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§59A-01 Scope of this Sub-chapter .......................................................................................................................... 6
§59A-02 Penalties ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
§59A-03 Definitions Specific to this Sub-chapter ................................................................................................... 7
§59A-04 Licensing General Requirements ........................................................................................................ 10
§59A-05 Licensing Reciprocal Recognition with Other Jurisdictions ............................................................. 16
§59A-06 Licensing Term of License ................................................................................................................... 18
§59A-07 Licensing Fees ....................................................................................................................................... 21
§59A-08 Licensing Causes for Denial or Revocation ........................................................................................ 21
§59A-09 Licensing Transfer of License .............................................................................................................. 23
§59A-10 Licensing Care of Licenses ................................................................................................................... 23
§59A-11 Compliance with Law No Unlicensed Activity ................................................................................... 24
§59A-12 Compliance with Law Vehicle Insurance Coverage .......................................................................... 26
§59A-13 Compliance with Law Personal Conduct ........................................................................................... 29
§59A-14 Compliance with Law Miscellaneous .................................................................................................. 32
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§59A-15 RESERVED (Operations Base Station Business Premises) ............................................................ 32
§59A-16 RESERVED (Operations Management Oversight (Use of Agents)) ............................................... 33
§59A-17 Operations Service Requirements (Customers) ................................................................................. 33
§59A-18 Operation Responsibilities with Respect to Drivers .......................................................................... 33
§59A-19 Operations Trip Record Information ................................................................................................. 33
§59A-20 Operations Current Contact Information .......................................................................................... 34
§59A-21 Leasing a For-Hire Vehicle ..................................................................................................................... 35
§59A-22 RESERVED (Operations Reporting Requirements) ........................................................................ 39
§59A-23 (Operations Rates and Tolls) ............................................................................................................... 39
§59A-24 (Operations E-Zpass Required) ........................................................................................................... 40
§59A-25 Operations Miscellaneous Operating Requirements ......................................................................... 42
§59A-26 Vehicles Inspections .............................................................................................................................. 42
§59A-27 Vehicles Meets Safety Standards ......................................................................................................... 43
§59A-28 Vehicles Miscellaneous Requirements and Vehicle Retirement ........................................................ 44
§59A-29 Vehicles Markings & Advertising ....................................................................................................... 49
§59A-30 Vehicles Items Required to be in Vehicle ........................................................................................... 53
§59A-31 Vehicle Equipment ............................................................................................................................... 55
§59A-32 REPEALED Vehicle Equipment Partitions for Livery Vehicles ...................................................... 56
§59A-33 Vehicle Equipment In-Vehicle Camera System (IVCS) .................................................................... 56
§59A-34 RESERVED (Taxicab Specific Vehicle Equipment) ........................................................................... 56
§59A-35 Penalty Points for For-Hire Vehicles ..................................................................................................... 56
§59A-36 Storage of For-Hire Vehicle Licenses ..................................................................................................... 56
§59B-01 Scope of this Sub-chapter ........................................................................................................................ 59
§59B-02 Penalties .................................................................................................................................................... 59
§59B-03 Definitions Specific to this Sub-chapter ................................................................................................. 60
§59B-04 Licensing General Requirements ........................................................................................................ 62
§59B-04.1 LicensingIssuance of Street Hail Livery Base Licenses ................................................................... 65
§59B-04.2 LicensingStreet Hail Livery Base Can Act as Representative ........................................................ 66
§59B-05 Licensing Special Requirements for Livery Base Stations and Street Hail Livery Bases .............. 66
§59B-06 Licensing Term of License ................................................................................................................... 70
§59B-07 Licensing Fees ....................................................................................................................................... 72
§59B-08 Licensing Causes for Denial or Revocation ........................................................................................ 73
§59B-09 Licensing Transfer of an Ownership Interest in a For-Hire Base License ...................................... 75
§59B-10 RESERVED (Licensing Care of Licenses) ........................................................................................ 78
§59B-11 Compliance with Law No Unlicensed Activity ................................................................................... 78
§59B-12 Compliance with Law Workers’ Compensation ................................................................................ 79
§59B-13 Compliance with Law Personal Conduct ........................................................................................... 83
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§59B-14 Compliance with Law Miscellaneous .................................................................................................. 87
§59B-15 Operations Business Premises ............................................................................................................ 88
§59B-16 Operations Special Requirements ....................................................................................................... 90
§59B-17 Operations Service Requirements (Customers) ................................................................................. 91
§59B-18 Operations Owners’ Responsibilities with Respect to Drivers ....................................................... 100
§59B-19 Operations Trip Record Information .............................................................................................. 107
§59B-20 Operations Current Contact Information ........................................................................................ 111
§59B-21 Operations Additional Records to be Maintained and Reported ................................................... 112
§59B-22 RecordsReporting Requirements for Street Hail Liveries ............................................................. 116
§59B-23 Operations Rates and Tolls ................................................................................................................ 116
§59B-24 Minimum Driver Payment Requirements ........................................................................................... 119
§59B-25 Operations Miscellaneous Operating Requirements ....................................................................... 119
§59B-26 Vehicles Inspections ............................................................................................................................ 121
§59B-27 Vehicles Meets Safety Standards ....................................................................................................... 122
§59B-28 Vehicles Miscellaneous Requirements .............................................................................................. 122
§59B-29 Vehicles Markings & Advertising ..................................................................................................... 126
§59B-30 Vehicles Items Required to be in Vehicle ......................................................................................... 131
§59B-31 Vehicle Equipment ............................................................................................................................. 133
§59B-32 REPEALED Vehicle Equipment Partitions for Livery Vehicles .................................................... 134
§59B-33 REPEALED Vehicle Equipment In-Vehicle Camera System (IVCS) ........................................... 134
§59B-34 RESERVED (Taxicab Specific Vehicle Equipment) ......................................................................... 134
§59B-35 Penalty Points for Bases ........................................................................................................................ 134
§59C-01 REPEALED In-Vehicle Camera System (“IVCS”) ............................................................................ 137
§59C-02 REPEALED Partitions Livery Vehicles Only .................................................................................. 137
§59C-03 Distress Signal Lights Livery Vehicles Only .................................................................................... 137
§59D-01 Scope of this Sub-chapter ...................................................................................................................... 140
§59D-02 Penalties .................................................................................................................................................. 140
§59D-03 Definitions Specific to this Sub-chapter ............................................................................................... 140
§59D-04 Licensing General Requirements ...................................................................................................... 142
§59D-05 Licensing Special Requirements ........................................................................................................ 144
§59D-06 Licensing Term of License ................................................................................................................. 146
§59D-07 Licensing Fees ..................................................................................................................................... 147
§59D-08 Licensing Causes for Denial or Revocation ...................................................................................... 147
§59D-09 Compliance with Law No Unlicensed Activity ................................................................................. 148
§59D-10 Compliance with Law Personal Conduct ......................................................................................... 148
§59D-11 Compliance with Law Miscellaneous ................................................................................................ 151
§59D-12 Operations Business Premises ........................................................................................................... 152
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§59D-13 Operations Service Requirements (Customers) ............................................................................... 152
§59D-14 Operations Trip Record Information ............................................................................................... 153
§59D-15 Operations Current Contact Information ........................................................................................ 159
§59D-16 Operations Additional Records to be Maintained and Reported ................................................... 160
§59D-17 Operations Rates and Tolls ................................................................................................................ 163
§59D-18 Operations E-ZPass Required ........................................................................................................... 164
§59D-19 Operation Compliance with Licensing Statements .......................................................................... 164
§59D-20 Operations Miscellaneous Operating Requirements ....................................................................... 165
§59D-21 Operations Restrictions on Cruising Time in the Manhattan Core ............................................... 166
Updated July 22, 2024
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§59A-01 Scope of this Sub-chapter
(a) To establish the procedures, rules and requirements for obtaining and maintaining
a For-Hire Vehicle License, including:
(1) For-Hire Livery Vehicles
(2) For-Hire Black Car Vehicles
(3) For-Hire Luxury Limousine Vehicles
(b) To provide penalties for violations of the rules and requirements for maintaining a
For-Hire Vehicle License.
(c) Except as otherwise provided, this chapter does not apply to For-Hire Vehicles
that are Street Hail Liveries. The requirements for Street Hail Livery service are
provided in Chapter 82 of these Rules.
§59A-02 Penalties
(a) Unlicensed Activity.
(1) Unlicensed Activity is the act of providing or advertising the provision of
any Commission-regulated for hire transportation service by:
(i) Any Licensee whose License is suspended, revoked, or expired
and not yet renewed, or
(ii) Any person who does not hold a Valid License or
Authorization from the Commission as a for hire driver, for the for
hire vehicle, or for the for hire service, as applicable.
(2) Unlicensed Activity specifically includes the activities listed in §19-506
and §19-528 of the Administrative Code, and can subject the violator to
the seizure and possible forfeiture of the vehicle involved.
(b) Specific Penalties. If there are specific penalties for violating a Rule, they are
shown at the end of the Rule. The penalty section also states whether the violator
must attend the Hearing.
(c) Payment of Fines.
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(1) Fines are due within 30 days of the day the Respondent is found guilty of
the violation, unless:
(i) the Respondent files an appeal of the decision issued by the Taxi
and Limousine Tribunal within the time required by Chapter 5 of
Title 48 of the Rules of the City of New York, in which case the
payment of the fines will be deferred until 30 days after the date of
the appeal decision.
(2) If the fine is not paid by the close of business on the date due, the
Commission will notify the Respondent in writing that the Respondent’s
License will be suspended in 10 business days of the date of the
notification until the fine is paid, unless the Respondent demonstrates to
the Commission, in person or in writing, that the fine has been paid.
§59A-03 Definitions Specific to this Sub-chapter
(a) Applicant in this Sub-chapter means an Applicant for an original or renewal For-
Hire Vehicle License.
(b) Black Car is a Vehicle that affiliates with a Black Car Base or with a High-
Volume For-Hire Service.
(c) Black Car Base is a For-Hire Base, excluding a High-Volume For-Hire Service,
that operates as follows:
(1) All Black Car Vehicles are dispatched on a pre-arranged basis
(2) All Black Car Vehicles are owned by franchisees of the Base or are
members of a cooperative that operates the Base; and
(3) More than ninety percent (90%) of the Base’s business is on a payment
basis other than direct cash payment by a Passenger
(d) Driver in this Sub-chapter means a For-Hire Driver.
(e) For-Hire Base (or “Base”) is the Commission-licensed business for dispatching
For-Hire Vehicles and the physical location from which For-Hire Vehicles are
dispatched; a For Hire Base can be any of the following:
(1) A Black Car Base,
(2) A Livery Base (or Base Station),
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(3) A Luxury Limousine Base,
(4) A High-Volume For-Hire Service.
(f) For-Hire Driver in this Sub-chapter means a Driver of a For-Hire Vehicle.
(g) For-Hire Vehicle is a motor Vehicle Licensed by the Commission to carry
Passengers For-Hire in the City, which:
(1) Has a seating capacity of 20 or fewer Passengers
(2) Has three or more doors
(3) Is not a Taxicab, a Commuter Van, or an authorized bus as defined by
NYS law.
(h) Issuing Jurisdiction is a county within New York State and covered by Article 17-
B, Section 498 of the New York Vehicle and Traffic Law that issues its own
approval to allow a vehicle within its jurisdiction to contract for hire and perform
pre-arranged pick-ups and drop-offs of one or more Passengers.
(i) License in this Sub-chapter means a License for a For-Hire Vehicle.
(j) Livery is a For-Hire Vehicle that is affiliated with a Livery Base Station.
(k) Livery Base Station (“Base” or “Base Station”) is a For-Hire Base that operates as
(1) All Livery Vehicles are dispatched from the Base on a pre-arranged basis.
(2) All Livery Vehicles are designed to carry fewer than six (6) Passengers.
(3) Passengers are charged for service on the basis of a flat rate, time,
mileage, or zones.
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(l) A Luxury Limousine is a For-Hire Vehicle that is affiliated with a Luxury
Limousine Base.
(m) Luxury Limousine Base is a For-Hire Base that operates as follows:
(1) All Luxury Limousines are dispatched from the Base by pre-arrangement.
(2) Luxury Limousine Vehicles have a seating capacity of 20 or fewer
(3) More than ninety percent (90%) of its business is on a payment basis other
than direct cash payment by a Passenger.
(4) Passengers are charged “garage to garage” service on the basis of a flat
rate, time or mileage.
(n) Owner or Vehicle Owner in this Sub-chapter refers to the title owner, registered
owner or lessee of a For-Hire Vehicle. An Owner can be a Business Entity or a
(o) Penalty Point is a non-monetary penalty assessed against either a Base Owner or
the Owner of a For-Hire Vehicle if they are convicted of certain violations in this
(p) Qualified Jurisdiction is an Issuing Jurisdiction that meets the requirements for
reciprocity described in §498 of the NYS Vehicle and Traffic Laws.
(q) Qualified Vehicle License (or “QVL”) is the license issued by a Qualified
Jurisdiction to that jurisdiction’s vehicles authorizing them to provide pre-
arranged, for-hire transportation within its jurisdiction.
(r) Qualified Driver’s License (or “QDL”) is a license issued by a Qualified
Jurisdiction to that jurisdiction’s drivers authorizing them to operate an authorized
vehicle to provide pre-arranged, for-hire transportation within its jurisdiction.
(s) Reciprocity (or Reciprocal Recognition) means that:
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(1) New York City For-Hire Vehicles and Drivers can do pickups or drop
offs in Qualified Jurisdictions for trips ending or beginning in NYC,
(2) Vehicles and drivers that are licensed to perform for-hire transportation
by a Qualified Jurisdiction can do pickups or drop offs in NYC for trips
ending or beginning in the Qualified Jurisdiction.
(t) Vehicle in this Sub-chapter refers to a For-Hire Vehicle.
§59A-04 Licensing General Requirements
(a) Reserved. Identification.
(b) Reserved. Age.
(c) Reserved. Fingerprinting for Good Moral Character.
(d) Designate Drivers as Agents to Receive Service.
(1) An Applicant for a For-Hire Vehicle License (and a Licensee) must
designate every Driver who operates one of Owner’s Vehicles as an agent
for accepting service of summons or Commission notices to correct
defects in the Vehicle.
(i) Delivery of the summons or notice to correct defect(s) to a Driver
will be adequate notice to the Vehicle Owner.
(ii) The Commission will send a photocopy of any summons or notice
to correct defect(s) to the Vehicle Owner and the Base Owner of
(2) An Applicant for a For-Hire Vehicle License (and a Licensee) must
designate every Driver who operates one of Owner’s Vehicles as agent for
service of any legal process from the Commission that can be issued
against the Owner.
(e) Inspection Required for a New Vehicle License.
(1) An Applicant for a new For-Hire Vehicle License (or approval for a
replacement vehicle) must demonstrate that the vehicle was inspected at
the Commission’s Safety and Emissions Division within ten days:
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(i) After being issued T&LC plates by the NYS DMV, or
(ii) After the Commission’s acceptance of the application for vehicles
registered outside New York State
(2) Vehicles must pass inspection within 60 days after the date of the first
scheduled inspection before the new For-Hire Vehicle License will be
(3) The maximum number of inspections allowed in this 60-day period is
(4) The maximum limit of four inspections applies whether the Applicant
submits only the original vehicle, or also submits a replacement vehicle.
(5) Failure of the original vehicle or any replacement vehicle to pass an
inspection after four tries within the 60-day period will result in denial of
the application.
(6) Nature of the Inspection.
(i) If the vehicle has accumulated fewer than 500 miles traveled at the
time the vehicle arrives at the Commission’s facility for inspection,
irrespective of the vehicle’s model year, the inspection will be only
a visual inspection.
(ii) Unless exempt under (i), if the vehicle is a year 1996 or later
A. The vehicle must pass (i) the vehicle inspection
requirements set forth in Section 301 of the NYS Vehicle
and Traffic Law, (ii) a visual inspection of the interior and
exterior of the vehicle to verify compliance with these
Rules, and (iii) inspection to verify compliance with any
other applicable laws, rules and requirements.
B. The inspection will count as one of the “tri-annual”
inspections required by §59A-26 of this Sub-chapter.
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(iii) Unless exempt under (i), if the vehicle is a year 1995 or earlier
model, or if the vehicle is of any model year and the vehicle’s
maximum gross weight (MGW) as recorded on the registration
card, is 8,501 pounds or more:
A. The vehicle must pass (i) the vehicle inspection
requirements set forth in Section 301 of the NYS Vehicle
and Traffic Law, except that the inspections will not
include emissions testing, (ii) a visual inspection of the
interior and exterior of the vehicle to verify compliance
with these Rules, and (iii) inspection to verify compliance
with any other applicable laws, rules and requirements.
B. The inspection will not count as one of the “tri-annual”
inspections required by §59A-26 of this Sub-chapter.
(7) The Commission’s fee for a required Commission inspection is $75; this
fee includes the certificate of inspection issued when the vehicle passes
inspection. Inspection fees must be prepaid with each application and
renewal application.
(8) Reinspection Fee. A reinspection fee can be required if a vehicle must be
reinspected. There is a reinspection fee only if reinspection is required
because the vehicle failed a component of the inspection required by
Section 301 of the NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law. In that case, the
reinspection fee is the maximum fee allowed by DMV regulation for any
component that must be reinspected. If reinspection is required because
the vehicle failed any other component of the inspection, there is no
reinspection fee.
(9) If the vehicle was altered after manufacture and seats 10 or more
passengers (including the driver) and is not exempt from inspection by the
NYS Department of Transportation, the vehicle must pass an inspection
by the NYS Department of Transportation. The vehicle must also pass a
visual inspection by the Commission.
(f) Inspection Required to Renew a Vehicle License.
(1) An Applicant for renewal of a For-Hire Vehicle License must have the
vehicle inspected at the Commission’s Safety and Emissions Division and
demonstrate that the Vehicle has passed an inspection within 120 days
after the date of the first scheduled inspection.
(2) The maximum number of inspections allowed in this 120-day period is
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(3) The maximum limit of four inspections applies whether the Applicant
submits only the original vehicle, or also submits a replacement vehicle.
(4) After the License expiration date, the vehicle must not operate until it
passes inspection and meets all other requirements for Licensure.
(5) Failure of the original vehicle or any replacement vehicle to pass an
inspection after four tries within the 120-day period will result in denial of
the renewal application.
(i) If an original vehicle fails to pass inspection on four tries within
the 120day period, the licensee can have a different vehicle
inspected if they so choose. This subsequent vehicle will be subject
to the same inspection requirements outlined in 59A-04(f)(1)-(5),
(6) Nature of the Inspection.
(i) If the vehicle is a year 1996 or later model:
A. The vehicle must pass (i) the vehicle inspection
requirements set forth in Section 301 of the NYS Vehicle
and Traffic Law, (ii) a visual inspection of the interior and
exterior of the vehicle to verify compliance with these
Rules, and (iii) inspection to verify compliance with any
other applicable laws, rules and requirements.
B. The inspection will count as one of the “tri-annual”
inspections required by §59A-26 of this Sub-Chapter.
(ii) If the vehicle is a year 1995 or earlier model, or if the vehicle is of
any model year and the vehicle’s maximum gross weight (MGW)
as recorded on the registration card is 8,501 pounds or more:
A. The vehicle must pass (i) the vehicle inspection
requirements set forth in Section 301 of the NYS Vehicle
and Traffic Law, except that the inspections will not
include emissions testing, (ii) a visual inspection of the
interior and exterior of the vehicle to verify compliance
with these Rules, and (iii) inspection to verify compliance
with any other applicable laws, rules and requirements.
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B. The inspection will not count as one of the “tri-annual”
inspections required by §59A-26 of this Sub-chapter.
(7) If the vehicle was altered after manufacture and seats 10 or more
passengers (including the driver) and is not exempt from inspection by
the NYS Department of Transportation, the vehicle must pass an
inspection by the NYS Department of Transportation. The vehicle
must also pass a visual inspection by the Commission.
(g) Reserved Vehicle Owner Training.
(h) Affiliation Required. All Applicants for a For-Hire Vehicle License must
demonstrate that they are affiliated with an appropriate For-Hire Base.
(i) Affiliation with Only One Base. For-Hire Vehicles can only affiliate with one
Base at a time.
(j) One License per Vehicle.
Only one For-Hire Vehicle License will be issued and in effect for any
vehicle, as indicated by the vehicle identification number, at any one time.
(k) Reserved--Special Requirements for Black Car Affiliation.
(l) Payment of Fines and Fees.
(1) An Applicant, including an applicant for a renewal License, must pay,
and provide proof of payment of, any outstanding fines or fees owed by
the Applicant to
(i) the Commission,
(ii) NYC Department of Finance’s Parking Violations Bureau,
(iii) NYC Department of Finance’s Red Light Camera Unit,
(iv) NYS DMV’s Traffic Violations Bureau and
(v) any of their successor agencies.
(2) This requirement includes payment of fines and fees owed as of the
date of the application by
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(i) any Business Entity Persons of the Applicant
(ii) any Business Entity of which the Applicant is a Business Entity
Person, and
(iii) any Business Entity of which a Business Entity Person of
Applicant is also a Business Entity Person.
(3) An Applicant, including an Applicant for a renewal License, must pay
any fines related to their failure to surrender a previously revoked
License (of any type), unless the Applicant can demonstrate in person
or in writing that the License has been surrendered.
(m) Business Entities. An Applicant which is a Business Entity must provide the
following documents:
(1) Partnerships. If the Applicant is a partnership, it must file with its
application a certified copy of the partnership certificate from the clerk of the
county where the partnership’s principal place of business is located.
(2) Corporations. If the Applicant is a corporation, it must file with its
(i) A certified copy of its certificate of incorporation
(ii) A list of officers and shareholders
(iii) A certified copy of the minutes of the meeting at which the current
officers were elected.
(3) Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) If the Applicant is a limited liability
company, it must file with its application:
(i) A copy of its articles of organization
(ii) A copy of its operating agreement
(iii) A list of the members, with the percentages of the Applicant owned
by each.
(n) Address. An Applicant must give the Commission the Applicant’s current
Mailing Address and Email Address.
(o) Fit to Hold a License. An Applicant for a For-Hire Vehicle License must
demonstrate that the Applicant is Fit to Hold a License.
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(p) Registration. An Applicant for a new or renewal For-Hire Vehicle License must
demonstrate that the vehicle has been properly registered. For a vehicle that has
been modified after manufacture, this means the Applicant must show that the
vehicle was properly re-registered with NYS after modification.
(q) Operating Authority. An Applicant for a new or renewal For-Hire
Vehicle License must show that the vehicle possesses a current and Valid
operating authority license from NYS and a current and Valid MC-300
Vehicle inspection form if the vehicle is not exempt from NYS DOT
inspection and operating authority requirements and either of the
following are true.
(1) The vehicle seats 10 or more passengers (including the driver)
(2) The vehicle is a modified vehicle.
(r) Exempt Vehicles. An Applicant for a new or renewal For-Hire Vehicle
License for a vehicle which has been modified and IS exempt from NYS
Department of Transportation inspection and operating authority
requirements must show an exemption letter from the NYS Department of
(s) Warranty. An Applicant for a new For-Hire Vehicle License for a
vehicle which has been modified after manufacture (except in a program
supported by the original vehicle manufacturer) must provide evidence of
warranty from the vehicle modifier that the vehicle will be free from
defects in material and workmanship, including that the chassis and frame
will be free from defects for a period of 3 years or 60,000 miles,
whichever comes first.
(t) Modifier Insurance Coverage. An Applicant for a new or renewal For-
Hire Vehicle License for a vehicle which has been modified after
manufacture (except in a program supported by the original vehicle
manufacturer) must provide evidence that the modifier maintains a
General Liability Insurance Policy in a minimum amount of $5,000,000
§59A-05 Licensing Reciprocal Recognition with Other Jurisdictions
(a) Eligibility for Reciprocal Recognition. To be eligible for Reciprocity, a vehicle
with a QVL issued by a Qualified Jurisdiction meet the following requirements:
(1) Evidence of a Valid QVL from the Qualified Jurisdiction must be attached
to the vehicle’s windshield.
(2) The vehicle must be operated by driver with a Valid Chauffeur’s License.
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Fine: $100
(3) The vehicle must be operated by a driver who:
(i) Has a Valid QDL issued by the Qualified Jurisdiction.
(ii) Carries proof of the Valid QDL while operating within New York
City and displays it on request or has it posted within the vehicle.
(iii) Meets the requirements of Chapter §80-21 of these Rules.
Fine: $350
(4) The vehicle must have a Valid state registration, and the certificate of
registration (or a legible copy of it) is in the vehicle.
Fine: $100
(5) The vehicle must contain a Trip Record that:
(i) Meets the requirements of §59A-19 of this Chapter,
(ii) Demonstrates that any trip (including travel within New York
City) was established by pre-arrangement, and
(iii) Shows that either the origin or final destination of the trip is
outside New York City.
Fine: $300
(6) The vehicle must carry a Valid inspection sticker issued under the laws of
New York State or the state of the vehicle’s registration. The sticker must
indicate the date of last inspection or the expiration date of the inspection.
Fine: $100
(7) The vehicle’s Reciprocal Recognition must not have been suspended for
failure to make required repairs within 10 days of failing an inspection.
(b) Privileges of Reciprocal Recognition. A vehicle that meets the requirements of
this section for Reciprocity will be allowed, without any License issued by or any
fee paid to the Commission, to do the following:
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(1) Pick up Passengers in the vehicle’s Qualified Jurisdiction for travel to or
through New York City
(2) Pick up Passengers in New York City for travel to the vehicle’s Qualified
(3) When transporting Passengers between the jurisdictions (as described in
subdivisions (1) or (2) above), temporarily discharge and pick up such
Passengers within New York City; provided, however, that all the stops
must occur within 24 hours of the initial pick up of the Passengers.
(4) Transit through New York City for a trip beginning and ending outside
New York City
§59A-06 Licensing Term of License
(a) New License. The term of a new For-Hire Vehicle License is two years.
(1) New License Issuance. Beginning February 2023, the Commission will
review the number of For-Hire Vehicle Licenses, pursuant to section
19-550(b)(2) of the Administrative Code of the City of New York and
determine the number of For-Hire Vehicle Licenses, if any, to issue in
the twelve months following such review and the types of vehicles to
which the Commission will issue such new Licenses. In reviewing the
number of Licenses to issue in the next twelve months, the Commission
will review congestion levels, driver pay, License attrition rates, outer
borough service, availability and demand for battery electric vehicles,
availability of battery electric vehicle charging infrastructure, and any
other information it deems relevant to determine the number of
Licenses to issue. The results of such review, and the number of new
For-Hire Vehicle Licenses the Commission will issue, will be posted on
the Commission’s website. The Commission will not issue new For-
Hire Vehicle Licenses until such time as it completes its first review of
the number of For-Hire Vehicle Licenses pursuant to this section.
(2) Exceptions. Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this subdivision, the
Commission will continue to issue new Licenses to:
(i) Wheelchair accessible vehicles, and
(ii) Until August 13, 2023, an applicant who possesses a TLC Driver’s
License, provides written proof that the applicant entered into a
lease for the use of a licensed for-hire vehicle that contains a
conditional purchase agreement for the vehicle prior to August 14,
19 OF 169
2018, and demonstrates that the term of such lease is no less than
two (2) years.
(3) New Electric Vehicle License Issuance for individual Drivers. The
Commission may make available individual, non-transferable For-Hire
Vehicle Licenses that are restricted to fully battery electric vehicles,
powered only by electric batteries and not gasoline. Such License may
be required to be registered to a Driver using the Driver’s individual
name and personal Social Security number. When such requirement
applies, no Driver may apply for more than one such license or hold
additional for-hire vehicle licenses.
(i) In order to apply for such restricted electric vehicle license, a
statement of interest must be submitted using an online form
prescribed by the Commission. Applicants who submit a statement
of interest will be contacted by the Commission on a first-come-
first-served basis until the number of submitted statements of
interest matches the total number of available individual, non-
transferable licenses.
(ii) Applicants will have one hundred and twenty (120) days from the
date they are contacted by the Commission to submit a complete
license application, fulfilling all licensing requirements, including
but not limited to the purchase of an electric vehicle, the
submission of proof of insurance, payment of application fees, and
the possession of a valid Driver license. Additionally, vehicles
must pass inspection within 60 days after their first scheduled
(iii) Any Applicant who is contacted and has not completed all the
requirements of the application will have their application denied.
The next Applicant on the list will be contacted to begin the
application process. An Applicant who has their application
denied may submit a new statement of interest and be added to the
bottom of the list.
(4) New Electric Vehicle License Issuance for any applicant. The
Commission may make available For-Hire Vehicle Licenses that are
restricted to fully battery electric vehicles, powered only by electric
batteries and not gasoline. Such License may be made available on a
first-come-first-served basis to an Applicant and shall initially be
restricted to a maximum of 25 such new electric vehicle licenses per
individual Social Security number or Employer Identification number.
It will be within the Chairperson ’s discretion after the initial release of
the licenses to increase the maximum number of new electric vehicle
licenses per individual Social Security number o r Employer
20 OF 169
Identification number, depending up on the interest shown by the public
in applying for such licenses. Applications will be submitted in a form
approved by the Chairperson, and the Commission will post application
procedures on its website at least fifteen calendar days prior to the
release of such applications.
(b) Renewal License. The term of a renewal License is two years.
(c) When to File for Renewal.
(1) A renewing Applicant must file a completed application at least 30 days
before the expiration date of the License. The review of applications
submitted fewer than 30 days before the expiration date will not be
completed until after the expiration date of the License. Licenses are not
Valid after the License expiration date until the application for renewal is
approved by the Commission.
(2) A renewing Applicant can file a completed application up to 60 days after
the expiration date as a “late application,” if the Applicant pays a late fee
of $25. When a late application is submitted, the License will remain
expired and not Valid until the application for renewal is approved by the
(3) Application Submission Date.
(i) Applications filed online: The date of submission is the date an
application is filed online.
(ii) Applications filed in person: The date of submission is the date an
application is filed in person.
A License cannot be renewed more than 60 days after the expiration date.
(d) Early Termination.
(1) A For-Hire Vehicle License terminates early if it is revoked or
surrendered, or if the vehicle’s state license plates are voluntarily
(2) A License that has been terminated early cannot be renewed or
(e) Suspended Licenses.
(1) If a License is suspended, the Licensee must apply for renewal as
required in (c) above if the Licensee wants to renew the License.
21 OF 169
Failure to complete the renewal requirements means that the License
cannot be renewed.
(2) A License that is suspended is not Valid and cannot be used until the
suspension ends. This is true even if the Applicant has filed an
application for a renewal.
§59A-07 Licensing Fees
(a) Vehicle License Fee. The fee for each For-Hire Vehicle License will be $275
(b) Late Filing Fee. The Commission will charge an additional fee of $25 for a late
filing of a renewal application, if it allows the filing at all.
(c) When Fee is Paid. The fee for an original or renewal License must be paid at the
time the application is filed.
(d) No Refund if Application Denied. The Commission will not refund fees if it
denies or disapproves the application.
(e) Vehicle License Replacement Fee. The Commission will charge a fee of $25 for
each replacement License or Decal.
(f) Vehicle Transfer Fees.
(1) A Vehicle Licensee can change the Vehicle’s affiliation from one Base
to a different Base after approval by the Chairperson and payment of a
$25 fee.
(2) A Vehicle Licensee can transfer the License from one vehicle to
another after approval by the Chairperson and payment of a $25 fee.
(3) A Vehicle Licensee can replace the license plates on the Vehicle after
approval by the Chairperson and payment of a $25 fee.
(4) A Vehicle Licensee can transfer the license plates from one vehicle to
another after approval by the Chairperson and payment of a $25 fee.
(5) A Vehicle Licensee must pay a separate fee for each type of vehicle
transfer. This is true even if the Vehicle Licensee wants to do several
types of vehicle transfer all at one time.
§59A-08 Licensing Causes for Denial or Revocation
(a) Material Misrepresentation.
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(1) The Commission can deny an application for a License or its renewal and
revoke or suspend any License issued if it finds that an Applicant has
made a material misstatement or misrepresentation on an application for a
License or its renewal.
(2) The Commission must send notice and conduct a hearing before revoking
or suspending any License already issued.
(b) Non-Compliance with Rules. No For-Hire Vehicle License will be issued or
renewed unless the For-Hire Vehicle is in compliance with the requirements of
this Chapter at the time of the application for issuance or renewal.
(c) Non-Use. A For-Hire Vehicle License must be revoked for non-use if:
(1) For 60 or more days, the Licensee fails to maintain a Base affiliation (as
required by §59A-11(e) of this Chapter) or fails to transfer from a base
that has been suspended or
(2) For 60 or more days, the Licensee fails to maintain insurance coverage (as
required by §59A-12 of this Chapter) or
(3) For 60 or more days, the License holder fails to comply with the
inspection requirements (as required by §59A-26 of this Chapter)
(d) Prior Revocation.
(1) If the Applicant has had a previous For-Hire Vehicle License revoked, the
Chairperson may deny the Applicant’s application if the previous
revocation shows that the applicant is not Fit to Hold a License.
(2) To determine if a previously revoked For-Hire Vehicle License (“Revoked
License”) will be attributed to this Applicant, the Commission will
include any Revoked License held by any of the following:
(i) All of Applicant’s Business Entity Persons, and
(ii) Any other entity in which any of Applicant’s Business Entity
Persons also serve as a partner, officer or shareholder.
(e) Failure to Complete Application Requirements.
(1) The Chairperson will deny an application for a new License if the
Applicant has not completed all the requirements of an application
within 45 days of the date the application is filed. This does not apply
to inspections.
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(2) The Chairperson will deny an application for a renewal License if the
Applicant has not completed all the requirements of an application
within 60 days of by the expiration date of the prior License. This does
not apply to inspections.
(3) The Chairperson will not deny an application under this Rule if
completion is delayed because the Chairperson has not issued a final
decision and the Applicant has complied with any requests made by the
(4) The Applicant must also complete the inspection requirements of 59A-
04(e) and (f) within 60 days of the first scheduled appointment. The
Commission will deny the application of any Applicant which does not
complete the inspection requirements as required.
