SAP TM 9.6 FPS02
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and
© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP aliate company. All rights reserved.
1 Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA............................6
2 Basic Settings in SAP ERP.....................................................9
2.1 Activating Business Functions....................................................9
2.2 Conguration Settings for Core Interface (CIF)........................................19
Creating an SAP TM Release..................................................20
Assigning Logical System and CIF Application to RFC Destination........................21
Dening Target System and Queue Types.........................................21
Activating Online Transfer Using BTE............................................22
Conguring Change Transfers for Master Data.....................................23
Activating ALE Change Pointers for Message Types..................................24
Registering the Queue Display.................................................25
2.3 Creating ISO Units........................................................... 25
2.4 Creating Units of Measurement..................................................26
2.5 Changing Units of Measurement................................................. 27
2.6 Creating the Maximum Model................................................... 27
2.7 Creating an Integration Model...................................................28
2.8 Activating the Integration Model..................................................29
2.9 Checking Data Transfer via the Core Interface (CIF)....................................30
2.10 Deactivating BAdIs: Special Settings for ERP IDES.....................................30
2.11 Deleting Shipping Point Assignments..............................................31
3 Conguration Settings for Invoice Integration.....................................32
3.1 Invoice Integration........................................................... 32
Message Flow for Invoice Integration............................................32
Cost Distribution..........................................................41
Integration Business Add-Ins................................................. 42
3.2 User Settings for Invoice Verication Based on SAP TM.................................43
3.3 Dening Default Account Assignment of Cost Element..................................43
3.4 Dening Service Master for Invoice Integration.......................................44
3.5 Creating Event Type Linkages....................................................45
3.6 Conguration Settings for SAP NetWeaver Process Integration............................46
3.7 Invoice Preview Enhancement...................................................46
SAP ERP BAdI Implementation to Enable the Invoice Preview...........................47
4 Conguration Settings for SAP Credit Management Integration....................... 49
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
4.1 Message Flow for SAP Credit Management..........................................49
4.2 Specication of Customizing Settings in SAP Credit Management..........................49
4.3 Specication of Business Partner in Synchronization Cockpit.............................50
4.4 Specifying Credit Prole in SAP Credit Management....................................51
5 Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration............................52
5.1 Dening Control Keys for Document Transfer........................................ 52
5.2 Order and Delivery Integration...................................................53
Dening Control Keys for Document Transfer......................................57
Activating Transfer of Sales Documents..........................................58
Activating Transfer of Purchase Orders.......................................... 58
Activating Transfer of Delivery Documents........................................59
5.3 Maintain Output Determination for Sales Documents...................................60
Maintaining Condition Tables (SD)............................................. 60
Maintaining Output Types (SD)................................................61
Maintaining Access Sequences (SD)............................................62
Maintaining Output Determination Procedure (SD)..................................63
Assigning Output Determination Procedures (SD).................................. 64
Creating Output Condition Records (SD).........................................65
5.4 Maintaining Workow Event Type Linkages for Purchase Orders...........................66
5.5 Maintain Output Determination for Outbound Deliveries.................................68
Maintaining Condition Tables (Outbound Delivery)..................................68
Maintaining Access Sequences (Outbound Delivery).................................69
Maintaining Output Types (Outbound Delivery).....................................70
Maintaining Output Determination Procedure (Outbound Delivery).......................71
Assigning Output Determination Procedures (Outbound Delivery)....................... 71
Creating Output Condition Records (Outbound Delivery)..............................72
Assigning Processing Class...................................................73
5.6 Maintain Output Determination for Inbound Deliveries..................................74
Maintaining Condition Tables (Inbound Delivery)....................................74
Maintaining Output Types (Inbound Delivery)......................................75
Maintaining Access Sequences (Inbound Delivery)..................................76
Maintaining Output Determination Procedure (Inbound Delivery)........................77
Assigning Output Determination Procedures (Inbound Delivery)........................ 78
Creating Output Condition Records (Inbound Delivery)...............................79
Assigning Processing Class.................................................. 80
5.7 Conguration Settings for SAP NetWeaver Process Integration............................80
6 Conguration Settings for SAP NetWeaver PI......................................82
6.1 Conguring SAP NetWeaver PI for Order and Invoice Integration...........................82
6.2 Activating Error and Conict Handler..............................................86
7 Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration...................................87
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
P U B L I C 3
7.1 Outbound Integration of ERP Shipments............................................87
Basic Shipment Settings.................................................... 88
Output Control Settings.....................................................92
Conguring Inbound and Outbound Processing....................................99
7.2 Outbound Integration of ERP Shipments: PI Mapping..................................107
Basic Shipment Settings....................................................107
Output Control Settings.....................................................111
Conguration Settings for SAP NetWeaver PI (Shipment Integr.)........................118
7.3 Inbound Integration of ERP Shipments............................................126
Basic Shipment Settings....................................................127
Output Control Settings.....................................................131
Conguring Inbound and Outbound Processing....................................138
Conguration Settings for SAP NetWeaver Process Integration.........................147
8 Conguration Settings for Plant Maintenance (PM) Integration.......................157
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
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This document contains sample conguration content. Unless expressly stated otherwise in your
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Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Legal Disclaimer
P U B L I C 5
1 Basic Settings and Integration for SAP
ERP and S/4 HANA
This guide provides information about the settings that you must make to enable integration of SAP
Transportation Management (SAP TM) with
Change History
Version Date Description
1.0 December 2010 Initial version
2.0 September 2012 Revised for SAP TM 9.0
3.0 December 2013 Revised for SAP TM 9.1
4.0 October 2015 Revised for S/4 HANA integration
Important SAP Notes
You must read the following SAP Notes before you start using this test scenario. These SAP Notes contain the
most recent corrections required to test the scenario.
Make sure that you have the up-to-date version of each SAP Note, which you can nd on SAP Service
Marketplace at .
SAP Note
Number Description EhP4 EhP5 EhP6 EhP7 S/4 HANA
Mismatch in
amount be
tween TM and
x x x
Cleanup of ERS
err msgs, Sold
to, Bill to/from
party mapping
x x
6 P U B L I C
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
SAP Note
Number Description EhP4 EhP5 EhP6 EhP7 S/4 HANA
date during FI
posting for TM
x x
Credit Segment
FWSD out
bound struc
Amount conver
sion problem in
service entry
x x x
TM Integration:
EOIO queues
missing for
No EOIO for Or
der services in
Solution Man
ager Content
Updates for
SAP TM 9.3
You have set up the system landscape. This includes the following steps:
You have completed the technical installation of SAP TM, SAP Integration Engine, SAP Event Management,
SCM Optimizer, and SAP ERP enhancement package 5.
You have set up the connection to the System Landscape Directory (SLD) for all systems.
You have congured the settings that are required to connect a business system to an Integration Engine.
You have congured the settings that are required to use the Core Interface (CIF) for master data transfer.
You have set up a trusted connection between the SAP ERP and SAP TM systems.
You have dened all required RFC users, RFC connections, logical system names, technical system names,
and business system names.
You have set up the required workows.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
P U B L I C 7
More Information
For information about setting up SAP ERP, see the following:
SAP ERP installation documentation on SAP Service Marketplace at
SAP Business Suite Applications SAP ERP SAP ERP 6.0 SAP Enhancement Packages for SAP ERP
(quick link:
Information about IDES installation on SAP Service Marketplace at . See
also SAP Note 799639 .
SAP Note 1530240 FAQ for ERP-TM Integration
For information about setting up SAP Event Management, see the Master Guide and Installation Guide for SAP
Event Management on SAP Service Marketplace at SAP Business Suite
SAP SCM SAP Event Management Using SAP Enhancement Package 1 for SAP Event
Management 7.0 .
For information about setting up SAP TM, see the Master Guide for SAP TM on SAP Service Marketplace at SAP Business Suite Applications SAP TM Using SAP TM
<release> . See also the following SAP Notes:
SAP Note 1850848 : Installation/Delta Upgrade note for TM 9.1
SAP Note 1686825 : Implementing the SCM Optimizer Version 9.0
SAP Note 1552355 : ERP Integration: System Connection between ERP and TM
SAP Note 1588450 : FAQ for ERP – TM Logistics Integration
For information about setting up workows, see SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver 7.3 Including Enhancement
Package 1 on SAP Help Portal at . In SAP NetWeaver Library: Function-
Oriented View, choose
Application Server Platform Application Server ABAP Other Services Services
for Application Developers SAP Business Workow Role Documentation Roles in Workow Workow
System Administrator Automatic Workow Customizing .
For information about setting up SAP NetWeaver Process Integration, see the following:
SAP NetWeaver Process Integration installation documentation on SAP Service Marketplace at http://
SAP NetWeaver SAP NetWeaver PI 7.1 (quick link: http://
Conguration Guide for SAP NetWeaver PI at SAP NetWeaver Process
Integration . In the Conguration Guide, choose Conguration of SAP NetWeaver Systems Process
For information about setting up the Core Interface (CIF), see the following:
SAP Library for SAP Supply Chain Management at . In SAP Library for SAP
SCM 7.0 Including Enhancement Package 2, choose
SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP
APO) Integration via Core Interface (CIF) .
In particular, see the section Checklist for Setting Up the System Infrastructure under Technical
Integration Core Interface (CIF) Setting Up the System Infrastructure .
Best practices document on SAP Service Marketplace at
Manage APO Core Interface in SAP APO (3.x) / SAP SCM (4.x, 5.x) .
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
2 Basic Settings in SAP ERP
You use this process to congure basic settings in SAP ERP that enable you to integrate SAP ERP with SAP
Transportation Management (SAP TM).
2.1 Activating Business Functions
Business functions are individual standard applications and industry solutions in your ABAP-based SAP
system. SAP provides new features and enhancements in self-contained units via these business functions for
your existing SAP installations.
1. On the SAP Easy Access screen, call transaction SFW5.
2. Activate the business functions listed below.
The changes that you make in this step are critical. Once you have activated a business function, you can
no longer cancel the enhancements it makes in the system.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Basic Settings in SAP ERP
P U B L I C 9
Description Valid for ERP Valide for S4/
TMS-ERP: Invoice
You use this busi
ness function to
create, enter,
process, or dis
play invoices that
refer to docu
ments in SAP
This allows you to
carry out invoice
processing for
the connected
SAP TM system
in SAP ERP and
use the main ERP
invoice process
ing functions in
MM and SD.
X X X X No
10 P U B L I C
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Basic Settings in SAP ERP
Description Valid for ERP Valide for S4/
ERP-TMS: Order
You can use this
business function
to integrate order
processing in
SAP ERP with
planning in SAP
TM. It enables
you to optimize
order processing
and transporta
tion planning by
exchanging infor
mation about or
ders and deliver
ies between SAP
You can acti
vate either
this business
function or
You cannot
activate both
of these busi
ness func
- X X X No
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Basic Settings in SAP ERP
P U B L I C 11
Description Valid for ERP Valide for S4/
ERP-TMS: Basic
Order Integration
You can also use
this business
function to inte
grate order and
delivery process
ing in SAP ERP
with transporta
tion planning in
SAP TM. It pro
vides the same
functions as the
ERP-TMS: Order
) business
function, but
without sales or
der scheduling.
X (X) (X) X No
Logistics: S&D
Simplication or
Activate if you
want to send
sales orders to
SAP Transporta
tion Manage
ment. For more
information, see
SAP Note
1530240 .
X X X X No
12 P U B L I C
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Basic Settings in SAP ERP
Description Valid for ERP Valide for S4/
Services 2
Activate if you
want to send pur
chase orders and
stock transport
orders to SAP
vate if you want
to send returns to
SAP Transporta
tion Manage
X X X X No
Improvements for
SOA Reuse
Activate if you
want to use Web
Services Reliable
Messaging (WS-
Note that WS-RM
has not been fully
released yet. As a
result, communi
cation using WS-
RM is currently
not supported.
- X X X X
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Basic Settings in SAP ERP
P U B L I C 13
Description Valid for ERP Valide for S4/
SCM, Customer
and Vendor
Master Data
Integration into
X X X X No
Activate if you
want to use deliv
ery splits or up
date functions, or
if you want to
view the SAP TM
business docu
ment ow and
SAP TM status in
formation in SAP
ERP documents
- - X X No
Activate if you
want to use con
rmed quantities,
shipping types or
a handover loca
tion for an exter
nal purchase or
der in SAP TM or
if you want to
transfer shipment
blocking reasons
to SAP TM in or
der to control the
blocking of DTRs.
- - - X No
Activate if you
want to use the
integration of
plant mainte
nance from SAP
ERP to resource
master data in
- - - X No
14 P U B L I C
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Basic Settings in SAP ERP
Description Valid for ERP Valide for S4/
Activate if you
want to maintain
shipment condi
tion for PO and
interface this to
TM and / or want
to use handover
date for PO con
rmations and
want to use this
in TM
X No
Activate if you
want to integrate
SD scheduling
and / or MM
scheduling agree
ments into TM
and create trans
portation require
ments for these.
X No
If you want to use cost distribution, which is included in the Domestic Outbound Transportation scenario, you
also have to activate the following business functions (besides LOG_TM_ORD_INT_II):
Name Description
Valid for ERP Release
Valid for S/
Activate if you
want to use
cost distribu
- - X X No
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Basic Settings in SAP ERP
P U B L I C 15
Name Description
Valid for ERP Release
Valid for S/
Activate if you
want to use ad
ditional fea
tures of Agency
Business (such
as Credit Man
agement or
and Collection
Invoices) to im
plement your
business proc
esses more
X X X X No
Activate if you
want to use ad
ditional func
tions in the
Agency Busi
ness area. You
can create ex
tended remu
neration lists
from FI docu
ments, diering
partner roles,
payment docu
ments without
business part
ners in agency
and agency
without tax co
des. New re
ports are also
available for
mass process
X X X X No
16 P U B L I C
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Basic Settings in SAP ERP
Name Description
Valid for ERP Release
Valid for S/
Activate if you
want to imple
ment the fol
lowing new or
extended busi
ness processes:
X X X X No
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Basic Settings in SAP ERP
P U B L I C 17
Name Description
Valid for ERP Release
Valid for S/
Activate if you
want to imple
ment new busi
ness models for
agency busi
ness processes,
support the al
location of any
types of ex
penses, im
prove cost
and increase
process exibil
ity and e
ciency. This
business func
tion allows you
to create Intra
stat declara
tions using
agency docu
ments on be
half of your
company and,
as an additional
service oering,
on behalf of
your custom
ers. Further
more, a new
B2B outbound
service allows
customers and
partners to lev
erage enter
prise service-
oriented archi
tecture to ex
change invoi
- X X X No
18 P U B L I C
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Basic Settings in SAP ERP
Name Description
Valid for ERP Release
Valid for S/
Activate if you
want to imple
ment new busi
ness models for
agency busi
ness processes,
support the al
location of any
types of ex
penses, im
prove cost
and increase
process exibil
ity and e
- - X X No
More Information
For more information about the business functions, see SAP Library for SAP Enhancement Package 5 for SAP
ERP 6.0 at . In SAP Library, choose Business Functions (SAP Enhancement
Package 5 for SAP ERP 6.0)
Business Functions in SAP ERP Enterprise Business Functions .
For more information about the use of the following business functions for order and delivery integration, see
SAP Note 1530240 :
Business function EA-RETAIL is not required to integrate SAP TM with SAP ERP.
2.2 Conguration Settings for Core Interface (CIF)
This section describes how to set up the core interface (CIF).
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Basic Settings in SAP ERP
P U B L I C 19
For more information about CIF, see the following:
SAP Library for SAP Enhancement Package 2 for SAP SCM 7.0 at SAP SCM
Server . In SAP Library, choose SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP APO) Integration via
Core Interface (CIF)
In particular, see the section Checklist for Setting Up the System Infrastructure, under Technical
Core Interface (CIF) Setting Up the System Infrastructure .
Best-practice document on SAP Service Marketplace at
Manage APO Core Interface in SAP APO /3.x) / SAP SCM (4.x, 5.x)
If you also want to create business partners when you transfer shipping points via CIF, you must activate
the corresponding BAdI. For more information, see SAP Note 1410353 .
2.2.1 Creating an SAP TM Release
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Integration with Other SAP Components, choose Advanced
Planning and Optimization Basic Settings for Setting Up the System Landscape Specify SAP APO
Release (transaction NDV2)
2. Enter the data as shown in the table below.
Field Sample Entry
Logical System
System Type
702 or higher
3. Save your entries.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Basic Settings in SAP ERP
2.2.2 Assigning Logical System and CIF Application to RFC
In this step, you maintain the assignment of a logical system and CIF application to an RFC destination.
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Integration with Other SAP Components, choose Advanced
Planning and Optimization Basic Settings for Setting Up the System Landscape Assign RFC Destination
to Dierent Application Cases (transaction CFC7)
2. Enter the data as shown in the table below.
Field Sample Entry
Logical System
RFC Destination
3. Save your entries.
2.2.3 Dening Target System and Queue Types
To enable communication between SAP ERP and SAP TM, the relevant target system for this data channel
must be installed in addition to the denition of the RFC destination. Install a valid operation mode at the same
You assign a queue type to the connection to the selected system. Set the Outbound Queue queue type as
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Basic Settings in SAP ERP
P U B L I C 21
Choose Inbound Queues if you are expecting large amounts of data during the transfer from the source system
to the target system and you want to ensure that the target system is not overloaded. With this setting, queue
processing is controlled by the target system.
If you choose Inbound Queues in the source system, you have to set up the QIN (queue in) scheduler in the
qRFC monitor in the target system. Queues that are to be automatically processed by the target system must
be registered in the QIN scheduler.
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Integration with Other SAP Components, choose Advanced
Planning and Optimization
Basic Settings for Setting Up the System Landscape Set Target System and
Queue Type (transaction CFC1).
2. If the following data does not exist, enter it as shown in the table below.
Field Sample Entry
Logical System
Operating Mode
T (lled automatically after CIF has been executed)
3. Save your entries.
2.2.4 Activating Online Transfer Using BTE
You can use this procedure to activate business transaction events (BTEs) in the ERP system. By activating
BTEs, the system replicates changes to master data in the ERP system to the target system.
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Integration with Other SAP Components, choose Advanced
Planning and Optimization Basic Settings for Data Transfer Change Transfer Change Transfer for
Transaction Data
Activate Online Transfer Using BTE .
The SAP Business Framework: Business Transaction Events screen appears.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Basic Settings in SAP ERP
This is a cross-client activity.
2. Conrm the message.
3. For the entries ND-APO and NDI, select the Application Active checkbox.
4. Save your entries.
2.2.5 Conguring Change Transfers for Master Data
You have activated the business transaction events in the ERP system. For more information, see Activating
Online Transfer Using BTE [page 22].
You can use this procedure to ensure that the system landscape reects all changes to the master data in the
ERP system.
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Integration with other SAP Components, choose Advanced
Planning and Optimization Basic Settings for Data Transfer Change Transfer for Master Data
Congure Change Transfer for Master Data .
2. Enter the value 2 in the following elds:
Material Master Change Transfer
Change Transfer for Customers
Change Transfer for Vendors
3. Select the following checkboxes:
Immediate Transfer
Re-Read Stock
Filter Obj. Req. Reduc.
4. Choose Save.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Basic Settings in SAP ERP
P U B L I C 23
The system landscape reects the changes done to the master data in the ERP system.
Next Steps
For more information, see the Customizing activity documentation.
2.2.6 Activating ALE Change Pointers for Message Types
You can use this procedure to activate ALE change pointers for specic message types so that changes to
master data are tracked.
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Integration with other SAP Components, choose Advanced
Planning and Optimization Basic Settings for Data Transfer Change Transfer for Master Data Activate
ALE Change Pointers for Message Types
2. Select the active checkbox for the following message types:
Next Steps
For more information, see the Customizing activity documentation.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Basic Settings in SAP ERP
2.2.7 Registering the Queue Display
Use transaction SMQE to register display program CIFQEV02.
1. In the SAP ERP system, call transaction SMQE.
2. Choose Edit Register Display Program .
3. For the queue type, enter CF*.
4. For the program name, enter CIFQEV02.
5. Choose Enter.
2.3 Creating ISO Units
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for SAP NetWeaver, choose General settings Check Units of
2. Choose ISO codes and then New Entries.
3. Create a new ISO code with the following data:
Field Value
ISO code
ISO code text
20-Foot Container
You must create ISO units in the same way in both SAP ERP and SAP TM. Otherwise, problems will arise
when messages are exchanged between these systems.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Basic Settings in SAP ERP
P U B L I C 25
2.4 Creating Units of Measurement
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for SAP NetWeaver, choose General settings Check Units of
Measurement .
2. Enter AAAADL (no dimensions) and choose Units of measurement.
3. Create a new unit of measurement as follows:
Field Value
Int. meas. unit
Display screen area and Measurement unit text screen area
TEU 20-Foot Container
TEU 20-Ft Cont
Decimal places Leave this eld empty
oat. point exp. Leave this eld empty
ALE/EDI screen area
ISO code
Primary code Select this checkbox
Conversion screen area
Decimal pl. rounding Leave this eld empty
Unit of Leave this eld empty
Application Parameters screen area
Commercial meas. unit Select this checkbox
Value-based-commt Do not select this checkbox
You must create ISO units in the same way in both SAP ERP and SAP TM. Otherwise, problems will arise
when messages are exchanged between these systems. In particular, the ISO code must be maintained in
both systems for the same unit of measurement.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Basic Settings in SAP ERP
2.5 Changing Units of Measurement
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for SAP NetWeaver, choose General Settings Check Units of
Measurement .
2. In the dropdown box, select MASS Mass and choose Units of measurement.
3. Select the LB unit and assign the ISO code LBR.
4. Return to the initial screen.
5. In the dropdown box, select VOLUME volume and choose Units of measurement.
6. Select the FT3 unit and assign the ISO code FTQ.
You must create ISO units in the same way in both SAP ERP and SAP TM. Otherwise, problems will arise
when messages are exchanged between these systems.
