Go out and preach the Gospel, and if you must use words. St Francis of Assisi
St Joseph’s Primary School
Term 1, Week 11
Issue # 10
Dear Parents and Carers,
Awesome job and thankyou; Parents/Guardians/Teachers/
Teacher Assistants and of course Students!
As we approach the well awaited break, we can look
back on a very successful term. Students and staff have
been involved in a wide range of events and activities,
and once again we have enjoyed and celebrated many
successes. Our teachers have been 100% committed to
building a school of excellence with a continuing focus on
student learning and we appreciate your active
participation in your child's education. Early in the term
you will have the opportunity to meet your teacher for a
‘face-to-face’ interview, again to remind us all, we are on
this journey together!
Cheering on our House!
It was wonderful to witness school spirit on show at our
Annual School Athletics Carnival held yesterday in
wonderful conditions! The traditional march-past was a
great way to start the carnival and each ‘House’ was
awesome, great job leaders! Thanks to the ‘March-Past’
judge Mr. Caldow who had the very difficult job of
choosing the winning house of ‘Lourdes.’
A huge thankyou to the parent volunteers who put up their
hand to help us run the carnival and the teachers on the
day who made it a hugely successful day, it certainly was
appreciated by all! The students also gave their best and
supported each other to make it a memorable carnival!
Archdiocese of Canberra and
Goulburn Sport - Awesome Joey’s!
The Canberra Goulburn Rugby League
trials were held in Canberra last week. From all
reports there was superb football on display from all that
attended and the Joey’s boys certainly stood out with four
senior and two under 11’s qualifying for the team. We are
indeed very proud of their achievements.
Congratulations to the following students that have gained
selection in our Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn
U12's Rugby League team for 2022;
William Smith, Rhys Brooker, Ayden Croker & Eamon Charles
Chayse Morgan and Nate Wray(11s)
I had approached the boys to trial for the Dragons squad
but no interest!
Week 11
Wednesday 6th April
Kinder Liturgy OLOF 9:30
Kinder Interviews Only
Community Reconciliation date
Thursday 7
St Mary’s Church Crookwell, 7pm
Friday 8th April
Way of the Cross Stage 3 9:40 am
Last day of term 1
Community Reconciliation date
Tuesday 12
OLOF Goulburn 5:30 pm
Term 2 dates
Monday 25th April
ANZAC Day Public Holiday
Week 1
Tuesday 26th April
Staff Development Day
Wednesday 27th April
K to Year 6 return to school
My Body My Life Presentation
Thursday 28th April
Uniform shop is open 9 to 10 am
Try It At Trinity 10 am to 2 pm
Friday 29th April
Northern Region Cross Country
Welcome BBQ for Kinder and
new families, existing families
most welcome too Reynolds
Street 4 to 5:30 pm
Week 2
Tuesday 3rd May
Year 6 camp
Wednesday 4th May
Mothers Day Liturgy Kinder 9:30
Last day to drop off a gift for our
Mother’s Day Stall, thank you to
all our wonderful parents who
have already!
Year 6 Camp
Thursday 5th May
Year 6 camp
Playgroup 10 to 12 noon in the
Great team
Our School Netball team travelled to Canberra to participate in the Arch-Diocesan
Netball Carnival and were very successful in finishing in 3
place! Great work girls!
The girls played with enthusiasm, enjoyment and excellent sportsmanship! They were
amazing ambassadors for St Joseph’s. Thankyou to Mrs. Walsh and parents for looking
after the team and to Hannah and Samantha for supporting the team as umpires.
Exciting news, we had Hannah Costigan, Tahlia Moore and Maddison Skelly chosen for
the possible and probable team! Well done! See photos below on page 3.