(f) Additional Consideration of an Application. If a review of the application leads
the Chairperson to believe that the Applicant may not be Fit to Hold a License,
the Chairperson may seek additional information from the Applicant. This
request for additional information may be an in-person interview, telephone call,
letter, e-mail, or other method of communication. This additional consideration
may result in the denial of the application. Failure to provide any requested
information within the time frame requested, or failure to appear at a scheduled
interview will result in a denial of the application.
§59A-09 Licensing Transfer of License
(a) Transfer of Vehicle License to a New Vehicle.
(1) In order to transfer the For-Hire Vehicle License to a new vehicle, the
Owner must file an application to transfer the License within 15 days after
registering the new vehicle with the applicable state DMV.
(2) No transfer application will be approved until the Owner presents the
vehicle for inspection by the Commission. (See §59A-04(e))
(b) Only One License per Vehicle. There can only be one Valid For-Hire Vehicle
License issued for any one Vehicle, as determined by the VIN.
§59A-10 Licensing Care of Licenses
(a) Unauthorized Entries. No unauthorized entry can be made on the For-Hire
Vehicle License or the Decal(s). No entry on the For-Hire Vehicle License or
Decal(s) can be changed or defaced.
24 OF 169
Fine: $350 for first violation
$500 for second violation in 24 months
Revocation for third violation in 36 months
Appearance REQUIRED
(b) Prompt Replacement of Unreadable License. An unreadable For-Hire Vehicle
License or Decal(s) must immediately be surrendered to the Commission for
Fine: $25
(c) Prompt Report of Loss of License. In case of the theft, loss, or destruction of a
For-Hire Vehicle License or Decal(s), the Owner must immediately notify the
Commission, provide the Commission with an affidavit or information as
required, and replace the License or Decal.
Fine: $50
(d) Prompt Replacement of License Plates. A For-Hire Vehicle Owner must report
the replacement of any lost or stolen New York State license plates in writing to
the Commission within 48 hours (not including weekends and holidays) after
obtaining new plates.
Fine: $50
§59A-11 Compliance with Law No Unlicensed Activity
(a) For-Hire Vehicle License and Commission License Plate.
(1) A For-Hire Vehicle Owner must not allow any of Owner’s Vehicles to be
dispatched unless:
(i) A Vehicle registered in NYS has license plates embossed with the
legend “T & LC”
Vehicle Fine: $350 Penalty Points: 1
Appearance NOT required
(ii) A Vehicle registered in a state other than New York has complied
with any applicable license plate requirements.
(iii) The vehicle has a Valid For-Hire Vehicle License.
Vehicle Fine: $500 for the first offense in 12 months;
$1000 for the second and subsequent offenses within a
12-month period.
Penalty Points: 1
Appearance NOT required
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(2) The Commission will post a list of Validly Licensed For-Hire Vehicles on
its Web site.
(b) Valid TLC Driver License.
(1) A Vehicle Owner must not allow any of its Vehicles to be dispatched
unless its driver possesses a Valid TLC Driver License.
(2) The Commission will post on its website a list of Drivers holding Valid
TLC Driver Licenses.
Vehicle Fine: $350
Penalty Points: 1
(c) Valid Chauffeur’s License Required.
(1) A Vehicle Owner must not allow any of its Vehicles to be dispatched
unless it is being driven by a Driver with a Valid Chauffeur’s License.
(2) A Vehicle Owner is responsible for knowing the status of the state-issued
driver’s license for any Driver dispatched in one of Owner’s Vehicles.
Vehicle Fine: $100
Penalty Points: 1
(d) Validity of For-Hire Vehicle License Requires Valid State Registration.
(1) A For-Hire Vehicle License will be Valid only while the state registration
of the Vehicle remains Valid. The License of an Owner who operates a
For-Hire Vehicle without a valid state registration will be summarily
(2) A For-Hire Vehicle Owner must immediately surrender his For-Hire
Vehicle License to the Commission upon the expiration, restriction,
suspension, or revocation of the Vehicle’s state registration.
Fine: $400 and Suspension until compliance.
Appearance REQUIRED
(e) Affiliation with Licensed Base. A For-Hire Vehicle Owner may only dispatch or
permit another person to dispatch Owner’s Vehicle if:
(1) The Vehicle is affiliated with a Validly Licensed Base;
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(2) The base dispatching the Vehicle is Validly Licensed; and at least one of
the following conditions is met:
(i) The Vehicle is being dispatched from its affiliated Base,
(ii) The Vehicle is an Accessible Vehicle affiliated with a For-Hire
Base, or
(iii) The dispatching Base informs the customer that the Vehicle is
from another Base by providing the customer with the name and
license number of both the affiliated Base and the dispatching Base
(clearly identifying which Base is the affiliated Base and which
Base is the dispatching Base) in all communications with the
customer and any materials or receipts provided to the customer.
Fine: $400
(f) Surrendering Licenses. If a For-Hire Vehicle Owner license is revoked, expired
or denied:
(1) It must be surrendered to the Commission within 10 days after revocation,
expiration or denial.
(2) If the vehicle is registered in New York State, the Owner must surrender
the T&LC license plates to the New York State Department of Motor
(g) NYS DOT Authority. A For-Hire Vehicle License for a vehicle which either
(1) seats 10 or more passengers and is NOT exempt from NYS Department of
Transportation operating authority and inspection requirements, OR
(2) has been modified after manufacture and is NOT exempt from NYS
Department of Transportation operating authority and inspection
requirements will be Valid only while the NYS Department of
Transportation operating authority required for the Vehicle remains Valid.
The License of an Owner who operates a For-Hire Vehicle without a valid
NYS Department of Transportation operating authority will be summarily
Fine: Suspension until Valid NYS
DOT operating authority obtained
Appearance REQUIRED
§59A-12 Compliance with Law Vehicle Insurance Coverage
27 OF 169
(a) Maintain Liability Insurance.
(1) A For-Hire Vehicle Owner must maintain the required insurance coverage
on all of Owner’s Vehicles at all times.
(2) When a For-Hire Vehicle Owner receives notice that his or her liability
insurance is to be terminated, Owner must surrender the For-Hire Vehicle
License and Decal(s) to the Commission on or before the termination date
of the insurance.
(3) This requirement will not apply if the Owner of the Vehicle submits,
before the termination of the policy, proof of new insurance effective on
the date of termination of the old policy.
Fine: $150-$350 and/or suspension up to 30 days
Appearance REQUIRED
(b) Notification to Commission of Changes in Insurance Coverage. Within seven
days, not including holidays and weekends, a For-Hire Vehicle Owner must
notify the Commission in writing of any change in insurance carrier or coverage,
specifying the name and address of the new and the former insurance carriers and
the number of the policy for each affiliated Vehicle. The Owner must submit
proof of such coverage.
Fine: $100
Appearance REQUIRED
(c) Coverage Requirements.
(1) General Coverage for Vehicles with Seating Capacity of Less than Eight.
For the purposes of insurance or other financial security, each Owner of a
For-Hire Vehicle with a seating capacity of less than eight passengers (not
including the Driver) must maintain coverage for each Vehicle owned in
amounts not less than the following:
(i) $200,000 per person, payable for those expenses specified in
paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of subdivision a of section 5102 of the New
York State Insurance Law;
(ii) $100,000 minimum liability and $300,000 maximum liability for
bodily injury and death, as those terms are described and defined in
section 370(1) of the Vehicle and Traffic Law; and
(iii) $10,000 minimum liability for injury to or destruction of property.
Fine: $350 and suspension until compliance
Appearance REQUIRED
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(2) Coverage for Vehicles with Seating Capacity of Eight to Fifteen. Each
Owner of a For-Hire Vehicle with a seating capacity of at least eight but
not more than 15 Passengers (not including the Driver) must maintain
coverage for each Vehicle owned in amounts not less than the following:
(i) $1,500,000 minimum liability for bodily injury or death to one or
more persons, and because of injury to or destruction of property in
any one accident, as those terms are described and defined in
section 370(1) of the Vehicle and Traffic Law
Fine: $350 and suspension until compliance
Appearance REQUIRED
(3) Special Coverage for Luxury Limousines with Seating Capacity of Less
than Eight. Each Owner of a Luxury Limousine with a seating capacity of
fewer than eight Passengers must maintain coverage for each Vehicle in
an amount of not less than:
(i) $200,000 per person, payable for those expenses specified in
paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of subdivision a of section 5102 of the New
York State Insurance Law
(ii) $500,000 per accident where one person is injured, and
(iii) $1,000,000 per accident for all persons injured in that accident.
(4) Coverage for For-Hire Vehicles with Seating Capacity of Sixteen or More.
Each Owner of a For-Hire Vehicle with a seating capacity of at least 16
Passengers (not including the Driver) must maintain coverage for each
Vehicle owned in amounts not less than the following:
(i) $200,000 per person, payable for those expenses specified in
paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of subdivision a of section 5102 of the New
York State Insurance Law
(ii) $5,000,000 minimum liability for bodily injury or death to one or
more persons, and because of injury to or destruction of property in
any one accident, as those terms are described and defined in
section 370(1) of the Vehicle and Traffic Law
Fine: $350 and suspension until compliance
Appearance REQUIRED
(d) Report of Collisions to Carrier and the Commission.
29 OF 169
(1) Report to Carrier. A For-Hire Vehicle Owner must immediately report in
writing to Owner’s insurance carrier all Collisions that are required to be
reported to the insurance carrier involving Owner’s For-Hire Vehicle(s).
Fine: $500-$1,000
Appearance REQUIRED
(2) Report to Commission.
(i) A For-Hire Vehicle Owner must immediately report in writing to
the Commission all Collisions that are required to be reported to
the Department of Motor Vehicles (under §605 of the Vehicle and
Traffic Law) involving Owner’s Vehicle(s).
(ii) A copy of the report sent to the Department of Motor Vehicles
must also be provided to the Commission within 10 days from the
date by which the Owner is required to file the report with the
Fine: $150 and $25 for each day of violation
thereafter and suspension until compliance
Appearance REQUIRED
§59A-13 Compliance with Law Personal Conduct
(a) Bribery Prohibited.
(1) Appearance of Bribery. An Applicant or Licensee must not offer or give
any gift, gratuity or thing of value to any employee, representative or
member of the Commission, or any other public servant.
Fine: Revocation and $10,000
Appearance REQUIRED
(2) Demand for Gratuity. A Licensee must immediately report to the
Commission any request or demand for a gift, gratuity, or thing of value
by any employee, representative, or member of the Commission or any
other public servant.
Fine: $1,000 up to Revocation
Appearance REQUIRED
(3) Offer of Gift to Airport or Transportation Terminal Staff. A Licensee
must not offer or give any gift, gratuity, or thing of value to a person or
persons employed at any airport or other transportation terminal to provide
ground transportation information services, dispatching service, security
services, traffic and parking control, or baggage handling, whether or not
the person or persons are employed by the Port Authority of New York
and New Jersey, LIRR, Metro-North, or any similar entity.
30 OF 169
Vehicle Owner Fine: $250 1,000
Appearance REQUIRED
(b) Fraud, Theft. While performing the duties and responsibilities of a Licensee, a
Licensee must not commit or attempt to commit, alone or in concert with another,
any act of fraud, misrepresentation or theft.
Fine: $350-1,000 and/or suspension up to 60 days
or revocation
Appearance REQUIRED
(c) Willful Acts of Omission. While performing the duties and responsibilities of a
Licensee, a Licensee must not deliberately fail to perform any act where this
failure is against the best interests of the public, although not specifically
mentioned in these Rules.
Fine: $150-$350 and/or suspension up to 30 days or
Appearance REQUIRED
(d) Willful Acts of Commission. While performing the duties and responsibilities of a
Licensee, a Licensee must not deliberately perform or attempt to perform any act
that is against the best interests of the public, although not specifically mentioned
in these Rules.
Fine: $150 - $350 and/or suspension up to 30 days
or revocation
Appearance REQUIRED
(e) Threats, Harassment, Abuse. While performing the duties and responsibilities of
a Licensee, a Licensee must not threaten, harass, or abuse any person.
Fine: $350-1,000 and suspension up to 30 days
Appearance REQUIRED
(f) Use or Threat of Physical Force. While performing the duties and
responsibilities of a Licensee or any act in connection with those duties, a
Licensee must not use or attempt to use any physical force against a person.
Fine: $500-1,500 and/or suspension up to 60 days
or revocation
Appearance REQUIRED
(g) Threat or Harm to Service Animal. A Licensee must not distract, harm or use
physical force against or attempt to distract, harm or use physical force against a
Service Animal accompanying a person with a disability.
Fine: $500-1,500 and/or suspension up to 60 days
or revocation
Appearance REQUIRED
(h) Notice of Criminal Conviction.
31 OF 169
(1) A Licensee must notify the Commission within 15 calendar days after any
felony conviction of the Licensee, or of any of Licensees officers or
(2) The notice must be in writing and must be accompanied by a certified
copy of the certificate of disposition issued by the clerk of the court
explaining what happened as a result of the conviction.
Fine: $50
(i) Failure to Cooperate with Law Enforcement.
(1) A Licensee must cooperate with all law enforcement officers and all
authorized representatives of the Commission.
(2) Cooperation includes, but is not limited to, responding to a request for the
Licensee’s name, License number, and any documents Licensee is
required to have in his or her possession.
Fine: $15-$150
Appearance REQUIRED
(j) Cooperation with the Commission. A Licensee must comply with the following
required actions:
(1) Answer truthfully all questions and comply as directed with all
communications, directives, and summonses from the Commission or its
(2) Within five business days following a request from the Commission,
produce any Licenses or other documents the Licensee is required to have.
Fine: $300 and Suspension until compliance
Appearance REQUIRED
(3) Within 48 hours, a Licensee must respond to any contact from the
Commission, seven days a week.
Fine: $500
(k) Courtesy. A Licensee will be courteous to Passengers.
Fine: $150
(l) Facilitation of Sex Trafficking with a Vehicle. A Licensee must not Facilitate Sex
Trafficking with a Vehicle.
32 OF 169
Fine: $10,000 and revocation.
(m) Retaliation.
(1) A For-Hire Vehicle Owner must not retaliate against any Driver for making a
good faith complaint against any Owner.
(2) Retaliation will be broadly construed, and will include imposing any adverse
condition or consequence on the Driver or withholding or withdrawing any
beneficial condition or consequence from the Driver.
Fine: $1,000 plus restitution to the driver for losses
for the first violation and a fine of $10,000 plus
restitution to the driver for the second violation
within five years.
§59A-14 Compliance with Law Miscellaneous
(a) Alcohol and Drug Laws. A For-Hire Vehicle Owner must not knowingly allow
an affiliated For-Hire Vehicle to be operated by a Driver who is under the
influence of any drugs or alcohol or whose driving ability is in any way impaired.
Fine: $10,000 and revocation
Appearance REQUIRED
(b) Payment of all Fines and Judgments. The holder of a For-Hire Vehicle License
issued under this Chapter must satisfy any outstanding judgment and pay any civil
penalty owed for a violation relating to traffic in a Qualified Jurisdiction or for a
violation of the regulations of a Qualified Jurisdiction.
Penalty: Suspension until satisfaction or payment
(c) Commercial Motor Vehicle Tax
(1) An owner must pay the Commercial Motor Vehicle Tax due as described
in paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subdivision on an Owner’s Vehicle as and
when required by the Commission in these Rules.
(2) An Owner must pay the amounts required in subdivision (g) of Section
59A-07 of this Chapter, including interim payments, if any.
(3) An Owner must also pay any additional Commercial Motor Vehicle Tax
amount for any tax year or period which the New York City Department
of Finance has notified the Commission is due and unpaid.
Fine: $400 and suspension until compliance
§59A-15 RESERVED (Operations Base Station Business Premises)
33 OF 169
§59A-16 RESERVED (Operations Management Oversight (Use of Agents))
§59A-17 Operations Service Requirements (Customers)
(a) No Required Ride-Sharing. An Owner of a For-Hire Vehicle must not require
that any prospective Passenger share a ride with another prospective Passenger.
Vehicle Fine: $50
§59A-18 Operation Responsibilities with Respect to Drivers
(a) “Restricted Area”. For the purposes of this subdivision, “restricted area” is
defined as all public streets and sidewalks located on either side of the street on
which the Vehicle’s affiliated Base is located or within the city block front where
the Base is located, including both sides of the street on which the Base is located.
(b) Obey Traffic Rules in Restricted Area. The Owner of a For-Hire Vehicle must
make sure that the Driver and Vehicle will obey all applicable traffic and parking
regulations within the “restricted area.”
Vehicle Owner Fine: $50
(c) Obey Noise, Littering and General Nuisance Laws. The Owner of a For-Hire
Vehicle must make sure that the Driver and the Vehicle will not create a nuisance
while stopped at the Base, such as engaging in horn honking, littering, or playing
loud audio material within the “restricted area.”
Vehicle Owner Fine: $50
§59A-19 Operations Trip Record Information
(a) Record-Keeping with Issuing Jurisdictions. Both of the following entities must
ensure the requirements set forth in subdivision (b) below are met:
(1) The holder of a For-Hire Vehicle License issued by the Commission for a
Vehicle used in for hire transportation between New York City and an
Issuing Jurisdiction
(2) The holder of an Issuing Jurisdiction Vehicle License issued by a
Qualified Jurisdiction for a vehicle used in For-Hire transportation
between New York City and the Qualified Jurisdiction
34 OF 169
(b) Issuing Jurisdiction’s Trip Record. The entities identified in (a) above must
ensure that a record is made of each trip between New York City and the Issuing
Jurisdiction. This record must contain:
(1) A record is made prior to the commencement of the trip in the Trip Record
carried in the vehicle.
(2) The record is kept for a period of no less than one year after the trip.
(3) The record is written legibly in ink and includes the following
(i) The Passengers name or other identifier
(ii) The time of the scheduled pick-up of the Passenger
(iii) The location of the scheduled pick-up of the Passenger
(iv) The locations of any intermediate stops at which the Passenger is
picked up or dropped off
(v) The final destination of the Passenger
(vi) The time the trip was completed.
Fine: $300
§59A-20 Operations Current Contact Information
(a) Mailing Address and Email Address.
(1) A Vehicle Owner must report any change of Mailing Address or Email
Address to the Commission in person or by mail within ten days of the
Vehicle Owner Fine: $100
(2) Any communication from the Commission is sufficient if sent to the last
Mailing Address provided by the For-Hire Vehicle Owner.
35 OF 169
(b) Capacity for 24-Hour Access.
(1) A For-Hire Vehicle Owner must maintain a current telephone number on
file with the Commission.
(2) This number must be connected to an answering machine or must be a
pager number, an answering service telephone number, or something
similar that allows the Commission to reach the Vehicle Owner on a 24-
hour basis.
(3) A Vehicle Owner must have a working Email Address at all times.
Vehicle Owner Fine: $100
§59A-21 Leasing a For-Hire Vehicle
(a) A For-Hire Vehicle Owner may lease a Vehicle to a Driver, or otherwise make a
Vehicle available to a Driver for use in exchange for compensation, for any period
of time if the Owner complies with the provisions of this section.
(1) Written records required under this section must be provided to the Driver
who is leasing or otherwise obtaining the use of the Vehicle and must be
maintained in hard copy or electronically.
(b) Lease Must Be in Writing.
(1) All leases, including any amendments, must be in writing and signed by
the lessor and leasing Driver. Electronic signatures are permissible for
electronic leases.
(2) A copy of the fully executed lease must be provided to the leasing Driver
upon lease execution and upon the Driver’s request.
Fine: $500 per missing lease
(3) Terms. The lease must provide:
(i) The beginning date and time and ending date and time of the lease.
(ii) All costs and possible fees that may be charged by the lessor.
(A) For each cost and fee that will be charged, the lease must
provide in clear and unambiguous language an explanation
of the cost or fee.
36 OF 169
(B) For each cost and fee that may be charged, the lease must
provide in clear and unambiguous language an explanation
of the conditions that will result in the imposition of such
cost or fee.
(C) If a cancellation fee is included in the lease, the lease must
specify the minimum prior notice that must be provided by
Drivers to avoid the cancellation fee.
(D) The lease must specify if the Driver will be responsible for
physical damage to the vehicle. However, if the lessor
Owner receives compensation for damages to the Vehicle
incurred from an entity other than the Driver, any amount
previously paid by the Driver as compensation for damages
must be refunded to the Driver.
(E) If the lease includes the conditional purchase of the
Vehicle, the lease must provide the Vehicle sales price and
an itemized total of all other fees and costs to be paid
before title to the Vehicle will be passed to the Driver.
(F) If the lessor permits subleasing, all restrictions on subleases
must be specified in the lease. These restrictions must
include, at a minimum, that only Drivers with a Valid TLC
License may sublease the Vehicle.
(G) If a security deposit is included in the lease, the terms and
costs of the security deposit must be specified in the lease,
including all costs that may be reimbursed from the
security deposit. The lease must provide the number of
days after termination of the lease, not to exceed 30 days,
when the lessor will return the security deposit.
(4) Overcharges. Every lease must contain clearly legible notice that
overcharging a Driver is prohibited by the Commission’s Rules, and that
complaints of overcharges may be made to the Commission or by calling
(5) RESERVED (limitations on costs and fees related to the lease of a For-
Hire Vehicle)
Fine: First violation: $500; Second and subsequent
violations: $1,000 and/or suspension for up to 30 days. In
addition to the penalty payable to the Commission, the
Hearing Officer must order the lessor to pay restitution to
the Driver, equal to the amount charged to the Driver in
Appearance REQUIRED
37 OF 169
violation of this rule.
(c) Fees Charged to Drivers.
(1) A lessor may require payment of only those costs and fees provided in the
lease. Requiring payment of costs and fees not provided in the lease is an
(2) A lessor cannot charge, request or accept a tip.
(3) A lessor cannot require payment of a summons not written to the Driver,
except the following summonses issued to the Vehicle Owner:
(i) Any parking tickets or red light violations issued during the lease if
the Driver was provided an opportunity to dispute the ticket; and
(ii) Fines for violation of Rule 59B-26(a), provided that such fine was
assessed because of the conduct of the Driver, and provided further
the lessor is able to show that the Driver had notice of the
inspection date, and provided further that the lease clearly states
that inspection of the Vehicle as required by Rule 59B-26(a) is the
responsibility of the Driver.
Fine: First violation: $500; Second and subsequent
violations: $1,000 and/or suspension for up to 30 days.
In addition to the penalty payable to the Commission,
the Hearing Officer must order the lessor to pay
restitution to the Driver, equal to the amount charged to
the Driver in violation of this rule.
Appearance REQUIRED
(4) Vehicle Availability. The lease payment must be pro-rated if the Vehicle is
unavailable for use during any part of the term of the lease for any reason
that is not the lessee’s responsibility.
Fine: First violation: $500; Second and subsequent
violations: $1,000 and/or suspension for up to 30 days. In
addition to the penalty payable to the Commission, the
Hearing Officer must order the lessee to pay restitution to
the Driver, equal to the amount charged to the Driver in
violation of this rule.
Appearance REQUIRED
(d) Driver Earnings.
(1) Driver earnings received by the lessor must be remitted to the Driver. The
lessor may only deduct costs and fees from the Driver’s earnings if those
costs and fees are specified in the lease as required in subdivision (b) of
this section and the lease further provides that such costs and fees will be
withheld from the Driver’s earnings.
38 OF 169
Fine: First violation: $200
Second violation: $300
Third violation: $500
In addition to the penalty payable to the Commission, the
Hearing Officer must order the lessor to pay restitution to
the Driver, equal to the amount owed to the Driver.
Appearance REQUIRED
(2) Drivers must be paid earnings within one week of a trip’s completion.
Fine: $100
In addition to the penalty payable to the Commission, the
Hearing Officer must order the lessor to pay restitution to
the Driver, equal to the cost to the Driver.
(e) Written Receipt. For every financial transaction completed under the lease or
these Rules, the lessor must give a written receipt to the Driver.
(1) The receipt must include the name of the Driver and the Vehicle license
(2) The receipt must clearly state the following information with respect to the
payment or deduction:
(i) The date;
(ii) The name of the recipient;
(iii) The amount and calculations showing how the amount was
(iv) The purpose of the payment or deduction;
(v) The number of the section of this chapter or provision of the lease
that authorizes the payment or deduction; and
(vi) For leases including the conditional purchase of the Vehicle, an
accounting of the portion of each payment made under the lease
that is devoted to the conditional purchase of the Vehicle, the
cumulative amount paid towards the conditional purchase of the
Vehicle, and the number of payments remaining.
Fine: $200 per missing receipt
Appearance REQUIRED
(f) Records Maintenance. A lessor must maintain for a period of three years from the
date a lease expires or is cancelled:
(1) A copy of the executed lease and any lease amendments;
39 OF 169
(2) Records of all itemized earnings paid to Drivers;
(3) Records of all itemized payments received from Drivers;
(4) Records of all itemized security deposit withholdings; and
(5) Records of all Drivers subleasing the Vehicle, including the dates and
times of the sublease, the subleasing Drivers’ names, DMV license
number and TLC Driver License number.
Fine: $100 for each missing item
Appearance REQUIRED
(g) Collective Bargaining Exception. The provisions of this section do not apply to
lessors and Drivers whose business relationship is governed by the terms of a
collective bargaining agreement.
§59A-22 RESERVED (Operations Reporting Requirements)
§59A-23 (Operations Rates and Tolls)
(a) Tolls How Tolls are Paid.
(1) All For-Hire Vehicles must be equipped with a New York MTA Bridges
& Tunnels EZ-Pass®.
(2) When a For-Hire Vehicle drives through a toll plaza with an EZ-Pass®, MTA
Bridges & Tunnels will automatically deduct the cost of the toll from an account
maintained by the EZ-Pass® tag holder.
(3) Passengers must pay for the toll, but only must pay the actual amount (often a
discounted toll) charged to the EZ-Pass®.
(4) Drivers must collect the proper toll amount from the passenger and forward it
to the holder of the EZ-Pass® tag.
(b) Tolls What Tolls are Paid by Passenger
(1) On all trips within the City of New York, the passenger must pay:
(i) All tolls incurred during the trip except for trips as follows:
A. From the Rockaway Peninsula over the Cross Bay Veterans Bridge
to Queens
40 OF 169
B. From the Rockaway Peninsula over the Marine Parkway Gil
Hodges Memorial Bridge to Brooklyn
C. From Staten Island over the Verrazzano Narrows Bridge to
(ii) Two times the amount of the toll if incurred during the trip:
A. From Queens over the Cross Bay Veterans Bridge to the
Rockaway Peninsula
B. From Brooklyn over the Marine Parkway Gil Hodges Memorial
Bridge to the Rockaway Peninsula
C. From Brooklyn over the Verrazzano Narrows Bridge to Staten
(2) On trips beyond the City of New York, the passenger must pay all necessary
tolls to and from the destination.
(3) A Driver who charges a passenger more than the actual amount of the EZ-
Pass® toll is guilty of an overcharge as prohibited by §80-17(a) of these rules and
will be subject to the penalties provided in section 80-02(e) of these rules.
(4) A Driver who fails to reimburse an EZ-Pass® tag holder for all toll charges
incurred, including toll charges for which there is no passenger reimbursement,
will be subject to the penalties provided for violation of §80-15(d)(4) of these
(5) In addition to any other penalty permitted, the Commission can order
restitution to a passenger or the EZ-Pass® tag holder.
§59A-24 RESERVED (Operations E-Zpass Required)
(a) EZ-Pass® Account. All For-Hire Vehicle Owners must participate in the EZ-
Pass® New York Program by maintaining a current account with the
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority
(“MTA Bridges and Tunnels” or “MTA B&T”).
Fine: $100 and suspension until compliance
Appearance REQUIRED
(b) EZ-Pass® Tags Required on all For-Hire Vehicles.
(1) For-Hire Vehicle Owners must either:
41 OF 169
(i) Equip all of Owner’s For-Hire Vehicles with an MTA Bridges and
Tunnels EZ-Pass® tag, each of which must be attached as required
by MTA B&T, or
(ii) Allow a Driver to use their personal EZ-Pass® tag.
(2) For-Hire Vehicle Owners must have available at least one MTA
Bridges and Tunnels tag for each of their For-Hire Vehicle licenses.
(3) Owners must maintain a sufficient balance in their EZ-Pass® account,
according to what is required by the EZ-Pass program.
Fine: $100 and suspension until compliance
Appearance REQUIRED
(c) Driver Provides EZ-Pass® Tag.
(1) A Driver can choose to use their own EZ-Pass® tag.
(2) If a Driver uses their own EZ-Pass®, the Driver keeps the toll money
paid by the passenger, or is reimbursed the amount of the toll(s) if the
passenger pays by credit or debit card.
(d) For-Hire Vehicle Owner Provides EZ-Pass® Tag.
(1) Funds Accrue to Owner. When a For-Hire Vehicle Owner provides the
EZPass® tag, the Driver must ensure that all of the monies paid by a
passenger for toll(s) accrue to the For-Hire Vehicle Owner.
(i) If the customer pays by cash, the Driver will forward the money to
the For-Hire Vehicle Owner at the end of the shift or lease.
(ii) If the customer pays by credit or debit card, the For-Hire Vehicle
Owner will retain any amount paid for toll(s).
Fine: $250
(2) For-Hire Vehicle Owner can Require Driver to Maintain a
“Replenishment” Account.
(i) A For-Hire Vehicle Owner who is the EZ-Pass® tag holder can
require a Driver who is Dispatched in one of Owner’s For-Hire
Vehicles for one or more shifts to maintain an EZ-Pass®
replenishment account with the For-Hire Vehicle Owner.
42 OF 169
(ii) The For-Hire Vehicle Owner can require a Driver to maintain a
maximum of $10 for every 12-hour shift included within a lease
period, up to a maximum of $100, in the replenishment account for
the benefit of For-Hire Vehicle Owner.
(iii) The For-Hire Vehicle Owner can collect from the replenishment
account any tolls paid by the For-Hire Vehicle Owner’s EZ-Pass®
account for a tag assigned to a Taxicab operated by the Driver, for
which the For-Hire Vehicle Owner has not been reimbursed.
(iv) Any funds held in the replenishment account that are not used to
reimburse the For-Hire Vehicle Owner must be returned to a
Driver within 30 days after the termination of the Driver’s lease
with the For-Hire Vehicle Owner.
(v) An Agent has the same rights and obligations as a For-Hire
Vehicle Owner under this paragraph §58-27(d)(2).
Fine: $250 plus restitution to the Driver of any
replenishment account improperly retained by the For-Hire
Vehicle Owner
§59A-25 Operations Miscellaneous Operating Requirements
(a) Passenger Trips by Pre-Arrangement Only.
(1) No For-Hire Vehicle Owner will allow Owner’s Vehicle(s) to transport
Passengers for hire other than through pre-arrangement with a Base
licensed by the Commission.
(2) A For-Hire Vehicle Owner will be liable for penalties for any violation of
this section.
§59A-26 Vehicles Inspections
(a) Tri-Annual Inspections.
(1) For-Hire Vehicles must be regularly inspected three times every year,
including at least once every four months. Section 59A-04(e)(1) and
(f)(1) specifies that inspections required for new and renewal applications
must be done at the Commission’s Safety and Emissions Division facility,
Vehicle: During any license term, $100 for the first
violation during such term, with the penalty increasing by
$100 for each subsequent violation up to a maximum of
Appearance NOT
43 OF 169
except as specifically set forth in Section 59A-04(e) and (f); the other
required inspections can be done at any DMV registered facility.
(2) Exception for vehicles seating 10 or more passengers (including the
driver) and stretched vehicles. A Vehicle which either:
(i) seats 10 or more passengers and is not exempt from NYS
Department of Transportation operating authority and
inspection requirements, or
(ii) has been modified after manufacture and which is not
exempt from NYS Department of Transportation operating
authority and inspection requirements must be inspected
two times a year by the NYS Department of
Transportation. Each Inspection will be performed as
required by the NYS Department of Transportation and its
Fine: $100 and suspension of the Vehicle Owner
License until any defect found is corrected or until
the vehicle passes inspection, including any
applicable inspection by the NYS DOT.
Appearance REQUIRED
(b) On-Street Inspections. Any officer or employee of the Commission designated by
the Chairperson or any police officer can conduct on-street inspections of any
For-Hire Vehicle operating within New York City to assure compliance with all
applicable laws and rules and can order the Vehicle to report to the Commission’s
inspection facility.
Fine: Suspension of For-Hire Vehicle License or
recognition of issuing jurisdiction vehicle License until
§59A-27 Vehicles Meets Safety Standards
(a) Unsafe or Unfit Vehicles.
(1) No For-Hire Vehicle can be used in a For-Hire Vehicle service when the
Commission or the New York State DMV has determined that the vehicle
is unsafe or unfit for use as a For-Hire Vehicle and the Owner has been
directed to remove the vehicle from service.
(2) If the Chairperson has determined that the Vehicle is unsafe or unfit, the
Decals will be confiscated by the Chairperson.
(3) If the New York State DMV or a DMV inspection facility other than the
Commission has determined that the Vehicle is unsafe or unfit, the
44 OF 169
Vehicle Owner must return the Decals to the Chairperson within 72 hours
of issuance of the determination.
(4) If the Chairperson has any reason to believe that any For-Hire Vehicle is
unsafe or unfit for use, the Chairperson can order the Vehicle to report to
the Commission’s inspection facility.
(5) The License of an Owner who operates a vehicle that has been determined
to be unsafe or unfit will be summarily suspended.
Fine: $100 350 and/or suspension up to 30 days;
Suspension until compliance.
Appearance REQUIRED
(b) Seat and Shoulder Belts Each For-Hire Vehicle must have all seat belts and
shoulder belts clearly visible, accessible, and in good working order.
Fine: $100 250
Appearance REQUIRED
(c) Shoulder Belts Required. In addition to seat belts for each seating position and
shoulder belts for both outside front seat positions, all For-Hire Vehicles must be
equipped with shoulder belts for both outside Passenger rear seat positions.
Fine: $100 250
Appearance REQUIRED
(d) Correct Defect Directives. A For-Hire Vehicle Owner must comply with all
Commission notices and directives to correct defects in the Vehicle.
