A Tradition of Faith, Excellence and Community
Our Vision:
Forming Joyful Disciples, Life-long Learners, Virtuous Citizens
Our Mission:
Saint James Catholic School partners with families to form
courageous, intelligent and joyful saints for this world and the next.
Revised 07/2023
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................................4
PARENT PARTNERSHIP HANDBOOK AGREEMENT ........................................................................................................ 4
HISTORY .................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
MISSION/VISION.................................................................................................................................................................... 6
ADMISSION ............................................................................................................................................................................8
ADMISSIONS INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................................... 8
ENROLLMENT .......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
TUITION AND FINANCE ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
FINANCIAL AID ........................................................................................................................................................................ 14
SCHOOL DAY ........................................................................................................................................................................... 14
ATTENDANCE ........................................................................................................................................................................... 14
ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL .................................................................................................................................................... 17
ACADEMICS/INSTRUCTION .............................................................................................................................................19
INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM & CURRICULUM ................................................................................................................. 19
INTERIM AND GRADE REPORTING .................................................................................................................................... 19
PARENT-TEACHER-STUDENT CONFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 21
PROMOTION AND RETENTION ........................................................................................................................................... 21
SERVICE HOURS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 22
HOMEWORK (6214) ................................................................................................................................................................ 22
AWARDS .................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
POLICY ON CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM ........................................................................................................................ 23
ASSESSMENTS ......................................................................................................................................................................... 24
ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY .................................................................................................................................................... 24
CONDUCT ................................................................................................................................................................................25
STUDENT CODE OF COURTESY AND RESPONSIBLE BEHAVIOR ............................................................................... 26
CONDUCT REFERRAL SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................................. 27
HARASSMENT/ THREATENING BEHAVIOR ...................................................................................................................... 29
STUDENT THREATS ................................................................................................................................................................ 31
SEARCH AND SEIZURE .......................................................................................................................................................... 31
UNIFORMSEE APPENDIX ...............................................................................................................................................32
STUDENT SUPPORT ............................................................................................................................................................ 32
ADMISSION OF STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS ....................................................................................................... 32
LEARNING COORDINATOR ................................................................................................................................................... 32
GUIDANCE COUNSELING ...................................................................................................................................................... 32
SAFE ENVIRONMENT ................................................................................................................................................................ 33
VISITORS ................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
BACKGROUND CHECKS ......................................................................................................................................................... 33
SAFE ENVIRONMENT TRAINING ......................................................................................................................................... 33
EMERGENCY PLANS ..................................................................................................................................33
WEATHER CONDITIONS/EMERGENCY CLOSINGS ......................................................................................................... 33
HEALTH ...................................................................................................................................................... 34
ACCIDENTS ............................................................................................................................................................................... 34
ILLNESS ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
MEDICATIONS .......................................................................................................................................................................... 35
HOME AND SCHOOL CONNECTIONS ............................................................................................................................ 37
PARENT TEACHER ORGANIZATION (PTO) ........................................................................................................................ 37
SCHOOL BOARD ..................................................................................................................................................................... 37
COMMUNICATION .................................................................................................................................................................. 38
CARE OF BOOKS AND PROPERTY ...................................................................................................................................... 39
FAMILY AND CUSTODIAL SITUATIONS ........................................................................................................................41
PRESCHOOL PROGRAM ...........................................................................................................................42
FACILITY ..................................................................................................................................................................................45
AHERA REGULATIONS ........................................................................................................................................................... 45
USE OF SCHOOL NAME, LOGO, AND MISSION STATEMENT ...............................................................................45
OFFICIAL SCHOOL TITLE ...................................................................................................................................................... 45
HANDBOOK PURPOSE AND INTERPRETATION .......................................................................................................45
SCHOOL’S RIGHT TO AMEND .............................................................................................................................................. 45
APPENDIX A: KENTUCKY IMMUNIZATION REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................... 46
APPENDIX B: UNIFORM .....................................................................................................................................................47
SPIRIT WEAR AND OUT OF UNIFORM DAYS ................................................................................................................... 49
APPENDIX C: ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY ................................................................................................50
APPENDIX D: STUDENT DEVICE CONTRACT ..........................................................................................52
APPENDIX E: FAMILY TRIP FORM ...........................................................................................................53
VOLUNTEER HANDBOOK ..................................................................................................................................................54
SAINT JAMES SCHOOL PRAYERS ...................................................................................................................................55
MORNING OFFERING ............................................................................................................................................................ 55
PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT ............................................................................................................................................. 55
ACT OF CONTRITION ............................................................................................................................................................. 55
INDEX OF OTHER DOCUMENTS ONLINE ..................................................................................................................... 55
ARCHDIOCESE OF LOUISVILLE HANDBOOK FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS .................................................................. 55
LIBRARY MEDIA GUIDELINES .............................................................................................................................................. 55
AFTER SCHOOL CARE HANDBOOK .................................................................................................................................... 55
PRESCHOOL/EXTENDED CARE HANDBOOKS ................................................................................................................. 55
SCHOOL BOARD BYLAWS .................................................................................................................................................... 55
PTO BYLAWS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 55
INDEX ........................................................................................................................................................................................56
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 4
As we begin this year, we look forward to sharing with you the precious task of the education and formation of
your children. We consider ourselves privileged to be able to help and support you, the primary educator of
your children. We ask for your continued support as we work to provide a Christ-centered and academically-
challenging educational environment. Clear and consistent communication between the home and school
is essential for the success of any educational endeavor. The Parent/Student Handbook communicates the
policies, expectations, and procedures which guide the partnership between our school and parents.
In light of this partnership, parents are required to study this handbook carefully with their child and then
sign the agreement online. If there are areas that you feel you cannot support, please ask to discuss these
with the Principal.
I agree to support all that is outlined under the expectations of students.
I agree to support all disciplinary standards of Saint James Catholic School.
I agree to support all school policies, including those in the sections pertaining to the Athletic, Volunteer
Handbook and Preschool/Extended Care and After School Care Handbook.
Registration and acceptance at Saint James Catholic School constitutes an agreement by the parent/
guardian to accept and abide by the rules and regulations of the institution and to support its
philosophy of education. I understand the importance of strong parental support of all school policies
and regulations, and I am aware of and support the consequences that will result from a failure of
I commit to the Parent Partnership of Faith, which reads as follows:
I understand that, by entering this agreement, I agree to embrace the mission of Saint James fully and intend
to enter into full partnership with our parish faith community as a responsible steward and disciple of Christ by
giving my time, talent, and treasure generously. As the primary educators of their children, parents/guardians
freely make the choice of a Catholic education for their children.
A cooperative relationship between the Saint James Catholic School personnel and a parent/guardian is
essential for the overall education of a student. It is critical that a cooperative relationship be maintained
through constructive dialogue with the parent/guardian. Additionally, parents/guardians will be held to the
same standards of respect as students in regards to their interactions with administrators, teachers, staff, and
students. I understand that failure to embrace fully this partnership may have a bearing on future enrollment
for my children in Saint James Preschool and/or Saint James Catholic School.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 5
For nearly 150 years, continuous Catholic education has been offered to students in Hardin County and beyond.
Although the school has relocated buildings and restructured its grade level offerings, it has maintained
constant for generations. Since 1870, Saint James Parish has maintained a rich tradition, providing a Catholic
education for its parishioners alongside several Religious Congregations and their charisms.
Sisters of Loretto
Loretto’s founders – Mary Rhodes, Ann Havern and Christina Stuart – began by teaching the children on the
Kentucky frontier. When they decided to form a religious community, they turned to Father Charles Nerinckx,
the Belgian missionary priest who served the area, for his advice and help in writing their rule and receiving
approval for their new community. Founded in 1812 as Friends of Mary at the Foot of the Cross, the rst sisters
dedicated their lives to God as religious women and educated poor children of the area. They derived strength
from communal living and prayer. They later took the name Sisters of Loretto at the Foot of the Cross. In 1870,
the Sisters of Loretto opened a school called Saint Mary’s Academy in Elizabethtown, Kentucky, changing the
name to its parish patron, Saint James, in 1902. In 1950, the Sisters of Loretto move into a new convent on the
property of the school and remained there until the closing of the high school.
Ursuline Sisters
The Ursulines of Mount Saint Joseph trace their origin to Saint Angela Merici, who founded the rst teaching
order of women in the Church, the Company of Saint Ursula, in Brescia, Italy, in 1535. In 1858, Bishop Martin
John Spalding invited the Ursulines from Straubing, Bavaria, to establish a foundation in Louisville, Kentucky.
Maple Mount, Kentucky is the home of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, women religious who
live an apostolic life supported by prayer and contemplation. They proclaim Jesus to all people through the
ministry of education and Christian formation. In 1991, the Ursuline Sister, Sister Michael Marie came to the
administration of Saint James school and served for 25 years.
Dominican Sisters
While the Dominican Order was founded in the thirteenth century, the Congregation of Saint Cecilia began in
1860 as the dream of Nashville’s second bishop, the Right Reverend James Whelan. The Bishop, a Dominican
himself, wanted sisters to “conduct an academy for higher education of girls and young ladies” with an
emphasis on music and the ne arts. He petitioned the sisters at Saint Mary’s, Somerset, Ohio to send four
sisters to begin the work. Mother Frances Walsh, one of the four foundresses, wrote of his intentions stating
that “the bishop wished deep religious instruction to go on apace with the studies and accomplishments
which Southerners loved so well and earnestly sought for their daughters.
In July of 2016, the Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia came to Saint James in partnership to lead the school and
faith formation of the parish. Students at Saint James Catholic School are being formed through the charism
of the Dominican Sisters which includes: a love of study, excellence in education, a thorough background in
theology and philosophy as well as the religious formation of youth in the Catholic Faith. In 2017, Saint James
Convent was built and the Dominican Sisters moved to the Robinbrooke Campus.
1870- Saint Mary’s Academy was founded by the Sisters of Loretto
1902—Saint Mary’s Academy renamed Saint James
1937—PTA Founded
1941—1942—Kindergarten opened for 1 year
1944—Cafeteria opened. Lunches $0.15
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 6
1964—Gradeschool moved into high school building
1971—7th & 8th grade closed
1987The preschool was started by Debbie Zoglmann and Mary Jane Harrison
19871989-Sister of Charity Nazareth, Sister Evelyn Fugazzi became principal.
1990—7th grade reopened. Mr. Jim Brown became the rst lay principal of Saint James.
1991—8th grade reopened
1991—Ursaline Sister, Sister Michael Marie, began as administrator
2005—Several parish schools in the area closed; Saint James became the rst regional school in order to
provide education in the Catholic tradition for all families in the region.
2012—Elementary School moved to Robinbrooke Campus
2012—Saint James received the National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence Award
2016—Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia began at Saint James school and parish
1922—Elizabethtown Catholic High School opened
1936—High School Closed
1942—Reopened High School
1955—New High School Built and Furnished
1969—High School Closed
Today, the school is committed to providing a safe, caring, nurturing learning environment where lifelong
learning, responsibility, diversity and Catholic beliefs and values are celebrated. The teachers strive to make
the classrooms conducive to learning by using best practices and preparing thoughtful lessons which engage
the students. In addition, the school’s strong Catholic identity is evidenced throughout the curriculum, religion
classes and sacramental preparation, ACRE test results, service opportunities, in daily prayers and by the
exceptional leaders who champion the Catholic faith. We are pleased to continue this legacy with students
from all regional parishes as well as other faith traditions.
Saint James Catholic School partners with families to form courageous, intelligent and joyful saints for this
world and the next. (revised May 2023)
Forming Joyful Disciples, Life-long Learners, Virtuous Citizens (Revised October 2022)
Saint James Catholic School provides formation for the whole child in the intellectual and moral virtues so
that each student may contribute to the community as a disciple of Jesus Christ and enjoy eternal happiness
with Him in heaven. Our faculty and staff recognize that parents are the primary educators of their children
and seek to work with them to help each child develop lifelong habits of learning. We recognize and afrm the
dignity of each human person, created in the image and likeness of God, with the capacity to know the truth,
choose the good, and desire the beautiful. Our academic program is designed so that each of our students
can progress towards their potential and develop their gifts. As a regional Catholic school of the Archdiocese
of Louisville, we are faithful to all the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. (Revised October 2022)
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 7
Based on The Dening Characteristics of Catholic Schools (NCEA)
1. Catholic education is centered in the person of Jesus Christ, rooted in the conviction that Jesus Christ
provides the most comprehensive and compelling example of the realization of full human potential. (The
Catholic School, 34, 35).
2. Our school contributes to the evangelizing mission of the Church, a place where faith, culture and life are
brought into harmony in the student’s daily lives.
3. We are distinguished by academic excellence, and that in a Christ-centered environment each child can
reach his or her full potential.
4. We are committed to educate the whole child and that education must form the spiritual, intellectual,
physical, psychological, social, moral, aesthetic and religious capacities of each child.
5. All curriculum and instruction is steeped in a Catholic worldview, fostering the desire to seek wisdom and
truth, the discipline to become self-learners, the capacity to recognize ethical and moral grounding for
behavior, and the responsibility to transform and enrich the world with Gospel values. A Catholic school’s
distinctiveness does not rest solely on its religious program.
6. We are sustained by Gospel witness. Members of the faculty and staff are role models for students and give
testimony by his or her life. Teachers understand and accept the teachings of the Catholic Church and the
moral demands of the Gospel and seek to contribute to the achievement of the school’s Catholic identity
and goals.
7. Our school is shaped by Communion and Community. We are a community of learning and faith. Our school
promotes genuine trust and collaboration among teachers, with parents as the primary educators of their
children, and with governing body members to foster appreciation of different gifts that build up the
community and strengthen academic excellence.
8. Our Catholic school should be accessible to all students who desire a Catholic school education.
9. Our school is established by the expressed authority of the Archbishop. Under the authority of the
Archbishop of Louisville, we work to establish a relationship marked by mutual trust, close cooperation,
continuing dialogue and respect for the Archbishop’s legitimate authority.
(Revised October 2022)
The Catholic schools of the Archdiocese of Louisville exist to serve and engage young people in response to
the call of Jesus Christ to “teach all nations.” In partnership with families and parishes, we seek to form our
students, and through them, transform our world in light of the Gospel message. Our diverse community of
schools, each with its own unique history, spirit, and tradition, prepares our graduates to live their faith as
maturing adults and provide Christian leadership for Church and society.
As stewards of Catholic education, our community of schools leads the way to a just and life- giving future
without limits. Through collaboration, our faith and learning communities empower each other to learn our
Catholic teachings, achieve academic excellence, embrace diversity, accept challenges, take risks, and seek
God’s image in self and others.
We are called to transform ourselves, one another, and the world through the Gospel of Jesus Christ in this
complex time of rapid change.
All schools in the Archdiocese of Louisville are accredited through the District-Wide Accreditation Process
sponsored by AdvancED (parent company of SACS). Saint James Catholic School is also a member of the
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 8
National Catholic Educational Association.
The mission of Catholic schools is to assure that Catholic truths and values are fully integrated into the daily
life and academic program of the student. All students will participate fully in the religion program of the
school. Catholic schools offer a variety of programs and opportunities for students. Schools are encouraged
to continue outreach efforts to attract culturally diverse student and teacher populations. (5011)
Saint James Catholic School admits students of any race, color, national, and ethnic origin to all rights,
privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does
not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies,
scholarship, athletic and other school administered programs.
As a parochial school, Saint James Catholic School operates chiey to serve the families of Saint James parish.
However, as the only Catholic School in the region the school also serves families from other parishes and
faiths. Students are considered for admission based on the following criteria:
Parochial/Regional membership and involvement
The desire of both student and parents to embrace Catholic education and to support the philosophy,
mission and policies of Saint James Catholic School
• Conduct
Academic ability
Available space
All admission decisions are subject to the discretion and nal approval of the Principal and/or Pastor.
