal command header separator was encountered while parsing
the command header; for example, no space is allowed following the
command header, thus *GMC"MACRO" is wrong.
-112 Program mnemonic too long.
The command header contains more that twelve characters (see IEEE
-113 Undefined header.
The command header is syntactically correct, but it is not defined by
the device; for example, *XYZ is not defined by any device.
Header suffix out of range.
A numeric suffix value was attached to a program mnemonic, making
the header invalid.
-115 Unexpected number of parameters.
The number of parameters received does not correspond to the
number of parameters expected. This is typically due to an
inconsistency with the number of the instrument in the selected group
(see INSTrument:DEFine:GROup).
-120 Numeric data error.
This error, as well as errors -121 to -129, is generated when parsing a
numeric data element and non-decimal number is contained in the
numeric representation area. This error message is always used when
the device cannot detect a more specific error.
-121 Invalid character in number.
An invalid character for the data type being parsed was encountered;
for example, an alpha in a decimal numeric or "9" in octal data.
-123 Exponent too large.
The exponent was larger than 32000 (see IEEE 488.2,
Too many digits.
The mantissa of a decimal numeric data element contained more than
255 digits excluding leading zeros (see IEEE 488.2,
-128 Numeric data not allowed.
A legal numeric data element was received, but the device does not
support one in this position for the header.
RIGOL Chapter 4 Troubleshooting&Message
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
-130 Suffix error.
This error, as well as errors -131 to -139, is generated when parsing a
suffix. This error message is always used when the device cannot
detect a more specific error.
-131 Invalid suffix.
The suffix does not follow the syntax described in IEEE 488.2,,
or the suffix is inappropriate for this device.
-134 Suffix too long.
The suffix contained more than 12 characters (see IEEE 488.2,
-138 Suffix not allowed.
A suffix was encountered after a numeric element which does not
allow suffixes.
Character data error.
This error, as well as errors -141 to -149, is generated when parsing a
character data element. This error message should be used if the
device cannot detect a more specific error.
-141 Invalid character data.
The command header is invalid when the character data element
contains an invalid character or a particular character.
-144 Character data too long.
The character data element contains more than twelve characters (see
IEEE 488.2,
Character data not allowed.
A legal character data element was used in a position prohibited by the
-150 String data error.
This error, as well as errors -151 to -159, is generated when parsing a
string data element. This error message is always used when the
device cannot detect a more specific error.
Invalid string data.
A string data element was expected, but was invalid for some reason
(see IEEE 488
.2,; for example, an END message was received
before the terminal quote character.
-158 String data not allowed.
A legal string data element was encountered but was not allowed by
the device at this point in parsing.
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting&Message RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
-160 Block data error.
This error, as well as errors -161 to -169, is generated when parsing a
block data element. This error message is always used when the
device cannot detect a more specific error.
-161 Invalid block data.
A block data element was expected, but was invalid for some reason
(see IEEE 488.2,; for example, an END message was received
before the length was satisfied.
Block data not allowed.
A legal block data element was encountered but was not allowed by
the device at this point in parsing.
-170 Expression error.
This error, as well as errors -171 to -179, is generated when parsing an
expression data element. This error message is always used when the
device cannot detect a more specific error.
Invalid expression.
The expression data element was
invalid (see IEEE 488.2,; for
example, unmatched parentheses or an illegal character.
Expression data not allowed.
A legal expression data was encountered but was not allowed by the
device at this point in parsing.
-180 Macro error.
This error, as well as errors -181 to -189, is generated when defining a
macro or executing a macro. This error message is always used when
the device cannot detect a more specific error.
-181 Invalid outside macro definition.
Indicate that a macro parameter placeholder ($<number) was
encountered outside of a macro definition.
Invalid inside macro definition.
Indicate that the program message unit sequence, sent with a *DDT
or *DMC command, is syntactically invalid (see IEEE 488.2,
-184 Macro parameter error.
Indicate that the command parameter type or value inside the macro
definition is wrong.
RIGOL Chapter 4 Troubleshooting&Message
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Execution Error
Number Message Description
-200 Execution error.
A generic syntax error indicates that the device cannot detect more
specific errors. This code indicates that only an Execution Error defined in
IEEE 488.2, has occurred.
-201 Invalid while in local.
Indicate that a command is not executable while the device is in local
mode (see IEEE 488.2,; select a proper communication interface
to switch to remote mode.
Command protected.
Indicate that a legal password-protected program command or query
could not be executed because the command was disabled.
-220 Parameter error.
Indicate that a program data element related error occurred. This error
message is always used when the device cannot detect the more specific
errors described in errors -221 to -229.
-221 Settings conflict.
Indicate that a legal program data element was parsed but could not be
executed due to the current device state (see IEEE 488.2, and
-222 Data out of range.
Indicate that a legal program data element was parsed but could not be
executed because the interpreted value was outside of the legal range
defined by the device (see IEEE 488.2,
Too much data.
