Transportation (LE-TRA)
Release 4.6C
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
2 April 2001
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SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
April 2001 3
Icon Meaning
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
4 April 2001
Transportation (LE-TRA)............................................................................................. 10
About Transportation.................................................................................................................................12
Transportation Planning Point..................................................................................................................13
Procedures Valid for Entire Company Codes .........................................................................................14
Shipment Types..........................................................................................................................................15
Shipment document...................................................................................................................................20
Information in the Shipment Document...................................................................................................21
Copying Information Relevant for Transportation ...................................................................................24
Shipment Outputs ......................................................................................................................................25
Output Control.........................................................................................................................................27
Determining Output in the Shipment Document .....................................................................................28
Output Type .......................................................................................................................................30
Output Processing...................................................................................................................................31
Selecting a Worklist for Output ..........................................................................................................34
Changing Data Relevant to Output....................................................................................................36
Changing Outputs in Document Processing......................................................................................37
Sending Internal Mail .........................................................................................................................39
Processing Internal Mail ...............................................................................................................40
Output Determination Analysis ..........................................................................................................41
Printing Output ...................................................................................................................................42
Printing Outputs from Document Processing ...............................................................................43
Outbound EDI messages ........................................................................................................................44
Inbound EDI messages...........................................................................................................................47
Report: Output for Shipments .................................................................................................................50
Creating Output Lists .........................................................................................................................51
Freight Codes and Freight Code Sets; Freight Classes.........................................................................52
Determining the Freight Code .................................................................................................................53
Freight classes ........................................................................................................................................55
Transportation Processing Reports.........................................................................................................56
Editing Shipment Lists.............................................................................................................................57
Searching for Deliveries in a Transportation List ....................................................................................58
Transportation Planning............................................................................................................................59
Creating Shipments ...................................................................................................................................63
Creating Shipments.................................................................................................................................65
Screen Info for Delivery Selection...........................................................................................................67
Defining Selection Variants for Shipments..............................................................................................71
Creating Additional Shipment Documents ..............................................................................................72
Moving Deliveries....................................................................................................................................73
Removing Deliveries from a Shipment....................................................................................................75
Creating Shipment Documents for Individual Deliveries.........................................................................76
Planning Proposal ...................................................................................................................................77
Subsequent Delivery Split in Shipments .................................................................................................78
Using Collective Processing to Create Shipments .................................................................................81
Creating Shipments with Collective Processing ................................................................................83
Creating Transportation Chains with Collective Processing..............................................................85
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
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Reports for Transportation Planning .......................................................................................................86
Shipment Execution Monitor ...................................................................................................................87
Select Shipments: Planning ....................................................................................................................88
Creating Transportation Planning Lists..............................................................................................90
Select Shipments: Utilization of Capacity ...............................................................................................91
Creating Utilization Lists ....................................................................................................................92
Select Shipments: Free Capacity............................................................................................................93
Creating Free Capacity Lists..............................................................................................................94
Automatic Leg Determination ...................................................................................................................95
Automatic Assignment of Deliveries .......................................................................................................99
Identification of Places ..........................................................................................................................101
Leg Determination Categories ..............................................................................................................103
Executing Automatic Leg Determination...............................................................................................105
Examples of Automatic Leg Determination...........................................................................................106
Category 1: According to the Itinerary .............................................................................................107
Category 2: Preliminary/Subsequent Leg for Point of Departure/Destination .................................109
Category 3: Preliminary and Subsequent Leg for Each Delivery ....................................................111
Category 4: With Shipping Type for Preliminary Leg and Subsequent Leg ....................................114
Shipment Stages ......................................................................................................................................115
Creating Shipment Stages Manually.....................................................................................................118
Assigning Deliveries to Stages..............................................................................................................121
Maintaining Partners for Stages............................................................................................................122
Displaying Details About Stages...........................................................................................................123
Deleting Stages in the Shipment Document .........................................................................................124
Moving Stages in the Shipment Document...........................................................................................125
Routes and Shipment Stages ...............................................................................................................126
Planning Activities in the Shipment Document ....................................................................................128
Processing Shipment Documents.........................................................................................................129
Mass Shipment Changes ......................................................................................................................130
Making Mass Changes to Shipments ..............................................................................................131
Packing in the Shipment Document......................................................................................................132
Delivery Item Generation in the Shipment ............................................................................................134
Assigning Service Agents in the Shipment Document..........................................................................136
Maintaining Texts in the Shipment Document ......................................................................................137
Maintaining Planned and Actual Deadlines in the Shipment Document...............................................138
Status in the Shipment Document ........................................................................................................139
Maintaining Status in Shipment Documents....................................................................................140
Transfer of Delivery Dates to Shipments .........................................................................................141
Function Authorization for Status.....................................................................................................142
Dangerous Goods Check......................................................................................................................143
Completing Transportation Planning.....................................................................................................144
Shipment Execution.................................................................................................................................145
Activity Profiles ........................................................................................................................................146
Reports for Shipment Completion..........................................................................................................147
Select Shipments: Check-in ..................................................................................................................148
Creating Check-in Lists....................................................................................................................150
Select Shipments: Shipment Completion..............................................................................................151
Creating Shipment Completion Lists ...............................................................................................153
Posting Goods Issue for Shipments ......................................................................................................154
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6 April 2001
Monitoring Shipments .............................................................................................................................155
Information System in Transportation ...................................................................................................156
Information System in List Form ...........................................................................................................157
Graphical Information System...............................................................................................................158
Changing Network Views ......................................................................................................................161
Displaying Itineraries Within a Transportation Network ........................................................................162
Displaying Details on Shipment Stages ................................................................................................164
Displaying Details on Transportation Connection Points......................................................................166
Displaying Deadlines for Deliveries ......................................................................................................167
Displaying a Gantt Chart for Deliveries.................................................................................................168
Calculating Allowed Lateness of Deliveries ..........................................................................................169
Displaying Details on a Delivery............................................................................................................170
Displaying Details on a Shipment .........................................................................................................171
Compressing Stages.............................................................................................................................172
Changing the Graphical Representation...............................................................................................173
Displaying Transportation Change Documents....................................................................................174
Displaying Change Documents.............................................................................................................175
Shipment Cost Processing......................................................................................................................176
Shipment cost document ........................................................................................................................178
Shipment Costing.....................................................................................................................................180
Pricing Procedure Determination ..........................................................................................................182
Freight Cost Estimate............................................................................................................................184
Determining the Calculation Basis ........................................................................................................185
Examples for Calculation Bases ......................................................................................................189
Consistency Check for Freight Costs ..............................................................................................190
Shipment Comparisons.........................................................................................................................191
Determination of Geographical Influencing Factors..............................................................................192
Determining Pricing Date and Settlement Date ....................................................................................194
Tax Determination.................................................................................................................................196
Creating Scales................................................................................................................................200
Assigning Scales for Condition Types .............................................................................................202
Creating Condition Records.............................................................................................................203
Multi-Dimensional Condition Scales ................................................................................................204
Allocating/Loading Condition Records........................................................................................205
Break-Weight Calculation......................................................................................................................206
Creating Shipment Cost Documents Online .........................................................................................208
Creating Shipment Cost Documents with Work Lists ...........................................................................210
Processing the Shipment Cost Document ............................................................................................213
Shipment Costs List: Calculation ..........................................................................................................214
Creating Shipment Document Lists for Calculation .........................................................................215
Scales List .............................................................................................................................................216
Creating Scales Lists .......................................................................................................................217
Shipment Cost Settlement with Service Agent .....................................................................................218
G/L Account Determination ...................................................................................................................221
Assignments for Cost Accounting .........................................................................................................222
Purchase Order Determination .............................................................................................................224
Creation of Accruals..............................................................................................................................226
Shipment Costs as Delivery Costs........................................................................................................227
Self-billing Procedure ............................................................................................................................230
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Carrying out the Self-Billing Procedure............................................................................................232
Carrying out Account Assignment.........................................................................................................233
Transferring Shipment Costs to Accounting .........................................................................................235
Manual Invoice Verification ...................................................................................................................236
Shipment Costs List: Settlement...........................................................................................................238
Creating List of Shipment Documents for Settlement......................................................................239
Billing the Shipment Costs to the Customer.........................................................................................240
Shipment Cost Information in the Order................................................................................................242
Calling up Shipment Cost Information in the Order ..............................................................................244
EDI Output.................................................................................................................................................246
External Transportation Planning Systems...........................................................................................247
Logical Communications Processes .....................................................................................................250
Application Transactions of the Interface..............................................................................................255
Configuration Options ...........................................................................................................................259
Technical Communication.....................................................................................................................266
IDoc Description....................................................................................................................................274
EDI_DC - IDoc Control Record........................................................................................................278
Special Fields in the Control Segment of EDI_DC ..........................................................................280
EDI_DD - IDoc Data Record............................................................................................................282
TPSDLS01 - Plan/Change Deliveries / Remove Deliveries.............................................................284
TPSLOC01 - Add/Change Location Master Data ............................................................................285
TPSSHT01 - Create/Change/Delete Shipment ...............................................................................286
SYSTAT01 - Status Information for Transfer...................................................................................287
IDoc Segments, Fields and Domain Values ....................................................................................288
E2EDT1x - Processes ................................................................................................................289
E2KNVAM - Business Hours Profiles .........................................................................................292
E2STATS - EDI Status Record...................................................................................................294
E2TPACC - Action Code ............................................................................................................296
E2TPALC - Authorized Service Provider....................................................................................297
E2TPCOC - Goods Code ...........................................................................................................298
E2TPDIH - Delivery Dimensions at Header Level......................................................................299
E2TPDII - Delivery Dimensions at Item Level ............................................................................301
E2TPDIS – Dimensions of Handling Unit ...................................................................................302
E2TPDLC - Shipment Costs at Delivery Level ...........................................................................304
E2TPDLH - Delivery Header.......................................................................................................305
E2TPDLI - Delivery Item .............................................................................................................308
E2TPEQT - Means of Transport.................................................................................................310
E2TPFRC - Shipment Costs at Header Level ............................................................................311
E2TPLCT - Location Code..........................................................................................................312
E2TPLOC - Location Master Record Address............................................................................313
E2TPNOT - Delivery Texts .........................................................................................................316
E2TPSHA - Transportation Activity.............................................................................................317
E2TPSHH - Shipment Header ....................................................................................................319
E2TPSHI - Delivery in Shipment ................................................................................................321
E2TPSHR - Rail Data .................................................................................................................322
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8 April 2001
E2TPSHT - Leg Data in Shipment..............................................................................................323
E2TPSHU - Handling Unit ..........................................................................................................325
E2TPSLS - Transportation Connection Points ...........................................................................326
E2TPSUC - Handling Unit Contents...........................................................................................327
E2TPTIW - Time Frame..............................................................................................................328
E2TPTRM- Location Identification..............................................................................................330
E2TPTRP - Existing Shipment ...................................................................................................334
SAP System Settings and Modifications...............................................................................................336
Error Analysis........................................................................................................................................338
Modifications (Customer Functions) .....................................................................................................342
Transportation Planning in Cooperation with Forwarding Agents .....................................................346
Logical Communications Processes .....................................................................................................347
Application Transactions of the Interface..............................................................................................351
Configuration Options ...........................................................................................................................354
Technical Communication.....................................................................................................................361
IDoc Description....................................................................................................................................368
EDI_DC - IDoc Control Record........................................................................................................371
Special Fields in the Control Segment of EDI_DC ..........................................................................373
EDI_DD - IDoc Data Record............................................................................................................375
TPSDLS01 - Plan/Change Deliveries / Remove Deliveries.............................................................377
TPSSHT01 - Create/Change/Delete Shipment ...............................................................................378
SYSTAT01 - Status Information for Transfer...................................................................................380
IDoc Segments, Fields, and Domains .............................................................................................381
E2EDT1x - Processes ................................................................................................................382
E2KNVAM - Business Hours Profiles .........................................................................................385
E2STATS - EDI Status Record...................................................................................................387
E2TPACC - Action Code ............................................................................................................389
E2TPCOC - Goods Code ...........................................................................................................391
E2TPDIH - Delivery Dimensions at Header Level......................................................................392
E2TPDII - Delivery Dimensions at Item Level ............................................................................394
E2TPDIS – Dimensions of Handling Unit ...................................................................................395
E2TPDLC - Shipment Costs at Delivery Level ...........................................................................397
E2TPDLH - Delivery Header.......................................................................................................398
E2TPDLI - Delivery Item .............................................................................................................401
E2TPEQT - Means of Transport.................................................................................................403
E2TPFRC - Shipment Costs at Header Level ............................................................................404
E2TPLCT - Location Code..........................................................................................................405
E2TPNOT - Delivery Texts .........................................................................................................406
E2TPSHA - Transportation Activity.............................................................................................407
E2TPSHH - Shipment Header ....................................................................................................409
E2TPSHI - Delivery in Shipment ................................................................................................412
E2TPSHR - Rail Data .................................................................................................................413
E2TPSHT - Leg Data in Shipment..............................................................................................414
E2TPSHU - Handling Unit ..........................................................................................................416
E2TPSLS - Transportation Connection Points ...........................................................................417
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E2TPSUC - Handling Unit Contents...........................................................................................418
E2TPTIW - Time Frame..............................................................................................................419
E2TPTRM- Location Identification..............................................................................................421
E2TPTRP - Existing Shipment ...................................................................................................425
SAP System Settings and Modifications...............................................................................................427
Documentation not Available in Release 4.6C......................................................................................429
Modification Concept (Customer Functions).........................................................................................430
Parcel Tracking for Express Delivery Companies ................................................................................434
Creating a Manifest for Express Delivery Companies ..........................................................................436
Communication via Internet ....................................................................................................................437
Shipment Tendering for Service Agents Through the Internet .............................................................439
Tendering Shipments for Service Agents ........................................................................................441
Transportation Tendering Through a Freight Exchange.......................................................................443
Tracking Information .............................................................................................................................444
Transportation Planning with Forwarding Agents Through the Internet ...............................................446
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Transportation (LE-TRA)
10 April 2001
Transportation (LE-TRA)
Transportation is an essential element in the logistics chain. It affects both incoming and outgoing
goods. Effective transportation planning and processing ensure that shipments are dispatched
without delay and arrive on schedule. Transportation costs play an essential role in the
calculation of the price of a product. It is important to keep these transportation costs to a
minimum so that the price of a product remains competitive. Efficient transportation planning and
processing helps to keep these costs down.
As illustrated in the following graphic, you can use the SAP transportation functions to plan and
· Incoming shipments in Materials Management based on purchase orders and shipping
· Outbound shipments in Sales and Distribution based on sales orders and deliveries
The graphic below illustrates this process:
Goods receipt
(Goods receipt)
Incoming invoice
Goods issue
(Goods issue)
Sales order
Transportation planning and processing is based on the shipment document. This document
facilitates the flow of information from the shipper to the customer and to any service agents who
are involved in the business transaction.
The transportation component includes basic transportation processing functions:
· Transportation planning and shipment completion
· Shipment costs calculation
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Transportation (LE-TRA)
April 2001 11
· Shipment costs settlement
· Shipment costs calculation for individual customers
· Billing of customer freight
· Service agent selection
· Management of means of transport and utilities
· Follow-up and supervision of shipments
· Management of shipment costs
These transportation functions can handle planning and processing for both inbound and
outbound shipments. You can control and monitor the entire transportation process from the
planning stage to goods issue at your shipping point (for outbound shipments) or vendor location
(for inbound shipments), through to goods receipt at the customer location or your plant.
Other available functions include: shipment costs calculation and settlement with the service
agent, transfer to accounting, credit memo creation and invoice verification.
This documentation describes procedures in outbound shipment processing. Unless
specifically stated otherwise, the information here also applies to inbound shipment
processing. Differences between the two will be pointed out where necessary.
For information on creating and processing inbound deliveries, see the Confirmations
section of the R/3 Library documentation for Purchasing (MM-PUR).
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
About Transportation
12 April 2001
About Transportation
The following text describes basic elements of shipment processing, which also include:
· the function of the organizational unit of transportation planning point [Page 13]
· the function of the shipment document [Page 20]
· output determination [Page 28]
· a compilation of the reports [Page 56] available in shipment processing
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Transportation Planning Point
April 2001 13
Transportation Planning Point
You can now carry out transportation planning and shipment completion using a new
organizational unit, the transportation planning point. Basically, the transportation planning point
consists of a group of employees responsible for organizing transportation activities. Each
shipment is assigned to a specific transportation planning point for transportation planning and
shipment completion. You must define the various transportation planning points used in your
organization in Customizing for Corporate Structure before they can be used to perform
transportation functions. You can define this organizational unit according to your company’s
needs, for example, according to geographical location or mode of transport.
The transportation planning point is assigned to a company code, but is otherwise
independent of other organizational units.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Procedures Valid for Entire Company Codes
14 April 2001
Procedures Valid for Entire Company Codes
It is not necessary to assign the transportation planning point to a company code for
transportation planning purposes. However, company code assignment is necessary for
shipment costing and settlement. Internal offsetting of costs between company codes (one
company code takes care of transportation processing for all the firm’s company codes, for
example) is presently not available. These must be manually entered in the financial accounting
In order for this cross-company-code manual processing to be possible in financial accounting,
cost distribution for shipment costs must occur on the shipment cost item level rather than
delivery level or delivery item level, since in the latter two cases, the delivery’s company code
would be adapted to the transportation planning point’s company code.
A company’s plant in Japan delivers goods to a plant in Houston. The plant in Japan
takes care of the shipment costs until the goods reach the airport in Japan, and the
Houston plant pays the rest of the shipment costs (Japan airport ® Houston airport
® Houston plant).
The transportation chain with cross-company-code billing looks like this:
There are a total of three shipments:
· The first shipment is created by the transportation planning point in Japan and ends at the
airport in Japan. Cost distribution occurs on the shipment cost item level.
· The second and third shipment are created by the transportation planning point in Houston.
In both cases, cost distribution occurs on the shipment cost item level.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Shipment Types
April 2001 15
Shipment Types
The shipment type contains all the important control features for a shipment, such as the number
range, whether the shipment is inbound or outbound, how leg determination is performed, and
which leg indicator has been set for a shipment of this type. You can also enter a selection
variant for the shipment type. The values defined in the variant appear on the selection screen
when you create a shipment document of this type.
The system supports the following shipment types:
· Individual shipment
· Collective shipment
· Transportation chain
Individual shipment
An individual shipment includes
· One or more deliveries
· One point of departure
· One destination
· One mode of transport
Delivery 1
Delivery 2
Shipping point
Kansas City
1 Shipment document
Collective shipment
A collective (or milk-run) shipment includes
· One or more deliveries
· Several points of departure
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Shipment Types
16 April 2001
· Several destinations
· One mode of transport
Delivery 1
Delivery 2
Delivery 2
Shipping point
Customer 1
Kansas City
Customer 2
1 Shipment document
Transportation chain
A transportation chain is useful if you are dealing with deliveries that will be transported using
multiple modes of transportation (and are thus processed by different departments at the
transportation planning point).
Transportation Chain
Delivery 1
Delivery 1
Delivery 1
Shipping point
Port of departure
New York
Port of destination
Shipment doc. 1 Shipment doc. 2
Shipment doc. 3
The department responsible for transportation by land organizes truck shipments and
another department organizes ships and their cargo for goods shipment by sea.
Each mode of transport (truck and ship) requires individual shipping papers. Each
mode of transportation requires separate transportation papers, meaning that you
need to create a shipment document for the overland leg and another for the
overseas leg of the journey.
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Shipment Types
April 2001 17
If shipments use more than one mode of transportation, it is a good idea to create a
transportation chain. Because you will have a separate shipment document for each
mode of transportation, you can maintain separate output, texts, statuses, and so on.
Example for using a transportation chain
At shipping points 0001 and 0002 in Germany, a large number of deliveries are to be sent to
customers in the United States by the beginning of December. You and your customers agreed
that part of the shipment be sent carriage paid and the other part carriage, insurance, freight paid
to (CIF) New York only (meaning that the end customer must pay carriage, insurance and freight
from New York to the final destination).
The goods are to be transported by land within Germany, by sea from Hamburg to New York,
and by land again in the United States. It is, of course, possible to document the entire process in
a shipment document. However, problems can arise if certain parts of the shipment functions
are used:
· For instance, data on the shipment status always refers to the entire shipment document (for
example, the status “Loading finished”). However, in this example loading takes place
several times.
· For the same reason, an assignment of dates and texts to a handling unit is difficult because
these can change within the shipment document. The very definition of a handling unit is in
itself problematic.
· Output to be created in combination with the shipment document contains all data for the
entire shipment document. When the truck driver leaves the shipping point, his printout also
contains data that refers to the ship. This is unnecessary and a nuisance. Processing several
required preliminary legs at different times also requires that output be printed at different
In cases like this, it makes more sense to use a transportation chain in which deliveries are
passed on in a series of different shipments. In the above example, you would create several
shipment documents in the system: ten preliminary leg shipments by truck, one main leg by ship,
and if necessary, eight subsequent legs by truck again. That way, you avoid the problem of
assigning deadlines, output, or texts to the packaging material.
With that in mind, you might put together your transportation chain like this:
1. Create a main leg
At transportation planning point 0001, you create a main leg shipment for all deliveries to
be sent by ship from Hamburg to New York City at the beginning of December. There
should be a special shipment type set for this set in Customizing. This could include the
following settings:
Set the leg indicator field for the shipment header to Main leg. The system will
recognize that this shipment must be linked to other shipments.
The leg determination type for this shipment type should be ‘ ‘.This means that no
automatic leg determination will be carried out. This is reasonable since the
Hamburg-to-New York leg does not include any points of departure or destinations
from the delivery (however, this data will be taken into account during leg
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Shipment Types
18 April 2001
Route determination resulting in the Hamburg-to-New York route may have already
been carried out in the delivery. If you want to copy this route automatically into the
main leg shipment, you can specify in Customizing that routes must be copied into
the shipment document. Copying starts as soon as you set the Planned status in the
shipment document.(Note that the route in the deliveries must be unique.) At the
same time, the service agent can also be copied automatically from the delivery
provided you have made the appropriate settings in Customizing and that the same
service agent has been assigned to the deliveries.
When the deliveries were created, they were given transportation planning status A,
meaning they were ready for transportation planning. Now, after creating the main leg
shipment, these deliveries have transportation planning status B, meaning that they have
been partially planned (since a main leg shipment needs preliminary and possibly
subsequent legs).
2. Create preliminary legs
The preliminary leg shipments that are used to send the goods from shipping points 0001
and 0002 to the ship in Hamburg can be organized much faster than the ship itself, which
is why they are planned at this time. You must now combine all deliveries in the main leg
shipment into one or more preliminary leg shipments. You can do this in the Create
Shipment transaction.
To do this, you must select all deliveries in the main leg shipment. The transportation
planning status of the delivery may be helpful in determining which deliveries are in the
main leg shipment since their status is now set to B instead of A. Of course, this is not
sufficient as a single selection criterion. He can enter further selection criteria that are
used during delivery selection for the main leg. This may be impractical since you may
not now what the selection criteria were or too many deliveries may be selected.
Therefore, it is better to specify the shipment number of the corresponding main leg
shipment in the Reference to line when selecting deliveries. If you do not know the
number, press F4 and a selection screen will appear. In this case, a further selection
screen for shipment number selection appears. On this screen, you can specify the
person who created the shipment document, the point of departure, and the date in order
to determine the number of the main leg shipment.
You create shipments using the worklist you defined. If each delivery corresponds to
exactly one truckload, the planner can call up the function Edit ® Automatic planning ®
One dlv. one shipment, which creates a separate shipment for each delivery.
You should use the following settings:
Set the leg indicator to preliminary leg.
Set the leg determination type to 1 (leg determination according to pick-up sequence
and itinerary).
Do not copy the route from the delivery. It may be a good idea to copy the service
When the Planned status is set, leg determination begins, but the route is not copied
from the deliveries. It will determine the pick-up sequence. In addition, the system
suggests Hamburg as destination since the deliveries are part of a main leg shipment
that runs from Hamburg to New York.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Shipment Types
April 2001 19
When the shipment is saved, the system updates the delivery status. The status for the
carriage paid deliveries remains B (partially planned), since the second part of the
Incoterm was left blank and the system assumes that a subsequent leg is required. The
status of the deliveries with CIF New York is set to C (completely planned) since the
second part of the Incoterm has been specified and the system assumes that a
subsequent leg is not necessary.
3. Create subsequent legs
You create subsequent legs the same way you create preliminary legs. Use these
Set the leg indicator to subsequent leg.
Use category 1 for leg determination.
Do not copy the route from the deliveries.
In order to create these shipments, search for deliveries with a transportation planning
status of B. The system then finds only those deliveries for which a subsequent leg is to
be created. If the Planned status is set, it also carries out leg determination. The system
automatically suggests ‘New York’ as a point of departure, since the main leg shipment
ends in New York. The sequence in which the goods are delivered (itinerary) is
determined by the sequence in which the deliveries are displayed on the screen. If the
subsequent leg shipments are saved, the transportation planning status of the
corresponding deliveries is set to C (completely planned) since these deliveries now
have preliminary, main, and subsequent legs.
Following these steps ensures that every delivery is included in the transportation chain.
In the example, there are ten preliminary leg shipments to Hamburg followed by a main
leg shipment and eight possible subsequent leg shipments in the United States. In this
way, a group of deliveries forms a network of shipments.
4. Monitor the transportation chain
In order to monitor the shipments, choose Environment ® Transportation info
® Shipment list or Environment ® Transportation info ®
depending on whether you are processing orders, deliveries, or shipments. Worklists for
transportation planning and processing may also provide an overview. To generate a
worklist, enter one of the shipment numbers that make up the transportation network in
the Reference to line. The system will then select all shipment documents in the network.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Shipment document
20 April 2001
Shipment document
The shipping document is the central element of transportation planning and shipment
completion. It contains all the information necessary for carrying out transportation.
You create shipment documents using a worklist. Different types of shipment documents have
been defined to enable you to reflect in the system the various forms of transportation used in
your organization.
For example, you use the individual shipment document to plan and process the transportation of
goods from one location to another. You use the collective shipment to move goods from one or
more points of departure to one or more destinations. Separate document types deal with
inbound and outbound shipments.
You can use shipment documents to:
· Combine deliveries into one inbound or outbound shipment
· Specify shipment stages
- Legs
- border crossing points
- load transfer points
· Assign goods to handling units
· Assign service agents
· Specify planned transportation deadlines
· Record actual transportation deadlines
· Specify output required for transportation (such as shipping papers or EDI messages)
· Define transport-relevant texts
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Information in the Shipment Document
April 2001 21
Information in the Shipment Document
You can record the following information in the shipment document:
· Means of transport
· Service agents
· Deadlines
· Status
· Tendering status
· Route
· Texts
· Output
· Dangerous goods
Means of transport
The means of transport necessary for a shipment is reflected in the system as a handling unit.
These handling units contain information about tare weight and -volume of the means of
transport as well as the weight of the packed handling unit. Information about the country
providing the means of transport, details about the driver and travel time are also included in
these handling units. Handling units that have already been created for delivery items are copied
into the shipment document where they can be packed further, if necessary. Delivery items that
have only been partially packed or not packed at all can be packed in the shipment documents.
See also:
Packing in the Shipment Document [Page 132]
Service agents
You can store information about the service agents (such as forwarding agents or customs
agents) who are involved in the transportation process. You can record this information at the
header or stage level of the shipment document.
See also:
Assigning Service Agents in the Shipment Document [Page 136]
The time required for organizing and performing the various transportation activities is stored as
planned and actual deadlines in the shipment document. This information can be used for
monitoring and analysis purposes.
See also:
Maintaining Planned and Actual Deadlines in the Shipment Document [Page 138]
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Information in the Shipment Document
22 April 2001
Transfer of Delivery Dates to Shipment [Page 141]
Once you have completed the planning activities for a shipment document, you can set the
Planned status. As soon as you set this status, you can no longer carry out planning activities for
this shipment document (remove deliveries from the document or move deliveries within the
document, for example). Leg determination is carried out automatically. You can define which
activities take place when you set the status in the Activity Profiles [Page 146] section.
A traffic light icon indicates the overall status of the shipment document. The icon can be
interpreted as follows:
· No traffic light:
No planning activities have been performed
· Red light:
Transportation planning is complete
· Yellow light:
Loading at the plant has either started or is complete
· Green light:
Shipment has been processed and is en route or has arrived
See also:
Maintaining Status in the Shipment Document [Page 140]
Tendering status
The tendering status describes the current status of a shipment with respect to negotiations with
a forwarding agent through the Internet.
See also:
Requesting Tenders for Service Agents Through the Internet [Page 439]
If the route and the forwarding agent are the same in all deliveries, they are copied from the
deliveries into the shipment document when you set the status to Planned.
Country-specific restrictions with respect to total weight of the shipment on a particular route
require recording the restriction already at the route level. This upper level can be specified at
route level and is then taken into consideration during shipment processing. If the allowed total
weight is exceeded during delivery assignment to the shipment, the system issues a warning
message. The shipment can then be changed accordingly. The fields are displayed on the
planning screen.
During order processing and delivery processing, this check is not taken into consideration.
Further transportation-relevant information is copied into the shipment document if you define the
Copying Routines [Ext.] in the Implementation Guide.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Information in the Shipment Document
April 2001 23
Additional information that could help the transportation process to run smoothly can be entered
as text at header level in the shipment document. This information can be accessed by all
business partners involved in the process. Shipment text types are defined in Customizing and
assigned to text determination procedures. Text determination procedures are defined in the
shipment document type.
See also:
Maintaining Texts in the Shipment Document [Page 137]
Output processing is performed just as it is in other areas of the Sales and Distribution module:
using the condition technique. The types of output that have been set in Customizing for
transportation and for which you have created condition records appear in the shipment
document and apply to the entire document. The output type ALTR has been defined for
transportation in the standard SAP System. You can change this output type to suit your needs.
See also:
Output Determination in the Shipment Document [Page 28]
Dangerous goods
To conform to the legal requirements with respect to the transportation of dangerous goods, it is
important that you check in the shipment document whether transportation of such goods is
actually allowed.
Here different dangerous goods checks can run either automatically or through manual request.
For example, you can check whether the transportation of certain materials is allowed in certain
modes of transport. In this way, you can prevent deliveries or shipments from leaving the
company when they are not suited for transport, according to dangerous goods regulations.
Also, you can create dangerous goods documents using the respective dangerous goods data.
See also:
Dangerous Goods Check in the Shipment [Page 143]
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Copying Information Relevant for Transportation
24 April 2001
Copying Information Relevant for Transportation
When you create shipments, you can use information relevant for transportation as selection
criteria. For example, you can group together outbound deliveries with means-of-transport type
“Truck” and means of transport “Small truck” into one shipment. In sales orders and/or
deliveries, you can specify that the following information is relevant for transportation:
· Means of transport
· Shipping type
· Type of means of transport
· Special processing
In order to copy proposals for dates and times from the delivery, you must create a connection
between the shipment dates and delivery dates. Copy routines serve this purpose.
The system uses the copy routine to copy data from sales orders into deliveries and then into
shipments. In order for the system to do this, you must first carry out the following activities in the
Implementation Guide (IMG):
· Specify copy control for deliveries [Ext.]
· Define shipment types [Ext.]
Information relevant for transportation is copied from the order into the header of the outbound
delivery, and thus supplies split criteria for outbound deliveries. For example, two order items
with different shipping types, means of transport or means-of-transport types cannot be
combined into the same outbound delivery.
However, information can be copied from the outbound deliveries into the shipment, provided it is
unique data. You create a handling unit in the shipment for the means of transport (likewise only
if this is unique). The copying takes place when you set the status “Planned”. Here you must
store an appropriate copy routine in Customizing for the shipment type.
The system also checks the capacity of the mode of transport in the delivery. If this capacity is
exceeded, you will receive a warning message.
Since the means of transport can also be specified on the Pack screen, the means of transport
entries in the sales order, delivery header and the corresponding packing information could vary.
Changes made on the Pack screen have no effect on the transportation-relevant information in
sales orders and deliveries.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Shipment Outputs
April 2001 25
Shipment Outputs
In addition to printing and faxing, electronic data exchange is becoming increasingly important as
a method of communicating transportation data. Senders (shippers) transmit their shipping
orders and transportation information to their service agents (forwarding agents, ship owners,
customs agents). The service agents organize the transportation process and ensure that it is
carried out smoothly. A logistics transportation chain involving multiple modes of transport and
service agents often occurs during the shipment. To ensure efficiency in such a situation, it is
especially important to get all necessary information to all parties involved at the earliest possible
point in the process.
Process Flow
Sample process flow for electronic data exchange:
Shipping Inbound Processing
1. The shipper sends the forwarding agent
a partially- or completely planned
shipment (shipping order).
The forwarding agent receives the
transportation requests and assumes
responsibility for planning the shipment details.
2. The forwarding agent sends information
about the completely planned shipments
back to the shipper.
The vendor receives the completely planned
shipments from the forwarding agent.
3. The shipper or forwarding agent informs
the customer about the upcoming shipment
(shipment notification).
The customer receives information about the
upcoming shipment.
SAP System
(Forwarding agent)
SAP System
(Forwarding agent)
SAP System
SAP System
Rough planning
SAP System
SAP System
Detailed planning
Shipment notification
Shipment notification
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Shipment Outputs
26 April 2001
For more information on output control, see the Output section in the online Implementation
You can find more information about output administration in Working with Output in Sales and
Distribution [Ext.].
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Output Control
April 2001 27
Output Control
You can use output control to automate either messages or subsequent processing of partner-
specific messages. The application uses interfaces that were predefined in Customizing for
conditions to call up output control.
You can use these interfaces to describe different constellations of data and the processing
methods of your choice. If one of these data constellations occurs in the application, it triggers
the corresponding processing method (either synchronously or asynchronously). You can define
processing methods in many different ways (as print output or as a shipping IDoc for EDI, for
The Logistics Execution application always uses output control for issuing output. You can
maintain settings for output control in Customizing in Message control [Ext.] activity.
The condition technique is used in the SAP System for formulating data constellation conditions.
If the current application data matches one of the conditions defined in Customizing, output
determination [Page 28] was successful and an output proposal is generated. You can then
change this proposal (edit [Page 31]) and the output will be processed [Ext.] either immediately
or at a specified time. The output's processing status is saved in a status record and a
processing log is created.
See also:
Message Control Structure [Ext.]
Output control only supports certain transmission media. For more information, see Transmission
media [Ext.].
In Message Control Customizing [Ext.], you can define rules according to which the system
accesses individual condition records.
You can define concrete messages as condition records in the application: Message definition in
the application [Ext.].
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Determining Output in the Shipment Document
28 April 2001
Determining Output in the Shipment Document
The output determination function enables you to perform tasks for shipping and transportation
output for delivery and transportation processing with your customers and within your company.
You can create shipment output and output for handling units. Staff members in your company
can send messages. For example, the system automatically finds the message that a bill of
lading is to be printed.
The output control checks whether the application data matches the condition records (that were
defined in Customizing). If this is the case, one or several messages are “found”, and they can
then be processed (for example, sent electronically). The condition records are searched for
during output determination on the basis of a predefined hierarchy.
The Output determination function is used in output control. You can use the output control
function to exchange information with internal and external partners. Output control consists of
the following functions that are described in the cross-application documentation CA – Output
· Output Determination [Ext.]
· Output Processing [Ext.]
· Status Management [Ext.]
For output determination, the condition elements and condition records need to be defined since
the output determination runs using the condition technique.
In Customizing, you can define the conditions in which the output types you define will be
selected. For more information on output control, see the Output section of the Implementation
The system can propose output automatically for a document. You can change this output in the
Output determination occurs when:
· Accessing the output screen during shipment processing
· Saving a shipment document that is new or has been changed
See also:
For more information on output, refer to the following documentation:
Application Documentation
Basis BC – SAP Communication: Configuration
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Determining Output in the Shipment Document
April 2001 29
Cross-application functions Output Control [Ext.]
SAP Business Workflow [Ext.]
You will find Customizing settings and examples in the above documentation.
Bill of lading
1. Output determination starts in V7STRA with output type CMR1 and the assigned access
2. The access sequence defines the fields with which the key for the condition table is read.
(for example, condition table B017: shipment type of the shipment is read)
3. If the condition record is found, the system proposes an output with the output attributes
found in the table.
4. The output proposal (possibly not yet processed) is stored after the document is posted
as an output status record in the NAST table.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Output Type
30 April 2001
Output Type
There are predefined output types for shipments. You can display a list of predefined output
types by using the input help. The output type contains parameters, such as partner functions,
that are valid for all outputs that are assigned to that type.
· Shipment outputs include: ALTR general shipment, bill of lading, shipping order, EDI in
general (SEDI), shipment notification, goods receipt/issue slip.
· Delivery outputs include: delivery note, mail (internal output), shipping notification,
warehouse order, and package labels.
The output type signals the use of a printed form such as a delivery note that will be sent to a
customer. An output type can also be an internal, electronic-mail message that you send to a
mail recipient (partner).
The output type is assigned, per transmission medium [Ext.], to a form routine in a program that
is called up to process the output (output status record).
For more information, see Defining Output Types [Ext.].
The output type comes after the procedure in the condition element hierarchy. The output type is
assigned exactly one access sequence (next hierarchical level), which in turn is assigned one or
more condition tables (next and lowest hierarchy level).
Condition Components: Sample Hierarchy [Ext.]
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Output Processing
April 2001 31
Output Processing
Output proposals are presented to you in an application transaction. You can then either change
(process) the proposed output before you save the object (bill of lading, for example).
The output proposal that was created includes, among other things, the output's recipient, the
transmission medium and the processing time for subsequent (automatic) processing. You
can change all these parameters in the application transaction.
When you create an output manually, you can specify the output type [Page 30], transmission
medium, print parameters, partners, and language.
You can display a determination analysis, which displays the outputs that were found in the
procedure. You can display details for an output that show which application data the condition
table was read with.
After you post the document, the processed output proposal is recorded in the NAST table as a
message status record [Ext.].
You create a shipment with forwarding agent 1, and the system proposes a shipping
order that is to be sent via EDI.
The determination analysis shows that the Shipment type and Transportation planning
point application fields were read and a condition record was found.
Output partners
The output recipient of the output that is sent is defined as the output partner. Use the input help
to choose an output partner (sold-to party, Electronic Data Interchange -EDI mail recipient,
forwarding agent, or employee responsible, for example).
During output determination, the output recipients are determined from the partners listed in the
document. In other words, the partner function is used to determine the recipient (forwarding
agent, for example).
You can enter a specific output recipient in this field. Your entry overrides the standard partner
that appears. Output recipients that are entered specifically must also be listed in the document
as partners.
Output's transmission medium
The type of processing is determined by the transmission medium [Ext.]. You can specify, for
example, that an output be printed out or sent by mail, fax or EDI.
Processing status
Possible status values:
Status 0 (not yet processed)
1 (processed - no errors)
2 (processed - with errors)
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Output Processing
32 April 2001
Dispatch time
The dispatch time is stored in the condition record. You can have the system process and update
the output either immediately or at a later time. You can use the RSNAST00 report or a special
application function that triggers processing in order to process the outputs at a later time. The
following are linked to the dispatch time as follows:
· Time 1: Send via periodically-planned jobs (next processing run) or start sending from
RSNAST00 online by using the ABAP/4 Development Workbench
· Time 2: send via jobs (as in time 1) with additional time specification of the processing
time: start from RSNAST00 in the background at a defined time (Tools ® Administration,
Jobs ® Job definition).
RSNAST00 processes all output status records that meet the selection criteria and
whose processing times or intervals either include the current date or lie in the past.
Processing times or intervals are fields in the message status record [Ext.] in the NAST
table. These fields are not filled with information in the standard system. Please note:
The first Time field is different from the second Time field. In order to have the system
complete these fields, you can define a corresponding routine in a report as an attribute
of an output type. This routine will then be run for each output determination of this
output type.
· Time 3: Send using an application transaction (specific entry): Call up an application
Print transaction VT70
Only outputs with the status 0 and the dispatch time 3 are included in initial
An output can be sent more than once. This is useful, for instance, if technical problems
or other problems occurred in the first print output. The system copies the output that
was selected; you can then process and send this copy.
In repeat processing, only outputs with status 1 or 2 are selected (dispatch time is not
taken into account). Only outputs with status 2 are selected for error processing (once
again, dispatch time is not taken into consideration).
There can be several versions of the same output that only differ in date or time of
creation (because of repeat processing or multiple sending, for example). During
selection, the system always chooses the last (chronologically latest) output from a group
of similar outputs.
· Time 4: Send immediately (during save in the application). The output is processed
when the document is updated.
See also:
Selecting Output Worklist [Page 34]
Changing Data Relevant to Output [Page 36]
Changing Outputs in Document Processing [Page 37]
Sending Internal Mail [Page 39]
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Output Processing
April 2001 33
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Selecting a Worklist for Output
34 April 2001
Selecting a Worklist for Output
Before you can process messages, you must first select a worklist.
1. Call up the respective task:
Function Menu Path What you should know
Initial Screen Shipping
Processing delivery output
Communication/Printing ®
Outbound Delivery Output
Processing loading output
Communication/Printing ®
Loading Output
Processing handling unit
Communication/Printing ®
HU output
Initial Screen
Transportation [Ext.]
Processing transportation
Communication/Printing ®
Transportation Output
You can process transportation
output as well as output for
documents that have a reference to
a shipment (for example, billing
documents, deliveries). To do this,
select the respective field and enter
the selection criteria in the
appropriate section
With background processing
Tools ® ABAP Workbench
® Development ® ABAP
Print transactions VT70
2. Enter the output type, the transmission medium, and, if required, further selection
parameters. If you want to call up a worklist of all outputs that have not been processed
successfully, enter 3 in the field Processing mode. The system displays all the incorrect
outputs, and you can process them once again.
3. If you wish to look at the worklist first and/or then make changes, choose Program ®
If you wish to process the output as a background job, choose Program ® Execute in the
background. In this case, you cannot execute any changes.
4. If you wish to process output, select the respective output.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Selecting a Worklist for Output
April 2001 35
For more information on processing output, refer to the section Processing Existing
Output [Page 37].
5. Choose Edit ® Process.
The system processes the selected output.
6. If you wish to receive a log after output processing, choose Goto ® Log.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Changing Data Relevant to Output
36 April 2001
Changing Data Relevant to Output
You must have the worklist created. For more information on creating a worklist, refer to the
section Creating a Worklist for Output [Ext.].
Select the respective output and execute the task you require.
Function Menu Path What you should know
Changing print parameters
Edit ® Printer
Use this task if wish to enter the same
print parameters for several outputs.
All the selected outputs receive the print
parameters from the screen Printer
specification if there is 1 (Print) in the
field Transmission medium.
Issuing output (printing,
sending fax, and so on)
Edit ® Process
After processing, output is highlighted as
· green (processed successfully)
· red (processed incorrectly)
Changing details data
Goto ®
Use this task if wish to enter the
separate print parameters for each
You may only change the parameters for
the transmission media Printing and
Telefax. The parameters are merely
displayed for all other transmission
Creating screen display
Goto ® View
The system displays the first selected
Display processing log
Goto ® Log
The system creates a separate log for
each output.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Changing Outputs in Document Processing
April 2001 37
Changing Outputs in Document Processing
Normally, the system automatically proposes data for output control in the sales document. If you
must process outputs, choose the following menu path that corresponds to the sales document
you are processing:
Document Menu Path
Extras ® Delivery output ® Header or Item
Goto ® Output
If you selected several outputs, use Goto ® Next detail screen to process the next output.
Function Menu Path What you should know
Repeating an output Select an output and
choose Repeat output.
An output can be sent more than
once. This is useful, for instance, if
technical problems or other problems
occurred in the first print output.
The system copies the output that
was selected; you can then process
and send this copy.
Sending a change output Select an output and
choose Change output.
If you have made changes in a
document, you can create and send
change outputs for outputs that are
based on this document and have
already been sent.
The system copies the output that
was selected; you can then process
and send this copy.
An indicator identifying this output as
a change output then appears in its
Change column.
Changing print parameters Select an output and
choose Communication
The output must be set for printing: for
example, the Medium field must be
set to 1 (Print output) or 2 (Fax).
Changing send data Select an output and
choose Further data.
Dispatch time, for example.
Processing date and status are also
displayed here.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Changing Outputs in Document Processing
38 April 2001
Carrying out output
determination analysis
Goto ® Determin. analysis
This function is described in detail in
Output Determination Analysis [Page
The system displays all accesses.
You can display the fields that
triggered each individual access by
choosing the folder that you want
more information about.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Sending Internal Mail
April 2001 39
Sending Internal Mail
You can use internal mail to send a message referring to a sales document to the person
responsible for that document. That person can then call up the document directly from your mail
in order to check or process it, for instance.
The procedure for processing internal mail can be found in Processing Internal Mails in SD [Ext.].
You can attach certain criteria to automatic proposals so that you only receive an automatic
message from order processing if the value of an order is greater than $1000, for example. For
more information, see Example Message Determination: Processing Condition Component
Hierarchies [Ext.].
See also:
Formatting SAPoffice Messages [Ext.]
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Processing Internal Mail
40 April 2001
Processing Internal Mail
To process an internal mail that you have received, proceed as follows:
1. On the initial screen, choose Office ® Inbox.
1. Select the mail you wish to process and choose Document ® Display.
The system displays information on the created document, such as document number,
name of creator, and so on. If the creator has entered a text in the mail, this text will also
be displayed.
1. Choose Edit ® Process.
You automatically branch to the transaction specified in the mail. After document processing
you return to the mail. You can repeat this process as often as required.
You can process the mail directly without displaying the content if, after selecting the
mail, you choose Edit ® Process.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Output Determination Analysis
April 2001 41
Output Determination Analysis
A determination analysis can be run for outputs. For example, you can find out which keys were
used to find outputs and whether output determination was successful.
An output determination analysis provides you with the following information:
· Origin of the output proposal (via condition record or from the customer master, for example)
· Output search results (which outputs were found in the corresponding output procedure and
which outputs could not be found)
· Access information (which accesses occurred for outputs that were found using condition
records and the results of the accesses)
· Key combinations (with which key combinations, or combinations of fields, did the accesses
1. Change the corresponding document. For a shipment document, for example, you would
a. Shipment screen
b. Shipment ® Change
2. Goto ® Output
3. Goto ® Determin. analysis
Determination analysis only works if you are in the change or create mode of the shipment
document. (In other words, this function does not work in display mode.)
There is no output determination analysis for the picking list.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Printing Output
42 April 2001
Printing Output
You can, for example, print a delivery note for a delivery.
The following prerequisites apply:
· The document must have an output that is designated for printing. The output can be
· Transmitted directly by the system to the document through Output Determination
[Page 28]
· Entered manually into the document.
If an output is allowed according to the output determination procedure, you can enter this
output into the document manually.
For more information, see Output Determination Procedure Technique [Ext.].
To enter an output manually (or display an existing output), choose in the overview screen of
the document Extras ® Output ® Header or Item ® Edit. You must have 1 (Print output) set
in the field Transmission medium for the output to be printed.
For more information on output, refer to the section Output Processing [Page 31].
· In addition the column Status must have the traffic light set to yellow. If the traffic light is set
to red, you must repeat the print by selecting the output and choosing Repeat output.
You can print in the following ways:
· Through the worklist (online)
· Through the worklist (background job)
See also:
For further information on the worklist, refer to the section Selecting Worklist for Output [Page 34]
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Printing Outputs from Document Processing
April 2001 43
Printing Outputs from Document Processing
The general prerequisites listed in Printing Outputs [Page 42] apply.
Additionally, the following settings must be made on the output screen for the output that you
want to print.
· In the second Time column: 3
Document Menu Path
(Create/Change) Outbound delivery à Issue delivery output
(Shipment screen) Goto à Output
Function Menu Path
Printing an output Specify which printer
Displaying an output on a screen Specify which screen
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Outbound EDI messages
44 April 2001
Outbound EDI messages
Shipment documents are normally sent in one of the following two situations:
1. The shipper sends the forwarding agent a partially- or completely-planned shipment (transfer
2. The shipper or forwarding agent informs the customer about the upcoming shipment
(shipment notification).
You need to create an output type that you can use to send the shipment document per
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). Output type SEDI is provided for this purpose. You can also
make a copy of this output type and tailor it to your needs, if necessary. The transmission
medium must be set to 6 (EDI).
The following condition components must be maintained:
Condition component Value
Access sequence 0001
Output type SEDI (or copy of SEDI)
Schema V7STRA, for example
Application V7
Processing routine RSNASTED program, FORM-routine EDI-PROCESSING
General data
Select Access to conditions and Multiple sending of output. Leave
all other fields blank.
Time 3 (explicit request), as an example
Transmission medium 6
Partner function CR (Carrier) or SH (Ship-to party)
IDoc interface
You must also enter the following values for outbound partner profiles and any additional
outbound parameters under message control.
Field Value
Output type SHPMNT or SHPADV
Partner type LI (vendor/creditor) or KU (customer)
Partner function CR (Carrier) or SH (Ship-to party)
Output mode
Collect IDocs, for example
Basic type SHPMNT03
Application V7
Output type SEDI, or your modified copy of SEDI
Process code SHPM
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Outbound EDI messages
April 2001 45
1. Scenario: The shipper sends the forwarding agent a partially- or completely-planned
shipment (transfer order).
You create a shipment document that is either partially or fully planned (depending on
whether the transportation planning details will be carried out by the forwarding agent or if
you do it yourself).
Depending on what point in the process the message determination is set to take place,
the EDI is triggered immediately after posting (time 4) or when explicitly requested (time
Scenario: The shipper or forwarding agent informs the customer about the upcoming
shipment (shipment notification).
You have a fully-planned shipment document (that you have created and planned
yourself, or that the forwarding agent has planned for you).
Depending on what point in the process the message determination is set to take
place, the EDI is triggered immediately after posting (time 4) or when explicitly
requested (time 3).
(Forwarding agent)
(Forwarding agent)
Shipment notification
Transfer order
To improve performance, you should make sure that when you use IDocs for special
purposes that you only generate segments that include the data you need. You can
hide certain segments by using a reduction technique.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Outbound EDI messages
46 April 2001
To make the necessary settings in Customizing, choose Cross-Application
Components ® Distribution (ALE) ® Processing IDocs ® Set up segment filtering.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Inbound EDI messages
April 2001 47
Inbound EDI messages
You can create or change shipment using EDI output.
In this way, the following tasks are possible:
Collective Goods Traffic
The forwarding agent picks up deliveries from the vendor during the preliminary leg. Then the
agent puts together the shipment for the main leg and passes on this information to the customer
as a shipment notification. Now the customer can easily post a goods issue for the entire
shipment (more precisely, for the deliveries it contains).
Transportation planning
A vendor supplies the forwarding agent with the outbound deliveries as transfer requirements.
The forwarding agent plans the shipment and informs the vendor of the result, who can then start
the appropriate activities for goods issue of the respective outbound deliveries. To create
shipments at the customer site, you can use message SHPADV (shipment message or shipment
notification). To create or change your own shipments, use message SHPMNT. Both messages
are based on IDoc type SHPMNT03; processing is executed through process code SHPM. You
can maintain these parameters within the EDI partner profile. For this purpose, select Tools -
>Business Communication -> IDoc -> Partner profile.
Output for deadline and status
The forwarding agent confirms the planned or actual deadline via EDI, including the status for the
end of the shipment with the respective time.
The inbound deliveries to which the shipment refers must exist in the system. The
reference is made through the delivery number of the vendor (collective goods traffic)
or directly (transportation planning). Therefore, it is necessary to notify the customer
of the deliveries where collective goods traffic is concerned. You can do this using
the DESADV (shipping notification) message. It is not possible to create deliveries in
the initial processing of shipments, as required for direct shipments. Also, no change
is made to the delivery (with effects on material planning) if there is a change in the
shipment (planned arrival date, for example).
The deliveries that the shipment refers to must exist in the receiving system.
Control of IDoc Receipt SHPMNT03
You can control the processing of the receipt of IDoc SHPMNT03 using the specifications in the
segment E1EDT18. For this purpose, you can use the following E1EDT18-QUALF qualifiers:
QUALF = ORI Shipment document is created
QUALF = CHA Shipment document is changed
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Inbound EDI messages
48 April 2001
QUALF = PID Specification of an identification field for the shipment
Processing and copy control
If you use the qualifier ORI or CHA, you can control the data transfer strategy from the IDoc into
the shipment document using the parameter field. Basically, there are four strategies which are
indicated by the first character in the E1EDT18-PARAM field. The respective marker characters
are in the second character in the E1EDT18-PARAM field:
0 IDoc fields are always copied; empty ID fields cause document fields to be deleted (standard
case; will be processed if no specification is made).
1 IDoc fields are only copied if they are empty
2 Similar to strategy 0, but an IDoc field is not transferred if it is filled completely with the
marker character.
3 Similar to strategy 1, but an IDoc field is not transferred if it is filled completely with the
marker character.
Example of segment E1EDT18:
ORI 2!
Copy all fields, except those containing a !
CHA 3%
Copy fields that are filled in and delete fields with %%%%... in the
Control of identification
You can control the identification link between the IDoc and the shipment document in segment
E1EDT18 with qualifier PID, which can appear up to three times per IDoc.
In most day-to-day cases, the PID qualifier is not present. In this case, the E1EDT20-TKNUM
field is copied into VTTK-EXTI1 during creation. The system assigns the shipment number VTTK-
TKNUM internally. If there is a change, the system searches for a suitable shipment document
using the following criteria:
E1ADRE4-EXTEND_D = VTTK-TDLNR (where you must have E1ADRE4-
EXTEND_Q = 300)
If PID qualifiers are specified in E1EDT18, no data is copied from TKNUM to EXTI1.
If the shipment number is to have external number assignment, you can specify the shipment
number as a primary identification with E1EDT18-QUALF = PID and E1EDT18-PARAM =
TKNUM. The shipment is created using VTTK-TKNUM = E1EDT20-TKNUM, and is searched for
with the same condition if you want to change it.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Inbound EDI messages
April 2001 49
You can use the IDoc fields EXTI1, EXTI2, and TKNUM for the identification.
Examples of segment E1EDT18:
QUALF PARAM Function for creating Function for changing
None None Copy E1EDT20-TKNUM to
Internal number assignment
Search for shipment with VTTK-EXTI1 =
PID TKNUM External number assignment
Search with VTTK-TKNUM = E1EDT20-
PID EXTI1 Internal number assignment Search with VTTK-EXTI1 = E1EDT20-
External number assignment Search with VTTK-TKNUM = E1EDT20-
Internal number assignment Search with VTTK-EXTI1 = E1EDT20-
You must also enter the following values for outbound partner profiles and any additional
outbound parameters under message control.
Field Value
Output type SHPMNT or SHPADV
Partner type LI (vendor/creditor)
Basic type SHPMNT03
Application V7
Output type SEDI, or your modified copy of SEDI
Process code SHPM
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Report: Output for Shipments
50 April 2001
Report: Output for Shipments
You can use this report to create a list of outputs that meet your selection criteria. You can
specify whether your list should include outputs related to shipments, deliveries, handling units,
or invoices. You can then display or process the output of your choice from the list.
You can enter shipment numbers, planned shipment completion dates, transportation planning
points or partners as selection criteria. You can also specify that you want to see only those
outputs relating to shipments or deliveries, for example. Use output type, transmission medium
and processing mode to further limit the search.
From the list of outputs that appears, you can start immediate processing, make changes to the
processing parameters, or display either the output itself or its corresponding log. The log records
how often the output is processed or printed.
This report only lists outputs that have been found via output determination or
defined manually in the selected documents (shipments, deliveries, or invoices, for
example). Output determination is not carried out in this report.
See also:
Creating Output Lists [Page 51]
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Creating Output Lists
April 2001 51
Creating Output Lists
To create an output list, proceed as follows:
1. Choose Logistics Execution ® Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery ®
Communication/Printing ® Transportation Output.
The Output for Shipments screen appears.
2. To use other selection criteria, choose Edit ® All selections.
To define reoccurring selection criteria, you can create a variant for the selection screen
using Goto ® Variants ® Save as variant. You can then retrieve these variants with
Goto ® Variants ® Get.
3. Enter the criteria you want to use for selecting the output.
4. Choose Program ® Execute.
The system then gives you a list of all the outputs that match the selection criteria.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Freight Codes and Freight Code Sets; Freight Classes
52 April 2001
Freight Codes and Freight Code Sets; Freight Classes
Forwarding agents or railroads use freight codes (and sets of freight codes) to classify the goods
they transport. Freight codes are specified in the transportation papers, and some are specific to
rail or road transportation.
These are compiled in freight code sets published by forwarding agents and the railroad
authorities and are used specifically when referring to rail or road transport. Specific freight codes
are defined in each freight code set.
Freight code Description
4001 Methyl alcohol
4002 Glycol
4003 Alcohol
4004 Formaldehyde
Freight classes are made up of one or more freight codes and are one of the criteria for shipment
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Determining the Freight Code
April 2001 53
Determining the Freight Code
Process Flow
Determining the freight code is carried out in two steps:
Step 1
Automatic freight code determination uses the following criteria:
· Country of origin
· Shipping type (truck, rail, etc.)
· Forwarding agent (forwarding agent freight group in the vendor master)
If an external transportation planning system is being used, then the freight code set can also be
defined by the route.
Step 2
Automatic freight code determination uses the following criteria:
· Freight code set
· Material (material freight group in the material master)
This allows you to determine the freight codes of all materials in a shipment.
The following illustration shows an example of freight code determination.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Determining the Freight Code
54 April 2001
Shipping type
Country of origin
Rail freight code set
Freight code:
9000002 Graphics card
9000003 Hard drive
9001000 Monitor
9001001 Keyboard
Step 1:
Step 2:
Material freight group
Freight code:
Hard drive
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Freight classes
April 2001 55
Freight classes
A freight class is a group of freight codes used to calculate shipment costs.
The freight class can be used as one of the criteria for figuring shipment costs. For example, you
could enter condition records for freight rates that specifically refer to a combination of tariff zone
and freight class. The freight code is used if the material that is being shipped should figure into
the shipment costs.
One or more freight codes are assigned to a freight class within a freight code set.
The following illustration is an example of how freight code set, freight code and freight class are
Rail freight code set
Freight codes:
9000002 Graphics card
9000003 Hard drive
9001000 Monitor
9001001 Keyboard
9001002 Speaker
Freight class 01
Freight class 02
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Transportation Processing Reports
56 April 2001
Transportation Processing Reports
The following reports are available in transportation processing:
Select Shipments: Planning [Page 88]
Select Shipments: Utilization of Capacity [Page 91]
Select Shipments: Free Capacity [Page 93]
Select Shipments: Shipment Completion [Page 151]
Select Shipments: Check-in [Page 148]
Displaying Transportation Change Documents [Page 174]
Report: Output for Shipments [Page 50]
Scales List [Page 216]
Shipment Costs List: Calculation [Page 214]
Shipment Costs List: Settlement [Page 238]
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Editing Shipment Lists
April 2001 57
Editing Shipment Lists
There are various functions which you can perform in both the transportation planning and
shipment completion worklists to help you locate the documents you want to edit.
Transportation List Views
To switch from the normal to the status view of the transportation list and vice versa, choose Edit
®Change view.
Search Function
To find documents with a particular characteristic (for example, you want to find all documents
with a specific forwarding agent), proceed as follows:
1. Choose Edit ®Find ®Find delivery.
The screen Delivery selection view appears where you can specify characteristics of the
delivery you are looking for.
2. Enter one or more delivery characteristics.
3. Choose Program ® Execute.
The system finds all deliveries that match your selection criteria.
Sort Function
You can navigate within the transportation list much easier by sorting it according to criteria such
as shipment type or planned loading date. To do this, proceed as follows:
1. Place your cursor on the column heading according to which you want to sort your list.
2. Choose Edit ® Sort ® Ascending order to sort the list in ascending order. If you want to
sort the list in descending order, choose Edit ®Sort ®Descending.
The system sorts the list based on the column header on which you placed your cursor
and, depending on the menu option you select, in either descending or ascending order.