In the admission of students to Saint James Catholic School, priority is given according to the following criteria
and in the following order:
1. Currently enrolled students
2. Siblings of currently enrolled students
3. Students from Saint James Parish
4. Students from parishes in the Archdiocese of Louisville
5. Students transferring from another Catholic school (out of town)
6. Students of another religious afliation
Saint James Catholic School complies with Kentucky State Law for beginning age requirements for school
PreK: A child may not begin our 3 year old program until after his/her third birthday. All children must be
toilet ready before beginning school. (No pull-ups/diapers) Children must be able to use the bathroom
Kindergarten - Children shall be ve (5) years of age by August 1 of the current school year to enter
First Grade - Children shall be six (6) years of age by August 1 of the current school year and must have
attended a certied kindergarten or comparable preparatory program to enter rst grade.
Stewardship is not just about the funds pledged to your parish, but also about involvement in a ministry at
the parish - a disciples way of life. The Church has encouraged tithing 7-10 percent of your annual household
income as an offering back to God for the good he has given each of us. The amount you pay in tuition for your
child to attend Saint James Catholic School should be included in this percentage to the Church.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 9
Guided Stewardship: This allows a family to be considered a member of the church and/or faith for those that
will or have begun the journey of becoming Catholic or in the process of joining St James Parish or a local
regional parish. A family participating in Guided Stewardship must agree to engage in the following:
Parent(s) must attend sacramental preparation classes at Saint James Catholic Church or the parish in
which they are registered (a regional Catholic parish).
Child(ren) must receive sacrament at the end of class preparation.
Parent(s) attend formation meeting at Saint James Catholic Church or the parish in which they are
registered (a regional Catholic parish).
Parent(s) complete and return a Saint James Catholic Church stewardship intention card or the
parish in which they are registered (a regional Catholic parish) for the Guided Stewardship year
demonstrating their commitment to tithing.
The application process begins in November for the next academic year. New applicants/transfer students
must ll out an application. A NON-REFUNDABLE application fee must accompany all applications. In addition
to the required forms and documents, students entering K-8 are required to undergo academic screening. All
families (PreK-8) are also required to interview with a school administrator. When all application requirements
are met, the admissions decision is conveyed to the parents/guardians in writing.
All transfer students must complete an application. Local transfer students into 8th grade are generally not
considered. Students relocating to the Elizabethtown area will be considered for admission and may apply for
admission into the 8th grade.
Students who enter the school from a home-school program will be placed in a grade level determined by the
administration following an academic assessment.
Students who have been admitted to Saint James Catholic School but fail to matriculate by the rst day of
school will be denied admittance and will be asked to withdraw. Application and Enrollment fees will not be
refunded, and any tuition payments will be according to the terms and conditions.
Due to an increasing number of applicants for admission to Saint James Catholic School, it may be necessary
to keep a waiting list for some grades. As a vacancy occurs in a grade the waitlist will be based on the eligibility
of guidelines and conditions for admissions. Children are admitted or moved up on the waiting list according
to the admission policy.
In order to get a child on the waiting list a parent must complete the application and screening process for
admission. Applications are not accepted for a place on the waiting list until the spring registration date
or later. The child must be eligible, i.e., meet the age requirements for the school year for which he/she is
applying. Names are kept on the waiting list for one year only. It is the obligation of the parents to reapply
each year.
Students who turn 5 years old between August 2 and October 1 may be eligible to enroll in kindergarten
provided that the student meets criteria established by the Archdiocese of Louisville:
Child must turn 5 between August 2 and October 1 of the admission year; and
Child must score at or above the 80th percentile on the BRIGANCE Kindergarten Screen Three core
assessments, self-help, and social-emotional scales; and
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 10
Child must meet admission criteria of local Catholic school
Students born between August 2 and October 1 of the admission year who do not score at the 80% or above
on the BRIGANCE Kindergarten Screen Three may be considered for admission to junior kindergarten or
See section on Student Support for further information.
After acceptance to Saint James Catholic School, the superintendent’s ofce processes all paperwork for
international students and exchange visitors for schools in the Archdiocese of Louisville through the Student
and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS).
The Supreme Court has stated that undocumented children are “indistinguishable” from legally resident non-
citizen children for purposes of education. Therefore, schools (public or parochial) are not required to ask any
immigration questions or insist that a student provide proof of immigration status. Plyler v. Doe, 457 U.S. 202,
102 S.Ct. 2383, 72 L.Ed. 2d 786 (1982).
Prospective Kindergarten students and any other new students register in the spring prior to the coming
school year after acceptance to Saint James Catholic School.
After the application is completed and screening process and the student is accepted, prospective students
will be invited to ll out an enrollment packet to complete the enrollment process.
Returning students will be sent a re-enrollment packet to complete in February for the upcoming academic
school year. Re-enrollment is subject to the support and compliance to the mission and policies of St. James
Catholic Church. Re-enrollment in any subsequent school year is subject to mutual agreement. The student,
parents, or the school administration may withhold this agreement with or without cause.
A family leaving the parish or removing their child from Saint James Catholic School for any reason must ll
out and return a withdrawal form to the school ofce with ample time for the child’s books, materials, and
records to be organized for his/her leave. All books and materials must be returned as well as fees paid in
order for records to be released to the new school.
A NON-REFUNDABLE re-enrollment fee as determined by the school must accompany a completed re-
enrollment form for all returning students. A registration fee is required of all newly accepted students. Failure
to pay the fee or complete the accompanying form by the specied date will result in an assumed intent to
withdraw and the student’s place will not be reserved for the following year.
A NON-REFUNDABLE application fee must accompany each new application for student assessment. The
registration fee shall be due immediately upon acceptance.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 11
State law requires that each child entering Kindergarten has a physical examination, eye examination by a
licensed ophthalmologist or optometrist, and an up-to-date Kentucky immunization certicate. Any student in
grades 1 - 8 entering the school for the rst time must have an up-to-date Kentucky Immunization certicate,
complete physical and an eye examination by a licensed ophthalmologist or optometrist. Forms for the physical
examination, eye exam and immunization must be signed and dated by the physician.
Students will not be allowed to attend school without a valid Kentucky Certicate of Immunization. State Law
also requires ALL students entering the 6th grade in the fall have an updated shots. These shots can be given
either by the family physician or by appointment at the Health Department. (See Appendix A).
Each child must have on record verication of receiving immunizations. Schools are required to notify the State
Department of Health and the local Health Department in cases of student absences due to a communicable
A permanent record of the educational history of each student who has attended a school in the Archdiocese
shall be maintained. No notation of clinical reports or comments about the personal life of the student shall
be part of the permanent record.
Permanent record folders shall include:
Standardized test scores;
Progress reports
Applicable performance portfolios; and
Other pertinent academic information.
Class placement is made by teachers with the approval of the administration. Requests for placement in
specic homerooms by families are not typically honored.
The success of Saint James Catholic School relies upon the commitment of families to make a Catholic
education a nancial priority, be involved in their child’s education, and make their tuition and fee payments
in a timely manner.
The School relies upon tuition and fee payments to provide an excellent spiritual and educational program
operating on a balanced budget. Therefore, when tuition and fee payments become delinquent, it is a serious
matter. If family nancial circumstances change to such a degree that it warrants re-evaluation of the tuition
and fees commitment, it is the responsibility of the family to contact the school as soon as possible.
Saint James Catholic School partners with FACTS Management Company to assist in managing tuition and fees
for all families. All tuition payments must be paid through the FACTS tuition management program. It is the
parent’s responsibility to establish the FACTS account for the current school year. Tuition payments are not
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 12
There are three options for payment schedules: annual, semi-annual, or 10-month.
If a tuition payment is overdue, the School may impose the following sanctions, at the School’s sole
discretion, unless special payment arrangements have been made in writing with the School principal.
Sanctioned actions include:
- Assessment of late fees
- Withholding Academic Records
- Disallowing student’s participation in sports or other school activities
- Withdrawing student from class participation
- Withdrawing student from school
Any family with an unpaid tuition and/or fees balance for the current school year will not be allowed
to register for the following school year until all payments have been paid in full. In addition, school
records will not be released until payment has been made in full.
Prior to July 1st: Any prepaid tuition will be refunded minus the enrollment fee.
After July 1st, refunds will be made on a monthly basis as follows:
If a student is asked to leave or withdraws from the school, the undersigned remains responsible for
the student’s annual tuition which will be pro-rated through the end of the month in which the student
withdraws minus the enrollment fee.
A school family withdrawing on or before the 15th of the month will be refunded 50% of that month’s
tuition minus the enrollment fee. A school family withdrawing after the 15th of the month, will be
responsible for 100% of that month’s tuition.
The enrollment fee is due with the reenrollment or application process.
The School will not reserve a place for a student until a FACTS agreement is created and nalized for
tuition payments.
Cafeteria fees of $10 or less will not be refunded to graduated or withdrawn students.
Community is an essential pillar of our mission. The dedication of our parent community is a vital and essential
part of what makes Saint James Catholic School special.
We need the involvement and dedication of all our families. As a parochial school, Saint James is more than
a consumer-driven institution providing the product or service of a quality education. As a Catholic school,
our mission is within the heart of the Church – Christ’s body. And, as his body, Christ intends for each member
to bring his or her own gifts and treasures to the whole and to share them with others. The more fully our
families walk with us in this partnership of faith, the more greatly blessed our children and our school will
be. The generous contribution of parental time and talent adds much vibrancy and richness to our school.
All volunteers must complete the safe environment requirements (training and background check) prior to
working at the school.
The discounted rate for registered parishioners as dened in the Tuition Rate Schedule will be determined
by the pastor of the family’s registered parish and includes attending Sunday Mass on a regular basis, being
active in the parish’s ministries and contributing to the nancial support of the parish. The Parish Verication
Form will be required annually and will be the responsibility of each family from a regional parish to provide
to Saint James Catholic School upon registration.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 13
Parish Registration
One must be ofcially registered as a parishioner of Saint James Catholic Church or one of the parishes
in the region, as recorded in the parish database.
If recently registered at Saint James (within the past 6 months), a statement from the former parish
of “active, registered and participating” status at that parish will be accepted to qualify for tuition
discount until regular parishioner status can be established at Saint James.
Registration requirement applies to the custodial parent/guardian of the child.
Regular Attendance at Mass
Catholics are obliged to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. This standard is an
ancient one in our tradition, provided to help the Catholic maintain regular contact with the Word of
God, the Eucharist and one’s faith community. Parents of Catholic students should be particularly aware
of this teaching of the Church.
Evidence of attendance at parish Masses is largely subjective (e.g. being known to one of the priests and
seen regularly at Mass or being regularly involved in a liturgical ministry).
Regular receipt in the Sunday collection basket (at least once per month) of a contribution envelope
or automatic withdrawal payment provides an objective measure of regularity of attendance at Saint
James Catholic Church.
Financial Support of Parish
Level of nancial support will vary from family to family depending on the family’s income. The biblical
tradition of a tithe is 10% of one’s gross income. The tradition at Saint James Catholic Church has been
to ask families to tithe 7% to support the parish and give 3% to other charities. In communities like
ours, it is not unusual to expect a minimal tithe from families who are also paying tuition at the parish
school. Each family must determine whether their tuition commitment equals their tithing obligation or
whether they should make an additional pledge to meet their obligation.
Cash contributions cannot be identied from a particular individual or family, so please provide all cash
in parish offertory envelopes.
Involvement of parent or child in a parish ministry
Veried, regular participation of the student or a parent in one of the ministries of Saint James Parish
(excluding required school volunteer opportunities) will also be considered as a criterion to establish
verication as an “active, registered and participating” parishioner of Saint James.
Although tuition is inclusive of the entire academic program, there may be extra fees. Optional programs
and activities such as morning and after care, hot lunch, extra-curricular activities, and special projects may
require the collection of additional fees.
Saint James Cafeteria is a nancially independent department funded solely by student participation in the
school lunch program and generous donors. Each student has an individual cafeteria account. Parents are
encouraged to deposit money into the child’s FACTS account.
Hot lunches are available to the school children at a minimum of cost. The price of lunch includes milk with
the lunch. Extra milk may be purchased at an additional cost. A student may bring his/her own lunch, including
juice as a beverage. (Any drink in a CAN, is not permitted). Food from restaurants may not be delivered to
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 14
Financial assistance is available to ALL students who demonstrate a nancial need. There are two assistance
programs available but only one application will be required from a family to be considered for both funds.
1. The Catholic Education Foundation Assistance Program (CEF) is the primary source of tuition assistance
for Catholic Schools within the Archdiocese of Louisville. All families with one or more children enrolled
in or applying to Saint James Catholic School are eligible to apply for nancial assistance. Applications
for this program are available online only. The application has complete, detailed instructions and is
operated by FACTS – the same company that is being contracted to manage Saint James tuition collection.
**You must apply for the CEF tuition assistance program to be eligible for Saint James Catholic Church
tuition assistance.
2. Saint James Catholic Church Tuition Assistance/Scholarship Program has been established through
donations by parishioners, regional parishes and individuals, as well as the Saint James parish operating
budget. Through the information gathered from FACTS, the CEF will determine the tuition award for
each family that applies for tuition assistance. Once the Archdiocesan assistance is determined, Saint
James Catholic Church will have the opportunity to provide assistance from the parish tuition assistance
One determination letter will be mailed to all families who apply with the total amount of funding that is being
offered through CEF and the Saint James Catholic Church Tuition Assistance Program. The letter will provide a
detailed list of the funds being awarded and whether the funds are being provided through CEF or Saint James
Catholic Church
Limited funds are available to assist families who qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch as indicated through the
FACTS tuition assistance application.
School hours are from 7:50 a.m. to 2:40 p.m.
Current state policy indicates a required amount of 1062 instructional minutes per year minimum. Our school
day regular schedule:
7:00-7:30 am — Morning Care available
7:30 am — Students may arrive and go to the gym
7:40 am — Students may go directly to classrooms
7:50 am — Tardy Bell
7:55 am — Morning Prayers and Announcements, Homeroom
8:00 am-2:35 pm — Class Schedule *Adjusted schedule for Mass or other school events.
2:35 pm — Afternoon Prayers and Announcements
2:40 pm — Dismissal
*Students arriving after 7:50 will be considered tardy. Students arriving late must report to the school ofce
for an admittance slip.
Saint James Catholic School operates on a calendar of 175 instructional days in accordance with Kentucky
law and Archdiocesan policy. Parents are responsible for the attendance of their children at school. Regular
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 15
attendance is essential for scholastic success.
Students with perfect attendance (no excused or unexcused absences, tardies, or early checkouts) are eligible
for the Perfect Attendance Award.
Students must be present for at least ve (5) hours to be considered as present for a full day. Students present
for fewer than ve hours will be considered as absent for a half-day. Students must be present for at least 3
hours to be considered present for a half-day. Parents/guardians should contact the school ofce to report a
student’s absence. If a call or email is not received at the school ofce by 9:00 a.m., parents will be contacted
by the school. (If the absence is extended for more than one day, a call on the rst day is sufcient.) No calls
or verbal notice from minors are accepted.
Verication of absence is made by a written notice from the parents/guardians and/or doctor’s note upon
return to the school. A note from a parent/guardian must be dated, signed and include the reason for absence.
Cases of illnesses spanning more than three days require a note from the doctor. If a child is absent due
to a communicable virus or disease, parents should notify the school so that the teacher can be alert for
symptoms in other children. If illness requires a doctor’s visit, a note stating the date a child may return to
school must be turned into the ofce.
Absences from school and early dismissals cause hardship on both the students and the teacher. The number
of days allowed to make up/complete missed assignments and tests will be equal to the number of days the
student was absent. Prolonged absence may result in no grade being given on the report card for that quarter
unless the work is made up. Students who are absent for an extended amount of time, due to medical reasons,
may be given special consideration.
If a student is sick and does not attend school, they may not participate in any school sponsored activities,
sports, or performances that day or evening.
Make-up assignments are the responsibility of the students. On the rst day students return to school, they
should ask their teachers to obtain missed assignments and materials due to their absence. Parents who
would like to pick up assignments for their students must notify the school ofce by NOON and the work must
be picked up between 2:40-3:30 p.m. Emails or messages to teachers during the school day are not the best
way to make this request because teachers may not be able to check these during the school day.