Fine: $50 and suspension until the defective
condition is corrected
Appearance REQUIRED
(e) Daily Personal Inspection by Owner. A For-Hire Vehicle Owner must not permit
a For-Hire Vehicle to be operated without daily personal inspection and
reasonable determination that all equipment, including brakes, lights, signals, and
Passenger seatbelts and shoulder belts, are in good working order and meet all the
requirements of the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law and these Rules.
Fine: $150 if plead guilty before a hearing;
$200 if found guilty following a hearing.
§59A-28 Vehicles Miscellaneous Requirements and Vehicle Retirement
(a) Post-Manufacture Alterations.
(1) No For-Hire Vehicle can be altered after manufacture:
(i) To increase its length, width, weight or seating capacity, or
(ii) To modify its chassis and/or body design,
45 OF 169
(2) Exception for all types of Vehicles: A For-Hire Vehicle can be altered,
after manufacture, provided that the Vehicle, as modified, meets all of the
(i) The modification has been made under a program approved in
advance by the original vehicle manufacturer, and
(ii) The alteration has been performed by an entity approved and
certified by the vehicle manufacturer to perform such alterations.
(iii) An original, unaltered, approved vehicle modifier’s certification
sticker must be affixed to the Vehicle on the left center post or
hinge post.
(3) Exception for Vehicles seating 10 or more passengers (including the
driver) and NOT exempt from NYS DOT Requirements:
A For-Hire Vehicle can be altered, after manufacture, provided that the
Vehicle, as modified, meets all of the following:
(i) The Vehicle, as modified, has been approved by the NYS
Commissioner of Motor Vehicles under Section 401(1)(b) of the
NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law.
(ii) The Vehicle has passed inspection by the NYS Department of
Transportation under 17 NYCRR §720.
(iii) For such modified For-Hire Vehicles, the inspections required by
Section 59A-04(e) and (f) and Section 59A-26(a) of this Chapter
and the requirement to meet safety standards set forth in Section
59A-27 of this Chapter, will be inspections of, and determinations
by, the NYS Department of Transportation.
(iv) A modified For-Hire Vehicle must still pass a visual inspection at
the Commission’s Safety and Emissions Division at application
and renewal as required by section 59A-04(e) and (f) of this
(v) The For-Hire Vehicle must be properly registered with the NYS
Department of Motor Vehicles and must have been re-registered
after completion of the modification.
(vi) The Vehicle must carry the modifier’s sticker certifying that the
modification was conducted in accordance with Federal Motor
Vehicle Safety Standards.
46 OF 169
(vii) The modifier of the Vehicle must certify that it is registered with
the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
(viii) The modifier of the Vehicle must provide a warranty that the
vehicle will be free from defects in material and workmanship,
including that the chassis and frame will be free from defects for a
period of 3 years or 60,000 miles, whichever comes first.
(ix) The modifier of the Vehicle must maintain a General Liability
Insurance Policy in a minimum amount of $5,000,000.
(4) Exception for Vehicles seating 10 or more passengers (including the
driver) and exempt from NYS DOT Requirements:
A For-Hire Vehicle can be altered, after manufacture, provided that the
Vehicle, as modified, meets all of the following:
(i) The For-Hire Vehicle must be properly registered with the NYS
Department of Motor Vehicles and must have been re-registered
after completion of the modification.
(ii) The Vehicle must carry the modifier’s sticker certifying that the
modification was conducted in accordance with Federal Motor
Vehicle Safety Standards.
(iii) The modifier of the Vehicle must certify that it is registered with
the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
(iv) The modifier of the Vehicle must provide a warranty that the
vehicle will be free from defects in material and workmanship,
including that the chassis and frame will be free from defects for a
period of 3 years or 60,000 miles, whichever comes first.
(v) The modifier of the Vehicle must maintain a General Liability
Insurance Policy in a minimum amount of $5,000,000.
(5) Exception for modified Vehicles seating 9 or fewer and exempt from NYS
DOT inspection and operating authority requirements:
A For-Hire Vehicle can be altered, after manufacture, even if the original
vehicle manufacturer has not approved the program, provided that the Vehicle,
as modified, meets all of the following:
47 OF 169
(i) The For-Hire Vehicle must be properly registered with the NYS
Department of Motor Vehicles and must have been re-registered
after completion of the modification.
(ii) The Vehicle must carry the modifier’s sticker certifying that the
modification was conducted in accordance with Federal Motor
Vehicle Safety Standards.
(iii) The modifier of the Vehicle must certify that it is registered with
the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
(iv) The modifier of the Vehicle must provide a warranty that the
vehicle will be free from defects in material and workmanship,
including that the chassis and frame will be free from defects for a
period of 3 years or 60,000 miles, whichever comes first.
(v) The modifier of the Vehicle must maintain a General Liability
Insurance Policy in a minimum amount of $5,000,000.
(6) Exception for modified Vehicles seating 9 or fewer and NOT exempt from
NYS DOT inspection and operating authority requirements:
A For-Hire Vehicle can be altered, after manufacture, even if the original
vehicle manufacturer has not approved the program, provided that the Vehicle,
as modified, meets all of the following:
(i) The Vehicle, as modified, has been approved by the NYS
Commissioner of Motor Vehicles under Section 401(1)(b) of the
NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law.
(ii) The Vehicle has passed inspection by the NYS Department of
Transportation under 17 NYCRR §720.
(iii) For such modified For-Hire Vehicles, the inspections required by
Section 59A-04(e) and (f) and Section 59A-26(a) of this Chapter
and the requirement to meet safety standards set forth in Section
59A-27 of this Chapter, will be inspections of, and determinations
by, the NYS Department of Transportation.
(iv) A modified For-Hire Vehicle must still pass a visual inspection at
the Commission’s Safety and Emissions Division at application
and renewal as required by section 59A-04(e) and (f) of this
48 OF 169
(v) The For-Hire Vehicle must be properly registered with the NYS
Department of Motor Vehicles and must have been re-registered
after completion of the modification.
(vi) The Vehicle must carry the modifier’s sticker certifying that the
modification was conducted in accordance with Federal Motor
Vehicle Safety Standards.
(vii) The modifier of the Vehicle must certify that it is registered with
the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
(viii) The modifier of the Vehicle must provide a warranty that the
vehicle will be free from defects in material and workmanship,
including that the chassis and frame will be free from defects for a
period of 3 years or 60,000 miles, whichever comes first.
(ix) The modifier of the Vehicle must maintain a General Liability
Insurance Policy in a minimum amount of $5,000,000.
Vehicle Owner Fine: $10,000 and License suspension until
compliance if alteration is not approved or revocation if the
vehicle is not brought into compliance within 30 days.
Appearance REQUIRED
(b) Proper Vehicle Identification Required.
(1) License Plate Number Matches. The license plate number on the motor
vehicle tax stamp, on the state registration certificate, and on the
Commission Decals must match each other and must match the number on
the license plates applied to the Vehicle.
Fine: $200 if plead guilty before a hearing;
$300 if found guilty following a hearing.
(2) Vehicle Identification Number Matches. The last six digits of the vehicle
identification number (VIN) on the Commission Decals must match the
last six digits of the VIN on the state registration, and the VIN on the
Fine: $100
(3) T & LC License Plates. A For-Hire Vehicle that is registered in New
York must have New York State license plates affixed to the Vehicle that
are embossed with the legend “T & LC.
Fine: $100 - $350 and Suspension until compliance
49 OF 169
(c) Two-Door Vehicles Prohibited. No For-Hire Vehicle can be a two door vehicle.
Fine: Suspension of the Vehicle Owner License
Appearance REQUIRED
§59A-29 Vehicles Markings & Advertising
(a) Valid License Decals.
(1) Three Valid Commission License Decals must be plainly visible and
affixed to the Vehicle in the following locations:
(i) One Decal must be on the lower front right side of the windshield
(ii) One Decal must be on the lower rear corner of each of the two rear
quarter windows; if there are no rear quarter windows, the Decals
must be on the lower rear window just above the rear door.
(iii) The Decals must be affixed by Commission staff.
(2) New Decals must be placed on the Vehicle by the Commission Safety and
Emissions Division:
(i) When the License is renewed;
(ii) If the Vehicle is replaced, changes affiliation, or changes its license
(3) Exception for Luxury Limousines. Any For-Hire Vehicle that is a Luxury
Limousine will only be required to have a single Commission Decal
affixed to the lower right side of the front windshield.
(b) Valid Registration Sticker. A Valid registration sticker from an authorized state
motor vehicle department must be affixed to the left front windshield so as to be
plainly visible.
Fine: $100
Failure to have proper Decal(s):
$500 for the first offense in 12 months
$1,000 for the second and subsequent offenses within a
12-month period and suspension of the For-Hire Vehicle
License until compliance.
50 OF 169
(c) Inspection Sticker. A Valid New York State DMV inspection sticker that has no
fewer than eight months left before the sticker expires must be plainly visible on
the front left side of the front windshield.
Vehicle Owner Fine: $100 and suspension of the Vehicle
Owner License until any defect found is corrected
Penalty Points: 1.
Appearance REQUIRED
(d) Prohibited Colors for Vehicle Exteriors. No For-Hire Vehicle can be, in whole or
in part, any shade of Taxicab yellow and no For-Hire Vehicle not licensed and
Valid to operate as a Street Hail Livery can be, in whole or in part, any shade of
Apple Green as authorized for use with a Street Hail Livery provided in Chapter
82 of these Rules.
Fine: $350 for the first violation; $500 for the
second violation in 24 months; revocation for the
third violation in 36 months
Appearance REQUIRED
(e) Prohibited Advertising.
(1) An Owner must not display any advertising on the exterior or the interior
of a For-Hire Vehicle unless the advertising has been authorized by the
Commission and a License has been issued to the Owner following the
provisions of the Administrative Code.
(2) The Commission will not approve any advertising for the exterior of a
For-Hire Vehicle that consists, in whole or in part, of roof top advertising.
Fine: $50
(f) Motor Vehicle Tax Stamp.
(1) For Vehicles registered with the Department of Motor Vehicles prior to
April 30, 1999, a Valid NYC commercial use motor vehicle tax stamp
must be affixed to the front right side of the windshield of the Vehicle so
as to be plainly visible.
(2) For Vehicles registered after April 30, 1999, the Owner must show proof
that the required commercial use motor vehicle tax for the current tax
period has been paid.
Fine: $100
(g) Base Station Affiliation Signs. For-Hire Vehicles must identify their Affiliated
Base Station on the exterior of the Vehicle as follows:
51 OF 169
(1) The name of the Base Station, its License number and telephone number
in one of the following ways:
(i) In letters and numerals at least one-and-one-half inches in height,
on the outside of a door or doors on both sides of the Vehicle,
below the windows and at least six inches above the bottom of the
(ii) In letters and numerals at least one inch in height in one location
on the rear of the Vehicle below the rear window, and at least six
inches above the bottom of the rear of the Vehicle, or
(iii) Both on the doors and rear of the Vehicle.
(2) The letters and numerals must be of a color that contrasts with the color of
the body of the Vehicle so that it is easy to see and read.
(3) Lettering and numbering must be spaced to provide easy legibility and, if
placed on doors on both sides of the Vehicle must be identical on both
sides of the livery.
(4) All Decals must be semi-permanent adhesive stickers.
(5) Exemption. Luxury Limousines and Black Cars are exempt from the
requirements of this subdivision.
Fine: $25
(h) Required Signage for Accessible Vehicles. Any Accessible Vehicle licensed by
the Commission must display signs that identifies the Vehicle as an Accessible
Vehicle. The signs design will be provided by the Commission on its Web site or
through other appropriate means as announced on its Web site. The signs must be
placed on the Vehicle as follows:
(1) Must be located on the exterior of the C-pillars of a sedan or an SUV or on
the exterior of the D-pillars of a minivan, on both sides of the Vehicle
(2) Must be visible to Passengers entering the accessible Vehicle
Fine: $75
(i) Required Signage for Clean-Air Vehicles. Any Clean Air For-Hire Vehicle
licensed by the Commission must display signs that identify the Vehicle as a
Clean Air Vehicle. The signs design will be provided by the Commission on its
52 OF 169
Web site or through other appropriate means as announced on its Web site. The
signs must be placed on the Vehicle as follows:
(1) Must be located on the exterior of the C-pillars of a sedan or an SUV or on
the exterior of the D-pillars of a minivan, on both sides of the Vehicle
(2) Must be visible to Passengers entering the clean air vehicle
Fine: $75
(j) Required Sticker. Each For hire-vehicle must display an internal safety sticker,
with the following inscription: “Turning? People are Crossing.” The dimensions
of the sticker are 3.5 inches wide by 2.5 inches high. The sticker must be
obtained pursuant to the instructions on the Commission’s website or through
other appropriate means announced on the website. The sticker must be placed in
the Vehicle as follows:
(1) On the inside of the front windshield, in the center and adjacent to the top
of the windshield directly behind the rearview mirror.
(2) In such a manner not to obstruct the driver’s view.
(k) Optional Sticker. For hire-vehicles may display an optional external sticker, with
the following inscription: “The choices you make behind the wheel matter.” The
dimensions of the sticker are 15 inches wide by 4 inches wide. The sticker may
be obtained pursuant to the instructions on the Commission’s website or through
other appropriate means announced on the website. If displayed, the sticker must
be placed on the Vehicle as follows:
(1) On the rear bumper of the vehicle.
(l) Required Sticker. Each For Hire-Vehicle must display an internal safety sticker,
with the following inscription: “ATTENTION: Assaulting A Driver Is Punishable
By Up to Twenty-Five Years in Prison.” The dimensions of the sticker are 8.0
inches wide by 2.0 inches high. The sticker must be obtained pursuant to the
instructions on the Commission’s website or through other appropriate means
announced on the website. The sticker must be placed in the Vehicle as follows:
(1) Incorporated into the Livery Bill of Rights.
The provisions of this subdivision do not apply to black cars and luxury
59A-29(j)(1) and (2)
Fine: $75
53 OF 169
(m) Optional Sticker. Each For Hire-Vehicle may display an external safety sticker,
with the following inscription: “Taxi and Limousine Drivers Are Protected By
New York State Law ATTENTION: Assaulting A Driver Is Punishable By Up to
Twenty-Five Years in Prison.” The dimensions of the sticker are 3.5 inches wide
by 3.5 inches high. The sticker may be obtained pursuant to the instructions on
the Commission’s website or through other appropriate means announced on the
website. The sticker must be placed in the Vehicle as follows:
(1) On a rear passenger window.
(n) Required Decal. Each For-Hire Vehicle with Hearing Induction Loop capability
must display a Hearing Induction Loop Decal. The decal will feature the
International Symbol of Access for Hearing Loss, described as the profile of an
ear with a wide diagonal line running from the bottom left to the top right. The
symbol contrast shall be light on dark or dark on light. A “T” will be placed in the
lower right-hand corner of the decal. The decal will include the language
“Induction loop installed. Switch hearing aid to T-coil.” The decal will be placed
as follows:
(1) As directed by the Chairperson.
§59A-30 Vehicles Items Required to be in Vehicle
(a) Required Items. Each For-Hire Vehicle must have:
(1) On the right visor, on top of the right side of the dashboard, or in the
glove compartment:
(i) The certificate of registration or a legible copy of it
(ii) The insurance card or a legible copy of it
(2) A protective holder to display the TLC Driver License attached to the
back of the driver’s seat.
(3) Exception for Black Cars and Luxury Limousines.
Fine: $50 if plead guilty before a
hearing, $75 if found guilty
following a hearing
Fine: $50 if plead guilty before a
hearing, $75 if found guilty
following a hearing
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(i) Black Cars and Luxury Limousines must comply with all
requirements of this subdivision (a) except that these Vehicles will
not be required to have a protective holder mounted behind the
driver’s seat to display the TLC Driver License.
(ii) The TLC Driver License must, however, be displayed in the
Vehicle in a way so as to be clearly visible from the Passenger seat
and available for inspection by the Passenger upon request.
Fine: $50 for each violation of this rule; however, no
fine for a violation of this rule can exceed $100
Appearance REQUIRED
(4) Livery Passengers’ Bill of Rights.
(i) Every Livery Vehicle Owner must post a Livery Passengers’ Bill
of Rights in a form and format prescribed by the Commission.
(ii) The Commission will post the proper form and format on its Web
site or will provide the information through other appropriate
means that will be posted on its Web site.
(iii) The Livery Passengers’ Bill of Rights must be placed in a
protective holder attached to the back of the front Passenger’s seat.
Fine: $100 if plead guilty before
a hearing; $150 if found guilty
following a hearing.
(5) Modified Vehicles. If the Vehicle has been modified after manufacture
and IS exempt from NYS Department of Transportation inspection and
authorization requirements, a copy of the valid exemption letter from the
NYS Department of Transportation must be kept in the Vehicle at all
Fine: $100.
(b) Trip Record.
(1) The Trip Record required in §59A-19(b) of this Chapter must be kept in
the Vehicle during any trip between New York City and an Issuing
Jurisdiction, including a trip through either New York City or an Issuing
55 OF 169
(2) On request, the Trip Record must be presented for inspection to any
police officer or peace officer acting in his or her special duties or to
other persons authorized by the Commission or by the Issuing
(3) Failure to present the Trip Record as required when requested by an
authorized person will be presumptive evidence of an unlicensed
Fine: $300
§59A-31 Vehicle Equipment
(a) Heating and Air Conditioning. The Owner of a For-Hire Vehicle must be
responsible for ensuring that the Vehicle is equipped with functioning heating and
air conditioning equipment.
Fine: $50
(b) Roof Light. A For-Hire Vehicle must not be equipped with a roof light, except for
a Vehicle that operates primarily in Staten Island and is affiliated with a Base
located in Staten Island. A roof light on a Staten Island Vehicle must be
Fine: $350 first violation
$500 second violation in 24 months Revocation for
third violation in 36 months
Appearance REQUIRED
(c) Taximeter. No For-Hire Vehicle can be equipped with a Taximeter except a
wheelchair accessible Livery which is participating in the dispatch program as
described in Chapter 3 of this title or a Street Hail Livery pursuant to Section
59B-51 of this Chapter.
Fine: $50
(d) Distress Signaling Light Livery Vehicle.
(1) Requirement. Livery Vehicles must be equipped with a help or distress
signaling light system as required by the specifications in §59C-03 of
these Rules.
Fine: $175 and suspension until the condition is
corrected. Respondent must provide a condition
corrected form issued by the TLC’s Safety and
Emissions Division.
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(e) Electronic Dispatching Device. In addition to the dispatch equipment required by
the Vehicle’s affiliated Base pursuant to §59B-15(d)(1) of these Rules, a For-Hire
Vehicle may be equipped with the following electronic device(s) provided that
that the device(s) is mounted in a fixed position and not hand-held and use of the
electronic device(s) is limited to either voice or one-touch preprogrammed buttons
or keys while the Vehicle is in motion:
(1) If the dispatch equipment required by the Vehicle’s affiliated Base is
capable of accepting dispatches from other Bases, ONE electronic device
that is used to accept dispatches from a Base.
(2) If the dispatch equipment required by the Vehicle’s affiliated Base is not
capable of accepting dispatches from other Bases, TWO electronic devices
that are used to accept dispatches from a Base.
§59A-32 REPEALED Vehicle Equipment Partitions for Livery Vehicles
§59A-33 Vehicle Equipment In-Vehicle Camera System (IVCS)
(a) Required Signage About In-Vehicle Camera System. Each For-Hire Vehicle
equipped with an in-vehicle camera system must display Decals on each rear
Passenger window, visible to the outside, that contain the following information
in letters at least one-half inch high: “This vehicle is equipped with camera
security. You will be photographed.”
Fine: $50 if plead guilty before a hearing;
$100 if found guilty following a hearing.
§59A-34 RESERVED (Taxicab Specific Vehicle Equipment)
§59A-35 Penalty Points for For-Hire Vehicles
(a) Four Penalty Points Requires License Revocation. The License of any For-Hire
Vehicle that accumulates four penalty points for violations during any License
term will be revoked.
(b) Points Accrued but not Assessed Before Renewal.
(1) If points are imposed after a Vehicle License has been renewed based on a
violation that occurred before the renewal, the points will be added to the
total points accumulated by the Vehicle before its renewal.
(2) If the additional Points raise the total number to four or more Points, the
Vehicle License will be revoked.
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(c) Revocation Process.
(1) The Chairperson can begin revocation proceedings whenever a Licensee
has been assessed four or more points during the current term of that
(2) The Licensee’s License can also be revoked as part of the decision
imposing the final point necessary for revocation.
(3) At any time revocation of a Base License is mandated and the last penalty
point arises from the same incident that created the For-Hire Vehicle
License revocation mandate, separate proceedings must be held for the
Base License revocation and the Vehicle License revocation.
(d) The Chairperson will develop a point reduction program applicable to Vehicles
and Bases.
(e) No penalty points will be imposed for violations occurring before August 1, 2009.
§59A-36 Storage of For-Hire Vehicle Licenses
(1) Short-Term For-Hire Vehicle License Storage Program.
(a) Description of Program. A Licensee may put their For-Hire
Vehicle License in storage with the Commission for up to 90 days once
during every two year license term, during which time the TLC will not
enforce insurance or inspection requirements set forth in this sub-chapter
59A, or pursuant to any other applicable TLC rules, subject to the
following terms.
(b) Application, Criteria and Approval. In order to be placed into the
Short-Term For-Hire Vehicle License Storage Program:
(i) All suspensions must be cleared, and the licensee must pay all
fines and fees due to TLC,
(ii) Plates must be surrendered to the DMV within 60 days prior to the
storage date,
(iii) The licensee must submit an application as set forth by the
Commission, and
(iv) Licenses with pending transfers will not be permitted to go into
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(c) Removal from Storage. To remove a license from storage, a
Licensee must submit an application as prescribed by the Commission,
and if the period the license is in storage exceeds the renewal date, the
licensee must complete all renewal requirements.
(d) Licenses Remaining in Storage at the End of the Storage Period.
Any For-Hire Vehicle License not taken out of storage when the 90-day
period has ended will be subject to fines and suspension for failure to
follow directives to exit the storage program as set forth in section 59A-
13(j)(1) of these rules, as well as revocation for non-use pursuant to
section 59A-08(c) of these rules if they are not in use for 60 or more days
after the 90-day storage period has ended.
(2) COVID-19 For-Hire Vehicle License Storage Program, End of Program.
(a) End of Program. The COVID-19 For-Hire Vehicle License
Storage Program established in 2020 ends on August 31, 2023.
(b Licenses Remaining in Storage at the End of the Program. Any
For-Hire Vehicle License not taken out of storage when the COVID-19
For-Hire Vehicle License Storage Program ends on August 31, 2023 will
not be transferred to the new Short-Term For-Hire Vehicle License
Storage Program. For-Hire Vehicle Licenses in storage after the program
end date, August 31, 2023, that are not expired will be subject to fines and
suspension for failure to follow directives to exit the storage program as
set forth in section 59A-13(j)(1) of these rules, as well as revocation for
non-use pursuant to section 59A-08(c) of these rules if they are not in use
for 60 or more days after the program has ended.
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§59B-01 Scope of this Sub-chapter
(a) To establish the procedures, rules and regulations for obtaining and maintaining a For-Hire
Base License.
(b) To provide penalties for violations of the rules and requirements for maintaining a For-Hire
Base License.
§59B-02 Penalties
(a) Unlicensed Activity.
(1) Unlicensed Activity is the act of providing or advertising the provision of any
Commission-regulated for hire transportation service by:
(i) Any Licensee whose License is suspended, revoked, or expired and not yet
renewed (except as provided in this Sub-chapter), or
(ii) Any person who does not hold a License or Authorization from the
(2) Unlicensed Activity specifically includes the activities listed in §19-506 and §19-
528 of the Administrative Code, and can subject the violator to the seizure and
possible forfeiture of the vehicle involved.
(b) Specific Penalties. If there are specific penalties for violating a Rule, they are shown at the
end of the Rule. The penalty section also states whether the violator must attend the
(c) Payment of Fines.
(1) Fines are due within 30 days of the day the Respondent is found guilty of the
violation, unless:
(i) the Respondent files an appeal of the decision issued by the Taxi and
Limousine Tribunal within the time required by Chapter 5 of Title 48 of the
Rules of the City of New York, in which case the payment of the fines will
be deferred until 30 days after the date of the appeal decision.
(2) If the fine is not paid by the close of business on the date due, the Commission will
notify the Respondent in writing that the Respondent’s License will be suspended in
10 business days of the date of the notification until the fine is paid, unless the
Respondent demonstrates to the Commission, in person or in writing, that the fine
has been paid.
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§59B-03 Definitions Specific to this Sub-chapter
(a) Applicant in this Sub-chapter means an Applicant for an original or renewal For-Hire Base
(b) Base Agreement is any agreement or terms or conditions a Driver or Vehicle owner must
accept or agree to in order to receive a dispatch from the For-Hire Base, any costs or fees
the Driver or Vehicle owner must pay to a For-Hire Base, or any schedules or formulas
used to calculate Driver or Vehicle owner earnings.
(c) Black Car is a Vehicle that affiliates with a Black Car Base or with a High-Volume For-
Hire Service.
(d) Black Car Base is a “central dispatch facility” (as the term is defined in New York
Executive Law, §160-cc) and For-Hire Base, excluding a High-Volume For-Hire Service,
that operates as follows:
(1) All Black Car Vehicles are dispatched on a pre-arranged basis;
(2) All Black Car Vehicles are owned by franchisees of the Base or are members of a
cooperative that operates the Base; and
(3) More than ninety percent (90%) of the Base’s business is on a payment basis other
than direct cash payment by a Passenger.
(e) Black Car Fund is the New York Black Car Operators’ Injury Compensation Fund, Inc.
established under Article 6-F of the NYS Executive Law.
(f) Driver in this Sub-chapter means a For-Hire Driver.
(g) For-Hire Base (or “Base”) is the Commission-licensed business for dispatching For-Hire
Vehicles and the physical location from which For-Hire Vehicles are dispatched; a For
Hire Base can be any of the following:
(1) A Black Car Base,
(2) A Livery Base (or Base Station),
(3) A Luxury Limousine Base,
(4) A High-Volume For-Hire Service.
(h) For-Hire Driver in this Sub-chapter means a Driver of a For-Hire Vehicle.
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(i) For-Hire Vehicle is a motor Vehicle Licensed by the Commission to carry Passengers For-
Hire in the City, which:
(1) Has a seating capacity of 20 or fewer Passengers
(2) Has three or more doors
(3) Is not a Taxicab, a Commuter Van, or an authorized bus as defined by NYS law
(j) Independent Base Station is a Livery Base Station that is designated as an independent
livery base under §18-c of the NYS Workers’ Compensation Law because it has joined the
Livery Fund.
(k) Independent Livery Driver is the Driver of a Livery which is affiliated with an Independent
Base Station.
(l) License in this Sub-Chapter means a For-Hire Base License.
(m) Livery is a For-Hire Vehicle that is affiliated with a Livery Base Station.
(n) Livery Base Station (“Base” or “Base Station”) is a For-Hire Base that operates as follows:
(1) Livery Vehicles are dispatched from the Base on a pre-arranged basis.
(2) Livery Vehicles are designed to carry fewer than six (6) Passengers.
(3) Passengers are charged for service on the basis of a flat rate, time, mileage, or
(o) Livery Fund is the independent livery driver benefit fund established under Article 6-G of
the NYS Executive Law.
(p) Luxury Limousine is a For-Hire Vehicle that is affiliated with a Luxury Limousine Base.
(q) Luxury Limousine Base is a For-Hire Base that operates as follows:
(1) All Luxury Limousines are dispatched from the Base by pre-arrangement.
(2) Luxury Limousine Vehicles have a seating capacity of 20 or fewer Passengers.
(3) More than ninety percent (90%) of its business is on a payment basis other than
direct cash payment by a Passenger.
(4) Passengers are charged “garage to garage” service on the basis of a flat rate, time or
62 OF 169
(r) Mailing Address for a For-Hire Base will be the Base address.
(s) Owner in this Sub-chapter refers to a For-Hire Base Owner. An Owner can be a Business
Entity or a person.
(t) Penalty Point is a non-monetary penalty assessed against either a Base Owner or the
Owner of a For-Hire Vehicle if they are convicted of certain violations in this Chapter.
(u) Respondent means an individual or Business Entity who has been noticed and charged with
a violation of one or more of these Rules or the Administrative Code, or with being unfit to
hold a License.
(v) Vehicle in this Sub-chapter refers to a For-Hire Vehicle.
§59B-04 Licensing General Requirements
(a) Reserved. Identification.
(b) Reserved. Age.
(c) Fingerprinting to Verify Good Moral Character.
(1) Initial Applicants. An individual or all Limited Business Entity Persons of a
Business Entity applying for a Base License must be fingerprinted for the purpose
of securing criminal history records from the New York State Division of Criminal
Justice Services.
(2) Review of Criminal History. The criminal history must be reviewed in a manner
consistent with Article 23-A of the New York State Correction Law.
(3) Additions or Changes to Applicant. Before or within five days after any change or
addition to the Limited Business Entity Persons of a Business Entity Licensee:
(i) The Licensee must file an application with the Commission for approval of
the change or addition on forms that are prescribed by the Commission.
(ii) The new Limited Business Entity Person(s) must be fingerprinted as
required by this subdivision.
(4) The Applicant or Licensee must pay any processing fee required.
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(d) Reserved. Designate Drivers as Agents to Receive Service.
(e) Bond Required.
(1) Before a For-Hire Base License will be issued or renewed, the Applicant must
provide the Commission with a bond in the amount of $5,000 with one or more
sureties to be approved by the Commission.
(2) The bond must be for the benefit of New York City and must guarantee the
(i) The Licensee will dispatch only vehicles that are currently licensed by the
Commission and that have a current New York City commercial use motor
vehicle tax stamp.
(ii) The Licensee will pay all civil penalties owed for violating any provision of
this Chapter.
(3) The bond will permit the Commission to draw upon the bond to pay any penalties
owed by the Base for any violation of this Chapter that has not been paid when due
or after completion of any appeal.
(i) The Chairperson will give the Base Owner 30 days’ notice before drawing
upon the bond to pay any penalty.
(ii) If the Commission has to draw on the bond, the Base Owner will be
assessed one Penalty Point.
(4) The bond must be maintained by the Base Owner for the term of the License.
Fine: $250 for failure to post or maintain bond; Penalty
Points: One Penalty Point for draw on bond.
(f) Payment of Fines and Fees.
(1) An Applicant, including an applicant for a renewal License, must pay, and provide
proof of payment of, any outstanding fines or fees owed by the Applicant to
(i) the Commission,
(ii) NYC Department of Finance’s Parking Violations Bureau,
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(iii) NYC Department of Finance’s Red Light Camera Unit,
(iv) NYS DMV’s Traffic Violations Bureau and
(v) any of their successor agencies.
(2) This requirement includes payment of fines and fees owed as of the date of the
application by
(i) any Business Entity Persons of the Applicant
(ii) any Business Entity of which the Applicant is a Business Entity Person, and
(iii) any Business Entity of which a Business Entity Person of Applicant is also a
Business Entity Person.
(3) An Applicant, including an Applicant for a renewal License, must pay any fines
related to their failure to surrender a previously revoked License (of any type),
unless the Applicant can demonstrate in person or in writing that the License has
been surrendered.
(g) Business Entities. An Applicant which is a Business Entity must provide the following
(1) Partnerships. If the Applicant is a partnership, it must file with its application a
certified copy of the partnership certificate from the clerk of the county where the
partnership’s principal place of business is located.
(2) Corporations. If the Applicant is a corporation, it must file with its application:
(i) A certified copy of its certificate of incorporation
(ii) A list of officers and shareholders
(iii) A certified copy of the minutes of the meeting at which the current officers
were elected.
(3) Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) If the Applicant is a limited liability company,
it must file with its application:
(i) A copy of its articles of organization
(ii) A copy of its operating agreement
(iii) A list of the members, with the percentages of the Applicant owned by each.
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(h) Address. An Applicant must give the Commission the Applicants current Mailing Address
and Email Address.
(i) Fit to Hold License. An Applicant (including the individual, Business Entity or any
Limited Business Entity Persons) must demonstrate that they are Fit to Hold a License.
§59B-04.1 LicensingIssuance of Street Hail Livery Base Licenses
(a) Issuance of Licenses. The Commission can issue up to 450 Street Hail Livery Base
Licenses. The Commission can re-issue any Street Hail Livery Base Licenses when such
licenses are revoked, surrendered, not renewed or otherwise terminated by a holder or the
(b) Initial Issuance Period
(1) Priority to Licensed Bases. During the one month period following issuance of the
first Street Hail Livery License which is the Initial Street Hail Livery Base
Issuance Period, only a Livery Base that is licensed by the Commission and is in
good standing can obtain a Street Hail Livery Base License.
(2) Good Standing. For purposes of the Street Hail Livery Base Issuance Period
Initial, a Livery Base is in good standing and may participate in the issuance if the
(i) Has been continuously in operation as a Licensed Livery Base for at least
three years on the date of Street Hail Livery Base License application and
(ii) Has no outstanding fines, summonses or suspensions as of the date of the
application for the Street Hail Livery Base License.
(c) Second Issuance Period
(1) Priority to Licensed Livery and Paratransit Bases. During the Second Street Hail
Livery Base Issuance Period (that is, the five month period following the Initial
Street Hail Livery Base Issuance Period), a Street Hail Livery Base License can be
issued only to the following types of bases and only if those bases are in good
(i) A Livery Base
(ii) A Paratransit Base
(iii) A Commuter Van Service
(2) Good Standing. For purposes of the Second Street Hail Livery Base Issuance
Period, a base is in good standing and may participate in the issuance if that base:
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(i) Has been continuously in operation as a Licensed Livery Base or
Paratransit Base or Commuter Van Service for at least three years on the
date of Street Hail Livery Base License application and
(ii) Has no outstanding fines, summonses or suspensions as of the date of the
application for the Street Hail Livery Base License.
(d) Issuance following Initial and Second Issuance Periods.
(1) After the Street Hail Livery Base Initial and Second Issuance Period, any person or
Business Entity can apply for a Street Hail Livery Base License.