2.6 Creating the Maximum Model
You can use this procedure to set the maximum runtime of the active integration model. We recommend that
you make this setting before creating an integration model.
1. In the SAP ERP system, on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Tools ABAP Workbench
Development ABAP Editor (transaction SE38).
2. In the Program eld, enter RCIFIMAX and choose Execute.
3. In the Action to Execute frame, choose Generation.
4. In the Selection Criteria for Consistency Check frame, enter the following data:
Field Value
Object Types
Logical Target Systems
5. Choose Execute.
If the logical target system is not available in the input help, enter the system manually and choose Execute.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Basic Settings in SAP ERP
P U B L I C 27
The system displays the following success message: Runtime version (table CIF_IMAX) was generated
successfully: A consistency check was not carried out.
2.7 Creating an Integration Model
This procedure allows you to create an integration model in the SAP ERP system for transferring a plant,
shipping points, and a business partner for the plant.
1. In the SAP ERP system, on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics Central Functions Supply
Chain Planning Interface
Core Interface Advanced Planner and Optimizer Integration Model Create .
Alternatively, call transaction CFM1.
2. In the Model Name eld, enter a name for the integration model, for example, IMTM1.
3. In the Logical System eld, enter the name of the target system, for example, SCMCLNT001.
4. In the APO Application eld, enter SAP TM, for example.
5. Select the required options as follows:
1. In the Material Dependent Objects frame, select the Plants checkbox.
2. In the General Selection Options for Materials frame, enter the name of the plant in the Plnt eld, for
example, 0001.
3. In the Material Independent Objects frame, select the Vendors checkbox.
4. Choose Special Restrictions and enter a name for the business partner in the Vendors eld (for
example, BP0001); then enter number 2 in the Create Loc/BP eld.
5. In the Material Independent Objects frame, select the Customer checkbox.
6. Choose Special Restrictions and enter a name for the business partner in the Customer eld; then
enter number 2 in the Create Loc/BP eld.
7. In the Material Independent Objects frame, select the Shipping Points checkbox.
8. Choose Special Restrictions and enter a name for the shipping points in the Shipping Point eld.
6. Save your integration model as a variant for future reuse, for example, VIMTM1.
7. Choose Execute.
8. Choose Generate IM.
Activate BAdIs before you transfer master data to SAP TM so that the system adds prexes and suxes to
locations and materials when they are transferred via CIF. For more information, see SAP Note 458914 .
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Basic Settings in SAP ERP
2.8 Activating the Integration Model
You can use this procedure to activate the integration model in the SAP ERP system.
Activate BAdIs before you transfer master data to SAP TM so that the system adds prexes and suxes to
locations and materials when they are transferred via CIF. For more information, see SAP Note
458914 .
1. In the SAP ERP system, on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics Central Functions Supply
Chain Planning Interface
Core Interface Advanced Planning and Optimization Integration Model
Activate . Alternatively, call transaction CFM2.
2. In the Selection Criteria frame, enter the following:
1. The name of the integration model in the Model Name eld, for example, IMTM1.
2. The name of the target system in the Logical System eld, for example, SCMCLNT001.
3. The name of the APO application in the APO Application eld, for example, TM.
3. In the Special CIF Settings frame, select the Do Not Issue Warning in Case of Parallel CIF Load checkbox.
4. Choose Execute.
The Activate or Deactivate Integration Model screen appears.
5. In the frame on the left, choose the APO Application, for example, TM.
Your integration model appears in the frame on the right.
6. In the frame on the right, choose the relevant line and choose Active/Inactive.
The status of your integration model is displayed in the New Status eld.
7. In the frame on the right, choose the relevant line and choose Start.
When you do this for the rst time, a dialog box appears asking for an interval to be created. In this case,
choose Yes.
8. In the Application log messages dialog box, choose No.
9. Choose Continue.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Basic Settings in SAP ERP
P U B L I C 29
2.9 Checking Data Transfer via the Core Interface (CIF)
At this point of the conguration process, it is important that you check that the data for the plant, the business
partner, and the shipping points has been transferred to SAP TM. For handling the business partners, see SAP
Note 1410353 .
In SAP TM the transferred data is stored as follows:
Data in the ERP System Data in SAP TM
Plant Locations
Shipping Points Locations
Customer or Vendor Location
2.10 Deactivating BAdIs: Special Settings for ERP IDES
If you have installed an IDES system as an ERP system in your system landscape, you have to deactivate a
Business Add-In (BAdI) that prevents XML messages from being created when a purchase order is saved.
1. Call transaction SE18.
2. Enter BAdI name PUR_SE_PO_INTERFACE_OUT_SELECT and choose Display.
3. In the BAdI Denitions screen area, expand the node for BAdI denition
PUR_SE_PO_INTERFACE_OUT_SELECT and double-click Implementations.
4. Double-click enhancement implementation Z_IDES_PUR_SE_PO_INTERFACE_O.
5. Change to edit mode.
6. Deselect Implementation is active.
7. Activate your changes.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Basic Settings in SAP ERP
2.11 Deleting Shipping Point Assignments
1. In Customizing for SAP ERP, choose Logistics Logistics Execution Shipping Basic Shipping
Functions Shipping Point and Goods Receiving Point Determination Assign Shipping Points .
2. On the Change View “Shipping Point Determination”: Overview screen, select the following entry:
Plnt PrShP
3100 3101
3. Delete this entry.
4. Check whether the following entry exists and if not, create it:
Plnt PrShP MShPt
3100 3100 3100
5. Save your entries.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Basic Settings in SAP ERP
P U B L I C 31
3 Conguration Settings for Invoice
You use this process to congure the settings in SAP ERP that enable you to integrate invoice processing in
SAP ERP with SAP Transportation Management (SAP TM).
3.1 Invoice Integration
You can transfer a freight settlement document (FSD) and a forwarding settlement document (FWSD) to SAP
3.1.1 Message Flow for Invoice Integration
The following table describes the message ow for forwarding settlement requests and customer invoices in
invoice integration:
Message Description
Send create or change requests for forwarding settlements
from SAP TM
Receive create or change requests for customer invoices in
Send conrmations for customer invoices from SAP ERP
Receive conrmations for forwarding settlements in SAP TM
Send cancel requests for forwarding settlements from SAP
Receive cancel requests for customer invoices in SAP ERP
Send forwarding settlements from SAP TM for invoice pre
view and receive PDF of SAP ERP billing
32 P U B L I C
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Invoice Integration
Message Description
Receive forwarding settlements from SAP TM for invoice
preview and send PDF of SAP ERP billing
The following table describes the message ow for freight settlement requests and supplier invoices in invoice
Message Description
Send create or change requests for freight settlements from
Receive create or change requests for supplier invoices in
Send conrmations for supplier invoices from SAP ERP
Receive conrmations for freight settlements in SAP TM
Send cancel requests for freight settlements from SAP TM
Receive cancel requests for supplier invoices in SAP ERP
The following table describes the invoice notication messages in invoice integration:
Message Description
Send invoice notication from SAP ERP
Receive invoice notications in SAP TM
3.1.2 Billing
You can specify the relevant Customizing settings for SAP ERP under Integration with Other SAP
Components Transportation Management Invoice Integration .
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Invoice Integration
P U B L I C 33
To integrate forwarding settlement documents with sales and distribution (SD) billing documents, you must
specify the following settings:
Category codes, subcategory codes, and charge types in SAP ERP for the charge types from SAP TM. You
can specify the settings in the following Customizing activities under
Denition of Transportation Charge
Elements :
Dene Category Codes
Dene Subcategory Codes
Dene Charge Types
Role codes in SAP ERP for the SAP TM currency and amount. You can specify the settings in the following
activities under Denition of Transportation Management Role Codes :
Dene Role Codes (Currency)
Dene Role Codes (Amount)
Condition types in SAP ERP for SAP TM charge types in the Assign Condition Types activity under
Assignment of Transportation Charge Elements .
Under Mapping of Organizational Units , you must specify the following settings:
Sales organization, type, and document type for the SAP TM sales organization and sales group in the
Assign Organizational Units for Sales and Distribution activity
Credit segments for accounts receivable accounting (FI-AR) and sales and distribution in the Dene
Credit Segment activity
Credit segment that SAP TM uses. Also, assign a credit segment to the credit control area used in FI-
AR in the Assign Credit Segment to Credit Control Area activity.
Internal order and cost center in SAP ERP for the sales organization unit in SAP TM in the Assign TM
Sales Org. Unit to Internal Order/Cost Center activity
You must assign the following codes and types:
A credit memo reason code from SAP TM to an order reason code in SAP ERP in the Assign SAP TM Credit
Memo Reason Code to Order Reason Code activity.
A transportation charge type in SAP TM to a primary cost element mapping for intracompany settlement
processing in SAP ERP, under Intracompany Settlement Assign Transportation Charges to Cost
3.1.3 Invoicing
You can specify the relevant Customizing settings for SAP ERP under Integration with Other SAP
Components Transportation Management Invoice Integration .
To integrate freight settlement documents with service purchase order and service entry sheet documents,
you must specify the following settings:
Category codes, subcategory codes, and charge types in SAP ERP for the charge types from SAP TM. You
can specify the settings in the following Customizing activities under Denition of Transportation Charge
Elements :
Dene Category Codes
Dene Subcategory Codes
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Invoice Integration
Dene Charge Types
Role codes in SAP ERP for the SAP TM currency and amount. You can specify the settings in the following
activities under Denition of Transportation Management Role Codes :
Dene Role Codes (Currency)
Dene Role Codes (Amount)
You must assign the following attributes:
Transportation charge item categories, item subcategories, and items in SAP TM to service master data
records and account assignment categories in SAP ERP. You can specify the settings under Assignment
of Transportation Charge Elements Assign Service Master Record and Account Assignment Category .
Under Mapping of Organizations Units , you must assign the following attributes:
Purchasing business areas from SAP TM to the organizational units in purchasing in SAP ERP in the
Assign Organizational Units for Purchasing activity
Purchasing organization unit in SAP TM to an internal order and cost center account in SAP ERP in the
Assign TM Purchase Org. Unit to Internal Order/Cost Center activity Dening Category Codes for Invoice Integration
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Integration with Other SAP Components choose
Transportation Management Invoice Integration Invoicing Denition for Transportation Charge
Elements Dene Category Codes.
2. Check and create new entries with the following data, if not available:
Charge Category Short Description
001 All Charges
002 Additional Charges
003 Transport Charges & Additional Charges
004 Basic Freight
005 Destination Haulage Charges
006 Disbursement
007 Destination Port Charges
008 Miscellaneous Charges
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Invoice Integration
P U B L I C 35
Charge Category Short Description
009 Transport Charges up to a Specied Loc.
010 Origin Port Charges
011 Origin Haulage Charges
012 Other Charges
013 Specic Amount Payabale
014 Transport Costs (Carriage Charges)
015 All Costs up to a Specied Loc.
016 Weight Charge
017 All Costs
018 Valuation Charges
019 Supply of Certicate of Shipment
020 Supply of Consular Formalities
021 Supply of Non-Categorized Documentation
022 Supply of Customs Formalities, Export
023 Supply of Customs Formalities, Transit
024 Supply of Customs Formalities, Import
025 Already Invoiced Amount
026 Adjustment / Quotation Amount Dening Subcategory Codes for Invoice Integration
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Integration with Other SAP Components, choose
Transportation Management Invoice Integration Invoicing Denition for Transportation Charge
Elements Dene Subcategory Codes.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Invoice Integration
2. Check and create new entries with the following data, if not available:
Charge Item Subcategory Short Description
100000 Freight Charges
101000 Basic Freight
101021 Sea Freight
103001 Bunker Adjustment Factor
103008 Fuel Surcharge
103009 Surcharge
104000 Toll Fee Fix
104007 Terminal Handling Charges
104012 Destination Port Additional
104013 Origin Port Additional
104130 Destination Port Service Charge
104131 Origin Port Service Charge
104132 Detention Charges
609102 Stop in Transit
710000 Discount Dening Charge Types for Invoice Integration
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Integration with Other SAP Components, choose
Transportation Management Invoice Integration Invoicing Denition for Transportation Charge
Elements Dene Charge Types.
2. Check the charge types and create the following entries, if not available:
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Invoice Integration
P U B L I C 37
Charge Type Code Category Code Subcategory Code Short Description
FB00 004 100000 Basic Freight
LMPR 002 104132 Lumper Charges
FUEL 003 103008 Fuel Surcharge
STOP 002 609102 Stop O Charges
DISC 004 710000 Freight discount
ZS01 011 100000 Inland Transport
ZS02 004 101021 Long Haul
ZS03 012 101021 Handling
ZS04 012 101021 Customs
ZS05 012 101021 Port Fees
ZS06 012 101021 Other Charges
ZV01 011 101021 Trucking
ZV02 012 101021 Other Charges
BSF 003 101021 Base Sea Freight
IPSD 002 104007 Int. Port Security Destina
IPSO 002 104007 Int. Port Security Origin
THCD 007 104130 Terminal Handling Charge
(THC) Destination
THCO 010 104131 Terminal Handling Charge
(THC) Origin
RAIL 003 100000 Rail Transportation Charge
HAUF 003 101000 FTL Haulage
ADJ 026 Leave this eld empty Adjustment / Quotation
BASE 004 100000 Base freight
BAF 012 103001 Bunker Adj. Factor
THC 014 104007 Terminal Handl.Charg
38 P U B L I C
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Invoice Integration
Charge Type Code Category Code Subcategory Code Short Description
PEAK 008 103009 Peak Season Charge
LSFS 008 103009 Low Sulphur Surcharge
PRE 014 100000 Land Pre Carriage
TOLL 002 104000 Toll Fee Fix
BLAD 002 104000 B/L Fee Fix
CAF 012 103009 CAF
PRS 012 103009 Piracy Risk Surcharge
EBAF 002 103001 E-BAF (emergency Bunker
Adj. Factor)
ON 014 100000 On Carriage
AMS 002 104000 AMS-Fee Assigning Service Master to Transportation Charge
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Integration with Other SAP Components, choose
Transportation Management Invoice Integration Invoicing Assignment of Transportation Charge
Elements Assign Service Master Record and Account Assignment Category.
2. Check and create the following entries, if not available:
Category Code Subcategory
Charge Type
Activity Number Account Assign
ment Category
Service Short
004 100000 FB00 TM_FB00 K Base Freight
002 104132 LMPR TM_LMPR K Detention
003 103008 FUEL TM_FUEL K Fuel Surcharge
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Invoice Integration
P U B L I C 39
Category Code Subcategory
Charge Type
Activity Number Account Assign
ment Category
Service Short
002 609102 STOP TM_STOP K Stop O Charges
004 710000 DISC TM_DISC K Freight discount
011 100000 ZS01 TM_HAUF K Haulage FTL
004 101021 ZS02 TM_OCEAN K Ocean Freight
012 101021 ZS03 TM_LMPR K Detention
012 101021 ZS04 TM_TOLL K Toll
012 101021 ZS05 TM_PORTD K Port Charges Des
012 101021 ZS06 TM_LMPR K Detention
011 101021 ZV01 TM_HAUF K Haulage FTL
012 101021 ZV02 TM_LMPR K Detention
003 101021 BSF TM_OCEAN K Base Sea Freight
002 104012 IPSD TM_PORTD K Port Charges Des
002 104013 IPSO TM_PORTO K Port Charges Ori
007 104007 THCD TM_PORTD K Port Charges Des
010 104007 THCO TM_PORTO K Port Charges Ori
003 100000 RAIL TM_RAIL K Rail Transporta
tion Charge
003 101000 HAUF TM_HAUF K Haulage FTL
026 Leave this eld
ADJ TM_ADJ K Adjustment /
004 100000 BASE TM_FB00 K Base Freight
40 P U B L I C
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Invoice Integration
Category Code Subcategory
Charge Type
Activity Number Account Assign
ment Category
Service Short
012 103001 BAF TM_HAUL K Haulage LTL
014 104007 THC TM_HAUL K Haulage LTL
008 103009 PEAK TM_FUEL K Fuel Surcharge
008 103009 LSFS TM_FUEL K Fuel Surcharge
002 104000 TOLL TM_TOLL K Toll
014 100000 PRE TM_FB00 K Base Freight
002 104000 BLAD TM_HAUF K Haulage FTL
012 103009 CAF TM_HAUL K Haulage LTL
012 103009 PRS TM_HAUL K Haulage LTL
002 103001 EBAF TM_HAUL K Haulage LTL
002 104000 AMS TM_HAUL K Haulage LTL
014 100000 ON TM_HAUL K Haulage LTL
3.1.4 Cost Distribution
The role you have in the transportation process determines how you should use the cost distribution feature.
You can have the role of shipper or logistics service provider (LSP).
Cost Distribution for Shippers
You create a freight settlement document to transfer the transportation costs from SAP TM to SAP ERP for
verication. You must perform cost distribution at the level of ERP item in the freight settlement document. You
use service entry sheets and agency business documents to post the distributed costs in SAP ERP.
To integrate cost distribution in freight orders and freight settlement documents with SAP ERP, you must
assign the transportation charge type in SAP TM to a condition type in SAP ERP for cost distribution. You can
do this in Customizing for SAP ERP under Integration with Other SAP Components Transportation
Management Invoice Integration Mapping for Cost Distribution Assign Transportation Charge Elements to
Condition Types
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Invoice Integration
P U B L I C 41
To use agency business documents to post distributed costs in SAP ERP, you must specify the following
settings under Mapping for Cost Distribution Posting via Agency Business :
Application type and posting types in Dene Application and Posting Type
Data used in agency business document creation in Basic Settings for Creation of Agency Documents
Cost Distribution for LSPs
You create a forwarding order that is based on a freight order to transport goods to a customer. You must
perform cost distribution at the level of forwarding order. The purchasing organization in your company that
executes the freight order or freight booking and pays the freight cost uses the distributed costs to perform an
internal settlement with the sales organizations in the forwarding orders.
You must assign the sales organization unit in SAP TM to an internal order and cost center in SAP ERP. You can
do this under Integration with Other SAP Components Transportation Management Invoice Integration
Mapping for Cost Distribution Assign TM Sales Org. Unit to Internal Order/Cost Center .
3.1.5 Integration Business Add-Ins
You can access the following Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) on the SAP Easy Access screen under Tools ABAP
Workbench Utilities Business Add-Ins Implementation :
BAdI: FSD Invoicing Preparation: Data Modify (TCM_SE_TORINVPREPREQ_PROC)
BAdI: Inbound/Outbound Processing for FSD Invoicing Preparation (TCM_SE_TORINVPREPREQ_ASYN)
BAdI: Inbound/Outbound Processing for FSD Invoicing Cancellation CNC
BAdI: Creation of SD Billing Document (TCM_SE_CFIRSUITE_RQ)
BAdI: Cancellation of SD Billing Document (TCM_SE_CFIRSUITE_CNCLNRQ)
Implementation: Activation of Correction Postings (WZRE_TMS_IV)
If you have a charge correction, the SAP ERP system updates the agency business document during
invoice verication. If you want to use this feature in SAP ERP, you must activate this BAdI. We provide the
coding as standard.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Invoice Integration
3.2 User Settings for Invoice Verication Based on SAP TM
To enable a user to perform invoice verication in SAP ERP, you have to assign prole parameter
TM_INVOICE_CLERK to the user’s prole in the SAP ERP system.
1. In the SAP ERP system, call transaction SU01.
2. Enter the user and choose Change.
3. Choose the Parameters tab.
4. In the Parameter ID column, enter TM_INVOICE_CLERK.
5. Save your entries.
3.3 Dening Default Account Assignment of Cost Element
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Controlling, choose Cost Center Accounting Actual Postings
Manual Actual Postings Edit Automatic Account Assignment
2. Create a new entry with the following data:
Company Code
Cost Element
Cost Center
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Invoice Integration
P U B L I C 43
3.4 Dening Service Master for Invoice Integration
1. In the SAP ERP system, on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics Materials Management
Service Master Service Service Master .
2. Choose Create New Service.
3. Enter the following data:
Activity Number Service Short
Service Category Base Unit of
Material / Serv
ice Group
Valuation Class
TM_ADJ Adjustment /
Service Purchas
AU 007 3215
TM_DISC Freight discount Service Purchas
AU 007 3212
TM_FB00 Base Freight Service Purchas
AU 007 3212
TM_FUEL Fuel Surcharge Service Purchas
AU 007 3212
TM_HAUF Haulage FTL Service Purchas
AU 007 3212
TM_HAUL Haulage LTL Service Purchas
AU 007 3212
TM_LMPR Detention
Service Purchas
AU 007 3215
TM_OCEAN Ocean Freight Service Purchas
AU 007 3216
TM_PORTD Port Charges Des
Service Purchas
AU 007 3211
TM_PORTO Port Charges Ori
Service Purchas
AU 007 3211
44 P U B L I C
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Invoice Integration
Activity Number Service Short
Service Category Base Unit of
Material / Serv
ice Group
Valuation Class
TM_RAIL Rail Transporta
tion Charge
Service Purchas
AU 007 3212
TM_STOP Stop O Charges Service Purchas
AU 007 3212
TM_TOLL Toll Service Purchas
AU 007 3211
3.5 Creating Event Type Linkages
In this step, you activate workow WS53800006 for incoming invoices and activate event linkage for the events
POSTED and CANCELLED. The workow triggers the InvoiceNotification_Out message when an
incoming invoice is posted or canceled. The message informs SAP TM about the posted or canceled invoice.
1. In the SAP ERP system, on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Tools ABAP Workbench
Development SAP Business Workow Denition Tools Events Event Linkages Type Linkages .