Indicate that a legal program data element of block, expression or string
type was received but could not be executed because it contained more
data than the device could handle due to memory or related device
Illegal parameter value.
Used where the specified value in the parameter list was expected.
-225 Out of memory.
The device has insufficient memory to perform the requested operation.
-233 Invalid version.
Indicate that a legal program data element was parsed but could not be
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting&Message RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
executed because the version of the data is incorrect for the device. This
particular error message is always used when file or block data formats
can be recognized by the instrument but cannot be executed due to
version incompatibility. For example, an unsupported file version, an
unsupported instrument version.
-240 Hardware error.
Indicate that a legal program data or query could not be executed
because of a hardware problem in the device. This error message is
always used when the device cannot detect the more specific error
described in error -241.
-241 Hardware missing.
Indicate that a legal program data or query could not be executed
because the option was not installed.
Mass storage error.
Indicate that a mass storage error occurred. This error message is always
used when the device cannot detect the more specific errors described in
errors -251 to -258.
-251 Missing mass storage.
Indicate that a legal program command or query could not be executed
because the mass storage was not installed.
-252 Missing media.
Indicate that a legal program command or query could not be executed
because no disk can be found.
Corrupt media.
Indicate that a legal program command or query could not be executed
because of a bad disk or wrong disk formatting.
-254 Media full.
Indicate that a legal program command or query could not be executed
because there is not enough space on the disk.
-256 File name not found.
Indicate that a legal program command or query could not be executed
because the file to be read or copied does not exist.
-257 File name error.
Indicate that a legal program command or query could not be executed
because the name of the file to be copied is already in use.
RIGOL Chapter 4 Troubleshooting&Message
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
-258 Media protected.
Indicate that a legal program command or query could not be executed
because the disk was in write-protect mode.
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting&Message RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Device Specific Error
Number Message Description
Device-specific error.
A generic device-dependent error indicates that the device cannot detect
more specific errors. This code indicates that only a Device-Dependent
Error defined in IEEE 488.2, has occurred. Please report the
error to your
sales or technical support team.
-310 System error.
Indicate that some error, termed system errorby the device, has
occurred. Please report the error to your RIGOL sales or technical
support team.
Memory error.
Indicate that local C disk is not formatted or an error occurred during
self-test. If restarting the device is still of no effect, please report the
error to your
sales or technical support team.
Save/recall memory lost.
Indicate that the nonvolatile data saved by the *SAV? command has been
-315 Configuration memory lost.
Indicate that nonvolatile configuration data saved by the device has been
-321 Out of memory.
An internal operation needed more memory than that was available.
Please report the error to your
sales or technical support team.
-330 Self-test failed.
The self-test failed. For more information, please refer to the result of the
-340 Calibration failed.
The calibration failed. Please report the error to your RIGOL sales or
technical support team.
Queue overflow.
Error occurs when the code enters into the queue. This message
indicates that there is no room in the queue and an error occurred but
was not recorded.
-360 Communication error.
RIGOL Chapter 4 Troubleshooting&Message
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
-365 Time out error.
Communicating with USB-GPIB interface converter times out. Please
restart the converter.
Print paper error.
Fail to print. Please check whether print papers are available and in the
correct position.
301 Print ink error.
Fail to print. Please check the quantity of ink or confirm whether the ink is
installed correctly.
302 Printer hardware error.
Fail to print. A printer hardware error occurred and please check it.
303 Print file type error.
Fail to print owing to wrong print file type.
Unknown print error.
Updating error with wrong image file.
An error occurred when updating firmware because the format of the
image file is incorrect or the file has already been damaged.
311 Updating error with wrong revision.
An error occurred when updating firmware because of a revision
312 Updating error with failing to write flash.
An error occurred when updating firmware owing to a failure to write to
the flash.
320 Invalid file path.
The file path received may not exist or an illegal path format was
Invalid input.
An illegal string has been received.
322 File name too long.
The file name is too long. The length should not exceed 48 characters.
323 U-Disk failed to install.
The USB storage device can not be correctly installed and please examine
it for possible damage. For any question, please contact RIGOL technical
File name existed.
The file name received already exists and please re-input.
Input empty.
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting&Message RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
The input is empty. Please input a legal string before saving.
Fail to save file.
Other language except English not supported.
Any other languages are disabled except English.
328 File operation failed.
329 No space to save file.
The file or folder can not be created or saved owing to limited space.
331 Invalid license key.
The length of the license key must be no more than 20 characters.
332 Invalid File Type to load.
333 Invalid installation, please insert U disk again.
334 Invalid sweep data, confirm to continue?
340 DHCP renew failed.
Fail to configure IP address with DHCP server. Please try manual IP.
341 IP conflict.
The IP address received is already in use. Please try another IP address.
342 Invalid IP.
The IP address received is invalid.
Can’t auto-couple sweep time in zero span.