(e) Each Applicant for a Street Hail Livery Base License must meet all the requirements of this
(f) An Applicant which also holds a Paratransit Base License or Commuter Van Service
Authorization must continue to comply with requirements applicable to such license for all
vehicle dispatched under that license.
§59B-04.2 LicensingStreet Hail Livery Base Can Act as Representative
(a) Upon notice to the Commission, in a manner prescribed by the Commission, the Owner of
a Street Hail Livery License may designate an individual Owner of a Street Hail Livery
Base with which such Owner of a Street Hail Livery License is affiliated, or a Limited
Business Entity Person of a Business Entity that owns a Street Hail Livery Base with which
such Owner of a Street Hail Livery License is affiliated, to appear before the Commission
as a representative of such Owner of a Street Hail Livery License. Upon notice to the
Commission and in a manner prescribed by the Commission, an applicant for a Street Hail
License seeking to affiliate with a Street Hail Livery Base may designate an individual
Owner of a Street Hail Livery Base with which such applicant is seeking to affiliate, or a
Limited Business Entity Person of a Business Entity that owns a Street Hail Livery Base
with which such applicant is seeking to affiliate, to appear before the Commission as a
representative of such applicant. The scope of such representation is limited to business
transactions related to licensing and transfers of vehicle affiliations with a Street Hail
Livery License, and excludes transactions for the initial purchase of a Street Hail Livery
License or transfer of ownership of or interests in a Street Hail Livery License.
§59B-05 Licensing Special Requirements for Livery Base Stations and Street Hail Livery
(a) Fitness to Hold a License.
67 OF 169
(1) An Applicant for a License to operate a Livery Base Station must demonstrate to
the satisfaction of the Commission that the Applicant is fit to operate a Base
(2) The Commission will consider:
(i) The ability of the Applicant to adequately manage the Base Station,
(ii) The Applicants financial stability,
(iii) Whether the Applicant operates or has previously operated a Licensed Base
Station and the manner in which that Base Station was operated.
(3) The Commission will also consider any relevant information maintained in the
records of the Department of Motor Vehicles or the Commission.
(b) Off-Street Parking. An Applicant for a License to operate a Livery Base Station must
demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Commission that the operator of the Base Station will
comply with the provision to provide and use lawful off-street facilities as described in
(c) Local Review. A determination by the Commission to approve an application for a new or
renewal License to operate a Livery Base Station will not become final until the
determination has been subject to review by the New York City Council, as follows:
(1) Upon receipt of an application for a new or renewal Livery Base Station License,
the Commission will, within five business days, submit a copy of the application to
the City Council and to the district office of the City Council member and the
community board for the area in which the Base Station is or would be located.
(2) Within five days of a decision to approve a new or renewal Base Station License,
the Commission will send to the City Council and to the district office of the
Council member within whose district that Base Station is or would be located:
(i) A written copy of the approval decision.
(ii) Copies of the data, information, and other materials the Commission relied
on to make the decision.
(3) Action by City Council. [Admin Code §19-511.1]
68 OF 169
(i) Within 90 days of the first scheduled meeting following receipt of the
decision and back-up data, the Council can adopt a resolution to review the
decision and can approve or disapprove it.
(ii) If the Council fails to act within the 90-day period, the Commission’s
decision will become final.
(d) Submit Business Plan Livery Base Only. A Livery Base Station must submit a business
plan with each application for a new or renewal License or for a change of ownership of the
Base Station License. The business plan must include:
(1) Contact Information. The business name, address, telephone number, email address
and 24-hour contact number for the Base Station;
(2) Plans for Ensuring Compliance with Commission Rules.
(i) A general description of how the Base Station intends to monitor and ensure
that the Base Station itself, its affiliated Vehicle Owners, and the Drivers
operating the affiliated Vehicles comply with these Rules;
(ii) A specific plan for assuring that affiliated Vehicles and their Drivers provide
transportation only through pre-arrangement made with the Base
(iii) A specific description of how the Base plans to prevent its affiliated
Vehicles and their Drivers from accepting street hails
(3) Plans for Preventing Recurrence of Past Violations. A description of how the Base
Station intends to prevent a recurrence of any Rule violations that occurred during
the current and previous (if any) term(s) of its License.
(4) Off-Street Parking. Policies and procedures regarding off-street parking, including:
(i) The address of the Livery Base’s off-street parking location
(ii) How far the off-street parking location is from the Livery Base.
(iii) How the Base will encourage its affiliated Vehicles to use the Livery Base’s
off-street parking location, and
69 OF 169
(iv) How the Livery Base will ensure that the affiliated Vehicles not using the
off-street parking location do not violate applicable traffic and parking
regulations when they are in the area around the Base Station.
(5) Number of Vehicles.
(i) Renewal Applicants must include the number of Vehicles currently
affiliated with the Base Station
(ii) New Applicants must include the number of Vehicles they expect to be
affiliated with the Base Station when it obtains the License
(iii) Both new and renewal Applicants must include an estimate of the average
number of Vehicles they expect to be affiliated with the Base during the
term of the License
(iv) A Street Hail Livery Base can affiliate both Street Hail Liveries and other
For-Hire Vehicles if it is also a Base or Street Hail Liveries and Paratransit
Vehicles if it is a Paratransit Base.
(6) Number of Trips.
(i) A renewal Applicant must include the average number of requests currently
received and the average number of trips currently dispatched on a daily
(ii) A new Applicant must include an estimate of average number of requests it
expects to receive and the average number of trips it expects to dispatch on a
daily basis when it obtains the License.
(iii) Both new and renewal Applicants must include an estimate of the average
requests they expect to receive and the average number of trips they expect
to dispatch on a daily basis during the term of the License;
(7) Customer Service. A description of how calls will be answered, rides dispatched,
and complaints handled;
(8) Hours of Operation.
(i) The hours during which the Base will be providing transportation,
(ii) The hours the Base office will be open;
70 OF 169
(9) Rates. A Rate Schedule in a form and format approved by the Chairperson,
including, for a Street Hail Livery Base, rates applicable to Street Hail Liveries
when dispatched on a Pre-Arranged Trip; provided that a Street Hail Livery Base
doing no pre-arranged business is not required to file a Rate Schedule.
(10) Miscellaneous. Any other matters required by the Chairperson or the Commission
as a condition of renewal of a Base Station License in light of the specifics of the
Base Station’s application and operating history.
§59B-06 Licensing Term of License
(a) New Base License Term.
(1) The term of a new For-Hire Base License will expire three years after the last day
of the month in which the new License is issued.
(2) Example:
(i) A new Applicant files on October 10, 2009.
(ii) The Commission approves the application on December 15, 2009.
(iii) No action is taken by the City Council within its 90-day period (by March
15, 2010), and the Commission issues a License on March 24, 2010.
(iv) That License would expire on March 30, 2013.
(b) Base License Renewal Term.
(1) A License issued to a renewing Applicant on or after July 2, 2009 will expire three
years after the date on which the previous License expired.
(2) A License issued prior to July 2, 2009 will expire two years after the date on which
the previous License expired.
(c) When to File for Renewal.
(1) A renewing Applicant must file a completed application at least 60 days before the
expiration date of the License.
71 OF 169
(2) Application Submission Date.
(i) Applications filed online: The date of submission is the date an application
is filed online.
(ii) Applications filed by mail: The date of submission is the postmark date.
(iii) Applications filed in person: The date of submission is the date an
application is filed in person.
(3) The Commission will not accept a renewal application after the expiration date of
the License. If the application is not filed before the expiration date, the License
cannot be renewed.
(d) Extensions.
(1) If a timely application for renewal of a License has been made as required in
subdivision (c), above, the Chairperson will extend the effectiveness of the License
until review of the renewal application is completed.
(2) The effectiveness of the License during this extended period applies even if the
application is ultimately denied.
(3) If an extended License renewal application is approved, the renewal License
expiration date will be based on the original expiration date of the License and not
the extended date.
(e) Suspended Licenses.
(1) If a License is suspended, the Licensee must apply for renewal as required in (c)
above if the Licensee wants to renew the License. Failure to complete the renewal
requirements means that the License cannot be renewed.
(2) A License that is suspended is not Valid and cannot be used until the suspension
ends. This is true even if the Applicant has filed an application for a renewal.
(3) The suspended Base License holder must notify all vehicle owners that are
affiliated with the suspended Base of the suspension within five days of the
imposition of that suspension.
(f) Street Hail Livery Base Licenses.
(1) Suspension , Revocation, or Failure to Renew. If an underlying Base License or
Paratransit Base License or Commuter Van Service Authorization is suspended or
revoked as a result of the imposition of a penalty under this or another Chapter of
these Rules, or if the underlying License fails to be renewed for any reason, the
72 OF 169
suspension, revocation or failure to renew is also applicable to the Street Hail
Livery Base License.
(2) A Street Hail Livery Base License will expire three years after the date it was issued
or earlier if it, or the underlying Base License or Paratransit Base License or
Commuter Van Service Authorization, is revoked or surrendered or is not renewed.
(3) Upon issuance of a Street Hail Livery Base License:
(i) the underlying Base License or Paratransit Base License term will be pro-
rated (and the License fee for that License will be pro-rated which means an
additional fee will be charged) so that the Base License will expire on the
same date that the Street Hail Livery Base License expires. Example. The
underlying Base License expires on 6/15/14. A Street Hail Livery Base
License is issued to the Base on 6/16/12 and will expire on 6/15/15. The
underlying Base License will be extended for one year and an additional 1
year license fee of $500 will be charged. The underlying Base License and
the Street Hail Livery Base License will both expire on 6/15/15.
(g) Exception. This section shall not apply to High-Volume For-Hire Services. The License
term for High-Volume For-Hire Services is specified in Section 59D-06 of these Rules.
§59B-07 Licensing Fees
(a) Base License Fee.
(1) The fee for the operation of a For-Hire Base is $500 annually.
(2) Exception: The fee for the operation of a Street Hail Livery Base is $1000 annually
for the Street Hail Livery Base License plus $500 annually for the fee for a For-Hire
Base License or Paratransit Base License or $275 for a Commuter Van Service
(3) Upon issuance of a Street Hail Livery Base License:
(i) an underlying Base License term will be pro-rated (and the License fee for
that License will be pro-rated which means an additional fee will be
charged) so that the Base License will expire on the same date that the Street
Hail Livery Base License expires.
(b) When Fee is Paid. The fee for an original or renewal License must be paid at the time the
application is filed.
(c) No Refund if Application Denied. The Commission will not refund fees if it denies the
73 OF 169
(d) Base License Replacement Fee. The Commission will charge a fee of $25 for each
replacement License.
(e) Exception. This section shall not apply to High-Volume For-Hire Services. The License fee
for High-Volume For-Hire Services is specified in Section 59D-07 of these Rules.
(f) Base Transfer Fee. The fee for the transfer of a Base License or Ownership interest will
be $500.
(g) Name Change Fee. The fee to change the name of a Base will be $500.
(h) Relocation Fee. The fee to change the location of a Base will be $500.
§59B-08 Licensing Causes for Denial or Revocation
(a) Material Misrepresentation.
(1) The Commission can deny an application for a License or its renewal and revoke or
suspend any License issued if it finds that an Applicant has made a material
misstatement or misrepresentation on an application for a License or its renewal.
(2) The Commission must send notice and conduct a hearing before revoking or
suspending any License already issued.
(b) Violation of NYS Franchise Act.
(1) The Commission will not grant a License or renew a License when the base owner
is offering and selling franchises in violation of the New York Franchise Sales Act
(for the purposes of this subdivision, “Act”).
(2) The Commission can also suspend or revoke the License of any Base Owner found
to have violated the Act.
(3) In determining whether a Base Owner is in violation of the Act, the Commission
can rely upon the written advice of the New York State Department of Law
certifying to the Commission that the Base Owner is in violation of the Act.
(c) In determining whether a Base Owner is in violation of the Act, the Commission can rely
upon the written advice of the New York State Department of Law certifying to the
Commission that the Base Owner is in violation of the Act.
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(d) Livery Base StationCriteria for Reviewing New Application. In reviewing an application
for a License to operate a Livery Base Station, the Commission will examine and consider
the following factors:
(1) Any negative impact on Other Transportation Systems, including:
(i) The adequacy of existing mass transit and mass transportation facilities to
meet the transportation needs of the public
(ii) Any negative impact that the proposed operation might have on those
existing services
(iii) The extent and quality of service provided by existing, legally operating
For-Hire Vehicles and Taxicabs
(2) Any negative impact on quality of life in the vicinity of the Base Station, including:
(i) Traffic congestion
(ii) Sidewalk congestion
(iii) Noise.
(e) Livery Base Station Compliance with Rules.
(1) In reviewing an application to renew a Base Station License, the Commission will
consider whether the Licensee has violated any applicable Rule of the Commission.
(2) No Livery Base Station will be renewed if the Applicant has been found guilty of
violating the off-street parking requirements described in §59B-15(j) of this
(f) Revocation for Livery Fund violations
(1) No Livery Base Station License will be issued to an Applicant if a Livery Base
Station License previously held by Applicant was revoked for violations of Article
6-G of the NYS Executive Law.
(2) A Livery Base Station License previously held by an Applicant includes any Livery
Base Station License held by any Licensee in which any of Applicant’s Limited
Business Entity Persons was also a Limited Business Entity Person.
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(3) The ban on issuance will continue for five years following the revocation, and until
(i) Any money owed to the Livery Fund on the account of the revoked License
is paid or
(ii) The Livery Fund agrees on a payment plan for money owed to it.
(g) Failure to Complete Application Requirements.
(1) The Chairperson will deny an application for a new Black Car Base or Luxury
Limousine Base License if the Applicant has not completed all the requirements of
an application within 90 days of the date the application is filed.
(2) The Chairperson will deny an application for a renewal Black Car Base or Luxury
Limousine Base License if the Applicant has not completed all the requirements of
an application by the expiration date of the prior License.
(3) The Chairperson will deny an application for a new or renewal Livery Base Station
License if the Applicant has not completed all the requirements of an application
and has not completed all the requirements for Licensing as a Livery Base Station
set forth in Section 59B-05 of this Chapter within 90 days of Commission approval
of the application.
(4) The Chairperson will not deny an application under this Rule if completion is
delayed because the Chairperson has not issued a final decision and the Applicant
has complied with any requests made by the Chairperson.
(h) Additional Consideration of an Application. If a review of the application leads the
Chairperson to believe that the Applicant may not be Fit to Hold a License to operate a
Base Station, the Chairperson may seek additional information from the Applicant. This
request for additional information may be an in-person interview, telephone call, letter, e-
mail, or other method of communication. This additional consideration may result in the
denial of the application. Failure to provide any requested information within the time
frame requested, or failure to appear at a scheduled interview will result in a denial of the
§59B-09 Licensing Transfer of an Ownership Interest in a For-Hire Base License
(a) Transfer Requirements for All For-Hire Bases. Any For-Hire Base License or Ownership
interest in the Licensee can be transferred to a proposed transferee if all of the following
conditions are met:
(1) The transferee demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Commission the qualifications
to assume the duties and obligations of a Base Owner.
76 OF 169
(2) All the outstanding fines, penalties, and other liabilities that the transferor owes to
the Commission have been satisfied.
(3) The Commission approves the transfer and any changes in corporate officers or
(4) Both the transferor and transferee must appear in person as directed by the
Chairperson to complete the transfer:
(i) A party who is an individual must appear in person
(ii) A party that is a partnership must be represented by a general partner
(iii) A party that is a corporation must be represented by a Limited Business
Entity Person.
(5) No transfer or change will be effective until approved and the Chairperson has
given notice of the approval to the Licensee.
(b) Additional Requirements for Transfers of a Livery Base Station.
(1) Additional Bond for Tort Liabilities. The transferor or the transferee files an
additional bond to cover the transferor’s tort liabilities (if any) that have arisen out
of the operation of a Base Station, that remain outstanding and that exceed the
amount covered by any bond or insurance policy already in effect.
(2) Transferee Business Plan. The transferee provides a business plan meeting the
requirements in §59B-05(d) above.
(3) Transfer While Judgment Pending. No voluntary transfer of a Base Station License
can be made if a judgment docketed with the clerk of court of any county within the
City of New York remains unsatisfied against the Licensee and in favor of any
Government agency. However, the transfer can be permitted under one of the
following conditions:
(i) A bond is filed in an amount sufficient to satisfy the judgment.
(ii) All the judgment creditors of a Licensee file written permission for the
transfer with the Commission.
77 OF 169
(iii) The proceeds from the transfer are paid into court or held in escrow, on
terms and conditions approved by the Commission, to protect the rights of
all parties that have a legitimate interest.
(4) Criteria for Approving Proposed Transferee. In reviewing a proposed transfer of a
Base Station License or of the ownership interest in the License, the Commission
will consider the following:
(i) The criminal history of the proposed transferee and of the transferees
Business Entity Persons, if any
(ii) Any relevant information maintained in the records of the DMV or the
(iii) The transferees financial stability
(5) Criteria for Denying Proposed Transferee. A transfer will not be approved if, in
the past two years, the proposed transferee or any Business Entity Person of the
proposed transferee, where appropriate, has been found to have violated any law or
rule involving any of the following:
(i) Assault of a Passenger, official, or member of the public in connection with
any matter relating to a For-Hire Vehicle
(ii) Giving or offering an unlawful gratuity to a public servant, as defined in
§10.00 of the NYS Penal Law
(iii) Providing the Commission with false information
(iv) Three unexplained failures to respond to an official communication from the
Commission or the Department of Investigation that was sent by certified
mail, return receipt requested
(c) Street Hail Livery Base Licenses Not Transferrable.
(1) Street Hail Livery Base Licenses can only be used in connection with the specific
entity to which they were initially issued (i.e. the specific Livery Base to which the
Street Hail Livery Base License was initially issued) and cannot be transferred for
use by any other entity.
78 OF 169
(2) A change in the ownership structure of or an ownership interest in an owner of a
Street Hail Livery Base License is valid only if the conditions of Section 59B-09(a)
are met.
§59B-10 RESERVED (Licensing Care of Licenses)
§59B-11 Compliance with Law No Unlicensed Activity
(a) Base License Required. No person or entity is permitted to operate a business as a Livery
Base Station, Black Car Base or Luxury Limousine Base without a Valid For-Hire Base
License from the Commission. No person or entity is permitted to operate a business as a
Street Hail Livery Base without a Valid Street Hail Livery Base License from the
Fine: $200-$1,500
Penalty Point: 1
Administrative Code Penalties for Unlicensed
Appearance REQUIRED
(b) For-Hire Vehicle License and Commission License Plate.
(1) A Base Owner must not dispatch any For-Hire Vehicle unless:
(i) A Vehicle registered in NYS has license plates embossed with the legend “T
& LC”
(ii) A Vehicle registered in a state other than New York has complied with any
applicable license plate requirements.
(iii) The vehicle has a Valid For-Hire Vehicle License.
(2) The Commission will post a list of Validly Licensed For-Hire Vehicles on its Web
(3) In addition to the other requirements of this Rule, a Street Hail Livery Base Owner
must not dispatch a vehicle to engage in the business of being a Street Hail Livery
unless the vehicle has a Valid Street Hail Livery License.
Base Owner Fine: $300
Penalty Points: 1
Administrative Code Penalties for Unlicensed Activity
Appearance NOT required
(c) Valid TLC Driver License Required.
79 OF 169
(1) A Base Owner must not dispatch any Vehicle unless its driver possesses a Valid
TLC Driver License.
(2) The Commission will post on its Web site a list of Drivers holding Valid TLC
Driver Licenses.
(3) In addition to the other requirements of this Rule, a Street Hail Livery Base Owner
must not dispatch a Vehicle to engage in the business of being a Street Hail Livery
unless the Driver possesses a Valid TLC Driver License or, in the event the Vehicle
is an Accessible Street Hail Livery, a Valid License to operate a Paratransit Vehicle.
Base Fine: $500 for the first violation in 12
$800 for each subsequent offense within a 12-
month period
(d) Valid Chauffeur’s License Required.
(1) A Base Owner must not dispatch any Vehicle unless it is being driven by a Driver
with a Valid Chauffeur’s License
(2) A Vehicle Owner is responsible for knowing the status of the state-issued driver’s
license for any Driver dispatched in one of Owner’s Vehicles.
Base Fine: $500 except if the DMV status of
the driver’s license is not available on the
Commission’s website.
(e) Advertising of Unlicensed For-Hire Service. A base owner must not hold him or herself
out to the public as a for-hire service without a current License issued by the Commission
for that activity. “For-Hire” service includes Livery, Black Car, High-Volume For-Hire or
Luxury Limousine service.
Fine: $350 for the first violation;
$500 for the second violation;
revocation for the third violation within 36
Appearance REQUIRED
(f) Unapproved Transfer of Base Location. A Base Owner who moves a Base to any location
without the prior approval of the Commission is engaging in Unlicensed Activity.
Fine: $200-$1,500 and Suspension of Base
License until compliance.
Penalty Point: 1
Appearance REQUIRED
§59B-12 Compliance with Law Workers’ Compensation
80 OF 169
(a) Livery Base Station.
(1) Compliance with Workers’ Compensation Law.
(i) Every Livery Base Station must either
(A) be a member of the Livery Fund or
(B) maintain coverage under the NYS Workers’ Compensation Law for all
drivers dispatched.
(ii) Every Livery Base Station must maintain either Livery Fund membership or
workers’ compensation insurance coverage at all times.
(iii) A Livery Base Station that is an Independent Base Station must be a member of
Livery Fund. To prove it is a member of the Livery Fund, a Livery Base Station must
submit to the Commission
(A) A copy of the affirmation given by the Livery Base Station to the Workers’
Compensation Board as required by §18-c(2) of the NYS Workers’
Compensation Law and
(B) A copy of any certificate of membership or similar documentation issued by
the Livery Fund.
(iv) A Livery Base Station that is not an Independent Base Station must buy insurance
providing compensation under the NYS Workers’ Compensation Law for all drivers
dispatched. To prove that it has bought insurance coverage, a Livery Base Station must
submit to the Commission
(A) a current certificate of insurance and
(B) proof that the insurer is licensed by the NYS Insurance Department,
together with a list of authorized signatories.
Fine: $25 for each day of non-compliance up to
$5,000 and either suspension until compliance or
Livery Base License revocation
Appearance REQUIRED
(2) Audit of Independent Base Stations. The Commission can audit any Independent
Base Station as provided in §18-c(2)(g) of the NYS Workers’ Compensation Law.
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(3) Coercion Prohibited. An Independent Base Station must not coerce any driver or
vehicle owner into making false statements or refrain from reporting any violation
of Article 6-G of the NYS Executive Law.
Fine: $1,000-$5,000 and or suspension of Livery
Base License and membership in Livery Fund for
up to 2 years
Appearance REQUIRED
(4) Enforcement on Request. The Commission will enforce the provisions of this
paragraph (4) only at the request of the Livery Fund or the NYS Workers’
Compensation Board. The Livery Fund or NYS Workers’ Compensation Board can
ask the Commission to enforce these rules by filing a complaint against a Livery
Base. The complaint will include documentation of the violation.
(i) An Independent Base Station must pay any assessment by the Livery Fund
within 30 days of the assessment.
Fine: $500 for each 30 days after notice payment is
overdue, plus payment of the overdue amount plus
interest on such amount at 12% per annum, together
with either suspension until compliance or
revocation of license and Livery Fund membership.
Appearance REQUIRED
(ii) If an Independent Base Station License is suspended or revoked for failure to
pay an assessment, the License cannot be reinstated, and the Independent Base
Station cannot apply for a new or renewal license until:
(A) The Independent Base Station pays any money it owes to the Livery Fund
(B) The Livery Fund agrees on a payment plan for money owed to it.
(iii) An Independent Base Station must not make a materially false statement in the
sworn affirmation required by §18-c(2) of the Workers’ Compensation Law.
Fine: $1,000-$10,000 and/or Livery Base License
revocation for up to 5 years for first offense and
permanent bar to licensure for second
Appearance REQUIRED
(iv) Any Independent Base Station found to have made a materially false statement
under (iii) of this subparagraph on two separate occasions may not apply for or hold
a Livery Base Station License.
82 OF 169
(v) An Independent Base Station must not make any material misrepresentation
(A) the number of Vehicles affiliated with the Independent Base Station,
(B) the number of owners of such Vehicles, or
(C) the number of drivers dispatched by the Independent Base Station.
(D) Material misrepresentation includes any temporary alteration of records to
reduce the numbers of vehicles or drivers.
Fine: $1,000-$5,000 and/or Livery Base License
suspension or Livery Base License revocation for
up to 2 years.
Appearance REQUIRED
(5) Cessation of Benefits to Drivers. Upon filing with the Workers Compensation
Board to end the payment of benefits to the Driver of an affiliated Vehicle who has
recovered from a disability and is ready to return to work, a Base Owner must
provide the Driver with documentation that benefits have been stopped in order for
the Commission to return that Drivers License.
Fine: $100-$250
Appearance REQUIRED
(b) Black-Car Bases, Luxury Limousine Bases, and High-Volume For-Hire Services.
(1) Membership in the Black Car Operators’ Injury Compensation Fund.
(i) Every Black Car Base, Luxury Limousine Base, and High-Volume For-Hire
Service must become and remain a member of the Black Car Fund and must
register with the Department of State as a Member of the Black Car Fund.
(ii) This provision does not apply to a Black Car or Luxury Limousine Base that
owns fifty (50%) percent or more of the Vehicles it dispatches.
Fine: $25 for each day of non-compliance, to a
maximum of $10,000, and either suspension until
compliance or Base License revocation
Appearance REQUIRED
(2) Submit Certificate of Registration with the Fund. Every Black Car Base, Luxury
Limousine Base, and High-Volume For-Hire Service must:
(i) Provide the Commission with a copy of its certificate of registration with the
Black Car Fund.
(ii) Pay to the Department of State all fees due as required by State law.
83 OF 169
Fine: $25 for each day of non-compliance, to a
maximum of $10,000, and either suspension until
compliance or Base License revocation
Appearance REQUIRED
(3) Bill and Collect Surcharge. Every Black Car Base, Luxury Limousine Base, and
High-Volume For-Hire Service member of the Black Car Fund must, for every trip
dispatched from that Base, bill and collect the surcharge established by the Black
Car Fund and required by State law in the manner prescribed by the Black Car Fund
and State law.
Fine: $25 for each day of non-compliance, to a
maximum of $10,000, and either suspension until
compliance or Base License revocation, together with
revocation of Black Car Fund membership
Appearance REQUIRED
(4) Remit Surcharges. Every Black Car Base, Luxury Limousine Base, and High-
Volume For-Hire Service must forward to the Black Car Fund all surcharges due
and owing under paragraph (3), above, no later than the 15
day of the month
following the month in which the surcharge is collected.
Fine: $500-$5,000 for each 20 days the payment is overdue,
and suspension until compliance or revocation, together
with restitution to the Black Car Fund of any unpaid
amount, together with interest at the rate of 12 percent per
annum, together with revocation of Black Car Fund
Appearance REQUIRED
(5) Comply with all Rules of the Black Car Fund. Every Black Car Base, Luxury
Limousine Base, and High-Volume For-Hire Service must comply with all
applicable provisions of law governing the Black Car Fund, and all rules and
Fine: $500-$10,000 and suspension until compliance or
Appearance REQUIRED
(6) Enforcement at Black Car Fund’s Request. The Black Car Fund can ask the
Commission to enforce these rules by filing a complaint against a Black Car Base,
Luxury Limousine Base, or High-Volume For-Hire Service. The complaint will
include documentation of the violation.
(c) Street Hail Livery Bases.
(1) Every Street Hail Livery Base must comply with the NYS Workers’ Compensation
Law and maintain the coverage required.
§59B-13 Compliance with Law Personal Conduct
84 OF 169
(a) Bribery Prohibited.
(1) Appearance of Bribery. An Applicant or Licensee must not offer or give any gift,
gratuity or thing of value to any employee, representative or member of the
Commission, or any other public servant.
Fine: Revocation and $10,000
Appearance REQUIRED
(2) Demand for Gratuity. A Licensee must immediately report to the Commission any
request or demand for a gift, gratuity, or thing of value by any employee,
representative, or member of the Commission or any other public servant.
Fine: $1,000 up to Revocation
Appearance REQUIRED
(3) Prohibited Offer of Gift to Airport or Transportation Terminal Staff. A Licensee
must not offer or give any gift, gratuity, or thing of value to a person or persons
employed at any airport or other transportation terminal to provide ground
transportation information services, dispatching service, security services, traffic
and parking control, or baggage handling.
Base Fine: $1,000 up to revocation
Appearance REQUIRED
(b) Fraud, Theft. While performing the duties and responsibilities of a Licensee, a Licensee
must not commit or attempt to commit, alone or in concert with another, any act of fraud,
misrepresentation or theft.
Fine: $350-1,000 and/or suspension up to 60 days
or revocation
Appearance REQUIRED
(c) Deliberate Acts of Omission. While performing the duties and responsibilities of a
Licensee, a Licensee must not deliberately fail to perform, alone or with another, any act
where this failure is against the best interests of the public, although not specifically
mentioned in these Rules.
Fine: $150 - $350 and/or suspension up to 30 days
or revocation
Appearance REQUIRED
(d) Deliberate Acts of Commission. While performing the duties and responsibilities of a
Licensee, a Licensee must not deliberately perform or attempt to perform, alone or with
another, any act that is against the best interests of the public although not specifically
mentioned in these Rules.
Fine: $150 - $350 and/or suspension up to 30 days
or revocation
Appearance REQUIRED
(e) Threats, Harassment, Abuse. While performing the duties and responsibilities of a
Licensee, a Licensee must not threaten, harass, or abuse any person.
85 OF 169
Fine: $350-1,000 and suspension up to 30 days
Appearance REQUIRED
(f) Use or Threat of Physical Force. While performing the duties and responsibilities of a
Licensee or any act in connection with those duties, a Licensee must not use or attempt to
use any physical force against a person.
Fine: $500-1,500 and/or suspension up to 60 days or revocation
(g) No Threat or Harm to Service Animal. A Licensee must not distract, harm, or use physical
force against or attempt to distract, harm, or use physical force against a Service Animal
accompanying a person with a disability.
Fine: $500-1,500 and/or suspension up to 60 days or revocation
(h) Notice of Criminal Conviction.
(1) A Licensee must notify the Commission within 15 calendar days after any felony
conviction of the Licensee or of any of Licensee’s officers or members.
(2) The notice must be in writing and must be accompanied by a certified copy of the
certificate of disposition issued by the clerk of the court explaining what happened
as a result of the conviction.
Fine: $50
(i) Failure to Cooperate with Law Enforcement. A Licensee must cooperate with all law
enforcement officers and all authorized representatives of the Commission. Cooperation
includes, but is not limited to, responding to a request for the Licensee’s name, License
number, and any documents Licensee is required to have in his or her possession.
Fine: $15-$150
Appearance REQUIRED
(j) Failure to Cooperate with the Commission.
(1) A Licensee must truthfully answer all questions and comply with all
communications, directives, and summonses from the Commission or its
(2) Within five business days following a request from the Commission, a Licensee
must produce any Licenses or other documents the Licensee is required to have.
86 OF 169
(3) Licensee must aid the Commission in obtaining information it seeks regarding
Drivers or Vehicles affiliated with the Base.
Fine: $200 and suspension until compliance
Appearance REQUIRED
(4) Within 48 hours, a Licensee must respond to any contact from the Commission,
seven days a week.
Fine: $500
(k) Courtesy. A Licensee must be courteous to Passengers.
Fine: $150
(l) MTA Tax
(1) The MTA Tax must be charged on any Hail Trip in a Street Hail Livery that starts
in New York City and ends in any of the following:
(i) New York City
(ii) Dutchess County
(iii) Nassau County
(iv) Orange County
(v) Putnam County
(vi) Rockland County
(vii) Suffolk County
(viii) Westchester County
(2) A Street Hail Livery Base must ensure that the Taximeter in each Street Hail Livery
affiliated with the Base is adjusted to properly collect the MTA Tax for Hail Trips.
(3) A Street Hail Livery Base must collect the MTA Tax due for each Hail Trip made
by a Street Hail Livery affiliated with that Base from the Driver of the Street Hail
(4) A Street Hail Livery Base must remit all MTA Taxes due to the NYS Department
of Taxation and Finance together with such returns as are required by NYS
Department of Taxation and Finance as and when such taxes are due.
87 OF 169
Fine: $1,000 per vehicle and suspension until
Appearance REQUIRED
(m) Facilitation of Sex Trafficking with a Vehicle. A Licensee must not Facilitate Sex
Trafficking with a Vehicle.
Fine: $10,000 and revocation.
(n) Retaliation.
(1) A For-Hire Vehicle Base must not retaliate against any Driver or Vehicle owner for
making a good faith complaint against any Base.
(2) Retaliation will be broadly construed, and will include imposing any adverse condition
or consequence on the Driver or Vehicle owner or withholding or withdrawing any
beneficial condition or consequence from the Driver or Vehicle Owner.
Fine: $1,000 plus restitution to the driver or
vehicle owner for losses for the first violation
and a fine of $10,000 plus restitution to the
driver or vehicle owner for the second
violation within five years.
§59B-14 Compliance with Law Miscellaneous
(a) Alcohol and Drug Laws. A Base Owner must not knowingly allow an affiliated For-Hire
Vehicle to be operated by a Driver who is under the influence of any drugs or alcohol or
whose driving ability is in any way impaired.
Fine: $10,000 and revocation
Appearance REQUIRED
(b) Disability Laws.
(1) A Base Owner must not instruct, authorize, or permit an affiliated Driver to
discriminate unlawfully against people with disabilities.
(2) Discrimination includes:
(i) Refusing to serve People with Disabilities,
(ii) Refusing to load and unload the mobility aids of People with Disabilities,
(iii) Charge any more than the set rate for the transportation of People with
Disabilities, or their Service Animals, wheelchairs, or other mobility aids.
Fine: $350-1,000 and/or suspension up to 30 days
Appearance REQUIRED
88 OF 169
or revocation
§59B-15 Operations Business Premises
(a) Maintenance of Physical Location. A For-Hire Base Owner must maintain a principal
place of business in a commercially zoned area, from which affiliated Vehicles and Drivers
can be dispatched.