List Viewer Functions
Some lists are managed with a special tool, the ABAP List Viewer. The List Viewer features
various functions that you can use to tailor the list to your needs. This tool allows you to make
settings such as which columns appear in what order, for example. For more information, see
ABAP List Viewer [Ext.].
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Searching for Deliveries in a Transportation List
58 April 2001
Searching for Deliveries in a Transportation List
To locate specific deliveries within a transportation list, proceed as follows:
1. Choose Edit ® Find ® Find delivery.
2. Enter your selection criteria (for example, the number of the ship-to party).
3. Choose Program ® Execute.
The system issues a list of all the shipment documents in the list which contain deliveries
that match your selection criteria.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Transportation Planning
April 2001 59
Transportation Planning
Transportation planning involves all the activities that must be performed before the shipment
leaves the shipping point. These activities include:
Acquiring the services of a forwarding agent
Organizing the means of transport
Specifying the route for the shipment
Defining the stages for covering this route in the most efficient way.
There are different types of shipment document types to deal with the various forms of
transportation (for example, individual shipments or collective shipments). The shipment
documents are used as a basis for carrying out transportation planning. This includes, among
other things, the execution of the above activities.
Before you can carry out transportation planning, the following requirements must be met:
For outbound shipments
Specify in Customizing for Transportation that a delivery type for the shipping notification
is relevant for transportation planning and shipment completion.
Specify a route in the deliveries.
Specify in Customizing for Transportation that the routes in the deliveries are relevant for
transportation planning and shipment completion.
Make sure the ShpmtBlReason (shipment blocking reason) field is blank. You can find
this field in the delivery header on the transportation screen.
Once these requirements have been met, the system automatically sets the transportation
planning status to A (Not yet planned) in the Trns.plan.status field in the delivery header.
For inbound shipments
Specify in Customizing for Transportation that a delivery type for the inbound delivery is
relevant for transportation planning and shipment completion.
Assign all items to the same plant in the inbound delivery. The system carries out a
corresponding check.
There are different types of worklists and lists you can use to perform various tasks in
transportation planning:
Shipment list
You use the shipment list to establish which inbound or outbound deliveries are due for
shipment. After you have created the list, you can
Create the necessary
shipment documents for particular inbound or outbound
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Transportation Planning
60 April 2001
Specify the order in which the inbound or outbound deliveries (or shipment items) are to
be delivered
Transportation planning list
When you are creating the shipment due list, you do not usually have all the information
you need to complete transportation planning. For instance, you probably do not know
which forwarding agent will take care of goods shipment at this stage. You could also
decide not to finish the entire planning for a shipment in the shipment list because the
capacity for this shipment is not yet used to the full. Once you have the information you
require or once there are enough deliveries to fill the shipment, you can use the
transportation-planning list to locate these documents and complete transportation
This list contains shipment documents for which planning activities still have to be
completed and which match selection criteria that you define. You can use the list as a
basis for performing transportation planning activities, such as organizing a means of
transport, scheduling loading activities and acquiring the services of forwarding agents.
Besides this “normal” transportation planning list, there are additional lists that you can
use to find shipments according to certain categories. For instance, in the Utilization list,
you could enter the shipment’s degree of utilization as a percent, according to weight and
volume, as one of the selection criteria.
You must first determine which inbound or outbound deliveries are due for transport. A worklist
for this purpose is created using selection criteria. Deliveries or outbound deliveries are then
assigned automatically or manually to shipment documents. Relevant data, such as shipping
points and destinations, is then used to determine the route and to break it into stages.
The route in the delivery can be used as one of the criteria for selecting deliveries
due for shipment. It is not, however, copied into the shipment document. More
information is available in the following sections.
You can make the appropriate settings in Customizing so that routes and service
agents are copied from the deliveries into the shipment documents.
Using the Route as Selection Criterion
The route in the delivery can represent:
One or more legs
A link between the point of departure and the destination
The destination region
The route in the shipment document differs from the route in the delivery. The following examples
should illustrate the difference between a route in the delivery and a route in the shipment
Example of a route as a link between departure and destination locations
The following graphic shows the route as a link between the point of departure and the
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Transportation Planning
April 2001 61
Selection: Route NA
Order 1
Delivery 1 Delivery 2
Order 2
Route NA =
North Atlantic
Possible routes:
NA1 Antwerpen - New York
NA2 Rotterdam - New York
Route: NARoute: NA
Route: NA
Cologne - Brooklyn
Route: NA1
Route: NA
Munich - Long Island
Delivery Route
1 NA
2 NA
In the delivery document, the route NA indicates that both deliveries are to be transported across
the North Atlantic.
During transportation planning, you select all deliveries with the route
NA and then look for a ship
that can transport the deliveries at the required time. You find a ship that sails from Antwerp to
New York and enter the route
NA1 in the shipment document header.
Example of a route as a target area:
Routes can also be destination regions. The following graphic shows routes R5, R6, R7, and so
on as destination regions.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Transportation Planning
62 April 2001
During transportation planning, you select all deliveries with route R5. You notice that there is still
room in the truck. To make use of this capacity, the deliveries with route
R6 are selected as well.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Creating Shipments
April 2001 63
Creating Shipments
When you create shipments, you can choose deliveries according to certain selection criteria and
then assign them to the new shipment.
Delivery #
Delivery #
Delivery #
Delivery #
Delivery #
Delivery #
Shipping point
Transportation planning point
On the overview screen you can, for example, assign deliveries to the shipment manually or
automatically, or also remove deliveries from the shipments. On the selection screen that is
within the overview screen you can also enter selection criteria for the relevant deliveries or
inbound deliveries.
Process Flow
1. Activities on the Selection Screen
On the selection screen, you can enter selection criteria for the documents (inbound or outbound
deliveries) that you want to assign to a shipment. You define the selection criteria that are
displayed on the selection screen beforehand. You can use selection variants to specify these
criteria. On the selection screen, you specify whether you want the documents due for shipment
to be assigned automatically to a shipment document or whether you want to assign them
manually once the shipment has been created. There are separate selection screens for
inbound and outbound shipments. The selection screen for creating an inbound shipment
contains, for example, the selection criteria Vendor and Destination point: Plant; in the case of an
outbound shipment, the criteria are Ordering party and Destination point: Shipping point.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Creating Shipments
64 April 2001
2. Activities on the Selection Screen
The overview screen is divided into two sections: One section contains one or several shipment
documents, and the other section lists the deliveries that have not yet been assigned to shipment
documents. If the documents have not been assigned automatically to a shipment document,
you can do this manually on the overview screen. You can also create new shipment documents
and move shipment items (inbound or outbound deliveries) within a shipment or from one
shipment to another. In addition, you can remove shipment items from the shipment if, for
example, you run out of room on a truck. If you decide that you do have the capacity to select
additional deliveries or inbound deliveries for additional shipments, you can create a new
shipment from the overview screen.
Two views are possible: For example, one view displays the address of the ship-to party, and the
other displays the name of the ship-to party. Different data is made available for shipments and
shipment items (delivery, inbound delivery).
The settings can be changed through trees and table controls.
You cannot place outbound deliveries and inbound deliveries together in the same
shipment document. Nor is it possible to assign Items from a delivery or an inbound
delivery to different shipment documents. You must decide at the delivery stage
whether order items can be shipped together in one delivery and therefore require
only one shipment.
See also:
Creating Shipment Worklist [Page 65]
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Creating Shipments
April 2001 65
Creating Shipments
To create a shipment, proceed as follows:
1. From shipment [Ext.], choose Create ® Single Documents.
The Create Shipment: Initial Screen appears.
2. Enter a transportation planning point.
3. Choose the required shipment type from the list field.
4. Enter a selection variant, if necessary.
You can assign a selection variant to each shipment type in Customizing. When you
create a shipment list for the document type to which a variant has been assigned,
the system automatically proposes these values on the selection screen.
5. Choose Edit ® Select further deliveries.
Depending on the type of shipment you enter, the selection screen for inbound or
outbound shipments will appear. Enter your selection criteria for creating a shipment. If
you have specified a selection variant or if one has already been assigned to the
shipment type, the system will automatically propose these values in the relevant
selection fields.
For further information on delivery selection, refer to the section Screen Info for Delivery
Selection [Page 67].
6. Enter the selection criteria you require.
The system automatically resets the Trns. plan. status field from value A (not yet
processed) to B (Partially processed) and the Total gds mvt stat. field to value A (not
yet processed). Based on these values, the system selects all deliveries that need
shipment documents. The system defines deliveries that need shipment documents
as all deliveries with either no transportation planning or only partial transportation
planning (because certain shipment stages still need to be defined, for instance).
7. If you want the deliveries selected to be assigned automatically to a shipment document, you
must select the Include deliveries in processed shipment field.
8. Choose Enter.
The system returns a list of deliveries that match your selection criteria. The system
automatically creates a shipment document and assigns the selected deliveries to it if
you have selected the Include deliveries in processed shipment field. If you have not set
the indicator, you must make the necessary assignments manually.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Creating Shipments
66 April 2001
9. By choosing Edit ® Selection log, you can obtain information on the selection run such as
the total number of deliveries and items selected, the selection criteria used, and any
problems that occurred.
10. If you still have room in the shipment, you can repeat the selection procedure and fill the
shipment with more deliveries. To repeat the selection procedure, choose Edit ® Select
further deliveries.
For information on processing the worklist, see:
Defining Selection Variants for Shipments [Page 71]
Creating Additional Shipment Documents [Page 72]
Moving Deliveries [Page 73]
Removing Deliveries from a Shipment [Page 75]
Creating Shipment Documents for Individual Deliveries [Page 76]
See also:
Shipment Types [Page 15]
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Screen Info for Delivery Selection
April 2001 67
Screen Info for Delivery Selection
On this screen you define the selection criteria for selecting deliveries that are to be assigned to
a shipment.
You can select deliveries, for example, according to geographical factors, due date, and status of
the delivery.
The general term "Delivery" stands for deliveries, return deliveries, or inbound deliveries.
How the Delivery Selection Works
When you create or change a delivery, the shipment planning status of the delivery is queried.
The shipment planning status indicates the current processing status of the delivery, that is, how
far processing has developed so far.
The shipment planning status can have the following settings:
' ' Not transportation-relevant
A Transportation-relevant, but not yet processed
B Transportation-relevant, partially processed
C Transportation-relevant, completely processed
For the user to be able to select the delivery, the shipment planning status must have the setting
You can display the shipment planning status as follows:
1. In the Shipping Screen [Ext.], select the activity Change outbound delivery.
2. Select a delivery.
3. Choose Goto ® Header ® Shipment.
On the detailed screen for Change Outbound Delivery, you see the status on the tab page
Shipment in the field TranspPlngStat.
For more information on the field for the shipment planning status, refer to the F1 help.
If the shipment planning status is "transportation-relevant", you can select the delivery through
the Shipping Screen [Ext.] ® Create Shipment..
If you cannot select a particular delivery, go through the items in the checklist.
· If the shipment planning status of the delivery is not "transportation-relevant", check the
following items:
- If the delivery type is marked as transportation-relevant, proceed to the Implementation
Guide, and, under Logistics Execution ® Transportation ® Shipments ® Maintain
Transportation Relevance, choose the activity Maintain transportation relevance for
delivery types [Ext.].
- If a route is entered in the delivery, and the route is marked as relevant for transportation,
proceed in the Implementation Guide under Logistics Execution ® Transportation ®
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Screen Info for Delivery Selection
68 April 2001
Shipments ® Maintain Transportation Relevance [Ext.] and choose the activity Maintain
transportation relevance for routes.
- No transportation blocking reason may be set in the delivery!
Choose Change Delivery, and proceed to the detailed screen through the path Header ®
Shipment. Under the tab page Shipment, you can see whether the field TrBlckResn is
- If a transportation blocking reason is set in the delivery, you can change this in the
Implementation Guide by calling up the activity Logistics Execution ® Transportation
® Shipments ® Maintain transportation relevance ® Maintain transportation
relevance for delivery types.
- If you have an inbound delivery (delivery type EL), the delivery type must be marked in
the Implementation Guide as relevant for transportation.
- If you change the Customizing setting after you have created a delivery, you must
change and save the delivery. Then the system calculates the status on the basis of the
new Customizing setting. Now call up the function Change delivery and save the
· As soon as you have checked that the transportation planning status is set to "relevant for
transportation", you can choose the function Select delivery when creating or changing the
Check the following points:
- You can assign either deliveries / return deliveries or inbound deliveries to a shipment. A
mixture of documents, however, is not possible.
On the basis of the shipment type that is assigned to a shipment, the system recognizes
whether the shipment is incoming or outgoing. To do so, it uses the indicator Completion
type, which you can specify in Customizing for shipment type under the following activity:
Logistics Execution ® Transportation ® Shipments ® Define Shipment Types [Ext.].
On the detailed screen of a shipment type, you can set the following processing types
through the field Completion type:
'1' means Outbound shipment loaded
You can select deliveries / return deliveries for this shipment.
2 means Loaded incoming shipment
You can select inbound deliveries.
- You can define selection criteria for a shipment type. In the Implementation Guide,
choose Logistics Execution -> Transportation -> Shipments -> Define Shipment Types
[Ext.], and then select the field Selection variant in the screen section Proposal on the
details screen for Change shipment.
In a selection variant, you can enter values in certain fields and also make them
invisible on the screen. This can be useful, for example, if you select deliveries from
shipping point 0001. Note that with the selection variant in the example above you
cannot select deliveries from shipping point 0002.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Screen Info for Delivery Selection
April 2001 69
- Note that the screens for deliveries / return deliveries and inbound deliveries differ from
one another.
- Make sure that the transportation planning status is specified correctly. The standard
values are A and B. If you wish to select deliveries that are already fully planned, you
must choose the status Transportation-relevant fully processed. Deliveries with the
transportation planning status Not relevant for transportation are not selected.
- Make sure that you have maintained the goods movement status correctly. If you wish to
select deliveries that are already fully planned, you must choose the status
Transportation-relevant fully processed.
- If you wish to select return deliveries, deliveries, or both, select the respective radio
button in the type of delivery.
- Make sure when you specify several selection criteria that these are linked by an AND
condition, not an OR condition.
Example 1: You have specified ship-to party XY and
also entered shipping condition 01.
In the system, however, there are no deliveries with this ship-to party
and this shipping
condition. With the criteria you have entered, the system has not found any delivery.
Example 2: In the section "Reference" you have entered shipment number A
and order
number B. Through these specifications you want to select all deliveries that are included
both in shipment A and in order B. The system does not select any deliveries that are in
order B, but not in shipment A.
· If the system was not able to select deliveries during creation of a shipment, you can display
the selection log. On the overview screen Shipments and Deliveries, choose the activity Edit
® Selection log.
The following can be possible reasons:
- The delivery is blocked by another user.
- The delivery does not contain any items.
- The delivery does not contain any items relevant for transportation. You can set the
transportation relevance for delivery items in Customizing under the following activity:
Logistics Execution ® Transportation ® Shipments ® Maintain Transportation
Relevance ® Maintain transportation relevance for delivery item types.
- The delivery is a return delivery, but (also) contains outbound delivery items. Since the
point of departure and destination are no longer uniquely defined, these deliveries can no
longer be processed in the transportation system.
In the case of return deliveries with reference to an order, note that in the copy control
function in Customizing a copy routine is stored that also copies this indicator from the
order item into the delivery item.
For this purpose, proceed to the Implementation Guide and choose the activity Specify
Copy Control for Deliveries [Ext.] under Logistics Execution ® Shipping ® Copying
- The delivery contains return items.
- If you have an inbound delivery, the plant in the items must be unique.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Screen Info for Delivery Selection
70 April 2001
Special selection options for outbound deliveries:
· Selection by status of credit limit check in the delivery selection
During delivery selection you can only select deliveries where the credit limit has not been
exceeded. You can also define a selection variant for this selection.
· Selection by picking status
You can define that only deliveries where picking is not yet complete are selected.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Defining Selection Variants for Shipments
April 2001 71
Defining Selection Variants for Shipments
In the shipment document:
1. Enter the selection criteria that you want to save as a variant on the selection screen.
2. Choose the button for selection options and select the required variant from the list.
3. Enter a code and name for the selection variant.
4. Save your data.
The system informs you that the selection variant with the code you specified in Step 3
has been saved. You can now use this selection variant when you create shipment
In the shipment lists for transportation planning and processing (Transp. Planning, Utilization,
Free Capacity, Check-in, Shipment Completion):
1. Enter the selection criteria that you want to save as a variant on the selection screen.
2. Choose Goto ® Variants ® Save as variant.
3. Enter a code and name for the selection variant.
4. Save your data.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Creating Additional Shipment Documents
72 April 2001
Creating Additional Shipment Documents
If you wish to assign the selected deliveries to several different shipment documents, for
example, for capacity reasons, you can create additional shipment documents on the overview
screen Shipments and Deliveries. Proceed as follows:
1. Select the deliveries and choose Sie Edit ® Automatic planning ® Shipment per delivery.
A message appears informing you that a new shipment document with a provisional
number has been created.
2. Assign the deliveries to the new shipment document, as required.
3. Save the new shipment document. The system displays the number that it assigned to this
document, according to the number range defined for shipment documents.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Moving Deliveries
April 2001 73
Moving Deliveries
As long as you have not set the Planned status in a shipment document, you can move deliveries
· From one shipment to another
· Within a shipment
· From a shipment to the screen section
Moving Deliveries From One Shipment to Another
To move a delivery from one shipment document to another, you can use the drag-and-drop
function or the appropriate pushbutton on the overview screen.
If items or handling units of a delivery are packed into a handling unit of a shipment,
the delivery can no longer be removed from the shipment. In such a case, the items
or handling units in the delivery must first be unpacked from the handling unit of the
See also: Packing in the Shipment Document [Page 132]
Moving Deliveries Within a Shipment
The delivery sequence in a shipment determines the shipment's itinerary. You can change the
delivery sequence in a shipment using the drag-and-drop operation or by selecting the
appropriate pushbutton in the overview screen.
Determining the Itinerary
The sequence of deliveries determines a shipment's itinerary. To determine delivery sequences,
mark the delivery you want to reposition and choose Move or Assign. Because it can be time-
consuming to change the sequence of a large number of deliveries, we recommend using the
Itinerary function. Simply call up the function Itinerary.
To change the itinerary, proceed as follows:
1. On the overview screen select the shipment required and go to the screen Overview
2. In the screen Stages, choose the pushbutton Leg Determination.
A dialog box with sort numbers for all deliveries appears on the screen.
3. Either change the delivery numbers manually or choose Delete sort numbers to reenter all
the sort numbers.
4. Choose Refresh to re-sort the list of deliveries according to the new sort numbers. The
itinerary is changed accordingly.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Moving Deliveries
74 April 2001
Moving Deliveries to the Screen Section Non-Assigned Deliveries
In some cases, you may want to reduce the weight of a shipment by removing a
delivery from the shipment and later transferring it into another shipment document.
To do this, you can move deliveries temporarily to the Non-assigned deliveries
To move a delivery from a shipment document into the screen section Non-assigned deliveries,
proceed as follows:
1. Mark the delivery or deliveries you want to move on the Shipments and Deliveries overview
2. Move the selected deliveries using the drag-and-drop function. The delivery or deliveries are
inserted in the Non-assigned deliveries section.
3. Save your changes.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Removing Deliveries from a Shipment
April 2001 75
Removing Deliveries from a Shipment
You can remove deliveries from a shipment document as long as the Planned status has not
been set for that shipment document. There are no restrictions for removing deliveries from the
Deliveries not assigned section of the overview screen. When a delivery is removed from a
shipment due list, the system determines the transportation planning status anew. Depending on
this status, you can select the delivery when you create a new shipment.
Your customer postpones the delivery date for a certain delivery. The delivery has
already been assigned to a shipment. The planned status has not yet been set for
the shipment, so you can remove it from the shipment. The transportation planning
status is reset to A (not yet planned). The delivery is included in a later shipment.
To remove a delivery from a shipment, use the Drag & Drop operation or press the key Remove
delivery from shipment.
The deliveries are removed from the shipment. The transportation planning status for this
delivery is determined anew by the system.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Creating Shipment Documents for Individual Deliveries
76 April 2001
Creating Shipment Documents for Individual Deliveries
To plan and process individual deliveries in a shipment using separate shipment documents (FTL
(full truck load) or FCL (full container load) transactions, for example):
1. Select the deliveries for which you wish to create a separate shipment document.
2. Choose Edit ® Automatic planning ® One shipment.
A message appears informing you how many new shipments have been created and
what provisional numbers have been assigned to them.
3. Save your data.
The new shipment documents are saved and assigned numbers.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Planning Proposal
April 2001 77
Planning Proposal
The planning proposal enables you as the material requirements planning (MRP) controller to
simplify your manual planning. As you create or change shipments manually, the planning
proposal gives you default profiles, which include “rules” that automatically create shipments and
fill them with data. You can still make manual changes to the planning proposal during
processing, unlike collective processing for shipment creation, where you cannot influence
processing manually.
You can save the selection criteria that you use for collective processing for shipment creation as
a selection variant. You can also save combination criteria that you have maintained as a
combination profile and save the data that is used to fill the shipment as a data profile. You can
then access these profiles as you carry out collective processing for the automatic creation of
shipments, for example. You can also save settings, selection criteria, combination criteria and
data together in one planning profile. Technically , the planning profile is a variant of collective
processing for shipment creation. A planning profile can be assigned to a shipment type.
If you select a planning proposal while you are creating shipments manually, a dialog box
containing that planning proposal with its corresponding data appears, provided a planning
proposal was assigned to the shipment type. All default values in the dialog box can be changed
except for the basic data (transportation planning location and shipment type), since you just
entered that data in the initial screen for creating a shipment. When you choose Execute, the
selected deliveries are automatically put together in a shipment and filled in with data, according
to the specifications you just made. If errors or warnings occur, they are recorded in a log.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Subsequent Delivery Split in Shipments
78 April 2001
Subsequent Delivery Split in Shipments
During shipment processing it is often necessary to split a delivery up into two or more shipments
because they do not all fit on to one truck, for example. However, since it is not possible to
assign deliveries to shipments item by item, there is a special function called
Delivery Split
. You can carry out a subsequent split either in outbound deliveries [Ext.] or in
shipments. The following are a few examples in which a delivery split would be necessary:
· A customer's purchase order cannot be transported in a single shipment (for example, 100
tons of coal per truck; delivery would have fitted into a 30 foot container, but there is only a
20 foot container available).
· No suitable means of transport is available when transportation planning takes place.
· Estimates based on SAP System calculations are not appropriate for the actual situation.
In the first example, the delivery split could take place as the delivery is being created; in the
second and third examples, the delivery split would happen after the delivery was created (during
loading or transportation planning).
So that you can use the functionality of the subsequent delivery split, you need to configure the
respective settings for the activity subsequent delivery split [Ext.] in the Implementation Guide
under the path Logistics Execution ® Shipping ® Deliveries. Pay attention to the conditions that
are listed under the heading “Prerequisites”.
A delivery split is only allowed, for example, if the delivery has a particular status. This means
that, for example, no goods movement, no invoice, and not pick quantity pending confirmation (at
least for the split quantity of an item) may exist. The shipment must also be fully processed
The type of split is controlled through a
Split Profile that you define in Customizing and assign to
the shipment type. You store a profile for the delivery split
before planning and after planning.
Whether or not the split deliveries remain in the shipment depends on your Customizing settings:
· before planning: Already when you are making up the shipment, you know that the delivery
needs splitting. The split results and the split remainder remain in the shipment.
· after planning: Already when you are loading up the means of transport you determine that
the delivery needs splitting. In the case of a loading ramp split, the split results are removed
from the shipment.
You can use the Subsequent delivery split function to divide up a delivery that does not fit into
one shipment and redistribute parts of that delivery to two or more shipments. You can split
deliveries on the Shipments and Deliveries overview screen of the Create Shipment or Change
Shipment transaction.
You can also split handling units, delivery items, and partial quantities of delivery items. You
always have the option of running a simulation of the split beforehand.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Subsequent Delivery Split in Shipments
April 2001 79
During the subsequent delivery split, the system checks the status (no goods movements or
billing documents, for example), confirms characteristics (delivery groups and correlation), copies
data (texts), calculates attributes (volume and weight) and executes output determination.
The split result controls which delivery items are grouped together in the same delivery. All
remaining items make up the split remainder.
Delivery 1
18 Pallets
Delivery 3
6 Pallets
Delivery 1
5 Pallets
Delivery 2
7 Pallets
Results 1
Results 2
You are now on the overview screen for Shipments and Deliveries. Select a delivery, choose the
pushbutton Split deliveries, and break up the respective quantity. While saving the shipment, the
system automatically generates further outbound deliveries for the split quantities (split results).
Whether or not the split deliveries remain in the shipment depends on your Customizing settings.
The system checks whether the delivery contains items that have not been packed. If all items
have already been packed, they must be unpacked (from the packing screen). If the delivery
contains items that have not been packed, you can define how the delivery is to be split. You can
enter as split quantity the quantity displayed under Non-packed quantity, as maximum.
One delivery can be split into several deliveries. You can use the result number to control the
combination of deliveries that are involved in the split. If you assign the same result number to
delivery items in one delivery, these items will remain together in the delivery after the split. If
delivery items have different result numbers, the split distributes them among several deliveries
(split results). Result numbers are only ever valid for one delivery at a time. In other words, the
same result numbers can be assigned in splits of different deliveries. Entire deliveries cannot be
combined by assigning the same result number. Combination by assigning the same result
number is only valid for items, as described above.
The split produces one split remainder and one or more split results with temporary delivery
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Subsequent Delivery Split in Shipments
80 April 2001
If a delivery was assigned to a shipment before it was split, you must indicate whether the split
result(s) should remain in the shipment or whether the split remainder should be assigned to the
shipment instead and the split result(s) should be assigned to Deliveries not assigned. If the
delivery was not assigned to a shipment before the split, both the split remainder and the split
result(s) are not assigned. If the shipment is saved, the split results and split remainder are also
saved. For more information, refer to the section Executing Subsequent Delivery Split [Ext.].
Please note the following points regarding delivery splits:
· Delivery items that are packed into a single shipment item can not longer be split.
· The delivery-item quantity that is to be split cannot be larger than the quantity of that item
that is not packed.
· Automatic delivery splits cannot be used for mass changes.
· A shipment transaction that is running can either be split
or packed, but not both.
· In a transportation chain, there is no difference made between the preliminary leg, main leg,
and subsequent leg during the delivery split. Depending on your Customizing settings for the
current shipment type, the split results and the split remainder are also assigned in the
background for all the other shipments to which the delivery is assigned, or this assignment
is deleted.
· The delivery split is no longer possible after shipment completion.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Using Collective Processing to Create Shipments
April 2001 81
Using Collective Processing to Create Shipments
This function lets you create shipments automatically in the system (either in the foreground or
background). You can define simple rules as to how deliveries are to be grouped into shipments.
You can use collective processing to:
· Create individual shipments
· Create collective shipments
· Create Full Truck Loads (one shipment per delivery)
· Create parts of a transportation chain
· Create entire transportation chains
· Define field groupings that can then be used as individual criteria
(You could, for example, define shipping points 1 and 2 as a group if they are near each
other in the same geographical area. You can still use a shipping point as a criterion. It
is, however, possible to transport deliveries from shipping points 1 and 2 together,
because of the grouping you have just defined.)
You can also use groupings to define the order of deliveries within a shipment (according
to zip code, transportation zone, etc.).
You can use collective processing for both inbound and outbound shipments. This way, you can
combine inbound deliveries generated in purchasing or deliveries generated in sales and
distribution into shipments.
Collective processing normally entails three steps:
· Definition of selection variants
Define which deliveries are to be considered in the creation process. The same selection
criteria as those in the individual creation process can be used here.
· Definition of grouping criteria
You can define which fields in the deliveries must be identical so that those deliveries
can be grouped together into one shipment. You can also define in which order the
deliveries appear in the shipment and enter capacity limits for those shipments that are
to be considered. To define grouping and sort criteria, you can choose from over 80
delivery header fields in the field catalog.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Using Collective Processing to Create Shipments
82 April 2001
· Set default shipment data
You can define shipment data, such as forwarding agents or deadlines, that should
appear in each shipment you create.
When you create transportation chains, the system copies dates and times from the
preliminary leg into the main leg. For example, the loading end time in the preliminary leg
is automatically copied into the main leg as the loading start time.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Creating Shipments with Collective Processing
April 2001 83
Creating Shipments with Collective Processing
1. From shipment [Ext.], choose Create ® Collective Processing.
A screen appears on which you can define how the collective processing for the creation of
shipments should be carried out.
2. Enter which kind of shipments (inbound or outbound) you want to create in the Default
settings section.
Among other things, this entry controls which selection variants you can use to choose
deliveries. One of the variants that is used to select inbound deliveries may not be used for
outgoing shipments, for example.
3. Enter which outbound (or inbound) deliveries are to be processed in this collective shipment
in the Select deliveries section of the screen.
You can also enter the name of a selection variant that you may have already created, for
example, for the creation of individual shipments (transaction VT01). You can either enter the
name of this selection variant here or choose it from the list of possible entries in input help.
You can display and change the content of this variant by choosing Maintn (to the right of the
You may also create a new variant. Simply enter the name of the new variant and choose
Maintn. The selection screen for selecting deliveries then appears. Specify the criteria
according to which you want to select deliveries. For example, you would enter here that all
deliveries that have route 000001 (north route) or 000002 (west route) should be
The Selection variant field is a mandatory entry field and therefore must contain a name.
4. Enter the rules according to which the selected deliveries should be divided into shipments in
the Grouping criteria field in the Rules section of the screen.
As with the Selection variants field (see point 3), you can enter the name of a variant that
defines the rules for grouping deliveries into shipments in this field. For example, you could
specify that all deliveries with the same shipping point and route should be grouped together
into one shipment. You can further specify that these deliveries are to be sorted according to
the ship-to party’s zip code and that the shipment may weigh no more than 30 tons.
The Grouping criteria field is optional. If it is left blank, all deliveries that are selected are
assigned to one shipment.
5. In the Data and options field in the Rules section of the screen, you can specify which data
should be found in the shipment documents you create (transportation planning point,
shipment type, service agent, route, etc.) and which functions should be carried out (leg
determination, set status to planned, etc). As with the other fields, you must either enter the
name of a variant or create a new variant here.
This field is a mandatory entry field and therefore must be filled in.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Creating Shipments with Collective Processing
84 April 2001
6. Enter whether or not the system should save the shipment if errors or warnings occur in the
Save created shipments part of the screen.
Some errors prevent a document from being created. For example, you cannot
create a document with a shipment type that does not exist. Other errors or warnings
do not necessarily indicate an inconsistent document, but the system indicates that
you may want to reconsider creating the document in its current state. For example,
you may not want to create the document if leg determination could not be carried
out, if the service agent could not be transferred from the delivery or if the maximum
weight has been exceeded.
Indicate here whether the system should save shipments if one of the above-
mentioned minor errors occur. If you choose Do not save if warning/error, shipments
will only be created when all necessary data was entered (when no corrections are
If you choose Do not save if error, a shipment is created in spite of any warnings that
occur. As a result, a few corrections may be necessary after the document is
If you choose Simulation (do not save), you are only running a test process to see if
errors would occur.
If you choose Always save data, the document is always saved, even if errors or
warnings have occurred. In this case, we recommend that you check the document
7. Indicate whether you want a log to be created and how detailed it should be on the Log
portion of the screen.
For example, if you indicate that the log should not be saved, it is displayed at the end of
collective processing, but disappears after the transaction is finished. Only errors, warnings
(invalid service agent, etc.) and important messages (“Shipment 1013 was created”) are
included in the normal log. The detailed log also contains information about partial functions
that were carried out successfully (“Leg determination was carried out,” for example). The
very detailed version of the log also includes technical information (“Stage with key
1013/0004 was created,” for example).
8. Choose Execute.
The log that lists the collective processing results is then displayed after collective processing
has been carried out.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Creating Transportation Chains with Collective Processing
April 2001 85
Creating Transportation Chains with Collective
Within collective processing, you can also define that a transportation chain consisting of multiple
shipment documents should be created. For example, all deliveries you select (outbound
shipments, for example) are grouped together into main leg, preliminary leg and subsequent leg
shipments. The selected deliveries are then processed as the system makes multiple runs
through the transportation chain.
1. From Transportation [Ext.], choose Create ® Collective Processing.
2. Choose Create transportat. chain.
You can define for each run which grouping criteria should be valid and what data the
runs (individual shipments within the transportation chain) should contain. This data fill-in
process is similar to the one that occurs when you create collective shipments. See also
Creating Shipments with Collective Processing [Page 83].
All deliveries should first be packed onto a main leg shipment, which goes by rail
from Frankfurt to Hannover. So, you enter a variant that contains the transportation
planning point, shipment type, service agent and route for this rail shipment in the
Data and options field found in the 1st run (create main leg shipments) part of the
screen. Leave the Grouping criteria field blank, since all deliveries in one shipment
should be grouped together. In the second run, all deliveries are distributed among
the corresponding preliminary leg shipments that lead from the shipping point to the
train station in Frankfurt. Create a variant that contains the shipping point as one of
the grouping criteria in the Grouping criteria field. Also specify that one shipment can
hold a maximum of 30 tons. Enter a variant that contains the transportation planning
point, shipment type, etc. for the preliminary leg by land in the Data and options field.
Then specify that leg determination should also be carried out. In the third run,
subsequent legs are created in the same way as preliminary shipments.
The dates from the preliminary leg are transferred automatically to the main leg: The
load finish date from the preliminary leg will be the load start date in the main leg, for
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Reports for Transportation Planning
86 April 2001
Reports for Transportation Planning
For transportation planning, there are three reports available that you can call up to select
· Select Shipments: Planning [Page 88]
· Select Shipments: Utilization of Capacity [Page 91]
· Select Shipments: Free Capacity [Page 93]
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Shipment Execution Monitor
April 2001 87
Shipment Execution Monitor
The monitor gives an overview, grouped by status, time, and date, as to how much workload
exists. In this way, the transportation planner can react quickly to situations and also have a
complete overview of the overall status of all shipments.
For example, a transportation planner can view the workload during a particular shift and react to
the situation as it arises. In this way, the work can be distributed more evenly.
In addition, the transportation manager has a type of control function for the current processing
You can display the different statuses for shipment processing for an entire period by calling up
the path Logistics Execution ® Transportation ® Transportation Planning ® Lists and Logs ®
Shipment Processing Monitor. This period can be either the current day or a complete week. The
number of shipments is listed by status.
Also, you can specify threshold values for the number of found documents for each status in the
selection criteria for the report. If these values are exceeded, this is displayed in color on the
monitor list. Shipments that have not been processed by the time specified by the transportation
planner are marked. You can process shipments immediately by branching into the change
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Select Shipments: Planning
88 April 2001
Select Shipments: Planning
You can use this report to list certain shipments that match your selection criteria. You can use
the list of shipments that the system has generated for information purposes, or you can use it to
execute planning activities for the shipments concerned.
Selection Screen
You can compile the transportation planning list by entering selection criteria. You can control
which fields appear as selection criteria on the selection screen. The initial criteria displayed in
the selection screen are taken from the list settings in Customizing for Transportation. For
information on changing these settings, see the section entitled Maintain standard selection
variants for shipment list in the Implementation Guide.
List Screen
You can select from two different views on the list screen. One contains general shipping
information about the selected shipments. The second view contains information on planned and
actual deadlines for individual shipments and the status of planning activities. You can access
each shipment document directly from the list to complete planning activities. In the Planner list,
you can select several shipments and process these at the same time (the only limitation being
that the shipments must have the same shipment type and the same transportation planning
point, and must not have the same deliveries).
The List Viewer features various functions that you can use to tailor the list to your needs. This
tool allows you to total or sort columns, for example. You can also decide the sequence in which
the columns are displayed. For more information, see ABAP List Viewer [Ext.].
From this list you can branch directly to the selected shipment documents in order to execute
changes in the shipments and perform shipment planning activities. If required, you can assign
deliveries here or change a service agent. You can also call up the function for collective change
if you wish to change several documents. For more information, refer to the Mass Shipment
Changes [Page 130] section.
A planner may use this report to display a list of all shipments to be planned or scheduled. He or
she can also use this report as a worklist. For example, he or she enters, as selection criteria, the
total shipment status 0 (= in planning), the transportation planning point, the planned check-in
date, and the shipment type Truck, since this planner is responsible for planning of shipments by
See also:
Creating Transportation Planning Lists [Page 90]
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Select Shipments: Planning
April 2001 89
Editing Shipment Lists [Page 57]
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Creating Transportation Planning Lists
90 April 2001
Creating Transportation Planning Lists
To create a transportation planning list, proceed as follows:
1. From transportation [Ext.], choose Lists and Logs ® Transp. Planning List.
You then come to the Shipment List: Planning screen.
2. To use other selection criteria, choose Edit ® All selections.
To define recurring selection criteria, you can create selection screen variants by
choosing Goto ®Variants ®Save as a variant. Then, to retrieve these variants, choose
Goto ®Variants ®Get.
3. Enter the criteria you want to use for selecting the shipment document.
4. Choose Program ® Execute.
You obtain a list of all the shipment documents that match your selection criteria.
For more information about processing this list, see Editing Shipment Lists [Page 57].
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Select Shipments: Utilization of Capacity
April 2001 91
Select Shipments: Utilization of Capacity
This report enables you to combine shipments as efficiently as possible by allowing you to enter,
in the selection screen of the list, the percentage of weight and volume for shipment utilization for
the shipments you wish to display. For this purpose, you specify the packaging material type and
the percentage rate of shipment utilization with respect to weight or volume allowed for the
handling units in the shipment and for the specified packaging material type. Using this report
you can determine which shipments are not utilized to the full extent and are therefore to be
considered “inefficient”; on the basis of this information you can then take appropriate measures,
for example, by assigning additional deliveries.
The system selects all those shipments whose weight or volume percent of utilization is equal to
or less than the level you specify in the selection screen. You can select two different views on
the list screen. The first view contains exact details on the percentage of the shipment capacity
utilized in terms of weight and volume as well as general data, such as the transportation
planning point, shipment type, and forwarding agent. The second view contains the deadline
specifications. The functions are the same as those provided for transportation planning.
From this list you can branch directly to the selected shipment documents in order to execute
changes in the shipments and assign additional deliveries to the shipments.
A planner wants to find out how the planned shipments are utilized so far, that is, shipments that
are planned, but not yet finally scheduled. In addition to the standard selection criteria (shipment
type, total status of shipment, planning final date), the planner can specify the packaging material
type Truck, and a maximum weight utilization of 70%.
See also:
Editing Shipment Lists [Page 57]
Creating Utilization Lists [Page 92]
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Creating Utilization Lists
92 April 2001
Creating Utilization Lists
To create a worklist for transportation planning that displays shipments that are not utilized to full
capacity, proceed as follows:
1. In the Shipment [Ext.], choose List ® Utilization.
You then see the screen Shipment List: Utilization.
2. To use other selection criteria, choose Edit ® All selections.
To define recurring selection criteria, you can create selection screen variants by
choosing Goto ®Variants ®Save as a variant. Then, to retrieve these variants, choose
Goto ®Variants ®Get.
3. Enter the criteria you want to use for selecting the shipment document. Here you specify the
utilization rate in percentage (between 0 and 100) with regard to the weight and/or volume
allowed for the shipment units in the shipments and for the packaging material type involved.
The system calculates the utilization degree (that is, remaining capacity that can be
used) on the basis of the packaging material type you have specified. Only handling
units that were created in the shipment (not in the delivery) and for which the
corresponding values (such as allowed weight) have been maintained are taken into
account. If you do not specify a packaging material type, the packaging material at
the highest level of the packing hierarchy is used automatically. For further
information, see the help text for the field PackMatltype.
4. Choose Program ® Execute.
The system lists all shipments that match your selection criteria and have a weight or
volume utilization less than or equal to the percentage specified.
You can find more information on processing these lists in Editing Shipment Lists [Page 57].
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Select Shipments: Free Capacity
April 2001 93
Select Shipments: Free Capacity
You use this report to find another shipment with sufficient capacity for an existing package.
Along with other selection criteria, you specify the weight and volume of the package to be
packed and you also specify whether it can be split up among several handling units.
The system selects all those shipments with a remaining usable load that is equal to or greater
than the value you specified in the selection criteria. You can select two different views on the list
screen. The first view contains exact details on the percentage of the shipment capacity utilized
in terms of weight and volume as well as general data, such as the transportation planning point,
shipment type, and forwarding agent. The second view contains the deadline specifications. The
functions are the same as those provided for transportation planning.
From this list you can branch directly to the selected shipment documents in order to execute
changes in the shipments. For example, you can assign the delivery of the package still to be
shipped to a particular shipment.
A planner still has one pallet with a volume of 2 cubic meters; he/she would like to assign this
pallet to a shipment that has already been created, but is not yet fully scheduled. The planner
therefore enters, in addition to the standard selection criteria (transportation planning point,
shipment type, planned final date), the packaging material type Pallet and the volume to be
packed. Also, he or she specifies the shipment route. Then the system generates an overview of
all shipments that are planned for the route specified and still have capacity to include the pallet.
The planner can choose a suitable shipment and assign the respective delivery to it.
See also:
Editing Shipment Lists [Page 57]
Creating Free Capacity Lists [Page 94]
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Creating Free Capacity Lists
94 April 2001
Creating Free Capacity Lists
To create a list for transportation planning with the shipments that still have the available capacity
you need, proceed as follows:
1. Choose Environment ® Planning ® Free capacity on the Transportation screen [Ext.].
You then come to the Shipment List: Free Capacity.
2. To use other selection criteria, choose Edit ® Selection Options.
To define recurring selection criteria, you can create selection screen variants by
choosing Goto ®Variants ®Save as a variant. Then, to retrieve these variants, choose
Goto ®Variants ®Get.
3. Enter the criteria you want to use for selecting the shipment document. Specify the weight or
volume of the freight goods to be packed.
The system calculates the capacity (for example, remaining load) on the basis of the
packaging material type that you specified. Only handling units that were created in
the shipment (not in the delivery) and for which the corresponding values (such as
allowed weight) have been maintained are taken into account. If you do not specify a
packaging material type, the packaging material at the highest level of the packing
hierarchy is used automatically. For further information, see the help text for the field
4. Choose Program ® Execute.
The system lists all shipments that match your selection criteria and have free capacity
greater than or equal to the capacity specified in the selection screen.
For more information about processing this list, see Editing Shipment Lists [Page 57]
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Automatic Leg Determination
April 2001 95
Automatic Leg Determination
Automatic leg determination is an easy-to-use function that simplifies manual leg creation, or
even eliminates the need for it. It does not involve optimization algorithms and also has no
“geographical intelligence”.
Automatic leg determination creates legs using simple rules that determine point of departure
and destination as well as some leg data (service agent, shipping type, leg indicator, and
shipment cost relevance for the leg).
The result of automatic leg determination is determined by different parameters you have set; this
allows you to simulate various business scenarios.
The most important parameter is the type of leg determination, which can have five
characteristics. For more information, see Leg Determination Categories [Page 103].
The following data is taken from the shipment document:
· Deliveries in the shipment (departure point, destination, sequence)
· Existing shipment legs (for example, created through the route that was entered in the
shipment header)
· Shipment header: Service agents
· Shipment header: Shipping type
· Shipment header: shipping type preliminary leg (this field is not always available for
· Shipment header: Shipping type subsequent leg (this field is not always available for
· Shipment header: Leg indicator
Process Flow
Leg determination is generally executed as follows:
1. The system checks whether leg determination can be carried out. Leg determination
cannot be carried out, for example, if the leg determination type is set to ‘_’ (blank), if
there are no deliveries in the shipment, or if the shipping types mentioned above have
not been filled in (see step 6 for more details).
In this case, the system responds with a message.
2. The system analyzes the deliveries in the shipment. What is the point of departure and
the destination for the deliveries?
A delivery can go from shipping point ‘0001’/ loading point ‘01’ to customer ‘123
unloading point ‘ramp 15’. A return goes the opposite way, however. An inbound
shipment goes from vendor ‘456’ to plant ‘0005’ to storage location ‘0004’.
Warehouse number and door are also taken into account where necessary.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Automatic Leg Determination
96 April 2001
Places (departure points and destinations of deliveries or of a leg, etc.) are given a
unique identification number during leg determination; this number is then used in further
processing. See also Identification of Places [Page 101].
3. The system analyzes the stages that exist in the document as they relate to the following
questions: Which stages are legs, border crossing points, or load transfer points? How
were they created (did they come from a route, were they entered manually, or are they
from a previous leg determination run that was changed later, and so on)? This
information is important, since leg determination can calculate legs connecting to a route
(or manual legs).
You can display the history of a leg on the stage detail screen. For this purpose,
select Management in this screen. You can tell which route a leg originated from and
whether it was created manually or automatically.
4. The system checks to see if this shipment is part of a transportation chain. This
information can be determined from the leg indicator in the shipment header (not to be
confused with the leg indicator in the leg of the shipment).
Leg indicator Effect
‘4’ (direct leg) or ‘5’ (return leg) The entire shipment process appears in one
shipment document. The shipment document is not
related to any other shipments.
‘1’ (preliminary leg) ‘2’ (main leg)
or ‘3’ (subsequent leg)
This shipment is part of a transportation chain that
is reflected in multiple shipment documents.
This information is important because, as in the case of a preliminary leg shipment, for
example, the deliveries are not to be delivered directly to the customer, but to another
destination where they are then transferred to the main shipment.
A delivery is brought by truck from shipping point ‘0001’ to Hamburg harbor as a
preliminary leg shipment. The delivery is loaded onto a ship in Hamburg harbor. The
ship then transports the delivery from Hamburg harbor to New York harbor (main
leg). The delivery is then transferred once again and is shipped by train to customers
in Chicago (subsequent leg).
For the preliminary shipment, the destination is not the customer in Chicago, but
Hamburg harbor. A dialog box appears during leg determination that asks you to enter
the destination. If the main leg shipment was created beforehand in the system,
Hamburg is automatically taken as a default.
If a destination was entered, the original destination is replaced by the new one in all
deliveries. If this does not occur, leg determination is terminated.
The same is valid for a subsequent leg shipment (leg indicator value ‘3’ in the shipment
header), except that the point of departure for the deliveries is replaced by the
destination harbor from the main leg, as an example.
5. The system now carries out the actual leg determination. For more information, see Leg
Determination Categories [Page 103]. A certain number of legs that must still be filled in
with data appear.
6. The system fills the legs it created with data. If there are legs that were entered or
modified manually beforehand, their data is directly transferred.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Automatic Leg Determination
April 2001 97
If new legs are involved, the following data is re-determined:
Service agents in the leg
(copied from the shipment header)
Shipment cost relevance for the leg
(default triggered by the shipment type)
– Leg indicator
If a preliminary shipment is concerned, the leg also gets this indicator (the same
applies to subsequent shipment). If only one leg exists or if the leg links the delivery
departure point directly to the destination, the leg is a direct leg. For all other
shipments, the following applies:
If leg departure point = delivery departure point, then preliminary leg
If leg destination = delivery destination, then subsequent leg
If both apply = main leg
Shipping type for the leg
(copied from the shipment header)
Exception: In leg determination types ‘2’ to ‘4’, the shipping type preliminary leg is
copied to preliminary legs and shipping type subsequent leg is copied to subsequent
legs. In this case, these two shipping types can be maintained in the shipment
header (on the Control tab page) and are suggested from the shipment type.
If no shipment type can be determined for a leg, the shipment type is not created.
This characteristic can be used to better illustrate certain scenarios (for example, it
could make sense to give the subsequent legs lower priority in the shipment since
they are not important).
7. The border crossing points and load transfer points taken out in step three are replaced.
The system attempts to place them correctly.
There are two existing legs from A to G and from G to B. The border crossing point G
is placed between the two legs.
8. Finally, the assignments of deliveries to stages are determined. For more information,
see Automatic Assignment of Deliveries [Page 99].
Step 8 is the only step carried out during leg determination of type ‘0’. This means that no legs at
all are determined. This may be useful if you want to enter all legs manually (if a scenario is very
complicated, for example), but an automatic assignment of deliveries to stages should occur at
the very least.
If the standard leg determination does not meet your needs, you can activate a
customer enhancement (enhancement ‘V56SLDET’), in which you can create your
own leg determination.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Automatic Leg Determination
98 April 2001
See also:
Automatic Assignment of Deliveries [Page 99]
Identification of Places [Page 101]
Leg Determination Categories [Page 103]
Executing Automatic Leg Determination [Page 105]
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Automatic Assignment of Deliveries
April 2001 99
Automatic Assignment of Deliveries
It often happens that the deliveries in a shipment are only to be assigned to a few rather than all
stages of the shipment. This function is useful if a shipment stops at various locations, unloading
or loading goods along the way, for example. In such a situation, not all deliveries would be
included in each stage of transportation.
The system provides an algorithm that attempts to determine these assignments automatically to
save you from having to do so manually.
This algorithm is triggered automatically in the following circumstances:
· When a route is entered in the shipment header
· After you carry out leg determination with category ‘0’ to ‘4’ (leg determination category
‘0’ initiates the assignment determination process only).
Assignment determination is carried out as follows:
1. The system analyzes the point of departure and destination for each delivery, one after
the other (see also step 2 in Automatic Leg Determination [Page 95].
2. If the point of departure of this delivery is found among the departure points of the
existing legs and the destination is found among existing destinations, the system then
looks for the legs that connect these two locations.
If the legs are incomplete (that is, if there are gaps between them), the delivery is
assigned to all legs that start at the beginning point and also to all those that end at
the destination.
3. If only the departure point exists in the system, the system assigns all adjoining legs to
the delivery.
4. If only the destination exists in the system, all adjoining legs are assigned to the delivery
(in other words, similar to step 3, only backwards).
5. If neither the departure point nor the destination exists in the system and if the delivery is
a preliminary leg shipment or subsequent leg shipment, it is assigned to all legs. All other
shipments with no departure point or destination in the system are only assigned to main
legs. If this does not work either (because the leg indicator is not maintained, for
instance), the deliveries are assigned to all legs that were created manually.
6. Now the system assigns the deliveries to border crossing points and load transfer points.
The system then also checks which legs start or end at border point G, for example. All
deliveries that are found in these legs are assigned to this border crossing point, since all
deliveries that are shipped to this border crossing point must most likely go through
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Automatic Assignment of Deliveries
100 April 2001
Only deliveries that are to be loaded or unloaded at this point or those whose shipping
type or service agent changes (meaning that they must be transferred) are assigned to a
load transfer point.
If there are no legs that begin or end at this point, the system assigns all deliveries to this
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Identification of Places
April 2001 101
Identification of Places
During leg determination (and also as assignments of deliveries to stages are being determined),
various locations must be compared to one another at many points in the component. In other
words, the system checks to make sure the location defined is the same physical location that
exists in the system.
This can sometimes be rather difficult, since one location can appear in the system in various
A customer with the number ‘ABCD’ is created in the system. This customer’s
address is Mr. Smith, 1200 Main Street, Anytown, USA 90018. A transportation
connection point that refers to this customer has been entered in Customizing. A
one-time customer with the same address was also entered (the same customer
called up to order an express shipment and could not remember the customer
number from previous orders, for example). All three of these entries describe the
same physical location and should be identified as such.
Delivery 1 has a destination of customer ‘ABCD’, unloading point ‘dock door 29’; but
delivery 2 has customer ‘ABCD’ and unloading point ‘dock door 1’ as its destination.
These are most likely two distinct physical locations. In this case, the truck needs to
go to both dock door 1 and dock door 29 at this customer’s warehouse.
Location entries are analyzed by the system as follows:
The system takes the address and other important data from the location description:
· Location description:
- Loading point at the shipping point
- Customer’s unloading point
- Storage location at the plant
- Warehouse number
- Door for the warehouse number
- Additional information
· Address:
- Name 1
- Location
- Zip code for location
- Zip code for the post office box
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Identification of Places
102 April 2001
- Company zip code (for major customers)
- Street
- Street number
- Post office box
- Location of the post office box
- Transportation zone
- Country key
If this data is identical for two location entries, the system assumes that they are the exact same
location. (Technically speaking, the system assigns a temporary number within the program for
this identification. This number is then also assigned to every location that is identified with the
same entries.
If this method of location comparison is not sufficient for your business scenario (if
you would also like to include a phonetic comparison to allow for typing errors, for
example), you can modify the analysis to fit your needs using customer
enhancement ‘V56LOCID’.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Leg Determination Categories
April 2001 103
Leg Determination Categories
The basic procedures are described in Automatic Leg Determination [Page 95].
In the Customizing [Ext.] application, you can define for the shipment type (Parameters for
‘Determine legs’) how leg determination should be carried out.
You can also display this information on the overview screen of the shipment document (Control
The R/3 System supports the following categories of leg determination:
· Leg determination ‘_’ (blank):
The system does not perform leg determination.
· Leg determination ‘0’:
The system does not perform leg determination, but the assignment of deliveries to
stages is determined. (See also Automatic Assignment of Deliveries [Page 99].)
· Leg determination ‘1
Legs are determined according to the itinerary (order of deliveries) in the shipment
This type of leg determination is used for collective shipments in which the goods are
picked up at individual shipping points in a certain order and then delivered to individual
ship-to parties in a certain order.
· Leg determination ‘2
A type of leg determination in which a preliminary leg is created for each starting point
and a subsequent leg is created for each destination point.
This type of leg determination is used for transporting deliveries that are to be sent by
sea in a group, but originate from different shipping points or are to be transported to
different ship-to parties.
· Leg determination ‘3
A type of leg determination in which a preliminary leg and a subsequent leg are created
for each delivery.
This leg determination type is used for transporting extensive amounts of goods that
must be distributed among multiple deliveries because one delivery would not offer
enough capacity.
· Leg determination ‘4
This type of leg determination is similar to type ‘1’ except that shipment types for
preliminary and subsequent legs (which you can enter in the shipment header) are taken
into consideration. This way you can suppress certain preliminary or subsequent legs.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Leg Determination Categories
104 April 2001
Each type of leg determination is described in detail in the following sections:
Category 1: According to the Itinerary [Page 107]
Category 2: Preliminary/Subsequent Leg for Point of Departure/Destination [Page
Category 3: Preliminary and Subsequent Leg for Each Delivery [Page 111]
Category 4: With Shipping Type for Preliminary Leg and Subsequent Leg [Page 114]
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Executing Automatic Leg Determination
April 2001 105
Executing Automatic Leg Determination
The following options are available for initiating automatic leg determination:
· Set the Planned status on the screen Overview Shipment in the shipment document.
After setting the status, choose the tabstrip Control to check the results of leg
· Choose the pushbutton Leg determination on the tabstrip Stages.
The system calculates the shipment legs based on the leg determination indicator for the
shipment document type. It takes into account the shipping points and ship-to parties in the
deliveries, as well as the shipping type, the leg indicator, and the route (if you have defined one).
If your shipment is part of a transportation chain, the system also takes this into consideration.
If you have leg determination category 1 or 4, the system displays a dialog box in
which you can modify the sequence of the relevant locations. This dialog box always
appears if you execute leg determination on the overview screen for the stages.
However, if you set the status planned for the general header data (this means that
leg determination will be initiated), this dialog box only appears if absolutely
necessary (for more information, refer to the descriptions for the individual leg
determination types).
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Examples of Automatic Leg Determination
106 April 2001
Examples of Automatic Leg Determination
The following sections briefly describe business scenarios for the various types of automatic leg
Category 1: According to the Itinerary [Page 107]
Category 2: Preliminary/Subsequent Leg for Point of Departure/Destination [Page 109]
Category 3: Preliminary and Subsequent Leg for Each Delivery [Page 111]
Category 4: With Shipping Type for Preliminary Leg and Subsequent Leg [Page 114]
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Category 1: According to the Itinerary
April 2001 107
Category 1: According to the Itinerary
Leg determination category 1 generates a sequence of locations that links together the departure
points and destinations for the deliveries without gaps.
The system proceeds as follows:
1. The system connects the departure points of the deliveries onto one another (Example:
the truck drives from shipping point 0001 to shipping point 0002, then to shipping point
0003). The sequence is set in such a way that the deliveries that need to be unloaded
first at the customer are loaded onto the truck last.
Exception 1:
The shipment document already contains manually entered legs (all manually created
legs and legs that originate from a route). If the departure point of a delivery is already
mentioned in these legs, it must be included here once again.
Exception 2:
If you have already specified a particular sequence through a previous leg determination,
the system will take this.
2. The system now connects up all the manual legs.
3. Finally, all the destinations of the deliveries are connected up. The sequence matches
the sequence of the deliveries in the shipment (the so-called itinerary).
If a target location is already mentioned in the manually created legs, it is not added on
to the leg, but omitted.
You can modify the sequence of locations determined in this way in a dialog box. This can be
important, for example, if the truck should not to drive to all the shipping points first, the reason
being that there are customers on the routes between the shipping points, and these need to be
driven to. This dialog box always appears if you execute leg determination on the overview
screen for the stages.
However, if you set the status Planned for the general header data (this means that leg
determination will be initiated), this dialog box only appears if absolutely necessary. This is
usually the case if the general data is not unique or has inconsistencies. In this way, expedient
processing is not hindered by a superfluous dialog box.
The 5 deliveries in your shipment depart from shipping point 0001, 0002, and 0003.
The system cannot know the sequence in which these should be driven to (since the
sequence of the deliveries only defines in general the sequence in which the
destinations, that is, the customers, should be driven to). In this case, a dialog box
The deliveries in your shipment specify a particular itinerary (for example, first to
customer K1, then K2, K3, and so on).
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Category 1: According to the Itinerary
108 April 2001
If you have also specified a route in the shipment, and the transportation connection
points of this route also point to the customers, then it could be that a different
sequence was specified in the route. In this case, the system needs confirmation
regarding which itinerary is to be taken (the system proposes the itinerary given in
the route).
Now the system generates legs from the sequence of locations defined (for example,
A, B, C, D).
The legs that were created are filled in with data in accordance with step 6 in Automatic Leg
Determination [Page 95], and border points and load transfer points, as in step 7.
Finally, the system determines which deliveries are assigned to which legs. See also Automatic
Assignment of Deliveries [Page 99].
You have created a shipment document that contains three deliveries. The
deliveries are to be picked up from two different shipping points and delivered to
three different ship-to parties. The deliveries are listed in the following sequence in
the shipment document:
Delivery Shipping point Destination
1 San Francisco Denver
2 San Francisco Dallas
3 Phoenix Oklahoma City
On the basis of the sequence of the deliveries in the shipment document, the system
creates a main leg from Phoenix to Denver, one preliminary leg from San Francisco
to Phoenix, one subsequent leg from Denver to Dallas, and a second from Dallas to
Oklahoma City. The illustration shows how the deliveries are assigned:
San Fr. Phoenix Dallas
Deliveries 1,2
Main Leg
Deliveries 1,2,3
Deliveries 2,3
Delivery 3
If the manually specified leg management has gaps, these are now closed.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Category 2: Preliminary/Subsequent Leg for Point of Departure/Destination
April 2001 109
Category 2: Preliminary/Subsequent Leg for Point of
This type of leg determination forms a preliminary leg for each point of departure and a
subsequent leg for each destination point. It can be used if a transportation chain is to be set up
within a shipment document.
For example, multiple trucks leave from different shipping points to take deliveries to a harbor,
where they are to be loaded onto the ship. The ship then carries the deliveries to the destination
harbor, where they are once again loaded onto multiple trucks to be delivered to different
customers. During this process, the system assumes that only one truck is needed between each
departure point and destination point (Less Than Truckload - LTL).
Only preliminary, main and subsequent legs appear here, as opposed to transportation chains,
which use multiple documents (preliminary shipment document(s), main shipment document,
subsequent shipment document(s)) to illustrate the process.
If you want depict a transportation chain within a shipment document, you must also
accept the limited functions available to you.
The reason: Almost all shipment document functions refer to the document as a
· Outputs can only be printed for the entire document, not for individual legs
· Handling units can only be created for the entire document, not for individual legs
· The same is valid for texts, deadlines in general, etc.
