Declaration contained in a letter from the Permanent Representative of Turkey, dated 21
July 2016, registered at the Secretariat General on 21 July 2016 - Or. Engl.
I communicate the following notice of the Government of the Republic of Turkey.
On 15 July 2016, a large-scale coup attempt was staged in the Republic of Turkey to overthrow
the democratically-elected government and the constitutional order. This despicable attempt
was foiled by the Turkish state and people acting in unity and solidarity. The coup attempt and
its aftermath together with other terrorist acts have posed severe dangers to public security and
order, amounting to a threat to the life of the nation in the meaning of Article 15 of the
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
The Republic of Turkey is taking the required measures as prescribed by law, in line with the
national legislation and its international obligations. In this context, on 20 July 2016, the
Government of the Republic of Turkey declared a State of Emergency for a duration of three
months, in accordance with the Constitution (Article 120) and the Law No. 2935 on State of
Emergency (Article 3/1b). The English translation of relevant articles of the Turkish
Constitution and the Law No. 2935 on State of Emergency, as well as the decision No. 2016-
9064 of the Council of Ministers, are attached to this letter.
The decision was published in the Official Gazette and approved by the Turkish Grand National
Assembly on 21 July 2016. Thus, the State of Emergency takes effect as from this date. In this
process, measures taken may involve derogation from the obligations under the Convention for
the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, permissible in Article 15 of the
I would therefore underline that this letter constitutes information for the purposes of Article
15 of the Convention. The Government of the Republic of Turkey shall keep you, Secretary
General, fully informed of the measures taken to this effect. The Government shall inform you
when the measures have ceased to operate.
Articles 15, 119, 120 and 121 of the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey
IV. Suspension of the exercise of fundamental rights and freedoms
ARTICLE 15- In times of war, mobilization, martial law, or a state of emergency, the exercise
of fundamental rights and freedoms may be partially or entirely suspended, or measures
derogating the guarantees embodied in the Constitution may be taken to the extent required by
the exigencies of the situation, as long as obligations under international law are not violated.
(As amended on May 7, 2004; Act No. 5170) Even under the circumstances indicated in the
first paragraph, the individual’s right to life, the integrity of his/her corporeal and spiritual
existence shall be inviolable except where death occurs through acts in conformity with law of
war; no one shall be compelled to reveal his/her religion, conscience, thought or opinion, nor
be accused on account of them; offences and penalties shall not be made retroactive; nor shall
anyone be held guilty until so proven by a court ruling.
III. Extraordinary administration procedures
A. States of emergency
1. Declaration of state of emergency because of natural disaster or serious economic crisis
ARTICLE 119- In the event of natural disaster, dangerous epidemic diseases or a serious
economic crisis, the Council of Ministers meeting under the chairpersonship of the President of
the Republic may declare a state of emergency in one or more regions or throughout the country
for a period not exceeding six months.
2. Declaration of state of emergency because of widespread acts of violence and serious
deterioration of public order
ARTICLE 120- In the event of serious indications of widespread acts of violence aimed at the
destruction of the free democratic order established by the Constitution or of fundamental rights
and freedoms, or serious deterioration of public order because of acts of violence, the Council
of Ministers, meeting under the chairpersonship of the President of the Republic, after
consultation with the National Security Council, may declare a state of emergency in one or
more regions or throughout the country for a period not exceeding six months.
3. Rules regarding the states of emergency
ARTICLE 121- In the event of a declaration of a state of emergency under the provisions of
Articles 119 and 120 of the Constitution, this decision shall be published in the Official Gazette
and shall be immediately submitted to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey for approval. If
the Grand National Assembly of Turkey is in recess, it shall be immediately assembled. The
Assembly may alter the duration of the state of emergency, may extend the period for a
maximum of four months each time at the request of the Council of Ministers, or may lift the
state of emergency.
