Published by
Commander, Naval Service Training Command
NSTC M-1533.5D
Record of Changes Page
Changes to this manual will be promulgated with consecutive identifying-change
numbers. Holders will record the change information below.
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
Executive Summary
This Executive Summary highlights to Commanding and Executive Officers items of
importance contained in this manual and provides references for more detailed information.
1. The quality of the Midshipman cruise experience is in no way tied to ship mission or age.
Feedback from Midshipman who have completed training cruises cite the following as elements
of successful, professionally rewarding training cruises:
a. Commanding Officer and Executive Officer involvement. This is the most important
factor in how a midshipman perceives his/her training cruise experience. Midshipmen, who
normally do not see the CO/XO on a day-to-day basis, are prone to feel that no one in authority
cares about their training. When the CO and/or XO carefully selects the Midshipmen Training
Officer (MTO), provides a personal welcome aboard to Midshipmen, maintains frequent contact
with first and second class midshipmen throughout their time aboard, ensures the integration of
all midshipmen into the Wardroom, and personally counsels the midshipmen aboard at least
once, it fosters a sense of importance in a midshipman and improves their morale and
enthusiasm for training in a manner that cannot be overstated.
b. Selection of the Midshipmen Training Officer (MTO). The MTO must be a highly
motivated officer who is enthusiastic about midshipmen training. The MTO should be available
for the entire time and not be absent while the midshipmen are on board. The MTO must ensure
the assignment of sharp, professional running mates and meaningful responsibilities with as
much hands-on experience as practical to midshipmen. MTOs shall be fully familiar with this
manual and shall closely coordinate with Midshipmen Liaison Officers (MLOs) who are
assigned to assist in program planning and execution (see paragraph 110). Areas of special
concern for the MTO are the sections on Administration, Training, and Travel and Financial
Instructions (Chapters 2, 3, 7, and 8).
c. Assignment of Running Mates. A midshipman’s running mate makes an almost
indelible impression on that midshipman regarding the quality of naval service and the
command’s climate. Therefore, identification and assignment of top performing, highly
motivated running mates is essential to a strong midshipman training cruise program and the
future of the Fleet. Ideal running mates for 1/C midshipmen are warfare qualified, career
motivated junior officers (LT/LTJG). Running mates for 2/C midshipmen should be hard
charging, warfare qualified first class petty officers (preferably LPOs) or chief petty officers
(see Chapter 3).
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
2. Midshipmen fitness reports/evaluations. Midshipmen fitness reports/evaluations during
summer training cruises are optional. Commanding Officers are encouraged to submit fitness
reports for particularly outstanding or deficient performance. If a fitness report is submitted on
an individual midshipman, the following information is useful:
a. Evaluations should be discussed with midshipmen prior to their departure, just as you
would discuss a junior officer’s fitness report.
b. Evaluations are to be prepared for each midshipman by a designated commissioned
officer for the commanding officer’s signature and must be given to the midshipman at the end
of their cruise, prior to debarkation. (Please refer to Chapter 4 for detailed guidance on
midshipmen fitness reports.)
3. Travel and Transportation. Travel requirements and entitlements are complex and require
the close attention of MTOs. Afloat units are currently exempt from arranging return
transportation for midshipmen who utilize the Defense Travel System (DTS). Passenger
Reservation Requests (PRRs) should be submitted early, with projected operations taken into
account. There are differences in travel entitlements between NROTC and Naval Academy
midshipmen. Specifically, USNA midshipmen participating on two Fleet cruises or follow-on
training should be sent directly to their next training activity and not returned to the USNA (see
Chapters 7 and 8). NROTC midshipmen do not participate in follow-on training and should be
returned to their home of record or NROTC Unit.
4. Midshipman Routing Instructions. Personnel routing instructions from afloat units to
primary NAVPTO must be kept accurate and should specify address routing instructions for
midshipmen if embarkation will occur out of homeport. (See Appendix D for sample
5. Financial Arrangements. Midshipmen shall not pay mess bills, either in the general mess
or in the wardroom (see Chapter 2). NROTC midshipmen will be given advance cruise pay
(similar to basic pay) for summer training. The Defense Finance and Accounting Service
Center will make these payments. Settlement of travel claims will not be affected. There are
differences in financial arrangements between NROTC and Naval Academy midshipmen (see
chapter 8). USNA midshipmen travel claims are not to be settled by ships' disbursing officers
(see Chapters 7 and 8). USNA midshipmen shall submit their completed travel claims to the
Midshipman Disbursing Officer, U.S. Naval Academy (Stop 3H), upon completion of
training and no later than five working days after their return to USNA.
6. Naval Service Training Command (NSTC)/USNA Midshipmen Liaison Officers (MLOs):
MLOs serve as direct representatives of NSTC/USNA for ashore problems; act as local ship
assignment authority; and work with Midshipmen Embarkation/Debarkation Teams
(MEDTs) to provide ships and cognizant travel clearance authorities a Master Assignment
message with the number and names of midshipmen to be embarked. Once the assignment
message is sent, the area Midshipmen Embarkation/Debarkation Coordinator (MEDC) should
be contacted first regarding any midshipman problems (see Chapter 1).
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
Nurse Option Cruises: Ship's medical departments provide the Nurse Option midshipmen a
valuable training experience.
order to aid commands involved in Nurse Option cruises, more
specific guidance on how cruises are to be .conducted is provided in Chapter 9 paragraph 905.
Additionally, Nurse Option midshipmen will be provided suggested training guidelines (also
included as an Appendix to this Manual). These guidelines outline;a suggested Professional
Development Requirements (PDR) syllabus to be used during the second/third class Nurse
Every effort shall be made to avoid exposing midshipman to hostile or combat
environments. Should any unit with embarked midshipmen be tasked to conduct, for
example, combat, law enforcement or politically sensitive operations, every effort should be
made to debark or transfer midshipmen to another training platform or shore facility,
preferably where training can continue.
Primary points
contact for Midshipmen Summer Training
Programs are:
NSTC - Summer Training Programs Office:
Commercial: (850)452-2930/9554
DSN 459-2930/9554
NSTC - Nuclear Cruises ·
Commercial: (850) 452-4050*
DSN: 459-4050*
*This number subject to change.
Nurse Option
Commercial: (850)452-9388
DNS: 459-9388
USNA -Training Office
Commercial: ( 410) 2 93-1904
DSN: 281-1904
Training Program Office
Commercial: (703) 784-9446
DSN: 278-9446
Deputy Commander for NROTC Operations
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
CHAPTER 1 General Information Concerning Summer Training ............................................... 1-1
1.1 Goals .......................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 General Information .................................................................................................................. 1-3
Sample Inter-Ship Message ....................................................................................................... 1-4
1.3 Assignment of USNA/ROTC Midshipmen ............................................................................... 1-5
1.4 Responsibilities of MIDN Embarkation/Debarkation Coordinators (MEDC) .......................... 1-6
1.5 Organization, Duties, and Responsibilities of MIDN Embarkation/Debarkation Team ........... 1-7
Required Documents for Midshipmen ....................................................................................... 1-8
1.6 Submarine Embarkation/Debarkation ..................................................................................... 1-11
1.7 Responsibilities of the Superintendent UNSA......................................................................... 1-11
1.8 Naval Academy Training Office ............................................................................................. 1-12
1.9 Midshipmen Liaison Officers (MLOs) .................................................................................... 1-12
1.10 Debarkation Policy .................................................................................................................. 1-15
CHAPTER 2 Administration ............................................................................................................. 2-1
2.0 General....................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 Assignment Messages ................................................................................................................ 2-1
2.2 Shipboard Musters ..................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.3 Tours .......................................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.4 Leave, Emergency Leave, and Liberty ...................................................................................... 2-2
2.5 Missing Ship’s Movement ......................................................................................................... 2-3
2.6 Injury, Illness, or Death ............................................................................................................. 2-4
2.7 Motion Sickness ........................................................................................................................ 2-6
2.8 Dissenrollment ........................................................................................................................... 2-7
2.9 Security Clearances ................................................................................................................... 2-7
2.10 Immunizations and Medical Screenings .................................................................................... 2-7
2.11 Passports .................................................................................................................................... 2-9
2.12 Meals ....................................................................................................................................... 2-10
2.13 Important Mailing Addresses, Telephone and Fax Numbers .................................................. 2-10
2.14 Commissioning of NROTC Graduate at End of Training ....................................................... 2-10
2.15 Non-Appropriated Fund Support for recreation of Midshipmen ............................................. 2-11
2.16 Pre-commissionong Physicals ................................................................................................. 2-12
2.17 Unit Awards ............................................................................................................................. 2-12
CHAPTER 3 Training ........................................................................................................................ 3-1
3.0 Concept of Training ................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 Conduct of Training ................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.2 Midshipmen Summer Training Questionnaire .......................................................................... 3-6
3.3 Unique Aspects of Maritime Academy Midshipmen Summer Training ................................... 3-6
CHAPTER 4 Professional Performance and Aptitude for Naval Service ...................................... 4-1
4.0 General....................................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1 Objectives .................................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2 Responsibility ............................................................................................................................ 4-2
4.3 Procedures ................................................................................................................................. 4-2
Figure 4-1 Counsel and Guidance Interview Board .............................................................................. 4-5
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CHAPTER 5 Conduct ......................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.0 General....................................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1 Offenses ..................................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Jurisdiction................................................................................................................................. 5-1
5.3 Report of Major Offenses .......................................................................................................... 5-2
5.4 Handling of Major Offenses ...................................................................................................... 5-3
5.5 Ship’s Report of Conduct Offense ............................................................................................. 5-3
Figure 5-1 Report of Conduct ............................................................................................................... 5-4
CHAPTER 6 Information and Instruction for Midshipmen ........................................................... 6-1
6.0 General....................................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1 Equipment to be taken by Midshipmen ..................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Currency Exchanges .................................................................................................................. 6-2
6.3 Personal Funds ........................................................................................................................... 6-2
6.4 Cleanliness of Midshipman Spaces ........................................................................................... 6-2
6.5 Midshipmen Grooming Standards ............................................................................................. 6-3
6.6 Smoking Regulations ................................................................................................................. 6-3
6.7 Bedding ...................................................................................................................................... 6-3
6.8 Traffic Rules Aboard Ship ......................................................................................................... 6-3
6.9 Cameras ..................................................................................................................................... 6-3
6.10 Divine Services .......................................................................................................................... 6-3
6.11 Conduct of Foreign Nations....................................................................................................... 6-3
6.12 Fraternization ............................................................................................................................. 6-3
6.13 Customs Regulations ................................................................................................................. 6-4
6.14 Shipboard Mailing Address ....................................................................................................... 6-5
6.15 Wardroom Etiquette .................................................................................................................. 6-5
6.16 Uniforms for Midshipmen ......................................................................................................... 6-5
6.17 Transportation from overseas to CONUS .................................................................................. 6-6
6.18 General Reporting Instructions .................................................................................................. 6-6
6.19 Transportation Information for Various WESTPAC Ports ........................................................ 6-8
6.20 Transportation Information Regarding Transit throught Guantanamo Bay (GTMO) ............. 6-10
6.21 Information Needed to Send Midshipment to/from Guantanamo Bay (GTMO) .................... 6-11
6.22 Classified Notes ....................................................................................................................... 6-11
Figure 6-1 Supplementary CONUS and GTMO Emb ark Information .............................................. 6-12
Figure 6-2 Information for LANT/MED Surface and Aviation Cruises ............................................. 6-15
Figure 6-3 Information for PAC Surface and Aviation Cruises ......................................................... 6-17
CHAPTER 7 NROTC Travel and Financial Instructions ............................................................... 7-1
7.0 General....................................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1 Travel to and from Place of Active Training ............................................................................. 7-1
7.2 Procedures for Arranging Overseas Transportation .................................................................. 7-2
7.3 Routing of Individual Midshipmen ........................................................................................... 7-2
7.4 Pay Accounts and Payment Procedures ..................................................................................... 7-2
7.5 Rates of Pay for NROTC Midshipmen ...................................................................................... 7-3
7.6 Midshipmen Travel Order Information ..................................................................................... 7-3
7.7 Training Activity’s Charging Procedures .................................................................................. 7-4
7.8 Disbursing Officer’s Report to DFAS-Indianapolis Center ...................................................... 7-5
7.9 Financial Guidance for Summer Training Staff members ......................................................... 7-5
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CHAPTER 8 USNA Travel and Financial Instructions .................................................................. 8-1
8.0 Naval Academy Leave Policy ................................................................................................... 8-1
8.1 Endorsements ............................................................................................................................. 8-1
8.2 Personal Itinerary Records ......................................................................................................... 8-1
8.3 Midshipmen Finances ................................................................................................................ 8-2
8.4 Special Notes ............................................................................................................................. 8-2
8.5 Travel Claims ............................................................................................................................ 8-2
8.6 BOQ Charges ............................................................................................................................. 8-2
8.7 USNA Midshipmen Transportation Entitlements ...................................................................... 8-2
8.8 Wardroom/General Mess ........................................................................................................... 8-3
8.9 Denied Boarding ........................................................................................................................ 8-3
8.10 Return Transportation Arrangements (Gov’t) ........................................................................... 8-3
8.11 Independent Travel .................................................................................................................... 8-3
CHAPTER 9 Aviation/Nuclear/Nurse/Academic Year Training .................................................... 9-1
9.0 General....................................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.1 Afloat Aviation Cruises ............................................................................................................. 9-1
9.2 NROTC Ashore Aviation Cruises ............................................................................................. 9-2
9.3 USNA CONUS Aviation Cruises .............................................................................................. 9-2
9.4 Nuclear Cruises .......................................................................................................................... 9-3
9.5 Nurse Afloat Cruise ................................................................................................................... 9-5
9.6 Academic Year Cruises ............................................................................................................. 9-6
CHAPTER 10 Foreign Exchange Training for Midshipmen (JMSDF MEP) ............................... 10-1
10.0 General..................................................................................................................................... 10-1
10.1 U.S. Participants ...................................................................................................................... 10-1
10.2 Training Program ..................................................................................................................... 10-1
10.3 USN/JMSDF Midshipmen Exchange Program ....................................................................... 10-1
10.4 Language Consideration .......................................................................................................... 10-2
10.5 Arrival Briefings ...................................................................................................................... 10-2
10.6 Orders ...................................................................................................................................... 10-2
10.7 Transportation .......................................................................................................................... 10-2
10.8 Per Diem .................................................................................................................................. 10-3
10.9 Pay ........................................................................................................................................... 10-3
10.10 Travel Claims .......................................................................................................................... 10-3
10.11 Military Performance ............................................................................................................... 10-3
10.12 Leave ....................................................................................................................................... 10-3
10.13 Passports .................................................................................................................................. 10-3
10.14 Miscellaneous .......................................................................................................................... 10-3
10.15 Public Information Media ........................................................................................................ 10-4
10.16 Uniforms .................................................................................................................................. 10-4
10.17 Reports ..................................................................................................................................... 10-4
10.18 Reverse Exchange .................................................................................................................... 10-5
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February 2019
CHAPTER 11 Reports ........................................................................................................................ 11-1
11.0 Reports Required ..................................................................................................................... 11-1
11.1 From the Training Activity ...................................................................................................... 11-1
11.2 From Midshipmen Embarkation/Debarkation Coordinators ................................................... 11-2
11.3 From Fleet Midshipmen Liaison Officers and Assistant MLO’s ............................................ 11-2
11.4 Reports Required by NROTC Units ........................................................................................ 11-2
11.5 Other Required Reports ........................................................................................................... 11-3
Figure 11-1 Sample Ship End of Training Report .............................................................................. 11-4
Figure 11-2 CO, NROTC Unit End of Training Report ..................................................................... 11-7
CHAPTER 12 Sea Trials .................................................................................................................... 12-1
12.0 General..................................................................................................................................... 12-1
12.1 Fire Fighting ............................................................................................................................ 12-1
12.2 Damage Control ....................................................................................................................... 12-1
12.3 Small Arms .............................................................................................................................. 12-1
12.4 COVE/Bridge Simulator Training ........................................................................................... 12-1
12.5 2
Class Swim Test ................................................................................................................. 12-2
CHAPTER 13 New Student Indoctrination ...................................................................................... 13-1
13.0 General..................................................................................................................................... 13-1
13.1 Selection .................................................................................................................................. 13-1
13.2 Travel ....................................................................................................................................... 13-1
13.3 Uniforms .................................................................................................................................. 13-1
13.4 Checkin .................................................................................................................................... 13-1
13.5 Instructors ................................................................................................................................ 13-1
13.6 Graduation ............................................................................................................................... 13-1
13.7 Professional Knowledge .......................................................................................................... 13-1
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
OBJECTIVES. The objective of midshipman summer training is to further the professional
development of midshipmen, by introducing them to the operational Navy and Marine Corps,
reinforcing their academic year programs, instilling a sense of pride in their identification with
the Navy and Marine Corps, and inclining them toward careers in the naval service.
1.1 GOALS. The following goals are provided for midshipman summer training.
Specific objectives are listed in paragraph 301.
a. Midshipmen Third Class
(a) To enable midshipmen to make an informed decision about future career
(b) To familiarize midshipmen with the mission, tasks, and equipment within
the various warfare areas: surface, subsurface, aviation, and Marine Corps.
(c) To introduce midshipmen to the career development ladder within each
warfare area.
(d) To emphasize the importance of military courtesy, smartness, and
(e) To reinforce leadership training through practical application of basic
(2) USNA
(a) To provide initial at-sea experience onboard a YP.
(b) To provide extensive hands-on training in the areas of ship handling,
watch-standing, navigation, and basic seamanship in support of classroom training.
(c) To introduce basic shipboard organization, systems, and safety
(d) To provide a close operational environment to foster effective leadership
(e) To emphasize the importance of military courtesies, smartness, and
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
b. Midshipmen Second Class
(1) NROTC (Sea Trials)
(a) To familiarize midshipmen with life at sea aboard a U.S. naval vessel.
(b) To familiarize midshipmen with shipboard organization and
administration, ship systems, evolutions, and standard naval safety precautions at sea
and in port.
(c) To develop an appreciation for the duties and responsibilities of enlisted
personnel, as well as living and working conditions of enlisted personnel onboard
(d) To gain a first-hand experience in a ship’s workcenter, so as to
understand the function of a workcenter and the relationship between the division
officer and his/her subordinates.
(e) To emphasize the importance of military courtesies, smartness, and
(a) To enable midshipmen to make an informed decision about future career
(b) To provide midshipmen with broad exposure to major unrestricted line
communities and narrow service assignment preferences.
(c) To introduce midshipmen to the career development ladder within each
warfare area.
(d) To emphasize the importance of military courtesy, smartness, and
(e) To reinforce leadership training through practical application of basic
c. Midshipmen First Class
(1) To prepare midshipmen for commissioned service through active participation
in the duties and responsibilities of a junior officer.
(2) To enhance the development of officer qualities and leadership skills.
(3) To afford midshipmen additional time at sea for practical application of skills
acquired in the classroom environment.
(4) To further familiarize midshipmen with warfare systems found in the
operational Navy and Marine Corps.
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
(5) To reemphasize the importance of military courtesies, customs, and traditions
as well as maintaining smartness and discipline as a commissioned officer.
1.2. GENERAL INFORMATION. The general guidelines for midshipman at sea training
a. Integration of Midshipmen into Ship's organization. Midshipmen should be fully
integrated into the shipboard organization, including assignment of specific billets of the Watch,
Quarter and Station Bill. They should be assigned specific, meaningful duties in support of the
ship's administration and operations. A special shipboard organization for embarked
midshipmen is neither required nor desired. Appendix A is a sample notice provided to assist
ships in organizing and implementing an effective midshipman training.
b. USNA/NROTC Midshipmen. Where USNA and NROTC midshipmen are embarked
together for training purposes, no differentiation between the two is intended or desired. There
are, however, differences between NROTC and USNA midshipmen financial/travel procedures
which are discussed in Chapters 7 and 8, respectively and in post-cruise critique procedures (see
paragraph 303).
c. Hazardous Duty. In general, every effort shall be made to avoid exposing
midshipmen to hostile or combat environments. Midshipmen should not be assigned, for
example, to units tasked to conduct combat, law enforcement or potentially sensitive
operations. Should any unit with embarked midshipmen become involved in such operations,
every effort shall be made to debark or transfer midshipmen to an environment where non-
routine hazards are not believed to exist. MEDC or MLOs shall be notified where any
embarked midshipman is or is not able to be transferred in all such cases.
d. Inter-Ship Transfers. Inter-ship transfers of midshipmen should be kept to a
minimum, consistent with prevailing circumstances. Past experience has indicated that
midshipman training may be severely degraded as a result of these transfers unless they would
result in obviously enhanced training opportunities. Inter-ship transfers are encouraged in the
event that material casualties or changes in operating schedules result in minimal at-sea time.
Transfers must be authorized by the appropriate Fleet Midshipmen Liaison Officer (MLO)
with Fleet commander concurrence. These transfers should not be accomplished if
overloading of receiving ships would result.
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February 2019
When midshipman inter-ship transfers are conducted, a message report (NSTC Report Symbol
1533-10) shall be submitted in the following format:
Sample Inter-Ship Message Format
TO: APPROPRIATE MEDC (see paragraph 104)
UNCLAS //N01530//
paragraph 105f))
e. Cruise Extensions
(1) A ship returning from an overseas deployment should retain its midshipmen on
board during the transit if its arrival date in CONUS is within one week after the summer
training termination date for its embarked midshipmen. Lengthier extensions of
midshipmen training periods will be decided on a case by case basis by the midshipman
liaison officer assigned to the overseas Fleet commander after consultation with
USNA/NSTC/NROTC unit, as appropriate.
(2) Due to midshipman billet constraints and funding limitations (and follow on
training for USNA midshipmen only), requests for extensions are not normally approved.
f. Midshipmen First Class
(1) Will be embarked in Fleet units to prepare for commissioned service through
active participation in the duties and responsibilities of junior officers.
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(2) Will be afforded essential wardroom indoctrination and training by berthing in
officers' country and messing in the wardroom to the maximum extent practicable. In
cases where berthing in officers' country is not available for all midshipmen first class
embarked, berthing should be provided in CPO quarters or suitable enlisted berthing
spaces separated from the crew. However, under no circumstances should Chief Petty
Officers be required to move out of CPO quarters in order to provide berthing for
midshipmen. The use of cots for additional berthing is not recommended.
(3) Will be evaluated on their ability to perform the duties and tasks of a junior
officer. Midshipmen should anticipate reports to their unit for exceptional or substandard
performance during their cruise.
g. NROTC Midshipmen Second Class and USNA Midshipmen Third Class.
(1) Will be embarked in Fleet units, and are to be indoctrinated and trained in the
shipboard evolutions and tasks required of enlisted petty officer (E4-E5) personnel under
normal and emergency conditions at sea and in port. Midshipmen second class normally
will stand enlisted watches and complete shipboard PQS relating to assigned duties, as
appropriate. The performance of manual labor should be that expected of a petty
officer. The working uniform for midshipmen will be NWUs or coveralls when
(2) Will be berthed and messed in suitable enlisted personnel spaces and facilities
for the entire training period. The use of cots for additional berthing is not recommended.
(3) Will be provided training in ship operations and in familiarization and
orientation of ship's equipment.
(4) Will be introduced to the duties and responsibilities of the junior officer as
viewed from the level of a petty officer (E-4 through E-5).
Embarkation/Debarkation Coordinators will make ship billet assignments to NROTC units and
the USNA based on initial cruise guidelines promulgated by OPNAVINST 1530 SERIES.
Midshipmen Embarkation/Debarkation Coordinators will generate Letters of Instruction (LOI)
for their specific areas which will include detailed reporting instructions, important phone
numbers, points of contact, and emergency transportation and berthing
a. Assignment to units transiting between Fleets (TRANSITEX):
(1) Responsibility for billet nominations and identifying embark/debark dates and
ports, belongs to the Fleet commander who will have operational control of the ship at the
time of embarkation.
(2) Continuous communication between Fleet commander representatives and the
corresponding MEDCs/MLOs is essential to ensure the success of midshipmen
participation in TRANSITEXs.
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February 2019
(3) The MEDC who assigns the NROTC/USNA midshipmen to a TRANSITEX
shall be the MEDC having responsibility for that port of embarkation. This MEDC shall
retain accountability for the midshipmen (e.g., embarkation reports, queries) throughout
the duration of the cruise. The MEDC may liaison with other MEDCs/MEDTs as
necessary to assist in embark/debark processing and/or to take advantage of group
b. Academic Year Cruises. MEDCs/MEDTs will be reestablished for the administration
of the academic year cruises. Respective MEDCs/MEDTs will request billets from Fleet
commanders based on each unit's input. Fleet commanders will then provide ships that will be
able to participate during the academic year (normally December- January). Billets will then be
assigned to units as appropriate. Notification messages will provide both unit and ship with
assignment information. Upon receipt of notification, direct liaison between the ship and unit is
authorized so that pertinent information concerning embark, debark, uniform requirements,
reporting times, itinerary, etc., can be provided.