In our example, when the trucks go from their respective shipping points to the harbor, the freight
documents should not also contain main leg and subsequent leg information. When you create
texts, you would not know if they are supposed to be valid for the preliminary, main or
subsequent legs.
In order to avoid such limitations, we would recommend that you denote a transportation chain
using multiple shipment documents. You can create these shipment documents almost
automatically by using collective processing.
However, if you only want preliminary, main and subsequent legs to show up for documentation
purposes, then this is the correct leg determination type.
Procedure for this type of leg determination:
1. The system assumes that the main leg will be entered manually (here, manually means
either entered directly or by way of a route entry)
Hamburg-New York
2. Now, legs are automatically formed for all existing delivery departure points to the main leg’s
starting point (which was entered manually).
Shipping point ‘0001’ - Hamburg
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Category 2: Preliminary/Subsequent Leg for Point of Departure/Destination
110 April 2001
Shipping point ‘0002’ - Hamburg
3. Now the system creates legs from the end point of the main leg (which was entered
manually) to all destination points of the delivery.
New York - Customer 1,
New York - Customer 2,
New York - Customer 3,
If there is no main leg, the system creates direct links between the departure points and the
destination points of the delivery.
Shipping point ‘0001’ - Customer 1,
Shipping point ‘0001’ - Customer 2,
Shipping point ‘0002’ - Customer 3.
The legs that were created are filled in with data in accordance with step 6 in Automatic Leg
Determination [Page 95], and border points and load transfer points, as in step 7.
Finally, the system determines which deliveries are assigned to which legs. See also Automatic
Assignment of Deliveries [Page 99].
You have created a shipment document that contains two deliveries to be dispatched
to a ship-to party in Heidelberg. The first delivery is to be loaded in Boston, the
second in Chicago. You specify the New York-Rotterdam route in the shipment
header. Automatic leg determination creates a main leg from New York to
Rotterdam, one preliminary leg from Chicago to New York, a second preliminary leg
from Boston to New York, and one subsequent leg from Rotterdam to Heidelberg.
New York
Rotterdam Heidelberg
Delivery 1
Delivery 2
Deliveries 1,2
Main leg
(Route from
Deliveries 1,2
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Category 3: Preliminary and Subsequent Leg for Each Delivery
April 2001 111
Category 3: Preliminary and Subsequent Leg for Each
This type of leg determination type can generally be used if a transportation chain is to be
illustrated in a shipment document.
For example, multiple trucks leave from different shipping points to take deliveries to a harbor,
where they are to be loaded onto the ship. The ship then carries the deliveries to the destination
harbor, where they are once again loaded onto multiple trucks to be delivered to different
customers. During this process, the system assumes that each delivery is so large that an entire
truck is necessary for each one (Full Truckload - FTL).
Only preliminary, main and subsequent legs appear here, as opposed to transportation chains,
which use multiple documents (preliminary shipment document(s), main shipment document,
subsequent shipment document(s)) to illustrate the process.
If you want depict a transportation chain within a shipment document, you must also
accept the limited functions available to you.
The reason: Almost all shipment document functions refer to the document as a
· Outputs can only be printed for the entire document, not for individual legs
· Handling units can only be created for the entire document, not for individual legs
· The same is valid for texts, deadlines in general, etc.
In our example, when the trucks go from their respective shipping points to the harbor, the freight
documents should not also contain main leg and subsequent leg information. When you create
texts, you would not know if they are supposed to be valid for the preliminary, main or
subsequent legs.
In order to avoid such limitations, we would recommend that you denote a transportation chain
using multiple shipment documents. You can create these shipment documents almost
automatically by using collective processing.
However, if you only want preliminary, main and subsequent legs to show up for documentation
purposes, then this is the correct leg determination type.
Procedure for this type of leg determination:
1. The system assumes that the main leg will be entered manually (here, manually means
either entered directly or by way of a route entry)
Hamburg-New York
2. Now, legs are automatically formed for all existing deliveries from the delivery’s departure
point to the main leg’s starting point (which was entered manually).
Shipping point ‘0001’ - Hamburg (for delivery 1),
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Category 3: Preliminary and Subsequent Leg for Each Delivery
112 April 2001
Shipping point ‘0001’ - Hamburg (for delivery 2),
Shipping point ‘0002’ - Hamburg (for delivery 3),.
Shipping point ‘0002’ - Hamburg (for delivery 4),.
3. Now the system creates legs from the end point of the main leg (which was entered
manually) to the destination point of each delivery.
New York - customer 1 (for delivery 1),
New York - customer 2 (for delivery 2),
New York - customer 2 (for delivery 3),
New York - customer 3 (for delivery 4),
If there is no main leg, the system creates direct links between the departure points and the
destination points of the delivery.
Shipping point ‘0001’ - customer 1 (for delivery 1),
Shipping point ‘0001’ - customer 2 (for delivery 2),
Shipping point ‘0002’ - customer 2 (for delivery 3),
Shipping point ‘0002’ - customer 3 (for delivery 4),
The legs that were created are filled in with data in accordance with step 6 in Automatic Leg
Determination [Page 95], and border points and load transfer points, as in step 7.
Finally, the system determines which deliveries are assigned to which legs. See also Automatic
Assignment of Deliveries [Page 99].
You have created a shipment document that contains three separate deliveries for a
total of 60 tons of a product. Each delivery departs from Chicago and is transported
to New York by truck. In New York, all the deliveries are loaded onto a ship and
transported to Hamburg. In Hamburg, each delivery is loaded onto a separate truck
and transported to the ship-to party in Heidelberg. You specify the New York-
Hamburg route in the shipment document header. The system creates a main leg
from New York to Hamburg, three preliminary legs from Chicago to New York, and
three subsequent legs from Hamburg to Heidelberg.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Category 3: Preliminary and Subsequent Leg for Each Delivery
April 2001 113
Leg 1
Leg 5
Leg 4
Leg 2
Leg 6
Leg 3
Leg 7
Delivery 1
Delivery 1
Delivery 2
Delivery 2
Delivery 3
Delivery 3
Port of departure Port of arrival Customer
New York
Hamburg Heidelberg
Main leg
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Category 4: With Shipping Type for Preliminary Leg and Subsequent Leg
114 April 2001
Category 4: With Shipping Type for Preliminary Leg and
Subsequent Leg
This leg determination type works in exactly the same way as in Category 1: According to the
Itinerary [Page 107].
Here, however, the preliminary leg shipping type and the subsequent leg shipping type (that you
can maintain in the shipment header) are taken into account. These shipping types are used for
the preliminary and subsequent legs that are created.
You can use this to hide subsequent legs by not maintaining the shipping type for the subsequent
leg. This is helpful if you are only responsible for transportation up to a certain point and not all
the way to the ship-to party location.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Shipment Stages
April 2001 115
Shipment Stages
Stages contain information about the geographical factors for a shipment. In addition to their
other functions, stages can also be the basis for calculation of shipment costs. Shipment stages
can include:
· Legs
A beginning point and end point is defined. For example, you can define main,
preliminary, and subsequent legs.
· Load transfer points
The point where a shipment is unloaded from one means of transport and loaded onto
· Border crossing points
The point where a shipment crosses the border.
The various types of shipment stages are illustrated in the following figure:
Border crossing point
Partner:Forwarding agent
Border crossing point
Partner: Customs broker
Load transfer point
Partner: Forwarding agent
Stage of
The following can be beginning points or end points:
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Shipment Stages
116 April 2001
· Transportation connection point (train station or port, for example)
· Shipping point (or loading point)
· Plant (or storage location)
· Customer location (may include customer’s unloading point)
· Vendor
· Freely-definable address
It is also possible to record other information about beginning or end points:
· Warehouse number/dock door
· Additional info, can be any text you choose (quay 17, for example)
If reference to a customer, shipping point, etc. is made in Customizing in the definition of a
transportation connection point, that reference is automatically copied. This reference cannot be
changed in the document since it was copied from the transportation connection point.
You can display the address of each point by choosing Address. If you are in change mode, you
can make any necessary changes to the address. If you make changes to the address, the
system simply creates a different address in the current shipment document.
Load transfer points can be defined the same way as beginning or end points of a leg. This
means that it is possible to create a load transfer point at a customer or vendor address. If a
transportation connection point is to serve as a location entry, however, it must have the
corresponding characteristic Load transfer point in Customizing.
You can only use transportation connection points for border crossing points. These must already
be set up in Customizing with the Border crossing point attribute.
Certain rules must be followed when defining a point in a shipment stage (a customer and a
shipping point may not be entered at the same time, for example). You can find these rules in the
Creating Shipment Stages Manually [Page 118] section.
You can create stages manually in the shipment document.
You can, however, use various functions to simplify or automate the entries:
· Entering a route in the shipment header. The stages defined in Customizing for the route are
then transferred to the shipment document. You can control which stages are transferred, if
· Using the Leg determination function. Leg determination is a mechanism that generates
stages. The determination is based on simple rules. It uses delivery information that is
relevant for shipment in order to generate stages. (No optimization is involved here.)
See also:
Automatic Leg Determination [Page 95]
By combining various control parameters for the transfer of the routes with leg determination, you
can automatically generate leg scenarios (either fully or partially).
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Shipment Stages
April 2001 117
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Creating Shipment Stages Manually
118 April 2001
Creating Shipment Stages Manually
You can use the following functions when you create a shipment stage:
· Create a shipment leg
· Create a load transfer point
· Create a border crossing point
Create a shipment leg
To create a leg in the shipment document:
1. On the initial shipment screen or any of the shipment overview screens, choose
Overview ® Stage overview.
Choose Stage ® New stage ® Leg. You can now see how a location can be defined
(entry of a transportation connection point, shipping point, customer, etc.) by looking at
the Departure and Destination point data fields.
2. Now enter the departure point and destination point (shipping point 0001 and customer
K1, for example).
This departure point must be defined as a transportation connection point in Customizing
for Shipping.
· The location definition must be unique, meaning that only one of the following fields
should contain a value:
Transportation connection point
Shipping point
· An exception is made for transportation connection points that refer to shipping
points, customers, plants, vendors, etc. In such a case, only the transportation
connection point and the shipping point (for instance) may contain values. Except for
the transportation connection point itself, all other fields are not available for entry
and are only displayed.
· Some fields are optional, meaning that they do not have to be maintained. They may
only be maintained in the following situations, however:
Loading point: The shipping point must have been maintained
Storage location: The plant must have been maintained
Unloading point: The customer must have been maintained
Warehouse: The shipping point or the plant must have been maintained
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Creating Shipment Stages Manually
April 2001 119
Dock door: The warehouse must have been maintained
Additional info: can always be maintained
· You can always maintain the address:
As a newly-defined, independent address without any other field having been
filled in. Example: Delivery to a construction site
As an alternative address for an object (alternative customer address, for
After entering the locations and pressing a key, the entry fields for departure and
destination point are automatically reduced in size, since now the Transportation
planning point field may not contain a value for the departure point, for example,
according to the above rules. You can make these fields available for input once again
by either deleting the shipping point or choosing Change for the destination point.
This screen compression serves to display only the important location information so that
the lower data area remains accessible, even on small screens. Choose Address to
change an existing location address or add a new one.
3. Maintain other data about the stage on the various tab pages.
4. The system automatically inserts the agent’s name in the header of the shipment
document. Enter the name or number of a service agent in the Service agent field if you
are working with an agent other than the one defined in the shipment header.
Default values for the shipping type and leg indicator are suggested by the system
depending on the shipment type, but you can change them if necessary.
5. Maintain the planned and actual transportation deadlines if needed.
6. Save your data.
To create another leg immediately following this transaction, you can choose Stage ® New stage
® Leg again from the details screen. This takes you directly to the entry screen for the next new
The shipping document currently contains no scheduling. Planned deadlines on the
leg level can therefore only be maintained manually.
The shipping document also has no distance determination. You therefore have to
maintain the Distance field manually. If you still want to have an automatic distance
determination function, you can activate customer enhancement V56DISTZ.
Creating a load transfer point
To create a load-transfer point in the shipment document:
1. On the initial shipment screen or any of the shipment overview screens, choose
Overview ® Stage overview.
2. Choose Stage ® New stage ® Load transfer point.
3. Enter the transportation connection point for the load transfer point.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Creating Shipment Stages Manually
120 April 2001
The same rules as for definition of a departure or destination point are valid for definition
of a load transfer point.
The specified transportation connection point must be classified in Customizing as a
load transfer point.
4. Enter the name or number of a service agent in the Service agent field if you are working
with an agent other than the one defined in the shipment header.
5. Maintain the planned and actual transportation deadlines if needed.
6. In many cases, the costs calculated for a load transfer depend on where the shipment is
being transported (load transfer at the harbor, for instance). If this is the case, you can
define a destination point for a load transfer point by choosing Stage ® Load transfer
point ® Define destination. A dialog box appears in which you can enter a destination
point (following the same rules as for the load transfer point).
7. Save your data.
Creating a border crossing point
To create a border-crossing point in the shipment document:
1. On the initial shipment screen or any of the shipment overview screens, choose
Overview ® Stage overview.
Choose Stage ® New stage ® Boarder crossing point.
3. Enter the transportation connection point for the border crossing point.
The specified transportation connection point must be classified in Customizing as a
border crossing point.
4. Enter the name or number of a service agent in the Service agent field if you are working
with an agent other than the one defined in the shipment header.
5. Maintain the planned and actual transportation deadlines if needed.
6. Save your data.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Assigning Deliveries to Stages
April 2001 121
Assigning Deliveries to Stages
You can either assign all deliveries in the shipment to a stage or only a few deliveries to each
stage. This function is useful if a shipment stops at various locations, unloading or loading goods
along the way, for example. In such a situation, not all deliveries would be included in each stage
of transportation.
Deliveries can be assigned to stages automatically (see Leg Determination Categories [Page
This process can also be carried out manually.
1. Choose Overview ® Stage overview on the initial screen or one of the overview screens.
2. Select the stage that the delivery is to be assigned to on this overview screen. Choose
Stage ® Deliveries in stage.
A screen that is divided into two parts appears.
– Deliveries in stage
Deliveries not in stage
Here you will find data for each delivery in table format.
3. Select the deliveries and then use the movement buttons that are found between the two
halves of the screen to assign deliveries to the stage. You can also delete deliveries.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Maintaining Partners for Stages
122 April 2001
Maintaining Partners for Stages
You can enter a service agent on the detail screen of each stage. In a leg, the partner is the
forwarding agent; at a load transfer point, it is the load transfer service provider, and at a border
crossing point, it is the customs agent.
You can enter a different address for this service agent by going to the partner maintenance
section of the stage. You can also enter an additional partner (carrier) for a leg. Entry of
additional partner roles for load transfer points or border crossing points is not currently possible.
The partner determination procedures for stages are fixed and therefore cannot be
set in Customizing.
1. Choose Goto ® Shipment Overview ® Stages on the initial screen or one of the overview
2. Select the stage to which deliveries are to be assigned and choose the tab page Partner.
A partner overview screen for the stage appears. If necessary, you can enter another
partner here and change address data in the detail screen.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Displaying Details About Stages
April 2001 123
Displaying Details About Stages
To display details about the stages in the shipment document:
1. On any of the shipment overview screens, choose Overview ® Stages.
2. Select the stage(s) for which you want to display details.
3. Choose Stage ® Stage detail.
You can also display the deliveries or partners for the stage by choosing Deliveries in
stage or Partner stage.
You will reach the detail screen for the first stage that you selected. If you are in change
mode, you can make any necessary changes. To reach the detail screen for any other
stages you marked, choose Stage ® Next stage.
4. Save your changes.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Deleting Stages in the Shipment Document
124 April 2001
Deleting Stages in the Shipment Document
To delete stages from the shipment document:
1. From the shipment overview screen, choose the Stages tab.
2. Select the stages you want to delete.
3. Choose Delete section.
The stages will be deleted.
4. Save your changes.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Moving Stages in the Shipment Document
April 2001 125
Moving Stages in the Shipment Document
1. Choose the Stage tab on the overview screen.
2. Select the stages you want to move.
3. Place the cursor on the stage you want the selected stages to appear
4. Choose Move stage.
If you want to move the stages to the top of the list, put the cursor in a field above the
overview screen (in the Shipment number field, for example).
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Routes and Shipment Stages
126 April 2001
Routes and Shipment Stages
If you find that you use certain routes and stages often, you can define them in Customizing. This
way, you spare yourself the unnecessary effort of creating and re-creating the same stages. You
can find more information in the Define routes and stages section of the Implementation Guide
You can enter the route manually in the shipment’s general header data. All stages of the route,
including their detail screens, are then copied into the shipment automatically. The system also
copies data (such as service agent, shipping type, distance and planned duration) from the route
header into the shipment document header. This only occurs when the relevant fields in the
document header are blank or originate from the old route. Manual entries have priority.
You can control which stages are to be transferred by maintaining the Adopt route control
parameters in Customizing for the shipment type. The control parameters can have the following
· blank All stages are copied over from the route (standard)
· ‘1’: Only stages that have the exact same leg indicator that appears in the transport
header of the current transport document are copied from the route. This is useful when
you want to copy only the preliminary legs of a route into a preliminary shipment which
itself is part of a transportation chain, for example.
· ‘2’: No stages are taken from the route. In this case, the route is only a classification
characteristic in the shipment header.
In the shipment header, you can also display which route stages are to be copied over by
choosing Control on the general header screen.
If you change the route in the shipment document, the system automatically deletes the stages of
the old route and adds the stages of the new one.
After a route is entered, the system tries to assign the deliveries in the shipment automatically to
stages. For more details about this process, see Leg Determination Categories [Page 103].
Automatic Route Transfer
You can automate route entry by choosing the Route from del. option in Customizing for the
shipment type. When you set the status to Planned in the shipment document, the route is
automatically adopted from the deliveries into the shipment document (provided it is unique). The
data transfer described above (route stages and route header data) then occurs automatically.
The service agent field can also be automatically filled in for the stages. For this, you only need
to enter the service agent in the shipment header. It is also automatically copied into all existing
legs that have no service agent.
If you change the service agent in the shipment header, the system also substitutes the new
service agent for the old one in the stages. You can also make the service agent entry happen
automatically if you choose the Frwd. agent delivery indicator in Customizing for shipment types.
As in route processing, when you set the status to Planned, the forwarding agent is automatically
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Routes and Shipment Stages
April 2001 127
adopted from the deliveries into the shipment document (and, in turn, into the stages). This can
only occur if the forwarding agent is unique.
A Service agent selection function is not currently available.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Planning Activities in the Shipment Document
128 April 2001
Planning Activities in the Shipment Document
You can execute various activities in the shipment document, including assigning service agents,
packing deliveries or maintaining shipment texts, for example.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Processing Shipment Documents
April 2001 129
Processing Shipment Documents
1. In the Shipment Screen [Ext.], choose Change ® Single document.
The Change Shipment: screen appears.
2. Enter the number of the shipment document that you want to change.
3. If you do not know the document number, select the possible entries button to call up the
Find Shipments selection screen. Enter your selection criteria (for example, the name of the
service agent or the transportation planning point) and choose Program ® Execute. The
system will return a list of all the shipments that match the selection criteria. Select the
document that you want to process. The system then enters that number in the Shipment
number field on the initial Change Shipment screen.
4. Press ENTER.
You see the overview screen in the shipment document. From this screen, you can
maintain data such as deadlines, handling units, output data, and stages.
Follow the same procedure to display a shipment document, but select Display
instead of Change in Step 2.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Mass Shipment Changes
130 April 2001
Mass Shipment Changes
Sometimes it is necessary to make changes to more than one shipment. For example, a
forwarding agent that has agreed to ship multiple shipments for you is suddenly no longer
available. Instead of changing each document individually, you can make a mass change in
multiple shipment documents in one step.
You can select shipments according to certain criteria and carry out changes at header level.
This comprehensive change function also allows you to enter changes in a sample line and then
carry those changes over into all selected shipments. That way, you can change the forwarding
agent in multiple shipments by making a single entry.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Making Mass Changes to Shipments
April 2001 131
Making Mass Changes to Shipments
To make changes in multiple shipments simultaneously:
1. Choose Logistics ® Logistics Execution ® Transportation.
2. Choose Shipment ®Mass change.
A selection criteria entry screen appears.
3. Choose which shipments you want to change by entering the corresponding selection
4. Choose Execute.
A list of all shipments that meet your selection criteria appears. This list includes all the
shipment header data. The tab pages correspond to those found on the general header
screen of the shipment.
5. Make your changes.
If you want to carry out the same changes in multiple shipments, select those shipments,
enter the value you want to add to those shipments in the default line and choose
Ref.doc. The value in the default line is substituted for older values in the selected
6. Save your changes.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Packing in the Shipment Document
132 April 2001
Packing in the Shipment Document
The packing hierarchy, which is set up in the delivery, is continued in the shipment document.
Delivery items that were packed into crates and loaded on pallets can be packed into containers
and loaded on trucks in the shipment document.
1. To pack items in the shipment document, choose Goto ® Shipment and Packaging Matls on
the initial screen or any of the shipment document overview screens. You see the screen for
Editing Handling Units. All the delivery items not packed are displayed in the screen section
Items to be packed.
If goods have already been packed into the deliveries, the system displays the individual
handling units and you can, if necessary, pack these further.
2. To pack a delivery item that has not yet been packed, mark the item and choose Extras
® Allowed pack.matl to find the appropriate packaging materials.
3. Select a packaging material from the Allowed packaging materials dialog box.
4. In the quantity overview of the delivery, choose Edit ® Pack ® Pack.
5. In the screen section All existing HUs (into which you can pack materials), create the
required handling units. You can also call up handling units that have already been created
(Non-Assigned Handling Units [Ext.]) . For further information on creating handling units,
refer to the section Working with Handling Units [Ext.].
6. In the screen section Material to be packed or material packed, select the items that you wish
to pack. Then in the section All existing HUs, select the handling units into which you wish to
pack the goods and choose Pack material. See also: Pack if full [Ext.], New HU per Number
of HUs [Ext.], and Packing per Partial Quantity [Ext.]).
7. To pack an existing HU into a larger HU, for example into a truck, select the HU and choose
Extras ® Allowed pack.matl to select the appropriate packaging material for the HUs
8. Select a packaging material from the Allowed packaging materials dialog box.
9. The system marks both the handling unit to be packed and the packaging material. Then
choose Edit ® Pack ® Pack item.
You either receive a message from the system that the handling units are packed or you
are notified that not all the items could be packed because the system reached the
weight or volume limits.
If you have marked several handling units for packing, the handling units at the top of
the list are packed fully first. If not all the items to be packed fit onto this handling
unit, the packing process is automatically continued with the next selected handling
If only a partial quantity of a delivery item is to be packed, you must enter this in the
section Material to be packed or packed material for the respective item in the field
Partial quantity.
The total weight of the delivery is not increased by the packing weights.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Packing in the Shipment Document
April 2001 133
For handling units that represent means of transport, you may want to maintain the
additional data such as the truck driver’s name or nationality..
1. Select the respective HU and choose Edit ® Detailed data HU.
2. Maintain the necessary data and return to the Pack Items screen.
3. Save your data.
Handling units that were created in the delivery cannot be unpacked in the shipment
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Delivery Item Generation in the Shipment
134 April 2001
Delivery Item Generation in the Shipment
Packaging materials for handling units are mostly cost items and are managed as stock in
inventory management. For goods receipt from suppliers and goods issue to customers, it is
therefore important to generate delivery items for the respective packaging materials so that
these can be seen in the delivery note, posted in stock, and then invoiced as required.
Using the function for delivery item generation, you can generate delivery items for packaging
materials that are only yet in planning for the shipment.
Choose the following activities in the Implementation Guide for delivery item generation from the
Logistics Execution ® Transportation ® Shipments ® Define Transportation Relevance [Ext.]
Logistics Execution ® Transportation ® Shipments ® Define and Assign Activity Profiles [Ext.]
Logistics - General ® Handling Unit Management ® Basics ® Define Packaging Material Types
Logistics Execution ® Shipping ® Deliveries ® Define Delivery Types [Ext.]
In delivery processing, the plant and the item category in the handling unit are decisive factors in
the generation of delivery items. In the shipment, you can set the control for delivery item
generation using an indicator for generation relevance in the Customizing application under
Shipment Type [Ext.]. In the activity profile [Ext.]
you can determine at which times (for example,
during planning, processing) the delivery items for the HUs are to be generated. For example,
changes can occur during planning and processing.
Also, in the Customizing section for Handling Unit Management, there is an indicator in the
packaging material type [Ext.] for generation relevance.
· Delivery items generated from packaging materials are not updated if there is a change to
the handling unit (plant, weight, and so on).
· Generated delivery items are deleted only if the handling unit is deleted.
· The generation of packaging materials in deliveries already posted for goods issue is not
· Any change in the HU content does not affect the generated item, even if the new contents
do not have any reference to this delivery.
· For technical reasons, the delivery update can only be called up during the update of the
shipment. Issuing a log is no longer possible at this point.
For further information on delivery item generation, refer to the section under Delivery Item
Generation for Packaging Materials [Ext.].
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Delivery Item Generation in the Shipment
April 2001 135
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Assigning Service Agents in the Shipment Document
136 April 2001
Assigning Service Agents in the Shipment Document
Before you assign a service agent to a shipment document, make sure that a vendor master
record has been maintained for that service agent.
At Header Level
1. On the initial shipment screen or any of the shipment overview screens, choose Header
® General data.
2. Enter the name of the service agent or the service agent number.
3. Save your data.
At Stage Level
1. On the overview screen of the shipment document, choose Overview ® Stage overview.
2. Mark the stage to which you want to assign a service agent and choose Stage ® Stage
3. Enter the name or service agent number of the service agent who is responsible for this
stage of the shipment.
The service agent in the shipment header is entered for the shipment leg and the
load transfer point and can be overwritten. No default appears for the border
crossing point.
4. Save your data.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Maintaining Texts in the Shipment Document
April 2001 137
Maintaining Texts in the Shipment Document
In the shipment document, texts are maintained manually at header level. No automatic text
determination occurs for shipments.
To enter important information for shipment planning and completion as a text in the shipment
document, proceed as follows:
1. On the overview screen of the shipment document, choose the tab page Texts.
The text screen appears, where you can maintain various types of texts (for example,
freight list texts, header notes, or forwarder’s order texts).
The text types that appear for maintenance depend on the text procedure, which is
specified for the shipment document type in Customizing.
2. Enter your text.
3. If you need additional space, mark the text and choose Edit Details.
The SAPscript editor will appear and you can complete your text.
4. Save your text on the SAPscript editor screen and choose Back to return to the text screen.
5. Save your text once again on the text screen.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Maintaining Planned and Actual Deadlines in the Shipment Document
138 April 2001
Maintaining Planned and Actual Deadlines in the
Shipment Document
To maintain planned deadlines in the shipment document:
1. On the overview screen in the shipment document, choose the screen sections Status and
2. The most important shipment deadlines are listed in the screen section Status and
Deadlines. Enter the planned or actual deadlines for the different activities in the Planning
and Execute fields.
You can enter actual deadlines for the required activities automatically or manually.
· Automatically
To enter deadlines automatically, set the status and the system fills in the current
date. You can find further information in Maintaining Status in the Shipment
Document [Page 140].
· Manual
You enter the date; the system automatically sets the status.
3. If you want to maintain deadlines that do not appear in the Dates or Status sections on the
overview screen, choose More Deadlines.
You will reach a screen where you can maintain any other planned or actual deadlines.
If planned and actual deadlines are different, you can record why and where the
deviation occurred by choosing Goto ® Details and maintaining the fields Point and
The transportation of a shipment is delayed because of a defective freight car at the
train station in Chicago. Enter the name of the station in Chicago in the Point field
and record that a defective freight car delayed proceedings in the DeviationReason
4. Save your data.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Status in the Shipment Document
April 2001 139
Status in the Shipment Document
The overall shipment status shows the shipment’s processing stage. There are various
transportation statuses:
· Planned: The shipment´s planning is complete.
· Check-in: The vehicle arrives at the plant.
· Start load: The vehicle is loaded or unloaded.
· End load: Loading and unloading finished.
· Shipment completion: The documents are created.
· Shipment start: The shipment starts.
· Shipment end: The shipment is finished.
In Customizing [Ext.], you can define Activity profiles [Page 146] for the shipment types, i.e. for
the statuses for which activities are to be carried out.
Possible activities of shipment completion:
· Posting the goods issue for the deliveries in shipment
· Billing the deliveries in shipment
· Printing outputs
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Maintaining Status in Shipment Documents
140 April 2001
Maintaining Status in Shipment Documents
To maintain status in the shipment document, proceed as follows:
1. On the overview screen for the shipment, set the Planned status in the Deadlines section.
2. Choose the appropriate button for the relevant activity (such as Check-in) on the Deadl. tab
The system records the current date and time as the actual deadline when you choose
the button for the relevant activity.
When you set a status, the status traffic light icon appears on the Status tab page.
For more detailed information on the status that the traffic light represents, click once
on the traffic light and choose F1.
For more information on setting this status, see Transfer of Delivery Dates to Shipment [Page
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Transfer of Delivery Dates to Shipments
April 2001 141
Transfer of Delivery Dates to Shipments
You can have planned dates proposed in the shipment for the individual transportation activities.
You can copy these from the outbound deliveries that belong to the shipment. You can use a
copy routine to copy dates and times into the shipment document. There are two copy routine
options: you can either accept the default copy routine or create your own copy routine.
In order to copy proposals for dates and times from the delivery, you must create a connection
between the shipment dates and delivery dates. Copy routines serve this purpose.
Copy routines link shipment dates and times to previous documents, such as deliveries. In other
words, date and time entries in the shipment can use date and time entries in previous
documents as references.
A copy routine must be set in the Implementation Guide (IMG) for copying the dates and times.
You can choose a suitable copy routine as a standard default or create your own copy routine to
use as a default in the Define shipment types [Ext.] activity under the path Logistics Execution ®
Transportation ® Shipments.
You can use this function to have the system propose shipment dates and times from the
delivery. There are two methods to choose from:
· Standard default
When this indicator is set, dates and times are copied from deliveries into the shipment. There
are a few rules that apply to standard defaults. First, the loading date and time in the delivery
becomes check-in time and loading start in the shipment. The delivery's planned goods-issue
time becomes the loading end, shipment completion and transportation start time for the
shipment. If the goods-issue date and time (loading time) is unclear in the delivery, the latest
goods issue date that appears in the delivery is copied into the shipment. The delivery date and
time is copied into the shipment's transportation end.
When shipment planning is complete, set the Planned status. At this point, the dates and times
are copied from the delivery into the shipment.
· You can create your own copy routine to use for date and time defaults by using the flexible
default option.
In shipment processing, choose Planning. Shipment dates and times appear as defaults. A dialog
box appears, in which you can choose whether you want the system to copy the default dates
and times into the shipment or whether leg determination should be re-run.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Function Authorization for Status
142 April 2001
Function Authorization for Status
The scope of transportation status activities should be reserved for administrative personnel for
various reasons. For example, it could be the case that some employees only process one
shipment type, that some are only responsible for transportation by land while others are
responsible for transportation by sea. Still others could be responsible for organizing
transportation planning and some could monitor all activities up through shipment completion. It
may not make sense for someone who only works with one status activity to be authorized to
execute other status activities. The system should carry out an authorization check to see if the
user has the authorization to set or reset a particular transportation status. Status authorization
can be an important security instrument to avoid the shipment being changed after the fact by
someone with no authorization because of an accident during shipping, for example.
The SAP standard function for checking authorization is used. The new authorization object
V_VTTK_TSA is used with authorization fields SHTYP for the shipment type and TRSTACT for
the shipment status activities to check authorization.
When the shipment status is changed, the system checks whether the user is authorized to
process the shipment type and status. If the user has this authorization in his or her user master
record, processing of the status activity is allowed. Otherwise, an message appears in which the
causes and further procedures appear.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Dangerous Goods Check
April 2001 143
Dangerous Goods Check
In order to fulfill the statutory requirements regarding shipment of dangerous goods, it is
necessary to check whether shipments containing these goods are permitted according to
agreements made with the countries in which the shipments take place.
The dangerous goods check applied here is part of the standard dangerous goods management
package in the SAP R/3 System.
The necessary settings must be made in the dangerous goods management section of
Customizing. The necessary data must also be available (transit countries must be defined, for
You can find further information about these prerequisites in Dangerous Goods Check in
Shipment Documents [Ext.].
You can carry out a dangerous goods check in the shipment document. Depending on your
settings, this either happens automatically or can be initiated manually on the Dang. gds tab
page in the general header data for the shipment.
If only one of the items in the deliveries grouped to make this shipment is categorized as
dangerous, the indicator Contains DG is automatically set. This indicator is only for informational
Depending on your settings in the dangerous goods management section of Customizing, the
overall reaction of the dangerous goods check may cause the Lock indicator DG to be set. In this
case, it is not possible to assign another document status.
You can find further information about dangerous goods check features in Dangerous Goods
Check in Shipment Documents [Ext.].
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Completing Transportation Planning
144 April 2001
Completing Transportation Planning
To complete transportation planning for a shipment document, first access the document either
using the change function or using a worklist for transportation planning (see Processing
Shipment Documents [Page 129]).
After you have completed all the necessary activities, such as packing, maintaining texts, or
assigning service providers, you can set the Planned status in the shipment header screen. For
more information on setting this status, see Maintaining Status in the Shipment Document [Page
140]. Once the Planned status has been set, leg determination is performed automatically. The
shipment document is then ready for shipment completion.
Setting the Planned indicator in the header screen of a shipment document will result in the
· You can no longer add deliveries to the shipment document.
· You cannot move deliveries within the shipment document.
· You cannot remove deliveries in the shipment document.
· You cannot reassign deliveries to other shipment documents in the
transportation planning work list.
· You can copy the route from the deliveries into the shipment header if the
appropriate indicator is set in the shipment type and if all deliveries in the
shipment document have the same route.
· You can copy the forwarding agent from the deliveries as the transportation
service agent in the shipment header. However, the indicator for copying the
forwarding agent must first be set in the shipment type and all deliveries must
have the same forwarding agent.
· You can transfer delivery dates to the shipment document, if you set a copy
routine for Transfer of Delivery Dates [Page 141] in the Implementation Guide
(IMG) [Ext.].
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Shipment Execution
April 2001 145
Shipment Execution
The aim of shipment completion is to complete the formalities involved in getting a shipment
ready for dispatching to the customer. Tasks in shipment completion include weighing the
shipments, loading, and posting goods issue. At check-in (when a truck arrives on the company’s
premises) information about the means of transport such as driver details, the weight of the truck,
and its arrival time can be recorded. You can store all this information in the shipment document
and it is printed out on the transportation documents, for example, when the completion status is
set. There are various reports available to assist you in choosing the shipments relevant for
check-in and those relevant for shipment completion.
You can carry out certain functions configured in Customizing using Shpmt completion in the
shipment completion list (see About Transportation Processing [Ext.] and Creating Shipment
Completion Lists [Page 153]). These functions include goods issue posting or billing as well as
printing transportation documents, deliveries or billing documents.
Using this function button, you can quickly and efficiently carry out all functions that you want to
use during shipment completion.
You can use the Shipment completion log to display which functions were carried out or which
ones led to problems.
Following shipment completion, you can compare any differences that were found between
the shipment completion and the delivery (during weighing, for example) directly to the
For example, in bulk product transportation (gases or liquids), the actual quantity often is
different from the quantity that was ordered.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Activity Profiles
146 April 2001
Activity Profiles
Activity profiles define activities that are to be carried out in the shipment document when a
certain status is set for that shipment. You can define a different profile for each status (planning,
check-in, completion, etc.) Possible activities that can be carried out as the status is set include:
· Add to the data in the dialog box
· Post goods issue for the deliveries in the shipment
· Calculate the shipping costs
· Create invoices for the deliveries in the shipment
· Print certain outputs
A variant in Customizing must be maintained per shipment type for the status that is to be carried
out. Define in this variant which activities should be carried out and whether a dialog box should
appear when the status is set.
To configure the activity profiles, choose Define and assign activity profiles [Ext.] in the
Implementation Guide (IMG).
The system automatically executes the activities that you specified for the respective shipment
type and status, once the relevant status is set.
You want to make sure that goods issue is always posted for all deliveries in
shipments with shipment type Individual shipment immediately after the shipment is
marked as complete. You also want a dialog box containing the driver’s name to
appear when the status is set to Check-in.
You then define activity profiles for Check-in and Completion for shipment type
Individual shipment. For check-in, you set the default for a dialog box that appears
containing the contents of the field Driver. For completion, you set goods issue
posting to be carried out automatically as this status is set.
Define activity profiles for your shipment types for any status at which activities should be carried
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Reports for Shipment Completion
April 2001 147
Reports for Shipment Completion
For shipment completion, there are two reports available that you can call up to select shipments:
· Select Shipments: Shipment Completion [Page 151]
· Select Shipments: Check-in [Page 148]
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Select Shipments: Check-in
148 April 2001
Select Shipments: Check-in
You can use this report to select shipments that you want to check in. An employee at the dock
door of the plant could select all shipments that are expected to arrive on that day, for instance,
so that check-in can occur as the trucks arrive.
Selection Screen
The check-in list is compiled using selection criteria. You can control which fields appear as
selection criteria on the selection screen. The set of criteria that are displayed are determined on
the basis of settings made in Customizing for Transportation. For more information about
changing these settings, see the Maintain selection views for lists of shipments section in the
online Implementation Guide. Criteria that is especially important for check-in include planned
deadlines and service agents, for example.
List Screen
You can select from two different views on the list screen. The first view list contains general
shipping information for the selected shipment documents. You can switch to a second view of
the list which provides you with information on the planned and actual deadlines for the
documents and the status of the various transportation activities. You can access each shipment
document from the list directly and perform the necessary shipment completion activities. There
are various functions which enable you to pare down the list to exactly those documents you
want to process. In addition, search and sort functions have been designed to help you access
the information you need from the list. After you have made changes to a shipment document in
the list and then returned to the list, you can use the Refresh function to update the list.
The List Viewer features various functions that you can use to tailor the list to your needs. This
tool allows you to total or sort columns, for example. You can also decide the sequence in which
the columns are displayed. For more information, see ABAP List Viewer [Ext.].
From this list, you can set the check-in status for all selected documents. Provided the
relevant setting was made in the activity profile, a dialog box will appear in which the truck’s
license plate number and driver’s name can be entered. See also Shipment Completion [Page
145] and Activity Profiles [Page 146].
Every morning, an employee stationed at the dock door of the plant creates a list of all shipments
expected that day. He or she uses the planned check-in date and status 1 (planned) as selection
criteria for this list. When a truck arrives at the dock door, he or she consults the list, finds the
relevant document and checks the truck in. During this process the truck’s license plate number
and driver’s name are recorded. The system is configured so that a dialog box appears
requesting entry of the license plate number and driver’s name as soon as the Check-in status is
See also:
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Select Shipments: Check-in
April 2001 149
Creating Check-in Lists [Page 150]
Editing Shipment Lists [Page 57]
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Creating Check-in Lists
150 April 2001
Creating Check-in Lists
To create a transportation completion list, proceed as follows:
1. Choose Shipment [Ext.]® Environment ® Check-in.
You branch to the screen List Shipments: Check-in.
2. To use other selection criteria, choose Edit ® All selections.
To define recurring selection criteria, you can create selection screen variants by
choosing Goto ®Variants ®Save as a variant. Then, to retrieve these variants, choose
Goto ®Variants ®Get.
3. Enter the criteria you want to use for selecting the shipment document.
4. Choose Program ® Execute.
You obtain a list of all the shipment documents that match your selection criteria.
You can find more information on processing these lists in Editing Shipment Lists [Page 57].
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Select Shipments: Shipment Completion
April 2001 151
Select Shipments: Shipment Completion
You can use this report to select shipment documents for which planning activities have been
completed and tasks such as weighing, loading, and goods issue still have to be performed.
Selection Screen
The shipment completion list is compiled using selection criteria. You can control which fields
appear as selection criteria on the selection screen. The set of criteria that are displayed are
determined on the basis of settings made in Customizing for Transportation. For more
information about changing these settings, see the Maintain selection views for lists of shipments
section in the online Implementation Guide. Important criteria for shipment completion include the
loading and transportation deadlines.
List Screen
You can select from two different views on the list screen. The first view list contains general
shipping information for the selected shipment documents. You can switch to a second view of
the list which provides you with information on the planned and actual deadlines for the
documents and the status of the various transportation activities. You can access each shipment
document from the list directly and perform the necessary shipment completion activities. There
are various functions which enable you to pare down the list to exactly those documents you
want to process. In addition, search and sort functions have been designed to help you access
the information you need from the list. After you have made changes to a shipment document in
the list and then returned to the list, you can use the Refresh function to update the list.
The List Viewer features various functions that you can use to tailor the list to your needs. This
tool allows you to total or sort columns, for example. You can also decide the sequence in which
the columns are displayed. For more information, see ABAP List Viewer [Ext.].
From this list, you can set the shipment completion status for all selected documents. Provided
the relevant setting was made in the activity profile, the process of printing all the freight
documents can be triggered automatically. See also Shipment Completion [Page 145] and
Activity Profiles [Page 146].
Every morning, an employee in a shipping company creates a list of all shipments for which
transportation planning is to be completed on that day, which he or she uses as a general
worklist. The selection criteria used to create this list include: overall shipment status of 1-4
(planned to end loading) and planned completion date. To find individual shipments, he or she
sometimes even uses the truck’s license plate number and the name of the truck driver as
selection criteria. This information was entered as the shipment was checked in. As this example
demonstrates, this report is an important tool that can assist you in planning shipments efficiently.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Select Shipments: Shipment Completion
152 April 2001
See also:
Creating Shipment Completion Lists [Page 153]
Editing Shipment Lists [Page 57]
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Creating Shipment Completion Lists
April 2001 153
Creating Shipment Completion Lists
Transport [Ext.]
To create a transportation processing list, proceed as follows:
1. Choose Environment ® Shipment completion on the Transportation screen.
You branch to the List Shipment screen: Transportation processing
2. To use other selection criteria, choose Edit ® All selections.
To define recurring selection criteria, you can create selection screen variants by
choosing Goto ®Variants ®Save as a variant. Then, to retrieve these variants, choose
Goto ®Variants ®Get.
3. Enter the criteria you want to use for selecting the shipment document.
4. Choose Program ® Execute.
You obtain a list of all the shipment documents that match your selection criteria.
You can find more information on processing these lists in Editing Shipment Lists [Page 57].
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Posting Goods Issue for Shipments
154 April 2001
Posting Goods Issue for Shipments
You can post goods issue for an entire shipment. This is appropriate, for example, if you have
several deliveries in a shipment that you do not want to have to select and post individually.
When you enter the shipment number, the system automatically selects all the deliveries
belonging to the shipment and then posts goods issue for them.
1. Choose Logistics ® Logistics Execution ® Outbound Process ® Goods Issue for Outbound
Delivery ® Post Goods Issue ® Collective Processing Via Outb. Delivery Monitor.
2. The delivery monitor [Ext.] takes you to the Outbound Deliveries for Goods Issue screen.
Here you enter the shipment number and select Program ® Execute.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Monitoring Shipments
April 2001 155
Monitoring Shipments
In order to be able to plan and execute shipments, it is important that you have an overview of
planned shipment activities as well as shipments already underway at all times. You have a
number of tools at your disposal for this purpose.
You can use both the Graphical Information System (GIS) or the Information System in list form
to gain an overview of a transportation network or itinerary. You can also display a Gantt chart for
deliveries or call up individual information relative to the shipments.
Moreover, you can also simply display all changes to a shipment document.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Information System in Transportation
156 April 2001
Information System in Transportation
You can use the information system to gain a better perspective on shipments of different
deliveries in the following ways:
· In list form
· Graphically
You can display the following information:
· Itinerary
· Transportation network
You can call up the information system:
· In the order
· In the delivery
· In the shipment
You can find this function by choosing the menu path Environment ® Transportation info.
You can call it up when changing or displaying the document, and in Transportation, you can also
call it up when creating a document.
See also:
Working with the Information System in List Form [Page 157]
Working with the Graphical Information System [Page 158]
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Information System in List Form
April 2001 157
Information System in List Form
If you are working with the information system in list form, the system lists all the shipment
documents that belong to an itinerary or transportation network.
You can use the normal list functions here (Sort, Find, Change view, and so on).
To get explanations for headings, place the cursor on a line beneath the heading and
press F1.
To get explanations for a field, place the cursor on the field and press F1.
See also:
Graphical Information System [Page 158]
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Graphical Information System
158 April 2001
Graphical Information System
You can display the following information about the itinerary or the transportation network:
· The route a certain delivery is taking
· How many or which shipments or deliveries are being sent from one transportation
connection point
to the next
· How many or which deliveries have been assigned to a certain shipment
· The weight, volume, or number of packages of a certain delivery or shipment
· The shipping type of a shipment
· Timing data for a shipment
· Information on transportation connection points
The following figure illustrates the difference between an itinerary and a transportation network:
Delivery 1
Delivery 2
Delivery 1 Delivery 1
Delivery 2
Delivery 2
Shipping point
Shipping point
Itinerary for delivery 1
Itinerary for delivery 2
Port of departure
Port of arrival
New York
Long Island
The graphic shows the transportation network for deliveries 1 and 2. When you select
Transportation network, the system displays the whole transportation network, regardless of
whether you have selected the function for delivery 1 or 2.
The following functions are available:
· Changing Network Views [Page 161]
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Graphical Information System
April 2001 159
· Displaying Itineraries Within a Transportation Network [Page 162]
· Displaying Details on Shipment Stages [Page 164]
· Displaying Details on Transportation Connection Points [Page 166]
· Compressing Stages [Page 172]
· Changing the Graphical Representation [Page 173]
Key for Transportation Connection Points
Once you have called the graphical information system, the relevant itinerary or transportation
network will be displayed. Use the following table to determine the items in the network.
Key for Transportation Connection Points
Form Description
oval point of receipt
(unloading point, ship-to party)
hexagon issuing point
(shipping point, vendor)
square transportation connection point
(load transfer point, customs, border crossing)
Color Description
yellow in-house
(loading point, unloading point)
red external organization
(ship-to party, vendor)
gray Customs office
blue border crossing point
purple load transfer point
blue/gray customs border crossing
green other points
Navigating with the Mouse
To mark certain shipment stages or transportation connection points, use the relevant menu path
or keys.
You can also mark them using the mouse. The table summarizes how to use the mouse:
do this with your mouse. To ...
click the left button mark an element
SHIFT + click the left mouse button mark additional elements
press the left mouse button and keep it pressed down.
move mouse to frame the appropriate elements
release the left mouse button.
mark several elements
double click the left mouse button display detailed information
on an element
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Graphical Information System
160 April 2001
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Changing Network Views
April 2001 161
Changing Network Views
You can view itineraries in three different ways:
· Transportation network
The system displays all shipment stages that contain the selected deliveries or
shipments and any related deliveries or shipments (including preliminary and subsequent
legs, and so on).
· Itinerary
The system displays only those shipment stages that contain the selected deliveries or
shipments. To ensure the context remains clear, the system adopts the position of
connection points in the network from the transportation network.
· Simplified itinerary
This displays shipment stages just as described above, but the position of the connection
points is simplified to offer a better overview.
To change to a network view, choose Environment ® Transportation info ®
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Displaying Itineraries Within a Transportation Network
162 April 2001
Displaying Itineraries Within a Transportation Network
Within a transportation network, you can highlight itineraries for:
· Shipments
· Deliveries
· Shipments and deliveries
Displaying by Selecting Individual Shipments and Deliveries
1. Use one of the following menu paths:
Edit ® Select ® Deliveries
Edit ® Select ® Shipments
2. Select the shipment or delivery you want to display.
You can branch from shipment selection to delivery selection and vice versa.
3. Press ENTER.
Itineraries for the selected shipments and deliveries are highlighted in red.
Displaying by Selecting Shipment Stages (Legs) in the Graphic
1. Select a stage with the required shipment or delivery in the graphic.
2. Choose Edit ® Select ® Selected stages ® Mark.
The corresponding itineraries are highlighted in red.
3. To remove the highlighting, choose Edit ® Select ® Selected stages ® Delete marking.
You can select additional stages by pressing the shift key and the left mouse button
Type of Marking
You can display the itineraries for all deliveries and/or shipments that belong to the selected
stages as follows:
· For all deliveries
· For all shipments
· For all deliveries and shipments (standard setting)
To perform this function, choose Edit ® Mark ® Type of marking.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Displaying Itineraries Within a Transportation Network
April 2001 163
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Displaying Details on Shipment Stages
164 April 2001
Displaying Details on Shipment Stages
You can display the following details for shipment stages:
· Leg attributes
· Deliveries
Changing and Displaying Leg Attributes
Attributes are assigned as standard to shipment stages:
· Shipment number and, if necessary, with route number
· Delivery number or number of deliveries in the shipment
· Variable leg attribute
You have the following options for variable leg attributes:
· Shipping type
· Service agents
· Mode of transport
· Handling unit
· Planned deadlines
· Actual deadlines
· Total weight
· Total volume
· Number of packing units
· Leg indicator
To change leg attributes:
1. Choose Edit ® Leg attributes.
2. In the dialog box, select the attribute that you want to see.
Displaying Deliveries
To display deliveries for a shipment stage, proceed as follows:
1. Select the stage by clicking on the graphic (multiple selection is not possible).
2. Choose Details ® Deliveries.
You can also double click on the left mouse button here.
You can now display the details on a delivery. You can find more information in Displaying
Details on a Delivery [Page 170]
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Displaying Details on Shipment Stages
April 2001 165
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Displaying Details on Transportation Connection Points
166 April 2001
Displaying Details on Transportation Connection Points
You can display the details on a transportation connection point. The system displays a list of all
deliveries with the shipment in which they enter or leave the transportation connection point.
To display details:
1. Select the transportation connection point by clicking on the graphic.
2. Choose Detail ® Transportation connection points.
You can also double click on the left mouse button here.
3. In the Detail screen, you can carry out the following functions:
Displaying Deadlines for Deliveries [Page 167]
Displaying Gantt Chart for Selected Deliveries [Page 168]
Calculating Allowed Lateness of Deliveries [Page 169]
Displaying Details on a Delivery [Page 170]
Displaying Details on a Shipment [Page 171]
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Displaying Deadlines for Deliveries
April 2001 167
Displaying Deadlines for Deliveries
After choosing Detail ® Transportation connection points, you can display the exact deadlines for
a delivery:
1. Place the cursor on the desired delivery.
2. Choose Deadline details.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Displaying a Gantt Chart for Deliveries
168 April 2001
Displaying a Gantt Chart for Deliveries
After choosing Detail ® Transportation connection points, you can display the deadlines for
selected deliveries in the form of a Gantt chart:
1. Select the desired deliveries.
2. Choose the Deadline diagram.
3. For an explanation of the color code, see the key.
Maximize the key window so that you can see everything.
4. You can also set the required time period in the Time unit menu option.
The Gantt chart provides a brief description of the transportation connection point. It also
includes the shipment number (with the stage number) and the service agent’s identification
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Calculating Allowed Lateness of Deliveries
April 2001 169
Calculating Allowed Lateness of Deliveries
You can enter a tolerance level in order to find out whether delayed deliveries will critically affect
subsequent deliveries:
1. Enter the tolerance level next to Allowed Lateness.
If deliveries are delayed, they will be entered in the list.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Displaying Details on a Delivery
170 April 2001
Displaying Details on a Delivery
To display further details on a delivery:
1. Place the cursor on the desired delivery.
2. Choose Display document.
You can also double click on the left mouse button here.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Displaying Details on a Shipment
April 2001 171
Displaying Details on a Shipment
To display further details on a shipment:
1. Place the cursor on the desired shipment.
2. Choose Display document.
You can also double click on the left mouse button here.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Compressing Stages
172 April 2001
Compressing Stages
To obtain a better perspective, you can compress shipments between two points. You can
choose whether this function is to be performed
· For all stages
· Only for selected stages
You can also reverse this compression.
To compress a shipment:
1. Mark the selected stage by clicking on it with the mouse.
You can select additional stages by pressing the shift key and the left mouse button
2. Choose:
Selected stages
Edit ® Compress stages ® Selected stages ® Compress or undo
All stages
Edit ® Compress stages ® All stages ® Compress or Undo
You can also use the standard compression criteria. The system inserts the compression
threshold (that is, the number of shipment stages between two points as from which stages are
To change the compressing threshold, choose Edit ® Compress stage ® Compress as from.
To display the standard compressing criteria, choose Edit ® Compress stage ® Standard
compressing criteria.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Changing the Graphical Representation
April 2001 173
Changing the Graphical Representation
You can change the way the graphical representation looks by expanding or reducing it or by
moving the key. To do this, select the menu option View.
If your transportation network is especially large, you may have to search for
particular transportation connection points. Choose View ® Find points to search for
To display the required section of the transportation network, you can frame the corresponding
1. Position the mouse as required.
2. Press the left mouse button and keep it pressed.
3. Move the mouse until you have framed the section of the transportation network which
you require.
4. Release the mouse button.
To display the framed section, choose View ® Selected view.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Displaying Transportation Change Documents
174 April 2001
Displaying Transportation Change Documents
Change documents record changes to existing shipment documents. Should a problem occur,
you can refer to this document to see which shipment changes were made when and by whom.
If an existing shipment is changed, a change document is created when those changes are
You can enter selection criteria in order to display change documents. There are also two views
to choose from. One displays the changes according to shipment number. The other lists
changes to all documents according to fields that were changed. For example, all shipments in
which the forwarding agent was changed appear in the highest level of the list; all shipments in
which the container ID was changed appear in the second level, and so on. You can call up the
data that was changed from either list with a doubleclick.
You can also display the changes made to shipment documents that have already been deleted.
The List Viewer features various functions that you can use to tailor the list to your needs. This
tool allows you to total or sort columns, for example. You can also decide the sequence in which
the columns are displayed. For more information, see ABAP List Viewer [Ext.].
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Displaying Change Documents
April 2001 175
Displaying Change Documents
1. Choose Logistics ® Logistics Execution ®Transportation.
2. Choose Shipment ®List ®Changes.
3. Enter your selection criteria to limit the amount of change documents that appear in the
Selection criteria include when the document was last changed, the shipment number or
the table (for example, VTTK for the shipment header) or table field name (for example,
STABF for transportation processing status).
4. Enter in the Display section of the screen whether change documents are to be sorted
according to shipment or input field.
5. Choose Execute.
The system displays a list of all change documents that match your selection criteria. The
shipment number, change document number, user, time of change, transaction, table and field
names and previous and changed values are displayed in this list. Details about changes made
to individual fields are displayed when you click on that field.
You can also define your own user-specific variant for which fields you want to display and which
ones you want to hide. You can then access these variants later.
The List Viewer features various functions that you can use to tailor the list to your needs. This
tool allows you to total or sort columns, for example. You can also decide the sequence in which
the columns are displayed. For more information, see ABAP List Viewer [Ext.].
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Shipment Cost Processing
176 April 2001
Shipment Cost Processing
This component contains the functions for calculating and settling shipment costs in
transportation. The following items describe how the shipment costs are determined in the
shipment, how they are transmitted to accounting, and how they are settled with the service
provider. The system also shows you how to obtain information regarding the shipment costs to
be expected in the order.
Calculation of shipment costs is carried out using the condition technique in SAP pricing. For
further information on pricing, see Conditions and Pricing [Ext.]. As well as general pricing
functionality, the following additional functions are available for shipment costs calculation:
· Pricing procedure determination
The system determines the pricing procedure to be used to calculate shipment costs.
Determination is carried out by transportation planning point, service agent, shipment
cost item, and shipping type.
· Determining the Calculation Base
The origin of the data upon which a condition type is based during shipment costing
determines the calculation basis. The following possibilities exist:
- Delivery
- Delivery item
- Handling unit
- Shipment cost item
- All
· Determination of Geographical Influencing Factors
The following options are available for representing geographical considerations in
- Distances
In the shipment stage and/or the shipment header, you can either enter the distance
manually or it can be automatically copied from the route stage. If you want the
system to determine distance automatically, you can also use a customer
enhancement (enhancement V56DISTZ).
- Locations and zones
You can use some of the data from the address data in the shipment (e.g. country,
postal code, transportation zone) for condition determination. This data is separated
according to departure and destination locations. The system can also automatically
determine a tariff zone. A tariff zone is the combination of a postal code area of a
country from the point of view of shipment costs calculation.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Shipment Cost Processing
April 2001 177
· Determination of the pricing date and the settlement date
The system can automatically determine the pricing date and/or the settlement date. You
can also define a date rule in Customizing in which a sequence of shipment deadlines is
defined to be used as date proposals. When defining the item categories, you can then
assign a date rule for the pricing date and the settlement date.
· Shipment Comparisons
You can combine the conditions of a pricing procedure into groups. The system
evaluates these conditions and compares the values of the groups. You can configure
the system so that the most favorable group is always selected.
· Tax Determination
When determining shipment costs, you can also have the system determine the
corresponding tax. Certain rules regarding the tax country of departure and destination
apply to this calculation. The system takes into account whether the shipment cost items
refer to the shipment header or to a shipment stage and whether the stage includes a
load transfer or border crossing point.
The component includes the following functionality constraints:
· It is not possible to carry out shipment costing in the customer billing document depending
upon transportation-specific data (for example, freight code, means of transport).
· You cannot settle shipment costs internally if a company code is performing shipments for
another company code.
See also:
Shipment Cost Document [Page 178]
Shipment Costing [Page 180]
Shipment Costing with Service Agents [Page 218]
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Shipment cost document
178 April 2001
Shipment cost document
An object in which the shipment cost-related data are combined. The shipment cost document
allows you to refer to parts of the shipment document for which shipment costing must be carried
out separately.
The shipment cost document consists of the following parts:
· Shipment cost header
The shipment cost header contains general information on the entire document. You can
view status, reference and administration information. The status information is the
cumulative status that is calculated from the individual items.
· Shipment cost items
The items refer either to a shipment header or a shipment stage. The items contain
general data for shipment costing and settlement, such as service agent, pricing date
and settlement date, tax amount and tax basis as well as organizational data such as
company code, plant and purchasing organization.
There is an individual status at item level for each of the shipment costing, account
assignment and forwarding to FI functions.
· Shipment cost sub-items
Calculation of the shipment costs is carried out at the level of the shipment cost sub-
items and this is also the level at which the result of the calculation is stored. Depending
upon the calculation basis that was determined, this can involve single delivery items,
deliveries, shipping units or the entire shipment cost item. Different information is
received depending on the type of sub-item involved. The delivery item, for example, has
no information on the handling units.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Shipment cost document
April 2001 179
Sub-item 1
Item 1
Sub-item 1
Item 2
Sub-item 2
Calculation basis
Calculation basis
Tax amount
Total status
Default for price date and
settlement date
Management data
Reference data
Item status
Pricing procedure
Determined price date
Control data
Settlement data
Data on service agents
See also:
Determining the Calculation Basis [Page 185]
The shipment cost document is integrated in the document flow for SD documents. You can call
the document flow from the shipment cost document.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Shipment Costing
180 April 2001
Shipment Costing
This process describes how the R/3 System calculates shipment costs for shipment documents
or stages. The system does this using the R/3 condition technique in pricing.
To carry out shipment costing for a shipment document, the following requirements must be met:
· The shipment must be marked as relevant for shipment costing.
· The shipment must have the required total status as set in the definition of the shipment
cost type.
· The shipment must have a transportation status of at least planned.
· The shipment must have a service agent.
· Customizing for shipment cost pricing must be set.
To make this setting, go to the IMG and select Logistics Execution ® Transportation ®
Shipment costs ® Pricing ® Pricing Control.
· Condition records must be maintained.
Process Flow
Calculating shipment costs involves the following steps:
1. The system determines a
pricing procedure for the shipment cost item (for example, a
shipment stage) using transportation planning point, service agent, shipment cost item
category and shipping type as criteria.