The financial, material and labour obligations which are to be imposed on citizens in the event
of the declaration of state of emergency under Article 119 and the manner how fundamental
rights and freedoms shall be restricted or suspended in line with the principles of Article 15,
how and by what means the measures necessitated by the situation shall be taken, what sorts of
powers shall be conferred on public servants, what kinds of changes shall be made in the status
of officials as long as they are applicable to each kinds of states of emergency separately, and
the extraordinary administration procedures, shall be regulated by the Act on State of
During the state of emergency, the Council of Ministers, meeting under the chairpersonship of
the President of the Republic, may issue decrees having the force of law on matters necessitated
by the state of emergency. These decrees shall be published in the Official Gazette, and shall
be submitted to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey on the same day for approval; the time
limit and procedure for their approval by the Assembly shall be indicated in the Rules of
Article 3 Declaration of State of Emergency
The Council of Ministers assembled under the chairmanship of the President shall declare a
state of emergency;
(a) Whenever there is in existence one or more natural disasters, dangerous epidemic diseases
or serious economic crisis;
(b) whenever there appear serious indications resulting from widespread acts of violent which
are aimed at destroying the free democratic order or fundamental rights and freedoms, or violent
acts causing serious deterioration to public order, after consultation with the National Security
Council, in one or more regions or throughout the country for a period not exceeding six
The state of emergency decision shall be published in the Official Gazette and immediately be
submitted for approval of the Turkish Grand National Assembly. If the Turkish Grand National
Assembly is in recess, it shall be summoned to meet immediately. The Assembly may amend
the duration of the state of emergency. On a request from the Council of Ministers, the
Assembly may prolong the duration each time for a period not exceeding four months, or it may
terminate the state of emergency.
The Council of Ministers after declaring a state of emergency in accordance with provision (b)
above, shall also consult the National Security Council before making a decision on questions
related to the prolongation of the duration, alternation of the scope, or the termination of the
state of emergency.
The reasons for the decision to declare a state of emergency, its duration and scope shall be
broadcasted on Turkish radio and television and, if the Council of Ministers deems it necessary,
also disseminated through other media.
Decision no: 2016/9064
It has been decided on 20 July 2016 by the Council of Ministers that; pursuant to Article 120
of the Constitution and Article 3 § 1 (b) of the Law on the State of Emergency (Law no. 2935),
a nationwide state of emergency be declared from Thursday, July 21, 2016 01:00 for a period
of ninety days, taking into account the recommendation dated 20 July 2016, no. 498 of the
National Security Council.
Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN
Period covered: 21/07/2016 - Articles concerned : 15
Communication from the Permanent Representation of Turkey, registered at the
Secretariat General on 24 July 2016 - Or. Engl.
With reference to the Declaration made on 21 July 2016 by the Republic of Turkey pursuant to
Article 15 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms,
the Permanent Representation of Turkey to the Council of Europe transmits the following Joint
Declaration by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey as well as two information notes, for
consideration and circulation by the Secretary General to the member States.
-Joint Declaration by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.
- State of Emergency declared in Turkey following the coup attempt on 15 July 2016.
- Information on the terrorist attempt on 15 July 2016 and the investigations conducted against
the judges and public prosecutors.
Period covered: 24/07/2016 -
Articles concerned : 15
Communication transmitted by the Permanent Representative of Turkey and registered
by the Secretariat General on 28 July 2016 - Or. Engl.
Pursuant to my letter dated 21 July 2016 whereby I communicated the notice of derogation of
the Government of the Republic of Turkey in respect of Article 15 of the Convention for the
Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, I am transmitting in annex the English
translation of the Decree with Force of Law No. 667, dated 22 July 2016, on the measures to
be taken under the state of emergency.
I reiterate the commitment of my Government to its obligations as prescribed in Article 15 of
the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The measures
taken under the state of emergency are subject to judicial review as well as monitoring by the
Decree With Force of Law No. 667 (PDF version).