COORDINATORS (MEDCs). NSTC assigns Midshipmen Embarkation/Debarkation
Coordinators. Commanding Officer, NROTCU Hampton Roads is the Atlantic and
Mediterranean Midshipmen Embarkation/Debarkation Coordinator and will be responsible for
oversight and coordination of Second, Fourth and Sixth Fleet midshipmen operations.
Commanding Officer, NROTCU University of San Diego/San Diego State University is the
Pacific and Western Pacific Midshipmen Embarkation/ Debarkation Coordinator and will be
responsible for oversight and coordination of Third, Fifth and Seventh Fleet midshipmen
operations. Close coordination will be required between cognizant MEDCs when ships are
involved in transit exercises (refer to paragraph 103). The primary responsibilities of
Midshipmen Embarkation/Debarkation Coordinators are to:
a. Function as ship assignment coordinators. After NSTC and USNA have assigned first
and second class quotas by training period via OPNAVINST 1530 SERIES and ship
nominations have been provided by the Fleet Commanders, MEDCs will contact each NROTC
unit and USNA via OPMIS to initiate the name-to-ship assignments, obtain security clearance
data, and travel itineraries.
b. Supervise operations of Midshipmen Embarkation/ Debarkation Teams (MEDTs)
assigned by NSTC to specific ports. The estimated establishment/disestablishment dates of
Midshipmen Embarkation/Debarkation Teams will be specified in NSTCNOTE1530.
c. Provide ships and cognizant travel clearance authorities (per component commander
guidance), a minimum of 2 weeks in advance of the embarkation date, a master assignment
message with the number and names of midshipmen first/second class to be embarked (see
paragraph 201a). This message should also include the midshipman's social security number
and security clearance data from the OPMIS database.
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d. Coordinate with MLOs on appropriate at-sea training details, and provide midshipmen
liaison officers with copies of all directives and messages pertinent to the program to which the
midshipmen liaison officer is assigned.
e. Coordinate and reserve lodging for all Midshipmen 1/C aviation cruises and reserve all
necessary ASTC survival training courses required for midshipmen to fly aboard Fleet aircraft.
f. Submit a final report to NSTC and copy to USNA upon disestablishment. This report,
Midshipmen Embarkation/ Debarkation Coordinator Final Comments and Recommendations
(NSTC Report Symbol 1533-11), should include comments and recommendations about all
phases of their operation with a view toward realistically improving the procedures followed
during the summer training period. Specific comments are desired concerning logistics,
embarkation, administration, midshipman training, debarkation, outstanding and/or negative
training ships (with specific comments) and other recommendations pertinent to responsibilities
NOTE: MEDCs should emphasize the importance of maintaining originally allocated billets to
ensure flexibility in scheduling.
a. The overall responsibilities of the Midshipmen Embarkation/Debarkation Teams are
(1) Establish processing facilities.
(2) Provide for the orderly embarkation and debarkation of midshipmen
participating in afloat training.
(3) Arrange meetings of Midshipmen Training Officers or other ships'
representatives prior to each embarkation and provide them with a comprehensive pre-
cruise brief discussing administrative, training, transportation, midshipman fitness reports,
and disciplinary details as a minimum. The MEDT will assist the designated Fleet
midshipmen liaison officer during cruises as the local on scene Fleet officer representative
by conducting visits to as many training ships as possible during each cruise period to
monitor the cruise training program. MEDTs will also assist in the distribution of
(4) Conduct liaison as required with other MEDTs to facilitate midshipmen
b. Officers in Charge of Midshipmen Embarkation/ Debarkation Teams will serve as
assistants to the Midshipmen Embarkation/ Debarkation Coordinators. MEDTs will be
established/ disestablished on the dates specified by NSTCNOTE 1530. Funding for
administrative and transportation expenses incurred by MEDTs will be provided by NSTC.
c. Officers in Charge of the Midshipmen Embarkation/ Debarkation Teams will provide
temporary MEDTs at the following locations for such period as deemed necessary in connection
with the embarkation and debarkation processing of midshipmen. These offices will be staffed,
when required, by designated personnel from the NROTC units below. Exact MEDT addresses
and telephone numbers will be promulgated in MEDC LOIs when established.
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
(1) Mayport, Florida (NROTC Unit, Jacksonville University)
(2) Norfolk, Virginia (NROTC Unit, Hampton Roads Consortium)
(3) Seattle, Washington (NROTC Unit, University of Washington)
(4) San Diego, California (NROTC Unit, University of San Diego and San Diego
State University)
NOTE: It is emphasized that MEDCs will begin functioning long before the actual
establishment of an office at embarkation ports; therefore, all correspondence with MEDCs
concerning ship assignments should be addressed to the NROTC Unit with MEDC
d. Embarkation
(1) Pre-commissioning Physical Exams. Pre-commissioning physical exams for
first class NROTC Midshipmen should be completed by NROTC units prior to summer
cruises if circumstances permit. Current BUMED regulations allow pre-commissioning
physicals up to 24 months prior to the actual date of commissioning. However, some
units remotely located from military medical facilities must depend on summer cruise
periods to obtain such physicals. NROTC units shall make every effort to complete
aviation physicals during the cruise period for all 2/C midshipmen with aviation potential.
Completion of physicals for NROTC midshipmen who will be commissioned during the
year will be a major objective during summer training. OIC, MEDTs will coordinate
scheduling of pre-commissioning physicals through coordination with the appropriate
liaison office. Summer training rosters and midshipmen orders will identify the type of
physical required. Due to the limited availability of berthing at some MEDT sites,
NROTC units are encouraged to arrange the details of scheduling physicals early.
(2) Midshipmen assigned to afloat training, except as noted below, shall be
ordered to report to a ship via a Midshipmen Embarkation/Debarkation Team for
processing and final movement/assignment to ships or commands in charge of their
training. The location and officer in charge assigned to each MEDT and other pertinent
information will be furnished via CNSTCNOTE 1530 to each NROTC Unit, USNA, and
participating ships to facilitate liaison. Amplifying information (e.g., specific ship
assignments, embark/debark dates and ports) will be
provided by the MEDCs in their LOI.
(a) Midshipmen assigned to MEDTRAMID surface cruises will report to
MEDT Washington DC at NAS Norfolk Air Terminal (Airlift Mobility Command
counter). Midshipmen assigned to WESTPACTRAMID surface cruises will
report to either the AMC terminal, Lambert, St. Louis International Airport,
Oakland International Airport, or MEDT Washington DC at NAS Norfolk Air
Terminal (AMC Counter), dependent upon final destination and starting point of
origin. A MEDT representative will complete processing for air transportation at
these locations with the exception of Lambert Field in St. Louis.
(b) Midshipmen embarking in overseas locations not supported by a
MEDC or MLO will report directly to the training unit. POC phone numbers
should be obtained from the appropriate MEDC and provided to midshipmen for
overseas military activities in the country of embarkation.
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
(c) Midshipmen assigned to Foreign Exchange cruises and other special
training (e.g., CORTRAMID), have special reporting instructions normally not
through MEDTs unless so indicated by the assigning authority.
(d) Midshipmen assigned to submarine cruises will normally report via
Group or Squadron offices for all CONUS embarks.
(3) At the time of processing for cruises, MEDT representatives will establish an
accurate muster of all midshipmen (both NROTC and USNA) reporting for cruise.
MED/WESTPAC MEDT representatives will also ascertain the names of all midshipmen
authorized to terminate their duty for training in an overseas port following their summer
training. Immediately following embarkation processing, the MEDT representatives will
provide a message to all ships concerned, their cognizant MEDC, and the appropriate
Fleet commander updating the master assignment message submitted by the OIC,
(see paragraphs 104 and 201). The message should include a summary report of the total
numbers of midshipmen embarked,
broken down by USNA/NROTC, cruise (i.e., 1/C,
2/C, or 3/C), and gender. The MEDCs should then consolidate the MEDT embark reports
and provide NSTC/USNA with the following information:
(a) Total number of ship billets nominated for the training period (e.g.,
LANTRAMID 1). The percentage of ships with less than 10 days underway at the
commencement of training must also be identified.
(b) Total number of NROTC and USNA midshipmen embarked on cruise.
Caution should be exercised to ensure that midshipmen assigned to ships not
reporting via MEDTs are included. This can be accomplished by noting ships
"Midshipmen Onboard" message reports which indicate there is a variation from
the MEDC's master assignment message which preceded embarkation.
(c) Total number of billets unused. Of the billets that are unused, specific
comments must be included as to why they were not used (e.g., less than 10 days
underway time, ship nominated at last minute, etc.). In addition, the message
should contain the names, parent units, and social security numbers of those
midshipmen failing to report and the names and social security numbers of
midshipmen authorized overseas leave upon termination of active duty.
(4) MEDT personnel will inform midshipmen of arrangements made for
transportation to their ships (or other arrangements if delay in embarkation is necessary),
and baggage handling procedures, and will advise them of such matters of general interest
as base rules and regulations, liberty, uniforms, location of base facilities, recreational
activities, etc.
(5) Required Documents for Midshipmen. The following documents should be in
the personal possession of each midshipman (not packed in luggage):
(a) NROTC Training Order or USNA orders.
(b) International Certificates of Vaccination (PHS-731).
(c) Armed Forces ID Card (DD2N) (Red) or Uniformed
Services ID and Privilege Card (DD-1173), as appropriate.
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February 2019
(d) Midshipman Health Record. USNA midshipmen are excluded from this
requirement, except those USNA midshipmen assigned to nuclear powered ships
and to aviation cruises.
(e) Midshipman Summer Training Handbook.
(f) Direct Deposit (DDS) account information.
(g) Travel voucher or sub voucher (DD Form 1351-2).
(h) Large pre-paid postage pre-addressed envelope (NROTC only).
(i) 3x5 card with important contacts and phone numbers (NROTC Units,
Midshipman Embark/Debark Coordinators, Midshipman Liaison Officers,
Midshipman Training Officers, Defense Attaché Offices (see Appendix E) etc.)
NOTE: If any documents are missing, the MEDT should provide replacements, if possible. If
required immunizations are not complete, arrangements should be made with local medical
facilities for required immunizations, where liaison has indicated that assigned ships are
unable to provide appropriate shots. Parent units shall be notified of all discrepancies utilizing
a formal discrepancy list, with a copy to NSTC for NROTC midshipmen (Attn: NSTC OD3)
and USNA for USNA midshipmen (Attn: Summer Training Officer (Code 7D)).
(6) Messing and Berthing. Messing and berthing for midshipmen who report
earlier than the date designated in their orders for the commencement of training will not
normally be provided and is not subject to reimbursement. Midshipmen should be
advised to seek low cost lodging in the event they arrive at the MEDT location prior to
their reporting date. If midshipmen cannot be processed and transported to assigned ships
immediately after their scheduled arrival, messing and berthing must be provided by the
MEDT until they can be transported to the ship. These delays should be minimal and
should generally occur only if the designated ship is not immediately available as
scheduled. If midshipmen are berthed ashore after reporting to their ships the cost of
berthing/messing must be borne by the ship. This also applies to submarines.
(7) Reassignment/Cruise Termination. Changes in ship assignment may be
required because of changes in operating schedules, ships casualties, etc. The
Midshipmen Embarkation/Debarkation Coordinators and the numbered Fleet midshipmen
liaison officers are authorized to make changes in assignments as required or to terminate
an individual midshipman's summer training if a productive training schedule cannot be
met. Officers in Charge of Midshipmen Embarkation/Debarkation Teams are directed to
ensure assignment of each midshipman to a training ship and to ensure that the ship
concerned advises the MEDT Officer in Charge (if deployed overseas, the numbered Fleet
midshipmen liaison officer) of schedule/operational changes which may warrant
reassignment of midshipmen or termination of training. Quotas assigned by Fleet
commanders may not be exceeded without approval, nor may midshipmen be assigned
ships not nominated by Fleet commanders as midshipmen cruise ships. A primary
objective will be the assignment of midshipmen to ships with maximum underway time.
Ships should communicate with their Fleet representative for desired changes. Optimum
ship loading is delineated in OPNAVINST 1530 SERIES.
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February 2019
(8) Midshipmen are excluded from "Routing of Personnel" messages and will be
transported to meet the ship in an overseas port.
e. Debarkation. Debarkation normally consists of individual ships detaching midshipmen
assigned upon completion of cruise. MEDT personnel will assist as requested.
Government transportation from ships/stations to commercial transportation facilities is
normally not authorized; except for USNA midshipmen "group traveling" (e.g.,
MEDTRAMID airlifts) back to USNA, unless follow on training is directed. If "group
travel" or advance tickets are not provided, and if individual units require assistance in
obtaining return travel, MEDTs will assist, if requested. USNA midshipmen are not
permitted to travel independently without prior written approval from USNA. MEDT
personnel must ensure all personnel have orders endorsed when debarking from aircraft
returning from MEDTRAMID and WESTPACTRAMID cruises. Fleet units are
responsible for all other detaching endorsements.
f. Communications
(1) Officers in Charge, MEDTs will notify NSTC/USNA, the Naval Facility
Communications Officer, U.S. Post Office, and other appropriate base activities when the
MEDT offices have been established.
(2) MEDTs will be responsible for the receipt and distribution of all incoming and
outgoing messages, U.S. and guard mail.
g. Reports. Upon completion of the last scheduled embarkation, the Officer in Charge of
each MEDT will submit, not later than 15 September, a letter report to the appropriate
Midshipmen Embarkation/Debarkation Coordinator for inclusion in the MEDC Final
Comments and Recommendations report (paragraph 104e).
not utilize the aforementioned MEDC/MEDT organizations for embarkation and debarkation.
The NSTC Nuclear Programs Coordinator completes all functions normally accomplished by
the MEDC for submarine cruises. Submarine Squadrons complete all functions normally
completed by the MEDT. COMSUBLANT N10A/COMSUBPAC N31E will act as
Midshipmen Liaison Officer (MLO) between NSTC and the squadrons for all matters pertaining
to midshipmen summer training. Phone numbers and rosters are available via OD1 and can be
contacted at Comm: (850) 452-4050 DSN: 459-4050. NROTC units and the USNA should
contact the Squadron's Area Midshipman Coordinator at the midshipman's embark port at least
two weeks prior to embarkation
The primary responsibilities of the Superintendent, U.S. Naval Academy, are to:
a. Assign USNA midshipmen to training periods and Fleet areas, in coordination with
Midshipmen Embarkation/ Debarkation Coordinators, not to exceed the quotas mutually
agreed upon with NSTC and delineated in OPNAVINST 1530 Series.
b. Provide liaison officers for certain programs in coordination with NSTC.
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
c. Provide NSTC with an updated database for inclusion in OPMIS, two months prior to
the summer cruise cycle.
d. Brief USNA liaison officers on appropriate at sea training details, and provide USNA
liaison officers with copies of all directives and messages pertinent to the program to
which the liaison officer is assigned, prior to the commencement of training.
e. Provide each SSBN/SSN and other special training commands with advance
notification of security clearance data for USNA midshipmen assigned.
f. Provide transportation for all USNA midshipmen during the pre-embarkation period.
Appropriate support services attendant to these requirements will be coordinated by
MEDTs and provided by the U.S. naval activities concerned.
g. Arrange and supervise the orderly transportation of all USNA midshipmen and their
baggage via MEDTs for further transfer to assigned ships.
h. Coordinate with NSTC, requests for air transportation for MEDTRAMID cruises.
i. Provide flight information to MEDTs for all midshipmen, via OPMIS.
1.8. NAVAL ACADEMY TRAINING OFFICE. The Naval Academy Summer Training
Office staff has cognizance over the USNA Midshipman Summer Training Program and is
located at 112 Cooper Road, Annapolis, MD 21402-5022. Program managers are available for
Fleet cruises and PROTRAMID training. Telephone Numbers: Commercial (410) 293-1904,
DSN 281-1904. The USNA Duty Office telephone number is: Commercial (410) 293-2701/2/3,
DSN 281-2701/2/3.
a. Assignment
(1) One officer will be assigned to the staff of each numbered Fleet commander as
the "Fleet Midshipmen Liaison Officer." In addition, one officer may be assigned to each
staff as "Fleet Assistant Midshipmen Liaison Officer." NSTC will issue area clearance
requests if units are not able. Liaison officers are not to be considered as Officers in
Charge of midshipmen, nor are they personally responsible for the training of
midshipmen. Training remains the function and responsibility of the ship and its
operational commander. Midshipmen Liaison Officers may deploy with Fleet commander
staffs as schedules permits, but must remain available to handle midshipmen related
problems that may arise.
b. Responsibilities of Fleet Midshipmen Liaison Officers:
(1) Advise Fleet commanders on all matters pertaining to summer training of
midshipmen to include ships worthy of recognition for outstanding training programs.
(2) Assist MEDTs in coordinating midshipmen embarkation/debarkation
arrangements and the assignments of midshipmen to ships, when needed.
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February 2019
(3) Monitor ships' operational schedules and effect inter-ship transfers when
(4) Visit all ships, as feasible, to evaluate training programs and to assist
commanding officers in improving training programs. Particular attention will be given to
proper midshipman summer training journal utilization and midshipmen participation in
shipboard qualification programs (e.g., PQS qualifications).
(5) Draft correspondence/messages for the Fleet commander pertaining to
midshipmen cruise training.
(6) Actively be involved in all midshipman problems in order to resolve problems
in a timely fashion.
(7) Assume responsibilities of the Assistant Midshipmen Liaison Officer if one is
not assigned.
(8) Collect and maintain active POTS line numbers for all ships embarking
midshipmen and ensure these numbers are distributed to all MLO/MEDT personnel.
(8) Submit a Fleet/Assistant Fleet Midshipmen Liaison Officers' Comments,
Recommendations, and After Action Report within 30 days after completion of their duty
assignment or no later than 15 September. The report shall be addressed to NSTC OD3
(no via addressees). Copies of each report shall be sent to the Fleet Commander (the
cognizant temporary duty command); the Superintendent, U.S. Naval Academy (Attn:
Summer Training Office (Stop 7D)); and to COMLANTFLT/COMPACFLT, as
applicable. These reports should include
(a) general comments and recommendations about all phases of their
operation, with a goal of improving future cruise programs;
(b) the names of ships (with specific comments) recommended for
recognition by NSTC for outstanding training programs; and,
(c) specific comments regarding logistics, administrative support,
embarkation, midshipman training, debarkation, and other areas affecting the
responsibilities assigned.
(9) Although not directly responsible to the MEDCs, liaison officers shall meet
with respective MEDC staffs prior to departure to summer assignment for coordination
(10) Midshipmen Liaison Officers are located as follows:
(a) COMSIXTHFLT - CTF 63 Staff Headquarters (Naples)
Yokosuka Headquarters
(c) COMFIFTHFLT ADMINSUPU Bahrain Headquarters
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
(e) COMTHIRDFLT - PAC MEDC Office (San Diego)/
COMNAVSURFGRU MIDPAC Headquarters (Pearl Harbor)
c. Responsibilities of Assistant Midshipmen Liaison Officers. (If an Assistant
Midshipmen Liaison Officer is not assigned, these duties will be assumed by the Fleet
Midshipman Liaison Officer.)
(1) Observe midshipmen training on each ship visited. An energetic ship visit
program must be planned in an effort to maximize the number of ship visits.
(2) Provide ships with an evaluation of their midshipman training program and
recommendations for improvement. Particular attention will be given to the proper
utilization of the midshipman summer training handbook and midshipmen participation in
shipboard qualification programs.
(3) Provide assistance to ships on all matters pertaining to midshipman
administration, conduct, evaluation, uniforms, etc. Assist the MEDTs in the training
of designated shipboard Midshipmen Training Officers.
(4) Meet with ships' executive officers during cruises to review midshipman
(5) Advise Fleet Midshipmen Liaison Officer of significant
problems/events relating to midshipmen.
(6) Advise Fleet Midshipmen Liaison Officer of ships having particularly strong or
weak midshipmen training programs.
(7) Assist ships, where feasible, in planning and funding midshipmen
recreation activities.
(8) Assist MEDCs/MEDTs in coordinating midshipmen
embarkation/debarkation arrangements and act as transportation coordinator when
assigned out-CONUS (e.g., COMFIFTHFLT, COMSIXTHFLT, and
(9) The COMNAVFORJAPAN Staff Midshipmen Liaison Officer has the
additional responsibility of serving as Officer in Charge of the USN/Japanese Maritime
Self Defense Force (JMSDF) Exchange Program. For the Foreign Exchange Program
an in- country representative (i.e., an Assistant Midshipman Liaison Officer) to assist
with the final preparations just prior to the midshipmen's arrival and embarkation is
highly recommended.
(10) Provide messing/berthing arrangements and training for midshipmen who
must remain ashore while awaiting embarkation/debarkation. Notify NSTC/USNA if
suitable berthing is not available and optional local berthing rates.
(11) Submit feeder reports discussed in paragraph 110b of this manual.
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February 2019
d. Quarters, Messing, and Travel Expenses. Fleet midshipmen liaison officers will utilize
government quarters, messing, and transportation to the maximum extent feasible. To cover those
occasions when such government facilities are not available, appropriate funds will be authorized
in the orders written for each liaison officer.
1.10. DEBARKATION POLICY. Commanders and Commanding Officers are urged to
adhere as closely as possible to pre-planned dates with respect to detachment of midshipmen. It
is recognized that operational commitments or school convening dates for NROTC midshipmen
may require earlier or later detachment dates; however, early debarkation is not normally
encouraged due to its disruptive effect on a ship's training program. A variety of cruise training
periods are available and midshipmen should be assigned by their NROTC unit to a training
period which they can expect to complete. USNA midshipmen participate in a 4-8 week training
program and often require follow on training at another site. Guidance concerning midshipmen
will be available from Midshipmen Embarkation/Debarkation Coordinators. Should a
midshipman stay beyond assigned debarkation date guidance as to whom is responsible for those
arrangements is available from Midshipman Embarkation/Debarkation Coordinators.
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February 2019
2.0 GENERAL. Midshipmen will be administered in accordance with U.S. Navy
Regulations, OPNAVINST 3120.32 series, directives issued by the Operational Commander,
Ship's Organization and Regulations Manual, this manual, and the U.S. Naval Academy
Regulations or NROTC Regulations (as applicable). Since this manual cannot cover all
situations, all supervisory personnel and midshipmen are expected to have foresight and
initiative in the performance of their duties.
a. In an effort to provide Fleet commanders and travel clearance authorities with advance
notification of midshipmen arrivals, MEDCs will transmit a master assignment message
to include names, SSNs, clearance data, and initial ship assignment 3-4 weeks prior to
embark, in accordance with OPNAVINST 4650.11E. MEDCs will update this information
at the 2 week prior to embark point and cognizant NAVPTOs will then provide itineraries
7 days in advance of embark. It is to be emphasized that the Fleet/type commanders
designate midshipmen training ships and their assigned quotas, the latter number not to
exceed maximums for each type ship as established by OPNAVINST 1530 SERIES.
Neither NSTC, Superintendent, USNA, nor OIC, MEDTs, has the authority to change this
number. If the number of quotas assigned exceeds the capability of the ships, the ships
should contact their type/operational commander, as appropriate.
b. Ships will utilize the master assignment message received prior to embarkation in
making their "MIDSHIPMEN ONBOARD" message reports. All ships will send a
"Midshipmen Onboard" message report (NSTC Report Symbol 1533-6) within 24 hours
of midshipmen reporting onboard. This message report serves to correct and verify
master assignment lists maintained by USNA, NSTC, MEDCs, MEDTs, and Fleet
commanders. During minimize, electronic transmission is authorized. Debark reports are
not required or desired. The format for submitting the message report is as follows:
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
Sample Assignment Message Format
TO: APPROPRIATE OIC MEDC (see paragraph 104)
PARENT SQUADRON (for sub cruises)
COMNAVAIRPAC SAN DIEGO CA//N7//(for CNAP activities only)
COMSIXTHFLT (for SIXTHFLT activities only)
COMSEVENTHFLT (for SEVENTHFLT activities only)
COMFIFTHFLT (for FIFTHFLT activities only)
COMTHIRDFLT (for THIRDFLT activities only)
HARBOR HI//N12// (for sub cruises)
(parent NROTC unit)
UNCLAS //NO1530//
(1) List each midshipman by last Name, Initials, Last four
SSN, USNA or NROTC unit.
(2) If master assignment message is inaccurate, indicate
additions/deletions only as follows:
DELETE: Name, Initials, Last four SSN, USNA or NROTC unit ADD:
Name, Initials, Last four SSN, USNA or NROTC unit
2.2. SHIPBOARD MUSTERS. Since midshipmen are to be fully integrated into the ship's
organization, they will be mustered in accordance with the ship's daily routine and with their
respective divisions.
2.3. TOURS. Midshipmen should be permitted and encouraged to participate in tours
available in the ports visited on a not-to interfere basis with duty days. Ships may utilize
recreation funds described in paragraph 215 to defray a portion of the cost of such tours.
2.4. LEAVE, EMERGENCY LEAVE, AND LIBERTY. The liberty policy will be
promulgated by the operational commander or the commanding officer, as appropriate. A
conservative liberty policy is encouraged. Normally, only emergency leave will be granted to
midshipmen while in U.S. ports. In the event a commanding officer determines that emergency
leave for a midshipman is appropriate, the following procedure should be followed:
a. Notify the Operational Commander, NSTC, Superintendent, USNA or CO, NROTC
Unit concerned, and appropriate MEDC.