The length of time for making up missed assignments is equal to the length of time of the absence, i.e. one day
of absence equals one day to make up tests and assignments; two days of absence equals two days to make
up tests and assignments. Work that is assigned before the student’s absence is typically due immediately
upon the student’s return. If the student is present for any part of a day, ANY homework or project that is
due that day must be turned in to the teacher before the student leaves school for any reason. For absences
of more than one (1) week, appropriate arrangements may be made at the discretion of the teacher and/or
Ten percent (10%) will be deducted for each day an assignment is turned in late beyond the extended due due.
Accommodations may be made by teachers so that no student is required to take more than two (2) make-up
tests in one day.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 16
Students are considered tardy if they have not entered the school by 7:50 a.m. The school and the home have
the shared responsibility to assist students to develop habits of punctuality and attendance. Students are
required to be in school and on time when school is in session, including days scheduled for eld trips, Mass,
and special events. Students who arrive between 7:50 a.m. and 9:40 a.m. are considered tardy. Students who
arrive after 9:40 a.m. or leave before 12:50 pm will be considered as half day absent.
When a child arrives late for school, he/she is to report to the ofce so all morning records can be changed
accordingly and for a note from the ofce to the teacher stating the reason for the tardiness.
Without sufcient cause, a student with chronic absences and tardies will be referred to the administration
and possibly social services. The following guidelines are followed:
Students with ve (5) or more absences and/or tardies within a quarter are referred to the administration.
The administration will notify parents in writing when students are absent/and/or late ve (5) or more
After ten (10) absences and/or tardies within a quarter, parents will be required to meet with the
administration. Further disciplinary and other actions may follow if the problem of tardiness and
absences is not resolved.
Students who surpass twenty (20) or more days absent within one school year are unlikely to be prepared
for the following school year and may have to repeat the current grade. These students may receive an
incomplete” designation in their report card until all work is made up as deemed adequate by their
teachers and the administration. Remediation outside of school equaling the hours missed may be
The administration may place a student on an attendance contract if deemed necessary.
Parents are required to send their children to school. Kentucky state law (KRS 159.150) denes truancy as
any child who has been absent from school for three days or tardy on three days without valid excuse. All
truancies will be reported to the principal.
According to current state law (KRS 159.150), a student is considered habitually truant on the sixth (6th)
unexcused absence. All truants will be reported to the principal. The principal will then decide the appropriate
actions necessary. The principal will also notify the Superintendent and/or notify social services.
Absences and tardies are of two kinds: excused and unexcused. Absences and tardies are excused on the basis
of veried contact with the parent or guardian for the following reasons:
Illness of the student
Medical or dental examination and/or treatment of the student when the appointment cannot be
scheduled other than during school hours
Death in the immediate family
Tardiness due to emergency situations arising from unusual weather conditions
Visits by 8th grade students to a high school (two visits per year are counted as excused)
Reasons of extenuating circumstances to be judged by the administration
Absences and tardies other than those mentioned above are considered unexcused. In the case of unexcused
absence, teachers are not required to repeat instruction or provide work ahead of time.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 17
Parents are asked to not plan vacations during school days. When a student is absent, it is impossible to make
up teacher presentations, class discussions, student interactions, and classroom learning activities. Family
vacations should coincide with school vacation dates. In situations where absences cannot be avoided, the
administration and teachers should receive written notication (Form in Appendix E) at least two (2) weeks
prior to the scheduled vacation. This form makes teachers and staff aware that the student will be absent, but
teachers are not required to give assignments ahead of time. Typically, tests and exams are not administered
early. Students are responsible, under the supervision of their parents, for the mastery and completion of
work missed during an absence. The length of time for making up missed assignments and tests is equal to
the length of time of the absence. Ten percent (10%) will be deducted for each day an assignment is turned in
late beyond the extended due due.
When parents, but not children, are on vacation, the ofce must be informed of the following:
1. The adult in charge of the children
2. Emergency phone numbers
3. Other pertinent information regarding the children
No student should arrive at school before 7:00 a.m. Saint James Catholic School is not responsible for the
supervision of students who arrive before 7:00 a.m.
Students who arrive between 7:00-7:25 a.m. receive supervision provided by “Morning Care”. Students who
arrive after 7:30 a.m. enter through the main entrance of the school and receive supervision until they are
dismissed to their homerooms.
Dismissal prayers and announcements begin at 2:35 p.m. Students remain in their classrooms until dismissed
to the carpool line. Any student not picked up by the end of carpool is placed in After School Care and
appropriate charges will incur. After School Care is available from 2:40 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Bethlehem Morning Bus
Bethlehem High School offers, as a courtesy to Saint James Catholic School parents, bus transportation in the
morning from the northern end of Hardin County. The bus picks up students at Saint Brigid Church and Saint
Christopher Church then drops them off at Saint James Catholic School.
Hardin County Bus
The Hardin County school buses will transport our children to and from school (if you live in the county school
district) provided you live on a bus route and the proper connections can be made on a bus route regarding
Meade County Bus
St. James Catholic School provides bus transportation in the morning and afternoons for students living in
Meade County. Registration for this bus is completed through the school.
Each child is expected to abide by the bus rules. It is the duty of parents to see that their child obeys these
rules. If any child does not obey the rules, the school system has the authority to dismiss the child from riding
the bus.
The bus safety rules are as follows:
1. Obey and respect the requests of the driver.
2. No part of the body is to be extended outside the bus at any time.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 18
3. Cross the road in front of the bus at least ten feet and look both ways before crossing.
4. Do not distract the driver.
5. Keep the bus neat and clean.
6. No pets or animals are allowed on the bus.
7. Objects that are large enough to take up seating space are not allowed on the bus.
8. Do not change seats after the bus starts.
9. Be ready to get on the bus when it arrives at your stop.
10. Do not approach the bus until it has come to a complete stop.
11. Do not push or shove when entering or leaving the bus.
12. Never stand when the bus is in motion.
13. Take seats if there are seats available and never in the doorsteps.
14. No student shall be permitted to ride a bus other than his own without a written request from
a parent and approval of the principal.
Bus attendance is recorded each day. Therefore, if a student is going to ride a bus who is not normally a bus
student, a note from his/her parents is necessary.
As attendance is essential to academic success, the early dismissal of individual students should be rare and
for serious reasons.
In the case of an early dismissal:
Written verification from the parent must be sent to the school ofce by 9:00 a.m.
Parents must sign students out at the front ofce. Students are called to the ofce after their parents
arrive at the school ofce. Parents should arrive early enough to allow the appropriate time for the
dismissal process.
Written verification with a signature from a parent must be received at the school ofce if a student is
to be released to another adult.
All unknown adults must present an I.D. to the front ofce.
BY 1:00 PM.
Early dismissal is strongly discouraged ater 2:20 p.m.
All car riders must be picked up between 2:40 pm -3:00 pm unless they go to After School Care as prearranged,
ride the bus or are involved in extracurricular activities. Written verication with a signature from a parent
must be received at the school ofce and to the School Pass app if a student is to be released to another adult.
This is for the welfare and protection of the child.
Students not picked up by 3:00 p.m. will be sent to After School Care and will be charged accordingly. Parents/
guardians will need to come to the After School Care ofce to pick up and sign out their child.
Students staying after school for academic teams, tutoring, service hours or for any other reason must notify
their parents before coming to school that day. Students involved in extracurricular activities and not picked
up at the designated time will be assessed a fee in the same-manner as regular dismissal tardiness. This
includes sports as well as academic teams.
Carpool line is the ordinary method of dismissal of students on regular school days and early dismissal days.
We ask you to be cautious and alert for the children as you drive through the school property not only at
dismissal time, but any time you enter the school premises. Please do not talk on cell phones as you drive
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 19
through the parking lot.
The After School Care Program is offered for Saint James students and is available for use directly after school
and until 5:30 p.m. For more information, please see the Afterschool Care Policies online or contact the school
In the event of inclement weather, Saint James Catholic School, in accordance with the Archdiocese of Louisville,
may cancel classes to ensure the safety of its students and staff. As such occurrences are unpredictable, the
school calendar includes the possibility of snow make-up days to use when necessary. Another option is
to provide an alternative school day or non-traditional Instruction (NTI). Saint James may choose to utilize
remote learning for 1-5 days in the event of inclement weather or other emergencies. When the announcement
to cancel classes is made, it will also be announced as either a traditional snow day or an NTI day. Teachers
will post assignments in Google Classroom on NTI days and work will be due upon return to school. Flexibility
will be given in the event of loss of electricity.
For the safety of our students, parents and other visitors must sign in and put on a visitor’s tag when entering
the school building during school hours. Visitors must have an appointment for admission into the school
building. Parents who have scheduled meetings with teachers after school should wait in the front lobby until
after the call for After School Care, at which time teachers are free and will meet the parents in the front lobby
or place arranged by teacher/staff member.
We encourage and expect students to be responsible for being prepared for school by bringing all necessary
items to school. Due to the busyness of the front ofce, except for lunches and coats, items such as book
bags, homework, and PE uniforms dropped off after the start of the school day may not be delivered to
students immediately. Parents and visitors do not deliver items to the classrooms unless requested by the
administration. Students do not call home to request the delivery of forgotten items, except for lunches and
coats. Students may re-enter the school building shortly after the end of afternoon carpool dismissal to
retrieve a forgotten item. However, once a classroom is locked up after school, school staff typically do not
re-open the room to allow students or parents to retrieve items.
Saint James Catholic School implements the graded course of study approved by the Ofce of Catholic Schools
of the Archdiocese of Louisville.
Students in Kindergarten through 8th grade receive instruction in Religion, Reading, Language Arts,
Mathematics, Algebra 1 (for 8th grade), Science, Social Studies, and Spanish (K-8th). Religious instruction is a
core component of the entire curriculum and is not optional. Instruction in Art, Music, Educational Technology,
Library/Media, and Physical Education is also provided. Textbooks and other curricular materials are selected
by the Principal and faculty.
All assignments must be neatly completed and turned in when due. Work must be complete before grades
are given. Any work which is not turned in by the date designated by the teacher may receive a deduction in
points (10% per each day late) or may not be accepted and may receive no credit.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 20
The professional staff, under the supervision of the Principal, is responsible for reporting a student’s academic
progress to parents. This reporting typically includes:
Mid-Quarter (Interim) Progress Reports: Electronic Grade Postings.
Report cards for K-8th grade: issued quarterly (electronically 1st-3rd quarter, paper copy 4th quarter)
Electronic grade postings serve as progress reports for students. Mid Term (Interim) Progress Reports are
issued between report cards for all students. The nal, cumulative report card is issued on or shortly after the
last day of school.
Report cards include: a comprehensive listing of courses/subjects; a letter or numeric equivalent indicating
achievement levels; specic comments as necessary and a record of attendance, conduct and effort.
Concerns/questions about a grade must be submitted in writing within ve (5) working school days. No changes
in grades may be made after this period. However, grade changes should not be made unless academic evidence
warrants such a change. Furthermore, despite parent requests, comments should not be modied or deleted.
Each child has a portfolio which follows Archdiocesan guidelines. This portfolio accompanies the student
throughout his/her years at Saint James. Varied performance assessment tasks are designed to be part of the
evaluation system at each grade level.
Student achievement is monitored on the basis of objectives stated in the curriculum and incorporated into
the teacher’s plan for daily instruction. Procedures for evaluating student achievement include: teacher’s
observation of student responses, directed activities, quizzes, tests, participation in discussions, experiments,
projects, oral and written reports, assignments and written class work as well as other appropriate means to
measure achievement in the particular subject on a given grade level. In compliance with the policy of the
Archdiocese of Louisville, the grading scale for Saint James Catholic School is as follows:
The Archdiocese of Louisville utilizes a common percentage-based grading scale for grades 2-8 and specials.
The scale is: A (93% or above), B (84% or above), C (75% or above), D (70% or above), U (below 70%). Kindergarten
and 1st grade reect progress in mastering skills for each content area.
A 100 - 93
B 92 - 84
C 83 - 75
D 74 - 70
U 69 and below
I Incomplete
S Satisfactory
Middle School, grades 6 - 8, follow the same progress report schedule as the elementary school. Their grades
are given by percentages.
Conduct and effort both play an important role in how well your child performs in school. When considering
conduct and effort grades, teachers consider if students listen well, follow directions, work quietly without
disturbing others, and are respectful to teachers and other classmates. Teachers also consider if students give
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 21
their best effort with their work and if they display a positive attitude.
A Satisfactory
B Needs improvement
C Unsatisfactory
Interest on the part of parents and teachers should prompt them to keep in touch with each other at all times.
Scheduled Parent-Teacher-Student conferences during the school year promote a greater understanding
of the progress of the student and strengthen home-school communications. Parent conferences are held
shortly after the rst progress repor and in February. If additional conferences are needed, an appointment
may be made with the teacher.
PTS Conferences count as a day of instruction and students are required to attend with parents in order to be
in attendance for the day. Students will be marked absent if not in attendance at the conference.
Promotion is based on the satisfactory completion of the respective grade level work. Retention is considered
by individual cases after thorough discussion by the teacher, Principal, and parents. Parents will be notied in
due time if a student is being considered for retention. The decision to retain a student in the present grade
is based on consideration of the overall welfare of the student including academic, emotional, and social
factors. Retention may be considered for the following reasons:
Kindergarten-8th Grade
Failure to master fundamental skills of Language Arts and Math
Failing cumulative grades of three (3) or more subjects
Below-grade-level maturity (socially/emotionally and academically), impacting academic progress
Students in the intermediate or middle school grades (3rd-5th grade, 6th-8th grade) may not fail (grade of
F”, cumulative grade of 69% and below) more than two core subjects in one academic year. Students who fail
one or two core subjects in one academic year will be required to remediate the coursework according to the
requirements set by the school. Failure to remediate successfully according to school guidelines indicates
the parents’ choice to seek alternative educational placement. Students in the intermediate or middle school
grades who fail two subjects in one academic year and successfully remediate may return to the school in
the following year with the status of academic probation. Should a student fail one core subject (cumulative
grade) within the year while on academic probation, alternative educational placement may be required.
Core subjects are dened as: Religion, Reading/Literature, Language Arts/Grammar, Mathematics, Social
Studies, and Science. Should a student fail three or more subjects in an academic year, alternative educational
placement may be required.
Incomplete and/or failing work may result in suspension from participation until progress is satisfactory. If a
student is academically ineligible, this information is communicated with the coaches.
Weekly school Mass, prayer, and other special liturgical events are part of the Religion program of the school.
Students in Kindergarten through 8th grade attend Mass weekly. PreK-4 students attend once a month.
Students also participate in other liturgical and spiritual activities appropriate to the various seasons of the
Church calendar. Students remain with their classes during these times under the supervision of the teacher.
We welcome and encourage parents to share in these events.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 22
Students in grades 4-8 are able to be altar servers at school Mass. There is training required. When a student
has been assigned to serve, they are expected to take this responsibility seriously. If he/she cannot serve at
his/her assigned time, he/she is expected to get someone to take their place.
All Catholic students are encouraged to receive this sacrament regularly. Students in 3rd-8th grades have the
opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation at school several times during the school year.
Service hours are required of our 5th-8th grade students to form them in the virtues of stewardship and
generosity. Students receive the format by which to record their service hours, which includes a reective
component, from their religion teacher at the beginning of the year.
5th Grade Requirements
Four service hours per quarter (16 total for the school year)
6-8th Grade Requirements
Eight service hours per quarter (32 total for the school year)
Sixth grade students may count two hours per quarter for serving on safety patrol.
Only one hour per quarter of cantering, serving, and greeting at church will be counted toward the eight
Regular chores and jobs that students are paid do not count as service hours. Service to family will not be
counted toward the required hours. Teachers may make exceptions in special cases at their discretion. If you
have questions concerning service hours, talk to the religion teacher.
Homework assignments aim to supplement and extend learning and review content and skills which have
been taught in class. Individual assignments may be designed to meet the academic and developmental
needs of the child.