Sweep time can not be coupled automatically in zero span. Please set it
351 Zero span unavailable for other measurements except T-power.
354 Pre-amplifier can not be enabled.
Please adjust the settings of the reference level, attenuator as well as
maximum mixing level.
355 Scale/div invalid in linear scale mode.
356 Invalid function in zero span.
In zero span, the following operations cannot be executed: Signal Track
On, Span Zoom In, Span Zoom Out, Peak->CF, Mkr->CF, Mkr->Step,
Mkr->Start, Mkr->Stop, Mkr Delta->CF, Mkr Delta->Span, setting the
Mark readout as FREQ or PERIOD, TG power sweep.
357 Invalid function in non-zero span.
Video trigger and the1/ΔTime in marker readout are invalid in non-zero
358 Invalid mark readout type.
For Delta Pair marker, the 1/ΔTime marker readout type is invalid; and
for normal marker, MkrΔ->CF and Mk->Span are invalid.
RIGOL Chapter 4 Troubleshooting&Message
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
359 Invalid function when trace is not enabled.
A marker could not be assigned to a trace when the trace is not enabled.
360 User preset failed.
The user preset has failed because the edition of the saved status data is
incorrect or the status data has been damaged. In this situation, the
system will execute Factory settings as the defaults.
400 Input signal power out of range.
Indicate that the input signal power is out of range. Working in this state
for a long time would cause damage to the device. Please reduce the
input power.
401 1st LO unlock.
The first LO is unlocked. Please report the error to your RIGOL sales or
technical support.
2nd LO unlock.
The second LO is unlocked. Please report the error to your RIGOL sales
or technical support.
403 Track LO unlock.
Track LO is unlocked. Please report the error to your RIGOL sales or
technical support.
412 DA overrange due to volume adjustment in FM.
413 Intermediate frequency signal out of range.
420 Option not installed.
The desired operation cannot be performed because the option required
is not installed.
460 No peak found.
No signal peak that meets the criteria was found under Peak Search.
461 No fundamental wave found.
Indicate that no fundamental wave greater than 50dBm is found.
462 No two-tone signal found.
463 Invalid function as cursor is not enabled.
The cursor cannot be set to the reference level unless it is enabled.
464 Menus under Storage can not be set to Userkey.
465 Invalid function.
470 Calibration memory lost.
Indicate that the calibration data before delivery or last valid calibration
data has been lost. Please report the error to your RIGOL sales or
technical support team.
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting&Message RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
471 Calibration data of TG lost.
Indicates that the calibration data before delivery or last valid calibration
data has been lost. Please report the error to your RIGOL sales or
technical support team.
472 USB firmwarte lost.
473 Device information lost.
474 Data of menu, help, message and font lost.
475 Preset data to load is damaged.
RIGOL Chapter 4 Troubleshooting&Message
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Query Error
Number Message Description
-400 Query error.
A generic query error indicates that the device cannot detect more
specific errors. This code indicates that only a Query Error defined in IEEE
488.2, and 6.3 has occurred.
Indicate that an INTERRUPTED Query error occurred due to some reason
(see IEEE 488.2,; for example, a query was added to DAB or GET
before a response was completely sent.
Indicate that an UNTERMINATED Query error occurred due to some
reason (see IEEE 488.2,; for example, the device was addressed
to communicate but an incomplete program message was received.
-430 Query DEADLOCKED.
Indicate that a DEADLOCKED Query error occurred due to some reason
(see IEEE 488.2,; for example, both input buffer and output
buffer are full and the device cannot continue.
-440 Query UNTERMINATED after indefinite response.
Indicate that a query was received before the error response generated
from the previous query was solved (see IEEE 488.2,
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting&Message RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Status Message
Message Description
Auto range
Auto tune
204 Calibrating
205 Waiting for triggered
If it is not in freerun mode, the system will keep waiting until it receives
a trigger signal.
252 Auto range finished.
253 Auto tune finished.
254 Self-calibration finished.
255 Triggered.
Chapter 5 Specifications RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Chapter 5 Specifications
Specifications are valid under the following conditions: the instrument is within the
calibration period, is stored for at least two hours at 0 to 50 temperature and
is warmed up for 40 minutes. Unless otherwise noted, the specifications in the
manual include the measurement uncertainty.
Typical (typ.): characteristic performance, which 80 percent of the measurement
results will meet at room temperature (approximately 25). This data is not
warranted and does not include the measurement uncertainty.
Nominal (nom.): the expected mean or average performance or a designed
attribute (such as the 50Ω connector). This data is not warranted and is measured
at room temperature (approximately 25).
Measured (meas.): an attribute measured during the design phase which can be
compared to the expected performance, such as the amplitude drift variation with
time. This data is not warranted and is measured at room temperature
(approximately 25).
Note: All charts in this manual are the measurement results of multiple instruments at room
temperature unless otherwise noted.