Period covered: 28/07/2016 -
Articles concerned : 15
Communication transmitted by the Permanent Representative of Turkey and registered
by the Secretariat General on 2 August 2016 - Or. Engl.
I wish to refer to my letters dated 21 July 2016 and 28 July 2016 and attach herewith the English
translation of the Decree with Force of Law No. 668, dated 27 July 2016, on the measures to
be taken under the state of emergency.
I would like to underline that this letter constitutes information for the purposes of Article 15
of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
I reiterate the commitment of my Government to its obligations as prescribed in Article 15 of
the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The measures
taken under the state of emergency are subject to judicial review as well as monitoring by the
Decree With Force of Law No. 668 (PDF version).
Period covered: 02/08/2016 -
Articles concerned : 15
Communication transmitted by the Permanent Representative of Turkey and registered
by the Secretariat General on 5 August 2016 - Or. Engl.
In reference to my previous letters dated 21 July 2016, 28 July 2016 and 2 August 2016, and
pursuant to Article 15 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental
Freedoms, I am transmitting at annex the English translation of the relevant parts of the Decree
with Force of Law No. 669, dated 31 July 2016, on the measures to be taken under the state of
emergency. I am also attaching a brief information note on the Decree.
I reiterate the commitment of my Government to its obligations as prescribed in Article 15 of
the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The measures
taken under the state of emergency are subject to judicial review as well as monitoring by the
Decree With Force of Law No. 669 (PDF version)
Information note on Decree No. 669 (PDF version)
Period covered: 05/06/2016 -
Articles concerned : 15
Communication transmitted by the Permanent Representative of Turkey and registered
by the Secretariat General on 29 August 2016 - Or. Engl.
In reference to my previous letters dated 21 July 2016, 28 July 2016, 2 August 2016 and 5
August 2016, and pursuant to Article 15 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights
and Fundamental Freedoms, I am transmitting at annex the English translation of the relevant
parts of the Decrees with Force of Law Nos. 670 and 671, dated 17 August 2016, on measures
to be taken under the state of emergency. I am also attaching brief information notes on the
.Decree With Force of Law No. 670 (PDF version) - Information notes on Decree No. 670 (PDF
.Decree With Force of Law No. 671 (PDF version) - Information notes on Decree No. 671 (PDF
Period covered: 29/08/2016 -
Articles concerned : 15
Communication transmitted by the Permanent Representative of Turkey and registered
by the Secretariat General on 12 September 2016 - Or. Engl.
In reference to my previous letters dated 21 July 2016, 28 July 2016, 2 August 2016, 5 August
2016 and 29 August 2016, and pursuant to Article 15 of the Convention for the Protection of
Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, I am transmitting at annex the English translation
of the relevant parts of the Decrees with Force of Law Nos. 672, 673 and 674, dated 1 September
2016, on the measures to be taken under the state of emergency. I am also attaching brief
information notes on the Decrees.
. Decree With Force of Law No. 672 (PDF version) - Information notes on Decree No. 672
(PDF version),
. Decree With Force of Law No. 673 (PDF version) - Information notes on Decree No. 673
(PDF version),
. Decree With Force of Law No. 674 (PDF version) - Information notes on Decree No. 674
(PDF version).
Period covered: 12/09/2016 -
Articles concerned : 15
Declaration transmitted by the Permanent Representative of Turkey and registered by
the Secretariat General on 17 October 2016 - Or. Engl.
In reference to my letter dated 21 July 2016, communicating the notice of derogation by the
Government of the Republic of Turkey under Article 15 of the Convention for the Protection
of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, I am now transmitting at annex the English
translation of the Decision No. 1130, dated 11 October 2016, approved by the Turkish Grand
National Assembly on the same date. The Decision extends the State of Emergency for a period
of three months, starting from Wednesday, 19 October 2016 01:00 hours.