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
b. If travel is necessary outside CONUS, use the accounting data/SDN identified on the
midshipman's orders for AMC travel. (MILPERSMAN and JFTR, Vol 1)
c. If emergency leave is granted to USNA midshipmen, an individual determination
concerning the point of termination of leave is necessary. In some cases, it is desirable
that midshipmen report directly to the Naval Academy rather than returning to the ship.
However, it should be remembered that under most circumstances, it is the individual's
responsibility to provide funds for roundtrip transportation once he/she is in CONUS.
d. Leave in a foreign nation for USNA midshipmen will be approved on an individual
basis by the Superintendent prior to departure for summer training. Late requests will not
be approved. In all cases, USNA midshipmen on approved foreign leave will be
responsible for their own return travel arrangements and expense.
e. NROTC midshipmen may request permission to begin or terminate their active duty
for training in an overseas port in conjunction with their summer training. NROTC
midshipmen do not accrue leave nor do they have a leave balance from which to charge
leave. Therefore, they may request to begin or terminate training in an overseas port in
conjunction with a MED, WESTPAC, or FOREX cruise. In such cases, midshipmen are
responsible for payment of their travel expenses to or from the port of embarkation/
debarkation as appropriate. NROTC commanding officers are authorized to grant such
requests. A copy of the approval of such requests must be forwarded to NSTC OD3 and
the appropriate MEDC at least 30 days prior to the embarkation date. OIC, MEDCs will
include the names of midshipmen authorized to terminate their training in an overseas port
in their master assignment message. In all cases, midshipmen must realize that they will
be in the same category as any other American tourist and are responsible for obtaining
passports, visas, and travel arrangements at their own expense (not subject to
reimbursement), including return to the United States. Midshipmen who choose to travel
overseas early will be wholly responsible to maintain contact with the appropriate MEDT
or parent unit to keep informed of ship schedule changes and may not embark on the ship
prior to the scheduled embarkation date.
a. In the event that any midshipman should miss ship's movement, he/she should first
attempt to join any other unit of the task force. If this is not possible, he/she should report
to the nearest U.S. naval activity, U.S. government activity, or
the nearest foreign activity, in that order.
b. In the event that a midshipman misses ship's movement after a port visit, the ship's
commanding officer is to notify the local U.S. Naval Station/naval activity, NSTC or
Superintendent USNA, the appropriate Midshipmen Embarkation/Debarkation
Coordinator, the Embarkation MEDT, and the midshipman's parent unit.
c. The personal effects of midshipmen who miss ship's movement shall be packed and
left with the local U.S. Naval Station/naval activity. If there are no U.S. naval facilities
nearby, the effects are to be retained onboard until instructions are received as to where to
ship them. If no instructions are received by completion of the cruise, the effects shall be
shipped to the midshipman's parent unit.
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February 2019
a. References:
(1) NAVMEDCOMINST 6320.3B - Medical and Dental Care for Eligible Persons
at Navy Medical Department Facilities.
(2) BUMEDINST 6320.72 series Non-Naval Health Care Program.
(3) MILPERSMAN - Personnel Casualty Reports.
(4) NAVMED P-117, Chapter 17 - Deaths.
(5) JAGMAN (JAGINST 5800.7 series, Chapter 8).
(6) MILPERSMAN - Notification of Next of Kin.
(7) MILPERSMAN - Commanding Officer's Letter to Next of Kin.
(8) Decedent Affairs Manual (BUMEDINST 5360.1 series).
(9) NAVMED P-117, Chapter 18, Section III Medical Dispositions.
(10) DOD Military Pay and Allowance Entitlements Manual.
(11) Navy Pay and Personnel Procedures Manual
b. General Information
(1) The Superintendent, USNA, or the parent NROTC unit, appropriate
Midshipmen Embarkation/ Debarkation Coordinator and NSTC shall be kept advised by
message of any midshipman who is seriously or critically ill. The initial message should
include full name, class, nature and circumstances of injury or illness (an IDCA code
alone will not suffice), name, SSN, and location of hospital, and expected duration of
hospitalization. If an injury report is required in accordance with reference (4) above,
copies of subject report will be forwarded to NSTC and Superintendent, USNA or CO,
NROTC Unit, as appropriate.
(2) All injuries must be properly documented and reported in one of three formats:
JAGMAN Investigation, Injury Report, or Medical/Dental Record Entry. Criteria for
determining the appropriate format are found in Article 814 of the JAGMAN. If a JAG
Manual Investigation is warranted or the Injury Report Form (RCS JAG 5800-19) is
utilized, it must be forwarded to the Judge Advocate General in a timely manner.
Therefore, it is incumbent upon the CO of the ship or squadron, to which the midshipman
is assigned to initiate and complete the reporting procedures. Provide parent NROTC unit
or USNA, NSTC, as appropriate, with information copies.
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February 2019
(3) When necessary to hospitalize a midshipman in an Armed Forces Medical
Facility the transfer shall be made by issuing orders. If an Armed Forces Medical Facility
is not available and a civilian facility is utilized, the transferring activity will forward, in
letter form, such information as may be required by the receiving activity. In such
instance, the Superintendent, USNA, or appropriate Midshipmen
Embarkation/Debarkation Coordinator shall be forwarded a copy of such orders or letter.
(4) Attention of all commanding officers is invited to references (1) and (2) in
connection with civilian hospitalization, and reference (3) in the event a midshipman is to
be returned to the United States while in patient status.
(5) In the case of a medical emergency while on active duty for training,
midshipmen should be treated at the nearest military or civilian hospital, or medical
treatment facility. Notification to the Defense Health Agency Great Lakes (DHA-GL)
via a DD Form 261 , midshipmen’s
NROTC unit, and OD2A is mandatory and must be done as soon as possible after injury.
Authorized expenses will be covered by TRICARE through DHA-GL. Contact the DHA
GL Customer Service Representative at 1-888-647-6676 for assistance with claims. A
Line of Duty investigation is required to be completed if surgery or follow on medical
care is necessary. Additional guidance for filing claims for midshipmen injured while on
active duty orders is addressed in section 9-8. Units are encouraged to contact the DHA-
GL: Healthcare Support Services Branch, Customer Service Representative at Phone:
888-647-6676 for questions or concerns.
(6) Midshipmen in a leave or liberty status who require emergency medical or
dental attention should (if emergency permits) apply for such treatment to (in order of
(a) Nearest U.S. Naval Activity
(b) Nearest U.S. Armed Forces Facility
(c) Nearest U.S. Veterans Administration Hospital/U.S. Public Health
Service facilities
(d) Nearest Allied Foreign Government Activity warrants)
(e) Civilian Medical Facility (if emergency)
NOTE: Report of emergency medical care and circumstances of same shall be reported by the
midshipman concerned immediately to his commanding officer. Units may contact the DoD
Liaison, at 216-522-2786
(7) Health records of most USNA midshipmen are retained at the Naval Academy
and are available upon message request. All USNA midshipmen participating in nuclear
and aviation cruises and all NROTC midshipmen will hand-carry their health records to
and from their active training site.
(8) References listed in preceding paragraph a. (6) through (11) contain other
relevant information concerning the administrative management of such casualties.
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(9) Per reference (12) line of duty injuries requiring follow-on medical treatment
following ordered summer training period are funded through the Federal Employees
Compensation Administration. Timely processing and distribution of required
documentation is critical for midshipmen requiring follow-on treatment. NROTC
midshipmen who are injured in the line of duty on summer cruise and require follow-on
treatment will use the following procedures:
(a) Per reference (1), and immediately upon competent medical
determination that any injury incurred in the line of duty may require follow-on
treatment beyond specified summer training period, cognizant NROTCU shall
1. CA-1 (Notice of Injury) with a report made at the time of injury.
2. CA-20 (Attending physician’s report).
3. Line of duty authentication /statement signed by Commanding
4. Copy of emergency room, treatment facility medical reports.
5. Hospital, ambulance bills, etc.
6. DD Form 2005 (Release of Health Care Records).
7. If there is a possible permanent injury or if there are lost wages
(civilian employment) due to midshipman being injured, a CA-7 (Claim for
Compensation on Account of Traumatic Injury or Occupational Disease).
Submit all the above listed documents to:
U.S. Department of Labor
800 N. Capitol NW
Room 800
Washington, D.C. 20211
Phone (202) 513-6800
8. If a disease is contracted on cruise, submit a CA Form 2. If loss
of wages/disability result from the disease or injury, submit a CA Form 7.
In certain cases a CA Form 20, Basic Medical History Form, will be
2.7. MOTION SICKNESS. There continues to be significant interest in assessing
midshipmen's adaptability to shipboard life in relation to motion sickness. Each year a number
of midshipmen report being unable to function at sea because of sickness. In some cases,
concern about commissioning options arises; however, since only the midshipman's subjective
account of his or her experience is available, with no objective documentation of the impact of
the problem on performance, the midshipman's capacity to adapt, or the severity of the sea
conditions leading to the sickness available, it has not been possible to make a truly informed
decision about the midshipman's suitability for commissioning in the various warfare
communities. In order to provide more objective information, the questionnaire in Appendix J
has been included. The questionnaire should be completed by the ship's
corpsman, the
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midshipman training officer, the XO, or the CO, and given to
the midshipman impacted by any
motion sickness prior to debarkation. This information is very important, and will allow the
medical staff to intervene earlier in some cases with remediation and career counseling, and
will help both our midshipmen and our medical staff in reaching appropriate decisions for the
various commissioning options.
a. In cases of academic failure, physical disqualification, or resignation reported after the
commencement of summer training and where continuation of training will have no
detrimental effect on the individual, midshipmen will complete summer training.
Disenrollment will be effected upon termination of summer training. If, in the opinion of
the commanding officer, such continuation would result in disruption to the ship's training
program, the commanding officer may recommend to NSTC or USNA, as appropriate,
immediate termination of the midshipman's training orders and subsequent return to
his/her parent unit.
b. In cases involving moral turpitude, the provisions of Chapter 5 will apply.
a. Unless otherwise noted on a Master Assignment Message, each midshipman should
hold a Secret clearance and the source of clearance data will be certified on individual
orders. This data will include type investigation, agency conducting investigation, date of
completion and level of clearance granted. If no individual orders are issued, security
clearance information will be promulgated separately by the cognizant commanding
officers of the midshipmen involved. Review paragraph 904 for clearance requirements
on nuclear powered ships. (Note: NROTC units will comply with applicable NSTC
guidelines for the restoration of security clearance for summer training.) Refer to
SECNAVINST M-5510.30 (series) for security clearance information.
b. Superintendent USNA will inform Fleet commanders of USNA midshipmen who are
foreign nationals at least one month prior to scheduled embarkation. Such notification
shall include full name, rank, identification number, nationality, whether or not parent
nation clearances are held, and the level of classification to which USNA training is being
a. References
(1) BUMEDINST 6230.15
(2) BUMEDINST 6224.8/CH-1
(3) CNO ltr 1300 Ser 13Cs/OU578931 of 24 Apr 90 (NOTAL)
b. General Information
(1) Midshipmen are to carry their International Certificate of Vaccination (PHS-
731 or equivalent) during summer training. The Superintendent, USNA, and COs,
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NROTC units will ensure that prior to reporting to their ports of embarkation midshipmen
will have received appropriate immunizations following the guidance of this manual.
Dose schedules and procedures for administering these immunizations are in references
(1) and (2). Commanding Officers, NROTC units are encouraged to contact the nearest
naval or other military treatment facility to obtain the recommended immunizations.
Midshipmen who are traveling to foreign countries to meet ships must receive the highest
priority for receiving appropriate immunizations prior to leaving the United States.
(2) In certain cases, the remote location of a particular NROTC unit will make it
difficult, if not impossible, for the midshipmen of that unit to receive required
immunizations prior to reporting to their ports of embarkation. Further, the
confidentiality of ships’ movement may make it difficult to determine specific
immunization requirements. Receiving operational units shall, therefore, thoroughly
review the immunization records of midshipmen embarked and ensure that deficiencies
are corrected in the most expeditious and practical manner.
(3) Specific vaccines or prophylaxis may be required or recommended for summer
cruise involving foreign travel. Midshipmen should be briefed on basic food and water
precautions for foreign travel. Contact the nearest Navy Environmental Preventive
Medicine Unit (NAVENPVNTMEDU) for specific recommendations not addressed in
this manual.
c. Required Immunizations and Screening Tests
(1) For the cruise, all midshipmen will have a documented tuberculin (PPD) skin
test within the previous 36 months. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) testing is not
required for midshipmen prior to summer cruise. HIV testing is not required prior to the
administration of any vaccines listed below.
(2) USNA midshipmen who have received the routine schedule of vaccines at the
USNA usually do not require additional vaccines or booster doses with the possible
exception of typhoid vaccine (see subparagraph c(5) below).
(3) All NROTC midshipmen must have documentation of a basic series, or an
appropriate booster dose, of Tetanus Diphtheria (TD) toxoid within the past 10 years.
They must also have documentation of at least one dose of Measles-Mumps-Rubella
(MMR) vaccine (or its single antigen equivalents), or serologic evidence of immunity to
these viruses. College/University immunization records of vaccination or serologic
evidence of immunity may be used as documentation. This data should be transcribed to
PHS-731, and to SF 601, Immunization Record.
(4) Midshipmen attending CORTRAMID or aviation cruises will have
documented blood typing and Sickle Cell blood tests. All Midshipmen shall have their
blood type determined and documented on the outside of their medical records prior to
embarking on summer training.
(5) Summer cruise involving foreign travel. Typhoid fever, yellow fever, and oral
polio vaccines may be recommended for midshipmen whose summer cruise involves
travel to or port calls in a country where these diseases pose risks. Yellow fever vaccine
is only required for travel to countries in middle Africa or Central and tropical South
America. (Yellow fever vaccine is not required for a transit of the Panama Canal or port
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calls in the Canal Zone). Typhoid fever and polio vaccines are desirable for travel to
many countries in Central and South America, the Caribbean, Africa, the Mediterranean,
the Middle East, and Southeast Asia (excluding Japan). If practicable, these vaccines
should be given to midshipmen traveling to these areas. If obtaining these vaccines is
difficult and specific travel itineraries are available, the NROTC unit should contact the
cognizant MTF for specific recommendations on the priorities for obtaining these
vaccines. If itineraries are not available, the need for typhoid and polio vaccine can be
determined aboard the ship. Yellow fever vaccine must be obtained if there is any
possibility a midshipman will be traveling to or through a yellow fever risk area, to
preclude delays or problems with civilian authorities.
(6) Immune globulin (IG, Gamma globulin) is not routinely recommended for
midshipmen for summer cruise, or for travel to a foreign country to meet a ship.
(7) Malaria chemoprophylaxis is not routinely recommended for midshipmen
traveling to meet ships for summer cruise. The ship's medical department will provide
prophylaxis, if it is needed for future port calls. Midshipmen traveling through middle
Africa, to meet or leave a ship, should be taking malaria chemoprophylaxis. Contact the
cognizant NAVENPVNTMEDU for specific recommendations.
(8) If a female midshipman is determined to be pregnant during cruise, follow
applicable guidelines in OPNAVINST 6000.1 series.
a. When referring to overseas travel the two most important reference websites are U.S.
Foreign Clearance Guide and the U.S. Dept of State
Bureau of Consular Affairs (Passports and International Travel Guidance)
b. Requirements
(1) Midshipman Embark/Debark Coordinators will indicate in OPMIS, if a
passport is required for First and Second Class Midshipman Cruises. If required, contact
NROTC Unit George Washington University for local embassy assistance with obtaining
visas. NSTC OD311 will notify NROTC Unit Summer Cruise Coordinators directly and
via OPMIS where a passport is required for First Class FOREXTRAMID cruises. Where
a passport is required to enter a foreign nation, it typically must be an official no-fee
passport. WESTPAC, NATO and South American countries may require a visa. It is
recommended that all midshipmen traveling OUTCONUS have a valid tourist passport
where an official no-fee passport is not required. The tourist passport generally proves
useful in customs and immigrations should Midshipmen embark/debark in unexpected
locations. It is also useful as a force protection, antiterrorism alternate means of
identification versus the military ID card.
(2) If a midshipman is in possession of a valid tourist passport, it occasionally will
be acceptable depending on the embarkation and/or debarkation points. NROTC units
should check with NSTC OD311, or their PSD to verify that a tourist passport is
acceptable. PSD’s cannot issue airline tickets to any destination requiring an official no-
fee passport until the official no-fee passport has been received. If a tourist passport is
unacceptable or if the midshipman will require a visa, he/she must apply for an official
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no-fee passport:
c. Typical turnaround time is 4-6 weeks if received prior to 1 May. If submitting after 1 May, or
if passport is required in less than 45 days, submit a Letter of Expedite addressed to the U.S. State
Department along with the passport application. Using a Letter of Expedite and overnight mail,
passports can be issued in about 21 working days. The following information is required:
(1) Date of notification of cruise dates/passport requirement.
(2) Date of travel.
(3) Statement that purpose of trip is for Midshipman Summer Training and cannot
be rescheduled due to ship availability.
(4) Applicant’s name, date of birth, and SSN.
2.12. MEALS
a. It is desired that midshipmen first class be fed in the wardroom mess.
b. Midshipmen second class should be fed in the general mess.
c. USNA/NROTC Midshipmen Eating in the Wardroom Mess. USNA/NROTC
midshipmen are not to be billed personally for any wardroom mess charge. Mess bills for
NROTC and USNA midshipmen eating in the wardroom will be processed IAW
NAVSUP P-486, paragraph 2003. Midshipmen eating in a wardroom mess which
procures rations from a general mess will be identified on the GAO Standard Form 1034-
A by the general mess in order that ration credit may be claimed, as outlined below.
d. Midshipmen Subsisting in the General Mess. USNA and NROTC midshipmen eating
in a general mess will be identified on the GAO Standard Form 1034-A or NAVSUP
Form 1357 by the general mess in order that ration credit may be claimed. The form will
show the number of rations furnished each type of personnel; i.e., USNA midshipmen or
NROTC midshipmen. For NROTC and USNA midshipmen, separate certification is
required per NAVSUP Publication P-486, paragraph 2003.
NUMBERS. See Appendix for a detailed listing.
may be a few NROTC seniors on summer training who have completed all requirements for a
commission except a final at sea training period. Commissioning aboard ship or at any location
other than the parent NROTC unit is not normally authorized unless prior arrangements have
been made between NSTC, the NROTC unit, and the ship. Midshipmen should report to the
commanding officer of their parent NROTC unit for commissioning at the completion of at-sea
training. Marine Option midshipmen completing Marine Officer Candidate School are an
exception to this rule.
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a. Action required for commissioning when requirements are not satisfied. If the
midshipman concerned does not satisfactorily complete his or her summer training
requirements and is not considered qualified for a commission, the following action shall
be taken by the training ship:
(1) Advise NSTC and the parent NROTC unit immediately concerning any
circumstances which would tend to disqualify a midshipman for his/her commission.
(2) Process the midshipman in the same manner as for those completing a regular
summer training period. Direct the midshipman to return to his/her parent NROTC unit.
a. Fund Allocation. Non-appropriated funds from the BUPERS Central Recreation Fund
are made available for recreation of midshipmen during summer training periods at the
DoD-wide standardized allocation rate. This rate is per midshipman for the entire cruise
period. The fund is provided directly to cognizant major commands (Fleet, TYCOM, OIC,
etc.) by the Bureau of Naval Personnel (PERS-652D) upon request, subject to distribution
instructions issued by NSTC. Further redistribution of available funds to subordinate
commands involved in midshipman summer training (i.e., individual ship, group,
squadron commanders) will be effected as determined and directed by the cognizant
major command.
b. Administration of Non-Appropriated Funds. Misappropriated funds are, in effect, trust
funds generated by Navy personnel to help provide financial support for their recreational
activities. Adequate controls must be instituted, therefore, to guard against the misuse of
these funds. Fund administrators (commanders, commanding officers, and other officials
who have funds under their jurisdiction) shall ensure that such funds are properly and
effectively administered (received, safeguarded, and accounted for) and that the benefits
of these funds be channeled only to eligible personnel.
c. Intended Uses of Funds. The primary purpose for the provision of non-appropriated
funds from the BUPERS Central Recreation Fund is to assist in offsetting the costs
involved in midshipmen participation in recreational/wardroom social functions scheduled
while on active duty for training. Funds must be expended for recreational purposes only.
The use of such funds for incentive awards, gifts, cruise book expenses, honorary plaques,
flowers, and similar non-recreational purposes is specifically prohibited by current Navy
directives or policy.
d. Supplemental Support. The Chief of Naval Personnel will not honor requests for
supplemental non-appropriated fund support above that provided in paragraph 215a.
Additionally, due to the inequity involved, supplemental non-appropriated fund monetary
support for midshipmen recreational purposes should not be solicited or provided from
other non-appropriated funding sources such as claimant/Composite/Unit Recreation
Funds under the cognizance of the Chief of Naval Personnel.
e. Accounting for Non-Appropriated Funds. Accountability for non-appropriated funds
commences upon receipt of such funds, either directly from the Chief of Naval Personnel
or from responsible major commands. These funds may either be deposited in a local
Composite/Unit Recreation Fund for the specific use of the midshipmen unit undergoing
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training or in a local bank account in the name of the midshipman unit. If a separate bank
account is established, the fund administrator shall notify the depositor in writing that the
Chief of Naval Personnel is successor in interest to the account and that no responsibility
will attach to the bank after transfer of funds to or under the order of the Chief of Naval
Personnel. The use of a personal (individual) checking account for this purpose is
prohibited. All disbursements from the funds provided shall be accounted for separately
with receipts covering such expenditures retained as official records related to the
disbursements. A final report listing the specific uses of funds, together with a check for
any residual amounts, shall be forwarded to the Chief of Naval Personnel (PERS-652D).
f. Command Non-Appropriated Fund Financial Report (Report Control Symbol 1533-
67). Those commands (Fleet, TYCOM, OICs) provided an allocation of non-appropriated
funds directly from the BUPERS Central Fund for midshipmen recreation purposes shall
forward a final consolidated financial report to the Commander, Bureau of Naval
Personnel (PERS 652D) within 30 days following completion of the midshipman summer
training period. This letter report shall include a listing, by dollar amounts, of the specific
uses of the funds (e.g., Sightseeing Tour Expense, $X.XX; Recreation Field Meet,
$X.XX), accompanied by a check or money order made payable to the "Bureau of Naval
Personnel" for any residual amount. A copy of the final financial report shall be provided
to NSTC (NSTC OD31).
2.16. PRE-COMMISSIONING PHYSICALS. Due to the remote location of many
NROTC units, it is often difficult to complete pre-commissioning physicals for First Class
Midshipmen. First Class cruise offers a viable opportunity to administer these physicals to
many midshipmen, and in accordance with COMNAVMEDCOMNOTE 6120, if not already
accomplished, the requirement to have a pre-commissioning physical should clearly be marked
on each midshipman's Senior NROTC Training Orders (NAVEDTRA 1320/6) by units.
MEDTs will coordinate onsite pre- commissioning physical exams with appropriate ship and
COMNAVMEDCOM personnel wherever possible. Completed physicals should be
forwarded to the midshipman's parent unit.
2.17. UNIT AWARDS. In almost all cases, personnel assigned for training duty are not
eligible for unit awards such as the Navy Expeditionary Medal. A person assigned in a training
status (such as all midshipmen on cruise) may receive consideration for a unit award if the ship's
commanding officer certifies to the Chief of Naval Operations via the Fleet commander that the
person made an individual, particular, and significant contribution to the mission of the
command. (SECNAVINST 1650.1H, Navy and Marine Corps Awards Manual, is germane.)
NROTC midshipmen are eligible for awards for which they may qualify when serving on active
duty, but not for periods spent as fulltime college students. Each activity holding individual
service records will make appropriate entries on unit awards, campaign and service medals.
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a. Midshipman Professional Development - General. Summer cruise training is an
essential element of professional development of midshipmen. As a result, the goals and
objectives for summer cruise are ambitious but essential to the development of
professional competencies within these midshipmen. In the past, cruise experiences in
support of USNA/NROTC training and education objectives have varied depending on
operating tempos, Fleet exercises, availability of training services, maintenance and even
weather factors. However, cruise successes, in the eyes of the midshipmen, have been
linked consistently with the innovations and initiatives of individual units regardless of
employment or schedule. The identification of specific objectives for this year's summer
training is an attempt to compensate for the differences in deployments and training
opportunities and to standardize the attainment of desired professional competencies. The
report on the fitness of midshipman (Chapter 4), and the post-cruise examination for most
midshipmen, will measure the efficiency of summer cruise training in the accomplishment
of those specific competencies. The measure of training achieved and the individual
midshipmen evaluations are important data on the progress toward obtaining a
commission in the naval service.
b. Factors Affecting Training and Motivation. Professional training and motivation of
midshipmen will result from establishing the proper training environment and adhering to
prescribed training plans.