Fine: Suspension until requirement is met.
Appearance REQUIRED
(b) Minimum Number of Affiliated Vehicles.
(1) A Base must have at least ten affiliated Vehicles associated with the Base except
when either of the following applies:
(i) A Base that was first Licensed before January 1, 1988 will only be required
to have at least five affiliated Vehicles.
(ii) A Livery Base that has an affiliated Accessible Vehicle is only required to
have at least five affiliated Vehicles.
Fine: Suspension until minimum is met
Appearance REQUIRED
(2) A Street Hail Livery Base can meet the requirement of paragraph (1) by affiliating
either or both of Street Hail Liveries or other licensed For-Hire Vehicles or, if the
Base is also a Paratransit Base, Paratransit Vehicles and Street Hail Liveries.
(c) Working Phone at the Base. A Base Owner must maintain a working telephone at the
Fine: Suspension until compliance
Appearance REQUIRED
(d) Dispatching of Vehicles from Base.
(1) A Base Station Owner must provide a device for transmitting trip request
information to Drivers of affiliated Vehicles.
(2) Except for Accessible Vehicles, no For-Hire Vehicle can be dispatched from any
location other than the location specified in the Base License.
Fine: $250 and Suspension until compliance
Appearance REQUIRED
(e) Application to Move Base.
(1) A Base Owner who moves the Base to a new location must apply for approval of
the new location by the Commission.
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(2) The proposed location must comply with all of the requirements for obtaining the
particular Base License sought; except that if there has been no change in the
Ownership of the Base, the Commission can waive the requirements for:
(i) Proving fitness to hold License and
(ii) Posting a bond.
Fine: Suspension of Base License.
Appearance REQUIRED
(f) Application to Transfer or Assign Base. A Base Owner must not transfer or assign the
Base Owners License to another without obtaining the Commissions written approval as
described in §59B-09 of this Chapter. Note: A Street Hail Livery Base License cannot be
Fine: Suspension of Base License.
Appearance REQUIRED
(g) Display Rates. A Base Owner must at all time conspicuously display the current schedule
of rates charged by the Base.
Fine: $50
(h) Display Base Information. A Base Owner must conspicuously display the Base name, any
trade, business or operating name, and the Base License number on the front or office door
of the Base’s premises.
Fine: $50
(i) Black Car Base Affiliation. Only Black Car Bases can dispatch Vehicles to do line work
and only For-Hire Vehicles that are affiliated with Black Car Bases can perform line work.
Fine: $250 for first violation
$500 for second violation within 24 months
Revocation for third violation within 24 months
Appearance REQUIRED
(j) Off-Street Parking Requirements Livery Base Stations.
(1) A Base Station Owner must ensure that the operator of the Base provides and uses
legal, off-street facilities for parking and storing the Livery Vehicles that will be
dispatched from the Base.
(2) The available off-street facilities must provide at least one parking space for every
two Livery Vehicles (not including Street Hail Liveries) affiliated with the Base.
(3) The distance between the Base and the off-street parking facilities for Livery
Vehicles must be one and one-half miles or less.
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(4) The off-street parking facilities for Livery Vehicles must be in a location zoned for
the operation of a parking facility.
(5) Waiver. The Chairperson can reduce the number of required off-street parking
spaces or can waive that requirement entirely upon a determination that:
(i) There are not enough legal off-street parking facilities in the vicinity of the
Base to fulfill these requirements,
(ii) An Applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Chairperson that
complying with the off-street parking requirements in paragraphs (1) and (2)
would impose an economic hardship upon the Applicant.
(iii) The Chairperson will not reduce or waive the off-street parking
requirements where it has been determined in an administrative proceeding
that the Applicant, or a predecessor in interest, has violated any provision
governing the transfer of the Base.
(iv) The Commission’s decision to waive or reduce the off-street parking
A. Will be made in writing,
B. Will contain a detailed statement of the reasons for the decision
C. Will be made a part of the Commissions approval of the application
for the Base Station License.
§59B-16 Operations Special Requirements
(a) Occupy Licensed Base Location. All Base Owners must operate the Base on the premises
licensed by the Commission.
Penalty: Revocation of License
(b) Maintain Operations Livery Base Only.
(1) A Livery Base Station Owner must not cease operations at the Base Station for a
period of 60 or more consecutive days.
(2) There will be no penalty if the failure to operate for 60 or more days has been
caused by strike, riot, war, public catastrophe or other acts beyond the control of the
91 OF 169
Penalty: Revocation of License
(c) Use of Temporary Premises Livery Base Only.
(1) Where the Commission finds that a particular Livery Base Station cannot be
operated due to an act beyond the control of the Licensee, a temporary Base Station
License will be issued to the same Licensee for an alternative location, provided
that all other requirements for such License are met and provided further that the
unexpired term of the original License is six months or more.
(2) A temporary Base Station License will last no longer than 60 days.
(3) During the 60-day period, the Base Owner must either:
(i) File an application to change the Livery Base location or
(ii) Return operations to the original location and notify the Chairperson of the
(4) The temporary Base Station License will not be extended unless within the 60 day
period the Base Station Owner either (1) files an application to change the location
and the Commission has not completed its review of the application within the 60
day period or (2) demonstrates that good cause exists for a further extension
because the Owner requires additional time to return the Base Station to the original
§59B-17 Operations Service Requirements (Customers)
(a) Customer Complaints. A Base Owner will be responsible for handling customer
complaints when directed by the Chairperson and will provide any information requested
by the Chairperson regarding such complaints.
Fine: $150
(b) No Required Ride-Sharing. A For-Hire Base Owner must not require that any prospective
Passenger share a ride with another prospective Passenger.
Base Fine: $50
(c) Provide Accessible Transportation. A Base Owner must provide transportation service to
Persons with Disabilities.
Fine: Revocation
Appearance REQUIRED
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(1) Requirements for Percentage of all Dispatched Trips Serviced by an Accessible
(i) At least five (5) percent of a Base’s total trips dispatched between July 1,
2018, and June 30, 2019 must be trips dispatched to and completed by an
Accessible Vehicle.
(ii) At least ten (10) percent of a Base’s total trips dispatched between July 1,
2019, and June 30, 2020 must be trips dispatched to and completed by an
Accessible Vehicle.
(iii) At least fifteen (15) percent of a Base’s total trips dispatched between July
1, 2020, and June 30, 2021 must be trips dispatched to and completed by an
Accessible Vehicle.
(iv) At least twenty (20) percent of a Base’s total trips dispatched between July
1, 2021, and June 30, 2022 must be trips dispatched to and completed by an
Accessible Vehicle.
(v) Beginning July 1, 2022, and continuing each year thereafter, at least twenty-
five (25) percent of a Base’s total trips dispatched between the dates of July
1 and June 30 must be trips dispatched to and completed by an Accessible
(2) For purposes of 59B-17(c)(1), Hail Trips performed by an Accessible Street Hail
Livery affiliated with a Base will count toward the total number of trips dispatched
by that Base.
Fine: $50 for each 100 trips by which the Base missed the
percentage of trips it was required to dispatch to Accessible
Vehicles in that calendar year. Example: If Base A dispatches
100,000 trips between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019, but only
dispatches 2,500 trips to Accessible Vehicles, the base will have
missed the 5% requirement by 2,500 trips and be subject to a
$1,250 fine.
If a Base fails to dispatch enough trips to Accessible Vehicles to
meet at least half of its percentage requirement, the Commission
may seek suspension of up to 30 days or revocation.
Appearance REQUIRED
(3) Evaluation by the Commission. Every year, beginning July 1, 2019, the
Commission will review Base compliance levels, service levels, and any other
information it deems relevant to determine if adjustments need to be made to the
percentages outlined in 59B-17(c)(1).
(4) Must Provide “Equivalent Service.”
93 OF 169
(i) The Base Owner must provide equivalent service to persons with
(ii) Equivalent Service” means that the service available to Persons with
Disabilities, is equivalent to the service provided to other individuals with
respect to:
A. Response time to requests for service
B. Fares charged
C. Hours and days of service availability
D. Ability to accept reservations
E. Restrictions based on trip purpose
F. Vehicle types offered
G. Other limitations on capacity or service availability
Fine: $1000
Appearance REQUIRED
(d) Must Dispatch Own Vehicles. A Base Owner must not dispatch a Vehicle that is not
affiliated with the Base Owner’s Base unless: the Base Owner provides the customer with
the name and license number of both the affiliated Base and the dispatching Base (clearly
identifying which Base is the affiliated Base and which Base is the dispatching Base) in all
communications with the customer and any materials or receipts provided to the customer.
Fine: $150
(e) Special Requirements for Street Hail Liveries.
(1) Credit/Debit Card Rules.
(i) A Street Hail Livery Base Owner must ensure that each affiliated Street Hail
Livery is equipped to accept customer payment by credit and debit card.
(ii) A Street Hail Livery Base Owner is not permitted to charge a pass along or
additional fee to any passenger for debit or credit card transactions in Hail
Fine: First violation: $350 if plead guilty before a
hearing; $500 if found guilty following a hearing.
Appearance REQUIRED
94 OF 169
Second violation w/in 24 months: $700 if plead
guilty before a hearing; $1,000 and possible
suspension of License for up to 30 days if found
guilty following a hearing.
Third violation w/in 36 months: $750 and
Revocation of License if plead guilty before a
hearing; $1,000 and Revocation of License if found
guilty following a hearing.
(2) E-Z-Pass® Required.
A Street Hail Livery Base Owner must ensure that each affiliated Street Hail Livery is
equipped with an E-Z-Pass® tag.
Fine: $100 and suspension until compliance
Appearance REQUIRED
(f) Exception to the Percentage of all Dispatched Trips Serviced by an Accessible Vehicle
Requirement. A Base currently licensed on the effective date of this subdivision (f) may opt
to meet a response time requirement for requests for Accessible Vehicles, in lieu of the
requirements contained in section 59B-17(c)(1) of these rules, if the Base meets the
following requirements:
(1) A Base will be exempt from the requirements contained in section 59B-17(c)(1) if it
(i) Is approved by the Commission as an Accessible Vehicle dispatcher,
responsible for receiving requests for Accessible Vehicles from associated
Bases with which it has entered into an agreement and dispatching
Accessible Vehicles on behalf of itself and its associated Bases in
accordance with the response time requirements contained in paragraph (3)
below, or
(ii) Associates with an approved Accessible Vehicle dispatcher by entering into
an agreement with an approved Accessible Vehicle dispatcher and sending
its requests for Accessible Vehicles to its associated Accessible Vehicle
(2) Application Requirements to be an Approved Accessible Vehicle Dispatcher. A
Base applying to be approved as Accessible Vehicle dispatcher must:
(i) Submit a list of at least ten (10) Bases, owned by an entity or entities other
than the owner(s) of the applicant Base, that have demonstrated an intent to
associate with the applicant Base,
95 OF 169
(ii) Submit an outreach and marketing plan outlining the ways it will inform
passengers who use wheelchairs about its associated Bases’ wheelchair
accessible offerings, subject to the approval of the Commission, and
(iii) Submit a statement outlining the number of Accessible Vehicles it will be
able to dispatch in the first three (3) and six (6) months following its
approval as an Accessible Vehicle dispatcher, subject to the approval of the
(3) Response Time Requirement for Requests for Accessible Vehicles for Accessible
Vehicle Dispatchers
(i) Between June 1, 2019, and June 30, 2019, the Accessible Vehicle dispatcher
must service at least sixty percent (60%) of all the requests for Accessible
Vehicles it receives in under fifteen (15) minutes and ninety percent (90%)
of those requests in under thirty (30) minutes.
(ii) Between June 1, 2020, and June 30, 2020, the Accessible Vehicle dispatcher
must service at least eighty percent (80%) of all the requests for Accessible
Vehicles it receives in under fifteen (15) minutes and ninety percent (90%)
of those requests in under thirty (30) minutes.
(iii) Between June 1, 2021 and June 30, 2021, and continuing each quarter
thereafter, the Accessible Vehicle dispatcher must service at least eighty
percent (80%) of all the requests for Accessible Vehicles it receives in under
ten (10) minutes and ninety percent (90%) of those requests in under fifteen
(15) minutes.
(iv) Between the effective date of subdivision (f) and June 30, 2020, the
percentage of trips that meet the applicable response time criteria must
improve each quarter, measured from the effective date of subdivision (f)
for purposes of (i) above and measured from the beginning of the
compliance periods for (ii) and (iii) above, until such time as the Accessible
Vehicle dispatcher meets the response time requirements contained in (i),
(ii), and (iii) above.
(v) For purposes of (i) and (ii), “requests” will not include requests for
Accessible Vehicles that were cancelled by the passenger within fifteen (15)
minutes of the requests and for purposes of (iii), “requests” will not include
requests for Accessible Vehicles that were cancelled by the passenger within
ten (10) minutes of the requests.
(vi) If an Accessible Vehicle dispatcher fails to meet the requirements contained
in (i), (ii), (iii), and (iv) above, the Commission will notify the Accessible
Vehicle dispatcher and provide the Accessible Vehicle dispatcher thirty (30)
days to come into compliance with the stated response time requirement.
96 OF 169
Failure to come into compliance within thirty (30) days of notification may
result in termination of the Accessible Vehicle dispatcher’s approval,
immediately subjecting the Accessible Vehicle dispatcher to the
requirements contained in section 59B-17(c)(1), pro-rated for the duration of
the compliance period.
(4) Calculating Response Time. For purposes of paragraph (3) above, response time
will be calculated in the following manner:
(i) For trips arranged at least one hour in advance, response time will be
calculated from the time at which the vehicle was scheduled to arrive at the
passenger’s pick-up location until the vehicle arrives at the passenger’s
pick-up location.
(ii) For all other trip requests, response time will be calculated from when the
Accessible Vehicle dispatcher received the request until the vehicle arrived
at the passenger’s pick-up location.
(5) Record Collection and Reporting Requirements for Accessible Vehicle Dispatcher.
In addition to the trip records an Accessible Vehicle dispatcher must submit
pursuant to its licensure as an FHV Base, an approved Accessible Vehicle
dispatcher must collect and transmit to the Commission within one week of the end
of each calendar month, in a format, layout, and procedure prescribed by the
Commission, the following records for each request for an Accessible Vehicle the
Accessible Vehicle dispatcher receives:
(i) the Base License Number of the Base that sent the request to the Accessible
Vehicle dispatcher,
(ii) the date and time that the request was received by the Accessible Vehicle
(iii) the manner in which the request was received (e.g., via phone call,
smartphone app, website),
(iv) an indicator as to whether each request resulted in a completed trip,
(v) if the request was fulfilled,
A. the TLC License number of the vehicle that fulfilled the request, the
Base to which the vehicle is affiliated, and the driver who fulfilled
the request
B. the pickup and drop off locations of the trip
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C. the date and time the vehicle arrived at the pickup location, and
D. the total passenger wait time, calculated pursuant to paragraph (4)
(vi) if the request was not fulfilled,
A. the date, time, and location of the requested pickup
B. the location of the requested drop off (if provided), and
C. an indicator as to the reason the request was not fulfilled, such as
passenger cancellation (including time of cancellation), passenger
no-show, driver cancellation, or no vehicles available.
Failure to timely provide trip records may result in termination of the Accessible Vehicle
dispatcher’s approval, immediately subjecting the Accessible Vehicle dispatcher to the
requirements contained in section 59B-17(c)(1), pro-rated for the duration of the
compliance period.
(6) Fares Charged to Passengers. An Accessible Vehicle dispatcher and an associated
Base cannot charge a passenger more for a trip request received from an associated
Base than that associated Base would charge a passenger requesting a non-
Accessible Vehicle for the same trip. Overcharging a passenger may result in an
Accessible Vehicle dispatcher or an associated Base being immediately subject to
the requirements contained in section 59B-17(c)(1), pro-rated for the duration of the
compliance period.
(7) Passenger Feedback. Each Accessible Vehicle dispatcher and associated Base must
collect and transmit to the Commission within one week of the end of each calendar
month, in a format, layout, and procedure prescribed by the Commission, all
complaints and compliments the Base and Accessible Vehicle dispatcher received
from passengers in the preceding calendar month concerning its provision of
wheelchair accessible service, including all driver ratings, where applicable.
(8) Bases opting to associate with an approved Accessible Vehicle dispatcher must be
able to accept requests from passengers for Accessible Vehicles in the same
manner(s) in which they accept requests from passengers for non-Accessible
Vehicles. Failure to accept requests from passengers for Accessible Vehicles in the
same manner(s) in which a base accepts requests from passengers for non-
Accessible Vehicles may result in the associated Base being immediately subject to
the requirements contained in section 59B-17(c)(1), pro-rated for the duration of the
compliance period.
(9) In addition to submitting trip records pursuant to 59B-19, a Base opting to associate
with an approved Accessible Vehicle dispatcher, and Accessible Vehicle
98 OF 169
dispatchers in their capacity as a Base which accepts trip requests, must submit to
the Commission within one week of the end of each calendar month, in a format,
layout, and procedure approved by the Commission, records containing the
following information:
(i) For each request for an Accessible Vehicle received by the Base:
A. the date and time the Base received the request
B. the date and time the Base forwarded the request to its Accessible
Vehicle dispatcher, and
(ii) For each request for a non-Accessible Vehicle that results in a completed
A. the date and time that the request was received by the Base,
B. an indicator corresponding to the trip record for the completed trip
provided pursuant to 59B-19,
(iii) All complaints and compliments received from passengers concerning its
provision of wheelchair accessible service, including all driver ratings,
where applicable.
Failure to timely provide trip records may result in termination of the Accessible Vehicle
dispatcher’s approval, immediately subjecting the base to the requirements contained in
section 59B-17(c)(1), pro-rated for the duration of the compliance period.
(10) Good Standing of Associated Bases. An associated Base must remain in good
standing with its Accessible Vehicle dispatcher. To remain in good standing with its
Accessible Vehicle dispatcher, an associated Base must adhere to the terms of the
agreement it entered into with its Accessible Vehicle dispatcher. Failure to remain
in good standing with its Accessible Vehicle dispatcher may result in the associated
Base being immediately subject to the requirements contained in section 59B-
17(c)(1), pro-rated for the duration of the compliance period, subject to the
conditions of paragraph (12) below.
(11) Evaluation by the Commission. Every year, beginning July 1, 2019, the
Commission will review Base compliance levels, service levels, feedback received
pursuant to paragraph (7) of this subdivision, and any other information it deems
relevant to determine if adjustments need to be made to the response time
requirements set forth in paragraph (3) of this subdivision or any other requirement
contained in this subdivision (f). Any changes made to the provisions of 59B-17(f),
resulting from an annual review performed pursuant to this paragraph (11), will be
subject to the City Administrative Procedure Act, Section 1041-1047 of the Charter
of the City of New York.
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(12) Consequences of Termination of Approval. If the Commission terminates a Base’s
associated Accessible Vehicle dispatcher’s approval, or if an Accessible Vehicle
dispatcher terminates a Base’s association, a Base associated with the Accessible
Vehicle dispatcher must:
(i) Associate with a different Accessible Vehicle dispatcher within thirty (30)
days following Commission provided notification of the Accessible Vehicle
dispatcher’s approval termination, or
(ii) Submit an application to be approved as an Accessible Vehicle dispatcher
within thirty (30) days following the Commission provided notification of
the Accessible Vehicle dispatcher’s termination.
If a Base that is no longer associated with an Accessible Vehicle dispatcher does not
associate with a different approved Accessible Vehicle dispatcher or submit an application
to be approved as an Accessible Vehicle dispatcher within thirty (30) days following
notification of the termination, the Base may be subject to the requirements contained in
section 59B-17(c)(1) on the thirty-first (31st) day following the notification.
(13) Base Accessible Service Selection Date.
(i) A Base currently licensed on the effective date of subdivision (f) of these
Rules must inform in the Commission, as provided below, whether it is
opting into the exception to section 59B-17(c)(1) provided by this section
A. A Base opting into the exception provided by this section 59B17(f)
as an Accessible Vehicle dispatcher must submit an application to be
approved as an Accessible Vehicle dispatcher within thirty (30) days
of the effective date of subdivision (f).
B. A Base opting into the exception provided by section 59B-17(f) must
apply with an Accessible Vehicle dispatcher at the time the Base
exercises this option and must do so within sixty (60) days of the
effective of subdivision (f).
C. A Base that does not opt into the exception to section 59B-17(c)(1)
provided by this section 59B-17(f), either as an approved Accessible
Vehicle dispatcher or a Base affiliating with an Accessible Vehicle
dispatcher, within the timeframes provided by this subdivision may
not apply to opt into such exception until the Base’s next renewal
License application.
(ii) A renewing Base Applicant that had previously opted into the exception to
section 59B-17(c)(1) provided by this section 59B-17(f) must indicate at the
100 OF 169
time of its renewal application whether it is continuing to opt into the
exception to section 59B-17(c)(1) provided by this section 59B-17(f).
(iii) A Base that previously opted into the exception to section 59B-17(c)(1) of
TLC’s Rules provided by this section 59B-17(f), but failed to comply with
the requirements of section 59B-17(f) and is now subject to the requirements
in section 59B-17(c)(1) may not reapply to opt into the exception provided
by section 59B-17(f) except for good cause shown.
§59B-18 Operations Owners’ Responsibilities with Respect to Drivers
(a) Create and Enforce Good Conduct Rules.
(1) A Base Owner must create, maintain and enforce rules governing the conduct of
affiliated Drivers while performing their duty as For-Hire Vehicle Drivers.
(2) These rules must be submitted in writing to the Commission within seven days of
their creation (not including holidays and weekends) and whenever these rules are
updated or amended.
Fine: $25-$100
Appearance REQUIRED
(b) Rules for Conduct in Area Surrounding the Base.
(1) A Base Owner will be responsible for ensuring that all “Base personnel” comply
with the restrictions established in this subsection (b) within the “restricted area.”
(2) For the purposes of this subdivision, “Base personnel” are the Owners of Vehicles
affiliated with the Base or dispatched by the Base and their Drivers, whether they
are on duty or not.
(3) For the purposes of this subdivision, “restricted area” is defined as all public streets
and sidewalks located on either side of the Base’s street or within the city block
front where the Base is located, including both sides of the street on which the Base
is located.
(4) In the “restricted area,” “Base personnel” must not do any of the following:
(i) Double park
(ii) Park on the sidewalk
101 OF 169
(iii) Park across a driveway
(iv) Park by or at a fire hydrant or bus stop
(v) Park, stop, or stand in any manner that violates the Vehicle and Traffic Laws
of the State of New York and the New York City Traffic Rules
(vi) Do mechanical maintenance or make repairs on any Vehicle, except to
emergency repairs that are necessary to move a disabled Vehicle (Examples
of disabling conditions: a dead battery or a flat tire)
(5) A Base Owner must ensure that “Base personnel” obey all applicable traffic and
parking regulations within the “restricted area.”
Fine: $50
Appearance REQUIRED
(6) A Base Owner must ensure that “Base personnel” do not create a nuisance such as
engaging in unnecessary horn honking, littering, or playing loud audio material
within the “restricted area.”
Fine: $50
Appearance REQUIRED
(c) Special Requirements for Street Hail Liveries: Credit Cards for Hail Trips
(1) A Street Hail Livery Base Owner can deduct from any credit or debit card payments
due to a Street Hail Livery Driver any amounts required to be collected for payment
of the MTA Tax.
(2) A Street Hail Livery Base Owner must pay the Street Hail Livery Driver on no less
than a weekly basis, the total amount of all credit card payments received during
that period. The Base Owner must provide an itemized receipt, showing all
deductions, with each payment.
Fine: $100
(3) A Street Hail Livery Base Owner can withhold from the cash payments to a Street
Hail Livery Driver (and all such withholdings must be identified on the receipt) the
Fine: $50 for first occasion;
$100 - $250 for the second and subsequent occasions;
non-renewal of Base License for violations on six dates
within 12 months
102 OF 169
(i) the sum of all MTA Tax payments due from the Street Hail Livery Driver;
(ii) the sum of all tolls and charges deducted by the MTA Bridges & Tunnels
from the E-Z-Pass® account of the Street Hail Livery Base Owner for trips
provided by the Street Hail Livery Driver.
Fine: First violation: $200
Second violation: $300
Third violation: $500
In addition to the penalty payable to the
Commission, the ALJ may order the Base
Owner to pay restitution to the Driver, equal to
the excess amount that was charged to the
Appearance REQUIRED
(d) A Base is permitted to penalize a Driver who does not pick up a Passenger for a pre-
arranged trip.
(e) Limits on Hours of Driving.
(i) Generally. A Base or Associated Base must not dispatch a Driver to transport
any Passenger(s) for hire in excess of the daily and weekly limits detailed in this
A Daily and weekly driving hours will be calculated by adding up the
time that passengers are being transported for hire. Time between
trips will not be counted as driving hours.
B If any time exceeds the daily limit and serves as the basis for a
violation of the daily limit, such time cannot also [serve as a basis
for] be counted toward a violation of the weekly limit.
C It is a defense to a violation of the limits set forth in this subdivision
that any such limit was exceeded because of a single trip that began
before the limit was reached.
(ii) Daily Limit. A Base or Associated Base must not dispatch a Driver to transport
any Passenger(s) for hire in more than 10 hours in total in any 24-hour period.
EXCEPTION: If a Base or Associated Base does not dispatch a Driver to
transport Passengers in at least eight consecutive hours, the 10-hour count resets
and such Base or Associated Base can resume dispatching such Driver to pick
up Passengers for hire.
$200 for each dispatch over the limit
Appearance NOT
103 OF 169
(iii) Weekly Limit. A Base or Associated Base must not dispatch a Driver to
transport any Passenger(s) for hire in more than 60 hours in total in any seven-
day period that begins on Monday and ends on Sunday.
(f) Base Agreements.
(1) Agreements Must Include All Terms. Any terms or conditions a Driver or Vehicle
owner must accept or agree to in order to receive a dispatch from a For-Hire Base,
any terms or conditions a Driver or Vehicle owner must accept or agree to in order
to receive payment from a For-Hire Base or the entity designated by the For-Hire
Base to process and disburse payments to Drivers and Vehicle owners, any costs a
Driver or a Vehicle owner must pay a For-Hire Base, and any formulas used by a
Base to calculate Driver or Vehicle owner earnings must be included in a Base
Agreement that complies with the provisions of this subdivision.
(a) Written records required under this subdivision may be maintained in hard
copy or electronically.
Fine: First violation: $500; Second and subsequent
violations: $1,000 and/or suspension for up to 30 days. In
addition to the penalty payable to the Commission, the
Hearing Officer must order the Base to pay restitution to the
Driver or Vehicle owner, equal to the amount charged to the
Driver or Vehicle owner in violation of this rule.
Appearance REQUIRED
(2) Base Agreement Must be in Writing.
(i) All Base Agreements, including any amendments, must be in writing and
signed by the Base and the Driver or Vehicle owner. Electronic signatures
are permissible for electronic Base Agreements.
(i) A copy of the fully executed Base Agreement must be provided to the
Driver and/or Vehicle owner and be made available on-demand at the
Driver’s and/or Vehicle Owner’s request.
(ii) A Base Owner must ensure that all Base Agreements are maintained in
accordance with paragraph (6) of this subdivision and made available for
inspection by Commission representatives during regular business hours.
Fine: $500
(iii) Terms. The Base Agreement must provide:
$200 for each dispatch over the limit
Appearance NOT
104 OF 169
(A) All costs and fees that may be charged by the Base.
(1) For each cost or fee that will be charged, the Base Agreement
must provide in clear and unambiguous language an
explanation of the cost or fee.
(2) For each cost or fee that may be charged, the Base
Agreement must provide in clear and unambiguous language
an explanation of the conditions that will result in the
imposition of such cost or fee.
(B) An explanation of how the Driver’s earnings will be calculated,
including but not limited to a percentage of fares paid by passengers
that will be forwarded to the Driver or a formula used by the Base.
(C) All requirements the Driver or Vehicle must meet in order to receive
a dispatch.
(iv) Overcharges. Every Base Agreement must contain a clearly legible notice
that overcharging a Driver or Vehicle owner is prohibited by the
Commission’s Rules, and that complaints of overcharges may be made in
writing to the Commission or by telephone to 311.
(v) Plain Language. Base Agreements must be written in clear and
unambiguous language.
Fine: First violation: $500; Second and subsequent
violations: $1,000 and/or suspension for up to 30 days. In
addition to the penalty payable to the Commission, the
Hearing Officer must order the Base to pay restitution to the
Driver, equal to the amount charged to the Driver in
violation of this rule.
Appearance REQUIRED
(3) Driver Payments.
(i) A Base may require payment of only those costs and fees specified in the
Base Agreement. Requiring payment of costs and fees not specified in the
Base Agreement is an overcharge.
(ii) A Base cannot charge, request or accept a tip.
(iii) A Base cannot require payment by a Driver of a summons not written to the
Driver except when:
A. the Driver and Base are operating under the terms of a franchise
agreement filed with the Attorney General of the State of New York
or a cooperative agreement filed with the Commission,
105 OF 169
B. such franchise agreement or cooperative agreement explicitly allows
for such payments, and
C. the base does not operate as or dispatch trips on behalf of a High-
Volume For-Hire Service.
Fine: First violation: $500; Second and subsequent
violations: $1,000 and/or suspension for up to 30 days. In
addition to the penalty payable to the Commission, the
Hearing Officer must order the Base to pay restitution to the
Driver, equal to the amount charged to the Driver in
violation of this rule.
Appearance REQUIRED
(4) Driver Earnings.
(i) A Base must remit all earnings to the Driver or Vehicle owner. A Base may
only deduct costs and fees from the earnings if those costs and fees are
specified in the Base Agreement as required in paragraph (2) of this
subdivision and the Base Agreement further provides that such costs and
fees will be withheld from the earnings.
Fine: First violation: $200
Second violation: $300
Third violation: $500 In addition to the penalty payable to
the Commission, the Hearing Officer must order the lessor
to pay restitution to the Driver, equal to the amount owed
to the Driver.
Appearance REQUIRED
(ii) Drivers must be paid earnings for every trip made by the Driver within one
week of the trip’s completion except when:
A. the Driver and Base are operating under the terms of a franchise
agreement filed with the Attorney General of the State of New York
or a cooperative agreement filed with the Commission,
B. such franchise or cooperative agreement explicitly defines the terms
under which and times at which the driver will receive payment for
completed trips, and
C. the base does not operate as or dispatch trips on behalf of a High-
Volume For-Hire Service.
Fine: $100 In addition to the penalty payable to the
Commission, the Hearing Officer must order the Base to
pay restitution to the Driver, equal to the difference
between what the Base paid the Driver and what the
Driver actually earned.
(5) Written Receipts. For every financial transaction under the Base Agreement or these
Rules, the Base must give a written receipt to the Driver or Vehicle owner.
106 OF 169
(i) The receipt must include, as applicable, the name of the Driver and the
Vehicle license number subject to the Base Agreement.
(ii) The receipt must clearly state the following information with respect to the
payment or deduction:
(A) The date;
(B) The name of the recipient;
(C) The amount;
(D) The purpose of the payment or deduction;
(E) The number of the section of this chapter or provision of the Base
Agreement that authorizes the payment or deduction; and
(F) If the Base is a High-Volume For-Hire Service, the applicable
minimum per minute and per mile rates for the time period covered
by the receipt.
(iii) For Driver and Vehicle owner earnings, in addition to the items specified in
subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph, the receipt must also include the amount
paid by passengers for trips during the time period covered by the receipt
and any calculation used to determine the earnings, including the per-trip
minutes and miles for which the Driver is being paid. Such calculation must
conform to the applicable policy, formula or schedule provided in the Base
Fine: $200 per missing receipt
Appearance REQUIRED
(6) Records Maintenance. A Base must maintain for a period of three years from the
date a Base Agreement expires or is cancelled or from the last trip dispatched to the
Driver or Vehicle, whichever is later:
(i) A copy of the executed Base Agreement and any amendments;
(ii) Records of all itemized earnings paid to Drivers and Vehicle owners; and
(iii) Records of all itemized payments received from Drivers and Vehicle
Fine: $100 for each missing item
Appearance REQUIRED
(7) Form 1099-K. If a High-Volume For-Hire Service is required to provide a Driver
with a Form 1099-K, the High-Volume For-Hire Service must also provide the
107 OF 169
(i) The total mileage for trips covered by the Form 1099-K, and
(ii) An itemization of the items deducted from the gross amount reported on the
Form 1099-K
(8) Collective Bargaining Exception. The provisions of this subdivision do not apply to
Bases and Drivers whose business relationship is governed by the terms of a
collective bargaining agreement.
(g) Vehicle Leases. Any Vehicle lease agreement entered into between a Base and Driver must
comply with all provisions of §59A-21. Failure to comply with any provision of §59A-21
shall subject the Base to the penalties contained therein.
Fine: Penalties as set forth in §59A-21.
Appearance REQUIRED
§59B-19 Operations Trip Record Information
(a) Required Information. A Base Owner must make sure that the following records are
collected and transmitted to the Commission on a monthly basis in a format, layout and
procedure prescribed by the Commission:
(1) With respect to all dispatched calls:
(i) The date, the time, and the location of the Passenger pickup and drop-off
(ii) The Drivers TLC Driver License number
(iii) The dispatched Vehicle’s License number
(iv) The TLC License number of the For-Hire Base that dispatched the Vehicle
(v) The TLC License number of the For-Hire Base affiliated to the dispatched
(vi) Whether the Passenger is sharing the Vehicle for part or all of the trip with a
Passenger from another dispatched call, and
(vii) Where applicable, an indication that the trip concluded in a cancellation by
the Passenger or Driver.
(2) Affidavit of No Dispatch. Where a base has not dispatched any trips in a reporting
period, the base must submit an affidavit to the TLC affirming same. Use of e-
signature on the TLC website will satisfy this requirement.
Fine: $100 for each day past the date the affidavit is due if
plead guilty before a hearing and suspension until
108 OF 169
compliance; $150 for each day past the affidavit due if
found guilty following a hearing and suspension until
compliance. Fine amount not to exceed $10,000
(3) Timely Submission of Trip Records.