2. The system determines the shipment costing
calculation basis for the individual
condition types in the pricing procedure. This controls whether costing is carried out per
container, for example, or per delivery item (the shipment cost sub-items).
3. The system then searches for a valid
condition record in the pricing procedure for the
first condition type.
4. The priority of the criteria the system uses to search for condition records is determined
by the
access sequence. For example, you can set the system so that it first of all
checks whether condition records of the correct condition type exist for a combination of
freight class and forwarding agent. If this is not the case, then the system could check
whether condition records exist just for the forwarding agent (set as the second point in
the access sequence). The system continues to search until it has found a valid condition
5. The system can use the information stored in the condition record to determine values
such as the basic freight.
6. The system now searches for the second and then the third condition record, until values
have been determined for all condition types in the pricing procedure.
7. The values of the individual condition types are cumulated as specified by the pricing
procedure. The final amount calculated is copied to the shipment cost sub-item.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Shipment Costing
April 2001 181
The following figure describes the steps made by the system when calculating shipment costs.
Pricing procedure
1. Basic freight FR00
2. Discount 1 MG00
3. Discount 2 MG01
Shipment costs document
From Munich to Hamburg 10t
FR00 Basic freight 1300 $
MG01 Discount 1 100 $
MG02 Discount 2 5 %
1300 $ from 1 t
1100 $ from 100 t
1000 $ from 200 t
Access sequence: FR00
Condition type: FR00
Access sequence: FR00
Condition tables:
1. Carrier / Freight class
2. Carrier
Records for conditional type FR00
No valid record available
Valid record exists
See also:
Pricing Procedure Determination [Page 182]
Shipment Comparisons [Page 191]
Determining the Calculation Basis [Page 185]
Determination of Geographical Influencing Factors [Page 192]
Determining Pricing Date and Settlement Date [Page 194].
Tax Determination [Page 196]
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Pricing Procedure Determination
182 April 2001
Pricing Procedure Determination
Because the R/3 condition technique from pricing is used for calculating the shipment costs, the
most important tool for controlling shipment costing is the pricing procedure. The pricing
procedure contains all condition types that are to be used for shipment costing and it defines the
sequence in which calculation is carried out in the shipment cost document. You can specify
requirements in the determination procedure which define when individual conditions are
considered. The pricing procedure allows any number of subtotals between the gross value and
the net value.
For further information on the role of the pricing procedure in pricing, see Pricing Procedures
The following figure gives an example of the role of a pricing procedure within shipment costing.
Pricing procedure Service agent
Level Condition type Description Reference level Manual
FR00 Basic freight
2 Gross value
3 MG01 Discount %
4 MG02 Discount %
5 Disc. value 3-4 X
6 Net value
8 ZS01 Insurance X
9 ZS02 Demurrage
10 Net value 2
Shipment cost item
Transportation planning point, Shipping type
The pricing procedure is automatically determined during shipment costing.
The pricing procedure determined for shipment costing depends upon the transaction. Therefore,
a pricing procedure is determined for every shipment cost item, depending on
· Transportation planning point
· Service agents
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Pricing Procedure Determination
April 2001 183
· Shipment cost item
· Shipping type
You can also override automatic determination of the pricing procedure by specifying it in the
shipment header or the shipment stage.
To determine the pricing procedure automatically, you must make the following settings in
· Item category determination procedure group
You must define an item category determination group and assign the corresponding
items to this group.
· Service agent determination procedure group
You must define a service agent determination group and assign the corresponding
service agents to this group.
· Shipping type determination procedure group
You must define a shipping type determination group and assign the corresponding
shipping types to this group.
· Assignment by transportation planning point
You must then assign a valid combination of item category determination group, service
agent determination group and shipping type determination group to a pricing procedure
for every transportation planning point.
Based on the configurations made in Customizing, the system automatically determines a pricing
procedure. This is carried out either when you create a shipment cost item or when you carry out
pricing again for an item.
You can also override automatic determination of the pricing procedure by specifying it in the
shipment header or the shipment stage. You can also specify a pricing procedure in Customizing
for route definition in the stages overview.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Freight Cost Estimate
184 April 2001
Freight Cost Estimate
Using this function, the transportation planner can execute a freight cost estimate during
shipment processing. In this way, he can take a look at the shipment costs that may be incurred
by the shipment. The freight cost comparison forms an important basis for making a decision in
transportation planning and thus also helps to reduce the shipment costs.
In transportation tendering in the business-to-business scenario through the Internet, the planner
can also calculate the maximum price that is not to be exceeded by the forwarding agent.
This function is used within the framework of the business-to-business Internet functionality
Transportation Tendering [Page 439].
The planner can change shipment data such as the forwarding agent, shipping conditions, mode
of transport, and can calculate his shipment costs on the basis of this data.
The functions include:
· Calculation and display of shipment costs
· Detailed display of shipment cost document
· Display of processing log
· Calculation of maximum price within transportation tendering
You can simulate the shipment costs during shipment processing. To do this, select the
pushbutton “Freight cost estimate” on the overview screen. The system calculates a price on the
basis of the data specified. Under the tab page “Tendering” you can have the system propose a
maximum price that is not to be exceeded by the forwarding agent. Choose the pushbutton
“Shipment cost proposal”.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Determining the Calculation Basis
April 2001 185
Determining the Calculation Basis
The origin of the data upon which a condition type is based during shipment costing determines
the calculation basis. During shipment costing, the system determines the shipment cost items
from the different calculation bases for the condition types of a pricing procedure. Shipment
costing itself is carried out for each sub-item.
You must maintain a suitable calculation base in the definition for the condition type in
If you select handling units as the calculation basis, you must also specify the packaging material
type so that only the relevant handling units are used for shipment cost calculation.
The calculation bases are determined during shipment costing for a shipment cost item on the
basis of the settings made in the condition type.
During pricing, the calculation base influences
· The condition types to be considered for each sub-item
· The information available for determination of the conditions
All condition bases contain information from the shipment header or shipment stage, as
well as from the shipment cost item. This information includes service agents,
geographical information (point of departure and destination) and shipping type, for
· How the scale base types (gross weight, net weight and volume) are calculated
The following graphic contains examples of calculation bases.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Determining the Calculation Basis
186 April 2001
Item 01- Hamburg - Frankfurt
Service agent: Nordspeed
Per handling Unit
Shipment cost item
Net value
Handling Unit
Handling Unit
Delivery item
Net value
The following types of calculation bases are possible:
· Deliveries
- If condition types with this calculation base exist in the pricing procedure, then the
system creates a shipment cost sub-item for every relevant delivery.
- No information from the delivery items (such as materials) or the handling units is
- The scale base types (gross weight, net weight, volume) refer to the corresponding
information from the delivery headers.
· Delivery items
- If condition types with this calculation base exist in the pricing procedure, then the
system creates shipment cost sub-items for every relevant delivery item.
- Information from the delivery header and the relevant delivery item is available.
There is no information from the handling units, however.
- The scale base types (gross weight, net weight, volume) refer to the corresponding
information from the delivery items.
· Group of Handling Units
- If condition types with this calculation base exist in the pricing procedure, then the
system creates shipment cost sub-items for the sum of all identical handling units
with the relevant packaging material type (also specified in the condition type).
- There is no information from the deliveries or the delivery items available.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Determining the Calculation Basis
April 2001 187
- The scale base types (gross weight, net weight, volume) refer to the corresponding
cumulated information from the relevant handling units.
· Shipment cost item
- If condition types with this calculation base exist in the pricing procedure, then the
system creates exactly one shipment cost sub-item.
- There is no information from the deliveries, the delivery items or the handling units.
- The scale base types (gross weight, net weight, volume) refer to the corresponding
information from the relevant delivery headers.
· Per handling unit
This calculation basis corresponds to the calculation basis handling units, with the only
difference that each handling unit is calculated individually. This calculation base is
necessary for shipping packages, for example.
· Handling unit including delivery item
- If condition types with this calculation basis exist in the pricing procedure, then the
system creates a shipment cost sub-item for every packaged delivery item and
handling unit (per combination of delivery item and handling unit). Shipment costs
are therefore calculated with content depending on the handling unit.
- All of the information from the handling units and delivery items is available.
- The scale basis types (gross weight, net weight, volume) refer to the gross weight of
a handling unit per delivery item.
· All
You can use this calculation base if, for example, you want to define a discount that
applies to both delivery-related and handling unit-related shipment prices. A condition
type with this calculation base can be used for every shipment cost sub-item.
Several calculation bases may be used within a shipment cost item. In performing a shipment
comparison, for example, the calculation could be performed using two calculation bases. You
could then compare the results. See also Shipment Comparisons [Page 191].
For system load and clarity reasons, we recommend selecting a calculation base that
is only as detailed as absolutely necessary. For example, if only the total weight and
the transportation leg are relevant, the calculation base for shipment cost items is
sufficient. However, you can still distribute the costs in greater detail. The cost
distribution is independent of the calculation base. For example, you can calculate
shipment costs using the calculation basis for shipment cost items and distribute the
costs at delivery item level. The system weights the costs and distributes them
When defining the condition tables in Customizing (Logistics Execution ®
Transportation ® Shipment Costs ® Pricing ® Pricing Control ® Define price
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Determining the Calculation Basis
188 April 2001
dependencies (condition tables), you should make sure that information is not
available for every field - depending upon calculation base. If, for example, you
select the field Incoterms for a condition table when condition types with the
calculation basis Handling units exist in the pricing procedure, there can be no
information on Incoterms for the corresponding sub-item. This means that no
condition records will be found for this key. For further information on the role of the
condition table in pricing, see Condition Tables [Ext.].
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Examples for Calculation Bases
April 2001 189
Examples for Calculation Bases
Handling units
Prices per wire box
Shipment cost item
20 to
Prices depending on ship-to party
Delivery items
Freight class taken into account
1 Computer
2 Fixed drives
3 Kabel
Frght class 01
Frght class 02
If only the leg and total weight are relevant for you, it is sufficient to perform a calculation at the
level of the
shipment cost item. In this way, you achieve the greatest clarity, as additional data
from deliveries or handling units is superfluous.
If you draw up your contracts with the forwarding agent in such a way that the system performs a
calculation per wire box, then you should use the calculation basis for
handling units. All data
relating to weight and volume then refers to the handling units.
If you charge each ship-to party but do not require any delivery item information, you can select
the calculation base for deliveries.
If you must take different freight classes into account in the calculation, you require material data
from the delivery item and must therefore perform a calculation per
delivery item.
If you use a package shipment and must calculate each shipping unit separately, use the
calculation basis
per handling unit.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Consistency Check for Freight Costs
190 April 2001
Consistency Check for Freight Costs
You can check certain settings in the price determination control for consistency.
In the Implementation Guide (IMG), you can maintain the Consistency Check for Settings for
Price Determination [Ext.].
1. The system checks for all condition types: Do the access sequences and calculation base
2. The system checks for all pricing procedures: Is at least one condition type entered whose
calculation base is not ' '?.
If the system finds an inconsistency, it issues a warning message.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Shipment Comparisons
April 2001 191
Shipment Comparisons
The system can carry out two different shipment cost calculations and compare them,
automatically selecting the most favorable result.
To perform shipment comparisons, you must make the following settings in Customizing:
· You must define condition exclusion groups.
· You must assign condition types to the condition exclusion groups.
· You must assign two condition exclusion groups and an exclusion procedure (for example,
pick the most favorable of the exclusion groups) to a pricing procedure.
You make these settings in Customizing as follows: Logistics Execution ®
Transportation ® Shipment Costs ® Pricing ® Pricing Control ® Condition
Exclusion ® Condition Exclusion for Groups of Conditions
You can, for example, create condition types with the calculation basis Delivery items
and condition types with the calculation basis Handling units in the same pricing
procedure. You then define condition exclusion groups (A and B) and assign the two
condition types with additional discounts to the two different exclusion groups. You
then assign the exclusion groups to the pricing procedure and specify the exclusion
procedure “least favorable of the exclusion groups”.
If you now carry out shipment costing with the pricing procedure described above,
the system determines the shipment cost for exclusion group A and exclusion group
B. In the first variant, costing is carried out for every delivery item. The shipment
price is 1,358 USD. The second variant calculates the handling units. There are 6
pallets. The shipment price is 1250 USD. The system selects the least favorable
variant according to the exclusion procedure and performs a calculation per delivery
item. All conditions for exclusion group B are inactive.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Determination of Geographical Influencing Factors
192 April 2001
Determination of Geographical Influencing Factors
Distance and other geographical considerations play an important role when calculating shipment
You can define shipment cost conditions as dependent upon these considerations. For example,
when defining a condition table in Customizing, you can select fields such as departure zone,
destination region, destination postal code, and so on.
You define the condition tables for shipment costing in SD Customizing: Logistics
Execution ® Transportation ® Shipment Costs ® Pricing ® Pricing Control ®
Define price dependencies (condition tables).
For further information on the role of the condition table in pricing, see Condition
Tables [Ext.].
You have the following options for representing geographical considerations in the system as
part of pricing:
· Distances
The distance can be used as a scale basis and calculation rule during the calculation of
shipment costs. The distance can be stored in the shipment header or the shipment
stage header. The distance can be entered in the following ways:
- Manually
You can enter the distance manually in the shipment document
- Routes and route stages
You can maintain the distance in route definition in Customizing for both routes and
route stages. When the corresponding route is used, this value is copied to the
shipment document as a system proposal.
- Customer enhancement for distance determination
If you want to determine distances automatically, you can activate a customer
enhancement (enhancement ‘V56DISTZ’), for user-defined distance determination.
· Locations and zones
You have the following options for the origin of locations and zones that can be used to
influence shipment costing. They are categorized into departure and destination-related
- Address data
Data such as the country, region, postal code or transportation zone that can be
used as fields to define the condition tables, can be taken from the shipment address
- Determination of tariff zones
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Determination of Geographical Influencing Factors
April 2001 193
You can set the automatic determination of tariff zones in Customizing. A tariff zone
is the combination of a postal code area for a country. The tariff zone is defined in
terms of the
· Transportation planning point
· Service agents
· Shipping type
· Country
. For example, a postal code area has been assigned to a predefined tariff zone for a
combination of transportation planning point, service agent, etc. If the system does
not find a valid tariff zone for these criteria, it carries out determination again with an
“empty” shipping type.
With the corresponding system settings, the tariff zone is determined automatically
when it creates a shipment cost item. That is, when it creates a shipment cost
document or when another item is created manually.
· If you want the system to determine distances from the route or route stage, you must
maintain the distances in Customizing for route definition. You make these settings in
Customizing: Sales and Distribution ® Basic Functions ® Routes ® Define Routes ®
Define routes and stages.
· If you want to use tariff zones for shipment costing, you must define them in Customizing
and select them there for automatic determination. You make these settings in
Customizing: Logistics Execution ® Transportation ® Shipment Costs ® Basic Shipping
Functions ® Define and assign tariff zones.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Determining Pricing Date and Settlement Date
194 April 2001
Determining Pricing Date and Settlement Date
The shipment document contains pricing date fields and settlement date fields at header level
and at item level.
Pricing date
The pricing date is the date defined by date-dependent pricing elements such as conditions and
the foreign currency rate.
Settlement date
The settlement date is the date on which the shipment cost item is entered in financial accounting
or cost accounting. It is also the date entered in tax determination.
To activate automatic determination of the pricing date or the settlement date, you must make the
following settings in Customizing:
· Definition of the date rule
When you define the date rule, you specify a sequence of shipping deadlines (for
example, end of transportation planning or planned start of loading) which are used to
determine the pricing date or the settlement date. The sequence of the deadlines reflects
their priority for access. If there is no value for the first deadline, then the next deadline is
checked, etc.
You make these settings in Customizing: Logistics Execution ® Transportation ®
Shipment Costs ® Basic Shipping Functions ® Define date rules.
· Assigning the date rule
In the definition of shipment cost item categories, you can assign a date rule to the
pricing date and one to the settlement date.
You make these settings in Customizing: Logistics Execution ® Transportation ®
Shipment Costs ® Shipment Cost Document ® Shipment Cost Types and Item cats ®
Define item categories.
When calculating a shipment cost item, the system automatically determines the pricing date and
the settlement date based on the settings in Customizing. You can overwrite this automatically
determined date. When you create a shipment cost document manually, you can specify pricing
date and settlement date manually. This date will be valid for all items and overrides the date
determined. You can also overwrite this date at item level.
The following graphic illustrates automatic-date determination for the pricing date and settlement
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Determining Pricing Date and Settlement Date
April 2001 195
Can be changed manually
Can be maintained manually
Date rule 0005
Automatic determination:
Item category
Loading start
Loading end
Item 1:
Pricing date:
Settlement date:
Pricing date:
Pricing date:
Item 3:
Item 2:
Settlement date:
Settlement date:
Pricing date:
Settlement date:
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Tax Determination
196 April 2001
Tax Determination
When determining shipment costs, the system can also determine relevant taxes. Certain rules
regarding the tax countries involved apply to this calculation.
The system carries out tax determination within the framework of pricing. The settlement date is
used to access the conditions. See also Determining Pricing Date and Settlement Date [Page
To determine taxes within shipment costing, the system refers to the shipment document in order
to determine the departure country and the destination country for tax determination.
The following rules apply to system determination of the tax countries:
Departure tax country
The departure country is determined for all relevant deliveries. If the country is the same for all of
them, the system uses it as the departure tax country.
If the shipment cost item refers to
· the shipment header,
then the departure country from the first shipment leg is used as the tax country.
· a shipment stage (leg, load transfer point or border crossing point),
then the departure country of the shipment stage is used as the tax country.
Destination tax country
The destination country is determined for all relevant deliveries. If the country is the same for all
of them, the system uses it as the destination tax country.
If the shipment cost item refers to
· the shipment header,
then the receiving country of the last shipment leg is used as the tax country.
· a shipment leg,
then the receiving country of the shipment leg is used as the tax country.
· a load transfer point or border crossing point,
then the departure country of the shipment stage is used as the tax country.
To carry out your own tax country determination, you can use customer
enhancement V54D0001.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Tax Determination
April 2001 197
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
198 April 2001
Freight depends on certain influential sizes, which are illustrated with scales. Scales are divided
into levels that have different values.
A scale consists of:
· A scale header, which includes general information about the scale (scale base type, scale
type, rounding rule)
· An unlimited amount of scale levels [Ext.], each of which is made up of a value (such as
weight, volume, postal code or distance) and a calculation type.
Each scale is an independent piece of master data that can be used in many different condition
records. When you create a condition record, you can also maintain the condition rates or
condition percentage rates according to the assigned scales.
Scale base type
The scale base type defines how the system interprets the scale. The scale can refer to weight or
volume, for example. You can base a pricing element scale on one of the following criteria:
Examples of scale base types
· Gross weight
· Net weight
· Volume
· Distance
· Number of different means of transportation
· Time (travel time or wait time)
· Tariff zone (destination)
· Destination region
Scale type
A scale type is an indicator that controls how the scale levels are defined. The scale type
indicates whether the scale values that were specified depict the upper- or lower boundaries for
the scale levels.
· From a certain value, such as weight, onward (base scale)
· Up to a certain value, such as weight (to-scale)
· For exactly one value, such as postal code (same-scale)
You can define scales when you create condition records. The scale you use determines how
shipment costs are calculated. For example, you can use a scale to define that the freight rate
that is used for calculation depends on the weight being transported and the distance it is being
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
April 2001 199
Freight rates can be maintained depending on scaling:
· Individual value (no scaling)
· One scale (weight, for example)
Maintain freight rates for each scale value
· Two or three scales (weight and postal code, for example)
Maintain freight rates for various combinations of the scale values
Example of a freight matrix
Kilometers / Tons
Minimum value up to
5 tons
up to
10 tons
up to
20 tons
up to
25 tons
Maximum value 2000.00 3200.00 5200.00 6000.00
up to 100 km 250.00 20.35 18.55 15.20 12.75
up to 500 km 450.00 33.60 29.50 25.20 21.30
up to 1,000 km 800.00 43.50 37.30 33.20 28.50
(and so on) 850.00 1.50 2.50 3.20 3.50
Weight scale
Scale base type: gross weight
Scale type: to-scale
Distance scale
Scale base type: distance
Scale type: to-scale
Determining freight:
Up to a scale value of 100 km and 5 tons, the scale rate is 20.35. For a scale value of 5 tons
and 100 km to 500 km, the scale rate is 33.60. At a scale value of 90 km and 800 kg, the freight
rate would be 20.35. The freight is calculated as follows: 8 * 20.35 = 162.80. Since the minimum
value is 250, however, the freight charged in this case is 250.
For more information, see:
Creating Scales [Page 200]
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Creating Scales
200 April 2001
Creating Scales
To create scales, proceed as follows:
1. Choose Logistics Execution ® Master Data ® Transportation ® Shipment Costs ® Scales
® Create.
2. The Create scale: Initial screen appears.
3. Enter the scale base type. You can choose from the selection list, which includes gross
weight, tariff zone, postal code, region, distance, for example.
4. Choose ENTER.
Create Scale: Overview
1. Enter a name for the scale.
2. Indicate the scale type on the Scale tab page.
3. You can use a rounding rule for the scale base type to define that a value be rounded either
up or down, for example. You can choose a suitable rounding rule from the selection list.
4. Enter a unit of measure for the scale.
5. Enter a Calculat. rule (condition basis) on the Calculatn tab page. You can choose gross
weight, distance or travel time from the selection list, for example. This rule defines the
multiplication factor.
6. In the Rounding rule field for the condition basis, you can specify how the value that is used
as the starting value for the calculation should be rounded.
7. Enter the scale values you require.
8. Specify the calculation type.
Calculation types (calculation rules) for scales:
· Absolute value (an absolute value is chosen as the basis for calculation)
· Relative to scale base type
· Minimum value
· Maximum value
· Proportional rate
It is also possible to go from absolute to relative values in the scale.
The calculation type and rules control how the condition rate is interpreted in the condition
9. Enter a price unit and a value in the Price unit field (100 kg, for example).
10. Save your entries.
The system informs you that the scale was saved. The scale creation screen reappears.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Creating Scales
April 2001 201
If you want to create multi-dimensional conditions (you can create up to 3 scales), simply
repeat the process for creating scales.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Assigning Scales for Condition Types
202 April 2001
Assigning Scales for Condition Types
The condition types represent the shipments. Using the condition types, you can determine
whether the deduction is to be in percentage terms or in absolute terms. You enter an access
sequence in each condition type that determines which fields are checked during the condition
type search.
The scales must already be created.
In the Implementation Guide (IMG) you can assign scales to the condition types:
1. Select LE ® Transportation ® Shipping Costs ® Price Determination ® Pricing Control ®
Define Condition Types [Ext.]
2. Select a condition type on the "Change condition types" overview screen and double-click on
"Scales for condition types" in the dialog structure.
3. Enter the scale ID of the scales, to which you want to assign condition types.
4. Save your entries.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Creating Condition Records
April 2001 203
Creating Condition Records
To define condition records (shipment rates), proceed as follows:
1. Choose Logistics Execution ® Master Data ® Transportation ® Shipment Costs ® Prices
® Create.
2. In the screen "Create Condition Records", choose a condition type. The condition records
refer to the condition type that you have created.
3. Choose ENTER.
4. Confirm the assignment of the scales in the dialog box. You now have the option of choosing
scales that were created with the same scale base type or creating new scales.
On the tabstrip Key, you see an overview of the selected values, and on the tabstrip Scales
you see the values of the scales.
5. Using the pushbutton Scales, you can branch to the screen for creating condition records.
6. Now you can enter values in the freight matrix.
7. Save your entries.
For more information, see Condition Technique [Ext.].
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Multi-Dimensional Condition Scales
204 April 2001
Multi-Dimensional Condition Scales
In the shipment costs area, it is standard procedure to bargain for multi-dimensional tariffs that
include both geographical aspects (such as distances or tariff zone) and quantity aspects (such
as weight or volumes) of the shipment.
To define these multi-dimensional conditions, several scales are assigned to a condition. The
scales can be defined as separate data, independently of the respective condition, and then
assigned to several condition types. When you create a condition record, the scales assigned to
the condition type appear as default values. You can, however, replace the proposed scales by
other scales.
To depict a two-dimensional freight condition, assign two scales to a condition type.
You can
assign a maximum of three scales to depict a three-dimensional condition.
You want to make the prices depend on the postal code of the point of departure, the
postal code of the destination, and the gross weight. Since you are organizing the
shipments for several shipping points, the point of departure is relevant in addition to
the destination. For the postal code, you can specify that only the first two characters
of the postal code are to taken into account. In this way, you can save yourself the
task of maintaining tariff zones, for example. In this case, a three-dimensional
condition is necessary.
For each scale level, you can also specify a calculation type that defines whether an absolute
amount or a relative amount (per 100 kg, for example) is to be calculated for.
You could specify
for up to 5 tons of weight an absolute price of 250 US$, and then for each scale level a relative
price of 100 kg. You can store minimum and maximum prices for each scale level.
Note that there are no change documents for the freight rates.
See also:
Scales List [Page 216]
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Allocating/Loading Condition Records
April 2001 205
Allocating/Loading Condition Records
To calculate the freight costs for shipments, you can store pricing conditions with up to three
scales in the SAP System. To simplify handling and reduce the processing effort required, we
have extended the function for allocating the price conditions in the current ALE scenario.
You can allocate multi-dimensional freight conditions from an SAP system to other systems using
ALE. Here you can use the IDoc to copy conditions from an external system.
You use the change transaction to initiate the transmission of a freight condition. You can select
individual records for transmission from the list of conditions (through "Condition Info").
For more information, refer to the section IDoc Tracing [Ext.].
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Break-Weight Calculation
206 April 2001
Break-Weight Calculation
Break-weight calculation is required for several shipment contracts. In break-weight calculation,
the system calculates at what weight onwards the price becomes cheaper, in order to get to a
higher and more reasonable pricing scale level.
You have agreed on shipment rates where at scale level 5 to 10 tons of weight to be
shipped the price is 6 USD per 100 kg, and at scale level 10 to 15 tons of weight to
be shipped the price is only 5 DM per 100 kg. These are “From” scales, that is, from
10 tons onwards, the system calculates the price according to the second scale
level. So, if you have a shipment of 9 tons, the break-weight calculation is that the
price is cheaper if 10 tons are charged (= 500 USD) rather than 9 tons (= 540 USD).
The break weight is the weight starting from which it is cheaper to calculate 10 tons
rather than the real weight. In this example, the break weight is between 8.3 and 8.4
During break-weight calculation, the use of two condition types is necessary. The first condition
type is used for “standard” calculation of the shipment costs. The second condition type is used
for calculation of the shipment costs at the next higher scale level. Now the system compares the
two calculated values using a type of exclusion procedure and takes the most reasonable value
as the price.
You create the second condition type with a reference to the first condition type (can be set using
the fields Reference condition type and Reference application). The second condition type,
therefore, uses the same condition records as the first condition type. When you assign the
scales, select the break-weight indicator only for the second condition type. This indicator has the
effect that, when the shipment costs are calculated, the next higher scale level is used for the
calculation. Therefore, two calculations take place: in the “standard” way” and at the next higher
scale level. With multi-dimensional scales, you set the indicator in the scale where the break-
weight is to be calculated (in the case of a condition type that contains a distance and weight
scale, for example, you could set the indicator in the weight scale). When the shipment costs are
calculated by the system, it compares the costs. For this purpose, you need to define a condition
exclusion group, assign both condition types to the exclusion group, and then specify the
exclusion procedure. The cheaper cost between the condition types. You then assign the
exclusion procedure to your calculation procedure.
If you wish to first consider the surcharges and discounts before you execute and
compare the calculations, define two exclusion groups, assign a condition type plus
surcharges and discounts to an exclusion group, and select the exclusion procedure
The cheaper cost between the exclusion groups.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Break-Weight Calculation
April 2001 207
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Creating Shipment Cost Documents Online
208 April 2001
Creating Shipment Cost Documents Online
Before you create a shipment cost document, the following settings must be made in
· The number ranges must be defined for shipment costs.
· The shipment cost types and item categories must be defined and assigned.
· For each shipment type, you must define the relevance for shipment costs for header,
leg, border crossing point and load transfer point.
· You can assign shipment costs to the shipment cost types. These shipment costs are
then proposed during creation of the shipment cost document.
You make these settings in Customizing. Choose: Logistics Execution ® Transport
® Shipment costs ® Shipment cost document and select the IMG activity you
To create a shipment cost document for a shipment or a shipment stage, the shipment must have
the overall status required in the definition of the shipment cost type. It must also have a
‘planned transportation status.
1. Choose Logistics ® Logistics Execution ® Transportation.
2. Choose Shipment ® Shipment costs.
3. Choose Shipment costs ® Create.
4. Specify the shipment number for the shipment for which you want to calculate shipment
5. If you have not defined default values in Customizing (see above, assignment to a
shipment type) enter a shipment cost type.
The shipment cost type contains control elements that allow different processing options
for shipment cost documents. These control elements include the overall status that the
shipment must have before the shipment cost document can be created.
6. If you want to override the pricing date and the settlement date that are determined
automatically (depending on settings in Customizing) for every shipment cost item, you
enter a pricing date and a settlement date here.
The date that you enter here can still be overwritten at item level. For further information
on pricing and settlement dates, see Determining Pricing Date and Settlement Date
[Page 194].
Depending on the system configuration, the system carries out the following actions
automatically when the shipment cost document is created
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Creating Shipment Cost Documents Online
April 2001 209
· Creates shipment cost items
· Creates and calculates shipment cost items
· Creates, calculates and carries out account assignment for shipment cost items
· Creates, calculates and carries out account assignment for shipment cost items and then
forwards them to financial accounting and cost accounting
You maintain the level of automatic processing in Customizing. To do this, select the following
path Logistics Execution ® Transportation ® Shipment costs ® Shipment cost document ®
Shipment cost types and item categories ® Assign shipment cost types and item categories.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Creating Shipment Cost Documents with Work Lists
210 April 2001
Creating Shipment Cost Documents with Work Lists
The work list allows you to create several shipment cost documents simultaneously. A
comprehensive range of shipment selection criteria exist to help you create the work list.
The selection screen gives you a range of criteria to choose from. To get a better
overview of this screen and to make maintenance easier, you can define selection
variants in Customizing. In the IMG, choose: Logistics Execution ® Transportation
® Shipment costs ® Shipment cost document ® Selection variants for shipment
cost list and work list. This is where you define the selection variants for the work list
for shipment cost creation.
Before you create a shipment cost document, the following settings must be made in
· The number ranges must be defined for shipment costs.
· The shipment cost types and item categories must be defined and assigned.
· For each shipment type, you must define the relevance for shipment costs of the header,
leg, border crossing point and load transfer point.
· You can assign shipment cost types to the shipment costs. These shipment costs are
then proposed during creation of the shipment cost documents.
You make these settings in Customizing. Choose: Logistics Execution ® Transport ® Shipment
costs ® Shipment cost document and select the IMG activity you require.
To create a shipment cost document for a shipment or a shipment stage, the shipment must have
the overall status required in the definition of the shipment cost type. It must also have a
‘planned transportation status.
To create a work list online:
1. Choose Logistics ® Logistics Execution ® Transportation.
2. Choose Shipment ® Shipment costs.
3. Choose Shipment costs ® Shipment cost worklists ® Create online
You branch to a selection screen.
4. Enter your selection criteria and choose Execute.
To create a work list in batch immediately:
1. Choose Logistics ® Logistics Execution ® Transportation.
2. Choose Shipment ® Shipment costs.
3. Choose Shipment costs ® Shipment cost worklists ® Create batch
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Creating Shipment Cost Documents with Work Lists
April 2001 211
You reach a screen where you can choose the selection variants.
The system proposes standard selection variants and selection variants that have
been defined in Customizing. You can still change the selection variants here but you
cannot create any new ones. You can create new selection variants in the IMG.
Choose Logistics Execution ® Transportation ® Shipment costs ® Shipment cost
document ® Selection variants for shipment cost list and worklist ® Create selection
variants for shipment cost work list.
4. Place the cursor on the required selection variant for creating a work list and select
Immediate start.
The shipment documents will be created in the background immediately.
To create the shipment cost documents in the work list at a specified time:
1. Choose Logistics ® Logistics Execution ® Transportation.
2. Choose Shipment ® Shipment costs.
3. Choose Shipment costs ® Shipment cost worklists ® Create batch
4. Place the cursor on the required selection variant for creating a worklist and select
Schedule job.
You reach a screen in which you can specify the date and time.
5. Specify the date and the time when you want the batch job to start.
6. If you want to start the batch job at regular intervals, select Schedule periodically.
A dialog box appears, in which you can specify the repeat period.
7. Select the repeat period, e.g. every month, every 2 days, etc.
Depending on the system configuration, the system carries out the following actions
automatically when the shipment cost document is created.
· Creates shipment cost items
· Creates and calculates shipment cost items
· Creates, calculates and carries out account assignment for shipment cost items
· Creates, calculates and carries out account assignment for shipment cost items and then
forwards them to financial accounting and cost accounting
You maintain the level of automatic processing in Customizing. To do this, choose the following
path Logistics Execution ® Transportation ® Shipment costs ® Shipment cost document ®
Shipment cost types and item categories ® Assign shipment cost types and item categories.
The system creates a log of the activities carried out and the errors that have occurred. You can
call the log from the work list or you can view it in the shipment cost menu under Shipment costs
® Shipment cost worklist ® Logs.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Creating Shipment Cost Documents with Work Lists
212 April 2001
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Processing the Shipment Cost Document
April 2001 213
Processing the Shipment Cost Document
To process shipment cost documents you can either call up a shipment cost document in change
mode or you can create lists of the shipment cost documents. You can create the following lists:
· Shipment cost documents for calculation
· Shipment cost documents for settlement
To process a single document:
1. Choose Logistics ® Logistics Execution ® Transportation.
2. Choose Shipment ® Shipment costs.
3. Choose Shipment costs ® Change.
You can now process the document.
To create lists of shipment cost documents to be changed:
1. Choose Logistics ® Logistics Execution ® Transportation.
2. Choose Shipment ® Shipment costs.
3. Choose Shipment costs ® List ® Calculation (or Settlement))
4. Enter your selection criteria and choose Execute.
You receive a list of shipment cost documents that meet your criteria. The list also
displays the items.
The selection screen for creating lists gives you a range of criteria to choose from.
To get a better overview of this screen and to make maintenance easier, you can
define selection variants in Customizing. In the IMG, choose: Logistics Execution ®
Transportation ® Shipment costs ® Shipment cost document ® Selection variants
for shipment cost calculation or Selection variants for shipment cost settlement list.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Shipment Costs List: Calculation
214 April 2001
Shipment Costs List: Calculation
You can use this report to list shipment cost documents which have not yet been completely
calculated or if you still have questions regarding calculation. As selection criteria for the
shipment cost documents, you can use, for example the calculation status, the date of calculation
or the pricing date.
After executing the report you receive a list of all shipment cost documents, which correspond to
your selection criteria.
The List Viewer features various functions that you can use to tailor the list to your needs. This
tool allows you to total or sort columns, for example. You can also decide the sequence in which
the columns are displayed. For more information, see ABAP List Viewer [Ext.].
An employee wishes to have an overview of the shipment cost documents he has created that
week in order to determine whether some have not yet been completely calculated. He creates a
list of shipment cost documents for calculation. As selection criteria he gives his user name in the
field Created by and the data for the last week in the field Created on. For the calculation status
he enters Not calculated and Partly calculated. He receives a list of all shipment cost documents
which he has created in the last week and that are not yet completely calculated.
See also:
Creating Shipment Document Lists for Calculation [Page 215]
Editing Shipment Lists [Page 57]
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Creating Shipment Document Lists for Calculation
April 2001 215
Creating Shipment Document Lists for Calculation
To create a list of shipment documents for calculation, proceed as follows:
1. Choose Logistics Execution ® Transportation ® Shipment Costs.
You reach the Shipment costs screen.
2. Choose Shipment ®List ®Calculation.
You branch to the List Shipment Costs: Calculation screen:
3. To use other selection criteria, choose Edit ® All selections.
To define recurring selection criteria, you can create selection screen variants by
choosing Goto ®Variants ®Save as a variant. Then, to retrieve these variants, choose
Goto ®Variants ®Get.
4. Enter the criteria you want to use for selecting the shipment costs documents.
5. Choose Program ® Execute.
You obtain a list of all the shipment documents that match your selection criteria.
For more information about processing this list, see Editing Shipment Lists [Page 57]
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Scales List
216 April 2001
Scales List
You can use this report, for example, when creating prices or surcharges and discounts, to gain
an overview of which scales already exist for master data, in case these are needed.
After executing the report you receive a list of all scales that correspond to your selection criteria.
The List Viewer features various functions that you can use to tailor the list to your needs. This
tool allows you to total or sort columns, for example. You can also decide the sequence in which
the columns are displayed. For more information, see ABAP List Viewer [Ext.].
An employee from the transportation department would like to create a two-dimensional price
structure and wants to know if he can use the weight and distance scales which already exist.
First, he uses the report to create a list of all scales with the scale base type Gross weight, and
then a list with the scale base type Tariff zone destination. Using this list, he can find a weight
scale that he can use.
See also:
Creating Scales Lists [Page 217]
Editing Shipment Lists [Page 57]
Multi-dimensional Condition Scales [Page 204]
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Creating Scales Lists
April 2001 217
Creating Scales Lists
To create a scales list, proceed as follows:
1. Choose Logistics Execution ® Outbound Process ® Shipment ® Shipment costs.
You reach the Shipment costs screen.
2. Choose Master data ® Scales ® Scales List.
3. To define recurring selection criteria, you can create selection screen variants by
choosing Goto ®Variants ®Save as a variant. Then, to retrieve these variants, choose
Goto ®Variants ®Get.
4. Enter the criteria you want to use for selecting the scales.
5. Choose Program ® Execute.
All scales matching the selection criteria are listed.
For more information about processing this list, see Editing Shipment Lists [Page 57]
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Shipment Cost Settlement with Service Agent
218 April 2001
Shipment Cost Settlement with Service Agent
The settlement of shipment costs with the service agent is carried out per shipment cost item.
Settlement includes:
· Assignment and forwarding of the shipment costs to FI and cost accounting for creation of
accruals and posting of payables
· Automatic settlement using the self-billing procedure or manual settlement with the
transportation service agent
You can only carry out settlement for shipment cost items that have already been calculated.
The necessary settings in Customizing must also be made. This includes maintaining the
account assignment category or the settings for G/L account determination. You can make these
settings in the IMG under Logistics Execution ® Transportation ® Shipment costs ® Settlement.
Process Flow
1. Account assignment
During account assignment, the system carries out the two following functions
G/L account determination
First the system determines the correct G/L account in FI for every individual
shipment cost item.
Assignments for cost accounting
The system also determines the accounts in cost accounting. Account assignment
can be carried out at several levels, depending on how closely you want to monitor
2. Release or transfer to financial accounting
After account assignment, you can start transferring to financial accounting. This phase
involves two stages that can be carried out either consecutively or simultaneously. See
also Transferring Shipment Costs to Accounting [Page 235].
– Purchase order determination
Transfer to accounting for the creation of accruals requires a service entry. Every
service entry sheet is based on a purchase order. This purchase order must first be
created in purchasing for the service agent. The first stage in the transfer involves
the system determining these purchase orders according to certain settings.
If several possible purchase orders were selected, the system sorts them according
to the following criteria:
- According to date type (ascending)
- According to validity period start date (descending)
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Shipment Cost Settlement with Service Agent
April 2001 219
- According to validity period end date (ascending)
- According to purchase order number (ascending)
- According to purchase order item number (ascending)
Creating the service entry sheet and creating accruals
The second stage in the transfer involves creating the service entry sheet that refers
to a purchase order. Acceptance of services performed is posted and an accounting
document is created in FI for creation of accruals. The system creates further
subsequent documents in FI.
3. Invoice creation
Self-billing procedure (Evaluated Receipt Settlement procedure -ERS)
Using this procedure, you can settle the shipment costs with the service agent
without having to receive an invoice. You can select between several settlement
periods. You transfer the shipment costs that were calculated to Accounting. Invoice
verification is carried out by the service agent. If the service agent finds errors, you
can post these as subsequent debits.
Manual invoice check
When the service agent receives the invoices, you can also carry out an invoice
check manually and create the invoices manually.
The following figure illustrates the settlement process:
Shipment costs
Service entry
cost accounting
Start of settlement
Invoice creation
(ERS or manual)
See also:
G/L Account Determination [Page 221]
Assignments for Cost Accounting [Page 222]
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Shipment Cost Settlement with Service Agent
220 April 2001
Purchase Order Determination [Page 224]
Creation of Accruals [Page 226]
Self-billing Procedure [Page 230]
Manual Invoice Verification [Page 236]
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
G/L Account Determination
April 2001 221
G/L Account Determination
To create accruals and post payables, the system must first of all determine the correct G/L
accounts for posting in FI.
Before the system can determine the G/L accounts, certain settings must be made in
Customizing. In the IMG, select: Logistics Execution ® Transportation ® Shipment costs ®
Settlement ® Automatic G/L account determination. The settings required are described in detail
G/L account determination is carried out automatically. The following parameters are used for
· Chart of accounts
· Valuation grouping code
· Transaction key
· Account grouping
· Valuation class
G/L account determination can be carried out at shipment cost item level or you can have the
system carry out posting at delivery or delivery item level for a more detailed process. Also refer
to Cost Apportionment in Assignments for Cost Accounting [Page 222].
See also:
Carrying out Account Assignment [Page 233]
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Assignments for Cost Accounting
222 April 2001
Assignments for Cost Accounting
To post objects in cost accounting, the system first has to determine the correct objects. The
system can carry this out automatically during account assignment. You can also enter the
assignments manually.
If you want the system to determine the objects in cost accounting, you must make certain that
certain settings have been made in Customizing.
The system automatically determines the objects to be posted in cost accounting. The following
parameters are important:
· Account assignment category
The account assignment category determines which object needs to be posted to (e.g.
cost center or order) and which account assignment data are necessary. In order to
define account assignment categories, go to the IMG and choose Logistics Execution ®
Transportation ® Shipment costs ® Settlement ® Maintain account assignment
· Cost apportionment
The cost apportionment determines the level at which the costs are to be forwarded. You
can apportion the costs at more detailed levels than the shipment cost item, depending
on the how closely you want to follow costs. Possible apportionments are:
- Shipment cost item
- Delivery
- Delivery item
These apportionments are completely independent of the calculation bases. If they do
agree with the calculation bases, then the system apportions costs according to origin. If
the costs are apportioned to a more detailed level than the calculation bases, then this is
carried out according to the proportional weight. (Example: calculation basis = delivery;
cost apportionment by delivery item).
If costs are not to be apportioned by the proportional weight, then you can program
the apportionment according to other rules in customer enhancement V54SFRC.
You can use the origin of the CO assignments to restrict the possible levels of the cost
- You assign the cost apportionments in Customizing for the shipment cost item category.
To make this setting, go to the IMG and choose Logistics Execution ® Transportation ®
Shipment costs ® Shipment cost document ® Shipment cost types and item categories
® Assign shipment cost types and item categories.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Assignments for Cost Accounting
April 2001 223
· Origin of CO assignments
This parameter determines the origin of the information used for determining the CO
object. The possible sources of this information are:
- G/L account
If the G/L account is determined by the system or entered manually, then the system
accesses a Customizing table in which a CO assignment is maintained for each G/L
account. You can find this table in the IMG by selecting Logistics Execution ®
Transportation ® Shipment costs ® Settlement ® Automatic determination of CO
- Delivery, order
The system first searches the delivery for CO assignments. If it doesn’t find any, it
searches the order.
- Delivery, order, G/L account
The system first searches the delivery for CO assignments. If it doesn’t find any, it
searches the order. If it doesn’t find any in the order, it accesses the Customizing
table where the CO assignments for the G/L account assignments are maintained.
See also:
Carrying out Account Assignment [Page 233]
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Purchase Order Determination
224 April 2001
Purchase Order Determination
Forwarding to financial accounting for the creation of accruals requires a service entry. Every
service entry sheet is based on a purchase order. Determining this purchase order is the first
stage for forwarding to FI and therefore the first stage required for carrying out settlement.
The purchase order is created in Purchasing.
This purchase order must first be created in Purchasing. Important criteria for the purchase order
· Service agents
· Purchasing organization
· Purchasing group
· Plant
· Item category
You must create the purchase order for a service agent. The purchase order can be valid for the
following periods:
· Day
· Week
· Month
In Customizing the purchasing organization, the purchasing group and the plant must be
assigned to the corresponding transportation planning point and the shipment cost type. You
make these settings in the IMG. Choose Logistics Execution ® Transportation ® Shipment costs
® Settlement ® Assign purchasing data.
Features of the Purchase Order
The purchase order must have the following characteristics:
Purchase order header
Company code Company code for transportation planning point of the shipment
cost item
(Item detail: Reference)
Purchasing organization from shipment cost item
(Item detail: Service procurement)
Purchasing group from shipment cost item
(Item detail: Service procurement)
Document currency from shipment cost item
(Item detail: Price setting)
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Purchase Order Determination
April 2001 225
Vendor Transportation service agent from shipment item
(Item detail)
Invoicing party Invoicing party from shipment cost item
(Item detail: Settlement)
Run time start/end If these times are specified, then the settlement date of the
shipment cost item must fall within this period
(Item detail: Settlement)
Purchasing item
Plant from shipment cost item
(Item detail: Service procurement)
Purchase item category Service
Account assignment category Not blank
Delivery date The settlement date of the shipment cost item must fall within
this period
(Item detail: Settlement)
Final invoice indicator Not set
Block indicator Not set
The shipment cost items must have status account assigned. In other words, G/L account
determination and assignment for cost accounting must have been carried out already.
If an invalid purchase order exists, the system determines the purchase order during forwarding
to FI.
See also:
Transferring Shipment Costs to Accounting [Page 235]
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Creation of Accruals
226 April 2001
Creation of Accruals
To create accruals in FI for the planned payments, the calculated shipment cost items must be
forwarded to FI.
The shipment cost items must have status account assigned. In other words, G/L account
determination and assignment for cost accounting must have been carried out already.
When forwarding the calculated shipment cost items to FI, the system carries out the following:
· It creates a service entry sheet that refers to the purchase order determined.
· It posts acceptance of services performed.
· It creates an accounting document for the accruals.
· Further subsequent documents are created in FI.
See also:
Transferring Shipment Costs to Accounting [Page 235]
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Shipment Costs as Delivery Costs
April 2001 227
Shipment Costs as Delivery Costs
Regarding transportation processing, delivery costs can be considered for both standard
purchase orders and stock transfer orders. The determined shipment costs are not directly
transferred to the accounting department, but are are included in the MM goods receipt
document and added to the respective material. This scenario is relevant for company-internal
shipments or for inbound shipments that are picked up from the vendor since the customer might
get better conditions from his carriers.
The business process could be as follows:
· Entering the standard purchase order with shipping notification
· Editing the delivery from the delivery due list (VL32)
· Generating an inbound shipment with the delivery
· Creating the shipment cost document on the basis of the shipment
· Posting the goods receipt with reference to the inbound delivery
To add shipment costs to delivery costs in the incoming shipments, you need the following
settings in Customizing:
· Shipment cost item categories
Under the Shipment cost types and item categories [Ext.] activity, set the Relevant for costing
field to A = Relevant for calculating delivery costs (Delivery costs). This results in the
shipment costs not being transferred directly into accounting. The accounting is done via the
purchasing functionality for delivery costs.
· Conditions in the purchase order
Under the Define condition types [Ext.] activity, set the Condition type field to B = Delivery costs.
In addition, select the Transfer shipment costs field. The system only shows this field, if you have
chosen delivery costs as condition type. In the purchase order, you have to enter the condition
type in the item category section. However, you do not enter a value since this value will be
determined by the shipment cost document and will then be automatically transferred to the
goods receipt document.
· Goods receipt
To find the relevant shipment cost documents, you must know the corresponding inbound
deliveries. Therefore for incoming goods this must relate to confirmation-related goods receipts.
Under the Set up confirmation control [Ext.] activity, select the GR-relevant and GR assignment
fields for the appropriate confirmation control key (which is then entered in the purchase order).
Further information can be found in Purchasing Delivery costs [Ext.].
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Shipment Costs as Delivery Costs
228 April 2001
The following shows an example of shipment costs being included in material costs. These
shipment costs are shown as delivery costs.
Purchase order: Material 4711, 200 pcs, DEM 20 per piece
Inbound delivery 1: 100 pcs (Date 1)
Inbound delivery 2: 100 pcs (Date 2)
Shipment 1 with inbound delivery 1: Costs DEM 250
Goods receipt for inbound delivery 1 – 100 pcs
Material costs DEM 2000
Shipment costs DEM 250
Overall costs posted
to the material account DEM 2250
Unit costs that are included
In the material master DEM 22.50
The assumption is that the stock included 50 pcs with unit costs of DEM 18.00 before this goods
receipt was posted. After the goods receipt the stock would now include 150 pcs with costs of
DEM 21.00 per piece:
50 pcs/ DEM 18.00 = DEM 900.00
100 pcs/DEM 22.50 = DEM 2250.00
Total = DEM 3150.00 : 150 pcs = DEM 21.00/pc.
If the system had not found any shipment costs, the costs would amount to DEM 19.33 per pc.:
50 pcs/DEM 18.00 = DEM 900.00
100 pcs/DEM 20.00 = DEM 2000.00
Total = DEM 2900.00 : 150 pcs = DEM 19.33/pc.
Shipment costs of this kind are not included in the purchase order. Therefore, the system does
not display these costs on the item category view of the purchase order. The system copies
these costs during the goods receipt posting. The shipment cost processing is carried out as if
you had entered them in the purchase order item.
In general, such shipment costs are treated as planned delivery costs in purchase order
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Shipment Costs as Delivery Costs
April 2001 229
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Self-billing Procedure
230 April 2001
Self-billing Procedure
The self-billing procedure allows you to settle shipment costs without needing to receive an
invoice. In addition to the option of receiving an invoice from the service agent for the
transportation services rendered, you can also have the service agent create a credit memo. In
this case, the shipment costs calculated are forwarded directly to FI. The payment is then
checked by the payee.
Whether or not this self-billing procedure is used depends upon the agreement with the service
The advantages of this procedure are:
· faster and more efficient completion of the business transaction
· fewer price deviations in the invoice check
The following graphic shows the self-billing procedure:
The self-billing procedure is integrated into Purchasing as an automatic goods receipt settlement
or ERS procedure (ERS = Evaluated Receipt Settlement).
The basic prerequisite for automatic settlement of shipment costs is reference to an existing
purchase order.
The purchasing department can mark the vendor as subject to ERS in the vendor master record.
If a vendor is marked as subject to ERS, then the ERS indicator is proposed for every purchase
item in a purchase order created with this vendor. The purchaser can delete the ERS indicator
proposed in a purchase item.
In the self-billing procedure, a distinction is made between
· Individual credit memos
· Collective credit memos
For individual credit memos, a separate credit memo is created for each shipment cost document
and service agent. In a collective credit memo, all shipment cost documents for a service agent
are taken into account for the period specified.
Settlement with the service agent is usually carried out at regular intervals. The length of this
period depends on the agreement with the forwarding agent. The settlement periods can be set
flexibly within the ERS procedure.
Printing the log and the credit memo
The system creates a log during the ERS procedure. It lists:
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Self-billing Procedure
April 2001 231
· Processes that could not be settled
Depending on the restrictions entered, all purchasing items intended for ERS, but which
could not be settled, are displayed here along with the reason for the failure.
If you have completed a procedure manually, you should exclude it from the ERS
procedure so that it is not listed again every time the procedure is carried out
automatically. To do this, carry out automatic goods issue settlement in test mode online,
select the item and choose Exclude from ERS.
· Processes that were settled
Depending on the restrictions entered, all purchasing items for which settlement has
been successfully carried out (or would be carried out - if you are working in test mode)
are displayed here.
· Credit memos that were printed
During settlement for shipment costs, not only the log, but also the credit memo is issued
as output by the system.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Carrying out the Self-Billing Procedure
232 April 2001
Carrying out the Self-Billing Procedure
Using the self-billing procedure, you can only create invoices that have already been assigned
accounts and that have been forwarded to FI.
1. In the initial screen, choose Logistics ® Material management ® Invoice verification ®
Logistics inv. verif.
2. Choose Further processing ® Execute ERS.
3. Enter your selection criteria and choose Execute.
The system displays all invoices that the system has created for the material documents
(acceptance of services performed) that meet your selection criteria.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Carrying out Account Assignment
April 2001 233
Carrying out Account Assignment
Account assignment for the shipment cost item, that is G/L account determination and
assignment for cost accounting can only be carried out if shipment cost calculation has been
carried out.
1. In the shipment cost document, go to the detail screen of a shipment cost item, for which
costing has already been carried out and for which you want to carry out account
In the Settlement tab page, the field should have a status of account assigned.
2. Choose Item ® Account assignment.
You reach the Shipment cost item: Account assignment screen. This is where you can
view the account assignment data and the account assignment lines, as well as the G/L
account determined and the CO assignments per account assignment line. You can also
change these accounts and assignments manually.
The number of account assignment lines depends on the value in the cost
apportionment field. This field determines whether account assignment is carried out
per shipment cost item, per delivery or per delivery item. The definition of the
shipment cost item category controls the cost apportionment .
3. If you want to change the G/L accounts or the CO assignments determined, you can
overwrite the default values.
4. You can make additional entries in the detail screen for account assignment.
5. Save the shipment cost document.
After saving, you return to the initial screen for shipment costs.
You can still delete an account assignment that has been carried out, as long as
forwarding to FI has not yet taken place. Otherwise, you must cancel forwarding first
and then delete the account assignment.
To delete the account assignment you select Settlement in the tab field of the detail
screen for the shipment cost item, and then Item ® Delete account assignment.
The account assignment status is changed. The shipment cost item can now be forwarded to FI.
See also:
G/L Account Determination [Page 221]
Assignments for Cost Accounting [Page 222]
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Carrying out Account Assignment
234 April 2001
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Transferring Shipment Costs to Accounting
April 2001 235
Transferring Shipment Costs to Accounting
To transfer shipment cost items to FI, they must have status Account assigned. In other words,
G/L account determination and assignment for cost accounting must have been carried out
Transferring of shipment costs in order to create accruals comprises two functions:
· Purchase Order Determination
· Transfer and creation of the relevant documents in FI
1. In the shipment cost document, go to the detail screen of a shipment cost item, for which
costing and account assignment has already been carried out and which you want to
transfer to FI.
2. Select the Transfer indicator. This indicator can only be selected after account
Purchase order determination is automatically started when you select the Transfer
indicator. As long as the indicator is selected, the purchase order will be displayed in
the Service procurement tab field in the Purchase order field. For further information,
see Purchase Order Determination [Page 224].
3. Save the shipment cost document.
When you save, the system creates a service entry sheet with reference to the purchase order
determined, an accounting document for creation of accruals and further documents in FI.
See also:
Creation of Accruals [Page 226]
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Manual Invoice Verification
236 April 2001
Manual Invoice Verification
During manual invoice verification, you check and post the invoice that you have received from
the service agent manually.
You can only check invoices if the relevant shipment cost items have already had accounts
assigned to them and if they have been transferred to Accounting (FI).
1. Select Logistics ® Materials Management ® Logistics Invoice Verification ® Document
Entry ® Enter Invoice.
The Enter Invoice screen appears.
2. Enter the necessary header data for the invoice.
3. Select the transportation service agent as the reference in the list field in the lower section of
the screen.
4. In the following field, enter the vendor’s name.
5. Choose More allocation criteria.
6. You can use the screen that appears to limit the shipment cost items further by entering the
following, for example:
· Shipment number or order
· Identification
· Means of transport, driver or alternate driver
· Partners such as service agent, vendor, invoicing party
· Attributes of the shipment cost header
· Attributes of the settlement data
· Attributes of services
7. Enter the selection criteria for the shipment cost items to which the invoice refers.
At this point, you can also run a check by selecting Check. The system presents the
results of this check in a log. This log contains the following information:
- Invoices that have already been posted and subsequent debits for the relevant
shipment cost items
- Invoicing parties that are different from the vendor
- Active ERS indicators in the relevant purchase orders
- Tolerance limits for all the shipment cost items selected
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Manual Invoice Verification
April 2001 237
- Tax values for all selected shipment cost items
8. Choose Adopt.
You receive a list of all shipment cost items with the corresponding amounts.
9. Check the invoice values of the invoice that you have received from the service agent and
select all the shipment cost items that the invoice refers to.
10. Choose Post.
If deviations occur between the calculated shipment cost items and the items of the
invoice that you receive from the service agent, you must process these deviations.
See also:
Invoice Verification in Dialog Mode [Ext.]
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Shipment Costs List: Settlement
238 April 2001
Shipment Costs List: Settlement
You can use this report to list shipment cost documents which have not yet been completely
calculated. As selection criteria for the shipment cost documents, you can use, for example, the
account assignment status or transfer status.
After executing the report you receive a list of all shipment cost documents, which correspond to
your selection criteria.
The List Viewer features various functions that you can use to tailor the list to your needs. This
tool allows you to total or sort columns, for example. You can also decide the sequence in which
the columns are displayed. For more information, see ABAP List Viewer [Ext.].
The system is set up so that the shipment cost items are automatically created when creating the
shipment cost documents and the calculation is automatically implemented. The transfer is
carried out twice a week in the evening as a collective batch. Then an employee creates a list of
shipment costs for calculation. As selection criteria he enters the status Not assigned to an
account and Not completely assigned to an account and Not transferred.
See also:
Creating List of Shipment Documents for Settlement [Page 239]
Editing Shipment Lists [Page 57]
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Creating List of Shipment Documents for Settlement
April 2001 239
Creating List of Shipment Documents for Settlement
To create a list of shipment documents for calculation, proceed as follows:
1. Choose Logistics Execution ® Transportation ® Shipment Costs.
The Shipment costs screen appears.
2. Choose Shipment ®List ®Calculation.
You branch to the List Shipment Costs: Settlements screen.
3. To use other selection criteria, choose Edit ® All selections.
To define recurring selection criteria, you can create selection screen variants by
choosing Goto ®Variants ®Save as a variant. Then, to retrieve these variants, choose
Goto ®Variants ®Get.
4. Enter the criteria you want to use for selecting the shipment costs documents.
5. Choose Program ® Execute.
You obtain a list of all the shipment documents that match your selection criteria.
For more information about processing this list, see Editing Shipment Lists [Page 57]
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Billing the Shipment Costs to the Customer
240 April 2001
Billing the Shipment Costs to the Customer
Shipment costs can be a considerable cost factor. For this reason, they are often not
included in the material price, but are billed separately by the shipper to the customer
during billing.
You can bill the customer with the actual shipment costs, which include technical
aspects such as distances, tariff zones, means-of-transport types, type and number of
In Customizing, the following settings are required so that shipment costs that are not
calculated in the shipment cost document can be billed to the customer in the
customer billing document.
· In addition to the condition types that already exist, you must create condition
types of the same name in the pricing procedure for shipment cost calculation
and in the pricing procedure for billing price determination. In the pricing
procedure for shipment cost calculation, you can mark the condition types as
statistical values in order not to influence the shipment cost calculation. To do
this, choose the following path in Customizing Logistics Execution ®
Transportation ® Shipment costs ® Pricing ® Pricing control ® Define and
assign pricing procedures.
In the pricing procedure for billing price determination, these condition types
must be marked manually. To do this, choose the following path in
Customizing Logistics Execution ® Basic functions ® Pricing ® Pricing
control ® Define and assign pricing procedures ® Maintain pricing procedure.
· For the billing price procedure, the indicator Specific procedure must be
selected so that the condition class and the statistical indicator are re-
determined and are not copied from the shipment cost pricing procedure.
· Also, you must specify the price source “shipment costs” at the item level for
copying control for billing documents. For this purpose, choose the following
path in the Implementation Guide: Logistics Execution ® Billing ® Billing
documents ® Maintain copying control for billing documents ® Copying
Control: Delivery document to billing document, and specify the price source F
for shipment costs for the respective billing and delivery types for the
respective item.