RIGOL Chapter 5 Specifications
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Technical Specifications*
DSA815 DSA832 DSA875
Frequency range 9 kHz to 1.5 GHz 9 kHz to 3.2 GHz 9 kHz to 7.5 GHz
Frequency resolution 1 Hz
Internal Reference Frequency
DSA815 DSA832 DSA875
Reference frequency 10 MHz
±[ (time since last calibration × aging rate) + temperature
stability + calibration accuracy]
Initial calibration
<1 ppm
Temperature stability
0 to 5 0 , re fe re n c e to 2 5
<2 ppm <0.5 ppm
Aging rate <2 ppm/year <1 ppm/year
Frequency Readout Accuracy
Marker resolution span/ (number of sweep points - 1)
Marker uncertainty
±(frequency indication × reference frequency accuracy +
1% × span + 10% × resolution bandwidth + marker
Frequency Counter
Resolution 1 Hz, 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz, 10 kHz, 100 kHz
±(frequency indication × reference frequency accuracy
counter resolution)
Note: *The specifications (except the TG specifications) listed in this manual are those when the
tracking generator is off.
Chapter 5 Specifications RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Frequency Span
Range 0 Hz, 100 Hz to maximum frequency of instrument
Uncertainty ±span/ (number of sweep points - 1)
SSB Phase Noise
20 to 30, f
= 1 GHz
Carrier offset DSA815 DSA832 DSA875
10 kHz <-80 dBc/Hz <-98 dBc/Hz
100 kHz
<-100 dBc/Hz
<-100 dBc/Hz (typ.)
Residual FM
to 30
, RBW = VBW = 1 kHz
DSA815 DSA832 DSA875
Residual FM <50 Hz (nom.) <20 Hz (nom.)
DSA815 DSA832 DSA875
Resolution bandwidth
(-3 dB)
100 Hz to 1 MHz, in
1-3-10 sequence
10 Hz to 1 MHz, in 1-3-10 sequence
RBW uncertainty <5% (nom.)
Resolution filter shape
factor (60 dB : 3 dB)
<5 (nom.)
Video bandwidth
(-3 dB)
1 Hz to 3 MHz, in 1-3-10 sequence
Resolution bandwidth
(-6 dB) (EMI-DSA800
200 Hz, 9 kHz, 120 kHz
RIGOL Chapter 5 Specifications
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Measurement Range
10 MHz
DANL to +20 dBm
Maximum Input Level
DC voltage 50 V
CW RF power
attenuation = 30 dB
+20 dBm (100 mW)
Max. damage level* +30 dBm (1 W)
Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL)
attenuation = 0 dB, RBW = VBW = 100 Hz, sample
detector, trace average ≥ 50, tracking generator off, 20
to 30, input impendence = 50 Ω
100 kHz to 1 MHz <-90 dBm, <-110 dBm (typ.)
1 MHz to 1.5 GHz <-110 dBm + 6 × (f/1 GHz) dB, <-115 dBm (typ.)
100 kHz to 1 MHz <-110 dBm, <-130 dBm (typ.)
1 MHz to 1.5 GHz <-130 dBm + 6 × (f/1 GHz) dB, <-135 dBm (typ.)
Note: *When f
10 MHz, input level > +25 dBm and PA is Off, the protection switch will be on.
Chapter 5 Specifications RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL)
DSA832 DSA875
attenuation = 0 dB, RBW = VBW = 10 Hz, sample
detector, trace average ≥ 50, tracking generator off, 20
to 30, input impendence = 50 Ω
9 kHz to 100 kHz <-110 dBm (typ.) <-110 dBm (typ.)
100 kHz to 5 MHz
<-125 dBm,
<-128 dBm (typ.)
<-125 dBm,
<-128 dBm (typ.)
5 MHz to 3.2 GHz
<-130 dBm,
<-134 dBm (typ.)
<-130 dBm,
<-134 dBm (typ.)
3.2 GHz to 6 GHz
<-126 dBm,
<-130 dBm (typ.)
6 GHz to 7.5 GHz
<-121 dBm,
<-125 dBm (typ.)
100 kHz to 1 MHz <-142 dBm (typ.) <-142 dBm (typ.)
1 MHz to 5 MHz
<-142 dBm,
<-145 dBm (typ.)
<-142 dBm,
<-145 dBm (typ.)
5 MHz to 3.2 GHz
<-147 dBm,
<-151 dBm (typ.)
<-147 dBm,
<-151 dBm (typ.)
3.2 GHz to 6 GHz
<-143 dBm,
<-147 dBm (typ.)
6 GHz to 7.5 GHz
<-138 dBm,
<-142 dBm (typ.)
RIGOL Chapter 5 Specifications
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL) (Normalized to 1Hz)
DSA815 DSA832 DSA875
attenuation = 0 dB, RBW = VBW = 100 Hz, sample
detector, trace average ≥ 50, tracking generator off,
normalized to 1Hz, 20 to 30, input impendence = 50 Ω
9 kHz to 100 kHz <-120 dBm (typ.) <-120 dBm (typ.)
100 kHz to 1 MHz
<-110 dBm,
<-130 dBm (typ.)