2. Make the following entries and select the Type linkage active checkbox:
Object Category Object Type Event Receiver Type Linkage Acti
Receiver Func
tion Module
BOR Object BUS2081 CANCELLED WS53800006 Select this check
BOR Object BUS2081 POSTED WS53800006 Select this check
3. Save your entries.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Invoice Integration
P U B L I C 45
4. In the SAP ERP system, on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Tools ABAP Workbench
Development SAP Business Workow Utilities Automatic Workow Customizing .
5. Choose Perform Automatic Workow Customizing ( F9 ).
3.6 Conguration Settings for SAP NetWeaver Process
In the SAP NetWeaver Process Integration (SAP NetWeaver PI) system, you have to set up a business system,
communication channel, and a conguration scenario for the TM_ERPInvoiceIntegration integration
For more information, see Conguring SAP NetWeaver PI for Order and Invoice Integration [page 82].
3.7 Invoice Preview Enhancement
You can preview a nal invoice in SAP Transportation Management (SAP TM) as it would appear in SAP ERP.
The preview merges information from the relevant forwarding settlement document and tax information from
You can also add information to the standard invoice preview, to suit your individual business requirements, as
1. Enhancing structures in SAP TM and SAP ERP
2. Implementing a Business Add-In (BAdI) in SAP TM to pass the enhanced data from SAP TM to SAP ERP
3. Implementing a BAdI in SAP ERP to consume the enhanced SAP ERP data and the enhanced data sent
from SAP TM
SAP ERP calls a function module to generate a PDF, and sends the PDF to SAP TM. The system displays the
PDF when the user chooses the Preview Invoice button in SAP TM.
1. Implement Structural Enhancements
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Invoice Integration
SAP TM Structural Enhancements
SAP TM converts internal ABAP tables to XML in a process called serialization. SAP TM uses the /SCMTMS/
T_CFIR_PRINT_DATA structure to serialize data. The structure has the /SCMTMS/S_CFIR_PRINT_DATA
line type.
SAP ERP Structural Enhancements
SAP ERP converts XML to internal ABAP tables in a process called deserialization. SAP ERP uses the
TCM_T_CFIR_PRINT_DATA table type to deserialize the data. The structure has the
We provide the elds and components in the structures as standard. You can use the append structure
feature to enhance the standard structure with data that suits your business requirements.
When you enhance the standard structures, you must use identical names and compatible types for
the enhanced elds in SAP TM and SAP ERP. You must use identical values for the type, length, and
decimal place of the currency and quantity elds.
2. Implement SAP TM BAdI
To get the required data for the additional elds in the enhanced structure, you use the Invoice Preview (/
) BAdI in SAP TM.
Input the following information in the UPDATE_CFIR_PRINT_DATA interface method:
CFIR key
Table of language keys
Changing parameter type /SCMTMS/T_CFIR_PRINT_DATA
The system lls the SAP TM data into the print structure as standard. The system provides the changing
parameter with the standard SAP TM data. You specify the additional SAP TM data that you need for the
invoice preview, and for which you used the append structure feature in the BAdI implementation.
The system serializes the output of the BAdI implementation and uses the proxy structure to transfer the
output to SAP ERP.
3. Implement SAP ERP BAdI
You implement a BAdI in SAP ERP to consume the enhanced SAP ERP and SAP TM data. For more
information, see SAP ERP BAdI Implementation to Enable the Invoice Preview [page 47].
3.7.1 SAP ERP BAdI Implementation to Enable the Invoice
To enable the invoice preview for enhanced information, you must implement a Business Add-In (BAdI) in SAP
ERP to consume the enhanced SAP ERP data and the enhanced data sent from SAP TM.
You must also have enhanced the structures in SAP TM and SAP ERP, and implemented a Business Add-In
(BAdI) in SAP TM to pass the enhanced data from SAP TM to SAP ERP. For more information, see Invoice
Preview Enhancement [page 46].
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Invoice Integration
P U B L I C 47
1. Create a BAdI enhancement using the following information:
Enhancement spot BADI_SD_BIL_PRINT01
BAdI implementation BADI_SD_BIL_PRINT01
2. If you want to reuse the same PDF form interface, copy the TM_INVOICE_FORM01 PDF form to a customer
namespace. You can copy the form as, for example, ZTM_INVOICE_FORM01. You can also create a new
form, for example ZTM_INVOICE_FORM02, in your own interface.
3. Change the lter value from TM_INVOICE_FORM01 to ZTM_INVOICE_FORM01 (or ZTM_INVOICE_FORM02
if appropriate) in the ZTM_BIL_IMPL01 enhancement implementation.
4. Implement the IF_BADI_SD_BIL_PRINT01~PRINT_DATA method in the class created in the
enhancement Implementation. The enhancement implementation implements the
IF_BADI_SD_BIL_PRINT01 BAdI interface.
Use one of the following options to implement method IF_BADI_SD_BIL_PRINT01~PRINT_DATA:
1. Copy the standard PDF form or use the same interface provided as standard
We deliver the TM_INVOICE_FORM01 PDF form as standard. The form associated with the new
enhancement implementation is a copy of the standard form. This means you use the same PDF form
interface for the new PDF form as that delivered as standard.
The standard PDF form interface TM_INVOICE_INTERFACE contains the BIL_PRT_COM component.
The INV_S_PRT_TM_ERP_INTERFACE structure is associated with the component. You can use the
append structure feature to facilitate the display of the enhanced data according to your particular
business requirements.
In the method implementation, copy the contents of IF_BADI_SD_BIL_PRINT01~PRINT_DATA
method in CL_TM_INVOICE class. You do not change the code logic before the call for the function
module to generate the PDF. The output of the BUILD_DATA_FOR_PRINT method contains the data
the system feeds to the PDF form interface that we deliver as standard.
You can use the output from the BUILD_DATA_FOR_PRINT and GET_CFIR_DATA methods to ll the
enhanced elds in the PDF form interface.
2. Create a new PDF form interface, dierent to the standard
The PDF form for the new enhancement implementation is a new form, for example
ZTM_INVOICE_FORM02, created with a new PDF form interface. This means the interface for the newly
created PDF form is dierent from the interface we deliver as standard.
In the method implementation, copy the contents of IF_BADI_SD_BIL_PRINT01~PRINT_DATA
method in CL_TM_INVOICE class.
Remove the call for the BUILD_DATA_FOR_PRINT method from the code logic, because the method
that we provide as standard lls the data to the elds in the standard PDF form interface.
Implement your own logic to ll the new print structure that the system displays on the PDF form.
Adjust the call to the function module, so that the call passes the valid exporting parameters. The call
then works as it does for the components associated with the PDF form interface.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Invoice Integration
4 Conguration Settings for SAP Credit
Management Integration
You can integrate SAP ERP with SAP Credit Management. You can subsequently use the integrated features to
enable credit limit check functionality in SAP Transportation Management (SAP TM).
Checking credit limits is important for logistic service providers (LSPs). The feature enables you to manage the
risk of credit exposure in your business. The creditworthiness and payment behavior of your business partners
can have an immediate eect on your business results. The credit limit check functionality enables you to
perform the following tasks:
Determine the risk of losses on receivables from a business partner early
Make credit decisions eciently
Take advantage of partially automated features
•For more information on how to congure SAP Credit Management, see SAP Service Marketplace for SAP
Financial Supply Chain Management under
Credit Management Media
Library Other Conguration Guide – Multiple Back Ends
4.1 Message Flow for SAP Credit Management
The following table describes the message ow for SAP Credit Management integration:
Message Description
CreditCommitmentNotication_Out Send forwarding settlement amount for a business partner
to update credit exposure in SAP Credit Management
CreditWorthinessQuery_Out Receive credit worthiness of a business partner from SAP
Credit Management
4.2 Specication of Customizing Settings in SAP Credit
You must specify Customizing settings in SAP Credit Management to integrate with SAP ERP, and to
subsequently use the integrated features to enable credit limit check functionality in SAP Transportation
Management (SAP TM).
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for SAP Credit Management Integration
P U B L I C 49
1. Specify the standard settings
As standard, SAP Credit Management checks all the credit segments to which you have assigned a
business partner. For example, if you assign the same business partner to two credit segments, and one
segment is the main segment (0000), the system checks both credit segments.
If you do not want the system to check a segment, including the main segment, you must specify this in
Customizing for Financial Supply Chain Management under Credit Management Credit Risk Monitoring
Master Data Create Credit Segments . For example, you assign a business partner to segments 0000
and 0001, where 0000 is the main segment. If you only want to check segment 0001, you must deselect
the Add. Contribution to Main Credit Segment eld in segment 0001.
2. Dene the check rules
You must specify check rules in Customizing for Financial Supply Chain Management under Credit
Management Credit Risk Monitoring Credit Limit Check Dene Checking Rules .
3. Assign the credit control area and credit segment
You must assign a credit control area and credit segment in Customizing for Financial Supply Chain
under Credit Management Integration with Accounts Receivable Accounting and Sales
and Distribution Integration with Accounts Receivable Accounting Assign Credit Control Area and Credit
Enter the credit control area, credit segment, and currency. Enter Open order value on time axis, delivery
and bill. doc. value in the Update eld.
In the Assign Permitted Credit Control Areas to Company Code Customizing activity, assign the credit
control area to the relevant company code.
4. Assign the credit segment to the credit control area
You must assign the relevant credit segment to the credit control area in Customizing for Integration with
Other SAP Components under Transportation Management Invoice Integration Billing Mapping of
Organizational Units Assign Credit Segment to Credit Control Area .
4.3 Specication of Business Partner in Synchronization
The synchronization cockpit enables you to use existing customer or vendor master data to create a business
1. In SAP ERP, enter transaction MDS_LOAD_COCKPIT to open the synchronization cockpit.
2. Choose the synchronization process with a source object of Business Partner, and a target object of
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for SAP Credit Management Integration
3. In the Select Criteria for Source Object area, enter the details of the customer for whom you want to create
a business partner. Choose Start Synchronization.
4.4 Specifying Credit Prole in SAP Credit Management
You must specify the credit prole of the relevant business partner in SAP Credit Management. This enables
you to check the credit limits of the partner.
1. In SAP Credit Management, enter transaction BP to open the Maintain Business Partner transaction. Select
the relevant partner.
2. In the Change in BP Role eld, enter SAP Credit Management.
3. In the Credit Prole tab page, enter the appropriate information in the following elds:
Risk class
Check rule
Customer group
4. Choose the Credit Segment Data button, and enter the appropriate credit segment.
5. In the Credit Limit and Control tab page, enter the following information, as appropriate:
Valid to date
You can also select the Blocked in Credit Management eld to ensure a business partner does not pass a
credit limit check. You can also enter a reason for why you block the business partner.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for SAP Credit Management Integration
P U B L I C 51
5 Conguration Settings for Order and
Delivery Integration
You use this process to congure the settings in SAP ERP that enable you to integrate order and delivery
processing in SAP ERP with SAP Transportation Management (SAP TM).
SAP does not support the use of order and delivery integration in conjunction with inbound integration of
ERP shipments. The system allows you to transfer shipments and their related deliveries from SAP ERP to
SAP TM even if you have already transferred these deliveries (and their related orders) using the order and
delivery integration functions.
If you intend to use order and delivery integration in conjunction with inbound integration of shipments in
the same SAP ERP client, you must make the required conguration and organizational settings to ensure
that the SAP TM system cannot create duplicate transportation requirements.
5.1 Dening Control Keys for Document Transfer
In this procedure, you dene the control keys that determine which documents or document chains are to be
transferred to SAP TM. You can dene as many control keys as required with dierent combinations of
documents. For sales orders, you can also specify whether sales order scheduling is to take place in SAP TM.
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Integration with Other SAP Components, choose
Transportation Management Order Integration .
2. Choose Dene Control Keys for Document Transfer.
3. Make sure that one or more control keys are maintained that cover one or more combinations of
documents to be transferred to SAP TM. You use the control keys in the conguration steps to activate
document transfer to SAP TM.
If you require additional control keys, you can create them in this Customizing activity.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
More Information
For more information, see the system documentation for this Customizing activity.
5.2 Order and Delivery Integration
The following documents can be transferred to SAP Transportation Management (SAP TM): sales orders,
purchase orders, stock transport orders, returns orders (such as sales returns, vendor returns, and store
returns), outbound deliveries, and inbound deliveries.
Before you can transfer the documents, you have to dene the control keys in the respective Customizing
activity and activate the transfer of documents to SAP TM. The settings that you have to congure depend on
the scenario that you want to set up. You also have to congure output determination for the documents.
Integration of Sales Orders, Customer Returns and Corresponding Deliveries
To congure this integration scenario in your SAP ERP system, you congure the settings for sales documents
such that corresponding deliveries are also sent to SAP TM. You congure the settings as follows:
Dening Control Keys for Document Transfer
You must select the SO to TMS checkbox and the Outbd Del. checkbox for the control key. If you want to
schedule sales orders in SAP TM synchronously, select the SO Sched checkbox.
Activating Transfer of Sales Documents
You assign the control key to your sales document types.
Integration of Purchase Orders, Stock Transport Orders, Return Purchase Orders, Return Stock Transport
Orders, and Corresponding Deliveries
To congure this integration scenario in your SAP ERP system, you congure the settings for purchase
documents such that corresponding deliveries are also sent to SAP TM. You congure the settings as follows:
Dening Control Keys for Document Transfer
You must select the PO to TMS checkbox and the Inbd Del. checkbox for the control key.
If you want to transfer conrmation data of external purchase orders to SAP TM as conrmed quantities
you must select the PO Conf. checkbox as well
Activating Transfer of Purchase Orders
You assign the control key to your purchase document types.
Integration of ERP Orders Without Sending Deliveries to SAP TM
To congure this integration scenario in your SAP ERP system, you congure the settings for orders such that
the corresponding deliveries are not sent to SAP TM. You congure the settings as follows:
Dening Control Keys for Document Transfer
You must select the SO to TMS checkbox for the control key, but you do not select the Outbd Del.
checkbox. In the same way, you select the PO to TMS checkbox for the control key for purchase
documents, but you do not select the Inbd Del. checkbox.
Activating Transfer of Sales Documents
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
P U B L I C 53
You assign the control key.for sales documents to your sales document types.
Activating Transfer of Purchase Orders
You assign the control key for purchase documents to your purchase document types.
Integration of ERP Deliveries Without Sending Orders to SAP TM
To congure this integration scenario in your SAP ERP system, you congure settings for deliveries such that
the preceding order documents are not sent to SAP TM. You congure the settings as follows:
Dening Control Keys for Document Transfer
You must select the Outbd Del. checkbox for the control key for outbound deliveries and the Inbd Del.
checkbox for the control key for inbound deliveries. The control keys must not have the SO to TM checkbox
or the PO to TM checkbox selected.
Activating Transfer of Delivery Documents
You assign the control key to your delivery document types.
For information about the necessary message control settings in SAP ERP, see SAP Library for SAP
Enhancement Package 5 for SAP ERP 6.0 on SAP Help Portal at . In SAP Library,
choose SAP ERP Central Component Logistics Logistics – General (LO) Integration of SAP ERP with
SAP Transportation Management
Integration: Order and Delivery Processing – SAP TM Prerequisites for
Order and Delivery Integration .
Integration Business Add-Ins (BAdIs)
The following BAdIs are available in Customizing for Integration with Other SAP Components under
Transportation Management Order Integration Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) :
BAdI: Sales Document Integration with TM
BAdI: Purchase Order Integration with TM
BAdI: Delivery Integration with TM
You can use these BAdIs to dene the control key and the technical settings for transportation management
according to your own logic, overriding the Customizing settings. The BAdIs are called when a document is
saved for the rst time.
More Information
To improve understanding and provide a better overview, the following tables show the dierent messages that
are used to transfer order-related and delivery-related data between SAP ERP and SAP TM.
Message Flow Order Integration
ERP Orders and Order-Based Transportation Requirements
Message Description
Send created or changed sales orders from SAP ERP to SAP
54 P U B L I C
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
ERP Orders and Order-Based Transportation Requirements
Message Description
Send created or changed purchase and stock transport or
ders and their returns from SAP ERP to SAP TM
Send created or changed customer returns from SAP ERP to
Receive creation or change requests for order-based trans
portation requirements in SAP TM
Send cancellation requests for sales orders from SAP ERP to
Send cancellation requests for purchase and stock transport
orders and their returns from SAP ERP to SAP TM
Send cancellation requests for customer returns from SAP
Cancel requests for order-based transportation require
ments in SAP TM
Simulation of Sales Orders
Message Description
Send simulation requests for created or changed sales or
ders from SAP ERP to SAP TM
Receive creation or change requests for simulation-based
order-based transportation requirements in SAP TM
ERP Deliveries and Delivery-Based Transportation Requirements
Message Description
Send creation requests for outbound deliveries from SAP TM
Receive creation requests for outbound deliveries in SAP
Send conrmations of requests for outbound deliveries from
Receive conrmations of requests for outbound deliveries in
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
P U B L I C 55
ERP Deliveries and Delivery-Based Transportation Requirements
Message Description
Send created or changed outbound deliveries from SAP ERP
Send cancellation requests for outbound deliveries from
Send creation requests for inbound deliveries from SAP TM
Receive creation requests for inbound deliveries in SAP ERP
Send conrmations of requests for inbound deliveries from
Receive conrmations of requests for inbound deliveries in
Send created or changed inbound deliveries from SAP ERP
Send cancellation requests for inbound deliveries from SAP
Receive creation or change requests for delivery-based
transportation requirements in SAP TM
Receive cancellation requests for delivery-based transporta
tion requirements in SAP TM
Send split requests for outbound deliveries from SAP TM to
Receive split requests for outbound deliveries in SAP ERP
Send conrmations of split requests for outbound deliveries
from SAP ERP to SAP TM
Receive conrmations of split requests for outbound deliver
ies in SAP TM
Send update requests for outbound deliveries from SAP TM
Receive update requests for outbound deliveries in SAP ERP
Send conrmations of update requests for outbound deliver
ies from SAP ERP to SAP TM
56 P U B L I C
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
ERP Deliveries and Delivery-Based Transportation Requirements
Message Description
Receive conrmations of update requests for outbound de
liveries in SAP TM
SAP TM Document Flow in SAP ERP
Message Description
Send request for TM business document ow from SAP ERP
Receive requests for TM business document ow in SAP TM
5.2.1 Dening Control Keys for Document Transfer
In this procedure, you dene the control keys that determine which documents or document chains are to be
transferred to SAP TM. You can dene as many control keys as required with dierent combinations of
documents. For sales orders, you can also specify whether sales order scheduling is to take place in SAP TM.
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Integration with Other SAP Components, choose
Transportation Management Order Integration .
2. Choose Dene Control Keys for Document Transfer.
3. Make sure that one or more control keys are maintained that cover one or more combinations of
documents to be transferred to SAP TM. You use the control keys in the conguration steps to activate
document transfer to SAP TM.
If you require additional control keys, you can create them in this Customizing activity.
More Information
For more information, see the system documentation for this Customizing activity.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
P U B L I C 57
5.2.2 Activating Transfer of Sales Documents
You have dened the necessary control keys.
In this procedure, you dene the sales documents that you want to transfer from SAP ERP to SAP TM. You
dene the control key that is to be used and the number of the SAP TM system to which you want to transfer
the sales documents. This information is dependent on the sales area, sales document type, and shipping
condition. You can also specify a technical transportation management number that distinguishes the
receiving SAP TM system in SAP NetWeaver PI (condition).
The control key determines which documents in the document chain are to be transferred to SAP TM.
1. In Customizing for SAP ERP, choose Integration with Other SAP Components Transportation
Management Order Integration Activate Transfer of Sales Documents .
2. Make sure that an entry exists for the sales organization, distribution channel, divison, sales document
type, and shipping condition you need, and that the control key matches. If necessary, specify the technical
number of the SAP TM system as well.
Next Steps
For more information, see the documentation for the Customizing activity.
5.2.3 Activating Transfer of Purchase Orders
You have dened the necessary control keys.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
In this procedure, you dene the purchase orders that you want to transfer from SAP ERP to SAP TM. You
dene the control key that is to be used and the number of the SAP TM system to which you want to transfer
the purchase orders. This information is dependent on the purchasing organization, purchasing group, and
purchasing order type. You can also specify a technical transportation management number that distinguishes
the receiving SAP TM system in SAP NetWeaver PI (condition).
The control key determines which documents in the document chain are to be transferred to SAP TM.
1. In Customizing for SAP ERP, choose Integration with Other SAP Components Transportation
Order Integration Activate Transfer of Purchase Orders .
2. Make sure that an entry exists for the purchasing organization, purchasing group, and purchase order type
you need, and that the control key matches. If necessary, specify the technical number of the SAP TM
system as well.
Next Steps
For more information, see the documentation for the Customizing activity.
5.2.4 Activating Transfer of Delivery Documents
You have dened the necessary control keys.
In this procedure, you dene the delivery documents that you want to transfer from SAP ERP to SAP TM. You
dene the control key that is to be used and the number of the SAP TM system to which you want to transfer
the delivery documents. This information is dependent on the shipping point, the delivery type, and the
shipping condition. You can also specify a technical transportation management number that distinguishes the
receiving SAP TM system in SAP NetWeaver PI (condition).
The control key determines which delivery documents are to be transferred to SAP TM.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
P U B L I C 59
You can also activate the transfer of delivery documents using the control key that is assigned to the
preceding document in the document chain (for example, a sales order or a purchase order). In this case,
the delivery inherits the control key from the preceding document and the system ignores any settings that
you congure in this procedure.
1. In Customizing for SAP ERP, choose Integration with Other SAP Components Transportation
Order Integration Activate Transfer of Delivery Documents. .
2. Make sure that an entry exists for the shipping point, delivery type, and shipping condition you need, and
that the control key matches. If necessary, specify the technical number of the SAP TM system as well.
Next Steps
For more information, see the documentation for the Customizing activity.
5.3 Maintain Output Determination for Sales Documents
The following settings must be congured to send sales documents from SAP ERP to SAP TM. Output
determination is used to create XML messages, which are then sent to SAP TM.
