Sample Final Exam Essay Question –
Answer Key
Two levels to answering this question: your ability to challenge the rule in court, and – once in
court – what standard of review would apply.
I. Getting Into Court and Review of Agency Action
a. Proposed rule – no final agency action; only proposed. But if no final rule
planned, the guidance may serve as a rule-making in actuality.
b. Even if it is final agency action, does the memorandum fall within the
interpretative rule exemption under APA? Or statement of general policy?
c. Enforcement discretion – Heckler v. Chaney. Presumption of unreviewability, but
can be surmounted.
d. Did anyone raise your client’s concerns in notice and comment period?
Remember, review limited to submittals and information in administrative record.
e. If final agency action, normally subject to arbitrary and capricious review under
706(2)(A). State Farm hard-look review.
II. Standard of review for statutory interpretation
a. Mead test
i. Does interpretive memorandum satisfy the threshold test of (i) bestowal by
Congress of binding interpretive authority to agency, and (ii) did the
agency actually exercise that authority in the way Congress intended?
ii. Note: apparently no explicit delegation to agency to make such
interpretations, so USDA does not get arbitrary and capricious review
b. If Chevron applies,
i. Chevron step one – does the statute speak to this direct issue
unambiguously? Use standard tools of statutory interpretation.
ii. Chevron step two – was the agency’s interpretation reasonable?
1. Does the U.S. Department of Agriculture have any special
expertise or authority in advanced genetic research? Versus other
agencies that also administer the statute?
2. “Reasonable” is extremely generous and deferential to agency; our
client will need to make substantial and powerful comments on
guidance to build administrative record that would support an
c. Possible exceptions to Chevron
i. Important Question Doctrine (“elephants in mouseholes”) – Congress
wouldn’t delegate fundamental questions on resurrection of entire species
to an agency through statutory silence or ambiguity.
ii. Other judicial push-back doctrines to Chevron – interpretations on scope
of preemption of state law; can Chevron bind courts to agency
interpretations of the U.S. Constitution’s application to regulations?
d. If Chevron doesn’t apply, look to Skilling factors (consistency, thoroughness,
reasoning – “power to persuade”).
e. Auer deference – to extent that memorandum interprets the agency’s own
regulations. But note the Auer deference has come under severe criticism by
several Justices.
f. Overall agency action (outside of statutory interpretation) – arbitrary and
capricious under APA 706(2)(A)?
III. Remedy – remand for either withdrawal of guidance memorandum or re-publication as a
notice-and-comment rulemaking.