<-135 dBm,
<-138 dBm (typ.)
<-135 dBm,
<-138 dBm (typ.)
1 MHz to 5 MHz <-130 dBm + 6 ×
(f/1 GHz) dB,
<-135 dBm (typ.)
5 MHz to 1.5 GHz
<-140 dBm,
<-144 dBm (typ.)
<-140 dBm,
<-144 dBm (typ.)
1.5 GHz to 3.2
3.2 GHz to 6 GHz
<-136 dBm,
<-140 dBm (typ.)
6 GHz to 7.5 GHz
<-131 dBm,
<-135 dBm (typ.)
100 kHz to 1 MHz
<-130 dBm,
<-150 dBm (typ.)
<-152 dBm (typ.) <-152 dBm (typ.)
1 MHz to 5 MHz
<-150 dBm + 6 ×
(f/1 GHz) dB,
<-155 dBm (typ.)
<-152 dBm
<-155 dBm (typ.)
<-152 dBm
<-155 dBm (typ.)
5 MHz to 1.5 GHz
<-157 dBm,
<-161 dBm (typ.)
<-157 dBm,
<-161 dBm (typ.)
1.5 GHz to 3.2
3.2 GHz to 6 GHz
<-153 dBm,
<-157 dBm (typ.)
6 GHz to 7.5 GHz
<-148 dBm,
<-152 dBm (typ.)
Chapter 5 Specifications RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Level Display
Logarithmic level axis 1 dB to 200 dB
Linear level axis 0 to reference level
Number of display points 601
Number of traces 3 + math trace
Trace detectors
normal, positive-peak, negative-peak, sample, RMS,
voltage average
quasi-peak (with EMI-DSA800 option)
Trace functions clear write, max hold, min hold, average, view, blank
Units of level axis dBm, dBmV, dBμV, nV, μV, mV, V, nW, μW, mW, W
Frequency Response
DSA815 DSA832 DSA875
Frequency response
100 kHz, attenuation = 10 dB, relative to 50 MHz,
20 to 30
100 kHz to 1.5 GHz <0.7 dB
<0.5 dB, <0.3 dB (typ.)
1.5 GHz to 3.2 GHz
3.2 GHz to 7.5 GHz <0.7 dB, <0.3 dB (typ.)
1MHz, attenuation = 10 dB, relative to 50 MHz, 20
to 30
100 kHz to 1.5 GHz <1.0 dB
<0.7 dB, <0.3 dB (typ.)
1.5 GHz to 3.2 GHz
3.2 GHz to 7.5 GHz <0.9 dB, <0.3 dB (typ.)
Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty
DSA815 DSA832 DSA875
Setting range 0 dB to 30 dB, in 1 dB step
Switching uncertainty
= 50 MHz, relative to 10 dB, 20
to 30
<0.5 dB <0.3 dB
Absolute Amplitude Uncertainty
DSA815 DSA832 DSA875
= 50 MHz, peak detector, preamplifier off, attenuation
= 10 dB, input signal level = -10dBm, 20 to 30
<0.4 dB <0.3 dB
RIGOL Chapter 5 Specifications
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
RBW Switching Uncertainty
relative to 1 kHz RBW
<0.1 dB
Reference Level
Range -100 dBm to +20 dBm, in 1 dB step
log scale 0.01 dB
linear scale 4 digits
100 kHz to 1.5 GHz 20 dB (nom.)
17 dB (nom.)
17 dB (nom.) 1.5 GHz to 3.2 GHz
3.2 GHz to 7.5 GHz
Level Measurement Uncertainty
DSA815 DSA832 DSA875
95% confidence level, S/N > 20 dB, RBW = VBW = 1
kHz, preamplifier off, attenuation = 10 dB, -50 dBm <
input level 0 dBm, f
> 10 MHz, 20 to 30
Level measurement
<1.5 dB (nom.) <0.8 dB (nom.)
DSA815 DSA832 DSA875
attenuation 10 dB
300 kHz to 1.5
<1.5 (nom.)
<1.5 (nom.) <1.5 (nom.)
1.5 GHz to 3.2
3.2 GHz to 7.5
<1.8 (nom.)
Chapter 5 Specifications RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Second Harmonic Intercept
DSA815 DSA832 DSA875
Second harmonic intercept
50 MHz, input signal level = -20 dBm, attenuation
= 10 dB
+40 dBm +45 dBm
Third-order Intercept
DSA815 DSA832 DSA875
Third-order intercept
50 MHz, two -20 dBm tones at input mixer spaced
by 200 kHz, attenuation = 10 dB
+10 dBm +11 dBm, +15 dBm (typ.)
1dB Gain Compression
1dB compression of input
mixer (P
50 MHz, attenuation = 0 dB
>0 dBm
Spurious Response
Spurious response, inherent
DSA815 DSA832 DSA875
input terminated 50 Ω, attenuation = 0 dB, 20
<-88dBm (typ.)