(i) A base must submit trip records for a month’s trips no later than the last day
of the following month. For example, all September trip records will be due
on October 31st. The following penalties accrue with respect to each
untimely submission of trip records:
Fine: $100 for each day past the date the records are due if
plead guilty before a hearing and suspension until
compliance; $150 for each day past the records are due if
found guilty following a hearing and suspension until
compliance. Fine amount not to exceed $10,000.
(4) Incomplete Trip Records. With respect to all trip records submitted to TLC:
(i) Each set of submitted records must be complete and include all information
listed in and required by paragraph (1) of this subdivision, and for those
bases subject to Minimum Driver Payment Requirements, all information
listed in and required by subdivision (d) of this section. The following
penalties accrue with respect to each trip for which all required information
was not submitted.
Fine: $100 per incomplete trip record for the first ten
incomplete records and suspension until compliance; $500
per each incomplete record thereafter and suspension until
compliance. Fine amount not to exceed $10,000.
(5) Inaccurate Trip Records. With respect to all trip records submitted to TLC:
(i) The records that each Base submits for any time period in which they
dispatch trips must not contain inaccuracies. For example, the date, time and
location of the passenger pick-up that is required by paragraph (1) of this
subdivision must be accurate. The following penalties accrue with respect to
each trip that was submitted inaccurately.
Fine: $100 per trip record inaccuracy for the first ten
inaccuracies and suspension until compliance; $500 per
inaccuracy thereafter and suspension until compliance.
Fine amount not to exceed $10,000.
(6) With respect to all affiliated Vehicles:
109 OF 169
(i) The Owners name, mailing address, and home telephone number
(ii) The Vehicles registration number
(iii) The Vehicles License number
(iv) The Vehicle’s license plate number
(v) The name of the Vehicles insurance carrier and the policy number
(vi) The dates of inspection of the Vehicle and the outcome of each inspection
(b) Maintenance of Required Information.
(1) A Base Owner must make sure that all required information listed above is kept and
made available for inspection by Commission representatives during regular
business hours.
(2) Required operational records must be maintained at the Base for a period of 18
months; inspection records must be kept for 12 months.
Fine: $100 if plead guilty before a hearing; $150 if
found guilty following a hearing.
(c) Special Requirements for Street Hail LiveriesTrip Record Information
(1) Trip Record.
(i) Trip Data must be collected and stored by the Technology Service Provider
(TSP) electronically, through the use of the Technology System.
(ii) If the Technology System is inoperable, a written Trip Record must be kept
by the Driver during the 48-hour period the Street Hail Livery is permitted
to operate after timely notification of the malfunction. (See §59B-52(c) of
this Chapter)
(iii) A written Trip Record, if required, must be kept for eighteen months.
Fine: $100
(2) Written Trip Records. A written Trip Record must include the following
(i) The Street Hail Livery License number
(ii) The TLC Driver License number
(iii) The location where each passenger is picked up
110 OF 169
(iv) The time each passenger is picked up
(v) The total number of passengers
(vi) The location where each passenger is dropped off
(vii) The time each passenger is dropped off
(viii) The total trip mileage
(ix) The itemized metered fare for the trip (fare, tolls, surcharge, and tip, if paid
by credit or debit card)
(x) Method of payment
(xi) The trip number
(xii) Whether the trip is a Hail Trip or a Pre-Arranged Trip
(xiii) Other information required by the Commission
(xiv) For a Pre-Arranged Trip, the following information is required:
A. The time of dispatch.
B. If the dispatch was for a Pre-Arranged Trip to begin with an airport
(3) Access to Trip Record and Trip Data.
(i) Trip Data and Trip Record information must be available to the Commission
(in a form and format and delivery method as specified by the Commission),
the Street Hail Livery Licensee and the Street Hail Livery Driver.
(ii) Trip Data and Trip Record information must be available at the end of each
shift and/or at the end of a lease or contract term.
(iii) A Street Hail Livery Base Owner must take possession of any written Trip
Records weekly and hold such Trip Records for eighteen months.
Fine: $100
(4) Changes and Corrections.
111 OF 169
(i) A Street Hail Livery Base Owner must not knowingly enter false
information into the electronic data system for entry onto the electronic Trip
(ii) A Street Hail Livery Base Owner must not make erasures or obliterate
information on a written Trip Record, or other record that Owner is required
to maintain.
Fine: $100
(iii) If a wrong entry is made on any written Trip Record, the Driver, the Street
Hail Livery Licensee or Street Hail Livery Base Owner must correct it and
record the date, time, and reason for the change. This record must be kept
as long as the written Trip Record must be kept.
Fine: $100
(iv) Trip Records, whether electronic or paper, must not be changed either in
whole or in part, unless authorized by the Commission.
§59B-20 Operations Current Contact Information
(a) Base Name.
(1) File with Commission. A For-Hire Base Owner must file with the Commission a
Base name and any public facing name it uses in its branding, operations,
promotions or advertising as its trade, business or operating names.
(2) No “Substantially Similar” Names. The Chairperson can reject any such Base name
or trade, business or operating name if, in the judgment of the Chairperson, such
name is substantially similar to the trade, business or operating name of another
(3) Only One Name and One Trade, Business, or Operating Name per Base.
(i) A Base must use only one Base name and only one trade, business or
operating name in its operations, including in its public communications,
advertising, promotional activities, and Passenger solicitation activities.
(ii) A Base can add words such as “premium” or “select” to its approved trade
name to promote a different level of service, if the Base offers multiple
levels of service.
Fine: $100 - $350 and/or suspension up to 30 days
Appearance REQUIRED
112 OF 169
(4) Only One Base per Name. Any trade, business or operating name approved by the
Chairperson for one Base cannot be used by any other Base, unless both Bases
seeking to use the same trade, business or operating name share identical Owners.
Fine: $100
(b) Mailing and Email Address.
(1) A For-Hire Base Owner must file the address of its Base with the Commission.
(2) A For-Hire Base Owner must have a working Email Address at all times.
(3) A For-Hire Base Owner must report any change of Mailing Address or Email
Address to the Commission in person or by mail within ten days.
Fine: $100
(4) Any communication from the Commission is sufficient if sent to the last Mailing
Address provided by the For-Hire Base Owner.
(5) Any communication from the Commission, except notices and summonses for
which the manner of service is specified in §68-05 of these Rules, is sufficient if
sent by email to the last Email Address provided by the For-Hire Base Owner.
(c) Capacity for 24-Hour Access.
(1) A For-Hire Base Owner must maintain a current telephone number on file with the
(2) This number must be connected to an answering machine or must be a pager
number, an answering service telephone number, or something similar that allows
the Commission to reach the Base Owner on a 24-hour basis.
Fine: $100
§59B-21 Operations Additional Records to be Maintained and Reported
(a) Maintenance of Current Rate Schedule.
(1) A Base Owner must file a Rate Schedule with the Commission, in a form approved
by the Chairperson. This Rate Schedule must include any lawful price multipliers
or variable pricing policies and the Base’s rates for rides dispatched by the Base for
Pre-Arranged Trips provided by Street Hail Liveries, if the Base dispatches Street
Hail Liveries.
113 OF 169
(2) A new Rate Schedule must be filed:
(i) Whenever rates are changed and also
(ii) Annually, no later than the anniversary date of the License,
(iii) With every renewal application
(iv) With any application to change the Ownership or location of the Base.
(3) Failure to file a Rate Schedule with a renewal application or an application to
change Ownership or location will result in denial of the application by the
Fine: $50
(b) Hours of Operation. A Base Owner must file with the Chairperson the Base’s hours of
operations and must notify the Chairperson of any change in the hours of operation.
(c) Public Access Information.
(1) A Base Owner must file with the Chairperson all contact information made
available to or offered to the public for purposes of pre-arranging transportation for
hire, including but not limited to telephone numbers, smartphone applications,
websites, and email addresses.
(2) If the contact information made available to or offered to the public for purposes of
pre-arranging transportation for hire cannot be used to contact the Base for trip-
related customer service, a Base Owner must file with the Chairperson a working
customer service telephone number and/or email address.
(3) These telephone numbers, smartphone applications, websites, email addresses, and
other contact information and methods can be used only with the name of the Base
or the Base’s trade, business or operating name approved under §59B-20(a) of this
(d) Affiliated Vehicles and Drivers List.
(1) A Base Owner must maintain paper or electronic records of all For-Hire Vehicles
that are or have been affiliated with or dispatched by the Base during the prior 12-
month period, including, as applicable:
Fine: $50
Fine: $100
114 OF 169
(i) Dates of affiliation,
(ii) Vehicle identification numbers,
(iii) Department of Motor Vehicles (or equivalent) registration numbers,
(iv) For-Hire Vehicle License numbers,
(v) Inspection records.
(vi) Copies of forms affiliating and disaffiliating Vehicles.
(2) A Base Owner must maintain paper or electronic records of all Drivers of these
Vehicles including:
(i) Dates of operation,
(ii) Department of Motor Vehicles driver’s license numbers,
(iii) TLC Driver License numbers.
§59B-21(d) (1) &
Fine: $50
(3) Filing Notice with the Commission. A Base Owner, other than a High-Volume For-
Hire Service, must send the Commission the list of affiliated Drivers and Vehicles
(described in (1) and (2) above) on a quarterly basis. High-Volume For-Hire
Services must report eligible drivers and affiliated Vehicles to the Commission on a
monthly basis pursuant to §59D-16(d) of these Rules.
(4) Special Reporting Requirements for Street Hail Livery Bases. A Street Hail Livery
Base Owner must maintain and report all information required by this subdivision
59B-21(d) electronically in a format specified by the Commission. All such
information must also be maintained by the Street Hail Livery Base Owner for at
least 12 months.
Fine: $500
(e) Evidence of Compliance with Off-Street Parking Rules Livery Base Only. A Livery Base
Owner must maintain and have available for inspection at the Base the evidence of
compliance with off street parking requirements in the form required by §59B-15(J) of this
Fine: $100
Fine: $50
115 OF 169
(f) Compliance with all Record Keeping Rules. A Base Owner must comply with all record-
keeping procedures established and required by the Commission.
Fine: $50 if plead guilty before a hearing; $100 if
found guilty following a hearing.
Appearance NOT
(g) Information Security and Use of Personal Information Policy. If the Base collects or
maintains passenger “Personal Information,” as defined by New York General Business
Law §899-aa(1)(a), or if the Base collects or maintains passenger geolocation data, the
Base Owner must file with the Commission a current detailed information security and use
of personal information policy. Such policy must include, a minimum:
(1) a statement of internal access policies relating to passenger and driver personal
information for employees, contractors, and third party access, if applicable;
(2) a statement that, except to the extent necessary to provide credit, debit, and prepaid
card services and services for any application that provides for electronic payment,
personal information will only be collected and used with such passenger’s
affirmative express consent and that such personal information will not be used,
shared, or disclosed, except for lawful purposes;
(3) procedures for notifying the Commission and affected parties of any breach of the
security of the system, pursuant to section 899-aa of the General Business Law;
(4) a statement that any credit, debit, or prepaid card information collected by the Base
or a credit, debit, or prepaid card services provider is processed by the Base or such
provider in compliance with applicable payment card industry standards, and;
(5) a statement of the Base’s policies regarding the use of passenger geolocation
information, which must include, at a minimum, a prohibition on the use,
monitoring, or disclosure of trip information, including the date, time, pick-up
location, drop-off location, and real-time vehicle location and any retained vehicle
location records, without such passenger's affirmative express consent.
(h) Compliance with Information Security and Use of Personal Information Policy. Any Base
that files with the TLC an information security and use of personal information policy must
comply with the terms of such policy.
(i) Security Breach: If the Base is required to make disclosures under New York State or
Federal law regarding security breaches, including the New York State Information
Security Breach and Notification Act (General Business Law §899-aa), the Base Owner
must inform the Commission immediately following such disclosure(s).
§59B-21(h) and
Penalty: $1,000
Appearance REQUIRED
116 OF 169
§59B-22 RecordsReporting Requirements for Street Hail Liveries
(a) TSP Required. Every Street Hail Livery must be equipped with a Technology System.
(b) Trip Data Collection and Transmission.
(1) All Trip Data must be transmitted to the Commission in a form and format and
delivery method as specified by the Commission.
(2) To the extent necessary to facilitate data transfer, the Commission may mandate
that each Street Hail Livery be equipped with external antennas.
(3) No equipment designed to comply with the provisions of this section may be
installed unless it has been approved by the Commission based on a determination
that the equipment conforms to the specifications set herein, is safe, and fulfills the
intended purposes for such equipment.
Fine: $500
§59B-23 Operations Rates and Tolls
(a) Rates Must Not Exceed Scheduled Rates. A Base Owner must not quote or charge a fare
that is more than the fare listed in the Rate Schedule filed with the Commission.
Fine: $200 for Passenger overcharge, whether from any
quote or from schedule of fares required to be filed with
the Commission .
[Yes] No
(b) Rate Quotes Livery Base Only.
(1) Each time a prospective Passenger contacts a Base for transportation, regardless of
the means by which the Passenger contacts the Base, the Base Station Owner must
ask the Passenger to specify a destination and any intermediate stop(s). If the
Passenger specifies a destination and any intermediate stop(s), the Base Station
Owner must provide the prospective Passenger with an accurate and binding price
quote for travel to the specified destination and any intermediate stop(s). If the
Passenger does not specify a destination and any intermediate stop(s), the Base
Station Owner must then provide the Passenger with an accurate and binding
statement of how the fare is to be calculated, which can be by time, mileage, zones,
or other means.
(2) Disclosure. For requests for transportation made by means other than a telephone
call, the Base Station Owner must ask the Passenger to specify a destination and
any intermediate stop(s), and must prominently disclose in writing to the Passenger,
as the Passenger books the trip, that the Passenger will receive an accurate and
binding price quote for the trip upon entering his or her destination.
117 OF 169
(3) Honoring Rate Quotes. If the Passenger agrees to receive the transportation, the
Base Owner must honor the price quoted unless the Passenger changes the date,
time, or location of the pick up; the destination or number of stops; or the vehicle
type requested, if any.
Fine: $75 if plead guilty before a hearing; $100 if found
guilty following a hearing.
(c) Special Rule for Street Hail Liveries. Fares for Hail Trips in Street Hail Liveries will be as
set forth in section 82-26 of these Rules
(d) Transportation by Pre-Arrangement Only. A Base Owner must be responsible for ensuring
that transportation is provided only by pre-arrangement through the Base.
(1) A Base Owner must be responsible for ensuring that transportation is provided only
by pre-arrangement through the Base.
(2) A Base Owner must ensure that a For-Hire Vehicle does not accept passengers
except by pre-arrangement through the base. Exception: A Street Hail Livery
affiliated with a Street Hail Livery Base can provide transportation by accepting
hails from passengers in the street in the Hail Zone.
(3) A Base Owner is responsible and can be issued a summons if Vehicles improperly
accept Passenger. A Base Owner’s liability will be based on a three month
weighted average of total vehicles affiliated with the Base. It will be a defense to
any summons issued under this rule that the Base can demonstrate an average of ten
Pre-Arranged Trips per affiliated vehicle per day.
Fine: $1000 if 10% of the Base’s affiliated vehicles
receive summonses under Section 59A-25(a)
$3000 if 20% of the Base’s affiliated vehicles
receive summonses under Section 59A-25(a)
(1) A Street Hail Livery Base Owner must ensure that no Street Hail Livery affiliated
with the Street Hail Livery Base, or any other Vehicle affiliated with the Street Hail
Livery Base, will provide transportation by accepting hails from passengers in the
Hail Exclusionary Zone.
(2) A Street Hail Livery Base Owner is responsible and can be issued a summons if
Vehicles improperly accept Passengers. A Street Hail Livery Base Owner’s
liability will be based on a three month weighted average of total vehicles affiliated
with the Street Hail Livery Base. It will be a defense to any summons issued under
this rule that the Base can demonstrate an average of ten Pre-Arranged Trips per
affiliated vehicle per day.
118 OF 169
Fine: $1000 if 10% of the Base’s affiliated Street
Hail Livery vehicles receive summonses under
Section 82-13(a)
$3000 if 20% of the Base’s affiliated Street Hail
Livery vehicles receive summonses under Section
(f) A Street Hail Livery Base Owner must not dispatch a Street Hail Livery for a Pre-Arranged
Trip beginning in the Pre-Arranged Exclusionary Zone.
Fine: $500
(g) For Black Car Bases, Luxury Limousine Bases and High-Volume For-Hire Services: Fare
Estimates. Each time a prospective Passenger contacts a Base for transportation, regardless
of the means by which the Passenger contacts the Base, the Base must provide, upon
request, an estimate of the total fare in dollars and cents, inclusive of all fees and any price
multiplier, for the specific trip requested, prior to dispatching the trip, subject to the
following requirements:
(1) Each Passenger requesting service must be notified of the passenger’s right to
receive a fare estimate.
(2) A Base must ask any Passenger requesting a fare estimate to specify a destination.
(3) The fare estimate may be expressed in a range in dollar and cents, provided that the
higher price in such range shall not be more than 150 percent of the lower price in
such range.
(4) A Base may not charge a Passenger a fare that is more than 120 percent of the fare
estimate unless the Passenger takes any action to alter the estimated route,
including, but not limited to, changing the location of the pick-up, destination,
number of stops, or the vehicle type requested, or requests a route change requiring
the payment of a toll.
(5) If the fare estimate is expressed in a range, a Base may not charge the Passenger
more than 120 percent of the highest price included in that range.
(6) The provisions of this subdivision shall not apply to Black Car Bases while
providing line work, as that term is defined in section 19-545 of the Administrative
(7) Affirmative Defense. A Base can offer an affirmative defense to a summons issued
under paragraphs (3) or (4) of this subdivision if the Base can demonstrate that the
Base reimbursed the Passenger the portion of the fare charged that exceeded 120
percent of the given fare estimate within 10 business days of receiving a request for
reimbursement from the Passenger.
Fine: $500
119 OF 169
(h) Tips and Gratuities. A Base Owner must provide a means to allow passengers to tip
Drivers using the same method of payment that passengers use to pay for the fare. A Base
Owner must remit to the Driver the entirety of anything designated as a tip or gratuity
collected by the Base Owner from a customer on behalf of the Driver.
Fine: $500
§59B-25 Operations Miscellaneous Operating Requirements
(a) No Street Hails Permitted. A Base Owner must maintain and enforce rules and policies
preventing Vehicles affiliated with the Base or dispatched by the Base and Drivers of these
Vehicles from accepting street hails and preventing Street Hail Liveries from accepting
Hail Trips in the Hail Exclusionary Zone. NOTE: Street Hail Liveries are permitted to
accept street hails in Hail Zone.
Fine: Suspension until compliance
Appearance REQUIRED
(b) Prohibited Use of “Taxi.” A Base Owner must not hold himself out for business as a
taxi or taxicab service or in any way use the word taxi, taxicab, “cab,” “hack,” or
“coach” to describe the business.
Fine: $250
Appearance NOT
(c) Advertising of Commission License.
(1) A Base Owner must clearly state that the Base is licensed by the Commission in all
Passenger-facing advertising, whether print, broadcast, electronic or Internet, and in
all handbills, fliers, websites, smartphone applications, or other promotional
materials and on all business cards and receipts.
(2) All of the advertising and materials listed in (1) above must include the For-Hire
Base License number.
Fine: $100
(d) Termination of Affiliation.
(1) Base Owner Termination. A Base Owner can terminate the affiliation of a Vehicle
only by:
(i) Giving the Chairperson an agreement signed and dated by both parties in
which the Vehicle Owner consents to the termination, or
120 OF 169
(ii) Sending notice to the Vehicle Owner’s Mailing Address by certified mail,
return receipt requested, together with proof of mailing, and sending copies
of the notice and proof of mailing mailed to the Commission.
(iii) Termination will become effective either:
A. The date of the Vehicle Owner’s signed agreement, or
B. The date notice is mailed to the Vehicle Owner.
(iv) A Base Owner can notify the Commission at any time when a Vehicle is no
longer affiliated with Owner’s Base; this notification will be a defense to
any liability attaching to the Owner for damage to persons or property
caused by the Vehicle after the notification.
(2) Automatic Termination of Affiliation.
(i) A Vehicle’s affiliation with a Base will terminate automatically when any of
the following occurs:
A. The Base License is revoked
B. The Base License is suspended for more than 30 continuous days;
C. The Base License expires
(ii) In addition, a Vehicle’s affiliation with a Base will terminate automatically
upon expiration or revocation of the Vehicle’s License.
(e) Passenger Complaint Notification: Upon receipt of a Passenger complaint related to a
Driver, a Base Owner must provide the Passenger with the “311” Commission complaint
telephone number and inform the Passenger that only the TLC can suspend or revoke a
Driver’s TLC License.
Fine: $250
(f) Dispatching to Vehicles at Airports. A Base Owner must not dispatch a Vehicle parked or
otherwise located at Kennedy Airport or La Guardia Airport unless the Vehicle is parked in
an area other than the airport’s designated passenger pick up locations.
Fine: $250
(g) Base Name and Rates on Booking Tools. If a Base allows a Passenger to request a dispatch
through its own publicly available Passenger-facing booking tool without speaking to a
121 OF 169
dispatcher, the Passenger-facing booking tool must use only the Base Name or the trade,
business, or operating name the Base has on file with the Commission pursuant to §59B-
20(a)(1) of these Rules and must display the Base’s rates or fares within the booking tool.
(h) For Black Car Bases, Luxury Limousine Bases, and High-Volume For-Hire Services: Price
Multipliers. If a price multiplier or variable pricing policy is in effect at the time at which a
customer requests a Vehicle from a Black Car Base, Luxury Limousine Base, or a High-
Volume For-Hire Service, such Base must require the customer to affirmatively
acknowledge and accept the price multiplier or variable pricing policy prior to dispatching
a Vehicle to the customer.
(i) Receipts. If a Base provides a receipt for a trip, the receipt must contain all of the following
(1) The Dispatching Base License number;
(2) Vehicle License number;
(3) Vehicle’s affiliated Base License number;
(4) Driver’s TLC License number;
(5) Total amount due;
(6) Itemized fees charged (if any) including any price multiplier or variable pricing
policy in effect for the trip;
(7) The “311” Commission complaint telephone number; and
(8) The public access information the Base has on file with the Commission pursuant to
§59B-21(c) of these Rules.
(j) Electronic Dispatch Requests to Drivers. If a Base sends dispatch requests to Drivers
through an electronic, Driver-facing interface, that interface must be available to a Driver
ONLY when the Vehicle is standing or stopped, except that the Driver-facing interface can
permit a Driver to accept a dispatch with a single touch using pre-programmed buttons or
using voice activation while the vehicle is in motion. All other uses of a Driver-facing
interface must be velocity gated to prevent its use while the vehicle is in motion.
§59B-26 Vehicles Inspections
(a) Tri-Annual Inspection Required. For-Hire Vehicles must be inspected three times a year
including at least once every four months and a Base must not dispatch a Vehicle that has
missed an inspection until the Vehicle passes inspection.
Base Fine: $350
122 OF 169
§59B-27 Vehicles Meets Safety Standards
(a) Unsafe or Unfit Vehicles.
(1) No For-Hire Vehicle can be used in a For-Hire Vehicle service after the
Commission or the NYS DMV has determined that the Vehicle is unsafe or unfit
for use as a For-Hire Vehicle, and the Owner has been directed to remove the
Vehicle from service.
(2) If the Commission or the Commission’s inspection facility determines that the
Vehicle is unsafe or unfit, the Decals must be removed by the Commission.
(3) If the NYS DMV or a DMV inspection facility determines that the Vehicle is
unsafe or unfit, the Vehicle Owner must return the Decals to the Chairperson within
72 hours after the determination is made.
(4) If the Chairperson has any reason to believe that any For-Hire Vehicle is unsafe or
unfit for use, the Chairperson can order the Vehicle to report to the Commission’s
inspection facility.
(b) Seat and Shoulder Belts. Each For-Hire Vehicle must have all seat belts and shoulder belts
clearly visible, accessible, and in good working order.
Fine: $100 250
Appearance REQUIRED
(c) Shoulder Belts Required. In addition to seat belts for each seating position and shoulder
belts for both outside front seat positions, all For-Hire Vehicles must be equipped with
shoulder belts for both outside Passenger rear seat positions.
Fine: $100 250
Appearance REQUIRED
§59B-28 Vehicles Miscellaneous Requirements
(a) Post-Manufacture Alteration.
(1) No For-Hire Vehicle License can be altered after manufacture:
(i) To increase its length, width, weight or seating capacity, or
(ii) To modify its chassis and/or body design.
(2) Exception for all types of Vehicles: A For-Hire Vehicle can be altered, after
manufacture, provided that the Vehicle, as modified, meets all of the following:
(i) The modification has been made under a program approved in advance by
the original vehicle manufacturer, and
123 OF 169
(ii) The alteration has been performed by an entity approved and certified by the
vehicle manufacturer to perform such alterations.
(iii) An original, unaltered, approved vehicle modifier’s certification sticker
must be affixed to the Vehicle at a location to be determined by the
(3) Exception for Vehicles seating 10 or more passengers and NOT exempt from NYS
DOT Requirements:
A For-Hire Vehicle can be altered, after manufacture, provided that the Vehicle, as
modified, meets all of the following:
(i) The Vehicle, as modified, has been approved by the NYS Commissioner of
Motor Vehicles under Section 401(1)(b) of the NYS Vehicle and Traffic
(ii) The Vehicle has passed inspection by the NYS Department of
Transportation under 17 NYCRR §720.
(iii) For such modified For-Hire Vehicles, the inspections required by Section
59A-04(e) and (f) and Section 59A-26(a) of this Chapter and the
requirement to meet safety standards set forth in Section 59A-27 of this
Chapter, will be inspections of, and determinations by, the NYS Department
of Transportation.
(iv) A modified For-Hire Vehicle must still pass a visual inspection at the
Commission’s Safety and Emissions Division at application and renewal as
required by section 59A-04(e) and (f) of this Chapter.
(v) The For-Hire Vehicle must be properly registered with the NYS Department
of Motor Vehicles and must have been re-registered after completion of the
(vi) The Vehicle must carry the modifier’s sticker certifying that the
modification was conducted in accordance with Federal Motor Vehicle
Safety Standards.
(vii) The modifier of the Vehicle must certify that it is registered with the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
(viii) The modifier of the Vehicle must provide a warranty that the vehicle will be
free from defects in material and workmanship, including that the chassis
and frame will be free from defects for a period of 3 years or 60,000 miles,
whichever comes first.
124 OF 169
(ix) The modifier of the Vehicle must maintain a General Liability Insurance
Policy in a minimum amount of $5,000,000.
(4) Exception for Vehicles seating 10 or more passengers (including the driver) and
exempt from NYS DOT Requirements:
A For-Hire Vehicle can be altered, after manufacture, provided that the Vehicle, as
modified, meets all of the following:
(i) The For-Hire Vehicle must be properly registered with the NYS Department
of Motor Vehicles and must have been re-registered after completion of the
(ii) The Vehicle must carry the modifier’s sticker certifying that the
modification was conducted in accordance with Federal Motor Vehicle
Safety Standards.
(iii) The modifier of the Vehicle must certify that it is registered with the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
(iv) The modifier of the Vehicle must provide a warranty that the vehicle will be
free from defects in material and workmanship, including that the chassis
and frame will be free from defects for a period of 3 years or 60,000 miles,
whichever comes first.
(v) The modifier of the Vehicle must maintain a General Liability Insurance
Policy in a minimum amount of $5,000,000.
(5) Exception for modified Vehicles seating 9 or fewer and exempt from NYS DOT
inspection and operating authority requirements:
A For-Hire Vehicle can be altered, after manufacture, even if the original vehicle
manufacturer has not approved the program, provided that the Vehicle, as modified,
meets all of the following:
(i) The For-Hire Vehicle must be properly registered with the NYS Department
of Motor Vehicles and must have been re-registered after completion of the
(ii) The Vehicle must carry the modifier’s sticker certifying that the
modification was conducted in accordance with Federal Motor Vehicle
Safety Standards.
(iii) The modifier of the Vehicle must certify that it is registered with the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
125 OF 169
(iv) The modifier of the Vehicle must provide a warranty that the vehicle will be
free from defects in material and workmanship, including that the chassis
and frame will be free from defects for a period of 3 years or 60,000 miles,
whichever comes first.
(v) The modifier of the Vehicle must maintain a General Liability Insurance
Policy in a minimum amount of $5,000,000.
(6) Exception for modified Vehicles seating 9 or fewer and NOT exempt from NYS DOT
inspection and operating authority requirements:
A For-Hire Vehicle can be altered, after manufacture, even if the original vehicle
manufacturer has not approved the program, provided that the Vehicle, as modified,
meets all of the following:
(i) The Vehicle, as modified, has been approved by the NYS Commissioner of
Motor Vehicles under Section 401(1)(b) of the NYS Vehicle and Traffic
(ii) The Vehicle has passed inspection by the NYS Department of
Transportation under 17 NYCRR §720.
(iii) For such modified For-Hire Vehicles, the inspections required by Section
59A-04(e) and (f) and Section 59A-26(a) of this Chapter and the
requirement to meet safety standards set forth in Section 59A-27 of this
Chapter, will be inspections of, and determinations by, the NYS Department
of Transportation.
(iv) A modified For-Hire Vehicle must still pass a visual inspection at the
Commission’s Safety and Emissions Division at application and renewal as
required by section 59A-04(e) and (f) of this Chapter.
(v) The For-Hire Vehicle must be properly registered with the NYS Department
of Motor Vehicles and must have been re-registered after completion of the
(vi) The Vehicle must carry the modifier’s sticker certifying that the
modification was conducted in accordance with Federal Motor Vehicle
Safety Standards.
(vii) The modifier of the Vehicle must certify that it is registered with the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
(viii) The modifier of the Vehicle must provide a warranty that the vehicle will be
free from defects in material and workmanship, including that the chassis
126 OF 169
and frame will be free from defects for a period of 3 years or 60,000 miles,
whichever comes first.
(ix) The modifier of the Vehicle must maintain a General Liability Insurance
Policy in a minimum amount of $5,000,000.
Base Owner Fine: $1,000.
Appearance REQUIRED
(b) Proper Vehicle Identification Required. A Base Owner must not dispatch a Vehicle unless
the Vehicle complies with the following requirements:
(1) License Plate Number Matches. The license plate number on the motor vehicle tax
stamp, on the state registration certificate, and on the Commission Decals must
match each other and must match the number on the license plates affixed to the
Fine: $100
(2) Vehicle Identification Number Matches. The last six digits of the vehicle
identification number (VIN) on the Commission Decals must match the last six
digits of the VIN on the state registration, and the VIN on the Vehicle.
Fine: $100
(3) T & LC License Plates. A For-Hire Vehicle that is registered in New York must
have official “T&LC” license plates.
Fine: $100 - $350 and Suspension until
(4) License Plates for Street Hail Liveries. A Street Hail Livery must be registered in
New York and must have license plates issued by the NYS DMV and embossed
with the legend “T&LC”. No “vanity” plates are permitted for Street Hail Liveries.
Fine: $100 -$350 and Suspension until compliance
Appearance REQUIRED
§59B-29 Vehicles Markings & Advertising
A Base Owner must not dispatch a Vehicle unless the Vehicle complies with the following
(a) Valid License Decals.
127 OF 169
(1) Three Valid Commission License Decals must be plainly visible and affixed to the
Vehicle in the following locations:
(i) One Decal must be on the lower front right side of the windshield.
(ii) One Decal must be on the lower rear corner of each of the two rear quarter
windows; if there are no rear quarter windows, the Decals must be on the
lower rear window just above the rear door.
(iii) The Decals must be affixed by Commission staff.
(2) When the Vehicle License is renewed or when the Vehicle is replaced, changes
affiliation, or changes its license plates, the Vehicle must be brought to the
Commission Safety and Emissions Division to have new Decals placed on the
(3) Exception for Luxury Limousines. Any For-Hire Vehicle that is a Luxury
Limousine will only be required to have a single Commission Decal affixed to the
lower right side of the front windshield.
(b) Valid Registration Sticker. A valid registration sticker from an authorized state motor
Vehicle department must be affixed to the left front windshield so as to be plainly visible.
Fine: $100
(c) Inspection Sticker. A Valid New York State DMV inspection sticker that has at least eight
months left before the sticker expires must be clearly visible on the left side of the front
Base Owner Fine: $350
(d) Taxicab Yellow Prohibited. No part of a For-Hire Vehicle can be painted any shade of
Taxicab yellow.
Fine: $350 for the first violation;
$500 for the second violation in 24 months;
Revocation for the third violation in 36 months
Appearance REQUIRED
(e) Prohibited Advertising.
Failure to have proper Decals: $500 for the first offense in
12 months
$1,000 for the second and subsequent offenses within a12-
month period.
128 OF 169
(1) A Vehicle must not display advertising on the outside or the inside unless the
Commission has authorized the advertising and has given the Vehicle Owner a
permit specifying that the advertising complies with the Administrative Code.
(2) The Commission will not approve any roof top advertising for For-Hire Vehicles,
except for Street Hail Liveries.
(3) Street Hail Liveries: Optional Rooftop Advertising Fixture.
(i) A Street Hail Livery Licensee may equip a Taxicab with an authorized
Rooftop Advertising Fixture in accordance with Rule 82-63.
Fine: $50
(f) Motor Vehicle Tax Stamp.
(1) For Vehicles registered with the Department of Motor Vehicles before April 30,
1999, a Valid NYC commercial use motor vehicle tax stamp must be affixed to the
front right side of the windshield of the Vehicle and clearly visible.
(2) For Vehicles registered after April 30, 1999, the Owner must show proof that the
required commercial use motor vehicle tax for the current tax period has been paid.
Fine: $100
(g) Livery Base Station Affiliation Signs. A For-Hire Livery Vehicle must identify its
affiliated Base Station on the outside of the Vehicle as follows:
(1) The name of the Base Station, its License number and telephone number in one of
the following ways:
(i) In letters and numerals at least one-and-one-half inches in height, on the
outside of a door or doors on both sides of the Vehicle, below the windows
and at least six inches above the bottom of the door(s);
(ii) In letters and numerals at least one inch in height in one location on the rear
of the Vehicle below the rear window, and at least six inches above the
bottom of the rear of the Vehicle, or
(iii) Both on the doors and rear of the Vehicle.