Time required for homework depends on the type of assignment and the grade level of the student. No denite
time limit can be determined for all, since children work at different rates of speed. If a child is spending a
large amount of time or no time on homework, the parent should discuss this with the teacher. Questions or
concerns about homework should be communicated directly with the teacher.
Evening family activities are encouraged. Therefore, formal homework should follow the guidelines listed
Grades 1 - 2 30 - 40 minutes
Grades 3 - 4 40 - 50 minutes
Grades 5 - 6 60 - 75 minutes
Grades 7 - 8 75 - 90 minutes
Parents are asked to make sure their students complete the daily assignments. Assignment books are required
in Grades 2 - 8. If in doubt about what your child has written in assignment book (e.g. “no homework” is
written frequently) please contact the teacher. An incomplete homework form may also be sent home.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 23
Saint James Catholic School recognizes that God gifts individuals in different ways. Academically, our school
recognizes students for their excellence with the following awards:
Monthly, K-8 teachers select a student from their homeroom and Middle School in general who has
demonstrated outstanding conduct and interaction among peers. Students receive recognition for promoting
a culture of virtue.
Criteria for Knight Student of the Month (K-8th):
Exhibit outstanding behavior particularly in practicing the virtue of the month
Be helpful to teachers and peers
Serve as a peacemaker among peers
(K-8) given at the end of the year, this is awarded to the student who most consistently exemplies Christian
Kindergarten, rst, and second grades will not have an honor roll. Grades 3-8 will form honor roll based on
the guidelines stated below.
Criteria for ALL A Honor Roll (3rd - 8th grade):
Quarterly grade of A (93% or above)
Quarterly grade of S or A in all specials subjects
Quarterly conduct/effort grade of S or A in all areas
Criteria for A/B Honor Roll (3rd - 8th grade):
Quarterly grade of A (100-93%) or B (92-84%) in all core subjects
A minus (-) or a plus (+) added to a grade does not affect honor roll.
Quarterly grade of S or A or B in all specials subjects
Quarterly conduct/effort grade of S or A or B in all areas
Recognition for Honor Roll is given to students in 3th -8th grade at the end of each quarter and at the end of
the school year. This recognition is based on the grades for the rst through the fourth quarter. In order to
receive an honor roll certicate at the end of the year, students must be on the honor roll all four quarters
of the year.
Students with perfect attendance (no excused or unexcused absences, tardies, or early checkouts) are eligible
for the Perfect Attendance Award.
Honesty and integrity of life are important virtues for the individual and for society, and for this reason
cheating in any form is considered unacceptable behavior.
Cheating is dened as any act by which a student uses the work of another for his/her own gains. This
includes looking at or attempting to look at the work of another, or communicating in any way with another
during a testing situation; providing one’s own work to another, except when joint or group study has been
recommended by the teacher; theft of tests or looking at stolen tests or any other act, which the administration
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 24
deems as cheating.
Plagiarism is a form of cheating in which the student presents as one’s own work the work of another by
copying and/or failure to provide proper citation. Copying the work of another can be from print as well as
from electronic material from the Internet or in software programs. Copying information from a source on
the Internet and then inserting the information into one’s writing/project without citing the source is always
considered plagiarism.
The teacher will record a “0” or “Ffor the assignment. Parents will be notied. A second or third incident may
result in loss of credit, suspension, or further disciplinary measures.
If, in the judgment of the administration and teacher(s), a student plagiarizes on an assignment without full
understanding of the serious nature of plagiarism, an appropriate consequence will be given for the purpose
of helping the student to understand the gravity of plagiarism, to learn how to cite sources appropriately,
and to encourage academic integrity. The administration may allow the student to re-do the project (either by
editing the original project, or by re-doing the project using the same guidelines but a different topic) for a
designated portion of the full academic grade.
The MAP Asessments are given three times a year (August, January and May) to measure student achievement
and ensure student growth. All assessments are given within a testing window of one week.
NWEA MAP Reading Fluency assessment in grades kindergarten through rst grade to measure uency,
foundational skills and comprehension. NWEA MAP Math is also given in kindergarten and rst grade.
NWEA MAP Growth Reading, Math and Language Usage assessments in grades two through eight.
NWEA MAP Algebra I is given to 8th grade in the spring.
STAR Assessments are online adaptive assessment programs from Renaissance Learning that provide teachers
with learning data. STAR tests are computer adaptive, adjusting to each answer provided. STAR tests assess for
early literacy, and reading for grades PK-8th. STAR is appropriate for both upfront diagnostic purposes as well
as ongoing progress monitoring.
Students in the 5th and 8th grade take the Assessment of Catholic Religious Education (ACRE) test to
demonstrate their knowledge of Catholic doctrine.
At Saint James Catholic School, student learn that technology is a tool for learning that must be used responsibly.
Students learn internet safety annually and are expected to adhere to all technology guidelines both in and
outside of school. Parents are urged to monitor their students’ use of technology, both in the amount of time
used as well as content viewed.
All videos or movies in the Library/Media Center or online must have the approval of the administration to be
used for instructional purposes in classes. Any viewing of titles not found in the Media Center must have the
approval of the administration prior to being shown in the classroom. See the Library Media Guidelines posted
on the website for more information.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 25
No audio/video recording devices may be used during functions of the school without the express permission
of the administration. Such events include, but are not limited to: classroom presentations, awards ceremonies,
performances, parent conferences, administrative conferences, and religious services. This policy also includes
recording of conversations either in person or by telephone among students, parents, teachers or school
administrators on school property. If permission is given to record an event, the photos/recordings should not
be posted to social media sites if they include footage/images of persons other than the parent/guardian’s
own child(ren).
Participation in online blogs and social media such as, but not limited to, Instagram®, Facebook®, etc. May
result in disciplinary actions, up to and including dismissal of the student from the school, if the content of
the student or parent’s site includes defamatory comments regarding the school, faculty, staff, other students,
parish, archdiocesan, or other Church personnel.
The school reserves the right to search any electronic device brought to school. All devices brought to school
must be turned off at all times.
The contents of the School Website are copyrighted and protected under the Copyright Act of 1976.
Students may not engage in texting during the school day.
Virtual reality sites pose a developmental and moral risk to the life of a student. Parents are cautioned
to be aware of the online sites visited by their children, knowing that often predators are not living in a
neighborhood, but within the home via a computer. Students whose avatars depict other students, teachers or
school staff, parish, archdiocesan, or other Church personnel in a defamatory light face detention, suspension,
or expulsion.
The purpose and goal of discipline is to direct and encourage students to exercise the gift of freedom by
choosing what is good, right, and just for themselves and others. True freedom results from a healthy sense
of self-discipline, conduct which is respectful of human dignity, and the desire for growth in virtue. A safe
environment conducive to learning is the right and responsibility of every student, faculty and staff of our
The moral obligation of forming children in good and virtuous living rests rst with the parents. In enrolling
children in our school, parents give our faculty and staff a share in this responsibility. As an extension of the
home, our school relies on the support of the parents in assisting in the moral formation of our students.
Such support teaches our students that home and school represent a united source of authority. Parents and
teachers can best serve the students’ needs by working together, clarifying common goals, and supporting one
another in all matters that pertain to the formation of the students. Differences of opinion should be worked
out between the adults in order to safeguard the student’s respect for parental and school authority. (See
Intro on Page 4 of Handbook for Parent Partnership Agreement).
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 26
True courtesy is born of Christian charity and prompted by love and respect for the innate dignity of each
human person. Saint James Catholic School expects students to demonstrate a wholesome respect to adults
and to one another. This respect should be manifested in both words and deeds such as speaking in a polite
manner, rising when an adult enters the room, holding and opening doors for others, and other words and
acts of kindness.
Students are expected to show respect and obedience to all adults on campus. In turn, each student is to
be treated by teachers, staff, students, and volunteers with dignity and respect as bets a child of God. This
reciprocal courtesy will help to create an atmosphere where each person is valued and allowed to grow in
love of God and one another.
Saint James Catholic School students are expected to be students of Christian character, living according to
the virtues of reverence, charity, honesty, respect, obedience, courage, and responsibility. The purpose of the
Student Code of Courtesy and Responsible Behavior is to promote the development of this character and
support individual classroom guidelines.
All students are encouraged to:
Show obedient, courteous, respectful behavior toward teachers and all adults
Use appropriate language
Use good manners
Speak kindly and respectfully to and about others
Complete class assignments and participate in class
Wear the full school uniform correctly at all required times
Demonstrate respect for other classes by maintaining a quiet atmosphere in the hallways
Respect school property and the property of others
Refrain from deliberate disruption in the classroom or on school property
Help others when needed
Abide by good sportsmanship
When students choose to act in a manner contrary to the Code of Courteous and Responsible Behavior,
disciplinary action will ensue. Disciplinary action assigns an appropriate consequence for a behavior and
encourages a student to change an inappropriate behavior.
Students are not permitted to bring to or have at school items such as the following: real or toy knives, sharp
objects, matches, lighters, skateboards, water pistols, real or toy guns, trading cards, video games, electronic
devices, or any other item deemed by administration to be inappropriate for school.
Setting off an alarm of any type is considered a serious offense. This includes, but is not limited to, re alarms
and the AED machine. Consequences for creating any type of false alarm will range from conduct notice to
possible expulsion.
Each teacher will prepare classroom guidelines and consequences appropriate to the grade level and according
to the philosophy of our school.
The following steps may be used to promote courteous and responsible behavior among our students. These
steps serve as a suggested progression of consequences; administrative discretion may be used to vary from
this progression in individual circumstances. When a faculty or staff notices a violation of the code, he/she
may choose one or more of the following methods for addressing the misbehavior:
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 27
Conference with Student
The teacher may speak with the student privately and discuss alternative appropriate behaviors. The teacher
may need to point out which behaviors need to change. This conference does not need to be formal; it may
take place in the hall, at the teacher’s desk, or wherever seems appropriate and private enough to maintain
student dignity.
Phone Call to Parent
Teachers are encouraged to call the parents with concerns about a student’s behavior. This is intended to
be a proactive measure in order to discuss ways to help the child to make better choices and ask for parent
Conduct Referral
Conduct Referral Reports (Pink Slips) may be sent to parents notifying them of their child’s disciplinary
problem. These may be given for a repeated minor behavior infraction or for a single signicant behavior
infraction. Parents must sign and return these referrals.
Administrative Referral
The Principal or Assistant Principal may meet with the student regarding the behaviors that violate the code.
Appropriate disciplinary actions will ensue according to the judgment of the administration. The adminstrator
will call the parent before or after meeting the student.
Behavior Contract/Probation Period
Administration may place students on probationary behavior contracts as deemed appropriate by the
administration. Parents will be required to attend a conference with the administration to discuss and sign
the contract with the student.
Alternative Discipline
The administration may deem a situation or behavior to warrant alternative discipline such as denial of
the privilege of participating in outings or special events and/or removal from curricular or extra-curricular
activities according to the circumstances and persons involved. Disciplinary actions in such cases will be
determined at the discretion of the administration.
For students in 4th-8th grade, the Conduct Referral System serves as a consistent means of assigning
consequences for misbehavior. Referrals are cumulative per quarter.
Verbal Corrections: Students will receive verbal corrections for minor and/or rst-time offenses.
Conduct Referral: For more serious and/or repeated offenses, students receive a referral which must be signed
and returned to the school by a parent on the following day. Offenses which warrant a referral may include
but are not limited to:
Failure to observe school rules listed in the Handbook
Failure to obey directions, deance, or disrespect of a teacher or staff
Physical altercations such as hitting or ghting
Repeated failure to observe dress code
Excessive or out-of-turn talking and loudness
Inappropriate language
Words or actions which are disrespectful of or detrimental to the well-being of peers and/or teachers,
including and especially bullying
Getting out of seat without permission
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 28
Chewing gum or eating without permission
Off task behavior
• Inappropriate hallway behavior
Arriving late or being unprepared for class (including the absence of homework and materials needed
to participate fully in the lesson)
Destruction of school property
Any behavior that takes away from the learning environment
The teacher issuing a referral will notify parents via email or phone call. Parents should expect to see details
of the reason for the infraction, when the student brings the conduct referral home from school. Receipt of
multiple referrals by a student will result in a series of disciplinary consequences:
1 Referral Teacher calls/emails parent.
2 Referrals Student meets with Assistant Principal.
3 Referrals Student meets with Principal.
4 Referrals Student and parent meet with the Principal and/or the Assistant Principal.
5 Referrals Behavioral Intervention: Counseling, Behavior Modication Plan, Psychological-
Educational Testing, etc.
Students will receive a fresh start every quarter, unless a behavior intervention has been established.
The administration reserves the right to judge the seriousness of behavioral actions and to issue automatic
suspension or expulsion if the inuence of a student is detrimental to the purposes of the institution or to the
morale of the student population.
Conduct, whether inside or outside the school, including improper use of the electronic media, which is
detrimental to the well-being or reputation of Saint James Catholic School can result in disciplinary actions.
In cases of suspension, either in school or out of school, the following guidelines apply:
The assignment of an in-school versus out-of-school suspension depends on the number of infractions
accumulated or the severity of the offense.
The parents are notied of the suspension.
The Pastor is notied of the suspension.
Students assigned to in-school suspension will be given work and quizzes/tests to be completed and will receive
full credit for their work. Students assigned to out-of-school suspension will be given work and quizzes/tests
to be completed and will receive partial (up to 70%) credit for their work. For in-school suspension, students
must arrive on time and wear the school uniform. Students whose conduct does not improve consistently after
out-of-school suspension may be subject to expulsion.
Expulsion is considered a termination of enrollment. Expulsion shall be used only as a nal measure or in
response to an egregious offense.
Expulsion results from repeated refusal to obey school rules or from conduct which endangers self and others,
property, health or safety of others, and is deemed to be in the best interest of the school community. One
single extremely serious offense may be cause for expulsion.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 29
Students asked not to return the following year for behavior reasons or not allowed to return due to failure to
meet required academic standards are not considered to be expelled.
The Pastor and Archdiocesan Superintendent of Schools will be informed and consulted before any action
leading to expulsion is taken. All disciplinary actions taken by the school shall be preceded by internal
procedures and supported by defensible records.
Parents may appeal within ten (10) calendar days to the superintendent for a review of the decision. The
superintendent will only assure that correct procedures were followed as dened by the Archdiocesan Policy.
Full credit will be given for all work accomplished by the student up to the moment of expulsion. The reason for
the expulsion will be noted in the cumulative le for as long as the school administration deems appropriate.
Reasons for Expulsion
The following are examples of behavior that may result in expulsion:
Actions detrimental to the moral and spiritual welfare of other students and the school
Habitual profanity or vulgarity
Assault, battery, harassment or any threat of force or violence directed toward any school personnel or
Open, persistent deance or disobedience of authority
Use, sale, distribution or possession of alcohol, narcotics, and/or other controlled substances on or
near school premises
• Stealing
Smoking or possession of tobacco products
Willful vandalism
Habitual truancy
Possession of weapons, real or toy, or materials that can be used as weapons and other contraband
Possession of matches, lighter or any ammable substances
Violation of a probation contract
Compromise of academic standard (i.e.: habitual cheating, theft or compromise of testing, etc.)
Other behaviors as deemed serious by the administration
Other conduct that is inconsistent with the mission or policies of the school
In view of our Catholic teaching on respect for life, all individuals are to be treated with dignity and respect. Saint
James Catholic School does not condone any form of assault, harassment, or threatening behavior. Assault,
harassment, or threatening behavior in any form is prohibited. The prohibition against acts of harassment, or
threatening behavior applies to all individuals in the school. Students/parents shall not demonstrate physical,
written or verbal disrespect, harassment, threatening behavior to school personnel, students, coaches or
volunteers. The effect can be emotional or physical harm, or place a student in fear of harm or create a hostile
education environment. Saint James School prohibits any acts of this kind.
Saint James Catholic School will follow the disciplinary action policies set forth by the Archdiocese. Disciplinary
action will be individualized and proportionate to the act. The student must understand what he/she has
done, and the consequences of the act.