<-100dBm (typ.)
Intermediate frequency <-60 dBc
System related sidebands
referenced to local oscillators, referenced to A/D
conversion, referenced to subharmonic of first LO,
referenced to harmonic of first LO
<-60 dBc
Input related spurious
mixer level = -30dBm
<-60 dBc
Note: * Except the internal local oscillator (1820 MHz) and its harmonics.
RIGOL Chapter 5 Specifications
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
DSA815 DSA832 DSA875
span 100 Hz 10 ms to 1500 s 1 ms to 3200 s 1 ms to 7500 s
zero span 20 μs to 1500 s 20 μs to 3200 s 20 μs to 7500 s
span 100 Hz 5% (nom.)
zero span
(sweep time
setting value >
1 ms)
5% (nom.)
Sweep mode continuous, single
Tracking Generator (Option)
TG Output
DSA815 DSA832 DSA875
Frequency range
100 kHz to 1.5
100 kHz to 3.2
100 kHz to 7.5
Output level range
-20 dBm to 0
-40 dBm to 0 dBm
Output level resolution 1 dB
Output flatness
relative to 50 MHz
±3 dB (nom.)
Trigger source free run, video, external
External trigger level 5 V TTL level
Chapter 5 Specifications RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Input /Output
Front Panel Connectors
RF input
impedance 50 Ω (nom.)
connector N female
Tracking generator
impedance 50 Ω (nom.)
connector N female
Internal/ External Reference
Internal reference
frequency 10 MHz
output level +3 dBm to +10 dBm, +8 dBm (typ.)
impedance 50 Ω (nom.)
connector BNC female
External reference
frequency 10 MHz ± 5 ppm
input level 0 dBm to +10 dBm
impedance 50 Ω (nom.)
connector BNC female
External Trigger Input
External trigger
impedance 1 (nom.)
connector BNC female
Communication Interface
USB host
connector A plug
protocol version2.0
USB device
connector B plug
protocol version2.0
LXI core
2011 device
10/100Base, RJ-45
RIGOL Chapter 5 Specifications
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
General Specifications
Resolution 800 x 480 pixels
Size 8 inch
Colors 64k
Printer Supported
Protocol PictBridge
Mass Memory
Mass memory
flash disk (internal),
USB storage device (not supplied)
Power Supply
Input voltage range, AC 100 V to 240 V (nom.)
AC supply frequency 45 Hz to 440 Hz
Power consumption
35 W (typ.),
max. 50 W with all options
temperature range
0 to 50
storage temperature
-20 to 70
0 to 30
95% rel. humidity
30 to 40
75% rel. humidity
Altitude operating height up to 3,000m
Chapter 5 Specifications RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Electromagnetic Compatibility and Safety
in line with EN61326-1:2006
IEC 61000-4-2:2001 ±4.0 kV (contact discharge), ±4.0 kV (air discharge)
IEC 61000-4-3:2002
3 V/m (80 MHz to 1 GHz), 3 V/m (1.4 GHz to 2 GHz),
1 V/m (2.0 GHz to 2.7 GHz)
IEC 61000-4-4:2004 1 kV power lines
IEC 61000-4-5:2001
0.5 kV (phase to neutral), 0.5 kV (phase to PE), 1 kV
(neutral to PE)
IEC 61000-4-6:2003 3 V, 0.15 to 80 MHz
voltage dip: 0% UT during half cycle, 0% UT during 1
cycle, 70% UT during 25 cycles
short interruption: 0% UT during 250 cycles
Electrical safety
in line with
UL 61010-1:2012, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1-12,
EN 61010-1:2010
(W × H × D)
361.6 mm × 178.8 mm × 128 mm
(14.2 in × 7.0 in × 5.0 in)
DSA815 DSA832 DSA875
4.25 kg (9.4 lb)
4.55 kg (10.0 lb)
With tracking generator 5.15 kg (11.4 lb)
Chapter 6 Appendix RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Chapter 6 Appendix
Appendix A: Ordering Infomation
Order Number
spectrum analyzer, 9 kHz to 1.5 GHz (with
spectrum analyzer, 9 kHz to 3.2 GHz DSA832
spectrum analyzer, 9 kHz to 7.5 GHz
spectrum analyzer, 9 kHz to 1.5 GHz (with
preamplifier, with tracking
generator, factory installed)
spectrum analyzer, 9 kHz to 3.2 GHz (with tracking
generator, factory installed)
spectrum analyzer, 9 kHz to 7.5 GHz (with tracking
generator, factory installed)
quick guide (hard copy)
CDROM (user’s guide, programming guide)
power cable
preamplifier, 100 kHz to 3.2 GHz (only for DSA832)
preamplifier, 100 kHz to 7.5 GHz (only for DSA875)
EMI filter & quasi-peak detector
advanced measurement kit
VSWR measurement kit
DSA PC software
Ultra Spectrum
include: N-SMA cable, BNC-BNC cable, N-BNC
adaptor, N-SMA adaptor, 75 Ω to 50 Ω adaptor,
900 MHz/1.8 GHz antenna (2pcs), 2.4 GHz antenna
DSA Utility Kit
include: N(F)-N(F) adaptor (1pcs), N(M)-N(M)
adaptor (1pcs), N(M)-SMA(F) adaptor (2pcs),
N(M)-BNC(F) adaptor (2pcs), SMA(F)-SMA(F)
adaptor (1pcs), SMA(M)-SMA(M) adaptor (1pcs),
BNC T type adaptor (1pcs), 50 Ω SMA load (1pcs), 50
Ω BNC impedance adaptor (1pcs)
RF Adaptor Kit
include: 50 Ω to 75 Ω adaptor (2pcs)
include: 6dB attenuator (1pcs), 10dB attenuator
RF Attenuator Kit
30dB high power attenuator, max. power 100W
N(M)-N(M) RF cable
RIGOL Chapter 6 Appendix
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
N(M)-SMA(M) RF cable
RF demo kit (transmitter)
RF demo kit (receiver)
VSWR bridge with VSWR-DSA800, 1 MHz to 2 GHz
VSWR bridge with VSWR-DSA800, 800 MHz to 4 GHz
VSWR bridge with VSWR-DSA800, 2 GHz to 8 GHz
rack mount kit
soft carrying bag
USB to GPIB interface converter for instrument
Note: For more option and accessory information, please contact RIGOL salesman
or local distributor.
Chapter 6 Appendix RIGOL
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Appendix B: Warranty
RIGOL warrants that its products mainframe and accessories will be free from
defects in materials and workmanship within the warranty period.
If a product is proven to be defective within the respective period, RIGOL
guarantees the free replacement or repair of products which are approved
defective. To get repair service, please contact with your nearest RIGOL sales and
service office.
RIGOL does not provide any other warranty items except the one being provided
by this summary and the warranty statement. The warranty items include but not