(1) CO/XO Involvement. Experience has shown that the single most important
factor in a midshipman's cruise experience is the involvement of the Commanding Officer
and Executive Officer in midshipmen training. Those ships in which the CO and XO take
a personal interest in midshipmen training stand out sharply from the rest. A ship which
is expecting the midshipmen and is prepared for them makes the finest possible first
impression and sets the tone for the duration of the cruise. Similarly, CO/XO
involvement should start with a personal welcome aboard upon arrival and continue with
genuine interest. Frequent contact with midshipmen, even if it is only to ask how their day
is going, in passing, makes a big impact on midshipmen morale and enthusiasm for
training. All efforts toward making second class midshipmen feel welcome will pay great
dividends. Finally, the CO or XO must take the time to counsel midshipmen on their
performance and on their fitness reports. The midshipmen deserve the same sort of
counseling provided to junior officers on their strengths and weaknesses. The midshipman
you train this year could be your division officer next year.
(2) Midshipman Training Officer (MTO). The MTO is directly responsible for
developing the ship's training plan for midshipmen and its proper implementation aboard
ship. The MTO must be warfare qualified and should be a top-performing officer at the
LT/LTJG level. COs/XOs are encouraged to pick their best officers as MTOs.
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(3) Midshipmen Running Mates. Each midshipman shall be assigned a running
mate. Running mates have a great impact upon midshipmen's perceptions of the cruise,
the ship and the Navy. All running mates should be highly motivated, top performing
individuals who are positive role-models and strongly motivated towards the naval
(a) Running mates for midshipmen 1/C ideally should be warfare-qualified
division officers, at the LT/LTJG level.
(b) Midshipmen participating in an enlisted cruise will be assigned high
caliber, career motivated, and warfare qualified (to the max extent possible) E-6 to
E-7 running mates. They will stand enlisted watches and will be berthed and
messed in enlisted spaces and facilities. Midshipmen will be assigned to a petty
officer to promote a sense of leadership and responsibility and contribute to
overall midshipmen training program goals and objectives. Midshipmen will not
be assigned duties such as chipping paint, cleaning bilges, or mess cooking for
extended periods. However, they should become actively involved in work-center
tasks, including those requiring manual labor. The working uniform for the
enlisted cruise is NWUs/Type 3s (coveralls when appropriate). Work centers are
encouraged to supply midshipmen with coveralls, so that they can perform/assist
in the duties of their running mate. It must be noted that a significant majority of
the midshipmen have no shipboard experience, and the only exposure to the
shipboard life/organization has been through their naval science classes. Running
mates should function as teachers, showing the midshipmen how things are run
and when the midshipmen have demonstrated proficiency in a particular area,
turning over tasks for the midshipmen to accomplish.
(4) Training Environment. An enthusiastic and involved ship's company from the
commanding officer to midshipmen running mates is indispensable to midshipman
training and motivation. It is recognized that the ship's commitments, operational or
otherwise, continue and that midshipmen training obligations often compound the
difficulty in meeting these commitments. Midshipman awareness of the difficulty is
desirable as part of their professional development; however, any perception by
midshipmen that their presence is burdensome to the command greatly reduces their
motivation to meet training goals. Therefore, the assignment of career-oriented
midshipmen training officers and running mates is of critical importance. The shipboard
personnel assigned to these billets should be present throughout the duration of the cruise
and carefully screened to exhibit the highest professional motivation.
c. Maximizing Training Opportunities During Changing Circumstances. In accordance
with OPNAVINST 1530 SERIES, the average underway time for ships participating in
summer cruises is estimated to be about 10 days per cruise; however, individual ships'
schedules will vary. Should unforeseeable schedule changes arise which significantly
reduce midshipmen training opportunities, midshipmen training officers should provide
alternate means of satisfying training requirements, such as short embarkations on sister
ships or the scheduling of classroom training (Firefighting, Damage Control, 3M schools,
etc.) to the extreme action of administratively cross-decking midshipmen to other ships.
Midshipmen Embarkation/ Debarkation Teams (MEDTs) and/or MLOs are available to
assist in matters of this nature. The summer training handbook, which was distributed by
each NROTC Unit and USNA staff personnel, is an important part of the midshipmen's
summer training. However, an equally important part is the full participation of
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midshipmen in a wide variety of shipboard activities and qualifications.
a. Specific goals. The broad goals and objectives of midshipman summer training are
outlined in Chapter 1.
(1) Specific goals for the training of midshipmen second class are:
(a) To familiarize each midshipman with the duties and responsibilities of
an enlisted petty officer (E4-E5), including quarterdeck Petty Officer of the Watch
(b) To familiarize midshipmen with the duties and responsibilities of the
Damage Control Center (DCC) watch/personnel, including qualification in basic
damage control PQS.
(c) To familiarize each midshipman with the duties and responsibilities of
engineering watches for the engineering plant inport and Engineering Officer of
the Watch (EOOW)underway.
(d) To familiarize each midshipman with the duties and responsibilities of
the Boatswain's Mate of the Watch (BMOW) and other bridge watchstations.
(e) To familiarize each midshipman with the duties and responsibilities of
the PMS supervisor/301 maintenance man.
(f) On submarines, to familiarize each midshipman as
helmsman/planesman, Messenger of the Watch, lookout, and (if extended in port
operations permit) Petty Officer of the Deck/Topside Security.
(2) Specific goals for the training of midshipmen first class are:
(a) To familiarize each midshipman with the daily duties and
responsibilities of a Division Officer onboard a ship, submarine, or in a squadron.
(b) To familiarize each midshipman with the in port/at sea
watchstations/watchstanding duties of a Division Officer.
(c) On submarines, to qualify as Basic Submarine Officer and Diving
Officer of the Watch.
b. Training Phases. The following summarizes the basic training which will accomplish
the specific goals and objectives above.
(1) Inport. All midshipmen should receive tours of various ship types while in
port, to broaden their exposure. Ships should make arrangements for reciprocal tours with
ships of different classes. NROTC Midshipmen Second Class and UNSNA Midshipmen
Third Class.
1. Assignment to duty sections in accordance with regular ship policy.
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2. Assignment to various in port watches such as Quarterdeck Petty
Officer of the Watch, boat crews, DC Central Watch, cold iron watch, etc.
3. Performance of assigned ship's work within the department to which
assigned, while remaining within the framework of the formal training
program. All midshipmen are expected to become familiar with the duties
of a PMS supervisor/301 maintenance man.
4. Participation in all types of in port drills, with particular emphasis on
Damage Control.
5. Rotation through major line departments (optional).
(c) Midshipmen First Class
1. Assignment to duty section in accordance with regular ship policy.
duties (U/I).
2. Assignment to JOOD watches and Boat Officer
3. Assignment to watches, responsibilities, tasks and duties as OODs (in
port) and with Damage Control Petty Officers in the execution of their
4. Assignment to duties with Shore Patrol Units in an "under instruction"
status. They should not be employed as members of the Shore Patrol, or as
Beach Guards, either as officers or patrolmen, but they may be assigned
administrative or liaison duties at Patrol Headquarters, or as assistants to
the Senior Patrol or Beach Guard Officer.
(2) Underway
(a) NROTC Midshipmen Second Class and USNA Midshipmen Third
1. Assignment to divisions for training in the workcenter
operations and maintenance activities.
2. Assignment to various watches, rotating watches between
stations to broaden experience. Formal training should continue
during these watches.
3. Assignment to GQ and condition watch stations.
4. Rotation through major line departments (optional).
(b) Midshipmen First Class
1. Assignment to junior officer watches. (During the underway
periods, midshipmen should stand a minimum of three watches in
Central Control Station (CCS), CIC, and on the bridge.)
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2. In addition to these minimum watch requirements, midshipmen
should observe the following special evolutions (minimums stated),
as schedules permit:
a. One light off and one securing watch in
central control.
b. One special sea and anchor detail on the forecastle and
one sea detail on the bridge.
c. One casualty control training period in
central control.
d. One GQ training period in CIC.
e. One GQ training period in DC Central.
c. Watch-standing on Nuclear Powered Ships. Midshipmen are encouraged to tour the
engineering spaces on nuclear powered ships and be familiar with the propulsion plant;
however, they may not stand watches, including under instruction watches, as this is
contrary to NAVSEA directives.
d. Additional Cruise Guidance for Midshipmen: USNA and NROTC units have provided
2/C and 3/C Midshipmen with a supplemental cruise guide modeled after the Enlisted
Surface Warfare Specialist Manual (ESWS) (see Appendix M). The guide will include
various knowledge and practical factors that Midshipmen will need to complete during
their cruise. The administration of this program should be conducted in a manner similar
to ESWS and Enlisted Submarine Qualifications. Commands should ensure only
qualified personnel sign off Midshipmen guides. Commanding Officers are encouraged
to modify cruise guides as appropriate to account for platform difference and optimize the
cruise experience. The cruise guide has been designed so that a Midshipman can
complete it during a typical four-week cruise. The goal is not to turn the second class
cruise into a quest for signatures, but to provide guidance on what they should be learning
and what activities they should attempt to accomplish. USNA/ROTC units can tailor their
guides to reflect the training their Midshipmen have had prior to cruise and what
signatures are necessary for a beneficial cruise.
e. Shipboard Administration
(1) Midshipmen Organization. A separate organization for embarked midshipmen
is not desired. To assist in integrating midshipmen into the existing shipboard
organization a sample ship’s notice is presented in Appendix A. The assignment of
midshipmen first class to a specific junior officer billet for the duration of cruise is
encouraged, but not required, although they must spend a minimum of two weeks in one
department. Watches for midshipmen first class may, however, be in a different
department. Midshipmen second class may be rotated at least every two weeks through a
combination of Operations, Weapons/Deck or Engineering Departments. This rotation is
optional and should be reviewed by the ship's MTO.
NSTC M-1533.5D
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midshipmen will complete a web-based questionnaire upon return from cruise. The survey
will be emailed to each midshipman upon completion of his/her cruise. Submission is
mandatory only by NROTC midshipmen who participate in summer training cruises. This
includes NROTC midshipmen who participate in CORTRAMID. Midshipmen may also be
asked to complete the Midshipmen Debrief Sheet (for ship’s use, see Appendix B) prior to
debark. Midshipmen comments and numerical ranking of items, on both the questionnaire and
on the debrief sheet, should reflect a candid, yet professional perception of cruise.
Each year, several second class midshipmen from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy and the
state-sponsored maritime schools express interest in a month long active training period aboard
U.S. Navy vessels prior to commencing their second academy sponsored six month long at-sea
training periods aboard U.S. flag merchant ships. These selected midshipmen already have
approximately six months experience on board merchant ships during the at-sea period of their
third class year and are expressing strong interest in extended active naval service following
graduation. These second class midshipmen shall be provided the same berthing and training as
offered to midshipmen first class from the U.S. Naval Academy and NROTC units, as outlined
in section 301 of this manual. In most cases, these maritime academy midshipmen shall not be
authorized pay due to funding constraints. Midshipmen from the U.S. Merchant Marine
Academy will also carry academy-required training projects concentrating in their major course
areas (i.e., Marine Transportation or Marine Engineering), in addition to NSTC's training
handbook. Most maritime school graduates sail on U.S. flag merchant ships in accordance with
the mission for which they were directly trained; however, many apply and are accepted for
extended active naval service upon commissioning, and ultimately become career naval officers.
The experiences of these midshipmen who participate in NSTC sponsored at-sea training will
better prepare them to accept a four-year active duty commitment. Fitness reports should be
prepared for these midshipmen, as outlined in paragraph 403, and forwarded to the appropriate
Officer in Charge, Department of Naval Science listed in paragraph 213.
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4.0. GENERAL. Midshipmen fitness reports during summer training cruises are optional.
Commanding Officers are encouraged to submit fitness reports for particularly outstanding or
deficient performance. If a fitness report is submitted on an individual midshipman the
following information is germane. Aptitude for the service as determined from professional
reports of fitness is used at the Naval Academy and in the NROTC Program to describe a
midshipman's officer qualities, potential as a naval officer, and current performance in relation to
his/her contemporaries. A midshipman's professional performance during summer training may
be the basis for the military performance grade that is assigned at the end of the training period.
This grade may:
a. Directly influence the midshipman's opportunity to attain a higher rank after summer
b. Affect a retention decision in the event that academic problems arise or in the event the
midshipman possesses insufficient aptitude for service as a commissioned officer.
c. May have an effect on final class standing and warfare specialty selection. Since the
midshipmen are only observed by their school’s naval staff under essentially academic
surroundings, the fitness reports developed during at-sea training cruises are of
importance and warrant careful and complete consideration. General remarks and inflated
marks should be avoided unless accompanied by specific, explanatory statements. The
midshipmen are in training to be officers. A major part of that training involves
correction of faults where necessary. By providing specific shortcomings as well as
specific strengths, a logical counseling program can be instituted at the midshipman's
parent unit to ensure that his/her weaknesses are recognized and eliminated and strong
points reinforced. In the case of extremely adverse marks or problems the ship/squadron
should contact the MLO to make arrangements to have the midshipman returned to his/her
parent unit.
4.1. OBJECTIVES. The main objectives of the aptitude system are:
a. To determine to what degree midshipmen possess officer qualities and qualifications
for positions of authority and responsibility within the battalion and to provide a
comparison with their peer group.
b. To provide counseling and guidance based on an assessment of midshipmen in a
Fleet environment toward improvement of officer qualities of midshipmen. Counseling
and guidance are two of the most important phases of the military performance system.
Even the outstanding performer may have a minor fault that would warrant comment for
his/her own future improvement. On the other hand, a midshipman who is at or near the
bottom of the peer group in performance is not necessarily an unsuitable officer
candidate. He/she may be at or near the bottom of a group of midshipmen who are
generally excellent. Midshipmen with unsatisfactory or borderline performance have, by
participating in frank and informal discussions with a division officer, department head,
or executive officer, improved to the extent that they become fully acceptable.
Commanding officers are encouraged to counsel those midshipmen who appear low in
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performance, informing them of their deficiencies and making recommendations for
improvement. In the case of a midshipman who is very low in performance, a brief
record of the initial and subsequent interviews and progress made by him/her should be
made in the remarks section and continued on the reverse side of his final fitness report.
Each midshipman must be specifically counseled on the contents of their fitness report
prior to debark. Midshipmen fitness reports must be signed by either the commanding
officer or executive officer. Midshipmen must have their original fitness report given to
them prior to detaching from cruise.
4.2. RESPONSIBILITY. The responsibility for proper assessment of professional
performance and the assignment and submission of military performance grades for each
midshipman on summer training rests with the commanding officer of the ship,
squadron, or
unit to which the midshipman is assigned. The attention of all commanding officers is invited
to paragraph
4.3. PROCEDURES. Each midshipman to be evaluated will fill out the appropriate
1610/2), and submit the report as
directed by his/her ship's
a. Interim Reports. Interim reports on midshipmen are not required; however, each
department having a midshipman assigned during a part of the cruise should track the
midshipman's progress and provide a feeder evaluation to the officer who may submit a
final report.
SUBMITTED) A final report of performance will be prepared by a commissioned
officer as designated by the commanding officer for the commanding officer's or
executive officer's signature using the Fleet Officer Fitness Report format (NAVPERS
1610/2). Information unique to midshipman fitness reports is as follows:
BLOCK 3: Leave blank
BLOCK 5: Mark AT/ADSW block
BLOCK 17: Mark REGULAR block
BLOCK 29: Primary duty for MIDN 1/C should be "ASST DIVO". Primary
duty for MIDN 2/C will be dependent upon the duties assigned by the ship and
running mate. Include any additional responsibilities and watches assigned.
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BLOCKS 33-38: Assign grades for all observed areas in accordance with
BUPERS guidance. Any outstanding remarks should be commented on in block.
a. Professional Expertise - Midshipmen should report for summer
training with basic knowledge acquired during the academic year. Did
the midshipman:
- properly utilize the chain of command?
- display basic knowledge of shipboard systems?
- understand watch-standing procedures?
- apply knowledge to day-to-day performance?
b. Equal Opportunity - Did the midshipman:
- fully support the Navy’s policy on respect for
all, by his/her actions and words?
- present fair and impartial treatment of his/her subordinates and peers
without regard to race, religion, or gender?
- show a sensitivity to diversity issues?
- help to maintain an environment free of discrimination and harassment?
c. Military bearing/Character - Each midshipman is expected
to uphold the highest standards, and to hold the highest respect for the
Navy and all it stands for. Does the midshipman:
- show correct posture, appearance, and uniform?
- know and observe Navy courtesies and tradition?
- show a commitment to physical fitness?
- display sobriety, moral courage, and maturity?
d. Teamwork - Midshipmen should display awareness of being part of a
larger team. Does the midshipman:
- exhibit enthusiasm for support in crew and team activities?
- understand the reasons for unpopular or difficult policy decisions
regarding limitations/restriction on liberty?
- perform their fair share of work in planning and executing activities?
- work well with others, or try to take over the
e. Mission Accomplishment and Initiative Midshipmen should display
motivation toward accomplishing goals to the best of their ability, as well
as a desire to seek out a higher level
of responsibility. Does the midshipman:
- have an aggressive attitude toward mission accomplishment?
- aggressively pursue PQS qualifications?
- through force of personality carry others along towards accomplishing
assigned tasks?
- actively seek out additional learning opportunities?
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f. Leadership - Midshipmen should understand the importance of being
able to motivate and develop others to accomplish goals. Does the
- effectively motivate both subordinates and peers?
- anticipate problems before they occur and plan accordingly?
- perform well in stressful situations?
- communicate clearly?
BLOCK 39: Mark NOB block
BLOCK 40: Recommendation may be made for milestones
such as selection for a specific midshipman battalion leadership position,
commissioning, or service selection to a particular
warfare community.
BLOCK 41: Comments should reflect specific accomplishments and
qualifications completed during the cruise that support end achievement of the
summer training goals.
BLOCK 42: Recommendation should reflect desirability for retention and for
promotion to MIDN 1/C (for MIDN 2/C) or for commissioning (for MIDN 1/C).
The percentage of midshipmen graded Early Promote should be in accordance
with BUPERS guidance for officers. If the Commanding Officer feels that
he/she cannot make a promotion desirability recommendation due to the limited
amount of time the midshipman spends onboard, this recommendation may be
omitted. However, Block 41 comments should reflect the midshipman’s overall
performance while onboard.
c. Special Interviews. Certain USNA midshipmen who are on military performance
probation will require special observation for counsel and guidance. A list of USNA
midshipmen to be so evaluated will be promulgated in separate correspondence by the
USNA Performance Officer. Any questions concerning this matter should be addressed
to Performance Officer at commercial (410) 293-3185 or DSN 281-3185. A
commissioned officer designated by the commanding officer should conduct the
interviews required and make evaluations as requested using the counsel and guidance
interview forms provided (see Figure 4-1). These reports will be mailed to USNA upon
completion of the interview. This interview form may be reproduced locally as needed.
d. Final Fitness Reports. Midshipmen fitness reports, if submitted, are to be prepared
by a designated commissioned officer for the Commanding Officer’s signature and must
be given to the midshipman at the end of their cruise, prior to their departure.
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1. Midshipman was in interviewed/counseled
regarding his/her aptitude for the service.
2. This interview covers the period: Midn
reported on board on .
3. A tabulation (quoted below) of the aptitude evaluations submitted are noted. The
evaluations have been read and discussed with the midshipman:
4. During the interview, the midshipman exhibited the following behaviors: (Include any pertinent
comments made during interview.)
5. The specific areas discussed with this midshipman were:
a. Effort made during reporting period:
b. Trends of performance of duty:
c. Major areas of weakness in pattern of behavior or performance:
6. The goals set by this midshipman in overcoming aptitude deficiencies were:
7. Since the last interview, this midshipman has:
( ) This is my first interview with this midshipman
( ) Regressed ( ) Shown no improvement
( ) Improved ( ) Improved greatly
My reasons for indicating this are:
8. In comparison with classmates, I consider this midshipman to be:
( ) Unsatisfactory ( ) Below average ( ) Average
( ) Above average to excellent ( ) Outstanding
9. I rank this midshipman______of______midshipmen assigned to
(Name and Identification of Evaluator)
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5.0. GENERAL. A midshipman's obligation to serve in the Navy encompasses his/her
assigned duties and every facet of private and public behavior afloat and ashore. In
preparation for status as a commissioned officer, it is the responsibility of each midshipman
to adhere to a standard of conduct that merits admiration and respect. A midshipman shall
display an excellent example of subordination, courage, zeal, sobriety, neatness, and
attention to duty. All conduct shall reflect the propriety and decorum which characterizes a
naval officer.
a. Major Offenses. Major offenses are those which involve moral turpitude, a serious
breach of discipline, a hardened disregard or contempt for authority, an incorrigible lack of
energy and purpose, a culpable lack of responsibility, or which bring discredit upon the naval
service. Offenses of moral turpitude include, but are not limited to, lying, chicanery, fraud,
plagiarism, and theft.
b. Minor Offenses. Minor offenses are of a less serious nature and generally
involve infractions of instructions, orders, or regulations.
a. Although subject to punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ),
midshipmen are normally not charged under this code except for the gravest offenses.
The Judge Advocate General has ruled that the routine operation of the Naval Academy
Conduct System is an administrative procedure not falling within the purview of the
UCMJ, and that Article 15, UCMJ is normally not applied to midshipmen of the Naval
Academy, whether at the Academy or undergoing summer training. This ruling is
considered applicable to NROTC midshipmen as well. The Commandant of
Midshipmen desires that USNA midshipmen who commit offenses which would
normally be punished under Article 15 of the UCMJ be returned to the Naval Academy
for disciplinary action.
b. At the Naval Academy, the Commandant of Midshipmen exercises jurisdiction over
conduct offenses.
c. At each NROTC unit, the Commanding Officer (Professor of Naval Science)
exercises jurisdiction over conduct offenses.
d. For offenses committed during midshipmen summer training, commanding officers
will assign disciplinary measures deemed appropriate to the offense. Midshipman
conduct reports should be processed in a private manner, i.e., review and assignment of
disciplinary action (if determined appropriate) by the executive officer and commanding
officer (see paragraph 504). Commanding officers may assign the following disciplinary
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(1) Warnings
(2) Restriction
(3) Loss of liberty
(4) Loss of leave
(5) Loss of other privileges
(6) Removal from summer training program. (Removal from ship and return to
the midshipman's parent unit may be assigned for major offenses.)
e. For offenses committed and disciplinary measures assigned during midshipman
summer training, the Commandant of Midshipmen or the Professor of Naval Science of
each NROTC unit will take disciplinary action for assignment of demerits or other
disciplinary action. This action will be taken upon completion of the summer training
f. Midshipmen Liaison Officers (MLOs) will immediately notify NSTC/USNA when
learning of any incident involving an NROTC/USNA midshipman (respectively) that
has the potential to draw negative attention to NSTC or USNA.
g. NROTC Unit Commanding Officers are required to officially contact the Fleet
command from which midshipman were detached and acknowledge the MIDN's return
and inform the Fleet command that appropriate disciplinary or administrative actions are
being taken. It is inappropriate to discuss the exact nature of the actions taken.
5.3. REPORT OF MAJOR OFFENSES. (Report Control Symbol 1533-8). Whenever a
midshipman commits a major offense (as defined in paragraph 501a), the commanding officer
a. Conduct an investigation and forward the result with the commanding officer's
recommendation to the Commandant of Midshipmen or the Commander, Naval Service
Training Command, and also to the NROTC Unit Commanding Officer, as appropriate.
The report should include the offending midshipman's written statement. The
commanding officer should include in the endorsement an enumeration of any
disciplinary measures imposed as a result of the offense.
b. In cases of a major offense which could be grounds for discharge or might have
international complications, a message report shall be sent within 24 hours of the time
the offense becomes known to naval authorities. Action addressees will include the
Commandant of Midshipmen or the Professor of Naval Science, as appropriate, with an
information copy to NSTC and the appropriate Fleet commander. Follow-up reports will
be submitted as the situation dictates. Utilize the following PLA in reporting:
And the appropriate NROTC Unit PLA (see MSTM
Appendix T)
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c. Due care shall be taken to ensure administrative privacy in the case of USNA or
NROTC honor offenses.
d. After appropriate liaison with the Fleet Midshipmen Liaison Officer (paragraph 110),
commanding officers have the authority to terminate the training of a midshipman who
commits a major conduct offense and return him/her to the parent unit. In cases of a
midshipman's termination of training due to misconduct, a message notification should
be sent by the training ship to USNA or the parent NROTC unit with an information
and the Fleet commander. Again, the Commandant of Midshipmen desires the return to
the Naval Academy of USNA midshipmen who commit offenses that would normally be
punished under Article 15 of the UCMJ.
5.4. HANDLING OF CONDUCT OFFENSES. "Report of Conduct" forms, if
required, should be reproduced locally (see Figure 5-1). These forms serve two purposes:
a. They are to be used in lieu of the ship's UCMJ Charge Sheet.
b. As attachments to the ship's Report of Conduct Offenses (paragraph 505), they provide
all information necessary for the Commandant or NROTC Professor of Naval Science to
review conduct offenses and assign demerits or take appropriate action.