5.3.1 Maintaining Condition Tables (SD)
In this step, you dene the combination of elds for which you want to create output condition records in a
condition table. This enables you to control output determination depending on your specic eld combination.
Alternatively, you can check whether the data you need is already available.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
Check whether the required elds are assigned to the condition table, as follows:
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Sales and Distribution, choose Basic Functions Output
Output Determination Output Determination Using the Condition Technique Maintain output
Determination for Sales Documents Maintain Condition Tables.
2. Choose Maintain Output Condition Table for Sales Documents.
3. Ensure that the Sales Document Type eld is assigned to condition table 007 Order Type.
If this is not the case, create a new condition table for output control, as follows:
1. In Customizing for Sales and Distribution, choose Basic Functions Output Control Output
Output Determination Using the Condition Technique Maintain output Determination for
Sales Documents Maintain Condition Tables.
2. Choose Maintain Output Condition Table for Sales Documents.
3. Choose Condition Create .
4. In the Table eld, enter a name (3-digit number) for the new condition table that is to be created.
Note that you can only choose names between 900 and 999.
5. Choose Enter.
6. Enter a description for the new condition table, for example, Order Type.
7. Select the required elds for the condition table from the list of allowed elds, for example, Sales Document
Type .
8. Generate the new condition table.
You have dened a new condition table for which you can maintain condition records.
5.3.2 Maintaining Output Types (SD)
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Sales and Distribution, choose Basic Functions Output
Output Determination Output Determination Using the Condition Technique Maintain output
Determination for Sales Documents Maintain Output Types.
2. Make sure that output types TRS0 (order to external TMS) and TRR0 (returns to external TMS) have been
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
P U B L I C 61
3. Select output type TRS0 and choose Details.
4. Enter the following data on the General data tab:
Field Value
Access Sequence
Access to Conditions Select this checkbox
Multiple Issuing Select this checkbox
Partner-Indep. Output Select this checkbox
FORM Routine
5. Enter the following data on the Default values tab page:
Field Value
Dispatch Time
Send Immediately (when saving the
Transmission Medium
8 Special function
6. Repeat steps 3 to 6 for output type TRRO.
5.3.3 Maintaining Access Sequences (SD)
In this step, you can check whether the required access sequences are available, or you can create access
sequences that you can use to determine the following:
Which condition tables are used to access condition records
The sequence of these condition tables
With which eld contents they are read
You have already dened the necessary condition tables.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
Check the available access sequences as follows:
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Sales and Distribution, choose Basic Functions Output
Control Output Determination Output Determination Using the Condition Technique Maintain Output
Determination for Sales Documents
Maintain Access Sequences .
2. In the overview area, select access sequence 0002 Order Type.
3. Choose Accesses.
Condition table 7 is displayed in the Overview Accesses table.
If the right access sequence is not available, create it as follows:
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Sales and Distribution, choose Basic Functions Output
Control Output Determination Output Determination Using the Condition Technique Maintain Output
Determination for Sales Documents
Maintain Access Sequences .
2. In change mode, choose New Entries.
3. In Access Sequences, create an access sequence by dening an alphanumeric key (with a maximum of four
characters) and enter a description.
4. In Source, select one of the following sources: Other system (for example, ERP) or Local.
5. Select a row in the Access Sequences table, and in the left frame, choose Fields.
You can dene the accesses by dening the sequence of accesses in the access sequence and choosing
the corresponding condition tables.
6. Choose Save.
In the Determine Work Area: Entry dialog box, you can enter a direct value so that the system overwrites the
value transferred from the calling application. You can also set an initial indicator.
5.3.4 Maintaining Output Determination Procedure (SD)
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Sales and Distribution, choose Basic Functions Output
Control Output Determination Output Determination Using the Condition Technique Maintain output
Determination for Sales Documents
Maintain Output Determination Procedure.
2. Make sure that procedure V10000 has been entered.
3. In the dialog structure, select Control Data.
4. Make sure that the following entries have been made for procedure V10000:
Reference Step Overview
Step Condition Counter Condition Type Requirement
<Any available step
1 TRS0 27
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
P U B L I C 63
Step Condition Counter Condition Type Requirement
<Any available step
1 TRR0 28
5.3.5 Assigning Output Determination Procedures (SD)
In this step, you assign output determination procedures to document types. You can also specify an output
type that is to be displayed when the relevant document is displayed or changed.
Output determination procedures are dened.
Output types are dened.
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Sales and Distribution, choose Basic Functions Output
Control Output Determination Output Determination Using the Condition Technique Maintain output
Determination for Sales Documents Assign Output Determination Procedure.
2. Choose Allocate Sales Document header.
3. In the overview, assign the output determination procedures as follows:
Sales Document Type Output Determination Procedure Output Type
OR Standard Order
V10000 TRS0
ODOT Standard Order
V10000 TRS0
OTTL Standard Order
V10000 TRS0
ZOR Standard Order
V10000 TRS0
RE Returns
V10000 TRR0
64 P U B L I C
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
It is sucient to assign an output determination procedure (such as V10000) to a sales order type (such as
OR) in this Customizing activity. The output type may dier from that specied here, but must be dened
for the corresponding output determination procedure. As long as the relevant output type (TRS0 or TRR0)
is maintained for the output determination procedure, it will be taken into account by the system at
processing time.
OR and RE are standard order types that are delivered as part of the standard SAP ERP Customizing. ODOT
is required for the Domestic Outbound Transportation scenario and OTTL is required for the Outsourced
Transportation scenario. ZOR is required for integration with SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SAP
EWM). If you do not intend to implement these scenarios, you can ignore these entries and also those in the
following Customizing settings.
5.3.6 Creating Output Condition Records (SD)
In this step, you link the order type of your sales document with an output type that is congured for the data
transfer to SAP TM. You dene the message attributes, for example, the processing time or the language. From
a technical point of view, you create condition records.
Output Type TRS0
1. On the SAP Easy Access screen for SAP ERP, choose Logistics Sales and Distribution Master Data
Output Sales Document Create or call transaction VV11.
2. Choose Output Type TRS0.
3. Choose Enter.
4. On the following screen, enter the data as shown in the following table:
SD Type Name Medium Date/Time Language
OR Standard Order 8 Special Function 4 Send immediately
(when saving the ap
ODOT DOT Standard Order 8 Special Function 4 Send immediately
(when saving the ap
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
P U B L I C 65
SD Type Name Medium Date/Time Language
OTTL OT Standard Order 8 Special Function 4 Send immediately
(when saving the ap
ZOR OT Standard Order 8 Special Function 4 Send immediately
(when saving the ap
5. Note the following:
Leave the Funct. and Partner elds blank.
OR and is a standard order type that is delivered as part of standard ERP Customizing. ODOT is required
for the Domestic Outbound Transportation scenario and OTTL is required for the Outsourced
scenario. ZOR is required for integration with SAP EWM. If you do not intend to
implement these scenarios, you can ignore these entries.
6. Save your entries.
Output Type TRR0
1. On the SAP Easy Access screen of SAP ERP, choose Logistics Sales and Distribution Master Data
Output Sales Document Create or call transaction VV11.
2. Choose Output Type TRR0.
3. Choose Enter.
4. On the following screen, enter the data as shown in the following table:
SD Type Name Medium Date/Time Language
RE RE Returns 8 Special Function 4 Send immediately
(when saving the ap
5. Note the following:
Leave the Funct. and Partner elds blank.
RE is a standard order type that is delivered as part of standard ERP Customizing.
6. Save your entries.
5.4 Maintaining Workow Event Type Linkages for Purchase
In this step, you maintain purchase orders and stock transport orders. In contrast to sales documents and
deliveries, which are processed using output control, purchase orders and stock transport orders are
processed using workow technology.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
1. On the SAP Easy Access screen of your SAP ERP system, choose Tools ABAP Workbench
Development SAP Business Workow Denition Tools Events Event Linkages Type Linkages .
2. Create the following entries:
Field Value
Object Category
ABAP Class
Object Type
Receiver Type
Receiver Call
Function Module
Receiver Function Module
Linkage Activated Selected
Field Value
Object Category
ABAP Class
Object Type
Receiver Type
Receiver Call
Function Module
Receiver Function Module
Linkage Activated Selected
3. Save your entries.
4. On the SAP Easy Access screen of your SAP ERP system, choose Tools ABAP Workbench
Development SAP Business Workow Utilities Automatic Workow Customizing .
5. Choose Perform Automatic Workow Customizing (F9).
If you experience problems with workow Customizing, see SAP Note 1530240 .
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
P U B L I C 67
5.5 Maintain Output Determination for Outbound Deliveries
You must congure the following settings to send outbound deliveries from SAP ERP to SAP TM. Output
determination is used to create XML messages, which are sent to SAP TM.
5.5.1 Maintaining Condition Tables (Outbound Delivery)
In this step, you dene the combination of elds for which you want to create output condition records in a
condition table. This enables you to control output determination depending on your specic eld combination.
Alternatively, you can check whether the data that you need is already available.
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Logistics Execution, choose Shipping Basic Shipping
Functions Output Control Output Determination Maintain Output Determination for Outbound
Maintain Condition Tables.
2. Choose Maintain Output Condition Table for Deliveries.
3. Make sure that the eld Delivery Type is assigned to condition table 009.
If that is not the case, create a new condition table for output control (shipments):
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Logistics Execution, choose Shipping Basic Shipping
Functions Output Control Output Determination Maintain Output Determination for Outbound
Maintain Condition Tables.
2. Choose Maintain Output Condition Table for Deliveries.
3. Choose Condition Create.
4. In the Table eld, enter a name (3-digit number) for the new condition table that is to be created.
Note that you can only choose names between 900 and 999.
5. Choose Enter.
6. Enter a description for the new condition table, for example, Delivery Type.
7. Select the required elds for the condition table from the list of allowed elds, for example, Delivery Type .
8. Generate the new condition table.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
5.5.2 Maintaining Access Sequences (Outbound Delivery)
In this procedure, you check whether the required access sequences are available or you create access
sequences that you can use to determine the following:
The condition tables that are used to access condition records
The sequence of these condition tables
The eld contents with which they are read
You have dened the necessary condition tables.
Check the available access sequences as follows:
1. In the SAP ERP system, navigate to Customizing for Logistics Execution and choose Shipping Basic
Shipping Functions Output Control Output Determination Maintain Output Determination for
Outbound Deliveries Maintain Access Sequences .
2. In the overview, choose access sequence 0001 Delivery Type.
3. Choose Accesses.
4. The Accesses Overview area contains condition table 9.
If the correct access sequence is not available, create it as follows:
1. In the SAP ERP system, navigate to Customizing for Logistics Execution and choose Shipping Basic
Shipping Functions
Output Control Output Determination Maintain Output Determination for
Outbound Deliveries Maintain Access Sequences .
2. Switch to change mode.
3. Choose New Entries.
4. In Access Seq, create an access sequence by dening an alphanumeric key (with a maximum of four
characters) and enter a description.
5. In Description, enter a description.
6. In Source, select one of the following sources: Other system (for example, ERP) or Local.
7. Select a row in the Access Sequences table, and in the left frame, choose Fields.
You can dene the accesses by dening the sequence of accesses in the access sequence and choosing
the corresponding condition tables.
8. Choose Save.
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Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
P U B L I C 69
In the Determine Work Area: Entry dialog box, you can enter a value directly so that the system overwrites
the value transferred from the calling application. You can also set an initial indicator.
5.5.3 Maintaining Output Types (Outbound Delivery)
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Logistics Execution, choose Shipping Basic Shipping
Output Control Output Determination Maintain Output Determination for Outbound
Deliveries Maintain Output Types.
2. Make sure that output type TRD0 (delivery to external TMS) has been entered.
If not, enter TRD0 with the following data:
Output Types
Output Type
Cr./Chg TM Int. ODLV
General Data tab
Access sequence
Access to conditions Select this checkbox
CannotBeChanged Do not select this checkbox
Multiple issuing Select this checkbox
Partner-indep.output Select this checkbox
do not write processing log Do not select this checkbox
FORM routine
Default values tab
Dispatch Time
4 Send immediately (when saving the
70 P U B L I C
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
Transmission Medium
8 Special function
Partner Function Leave this empty
Communication Strategy Leave this empty
3. In the dialogue structure, select Processing Routines.
4. Make sure that the following entries have been made for the output types:
Processing Routines
Field Entry
Transmission Medium
Form Routine
5.5.4 Maintaining Output Determination Procedure
(Outbound Delivery)
1. In the SAP ERP system in Customizing for Logistics Execution, choose Shipping Basic Shipping
Output Control Output Determination Maintain Output Determination for Outbound
Deliveries Maintain Output Determination Procedure.
2. Make sure that procedure V10000 has been entered.
3. In the dialogue structure, select Control Data.
4. Make sure that the following entries have been made for procedure V10000:
Reference Step Overview
Step Condition Counter Condition Type Requirement
<Any available step
4 TRD0 440
5.5.5 Assigning Output Determination Procedures (Outbound
In this step, you assign output determination procedures to document types. You can also specify an output
type that is to be displayed when the relevant document is displayed or changed.
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Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
P U B L I C 71
Output determination procedures are dened.
Output types are dened.
1. In the SAP ERP system in Customizing for Logistics Execution, choose Shipping Basic Shipping
Functions Output Control Output Determination Maintain Output Determination for Outbound
Deliveries Assign Output Determination Procedures.
2. Choose Assign deliveries (header).
3. In the overview, assign the output determination procedure as follows:
Delivery Type Output Determination Procedure Output Type
LF Outbound Delivery V10000 TRD0
It is sucient to assign an output determination procedure (such as V10000) to a delivery type (such as
LF) in this Customizing activity. The output type may dier from that specied here, but must be dened
for the corresponding output determination procedure. As long as the relevant output type (for example,
TRD0) is maintained for the output determination procedure, it will be taken into account by the system at
processing time.
LF is a standard delivery type that is delivered as part of SAP ERP Customizing.
5.5.6 Creating Output Condition Records (Outbound
In this step, you link the relevant delivery type with an output type that is congured for the data transfer to
SAP TM. You dene the message attributes, for example, processing time or language. From a technical point
of view, you create condition records.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
1. In the SAP ERP system on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics Logistics Execution Master
Data Output Shipping Outbound Deliveries Create or call transaction VV21.
2. Choose Output Type TRD0.
3. Choose Enter.
4. On the following screen, enter the data as shown in the table below.
Delivery Type Name Medium Date/Time Language
LF Outbound Delivery 8 Special Function 4 Send immediately
(when saving the ap
5. Note the following:
Leave the Funct. and Partner elds blank.
LF is a standard delivery type that is delivered as part of SAP ERP Customizing.
6. Save your entries.
5.5.7 Assigning Processing Class
You have dened output types.
In this step you assign the output type to a processing class. This enables the system to send a message as a
repeat message when you delete a delivery.
1. In the SAP ERP system in Customizing for Logistics Execution, choose Shipping Basic Shipping
Functions Output Control Assign Processing Class .
2. Check that the following entry exists, or create it, if necessary:
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
P U B L I C 73
Field Value
Output Type
5.6 Maintain Output Determination for Inbound Deliveries
You must congure the following settings to send inbound deliveries from SAP ERP to SAP TM. Output
determination is used to create XML messages, which are sent to SAP TM.
5.6.1 Maintaining Condition Tables (Inbound Delivery)
In this procedure, you dene the combination of elds for which you want to create output condition records in
a condition table. This enables you to control output determination depending on your specic eld
1. In Customizing for SAP ERP, choose Logistics Execution Shipping Basic Shipping Functions Output
Control Output Determination Maintain Output Determination for Inbound Deliveries Dene Condition
Table for Inbound Delivery
Create Condition Table for Inbound Delivery .
2. Choose Condition Display .
3. In the Table eld, enter condition table 009.
4. Make sure that the condition table 009 Delivery Type exists.
5. Make sure that the eld Delivery Type is assigned to condition table 009.
If that is not the case, create a new condition table for output control as follows:
1. In Customizing for SAP ERP, choose Logistics Execution Shipping Basic Shipping Functions Output
Output Determination Maintain Output Determination for Inbound Deliveries Dene Condition
Table for Inbound Delivery Create Condition Table for Inbound Delivery .
2. Choose Condition Create. .
3. In the Table eld, enter a name (3-digit number) for your new condition table.
Note that you can only choose names between 900 and 999.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
4. Choose Enter.
5. Enter a description for the new condition table, for example, Delivery Type.
6. Select the required elds for the condition table from the list of allowed elds, for example, Delivery Type.
7. Generate the new condition table.
5.6.2 Maintaining Output Types (Inbound Delivery)
1. In Customizing for SAP ERP, choose Logistics Execution Shipping Basic Shipping Functions Output
Control Output Determination Maintain Output Determination for Inbound Deliveries Dene Output
Types for Inbound Delivery
2. Make sure that output type TRD0 (Delivery to external TMS) has been created. Otherwise, proceed with the
remainder of this procedure.
3. Enter TRD0 with the following data:
Header Area
Output Type
Cr./Chg TM Int. IDLV
General Data tab page
Access sequence
Access to conditions Selected
CannotBeChanged Not selected
Multiple issuing Selected
Partner-indep.output Selected
do not write processing log Not selected
FORM routine
Default values tab page
Dispatch Time 4 Send immediately (when saving the application)
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
P U B L I C 75
Header Area
Transmission Medium 8 Special function
Partner Function Blank
Communication Strategy Blank
4. In the dialogue structure, select Processing Routines.
5. Make sure that the following entries have been made for the output types:
Processing Routines
Field Entry
Transmission Medium 8
Form Routine PROCESS
5.6.3 Maintaining Access Sequences (Inbound Delivery)
In this procedure, you check whether the required access sequences are available or you create access
sequences that you can use to determine the following:
Which condition tables are used to access condition records
The sequence of these condition tables
With which eld contents they are read
You have dened the necessary condition tables.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
Check the available access sequences as follows:
1. In Customizing for SAP ERP, choose Logistics Execution Shipping Basic Shipping Functions Output
Output Determination Maintain Output Determination for Inbound Deliveries Dene Access
Sequence for Inbound Delivery .
2. In the overview, select access sequence 0001 Delivery Type.
3. Double-click Accesses.
4. Condition table 9 is displayed in the Overview Accesses table and requirement 432 is assigned in the
Requirement column.
If the correct access sequence is not available, create it as follows:
1. In Customizing for SAP ERP, choose Logistics Execution Shipping Basic Shipping Functions Output
Output Determination Maintain Output Determination for Inbound Deliveries Dene Access
Sequence for Inbound Delivery .
2. Switch to edit mode and choose New Entries.
3. In the Access Sequences area, create an access sequence by specifying an alphanumeric key (with a
maximum of four characters) and a description.
4. In Description, enter a description.
5. In Source, select one of the following sources: Other system (for example, ERP) or Local.
6. Select the row in the Access Sequences table and choose Fields from the dialog structure.
You can dene accesses by specifying the access sequence and choosing the corresponding condition
7. Save your entries.
In the Determine Work Area: Entry dialog box, you can enter a direct value so that the system overwrites the
value transferred from the calling application. You can also set an initial indicator.
5.6.4 Maintaining Output Determination Procedure (Inbound
1. In the SAP ERP system, navigate to Customizing for Logistics Execution and choose Shipping Basic
Shipping Functions
Output Control Output Determination Maintain Output Determination for Inbound
Deliveries Maintain Output Determination Procedure .
2. Check that procedure E10001 - Inbound Delivery exists and select it. If the procedure does not exist,
create it.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
P U B L I C 77
3. In the dialog structure, select Control Data.
4. Check that the following entries have been made for procedure E10001:
Step Condition Counter Condition Type Requirement
<Any available step
<Any available
condition counter>
TRD0 441
5.6.5 Assigning Output Determination Procedures (Inbound
In this procedure, you assign output determination procedures to document types. You can also specify an
output type that is to be displayed when the relevant document is displayed or changed.
You have dened output determination procedures.
You have dened output types.
1. In the SAP ERP system, navigate to Customizing for Logistics Execution and choose Shipping Basic
Shipping Functions
Output Control Output Determination Maintain Output Determination for
Outbound Deliveries Assign Output Determination Procedures. .
2. In the overview, assign the output determination procedure as follows:
Delivery Type Output Determination Procedure Output Type
EL Inbound Delivery E10001 TRD0
It is sucient to assign an output determination procedure (such as E10000) to a delivery type (such as
EL) in this Customizing activity. The output type may dier from that specied here, but must be dened
for the corresponding output determination procedure. As long as the relevant output type (for example,
TRD0) is maintained for the output determination procedure, it will be taken into account by the system at
processing time.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
Note that EL is a standard delivery type that is delivered as part of SAP ERP Customizing.
5.6.6 Creating Output Condition Records (Inbound Delivery)
In this procedure, you link the relevant delivery type with an output type that is congured for the data transfer
to SAP TM. You dene the message attributes, for example, the processing time or language. From a technical
point of view, you create condition records.
1. On the SAP Easy Access screen of SAP ERP, choose Logistics Logistics Execution Master Data
Output Shipping Inbound Deliveries Create or call transaction MN24.
2. Enter output type TRD0 and press ENTER .
3. On the following screen, enter the data as shown in the table below.
Delivery Type Name Medium Date/Time Language
EL Inbound
8 Special
4 Send
(when saving
4. Note the following:
Leave the Funct. and Partner elds blank.
EL is a standard delivery type that is delivered as part of SAP ERP Customizing.
5. Save your entries.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
P U B L I C 79
5.6.7 Assigning Processing Class
You have dened output types.
In this step you assign the output type to a processing class. This enables the system to send a message as a
repeat message when you delete a delivery.
1. In the SAP ERP system in Customizing for Logistics Execution, choose Shipping Basic Shipping
Functions Output Control Assign Processing Class .