being subjected to the hint guarantee items related to tradable characteristic and
any particular purpose. RIGOL will not take any responsibility in cases regarding
to indirect, particular and ensuing damage.
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
1/ΔTime ................................. 2-83
3rd Order Lower ....................... 2-74
3rd Order Upper ....................... 2-74
Accurate Calibrate ................... 2-105
ACP ................................. 2-47, 2-56
Active Fctn ............................. 2-109
Adj CH BW ............................... 2-57
AM .......................................... 2-76
Amplitude Correction ................. 2-20
Auto ........................................ 2-94
Auto Range .............................. 2-17
Auto Scale ................................ 2-12
Auto SWT ................................ 2-29
Auto-IP .................................. 2-107
Average ................................... 2-54
Average Reset .......................... 2-40
Average Times ......................... 2-35
Avg Mode ................................. 2-54
Avg Num .................................. 2-53
Base Lower .............................. 2-74
Base Upper .............................. 2-74
BIN ....................................... 2-122
Brightness .............................. 2-110
C/N Ratio ......................... 2-47, 2-68
Cal Open .................................. 2-51
Calibrate Now ......................... 2-105
Carrier BW ............................... 2-70
Carrier Power ........................... 2-68
center frequency ......................... 2-3
CF -> Step ................................. 2-9
CF step ...................................... 2-6
CH Pwr .................................... 2-56
CH Pwr Span ............................ 2-60
CH Spacing .............................. 2-58
Chan Pwr.................................. 2-47
Channel Power .......................... 2-59
Clear Write ............................... 2-34
Collapse Dir .................. 2-123, 2-125
Constant................................... 2-36
Cont Peak ................................. 2-91
Continuous sweep ..................... 2-29
correction factor ........................ 2-20
Correction Table ........................ 2-21
Couple Parameter .................... 2-111
CSV ....................................... 2-122
Delta Marker ............................. 2-80
Delta Pair
................................. 2-81
Demod Time ............................. 2-77
demodulation type ..................... 2-76
Detector Type ........................... 2-25
DHCP ..................................... 2-107
Display Line ............................ 2-109
DNS ....................................... 2-108
Earphone .................................. 2-76
EBW ............................... 2-47, 2-65
EBW X dB ................................. 2-67
Edit Prefix .............................. 2-126
EMI filter .................................. 2-27
Expand Dir.............................. 2-123
External Trigger ......................... 2-32
Factory Settings ........................ 2-97
File Sourse .............................. 2-122
File Type ................................. 2-121
FM ........................................... 2-76
Free Run Trigger ....................... 2-32
Freeze ...................................... 2-35
Frequency Counter .................... 2-89
Frequency Interpolation ............. 2-21
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Front Switch ............................ 2-111
Full Span ................................. 2-10
Function .................................. 2-36
gateway ................................. 2-107
GPIB ...................................... 2-108
Graticule ................................. 2-109
Harmo Dist .............................. 2-48
Harmonic ST ............................ 2-72
Input attenuation ..................... 2-14
Input Impedance ...................... 2-22
Install ..................................... 2-114
Integ BW ................................. 2-60
intercepts ................................ 2-74
IP address .............................. 2-107
Key Test ................................. 2-113
LAN ........................................ 2-106
Language ............................... 2-104
Last Span ................................ 2-11
License Info ............................ 2-114
Line Mode ............................... 2-111
Local (D:) ............................... 2-120
Main CH BW ............................. 2-57
Manual-IP ............................... 2-107
Marker ..................................... 2-51
Marker State ............................ 2-51
Marker Table ............................ 2-83
marker types ............................ 2-79
Max ......................................... 2-90
Max Hold ................ 2-35, 2-63, 2-66
MaxMixL .................................. 2-22
Min Hold .................................. 2-35
Min Search ............................... 2-91
Mkr Trace ................................ 2-82
Mkr->CF .................................. 2-85
Mkr->Ref ................................. 2-86
Mkr->Start ............................... 2-85
Mkr->Step ............................... 2-85
Mkr->Stop ................................ 2-86
MkrΔ->CF ................................ 2-86
MkrΔ->Span ............................. 2-86
Mobile Disk (E:) ...................... 2-120
Msg Switch ............................. 2-110
N dB BW .................................. 2-87
Neg Peak.................................. 2-25
Next Peak ................................. 2-90
NO.of Harmo ............................