ANZAC Day is a day we stop and reflect on the sacrifices of all of our fallen who
have served, past and present, and importantly a chance to pray for world
peace. We have been advised by the local RSL that due to the uncertainty surrounding
COVID, only School and Vice Captains will be marching at the Goulburn ANZAC Day
service this year. Please take the opportunity as a family to come together to REMEMBER
There are services in Goulburn, Braidwood, Collector, Crookwell, Gunning, Marulan,
Tarago, Taralga, Yass and Canberra.
Wishing you all the happiness that only Easter can bring. Have a joyous celebration over
the break with your family and we look forward to working with you again next term!
Matthew Mullins.
Netball Friday 1st April. We are having a
wonderful day in spite of the wind!
We lost, won, drew, lost and have come
second in the pool!
We are playing off for the finals soon.
An exciting playoff - We ended up
=3rd place!
The girls played with enthusiasm, guts
and excellent sportsmanship! They were
amazing ambassadors for St Joseph’s.
We had 3 chosen for possible and
probable teams.
Hannah Costigan
Tahlia Moore
Maddison Skelly
They played their little hearts out!
Team will be posted soon. I was lucky
enough to umpire the two possible and
probable games! Belinda Walsh
Thank you to the families who supported our Hot Cross Bun Fundraiser. Together we
raised $374, which will be put towards the refurbishment of the outside eating area near
blue sails for Stage 2.
On Friday, our school community was a sea blue. Thank you to everyone who assisted to
bring awareness to Autism Spectrum Disorder and raise money for Goulburn RDA. The
SRC spent the first break on Friday counting all the donations and together we raised
approx. $380. Final count to come !
The SRC Committee are extremely excited to be going on an excursion to visit Goulburn
RDA on Monday the 2nd May (Week 2) to watch the amazing work they do for the
Goulburn Community. We look forward to sharing some photos of our day with you.
The SRC has been successful in making a positive impact within our school and wider
community in such a short space of time.
Congratulations SRC 2022.
A few happy snaps from our sea of BLUE !
St Joeys represent! Winners are grinners! The St Joeys girls won their Grand final, just
missing Ali and Maiah in the photo. Well done and congratulations to Charlotte, Elsie,
Ruby, Bonnie, Claire, Airlee, Chloe and Tegan!
Congratulations to the following students who have
received Principal Awards this term.
Alicia Bogg William Wray Olivia Tarnowski
Scarlett - Rose Clifford Tim Bruckshaw Sebastian Ariss
As part of the St Joseph’s Mothers’ Day celebrations, the P&F / Community Council will
be running a stall for Mother’s Day on Friday, 6th May.
Children will be given the opportunity to buy item/s from the stall on Friday 6th May with
tables having gifts valued at $1, $2 and $5. For this to happen we ask that families donate
a small gift/s to be sold at the stall, with the value up to $5. Donations can be left at the
office up until Wednesday 4th May.
If you are able to volunteer some of your time on the day to help with the Mother’s Day
Stall please let Danie or Paula in the office know, or alternatively email Paula at
If you would like to help with our Mother’s Day Stall, please come to the school hall on
Thursday 5th May at 3:15 pm to help set up the stall / tables. Or 9:00 am on Friday to help
our little treasures select the perfect gift for their mum. When donating your gift, please
give something that you would be happy to receive.
Some ideas might include:
small photo frames
coaster sets or placemats
jewellery a nice bangle, earrings
nice soap / washer / bath salts
gardening gloves and packet of seeds
jar or container filled with lollies
pretty notebook & pen
kitchen items
movie voucher
nail polish
lip balm
coffee mug with chocolates
chocolates without nuts
The children will be so excited to buy something
special for their mum and this will be the first time for
some of our children with Covid affecting our
previous stalls. Please support our fundraiser as we use the money raised from these stalls
to buy books and other recourses for your children. Another idea is the Rotary markets
this Saturday morning, lots of amazing ideas ready for Mother’s Day and our Mother’s
Day Stall at school.
Introducing our 2022 SRC Members
Name: Stella Douglas (School Captain)
Class: 6 Blue
Hobbies: Swimming, Hockey, Karate,
Barrel Racing, Art
Favourite Subject: Art and PE
What do you believe to be your role as part
of the SRC for 2022?