The school counselor is available to consult with families and school staff when dealing with assault,
harassment, or threatening behaviors.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 30
It is imperative to maintain an educational environment that encourages optimum human growth and
development. Respect for the dignity of each person is essential to the Catholic faith. It is vital that each school
program maintains an environment that is free of harassment. The school will treat allegations of harassment
seriously and will investigate such allegations in a prompt, condential, and thorough manner. Substantiated
acts of harassment will result in disciplinary action. Students found to have led false or frivolous charges
will also be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion. Examples of harassment include,
but are not limited to, verbal or written taunting; bullying and cyberbullying; other offensive, intimidating, or
hostile conduct; jokes, stories, pictures, drawings or objects which are offensive, tend to alarm, annoy, abuse
or demean an individual or group.
Verbal Harassment includes derogatory comments, jokes, or slurs: it can include belligerent or threatening
words spoken to another individual.
Physical Harassment includes unwanted physical touching, contact, assault (any physical or verbal
attack against any other person), deliberate impeding or blocking of movement or any intimidating
interference with normal work or movement.
Visual Harassment includes derogatory, demeaning, or inammatory posters, cartoons, written words,
drawings, novelties, or gestures.
Bullying—unprovoked and deliberate actions intended to hurt, isolate, or humiliate another individual.
Cyber bullying—bullying conduct as dened above that is undertaken through the use of electronic
devices and any form of social media.
Sexting—transmission of inappropriate photos or videos through electronic devices.
Sexual Harassment—Saint James Catholic School is rmly committed to providing a safe and respectful
environment for all its members. Our school expressly prohibits sexual harassment and sexual violence in
the school environment. This policy safeguards the personal dignity of the individual and fosters respect
for others. Sexual harassment includes the following behaviors: verbal sexual abuse; disseminating
obscene or sexually explicit material, whether in the form of music, written lyrics, pornographic pictures
or other literature, or having such material in one’s possession in the school, on school grounds, or
at school-sponsored activities; obscene or sexually explicit grafti anywhere in the school or on the
school/grounds; continuing unwanted written or oral communication directed to another of a sexual
nature; spreading sexual rumors/innuendoes; obscene clothing or accessories; touching oneself sexually
publicly; obscene and/or sexually explicit gestures; and any other inappropriate behavior of a sexually
explicit or obscene nature that demeans or offends others. The above list is not all-inclusive but is
intended to provide guidance as to what may constitute sexual harassment. Isolated incidents are not
sufcient to constitute harassment and will be handled according to the student behavior code.
Allegations of harassment, assault, or bullying (as dened above) are to be reported to the teacher and
the Principal. Parents of both the offender and the victim will be informed of the allegations. The matter
is to be kept condential by all parties involved, and every effort will be made to protect the alleged
victim from retaliation.
The parents of both the offender and the victim are obligated to cooperate in remedying the situation.
If the allegations are substantiated, disciplinary actions will be taken. These will depend on the nature,
frequency, and severity of the action, the ages of the offender and victim, the history of similar actions
by this individual, and the circumstances in which the harassment occurred. Disciplinary action based
on the school code will follow according to the judgment of the Principal. This may warrant suspension
and/or expulsion.
Saint James Catholic School expressly prohibits the use, possession, sale, or discharge of any weapons or
explosive devices in the school, on school grounds, or at school-sponsored activities. This policy shall apply
to all students, participants in school programs, teachers, administrators, and other personnel in the school.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 31
This policy includes, but is not limited to, any rearm, knife, deadly weapon, or explosive or incendiary device.
A “deadly weapon” is any instrument, device, or thing capable of inicting death, and designed or specically
adapted for use as a weapon, or possessed, carried or used as a weapon. Firearms shall include any loaded
or unloaded gun of any caliber or type. This prohibition also includes any pistol, rie or other devices that use
air or gas propelled projectiles.
Violations of this policy may warrant notication of the police, immediate suspension, and possible expulsion.
If possession of a weapon is suspected, the Principal or other administrator will immediately contact the
police department and the Diocesan Ofce before confronting the individual. If it is determined that this
policy has been violated, the parents of the offender shall be immediately contacted and must cooperate with
the disciplinary process.
Disciplinary action may include immediate in-or-out-of-school suspension, pending investigation and
resolution. If the student’s infraction does not warrant immediate dismissal, then the parents may be required
to sign a probation contract that includes all conditions of the student’s retention at the school.
Possible terms of this probation agreement may include professional counseling, participation in a community
program addressing youth violence, suspension from extracurricular activities, and any other conditions
deemed appropriate by the administration of the school Archdiocesan Department of Catholic Education after
consultation with the Diocesan Legal Ofce.
Threatening Behavior is dened as intentional statements, gestures, or actions meant to cause harm to
another and/or damage to property. The following will be considered when determining whether behavior is
threatening: history of inappropriate behavior, circumstances surrounding the behavior, nature of statement/
gesture/action, developmental statement of student, other relevant information.
Saint James School has adopted the following policy regarding student threats:
Any and all student threats to inict any harm to self or others must be taken seriously immediately.
Whoever hears the threat should report it immediately to the Principal or assistant Principal.
The student should be kept in the Principal’s or Assistant Principal’s ofce under supervision. If, in the
judgment of the Principal or Assistant Principal, the situation is extremely serious, the police will be
The parent or guardian of the student who has made the threat should be notied immediately.
The student should be suspended and not permitted back into school until there has been a psychiatric
evaluation and receipt by the school Principal of a written statement from a psychiatrist that the student
is not/does not pose a danger to self or others.
Any adult or the parent/guardian of any students who have been verbally mentioned as potential victims
or listed in writing as potential victims should be notied immediately.
Additionally, should a threat be made, the school should secure counseling for students involved after
obtaining parental permission.
All property of the school, including students’ desks and lockers as well as their contents, may be searched or
inspected at any time without notice. School personnel have an unrestricted right to search these structures
as well as any containers, book bags, purses, or articles of clothing that are left unattended on school property.
The school reserves the right to search any item brought on campus. The search of a student’s person or
personal property currently being carried is permissible when there is any suspicion that the student may be
carrying contraband. Contraband, for purposes here, is dened as any weapon, illegal drug, drug paraphernalia,
or other item, the possession of which is prohibited by law or by school policy.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 32
Saint James Catholic School strives to meet the needs of each student as resources allow. Our school offers
support through both the Learning Coordinator and the Guidance Counseling program.
Prior to admitting a student with a diagnosed disability, our schools must consider:
The severity and degree of the disability.
The level of support needed from special services or any special equipment the student may require.
The number of students with disabilities currently enrolled in an assigned class. It is recommended by
the Archdiocese that no more than 10-15% of students with disabilities be enrolled in any one classroom.
An individual school’s resources such as available support personnel, class size, accessibility of school
facilities, etc.
Principals may engage the services of an archdiocesan consultant to assist in making a determination of
whether a student’s educational needs can best be met in a particular school setting. (6430)
The Learning Coordinator works with the administration, guidance counselor, classroom teachers, and
parents to monitor the progress of every student and provide support. SJS uses the Archdiocese of Louisville
Intervention Protocol in determining these needs. Students who need additional academic support may be
referred to the Learning Coordinator by the teacher or parent. After observations and initial interventions, a
meeting is held with the teachers, administrators and parents to develop a Student Strategy Plan (SSP). The
purpose of this support is to provide academic strategies, explanations, and practice in the regular classroom
for our students’ success in their studies. The SSP is reviewed annually.
Student Accommodation Plans (SAP) will be made available to those students who have had psycho-
educational testing which indicates a recognized disability. The (SAP) provides more intensive interventions
and accommodations necessary for a student with a diagnosed disability. Students must have a SAP in place
to receive these accommodations. The SAP is reviewed at least every three years.
Accommodations are made on testing for students with a recognized disability as determined by current (within
the past three years) formalized assessment and written Student Accommodation Plan (SAP). In addition, the
student’s recognized disability and the appropriate testing accommodations must be documented on the
Student Accommodation Plan, for a minimum of 30 days prior to testing. (6450)
In order to assist students in the development of positive self-esteem, decision-making skills, and social values,
all students participate in regular classroom guidance programs as judged appropriate by the administration.
Students may also be referred for additional individual support from the school counselor. The range of
reasons for these individual sessions may be relatively minor, such as anxiety with test-taking, or signicant
events such as grief over the loss of a family member. Typically, these individual counseling sessions are
short-term tools aimed to support our students’ life at school and do not replace professional counseling
required for serious situations.
Individual counseling sessions may be initiated by one of the following persons:
Parents may request individual counseling sessions for their children
A school administrator or teachers may recommend students
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 33
Students may request to meet with the counselor
Saint James Catholic School is a member of the FAMILY BUILDERS CONSORTIUM through the Archdiocese of
Louisville. A counselor is available for work with students and families. Referrals, appointments and requests
can be made through the school ofce or the homeroom teacher.
All those interested in volunteering must complete a Safe Environment Training class as well as a background
Saint James uses precautionary means to guard against unwanted visitors within the school building. It is
essential for school safety that all visitors to the school, including parents, make contact with the ofce.
Contact with teachers, students, or a classroom is made ONLY through the school ofce.
All visitors and volunteers must sign in and sign out in the school ofce, and wear a Visitors badge while in
the school building.
As partners in Catholic education, St. James acknowledges parents as the domestic church and the primary
educators of their child. Parents are the most inuential role models in their child’s life. Our school strives to
build a harmonious community where students can ourish. It is expected that parents will conduct themselves
in accordance with the Gospel message toward other parents, students, and staff members at all times within
the school setting, at school sponsored activities, as well as on social media. Conicts, disagreements and
issues may arise. However, within this Christian environment, it is expected that all communication should
occur in a professional, respectful manner.
A regular employee or volunteer must submit a state criminal background check as well as attend Safe
Environment workshops. A certicate of attendance should be obtained and submitted before volunteering or
hired. Background checks must be renewed every ve (5) years. An online refresher safe environment course
is also required every ve years.
This policy shall include, but not be limited to, teachers, youth workers, janitors, coaches, scout leaders,
volunteers and all persons involved with supervisory or disciplinary power over a minor.
Childhelp “Speak Up Be Safe” helps children and teens learn the skills to prevent or interrupt cycles of neglect,
bullying, and child abuse—physical, emotional, and sexual. Speak Up, Be Safe is the Archdiocesan approved
Plans exist for the school to handle various emergency situations, for example, evacuations due to re,
lockdowns, and tornadoes. In the event that students must evacuate the campus and parish property,
neighboring institutions such as Severns Valley Baptist Church may serve as off-campus locations for the
temporary holding of our students.
During inclement weather school may be closed. School Snow Days will be set at the discretion of the principal
independently from Hardin County Schools and Elizabethtown Independent Schools, but often we will follow
the other school systems. You will receive a voice voice call or text from the school announcing any school
decisions based upon the weather. If a student is late due to snow covered road conditions, he/she will not
be counted tardy. If a student does not attend school, it will be counted as an excused absence. Parents are
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 34
to use their judgment on safety issues.
In case of a tornado warning or an actual tornado, parents should not call the school. If the conditions allow,
an all-school email or text notication will be sent to parents to inform them of the situation and/or give
There are times when school may be called off after the school day has begun. Announcements regarding the
early dismissal of school will be made as soon as possible at the discretion of the principal independently
from Hardin County Schools and Elizabethtown Independent Schools. On days when the weather becomes bad
after the children are already in school, you will receive a voice call from the school announcing any school
decisions based upon the weather.
Please ensure that all emergency contact information is updated in FACTS. These are the contacts we will use
to reach you in case of an emergency so it is important for this to be correct. Please update FACTS with any
changes when they occur.
A re drill is required every month. Tornado drills, Earthquake drills and Intruder drills are also practiced
throughout the year as required by and reported to the Archdiocese each year.
The Archdiocese of Louisville follows all health regulations established by the Kentucky Department of
Education including immunizations, medical examinations and various screenings. The health regulations, as
established by the Kentucky Department of Education shall be followed in all applicable areas.
The principal should be notied immediately of any accidents that occur on the school premises. The parents
will be notied immediately of any serious accidents. In the event of serious injuries, the school will call 911.
All faculty and staff receive annual training in precautions regarding bloodbourne pathogens. If a child gets
blood on his/her clothing, a parent will be required to bring a fresh change of clothing if the child does not
already have one at school.
In order to protect the health of all students, it is essential that parents do not send their children to school
when they are sick. Students are not permitted to stay in the school ofce, due to illness, until the end of the
school day. If a student is sent home from school with a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc, they may not return to
school the next morning. They must be free of illness for at least 24 hours before returning to school. If your
child returns to school prior to 24 hours of being illness free, they may be sent home.
The following guidelines determine when a child should be kept home or sent to school:
Temperature: Anyone with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher must stay home until they are without
a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher for 24 hours.
Vomiting or diarrhea: Anyone with vomiting or diarrhea must stay home until they are without symptoms
for 24 hours.
Strep throat: Anyone diagnosed with strep throat must remain home until they have taken the antibiotic
for at least 24 hours, unless medical release indicates otherwise.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 35
Severe cough: Anyone with a cough that is severe (non-stop) must stay home until cough has resolved.
Flu symptoms: Anyone with u symptoms (combination of fever, headache, aches and pains, fatigue,
chest discomfort, stuffy nose, and/or sore throat) must remain home until the symptoms have resolved.
Chicken pox: Anyone with chicken pox may not return to school until the last area is scabbed over.
Head lice: If there is a suspicion that a child may have lice, the parent/guardian will be contacted to
come and pick up the child. The child should be checked along with each family member. The home may
be treated as well. Anyone with head lice must not return until thoroughly treated and documentation of
treatment is brought to school. Upon returning, the child will be checked by the school nurse/personnel.
The student must be nit free and cleared to return to class. If lice or nits are detected upon the student’s
return to school, the student will be sent home, and before returning to school again the student will
need a doctor’s note stating the lice have been successfully treated and the child is nit free.
*These guidelines also pertain to any other communicable disease.
If illness requires a doctor’s visit, a note from the doctor stating the date a child may return to school must be
turned into the ofce.
When a student becomes ill or injured during the school day and needs to be sent home, parents must
make arrangements to have the child picked up within 30 minutes. Students will not be permitted to dismiss
themselves by calling home. No student may go home alone. Students will be dismissed only to parents/
guardian or the emergency contact people listed, unless written consent from a parent is obtained in time to
release the student to an adult other than those listed as emergency contact persons. Unknown adults will be
asked to show identication when picking up a student. If the parent /guardian cannot be reached, emergency
contacts will be called to pick up the student.
Qualied school personnel can administer medications only when a specic procedure is followed. The
dispensation of medication by school personnel is discouraged. Saint James Catholic School encourages
medication to be given by parents at home.
A Medication Consent Form must be completed for each medication that is to be administered at school.
This form is available in the school ofce, or can be downloaded from the school website. This form must be
completed and signed by both the parent and the student’s healthcare provider.
Students may NOT carry any type of medication in their book bags, purses, or on their person. Medicine,
including aspirin and Tylenol, will not be kept at school for the purpose of administering to pupils. Students
must have a completed Permission for Medication Form, signed by both parent and health care provider, on
le in the school ofce to be given any medications at school.
If your child needs to bring cough drops into school, please send a signed parent note giving them permission
and stating how often they can consume them. The student should give the cough drops to their teacher
during the school day to monitor and the student may take them home at the end of the day.
Medications administered by qualied school personnel follow these guidelines:
All medications, prescription and non-prescription, must be kept in the school ofce. Students are not
allowed to carry any type of medication, prescription or over-the-counter, on their person at any time
unless required and procedures are clearly dened by a doctor (inhalers, epi-pens, etc.).
Only authorized school personnel will be permitted to administer medications to any student.
All medications must be transported to and from school by the student’s parent, guardian, or carpool
driver (as long as the proper authorization has been lled out by the parent or guardian and the
prescribing physician), and all medications must be given to and signed in with the qualied school
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 36
A completed Permission for Medication Form must be brought to school with the medication. The
completed forms must include the full name of the child, the name of the medication and the dosage,
the time it is to be given, reason for the medication, special instructions or side effects, if applicable, the
prescribing physician’s phone number and signature, and the parent or guardian’s name, signature, and
phone number. NO medications will be administered at school without this form.