5.5. SHIP'S REPORT OF CONDUCT OFFENSES. (Report Symbol 1533-9). At the end
of each summer training program, commanding officers will submit summary reports by letter to
the Commandant of Midshipmen and/or the NROTC unit Professor of Naval Science, as
appropriate. An information copy should be sent to Commander, Naval Service Training
Command and Director, NSTC Officer Development Pensacola, FL. In the letter report list: Last
name, first name, middle initial of each midshipman for whom a "Report of Conduct" form is
attached. In the event a midshipman conduct offense was handled wherein the "Report of
Conduct" form (Figure 5-1) was not used, include:
a. Last name, first name, middle initial of midshipman involved.
b. Brief statement of each offense.
c. Disciplinary measures assigned.
NOTE: It is anticipated that, through the use of the "Report of
Conduct" form, mast reports for
minor offenses will be unnecessary. In the event a major offense is committed, an investigation
report should be submitted with the report of conduct.
NSTC M-1533.5D
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From: Commanding Officer/Officer in Charge (Training Unit)
To: Commandant of Midshipmen and/or Professor of Naval Science, NROTC Unit
Copy to: Director, NSTC Officer Development, Pensacola FL Name (Last, First, Middle
Initial(s)) Class of Parent Unit Date and Time of Offense
Has statement been submitted(Initial answer): Yes No
Offense (Print or type brief statement of offense. Use additional pages, if
Disciplinary action taken:
Signature (Originator) Rank
Commanding Officer’s Action Signature (Commanding Officer)
Commandant’s (or PNS) Action Signature (Commandant or PNS)
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6.0. GENERAL. This chapter summarizes information and instructions not found
elsewhere in this manual, but which are considered to be of immediate significance to
midshipmen participating in summer training. NROTC unit cruise coordinators and the
USNA Summer Training Staff shall ensure that midshipmen are briefed prior to cruise on the
following. This information is also provided in the midshipman summer training handbook
which each midshipman is required to hand carry to the active training site. Appendix C
provides additional information for midshipmen pre-cruise briefings.
6.1. EQUIPMENT TO BE TAKEN BY MIDSHIPMEN. The equipment listed in
Appendix S is the minimum and, where indicated, the maximum amount that is to be carried by
each midshipman undergoing summer training.
a. Luggage. Each traveler on a commercial or Airlift Mobility Command (AMC)
aircraft has a specific free authorization for checked and carry-on baggage. The exact
definition of this free authorization varies, depending upon the carrier. Different U.S.
flag commercial airlines have slightly different specifications regarding the weight and
size limitations of the free baggage allowance and vary considerably in the charges for
such oversize items. Generally, two pieces of checked baggage, each piece not
exceeding 50 pounds, will be transported free of charge. Excess baggage will not be
authorized unless specifically authorized in the travel order. The Personnel Support
(NAVPTO) should be contacted when doubt exists as to the free authorization.
b. Firearms are prohibited aboard commercial or government aircraft.
c. Civilian Clothes for Midshipmen. NROTC and USNA midshipmen are strongly
encouraged to take appropriate civilian clothes on summer training and are authorized to
wear civilian clothes while ashore during summer training. In certain parts of the
Mediterranean and the Western Pacific, civilian clothes must be worn on liberty and for
commercial travel. Civilian attire appropriate for wear by midshipmen will correspond to
that worn on liberty by officers. Some ships/ports require pants with loops/belt and shirt
with long sleeves and a collar. For females, this includes non-provocative, non-midriff,
shoulder or thigh baring attire. If northern climates are included in the itinerary, heavier
clothing should be included. Midshipmen are again cautioned that in most cases space
aboard ship will be severely restricted.
d. Midshipmen may not take suitcases and other non- collapsible baggage on board
submarines. There is no space for these types of items on a submarine.
e. There have been many instances where delay or loss of baggage has resulted in
midshipmen commencing training without their uniforms, journals, or orders. In order
to prevent further problems, midshipmen must hand-carry their orders, ID
Card, medical records, training handbook, uniform and sufficient undergarments to the
training activity.
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6.2. CURRENCY EXCHANGE. Disbursing officers are authorized to exchange foreign
currency back into U.S. currency, but only in an amount equal to or less than the amount
originally purchased from the disbursing officer. Therefore, midshipmen are cautioned not to
purchase amounts in excess of their estimated expenditures ashore. It is also strongly
recommended that only disbursing officers or other reliable currency exchangers be used to
exchange money. The best exchange rate can usually be obtained from disbursing officers.
6.3. PERSONAL FUNDS. NROTC midshipmen receive advance pay for training while
USNA midshipmen continue to receive pay into their personal accounts on a monthly basis.
Midshipmen should take sufficient funds (i.e., $250-300) to defray transportation/berthing
costs in an emergency and to cover their planned expenses for the entire training period. They
are urged to carry excess funds in the form of money orders and/or travelers’ checks (see
below). In accordance with provisions of the manual of the Comptroller of the Navy,
commanding officers may authorize disbursing officers outside the continental United States
to cash specified checks and money orders, provided that U.S. commercial banking facilities,
U.S. Post Office facilities, and Navy Mail Clerks are not available or do not have adequate
a. Life at sea demands a high standard of personal cleanliness, cooperation, and safety
among shipmates. Each midshipman is responsible for the cleanliness and orderly
arrangement of his/her assigned bunk and locker. Each midshipman has the additional
responsibility to the compartment cleaner to cooperate in keeping the entire space clean
and orderly. Midshipmen are reminded that mess management personnel will not make
up bunks. They will clean the deck and washbasins and empty trash cans. It is the
midshipman's responsibility to stow personal gear.
b. Midshipmen second class will maintain the requisite standards of cleanliness of their
assigned spaces. If midshipmen have the exclusive use of heads and washrooms, they
will also clean these spaces.
c. In the event midshipmen first class are berthed in living spaces not under wardroom
cognizance, standard ship's policy will determine assignment of compartment cleaners
for these spaces.
d. Navigation workrooms, storerooms, and other spaces assigned for the specific and
exclusive use of midshipmen will be maintained in a high state of cleanliness and good
order by the midshipmen.
e. Midshipmen must recognize their ongoing responsibility for the cleanliness of
assigned spaces and the necessity for timeliness in preparing them for inspection.
f. All stray or lost midshipmen articles will be processed through the ship's Lucky Bag.
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6.5. MIDSHIPMEN GROOMING STANDARDS. The following personal grooming
standards will apply to midshipmen during their summer training cruise:
a. Naval Academy Midshipmen. Maintain grooming standards consistent with those
required by Naval Academy regulations. Facial hair is not permitted.
b. NROTC Midshipmen. Will strictly conform to Chapter 2 of the U.S. Navy Uniform
6.6. SMOKING REGULATIONS. Smoking is forbidden in certain areas
designated by the ship. Be sure to know what and where these spaces are.
6.7. BEDDING. The ship will provide necessary bedding.
6.8. TRAFFIC RULES ABOARD SHIP. Anytime the ship is called to General
Quarters, whether for drill or for an actual casualty, Midshipmen shall conform to the ships
DC procedures and traffic rules. These will normally be announced over the 1MC.
a. Cameras will be permitted onboard ship and will be stored and handled as specified
in the ship's regulations. Photography of some ship's spaces may be restricted for
security reasons.
b. Midshipmen are advised not to take valuable cameras on summer training because
adequate and secure stowage space is not always available.
6.10. DIVINE SERVICES. All midshipmen are invited to attend divine services.
6.11. CONDUCT IN FOREIGN NATIONS. Midshipmen visiting any foreign nation are
invited guests. As such, and as official representatives of the United States, you are to act as
exemplary Americans. No detail of your manners, activities, dress, conduct, or observance of
the customs of the nation visited will escape notice. Remember that standards of living and
conduct vary not only with individuals, but within families and among nations as well. Social
and moral values differ, and it would be obviously unfair to consider our own culture as a
criterion for all. The customs, habits, and lifestyles of foreigners are not unusual to them and
deserve the utmost respect. Midshipmen should avoid controversial discussions and avail
themselves of every opportunity to gain a balanced understanding of foreign people. There can
be no substitute for courtesy and good manners on every occasion.
6.12. FRATERNIZATION. Fraternization is defined as any personal relationship between
a midshipman and an officer or enlisted member which is unduly familiar and does not respect
differences in rank and grade, resulting in favoritism, preferential treatment, personal gain, or
involves actions that otherwise may reasonably be expected to undermine good order,
discipline, authority, or high unit morale. Examples include, but are not limited to: dating,
sexual intimacy, and private business partnerships. It is the midshipman's responsibility to
maintain thoroughly professional relationships at all times. Social interaction with officers and
enlisted personnel is expected and necessary for midshipmen to complete prescribed training
E-mails and other forms of communication between midshipmen and
officers or enlisted
members should always be professional and recognize the differences in rank and grade.
Midshipmen should be wary of creating the appearance of an unduly familiar relationship by
NSTC M-1533.5D
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participating in social networking with officers or enlisted members (texting, Twitter, Facebook,
etc.). Midshipmen and their running mates may go on liberty together, but should remain in
groups so as to avoid one-on-one situations. Instances of fraternization should be reported
immediately. Midshipmen shall take deliberate measures to avoid any perception from both
officers and enlisted personnel of fraternization.
a. The U.S. Customs Regulations are very specific in that exemption from payment of
duty on articles purchased abroad covers only articles intended for personal use of the
returning traveler. The term "personal use" is construed by the regulations to cover
articles purchased with the traveler's own money for his/her own use. The importation
of large quantities of material under any agreement which permits transfer of goods after
importation is an evasion of the regulations and offenders are liable to heavy fines as
well as imprisonment. An accurate record of purchases made abroad, either in the
currency of the nation where purchased or the equivalent in the United States currency,
must be stated in the customs declaration. Fair values must be given for all articles
obtained abroad other than by purchase, such as gifts.
b. Midshipmen must declare in writing anything acquired abroad which: (1) they are
bringing in for someone else at that person's request; (2) they intend to sell or use in
business; (3) they are bringing home for personal or household use, or as a souvenir or
curio; and/or (4) any articles which do not accompany the midshipman, whether they
have been sent on before the midshipman's return or are to be shipped after the
midshipman returns to the United States. Special forms will be provided by the
customs declaration.
c. Midshipmen are allowed a $400 ($800 for Virgin Islands) exemption, if the
midshipman has been outside the country for a period of 48 hours or longer, and has not
previously claimed this exemption within 30 days prior to his/her return from this trip.
d. There are certain brands of perfumes which cannot be brought into the United States.
The information on these perfumes will be made available by the ship.
e. No fresh fruits, plants in soil, pets, or meats of any kind procured outside the United
States shall be brought into the United States.
f. It is highly recommended that midshipmen register any and all serialized foreign
produced goods of any value that they intend to take out of the United States (e.g.,
cameras, jewelry, etc.) with the U.S. Customs Office prior to departure for cruise. This
can be done at most international airports or local customs office. This will prevent
having to pay duty when returning to the United States.
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
6.14. SHIPBOARD MAILING ADDRESS. Midshipmen may furnish their summer
training mailing and telegraphic addresses to their relatives and friends. Delays from two to
four weeks in receiving correspondence aboard ship are not unusual and all concerned should
be advised.
a. Mailing address (FPO AE = New York, AA = Miami, AP = San
Midshipman 1/C or 2/C
USS Underway (Hull number)
6.15. WARDROOM ETIQUETTE. Some ships' end-of-training reports from past
programs have reported midshipmen violations of traditional rules of wardroom etiquette.
Midshipmen should be reminded about the standards of conduct (Chapter 5). Some
additional guidelines are listed for information and compliance in the Summer Training
a. The uniform of the day for midshipmen will be prescribed in the ship's plan of the
day. Onboard ship, midshipmen first class will normally wear navy working uniforms
(NWUs)/coveralls, and midshipmen second class will normally wear NWUs/coveralls.
b. The following uniforms are those ordinarily prescribed for midshipmen on summer
training. Service Dress White will not usually be carried, as Summer Whites is deemed
suitable for most occasions.
(1) Travel Uniform. For CONUS (to include Hawaii) the prescribed uniform for all
1/C and 2/C midshipmen reporting to or departing from their training activity is their
NROTC unit polo and khaki pants. If unit level polo uniforms are not issued, the unit
Commanding Officer may authorize travel in appropriate civilian attire. OCS uniforms
will be as directed in their respective LOI and guide. Midshipmen travelling overseas
will be in appropriate civilian attire. For males, appropriate civilian attire generally
includes long pants, with loops/belt and collared shirt. For females, this includes non-
provocative attire. Bare midriff, shoulders or thighs are not appropriate. When attached
to a unit, midshipmen will follow the liberty uniform policy of the command.
c. NROTC unit and local awards are not authorized for wear during summer training.
NROTC unit insignia shall not be worn. Brigade/battalion midshipman rank shoulder
boards will not be worn. Only class shoulder boards are authorized.
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
d. Appendix S list the minimum uniform requirements for all midshipmen. Midshipmen
on FOREXTRAMID cruises must refer to past FOREXTRAMID reports and
information from responsible USDAOs for appropriate uniforms. These reports will be
provided upon selection for the FOREXTRAMID program. Adjustments to minimum
uniform requirements required by peculiarities of specific ships' projected operations
will be promulgated to the midshipmen involved by the Midshipmen Embarkation/
Debarkation Team prior to their departure for summer training. Midshipmen on cruise
during Fleet Week are advised to bring an extra summer white uniform.
Mobility Command (AMC) and commercial, is subject to change at short notice. Therefore,
midshipmen are advised that they should not make arrangements to be met by parents or
friends at the port of entry, without advising them that changes in aircraft arrival times
frequently occur; or, to make rigid plans or commercial reservations for onward travel.
Because of the distances involved and the frequency of adverse weather during the summer
months, travel delays of up to 72 hours from WESTPACTRAMID and MEDTRAMID cruises
may be anticipated.
6.18. GENERAL REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS. Midshipmen are to arrive on the
embarkation date indicated in OPMIS.
a. Midshipmen reporting to OUTCONUS locations not supported by a MEDT will be
provided phone numbers by the NROTC unit/USNA for U.S. military activities in that
location. This information can be obtained from the responsible MEDC.
b. All midshipmen assigned to afloat training except as noted below, will be ordered to
a ship via a Midshipmen Embarkation/Debarkation Team. The location and other
pertinent information, including local transportation, will be furnished to each NROTC
unit and the USNA via MEDC Letters of Instruction to facilitate liaison with the
servicing NAVPTO, and/or computerized database (e.g., OPMIS).
c. In the event midshipmen are to be transported to MEDTRAMID and
WESTPACTRAMID afloat units utilizing Special Assignment Airlift Mission (SAAM)
they will be issued orders directing them to AMC Terminal NAS Norfolk,
Baltimore/Washington International Airport, Philadelphia or Oakland International
Airport, as appropriate. Midshipmen using AMC transportation
will be directed to report to the appropriate AMC Aerial Port of
Embarkation (APOE).
d. Midshipmen assigned submarine cruises, FOREXTRAMID, and other special
training, will receive special reporting instructions.
e. Detailed reporting instructions for CORTRAMID can be found in NSTCNOTE 1530.
f. Midshipmen will report to their respective embarkation points on time in the proper
uniform and will ensure a proper military appearance.
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
g. Messing and Berthing:
(1) The Navy is not required to provide messing and berthing for midshipmen who
report earlier than the date designated in their orders for commencement of training.
Midshipmen should be advised to seek other low-cost lodging in the event they arrive at
the MEDT location prior to report date.
(2) If midshipmen cannot be processed and transported to assigned ships
immediately after scheduled arrival, messing and berthing shall be provided by the
MEDT until they can be transported to the ship. Appropriate endorsements shall be
made on the original orders. These delays should be minimal and should generally
occur only if the assigned ship is not immediately available as scheduled.
h. Midshipmen shall not bring a private automobile unless previously approved by the
MEDT (or USNA for USNA midshipmen) and adequate storage facilities are available.
The port of embarkation is not necessarily the port of debarkation.
i. Midshipmen returning to CONUS from overseas must ensure that their orders are
endorsed at the CONUS port of debarkation to show date, time, and place of arrival.
Without this endorsement, summer training pay cannot be accurately computed, and
delays in reimbursement can be expected.
j. All midshipmen are responsible for maintaining a set of their orders at all times.
Upon conclusion of training, the original set of orders with endorsements must be
returned to the parent command whether or not reimbursement is desired.
k. The following telephone numbers will be helpful in assisting midshipmen arriving in
areas without a MEDC/MEDT.
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland - U PENN
(215) 898-7436
Virginia, North Carolina - Hampton Roads
(757) 683-3558 (757)-683-3691
Southern California, Los Angeles - UCLA
(310) 825-9075/6/7 (310)-794-9422
Northern California, Oregon - U CAL BERKELEY
(510) 642-3551
24 hour FLEET CDO command center
PSD NAPLES 011-39-081-568-4321
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
The information below is provided for those midshipmen flying to/from cruise, via commercial
or military airlines, into Japan or Korea.
a. Japan
(1) Military Airlift. Arrival at Yokota Air Force Base via Air Mobility Command
(AMC) flight: AMC flights arrive at Yokota Air Force Base several days a week. Navy
buses are assigned to transport passengers the 2-3 hrs to Yokosuka Naval Base. Buses
depart for Yokosuka about two hours after the arrival of an AMC flight. Departure will
be adjusted if the flight arrives earlier or later than scheduled. The Army/Air Force
liaison or Terminal Information Counter can assist you.
(2) Commercial Air. Arrival at Narita International Airport on commercial air:
Incoming personnel must arrive at Narita International Airport, about 2 hours from
Yokosuka. Navy buses for Yokosuka and Atsugi leave three times a day at 1500, 1700
& 1900. The DoD liaison will get you on the bus and is located in Terminal 1
(directions below). If there is nobody at the DoD counter, a sign will tell you where to
meet the bus. If you are scheduled to arrive at Narita after the last bus, the MLO or a
ship representative will meet you at Narita airport as you exit customs. Plan the flights to
allow 2 hours from landing until report to the bus. Once the flight is arranged, go to or e-mail
[email protected] To arrange transportation. The website gives the most up to date
information required to book the bus. Students are considered “ACTIVE DUTY ON
ORDERS” for the purpose of this booking. Meet the MLO and ship representative at
PSD which is the first bus stop.
(a) Locating the DoD Counter if flight arrives at Terminal 1:
1. From north wing: After departing customs (northern wing), turn
left, the DoD counter is just before (next to) Meiji Milk and Café
2. From south wing: After departing customs turn left and walk
down corridor until you see DoD counter located on the right side
just before (next to) Meiji Milk and Café shop.
(b) Locating the DoD Counter if flight arrives at Terminal 2. Upon
departing Customs, go outside to bus stop 8 or 18. Catch a free shuttle that runs
every ten minutes to Terminal #1. At Terminal 1, get off at the second stop (street
level). Enter the terminal and the DoD Counter will be located across from the
flight arrival exit of Terminal 1 beside Meiji Milk and Café shop. If you get lost,
go to the information counter marked with a large question mark (?) and ask for
the “US NAVY BUS”. They will point you in the right direction.
(c) For transfer to Sasebo or Okinawa: A midshipman's flight itinerary may
route him/her onto a Japanese domestic airline flying out of Haneda Domestic
(Tokyo) Airport and then onto Fukuoka (Sasebo) or Okinawa. For transfer to
Haneda from Narita, take the “airport limousine” (shuttle bus).
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
1. Airport Limousine. Upon exiting customs at Narita
International, proceed to an Airport Limousine Company counter.
The bus to Haneda costs approximately 3,000 Yen (about $30) and
takes 75 minutes, but can take longer in bad traffic. The Airport
Limousine will drop you off at the Haneda departure level. Check
in with your connecting airline.
7650/51. Commercial (fr Japan)-(0468) 16-7666/7246 (fr U.S.)-
2898. Commercial (fr Japan)-(0468)16-2898, (fr U.S.)011-81-46-
b. Korea. Midshipmen traveling to Korea will ultimately be going to Chinhae Naval
Base located near Pusan. The Kimhae International Airport services the Korean city of
(1) Military Airlift. After arriving via military airlift into Osan Air Base,
midshipmen should clear customs then contact the Commander, Naval Forces Korea
(CNFK) duty office. If continuing on via the Military Airlift Command (MAC) flight to
Kimhae (Pusan), the CNFK duty officer will advise Commander, Fleet Activities
Chinhae. For follow on commercial air travel to Kimhae (Pusan) from Kimpo
International Airport (Seoul) catch the bus ($5) from MAC terminal to the Yongsan bus
terminal. The bus ride is 1-hour in length and leaves approximately every hour.
Transportation from Yongsan to Kimpo International Airport (Seoul) is free.
(2) Commercial flights may arrive in Inchon. Take a taxi to Kimpo ($35 US).
(3) Continuing from Kimpo. You will have to book a flight to Kimhae on Korean
Airlines, approximately $45 US. Seating is on a first come, first served basis.
Midshipmen must check-in a minimum of 45 minutes prior to scheduled takeoff. The
first flight to Kimhae from Kimpo leaves at 0730, the last flight leaves at 2030. Every
effort should be made to book flights to arrive in Seoul as early in the day as possible so
that same day connections can be made and to preclude remaining overnight in Seoul. If
arriving in Seoul after 1800 is unavoidable, the CNFK duty officer will help locate a
hotel room (approximately $100-150), no government billeting is available in Seoul. If
required to remain overnight, local taxis require WON (3000 = ~ $4) for transportation
from Kimpo airport to downtown Seoul. CNFK will notify Commander, Fleet Activities
Chinhae (CFAC) of midshipman arrival and travel status so that ground transportation
from Kimhae Airport to Chinhae can be arranged.
(4) Commercial airline or Military Airlift Command flight into Kimhae
International (Pusan). When arriving at Kimhae via Military flight or commercial air, a
CFAC or ship representative will normally meet midshipman. In the event a
representative is not present and CFAC or ship transportation is not available,
midshipmen should call CNFC duty officer and be prepared to spend 25,000 Won ($30)
for cab fare to Chinhae Naval Base.
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
(5) Phone Numbers: CNFK duty office (24 hr) Within Korea: (02) 7913-6789 or
0505-723-6789 Outside Korea: (011-82-2)7913-6789.
GUANTANAMO BAY (GTMO), CUBA. There is limited transportation available in and out
of GTMO and it is difficult to mesh this transportation with ship's schedules. Couple this with
limited berthing capability in GTMO and the need to comply with Atlantic Midshipmen
Embarkation/ Debarkation Team (LANTMEDT) guidelines is critical.
a. Embarking Midshipmen. Embarking midshipmen in GTMO should arrive on either
Friday or Tuesday. These are the only two days that scheduled passenger flights fly to
and from GTMO. Ship's schedules should be planned to embark midshipmen sometime
after 1600 the day of their arrival in GTMO to prevent overnighting. Short periods of
anchorage in the mouth of the bay are adequate to embark midshipmen and should be
coordinated with Fleet Training Group, Guantanamo Bay.
b. Debarking Midshipmen. It is the ship's responsibility to arrange for the travel of
debarking midshipmen. GTMO debarks should be planned to coincide with the Tuesday
and Friday scheduled passenger flights. These flights fill up rapidly, so Passenger
Reservation Requests (PRRs) should be sent by the ship's personnel office to
PERSUPDET GUANTANAMO BAY CU as soon as possible.
(1) Midshipmen requiring connecting flights to home units. It is the ship's
responsibility to obtain follow-on transportation for midshipmen, in addition to the MTA
for the scheduled flight out of GTMO. The ship must take the midshipman's original
orders to PERSUPDET GTMO's travel section and have them issue a Government
Transportation Request (GTR).
(2) USNA midshipmen follow-on transportation. If there is more than one USNA
midshipman on the GTMO flight to Norfolk, the Midshipman Liaison Officer in Norfolk
will arrange further transportation to return the midshipmen to the Academy from the
MAC terminal in Norfolk. Academy midshipmen may commence leave upon arrival at
Norfolk, pending approval by the MLO/MEDT.
(3) Ships whose schedules require debarking midshipmen on other than Tuesday
or Friday. Every effort should be made to debark midshipmen in GTMO on Tuesday or
Friday including cutting a cruise short. However, should a ship, due to operational
commitments, not be able to debark midshipmen on Tuesday or Friday, the ship will
send an Area Clearance Message for the midshipmen IAW OPNAVINST 4650.11
series, the midshipmen will be directed to check the Passenger Terminal immediately
upon debarking and daily thereafter for any unscheduled passenger flights. There are
numerous unscheduled passenger flights and utilization of these flights will save the
Navy time and money.
c. All efforts should be made to avoid midshipmen having lengthy stays in GTMO. The
above guidelines should assist ships in planning for the embarking and debarking of
midshipmen on the same day as their arrival or departure from GTMO.