- being honest, caring and respectful to others
What are you looking forward to this year
as part of the SRC for 2022?
- helping decide what the school prize is
- working together as a team
Name: Sid McPherson (School Captain)
Class: 6 Red
Hobbies: Playing Hockey, Motorbike Riding
Favourite Subject: Science, Maths and PE
What do you believe to be your role as part
of the SRC for 2022?
- role model
- leader
What are you looking forward to this year
as part of the SRC for 2022?
- representing my class
- sharing ideas
- improving the best school in Goulburn
Parish Priest: Fr. Joshy Kurien,
Assistant Parish Priest Fr. Joseph Neonbasu
Secretary: Sharon Cashman Office hours: 8.30 -12.30pm Monday to Friday
Parish Office: 36 Verner St, PO Box 11 Goulburn NSW 2580.
Website: cg.org.au/Goulburn/home.aspx Phone: 02 6239 9863
e-mail: [email protected]rg.au Sacramental email: mqa.sacramental@gmail.com
Name: Millie Burgess (Vice Captain)
Class: 6 Blue
Hobbies: Hockey, Cooking, Tennis
and Dancing
Favourite Subject: English and Sport
What do you believe to be your role as part
of the SRC for 2022?
- To be a good role model
- Lead by example
- Help the school fundraise for good causes
What are you looking forward to this year
as part of the SRC for 2022?
- Helping to organise the school fundraisers
- Make St Josephs be a better school than
it already is.
Name: William Smith (Vice Captain)
Class: 6 Blue
Hobbies: Sport
Favourite Subject: Maths
What do you believe to be your role as part
of the SRC for 2022?
- To help lead the SRC with Mrs White
What are you looking forward to this year
as part of the SRC for 2022?
- Raising lots of money for charity
Congratulations to the following students
Nate (absent) Chayse, Leo, Rupert, Scarlett and Sophie.
Date Canteen Volunteers Canteen Volunteers
Thursday 7/4/22
Anne Te Whare Volunteers needed
Friday 8/4/22 (Pizza Day)
Amanda McPherson Lauren Whalan
Thursday 28/4/22 T2
Volunteers needed
Friday 29/4/22
Volunteers needed Volunteers needed
Thursday 5/5/22
Volunteers needed
Friday 5/5/22
Volunteers needed Volunteers needed
Canteen News Mrs. Kellie Browne 0408 969 787
Mrs. Kellie Browne manages our school canteen. It is open every Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday, orders can be made through the Qrk! App BEFORE 8:30 am. We will have a
limited menu to start the term. Don’t forget to update your 2022 class! We need more
volunteers, especially for the athletics carnival on Tuesday 5th April, if you can help for
an hour or two that would be very helpful!
Please contact Kellie via text on 0408 969 787, don’t forget to include your name and
child’s name and class.
Year 6 Profile
Name: Bonnie
Place of Birth: Goulburn
Age: 12
Favourite colour:
White and sage green
Favourite sport:
Hockey and touch
Favourite Food: Pasta
Person I Admire: Jamie Chapman
When I grow up I want to be a: Hairdresser
or Interior designer.