Prescription medications must be in a labeled container from the pharmacy. The label must include
the child’s name, name of the medication and dosage, administration instructions, and prescribing
physician’s phone number. This allows the school personnel to compare the physician authorization
with the pharmacy label. This is an important step in assuring the proper medication and dose are being
administered, thus avoiding medication errors.
Non-prescription medication must be in a sealed original container and labeled with the child’s full
name. Medications will not be accepted or administered if they are not sent in the original container.
Any changes in medication, including a dosage or schedule change, the parent or guardian must provide
an UPDATED Permission for Medication Form. A new pharmacy bottle of the medication should have a
pharmacy label that reects these changes. Again, this aids in the prevention of medication errors.
Under no circumstance will any medication be administered at school until it has been veried and
checked in by the school personnel.
During the nal week of school, any remaining medication should be picked up and signed out by the
parent or guardian only. The ofce will not release any medication to the student.
Any medication remaining in the ofce on the last day of school will be discarded.
Parents who indicate on the Emergency Card that their student has Asthma or Severe Food Allergies
who require an Epi-Pen at school for severe food allergies will be required to provide an Individualized
Emergency Plan that will be utilized by qualied school personnel in the event of an asthma attack or an
allergic reaction. A meeting must be scheduled with the appropriate school faculty and/or administration
prior to checking an epi-pen into the ofce.
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to contact the school ofce at least one week prior to any eld
trip to discuss arrangements for medications that need to be taken on the eld trip. The student’s parent/
guardian must provide the school staff with all emergency contact numbers.
Only prescribed life-saving medications will be allowed and/or administered by school staff on a eld trip. The
administration of epinephrine (in the form of an Epi-Pen) or other life-saving medications, such as asthma
inhalers, will be administered by a school staff in the event of a life-threatening situation in which the child has
a known allergy or preexisting medical condition, and an order for administration of the life-saving medication
is on le in the school ofce from a licensed prescriber with written consent of the parent or guardian.
A nurse does not attend eld trips. The parent/guardian of a student with a known allergy or preexisting
condition may attend the eld trip as a chaperone to assist the student should a medical need arise. If a student
needs an injectable medication other than an Epi Pen and is not able to self-administer the medication, a
parent/guardian must accompany the student on the eld trip. Arrangements must be made at least one week
prior to the eld trip with the student’s teacher.
Only life-saving medications will be allowed and/or administered by After Care staff. The administration of
epinephrine (in the form of an Epi-Pen) or other life-saving medications, such as asthma inhalers, will be
administered by staff in the event of a life-threatening situation where the child has a known allergy or
preexisting medical condition and there is an order and action plan for administration of the medication from
a licensed prescriber and written consent of the parent or guardian. If a life-saving medication is required for
a student who attends After School Care, the parent/guardian must inform After School Care staff and provide
a separate medication to be kept on le in the After School Care ofce.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 37
The current Kentucky immunization regulations do not permit philosophical exemptions to immunizations.
The Archdiocese of Louisville has no religious objection or prohibition against immunizations and, in fact, the
Archdiocese of Louisville encourages immunization and adheres to all applicable immunization and health
If a parent/guardian wishes to claim a religious exemption, then this must be submitted on the Commonwealth
of Kentucky approved form. This form must be fully completed, signed, and notarized. In addition, the parent
or guardian will be required to execute a waiver and release for the Archdiocese of Louisville. Once the
religious exemption documents have been properly completed and returned to the school, the student may
be admitted if the student has met all the school’s other admission requirements.
The state of Kentucky requires by law that any Principal, teacher, counselor, nurse, or other school administrator
report all cases of suspected abuse of children less than eighteen years of age. Kentucky Law, 620.030, requires
the report of injuries or neglect of minors, provides immunity for those reporting in good faith, and provides
a penalty for violation of the law.
The objectives of the PTO committees are as follows:
To promote such activities or measures that will serve to benet or aid in the welfare of Saint James
Catholic School and its students.
To support the school in its mission to educate children in the Catholic faith, providing a Christ-centered
atmosphere in which students may grow in truth and love, and be committed to the education of children,
enhancing a strong relationship among parents, teachers, and school.
To provide the school, members, and the Saint James community with enrichment through education,
communication, social activities and fundraising.
PTO dues are included in tuition to offset the cost of class t-shirts and parties, teacher gifts and other supplies
room parents need throughout the year.
In conjunction with the Archdiocese of Louisville, the mission of the St. James School Board is to advance
quality Catholic education for students by providing leadership, direction, and support to Pastors, Principals,
Teachers, Staff, and members of the school community. The SJS School Board adopts the school’s mission
statement and the periodic review of its operational validity and Catholic identity. The consultative, committee-
driven Board efciently assists the Pastor and Principal inthe operations of the school. By their dedication and
effort, Catholic school boards safeguard and promote the viability and vitality of their Catholic school.
The purposes of the School Board are as follows:
1. To support effective administration, operation and maintenance of the school.
2. To provide a means of communication.
3. To review and discuss programs in light of the administrative vision for the school.
4. To develop and strengthen the relationship between the school and its supporting parish.
5. To develop and strengthen the nancial functioning and viability of the school
6. To assist the administration in the implementation of the policies of the Archdiocese of Louisville.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 38
The role of the school board is not to arbitrate grievances. In an effort to resolve all problems in a timely
manner, the school board has adopted the following policy regarding grievances:
1. Always try to resolve the problem at the lowest level rst. You must rst attempt to resolve any conict
at the point of origin. If the problem is in the classroom, speak to the teacher rst.
2. Always request an appointment for your meeting. This will provide the full attention of the person with
whom you are meeting and not disrupt other scheduled events.
3. If you have tried to resolve the conict at the lowest level and feel you need further assistance, the next
level would be the principal and nally the pastor. Again, an appointment is encouraged.
For the safety and out of respect for the learning environment, the school maintains a sibling policy for
parents volunteering during regular school hours: when an adult supervises Saint James Catholic School
children directly or helps with activities where there is a potential safety risk for small children, siblings may
not be present at the event or volunteer opportunity. This policy is based on reasons of liability but, more
importantly, for the safety of all children. Volunteers who bring siblings to an event for which they are directly
responsible or at which the sibling is a safety or liability risk will not be allowed to volunteer at that event.
Parents with young children who are unable to volunteer during regular school hours are encouraged to
volunteer outside of the school; they are encouraged to contact the PTO Committee chairs for assistance with
nding activities to help fulll their volunteer commitment.
In an emergency, a message may be given to a child through the ofce. Parents may not call a student from the
classroom or interrupt the teacher during school hours. After-school arrangements with students should be
discussed before coming to school in order to minimize the need to relay messages delivered to the classroom.
Appointments to meet with teachers or administration can be made by telephone or written communication.
Concerns about a student’s academic progress should be communicated to the teacher involved. Parents are
encouraged to communicate regularly with the faculty and staff regarding the welfare of their children. Teachers
will communicate with parents by conference, telephone, or in writing (note, email, or Remind message).
Parents who ask to speak with a teacher during the school day will be asked to leave a message with the school
receptionist. Every effort will be made to respond to a message in a timely manner. Emergency situations
should be clearly indicated to the school receptionist.
The ofce phone will be used for school business only. Students must have permission from their teacher or
the administration to use school phones. Students do not call parents to request forgotten homework, books,
etc. or to make after school plans.
While the use of cell phones and personal electronic devices such as Apple Watches and Fitbits at school
by students is not permitted, due to the importance of parent-child communication in this day and age, the
possession of a cell phone while at school is permitted. Students must keep their cell phone off during school
hours and must be kept inside a student’s backpack. Students may not use their cell phones or personal
electronic devices in the homeroom before or after school. Students who attend the After School Care program
or other after school activities must keep their cell phones in their backpack while on campus. Students must
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 39
use their cell phones for the sole purpose of communicating with their parents or guardians when there is a
need. Students should not use cell phones to call home when sick. This call is made from the school ofce.
Failure to observe the policy regarding cell phones will result in the conscation of the device which will be
returned to the parent of the student; this failure may also result in the loss of the privilege of bringing a cell
phone to school.
E-mail is for parental use only. Teachers do not communicate with students via email. Any information about
lunches, rides home, after school plans, etc. should be communicated through the ofce. E-mail messages will
be acknowledged in a timely manner, typically within twenty-four (24) to forty-eight (48) hours upon receipt on
school days. Teachers are expected to give their full attention to students, and therefore do not usually have
immediate access to school e-mail during the day. Since e-mails should be used to communicate brief and
non-condential matters, and are primarily for clarication of assignments, activities, times of events, etc.,
parents and teachers should not conference about a student via e-mail. Personal or educational discussions
about a student must be done over the phone or in person.
Announcements are distributed to each family electronically each Friday in the Weekly Update. Some teachers
use the Friday folder which contains graded work, pertinent information regarding policies, programs, special
activities, reminder notices, and other school-related information. Parents are responsible for reviewing this
information and returning the folder back to the school the following school day.
Voice call is used periodically to communicate reminders about important upcoming events. Calls are made to
those numbers listed by parents/guardians in their FACTS account.
Each family has electronic access to the school calendar and handbook via the website. The calendar serves
as a tool for scheduling appointments and notication of dates of school events and holidays.
Throughout the school calendar year, a family member may be invited to join the student for a cafeteria lunch.
Due to space limitations within the cafeteria, we ask that parents and family members refrain from “drop-in”
cafeteria visits. This also includes the special delivery of outside fast food and/or restaurant food to students.
Sodas are not permitted in student lunches.
In order to keep costs low, parents are urged to help their children be responsible for books used. Books are
to be kept covered and clearly identied.
Students are nancially responsible for the loss or damage of textbooks and other materials provided for their
use during the school year. Students are responsible for any damage to property belonging to the school or to
other students. Fees for damages will be assessed as appropriate.
Saint James Catholic School does not assume responsibility for toys, electronic devices or any non-school-
related items brought to school by a student. Parents are asked to see that these items are kept at home.
Students found to steal, destroy, or vandalize school property or the property of others are nancially
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 40
responsible, with their parents, whether the damage is accidental or intentional.
All hardback books are rented and returned to the school at the end of the school year. Consumable books
that have been written in such as many of the primary books, workbooks, etc., are kept by the student.
The student is responsible for the care of all textbooks. They are to be covered at all times. Parents will be
expected to pay for the replacement of any book that is lost, damaged, or badly marred in any way. Books that
are to be returned at the end of the school year may not be written in at any time.
Please label all clothing and lunch bags with your child’s name. “Lost and Found” articles are stored in the
cafeteria. Lost valuables (i.e. Glasses, watches, keys, and jewelry) can be claimed in the front ofce. Periodically,
unclaimed “Lost and Found” items will be donated to a local charity.
Classes may have ve parties per year. As a Catholic school, preference is given to our Catholic feast days.
Parties may be celebrated for All Saints Day, Christmas, St. Valentines or Mardis Gras, Easter, and an end of
the year party. During these parties, games will be played and refreshments will be served. Room parents are
given funds by the PTO to fund needed items.
Parents of students may send a simple treat for the class on the occasion of their child’s birthday. The treats
should come individually divided for easy distribution. Healthy treats are strongly encouraged. In lieu of an
edible treat, parents may provide a simple goody bag. Treats will be enjoyed during lunch or at another time at
the discretion of the teacher. Treats should be delivered to the front ofce no later than 9:00 a.m. If treats are
brought on the day of a eld trip, distribution of the treats may need to be transferred to another day. School
staff will distribute treats; parents may not bring treats to the cafeteria or classroom. All other birthdays
will be celebrated outside of school time. Students may choose to purchase a book for the library as their
“birthday gift” to the school. A special name plate will be placed in the book.
The practice of sending owers and balloons or other deliveries are not appropriate in the school setting.
Therefore, these items are not to be brought or delivered to school.
Invitations to any type of social, non-school sponsored event may not be distributed in school. Parents are
asked to mail such invitations directly to the home of the person being invited.
Saint James Catholic School treasures its teachers and staff and recognizes their commitment to the success
of our school and our children. We also recognize and encourage a family’s desire to express their gratitude
for the hard work of the faculty and staff.
The following are guidelines for families in regards to gift-giving to faculty and staff:
Groups of parents may purchase a small gift or gift certicate for a faculty or staff on a special occasion.
Such arrangements must be optional.
Individual students may purchase a small gift for their teacher(s).
Field trips are educational excursions, which are preplanned learning experiences, related to the curriculum
of the specic grade level and followed by evaluation. Field Trip Forms with written parental permission are
obtained prior to each excursion. Students may not attend without this written permission.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 41
Field trips are included in tuition and there is no additional cost to parents. The exception is the 8th grade trip.
Each class may take one eld trip per semester.
Students must travel to and from the destination of the eld trip via transportation provided by the school,
e.g. school bus. Students going on a eld trip must leave from the school and return to the school to be
dismissed; students will not be dismissed from the destination of the eld trip.
The school reserves the right to refuse a student’s participation in a eld trip if his/her conduct may jeopardize
the personal safety of self or that of the group.
If a parent is asked to chaperone, they may NOT bring a younger child on the trip. Chaperones are expected to
give their undivided attention to the students for whom they are responsible.
If parents choose that a student not attend a eld trip, he/she will be counted absent on the day of the trip.
The student is to stay at home since the school does not have the provisions to provide an extra educational
setting when the class and teacher are gone for the day.
Field trips are viewed as an extension of the classroom and are meant to encourage responsibility and
independence within the students. Due to bus insurance regulations, space limitations, and trip destinations,
parents are not permitted to attend eld trips unexpectedly or follow buses to eld trip destinations. All
volunteers and/or chaperones for the school must complete a background check, attend Safe Environment
Training, and must be approved by the homeroom teacher prior to acting as chaperones on eld trips. All
volunteers are required to attend the Safe Environment workshop offered by the Archdiocese of Louisville in
accordance with policy.
Requirements for Overnight Trips:
All students must provide proof of health insurance and complete and submit the notarized form
Students needing medication or with a medical/health condition must complete and submit the Medical
St. James is aware and sensitive to transitions of families experiencing separation of parents, pending divorce
or a divorce. It is assumed that both parents have equal custody and access to their child(ren) and information
regarding their child(ren) unless a court order is submitted to the school that states otherwise. A pending
hearing regarding changes is not sufcient, a signed order from the court is required.
Unless an order restricts a parent’s access to their child(ren) or our school, each parent is entitled to attend
events at the school and receive information regarding their child(ren). All information will be disseminated
to both parents. This information includes but is not limited to, conference appointments, report cards,
mid-quarter grades and assessments, discussions with school personnel, and tuition statements. Special
accommodations for parent/teacher conferences or discussions with school personnel may be arranged.
It is assumed that both parents are exchanging information regarding their child(ren) with one another. If that
is not occurring, please contact our school and to the extent that we are able to, we will do all we can to ensure
that each parent is receiving school related information.
Note: Saint James complies with the Buckley Amendment. Parents who would like to review the records of
their child(ren) should contact the school ofce with two (2) days’ notice. “Records” include ofcial transcripts,
report cards, and health records.
Questions concerning this policy or requests for other arrangements should be made to the Principal.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 42
Preschool Goals:
The primary goal of Saint James Preschool is to help the child develop skills that will enhance learning
readiness. The focus of the program is on ve major areas of development:
1. Social-Emotional: Cooperation, relationships.
2. Language: Receptive and expressive.
3. Cognitive: Memory, imagination, thinking and problem-solving skills.
4. Motor Skills: Gross motor and ne motor skills.
5. Hygiene & Self Help: Responsibility of self, manners and sharing.
Our program curriculum is Funshine Express. A developmental screening will be administered within 90 days
of enrollment to better assess your child’s needs.
We emphasize activities that lead to readiness skills and enhance more precocious academic abilities. With
good self-concept and appropriate academic abilities, your child will be prepared to willingly begin his/her
formal school experience.