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
a. GTMO requires an Area Clearance Message 30 days prior to arrival. With it, BOQ
reservations are possible. Without it, the BOQ is not usable. Reservations should be in
the Deer Point BOQ.
b. Contact the GTMO operator at DSN 660-2998, then ask for extension:
FTG Schedules/Training X5321
FTG Duty X4778
BOQ (to confirm res) X2400/2401
COMNAVBASE OPS X4366/4453 or TIE LINE DSN 564-4584
c. It is critical that BOQ reservations at NAS Norfolk be made for the night before the
flight to GTMO leaves and the night that it arrives (DSN 564-7466/4667 - be sure to get
the confirmation number). Make these reservations at least one month prior to trip date.
d. For USNA Midshipmen Only. Ensure that NAVPTO does ticketing and booking on
the GTMO flight. Get the airlines ticket with orders when you are scheduled for your
departure brief.
e. Prior to the flight, midshipmen should report to the MEDT Norfolk for ship
assignment and/or updated information. Midshipmen shall wear CNT Khakis on the
flight from Norfolk to GTMO. They spend the night in Norfolk and have to be at the
terminal the next day at 0600 (MEDT Norfolk will assist in providing transportation
from the BOQ to the air terminal).
f. A "pre-manifest" is created 24 hours before the Norfolk
AMC flight leaves. It can be checked by calling DSN
6.22. CLASSIFIED NOTES. Policies concerning classified material note-taking during
submarine/surface cruises will be issued by the commanding officers of those ships to which
midshipmen are assigned. In any case, classified notes shall be destroyed at the conclusion of
the cruise as directed by the ship's Security Manager. Unclassified qualification cards shall be
retained. Classified material of any kind is not to be removed from summer cruise ships.
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
1. For CORTRAMID: POVs are not advised. Parking and storage space may be limited.
Commercial air travel to Norfolk International Airport is recommended. Midshipmen are not
to exchange their airline ticket issued by NAVPTO for alternate flights unless their original
flight is canceled or severely delayed. Notify the CORTRAMID staff immediately in the
event of flight cancellations (CORTRAMID telephone numbers will be provided by NROTC
units). A CORTRAMID representative will meet all midshipmen at Norfolk International
Airport. Midshipmen traveling for CORTRAMID will report in the uniform directed by the
Hampton Roads
Hampton Roads
All dates/times of
All dates/times of
All dates/times of
scheduled embarkations.
Commanding Officer
NROTCU Hampton Roads
Bluestone Ave. Norfolk,
Officer NROTCU
Hampton Roads
Ave. Norfolk, VA
Commanding Officer
NROTCU Jacksonville
2800 University Blvd
Jacksonville, FL
(757) 728-6938
(757) 544-
(757) 544-
(757) 728-6938
(757) 544-1298
(757) 544-1300
COMM (904) 256-7488/7480
FAX (904) 256-7499
(757) 544-1300
(MEDT Cell)
(757) 544-1300
(MEDT Cell)
(904) 891-1453 (Cell)
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
2. For Norfolk embarks:
a. Transportation. POVs are not advised. Parking and storage space may be limited.
Commercial air travel to Norfolk International Airport is recommended. Midshipmen
are not to exchange their airline ticket issued by NAVPTO for alternate flights unless
their original flight is canceled or severely delayed. Notify MEDT Norfolk immediately
in the event of flight cancellations. All 1/C and 2/C CONUS midshipmen are to travel in
summer whites unless otherwise directed.
(1) Arriving during normal working hours: All midshipmen are to check in at the
MEDT desk located in the main airport lobby at the top of the escalator to baggage claim
or to the USO.
(2) Arriving after normal working hours: Every effort should be made to arrive
during normal working hours. However, if an exceptional circumstance exists,
midshipmen arriving after normal working hours will be responsible for their own
transportation to their training unit and for contacting MEDT Norfolk's Duty Officer (via
cell phone: (757) 544-1300) to notify of arrival. Location of the training unit can be
found by calling ships' information at COMM (757) 444-0111, DSN 564-0111 or by
asking at the USO desk in the main airport lobby.
b. Berthing. Not normally available. Unauthorized early arrivals must provide
overnight accommodations at their own expense.
3. For Jacksonville embarks:
a. Transportation
(1) Air travel: Midshipmen are not to exchange their airline ticket issued by
NAVPTO for alternate flights unless their original flight is canceled or severely delayed.
Notify MEDT Jax immediately in the event of flight cancellations. A MEDT
representative will meet midshipmen with scheduled arrivals in the baggage claim area
of Jacksonville International Airport. MEDT Jax will provide transportation to the
training during the hours of 0800-1700. All 1/C and 2/C CONUS midshipmen are to
travel in summer whites unless otherwise directed.
(2) Arriving after normal working hours: Every effort should be made to arrive
during normal working hours. However, if an exceptional circumstance exists,
midshipmen arriving after normal working hours will be responsible for their own
transportation to their training unit and for contacting MEDT Jacksonville's Duty Officer
at 904-891-1453 to notify of arrival. Location of the training unit can be found by calling
ships' information/port services at COMM (904) 270-5179, DSN 960-5179,
(3) POV, bus, and train travel: All midshipmen who travel via POV, bus, or train
must inform MEDT JAX prior to commencing travel to Jacksonville.
b. Berthing. Not normally available. Unauthorized early arrivals must provide
overnight accommodations at their own expense.
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
3. For Guantanamo Bay (GTMO) embarks:
a. Transportation. AMC flights to GTMO leave Norfolk every Friday and every other
Tuesday at 0800. All midshipmen are to check in at the MEDT desk located in the main
airport lobby next to the USO desk and must arrive NLT 1500 on the day before the
AMC flight. MEDT Norfolk will provide transportation to the AMC terminal. All
midshipmen are to travel in appropriate civilian attire unless otherwise directed.
b. Berthing. Will be provided by MEDT Norfolk.
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
NROTCU Hampton Roads
Washington University
All dates/times of scheduled
0800-1600 Mon-Fri & all
weekends with scheduled
Commanding Officer
NROTCU Hampton Roads
5215 BluestoneAve.
Norfolk, VA 23529-0120
Commanding Officer
NROTCU George Washington
2035 F Street
Washington, DC 20052
(757) 728-6938
(757) 544-1298
(757) 544-1300
COMM (202) 994-5880
FAX (202) 994-0090
(757) 544-1300
(MEDT Cell)
Norfolk Coordinator: (757)
(757) 728-6932
Norfolk MAC Terminal: (757)
(757) 444-4148
(Embark/debark days only)
1. Transportation
a. NROTC units/USNA must provide midshipmen with one-way commercial
transportation to arrive at Norfolk International Airport (ORF) THREE hours prior to the
AMC flight departure time on the day of embarkation. This will allow the MEDT ample
timeto transport midshipmen to AMC Terminal, NAS Norfolk where they will board the
AMC flight. Midshipmen must check in with the MEDT. Block 14 on the NROTC
Training Order (CNET Gen 1320/2) should specify: "Report to: Midshipman
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
Mediterranean Embarkation/ Debarkation Team (MEDT) at the Norfolk International
Airport (ORF) three hours prior to AMC flight departure on DD MMM 00, for further
transfer to USS SHIP via AMC CAT B Flight MC-(flight number)."
b. Unless otherwise instructed by MEDC LANT/MED, NROTC units should request a
reservation from their servicing NAVPTO on AMC flight to carry midshipmen from
NAS Norfolk to Naples, regardless of their point of embarkation. Ensure the NAVPTO
tells AMC to apply the reservation against the Reservation Identification Control (RIC)
number. If the NAVPTO states the flight is booked, call MEDC LANT/MED or MEDT
Washington DC for assistance. CTF 63 and MEDC LANT/MED will assign and
accomplish final routing instructions from Naples to the point of embarkation.
c. Do not "Interline" baggage to a final destination in the Mediterranean. Check
baggage only as far as BWI.
d. The AMC flight manifest is frozen 90 minutes prior to departure. Midshipmen who
arrive late and miss the AMC flight will be returned to their NROTC unit.
e. Uniforms will not be worn for overseas travel. All midshipmen are to travel in
trousers and collared shirt (males) or appropriate equivalent (females).
2. Berthing. Military lodging is NOT available. Unauthorized early arrivals must provide
overnight accommodations at their own expense. Midshipmen arriving before their embark
date should contact the USO (Comm 410-859-4425) and/or the AMC Ticket Counter (Comm
410-918-6900) for information/assistance on local lodging. NROTC cruise coordinators should
provide MEDT Washington DC with name and lodging information for any midshipmen
scheduled to arrive prior to embark date.
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
0800-1600 Mon- Fri at
NROTC San Diego and
as required during days
of embarkation at USO
Airport location
May - Aug
0800-1600 Mon-Fri
and all days of scheduled
Commanding Officer
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA
Commanding Officer
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA
MEDT San Diego
Commander, Naval
Surface Group Middle
Pacific Pearl Harbor, HI
Before 26 May:
COMM (619) 260-4811
FAX (619) 260-6821
(619) 260-4811
Airport USO:
(619) 296-3192
COMM (808) 473-
FAX (808) 473-0568
(619) 417-3348
(619) 556-1246
SDO Cell phone:
(808) 227-3016
SDO pager:
(808) 577-2568
1. For CORTRAMID: POVs are not advised. Parking and storage space is limited.
Commercial air travel to Lindbergh Field, San Diego is recommended. Midshipmen are not to
exchange their airline ticket issued by NAVPTO for alternate flights unless their
original flight is
canceled or severely delayed. Notify the
CORTRAMID staff immediately in the event of flight
cancellations (CORTRAMID telephone numbers will be provided by NROTC units). A
CORTRAMID representative will meet all
midshipmen at Lindbergh Field. Midshipmen traveling for CORTRAMID will report in the
uniform directed by the CORTRAMID OIC.
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
2. For San Diego embarks
a. Transportation. POVs are not advised. Parking and storage space is limited.
Commercial air travel to Lindbergh Field, San Diego is recommended. Midshipmen are
not to exchange their airline ticket issued by NAVPTO for alternate flights unless their
original flight is canceled or severely delayed. Notify parent command, destination
command, and MEDT/MEDC San Diego immediately in the event of flight
cancellations. All 1/C and 2/C CONUS/Hawaii midshipmen are to travel in summer
whites unless otherwise directed.
(1) Air travel: Midshipmen arriving at Lindbergh Field shall proceed to the USO
office located near the baggage claim at the West Terminal. Every attempt should be
made to schedule arrival between 0800 and 1600. Midshipmen arriving 0800-1600 will
be transported to their ship or squadronvia duty vehicle at no cost. If the destination
command is unable to arrange transportation, the MEDT should be notified to arrange
transportation. Midshipmen arriving after 1600 and destination command nor MEDT is
able to arrange transportation, shall sign the MEDT logbook in the USO office (USO
personnel will be there 24 hours a day) and then arrange private transportation to the
destination command. The most cost effective method to get to NAVSTA San Diego
can be provided by the USO staff. Ship locations will also be available from USO
(2) POV, bus, and train travel: All midshipmen who travel via POV, bus, or train
must inform destination command and MEDT/MEDC San Diego ASAP, but no later
than prior to commencing travel to San Diego.
b. Berthing. Not normally available. Unauthorized early arrivals must provide
overnight accommodations at their own expense.
3. For Pearl Harbor embarks
a. Transportation. Commercial air travel to the Honolulu airport is recommended.
Midshipmen are not to exchange their airline ticket issued by NAVPTO for alternate
flights unless their original flight is canceled or severely delayed. Notify MEDT Pearl
Harbor in the event of flight cancellations. All 1/C and 2/C midshipmen are to travel in
summer whites unless otherwise directed. Midshipmen arriving at the Honolulu airport
will be met in the baggage claim area by a MEDT representative. Every attempt should
be made to schedule arrival between 1000 and 1800. Midshipmen arriving after 1800
should contact the CNSG Quarterdeck.
b. Berthing. Not normally available. Unauthorized early arrivals must provide
overnight accommodations at their own expense (civilian accommodations are
extremely expensive).
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
7.0. GENERAL. Every effort has been made to minimize expenditures connected with
midshipmen and supporting staff participation in active duty for training; however, midshipman
and supporting staff travel continues to be the greatest expense of training. The need for
economy, therefore, remains of the greatest importance. Midshipmen and supporting staff that
make abrupt changes in travel or do not follow the guidance below can cause the government to
spend excessively. Unless precipitated by cruise date changes, units should not make flight
schedule changes.
a. Entitlement. NROTC training orders will specify actual travel to be performed by the
midshipman from the NROTC unit or midshipman's home of record to the active
training (AT) site and return to the unit or home of record. Midshipmen requesting air
transportation to/from locations other than the NROTC unit or home of record may be
required to pay additional costs at their own expensive. Some midshipmen have
performed travel in conjunction with AT orders by private automobile. This mode,
though permissible, is not recommended due to limited parking facilities, changes to
ship port assignments, and limited reimbursement of travel expenses. Per 10 U.S.C.
2104 and 2107, NROTC midshipmen are entitled to the following allowances:
(1) College Program Midshipmen (10 US Code 2104)
(a) Directed method of transportation is air travel. However, privately
owned conveyance (POC) may be approved if shown to be the more
efficient and economical to the government. If approved, POC
reimbursement shall not exceed the cost of the directed method of
(b) Per diem is not payable under any circumstances.
(c) Transportation and messing may be furnished. In this case Government
Transportation Requests (GTRs) or Military Transportation Authorizations
(MTAs) will be issued for travel. Meal tickets may also be issued.
(2) Scholarship Midshipmen (10 US Code 2107)
(a) Directed method of transportation is air travel. However, privately
owned conveyance (POC) may be approved if shown to be the more
efficient and economical to the government. If approved, POC
reimbursement shall not exceed the cost of the directed method of
(b) Per diem is authorized for constructive travel time (commercial airline
schedule plus time to/from carrier terminals) and to/from training sites.
(c) Per diem is not payable during periods of training when government
quarters and messing facilities are available.
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(d) Per diem may be payable for periods of delay enroute to or from AT
when government quarters and messing facilities are not available.
(e) GTRs or MTAs may be issued by the unit once port calls are issued by
Transportation Manual (OPNAVINST 4650.15 series) contains the guidelines regarding
international travel. Each Midshipman is required to have all transportation forms on hand
(passport, visa, travel order, military identification card). Units and authorized DTS
representative must ensure that their midshipmen have completed an ISOPREP using DD
FORM 1883 filled out completely with the exception of blocks 50-54. The information
required in blocks 50-54 will be sent SEPCOR to OD3 via email or USPS. Annual guidance for
ISOPREP and APACS is released via OPMIS message from Naval Service Training Command.
a. Modes of funding transportation for individual
midshipmen are authorized from home of record or the NROTC Unit, as specified in the
orders, to authorized field training or at- sea training and return to home of record or
NROTC unit.
b. NROTC Unit Transfer. Midshipmen transferring to other NROTC units at the
beginning of the new academic year may be issued transportation from the old unit or
home of record to AT and return to home of record or travel to the new unit as long as
the cost to the new unit will not exceed the cost back to the old unit.
a. NROTC scholarship/college program midshipmen are authorized advance training
pay. This policy will allow the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) to
provide 80 percent advance payment by means of electronic funds transfer to all
midshipmen prior to commencement of their proposed training.
b. IMPORTANT! DFAS will query the OPMIS midshipmen assignment system and
provide advance training pay two weeks prior to cruise commencement. If changes
occur to cruise dates after that time, a new advance training pay distribution will NOT be
made. Midshipmen may find themselves in either an overpaid or underpaid situation,
which can only be remedied by the unit through entry of the training dates at the end of
cruise. In order for midshipmen to receive the balance of their summer training pay,
resume stipend payments, or receive tuition payments their cruise data must be entered
in the OPMIS system.
c. Prior to leaving for summer training the midshipmen should be thoroughly briefed by
the unit on how to fill out the travel voucher.
d. Vouchers are to be submitted within five (5) days of travel completion. It is
imperative that the midshipmen mail their voucher to the unit within two days after
travel has been completed.
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a. Entitlement
(1) Scholarship and College Program Midshipmen. While on active duty for
training, NROTC midshipmen are entitled to the same rate of pay as prescribed for
midshipmen at the Naval Academy. For information on pay refer to DOD Financial
Management Regulations (FMR) Volume 7A, Chapter 38 Withholding amounts will differ from
midshipman to midshipman for social security (FICA), Serviceman's Group Life
Insurance (SGLI), federal and state income tax, etc.
(2) Incentive and/or Hazardous Duty Pay. Scholarship and College Program
NROTC midshipmen are not entitled to additional pay for sea and foreign duty, flight
pay, submarine pay, hostile fire pay, or other hazardous duty pay (see DODPM, Part 8,
Chapter 4, Table 1-2-5).
(3) Servicemember's Group Life Insurance (SGLI). NROTC Scholarship and
College Program midshipmen are covered by the provisions of Public Law 93-289.
They will be automatically insured for $400,000 unless they elect reduced coverage or
no coverage.
a. Entitlement. NROTC midshipmen are entitled to the allowance prescribed in Joint
Federal Travel Regulations (JFTR), Chapter 7, Part G (U7150), paragraphs F2a through
g, including per diem where applicable.
b. Travel Advances/Per Diem Advances. Prior to reporting to training site:
(1) Scholarship midshipmen (US Code 2107) participating in FOREX cruises are
entitled to an advance not to exceed the authorized per diem rate for constructive travel
time to and from the point of training.
(2) College Program midshipmen (US Code 2104) are not entitled to an advance.
c. Settlement of Travel Claims
(1) The following information should be kept in mind when preparing midshipmen
travel orders:
(a) All midshipmen orders must be created in the
Defense Travel System (DTS).
(b) ONLY scholarship midshipmen participating in
FOREX training cruises are authorized travel advances.
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(2) Prior to midshipmen departure to the summer/winter training site:
(a) Midshipmen shall sign and submit to their respective Non-DTS Entry
Agent (NDEA) a signed travel voucher (DD 1351-2) to be uploaded to DTS
to their travel authorization. Units shall thoroughly brief midshipmen on
how to fill out the travel voucher, what documentation is to be included and
when to mail the subject voucher back to the unit. Vouchers are to be
submitted within five (5) days of travel completion. It is imperative that the
midshipmen mail their vouchers to the unit within two (2) days after travel
is complete.
(b) Midshipmen should have at least four copies of their summer/winter
training travel orders, a travel voucher (DD Form 1351-2) with block
numbers 1-9, and 11 filled in, and a
pre-addressed envelope with proper postage affixed.
(3) The midshipmen shall have the following items included in the package mailed
to the unit NDEA:
(a) One copy of orders with all endorsements, advances, and airline ticket
receipts. Do not include a copy of the travel itinerary. The itinerary IS
NOT the airline ticket.
(b) Completed travel voucher (DD Form 1351-2). On the last day of
training, the midshipman shall fill out blocks
15-18, sign block 20, and keep a copy of the voucher. Mail the
original package.
(4) Unit NDEA’s shall ensure that all supporting documentation is included with
the voucher. This will be done by scanning and uploading the documents in DTS or by
faxing them. If faxing, the printable fax cover sheet in DTS must be used for each
travel authorization. Supporting documents will include:
(a) One copy of all endorsements, advances, and a completed and signed
travel voucher (DD Form 1351-2).
(b) Copy of all airline ticket receipts (commercial, AMC, and/or
government) and any other receipts for authorized expenses (lodging, tolls,
etc.) for costs incurred.
description of procedures to use for Functional Account Numbers (FANs) applicable to AT
a. Wardroom Mess Rations (FANs 71722 and 71782). The activity wardroom mess
prepares SF 1034, attaches a list of NROTC midshipmen (FAN 71722 for Scholarship
midshipmen and FAN 71782 for College Program midshipmen) showing information
and certification required by NAVSUP 486, paragraph 2003. Midshipmen shall be
grouped by the month subsistence was given and by FAN (71722 or 71782). The FAN is
the last five digits of the cost code. Under no circumstances will individual midshipmen
be billed for meals.
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b. General Mess Rations (FAN 73604). General mess prepares one certification,
entering the total NROTC rations provided during the month. Forward to Commander,
Naval Supply Systems Command, Attn: SUP 51, 5450 Carlisle Pike, PO Box 2050,
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-0791 with monthly Ration and Sales Report (NAVSUP Form
1357). Identification of a midshipman's NROTC unit is not required. Should NROTC
midshipmen subsist in a U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, or Marine Corps mess,
reimbursement will be accomplished by submitting NAVCOMPT Form 2277 to:
Commanding Officer, Naval Education and Training Professional
Development Technology Center (NETPDTC), Code N8111, Building
2435, Pensacola, FL 32509-5008,
This shall include:
1. The number of rations consumed
2. Individual meal fee
3. Grand total for all midshipmen
c. Service Charges for NSTC Approved Lodging in BOQ/BEQ. BOQ/BEQ
Managers contact NSTC OD54 billing point of contact for payment via government
lodging credit card. To expedite payment, call OD54 at 850-452-4414 from 0730 to
1700 Central Time, or call 251-421-3421 after hours. If calling from overseas, expect
return calls to only be made during the 0730-1700 M-F timeframe. For US Naval
Academy midshipmen payments, refer to Chapter 8.
d. Dependent Entitlements. Dependents of NROTC Scholarship Program and
Advanced College Program midshipmen are entitled to benefits and privileges granted to
dependents of all uniformed personnel when their sponsors are on active duty for
training. The duration of active duty status must exceed 72 hours for commissary store
privileges and 30 days for medical benefits.
The disbursing officer will make no payment for summer training and will not have to submit
any documents to DFAS.
Air travel is the directed mode of travel for all staff personnel regardless of phase or cruise type.
However, privately owned conveyance (POC) may be approved as limited by the JFTR/JTR if
shown to be more efficient and economical to the government. Staff members choosing POC
must call SATO to receive their air travel quote. Staff members must then fill out a
Constructive Travel Worksheet (CTW) through DTS to prove the cost benefit of using the POC.
a. Proportional Meal Rate (PMR) per diem is authorized for all staff. Any variance
must be requested in writing by the Officer-in-Charge. This correspondence, submitted to the
Summer Cruise Coordinator, NSTC OD3, shall cite circumstances and explain why full per
diem is warranted. Requests shall be routed to the NSTC Comptroller to determine funding
b. Government funding for rental cars will require a minimum of three
personnel per car.
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February 2019
8.0. NAVAL ACADEMY LEAVE POLICY. The Superintendent, U.S. Naval Academy,
will promulgate leave policy to midshipmen prior to commencement of training. When leave is
not indicated on individual orders, leave policy will be promulgated by the senior USNA Liaison
Officer present. General guidelines for leave are
as follows:
a. Any regular leave taken during summer training shall be approved by a
Midshipman’s chain of command. The Midshipman’s chain of command will inform
the respective Class Training Officer of any unscheduled leave approvals
b. Midshipmen who require emergency leave while on a Fleet Cruise shall notify their
Fleet unit MTO, the STDO, and their Company Officer/Senior Enlisted Leader.
c. Midshipmen should instruct family members to contact the local Red Cross Office in
the event of a situation that they believe requires emergency leave. The Red Cross
Office will send a notification message (AMCROSS) if emergency leave is warranted.
d. The decision to terminate or temporarily suspend midshipmen summer training shall
be made by the Director of Character Development and Training.
8.1. ENDORSEMENTS. Midshipmen must ensure that proper endorsements
are made on their orders including:
a. Times and dates of reporting and detachment.
b. Availability or non-availability of government quarters and mess.
c. Notation concerning any leave situation.
d. Group travel if directed.
When orders are endorsed to show reporting, detachment, and use of government facilities, such
endorsement should indicate definite days that the midshipman is assigned quarters and/or
subsistence ashore.
8.2. PERSONAL ITINERARY RECORDS. Midshipmen are urged to keep a personal
record of their official travel during the summer. This record should include reporting dates and
detachments, time of arrival and departure, name of activities, mode of travel, delays encountered,
and miscellaneous expenses incident to official travel.
Receipts incident to official travel should
be obtained and submitted in support of travel claim for reimbursement. Original orders must be
retained, to be filed with the travel claim. (All midshipmen must file travel claims, regardless of
any claim for reimbursement.)
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8.3. MIDSHIPMEN FINANCES. Financial responsibility/budgeting is very important.
a. Naval Academy Midshipmen. Are paid at a monthly rate. Regular and special
payments may be made only by the midshipmen disbursing officer at USNA. All
monies are credited to their personal accounts.
b. Incentive and/or Hazardous Duty Pay. Naval Academy midshipmen are not entitled
to additional pay for sea and foreign duty, flight pay, submarine pay, hostile fire pay, or
other hazardous duty pay (see DODPM, Part 5, Paragraph 50106).
c. Servicemen's Group Life Insurance. Naval Academy midshipmen are covered by the
provisions of Law 93-289. They will be automatically insured for $400,000 unless they
elect reduced coverage or no coverage.
a. A receipt must be furnished for any item of expense, otherwise it will not be allowed
on a travel claim.
b. Upon detachment, midshipmen must have their original orders with all pertinent
8.5. TRAVEL CLAIMS. Following a training event, all midshipmen will submit a travel
voucher with the Commandant’s Budget Office.
a. Travel vouchers should be submitted within 5 working days of returning. In some
cases, a midshipman may not be able to submit the travel voucher within 5 working days
due to back-to-back training events or independent travel and leave. In any case,
midshipmen shall submit summer training travel vouchers within 5 days of returning
from Reform.
b. Vouchers shall include a copy of the orders, all paid or zero balance receipts for
air/ground transportation, and any other qualifying miscellaneous expenses paid for by
the midshipman. Voucher questions should be directed to the Commandant’s Budget
c. Reimbursement will only be up to what it would have cost the government to
transport a midshipman from USNA to the training location or vice versa. If group travel
was utilized by USNA, the government cost will likely be zero and a midshipman will
not be entitled to reimbursement. Ticket costs above and beyond the government cost
will be incurred by the midshipman.