The shipment costs that are billed to the customer are based on the actual shipment
costs that were calculated in transportation and shipment costing for settlement with
the forwarding agent. The shipment costs appear as an additional entry in the
customer billing document. It is possible to use all the calculation options that are
available in the shipment cost document for settlement of costs with the service
provider. Shipment costs that were calculated in the shipment cost document on the
basis of delivery items are assigned directly to the respective billing document item.
Costs that were calculated using a different calculation base, for example, on the
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Billing the Shipment Costs to the Customer
April 2001 241
basis of shipment cost items, are allocated to the billing document items according to
the proportionate weight of the delivery items.
A billing document whose copying control is set in Customizing so that the shipment
costs are part of the billing document can only be created when the shipment costs
have been calculated and billed fully.
Since a delivery for which the billing document is to be created can be part of several
shipments (for example, in the case of a transportation chain), it can happen that
several shipment cost documents need to be calculated so that the billing document
itself can at all be created.
Also, you should be aware that the system first checks the shipment cost calculation
status in the shipment document. If both the header and the leg of the respective
shipment type are marked in Customizing as being relevant for shipment costs, the
shipment costs calculation status at the header level and at the stage level must be
completely processed.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Shipment Cost Information in the Order
242 April 2001
Shipment Cost Information in the Order
As the shipment costs can make up a large proportion of the total cost of a product it is important
and therefore recommended that you have a rough idea of the shipment costs when the order is
created. As in normal situations no deliveries, shipments or shipment cost documents exist at this
point, simulated versions of these can be “created” in the background to enable you to calculate
shipment costs on the basis of these documents.
This means that you can estimate shipment costs. When you make the appropriate setting it is
also possible to implement several calculations at the same time, in order, for example, to
determine whether transport by lorry or by train would be cheaper or how much more it would
cost to send by express delivery rather than by standard transport.
Shipment cost information is called up in SD order processing but uses the transportation and
shipment cost processing functions.
Shipment cost information in the order can only be used if the control parameters and master
data for transportation and shipment cost processing have been maintained.
To calculate shipment costs in the order you can define profiles for shipment cost information.
The profile for shipment cost information contains default values for shipment cost information in
the order, for example, the transportation planning point, transportation type and the shipment
pricing procedure. The profile for shipment cost information is assigned to a sales document type
(when defining the sales document types in Customizing for Sales and Distribution). If you do not
want to carry out comparisons between the calculation methods, but just want to receive an
estimated value for the shipment costs, then use the details from the profile for shipment cost
information (transportation planning point, transport type, pricing procedure) and the data from
the order (forwarding agent, route) for calculating shipment costs and the related simulated
creation of transports.
If you do not assign a profile to the sales document type, you can also enter the
transportation planning point, shipment type and service agent in the order.
To carry out a comparison of different calculation methods, you can assign one or more shipment
planning profiles to a profile for shipment cost information. This planning profile is used to create
shipments in collective processing, in order to store specific selection variants and data, which
should always be used, in the memory. A planning profile determines how deliveries should be
put together with shipments and which data should be put in the shipment documents. You can
assign various planning profiles to the profile for shipment cost information, in order, for example,
to compare whether it is cheaper to transport by train or by lorry. It is also possible to assign a
planning profile for creating transportation chains.
If you begin the calculation of shipment costs in the sales document, the data that is used to
simulate the putting together of the two types of transportation, is the data which is saved in the
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Shipment Cost Information in the Order
April 2001 243
order and in the shipment costs profile, which is assigned to the corresponding sales document
type. If the planning profile is assigned to the shipment cost type, this data is also used for the
parallel calculation of shipment costs, so that it is possible to compare different transportation
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Calling up Shipment Cost Information in the Order
244 April 2001
Calling up Shipment Cost Information in the Order
1. Choose Logistics ® Sales and distribution ® Sales.
2. Choose Order ® Create.
3. Enter all the data from your order and save the document.
4. Call up the document again by choosing Order ® Change.
5. In the order, choose Details ® Shipment cost information.
You reach the screen where the planning profiles are listed. In the first line, you always
have the planning profile <From order>. In this line you see the default values from the
shipment cost profile that is assigned to the respective sales document type.
If you have not assigned a shipment cost profile to the sales document type, now enter
the missing data for Transportation planning point, shipment type, and service provider.
If you have assigned a shipment cost profile to the sales document type, and there are
shipment planning profiles assigned to this shipment cost profile, then the system will list
all the shipment planning profiles that are assigned to the shipment cost profile.
6. Choose Execute.
In the column Net value, you see the values calculated by the system. If several planning profiles
are assigned, you can have the system make comparisons. In the log, you can display the details
of the simulated shipments. If you have problems with the calculations, you can check the
reasons listed on the log.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
April 2001 245
The Interfaces component includes External Transportation Planning Systems [Page 247] and
Communication via Internet [Page 437]. Using interfaces, the SAP System can communicate with
other systems and exchange data.
Many opportunities of B2B or B2C business relationships arise:
· Supply chain: Suppliers can enter data in their business partner´s system
· Business partners can exchange customer data
· Colaboration on joint projects/products
B2B communication does not necessarily require a Web-based application. Workflow scenarios
can also take place between two systems (XML-based).
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
EDI Output
246 April 2001
EDI Output
Using electronic data exchange, you can transmit shipment data between the shipper and the
forwarding agent or the customer.
For more information, refer to the section Shipment Outputs [Page 25].
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
External Transportation Planning Systems
April 2001 247
External Transportation Planning Systems
The use of specialized software components is becoming increasingly important as a way to
optimize planning of transportation requirements. The SAP System does not offer automated
support for optimizing transportation planning, since the large number of different possible
transportation processing procedures and optimization criteria require software that is tailored
precisely to the customer’s needs.
The SD-TPS interface (described below) between SAP R/3 and one or more specialized,
external Transportation Planning Systems (TPS) can be implemented in order to fulfill such
specific customer needs in the transportation planning area.
Process Overview
In regular business transactions, you define a selection of deliveries to be planned for a certain
shipment as you create shipments in R/3. This is, for the most part, a manual process.
If an external transportation planning system is used, one record of deliveries to be shipped is
selected in R/3 and then sent via the interface to the planning system, where the deliveries are
grouped into shipments according to certain optimization criteria. The shipments that were
generated are confirmed in R/3 which in turn triggers generation of the shipment documents. In
order for the shipment documents to be updated properly, master data (customer address or
goods acceptance times, for example) must match in both systems.
Grouping and changing of shipments occur systematically in the transportation planning system.
All further shipment processing activities (printing or reporting start of shipment, for example) are
treated like regular document processing in the R/3 System.
Organizational Link
In R/3, the organizational link to an external transportation planning system is established by
assigning it to a transportation planning point, which allows it to function as an external planning
point. Exactly one transportation planning system can be assigned to each external
transportation planning point. However, it is possible to assign one planning system to multiple
transportation planning points if various MRP controllers need to work in the same system.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
External Transportation Planning Systems
248 April 2001
Planning System
SAP System
The SD-TPS interface supports the following functions:
SAP to the transportation planning system:
Transfer of location master data
Transfer of deliveries to be planned
Transfer of status values for planned shipments
Transportation planning system to SAP:
Transfer of planned shipments
An exchange of error status regarding the logical correctness of the transferred documents also
occurs between the two systems.
Partner Concept
In order to offer our customers a flexible, secure link to transportation planning systems, we will
be working with selected partners. The different tasks will be delegated as follows:
As of Release 3.1, technical tools necessary for linking to an external computer (IDocs, ALE,
RFC) will be included in the SAP standard. Application functions that illustrate common business
procedures (transactions, standard IDocs, Customizing) and play a part in their corresponding
processing in the SAP System will also be made available.
The partners are responsible for implementation of the processing logic from the point at
which data leaves SAP R/3 until the point at which data enters SAP R/3. In other words,
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
External Transportation Planning Systems
April 2001 249
their responsibility includes correct interpretation of the R/3 data, planning shipments
according to specifications, retransfer of the data in R/3 format and technical
communications between computers.
They are also the first contact customers have if errors
occur during the communications process.
SAP plans to initiate a certification process for these partners which will verify that they fulfill the
requirements for successfully linking an external system to SAP using the technology mentioned
above. There are currently no plans to test the functions of the partners’ application software.
From a technical point of view, the interface is based on the transactional Remote Function Call
(tRFC), which is basically a simplified procedure to make communications between two programs
As opposed to synchronized Remote Function Call (sRFC), tRFC temporarily stores the data
before it is sent, effectively separating application and communication functions.
SAP also offers a refined monitoring function for logical error analysis. When an error occurs,
messages are also sent to one or more people. Follow-up posting is then possible from the
Certification Requirements
SAP will certify those partners who can demonstrate correct transfer and function for all IDoc
links and successfully complete the test scenarios. The list of IDocs required for certification
appears in the section describing IDocs.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Logical Communications Processes
250 April 2001
Logical Communications Processes
The communications processes between R/3 and an external transportation planning system can
be divided by communications procedure into
· Location master data
· Movement data, which includes planning requirements (deliveries) and planned
shipments, among other things
· Status Transmission and Error Processing
Location master data
For optimal performance, the location master data must be the same in both systems. Depending
on the foreign system’s functions, this may occur via an initial data comparison with change
management using IDoc TPSLOC01 or via a direct location master data transmission during
communications within IDoc TPSDLS01.
Location master data includes the following:
· Customer master records with addresses and the goods receiving hours of the unloading
· Vendor master records with addresses
· Service provider master records with addresses (service providers fall under vendor
· Plant master records with addresses
· Shipping point master records with addresses
· Transportation connection point master records with addresses and characteristics
Transmission of master data with IDoc TPSLOC01 can occur at the following points:
· Initial transmission of all necessary location master data after the external system is activated
using transaction VT60
· Partially-automated transmission of all changed location master data for customers, vendors,
and service providers using the ALE change pointer for IDoc type TPSLOC (Remark in
‘Change Table, Transmission per Program)’.
· Manual transmission of all changed location master data (plants, shipping points,
transportation connection point).
The address records of the locations used are transmitted from SAP to the transportation
planning system with the deliveries that are to be planned in IDoc TPSDLS01. This ensures that
even if you’re dealing with a transportation planning system without its own location data
management, at least the correct data for departure point and destination is available. The
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Logical Communications Processes
April 2001 251
address record transmission with deliveries that are to be planned is especially important for all
external systems when using one-time customers (CPD) as references.
Transaction Data
Transmission of transaction data occurs in two directions. Planning requests (deliveries that are
to be planned and assigned to shipments) are transmitted from R/3 to the planning system and
then planned shipments are sent back to the R/3 system.
If new deliveries are to be planned into a shipment, the scenario is as follows:
Copy deliveries
Group into
Error status
Error status
Shipments or items
21.5. 22.5.
Deliveries, items
and transfer
Delivery list for
transportation planning
to be
Check shipments &
create, change or
delete them
SAP System
Outgoing Delivery / Planning Requests
Transmission of planning requests (deliveries that are to be planned) to a transportation planning
system may occur via the following various procedures and communication stages in R/3:
· Implicit transmission following delivery creation (defined as the point at which the deliveries
are sent to the transportation planning system, provided no specific criteria are relevant) by
way of message control
· Explicit transmission by calling up a program with transaction VT61 with the option to select
deliveries according to several selection criteria The actual transmission occurs via message
control or as a direct transmission.
· Automatic transmission by starting transmission program RB56LFTP at a defined point in
time (definition of selection variants, batch transmission). The actual transmission occurs via
message control or as a direct transmission.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Logical Communications Processes
252 April 2001
· Implicit transmission using transaction VT68 by deallocating a delivery without deleting it in
R/3. The actual transmission occurs via message control or as a direct transmission.
· Implicit re-transmission via message control after a delivery has been changed
· Implicit transmission via direct transmission when a delivery is deleted
In R/3, selection of deliveries to be planned is carried out either:
· Using a report with an option screen that is started via transaction VT61
· Or by calling up report RV56LFTP (with variants) at regular intervals
This report uses the delivery selection function in the same way as for shipment processing
(transaction VT01). A transportation planning point that corresponds to the transportation
planning system must also be specified.
Transmission of deliveries is carried out as follows:
1. Determination of a transportation planning system (transportation planning point)
2. Selection of deliveries according to the criteria specified
3. Combining of deliveries and their corresponding items
4. Determination of the items that are relevant for transportation (optional)
5. Determination of the delivery’s dispatch location and point of destination where additional
shipments are possible, e.g. main leg for sea transportation (optional)
6. Accumulation of delivery items according to the freight class of the delivered materials and
the freight code set that was specified.
7. Customer functions for user-specific changes or enhancements of the combined delivery
data and IDocs
8. Creation of the IDoc (one IDoc per delivery document with the option to combine several
IDocs into packets)
9. Transmission of the IDocs to a planning system
Deliveries that were changed in R/3 (transaction VL02) after they have already been reported to
the transportation planning system are automatically re-transmitted immediately after the
changes are posted (provided they are relevant for transportation). This function is activated by a
link to message control. When a change is made, the whole document, rather than just the
changed data, is re-transmitted.
The following graphic illustrates the scenario for transportation-relevant deliveries that have been
changed after data was initially transmitted to an external transportation planning system:
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Logical Communications Processes
April 2001 253
Group into
Check shipments &
create, change or
delete them
Create, change, delete
shipments, items
Error status
Error status
Change deliveries, items
Immediate transfer
Delivery to
be changed
Copy deliveries
SAP System
If a delivery is deleted in R/3, this deletion command is transmitted automatically to all
transportation planning systems that had previously been planning that delivery for assignment to
shipments. The delivery document is deleted in R/3, although, in certain circumstances, some
references to this delivery that are still open may exist in externally-planned R/3 shipment
documents. Shipment documents with these open references cannot be changed in R/3 until the
change command is received from the transportation planning system for the document that no
longer contains that delivery.
Incoming Shipment
The incoming shipment IDocs TPSSHT01 are interpreted, checked, and then used for creating,
changing, or deleting R/3 shipment documents that are posted to the database afterwards.
The functional process flow can be described as follows:
· Importing the IDocs via the ALE layer
· Interpretation of the IDocs, resulting in the creation, changing or deletion of shipment
documents. The individual stages for creating/changing each shipment document are
determined by the shipment header, the shipment items, stages, dates, and handling units.
· Posting the created/changed documents
Shipment documents created by a transportation planning system can only be changed within
very narrow limits in the R/3 system. Customizing settings may restrict or forbid you to change
transportation-relevant data. Data that should not be changed includes all data that would make it
necessary to change documents in the transportation planning system (legs, delivery
assignment, service agents, means of transport, document numbers).
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Logical Communications Processes
254 April 2001
Outgoing Shipments
In the case of externally planned shipment documents, if you have a shipment status in
Customizing that is exceeded or not reached, you can have a fixing or release message sent to
the respective forwarding agent. To do this, use the IDoc TPSSHT01. After the freeze message
is transmitted for a shipment document in R/3, the corresponding shipment in the planning
system can no longer be changed. Similarly, a release message from the R/3 system means that
the shipment document can be changed again in the planning system.
Status Transmission and Error Processing
Automatic processing of logical errors (errors that occur as a result of the message content) is
carried out in the R/3 system using the workflow options provided by the ALE layer. The receiving
system can react to a logical error by sending back an error message using IDoc SYSTAT01.
The IDoc is constructed so that the error source can be localized precisely.
Workflow can be set in R/3 so that the employee responsible is informed when this error
message is received as a reply to the transmission of delivery data to a transportation planning
You can make the relevant settings in Customizing for the R/3 transportation planning point so
that an error message can be created and sent as a response to the transportation planning
system upon receipt of incorrect incoming shipment documents.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Application Transactions of the Interface
April 2001 255
Application Transactions of the Interface
The following sections describe the application transactions and programs with which the user
can access the functions of the transportation planning interface for transmission of data from the
SAP R/3 system to a planning system.
Transmission of Location Master Data
The following sections describe the functions for transmission of location data.
Initial Transmission
The initial transmission of location master data should take place when the interface is active. All
necessary master data should be copied into the database of the transportation planning system.
During this process, the SAP system always represents the reference.
You can start master data transmission via transaction VT60 or menu path
Logistics ®
® Transportation ® External systems ® Transportation planning ® Transmit
master data.
The first program (RV56LMTP) serves to define the planning system (transportation planning
point) and the location master data that is to be transmitted. This program then starts the actual
transmission program (RV56LMSL), the selection screen of which allows you to specify exactly
which location master data you want to transmit.
In the selection screen of the first program (RV56LMTP), only transportation planning points that
are linked to an external planning system are accepted. You can also use checkboxes to select
which location master data types will appear on the selection screen of the second program
Automatic Transmission of Changed Master Records
The master data of customers, vendors and also of forwarding agents is connected to the ALE
change indicator. The function is available after activating the change indicator for message type
TPSLOC in Customizing. If a data field relevant to the interface is changed in a master record
that has already had details transmitted or if a new master record is added, then a change
indicator is created automatically.
The change indicators must then be evaluated. This involves transmitting the changed master
data documents. The evaluation of the change indicators is carried out with transaction BD21 or
Logistics ® Sales/distribution ® Transportation ® External systems ® Transportation
® Change master data. Then enter message type TPSLOC.
Regular, automatic evaluations of the change indicators can be carried out as a job via program
Manual Transmission of Changed Master Records
The master data records for plants, shipping points and transportation connection points cannot
be connected to the ALE change indicator for technical reasons. If these master data records are
changed or if new ones are added, then you need to carry out a manual transmission using the
function described in the
Initial Transfer section.
If the changed or new master data can be limited (by entry date, for example) then an automatic
transmission can be carried out as a job with program RV56LMSL. The selection criteria can
then be entered as selection variants.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Application Transactions of the Interface
256 April 2001
Setting the Partner Profile
In the partner profile for the IDoc for location master data, combined shipping must be set in
order to carry out shipping as efficiently as possible. First, IDocs are created. Afterwards, these
must be sent using the report RSEOUT00 (transaction (nBD88).
Transmission of Planning Requests
Explicit Transmission by Application Transaction
Using explicit transmission, you can transmit a large number of deliveries chosen from the
selection requirements and which are also available in manual shipment processing (transaction
VT01) to a transportation planning system. Specifying the transportation planning point (planning
system) and the processing type (outbound or inbound shipment) is obligatory.
At the moment, it is not possible to select outbound deliveries and inbound shipping
notifications together with one selection run.
You can start the planning request transmission via transaction VT61 or menu path
Logistics ®
Sales and distribution
® Transportation ® External systems ® Transport. planning ® Send
Deliveries that have already been transmitted to a planning system once can only be
re-transmitted to the same system if the delivery has been changed and message
control has been activated. If you do not want this block, then it can be switched off
for direct transmission using a customer function. You can read more about these
functions in the section
SAP System Settings and Modification Concept or in the
online help documentation.
Regular Transmission per Job
Deliveries can be transmitted regularly and automatically to one or more planning systems
according to certain selection criteria. This is appropriate, for example, if all shipments are to be
planned overnight.
To do this, program RV56LFTP should be included as a job. Parameters must include
transportation planning point, completion type, the deleted indicator for displaying the selection
screen as well as a selection variant for program RV56LFSL.
Fully Automatic Transmission
Fully automatic transmission of planning requests for generating deliveries is a special case. It
should only be applied if a company wishes to plan all its deliveries with an external planning
system in transportation but where only one planning system (in other words, one transportation
planning point) is available. In this case the function can be activated via a special configuration
of message control (more information in
Procedure for Transmitting Planning Requests -
Automatic Transmission
). Depending on the message control configuration, the message
transmission will either take place immediately after posting the delivery or in later collective
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Application Transactions of the Interface
April 2001 257
Removing Planning Requests
If deliveries should be taken out of the planning system because planning should be either
carried out manually, using another system or not at all, the following options can be used.
Explicit Removal from Planning
Explicit removal from planning means taking a delivery out of a planning system without deleting
the delivery in R/3. You can remove (deallocate) deliveries via transaction VT68 or by using
menu path
Logistics ® Sales and distribution ® Transportation ® External systems ®
Transport. planning
® Plan deliveries.
Once you have entered the delivery document number for the delivery to be removed, a list of all
the planning systems that the delivery has been transmitted to will appear. You can select the
system and start the process using
Automatic Removal from Planning by Deleting a Delivery
If a delivery is deleted in R/3, it is then automatically removed from planning in all the planning
systems that it has already been transmitted to. This procedure needs no previous configuration.
Receipt of Planned Shipments
The receipt of planned shipments in R/3 takes place automatically via the ALE layer
mechanisms. Some functions are available within inbound processing and further document
processing which affect the transportation planning interface. You must also take into account
other attributes that can be influenced by Customizing settings.
Deleting Shipments or Handling Units within a Shipment
Deleting handling units that have been created in a shipment or deleting a whole shipment is not
possible in the transportation planning system if a handling unit is not empty, that is, if something
has been packed into the handling unit.
If materials have been packed manually into a handling unit in an externally-planned
shipment document, they must first be manually unpacked before the planning
system can delete the handling unit or the shipment.
Automatically Setting ‘Planned’ Status
‘Planned’ status is automatically set when the system receives an externally-planned shipment
document. This happens regardless of whether a planned date has been transmitted to the
incoming document or not.
If the planning date is transmitted from an external planning system, this is copied
over to the planning date in the shipment document. If a planning date is not
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Application Transactions of the Interface
258 April 2001
transmitted, the planning date in the R/3 document is set to the date of receipt of the
external document.
Locking Document Status for External Planning Systems
Document status can be set to two values for external planning systems:
· Document modifiable in planning system
· Document not modifiable in planning system
You can set the status of document modifiability in the R/3 shipment document depending on the
shipment’s overall status. In R/3 Customizing you can set as of which shipment status (e.g.
.) changing the shipment in the planning system is no longer appropriate or permitted.
If the given status is reached or overstepped because R/3 transportation activities were set
manually, a fix message will be sent automatically to the transportation planning system to freeze
the corresponding shipment document, whereby the shipment document must be set to
Do not
in the planning system.
If the given status is overstepped in R/3 transportation activities by resetting the shipment’s
overall status, a message is sent to the planning system, which makes it possible to re-release
the processing of the shipment document.
Modifiability of Externally-Planned Shipments
Externally planned shipments can be limited in the R/3 System with respect to their ability to be
changed. You can set this through Customizing for the planning system. The following settings
are possible:
· No planning-relevant changes permitted
· No planning relevant changes permitted, apart from service agent data
· No restrictions on changes
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Configuration Options
April 2001 259
Configuration Options
When configuring the transportation planning interface in R/3-Customizing, you can specify
technical or functional parameters that determine how messages are sent to the planning system
and which modifications should be carried out in the messages before transfer.
R/3 Customizing
SAP uses the word Customizing to describe the necessary table settings used to tailor the R/3
system to the user’s needs. For example, in Customizing you can:
· Define key values and their attributes (shipment types, for example)
· Maintain number ranges (shipment numbers, for example)
· Create and maintain organizational units (transportation planning points, for example)
· Configure procedures for sending documents (message control, for example)
· Create procedures for modifying documents (route restrictions, for example)
· Carry out other customer-specific system settings
The descriptions for Customizing settings are available in detail in the Implementation Guide in
Online help. Particular specifications for setting the transportation planning interface can be
found in IMG under
Tools ® Customizing ® Implementation projects ® SAP Reference IMG ®
Sales and distribution
® Transportation ® Interfaces ® External Transportation Planning
Planning Restrictions for Routes
In some planning situations, the whole transportation process is not determined by one
transportation system for individual deliveries. In order to optimize the planning of domestic
transportation (roads) for companies sending deliveries both at home and abroad, a planning
system might be used where shipment documents can also be manually generated using R/3
transactions for transportation activities for overseas shipments (sea routes). In this case, the
transportation planning system has to be notified that the destination location for planning is not
the decisive factor for deliveries abroad, but that automated planning should take place for
another location (e.g. departure harbor or border location). Similar situations arise for orders that
are shipped from a shipping location outside the transportation planning system’s planning area
and that should only have automatic subsequent leg planning carried out.
The planning restrictions are linked to the combination of transportation planning system
(transportation planning point) and route. This way, you can define how a departure point or
destination location substitution should be executed in the planning request for each related
planning system and each delivery route separately.
Location substitution schemas are used for determining an alternative departure point or
destination for planning. A substitution schema is made up of sequence of conditions that are
checked one after the other until a valid substitute is found. Once an alternative location has
been found, the time specifications for the location are also reset where possible.
The following conditions can be used in a substitution location procedure:
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Configuration Options
260 April 2001
All the search strategies refer only to documents that are part of the delivery
currently being processed. Locations that are used as departure and destination
locations for the delivery in the existing shipments are those where the delivery is
loaded or unloaded but not the absolute beginning or end of a shipment.
Condition Time substitute Location substituted with...
001 A, P Departure location of earliest main leg shipment
002 A, P Departure location of earliest preliminary leg shipment
003 A, P Departure location of earliest subsequent leg shipment
004 F Departure points in delivery route
050 A, P Earliest departure location of any shipment
101 A, P Destination location of latest main leg shipment
102 A, P Destination location of latest preliminary leg shipment
103 A, P Destination location of latest subsequent leg shipment
104 F Destination points in delivery route
150 A, P Latest destination location in any shipment
200 F Fixed transportation connection points
999 User-specific substitution
If a substitution location is found, the system also tries to determine the connection scheduling for
the departure or arrival time of the delivery at the substitution location (time substitute). This is
done by using the following procedures:
A Substitute with actual transportation time (this takes priority due to precision,
but may only be maintained in exceptional cases).
P Substitute with planned times from shipment document.
F Calculates new times based on delivery / GI date and the preliminary, main and
subsequent leg times of the route specified in Customizing.
User-specific location substitution takes place using a customer function. You can read more
about customer functions in
SAP System Settings and Modifications or in the online help
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Configuration Options
April 2001 261
Location and Time Substitution with Reference to Existing Shipments
Automatic connection scheduling for existing R/3 shipments can only take place
properly if all important data has been maintained in R/3 shipment documents. The
following data is absolutely necessary in the shipment document:
· Departure and destination location
· Planned departure and arrival time in shipment header
· Delivery assignment
If a connection to a collective shipment is planned, the following data must also be
· Shipment stages
· Delivery assignment to legs
· Departure and arrival times at shipment stages
If possible, you should also ensure that all address data is maintained for the
locations involved.
Location Substitution for Subsequent Leg Planning
Straße Deutschland (Roads - Germany) planning system is used for planning
the subsequent legs in the delivery route ‘North America-Hamburg’, which means
that the departure location for the delivery is in North America (i.e. outside the
planning area) and must be substituted with a starting location suitable for planning
purposes. The determination procedure would identify the following condition
sequence, which is processed sequentially until a substitution location has been
1. End of the last main leg: if one or more main legs exist for the
corresponding delivery, the destination location of the last main leg is
used as the starting location for planning. The shipment end date
becomes the shipment departure date.
2. End of delivery route: if it exists, the end point of the delivery is used as
the starting point for planning. The departure time is determined using the
delivery date and the specified subsequent leg time.
3. Predefined points: points defined in Customizing are used and a
departure time is not determined.
4. No substitution takes place.
The following shows the four most relevant substitution procedures with their
condition steps.
Automatic Preliminary Leg Planning: Connection to Departure Location in
Existing Main Leg Shipment:
Step Condition Location substituted with...
001 001 Departure location of earliest main leg shipment
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262 April 2001
002 004 Departure points in delivery route
No substitution of destination location
Automatic Subsequent Leg Planning: Connection to Destination Location in
Existing Main Leg Shipment:
Step Condition Location substituted with...
001 101 Destination location of latest main leg shipment
002 104 Destination points in delivery route
No substitution of departure location
Automatic Main Leg Planning: Connection to Destination Location in Existing
Preliminary Leg Shipment:
Step Condition Location substituted with...
001 102 Destination location of latest preliminary leg shipment
002 004 Departure points in delivery route
No substitution of departure location
Automatic Main Leg Planning: Connection to Departure Location in Existing
Subsequent Leg Shipment:
Step Condition Location substituted with...
001 003 Departure location of earliest subsequent leg shipment
002 104 Destination points in delivery route
No substitution of departure location
Material Cumulation
It is absolutely necessary to know all details about the materials/delivery items to be transported
in order to plan shipments.
In certain circumstances, it is not always relevant whether two delivery items, 500
liters of red and 500 liters of green paint, for example, are to be transported. It is
often enough to know that 1000 liters of paint have to be planned as shipment
goods. The circumstances are similar in batch handling, where different batches of
one material are divided among several delivery items.
Delivery items can be combined according to different criteria, in order to achieve a better
overview or to reduce the amount of data that is to be transferred. This combination (cumulation)
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Configuration Options
April 2001 263
can take place separately for each combination of transportation planning point and route.
However, it can also be carried out generally for an entire transportation planning point.
Cumulation of delivery items takes place in a transportation planning interface and is
always related to deliveries, i.e. a cross-delivery cumulation is not available.
There are two options for creating planning requests for the cumulation of items in the current
· Reduction of shipment-relevant items:
Activating this function results in:
- Combination of batch items in a header item per material
- Combination of product selection of a material in a header item
- Deletion of BOM items irrelevant to the shipment
Text and value items as well as automatically-generated packing items are not
normally transferred.
· Cumulation according to freight code:
A freight code set can be assigned to the combination of transportation planning point
and route and the freight code can be defined together with the material freight group
from the material master. The items of a delivery are combined according to freight
codes and the type of material will only be represented by the freight type code in the
output. The quantity is only available in weight and volume specifications and no longer
as number of pieces, etc.
If both cumulation procedures are activated, the cumulation will first be carried out according to
shipment-relevant items and then according to freight code.
You can implement a user specific cumulation by using a customer function. This customer
function is carried out according to both the reduction of shipment-relevant items and freight
class. You can read more about customer functions in
SAP System Settings and Modifications
or in the online help documentation.
Procedure for Transferring Planning Requests
Standard Transfer Procedure with Output Control
The standard transfer procedure is via output control. Other procedures should only be used in
exceptional cases. Transfer with output control has the following attributes:
· Blank transfer using transaction VT61 generates entries in output control, which are used
for creating planning requests for the time planned in the output type and which are then
· Transfer of planning requests based on changed deliveries takes place automatically.
· Control mechanisms are available in output control.
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Configuration Options
264 April 2001
The following settings allow you to set the standard transfer procedure for a planning system:
· Create an output type for your planning system based on template ‘TPS0’. Don’t forget to
maintain the processing program as well.
· Set the required dispatch time.
· Enter your new output type in the output procedure for the shipping outputs and set the
condition to ‘40’ (delivery to external TPS).
· Enter your output type in the transportation planning point assigned to the planning
If several planning systems are connected to your R/3 system, then you need a
different message type for each planning system.
Direct Shipping without Output Control
Direct shipping should be used particularly if using output control will lead to a considerable
decrease in performance, i.e. if a large number of deliveries have to be shipped. The structure of
planning requests comes about in output control by reading individual documents into R/3
whereas in direct shipping, a mass transaction takes place.
Because of the missing connection to output control, the change controls are also
deactivated for delivery documents. Deliveries are therefore not automatically
retransferred once they have been changed. For a retransfer you must use
transaction VT61, ensuring that the customer function for avoiding the transfer lock
has been activated. You can read more about customer functions in
SAP System
Settings and Modifications
or in the online help documentation.
In order to activate direct shipping, you must not:
· Enter any output type in the transportation point.
Automatic Transfer
Automatic transfer only works with one transportation planning system where all deliveries are
always shipped directly.
Automatic output control has the following attributes:
· Posting a new delivery generates entries in output control, which are used for creating
planning requests for the time planned in the output type and which are then transferred.
· Transfer of planning requests based on changed deliveries takes place automatically.
· Control mechanisms are available in output control.
The following settings allow you to set the standard transfer procedure for a planning system:
· Create an output type for your planning system based on template ‘TPS0’. Don’t forget to
maintain the processing program as well.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Configuration Options
April 2001 265
· Set the required dispatch time.
· Enter your new output type in the output procedure for the shipping outputs and leave
the condition field blank.
· Enter your output type in the transportation planning point assigned to the planning
In addition to the automatic planning system, you can also use other systems with
standard transfer procedures.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Technical Communication
266 April 2001
Technical Communication
The following section deals with the technical aspects of communication and data flow between
SAP-R/3 and a non-SAP system (sub-system).
Transmitting Planning Requests
The following overview shows the procedure for transmitting outputs from R/3 to a sub-system.
SAP System
Creating a
planning requirement
Generating an IDoc
Setting up communication
Transmitting the IDoc
Processing planning
Receiving data
C Program
Creating a Planning Requirement in Transportation
The planning requirement for planning deliveries can be created with the functions described in
Outbound Delivery section. The procedure can be carried out either as an online transaction
or a background job using output control.
Saving the Data in the ALE Layer
Within the same process (Logical Unit of Work or LUW) the data is formatted in the form of
repository (data dictionary) structures by the Application Link Enabling (ALE) level function
module. These structures are called Intermediate Documents (IDocs). The IDocs that were
created are saved in the database.
Communication Structure and Transmission of the IDocs
Transmission of the IDoc is carried out asynchronously to its creation, that is, ALE transmits the
IDoc after it is created. An IDoc can be transmitted directly, or combined first and then sent as
part of a package of several IDocs.
During IDoc transmission, the ALE uses transactional Remote Function Call (tRFC). The system
starts a remote shell in the subsystem and calls up the C program to which the function to be
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Technical Communication
April 2001 267
called is transferred within the program. The underlying technique that allows transmission to be
carried out correctly according to the log is described above as an RFC layer. A library of C
development programs is available for program development.
For further information on creating C programs and further system settings, see the following
sections and the documentation in the RFC libraries.
Subsystem Tasks
The C program for receiving the data must be provided in the sub-system. There is a sample
program to this effect. This is supported by the RFC library that you receive from SAP as a
certification partner (RFC SDK, Remote Function Call Software Development Kit).
The program must save the data after receiving it before the receipt confirmation is sent back to
the R/3 system. Then data processing can start in the subsystem. SAP recommends this
intermediate saving procedure, which allows communication of processing logic to be carried out
separately in the sub-system.
Also, the subsystem should have status management for the data it received. Status
management can prevent duplicate processing. You should also note that the sub-system must
be able to recognize if an IDoc has already been transmitted once by the R/3 system. This is
made possible through a unique transaction ID for each communication activity. (See also the
technical documentation of the RFC.)
In addition to the transaction ID, the IDoc number can also be used to signify that an IDoc has
already been transferred. The IDoc number is only unique within a given client of an SAP system.
If communication is carried out with several clients and/or several SAP systems, then the IDoc
can not be identified using only the IDoc number.
Error Processing in Communication
The following problems may occur during transmission:
Posting termination in the application (when creating a planning requirement, for
In this case, the error is not critical for communication, because IDocs cannot be created without
a planning requirement. Both postings are carried out in the same LUW and are therefore posted
Errors in the ALE Layer
1. The data that was formatted in the LUW (which creates the IDoc) and which was sent to ALE
is syntactically incorrect. The IDoc is copied and saved by ALE but cannot be transmitted.
For more information about this error, see the
SAP System Settings and Modifications
2. The partner profile for outbound processing is not defined for the receiver and the IDoc’s
message type in ALE. The IDoc is saved but cannot be transmitted. For more information
about this error, see the
SAP System Settings and Modifications section.
No connection
If an IDoc is created but the connection cannot be made, then a report running in the background
ensures that communication attempts are made from time to time. If the connection is restored,
then the IDocs are transmitted automatically.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Technical Communication
268 April 2001
Receiving Planned Shipping Documents
The following overview illustrates receipt of shipping documents that have been generated from
planning requests by the subsystem.
SAP System
Processing the IDoc
Generating the IDoc
Receiving data
Preparing shipment data
Transmitting data
IDoc /
C Program
Formatting and Transmitting Shipment Data
The primary task of the subsystem is to optimize shipment planning from the planning requests
that have been transmitted from the R/3 system. Fully planned shipments must be transmitted
back to the R/3 system using the communication path provided (transactional RFC). The
subsystem carries out the following tasks within the framework of communication with the SAP
R/3 system:
Intermediate Data Storage and Formatting for IDocs
The subsystem shipment data must be saved in an IDoc-specific data structure. For information
on the definition and structure of the different IDocs, see the sections IDoc descriptions [Page
274] and IDoc Segments, Fields and Domain Values [Page 288].
Calling up a Central Function Module in R/3 using the Transfer Program
You also need the RFC library for programming support for the transfer program. The central
function module is part of the ALE layer.
Several IDocs can be transferred in one communication procedure - that is, when an R/3 function
module is called up once, multiple IDocs can be transferred.
Updating After IDoc Transmission
During transmission, the sub-system must provide status administration for the transmitted data.
If the IDoc is transmitted unsuccessfully, then it must be retransmitted later.
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April 2001 269
Duplicate transfer of IDocs must be avoided on the SAP side of things. This is where the
transaction ID, which is assigned by SAP for each communication procedure, comes into play.
The data that is transferred by the sub-system must always be transmitted with this transaction
ID (see also the technical documentation about the RFC). The same transaction ID must be
entered for subsequent retransmissions.
The SAP System does not use the IDoc number to check for duplicate transfers.
Receipt and Posting of Data
ALE receives the IDoc and writes it into the database. After this intermediate saving procedure, a
confirmation of receipt is sent back to the subsystem. The IDoc is then forwarded to the
application (asynchronously as far as receipt is concerned), where processing occurs.
The application in R/3 that creates, changes and deletes shipment documents sends a status
back to ALE for each IDoc. This IDoc status is the basis for processing any possible errors.
Error Processing
The following errors may occur:
Connection can not be made at this time
The sub-system should also use status administration to ensure that subsequent posting can be
carried out.
Errors in the ALE layer
An IDoc was created, but processing was not started.
This error occurs (as in transmission from R/3), if the IDoc that is received is syntactically
incorrect or if the partner profile for inbound processing is missing for the sender and the
message type of this IDoc. For more information about this error, see the
SAP System Settings
and Modifications
Error in the application (when posting the transfer request, for example)
This is a question of logical errors in the application. A message is issued to a position with the
IDoc status mentioned above. Several users can be assigned to a position. Each user receives
the error message in their own SAP OFFICE inbox. As soon as a user enters and processes the
error message, it disappears from the other inboxes.
Technical Programming for the Subsystem Connection
This section provides you with an overview of the technical details involved in the connection of a
sub-system to the R/3 System. You can find detailed documentation of the Remote Function Call
in RFC SDK and in the R/3 System online documentation. This section is intended to give you
an overview of the programming techniques. It is not comprehensive. Please consult the above-
mentioned documentation as well if you want to make the connection yourself.
Transmission from SAP to a Sub-system
IDocs are transmitted from the SAP system by calling up the function module
INBOUND_IDOC_PROCESS with a destination. The destination uses a table in the R/3 system
to determine destination computer and the target program.
A C program with target program name must exist in the sub-system. The program contains a
function with the name of the function module call.
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270 April 2001
In the R/3 system, the application data is transferred in the internal table of structure EDI_DD. In
addition, a control record from structure EDI_DC that contains administration data is also
transferred for each IDoc. In the example, this data is transferred in the form of internal tables.
For further information, please see the documentation mentioned above.
You can have a C program core from function module display SE37 generated from the
R/3 system. You can use this as the basis for your receiving/transmitting program. In order to
interpret the data in the IDoc, you also need the data structures of the IDocs at C Program level.
If an R/3 system is available, you can generate an h - IDoc header file directly from repository
transaction SE11.
call function 'INBOUND_IDOC_PROCESS'
in background task
idoc_control = header
idoc_data = segm.
SAP System
C Program wmtest1
static RFC_RC inbound_idoc_process (RFC_HANDLE handle)
char filenam1[] = "/users/d11adm/tmp/output1" ;
librfc.a / librfc.dll / ntlibrfc.lib ...
RFC Destination
Target system
Table of TCP/IP-Connections (Transaction /nSM59)
Notes on TCP / IP settings
1. The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) requirements (especially the IP
addresses in both host files) must be set so that the SAP system can find the destination
2. In the SAP system, IDocs are transmitted from posting as standard. For this reason, the
TCP/IP link must also be created for the posting system.
3. The SAP gateway must be allowed to start the C program (RFC server) via remote shell. For
this reason the user that runs under Gateway (e.g. d11adm where d11 = system name) must
also be recognized as a user by the target system.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
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April 2001 271
4. In UNIX, the name of the gateway and dispatcher must be entered in the /etc/services,
(sapgw00 and sapdp00, for example).
Please see also the RFC documentation mentioned above for more information on the settings.
Transmitting from a Sub-system to SAP
When you log on to the SAP R/3 system, the server name of the SAP target system, SAP logon,
user, password etc. must be defined in the C program. The actual logon is supported by the RFC
function RfcOpen (...). You can find details about this in the comprehensive RFC documentation.
The data needs to be processed into IDoc format and placed in an internal table with structure
EDI_DD. A control record must also be created for each IDoc and placed in an internal table for
structure EDI_DC. The form of data transfer is also described in detail in the documentation.
SAP System
Function module: INBOUND_IDOC_PROCESS (Server)
o Local interface:
o Remote Function Call supported
o Task:
Post IDOCs
Initiate processing
C Program (Client)
* Transaction management (
* Call function module IDOC_INBOUND_PROCESS
rfc_rc = RfcCallReceive (handle,
exporting, importing, table, & exceptions );
librfc.a / librfc.dll / ntlibrfc.lib ...
Transaction ID Administration
To ensure the security of the data to be transferred, a unique ID must be used for the
communication procedure. This ID allows the receiving system to recognize whether this data
has already been received and processed.
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272 April 2001
For example, communication could be terminated suddenly during the transmission of data for
mobile entry of goods receipts. The user would transmit the data again in order to ensure that the
entry is posted by the SAP System. If the data was successfully received and processed on the
first attempt, however, the system must be able to recognize this. It should not process the data a
second time.
This example would cause the following process flow between the transmitting system and the
receiving system.
Create/get TID
(unique number
Save TID with data
Call to Server: transmit data
and TID
Save data and TID
Not OK
Confirmation: Data received
again with
same TID
Status update
Check: TID already
Delete TID and data
immediately or later
No action Process data
Update TID status
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
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April 2001 273
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
IDoc Description
274 April 2001
IDoc Description
General Construction of the IDoc
An IDoc is comprised of a number of data records in two tables:
· Control record table EDI_DC
· Data record table EDI_DD
A control record entry EDI_DC exists for each IDoc. This contains important data such as the ID
of the transmitting and receiving systems, among other IDs. A data record entry EDI_DD exists
for each data record. It is made up of a header section which is 55 bytes long and a data section
which can hold up to 1000 bytes. The reference of data record to control record is created with
an IDoc number. For each control record with document number DOCNUM, data records with the
same document number must exist. There is, therefore, a 1:N relationship between control types
and data types. The data records must be entered into table EDI_DD in exactly the same
sequence as required by the hierarchical structure of the corresponding IDoc categories. For
further information on the hierarchy, see the
Overview of IDoc Structure section.
Not all fields in EDI_DC or EDI_DD are required entry fields. Some fields are not to
contain values. Make sure to leave these fields blank.
If you are transmitting an IDoc from an external system to SAP, then you have to define a logical
system as a communication partner in the R/3 system (SALE -> Distribution model -> Logical
systems) and a partner profile for inbound processing that agrees with this partner number. The
partner number of the destination system (SAP in this case) is not actually mandatory, but we
recommend that you specify it, so that communication procedures can be carried out correctly.
The logical system of the SAP System is maintained for each client in table T000 (SM31).
The partner profiles can be used to provide a non-standard function module for processing IDocs
in the table for inbound processing methods in the ALE service level.
When creating IDocs in the R/3 system using transaction WE30, three structures are created and
numbered automatically for each IDoc segment. For example, the delivery header might have
E1TPDLH, E2TPDLH and E3TPDLH. E1TPDLH is release-independent, E2TPDLH is release-
dependent and E3TPDLH is used for documentation. When segment names are transmitted, you
must specify the E2 segment names in order to be working independently of the SAP release.
Data Transmission Format
Data is transmitted via the interface using CHAR format only. Conversion is carried out in the
SAP system with the necessary adjustments for the entry fields in CHAR formats. The following
table gives the required entries for the more important data categories.
Field Length Possible entry value
NUMC Ex: 18 '000000000012345678'
positive, numerical char format right-aligned with preceding zeros
CHAR Ex: 18 'Bordeaux__________' char format left-aligned with subsequent spaces
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
IDoc Description
April 2001 275
QUAN Ex: 18 '2456.12___________' or ‘2456.12-__________‘ Fixed decimal point
left-aligned with decimal point as decimal symbol, possibly with
subsequent +/- sign or spaces
DATUM 8 YYYYMMDD format (19961231 for Dec 31, 1996, for example)
UZEIT 6 HHMMSS format (174809 for 5:48:09 p.m., for example)
See also:
IDoc Control Record EDI_DC [Page 278]
Special Fields in the Control Segment EDI_DC [Page 280]
EDI_DD - IDoc Data Record [Page 282]
Overview of Transmitted Message
The messages listed below are transmitted from the SAP R/3 System to the transportation
planning system. The names used are those specified for the basic IDoc types and logical
message types:
Action IDoc name Message type
Plan/change/deallocate deliveries TPSDLS01 TPSDLS
Add/change location master data (customer, vendor) TPSLOC01 TPSLOC
Set transportation planning status TPSSHT01 SHIPPL
Status information about transmission/possible errors SYSTAT01 STATUS
The messages listed below are transmitted from the transportation planning system to the SAP
R/3 System:
Action IDoc name Message type
Create/change/delete shipment TPSSHT01 SHIPPL
Status information about transmission/possible errors SYSTAT01 STATUS
When transmitting documents between the R/3 system and a transportation planning
system, you must follow these basic guidelines regardless of the direction of
· Delivery and shipment documents must all be fully transmitted when
added to or changed.
If, for example, a delivery is changed in the R/3 System after it has been
transmitted to the subsystem, the whole document is fully transmitted with all the
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
IDoc Description
276 April 2001
data, not just the changes. Changed shipments must also be fully re-transmitted
from the planning system.
· If documents are deleted, they must be transmitted with at least the entire
header information.
Item segments can be ignored if the document is to be deleted.
· If fields in the IDoc are blank, then they are also blank in the original
· Transmitting one document per message
Normally, you are not allowed to combine documents in a single IDoc. In other
words, each IDoc may only contain a single header segment. IDoc TPSLOC01 is
an exception to this rule because it can transmit several master data records.
· Taking the serialization of messages into account
This is done to ensure that older IDoc versions for a document are not posted
again after a more recent document has been processed.
· Client-dependence of the planning data must be taken into account
Take special care during communication to a transportation planning system with
several R/3 clients and/or R/3 Systems that data from different clients does not
get mixed up (see also the
EDI_DC IDoc Control Record section).
· Transmission of all data in CHAR format
All data is transmitted to the IDocs in character format. For example, there are no
8-byte sliding decimals.
· Transmission of all units of measure according to ISO standard
All units of measure, country codes and currency codes are transmitted into the
IDoc according to the ISO guidelines (e.g. KGM instead of KG for the kilogram
· Shipment number from number range
Shipment document numbers that are issued by a transportation planning
system must fall within a number range that can be set within the R/3 System.
Overview of IDoc Structure
The following sections describe the structures of the different IDocs. The indentations in the
egment column indicate the hierarchical structure of the IDoc, which means that an indented
segment is lower in the hierarchy than the previous segment further toward the margin.
Subordinate mandatory segments are only mandatory if the segment superior in the hierarchy is
TPSDLS01 - Plan/Change/Deallocate Deliveries [Page 284]
TPSLOC01 - Add/Change Location Master Data [Page 285]
TPSSHT01 - Create/Change/Delete Shipment [Page 286]
SYSTAT01 - Status Information for Transmission [Page 287]
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
IDoc Description
April 2001 277
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
EDI_DC - IDoc Control Record
278 April 2001
EDI_DC - IDoc Control Record
The control record IDoc EDI_DC contains important information on the transmitting and receiving
partners. It can occur exactly one time per IDoc.
Only some of the fields need to be filled for IDocs that are transmitted from the transportation
planning system to the R/3 system. These are identified as mandatory fields in the following field
If an IDoc is transmitted from the R/3 system to the planning system, then nearly all fields are
filled, although the only fields that are relevant are those that are marked as TPS relevant.
Field name Format TPS-
TABNAM CHAR 10 Name of the table structure
MANDT CHAR 03 Client
DOCNUM NUMC 16 X X Number of the IDoc
DOCREL CHAR 04 SAP release of IDoc
STATUS CHAR 02 Status of the IDoc
DOCTYP CHAR 08 IDoc type
DIRECT CHAR 01 Direction
RCVPOR CHAR 10 Receiver port (SAP system, EDI subsystem)
RCVPRT CHAR 02 X X Partner type of receiver
RCVPRN CHAR 10 X X Partner number of receiver
RCVSAD CHAR 21 EDI: SADR fields (total)
RCVLAD CHAR 70 Logical address of receiver
STD CHAR 01 EDI standard
STDVRS CHAR 06 Version of EDI standard
STDMES CHAR 06 EDI message type
MESCOD CHAR 03 Logical message variant
MESFCT CHAR 03 Logical address of receiver
OUTMOD CHAR 01 Issue mode
TEST CHAR 01 Test indicator
SNDPOR CHAR 10 Transmission port (SAP system, EDI
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
EDI_DC - IDoc Control Record
April 2001 279
SNDPRT CHAR 02 X X Partner type of transmitter
SNDPRN CHAR 10 X X Partner number of transmitter
SNDSAD CHAR 21 EDI: SADR fields (total)
SNDLAD CHAR 70 Logical address of transmitter
REFINT CHAR 14 Reference to transfer file
REFGRP CHAR 14 Reference to message group
REFMES CHAR 14 Reference to message
ARCKEY CHAR 70 X Document ID in the external system
CREDAT DATS 08 X IDoc creation date
CRETIM TIMS 06 X IDoc creation time
MESTYP CHAR 06 X X Logical message category
IDOCTYP CHAR 08 X X Name of basic IDoc category
CIMTYP CHAR 08 Name of extension type
RCVPFC CHAR 02 Partner function of receiver
SNDPFC CHAR 02 Partner function of transmitter
SERIAL CHAR 20 X X EDI/ALE: Serialization field
EXPRSS CHAR 01 Override in inbound processing
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Special Fields in the Control Segment of EDI_DC
280 April 2001
Special Fields in the Control Segment of EDI_DC
Special functions must be taken into account for the following fields:
Field EDI_DC-DOCNUM: Document number
In the central description, the field indicates the unique number in the SAP R/3 system of the
document that is transmitted. A unique number must also be entered in the subsystem so that a
reference can be created to the accompanying data records. When the IDoc being transmitted
from the subsystem is imported by the R/3 system, the content of DOCNUM is replaced with an
internal number, determined by the R/3 system. The reference to the old DOCNUM is saved.
Field EDI_DC-RCVPRT: Partner type of receiver
The field indicates the type of partner system and is generally set to ‘LS’ (logical system) for
communication with non-R/3 systems.
Field EDI_DC-RCVPRN: Partner number of receiver
Number or name of the receiving system.
Field EDI_DC-SNDPRT: Partner type of transmitter
The field indicates the type of partner system and is generally set to ‘LS’ (logical system) for
communication with non-R/3 systems.
Field EDI_DC-SNDPRN: Partner number of transmitter
Number or name of the transmitting system.
The combination of fields SNDPRT and SNDPRN is extremely important for the
subsystem when data in the incoming IDocs is being processed.
These two fields are used to separate documents from different R/3 systems or R/3
clients. A transportation planning system could, for example, receive two deliveries
from two R/3 systems with the same delivery number. These deliveries must not get
mixed up during planning. SNDPRT and SNDPRN therefore, function as an
additional part of the key for all identification fields.
Field EDI_DC-ARCKEY: Document ID in the external system
In field ARCKEY, the subsystem can save additional information for unique identification of a
transmitted document. If a document transmitted from the subsystem cannot be processed by the
R/3 system, then an error message with the contents of ARCKEY is sent back in order to create
a reference to the document-creating transaction.
Field EDI_DC-MESTYP: Logical message category
The field contains the logical name of a message. It is not bound by any EDI standard. Logical
messages are assigned by SAP to the individual IDoc types.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Special Fields in the Control Segment of EDI_DC
April 2001 281
Field EDI_DC-IDOCTYP: Name of basic IDoc category
The IDoc type is defined by the applications. They determine the sequence of the SAP
segments. The IDoc types issued with the SAP standard are identified via field IDOCTYP just as
IDoc types newly created by the customer are.
Field EDI_DC-SERIAL: EDI/ALE: Serialization field
The serialization field contains a unique number, that can be used in serialization, i.e. setting the
correct transmission sequence of IDocs in the receiving system. Generally, this is a time stamp
that explodes the sequence sufficiently or which provides a sequence of consecutive numbers
based on the unique identification of the creation sequence and/or the transmission sequence in
the transmission system. The serialization field should only contain numbers.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
EDI_DD - IDoc Data Record
282 April 2001
EDI_DD - IDoc Data Record
The IDoc data record EDI_DD contains a 55 byte header section with reference information and
hierarchy information as well as a data section of up to 1000 bytes. The size of the data section
is determined by the length of the IDoc segment transferred there.
When the R/3 system is receiving or transmitting data, the sequence of the individual data
records transferred is determined directly from table EDI_DD. The same is true for data that is
being transmitted. The data records are also numbered sequentially in transmission.
Field name Format Req’d
TABNAM CHAR 10 Name of the table structure
MANDT CHAR 03 Client
DOCNUM NUMC 16 X Number of the IDoc
SEGNUM NUMC 06 sequential number
SEGNAM CHAR 10 X IDoc segment name
PSGNUM NUMC 06 Number of hierarchically superior segment
HLEVEL CHAR 02 Hierarchy level of the segment
DTINT2 CHAR 02 SAP-internal field, do not fill
SDATA LCHR 1000 X Data in the form of an IDoc segment
If, for example, you are transmitting two IDocs with shipment documents from a
subsystem to an R/3 system, each with a shipment header, an action code and an
assigned delivery - therefore each containing three segments, then you must use
one EDI_DC record and three EDI_DD records per IDoc. When you call function
module ‘INBOUND_IDOC_PROCESS’ via RFC, a total of two EDI_DC records and
six EDI_DD records are transferred. The three segments of an IDoc are grouped
using the unique number of the IDoc or intermediate document.
The DOCNUM is also used to identify the corresponding EDI_DC record. The R/3
client has the logical system description LS S11MAND002; the subsystem is defined
IDoc number Segment name Data Significance
9000000000123456 E2TPSHH 0010000101AD01ED... Shipment header
9000000000123456 E2TPACC C Action code
9000000000123456 E2TPSHI 0001008400035465 Delivery
9000000000123457 E2TPSHH 0010000102AD01ED... Shipment header
9000000000123457 E2TPACC C Action code
9000000000123457 E2TPSHI 0001008400035467 Delivery
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
EDI_DD - IDoc Data Record
April 2001 283
IDoc number Receiving partner Sending partner Mess. type IDoc type
9000000000123456 LS S11MAND002 LS TRANSPLAN1 SHIPPL TPSSHT01
9000000000123457 LS S11MAND002 LS TRANSPLAN1 SHIPPL TPSSHT01
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
TPSDLS01 - Plan/Change Deliveries / Remove Deliveries
284 April 2001
TPSDLS01 - Plan/Change Deliveries / Remove Deliveries
IDoc TPSDLS01 is used for transmitting deliveries that are yet to be scheduled for shipments into
a transportation planning system. The IDoc contains the delivery information essential for the
creating a shipment, as well as further address, material and transportation information.
Segment name Mandatory segment Number
Delivery header E2TPDLH X 1
Action code E2TPACC X 1
Authorized service providers E2TPALC n
Location identification E2TPTRM X 2-4
Address E2TPLOC 1
Location code E2TPLCT n
Time frame E2TPTIW n
Process E2EDT13 X n
Header delivery dimensions E2TPDIH X 1
Delivery item E2TPDLI X n
Delivery item dimensions E2TPDII X 1
Goods code E2TPCOC n
Handling unit E2TPSHU n
Handling unit dimensions E2TPDIS 1
Handling unit contents E2TPSUC n
Texts E2TPNOT 1
Existing shipments E2TPTRP n
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
TPSLOC01 - Add/Change Location Master Data
April 2001 285
TPSLOC01 - Add/Change Location Master Data
IDoc TPSLOC01 is used for the initial transfer of location master data and for sending the change
message to the transportation planning system.
Segment Segment name Mandatory segment Amount
Location identification E2TPTRM X 1
Action code E2TPACC X 1
Address E2TPLOC 1
Location code E2TPLCT n
Business hours profile E2KNVAM 1
Time frame E2TPTIW n
Texts E2TPNOT n
In general, every location master record is transferred with segments E2TPTRM, E2TPACC and
E2TPLOC. Business hours profiles are prepared for customer unloading points. For customer
master records, the address is linked to the customer. If a customer has several unloading
points, then an IDoc TPSLOC01 is transferred for every unloading point. All others are
transmitted without segment E2TPLOC.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
TPSSHT01 - Create/Change/Delete Shipment
286 April 2001
TPSSHT01 - Create/Change/Delete Shipment
IDoc TPSSHT01 is used for data transfer in both directions between the R/3 system and the
transportation planning system. The structure of the IDoc represents a shipment document,
although it will be in a form that differs in part from that used in the R/3 system.
During TPS -> R/3 communication, IDoc TPSSHT01 is used to transfer planned, changed or
deleted shipment documents. The individual segments occur as shown in the following table.
During R/3 ->TPS communication, IDoc TPSSHT01 is only transmitted with the shipment header
and the action code. It is only used to confirm the status of an externally planned shipment in the
TPS (changeable / non-changeable).
Segment Segment name Mandatory segment Amount
Shipment header E2TPSHH X 1
Action code E2TPACC X 1
Costs E2TPFRC n
Process E2EDT10 n
Means of transport E2TPEQT n
Means of transport dimensions E2TPDIS 1
Transportation points E2TPSLS n
Location identification E2TPTRM X 1
Address E2TPLOC 1
Process E2EDT17 n
Leg data E2TPSHT 1
Action E2TPSHA n
Deliveries E2TPSHI n
Delivery costs E2TPDLC n
Railway data E2TPSHR n
This IDoc contains a segment E2TPSLS and sub-segments for the description of the geographic
processing of a shipment (load transfer point). A sequence of locations with the corresponding
actions at that location is described in this part of the IDoc.
In the SAP R/3 system, this is carried out using a sequence of legs (links from one location to
another) as well as with load transfer points and border crossing points in the shipment
document. Generally, legs and border crossing points/load transfer points are represented as
stages of a shipment (table VTTS). Deliveries can also be assigned to a stage (table VTSP).
For this reason, conversion is necessary when processing the incoming IDoc. The rules for
conversion are explained for each segment.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
SYSTAT01 - Status Information for Transfer
April 2001 287
SYSTAT01 - Status Information for Transfer
IDoc SYSTAT01 is used for transferring positive confirmations and error messages concerning
the contents of IDocs TPSDLS01 and TPSSHT01.
Segment Segment name Mandatory segment Amount
EDI Status record E2STATS X n
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
IDoc Segments, Fields and Domain Values
288 April 2001
IDoc Segments, Fields and Domain Values
The following section describes the individual segments of IDocs TPSLOC01, TPSDLS01,
TPSSHT01 and SYSTAT01. The fields contained in the segments are all listed with name, data
category with length, corresponding R/3 domains, mandatory field indicators and their meanings.
In the connection to the field list, segment fields that have special properties, fixed values areas
or non-R/3 functions are described in greater detail.
Adjustment and Setting of Domain Values
During communication between the R/3 system and the transportation planning system,
adjustment and setting of many fixed values is necessary in order to guarantee correct and
efficient planning and processing. The following adjustment procedures are therefore used to
determine how and in which system adjustments need to be made.