2. Check that the following entry exists, or create it, if necessary:
Field Value
Output Type
5.7 Conguration Settings for SAP NetWeaver Process
You have to make settings in the SAP ERP system and the SAP NetWeaver Process Integration (PI) system.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
You have congured your SAP PI system as the integration server for your SAP ERP and SAP TM systems.
Your systems are correctly set up and registered in the system landscape directory.
You have established communication channels.
You have installed the latest SAP TM PI content package.
1. Make sure that you have dened control keys for document transfer.
In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Integration with Other SAP Components, choose
Transportation Management Order Integration Dene Control Keys for Document Transfer .
2. Make sure that you have activated the transfer of purchase orders, sales documents, and delivery
In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Integration with Other SAP Components, choose
Transportation Management Order Integration Activate Transfer of Purchase Orders (Sales
Documents, Delivery Documents)
3. Make the required settings in the SAP NetWeaver Process Integration system.
More Information
For more information about the Customizing settings in the SAP ERP system, see Order and Delivery
Integration [page 53].
For more information about the SAP NetWeaver PI settings, see Conguring SAP NetWeaver PI for Order
and Invoice Integration [page 82].
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Order and Delivery Integration
P U B L I C 81
6 Conguration Settings for SAP
NetWeaver PI
You use this process to congure the settings in SAP NetWeaver PI that enable you to integrate SAP
Transportation Management with other applications, for example, SAP ERP.
6.1 Conguring SAP NetWeaver PI for Order and Invoice
In the SAP NetWeaver Process Integration (SAP NetWeaver PI) system, you have to set up a business system, a
communication channel, and a conguration scenario for the required integration scenarios. You can create
conguration scenarios for the following integration scenarios:
Order integration: TM_EPROrderIntegration
Sales order scheduling: TM_ERPSalesOrderScheduling
Invoice integration: TM_ERPInvoiceIntegration
The following steps for conguring scenarios are described for SAP NetWeaver PI Releases 7.0, 7.10, 7.11,
7.31, 7.4, and 7.5.
Procedure for Release 7.0
1. Start the Integration Directory in the SAP NetWeaver PI system by choosing Start Integration Builder:
Integration Builder Conguration Integration Directory (transaction SXMB_IFR).
Note that the Integration Builder opens in a separate Web Dynpro session.
2. Create a new integration scenario as follows:
1. Choose the Scenarios tab page and then choose Create Object.
2. In the Conguration Objects section, choose Conguration Scenario.
3. Choose an integration scenario from the integration repository (for example,
TM_ERPOrderIntegration) by using the input help ( F4 ). If more than one option is available for the
same scenario, select the scenario with the latest software version.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for SAP NetWeaver PI
4. Enter a name for the conguration scenario in the format TM_ERPOrderIntegration_<ERP
SID>_<ERP Client>_<TM SID>_<TM Client> (for example,
5. Choose Create.
3. Dene conguration scenario objects as follows:
1. In edit mode, choose Integration Scenario Congurator to start the congurator.
2. Choose Select Component View.
3. Select the component view with the correct release level or enhancement package level of your SAP
ERP system, together with the correct release level or enhancement package level of the SAP TM
system you plan to integrate.
4. Choose Apply to save your selection.
5. Choose Assign Services.
6. Choose Insert Line and select your SAP ERP system (for example, ERP_500).
7. Choose the right arrow in the top-right of the screen to navigate to the next role. The system changes
the role from SAP ERP to SAP TM.
8. Choose Insert Line and select your SAP TM system (for example, TM1_750).
9. Choose Assign to save your selection
10. Choose Congure Connections.
11. In the Communication Channel eld, select channel GeneratedReceiverChannel_XI and choose OK.
12. Choose the right arrow in the top-right of screen to navigate to the next connection. The “From Action
– To Action” combination changes. Choose Insert Line and select the communication channel. Repeat
this step for all “From Action – To Action” combinations (until the communication channel is specied
for each service assignment).
13. Choose Apply to save your settings.
14. Choose Generate.
15. In the General section, select Generation.
16. In the Scope of Generation section, activate each Received Determination, Interface Determination, and
Sender/Receiver Agreement.
17. Choose Start to trigger the generation process.
18. Check that the line Error when creating or changing conguration objects in the log does not contain
any entries.
19. Close the log screen without saving.
20.In the Integration Scenario Congurator menu, choose Settings Apply Changes and Save
Conguration Settings .
21. Close the Scenario Congurator by choosing Settings Close .
22.Apply changes to save.
4. Activate your integration scenario as follows:
1. Choose the Scenarios tab page.
2. Right-click the integration scenario your created above (for example,
3. Choose Activate from the menu.
4. Close the window.
Also create an integration scenario for TM_ERPSalesOrderScheduling and TM_ERPInvoiceIntegration.
Procedure for Release 7.10
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for SAP NetWeaver PI
P U B L I C 83
1. Start the Integration Directory in the SAP NetWeaver PI system by choosing Start Integration Builder:
Conguration Integration Directory (transaction SXMB_IFR).
2. Assign business systems as follows:
1. In the object list, choose Service Without Party Business System .
2. In the context menu for Assign Business System, choose the relevant systems for your system
You can create the communication channels automatically while assigning a business system. For the
scenarios described in this section, you have to create the channel for the XI adapter.
3. Create a conguration scenario by transferring an integration scenario from the Integration Repository.
Proceed as follows:
1. In the Integration Builder: Conguration, choose Tools Transfer Integration Scenario from the
Integration Repository .
2. Select one of the conguration scenarios delivered by SAP from the list (TM_ERPOrderIntegration,
TM_ERPSalesOrderScheduling, or TM_ERPInvoiceIntegration) and follow the steps in the
3. Assign the service (business system) to all application components.
4. Carry out the Congure Connections step.
Assign the generated communication channel for the XI adapter for each step.
5. Carry out the Generate step by choosing the START pushbutton.
In this step, you create all conguration objects that you require for your integration scenario. You can
also perform a simulation for testing purposes. When you choose the START pushbutton, the system
creates all required conguration objects.
The system displays the result of the generation process in a log. You do not have to save the log.
Assign all objects to your created conguration scenario.
6. Activate all changes.
For example, in the context menu for the integration scenario, choose Activate. The system displays a
screen on which you can select and activate all changes.
Procedure for Release 7.11, 7.31, 7.4, and 7.5
1. Start the Integration Directory in the SAP NetWeaver PI system by choosing Start Integration Builder:
Integration Directory (transaction SXMB_IFR).
2. Assign business systems as follows:
1. In the object list, choose Communication Component Without Party Business System .
2. In the context menu for Assign Business System, choose the relevant systems for your system
3. Create a conguration scenario by transferring an integration scenario from the Integration Repository.
Proceed as follows:
1. Start the Integration Directory in the SAP NetWeaver PI system by choosing Start Integration Builder:
Conguration Integration Directory (transaction SXMB_IFR).
2. In the object list, choose Conguration Scenario.
3. In the context menu, choose New.
4. Enter a name for the conguration scenario, in which you specify the SID and Client for both the ERP
and the TM systems that you are connecting, for example,
5. Choose Process Integration Scenario as the type of ES Repository Model.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for SAP NetWeaver PI
6. Select one of the conguration scenarios delivered by SAP from the list (TM_ERPOrderIntegration,
TM_ERPSalesOrderScheduling, or TM_ERPInvoiceIntegration) as ES Repository Model
Reference and click
7. Assign the communication component for each system from the list by clicking the left pushbutton
above the swimlane.
In the Communication Component selection, choose All Business System Components.
8. Choose the Congure Connection pushbutton.
9. Assign the communication channel for the receiver system for each step on the Connections from
Component Assignment tab and then save your entries.
10. Repeat step 6 on the Conguration Scenario Object tab.
11. Create conguration objects by choosing the START pushbutton.
In this step, you create all conguration objects that you require for your integration scenario. You can
also perform a simulation for testing purposes. When you choose the START pushbutton, the system
creates all required conguration objects.
The system displays the result of the generation process in a log. You do not have to save the log.
Assign all objects to your created conguration scenario.
12. Activate all changes.
For example, in the context menu for the integration scenario, choose Activate. The system displays a
screen on which you can select and activate all changes.
Clear your cache. Since all conguration data is stored in the main memory, you have to delete the main
memory cache, otherwise SAP NetWeaver PI will not use the settings.
If you use multiple SAP TM systems together with one SAP ERP system, you can evaluate the SAP TM
destination in the SAP PI system by using the technical transportation management number as a
More Information
For more information about communication channels, see SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Including
Enhancement Package 2 at . In SAP Library, choose SAP NetWeaver
SAP NetWeaver by Key Capability Process Integration by Key Capability SAP NetWeaver Exchange
Design and Conguration Time Conguration Conguring Integration Scenarios
Conguring Connections Assigning Communication Channels .
For more information about conguring integration scenarios, see SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver 7.0
Including Enhancement Package 2 at . In SAP Library, choose SAP
NetWeaver SAP NetWeaver by Key Capability Process Integration by Key Capability SAP NetWeaver
Exchange Infrastructure Design and Conguration Time Conguration Conguring Integration
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for SAP NetWeaver PI
P U B L I C 85
6.2 Activating Error and Conict Handler
You use this component to control the system response in case of errors and conicts in service operations.
You can dene whether service operations are executed again or terminated after errors and conicts. This is
especially helpful, for example, for detecting errors during message exchange between SAP ERP and SAP
Transportation Management.
1. In Customizing for SAP ERP, choose Cross-Application Components Processes and Tools for Enterprise
Applications Enterprise Services Error and Conict Handler Activate Error and Conict Handler .
2. Select the Activated checkbox and save.
Next Steps
For more information, see SAP Library for SAP Enhancement Package 5 for SAP ERP 6.0 at http://
. In SAP Library, choose Processes and Tools for Enterprise Applications Error and
Conict Handler (CA-FS-ECH) .
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for SAP NetWeaver PI
7 Conguration Settings for Shipment
You use this process to congure the settings in SAP ERP that enable you to integrate ERP shipment
processing with SAP Transportation Management (SAP TM). You can integrate ERP shipment processing as
Outbound integration enables you to carry out transportation execution in SAP ERP for freight orders or
freight bookings created in SAP TM. SAP ERP creates shipments based on freight orders or freight
bookings received from SAP TM.
Inbound integration enables you to carry out tendering in SAP TM for shipments created in SAP ERP. SAP
TM creates freight orders based on shipments received from SAP ERP.
SAP does not support the use of order and delivery integration in conjunction with inbound integration of
ERP shipments. The system allows you to transfer shipments and their related deliveries from SAP ERP to
SAP TM even if you have already transferred these deliveries (and their related orders) using the order and
delivery integration functions.
If you intend to use order and delivery integration in conjunction with inbound integration of shipments in
the same SAP ERP client, you must make the required conguration and organizational settings to ensure
that the SAP TM system cannot create duplicate transportation requirements.
The shipment integration can be congured using two dierent alternatives:
IDoc Mapping in SAP PI
An IDoc is sent from SAP ERP to SAP PI. In SAP PI, the IDoc is mapped to a service and sent to SAP TM. If a
service is sent to SAP PI from SAP TM, it is mapped to an IDoc that is subsequently transferred to SAP ERP.
In both cases, mapping is carried out in SAP PI.
An IDoc is created in SAP ERP. The system uses a special port to map the IDoc to an SAP TM service on the
ERP side. The service is then sent to SAP TM via SAP PI without using SAP PI mapping. When a service is
sent from SAP TM to SAP ERP via SAP PI, no data is mapped in SAP PI. In SAP ERP, the data is mapped to
an IDoc and processed. In both cases, mapping is carried out in SAP ERP.
7.1 Outbound Integration of ERP Shipments
You use this process to congure the settings in SAP ERP for outbound integration of ERP shipment
processing. Note that although this guide explains the basic integration settings in SAP ERP, the term
“outbound”, in the sense of outbound integration of ERP shipments, is to be understood always from the
perspective of SAP TM.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 87
Outbound integration of shipment processing enables you to do the following:
Transfer freight orders from SAP TM to SAP ERP and create shipments in SAP ERP based on the freight
Update a freight-order-based shipment in SAP ERP if the relevant freight order is changed in SAP TM and
the changes are transferred to SAP ERP
Delete a freight-order-based shipment in SAP ERP if the relevant freight order is deleted in SAP TM
Send a conrmation from SAP ERP to SAP TM when a shipment is created in SAP ERP based on a freight
order in SAP TM
Update the execution status of a freight order in SAP TM based on the overall status of the corresponding
shipment in SAP ERP using a status notication
Update a freight order in SAP TM based on a notication about changes to deliveries assigned to a
shipment in SAP ERP
Update a freight order in SAP TM based on a notication about changed item and handling unit
assignments to container handling units of a shipment in SAP ERP
The following data is used in this section of the guide:
Object Example Data
Shipment type
Transportation planning point
Output determination procedure
7.1.1 Basic Shipment Settings Dening External Number Ranges
For the outbound integration of shipments, you have to use an external number range for the ERP shipment
and align the number range with the number range of the freight order in SAP TM.
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Logistics Execution, choose Transportation Shipments
Dene Number Ranges for Shipments .
2. Dene a new number range or ensure that the required number range exists.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
The number range must be external and it must have the same interval as the corresponding number
range in SAP TM. You can choose any available number and number range to dene the external number
Example: External Number Range for Shipments
No. From number To number External
02 6100000000 6100000000 Select this checkbox
Choose any free number and number range to dene the external number range. Ensure that you align the
number range that you are dening with the internal number range of the corresponding freight orders in
If you also want to integrate SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SAP EWM), you must set up an
external number range with the same interval for transportation units (TUs) in SAP EWM. This ensures that
in the context of outbound shipment integration, a freight order in SAP TM has the same number as the
corresponding shipment in SAP ERP and the transportation unit in SAP EWM. For more information, see
the respective scenario conguration guides. Dening Shipment Types
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Logistics Execution, choose Transportation Shipments
Dene Shipment Types .
2. Dene a new shipment type (for example, shipment type ZTMO) by copying existing shipment type 0001
and adjusting the data as follows:
Field Value
Shipment type ZTMO
Description TM Integration Outb.
Document cat. 8 Shipment
Note that this eld is lled automatically.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 89
Field Value
Number Systems screen area
NR int. assgt. 01 T
No. range ext. Enter the number range dened in the previous step, for example, 02
Document Content screen area
ShpmtComplType Loaded outbound shipment
Shipping type 01 Truck
Service Level Groupage
ShTypePrelimLeg Blank
ProcessControl Individual shipment using one mode of transport
SubseqLegShType Blank
Leg indicator Direct leg.
Adopt route Do not adopt stages
Determine legs Blank: No legs to be determined
GR-RelevanceInd Normal
Control screen area
Application V7
Note that the system automatically lls this eld and the next four elds when
you assign an output determination procedure to the shipment type. For more
information, see Output Control: Assigning Output Determination Procedures
[page 97].
TextDetermProc. 03 (lled automatically)
PartnDet.Proc TR (lled automatically)
OutputDet.Proc ZSHIPO (lled automatically)
Deadlines WS STANDARD TRA (lled automatically)
Pick check Shipment completion only for full picking
SplProfBefPlng Blank
90 P U B L I C
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
Field Value
SplProfAfterPlg Blank
HUs relevant for DI generation Blank
Proposal screen area
Weight unit KG
Volume unit CD3
Output Type Blank
Selection var. Blank
Planning prof. Blank
Copy Routine 7 Service Agent/Route
The following settings dier from the settings in shipment type 0001 and are crucial for shipment
No. range ext.: This is the number range that you dened in the previous step (see Dening External
Number Ranges [page 88]).
Adopt route and Determine Legs: These settings prevent the system from carrying out additional
calculations related to transportation stages when it creates a shipment. Data about stages should be
taken from the IDoc.
OutputDet.Proc and Output Type: These elds relate to the condition technique for output control. The
system lls them automatically when you assign an output determination procedure to the shipment
type. For more information, see Assigning Output Determination Procedures [page 97]. Maintaining Transportation Planning Points
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Enterprise Structure, choose Denition Logistics Execution
Maintain Transportation Planning Point .
2. Create transportation planning point 1000 by copying existing transportation planning point 0001. Enter
the following data:
TPPt Description CoCd
1000 TM Integration 0001
3. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Logistics Execution, choose Transportation Interfaces
External Transportation Planning Systems Maintain Transportation Planning Point for External Systems .
An entry for the transportation planning point dened above should exist.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 91
4. Edit the entry for the transportation planning point. Enter the following data:
TPPt Description TPS Part No. Item type Output Ext. no. rge Chnge Shp
1000 TM Integration Logical system
name of SAP PI
system, for ex
LS Leave this eld
External num
ber range used
in the ship
ment type, for
example, 02
SAP TM does not use transportation planning points. Transportation planning point 1000 is, therefore,
transferred by default to SAP ERP. If you require other transportation planning points that are stored with
the SAP ERP shipment, implement BAdI BADI_LE_SHIPMENT to determine and save the correct
transportation planning point for the shipment.
7.1.2 Output Control Settings
You must congure the following settings to send shipments from SAP ERP to SAP TM in the context of SAP
TM Outbound Shipment Integration. This involves Customizing activities for maintaining eld catalogs,
condition tables, access sequences, condition types, and schemas. Note that for all of these Customizing
activities, the usage is B and the application is V7. Creating Condition Tables
You have imported the STTRG eld into the transportspecic eld catalog. Since it is not directly contained in
the KOMB structure, you have to insert it indirectly using the KOMBZ structure, which is designed to store this
type of custom entry. Note that this is a DDIC activity and not a Customizing activity.
In this step, you dene the combination of elds for which you want to create output condition records in a
condition table. This enables you to control output determination depending on your specic eld combination.
Alternatively, you can check whether the data you require is already available.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
1. In the SAP ERP system, navigate to Customizing for Logistics Execution and choose Transportation
Basic Transportation Functions Output Control Maintain Output Determination for Shipments
Maintain Condition Tables .
2. Choose Maintain Output Condition Table for Shipments.
3. Create table between 900 and 999 and enter elds SHTYP and STTRG in the Selected elds screen area
under Technical and Medium.
4. Choose Condition Create .
5. In the Table eld, enter a name (3-digit number) for the new condition table.
Note that you can only choose names between 900 and 999.
6. Choose Enter.
7. Enter a description for the new condition table, for example, ShipmntTyp/OverallSta - TM Shipment
8. Select the required elds for the condition table from the list of allowed elds, for example, Shipment Type
and Ov.transport status
9. Generate the new condition table.
You have created a condition table for which you can maintain condition records. Creating Access Sequences
You have to perform this step in a Customizing client that has authorization for cross-client table maintenance.
1. In the SAP ERP system, navigate to Customizing for Logistics Execution and choose Transportation
Basic Transportation Functions Output Control Maintain Output Determination for Shipments
Maintain Access Sequence .
2. Create an access sequence, for example, Z001.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 93
3. Select Accesses in the dialog structure and enter the following data:
No. Table Description Requirement Exclusive
<Next available
Table you created in
Creating Condition
Tables [page 92]
Sta (the description is
lled automatically)
0 Not selected
4. Select your new entry and choose Fields in the dialog structure.
5. In the Field Overview table, enter 0 in the Spec. Val. Source eld for the entry with condition STTRG
(Ov.transport status). Creating Output Types for Shipments
In the Customizing activity Maintain Output Types, you can dene dierent condition types for the dierent
situations in which SHPMNT IDocs are to be sent. Output types control how the SHPMNT IDoc is used to send
a conrmation to SAP TM:
Output type ZTM1 generates an IDoc that sends a status notication to SAP TM.
Output type ZTM2 generates an IDoc that sends a conrmation to SAP TM.
Output type ZTMA generates an IDoc that updates a freight order in SAP TM based on changed delivery
assignments to a SAP ERP shipment.
Output type ZTMP generates an IDoc that updates a freight order in SAP TM based on changed item or
handling unit assignments to a container handling unit of a SAP ERP shipment.
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Logistics Execution, choose Transportation Basic
Transportation Functions Output Control Maintain Output Determination for Shipments Maintain
Output Types
2. Create output type ZTM1 for shipments. Enter the following data:
Output Types
Output Type
TM Outp Stat Notify
94 P U B L I C
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
General Data tab page
Access sequence
Access to conditions Select this checkbox
CannotBeChanged Do not select this checkbox
Multiple issuing Select this checkbox
Partner-indep.output Do not select this checkbox
do not write processing log Do not select this checkbox
Default values tab page
Dispatch Time
4 Send immediately (when saving the
Transmission Medium
Partner Function
Communication Strategy Leave this empty
Time tab page
Timing 2 (job and time entry not allowed) Select this checkbox.
(Do not select any of the other checkboxes.)
3. In the dialog structure, select Processing Routines and enter the following data:
Processing Routines
Field Entry
Transmission Medium
Form Routine
4. In the dialog structure, select Partner functions and enter the following data:
Partner Functions
Field Entry
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 95
Field Entry
Logical System
5. Repeat the above steps to create output types ZTM2, ZTMA, and ZTMP. Use the values for ZTM1 unless
otherwise stated below.
Output Type Description
ZTM2 TM Outp Confirmation
ZTMA Assign/Unassign Del.
ZTMP Package Assignment Dening Output Determination Procedures for
1. In the SAP ERP system, navigate to Customizing for Logistics Execution and choose Transportation
Basic Transportation Functions Output Control Maintain Output Determination for Shipments
Maintain Output Determination Procedure .
2. Create an output determination procedure such as ZSHIPO with the name Transport Output Ship. Outb.
3. Select output determination procedure ZSHIPO and choose Control Data in the dialog structure.
4. Assign output types to output determination procedure ZSHIPO by creating the following entries:
Reference Step Overview
Step Condition Counter Condition Type Requirement
10 1 ZTM1 xx
20 1 ZTM2 xx
30 1 ZTMA 58
40 1 ZTMP xx
Choose any free step number and condition counter that is available.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration Assigning Output Determination Procedures to
Shipment Types
In this step, you assign an output determination procedure and output type to the relevant shipment types.