8.6. BOQ CHARGES. BOQ charges amassed by a midshipman while assigned to an
afloat unit are not reimbursable. If the individual ship desires to berth midshipmen ashore,
all costs shall be borne by the ship or the individual midshipman.
midshipmen are entitled to government-furnished transportation direct from the Naval Academy to
their cruise units and return. USNA midshipmen are not entitled to transportation to or from their
home of record. The Naval Academy permits some midshipmen, for their own convenience, to
report directly to their cruise units, or to debark from their cruise units and go directly on leave,
NSTC M-1533.5D
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instead of reporting to the Naval Academy for government transportation. The following policies
apply to USNA midshipmen travel:
a. Midshipmen entitlements will be paid as prescribed in the Joint Federal Travel
Regulations (JFTR).
b. Midshipmen reporting directly to their units, vice returning to the Naval Academy
for transportation, are responsible for travel to their cruise units at their own expense, subject to
possible reimbursement when travel claim is processed.
c. USNA midshipmen debarking outside CONUS have the following options:
(1). Debark from ship and commence leave overseas. This option requires
OUTCONUS leave papers which must be obtained from the Naval
Academy prior to departure. Midshipmen electing to do this are responsible
for all further transportation at their own expense, including their eventual
return to the Naval Academy, subject to possible reimbursement when
travel claim is processed.
(2). Debark from ship and travel directly (no stopovers) back to the Naval
Academy at government expense.
8.8. WARDROOM/GENERAL MESS (1/C). Under no circumstances are USNA
midshipmen to be billed personally for any wardroom mess charge. Mess bills for USNA
midshipmen eating in the wardroom are to be processed in accordance with NAVSUP P-486,
Vol. 2, paragraph 2003.
8.9. DENIED BOARDING. Midshipmen shall not volunteer to be denied boarding for
compensation by the airlines. Midshipmen are required to use the flights for which they are
scheduled, since many follow-on arrangements are based upon their scheduled
arrival time. If
you are involuntarily denied boarding on the
flight for which you are scheduled, contact the
USNA Summer
Training Office immediately.
transportation for midshipmen shall be booked prior to departure from USNA unless independent
travel has been authorized. In the event that changes to return travel are necessary, a midshipman
shall promptly contact their Class Training Officer or the STDO in order to coordinate the
8.11. INDEPENDENT TRAVEL. Independent travel means that a midshipman has received
approval to arrange their own transportation to and/or from a Fleet Cruise or PTE for which
government transportation is normally provided.
a. Requests. Midshipmen desiring independent travel shall request it through the Training
Office NLT one week prior to departure. Midshipmen who do not request independent
travel by this deadline will have an airline ticket purchased in their name or will have
ground transportation arranged. Only midshipmen whose training event was assigned or
changed within a week of departure may request independent travel within that window.
b. Eligible Events. Independent travel is available for PTEs and the following Fleet
Cruises: Aviation, Surface, Submarine, EOD, SEAL, SUBTRAMID, and CEC. Block 0
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independent travel is only authorized for Fleet Cruises embarking in Norfolk or training
events within 300 miles of USNA.
c. Ineligible Events. Independent travel is NOT available for PROTRAMID, Leatherneck,
MAGTF, or OCONUS training events except as approved on an individual basis by the
Superintendent prior to departure for training.
d. Orders and Departure Briefs. Independent travel orders will be ready for pick up in the
Training Office between 3 and 5 days prior to the departure date.
1. Midshipmen on independent travel at USNA or in the immediate vicinity
(within a 30 minute drive) on the day of their departure brief shall attend the brief and
receive their orders.
2. Midshipmen on independent travel away from USNA shall review the
Independent Travel Departure Brief on the Summer Training intranet site and then contact
the STDO to confirm review and obtain orders. This is the responsibility of the
3. Midshipmen on independent travel must have the leave period indicated on their
e. The following information supplements the information on your orders and in your
pre-cruise brief. When in doubt of your responsibilities, contact the Summer Training
1. All midshipmen proceeding on independent travel orders must contact the
Training Office or the MEDC 48 hours prior to their report date in order to ensure their
cruise has not changed. If the cruise has changed, it is still the midshipman's
responsibility to report to the proper port on time.
2. All midshipmen proceeding on independent travel orders are required to report to
the Midshipman Embarkation/Debarkation Team (MEDT) designated in their orders
1200 on the date indicated. Each midshipman is responsible for transportation directly
to the MEDT (not just the local airport).
Failure to report to the MEDT by 1200 will
equate to an unauthorized absence (UA). All UAs will be dealt with in accordance with
Midshipman Regulations.
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9.0. GENERAL. Alternate training is designed to afford midshipmen specialized
training in areas such as nuclear power, aviation, etc., while simultaneously filling any Fleet
shortfalls in regular at-sea training billets. In addition to Fleet cruises, USNA midshipmen
may participate in 4 weeks of training which includes warfare programs, technical research,
professional internships, USN communities, and USN programs. NROTC Nurse Option
midshipmen will have training that emphasizes the Navy Medical Department role, both
ashore and afloat. When a NROTC MIDN is assigned a non-ship/submarine based cruise the
Fleet shore commands/Tycoms are required to reserve BOQ lodging if necessary for the
MIDN for their entire cruise. Naval Service Training Command is responsible for paying
lodging costs. If MIDN depart from the Fleet command’s home base on a unit detachment or
deployment, Fleet shore commands/Tycoms are responsible for all the expenses during the
MIDN detachment.
9.1. AFLOAT AVIATION CRUISES. Afloat Aviation cruises are not accounted for
through OPMIS assignment. Midshipmen will be assigned directly to an airwing. If the
assigned airwing is attached to an aircraft carrier, the midshipman is authorized to accompany
the airwing. All midshipmen will report to the airwing fully qualified to fly (Aviation
physical/Aviation swim physiology qualified, P/WS PRT, and 3
class swim) with flight
safety boots.
a. 1/C aviation cruise will provide an opportunity for physically qualified first class
midshipmen to cruise aboard deployed ships with planes or helos embarked. A number of
midshipmen will also be assigned to embarked squadrons. Successful cruises, for both the
ship and midshipmen, are the direct result of innovative leadership and the initiatives of
the individual units, regardless of their deployment schedule. The fitness report post
cruise critique, and after cruise ship reports, in combination, will measure the
effectiveness of each individual's summer cruise training. The tone for a midshipman's
cruise is set from the moment he/she walks aboard. A unit that is expecting and is
prepared for the midshipmen makes the finest possible first impression. Frequent contact
with midshipman, even if only to ask, "How are you doing?" in passing, makes a positive
impact on a midshipman's morale and enthusiasm. The following guidelines are provided
to assist the Midshipmen Training Officer (MTO) in charge of the Afloat Aviation
(1) MEDC’s will assign midshipmen to squadrons that are or will be embarked.
While attached to the squadron, the midshipman shall work in the capacity of an assistant
branch officer. As feasible, each midshipman should be afforded the opportunity to
receive orientation flights in various Fleet aircraft to gain a better understanding of each
aircraft's mission and the manner in which the air wing employs these aircraft. "Backseat"
qualified midshipmen will have in their possession the necessary documentation of
completed aviation survival/water training. They shall be assigned to applicable junior
officer squadron watchbills. Each midshipman shall be paired with a qualified Naval
Aviator/Naval Flight Officer as a running mate while attached to the squadron to ensure
that maximum exposure to squadron daily routine and squadron/air wing relations is
obtained. Running mates have a great impact upon a midshipman's perception of the
cruise, and those assigned should be high quality, top-performance individuals who are
NSTC M-1533.5D
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strongly and positively motivated towards the naval service.
(2) Midshipmen will be required to use, as completely as time permits, applicable
shipboard PQS.
(3) If, for any reason, the wing debarks for any period while midshipmen are
embarked for an Afloat Aviation Cruise, the midshipmen will be assigned to the Air
Department and continue their assigned duties on board as the situation allows.
(4) Midshipmen assigned to an Afloat Aviation Cruise shall berth in squadron
(5) Fleet shore commands/TYCOMs are required to reserve BOQ lodging if
necessary for the MIDN for their entire cruise. The MIDN NROTC Units are responsible
for paying the BOQ.
9.2. NROTC ASHORE AVIATION CRUISE. The Ashore Aviation Cruise is intended
to expose selected NROTC first class midshipmen to the operational environment and squadron
life of a deployable squadron. The Afloat Aviation Cruise section is germane for the overall
objectives of aviation cruises.
a. NSTC will receive cruise billet nominations from Atlantic Coast based squadrons
and assign midshipmen, as appropriate. All midshipmen will receive aviation survival
training either at arrival to their assigned aviation squadron if there is a co-located ASTC, or
as an intermediate stop at a location with an ASTC enroute to their assigned aviation
squadron. Midhshipmen must be fully qualified to fly in orientation flights including
scheduled patrols.
b. Upon arriving at the deployment site, the MTO will integrate the midshipmen fully
into squadron life. They shall be assigned to a junior officer running mate as the latter's
assistant, i.e., an Assistant Branch/ Division Officer billet. The running mate shall be a
qualified Naval Aviator/Naval Flight Officer and should be a top level performer and high
quality individual motivated towards the naval service. The MTO and running mate will
ensure that the midshipman receives a full indoctrination in all phases of VP operations, but
that he/she returns to "ground" duties when each INDOC session is complete.
c. Midshipmen should receive a minimum of three flights in squadron aircraft. They
may fly as often as is possible, however, this should be tempered to accommodate training in
the ground duties of the junior officer. By no means will the opportunity to get "one more"
flight be allowed to detract from the overall training effort.
d. All midshipmen are to be berthed in the BOQ, but will mess in the enlisted dining
facility (EDF). They should not be charged for messing in the EDF. Refer to section 212 in
this manual for guidance on midshipmen subsistence policy.
midshipmen selected for an aviation cruise may spend 4-8 weeks assigned to a CONUS aviation
squadron that is not deployed to an aircraft carrier.
NSTC M-1533.5D
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a. 1/C Aviation Squadron cruise goals are:
(1) To expose midshipmen to the squadron's daily routine including operations,
training, maintenance, and administration.
(2) To allow the midshipmen flight time/maximum exposure to the cockpit.
(3) To prepare midshipmen for commissioned service through active participation
in the duties and responsibilities of a junior officer.
(4) To further the development of officer-like qualities and leadership skills.
(5) To familiarize midshipmen with warfare systems. (6) To reemphasize the
importance of military courtesies, maintaining smartness, and discipline.
b. Specific job assignments/watch-stations:
(1) Assistant Division Officer
(2) Branch Officer
(3) Assistant Squadron Duty Officer
c. Integration of midshipmen into the squadron organization. Midshipmen should be
fully integrated into the squadron. They should be assigned meaningful duties so that they
can contribute to the squadron's mission.
d. Rotation of midshipmen within departments. As determined by workload and the
MTO, midshipmen may be rotated through various departments to increase their exposure
to the various aspects of squadron life. Special efforts should be made to assign
midshipmen to maintenance divisions/branches so they may observe the interaction
between officer and enlisted personnel.
a. Special Requirements for Midshipmen Embarked in Nuclear Powered Ships.
Midshipmen assigned to training aboard SSNs and SSBNs will be ordered to report
directly to the submarine operational squadron. NSTC OD12 will assign all NROTC
submarine and nuclear cruiser billets and will indicate by OPMIS message to each
NROTC unit the midshipman's name, assigned submarine or surface nuclear cruise dates,
and parent submarine squadron (for SSN/SSBNs). Units are authorized direct liaison with
SUBLANT/SUBPAC squadron cruise coordinators for information concerning the
embark/debark points and other details pertinent to the assigned cruise.
b. Clearances. NACs must be completed and Interim secret clearances granted by each
midshipman's unit command. Parent units will certify clearances at least 2 weeks prior to
scheduled reporting dates and are updated in advance in OPMIS. COMSUBLANT
N12/COMSUBPAC N12 will ensure that clearance messages are sent to the submarines
and ships. This information will also be certified on the midshipman's orders.
Certification shall include type investigation, conducted by whom, and completion date
(e.g., NAC by DIS on 24SEP84). USNA shall not assign foreign national midshipmen to
NSTC M-1533.5D
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any nuclear powered unit. For security clearance information, review SECNAVINST
5510.30 Series for interim clearances, section 8.5 of the instruction is germane.
c. Transportation. Midshipmen should normally report not later than 1500 on the
assigned reporting day. The date of embarkation should not normally be a day the ship is
scheduled to get underway. Any change to a travel itinerary should be expeditiously
reported to the ship.
d. Immunizations/Dental. Required immunizations must be completed and midshipmen
are directed to hand carry their medical records when reporting. Those who have been
associated with university nuclear reactors must have statements on radiation exposure
included in their medical records. Midshipmen embarking on submarines must have a
submarine medical screening conducted in accordance with SECNAVINST 6420.1 series.
Units may desire to have pre-commissioning physicals and medical screening
accomplished at the same time for first class midshipmen. A pre-commissioning physical
is NOT required for a submarine cruise. This is only recommended when convenient for
the unit. The midshipman must meet Dental Class One or Two to cruise for more than
local operations. Of particular concern are impacted communicating third molars
(wisdom teeth) and periodontal involvement/peritonitis of the third molars. The
examination must be completed within 1 year before the training cruise begins. It is
desirable for the examination to be completed and reviewed by the NROTC unit at least
one month prior to the reporting date for submarine training. The midshipman's health
record should include documentation of successful completion of the medical examination
required by SECNAVINST 6420.1D series. Medical/dental problems discovered after the
midshipman reports can prohibit his participation in that cruise. All midshipmen assigned
to submarine cruises must carry their dental records as well as their medical records.
e. Medical Examination. Midshipmen embarked in nuclear powered ships normally have
not received a radiation exposure medical examination in accordance with NAVMED P-
5055. These midshipmen are considered as personnel who receive non-occupational
radiation exposure in accordance with Article 208 of NAVSEA 389-0153. Commanding
officers will ensure that midshipmen are administratively handled under the provisions of
Article 208 of NAVSEA 389-0153. In this regard, commanding officers will carefully
monitor midshipmen radiation exposure and limit watch and training assignments in
posted radiation areas to the minimum necessary to complete the requirements of the
summer training objectives. Entry into or passage through the posted radiation areas of
naval nuclear powered ships should not be restricted except as specified in Article 208 of
NAVSEA 389-0153. The foregoing should not be construed as altering the provisions of
Article 208 of NAVSEA 389-0153. The intent is to ensure that midshipmen who have not
been trained under Article 107 of NAVSEA 389-0153 and who have not received
radiation exposure medical examinations can adequately complete their cruise objectives
while receiving no more radiation exposure than other ship's personnel controlled under
Article 208 of NAVSEA 389-0153.
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f. Midshipmen first class on submarines should pursue diving officer of the watch
qualifications and enlisted submarine qualifications while midshipmen second class
should pursue helmsmen/planesmen/lookout and enlisted submarine qualification. Local
qualification procedures are to be utilized in both instances.
g. Uniforms. Clothing appropriate for SSN/SSBN/SSGN cruises is listed in Chapter 6 of
this manual. Care must be exercised in selecting articles to be carried, as storage space is
extremely limited. Additional clothing requirements should be determined by contacting
the assigned ship or parent
submarine squadron. Variations dictated by unit missions should
be expected. Aerosol cans, shoe polish, and luminous dial
wristwatches using radioactive elements are prohibited on submarines.
h. Midshipmen assigned to surface nuclear cruises will be handled in the same manner as
those assigned to conventional surface cruises with the exception that NSTC OD31 will
select midshipmen to fill the available billets. Once assignments are promulgated, units
may liaison directly with the Midshipmen Embarkation/Debarkation Coordinators for
current operational schedules (i.e., dates, ports). NSTC OD31 should be notified only in
the event of changes concerning the status of assigned midshipmen.
i. Midshipmen assigned to nuclear ships should be briefed prior to departing that the
extent of their participation in propulsion plant training will be limited to observation
only. However, a goal for nuclear cruises is to have each midshipman spend one-third of
their time in engineering department billets and two-thirds in other departments.
j. NSTC OD12 and USNA (Submarine Cruise Coordinator) will assign midshipmen by
name to submarine cruises and can be reached, respectively, at commercial
(850) 452-4050, DSN 459-4050; and commercial (410) 293-1908, DSN 281-1908.
k. Requests for cruise extensions will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, but are not
normally approved, due to additional training requirements for USNA midshipmen and
program requirements for NROTC midshipmen.
a. Nurse Afloat Cruises will provide an opportunity for indoctrination/orientation to the
Navy Medical Department. The midshipmen second/third class Nurse Cruise is for
scholarship Nurse Program midshipmen only. Unit commanding officers are to determine
when each midshipman's summer academic schedule best allows for a summer cruise,
either third class or second class summer. These cruises will be assigned by the
appropriate Midshipmen Embark/Debark Coordinator (MEDC) via OPMIS in the same
manner as all other third or second class midshipmen at-sea cruises. Since Fleet
TYCOMs do not nominate ships specifically for Nurse Afloat Cruises, any nominated
ship with a medical department should be prepared to receive Nurse Option Midshipmen,
designated Nurse Afloat Cruises will be annotated in the assignment messages and on
individual midshipmen orders.
b. The tone for a midshipman's cruise is set from the moment he/she walks aboard. A
ship which is expecting and is prepared for the midshipmen makes the finest possible first
impression. Frequent contact with midshipmen, even if only to ask, "How are you
doing?" in passing, makes a positive impact on a midshipman's morale and enthusiasm.
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The following guidelines are provided to assist the Midshipmen Training Officer (MTO)
in charge of the Nurse Option program:
(1) Each midshipman is to be assigned to the ship's Medical Department;
specifically, to a running mate within the department, who the midshipman shall assist
with his/her daily duties. The running mate will ensure that the midshipman's
professional indoctrination is complete. Midshipmen will gain a complete picture of the
organizational capabilities of the ship, and of the Medical Department.
(2) Midshipmen will be required to utilize, as completely as time permits,
applicable shipboard PQS booklets and Midshipman Summer Training Handbook
Appendix R.
(3) Bloodborne Pathogens. Upon reporting for training each Nurse Option
midshipman must complete and ensure documentation of completion of the OSHA
Bloodborne Pathogens Study Guide. Furthermore, the midshipman must present health
record documentation that he/she has received an approved Hepatitis B vaccine regimen
(8 week sets). Without this documentation, the midshipman is restricted to observing the
skills indicated. This midshipman must have no direct contact with blood or body fluid.
(4) The purpose of the midshipman 1/C Hospital Cruise is to provide an
orientation/indoctrination to the organizational structure and function of a Medical
Treatment Facility (MTF). This orientation should be especially meaningful to the
midshipman 1/C who will soon be graduated, commissioned, and assigned to an MTF
similar to the site of the First Class Cruise. It is anticipated that the midshipman 1/C will
receive some clinical training and experience during the First Class Cruise. However, we
stress that the primary purpose of the cruise is to render the midshipman knowledgeable
about the organizational structure and function of a Naval Hospital.
(5) Guidance for the midshipman 1/C cruise is given in the Midshipman Summer
Training Handbook provided by the NROTC unit to each midshipman participating in a
Hospital Cruise. This guide is also included in Appendix R of this manual.
a. It is NSTC's intention to keep conventional NROTC AYCs to a minimum level.
Requests for AYCs will only be approved in highly unusual circumstances not involving
midshipmen academic shortcomings. Strong nuclear power prospects will be favorably
considered when a nuclear AYC with sufficient underway time is available. NSTC will
request ship nominations for approved academic year cruises from Fleet commanders
based on input from NROTC units. Contingent on available cruise billets and
midshipmen training requirements, NSTC will assign the billets and notify the appropriate
NROTC units, Fleet commanders, and ships. Midshipmen will be assigned to ports of
embarkation which are most cost effective. In the event that nominations exceed
available training quotas, requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and prioritized
according to the nature of the academic year request. Pre-commissioning cruises will
have priority in all instances. All nuclear cruises and submarine cruises will be
determined by the NSTC Nuclear Propulsion Coordinator NSTC OD1.
b. USNA will no longer require Academic Year Cruise.
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c. Once cruise assignments are disseminated to the units, direct liaison between the
NROTC units and the respective ships is authorized and will be required to obtain detailed
reporting information, (i.e., uniform requirements, precise reporting times, and locations,
d. NROTC units will forward an embarkation list in the form of a message/letter to reach
the individual ships or submarines, with information copies to Fleet commanders and
NSTC, providing names of assigned midshipmen, social security numbers, status of cruise
(i.e., first or second), security clearance data, and proposed travel itineraries at least 2
weeks prior to the scheduled embarkation.
e. Midshipmen assigned to afloat training within CONUS shall be ordered to report
directly to the ship not later than 0800 on the reporting date, unless otherwise directed by
the ship. For midshipmen embarking outside of CONUS, port calls must be requested by
the NROTC unit (via their servicing NAVPTO) and maximum use of government
transportation will be made. The ship's location and other pertinent information,
including local transportation available, will be furnished to each NROTC unit by ships
when necessary. NROTC units will make one-way travel arrangements for midshipmen
via their servicing NAVPTO and provide ships with their travel itineraries in advance.
The ship's midshipmen training officer will assist the midshipmen in making return
f. MEDTs do not operate during the academic year. Questions regarding midshipman
academic year training should be directed to the parent NROTC unit or NSTC. In the
absence of MEDTs, ships are responsible for the functions listed in paragraphs 105d
through 105f. Ships must ensure that all cruise orders are properly endorsed when
midshipmen debark at completion of cruise.
g. Fleet liaison officers are not assigned during academic year cruises.
h. In order to determine the exact clothing required for cruise, NROTC units must
communicate with the individual ships or squadrons. Chapter 6 provides general uniform
guidance for first and second class cruise which may not be appropriate for winter
climates or specific cruise activities.
i. Reports listed in Chapter 11 are also required during academic year training.
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10.0. GENERAL. The Foreign Exchange Training Programs were established to
promote the exchange of professional, cultural, and social experiences between the U.S. Navy
and foreign navies through midshipmen first class and equivalents. It is hoped that the spirit
of camaraderie engendered through close personal contacts will contribute immeasurably now
and in the future to the enhancement of good relations between the U.S. and the nations
participating. The visibility and importance of this program dictate that a high degree of
command attention be directed to its implementation. This would include ship commanders
having foreign midshipmen embarked as well as U.S. naval missions coordinating or
conducting liaison with respect thereto.
10.1. U.S. PARTICIPANTS. It is anticipated that approximately 50-70 U.S. midshipmen
will participate with various NATO and other friendly nations. NROTC College Program,
Marine option, and Nurse Corps option midshipmen, however, are not eligible for this program.
Each participant will be carefully screened and briefed prior to selection.
10.2. TRAINING PROGRAM. It is intended that individual programs arranged for
both U.S. and foreign midshipmen be well balanced among professional, cultural, and social
facets with the professional aspects emphasized. Chapter 3 of this manual cites the concepts
of training and the details of the training program prepared for U.S. midshipmen which may
be used as a guide for training U.S. midshipmen in foreign navies.
a. Program. The USN/JMSDF Midshipmen Exchange is a program that allows NROTC
First Class Midshipmen (Male only) to participate in a cruise aboard a JMSDF ship and to
visit the Japanese Officer Candidate School at Eta Jima, Japan. The JMSDF exchange is
organized/coordinated by Commander Seventh Fleet in conjunction with
COMNAVFORJAPAN, the Japanese USDAO, and the Seventh Fleet Midshipman
Liaison Officer. Midshipmen participating in the exchange will complete a WESTPAC
training cruise aboard USN ships either immediately before or after the exchange cruise.
These cruises will be assigned by the WESTPAC Midshipman Embark/Debark
Coordinator via OPMIS. Intercultural relations training includes classroom lectures and
discussions on Japanese customs and language, non-verbal communication, and how to
use Japanese trains/buses/telephones/ taxis. Past intercultural relations training has
included a field trip to Kamakura, city of the "Big Buddha," as a practical lesson in the
use of the Japanese train system. The midshipmen start in Yokosuka where their Japanese
counterparts will join them. In Yokosuka, the midshipmen participate in several events
including a picnic with sporting events, tours of ships in port, and a reception. There are
opportunities to enjoy liberty in the area. The midshipmen then embark ships of the other
navy and conduct at-sea training enroute to Kure. This provides exceptional opportunity
for midshipmen of both navies to observe the operations, customs, and traditions of the
other navy while underway. The midshipmen then travel to Eta Jima, an island near
Hiroshima, for several days of activities with the MSDF. Activities at Eta Jima include a
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tour of the classroom facilities, a visit to the Japanese Naval Museum, a climb of Mt.