The Preschool program is licensed through the Division of Regulated Child Care. The teachers are required to
have current TB certicates, current certication in Pediatric CPR, First Aid training and must have 15 hours of
continuing education yearly.
Parent Involvement:
Parents will be invited to 3-4 family outings/gatherings per school year. Information is sent home with your
child during the school year.
Each preschool class has a parent volunteer to act as room parent. Safe Environment class is required and
parent will attend a Room Parent meeting for more information.
Saint James School will offer Preschool in two options, full time or part time. Our hours of operation
will be from 7:00am-5:30pm, Monday – Friday. Saint James Preschool will have morning classes 8:00 a.m-
11:00 p.m and afternoon classes 11:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. The Full Time Program will be open from 7:00 a.m.
– 5:30 p.m.
Services will be provided on school days only. This program will not be in attendance when school
is NOT in session; such as closings due to inclement weather. If school opening is delayed by 1 hour,
Preschool will also open 1 hour late.
The Preschool Program will follow the Saint James School Calendar, with minor adjustments. The
preschool year starts in August and goes through to approximately the third week in May.
A late pick-up fee of $1.00 per minute will be assessed after 5:30 p.m. After 3 late pick-ups (5:31 p.m. or
later) you will be asked to nd alternative child care. This will be strictly enforced.
Program Policies
This program will run in conformity with all state licensing regulations.
There will be at least one staff member employed for each 12 students enrolled.
First Aid and Accidents
With your child’s care in mind, it is MOST IMPORTANT that all emergency information be kept up to date
in your FACTS family portal.
First aid will consist of soap, water and Band-aids. We also have ice packs.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 43
State regulations prohibit us from giving any medication to children while in Preschool. The only
exception is an Epi-Pen that must be in the original box with a prescription label with the child’s name
on it.
Non-prescription Medications are not allowed.
In case of an emergency, we will rst attempt to notify the parents/guardians. If a parent/guardian
cannot be reached, we will notify EMS (Emergency Medical Services - 911).
All Preschool staff are certied in pediatric CPR and First Aid.
If necessary the student will be taken to the school nurse for observation.
Children are expected to wear the preschool version of the Saint James School uniform (please see
uniform section)
Please send appropriate outerwear for the current weather. No umbrellas, please.
If your child attends full time, and you provide a lunch you need to include easy to open items and follow the
criteria regulated by the state. In order for us to stay in compliance you must follow the criteria found here.
Lunch can be provided by the Saint James Cafeteria at the current year’s price (prices will be published each
Please do not send food that needs preparation in a microwave, glassware, “Fast Food” or candy.
We do not serve breakfast, please make sure your child has had breakfast before attending Preschool.
A nutritious snack will be provided mid-morning and mid-afternoon.
Rest Time
Full time preschool will provide a rest time for your child. Cots will be provided. You will need to send in a crib
sheet, blanket and a plastic container (15Qt/14L 17”L x 11 1/8” W x 6 ½”H) to store them in. Pillows may be sent
but are optional and must t inside container. Blankets will be sent home weekly for laundering. No sleeping
bags, please.
Disciplinary methods shall be designed and implemented through positive guidance to help the individual
child develop self-control and assume responsibility for his/her actions. All children shall be treated fairly,
with dignity and respect as individuals.
Preschool Staff shall:
Discuss with each child’s parents any special problem or needs their child may have and the methods
they use or suggest in dealing with the child.
Include the children in setting the rules and establishing limitations for both indoor and outdoor
Post rules and established limitations and review them often with the children to help them understand
and learn acceptable behavior.
Praise acceptable behavior.
Use the “Time-Out” method by removing the child from the other children if the above methods fail. If
the child is put in time-out, the child will be told why his/her behavior is not acceptable. The child will
be supervised while in time-out.
If the child continues to be a discipline problem a parent-teacher conference will be held to discuss
appropriate steps for correction.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 44
Treat self and others with respect
Keep hands to self
Walk in classroom and hallways
Use quiet voice in halls and bathrooms
Treat toys gently
Put away toys during cleanup time
Toys from home are NOT ALLOWED at school. Please keep all money, electronics and toys safely at home.
Pick Up
Children must be picked up by parents, guardians or authorized persons. NO CHILD WILL BE RELEASED TO
AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON. Preschool Staff must be notied in writing if anyone other than the parents or
guardians will be picking up a child. Any person designated in the Emergency Contact list in FACTS, will be
permitted to pick the child up in the absence of a parent/guardian or at the parents’/guardians’ request.
Proper photo identication may be requested before a child is released to someone other than the parent/
guardian. For your child’s safety, it is required by law that children must be in a car seat or booster seat.
Remember to always buckle up your child!
Sign In/Sign Out
Each child will be “signed in” to Preschool by a parent or a staff member. A parent/guardian must “sign out” a
child from Preschool each day. This procedure is for the child’s safety.
Drop Off Routine
Children are to be dropped off beginning at 7:30am-7:55am (11:30am-11:40am) at the Media Center Entrance. If
you arrive late, please park and walk your child to the Media Center door and ring the doorbell.
Pick Up Routine
We will begin dismissal at 10:50am (2:20pm). Please walk to the Media Center door to pick up and sign out your
Weather Closings/Emergency Closings
In case of inclement weather conditions, families should follow the instructions specically for Saint James
Catholic School. Television stations will carry ofcially authorized Saint James closings. Information will be
posted on Saint James website and a message via Parent Alert will be sent. During inclement weather school
may be closed. School snow days will be set at the discretion of the principal independently from Hardin
County Schools and Elizabethtown Independent Schools.
If school opening is delayed by one hour, the morning preschool class will begin at 9:00am, with dismissal
at regular time (10:50am). If school is delayed by two hours morning preschool will be canceled. Afternoon
preschool will be at regular time on these days.
If school is released early, you will have one hour from school closing to pick up your child.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 45
In 1988, EPA and the Commonwealth of Kentucky adopted a rule requiring inspections, assessments, and
management of asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM) in schools. This rule is called “AHERA. In an
effort to maintain a safe environment for students, staff, and visitors and in order to comply with the rule, the
Archdiocese of Louisville completed all of the necessary tasks and maintains a viable asbestos management
program throughout the school system.
“Saint James Catholic School in Elizabethtown, KY was built according to specications that did not call
for asbestos to be used in any materials or products during its construction. In accordance with AHERA
regulations, this notice is to inform parents and employees of Saint James Catholic School of Elizabethtown
that a complete Asbestos Management Plan for the school is on le at the ofce and is available for
your review. We will continue to notify the public at least once annually on the status of the Asbestos
Management Plan. Should it be necessary, more frequent updates will be issued. Every precaution will
continue to be used in order to protect the wellbeing of students and employees of Saint James Catholic
School of Elizabethtown.
A copy of the school’s asbestos inspection and management is available in the school facilities ofce for
We take great pride in our school brand, which includes our name, school logo, athletic logos and mission
statement. The express written permission of the Director of Mission Advancement is required for the use of
our brand. Please include a description of why you are asking and how the branding asset will be used. This
applies to all media and products, including social media.
Saint James Catholic School is the ofcial title of our institution. Our Patron is Saint James the Greater, Apostle
of Jesus Christ and brother of John the Apostle.
The purpose of this handbook is to serve as a guideline for students, parents/guardians, teachers and staff of
Saint James Catholic School. The interpretation of this handbook is made according to the discretion of the
administration of Saint James Catholic School. In the event that a situation arises that is not covered by this
handbook, then the interpretation of policy and nal decision rests with the Policy of the Archdiocese and
school administration.
The administration of Saint James Catholic School reserves the right to amend, adapt, or suspend any policy
of the school handbook, if it is deemed necessary to do so in the best interest of a student or of the entire
school community. To the extent this handbook may be inconsistent with the policies or guidelines of the
Archdiocese, the Archdiocesan policies and guidelines shall be of controlling force and effect. Parents will be
promptly notied in writing if changes are made.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 46
The following is a summary of the recent changes, effective June 21, 2017, to 902 KAR 2:060 Immunization schedules
for attending child day care centers, certied family child care homes, other licensed facilities which care for
children, preschool programs, and public and private primary and secondary schools,
kar/902/002/060.htm. This amended Kentucky Administrative Regulation requires all children to have a
current immunization certicate on le, contains the required immunizations schedule for attending, and has
a process to obtain a religious exemption from the required immunizations.
One new age-specic immunization requirement and one booster dose requirement effective for
the school year beginning on or after July 1, 2018:
2-Dose Series of hepa (Age: 12 months through 18 years)
Quadrivalent meningococcal vaccine (menacwy) booster dose (Age: 16 years)
Homeschooled children are required to submit a current immunization certicate to participate in
any public and private school activities (classroom, extracurricular activity, or sports).
All vaccines administered are printed on the Commonwealth of Kentucky Certicate of Immunization
Status now including immunizations not required for school entry.
Religious exemptions shall be documented on a signed and notarized Commonwealth of Kentucky
Parent or Guardian’s Declination on Religious Grounds to Required Immunizations. There will be a
space for the parent or guardian to initial each specic immunization they are choosing to decline.
New versions of forms, effective June 21, 2017, can be found on Websites for the Kentucky Department
of Education, and the Kentucky Immunization Program. Out-of-state immunization certicates
may be accepted if they meet the same age-specic requirements as outlined in this regulation.
A Commonwealth of Kentucky Certicate of Immunization Status printed from the Kentucky
Immunization Registry (KYIR) does not require a signature.
A licensed practical nurse (LPN) designee of a physician, local health department administrator,
or other licensed healthcare facility may sign the Commonwealth of Kentucky Certicate of
Immunization Status.
School nurses and administrators can enroll in KYIR and print the Commonwealth of Kentucky
Certicate of Immunization Status from the registry, and it will not require a signature.
Routine certicate reviews are to occur at enrollment in a day care center, kindergarten, seventh
grade, eleventh grade, and for the 2018-2019 school year for twelfth grade; new enrollment at any
grade; upon legal name change; and at a school required examination pursuant to 702 KAR 1:160.
A child whose certicate has exceeded the date for the certicate to be valid shall be recommended
to visit the child’s medical provider or local health department to receive immunizations required
by this administrative regulation. An updated and current certicate shall be provided to the:
Day care center, certied family child care home, or other licensed facility that cares for
children by a parent or guardian within thirty (30) days from when the certicate was found
to be invalid; or
School by a parent or guardian within fourteen (14) days from when the certicate was found
to be invalid.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 47
The purpose of the Saint James Catholic School uniform is to ensure a look of unity and equality within our
school community as well as to promote the search for deeper qualities on which to build self-condence
and Christian identity.
Dress and grooming standards are essential in fostering personal growth and development. Full attention
to proper grooming is expected of each student. Neatness, moderation, and modesty should guide the
selection of student dress. All attire shall be in good repair (i.e. No holes, rips or tears). No attire that has a
bleached, worn or tight look is acceptable.
Students who are not in compliance with the dress code may have to call to get the necessary attire or
borrow an item from the dress code closet.
GIRLS (PreK-2)
Mass Day Uniform
Peter Pan Dress Shirt (white)
Plaid Jumper (French blue)
Optional: sweater or eece
Options for MTTF:
Knit Polo—long or short
sleeve (white, navy or
light blue)
Cardigan Sweater (navy,
white or yellow)
Fleece: Quarter Zip (navy)
Plaid Jumper (French blue)
Jumper, Skirt or Skort (navy)
Mesh Polo Dress—long or short sleeve (navy or light blue)
Pants: (navy or khaki)
GIRLS (Grades 3-8)
Mass Day Uniform
Dress Shirt (white)
Plaid Skirt (French blue)
Optional: sweater or eece
Options for MTTF:
Knit Polo: long or short
sleeve (white, navy or
light blue)
Cardigan Sweater: (navy,
white or yellow)
Fleece: Quarter Zip (navy)
Skirt or Skort (navy)
Pants (navy or khaki)
Shorts (navy or khaki)—until fall break or after spring break
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 48
BOYS (PreK-8)
Mass Day Uniform
Oxford Shirt (white or light blue)
Pants (navy or khaki) with belt
Optional: sweater or eece
Options for MTTF:
Long and Short Sleeve
(blue, lt blue, white)
Sweaters--V neck or
cardigan (navy)
Fleece—quarter zip (navy)
Pants (navy or khaki)
Shorts (navy or khaki)—
before fall break or after spring break
T-shirt with logo (navy)
Mesh Shorts (navy) or Active Track Pants (navy)
Tennis Shoes—white or black
Option: Crew Sweatshirt with logo
Tennis shoes (all white or
all black) or dress shoes
(black or brown): Sperry-
type loafers, oxfords,
Mary Janes or ats. All
shoes must have non-
marking soles.
Plain navy, brown, black or tan.
Belts are to be worn by both boys and
girls in grades 3 through 8 with pants/
shorts/skorts that have belt loops. (No
ornamentation) Any other students
choosing to wear a belt must follow
the dress code previously stated.
Socks, hosiery or tights are
to be worn at all times with
dress code items. (No logos are
Plain white, navy or tan without
Grades PreK-8
*All shorts, skirts, jumpers and skorts should be no shorter than two inches above the bend of the knee and no
longer than the middle of the knee. Shorts or leggings should be worn underneath at all times for purposes of
HAIR should be clean and neat hairstyle of reasonable length. Bangs should be no
longer than the eyebrows, with the eyebrows showing. Boys’ hair is to be shorter than
the collar and ear. Unnatural hair colors and hair sculpting will not be permitted. Hair
colors and styles that draw excessive attention will not be allowed. Shaved-head designs
are not permitted. Hair accessories should be neutral colors or match uniform colors.
Headbands with animal ears, unicorn horns, etc. are not permitted.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 49
Female students may wear modest, natural facial makeup.
NO EYE MAKEUP will be permitted: no mascara, eye liner, or eye shadow.
Articial nails are not permitted. Only clear nail polish may be worn by female students,
no French Tips. PERFUME and SCENTS including scented hair spray are not permitted,
for consideration of other students and teachers. Tattoos (permanent or temporary) are
not acceptable.
Shall be kept to a minimum to avoid undue distractions and for safety reasons. Female
students may wear stud/button earrings. No earrings shall extend below the earlobe (no
hoop or dangle earrings). Male students are not permitted to wear earrings to school or
any school related function. No body piercing of any type will be allowed.
Spirit Wear days are days designated by the Principal when the students, faculty, and staff may come to
school dressed in official Saint James Catholic School Spirit Wear top with a dress code bottom. Spirit
Wear is generally every Friday. Spirit Wear days are optional; students who choose not to dress in Spirit
Wear on these days should come to school in regular school dress code.
On a designated day of the month, First Friday, students may wear their Class shirt with
a uniform bottom. All other dress code regulations apply.
OUT OF UNIFORM DAYS Scheduled, by school ocials, to recognize special events
Students may dress casually on out of uniform days following the general guidelines of the standard dress code.
Jeans, t-shirts, and comfortable clothes are permitted. Clothes must be neat in appearance, modest (not too tight,
short, or revealing) and appropriate for school.
Out of uniform days may be school wide, or given to a particular student or group of students at the discretion
of the administration. On any out of uniform day, if students forget to dress “out-of-uniform,” parents will NOT be
called to bring a change of clothing.
The following are guidelines for REGULAR OUT OF UNIFORM DAYS:
• Students may wear jeans, pants, shorts, dresses, capris, or skirts. The shorts, dresses or skirts may not be
shorter than 2” above the knee. Jeans, pants, and shorts should be regular tting; “skinny jeans”, “jeggings”,
leggings as pants, or other form-tting pants should not be worn. Leggings are permitted under knee length
jumpers, dresses or skirts, not to be worn without a knee length top or bottom apparel.
• Capris or mid-calf pants should not be form-tting.
• Students should not wear short tops with bare midriff or tank tops.
• Shoes with heels higher than 1.5”, sandals, ip-ops, boots or crocs are not appropriate.
• T-shirts should not have inappropriate wording or advertisements such as alcohol, tobacco, or any message
that is not supportive of our school mission.