1. In the SAP ERP system, navigate to Customizing for Logistics Execution and choose Transportation
Basic Transportation Functions Output Control Maintain Output Determination for Shipments Assign
Output Determination Procedures .
2. Create an entry for each relevant shipment type in the integration scenario (for information about
determining shipment types, see Dening Value Mappings [page 124]) and assign the output
determination procedure and output type to the shipment type.
For example, assign output determination procedure ZSHIPO to shipment type ZTMO, as follows:
Shipment Type Description Output Determi
nation Procedure
Description Output Type Name
ZTMO TM Integration
ZSHIPO Transport Output
Ship. Outb.
Blank Assigning Output Types to Partner Functions
1. In the SAP ERP system, navigate to Customizing for Logistics Execution and choose Transportation
Basic Transportation Functions Output Control Maintain Output Determination for Shipments Assign
Output Types to Partner Functions .
2. Assign medium 6 EDI and partner function LS (logical system) to each output type as follows:
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 97
Output Type Name Medium Function
ZTM1 TM Outp Stat Notify 6 – EDI LS – Logical System
ZTM2 TM Outp Conrmation 6 – EDI LS – Logical System
ZTMA Assign/Unassign Del 6 – EDI LS – Logical System
ZTMP Package Assignment 6 – EDI LS – Logical System Checking Output Control Settings
You can check the output control settings using test report RSNASTCK.
1. Start report RSNASTCK. .
2. Enter application V7 and choose Enter
3. In the Select procedure to be checked dialog box, choose only active ones.
4. Enter the shipment type and choose Enter.
The system displays a log that shows whether the output control settings are consistent.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration Creating Condition Records for Shipments
1. On the SAP Easy Access screen of your SAP ERP system, choose Logistics Logistics Execution
Master Data Output Shipment Create or call transaction VV71.
2. Enter output type ZTM1(TM Outp Stat Notify) as the context for the condition record.
3. Create condition records for the condition table you created in Creating Condition Tables [page 92] with
the key eld pair SHTYP (Shipment Type) and STTRG (Ov.transport status).
4. Create one entry for each shipment type and add value 0 for STTRG. For each condition record, enter the
required data as follows:
Funct Partner Medium Date Language
The Partner column contains the name of the SAP Netweaver PI System in the format <PI
SID>CLNT<PI CLNT> (in the example, PI1CLNT001).
5. Repeat the above steps for the following output types:
ZTM2 (TM Outp Confirmation)
ZTMA (Assign/Unassign Del)
ZTMP (Package Assignment)
7.1.3 Conguring Inbound and Outbound Processing
This section contains the settings for conguring inbound communication to SAP ERP (inbound IDocs) and
outbound communication from SAP ERP (outbound IDocs).
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 99 Dening Process Codes for Inbound IDocs
Using transaction WE64, you dene which function modules are used to process IDocs. When you do this, you
map message types to process codes, each of which can be represented by a function module. In this step, you
congure the settings for message types SHPMNT (for creating or changing shipments) and SHIPPL (for
deleting shipments).
1. In the SAP ERP system, call transaction WE64.
2. Under the Inbound Messages node, select the relevant message type and check that the following entries
have been made:
Message Type Process Code Process ID Type of Process ID
SHPMNT SHPM IDOC_INPUT_SHPMNT Processing by function
SHIPPL SHPL IDOC_INPUT_SHIPPL Processing by function
module Dening Partner Proles for Inbound IDocs
In this step, you dene a partner prole for your SAP ERP system.
1. In the SAP ERP system, on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Tools ALE ALE Administration
Runtime Settings Partner Proles (transaction WE20).
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
2. In the navigation tree under Partner Proles, choose partner type LS and check that a partner prole exists
for the SAP TM system (for example, partner number TM1CLNT750). If the partner prole does not yet
exist, create and save it using the following data:
Field Value
Partner No.
For example, TM1CLNT750
Partn. Type
US (User)
Agent Enter a user name
The Inbound parmtrs screen area shows the message types that can be received with this partner prole.
The message control settings determine when a message type is actually received. These settings are
described in the following step.
3. On the Post processing: permitted agent tab page, choose the Create inbound parameter pushbutton and
enter inbound parameters with the data shown in the following table.
This inbound parameter is used by the IDoc that was triggered by SAP TM to create or update a shipment
based on a freight order:
Field Value
Partner No.
For example, TM1CLNT750
Partn. Type
LS Logical System
Partner Role
LS Logical System
Message Type
Message Code Blank
Message Function Blank
Test Not selected
Inbound Options tab page
Process Code
Cancel Processing After Syntax Error Selected
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 101
Field Value
Processing by Function Module screen area
Trigger Immediately Selected
This inbound parameter is used by the IDoc that was triggered by SAP TM to delete a shipment based on a
freight order:
Field Value
Partner No.
For example, TM1CLNT750
Partn. Type
LS Logical System
Partner Role
LS Logical System
Message Type
Message Code Blank
Message Function Blank
Test Not selected
Inbound Options tab page
Process Code
Cancel Processing After Syntax Error Selected
Processing by Function Module screen area
Trigger Immediately Selected Dening Process Codes for Outbound IDocs
1. In the SAP ERP system, call transaction WE64.
2. Under the Outbound Messages node, check that a SHPMNT entry exists with the following data:
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
Message Type Process Code Process ID Type of Process ID
SHPMNT SD11 IDOC_OUTPUT_SHPMNT Processing by function
module Dening Partner Proles for Outbound IDocs
In this step, you dene a partner prole for your target system. In most cases, this is the SAP NetWeaver
Process Integration (PI) system.
When you dene the outbound parameters for the partner prole, you have to specify a receiver port for the
SAP NetWeaver PI system. If a receiver port has not been dened in the SAP ERP system, create a receiver port
using transaction WE21. In particular, you dene a port to specify the system to which outbound IDocs are to be
sent. The port must be of the type Transactional RFC. The following is an example of the settings made for a
receiver port:
Field Value
Description <PI SID>CLNT<PI CLNT> (for example, PI1CLNT001)
IDoc rec types SAP Release 3.0/3.1 Not selected
IDoc record types SAP Release 4.x Selected
RFC Destination <PI1CLNT001> (RFC destination name to your PI system)
Processing Options screen area No checkboxes selected
1. On the SAP Easy Access screen of your SAP ERP system, choose Tools ALE ALE Administration
Runtime Settings Partner Proles or call transaction WE20.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 103
2. In the navigation tree under Partner Proles, choose Partner Type LS and check that a partner prole exists
for the SAP NetWeaver Process Integration (PI) system (for example, partner number PI1CLNT001). If the
partner prole does not yet exist, create it with the following data:
Field Value
Partner No.
<PI SID>CLNT<PI CLNT> (for example,
Partn. Type
US (User)
<Enter a user name>
3. The Outbound parmtrs screen area shows the message types and message variants that can be sent with
this partner prole. The message control settings of each entry determine when a message type is actually
The messages and message variants that are to be congured are described in the following steps. Note
that several message variants for the message type SHPMNT and their uses are described.
Congure the outbound parameter SHPMNT (STA) listed below by marking the partner prole for the SAP
NetWeaver Process Integration (PI) system and choosing the Create outbound parameter pushbutton.
Enter the data shown in the following table:
Field Value
Partner No.
<PI SID>CLNT<PI CLNT> (for example,
Partn. Type
LS Logical System
Partner Role
LS Logical System
Message Type
Message code
Message function Blank
Outbound Options tab page
Receiver Port Enter the relevant receiver port, for example, Z_PI1_PORT
Pack Size
Output Mode screen area
104 P U B L I C
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
Field Value
Transfer IDoc Immed. Selected
Collect IDocs Not selected (default)
IDoc Type screen area
Basic Type
Extension Blank
View Blank
Cancel Processing After Syntax Error Selected
Seg. release in IDoc type Not selected
Segment Appl. Rel. Not selected
Message Control tab page
The data on this tab page denes the context in which the IDoc is sent. The details depend on the outbound parameter
variant and described later in this section.
Application Message Type Process Code Change Message
V7 ZTM1 SD11 Do not select this checkbox
V7 ZTM1 SD11 Select this checkbox
4. Repeat the above step for the outbound parameters listed below. Any values that are not explicitly given
are the same as those for outbound parameter SHPMNT (STA).
5. Once you have created all of the outbound parameters, distribute the partner proles to the target system
(in this case, the SAP NetWeaver PI system) as follows:
1. Call transaction BD64 (Maintain Distribution Model).
2. Create a new model view Shipment Integration if it does not already exist.
3. Enter source system ERP, target system PI, and message type SHPMNT.
Outbound Parameter Variants
This outbound parameter is used for the IDoc that sends a conrmation message back to SAP TM after the
shipment has been created based on the freight order.
Field Value
Message code
Message Control tab page
The data on this tab page denes the context in which the IDoc is sent. Create the following entries:
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 105
Field Value
Application Message Type Process Code Change Message
V7 ZTM2 SD11
Not selected
V7 ZTM2 SD11
This outbound parameter is used for the IDoc that sends shipment data to SAP TM after deliveries have
been assigned to the ERP shipment or unassigned from the ERP shipment.
Field Value
Message code
Message Control tab page
The data on this tab page denes the context in which the IDoc is sent. Create the following entries:
Application Message Type Process Code Change Message
Not selected
This outbound parameter is used for the IDoc that sends shipment data to SAP TM after items or handling
units have been assigned to or unassigned from handling units (containers).
Field Value
Message code
Message Control tab page
The data on this tab page denes the context in which the IDoc is sent. Create the following entries:
Application Message Type Process Code Change Message
Not selected
106 P U B L I C
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
7.2 Outbound Integration of ERP Shipments: PI Mapping
You use this process to congure the settings in SAP ERP for outbound integration of ERP shipment
processing. Outbound integration of shipment processing enables you to do the following:
Transfer freight orders from SAP Transportation Management (SAP TM) to SAP ERP and create shipments
in SAP ERP based on the freight orders
Update a freight-order-based shipment in SAP ERP if the relevant freight order is changed in SAP TM and
the changes are transferred to SAP ERP
Delete a freight-order-based shipment in SAP ERP if the relevant freight order is deleted in SAP TM
The following example data is used in this section of the guide:
Object Example Data
Shipment Type ZTM
Transportation Planning Point ZTM8
Output Determination Procedure ZTM
Output Type for Conrmation Message ZTM2
7.2.1 Basic Shipment Settings Dening External Number Ranges
For the outbound integration of shipments, you have to use an external number range for the ERP shipment
and align the number range with the number range of the freight order in SAP TM.
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Logistics Execution, choose Transportation Shipments
Dene Number Ranges for Shipments .
2. Dene a new number range or ensure that the required number range exists.
The number range must be external and it must have the same interval as the corresponding number
range in SAP TM. You can choose any available number and number range to dene the external number
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 107
Example: External Number Range for Shipments
No. From number To number External
02 6100000000 6100000000 Select this checkbox
Choose any free number and number range to dene the external number range. Ensure that you align the
number range that you are dening with the internal number range of the corresponding freight orders in
If you also want to integrate SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SAP EWM), you must set up an
external number range with the same interval for transportation units (TUs) in SAP EWM. This ensures that
in the context of outbound shipment integration, a freight order in SAP TM has the same number as the
corresponding shipment in SAP ERP and the transportation unit in SAP EWM. For more information, see
the respective scenario conguration guides. Dening Shipment Types
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Logistics Execution, choose Transportation Shipments
Dene Shipment Types .
2. Dene a new shipment type (for example, shipment type ZTMO) by copying existing shipment type 0001
and adjusting the data as follows:
Field Value
Shipment type ZTMO
Description TM Integration Outb.
Document cat. 8 Shipment
Note that this eld is lled automatically.
Number Systems screen area
NR int. assgt. 01
108 P U B L I C
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
Field Value T
No. range ext. Enter the number range dened in the previous step, for example, 02
Document Content screen area
ShpmtComplType Loaded outbound shipment
Shipping type 01 Truck
Service Level Groupage
ShTypePrelimLeg Blank
ProcessControl Individual shipment using one mode of transport
SubseqLegShType Blank
Leg indicator Direct leg.
Adopt route Do not adopt stages
Determine legs Blank: No legs to be determined
GR-RelevanceInd Normal
Control screen area
Application V7
Note that the system automatically lls this eld and the next four elds when
you assign an output determination procedure to the shipment type. For more
information, see Output Control: Assigning Output Determination Procedures
[page 97].
TextDetermProc. 03 (lled automatically)
PartnDet.Proc TR (lled automatically)
OutputDet.Proc ZSHIPO (lled automatically)
Deadlines WS STANDARD TRA (lled automatically)
Pick check Shipment completion only for full picking
SplProfBefPlng Blank
SplProfAfterPlg Blank
HUs relevant for DI generation Blank
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 109
Field Value
Proposal screen area
Weight unit KG
Volume unit CD3
Output Type Blank
Selection var. Blank
Planning prof. Blank
Copy Routine 7 Service Agent/Route
The following settings dier from the settings in shipment type 0001 and are crucial for shipment
No. range ext.: This is the number range that you dened in the previous step (see Dening External
Number Ranges [page 88]).
Adopt route and Determine Legs: These settings prevent the system from carrying out additional
calculations related to transportation stages when it creates a shipment. Data about stages should be
taken from the IDoc.
OutputDet.Proc and Output Type: These elds relate to the condition technique for output control. The
system lls them automatically when you assign an output determination procedure to the shipment
type. For more information, see Assigning Output Determination Procedures [page 97]. Maintaining Transportation Planning Points
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Enterprise Structure, choose Denition Logistics Execution
Maintain Transportation Planning Point .
2. Create transportation planning point 1000 by copying existing transportation planning point 0001. Enter
the following data:
TPPt Description CoCd
1000 TM Integration 0001
3. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Logistics Execution, choose Transportation Interfaces
External Transportation Planning Systems Maintain Transportation Planning Point for External Systems .
An entry for the transportation planning point dened above should exist.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
4. Edit the entry for the transportation planning point. Enter the following data:
TPPt Description TPS Part No. Item type Output Ext. no. rge Chnge Shp
1000 TM Integration Logical system
name of SAP PI
system, for ex
LS Leave this eld
External num
ber range used
in the ship
ment type, for
example, 02
SAP TM does not use transportation planning points. Transportation planning point 1000 is, therefore,
transferred by default to SAP ERP. If you require other transportation planning points that are stored with
the SAP ERP shipment, implement BAdI BADI_LE_SHIPMENT to determine and save the correct
transportation planning point for the shipment.
7.2.2 Output Control Settings
You must congure the following settings to send shipments from SAP ERP to SAP TM in the context of SAP
TM Outbound Shipment Integration. This involves Customizing activities for maintaining eld catalogs,
condition tables, access sequences, condition types, and schemas. Note that for all of these Customizing
activities, the usage is B and the application is V7. Creating Condition Tables
You have imported the STTRG eld into the transportspecic eld catalog. Since it is not directly contained in
the KOMB structure, you have to insert it indirectly using the KOMBZ structure, which is designed to store this
type of custom entry. Note that this is a DDIC activity and not a Customizing activity.
In this step, you dene the combination of elds for which you want to create output condition records in a
condition table. This enables you to control output determination depending on your specic eld combination.
Alternatively, you can check whether the data you require is already available.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 111
1. In the SAP ERP system, navigate to Customizing for Logistics Execution and choose Transportation
Basic Transportation Functions Output Control Maintain Output Determination for Shipments
Maintain Condition Tables .
2. Choose Maintain Output Condition Table for Shipments.
3. Create table between 900 and 999 and enter elds SHTYP and STTRG in the Selected elds screen area
under Technical and Medium.
4. Choose Condition Create .
5. In the Table eld, enter a name (3-digit number) for the new condition table.
Note that you can only choose names between 900 and 999.
6. Choose Enter.
7. Enter a description for the new condition table, for example, ShipmntTyp/OverallSta - TM Shipment
8. Select the required elds for the condition table from the list of allowed elds, for example, Shipment Type
and Ov.transport status
9. Generate the new condition table.
You have created a condition table for which you can maintain condition records. Creating Access Sequences
You have to perform this step in a Customizing client that has authorization for cross-client table maintenance.
1. In the SAP ERP system, navigate to Customizing for Logistics Execution and choose Transportation
Basic Transportation Functions Output Control Maintain Output Determination for Shipments
Maintain Access Sequence .
2. Create an access sequence, for example, Z001.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
3. Select Accesses in the dialog structure and enter the following data:
No. Table Description Requirement Exclusive
<Next available
Table you created in
Creating Condition
Tables [page 92]
Sta (the description is
lled automatically)
0 Not selected
4. Select your new entry and choose Fields in the dialog structure.
5. In the Field Overview table, enter 0 in the Spec. Val. Source eld for the entry with condition STTRG
(Ov.transport status). Creating Output Types for Shipments
In the Customizing activity Maintain Output Types, you can dene dierent condition types for the dierent
situations in which SHPMNT IDocs are to be sent. Output types control how the SHPMNT IDoc is used to send
a conrmation to SAP TM:
Output type ZTM1 generates an IDoc that sends a status notication to SAP TM.
Output type ZTM2 generates an IDoc that sends a conrmation to SAP TM.
Output type ZTMA generates an IDoc that updates a freight order in SAP TM based on changed delivery
assignments to a SAP ERP shipment.
Output type ZTMP generates an IDoc that updates a freight order in SAP TM based on changed item or
handling unit assignments to a container handling unit of a SAP ERP shipment.
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Logistics Execution, choose Transportation Basic
Transportation Functions Output Control Maintain Output Determination for Shipments Maintain
Output Types
2. Create output type ZTM1 for shipments. Enter the following data:
Output Types
Output Type
TM Outp Stat Notify
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 113
General Data tab page
Access sequence
Access to conditions Select this checkbox
CannotBeChanged Do not select this checkbox
Multiple issuing Select this checkbox
Partner-indep.output Do not select this checkbox
do not write processing log Do not select this checkbox
Default values tab page
Dispatch Time
4 Send immediately (when saving the
Transmission Medium
Partner Function
Communication Strategy Leave this empty
Time tab page
Timing 2 (job and time entry not allowed) Select this checkbox.
(Do not select any of the other checkboxes.)
3. In the dialog structure, select Processing Routines and enter the following data:
Processing Routines
Field Entry
Transmission Medium
Form Routine
4. In the dialog structure, select Partner functions and enter the following data:
Partner Functions
Field Entry
114 P U B L I C
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
Field Entry
Logical System
5. Repeat the above steps to create output types ZTM2, ZTMA, and ZTMP. Use the values for ZTM1 unless
otherwise stated below.
Output Type Description
ZTM2 TM Outp Confirmation
ZTMA Assign/Unassign Del.
ZTMP Package Assignment Dening Output Determination Procedures for
1. In the SAP ERP system, navigate to Customizing for Logistics Execution and choose Transportation
Basic Transportation Functions Output Control Maintain Output Determination for Shipments
Maintain Output Determination Procedure .
2. Create an output determination procedure such as ZSHIPO with the name Transport Output Ship. Outb.
3. Select output determination procedure ZSHIPO and choose Control Data in the dialog structure.
4. Assign output types to output determination procedure ZSHIPO by creating the following entries:
Reference Step Overview
Step Condition Counter Condition Type Requirement
10 1 ZTM1 xx
20 1 ZTM2 xx
30 1 ZTMA 58
40 1 ZTMP xx
Choose any free step number and condition counter that is available.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 115 Assigning Output Determination Procedures to
Shipment Types
In this step, you assign an output determination procedure and output type to the relevant shipment types.
1. In the SAP ERP system, navigate to Customizing for Logistics Execution and choose Transportation
Basic Transportation Functions Output Control Maintain Output Determination for Shipments Assign
Output Determination Procedures .
2. Create an entry for each relevant shipment type in the integration scenario (for information about
determining shipment types, see Dening Value Mappings [page 124]) and assign the output
determination procedure and output type to the shipment type.
For example, assign output determination procedure ZSHIPO to shipment type ZTMO, as follows:
Shipment Type Description Output Determi
nation Procedure
Description Output Type Name
ZTMO TM Integration
ZSHIPO Transport Output
Ship. Outb.
Blank Assigning Output Types to Partner Functions
1. In the SAP ERP system, navigate to Customizing for Logistics Execution and choose Transportation
Basic Transportation Functions Output Control Maintain Output Determination for Shipments Assign
Output Types to Partner Functions .
2. Assign medium 6 EDI and partner function LS (logical system) to each output type as follows:
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
Output Type Name Medium Function
ZTM1 TM Outp Stat Notify 6 – EDI LS – Logical System
ZTM2 TM Outp Conrmation 6 – EDI LS – Logical System
ZTMA Assign/Unassign Del 6 – EDI LS – Logical System
ZTMP Package Assignment 6 – EDI LS – Logical System Checking Output Control Settings
You can check the output control settings using test report RSNASTCK.
1. Start report RSNASTCK. .
2. Enter application V7 and choose Enter
3. In the Select procedure to be checked dialog box, choose only active ones.
4. Enter the shipment type and choose Enter.
The system displays a log that shows whether the output control settings are consistent.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 117 Creating Condition Records for Shipments
1. On the SAP Easy Access screen of your SAP ERP system, choose Logistics Logistics Execution
Master Data Output Shipment Create or call transaction VV71.
2. Enter output type ZTM1(TM Outp Stat Notify) as the context for the condition record.
3. Create condition records for the condition table you created in Creating Condition Tables [page 92] with
the key eld pair SHTYP (Shipment Type) and STTRG (Ov.transport status).
4. Create one entry for each shipment type and add value 0 for STTRG. For each condition record, enter the
required data as follows:
Funct Partner Medium Date Language
The Partner column contains the name of the SAP Netweaver PI System in the format <PI
SID>CLNT<PI CLNT> (in the example, PI1CLNT001).