Furutaka, a Japanese tea ceremony, a reception, and a tour of Hiroshima. The
midshipmen then return to Yokosuka, normally on the U.S. ship participating in the
exchange. The USN/JMSDF Midshipmen Exchange Program is a unique opportunity for
future U.S. naval officers to observe the training and operations of a foreign navy.
b. Selected midshipmen should be aware that gift giving and exchange is expected, and
should be planned in advance (e.g.
ball caps, T-shirts, school pennants are appropriate gifts to exchange).
c. No language ability is required.
d. Midshipmen shall possess a valid (blue) tourist passport prior to departing OCONUS.
10.4. LANGUAGE CONSIDERATIONS. These exchange programs offer an
unparalleled opportunity for midshipmen to speak the language of the nation to which they have
been assigned. To this end, every opportunity to speak the language should be afforded. Fluency
in the language of the nation to which assigned will be a criterion for selection to the program
when possible.
10.5. ARRIVAL BRIEFINGS. Generally, U.S. midshipmen will be met by
COMSEVENTHFLT midshipmen liaison staff (Joint Maritime Self Defense Force Cruises) or
Defense Attaches (FOREX Cruises) upon arrival and directed to appropriate lodging. In order
to clarify possible misunderstandings and eliminate past problem areas, midshipmen will be
provided a brief that highlights:
a. Current political and economic climate of host nation.
b. Pertinent social customs.
c. An outline of the proposed training itinerary with an
insight into the status that the midshipmen will be accorded.
d. Organization and structure of the host nation's navy.
e. 24-hour contact information for DAO/Embassy support for each port/area to be visited.
10.6. ORDERS. Each U.S. midshipman will be sent to a nation for summer training
purposes by a set of official orders complete with appropriations data, travel authority, etc.
Midshipmen will be ordered to report to the appropriate U.S. Naval Attaché, Chief, Naval
Mission, or JUSMA. It is mandatory that midshipmen movements be subject of official
endorsement of orders to preclude hardship and to ensure orderly processing of claims, upon
completion of duties. Assistance rendered to midshipmen to ensure foreign navy cooperation
with respect to endorsements is necessary.
10.7. TRANSPORTATION. All international/transoceanic travel will be arranged in
accordance with NAVMILPERSCOMINST 4650.2 series by the parent NROTC unit with
their servicing NAVPTO. When government air is not available, commercial air will be
authorized by the servicing NAVPTO and midshipmen orders endorsed to reflect non-
availability of government air. Travel within nations dictated by the foreign exchange
programs may be obtained from the servicing NAVPTO, if known in advance, or may be paid
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by the midshipmen and claimed later. In this latter event, appropriate endorsements are
mandatory. When traveling via commercial air outside CONUS, subject to reimbursement,
travel must be performed on a United States flag carrier unless a statement is obtained from an
authorized transportation office/officer (normally the NAVPTO) certifying that no U.S. flag
carrier was available. In all cases, exchange program travel to, from, and within the
participating nation is paid for by the parent nation. Round trip tickets will be issued to each
midshipman by the servicing NAVPTO. In the event a specific return date has not been
established prior to commencement of travel, the ship or nearest PERSUPDET/NAVPTO will
coordinate and arrange return transportation with assistance from the appropriate U.S. Naval
Attaché; Chief, Naval Mission, or USMA, when required.
10.8. PER DIEM. In addition to their regular pay, NROTC scholarship (10 U.S. Code
2107) midshipmen are paid for their messing and berthing expenses on a Foreign Exchange
cruise as provided by Joint Federal Travel Regulations. They are also authorized advance per
diem. The following statement shall be included on training orders for midshipmen embarking
on a FOREX cruise: "NSTC authorizes per diem for this cruise period." Midshipmen shall
provide receipts for all messing and berthing expenses.
10.9. PAY. NROTC midshipmen will have been paid advance pay in accordance with
NAVSO P-3050 paragraphs 80426 and 80427 prior to departure from CONUS; therefore, no
financial embarrassment should be occasioned. They will have sufficient funds to defray all
normal expenses attendant to messing and miscellaneous expenses. They will not, however, be
financially able to underwrite extensive social events and extensive official travel within the
nation to which assigned. NROTC midshipmen are not authorized advanced subsistence pay.
10.10. TRAVEL CLAIMS. Travel claims for midshipmen participating in the Foreign
Exchange program will be liquidated by the PSD servicing the parent NROTC unit or forwarded
to DFAS per section 704 of this manual.
10.11. MILITARY PERFORMANCE. In order to assess the performance of U.S.
midshipmen on summer training, personal observations and comments in any format are
requested. Direct these evaluations to the Commanding Officer of the midshipman's parent
NROTC unit listed in paragraph 213.
10.12. LEAVE. Unless specifically authorized in the individual midshipman's orders, the
privilege of remaining in the exchange nation after the expiration of the training program is
not granted. If authorized in the orders, the midshipman is financially responsible for the
return trip to CONUS.
10.13. PASSPORTS. Midshipmen assigned to host nations that require passports
and/or visas will have them in their possession prior to departure. Passports are required
for travel in WESTPAC.
Passports should be requested as early as possible using the
procedures contained in paragraph 211.
a. Communications/Coordination: It is imperative that midshipmen embarking on
FOREX/JMSDF cruises depart with contact information described in paragraph 105.
DAO should assist to the degree possible with providing 24-hour contact information for
each country/port to be visited. Host nation DAO communications concerning country
specific threats, force protection and antiterrorism, uniform requirements, immigration
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and customs information are critical to safe and productive midshipman summer cruise
b. Some countries may only require NATO orders for entry. The format for preparing
NATO orders is found in BUPERSINST
1320.6 series.
c. Servicing NAVPTOs will send a travel advice message to the appropriate American
Legation, U.S. Naval Attaché/U.S. Defense Attaché Office (ALUSNA/USDAO)
providing arrival information of the midshipmen. NSTC OD311 should be included as an
information addressee.
d. Once official acceptance from the foreign navy to conduct the exchange is received,
NSTC will forward as soon as possible by message to the appropriate USDAO program
information and a brief biography of each U.S. midshipman selected to participate in the
foreign exchange programs.
e. Queries by message are encouraged where guidance is insufficient to the occasion.
These inquiries should be addressed to the Commander, Naval Service Training
Command with Chief of Naval Operations included as information addressee.
f. It is highly recommended that all midshipmen participating in OCONUS cruises apply
for and obtain a civilian (blue) passport to carry on their person at all times.
10.15. PUBLIC INFORMATION MEDIA. The foreign exchange summer training
programs offer an obvious opportunity for outstanding press/radio/television coverage on the
part of Navy PAO personnel as well as United States Information Agency/United States
Information Service (USIA/USIS). It is desired that maximum publicity be afforded these
exchange visits through a vigorous program of press media coverage. Participation through
the Fleet Hometown News Center Program is strongly encouraged. Midshipmen should
submit the standard form (NAVSO 5724/3 Rev 8- 88) and request photographic coverage
through local Public Affairs Offices.
10.16. UNIFORMS. Due to the wide variance in location, no uniform table will be
promulgated for this program. Midshipmen should refer to past FOREXTRAMID reports for
uniform guidance and through direct liaison with that country's USDAO. A liberal allowance
of appropriate civilian clothes is recommended.
10.17. REPORTS. End of training reports (Report Control Symbol
1533-70) will be submitted by all midshipmen upon completion of the FOREXTRAMID and
USN/JMSDF exchanges no later than 15 September. Comments regarding the exchange
programs with a view toward improvement are particularly desired. NROTC post training
reports are the sole source of briefing information for each year's participants; it is essential
that the original and one copy be submitted to NSTC and one copy to the appropriate USDAO
(a total of three copies) no later than two weeks after the start of the academic year. Reports
shall contain the following information:
a. Exchange nation.
b. Total duration of training and specific training dates. c. Type ship(s) in which training
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d. Number of days underway.
e. Type of operations in which ship was involved.
f. Living conditions, food, and general cleanliness aboard ship.
g. General routine, discipline, and morale aboard ship. h. Professional training received.
i. Uniforms taken and recommendations concerning. j. Ports visited.
k. Transportation problems encountered, if any. l. Language difficulties, if any.
m. Fluency in English of ship's officers and percentage of officers who spoke English.
n. Additional comments.
a. The reverse exchange of foreign midshipmen or junior officers is usually one for one,
but for economic reasons they are not usually sent to the United States for training.
Generally, foreign midshipmen will participate as follows:
SECONDFLT: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Ecuador, Uruguay, Venezuela
THIRDFLT: Mexico, Peru, Chile
SIXTHFLT: Belgium, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Israel, Morocco, Norway,
Spain, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Tunisia, Finland, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands,
Portugal, Sweden, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Poland, South Africa, Russia
SEVENTHFLT: Australia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore,
South Korea, Thailand, Pakistan.
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b. Numbered Fleet commanders are responsible for nominating ship billets to host the
foreign midshipmen equivalents. It should be noted that these billets are in addition to
billets nominated to train U.S. midshipmen. Where possible, foreign midshipmen should
be embarked in one ship with visits to other ships for familiarization. Direct liaison is
authorized and strongly encouraged between USDAOs and numbered Fleet commanders
to arrange cruise details, including schedule changes and ship substitutions.
c. Unless a training syllabus is provided from the foreign nation, training will be
conducted as for U.S. midshipmen, including assignment of a junior officer running mate
and being given assistant division officer responsibilities. Chapter 3 of this manual cites
the concepts of training and the details of the training program prepared for U.S.
midshipmen, which may be used as a guide for training foreign midshipmen.
d. In the past, a number of foreign nations have requested tours of USNA, the
Washington, DC area, etc., in conjunction with the exchange cruise or a specific ship type
for cruise. Timely notification of such requests will affect proper planning and
coordination. Numbered Fleet commanders should coordinate with the Superintendent,
USNA for USNA tours and transportation to and from neighboring air terminals. Tours
of the Washington, DC area should be arranged through the nation's naval attaché at their
embassy. All local naval facility tours, schools, and cross-decking will be coordinated
through the cruise ship assigned in conjunction with local PAOs. Foreign midshipmen
should be afforded every opportunity to see and enjoy the United States.
e. Foreign midshipmen do not hold security clearances. Some hold NATO clearances.
Special disclosure authority for foreign midshipmen who are to undergo training aboard
U.S. Navy ships may be determined from SECNAV 5510.34 series CNO's current
quarterly report entitled "Quarterly Report on the Foreign Release Status of COMTAC
Publications." Naval Warfare Systems Handbook and NDP-1. Prior to summer training,
numbered Fleet commanders will identify foreign navy midshipmen participating aboard
ships under their command. Using the above mentioned documents, numbered Fleet
commanders will then determine the level of specific disclosure authority for each foreign
navy's midshipmen assigned to ships under their cognizance. Generally a level not to
exceed confidential is given. For more information, contact NAVY-IPO.
f. The parent nation is responsible for all cruise related expenses. Foreign midshipmen
embarked in U.S. ships will be expected to pay their own mess bills and other
miscellaneous expenses.
g. Ships hosting foreign midshipmen should be sure to request country clearance for them
in LOGREQS for port visits.
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11.0. REPORTS REQUIRED. A variety of reports are required throughout the summer
training periods which provide valuable information for tracking, planning, and execution of the
a. “Midshipmen Onboard" message report (NSTC report symbol 1533-6). See paragraph
201 for complete instructions and format. Required for all ships receiving midshipmen.
b. Ship’s End of Training Report (NSTC report symbol 1533-7) optional.
(1) The commanding officer of each ship in which midshipmen have been
embarked shall submit a letter report in the format of Figure 11-1 upon completion of all
summer training.
(2) The report shall be addressed to NSTC OD3 (address in paragraph 213) with
no via addressees. Copies of each report shall be sent to the applicable Type Commander,
Fleet Commander, the Superintendent, U.S. Naval Academy, and to
COMUSFFC/COMPACFLT, as applicable. This special procedure for the forwarding of
reports is implemented to expedite the submission and forwarding of reports to materially
reduce the overall workload in writing endorsements. If commanders in the normal
operational chain of command desire copies of individual ship's reports, they may so
stipulate in an appropriate directive. It is reemphasized and urgently requested that these
forwarding procedures for midshipmen reports be met.
(3) If a ship should participate in more than one training program, only one
consolidated report need be submitted. Ensure that the name of each training program
participated in is listed in the formatted report. Use the acronymic titles, i.e.,
(4) Reports are to be received by NSTC OD3 within 30 days of the completion of
the last summer training period in which the ship or station participated, or no later than
15 September, in order to serve as a timely tool for program evaluation during the annual
October Midshipman Planning and Scheduling Conference. (NOTE: The midshipmen
performance reports referred to in paragraph 4 of this report should be given to the
midshipmen at the end of their cruise, prior to departure.)
(5) Timely submission of these reports is required if comments and
recommendations are to be useful in planning for the next summer's training at the annual
Midshipman Planning and Scheduling Conference.
(6) Reports are needed to improve next summer's at-sea training. If this objective
is to be realized, originators must make specific and timely recommendations. Subject
report should be limited to material that is unclassified. See Figure 11-1
for format and content.
c. Ship’s Report of Major Offenses (NSTC Report Symbol 1533-8). See paragraph 503
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for complete instructions and format. Required only as necessary.
d. Ship’s Report of Conduct Offenses (NSTC Report Symbol 1533-9). See paragraph
505 for complete instructions and format. Required only as necessary.
e. Ship’s Midshipman Fitness Report. See paragraph 403 for instructions. Optional for
each midshipman trained aboard. Provide to midshipmen prior to debarkation.
f. Midshipman Motion Sickness Questionnaire. See Appendix J for complete format.
Required for each midshipman trained aboard who experienced any degree of motion
sickness. Provide to midshipmen prior to debarkation (attach to FITREP if FITREP was
g. Report of Injury or Critical Illness (BUPERS Report Symbol 1770-1). See paragraph
206 for complete instructions and format. Required only when necessary.
h. Message Report of Midshipmen Inter-ship Transfers (NSTC Report Symbol 1533-10).
See paragraph 102 for complete instructions and format. Required only when necessary.
i. Personnel Routing Instruction Message - required to update NAVPTO San Francisco or
Washington, DC when embarkation will occur out of homeport. See Appendix H for
a. MEDT’s Embarkation Report (NSTC Report Symbol 1533-5). See paragraph 105 for
complete instructions and format. Required for each embark at each MEDT site.
b. MEDC’s Final Comments and Recommendations (NSTC Report Symbol 1533-11).
See paragraph 104 for complete instructions and format.
c. MEDC’s Embarkation Report to NSTC (NSTC Report Symbol 1533-69). See
paragraph 104 for complete instructions and format. Required for each embark.
FLEET LIAISON OFFICERS. Fleet/Assistant Midshipmen Fleet Liaison Officer’s Comments
and Recommendations (NSTC Report Symbol 1533-13). See paragraph 110 for complete
instructions and format.
a. Commanding Officer's NROTC Unit’s End of Training Report (NSTC Report Symbol
1533-12). Commanding Officers, NROTC units, shall submit a report to NSTC OD311 in
the format of Figure 11-2 within two (2) weeks after the commencement of school or no
later than 15 September. This report consists of one section for each program (i.e., First
Class Cruise, CORTRAMID, and Second Class Cruise) and a summary list of ships which
provided exceptional training or which provided significantly poor training. Adverse
comments should include specific details. General comments/recommendations are
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b. Midshipman Summer Training End of Cruise Survey. All midshipmen participating in
a summer cruise shall complete a critique upon completion of training or upon return to
their NROTC unit. The survey will be accessed via the NROTC website
c. NROTC units will ensure all Midshipmen surveys are completed within two (2) weeks
after the commencement of school. An annual completion date will be promulgated by
OD311. Midshipmen attending CORTRAMID are also required to participate in the
online survey.
a. Command Non-appropriated Fund Financial Report (NSTC Report Symbol 1533-67).
See paragraph 215 for complete instructions and format.
b. Foreign Exchange End of Training Report (NSTC Report Symbol 1533-70). See
paragraph 1017 for complete instructions and format.
NSTC M-1533.5D
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Cruise dates Underw
y In port
Sample Ship End of Training Report (NSTC Report 1533-7)
From: Commanding Officer,
To: Commander, Naval Service Training Command
(a) NSTC M-1533.5
1. The following information is submitted in compliance with
reference (a):
a. (Cruise phrase acronym, e.g. PACTRAMID) (Cruise dates)
2. Rate the following items by circling the appropriate number for
each (1=POOR, 2=ADEQUATE, 3=GOOD, 4=OUTSTANDING); please justify all
items marked 1 or 2 in Part 3. If item is not
applicable, please leave blank.
a. Planning
(1) Notification of assigned midshipmen prior to
embarkation: 1 2 3 4
(2) Ability to accommodate numbers of quotas assigned:
1 2 3 4
(3) Usefulness of sample ship's notice:
1 2 3 4
b. Administration of Midshipmen
(1) Training Orders (Endorsements, complete info):
1 2 3 4
(2) Security Clearances
1 2 3 4
(3) Physicals/Shots (Currency, completeness):
1 2 3 4
(4) Adequacy of Uniform Complement:
1 2 3 4
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(5) Evaluation(Format, Guidance, and Submission):
1 2 3 4
(6) Required Reports (Guidance and Submission):
1 2 3 4
(7) Ability to handle disbursing requirements:
1 2 3 4
(8) Messing/wardroom requirements:
1 2 3 4
c. Embark/Debark
(1) Midshipmen Embarkation/Debarkation Team/Midshipmen
Embarkation/Debarkation Coordinator (MEDT/MEDC) (effectiveness):
1 2 3 4
(2) Midshipmen Liaison Officer (MLO) (effectiveness):
1 2 3 4
d. Midshipmen Training
(1) Effectiveness of Summer Training Manual:
1 2 3 4
(2) Midshipmen Training Officer Guidance:
1 2 3 4
(3) Midshipmen Conduct/Aptitude:
1 2 3 4
(4) Midshipmen Motivation Level:
1 2 3 4
3. General Comments and Recommendations:
4. Qualifications/training completed (e.g., Diving Officer,
Damage Control School). Specify by name and unit.
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
5. Midshipmen fitness reports were provided to assigned midshipmen in
accordance with paragraph 403 of reference (a) on
Copy to:
Appropriate Type Commander Appropriate
Fleet Commander Superintendent, USNA (Code 7D)
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
From: Commanding Officer,
To: Commander, Naval Service Training Command
Ref: (a) NSTC M-1533.5
1. The following information is submitted in compliance with
reference (a):
a. Number of Midshipmen
2. Rate the following items by circling the appropriate number
for each (1=POOR, 2=ADEQUATE, 3=GOOD, 4=OUTSTANDING). Please
justify all items marked 1 or 2 in Part 3. If an item is not
applicable, please leave blank.
a. Planning
(1) Billet Assignment:
1 2 3 4
(2) Program Information from NSTC:
1 2 3 4
b. Administration
(1) Physicals/Shots:
1 2 3 4
(2) Orders/Travel Assignments:
1 2 3 4
(3) Security Clearances:
1 2 3 4
(3) Travel Claims:
1 2 3 4
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
c. Embark/Debark
(1) Midshipmen Embark/Debark Coordinator (MEDC)
1 2 3 4
(2) Midshipman Liaison Officer (MLO)/Midshipman
Embark/Debark Team (MEDT) effectiveness:
1 2 3 4
3. General comments on first class cruise.
4. General comments on second class cruise.
5. General comments on CORTRAMID.
6. General comments on Sea Trials.
6. General cruise and ship comments.
a. Outstanding ships
b. Negative ships
c. Miscellaneous comments
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
12.0. General. Sea Trials is a leveling event for NROTC midshipmen that will give them the
opportunity to demonstrate professional core competencies related to seamanship and navigation;
damage control and firefighting; weapons familiarization; and militarization. This program will
be offered to all rising second class midshipmen and includes pass/fail evaluations and Fleet level
qualifications. Sea Trials emphasizes Sailor qualifications and embracing stress in a military
environment where teamwork and leadership are required for successful completion.
12.1. Fire Fighting. Fire Fighting training will take place in a specially designed live fire
trainer. Students will participate in lessons on Fire Chemistry, Shipboard Fire Team
organization, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
(SCBA), Wild Hose Recovery Procedures, and Fire Fighting Procedures. The 19F3A Firefighting
Trainer is a three story Firefighting building which houses a simulated ship's engine, boiler,
supply rooms, CIC, laundry, electrical, berthing and galley compartments. The trainer generates
representative shipboard Class Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie fires for students to combat under
realistic shipboard conditions. It also includes a 15x15 foot fire pit area utilized to teach fire hose
handling techniques and to build confidence in students exposed to the intense heat of a large fire.
Included in the same compound with the 19F3A Trainer building are classrooms, administrative
facilities, and a maintenance building.
12.2. Damage Control. The Damage Control trainer aboard Newport is known as the
"BUTTERCUP" and is 48 feet long, 24 feet wide, with a deck height of 8 feet and weighs
approximately 38 tons. The pool that the trainer rests in is 5 feet deep on the starboard side and 8
feet on the port side which causes the trainer to take a sharp list during training. The pool holds
approximately 37,000 gallons of fresh water. The trainer consists of nine compartments including
a fan room, Damage Control Central, Damage Control Repair Station, storerooms and a berthing
compartment. The storeroom and berthing are subject to controlled flooding. The trainer provides
training in basic damage control to students in various officer accession programs as well as to
personnel from Fleet and reserve units.
12.3. Small Arms. Students will gain experience handling, shooting, and cleaning Navy Small
Arms in a range environment and have the opportunity to qualify on a CAT 1 course of fire. This
is a required Fleet level qualification for all commissioned officers.
12.4. COVE/Bridge Sim Training. Practical navigation training will be conducted using the
Conning Officer Virtual Environment (COVE) simulators and physical bridge simulators. COVE
uses a virtual reality headset and voice recognition software to simulate shiphandling. The first
training session will be a slalom course to familiarize the students with shiphandling techniques,
maneuvering characteristics, and standard commands. The second training session will test their
shiphandling and reactions using man overboard drills. Classroom navigation training will
introduce/reinforce navigation and shiphandling principles. The first classroom session will cover
shiphandling basics and man overboard recovery techniques. Other topics will include aids to
navigation, chart work, contact management, and shiphandling forces.
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
12.5. 2
Class Swim. The Purpose of swim courses is to provide rising midshipmen with the
opportunity to complete the swim test during summer training. The 2
Class swim test is not a
pass/fail event for the purposes of Sea Trials, however, midshipmen should have the goal of
qualification during Sea Trials. Midshipmen will have other opportunities to pass this course
during the academic year at their respective units.
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
13.0. General. New Student Indoctrination (NSI) was developed out of the need to standardize
basic military training for incoming midshipmen across NROTC enterprise. The course is held at
Recruit Training Command, Naval Station Great Lakes, Illinois and consists of general military
training and team building evolutions to prepare midshipmen candidates for successful
integration within the NROTC.
13.1. Basic Military Training. Midshipmen Candidates undergo a rigorous, three-week
introductory training curriculum designed to build proficiency in basic customs and courtesies,
close-order drill, watch standing, swimming (3
class qualification), firefighting, and
marksmanship (9mm Navy course of fire). Furthermore, the program builds a sense of unity and
confidence within the candidates, preparing them for further integration into respective NROTC
13.2. Selection. Incoming collegiate freshmen on national scholarship are expected to attend
NSI. After receiving notification of being awarded the national scholarship, the candidate will
receive an NSI information and registration package. Completion of the registration forms
enables Officer Development to initiate Defense Travel System account activation and provide
incoming students with travel orders.
NOTE: It is imperative that the candidate returns the registration form to their unit as quickly as
possible to start this process. The deadline for registration is May 15
13.3. Travel. Once the candidate has returned their NSI information form and DTS has been
processed, the candidate is notified of travel arrangements to and from Naval Station Great
Lakes. Confirmation will be made through the candidate’s email. The Navy will only fund travel
for candidate midshipmen to and from Great Lakes.
13.4. Uniforms. Candidates are issued several uniforms at NSI. This issue will not only serve
as the daily uniform for NSI, but will remain with the candidate through accession to the
operating forces. Candidates shall report basic size information to their respective unit, along
with travel information, which assists uniform representatives with the issue process.
13.5. Check-in. Check-in location and instructions will be sent directly to the candidate.
Parents who elect to arrive with their candidate have the opportunity to attend an informal
informational briefing about New Student Indoctrination.
13.6. Instructors. NSI instructors are a combination of Marine Corps Drill Instructors, Navy
Drill Instructors, and 1/C Midshipmen from units across the NROTC. 1/C Midshipmen will be
trained under the cognizance of formally training drill instructors and given leadership
opportunities throughout the NSI program.
13.7. Graduation. A graduation ceremony takes place upon the completion of NSI. The
ceremony is open to candidate family members and will serve as the swearing in ceremony for
the new 4/C Midshipmen. Upon completion of the graduation ceremony, administrative check-
out procedures take place, to include travel from Naval Station Great Lakes.
NSTC M-1533.5D
February 2019
13.8.Professional Knowledge. During NSI, candidate midshipmen will learn and receive tests
on general military and naval knowledge. Professional knowledge comes from years of history
and tradition, and is integral to the naval culture into which midshipmen will assimilate during
their time in NROTC. This information can be found within the NSI handbook.