Place I would like to visit: Hamilton Island
Year 6 Profile
Name: Isabella
Place of Birth: Goulburn
Age: 11
Favourite colour:
Yellow / white
Favourite sport:
Hockey / Swimming
Favourite Food: Mango and watermelon
Person I Admire: Parents
When I grow up I want to be a:
Farmer / Nurse
Place I would like to visit: America
Year 6 Profile
Name: Millie
Place of Birth: Goulburn
Age: 11
Favourite colour: Blue
Favourite sport: Hockey
Favourite Food:
Roast Chicken
Person I Admire: Mum and Dad
When I grow up I want to be an :
Interior Designer
Place I would like to visit: Paris or
Hamilton Island
Year 6 Profile
Name: Airlee
Place of Birth: Canberra
Age: 12
Favourite colour: White
Favourite sport: Hockey
Favourite Food: Lasagna
Person I Admire: My parents
When I grow up I want to be a: Zoo Keeper
Place I would like to visit: New York
Year 6 Profile
Name: Tegan
Place of Birth: Caringbah
Age: 11
Favourite colour: Light pink
and white
Favourite sport:
Swimming, diving , hockey
and gymnastics
Favourite Food: Eye fillet steak
Person I Admire: Sam Fricker
When I grow up I want to be a: Teacher
Year 6 Profile
Name: Allie
Place of Birth: Goulburn
Age: 11 turning 12
Favourite colour: sage green
Favourite sport: Basketball
and touch
Favourite Food:
Chicken wrap or ham and cheese toastie
Person I Admire: Kylie and Jacki Lanbie
When I grow up I want to be an:
Interior / Exterior designer or Paramedic
Place I would like to visit: Kirra Beach Qld
Gospel Palm Sunday
Luke 22:1423:56 From the cross, Jesus speaks words of
forgiveness and promises that the good thief will be with him
in paradise.
This Sunday, called Palm or Passion Sunday, is the first day of
Holy Week. There are two Gospels proclaimed at Mass this
weekend; the first Gospel, proclaimed before the
procession with palms, tells of Jesus' triumphant entrance
into Jerusalem. Riding on a borrowed colt, Jesus was hailed
by the crowds as they shouted blessings and praise to God.
When Luke describes the Way of the Cross and Jesus' crucifixion, on the road to Calvary,
Jesus speaks to the women who walk with him. Only Luke reports Jesus' words of
forgiveness spoken from the cross. And only Luke reports the dialogue between Jesus
and the good thief.
What is the Easter Triduum?
These are the three holiest days of our liturgical
year, and bridge the season of Lent to Easter.
The Easter Triduum, also known as the Paschal or
Holy Triduum, is the three days prior to Jesus’ res-
urrection. Triduum is derived from Latin, meaning three days. Paschal is from the Greek
word, paska, meaning passage or pass over. As Christians, we embrace ‘paschal’ as
the passage of Jesus through his passion and death to the new life of resurrection.
The Paschal or Easter Triduum is:
Day 1 Sun down on Holy Thursday to sun down on Good Friday
Day 2 Sun down on Good Friday to sun down on Holy Saturday
Day 3 Sun down on Holy Sunday to sun down on Easter Sunday
Project Compassion
Thank you very much St Joseph’s for your on going support and
generosity. Last week, Mini Vinnies counted $162.35, bringing our
total to $1 477.35. I know we have had a few fundraisers at the
moment with the SRC and donations for the flood affected schools
in Lismore, but if we can have a final push this week, trying to reach
the $2000 mark. Please bring in any money boxes or donations
before Friday and Mini Vinnies will do a final count after Stations of
the Cross. You can go to the Caritas website to see how people
from previous years have improved their lives with your kind
donations. https://www.caritas.org.au/project-compassion/where-are-they-now/
Stations of the Cross Stations of the Cross will be presented this Friday 8
April. It will begin
at 9:40 am in the school hall. Family and friends are welcome to attend,
and walk around with their child viewing the Stations. If it is raining, Stations
of the Cross will be adapted and presented in the hall. Please be
respectful of this annual religious event, and not talk during the
Reconciliation Parishioners and school community are invited to participate in the
Second Rite of Reconciliation, as we draw closer to the end of Lent. Two opportunities
for Reconciliation are:
Thursday 7
April, St Mary’s Church, Crookwell, 7pm
Tuesday 12
April, Our Lady of Fatima, Goulburn North, 5:30pm
Please note, this Reconciliation opportunity is for those who have made their
Sacrament of Reconciliation in previous years, is not the actual Sacrament which will be
made by our Year 3 students in Term 4.