Decision No. 1130
Date of Decision: 11 October 2016
The decision taken on 5 October 2016 by the Council of Ministers that the state of emergency
currently in force nationwide pursuant to Article 120 of the Constitution and Article 3 § 1 (b)
of the Law on the State of Emergency (Law no. 2935) shall be extended for a period of three
months, starting from Wednesday, October 19, 2016, 01:00, has been approved at the plenary
session of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, session 5 on 11 October 2016.
Period covered: 17/10/2016 -
Articles concerned : 15
Communication transmitted by the Permanent Representative of Turkey and registered
by the Secretariat General on 16 November 2016 - Or. Engl.
In reference to my previous letters dated 21 July 2016, 28 July 2016, 2 August 2016, 5 August
2016, 29 August 2016, 12 September 2016 as well as 17 October 2016, and pursuant to Article
15 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, I am
transmitting at annex the French translation of the relevant parts of the Decrees with Force of
Law Nos. 675 and 676, dated 29 October 2016, on the measures to be taken under the state of
emergency. I am also attaching brief information notes on the Decrees.
Décret ayant force de Loi n° 675 (PDF version, French only)
Note d’information sur le Décret n° 675 (PDF version, French only)
Décret ayant force de Loi n° 676 (PDF version, French only)
Note d’information sur le Décret n° 676 (PDF version, French only)
Period covered: 16/11/2016 -
Articles concerned : 15
Communication transmitted by the Permanent Representative of Turkey and registered
by the Secretariat General on 16 December 2016 - Or. Engl.
In reference to my previous letters dated 21 July 2016, 28 July 2016, 2 August 2016, 5 August
2016, 29 August 2016, 12 September 2016, 17 October 2016 and 16 November 2016, and
pursuant to Article 15 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental
Freedoms, I am transmitting at annex the English translation of the relevant parts of the Decrees
with Force of Law Nos. 677 and 678, dated 22 November 2016, on the measures to be taken
under the state of emergency. I am also attaching brief information notes on the Decrees.
Decree with Force of Law n° 677 (PDF version)
Information note on Decree n° 677 (PDF version )
Decree with Force of Law n° 678 (PDF version)
Information note on Decree n° 678 (PDF version)
Period covered: 16/12/2016 -
Articles concerned : 15
Déclaration transmitted by the Permanent Representative of Turkey and registered by
the Secretariat General on 5 January 2017 - Or. Engl.
In reference to my letter dated 21 July 2016, communicating the notice of derogation by the
Government of the Republic of Turkey under Article 15 of the Convention for the Protection
of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, I am now transmitting at annex the English
translation of the Decision No. 1134, dated 3 January 2017, approved by the Turkish Grand
National Assembly on the same date. The Decision extends the State of Emergency for a period
of three months, starting from Thursday, 19 January 2017 01:00 hours.
Date of Decision: 3 January 2017
The decision taken on 3 January 2017 by the Council of Ministers that; the state of emergency
currently in force nationwide pursuant to Article 120 of the Constitution and Article 3 § 1 (b)
of the Law on the State of Emergency (Law no. 2935) shall be extended for a period of three
months, starting from Thursday, January 19, 2017, 01:00, has been approved at the plenary
session of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, Session No. 49 on 3 January 2017.
Period covered: 05/01/2017 -
Articles concerned : 15
Communication transmitted by the Permanent Representative of Turkey and registered
by the Secretariat General on 31 January 2017 - Or. Engl.
Pursuant to my first letter dated 21 July 2016 and the last letter dated 5 January 2017 for the
purposes of Article 15 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental
Freedoms, I am transmitting at annex the English translation of the Decrees with Force of Law
Nos. 679 and 680 dated 6 January 2017 on the measures to be taken under the state of
emergency as well as Decree No. 685 dated 23 January 2017 on the establishment of a
commission. I am also attaching information notes on Decrees 679 and 680 as well as a brief
information note with regard to the Decree No. 681 dated 6 January 2017.