5. Repeat the above steps for the following output types:
ZTM2 (TM Outp Confirmation)
ZTMA (Assign/Unassign Del)
ZTMP (Package Assignment)
7.2.3 Conguration Settings for SAP NetWeaver PI
(Shipment Integr.)
You have set up SAP enhancement package 5 or 6 for SAP ERP 6.0 (software component version SAP
APPL 6.05/6.06).
You have set up SAP Transportation Management 9.1 (software component version SAPTM 120).
You have set up SAP NetWeaver Process Integration (SAP NetWeaver PI) 7.0 or higher.
The SAP ERP system and the SAP Transportation Management system exist as business systems in SAP
NetWeaver Process Integration (Integration Directory) with completely congured PI receiver
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
communication channels (SAP Transportation Management system), and a completely congured IDoc
receiver communication channel (SAP ERP system).
You can use a process integration scenario from the integration repository (Integration Builder: Design
(Integration Repository)) as a conguration template in the integration directory (Integration Builder:
Conguration (Integration Directory)). The system uses the information saved in the process integration
scenario, together with additional assignments, to calculate the relevant conguration objects.
To congure the connection, you have access to predened content for integration scenario
TM_ERPShipmentIntegration_Out under . Communication between
SAP Transportation Management (software component SAPTM) and SAP enhancement package 5 for SAP
ERP 6.0 or higher (software component SAP APPL) has to be set up for the following service/message
From Sender Service/Message Interface To Receiver Service/Message Interface
SAP Transportation Management
Name: TransportationOrderSCMRequest_Out
Software Component: SAPTM
SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP 6.0
Namespace: urn:sap-
Software Component: SAP APPL
SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP 6.0
Namespace: urn:sap-
Software Component: SAP APPL
SAP Transportation Management
Name: TransportationOrderSCMExecution
Software Component: SAPTM
SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP 6.0
Namespace: urn:sap-
Software Component: SAP APPL
SAP Transportation Management
Software Component: SAPTM
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 119
From Sender Service/Message Interface To Receiver Service/Message Interface
SAP Transportation Management
Name: TransportationOrderSCMExecution
Software Component: SAPTM
SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP 6.0
Namespace: urn:sap-
Software Component: SAP APPL
SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP 6.0
Software Component: SAP APPL
SAP Transportation Management
Software Component: SAP TM
SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP 6.0
Software Component: SAP APPL
SAP Transportation Management
Software Component: SAP TM
1. In the Integration Directory, choose Tools Transfer Integration Scenario from the Integration
Repository .
2. Perform the Select Integration Scenario step.
In the Integration Scenario screen area, select the following process integration scenario from the
Integration Repository and then choose Continue:
Name TM_ERPShipmentIntegration_Out
Software Component Version SAPTM IC (check the Product and Production Management
System for the latest version)
3. Perform the Create Conguration Scenario step.
In the Create Conguration Scenario screen area, enter a name for the conguration scenario and choose
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
4. Choose Close.
The system transfers the integration scenario from the Integration Builder: Repository. The Integration
Scenario Conguration wizard starts.
5. Perform the following conguration steps:
1. Select Component View
You can congure multiple component views within the same conguration scenario. For this
connection, there is only one component view dened and you therefore skip this step.
2. Assign Services
To map the participants in a process displayed in the model to actual senders and receivers of
messages in your system landscape, assign the business systems by choosing Assign Services. On the
Business System Services for A2A tab page, assign the business system of the sender and receiver
system. To select the next system, use the navigation arrows to navigate.
3. Congure Connections
To congure the connections, choose Congure Connections. For each connection, select the
appropriate receiver communication channel for the receiver business system (PI receiver
communication channel for SAP Transportation Management system; IDoc receiver communication
channel for SAP ERP system) and choose the Apply pushbutton. The navigation arrows enable you to
navigate to the other connections in the process integration scenario.
4. Generate Connections
To generate all connections, choose Generate. A dialog box appears in which you make the following
General Generation
Scope of Generation You can limit the scope of generation to particular object
types. Select the checkboxes of the following object
Receiver Determination
Interface Determination
Sender/Receiver Agreement
Change List for Generated Objects Select the Create New radio button if you want to create
a new change list for the generated objects. You can also
use an existing change list. The process integration sce
nario is predened.
5. ChooseStart.
The system displays the generation log, which you can save.
6. Congure the interface determination for IDoc interface SHPMNT.SHPMNT05.
To avoid conicts with other scenarios that also send IDoc SHPMNT.SHPMNT05 to the SAP NetWeaver
PI system, you have to set up the interface determination for IDoc interface
accordingly. The system dierentiates between dierent applications of the IDoc by using their
message variants, which are communicated in eld MESCOD of the IDoc control structure.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 121
Make sure that the following condition and interface mapping have been entered for inbound interface
TransportationOrderSCMExecutionConfirmation_In under Congured Inbound Interfaces:
Field Value
Service SAP ERP system, for example, ERP_500
Sender screen area
Namespace urn:sap-com:document:sap:idoc:messages
Service SAP TM system to which the target interface is to be
For example, TM1_750
Congured Inbound Interfaces screen area
Inbound Interface Name TransportationOrderSCMExecutionConfirmatio
Inbound Interface Namespace
Interface Mapping Name SHPMNTSHPMNT05_to_TransportationOrderSCMEx
6. Repeat the above step for the following inbound interfaces:
Make sure that the following condition and interface mapping have been entered for inbound interface
TransportationOrderSCMExecutionStatusNotification_In under Congured Inbound
Field Value
Service SAP ERP system, for example, ERP_500
Sender screen area
Namespace urn:sap-com:document:sap:idoc:messages
Service SAP TM system to which the target interface is to be
For example, TM1_750
122 P U B L I C
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
Field Value
Congured Inbound Interfaces screen area
Inbound Interface Name TransportationOrderSCMExecutionStatusNotif
Inbound Interface Namespace
Interface Mapping Name SHPMNTSHPMNT05_to_TransportationOrderSCMEx
Make sure that the following condition and interface mapping have been entered for inbound interface
TransportationOrderSCMExecutionDeliveryAssignmentChangedNotification_In under
Congured Inbound Interfaces.
Field Value
Service SAP ERP system, for example, ERP_500
Sender screen area
Namespace urn:sap-com:document:sap:idoc:messages
Service SAP TM system to which the target interface is to be
For example, TM1_750
Congured Inbound Interfaces screen area
Inbound Interface Name TransportationOrderSCMExecutionDeliveryAss
Inbound Interface Namespace
Interface Mapping Name SHPMNTSHPMNT05_to_TransportationOrderSCMEx
Make sure that the following condition and interface mapping have been entered for inbound interface
TransportationOrderSCMExecutionItmPckgAssgnmtChangedNotification_In under
Congured Inbound Interfaces
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 123
Field Value
Service SAP ERP system, for example, ERP_500
Sender screen area
Namespace urn:sap-com:document:sap:idoc:messages
Service SAP TM system to which the target interface is to be
For example, TM1_750
Congured Inbound Interfaces screen area
Inbound Interface Name TransportationOrderSCMExecutionItmPckgAssg
Inbound Interface Namespace
Interface Mapping Name SHPMNTSHPMNT05_to_TransportationOrderSCMEx
The relevant receiver determinations, interface determinations, and collaboration agreements are generated
for your integration scenario and can be made relevant for PI runtime by activating your change list. Dening Value Mappings
For each interface mapping described in the previous step, there is a corresponding message mapping in which
elds from the source message are mapped to elds from the target message. There are three cases in which
the target eld is determined dynamically at runtime using a value mapping (this occurs twice for interface
mapping TransportationOrderSCMExecutionRequest_to_SHPMNTSHPMNT05 and once for interface
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
mapping TransportationOrderSCMExecutionCancellationRequest_to_SHIPPLTPSSHT01), as shown
in the following table:
Fields Determined Using Value Mappings
Action/Mapping Name of Target Field
Create/Change Shipment E1EDT20-SHTYP (header, shipment type)
E1ADRM4[2]-E1ADRE4-EXTEND_D (address, transp. plan
ning point)
Delete Shipment E1TPSHH-SHPPPT (header, transp. planning point)
The use of value mappings facilitates integration into the implementation landscape, where, in particular, the
names of freight order types in SAP TM and their corresponding shipment types in SAP ERP are freely
denable. Technically, each of these value mappings is a mapping between two pairs <agency, scheme>.
You have to dene the required value mappings in the Integration Directory.
1. In the Integration Directory, choose Tools Value Mapping .
The system displays a dialog box in which you can choose the agency and scheme for the source and
target eld.
2. For the agency, choose the name of the relevant SAP TM system and SAP ERP system. For the scheme, the
values depend on the actual message mapping (see example below).
When you have selected the agency and scheme, the system displays a table where you can enter values
for each <agency, scheme> pair. Each row in a value mapping therefore consists of three elements:
<agency, scheme, value>.
3. To map the source value to the target value, create an entry for each pair (that is, for the rst pair: <source
system, freight order type>; and for the second pair: <target system, shipment type>).
In the value mapping for SHTYP (shipment type), the freight order type in SAP TM is entered in the Value
column in the rst line, and the shipment type in ERP is entered in the Value column in the second line.
4. Activate the value mapping. To do so, switch to the Change List tab page, select your changes, and choose
Activate from the context menu.
The following example shows the settings for a system landscape with SAP TM system TM1 and SAP ERP
system ERP. In the example, freight order types ZFO1 and ZFO2 are both mapped to shipment type ZTMO.
This shows that the “rst line” mentioned in step 3 may occur several times if several freight order types
are mapped to the same shipment type.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 125
Value Table for Value Mapping SHTYP
Agency Scheme Value
TM1_750 ProcessingTypeCode ZFO1
TM1_750 ProcessingTypeCode ZFO2
The value tables for the two other value mappings are dened in the same way, with the special exception
that the value column for the source system contains constant 1 instead of a eld value, as shown in the
example below. In this example, for each of the two target elds (SHPPPT and EXTEND_D), a mapping is
dened to target value 1000. The corresponding rst line contains <TM1_750,const,1> in each case and is
only entered once in the value table.
Value Table for Value Mapping Transportation Planning Point
Agency Scheme Value
TM1_750 const 1
ERP_500 SHPPPT 1000
ERP_500 EXTEND_D 1000
7.3 Inbound Integration of ERP Shipments
You use this process to congure the settings in SAP ERP for inbound integration of ERP shipment processing.
Note that although this guide explains the basic integration settings in SAP ERP, the term “inbound”, in the
sense of inbound integration of ERP shipments, is to be understood always from the perspective of SAP TM.
Inbound integration of shipment processing enables you to do the following:
Transfer shipments from SAP ERP to SAP TM and create freight orders in SAP TM based on the shipments
Update shipment-based freight orders in SAP TM if the relevant shipment in SAP ERP changes or if a
delivery within the shipment changes
Transfer the tendering result for a freight order from SAP TM to the shipment in SAP ERP
Cancel freight orders in SAP TM if the relevant shipment in SAP ERP is deleted or the tendering status is
The following data is used in this section of the guide:
Object Example Data
Shipment Type
Output Determination Procedure ZSHIPI
126 P U B L I C
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
Object Example Data
Output Type for Outbound Deliveries ZDLV
7.3.1 Basic Shipment Settings Dening Number Ranges
For the inbound integration of shipments, you use an internal number range in SAP ERP which you can align
with the number of the freight orders in SAP TM.
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Logistics Execution, choose Transportation Shipments
Dene Number Ranges for Shipments
2. Dene a new number range or ensure that the required number range exists.
Example: External Number Range for Shipments
No. From To External
10 6500000000 6699999999 Deselect
Choose any free number and number range to dene the external number range. Ensure that you align this
number range with the external number range of the corresponding freight orders in SAP TM. In the
Shipment Inbound Integration, it is not necessary to align the SAP ERP and SAP TM number ranges as the
TM system can also use an internal number range dened in SAP TM, instead of an external number range,
to create the corresponding freight orders.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 127 Dening Shipment Types
1. In the SAP ERP system, navigate to Customizing for Logistics Execution and choose Transportation
Shipments Dene Shipment Types .
2. Dene a new shipment type (for example, shipment type ZTMI) by copying shipment type 0001 and
adjusting the data as follows:
Field Value
Shipment type ZTMI
Description TM Integration Inb.
Document cat. 8 Shipment
Note that this eld is lled automatically.
Number Systems screen area
NR int. assgt. 10 (Choose the number range you previously dened). T
No. range ext. Leave this eld empty
Document Content screen area
ShpmtComplType Loaded outbound shipment
Shipping type 01 Truck
Service Level Load
ShTypePrelimLeg Leave this eld empty
ProcessControl Individual shipment using one mode of shipment
SubseqLegShType Leave this eld empty
Leg indicator Direct leg.
Adopt route Adopt all stages
Determine legs 1: Legs determined according to departure point & itinerary
128 P U B L I C
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
Field Value
GR-RelevanceInd Normal
Control screen area
Application V7
Note that the system automatically lls this eld and the next four elds when
you assign an output determination procedure to the shipment type.
For more information, see Assigning Output Determination Procedures to
Shipment Type [page 133].
TextDetermProc. 03 (lled automatically)
PartnDet.Proc TR (lled automatically)
OutputDet.Proc ZSHIPI (lled automatically)
Deadlines WS STANDARD TRA (lled automatically)
Pick check Shipment completion only for full picking
SplProfBefPlng Leave this eld empty
SplProfAfterPlg Leave this eld empty
HUs relevant for DI generation Leave this eld empty
Proposal screen area
Weight unit KG
Volume unit CD3
Output Type Leave this eld empty
Selection var. Leave this eld empty
Planning prof. Leave this eld empty
Copy Routine 7 Service Agent/Route Dening Requirements
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Logistics Execution, choose Transportation Basic
Transportation Functions Output Control Dene Requirements .
2. Dene requirement 901 in application V7 by implementing the coding described in manual correction
instruction 1298755 in SAP Note 1527545 .
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 129
You can choose any available requirement number between 900 – 999. Implementing Additional Coding
In this procedure, you implement additional coding in SAP ERP, which is described in SAP Note 1527545 .
Implement the correction instructions in this SAP Note as described below.
1. Implement correction instruction 1276168 as follows:
1. Call transaction SE19.
2. Create an implementation (Z_CHECK_RELEVANCE) for Business Add-In (BAdI) denition
2. Implement correction instruction 936559 as follows:
1. Call transaction SE19.
2. Create an implementation (Z_SHP_CANCEL) for Business Add-In (BAdI) denition
3. Implement correction instruction 936549 as follows:
1. Call transaction SE38.
2. Create program Z_SEND_SHIPMT05.
4. Implement correction instruction 1298598 as follows:
1. Call transaction SE37.
2. Modify function module IDOC_OUTPUT_SHIPPL as described in SAP Note 1527545 .
Note that this modication is only necessary if you want to enable the following system behavior:
Delete shipments in SAP ERP and subsequently cancel the corresponding freight orders in SAP
Set the tendering status of a shipment in SAP ERP to Oer Canceled and subsequently cancel the
corresponding freight order in SAP TM
If you do not implement this modication, freight orders cannot be canceled from SAP ERP.
Ignore correction instruction 1298755 at this stage.
For information about this correction instruction, see Dening Requirements [page 129].
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
7.3.2 Output Control Settings Creating Output Types for Shipments
In the Customizing activity Maintain Output Types, you can dene dierent condition types for the dierent
situations in which SHPMNT IDocs are to be sent:
Output type TNDR generates an IDoc that creates a freight order in SAP TM.
Output type ZSHP generates an IDoc that updates a freight order in SAP TM.
Output type TNCN generates an IDoc that cancels a freight order in SAP TM.
1. In the SAP ERP system, navigate to Customizing for Logistics Execution and choose Transportation
Basic Transportation Functions Output Control Maintain Output Determination for Shipments
Maintain Output Types .
2. Make sure that the output types TNDR and TNCN already exist.
3. Create output type ZSHP for shipments. Enter the following data:
Field Value
Output Type
TM Tender Upd. FO
General Data tab page
Access sequence
Access to conditions Selected
CannotBeChanged Not selected
Multiple issuing Selected
Partner-indep.output Not selected
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 131
Field Value
do not write processing log Not selected
Default Values tab page
Dispatch Time 4 Send immediately (when saving the application)
Transmission Medium 6 EDI
Partner Function CR - Forwarding Agent
Communication Strategy Blank
4. In the dialog structure, choose Processing Routines and enter the following data:
Field Value
Transmission Medium
Form Routine
5. In the dialog structure, choose Partner Functions and enter the following data:
Field Value
Logical System
6. Repeat the above step for the following output types:
TNDR (Tender - new offer)
TNCN (Tender - cancel) Dening Output Determination Procedures for
1. In the SAP ERP system, navigate to Customizing for Logistics Execution and choose Transportation
Basic Transportation Functions Output Control Maintain Output Determination for Shipments
Maintain Output Determination Procedure .
2. Create an output determination procedure, for example, ZSHIPI with the name Transport Output
Ship. Inb.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
3. Select output determination procedure ZSHIPI and choose Control Data in the dialog structure.
4. Assign output types to output determination procedure ZSHIPI by creating the following entries:
Step Condition Counter Condition Type Requirement
10 1
20 1
30 1
Choose any free step number and condition counter that is available.
Requirement number 901 is only an example. Choose the requirement number you dened before in
Dening Requirements [page 129]. Assigning Output Determination Procedures to
Shipment Types
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Logistics Execution, choose Transportation Basic
Transportation Functions Output Control Maintain Output Determination for Shipments Assign
Output Determination Procedures
2. Create an entry for each relevant shipment type in the integration scenario and assign the output
determination procedure to the shipment type. For example, assign output determination procedure
ZSHIPI to shipment type ZTMI, as follows:
Shipment Type Description
Output Determi
nation Procedure Description Output Type Name
ZTMI TM Integration
ZSHIPI Transport Output
Ship. Inb.
Leave this eld
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 133 Assigning Output Types to Partner Functions
1. In the SAP ERP system, navigate to Customizing for Logistics Execution and choose Transportation
Basic Transportation Functions Output Control Maintain Output Determination for Shipments Assign
Output Types to Partner Functions
2. Assign medium 6 EDI and partner function LS (logical system) to each output type as follows:
Output Type Name Medium Function
TNDR Tender – New Oer 6 – EDI LS – Logical System
TNCN Tender – Cancel 6 – EDI LS – Logical System
ZSHP TM Tender Upd. FO 6 – EDI LS – Logical System Creating Condition Records for Shipments
1. On the SAP Easy Access screen of your SAP ERP system, choose Logistics Logistics Execution
Master Data Output Shipment Create or call transaction VV71.
2. Enter output type TNDR (Tender - new offer) as the context for the condition record.
3. Create condition records with the key eld pair SHTYP (Shipment Type) and TDLNR (Service Agent).
4. Create one entry for each shipment type (for example, ZTMI) and service agent. For each condition record,
enter the required data as follows:
Funct Partner Medium Date Language
The Partner column contains the name of the SAP Netweaver PI System in the format <PI
SID>CLNT<PI CLNT> (in the example, PI1CLNT001).
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
5. Repeat the above steps for the following output types:
TNCN (Tender - Cancel)
ZSHP (TM Tender Upd. FO) Creating Output Types for Outbound Deliveries
1. In the SAP ERP system, navigate to Customizing for Logistics Execution and choose Shipping Basic
Shipping Functions Output Control Output Determination Maintain Output Determination for
Outbound Deliveries Maintain Output Types .
2. Create an output type for outbound deliveries (for example, ZDLV) as follows:
Field Value
Output Type
Shipment Update from Delv.
General Data tab page
Access sequence
Access to conditions Select this checkbox
CannotBeChanged Do not select this checkbox
Multiple issuing Select this checkbox
Partner-indep.output Select this checkbox
do not write processing log Do not select this checkbox
Change output screen area
Leave these elds empty
Replacement of text symbols screen area
Leave these elds empty
Default values tab page
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Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 135
Field Value
Dispatch Time
4 Send immediately (when saving the
Transmission Medium
Partner Function
LS Logical system
Communication Strategy Leave this eld empty
3. In the dialog structure under Processing Routines, enter the following data:
Field Value
Note that this program is derived from correction instruc
tion 936549. For more information, see Implementing Ad
ditional Coding [page 130].
Form Routine
Note that you leave the other elds empty, or the system lls them automatically.
4. In the dialog structure under Partner functions, enter the following data for the output type:
Field Value
Logical system Dening Output Determination Procedures for
Outbound Deliveries
1. In the SAP ERP system, in Customizing for Logistics Execution, choose Shipping Basic Shipping
Functions Output Control Output Determination Maintain Output Determination for Outbound
Deliveries Maintain Output Determination Procedure .
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
2. Make sure that procedure V10000 has been entered.
3. In the dialog structure, select Control Data.
4. Assign the output type for outbound deliveries (for example, ZDEL) to the output determination procedure
for shipments
V10000, as follows:
Reference Step Overview
Step Condition Counter Condition Type Requirement
<Any available step
<Any available
condition counter>
Blank Creating Condition Records for Outbound Deliveries
1. In the SAP ERP system, on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics Logistics Execution Master
Data Output Shipping Outbound Deliveries Create (transaction VV21).
2. Choose the relevant output type for outbound deliveries, for example, ZDLV.
3. Choose Enter.
4. On the following screen, enter the data as shown in the table below (for example, delivery type LF):
Field Value
Delivery Type
Outbound Delivery
8 Special Function
4 Send immediately (when saving the
LF is a standard delivery type that is part of the standard SAP ERP Customizing.
Do not enter a value in the Function or Partner columns.
5. Save your entries.
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Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 137
7.3.3 Conguring Inbound and Outbound Processing
This section contains settings for conguring inbound communication to SAP ERP (inbound IDocs) and
outbound communication from SAP ERP (outbound IDocs). Dening Process Codes for Inbound IDocs
Using transaction WE64, you dene which function modules are used to process IDocs. When you do this, you
map message types to process codes, each of which can be represented by a function module. In this step, you
congure the settings for message types SHPMNT (for creating or changing shipments) and SHIPPL (for
deleting shipments).