(2) The letters and numerals must be of a color that contrasts with the color of the body
of the Vehicle so that it is easy to see and read.
129 OF 169
(3) Lettering and numbering must be spaced to provide easy legibility and, if placed on
doors on both sides of the Vehicle must be identical on both sides of the livery.
(4) All Decals must be semi-permanent adhesive stickers.
(5) Exemption. Luxury Limousines and Black Cars are exempt from the requirements
of this subdivision.
Fine: $25
(h) Required Signage for Accessible Vehicles. Any Accessible Vehicle licensed by the
Commission must display signs that identify the Vehicle as an Accessible Vehicle. The
signs design will be provided by the Commission on its Web site or through other
appropriate means as announced on its Web site. The signs must be placed on the Vehicle
as follows:
(1) Must be located on the exterior of the C-pillars of a sedan or an SUV or on the
exterior of the D-pillars of a minivan, on both sides of the Vehicle
(2) Must be visible to Passengers entering the Accessible Vehicle
Fine: $75
(i) Required Signage for Clean-Air Vehicles. Any Clean Air For-Hire Vehicle licensed by the
Commission must display signs that identify the Vehicle as a Clean Air Vehicle. The signs
design will be provided by the Commission on its Web site or through other appropriate
means as announced on its Web site. The signs must be placed on the Vehicle as follows:
(1) Must be located on the exterior of the C-pillars of a sedan or an SUV or on the
exterior of the D-pillars of a minivan, on both sides of the Vehicle
(2) Must be visible to Passengers entering the Clean Air Vehicle
Fine: $75
(j) MarkingsSpecial Requirements for Street Hail Liveries
(1) Street Hail Liveries must comply with the markings requirements of §82-33 of
these Rules.
(2) A Street Hail Livery Base must not permit a Street Hail Livery affiliated with it to
operate unless it has the proper markings.
Fine: $100
130 OF 169
(k) ColorSpecial Requirements for Street Hail Liveries
(1) The exterior of the Street Hail Livery vehicle must be painted Street Hail Livery
color to be designated, except for the trim. The specifications for Street Hail Livery
color to be designated will be posted on the Commission’s Web site.
(2) A Street Hail Livery Base must not permit a Street Hail Livery affiliated with it to
operate unless it is painted as required by this section.
Fine: $100
(l) Required Sticker. Each For hire-vehicle must display an internal safety sticker, with the
following inscription: “Turning? People are Crossing.” The dimensions of the sticker are
3.5 inches wide by 2.5 inches high. The sticker must be obtained pursuant to the
instructions on the Commission’s website or through other appropriate means announced
on the website. If displayed, the sticker must be placed in the Vehicle as follows:
(1) On the inside of the front windshield, in the center and adjacent to the top of the
windshield directly behind the rearview mirror.
(2) In such a manner not to obstruct the driver’s view.
(m) Optional Sticker. For hire-vehicles may display an optional external sticker, with the
following inscription: “The choices you make behind the wheel matter.” The dimensions of
the sticker are 15 inches wide by 4 inches wide. The sticker may be obtained pursuant to
the instructions on the Commission’s website or through other appropriate means
announced on the website. If displayed, the sticker must be placed on the Vehicle as
(1) On the rear bumper of the vehicle.
(n) Required Sticker. Each For Hire-Vehicle must display an internal safety sticker, with the
following inscription: “ATTENTION: Assaulting A Driver Is Punishable By Up to
Twenty-Five Years in Prison.” The dimensions of the sticker are 8.0 inches wide by 2.0
inches high. The sticker must be obtained pursuant to the instructions on the Commission’s
website or through other appropriate means announced on the website. The sticker must be
placed in the Vehicle as follows:
(1) Incorporated into the Livery Bill of Rights.
The provisions of this subdivision do not apply to black cars and luxury limousines.
59B-29(l)(1) and (2)
Fine: $75
131 OF 169
(o) Optional Sticker. Each For Hire-Vehicle may display an external safety sticker, with the
following inscription: “Taxi and Limousine Drivers Are Protected By New York State Law
ATTENTION: Assaulting A Driver Is Punishable By Up to Twenty-Five Years in Prison.”
The dimensions of the sticker are 3.5 inches wide by 3.5 inches high. The sticker may be
obtained pursuant to the instructions on the Commission’s website or through other
appropriate means announced on the website. The sticker must be placed in the Vehicle as
(1) On a rear passenger window.
(p) Required Decal. Each For-Hire Vehicle with Hearing Induction Loop capability must
display a Hearing Induction Loop Decal. The decal will feature the International Symbol of
Access for Hearing Loss, described as the profile of an ear with a wide diagonal line
running from the bottom left to the top right. The symbol contrast shall be light on dark or
dark on light. A “T” will be placed in the lower right-hand corner of the decal. The decal
will be placed as follows:
(1) As directed by the Chairperson.
§59B-30 Vehicles Items Required to be in Vehicle
(a) Licenses and Certificates. No For-Hire Vehicle can be dispatched by a For-Hire Base
unless the Vehicle contains:
(1) On the right visor, on top of the right side of the dashboard or in the glove
(i) The certificate of registration or a legible copy of it
(ii) The insurance card or a legible copy of it
(2) In a protective holder attached to the back of the drivers seat in the Vehicle:
(i) The TLC Driver license of the Driver; and
(ii) The For-Hire Vehicle License.
Fine: $50 if plead guilty before a
hearing, $75 if found guilty
following a hearing
Fine: $50 if plead guilty before a
hearing, $75 if found guilty
following a hearing
132 OF 169
(3) Exception for Black Cars and Luxury Limousines.
(i) Black Cars and Luxury Limousines must comply with all requirements of
this subdivision (a) except that these Vehicles will not be required to have a
protective holder mounted behind the driver’s seat to display the TLC
Driver License.
(ii) Those items must, however, be displayed in the Vehicle in a way so as to be
clearly visible from the Passenger seat and available for inspection by the
Passenger upon request.
Fine: $50 for each violation of this rule;
however, no fine for a violation of this rule
can exceed $100
Appearance REQUIRED
(4) Modified Vehicles. If the Vehicle has been modified after manufacture and IS
exempt from NYS Department of Transportation inspection and authorization
requirements, a copy of the valid exemption letter from the NYS Department of
Transportation must be kept in the Vehicle at all times.
Fine: $100.
(b) Livery Passengers’ Bill of Rights.
(1) Regular Liveries Only: No For-Hire Livery Vehicle can be dispatched by a For-Hire
Base unless the Vehicle contains:
(i) The Livery Passengers’ Bill of Rights in a form and format prescribed by
the Commission.
(ii) The Commission will post the proper form and format on its Web site or
will provide the information through other appropriate means that will be
posted on its Web site.
(iii) The Livery Passengers’ Bill of Rights must be placed in a protective holder
attached to the back of the front Passenger’s seat.
(2) Street Hail Liveries Only: No Street Hail Livery Vehicle can be dispatched by a
Street Hail Livery Base unless the Vehicle contains:
(i) The Street Hail Livery Passengers’ Bill of Rights in a form and format
prescribed by the Commission.
(ii) The Commission will post the proper form and format on its Web site or
will provide the information through other appropriate means that will be
posted on its Web site.
133 OF 169
Fine: $100
(c) Special Requirements for Street Hail Liveries. In addition to the other requirements of this
section, a Street Hail Livery Base Owner must ensure that all Street Hail Liveries
dispatched by the Base comply with the following:
(1) No Street Hail Livery can be dispatched unless the Vehicle contains the Rate Card
in a frame next to the TLC Driver License.
Fine: $25
§59B-31 Vehicle Equipment
A Base Owner must not dispatch a Vehicle from its Base unless the Vehicle is in compliance with
all of the following requirements.
(a) Roof Light. A Base Owner must not dispatch a For-Hire Vehicle that is equipped with a
roof light, unless the Vehicle falls under one of the following catagories:
(i) Staten Island Vehicles: The Vehicle operates primarily in Staten Island and
is affiliated with a Base located in Staten Island. A roof light on a Staten
Island Vehicle must meet the specifications in the definition of “roof light”
in these rules; or
Fine: $350 first violation
$500 second violation in 24 months
Revocation for third violation in 36
Appearance REQUIRED
(ii) Street Hail Livery Vehicles: The Vehicle is a Street Hail Livery. A Street
Hail Livery vehicle must be equipped with a roof light meeting the
requirements of Chapter 82-52 of these Rules.
Fine: $100
Appearance NOT
(b) Taximeter. A Base Owner must not dispatch a For-Hire Vehicle that is equipped with a
Taximeter. Exception: A Street Hail Livery must be equipped with a taximeter. See
Section 59B-51 of this Chapter.
Fine: $50
(c) Distress Signal Light Livery Vehicle.
134 OF 169
(1) Requirement. A Base Owner must not dispatch a Livery Vehicle unless it is
equipped with a help or distress signaling light system meeting the specifications in
Sub-chapter §59C-03 of these Rules.
(2) Exemption. Vehicles affiliated only with a Black Car Base or a Luxury Limousine
Base are not subject to this requirement.
Fine: $175 and suspension of the vehicle license
until the condition is corrected. Respondent
must provide a condition corrected form issued
by the TLC’s Safety and Emissions Division.
(d) Electronic Dispatching Device. A Base Owner must not dispatch a For-Hire Vehicle that is
equipped with more than the number of electronic devices used to accept dispatches from a
Base allowed under §59A-31(e) of these Rules.
Fine: $50
§59B-32 REPEALED Vehicle Equipment Partitions for Livery Vehicles
§59B-33 REPEALED Vehicle Equipment In-Vehicle Camera System (IVCS)
§59B-34 RESERVED (Taxicab Specific Vehicle Equipment)
§59B-35 Penalty Points for Bases
(a) Accumulation of Points. A Base will accumulate Penalty Points as penalties for violation
of certain Rules and upon certain violations by the Base’s affiliated Vehicles, as specified
(b) Notification of Affiliated Vehicle Points. A Base will be notified by the Commission (by
USPS to the Base Mailing Address) whenever an affiliated For-Hire Vehicle accumulates a
Penalty Point.
(c) Assessment of Point for Revocation of Affiliated Vehicle License. A Base will be assessed
one Penalty Point whenever an affiliated For-Hire Vehicle accumulates Penalty Points
sufficient in number and time, that the Commission revokes the Vehicle’s License.
(d) Six Penalty Points Requires Base License Revocation. The License of any Base that
accumulates six or more Penalty Points for occurrences during any License term will be
(e) Points Accrued but not Assessed Before Renewal.
(1) If points are imposed after a Base License has been renewed based on a violation
that occurred before the renewal, the points will be added to the total points
accumulated by the Base before its renewal.
135 OF 169
(2) If the additional Points raise the total number to six or more Points, the Base
License will be revoked.
(f) Revoking a License.
(1) The Chairperson can begin revocation proceedings whenever a Base Licensee has
been assessed six or more points during the current term of that License.
(2) The Licensee’s Base License can also be revoked as part of the decision imposing
the final point necessary for revocation.
(g) Separate Proceedings for Base License and Vehicle License Revocation. At any time
revocation of a Base License is mandated and the last penalty point arises from the same
incident that created the For-Hire Vehicle License revocation mandate, separate
proceedings must be held for the Base License revocation and the Vehicle License
(h) Point Reduction Program. The Chairperson will develop a point reduction program
applicable to Vehicles and Bases.
(i) Penalty Point Program Start Date. No Penalty Points will be imposed for violations
occurring before August 1, 2009.
§59B-51 Special Requirements for Street Hail LiveriesTaximeters
(a) Taximeter.
(1) A Street Hail Livery Base Owner must not dispatch a Street Hail Livery unless it is
equipped with a Taximeter as required in Section 82-38 and the specifications set
forth in Section 82-54 of these Rules.
(2) A Street Hail Livery Base Owner must not tamper with, alter, repair or attempt to
repair any of the following:
(i) A Taximeter
(ii) Any Seal affixed to the taximeter by a licensed Taximeter repair shop or
other authorized facility
(iii) The Technology System
(iv) Any cable mechanism or electrical wiring of a Taximeter or Technology
(3) A Street Hail Livery Base Owner must not make any change in a vehicle’s
mechanism or its tires that would affect the operation of the Taximeter or of the
Technology System.
136 OF 169
Fine: $250-$1,500 and/or suspension up to 30 days
Appearance REQUIRED
§59B-52 Special Requirements for Street Hail LiveriesTechnology System
(a) Equip Street Hail Liveries with Technology System. A Street Hail Livery Base must ensure
that each of its Street Hail Liveries is equipped with the Technology System. The
Technology System must comply with the specifications established in §83 of these Rules.
Fine: $1,000 and suspension until compliance
Appearance REQUIRED
(b) Good Working Order. The Technology System equipment must be in good working order.
Fine: $250 and suspension until compliance
Appearance REQUIRED
(c) Malfunction or Failure to Operate.
(1) If the Technology System malfunctions or fails to operate, the Street Hail Livery
Base must file an incident report with the authorized provider within two hours
following the discovery of the malfunction or as soon as the Street Hail Livery Base
reasonably should have known of such malfunction.
(2) If the Driver or Street Hail Livery Licensee previously filed an incident report, the
Street Hail Livery Base will not be required to file a separate incident report. The
Street Hail Livery Base must verify that the report has been filed by obtaining the
incident report number from the Driver, Street Hail Livery Licensee or Technology
System Provider.
(3) The Street Hail Livery Licensee or the Street Hail Livery Base must meet the
appointment for repair scheduled by the Technology System Provider following the
incident report.
Fine: $250 and suspension until compliance
Appearance REQUIRED
(d) Inspection upon Multiple Technology System Malfunctions. For any Street Hail Livery
requiring six or more repairs of the vehicle’s Technology System in any 30-day period, the
Street Hail Livery Base with which such vehicle is affiliated must promptly take that
vehicle for inspection or schedule an inspection with the Commission’s Safety and
Emissions Facility. This requirement will not apply to the Street Hail Livery Base if
compliance is made by the Street Hail Livery Licensee or Driver of the vehicle.
Fine: $250
Appearance NOT Required
137 OF 169
§59C-01 REPEALED In-Vehicle Camera System (“IVCS”)
§59C-02 REPEALED Partitions Livery Vehicles Only
§59C-03 Distress Signal Lights Livery Vehicles Only
(a) Requirement. An owner must equip all For-Hire Vehicles with a help or distress
signaling light system consisting of two turn signal type “lollipop” lights.
(b) Technical Specifications.
(1) One light must be mounted on the front center of the vehicle, either on top
of the bumper or forward or behind the grill. A second light must be
mounted on top of the rear bumper, to the left of the license plate.
(2) Each light must be three to four inches in diameter, have a total rated
output of 32 candle power, and be amber-colored or have an amber-
colored lens so that the light output of the device is the color amber at 32
candle power.
(3) The activator must be installed within easy reach of the driver, must be
silent when operating, and must be fully solid-state.
(4) The lights must be able to flash between 60 and 120 times per minute.
59C-04 Specifications for Accessible For Hire Vehicles
(a) An Accessible Vehicle may be approved if it meets the following conditions:
(1) It is a vehicle other than (i) a bus, (ii) a minibus, or (iii) a van, the chassis
for which, as originally manufactured, is designed to seat eight or more
(2) It is capable of transporting at least one passenger using a common
wheelchair (as wheelchair is defined in Code of Federal Regulations, title
49, section 37.3).
(b) The chassis of the Accessible Vehicle, as originally manufactured, must have:
(1) A maximum horsepower of 290.
(2) The original equipment manufacturer’s suspension and steering components.
(3) No bumper modifications.
(4) Exception regarding bumpers: A bumper modified to allow installation of a
rear-entry ramp may be approved if it satisfies either of the following:
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(i) Modification by secondary manufacturer:
a. The rear bumper is reinforced.
b. The modification is approved by the vehicle manufacturer.
c. The modification meets or exceeds Federal Motor Vehicle Safety
Standards crash testing requirements.
d. Any rear door lock modifications must meet the Federal Motor Vehicle
Safety Standards and the lock must be attached to the chassis, not the
ramp, unless a secondary lock is attached to the chassis.
(ii) Modification by other than secondary manufacturer:
a. The rear bumper is reinforced.
b. The modification is approved by the vehicle manufacturer.
c. The modification meets or exceeds Federal Motor Vehicle Safety
Standards crash testing requirements.
d. The modifier must retain an engineer with at least a bachelors degree in
either mechanical engineering or electrical engineering with at least 3
years’ experience in automotive manufacturing to certify that each vehicle
was modified using the design tested to meet or exceed Federal Motor
Vehicle Safety Standards crash testing requirements.
e. A separate certification from such engineer for each vehicle must be
presented to the TLC indicating that the requirements set forth in items a
through c of this subparagraph have been met.
f. Any rear door lock modifications must meet the Federal Motor Vehicle
Safety Standards and the lock must be attached to the chassis, not the
ramp, unless a secondary lock is attached to the chassis.
(c) The Accessible Vehicle as manufactured by the original equipment manufacturer
(“OEM”) or as modified by an OEM- approved or National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration (NHTSA)-registered second-stage manufacturer must meet the following
(1) The minimum ground clearance (measured from frame, loaded to gross
vehicle weight rating) must be 5 inches.
(2) (i) The passenger compartment length (measured from rear of driver’s seat
base to rear seat base) must be not less than 56 inches.
(ii) Exception: For an Accessible Taxicab designed to carry a Passenger
using a wheelchair in the front right position beside the Driver, the passenger
compartment length must be not less than 38 inches.
(3) The rear compartment of any vehicle approved for use as an Accessible
Vehicle Model must meet the following dimensions as defined by the Society of
Automotive Engineers:
(i) Effective legroom (L51) must be at least 34.6 inches.
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(4) The front compartment of any vehicle approved for use as an Accessible
Vehicle Model must meet the following dimensions:
(i) Effective legroom (L34) must be at least 40 inches.
(5) Total legroom (the sum of L34 and L51) must be at least 74.6 inches.
(6) The original floor of the Accessible Vehicle, if lowered, must be lowered
from the base of the firewall to the area immediately in front of the rear axle.
(7) If a lowered floor assembly is used, it must be stainless steel (16 gauge
minimum) and must meet or exceed the 1,000 hour salt spray rating.
(8) If a lowered floor assembly is used, a vapor-insulating barrier of ½ inch
marine grade plywood must be applied over the lowered metal floor and
thoroughly secured.
(9) The wheelchair ramp must not block any part of the door or glass while in the
stowed position.
(10) The system provided to securely hold one or more wheelchairs in place
must be the system known as Q straint QRT Standard or, if an alternative system,
it must meet or exceed the Q straint QRT Standard.
(11) No anchor points may project more than 1/8 of an inch above the finished
(12) If the Accessible Vehicle has a middle fold-up passenger seat, it must have a
folding mechanism and base plate and must meet the requirements of the Federal
Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 207, Code of Federal Regulations, title 49,
and section 571.207.
(13) Any modifications to the rear air conditioning must be approved by the
(14) Any and all electrical wiring, other than as provided by the OEM, must be
PVC-or-better insulated and color-coded for positive identification.
(15) The back-up alarm must be an electrically operated device that produces an
intermittent audible signal when the Accessible Vehicle’s transmission is shifted
into reverse.
(16) The converted vehicle must be purchased from the same converter which
has manufactured the necessary parts/components and provided the labor to
convert the vehicle.
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§59D-01 Scope of this Sub-chapter
(a) To establish the procedures, rules and regulations for obtaining and maintaining a
High-Volume For-Hire Service License,
(b) To provide penalties for violation of the rules and requirements for maintaining a
High-Volume For-Hire Service License.
§59D-02 Penalties
(a) Unlicensed Activity.
(1) Unlicensed Activity is the act of providing or advertising the provision
of any Commission-regulated for hire transportation service by:
(i) Any Licensee whose License is suspended, revoked, or expired
and not yet renewed (except as provided in this Sub-chapter), or
(ii) Any person who does not hold a License or Authorization from the
(2) Unlicensed Activity specifically includes the activities listed in §19-
506, §19-528, and §19-548 of the Administrative Code.
(b) Specific Penalties. If there are specific penalties for violating a Rule, they are
shown at the end of the Rule. The penalty section also states whether the violator
must attend the Hearing.
(c) Payment of Fines.
(1) Fines are due within 30 days of the day the Respondent is found guilty of
the violation, unless:
(i) the Respondent files an appeal of the decision issued by the OATH
Hearings Division within the time required by Chapter 5 of Title
48 of the Rules of the City of New York, in which case the
payment of the fines will be deferred until 30 days after the date of
the appeal decision.
(2) If the fine is not paid by the close of business on the date due, the
Commission will notify the Respondent in writing that the Respondent’s
License will be suspended in 10 business days of the date of the
notification until the fine is paid, unless the Respondent demonstrates to
the Commission, in person or in writing, that the fine has been paid.
§59D-03 Definitions Specific to this Sub-chapter
141 OF 169
(a) Applicant in this Sub-chapter means an Applicant for an original or renewal High-
Volume For-Hire Service License.
(b) Driver in this Sub-chapter means a For-Hire Driver.
(c) For-Hire Driver in this Sub-chapter means a Driver of a For-Hire Vehicle.
(d) High-Volume For-Hire Service is a central dispatch facility, as such term is
defined in New York Executive Law §160-cc, that (1) is a Commission-licensed
business, (2) facilitates or otherwise connects passengers to for-hire vehicles by
prearrangement, including through one or more licensed For-Hire Vehicle Bases,
using a passenger-facing booking tool, and (3) dispatches or facilitates the
dispatching of ten-thousand (10,000) or more trips in the City per day. Any and
all bases using a common brand, trade, business or operating name will be
considered together for purposes of identifying a High-Volume For-Hire Service.
(e) Initial High-Volume For-Hire Service Issuance Period is the three month period
beginning on a date posted on the Commission’s website during which a Base, or
collection of Bases operating under the same brand, trade, business, or operating
name, that connects Passengers to For-Hire Vehicles by prearrangement and
dispatches or facilitates the dispatching of ten thousand or more trips per day in
the City using a passenger-facing booking tool must apply for a High-Volume
For-Hire Service License under this subchapter or be listed as a Base through
which a High-Volume For-Hire Service dispatches trips on an application for a
High-Volume For-Hire Service License.
(f) License in this Sub-Chapter means a High-Volume For-Hire Service License.
(g) Owner in this Sub-chapter refers to a High-Volume For-Hire Service Owner. An
Owner can be a Business Entity or a person.
(h) Passenger-Facing Booking Tool is an application on a smartphone or other
electronic device that allows communication between a Passenger and a For-Hire
Base or High-Volume For-Hire Service. Such communication includes but is not
limited to allowing a Passenger to request, book, or pay for a trip.
(i) Respondent means an individual or Business Entity who has been noticed and
charged with a violation of one or more of these Rules or the Administrative
Code, or with being unfit to hold a License.
(j) Utilization Rate refers to the percentage of time, in aggregate, that all Drivers who
have made themselves available to accept dispatches from High-Volume For-Hire
Services spend transporting passengers on trips dispatched by High-Volume For-
Hire Services. The Utilization Rate is calculated by dividing the total amount of
time those Drivers spend transporting passengers on trips dispatched by High-
Volume For-Hire Services, by the total amount of time Drivers are available to
142 OF 169
accept dispatches from High-Volume For-Hire Services, have been dispatched by
a High-Volume For-Hire Service to pick up a passenger but do not have a
passenger in the vehicle, and are transporting passengers on trips dispatched by a
High-Volume For-Hire Service.
(k) Vehicle in this Sub-chapter refers to a For-Hire Vehicle.
§59D-04 Licensing General Requirements
(a) Reserved. Identification.
(b) Reserved. Age.
(c) Fingerprinting to Verify Good Moral Character.
(1) Initial Applicants. An individual or all Limited Business Entity Persons of
a Business Entity applying for a High-Volume For-Hire Service License
must be fingerprinted for the purpose of obtaining criminal history
(2) Review of Criminal History. The criminal history must be reviewed in a
manner consistent with Article 23-A of the New York State Correction
(3) Additions or Changes to Applicant. Before or within five days after any
change or addition to the Limited Business Entity Persons of a Licensee
which is a Business Entity Licensee:
(i) The Licensee must file an application with the Commission for
approval of the change or addition on forms that are prescribed by
the Commission.
(ii) The new Limited Business Entity Person(s) must be fingerprinted
as required by this subdivision.
(4) The Applicant or Licensee must pay any processing fee required.
(d) Reserved. Designate Drivers as Agents to Receive Service.
(e) Payment of Fines and Fees.
(1) An Applicant, including an applicant for a renewal License, must pay, and
provide proof of payment of, any outstanding fines or fees owed by the
Applicant to
(i) the Commission,
143 OF 169
(ii) NYC Department of Finance’s Parking Violations Bureau,
(iii) NYC Department of Finance’s Red Light Camera Unit,
(iv) NYS DMV’s Traffic Violations Bureau and
(v) any of their successor agencies.
(2) This requirement includes payment of fines and fees owed as of the date
of the application by
(i) any Business Entity Persons of the Applicant
(ii) any Business Entity of which the Applicant is a Business Entity
Person, and
(iii) any Business Entity other than the Applicant of which a Business
Entity Person of the Applicant is also a Business Entity Person.
(3) An Applicant, including an Applicant for a renewal License, must pay any
fines related to its failure to surrender a previously revoked License (of
any type), unless the Applicant can demonstrate in person or in writing
that the License has been surrendered.
(f) Business Entities. An Applicant which is a Business Entity must provide the
following documents:
(1) Partnerships. If the Applicant is a partnership, it must file with its
application a certified copy of the partnership certificate from the clerk of
the county where the partnership’s principal place of business is located.
(2) Corporations. If the Applicant is a corporation, it must file with its
(i) A certified copy of its certificate of incorporation
(ii) A list of officers and shareholders
(iii) A certified copy of the minutes of the meeting at which the current
officers were elected.
(3) Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) If the Applicant is a limited liability
company, it must file with its application:
(i) A copy of its articles of organization
144 OF 169
(ii) A copy of its operating agreement
(iii) A list of the members, with the percentages of the Applicant
owned by each.
(g) Address. An Applicant must give the Commission the Applicant’s current Mailing
Address and Email Address.
(h) Fit to Hold License. An Applicant (including the individual, Business Entity or
any Limited Business Entity Persons) must demonstrate that it is Fit to Hold a
§59D-05 Licensing Special Requirements
(a) List of Bases. An Applicant for a High-Volume For-Hire Service License that is
not a renewal Applicant must submit a list of the Bases through which it
dispatched trips during the two years preceding the date the application is
(b) Business Plan. An Applicant for a High-Volume For-Hire Service License must
submit a business plan for approval by the Commission with each application for
a new or renewal License or for a change of ownership of the High-Volume For-
Hire Service License. The business plan must include:
(1) Trip Volumes.
(i) For Renewal Applicants and Applicants during the Initial High-
Volume For-Hire Service Issuance Period: the number of trips the
Applicant dispatched, including through a Base, during the
previous calendar year
(ii) For all Applicants: an estimate of the number of trips per day the
Applicant expects to dispatch upon receipt or renewal of a License
and for the two calendar years immediately following the issuance
or renewal of the License.
(2) Vehicle Count. The number of For-Hire Vehicles, including number of
wheelchair-accessible For-Hire Vehicles, the Applicant expects to operate
in accordance with the business plan submitted pursuant to this
(3) Service Area. The geographic area(s) in the City the Applicant intends to
(4) Accessibility Requirements.
145 OF 169
(i) For new License Applicants and Applicants during the Initial
High-Volume For-Hire Service Issuance Period: a statement for
approval by the Commission outlining how the Applicant will
comply with the accessibility requirements contained in Section
59B-17(c) of these Rules.
(ii) For Renewal Applicants: a demonstration that the Applicant is in
compliance with the accessibility requirements contained in
Section 59B-17(c) of TLC’s Rules.
(c) Impact Analysis. An Applicant for a High-Volume For-Hire Service License must
submit an analysis, in a format prescribed by the Commission, assessing the
impact of the Applicant’s proposed operation on the environment. Such statement
must include an assessment of the High-Volume For-Hire Service’s impact on
traffic congestion, local transportation including public transit, private motor
vehicles and other modes of transit, and noise.
(1) To the extent the Applicant’s proposed operation has negative impacts on
the environment that cannot be corrected within 90 days of the day the
application is filed, the Applicant must propose a corrective action plan for
approval by the Commission, outlining the manner and the time in which
the Applicant will mitigate such negative impacts.
(d) Driver Payments and Earnings. An Applicant for a High-Volume For-Hire
Service must submit a description of all deductions, including any commissions,
lease fees and other charges, which such Applicant, or the Bases through which
the Applicant dispatches trips, proposes to charge either the For-Hire Vehicle
Owner or the Driver, or both, as applicable, together with an estimate of the
average gross hourly earnings of a Driver, based upon actual or anticipated trips
and fares. The Applicant must certify that it will not impose any charge or
deduction on a For-Hire Vehicle Owner or Driver that has not been submitted to
the Commission.
(1) The Applicant must also certify that, absent a reasonable belief that a
Driver’s account is associated with fraudulent activity, if a payment
transaction for a completed trip dispatched by the High-Volume For-Hire
Service Licensee fails, the Driver will receive the entire amount owed for
such completed trip.
Fine: $250
Appearance NOT Required
(e) High-Volume For-Hire Services must continue to meet all requirements of
Chapter 59B of these Rules unless otherwise specified.
(f) High-Volume For-Hire Services must comply with the requirements set forth in
subdivision (c) of §59D-13 of these Rules.
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§59D-06 Licensing Term of License
(a) New High-Volume For-Hire Service License Term. The term of a new High-
Volume For-Hire Service License will expire two years after the last day of the
month in which the new License is issued.
(b) Initial High-Volume For-Hire Service Issuance Period. Any Base, or collection of
Bases operating under the same brand, trade, business, or operating name, that
connects Passengers to For-Hire Vehicles by prearrangement and dispatched or
facilitated the dispatching of an average of ten thousand or more trips per day in
the City using a passenger-facing booking tool during the six months prior to the
Initial High-Volume For-Hire Service Issuance Period must apply for a High-
Volume For-Hire Service License during the High-Volume For-Hire Service
Issuance Period.
(c) High-Volume For-Hire Service License Renewal Term. A License issued to a
renewing Applicant will expire two years after the date on which the previous
License expired.
(d) When to File for Renewal.
(1) A renewing Applicant must file a completed application at least 60 days
before the expiration date of the License.
(2) Application Submission Date.
(i) Applications filed online: The date of submission is the date an
application is filed online.
(ii) Applications filed by mail: The date of submission is the postmark
(iii) Applications filed in person: The date of submission is the date an
application is filed in person.
(3) The Commission will not accept a renewal application after the expiration
date of the License. If the application is not filed before the expiration
date, the License cannot be renewed.
(e) Extensions.
(1) If a timely application for renewal of a License has been made as required
in subdivision (d) of this section, the Chairperson will extend the License
until review of the renewal application is completed.
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(2) The License of the renewal Applicant remains effective during this
extended period even if the application is ultimately denied.
(3) If the Commission approves the renewal application of a Licensee whose
License has been extended pursuant to this subdivision, the expiration date
of the renewal License will be based on the original expiration date of the
License and not the extended date.
(f) Suspended Licenses.
(1) If a License is suspended, the Licensee must apply for renewal as required
in subdivision (d) of this section if the Licensee wants to maintain the
License. Failure to complete the renewal requirements means that the
License cannot be maintained.
(2) A License that is suspended is not Valid and cannot be used until the
suspension ends. This is true even if the Applicant has filed an application
for a renewal.
§59D-07 Licensing Fees
(a) High-Volume For-Hire Service License Fee. The fee for the operation of a High-
Volume For-Hire Service is $190,000 annually.
(b) When Fee is Paid. The fee for an original or renewal License must be paid at the
time the application is filed.
(c) No Refund if Application Denied. The Commission will not refund a fee if it
denies the application.
(d) Name Change Fee. The fee to change the name of a High-Volume For-Hire
Service is $500.
(e) Relocation Fee. The fee to change the location of a High-Volume For-Hire
Service is $500.
§59D-08 Licensing Causes for Denial or Revocation
(a) Material Misrepresentation.
(1) The Commission can deny an application for a High-Volume For-Hire
Service License or its renewal and revoke or suspend any License issued if
it finds that an Applicant has made a material misstatement or
misrepresentation on an application for a License or its renewal.
(b) Failure to Complete Application Requirements.
148 OF 169
(1) The Chairperson may deny an application for a new High-Volume For-
Hire Service License if the Applicant has not completed all the
requirements of an application within 90 days of the date the application is
(2) The Chairperson may deny an application for a renewal High-Volume
For-Hire Service License if the Applicant has not completed all the
requirements of an application by the expiration date of the prior License.
(c) Additional Consideration of an Application. If a review of the application leads
the Chairperson to believe that the Applicant may not be Fit to Hold a License to
operate a High-Volume For-Hire Service, the Chairperson may seek additional
information from the Applicant. This request for additional information may be an
in-person interview, telephone call, letter, e-mail, or other method of
communication. This additional consideration may result in the denial of the
application. Failure to provide any requested information within the time frame
requested, or failure to appear at a scheduled interview will result in a denial of
the application.
§59D-09 Compliance with Law No Unlicensed Activity
(a) High-Volume For-Hire Service License Required. No person or entity is permitted
to operate a business as a High-Volume For-Hire Service without a Valid High-
Volume For-Hire Service License from the Commission.
Fine: $10,000 per day
Appearance REQUIRED
(b) Advertising of Unlicensed For-Hire Service. A High-Volume For-Hire Service
must not hold itself out to the public as a for-hire service without a current
License issued by the Commission for that activity.
Fine: $10,000 per day
Appearance REQUIRED
§59D-10 Compliance with Law Personal Conduct
(a) Bribery.
(1) Bribery. An Applicant or Licensee must not offer or give any gift, gratuity
or thing of value to any employee, representative or member of the
Commission, or any other public servant.