1 SAP sets the standard that must be implemented in the planning system
2 Manual master data adjustment between the systems, R/3 is master system
3 Different value areas are used in both the R/3 system and in the planning system.
Duplicated or common values can be adjusted
4 SAP copies the value area of the planning system for its development partner into
the R/3 system
5 The R/3 system is adjusted in Customizing to the planning system value area
6 Translation / adjustment of technical expressions between the two systems
7 Value area is fixed and was determined by agreement between SAP and
development partners
8 SAP defines a basic value which must be included in the planning system. It can
be enhanced and must then also be enhanced in R/3 Customizing, if necessary
9 The value area is specified using international standards (e.g. ANSI, ISO,...)
A Electronic master data adjustment per data transfer, R/3 is the master system
B Master data value that can be set as customer-specific and can only be adjusted in
special circumstances
The various adjustment procedures are listed in the table with the segment descriptions in the
Adjustment column. If no specification is made here, then you only need to take the
specifications on data formats into account.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2EDT1x - Processes
April 2001 289
E2EDT1x - Processes
Segments E2EDT10, E2EDT13 and E2EDT17 describe processes at different document levels.
The structures of the segments are the same. The only differences are in the location and the
categories of the processes that they represent.
Segment E2EDT10 represents processes at shipment header level, i.e., those that refer to the
whole shipment. E2EDT13 contains processes at delivery header level, i.e. processes that refer
to the whole delivery. E2EDT17 represents processes in the shipment at stage level, i.e.
processes that refer to a specific stage or point during the shipment.
The three segment types are all structured as follows:
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
QUALF 8 CHAR 03 X Process category
CHAR 20 BEZEI20 Process description
NTANF DATS 08 DATUM Planned start date
NTANZ TIMS 06 UZEIT Planned start time
NTEND DATS 08 DATUM Planned end date
NTENZ TIMS 06 UZEIT Planned end time
Time zone of location of
process start
ISDD DATS 08 DATUM Actual start date
ISDZ TIMS 06 UZEIT Actual start time
IEDD DATS 08 DATUM Actual end date
IEDZ TIMS 06 UZEIT Actual end time
Time zone of location of
process end
VORNR CHAR 04 VORNR Process number
VSTGA 5 CHAR 04 VSTGA Code for reason of deviation
VSTGA_BEZ CHAR 20 BEZEI20 Description of reason of
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2EDT1x - Processes
290 April 2001
Special fields and domain values in the segments E2EDT1x
In the following fields from segments E2EDT1x, you must take note of special functions and/or
allowed value areas.
Field E2EDT1x-QUALF: Activity category
The field can adopt the following values in the segments described, which involves entering data
in the specified field from the table. Values in brackets are allowed for transmission to the IDoc,
but are not evaluated during standard inbound processing:
Val. Significance E2EDT10 E2EDT13 E2EDT17
001 Transportation planning time NTENx NTENx
003 Loading time/execution NTANx, NTENx NTENx ( NTANx,NTENx)
005 Transportation processing NTANx, NTENx
006 Goods issue time NTENx
007 Delivery time NTENx
008 Arrival time NTENx ( NTENx)
009 Departure time NTENx ( NTANx)
010 Picking time NTENx
011 Waiting time NTANx, NTENx
012 Unloading time ( NTANx,NTENx)
013 Time of customs clearance ( NTANx,NTENx)
014 Load transfer point ( NTANx,NTENx)
018 Optimal arrival time ( NTENx)
019 Optimal departure time ( NTANx)
Important Process Categories:
The following process categories are extremely important and should be taken into consideration.
Segment E2EDT13 (Process at Delivery Header Level) in IDoc TSPDLS01
The time framework for planning the shipment is given in departure time (009) and arrival time
(008). These are to be used for planning. The final planned data is entered here.
For direct shipment of the delivery (shipment from the shipping point to the
customer), the departure time is the same as the loading time and the arrival time is
the same as the unloading time. If, however, only a preliminary leg shipment is
planned (e.g. from the shipping point to the port of departure) then the delivery time
is no longer relevant for actual planning.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2EDT1x - Processes
April 2001 291
Segment E2EDT10 (Process at Shipment Level) in IDoc TPSSHT01
The time framework for carrying out the shipment is given in transportation processing (005) in
the planned start and end dates.
Loading (003) is optional and contains planned start and end dates.
Time of transportation planning (001) is optional. It contains planned end dates. If it is not
specified, then the posting time is determined automatically in the R/3 shipment document as the
transportation planning time.
Segment E2EDT17 (Process at Shipment Stage Level) in IDoc TSPSHT01
Field QUALF: Only the date with qualifier ‘011’ (Waiting time) is taken into account. All other
dates are ignored.
The planned and actual dates (both start and end) for a location are converted into the planned
and actual dates for the legs. This means that the end date for a location becomes the start date
for the leg that starts at this location. Similarly, the start date of the next location becomes the
end date of the leg that finishes at this location.
This can be summarized as follows:
IDoc R/3 System shipment document
1. Location, E2EDT17-NTEND First leg, VTTS-DPTBG
1. Location, E2EDT17-NTENZ First leg, VTTS-UPTBG
1. Location, E2EDT17-IEDD First leg, VTTS-DATBG
1. Location, E2EDT17-IEDZ First leg, VTTS-UATBG
2. Location, E2EDT17-NTANF First leg, VTTS-DPTEN
2. Location, E2EDT17-NTANZ First leg, VTTS-UPTEN
2. Location, E2EDT17-ISDD First leg, VTTS-DATEN
2. Location, E2EDT17-ISDZ First leg, VTTS-UATEN
This table would continue similarly for other locations.
The beginning date of the first location and the final dates of the last location are ignored. All the
other fields are ignored.
Field E2EDT1x-TZONE_xxx: Time zone:
Time zone code. Value area according to R/3 table field TTZZ-TZONE.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2KNVAM - Business Hours Profiles
292 April 2001
E2KNVAM - Business Hours Profiles
Business hours profile for the goods receiving times during the week for a customer unloading
Field name Adjus
Format SAP
MSGFN CHAR 03 MSGFN Message function (blank)
ABLAD A CHAR 25 ABLAD Unloading point
KNKAL 8 CHAR 02 KNKAL Factory calendar
WANID 8 CHAR 03 WANID X Profile number of goods
receiving profile
WAMOAB1 TIMS 06 WAMOAB1 Business hours begin Monday
WAMOBI1 TIMS 06 WAMOBI1 Business hours end Monday
WAMOAB2 TIMS 06 WAMOAB2 Business hours begin Monday
WAMOBI2 TIMS 06 WAMOBI2 Business hours end Monday
WADIAB1 TIMS 06 WADIAB1 Business hours begin Tuesday
WADIBI1 TIMS 06 WADIBI1 Business hours end Tuesday
WADIAB2 TIMS 06 WADIAB2 Business hours begin Tuesday
WADIBI2 TIMS 06 WADIBI2 Business hours end Tuesday
WAMIAB1 TIMS 06 WAMIAB1 Business hours begin
Wednesday morning
WAMIBI1 TIMS 06 WAMIBI1 Business hours end Wednesday
WAMIAB2 TIMS 06 WAMIAB2 Business hours begin
Wednesday afternoon
WAMIBI2 TIMS 06 WAMIBI2 Business hours end Wednesday
WADOAB1 TIMS 06 WADOAB1 Business hours begin Thursday
WADOBI1 TIMS 06 WADOBI1 Business hours end Thursday
WADOAB2 TIMS 06 WADOAB2 Business hours begin Thursday
WADOBI2 TIMS 06 WADOBI2 Business hours end Thursday
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2KNVAM - Business Hours Profiles
April 2001 293
WAFRAB1 TIMS 06 WAFRAB1 Business hours begin Friday
WAFRBI1 TIMS 06 WAFRBI1 Business hours end Friday
WAFRAB2 TIMS 06 WAFRAB2 Business hours begin Friday
WAFRBI2 TIMS 06 WAFRBI2 Business hours end Friday
WASAAB1 TIMS 06 WASAAB1 Business hours begin Saturday
WASABI1 TIMS 06 WASABI1 Business hours end Saturday
WASAAB2 TIMS 06 WASAAB2 Business hours begin Saturday
WASABI2 TIMS 06 WASABI2 Business hours end Saturday
WASOAB1 TIMS 06 WASOAB1 Business hours begin Sunday
WASOBI1 TIMS 06 WASOBI1 Business hours end Sunday
WASOAB2 TIMS 06 WASOAB2 Business hours begin Sunday
WASOBI2 TIMS 06 WASOBI2 Business hours end Sunday
DEFAB CHAR 01 DEFAB Indicator for the standard
unloading point
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2STATS - EDI Status Record
294 April 2001
E2STATS - EDI Status Record
Status and error information is transferred into segment E2STATS.
Format SAP
TABNAM CHAR 10 Name of the table structure (blank)
DOCNUM CHAR 16 X IDoc number of incorrect document
STATUS 1 CHAR 02 X Status of incorrect IDoc
UNAME CHAR 12 User name
REPID CHAR 08 Program name
ROUTID CHAR 30 Subroutine name
STACOD 3 CHAR 08 X Status code
STATXT 3, 6 CHAR 70 X Status code text
SEGNUM CHAR 06 Segment number
SEGFLD CHAR 10 Field name
STAPA1 CHAR 20 Parameter 1
STAPA2 CHAR 20 Parameter 2
STAPA3 CHAR 20 Parameter 3
STAPA4 CHAR 20 Parameter 4
REFINT CHAR 14 Reference to file
REFGRP CHAR 14 Reference to message
REFMES CHAR 14 Reference to message
ARCKEY CHAR 70 Document ID in the external system
STATYP 1 CHAR 01 System message category
Special fields and domain values in segment E2STATS
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2STATS.
E2STATS-STATUS Field : Status of incorrect IDoc Status of incorrect IDoc
Status values for IDoc used within the communication.
Val. Significance
16 IDoc was successfully processed (possibly with warnings)
17 IDoc could not be processed
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2STATS - EDI Status Record
April 2001 295
E2STATS-STACOD Field : Status Code
Status or error message code, as available in the R/3 system. Generally, the code is always
‘SAPV6xxx’, whereby digits ‘xxx’ are predefined as follows:
Area Significance
000-499 Messages from the transportation planning system to R/3
500-999 Messages from the R/3 system to the transportation planning system
You can compare the messages manually between the systems so that if there is a message in
the destination system only defined by a status code, its corresponding long text will appear.
E2STATS-ARCKEY Field: Document ID in External System
An identification predefined by the subsystem is created in the ARCKEY field. If you cannot
process a document sent by the subsystem to the R/3 system, the contents of the ARCKEY field
from the incorrect IDoc will be sent back in the ARCKEY field in the error message. This will
allow you to recreate the reference to the process that generated the document.
E2STATS-STATYP Field: System Message Category
Category of the system message
Val. Significance
S Status message after successful transaction
I Information message (note)
W Warning
E Error message
A Termination message (serious error)
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPACC - Action Code
296 April 2001
E2TPACC - Action Code
Actions code which specifies which action should be carried out with the corresponding
document. The segment is used in IDocs TPSLOC01, TPSDLS01 and TPSSHT01.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
ACTCD 1 CHAR 01 X Action code
Special fields and domain values in segment E2TPACC
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPACC.
E2TPACC-ACTCD Field: Action Code
This field can have the following values in the IDocs specified:
Val. Significance TPSLOC0
C Create document X X X
M Change document X X X
D Delete document X X
F Fix shipment document status (no
changes permitted)
U Set shipment document status to
released (changes permitted)
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPALC - Authorized Service Provider
April 2001 297
E2TPALC - Authorized Service Provider
In this segment, which can appear several times, you can enter alternative service agents for
carrying out the delivery.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
CARRID A CHAR 10 LIFNR X Allowed forwarding agent
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPCOC - Goods Code
298 April 2001
E2TPCOC - Goods Code
Goods code for material in a delivery item. A delivery item can have several codes.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
CODTYP 8 CHAR 03 X Code type
CODNUM (9) CHAR 35 X Code number
CODTXT CHAR 50 Code description
Special fields and domain values in segment E2TPCOC
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPCOC.
E2TPCOC-CODTYP Field: Code Type
The code category specifies which code type the code number is related to:
Val. Significance
001 Commodity code
002 Freight code
003 Material freight group
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPDIH - Delivery Dimensions at Header Level
April 2001 299
E2TPDIH - Delivery Dimensions at Header Level
Segment E2TPDIH contains the dimensions of the whole delivery.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
GRSWGT QUAN 18 MENG15 Gross weight
NETWGT QUAN 18 MENG15 Net weight
WUNIT 8, 9 CHAR 03 MEINS ISO weight unit
GRSVOL QUAN 18 MENG15 Gross volume
NETVOL QUAN 18 MENG15 Net volume
VUNIT 8, 9 CHAR 03 MEINS ISO volume unit
ITMNUM NUMC 05 ANZPK Number of packing units
Special fields and domains in segment E2TPDIH
Please note that all weight and volume units are transferred in ISO standard notes.
Field E2TPDIH-WUNIT: Weight Unit
Possible weight units in ISO:
Val. Significance
CGM Centigram
DTN Centner, deciton
GRM Gram
GRT Gross register ton
DTH Hectokilogram
KGM Kilogram
KTN Kiloton
MGM Milligram
NTT Net register ton
LBR Pound
SHT Shipping tons
STN Short ton (GB)
Field E2TPDIH-VUNIT: Volume unit
Possible volume units in ISO:
Val. Significance
CLT Centiliter
CMQ Cubic centimeter
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPDIH - Delivery Dimensions at Header Level
300 April 2001
DMQ Cubic decimeter
FTQ Cubic foot
INQ Cubic inch
MTQ Cubic meter
MMQ Cubic millimeter
YDQ Cubic yard
DLT Deciliter
BLD Dry barrel
GLD Dry gallon
PTD Dry pint
QTD Dry quart
OZI Fluid ounce (28,413 cm3)
OZA Fluid ounce (29,5735 cm3)
GLI Gallon
HLT Hectoliter
GLL Liquid gallon
PTL Liquid pint
QTL Liquid quart
LTR Liter
MAL Megaliter
PTI Pint
QTI Quart
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPDII - Delivery Dimensions at Item Level
April 2001 301
E2TPDII - Delivery Dimensions at Item Level
Segment E2TPDIH contains the dimensions of the whole delivery.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
GRSWGT QUAN 18 MENG15 Gross weight
NETWGT QUAN 18 MENG15 Net weight
WUNIT 8, 9 CHAR 03 MEINS ISO weight unit
GRSVOL QUAN 18 MENG15 Gross volume
NETVOL QUAN 18 MENG15 Net volume
VUNIT 8, 9 CHAR 03 MEINS ISO volume unit
ITMNUM NUMC 05 ANZPK Number of packing units
Special fields and domain values in segment E2TPDII
Please note that all weight and volume units are transferred in ISO standard notes. The domain
values are the same as those for segment E2TPDIH.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPDIS – Dimensions of Handling Unit
302 April 2001
E2TPDIS – Dimensions of Handling Unit
Segment E2TPDIH contains the dimensions of the whole delivery.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
TARWGT QUAN 18 MENG15 Tare weight
GRSWGT QUAN 18 MENG15 gross weight
NETWGT QUAN 18 MENG15 Net weight
WUNIT 8, 9 CHAR 03 MEINS ISO weight unit
TARVOL QUAN 18 MENG15 Tare volume
GRSVOL QUAN 18 MENG15 Gross volume
NETVOL QUAN 18 MENG15 Net volume
VUNIT 8, 9 CHAR 03 MEINS ISO volume unit
DUNIT 8, 9 CHAR 03 MEINS ISO length unit
ITMNUM NUMC 05 ANZPK Number of packing units
Special fields and domain values in segment E2TPDIS
Please note that all weight and volume units are transmitted in ISO standard notes. The domain
values are similar to the values for segment E2TPDIH.
Field E2TPDIH-DUNIT: Unit of length
Possible ISO length units:
Val. Significance
CMT Centimeter
DMT Decimeter
FOT Foot
INH Inch
KMT Kilometer
KNT Transportation connection point
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPDIS – Dimensions of Handling Unit
April 2001 303
MTR Meter
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPDLC - Shipment Costs at Delivery Level
304 April 2001
E2TPDLC - Shipment Costs at Delivery Level
Shipment costs item for a delivery within a shipment.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
CSTTYP 8 CHAR 04 X Cost element
CURRC 8, 9 CHAR 03 X Currency (ISO norm)
Special fields and domain values in segment E2TPDLC
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPDLC.
E2TPDLC-CSTTYP Field: Cost element
Cost types have not yet been determined but are defined when shipment costs are entered.
E2TPDLC-CURRC Field: Currency (ISO norm)
Currency key set to ISO norms with the value area of R/3 table field TCURC-ICOCD.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPDLH - Delivery Header
April 2001 305
E2TPDLH - Delivery Header
Organizational and status information at delivery header level.
Format SAP
DELID CHAR 10 VBELN X Delivery indicator/number
SHPPPT 5, 8 CHAR 04 TPLST X Transportation Planning Point (TPP)
SHPPRJ CHAR 12 X Shipment in the same vehicle
SCHDNM CHAR 06 X Planning process number
SALORG B CHAR 04 VKORG Org. unit for defining plan number
DSTCHN B CHAR 02 VTWEG Org. unit for defining plan number
DIVISN B CHAR 02 SPART Org. unit for defining plan number
CPONUM CHAR 20 BSTNK customer’s purchase order number
SHPCND 8 CHAR 02 VSBED Shipping condition
SHPTYP 8 CHAR 02 VSART X Shipping type
SHPPRI 1 CHAR 02 LPRIO Shipping priority
DIREC 7 CHAR 02 X Direction of the delivery
FTERM 9 CHAR 03 INCO1 X Incoterms
FTLOC CHAR 28 INCO2 Incoterms location
ROUTXT CHAR 40 TEXT40 Route text
PREFCA A CHAR 10 LIFNR Preferred forwarding agent
CNSFLG 4 CHAR 01 Consolidation status
LODSEQ 4 NUMC 01 Loading sequence
ALSTAT 4 CHAR 01 X Availability status
REVENU CHAR 18 Payment on picking up
REVCUR 8, 9 CHAR 03 Payment currency
RRCODE 4 CHAR 20 Rail code (US requirement)
Special fields and domain values in segment E2TPDLH
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPDLH.
E2TPDLH-SHPPRJ Field: Shipment in the same vehicle
This field groups together all the deliveries (IDocs) within a planning run, which are to be planned
for the same vehicle in transportation planning.
This field is normally not processed and can be completed from customer functions.
Default value: blank.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPDLH - Delivery Header
306 April 2001
E2TPDLH-SCHDNM Field: Planning process number
This field groups together all the deliveries (IDocs) that have to be planned within the same
planning run (for separate planning of a ‘north’ and ‘south’ tour, for example).
This field is normally not processed and can be completed from customer functions.
Default value: ‘1’.
E2TPDLH-DIREC Field: Direction of the delivery
The value for field DIREC is determined using delivery document category
The field can have the following values:
Val. Significance
IB Inbound - incoming delivery returns, shipping notifications
OB Outbound - outgoing delivery: normal delivery document
Field E2TPDLH-FTERM: Incoterm
This field can have the following values according to international standards:
Val. Significance
CFR Cost and Freight
CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight
CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid to
CPT Carriage Paid to
DAF Delivered at Frontier
DDP Delivered Duty Paid
DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid
DEQ Delivered Ex Quay (duty paid)
DES Delivered Ex Ship
EXW Ex Works
FAS Free Alongside Ship
FCA Free Carrier
FH Carriage paid (to customer’s address)
FOB Free on board
UN Not paid
E2TPDLH-CNSFLG Field: Consolidation status
The consolidation status determines whether deliveries may be shipped together with other
deliveries or not.
This field is normally not processed and can be completed from customer functions.
Default value: blank.
Val. Significance
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPDLH - Delivery Header
April 2001 307
0 Delivery may be shipped together with others
1 Deliveries may not be shipped together with others
2 Only consolidate deliveries to the same destination
E2TPDLH-LODSEQ Field: Load sequence
The load sequence determines when a delivery has to be loaded onto the means of transport. It
does not set a fixed sequence but it indicates priorities.
This field is normally not processed and can be completed using customer functions.
Default value: blank.
Val. Significance
1 Delivery must be loaded first
2 Load delivery first
3 Load delivery normally
4 Load delivery last
5 Delivery must be loaded last
E2TPDLH-ALSTAT Field: Allocation status
The allocation status indicates whether the delivery has already been checked as available and
whether the stock has been reserved.
Due to dynamic availability checks in the R/3 system, this field is entered as a default value.
Default value: ‘0’.
Val. Significance
0 Delivery available/reserved/planned
1 Delivery not planned
E2TPDLH-REVCUR field : Payment currency
The value fields for the currency of payment correspond to the ISO currency code and also
match the ISO currency codes proposed by the R/3 system.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPDLI - Delivery Item
308 April 2001
E2TPDLI - Delivery Item
Delivery item with quantity specifications and material ID.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
DELITM CHAR 06 POSNR X Delivery item number
MATNR B CHAR 35 MATNR X Material number
MATTXT CHAR 80 ARKTX Material description
HAZMAT B CHAR 18 STOFF Dangerous goods number
MILMAT 1 CHAR 01 ITARK Military goods indicator
QUANT QUAN 15 LFIMG X Delivery quantity
QNUNIT 8, 9 CHAR 03 VRKME X Unit of measure
LDGRP 8 CHAR 04 LADGR Loading group
TRGRP 8 CHAR 04 TRAGR Transportation group
STRCND 8 CHAR 02 RAUBE Storage conditions
TMPCND 8 CHAR 02 TEMPB Temperature conditions
Special fields and domain values in segment E2TPDLI
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPDLI.
E2TPDLI-HAZMAT field : Dangerous goods number
Freely-definable number or classification for dangerous goods.
E2TPDLI-MILMAT field : Military goods indicator
Indicates that the materials delivered are military goods.
Val. Significance
0 non-military material
1 military material
E2TPDLI-QNUNIT field : Unit of measure
Possible units of quantity according to ISO norms:
Val. Significance
DZN Dozen
DZP Dozen packs
DPR Dozen pairs
DPC Dozen pieces
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPDLI - Delivery Item
April 2001 309
DRL Dozen rolls
GGR Great gross
GRO Gross
NMB Number
NAR Number of articles
NMP Number of packs
NPR Number of pairs
NPL Number of packages
NPT Number of parts
NRL Number of rolls
CMK Square centimeters
DMK Square decimeters
FTK Square feet
INK Square inch
MTK Square meter
YDK Square yard
PCE Piece
E2TPDLI-LDGRP field : Loading group
Classification for the loading device (fork lift, for example). Value area according to R/3 table
Field E2TPDLI-TRAGR: Transportation group
Classification for the transport equipment (pallet, for example). Value area according to R/3 table
E2TPDLI-STRCND field: Storage conditions
Classification for storage conditions (store dry, for example). Value area according to R/3 table
E2TPDLI-TMPCND field : Temperature conditions
Classification for storage conditions in terms of temperature (2-8° C, for example). Value area
according to R/3 table T143.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPEQT - Means of Transport
310 April 2001
E2TPEQT - Means of Transport
Segment E2TPEQT contains specifications for the means of transport used in the shipment
(vehicle and packing material).
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
EQUID CHAR 20 VENUM X Means of transport ID
EQUTYP 2 CHAR 35 VHILM X Packaging material type
EQUTXT CHAR 40 VEBEZ Packaging material text
DRVID1 CHAR 35 NAME Driver 1
DRVID2 CHAR 35 NAME Driver 2
Special fields and domain values in segment E2TPEQT
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPEQT.
Field E2TPEQT-VENUM: Identification of means of transport
A unique ID for the means of transport within a shipment document, which can be the sequential
numbering of the means of transport, for example. The identification can, for example, be a
sequential number for the means of transport. If the means of transport is changed, the ID serves
as a reference. The same ID numbers may be entered in different shipment documents.
Field E2TPEQT-EQUTYP: Packaging material type
The material number for the packaging material type (20-ft. container, for example). The material
numbers of the available packaging materials have to be synchronized manually between the R/3
system and the transportation planning system.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPFRC - Shipment Costs at Header Level
April 2001 311
E2TPFRC - Shipment Costs at Header Level
Shipment cost item related to an entire shipment.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
CSTTYP 8 CHAR 04 X Cost type
CURRC 8, 9 CHAR 03 X Currency (ISO norm)
Special fields and domain values in segment E2TPFRC
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPFRC.
E2TPFRC-CSTTYP field: Cost type
Cost types are defined when the shipment costs are entered, rather than at this point.
E2TPFRC-CURRC field: Currency (ISO norm)
Currency key set to ISO norms with the value area of R/3 table field TCURC-ICOCD.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPLCT - Location Code
312 April 2001
E2TPLCT - Location Code
Location code for a location master record. A location master record can have several codes.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
LOCCTP 8 CHAR 06 X Code category
LOCCOD CHAR 35 X Code number
Special fields and domain values in segment E2TPLCT
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPLCT.
E2TPLCT-LOCCTP field: Code category
The code category specifies which code type the code number is related to:
Val. Significance
SCAC Standard carrier code
SPLC Standard location code
ILN International location number
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPLOC - Location Master Record Address
April 2001 313
E2TPLOC - Location Master Record Address
The address and other status data for a location master record are transferred in segment
Format SAP
LOCID CHAR 10 Location identification
LOCCLS 1 CHAR 02 Location category
LOCNAM CHAR 40 Location description
LOCTPR 8 CHAR 03 WANID Business hours profile
FACCAL 8 CHAR 02 KNKAL Factory calendar
TITLE CHAR 15 TEXT15 Form of address
CITY1 CHAR 35 TEXT35 X City 1
CITY2 CHAR 35 TEXT35 City 2
ZIPPO CHAR 10 PSTLZ Zip code for the post office box
POBOX CHAR 10 PFACH Post office box
STRT1 CHAR 35 TEXT35 X Street 1
STRT2 CHAR 35 TEXT35 Street 2
HSNUM CHAR 06 CHAR6 House number (if not in the street
CNTRY 2 CHAR 03 LAND1 X Country
CNYTXT CHAR 15 LANDX Country description
STATXT CHAR 20 TEXT20 State description
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPLOC - Location Master Record Address
314 April 2001
CNTCT1 CHAR 35 NAME Contact person 1
CNTCT2 CHAR 35 NAME Contact person 2
PHONE CHAR 30 TEXT30 Telephone number
PHNSPD CHAR 10 Speed dial number
FAX CHAR 31 TEXT31 Fax number
PZONE 8 CHAR 10 ZONE Transportation zone
Time zone
Latitude coordinates
Longitude coordinates
COORDS 8 CHAR 04 Coordinate system
APPREQ 7 CHAR 01 Indicator: consultation
Special Fields and Domain Values in Segment E2TPLOC
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPLOC.
E2TPLOC-LOCCLS field: Location category
Category of location described by address.
Val. Significance
PL Plant
CU Customer
SU Vendor
OC One-time customer
NO Transportation connection point, distribution center
SP Shipping point
CA Service agents
AD Address
E2TPLOC-WANID field: Business hours profile
Profile of goods acceptance times for customer’s unloading point. Value area according to R/3
table field TVWA-WANID.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPLOC - Location Master Record Address
April 2001 315
E2TPLOC-KNKAL field: Factory calendar
Factory calendar profile. Value area according to R/3 table field TFACD-IDENT.
E2TPLOC-PZONE field: Country-specific transportation zones
Code for country-specific transportation zone. Value area according to R/3 table field TZONE-
E2TPLOC-TZONE field : Time zone
Time zone code Value area according to R/3 table field TTZZ-TZONE.
E2TPLOC-COORDS field: Coordinate system
Code for coordinate system in fields LATITD and LONGTD.
Val. Significance
GK Gauss-Krueger
UTM UTM grid
GEO Latitude and longitude
This segment is ignored when processing the inbound shipment (IDoc TPSSHT01).
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPNOT - Delivery Texts
316 April 2001
E2TPNOT - Delivery Texts
Shipping-specific texts for the delivery that are grouped according to categories. Texts with more
than one line are stored in sequential segments.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
NOTTYP 8 CHAR 04 X Text category
Special Fields and Domain Values in Segment E2TPNOT
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPNOT.
E2TPNOT-NOTTYP field: Text category
The text category specifies the type of text in the segment. Possible text categories come from
the value area of the R/3 table field TTXID-TDID for text object TTXID-TDOBJECT = ‘VBBK’ (SD
header texts).
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPSHA - Transportation Activity
April 2001 317
E2TPSHA - Transportation Activity
Activity within a shipment document that is assigned to a transportation connection point.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
ASQNUM NUMC 06 X Activity number
ACTVTY 8 CHAR 02 X Activity category
DELID CHAR 10 VBELN X Relevant delivery
SRVAGT A CHAR 10 LIFNR Relevant service agent
Special Fields and Domain Values in Segment E2TPSHA
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPSHA.
E2TPSHA-ASQNUM field: Activity number
Sequential numbering of activities in a transportation connection point. Different transportation
connection points may contain the same activity numbers. Think of activity numbers as sequence
E2TPSHA-ACTVTY field: Activity category
The activity category specifies which activities are to be carried out. While processing an inbound
shipment, the activity for a defined delivery (field DELID) is carried out by a defined service agent
(field SRVAGT).
Val. Significance Description
LD / UL Load / unload
A delivery with number DELID is loaded at the relevant
location and remains loaded until it is unloaded at another
location (ACTVTY = UL). This means that this delivery is
assigned to all legs in the shipment document that are
situated between the two locations (function ‘deliveries to
stage’ at stage overview in the shipment document, table
As soon as the service agent has been determined for one of
these two activities and if this deviates from the normal
service agent for the leg, a new stage is generated in the
shipment document with a ‘load transfer’ category. The
deliveries that are (un)loaded by the service agent are
assigned to this stage.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPSHA - Transportation Activity
318 April 2001
LT Load transfer Here, a new stage from the ‘load transfer’ category
(regardless of the value in the service agent field) is
generated and the delivery specified is assigned to it. (If 4
deliveries are to be transferred, the ‘load transfer’ activity
must take place for each delivery.)
CU Clear delivery for
In this way, a shipment stage of the type ‘border’ is generated
in the same way as the ‘load’ activity.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPSHH - Shipment Header
April 2001 319
E2TPSHH - Shipment Header
Organizational and status information at shipment header level.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
SHPID CHAR 10 TKNUM X Shipment number
SHPTYP 5 CHAR 04 SHTYP X Shipment type
CARRID A CHAR 10 LIFNR Service agents
SHPPPT 5, 8 CHAR 04 TPLST X Transportation Planning Point
DISTNC QUAN 15 MENG13 Total distance
DSUNIT 8, 9 CHAR 03 MEINS Unit of distance, according to
ISO norms
DRVTIM QUAN 05 DIFZT Traveling time only
TOTTIM QUAN 05 DIFZT Total shipment time
TMUNIT 8, 9 CHAR 03 MEIZT Standard ISO unit of time
SRVID1 CHAR 20 EXTI1 External identification 1
SRVID2 CHAR 20 EXTI2 External identification 2
Special Fields and Domain Values in Segment E2TPSHH
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPSHH.
E2TPSHH-SHPID field : Shipment number
Shipment document number. The shipment number is subject to important marginal conditions,
which must be guaranteed by the transportation planning system.
The shipment number
· May only contain numerical characters
· Must be unique to the shipment document
· Must come from the external number range assigned to the transportation planning point
in R/3 Customizing (transaction 0VTP). The number range can be set to your
requirements in the R/3 system client setup so that the given corresponding document
numbers are also guaranteed in the transportation planning system.
E2TPSHH-SHPTYP field: Shipment type
Shipment type is defined in R/3 Customizing (transaction 0VTK) and describes the following
aspects of the shipment:
· Shipment mode (partial load, full load)
· Means of transport (truck, rail)
· Direction (inbound or outbound shipment)
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPSHH - Shipment Header
320 April 2001
· Leg indicator (direct leg, preliminary leg, main leg, subsequent leg)
The shipment types that have to be made available to the transportation planning system must
be created in R/3 Customizing with the corresponding parameters in order to guarantee
seamless interface performance.
E2TPSHH-SHPPPT field: Transportation planning point
The transportation planning point corresponds to the transportation planning system and must be
adopted directly from field E2TPDLH-SHPPPT of IDoc TPSDLS0. As it is not possible to plan
across planning points in a shipment, only one transportation planning point can appear in a
shipment for consolidated deliveries.
If a planning system is linked to several planning points, it is important that you
ensure that the deliveries for the different transportation planning points are
processed separately. These deliveries must not get mixed up during planning.
E2TPSHH-DSUNIT field: Unit of distance, according to ISO norms
Available ISO units of distance:
Val. Significance
NMI Nautical miles
KMT Kilometer
KNT Knots
MTR Meter
E2TPSHH-TMUNIT field: Standard ISO unit of time
Available ISO units of time:
Val. Significance
DAY Days
HUR Hours
MIN Minutes
MON Months
SEC Seconds
WEE Weeks
ANN Years
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPSHI - Delivery in Shipment
April 2001 321
E2TPSHI - Delivery in Shipment
Delivery assigned to a shipment document.
Adjust. Format SAP
SHPITM NUMC 04 TPNUM X Loading sequence of the delivery
DELID CHAR 10 VBELN X Delivery number
Special fields and domain values in segment E2TPSHI
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPSHI.
E2TPSHI-SHPITM field: Loading sequence of the delivery
Sequential numbering of deliveries in a shipment; also represents the shipping sequence.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPSHR - Rail Data
322 April 2001
E2TPSHR - Rail Data
This segment contains specialized data related to railways.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
RRDESC CHAR 100 X Railway route description
Special fields and domain values in segment E2TPSHR
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPSHR.
E2TPSHR-RRDESC field: Railway route description
The code that describes the railway route (special US requirement).
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPSHT - Leg Data in Shipment
April 2001 323
E2TPSHT - Leg Data in Shipment
Data about leg stages and their related duration within a shipment. Each piece of data must be
stored with reference to a shipment point and represents distance and duration from the
referenced point to the following point. Therefore, the last point in the transportation connection
point list contains no leg data.
Format SAP
DISTNC QUAN 15 MENG13 Distance of the following leg
DSUNIT 8, 9 CHAR 03 MEINS Unit of distance, according to ISO
DRVTIM QUAN 05 DIFZT Traveling time only - following leg
TOTTIM QUAN 05 DIFZT Total time of the following leg
TMUNIT 8, 9 CHAR 03 MEIZT Standard ISO unit of time
Special fields and domain values in segment E2TPSHT
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPSHT.
E2TPSHT-DSUNIT field: Unit of distance, according to ISO norms
Available ISO units of distance:
Val. Significance
NMI Nautical miles
KMT Kilometer
KNT Knots
MTR Meter
E2TPSHT-TMUNIT field: Standard ISO unit of time
Available ISO units of time:
Val. Significance
DAY Days
HUR Hours
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPSHT - Leg Data in Shipment
324 April 2001
MIN Minutes
MON Months
SEC Seconds
WEE Weeks
ANN Years
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPSHU - Handling Unit
April 2001 325
E2TPSHU - Handling Unit
Handling unit for packing delivery items.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
SHPUID 2 CHAR 35 VHILM X Packaging material type
SHPUTX CHAR 80 MAKTX X Packaging material text
Special Fields and Domain Values in Segment E2TPSHU
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPSHU.
Field E2TPSHU-SHUNUM: HU number
Number of the handling unit This number is used for unique identification of the handling unit.
Field E2TPSHU-SHPUID: Packaging material type
The material number for the packaging material type (20-ft. container, for example). The material
numbers of the available packaging materials have to be synchronized manually between the R/3
system and the transportation planning system.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPSLS - Transportation Connection Points
326 April 2001
E2TPSLS - Transportation Connection Points
Location or transportation points visited in the course of a shipment and at which activities take
place or which have processes that need to be completed.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
LSQNUM NUMC 06 X Location number (sequence)
CARRID A CHAR 10 LIFNR Relevant service agent
Special fields and domain values in segment E2TPSLS
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPSLS.
E2TPSLS-LSQNUM field: Location number
Sequential numbering of locations visited or transportation points involved in the shipment run.
The location number must be in sequence specification form and should be specified beginning
with 1 in ascending order with no gaps.
E2TPSLS-CARRID field: Relevant service agent
Service agent who carries out the shipment in the following leg stage.
The following example is plausible when processing the inbound shipment (IDoc
IDoc R/3 System document
1. Location with service
agent A
1. Leg from first location to second location with service
agent A
2. Location with service
agent B
2. Leg from second location to third location with service
agent B
3. Location with service
agent C
Service agent C is ignored
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPSUC - Handling Unit Contents
April 2001 327
E2TPSUC - Handling Unit Contents
Description of a contents item of a handling unit. A handling unit contain altogether several items
that are listed as full delivery items, partial delivery items, or even further handling units. The
specifications for the contents can contain as many hierarchy levels as you like. One content item
is represented in each segment E2TPSUC.
Format SAP
SHUITM CHAR 06 VEPOS Content item number
CONTYP 1 CHAR 01 VELIN X Content type
DELITM CHAR 06 POSNR Item number of delivery item
SUBSHU CHAR 10 UNVEL Number of included HU
DELQUN QUAN 15 VEMNG Quantity of packed delivery items
DELUNT 8, 9 CHAR 03 VEMEH Quantity unit in ISO norms
Special Fields and Domain Values in Segment E2TPSUC
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPSUC.
Field E2TPSUC-CONTYP: Content type
This value specifies what type of content item the handling unit is. Different data fields from
segment E2TPSUC are completed according to the type of content.
Val. Significance Completed segment fields
1 Delivery item DELITM, DELQUN, DELUNT
3 Handling unit SUBSHU
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPTIW - Time Frame
328 April 2001
E2TPTIW - Time Frame
Description of alternative opening and closing time frames for weekdays or a certain date.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
WINMOD 1 CHAR 01 X Time frame mode
WINDOW 1 CHAR 01 Weekday
WINTM1 TIMS 06 X Beginning time of time frame
WINTM2 TIMS 06 X End time of time frame
WINPRF 8 CHAR 03 WANID Business hours profile
Special Fields and Domain Values in Segment E2TPTIW
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPTIW.
E2TPTIW-WINMOD field: Time frame mode
This mode value specifies whether the frame defines an opening or closing time.
Val. Significance
O Open time frame
C Close time frame
E2TPTIW-WINDOW field: Weekday
If this field is completed, then the time frame is valid regularly for a certain weekday.
Val. Significance
1 Monday
2 Tuesday
3 Wednesday
4 Thursday
6 Saturday
7 Sunday
E2TPTIW-ETZONE field: Time zone
Time zone code Value area according to R/3 table field TTZZ-TZONE.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPTIW - Time Frame
April 2001 329
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPTRM- Location Identification
330 April 2001
E2TPTRM- Location Identification
Segment E2TPTRM contains the identification numbers of a location which can be used as a key
to an address database. The segment may occur within IDoc TPSDLS01 from two to four times.
With the minimum number of 2, the departure and destination location identification are
transferred and in the next two segments, the sold-to party and payer ID can be defined.
Format SAP
TLCCAT 1 CHAR 01 X Location status
TRMTYP 1 CHAR 02 X Location category
SHPPNT A CHAR 04 VSTEL Shipping point
LODPNT A CHAR 02 LSTEL Loading point
LDPTXT CHAR 20 BEZEI20 Loading point text
STRLOC A CHAR 04 LGORT storage location
STLTXT CHAR 16 LGOBE Storage location text
SHPPTY A CHAR 10 KUNNR Ship-to party, customer number
ULDPNT A CHAR 25 ABLAD Unloading point
SLDPNT A CHAR 25 BELAD Loading point
NODEID A CHAR 10 KNOTN Transportation connection point
NODTYP CHAR 10 Transportation connection point
BORDER CHAR 01 Border location indicator
TSPNT CHAR 01 Load transfer point indicator
ADRNR CHAR 10 ADRNR Address number
Special Fields and Domain Values in Segment E2TPTRM
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPTRM.
E2TPTRM-TLCCAT field: Location status
This indicator specifies the status of the current segment for planning specifications.
Val. Significance
S Departure location that corresponds to the delivery’s shipping location
D Destination that corresponds to the delivery’s destination
1 Departure location that does not correspond to the delivery’s shipping location
2 Destination that does not correspond to the delivery’s destination
B Sold-to party
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPTRM- Location Identification
April 2001 331
Indicators 1 and 2 occur if a transportation planning system is used only for preliminary and
subsequent leg planning, for example, and not for the entire planning of a delivery. For instance,
one segment E2TPTRM with location status S and one with location status 2 would appear for
the preliminary leg between the shipping point and the departure harbor.
E2TPTRM-TRMTYP field: Location category
Category of current location. Different fields within the segment are filled with data according to
Val. Significance Completed fields
OC One-time customer SHPPTY, ADRNR
NO Transportation connection point,
distribution center
CA Service agents SUPPLR, SLDPNT
AD Address ADRNR
Field E2TPTRM-NODTYP: Transportation connection point characteristic
The field lists the different characteristics of a transportation connection point. Each characteristic
is coded with a single letter. Up to 10 characteristics can be shown in field E2TPTRM-NODTYP
as a character string.
Val. Significance
C Distribution center
R Railway station
E Express railway station
H Harbor
S Street
Example: E2TPTRM-NODTYP = CRS means a distribution center with railway and road
E2TPTRM-BORDER field: Border location indicator
This indicator specifies whether the transportation connection point is a border location.
Val. Significance
0 Non-border location
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPTRM- Location Identification
332 April 2001
1 Border location
E2TPTRM-TSPNT field: Load transfer point indicator
This indicator specifies whether the transportation connection point is a load transfer point.
Val. Significance
0 Non-load transfer point
1 Load transfer point
Please note the following when processing an inbound shipment (IDoc TPSSHT01).
and STRLOC fields are included in the location definition of the departure or
destination location of a leg in the shipment document.
This occurs according to the following schema:
IDoc R/3 System shipment document
1st location 1st leg departure location
2nd location 1st leg destination + 2nd leg starting point
3rd location 2nd leg destination + 3rd leg starting point
Fields are completed as follows:
IDoc R/3 System shipment
Leg: departure location Leg: destination
Only one of the following fields can be completed: NODEID, SHPPNT, SHPPTY,
The LODPNT field is optional and should only be completed if the SHPPNT field has
been completed.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPTRM- Location Identification
April 2001 333
The STRLOC field is optional and should only be completed if the PLANT field has
been completed.
The ULDPNT field is optional and should only be completed if the SHPPTY field has
been completed.
The SLDPNT field is optional and should only be completed if the SUPPLR field has
been completed.
All other fields in this segment are ignored.
If the location definition does not follow the rules listed above, an error occurs.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPTRP - Existing Shipment
334 April 2001
E2TPTRP - Existing Shipment
In segment E2TPTRP, shipment documents that have already been created in the R/3 system
and which contain the current delivery are transferred. In certain circumstances, this can lead to
improved connection planning to existing shipments in the transportation planning system. In
addition, planning requests are documented, meaning that there is a record if the current delivery
was sent to another planning system but is not yet included in the shipment document. Existing
shipment documents are recognized by their assigned shipment numbers whereas this would still
be blank for a planning request.
Format SAP
SHPPPT 5, 8 CHAR 04 TPLST X Transportation planning point
SHPID CHAR 10 TKNUM Shipment number (existing
SHPTYP 5 CHAR 04 SHTYP Shipment type (existing shipment)
LEGIND 1 CHAR 01 LAUFK Shipment leg indicator (existing
LOCCL1 1 CHAR 02 X Location category - departure point
LOCID1 A CHAR 10 X Location ID - departure point
SUBID1 A CHAR 35 Additional ID - departure point
ADRNR1 CHAR 10 ADRNR Address number - departure point
LOCCL2 1 CHAR 02 X Location category - destination
LOCID2 A CHAR 10 X Location ID - destination
SUBID2 A CHAR 35 Additional ID - destination
ADRNR2 CHAR 10 ADRNR Address number - destination
DATBEG DATS 08 DPTBG X Departure date
TIMBEG TIMS 06 UPTBG X Departure time
Time zone - departure point
DATEND DATS 08 DPTENS X Arrival date
TIMEND TIMS 06 UPTENS X Arrival time
Time zone - destination
Special Fields and Domain Values in Segment E2TPTRP
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPTRP.
E2TPTRP-LEGIND field: Leg indicator
This indicator specifies the type of the planned shipment.
Val. Significance
1 Preliminary leg shipment
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPTRP - Existing Shipment
April 2001 335
2 Main leg shipment
3 Subsequent leg shipment
4 Direct leg shipment
5 Return leg shipment
E2TPTRP-LOCCLx field: Location category
Departure and destination location categories.
Val. Significance
PL Plant
CU Customer
SU Vendor
OC One-time customer
NO Transportation connection point, distribution center
SP Shipping point
CA Service agents
AD Address
E2TPTRP-TZONxx field: Time zone
Time zone code. Value area according to R/3 table field TTZZ-TZONE.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
SAP System Settings and Modifications
336 April 2001
SAP System Settings and Modifications
This section provides an overview of the necessary settings within the SAP R/3 System as well
as information on additional adjustments made available in the R/3 customer functions.
Overview of Information Sources
You can also use the following sources of information:
· Implementation Guide/SAP Reference IMG (Online)
Tools ® Business Engineer ® Customizing ® Implementation projects ® SAP
Reference IMG ®
Logistics Execution ® Transportation ® Interfaces ® External
Transportation Planning Systems
The overview shows you which settings you must carry out in the R/3 system in order to
activate and configure the transportation planning interface. Details about specific parts
of the interface follow:
· Master Menu (Online)
Logistics Execution ® Transportation ® Transportation Planning ® External Planning
® ALE Monitoring.
The ALE functions allow you to monitor IDocs that you sent or received.
· More in-depth can be found in the following printed documentation:
– RFC manual
Exact technical description of the programming interface
ALE consultant’s manual
General information about ALE and its functions
– Workflow manual
General information on the workflow concept (see error processing)
Standard Error Processing with ALE
Transmitting IDocs using Remote Function Call takes place on the Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) basis. If an error occurs during this process, the connection
between transmitter and recipient is interrupted. The transmitter can use the return codes of the
RFC functions to control whether the function was successfully called up in the recipient system
or not. If there are any TCP/IP errors, the connection must be disconnected and the IDoc must
be re-transmitted.
Errors in the ALE service layer that occur during transmission or receipt of the IDoc are indicated
as technical errors. The R/3 system generates a work item for every incorrect IDoc when
technical or logical errors occur (see below). A work item is part of the workflow processing. For
the most part, the work item is an error message that is sent to all the users in the system who
are assigned to a particular position. The error message contains an error text. If one of the
users views the message in the inbox, analyzes the error and posts the document, the error
message will disappear from all inboxes.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
SAP System Settings and Modifications
April 2001 337
On receipt, the IDoc is saved in the database before any processing begins, thus unlinking the
communication from processing. In this way, the communication is unlinked from processing. If
an error occurs during processing, such as updating with disallowed or incorrect transaction type
(=logical application error), SAP creates a work item with the appropriate error text.
Activating Standard Error Processing
If a logical error occurs during processing of an IDoc, a message is sent to one or several users.
The following text describes how error processing is set up.
Technically, the system triggers a standard task specific to the message category. The standard
task must be assigned to a position that has either a user or holder.
You can create one or several positions. These are contained within a central organizational unit.
You then have the following options:
· You can enter an organizational unit in the partner definition but no further specifications in
the partner profile per message category. All the messages will then go to the users assigned
to that organizational unit who have a position where the standard task appeared.
· You enter a certain position instead of the organizational unit in the partner definition.
· You override the entry in the partner definition with entries in the partner profile for a
message category.
Normally, you would use the first alternative. However, if you have two subsystems that serve
two different transportation planning points, where the administrators for the errors are two
different people, you could use the second alternative to send the same error via the two different
partner numbers.
Display in the Inbox
The inbox display can be adjusted individually. The following describes a setting that allows you
to display the messages by IDoc category:
Call up transaction SIN1. Click on Configuration under settings and create a new configuration.
Choose the switch for “Start configuration”. In this way you ensure that you always use this
configuration automatically. Save to the database.
Settings ® Group and choose the required field in the right-hand column for sorting in the
overview display. Significant fields are (1)
Task and (2) Creation date.
Select Settings ® Select columns and double click on the fields that you want to see in the detail
screen. Significant fields are 1.
Read, 2. Process, 3. Description, 4. Author, 5. Entry date, 6.
Entry time, and 7. Status.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Error Analysis
338 April 2001
Error Analysis
Technical Errors in the ALE Service Layer
The following errors can occur in the ALE service layer:
Syntax error in the IDoc
Missing partner profile
IDoc not transferred to the transactional Remote Function Call (tRFC) at transmission
IDoc not transferred to the application at receipt
Outbound Processing
Syntax error in the IDoc: IDoc status 07
On transmitting or receiving IDocs, the syntax of the individual IDoc is checked. When the IDoc is
defined, the syntax, which includes the following, is determined:
The individual IDoc category segments
The relationship between the individual segments
How many segments can be transmitted in one IDoc or how often an individual segment may
occur in one IDoc
An IDoc syntax check can be activated in the partner profile for an IDoc category and a certain
partner. We recommend that you activate this check, particularly for any IDocs that you have
created yourself. Otherwise, this error normally only occurs in the test run. The incorrect IDocs
cannot be repaired so they have to be transmitted again once the IDoc structure has been
corrected in the SAP system.
Missing or Incorrect Partner Profile: IDoc status 29
To transmit an IDoc from SAP to the subsystem, you must define the partner profile’s outbound
processing for the IDoc category (message type) and all relevant partners. You will find a more
detailed description of partner profiles in the online documentation for the Implementation
Guidelines (IMG). If the partner (subsystem) for the IDoc to be transmitted can not be
determined, you must proceed as follows:
Maintain the partner profile
All IDocs for transmission have to be set for retransmission. Since this error triggered a work item
for the standard task ALE/EDI: error processing (outbound) and sent it to the relevant
user’s inbox, the incorrect IDoc also has to be set for subsequent transmission from the
inbox. On subsequent transmission, the incorrect IDoc is flagged with status 31 and copied to
a new one which is enhanced with data from the partner profile and transferred to the
asynchronous Remote Function Call (aRFC).
Errors in partner profiles normally only occur in the test run.
IDoc not transferred to asynchronous Remote Function Call (aRFC) on transmission :
IDoc status 30
Although the partner profile has been maintained the IDoc is not transferred to the aRFC. In other
words, the IDoc is structured but not sent. The corresponding subsystem does not have any
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Error Analysis
April 2001 339
open entries in the RFC transaction evaluation (SM58). The IDoc is ready for transmission, but
you must initiate the transmission explicitly.
To do this, use the report RSEOUT00, which you can plan as a periodic job or start directly
through the transportation menu
Logistics ® Sales and distribution ® Transportation ® External
® Transportation planning ® ALE monitoring ® Periodic processing ® Process ALE
outbound IDocs ®
Here, the outbound mode for the relevant IDoc should be checked in the partner profile. In
outbound mode 2, the created IDoc is transmitted directly, in 4, the IDocs are collected together
and sent in defined package sizes. We recommend that the IDocs should not be directly
transmitted in mode 4.
Status 30 in the IDoc can normally only occur if outbound mode is set to 4.
Inbound Processing
Syntax error in the IDoc: IDoc status 60
As in outbound processing, an IDoc syntax check can be activated in the partner profile for an
IDoc category and a certain partner. We recommend that you activate this check. Otherwise, this
error normally only occurs in the test run. The incorrect IDocs cannot be repaired so they have to
be transmitted again once the IDoc structure has been corrected in the sending system.
Missing or Incorrect Partner Profile: IDoc status 63
On receipt of an IDoc in SAP, the partner profile inbound processing for IDoc category (message
type) and the transmitting partner must be defined. You will find a more detailed description of
partner profiles in the online documentation for the Implementation Guidelines (IMG). If the
partner profile and therefore the inbound method for the recipient IDoc cannot be found, then the
application cannot be activated and the IDoc remains in the system with open status. For this
type of error, proceed as follows:
Maintain the partner profile
All IDocs open for transmission must be set for retransmission. Since this error triggered a
work item for the standard task ALE/EDI: error processing (inbound) and sent it to the
relevant user’s inbox, the incorrect IDoc’s new profile data for the processing application
also has to be executed from the inbox.
Errors in partner profiles normally only occur in the test run.
IDoc not transferred to the application at receipt IDoc status 64
Although the partner profile has been maintained, the received IDoc was not processed and
flagged as incorrect, which means that the application is not controlled for processing this IDoc.
Although the IDoc is ready for transmission to the application, you need to explicitly set the
application for processing the IDoc.
To do this, call up the report RBDAPP01, which you can plan as a periodic job or start directly
through the transportation menu
Logistics ® Sales and distribution ® Transportation ® External
® Transportation planning ® ALE monitoring ® Periodic processing ® Process ALE
outbound IDocs ®
As in transmission, you check the processing type in the partner profile. In processing 1, the
IDocs are transferred immediately after receipt to the application for processing. In processing 3
and partially in 2, we recommend that processing be explicitly rather than directly controlled.
Status 64 in the IDoc can normally only occur in conjunction with processing 3 and 2.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Error Analysis
340 April 2001
Logical Errors in the Application
The errors described below, which occur in the application, are related to an inbound IDoc in
SAP. The IDoc that is to be transferred is structured in the application in such a way that the
system will immediately notice any missing or incorrect Customizing settings in SAP processing
(while creating planning requests, for example).
During inbound processing of an IDoc in the SAP System, the following errors may occur in the
Missing or incorrect Customizing settings in the SAP System
Missing or incorrect data in the IDoc
Error due to blocked objects
The incorrect IDoc is flagged with status 51.
Missing or incorrect Customizing settings in the SAP System
The IDoc that was received cannot be processed because certain IDoc data has not been
maintained in the system. For example, a shipment category is transferred from a shipment
registered in the subsystem that has not been defined in the SAP system. You must make the
Customizing settings accordingly for these errors; posting the incorrect IDoc can be controlled
afterwards. Reposting can either take place from the inbox of the person responsible or via report
RBDMANIN, which can be planned as a periodic job or started via the transportation menu
Logistics ® Sales/distribution ® Transportation ® External systems ® Transportation planning
ALE monitoring ® Periodic processing ® Process ALE inbound IDocs ® Repost.
Missing or incorrect data in the IDoc
If the data in the received IDoc is incomplete, you must decide whether the incorrect IDoc should
be transmitted again or whether it is possible or appropriate to carry out corrections in the SAP
system. You can also make corrections directly in the IDoc. It is possible to do this using the IDoc
Editor but this should only be used for exceptional cases.
Like errors in Customizing settings, the incorrect IDoc can also be posted from the inbox of the
user responsible or via report RBDMANIN.
Error due to blocked objects
There are often problems in SAP processing with blocking individual objects. Multiple attempts
(by different users) to access the same SAP object, processing will be terminated, with an error
note for the blocked object. This error is treated like all other errors in IDoc processing. No action
is required by the user here to recover the error. Repeating the processing at a later point will
automatically solve the problem. This means that using background processing (periodic job) in
the RBDMANIN report can be used for reposting the IDoc. The error status parameter in this
report uses the error message ID to limit posting for certain errors; in this case only for each error
message related to a blocking error.
Important Error Notes in Inbox
For each error described, a work item is created and put in the inbox of the user responsible.
Work items are used for certain important error notes that are either transmitted directly from the
subsystem or structured in IDoc processing internally in the application. These work items do not
serve the purpose of starting Idoc processing again from the inbox. They are used to inform the
user of a conflict situation or to pass on an important message from the subsystem to the SAP
System. The message is transferred to SAP by IDoc SYSTAT01.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Error Analysis
April 2001 341
Unlike errors, work items for notes must be completed rather than processed from the inbox.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Modifications (Customer Functions)
342 April 2001
Modifications (Customer Functions)
This section provides an overview on the customer functions and change options in processing
that affect the interface.
Inbound Processing (Receipt of IDocs from Subsystem)
The following modifications are possible:
· You are using standard IDoc TPSSHT01, but you want to process the IDoc according to
your own requirements.
· You are using standard IDoc TPSSHT01 but want to influence the standard IDoc
processing method, (error processing are to be modified or IDoc contents are to be
interpreted according to the customer’s requirements, for example).
· You are using a modified IDoc with your own segments and want to implement a certain
processing for the data in these segments.
· You are using a modified IDoc with your own segments and want to process the IDoc
according to your own requirements.
· You are using your own IDoc with a new message type and need to process the IDoc
according to your own requirements.
The following describes individual modification options.
Once an IDoc has been received and saved, a framework function module in the SAP application
is triggered which takes over the processing of the IDoc. This provides the first option where you
can generate your own processing function module. In order to call this up you will have to enter
it in an ALE Customizing table (transaction WE42 :
Process codes inbound ® Inbound with ALE
® Processing by function module). You can then specify the defined process code in the
inbound partner profile. Available framework function modules are assigned according to the
following message categories:
Inbound Framework Function Module
Message type Function module Significance
The framework function module filters out the user data per IDoc and calls up your own
processing function module in the application for every IDoc in a loop. All data is then saved
together in the database.
A customer function is implemented before and after processing each IDoc and after saving all
shipment data.
You can use the customer function before processing the IDoc to manipulate data in the IDoc
before it is transmitted to the application functions. After IDoc processing, the customer function
allows you to process your own segments.
Customer functions for the transportation planning interface can be found in function group XV56
in the R/3 system with the description EXIT_SAPLV56I_0xx. You can use transaction SMOD to
access enhancements. The names begin with ‘V56I’. The documentation for each function
module describes how to use the available customer functions. Activating customer functions
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Modifications (Customer Functions)
April 2001 343
takes place in transaction CMOD. Consult the R/3 System online documentation for instructions
on how to use SMOD and CMOD.
Customer Functions Inbound Shipment
EXIT_SAPLV56I_010 Modification of IDoc segments
EXIT_SAPLV56I_011 Modification of shipment tables
EXIT_SAPLV56I_012 Save your own shipment tables
When creating your own function module or using customer functions, you must make sure that
you do not set
Commit work, because the function module branches back into the ALE service
level after processing. Application errors are copied, IDoc status is set and rollbacks may be
listed in the ALE service level. After
Commit work, a rollback can no longer be carried out if an
error occurs. This could lead to partially-posted IDocs and therefore to inconsistencies during
error processing.
Keep in mind that further I/Os that occur in the customer functions can reduce performance.
You can define your own IDoc segments in IDoc maintenance (WE30). Refer to the
corresponding documentation for the ALE group.
You can define your own IDoc the same way you maintain your own segments. This IDoc needs
to be assigned to a new output type. For this output type, you must set a partner profile. You
must also maintain the tables for entry in transaction WE42.
You have the following modification options for the individual modification scenarios:
· For IDoc processing, you can create your own processing function module, which can be
copied from the standard function module and then adjusted, if necessary.
· You can activate the customer functions in the standard function module. If you want to
change error processing, you must enhance the customer function after IDoc processing by
Own error status and then activating it. If you want to modify IDoc processing, then
you need to activate and use customer function
Own update.
· You can define your own IDoc segments in the standard IDoc and use the customer function
for Own update in order to process the data from your own segments.
· You can define your own IDoc segments in the standard IDoc and create your own
processing function module as in scenario 1.
· You can define your own IDoc and create your own processing function module. When
creating the function module, you can use the standard help function modules.
Outbound Processing (Transmitting IDocs to a Subsystem)
The following modifications are possible:
· You are using standard IDoc TPSDLS01, but want to change standard processing (the
structure or content of this IDoc, for example).
· You are using a modified IDoc with your own segments and want to set your own processing
to assemble the data from this segment.
· You use a modified IDoc with your own segments and want to process the IDoc structure
according to your own requirements.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Modifications (Customer Functions)
344 April 2001
· You are using your own IDoc with a new message type and need to process the IDoc
according to your own requirements.
The following describes individual modification options.
The formatting for the transmission of IDocs is carried out in the application. The IDoc is
assembled, the partner is determined and the configurations are made for the ALE layer. IDoc
assembly is carried out in the application function modules.