1. In your SAP ERP system, call transaction WE64.
2. Under the Inbound Messages node, select the relevant message type and check that the following entries
have been made:
Message Type Process Code Process ID Type of Process ID
Mode Dening Partner Proles for Inbound IDocs
In this procedure, you dene a partner prole for your SAP ERP system.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
1. In the SAP ERP system, on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Tools ALE ALE Administration
Runtime Settings Partner Proles (transaction WE20).
2. In the navigation tree under Partner Proles, choose partner type LS and check that a partner prole exists
for the SAP TM system (for example, partner number TM1CLNT750). If the partner prole does not yet
exist, create and save it using the following data:
Field Value
Partner No.
For example, TM1CLNT750
Partn. Type
US (User)
Agent Enter a user name
The Inbound parmtrs screen area shows the message types that can be received with this partner prole.
The message control settings determine when a message type is actually received. These settings are
described in the following step.
3. On the Post processing: permitted agent tab page, choose the Create inbound parameter pushbutton and
enter inbound parameters with the data shown in the following table.
This inbound parameter is used by the IDoc that updates the shipment with tendering information received
from SAP TM.
Field Value
Partner No.
<TM_SID>CLNT<TM_CLNT> (for example,
Partn. Type
LS Logical System
Partner Role
LS Logical System
Message Type
Message Code Blank
Message Function Blank
Inbound Options tab page
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P U B L I C 139
Field Value
Process Code
Cancel Processing After Syntax Error Selected
Processing by Function Module screen area
Trigger by background program Not selected
Trigger Immediately Selected Dening Process Codes for Outbound IDocs
1. In the SAP ERP system, call transaction WE64.
2. Under the Outbound Messages node, check that a SHPMNT entry exists with the following data:
Message Type Process Code Process ID Type of Process ID
SHPMNT SD11 IDOC_OUTPUT_SHPMNT Processing by function
You do not have to set up a process code for message type SHIPPL in this scenario. The corresponding
IDoc is used but it is created automatically. Dening Partner Proles for Outbound IDocs
When you dene the outbound parameters for the partner prole, you have to specify a receiver port for the
SAP NetWeaver PI system. If a receiver port has not been dened in the SAP ERP system, create a receiver port
using transaction WE21. In particular, you dene a port to specify the system to which outbound IDocs are to be
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
sent. The port must be of the type Transactional RFC. The following is an example of the settings made for a
receiver port:
Field Value
Description <PI SID>CLNT<PI CLNT> (for example, PI1CLNT001)
IDoc rec types SAP Release 3.0/3.1 Not selected
IDoc record types SAP Release 4.x Selected
RFC Destination <PI1CLNT001> (RFC destination name to your PI system)
Processing Options screen area No checkboxes selected
If you want to use SOA2IDOC Integration without PI mapping, you have to create a port using the following
Field Value
Description IDOC2SOA Port
Function Module TRA_SHPMNT_OUT
In this step, you dene a partner prole for your target system. In most cases, this is the SAP NetWeaver
Process Integration (PI) system.
1. On the SAP Easy Access screen of your SAP ERP system, choose Tools ALE ALE Administration
Runtime Settings Partner Proles or call transaction WE20.
2. In the navigation tree under Partner Proles, choose Partner Type LS and check that a partner prole exists
for the SAP NetWeaver Process Integration (PI) system (for example, partner number PI1CLNT001). If the
partner prole does not yet exist, create it with the following data:
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P U B L I C 141
Field Value
Partner No.
<PI SID>CLNT<PI CLNT> (for example,
Partn. Type
US (User)
<Enter a user name>
3. On the Post processing: permitted agent tab page, enter the details of the agent that is to be notied if
processing errors occur.
4. The Outbound parmtrs screen area shows the message types and message variants that can be sent with
this partner prole. The message control settings of each entry determine when a message type is actually
The messages and message variants that are to be congured are described in the following steps. Note
that several message variants for the message type SHPMNT and their uses are described.
Congure the outbound parameters listed below by marking the partner prole for the SAP NetWeaver
Process Integration (PI) system and choosing the Create outbound parameter pushbutton. Enter the data
shown in the following tables:
This outbound parameter is used for the IDoc that sends the shipment data to SAP TM to create a
freight order after a new shipment has been created in SAP ERP.
Field Value
Partner No.
<PI SID>CLNT<PI CLNT> (for example,
Partn. Type
LS Logical System
Partner Role
LS Logical System
Message Type
Message code
Message function Blank
Outbound Options tab page
Receiver Port Enter the relevant receiver port, for example,
142 P U B L I C
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
Field Value
Pack Size
Output Mode screen area
Transfer IDoc Immed. Selected
Collect IDocs Not selected (default)
IDoc Type screen area
Basic Type
Extension Blank
View Blank
Cancel Processing After Syntax Error Selected
Seg. release in IDoc type Not selected
Segment Appl. Rel. Not selected
Message Control tab page
The data on this tab page denes the context in which the IDoc is sent. Create the following entries:
Application Message Type Process Code Change Message
V7 TNDR SD11 Not selected
V7 ZSHP SD11 Selected
V7 ZSCR SD11 Not selected
V7 ZSCR SD11 Selected
Message type ZSCR is required only if you want to use the integration with SAP Extended
Warehouse Management scenario.
This outbound parameter is used for the IDoc that cancels a freight order in SAP TM if tendering is
canceled for the corresponding ERP shipment.
If you want to cancel freight orders in SAP TM when you delete the corresponding shipments in
SAP ERP, use outbound parameter SHIPPL (CNC). If you want to cancel freight orders in SAP TM
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 143
when you cancel tendering for the ERP shipments and you do not want to trigger freight order
cancellation when you delete shipments, use outbound parameter SHPMNT (CNC).
Field Value
Partner No.
<PI SID>CLNT<PI CLNT> (for example,
Partn. Type
LS Logical System
Partner Role
LS Logical System
Message Type
Message code
Message function Blank
Outbound Options tab page
Receiver Port Enter the relevant receiver port, for example,
Pack Size
Output Mode screen area
Transfer IDoc Immed. Selected
Collect IDocs Not selected (default)
IDoc Type screen area
Basic Type
Extension Blank
View Blank
Cancel Processing After Syntax Error Selected
Seg. release in IDoc type Not selected
Segment Appl. Rel. Not selected
Message Control tab page
The data on this tab page denes the context in which the IDoc is sent. Create the following entries:
Application Message Type Process Code Change Message
144 P U B L I C
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
Field Value
V7 TNCN SD11 Selected
This outbound parameter is used for the IDoc that cancels a freight order in SAP TM based on a
deleted ERP shipment.
If you want to cancel freight orders in SAP TM when you delete the corresponding shipments in
SAP ERP, use outbound parameter SHIPPL (CNC). If you want to cancel freight orders in SAP TM
when you cancel tendering for the ERP shipments and you do not want to trigger freight order
cancellation when you delete shipments, use outbound parameter SHPMNT (CNC).
Field Value
Partner No.
<PI SID>CLNT<PI CLNT> (for example,
Partn. Type
LS Logical System
Partner Role
LS Logical System
Message Type
Message code Blank
Message function Blank
Outbound Options tab page
Receiver Port Enter the relevant receiver port, for example,
Pack Size
Output Mode screen area
Transfer IDoc Immed. Selected
Collect IDocs Not selected (default)
IDoc Type screen area
Basic Type
Extension Blank
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Field Value
View Blank
Cancel Processing After Syntax Error Selected
Seg. release in IDoc type Not selected
Segment Appl. Rel. Not selected
Message Control tab page
No entries required
This outbound parameter is used for the IDoc that cancels a freight order in SAP TM based on a
deleted ERP shipment.
Field Value
Partner No.
<PI SID>CLNT<PI CLNT> (for example,
Partn. Type
LS Logical System
Partner Role
LS Logical System
Message Type
Message code Blank
Message function Blank
Outbound Options tab page
Receiver Port Enter the relevant receiver port, for example,
Pack Size
Output Mode screen area
Transfer IDoc Immed. Selected
Collect IDocs Not selected (default)
IDoc Type screen area
Basic Type
146 P U B L I C
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
Field Value
Extension Blank
View Blank
Cancel Processing After Syntax Error Selected
Seg. release in IDoc type Not selected
Segment Appl. Rel. Not selected
Message Control tab page
The data on this tab page denes the context in which the IDoc is sent. Create the following entries:
Application Message Type Process Code Change Message
V7 ZDLV DELV Not selected
5. Distribute the partner proles to the target system (in this case, the SAP NetWeaver PI system) as follows:
1. Call transaction BD64 (Maintain Distribution Model).
2. Create a new model view Shipment Integration if it does not already exist.
3. Enter source system ERP, target system PI, and message type SHPMNT.
7.3.4 Conguration Settings for SAP NetWeaver Process
You have set up SAP enhancement package 5 or 6 for SAP ERP 6.0 (software component version SAP
APPL 6.05 or 6.06).
You have set up SAP Transportation Management 9.1 (software component version SAPTM 120).
You have set up SAP NetWeaver Process Integration (SAP NetWeaver PI) 7.0 or higher.
The SAP ERP system and the SAP Transportation Management system exist as business systems in SAP
NetWeaver Process Integration (Integration Directory) with completely congured PI receiver
communication channels (SAP Transportation Management system), and a completely congured IDoc
receiver communication channel (SAP ERP system).
You can use a process integration scenario from the integration repository (Integration Builder: Design
(Integration Repository) as a conguration template in the integration directory (Integration Builder:
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 147
Conguration (Integration Directory). The system uses the information saved in the process integration
scenario, together with additional assignments, to calculate the relevant conguration objects.
To congure the connection, you have access to the predened content for integration scenario
TM_ERPShipmentIntegration_In (SAPTM IC 1.0) under .
Communication between SAP Transportation Management (software component SAPTM 1.0) and SAP
enhancement package 5 for SAP ERP 6.0 (software component SAP APPL 6.05) has to be set up for the
following service/message interfaces:
If you are using SOA2IDOC and IDOC2SOA Integration, you can also use the SOA2IDOC integration, which
is described here, in the scenario TM_ERPShipmentIntegration_In. The TM side remains the same.
From Sender Service/Message Interface To Receiver Service/Message Interface
SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP 6.0
Namespace: urn:sap-
Software Component: SAP APPL
SAP Transportation Management
Name: TransportationOrderSCMRequest_In
Software Component: SAPTM 1.0
SAP Enhancement Package for SAP ERP 6.0
Name: TransportationOrderSCMRequest_Out
Namespace: Software
Component: SAP APPL
SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP 6.0
Software Component: SAP APPL
SAP Transportation Management
Software Component: SAPTM
SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP 6.0
Name: TransportationOrderSCMCancellationRe
Namespace: Software
Component: SAP APPL
148 P U B L I C
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Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
From Sender Service/Message Interface To Receiver Service/Message Interface
SAP Transportation Management
Software Component: SAPTM
SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP 6.0
Namespace: urn:sap-com:document:sap:idoc:messages
Software Component: SAP APPL
SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP 6.0
Name: TransportationOrderSCMTenderingResultNotication_In
Namespace: Software Compo
nent: SAP APPL
1. In the main menu of the Integration Directory, choose Tools Transfer Integration Scenario from the
Integration Repository .
2. Perform the Select Integration Scenario step.
In the Integration Scenario screen area, select the following process integration scenario from the
Integration Repository and then choose Continue:
Name TM_ERPShipmentIntegration_In
Software Component Version SAPTM IC (check PPMS for current version)
3. Perform the Create Conguration Scenario step.
In the Create Conguration Scenario screen area, enter a name for the conguration scenario and choose
4. Choose Close.
The system transfers the integration scenario from the Integration Builder: Repository. The Integration
Scenario Conguration wizard starts.
5. Perform the following conguration steps:
1. Select Component View
You can congure multiple component views within the same conguration scenario. For this
connection, there is only one component view dened and you therefore skip this step.
2. Assign Services
To map the participants in a process displayed in the model to actual senders and receivers of
messages in your system landscape, assign the business systems by choosing Assign Services. On the
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Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 149
Business System Services for A2A tab, assign the business system of the sender and receiver system.
To select the next system, use the navigation arrows to navigate.
3. Conguration Connections
To congure the three connections, choose Congure Connections. For each connection, select the
appropriate receiver communication channel for the receiver business system (PI receiver
communication channel for SAP Transportation Management system; IDoc receiver communication
channel for SAP ERP system) and choose the Apply pushbutton. The navigation arrows enable you to
navigate to the other connections in the process integration scenario.
4. Generate
To generate all connections, choose Generate. A dialog box appears in which you make the following
General Generation
Scope of Generation You can limit the scope of generation to particular object
types. Select the checkboxes of the following object types:
Receiver Determination
Interface Determination
Sender/Receiver Agreement
Change List for Generated Objects Select the Create New radio button if you want to create a new
change list for the generated objects. You can also use an ex
isting change list. The process integration scenario is prede
5. Choose Start.
The system displays the generation log, which you can save.
6. Congure the interface determination for IDoc interface SHPMNT.SHPMNT05.
To avoid conicts with other scenarios that also send IDoc SHPMNT.SHPMNT05 to the SAP NetWeaver
PI system, you have to set up the interface determination for IDoc interface
accordingly. The system dierentiates between dierent applications of the IDoc by using their
message variants, which are communicated in eld MESCOD of the IDoc control structure.
Make sure that the following condition and interface mapping have been entered for inbound interface
TransportationOrderSCMRequest_In under Congured Inbound Interfaces:
Either use the left or the right value column depending on the technology you intend to use. If there
is one column only for a eld, the value is valid for the PI mapping as well as for IDOC2SOA.
Field Value
Service PI mapping IDOC2SOA
SAP ERP system, for example, ERP_500
Sender screen area
150 P U B L I C
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
Field Value
Interface SHPMNT.SHPMNT05 TransportationOrderSCMReque
Namespace urn:sap-com:docu
Service SAP TM system to which the target interface is to be routed
For example, TM1_750
Congured Inbound Interfaces screen area
Inbound Interface Name TransportationOrderSCMRequest_In
Inbound Interface Namespace
Condition /SHPMNT05/IDOC/EDI_DC40/
No condition needed
Interface Mapping Name SHPMNTSHPMNT05_to_Transport
No mapping needed
7. Repeat the above step for the following inbound interface.
Make sure that the following condition and interface mapping have been entered for inbound
interface TransportationOrderSCMCancellationRequest_In under Congured Inbound
Field Value
Service PI mapping IDOC2SOA
SAP ERP system, for example, ERP_500
Sender screen area
Interface SHPMNT.SHPMNT05 TransportationOrderSCMCanc
Namespace urn:sap-com:docu
Service SAP TM system to which the target interface is to be routed
For example, TM1_750
Congured Inbound Interfaces screen area
Inbound Interface Name TransportationOrderSCMCancellationRequest_In
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
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P U B L I C 151
Field Value
Inbound Interface Namespace
Condition /SHPMNT05/IDOC/EDI_DC40/
No condition needed
Interface Mapping Name SHPMNTSHPMNT05_to_Transpor
No mapping needed
Make sure that the following condition and interface mapping have been entered for inbound
interface TransportationOrderSCMExecutionConfirmation_In under Congured Inbound
Field Value
Service PI mapping IDOC2SOA
SAP ERP system, for example, ERP_500
Sender screen area
Interface SHPMNT.SHPMNT05 TransportationOrderSCMExec
Namespace urn:sap-com:docu
Service SAP TM system to which the target interface is to be routed.
For example, TM1_750.
Congured Inbound Interfaces screen area
Inbound Interface Name TransportationOrderSCMExecutionConfirmation_In
Inbound Interface Namespace
Condition /SHPMNT05/IDOC/EDI_DC40/
No condition needed
Interface Mapping Name SHPMNTSHPMNT05_to_Transpor
No mapping needed
Make sure that the following condition and interface mapping have been entered for inbound
interface TransportationOrderSCMExecutionStatusNotification_In under Congured
Inbound Interfaces
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
Field Value
Service PI mapping IDOC2SOA
SAP ERP system, for example, ERP_500
Sender screen area
Interface SHPMNT.SHPMNT05 TransportationOrderSCMExec
Namespace urn:sap-com:docu
Service SAP TM system to which the target interface is to be routed.
For example, TM1_750.
Congured Inbound Interfaces screen area
Inbound Interface Name TransportationOrderSCMExecutionStatusNotification_In
Inbound Interface Namespace
Condition /SHPMNT05/IDOC/EDI_DC40/
No condition needed
Interface Mapping Name SHPMNTSHPMNT05_to_Transpor
No mapping needed
Make sure that the following condition and interface mapping have been entered for inbound
interface SHIPPL.TPSSHT01 /
TransportationOrderSCMExecutionCancellationRequest_In under Congured Inbound
Field Value
Service PI mapping IDOC2SOA
SAP TM system, for example, TM1_750
Sender screen area
Interface TransportationOrderSCMExecutionCancellationRequest_Out
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
P U B L I C 153
Field Value
Service SAP ERP system to which the target interface is to be routed For exam
ple, ERP_500
Congured Inbound Interfaces screen area
Inbound Interface Name SHIPPL.TPSSHT01 TransportationOrderSCMExec
Inbound Interface Namespace urn:sap-com:docu
Condition No condition needed No condition needed
Interface Mapping Name TransportationOrderSCMExec
No mapping needed
Make sure that the following condition and interface mapping have been entered for inbound
under Congured Inbound Interfaces
Field Value
Service PI mapping IDOC2SOA
SAP ERP system, for example, ERP_500
Sender screen area
Interface SHPMNT.SHPMNT05 TransportationOrderSCMExec
Namespace urn:sap-com:docu
Service SAP TM system to which the target interface is to be routed.
For example, TM1_750.
Congured Inbound Interfaces screen area
Inbound Interface Name TransportationOrderSCMExecutionDeliveryAssignmentChang
Inbound Interface Namespace
154 P U B L I C
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
Field Value
Condition /SHPMNT05/IDOC/EDI_DC40/
No condition needed
Interface Mapping Name SHPMNTSHPMNT05_to_Transpor
No mapping needed
Make sure that the following condition and interface mapping have been entered for inbound
TransportationOrderSCMExecutionItmPckgAssgnmntChangedNotification_In under
Congured Inbound Interfaces
Field Value
Service PI mapping IDOC2SOA
SAP ERP system, for example, ERP_500
Sender screen area
Interface SHPMNT.SHPMNT05 TransportationOrderSCMExec
Namespace urn:sap-com:docu
Service SAP TM system to which the target interface is to be routed.
For example, TM1_750.
Congured Inbound Interfaces screen area
Inbound Interface Name TransportationOrderSCMExecutionItmPckgAssgnmntChangedN
Inbound Interface Namespace
Condition /SHPMNT05/IDOC/EDI_DC40/
No condition needed
Interface Mapping Name SHPMNTSHPMNT05_to_Transpor
No mapping needed
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
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The relevant receiver determinations, interface determinations, and collaboration agreements are generated
for your integration scenario and can be made relevant for PI runtime by activating your change list. Checking Settings for Acknowledgement of IDocs
In this procedure, you check the settings in your SAP PI system for acknowledgement of IDoc messages. If you
do not want the system to send acknowledgment messages (ALEAUD IDocs) to the sender, carry out the
following steps.
1. In the SAP PI system, call transaction SE38, enter report IDX_NOALE and choose Execute.
2. Enter the sender port and the corresponding client
3. Choose Do Not Request Acknowledgment.
You can also request acknowledgments again by choosing Request Acknowledgment.
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Shipment Integration
8 Conguration Settings for Plant
Maintenance (PM) Integration
You use this process to congure the settings in SAP ERP that enable you to integrate plant maintenance (PM)
processing of SAP ERP and resource master data of SAP TM.
You have activated the business function LOG_SCM_EQUIFUNCLOC_INT (SCM, Equipment / Functional
Location Integration into TM Resources) and rebuilt the CIF selection screen (refer to note 1320454 for
details) has to be executed.
You have completed the basic settings for establishing the standard CIF transfer from SAP ERP to SAP TM.
Refer to chapter Conguration Settings for Core Interface (CIF)for details.
When specifying the SAP APO release SAP_SCMB has to be used as system type and 713 or higher as
In order to enable the transfer of equipment and functional locations, you have to activate the change pointers
for the message types CIFEQ (Equipment) and / or CIFFL (Functional Location) in Customizing for ERP under
SAP Components Advanced Planning and Optimization Basic Settings for the Data Transfer Change
Change Transfer for Master Data Activate ALE Change Pointers for Message Types
Additionally you should congure the respective categories to write change documents when changing data.
You do this in Customzing for ERP under:
Equipment Categories
Plant Maintenance and Customer Service Master Data in Plant Maintenance and Customer Service
Technical Objects Equipment Equipment Categories Maintain Equipment Categories
Functional Categories
Plant Maintenance and Customer Service Master Data in Plant Maintenance and Customer Service
Technical Objects Functional Locations Dene Category of Functional Location
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Plant Maintenance (PM) Integration
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You can view the application logging for processing using transaction SLG1 (Application Log: Display Logs)
through object CIF and sub object RESTM.
Enhancement Possibilities
In order to modify the data to be transferred from SAP ERP to SAP TM the following BAdIs are available in
Customizing for ERP:
Functional Location
Integration with Other SAP Components Advanced Planning and Optimization Application-Specic
Settings and Enhancements Enhancements for Functional Location BAdI: CIF - Transfer Functional
Locations to TM as Resources
Integration with Other SAP Components Advanced Planning and Optimization Application-Specic
Settings and Enhancements Enhancements for Equipment BAdI: CIF - Transfer Equipment to TM as
Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Conguration Settings for Plant Maintenance (PM) Integration
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Basic Settings and Integration for SAP ERP and S/4 HANA
Important Disclaimers and Legal Information
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