• Shirts should not be tied or banded up to reveal tank tops or other shirts underneath.
• Hats are not to be worn inside of school during school hours (unless designated as hat day).
• Colored hair is not allowed.
• All dress code regulations regarding jewelries/accessories/hair/make-up/jewelry and shoes apply on Out of
Uniform Days.
Continued support of guidelines is essential in making these days successful. If a student is found to be dressed
inappropriately on a No Code Day, students may have to change into clothing that is kept at school. Parents may
be called to bring items if students are not in compliance with the dress code. The Pastor/Principal/Teacher has
authority to have any child remove or correct any clothing or grooming item that is deemed inappropriate for
school. PARENTS will be notied if prompt compliance has not been obtained.
Field Trips
Typically, standard dress code is worn. Dress guidelines will be established by the
teacher as needed (after consultation with the Principal).
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 50
Access to Electronic Mail and the Internet will enable students to explore thousands of libraries, databases
and bulletin boards while exchanging messages with Internet users throughout the world. While our intent
is to make Internet access available to further educational goals and objectives, students may nd ways to
access objectionable materials as well. We believe the benets to students to access the Internet, in the form
of information, resources and opportunities for collaboration, exceed any disadvantages.
To that end, the Archdiocese of Louisville has set the following standards for using on-line information sources.
1. Students are responsible for good behavior on all digital devices and school networks, just as they are in
the classroom. Communications on the network are public in nature. The network is provided for students
to conduct research and communicate with others. Access to network services is given to students who
agree to act in a responsible manner. Parent permission is required, and access is a privilege - not a right.
2. Network administrators may review les and communications to maintain system integrity and ensure
that users are employing the system responsibly. Network and Internet storage areas may be treated like
school lockers; while generally private, they may be searched under certain circumstances. Users should
not expect that les stored on school servers or in school accounts will be private.
3. Access to information will be honored within reason. During school hours, teachers will guide students
toward appropriate materials. Outside of school, families bear the same responsibility as they would
when guiding their children with information sources such as books, periodicals, television, telephones,
movies, radio and other potentially offensive media.
4. Students participating while hybrid or remote learning is taking place may be part of classroom video,
streamed and/or recorded by the teacher for the express purpose of teaching and learning. Students
may not use the teacher’s or other students’ images from these recordings.
5. The following are not permitted:
Doing anything illegal or unethical
Revealing personal information online (name, phone number, address)
Sending, receiving, or displaying offensive messages or pictures
Using obscene language
Harassing, insulting or threatening other
Damaging computer systems or computer networks of your individual property or of another user
to include, but not limited to, uploading or creation of computer viruses.
Changing network or system settings
Violating copyright laws to include posting to websites or blogs any photos or logos that are
property (intellectual property) of St. James Catholic School
Submitting documents from the Internet as personal work
Using another person’s password or trespassing in someone else’s folder, work or les
Intentionally wasting limited resources
Using the network for commercial purposes
Propagating chain messages
Making unauthorized downloads
Viewing, uploading, downloading or transmitting material that is pornographic, hateful, or obscene
Participating in chat or instant messaging for non-educational purposes
Accessing social networking sites on school computers or the school network without teacher
Sexting or distributing personal information or pictures of others
6. Cell phone use is prohibited at St. James Catholic School. Students using a cell phone or having it turned
on or using the cell phone in class, sending text messages, or taking of images/videos with a cell phone
camera, are in direct breach of the school’s AUP (Acceptable Use Policy). First Violation: Cell phone will
be conscated and parent/guardian may pick it up in the school ofce at the end of the day. Second
Violation: Student loses cell phone for the remainder of the school year. Parent/guardian may pick it up
at the end of the school year.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 51
7. St. James Catholic School makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied for the network
service it is providing. It will not be responsible for any damages suffered while on this system, such as
loss of data as a result of delays, non-deliveries or service interruptions caused by the system. Use of
any information obtained via information systems such as these is at the student’s own risk. St. James
Catholic School is not responsible for the accuracy of information obtained through its internet services.
8 It is not the intent of the school, at this time, to allow public access to St. James Catholic School’s wireless
network for internet connectivity.
9. Any violations of the provisions and conditions of this agreement may result in the revocation of privileges
and appropriate disciplinary action.
10. It is the responsibility of the student to report any misuse of the system to a St. James School staff
Students who do not comply with the rules and regulations for technology use will be subject to disciplinary
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 52
Each student will be designated a school issued device and will be checked out to the student in a similar way
library books are checked out. In addition, each student will be issued a G Suite for Education Google Account
under our school domain ( It is essential that each student adheres to the school’s Student
Handbook, Acceptable Use Policy and Student Device Contract to ensure the safe, responsible and ethical
operation of the school issued devices.
As a responsible student using technology, I understand the following is expected of me when using my school
issued device.
1. I will use my assigned school issued device for educational purposes only as instructed by my teacher.
My assigned device will stay at school and is not to be taken home (unless assigned for remote learning)
and should not be used by another student.
2. I understand that all activity/content on my school issued device is subject to review at any time.
3. I will handle my device properly to minimize damage:
Carry device with two hands.
To open a chromebook, use one hand to hold the keyboard against a at surface. Then use the
other hand to open the screen gently from the middle of the screen’s edge.
Close the chromebook screen gently. Do not slam screen shut.
Do not lift a chromebook by the screen lid.
Do not overextend the chromebook screen to minimize damage to the screen hinges.
Do not place anything heavy on top of the device to prevent cracking the screen.
Do not place anything on the keyboard before closing the lid (ex: pencils, notebooks) to prevent
cracking the screen and/or damaging hinges.
I will carefully plug/unplug headphones & charger to minimize damage to the ports.
No food/drinks near any devices.
Ask your teacher for a clean, dry microber cloth to clean the screen.
4. Under no circumstances are students to modify, remove or destroy identication labels on devices. If the
label or tag are peeling off, I will notify my Teacher and/or the Technology Coordinator.
5. At the end of each school day, I will charge my device in my device’s assigned charger to ensure it is fully
charged for the next school day.
6. I will not alter or personalize my device in any way including changing settings or altering the device’s
hardware/software or operating system without permission from my Teacher and/or Technology
7. I will report immediately any damage and any other issues with my device to my Teacher and/or
Technology Coordinator. My Teacher and/or Technology Coordinator will periodically inspect devices for
proper care and maintenance, as well as assess any damages and improper use.
8. I understand I will be held accountable for any damage to my device and may result in repair or
replacement costs. Parent/Guardian will be notied by the Principal and/or Technology Coordinator
regarding any necessary repairs/replacements.
Charger Replacement: $30 • Screen Replacement: $40
Chromebook & License Replacement: $250 • iPad Replacement: $300
9. I assume nancial responsibility for any loss or damage to my school issued device. If the school
issued device is not turned in at the end of the school year, the student will be responsible for the full
replacement cost of the device (Chromebook Replacement: $250) (iPad Replacement: $300)
10. I agree to abide by policies as outlined in the school’s Student Handbook and Acceptable Use Policy
signed by me and my Parent/Guardian at the beginning of the school year.
I have read and agreed to follow the policies and procedures outlined in the school’s Student Handbook,
Acceptable Use Policy and Student Device Contract. In the event of any violation to the school’s policies and
procedures, I may be subject to any consequences including disciplinary action, loss of device privileges and/
or nancial responsibility.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 53
This form is used when the family requests a student to miss a class or a day(s) from school for a reason other
than illness, an appointment, a funeral or an emergency. Please provide all necessary information requested.
A family-generated request by:
________________________________________________________________________________ (parent’s name)
(student) ______________________________________________________________________________________
Days absent this school year: ____________
The above-mentioned student is seeking permission to miss a school day(s) in order to participate in a family
Parents are asked to not plan vacations during school days. When a student is absent, it is impossible to make
up teacher presentations, class discussions, student interactions, and classroom learning activities. Family
vacations should coincide with school vacation dates. In situations where absences cannot be avoided, the
administration and teachers should receive written notication (Form in Appendix E) at least two (2) weeks
prior to the scheduled vacation. Depending on the grade level of the student and the type of work missed, This
form makes teachers and staff aware that the student will be absent, but teachers may but are not required
to give assignments ahead of time. or upon a student’s return. Typically, tests and exams are not administered
early. Students are responsible, under the supervision of their parents, for the mastery and completion of work
missed during an absence. The length of time for making up missed assignments and tests is equal to the length
of time of the absence. Ten percent (10%) will be deducted for each day an assignment is turned in late beyond
the extended due due.
Parent Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date:____________________
Date(s) of the trip: ______________________
Signature of teachers with current grade:
English ______________________________________ Math __________________________________________
Literature ____________________________________ Science ________________________________________
Religion _____________________________________ Social Studies ___________________________________
Administrator: __________________________________________________________________________________
A copy of this form will be returned to the parent once all signatures have been collected.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 54
The dedication of our parent community is a vital and essential part of what makes Saint James Catholic
School so special. We are grateful for the generosity of our many volunteers. The Volunteer Handbook strives
to present a list of expectations, policies, and procedures so that all volunteers will benet fully from their gift
of time and talent while ensuring our students will receive the full benets from this gift.
Respecting the gift of children and families and understanding the challenge faced by working parents or those
responsible for caring for young children, our school strives to provide a variety of volunteer opportunities –
both in school and out of school – to suit the needs of all families. Parents are encouraged to contact members
of the PTO or the administration for volunteer opportunities. All volunteers who will work on a regular basis
in the school or with children must complete the Safe Environment Training, and possible a background
check and ngerprinting. Non-parent family members are welcome to volunteer but must complete the same
requirements as all other volunteers.
Volunteers have the right to:
Be welcomed as a valued member of our school and parish community
Be assigned to a position and situation in which they feel comfortable and condent
Have the respect of our community
Receive necessary information and orientation
Receive prompt and clear answers to their questions
Make suggestions to the administration
Volunteers are responsible for:
Arriving on time and staying for the agreed upon time
Notifying the appropriate persons in case of absences or tardiness
Keeping students under their supervision safe and appropriately occupied
Notifying their supervisor or the administration about unsafe or concerning conditions
Supporting and living in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church
Supporting the authority of staff and administrators
Upholding parish and school program rules
Keeping condential information which they have gained during their time of service, especially
information which concerns students and their families.
Promptly making known the condences of students that involve health or safety
Out of concern for the safety of all children, volunteers may not bring siblings with them when engaged in
volunteer services which require the active supervision of students or when students are within proximity of
volunteers. Volunteers are welcome to bring siblings to volunteer opportunities in which neither the presence
nor the active supervision of students is involved.
Saint James Catholic School has very detailed expectations for students’ dress code. Although volunteers do
not have a dress code requirement, it is expected that volunteers reect the image of Saint James Catholic
School and wear modest clothing while working in the school or during school activities. This includes a
moderate length for skirts, dresses and shorts and conservative blouses and tops.
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 55
O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you my prayers,
works, joys, and sufferings of this day, in union with the holy sacrice of
the mass throughout the world. I offer them for all the intentions of
the Sacred Heart, the salvation of souls, reparation of sins, and the
reunion of all Christians. I offer them for the intentions of our bishops
and of all the apostles of prayer and in particular for those
recommended by our Holy Father this month.
Come, Holy Spirit, ll the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the re of your love.
V. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.
R. And you shall renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray. O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant us through
the same Spirit a love and relish for what is right and just and a constant enjoyment in His consolations.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned
against you whom I should love above all things. I rmly intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more,
and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our Savior Jesus Christ suffered and died for us. In his name, my God,
have mercy
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 56
Absences .................................................................................14, 15
Academic Requirements for Sports Participation ............21
Acceptable Use Policy ...............................................................24
Accidents .......................................................................................34
Accommodations ........................................................................31
Accreditation ..................................................................................7
ACRE ................................................................................................24
Act of Contrition .......................................................................... 55
After School Care ........................................................................ 18
AHERA Regulations ..................................................................... 45
Alternative School Day Policy .................................................18
Appointments ..............................................................................38
Arrival and Dismissal .................................................................18
Assignments .................................................................................15
Athletic Handbook ....................................................See Online
Attendance ...................................................................................14
Audio/Video Recording.............................................................24
Awards ............................................................................................23
Background Checks .................................................................... 33
Behavior .................................................................................. 25-31
Birthday Celebrations ...............................................................39
Bloodborne Pathogens .............................................................34
BUS TRANSPORTATION .............................................................. 17
Carpool ..........................................................................................18
Cell Phones ...................................................................................38
Cheating ........................................................................................23
Class Parties .................................................................................39
Class Placement .......................................................................... 11
CONDUCT ................................................................................. 25-31
Conduct Referral System ..........................................................27
Conferences ..................................................................................20
Curriculum .................................................................................... 19
CUSTODIAL SITUATIONS .............................................................41
Deliveries ......................................................................................19
Dismissal ................................................................................. 17, 18
Dominican Sisters .........................................................................5
Drills ...............................................................................................33
Early Dismissal ............................................................................18
Early Release ................................................................................33
Electronic Devices ......................................................................38
Elizabethtown Catholic ...............................................................6
E-mail .............................................................................................38
Emergency Forms .......................................................................33
Emergency Plans .........................................................................33
Enrollment ....................................................................................10
Expulsion .......................................................................................28
Extended Care Handbook .......................................See Online
Family Vacations ......................................................................... 16
Fees ...........................................................................................10, 13
Field Trips..................................................................................... 40
FINANCE ......................................................................................... 11
Financial Aid ................................................................................14
GRADING SCALE ...........................................................................20
Grievances ....................................................................................37
Harassment ..................................................................................29
History ..............................................................................................5
Homework .....................................................................................22
Honor roll ......................................................................................22
Illness .............................................................................................34
Immunization ............................................................................... 11
Invitations .................................................................................... 40
Learning Coordinator ................................................................32
Library Media Guidelines .........................................See online
Lice ..................................................................................................34
LOGO ...............................................................................................45
Lost and Found............................................................................39
Lunch .............................................................................................. 39
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 57
Mass ................................................................................................21
Media Viewing ..............................................................................24
Medications .................................................................................. 35
Mission .............................................................................................6
Morning Offering .........................................................................53
No-Code Days ..............................................................................46
Nondiscrimination Policy ........................................................... 8
NWEA Map Assessment ............................................................. 24
Parent Partnership .......................................................................4
Parent Teacher Organization ..................................................37
Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences .................................. 21
Peacebuilders Pledge ................................................................ 53
Perfect Attendance.....................................................................23
Permanent Record ..................................................................... 11
Philosophy ......................................................................................6
Plagiarism .....................................................................................23
Prayer to the Holy Spirit ........................................................... 55
Prayers ...........................................................................................55
Preschool Handbook ................................................................. 42
Promotion and Retention ........................................................ 21
PTO Bylaws ...................................................................See Online
REGISTRATION .............................................................................. 10
Renaissance Star Math/Reading Assessment ...................24
Report cards .................................................................................19
RIGHT TO AMEND ......................................................................... 45
SAFE ENVIRONMENT ...................................................................33
School Board ................................................................................37
School Hours ................................................................................14
Search and Seizure ....................................................................31
Service Hours ...............................................................................21
Sisters of Loretto ..........................................................................5
Social Media .................................................................................24
Speak Up Be Safe........................................................................32
Special Needs .............................................................................. 31
Spirit Wear .................................................................................... 47
Stewardship ...................................................................................8
STUDENT SUPPORT .....................................................................32
Suspensions .................................................................................28
Tardies ......................................................................................15, 16
Telephone .....................................................................................38
Texting ............................................................................................ 24
Threatening ..................................................................................29
Time and Talent ..........................................................................37
Transfer Students .........................................................................9
Tuition ............................................................................................ 11
Uniform ....................................................................................47-49
Ursuline Sisters ............................................................................. 5
Virtual Reality Sites ....................................................................25
Vision ................................................................................................6
Volunteer .......................................................................................51
Waiting List .....................................................................................9
Weapons ........................................................................................30
Withdrawals ..................................................................................10
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 58
Saint James Catholic School Students/Parent Handbook 59