This is your first opportunity to carry out modifications by creating your own function modules.
To ensure that this is called up by the application, you have to link it to the required application
menu yourself.
The following function modules from function group V561 are used in the transportation planning
interface for constructing and transmitting standard IDocs:
Function modules outbound processing
IDOC_OUTPUT_CFPREQ Individual planning requests (when transmitting using
message control)
IDOC_OUTPUT_SHIPPL Shipment status
For the outbound function modules for transmission of planning requests, the following customer
functions are available for adding your own IDoc segments and/or changing the standard IDoc
construction. The following list displays all available customer functions for outbound processing
of planning requests. The function groups and transactions displayed for inbound processing are
also valid for customer functions in outbound processing.
Customer Functions for Outbound Planning Requests
EXIT_SAPLV56I_001 Modification of the delivery header segment in the IDoc
EXIT_SAPLV56I_002 Modification of the delivery item segments in the IDoc
EXIT_SAPLV56I_003 Modification of the packing data segments in the IDoc
EXIT_SAPLV56I_004 Modification of the entire IDoc before transmission
EXIT_SAPLV56I_005 Modification of material accumulation
EXIT_SAPLV56I_006 User-specific location substitution
EXIT_SAPLV56L_007 Deactivation of the conversion block for deliveries
EXIT_SAPLV56L_020 Change in IDoc control record
As mentioned in inbound processing, you define your own IDoc segments in IDoc maintenance.
A customer-specific IDoc can also be defined for outbound processing. Apart from IDoc
definition, you only need to maintain the partner profile for outbound processing here.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Modifications (Customer Functions)
April 2001 345
You have the following modification options for the individual modification scenarios:
· For IDoc processing, you can create your own processing function module, which can be
copied from the standard function module and then adjusted, if necessary.
· You can activate the customer function in the standard function module in order to change
the standard IDoc structure.
· You can define your own IDoc segments in the standard IDoc and use the customer exit to fill
your own segment with data.
· You can define your own IDoc segments in the standard IDoc and create your own function
module that can be copied from the standard function module of the corresponding message
type and then adjusted as required.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Transportation Planning in Cooperation with Forwarding Agents
346 April 2001
Transportation Planning in Cooperation with Forwarding
The cooperation between the shipper and the forwarding agent can have synergic effects that
save both partners time and money. Particularly in business relationships where a forwarding
agent works primarily for a particular shipper, there can be many advantages to having joint
transportation planning. The forwarding agent takes over planning functions in cooperation with
the shipper, and thus simplifies the transportation planning for the shipper.
In the standard business setting, the transportation planner selects deliveries for the respective
shipment while he is creating the shipments.
If there is cooperation between the shipper and the forwarding agents, parts of this transportation
planning process can be outsourced.
The shipper selects a record from the shipments to be transported and sends this to the
forwarding agent. There the deliveries are combined into shipments. Grouping and changing of
shipments occur at the forwarding agent’s system site. The shipments that are created are
reported back to the shipper.
The communication between the shipper and the forwarding agent takes place through IDocs.
The forwarding agent receives an IDoc from the shipper with deliveries scheduled for planning,
and then transmits the planned or rejected shipments and changes back to the shipper per IDoc.
In the following sections, we describe the settings that are required for communication with
forwarding agents.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Logical Communications Processes
April 2001 347
Logical Communications Processes
The communications processes between R/3 and an external transportation planning system can
be divided by communications procedure into
· Movement data, which includes planning requirements (deliveries) and planned shipments,
among other things
· Status Transmission and Error Processing
Transaction Data
Transmission of transaction data occurs in two directions. Planning requests (deliveries that are
to be planned and assigned to shipments) are transmitted from R/3 to the forwarding agent and
then planned shipments are sent back to the R/3 system.
If new deliveries are to be planned into a shipment, the scenario is as follows:
Tr an sp
Error status
Error status
Shipments, items etc.
21.5. 22.5.
Deliveries, items
and transfer
Delivery due list
Transportation planning
to be
Outbound delivery
Inbound shipment
Check, create &
delete shipments
Outgoing Delivery / Planning Requests
Transmission of planning requests (deliveries that are to be planned) to a forwarding agent may
occur via the following various procedures and communication stages in R/3:
· Implicit transmission following delivery creation (defined as the point at which the deliveries
are sent to the forwarding agent, provided no specific criteria are relevant) by way of
message control
· Explicit transmission by calling up a program under Logistics Execution ®Transportation
®Transportation Planning ®
Scheduling in Cooperation with Forwarding Agents ® Send
Deliveries to Forwarding Agent
with the option of delivery selection using different criteria.
The actual transmission occurs via message control or as a direct transmission.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Logical Communications Processes
348 April 2001
· Automatic transmission by starting the transmission program RB56LFTP at a defined point in
time (definition of selection variants, batch transfer). The actual transmission occurs via
message control or as a direct transmission.
· Implicit transmission by deallocating a delivery through Logistics Execution ® Transportation
®Transportation Planning ®
Scheduling in Cooperation with Forwarding Agents ® Plan
Deliveries from Freight Planning
, without deleting these in R/3. The actual transmission
occurs via message control or as a direct transmission.
· Implicit re-transmission via message control after a delivery has been changed
· Implicit transmission via direct transmission when a delivery is deleted
In R/3, selection of deliveries to be planned is carried out either:
· Using a report with a selection screen that you can start up through Logistics Execution
®Transportation ®Transportation Planning ®
Scheduling in Cooperation with Forwarding
Agents ®
Send Deliveries to Forwarding Agent.
Or by calling up report RV56LFTP (with variants) at regular intervals
This report uses the delivery selection function in the same way as for shipment processing
(transaction VT01n). A transportation planning point that corresponds to the planning system of
the forwarding agent must also be specified.
Transmission of deliveries is carried out as follows:
10. Selection of service agent
11. Selection of transmission profile
12. Combining of deliveries and their corresponding items
13. Determination of the items that are relevant for transportation (optional)
14. Determination of the delivery’s dispatch location and point of destination where additional
shipments are possible, e.g. main leg for sea transportation (optional)
15. Accumulation of delivery items according to the freight class of the delivered materials and
the freight code set that was specified.
16. Customer functions for user-specific changes or enhancements of the combined delivery
data and IDocs
17. Creation of the IDoc (one IDoc per delivery document with the option to combine several
IDocs into packets)
18. Transmission of the IDocs to a forwarding agent
Deliveries that were changed in R/3 (transaction VL02) after they have already been reported to
the forwarding agent are automatically re-transmitted to the forwarding agent immediately after
the changes are posted (provided they are relevant for transportation). This function is activated
by a link to message control. When a change is made, the whole document, rather than just the
changed data, is re-transmitted.
The following graphic illustrates the scenario for transportation-relevant deliveries that have been
changed after data was initially transmitted to an external transportation planning system:
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Logical Communications Processes
April 2001 349
Outbound delivery
Inbound shipment
Check, create &
Create, change, delete
shipments, items
Error status
Error status
Change deliveries, items
Immediate transfer
Delivery to
be changed
If a delivery is deleted in R/3, this deletion command is transmitted automatically to all forwarding
agents that had previously been planning that delivery for assignment to shipments. The delivery
document is deleted in R/3, although, in certain circumstances, some references to this delivery
that are still open may exist in externally-planned R/3 shipment documents. Shipment documents
with these open references cannot be changed in R/3 until the change command is received from
the forwarding agent for the document that no longer contains that delivery.
Incoming Shipment
The incoming shipment IDocs TPSSHT01 are interpreted, checked, and then used for creating,
changing, or deleting R/3 shipment documents that are then posted afterwards to the database.
The functional process flow can be described as follows:
· Importing the IDocs via the ALE layer
· Interpretation of the IDocs, resulting in the creation, changing or deletion of shipment
documents. The individual stages for creating/changing each shipment document are
determined by the shipment header, the shipment items, stages, dates, and handling units.
· Posting the created/changed documents
Outgoing Shipments
In the case of externally planned shipment documents, if you have a shipment status in
Customizing that is exceeded or not reached, you can have a fixing or release message sent to
the respective forwarding agent. To do this, use the IDoc TPSSHT01. After the freeze message
is transmitted for a shipment document in R/3, the corresponding shipment in the planning
system can no longer be changed. Similarly, a release message from the R/3 system means that
the shipment document can be changed again in the planning system.
Status Transmission and Error Processing
Automatic processing of logical errors (errors that occur as a result of the message content) is
carried out in the R/3 system using the workflow options provided by the ALE layer. The receiving
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Logical Communications Processes
350 April 2001
system can react to a logical error by sending back an error message using IDoc SYSTAT01.
The IDoc is constructed so that the error source can be localized precisely.
Workflow can be set in R/3 so that the employee responsible is informed when this error
message is received as a reply to the transmission of delivery data to a forwarding agent.
You can make the relevant settings in Customizing for the R/3 transportation planning point so
that an error message can be created and sent as a response to the forwarding agent upon
receipt of incorrect incoming shipment documents.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Application Transactions of the Interface
April 2001 351
Application Transactions of the Interface
The following sections describe the application transactions and programs with which the user
can operate the functions for transmission in the direction from SAP
® forwarding agent.
Transmission of Planning Requests
Explicit Transmission by Application Transaction
Using the explicit transmission function, you can transmit to a forwarding agent a large number of
deliveries that you can select using selection requirements also available in manual shipment
processing (transaction VT01). Specifying the transportation planning point (planning system)
and the processing type (outbound or inbound shipment) is obligatory.
At the moment, it is not possible to select outbound deliveries and inbound shipping
notifications together with one selection run.
You can call up the transmission of planning requests by calling up the transaction VT62 or
through the menu path
Logistics Execution ® Transportation ® Transportation Planning ®
Scheduling in Cooperation with Forwarding Agents®
Send Deliveries to Forwarding Agent.
Deliveries that were already transmitted once can only be transmitted to the same
system again if the delivery has been changed and the output control is activated. If
you do not want this block, then it can be switched off for direct transmission using a
customer function. You can read more about these functions in the section
System Settings and Modification Concept
or in the online help for the customer
Regular Transmission per Job
You can have deliveries transmitted regularly and automatically using certain selection criteria.
This is appropriate, for example, if all shipments are to be planned overnight.
To do this, program RV56LFTPC should be included as a job. Parameters must include
transportation planning point, shipment completion type, the deleted indicator for displaying the
selection screen as well as a selection variant for program RV56LFSLC.
Fully Automatic Transmission
Fully automatic transmission of planning requests for generating deliveries is a special case. It
should only be applied if a company wishes to plan all its deliveries with an external planning
system in transportation but where only one planning system (in other words, one transportation
planning point) is available. In this case the function can be activated via a special configuration
of message control (more information in
Procedure for Transmitting Planning Requests -
Automatic Transmission
). Depending on the message control configuration, the message
transmission will either take place immediately after posting the delivery or in later collective
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Application Transactions of the Interface
352 April 2001
Removing Planning Requests
If deliveries are to be removed from the planning system because planning should be either
carried out manually, using another system, or not at all, the following options are at your
Explicit Removal from Planning
Explicit removal from planning means taking a delivery out of a planning system without deleting
the delivery in R/3. You can call up the exclusion of deliveries from planning by calling up the
transaction VT69 or through the menu path
Logistics Execution ® Transportation ®
Transportation Planning
® Scheduling in Cooperation with Forwarding Agents® Plan Deliveries
from Freight Planning.
Once you have entered the delivery document number for the delivery to be removed, a list of all
the planning systems that the delivery has been transmitted to will appear. You can select the
system and start the process using
Automatic Removal from Planning by Deleting a Delivery
If a delivery is deleted in R/3, it is then automatically removed from planning in all the planning
systems that it has already been transmitted to. This procedure needs no previous configuration.
Receipt of Planned Shipments
The receipt of planned shipments in R/3 takes place automatically via the ALE layer
mechanisms. Some functions are available within inbound processing and further document
processing which affect the transportation planning interface. You must also take into account
other attributes that can be influenced by Customizing settings.
Deleting Shipments or Handling Units within a Shipment
Deleting handling units that have been created in a shipment or deleting a whole shipment is not
possible in the transportation planning system if a handling unit is not empty, that is, if something
has been packed into the shipping unit.
If materials have been packed manually into a handling unit in an externally-planned
shipment document, they must first be manually unpacked before the planning
system can delete the handling unit or the shipment.
Automatically Setting ‘Planned’ Status
‘Planned’ status is automatically set when the system receives an externally-planned shipment
document. This happens regardless of whether a planned date has been transmitted to the
incoming document or not.
If the planning date is transmitted from a forwarding agent, this is copied over to the
planning date in the shipment document. If a planning date is not transmitted, the
planning date in the R/3 document is set to the date of receipt of the external
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Application Transactions of the Interface
April 2001 353
Document Status
The document status must not be changed by the forwarding agent.
If the given status is reached or exceeded through manual setting in R/3 transportation
processing, a message will be sent automatically to the forwarding agent to freeze the
corresponding shipment document, whereby the shipment document must be set to
Do not
in the planning system.
Modifiability of Externally-Planned Shipments
Changes that were made in R/3 are not transmitted to the forwarding agent to avoid possible
inconsistencies in data.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Configuration Options
354 April 2001
Configuration Options
During configuration in R/3 Customizing, you can specify technical or functional parameters
that determine how messages are sent to the planning system and which modifications should be
carried out in the messages before transmission.
R/3 Customizing
SAP uses the word Customizing to describe the necessary table settings used to tailor the R/3
system to the user’s needs. For example, in Customizing you can:
· Define key values and their attributes (shipment types, for example)
· Maintain number ranges (shipment numbers, for example)
· Create and maintain organizational units (transportation planning points, for example)
· Configure procedures for sending documents (message control, for example)
· Create procedures for modifying documents (route restrictions, for example)
· Carry out other customer-specific system settings
The descriptions for Customizing settings are available in detail in the Implementation Guide in
Online help. Particular specifications for setting the transportation planning interface can be
found in the IMG under
Tools ® Customizing ® Implementation projects ® SAP Reference IMG
Logistics Execution ® Transportation ® Interfaces ® Scheduling in Cooperation with
Forwarding Agents [Ext.].
Planning Restrictions for Routes
There are certain planning situations where the entire transportation process is not determined
for individual deliveries. In order to optimize the planning of domestic transportation (roads) for
companies sending deliveries both at home and abroad, a planning system might be used where
shipment documents can also be manually generated using R/3 transactions for transportation
activities for overseas shipments (sea routes). In this case, the forwarding agent has to be
notified that the destination location for planning is not the decisive factor for deliveries abroad,
but that automated planning should take place for another location (for example, a departure
harbor or border location). Similar situations can arise for orders that are shipped from a shipping
location outside the planning area and that should only have automatic subsequent leg planning
carried out.
The planning restrictions are linked to the combination of forwarding agent (transportation
planning point) and route. This way, you can define how a departure point or destination location
substitution should be executed in the planning request for each related planning system and
each delivery route separately.
Location substitution schemas are used for determining an alternative departure point or
destination for planning. A substitution schema is made up of sequence of conditions that are
checked one after the other until a valid substitute is found. Once an alternative location has
been found, the time specifications for the location are also reset where possible.
The following conditions can be used in a substitution location procedure:
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Configuration Options
April 2001 355
All the search strategies refer only to documents that are part of the delivery
currently being processed. Locations that are used as departure and destination
locations for the delivery in the existing shipments are those where the delivery is
loaded or unloaded but not the absolute beginning or end of a shipment.
Condition Time substitute Location substituted with...
001 A, P Departure location of earliest main leg shipment
002 A, P Departure location of earliest preliminary leg shipment
003 A, P Departure location of earliest subsequent leg shipment
004 F Departure points in delivery route
050 A, P Earliest departure location of any shipment
101 A, P Destination location of latest main leg shipment
102 A, P Destination location of latest preliminary leg shipment
103 A, P Destination location of latest subsequent leg shipment
104 F Destination points in delivery route
150 A, P Latest destination location in any shipment
200 F Fixed transportation connection points
999 User-specific substitution
If a substitution location is found, the system also tries to determine the connection scheduling for
the departure or arrival time of the delivery at the substitution location (time substitute). This is
done by using the following procedures:
A Substitute with actual transportation time (this takes priority due to precision,
but may only be maintained in exceptional cases).
P Substitute with planned times from shipment document.
F Calculates new times based on delivery / GI date and the preliminary, main and
subsequent leg times of the route specified in Customizing.
User-specific location substitution takes place using a customer function. You can read more
about these functions in the section
SAP System Settings and Modification Concept or in the
online help documentation.
Location and Time Substitution with Reference to Existing Shipments
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Configuration Options
356 April 2001
Automatic connection scheduling for existing R/3 shipments can only take place
properly if all important data has been maintained in R/3 shipment documents. The
following data is absolutely necessary in the shipment document:
· Departure and destination location
· Planned departure and arrival time in shipment header
· Delivery assignment
If a connection to a collective shipment is planned, the following data must also be
· Shipment Stages
· Delivery assignment to legs
· Departure and arrival times at shipment stages
If possible, you should also ensure that all address data is maintained for the
locations involved.
Location Substitution for Subsequent Leg Planning
The planning system “Roads in Germany” is implemented for the delivery route
“North America – Hamburg” to plan the subsequent legs. For this reason, the
departure location of the delivery that is in North America, that is, outside of the
planning area, is replaced by a departure location better suited for planning. The
determination procedure would identify the following condition sequence, which is
processed sequentially until a substitution location has been found:
1. End of last main leg. If one or more main legs exist for the corresponding
delivery, the destination location of the last main leg is used as the starting
location for planning. The shipment end date becomes the shipment
departure date.
2. End of delivery route. The destination point of the delivery is used as the
starting point for planning. The departure time is determined using the
delivery date and the specified subsequent leg time.
3. Specified point: the point specified in Customizing is used. There is no
departure time determination.
4. No substitution takes place.
The following shows the four most relevant substitution procedures with their
condition steps.
Automatic Preliminary Leg Planning: Connection to Departure Location in
Existing Main Leg Shipment:
Step Condition Location substituted with...
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Configuration Options
April 2001 357
001 001 Departure location of earliest main leg shipment
002 004 Departure points in delivery route
No substitution of destination location
Automatic Subsequent Leg Planning: Connection to Destination Location in
Existing Main Leg Shipment:
Step Condition Location substituted with...
001 101 Destination location of latest main leg shipment
002 104 Destination points in delivery route
No substitution of departure location
Automatic Main Leg Planning: Connection to Destination Location in Existing
Preliminary Leg Shipment:
Step Condition Location substituted with...
001 102 Destination location of latest preliminary leg shipment
002 004 Departure points in delivery route
No substitution of departure location
Automatic Main Leg Planning: Connection to Departure Location in Existing
Subsequent Leg Shipment:
Step Condition Location substituted with...
001 003 Departure location of earliest subsequent leg shipment
002 104 Destination points in delivery route
No substitution of departure location
Material Accumulation
It is absolutely necessary to know all details about the materials/delivery items to be transported
in order to plan shipments.
In certain circumstances, it is not always relevant whether two delivery items, 500
liters of red and 500 liters of green paint, for example, are to be transported. It is
often enough to know that 1000 liters of paint have to be planned as shipment
goods. The circumstances are similar in batch handling, where different batches of
one material are divided among several delivery items.
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Configuration Options
358 April 2001
Delivery items can be combined according to different criteria, in order to achieve a better
overview or to reduce the amount of data that is to be transmitted. This combination
(accumulation) can take place separately for each combination of transportation planning point
and route. However, it can also be carried out generally for an entire transportation planning
Accumulation of delivery items takes place in a transportation planning interface and
is always related to deliveries, i.e. a cross-delivery accumulation is not available.
There are two options for creating planning requests for the accumulation of items in the current
· Reduction of shipment-relevant items:
Activating this function results in:
- Combination of batch items in a header item per material
- Combination of product selection of a material in a header item
- Deletion of BOM items irrelevant to the shipment
Text and value items as well as automatically-generated packing items are not
normally transmitted.
· Accumulation according to freight code:
You can assign a freight code set to the combination of transportation planning point and
route. In this way, the freight code can be determined together with the material freight
group from the material master. The items of a delivery are grouped together by freight
codes. The type of materials is only shown by the freight code in the message. The
quantity is only available in weight and volume specifications and no longer as number of
pieces, etc.
If both accumulation procedures are activated, the accumulation will first be carried out according
to shipment-relevant items and then according to freight code.
You can implement a user specific accumulation by using a customer function. This customer
function is carried out according to both the reduction of shipment-relevant items and freight
class. You can read more about customer functions in the section
SAP System Settings and
Modification Concept
or in the online help documentation of the customer function.
Procedure for Transmiting Planning Requests
Standard Transmission Procedure with Output Control
The use of the output control function is to be viewed as a standard transmission procedure.
Other procedures should only be used in exceptional cases. Transmission with output control
has the following attributes:
· Blank transmission using transaction VT61 generates entries in output control that are
used for creating planning requests for the time planned in the output type and are then
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Configuration Options
April 2001 359
· Transmission of planning requests based on changed deliveries takes place
· Control mechanisms are available in output control.
The following settings allow you to set the standard transmission procedure for a planning
· Create an output type for your planning system based on CFPR. Do not forget to
maintain the processing program.
· Set the required dispatch time.
· Enter your new output type in the output procedure for the shipping messages and set the
condition to ‘41’ (delivery to forwarding agent).
· Enter you output type in a transmission profile.
A transmission file is made up of a combination of transmission parameters, such as output
type, planning specifications for forwarding agents (which transportation planning point it is to
use, which delivery texts are to be transmitted). This can be changed in Transaction VT62.
If several forwarding agents are connected to your R/3 system, then you need a
different output type for each forwarding agent.
Automatic Transmission
Automatic transmission only works with one forwarding agent since all deliveries are always
shipped there directly.
Automatic output control has the following attributes:
· Posting a new delivery generates entries in output control, which are used for creating
planning requests for the time planned in the output type and which are then transmitted.
· Transmission of planning requests based on changed deliveries takes place
· Control mechanisms are available in output control.
The following settings allow you to set the standard transmission procedure for a planning
· Create an output type for your planning system based on TPSO. Do not forget to maintain
the processing program.
· Set the required dispatch time.
· Enter your new output type in the output procedure for the shipping outputs and leave the
condition field blank.
· Enter your output type in the transportation planning point assigned to the forwarding
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Configuration Options
360 April 2001
In addition to the automatic planning system, you can also use other systems with
standard transmission procedures.
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Technical Communication
April 2001 361
Technical Communication
The following section deals with the technical aspects of communication and data flow between
SAP-R/3 and a non-SAP system (sub-system).
Transmitting Planning Requests
The following overview shows the procedure for transmitting outputs from R/3 to a sub-system.
WS Transportation
Creating a
planning requirement
Generating an IDoc
Setting up communication
Transmitting the IDoc
Receiving data
Processing planning
Creating a Planning Requirement in Transportation
The planning requirement for planning deliveries can be created with the functions described in
Outbound Delivery section. The procedure can be carried out either as an online transaction
or a background job using output control.
Saving the Data in the ALE Layer
Within the same process (Logical Unit of Work or LUW) the data is formatted in the form of
repository (data dictionary) structures by the Application Link Enabling (ALE) level function
module. These structures are called Intermediate Documents (IDocs). The IDocs that were
created are saved in the database.
Communication Structure and Transmission of the IDocs
Transmission of the IDoc is carried out asynchronously to its creation, that is, ALE transmits the
IDoc after it is created. An IDoc can be transmitted directly, or combined first and then sent as
part of a package of several IDocs.
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Technical Communication
362 April 2001
During IDoc transmission, the ALE uses transactional Remote Function Call (tRFC). The system
starts a remote shell in the subsystem and calls up the C program to which the function to be
called is transferred within the program. The underlying technique that allows transmission to be
carried out correctly according to the log is described above as an RFC layer. A library of C
development programs are available for program development.
For further information on creating C programs and further system settings, see the following
sections and the documentation in the RFC libraries.
Subsystem Tasks
The C program for receiving the data must be provided in the sub-system. There is a sample
program to this effect. This is supported by the RFC library that you receive from SAP as a
certification partner (RFC SDK, Remote Function Call Software Development Kit).
The program must save the data after receiving it before the receipt confirmation is sent back to
the R/3 system. Then data processing can start in the subsystem. SAP recommends this
intermediate saving procedure, which allows communication of processing logic to be carried out
separately in the sub-system.
Also, the subsystem should have status management for the data it received. Status
management can prevent duplicate processing. You should also note that the sub-system must
be able to recognize if an IDoc has already been transmitted once by the R/3 system. This is
made possible through a unique transaction ID for each communication activity. (See also the
technical documentation of the RFC.)
In addition to the transaction ID, the IDoc number can also be used to signify that an IDoc has
already been transferred. The IDoc number is only unique within a given client of an SAP system.
If communication is carried out with several clients and/or several SAP systems, then the IDoc
can not be identified using only the IDoc number.
Error Processing in Communication
The following problems may occur during transmission:
Posting termination in the application (when creating a planning requirement, for
In this case, the error is not critical for communication, because IDocs cannot be created without
a planning requirement. Both postings are carried out in the same LUW and are therefore posted
Errors in the ALE layer
3. The data that was formatted in the LUW (which creates the IDoc) and which was sent to ALE
is syntactically incorrect. The IDoc is copied and saved by ALE but cannot be transmitted.
For more information about this error, see the
SAP System Settings and Modifications
4. The partner profile for outbound processing is not defined for the receiver and the IDoc’s
message type in ALE. The IDoc is saved but cannot be transmitted. For more information
about this error, see the
SAP System Settings and Modifications section.
No connection
If an IDoc is created but the connection cannot be made, then a report running in the background
ensures that communication attempts are made from time to time. If the connection is restored,
then the IDocs are transmitted automatically.
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April 2001 363
Receiving Planned Shipping Documents
The following overview illustrates receipt of shipping documents that have been generated from
planning requests by the subsystem.
Preparing shipment
Transmitting data
Receiving data
Generating the IDoc
Processing the IDoc
Idoc /
Formatting and Transmitting Shipment Data
The primary task of the subsystem is to optimize shipment planning from the planning requests
that have been transmitted from the R/3 system. Fully-planned shipments must be transmitted
back to the R/3 system using the communication path provided (transactional RFC). The
subsystem carries out the following tasks within the framework of communication with the SAP
R/3 system:
Intermediate Data Storage and Formatting for IDocs
The subsystem shipment data must be saved in an IDoc-specific data structure. For information
on the definition and structure of the different IDocs, see the sections IDoc Descriptions [Page
274] and IDoc Segments, Fields and Domain Values [Page 288].
Calling up a Central Function Module in R/3 using the Transfer Program
You also need the RFC library for programming support for the transfer program. The central
function module is part of the ALE layer.
Several IDocs can be transferred in one communication procedure - that is, when an R/3 function
module is called up once, multiple IDocs can be transferred.
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Technical Communication
364 April 2001
Updating After IDoc Transmission
During transmission, the sub-system must provide status administration for the transmitted data.
If the IDoc is transmitted unsuccessfully, then it must be retransmitted later.
Duplicate transfer of IDocs must be avoided on the SAP side of things. This is where the
transaction ID, which is assigned by SAP for each communication procedure, comes into play.
The data that is transferred by the sub-system must always be transmitted with this transaction
ID (see also the technical documentation about the RFC). The same transaction ID must be
entered for subsequent retransmissions.
The SAP System does not use the IDoc number to check for duplicate transfers.
Receipt and Posting of Data
ALE receives the IDoc and writes it into the database. After this intermediate saving procedure, a
confirmation of receipt is sent back to the subsystem. The IDoc is then forwarded to the
application (asynchronously as far as receipt is concerned), where processing occurs.
The application in R/3 that creates, changes and deletes shipment documents sends a status
back to ALE for each IDoc. This IDoc status is the basis for processing any possible errors.
Error Processing
The following errors may occur:
Connection can not be made at this time
The sub-system should also use status administration to ensure that subsequent posting can be
carried out.
Errors in the ALE layer
An IDoc was created, but processing was not started.
This error occurs (as in transmission from R/3), if the IDoc that is received is syntactically
incorrect or if the partner profile for inbound processing is missing for the sender and the
message type of this IDoc. For more information about this error, see the
SAP System Settings
and Modifications
Error in the application (when posting the transfer request, for example)
This is a question of logical errors in the application. A message is issued to a position with the
IDoc status mentioned above. Several users can be assigned to a position. Each user receives
the error message in their own SAP OFFICE inbox. As soon as a user enters and processes the
error message, it disappears from the other inboxes.
Technical Programming for the Subsystem Connection
This section provides you with an overview of the technical details involved in the connection of a
sub-system to the R/3 System. You can find detailed documentation of the Remote Function Call
in RFC SDK and in the R/3 System online documentation. This section is intended to give you
an overview of the programming techniques. It is not comprehensive. Please consult the above-
mentioned documentation as well if you want to make the connection yourself.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Technical Communication
April 2001 365
Transmission from SAP to a Sub-system
IDocs are transmitted from the SAP system by calling up the function module
INBOUND_IDOC_PROCESS with a destination. The destination uses a table in the R/3 system
to determine destination computer and the target program.
A C program with target program name must exist in the sub-system. The program contains a
function with the name of the function module call.
In the R/3 system, the application data is transferred in the internal table of structure EDI_DD. In
addition, a control record from structure EDI_DC that contains administration data is also
transferred for each IDoc. In the example, this data is transferred in the form of internal tables.
For further information, please see the documentation mentioned above.
You can have a C program core from function module display SE37 generated from the
R/3 system. You can use this as the basis for your receiving/transmitting program. In order to
interpret the data in the IDoc, you also need the data structures of the IDocs at C Program level.
If an R/3 system is available, you can generate an h - IDoc header file directly from repository
transaction SE11.
Table of TCP/IP-Connections (Transaction /nSM59)
call function
\n background task
destination subsystem
idoc_control = header
idoc_data = segm.
Target system
Sub - C-Program~wmtest
/* function DOC_INBOUND_PROCESS */
static RFC_RC inbound_idoc_process(RFC_HAND
char filenam1[]= “users/ d11adm/tmp/output1”;
librfc.a/librfc.dll/librfc lib ...
RFC - Library
Notes on TCP / IP settings
5. The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) requirements (especially the IP
addresses in both host files) must be set so that the SAP system can find the destination
6. In the SAP system, IDocs are transmitted from posting as standard. For this reason, the
TCP/IP link must also be created for the posting system.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Technical Communication
366 April 2001
7. The SAP gateway must be allowed to start the C program (RFC server) via remote shell. For
this reason the user that runs under Gateway (e.g. d11adm where d11 = system name) must
also be recognized as a user by the target system.
8. In UNIX, the name of the gateway and dispatcher must be entered in the /etc/services,
(sapgw00 and sapdp00, for example).
Please see also the RFC documentation mentioned above for more information on the settings.
Transmitting from a Sub-system to SAP
When you log on to the SAP R/3 system, the server name of the SAP target system, SAP logon,
user, password etc. must be defined in the C program. The actual logon is supported by the RFC
function RfcOpen (...). You can find details about this in the comprehensive RFC documentation.
The data needs to be processed into IDoc format and placed in an internal table with structure
EDI_DD. A control record must also be created for each IDoc and placed in an internal table for
structure EDI_DC. The form of data transfer is also described in detail in the documentation.
Sub - C-Program ( Client)
/* Transact on administration ( TDD) */
Call function module IDOC_INBOUND_PROCESS
Rfc_rc = RFCCallReceive( Handle,*INBOUND_IDOC_PROCESS,
exporting, importing, table,&exceptions);
SAP - Function module INBOUND_IDOC_PROCESS (Server)
o Local interface
o Remote Function call supported
o Tasks :
Post IDOCs
Initiate processing
Transaction ID Administration
To ensure the security of the data to be transferred, a unique ID must be used for the
communication procedure. This ID allows the receiving system to recognize whether this data
has already been received and processed.
For example, communication could be terminated suddenly during the transmission of data for
mobile entry of goods receipts. The user would transmit the data again in order to ensure that the
entry is posted by the SAP System. If the data was successfully received and processed on the
first attempt, however, the system must be able to recognize this. It should not process the data a
second time.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Technical Communication
April 2001 367
This example would cause the following process flow between the transmitting system and the
receiving system.
Save data and TID
Confirmation: Data received
Check: TID already exists/
No action
Process data
Update TID status
Create / get TID
(Unique number world-
Save TID with data
Call server: transmit
data and TID
not o.k.
with same
everything o.k.
Status update
Delete TID and data
immediately or later
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
IDoc Description
368 April 2001
IDoc Description
General Construction of the IDoc
An IDoc is comprised of a number of data records in two tables:
· Control record table EDI_DC
· Data record table EDI_DD
A control record entry EDI_DC exists for each IDoc. This contains important data such as the ID
of the transmitting and receiving systems, among other IDs. A data record entry EDI_DD exists
for each data record. It is made up of a header section which is 55 bytes long and a data section
which can hold up to 1000 bytes. The reference of data record to control record is created with
an IDoc number. For each control record with document number DOCNUM, data records with the
same document number must exist. There is, therefore, a 1:N relationship between control
records and data records. The data records must be entered into table EDI_DD in exactly the
same sequence as required by the hierarchical structure of the corresponding IDoc categories.
For further information on the hierarchy, see the
Overview of IDoc Structure section.
Not all fields in EDI_DC or EDI_DD are required entry fields. Some fields are not to
contain values. Make sure to leave these fields blank.
If you are transmitting an IDoc from an external system to SAP, then you have to define a logical
system as a communication partner in the R/3 system (SALE -> Distribution model -> Logical
systems) and a partner profile for inbound processing that agrees with this partner number. The
partner number of the destination system (SAP in this case) is not actually mandatory, but we
recommend that you specify it, so that communication procedures can be carried out correctly.
The logical system of the SAP System is maintained for each client in table T000 (SM31).
The partner profiles can be used to provide a non-standard function module for processing IDocs
in the table for inbound processing methods in the ALE service level.
When creating IDocs in the R/3 system using transaction WE30, three structures are created and
numbered automatically for each IDoc segment. For example, the delivery header might have
E1TPDLH, E2TPDLH and E3TPDLH. E1TPDLH is release-independent, E2TPDLH is release-
dependent and E3TPDLH is used for documentation. When segment names are transferred, you
must specify the E2 segment names in order to be working independently of the SAP release.
Data Transfer Format
Data is transferred via the interface using CHAR format only. Conversion is carried out in the
SAP system with the necessary adjustments for the entry fields in CHAR formats. The following
table gives the required entries for the more important data categories.
Field Length Possible entry value
NUMC Ex: 18 '000000000012345678'
positive, numerical char format right-aligned with preceding zeros
CHAR Ex: 18 'Bordeaux__________' char format left-aligned with subsequent spaces
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
IDoc Description
April 2001 369
QUAN Ex: 18 '2456.12___________' or ‘2456.12-__________‘ Fixed decimal point
left-aligned with decimal point as decimal symbol, possibly with
subsequent +/- sign or spaces
DATUM 8 YYYYMMDD format (19961231 for Dec 31, 1996, for example)
UZEIT 6 HHMMSS format (174809 for 5:48:09 p.m., for example)
See also:
IDoc Control Record EDI_DC [Page 278]
Special Fields in the Control Segment EDI_DC [Page 280]
EDI_DD - IDoc Data Record [Page 282]
Overview of Transferred Message
The messages listed below are transferred from the SAP R/3 System to the forwarding agent.
The names used are those specified for the basic IDoc types and logical message types:
Action IDoc name Message type
Plan/change/deallocate deliveries TPSDLS01 CFPREQ
Add/change location master data (customer, vendor) TPSLOC01 TPSLOC
Set transportation planning status TPSSHT01 SHIPPL
Status information about transfer/possible errors SYSTAT01 STATUS
The messages listed below are transmitted from the forwarding agent to the SAP R/3 System:
Action IDoc name Message type
Create/change/delete shipment TPSSHT01 SHPCPR
Status information about transfer/possible errors SYSTAT01 STATUS
When transmitting documents between the R/3 system and a forwarding agent, you
must follow these basic guidelines regardless of the direction of transfer:
· Delivery and shipment documents must all be fully transferred when added
to or changed.
If, for example, a delivery is changed in the R/3 System after it has been
transferred to the subsystem, the whole document is fully transferred with all the
data, not just the changes. Changed shipments must also be fully retransferred
from the planning system.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
IDoc Description
370 April 2001
· If documents are deleted, they must be transferred with at least the entire
header information.
Item segments can be ignored if the document is to be deleted.
· If fields in the IDoc are blank, then they are also blank in the original
· Transferring one document per message
Normally, you are not allowed to combine documents in a single IDoc. In other
words, each IDoc may only contain a single header segment. IDoc TPSLOC01 is
an exception to this rule because it can transfer several master data records.
· Taking the serialization of messages into account
This is done to ensure that older IDoc versions for a document are not posted
again after a more recent document has been processed.
· Client-dependence of the planning data must be taken into account
Take special care during communication with a forwarding agent with several
R/3 clients and/or R/3 Systems that data from different clients does not get
mixed up (see also the
EDI_DC IDoc Control Record section).
· Transfer of all data in CHAR format
All data is transferred to the IDocs in character format. For example, there are no
8-byte sliding decimals.
· Transfer of all units of measure according to ISO standard
All units of measure, country codes and currency codes are transferred into the
IDoc according to the ISO guidelines (e.g. KGM instead of KG for the kilogram
· Shipment number from number range
Shipment document numbers that are issued by a forwarding agent must fall
within a number range that can be set within the R/3 System.
Overview of IDoc Structure
The following sections describe the structures of the different IDocs. The indentations in the
egment column indicate the hierarchical structure of the IDoc, which means that an indented
segment is lower in the hierarchy than the previous segment further toward the margin.
Subordinate mandatory segments are only mandatory if the segment superior in the hierarchy is
TPSDLS01 - Plan/Change/Deallocate Deliveries [Page 284]
TPSSHT01 - Create/Change/Delete Shipment [Page 286]
SYSTAT01 - Status Information for Transfer [Page 287]
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
EDI_DC - IDoc Control Record
April 2001 371
EDI_DC - IDoc Control Record
The IDoc control record EDI_DC contains important information on partners who transmit and
receive IDocs. It can occur exactly once for each IDoc.
Only some of the fields need to be filled for IDocs that are transmitted from the forwarding agent
to the R/3 system. These are identified as mandatory fields in the following field list.
If an IDoc is transmitted from the R/3 system to the forwarding agent, then nearly all fields are
filled, although the only fields that are relevant are those that are marked as such.
Field name Format TPS-
TABNAM CHAR 10 Name of the table structure
MANDT CHAR 03 Client
DOCNUM NUMC 16 X X Number of the IDoc
DOCREL CHAR 04 SAP release of IDoc
STATUS CHAR 02 Status of the IDoc
DOCTYP CHAR 08 IDoc type
DIRECT CHAR 01 Direction
RCVPOR CHAR 10 Receiver port (SAP system, EDI subsystem)
RCVPRT CHAR 02 X X Partner type of receiver
RCVPRN CHAR 10 X X Partner number of receiver
RCVSAD CHAR 21 EDI: SADR fields (total)
RCVLAD CHAR 70 Logical address of receiver
STD CHAR 01 EDI standard
STDVRS CHAR 06 Version of EDI standard
STDMES CHAR 06 EDI message type
MESCOD CHAR 03 Logical message variant
MESFCT CHAR 03 Logical address of receiver
OUTMOD CHAR 01 Issue mode
TEST CHAR 01 Test indicator
SNDPOR CHAR 10 Transmission port (SAP system, EDI
SNDPRT CHAR 02 X X Partner type of transmitter
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
EDI_DC - IDoc Control Record
372 April 2001
SNDPRN CHAR 10 X X Partner number of transmitter
SNDSAD CHAR 21 EDI: SADR fields (total)
SNDLAD CHAR 70 Logical address of transmitter
REFINT CHAR 14 Reference to transfer file
REFGRP CHAR 14 Reference to message group
REFMES CHAR 14 Reference to message
ARCKEY CHAR 70 X Document ID in the external system
CREDAT DATS 08 X IDoc creation date
CRETIM TIMS 06 X IDoc creation time
MESTYP CHAR 06 X X Logical message category
IDOCTYP CHAR 08 X X Name of basic IDoc category
CIMTYP CHAR 08 Name of extension type
RCVPFC CHAR 02 Partner function of receiver
SNDPFC CHAR 02 Partner function of transmitter
SERIAL CHAR 20 X X EDI/ALE: Serialization field
EXPRSS CHAR 01 Override in inbound processing
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Special Fields in the Control Segment of EDI_DC
April 2001 373
Special Fields in the Control Segment of EDI_DC
Special functions must be taken into account for the following fields:
Field EDI_DC-DOCNUM: Document number
This field indicates the unique number in the SAP R/3 system of the document that is transmitted.
A unique number must also be given by the forwarding agent so that a reference can be created
to the accompanying data records. When the IDoc being transmitted from the forwarding agent is
imported by the R/3 system, the content of DOCNUM is replaced with an internal number
determined by the R/3 system. The reference to the old DOCNUM is saved.
Field EDI_DC-RCVPRT: Partner type of receiving system
The field indicates the type of partner system and is generally set to ‘LS’ (logical system) for
communication with non-R/3 systems.
Field EDI_DC-RCVPRN: Partner type of receiving system
Number or name of the receiving system.
Field EDI_DC-SNDPRT: Partner type of transmitting system
The field indicates the type of partner system and is generally set to ‘LS’ (logical system) for
communication with non-R/3 systems.
Field EDI_DC-SNDPRN: Partner type of transmitting system
Number or name of the transmitting system.
The combination of fields SNDPRT and SNDPRN is extremely important for the
subsystem when data in the incoming IDocs is being processed.
These two fields are used to separate documents from different R/3 systems or R/3
clients. A transportation planning system could, for example, receive two deliveries
from two R/3 systems with the same delivery number. These deliveries must not get
mixed up during planning. SNDPRT and SNDPRN therefore, function as an
additional part of the key for all identification fields.
Field E2STATS-ARCKEY: Document ID in External System
In field ARCKEY, the subsystem can save additional information for unique identification of a
transmitted document. If a document transmitted from the subsystem cannot be processed by the
R/3 system, then an error message with the contents of ARCKEY is sent back in order to create
a reference to the document-creating transaction.
Field EDI_DC-MESTYP: Logical output type
The field contains the logical name of a message. It is not bound by any EDI standard. Logical
messages are assigned by SAP to the individual IDoc types.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Special Fields in the Control Segment of EDI_DC
374 April 2001
Field EDI_DC-IDOCTYP: Name of basis IDoc type
The IDoc type is defined by the applications. They determine the sequence of the SAP
segments. The IDoc types issued with the SAP standard are identified via field IDOCTYP just as
IDoc types newly created by the customer are.
Field EDI_DC-SERIAL: EDI/ALE: Serialization field
The serialization field contains a unique number, that can be used in serialization, i.e. setting the
correct transmission sequence of IDocs in the receiving system. Generally, this is a time stamp
that explodes the sequence sufficiently or which provides a sequence of consecutive numbers
based on the unique identification of the creation sequence and/or the transmission sequence in
the transmission system. The serialization field should only contain numbers.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
EDI_DD - IDoc Data Record
April 2001 375
EDI_DD - IDoc Data Record
The IDoc data record EDI_DD contains a 55 byte header section with reference information and
hierarchy information as well as a data section of up to 1000 bytes. The size of the data section
is determined by the length of the IDoc segment transferred there.
When the R/3 system is receiving or transmitting data, the sequence of the individual data
records transferred is determined directly from table EDI_DD. When data is being transmitted,
this is also the case. In addition, the data records are also numbered consecutively when data is
being transmitted.
Field name Format Req’d
TABNAM CHAR 10 Name of the table structure
MANDT CHAR 03 Client
DOCNUM NUMC 16 X Number of the IDoc
SEGNUM NUMC 06 sequential number
SEGNAM CHAR 10 X IDoc segment name
PSGNUM NUMC 06 Number of hierarchically superior segment
HLEVEL CHAR 02 Hierarchy level of the segment
DTINT2 CHAR 02 SAP-internal field, do not fill
SDATA LCHR 1000 X Data in the form of an IDoc segment
If, for example, you are transmitting two IDocs with shipment documents from a
subsystem to an R/3 system, each with a shipment header, an action code and an
assigned delivery - therefore each containing three segments, then you must use
one EDI_DC record and three EDI_DD records per IDoc. When you call function
module ‘INBOUND_IDOC_PROCESS’ via RFC, a total of two EDI_DC records and
six EDI_DD records are transferred. The three segments of an IDoc are grouped
using the unique number of the IDoc or intermediate document.
The DOCNUM is also used to identify the corresponding EDI_DC record. The R/3
client has the logical system description LS S11MAND002; the subsystem is defined
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
EDI_DD - IDoc Data Record
376 April 2001
IDoc number Segment name Data Significance
9000000000123456 E2TPSHH 0010000101AD01ED... Shipment header
9000000000123456 E2TPACC C Action code
9000000000123456 E2TPSHI 0001008400035465 Delivery
9000000000123457 E2TPSHH 0010000102AD01ED... Shipment header
9000000000123457 E2TPACC C Action code
9000000000123457 E2TPSHI 0001008400035467 Delivery
IDoc number Receiving partner Sending partner Mess. type IDoc type
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
TPSDLS01 - Plan/Change Deliveries / Remove Deliveries
April 2001 377
TPSDLS01 - Plan/Change Deliveries / Remove Deliveries
IDoc TPSDLS01 is used for transmitting deliveries that are yet to be scheduled for shipments to a
forwarding agent. The IDoc contains the delivery information essential for the creating a
shipment, as well as further address, material and transportation information.
Segment Segment name Mandatory segment Number
Delivery header E2TPDLH X 1
Action code E2TPACC X 1
Authorized service providers E2TPALC n
Location identification E2TPTRM X 2-4
Address E2TPLOC 1
Location code E2TPLCT n
Time frame E2TPTIW n
Process E2EDT13 X n
Header delivery dimensions E2TPDIH X 1
Delivery item E2TPDLI X n
Delivery item dimensions E2TPDII X 1
Goods code E2TPCOC n
Handling unit E2TPSHU n
Handling unit dimensions E2TPDIS 1
Handling unit contents E2TPSUC n
Texts E2TPNOT 1
Existing shipments E2TPTRP n
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
TPSSHT01 - Create/Change/Delete Shipment
378 April 2001
TPSSHT01 - Create/Change/Delete Shipment
IDoc TPSSHT01 is used for data transfer in both directions between the R/3 system and the
forwarding agent. The structure of the IDoc represents a shipment document, although it will be
in a form that differs in part from that used in the R/3 system.
During TPS -> R/3 communication, IDoc TPSSHT01 is used to transfer planned, changed or
deleted shipment documents. The individual segments occur as shown in the following table.
During R/3 ->TPS communication, IDoc TPSSHT01 is only transmitted with the shipment header
and the action code. It is only used to confirm the status of an externally planned shipment in the
TPS (changeable / non-changeable).
Segment Segment name Mandatory segment Number
Shipment header E2TPSHH X 1
Action code E2TPACC X 1
Costs E2TPFRC n
Process E2EDT10 n
Means of transport E2TPEQT n
Means of transport dimensions E2TPDIS 1
Transportation points E2TPSLS n
Location identification E2TPTRM X 1
Address E2TPLOC 1
Process E2EDT17 n
Leg data E2TPSHT 1
Action E2TPSHA n
Deliveries E2TPSHI n
Delivery costs E2TPDLC n
Railway data E2TPSHR n
This IDoc contains a segment E2TPSLS and sub-segments for the description of the geographic
processing of a shipment (load transfer point). A sequence of locations with the corresponding
actions at that location is described in this part of the IDoc.
In the SAP R/3 system, this is carried out using a sequence of legs (links from one location to
another) as well as with load transfer points and border crossing points in the shipment
document. Generally, legs and border crossing points/load transfer points are represented as
stages of a shipment (table VTTS). Deliveries can also be assigned to a stage (table VTSP).
For this reason, conversion is necessary when processing the incoming IDoc. The rules for
conversion are explained for each segment.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
TPSSHT01 - Create/Change/Delete Shipment
April 2001 379
If ACTCD = X, only segments: SHH; ACC; SHI
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
SYSTAT01 - Status Information for Transfer
380 April 2001
SYSTAT01 - Status Information for Transfer
IDoc SYSTAT01 is used for transferring positive confirmations and error messages concerning
the contents of IDocs TPSDLS01 and TPSSHT01.
Segment Segment name Mandatory segment Number
EDI Status record E2STATS X n
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
IDoc Segments, Fields, and Domains
April 2001 381
IDoc Segments, Fields, and Domains
The following section describes the individual segments of IDocs TPSLOC01, TPSDLS01,
TPSSHT01 and SYSTAT01. The fields contained in the segments are all listed with name, data
category with length, corresponding R/3 domains, mandatory field indicators and their meanings.
In the connection to the field list, segment fields that have special properties, fixed values areas
or non-R/3 functions are described in greater detail.
Adjustment and Setting of Domain Values
During communication between the R/3 system and the forwarding agent, adjustment and setting
of many fixed values is necessary in order to guarantee correct and efficient planning and
processing. The following adjustment procedures are therefore used to determine how and in
which system adjustments need to be made.
1 SAP sets the standard that must be implemented in the planning system
2 Manual master data adjustment between the systems, R/3 is master system
3 Different value areas are used in both the R/3 system and in the planning system.
Duplicated or common values can be adjusted
4 SAP copies the value area of the planning system for its development partner into
the R/3 system
5 The R/3 system is adjusted in Customizing to the planning system value area
6 Translation / adjustment of technical expressions between the two systems
7 Value area is fixed and was determined by agreement between SAP and
development partners
8 SAP defines a base value range that must be included into the planning system. It
can be extended, in which case the changes must be entered into the R/3
9 The value area is specified using international standards (e.g. ANSI, ISO,...)
A Electronic master data adjustment per data transfer, R/3 is the master system
B Master data value that can be set as customer-specific and can only be adjusted in
special circumstances
The various adjustment procedures are listed in the table with the segment descriptions in the
Adjustment column. If no specification is made here, then you only need to take the
specifications on data formats into account.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2EDT1x - Processes
382 April 2001
E2EDT1x - Processes
Segments E2EDT10, E2EDT13 and E2EDT17 describe processes at different document levels.
The structures of the segments are the same. The only differences are in the location and the
categories of the processes that they represent.
Segment E2EDT10 represents processes at shipment header level, i.e., those that refer to the
whole shipment. E2EDT13 contains processes at delivery header level, i.e. processes that refer
to the whole delivery. E2EDT17 represents processes in the shipment at stage level, i.e.
processes that refer to a specific stage or point during the shipment.
The three segment types are all structured as follows:
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
QUALF 8 CHAR 03 X Process category
CHAR 20 BEZEI20 Process description
NTANF DATS 08 DATUM Planned start date
NTANZ TIMS 06 UZEIT Planned start time
NTEND DATS 08 DATUM Planned end date
NTENZ TIMS 06 UZEIT Planned end time
Time zone of location of
process start
ISDD DATS 08 DATUM Actual start date
ISDZ TIMS 06 UZEIT Actual start time
IEDD DATS 08 DATUM Actual end date
IEDZ TIMS 06 UZEIT Actual end time
Time zone of location of
process end
VORNR CHAR 04 VORNR Process number
VSTGA 5 CHAR 04 VSTGA Code for reason of deviation
VSTGA_BEZ CHAR 20 BEZEI20 Description of reason of
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2EDT1x - Processes
April 2001 383
Special fields and domain values in the segments E2EDT1x
In the following fields from segments E2EDT1x, you must take note of special functions and/or
allowed value areas.
Field E2EDT1x-QUALF: Activity category
The field can adopt the following values in the segments described, which involves entering data
in the specified field from the table. Values in brackets are allowed for transfer to the IDoc, but
are not evaluated during standard inbound processing:
Val. Significance E2EDT10 E2EDT13 E2EDT17
001 Transportation planning time NTENx NTENx
003 Loading time/execution NTANx, NTENx NTENx ( NTANx,NTENx)
005 Transportation processing NTANx, NTENx
006 Goods issue time NTENx
007 Delivery time NTENx
008 Arrival time NTENx ( NTENx)
009 Departure time NTENx ( NTANx)
010 Picking time NTENx
011 Waiting time NTANx, NTENx
012 Unloading time ( NTANx,NTENx)
013 Time of customs clearance ( NTANx,NTENx)
014 Load transfer point ( NTANx,NTENx)
018 Optimal arrival time ( NTENx)
019 Optimal departure time ( NTANx)
Important Process Categories:
The following process categories are extremely important and should be taken into consideration.
Segment E2EDT13 (Process at Delivery Header Level) in IDoc TSPDLS01
The time framework for planning the shipment is given in departure time (009) and arrival time
(008). These are to be used for planning. The final planned data is entered here.
For direct shipment of the delivery (shipment from the shipping point to the
customer), the departure time is the same as the loading time and the arrival time is
the same as the unloading time. If, however, only a preliminary leg shipment is
planned (e.g. from the shipping point to the port of departure) then the delivery time
is no longer relevant for actual planning.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2EDT1x - Processes
384 April 2001
Segment E2EDT10 (Process at Shipment Level) in IDoc TPSSHT01
The time framework for carrying out the shipment is given in transportation processing (005) in
the planned start and end dates.
Loading (003) is optional and contains planned start and end dates.
Time of transportation planning (001) is optional. It contains planned end dates. If it is not
specified, then the posting time is determined automatically in the R/3 shipment document as the
transportation planning time.
Segment E2EDT17 (Process at Shipment Stage Level) in IDoc TSPSHT01
Field QUALF: Only the date with qualifier ‘011’ (Waiting time) is taken into account. All other
dates are ignored.
The planned and actual dates (both start and end) for a location are converted into the planned
and actual dates for the legs. This means that the end date for a location becomes the start date
for the leg that starts at this location. Similarly, the start date of the next location becomes the
end date of the leg that finishes at this location.
This can be summarized as follows:
IDoc R/3 System shipment document
1. Location, E2EDT17-NTEND First leg, VTTS-DPTBG
1. Location, E2EDT17-NTENZ First leg, VTTS-UPTBG
1. Location, E2EDT17-IEDD First leg, VTTS-DATBG
1. Location, E2EDT17-IEDZ First leg, VTTS-UATBG
2. Location, E2EDT17-NTANF First leg, VTTS-DPTEN
2. Location, E2EDT17-NTANZ First leg, VTTS-UPTEN
2. Location, E2EDT17-ISDD First leg, VTTS-DATEN
2. Location, E2EDT17-ISDZ First leg, VTTS-UATEN
This table would continue similarly for other locations.
The beginning date of the first location and the final dates of the last location are ignored. All the
other fields are ignored.
Field E2EDT1x-TZONE_xxx: Time zone:
Time zone code. Value area according to R/3 table field TTZZ-TZONE.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2KNVAM - Business Hours Profiles
April 2001 385
E2KNVAM - Business Hours Profiles
Business hours profile for the goods receiving times during the week for a customer unloading
Field name Adjus
Format SAP
MSGFN CHAR 03 MSGFN Message function (blank)
ABLAD A CHAR 25 ABLAD Unloading point
KNKAL 8 CHAR 02 KNKAL Factory calendar
WANID 8 CHAR 03 WANID X Profile number of goods
receiving profile
WAMOAB1 TIMS 06 WAMOAB1 Business hours begin Monday
WAMOBI1 TIMS 06 WAMOBI1 Business hours end Monday
WAMOAB2 TIMS 06 WAMOAB2 Business hours begin Monday
WAMOBI2 TIMS 06 WAMOBI2 Business hours end Monday
WADIAB1 TIMS 06 WADIAB1 Business hours begin Tuesday
WADIBI1 TIMS 06 WADIBI1 Business hours end Tuesday
WADIAB2 TIMS 06 WADIAB2 Business hours begin Tuesday
WADIBI2 TIMS 06 WADIBI2 Business hours end Tuesday
WAMIAB1 TIMS 06 WAMIAB1 Business hours begin
Wednesday morning
WAMIBI1 TIMS 06 WAMIBI1 Business hours end Wednesday
WAMIAB2 TIMS 06 WAMIAB2 Business hours begin
Wednesday afternoon
WAMIBI2 TIMS 06 WAMIBI2 Business hours end Wednesday
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2KNVAM - Business Hours Profiles
386 April 2001
WADOAB1 TIMS 06 WADOAB1 Business hours begin Thursday
WADOBI1 TIMS 06 WADOBI1 Business hours end Thursday
WADOAB2 TIMS 06 WADOAB2 Business hours begin Thursday
WADOBI2 TIMS 06 WADOBI2 Business hours end Thursday
WAFRAB1 TIMS 06 WAFRAB1 Business hours begin Friday
WAFRBI1 TIMS 06 WAFRBI1 Business hours end Friday
WAFRAB2 TIMS 06 WAFRAB2 Business hours begin Friday
WAFRBI2 TIMS 06 WAFRBI2 Business hours end Friday
WASAAB1 TIMS 06 WASAAB1 Business hours begin Saturday
WASABI1 TIMS 06 WASABI1 Business hours end Saturday
WASAAB2 TIMS 06 WASAAB2 Business hours begin Saturday
WASABI2 TIMS 06 WASABI2 Business hours end Saturday
WASOAB1 TIMS 06 WASOAB1 Business hours begin Sunday
WASOBI1 TIMS 06 WASOBI1 Business hours end Sunday
WASOAB2 TIMS 06 WASOAB2 Business hours begin Sunday
WASOBI2 TIMS 06 WASOBI2 Business hours end Sunday
DEFAB CHAR 01 DEFAB Indicator for the standard
unloading point
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2STATS - EDI Status Record
April 2001 387
E2STATS - EDI Status Record
Status and error information is transferred into segment E2STATS.
Format SAP
TABNAM CHAR 10 Name of the table structure (blank)
DOCNUM CHAR 16 X IDoc number of incorrect document
STATUS 1 CHAR 02 X Status of incorrect IDoc
UNAME CHAR 12 User name
REPID CHAR 08 Program name
ROUTID CHAR 30 Subroutine name
STACOD 3 CHAR 08 X Status code
STATXT 3, 6 CHAR 70 X Status code text
SEGNUM CHAR 06 Segment number
SEGFLD CHAR 10 Field name
STAPA1 CHAR 20 Parameter 1
STAPA2 CHAR 20 Parameter 2
STAPA3 CHAR 20 Parameter 3
STAPA4 CHAR 20 Parameter 4
REFINT CHAR 14 Reference to file
REFGRP CHAR 14 Reference to message
REFMES CHAR 14 Reference to message
ARCKEY CHAR 70 Document ID in the external system
STATYP 1 CHAR 01 System message category
Special fields and domain values in segment E2STATS
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2STATS.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2STATS - EDI Status Record
388 April 2001
Feld E2STATS-STATUS: Status of incorrect IDoc
Status values for IDoc used within the communication.
Val. Significance
16 IDoc was successfully processed (possibly with warnings)
17 IDoc could not be processed
E2STATS-STACOD Field : Status Code
Status or error message code, as available in the R/3 system. Generally, the code is always
‘SAPV6xxx’, whereby digits ‘xxx’ are predefined as follows:
Area Significance
000-499 Messages from the forwarding agent to R/3
500-999 Messages from the R/3 system to the forwarding agent
You can compare the messages manually between the systems so that if there is a message in
the destination system only defined by a status code, its corresponding long text will appear.
E2STATS-ARCKEY Field: Document ID in External System
An identification predefined by the subsystem is created in the ARCKEY field. If you cannot
process a document sent by the subsystem to the R/3 system, the contents of the ARCKEY field
from the incorrect IDoc will be sent back in the ARCKEY field in the error message. This will
allow you to recreate the reference to the process that generated the document.
E2STATS-STATYP Field: System Message Category
Category of the system message
Val. Significance
S Status message after successful transaction
I Information message (note)
W Warning
E Error message
A Termination message (serious error)
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPACC - Action Code
April 2001 389
E2TPACC - Action Code
Actions code that specifies which action should be carried out with the corresponding document.