Fine: Revocation and $10,000
Appearance REQUIRED
149 OF 169
(2) Demand for Gratuity. A Licensee must immediately report to the
Commission any request or demand for a gift, gratuity, or thing of value
by any employee, representative, or member of the Commission or any
other public servant.
Fine: $1,000 and/or suspension up to 60 days or
Appearance REQUIRED
(3) Prohibited Offer of Gift to Airport or Transportation Terminal Staff. A
Licensee must not offer or give any gift, gratuity, or thing of value to a
person or persons employed at any airport or other transportation terminal
to provide ground transportation information services, dispatching service,
security services, traffic and parking control, or baggage handling.
Fine: $1,000 and/or suspension up to 60 days or
Appearance REQUIRED
(b) Fraud, Theft. While performing the duties and responsibilities of a Licensee, a
Licensee must not commit or attempt to commit, alone or in concert with another,
any act of fraud, misrepresentation or theft.
Fine: $350-1,000 and/or suspension up to 60 days
or revocation
Appearance REQUIRED
(c) Deliberate Acts of Omission. While performing the duties and responsibilities of a
Licensee, a Licensee must not deliberately fail to perform, alone or with another,
any act where this failure is against the best interests of the public, although not
specifically mentioned in these Rules.
Fine: $150 - $350 and/or suspension up to 30 days
or revocation
Appearance REQUIRED
(d) Deliberate Acts of Commission. While performing the duties and responsibilities
of a Licensee, a Licensee must not deliberately perform or attempt to perform,
alone or with another, any act that is against the best interests of the public
although not specifically mentioned in these Rules.
Fine: $150 - $350 and/or suspension up to 30 days
or revocation
Appearance REQUIRED
(e) Threats, Harassment, Abuse. While performing the duties and responsibilities of a
Licensee, a Licensee must not threaten, harass, or abuse any person.
Fine: $350-1,000 and suspension up to 30 days
Appearance REQUIRED
150 OF 169
(f) Use or Threat of Physical Force. While performing the duties and responsibilities
of a Licensee or any act in connection with those duties, a Licensee must not use
or attempt to use any physical force against a person.
Fine: $500-1,500 and/or suspension up to 60 days or revocation
Appearance REQUIRED
(g) Notice of Criminal Conviction.
(1) A Licensee must notify the Commission within 15 calendar days after any
felony conviction of the Licensee or of any of Licensee’s officers or
(2) The notice must be in writing and must be accompanied by a certified
copy of the certificate of disposition issued by the clerk of the court
explaining what happened as a result of the conviction.
Fine: $50
(h) Failure to Cooperate with Law Enforcement. A Licensee must cooperate with all
law enforcement officers and all authorized representatives of the Commission.
Cooperation includes, but is not limited to, responding to a request for the
Licensee’s name, License number, and any documents Licensee is required to
have in his or her possession.
Fine: $15-$150
Appearance REQUIRED
(i) Failure to Cooperate with the Commission.
(1) A Licensee must truthfully answer all questions and comply with all
communications, directives, and summonses from the Commission or its
(2) Within five business days following a request from the Commission, a
Licensee must produce any Licenses or other documents the Licensee is
required to have.
(3) Licensee must aid the Commission in obtaining information it seeks
regarding Drivers or Vehicles affiliated with the Licensee.
Fine: $200 and suspension until compliance
Appearance REQUIRED
(4) Within 48 hours, a Licensee must respond to any contact from the
Commission, seven days a week.
Fine: $500
(j) Courtesy. A Licensee must be courteous to Passengers.
151 OF 169
Fine: $150
(k) Facilitation of Sex Trafficking with a Vehicle. A Licensee must not Facilitate Sex
Trafficking with a Vehicle.
Fine: $10,000 and revocation.
(l) Retaliation.
(1) A High-Volume For-Hire Service must not retaliate against any Driver for
making a good faith complaint against any High-Volume For-Hire Service.
(2) Retaliation will be broadly construed, and will include imposing any adverse
condition or consequence on the Driver or withholding or withdrawing any
beneficial condition or consequence from the Driver.
Fine: $1,000 plus restitution to the driver for
losses for the first violation and a fine of
$10,000 plus restitution to the driver for any
subsequent violation committed within five
years of the first violation.
§59D-11 Compliance with Law Miscellaneous
(a) Alcohol and Drug Laws. A High-Volume For-Hire Service Owner must not
knowingly allow a Base through which it dispatches trips to dispatch a For-Hire
Vehicle to be operated by a Driver who is under the influence of any drugs or
alcohol or whose driving ability is in any way impaired.
Fine: $10,000 and revocation
Appearance REQUIRED
(b) Disability Laws.
(1) A High-Volume For-Hire Service must not instruct, authorize, or permit
an affiliated Driver to discriminate unlawfully against People with
(2) Discrimination includes:
(i) Refusing to serve People with Disabilities,
(ii) Refusing to load and unload the mobility aids of People with
(iii) Charge any more than the set rate for the transportation of People
with Disabilities, or their Service Animals, wheelchairs, or other
mobility aids.
152 OF 169
Fine: $350-1,000 and/or suspension up to 30 days
or revocation
Appearance REQUIRED
§59D-12 Operations Business Premises
(a) Maintenance of Physical Location. A High-Volume For-Hire Service Owner must
maintain a principal place of business in a commercially zoned area.
Fine: Suspension until requirement is met.
Appearance REQUIRED
(b) Application to Move Location. A High-Volume For-Hire Service that moves to a
new location must apply to the Commission for approval of the new location prior
to moving to the new location.
Fine: Suspension of License.
Appearance REQUIRED
§59D-13 Operations Service Requirements (Customers)
(a) Customer Complaints. A High-Volume For-Hire Service will be responsible for
handling customer complaints and must provide any information requested by the
Chairperson regarding such complaints.
Fine: $150
Appearance NOT
(b) Provide Accessible Transportation. A High-Volume For-Hire Service’s
passenger-facing booking tool must allow prospective Passengers to request a
wheelchair accessible vehicle.
Fine: $150 and suspension until compliance
(c) Vehicle requirements. Each High-Volume For-Hire Service must dispatch to
vehicles in accordance with the following:
(1) In each of the following years, each High-Volume For-Hire Service must
dispatch at least the following percentage of trips to either a Zero-
Emission Vehicle or an Accessible Vehicle:
(i) 2024: five percent (5%).
(ii) 2025: fifteen percent (15%).
153 OF 169
(iii) 2026: twenty-five percent (25%).
(iv) 2027: forty percent (40%).
(v) 2028: sixty percent (60%).
(vi) 2029: eighty percent (80%).
(vii) 2030: one-hundred percent (100%).
(2) The above percentages will be calculated by adding the number of trips
dispatched to, and completed by, a Zero-Emission Vehicle or Accessible
Vehicle during the calendar year by the High-Volume For-Hire Service,
and dividing the sum by the total number of trips dispatched by the High-
Volume For-Hire Service in that calendar year.
Fine: $50 for each 1,000 trips
below the percentage
requirement in that calendar
If a High-Volume For-Hire
Service does not fulfill the
requirement in a calendar year,
the High-Volume For-Hire
Service must file a corrective
action plan for approval by the
Commission. The corrective
action plan must outline the steps
the High-Volume For-Hire
Service will take to meet its
percentage requirements for the
following calendar years.
Appearance REQUIRED
(3) Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to alter the requirements of
subdivision c of section 59B-17 of title 35 of the rules of the city of New
York or subdivision f of such section.
§59D-14 Operations Trip Record Information
(a) Required Information. A High-Volume For-Hire Service must collect and
transmit on a bi-weekly basis to the Commission, in a format, layout and
procedure prescribed by the Commission, the following records:
(1) With respect to all trips the High-Volume For-Hire Service dispatches
through a Base:
154 OF 169
(i) The date, the time, and the location of the Passenger pickup and
(ii) The Driver’s TLC Driver License number
(iii) The dispatched Vehicle’s License number
(iv) The TLC License number of the For-Hire Base that dispatched the
(v) The TLC License number of the For-Hire Base affiliated to the
dispatched Vehicle
(vi) The total number of passengers picked up and dropped off
(vii) The total trip mileage
(viii) The date and time the Passenger requested the trip
(ix) The itemized fare for the trip including the amount of the fare, any
toll, surcharge, commission rate, other deduction and any gratuity
and a breakdown of the amount such passenger paid for the trip
(x) The payment the Driver received for the trip or the Driver’s hourly
paid rate
(xi) If the trip enters the Congestion Zone but the pick-up did not occur
in the Congestion Zone, the date, time, and location (latitude,
longitude, and human-readable street address) of the point at which
the vehicle entered the Congestion Zone and, if applicable, the
date, time, and location (latitude, longitude, and human-readable
street address) of the point at which the vehicle exited the
Congestion Zone, and
(xii) An indicator as to whether the trip was administered as part of the
MTA’s Access-A-Ride program.
(2) For each time a Vehicle makes itself available to be dispatched by the
High-Volume For-Hire Service:
(i) The Vehicle License number
(ii) The TLC Driver License number of the Driver operating the
155 OF 169
(iii) The date and time at which the Vehicle became available to accept
dispatches from the High-Volume For-Hire Service
(iv) The geographic position of the Vehicle during the entire time the
Vehicle is available to accept dispatches from the High-Volume
For-Hire Service at intervals no less frequent than every sixty (60)
(v) The date and time at which the Vehicle became unavailable to
accept dispatches from the High-Volume For-Hire Service
(vi) If the Vehicle enters the Congestion Zone while available to accept
dispatches from the High-Volume For-Hire Service, the date, time,
and location (latitude, longitude, and human-readable street
address) of the point at which the Vehicle entered the Congestion
Zone and, if applicable, the date, time, and location (latitude,
longitude, and human-readable street address) of the point at which
the Vehicle exited the Congestion Zone,
(3) The amount of time spent transporting passengers each day by each
Vehicle that has made itself available to be dispatched by the High-
Volume For-Hire Service, and the amount of time spent by such Vehicles
between trips but not on the way to the passenger.
(4) The amount of time each Available Vehicle spends each day in the
Congestion Zone, and
(5) The amount of time each Available Vehicle spends each day Cruising in
the Congestion Zone.
Fine: $500 for each day past the date the records are
due if plead guilty before a hearing and suspension
until compliance; $1,000 for each day past the date
the records are due if found guilty following a
hearing and suspension until compliance. Fine
amount not to exceed $10,000 per bi-weekly
submission of records.
(6) Timely Submission of Trip Records.
(i) A High Volume For-Hire Service must submit trip records on a bi-
weekly basis. The following penalties accrue with respect to each
submission of trip records that were not submitted on time:
Fine: $500 for each day past the date the records are
due if plead guilty before a hearing and suspension
until compliance; $1,000 for each day past the date
156 OF 169
the records are due if found guilty following a
hearing and suspension until compliance. Fine
amount not to exceed $10,000 per bi-weekly
submission of records.
(7) Incomplete Trip Records. With respect to all trip records submitted to
(i) Each set of submitted records must be complete and include all
information listed in this subdivision and in subdivision (b) of this
section. The following penalties accrue with respect to each trip for
which all required information was not submitted.
Fine: $100 per incomplete trip record for the first
ten incomplete records and suspension until
compliance; $500 per each incomplete record
thereafter and suspension until compliance. Fine
amount not to exceed $10,000 per bi-weekly
submission of records.
(8) Inaccurate Trip Records. With respect to all trip records submitted to
(i) The records that each Base submits for any time period in which
they dispatch trips must not contain inaccuracies. For example, the
date, time and location of the passenger pick-up that is required by
paragraph (1) of this subdivision must be accurate.
Fine: $100 per trip record inaccuracy for the first
ten inaccuracies and suspension until compliance;
$500 per inaccuracy thereafter and suspension until
compliance. Fine amount not to exceed $10,000 per
bi-weekly submission of records..
(b) Collection and Maintenance of Required Information.
(1) All records related to the location of a Vehicle, including the location at
which a Vehicle enters and exits the Congestion Zone, must be collected
via an in-vehicle Global Positioning System enabled device.
(2) A High-Volume For-Hire Service must ensure that all required
information listed above is kept and made available for inspection by
Commission representatives during regular business hours.
(3) Required trip records must be maintained by the High-Volume For-Hire
Service for 18 months.
Fine: $100 if plead guilty before a hearing; $150 if
157 OF 169
found guilty following a hearing.
(c) Special Trip Record Requirements for Minimum Driver Payments.
(1) A High-Volume For-Hire Service must collect and transmit to the
Commission on a bi-weekly basis, in a format, layout and procedure
prescribed by the Commission, the following information for each time a
Driver is available to accept dispatches from the High-Volume For-Hire
(i) The Driver’s TLC Driver License number of the Driver who is
available to accept dispatches from the High-Volume For-Hire
(ii) The Vehicle Identification Number of the Vehicle operated by the
Driver specified in subparagraph (i) of this paragraph
(iii) The date and time at which the Driver became available to accept
dispatches from the High-Volume For-Hire Service
(iv) The Vehicle License number of the Vehicle operated by the Driver
specified in subparagraph (i) of this paragraph
(v) The geographic position of the Vehicle operated by the Driver
specified in subparagraph (i) of this paragraph during the entire
time the Driver is available to accept dispatches from the High-
Volume For-Hire Service at an interval of no less frequent than
every sixty (60) seconds
(vi) The date, time and geographic position of the Vehicle operated by
the Driver specified in subparagraph (i) of this paragraph when the
Driver accepts a dispatch
(vii) Total miles driven by the Driver specified in subparagraph (i) of
this paragraph while the Driver was available to accept dispatches
from the High-Volume For-Hire Service
(viii) Total miles driven with a Passenger while the Driver specified in
subparagraph (i) of this paragraph was available to accept
dispatches from the High-Volume For-Hire Service
(ix) The date and time at which the Driver specified in subparagraph (i)
of this paragraph became unavailable to accept dispatches from the
High-Volume For-Hire Service
(x) An indicator as to whether the Driver specified in subparagraph (i)
of this paragraph or the Base made the Driver unavailable to accept
dispatches from the High-Volume For-Hire Service
158 OF 169
(xi) The total Driver earnings paid to the Driver specified in
subparagraph (i) of this paragraph for the period in which the
Driver was available to accept dispatches from the High-Volume
For-Hire Service
(xii) The date and time at which the Driver specified in subparagraph (i)
of this paragraph arrived at the pick-up location of a dispatched
(xiii) The date and time at which a Passenger entered the Vehicle
operated by the Driver specified in subparagraph (i) of this
paragraph to commence the dispatched trip
(xiv) The date and time at which a Passenger exited the Vehicle
operated by the Driver specified in subparagraph (i) of this
paragraph to conclude the dispatched trip
(2) A High-Volume For-Hire Service must collect and transmit to the
Commission on a bi-weekly basis, in a format, layout and procedure
prescribed by the Commission, for each Driver to which the High-Volume
For-Hire Service dispatched a trip, a weekly statement of the Driver’s total
earnings, itemized to include any deductions made from the Driver’s
earnings and any payments made in addition to per-trip or hourly
(3) A High-Volume For-Hire Service must collect and transmit to the
Commission on a bi-weekly basis, in a format, layout and procedure
prescribed by the Commission, the following additional information with
respect to all dispatched calls:
(i) The itemized fare for the trip charged to the Passenger (fare, tolls,
taxes, gratuity, commission rate, deductions and surcharges);
(ii) The total number of Passengers picked up and dropped off during
each dispatched call referenced in paragraph (1) of subdivision (a)
of this section;
(iii) The total trip mileage for each dispatched call referenced in
paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of this section;
(iv) The total trip mileage outside of the limits of the City for each
dispatched call referenced in .paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of
this section;
159 OF 169
(v) The total trip time outside of the limits of the City for each
dispatched call referenced in .paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of
this section;
(vi) The date and time such trip request was made by a Passenger;
(vii) Instances where a Passenger makes multiple requests for a single,
completed trip, the date and time of the latest such request;
(viii) Instances where a trip is requested but not completed because
A. The Passenger canceled the request, the Date, time and
Vehicle location when the passenger canceled the request
B. The Passenger failed to show up for the requested trip, the
Date and time at which the Driver canceled the request due
to lack of passenger at pick-up location
C. The Driver canceled the request, the Date, time and Vehicle
location when the Driver canceled the request
D. No Driver accepted the trip after the trip was requested.
(ix) The total trip time, as calculated as the time between when the
Passenger entered the vehicle and when the Passenger exited the
(x) The total time between trips for the same Driver, as calculated as
the time between when the prior trip ends and when the Driver
receives dispatch for the subsequent trip
(xi) For trips dispatched to Drivers paid on a per-trip basis by the High-
Volume For-Hire Service, the total Driver earnings paid to the
Driver for each trip
(xii) For trips dispatched to Drivers paid on an hourly basis, the total
Driver earnings paid to the Driver for each hour the Driver was
available to receive dispatches from the High-Volume For-Hire
§59D-15 Operations Current Contact Information
(a) High-Volume For-Hire Service Name.
160 OF 169
(1) File with Commission. A High-Volume For-Hire Service must file with
the Commission a High-Volume For-Hire Service name and any public
facing name it uses in its branding, operations, promotions or advertising
as its trade, business or operating names.
(2) Only One Name
(i) A High-Volume For-Hire Service must use only one name in its
operations, including in its branding, operations, promotion and
advertising activities.
Fine: $100
(b) Mailing and Email Address.
(1) A High-Volume For-Hire Service Owner must file the address of its
business with the Commission.
(2) A High-Volume For-Hire Service Owner must have a working Email
Address on file with the Commission at all times.
(3) A High-Volume For-Hire Service Owner must report any change of
Mailing Address or Email Address to the Commission in person or by
mail within ten days.
Fine: $100
(4) Any communication from the Commission is sufficient if sent to the last
Mailing Address provided by the High-Volume For-Hire Service Owner.
(5) Any communication from the Commission, except notices and summonses
for which the manner of service is specified in §68-05 of these Rules, is
sufficient if sent by email to the last Email Address provided by the High-
Volume For-Hire Service Owner.
(c) Capacity for 24-Hour Access.
(1) A High-Volume For-Hire Service Owner must maintain a current
telephone number on file with the Commission.
(2) This number must allow the Commission to reach the High-Volume For-
Hire Service on a 24-hour basis.
Fine: $100
§59D-16 Operations Additional Records to be Maintained and Reported
161 OF 169
(a) Maintenance of Current Rate Schedule.
(1) A High-Volume For-Hire Service must file with its Application and
maintain a Rate Schedule with the Commission, in a form approved by the
Chairperson. This Rate Schedule must include any lawful price multipliers
or variable pricing policies.
(2) A High-Volume For-Service’s Rate Schedule must be consistent with the
Rate Schedules the Bases through which it dispatches trips have on file
with the Commission.
(3) A new Rate Schedule must be filed:
(i) Whenever rates are changed,
(ii) Annually, no later than the anniversary date of the License,
(iii) With every renewal application, and
(iv) With any application to change the Ownership of the High-Volume
For-Hire Service.
(4) Failure to file a Rate Schedule with a renewal application or an application
to change Ownership or location will result in denial of the application by
the Chairperson.
Fine: $50
(b) Hours of Operation. A High-Volume For-Hire Service must file with the
Chairperson its hours of operations and must notify the Chairperson of any
change in the hours of operation.
(c) Public Access Information.
(1) A High-Volume For-Hire Service must file with the Chairperson all
contact information made available to or offered to the public for purposes
of pre-arranging transportation for hire, including but not limited to
telephone numbers, smartphone applications, websites, and email
(2) A High-Volume For-Hire Service must file with the Chairperson a
working customer service telephone number and/or email address.
Fine: $50
162 OF 169
(3) These telephone numbers, smartphone applications, websites, email
addresses, and other contact information and methods can be used only
with the name of the High-Volume For-Hire Service on file with the
Commission or the trade, business or operating name of the High-Volume
For-Hire Service.
(d) Eligible Drivers and Affiliated Vehicles. A High-Volume For-Hire Service must
report to the Commission on a monthly basis the following information:
(1) A list of all Drivers eligible to receive dispatches from the High-Volume
For-Hire Service in the previous month, including the Drivers’ TLC
License number
(2) A list of all Drivers that became ineligible to receive dispatches from the
High-Volume For-Hire Service in the previous month, including the
Drivers’ TLC License number, the date on which the Drivers became
ineligible to receive dispatches, and an indicator as to whether the
ineligibility to receive dispatches was Driver or High-Volume For-Hire
Service initiated.
(3) With respect to all affiliated Vehicles:
(i) The Owner’s name, mailing address, and home telephone number
(ii) The Vehicle Identification Number of the affiliated Vehicle
(iii) The affiliated Vehicle’s registration number
(iv) The affiliated Vehicle’s License number
(v) The affiliated Vehicle’s license plate number
(vi) The name of the affiliated Vehicle’s insurance carrier and the
policy number
(vii) The dates of inspection of the affiliated Vehicle and the outcome
of each inspection.
(e) Compliance with all Record Keeping Rules. A High-Volume For-Hire Service
must comply with all record-keeping procedures established and required by the
Fine: $50 if plead guilty before a hearing; $100 if
found guilty following a hearing.
Fine: $100
163 OF 169
(f) Information Security and Use of Personal Information Policy. The High-Volume
For-Hire Service must file with the Commission a current, detailed information
security and use of personal information policy. Such policy must include, at a
(1) a statement of internal access policies relating to passenger and driver
personal information for employees, contractors, and third party access, if
(2) a statement that, except to the extent necessary to provide credit, debit,
and prepaid card services and services for any application that provides for
electronic payment, personal information will only be collected and used
with such passenger’s affirmative express consent and that such personal
information will not be used, shared, or disclosed, except for lawful
(3) procedures for notifying the Commission and affected parties of any
breach of the security of the system, pursuant to section 899-aa of the
General Business Law;
(4) a statement that any credit, debit, or prepaid card information collected by
the High-Volume For-Hire Service or a credit, debit, or prepaid card
services provider is processed by the High-Volume For-Hire Service or
such provider in compliance with applicable payment card industry
standards, and;
(5) a statement of the High-Volume For-Hire Service’s policies regarding the
use of passenger geolocation information, which must include, at a
minimum, a prohibition on the use, monitoring, or disclosure of trip
information, including the date, time, pick-up location, drop-off location,
and real-time vehicle location and any retained vehicle location records,
without such passenger's affirmative express consent.
(g) Compliance with Information Security and Use of Personal Information Policy.
The High-Volume For-Hire Service must comply with the terms of its
Information Security and Use of Personal Information Policy.
(h) Security Breach: If the High-Volume For-Hire Service is required to make
disclosures under New York State or Federal law regarding security breaches,
including the New York State Information Security Breach and Notification Act
(General Business Law §899-aa), the Base Owner must inform the Commission
immediately following such disclosure(s).
§59D-16(g) and
Penalty: $1,000
Appearance REQUIRED
§59D-17 Operations Rates and Tolls
164 OF 169
(a) Rates Must Not Exceed Scheduled Rates. A High-Volume For-Hire Service must
not quote or charge a fare that is more than the fare listed in the Rate Schedule
filed with the Commission.
Fine: $200 for Passenger overcharge, whether from
any quote or from schedule of fares required to be
filed with the Commission.
Appearance NOT
(b) Tips and Gratuities. A High-Volume For-Hire Service’s Passenger-Facing
Booking Tool must provide a means to allow passengers to tip Drivers. A High-
Volume For-Hire Service must remit to the Driver the entirety of anything
designated as a tip or gratuity collected by the High-Volume For-Hire Service
from a customer on behalf of the Driver.
Fine: $500
(c) Tolls. A High-Volume For-Hire Service must remit to the Driver the entirety of
any toll paid by the Driver during a dispatched trip.
Fine: $500 and restitution to the
Driver for any tolls that were not
properly reimbursed.
§59D-18 Operations E-ZPass Required
(a) E-ZPass. A High-Volume For-Hire Service must not dispatch a Vehicle unless the
Vehicle is participating in the E-ZPass program.
Fine: $100
§59D-19 Operation Compliance with Licensing Statements
(a) Listed Bases. A High-Volume For-Hire Service may only dispatch trips through
the Bases it has listed with the Commission pursuant to Section 59D-05(a) of
these Rules. A High-Volume For-Hire Service must file an updated list with
Commission prior to dispatching through any Base not listed on its initial
Application or most recent list on file with the Commission, and whenever it
ceases dispatching trips through a Base listed on its Application or most recent list
on file with the Commission.
Fine: $500 and suspension up to 30 days
Appearance REQUIRED
(b) Compliance with Business Plan. A High-Volume Service must adhere to the
Business Plan it filed with the Commission pursuant to Section 59D-05(b) of
these Rules. Any deviation from the Business Plan must be approved by the
Commission prior to implementation.
165 OF 169
Fine: $500 and suspension up to 30 days
Appearance REQUIRED
(c) Corrective Action Plan. A High-Volume For-Hire Service must comply with any
corrective action plan approved by the Commission pursuant to Section 59D-
05(c)(1) and Section 59D-13(c) of these Rules.
Fine: $500 and suspension up to 30 days
Appearance REQUIRED
(d) Driver Deductions and Fee. A High-Volume For-Hire Service must not charge a
Driver or Vehicle Owner a fee or deduction not specifically listed in its statement
of fees on file with the Commission pursuant to section 59D-05(d) of these Rules.
Fine: $500 and suspension up to 30 days
Appearance REQUIRED
§59D-20 Operations Miscellaneous Operating Requirements
(a) Prohibited Use of “Taxi.A High-Volume For-Hire Service must not hold itself
out for business as a “taxi” or “taxicab” service or in any way use the word “taxi,”
“taxicab,” “cab,” “hack,” or “coach” to describe the business.
Fine: $250
(b) Advertising of Commission License.
(1) A High-Volume For-Hire Service must clearly state that it is licensed by
the Commission in all Passenger-facing advertising, whether print,
broadcast, electronic or Internet, and in all handbills, fliers, websites,
smartphone applications, or other promotional materials and on all
business cards and receipts.
(2) All of the advertising and materials listed in paragraph (1) of this
subdivision must include the High-Volume For-Hire Service License
Fine: $100
(c) Passenger Complaint Notification: Upon receipt of a complaint related to a
Driver, a High-Volume For-Hire Service must provide the Passenger with the
“311” Commission complaint telephone number and inform the Passenger that
only the TLC can suspend or revoke a Driver’s TLC License.
Fine: $250
(d) Receipts. A High-Volume For-Hire Service must provide a Passenger a receipt for
a trip containing the following information:
(1) The Dispatching Base License number;
166 OF 169
(2) Vehicle License number;
(3) Vehicle’s affiliated Base License number;
(4) Driver’s TLC License number;
(5) Total amount due;
(6) Itemized fees charged (if any) including any price multiplier or variable
pricing policy in effect for the trip;
(7) The “311” Commission complaint telephone number; and
(8) The public access information the Base has on file with the Commission
pursuant to section 59D-16 of these rules.
(e) No Other For-Hire Base Licenses. A High-Volume For-Hire Service shall not
hold any For-Hire Base License other than a High-Volume For-Hire Service
License. Once a Black Car Base, Livery Base, or Luxury Limousine Base is
required to and obtains a High-Volume For-Hire Service license, the Commission
19 shall revoke all For-Hire Base Licenses other than a High Volume For-Hire
Service License from any High-Volume For-Hire Service.
§59D-21 Operations Restrictions on Cruising Time in the Manhattan Core
(a) Cruising in the Congestion Zone. A High-Volume For-Hire Service must limit the
total amount of time Available Vehicles spend Cruising while in the Congestion
Zone in the following manner:
(1) Beginning February 1, 2020, the percentage of time all Available Vehicles
spend Cruising while in the Congestion Zone between the hours of six
a.m. and eleven p.m. on Monday through Friday and between the hours of
eight a.m. and eleven p.m. on Saturday and Sunday cannot exceed thirty-
six percent (36%).
(2) Beginning August 1, 2020, the percentage of time all Available Vehicles
spend Cruising while in the Congestion Zone between the hours of six
a.m. and eleven p.m. on Monday through Friday and between the hours of
eight a.m. and eleven p.m. on Saturday and Sunday cannot exceed thirty-
one percent (31%).
Fine: $350 for each 100 hours by which the High-Volume For-
Hire Service exceeds the limit on the percentage of time
Available Vehicles can spend Cruising while in the Congestion
Zone in the previous calendar month.
Appearance REQUIRED
167 OF 169
Example: If Available Vehicles spent 2,500,000 hours in the
Congestion Zone over the course of March 2020 but spent
925,000 of those hours Cruising, the High-Volume For-Hire
Service will have exceeded the 36% limitation on Cruising by
25,000 hours and be subject to a $87,500 fine.
If a High-Volume For-Hire Service exceeds the Cruising limits
outlined above by over 10%, the Commission may seek
suspension of up to 30 days or revocation.
(b) Calculating Cruising Time: Cruising time will be calculated as all the time a
High-Volume For-Hire Service’s Available Vehicles spend in the Congestion
Zone without a passenger.
(1) Concurrent Availability: When a Vehicle is available to accept dispatches
from more than one High-Volume For-Hire Service, its Cruising time will
be assigned proportionately based on the aggregate Congestion Zone trip
volumes of each High-Volume For-Hire Service from which the Vehicle is
available to accept dispatches. For example, if during a compliance period
a Vehicle spends 10 hours Cruising in the Congestion Zone while
available to accept dispatches from Company A and Company B, and
during that compliance period Company A dispatches 800,000 trips in the
Congestion Zone and Company B dispatches 200,000 trips in the
Congestion Zone, 8 hours of the Vehicle’s Cruising time will be assigned
to Company A and 2 hours of the Vehicle’s Cruising time will be assigned
to Company B.
(2) En Route Time: For purposes of paragraph (1) above, the portion of a
Vehicle’s Cruising time spent driving to a Passenger’s pick-up location
after a Vehicle accepts a dispatch request will be exclusively assigned to
the High-Volume For-Hire Service that dispatched the trip. For example,
if a Vehicle spends 10 hours Cruising in the Congestion Zone while
available to accept dispatches from Company A and Company B, and
during those 10 hours, 2 hours were spent driving to pick-up locations for
trips dispatched by Company A and 3 hours were spent driving to pick-up
locations for trips dispatched by Company B, 2 hours of the Vehicle’s
Cruising time will be assigned to Company A, 3 hours of the Vehicle’s
Cruising time will be assigned to Company B, and the remaining 5 hours
will be assigned proportionately between Company A and Company B
pursuant to the method described in paragraph (1) above.
(3) Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Exemption: The Commission will not
include a High-Volume For-Hire Service’s Available Vehicles that are
Wheelchair Accessible when calculating the High-Volume For-Hire
Service’s Cruising time.
168 OF 169
(c) Evaluation by the Commission. No less than annually, the Commission will
review compliance levels, service levels outside the Congestion Zone, and any
other information it deems relevant to determine if adjustments need to be made
to the limits on Cruising set forth in subdivision (a) of this section.
§59D-22 Minimum Driver Payment Requirements
(a) A High-Volume For-Hire Service must pay Drivers, at a minimum, the following
amounts for each trip dispatched by the Base:
(1) Per Mile Rate. For each mile a Driver transports a Passenger in the City
on a trip dispatched by the High-Volume For-Hire Service, the High-
Volume For-Hire Service must pay the Driver no less than $0.762 per mile
for a trip dispatched to a Vehicle that is not an Accessible Vehicle and
$0.987 for a trip dispatched to an Accessible Vehicle, divided by the High-
Volume For-Hire Service’s Utilization Rate, and for trips that begin in the
City but end outside of the City, the Base must pay the Driver no less than
$1.523 per mile for a trip dispatched to a vehicle that is not an Accessible
Vehicle and no less than $1.975 per mile for a trip dispatched to an
Accessible Vehicle for each mile a Driver transports a Passenger outside
of the City; and
(2) Per Minute Rate. Beginning January 1, 2019, for each minute a Driver
transports a Passenger in the City on a trip dispatched by the High-Volume
For-Hire Service, the High-Volume For-Hire Service must pay the Driver
no less than $0.287 per minute, divided by the High-Volume For-Hire
Service’s Utilization Rate, and for each minute a Driver transports a
Passenger outside of the City on a trip dispatched by the High-Volume
For-Hire Service that began in the City and ended outside of the City, the
High-Volume For-Hire Service must pay the Driver no less than $0.574
per minute.
(3) Reserved.
(4) Consumer Price Index Adjustments. Beginning March 1, 2024, and
continuing each calendar year thereafter, the dollar amounts in the per
mile rates and per minute rates contained in this subdivision will be
adjusted using the percent increases, if any, in the annual average
Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers for
the NY-NJ-PA metro area between the previous calendar year and two
calendar years prior. The Consumer Price Index adjusted per mile and per
minute rates will be posted on the Commission’s website.
(5) Hourly Payments. If a High-Volume For-Hire Service pays drivers on an
hourly basis, the payment the Driver receives for each hour the Driver
accepts dispatches from the High-Volume For-Hire Service must be at
169 OF 169
least the sum of the Per Mile Rate for all miles the Driver transported
Passengers during the hour and the Per Minute Rate for all minutes the
Driver spent transporting Passengers during the hour.
Fine: $500 per instance of under payment.
In addition to the penalty payable to the
Commission, the Hearing Officer must
order the High-Volume For-Hire
Service to pay restitution to the Driver,
equal to the amount not paid to the
Driver in violation of this rule.
Appearance REQUIRED
(b) Applied Utilization Rate. The Applied Utilization Rate for purposes of calculating
the per-minute and per-mile rates for all High-Volume For-Hire Services will be
58%. Each January, the Commission will calculate the Utilization Rate for all
High-Volume For-Hire Services for the prior calendar year. If the Utilization Rate
for all High-Volume for Hire Services for the prior calendar year is at least 53%,
the applied Utilization Rate will be 58% for the following calendar year. If the
Utilization Rate for all High-Volume For-Hire Services for the prior calendar year
is below 53%, the applied Utilization Rate for all High-Volume For-Hire Services
for the following year, effective from the immediately following March 1 until the
subsequent March 1, will be the actual Utilization Rate from the previous
calendar year.