The one-sample t-test is not used as frequently as the independent-samples or paired-
samples t-test in second language research, but as it could from time to time be useful I
will outline briefly here how it can be performed.
To determine whether some obtained value is statistically different from a neutral value,
from a previously published population mean, from zero, or from some other externally
dictated mean score, a one-sample t-test can be used. The one-sample t-test asks whether
the mean score from the sample you have tested is statistically different from the
externally determined mean score you are using to compare it to. I use Torres’s (2004)
study as an example of how the one-sample t-test works (although it is likely that
polytomous IRT methods, which are beyond the scope of this book, would be a better
way to analyze this data).
Torres gave a 34-item five-point Likert scale questionnaire to 102 adult ESL learners to
determine whether the students preferred native or non-native teachers. Torres wanted to
know whether the learners would prefer one type of teacher over the other both in general
and in specific skill areas such as pronunciation and grammar. In the scale a 5 indicated a
preference for native-speaking English teachers (NEST), a 1 indicated a preference for
non-native English speaking teachers (non-NEST), and a 3 indicated no particular
preference. In order to test whether the mean scores that were recorded were substantially
different from a mean of 3, a one-sample t-test was conducted for each of the areas of
We will examine the question of whether ESL learners preferred NESTs or non-NESTs
in the areas of culture and speaking in this example. I use the Torres.sav file, imported as
torres. For the one-sample t-test, in R Commander choose STATISTICS > MEANS >
SINGLE-SAMPLE T-TEST (see Figure 1). For the “Alternative Hypothesis” area, you want to
put the value to test against in the “Null hypothesis: mu” box. For Torres’s questionnaire,
the number “3” was neither agree nor disagree, so what we want to test is whether values
depart from neutral, so I have entered “3” here. However, other numbers are possible for
your data. For example, if you wanted to test whether your own students’ scores on an
internal test were different from the mean of previous administrations of the test, whose
mean score was 456, you could put 456 in the “Test Value” box.
Figure 1 Opening a one-sample t-test dialogue box in R Commander.
Notice that if you would like to conduct a one-tailed hypothesis, you can choose that in
the dialogue box.
The output of the one-sample t-test looks like this:
On the first line you find the variable that you tested for, which in this case was Culture.
Make sure to get a feel for your data before looking at the results of the statistical test.
Look at the mean score, which can be found on the last line of the output. The mean of
the Culture variable is 3.52, which means there is a slight preference above the neutral
value for NESTs.
The main result of the t-test that we are interested in is 95% confidence interval, which is
[3.37, 3.67]. This means that our questionnaire respondents truly do differ from neutral
and have a real preference for NESTs that could be as weak as 3.37 or as strong as 3.67
(at least, we would expect the real mean score to fall in this range 95% of the time!). This
Tip: If you use a one-tailed directional hypothesis, you do not have to adjust the p-
value. The one that is returned has already been adjusted for a one-way hypothesis.
Remember that using a one-tailed hypothesis will give you more power to find
is not substantially larger than 3, so although there does seem to be a real preference, it
seems like a fairly mild preference.
The R code for this test is:
t.test(torres$culture, alternative='two.sided', mu=3, conf.level=.95)
t.test (x, . . .)
Gives the command for all t-tests, not just the
one-sample test
torres$culture This is the Culture variable in the torresdataset
This default calls for a two-sided hypothesis test;
other alternatives: "less", "greater"
Tells R that you want a one-sample test; it
compares your measured mean score to an
externally measured mean
Sets the confidence level for the mean difference
Performing a One-sample T-Test
1 On the R Commander drop-down menu, choose STATISTICS > MEANS >
SINGLE-SAMPLE T-TEST. Choose one variable, and then put the value you want
to test your data against in the “Alternative Hypothesis” area in the “Null
hypothesis: mu” box.
2 Basic R code for this command is (N.B. items in red should be replaced with
your own data):
t.test(torres$culture, mu=3)
In this section I will use Wilcox’s WRS package to perform robust paired-sample t-tests.
I am assuming that you have read through Section 8.4.4 of the book and have installed all
of the packages that are necessary and have loaded the WRS package.
To perform a 20% trimmed mean percentile bootstrap for a one-sample t-test, use
Wilcox’s command trimpb( ) (this is very similar to the robust command for independent
samples t-tests, which was trimpb2( )). Basically, the only difference in syntax between
the two tests is that we add an argument specifying the neutral value: null.value = 3.
Thus, this test contains means trimming (default is 20%) and uses a non-parametric
percentile bootstrap. The syntax to test the Grammar variable is:
trimpb(torres$grammar, tr=.2, alpha=.05, nboot=2000, null.value=3)
Here is the output from this call:
The output shows that the 20% trimmed mean percentile-bootstrap 95% confidence
interval for the population mean of the Grammar variable is [2.97, 3.48]. Since the CI
contains the neutral value of 3, we cannot reject the null hypothesis that the true
population mean might be equal to 3.
Effect sizes can be determined quite simply; just take the mean of x listed in the output,
subtract your neutral value from it (for the Torres Culture variable the mean is 3.52, and
the neutral value is 3, so 3.52- 3 = .52) and divide by the standard deviation of the one
group you have, just as you would do if the variances were not equal (see Section 8.4.5 of
the book). The standard deviation for the Culture variable is .77 so the effect size for
Culture is thus 0.52/.77 = .68, meaning the difference from not caring whether a native
English speaker is a teacher for a culture class is 68% of one standard deviation higher. I
would say this is a medium-small effect. Previously we looked at the confidence interval
and said the preference was statistically different from neutral but not a very strong
preference, so the effect size here confirms this.
1 Torres (2004) data. Use the dataset Torres.sav, imported as torres for R.
Calculate one-sample t-tests for the variables of listening and reading using a one-
sample parametric test. Obtain robust confidence intervals of the mean estimate.
Report on descriptive statistics, 95% CIs and effect sizes. Comment on the size of
the effect sizes.
2 Using the same dataset as #2, look at the variables of culture and pronunciation
using both parametric one-sample tests and robust one-sample tests (means
Performing a Robust One-sample T-Test
1 First, the Wilcox WRS library commands must be loaded or sourced into R
(see Section 8.4.4 in the book) and the library opened.
2 The basic R code for this command is:
trimpb(torres$grammar, tr=.2, null.value=3)
trimming and bootstrapping). Do you find any differences? What are the effect
3 Dewaele and Pavlenko Bilingual Emotions Questionnaire (2001–2003) data. Use
the BEQ.sav dataset, imported as beq. Test the hypothesis that the people who
took the online Bilingualism and Emotions Questionnaire will rate themselves as
fully fluent in speaking, comprehension, reading, and writing in their first
language (ratings on the variable range from 1, least proficient, to 5, fully fluent).
Use the variables L1SPEAK, L1COMP, L1READ, and L1WRITE. Calculate
effect sizes and comment on their size.
Chernick, M. (2007). Bootstrap methods: A guide for practitioners and researchers. New
York: John Wiley & Sons.
Crawley, M. J. (2007). The R book. New York: Wiley.
Kirby, K. N., & Gerlanc,D. (2013). BootES: An R Package for Bootstrap Confidence
Intervals on Effect Sizes. Behavior Research Methods, 45(4), 905–927.
Torres, J. (2004). Speaking up! Adult ESL students’ perceptions of native and non-native
English speaking teachers. Unpublished MA, University of North Texas, Denton.