Decree with Force of Law n° 679 (PDF version),
Information note on Decree n° 679 (PDF version),
Decree with Force of Law n° 680 (PDF version),
Information note on Decree n° 680 (PDF version),
Information note on Decree n° 681 (PDF version),
Decree-Law n° 685 (PDF version).
Period covered: 31/01/2017 -
Articles concerned : 15
Communication transmitted by the Permanent Representative of Turkey and registered
by the Secretariat General on 6 March 2017 - Or. Engl.
Pursuant to my first letter dated 21 July 2016 and the last letter dated 31 January 2017 for the
purposes of Article 15 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental
Freedoms, I am transmitting at annex translation of the Decrees with Force of Law Nos. 682,
683, 684, 686 and 687 on the measures to be taken under the state of emergency. I am also
attaching information notes on the above mentioned Decrees.
Decree with Force of Law No.682 (PDF version)
Information note on Decree No.682 (PDF version)
Decree with Force of Law No.683 (PDF version)
Information note on Decree No.683 (PDF version)
Decree with Force of Law No.684 (PDF version)
Information note on Decree No.684 (PDF version)
Décrets ayant force de Loi nos 686 et 687 (PDF version - French only)
Notes d’information sur Décrets nos 686 and 687 (PDF version - French only)
Period covered: 06/03/2017 -
Articles concerned : 15
Declaration transmitted by the Permanent Representative of Turkey and registered by
the Secretariat General on 20 April 2017 - Or. Engl.
In reference to my letter dated 21 July 2016, communicating the notice of derogation by the
Government of the Republic of Turkey under Article 15 of the Convention for the Protection
of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, I am now transmitting at annex the English
translation of the Decision No. 1139, approved by the Turkish Grand National Assembly on 18
April 2017. The Decision extends the State of Emergency for a period of three months, starting
from Wednesday, 19 April 2017, 01:00 hours.
Decision No. 1139
Date of Decision: 18 April 2017
The decision taken on 17 April 2017 by the Council of Ministers that the state of emergency
currently in force nationwide pursuant to Article 120 of the Constitution and Article 3 § 1 (b)
of the Law on the State of Emergency (Law no. 2935) shall be extended for a period of three
months, starting from Wednesday, 19 April 2017, 01:00, has been approved at the plenary
session of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, session No. 84 on 18 April 2017.
Period covered: 20/04/2017 -
Articles concerned : 15
Communication contained in a letter from the Permanent Representative of Turkey,
dated 24 May 2017, registered at the Secretariat General on 24 May 2017 - Or. Engl.
Pursuant to my letter dated 31 January 2017 whereby I conveyed information with regard to
Decree Law No. 685 dated 23 January 2017 on the establishment of the Inquiry Commission
on the State of Emergency Measures (the Commission), I would like to provide an update as
the members of the Commission were appointed on 16 May 2017 and the Commission
commenced functioning on 22 May 2017. I am transmitting at annex an information note on
the Commission.
I would underline that this letter constitutes information for the purposes of Article 15 of the
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
Information note concerning the Inquiry Commission on the State of Emergency Measures
established by the Decree Naw No. 685 dated 23 January 2017 and amended by the Decree
Law No. 690 dated 29 April 2017.
Period covered: 24/05/2017 -
Articles concerned : 15
Communication transmitted by the Permanent Representative of Turkey and registered
by the Secretariat General on 23 June 2017 - Or. Engl.
Pursuant to my first letter dated 21 July 2016 for the purposes of Article 15 of the Convention
for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, I am transmitting at annex the
translation of the Decree with Force of Law No. 690 dated 29 April 2017 on the measures under
the state of emergency. I am also attaching an information note on the above-mentioned Decree.