Noise BW ................................. 2-69
Noise Marker ............................ 2-87
Noise Power ............................. 2-68
Norm Ref Pos ........................... 2-44
Normal ..................................... 2-26
Normalization Reference level ..... 2-44
Normalize ................................. 2-44
Normalize ................................. 2-44
OBW ................................ 2-47, 2-62
OBW Span ................................ 2-63
Offset Freq ............................... 2-69
Option Info ............................. 2-114
Param ...................................... 2-90
Pass/Fail .................................. 2-37
Peak ........................................ 2-54
Peak -> CF ................................. 2-8
Peak Left .................................. 2-90
Peak Peak ................................ 2-91
Peak Right ................................ 2-90
peak search .............................. 2-90
Peak Search.............................. 2-92
Peak Sort ................................. 2-93
Peak Table ................................ 2-92
PK Excursn ............................... 2-91
Pk Readout ............................... 2-93
PK Thresh ................................ 2-92
Pos Peak .................................. 2-25
Power Avg ................................ 2-35
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
Power On ............................... 2-104
Power Ratio .............................. 2-64
Power Spectral Density .............. 2-59
power sweep ............................ 2-42
preamplifier ............................. 2-19
Prefix Switch .......................... 2-126
Preset ...................................... 2-97
Preset Type ............................ 2-104
Printing state icons ................. 2-117
Quasi-Peak ............................... 2-27
RBW ........................................ 2-23
RBW filter ................................ 2-27
readout type ............................ 2-82
Ref Trace ................................. 2-45
reference level .......................... 2-13
reference level offset ................. 2-16
Reference Marker ...................... 2-80
Relative Amplitude .................... 2-39
Relative Frequency .................... 2-39
Reset ....................................... 2-51
Reset ..................................... 2-104
Resolution Bandwidth ................ 2-23
RMS ........................................ 2-54
RMS Avg .................................. 2-26
Sample .................................... 2-26
Save Preset ............................ 2-105
scale type ................................ 2-15
Scale/Div ................................. 2-14
Scr State ................................ 2-110
Screen Test ............................ 2-113
Search Para .............................. 2-91
Self-Calibrate .......................... 2-105
signal track ................................ 2-6
Single Sweep ............................ 2-29
span .......................................... 2-9
Span........................................ 2-75
Span Pair .................................. 2-81
start frequency ........................... 2-3
Start Line ................................. 2-54
stop frequency ........................... 2-4
Stop Line .................................. 2-55
Stor Ref .................................... 2-44
subnet mask ........................... 2-107
Sweep Time .............................. 2-28
sweeps number ......................... 2-31
System Information ................. 2-112
System Message...................... 2-113
TG ........................................... 2-41
Time/Date .............................. 2-113
TOI .......................................... 2-48
TP Type .................................... 2-54
T-Power ........................... 2-47, 2-53
tracking generator ..................... 2-41
Trigger Edge ............................. 2-33
Trigger Level ............................. 2-32
TX1000 .................................. 2-115
USB ....................................... 2-108
User Preset (C:) ...................... 2-120
Userkey .................................. 2-110
UserKey .................................... 2-96
UserKey Setting ....................... 2-111
V/R Ratio .................................. 2-24
VBW ........................................ 2-23
Video Avg ................................. 2-35
Video Bandwidth ....................... 2-23
Video Trigger ............................ 2-32
Voltage Avg .............................. 2-26
Volume ..................................... 2-76
VSWR ............................. 2-46, 2-51
VSWR Ref Level ........................ 2-52
Y-axis unit ................................ 2-16
Zero Span ................................. 2-10