The segment is used in IDocs TPSLOC01, TPSDLS01 and TPSSHT01.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
ACTCD 1 CHAR 01 X Action code
Special fields and domain values in segment E2TPACC
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPACC.
E2TPACC-ACTCD Field: Action Code
This field can have the following values in the IDocs specified:
Val. Significance TPSLOC0
C Create document X X X
M Change document X X X
D Delete document X X
F Fix shipment document status (no
changes permitted)
U Set shipment document status to
released (changes permitted)
X Rejection of deliveries for planning
SHPCPR new segments
E2TPSHH header
ACC action code
SHI rejected delivery
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPACC - Action Code
390 April 2001
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPCOC - Goods Code
April 2001 391
E2TPCOC - Goods Code
Goods code for material in a delivery item. A delivery item can have several codes.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
CODTYP 8 CHAR 03 X Code category
CODNUM (9) CHAR 35 X Code number
CODTXT CHAR 50 Code description
Special fields and domain values in segment E2TPCOC
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPCOC.
Field E2TPCOC-CODTYP: Code category
The code category specifies which code type the code number is related to:
Val. Significance
001 Commodity code
002 Freight code
003 Material freight group
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPDIH - Delivery Dimensions at Header Level
392 April 2001
E2TPDIH - Delivery Dimensions at Header Level
Segment E2TPDIH contains the dimensions of the whole delivery.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
GRSWGT QUAN 18 MENG15 gross weight
NETWGT QUAN 18 MENG15 Net weight
WUNIT 8, 9 CHAR 03 MEINS ISO weight unit
GRSVOL QUAN 18 MENG15 Gross volume
NETVOL QUAN 18 MENG15 Net volume
VUNIT 8, 9 CHAR 03 MEINS ISO volume unit
ITMNUM NUMC 05 ANZPK Number of packing units
Special fields and domains in segment E2TPDIH
Please note that all weight and volume units are transferred in ISO standard notes.
Field E2TPDIH-WUNIT: Unit of weight
Possible weight units in ISO:
Val. Significance
CGM Centigram
DTN Hundredweight, deciton
GRM Gram
GRT Gross register ton
DTH Hectokilogram
KGM Kilogram
KTN Kiloton
MGM Milligram
NTT Net register ton
LBR Pound
SHT Shipping tons
STN Short ton (GB)
Field E2TPDIH-VUNIT: Unit of volume
Possible volume units in ISO:
Val. Significance
CLT Centiliter
CMQ Cubic centimeter
DMQ Cubic decimeter
FTQ Cubic foot
INQ Cubic inch
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPDIH - Delivery Dimensions at Header Level
April 2001 393
MTQ Cubic meter
MMQ Cubic millimeter
YDQ Cubic yard
DLT Deciliter
BLD Dry barrel
GLD Dry gallon
PTD Dry pint
QTD Dry quart
OZI Fluid ounce (28,413 cm3)
OZA Fluid ounce (29,5735 cm3)
GLI Gallon
HLT Hectoliter
GLL Liquid gallon
PTL Liquid pint
QTL Liquid quart
LTR Liter
MAL Megaliter
PTI Pint
QTI Quart
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPDII - Delivery Dimensions at Item Level
394 April 2001
E2TPDII - Delivery Dimensions at Item Level
Segment E2TPDIH contains the dimensions of the whole delivery.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
GRSWGT QUAN 18 MENG15 gross weight
NETWGT QUAN 18 MENG15 Net weight
WUNIT 8, 9 CHAR 03 MEINS ISO weight unit
GRSVOL QUAN 18 MENG15 Gross volume
NETVOL QUAN 18 MENG15 Net volume
VUNIT 8, 9 CHAR 03 MEINS ISO volume unit
ITMNUM NUMC 05 ANZPK Number of packing units
Special fields and domain values in segment E2TPDII
Please note that all weight and volume units are transferred in ISO standard notes. The domain
values are the same as those for segment E2TPDIH.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPDIS – Dimensions of Handling Unit
April 2001 395
E2TPDIS – Dimensions of Handling Unit
Segment E2TPDIH contains the dimensions of the whole delivery.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
TARWGT QUAN 18 MENG15 Tare weight
GRSWGT QUAN 18 MENG15 gross weight
NETWGT QUAN 18 MENG15 Net weight
WUNIT 8, 9 CHAR 03 MEINS ISO weight unit
TARVOL QUAN 18 MENG15 Tare volume
GRSVOL QUAN 18 MENG15 Gross volume
NETVOL QUAN 18 MENG15 Net volume
VUNIT 8, 9 CHAR 03 MEINS ISO volume unit
DUNIT 8, 9 CHAR 03 MEINS ISO length unit
ITMNUM NUMC 05 ANZPK Number of packing units
Special fields and domain values in segment E2TPDIS
Please note that all weight and volume units are transferred in ISO standard notes. The domain
values are similar to the values for segment E2TPDIH.
Field E2TPDIH-DUNIT: Unit of length
Possible ISO length units:
Val. Significance
CMT Centimeter
DMT Decimeter
FOT Foot
INH Inch
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPDIS – Dimensions of Handling Unit
396 April 2001
KMT Kilometer
KNT Transportation connection point
MTR Meter
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPDLC - Shipment Costs at Delivery Level
April 2001 397
E2TPDLC - Shipment Costs at Delivery Level
Shipment costs item for a delivery within a shipment.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
CSTTYP 8 CHAR 04 X Cost type
CURRC 8, 9 CHAR 03 X Currency (ISO norm)
Special fields and domain values in segment E2TPDLC
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPDLC.
Field E2TPDLC-CSTTYP: Cost element
Cost types are not defined when the shipment costs are entered. The are defined when the
shipment costs are implemented.
Field E2TPDLC-CURRC: Currency in ISO Standard
Currency key set to ISO norms with the value area of R/3 table field TCURC-ICOCD.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPDLH - Delivery Header
398 April 2001
E2TPDLH - Delivery Header
Organizational and status information at delivery header level.
Field name Adju
Format SAP
DELID CHAR 10 VBELN X Delivery indicator/number
SHPPPT 5, 8 CHAR 04 TPLST X Transportation Planning Point (TPP)
SHPPRJ CHAR 12 X Shipment in the same vehicle
SCHDNM CHAR 06 X Planning process number
SALORG B CHAR 04 VKORG Org. unit for defining plan number
DSTCHN B CHAR 02 VTWEG Org. unit for defining plan number
DIVISN B CHAR 02 SPART Org. unit for defining plan number
CPONUM CHAR 20 BSTNK customer’s purchase order number
SHPCND 8 CHAR 02 VSBED Shipping condition
SHPTYP 8 CHAR 02 VSART X Shipping type
SHPPRI 1 CHAR 02 LPRIO Shipping priority
DIREC 7 CHAR 02 X Direction of the delivery
FTERM 9 CHAR 03 INCO1 X Incoterms
FTLOC CHAR 28 INCO2 Incoterms location
ROUTXT CHAR 40 TEXT40 Route text
PREFCA A CHAR 10 LIFNR Preferred forwarding agent
CNSFLG 4 CHAR 01 Consolidation status
LODSEQ 4 NUMC 01 Load sequence
ALSTAT 4 CHAR 01 X Availability status
REVENU CHAR 18 Payment on picking up
REVCUR 8, 9 CHAR 03 Payment currency
RRCODE 4 CHAR 20 Rail code (US requirement)
CPONUM2 CHAR 35 BSTNK Order number of customer (long)
SHPMNT CHAR 4 SHTYP Shipment type (default)
Special fields and domain values in segment E2TPDLH
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPDLH.
Field E2TPDLH-SHPPRJ: Shipment on same vehicle
This field groups together all the deliveries (IDocs) within a planning run, which are to be planned
for the same vehicle in transportation planning.
This field is normally not processed and can be completed using customer functions.
Default value: blank.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPDLH - Delivery Header
April 2001 399
Field E2TPDLH-SCHDNM: Planning process number
This field groups together all the deliveries (IDocs) that have to be planned within the same
planning run (for separate planning of a ‘north’ and ‘south’ tour, for example).
This field is normally not processed and can be completed using customer functions.
Default value: 1.
Field E2TPDLH-DIREC: Direction of delivery
The value for field DIREC is determined using delivery document category
The field can have the following values:
Val. Significance
IB Inbound - incoming delivery: Returns, shipping notification
OB Outbound - outgoing delivery: standard delivery document
This field can have the following values according to international standards:
Val. Significance
CFR Cost and Freight
CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight
CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid to
CPT Carriage Paid to
DAF Delivered at Frontier
DDP Delivered Duty Paid
DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid
DEQ Delivered Ex Quay (duty paid)
DES Delivered Ex Ship
EXW Ex Works
FAS Free Alongside Ship
FCA Free Carrier
FH Carriage paid (to customer’s address)
FOB Free on board
UN Not paid
Field E2TPDLH-CNSFLG: Consolidation status
The consolidation status determines whether deliveries may be shipped together with other
deliveries or not.
This field is normally not processed and can be completed using customer functions.
Default value: blank.
Val. Significance
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPDLH - Delivery Header
400 April 2001
0 Delivery may be shipped together with others
1 Deliveries may not be shipped together with others
2 Only consolidate deliveries to the same destination
Field E2TPDLH-LODSEQ: Load sequence
The load sequence determines when a delivery has to be loaded onto the means of transport. It
does not set a fixed sequence but it indicates priorities.
This field is normally not processed and can be completed using customer functions.
Default value: blank.
Val. Significance
1 Delivery must be loaded first
2 Load delivery first
3 Load delivery normally
4 Load delivery last
5 Delivery must be loaded last
Field E2TPDLH-ALSTAT: Allocation status
The allocation status indicates whether the delivery has already been checked as available and
whether the stock has been reserved.
Due to dynamic availability checks in the R/3 system, this field is entered as a default value.
Default value: 0.
Val. Significance
0 Delivery available/reserved/planned
1 Delivery not planned
Field E2TPDLH-REVCUR: Refund currency
The value fields for the currency of payment correspond to the ISO currency code and also
match the ISO currency codes proposed by the R/3 system.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPDLI - Delivery Item
April 2001 401
E2TPDLI - Delivery Item
Delivery item with quantity specifications and material ID.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
DELITM CHAR 06 POSNR X Delivery item number
MATNR B CHAR 35 MATNR X Material number
MATTXT CHAR 80 ARKTX Material description
HAZMAT B CHAR 18 STOFF Dangerous goods number
MILMAT 1 CHAR 01 ITARK Military goods indicator
QUANT QUAN 15 LFIMG X Delivery quantity
QNUNIT 8, 9 CHAR 03 VRKME X Unit of measure
LDGRP 8 CHAR 04 LADGR Loading group
TRGRP 8 CHAR 04 TRAGR Transportation group
STRCND 8 CHAR 02 RAUBE Storage conditions
TMPCND 8 CHAR 02 TEMPB Temperature conditions
Special fields and domain values in segment E2TPDLI
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPDLI.
Field E2TPDLI-HAZMAT: Dangerous goods number
Freely-definable number or classification for dangerous goods.
Field E2TPDLI-MILMAT: Indicator for military goods
Indicates that the materials delivered are military goods.
Val. Significance
0 non-military material
1 military material
Field E2TPDLI-QNUNIT: Unit of measure
Possible units of quantity according to ISO norms:
Val. Significance
DZN Dozen
DZP Dozen packs
DPR Dozen pairs
DPC Dozen pieces
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPDLI - Delivery Item
402 April 2001
DRL Dozen rolls
GGR Great gross
GRO Gross
NMB Number
NAR Number of articles
NMP Number of packs
NPR Number of pairs
NPL Number of packages
NPT Number of parts
NRL Number of rolls
CMK Square centimeters
DMK Square decimeters
FTK Square feet
INK Square inch
MTK Square meter
YDK Square yard
PCE Piece
Field E2TPDLI-LDGRP: Loading group
Classification for the loading device (fork lift, for example). Value area according to R/3 table
Field E2TPDLI-TRAGR: Transportation group
Classification for the transport equipment (pallet, for example). Value area according to R/3 table
Field E2TPDLI-STRCND: Storage condition
Classification for storage conditions (store dry, for example). Value area according to R/3 table
Feld E2TPDLI-TMPCND: Temperature condition
Classification for storage conditions in terms of temperature (2-8° C, for example). Value area
according to R/3 table T143.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPEQT - Means of Transport
April 2001 403
E2TPEQT - Means of Transport
Segment E2TPEQT contains specifications for the means of transport used in the shipment
(vehicle and packing material).
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
EQUID CHAR 20 VENUM X Means of transport ID
EQUTYP 2 CHAR 35 VHILM X Packaging material type
EQUTXT CHAR 40 VEBEZ Packaging material text
DRVID1 CHAR 35 NAME Driver 1
DRVID2 CHAR 35 NAME Driver 2
EXTID2 CHAR 20 NAME External ID 2
Special fields and domain values in segment E2TPEQT
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPEQT.
Field E2TPEQT-VENUM: Identification of means of transport
A unique ID for the means of transport within a shipment document, which can be the sequential
numbering of the means of transport, for example. The identification can, for example, be a
sequential number for the means of transport. If the means of transport is changed, the ID serves
as a reference. The same ID numbers may be entered in different shipment documents.
Field E2TPEQT-EQUTYP: Packaging material type
The material number for the packaging material type (20-ft. container, for example). The material
numbers of the available packaging materials have to be synchronized manually between the R/3
system and the forwarding agent system.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPFRC - Shipment Costs at Header Level
404 April 2001
E2TPFRC - Shipment Costs at Header Level
Shipment cost item related to an entire shipment.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
CSTTYP 8 CHAR 04 X Cost type
CURRC 8, 9 CHAR 03 X Currency (ISO norm)
Special fields and domain values in segment E2TPFRC
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPFRC.
Field E2TPFRC-CSTTYP: Cost element
’ACST’ current costs: Mapping to current costs shipment header
Field E2TPFRC-CURRC: Currency in ISO Standard
Currency key set to ISO norms with the value area of R/3 table field TCURC-ICOCD.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPLCT - Location Code
April 2001 405
E2TPLCT - Location Code
Location code for a location master record. A location master record can have several codes.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
LOCCTP 8 CHAR 06 X Code category
LOCCOD CHAR 35 X Code number
Special fields and domain values in segment E2TPLCT
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPLCT.
Field E2TPLCT-CODTYP: Code category
The code category specifies which code type the code number is related to:
Val. Significance
SCAC Standard carrier code
SPLC Standard location code
ILN International location number
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPNOT - Delivery Texts
406 April 2001
E2TPNOT - Delivery Texts
Shipping-specific texts for the delivery. Texts are grouped according to types. Texts with more
than one line are stored in sequential segments.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
NOTTYP 8 CHAR 04 X Text category
Special Fields and Domain Values in Segment E2TPNOT
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPNOT.
Field E2TPNOT-NOTTYP: Text type
The text category specifies the type of text in the segment. Possible text categories come from
the value area of the R/3 table field TTXID-TDID for text object TTXID-TDOBJECT = ‘VBBK’ (SD
header texts).
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPSHA - Transportation Activity
April 2001 407
E2TPSHA - Transportation Activity
Activity within a shipment document that is assigned to a transportation connection point.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
ASQNUM NUMC 06 X Activity number
ACTVTY 8 CHAR 02 X Activity category
DELID CHAR 10 VBELN X Relevant delivery
SRVAGT A CHAR 10 LIFNR Relevant service agent
Special Fields and Domain Values in Segment E2TPSHA
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPSHA.
Field E2TPSHA-ASQNUM: Activity number
Sequential numbering of activities in a transportation connection point. Different transportation
connection points may contain the same activity numbers. Think of activity numbers as sequence
Field E2TPSHA-ACTVTY: Activity category
The activity category specifies which activities are to be carried out. While processing an inbound
shipment, the activity for a defined delivery (field DELID) is carried out by a defined service agent
(field SRVAGT).
Val. Significance Description
LD / UL Load / unload
A delivery with the number DELID is loaded at the respective
location. It remains loaded until it is unloaded at another
location (ACTVTY = UL). This means that this delivery is
assigned to all legs in the shipment document that are
situated between the two locations (function ‘deliveries to
stage’ at stage overview in the shipment document, table
As soon as the service agent has been determined for one of
these two activities and if this deviates from the normal
service agent for the leg, a new stage is generated in the
shipment document with a ‘load transfer’ category. The
deliveries that are (un)loaded by the service agent are
assigned to this stage.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPSHA - Transportation Activity
408 April 2001
LT Load transfer Here, a new stage from the ‘load transfer’ category
(regardless of the value in the service agent field) is
generated and the delivery specified is assigned to it. (If 4
deliveries are to be transferred, the ‘load transfer’ activity
must take place for each delivery.)
CU Clear delivery for
In this way, a shipment stage of the type ‘border’ is generated
in the same way as the ‘load’ activity.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPSHH - Shipment Header
April 2001 409
E2TPSHH - Shipment Header
Organizational and status information at shipment header level.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
SHPID CHAR 10 TKNUM X Shipment number
SHPTYP 5 CHAR 04 SHTYP X Shipment type
CARRID A CHAR 10 LIFNR Service agents
SHPPPT 5, 8 CHAR 04 TPLST X Transportation planning point
DISTNC QUAN 15 MENG13 Total distance
DSUNIT 8, 9 CHAR 03 MEINS Unit of distance, according to
ISO norms
DRVTIM QUAN 05 DIFZT Traveling time only
TOTTIM QUAN 05 DIFZT Total shipment time
TMUNIT 8, 9 CHAR 03 MEIZT Standard ISO unit of time
SRVID1 CHAR 20 EXTI1 External identification 1
SRVID2 CHAR 20 EXTI2 External identification 2
DESCRP CHAR 20 TPBEZ Description
A0001 CHAR 10 VTTK_A0001
Text 1 CHAR 40 VTTK_TXT1
Special Fields and Domain Values in Segment E2TPSHH
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPSHH.
Field E2TPSHH-SHPID: Shipment number
Shipment document number. The shipment number is subject to important marginal conditions,
which must be guaranteed by the transportation planning system.
The shipment number
· May only contain numerical characters
· Must be unique to the shipment document
· Must come from the external number range assigned to the transportation planning point in
R/3 Customizing (transaction 0VTP). The number range can be set to your requirements in
the R/3 system client setup so that the given corresponding document numbers are also
guaranteed in the transportation planning system.
· Empty: Internal number assignment by shipment type
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPSHH - Shipment Header
410 April 2001
CARRID and SRVID1 for identification
· Filled: External number assignment
Field E2TPSHH-SHPTYP: Shipment type
You define the shipment type in R/3 Customizing (transaction OVTK) It describes the following
aspects of the shipment:
· Shipment mode (partial load, full load)
· Means of transport (truck, rail)
· Direction (inbound or outbound shipment)
· Leg indicator (direct leg, preliminary leg, main leg, subsequent leg)
The shipment types that have to be made available to the transportation planning system must
be created in R/3 Customizing with the corresponding parameters in order to guarantee
seamless interface performance.
Field E2TPSHH-SHPPPT: Transportation planning point
The transportation planning point corresponds to the transportation planning system and must be
adopted directly from field E2TPDLH-SHPPPT of IDoc TPSDLS0. As it is not possible to plan
across planning points in a shipment, only one transportation planning point can appear in a
shipment for consolidated deliveries.
If a planning system is linked to several planning points, it is important that you
ensure that the deliveries for the different transportation planning points are
processed separately. These deliveries must not get mixed up during planning.
Field E2TPSHH-DSUNIT: Unit of measure for distance in ISO standard
Available ISO units of distance:
Val. Significance
NMI Nautical miles
KMT Kilometer
KNT Transportation connection point
MTR Meter
Field E2TPSHH-TMUNIT: Unit of measure for distance in ISO standard
Available ISO units of time:
Val. Significance
DAY Days
HUR Hours
MIN Minutes
MON Months
SEC Seconds
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPSHH - Shipment Header
April 2001 411
WEE Weeks
ANN Years
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPSHI - Delivery in Shipment
412 April 2001
E2TPSHI - Delivery in Shipment
Delivery assigned to a shipment document.
Adjust. Format SAP
SHPITM NUMC 04 TPNUM X Loading sequence of the delivery
DELID CHAR 10 VBELN X Delivery number
Special fields and domain values in segment E2TPSHI
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPSHI.
Field E2TPSHI-SHPITM: Load sequence for delivery
Sequential numbering of deliveries in a shipment. The numbering also represents the load
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPSHR - Rail Data
April 2001 413
E2TPSHR - Rail Data
This segment contains specialized data related to railways.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
RRDESC CHAR 100 X Railway route description
Special fields and domain values in segment E2TPSHR
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPSHR.
Field E2TPSHR-RRDESC: Rail route description
The code that describes the railway route (special US requirement).
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPSHT - Leg Data in Shipment
414 April 2001
E2TPSHT - Leg Data in Shipment
Data about leg stages and their related duration within a shipment. Each piece of data must be
stored with reference to a shipment point and represents distance and duration from the
referenced point to the following point. Therefore, the last point in the transportation connection
point list contains no leg data.
Format SAP
DISTNC QUAN 15 MENG13 Distance of the following leg
DSUNIT 8, 9 CHAR 03 MEINS Unit of distance, according to ISO
DRVTIM QUAN 05 DIFZT Traveling time only - following leg
TOTTIM QUAN 05 DIFZT Total time of the following leg
TMUNIT 8, 9 CHAR 03 MEIZT Standard ISO unit of time
Special fields and domain values in segment E2TPSHT
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPSHT.
Field E2TPSHT-DSUNIT: Unit of measure for distance in ISO standard
Available ISO units of distance:
Val. Significance
NMI Nautical miles
KMT Kilometer
KNT Transportation connection point
MTR Meter
Field E2TPSHT-TMUNIT: Unit of measure for distance in ISO standard
Available ISO units of time:
Val. Significance
DAY Days
HUR Hours
MIN Minutes
MON Months
SEC Seconds
WEE Weeks
ANN Years
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPSHT - Leg Data in Shipment
April 2001 415
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPSHU - Handling Unit
416 April 2001
E2TPSHU - Handling Unit
Handling unit for packing delivery items.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
SHPUID 2 CHAR 35 VHILM X Packaging material type
SHPUTX CHAR 80 MAKTX X Packaging material text
Special Fields and Domain Values in Segment E2TPSHU
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPSHU.
Field E2TPSHU-SHUNUM: HU number
Number of handling unit. This number is used for unique identification of the handling unit.
Field E2TPSHU-SHPUID: Packaging material type
The material number for the packaging material type (20-ft. container, for example). The material
numbers of the available handling units have to be synchronized manually between the R/3
system and the transportation planning system.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPSLS - Transportation Connection Points
April 2001 417
E2TPSLS - Transportation Connection Points
Location or transportation points visited in the course of a shipment and at which activities take
place or which have processes that need to be completed.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
LSQNUM NUMC 06 X Location number (sequence)
CARRID A CHAR 10 LIFNR Relevant service agent
Special fields and domain values in segment E2TPSLS
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPSLS.
Field E2TPSLS-LSQNUM: Location number
Sequential numbering of locations visited or transportation points involved in the shipment run.
The location number must be in sequence specification form and should be specified beginning
with 1 in ascending order with no gaps.
Field E2TPSLS-CARRID: Executing service agent
Service agent who carries out the shipment in the following leg stage.
The following example is plausible when processing the inbound shipment (IDoc
IDoc R/3 System shipment document
1. Location with service
agent A
1. Leg from first location to second location with service
agent A
2. Location with service
agent B
2. Leg from second location to third location with service
agent B
3. Location with service
agent C
Service agent C is ignored
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPSUC - Handling Unit Contents
418 April 2001
E2TPSUC - Handling Unit Contents
Description of a contents item of a handling unit. A handling unit can have altogether several
contents items that are listed as full delivery items, partial delivery items, or even further handling
units. The specifications for the contents can contain as many hierarchy levels as you like. One
content item is represented in each segment E2TPSUC.
Format SAP
SHUITM CHAR 06 VEPOS Content item number
CONTYP 1 CHAR 01 VELIN X Content type
DELITM CHAR 06 POSNR Item number of delivery item
SUBSHU CHAR 10 UNVEL Number of included HU
DELQUN QUAN 15 VEMNG Quantity of packed delivery items
DELUNT 8, 9 CHAR 03 VEMEH Quantity unit in ISO norms
Special Fields and Domain Values in Segment E2TPSUC
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPSUC.
Field E2TPSUC-CONTYP: Content type
This value specifies what type of content item the handling unit is. Different data fields from
segment E2TPSUC are completed according to the type of content.
Val. Significance Completed segment fields
1 Delivery item DELITM, DELQUN, DELUNT
3 Handling unit SUBSHU
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPTIW - Time Frame
April 2001 419
E2TPTIW - Time Frame
Description of alternative opening and closing time frames for weekdays or a certain date.
Field name Adjust. Format SAP
WINMOD 1 CHAR 01 X Time frame mode
WINDOW 1 CHAR 01 Weekday
WINTM1 TIMS 06 X Beginning time of time frame
WINTM2 TIMS 06 X End time of time frame
WINPRF 8 CHAR 03 WANID Business hours profile
Special Fields and Domain Values in Segment E2TPTIW
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPTIW.
Field E2TPTIW-WINMOD: Mode of time frame
This mode value specifies whether the frame defines an opening or closing time.
Val. Significance
O Open time frame
C Close time frame
Feld E2TPTIW-WINDOW: Weekday
If this field is completed, then the time frame is valid regularly for a certain weekday.
Val. Significance
1 Monday
2 Tuesday
3 Wednesday
4 Thursday
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPTIW - Time Frame
420 April 2001
6 Saturday
7 Sunday
Field E2TPTIW-ETZONE: Time zone
Time zone code. Value area according to R/3 table field TTZZ-TZONE.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPTRM- Location Identification
April 2001 421
E2TPTRM- Location Identification
Segment E2TPTRM contains the identification numbers of a location which can be used as a key
to an address database. The segment may occur within IDoc TPSDLS01 from two to four times.
With the minimum number of 2, the departure and destination location identification are
transferred and in the next two segments, the sold-to party and payer ID can be defined.
Format SAP
TLCCAT 1 CHAR 01 X Location status
TRMTYP 1 CHAR 02 X Location category
SHPPNT A CHAR 04 VSTEL Shipping point
LODPNT A CHAR 02 LSTEL Loading point
LDPTXT CHAR 20 BEZEI20 Loading point text
STRLOC A CHAR 04 LGORT storage location
STLTXT CHAR 16 LGOBE Storage location text
SHPPTY A CHAR 10 KUNNR Ship-to party, customer number
ULDPNT A CHAR 25 ABLAD Unloading point
SLDPNT A CHAR 25 BELAD Loading point
NODEID A CHAR 10 KNOTN transportation connection point
NODTYP CHAR 10 Transportation connection point
BORDER CHAR 01 Border location indicator
TSPNT CHAR 01 Load transfer point indicator
ADRNR CHAR 10 ADRNR Address number
Special Fields and Domain Values in Segment E2TPTRM
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPTRM.
Field E2TPTRM-TLCCAT: Location status
This indicator specifies the status of the current segment for planning specifications.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPTRM- Location Identification
422 April 2001
Val. Significance
S Departure location that corresponds to the delivery’s shipping location
D Destination that corresponds to the delivery’s destination
1 Departure location that does not correspond to the delivery’s shipping location
2 Destination that does not correspond to the delivery’s destination
B Sold-to party
Indicators 1 and 2 occur if a transportation planning system is used only for preliminary and
subsequent leg planning, for example, and not for the entire planning of a delivery. For instance,
one segment E2TPTRM with location status
S and one with location status 2 would appear for
the preliminary leg between the shipping point and the departure harbor.
Field E2TPTRM-TRMTYP: Location category
Category of current location. Different fields within the segment are filled with data according to
Val. Significance Completed fields
OC One-time customer SHPPTY, ADRNR
NO Transportation connection point,
distribution center
CA Service agents SUPPLR, SLDPNT
AD Address ADRNR
Field E2TPTRM-NODTYP: Characteristic of the transportation connection point
The field lists the different characteristics of a transportation connection point. Each characteristic
is coded with a single letter. Up to 10 characteristics can be shown in field E2TPTRM-NODTYP
as a character string.
Val. Significance
C Distribution center
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPTRM- Location Identification
April 2001 423
R Railway station
E Express railway station
H Harbor
S Street
Example: E2TPTRM-NODTYP = CRS means a distribution center with railway and road
Field E2TPTRM-BORDER: Indicator for border location
This indicator specifies whether the transportation connection point is a border location.
Val. Significance
0 Non-border location
1 Border location
Field E2TPTRM-TSPNT: Indicator for load transfer point
This indicator specifies whether the transportation connection point is a load transfer point.
Val. Significance
0 Non-load transfer point
1 Load transfer point
Please note the following when processing an inbound shipment (IDoc TPSSHT01).
and STRLOC fields are included in the location definition of the departure or
destination location of a leg in the shipment document.
This occurs according to the following schema:
IDoc R/3 System shipment document
1. Location 1. 1st leg departure location
2. Location 1. 1st leg destination + 2nd leg starting point
3. Location 2. 2nd leg destination + 3rd leg starting point
Fields are completed as follows:
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPTRM- Location Identification
424 April 2001
IDoc R/3 System shipment
Leg: departure location Leg: destination
Only one of the following fields can be completed: NODEID, SHPPNT, SHPPTY,
The LODPNT field is optional and should only be completed if the SHPPNT field has
been completed.
The STRLOC field is optional and should only be completed if the PLANT field has
been completed.
The ULDPNT field is optional and should only be completed if the SHPPTY field has
been completed.
The SLDPNT field is optional and should only be completed if the SUPPLR field has
been completed.
All other fields in this segment are ignored.
If the location definition does not follow the rules listed above, an error occurs.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
E2TPTRP - Existing Shipment
April 2001 425
E2TPTRP - Existing Shipment
In segment E2TPTRP, shipment documents that have already been created in the R/3 system
and which contain the current delivery are transferred. In certain circumstances, this can lead to
improved connection planning to existing shipments in the transportation planning system. In
addition, planning requests are documented, meaning that there is a record if the current delivery
was sent to another planning system but is not yet included in the shipment document. Existing
shipment documents are recognized by their assigned shipment numbers whereas this would still
be blank for a planning request. For planning requests, this is set to the initial value (blank).
Format SAP
SHPPPT 5, 8 CHAR 04 TPLST X Transportation planning point
SHPID CHAR 10 TKNUM Shipment number (existing
SHPTYP 5 CHAR 04 SHTYP Shipment type (existing shipment)
LEGIND 1 CHAR 01 LAUFK Shipment leg indicator (existing
LOCCL1 1 CHAR 02 X Location category - departure point
LOCID1 A CHAR 10 X Location ID - departure point
SUBID1 A CHAR 35 Additional ID - departure point
ADRNR1 CHAR 10 ADRNR Address number - departure point
LOCCL2 1 CHAR 02 X Location category - destination
LOCID2 A CHAR 10 X Location ID - destination
SUBID2 A CHAR 35 Additional ID - destination
ADRNR2 CHAR 10 ADRNR Address number - destination
DATBEG DATS 08 DPTBG X Departure date
TIMBEG TIMS 06 UPTBG X Departure time
Time zone - departure point
DATEND DATS 08 DPTENS X Arrival date
TIMEND TIMS 06 UPTENS X Arrival time
Time zone - destination
Special Fields and Domain Values in Segment E2TPTRP
Please take into account these particular functions and/or permitted value areas in the following
fields in segment E2TPTRP.
Field E2TPTRP-LEGIND: Leg indicator
This indicator specifies the type of the planned shipment.
Val. Significance
1 Preliminary leg shipment
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
E2TPTRP - Existing Shipment
426 April 2001
2 Main leg shipment
3 Subsequent leg shipment
4 Direct leg shipment
5 Return leg shipment
Field E2TPTRP-LOCCL: Location category
Departure and destination location categories.
Val. Significance
PL Plant
CU Customer
SU Vendor
OC One-time customer
NO Transportation connection point, distribution center
SP Shipping point
CA Service agents
AD Address
Field E2TPTRP-TZONxx: Time zone
Time zone code. Value area according to R/3 table field TTZZ-TZONE.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
SAP System Settings and Modifications
April 2001 427
SAP System Settings and Modifications
This section provides an overview of the necessary settings within the SAP R/3 System as well
as information on additional adjustments made available in the R/3 customer functions.
Overview of Information Sources
You can also use the following sources of information:
· Implementation Guide/SAP Reference IMG (Online)
Tools ® Customizing ® Implementation projects ® SAP Reference IMG ® Logistics
® Transportation ® Interfaces ® Transportation Planning in Cooperation with
Forwarding Agents
The overview shows you which settings you must carry out in the R/3 system in order to
activate and configure the transportation planning interface. Details about specific parts
of the interface follow:
· Master Menu (Online)
Logistics Execution ® Transportation ® Transportation Planning ® External Planning
® ALE Monitoring
The ALE functions allow you to monitor IDocs that you sent or received.
· More in-depth can be found in the following printed documentation:
– RFC manual
Exact technical description of the programming interface
ALE consultant’s manual
General information about ALE and its functions
– Workflow manual
General information on the workflow concept (see error processing)
Standard Error Processing with ALE
Transferring IDocs using Remote Function Call takes place on the Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) basis. If an error occurs during this process, the connection
between transmitter and recipient is interrupted. The transmitter can use the return codes of the
RFC functions to control whether the function was successfully called up in the recipient system
or not. If there are any
TCP/IP errors, the connection must be disconnected and the IDoc must
be re-transmitted.
Errors in the ALE service layer that occur during transmission or receipt of the IDoc are indicated
technical errors. The R/3 system generates a work item for every incorrect IDoc when
technical or logical errors occur (see below). A work item is part of the workflow processing. For
the most part, the work item is an
error message that is sent to all the users in the system who
are assigned to a particular
position. The error message contains an error text. If one of the
users views the message in the inbox, analyzes the error and posts the document, the error
message will disappear from all inboxes.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
SAP System Settings and Modifications
428 April 2001
On receipt, the IDoc is saved in the database before any processing begins, thus unlinking the
communication from processing. In this way, the communication is unlinked from processing. If
an error occurs during processing, such as updating with disallowed or incorrect transaction type
logical application error), SAP creates a work item with the appropriate error text.
Activating Standard Error Processing
If a logical error occurs during processing of an IDoc, a message is sent to one or several users.
The following text describes how error processing is set up.
Technically, the system triggers a standard task specific to the message category. The standard
task must be assigned to a position that has either a user or holder.
You can create one or several positions. These are contained within a central organizational unit.
You then have the following options:
· You can enter an organizational unit in the partner definition but no further specifications in
the partner profile per message category. All the messages will then go to the users assigned
to that organizational unit who have a position where the standard task appeared.
· You enter a certain position instead of the organizational unit in the partner definition.
· You override the entry in the partner definition with entries in the partner profile for a
message category.
Normally, you would use the first alternative. However, if you have two subsystems that serve
two different transportation planning points, where the administrators for the errors are two
different people, you could use the second alternative to send the same error via the two different
partner numbers.
Display in the Inbox
The inbox display can be adjusted individually. The following describes a setting that allows you
to display the messages by IDoc category:
Call up transaction
SIN1. Click on Configuration under settings and create a new configuration.
Choose the switch for “Start configuration”. In this way you ensure that you always use this
configuration automatically. Save to the database.
Settings ® Group and choose the required field in the right-hand column for sorting in the
overview display. Significant fields are (1)
Task and (2) Creation date.
Select Settings ® Select columns and double click on the fields that you want to see in the detail
screen. Significant fields are 1.
Read, 2. Process, 3. Description, 4. Author, 5. Entry date, 6.
Entry time, and 7. Status.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Documentation not Available in Release 4.6C
April 2001 429
Documentation not Available in Release 4.6C
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Modification Concept (Customer Functions)
430 April 2001
Modification Concept (Customer Functions)
This section provides an overview on the customer functions and change options in processing
that affect the interface.
Inbound Processing (Receipt of IDocs from Subsystem)
The following modifications are possible:
· You are using standard IDoc TPSSHT01, but you want to process the IDoc according to your
own requirements.
· You are using standard IDoc TPSSHT01 but want to influence the standard IDoc processing
method, (error processing are to be modified or IDoc contents are to be interpreted according
to the customer’s requirements, for example).
· You are using a modified IDoc with your own segments and want to implement a certain
processing for the data in these segments.
· You are using a modified IDoc with your own segments and want to process the IDoc
according to your own requirements.
· You are using your own IDoc with a new message type and need to process the IDoc
according to your own requirements.
The following describes individual modification options.
Once an IDoc has been received and saved, a framework function module in the SAP application
is triggered which takes over the processing of the IDoc. This provides the first option where you
can generate your own processing function module. In order to call this up you will have to enter
it in an ALE Customizing table (transaction WE42 :
Process codes inbound ® Inbound with ALE
® Processing by function module). You can then specify the defined process code in the
inbound partner profile. Available framework function modules are assigned according to the
following message categories:
Inbound Framework Function Module
Message type Function module Significance
The framework function module filters out the user data per IDoc and calls up your own
processing function module in the application for every IDoc in a loop. All data is then saved
together in the database.
A customer function is implemented before and after processing each IDoc and after saving all
shipment data.
You can use the customer function before processing the IDoc to manipulate data in the IDoc
before it is transferred to the application functions. After IDoc processing, the customer function
allows you to process your own segments.
Customer functions for the transportation planning interface can be found in function group XV56
in the R/3 system with the description EXIT_SAPLV56I_0xx. You can use transaction SMOD to
access enhancements. The names begin with ‘V56I’. The documentation for each function
module describes how to use the available customer functions. Activating customer functions
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Modification Concept (Customer Functions)
April 2001 431
takes place in transaction CMOD. Consult the R/3 System online documentation for instructions
on how to use SMOD and CMOD.
Customer Functions Inbound Shipment
EXIT_SAPLV56I_010 Modification of IDoc segments
EXIT_SAPLV56I_011 Modification of shipment tables
EXIT_SAPLV56I_012 Save your own shipment tables
When creating your own function module or using customer functions, you must make sure that
you do not set
Commit work, because the function module branches back into the ALE service
level after processing. Application errors are copied, IDoc status is set and rollbacks may be
listed in the ALE service level. After
Commit work, a rollback can no longer be carried out if an
error occurs. This could lead to partially-posted IDocs and therefore to inconsistencies during
error processing.
Keep in mind that further I/Os that occur in the customer functions can reduce performance.
You can define your own IDoc segments in IDoc maintenance (WE30). Refer to the
corresponding documentation for the ALE group.
You can define your own IDoc the same way you maintain your own segments. This IDoc needs
to be assigned to a new output type. For this output type, you must set a partner profile. You
must also maintain the tables for entry in transaction WE42.
You have the following modification options for the individual modification scenarios:
· For IDoc processing, you can create your own processing function module, which can be
copied from the standard function module and then adjusted, if necessary.
· You can activate the customer functions in the standard function module. If you want to
change error processing, you must enhance the customer function after IDoc processing by
Own error status and then activating it. If you want to modify IDoc processing, then
you need to activate and use customer function
Own update.
· You can define your own IDoc segments in the standard IDoc and use the customer function
for Own update in order to process the data from your own segments.
· You can define your own IDoc segments in the standard IDoc and create your own
processing function module as in scenario 1.
· You can define your own IDoc and create your own processing function module. When
creating the function module, you can use the standard help function modules.
Outbound Processing (Transmitting IDocs to a Subsystem)
The following modifications are possible:
· You are using standard IDoc TPSDLS01, but want to change standard processing (the
structure or content of this IDoc, for example).
· You are using a modified IDoc with your own segments and want to set your own processing
to assemble the data from this segment.
· You use a modified IDoc with your own segments and want to process the IDoc structure
according to your own requirements.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Modification Concept (Customer Functions)
432 April 2001
· You are using your own IDoc with a new message type and need to process the IDoc
according to your own requirements.
The following describes individual modification options.
The formatting for the transmission of IDocs is carried out in the application. The IDoc is
assembled, the partner is determined and the configurations are made for the ALE layer. IDoc
assembly is carried out in the application function modules.
This is your first opportunity to carry out modifications by creating your
own function modules.
To ensure that this is called up by the application, you have to link it to the required application
menu yourself.
The following function modules from function group V561 are used in the transportation planning
interface for constructing and transmitting standard IDocs:
Function modules outbound processing
Individual planning requests (when transmitting using
message control)
IDOC_OUTPUT_SHIPPL Shipment status
For the outbound function modules for transmission of planning requests, the following customer
are available for adding your own IDoc segments and/or changing the standard IDoc
construction. The following list displays all available customer functions for outbound processing
of planning requests. The function groups and transactions displayed for inbound processing are
also valid for customer functions in outbound processing.
Customer Functions for Outbound Planning Requests
Modification of the delivery header segment in the IDoc
EXIT_SAPLV56I_002 Modification of the delivery item segments in the IDoc
EXIT_SAPLV56I_003 Modification of the packing data segments in the IDoc
EXIT_SAPLV56I_004 Modification of the entire IDoc before transmission
EXIT_SAPLV56I_005 Modification of material cumulation
EXIT_SAPLV56I_006 User-specific location substitution
EXIT_SAPLV56I_007 Deactivation of the conversion block for deliveries
EXIT_SAPLV56I_020 Change in IDoc control record
As mentioned in inbound processing, you define your own IDoc segments in IDoc maintenance.
A customer-specific IDoc can also be defined for outbound processing. Apart from IDoc
definition, you only need to maintain the partner profile for outbound processing here.
You have the following modification options for the individual modification scenarios:
· For IDoc processing, you can create your own processing function module, which can be
copied from the standard function module and then adjusted, if necessary.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Modification Concept (Customer Functions)
April 2001 433
· You can activate the customer function in the standard function module in order to change
the standard IDoc structure.
· You can define your own IDoc segments in the standard IDoc and use the customer exit to fill
your own segment with data.
· You can define your own IDoc segments in the standard IDoc and create your own function
module that can be copied from the standard function module of the corresponding message
type and then adjusted as required.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Parcel Tracking for Express Delivery Companies
434 April 2001
Parcel Tracking for Express Delivery Companies
You can use this function to track the path of individual deliveries or parcels that were sent via
express delivery company. You can also exchange the necessary data with the express delivery
company and ship-to parties and print the labels needed for parcel tracking.
The data determination procedure occurs in the background of the delivery.
As the system saves data, it checks whether express-delivery-company processing is activated.
The data fields defined for the express delivery company are determined in the order specified. If
a value cannot be determined, the system makes an entry in the incompletion log.
Parcel tracking for the express delivery company is available for both inbound and outbound
The following prerequisites must be met in order to implement parcel tracking for express
delivery companies:
· The express delivery company is entered in the system as a service agent.
· The express delivery company has been created in the system and is active (see also:
Creating an Express Delivery Company in the System [Ext.] )
· An express-delivery-company indicator is assigned to the service agent.
· At least one shipping point is assigned to the express delivery company.
· Label printing is set up [Ext.]
· IDoc interface between partners and service agents is established.
Range of Functions
Parcel tracking for express delivery companies with express-delivery-company processing offers
you the following options:
· You can define any number of fields for each express delivery company. These fields are
then automatically filled in when a delivery is created and then made available to the IDocs.
· Express-delivery-company processing makes available additional information that the
express delivery company may need. This function allows you to use XML-enabled Remote
Function Call (RFC) interfaces.
· The necessary information can be printed right on the package label. This allows the parcels
to pass thorough the express delivery company's automatic sorting machines, for example.
Settlement is also made easier, thanks to this function.
· The parcel-tracking status in the SAP System is set automatically via the parcel-tracking
interface. This way, the sender can display all tracking data in the document flow, the
delivery or in a separate transaction in the SAP System. A workflow connection makes it
easier to implement customer-specific processes.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Parcel Tracking for Express Delivery Companies
April 2001 435
· The ordering party can also track the progress of his or her order. The ordering party can
either make an inquiry via Internet or receive the necessary data via the delivery IDoc. If the
ordering party also has an SAP System, he or she can access the same function from an
incoming delivery point-of-view.
· XML-enabled Remote Frequency Call (RFC) interfaces are available for master data
· Express-delivery-company data can be processed directly from the delivery.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Creating a Manifest for Express Delivery Companies
436 April 2001
Creating a Manifest for Express Delivery Companies
A manifest is a shipment IDoc that is sent to an express delivery company. It contains all
deliveries that are transported in the express delivery company's truck, which is typically loaded
once every evening with all parcels.
The express delivery company uses this list of data for simple invoice creation and also for
double-checking against the list of parcels that were actually scanned. Manual entry of parcels is
thus no longer necessary.
You will find the required settings for setting up a link to an express delivery company in your
system in the Implementation Guide under
Logistics Execution ® Shipping ® Deliveries ® Set
Link to Express Delivery Company [Ext.].
You must first set up a partner profile for the express delivery company in question so that you
can send this list to the express delivery company via IDoc. If this list is intended for printing, you
must also set up a print profile [Ext.].
See also: Output control [Page 27]
In order to create a manifest, you must first create a selection variant for delivery selection that
finds all deliveries for a certain express delivery company with a certain loading point and the
current date.
Start from the Create shipments in collective proc. [Page 83] screen.
1. Enter a variant name. Choose Maintn to maintain a variant.
2. Enter the loading point in the
Point of departure section of the selection screen.
3. Enter the
Number of the forwarding agent for which the deliveries are to be selected in the
Transportation planning section.
4. Choose
You can now either print the list of selected deliveries or send it to the express delivery company
via IDoc.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Communication via Internet
April 2001 437
Communication via Internet
Web-based communication enables you to integrate data directly into the system of a business
partner using the traditional communication through telephone, Fax, or e-mail. In this way, new
forms of business relationships ensue: consumers or business partners can communicate with a
partner system via Web applications.
The possibility to call for tenders for shipments directly through the Internet provides an addition
to the planning functions in Transportation. The interaction between the planner and the service
agent runs completely via the system. Planners can also include forwarding agents who do not
have the SAP System into the decision-making process; these can then process the data via
their own system.
The Internet Browser user interface uses the SAP Internet Transaction Server, which controls
screen processing and the data exchange between the Browser User Interface and the SAP
You can use the standard safety functions. The workstation-based ITS control information that is
required for an Internet Browser user interface contains DES-coded passwords.
Transportation planning and processing has been extended to include this new function.
· With the function Requesting Tenders for Service Agents [Page 439], planners can offer
shipments to forwarding agents through the Internet. A planner can react to the offers made
by the forwarding agents and can also supervise the status of the tenders for his shipments.
Planners can select the forwarding agents to whom they wish to offer the shipments, they
can set the tender status, and also specify conditions for shipment processing. Forwarding
agents can call up the Internet page of the planner and react to the offers made.
Planners see the tendering status in the Monitor for Tendering and can react to the
information at an early point (
Logistics ® Logistics Execution ® Transportation ®
Transportation Planning ® Lists and Logs ® Shipment Tendering Status Monitor
· Shipment Tendering Through a Freight Exchange [Page 443]
The shipper transmits the shipment data and the price data to the freight exchange. The
latter finds a forwarding agent who meets his requirements and transmits this information
directly to the system of the shipper.
· Transportation Planning with Forwarding Agents Through the Internet [Page 446]
If there is cooperation between the shipper and the forwarding agents, parts of this
transportation planning process can be outsourced. The forwarding agent takes on planning
functions and thus makes the transportation planning easier for the shipper.
Grouping and changing of shipments occur systematically at the forwarding agent’s system
site. The forwarding agent can assign deliveries to shipments and specify data in the
shipment through the Internet Transaction Server (ITS).
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Communication via Internet
438 April 2001
· Tracking Information [Page 444]
The tracking function makes it possible for data to be exchanged between the shipper and
the forwarding agent. Both the forwarding agent and the shipper have an input and display
function that enables them to maintain or display as a list the time and location of planned or
occurring events for exactly one shipment at a time. Using the tracking display, customers
can access the Web site of the shipper and there they can monitor the status of order
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Shipment Tendering for Service Agents Through the Internet
April 2001 439
Shipment Tendering for Service Agents Through the
The option of offering shipments directly through the Internet provides a useful addition to the
planning functions in the Transportation component. Planners can also include forwarding agents
who do not have the SAP System in the decision-making process; these forwarding agents can
then use their own systems to process the data.
A planner can react to the offers made by the forwarding agents and can also supervise the
tendering status for his or her shipments. The planner receives tendering statistics and can also
judge the service quality of a service agent.
In the Implementation Guide (IMG), you can define all the basic settings that are required for
transportation planning and for the status and event confirmation by forwarding agents under the
Logistics Execution ® Transportation ® Shipments ® Configuration of Transportation
Processing for Forwarding Agents [Ext.].
To ensure data security, you should set up a personal user master record for the SAP System for
the service agent. System access can be monitored using user safety profiles and authorization
objects that are assigned specially for the tendering status tasks. The service agents can then
only call up those shipments that were offered personally to them.
Process Flow
1. The shipper creates a shipment in the SAP System. Before this is listed for tendering, it must
be scheduled; that is, the service agent and the stages must be defined already.
2. The shipper offers the shipment to the service agent through the Internet (tendering).
Planners can select the forwarding agents to whom they wish to offer the shipments, set the
tendering status, and also specify conditions for shipment processing.
3. The service agent has access via Internet to the shipments offered and he can accept, reject,
or accept under certain conditions.
4. The shipper sees the tendering status and receives an overview of the most important
information about the shipment tendering process.
Shipment Tendering Status Monitor gives an overview of the respective tendering status
for each transportation planning point. The number of shipments is listed by status. In this
way, the transportation planner can react quickly to situations and also have a complete
overview of the overall status of all shipments listed for tendering. You can display all
shipments for which no answer has been received from the forwarding agent, although a
timeframe was specified.
For example, it is important to offer rejected shipments as soon as possible to other
forwarding agents since each delay at this stage means a delay in the shipment itself.
In addition, the planner has a type of control function for the current processing status.
5. The shipper confirms the acceptance or rejection of the service agent and passes on further
information, if required.
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Shipment Tendering for Service Agents Through the Internet
440 April 2001
6. The service agent commences with processing the shipment by defining the planned data
and setting the status in the shipment.
A tendering list provides the service agent with information on newly offered shipments at all
times. The service agent can use the status list to view the processing status of accepted
See also:
Tendering Shipments for Service Agents [Page 441]
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Tendering Shipments for Service Agents
April 2001 441
Tendering Shipments for Service Agents
Planners can offer shipments to forwarding agents directly by using the Internet.
You can make all the necessary settings in the Implementation Guide (IMG) under Logistics
® Transportation ® Shipments ® Configuration of Transportation Processing for
Forwarding Agents [Ext.].
Tendering shipments
1. On the shipment screen [Ext.], choose Shipment ® Create. Enter the transportation planning
point and shipment type.
2. Choose a forwarding agent on the
Processing tab on the Create Shipment overview screen.
Enter the forwarding agent’s external ID.
3. Enter the shipment data in the
Stages section and set the shipment status to Planned.
4. Change the tendering status on the
Tender tab to New offer from shipper. Otherwise, the
shipment will not be displayed for the service agent.
5. In the
Quotation section, enter the date until which the offer is valid in the Valid to field, the
length of loading platform that is required for the shipment in the
LgthLoadingPltf field, and
the upper price range that the forwarding agent should not exceed in the
Maximum price
field. Also enter the dates for pick-up and delivery. If you want to provide the forwarding
agent with more information or conditions for this shipment, you can do so in the
Tender text
The field Maximum price field is filled in automatically if you choose Estimate [Page 184].
6. Save your entries.
Service agent's actions
The forwarding agents have access via Internet to the shipments offered and they can accept,
reject, or accept under certain conditions. They use selection variants (such as
North route)
to select the shipments that are offered to them. They can also display details about the
shipments. If a forwarding agent wants to take on one of the shipments that is offered, he or she
sets the tendering status to
Accepted by forwarding agent. Forwarding agents can enter data
such as deadlines, means of transport or tracking data directly in the shipper’s system for
shipments that they have accepted.
Overview: Confirming shipment tendering and shipments
7. You can display an overview of accepted or rejected shipments in the Shipment Tendering
Status Monitor
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Tendering Shipments for Service Agents
442 April 2001
For example, you can display all shipments that have the status Accepted fwdg agent and
the status
Fwdg agent rejected. You can choose the shipments that you want to accept from
this list.
Logistics Execution ® Transportation ® Transportation Planning ® Lists and Logs
Shipment Tendering Status Monitor and enter the selection criteria.
8. After the forwarding agent has accepted the shipment, the planner can confirm or reject the
transfer order.
On the overview screen, set the tendering status on the
Processing tab to Confirmed by
or to Offer canceled.
The forwarding agent can enter notes such as “Delays of approximately one hour are
possible" in the
Tender text field. If the planner does not want to accept such delays, he or
she can enter another forwarding agent in the
FwdAgent field and reset the tendering status
New offer from shipper. The shipment is then offered to the next forwarding agent.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Transportation Tendering Through a Freight Exchange
April 2001 443
Transportation Tendering Through a Freight Exchange
Freight exchanges provide their members, who can be either shippers or forwarding agents, with
the service of interactively bargaining on prices and transportation conditions. The shipper and
the forwarding agent receive information on prices and conditions, and they can come to an
agreement, just like in the real marketplace. As soon as the shipment is confirmed, the freight
exchange issues an invoice to the shipper and pays the forwarding agent.
Transportation planners can use the freight exchange service in particular for smaller shipments
in order to find a forwarding agent who can include the shipment in a load that is not fully used up
(LTL) and therefore demand a more reasonable price. Shippers can work together in an SAP
System and a freight exchange through the Internet. In this way, the transportation planner can
use capacity to the fullest, thus lowering shipment costs. The transportation planner also always
has an automatic update of the shipment status.
You can make all the necessary settings in the Implementation Guide (IMG) under Logistics
® Transportation ® Shipments ® Configuration of Transportation Processing for
Forwarding Agents [Ext.].
Process Flow
Transportation tendering through a freight exchange:
1. The shipper transmits shipment information, such as attributes, conditions, and the maximum
price for the shipment that the forwarding agent does not want to exceed, to the freight
2. The freight exchange analyzes the data and compares it to the list of forwarding agents
available through the freight exchange. Based upon the criteria specified by the shipper, the
system creates a ranking list of forwarding agents that match the profile and have the
required capacity. A confirmation with the data from the forwarding agent who meets the
requirements of the shipper and is also most reasonably priced is transmitted to the shipper’s
system. This confirmation contains the actual price that the forwarding agent requires for the
shipment and data such as time of shipment transfer, order number, and the forwarding
agent’s tracking number.
3. When this information is received through the forwarding agent, the contract is completed.
The shipper no longer needs to react to the offer since the forwarding agent selected by the
freight exchange meets the previously-defined requirements of the shipper exactly.
4. The shipment document is automatically updated with the forwarding agent’s data, the actual
price, and the planned times.
The procedure is the same as the one described in Tendering Shipments for Service Agents
[Page 441]. The freight exchange is simply treated as if it were a forwarding agent.
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Tracking Information
444 April 2001
Tracking Information
The shipper and the forwarding agent have a simple tracking system for monitoring the shipment
status. The tracking function makes it possible for data to be exchanged between the shipper and
the forwarding agent through the Internet. The shipper and the forwarding agent have an input
and display function for time and location of planned or unplanned events concerning a shipment.
The customer can also display this shipment data through the Internet. Typical tracking
information includes data as to whether a shipment has been picked up, reloaded, unloaded,
delivered, or delayed. These are either predefined events (that is, planned by the transportation
planner) or freely-definable events that result from the circumstances surrounding the
transportation process and are defined later during the transportation process.
The tracking display enables cooperation with business partners through the Business-to-
Business or Business-to-Customer initiative.
The shipper have the parcel tracking functionality of the SAP system installed. (For more
information, refer to the section Parcel Tracking for Express Delivery Companies [Page 434]).
The forwarding agent must have Internet access.
Both the shipper and the forwarding agent can display and process a list with tracking information
on a shipment. The customer can only display the list.
Business relations between SAP users and other partners can exist. Only the shipper must have
an SAP System available.
The tracking information is entered manually by the forwarding agent or the shipper, or loaded as
an SML file from the forwarding agent’s database into the database of the shipper.
Forwarding agents and shippers must log on to the system and be checked for information input.
Each customer has an official user who enables the display of the event chain. Security at this
level is ensured by knowledge of the required inputs (for example, order number).
· Tracking Display for Transportation Planner
The shipper can call up tracking functions, and thus recognized delayed shipments at an
early point and react accordingly.
The SAP System offers the display of tracking information and the shipment status in two
- Display of forwarding agent’s Web site in an SAP user interface window
- Displaying and changing tracking data from the shipper’s database
· Tracking Display for Customer
Using the tracking display, customers can access the web site of the shipper and there they
can monitor the status of order processing.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Tracking Information
April 2001 445
Using appropriate search criteria, the customer can call up information on the shipment
status. A fixed search template serves as input (for example, order number, customer
number, and so on).l
· Status Input of Forwarding Agent
Through a Web application, the forwarding agent confirms the status of shipment processing
in the shipper’s system. The forwarding agent and the shipper work together closely; the
shipper, however, always has control over the shipment itself.
The event information, with the exception of shipments whose forwarding agents support the
express delivery company interface, is dependent upon manual verification of the forwarding
Transportation (LE-TRA) SAP AG
Transportation Planning with Forwarding Agents Through the Internet
446 April 2001
Transportation Planning with Forwarding Agents
Through the Internet
The cooperation between the shipper and the forwarding agent can have synergic effects that
save both partners time and money. Particularly in business relationships where a forwarding
agent works primarily for a particular shipper, there can be many advantages to having joint
transportation planning. The forwarding agent takes over planning functions in cooperation with
the shipper, and thus simplifies transportation planning for the shipper. The entire planning
process occurs right in the system through Web transactions in the Internet. The Internet function
enables the forwarding agent to select and consolidate deliveries, and to specify data through an
Easy Web Transaction in transportation. The forwarding agent has access to the shipper’s
system through an Internet portal. In this way, he can save the costs for EDI or software. The
shipper can accept or reject the planned shipments of the forwarding agent at any time.
The same applies to the procurement scenario.
This function facilitates the cooperation of the shipper with forwarding agents within the
framework of the business-to-business initiative.
In the standard business setting, the transportation planner selects deliveries for the respective
shipment while he or she is creating the shipments.
If the shipper and the forwarding agents cooperate, parts of this transportation planning process
can be outsourced. Grouping and changing of shipments occur systematically at the forwarding
agent’s system site.
The shipper retains control over the planning process since he is the one who makes the
respective settings in the Implementation Guide under the path
Logistics Execution ®
® Shipments ® Configuration of Transportation Processing for Forwarding
® Configuration of Transportation Processing for Forwarding Agents [Ext.]. These
settings are the basis for transportation planning as well as status and event confirmation by
forwarding agents. He can also determine which planning functions are retained by the
forwarding agent, and which data the forwarding agent can display and change.
The forwarding agents work in the sender’s SAP System through the Internet, or, in the case of
an event confirmation, through a WAP-enabled mobile telephone. For this purpose, they require
an SAP system user.
The output determination [Page 28] must be set in the Implementation Guide under the path
Logistics Execution ® Transportation ® Basic Transportation Functions ® Output Control ®
Maintain Output Determination for Shipments [Ext.].
Process Flow
The transportation planning process in cooperation with the forwarding agent takes place as
1. The shipper offers deliveries to the forwarding agent through a Web interface.
SAP AG Transportation (LE-TRA)
Transportation Planning with Forwarding Agents Through the Internet
April 2001 447
2. The forwarding agent receives a list of deliveries from the shipper.
3. The forwarding agent sets up shipments on the basis of these deliveries and transmits the
planned shipments back to the shipper.
4. The shipper decides whether to accept the planned shipments from the forwarding agent or
to offer the deliveries to a different forwarding agent.
5. If the shipper sets the tendering status to
Confirmed, an E-mail message (output type CPAC)
can be sent automatically to the forwarding agent using output control [Page 27].
The procedure is the same as the one described in Tendering Shipments for Service Agents
[Page 441]. The difference is that deliveries (rather than shipments) are being offered in the
tendering process.