Decree with Force of Law No.690 (anglais uniquement)
Information note on Decree No.690 ( anglais uniquement)
Period covered: 23/06/2017 -
Articles concerned : 15
Declaration transmitted by the Permanent Representative of Turkey and registered at the
Secretariat General on 19 July 2017 - Or. ENgl.
In reference to my letter dated 21 July 2016, communicating the notice of derogation by the
Government of the Republic of Turkey under Article 15 of the Convention for the Protection
of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, I am now transmitting at annex the English
translation of the Decision No. 1154, approved by the Turkish Grand National Assembly on 17
July 2017. The Decision extends the state of emergency for a period of three months, starting
from Wednesday, 19 July 2017, 01:00 hours.
Decision No. 1154
Date of Decision: 17 July 2017
The decision taken on 17 July 2017 by the Council of Ministers that the state of emergency
currently in force nationwide pursuant to Article 120 of the Constitution and Article 3 § 1 (b)
of the Law on the State of Emergency (Law no. 2935) shall be extended for a period of three
months, starting from Wednesday, 19 July 2017, 01:00, has been approved at the plenary
session of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, Session No. 112 on 17 July 2017.
Period covered: 19/07/2017 -
Articles concerned : 15
Declaration contained in a letter from the Permanent Representative of Turkey, dated 19
October 2017, registered at the Secretariat General on 19 October 2017 - Or. Engl.
In reference to my letter dated 21 July 2016, communicating the notice of derogation by the
Government of the Republic of Turkey under Article 15 of the Convention for the Protection
of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, I am now transmitting at annex the English
translation of the Decision No. 1165, approved by the Turkish Grand National Assembly on 17
October 2017. The Decision extends the state of emergency for a period of three months,
starting from Thursday, 19 October 2017, 01:00 hours.
Decision No. 1165
Date of Decision: 17 October 2017
The decision taken on 16 October 2017 by the Council of Ministers that the state of emergency
currently in force nationwide pursuant to Article 120 of the Constitution and Article 3 § 1 (b)
of the Law on the State of Emergency (Law no. 2935) shall be extended for a period of three
months, starting from Thrusday, 19 October 2017, 01:00, has been approved at the plenary
session of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, Session No. 9 on 17 October 2017.
Period covered: 19/10/2017 -
Articles concerned : 15
Communication transmitted by the Permanent Representative of Turkey and registered
by the Secretariat General on 23 November 2017 - Or. Engl.
Pursuant to my first letter dated 21 July 2016 for the purposes of Article 15 of the Convention
for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, I am transmitting at annex the
translation of the relevant articles of Decree with Force of Law No. 694 dated 25 August 2017
on the measures under the state of emergency. I am also attaching an information note on Decree
No. 693, dated 25 August 2017, as well as Decree No. 694.
Decree with Force of Law No.694 (PDF version),
Information note on Decrees No.693 and 694 (PDF version)
Period covered: 23/11/2017 -
Articles concerned : 15
Communication transmitted by the Permanent Representative of Turkey and registered
by the Secretariat General on 27 December 2017 - Or. Engl.
Pursuant to my first letter dated 21 July 2016 for the purposes of Article 15 of the Convention
for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, I am transmitting at annex the
translation of the relevant articles of Decree with Force of Law No. 691 dated 22 June 2017 on
the measures under the state of emergency. I am also attaching an information note on Decrees
No. 688 and 689, as well as 691.
Decree with Force of Law No.691
Information note on Decrees No.688 and 689
Information note on Decree No.691
Period covered: 27/12/2017 -
Articles concerned : 15
Communication transmitted by the Permanent Representative of Turkey and registered
by the Secretariat General on 3 January 2018 - Or. Engl
Pursuant to my first letter dated 21 July 2016 for the purposes of Article 15 of the Convention
for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, I am transmitting at annex an
information note on the Decree with Force of Law No. 692 dated 14 July 2017 on the measures
under the state of emergency
Information note on Decree No.692
Period covered: 03/01/2018 -
Articles concerned : 15